#see neil fiending
that-vampire-loser · 1 month
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What neil sees when his bf comes out of the shower
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emily-mooon · 3 months
Imagine if Stacey and Neil actually met in high school except they didn’t go to the same school: they met through Kid Chameleon.
One night, Scott brings Stacey to one of their shows and it just so happens that Stephanie (or Steph) brought Neil with her.
Since they were both the youngest people there (Neil’s 17, Stacey’s 16 till December), they decided to talk to each other and they hit it off.
Stacey also develops a bit of a crush on Neil and would always ask Scott if Steph was going to bring her brother with her again, as she wanted to see him and didn’t know if there was another way.
Then one morning, she discovers that they take the same TTC bus and from then on they talk before and after school and become sorta friends. At this point, Neil also starts developing a crush on her.
Things stayed like that for about two months until Neil and his mom moved places (as I agree with the headcanon that the Nordegraf siblings have divorced parents) so they would no longer take the same bus in the morning or after school. They still have Kid Chameleon shows to meet up and talk at right? Ha ha wrong cause at New Years, the famous break up between Scott and Envy happens which in turn, also breaks up the band.
That whole break up was the nail in the coffin that strained Neil and Stacey’s kinda friendship. They didn’t have the others phone number cause they were both too shy to ask and also cause they both kept forgetting.
There also wasn’t a whole ton of opportunities to ask either of their siblings for their phone numbers so they just gave up and went on with their lives.
But then why didn’t they recognize the other in the like three times there were in the same room together? Easy answer: Stacey was distracted by everything around her to even notice Neil, who in turn, was slowly disappearing into the crowd and fully did by the time it was Lisa’s going away dinner.
So when they see each other again properly at the Chaos Theater, something clicks and they fall back into where they once were two years ago. To them it felt like a decade, but no it was just two years. They catch up on what they missed in the others lives on the walk home.
After that these dorks start dating cause the feelings were still there, just buried deep, left dormant, and forgotten. They came back but slightly different as people change.
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thealogie · 4 months
picture this. you're michael sheen, beloved queer-friendly welsh actor and recent twilight saga vampire. you want your favorite book to become a tv show, and you want to be the lead. so what do you do? you befriend the author. he wines and dines you, you become a confidant in the scriptwriting phase. and in the process of the GO script you decide you don't want to be crowley, actually, you want to be aziraphale. you put in the work for months to influence the author to the same conclusion. so when neil gaiman comes to you one day saying, "i know you joined on to be crowley... but how would you feel about playing aziraphale?" you say, what a novel idea! i was feeling the same way, i just didn't want to say anything! let's do it.
you're michael sheen, the lead in the adaptation of your favorite book. you meet david tennant as your leading man, a rising star (and vocal fan of yours) you've had a few vague interactions with in the past. on set you immediately find the closest friend you have ever and will ever find in your life, and you know this. the romance you have in your (yes, your) show is ambiguous, but you're michael sheen. you think that romance needs to be explicit. so what do you do? you become a nightmare on set. you get really hands-on; you make costume choices, you make story decisions, you tell your author friend at the very end of filming: aziraphale is in love with crowley and realizes it in 1941. now go do it again.
so the author goes and does it again. you get a season 2. you get 1941 part 2. you're michael sheen, and you are the lead of the adaptation of your favorite book, and the romance you littered into the character you built from the ground up has become unambiguous. everything goes according to plan. but, you see, you have a problem: the author you have baby trapped is acting a FIEND on twitter and tumblr. he's saying everything he can to imply aziraphale and crowley aren't sexually attracted to each other. he's getting a bit too bold with his character assumptions, is all i'm saying. so here's what you're going to do: you play it up with your pal david tennant. you made a show with him during lockdown. you're going to depict your lives as even more intertwined and homoerotically codependent as previously possible. you grow even closer. your wives become best friends, too, because how could they not? this has been the plan since the beginning, too. your lockdown show ends. it wasn't enough.
so you, michael sheen, of course you put in the work. if david tennant's there, you're damn sure you're there physically, spiritually, biblically, in whatever capacity you can be. it's not hard. david tennant is a big fan of yours, after all, so he MAKES SURE you're always in the conversation. you have him wrapped around your little finger, this lovely little boy, and so you know what you do next? you become neighbors. you make your directorial debut casting your best friend's wife watching her husband and male neighbor initiate sex with each other. you play into the swinging rumors (that you, michael sheen, had started). you create a narrative that you and david tennant are two homoerotic besties, and is there more going on in the background there? any deeper conspiracy? who really knows, but what you do know is that the world is talking about it.
and you, michael sheen, your entire acting career has led to this moment, your gay quips, your oscar wilde sex scene (and the interviews following), all of your queer roles, EVERYTHING has brought us to this conclusion. you have created the lab perfect conditions where season 3 must have an explicit gay sex scene. i'm sorry neil, my hands are tied! the people are clamoring for me and david tennant to have sex-- i mean aziraphale and crowley to have sex, the public decided this all on their own! i really don't think you have much choice. but of course, i would never deign to tell an author how to practice his veritable craft. i concede to whatever version of series 3 you create, and i will happy to bring this beloved character to his deserved ending.
and why do you say this? because you're michael sheen. you're just an actor who incidentally stumbled his way into leading the queer romance adaptation of your favorite book that wasn't a romance, and you just read the script the way that it was given to you. and if series 3 means an explicit sex scene between you and your best friend david tennant, then what a lovely coincidence that you had absolutely no part in making happen. because what power do you really have?
This is my favorite book I’ve read so far this year. A rare occasion where the author pulls off use of the second person pov. I really felt like I was a beloved welsh actor crossed with Machiavelli when I read this
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s-4pphics · 3 months
mourn. teaser (e.w.)
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WORD COUNT: eight thirty :3
WARNINGS: streetracer!ellie, dealer!oc, heavy angst, HEAVY MENTIONS OF ADDICTION AND VIOLENCE IN THE FUTURE, no one’s a good person bc i’m grieving 
A/N: sad
fck neil drukman. zios will d!e.
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Ellie’s fist comes down hard on your front door, the aged and loosened wood rattling with the desperate punctures from her twitchy hand. You’re always here. You never miss a fucking phone call. Why won’t you open the fucking door? Her chest falls rapidly like oxygen is limited. The winds are seconds away from crushing her bones into dust, it seems. Panicked curses fall from her mouth; How did you allow her to get this far? Her throat swells in warning as her eyes fill. C’mon… c’mon, you fucking bitch—
Her palm twists around the doorknob, rattling it, strangling it, begging for it to loosen so you can deliver what you promised. You never fucking miss her calls. She whimpers like a dog when the lock doesn’t shutter. You have to fucking be here. 
She doesn’t realize she’s begging with her mouth against the wood. Anyone she can; her mother, God, for you to fucking be home and save her from misery. She’s freezing and fiends to shed her skin like a snake. 
Fucking stupid bitch, Ellie gasps. Her first breath in what felt like years, Open the motherfucking do—
Her eyes, tearful and lost, find yours. Clad in all black with her vice thrown over your shoulder, guarded by your more than recognizable bright orange duffel. Ellie nearly drools at the sight, Please… please let me in, I’m gonna fucking die—
She has angered you in an instant, face twisting with creases between your brows. You always are when she shows up unannounced. In her defense, she warned you before she wandered upon your place. Dialed your number for an hour straight. 
I fucking told you a billion times—
I know, I know—
You trek until you’re in front of her, snarling your teeth like a lion, You don’t fucking know. You’re— Palms connect with Ellie’s chest and she stutters back, — I fucking told you no. Find somebody else. 
Ellie’s rebuttal is sharp as she grips your wrist, There’s no one fucking else and you know it. Don’t pull this shit right now—
You scoff and shove her off to unlock your door. She hates how her mind whirs to shove you to the side and steal away with your bag. Take your drunk ass home—
She fails to deny her intoxication. The stabbing pains in her side won’t allow it, And if I don’t? The fuck are you gonna do? Ellie snorts and it’s dark. Shoot me in the goddamn face? … Call the cops? 
Your door is unlocked, but you don’t open it. She can feel exhaustion radiating off you. It weighs her down. You weigh her down. She hates what you’ve done to her. If anything, you owe her for the damage you’ve caused. So, she preys. Claws at the one inkling of leverage she has over you. The only thing you’ll never back away from. 
Ellie’s eyes go soft. A ploy she’s mastered over the years. I love you so much… You can’t leave me like this… Your sharp exhale is painful to digest. She pads closer with tightly clenched fists; watches yours clutch the knob of the entrance as grounding. I won’t do it here. I promise, She whispers and watches your shoulders droop. Pride disguised as guilt sparks in her chest. She can practically taste euphoria. 
Ellie… Your voice shakes. She’s instantly transported back to high school. The ache in your strained call still remains. Dejected. 
Yes? Her reply is sweet as candy, and she knows she’s got you. Fingers jump underneath the cuff of her jacket sleeve. Eager, anticipating the rush of crushed pills in her nose. 
You’re heaving, chest rising and falling at an increased pace with tearful eyes glued to your rusted roof. All before you choke, If I ever see you again, I’ll rip your fucking throat out. 
Every time Ellie believes she’s grown used to your aggression, she’s proven wrong. Your anger causes her body to lock, feet glued to the floor as her expression drops. You manage to throw yourself into the shack you call home, door slamming in her face and lock clicking, trapping her in icy wind. 
NO! Nonononono—
Ellie’s screaming into the void, screeching like a banshee on cracked concrete as she kicks at your door with a weighted heel. 
On the other side, you drop to the floor, stocked duffel flung as far away from you as humanly possible in your hysteria. Your sobs are earth-shattering and your chest cracks open, scratching at unkept hardwood as you recall how the fuck you got here. There’s no future, no hope, no anything for you. For your best friend whom you’ve destroyed. You’ve ruined her. 
Ruined yourself in fire. 
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Good Omens Headcannons cuz I'm bored and why not
1. Crowley overthinks a lot and its so dumb but so cute. The few things he still overthinks a lot about: When Aziraphale told him "You go too fast for me, Crowley" he knew that it wasn't his driving at all and thinks its something else ( which, in all fairness, is something else). He also thinks that Aziraphale doesn't like his name and always tries to think of one that the angel might actually like.
2. Aziraphale does not have a specific gender cause he thinks its nothing really to think about while Crowley basically tries to own every single on of them.
3. Aziraphale learned to dance the "gavotte" thinking that one day, he and Crowley can dance it. Bonus: an improvised closing step done by couples dancing the gavotte is to kiss each other, I bet Azi knew that and instantly thought of Crowley. ( i think this is a little bit canon )
4. Crowley created the endearment "angel" ( I think this is kinda canon somehow )
5. CANON : When Anathema first met the two, she thought they were together because Crowley called Aziraphale "angel" ( at least in the books )
HEADCANON : When she found out they weren't together, she kept telling them how they were MADE FOR EACH OTHER.
6. God is there no.1 shipper. (Me at 2nd place tho-)
7. Aziraphale reads smvt for fun and isn't emberrassed about it because he literally normalizes it.
8. ​Crowley never hated Gabrielle that much until he and Azi "switched" and found out how they treated his angel. He wanted to punch him so much but kept his composure because he thought Aziraphale might get mad at him. ( also MIGHT be canon but I'm not really sure )
9.1.Azira definitely fell in love with Crowley when they first met as angels and then either 1, didn't know what it was but he just knew he wanted to be with Crowley for the rest of eternity, or 2, he realized that it was love which they thought was wrong so he supressed those feelings because he knew or thought that they weren't going to return those feelings for him. Whether it was situation 1 or 2, Aziraphale was just content with the fact that he was there with Crowley, he may not be able to tell ( or even know ) his feeling for the other, he's still happy to be there with/for him.
9.2. When Crowley fell ( sauntered vaguely downwords ) he thought he lost everything, but then he saw an angel, he saw Aziraphale. And then when they talked so easily with him like almost nothing really happened and that he gave the humans his flaming sword, she realized that she fell in love with Azi. He already knew that Aziraphale was kind of special for him, he just didn't really see it. It also made him aware of his situation where in any time and moment, he can lose everything to him like how he lost his "everything" back in heaven.
9.3. In the WWII flashback, where the actor Michael Sheen, who plays Aziraphale, describes the look Azira gave Crowley after he saved his books the "final look" implying that he realized that he really did fall for Crowley that hard AND that he thinks the're might be a chance for Crowley to love him back. (again. idiots in love who are bad at communicating with each other)
10. Crowley loves being complimented by his angel but he wouldn't show it because he thinks Azi might think he's weird ( he's overthingking it again )
11. Crowley changes his hair over the centuries/years to see which ones Azi likes/compliments the most. ( Aziraphale seemed to compliment or notice whenever Crowley grows his hear out so during GO2 she was growing it out)
12. Zir pronounce for Beelzebub. ( idk if I'm using them right ngl, i just saw neil's tumblr post )
13. Azi knows how to drive a car ( more specifically his and Crowley's Bentley ) but he likes it better when the foul fiend drives him to his bookshop.
14. Crowley is cold-blooded because he's a snake. ( might be canon but idc tbh )
15. Crowley and Aziraphale can change what they look like ( change SOME things ahout their body ) but are afraid to do so because they think the other won't recognize them.
16. Whenever they had a "huge fight", Crowley would buy, -miracle- Azi first-hand books while Aziraphale buys him different kinds of wine/plants.
17. Before Armage-didn't and when they would be separated because of a certain miracle-ing mission from their head offices for a long time, they would send secret letters to each other and if the're not able to, Crowley re-reads the letters his angel sends to him while Aziraphale listens to the playlists Crowley recommends him throughout exchanging letters. ( don't worry, Crowley knows very well what kind of music his angel is into ) ( also i can imagine Crowley being like "This song reminded me of you <3" with a song either something to be funny like liturgical music or heartfelt songs from Hozier or David Bowie )
18. The bentley prefers Aziraphale as it's driver (shhh, don't tell Crowley )
19. Crowley turns into his snake form when he's sad. But when he's EXTREMELY sad he goes to the pub and tries to discorporate by intoxicating the body he currently has. ( He fails though, all the time )
20. After Beelze appeared randomly in the Bentley with the flies on S2Ep1, the Bentley would suddenly go feral whenever there is an insect inside/near it. ((When I said feral I mean; it starts making weird engine sounds, it plays random and mixed songs , it's lights and gears would flicker on and off, etc))
21. After Crowley fell, heaven gave him snake eyes so that, even though a bit difficult, he can still see the stars he created. ( Heaven didn't give him the eyes of an animal that can't see or completely blind because they want him to suffer with the fact that he can never perfectly see his creations again )
22. One day, Azira heard of a new band that was getting quite popular called "Queen". It happened that Crowley had a new car and decided that, as a gift, it needed some, unintentionally permanent, music. (( Found this one on tiktok and thought it was sweet ))
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heuhuewaves · 16 days
i'm a fiend, and you're all i need
billy hargrove x steve harrington summary: the tremendous lows and bittersweet feelings of billy and steve's senior year content warnings: violence, smut, death word count: 1k this was heavily inspired by @ickypuppi3 's harringrove oneshot! please check it here out im obsessed!
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Billy ends up moving to Hawkins around the summer of 85’. At that point he hated Neil for not letting him stay in California. What did the divorce have to do with him anyway? In any world Billy would have rather stayed with his mother.
3 months later, school started. Same shit, different town.  He only had to last nine months before he got his diploma and escaped back to San Diego. That was until he met him.
Steve wasn’t hard to miss. The entirety of Hawkins High basically worshiped the ground he walked on. If you didn’t wanna be Steve, you definitely wanted to be with him. None of this phased Billy though.
Basketball season came and with it Billy made the team. He played basketball back in California so making the team was a no brainer for him. Steve wasn’t fond of the new addition. It wasn’t long before the boys on the team began to hop on Steve’s case.
“Looks like King Steve has some competition.”
“Hargrove might have you beat Steve.”
Steve wasn’t gonna let anybody see him as a pushover. Who the fuck was Billy to him anyway? Certainly not someone who was gonna come in and try to make him look like a bitch.
The next day they exchanged currency in the form of fists. Steve added a dark color to Billy’s right eye and earned himself a shade of crimson running down the bottom of his face. Courtesy of his nose.
A month and a half later, Steve was giving Billy a blowjob in the locker room showers after everyone left. It didn’t really make sense to Steve or Billy. Neither of them had been with another guy before
So how did it feel so good to steve? 
A few weeks later, Billy repaid the favor by pounding Steve into the mattress. Of course nothing could prepare Steve for the pure girth of Billy’s cock. He only had experience with his fingers. Neither of them were entirely sober either. 
A month or so passed with no contact. Steve was avoiding Hargrove like the plague. As if he wasn’t the one who wasn’t breaking him in the month before. Billy is all for confrontation so that’s exactly what he did. 
After practice is when he went for it. Of course they were the only 2 left in the locker room at the time. When weren’t they at this point?
“You’ve been ignoring me, why?” Was all Billy asked.
Steve slammed his locker shut. The blonde immediately got the vibe that he didn’t wanna talk about this at all. Especially not where they were at. 
“You should already know Billy.” Steve responded.
“No, I want you to tell me.” Billy demanded as he got closer to the brunette. At this point Steve was clenching his fists. This just wasn’t who he was. He wasn’t somebody who did that type of thing with other guys.
“We both know this isn’t right. We aren’t supposed to do this-” Steve paused as he saw the expression on the other boy’s face change. It was a look that was telling him to say what he actually wanted to say. “We aren’t supposed to fuck. I’m not a faggot. Maybe you should leave me alone and stop trying to be one.” 
That’s all it took for Billy to lay a punch that landed directly on the right side of Steve’s face. He could’ve kept going and he really wanted to. But there was no point. No amount of pouches would change the fact that Steve was right. They could never do what they really wanted to do. Especially not in the shithole of Indiana. 
So Billy left Steve there, rubbing his cheek in irritation as he grabbed his bag and left the gym.
The rest of senior year went as uneventful as the months before their confrontation had gone. Neither of the boys interacted with each other. The rest of basketball season went on with awkward glances and brief conversations about what play they were about to do during the game.
Then after that went, nothing. Radio silence and more awkward glances in passing. Many nights Billy would dream of a different reality where this was all fake. He was still in California and found a man who wasn’t ashamed of him. Somebody who wasn’t hesitant to be with him and didn’t care what other people thought.
All those recurring dreams only encouraged Billy to get out of Hawkins faster. 
7 months had gone by with no contact. Graduation came and went, where everyone went their separate ways. Steve couldn’t have predicted that he would have been fighting a monster in the mall where he worked at. Or that Billy would’ve been possessed by said monster. 
Everybody dies. Steve knew that. He just didn’t expect Billy’s death to tear him to pieces.
6 more months passed and Steve had gained a habit of visiting Billy’s grave. He brought fresh flowers every time he went. Steve liked to think that Billy was hearing him every time he sat at his grave and spoke to him. Confessing things he’d never told anybody else, reminiscing on the ‘what ifs’ , and telling him his future plans. 
Without Billy, Steve couldn’t think of a purpose for him to be Hawkins anymore. 
From that day forward he swore to himself that he would pack his shit and settle down in California. That was the only remnant of Billy he had left.
The Beginning of the following year was the last time Steve spoke to Billy’s grave.
“You remind me of the waves dude.” Steve said as he placed a bouquet of roses by the headstone. “I promise I’ll spend as much time on the beach as I can so you don’t ever feel lonely.” 
Steve planted a kiss on the headstone before treading through the melting snow and back to his car, where he drove off with California dreams.
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graveyardviolence · 20 days
Tell me about your aftg ocs!!
THANK YOU‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
okay okay okay so theres like a dozen of them but ill tell you abt my baby mercer (i may or may not be writing a fic for him)
Mercer Kyrie Reyes | #13, offensive dealer, 20, 5’7”, leo
mercer joins the foxes his sophomore year of college (he transfers) after wymack shows up at the bar he works at and basically forces his hand. this follows the events of tsc, so he & neil are the only sophomores on the team. he has a pretty mild relationship with most of the foxes since he’s not really around them that much off court. moving from bum-fuck nowhere connecticut to south carolina is a bit of a mess.
he majors in drawing (idk)
how he plays on court is usually dependent on how his day has gone. if he’s had a bad say, he won’t be of any use on court
he has a little sister, marcella, who he loves and would do anything to protect. he’s her current legal guardian.
he’s the second oldest, his older brother is 5 years older than him and has gone no-contact with the rest of his family, only really checking in every few months to make sure his siblings are alive. he has one younger brother who’s two years younger than him, and then theres marcella who’s four years younger
he has a sweet tooth that rivals andrews, it’s actually ridiculous bc this man always has candy on him no matter what
HATES spiders & flies (they freak him out)
slushy fiend
he’s vv picky eater & will only eat spicy foods
will drink lemonade no matter the season
he can COOK god hes so-
he enjoys sketching random shit he sees. if his sketchbook isnt on he’ll take a picture of whatever it is that caught his interest- but that’s almost never the case so whenever the foxes see him outside of practice he’s usually drawing
he also writes poetry! nothing serious, but he’ll write what he feels in the moment.
his relationship with wymack & abby is a little shifty. he’s got a lot of trust issues (obv) & parental issues, but abby lets his sister stay with her and keeps her fed, and wymack lets him use the foxes credit card (i forgot what its called) to buy things for her when needed, so it’s as bad as it would be if he were there alone
hes a smartass, of course, and usually gets sent off court for talking shit. he has a habit of taunting other teams. kevin usually falls victim to it during practice. he’s also very flirtatious, with just about everyone, though its usually superficial, he just likes seeing people get worked up
his nails are always chipped with black paint
he’s got his signature leather jacket that he wears no matter the season. it’s got a bunch of different pins and patches sewn into it
he drinks enough energy drinks to have a heart attack, and his hands tend to shake a LOT bc of it
he has chronic migraines! they happen at least once a day (if hes lucky)
very bad insomnia, my mans usually gets like 3 hours of sleep a day if he’s lucky. he tends to nap a LOT
he has tattoos! he wants to open up a tattoo/piercing shop, and he usually practices on himself! for marcella’s 16th birthday he gave her a small sun and moon tattoo on each of her inner forearms
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capcavan · 6 months
sorry to bother you this au concept popped into my head and I just thought you might be the only person in this fandom who could find it interesting: ik there are other aftg body-swop au’s but what about one where Riko finds a way to bodyjump into Andrew to win Kevin back (because Kandrew were a thing before Neil). Soo much angst and char study potential. I also think Riko’s jealousy of Andrew and his relationship with Kevin is baked into canon and very under-explored there’s interesting dynamic stuff there
Yes I apreciate it more so I am obsessed
Medicated Andrew is the only character Riko could work with honestly would be even funny if the medication Andrew takes that caused his mania would in turn WORK CORECTLY on Riko this way he could manage the shock of living in environment of foxes but also Andrews pattern of behaviour would mask his general behaviours
Insane amazing
Andrew is strong and riko respects his skills but more so ... The team wouldn't really bitch if Andrew would let one to many goals pass would riko sabotage the team ?
How would riko feel seeing the extend of damage his relationship did to Kevin?
Would be see it as damage caused by him or see it more of " you left nest and now suffer you should have stayed with ME"
I think Riko would feel validated seeing the suffering Kevin goes through he would see it as admission of Kevin's feeling to him. But over time as he lives with foxes he learns.
It's always funny to consider how stuff like this gets resolved because they would be able to tell Nicky and Aaron for sure could tell there is something wrong with Andrew same with Renee and Bee.
But since riko is here .... Andrew is in nest without his medication
Would he play along ?
Would he let Tetsuji abuse him ?
anon come back I beg you let's dig deeper into this
# rikodrew bodyswap
@jtl-fics is this relevant to your interests I know you are isekai fiend
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soyourethatanderson · 8 months
as promissed, a knarlie snippet - and still dares me on
Firstly, thank you for all who asked for it, it means a lot.
Secondly, this is more of a discontinued fic. Would I love to continue? Yes. I'm capable of it? Eh, apparently nah.
Hope you enjoy~
Since that day at the courtyard last year where he got hit on, he knew – he just knew – Charlie Dalton was trouble.
Everyone seemed to admire him. Want him, even, if the way Chris’ friends would giggle at the sight of him and the quiet whispers of pretty face and bedroom eyes around them, around the boy’s locker room either, were something to go by.
And after the blowjob incident with Michael Cartwright, the resident fuckboy around school, the guy seemed to become sort of a legend, which was bullshit.
So, he never ever thought he’d ever have anything to do with him one day.
Well… that is, until one Todd Anderson.
‘…I had an anxiety attack and ran away from class… he came after me an-and he helped me.’
The guy did one decent thing and had one incredibly cool friend and, that was it, here they were, having coffee with the guy and the aforementioned incredibly amazing friend Neil Perry.
And worst of all, from up close he seemed sort of… normal. Just a regular guy, a bit too big in attitude and little in sense, but just a guy, not the godly sex-fiend school painted him as.
Even though he did apparently sleep with half of it.
And in two weeks-time, he became aware of two things:
One, Todd for sure had a crush on Neil, with the way his eyes would light up at the sight of him and how much easier he’d let himself laugh since he met him.
It was a bit of a blow on his ego, since all he had been trying to do since day one was make the boy more comfortable, but he’d take what he could get. It was good to see him flourishing like that.
And number two, now they all were some sort of group and that meant he and Dalton were friends now. Which was just weird as hell, but still felt right, even though Charlie would get out of his way to annoy him if he could.
It was as if getting an eye roll or a huff was some personal accomplishment for the guy.
But Dalton seemed to genuinely like Todd, and not in a come-to-my-room-and-I’ll-eat-you-whole kind of way, but more of the way he seemed to care for Neil.
Dalton was sexual about everything it seemed, even his interactions with all of them. But there was a lack of intent there he could notice and respect.
And as for himself, Charlie only seemed too delighted to provoke him to really mean the flirting for sure.
So, he let himself relax. Let his guard down a bit.
And then before he could know, Charlie was just there. A fixed presence in his life. Almost more present than Todd himself, since all the blonde seemed able to think about these days was of sharp cheekbones and deep brown eyes.
Which broke his heart when Neil initially seemed to get together with Jean Miller after his initial freak-out over the stolen kiss.
Todd deserved better than some unrequited love. He deserved to be truly cherished and appreciated like the great guy he was. So, it felt like a betrayal when he learned Charlie had lead Todd, their gullible, gentle Todd to the claws of one Michael Cartwright as a consolation prize for the apparent inevitable heartbreak this crush would lead him to.
Cause that was bullshit. Sex wouldn’t make Todd’s feelings go away. In his own experience, it’d just feed the hole in his chest and make him feel empty inside. And to make things worse, he’d feel used too, since he was just another notch on Cartwright’s belt. That guy would eat Todd alive and spit whatever was left on the cold hard floor, and he hated Dalton so much for it.
“Knox, c’mon…”
“Don’t you dare, Dalton. Don’t you dare come and patronize me, not after you threw Todd to the wolves like that!”
“Mike’s a cool dude! I just want Toddy to have some fun-.”
“He’s not you! He’s soft and romantic and that guy will just use him and spit it out whatever’s left after and if he gets himself hurt it’ll be your fault!”
“You call me patronizing? What do you think you are, his mother?”
“I'm his friend!”
“‘Friend’, sure…Some friend you are!”
“That’s rich coming from you after what you did! I, for one, am just looking out for him!”
“So am I!”
“By whoring him out?”
“By letting him make his own choices! If you’re such a great friend, then why don’t you let him live his own life a little then, instead of trying and controlling him, just so you’re not alone in being a pathetic pinning mess forever!”
“Oh… That’s it then? Yeah… Alright. You know what?… Screw you. You know nothing about me and clearly knows nothing about love too. You think he’ll get over Neil by getting his dick wet? He’s not you, your self-centered asshole.”
“No, fuck you, Dalton.”
“Knox, c’mon…”
“You don’t get to talk to me again. Ever. I opened up to you and you throw it in my face? I thought we were friends! I thought I was wrong before, but turns out I was right: you really are just an asshole.”
“Get out of my face Charlie, or I swear to God, I’ll punch you. I don’t want to ever talk to you again.”
Chris was still a sore subject and he used her-, used his feelings against him.
It had hurt, that betrayal.
He never expected that from Charlie. Not after he witnessed how protective he was of Neil. How caring he was when he thought no one was looking.
But no. He clearly meant nothing to Dalton after all, if he’d just use his weakest spot against him like that.
Chris left him for Chet Danburry again because he was stupid and acted like a creep, stalking her, sending flowers and little notes and chocolates and writing poorly made poetry to her, begging for a chance to sweep her off her feet because he was obsessed with her.
She was beautiful and sweet, and he thought he’d rather die than live without her just like a delusional bastard, and she did what she should and took off. But only after they got the chance of making something real out of it, when things were good and more than love, they were learning to trust each other.
…Only to come right back to that worthless piece of shit of a guy who only treated her right when he wasn’t treating her like property, worse yet, and that sure hurt more than the dumping per se.
And he opened up to Charlie about that like he never did with anyone, just to get it thrown on his face in the first fight they had.
He didn’t want to look at his face ever again.
He got a vicious pleasure out of ripping the little apology note left in his locker, leaving it back in the boy’s locker as an answer.
He never, in his defense, claimed to be a good person.
And after Todd came back of that abominable date with a hickey on his neck and all that shamefaced secrecy about what had happened, he stopped aggressively avoiding Charlie to just plainly ignoring his existence altogether.
But the notes resumed then.
They varied from ‘I’m sorry I was an ass, I didn’t mean what I said’, to ‘Can you please just talk to me?’, to ‘You’re killing me here Knox’, to ‘Yell if you want, I don’t know, just talk to me, please.’ And for some reason, he kept those notes.
And the more desperate they became, the softer he felt himself get over it.
So, when Charlie called that fatidic Sunday morning, desperately telling him Neil had disappeared, it was with a softness in his heart he hadn’t felt for that boy in a long time that he tried to calm him down, suggesting he tried to talk to Todd about it, since the two had become so close over that year, he might have some idea where Neil could be.
And when Neil was found, and Charlie called again, so clearly hurt and angry and still terrified, he knew he had already forgiven him.
“Give him a chance, Neil probably would’ve gone to you if he felt he could. Something probably made him consider a less obvious alternative a better one, since the Perry’s did contact you first thing.”
“Fuck… I know you’re right, Knoxious, I know. It’s just-… I’m his best friend since we were in diapers! And he up and leaves without even telling me? What the fuck?…”
“If you’re right and he and his parents got into a fight, then he wasn’t thinking straight.” – he ignored the derisive little snort at his choice of words and continued. – “Don’t take it personally.”
“I just wished those two would just fuck already and stop orbiting around each other and neglecting their friends.”
“Wait-. You-you mean-? Neil’s into Todd?”
“I think so, yeah. But he’s so adamant about not being gay, cause he’d know if he was into dudes and all that jazz, I have no idea if he even knows. That’s why I tried to steer Toddy-boy away from his infatuation, even though you don’t approve my methods.”
“I still wanna kill you because of this. Did you see that abomination on Todd’s neck?”
“It’s called a hickey, Knoxious. Which means he did have some fun after all.”
“What it means is that that fuckboy tried to feast on his neck like a fucking vampire, that’s what it means. And now Todd’s completely embarrassed about the whole thing!”
“…What do you have against Mike? You keep talking about him like he’s something revolting. Are you seriously slut-shaming him?”
“You keep acting morally superior and judging him for sleeping around, acting like he’ll infect Todd with something. What the hell?”
“I’m not-.” – but he stopped there, inhaling sharply.
Cause he was.
He was.
“Look, Toddy’s not a child. Damn-, he’s not even a virgin if he was up to hooking up with Mike. And Mike’s solid. He’s not for romance, but he doesn’t play games. He’s brutally honest about what he wants, so those horror stories about him seducing unsuspecting victims to use them and throw it away ‘s all bullshit from people who don’t accept boundaries not drown by them.” – Charlie’s voice was dead serious right then. – “He’s not the big bad wolf.”
“…‘s jealous as fuck. He never minded Mike while he and I were hooking up. You all like to talk about the janitor’s closet incident, but we got something going for a while yet. I put an end to it cause I was getting a bit attached and he was clear about the no feelings thingy. So, there. Boundaries. He’s solid.”
Knox felt his stomach turn at the thought of Cartwright and Dalton, but swallowed it down quietly, cause he was in the wrong there.
He was totally slut shaming the hell outta that guy because he couldn’t fathom being involved with someone without coming to care for them, even a bit.
“It just feels so… cold.”
“That’s because you are a romantic, Knoxious. You want the roses and the candlelight dinners and the handholding and stargazing and all the cliché, mushy date-y stuff.” ­– he teased, clearly trying to sound condescending, but it was noticeable the underlining fondness behind those words and at that, Knox felt his own fondness for that asshole like a beacon inside his chest.
“Well, that’s what bugs me: So does Todd. He’s maybe worse than me even, cause I show it, but he breathes it. You can see how he looks so much more alive around Neil. It’s like he can’t help but orbit him. It’s not desperate and obsessive,” – like his thing for Chris had been, before he really got to know her and got something solid to fall for other than his idealized version of her. – “it’s just… I don’t know. It looks like an inevitability.”
“…I don’t want him to get hurt if Neil never comes to realize it. It’s like he’ll content himself with being around Neil without even getting shit in return. And don’t get me wrong, Neil absolutely loves the shit outta him just like we do, but-.”
“Neil’s dense and Todd’s not a go-getter.”
“Pretty much, yeah. And that asshole ‘ve been holding things back from me too. Like all this bullshit with his parents. He never breathed a word about having trouble at home at all and then outta nowhere he just runs away without any explanation? What the fuck?”
“Aaand now we’re back to square one.”
“Shut up, I have a right to be angry.”
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My Fair Fiend
My Fair Fiend
by JoannaCorvus
London 1860
The swell of music floats and permeates throughout the many rooms of the house and the Lord and Lady hosting, unknowingly having invited two entities, are beyond pleased with the turnout. Their party is a smashing success and the mysterious Lady Antonia Crowley is a grand guest of honor that the rest have come to see and speak with.
Aziraphale gets a bit flustered.
Words: 2564, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Ineffable Idiots
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Victorian, Dancing, Flashbacks, Language of Flowers, Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Female-Presenting Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley Has All the Genders (Good Omens), Crowley Has Long Hair (Good Omens), Male-Presenting Aziraphale (Good Omens)
From https://ift.tt/zgSVCEI https://archiveofourown.org/works/42052482
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tarnishedhalo · 1 year
From my beloved
  Optional tag: Music-fiends, you know who you are.  
   1.   a song you can listen to on repeat:
Jeep Stuff MLG Remix || Neebs Gaming 2.   a song from one of your favorite albums: Quicksand Jesus || Skid Row ~ Slave to the Grind 3.   a song you loved when you were a teenager or kid: Civil War || Guns N’ Roses ~ Use Your Illusion II 4.   a song that makes you feel strong: The Devil’s Reach || The Jolly Rogers
5.   a song that makes you sad: Hand Me Down || Matchbox 20 6.   a song that cheers you up: Release the Kraken || Ninja Sex Party 7.   a song that reminds you of your friend(s): Ravens in the Library || SJ Tucker Skalds and Shadows || Blind Guardian {...who wrote songs about it...} 9.   a song that reminds you of yourself: Texas || George Strait 10.  a song that brings back good memories: Raise the Black || The Musical Blades The Music of Erich Zahn || Darkest of the Hillside Thickets 11.  a song that grew on you: Threw It On the Ground || The Lonely Island 12.  a song from a musical: One Night in Bangkok || Murray Head from the Musical “Chess” 13.  a song with a great music video: Godzilla || Blue Oyster Cult Operation Mindcrime || Queensryche Uncle Tom’s Cabin || Warrant Celebrity || Brad Paisley 14.  a song that’s better as a cover: I Love Rock N’ Roll || Joan Jett and the Black Hearts {Cover of the Arrows} Personal Jesus || Johnny Cash {Cover of Depeche Mode} Colt 45 || Cooper Alan & RVSHVD {Cover of Afro-Man} 15.  a song that’s better acoustic: She’s Talking to Angels || The Black Crowes Alive || Pearl Jam 16.  a song with great lyrics: 1985 || Bowling For Soup American Pie || Don McLean The Boxer || Simon and Garfunkel 17.  a song for summer: Watermelon Crawl || Tracy Byrd Redneck Yacht Club || Craig Morgan Two Pina Coladas || Garth Brooks 18.  a song for heartache: Cellophane || FKA Twigs 19.  a song for car rides: Happy || Pharrell Williams: 20.  a song for the rain: Rue Sibelius || Tom Vedvik and Martin Tillman Prelude Opus 28 #15 || Chopin Scheherazade Movement # 3 || Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov  21.  a song for dancing: Smooth || Santana ft. Rob Thomas 22.  a song for making out: Gods and Monsters || Jessica Lange 23.  a song for a lover: Cell Block Tango || Chicago cast Brand New Day || Neil Patrick Harris 24.  a song from before you were born: The Battle of Evermore || Led Zeppelin 25.  a song from a band that’s no longer together:  Love You To Death || Type O Negative {...*still in mourning*...}} 26.  a song you’ve seen live: Stupefy || Disturbed Hoodoo Medicine Man || Aerosmith 27.  a song you want to see live: Industry Baby || Lil Nas X Mockingbird || Eminem Good as Hell || Lizzo 28.  a song by a band you don’t usually like: Shake It Off || Taylor Swift 29.  a song you recommend: Telephone  || Lady Gaga and Beyonce
0 notes
mega2wheellife · 1 year
mr. lean
the neighbourhood fiend
took the next step on
beyond the recognition
tv the media were fake
seeing a bigger message
in the world
to encapsulate your views
taking those into himself
to make all promises
offering a better world
later later
but what he did
actually do
is to walk with you
& listen
finding personal points
to flatter include you
make people part
of his life
helping him
to get done
look after his needs
what he wanted done
as he promised to help you
though of course
he never did
he was mr lean on
not mr give
neil benbow
0 notes
fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 years
Ineffable Con 2020 Fun Facts
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Fun facts from the Ineffable Con 2 (2020) guest panels :): 
Neil Gaiman, Douglas Mackinnon and Rob Wilkins
David G. Arnold (the music composer)
Claire Anderson (the costume designer)
Peter Anderson (Peter Anderson Studio created the opening title animation and in-show graphics)
Paul Adeyefa (Disposable Demon)
Jeremy Marshall-Roberts (the owner of Mary the Bentley)
1. Neil Gaiman, Douglas Mackinnon and Rob Wilkins
What do they have from Good Omens:
Rob has the statue from St. Beryls, all four motorbikes from the four horsemen, Crowley’s Devon watch, box signed by David Tennant with Crowley’s sunglasses and Aziraphale’s cocoa mug with Michael Sheen’s DNA :).
Douglas has the playing cards from Episode 1 and heavily annotated Good Omens book they used for filming with inscription by Neil: ‘For Douglas, make us love, make us cry, 3rd August 2017’.
Neil has Aziraphale’s chair from the bookshop that he bought from the BBC and he uses it for Zoom meetings.
What is their favourite thing that was not in the book and was added to the TV show:
Neil: all of the first half of Episode 3 - an absolute joy.
Rob: also the beginning of Episode 3.
Douglas: David Arnold’s music and Peter Anderson’s front titles.
Could Aziraphale get out of the Bastille easily if he wanted to?
Neil: if he could: absolutely. Did he have any conception of the mess he was in: probably not. It’s one of Neil’s favourite pieces of acting - the absolute delight on Aziraphale’s face when he realizes that Crowley’s there and then he turns around and rather petulantly, grumpily goes oh it’s you - that moment of joy on Aziraphale’s face when he realizes that he’s been rescued is one of Neil’s favourite things. 
Neil and yoghurt starter: I had this slightly mad thing where I would explain to everybody that fans were yoghurt starter. And I said, ‘Basically you start out with yoghurt starter and you put it into your warm milk and you leave it, and the yoghurt starter goes off and turns the entire thing into yoghurt. 
Neil realized that there was a cat in his house (Neil doesn’t have a cat :)). After the panel Neil said that he was going to look for the cat with a can of sardines and Douglas joked that he would find Michael Sheen in a cat costume.
What was the best and worst about making the series:
Douglas: the best - the camaraderie, getting to know the people, the cast and crew. 
Rob: the best - realizing that the book could be translated to the screen and watching it happen. The worst - coming to the end of the shoot and saying goodbye to everybody.
Neil: the best - the amount of love from everybody, the worst - fighting budget battles (producers wanted gone all of the cold opening and the death of Agnes Nutter).
Did they expect that Good Omens would attract so many LBGTQ+ people and how they feel about that:
Neil: Yes, absolutely. There are definitely people out there who seem to think that I accidentally wrote a love story with all of the beats of a love story including a break-up halfway through, without somehow noticing that I’d written a love story. And I may not be the brightest candle on the candelabra, but as an author who’s been doing it for a long time, I’m very well aware of when I’m writing a love story, thank you very much. And so from my perspective I knew that the love story would be one of the driving things that would get us from the beginning to the end. And I also made a bunch of decisions about our angels and our demons in terms of casting, in terms of gender that everybody backed me up on, which I loved. You know, the idea that the archangel Michael is played by Doon [Mackichan] is something that is... or Beelzebub is Anna Maxwell Martin, whatever, there’s... it’s not like we are going: these are women, there are men, we are going: these are demons, these are angels. They... this is not a thing. And also doing something like Pollution, where you go in and go: okay  well if we were doing this in... if 1989 was now, if there were they pronouns, we probably would have done that. We didn’t think of it at the time but that’s no reason why we can’t do it now. And we did and I remember having a... not exactly a battle, but a... my very tiny skirmish with one of our execs who was very nice and very bright and was like: ‘Why are you saying they?’, and I’m like... and I... explaining, and he’s like: ‘Well I’ve never heard of that before.’, and I’m like: ‘Oh, okay, but trust me, just trust me, it’s all fine, just trust me.’
Douglas: And you know I have to say, just following on what Neil’s saying, I’ve been directing for quite a while, and I tend to notice if characters are falling in love, I tend to notice a love story happening in front of me, and I think it’s there, and everything is meant, guys, everything is meant.
Neil added: I would just say, there are some things that you do while you’re writing a script intentionally. The fact that... I wanted to do this, well, it was a thing I did that I really enjoyed doing... where whenever people accuse them of being a couple: they don’t deny it, they don’t argue, there’s no flustering on their part. They absolutely… you know, everybody… what I’m trying to say is:  yes, other people in the story are perceiving them as a couple too. And here is Uriel perceiving them as a couple, here is wonderful Dan [Starkey, playing the passerby] …and you know, you do scenes like that because that’s... you are trying to make a point here and you’re trying to make a point on how people are perceived.
Season 2, yes or no [fiends, all three of them!]:
Douglas: What’s that?
Neil: Of what?
Rob: Is it muted for me as is for everyone else?
Neil confirmed that they are going to be Funko Pops. [yay!]
2. David G. Arnold (the music composer)
He didn’t read the book before he was approached to do the music. He was asked to do it by Douglas Mackinnon he knew from the Victorian episode of Sherlock and he said yes before even knowing what it was about because he wanted to work with Douglas again.  
The first piece of music he wrote for the show was the brass band doing the Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon [Episode 6, in the park before the kidnapping].
The second piece of music he wrote was the lullaby that Crowley sings to Warlock. He always liked the lullabies like in Mary Poppins so he said to Neil: Why don’t we do it like Walt Disney, but if Walt Disney was possessed by Satan? That was about 7 months before he needed to write anything again while they were shooting and it kept going round his head the whole time - the melody stuck with him and when it came to the Opening Title of the show, this became the middle bit.
The original opening title was Everyday by Buddy Holly and each episode was supposed to be closed with a different version of it: a death metal version, an angelic choir version, a carmina burana version... and he actually made all those. But he likes to find the musical identity of the show and put it in the opening titles because it’s important and it tells you: ‘This is the word you’re going to experience’, so he wrote his own opening title with the lullaby in the middle and played it to them [probably Neil and Douglas] with Buddy Holly as the backup and: Neil just turned around in his chair and said, ‘That’s Good Omens.’. From that point the instructions were with no rules, just to create whatever he wanted: the further you can go the better, the weirder and the stranger you can think the better. It’s a rare thing to be shown a world like Good Omens and be let free to run around in it. 
His favourite ending title is the Queen one in Episode 1.
One of the reasons he didn’t do a theme for Crowley and a theme for Aziraphale is that the theme of the show is theirs - it’s theirs and they share it and it’s both of theirs and there is no separating in that regard. 
About Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship reflected in the music score: It’s interesting isn’t it, because the relationship changed in a way slightly frequently and majorly infrequently. It seemed right from the start that their relationship was somehow seeded and planted and had begun by the time we saw them even though they may not have realised it themselves, you know, with the pair of them on the wall, considering one is a demon in the Garden of Eden and one is an angel. They act very charitably towards each other and they act with a lot of things you might not expect. And underneath that there is a sort of sense of togetherness and support even though they both know that their paths are going to diverge and they have different responsibilities. So I always felt like, right from that moment, when the wing came up on the wall, that there was something special about their relationship. Three moments that stuck with him: in Episode 3 saving the books in the church when they completely rely on the other for survival in the way that they were very open about, one in the car outside the nightclub in 60s Soho - the Holy Water, you go too fast for me, that genuinely tearing, that there was reluctance in those words that he spoke and that sort of things as a composer is gold, it’s about making those moments more, and in the last episode in a scene they’re not event in when we see Adam and Dog in the fields and Anathema that music there which celebrates Crowley and Aziraphale’s music which is the theme of the show - their shadow has passed over everyone’s emotional journey, and everyone’s emotional journey is theirs as well. The argument in the bandstand was important as well.
His favourite leitmotif from the series is the lullaby.
About the scene in the car in episode 2 when Thomas Tallis changes into Queen: Terry’s favourite piece of classical music was the Thomas Tallis piece [Spem in Alium] so Neil asked if they can go from Thomas Tallis - a choral piece from 16th century - to We Will Rock You, and: ‘You never say no. You don’t say that you can’t do it. What you have to do is to be the first person who solves the problem.’ In the end it was a two-days work just for this little bit and he mentioned that he never had these sorts of challenges anywhere else before.
His favourite non-musical detail in the show - the crucifixion, how the scene was shot, how it was upsetting, and how it was made more effective by Aziraphale and Crowley’s inability to stop it, that they had to observe and watch it, that it had to happen. I remember seeing that at the time and thinking, I wasn’t expecting that level of brutal honesty, in terms of the pictures that I was looking at and what they chose to show. And I think all the more effective for it. 
3. Claire Anderson (the costume designer)
When creating the costumes for the characters she started with mood boards. 
Aziraphale - she knew that he needed to have something winglike in his collar so that’s why there are sweeping lapels very often. Using velvet [for the waistcoat] because that was nice and soft and had all the appropriate qualities. His watch and fob that has little gold wings hanging from it and other tiny bits of symbolism. Tartan bow tie. Beautiful cashmere checkered trousers - not quite tartan but a nod to it. A mid to late Victorian coat, Michael only made his decision on the coat a couple of days before the filming. Aziraphale in the present settled on a ring with angelic symbol and harp cufflinks, earlier his ring in ancient times has got a much more roughly hewn set of wings on it, so before jewellery making became sophisticated he modernised slightly - he magicked it up to be a bit more modern, more gentleman signet type of ring, but he never modernises entirely. His heart is much more in the past.
After they began to define Aziraphale they started to look at how the Heaven army of angels might look - the element of tartan came sort of from Aziraphale and the angels have a not-tartan kilt with a semi military type jacket and a military band across that might hold arms or not, because they are not really violent. She used spats to make them look quite neutral and genderless so hiding fastenings and concealing little details like that seemed a way to do that.
Gabriel doesn’t wear spats because he’s on Earth such a lot. His shoe has a cover with two buckles on the side giving the same neutral element. He wears a cashmere light-as-air suit.
The other angels are all in bastardized versions of what era they may have died in, so they could have died in the 1930s or the 1800s and the costume would have an element of that era about it - though of course as an angel you can change things.
The Quartermaster Angel - the costume is a combination of slightly Indian type military, maharaja pants, longer spats from another era, all combined pieces of military tailored to be magical and slightly nonsensical, as Heaven might be.
Crowley - she felt that he wrapped around like a snake sheds its skin so she wanted something double breasted because that seemed to envelope his snakey charm. David wanted to be more casual than wearing a suit. Under his collar he always has a flash of red like the snake that he comes from - the red belly. They put a red seam into the sole of his boots so always there is a hint of where he came from. The red tie in the blitz. He was more rock and roll than Aziraphale and modernised more to a snakehipped rock and roll star really. His present jacket - the fabric there is quilted, they found an 80s jacket that had elements of things they enjoyed - part of that was that it had a slightly quilted quality to the fabric which was like a textured snakeskin. It took quite a long time to create the fabric and then to make the jacket from that - they quilted some fabric and washed and whooshed it repeatedly to create a bit of puckering in it. He has a snakey scarf around his neck like a chain mail linked scales of skin scarf that he wore that complemented his neck chain. The trousers he wore in Victorian times are the same he wore in the 60s when he meets young Shadwell. His present trousers - slightly waxy denim - we just were looking for a slithery finish. Crowley’s neck chain - there is only one in the world - her tailor has a Gothic church full of interesting stuff like busts and drapes with old things, this chain mail scarf was there and David was looking for something to complete his costume and liked it. 
Hastur and Ligur are her favourite characters - they were so enjoyable to create. She had an amazing book of 1920s and 30s criminals and they used that as a starting point, because they were all quite worn out and bedraggled and poverty stricken and like hell might be ideally. They burnt and decayed the bottom of them as if they were rotting from the Earth and rotting back into the ground - all demons have sort of gators as if they were rotting from the ground up.
One of the most difficult things was the demons - when they realized they had a few days to create hundreds of demons in South Africa (4-5 days for almost 200 demons). It was as if I had been dissolved in holy water when they asked me for another 150 costumes.
The sleeves of Anathema’s coat have been inspired by a Victorian cycling coat. 
The historical costume that Newt’s ancestor wore influenced his and Shadwell’s costumes - they used elements of the historical costume to put a little cape on Newt and Shadwell and their wax coats to give them the quality of that look. Newt's costume has a lot of mustard to make him feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable - it's not the most flattering colour on a northern European complexion.
The nuns’ headdress needed to look a little bit demonic - she bought a whole book on nuns’ headdresses for research. They also used the V in the nurse's apron because that was nicely demonic. The nurses' watch has got this Satanic symbol at the top - a little take on the medical since old nurses’ uniforms used to have watches.
For Madame Tracy she went back into the 70s, slightly Biba-esque makeup and a cape. They had only one pair of her goggles so it was always a nightmare to find them.
Which part of the cold opening is her favourite: I love ancient Rome because there is at least 6 to 12 metre of fabric in a toga and that was quite fun wrapping that around the boys and creating those., and her favourite was the Globe.
The lapels represent wings in every way and every shape and every form. Wings are very important.
4. Peter Anderson (Peter Anderson Studio created the opening title animation and in-show graphics)
The first thing that the director Douglas Mackinnon (with whom he worked on Doctor Who and Sherlock) said to him was: for all the graphics, for all the title sequence, for everything, I want you to promise me one thing, and that is very, very simple, promise that you send me emails that say: ‘this might be absolutely nuts, but my idea is...’.
The opening title it’s full of easter eggs - it’s a type of sequence that’s been designed to watch a thousand times, for example: on the escalator down to Hell there is one character running up deciding that he doesn’t want to go to Hell or the sea is full of plastic bags because we don’t look after the planet.
Every single face in the title sequence is either Crowley’s or Azriphale’s, they are repeated all the way through - inspired by Neil saying that there’s good and evil in all of us, so there is a grand procession of people of all the characters from the story - marching towards Armageddon - but all the characters have been taken over by good or evil. And along the way our two heroes are kind of playing tricks on each other, doing good, doing evil
The opening title combines multiple elements - two dimensional animation elements, three dimensional animation elements, CGI and live action (the people in the procession were created by live action on a travelator). So the result is a kind of strangeness - such as 3D figures with 2D animated tracked heads - which makes it unique.
Their first idea and version of the opening title was based on tapestries of old, subverting them, but then they wanted something more new and fresh.
Both Douglas and Neil were an important part of the opening title creation process.
The opening title sequence took about a year to make from the creative start with four intensive months towards the end.
One of things that inspired him was a Bauhaus theatre image from 1930s.
Question if the hand-drawn font for the graphics will be a purchasable font: no, because it was original and it’s unique and it was created just for this - it was for the love of the show and the story and it will be kept there.
In the scene where there are three photos of witchfinders - Neil and Douglas revealed in the DVD commentaries that two of them are their grandfathers - the third one is Peter’s great uncle.
Originally the signs telling us things like ‘Thursday’ or ‘Mesopotamia’ - were done as if somebody (who was living inside the television screen) ran up close to the screen and showed us the sign. In the end they simplified it, only showing the signs. The one time that it was sort of left in the show was when in Episode 5 a little demon in the video game shows a sign ‘GAME OVER’.
Outside of his work on it, what was his favourite thing on Good Omens: spending time with Douglas and Neil, and also working with Milk VFX - I think I can honestly say it's the best job I've ever worked on with the nicest people. 
5. Paul Adeyefa (Disposable Demon)
He first read the book when preparing for the audition - the character wasn’t in the book but he got into it, loved it and couldn’t put it down.
He didn’t know about the name Eric until the script was published and people started calling the demon that, he really likes the name and thinks it fits.
There was a version of the script where the demon was going to be dressed in different costumes each time he was discorporated (for example one in long hair wearing a dress) - they would be all the same but different incarnations, in one version they had different accents. 
The first scene he shot was the one where the demon goes to Heaven to deliver the Hellfire (and also wants to hit ‘Aziraphale’ which was cut). That first day was also his favourite moment of shooting because there was an immediate welcoming atmosphere and everyone was lovely and in love with the production.
Disposable Demon is like a permanent intern, running errands for the higher ups in Hell.
His favourite part of the costume were the eyelashes (though he loved the whole costume).
If he could change anything about the costume he would also want cool contact lenses - some brightly coloured ones.
Question what animal (like other demons have on their heads) comes to mind when we see the Disposable Demon: he didn’t think about it at the time, but later he saw people talking about his horns as bunny ears and found it interesting, and also the facts that there are so many of him and that he is quite happy and friendly for a demon so the bunny makes sense, so he might be a sort of a rabbit. Or perhaps something goat type because of the horns.
Question if there is another role in Good Omens he would have liked to have played: he always thought that the four horsemen were very cool and Pollution was his favourite so probably Pollution (also was the most jealous of Pollution’s contact lenses). 
If there were a season 2, he would be there in a heartbeat.
Question about Eric’s feelings on Crowley, if he’s a bit of a Crowley fan: I think he might be. There is something about Crowley and how he is somehow a little bit different from the rest of the demons. - and the Disposable Demon has, much like Crowley, interest in the human world. He could well be 6,000 how many years old, the same as everyone else, but he seems to have this younger vibe and I think he thinks that Crowley is quite cool.
Good Omens fandom is his first experience with a fandom of this scale. It speaks a lot, the fact that this kind of very, this minor character, a character who is only on screen for a very short amount of time gets any kind of attention at all, it's quite amazing really, it goes to show how big and enthusiastic the fans are. I never experienced anything like that.
6. Jeremy Marshall-Roberts (the owner of Mary the Bentley)
When Crowley used a miracle to switch off the Bentley lights in Episode 1 at nuns manor it was done by: there was actually a very small guy called Louis turning on and off the switches quickly.
David Tennant was allowed to wear the snake eye contacts for only 3 hours a day otherwise they could damage his eyesight.
For Mary, the Bentley, it was the second time she was ‘blown up’ on film - first being in the Endeavour with Inspector Morse about three years earlier.
He was a bit nervous during filming the bookshop fire scene because the Bentley was so close to a real fire - not wanting the paint to blister. The car was moved off after a few minutes of filming but still.
About the damage to Mary: Unfortunately, we overran, and Rob my stunt driver had already booked a holiday and off he went and so when he returned in January, on the 10th of January, I had this new driver who really had no clue how to drive old cars, so I showed him around, I showed him to go around corners. He came around the corner, the door was not closed properly for some reason and the door flew open as he went around. And instead of slamming on the brakes which is extremely efficient and would stop him straight away he kept on going, hit another car and really smashed the door quite badly. It did take the car off the roads for 10 months. The door was completely remade because of this accident and it cost the total of  £24 000 to rebuild the car to get it back to running as it is today.
The Bentley’s part most difficult to maintain and service is the engine. 
Would Mary be available for a potential season 2: definitely!
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moonlitmeeks · 3 years
༄ the dead poets go hiking headcanons
pairing; n/a
warnings; some swearing
request; could i get the dead poets going hiking? thanks! - anon
a/n; you most definitely can anon! i luv writing about these boys and this is such a fun concept so thank u for the request - i hope you like these! <3
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the poets hiking is just pure unadulterated chaos
i mean, what else do you expect?
but, it's a day out
and it gives charlie somewhere to channel all of his energy - so a hike it is!
meeks knows of a hiking trail that's relatively close and is quite scenic - which has todd and neil sold already
when they get there, cam suggests going to the small help hut for a map of the trails, just in case
charlie aggressively shuts down this idea, insisting it can't be too hard
"we'll just stick to the trails, cameron. we can't get lost doing that."
famous last words, mr dalton.
knox is carrying the bag filled with water and snacks, and grumbles about it the whole time until neil agrees to take turns with him
neil is a fiend and steals snacks the whole time he's in charge of the backpack, but bribes todd with chocolate so he doesn't snitch
i think cam enjoys bird watching - just a personal hc - so he'd point out some of the birds he sees to whoever'll listen to him
it's usually pitts, as he doesn't mind cameron's info dumping and will actually entertain him with questions and responses
sure, he doesn't really care too much about the birds, but he's happy that cameron's happy and that's enough for him
todd brings a little camera along with him to take photos, both of the scenery and of the poets
some of these photos include:
charlie chasing cameron with a large branch
knox, with a butterfly that landed on his head
a cloud that looked like a dog
and also a picture of a ‘pretty tree'
but the camera just so happened to focus on neil, instead of the tree
wonder how that happened
charlie leads them in chants
you know like the ‘i dont know what ive been told’ ones? yeah.
they walk in a single file line to add to the illusion
todd has to beg meeks and pitts not to eat the random cluster of mushrooms they found
he physically rips one out of pittsie’s grasp
“pitts we have food in the bag sTOP-“
knox wears the wrong shoes and constantly complains that his feet hurt
half of them end up horrifically sunburnt
although neil catches an incredible tan and the sun makes some freckles come out across his cheeks and nose
remember how charlie wouldn’t let cameron get a map? yeah, they got lost
they only wanted to stray a little off the trails to explore a cool spot they found
next thing they know, they’re in a forest with no fucking idea where they are
charlie goes into survival mode
“okay, we gotta find a source of water. pittsie, start building a fire.” “we have bottled water?” “and..? it’ll run out, neil.” “charlie. we walked for five minutes. we aren’t lost.”
thanks to the combined common sense of todd and cameron, they find their way back to the trail
not without an 'i told you so' from a very smug looking cameron
knox's shoes are starting to become a real bother and everyone else is getting a bit tired, so they decide to call it a day
it's a fun day out though, and one they'll certainly remember for a while
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the dead poets my beloveds <3 they're just in a silly goofy mood <3
taglist; @thesilverskull @mendesxruel @pretentious-strikes @aesthetixxluv @lilgayn00dle @tall-my-beloved @caffeineconstellations @star-dust-2317 @yer-erster
dead poets society masterlist <3
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samnyangie · 3 years
Perhaps everyone already know it but me(or even I might had seen it before;;), but I’ve found a rsl interview on the dead poets society (https://rsl-daily.livejournal.com/140836.html), he talked about the behind the scenes in great detail and I thought it’d be an interesting read to those who are just fan of the film.
To those who haven’t read this before… enjoy!
unknown: from script to screen
The Collaborative Art of Filmmaking
by Linda Seger and Edward Jay Whetmore
From Script to Screen
Robert Sean Leonard on Dead Poets' Society
All seven of us boys arrived a week before shooting. We were told that the week was reserved for haircuts and learning how to play soccer. It turned out to, be a week of getting to know each other. The first morning we went through the script as it was, and the following mornings were basically improvisations.
Once Peter Weir directed us to get up one by one and give a speech in character. He would do silly things, like he would pretend he was a teacher putting together a Christmas pageant and we were all supposed to be in it. Some of us formed a human sleigh and the rest of us had to be reindeer. Maybe it was silly but it got us in touch with our characters and the feeling of the script. And it also helped us get to know each other.
The Cave Scene
Right away Peter told us that the poetry scene, the first scene of the boys in the cave, would be the hardest scene to pull off in this movie. The audience has to believe that there are seven young guys in this cave that are having a good time reading poetry. They don't want to leave. And Peter said if we could make that scene work, the movie would work.
In the original script, that first cave scene had problems. It was just us reading poetry. One of us had a line like "Isn't this fun?" or "How great." Finally Peter said to us, "I just don't believe it. I don't believe that these guys would sit in a cave at midnight and just read poetry."
And then he said something I'll always remember because it was wonderful. He said, "I don't know what happened that night in the cave, but you all do. That's why I hired you. I met you and I knew from talking to you that you were all there. You know what went on that night and I need you to tell me." So we all went home like fiends and wrote seven different scenes on our own, and we worked together, and improvised a lot of ideas.
Late at night somebody would knock on my door and say, "I have an idea about this," and then we'd discuss it. Then he'd disappear and we'd keep writing. It was incredibly collaborative and fun. We came up with things like the food and the ghost stories and the Playboy magazine. We thought of how we would sulk around at school and rag on our teachers.These were things that we honestly thought would occur. We'd bring them to Peter and he'd say, "You're right, do it."
Up on the Roof
There was always a kind of freedom. He would take in all of our ideas, keep some, throw some out, and then have Tom rewrite scenes. Like in the final version there's the scene where Ethan [Hawke] and I throw the desk set off the roof. Ethan and I had done the original version of that scene together for Peter when we had auditioned. Ethan says, "It's my birthday." I ask him what he got-was it the same thing his parents got him last year? And he says yes.
In the original version he goes on about his family and says, "I used to think that all parents just automatically loved their children and now I know it's not true. Because my parents certainly don't love me, or at least not as much as they love my brother." And then he walks away and I sort of look after him with concern.
We shot the scene at three in the morning and Peter said, "I don't think this is right. I think we already know all this. We're overstating it. The audience knows this by now. It's in the performance, it doesn't need to be said. I'd rather this scene be more about friendship than about a confession or exposition on the boys' problems. I want it to be more active, I want something to happen."
So he put it in our hands, and we went off and decided to destroy the desk set. Peter said it was a good idea but he wanted us to throw it off the roof because we only had three desk sets to work with. So the three of us wrote the scene on the spot. Half of it was improvised in front of the camera. It was great.
Another scene that got changed was where I perform in the play. Originally my character's father walks onstage in the middle of the performance and drags me off in front of all the other actors and the audience. Peter wanted me to complete the performance, to see the people cheering. And that's what we did.
The Big Sleep
My character's suicide was obviously a major scene in the film, and it kind of hung over everything. At the beginning of filming Peter explained, "I want you to put that scene out of your mind, I don't want you playing it like this boy is doomed. I want you to pretend that he goes on to become a doctor or lawyer, there's nothing wrong." He didn't want to give the audience any clues. He wanted it to be one of those cases where everyone says, "My God, he would be the last person I would ever have thought would have done that!"
We shot it toward the end of production. Much of my preparation was subconscious. A lot of it involved the love I felt for all the boys, and for Peter and Robin. I just adored Kurt Smith who played my father. When you're surrounded by people that you're comfortable with and that support you, the difficult scenes become a lot easier.
I did read a lot about teen suicides and quotes from people who had attempted it. I found that a lot of teenage suicides happen because their world is smaller and it's much easier to feel trapped, especially somewhere like that school. They don't know the world beyond the school. Their parents and teachers are their whole universe.
Neil was like a child who had his candy taken away. His father takes acting away and tells him he's going to go tomilitary school, there's no choice in the matter. It's the end of everything he knows and loves.
When you're that young, you don't feel that there are any options. That's where the trapped feeling comes from. No future. And I don't think Neil thinks it out too much. For him it's a romantic, passionate decision.
Working with Robin Williams
There's a scene with Robin in the schoolroom where I lie to him and tell him that my father gave me permission to be in the play. He says, "Did you tell your father? What did he say?" and I say, "It will be fine." The scene was only about five lines and then I was to get up and leave.
But when the camera was on me, instead of letting me leave, Robin repeats the questions again, "Really, you really told him?" In my mind I'm thinking, why aren't we cutting? What's happening here? We're completely off the script and why aren't we cutting? Robin says it again, "Really, you told him what you told me?" And he looks in my eyes, and I'm terrified. I say, "Well, he wasn't happy," and then I mumble something, which I don't think makes any sense, like "He'll be in Chicago, so it won't really matter." I totally made that up as the camera was rolling. Robin just tortured me. He kept repeating all the questions, and I had to improvise different answers. I'm totally on the spot. And of course it comes across wonderfully that I'm lying.
Peter said, "Cut" and "Perfect," and that was the take that was used.
Robin made that scene work, and that was his strength. He's incredible on his feet. We were all very young and impressionable, and I would never have had the nerve to go completely off book with Robin Williams. But it was his place to do that, since he was the star. And he did. He treated us as equals. He was a joy to work with.
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Hi hello
Local fiend coming on to add some fun thoughts:
The red eyed demon likes to take animal form and follow its victims. Sal met it by chance when it was a cute little black kitten stalking Travis and feeding off his negativity.
Larry would 100% bribe Sal in to helping him tease Travis with trips to the local pet shop. It works every time and since then Travis knew no peace.
Sal tried to lure the demon cat home with food and at one point just picked it up and brought it home. Thus starting the demons new plan to be spoiled by humans and feed on their negative emotions. Sal didn’t provide enough but Larry?? The cat had a feast.
New demons start popping up to see what red is up to and find a chubby little house cat being spoiled rotten. The demons latch on to this new idea and begin to take over the human realm as beloved house pets, some even plants. Travis gets a flock of birds and some dogs. Kenneth is unable to stop them, he knows what they are and they threatened his life.
Travis and Philip bond over pet care, Philip is one of the few people without a demon pet. His little pit bull puppy is a fan favorite of the demon dogs Travis now owns.
Larry and Travis also bond over pet care. Sal even joining in on talks, despite the dogs being present. Travis, without Kenneths intervention, is much nicer and far more respectful of Sals trauma and makes sure the dogs don’t come too close.
Larry and Sal have walked in on Travis play fighting his dogs. Mind you: there are a total of four, two large breeds, one med one small.
Kenneth gets a spider that keeps tabs on him and reports to the big boss demon (who is living LAVISH in a royals lap )
Todd and Neil have a rabbit farm of lil rabbit demons. They… they don’t feed off negativity.. ;u; the gang don’t visit Todd and Neil often, those two have to do the visiting
Maple and Chug let soda bring in a strange lil chinchilla that was promptly named furby.
Ash has a rooster named Rufus-
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