#poor romeo why must they do you so dirty???
montagueandcapulet · 2 years
Seriously, where does this idea that Romeo is much older than Juliet come from?
I recently saw a post confidently stating, as if it was an established fact, that Romeo is 34 years old, and that drove me to ask this. I've loved R&J for decades, but I've only ever seen this idea on Tumblr and only in the last couple of years.
So where did this idea start, and why has it caught on?
The play never mentions his age, as opposed to how people keep going on about hers.
The movie versions have all cast them as being similar in age. Even the 1936 version had them both played by actors over 30.
If the idea is "that's how things were at the time," the whole point is that they weren't doing things in the established or accepted way.
I just don't get how anyone could read the play and assume he's supposed to be twice her age or more. And while there has probably been a production somewhere that cast them that way, that doesn't explain why the idea seems to have caught hold.
Is this just Romeo hate-dom in a weird disguise? Trying to make him sound creepy? But even if that's the case, I still don't understand how it got started.
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purplerain85 · 3 years
Happy and his Princess Part 1
Pairing: Happy x Reader
Warnings: mainly fluff, couple of curse words
A/N I wrote this for @yourwonkywriter there will be a part two and it will be where all the smut happens.
If you are tagged but don’t wanna be just message me and I can take you off ☺️☺️. Or if you wanna be added let me know
@yourwonkywriter @hazlenutlatte @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @chibsytelford @tellingyouastory @twistnet @challengeahellcat @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @raewritesfiction @yosoynicolexo @telford-writes @redpoodlern
It should not be this hard to tell someone how he feels he normally he just jump and every single woman and crow eater say how high. He is killer with 17 smiley faces on his body tells everyone that he isn’t afraid of anything.
But then you came to the clubhouse one night and he swear his heart stopped. You were beautiful, smart, funny, confident but had a shyness about you until people got to know you. You weren’t always a damsel in distress as you could always deal with unwanted attention and if they ‘happen’ not to listen you would walk around the clubhouse tell you came across Happy and you be glued to his side and then they would get the hint.
Which is what tipped Tig off that you two had feelings for each other. He knew why you would never say anything or admit willingly to Happy unless your hand was forced. You all but told him that when he asked you why you haven’t said anything to Happy. But Happy, Happy wasn’t afraid of anything and yet he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you. “You know she feels the same about you brother!” Tig say. Happy looks at Tig and laughs and says “maybe she does or maybe she just likes having as a guard dog, but going up to her and telling her how I feel seems so impossible to do.”
Tig decided that the only way these two would actually get together is if both of your guy’s hands were forced. He talked to Chibs about what he had planned Chibs agrees and says “what if this doesn’t work?” Tig says “well we keep them locked in the back room until they admit their feelings.” They locked and barricaded the back room exit. You got to the clubhouse about 10 minutes before Happy got there and the asked if you could go get a case of Coors beer from the back room. Knowing there wasn’t any they knew you would look for that beer.
When Happy got to the clubhouse he looked around for you. Chibs says loud enough “Hey Tig Y/N ever come back with that case of beer?” “Nope she hasn’t come back yet, must be really looking for it.” Tig says. Happy looked at the two and said “you sent Y/N to get a case of beer?” Chibs laughs and points to Tig and said “Tig said there was a case of Coors back there” Tigs laughs hard and said you might need to go help her Romeo. Happy rolls his eyes “You guys never order her Coors, which is why I have a case for her in my car!” Happy says as he walks towards the back room.
Chibs and Tig quickly and quietly run behind Happy and the moment he is past the threshold and calls your name and hear you say “Happy?” They slam and lock, deadbolt and barricade the door. They hear Happy shout “what the fuck you to morons!!” Then hear you say “what the hell! Let us out” you laugh a little.
Tig shouts through the door and says Admit your fucking feelings and you can come out!” Him and Chibs are dying of laughter. You panic and say “who’s admitting to who?” “Both of you sweetheart” Chibs says. You hear them walk off.
You and Happy look at each other for a moment before you got and sit on a pile of empty skids and look at him shyly while he pulls a chair up and sits in front of you. Happy feels like he is about to combust as his mind goes dirty. He clears his throat and you giggle he goes and check the back door and the windows. He comes back and says “well looks like we are actually stuck in here until we talk.” You look at him and decide it’s now or never well more so according to Tig for you to just spill your guts because Tig would never do this to you if he didn’t know for 100% that Happy felt the same. “Thank you for coming with me and sitting with me while I got my Sammy Tattoo.
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It was fun just being you and me well besides the tattoo artist and the other people there and oh god I am rambling fuck, shit. What I am meaning to say is that I like you Happy I like you a lot and I definitely wouldn’t mind some more one on one with you where it’s just you and me and nothing else between us….. shit I didn’t mean it like that, well I did but not…… ok I am going to shut up now!” You said as you felt embarrassment flood you and you couldn’t even look at Happy his stare was so intense that it not only made you kind of uncomfortable but extremely turned on.
Happy loves how he makes you feel just by looking at you, makes him wonder how you would react when he gets to touch you in a more intimate setting. He was going to tell you how he felt but decided to go for a more forward approach now that he knows how you feel for sure. He leans forward a little and reaches over and grabs you by the back of the neck pull you towards him and kisses you hard the moment you into the kiss his other hand grabs your hip and pulls you onto his lap.
You move your hands to his kutte and ground your hips against his ragging hard on which caused his hand on your hip to move to your ass and grips your ass makes you ground harder on him he pulls away from your lips and looks you in the face as he bites his lip then he pulls his hand back and slaps your ass hard. You call out and moaned “fuuuuck Happy! Take me home!” He moves you to stand and gets up and walks over to the door and bangs on the door and shouts “let’s is the fuck out you losers!”
Tig asked “did you two love birds talk?” Happy curses and says “if you don’t open this door I will bust a bullet in your ass!” You giggle and decide to grab the bat that they had there and say “You known he would probably love a bullet in his ass but probably one that vibrates, or we can just break the window I can crawl through and open the door?” Happy turns a looks at you shocked by what you just said and starts laughing and says “Ok let’s break it.”
You go to the window that you know will have part of the balcony under it and break the window open and make sure all the glass is out, Happy helps you through the window and you work to get everything out of the way and unlock the door and open the door for Happy. Chibs and Tig hear a window break and work to get all the stuff out of the way and get the door open once they do they are that the room is empty and hear your car drive away.
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icycoolslushie · 3 years
I'm Not the Same Person You Left - Benmars One-shot
Not Sad | Sad | Sadder | Saddest
TW/CW: Romeo and Juliette, blood, gore, violence, suicide, basically everything that happens in These Violent Delights
Hope is a feather. It sticks on for some time, but eventually it falls.
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Alisa looked at the door again and again, as if hoping Marshall would suddenly walk through. It wasn’t fair she was alive when he wasn’t.
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Benedikt Montagov screamed raw in his sleep.
No one came. They were used to this by now.
But Roma hesitated outside of his cousin’s door. It was his fault Marshall was dead.
The thought hit him like the bullet had hit Marshall. Only he didn’t die; he got to live with betrayal and the knowledge that it was his fault everything had gone to pieces.
Why, oh why, had he ever trusted Juliette? he asked himself again and again, though he knew why: he had hope.
Now that hope was crushed just like the thought of never seeing Marshall again.
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“Mars! Marshall. MARSHALL SEO.”
Benedikt had said Marshall’s name in every variation, language, and tone he knew. He had pleaded with anyone (whether they were above or below) to get Marshall back. He had done everything except kill himself to see Marshall. But it was killing him anyway.
All he wanted was one last hug. One last laugh. One last smile.
“Mars,” he whispered softly, one last time, a boy that knew nothing would ever be right again but still had a sliver of hope left, before he buried his face into his pillow and sobbed out whatever liquid was still left in him.
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The damn loneliness was killing Marshall Seo as much as Tyler Cai’s bullet had been.
He wanted to make sure poor little Alisa was safe, Roma was okay, but most of all he wanted to see Benedikt.
Ben, the other part of his heart, the twin of his soul, the yin to his yang, the yang to his yin. Ben. The person he loved most.
It was his fault, he supposed, for getting so entangled with a person who loved someone from the enemy’s side. But was it his fault he had become attached to a person? His fault he had eventually started loving his best friend? Was it his damn fault that he lived in a city divided by a blood feud?
Even if it wasn’t, it was still his life. And there was nothing he could do but wait till Juliette could do something about her cousin so he could finally get out of this safehouse and into Ben’s arms.
Then it occurred to him: he could do something. How had he not realized? Maybe the desperation was driving him mad, that he actually considered the craziest idea he had ever had.
Damn doing a favour for Juliette Cai. He needed to see Benedikt. Let Benedikt know he was alive. He could sneak out of here, his face hidden in his hoodie, buy (or steal) a wig from the roadside sellers, get a mask of some sort, and sneak into the White Flowers territory.
Yes, that’s what he would do. The only thing that would keep him sane.
He took an empty water jug and smashed it against the windows, breaking the wood that had warded up the glass. He heard something smash below, and knew that the debris must have fallen. He ducked to make sure no one had seen him. After two minutes, when he figured that if anyone had seen the broken glass and chopped wood would have left, he lifted himself up and looked out the window—the first view of the city he had seen since almost two weeks. It looked . . . different. Less people. He supposed they were all being cautious, and at least no one would be able to see a random person climbing down a building.
Marshall messed up his hair, put his hood on, and took a deep breath before he put one leg out the window.
Grabbing the windowsill tightly, he put his other leg out the window as well.
He climbed down, slowly and steadily, years of practice guiding him. When the distance left was just half a meter, he jumped down.
He hid behind an empty cart, making sure no one had seen him, waiting out two minutes in which he re-adjusted his hood and started walking again.
Within ten minutes, he found the tailor shop he, Benedikt, and Roma used to go to get disguises. Usually they paid, but he had no money now, so he entered through the back and found a large purple overcoat, a russet wig, and a cat mask. He put them on, listening attentively in case someone came into the storage room, and left.
He walked for a bit, until he could tell he was in White Flower territory, and Ben’s place was just a block away.
He took to the wall to make sure no one could see him and sneakily made his way deeper into the buildings.
When he was able to see Ben’s window, he stopped. Did he really want to do this? Endanger Ben? Put Ben’s life into even more danger?
No, he didn’t.
But his desire to see him was overwhelming and Marshall decided he could not live with the fact that he would’ve been able to see Ben but didn’t.
And no doubt Ben wanted to see him too.
He took off the overcoat, the wig, and the mask, letting his disguise slip away.
Marshall took a few steps forward away, and was able to touch the window. He knocked hesitantly, then paused. Then knocked again, properly this time.
He gasped.
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Benedikt wasn’t sure whether he was dreaming again, had died, was looking at Marshall’s ghost, or was getting hallucinations.
And honestly, he didn’t care. He was getting to see Marshall again, and that was all that mattered.
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Benedikt’s blonde hair was messed up, his face was flushed, his skin was way too pale, and he basically looked like a ghost. Someone who hadn’t eaten, slept, or even had proper hygiene. Marshall grimaced when he saw his best friend.
“I must have died and gone to heaven to receive such a present,” Benedikt said. “Or I must certainly be dreaming. Or is it your ghost? Haunting me? I know I should’ve saved you, but I couldn’t. So I’ll let you give me as much grief as you want as long as you’ll stay.”
“Benedikt, you’ve gone crazy,” Marshall remarked.
“Maybe it is the actual you. Only you could be so vexing.”
Marshall leaned back. What was wrong with Benedikt? Then he noticed a plate, full. Not a crumb had been eaten. Benedikt hadn’t eaten anything today, maybe not even drank. Suddenly he felt selfish for delaying this visit for so long. “Can I come in?” he asked, not bothering for the answer, already moving to de-attach the window lock.
Benedikt seemed to have resurrected, and he fiddled with the lock before Marshall, opening it, letting him in.
He looked behind and in all directions, making sure no one could see him, and crawled through the window.
Tripping at the last second, he toppled into Ben, who didn’t have much strength—after all, he had been eating less—and together they fell, Marshall half on top of Benedikt, half on top of the floor. He blushed, which wasn’t like him to do.
Before Benedikt had gathered his strength to sit up, Marshall did, and grabbed the plate with food on it. He helped Benedikt sit up, and slowly fed him small bites of an apple. As Ben had finished the apple, Marshall peeled an orange and fed him that.
Slowly, Benedikt regained his strength, his proper strength, as Marshall fed him a day’s worth of food. It seemed as if Benedikt had only been having only one or none meals a day.
Finally, when the plate was empty, Marshall moved his right index finger over Ben’s lips, wiping away bread crumbs. When he was done, Ben moaned.
“What?” Marshall asked, honestly surprised.
“I never knew—all these years, and God, I was dumb.”
“We’ve been over this. You are dumb.”
Benedikt laughed. “That—you making me laugh. I—” He shook his head. “Can I kiss your finger?”
“You’ll get your mouth dirty again.”
“Maybe I want that.”
Marshall sighed and stuck out his finger into Benedikt’s lap. Ben kissed it. Then Marshall ran his finger over Benedikt’s mouth again, wiping his face clean, taking care of him.
Benedikt had wished for one last hug, one last laugh, one last smile. Now we would make sure each one was memorable, plastered into his memory.
He would make sure he never lost Marshall again.
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Marshall Seo the full moon outside, bringing hope and possibilities and new beginnings. He cherished the view and feelings like he cherished Benedikt.
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It grows back, though.
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Benedikt Montagov had lost a feather, but it had grown back.
He had hope again.
Taglist: @della-vacker-supremacy @themadhatter999 @writeforjordelia @theenchanteddreamer @shadowhuntingdemigod @reyna-herondale Lmk if you wanna be added or removed! (Also feel free to tag other people.) @safinssmontagov (Fantasy Appreciation Week)
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bc i have nothing better to do
heres a big list of mb quotes from my marching band
do with this what you please, just tag it as incorrect quotes from mb or sarahs incorrect quotes :)
TW: swearing, crude humor, implied dirty humor, dirty humor in general, bad jokes, yo mama jokes, all caps typing, misspelled words, and general band kid chaos
and before we start: adam was the director, colby was the drum major, just for clarification
"sigma grindset rule 3918: sell children for money"
"can we get 10 points bc communism?" "did i iust hear can i get 10 points for communism"
"a toaster is just a tanning bed for bread" "i mean, you arent wrong"
"awwwwww look at thw lil bass family !!"
"M I N G L E P O S I T I O N"
*drops smth right before rep* "L E AV E. I T."
"the year 4026, earth has been devoid of apl life and the robots have taken over earth. and the only human thing left of our existence...the mustard vault" *loud colby groan*
"wheres adam" "good question" "okay we need to just put life 360 on adam so we can find him"
"we need to wait for adam" "..adams too slow anyways so-"
"will this exercise help us learn how to cha cha real smooth?" "i mean..its rlly the exact opposite of what we were just learning..but..maybe?"
"the kenniwick kids gave me mustard for the mustard vault !!!!"
"taking 3-5 jazz running steps today you too can be like me. kaaaaachowwwwww"
"run like your life depends on it bc it prolly does"
*does the wave with several other bands*
*does a foot articulation exercise to another day of sun*
"w o a h if i had known the cavalcade shirts would look like that i wouldve gotten one-"
"sarah where did you get your earrings? or did you make them?" "i made them" "they look rad" "thanks :D"
"i only participate in the dankest of memes"
"ohhhhhhhhh...thats why we did that"
"im not like other boys i like boys-"
"marcus is officially a hazard to society"
"come, we must spread our influence elsewhere"
"people care about each other--"
*take shako off* "dont talk in shako" *puts shako back on* *someone else talks in shako* "or youll have to do push ups" *firzt person takes shako off* "10 pushups" *puts shako back on* *second person takes shako off* "fuck you" *puts shako back on*
"snek snek snek and a snek snek snek and a-"
"so now sara and marcus have a video of me dawson and logan just marching in a circle around a piece of paper" *stops* "what, like this????" *crabs in a circle* "okay, first of all thatd not how you march-"
"beautiful job dawson, beautiful beautiful job"
"were reinacting romeo and juliet, dawson ur the blood"
*gets on the ground to be blood for romeo and juliet*
"just be taller"
"just get better"
*tries to play full closer and fails* "...that was cute"
"rip my poor ears"
*in the middle of a run through* *whispering* "hiii !!"
"just blame it on grant cuz hes a redhead"
"grant youve been replaced"
"sexy grass"
"i look lile im about to go casually rob a bank"
"aight where are my children where did they go"
"here is a wild adam in its natural habitat-"
"are you looking sexy on the sexy grass tho"
"can you do me"
"snek" "2 3 4" "flowers" "2 3 4" "puppies" "s a r a h s t o p s a y i n g a nim a l s" "2 3 4"
"oh god John got out the tape measure" *shakes head* "John and his tape measure"
"all band kids are very very easily distracted"
"bro that was so sexy gimme more" "wHAT-" "the sax, it sounds cool"
"make those lines straighter then i am"
"stab em like oj" "allegedly"
*gets toy truck* "YEAAHHHHHH"
*spontaneously chants colby and ollie and the other banda join in*
"everything is fake and the points dont matter"
"reddit: wherw the greatest minda combine"
"im not saying this to beagim just sayong that i am the best instructor in the pacific northwest"
"so hypothetically-" "hypothetically?" "hypothetically lets say in this situarion i did ur mom-" "just hypothetically?" "hypothetically. so hypothetically, in this situation of me doing your mom i am now hypothetically part your dad" "hypothetically" "hypothetically, yes. and since i am hypothetically your dad you are not in fact hypothetically gay bc im hypothetically ur dad" "just hypothetically?" "just hypothetically" "so hypothetically i am hypothetically gay, you hypothetically hooked up with my mom and are hypothetically my dad but im not actually hypothetically gay bc now my hypothetical crush is my hypothetical dad therefore no longer making me hypothetically gay?" "hypothetically yes"
"trumpets are just alwayz superior"whoa there now i might leave you-" "waitno come back-" *pullings her back around shoulders*
"what did fred do like everyone hates him-"
"ooooooo look at that j u i c y marching"
*gives someone whos cold a hug* *someone else joins their lil now group hug* "awwwwwwwwwwwww"
"no thats not a joke i actually like men-"
"lookin s e x y"
*g i a n t voice crack* "whoa there you good-"
"*insert literally anyones name here* i wonder about you sometimes-"
"the yellow quadrilateral creature who lives at tbe bottom of the sea dhall be referred to forever lore as he must not be named"
"john coltrane" "well obviously-"
"just limbo under the flute"
"our call time for everett is 4 30 am" *giant cheer* "i wish yall were this excited about marching-"
"colby i lpve ur hair uts got like this windblown type thing going on"
"bro ur really close to me and a bari sax is giant and my tenors are big as fuck-" "WELCOME TO MARCHINF BAND RAIDEN"
*does a foot exercise to another day of sun*
"okay so were gonna call that the cheese grater-" 🧀
"i just have a couple f's its fine"
"im tuning to an f flarp"
"this is my child i birthed her"
"cole and logan were just like nah fam so long and thanks for all the fish"
"would instruments have genitals???"
"are you sure you werent walking down the hallway eating bread colby-"
"what legacy are you leaving behind?" *raidens tenors fall down* "THATS MY LEGACY"
"but are you looking sexy on the sexy grass?"
"senoirs we now technically-" "adam. no. stop right there."
"remember: you are sexy spy ponies"
"i will refrain from hitting a woodwind today"
"youve definitely killed someone. and ik for a fact that it was a relative"
"this is the way!" "~this ks the way~"
"this one time at band camp--"
"saxophones are just sexy clarinets" "exactly!!" "this guy gets it"
"are you straight???" "wow, that is such a pressing question-"
"can you do the worm" "i mean maybe-"
"if you need to beg borrow or obtain through legal reasons-" "ah yes just steal fancy clothes" "only steal from walmart tho"
"yknow what we should do?" "murder." "..i was gonna say sing oht parts but im dowm for that too"
"when should the snap happen?" "when ur t posing !!"
"ya like my shirt" *addylynn who has ths exact same one* "yeah i wish i had one"
"you sound like an old jewish grandma"
*casually watches high school musical 2 over ft*
"one of them declared war lets goooooooo"
"mellos would you care for a donoot" "a donoot?" "a donoot"
"do smth illegal, at least"
"i am a strong independent man i dont need no woman"
"WE GOT A BAG!!!!!" *drum majors are given a box and taken the bag* "WE GOT A BOX!!!!!"
"whos...whos foot is this?????"
"reasons to love mb: the weord ass positions we come up with to fall asleep in"
"hows ur day going?" "good, hbu" "good" "wanna come commit arson with me" "yea sure, you got q time for that-"
"wanna come make road angels witg me" "road angels???" "yea you lay in the road and make an angel" "raiden thats rlly bad--"
"wheres my shoe who stole my shoe" "you lost a shoe??" "yes i only have one shoe"
"colby do falcon pride with the banana peel" *five minures later after adam is done talking* *colby trying not to laugh* "banana." "peel!" "banAnA." "pEeL!" "BANANA!" "PEEL"
"adam were in band and gay we cant do math-"
"just *falls on the ground and gets dragged off by colorgaurd ans then at the end of the show wakes up bc of a new tmrw*" "y e s"
"just go back in time ans kill my mom and make a paradox"
"i wanna die" "good morning to you too colby"
"natural selection will take you"
"as you can see im taking this very seriously im in a dino onesie and mb shoes-"
"and so on the verge of a mental breakdown i say to you i love yoy all i bide you a good day"
"hi friends" 
"iLl gO wHen yOuRe qUieT"
"are you emotionally attached to serengeti" "oh hELL yes"
*spontaneously starts singing 0 to hero with drumline*
"on your knees!" *pffffffttt* *they get on their knees for mingle formation* "thats better 😌" *barely start playing in time*
"look!!!!! i found a picture of mingle formation!!!"
*to someone wearing a large amount of hanford merch* "ey yooooo!! are you a part of the hanford music company?" *person looks down at their merch* "no, why" "oh weird, you just give off an aura XD"
"there will be donuts" "donuts?" "spudnut donuts, allededly"
"rain: hi" "mb: *nopes on outta there*"
*casually reads book while sitting in a locker*
"lOOK!!! ITS JOHN!!"
"hELL YEA! -tori and sara all day in everett"
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heliads · 4 years
Meeting the Parents
based on this request:  “Racetrack x reader where she is filthy rich so he goes out to dinner with her family and they don’t like him. He then teaches her what it’s like to be poor? Kinda like the titanic scene??”
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Race stands before you, nervously tugging at his shirt collar. You can tell he’s wearing his best clothes, and he’s even forgone his usual newsboy cap to make a better impression. Tonight, after all, is the night he’ll meet your parents for the first time.
You and Race had been dating for a few months now. It all started when your best friend, Katherine, had dragged you along to the lodging house so you could meet the newsboys of Manhattan. You had only gone so you could finally meet Jack Kelly, who she’d been talking about for what felt like forever, but you were instantly distracted by the sight of a newsie with golden curls. He’d been talking to one of his friends, but the second you’d walked through the door he had stopped and stared, all conversations forgotten. Your eyes had met across the crowded room, and in that moment, you knew that this boy was going to be the death of you.
It hadn’t taken him long to ask you out, in that usual flirtatious way of his, and it had taken you an even briefer moment to accept. Race flirted with every girl that crossed his path, that’s just what he did, but once he met you, everyone knew he had finally found someone he truly cared about. You two were so in love that it felt like even Romeo and Juliet were simply vague shadows of what you felt when you were with him.
Before long, your parents began to question why you came home with a grin and a blush, and why they kept hearing voices from your room late at night when you should’ve been asleep. Eventually, they found out that you were dating Race, and so they arranged to meet him tonight. Thus, Race is panicking.
“I’se just worried, you know? I’ve never been to a restaurant this nice, and your family is filthy rich. I mean, you could probably buy yourself an island or something. How am I supposed to tell them I’se a newsie?” 
You laugh gently and straighten his collar. “First of all, I think that’s a bit of an overstatement. Second of all, if they see even a quarter of what I see in you, they’ll be more than happy. We just have to make it through one dinner, and then we don’t have to hide our relationship anymore. That’s good, right?”
Race sighs, then turns to face the door. His hand wraps around yours, squeezing for the briefest of moments as if to give him one last boost of strength, then opens the door for you. “Here we go, darlin’.”
You and Race make your way through the maze of tables, trying to find your family. Race is doing his best not to stare at the ornate chandeliers and gilded portraits hanging on the walls. He treads delicately on the fine carpets as if they’re made of crystal. “I feel like I’m a bit out of my league here, Y/N.” You can’t help but laugh at the awestruck expression on his face. “Don’t get too caught up in the decorations. I see them.” Race nods in readiness, then walks with you to your family’s table.
Your father smiles when he sees you. “Y/N, dear, there you are. And this must be-” “Anthony. It’s nice to meet you, sir.” You do your best to hide a smile as Race shakes your father’s hand. Race doesn’t often use his real name, he must be trying his hardest to impress your parents. This idea is confirmed when Race guides you to a seat and pushes in your chair. 
With a slight movement of her hand, your mother indicates for the waiter to bring some drinks for all of you. “So, Anthony, it’s lovely to see you at last. How ever did you meet Y/N?” Race smiles, and only you can see the nerves still emanating from his every move. “Uh, I met her while I was at work. A friend of hers introduced us, and I’ve been in love ever since.”
You turn to Race, beaming, but your father leans forward and continues the interrogation. “Ah, a workplace introduction. That’s how I met my wife, actually. I’m a banker, at the Manhattan Alliance down the street.” He smirks coldly, letting his statement sink in. The Manhattan Alliance is one of the biggest banks in New York, so Race definitely feels the pressure growing at the table. “What do you do again, Anthony?”
You hold your breath. This is the one question you had hoped they wouldn’t ask. “I, uh, work with the New York World.” Your father raises an eyebrow inquisitively. “Ah, the newspaper. I know Pulitzer, he’s a good man.” You stifle a grin as Race does his best to not say anything. To the newsies, Pulitzer is anything but good, and hearing your father speak of him as if he’s a saint is taking all of Race’s strength not to break his composure. 
Your father continues speaking. “I was talking to Pulitzer just the other day, actually. What is it you do with the World?” Race goes rigid for just a moment, then tilts his head casually. “I work with raising profits for the newspaper through, uh, studying distribution patterns and management, specifically focusing on regions within Manhattan.” Race speaks as confidently as he can. You two have been practicing this line all week to make sure he can translate being a newsie into seeming wealthy. It actually sounds pretty good, if you could say so yourself.
“I understand, I understand.” Your father nods, leaning back in his chair. “What you mean to tell me is that you’re a mere newsboy. No amount of prepared speeches can hide the truth, which is that you are nothing but a street rat, who should be under no circumstances fraternizing with my daughter. Yes, Pulitzer told me all about you. It sounds like you’ve been seen with him, Y/N, and he was eager to tell me just what I would be getting into.”
Your head flies up. “Father! Anthony is perfectly respectable, and what’s more, I love him! Please treat him with the courtesy he deserves!” Your father just shakes his head, a cool glare emanating from him. Your mother speaks up beside him. “You know this won’t work out, Y/N. Please, just get rid of him and let’s move on.”
Race stands up. “I can see I’m not wanted. Well, Mr. L/N, I may be ‘just a street rat’, but I will always love your daughter, no matter how cruel her father.” You stand up too. “I can’t believe either of you. I’m going with him.” Race takes your hand, and as the two of you flee the restaurant, you can hear your mother calling your name.
The second you leave the stuffy restaurant, you turn to your love in despair. “Oh, Race, I’m so sorry. I never thought any of this would happen.” He kisses your cheek softly, then shakes his head to dispel your worries. “Trust me, none of this is your fault. That’s just the thing about rich people- they never want to dirty they’se hands with us commoners. That’s what I like youse so much, Y/N, because you never cared about the money.”
You smile at that, and let Race lead you further away from the restaurant. After you find yourself heading down twisting streets, you realize you have no idea where you are. “Race, where are we going?” He grins, then pulls you down another side street. “If we can’t have that date with your family, we’re going to have fun with mine. Come on, Y/N, it’s just a little further.” You shake your head, laughing, and keep going after Race. You feel like you would follow that boy for forever.
Before you know it, you’re at the lodge. You can hear the distant sounds of music coming from somewhere inside the building, and when Race throws open the door, you’re enveloped in the sounds and sights of what feels like a festival. The newsies are all there, worn out but joyous after a long day of selling. One of the newsboys, who you believe is Albert, makes his way through the crowded room towards the two of you. 
“What’cha doing here, Race? I thought you had that date?” When Albert sees you, his eyes clear. “Ah, there ya are.” He takes you in, still in your elegant gown. “You know, if you ever get bored of Racer here, I’d be more than happy to take care of youse.” Race shoves him, and Albert falls back, laughing. “As if I’d let the likes of you anywhere near Y/N.” He turns back to you with a grin, then holds out his hand. “Besides, she’s already dancing with me.”
You accept his hand, still taking in the sights of the room. Boys are crowded into the different areas of the lodge, some talking, some dancing, and some providing a beat by drumming on whatever empty surfaces they can find. All in all, it’s one of the most hectic scenes you’ve ever witnessed, and yet somehow one of the best.
Race leans in close to you, straining to be heard above the din of the room. “See, this is all we need. No mansions, no diamonds, no millions. Just the drums, some friends, and a good time.” You laugh at that, feeling the entire day's stresses run away from you. The aura of pure, unbridled joy surrounds you. Without strict social norms, without imposing parents or gossiping wives, you can at last breathe and let yourself have fun. Here, you can finally be yourself. 
Race takes your hand and leads you to the groups of dancers. He places his hand on your waist, keeping the other clasped around yours, guiding you to the beat. The steps are slow at first, but as the boys drumming start to get more excited, the two of you move faster and faster until you’re breathless, both from dancing and from laughing. Race lets go of you to spin you, and the two of you spin around and around until the walls are tilting and you have to cling to Race so you don’t fall over. 
The room seems too hot to think straight, what with all the boys packed together, so Race leads you to a balcony. The cold night air is a balm to your flushed skin, and you breathe it in happily. “See, we may not have millions, but we do manage to have a good time.” Race declares, leaning against the balcony’s railing next to you. “That you do. I don’t think I’ve laughed that much since I was little.” Race looks over at you, the moon shining in his curls. “That right there is a crime, darlin’. You’se got a smile that’s too pretty to hide away.” You glance away from him, blushing, but Race turns your head back with the tips of his fingers so he can kiss you. You kiss him back, rejoicing in the feeling of him next to you and wishing that this night could last forever.
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dacreshoney · 4 years
chapter 1 the new kid on the block
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the days outfit | above |
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chapter 1 of my new stranger things/billy Hargrove x reader series 
summary: The new kid on the block billy Hargrove, the two baddest kids in Hawkins catch each other eyes
warnings: flirting, swearing and actions some people may not agree with 
(I do not condone any behaviours)
read to find out more 
Recap: August 20th 1983 - senior Year, not like it mattered to me, I'd already missed the first week of what is said to be the most important year of my life. This was to hide the bruises and cuts my father decided to place me with this week, but If you asked Steve Harrington I missed school to avoid him after our summer hook up. Definitely not the case, but I'll let him fill his giant hair with a little more ego.you know, having the bad girl/popular persona at school always helped hiding the cuts and bruises, suppose that's why I like to play on the stereotype a little. Saves me explaining a whole lot of no good to the principle or the police; in which would do me a fat lot of no good as my dad is the chief of police. But today I needed to get myself out of bed and stop feeling sorry for myself if i ever want to get out of this shit hole, I needed an education.
7:00 am The sun started beaming through your window, the sunrise catching your eyes, you were always an early riser, but this morning you did not want to get out of bed and face the music of school. You dragged yourself out of bed and slogged your way to the bathroom to fix yourself up, you freshened your face and applied the days makeup. Nothing too dramatic but something which compliments your features, you made your way to your wardrobe where you grabbed your favourite black cropped sweater and khaki midi skirt to match with your dr marten boots and black backpack. Your hair wavy and tucked behind your eyes complimenting your chiselled face. 
You made your way downstairs in which your father was in the kitchen reading the Hawkins daily newspaper, he glared at you as you walked passed him in the Kitchen, expecting you To forget everything he had done the days previous. 
"stopped feeling sorry for yourself and actually going to make use of your life today are you" he mocked, edging for a sarcastic response 
in return you tried not to ease into his schemes and replied, turning on your heel To glare right back at him 
"don't you worry, you will still have a job by the time you get home today" you uttered with a slight smile coming from the left corner of your lip and made your way to fetch your car keys and headed out the door. You had a black alfa Romeo spider convertible, you turned the keys in the holder and headed towards heathers house, she was just as shocked to see you pick her up for school as well as Nancy and Barbara. 
“just tell me again why you decided to miss the first week of the most important year of school miss head cheerleader?” heather probed you with one arm lent onto the edge of the window, followed by Barbara who also questioned, 
“yeah, Steve has kinda been telling everyone you were trying to avoid him after he dumped you in the summer” barb giggled with the girls. 
you eyed them up in the mirror and responded with some annoyance, 
“ for a a matter of fact girls, I dumped his ass and two heather, had stuff to deal with” 
“you won't be saying that if you don't get into college Y/N”  Nancy vocalised in the back of the car
The girls then started to giggle as heather spoke, “just you wait till you see the new boy y/n,now that is someone I wouldn't mind taking my virginity and just walking away” and she followed, “ maybe someone to finally put you in your place and play you at your own game” she mocked.  You smirked and rolled your eyes at them in which you stated, 
“I would like to see the poor boy try” and laughed, the girls followed on to coo over the new kid, you really was not interested in boys after your recent fling with Steve Harrington, well you were interested in boys, but not for a relationship. You didn't mind playing them here and there, but you had decided that there would be no strings attached, your life was too crazy for anyone to handle. As you pulled up to school and found your parking spot, crowds of people entered the hallways as the bell rang. 
5 minutes late you were to class and Mr Hodge just had to call you out, you could just never catch a break with that man.
“late miss Y/N Johnson, and he followed with “nice to have you finally grace our presence” he spoke as the class looked up to find you at the doorway. You edged towards the desk and lent over in a flirtatious manner and stated
“ well hodge, just missed your face too much so of course I had to make an appearance for you” you smiled and walked to find your seat as he dismissed you, the class laughing. You saw a new face, one you hadn't seen before staring right at you smirking and licking his lips, this must be the new boy everyone has been gawking over. Billy Hargrove. 
“this seat taken?” you winked and questioned the boy, slumped on his chair legs spread in his tight denim jeans, he looked right up to you and cheekily responded with a wink right back, 
“well princess, you could sit of my lap or the chair, take your pick?” you knew he was a little heartbreaker just by his comment. You further added while taking the seat on the chair, 
“ sweetie, we've just met, don't get to big for your boots” 
“ill take my chances with you darling” he teased. 
Billy’s POV: this was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, she seemed cheeky as well, not afraid to say what's on her mind like the rest of the cat litter at this s*** hole of a school. He knew then he'd have to get to know her, maybe someone who would make his time in Hawkins a little more bearable. 
The class had begun, you started writing your notes and could feel like someone was watching your every move, every inch of your movements were being hawked on. You turned to face billy who you could feel eyeing you up and asked abruptly “so, you must be billy, explains why you feel the need to eye up anyone with a pulse, heard a little about you” 
Billy paused and smirked right at you and commented, “well all good things I hope, but judging by that I guess not sweetheart, so tell me, why has no one mentioned you?” 
“well” I turned to face him and implied, “because i’ll break your heart sweetie, should be happy you got no one telling you about who I am” . 
“already broken, besides I might break yours” he quickly responded licking his lips.
“already broken too, shame, I might of enjoyed breaking your heart Hargrove” I claimed, turning to face the front of class as mr hodge turned to face my direction and projected. “I hope you aren't distracting my class miss Y/N Johnson”
(BTW this is a sexual education class) 
“not at all sir, billy over here was a little confused about what circumsized meant, so I was giving him a little explanation” everyone in the class giggled and turned to face billy who turned bright red. never had someone pulled him up before, never mind a girl. 
“well aren't you a class A dick sweetheart”  he spoke
“ I am yes, get used to it billy boy” I smirked 
End of class came around fast, the bell had rung for break, you spent all the first few periods teasing billy, after the end of each lesson you would make sure he got an eyeful of your long legs and curves budging past his desks. 
“still not going to tell me your name princess?” he shouted as he packed up his things to leave, your turned to face him with a smile and lent over his desk whispering in his ear, 
“ it’s Y/N” and you walked off. 
Later that day was cheer practice, you were cheer captain and you had a lot of s*** to prepare for the schools champion league for the soccer and basketball team games. So you had a lot to prepare to get the team ready and geared up to support them teams and you couldn't deny it either, you looked good in a cheer uniform. 
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The soccer team had finish practice and the basketball players were getting ready to enter the pitch, to your surprise you noticed the gorgeous permed blonde `come out from under the bleachers, ripped to the heavens he was in his tight khaki booty shorts. You carried on coaching your team, shooting and throwing commands for them to get their toe touches right when you heard a voice come right up to your behind and say 
“ I wouldn't mind you ordering me about princess” billy spoke as he was licking his lips bouncing the ball on the ground. 
“I'm sure you would like to be someones little bitch hargrove” you winked, the whole practice you made sure he had full view of you in your short cheer uniform, you're good at teasing. Also not to my liking Steve was on the basketball team, having a right good stare, he was not happy one bit with Elena flirting with the new kid. 
After practice billy approached you at your car, hands leaning on the roof of your car and asked, “hey sweetheart, how's about we go for a ride? you take your car home, I follow you and we go from there” 
“why do you thing I would one let you follow me home and two get into a car with you hargrove?” you joked with him, leaning on your car door. in which he answered, 
“well I know when a girl is into me so, thought id make the offer first” he smiled. 
I laughed, “confident and cocky, must think me to be like one of the other girls here then, to fall straight at your feet, think again pal” 
to your annoyance Steve interrupted with a bitter tone to his voice, “wouldn't go there mate, she will sleep with you and leave you hanging like her dirty washing” 
you both turned to face Steve, you shouted with a hint of anger in your voice, “really Steve, you are still hung up on that, come on” 
“stay clear if I was you” Steve followed
“just proving my point harrington” you laughed as you opened your car door and turned to face him. 
“and what's that huh?” Steve laughed, expecting you to come back with a s****y comment. 
“ that you are just a little boy and I don't need a little bit steve, I need a man” you claimed facing billy who was smirking the whole time, Steve waked off with his friends in a tantrum. 
“so that ride?” billy questioned 
“you still wanna be seen with me huh?” you smiled getting into your car, turning on the engine, and billy lent down to the window where you would then be face to face and said
“ you sure as hell I do”
“then lets go billy boy” 
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hikarinon · 4 years
a Rainy Prom Night ☾
Miya Atsumu’s POV x reader
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Atsumu’s POV
Who in the world would’ve thought a stuck-up person like me would ever get the opportunity to go to prom with someone. and by someone i mean y/n. especially someone like y/n.              
but surprise surprise, here i am, in a tux, cold hands, holding freshly picked cerulean blue myosotis flowers, waiting for her to come down the stairs.
my anxiousness suddenly overwhelmed with elatement when i see her coming down, with a flowy 70′s sabrina white chiffon dress, that stopped right up her knees. i’ve seen better dresses in my entire life, so how the fuck is she able to pull off such a simple dress and make it look so....angelic.
“ ....wow ...“, is all i am able to say right now.                                                             
“you’re not so bad yourself, ravishing boyfie. you actually look prettier than me, especially while holding such beautiful flowers” she giggled, then i gave her the flowers, “ thank you, Atsumu.”                                                                          
“i’d buy a whole garden for you, but that should wait till we get hitched” i joked....wait, actually im not joking . we gave our farewells to her parents, and with single a pat on my back from her dad, we’re off to prom.
we have arrived. the prom already started half an hour ago, so they’re already with their songs and all. honestly, i couldn’t care less about this whole prom, the only peeps i greeted were my teammates. we had a few drinks and now i miss y/n.
  right now she is goofing off on the dance floor with her friends. at least now i know why she chose a dress that was easy to move in. I figured that it was time for us to spend the remaining evening together, so i went to her and took her by the waist,
“hey, im stealing you now. let’s go outside” i said to her, while bowing to her friends. “take me away, romeo~!” y/n said, making it obvious that she drank a few drinks beforehand.
out on the balcony, we’re finally alone. “At last” i said. “having fun babe?” i asked her while holding her tightly by the waist, and her arms around my neck.  “a pleasant night, yes. but i have yet to dance with my handsome boyfriend though.” she said, her eyes glimmered by the moonlight . suddenly on that very second, it rained. it was raining cats and dogs. then i heard a song coming from indoors, it’s a song that we are very too familiar with.                                                                                                         
they’re playing the one and only “Come On Eileen!”
♪ instrumentals ♪
“OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD, THIS IS MY GOOFING OFF SONG”  ‘any song is your goofing off song’, i almost said out loud, but y/n looked way too cute. i glanced at the pouring rain, then suddenly a crazy idea passed through my mind *smirk*
♪ Come on, eileen come on, eileen poor old Johnny Ray ,sounded sad upon the radio ♪
i knelt before her, offering my hand, “my lady, will you do the me the great, great honor of accepting my offer to goof off together in the rain-?” i looked up and she wasn’t there. she was already out on the fields in the rain, already dancing, “BWAHAHAHA what are you waiting for??? come on out here already!!” she shouted.
‘God, i love her’
♪ but he moved a million hearts in mono, our mothers cried, sang along, who’d blame them ♪
Its 11:00 pm, we’re dancing like crazy people, only the two of us, in the rain, soaking wet. we’re dancing off like there is not a single thing in this world that can stop us. it’s cold and wet, but I've never felt such bliss before.    
♪ you're grown (so grown up) So grown (so grown up) Now I must say more than ever (Come on, Eileen) ♪
      then suddenly,  i can’t hear anything. My mind is blank. next thing i knew i’m hoisting her up, her legs are straddled around my waist, her left hand is hugging my wet hair, her right hand is cupping my cheek, and she’s smiling down at me with her beautiful, beautiful smile , ‘dang it, she’s gorgeous ’.
then i whisper to her, hoping my words would go in through her ears, right into her heart. Hoping she would understand just how special she is. Special to me.
♪ Too ra loo ra too ra loo rye aye & we can sing just like our fathers ♪
“ hey y/n, you know what?” i said with my signature smile.
“*giggles* what~?” she giggled, while I kissed her forehead,
“you are downright the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
♪ Come on, Eileen, oh I swear (what he means) ,At this moment, you mean everything ~                                                                                            
You in that dress, my thoughts I confess Verge on dirty Ah, come on, Eileen ♪
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
The Hidden World (Eret x Haddock! Reader)
So I heard you saw the third How to Train Your Dragon, and I was wondering if I could get an Eret x Haddock! Reader where the reader is the first child and by the third movie, is married to Eret and is pregnant. She isn't allowed to battle the man searching for her brothers Dragon, Grimmel and is put in danger during the last fight
Characters; Hiccup, Astrid, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Valka, Eret, mentions ofk Stoick, Grimmel, The Light Fury, and Toothless
Dt: @theperksofbeingafangirl2
This story is a long one. Have fun reading!
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"Where could it be?"
You watch with a frown as Hiccup runs a hand through his dirty brown hair, his fingers trailing over the map on the ground,
"Dad has searched high and low for the Hidden World. Are we sure its still there?" You ask your younger brother, who looks up at you, watching you poor a cup of tea and place your free hand on your large bump,
"I promised him I would find it. I just need to do something to make him proud," Hiccup sighs, and blinks as you sit down next to him, hand at his shoulder,
"Hiccup, there is nothing you can do that could make Dad more proud than he already was of you. You're chief for heavens sake," You explain,
"So are you," Hiccup raises an eyebrow, and you laugh warmly, a laugh you've inherited from Valka,
"Yes, but only because Im first born. Im not as great of a chief as you are," You wink, looking up at a creak from the flooring above you,
Smile dropping, you set down your cup, Hiccup rising to his feet and pulling out his flame thrower,
"Who is it? Its the middle of the night," You speak quietly, Hiccup raising a hand, then spins around, weapon drawn,
"Awe, how cute," A figure steps out from the shadows, eyes training on you as Hiccup helped you stand, arm out in front of his older sibling, "Like brother like sister,"
"Grimmel," You breathe, Hiccup glancing over, "Who?"
"Eret told me of him. The one who kills night furys," You run your hand down your stomach, Grimmels eyebrows raising with realisation,
"You're the famous wife who married a past dragon hunter? So stupid I must say. You're the first child of Stoick the Vast, you must set an example to your people!"
You clench your jaw, Grimmel holding up a dart. Hiccup quickly stands in front of you, blocking you, but the dart is instead impaled into Toothless' sleeping form across the room
"Toothless!" Hiccup shouts, teeth baring as he looked back at Grimmel,
"What do you want with us?"
Grimmel laughs, loudly, "I want your dragon. I want them all!! Ever since I was little, Ive killed dragons bigger and smaller than me. Youve got no chance against me boy,"
"Really?" Hiccup presses his fingers to his lips, sharply whistling, five forms jumping out with weapons, Fishlegs sitting up with a fake dragon mask and slurring his words, seeming he was hit by the dart instead,
"We got you," And he falls forward, out,
Grimmels laugh lowers into a dark chuckle, snapping his fingers to alert his own poisoned controlled dragons, "No," His eyes lock with yours, "I got you,"
Two dragons bust through the wood of your home, spitting out green venom that spread through the walls and erupted in flames,
"Everyone retreat! Get out of here!!" Hiccup stumbles back, swiping at a dragon, and you turn around, pushing past a table to rush across the room,
Flames envelope into a blockade in front of you, the red reflecting off your orbs, stomach tightening in fear,
"This way!" Valka takes your arm, leading her daughter to the left, outside of the burning building,
You look up, gasping, scanning the town of Berk to see every home sizzling to the ground,
.         .    Meanwhile at Town Hall       .        .
"Can everyone please be quiet!?"
Your scream brings silent to the town hall, every viking and dragon stopping to stare at the first child of Stoick,
"Yes, we are all scared, terrified even, because Grimmel now knows the amount and types of dragons we hold in our possession. But we cant fight out of fear. We fight out of the thought of loosing everything we battled for in the past, our dragons. Our home,"
You lower your head, inhaling, "When Hiccup and I are gone later in the past, we all know my son will be the one stepping up. Dont do this just for us, but for the sake of Berk and my father,"
Vikings murmur in agreement, Valka smiling softly, where you nod once, and sink down into your seat, "We'll be moving momentarily to a hidden island my brother and I found on the coast not too far from here. It'll keep the dragons, and all of you safe,"
You run a hand through your hair, sighing heavily, Hiccup putting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing,
"Let me take care of the rest. You need a break, the stress isnt good for the baby,"
You look up at your sibling, putting your hand on his and squeezing back, smiling gently,
.               .          Hours later           .           .
"Okay okay!" Hiccup laughs as the group under him lunge him into the air, catching him easily and pushing him up again, "I feel more sick than joyful,"
He is put down, dizzily grabbing onto Gobbers arm and covering his mouth,
"Heh heh," Gobber snorts, "At least your not your sister, getting sick for the past seven months straight,"
Hiccup rolls his eye's, just as your form moves past him, calling for your mother as she landed Cloudjumper, jumping off and anxiously looking around,
Hiccup watches at the two women meet up, Valka pressing her hands to the bump that held her unborn grandchild, looking up at her daughter,
"Are you harmed? Your brother?"
"What?" You breathe, "Mom, we're okay. What did you see?"
"We're being followed," Valka alerts, "Grimmel is still out for us,"
"Well what are we doing here? We need to go stop him and get it through his head thats hes not having our dragons," You snarl, Valka waving a finger and shaking her head,
"No ma'am. You are staying here. You're going to be a mother soon, you need to rest, and care for the baby whether he's arrived yet or not. Your husband can agree with me,"
You frown, turning to Eret for help, but he crosses his muscular arms and moves his eyes to you,
"Your mothers right, Y/N. I'll have Skullcrusher here with you, and take one of the other dragons. But you cant go with us, its not safe,"
"But its safe for you to go," You rub your temple, nodding and clicking your tongue, "Got it. My child could lose his father but what does that matter,"
You move away, walking towards the hut made, tapping Skullcrushers nose and directing him to follow you,
"Y/N," Eret calls in a sigh, Valka waving him off, "Its the side effects of pregnancy, dear. You should know this by now,"
Its mere four hour later before talking is heard outside, your form leant against Skullcrusher as you sung to your stomach, your own dragons head laid in your lap,
The huts curtain pulls open, Eret stepping inside, removing his armor and wincing at the burns and cuts on his arms and chest,
"You look terrible," You attempt to heave yourself up, Skullcrusher leaning his head against your back to brush you to your feet, "What happened?"
"He expected us there," Eret removes his shirt, revealing a wound across his lower stomach, "We were attacked and almost trapped,"
Your eyes scan his toned chest, hand brushing the bruises littering his chest and shoulder, before gliding your hand to his face,
"But you survived, thats all that matters. Come sit down and let me clean you up," You usher, Eret placing his large hand over yours and wrapping his fingers to envelope your small hand,
"I'll be fine. Why arent you resting?" He whispers lowly, "You need sleep,"
"Stop thinking about me for once, I wont die," You huff, thumb brushing his jaw, "Let me take care of you,"
"I know a couple of ways," Eret presses his lips hot to yours, that curled upwards as you laugh warmly and press your hand to his chest,
"Nice try Romeo. Go sit down while I get the aid supplies,"
Your husband narrows his eyes, chuckling as he slides away and sinks down to sit next to Skullcrusher,
"Were you at least able to find what he wanted with the dragons?" You sit down on Erets lap, bump pressed to his stomach, and you dab a wet cloth to his busted lip,
"Hes not too fond of Toothless and the Light Fury Hiccup talks about," Eret runs his large hands over your stomach, under your shirt to get as close to his child as he could, "The other dragons are just of use for a certain venom that can control them,"
"That sounds dangerous, and something my brother would want to get into and stop," You sigh, running the cloth down his neck to his shoulder,
Eret hisses at a pierced cut, that burned as you dabbed it. "Easy," You soothe, and put your hand over his that rested over your bump, "Easy,"
"You're going to be a great mother," Eret speaks up, and you smile after placing a bandage at his wound, looking up to meet his eye's,
"And youre going to be a great father," Leaning forward, you slowly link your lips to his, his hand sliding in your hair as you both smile, before he pulls you against him and (Dragon/Name) is pulling a blanket over you with their tail,
. . The Battles Over . .
"You've had to deal with us long enough Bud," Hiccup slides a hand over Toothless' head, the dragon closing his eyes and purring, "Now its your time to go, and be with her,"
Toothless opens his eye's, confusion flickering, then looks over at a child wail,
Walking past the crowd was the first born Haddock and Eret, a bundle of blue held in your arms,
Your eyes were blood shot red, most likely from the labor, but a smile would not leave your lips as your dragon slowly leaned in, sniffing your son,
Your dragon presses their snout to (Sons/Name)s foot, then purrs as they lick your cheek lightly,
Skullcrusher scans your child, noticing how he had somehow inherited the slight gene of Stoicks hair, but had Erets eyes and your nose and face,
"We're living our life," Hiccup whispers to Toothless, "Its time to live yours,"
Toothless had pulled away from his rider, inching towards the sister of the chief and (Sons/Name)s cries had stopped at the sight of the Dragon, a squeal causing Toothless, your dragon, and Skullcrusher to jump,
You laugh softly, free hand rubbing Toothless' snout, and you lean against the dragon,
"Its time for you to start your own family Buddy. Where they'll take after you and continue your job," You look down at your son, a tear slipping down your cheek,
"The same goes for the rest of you,"
Eret slides his arms under your child to take him into his grasp, so you could unclip the saddle from your dragon and slide it off their back,
You caress her head, nose to hers, and you sniffle, "I'm going to miss you,"
(Dragon/Name) whimpers, and you pinch your eye's shut, hearing the clicks of every Viking undoing their dragons saddles,
"Go," You slide your hands away, (Dragon/Name) blinking before glancing at Skullcrusher, and they both jump up, flying to follow the rows of dragons,
Toothless looks back, watching you slide your hand your mouth, Eret wrapping an arm at your shoulder and placing his hand at your head, lips to your temple,
You walk up to Hiccup, arms throwing themselves around his neck, his own wrapping at your torso as he silently releases a sob, fingers clutching at your back side,
Toothless frowns, but lunges off, disappearing in the clouds above,
"We're going to be okay," You open your eye's, orbs glistening as your dragons roar is heard in the distance, "We always are,"
The End
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Αιώνια αγάπη (DT. AU) pt.4
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04: Fraternizing with the enemy
Summary: A blast from the past, body painting and a possible threat?
Warnings: swearing, implying smut, angst
Word count: 3000
Αιώνια αγάπη (DT Modern Greek god/frat! AU) MASTERLIST
Special thanks to @godlydolans for being in the story as Yashi Singh
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1389 years ago
"It took us three fucking years to get her to this point! Don't mess up now!" Hermes whisper shouts, pushing Apollo.
Apollo shoots his brother a disapproving look, followed by a subtle sneer.
"And I actually...like this one." Hermes admits shyly, almost as if he's ashamed of himself too.
Apollo's eyes widen, nearly popping out in shock and disgust for his brother.
"You like...a...human?" Apollo gags, shaking his head vehemently. The very thought nauseated him. Humans were never anything more than flesh to Apollo, not even now.
"We're meant to use them as a means to an end, not actually develop feelings, brother!" Apollo speaks matter of factually, still in disbelief that they're even having this conversation and only minutes before admitting the truth to Yashi Singh, their current reason for squabble.
"She's not...insufferable like the others." Hermes defends, only getting a backhanded slap from his brother.
"If you focused more on the task at hand, maybe we wouldn't be spending our immortality chasing mortal women in vain!" Apollo adds, turning back to the door in an instant once he hears them open.
A woman of mere five feet and seven inches walks in, lips pursed and that tiny freckle on her cupid bow a little more visible with the action. Black braids fall about Yashi's face creating soft shadows under her cheekbones, but the rest of her hair flowed down her back like black ink of a tilted piece of parchment. Her eyes are black, not soulless nor lifeless. Instead they are like two pristine stones of onyx, that light up with a purple flare when touched by candle light.
She tilts her head, revealing one of her golden earrings with one of her braids joining flowing ink on her back.
"Why are you here?" Her sharp tone takes the brothers by surprise, finding it unusual for she was nothing if not a classy, gentle soul. Hermes deemed her to be a hopeless romantic, while Apollo always knew despite her gentleness that she's also very stubborn and short tempered. It's unusual due to her heritage, Athena being her root to Mount Olympus, but they didn't think much of it.
"We needed to talk to you about something very important." Hermes speaks first, not giving Apollo a chance. He is the one that cares for the potter's daughter after all. He admired her pottery skills and even more her beautiful sketches. Her artistry demanded his respect and attention.
"If it's about you being gods of Mount Olympus, spare me. I know of your lies now." She lifts her head high, accentuating her sharp nose with the move, not failing to see the brothers pale once she uncovers their schemes in a simple sentence.
Six words...they knew it was over in six words.
"How?" Apollo asks, noticing Hermes is rendered speechless.
"Athena told me. It was enough for me to see through your lies and I can't believe I let myself care for either of you." Yashi puffed, turning her head to the side trying to forget how they affected her from the start.
The pull was undeniable, so pure and so strong that it took the breath from her lungs. The very first time Hermes smiled at her, she nearly had an orgasm right then and there, let alone when she let him take her in every way possible. She would have taken him as a husband without a second thought, but his deceit had made her heart close for him and there was nothing but a mist of hate in her heart and mind for him now.
She'd forgive his lies had they not mortified her pride and claimed her honor.
"Athena?" Apollo frowns, his incredibly handsome features darkening once he realized that the gods themselves are working against him and his brother. He couldn't understand how or why, wondering why that happened.
"She came to me in a dream and told me all of your dirty little secrets. Now I must ask you to leave at once and never return or the next time I see you I won't be as merciful, nor will my fiance." She dropped the news of her engagement on the brothers, ordering them removed from not only her home but city as well, effectively taking their chance of going home and crushing it to dust.
      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
"I have rules, so listen up." Y/N licks her lips, trying not to stare at the rock hard abs that basically invited everyone's attention. It's impossible not to stare when two guys with godly physique are half naked before you.
"No touching while I work. Keep the chatter to a minimum...and bend your knees." She adds the last bit with a blush when Grayson's smile grows wide and alluding.
"Bend my knees?" He chuckles at her, suggestively raising his eyebrows and Ethan flicks his shoulder for the flirtation.
"So you don't faint, frat boy." She rolls her eyes at him to cover up how fast her heart is galloping inside her chest.
"Sure. But I can't promise to be quiet." Grayson bites his lower lip before smirking, forming a small dimple Y/N never noticed before, mostly because she both avoided to stare at his face and his company. Her eyes are enthralled with him.
His eyes were like crisp toffee drizzled in melted chocolate and framed with darling lashes. A button nose and burrowed cheekbones, his appearance only to die for. She couldn't help but notice leathery, nearly black strands flopping over his face which to her distaste are veiling some of his enticing features. So perfect, yet so frustrating that she could bear no social contact with that sensuous man.
"Fine." She huffed, reaching out and pushing back the loose strands of his hair back in place. It was an instinct more than conscious action, one that took her by surprise just as much as Grayson.
She blinked fast, realizing what she did, quickly gathering necessary paint to start her work on Grayson so he could let her poor heart rest.
"You know, I never liked this rule about KDRs and Kappa's not interacting." Grayson begins, his eyes flickering from Ethan who laid back on her bed in his underwear and fidgeted with his phone and back to Y/N and her laser focused gaze that burned his thighs thus making his job of keeping his downstairs in check much harder.
"Why is the rule in place anyway?" She looks up briefly, biting down on her lower lip to continue her work. She choose a turquoise paint, a blend of baby blue and green - colors they both love. She remembered that about him.
If that's not fraternizing with the enemy, what is?
"You don't know?" Grayson smirks, averting his gaze to the ceiling for a moment before deciding to inform her thoroughly.
"When Kappa's and KDR were first formed, our leaders were actually in love and dating. However, when they broke up, Kappa's house burned down the same night and Kappa's always blamed our frat for it. Since they didn't have a house and they refused to move in with KDRs as rules demanded, the Kappa sorority was out of commission in Dartmouth for the next two years, but they didn't stand idly by until KDR went down with them. They planted evidence and got our leader and two more members expelled from school and ever since then, the rule remained. It's to remind us that love can turn to hate and partnership to vengeance." Grayson explains, taking note of her small pause when her hand covered the last of his legs and the tattoos he acquired over the centuries.
"Sounds like Romeo and Juliet had they lived and gotten a divorce." She mussed, but her mind was all over the place. She must write it down in the Kappa's book, the sisters should know their history.
"Something like that." Grayson confirms, wiggling his hips lightly which prompted Y/N to giggle.
"Settle down Shakira, I'm done in a few." And with a few giggles in between, she finished Grayson and beckoned Ethan to stand in, deciding to paint him white and black. He always exuded a black and white aura in her mind.
"Do you ever miss home?" Ethan asks, knowing she's a freshman and probably has parents back home who love her.
"I...don't. My father's never home and my mum passed away a few years back." She answers, swallowing tears when her mother crossed her mind. She misses the people, but not the big, empty house.
"Do you?" She inquires before either brother has a chance to offer their condolences or pitiful looks she's used to receiving, but hates nonetheless.
"I do." Grayson interjects, looking to his brother.
"I don't." Ethan shrugs, like none of it hurts him. But he didn't lie.
Hermes likes Earth. He likes indulging himself in all earthly pleasures, women in particular. He's also very bitter about the last couple of years he spent in his world when he worked for Hades, his uncle. Hermes was his successor in case something happened, which made him gleeful. But when Hades took his sister Persephone as his wife against her will and tricked her to stay in the underworld forever...that really made everything impossibly hard for Hermes. He tried to save his sister, he fought for her freedom for he loved her and wished her to have a choice in those she spends an eternity with.
But he failed and he never forgave himself for that.
The only reason why Hermes would be interested in going back is to kill his dear uncle Hades and claim his throne, but never because he misses home. As far as he's concerned Mount Olympus can burn and all the treacherous gods that abandoned him and his brother can burn with it.
But that's not the only reason why.
Hermes doesn't think any girl will take him over Apollo, the actual patron of love and beauty and art. It's a complex from the past where Apollo was worshiped for his good looks and Hermes was more of a worker bee than worshiped by anyone other than the working class and the gods who appreciated him for being a messenger...and well, the dead who needed to cross over into the underworld who found him to be comforting and kind, despite his job. He liked his job for it gave him a chance to travel not only in this world, but other dimensions, however, it does leave one scarred and confidence damaged. He knows his fate is to live and die on Earth and he's made his peace with that.
"Oh." Y/N's unsure what to say, noticing some tension rise in the room, not wanting to start anything between the brothers. She focused on the task at hand, working her hands and her magic on Ethan's tattoos in order to cover them up, finding them just as dark as him.
She always felt Ethan has sharper features than Grayson. His cheekbones are more defined and his eyes are a little more intense which is why he's more intimidating than Grayson, but his entire body gives off a darker vibe, something she can't quite put her finger on, but knows is there.
"I, uh. I should warn you Blair had a video of us singing One thing and she wanted to use it against you." Ethan's words freeze her, making her nails dig into his sides unintentionally.
"Had?" Y/N's eyes connect with his. Ethan's expression was pleasant, with an inkling of wistfulness, while the soft glimmer of his lucid eyes betrayed the poet and the dreamer. He'd never admit it out loud, but he liked the bit of pain her nails caused.
"I may have stolen her phone and set it to factory settings." He glances at the phone he was so taken with previously, bringing about the brightest smile on her face. It destroyed any ounce of worry that overtook her features previously, making him very satisfied with himself.
"If we weren't in a house full of people who'd burn us at the stake, I would hug your mischievous ass right now!" She whisper shouts, jumping on her tiptoes ever so slightly from happiness.
"Your smile is reward enough." Ethan smiles back, genuine and soft for her.
Grayson clears his throat, ending their moment and reminding Y/N to keep working before someone suspects something.
Once done, the boys were all asked to leave and a very annoyed, tomato red Blair congratulated the girls before leaving them alone to their own devices.
Y/N immediately returned to her room, jumping to her bed with a deep sigh. She felt her mind wander like crazy, bouncing between two brothers who both seem to be interested in her which made the matter at hands much worse.
Even the sheets smelled of them after they spent hours rolling on them and she still couldn't force herself to change them. Grayson felt like - spring. He smells clean, like laundry and flowers freshly picked from the garden. Ethan is more musky - like autumn. His smell reminds her of earth after rain, the leafs and a touch of very expensive cologne.
She heard a peck on her window, making her roll on her stomach and lift her head only to find Grayson on his window with a large white paper and black letters she couldn't read properly until she stood and approached the window.
Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion, turning to her bed to grab her phone only to find a message.
Grayson: Took the liberty of adding my number to your contacts. Hope you don't mind.
He actually types full sentences instead of using abbreviations? I knew I like him for a reason.
Y/N: As long as it remains between us, it's not a problem.
She knew it wasn't right, but how can something so wrong feel so good?
Grayson: Wanna tell me about the art in your room?
Y/N looked around, finding only three paintings and all three looked different. One was a simple red rose, the other a cliff and the third...the one she liked the most was of the ocean at breaking dawn.
She stood up, closing in on the painting, watching every detail for it reminded her of something...of someone. And that's when she sees it - initials...her mother's initials in the bottom right corner.
Putting a hand to the initials, she feels her bottom lip quiver and her eyes brim with tears. There are more ways to immortalize your stay in a Kappa's room and her mother chose art - what she did best, her greatest passion.
She plops on the bed, staring up at the painting.
Y/N: It's my mum's. The ocean one.
She sniffles, seeing dots appear on her screen that indicate he's typing his response.
Grayson: Your mum was a very talented artist. That belongs in a gallery.
Smiling softly at the screen, she glances over her shoulder at Grayson who still stood at his window and he didn't bother hiding it or playing games with her. He's not running from the interest he's shown her and it's refreshing.
Y/N: Thank you for talking to me about this...I might have never seen it on my own. I owe you.
Grayson: Nonsense. I'm just happy you have a piece of her with you. Sweet dreams, pretty girl.
With the last message, she smiled at him, getting his famous tiny wave in return.
She turned the lights off, falling asleep with ease for the first time in a long time. Little did she know she'd be haunted in her dreams now as well.
Standing in darkness, Y/N found herself weary, but not scared. Not really.
"You're finally here." She hears a gaunt voice, turning in circles to find the source but failing until a spark of dark purple appears at her side and a woman takes form.
She stood before her, as clear as anything she had ever seen before, behind her a dark ocean turning wavy and a moon brightly shining, which in turn illuminations her face into almost a ball of light. Her eyes are emerald green, eclipsed by her pupils, her skin as pale as the very moon above her head. Her curved, nearly black lips resembled a smile, the black of her hair cascading down her face which perfectly matches her lavish black dress.
"Who are you?" Y/N whispers in wonder, feeling an unexplained connection to the woman before her, one reminding her of a connection she felt toward the gorgeous twins.
"Your past." The woman reaches out, her icy cold fingertips touch Y/N's shoulder, the black nail polish standing out against her skin.
"Your present." She starts to circle Y/N, her touch bringing shivers to Y/N's body.
"Your future." She steps before her, grabbing both her shoulders almost violently before a sneer-like smile takes her face.
"I am you and you are me and together...we'll bring the world to its knees."
Y/N wakes up, sitting up instantly. Her body drenched in cold sweat, her clammy hands shaken and her body numb and tingling from the nightmare...it felt too real.
Looking to her window, she sees Grayson's asleep, barely covered with sheets and a lot of the paint still clinging to his body. It helps her mind unravel and shake the dream off.
She sits in her bay window, watching Grayson instead of the sky until she lulls herself to sleep.
      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Tags: @mutuallynotmutual @lanadeldolans @xalayx @accalialionheart @gia-kerks @historyheart  @heeydolan @heyits-claire @daddygraysonsbitch   @fallinginlove-16  @lanadeldolans @beautifulfound @thearachna-kid  @dinnerwiththedolans  @graydolan12 @justanotherfangurl272 @dxlansfxck  @godlydolans @flowery-dolan
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montagueandcapulet · 3 years
Julie Nolke, I love your work ...
And you do look cute with your hair up in braids like that. But why do you have to character-assassinate poor old Romeo? I think I'm going to have to borrow a couple of @cto10121's tags for this.
(I admit I laughed! But seriously, Romeo doesn't deserve this as a character.)
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cto10121 · 3 years
On the subject of R&J skits, though, I have to say that it’s…interesting how most parodies’ punchlines all depend on how stupid/OTT/dangerously unadvised it is for Juliet to kill herself for Romeo when she doesn’t know him and rarely on how stupid/OTT/dangerously unadvised it is for Romeo to kill himself for Juliet when he doesn’t know her.
I mean, where are my pearl-clutching skits on Surfer Dudebro telling Romeo to take a chill pill man and not to give it all up for some hot chick he met five days ago? Where are the skits on Paris or some random dude popping up and casually telling Romeo about DM-ing Juliet?? Where are the sexist Romeo-getting-leg-shackled-for-basic-white-girl-into-Starbucks-and-fairy-lights jokes??? If there must needs be slander, let it be equal opportunity slander!!!
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Title: Irked
Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #24 Rating:Teen Notes: Movies ~ Crimson Peak, Tom Hiddleston & Jessica Chastain ~ The Witches of Eastwick, Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon & Michelle Pfieffer
Coco made Shandi bold and a tad unpredictable, but most of her sense returned after lunch. One openly frisky move towards Nat or Loki, might sour Clint for the entire mission and have Tony suiting up. Vodka was Nats inhibition crusher and with Shandi ‘her’ weakness, she opted to take it slow. While the ladies swam again, Loki chatted up Clint.
“I’ve chosen hunting and fencing as my hobbies to have in common with Shamus.”
That earned him a look. “The latter I could envision, but hunting? As royals, weren’t your beasts served already cooked?”
“Odin believed the skill to mine and Thor’s advantages. It sharpens marksmanship, teaches alertness, survival skills and other tactics critical for battle. Lost in any woods without food or knowledge of how to catch it, is a death sentence.”
“What?” Asked Loki.
“Turns out we’ve something in common. My father took me camping and hunting for years. Did my first kill at age thirteen, a large hare.”
“I was eleven, a small boar, Thor twelve, a wild turkey.”
Clint chuckled at the image. “It’s unfortunate Tony forbade my specialty as means of gaining leverage with Shamus. Archery being his favorite. Too risky for recognition though.”
Centuries prior, advanced sorcery had rendered archery useless to Loki, so his next statement required some pride swallowing. “Perhaps through me, ‘we’ still can. Given I’m under orders to conceal all magic.”
“Wait. Is the God of Mischief asking a lowly Midgardian to teach him a specialty?”
Loki sighed. “Yes and I do not consider Midgardians lowly. I’ve dabbled in the skill, yet long before you were a twitch in your father’s loins.”
“Ask nicely, Cactus.”
“Very well. Will you please hone my skills in archery, Cupid? No pun intended.”
“Consider it done. You’ll need various targets.”
“I’m aware. Should any end up animals however, your gutting them. A ghastly task I refuse.”
“Don’t like getting your hands dirty, Prince?”
“I master at killing and skinning.”
“Then who’d be responsible for clean up?”
“You as well, the stench is nauseating. Afterwards, I’ll season and marinate while you prepare the fire.”
“And just like that, you expect me to comply? What if I protest by hiding the matches?”
“Be my guest. I’m still not removing the innards.” ***** Huddled in a corner of the deep end, Nat whispered to Shandi. “Cavemen Grog and Igor, planning their next hunt. Watch them murder a skunk.”
Shandi smiled. “At least they’re bonding.” ***** “Interesting this connection through marriage with Obadiah’s niece?” Loki commented.
“Very.” Said Clint. “It’s scary imagining the bloodshed that fucker would’ve caused had he taken over Stark Industries. Tony has S.H.I.E.L.D. working overtime, investigating every distribution of his weapons since this began.”
“The goal being they’re limited to America’s military?”
“Impossible, unfortunately. Some were distributed to allies, but it’s no secret the all mighty dollar rules every black market. The right price could easily entice a duplicator.”
“Certainly he thought this plausible, beforehand?”
“Another yes and contracts were made with strict specifications, but I think this Taser issue finally destroyed Tony’s trust in people. She didn’t like it, but he increased Peppers security again.”
“As of when?”
“Shortly before we left.”
Loki was fully aware his return majorly influenced Tony’s trust issues. S.H.I.E.L.D never discovered the Avengers death threat culprits, yet Stark highly suspected some came from home. “I regret my presence the catalyst for that necessity.”
“Tony’s appreciative. He told us about your call, Cactus. Thought it pretty decent.” Clint smirked and shook his head. “I still can’t believe that shithead’s gonna be a dad.”
“Tin Man’s a good human. I think he’ll take to fatherhood well.”
“Me too. Earth could certainly use more benevolent geniuses.” ***** Shandi suddenly untied Nats bikini top and swam off. “Luckily we’re still in the deep end and you’re knocked up woman, or I’d have your one piece over the fence.” ***** “Want your first lesson, Cactus? We can ditch these two for a time.”
“That’s questionable.”
“Nat would kill to protect her if that’s your worry. Besides, I’ve concluded their shenanigans a mischievous farce.”
‘Norns man, how blind can you be?’
They weren’t in the woods long, before returning with Clint rather disgruntled.
“Problem?” Asked Nat.
“You could say that. What took me years to master, took him only hours. Fuck it, I’m returning in my next life as a God.”
“Eh he he he. I’ll welcome that as a compliment, Cupid. Yet of what. Vodka?”
“If the shoe fits!” Shandi blurted from the rec room.
“The Queen of Unruliness has spoken.” Announced Loki. Everyone laughed and when Clint went to indulge, he addressed Nat. “Has she had more coco?”
“Why, does the fallout concern you?” A lazy smile gave her buzz away.
“Explain, ‘handful,’ Kroshka?”
Nat spoke quietly. “That was the first sign of trouble. Brazenness, which inevitably worsens. Then she gets comically affectionate so stay away. Have you set the house alarm yet?”
“No, why?”
“She tends to wander.”
“She what?”
“Trust me, just do it. Oh and no tickling. It’s highly problematic.”
A chuckle escaped him. “How so?”
Shandis voice cut in again. “You comin’ back Natskies?”
“I’ll fill you in later.” She whispered. “Join us. We’re watching ‘Witches of Eastwick.’”
“A personal favorite of theirs.” Added Clint, passing with a tall drink. “Poor old Jack subjected to such a beating.”
“It was long overdue, baby cakes.”
Loki spent most of his evening keeping an eye on Shandi, but not closely enough. After dinner she rapidly graduated beyond tipsy, despite him adding extra ice and less alcohol to her drinks. At one point when spotting her sneaking up the backstairs, he followed invisible and watched her gulp straight coco from a bottle in her closet. ‘Well, well. Thieved from the pantry have we?’ When she left, two were teleported to the Jags trunk, leaving behind the one presently refrigerated. An hour later she snuck off again and returned looking very confused. ‘Not so clever now, are you darling?’
Before the evening ended, she wiped out during a slide attempt down the hall in slippery socks, used telekinesis to accidentally propel a small frying pan at Clints package, meant for Loki’s ass while he cooked dinner, topped a shot of his whiskey off with whipped cream, kept hugging Nat, kissed her once on the lips and tripped the alarm for a dip in the pool. When it first sounded, he was upstairs and Nat was waiting on her in the rec room. Upon meeting at the kitchens sliding door, she was the first to comment on their discovery.
“Damn Cactus, looks like you missed her little strip tease.”
Loki glanced at Shandis clothes on the floor. “Are those her panties in that pile?”
“Aren’t they enticing, so black and lacy? Take a closer look.”
His eyes playfully narrowed. “You’re somewhat enjoying my plight of longing.”
Nat snorted. “A little.“
“Listen Midgardian she devil, why is she so inebriated when I’ve diluted her drinks for hours?”
“I may have helped.”
Luckily Cupid was asleep as Shandi tried luring Nat and Loki out with her. “Heyyyy guys! Come on in, I’m nekked!”
Loki smirked and was about to speak again, when a loud splash occurred. “Did she just…”
“Leap off the diving board? Yep, ya missed that too.”
‘Fuck.’ “Why, Kroshka?”
“Yo Natskies, tits make amazin’ buoys! Come out an’ play!”
“That’s why.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“She’s freaking hilarious.”
“Give her anymore alcohol and you’re sleeping in the truck.”
“Pshh..just for that, you go get her.”
“And risk Cupid venturing downstairs? I think not.”
“He’s toast. You scared of a little boner?”
“Ooooh..she gonna like you.”
“Okay, don’t get your nuggets in a knot. I'll…”
Shandi appeared at the door wrapped in a towel forgotten outside. “You done discussin’ testies? I gotta pee.”
Loki was resetting the alarm when hearing a ruckus from the back stairs and thought them kidding around. Minutes later, Nat seeked him for help. Shandi had lost her footing on the second step down, smacked her injured hand on the landing and reopened her wound.
“She’s in the ensuite.”
Loki gave her a look. “Perhaps you should sleep in the shed instead. We’ve some neighbors residing there, I’m certain would enjoy making your acquaintance.”
“I get it Romeo, now be off. Your damsels in distress.”
He found Shandi perched on the counter with a small towel around her hand. “May I take a took? You’ve torn this further.”
“Yeah, I smacked it pretty hard.”
One gentle caress from his finger numbed her discomfort. “If you aren’t more careful, you’ll stunt the healing.”
“I know.”
Magic re closed the wound, but this time Loki decided to bandage it himself. While preparing supplies, her next words startled him.
“You must think me a moron.”
“Not in the least, Shandi. Yet may I advise you refrain from further drink?”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I’m pleased.” To ease her evident embarrassment, he jested. “Tell me, was there a desired outcome of Nat and I accepting your skinny dipping offer?”
Her face flushed as the image conjured Nats fantasy. “I…no, nothing specific.”
“Oh? All three of us, ‘nekked,’ your natures buoys bobbing above the waves.”
“What waves?”
“The ones my cannonball into the deep end would inevitably create?”
She chuckled, then fixated on how attentively he was wrapping the gauze.
“Your wheels are turning again. What are you thinking about? Try saying nothing specific and I’ll never believe it.”
‘Aren’t my cheeks red enough already?’ “Your hands.” She bashfully replied.
“What about them?”
‘If that hand to penis size ratio is true…’ “They’re big, yet..very gentle.”
After securing the gauze, he softly kissed one corner of her mouth. “Gentle like that?“ His lips then traced the contour of her jaw, stopped beneath her lobe and Shandis eyes rolled back when he nipped and lightly sucked at her pulse. "Or is this your preference?”
“Both.” She breathlessly whispered as her core rippled.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Nat disrupted their moment when entering the bedroom. “Bloods cleaned up in the hall.” One glance at them revealed something was up and she smiled. “I’ll be downstairs searching Netflix.”
Loki helped Shandi down. “Join her, hm? I’ll be there soon.”
She left and snuggled to up to Nat in one corner of the sectional. “Stop staring at me.”
Nat chuckled. “I know that look. You’ve been left wanting.”
“Oh shuddup.”
Loki entered after calming his hormones, stretched out opposite them and Shandi eyed him. ‘Panty melting little shit.’ “I still can’t fathom how you can just ‘poof’ anything into existence.”
“‘Poof?’” He asked, amused.
“She’s obsessed with that word.” Said Nat.
“Will you please show me more of your magic one day?”
Her tone and expression held that childlike innocence he now adored, but wanted to move things along. “Of course. Do you ladies like horror movies? I’ve been curious of a one ‘Crimson Peak.’”
“Sure.” Said Nat. “Although beautiful tends to squeeze the ‘shit out of the nearest pillow or arm throughout.” She smirked at Shandis stink eye and after the movie began, quietly whispered something to her.
“But what about…”
“We’d hear him long beforehand, go.”
Loki was pleasantly surprised when Shandi snuggled up to him instead.
“Can I stay here a bit?”
“You may stay as long as you wish.” The movie wasn’t half over when she drifted off. “Why did you suggest this Kroshka?”
"After all we’ve discussed, haven’t you figured it out yet?”
Loki was ninety percent certain of why, yet doubt forever plagued him that anyone could truly want him. His heart needed that final assurance and he waited for it.
“Shandis right where she wants to be, Cactus. What are you waiting for?”
Those words meant more than Nat would ever know, but he had a plan. “I thought of letting her come to me. Tell me the story behind the pickles?”
The last time Shandi overindulged in coco, was at Nats for dinner. She asked for a large pickle from the fridge and did a selacios presentation of oral with it. When Nat praised her, Clint chimed in. He’d been napping and secretly watched from the hall. “Well done. A talent no woman should be without if you ask me.” Nat said Shandi never turned a deeper shade of scarlet.
Loki smiled. “I couldn’t agree with him more.”
“Not a word, Cactus. I mean it.”
“Never and the tickling?”
“Nope, you figure it out. Just do ‘not’ try it in public.”
"Very well. I’ll take your advice, but will definitely indulge.”
Unbeknownst to Nat, Loki presently possessed another secret. His magic was emitting subliminal messages through the television, to hypnotize her. Once they refocused on the movie, her eyes fell shut and he began.
“You will answer all my questions, truthfully Natasha. Understood?”
“Is Tony withholding any information from me, regarding the Allfather?”
“Why must I keep things more professional around Clint?”
“Tony asked us to keep a close eye on your behavior and report back. Clint can’t know anything.”
"I understand.” Having his most worrisome questions answered, obliterated any need to eavesdrop on her and Clint. All further enquiries, regarded Shandi. “Explain the difficult road Shandi has ahead. You said this while she slept.”
“All the secrecy and loss of freedom will make things hard.”
“Explain further, please?”
“When our missions over and we’ve returned to the Tower.”
Her response could only mean one thing. “Have you previously assumed we’d become a couple?”
“For how long?”
“Since you met.”
Loki’s mouth fell open. “What exactly are you saying, Natasha?”
“Her heart’s never been the same since that day, like yours.”
He froze, not only astonished to learn Nat had grasped his immediate experience, but more that he’d affected Shandi so profoundly. “Despite my behavior?”
“Her beautiful heart had faith in you.”
“Did she tell you this?”
“No…I just knew.”
‘Norns, Pet. Your heavens have sent me an angel.’
“Earlier, Shandi called herself a moron. Does she frequently self criticize?”
Nat deeply frowned. “Only sometimes.”
“You seem angered by this. Why?” Loki thought Nat would admit to loving Shandi. Instead, he received a more intriguing response.
“It’s that word. Shandis mother frequently used it to degrade her and it stuck. Bitch said the telekinesis was why friends and lovers always left them. But Shandi was brave and stopped him.”
“Stopped who and from what?”
“The bitches last lover. He’s why Shandi was abandoned.”
Loki probed further and learned the man had attempted molesting Shandi, but her Telekinesis stopped him. When confronted, he denied it and Shandi was accused of lying. A beating followed and several days later, she was abandoned.
“Exactly how?”
Shandis mother took them by bus, to a large church in a neighboring town. They snuck in as people stood to pray, settling near the back. When everyone sang, Shandi was told to lay in silence beneath the pew ahead and remain there while her mother used the washroom. Mommy never returned and Shandi wasn’t found until later that evening when a cleaner heard her crying. By then, she’d soiled herself and was terrified to come out for fear of harsher punishment. Now Loki understood why she’d gotten so defensive when he teased her during their drive to the Palisades. He further concluded she’d used Telekinesis to protect herself from future molestations and beatings, hence the numerous moves from one home to another.
“Thank you Natasha, you’ve been very helpful.”
Loki finished the hypnotism by putting her to sleep, then kissed Shandis head. ‘Your mother is fortunate to never experience my wrath. Forgive me for wishing her ill.’
Later, he was helping her to bed when a loud thud came from Clints room. “What’s this fixation you Midgardians have, getting better acquainted with floors following alcohol consumption? Even Tin Man’s fallen victim.”
Shandi chuckled. “I’ve yet to witness that.”
“You may never. Pepper’s gotten strict since the last occurance.“
Shandi was pretty tired so they bid each other goodnight. Loki waited a time and after relieving her hangover, received a text. “You awake, brother? I’ve just returned from Asgard.”
“Delivering my progress report?”
“Please don’t, Loki?”
“What couldn’t wait until dawn, Thor?”
“Iris’s father recently passed.”
“His Mistress slashed his throat while he slept.”
A wicked grin formed on Loki’s face. “How tragic I cannot express my gratitude.”
“Mother feels the same and sends her love.”
Their correspondence ended, but his grin remained. ‘Ahh, king evil has finally perished. Enjoy your eternity with Satan.’
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undxunted · 6 years
out of BAZARI + GABE + MIKKY + ELI+ THEO + AARON + ROMEO, rank the most-to-least likely to... ╭〻◕`w´◕〻╮ visit an art museum? donate to a panhandler? unironically enjoy reading/watching a love story whether they admit it out loud of not? graduate as valedictorian in a situation where they all went to a standard high school? solve a math problem faster than the other two? hold a petty grudge? recognize annona bright in public? pass out in a public place? drop acid? break a heart? punch a wall?
WOW. I have like two people in this goddamn site who know about my characters and I think I know who sent this. For practical purposes, I will use the BrightLights rp!AU for Zach, Mikky and Riley. Anyways, back to business:
Visit an art museum: 
Zach is the son of two serial killers who were absolutely obsessed with art, design and perfection. He has a very well trained mind regarding the artistic area and considers himself an expert, even though the only strong artistic abilities he possesses are music and theater ( he loves theater ). There’s nothing interesting to say about the rest.
Donate to a panhandler:
Riley grew up in a very very poor family and knows about struggle. Very few extended him a hand when he and his family needed it and seeing someone go through the same makes him feel ( surprisingly ) bad. Zach is ridiculously kind, Aaron is involved with the church, Gabe is the middle point between kindness and personal interest in this list. Basil hang around horrible places because unlike what people think, the powerful people are below, not above. Romeo probably thinks panhandlers are a myth since he barely uses his own feet to move from one place to another and he is dropped right at the front of red carpets. Theo is just a prick who sees the rest of the world as scum.
Unironically enjoy reading/watching a love story whether they admit it out loud of not?: 
Eli is a HUGE teddy bear, the only one who is actually looking to become fully good and change his life around. He is secretly very cheesy and probably the only of the list who is not afraid to speak about feelings. Basil on the other hand is painfully cold and neutral, at one point I even thought he was aromantic, but he ended developing a huge crush on his current girlfriend at the group. Still, he is learning how to deal with feelings and how to express them.
Graduate as valedictorian in a situation where they all went to a standard high school?:
Even due Basil’s cold personality, he knows his way around people and he is also very smart. He wasn’t born with a ridiculous amount of brains like Riley, but he was always very witty and intuitive, aside of extremely scholarly and capable of noticing details that others would usually oversee. This helped him to get to the top of the list. Dangerously close, there’s Gabe, but since he has this weird vibe, not all teachers trusted him at all. Riley could have won, because he has an uncanny intelligence (think of any of the Holmes), but he is too lazy and too much of a curious and party guy, so he spends his time in the detention room alongside Eli and Mikky. Eli is a big Gryffindor who is always getting in petty fights, Mikky is just a yandere witch trying to sleep with all the teachers. Zach doesn’t have very good grades, except for History of Art and Aaron is a fucking hypocrite nobody really tolerates, but ironically, this fanatic child of mine hangs a lot with Mikky because she is the only one who can stand him. Theo is a golden boy, but he stabbed a guy with a pencil once, so nobody really trusts him much anymore and Romeo would be the perfect valedictorian, but he probably missed a point or two in a class while flirting with the cheerleaders.
Solve a math problem faster than the other two?:
Riley is my smart boy, anything you can do, he can do better. He is a fucking mess with a short attention span ( and interest ) but he can solve anything math-y in seconds. Prolly Theo and Basil follow him next, even though Riley already solved 3 problems while the other two are finishing the first one. Mikky simply wouldn’t do it, she is too pretty and goth for that.
Hold a petty grudge?: Are you kidding me? Literally all my characters can’t let shit go and that’s why they are the way they are.
Basil murdered his little sister out of vengeance against his mother. Gabe is… well, you know, he thinks he is an angel and must punish men for their bad deeds. If Riley is fooled, lied or tricked, oh boy, you are in BIG trouble. From there, the rest are mostly petty bitches. Eli is the most calm one unless you get to piss him off which is hard, but careful if you do.
Recognize Annona Bright in public?:
The heir, socialite and also horror fan? ( all my kids are horror fans, tho ), he is a big fan of Annona and wouldn’t miss a chance to meet her. He probably tried to flirt with her A LOT. Theo is a sadist and most likely has had HORRIBLE fantasies with her he would love to bring out of his dreams. Mikky likes the feminine representation in the industry and loves her wardrobe.
Pass out in a public place?:
Theo is a drama queen, either real or not, if passing out gives this obnoxious bastard the required attention, he will do it. Aaron is that guy that screams like a girl when he is startled or scared and even though he is starting his own cult, seeing dirty stuff would make him pass out. Zach sometimes gets heavy headaches ( in both the Plath and Bright Lights verses ) and this can knock him down. Basil is a doctor so usually can sense if it is going to happen and find a safe place to do it or call someone before it happens. Gabe is a diva who wouldn’t be allowed to be seen weak in public.
Drop acid?:
Romeo is a rich party boy. He likes having fun spending lots of money, even if that includes drugs for everyone. Riley was in a cage for 18 years ( he is 23 in the current verses, I should update that ), so now he was to experience it all. Zach is a prude and wouldn’t really do it unless the peer pressure is too much. Basil thinks drugs are stupid.
Break a heart?: HA!
Romeo and Riley like to collect “pets” aka people they can use whenever they want and then dump them just to go after them when they get bored again. Eli is too much of a good person to do that and Basil is not someone you crush on?? And even if that happened, he would get sure the pop the bubble really quick because he has no time for stupid feelings or whatsoever.
Punch a wall?:
Zach and Riley are the most impulsive ones. They can snap quickly with the correct trigger, that’s why in their brotherhood, Basil is also the one who calms them down, he barely shows any real emotion and after being a crybaby in his childhood years, he learned how to shut himself down. Eli’s feelings are very strong and as your stereotypical Gryffindor, his own ego and pride get in the way sometimes.
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misssophiachase · 6 years
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25 Days of Klaroline + College
Caroline Forbes' Juliet debut is under threat if she doesn't find a Romeo replacement STAT. Enter cocky but talented musician Klaus Mikaelson who might just be able to save the day. But what crazy thing does he want in return?
Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Northwestern University Theatre, 2pm
"You have got to be kidding me," Caroline whined, pacing back and forth across the stage like a caged animal. "You know, I always said Enzo was too god damn precious for his own good. Surely he can dust himself off and get his lazy ass back on stage."
"He broke his leg, Care."
"In three places."
"Kind of brings new meaning to the term break a leg," Katherine chuckled from the front row of the theatre. Caroline ceased pacing so she could respond to her best friend, and head costume designer, in the form of a dirty look.
"You're not helping things, Kat," Bonnie drawled, her sense of humour certainly had the worst timing.
"So, what exactly are we going to do, Bon? Opening night is in two weeks." Caroline growled, her attention solely focused on her other best friend and assistant director of the musical.
"Well, that's what an understudy is for and…."
"No, no, no," Caroline huffed, beginning to pace again. "Stefan Salvatore is more interested in his hair than acting. I'd rather omit his character altogether than take the stage with him."
"Kind of difficult when the title of the play is Romeo and Juliet."
"Are you going to keep making bad jokes or come up with something constructive, Pierce?"
"Are you going to keep being a drama queen, Forbes?"
"Children, this isn't helping." Bonnie hissed, looking between the two. The three girls had been friends since growing up together in small town Virginia and this bickering between them wasn't entirely unfamiliar. Caroline was always so highly strung and Katherine so not which meant disagreements were common place.
She didn't mean to come across so difficult and agitated but Caroline had put a lot of energy into this production. She always wanted to be an actress, it was her dream, but her mother had insisted that she study something more practical. Something, in her words, that would pay the bills and support her later in life. Hence why she found herself at Northwestern as a journalism major. Even if she would never be an actress this musical meant so much and Caroline had no intention of letting it fall apart because Enzo decided to get drunk at a frat party and fall down a few flights of stairs.
"We need to recast the role, there's no other choice."
"Two weeks is not enough time to introduce someone new, Care. Stefan is the only person up to speed, so the best thing we can do is..."
"Please, Bon," she pleaded, grabbing her friend by the hands unexpectedly. "Give me one day. If I can't find anyone by then we'll go with broody boy and his hair."
"One day," she agreed, albeit reluctantly. "I can only hold off Alaric for so long." Alaric was their director and resident drama teacher who they knew wouldn't approve of Caroline's scheme but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt.
"Great," she sighed, thankfully. "Okay, so I'll see you both at eight tonight and don't forget to wear your cutest outfits."
"I'm sorry?"
"Come on Kat, you have many cute outfits. I've seen them."
"I think she means where are we going and why do we need to dress up?"
"We're finding our Romeo of course."
"While you have extremely banging legs Forbes, I'm not sure it's going to be enough to convince some poor stranger to don a costume, sing and spout Shakespearean English."
Caroline rolled her eyes in frustration. Their production was a modern, rock version which was more Baz Luhrmann than BBC and any guy would be lucky to act opposite her. Even the annoying but talented guy she had in mind. It would take a little convincing but her short, black dress might help.
"Who said it was a stranger?"
Rhythm Room, 9pm
The bar was packed at this time of the night, not unusual for a Friday, with a large contingent of patrons hailing from nearby Northwestern University.
Klaus and his band, The Originals, had been the regular Friday night act for the best part of the year. He wasn't quite sure whether it was their talent or the half price beer that brought people along but he didn't care so much if they got the exposure he desired.
His father had laughed at, what he liked to call, his unrealistic dream all those years ago. Taunting him mercilessly, saying that he would never make it as a musician and that he needed to follow a more practical, career path. To avoid his wrath, Klaus had applied to study economics. It wasn't difficult, he understood the course work just fine, but his mind was anywhere but in those monotonous lectures.
"Klausy," she purred annoyingly in his ear, approaching him side of stage, his mind definitely elsewhere. He hated that nickname just as much as he detested her presence. Klaus blamed his weakness on too many beers a month ago but apparently Hayley had been sober and entertaining relationship dreams. Klaus would pay the nearest person if he could deter her in anyway. So far his bandmates had been unwilling to assist. They thought the spectacle was bloody hilarious which didn't help his predicament.
"Hayley," he chided, moving away swiftly, taking his guitar in hand. "I told you things aren't like that between us."
"But the night we spent together was so magical." Klaus was struggling to remember said night. "I know you felt it too."
"We can't repeat it again."
"Why?" She pouted, her brown, doe eyes bigger than usual and bottom lip extended in desperation. Before he could reply, she made her presence known. Blonde, beautiful and demanding all at once with her hands placed on her hips. Hips that were accentuated in the confines of a little, black dress.
Klaus knew Caroline Forbes all too well. Yes, she was absolutely stunning to look at but she was also highly strung, highly organised and annoyingly demanding throughout campus. The fact he welcomed her unexpected appearance was saying a lot about his current company. "I need to speak to you about…"
Klaus discarded his guitar and enveloped her in his arms before she could finish that sentence he knew would be whiny. She was warm and her body highly responsive, melting into his embrace. Klaus wasn't surprised her reaction given his impressive track record with the female sex. His lips were on hers before she could object. Massaging her mouth suddenly didn't seem enough as his tongue pushed its way longingly into her hot mouth. She moaned against his lips, Klaus tightening his grip around her slim waist.
"What the hell," she panted, pushing him away, even if her hands were shaking as she did it. "You presumptuous ass." A quick look around the immediate area was telling Klaus, Hayley had made a sudden and not so unwelcome exit.
"Apparently you needed something?"
"Well, it certainly wasn't a pathetic attempt to stick your tongue down my throat, Mikaelson."
"It wasn't that bad, love. The body never lies, after all."
"Oh, trust me, it was bad," she shot back, rubbing her lips in frustration. "I need to sanitise my poor mouth. Who knows where yours has been and what diseases I might have caught?"
"The list is long and disturbing," he joked, licking his crimson lips. "Why do you hate me so much, Forbes?"
They'd known each other since orientation week of freshman year. He'd pushed in line and she hadn't appreciated his sneaky manoeuvre, kicking him out publicly and unceremoniously. Klaus had since labelled her the princess of their year and managed to ignore her for the most part, even if she was kind of cute in an unusually uptight way.
"Well, attacking me with your tongue is a pretty good reason."
"Last time I checked you needed me, not the other way around, sweetheart."
"Fine," she conceded. Klaus prided himself on his ability to read body language and the way she was puffing out her chest and ruffling her golden waves was telling Klaus she wanted a favour. After her little outburst, he was surprised she would persevere but he figured she must be desperate. "I, uh, was wondering if you would like to take the part in the college musical?" Klaus was struggling to keep a straight face. He didn't do musicals or succumb to forced requests.
"I know I'm probably one of the only English people you know but it's a little too late in the year for April Fool's Day."
"This isn't a joke," she shot back. "If you must know, we're kind of short a Romeo."
"Why? Did you nag him to death?"
"Maybe if I had he wouldn't have fallen down the stairs drunk," she muttered.
"Look, I can understand how this must put a crimp in your plans but I'm curious as to why you think I'm best for that particular role?"
"Not really the best, I know you're a man whore..."
"Way to make me say yes," he scoffed.
"What I was going to say, before you so rudely interrupted, was that you are a man whore but I have no doubts you could make even the most cynical of women believe that you can fall in love for the right person. I mean who needs words when you can deliver a dimpled smirk?"
"I think that's what they call a backhanded compliment but I'm not interested either way," he shot back lazily. "Musicals aren't my thing."
"It's a rock musical," she persisted. "Last time I checked it's what your band plays in this very establishment every Friday night."
"Which is exactly why I need to keep doing that and not embarrass myself or ruin my reputation on stage and in an unflattering pair of tights."
"For starters, this isn't one of your BBC specials. This is a modern day adaption and there are no tights, only leather jackets and jeans. We have a number of local journalists attending because of the hype. A year in this place hasn't yielded much but I have a feeling our production might push you into the 'must see' category. If you would just take a listen to the songs, you would realise that the music is actually cutting edge."
"And what would you know about cutting edge music? Last time I checked you're a journalism major that likes to do a bit of acting every now and again."
"And last time I checked, you're an economics major that has a rather big chip on his shoulder about a hobby."
"It's not a hobby," he bit out without thinking. She'd managed to sum up exactly what he tried to portray to the outside world for his father's sake.
"Which is exactly why I know you are right for this part, Mikaelson. I have dreams, have had since I was ten singing into my hairbrush and reciting all the lines and musical numbers from Grease. But my mother decided that I needed to do something..."
"Practical," Klaus finished knowingly.
"Something to pay the bills..."
"And support you later in life."
"Why do I suddenly feel like our parents have had a conversation on how best to crush our dreams?" She quipped. Before he could respond, Hayley had returned, her brown eyes brimming with unshed tears.
"I'm willing to forgive you for that indiscretion," she whimpered feebly. "We are meant to be, Klaus."
"Oh," Caroline inquired, looking between them curiously. "I should really go, don't want to interrupt this private and utterly awkward moment."
"There's no moment." Klaus was willing her to stay with his eyes but had no idea if she would help him out.
"I didn't realise you two were..."
"We're not," Klaus growled. "My heart has only been with one person and it's you, love." He knew he was being facetious but Klaus figured if she really wanted him for the part then she'd come through and pretend to be his girlfriend. Musicals weren't his thing but he'd heard the hype about the upcoming production and knew this could give his singing career a push in the right direction, not that he'd ever admit it to her.
"Well," she squeaked.
"I know you feel it too." Klaus had to admit watching her squirm was highly entertaining.
"Yes, I feel it," she murmured, obviously doing all she could not to roll her eyes and give them away. "I've always had this thing for people who are willing to participate."
"You know me too well love, I've always been a team player."
Northwestern University Theatre, 7pm (2 weeks later)
"How many bows can one arrogant person make?" Caroline muttered through gritted teeth, not surprised that Klaus was making this all about himself. She'd been determined not to give him the spotlight because he was such an ass but their pairing on stage had created a buzz no one saw coming. According to an early review by the local paper they were both destined for stardom.
"As many as I bloody like love, especially given I did you a favour," he smiled waving at the crowd and all his adoring fans.
"You're never going to let me forget that, are you?"
They'd started out their journey unwitting alliances and pretend lovers, on stage and off. They had been hailed the hottest Shakespearian coupling to take the amateur, college stage in a while. What she hadn't expected was to fall in love with the arrogant ass. She had to blame it on all those staged kisses.
As the curtain fell on the rapterous audience, Caroline threw her arms around her Romeo. "You are so infuriating."
"But you love me."
"You're okay, I guess."
He placed a brief kiss on her nose before continuing. "I'm more than okay. Did you see my performance out there tonight? And the best part about all of this was finding the love of my life and I didn't even need to act."
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little-ball-of-fear · 7 years
“What happens on backstage, stays on backstage and the rest is silence”
Fandom: Thomas Sanders Sides Human AU: Student!Anxiety, Student!Prince, Student!Morality, Teacher!Logic Pairing: Prinxiety, background Logicality Warnings: student-teacher relationship, mentioning about sex, swearing, “Romeo and Juliet” spoilers Prompt used: 42. "If I die I’m going to come back and haunt you.” 26. "Help me I’m stuck.” 3. “I’m going to kill you!” 23. "If we get caught I’m blaming you.”
Tagging @remmythepegasis and @akidathedisneyfan ‘cause I wrote it for them and I love them with my whole sad black emo heart <3
Virgil always thought school extracurricular activities stupid and tiring. Well, he was in school newspaper crew but that was different. He could write alone, in his own room and send the articles by e-mail to the Editor in Chief who he has never seen face to face. That was the perfect deal: extra points for his behaviour note, possibility to express himself by writing and no need to socialize.
Roman was totally different. He loved being surrounded by people, being in the centre of attention and to impress everybody. That’s why he loved theatre so much. He was in school drama club since the first day he discovered that it exist. He often asked Virgil for help with practicing his role and learning the text and Virgil always agreed even if he complained and gave ironic comments about it at first. This time wasn’t any difference.
“Remind me, please, why did I agree for this?”  It was evening and the boys were walking along the empty corridors to the assembly hall so Roman could prepare himself for his Romeo role for next day. “Because you owe me a favour. Remember the incident with sock and pencil?” “Yes, I do, I was washing lasagne off my hair for a week!” Virg blushed, turned his face aside and growled “And we promise to never get back to that.” “You asked...”
They came on the backstage where all the decorations and the scenography were. Roman took two costumes in garment bags from the garment rack. He put one of them on his dressing table and handed the second one to Virgil.
“Put it on and get on the balcony.” “You’ve lost your fuckin’ mind.” it sounded more like a statement of fact than a question “I won’t wear dress! It’s you who have to “feel in the role” not me!” “You owe me a favor, don’t linger and put it on.” “I pay my debt with the fact that I sneak in here with you so you can prepare for your role.” “So let the dress be a payment for taking you off the tree when you were hiding from the postman.” “You broke my knife while doing it so it doesn’t count!” “So maybe for getting you out of the nettle after you were running away from the squirrel.” “Okay, I will put on that stupid dress… But I’m not getting on any fuckin’ balcony.” “I were lubricating your nettle burns with aloe!” “… Okay, I’ll get on the balcony.” Virgil unzipped his sweatshirt, noting in the memory to stop getting in trouble. “But just so you know: I hate you.”
After dressing up Virg stood under the fake balcony and swallowed hard. He looked at Roman with panic in his eyes, but boy just showed him two thumbs up with a grin on his face. He put his foot on the first ladder step, then on the second and third…
“You’re doing great, bro! Just go on and don’t look down or something.” “I swear if I fall down and die, I’m going to come back and haunt you and my ghost will trip you up.” “So… Don’t fall, I guess?” “Wow, thanks Captain Obvious, you saved the world again.” Virgil rolled his eyes finally standing on the balcony floor holding tight to the rail. “So what’s now?” „Open the script on page 14. We’ll start with the argue about promising. You’re first with that part about the night on your face.” „Oh gosh…” he cleared his throat and looked up with glossy eyes.
Virgil *with feminized high voice, gesticulating lively* Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak tonight. Fain would I dwell on form; fain, fain deny What I have spoke. But farewell compliment. Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay', And I will take thy word. Yet, if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove false. At lovers' perjuries, They say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully: Or if thou thinkest I am too quickly won, I'll frown, and be perverse, and say thee nay, So thou wilt woo: but else, not for the world. In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond; And therefore thou mayst think my 'haviour light: But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true Than those that have more cunning to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, But that thou overheard'st, ere I was 'ware, My true-love passion: therefore pardon me; And not impute this yielding to light love Which the dark night hath so discovered. Fuck, I think I don’t get women. I didn’t understood any word from what I’ve just said. Roman *trying not to show that it made him laugh* Lady, by yonder blessed moon I vow, That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops… Virgil *dramatically waving his hands* O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. Roman What shall I swear by? Virgil Do not swear at all. Jesus Christ, girl, what you want?! Or if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry, And I'll believe thee. Ow yeah, ‘cause moon changes but people totally don’t! Roman *choking with laughter, trying to ignore Virgil’s comments* If my heart's dear love… Virgil Well, do not swear: Choose for once what the flying fuck do you want, bitch?! although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night: You wanted it for Gerard Way’s sake! It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; You know each-other for one evening, how did you expect it to not be “too sudden”?! Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say 'It lightens.' Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast!
Roman O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
Virgil Yes, you pervert! I’m only 14! Ekhem, I mean: What satisfaction canst thou have to-night?
Roman Stop it you dirty-minded devil! *blushing while clearing his throat* The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.
Virgil I gave thee mine before thou didst request it: And yet I would it were to give again.
Roman Wouldst thou withdraw it? for what purpose, love?
Virgil But to be frank, and give it thee again. And yet I wish but for the thing I have: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, Despite the fact that sea totally have bounds, lol. My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. I hear some noise within; dear love, adieu! Anon, good nurse! Sweet Montague, be true. Stay but a little, I will come again. *waving softly to Roman, taking a few steps back “into the room”* Aaaaaaa! Fuck!
“Virg, what happened?” Roman run fast to the back of balcony to see the reason of his friend’s scream.
Virgil was hanging on the ladder, hooked on the hem of his dress. He was swaying his legs in the air, his face red from anger and shame. Roman got on his knees because of a sudden laugh attack.
“Don’t laugh at me, you idiot! Help me I’m stuck!” “I can see! That’s why I’m laughing!” He stood straight wiping laugh tears from his eyes and cheeks. “And don’t wiggle so much, you’ll tear up the dress.” “Is THAT your biggest problem right now?!” “My? Yes. But THIS will be your problem in a while” he took his phone out of the pocket and started taking some pictures. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU! I swear I will kill you just when I get down!” “You’re not encouraging me to help you getting down, you know?” Roman showed him his tongue but put his phone back to the pocket and started stepping up the ladder. “Now don’t move or we both fall down.”
Virgil froze and just hung there pitifully mumbling threats and insults about Roman.
„You know what? I have a great view on your butt from here.” Roman finally got n the top of a ladder and reached out his hand like a photographer checking the perfect frame. “If you start taking photos of my pants I’ll sue you for molesting.” “Too late…” “ROMAN!” “Just joking, calm. Okay, I’ll stand here and you try to turn. Perf, now put your feet on it and try to push away. One more time, I have to catch you. Just give me your hand! Hand not leg, you idiot! Fine, I got you, now hold on me and I’ll try to unhook you. And now jump up. Don’t grumble, just jump!”
After a few minutes they both lie down on the balcony floor breathing heavily.
„I swear on my love to FOB that this is the last time I’m helping you with practicing!” Virgil’s eyes were throwing lightings at the other boy. „I don’t think so.” He waved his phone before Virg’s face showing him a galery full of „poor stuck Juliet” „And now you owe me for ta king you off that ladder.” “I got on that ladder for you!” he jumped at him trying to get the phone back “Gosh, I hate you!” “But my Juliet, your words are hurting my heart!” “My leg will hurt your butt if you don’t delete those fuckin’ photos!” “Okay, okay…” Roman held Virgil’s wrists with one hand and with the other he started deleting photos. “See? They’re gone. But can I leave this one maybe?” „In your dreams! Just so you can blackmail me till the rest of my life to make me dress in drag for you and tell you stupid love promises that I can’t decide if I want or not?” “Ummm... No? I just like your ass.” „Why the Hell are you so focused on my ass?!” Virg’s face turned red. “I’m not but if you want me to, it will be my pleasure.” He was responded with asking look. „Ugh, I’m trying to subtly tell you that I fanc… Wait, did you hear that?”
Roman crawled to the edge of balcony. For a moment he didn’t move and then he called Virgil with a gesture. His eyes were wide and round and his mouth were open but still smiling. Down there on the backstage two characters were kissing in the dusk.
“Is that... Professor Logan?” Virgil was afraid that the crash of his jaw falling on the floor will be heard so, just in case, he covered his mouth with hand. “You better look who’s with him...” “No... No, that can’t be…”
“Patton, please, we can’t meet each-other at school...” Teacher’s voice was muffled with kisses from which he wasn’t defying too well. “But you barely leave this school. And I miss you...” The boy didn’t give up. „I’m begging you…” „Well, usually you prefer me to beg but as you wish…” Logan rolled his eyes and, even if the boys on the balcony weren’t able to see it, he bit his lip. “You’re unbearable...” He kissed him deeply “If we get caught I’m blaming you. I’ll say that you lured me here and tried to seduce me.” “Fair enough, maybe then I’ll be kicked out of school and we’ll be able to date normally.” “You’re unbelievable!” “I’m in love~”
Forbidden lover started making out and Virgil turned his face to Roman who was staring at him with inscrutable expression. He wanted to say something but the other boy shook his head and showed him his phone turning it to the “mute” mode. Virgil nodded and did the same thing. Now they were talking on Watsapp.
Emo: What the fuck is going on here?!?!?! Princey: Dunno but it’s kinda cute tbh Emo: It turns you on? Princey: I said cute not hot you pervert Emo: Whatever Emo: So what we gonna do now? Just sit here and look at them making out? Princey: And what do u want to do? Go down and say hello? Emo: We’re here cuz of your stupid idea so it’s YOU who will get us out of that trouble. Princey: We can always follow their actions Emo: … Emo: wut
Virgil looked at Roman as at an idiot and psycho at once.
Princey: I just told you that I fancy you. Emo: WHEN?!?!?!/11? Princey: Ow yeah. They interrupted me. Princey: So I will say it now. Princey: I fancy you. Princey: For a long time. Princey: Since junior high. Princey: And that’s our last year so I thought I should tell you. Emo: … Princey: Virg? Princey: Say sth Princey: I meant write Princey: ANYTHING Emo: … Princey: Why r u looking at me like that? Princey: I’m sorry Princey: Don’t be mad! Princey: Write sth for fox’s sake! Princey: Virg! Princey: I’m starting to woriqo’q22u72qwlansd234398
Roman’s phone fell on the floor when Virgil fast moved closer to kiss him. He hugged him (as much as it was possible in their position on the balcony floor) and kiss with such passion as if he was trying to compensate him all those years when he was blind. Blind for Roman’s efforts, signals, little gestures, suggestions and feelings. But in that long slow kiss he also wanted to compensate himself every day of hiding his real feelings behind his friend because of fear it will ruin their relation.
They were cuddling and kissing, not caring about the time. Then they started texting again, confessing everything they couldn’t say out loud. They were trying to ignore awkward moans and muffed screams from backstage. But when the lovers finished and started dressing up and boys were totally sure that nobody will ever know they were on the backstage that evening...
“That’s not my shirt.” Patton looked at the fabric in teacher’s hand. “My neither…” Logan looked around and spotted a small pile of clothes in the corner on the floor. “Fuck…” He picked them up, looked at them closer and looked around the backstage again. Boys swallowed hard in panic. “All right, Roman, wherever you are, get out and come here. I don’t want to play hide and seek with you.” “Why do you know it’s mine, sir?” Boy leaned over the rail before Virgil could stop him. “Because you are the only person in this school who could have “My favorite Disney Prince is Me” T-shirt.” Virgil couldn’t help but smirk “And now get down. You and your Juliet.
Feeling awkward as fuck, two couples faced each-other. All abashed and blushed. Virgil even forgot that he was still wearing a dress.
“Okaaay…” the teacher cleared his throat, tips of his fingers together like it was another lesson when he has to explain them something for fifteenth time. “Can we establish that non of us was here tonight? If you promise to keep that what… Happened between me and Patton for yourselves, I promise to not tell the headmaster about you two sneaking onto the backstage without permission and to not start a rumor about that Virgil likes to wear dresses. Does that sound fair for you?”
“Definitely.” Boys nodded and breathe a sigh of relief. “Perfect. Now get out and I don’t want to see you until tomorrow’s test.” “Test? Really? Can we maybe ad to our little deal releasing us of writing the test?” “Roman, are you trying to blackmail me?” “You prefer me to beg?” “OUT!” teacher covered his red face with hand and pointed at the door. The rest, including Patton, burst into laugh. “Don’t be mad…” Patton kissed his cheek when Virgil and Roman disappeared behind the door. “And you…” Logan turned to him with scowling “You are going to write for tomorrow a thousand time ‘I won’t seduce my math teacher in public, even if I know he likes that and he’s not defying.’ ”
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maybeapizzatrophy · 7 years
Thoughts on beauty and the beast 2017
-Audra McDonald is boss, but that song is weird.
-prince Dan is super sassy.
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-prince Dan does not deal in a plant based economy. 
- Honestly, I feel bad for anyone who just got a job there. I filled out my w2s, excited for new life adventure annnd now I’m a rug. Thanks Potts for recommending me.
*song Belle*
- ohhhhhhhh, emma can’t sing. Hopefully that won’t be too distracting.
-belle is mean 
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-are those boys checking her out?is that lady checking her out?
-Damn LeFou! Mark your territory.
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-so I guess in disney if you really think people are talking about you behind your back, they are not. They are singing about you behind your back.
-wow gaston gets distracted quick. Have fun with the ladies. Don’t get syphilis!
-ooo, belle asking her dad for a rose just like in the original story.
-Belle: I invented a washing machine to make your lives easier! 
               Towns people: witch!!!
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-Gaston, are you trying to guilt her for not having a baby? What are you her judgy aunt Edna, wondering why her sister’s not a grandmother?
- uggh the singing. why didn’t they just dub over her?
-Maurice in the woods. Just snow….in June. Perfectly safe. Totally normal.
- Phillip, the baller horse, saves his life,. MAURICE repays him by leaving him outside to be killed by elements and wolves. No stables huh?
- Pro Tip! When wandering into someones house, don’t eat their food. This might happen!
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- Maurice, run for your life, but there is always time to smell the roses.
-Beast smelling Maurice’s blood. Is the beast a vampire? That would explain the capes. And fangs.
- Yell at that horse, belle! Get a straight answer! POS Phillip. 
- God does Lumiere hit on everyone that comes into that house? Maybe that is why the Beast has crappy housekeeping.Wonder which object is his lawyer?
-Maurice “how did you find me?” that is a legit question, Belle.
-she’s either Sherlock Holmes or can talk to animals. Maybe that’s why she calls chicken “little people.”
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-Prince Dan has changed his mind about a plant based economy. Flower for a life. Sounds fair.
-Beast: you’re a fool. True looove?? At this point he’s gotten more action with her dad.
- Lumiere is giving belle a new room. belle has a vagina so that means you get nicer commodities. Also they don’t want another poor yelp rating. 
-is Lumiere hitting on her again ? “ oh you are very strong. this is a grreat quality." 
- is he priming her up so she won’t get crushed by the beast when they have sexy time later?
-# beast in the sheets
-"why should I be startled, I’m talking to a candle.” lols. OK, you got me movie.
- “whats in the west wing? Monologuing.” 
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- the East wing, or as I like to call it, the ONLY wing!
 -does Lumiere know the definition of modest?
-Lumiere! Not in front of the kids! Keep it in your pants, if you want a PG rating.
-Belle talking to a brush. She may need some therapy after this.
- did the wardrobe just fall asleep? Does the humanoid objects need sleep?
- Lefou has got it bad.
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-spelling is hard. Poor baby.
- uh oh. Maurice is raving again.
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-when prince dan enters the room, he makes an entrance.
- Prince Dan does not like hanging with the common folk. Ewww. She better not touch his cloak and make it dirty. Her father is a nobody!  (seriously maybe he should have kept Maurice around)
#Always warm in Beasts bed
-Lumiere: show me the smile!
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-I’m so sorry I lost my train of thought.
-Prince Dan does not think mental health should be a laughing matter. You should not call people crazy. He gets Bimonthly visits from his therapist couch.
-Go starve! Be my guest! And don’t even THINK about having an elaborate song and dance number with all my staff based on this same title! (runs off to the west wing and can’t hear fireworks due to another great speech by President Bartlett)
-*petal falls, castle shakes* flower based economies can not save your crumbling infrastructure! 
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-*belle is trying to escape* so she’s an active heroine because she’s trying to run away? Lets be honest, I don’t think this movie could pass the bechdel test
-Lumiere: they are fighting, oooh so hey must be in love. Umm does Lumiere have a problem?
*Be our Guest*
- yay you’re hungry, so your food will dance in front of you but you can’t eat any of it. seriously he gives her food and then takes away her fork.
-Side Note: I used to have the biggest crush on Ewan Mcgregor when I saw Moulin Rouge in High School. His singing can make me feel so many things. 
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However, singing in a fake french accent is just making me cringe.
- Mrs. Potts: you can change him! Great advice. that totally works. 
Belle wanders into beasts bedroom and is surprised he's upset. Actually think he's in the right here.
-Hey wolves, you don’t mess with Phillip!
-What are the wolves waiting for? The music to become more dramatic?
-Its a motherfucking growl off
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-Yep Maurice doesn't know where he's going. So Belle is definitely Sherlock or talks to animals.
Newsflash. In breaking news, Gaston is dick.
Belle and Beast arguing over her being in the west wing: You shouldn't have been in the west wing. DUDE. You're in the west wing now.
ANOTHER NEWS BULLET. This just in- Beast isn't cruel, hes a brat
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-Audra McDonald has the voice of an angel.
-WAIT A SECOND. WHAT the hell is this curse?! The prince gets stuck as a monster and everyone else DIES. Or stops existing. Boo freaking hoo, this prince has had a hard life but that doesn’t mean you have to die for him! where is the loophole. Agatha is a bitch to servants.
-Oh girl! Beast knows Romeo and Juliet. And he is mocking her. What is he going to quote his favorite Shakespeare Titus Andronicus? Or Fall out Boy?
Oh nice library.(Bitches love libraries.)
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The ice is thawing. SYMBOLISM! 
Ughgh the autotune.
So she's not “glancing at you,” shes staring at your hairy ass. She’s wondering if the rumors are true.
Lumiere please don't light the library on fire! its the only reason Belle is staying there. 
LOL. when Mrs. Potts says chip it sounds like shit.
The pep talk for the beast took a weird turn.
Like how they brought back the organ/harpsichord from the crap sequel.Tim Curry!
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-Prince Dan: Do you love it here? How much time has past, a week? you can’t leave! do you love me yet? 
-Ok I know he has to let her go so she can save her dad but he's condemning all of his people to death. I’m pretty sure if someone explained this loophole to her she would give a shit.
Oh, beast wants to love and be loved in return.
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Damn Dan can sing
Ok belle put the phone down. Gaston thinks he can be a politician
Gaston is sounding horribly familiar. That beast is a bad hombre.
LeFou- Wrong “monster" is released. ehhem. 
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Wow they fortified quickly. Maybe one of the servants was a former military general.
Oh I think its the coat rack.
Reading is fundimental! Illiteracy kills!
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Man, Lefou is fickle. Guess he’s  good guy now because he has a conscience and only tried to kill Maurice...for love.
Gaston, never look up your exs new boyfriends on facebook. You are only going to depress yourself.
The power of love will save you!
What is that, like the third time gaston shot prince dan in the back?
You came back? Oh course. You have a great library. And those rumors better be true.
Ok i am actually sad about the dog and chip, and Mrs. Potts.
Good job general coat rack. You were amazing. *getting emotional*
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Belle loves the beast but has to say it in front of Agatha. Otherwise doesn't count.
Prince Dan is human again. Now change him back! He was hotter before.
Ugggh ewan in a french wig is not attractive. Nope can’t unsee that. and now neither can you. bleh
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Who tells their 6 year old they smell good? Like really?
Mr. Potts story is ridiculously sad. He always knew he was missing something, and that something was not right in his life. Turns out his family was taken away from him and he was forced to forget about them but never really could. Fuck you Agatha.
Oh and cogsworth had a wife? But he hates her? weird tonal change...
Yep, Dirty Dan get a beard. He looks fine with a beard
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And lefou hooks up with a cross dresser. All well that ends well?l
Moral of the story, invest in something other then plants. Diversify your stock portfolio..
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