love-revised · 1 year
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Love is not pie. You won't run out. Love is Pi. Real, irrational, and never-ending. Happy Pi Day, Love Rebels! loverevised.org Skilled alternative relationship coaching.
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walkawayinsin · 1 year
Dear monogamous people
Before you start dating a non-monogamous consider this: We're not your go-to when you're single. We're not into casual automatically. It's not always about the sex - doesn't even have to involve sex overall. It's about connecting. It's about love. It's about the freedom to love.
Being interested isn't enough. You need to understand your own responsibility when you're dating someone who isn't monogamous.
Dating with the purpose to convert someone from non-monogamy to monogamy is as bad as if we were forcing non-monogamy on you guys.
Be clear about your intentions, your boundaries, your view on the relationship. Communication is the key.
If you've had bad experience with non-monogamy reconsider how much it affects you in the present situation. Are you truly desiring to try out non-monogamy again (knowing the situation might be different) or are you just purely ignorant about it at the moment because you're on cloud nine? Falling in love with someone doesn't equal you're practically going to work as a couple. Just because they are poly it doesn't mean that they're okay with simply cuddling and sex.
Don't date or even be involved with non-monogamous if you can't handle their choice of relationship-lifestyle. We deserve commitment, respect and honesty as much as monogamous counterparts.
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throuplesdating · 2 months
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Monogamish relationships are neither fully monogamous nor fully non-monogamous. The way it works is that, occasionally, the partners open the relationship up to another person, or multiple people. This is often a way of meeting sexual needs rather than for establishing an emotional connection with others.
This makes securely attached people more likely to feel emotionally secure and satisfied in their intimate relationships. They’re comfortable being in a couple, but also secure enough to be by themselves.
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relationshipsafecute · 5 months
"You are killing US with YOUR jealousy"
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So far I have enlightened the world with my thoughts on jealousy and self-esteem. I want to clear up any misunderstandings that may have some male people thinking that I am targeting only women here. Jealousy and self-esteem issues also can imprison men as well as women. No one is excused from real human emotions. Emotions know no face, color, size or gender. There are two victims here, not just one.
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I also feel that I have neglected to reveal how the other party involved in a relationship that suffers from jealousy or self-esteem issues also suffers.
A relationship is a partnership. It is a commitment made between two people, in that we will stand by each other through thick and thin. Unfortunately, when it is a jealousy issue, both parties are effected. We tend to focus on the person that is trapped in the prison of worry, more than the other person that is caught in the line of fire, partly because we need to free that side first, then we can help heal the other.
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Well I am now going to share that persons prison of hell as well.
To be accused and mistrusted by the one you love is a hardship and a definite pain that one cannot bear for a long time. They eventually either walk away or take a stand and call out to you, (the attacker) to please stop; to please listen to what you are saying and accusing them of.
Time after time they try so hard to reassure you that they do love you and that they are not interested nor lusting for anyone else. When they try to tell you that it is all in your mind, they risk getting attacked more for defense. It is no doubt a vicious circle. They become paranoid that no matter where they are, you are already convinced that they have betrayed you in some way. They wait for the shoe to drop. Some times it takes a few days, some times it drops immediately. Never the less they have to sit by and worry about when it will drop. They fear that this time they will not be able to say the right thing. They fear we will get even more depressed and irrational with what they say to us. They begin to feel, "damned if they do, and damned if they don`t". I personally hate that feeling. To think that I myself would put someone in that position makes me want to run away faster than Forrest Gump.
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The neglect you put on that person through your jealous insecurities is as real to them as your feelings of being trapped in your prison of doubt. There are many scenarios as to why jealousy rises up inside people, but for the innocent ones that really do not ever do anything to trigger that fear inside you, they are the innocent victims. People that have come to the point of identifying their issues and have began to deal with them, please remember the other person that is there with you. They too need special attention, because they have shared your fears and your pain. In a much different way, never the less, they still ache. Jealousy can destroy so many good things in ones lives. It can destroy our mate, through you, it kills the one thing that you love deeply. The worst part about it is, that you allow it. You must stop. Would you take a gun and shoot your mate? NOT!! So then why are you allowing this emotion to torture what is so dear to you? I repeat, as long as your mate is not responsible for your fears or if they have made amends and are trying to make things better, then please understand their pain of being mistrusted. When they see you in pain and they are being told it is because of them, they crumble. Your mate loves you as much as you love them, and to feel they are responsible for your trapped feelings eats them up inside. To see you smile and feel totally loved makes them feel good about themselves in that they are responsible for that smile. That is a good feeling all the way around.
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Also be careful not to fall into that habit of being unhappy through jealous feelings. Understand where they are coming from. Are you using them as a reason to get attention? Again, a wrong kind of attention. If you cannot get the right attention you feel you are lacking, then talk to your partner. Do not let jealous emotions take over and confuse what you really are trying to say. Any weakness in your mind is a direct route for negative feelings to travel through. Once they get there, they work very quickly at bringing you down. So be aware of what exactly you are feeling.
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I hope that I have at least opened up some thoughts in your minds as to what else is going on in a relationship that is plagued by jealousy. Both sides are equally being torchered and killed. We need to LIVE, LOVE & LAUGH more often with each other. Oh and lets not forget my favorite thing to do…HUGGGGGG!!!!
One thought from my heart to yours:
Say this outloud:
"I am always ready to risk. I am always ready to learn. I am always ready to test my strength, and so I put my worries aside and just live!"
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queerineverysense · 3 months
🌈 Celebrating 10 years since coming out - my first step toward authenticity! 🎉 
Join me in reflecting on the intricate dance of love, pain, and self-discovery that shaped my journey. From overcoming trauma to evolving identities, this milestone marks a decade of growth. 🌱✨ Dive into the blog post – a heartfelt account of turning points, supportive networks, and the power of self-reflection. Let's inspire each other on the path to authenticity! 🌟
Visit Coming Out Journey: Navigating a Decade of Love, Self-Discovery, and Resilience - Queer In Every Sense for the full article and take a look at our other content (advocacy, art, fiction, poetry, and entertainment reviews).💖 
✨ Your support means the world! 🌈 If my journey resonates with you, give it a ❤️ and share your thoughts below. Let's create a space for connection and authenticity. Have your own story to share? Drop it in the comments – I'd love to hear from you! 🌟💬
Special Thank You to the content creators who have helped me along the way! We may not know each other personally, but you have absolutely impacted my life and I will forever be grateful for your vulnerability and content.
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awellreadman · 3 months
One of the most valuable tings we learn from open sexual lifestyles is that our programming about love, intimacy, and sex can be rewritten. - Janet W. Hardy & Dossie Easton
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relationshipsafe · 5 months
How relationship work ?
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Relationships are complex and multifaceted, and there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to how they work. However, there are some fundamental principles that often contribute to healthy and fulfilling relationships:
There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
Communication: Open and honest communication is crucial. It involves not only expressing your own thoughts and feelings but also actively listening to your partner. Effective communication helps build understanding and trust.
Mutual Respect: Respecting each other's opinions, boundaries, and autonomy is vital. Healthy relationships thrive on a foundation of mutual respect, where both individuals feel valued and appreciated.Trust: There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
Trust is the cornerstone of any strong relationship. It takes time to build and can be easily damaged. Being reliable, keeping promises, and demonstrating integrity help nurture trust.Compromise:
Relationships often require compromise. Finding middle ground on various aspects, such as decision-making, activities, and future plans, helps maintain balance and harmony. There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
Support: Being supportive of each other's goals, aspirations, and challenges strengthens the bond. Whether it's emotional, moral, or practical support, knowing that your partner has your back fosters a sense of security.
Quality Time: Spending quality time together is essential. This doesn't always mean grand gestures; even small, regular moments of connection contribute to relationship health. There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
Individual Growth: Allowing each other room for personal growth and pursuing individual interests is crucial. Healthy relationships encourage individual development alongside shared experiences.
Shared Values: While differences can be enriching, having shared values and goals helps create a sense of unity and alignment in the relationship.
Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are inevitable, but how they are handled matters. Constructive conflict resolution involves addressing issues calmly, actively listening to each other, and finding solutions together. There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
Intimacy: Intimacy goes beyond physical aspects and includes emotional, intellectual, and spiritual connections. Cultivating intimacy requires vulnerability, trust, and a willingness to be open with each other . It's important to recognize that relationships require effort and continuous attention. They evolve, and adaptability is key. Additionally, every relationship is unique, so what works for one couple may not work for another. Understanding and respecting each other's needs and differences is integral to a successful and lasting relationship. If challenges arise, seeking the guidance of a relationship counselor or therapist can provide valuable support. There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
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relationshipsure09 · 5 months
Simple Words & Phrases That Capture His Heart
New video reveals how to speak your man in a language that touches a primal inner part of his mind and become a constant source of excitement, interest, and pursuit for him.
You'll discover how to understand him on a deep emotional level, and how the subtle things you say affect him much more than you might think.
When you know how to do this, you'll be able to deeply connect with a man, and powerfully attract him.
Click Here To Watch The Video Now!
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relationship7022 · 9 months
Building Your Confidence in Dating Women
When it comes to dating (or even seducing) a woman, confidence is vital. Women often equate “self confidence” with the ability to be successful. While many men believe that women look for successful men because they’re likely to make more money, that’s simply not true.
While it’s a given, women actually look for successful men because they’re more likely to be satisfied. So you may be wondering what a man being satisfied has to do with anything. Let me explain. You see, women know that men who are satisfied with themselves are less likely to go out looking for someone to satisfy them and are more stable.
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And in a relationship that means a man will be less likely to cheat, or change jobs frequently or get himself into any number of other compromising situations. Remember that most women are looking for a man who will be their partner as well as their lover.
Not only do they want a partner when it comes to things like companionship, decision-making and finances, but in the bedroom, as well. In order to effectively seduce a woman you must make her feel as though you’re both equals.
When it comes to confidence, it seems there are two kinds of people - those who have it and others who simply don’t. Although on the surface this may be true, everyone has the potential to be “self confident”, or motivated if you would like to call it.
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Take heart in knowing that you’re a good person, smart, funny, good at your job, loving, considerate or whatever else you find to be positive character traits that you have. Be comforted to know that NOT all women are looking for a CEO or brain surgeon. They just want a man who’s confident with who he is, what he knows and what he has to offer to a relationship with them! l
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relationshiptec · 9 months
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The Missing Link In Every Relationship
Sex? Communication? Romantic Dates?
All these things are important, but a breakthrough new video reveals the surprising factor that can make ALL the difference in a relationship and few, if any women (or men) are even aware of it!
The key is understanding men on a deep emotional level, and how the subtle things you say to a man affect him much more than you might think.
If you're frustrated with your man going cold, losing interest, or pulling away, then this video is a must watch:
Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You. Click link below pic
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relationship21 · 1 year
Everything you need to know about maintaining strong and healthy relationships whether you're married, dating,online dating, relationships, romance,
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love-revised · 1 year
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Let's talk polyamory lingo! Paramour= my partner. Metamour= my partner's partner. Telemour= my meta's partner.
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womensecretinfo · 1 year
How To Be an Adult in Relationships
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In today's generation, we usually asked this to ourselves, 'how to be an adult in relationships'. Growing up, we learn many things about life, relationships, and responsibilities. Being an adult means taking ownership of our actions and making informed decisions. Relationships are an essential aspect of life, and handling them with maturity and responsibility is crucial. This article will discuss how to be an adult in relationships and some tips to help you navigate them successfully. Communication Is Key Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. It is the process of exchanging thoughts, ideas, and feelings between two individuals. Effective communication involves both speaking and listening actively. Communicating clearly, honestly, and respectfully with your partner is essential. Without communication, misunderstandings can arise, and conflicts can escalate. When communicating, it is crucial to be aware of your tone, body language, and non-verbal cues. Acknowledging your partner's perspective and being open to feedback are also important. Communication is not just about expressing your own needs and desires but also about understanding your partner's. It is crucial to have regular check-ins and discuss any concerns or issues that may arise. When communication is open and honest, it can build trust, respect, and intimacy in a relationship. Effective communication takes practice and effort, but it is a skill that can be developed and improved upon over time. So, we can proudly say that, on asking 'how to be an adult in relationships, communication is the major thing to work upon. Respect Boundaries Respecting boundaries is crucial in any healthy relationship. Boundaries are limits that define what acceptable and unacceptable behavior in a relationship is. Everyone has their boundaries, and it is essential to respect them to build trust and mutual respect. Communicating your boundaries clearly and respectfully is crucial, as listening to and acknowledging your partner's boundaries. It is also important to understand that boundaries can change over time and to be willing to adapt to them. Respecting boundaries can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts and promote a sense of safety and security in a relationship. It is also essential to respect your partner's privacy and personal space and to avoid crossing their boundaries without permission. When boundaries are respected, it can lead to a healthier, more fulfilling relationship. Take Responsibility Taking responsibility is a critical aspect of how to be an adult in relationships. It means being accountable for your actions and decisions and taking ownership of your mistakes. When you take responsibility, you acknowledge the impact of your actions on others and take steps to make things right. This can include apologizing, making amends, and taking corrective action. It is important to avoid blaming others or making excuses, as this can damage trust and respect in a relationship. Taking responsibility also means being proactive and taking action to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. This can involve setting boundaries, communicating clearly, and being honest and transparent with your partner. Taking responsibility shows you are mature and trustworthy and can help build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship. Prioritize Your Partner Prioritizing your partner is essential for a healthy and successful relationship. It means putting your partner's needs and desires at the forefront of your mind and showing them that they are important to you. This can include spending quality time together, being present and attentive, and actively listening to their concerns and thoughts. It is also important to prioritize their feelings and well-being and to be supportive and empathetic when they are going through difficult times. Prioritizing your partner also means being willing to make sacrifices and compromises for the sake of the relationship and being open to feedback and constructive criticism. When you prioritize your partner, it helps build trust, intimacy, and a sense of security. Ultimately, prioritizing your partner involves finding a healthy balance for both of you. It shows that you are committed to the relationship and willing to invest time and energy to make it work. However, it is also important to balance your needs and desires with your partner's and maintain independence and self-care. Be Open-Minded Being open-minded is crucial to being an adult in any dynamic relationship. It means considering new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, even if they differ from your own. Being open-minded involves actively listening to your partner and being curious about their thoughts and feelings. It also means being open to feedback and constructive criticism and being willing to change your behavior or opinions based on new information. Being open-minded can help to build empathy, understanding, and respect in a relationship. It can also help to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, as it allows you to see things from your partner's point of view. However, being open-minded does not mean compromising your values or beliefs. Maintaining a sense of self and communicating your thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully are important. When you are open-minded, it helps to create a sense of growth and learning in the relationship and strengthens the connection between you and your partner. Work through Conflict Working through conflict is a critical aspect of being an adult in relationships. Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, and it is essential to have the skills and strategies to resolve it effectively. The first step in resolving conflict is communicating clearly and respectfully with your partner. Listening actively and acknowledging your partner's feelings and perspective is important. It is also crucial to avoid blaming, attacking, or criticizing your partner, as this can escalate the conflict and damage the relationship. Instead, focus on finding a mutually agreeable solution that meets your needs. This may involve compromise, negotiation, or problem-solving. It is also important to take responsibility for your role in the conflict and to apologize if necessary. Working through conflict can be challenging and requires patience, empathy, and a willingness to learn and grow. However, when conflict is resolved effectively, it can help to strengthen the relationship, build trust and respect, and promote a sense of intimacy and connection. Take Care of Yourself Taking care of yourself is essential to being an adult in relationships. It means prioritizing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being to be present, engaged, and supportive in your relationships. This involves making time for self-care activities that help you to recharge and reduce stress, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends and family. It also means setting boundaries and saying no when needed to avoid burnout or over-commitment. Taking care of yourself also involves being aware of your own needs and feelings, and being willing to communicate them to your partner. This can prevent resentment and promote a sense of mutual respect and understanding. It is also important to be proactive about seeking help when needed, whether from a therapist, support group or trusted friend or family member. Taking care of yourself can help create a healthier, more fulfilling relationship, as you can bring your best self to the partnership. Learn to Compromise Learning to compromise is a crucial aspect of being an adult in relationships. Compromise means finding a mutually agreeable solution that meets the needs of both partners, even if it means making some sacrifices or adjustments. Compromise involves actively listening to your partner's perspective and being willing to give and take. It requires a willingness to be flexible, adaptable, and open to different possibilities and options. Compromise can involve small decisions, such as where to go for dinner, and more significant ones, such as where to live or how to raise children. It is important to approach compromise with a positive attitude and a desire to find a solution that works for both partners. It is also important to avoid compromising your core values or beliefs, as this can lead to resentment or a sense of loss of self. Instead, focus on finding creative solutions that meet both of your needs and promote a sense of mutual respect and understanding. When you learn to compromise, it can help to create a sense of balance and harmony in the relationship and can help to build trust and intimacy between you and your partner. Trust and be Trustworthy Trust is a critical aspect of being an adult in relationships. It involves having confidence in your partner's honesty, reliability, and integrity and feeling secure in the relationship. Building and maintaining trust requires both partners to be trustworthy and demonstrate trust in each other. Being trustworthy means keeping your promises, reliability, and honesty, even when difficult. It means being transparent about your actions and intentions and avoiding behaviors that may erode trust, such as lying or hiding information. Being trustworthy also involves respecting your partner's boundaries and being sensitive to their feelings and needs. Trustworthiness is not built overnight but requires consistent effort and commitment from both partners. Trust is a two-way street, and both partners must work to earn and maintain it. It is also important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings and concerns related to trust and to be willing to work through any issues. Trust in a relationship can promote a sense of safety, security, and intimacy and help strengthen the connection between partners. In other words, expectations in a relationship come through trust & trustworthiness from both sides. Keep The Spark Alive Keeping the spark alive is an important aspect of being an adult in relationships. It means expressing your love and appreciation for them, sharing your hopes and dreams, and supporting their goals and aspirations. It means consciously maintaining the passion, intimacy, and connection in your relationship, even as time goes by. This can involve a variety of strategies, such as making time for date nights or weekend getaways, trying new activities or hobbies together, or surprising your partner with thoughtful gestures or gifts. It also means intentionally maintaining physical intimacy and affection, such as kissing, hugging, or holding hands. Keeping the spark alive also requires ongoing communication and a willingness to be vulnerable with your partner. It is important to avoid taking your partner for granted or falling into a routine, as this can lead to boredom or a sense of disconnection. Instead, be creative and spontaneous, and make a conscious effort to nurture your relationship regularly. When you keep the spark alive, it can help to create a sense of excitement, joy, and fulfillment in your relationship and can help to deepen the bond between you and your partner. Conclusion In conclusion, being an adult in relationships means taking responsibility, communicating openly, prioritizing your partner, and taking care of yourself. It requires a willingness to compromise, respect boundaries, and constructively work through conflict. It also involves being open-minded and trustworthy and consciously trying to keep the spark alive in your relationship. By embracing these principles and committing to ongoing growth and development, you can create a healthy, fulfilling relationship that brings joy, love, and support into your life. Relationships require effort and commitment, but the rewards are well worth it. So, take a deep breath, step into your adult self, and start building the relationship you deserve. Read the full article
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5 Irresistible Ways To Make Women Fall For You
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"I don't get it!…"
"I've a nice car. I'm accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even wear the latest Armani! Why doesn't she flip for me? Why am I always alone??"
How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question?
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The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill hearts and unrequited love.If you think you're unique in your loneliness, think again. There is enough dashboard pounding out there to start a global orchestra of dire distress.
But don't despair. Before you spin out of control, deploy the airbags fast. These strategic maneuvers should cruise you back on track:
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1) Dress to Kill - all the time: No I don't intend that you wear $5000 suits to the grocers or the Rolex to walk the dog. What I want you to do is is to dress decently each time you hit the streets. Dab on some cologne. Be neatly shaven. Gentlemen, women are everywhere. If you dress with flash only at the bar or the party, you're missing out on 95% of eligible women. Some of the best relationships were forged during chance encounters at the bus stop.
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2) Bedroom Eyes - When exploring new relationships with that sexy stranger, intensify the eye contact. Lock deep into her pupils. Let the rest of the world disappear even as a horde of supermodels troop by. You will naturally thrill her with the attention as she experiences the tendrils of growing attraction. Ethnologists have a term for it, the copulatory gaze. Get your eyes even sexier by enlargening your pupils; Dr. Hess concluded that dilated pupils are far far more attractive to women. How does one get the pupils popping? Simply gaze at the most alluring parts of a woman's face and fill your mind with loving caring thoughts. Your pupils naturally grow, endowing you with irresistible eyes.
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3) Visual Caress - Get your eyes to do some facial travelling as you chat. Linger a bit on the nose, traipse across those lashes and rest upon the lips. Drink in her facial features as though you were admiring the Mona Lisa. She will delight in the attention!
4) Easter Eggs - Stumped at having nothing to say? Listen carefully for easter eggs as you talk. These are unusual words or phrases that she utters. Ask her to expound on it. Say "What's the story behind that?" or "How do you feel about that?". Women love to be probed for their opinions and their feelings.Gently bring out her emotions with sensitive open-ended questions.
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5) Keep it Adrenaline Charged - Men talk facts: stock figures, bill payments, and boring engine specs. Women are different. They delight in FEELINGS TALK: how the new dress takes them to 7th heaven, how that special meal got them all giddy with ecstasy, how their shopping expedition drains their deepest problems away. Leverage this by steering away from facts talk. Pick out emotionally charged subjects and ask her how she especially relates to them. You'll be her new confidant!
I know what you're thinking. It's all common sense! That's true, but ask yourself this: how many of you actually practice this? Be honest.
Get out there and be the man women loves. Use your common sense!
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relationshipsafecute · 5 months
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queerineverysense · 5 months
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Hey there! I'm Kaley Regner (xey/xem/xeir), and I'm stoked to be the founder and CEO of Queer In Every Sense.
My journey of authenticity kicked off in 2014 when I came out for the first time. Since then, it's been a wild ride of self-discovery, full of twists and turns that has led me to fully embrace my true identity. Today, I stand proud as a queer, demisexual, trans, gendervoid person. But that's not all! I'm also a relationship anarchist, and I embrace my neurodivergence. Additionally, I navigate life with mental illness and a physical disability.
On top of all that, I wear many hats and have a bunch of passions! I'm an entrepreneur and activist, driven to make a difference in the world. I'm a nature lover who finds solace and inspiration in the great outdoors. When I'm not busy building Queer In Every Sense, you'll probably find me exploring new places as an avid traveler, or maybe even practicing some data science wizardry.
But hey, there's more to me than just labels. I'm a family member, a loyal friend, and a proud dog parent. My empathic nature makes me a compassionate and non-judgemental listener, and if you're looking for some positive vibes or a bit of magic, I'm just a little bit witchy too.
At the core of all these facets of my life is an unwavering commitment to living openly, honestly, and authentically. My hope in all things is to create a safe and welcoming space for everyone I encounter, encouraging them to embrace their true selves as well.
I can't wait to share my story with you—past, present, and future. We'll start with some written content on the website, and I'm also working on bringing you a podcast and video-based goodies soon. And who knows? Maybe we'll expand into art and print-based merch down the road!
If any of my content resonates with you, I'm available as a life coach. Additionally, I offer Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion consulting for businesses aiming to be more inclusive and welcoming to folks like me.
Together, let's create a community where authenticity thrives, and where we celebrate the beauty of diversity. I'm truly excited about the journey ahead, and I'm grateful for all of you joining me on this adventure. 
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