fly-care · 3 months
Good morning FLY_babes! Never forget your value and do all that fits your purpose ❤️
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journey-to-balance · 1 month
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You are not behind in life. Your journey is different to others and that's okay. Trust your own pace, believe in your own timeline. Everything is right on time.
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innerguidancehub · 7 months
Defining Your North Star: Identifying Core Values
In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, understanding and living by your core values is akin to having a reliable compass. It guides your decisions, shapes your relationships, and ultimately leads you towards a life that feels authentic and purposeful. This article is a guide to help you identify and define your core values, your North Star in the sea of life's choices.
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Understanding Core Values
What Are Core Values?
Core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that are most important to you. They represent the essence of who you are, what you stand for, and what you prioritize in life. These values serve as a guiding force, influencing your behavior, decisions, and relationships.
The Significance of Identifying Core Values
Identifying your core values provides a solid foundation for living authentically and in alignment with your true self. It empowers you to make choices that resonate with your deepest desires and aspirations. When you live in harmony with your core values, you experience a greater sense of fulfillment, purpose, and inner peace.
The Process of Identifying Core Values
Self-Reflection and Introspection
Set Aside Quiet Time: Find a peaceful environment where you can reflect without distractions. This could be a corner in your home, a quiet park, or a cozy café.
Journaling: Begin by writing down experiences, moments, and interactions in your life that have deeply resonated with you. These can be positive experiences that made you feel truly alive or moments of conflict that revealed what truly matters to you.
Identify Peak Moments: Recognize the times when you felt most fulfilled, satisfied, and authentic. These instances often provide valuable insights into your core values.
Analyze Your Role Models: Think about the people you admire most. Consider the qualities or values in them that you find most inspiring.
Prioritize Your List: Review your reflections and identify recurring themes. From these, begin to prioritize the values that resonate with you the most.
Defining Your Core Values
Narrowing Down Your List
Select Your Top Values: Choose the values that stand out as the most important to you. Aim for a concise list that resonates deeply.
Clarify Each Value: Take time to define what each value means to you personally. How do you embody this value in your daily life?
Write a Personal Statement: Craft a brief statement for each core value. This could be a sentence that encapsulates how you intend to live by this value.
Create a Visual Reminder: Design a visual representation of your core values. This could be a vision board, a piece of artwork, or a screensaver on your device
Living by Your Core Values
Integrating Values into Daily Life
Make Conscious Decisions: When faced with choices, consider how they align with your core values. This awareness will guide you towards decisions that resonate with your true self.
Set Goals in Alignment with Values: Establish personal and professional goals that are rooted in your core values. This ensures that your pursuits are meaningful and purposeful.
Communicate Your Values: Share your core values with close friends and family. This fosters deeper connections and allows others to understand what truly matters to you.
Regular Reflection and Realignment: Periodically revisit your core values. As you grow and evolve, your values may also shift. Reflect on whether they still accurately represent your true north.
Conclusion: Guided by Your North Star
Identifying and defining your core values is a transformative step towards living a more authentic, purposeful life. Your core values act as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards decisions that align with your true self. Embrace this process of self-discovery, and let your values be the compass that leads you towards a life of fulfillment, authenticity, and lasting joy. Your North Star is within you; it's time to let it shine.
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eudaimond · 2 months
Where it all began
I started out making jewelry in 2015 as a hobby while I was on my first deployment in the United States Navy. Soon after returning home I made a couple pieces for close friends and family but never thought about making a business out of it. In fact, I tried a few multi-level marketing (I guess that's what they are called) Itworks, BeachBody, Amway, basically a few things where you sell products and try to get others to sign up to sell products "with" you. BOO! Not a fan. I wanted to run a business but I felt no passion for the products of services. The only thing I was proud of was things I made myself.  Fast forwarding a few years, (a lot happened but this is the summary). I was still in the Navy and it was taking up ALL OF MY TIME but I managed to fall in love <3 and get married in 2021. I decided to leave the Navy in 2022 to start a family and pursue something I was passionate about, but the only PROBLEM was it had been YEARS since I had really been creative or had a creative space to work in. But we just bought a house so space wasn't the issue anymore.  I had to take some time to "re-discover" myself, which any veteran can tell you after they separate from the service, you sort of forget a lot about yourself when you assimilate into the military because individuality really isn't a thing (no regrets though). I worked as a contractor for the Navy from March 2022 - Nov 2023 but decided to step away from that with the help of my supportive hubby :) I really needed to get my own identity back. I did some spring (REALLY FALL) cleaning, which led me to breaking out the cases of jewelry making supplies that were long forgotten in storage. It brought back some wonderful emotions! And that's when I remembered how much I enjoyed making things with my hands and coming up with creative designs.  And just like that, I got bit by the creative bug and I couldn't be happier about it. I began creating pieces like a mad woman and now with the confidence (thanks Navy) that I COULD DO THIS FOR A LIVING!! MAKING THINGS! AND BEING HAPPY DOING IT! So that is what I am doing. Making things whether by hand or designing in the digital space (which I have also been really enjoying). I have sold my pieces at several markets and pop-up locations since December 2023 and I am still deciding what I want to go back to school for (Also HUGE THANK YOU NAVY) but I am leaning toward graphic design and business. I am in the middle of building my web-site for my online Gift Shop (cuz Mamas got plans) which will be coming SOON. I have been making moves like mad...tripping, stumbling and blundering my way through Etsy and social media. But it is all for a greater goal and that is to build a successful business that I can run from my home while I raise our future children. And lastly that brings me to tell you about the name "Eudaimond". It's a name I made from the word Eudaimonia, which translates to happiness, or more accurately "human flourishing". This resonated deeply with me and it became the name of my business. It represents my current journey for a happy and purposeful life. When you shop with Eudaimond, you shop with a purpose. Whether it's a gift for others or yourself, the act is intentional and your time is important. And I want to provide intentional products worth that time.  Thanks for being here.
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Empowered Souls: Navigating Life Through a Spiritual Lens. I Am Equipped. Shaina Tranquilino March 17, 2024
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Many of us find solace and strength in various aspects of our existence. While the physical and mental realms are crucial, there's an often-overlooked dimension that holds immense power – the spiritual realm. In this blog post, we explore the concept of being equipped from a spiritual perspective and how it can profoundly impact our lives.
Connecting with the Inner Self: At the core of spirituality lies the journey inward. Whether through meditation, prayer, or introspection, connecting with the inner self allows us to tap into a wellspring of wisdom and resilience. In these moments, we often discover a profound sense of purpose and a connection to something greater than ourselves.
Building Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Life is full of challenges, but a spiritual perspective equips us with the tools to face them head-on. By embracing the belief that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning, we develop resilience that helps us navigate the complexities of life. The ability to find meaning in adversity is a cornerstone of spiritual strength.
Cultivating Compassion and Empathy: Spirituality often emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings. When we recognize the divine spark in others, it fosters compassion and empathy. These qualities become powerful tools for creating meaningful connections, fostering understanding, and contributing to a more harmonious world.
Living in Alignment with Values: Spirituality provides a framework for defining and living in alignment with our core values. Whether grounded in religious teachings or personal beliefs, this alignment serves as a guide, helping us make decisions that are congruent with our higher selves. Living authentically and in accordance with our values brings a deep sense of fulfillment.
Embracing Mindfulness and Presence: The spiritual journey often emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment. Mindfulness practices teach us to appreciate the beauty of the present, letting go of worries about the past or future. This heightened awareness not only enhances the quality of our experiences but also fosters a sense of gratitude and contentment.
Seeking Transcendence and Meaning: From a spiritual perspective, life is more than just a series of events; it is a journey toward transcendence and meaning. Whether through religious rituals, philosophical contemplation, or mystical experiences, the quest for a deeper understanding of existence enriches our lives with purpose and significance.
Being equipped from a spiritual perspective is a transformative journey that goes beyond the surface of our daily activities. It involves delving into the depths of our souls, connecting with something greater, and living in alignment with our higher selves. As we navigate the intricate tapestry of life, let us not overlook the profound impact that a spiritual perspective can have on our well-being, resilience, and the interconnectedness that binds us all. In embracing our spiritual essence, we find the strength and wisdom needed to navigate the complexities of our human experience.
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iamjustjordie · 1 year
Each day is a new day. Each day we grow a little older and a little different. In each day there is some element of newness, therefore we must be kind to ourselves. With newness comes elements of the unknown, so please be kind to yourselves and open to the possibilities. With the addition to newness, know that there will be somethings that we simply don’t know. With the opportunities, know that you’ve got the right to change your mind and align with purpose and joy! I
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iqmatrix · 9 months
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Find Your Ikigai [#0508]
The Find Your Ikigai IQ Matrix explores how to find your purpose and calling so that you can do and get paid for what you love. Ikigai philosophy promotes finding joy, meaning, and purpose in everyday life. It is based on the idea that everyone has something unique to offer the world, and it encourages individuals to pursue their passions and discover a sense of purpose. This approach to life emphasizes balance, harmony, and the prioritization of joy, meaning, and purpose. This map guides you on finding your own Ikigai by exploring four key areas: passions, vocation, mission, and profession.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/find-your-ikigai
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Become the hero (updated! version 2.0).
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Image taken from the amazing TV series "Ping Pong the Animation".
This idea came to me mainly from watching Ping Pong the Animation (a short animated series), also from reading The Book of Five Rings.
One of the main themes’ in Ping Pong the Animation is about characters overcoming hard circumstances, finding meaning in life, and achieving things at the same time (this is just my personal interpretation for this post).
I'll talk about a way I thought that helps me overcome many things and stay motivated to keep working hard to achieve different things in life.
*Note, the first time I wrote this post, I was thinking it was okay wanting to achieve too many things, BUT, at least for me, I found out it's not okay, because it's exhausting, I had stopped doing things that were more important for my health and for enjoying life in general.
Here's the updated post (:
Context and example.
There are many moments in many people's lives where we think that life's way too hard and complicated, or when we think that achieving certain goal is impossible (like buying our own house or having a relationship that we like, that is functional, and that works in the long term). Most people are never able to overcome many difficult situations, they just stay in their comfort zone, other times, they simply don't have the means.
An example, many people's comfort zones include many addictions like consuming different stimulants through the day and on weekends, they consume them so much, that it affects their health in a negative way in the short and long term (things like medicine they don't need, supplements that are not needed either, alcohol, cannabis, other drugs, way too much caffeine, etc.).
Some other addictions and comfort zones include using social networks all day without much interaction with real people, some other addictions can range from someone's who's addicted to exercising and having a balanced diet (this can become a problem and an addiction too! I've experienced it) to some other people who just watch TV shows or play videogames way too much daily.
I'm not judging anyone, people can do whatever they want, the tendency of mankind is to do things that are easy and to stay in comfort, and we only live once. The problem about addictions is that we lose too much energy to those addictions that prevents us from having the energy to do other things.
Sometimes people are way too tired daily because they aren't sleeping well, they are using their cellphone too much, they have a really bad management of everything in general and waste a lot of time and energy, they have terrible diets, they're dehydrated, they don't exercise at all, they're spending all their energy on social media, they're addicted to drugs that end up consuming their energy (including alcohol), etc. It is important to solve these one by one (IMO), one step at a time if we want to achieve other things. We need to change our habits, and that is really hard.
For a specific example, in some moments of my life, I've had a really hard time sleeping, I know many people who do too, but instead of really trying to figure out the problem and finding long term solutions, most people look for the easy and fast way out, consuming a medicament or drug that will put them to sleep. Some others simply embrace the fact that they're going to be sleeping 4-6 hours every night and that's it, they just drink a bunch of coffee and stimulants during the day to be able to be somewhat functional. Both the easy way out with taking medicine and just sleeping less daily are not long term solutions and can be bad for health in the long term (unless of course, the medicine is diagnosed and needed).
If I have a couple of bad night's sleep, I can't really accomplish everything that I want to do on a daily basis because I'm tired, so I needed to fix that problem, it is always hard and it was really hard, but there's always a way to solve problems. I needed to change many of my habits and change things from my environment to have a better sleep, and for that I had to do a ton of reading, researching, and trial and error. I now know what I need to do to have a good night's sleep, it took me years to truly be able to achieve that, it was a lot of learning and experimentation (I won't go into detail, this is just an example, but I had to change many of my habits, my diet, my exercise, zero drugs, seeing sunlight early, no screens 30 minutes before sleeping, etc. I even made an appointment with a psychiatrist to see if the root of my sleep problem lies somewhere else, we'll see, but good habits help me sleep much better).
How to become the hero.
When this idea about "becoming the hero" came to me, I was lying in bed having a hard time falling asleep, I was also thinking about the huge burden that my life has become with so many responsibilities and so many things that I want to do during my spare time (these include the relationship I have with my girlfriend, my new job, owning a small business besides my job, continue with the plan I've had for years to buy a house, the need to exercise, to have a healthy diet, wanting to learn new things, wanting to become good at my new job, wanting time to watch TV shows and play videogames, wanting to spend time with my friends, etc.).
I thought, how am I going to achieve all that? *note: I recently realized that wanting and trying to do all these things mentioned above is not realistic and it was making me feel stressed, I decided to quit wanting to do some things and take it easy with other things, just focusing on the most important and trying to have more chill and fun afternoons and weekends.
In perhaps what is a dumb and too optimistic way I remembered about Ping Pong the Animation and thought, "I need to become the hero", I must sleep well, exercise regularly, have a good management of many things in my life, have energy, stop wasting time on my cellphone, and do everything I need and want to do. This thought that I needed to become the hero gave me a lot of motivation and energy, and a good reason to keep doing everything that I do (of course, shortening and taking it easy with the list of things I mentioned earlier).
I noticed that I've spent about the last 8 years of my life learning new things on purpose that specifically have helped me have a better understanding about everything in general (things like psychology, philosophy and science), I've also been improving my habits and leaving many addictions behind, of course that I'm not perfect and I sometimes use social networks more than I would like to, sometimes I eat too much food for supper, or watch a TV show too late, and can't sleep well, but with the knowledge that I've acquired, I feel that I can overcome almost anything.
Circling back to the beginning of the post, when a difficult situation appears, I suggest we try to solve it for good, we have a lot of information available, we can learn that information, we can do trial and error, we can always save some energy to learn new things and overcome anything (one tiny step at a time, I insist). And I don't mean this in a dumb and optimistic way, we can't always overcome cancer for example, but if we really try, if we find the right motivation and do things progressively, we can become the hero and overcome difficult situations, land on our feet, and become great at things.
Musashi wrote in his Book of Five Rings, and I completely agree that even if we "are not talented", we can work hard, and we will learn and become good at anything (we can't always become the best, but we can become great), we just need to find the correct way to do it, and do it progressively. In my case, I can say that in a lot of moments in my life I've met people that seem to be incredible talented at something, or really smart and knowledgeable. After working hard and learning more and more, I've noticed that I can be like that too, I can achieve that too, I just need to constantly work hard. After all, we are all just humans, and most of us really have the same capacity, but we're using it in different ways (many times in my opinion, we're wasting our capacity by spending a lot of time on TikTok, or spending too many hours on entertainment).
Motivation and inspiration.
Staying motivated is a must, so find something that keeps you motivated and interested, if we just work hard always, our lives can lose meaning. No joke.
In my case, I've found that stories keep me going, they keep me interested and inspired (and I learn a lot from them), stories can come from TV shows, books, comic books, video games, so on. Practicing a sport is also a great thing that keeps me inspired, I've been playing ping pong often lately, it's great.
Going out and talking to friends or people I meet is also a great activity for this purpose.
My suggestion is to find something, and activity, a hobby that keeps you interested in life and that motivates you to do things that are hard (like work). That's up to you to find. But, limit the time you dedicate to whatever keeps you inspired, it's really easy to be addicted and to spend way too much time doing that activity, it will drain all your energy, even if you have time left daily to do things, you won't have any energy left.
A few last notes
When we don't like our jobs and don't accept that we have to do certain things and just keep procrastinating certain tasks, we create stress and anxiety upon ourselves, becoming the hero includes accepting that you have to do whatever you need to do, and doing it without distractions that drain your energy (if a job is too awful, it's a good idea to switch jobs of course). Doing this during your job and finding satisfaction by doing certain tasks at the job is good for our dopamine system which is tied to our motivation and energy. What is terrible for example is, when we keep looking at our cellphones often or during short breaks, we completely ruin this dopamine/ energy system and just lose a lot of energy for the rest of the day (familiar with the social media burnout?).
One habit that's really important is our energy management, really learning what consumes our energy, and not wasting energy on things that at the end of the day will be pointless.
Another habit that's related to everything in general is to learn better management, for example, not consuming too much time cooking daily, finding a way to eat healthy, not spending too much money on food, and perhaps cooking 2 days a week and freezing food in food containers for different days of the week.
Another management tip is to stop trying to solve issues as they show up, we should take a note and make time to solve them later.
Making lists helps, for example, when we run out of some food from our kitchen, making a note, and then having a list for the sole day of the week we're going to the supermarket (or for the day that we're ordering it online), avoiding going twice a week to the supermarket and to other places we don't need to go saves a lot of time, going to the supermarket early during the weekend can also save a lot of time (no people).
Learning, practicing, working hard, making good habits, dropping bad habits, becoming more versatile, limiting ourselves with stimulants, drugs, and leisure activities, having a hobby that keeps us interested in life, learning to like and accept or change our jobs, and so on, these are all the things that together mean "become the hero" (for the use of this post lol).
It's a really hard thing to accomplish, there are way too many limitations, distractions, addictions in life that will get in the way, but, we can try.
Achieving just a part of our goals is better than nothing at all, it's completely fine if we don't achieve everything we want to achieve. It's okay to take things easy, actually that's best, but work progressivly toward your goals.
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Chicken math is cute, but it isn’t really practical for everyone. Egg rainbows make pretty pictures….but ya can’t eat an instagram square for breakfast. Sure out here we can own 40 hens and by free ranging or pasturing we are able to limit our costs. That simply isn’t the case for everyone. Maybe you live in an hoa with a cap on hen counts, maybe you don’t need so many eggs, perhaps your budget just doesn’t allow you to own 40 laying hens at a time. That’s okay! Here are some real life suggestions on how to keep it simple, live within the confines of your budget, space, and regulations. Forget about the egg rainbow. We’ve always thought that was silly anyway. Mamaw didn’t care what color her eggs were, you shouldn’t either. Pick a breed based on your weather and needs. Not all hens are meant for the frigid cold winters of way up north and others don’t fare well in Florida. Some lay pretty eggs but only around 100-150 a year versus the not colorful 300 of another. Egg rainbows might make a pretty square but Instagram squares aren’t edible yall. Focus less on the aesthetic and more on the function. Don’t worry about the bragging rights of owning dozens. Instead think practically and purposefully, choose what fits your actual needs. Do nothing for the gram. . . . . . . . #forthegram #chickenmath #chickensofinstagram #layinghens #hens #hensofinstagram #practicalwisdom #wisdom #purposefulliving #purposeful #reallife #folkcore #cottagecore #gardencore #simpliving #slowfashion #simpleandstill #recipes #recipe #f52grams #f52community #easyrecipes #quickrecipes #recipeshare #recipeideas #oldfashionedonpurpose #homesteadmama #homesteadmamas #homeschoolmom #homeschoolmama https://www.instagram.com/p/Cno06Z-uyV6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mindfulgraffiti · 1 year
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In any given negative situation, if you take a step back and take a moment for yourself to rewire your emotional reaction to a particular event, you most likely will find that not all situations need a reaction. With time, some reflection and practise, you will slowly realise that your time, energy and resources can be put to better use. This will help to upgrade your frequency to direct better experiences to you✨🙌🏻 #MindfulGraffiti #FrequencyReminder #ReactLess #InnerExperiences #Tweaking #Minds #Meditate #Writer #Author #Thinkers #Mindset #Mindfulness #ThoughtYoga #EnergyHealing #Instamindfulness #Enlightenment #Motivation #Gratitude #PurposefulLiving #CreateYourOwnHappiness #PositiveEnergy #GoodVibes #MindBodyAndSoul #FoodForThought #SelfCare #SelfHelp #SelfCareDaily #WordPorn #MindPorn #QuoteOfTheDay https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCXCWsM6-z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ziarising · 2 years
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#shequotes #life #lifequotes #writerscommunity #writersquotes #igquotes #motivatorsofinstagram #selfmotivation #motivación #selfempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #livedeeply #deepliving #innerpeace #purposedrivenlife #purposefulliving #mindfulquotes #mindsetmotivation #igquotes #poetrycommunity #poetsquotes #aestheticquotes #successfulliving #livebetter https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf45M8wqTUg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fly-care · 2 years
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classicallychriste · 2 years
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👻 no #halloween spooky is as terrifying as the fact that I now get cold at 71° 🍁🤪 living in this cozy shacket from @altardstate this weekend! 🌟 linked through my @shop.ltk for $89.95. Runs oversized, so shop your normal size. I’m in the xs! #altardstate #asambassador #fallfashion #ootd #weekendvibes #itsfallyall #shopforgood #purposefulliving #sundayvibe #htxlife (at Houston, Texas U.S.A) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkV9PgXAhQJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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favourthebeloved · 2 years
Everyone is important.
As a social media manager, I have learned that everyone has a role to play, no matter how insignificant the task may seem to be.
I feel like what I do is really small sometimes because I'm so passionate about social media marketing and it's something I can talk about even when I am asleep.
Nevertheless, I have come to realize that this thing I see as "small" is actually very, very IMPORTANT.
The clients I have are so busy that if I don't do the work they pay me for, no one will. Their business can go on for weeks and no one will do what I do, and you know what that means.
Their business will suffer.
Understanding this helped me to see my role from another angle.
Imagine if there were no road wardens, cleaners, security officers, mechanics or housekeepers, who would do the work they do?
I know no one is indispensable, but I'm not talking about taking over roles which already exist. Instead, imagine these roles never existed.
Who would clean the roads, make sure our offices and homes are secured and in order?
So you see, everyone is IMPORTANT! and we come together to make the world a beautiful place.
Never look down on people and treat people well. We need each other to survive in this beautiful world.
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yttrendstoday · 15 days
Are MEN Even Needed Anymore? | Toxic masculinity and positive mindset ti...
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tmarshconnors · 26 days
"If it isn't a clear yes, then it's a clear no."
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Greg McKeown is an author, public speaker, leadership and business strategist. 
Born: 1977 (age 47 years), London
Author of "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less": Greg McKeown gained widespread recognition with his bestselling book "Essentialism," published in 2014. The book advocates for the importance of focusing on the essential few things that truly matter, eliminating non-essential tasks, and leading a more purposeful and fulfilling life.
Essentialism Movement: McKeown is associated with the Essentialism movement, which emphasizes the disciplined pursuit of less but better. He encourages individuals to make deliberate choices about where to spend their time and energy, aligning their actions with their core values and priorities.
Thought Leader and Speaker: As a thought leader in the field of leadership and productivity, McKeown is a sought-after speaker at conferences and events. He shares insights on how individuals and organizations can simplify their approach to work and life to achieve better results.
Harvard Business Review Contributor: McKeown has contributed articles to the Harvard Business Review, a prestigious business publication. His writings often focus on leadership, productivity, and the principles of essentialism, providing practical advice for professionals and executives.
Educational Background: Greg McKeown earned his MBA from Stanford University. His academic background, combined with his practical experience, has shaped his perspectives on leadership and the strategic pursuit of what truly matters in both professional and personal spheres.
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