#reblog are appreciated 💓
yoohyeon · 7 months
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𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝔾𝕒𝕙𝕪𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖! 💝
Mine - Do not repost
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starsdies · 2 years
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i suppose it wouldn’t hurt to post this here as well but i am currently in a pickle(tm) as they say. my car brakes are going out and a mechanic gave me an estimate of $660 to fix it and that’s on the cheaper end. atm i need about $422 $390 (thank you to those that commissioned and donated from twitter - i have two different sith!obi fics coming now! woo!)
- offering $5 obikin drabbles
- longer commissions can be discussed! i usually cap around 10k of work. if that’s something you’d like, let me know!
however if you’d also just like to donate if you can, i would be incredibly thankful. my car is the only thing that keeps me going to work and college and i don’t really have support outside of my disabled mother and my best friend. thank you so much. 💓
donation ko-fi link | my writing.
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mediummushroom · 2 years
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my shop will be updating tonight at 6pm EST! 🌈🌻
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ghostfacd · 7 months
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
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summary: you were the epitome of sunshine, and coriolanus? he was like the storm, the rain, and the everything in between.
warnings: SPOILERS from the movie & book, SMUT (protected cause we wrap it before we tap it! p in v), losing virginities to each other, snow (cause he himself needs a warning), toxic relationship, coriolanus is only in it for himself, mentions of losing virginity, you practically giving everything to snow and getting zero in return
author’s note: erm this is kinda long idek where tf i was going with this, first time writing smut on this account LOL so it might be bad. also this isn’t proofread so there might be mistakes, just ignore! as always, reblogs and comments are so greatly appreciated, enjoy reading + kisses 💓
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You were the epitome of the sun itself, the sparkle, the light, and most importantly, the brightness. Despite being filthy rich, you were still that sweet sunshine Y/N everyone grown to love, the heir to the Cicero family.
Coriolanus Snow hated that about you. Not only were you everything he was not, but you lived such a lavish and easy lifestyle that it made him sick. Why was he stuck eating cabbage while you were off eating the finest thin slices of meat in the Capitol made by your chefs? It wasn’t fair, it just simply wasn’t.
“Well, Coryo!” Your sickeningly sweet voice fills his ears like a mantra.
He turns around, a smirk plays on his face. “My Y/N.”
Hearing him call you his made your heart flutter. You loop your arm through his, passing through the other academy students who were engrossed in their conversations
“Finally the star pupil.” Arachne Crane says, a glass of posca in her hand. “Lovely shirt you’ve got there. What are these cunning buttons? Tesserae?”
He looked at the shirt, shrugging. “Hm? Are they? Must’ve why they reminded me of the maid’s bathroom.”
You held his hands in yours. You knew of Coriolanus’s home life, how he wasn’t so lucky like you to have a gigantic home filled with lovable parents. His mom had died during childbirth, Coryo mentioning to you once how he was supposed to have a little sister. His father—died in the hands of rebels.
“Have you tried this lamb? It's scandalous.” Felix suddenly spoke up, taking a bite of the food that was currently on his plate.
“Didn’t daddy teach you table manners?.” Festus sneered, watching the other boy in disgust.
“Maybe he would have if he wasn’t so busy running the country.” Felix snapped back
Coriolanus took a deep breath in, already feeling overwhelmed by his classmates arguing.
After the announcement of the assigning of mentor to tributes, you could tell Coriolanus was upset. Although he wouldn’t let anyone see, he was visibly anxious and quite frankly, annoyed.
“I mean, cmon, how could it that I got the worst district?” Coriolanus says, head in his hands. “He hates me. He really does.”
“Who hates you Coryo?”
“Dean Highbottom! Isn’t it obvious?” He cries out, hands flinging into the air. You slightly flinch back, never seeing your boyfriend in such state. “He hates me Y/N. He adores you.”
“He doesn’t adore me,” you say, feeling like you were stepping around eggshells talking to Coriolanus.
“He does!” Coriolanus screams in anger, getting up in a hurry.
“Wait, no Coryo, I’m sorry.”
But your words aren’t enough, they’ll never be for Coriolanus Snow, so he walks out without a second thought.
- - -
The next day, Coriolanus apologizes. It’s a breathy, quick 5 second apology, but you being so you—accepted it without a second thought.
You loved Coriolanus, so it didn’t matter how much he hurt you.
“I’ll make it up to you tonight,” he says, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
You felt quite excited, you and your boyfriend hadn’t exactly gotten to that stage in your relationship, so thinking about sharing an intimate moment with him filled you with giddiness.
His tip had entered carefully through your folds, making you slightly wince as it bullied its way to your walls.
“Coryo..” you breathe out hazily, doe eyes coming to meet his. He sucked in his breath at the sight, never has he felt anything as good as this.
He tries so hard convincing himself he doesn’t love you. That this—it meant nothing to him. He was just here for your money, your possessions as the only daughter of Cryon and Hermione Cicero. But as he felt your nails claw its way into his back, he lets out a slip, a tiny whimper that makes your head foggy.
He spilled into the condom, pulling out with a hiss. Although you told him you were clean, and it was fine if he didn’t wear one, he simply couldn’t risk it. He wasn’t going to accidentally bring in a child into the world, having no intentions of taking care of anyone besides himself—maybe Tigris, and his Grandma’am.
“I love you,” you say quietly as you sat up, watching him discard the plastic into your trash bin.
“I’m hungry, aren’t you?” He says, putting his shirt on. It kinds of pains you at his total ignorance of the intimate words you just shared, but you nod your head.
“I could use some food,” is all you say, putting on your pajamas from earlier. “What’re hungry for Coryo? I’ll ask the chef.”
- - -
Dr. Gaul and Dean Highbottom had allowed all the mentors and their tributes roam the arena for about 15 minutes, letting them think of ways to win the game.
You were talking to Bobbin, a boy from District 7 whom you’ve had become closer with these past few days.
Suddenly, the loud scream of Felix catches your attention and before you knew it, loud bombs filled the air as tall lights fell to the ground near you.
“CORYO!” You scream, coughing loudly at the dust filling your lungs.
“Quick Y/N, we don’t have time!” Sejanus screams, grabbing ahold of your hand.
“But Coryo—”
Meanwhile, a tall pole had crushed Coriolanus’s arms.
Well, he thought, this was it.
This was how he was going to die. His girlfriend and best friend hand in hand as they ran out of the arena, the sickening feeling of betrayal filled his guts.
“What’re you doing?!” One of the tributes screamed at Lucy Gray, who was struggling to get the giant metal off Coriolanus’s arm. “Run while you can you idiot!”
But she doesn’t bother, only focusing on getting Coriolanus out. And she does, successfully, before all went black.
- - -
“Coryo? Oh Coryo!” You say, hugging him softly to ensure you weren’t hurting him.
You had felt so guilty after everything had happened. You should’ve never ran off with Sejanus, Coriolanus was your boyfriend, you should’ve saved him.
“Is Lucy Gray okay?” Is the first thing he croaks out, which makes your heart slightly crack.
“She’s—she’s okay Coryo.” You say, brushing a few blonde curls out of his eyes.
“And where were you?” He says, gaze slowly turning into anger. “I was going to die, Y/N.”
“I know! I was going to—”
He cut you off. “But you didn’t, now did you?”
His bitterness towards you makes you want to cry, tears already forming at your lash line.
“Oh now you’re crying?” It seemed like everything you did seemed of inconvenience to Coriolanus, but he opens his arms, letting you reside in them as you let out a few tears. “Always the crybaby, Y/N.” He says, hand holding your head as you buried your face into his chest.
- - -
Coriolanus Snow never believed in love. Not when he used to look at his mother and father when they were still alive, and not when he found himself a girlfriend, you.
Your relationship was merely another step stone towards success, Coriolanus viewed it. You were the heir of your family, you had countless amounts of money, and you were easily fooled by his advances. To Coriolanus, he had hit the jackpot, regardless of loving you or not.
So why did he feel so weird watching you interact with Sejanus? Sure, he considered the former district 2 boy his best friend, but it was only because Clemensia had been spending time at the hospital. The flu, Dr. Gaul described it; but Snow knew better. He was there when she had gotten bit by the snakes, and to be completely honest, if she hadn’t, he’d probably have dated her instead of you.
Clemensia Dovecote was way more smart, and he knew he wouldn’t fall inlove because they were both after the same thing. Power.
But with you, you were head over heels for Coriolanus. It almost made him sick, if it weren’t for your family name.
He clenched his jaw as he saw you throw your head back, hitting Sejanus’s shoulder as you hysterically laughed at something he had said.
What was so funny? Nothing was funny in the Capitol, not now. Maybe he was bitter, he should’ve never cheated in the games. It was stupid, and now he was getting the punishment of getting sent to 12 as a peacekeeper for 20 years.
Fuck, he really shouldn’t have cheated. And now he couldn’t even use his girlfriend’s family name as a way out.
He really should’ve known better. He knew you loved him, but he didn’t think you’d love him so much so that you begged your father to let you stay in 12 for a while to be with Coriolanus.
If there’s one thing about you—it’s that you’re a Daddy’s girl by heart, and of course, your father had once again served your request with a silver spoon. He hated that about you. He hated it. You got things too damn easily.
“Hi Coryo!” You say, making your way to him. Your beautiful sundress made him gulp, and he wanted nothing more but to snatch you away, pulling it off so he could get inside of you. But he couldn’t—he was in 12, much to his dismay.
“Y/N,” he says, placing his peacekeeper gun to the back. “Talking to the scums?”
“They’re just people from the district,” you say, frowning at his rudeness. “They’re nice, Coryo. Real nice, you’d like some of them.”
Coriolanus scoffs at that. How oblivious and stupid you were. Him, Coriolanus Snow, liking some of the district 12 citizens? What a fucking joke.
“Go along now Y/N, I’ll see you later.”
You nod, giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek before you left, leaving the other peacekeepers to whistle at Coriolanus who only responds with an eye roll.
When later eventually comes, he was packing away the Jabberjays in their metal cages, Sejanus being right next to him.
“I saw you earlier,” Coriolanus says nonchalantly, “talking to that woman in the window. What are you playing at Sejanus?”
Sejanus scoffs, shaking his head. “They’re gonna escape Corio. Leave the districts. And I’ll be helping them.”
Coriolanus sucks in a breath, “is Y/N all in this too?”
God, he hoped Sejanus said no. But then again, it’d give him an advantage if he had said yes.
“She is,” Sejanus says, continuing to tell Coriolanus of the plan.
Without Sejanus knowing, Coriolanus had tuned the jabberjay so it could record back the whole conversation. When Sejanus finally leaves, Coriolanus sneaks to where the train bringing the birds back to the Capitol stood, placing the jabberjay in it to send it to Dr. Gaul.
If anything, Sejanus was a blocking point in Coriolanus’s way, and getting rid of him and you were like killing two birds with one stone.
- - -
The next day came and you were peacefully talking to one of the younger girls in the district when you’re suddenly pulled away along with Sejanus.
“Hey! What the hell!” You scream, thrashing in the unfamiliar peacekeeper’s hold. “Get off me!”
You and Sejanus struggle, and Coriolanus almost wants to step in and get you out of his fellow peacekeeper’s arms. Almost.
“Coryo! Tell them they’ve been mistaken!” You cry out, locking eyes with your so called lover.
“You two have been charged with treason towards the Capitol.” The peacekeeper says, his cold gaze and strong hold on you makes you let out a whimper.
“Treason?” You say, “there has to be a mistake! Call my father! Call my father!”
“I’m afraid your father can’t get you out of this one, Miss. Cicero.”
He drags you and Sejanus up the main stage of the district. “Everyone! Pay attention! This is what will happen if you are disloyal to the Capitol!”
Another peacekeeper points a gun behind Sejanus’s back as the peacekeeper who was holding you earlier pokes your back with the cold metal. You felt terrified gazes of the citizens of District 12, including Lucy Gray, stare at you.
“CORYO! TELL THEM!” You scream, begging with your eyes. “Coryo, please. Please.”
But Coriolanus Snow stands still in his spot, not budging a thing.
You thought he had loved you—or at least, cared for you. You gave him shelter when he was at his worst, you gave him your virginity, you held him when he cried about how unfair Dean Highbottom was, you let him into your home, and you always were there for him. You practically did everything for Coriolanus Snow. And what did you get? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
“Your Coryo won’t save you.” The peacekeeper snarls, before firing the gun.
Two gunshots go off, and the body of yours and Sejanus fall to the ground in an instant.
Coriolanus Snow almost wants to barf, his eyes closed for a minute before reopening them again.
Had it really been worth it? Ratting you and Sejanus out so he could get home to the Capitol faster?
He thinks so when your family and the Plinths give him their fortune as a thank you for being such a good boyfriend and friend towards their son and daughter.
If only they knew, though. But Coriolanus would never let that happen, because no matter what, Snow lands on top.
And this? It was just the beginning.
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vtoriacore · 10 months
✧ it's lover without an l <3
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note: this is what clinical insanity looks like. also this isn't angst as the title may lead you to believe hdjsjf OH and jamil is a dorm leader in my eyes anything else is wrong. you can tell by the time i got to vil i exhausted my knowledge lmao. Magic Kitty Town isn't real unfortunately it was a game i made up when i was 8 for school.
characters: riddle, leona, azul, kalim, jamil, vil, idia, malleus
synopsis: in which you break up with the boys for . . . well, you'll have to find out, won't you?
reblogs much appreciated, mwah 💞💓
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thisismeracing · 2 months
King of manifesting | CL16
― Pairing: Charles Leclerc x singer!reader ― Warnings: curse words and typos; ― Summary: You've been secretly dating Charles for a while, but fans can't believe it when the rumors start to go around. What do you mean a vroom-vroom Ferrari guy is dating their idol? (based on this request).
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liked by sza, charles_leclerc, and others
yourusername NOT AN ANGEL
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tyla I am so readyyyyy 😍
holdmeyn mommy- I mean- mommy- yes mommy- 😳
biebernation this new single is about to feed me so well I won’t ever be hungry again
monaclerc ariana (charles) what are u doing hereeee
tsunodalover I love Charles but I’ll have to agree with the twitter stans… his chances are low to zero
onedsainz its the hottest woman alive 💞💕🧡💝💜💘💖💙💕🩷💙💕🧡💗💚💓💛🩶💜🧡💕💙🤎🤍🩷💙💕
popyn she’s so pretty and so talented, hows that possible
ylnmidnights someone tell that vroom vroom guy to get lost!!!! 😤😤 yn is for the gays and the girls only!
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liked by pierregasly, lewishamilton, and others
charles_leclerc it's just me and you 🩵 2.0
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igfansixteen 2.0 as in two months right? 😀
⤷ sunshineyn no bestie, I think as in tow years....
yourusername my golden boy ❤️
yourusername I love you
⤷ charles_leclerc I love you more
⤷ hammertimerfour I believe him lol
⤷ oconzinho he's a simp fr
zendaya 😍😍😍
sza so... new love song when?
⤷ f1direction she's just like us, I love her
popyn I still can’t believe he bagged her
sixteenmonaco I’m Charles’ fan and even I am having trouble believing his non stop talk about her worked 😭
schumicedes God, I see what you've done for others......
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©thisismeracing ― do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.
― Reminder: None of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps, but the work is, and I do not allow it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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kalki-tarot · 6 months
Love & Career in 2024 🖤🍷💸
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I'll be using tarot cards and my own intuition so it may not resonate with everyone. Keep in mind that this reading is purely for entertainment purposes so be mindful of your own actions and choices. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings.
Pick a pile masterlist 🖤
Pile 01
8 wands, 6 wands, page of swords, queen of swords, knight of pentacles
Hello beautiful souls 💓
Let's talk about your career first. I'm seeing you getting praised or popular very fastly. If you're manifesting something career related then it's your sign it's gonna enter your life soon! You'll get a promotion at your workplace and if you're still studying then I'm seeing you're gonna be the top student of your class. Everyone will praise you and you'll be in Everyone's talks and gossips about how did you achieve it.
If some things got stuck or stagnant then a change is coming soon. All this stagnant energy will flow away and new creative and inspiring energy will lead you towards success my dear pile 1. Don't worry just be consistent and your efforts will be recognized and appreciated very soon.
New ideas will be put into action or will be manifested in reality. If you wanna start a new course then it's the right time to do so. I'm seeing communication for you too. You'll get new opportunities and will make new contacts and connections in your work life which will help you alot leveling up more.
Your overall energy is the Queen of swords which tells me that this year, you'll just focus on your goals and won't spend too much time thinking about the bs. Your plans would be clear cut and will be put into action. I'm not seeing you procrastinating or smth like that. It's a very fast, quick and easy going energy, but stable throughout.
New opportunities on the way! I'm seeing you getting a job letter or something like that. If you're struggling with getting a job then an opportunity is out there in 2024! So be ready ♡
2 wands, 8 wands, 9 pentacles, Temperance, 6 swords, 9 swords ( 5 pentacles, the devil, 4 pentacles, the moon, 5 swords)
Woah! You know what pile 1, we need to let go of some things before before it's too late. We need to let go of things even if it hurts only for our own good. The bad or good news is I'm seeing you breaking up or finally letting go of a toxic relationship or love. You've held it in for so long and in 2024, I'm seeing you releasing all of that. It's better to leave than being left out in the cold, right?
2024 is the year of a fresh start and ending the cycles. It's the year to relax and heal. It's great that you're walking away from such people. I know it takes a lot of strength and courage to do that and you have the guts to leave someone so toxic and unhealthy for you. I'm not necessarily seeing someone new entering in your life. I'm seeing YOU, choosing to walk away from this situation.
You'll know that the grass is greener on the other side. You'll explore new things in love. Maybe go on a few dates? By the end of 2024, you'll be balanced spiritually and physically. You'll be properly healed and you'll discover much more about yourself rather than other people. It's necessary to know ourselves before trying to understand some one else. That's it for you, please reblog this post if you liked it. Thanks ♡
Pile 02
3 of swords, page of pentacles, ace of swords, 6 of wands, the devil, 8 of wands
Career wise, Things may get a little rocky for you this year. But don't worry, with extra caution and mindfulness you'll be able to thrive through this. The advice I'm getting for is to not take any shortcuts for success to come fast, as it'll only result in your own downfall.
Be careful of people who look very nice and popular as they're not what they seem from their outer side. Just focus on grabbing opportunities and working truthfully for yourself and your loved ones. Your creative energy would be at peak this year, it's time for you to realize your potential and work with it next year.
Your 2024 is the year to hustle hard so be dedicated to your work/study. Lot's of success will be at your door if you don't fall into any traps.
Knight of cups, wheel of fortune, 9 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, the hermit, 7 of wands ( 9 swords & 8 pentacles )
Wow babe! You've done lots of healing and lot's of self care in 2023! And now it's the time for love finally coming into your life through divine intervention in 2024. As we have the wheel of fortune here, I'm seeing You've finally let go of the old cycles and karmic patterns.
The old thinking patterns and attachment wounds will be healed. You'll fight your way through this very powerfully. You've done a lot of self introspection and self discovery in 2023.
You are one step ahead of pile 1, you're asked to just go with flow and let the universe guide you through the vast ocean of sadness to the never ending love. A romantic, water sign energy may approach you with love 👀 next year. Abundance and clarity will flow through just don't complex your emotions any more. Trust your intuition and let it guide you.
That's it! Pile 2 ♡ If this helped you a little bit please comment and reblog xoxo
Pile 03
The magician, Temperanc, ace of wands, 8 wands, ace of cups, the fool (king of cups)
The year 2024 will bring you lots of emotional satisfaction in terms of your career. You would be a successful person, but with the right actions and decisions. Create a path for yourself and walk on it. You should have the desire amd commitment if you wanna achieve something in life.
In 2024, there is a need for you to have a clear mindset snd step wise approach. Do everything in a proper balance. Good things take time to manifest. Your dedication and ability to stay composed under pressure will help you stand out.
Whatever you're thinking about, go for it. Just "go for it", don't think too much if that gives you happiness. Whether you've been thinking about launching a project or reaching out to a new networking connection, 2024 is the time.
Next year would be an year of swift progress and rapid growth. Everything will seem so fast and would gain momentum. You may even travel for work.
Something would be headed your way in your professional life, whether that's a new job, a new responsibility within your current role, or even a new business partner or connection, a new and promising path may be opening up.
You'll overall enjoy this year in terms of your professional or career life.
10 swords, 2 of wands, knight of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, queen of swords, 5 of wands, the tower ( 9 swords, 7 cups, magician )
Listen pile 3, to be honest 2024 would be rocky for you, you know. I channeled that you should not go alone in clubs or pubs or take any drinks with strangers. Be careful guys.
For some of you I'm getting that you guys are just staying single this year and focusing more on your self growth and options in love. You may solo travel or go on solo dates. You know loving yourself and all.
You may actually reach out to a therapist if your experiences were not so good in love before. If not, then I'm seeing you reaching out for yourself, my love. You're giving yourself the love and warmth you've never received from anyone else. You're now, not letting bs people get into your life and make a hell out of it. You're tryna stay healthy and happy.
For some of you, there's an advice of manifesting new love in your life. Get into that mindset. List down all the qualities you want in a partner and visualizing would also help you.
I'm seeing a divorce for some of you, or even a legal matter that involves a person you once loved. They probably lied and deceived you. You may fight for yourself in the court this year. Sending Lots of hugs and love to you dear if this is happening to you. Stay strong and you'll be more blessed. 💓✨️
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punksdoll · 6 months
hey, im the damian anon💓
Can you write Damian x reader with enemies to lovers where they are forced to team together for the mixed tag team tournament and they win it all and when they get backstage he takes her to his locker room and kisses her
~~~𝒀𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒆~~~
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𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒏, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚.
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒃𝒉…𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆😁. 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅𝒅<𝟑𝟑𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔😏, 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆, 𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 ✨𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆✨ 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝒎𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒈 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒂𝒍, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒄 𝒊 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆😞, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒎, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
translations: Hola cariño: hello love/sweetheart/honey/etc etc. pero coño, mira ver: but dam, watch yourself. Claro que sí: of course. Chupa me: suck me (my dick without actually saying my dick.). Salte: get out/move. culo: ass. Mira pinche cabron: look fucking (any swear word tbh but I use it for asshole.) Siéntate: sit down. Lunes: Monday. No hice nada: I didn’t do anything. Exactamente: exactly. Tenemos una problema: we have a problem. Noches: Night. ¿estas bien?: are you good/ok? Que linda: how pretty/so pretty. hacemos la finisher tuyo: let’s do your finisher. Nos ganamos: we won. Mira Mamaguevo: oh my god cocksucker or ay cocksucker. Cálmate cálmate. No voy ningún lado: Calm down, calm down. I’m not going nowhere.
not proofread
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“You will be competing in the mixed tag team tournament.” Adam tells y/n as soon as she sits down on one of the chairs in front of his desk.
Y/n looks at him with a raised eyebrow, “since when was that a thing?”
“Since today, since now. I want you to be in it.” Adam says.
“Am I going to be able to pick my partner?” Y/n tilts her head to the side.
“You’ll be finding out who it is right now.” Adam smirks, “go get ready, you have a match right now with them.”
Y/n walks down the ramp with a smirk as she makes eye contact Bianca Belair and Motez who are watching her. She had no clue who her partner was which made this whole thing all the more excited. Their match was the first match of this tournament and the first reveal of her match. She had options of course of who she wanted it to be.
Braun Strowman, he’s a big strong guy.
Cody Rhodes, he’s hot.
Drew Mcintyre, so hot and mean.
Seth Rollins would seem nice but he’s most likely with Beck
Y/n gets in the ring and gives Bianca and Montez a nod as mutual respect as the show goes on commercial break.
“You know who you have?” Bianca asks as they switch corners.
“Not a single clue…” Y/n shakes her head, “I’m hoping for Braun maybe, Cody, and Drew. Maybe even Seth but he’s probs with Beck.” Y/n shrugs.
“Who don’t you want?” Montez asks as he sits on top of the top rope.
“Damian.” Y/n spat.
Bianca and Montez both chuckle as they move over to their corner once the show is back. Everyone stares at the ramp as they wait for y/n partner.
The lights go purple and suddenly “The Other Side,” starts playing. Y/n narrows her eyes as she watches who will come out. She knew it had to be either Finn or Dominik because she had made it very clear to Adam that she did not want Damian.
“before I go and get ready,” y/n clears her throat as she stands up, “Do not make Damian my partner.”
Adam stares at her and smirks, “and if i do?”
“Your views won’t stay up for long.”
Y/n watches and her face drops as Damian appears and immediately she looks at the referee and shakes her head. “I am NOT doing the match with that thing.”
Referee raises his hands up, “you’ll be disqualified from the tournament.”
Y/n’s jaw drops as she looks at the ref then back at Damian who has a smirk plastered on his face as he stares at her. “asshole…”
Damian gets inside the ring and holds up his Señor Money in the bank before turning towards y/n with a smirk. “Hola cariño.” He smirks and immediately y/n runs at him.
“Y/n is attacking her partner!” Michael Cole laughs as they watch y/n slaps Damian’s arm multiple times.
Damian looks down at her, amused as she pushes and slaps his arm. “You. Aren’t. My. Part. NER.” She sends a punch on his arm, “YOU AREN’T MY PARTNER!”
“Clearly I am. Now move your ass out the ring.” He lifts her up and puts her over the rope, outside the ring before handing over his briefcase to the ref.
Y/n scowls as she stares at the back of his head, “i hate you.”
“The feelings mutual.” Damian called over his shoulder before the bell rings and the match is on its roll.
Throughout the match, y/n made it her mission to slap Damian every chance she got. Whether that be to tag herself on by tagging him unexpectedly on the back or tagging him in by slapping his chest. Did that really affect him? No. Did he enjoy seeing her get annoyed by his existence? Absolutely.
Damian absolutely loved the idea that was brought up to him with being y/n’s partner when he had overheard her convo with Adam. It would mean to be able to fuck with her every chance he got and to be around her everyday. He enjoyed knowing that his presence alone can make her go crazy and make him wish he was dead. He loved it. He loved her.
He always had and always will. He just approached it the wrong one which is why she hates his guts.
They’re in Nxt when they first met and at catering. Y/n was with Bianca as they sat at their own table with Montez and Angelo. Damian had been staring.
“Who’s she?” Damian looks over at Keith Lee who looks over and raises an eyebrow.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” Keith answers, “she’s from raw but is making an appearance today.”
“And I haven’t heard of her because…?”
“She’s been out due to an injury, she’s making her come back here.” Keith says.
Damian nods and gets up, “I’m gonna get some more food.”
In truth, Damian had seen her get up and was going to make it his mission to talk to her.
Y/n is putting food on her plate with Bianca by her side as they converse.
“Are you like debuting here?” Bianca asks, “we could really use some more views.”
Y/n shrugs, “I don’t know yet. They just wanna see me start anew ever since my injury.” She pops a crouton in her mouth from her plate before gathering some more.
“do you wanna go back to the main roster?” Bianca asks.
“Of course,” y/n nods and turns around only to bump into a chest and getting her food all over her.
Bianca gasps as she stares at y/n who watches her plate drop. Y/n is fuming. She is embarrassed. She can already feel the stares on her as she stares down at her plate that is upside down on the floor and the food that’s on her. She wanted to cry. She didn’t even want to look up at the person she bumped into, too focused on the fact that she did something so little that embarrasses herself immediately.
“pero coño, mira ver.” Y/n hears a deep gruff voice say as they back up a bit to see the messed that they cost.
Y/n looks up at the person narrows her eyes as she watches him stare at her as if it was her fault. “Are you blaming me or something?”
“Claro que sí.” Damian scoffs, “you’re the one who should have listened to your surroundings.”
Y/n narrows her eyes and stares at him before leaning down to grab her plate that was knocked out of her hand and throw it at him, “Chupa me.”
Damian will admit that the way he went about it was fucked. But he knew his people and he knew that they’d get over it, especially with his charm. Clearly that didn’t work and now he regret ever even doing such thing to her. After that day, it led to Damian taking it upon himself to make her time a living hell in Nxt and for y/n to try and hold back and not choke him.
She had left unfortunately. She had left Nxt to be back in her main roster, leaving Damian empty knowing he won’t be able to see her and continue on what he started. Until he got the message that he was moving up the main roster and he made a name for himself. Finding out that there was a mixed tag team tournament? Adds 10 bonus points to his success. Finding out y/n will be in there? 10 more.
Damian feels as slap on his shoulder making him chuckle and turns around to see Y/n getting into the ring and shoves him towards the ropes, barely budging. “Salte.” She demands.
Damian smirks and leans down towards her, “give me a kiss and i will.”
“get over yourself.” Y/n rolls her eyes before turning herself towards the match.
Damian chuckles as he gets out the ring and behind the ropes, watching y/n. “Your culo looks great in those shorts!” Damian smirks.
Y/n snaps her head at him with wide eyes and a flustered face, “excuse me?” she says.

Y/n was used to this treatment from Damian ever since he came into the main roster. It was always backstage, nothing more. Hearing it in front of people? It gave her a sense of warmth that she refused to acknowledge as she ignored his comments and continued fighting.
Y/n caught the win for them and immediately rolls out the ring, storming up the ramp as she makes her way backstage.
She was going to get her answer on why the hell Damian is her partner after saying not to have him.
“Mira pinche cabron.” Is the first thing that comes out of y/n’s mouth as she enters Adam Pearce’s office, stopping in her tracks when she sees Damian.
Damian looks over at her with a smirk and pats the chair next to him, “Siéntate…”
“I thought I told you I didn’t want him as my partner.” Y/n glares at Adam who looks at her with a bored expression. “How did you even get here before me.” She stares at Damian who simply gives her a smirk.
“You need to learn how to work with him, that’s why I paired you both.” Adam shrugs, “Don’t like it? You’re disqualified from the tournament.”
Y/n’s jaw drops as she stares at Adam. The ref was most definitely right about that. “Are you kidding me…”
“Am I laughing?” Adam sasses.
Y/n’s eyes darken and she goes to jump at Adam only to get caught by Damian who lifts her up as she thrashes against his hold, “See you Lunes for our next match.” Damian winks before walking out the office and closing it, setting Y/n down as she stares at him with a glare.
“What did you do. What did you say. He never pairs me with someone I don’t like.” Y/n demands answers.
“No hice nada.” Damian shrugs.
He lied.
Damian walks into Adam Pearces office right after Y/n left with a smile. He wanted to make her smile in so many ways.
“Priest,” Adam raises an eyebrow and looks up at Damian over his glasses, “what can i do for you?”
“Partner me up with y/n.” Damian motions over to where Y/n had just left.
Adam shakes his head, “she just threatened to drop my views, absolutely not.”
“you do realize she’s bluffing right? She loves this place.” Damian scoffs.
“I believe her.” Adam dismisses.
“Did she leave when I got here when she told you she would if I did?” Damian smirks and Adam pauses as he stares at his papers, in thought. “Exactamente.” Damian chuckles, “put me with her.”
Adam sighs and nods, “Alright, but you’re explaining to her.”
Y/n looks him up and down before nodding slowly, “i’m going to make your life a living hell through all of this.”
Damian smirks, “you do know we’re also going to be sharing a hotel room, right?”
Y/n sucks in a breath, “helll noo.”
“helll yesss.”
“Why why why why.” Y/n walks inside her and Damian’s hotel room, walking quickly over to the bed that she will be claiming only to stop and see one bed. “oh HELL no.”
Y/n twirls herself around and immediately bumps into Damian’s chest making her suck in a breath as he looks at the one bed then at Y/n. “You need to really start paying attention to your surroundings…” he chuckles.
“This cannot be happening right now.” Y/n mumbles as she looks back at the bed then at Damian before shoving him away, “move.”
Damian moves to the side and watches as she storms out of the hotel room, no doubt about to go to receptionist. He takes his time to look around and sees the couch. He walks over and checks, nodding once he realizes it can turn into a makeshift bed.
Meanwhile, y/n is storming towards the front desk and plasters a fake smile. “Hi. Me and the man i was with, our room has only one bed.”
The receptionist looks up and frowns, “were you guys not a couple?”
“fuc- no. no we are not.” Y/n smiles.
“Well let me check if there’s any other rooms with two beds then.” The receptionist goes digging and y/n waits in front of her impatiently. “I’m so sorry…but the only other one is with one bedroom.”
Y/n clenched her jaw before nodding slowly, “that’s fine, thanks.”
Y/n walks away and back to her and Damian’s floor. She walks into their hotel room and sees him walking out with a towel wrapped around his waist and his body dripping with water. Y/n can’t help but gawk as he stops when she enters.
“Dam…” Y/n mumbles as she not so subtly checks him out.
“Like what you see?” Damian smirks.
Y/n snaps her eyes up to his face, “no.” She says with her face flushed.
“You were checking me out,” he smirks as he walks over to the makeshift bed. He unwraps the towel from his waist and immediately y/n shouts, covering her eyes. “I’m wearing underwear.”

y/n peaks through her fingers and huffs as she drops her arms seeing him with underwear. “there is only one hotel room left but it’s with one bed. We’re stuck with this one.”
Damian shrugs, “that’s fine.”
Y/n looks at the makeshift bed then back at Damian, “i’m not sleeping on that.”
“I know.” He says as he puts on some pajama pants, “never said you would.”
Y/n frowns, “are you sleeping on that…?”
“Mhm,” Damian nods and y/n starts feeling bad.
She usually wouldn’t have given a dam if he did but knowing he’ll be sore the next day, she couldn’t help herself. So the words that came out were a shock to her.
“I’ll sleep there…you can sleep on the bed.” Y/n says.
Damian and her both stare at each other with complete shock. “Your joking?” Damian raises an eyebrow and when y/n just stares at him with wide eyes he knows she’s not. “oh you’re not…”
“I know…” Y/n looks at him warily.
“Nah, you can have to bed.” Damian waves her off as he gets on the makeshift bed and y/n nods slowly.
“ok…it’s still up for grabs if you want it. you can always put me on that one…”

Damian looks at her warily and nods slowly, “uh huh…”
Y/n nods before rushing towards the bathroom to take herself a shower, leaving Damian with a smile that broke onto his face. That request alone made him feel all giddy inside and he was actually considering the offer.
That night though, he went against it and stayed his ass right on the makeshift bed.
The weeks of the tournament was hell for y/n. Every dam hotel room they got it was with one bed. Every match they had Damian just had to get on her nerves and make her want to backstab him during every match. Every comment that came out of his mouth would make her flustered and her stomach warm up, which she did not like.
So far they were the ones winning each and every match they were in. Getting closer to the top of the chain for raw to win the whole dam tournament. On smack down, AJ Styles and Mia Yim were the ones reaching the top for their roster.
It was clear that Adam had a lot of hope on them seeing as they’re the only ones that have been winning.
Y/n and Damian walk into their new hotel room and y/n lets out a loud groan as she sees one bed, again.
“Unafuckingbelievable.” Y/n huffs and Damian rolls his eyes.
“It’s not something we haven’t handled before, cariño.” Damian says as he walks over to the couch.
Y/n rolls her eyes and throws her suitcase on the bed as she unpacks her pajamas.
“Tenemos una problema…” Damian says as he stands up straight and turns towards her. “It ain’t a sofa bed.”
Y/n hearts drops to her stomach as she feels herself get flustered, staring between him and the bed. “Oh…” was all Y/n said.
Damian sighs and looks at her, “i’ll go see if there’s any other rooms.”
“or i can sleep on the sofa…” Y/n blurts out and Damian stops in his track as he stares at her with a raised eyebrow.
“If anyone should sleep on the sofa, it should be me.” Damian says, “you can have the bed.”
“You’ve been sleeping on the sofa ever since this started, let me sleep there.”
Damian smirks as y/n lets out a shout, “i meant yes damit.”
“i’m sure you did.” He chuckles as he sits down on the sofa. “Why not share it?”
Y/n snaps her eyes towards Damian who seems to be nonchalant by his question but really, his heart is beating and it’s almost beating out of his ass.
“What?” Y/n questions.
“Why not share it…seeming as we won’t take yes or no as an answer. Problem solved. Only if you want to though.”
“and if I say no?” Y/n asks with a frown.
“I’m still sleeping on the sofa.”
“We can share.”
Y/n is laying down on the bed on her side as she listens to the hotel shower running. Her heart was pounding as it gets closer to Damian ending his shower and them sleeping with each other. She made herself take a shower first so she didn’t have to walk out and see him on the bed, knowing she’ll force herself in the sofa.
They never slept in the same bed together. It was always Damian sleeping on the sofa bed whenever they had this type of situation.
Y/n snaps her eyes over to the bathroom door when she hears the shower stop and hear the curtains move. Her heart was pounding faster if that was possible as she waits for that door to open.
Damian himself was not doing too well. He was but you know. He was just as nervous as she was. When he had told her that there was no sofa bed and suggested they’d sleep together, he did not expect her to say yes, of all things. He expected a “hell no,” or something close to a no that had a swear word combined with it.
Damian takes in a deep breath and opens the bathroom door and walks out the bathroom door, making eye contact with her as she lays on her side with her arms curled on the side of her head. Y/n watches him as he walks by the hotel bed and on the side that he claimed. She didn’t want to turn her head to stare at him but she did feel him dip the bed and slowly get in. Their backs facing each other.
“Night…” y/n whispers as she keeps herself away from him.
Y/n had been avoiding Damian. For multiple reasons that is(no she isn’t.) She thinks it is, but it isn’t. She just practiced reasons just in case he was to ask her why she’s been avoiding him. The actual reason was because of what happened that morning.
Y/n whines as she hears her alarm go off, indicating that it was fine for her ass to wake up for work today. Y/n slowly opens her eyes and frowns when she hears something thumping underneath her. She also felt something soft but hard against her. It was comfortable actually. She felt herself pressing her head into the thing underneath her and gripping her arms that was around something. She was too comfortable. She was slowly falling back asleep until she felt whatever was underneath her, move. That immediately made her eyes snap as she slowly takes a side glance over at what she was lying on. She seen a tattoo on the right chest she was laying on and she immediately flies up as she looks down at Damian who her arms caging his head as he slowly wakes up. Out of instinct, y/n rolls away and ends up falling off the bed with a thud.
Damian jolts awake as he looks around, to see y/n side empty and his chest cold as if something was lying on there. “y/n?”
“yeah…” y/n mumbled as she stays on the floor.
“¿estas bien?” Damian asks with his morning voice that has y/n closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.
“mhm…” she hummed, “just…chillin.” she says as she slowly gets on her knees and starts crawling to the bathroom.
She didn’t even know if Damian knew that she had slept on him. That thought alone evaporated from her mind as she didn’t want to think about that. The embarrassment of knowing that he might know? She couldn’t handle that.
Y/n walks out her locker room with her gear on and ready to start the last match for the tournament. Her and Damian vs AJ Styles and Mia Yim.
“You’ve been avoiding me, cariño,” Y/n stiffens as she hears Damian’s voice as he walks over to her.
“No i’m not.” Y/n says as she starts walking with him trailing behind her.
“Yes you are.” Damian scoffs, “since this morning may I add.”
“why are you worried about that when you should be worried that the match we have is today? It’s to decide who wins the whole dam thing.” Y/n excuses as she gets them to the curtains. “Bye bye.”
“Bye bye.” Damian watches as Y/n walks out backstage and towards the arena.
He knew what had happened. He had woken up in the middle of the night when he felt it.
Damian’s eyes snap open when he feels another weight on his body. He goes rigged as he feels arms wrap around his neck. He slowly looks down to see y/n’s head on his chest and her arms around his neck, cuddling against him.
“y/n…” he whispers gently. He tries removing her arm away from his neck but her grip only tightens. He didn’t mind, he really didn’t. But he knew how embarrassed she gets and if she woke up to cuddling him? Even more embarrassed for her.
Y/n whines in her sleep as she pulls herself as close as possible to Damian, refusing to let go in her sleep. He smiles a bit as he stares at her peaceful face.
“Que linda…”
Was he going to tell her? Possibly, possibly not. He was still debating.
“your on.” Someone tells Damian and he walks out to the arena.
Damian and Y/n stares at each other as Mia and AJ are both in between them. Mia on y/n side and Aj on Damian’s side. They were trying to figure out where the hell to go from here. They had the upper hand, they just had to figure out how to use it.
“hacemos la finisher tuyo.” Y/n says and Damian raises an eyebrow before nodding and they both get right at it.
Y/n claps her hand in front of Mia’s face right as Damian did before setting her up for The Reckoning.
They both pin the duo down and win the match as the crowd goes crazy and the announcer announces them as the winner.
They ignore though. They’re too busy staring at each other with emotions coursing through their eyes as the ref helps them stand up and raise their hands.
“Nos ganamos,” Damian says as he walks over to y/n who nods slowly.
“yes we did…we won the whole dam thing.” Y/n swallows as she stares up at Damian with an unfamiliar feeling.
Damian snaps and throws her over his shoulder, making her scream as he gets out of the ring with her hung.
“MIRA MAMAGUEVO!” Y/n shouts as she thrashes in his arms while the crowd cheers for them.
Damian storms up the ramp and backstage, ignoring everyone that stares at them as he leads them to his locker room.
“put. me. down.” She smacks his back as he walks into his locker room and shuts the door. Y/n feels herself get set down and before she has the opportunity to open her mouth, it’s caught in a kiss.
Y/n automatically closes her eyes as she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down for more.

Damian smirks in the kiss as he wraps his own arms around her body, lifting her up a bit to meet him to his height.
It ended too quick for y/n as she chases after his lips when he pulls away, making him chuckle. “Cálmate cálmate. No voy ningún lado.” He smirks.
Y/n huffs and covers her face when she realizes how desperate she looked. “Why’d you kiss me…?”
“Give you your prize for getting us the win…” Damian says as he lifts her head up to look at him, “and to show you that i love you.”
Y/n feels a smile appear on her face at that. She’s accepting that what she was feeling was that. Love.
“And…i might love you too.”
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: aemond targaryen x lannister!reader
warnings: nsfw headcanons at the end SO NOT FOR MINORS, aemond is a good husband, reader has lannister features, breeding kink, spanking, hair pulling, anyways that nasty stuff but not so nasty.
author's note: i aged the green children so, aemond loses his eye at 15/16.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
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— brief story:
When you were a child, your father let you under the guardianship of your uncle, Tyland, who was part of the small council of the King.
That was how you met him. You grew up together.
King's Landing was your home, and the Targaryens were your family.
Helaena was like a real sister to you. You really couldn't remember your own.
Aegon had his sick sense of humor, but he never truly bothered you.
And Aemond... his simple existence brought you comfort.
And you did the same for him.
You would always assure him that he'd find a dragon someday.
He'd always compliment your blonde locks.
You had so much in common with the prince, it was like you were made for each other. It was like destiny.
Queen Alicent looked at you as a daughter, since you treated her family so well.
"Mother says I'll be marrying Aegon." Helaena said, playing with her centipede.
You thought the bugs were gross, but you appreciated the way your friend was so fascinated by it.
"That's unfortunate. I love Aegon, but we both know he's not up to marriage." You said, paying attention to your sewing.
"I wish mother could have betrothed me to Aemond. At least he cares about me." Helaena murmured.
Aemond wasn't anything to you but a friend, and you still felt jealous from his sister's words.
"I wonder when will I get married..." You sighed.
"Don't worry, Y/N. A lion and a dragon shares the same heart." Helaena smiled.
You frowned, grinning awkwardly, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Helaena shrugged. You could take a wild guess, but your friend always seemed to talk nonsense.
After the royal wedding, your father took you back with him to Casterly Rock, where he would be finding you a suitor.
You'd still be in touch with Aemond and Helaena, sending letters to know about their well being.
That's how the young prince told you about his eye incident.
That's how you told him about your possible betrothal to the son of Prince Qoren Martell.
Aemond was quick to beg to his parents to make you his wife.
Lord Jason Lannister couldn't refuse the King, even though he wanted to. After all, he was refused by the King's heir, Princess Rhaenyra.
The ceremony had to wait until your first blood.
No one would guess that it would take years for that to happen.
You and Aemond exchanged letters through the years, and you've seen his personality change in it.
Through his words, you saw the boy prince turn into a man.
And after you turned into a woman, at the age of 18, you married the twenty year old prince.
When you saw Aemond for the first time in years, you couldn't recognize him.
Yes, he was missing an eye. But he was so... incredible handsome. A totally different person.
It awaken something in you.
"It's been a while since we've seen each other. I remember how you used to play with the cats around the Keep and... I have a present for you. I hope you like it." Aemond gave you a red box with a golden ribbon wrapped around it.
You chewed on your bottom lip and opened the box, not expecting a feline to jump on your lap out of it.
"Aemond!" You exclaimed with a large smile in your lips, "You're giving me a lion cub!?"
The prince bit back a smiled to your reaction. It made his heart warm to see you so happy.
"He will be trained so he doesn't get violent in the future. You're the first one of your house to have an actual lion. What are you going to name him?"
"Have you seen a lion named dragon?" You wondered.
The prince frowned, chuckling. "Hm, no?"
"Well, me neither! Probably raising a lion is easier than raising a child."
"Let's test that, shall we?" Aemond smirked.
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— your relationship:
Aemond is possessive. He doesn't like to leave you alone with any man, especially if the man in question is his brother.
He constantly says that he wants lots of children.
Aemond likes to play with your blonde locks between his fingers.
He hopes for your children to have your hair and his eyes.
Most of your time alone with him, he likes to chase you around your chambers, and play like you're both children.
He misses the lost time with you that your father took from him.
He lets you take off his eyepatch, and leave soft kisses on his scar.
You often says how handsome he is.
He often confesses his love for you.
Aemond is a cold-hearted person with everyone, but you.
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— your nsfw relationship:
Aemond is vocal. He growls and moans a lot. And he actually feels really comfortable doing so.
And he notices how your cunt clenches around him when he does so.
He likes to fuck you on all fours. He can easily slap your ass and pull your hair at the same time.
He's obsessed with pulling your hair.
He kisses your arched back, using his hand to play with your clit, watching you turn into a whining mess.
"Can I cum?" You'd ask, having your face smashed against the mattress while your husband is pounding deep into you.
He loves to control your orgasms. And also, to gaslight you.
"I don't know, princess. Can you?" Aemond teased, smacking your ass hard.
And if you cummed without his permission, he'd punish you.
Aemond was trying really hard to get you pregnant.
In the first week as a married couple, none of you left your shared chambers.
He discovered a breeding kink just to the thought of your cunt leaking his cum.
And even when you eventually got pregnant, we couldn't stop fucking you.
Your swollen breasts full of milk, your swollen belly carring his children... everything about it made him hard.
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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℘. flora's notes : I've had this idea forever but I couldn't manage to write it UNTIL NOW. my idea was that reader is a model so it's kind of based on that, though you are free to be famous for whatever reason u want 💀
℘. send me a request ! : i would love to write this for other jjk characters (especially TOJI) but please give me ideas cuz i can't find anything :((
℘. gn, male, female reader 💓
m.list | comment and reblog if you enjoyed ! i am not posting at peek hours i would rly appreciate it if u could reblog w related tags 🥰
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℘. he 100% stalked you on your socials and knew everything about you
℘. it's also very likely that he slid into your DMs shamelessly
℘. something cringe like : " what a pretty human in a pretty restaurant, we should go there together sometime 😏"
℘. but we all know this mf, he didn't stop at ONE DM
℘. no, his name is elegantly followed by "9+ messages" all of them being cringe pick up lines to beg you to go on a date with him 😍
℘. and you eventually agreed but it was mostly for him to leave you in peace
℘. he was convinced you'd fall for his charms and unfortunately, he was right... can't blame you I would too
℘. and since your first kiss - which was an officialization of your relationship to him - he would not shut up about it
℘. everytime y'all are out in public he makes it clear he's your boyfriend for the paparazzis
℘. gojo loves attention... so he LOVES paparazzis
℘. he thinks y'all are the most goal couple to exist and brags about it
℘. "y/n, can you imagine what other people must think of us : "the strongest and the most famous (your job of choice), they were meant to be"
℘. you have 100% your own ship name and fanpages, you're labeled as the "hot couple" who is edited on tik tok 24/7
℘. I don't think I insisted enough on how he BOASTS about dating you to whoever shows a spark of interest in his life
℘. the poor nanami hears about it every second of the day and is FED UP with it, but his last straw was when gojo was talking about you to a curse they were suppose to eliminate...
℘. he has you and him on a fun fair date as a wallpaper and purposely leaves his phone on during meetings so everyone can see he's dating you... and also to get yet another occasion to brag
℘. he will attend all of your shows and interviews, always on the front row. sometimes walking for a show can be pretty stressful for you but seeing his angel face calms you down and gives you back your confidence in an instant <3
℘. ... he's very active on LinkedIn and he reposts your achievements/front pages with a professional yet sweet and admirative commentary
℘. he likes to go backstage before your shows so he can give you one last forehead kiss and compliment
℘. never hesitates to tell paparazzis to back off, he doesn't like his privacy invaded but he will gladly take pictures of you with a fan for them
℘. his favourite photo that he has everywhere is one a selfie you took before a show with a world renowned brand. you looked so stunning and confident, it never fails to make him smile when he looks at it
℘. i feel like he didn't really know you, just saw you from one or two front pages but it didn't click until you told him you were a (your job)
℘. i don't know why but i think you would have met on a dating app 😭 like nanami is tired of being single and he told gojo about it WHO OBVIOUSLY WAS KIN ON HELPING ! and he got to discover your personality first, which is the most precious part of you in his opinion
℘. because yes you ARE attractive but no one but him knows the part of you that is the most beautiful and he loves that
℘. i think he can't help but be a bit jealous that people simp over you so he would never refuse to take a cute picture for the world to see
℘. on your third date, he asked you to be his partner and gave you a ring as an officialization. since them, you've been wearing it as a lucky charm and you never take it off
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)
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majomszamoca · 2 months
🪲Hello Elder Scrolls fans of Tumblr, I'm now taking commissions!
Reblogs are appreciated! 💓🫂
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• Black and white guar commission: €10/guar
• Colored: €25/guar
✷ Payment is via PayPal invoice.
✷ I'll complete your orders within 2-3 days.
✿ How does the commission process work?
• First, send me a private message, preferably with a mood board or reference.
• I'll draw a sketch and send it to you. Once you're satisfied with it, I'll send you a PayPal invoice.
After that, I'll send the final artwork within 1-2 days.
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winterrrnight · 5 months
secret admirer (rafe's pov)
PAIRING: high schooler!soft!rafe cameron x high schooler!fem!reader
SUMMARY: the reader has a secret admirer who drops letters, flowers and some other little souvenirs in their locker.
WARNINGS: so much lovesick rafe, fluff and fluff and fluff, extremely cute moments between the two
EDITH SPEAKS: and it's here!!! let's completely ignore the fact that it's been months since the original post :p please make sure you've read the original one first, because it's a bit more detailed and includes what rafe's letters say (you can find the original fic directly linked in my navigation or through the series masterlist!). I hope you all really enjoy this; this is a big piece of my heart in the form of writing 💓 please like and reblog and comment all your thoughts!!! 💘💘
navigation || requests || join my taglist || series masterlist
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I walk in the school gates after my soccer practice, still in my sweaty clothes from the intense training. I look at the lockers on my left, carefully seeing the numbers on each of them so I don’t miss the one I’m looking for.
I finally find the one I’m looking for. Through one of the three little slits in the middle of the locker, I slide in my envelope. It has a letter and a little daisy in it. She’s like one; so delicate that I want to protect her from the whole world and only want her to be mine.
Because I do. She comes in my dreams every night, where she so delicately holds my hands and kisses my skin. I feel so lightweight that I will just melt right in her touch.
I look around the hallway, making sure no one sees me. When I notice no one, I take in a deep breath of relief and walk out of the school.
She needs to know how much she means to me. She needs to see how much I appreciate her.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
I now try to send in an envelope as often as I can. I send one in every few days, and try to mix it around with the little souvenir that accompanies the letter. So far, I’ve sent her flowers, chocolates, and a small bracelet which I made for her.
But today, I woke up so late, I had to miss my soccer practice. My clothes aren’t on properly, and I didn’t even have any time to do something to my hair. I look like I just rolled out of the bed.
I have to be so discreet each time I put in the letter in the locker. I don’t want anyone catching me. That’s all I am: her secret admirer. The one who admires her from afar. The one who sends her little letters to remind her how beautiful she is, and how she deserves the whole world.
I have put in the letter without anyone noticing. I’m now standing right behind the turn of the hallway, where I have a clear look of her. She’s opening her locker. I notice a bright smile on her face when she sees the letter.
Suddenly, the bell rings, cutting through my thoughts. I notice her cursing and rushing to the class, the unopened letter in her bag. I have the same class as her: it’s English and there’s no way our teacher will let us in the class.
I rush to the class too, and by the time I reach, she’s already at the door, the teacher giving her an earful. Just as I stand right behind her, our teacher notices me.
“Oh looks like we have another late comer,” He says, glaring at me. She realizes my presence, and turns around to look at me. We make brief eye contact, and I feel my cheeks heat up. We’re standing close to each other, so close that I can hear her breathing.
“I’m so sorry, I swear I set an alarm but it didn’t ring and-” I start to ramble, but the teacher cuts me off.
“DETENTION! Both of you!” He suddenly yells at the two of us. I watch her flinch, and just for a second, I have the urge of breaking the teacher’s face. He signs two detention slips and hands those to us, and then he dismisses us by closing the door on our faces.
She looks down at the slip at her hand. She hates getting detention. She’s the nice, intelligent student of our grade, and she tries to stay out of detention as much as she can.
She looks up to me and we make brief eye contact again. Oh her eyes. I find myself drowning in them each time I see her.
“Shall we go?” I ask her, wanting her to look at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. But she doesn't lift her head up, and only gives me a nod. We both start to make our way to the detention classroom.
When we reach inside, we only see our PE teacher sitting. He’s too busy reading his magazine and doesn’t realize we both have walked in until we sit down.
“Just two of you?” He looks at us, and she nods in response. “Well that's going to be a waste of my time.” He shuts his magazine close and leaves it on the desk, starting to make a beeline for the door.
“I’ll be here in an hour to let you both out. Don't do anything dumb, you're being watched.” He says and quickly leaves the room, me and her being all alone.
A silence wraps around the two of us, and it feels very serene. I pull out one of my books to read, but I falter at keeping my focus on the words because of her sitting next to me. I can’t help but steal a glance of her after every few seconds, and I swear with each passing second, she just gets more beautiful.
When she opens her bag, she pulls out the letter. I intake a sharp breath, and watch her open the envelope and read the words written on them. A smile graces her lips as her eyes wander over the words, and I feel my heart skip a beat.
“What’s that?” The words leave my mouth so quickly, I don’t realize I’ve spoken them. She snaps her head towards me.
“Nothing,” she says, focussing on folding the paper back again and putting it back in the envelope.
“Looks like a love letter, someone's been writing you love letters?” I pose the question, wanting not to show I’m the one who wrote it.
Why is she not as happy as I thought she would be?
“What do you mean, maybe?”
She sighs. “I’ve been receiving these letters which have poetry in French written in them. They usually come along with a little gift, like a small flower or some chocolate. But, there’s no name on the paper whatsoever, so I have no way of knowing who it is, if it’s legit or if someone is playing a prank on me.”
“I don’t think it’s a prank, you know.” She looks back at me, her eyes wide as they sink into mine.
“You don’t?”
“Someone maybe likes you a lot, and is, I don’t know, scared to admit it to you.” I say, shaking my head.
“But, why do you think it’s not a prank? And how are you so sure it is an actual love letter?”
I feel myself almost starting to get riled up; angry because why does she refuse to accept something like that?
“Why is it so hard for you to believe that it can be an actual love letter? That someone actually likes you a lot? You're an amazing person, don't decline the thought of someone being your admirer so easily.” I blurt out, and just the second I finish speaking, I realize I’ve said too much.
I look away from her the next instant, and try to direct all my focus on my work, ignoring the heat rising in my cheeks.
I hear her whisper a small thank you, and as much as I try not to, I steal a small glance at her, her head bent down as she's looking over her school work.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
With the incident at the detention, I decide I have to send her letters every single day, with more gifts in them, my love hidden in each one of them safely, but surely.
I see her opening her locker and finding the letter. I included a daisy chain which I learnt how to make from Sarah, more chocolates and two new bracelets.
I had to stay up overnight to finish making the chain and the bracelets, but it’s all worth it.
It’s for her.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
It was one of the first days of last summer, when I was biking around, waiting for some of my friends to meet up with me. They all had decided to meet up at a new place which I had never been to. Taking different roads and turns, I found myself in unfamiliar areas of the island.
As I continued to bike, I found a big field which I didn’t even know existed. Curious, I got off my bike and went inside the field, and found out it’s actually a huge strawberry field. Strawberries were growing on low lying plants, a bright red color making them pop out from the green of the leaves.
I was completely amazed by them. I followed their path to find a huge opening in the field with a huge tree in the middle. But before I could take any steps further, I saw her sitting under the shade of the tree, protecting herself from the bright summer sun as she was eating the strawberries. She looked so serene; sitting cross legged and biting into those strawberries, sighing as their sweet taste completely encompassed her.
Since then I always see her going on the little road which leads to the huge field, biking her way to it. Now that strawberries are back in season, I have decided to put some of those in her letter next time, and even spend some time there as I try to write some new letters to her.
I decide to go around at least 2 hours before her usual time, so she doesn't see me there at all. With my notepad, my fountain pen, ink bottle and my basket, I find myself in the strawberry field again, taking a deep breath to inhale the sweet smelling air surrounding me.
I sit under the tree, taking my notepad and my pen to begin writing, but, much to my dismay, I don't feel inspired and no words come to my help to write something. Even with a big inspiration right in front of me, I just can't think of something to write.
Frustrated, I leave my notepad under the tree and decide to gather some strawberries. I make my way in between the plants, trying to pluck only the ripest of the ripe strawberries.
Having to walk around in the dirt for so long results in dirt over my face and my clothes, but that doesn't matter to me.
“Just a few more,” I whisper, bending down at one of the bunches of strawberries to pluck them. I look at my basket, which is quite full, but I know I can get some more.
I find myself satisfied with my collection as I look at my full basket. The strawberries shine under the evening shade of the sun, the golden rays making them glow.
I start to walk back out to the tree, but just as I come back out, I spot her looking at me.
Oh shit.
I spent way too much time than I intended and now she's here.
“Oh, hey,” I say awkwardly, as she looks back at me with the same confusion as me.
“I didn’t expect to see you here, what are you doing here?” She questions me.
I can’t tell her why I’m here. I have to make something up.
"Nothing, just... just getting some of these strawberries. I've heard they're really good," I say, walking towards her. I try my best to exude confidence, to show her I’m firm in what I’m pretending to do here.
“How did you... how did you find out about this place? I come here almost every single day and I never see you here. Why suddenly today?”
I see it.
I see the hunger to know everything in her eyes.
I know she has seen my notepad and my pen, just lying there under the shade of the tree.
I know she suspected it when I said too much during the detention. She's set on knowing the truth about everything, about me being the one who drops little words of love in her locker each day, and proving her own assumptions right.
I'm standing silently in front of her, trying to find the right words to start with, and she's looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to start speaking.
“Why do you have that notepad with you, with that fountain pen?” She prompts.
We’ve come too far.
It’s time I tell it all to her.
“For you. It's all for you. It's all always been for you.” I whisper. “These,” I say, motioning to the basket in my hands, “these are for you too.”
"But... why me?” She mutters, her eyes directed towards everywhere but at me.
"Because," I walk closer to her, and with all the confidence in me, I place my finger under her chin and gently push it up so she can only look at me. I feel my hand almost shaking from getting to touch her. “I want you to know how special you are. You deserve nothing but love, and this is just me showing you that.” I move my hand towards her cheek, placing it comfortably. When I see she doesn't show any signs of discomfort, I feel myself starting to get relaxed, my heartbeat taking control over its speed. I feel her cheek radiate heat through my hand.
“But-” she starts, but I cut her off.
“No buts. I told you this before too, why are you not willing to believe that you are so worthy of being loved and appreciated? That there is someone who’s ready to do this all for you, but that wouldn’t be special now, would it? That’s what everyone does. And then my purpose of showing you that I’m not like everyone else and how I will shower you with love every single second of my life is defeated. I will bring you the moon, all you have to do is just ask.”
I say it.
I say it all in a single breath.
Every single emotion I experience when I see her is out in the open for her to see. I feel vulnerable, as if my protective top layer has been scratched away, but not roughly. It’s peeled off carefully, like we peel an orange for a loved one.
But for some reason, she doesn’t seem completely satisfied with all I have to say.
“Why me?”
I sigh, knowing we're both about to take a trip down memory lane.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
I was playing in the sand all by myself, trying my best to make a castle out of it, but my attempts failed me. I was bored; sitting all alone in the sand pit with no one with me. I watched everyone else in the playground, running and laughing with their friends, while I was left all alone.
My attention was directed towards the swings, and a huge smile graced my face when I saw it was empty. It was nearly never empty, always being hogged by the rest of the kindergarteners. I rushed to it and sat on one of them, starting to swing back and forth.
I had just started to enjoy the swing, when a huge group of bullies made its way towards me.
“Hey, give us the swing!” Greg, their leader, demanded. I felt myself getting scared, almost trembling, but I didn't want to give the bullies the satisfaction that they had made me scared.
“No!” I said, tightening my grip on the swings and trying to glare at them; to show they didn't scare me. But that only seemed to anger Greg more, because with just one motion of his head, all of his friends charged towards me. They pulled me away from my swing and threw me on the ground with a loud thud, and I screamed at the pain inflicted to me. I started crying as I helped myself up with all my strength to see Greg laughing at me as he sat on his swing.
I felt lost. No teacher came up to help me, despite there being many in the playground to oversee everything. I sat up properly, sniffling, and I noticed my bruises covering my knees.
But suddenly, I felt the sunlight being blocked in front of me, and I looked up to see you.
You were standing in front of me, a gentle smile on your face as you let out your hand for me. My eyes were wide seeing you being so gentle towards me. I took your hand and you pulled me up, and led me to your teacher in your classroom.
I remember her being shocked at my condition. She took me away from you and started to apply an antiseptic on my knees, which spread a burning sensation. I whined at the feeling, wanting it to end at that instant.
She very carefully applied band aids on my wounds, and gave me a little pat on my cheek, and called me a ‘strong boy’. She left me, and you came in just the next second, taking me to your table in the classroom.
I saw you curiously as you opened up your bag and rummaged through it. You pulled out a lollipop, and handed it to me.
“You are so brave,” you said, and I felt my heart racing at your comment.
“Thank you,” I said, taking the lollipop from your hand.
It was strawberry flavored.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
“From that day, I've never stopped looking at you. As we grew older, I knew you were the one I wanted to be with, and I wanted to reciprocate all that you've done for me. It's not just the lollipop, throughout all the years you've been there for me when no one else was, I just don't want you to think that your efforts go unappreciated.” I finish.
She's looking at me with wide eyes, her breathing getting heavier.
She knows why she means the whole universe to me.
She knows why I would travel to the other side of the world to get her her favorite kind of flowers.
“Rafe,” she starts, but tears start to blur her eyes. I move my thumbs to her cheeks to quickly wipe them off, before they fall off her face.
“This is nothing compared to what you've done for me, those chocolates, little verses of poetry, bracelets, they don't amount to the things you've done for me in any way. But I just want to show you how amazing you are, and how you deserve the nicest things in the world.” I whisper.
Before I can process what is happening, her lips are pressed against mine, my eyes shut close as I feel her so close to me. My lips move against hers gently, and I feel her pull me closer to her with her arms around my neck.
She pulls away and gently rests her forehead against mine. My eyes are still shut, and I'm afraid if I'll open them up, I'll wake up from the most serene dream I've ever had.
"Je t'aime. Aujourd'hui. Ce soir. Demain. Pour toujours. Su je vivais mille ans, he t'appartiendrais pour tous. Si je vivais mille vies, je te ferais mienne dans chaacune d'elles." I whisper, taking in a deep breath to let the moment settle in me.
“I love you. Today. Tonight. Tomorrow. Forever. If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If I were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one.”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow
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berberriescorner · 24 days
How would rio and y/n react if marcus brings a girl home?
Okay, so my imagination ran wild with this one. It's a bit lengthy, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it nonetheless. I’m glad to finally have gotten a bit of a creative spark. Hopefully, I’m not rusty. Please excuse any grammatical errors. This isn't heavily edited and I went with the flow. It would be greatly appreciated if you all love, comment, and reblog. Please understand (I know some get tired of hearing it but it’s important) that writing fanfiction takes time and dedication. Then there is the fact that it’s free. Tapping the love button is cool, but it’s the reblogs that help writers. Try to keep that in mind 💓.
Word Count: 3,500+
Warnings: A bit of fluff, laughter, and a little *cough, a hefty piece of* spice.
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The aroma of garlic wafted through your newly renovated kitchen. It had been an early Mother's Day present from Rio and the babies. Your husband swaggered into the kitchen fresh out of the shower. He watched you stir the pasta and smiled as you made a mental note aloud to add more cream cheese. The deep timbre of your husband's voice startled you.
“Stay put mama. I'll grab some for you,” he rasped, lips brushing the side of your neck. His hand left a gentle squeeze on your hip.
“Damn it, Chris. Baby, I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that. I should've known your stealthy, fine ass was nearby. The scent of your cologne and body wash should've given you away.”
He stepped back over to the stove adding cheese. You shivered as his fingers danced up your spine, curling around to the front of you. You hummed as his hand lightly cupped your throat. As if your body knew exactly what he wanted, you tilted your head, angling it so he could gain access. Rio’s lips trailed light kisses up your neck, across the jawline.
“Food smells good, darling. When we eatin’?”
You chuckled, slapping at his hand as his finger dipped into the alfredo sauce.
“Boy! Get your fingers out of my pan.”
“Damn, ma! I can't get a little taste. Come on, mama. Daddy’s hungry,” he groaned.
“That's on you. Shouldn't have skipped lunch.”
Rio kissed his teeth, swatting your bottom playfully.
“You know I was handling business, sweetheart. Don't start,” he teased.
“Let that have been me not eating. You would've jumped in my shit.”
His head shook in disagreement, “Mm no. I would've just brought you some food and insisted you eat.”
“Last time I brought you lunch it turned into an argument.”
“Cause you don't listen. You know you weren't supposed to be anywhere near that warehouse. It was a matter of safety. Where that's concerned, you'll always come first, mama.”
You couldn't help but smile and roll your eyes at the sweet sentiment.
“Whatever, bossy ass. We’ll eat once the oldest baby boy gets here.”
“That's right it's our weekend,” he perked up.
Though there were times Rio wished he could see his son every day. He knew that Marcus was both his and Rhea’s pride and joy. Rio was thankful that they had a healthy co-parenting relationship. Joint custody had always been smooth with Rhea. She'd never dream of ever keeping their son away from his father. He was grateful that they both managed to move on. They both found love again, remarried, and everyone seemed to get along just fine. Rio loved that you and Rhea found friendship in one another. Your kids adored Rhea just as much as Marcus did you.
“Oh, you thought I was making this fire-ass pasta for you? Nope, Zaddy this for my oldest baby boy,” you teased Rio playfully.
“That’s fine! So long as I get to choose my dessert,” he rasped, his eyes scanning over your body.
Your eyes met, both nibbling at your bottom lip. Just as you were about to dive deeper into the topic, Alexa announced someone was at the front door. You tapped your phone screen, turning on the ring doorbell’s mic.
“Rhea, stop acting like you don’t have a key. Bring your beautiful self into this house.”
You smiled as she giggled her way through the front door.
“We’re in the kitchen,” Rio called out.
“Boy! Stop all that yelling. You wake that baby up and it’s your ass.”
Your husband kissed his teeth, “last I checked this was our house,” he mumbled, walking over to Marcus and pulling him into a bear hug. “What’s up, man?”
Marcus answered his question, immediately following with, “Can I go check on the baby? Where’s everybody else?”
“Rudeness. Are you forgetting something,” Rhea questioned her eager teenager.
She chuckled as he looked at her in confusion as she continued, “Your bonus mama is burning in this kitchen. Probably for you. Did you say hello? Or maybe thank you? Where is her loving,” Rhea jokingly scolded her son.
“Sorry, ma. He replied shyly, hugging you tightly and kissing your cheek. “Thank you for cooking my favorite food.”
“It’s cool handsome,” you started, pinching his cheek. “The kids are in the theater room and the baby is down for the night, but go on up and steal a little sugar.”
Just as he was about to excuse himself, Rhea interrupted him, “Not so fast young man. You’re not slick. Don’t you want to share the news?”
“Mami,” Marcus whined.
“That’s okay, I'll tell them. Go on, scaredy cat.”
Marcus made his escape as Rhea turned back to you and Rio. She bypassed him, linking her arm with yours.
“Come, chica. I’ve got some chisme for you.”
Your husband, the big baby he is, groaned, “Nice to see you too, Rhea. Why am I not included?”
“Are you not in the room? You are included, fool,” Rhea teased.
“Chris, baby. I love you, but hush. I'm trying to see some.”
Both women laughed at him as he rolled his eyes and went silent.
“ Marcus sat down with us sometime last week. Said he wanted to invite his lady friend over for dinner. Our baby has a girlfriend, sis.”
The two of you stared at one another, several seconds passed. As if he was expecting it, Rio sighed, running his hand down his face as the two of you started squealing like school girls.”
“Mama, Rhea, the baby,” he reminded the both of you.
You both clapped a hand over your mouths, silently giggling.
“What's her name? Have you met her? The parents?”
“Baby, chill,” Rio chuckled.
You looked at him, studying him for a moment. Head tilted, you questioned, “You already knew. Didn't you?”
He smirked, “You already know the answer to that, mama. You know I stay ten steps ahead.”
“He told you first,” Rhea questioned.
“Listen, he asked for advice on girls a while back. I suspected then he had his eye on somebody. I played it cool. If you ask too many questions, he’ll shut down. We had the talk. About a week after that. Marcus told me he was talking to someone.”
“The talk,” you and Rhea said in unison. “Should we be worried about where this is going?”
“Ladies relax. It's better to have it early. Just to be on the safe side.”
“You gave him condoms. Didn't you,” Rhea snarked.
“Are you ready to be a grandmother? I mean I’d be the coldest abuelo out here, but let's try to prevent that from happening.”
“He brought her home for dinner the other day. She's so sweet and shy. Her name is Isabella, but she goes by Isa. He's got his papi’s taste. She's Afrolatina, a beautiful young lady!”
“Okay! I see my boy! He found him a woman who embodies two of the most important women in his life,” Rio praised with pride.
“The mom seems to be well-rounded. Surely we don't have anything to worry about,” Rhea insisted.
“The both of you were sweet and shy when I first met you. Need I say more? Then there's those stories your mom told me about your teenage years,” he smirked toward you.
“Sneak one damn boy through your window and you never live it down. Kiss my ass, Christoper,” you cackled, flipping him the bird.
Rio puckered his lips, bending down, laughing as you mugged his forehead.
“Sis! Your ass was hot back in the day, huh?”
“Chill on my wife. Tell me, how old were you when we had Marcus?”
Rhea kissed her teeth, “He got a response for everything, huh,” she asked you. “Anyway! He wants you all to meet her. Can he invite her over for dinner tomorrow?”
Rio smiled at you bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“I take it our answer is yes, mama?”
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After a stressful Saturday afternoon, Rio stepped into the foyer of his home. His eyes drifted shut for a moment as he welcomed the delicious smell of lemon herbs, and the smell of your perfume wafted through the air. Sandals tapped across the wooden floor, Rio’s lashes fluttered open, dancing at the sight of you meeting him at the front door.
“Hey Papa,” you started, smile faltering. You could sense the heaviness of his day. “Long day, baby,” you questioned.
His head tilted to the side, an appreciative smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Rio’s hands cupped your side pulling you into a tight hug as he buried his head in your neck. Breathing you in again, his lips tickled the sensitive spot behind your ear.
“Shit was hectic, but I’m sure some kisses would make me feel better,” he whispered in a sultry tone.
Your hands brushed against his chest, as you tip-toed to reach his lips. He chuckled at your struggle to reach his lips, meeting you the rest of the way. Your lips danced together in soft, slow strokes. The sound of footsteps speeding down the steps interrupted the lip lock.
“Ma! Pops! You’re not going to be doing all that in front of Isa, are you? Why’s it so quiet around here?”
You giggled as Rio reared his head back. “I’m sorry son, I didn’t know you paid bills around here. Y’all be forgetting this my house…our house,” he corrected when you lightly cleared your throat.
“Your siblings can be a lot. We wanted to have time to focus on getting to know your girlfriend. I managed to arrange a night with Nana. They’ll be back tomorrow. She can meet everybody next time we have her over. Don’t worry, baby. Papi and I promise to be on our best behavior,” you teased Marcus.
“I ain’t promising nothin’. Listen, I’ll kiss my wife all I want, bro. Don’t be mad I’m the only one getting kisses around here,” he joked, giving Marcus a playful shove.”
“Pops, chill on me. Who said I ain’t got it like that?”
Rio cackled, dapping Marcus up. The laughter between the two stopped abruptly when they saw you standing straight-faced, head tilted, and arms crossed.
“I’m pretty sure I can speak for your mother when I say this. You better be acting accordingly with that young lady. Nothing short of being respectful is acceptable. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Your eyes landed on Rio, “Then I got you over here gassing him up.”
“My bad, mama. We’ll tighten up.”
“That’s what I thought,” you finished sauntering off to the kitchen.
 Rio turned back to Marcus and they both dapped each other up silently.
“It’s like that, son?”
“I learned from the best,” Marcus responded.
“My boy. Seriously though, not too much. Take things slowly. You have a lot of life to live. Don’t let thinking you're grown get you in trouble. You bring a baby home, and that’s ya ass. Papi can’t save you from the mama squad. If you can’t wait, do at least three things for me. Wrap it up, don’t do it in mine or your mom’s house, and don’t play with her feelings. You better plan on sticking around. Don’t be that guy, son. We’ve raised you better than that.”
“Yessir, I give you my word, pops.”
Rio embraced Marcus and gave his shoulders a firm squeeze as they pulled apart.
“You nervous,” Rio asked as the doorbell sounded.
“Just promise me you won’t let Ma pull out the photo albums.”
“Listen, I’m a man of many talents, but telling that woman not to do something almost always has the opposite effect. Ma listens when it counts,” he smirked, biting his lip.
“That’s information I honestly didn’t need to know, Dad.”
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The first twenty minutes had been hilarious. You, Isa, and her mother all silently laughed at the way Isa’s father stumbled over his words while making introductions with Rio.
Apparently Marcus nor his girlfriend had taken the liberty of giving the poor man a heads up. He had suspected that he was going to assert himself as an overprotective father. One look at Marcus’ father and his bravado and puffed-out chest had deflated. Christopher wasn’t about to be checked by anyone and little did they know, neither were you. 
Dinner had gone by smoothly. The two of you succeeded in not embarrassing your son, as did her parents. Isa was a sweet, shy, and intelligent girl. You both loved her for Marcus. The teens had asked permission to have a movie night in the family theatre room. All parents agreed that it would be okay so long as it wasn’t unattended. You had even offered for Isa’s parents to join. Her father needed to finish up some work at home, and Rio along with Marcus, offered to drop her home in a few hours. 
As the parents you opted, to sit in the back row of home theatre seats to give them some sort of privacy. You didn’t want to crowd them too much. That and you knew with certainty that Rio was going to get handsy as soon as the lights dimmed. Twenty minutes of screen time had barely passed before his hand started a soft, tingling trail up your thigh. You allowed his fingers to make it inches away from the place he desired before swatting at him. His heated gaze met yours and the left corner of his mouth tilted up as he mouthed the word, “Why?”
Your head cocked to the side as you looked at him as if he were crazy. You sucked your teeth, pointing a finger in the direction of the kids. Rio wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to whisper in your ear, “Oh you really thought I was cold. You know why I pulled this blanket out, mama.” He laughed as you rolled your eyes, shoving him away from you. 
“Do that again and I’m sitting in my own lounger,” you sassed.
“All this space and you want to sit by yourself. Don’t be like that, mama.”
You had glanced in the direction of the children to see if they had overheard, but froze as you saw their hands inching closer to one another. Your hand tapped the top of Rio’s repetitively to get him to look. The two of you shared a smile at the innocence of the situation. Marcus looked back as the two of you tried to focus your attention elsewhere. The teen shook his head as his hand shifted away some. The two of you kissed your teeth and the sound echoed off the theatre walls as Marcus shook his head and Isa giggled.
It felt as if you had ruined the moment, and Rio attempted to correct the situation. Clearing his throat he asked the room, “Anybody want chips? Popcorn? Something to drink?”
You caught on and joined in, “I could go for some ice water and we can share a snack babe. Let’s go round up some refreshments.”
The kids had started to decline, but the two of you left in a hurry.
Rio propped himself against the kitchen island with his hands clasped. You crept towards your husband smirking. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you asked, “How much time should we give them to be unsupervised?”
“That depends, mama. Are you trying to be a responsible parent or a laid-back one? Responsible would be in the realm of maybe five or ten minutes. Laidback–about twenty or so.”
Rio’s hands traveled the length of your back, down to your plush backside. With a gentle squeeze, he continued, “I’m leaning towards laidback, mama,” he rasped. “Maybe we can take that time alone to–connect ourselves.”
“You truly have a one-track mind. We are not about to do anything with a guest in the house. Do you know what teenagers can do in twenty or so minutes?”
“Mama, what’s the most that could happen?”
“Our last child happened in twenty minutes, Rio.”
“We were pressed for time, and I was down bad for you that night, mama.”
“You’re always down bad for me. Even at this moment, you are.”
“No lies told. If you know that, stop playing. C’mere, mama.”
Rio nibbled at your neck, even as you continued to protest, “Rio, seriously. We should head back soon.”
“C’mon, mama. Let that boy cook for a few minutes. I told him to take things slow and to never do anything like that under his mom’s or our roof.”
“Oh, and you think that’s gon’ stop him?”
“Why wouldn’t it?”
“This is coming from the man, that was giving me backshots under his grandmother’s roof last Christmas.”
“We’re married with a ton of children. Trust and believe, she knows you’re getting handed pipe left and right, mama.”
“You get on my damn nerves. Always got a response–.”
The sentence came to a halt as Rio’s hand slipped into the opening of your dress, tugging a nipple through the silk material of your bra.
“F-fuck, Rio, don’t.”
His lips hovered over yours. The minty freshness of his breath fanning across your bottom lip. He nipped at it before asking, “You really want me to stop, mama?”
“Pantry, now.”
With those two words, Rio picked you up, legs wrapping around his waist, as he carried you to the destination. The door softly clicked closed, as he pressed you against some of the shelving. Your lips collided, tongues stroking one another, battling for dominance. The hem of your dress shifted upward, bunching at your waist. Rio groaned as his tented dark wash jeans ground against your damp panties. A moan slipped from your lips and he shushed you.
“Gotta keep quiet baby,” he whispered as his lips moved to suck at your throat.
His lips continued to nip and suck at your flesh. His long muscular fingers tugged your panties to the side as two fingers massaged your folds before gliding in to slowly stretch you out. The delicious feeling turned you into a whimpering mess as your hips began to rock against his movements.
“Yeah, just like that, mama. Are you gonna be my good girl and come all over my fingers? Yeah, you are. Aren’t you?”
He leaned in, tucking into the side of your neck, and whispered, “Bite down on my shoulder if you need to, darling.”
One of your hands slipped under his shirt as your nails scratched at his skin. You leaned back and pleaded, “Choke me, Daddy. Keep me quiet.”
The minute his hand wrapped around your throat, Rio added a third finger, thrusting in quick, deep strokes. His lips pecked your lips as he groaned, “Come for me, mama. Make a mess all over my fingers.”
All you needed was one last stroke to send you over the edge, but everything came to a halt as you both heard footsteps coming toward the kitchen. The two of you broke apart, fixing your clothes at the speed of lightning. The moment the knob to the pantry door turned, Rio snatched it open, pulling it closed with a bag of chips and a case of soda under his arm.
Marcus eyed his father suspiciously before speaking, ���Isa got thirsty and you two were taking forever. So I came to get her some fruit snacks and a soda.”
Rio handed him a soda and explained, “We were coming back. Your pops negotiated a little alone time for ya. Did anything interesting happen?”
Marcus blushed a bit and responded, “Pops, can’t we talk about this later? I don’t want to keep Isa waiting.”
“You right man. Here take this soda and I’ll bring the fruit snacks and the rest of the stuff. Ma and I will be right in. She had to take care of something right quick.”
“Alright, Pops. Thanks.”
Marcus made it a few steps out of the kitchen before ducking his head back around the corner. Rio had started to turn back toward the pantry as he spoke up, “Pops? Tell Ma she can come out of the pantry now. Next time aim for a place that doesn’t house the food we eat.”
“Yeah, okay, wiseass. You’ll understand when you get older and have your own meddlesome ass kids. Take your lady her beverage and mind your business. You just couldn’t let your daddy cook in peace. Could you son?”
You were mortified and could barely look your bonus son in the eye for days.
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Tagging some of my lovelies:
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114
@amorestevens @bisexuallyattractivebitch @1andonlytashae
@rio-reid-whoreee @lovedlover @astoldbychae @percosim
@ravennaortiz @sunshine-flower @novaniskye @alertyoulikeitsamber @realhotgurlshit @abcdestinyyyy @jannavaire
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sorrowfulmuse · 8 months
Would you write a headcanon or even a blurb on mk1 Liu Kang having a crush on reader or falling in love with reader? I need more content with him so badd 😭 Please and thank you love ❤️
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♡ headcanon :: how liu kang fell in love with gn!reader and their traits
mentions/warnings: none! just stupid writing errors (will be edited later)
babe pls i've been WAITING for someone to request him!! sorry for any typos or anything, i'm waiting on my laptop for the first time since my phone sucks with having music in the background while i write on here but here you go! hope you enjoy!! MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN YALL! & pls reblog thank you! ☺️💓
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liu kang would be conflicted in my opinion, its a new world.. a new era and he is a god compare to you being in his earth realm defense, but nonetheless it did not wary the feelings he had for you.
what was the traits that he favored from you? well, you did easily best kung lao in one of his bets! (lowkey so did the rest favored you cause it shut up kung lao for a bit!)
but mainly, you were ambitious for earth realm's victory when titan!shang tsung had declared war on this timeline.
you had confidence in him despite being told your past lives in different timelines from geras, he had asked why and was met with a answer that tugged at heart in the most blossoming way. "the fates will always find a way and i'm most thankful for this one as i get to be by your side."
was this a confession reader??? 🤓
you would laugh at his jokes even though no one else would get them, (you didn't really find his jokes humorous but you adored enough him enough to put up with it.) he still appreciated it, even if it was the smallest thing from you
in trainings, missions and in other assortments.. being diligent was your main priority. making sure you and your comrades made it back all in one piece, sometimes plans weren't always followed through but you were clever enough to have a backup plan to ensure success.
liu kang would dote on you when both of you are alone, he'll compliment the way you did your hair, how your voice sounded when you sung (lets pretend you know how to sing LOL) this man was down bad i tell ya!!
at madam bo's everything you ate/drink was paid by him, he even would ask madam bo to make you off menu dinings
this made everyone jealous because you were receiving royal treatment on which you would tease them for when his back was turned
"have you tried this tea before? it helps to smooth your throat if you have a cold" "eat this dish, the flavors of the soup can help with the sickness you're going through."
YES liu kang would be that type of person to take care of you even if you show the rarest signs of sickness!
but how did he meet you in this new era? you were trained in combat, martial arts and amongst other things which made you the second best behind raiden to being earth realms champion
although not being chosen not to represent in the tournament, you exceeded his expectations and was humbled enough to not let your pride get the best of you.
to end this, liu kang was in love with you simply because you believed in his vision and strength all those eras ago. you were you, you were his.. in every lifetime.
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
↬ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
↬ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬!𝐀𝐔, 𝐂𝐄𝐎!𝐉𝐚𝐲, 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
↬ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲. 𝐀 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐥'𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐄𝐎.
← 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
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(A/N: As you can probably tell this is more of a filler chap but also quite insightful since it gives a different perspective on jay's thoughts 🤭 thank you guys so mucch for all the love and support on the recent chapters, i love you all so much. pls accept all my kisses and love 🥺💞 feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!!!!!🧸💓)
TAGLIST CLOSED: @soonigiri @xrr-s4sha @kwiwin @heelcvr @deobitifull @kpoprhia @doodlelibrary @abrazosolorcereza @certifiedmoa @sleeping-demons @heerinnie @ohmy-moonlightx @heeswif3y @hoonieluv @fakeuwus @jjaeyuns @cheybabey @ineedsomezzz @super-amberlynn @kshoshi @tinie03 @jseongies @mimikittysblog @primroselover @heebrry @jebetwo @donghyckl @07myonlylove @enhamysunshines @quemirasboboandapaya @lostwonderwall @seuomo @enhaz1 @teawithbucky @beomgyusonlywife @dammit-jjk @lhsvibez @azurez @boutyouwonu @finchyyy @ocyeanicc @jaylaxies @in-somnias-world @zerasari @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @capri-cuntz @fluerz @3amstarlight
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vtoriacore · 10 months
✧ a mom-orable confession [2]
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note: stfu i know the title doesn't fit this time becaus i REFUSE to even allude to the reader liking riddles mom in any capacity. you ruined this post title w your terrible mother riddle, i will decimate her for this.
characters: sebek, leona, deuce, riddle
synopsis: you ask the boys if you can date a relative/friend as a prank, only to ask them out instead.
reblogs much appreciated, mwah 💞💓
| ace, azul, jamil, vil |
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