#phew this took me a while to type sorry
Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x OFC
Part 12
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x OFC
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC), Sinker, Comet, Boost, Warthog
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
Author's Note: Phew! That was a whole lot of work, but everything has been converted from reader to oc, and every chapter has been updated to third-person past tense writing 😮‍💨 Nothing in the plot has changed, but I did update some wording and filled in a few gaps I found while I was going through the story. Y'all, the next chapter is the funeral. Enjoy this last bit of, uh... not as sad moment(?), then brace yourselves! As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta: @beating-a-dead-plot
Part 1 || Prev | Next
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Wolffe watched from his seat at the desk chair as Cara, Comet, Boost, and Warthog continued to unpack her things and arrange the room. He had Warthog stuff his armor in the wardrobe while she wasn't looking to try and keep the mood up. She was going to have enough to be sad about when they went to the funeral soon. Too soon. He didn't even know if he was ready for it, let alone Cara. He'd already had a conversation with the Wolfpack about it, and they'd be ready to step in when he needed them.
"Commander," Sinker called from the doorway. "Can I talk to you?"
Wolffe sighed and got up from the desk chair to join Sinker out in the hallway. He left the door open so Cara wouldn't fret about his absence, but he'd keep his voice hushed so she didn't overhear their conversation. If he was lucky, she wouldn't notice that he'd stepped out of the room. Sadly, with the look on Sinker's face, Wolffe knew that whatever happened in that briefing couldn't be good, at least not in terms of their remaining time left on Coruscant, and he braced for it.
"How was the briefing?" Wolffe asked.
"We're deploying," Sinker sighed. "I'm sorry, Wolffe."
Wolffe cursed under his breath.
"According to the intel," Sinker continued, "Captain Rex and General Kenobi were taken captive by Zygerrian slavers while trying to infiltrate their operation to free some imprisoned Togrutas."
"You're kidding," Wolffe said.
"Afraid not," Sinker said. "We're being sent to Kadavo as reinforcements for the liberation."
Wolffe pinched the bridge of his nose. "When are we leaving?"
"Two rotations," Sinker answered. "It would've been immediate, but General Skywalker and Commander Tano are already on the ground, so it bought us some time to regroup. As is, it's going to take twelve standard rotations just to get to the Kadavo system from Coruscant."
Wolffe breathed a small sigh of relief. It wasn't a lot of time, but it was enough for him to get his affairs in order. He looked over at Cara and watched as she played a game with Comet and Boost. She will be devastated when he has to put his armor back on and leave. With no mother, no father, and no Wolfpack, she was going to be completely alone. It'd take at least one standard month to get to the Kadavo system and back, and that didn't even take into consideration the length of the actual mission. Liberations could last for months.
"May I be excused?" Sinker asked after Wolffe didn't respond. "I promised the general that I'd help with the… preparations."
Wolffe paused. He knew what the implications of that word meant and while he was grateful that his second in command had his hands on his wife's funeral, it was still a stab to the heart.
"Yes, of course," Wolffe stammered. "Dismissed."
Sinker left and Wolffe walked back into the room, grabbed his comm, sat down at the desk, and typed a message to Fox. We need to talk. It's important.
It took a while, but Fox eventually answered back. I'll be at the funeral.
Wolffe quickly sent another message. No, not there. Tomorrow morning. The diner.
Fox replied back after a couple of minutes. Meet me there at 0600.
Wolffe put his comm back down and anxiously tapped his foot against the floor. It was a long shot, but he needed someone to look after Cara while he and the Wolfpack were gone. Even if Fox couldn't do it, he probably had a couple of trusted brothers in the Coruscant Guard who could. It was better than the alternative of some random Jedi caretaker brainwashing his child while he was off fighting the War. He wanted to be able to trust the Jedi, he did, but he always found a small seed of doubt when he tried.
"Cara," Wolffe called. She ran over to him. "I'm going out tomorrow morning."
"You're leaving?" Cara asked, her voice full of uncertainty.
"No, baby," Wolffe soothed. "I'm just gonna see Fox for a bit."
"Can I come?" she asked.
"No," Wolffe said.
"Please?" she pleaded.
"You don't even like Fox," Wolffe argued.
Cara pouted.
"Comet will be here to watch you," Wolffe said a little louder. He looked up at Comet and received a smile and a nod of acknowledgement. "You can explore the Temple together."
Cara continued to pout.
Wolffe decided to change his tactics. There was something in the Temple that could get her excited, even if only a little bit. "You know," he began. "I heard they have a tree somewhere."
Cara perked up. "A tree?"
"Mhm," Wolffe said. "A real one." It was something Wolffe and his wife planned on doing after the War; moving to a planet full of different flora and fauna for Cara to see. His wife kept images all around their apartment of different trees and plants from around the galaxy, since Cara had never been off-world yet.
Cara gasped with wide eyes. "Can I go see it?"
"Sure," Wolffe shrugged. "But only if you stay with Comet."
Cara thought about the proposal for a moment. "I'll stay with Comet."
"That's my good girl," Wolffe praised. "You can go play now."
Cara ran back to Comet and Boost, but then turned on her heels and ran back to Wolffe.
"Daddy," she said. "I have to go potty."
Wolffe blinked a few times in surprise. He was so used to Cara using the refresher by herself at home, that it didn't even dawn on him that she might need help here. He really wasn't made for parenting, but he was going to do his best to help her. The last thing he needed right now was for her to have an accident, and right before the funeral too. He glanced at the chronometer to make sure they still had time, then took her hand and guided her through the halls to find a refresher.
There should be a one somewhere on that floor, but he didn't remember seeing it on their way in. Then again, he did zone out for a bit near the end. After walking a little further, he saw a sign, but it was for a male species refresher. He looked around and saw another sign for a female species refresher, but he wasn't sure which one he should take her in. His wife would've just taken her into the female species refresher and took care of everything. Maker he wished she was here.
Since he was a male species, did he need to bring her into that one? If he did take her there, he risked her seeing things she shouldn't be seeing. However, if he took her into the female species refresher, was he going to get arrested? He noticed Cara starting to wiggle and he knew he needed to make a decision quickly. Ultimately, Wolffe took her into the female species refresher for her own comfort and protection. If he got arrested, Fox could always bail him out.
"Do you need help?" Wolffe awkwardly asked while rubbing the back of his neck.
"No!" Cara said adamantly and slammed the stall door behind her. "Mommy said I'm a big girl and big girls use the refresher alone."
Wolffe was shocked, but rolled with it. "Oh, okay. I'll, uh, I'll wait out here then."
Wolffe wasn't sure what to do with himself while he waited. He missed out on the potty training phase when Cara was two years old, and this was always his wife's territory, just like bath time. Which was something else that slipped his mind. He had no idea where the bath was, if the Temple even had a bath, or who was going to help her bathe in the morning. His wife was adamant that someone had to watch her in the bath. Maker strike him dead if she drowned when he wasn't around.
Within a few minutes, the stall door swung open and Cara came walking out. Wolffe opened his mouth to remind her about washing her hands, but before he got the chance, she was already at the sink washing her hands with soap. He didn't have to remind her; she did it all on her own. She even used the stool on her own. She didn't need his help at all. Wolffe felt a small twinge of pain in his heart. She was growing up so fast and he'd barely been around to see it. He'd missed so much, and he was going to miss even more.
"Ready to go back?" Wolffe asked after Cara finished drying her hands and hopped off of the stool.
Cara nodded and grabbed Wolffe's hand. He held it just a little tighter while they walked back to the room, because there might be a day when she no longer wanted to hold his hand, and when that day came, all he would have were the memories. It was expected of a clone to grow up fast, that was their purpose, but if he could ever find a way to stop aging, he'd give it to his daughter. It might be selfish, but he didn't want her to grow up. She was his baby girl and he wanted her to stay that way.
When rounded the corner of the hallway leading to the room, Wolffe could see Sinker standing outside of the door, dressed in his formal wear and holding what looked like Wolffe's officer uniform folded neatly in his hands. It must be that time, Wolffe guessed. He grabbed the uniform from Sinker and left Cara with him while he went into the room to change. When the door shut, Cara didn't say anything, but she did look a little confused. Sinker wasn't sure what to say to her, so instead of stumbling over his words, he said nothing.
Comet, Boost, and Warthog had already changed into their dress uniforms and went ahead, which left Sinker, Wolffe, and Cara to bring up the rear. It was fitting, in a way, for them to arrive at the funeral last. After a few moments, the door slid back open and Wolffe emerged in his officer's uniform. He fixed a couple of spots while Cara looked up at him with concern in her eyes, almost as if she knew what was going to happen, but still, no one had the heart to speak it out loud. Inevitably, it was time for them all to say goodbye.
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Part 1 || Prev | Next
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ms-no1kpopstan · 3 months
Me or her?
Niki x reader
synopsis: you set your bff Riki up with Eunchae, one of your friends, on a date.. but what happens when you realise that you might have caught feelings for him along the way. So who will he choose, you or Eunchae?
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Nishimura Riki has been your best friend since kindergarten and you don’t remember the last time you went out without him. It was safe to say that you did everything together. You’ve been through crushes, breakups, and all of that stuff together. You were in college now.
And, here you are texting him whether he would like to go on a date with your friend Eunchae. And he said yes. That answer was one you did not expect at all. ‘Okay, sure’ you type into your chat. You already asked Eunchae and she said yes as well. You told them a bit about each other since they'd never met before, just to have a few convo starters and prevent very awkward silences…
It was now the day of their date and you took it upon yourself to find Riki the perfect outfit and damn, did it look good. You chose a black shirt with his favourite anime’s print on it and some baggy blue jeans. It looked perfect. While you sent him off, you actually felt like a proud mom who was watching her son graduate…
You were super happy about this and god, did you hope this went well. He always told you how it always seemed like he pushed girls away when actually he was just trying to get to know them before a relationship. So this was a chance for him to redeem himself and finally get a girl… you couldn’t wait till they got together and you could tell everyone about you playing their Cupid.
Now you just needed to wait until he got back in a few hours.. a few hours without him wouldn’t be that hard, would it?
You got off your bed and made your way to the couch to watch tv but you just couldn’t without him there to watch with you. So you resorted to scrolling through social media with a cup of instant ramen next to you. A FEW HRS LATER
You hear the keys to your apartment jangling and watch as Riki walks in with a big smile on his face
“Phew,” you think “it must have gone well if he’s smiling so much”.
“y/nnie, the date went so well, we talked a lot, shared a bowl of ice cream and we walked around the place for a bit! I hope we could do that again…” he says, happily. “That’s great riks, did you get her number too??”, you ask, excitedly. “Yeah, I did and oh my god she’s so pretty! Like I know you told me she was pretty but she was just more beautiful than I thought!!!!”
“Okay that’s really great ki! And also, wanna watch that new kdrama with me? I’ve been wanting to watch it for a while…” you say with a soft tone towards the end.
“Okay sure Y/nnie! Even I've been wanting to watch that one”
You make some popcorn and sit down next to each other on the couch, your head on his shoulder and your fingers intertwined(in a friendly way of course….)
Physical affection wasn’t something rare in your friendship and that’s why a lot of people thought you two were dating. Well, all you had to say about today was it was a great day! Riki’s date went great, and you were watching a new kdrama with him too! What more could you ask for?
•____________________________________________ A/n End of part one! And also tell me if you want to be added to the taglist. By the way i Don’t have a schedule for updates so it will be a bit irregular! pls interact with the story if you want. Re blogs, comments and likes are appreciated! Hope you liked it! And this is my first series so pls keep that in mind before giving hate comments. Also, rude and judgmental comments will be deleted and blocked. sorry for the long note!
TAGS; @leaderwonim @mandukkul @copyhanni @nikiswifereal27 @stariikis @ad0rechuu @copyhanni @jungkit @rk1stars @rikihqq @wonryllis
A/n pt 2 @ms-no1kpopstan’s not yours. Please do not translate, or repost without my permission and it must have my credits if so.
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sapphirepastries · 1 year
Sam’s New Year Sale 2023: Ramshackle’s Visit
i was kinda disappointed that we didn’t get a chapter for ramshackle for the new year’s event, so i went ahead and wrote this xD it was a quick one and it’s not proofread but i think it’s fine. happy belated new year’s everyone!
The New Year had arrived, and with it, the ever popular Sam’s New Year Sale. After nine long days of crowds and brawls, tears and joy, the tenth and last day of the sale was upon them. However, Deuce and Kalim couldn’t relax just yet. With it being the final day of the sale, people were desperate to get their hands on the famous mystery bags for a chance to find an Amazing Ticket. The shop was absolutely packed to the brim, with the line stretching out farther than even the first day of the sale.
“Please stay in line if you want to buy a mystery bag! We still have plenty for sale!” Deuce cried over the noise of the crowd.
“Thank you very much! Here’s your mystery bag!” Kalim thanked the customer in front, handing him a mystery bag.
Deuce walked over, taking a breather from handling the mystery bag line.
“Phew…I know we’ve gotten used to this, but today is really insane,” he said.
“For sure,” Kalim agreed, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead. “But it’s the last day, so let’s push for the goal, Deuce!”
Deuce nodded enthusiastically. “You got it, Asim-senpai!”
They both got back to work but moments later, they were pulled away when something hopped up to them looking a little frustrated.
“Bun, bun!”
Deuce nearly stepped on it before stumbling back to avoid it.
“W-Whoa! That surprised me…w-what is that…?”
A brown bunny with white fluff around the tips of its ears and its torso stood in front of him.
“Ooh! It’s so cute!” Kalim exclaimed. “Hey there, little bunny! Mind if I pet you?”
The bunny shied away from his touch, hopping away to hide between someone’s legs. The two boys looked up and saw Yuu and Grim in the line for the mystery bags. She caught their eyes and waved at them.
“Hey, guys!” She greeted them with a smile. “Happy New Year!”
“Yuu, Grim! Happy New Year!” Deuce and Kalim greeted her back.
Kalim ran over and hugged her while Deuce gave her a wave.
“Myaha! You two look super worn out,” Grim snickered. “I’d hate to be you guys right now.”
Deuce lightly whapped him on the head. “Anymore out of you, and you’re not getting a mystery bag.”
“Fugna! That’s abusing your power!”
“You guys look great in those hakama,” Yuu complimented them.
The two boys blushed, with Deuce rubbing his head sheepishly and Kalim giving her a big grin.
“Thank you. I’ve been getting used to it,” the bluenette said.
“I like how roomy the sleeves are! It’s a lot of fun swinging them around when they aren’t tied back,” Kalim said.
“They fit you both so well,” Yuu said, smiling. “It’s nice to see them. It reminds me of the times I went to Johto for New Year’s.”
“Oh, so you’ve got these too,” Deuce mused.
“Say, Yuu, is this bunny yours?” Kalim asked, pointing to the brown bunny.
“Is it possibly…?” Deuce trailed off.
Yuu nodded and put down Grim in favor of bringing the bunny into her arms.
“This is Buneary, and she’s a Pokemon like you guessed,” she replied. “I found her wandering around the woods near Ramshackle yesterday.”
She took out her Pokedex and played Buneary’s entry for them.
“Buneary, the Rabbit Pokemon. Normal-type. When it feels danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into the fur on its body.”
“Is she yours?” Deuce asked.
Yuu nodded. “Yup, she somehow found her way here just like my other Pokemon.”
Grim rubbed his cheek, grumbling. “And she punched me when Yuu found her. I can still feel it!”
“That’s because you were all up in her face,” Yuu reprimanded him
“It’s so mysterious how they find their way here,” Kalim said, staring at Buneary. “Can I pet her?”
Buneary turned away, hiding her face in Yuu's chest. Yuu gave Kalim an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, Kalim-senpai, but being in this line has made her a bit upset. All the people pushing and shoving in the shop are tiring her out. I wanted to leave her at Ramshackle so Empoleon could look after her, but she really wanted to stay with me. She’s still scared about being sent to an unknown place.”
“Aww, the poor thing,” Kalim lamented. “Maybe I’ll get Jamil to whip up some nice sweets for her! Sweet things always cheer me up! I’ll go have someone get him for me!”
Yuu let out a small laugh, already feeling sorry for Jamil for Kalim’s very short notice on sweets.
“Thanks, senpai, but it can wait until after you’re done working,” she said, trying to ease the vice-dorm leader’s workload.
Back in Scarabia, Jamil felt the sudden need to thank Yuu somehow, someway.
“But man, it sure is crowded. It gets crowded in Ecruteak City on New Year’s too, but geez!”
Yuu grunted as someone squeezed past her, his mystery bag in hand.
“Are you also hoping to get an Amazing Ticket?” Kalim asked.
“We haven’t seen one since we started working,” Deuce said.
“You betcha!” Grim answered. “I’m gonna have my henchman exchange it for a mountain of premium tuna cans!”
“No, I'm not,” Yuu immediately shot him down. “For the record, I’m hoping to get some bakeware or maybe that cute dress I saw in town from a mystery bag. If I actually do find one, then I’m hoping to get a magic tool.”
“A magic tool?” Deuce and Kalim asked simultaneously.
“Yeah, I read about it in a book before. It’s like a projector, but it makes the space seem like you’re actually in a fancy mansion or, like, the beach. I wanted to get one to see if I could somehow get it to look like places from back home. It’d really help me and my Pokemon feel a little less homesick, y’know?”
Yuu pet Buneary on the head, a small sad smile on her face before she shook her head to rid herself of that prickling feeling of homesickness. Deuce and Kalim stared at her quietly, feeling her pain. They still hadn’t found a way to send her back to her world, and they knew that she would no doubt get more homesick the longer she was stuck in Twisted Wonderland.
“I could get it for you,” Kalim offered. “I don’t mind at all!”
Yuu’s eyes widened and she immediately shook her head. She knew how rich Kalim was (if her trip to the Scalding Sands for Al’ab Nariya was anything to go by) and she didn’t want to mooch off him. Not to mention that he would no doubt throw in a bunch of extra gifts because he wanted to. She wouldn’t know what to do if he gave her a chest full of jewels and golden peacock trinkets.
“I appreciate the offer, Kalim-senpai, but I’d like to get it myself if possible,” she said quickly. “Besides, I’m also happy to just get whatever I get from the mystery bag.”
“And if she doesn’t want it, I’ll gladly take it!” Grim exclaimed.
The two boys gave her a soft smile, but the moment was ruined when someone in the back of the line started shoving people and causing a chain reaction in the line.
“Hey, I was here first!” a Heartsabyul student cried.
“You sure about that? Sure didn’t seem like it with you zoning out there,” a Savanaclaw student smirked.
They started scuffling, making everyone try and step away from them and only squeezing everyone else in.
“Gah! I’m getting crushed!” Grim howled.
In Yuu’s arms, Buneary started getting more and more fussy with everyone squeezing in even tighter than they were before. Her trainer started to rock her in an attempt to soothe her.
“It’s going to be alright, Buneary,” Yuu managed to wheeze out. Oh, Arceus, she felt like her lungs were going to get crushed.
Buneary jumped out of Yuu’s arms and headed straight for the fighting students, who had also drawn in other students into the brawl.
“Buneary, no!” Yuu cried.
“What the hell?!”
“Hey, get this thing outta here!”
The Savanaclaw instigator got a faceful of Buneary’s Dizzy Punch and he stumbled back. The Heartsabyul student took this chance to get in his own punch on the guy. That Dizzy Punch and right hook only escalated the brawl. The Savanaclaw student put a hand where he got punched and growled, trying to catch Buneary.
Deuce put his own hands on his head. “Crap! At this rate, the whole shop is going to get wrecked!”
Yuu tried to push her way through the crowd. “I have to go get her! She’s getting more stressed out!”
“Don’t worry! We’ll just do what we’ve been doing these past ten days!” Kalim exclaimed confidently, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Just leave it to us. It’s our job to get things organized after all!”
The two boys dove into the fray, with Deuce intimidating the brawling students while Kalim looked underfoot for the small Rabbit Pokemon. Deuce was especially intimidating today since Yuu and her Pokemon were involved, and it allowed Kalim to weave around the crowd much more easily. Eventually, everyone settled down and Kalim emerged triumphantly from the crowd with Buneary in his arms.
“I got her!”
Yuu hurried to him and took Buneary from his arms.
“Thank you so much, senpai!” she thanked him, bowing her head gratefully.
“Next time, settle things peacefully,” Deuce snarled to the troublemakers.
Cowed by the delinquent aura he let out, the troublemakers meekly nodded their heads. Deuce nodded his head and got everyone back into a neat line before heading back to the front of the line where Yuu was.
“You guys alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, we’re fine. Kalim-senpai got Buneary out of there before she hurt herself,” Yuu replied.
Kalim flashed them a bright smile. “It’s a good thing you got everyone settled down, Deuce. Nice job!”
“Thank you, Asim-senpai. Now, let’s get back to business!”
Deuce handed Yuu her mystery bag as he took her money. The prefect gratefully took her bag and hurriedly retreated outside for fresh air and to calm down Buneary. When the crowd thinned out she came back inside, another bag in hand.
“Good work, you two,” she said, handing the bag to Deuce. “I went back to Ramshackle to grab some malasadas and hot chocolate I made earlier. You must be tired.”
“Oooh! Malasadas are those donut-like things, right? Thanks, Yuu!” Kalim thanked her with a hug that she returned.
Deuce let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah, thanks a bunch. I was starting to get hungry.”
They took a break in the backroom, inviting Yuu to come along with them to the back. She poured them some hot chocolate and they all took a sip with a relaxing sigh.
“Haah…I feel alive again,” Deuce exhaled.
“For sure,” Kalim agreed.
Yuu put her mystery bag on the table and opened it, the two boys watching in anticipation. She peered into the bag and smiled brightly.
“Oh! I got a tray for making madeleines! Oooh, and an embossed rolling pin!”
She happily took out her goodies, looking them over with sparkling eyes.
“Nice, you got what you wanted!” Kalim beamed.
Grim groaned. “I would’ve preferred getting tuna cans, but I guess this is fine.”
“Clover-senpai would’ve loved to get that bag,” Deuce chuckled. “He was hoping to get cookware, but got sweets instead.”
“Haha, that’s so like him,” Yuu giggled.
Buneary peered into the bag and blinked.
“Bun, buneary.”
She pulled on Yuu’s sleeve, getting her attention and pointing at the bag.
“Hm? Is there something else inside?” she asked, opening the bag again.
She stuck her hand inside and felt some sort of small thin paper. Curiosity filled her as she pulled her hand out of the bag to see what it was. In her hand was a purple and black ticket with the Mystery Shop logo on it and the word “Congratulations!” on one side and “Amazing Ticket” on the other.
Silence fell over the group as everyone blinked at the ticket before realizing what they were looking at.
“EEEEEHHH?!” they all cried.
“I-It’s actually real?!” Deuce spluttered.
“Whoa! I can’t believe it!” Kalim laughed.
“Fugnaaaa! My lifetime supply of premium tuna cans isn’t a dream anymore!!” Grim jumped up and down, celebrating the find.
Yuu marveled at the ticket in her hand, bringing it up to the light as if to check if it was real or not.
“I-I can’t believe it…” she whispered. “I hardly ever get rare stuff in gacha! I think I just used up my luck for the year…!”
“Congratulations, my little imp!”
They all jumped when Sam appeared out of nowhere. He put his hands on Yuu’s shoulders, patting them.
“You’ve found the Amazing Ticket, which means you can exchange it for anything you want!” he proclaimed. “And I can get my hands on just about anything. What is it that you desire, my little imp.”
“U-Um! That magic tool that’s like a projector…” Yuu stuttered, still surprised that she even got the ticket.
Sam winked at her, a wide smile on his face. “You got it, my little imp. I know what you’re looking for, and I’ll get it to you lickety-split!”
“Wait, what about my tuna?!” Grim’s complaints went unheard as Deuce and Kalim both slung an arm around Yuu’s shoulders.
“Congrats, Yuu!” Deuce congratulated her. “You actually found the Amazing Ticket! That must mean something good is gonna happen this year.”
“Yeah, and I’m gonna throw a party to celebrate your find!” Kalim cheered. “What would you like? I can bring in birds that warble on key! Oh, and I could bring in 75 golden camels and 53 peacocks!”
“T-There’s no need to go that far,” Yuu told him. “We can just celebrate with our friends with a small party. It’ll be fun and I can make some more malasadas for it.”
“That sounds great!”
When news spread that someone had found an Amazing Ticket, everyone started wondering who the lucky person was. Yuu’s friends were the only ones who knew that she was the one who got it. A few of them lamented the fact that they couldn’t get their hands on it. Azul in particular, almost sulked enough that he wanted to brood inside an octopus pot.
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masschase · 1 year
i’m really interested to see what Casey and Carlos relationship was like when he was alive. he’s such a fascinating character to think about purely because of how tragically his story ends and i wonder how that affected Casey too.
btw i hope you’re doing well :)
Phew sorry this took a while I dozed off at one point and all sorts 😅
Two SR characters ask meme
I occasionally worry about posting about these two because he's such a like... younger brother innocent bby type character for so many people including myself. But that's not how I wrote Casey and he's not particularly younger than her, maybe a year or so, so here goes.
Carlos was really the first person Casey had romantic feelings for (Shaundi was a little later during the sr2/3 gap). But she dealt with it about as well as you'd expect an awkward 16-year old who'd been thrown into the body of a 21-year old on a angst-filled power trip to react.
"Ugh, your aim's shit, let me help." (his aim was fine) "Hey, hey Carlos, betcha can't pick me up." (she was skinny *before* the coma, I think at this point a light breeze could pick her up) And the particularly egregious: *flirts in Spanish then asks what it means* (she's semi-fluent and worse, he knows that🤦🏼)
In terms of writing I wove this into her backstory fairly subtly because by the time we actually see her 5-13 years later I feel like she has got so used to her "love is dangerous" attitude that she doesn't really trace it back to Carlos. If anything she traces it back to Aisha's death, because she sees the way Johnny changes more than she sees any change in herself.
We see in chapter 7 her biggest fear is something she's not comfortable to admit. In chapter 10 we see that this fear is losing someone she cares about again. This could be about any one of the friends she's lost but the fact she says it in reference to protecting Matt suggests she lost someone she had feelings for. In chapter 15 she thinks about the fact she would comfort Johnny about Aisha and he would comfort her about Carlos, rather than just them grieving together, suggesting some sort of mirror between the two losses and that Carlos meant something different to Casey than Johnny.
In chapter 21 Matt asks her in 2021 if she's aromantic. Her thoughts on this are "She hadn't gone as far as falling in love, she’d never let herself get that close. But she’d had the feeling of starting to fall. Being just on the edge. Holding on by her fingertips and clawing herself right back. It was so terrifying that she avoided the precipice completely now.". This could mean Shaundi, and it does, but it also applies to Carlos, and he's the reason she classifies it as "terrifying". And although this is late on, it doesn't really spoil the plot, so; in chapter 32 when Johnny is (very accurately) calling Casey out on not being able to talk about her feelings, he asks her if she ever told Carlos how much she liked him.
She points out that is not cool rather than give an actual answer, but the answer is that no, she didn't. In fact the artwork I did of them together that I've not yet been able to fix enough for my liking... well I can describe it here actually.
Carlos is standing slightly behind long purple haired (main SR2 look) Casey, smiling and tapping/poking her on the shoulder while she turns her head and smiles back. Their faces are kind of close. A gradient starts around their shoulders that fades down to very dark grey where we see the words "I'll tell him tomorrow.". Then below the words, we see the barely visible black silhouette of their hands clasped together as per Red Asphalt.
Those words really sum up Casey's feelings around Carlos. Thing is though, it's not some really poetic or contrived thing where she thought it for the first time and that tomorrow was the day she had to mercy kill him. She thought it for a while. There were a lot of tomorrows. Yet still she didn't speak her mind, much as Johnny recognises 12 years later.
And because she likes to find meaning in all the shitty events she's witnessed in her life, her regret about that gives way to a belief that she may have actually made the right choice That's where her abandonment issues and fear of commitment tip over into a conscious choice to avoid relationships, into stuffing down those feelings deeper and deeper even as they grow stronger.
Obviously her highly "logical" views are complete bullshit when it comes to emotions. But if she didn't have those views, she wouldn't be her, and if they weren't bullshit, I wouldn't have a story. So at least that's something, right? 🙂
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leam1983 · 2 years
It's Monday, so the polycule went out to a diner for breakfast. We've all got business on the South Shore, today, so we tried out Chez Manuel, a basic eatery in Laflèche, one of the older corners of Greenfield Park.
Over-easy eggs that were a little too small for comfort, a "small" glass of OJ I could've drowned in, enough potato squares I could've choked on and bacon strips that were in this weird, Eldritch state between soggy as fuck and expertly crispy. Walt couldn't stop commenting on the potatoes, Sarah and I thought the coffee might as well have been dishwater, and the toast points were pretty much floating in a congealed pool of melted butter. The tastebuds approved, the inner dietician shrieked and my Spirit Cardiologist probably took notes stating how much of an idiot I was being.
On the way back, a young-ish kid notices I'm a bit slow and doesn't really pay attention to the fact that Walter's helping me negotiate the curb.
"We don't see this too often, huh?" he notes, unbidden. "An older man helping his son around like that..."
Walt flashes a look in my direction, a bit of impishness suggesting he'd be up for maintaining the father-son routine to get this nosy young man out of our hair, and that as ever, he secretly likes being the paternal figure in the group. I smile back.
"That's Cerebral Palsy for you!" I shoot back. "You're all there, but your limbs aren't worth shit! I'm sure he likes your vote of confidence, but he isn't my father."
Someone older would've been flustered or confused. By the look of things, this is a kid who knows a few people in the wider LGBTQA diaspora. "Oh, sorry," he says, apologizing for his mislabeling and not out of embarrassment, "I just haven't met a lot of gays in Laflèche, is all."
Walter smiles tightly. "Well, don't advertise us openly; this isn't the kind of place that takes kindly to non-hetero types..."
The kid and his girl-friend seem surprised. They've been here often, but only to pick up student specials to-go, like the occasional deep-fried wiener or hamburger. I let them in on the weirdly racist remarks clients seated next to us parted with about workplace colleagues of their own.
The young girl scoffs knowingly. "Well, this is Laflèche, so... Either you're a long-time resident on a pension or a Social Welfare user - or you work one of the local factories or warehouses. We're only just starting to see nicer condos sprout up. Most of the people up this street call me The Nigger, as if they'd never seen another Black girl before."
Her tone changes from sarcasm to a tinge of worry. "You didn't... hold hands while inside, did you?"
Walt and I exchange another glance, as worried realization settles in. There's a dingy-looking sports bar across the street, the exact kind that's probably under protection by some flavor of criminal asshats, and the entire area has this particular feel where you have the sense that someone, somewhere, is liberally siphoning cash out of registers in exchange for "services rendered". We replay the morning's events in our three minds, like modded Precogs scanning the recent past.
Nope, no outward contacts. We effectively were three coworkers sitting at the same table, this morning. Phew.
"I... don't think we'll be coming back here," notes Sarah.
"Nope!" responds Walter as he ducks inside the car like someone who's expecting bullets to start flying. "It's a shame, though," he notes, "I really liked these potatoes!"
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creepycatboyz · 2 years
"Scary Monsters" Marble Hornets Tim/Brian Fanfiction
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33361528/chapters/83773636
Chapter 3: New Start
Notes: phew, I managed to finally finish this chapter!! I was almost done when something personal happened in life and I lost all motivation to write this story.... BUT I may have found newly found interest into this book, as I got my OWN laptop and it's really fun typing on it :D
SO, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Having fully healed, after around two months in a hospital, the stretch of his arms and legs felt a tad bit painful, but yet so refreshing. Almost everything went back to normal except for Brian’s memory, as he still has no recollection for the past two months. That’s at least what he thinks. The one thing he knows for sure is Tim will pick him up tonight and drive outside the state. The light-haired man is really excited about it! He always wanted to make a road trip, especially with his best bud. He grabbed the small amount of things he had, some clothes Tim got him, his old favorite yellow- beige hoodie that he loved so much, and the sorry excuse of a phone that was completely smashed. He hoped to salvage the SIM card so he could keep his contacts. Brian hopes that his friends he made while filming Marble Hornets are alright. He would definitely try to contact them when he gets the chance to. 
Loving the fresh wind that brushed against his messy hair, he barely noticed Tim, who was walking towards him outside the hospital. A tap on the shoulder brought him back to his senses, and he grinned as he saw his best friend. “I already bought us stuff to drink and eat. The ride will be a bit long”, the dark-haired man said, grinning at the other male, while walking towards his car. “Ah, you spoil me too much!”, Brian giggled and trailed after him, enjoying the beautiful weather.  
He was glad that Tim had visited him now and then when he was still at the hospital. He even told him about Margaret and how they have already moved his belongings, which he was really grateful for. She always treated him like her own. Even though she pinched his cheek a lot, he still adored her. He sighed as he finally made his way to Tim’s car, sitting down in the passenger's seat. He will definitely miss the weekly grocery trips he did for her. She could make such an amazing cherry pie from simple ingredients. Alone from that thought, he became hungry. He tried to bake a cake with the exact recipe and products, but he always made it non edible. 
“How long we drivin’?”, Brian eyed his friend, who was starting the engine after he put on the seatbelt. As Tim was speaking, he did the same. “Around 5 hours, we can take breaks midway” The light-haired man only hummed and used his hoodie as a pillow to better lean against the window frame.
The trip was mostly uneventful, except for listening to music. Tim had on his dozens of CDs in his car. He even has an old CD Brian made for him, but it’s at home. The reason it’s not in his stash is because he treasures it so much, not wanting it to get damaged if he ever has a crash. While Tim was enthusiastically singing along to his favorite tunes, Brian had already dozen off after only 2 hours of driving. After he fell asleep, it took some time for Tim to notice, but he still continued to quietly sing along. 
After 3 more hours of driving, without breaks, as Tim didn’t want to disturb his friends’ slumber, he parked on the short trail that lead to his home. As they came to a halt, this appeared to have woken up the light-haired man, who was rubbing his eyes, while stretching his legs. “We’re here”
Brian, still sleepy from just waking up, only nodded and slowly got out of the car. He could feel the fresh air and the relaxing smell of the forest, which he adored ever since he was a kid. It took him some time to even recognize where he was. It was a beautiful wooden house, which was in great condition. “You got this all for yourself? You’re damn lucky!”, Brian giggled, following Tim, who was already at the door, unlocking the front door. “Yeah, but not anymore, as I get to share it with my best buddy”, the dark-haired male replied, disappearing into the house. Brian was thankful that his friend quickly got inside, as he was grinning so widely when Tim called him his “best buddy”. He giggled to himself and trailed after him, excitedly looking around at his new home.
It wasn’t anything fancy, and it had a faint smokey smell, which was probably caused by Tim’s smoking, which Brian hoped had stopped. He’s used to the smell, so it doesn’t bother him if it’s only light, but he would definitely keep his distance when Tim does smoke. He spotted some of his furniture, which really fitted well with this whole wooden cabin aesthetic. The light-haired man really enjoyed the warm and familiar feeling this house gave him. 
“Your room is a bit small as it’s only a guest room, but it should be fine for now”, Tim told him, tossing him a sandwich he bought for the trip. “Shit, I slept through half of the ride! You took a break, right?”, Brian’s voice sounded guilty, and he felt bad for sleeping all the way through. Tim looked at him and grinned. “Yup, you were so fast asleep that the stop didn’t even wake you up!”, he giggled, while lying, as he didn’t want his friend to feel bad. A sigh a relief escaped the light-haired male’s lips, and soon Brian was happily munching on his sandwich.
Couple of hours have passed and the two men sat by Tim’s old computer he had gotten for his birthday, searching for fitting jobs, as only Tim had a car and Brian’s legs are still not used to driving or walking properly. Brian had a degree in psychology, and a general high school graduation, just like Tim, but they weren’t sure that something that would fit their expertise was near them. After browsing the daily newspaper as well, Brian found a newly opened café that was hiring, but only had room for one more employee. It sounded promising, and it was in the next near city. Brian was instantly hooked, much to Tim’s delight, as he still struggled to make social interactions which didn’t involve his close friends and family.
After further looking through the job ads, Tim spotted one that piqued his interest. A couple of streets away from where Brian’s preferred job is, there is a bookstore that is purely about fiction, stuff like folklore and mythical creatures from all around the United States. One co-owners also makes self-made plushies from these beings, which both of the men found incredibly adorable and cool. Tim has always had it in his nature to be interested in tales and fiction, but none of these stories could ever top the one that he was living ever since he was a child. Maybe this thing, named the Operator, is one of these folklores, that is actually true? That begs the question of if more of these stories are actually true. 
After settling for these jobs, both of them called these places on Tim’s phone, as Brian couldn’t get a new one just yet. To their luck, they both got an interview in the following days, which would be a great step for their future. 
While Tim looks somewhat clean shaven, Brian looks like a full on mess. His hair is all around and he has an unkept beard, which makes him look like a blow-dried puppy. Tim has to admit he looks pretty cute, but he let him use his razor so he could shave his beard and look at least tidy. The dark-haired man also has plenty of hair products from the past, when he cared about how his hairstyle looked, but now he doesn’t mind that much.
After clearing up the dates of the job interviews, both of the men enjoyed a cold can of beer by the near fireplace behind the cabin. It gave a comforting atmosphere; the fire engulfing them in a warm light, making both of the men feel even warmer with the alcohol in their system. Brian still felt cold, as it was still pretty fresh outside, so he was comfortably draped in a fluffy blanket. Both of the men rarely drank. Tim, because of his medications, which he had to constantly take, only made his symptoms even worse. Brian just never felt like drinking. With friends? Yeah sure, but he didn’t feel the need to drink when alone. 
“Maybe my dumbass will finally know why a medium-sized coffee is called grande! No, honestly I don’t want to know, they could simply say medium to it and grande to a big coffee”, Brian ranted, while continuing to sip on his beer. Tim had to chuckle at Brian’s stubbornness, but honestly had to agree. “A small coffee sounds even worse! They probably think I can’t handle a big one”, the light haired male continued to complain.
If one thing hasn’t changed is that when Brian becomes drunk, he just- he doesn’t stop talking ever. This man will talk non-stop about all the things that have happened to him. Him saying embarrassing things? He doesn’t really care if he’s surrounded by people he trusts, and Brian trusts Tim completely and feels so comfortable with him. They have been best friends ever since these two could talk and he would never trade this bond with anything else in this world. That’s why he even said yes to moving in with him in the first place. Moving in with his best friend? Brian was immediately down with that idea. He wanted to be as near as possible to Tim ever since he was little. 
He just hopes to spend so many days with him, as he genuinely feels happy around him whenever they’re together. Tim could only smile and laugh with him after each story Brian told. The dark-haired man wouldn’t know where he would be if he didn’t have someone like his best friend.
“I’m glad you’re back”, the sincere and soft voice of Tim caught Brian off guard, causing him squeeze his can of beer unintentionally and look at his friend. “I’ve only been out for like two months, ‘tis nothing compared to the past”, he giggled, punching Tim’s shoulder lightly. That only made the other man nod and look towards the fireplace. Wanting to comfort his buddy, Brian scooted closer to him, leaning his head against Tim’s shoulder. “I should have been careful, whatever I did”, he chuckled, but soon enough frowned as his memory still hasn’t recovered. “Whatever that was, I’m happy that you’re alive and well”, Tim stated, making Brian realise how lucky he had been. The light-haired man only nodded while his tired eyes enjoyed the atmosphere.
Loving the warm feeling of the flames, both of them grew increasingly more sleepy, huddling closer to each other, just like how they did when they were little and Tim was on a camping trip with Brian’s family. The dark-haired man could see his friend’s eyelids fall slowly, eventually leading him to fall asleep. He smiled at the sight of his friend, hugging his side, head pressed against his arm, sleeping quietly. For a while, Tim continued to sit by the fire, but as the flames began to dimmer, he decided he should wake Brian up. There is no way that he could carry him back to the house.
“Brian, wake up”, he softly shook him, making the other man only getting increasingly more comfortable on him. He sighed and chose a proper tactic that always helped Brian get off of him. Carefully, he reached his hands to the sides of his best friend and tickled him mercilessly. The other man’s eyes shot up and he almost lost his balance, as he started laughing uncontrollably. “NO — STOP”. These were the pleas that he quacked out while laughing, as Tim tickled him. The dark-haired man grinned and let go, careful not to let him completely fall on the ground. “Fine, but we gotta get to bed, man. Even the fire is tired”, he mumbled, standing up slowly, as he himself was still a tad bit drunk.
Brian looked at the fire and then back at Tim, nodding, seeming to understand the situation. “Did you know… That if fire had cells it would technically be considered a living thing? Like how crazy is that, man!”, the taller, but younger man rambled on about how you can tell if something is a living thing. Tim never really bothered with biology, especially in school, but this was just hilarious to watch. A grown-ass man, fairly drunk, pinpointing to random objects and telling Tim if they classify as a proper living creature and almost tripping over himself, as he’s not paying attention while walking back to the house.
Tim patted his back on the way there. When they got there, Tim brought Brian to bed, as he could not shut up and he was probably a danger to himself if left unsupervised, especially in this state. “Don’t puke on the bed, m’kay?”, The shorter man reminded his friend, leaning against the doorframe of the guest room. Brian smiled at him and it tugged right at his heartstrings. Maybe it was the alcohol or that he didn’t have proper interactions with anyone after what happened in Tuscaloosa. Hell, even both, maybe. “Sleep well, bud”, Tim said, before leaving and closing the door behind him. Hearing Brian yell out a good night made him grin.
Going to his own room, he changed into more comfortable clothes. A pair of sweatpants was enough for him, as he mostly slept shirtless. He flopped down on his bed and checked his phone, cursing at himself as he read that it was already 1 am. Thankfully, the job interviews were later that day, so they can probably sleep in. Preparing to sleep, he turned on some quiet music, fire sounds specifically, and he was asleep in the matter of seconds, his phone laying on his chest. He’s happy that his friend is finally back and that they are going to live together.
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Teen Giorno: Phew! I thought that these types of meetings get easier when I got older and had lot more experience under our belt as Passione Don
Angel Giorno: They do as we did get older but it always comes with more complications. But I've to say that we got these meetings done quicker!
Devil Giorno: Yep, which means we have time to either tease Abbacchio or spend some time with the kids when they come back from the school!!
Haruno: But before we do that, we need to take a nice nap! Look! We're really tired and we'll get really dizzy and scare everyone like last time!!
Teen Giorno: *frowns* Now that you mention...
Angel Giorno: *looks at screen* Our eyes closed.
Devil Giorno: Looks like we crashed on the bed...
Haruno: Then, let's make a really nice dream...!
All four: *make the nice dream to combat the nightmare*
- Giorno's nightmare -
Giorno: Huh? What's going on?
Diavolo: *evil laugh* Giorno Giovanna.
Giorno: Diavolo! Where are you?!
Diavolo: Why, I'm right here. *holding Giordano and Giada by the arms and grinning evilly*
Giorno: *growls* Let my children go right now!
Diavolo: Oh, I think not! Why should I when I've not taken my revenge on you yet?
Giordano: Dad! Help us!
Giada: Papa! Please help us!
- Outside -
Giorno: *mumbling in his sleep* Gio...Gia...No...
??: *shakes Giorno by the shoulder gently* It's okay! It's just a bad dream. Everyone is safe.
?: *pats Giorno on the shoulder* Please wake up. Please wake up!
Giorno: *wakes up disoriented* Gio? Gia? Where are they?
Awwwww he poor baby, I guess his biggest fear is someone hurting his babies 😭🤲🏼❤️
Narancia: easy now, Bria's fetching them from school, they will be here any moment, I'm watching out for them with Aerosmith
Mista: it's been a while since you've had a nightmare like this... you better not be evolving GER again! That was a rough time ...
Giorno: *smiles* no I doubt it's that... just a bad dream. Can you tell me where they are Narancia?
Narancia: she's at the front door , see they're safe now
Both Gio and Gia: *come running into the room after a while* Dad, we're home!!! Mama took us out for ice-cream on the way back home, this one's for you! *holds out a cup with pistachio and chocolate*
Giorno: *smiles* I see, that's very sweet, thank you,
Bri: you all okay- what's wrong?
Narancia: Gio just-
Giorno: nothing's wrong amore, come here.
Awwww I'm sorry this took as long as it did, as always tysmmmm for sending these, hope you've had a great weekend and that you're doing well bb, stay safe ❤️ 😘 💜 💖 💗 💕 ❤️ 😘 💜 💖 💗 💕
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deercharles · 4 months
Hii @ntsint thanks for tagging me <3! Sorry it took a( long )while
what colour are your eyes? Brown. Fun fact there was a blue ring around the iris a few years ago which was used by my parents and frds against me (made me eat fruit)
tell me about your pets/your dream pet: I don't have any pet and I dreamt of having a cat as a kid. I increasingly doubt if I can really take good care of any other creature. Can't even keep a tamagotchi (equivalent) alive.
share some interesting fact about yourself: I can't think of anything… uhm maybe that I somehow only end up being the only one in a certain group, to the extent I’m the only one in my class. I hope it didn’t doxx me
what was the first fandom you were a part of?
I think MCU? Wait wait no it’s a Taiwanese TB series called 終極系列, which consists of three shows at that time (KO One, The X-Family and K.O.3an Guo). I was ten or eleven at that time and read a whole lot of fanfics. But I did not really engage with anyone or anything. Then it’s Attack on Titans that I wrote a short little sth that I can’t even recall any of the content now.
do you have any phobias?
I’m very scared of physical trauma in general. Not sure if it really has a name but I used to feel nauseous and lightheaded just by the mere mention of missing arms or falling nails. Now I can handle the thought but still not the image, let alone facing it in real life. One time my frd had a little incident and I’m the one feeling faint so, yea. Maybe I said too much details.
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?:
I’m VERY picky. To start with I hate most of the fruit, like any types of berries (yes I hate strawberries and I’m tired of apologising). I’m also against most of beans except processed one. I feel a lot more comfortable to know the ingredients of what I put in my mouth (except herbs. I know I’ll never understand herbs)
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?
One after another bc they’re partners!
winter or summer
Summer for the longer vacation.
favourite fanfiction tropes
Probably putting characters in situation? In specific the objective context/condition is tough and difficult and full of challenges and it gives characters to a life path that they may never enter (turn evil, become the final boss or sth like that). But at the core they’re the exact same person they have always been. Also I like it dramatic.
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?
Doing my master in urban planning. Not recommended.
what is the last country you visited
Since I’m studying abroad currently, I guess Hong Kong counts
what country would you want to move to after retiring?
Staying in Hong Kong would be great. Maybe Japan or some southern European countries if I feel like it. Croatia would be awesome too. If I got money when I retired I gotta travel
who was your first crush?
No such thing
how did you get into f1 fandom?
Charles’ eyes.
Specifically Monaco 2021. Immediately drawn into this rabbit hole.
Phew here we are! Done and dusted finally.
Not tagging anyone but feel free to join 😘
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sungbeam · 1 year
I’M BACKKKK only to see Changmin??? Smth fishy is going awn 🤨🤨/j
Also omg what do you feel abt the new album?? I love Delicious with my whole being 😭 BUT LIP SYNC AND DOOR HAVE A HOLD ON MY SANITY LIKE PHEW I HAVE LISTENED TO THEM AN UNHEALTHY AMOUNT OF TIMES ESP CAUSE THE VOCALS IN DOOR GO CRAZYYYYYYYY Sunwoo esp omg lord have mercy on my soul-
AND JACOB’S COVER OF CEILINGS- REAHHHHHHHHH 👹👹👹👹 I actually astral projected (esp since I was thinking of basing my first fic off of it for a bit now 😳)
Just a silly question lol and if they don’t have jobs, what job do you think they’d have? 🧐 Personally, I feel like Changmin would work at a Target KEHKFHKE he’s just giving those vibes yk? Chanhee gives off retail vibes fs while Sangyeon is giving home depot OH AND ERIC WOULD BE WORKING AT ONE OF THE HOTDOG STANDS THATS ALWAYS OUTSIDE THEM 💀😭 Canada bros would suit the library methinks, they would def be the type to work with kids in the summer programs or would help tutor 😌 I could also see Kevin working at a pet shop or a barista? 🧐 Haknyeon also gives off barista vibes though especially with his fluffy hair these days 😭🫶
Ok that’s enough for my little ramble this week LOLOL happy to see that you finally embraced your Changmin love 🤭 hope you have an amazing rest of your week! :D
(Also if you have any poetry recs then lmk hehe)
- Always and forever, love, 🌷 anon
he won 😔 i wanted out of the basement 😔 and this was the only compromise 😔 im sorry jacob i repent 😔 for my sins 😔
omg honestly i absolutely love love love lip sync, eyes on me, and door like KWNFKSJDK R U SKIFIEBF KIDDING ME??!))<_] HEY . WHAT ABTNE MEU SANITY. HUH???? MY MIND IS NOT ANTIFRAGILE . it's doing things to me omg like i thought the simpery was bad before, but now 🤡🤣 oh boy 🤣🤡 also LOVE THAT FOR JACOB KING SHIT I LOVE ALL THE COVERS HE GETS TO POST CUZ YESSIR THATS MY HUSBAND 😭😭😭😭😭 (chxngmxn pay attention, u ARE THE SIDE HOE don't hurt me) OMG???? UR FIRST FIC???? HELLO HMU ONCE/IF U DO I'D LOVE TO SUPPORT U SKFJEOFJK unless ur uncomfy or shy tho i totally get it 🤧🤧 !!!
HELP ME 💀💀💀 I FORGOT THAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE JOBS LMFAOOOO the only one who has a canonical job rn out of the boyz is jacob BAHAHAHHAH STOP. CHANGMIN AT TARGET AJZBDIDJFODJF THATS SO FKN FUNNY HELPMEBDKSNFKJD I AM NEVER LETTING THAT GO AND HELLO???? UR RELEGATING SANGYEON TO HOME DEPOT AHAHHAHAHAHAYYA KDNFKSJFJ IM SCREECHING WHE EZING YELLIGN ERIC AT THE HOT DOG STAND I— 💀😭 pls there r tears falling down my cheeks rn this is hilarious. low-key i think kev could make money via freelance photography and being an ✨influencer✨, and maybe get eric to coach little league baseball LMAO sangyeons prob making big boy money, and haknyeon will prob find SOME restaurant to work at tbh (i can't believe i forgot to give them canonical jobs 💀 i m never letting go of target worker changmin pls that is so funny) omg WAIT haknyeon working at the target starbucks in the same target as changmin 💀💀💀 IMAGINE TBZ!TARGET WORKERS ALCMLSMFKDJF IM CRYING
ANYWAYS HOPE UR WELL 🌷!! 💖 loved seeing u in my inbox as always :') mWAH
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quillyfied · 2 years
okay finale has aired, it is time for more incoherent Wheel of Time screaming, and book spoilers rife throughout, apologies to show-only fans. This is about the first season as a whole but with special focus on the finale. (Also my book knowledge is about eight years old and a ton of details are fuzzy, forgive me that much friends). Got way longer than I meant it to but YOLO. Sure hope the cut works.
There have been a lot, a LOT, of changes I've disagreed vehemently with in season one, top of the list being Everything Going On With Perrin's Love Life (dead wife, crush on Egwene, could be seen in that last episode as actually having a crush on Rand, which would be very cool actually, if Machin Shin hadn't specifically named that Perrin loved another WOMAN more than his wife and as far as we know Rand isn't a woman...unless I misheard Machin Shin, which is possible, I haven't done my s1 rewatch yet okay), close disgruntled follow-up being Everything Going On With Mat (with special shoutout to Moiraine sending the Red Ajah after him WTF THE F/CK RAFE JUDKINS), the changes to Rand and Egwene's relationship (to discuss later), and Where TF Is Thom Merrilin You Hacks (and also where is his colorful gleeman cloak and why are the patches on the INSIDE).
Okay, first and foremost on my mind, Rand and Egwene's relationship. It puts a sick taste in my mouth even if I understand the changes they're making; giving them a deeper relationship as a point of character motivation for them both was a good call, but especially with Min being cast as an older woman, I'm afraid of what I was afraid of in the beginning: Egwene taking the place of one or all of Rand's lovers. Given what Min said for his Viewing, and what Rafe Judkins himself has said, I think our polycule is more or less safe, but I am worried about swapping Min out for Egwene, which is...argh. No. Robert Jordan was not a romance writer, but what Rand's relationships with Min, Aviendha, and Elayne did was serve deeper narrative purpose outside of just character motivations. Min represents Rand's connection to the Pattern and to his roots as a salt of the earth commoner, which is something Egwene can do in part but she can't really be a stand-in for what Min represents as a sort of embodiment of the Dragon's relationship with the Age Lace itself, how he acts as a sort of linchpin to all its weaving and bends the threads of the Pattern around him just by existing. (Aviendha is his connection to the Aiel and his responsibilities to people outside of just his own continent and world, Elayne is his connection to both Caemlyn and the continent as well as leadership and diplomacy itself, and can we take a minute to appreciate the fact that Aviendha and Elayne loved each other so much they basically got sister-bonded/married/whatever? And the implications of that in terms of what they represent in the narrative? Beautiful.) I adore Egwene, I have waxed so very eloquent about how much I love Egwene, but what she and Rand have in the books is childhood infatuation that falls away when they grow up and become different people. If they stick to that script in the show, it's going to hurt so much more because of the impact that these beautiful moments the show has given them ultimately falling apart. Which, admittedly, the show is setting up--giving Rand the vision of Joiya instead of Egwene (wonder if she's going to face the same thing when she's raised to Accepted), the constant fear and theme of leaving and choice when it comes to the two of them despite how much they clearly love each other, how their relationship is not smooth sailing in the least but they keep trying to choose each other. It's beautiful, it's moving, but it's...sigh. I dunno. If Egwene is joining the polycule alongside the other three, I'd be down, except Min already named three beautiful women for the Dragon Reborn and I will be Pissed if they booted Min from that roster.
However. I'm still engaged enough to sit and wait and see where things go with season 2 and beyond. If we put it all on a scale, the things I love outweigh the things I'm upset about by a considerable margin, and now I'm going to scream about them and make them everyone else's problem.
First LAN SAID THE THING, HE SAID IT, IT WAS SO SAD AND SWEET AND I DIE. Also can we talk about Lan and Moiraine's reunion for half a second bc h e c k, them figuring out what to do with themselves while Moiraine can't channel is gonna be so good. Also, theory: Moiraine isn't stilled, she's Shielded, with the weave tied off (because, of course, they knew how to do that back in Ishamael's time, and yeah, that was Ishamael, who's gonna be the one to tell them bc uuuuuhhh someone ought to), and isn't that a kick in the head, folks?? Still hoping we get to see her rugby tackle Lanfear into another dimension but at this point all bets for what's gonna happen to her are off and I am Afeared.
Okay, I know I hate everything they're doing with Perrin's love life with a fiery passion, but what they're trying to do with his character arc is actually really cool. Perrin is such an introverted and internalized character that in a visual medium, it can be hard to get the audience to connect with him. And out of all the main characters, his arc is definitely the weirdest and I'm still not sure I really understand it or its purpose (bc Rand? Chosen One, got it. Mat? Reluctant Hero, taking on part of the Arthurian Legend that Rand is also shouldering part of. Perrin? Wolves, leadership, choosing between the axe and the hammer as a metaphor for his own struggle with violence versus protection, no clear correlation to the other two, but I'm sure I'm missing something there). Perrin gets such little screen time compared to the rest, as well, about as little as Mat, which I understand was out of people's control given the state of the world and Mat's original actor and such, but I'm hoping for more in season 2, because that confrontation with Padan Fain? Incredible. Side note: SOMEONE CHECK ON LOIAL, HE IS NOT OKAY, THAT IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING TO GET STABBED WITH. Because if Loial doesn't also get more screen time, I am going to scream. His whole conversation with Perrin about wanting to help but not knowing how, so just ask was IMMACULATE, and such a beautiful character moment, but I'm afraid that show-only fans don't have the same foundation to love Loial and understand how true to his character and his species that simple statement is (though to be fair, that simple statement should do a hell of a lot of building, what a powerful sentiment in a frantic scene). I've strayed from my point but I love how they're using the Way of the Leaf as a major thematic element for Perrin, because it is a very neat way of trying to illustrate what Perrin's true arc is all about at heart: his struggle between violence, which is inherently a part of him, and gentleness, what he strives to be and has MADE a part of himself. My mans needed no romantic entanglements until his true wife comes along, thank you RJ, but if we get Faile and don't try to stuff Egwene into THAT role either, much will be forgiven.
The visuals of the women burning out as Lady Amalisa drew in too much? EPIC. I don't remember much of what happened with Agelmar and Amalisa in the books, but they sure as hell got a fantastic sendoff in the show. Borderlanders: they get the job done. Although. Um. Did they also kill Uno??? Can they NOT???? I'm curious about if Egwene healed Nynaeve, or if something else was happening, because it didn't seem like something conscious Egwene was doing or aware of. Which the show has shown that channeling isn't always a conscious choice, explicitly stated it in Moiraine's conversation with Rand (side note, Liandrin was who she was talking about, bet money on it), so it's not outside the realm of possibility that Egwene healed her, but something about it felt a little fishy to me. Also NYNAEVE YOU BRILLIANT BEAUTIFUL FIERCE INDIVIDUAL, HOW DARE YOU SAVE EGWENE'S LIFE WHILE RECITING TO HER THE WORDS OF THE EMOND'S FIELD WOMEN'S CIRCLE CEREMONY AND MAKE ME CRY. Anyway. That image of Amalisa just before she dies is gonna haunt me, it was macabre but strangely beautiful and I especially love that she was wearing her ancestors' armor while she did it. It's a weird point of despair and strength all rolled into one.
To touch on Mat a bit: I understand why his story is so wonky, and I can't say that I'm a big fan of the idea to make Mat's story about resisting darkness, because that's more Rand's bag, tbh; Mat's story is much more about stepping up to the plate and doing what needs to be done, complaining all the way. It's interesting, at least, to have the character who prefers joking around and drinking and carousing become the character who cares for his loved ones with fierce determination but is still seduced by darkness, but, again, it's not really Mat Cauthon's story. Time will tell where it goes, but the emphasis on darkness within him being what helped him survive the dagger rather than his own inherent strength is not a framing I enjoy. But, again, it's more Moiraine's point of view, and Moiraine is not infallible. She doesn't know Mat well enough yet to know that inner strength, because MAT doesn't know about it yet. It'll come to light later. If the Red Ajah doesn't make a smear of him first. It's interesting that he was so focused on the White Tower in his final appearance, because Mat can sense the location of the dagger from Shadar Logoth, and the dagger was definitely nowhere near the White Tower anymore, unless some time heckery was going on and we're going to see Padan Fain steal it and Mat try to interfere. Season 2 will tell.
Okay, final thoughts, because this is so long: it's different from the books, and we are losing so many precious and small things for the sake of the larger goal of trying to introduce the story in a new medium, but it still feels pretty on-track for Wheel of Time, and I'm kinda excited to see if there's going to be a new opening for each season revolving around the Wheel Weaving as the Wheel Wills. I'm starting to want the show to be good for its own sake and not just because I love the books so much, which I think is the mark of a good show and a good interpretation, really. On board and ready for season 2!!
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rinhoewns · 2 years
kozume kenma x gn!reader.
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you were waiting for your boyfriend, kenma, to come home. you wanted to prank him.
you were a streamer, so the idea of pranking him was suggested to you by one of your viewers, or fans as people call them.
since kenma was always busy on his phone, you're going to accuse him of 'cheating'.
he won't dare cheat on you, you already know that but what else could you think of? you've already given up searching some pranks, so accusing him of cheating was the best choice.
you're done setting up the camera, you were now live. thousands of people were already watching you.
"ken isn't home yet," you checked your phone, "but he texted me that he's on his way."
you sat on your gaming chair and decided to chitchat with your viewers while waiting for your boyfriend.
"hmm, let's see.." you scrolled through to the comments.
one comment caught your attention.
"..what is this?" you laughed, "someone commented asking me what would i do if ken was really cheating on me."
"i think.. i think ken would never do that," you put a strand of your hair behind your ears, "kenma and i, we've been together for almost seven years now! going eight this yea--"
you saw kenma's car from the window inside your room.
"holy shi-- he's here," you took your phone and stopped the live on your computer.
you went outside to the living room, sat comfortably on the couch and started the live but on your phone.
you decided to just use your phone so its not that suspicious when you do the prank since you always have your phone with you.
"oh my god, i'm sweating right now," you whispered, "i can feel my armpits getting wet, the fu--"
the door opened, revealing kenma with his eyes glued on his phone.
"stop right there." you said, curtly as possible.
"huh?" he looked at you strangely.
"you think i wouldn't know?" you laughed dryly.
"i don't understand what you're saying right now." he shaked his head and started making his way towards the room you just left a minute ago.
you sighed and cursed at yourself.
"i'm not very good at this," you massaged your temples, "now he thinks i'm being weird."
you stood up and went after him, now you're gonna upgrade your pranking skills.
you opened the door and aggressively closed it, making him frown at you.
"if that door breaks, you're going to pay with your computer." he threatened.
"is it true?" you asked, looking at him with lifeless eyes.
"what's true?" he asked, scrolling through his phone.
"that you're cheating on me?" phew, i said it without snorting.
"what the fuck?" he looked you up and down like you're some alien he never thought he'd see.
"so, is it true--"
"you know what," he stood up, "you've been saying things that i don't understand ever since i came back from my parent's house."
"just answe--"
"the fuck are you on about? are you on drugs?" he smirked at you, typing something on his phone.
"don't cut me off when i'm talki--"
"are you hungry, baby? i'm gonna order us some take out." he walked pass you and called someone.
"kenma! i'm not done with you--"
"yes, hello?" he walked out of the room so you didn't heard what he said next.
you sighed heavily, disappointed that you didn't succeed on pranking him.
you went and sit on your gaming chair, putting down your phone and flipping the camera so you could see your face.
"hey.." you smiled, "i failed on pranking him."
you pouted and ruffled your hair, frustrated that you didn't pranked kenma.
you were telling your viewers how disappointed and sorry you were that your plan didn't went too well when a comment caught your attention, again.
"hah, knew you were pranking me.. what the hell!?" you quickly stood up and went outside, leaving your phone behind.
you saw kenma sitting on the couch, manspreading, with his arms crossed, and a smirk on his face.
"you're really bad at lying, don't you know that?" he said.
"i'm so dumb, i shouldn't have made that prank!" you sat on his lap, facing him.
"good that you know, you looked stupid." he laughed at you.
"you also looked stupid cutting me off!" you hid your face on his neck.
he hugged your waist and kissed your temple.
"sorry for cutting you off," he chuckled, "just didn't want to hear you talking about me cheating on you, its irritating you know."
you laughed softly and lift up your head, pecking his lips before hiding in his neck again.
"'m sorry love," you apologized, "never gonna do that again, i swear."
"i could never cheat on you, you know that right," he sighed, "you're the only person that i fell inlove with, every time that i'll be reborn, i will always fall inlove with you and only you."
"marry me already, kozume!" you joked, "give me your surname already."
"sure, but next time," he chuckled, "i don't have the ring with me, its still being made."
you lift your head in shock, looking him straight in his eyes.
"are you serious?"
"don't fuck with me, you're getting my hopes up!"
"do i look like i'm fucking with you?"
"good, i love you."
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flightrisingitemdb · 2 years
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Big item database revamp!
Phew this took me a while and there are still things left to do (well I'd never finish) but I think it's in an okay shape to replace the old that was in a very sorry state.
One major thing that I wanted to make sure is that the apparel and skin/accent preview mode that I know users appreciate at Kanojo is working. There are also a few improvements:
Use swipe on mobile or arrow keys on desktop to switch between the details of all search results on the page.
While the Item DB has always had next and previous links (those were kept too). You can now swipe or use the keyboard. Wanted to see how all Skydancer female skins in all of history look on your dragon? Now you can!
The DB saves your last entered preview Dragon ID by breed!
Meaning you can have different preview dragons configured for all skins types (breed and gender). This also translates to apparel preview where it will fill the input field when you switch to view a different breed. You can also paste the whole dragon URL into the field and it will pick out the ID for you!
Improved search
The old DB relied a lot on user input and that was from a time where the game database didn't exist. This is also the part that suffered the most during the last months while the old DB was still online. No chest contents, no item source information. The new pulls everything it can from the official Game Database and you can search for all Hibernal Den items etc. You can also toggle between also viewing private skins or just site items!
Stable urls
I can not guarantee that all urls will work forever but right now your whole search is included in the url, whether you have item details open and when you switch between links inside the database. You can share your search more easily and when you click through the DB like crazy you can use the back button to go back however many steps you want. Item details also have quick links to searches to all items of that category or subcategory or even view all skins from one artist!
And more
Quick links to the Auction House, your Hoard and the official DB entry
Color breakdown of items are shown as a summary bar like in the old DB but you can click to expand it for a more detailed view.
It's now more than ever also suited for mobile viewports. Also all the information for one item are on the same page, no clicking through tabs! (Looking at you game database!)
What now?
Long term
I'd also like it to preserve historic data like one off Baldwin recipes that are now gone on the official Game Database (and that users preserve by posting comments). Unfortunately backfilling this data will be mostly manual and I hope I can get your help at some point. I will probably nuke all user accounts because they were mostly for editing and moderating and that needs a different approach now. If logins come back that will be so you can save item lists and the likes.
Short term
Search results ordering is still missing
Reporting for items that have wrong info. I've already noticed that custom skins often go online with the wrong breed/gender information and gets corrected afterwards. My Item DB needs to be informed to refetch those. For the meantime you can also write me a message when you notice it happening.
As this is a rewrite, not everything might go smooth, in that case please also message me!
Of course you can find the Item DB where it always was at: https://items.kanojo.de
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simluvbot · 3 years
Sunghoon as your boyfriend
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a/n: as usual with these bf headcanons, im sorry it was so messy TT also thank you so so much for over 100 followers !! <33
open to read <3
tbh it got to a point where literally everyone but you two knew that you were crushing on each other..
Sunghoon can very oblivious sometimes, and so can you
Sunghoon can very oblivious sometimes, and so can you
tbh it was literally until jake had to spell out to sunghoon how he obviously had a crush on you which is what prompted him to actively make moves on you (lmao)
And, sooner or later, you both ended up dating :D
Sunghoon is be pretty awkward early on in the relationship so it’s just so so precious ):
so every small moment of skinship between you both has butterflies instantly swarming in your stomachs and your cheeks heating up like crazy ):
And sunghoon will think about it for ages in his bed later at nighttime, replaying the moment you took his hand in yours and interlocked your fingers with his
He’d think about how soft your hands felt in his hold and how fuzzy the feeling made him feel, and sunghoon isn’t one to freak out easily but gee the butterflies you made him feel (he will never tell you about that though)
Many late night dates!
I say this for literally every enhypen member but to me this concept just fits so well with all of them
Sunghoon likes going on late night walks with you in private (and safe!) parks where he knows that you two will be completely alone
He loves walking around with you for hours, chatting away about random weird topics and sharing shy eye contact with each other
Or he will also like to lay down on the grass with you, backs on the plush ground and stargazing together 💔
He’ll admire your side profile and smile at your awed expression as you stare up at the stars, thinking about how pretty you look under the moonlight
But then when you turn to face him he’ll look away and pretend he was never looking in the first place🙄
To me sunghoon seems the type to silently appreciate you and the small moments he shares with you.
You could be sitting across from him eating messily while ranting about your day and he’ll simply nod, barely listening and instead watching the way your moth moves and how prettily your lips create shapes as you talk
Or you could be simply doing nothing at all, instead laying on the sofa on your phone and he’ll look up from his own now and then, quietly reflecting and feeling thankful for how you’re in his life
In public he is very much the silent observer! but not in a creepy way, it’s all loving of course, especially since hoon has said before that he’s not the best with expressing his words and feelings
So he instead shows his love and appreciation to you through small acts of service and gifts!
It’s small things that he does for you, such as tying your shoelaces for you, pulling you onto his other side when you’re asking along a busy road so he is the one one the road side instead or buying what he knows is your favourite snack to surprise you with!
I think that he will also ask jay for tips on what to cook for you hehe. He likes to surprise you and pls I just see him standing wearing an apron as he tries to follow the recipe jay gave him so he can make you your favourite food for you to eat the next day )):
Many cafe dates!!
Have you seen that picture of him sipping from a drink as he sits at a cafe table?? yeAH WELL
takes you out to his favourite cafes all the time 😁😁
going on the lookout for best cafés on your dates is YOUR THING i see it
Sunghoon honestly treasures you so much and although he doesn’t express it in words often, he really thinks about you a lot ): so many little things remind him of you its ridiculous. 
he’ll see something and go like “oh!” which confuses the other members but its just because he saw something that made him think of you lol
He is comfortable enough with you to be vulnerable in front of you!
At first when you both started dating he was reallyyyy shy since he is an introvert.. but ofc soon the ice boy melted and he eventually became so much more comfy around you :D
so yes park sunghoon does share a lot of his weird thoughts and personality with you lmao
but its just bc he trusts you and knows that you wont judge him ):<
Takes you on ice skating dates where he teaches you how to skate
Will come up with a simple routine with you
I’m gonna cry I’m gonna pass out I can’t take this I’m tearing up TAKE MY PHONE AWAY FROM NE AT THIS
he will come up with ): simple ice skating routines with you ): where he spins you around and holds both your hands steadily as he skates backward and guides you forward, making breathless eye contact while he rests his forehead against yours, smiling softly
although when you do end up falling he laughs 🙄 he is so rude i stg
but he then helps you back up of course, holding your gloved hands in his softly since they took the most impact of ur fall 
he’ll massage them gently in his, concerned and telling you to be more careful next time and showing you how to regain your balance when you feel yourself slipping.
“aha like you will even need to use that technique anyways y/n because your ice prince will save you from falling.”
sighs. anyways
Whenever he catches you staring at him (which is 99% of the time when you’re with him because well, duh), he will the hELL out of you lmao
He teases you pretty often anyways
“If you’re just going to continue staring at me this whole time then just take a photo instead y/n, it lasts longer you know 😐.”
“I know I’m handsome y/n. Instead of making it so obvious with your googly eyes then don’t be afraid to say it too. I don’t bite 🙂👎.”
Is so proud of himself whenever he gets you flustered at his comments because as much as it embarrasses you, what he says is true </3 and you don’t deny it
But then when YOU tell him how attractive he is in a teasing way it’s HIM that starts blushing LMFAO
“The view is so pretty.” You said, sighing out as you stood next to sunghoon on the top floor balcony.
“Yeah, Seoul is so beautiful.” Your boyfriend commented, nodding as he looked down at the blinking lights from down below.
Frowning, you tilted your head as you stared at him. “Oh, I wasn’t  talking about that.”
Looking up, sunghoon looked at you in confusion. “What do you mean then?”
“I meant the view is so pretty. You’re the view.”
Gets so flustered PLSJDKSJS he looked away from you and ignored you for the next 5 minutes while he tried to compose himself and pretend like he was not affected by what you said
You simply laughed at how red his ears had become and how he ignored your teasing remarks indifferently when he was actually dying inside at what you said
Or other times when you compliment him he will be really smug about it too lmao
He values your opinion, even if it’s something about the new jacket he wore and how it looks nice on him
You bet he will wear that jacket 372837 more files after that and uploaded it on Twitter for engenes too (;
All because you complimented him once
It gets to the point where jay and jungwon tease him about why he is constantly wearing the same thing every day and whether it’s something to do with you LMAO
boy gets so shy 😭😭😭
Sunghoon likes it when you run your hands though his hair ): especially at the back of his head where you tug at his strange gently, especially since his hair is pretty long rn
It’s so soothing to him to feel your nails gently rake through his mullet and massage his scalp, it instantly makes his eyes shut and sleepiness take over.
I feel like sunghoon isn’t that big on cuddles? But when you both sleep together he always pulls you in closer to him subconsciously ):
Head pats from sunghoon ✔️
Kisses with sunghoon!
When you both first started dating you had to initiate everything and he would get so flustered after
But after you had been dating sunghoon for a while and you kiss, he’ll do this thing where he looks at you with lidded eyes and stares at your lips and he kNOWS how good he looks when he does that
Such a tease..
Will cup the back of your neck and bring you in
his hands gently roam around your waist or place themselves onto your back to hold you close to him
Kisses with sunghoon are usually pretty slow and can last a while, so you’re always left feeling breathless when you finally pull apart
Nibbles your lips to tease you hehe
He doesn’t really give you short kisses apart from when he’s feeling bursts of happiness and really excited about something! Or when he wants to thank you
Also Hoon likes to also keep your scrunchie on his wrist if you wear any
Idk, he just likes it [:
Hoon also likes to take many pretty photos with you too, it’s so aesthetic TT
Kisses your forehead whenever he says bye to you on his way to complete his schedule for the day 🥺
Shows Jake and jay pictures of you all the time lol
The 02z definitely don’t miss the blush on his cheeks whenever he tells them about how cute you are 🙄
Sunghoon cutest bf ): he doesn’t reall like to show affection for you in front of other people but when y’all are alone?
Phew, the boy might be an ice prince but whenever he is around you.. let’s say that perhaps you seem to melt him a lil bit (:
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adamruz · 2 years
Happy Mother's Day
Summary: A fluffy piece for Kim’s first Mother’s Day. Not responsible for any tears that may be shed.
Word count: 725
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After dinner from their favorite Italian restaurant down the street and Kim's favorite chocolate cake was served, Makayla ran into her room to bring out Kim's presents. "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"
First was a beautiful bouquet of flowers that Makayla picked out two weeks earlier. Adam spent way more time at the flower shop than he wanted to as she took her precious time picking out each individual flower, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy watching her face light up as she walked throughout the shop. He wanted to make sure Kim knew her daughter's dedication behind the bouquet. "Mack picked out every single flower and color because she wanted to make it super special."
Makayla nodded with excitement. "These look and smell beautiful, bud. You did a good job!"
Next was a small jewelry box and inside was a necklace with a charm made out of Makayla's favorite piece of blue sea glass with 'Mom' engraved in white. Adam knew how special the sea glass was to both of them, so he jumped at the idea when Makayla said she wanted to get Kim a necklace. He didn't have a clue about where to start looking for a place that would make it, so he recruited the help of Hailey and Trudy. Their secret meetings sometimes caught Kim's attention, but he was glad she never asked for details because he didn't want to spoil the surprise. "This is so pretty. I can't believe you turned your favorite piece into this. Thank you Makayla. Adam, can you help me put it on?"
The last item is what really got her though. Adam was still standing behind Kim after helping her with the necklace and this gift was a surprise to him too since Makayla made it at school. Kim looks up at him while mouthing "you told her" in between her tears when she saw Makayla's drawing of four people. He nodded nervously in return as he hadn't had a chance yet to tell Kim that he talked to Makayla about the baby. He placed his hands on her shoulders and she held onto the one on her left shoulder.
It was the three of them holding hands on the beach with a fourth person, who looked like a smaller version of Kim. While they never found out the gender, they were both convinced it was a girl and Adam knew she would've looked like a mini Kim.
"I hope it's okay. Adam told me you had a baby that's in heaven now with my mommy."
Kim was finally able to compose herself and said "It's perfect, Mack."
"I wish I could've met her."
"Us too. You would've made an incredible big sister," Adam responded.
After Makayla was put to bed, Adam was cleaning up in the kitchen as Kim sat at the table. "Hey Kim, I'm sorry I told her about the baby without you. I know that was your thing to tell her, but she cornered me in the grocery store with the shopping cart when the sonogram picture fell out of my wallet."
Kim started laughing before she reeled herself back in for this serious conversation. "Adam, it's okay. They're both your daughters too, so you have every right. It was only a matter of time until she found out."
"Phew, okay. I was really worried about that. Those types of conversations with her always scare me because I don't always know what I should or shouldn't say."
Kim moved closer to him and placed her hand on his chest. "I get it, but you don't give yourself enough credit. You did amazing with her with this and while I was in the hospital." His nerves subsided and he let out a smile.
"You still have that photo in your wallet?"
"Yes, I moved it from my locker to my wallet. It's a reminder of what we almost had, what we have now, and what we can have." Adam pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"But can we get back to the fact that our seven year old daughter cornered you in a grocery store when you are an elite cop, studying to become a detective?"
"Kim, I don't know how to explain it. We're in for a world of trouble is all I know."
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ventiiology · 3 years
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— ✦ || home
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title . windtrace characters . kaeya , diluc , venti , childe type . fluff , bullet-point headcanons
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an interesting man in mondstadt is advertising for a game that represented mondstadt’s history but eventually got less played and forgotten over the years. he wanted to bring back the tradition, with more exciting edits made to the game in hopes of attracting more players. you have convinced your boyfriend to play it with you, and hell, it was a wild ride.
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kaeya, upon hearing about the game from you, would already be interested
it sounded really fun, so he played it with you asap
he may or may not have skipped some duties from the knights, but in his eyes it was completely within reason
he didn’t tell you about that, of course, or else you would’ve forced him to go back to favonius headquarters and finish up whatever boring paperwork he needed to sign.
as a hunter he would be quite experienced, as expected, since he was a knight and had to do similar activities when hunting down criminals like treasure hoarders, the abyss order, etc
you’d have to be good at hiding, otherwise the game would end very quickly
“hm? i’m surprised how you were able to outrun me the first time with your height. i don’t usually fall for the same thing twice, that’s why i was able to catch you~”
as a rebel kaeya would also be surprisingly good at the role
he’s scarily good at hiding and even with your perks as a hunter to trace wherever he is, he still made it really challenging
if you ever get too close to wherever he’s hiding or disguising he might take advantage of having a cryo vision to slip you up somehow
whether that be literal or not
although he’ll get called out for cheating later
“my, you’re freezing up. come on, don’t be salty you lost. you were pretty close to catching me, i’ll give you that.” kaeya says as be brings you into his embrace, warming you up in dragonspine’s bitter cold.
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diluc would honestly not be interested at first
it would take quite some pleading, daily bugging, and perhaps a bit of bribery to get him to agree to play
tell him that he wouldn’t have to see kaeya around for the week or something
as a hunter he would spend a good 30 seconds just standing there wondering what he should do. there are a lot of places to hide, and the map was very big. also you could’ve disguised yourself as something from the area, so how could he be completely sure it’s you?
he’s really quiet so you wouldn’t hear him coming
using the hunter ability to trace where you went, he’d be somewhat indecisive on whether he should take his time or run to follow the traces
will use hunter abilities at the most inconvenient moments
for you, as the rebel, at least
like when you think he didn’t notice you and is walking away he’ll activate the hunter ability ‘insight’, which reveals your location and points you out with a pillar of light
diluc will be annoyingly good at finding you this way
“did i scare you? i— i’m sorry. i’ll try not to repeat my actions.”
as a rebel, he’d probably be more hesitant than when being a hunter
multiple times throughout the game, he will mutter to himself that he is not suited for this role
however diluc always seemed to take the longest to find... you wondered how he pulled it off every time
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he’s definitely aware of this game
venti, of all people, should know about windtrace, especially its origins...
so he’s actually the one who invited you to play with him
as a hunter he’d love the thrill and challenge of finding you
he would much prefer to be a rebel, but the hunter role was still fun to play as!
he’d take his sweet, sweet time as a hunter
not sprinting all over the place will give him more time to examine places
but if he gets as much as a glimpse of action, he’ll go running towards that
“heeeey! that’s not faaaair! i declare a rematch! if i win this one, you owe me... an apple! no, five apples!”
as a rebel he’ll be able to find hiding spots in places you didn’t even know existed within the map
he might use a little bit of his anemo powers to let him climb up to higher places... if needed
will climb trees a lot, so when you start looking in trees, he alternates his hiding style
and he’s a speedy little shit too— so speedy you can hear him leaving sonic behind
like if you manage to get his disguise out of commission and you spot him since he’s unable to hide, he’ll literally just speed away behind something then you lose track of him
like???? what??? how does he??????
he will taunt you
one time he was disguising and you got pretty close
when your back was turned, he whispered, “missed me~” then will use the rebel skill ‘transparency’ to just disappear and sprint away since he knew that your hunter abilities’ cooldown wasn’t done yet.
“let’s play again! hold on, let me write a song about this...”
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you didn’t even get to finish asking him if he wanted to play windtrace with you and he already agreed
this man is a simp
he’ll never admit that, though. he has pride.
as a hunter, the games played with childe will be so nerve-racking and intense
while he’s hunting for you, it’s like his whole aura’s changed
he seemed far more intimidating and scary than usual
“[name]~ where are you~? i can tell i’m getting close...”
why was he taking this game so seriously????????
when playing with childe, you could truly feel like you were the prey and he was the predator
he’ll give you a false sense of security. he’ll make you think that you’re safe from his watchful gaze.
you used your ‘transparency’ ability to become invisible to him
he’ll pass by and you hold your breath, nervous that if he hears a single movement, whether it be an exhale or the small brushing sound of your sleeve moving against your shirt, he’ll be able to find you
he walks away and sprints out of sight. he probably saw movement ahead and went to track that
you started to calm down and your tense shoulders relaxed. phew, he was gone.
then, you heard a whisper behind you as someone grabbed your shoulders.
you jump out of shock and he starts laughing at the scare he gave you
“that was not funny. i’m gonna hate you forever for that one.”
“you can’t hold it against me for that long, and you and i are both aware of it.”
as a rebel he would be annoyingly good at it too
after him scaring you as a hunter you got somewhat paranoid. who says he won’t pull off the same kind of thing as a rebel?
you swore you saw a wooden crate move so you turned around to face it but then it was gone
childe’s light on his feet and barely makes a sound
you’d get more panicked as the timer ticked closer to the end of the game. you really wanted to win this one.
according to the ‘hunter’s intuition’ skill you were able to pinpoint the place where childe was at
you sprinted closer to the beam that gave away his location
you wandered around the area, trying to find where exactly the pillar of light was pointing you to... then the light disappeared
you saw a hay roll near a house which definitely wasn’t there last time you checked, so you took your chance
you were 5 metres away from it when you felt a certain someone pull you into a hug from the back.
at the same time, your timer rang, signifying the end of the match.
how does childe keep sneaking up behind you?
“hah, was it really that hard to find me, love?”
“i’m just a natural at it, i guess. haha, don’t worry~ with enough practise, you might surpass my skill level!”
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astrojoy · 2 years
True story time for people who are or have dealt with social anxiety :P
⚠️ Currently I've conquered some social fears now. Do I have panic attacks from time to time? Yes and I also still have some moments of social anxiety. But I've become more comfortable with social interactions than I used to be! ⚠️
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Rn I'm in 12th grade, graduating in a few months. This story took place in 7th grade middle school. I sat in the back of the class during this. Social anxiety not as bad as it was when I was in elementary school, but still pretty bad. Basically we had state testing for the end of the year per usual. During these exams they gave out pieces of hard candy at times. Well of course I don't like to make noise during a quiet classroom (thinking it would bring attention to me) so I waited until the testing was fully finished. Once finished, everyone was free to talk and play games on the computers and etc. Quiet/reserved as usual, I just stayed in my lil corner and was typing out a story I was making for fun on my chromebook. Then I wanted my candy 🥺🥰. So of course CHOMP CHOMP 🤤 right? Well while this extremely interesting action scene was going down. I sat in silence listening to the different conversations boasting around me until I heard a group of class clown talking. They said a joke from the front of the classroom that took me off guard and I started laughing to myself. Then sudden-
Oh no
I can't breath.
I looked up frantically. The candy was lodged in my throat. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. However. ✨social anxiety✨ I didn't want to get the teacher. I didn't want attention or to embarrass myself. The only thing I could think of was being embarrassed. Shouldn't life be more important?
I quickly fast walked out of the class in silence. Of course, who wants to run and cause attention? 🤪Once I got in the hallway I didn't know what to do. 15 seconds had probably gone by. I quickly started beating my chest trying to dislodge the candy (NOT A SMART MOVE BTW DON'T DO THAT. IT CAN POTENTIALLY GET FURTHER LODGED IN THE THROAT. I WAS SIMPLY LUCKY AND DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CHOKING HAZARDS AT THE TIME) It took like 7 hits to my chest to cough it out and onto the ground. I looked up and noticed someone looking down the hallway and turned my face the other way in embarrassment so they wouldn't notice me. I then of course breathed and got some water from a water fountain to help my burning throat. Then I grabbed a paper towel and grabbed the candy and threw it away (don't wanna leave a mess). Then I stood there in disbelief. The fact that I'd much rather die than try to get help just hit me. I didn't know what to do. I was confused. Should I tell the teacher about this incident? Why would I? Well I should tell them why I left class without a word, I think that was disrespectful of me 😟, and then I should ask to get more water (my throat really hurt and I didn't want to be out of class for too long without notice)
I walked back inside, no one looked my way and were in their conversations still phew. I told the teacher quietly what happened and why I left. I told him sorry for leaving without an explanation and asked if I could go get more water. My teacher looked surprised and worried. Full of shock. He didn't even know I left. His desk is quite literally near the door 💀 With a slightly stern face he told me to never do that again and etc of course (I'm sure he would have gotten in a lot of trouble because he wasn't paying attention ig) and then he let me get more water (he was one of my favorite teachers besides my band teacher. He was funny and slightly laid back)
Once everything was done and I sat back down in my seat I began thinking. What if I would've passed out and people would have seen me? How many people would judge me or be weirded out? How much attention would I have stirred up? I don't want to die in front of all those people that's embarrassing
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Dear 7th grade me,
But that's what brings me to the end of my story,
social anxiety feels like trash :)
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