#rias sleepover
maximotts · 1 year
Only @kitmoas can get me to declare Tuesday angel babie day and write a full fic for her
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
luxiem helping you fall asleep
this is a true story and vent post based on real events. WHY DID I HAVE TO HAVE SUCH A SHITTY SLEEP THE ONE TIME I NEEDED TO WAKE UP EARLY AND RESTED
tags: established relationship, gender neutral reader, fluff, headcanons
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🖋 Ike Eveland
the gentlest about making sure you stay as comfortable as possible
he doesn’t even ask if you’re awake, it’s just that he can tell by how you keep shuffling around
is so conscious of his every movement that he makes and if it might disturb you
he tucks you back in before reaching out to rub your arm
forehead, cheek, back of head- whichever’s closest, he places a feather-soft kiss there
his hand kneads the tightness out of your body and he hums a quiet, calm tune
partially because he doesn’t want you to think about words and lyrics, partially because his voice is already low with sleepiness
when he knows you’ve fallen asleep for real, then he’ll go back to sleep after you and with his arm still draped around you
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦁 Luca Kaneshiro
keeps his volume down even when he knows you’re wide awake, just so it helps you relax
if you’re up for it he’ll teach you some stretches to do before bed
which feels like bullshit until you eventually cave and it really is so much easier to get comfortable
he’ll let you snuggle up next to him like he’s your personal plushie
he even invites you to use his not-that-big booba as a pillow
once you’ve figured out a good position he’ll wrap his arms around you and keep you safe
he ends up falling asleep before you do, and before you know it the sound of his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest lulls you to sleep
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦊 Mysta Rias
well shit he’s always had difficulties sleeping too so if you’re unable to sleep chances are he’s still awake too
he does the sleepover thing where he pretends to be sleepy in case you are too but when he realizes you’re also awake he doesn’t even hide his energy
*groggily* “you awake?”
“OH cool me too! do you think that the monsters under the bed ever sleep”
it’s not even that he’s energetic, it’s just that his mind can’t sit still
even when he’s tired he’s an excellent conversation partner with you
you talk about anything and everything that comes to your sleep-deprived minds until someone yawns and the other can’t keep their eyes open
…the next day you both nearly oversleep and need more coffee than usual because of how late you stayed up for your impromptu pillow talk
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 Shu Yamino
his bed is so full of plushies and blankets that if you’re too cold, it’s no problem
and after all his body runs hot with fire. you can cuddle him for warmth too
to be fair it’s more likely that you only have a thin sheet or none at all if you cuddle with shu for Optimal Temperature™
the pressure of his body against yours is reassuring
he’ll gently massage your back, shoulders, and arms to help you relax
and if push comes to shove, he’ll even sing you a lullaby or two
he’s all about making sure you’re physically comfortable so your mind can rest before anything else
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 Vox Akuma
uh, have you SEEN his asmr? i mean, the less risky ones
dude is such a calming presence
he has the perfect combo of voice and eloquence that when he notices you can’t fall asleep, he’ll tell you a story quietly
his voice is so smoky with sleepiness glazed over it that it’s hard to keep track of what he’s actually saying
especially because he plays with your hair as he talks
naturally the white noise and comforting gesture lulls you to sleep over time
in the morning when you wake up properly next to him you ask him to tell you the story without trying to get you to fall asleep
turns out it was actually just a rant about bowser in the super mario movie
you wish you stayed up
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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luxiem x reader || as fathers
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a/n : YALL LIKE MY LUXIEM HCS MORE THAN MY OTHER ONES SO HERE U GO LMAO 😭 ill feed u guys some more luxiem content before mysta graduates [sobs louder]
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but minus the yelling and stuff
hes just pretty damn strict but like he loves you all the same
if you get an A+ in maths, GOOD JOB, HE'LL TREAT YOU TO ICE CREAM [and maybe a magic show WWWW]
if you get a D-, he'll probably say something along the lines of : " try harder kiddo! you can get a higher mark next time! do you want me to help you study? "
he will definitely show up at all of your events and stuff like that to cheer you on
b a n a n a
omg he would accidentally get banned from ur school games bc he keeps helping you with his witchcraft stuff
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hes the type to bring like the BEST FOOD during those potlucks ur school has
will panic if you bring math homework to him for help AJSHD
if he cant go to ur school events, HE WILL SO FIND A WAY TO GO, EVEN IF IT WAS JUST FOR A MOMENT
ur little sibling would deadass be a dog.
like no shit, this man would want a dog
and that dog is ur sibling
he and his mafia men would be the ones to raise you [FUCKING BONUS POINTS IF ONE OF HIS MEN IS A WOMAN AND SHE IS UR MOTHER FIGURE]
" oh, don't worry kid, you'll get it next time!! if you're ever feeling down, just know your dad thinks that you're pog! "
you dont know how to tell him that saying pog as a [however old he is] man is a little cringe, but you love him for it (IN A FAMILIAL WAY)
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a very chill dad when it comes to homework and grades
unless it was english
if you get a low score in english
but if you get tired of it, he'll let it go
i feel like he'd be the parent who IS your teacher at school
oh boy, you should dread first day if he's your english teacher
" class, i'd like you all to know, im only fucking one of your mothers. " [all jokes LMAO he wouldnt embarrass you like that..... or would he?]
if you get a low score in any subjects or like if you flunk a test, he'll hug you and say:
" don't cry, you've made me proud already. i love you kiddo, and none of those test marks will change that. just tell me if you ever need help okay? i'm always happy to help you with those. "
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the most laidback out of all the luxiem guys about homework
doesn't mind if you flunk it, as long as you did your hardest, it's a pass in his book
he cant physically help you with homework
its a british debuff /j
like he would stare at the pythagorean theorem and go 'uhm....'
there to listen to all the GODDAMN TEA!! like how dare jessica cheat on james like that with ryan??
dude is like the communal dad if any of ur friends dont have a father figure, he'll be there for them too
" oh you flunked your math test? it's alright!! you'll get it next time. they give you too much tests nowadays you guys are all probably burnt out... how about we watch a movie? your mind needs to destress. "
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also that one dad for some reason everyone likes
hes like pretty strict, but its because he wants the best for you
hes the demon you and ur friends would try to summon at sleepovers
" kid, please, i love you and all, but dad needs to fucking rest. please stop summoning me. "
anyways, hes pretty damn smart so hes gotchu covered when it comes to homework help
unless it was history.
history pisses the fuck out of this ancient man.
he will rant about how incorrect the history books are and you'll get nowhere with homework
" oh, darling, it's alright. i'm not disappointed in you and i won't be when it comes to homework. i get it, sometimes it's hard and you don't understand it, but that's when you ask for help, alright? i won't ever shame you for asking me for help. "
a/n : i hope yall r fed this took me 30 minutes to shit out and clean up also i think its obvious whos my favourite in luxiem LMAOO
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rhianwells · 4 months
//Rosie's Diner. Dec 16, past 9.30.
"Oh my God, I can't believe so many invisible things are trying to kill us! First the virus and now this mono-... carboxide...!" Ria sounded almost offended by this fact, and she shook her head before taking another sip of her coffee. She winced a little - not enough creamer. Adding some to her coffee and tasting it again – so much better now! – Ria continued, "Anyway, I'm kinda excited about the Wexley Sleepover, it might be fun. I know it's inconvenient and everything, but we're all pretty lucky we're not dead. Right?"
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themarginalthinker · 7 months
(Prompt for @ria-coolgirl, who suggested a sleepover with the boys listening to cheesy pop music! Sorry if this kinda got away from that, but hopefully you'll think it's cute lol)
Paul likes music, and wants something to keep him and everyone occupied. He decides to hit up his favorite record store.
Call him crazy, call him a tippy-tapping fool, but if ever one was to meet Paul Harris meandering down the Boardwalk, you'd almost have to call it dancing.
Always a tune in his head, always something playing that only he could hear the melody of. Paul danced to the beat of his own drums, and it was some damn good music if he did say so.
Such wandering, feeling the rhythm, took him lots of places. Little pop-up stores that happened over the summer months, here and gone again for the warm nights. Markets and art fairs that stayed active after sunset were fun, Marko liked those. Sometimes he'd mosey into a shop just following an idle thought, see what was about, and under the stares of the clerks (who tried their best to pretend they weren't staring) he'd make his way back out. Usually with something tucked into his jacket or pocket they weren't aware of. (Hey, you can't leave a store without getting something, that was just stupid.)
Tonight, the music in Paul's head was quiet, and disorganized, like a radio you just couldn't get to pick up a signal. It needed tuning - and he needed something to sink his (metaphorical this time) teeth into.
Streetlight Records, his haven away from haven.
Tucked neatly between two much larger buildings, the door for it almost hidden away just around the corner and in an alcove, one might have almost walked right past it. The doorway, however, was lit with garlands of twinkling lights they put out in the summer, and the base of something was humming out into the street, advertising for all who wished to open their eyes and ears, and take a chance.
Paul slips into to the doorway.
The shop was longer than it was wide, and it wasn't a whole lot of that to begin with. Along the left wall and down the straight middle isle, starting basically at the door so close you'd bump into it if you weren't careful, shelves upon shelves of LPs and EPs. Bins filled, racks a mash and collection that a vinyl dragon would go green with envy over. Some were arranged by year, others by genera. Artists' faces in posters and their album art, if they were popular enough, hung from the light strands wound around the ceiling and support beams. Under those were cases of cassettes, displays for tape recorders and the empty tapes to go with them.
The right side was a little less packed, but no less interesting. The glass case under the counter top and register boasted more gift-shoppy material, for those who only knew what played on the radio and when confronted with the font of auditory wonders before them, chose to stay in shallower waters. Racks of post cards, books of music history for the well-listened eggheads, more expensive maintenance tools for people's instruments.
And speaking of, further in the back sat displays of sound equipment for bands. Paul had spent more hours than he could reliably remember giving the old Fender some much-needed love and attention, here with lights and amps where it's rich, rolling sounds could be appreciated.
The place was a feast for anyone looking to discover something about themselves, and Paul was never satiated.
Paul slips past the immediate shelves to get to the front register, hands finding the glass surface and beginning to tap along to the muted cacophony in his head. It was deserted for the moment, but you didn't need supernatural senses to smell that someone had been here not too long ago, partaking in something that made the music sound even better. Paul leans over the desk and eyes the thick, beaded curtain that lead to the back rooms.
"Hey Randy! If you don't come out here someone's gonna come in and steal your signed Grateful Dead shirt!"
Indeed, said shirt was hanging up, proudly displayed on the wall behind the counter. It was a much prized possession - and in some real amount of danger from some fingers more sticky than not. It was also a surefire way to get the attention of a certain shop owner.
There's some sounds from behind the curtain, shuffling and maybe something falling over as someone jumped up, either at the threat or the owner of the voice issuing it. Paul hears the shout back before he can actually make out the words. If there were words being said at all.
Judging from the practically-visible cloud that follows the man who emerges from behind the curtain, it's more likely the latter.
Randy's and older dude, not 'old' but certainly a decade and a half Paul's (visible) elder. His hair is crow black, shoulder length and wavy, held back with a tie and a wrapped, psychedelic bandana. His eyes are blown to space, he's got a red press mark on his face, clearly the picture of a man getting ready to close up for the night and getting the evening come-down started a little early.
He'd probably known who had come in from the shout, but seeing him at the counter changes something in his face. How his back straightens. Eyes dart to the doorway, and then into the depths of the store. Looking for people who follow like ghosts in each other's wake.
His shoulders only relax a little when he finds it's only Paul, still looking at him expectantly. His half-smile could simply be the weed, and being tired. Paul lets it be.
"The man of the hour," Paul says, holding out a hand.
Randy huffs a laugh, and reaches out to take it, grasping it and pulling it in to touch forearms. To his credit, he no longer reacts to the cool skin as it touches him. One too many smokes - or maybe one too many touches with something like Paul to bother reacting.
"Yeah, sure. Only for you."
Paul takes his hand back and places it on his chest. "I consider it the highest honor, dude."
Randy nods a little.
These were words exchanged back and forth easily enough. Informal formalities, but a certain script maintained all the same. Like the glass counter between them. Crystal clear, but a barrier.
The shopkeep shrugs, and leans on his elbow. "Well, you got me here. What's up?"
Paul keeps drumming his fingers on the counter. A pattern only he can make sense of.
"Well, believe it or not, I'm actually not here for anything in particular," Paul says. "I'm uh. Actually looking for something along the lines of. New."
Randy blinks, cocking his head a little. "New?"
Believe it or not, immortality came with downsides. Well. Maybe not downsides so much as reoccurring stumbles. One of which being that the 'new' turned into 'old' faster than one would think, and even for someone who could listen to the same song on repeat for a whole day, there was a whole world of new things being made. New songs, new artists, new sounds. Collecting them to preserve perfectly forever like all the trinkets of the past stored in the cave. Immortal memory.
Randy however, looked over Paul like he'd started growing a second head. However, he knew better than to quibble. The script had run out, and Paul was looking at him expectantly. He was the expert in these things, and his customer had asked for goods.
"Well, we do got some stuff here, towards the front-"
Paul knew what Randy was pointing out, but he shakes his head. The silver bangles Marko had threaded into his hair shake with a metallic clicking, his blade of his earring glinting in the low lights. Randy stops mid-sentence, not about to waste Paul's time on the air it took to make the words. He knew better.
"Nah, man, I don't mean like, new releases. I mean just. Like. New. Somethin' different."
Something to scratch the constant itch of eternal stagnation amidst constant, unstoppable change.
Randy is silent, looking at him. There isn't much of a semblance of the polite, sleepy smile he'd been wearing earlier. Paul keeps looking right back at him, fingers drumming, drumming, drumming away at the counter. Nails clicking against the glass. Dragging.
It's only when Paul moves, shifting from one foot to the other, in a fidget, that Randy comes back into motion.
"Right. Sure. Okay, yeah, I just- hang on."
Paul nods a couple times, a little 'sure' thrown in as well as Randy moves off with maybe a little too much pep in his step, especially considering it's back behind the curtain and into another room. Where Paul's relaxed stare isn't on him the whole time.
There's the sound of boxes being moved, the clack of plastic cases - ans to ears more sensitive, dark mutterings. Paul pretends it's the rattling of the old water pipes along the ceiling.
He reaches over, to one side of the counter, and snatches up a couple jacket patches from the bins left out for sale. Marko had mentioned wanting to potentially start a new jacket project soon. Paul tucks them into his pocket.
Randy comes back after a few minutes. In his hands is a box, and in that box is a mess of things. A couple records, their sleeves looking a little battered, more than a few cassette tapes that looked much more recent, though one had a cracked case.
Paul reaches forward before Randy can say anything and pulls out something from the lot - a magazine, and from the provided pouch in the back of it, a small disc.
"Oh, I love Flexis!" Paul says, grin wide. "They're not making them much anymore."
He holds up the small, colorful record disk, and Randy's shoulders relax a little. He'd pleased the beast.
"There's not a whole lot, I think they only ran that edition with the Flexi for a while, but I had it kinda lying around, so."
Paul snorts. "What, you're using this to pawn your junk off on me, man?"
He flicks a finger at the box, tapping it rather harshly. Randy, again to his credit, doesn't flinch. But from the twitch under his eye, it's a near thing.
Paul grabs the box from him before he can try to say anything else. "I'm joshing you, dude. Jeez. You need some stronger stuff if you're this wound up. You know I'll take anything. You got good taste."
Randy lets Paul take the box from him, fingertips meeting for only a second. Paul's nails are sharp against his skin.
Paul tucks his prize under one arm. With his other, he digs into some pocket or another in his coat. From it, he produces a set of bills. He slaps them down on the countertop.
"You're a pal, Ran-the-man. Catch ya next week!"
Without waiting for Randy to open the till or count the money, or even a goodbye, Paul is already out the door. Barely a sound follows him, just the now empty store, playing its low background music under soft lighting.
When the man does blink out of his stupor, and counts the amount given to him for his motley collection of odds and ends, it's enough to make even his mouth go dry.
He doesn't ask, though. Never does. He simply straightens out the notes, and sets the stained paper in the drawer.
"Oh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody!"
The music echoed in the main hall, the voices rising and falling with it perhaps not the most in-tune, but the enthusiasm was all that was really necessary.
David watches Star try to keep her smile down at Paul as he strikes a pose, singing into an invisible microphone, swaying her own head side to side with the melody. He lets himself smile with her.
Marko and Dwayne occupy the couch on either side of her, critiquing the performance.
"Good hip movement."
"You know, if he permed his hair, he might actually kinda look like Whitney."
"I vote eight point seven."
"No way, this is freestyle, tens across the board."
"No, there's always room for improvement."
The tall blond shimmies his way over to her, and Star can't help but let out the suppressed giggle at his exaggerated lip-syncing. She protests a fair bit as she's pulled up, and brought to the 'dance floor', her eyes flitting over to David who only raises an eyebrow, before Paul is pulling her in, spinning them around in a dance that doesn't exist and is made purely of the need to move and feel the music.
"Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody! With somebody who loves me!"
The tune in his step matching the music in his head, and all around him. Harmony.
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rioreeve · 4 months
//Sada's Penthouse. Dec 17, 2.30am
Zach had managed to at least get his own pillow from the studio, along with Doom's favorite toy, but he got kicked out of there before he could get his Walkman. Two more fruitless attempts later, he finally gave up and went back downstairs. The Wexley Sleepover was going to be fun. Even more fun without music or literally anything to block out the noises... He didn't even mean snoring or anything nearly as extreme, just the thought of being forced to spend a few nights in the same place as all these people alone was enough to make him want to disappear. At least he had his pillow. And his dog.
But Doom soon was sleeping with Ember, joint parenting the man never officially signed up for but didn't really mind either, and that single pillow that smelled like home was all he had. Ria couldn't sleep, so she started whispering something to her husband. He was asleep and only muttered something back. She tried talking to Ember. Cilla snuck out of the common room as a few people, one by one, joined the snoring performance, presenting different levels of intensity. He could imagine where this woman was heading, so he had one less escape route. Zach wanted to go back to his studio and risk his life – one way or another, he would fall asleep, right?
And then he remembered something. He remembered Sada's words and how he hadn't seen her around, so maybe she wasn't joking when she said she was going back to her penthouse. It was safe, Zach had checked that floor himself and he definitely trusted his judgment. A sigh. If one more person started snoring, he would try this plan, no matter how desperate it sounded. Zach was desperate. It was 2am already and he had been awake since 6.
He would never risk his dog's life and, as far as he knew, pets were more sensitive to carbon monoxide poisoning. It would be much better and safer if Doom stayed there with Ember. Holding onto his jacket and pillow as if his life depended on it, Zach knocked on Sada's door. No way he was going back to the common room unless it wasn't so safe and Sada wouldn't even answer the door. But he tried again and heard a noise, which meant that she was up, and Zach almost sighed with relief, even though it didn't mean she would say anything he wanted to hear. The sound of all the locks moving and the knob turning made Zach stand more upright than his current level of energy let him, and he immediately waved his hand to stop her from closing the door without a word.
"I've been awake since 6am. Please. Let me sleep on your couch," he pleaded. "It's fucking humiliating."
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natstuart · 8 months
Dare - I dare you to endure a sleepover with Ria and Courtney (XD)
Finally, the container of chloroform under her bed can come in handy for a self-induced knockout. She'll make it as inconvenient as possible. They'll never invite her over again.
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c2-eh · 9 months
rant/vent/complain about something that bothers you and top 5 nonsports interests !!!! MWAHHHH
hiiii ria <3 idk if i have sth in particular to rant about but i will just say this. i wish people were nicer!!! nicer to each other. nicer to themselves too. i wish people were honest and stopped lying for others' sake and just said things how they are. idk. (not in f1 but in general too). also i am kinda tired of how people around me refuse to accept people can change for the better too, no matter how much you try to prove it. does any of this makes sense? idk, i don't wanna dump too much on the dash either way
ooooh great q! so my top 5 nonsports interest are:
learning languages
writing and reading
baking and cooking. sometimes, when i am in the mood
makeup (does that count lol)
sleepover saturday
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kingsholomon · 2 years
Let's forget what happened and move on (definitely didn't block ria)😊
/ask beel
Who do you like spending time with the most out of your friends and brothers?
Beel: Hmm… I like to hang out with my teammates a lot because we go to the movies and stuff late at night, sometimes even have sleepovers. It’s a good way to get away from my own family whenever they’re having screaming matches or when the energy is off. Out of my brothers though, I like to be around satan, since he’s nice to me and he always has something interesting to say.
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maximotts · 11 months
lettuce see if I can finish milf!Wanda in the 30mins I have until Ria arrives for weekend sleepover times... wish me luck gays
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okiria · 3 months
psssst okiria and 6, 7 and 15 for the before dating ask meme? (I feel like a girl gossiping at a sleepover cause im so curious omg)
(twirls my hair with my finger and kicks my feet as i lay on the end of the bed) omg so it went like this–
(first i have an obligation to post this clip)
(and NOW under cut bc this will be a lot)
6. How did you react once you realized you had feelings for them? Were you calm, stressed, in denial, etc.? Vice versa?
Ria: Ria is in touch/honest with her emotions, so she realizes it fairly soon and isn't in denial. She speedruns the 5 stages of grief about it because she's convinced that "Sougo needs a friend and I can't risk ruining that" (and ofc she doesn't want to risk losing the friendship either). Cue the typical pain of "I'm in love with my best friend" where every touch that was once casual and friendly is making your heart leap out of your chest.
Sougo: Even though Sougo is someone who wouldn't really deny himself any indulgence, I think he is so out of touch with any emotion that causes vulnerability that he just subconsciously doesn't even allow himself to consider a serious romance. Sure everyone asks him if he and Ria are dating, and maybe he'll joke about it, but he doesn't let himself seriously consider the idea of being in love. So when he DOES realize it (short retelling of this post but:) I think he's blindsided by it. That he thought he was in control this whole time, but day by day this wall he put up where he would never let his guard down again was being chipped away at. And he has very split feelings about this.
7. You’ve just come to realize you have a crush on your f/o. How was it like when you encountered them again after that? Were you able to keep your cool around them, or was it awkward? How about vice versa?
Ria: Bites her tongue a bit more, is LESS casually touchy bc she's overthinking it and now it makes her nervous!! Initially she gets over the change, realizes Sougo doesn't know she has feelings, and just goes back to business as usual (aside from the internal torment).
Sougo: (LMAO okay I need to finish the fic I was writing about this but) I think that, again he would be so overwhelmed and blindsided that he would need her to get away from him to process it. Maybe thinks "okay I need to get over this crush like Right Now Immediately" because his fear of being vulnerable outweighs the selfishness of just wanting Ria. In the end if he can't get rid of the feeling, the only way he can regain control of himself is if he just confesses.
15. Does anyone else know about your feelings for your f/o? Did they find out on their own, or did you go to them? How about vice versa? Does anyone else know about your f/o’s feelings for you?
Ria: To preface I think Ria and Kagura would have an older/younger sister relationship, especially with the shared experience of being an amanto. If Sougo and Kagura are parallels the same way Gin and Hiji are, then Ria is sort of an extension of that. Anyway Kagura knows because she just accuses them of dating, and Ria explains they're not but admits she does love him. Kagura gags and tries to convince her she can do better.
Sougo: Every damn person in Edo knows except him
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✏️ modern au with draco where you watch a movie and kiss during commercials
Sorry this took so long but here you go!
The show had suddenly become background noise as Draco and you sat on the couch, your favorite show playing on the screen and you couldn’t pay attention. All you seemed to do was focus on Draco’s thumb rubbing gently against the exposed skin on your thigh. You were sure goosebumps were littering your skin but Draco didn’t seem to notice, at least not until a commercial came on and he turned to you, a soft smile on his face and you met his eyes.
You barely lasted a second before you were pushing your lips against Draco’s, catching him off guard but not unwanted. The moment he could focus again, he was taking charge, wrapping his arm around your hip to push you back and hover over you, lips still locked together. You moaned into the kiss and ran your hands over his back, slowly easing the shirt higher and higher until it was over his head and Draco let himself fall on top you, your heavy make out session turning soft. The sound of the tv show returning came on and Draco pulled away, running a thumb gently over your lips as you breathed heavily.
“Well, that was more fun than the show.” He smirked and you let out a soft laugh, still shocked by his kiss back. He leaned back down to peck a kiss to you before settling back in his spot like nothing happened. You quirked a brow at him, silently asking him why he stopped as he gestured to the screen. “The shows back on.” He shrugged.
You, still not understanding his point, kept looking at him. “So?”
“I wanna watch it.”
“You’ve seen it already.”
“But think about it, Y/N.” He put his hand on your leg again, mindlessly swiping against your skin. “Kissing only on the commercials just makes it more special.”
“Special.” You looked at him skeptically, knowing that Draco had a point and you rolled your eyes before scooting next to him, cuddling into his side and suddenly becoming really excited for the next commercial.
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joshuas · 3 years
HELLAUR RIA congrats again you deserve it sm 🥺 if you could perhaps elaborate on some dad!wonwho thoughts please :plushed: (do not perceive me though please :maelt:) and congrats!!
hello mei <3 tysm for coming!! <333 i am perceiving u though <3
dad! wonwoo let's go <3
sleepover night (400 followers event)! let’s talk about your faves!
☆ his children are going to be the calmest and most collected people you've ever met
☆ that is to say, they will have a bit of a chaotic streak (much like their father-)
☆ the moment your kid's born, at first he's a bit tentative because there's a whole human??? with you??? but after a while, he just won't let them go </3 he's enamoured and so in love with your little family </3
☆ ok but yk when they're little toddlers, and just want to chill with their dad, and maybe he's busy playing a game or smth so he just takes them and puts them on his lap as talks them through whatever he's doing </3
☆ so now whenever he plays (if it's not violent or anything) they come and sit with him because they think their gamer dad is super cool!
☆ he loves the quiet moments with your kids - just watching them play or helping put them to sleep. he appreciates those moments best of all.
☆ definitely one to be so surprised whenever his kids grow up. like your daughter lost her first tooth? he's still reeling from when she said her first word years before.
☆ whenever the boys come around, esp after your kids are born and are still babies, he's always hovering and keeping a close eye on them and the babies bc he's protective and worried. valid - they're some of the most important people in his life </3
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+mini blurb
"i can't believe she's here." wonwoo whispered, his eyes looking softly down at your newborn, chara.
"me neither" you whispered, your chin on his shoulder, your daughter gripping onto your finger as she slept.
"i have to say, even though we barely slept last night, i could never get tired of looking at her." wonwoo sighed, softly placing her down in the cot beside your bed.
"me neither." you smiled softly at wonwoo, as he joined you on the bed again, wrapping an arm around your waist, kissing your forehead softly.
"i love you both, so much."
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thedarkestcrew · 3 years
-HC that whenever Ruby is in D.C, president Cruz asks her to baby sit Rosa and they just become besties and have sleepovers.
-like imagine them doing face masks and Ruby dropping all the teen girl slang just so Rosa can say it and teach her friends because they deserve that
- them painting each others nails and giving eachother love advice ( Ruby pretends she needs it to make Rias more comfortable about asking for it)
- oKay but like now that I'm thinking about it any of the camp girls come to Ruby for love Advice because she has a boy friend
-like????? You think she know how she got him??? he gave her socks and they just decided they were married, like what advice are you looking for?
- she reads old teen girl magazines about how to talk to boys so she can give them advice
- same with Liam honestly
-someone asked him when they started dating and he has a life crisis
- ' are... are we dating?? I didnt ask and we haven't called eachother in 2 days so as far as I know she has a boyfriend named chad and it's not me'
- wait the post is about Ruby being a role model what am I doing
- she definitely has all the important people on speed dial. AKA the president, former First Lady and creator of the Cure, everyone at her school, some of her dads cop friends so she doesn't have to call 911 and have them record things, 3 big reporters, the FBI. I mean EVERYTHING
- some one asks for her autograph and she just stares at them and looks behind her to see who they're talking too
- also she def has high level security with her and on her
- I mean she was able to get info about where a rouge red and her friend was within hours the POWER
... my mind is blank and I'm running out of ideasssssss soooo let's hope this was coherent enough
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Harry thinks Y/N and the kids forgot his birthday
(a blurb from the Flatmate Series)
A little late to the party but I hope it's good 😅
Word count: 2.2k 
It was Harry’s birthday. And he was excited.
He had been waiting for this day since the last birthday, and even though no one in his family had mentioned it in weeks, he knew they had something big for him as always.
Last year, he had woken up with a cake in the face. It wasn’t pleasant to get icing in your nostrils, but he had been so happy. The kids had made him lovely cards and his wife had made him a special breakfast. They had gone to a restaurant to celebrate with some of his close friends and the day had ended with mind-blowing sex.
He knew today would be different as Y/N and the kids tend to get creative when it came to surprises, but when he woke up and went downstairs, Y/N was running around the living room.
“Goddamn it!”
“Little Ria might have misplaced it somewhere, Mrs. Styles,” said the butler as Y/N plopped down on the sofa with her head in her hand.
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked.
“Good morning, Mr. Styles,” the butler said.
Y/N exhaled sharply as she looked up at him. “Ria took my favourite pearl necklace and now we can’t find it.”
“You have so many pretty necklaces though.”
“But I love the pearl one!” she exclaimed and got up. “Never mind. I’ll just wear something else.”
The butler nodded and told Y/N the chauffeur was waiting for her outside. He left, and Harry followed his wife into the kitchen. He felt a little let down that he didn’t wake up to a cake in his face, but he told himself they probably had other plans for him.
“The kids left for school already?” he asked, looking at the empty plates in the sink.
“Yup. They were upset that you couldn’t drive them today but I told them daddy needed a few more hours of sleep.” She pressed her lips into a smile, grabbed a banana and came to kiss his cheek.
“Wait, are you going to work now?” he asked when she headed for the door. Y/N stopped there and turned her head, arching an eyebrow.
“It’s presentation day, remember?”
No, it’s my birthday!
He gave a shrug, and she rolled her eyes. “Our clients are flying here from Italy. If this all works out, millions of dollars will flow into our bank. Wish me luck!”
“Good luck, babe!” Harry shouted once his wife had left the room.
“Have fun at work!” she said from the living room, and then he heard the front door slam shut.
He stood there for a moment to let reality sink in. So he didn’t get a surprise just yet and nobody seemed to remember his birthday. Don’t worry, he told himself, it’s all part of their plan. They want you to think so.
Taking a deep breath, he came to the fridge to get some eggs and make his own breakfast.
“Rob! Where are all the eggs?!”
The butler immediately poked his head into the room. “I forgot to tell you that Ria and Jas ate the last ones this morning.”
“One egg, Rob!” Harry aggressively lifted a finger as he clenched his jaw. “One egg is all I ask for. We have a pool and a freaking gym and there’s no egg in the fridge!”
“We have other—”
“Never mind. I’m not hungry.” He breathed and marched out of the kitchen. “Get the car ready for me in an hour.”
Harry’s assistant bought him a cake and everyone at the company threw a little party for him, which was nice. He hadn’t received a single phone call or even a birthday text from anyone else, so now he knew this wasn’t some alternate universe in which it wasn’t his birthday. Unfortunately, it didn’t make him feel any better.
He came home early that night with a bottle of wine and a big bouquet of flowers from his co-workers. He still hoped that his family had a big birthday plan for him, but just to be sure, he had to walk in with this bottle and bouquet just to remind his wife of something she might have forgotten.
For all those years they had been together, he didn’t want to believe Y/N would forget his birthday. Niall had forgotten once, but Y/N never did. So he told himself to keep his hopes up as he entered the house and said hello to Rob the butler. It was awfully quiet. His house was usually full of laughter or screams because Ria and Jasper were never quiet, but now it was as if everyone he loved had evaporated somehow.
He was relieved to find his wife in the kitchen, making dinner. She was dressed down and humming her new favourite song. At this point, he really started to believe that she didn’t remember.
“You’re home, babe!” she said happily as he placed the wine bottle on the kitchen table. “Oh my god, are those for me!”
“Thanks, love!” She grabbed the flowers from him before pulling him in for a kiss. He didn’t remember the last time he’d been this sad, but now his heart was broken.
“Where are the kids?” he asked.
“Ria’s having a sleepover with Marie from school, and Ben and Nam took Jas to the mall.”
“Oh…” The corners of his mouth lowered as his forehead puckered up.
Still ignorant, Y/N cupped his face and brushed the tips of their noses together. “I have a surprise for you.”
As soon as Harry heard those words, his eyes lit up as his heart skipped a beat. He looked around when she pulled away, expecting Ria and Jasper to jump out and scream “happy birthday, daddy” as his wife took out a big cake from the fridge. But no.
She opened the fridge door and he slumped as his heart fell to the bottom of his chest. There was no cake.
“What am I looking at?” he asked, making her chuckle.
“I bought a lot of eggs for ya! Rob said you were upset because we were out of eggs.”
“That was the surprise?!”
“Well, not really.” She shrugged and closed the fridge, still grinning from ear to ear. “I also got those Italians to sign the contract. They loved your wife’s ideas because she is a motherfucking champ!”
“I’m going to bed.”
His response made her smile drop. She raised both eyebrows. “It’s only 7 PM, dear.”
“I’m tired,” he mumbled, turning around. “It’s been a shit day anyway…”
“Okay. Good night, babe!” Y/N shouted from the kitchen as if it wasn’t obvious that Harry was upset. Though disappointed, he didn’t say anything else and headed upstairs.
He felt like that eighteen-year-old boy who got mad at his flatmate every time his feelings got hurt, even though most the time, she didn’t know what she’d done wrong. He could’ve told her, but then she would feel bad, and he didn’t want her to feel bad. But now he was feeling bad.
“Birthday my ass,” Harry mumbled to himself as he lay down and shut his eyes. He just wanted to drift off and forgot about this day, just like everyone else had.
Harry stirred awake as he heard a bang on his bedroom door. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms only to see that it was almost 9 PM.
“Jas?” he asked, but there was no answer.
He was about to lie back down when he heard a knock. The shadow outside the door moved as he took the second guess, “Y/N, is that you, honey?”
Still no answer. There was another knock and the shadow dashed away. Confused and nervous, he got out of bed and walked barefoot to the door. He thought his little son was just messing with him, but when he opened the door to the hallway, he found a piece of paper taped on the wall. It was an awkward drawing of a stickman with brown curly hair, a party hat on, and an arrow pointing to him with the word #1 DADDY.
Is it finally happening or am I dreaming? Harry thought when he saw the clues his little one had left for him. He followed the glitter sprinkled on the floor. The staircase was dark and the light switch didn’t work, so he watched his step as he carefully came downstairs.
The light came on as his friends cheered loudly. The kids jumped right on him, causing him to lose his balance and fall onto his back. It was painful, but he was too happy to bother. He burst out laughing as Ria and Jasper showered his face with kisses.
“Daddy, daddy, happy birthday!” Ria said as she and Jas took his arm and helped him sit up straight. He got back on his feet and picked Jas up while Ria was hugging his legs.
“Wow, guys.” He chuckled, shaking his head and looking at everyone. All the people he loved were there in his living room, and Y/N emerged from the kitchen with a birthday cake.
“I made the cake, daddy!” Jas told him.
“Liar! Mummy did!” Ria scolded her brother, making everyone laugh.
“I helped!” Jas pouted. “Ria wasted so many eggs that mummy had to buy some more!”
Ria rolled her eyes and tugged at Harry’s shirt so he would look at her. “The cake is ugly but it’s delicious, daddy. I tasted it five minutes ago!”
“Aww, my loves,” Harry said as he pretended to sob and the kids immediately hugged him.
“Daddy, don’t cry!”
“We love you!”
Y/N cleared her throat to get his attention. He looked up and saw her holding up the cake with a smirk. “I know you hate the birthday song, so just make a wish. My hands are dying.”
Smiling, he kissed her forehead and shut his eyes to make a wish before blowing out the candle. He had the same wish every year, it was for their family to always be together and happy like this. He guessed it always came true.
“Did you think we forgot your birthday?” Niall asked.
“I did forget!” Trix raised her hand, making the others groan and facepalm themselves.
“Well, I was going to send you a birthday message before Y/N added me to the group chat,” Liam said.
“Group chat?” Harry looked at his wife, who tightened her arms around his waist.
“Yup, Niall, Layla, and I have been planning this day since two weeks ago,” she said.
“We were supposed to be here when you got home, but someone,” Ben shot Layla a glare, “made the rest of us delay the plan so she wouldn’t miss the party.”
“Excuse me!” Layla gasped as she flipped her hair over her shoulder, “I was in Milan, my flight got delayed. I couldn’t teleport here.”
“You went to Milan?!” Ria brightened. “Did you buy anything for me, aunt Layla?”
“Ria!” Y/N scolded the little girl who crossed her arms and pouted, but when Layla winked at her, she punched the air in excitement.
Harry chuckled as he pulled his wife close and pecked her on the cheek.
“Were you upset when you thought we didn’t remember?” she asked.
“No, not at all,” he said. It was obviously a lie. Y/N knew it, but she didn’t ask and laid her head on his shoulder.
“Daddy, I wanna show you my present!”
“Me too!”
Harry put Jas down so he could race his sister into the kitchen. They returned a minute later, all out of breath, each holding a different item. Harry got down on his knees as Jas came up to him with a little card with silly doodles on it.
“Happy Birbday! Best...dab in the word,” he read the misspelt words written in capital letters, making everyone ‘aww’ed and Jas scrunched up his face as he turned to Ria, who was tittering into her palm.
“You lied to me! You said it was correct!”
“My turn!” Ria ignored her brother and stepped forward to give Harry a colourful pearl necklace. It took him a moment to realise she had coloured each pearl with a different colour.
“Is that--” Y/N froze for a second. “Is that my pearl necklace?”
“No, your pearl necklace has pearls’ colour! This one has rainbow colours!” Ria said as she hid behind Harry’s back to avoid her mother’s rage, but Y/N only exhaled into her palm and gave her husband a smile.
Harry turned back to Ria as he put the necklace on and did a funny pose. “How do I look?”
“Prettier than mummy!” Ria threw her hands in the air, making Y/N scoff and playfully hit her bum.
“Gosh, this is so cute.” Niall turned to his wife. “I expect more than this for my birthday.”
“You already have me,” Layla said, not looking at him. “I’m the best present you could ever have.”
Seeing the look on Niall’s face, Nam dissolved into laughter and patted the poor guy on the back. “At least you tried, mate. At least you tried.”
“Can we pop the champagne now?” Louis asked and everybody cheered. Ria immediately rushed to Layla to ask about Milan, while Jas wasted not time to grab a plate and wait for Gemma to get him a piece of cake.
Harry turned back to his wife, holding her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you so much. I can’t say it enough, love.”
“I have one more present for you,” she mumbled against his lips, trailing her finger across his chest. “I can’t wait for you to ‘unwrap’ it in the bedroom.”
“Fuck. I can’t wait.” He chuckled, kissing her throat. This was by far the best birthday ever.
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starbuckie · 4 years
Some Quarantine Lovin’  Chapter 1: A Phone Call
Marvel Highschool! AU
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Obscene amounts of fluff, kissing, swearing, kinda a lot of angst
Description: Bucky Barnes is absolutely, no doubt about it, in love with Y/N L/N. He’s loved her since the day he laid eyes on her in the third grade. He loved her when he had his own girlfriend, and when he was barely friends with her for a whole summer. And of course, in his freshman year, they are now stuck together. In a house. During a worldwide quarantine. This should be fun.
Words: 2,272 words
A/N: Hey y’all, I’m back. Here’s the new and improved chapter, because the last one was a but messed up. Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs, they mean so much to me. I’ve been having a lot of fun writing this series, and I’m excited for the rest of the series. I’ll probably be posting weekly, so thanks for sticking with me. 
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Y/N walked into the office, pep in her step and a huge smile on her face. Dear God, she hoped her parents said yes. Her parents loved Bucky a lot, they always told him every chance they could, but she didn’t know if they would even allow this. She took a deep breath, and looked into the eyes of the administrative assistant at the desk. “Hey Mr. Coulson, how are you this morning?” Y/N asked.
“Y/N, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Phil,” Phil chuckled, “you’re making me feel so old!”
“Sorry Phil,” she replied, “could I call my mom real quick?” Though she had a phone herself, her school’s cell service was absolute crap, and her phone refused to connect to the wifi, bringing her to the office to use the school phone. She usually tried to avoid the office at all costs, but this call meant everything to her. 
“Sure, what for?” This is where she knew it would get tricky. If it was anything besides an injury, illness, or being sent home, the office would not allow her to call home. They were strict like that.
So, without any other choice, she lied. “I’m not feeling too good right now. My head hurts so much, and it's pounding a lot.” She put on her best show of weakness.
Phil frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want any Advil? I think it’ll help your head feel better.” He moved his hand to his desk drawer and started to open it.
“Actually, it’s my head and my stomach. They both don’t feel good. And I hurt my foot. A lot.” She knew she was laying it on thick, but she leaned on her right foot to make it seem as if she couldn’t bear to put pressure on the other. Phil knew something was up, but he only narrowed his eyes and nodded.
“The extension is a one before the area code.” He said, but she was already fake-limping as fast as she could to the room next door. 
“Thanks Phil!” She yelled back. Y/N made it to the door, opened it, and peered inside to make sure the lounge was empty. Once she knew she was in the clear, she rushed to the phone to dial her mom’s work number in. Pressing it to her ear, it ringed a few times, until she heard the static and her mom’s voice.
“Hello there, Mary L/N, how can I help you?” Her mom’s cheery voice made her calm down a bit, but then she remembered her mission.  
“Hey mom, it’s me Y/N” 
“Oh hey sweetie, what’s up?”
Y/N decided to try and get this out fast to lessen the blow. “Y’know Bucky, right?”
Her mom’s chuckle was heard through the phone. “Of course, he’s been your friend since the third grade.”
“And how he’s living with his dad and Becca alone?” Her mom’s hum of agreement prompted her to say her next words. “I was wondering if Bucky and Becca could stay here during quarantine. And, before you say anything, I know that you’re gonna say we don’t have any supplies, but we do! We still have the baby crib for Becca, and Bucky can just stay in my room like normal, and it’ll be like a sleepover. A very long sleepover.” Y/N winced at the awkward phrasing of her last few words.
She could hear her mom’s sigh through the phone, and the thoughts running around in her head. “But, even with all that, and I really hate to bring this up too, what are we gonna do about money? We’ll have to buy resources for not three, but six people.” Y/N’s shoulders slumped at her words, and she exhaled through her nose deeply. 
Suddenly, like a godsend, she got a text from her sister. Thank whatever god is watching over cell phone service to allow them to receive this text, she thought as she read it. 
“Hey mom, Ria just texted, she’s staying with her boyfriend for quarantine.” She was sure her mom could hear the huge smile through her voice, but in the moment she didn’t care. Y/N was desperate for her mom to agree, because she knew that he and his sister wouldn’t be safe. Bucky would always be her priority, even if he didn’t love her back the same way. “Mom, I know that this is huge, but we used to have him over for weeks at a time. This will be the same. If you need me to, I can use all the money that I made over the summer, I can pay for Becca’s food, and the formula, and oh god, what else does a baby need-”
She was abruptly interrupted by her mom. “You will be owing me big time. Your dad is going to murder me.” Y/N grinned widely at her mom's words. She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t fucking believe it. Her mom was allowing this. Bucky would be safe. Becca would be safe. “Before you go off running to talk to Buck, I should tell you to tell him that I need to voice a few concerns and rules.”
“Okay mom, thank you so, so much. I appreciate this so much, and I know Bucky and Becca will too. I’m gonna go tell him right now.”
“You’re welcome. God, I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Mrs. L/N wasn’t upset about it, no, she was ecstatic to get the Barnes children away from their asshole of a father, but she was going to get to care for them for however long the shelter and place would be going on. “Stop by the Barnes’ house and grab Becca and their things before you get home okay? Unless Mr. Barnes is there, then come straight home and I’ll go with you. You should also leave a note, if you can go inside.”
“You got it, mom. Again, thank you so, so much for this, but I gotta go back to the library to meet Steve and Buck. I love you tons!” Y/N said hurriedly. She was bursting with excitement to get her two favorite people away from their dad, and a month of spending time with her best guy friend that she happened to be in love with just added to it. 
“I love you so much, Y/N. See you after school.” As soon as her mom hung up, she bolted. She didn’t care if Mr. Coulson saw and questioned her, nor did she care that she was shoving people in the halls and being a large disruption. Y/N burst through the doors of the library, eyes scanning around the room for her two friends. She spotted Steve talking to the librarian, probably about another spelling error he found in the book he was reading. Another time, she would have made fun of him for it, but she marched straight up to him with a determined look.
“Where’s Buck?” She asked. Y/N must have looked slightly insane and menacing with her windswept hair and slightly ruffled shirt, because her tall blond friend looked downright terrified of her. With wide eyes, he pointed to a couch where Bucky sat with his headphones in and watched a video on a school laptop. She nodded towards Steve in thanks, and dashed off to Bucky. As she approached him, she tried to also figure out the best way to say this. Oh god, what if he’s mad? I didn’t ask if this was okay with him.
The shadow that fell over Bucky gave him the notice that someone was near. His blue eyes looked up and met her gaze. “Hey doll.” He took one more glance at her appearance (not like he didn’t stare at her regularly), and asked, “Did you happen to get caught in a tornado in your hurry to your destination?” They both chuckled, but he could also feel the nervousness and excitement radiating off her. “In all seriousness, what’s up?”
She opened her mouth then closed it. “I need to talk to you. Just you and me. Even though, if you agree to this, the rest of the gang’s gonna find out anyway.”
“Now I’m a little scared, what's happening?”
She took a deep breath.”Well, after you mentioned it earlier, I was reminded that during quarantine, you’d be staying with your dad alone.” Y/N knew it was a little difficult for Bucky to talk about his family, so she decided to break it down slowly to him, even though her nerves were rattling. “And I hate the idea of you and baby Becca staying there, because… y’know.” He nodded his head in understanding, and you got the courage to continue. “Well, I talked to my mom, and she said that you could stay with us. For the quarantine. As long as you need. We love you so much Buck, and so if you wanna, you can stay with us.”
Bucky stared at her with wide eyes, in shock, but soon enough they started to get glassy. God, he couldn’t believe that she would think of him for over break. Y/N was the most selfless and caring person he knew, and he was just in awe of her. He stood up and grasped the girl for a tight hug. His face hid in the crook of her neck, because he was trying so hard not to let anyone see his tears, but he was having trouble controlling the sobs that wracked his body. Thank God they were in the corner of the library with the couches, so no one could see him. Y/N’s hands ran soothingly up his back, and it stayed that way for a few minutes until Bucky finally looked back up at her. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” 
She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “I would throw myself in front of a moving car for you Buck, okay? Never tell Tasha, but you’re my best friend. I’ll love you forever.” Her arms tightened around his waist again, and his heart was filled with relief and love. “After school we’ll swing by your house and if your father’s not home we’ll grab Becca, your stuff, leave a note for your dad, and go to my place, sound good?”
His heartbeat immediately increased its rate. And there’s the panic. “But what if he is home, Y/N? I don’t wanna leave Becca by herself for any longer than she has to be. And do you have any baby stuff? Or food? She has to have formula, and her food needs to be in this weird food processor thing, I don’t know what it’s called, and oh god-”
“Bucky!” She cut him off with a giggle and a hand over his mouth, which he would’ve probably found hot, had he not been freaking out. “Me and Ria were once babies, we have stuff to take care of Becca. My mom knows all the products she uses, and we have the crib from the last time you came over. And if your dad is home, then we’ll just take Becca with us to my house and have my mom drive us back to yours to get your stuff, so she’ll know we’re okay. We’ll be okay James.” Y/N stared at him dead in the eye, so he knew she was serious. She never, ever used his first name unless she was being earnest. 
He nodded. “We’ll be okay Y/N.” He released her from the hug, not wanting to make it awkward, but he regretted it, as he loved holding her in his arms. Looking to his left, he could see Steve bounding over to them.
“Ms. Moore said I need to stop talking to her about the typos and mistakes in the books, it’s like she’s completely unaffected by the flaws!” He exclaimed, but then he noticed the tears still resting on Bucky’s cheeks. “Hey Buck, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just Y/N offered to let me and Becca stay at her house for quarantine.” He sniffled and wiped the cuff of his sweatshirt against his face, looking to Y/N to find her already looking at him. Her small smile grew a little wider catching his eye, and she motioned toward the couch. 
“Let’s get down to work y’all.” The trio sat down on the small couch, Y/N squished in between the two boys. Bucky placed his headphones back on, resuming the video from before, but not really paying attention. No, he was paying more attention to the girl at his side, resting her head on his shoulder as she typed away on her laptop. She managed to be the only one who completed any actual work during their free periods, but she always kept time open to have fun with her friends as well. Bucky couldn’t help but have his lips quirked up at her, leaning back to relax against the cushions.
He turned his head towards her, and whispered in a barely audible voice, “Thank you Y/N.” She looked up at him with her infamous smile and kissed him on the cheek.
“Anytime, Buck.” She turned back to her computer, plugging her earbuds in and softly humming to her music. Her head moved to his chest, and Bucky prayed that she couldn’t hear how fast his heart was thumping, filled with adoration and love. God, how he would love this girl for the rest of his life.
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