#panic attack meme
when joel gets stabbed ellie:
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
2k3 Rasey 😖
| Send a 😖 for your muse to catch my muse having a panic attack
The air was cool, no snow, but the chill of winter clung to the dark city sky. Dark and deep yet some stars managed to break past a smog city skyline only outdone by the blinding bright lights of the city. Didn't matter how bright those lights dazzled and illuminated the area. Crime still found a way to keep to the shadows. To much if the bad luck of the guy being tailed by a certain red banded turtle now. They were well aware something was after them as if he was being hunted. The only sound was of them running, bumping into trash cans as they were looking up and over their shoulders. Raph could have taken them down sooner but sometimes the chase was far more fun. There was always a strangler that managed to break by Raph jump down and caught them off, smiling when they stumbled back at the sight of a giant turtle.
"aw ain't got any more run in ya? an' jus' when I thought you might get away." Patronizing them a little.
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Raph liked to play around with his victims just made it more of a game to him. Look sometimes the street thugs were nothing but a joke so beating them up? was just kind of sad and not to mention make for short fights. So make them squirm maybe let them get to chase them even it was pretty much a cat and mouse game from that point. Taking a step forward Raphael watched them step back till they hit the brick wall behind them, they drew out a pathetic pocket knife. And Raphael just chuckled. Even letting his stance fall as he bent over to laugh at them. Man sometimes you had to wonder what pathetic pack of losers got roped into this life. Some yeah clearly had been harden by this life, not this guy was like hunting a rabbit.
" 'his is gettin' sad guess I shouldn' drag it out anymor' than I have." Owning up to the poor guy he was getting screwed with this whole time. Beside Casey will be catching up with him eventually and he's got a score to top. Can't let them try taking them out and remove a tally from Raph. So to add to their own, one way to keep these nights a bit fun turn into a game, and well Raph didn't like to lose. A tilt of his neck and crack it before closing in on them. Was odd though he could feel a slight tingle around his wrists, suddenly. Raph knew that feeling he has gotten it a few times almost like a chill. He assumed his quick heart rate was just do to the adrenaline rush. But when he started to feel dizzy? hmm he ignored it. Yet when he ran out towards his thug throwing the first punch he missed. He missed by a lot too hitting the wall, knuckles hitting brick. Raph gave a shake of his head. Confused. This was like before, when Don found him in the alleyway.
"fuck not again."
Breathing heavily, he hadn't even worked up a sweat though? Things where spinning. Fuck not again not now. That's when he felt something, sharp against his arm. Familiar, pain as he turned to eye the guy he been chasing down till now. Watching as they tried backing away seeming to try their luck and take their shot just then, he let his eyes fall down to look at his arm lower it a bit where he could see the thin cut, not too deep but enough to cause some blood to to stream from it. Why was he freezing up? It's like he couldn't move his own arm? Gritting his teeth as he could hear the sound of feet echoing out through the alleyway, he focused on the pain on his arm but it wasn't enough. Eyeing the guy who suddenly weighed his options and turned around quickly to dart out of the alley he been trapped in.
"Stupid punk." Raph growled under his breath breaking away from the wall. It took no time at all for him to catch back up, grabbing at their wrists and pulling them back towards himself, their knife easily sliced against his cheek. Just like when he did it himself it was helping. Well some stupid part of his brain made it out like that was clearly the case. Just the sting of any. A hit, a cut anything and whatever. If it hurt it seemed to keep whatever this was away. "who said this dance was over uh?"
A few more cuts now adored Raph's form, the guy he trailed after was clearly knock out long enough for the cops or whatever to find but Raph was still hanging around them. They didn't stand much chance even with Raph letting them get some hits in. Least If Don asked it wouldn't be a lie when he told them he just got into a scuffle with a guy and their knife. Standing over them as his body heaved. There was a lot wrong with this scene, these guys were barely a warm up yet how could they have got that many nicks on to Raph. As the turtle stood over them as if waiting for any sign of them moving. The second they showed some sign on consciousness Raph would likely go again, he was near challenging them to get up again. Raph was clearly not in his right mind.
He knew it, it why he was trying to force it away. That's when he heard foot steps he was on guard looking for more fight but it was just Casey. You think he drop the stance when seeing them but he didn't as if for a moment he considered fighting with Casey. It took the turtle a moment to realize it was Casey in truth lowering his shoulders.
Get your shit together Raph.
Stepping away finally it was clear the guy was out and done, as he walked over to Casey now. "Looks 'ike I'm in the lead now." He tries to act as if he don't look like a butches knife right now. "don' worry I didn't notice the knife is all." Yeah the turtle with ninja training couldn't handle a simple pocket knife? Looking at Casey he simply folded his arms over his plastron and lowered his head to look away from them, shoulders hunching up a bit that old distance instinct to hide in his shell was working. And in a way it was sometimes it felt like Casey could read him like a book. Which was ticking him off "What need a picture? I know ya got it bad for me Jones but don' need ta stare." Despite the try for humor it was clearly he was snapping at them right now. Yeah part of Raph knew Casey was just worried but if Casey looked to close? he might manage to piece together Raph did this to himself.
Raph rolled his eyes, dropping his arms "What! I'm fine fuck ya think these little cuts are gonna do anything to me?" Likely not what they are thinking. "im fine so stop with that stupid look!" he wasn't fine, he was breathing hard again, his shoulders were clearly shaking. Letting a fist fly and hit the hockey stick between them. It may come out as an attack on Casey to get off his shell, but seeing how the wood splintered Raph dug his knuckles in against it. He needed to keep whatever was wrong with him away.
His knees felt weak, though as he breathed heavily. Why was the air so thin? A step forward and Raphael let his forhead rest to Casey's shoulder a moment. Stick held between them but Raph didn't notice it at the time. He didn't chance a look at them right right now he wasn't brave enough to face them. Before it could amout to a bad mood this time? Fuck. He was leaning against them Casey wasn't that dumb to not think something was wrong at least. He let's fingers curl and grip on to Casey's shirt a moment. That all he needed just a moment he'd be fine. Eyes squeezed shut as he counted to himself softy. Shove it down get up this ain't anything. He repeats a few more times before finally getting it in him to move back.
"I think imma hit the lair maybe he had somethin' traced on that knife."
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glitchedcosmos · 4 months
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bl0w-m3 · 1 year
People will tell you “trust me, I’m not going anywhere” and then two days later never speak to you again with no explanation. Abandonment doesn’t even phase me anymore. Everyone else left why wouldn’t you.
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collophora · 19 days
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TBB cadets ideas
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
No context here’s ep 12 in a nutshell:
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vinzulu · 2 months
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twistedappletree · 11 months
AU where everyone finds out Wen Qing helped Jiang Cheng and they all start treating her like their primary care physician
NHS: *flopping around on the clinic bed like a fish* “You have to help me! I think I’m dying!”
WQ: “Don’t be dramatic. Are you having symptoms?”
NHS: “I always feel like something bad is going to happen and it makes my heart feel like it’s gonna explode!”
WQ: “That’s called anxiety.”
NHS: “What’s anxiety?! Is it terminal?!?!??”
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ndcraftycat · 8 months
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I try to do other cardio as well, but I guess it works 😸🤣
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rp-meme-world · 2 years
hurt/comfort starters!! trigger warnings: blood, injury, vom*t, panic attack
❝ lay down. you need to lay down. put your head in my lap. ❞
❝ i think i’m about to pass out. ❞
❝ what happened to you? come inside. come inside. ❞
❝ i know it’s late, but... i need you here. ❞
❝ [name]. you’re bleeding. ❞
❝ the more you freak out, the faster you’re going to bleed. just take it easy. ❞
❝ just keep talking to me. ❞
❝ you’re safe. it’s just a panic attack. just squeeze my hands, okay? ❞
❝ can you talk? ❞
❝ stay with me— hey. [name]? oh my god, please don’t do this. ❞
❝ please don’t leave. ❞
❝ you’re not gonna die. i’m not gonna let you die. ❞
❝ i know you want to sleep, but you need to stay awake for me. ❞
❝ it’s okay. just go to sleep. i’ll be here when you wake up. ❞
❝ it hurts. oh my god, it hurts— ❞
❝ it’s not as bad as it looks, i swear. ❞
❝ i know it hurts. just hang in there, okay? ❞
❝ i’ve got you. you’re safe now. ❞
❝ i need you to tell me what’s wrong. what are you feeling? ❞
❝ it’s okay. it’s alright. let it out. ❞
❝ there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. you’re sick. ❞
❝ let me make you some soup. ❞
❝ let me make you some tea. ❞
❝ i didn’t want to worry you. ❞
❝ it’s okay to cry. i know it hurts. ❞
❝ wrap your arms around my neck. i’m gonna carry you. ❞
❝ i’m gonna take good care of you. don’t you worry. ❞
❝ please help me. please. ❞
❝ stop moving, just let me hold you. ❞
❝ breathe with me. in and out... good job. just keep doing that. ❞
❝ i can’t feel my hands— ❞
❝ i can’t move it. i think it’s broken. ❞
❝ i can’t see. ❞
❝ i’m not gonna let anything happen to you. ❞
❝ don’t look at it. just keep your eyes closed, and breathe. ❞
❝ thank you for being here with me. ❞
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pumpkino0 · 1 year
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
2k7 Rasey 😖
| Send 😖 to catch my muse having a panic attack
Raphael couldn't tell if asked what he was staring at in the second his eye opened, he was awake but also not. He tried to move but it was as if his body was being pinned down. Legs and arms stuck in place, a crushing weight to his plastron as if it was being pressed into hard enough to start forming cracks in his shell. Part of Raph swore he could truly feel something on him pressing down more and more weight against him, as he felt himself gasp trying to claim air. But no matter how hard he tried it was like the weight on him was only being added too. Brain suddenly being tricked and thinking something was wrong as it kicked the natural fight or flight response in the turtle to flare up suddenly. Raphael was never one to flee in the first place. Struggling to move, heart was pounding in his shell adrenaline started to kick in. Body started to shake violently near about thrashing as if he was trying to grasp at whatever had him pin to try and throw it off of himself. If he couldn't shake whoever or whatever it was doing this he might not make it to morning he was so convinced in that very moment. Breath started to become short gasps and craving any trace of air he could try for and suck in into his lungs that felt like they were getting flattened out by this fucking weight that only seemed to get heavier and heavier the longer he laid like he was. Shivering as he felt colder suddenly, unaware of his brain kicking into to survival mode as Raph was experience this nonstop crushing.
Suddenly it stopped.
Raph gasped as if finally the weight was lifted and he was able to suck in air again at last. Lifting himself up enough to sit, near curling in on himself as he drew his knees in towards his plastron. Arms curled around himself. Old turtle instinct seemed to be kicking in high drive as he tried to shell himself up. Gasping and panting heavily a faint wetness could be felt to the sides of his face. His chest felt like it was on fire from how hard it felt like he been breathing. Raph wasn't a stranger to this he knew what they were. Panic attacks. And soon yeah there it was that tingle coming over his wrists. A little trigger of his anxiety he started to recognize. He let jagged nail ends sink into his skin, hoping the pressure of them alone would be enough so he would go for his sai that weren't ever kept to far from himself. Just in case he needed his weapons.
A soft call of his name beside him makes the turtle jolt but not from shock or surprise. Fear if anything and he slightly recoils at that. There's some shifting on the bed Raph able to hear every screech and creak of the springs under him move as there's a bit of dip besides him now that Casey takes. So aware of that warmth humans carry as Casey comes in closer, the familiar scent of him as they seem to be trying to look at him right now. Slowly his head lifts to look up, eyes so well adjusted to the dark it doesn't take long to find Casey's face. Seeking out oh, there they are. Casey's blue eyes. Raphael swallows thickly unaware of anything Casey's asking her know their lips are moving he can hear the sound of their voice. Deep and husky like tone, that accent dripping out as letters are careless being drop left and right. Their finger tips burn against his more icy cold skin.
Raphael wants to run, he wants to leave. He wants to grab his sai and go. Run out to the roof tops, or better the alleyways and hide. Press his shell up against a wall. Feel that sharp, pricing sting, and the warmth of red that follows. Bleed it all out. Get it out of him. Maybe even find some lousy street punk to do it for him.
Stop that!
Raphael needs to near scold himself, arm lifted as he jams his palm against his eye. New fear and panic getting to him now he knows Casey is talking but it was like he had something stuck in his ears. They wanted answers Raph, maybe in truth he didn't know. Fuck. He needed to answer say he was fine? He fucking isn't fine though! The hell is wrong with him! He knows that already he fucking messed up in the head and it why he dose stupid shit!
Raphael's thoughts kept going round and round like so. Craving that feeling even more in the moment anything to make it all just stop!
Warmth. Raphael just stalls suddenly, feeling warmth seeping into him. something tight warping around his from a slightly tug against him moving him just slightly. Head lifts up a bit betting taking in whats going on. Casey's arms around him holding on to him, still talking but Raph just cant get his ears to work he guesses right now, but the sound of their voice, far softer now helps. It's a slow motion as he finds it in him to slowly uncurl. Legs stretched out, body twisting a little so he can better turn into Casey's hold. Make it less awkward on Casey's end. Slowly there is something far more light washing over him, sweeping away what ever had a grip on him a moment ago. Hand lifts up to gingerly let his fingers rest against Casey's arm. Slowly getting a hold of his breath. As he trails his touch up along their arm. Noting any scared skin he can feel over as he let his touch travel forward. Feeling the bone of their shoulder soon Raph let his fingers feel over Casey's back. Making a mental note over every notch of their spine as he pressed his face into the crook of their neck. Breathing in the scent as the ends of their hair tickled against his skin. Raphael's breath slowly started to clam. Eye closes as he trusted himself enough to curls his arms around Casey now. Tugging them in closer trying to hide against them. Taking everything in him to beat away the thoughts swimming in his mind that told him not to. Fingers flexed in and out, but he kept his hold around Casey.
It felt unnatural. His mind was screaming to stop. So he simply held on tighter to Casey. Raphael hoping it's not too much forgetting how built they were and likely unphased they would be if he held on tighter. Raphael isn't even sure how long they stay like that. How much Casey spoke even. He only knew they did here and there because he could feel the vibrations rumble out from their vocal chords. The way that deep voice vibrated over his skin felt nice. Able to tell they were keeping thier voice low maybe for Raphs sake but mkre likely because it was fuck late in the night and here Casey was awake when he should be asleep. Taking care of Raphael because if his stupid fucking issues.
Slowly, Raphael pulled back from their neck, letting his head rest against their shoulder now. Breathing didn't hurt anymore. The room felt too cramped, though. How he craved the scent of sea salt air in this moment. Night air at all really would be just fine. Might just be due to him always leaving the lair when he git like this.
"Case," was that his voice? It sounded werid. He didn't know how to explain the way it came out all wobbly and shaky. He swallows deeply as he he chances to look at Casey. "I need air." And it would be so easy to slip away when explaining that, would it? Hand moving to hold on to Casey's forearm. He felt awful that he was going to ask he knew he could be trusted though.
"Can." Fingers curl in to grasp on to Casey he hated this everything about this. He hated Casey knowing he could get like this. That Casey heard his voice right now. "Ya come wit'?...I don' think I should be" saying any if this hes gonna see he's going to know.
Slowly he peeled himself away from Casey's being. Not moving away too far from them just adjust how he sat infront of them. "I don' trust myself to be." He paused a moment, looking down to his hands.
Casey should be sleeping and resting not worrying about Raph. Yet he started to undo tje wrappings around his wrist he never took them off no matter what. It was hard to fully see them only having the logjt from the strees to work with, but Raphael took hold of one of Casey's hands and set his fringers over the scars littering his wrist. No care or worry half Hazzardly some crossed over each other. Casey knows scars and bruises himself and the bit of lighting? Well should be enough. Raphael hopes at least.
"Alone, 'ight now."
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warper-in-training · 3 months
the obey me cast is real and obey me! shall we date was a prank made by Mammon, Levi, Satan and Belphie and when others found out about it it was too late.
and Diavolo liked it so they couldn't remove it anymore. we all know who's his top fave.
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theidlespoon · 7 months
you think you're over it and then out of the blue you're curled up on your bathroom floor listing five things you can see four things you can touch three things you can hear.
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vans-drop · 12 days
I be saying "it is what it is" and then have a panic attack
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moonilit · 6 months
just went through the second part of the AQ and to put it mildly, im not handling these sad Victorian children well
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