#or i'm hiding from a tornado
bndair · 1 month
i hate this time of year. it's too hot, too humid, and too tornado-y
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swankpalanquin · 10 months
my first time working from home and this fucking rocks
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mechaknight-98 · 2 months
Unforgiven at Lotus Junction (NSFW) Ft Chaewon
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Author's Note: Cowgirl Chaewon…cowgirl Chaewon
A young man awakens with his left eye bandaged among other dressings. Fragments and flashes of memory course through his mind as he tries to orient himself, sitting up abruptly. The attending doctor notices him squirming and rushes back in.
“Sit down, don't squirm too much, or those stitches won't heal properly,” the doctor responds, and the young man complies as she finishes her work. He looks at her; she is a young woman with flawless skin and a focused demeanor. She returns his gaze with a bright smile, proud of her handiwork.
“There you go, all patched up,” she says as she tidies her tools. Turning back to him, she eyes him warily as he rises again, patting himself as if searching for something. In the young man’s mind, echoes of the ether call to him: “War, victory, win, murder, kill,” repeating in a haunting whisper. The doctor observes the young man, noting the asymmetric runes glowing on his arms. She has encountered magic before, but nothing as raw and untamed as this. It unsettles her.
“What are you looking for?” she asks suspiciously, calmly reaching for her nearby rifle.
“My tools and weapons,” the young man replies, trying to focus amidst the pain and the inexorable surge of fury flooding his thoughts. The doctor watches as he takes a few steps before collapsing once more.
“Oh, no!” she exclaims. The young man rises slowly before she can assist him.
“Easy there, partner. I don't think you're ready for that much physical activity,” the doctor cautions. He breathes heavily, attempting to steady himself and suppress the pain, but it proves challenging. The doctor meets his gaze, awestruck as his body begins to miraculously mend itself.
“How?” she asks as his brown eyes shift to a deep, eldritch green.
“Long story,” he replies.
The doctor narrows her eyes in annoyance. “Well, excuse me. Do you have somewhere to be?” she quips. He looks around and then sighs before answering, “No.”
“Good. Then tell me your story because all I know is that a tornado threw you to me,” she teases. He chuckles as his eyes revert to their brown hue.
“Okay,” he agrees, getting up. He staggers, and the doctor steadies him.
“Ugh, you're so heavy,” she jokes.
He looks down at her, and for the first time, the ether’s calling changes:
“Protect, Preserve, Endure, Revel,” chanted at intervals until his mind fell silent."Wait, tell me your name!" the doctor replied.
"What?" the young man scoffed, and the doctor rolled her eyes.
The doctor huffed. "Your name, what is it? I need to refer to you as something."
The young man looked at the doctor, confused. "I don't have one."
"So, what do people call you when they refer to you?" the doctor asked.
"They don't," the young man replied, his voice dipped in venomous rage.
The doctor sensed the sorrow and anger emanating from the young man, then smiled before saying, “Well then, I'll give you a name. From now on, I'll call you… Roland the Rebel."
The young man tried to hide his smile but couldn't. He finally had something that was his, something personal. "Roland the Rebel. I like it. I am keeping this," Roland said.
The doctor smiled. "Chaewon, nice to meet you, Roland," she said as she shook Roland’s hand.
Roland smiled and replied, “Nice to meet you, Chaewon.”
4 years later
The rebel walked into the home he shared with the doctor. He shook off the dust after riding back home from a long and arduous day working as a ranch hand for the nearby rancher. The Rebel was excited to
“Hey Puppy I'm home.” the rebel said as he opened the door to their shared abode. He took his bandana off and took two steps in. When he realized she wasn't in. he moved around their shared home and then decided to check the
He walked into seeing The doctor caring for a young boy who was recently feeling under the weather. He had a simple cold which meant she would have to give him one of her remedies. The doctor heard the door open and turned to see her “roommate” waving at her. She turned and smiled
“Hey Roly how was the ranch?” she asked curious
“Oh, you know same old same old. Mrs. Ware is still flirting with me but she knows I only have one love.” the rebel replies. The Doctor laughs as she finishes up with the boy named Thomas’ medicine. She hands it to Thomas who nods then goes over to the Rebel.
“Um excuse me, Mr Roland Sir can you take me home?” Thomas asks innocently.
The rebel turns to The doctor who nods and responds, “Yes! Please do! His mom made us pies and buns for us.” the doctor said excitedly. The rebel smiles in agreement Mrs. Hernandez (Thomas's mother) adores baking almost as much as she loves her husband (father Gabriel the priest of the town) and so she is sinfully good at it. So any chance to snag some of them is a chance well spent. So Roland puts on his gloves and his bandanna and gestures for Thomas to follow him.
As he walks out Chaewon takes off all of her Doctors gear and washes her hands. After she does so she blows Roland a kiss before saying, “Get back home safely Roly.”Roland nods as he leads young Thomas outside to his mount. When the two get on Roland’s mount Thomas asks about the weird “red things” in front of the clinic as they begin their journey.
“Oh, you don't need to worry about those. Just relics of a past time.” Roland answers
“Okay” Thomas replied and the two began their ride. For the most part, it was silent. Although Roland was well-liked in the town and considered as insensible as Chaewon due to his handiness and willingness to help anyone; the town was still wary of him. Arriving with no name out of a tornado is still arriving with no name out of a tornado. He was also spurned by the fact that he was an adrift. So all suspicions were considered admissions of guilt. However, the youngsters didn't see it that way. They just saw Roland as the friendly old guy who helped their parents and was living with the town doctor. So they were always more open to him, not by much though. Roland despite his openness tended to be reserved and very cagey with his answers especially about his past. He was a gentleman but had firm boundaries regardless.
"Hey, Mr. Roland. Are you going to marry Mrs. Chaewon?"
Roland turned to the young boy, surprised but smiling. "I'd like to. I am working hard to get her a ring. I just can't afford one right now, but I'm 9/10 of the way there," Roland explained. Thomas nodded then chuckled.
"She likes you," Thomas said. "While she was patching me up, she was frustrated that you weren't here helping."
"Oh really?" Roland asked.
"Yeah, she said how you're always within arm's reach and can help her get exactly what she needs. She is appreciative that you’re doing more, but she says she misses you during the day," Little Thomas said. Roland smiled, and then Thomas asked the million-dollar question.
"Hey, Mr. Roland. Why is your skin purple?"
Roland looked at the child and then said, "Well, my skin contains more of the chemical Antenalin. It's the reason why your school teacher’s skin is also pink."
"Oh, that’s why Mrs. Merryweather’s looks so sparkly?" Thomas asked, and Roland nodded. Thomas smiled and then said, “I am going to tell her when I get back to school." Roland smiled at the young boy before arriving at his home. The priest Gabriel was standing outside the door. Thomas giddily ran to his dad who lifted him.
“Dad, dad guess what Mr. Roland taught me?"
"What is it, son? (He eyes Roland) it better not have been curse words," he admonished.
"No, Dad, he taught me the reason his skin is purple."
Gabriel was taken aback by his son’s candid and excited response. "Oh, okay. What did he say?"
“He said it was a chemical called Antenalin," Thomas said with a smile.
Gabriel smiled and set Thomas down before sending him in with his mom. He faced Roland and chuckled.
“You know, for a simple ranch hand, you know quite a lot,” Gabriel said to Roland.
Roland shrugged as he responded, “Well, my parents told me knowledge is power, so I took it to heart when I had ‘higher ambitions,’ but now I’m happy I’m at peace.” As he finished, he dusted himself off before following Gabriel into his home.
Gabriel noticed Roland’s gait and affectation. “You look it. I remember when Chaewon and you first arrived together. I could see your emotions as if they were etched on your skin,” Gabriel said.
Feeling relaxed, Roland laughed before revealing, “I mean, technically they are.”
Gabriel’s eyes almost popped out at hearing that. “Wait? But that would make you a...” Gabriel responded, and Roland nodded.
“I was that, but I put that behind me, and hopefully it stays there,” Roland addressed.
Gabriel, still reeling from the revelation, said, “No wonder you know so much.” Gabriel smiled and hugged Roland. A gesture that, while appreciated in sentiment, always made Roland uncomfortable. After Mrs. Hernandez walked in and said, “Hey, Roly, I got food for you and your darling Chaewon.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Hernandez.”
“Oh, always so polite. You know, to call me Izzy, Roland.” Roland apologized and graciously took the food. After that, Roland headed back to his new 'home.' When he arrived, Chaewon smiled upon seeing the food in his sack.
"Did she make the rolls?" Chaewon asked impatiently. Roland nodded and handed her one. Chaewon greedily scarfed it down and looked back at Roland with content and happy eyes. Roland smiles as he unpacks everything and has dinner with your favorite Doctor.
During the meal, Chaewon looks at Roland longingly. Roland catches glimpses of this and remembers what Thomas said. Roland looks at her and smiles graciously.
"Something the matter Chae," Roland asks hiding his knowledge.
Chaewon responds with an adorable pout, "Yeah you weren't here today. I couldn't cuddle you or use you to fetch me things,"
Roland squints hiding his intent he asks, "But Chae I thought you wanted me to help around with the bills?"
Chaewon squints back as she says, "I thought I did, but I'd much rather have my big burly nurse around."
"Okay. Well lucky for you I will be available tomorrow as Rancher Isiah is busy tomorrow," Roland Explains.
"Oh really? well, then how about we enjoy each other's company tonight," Chaewon suggests. Her implication sends a violent shiver through Roland's back. Chaewon finished her dinner and moved on to her favorite dessert Roland. Before Roland could take a breath Chaewon was already at his crotch unbuckling his pants. She smiled when his cock sprang free. Knowing all of Roland’s weak spots she blew a cold breath on his surging rod. She watched with erotic euphoria as he squirmed under.
“Come on Darling. You're this hard and I haven't even touched you yet,” Chaewon sticks her tongue out and wraps it around the tip and head of Roland’s cock. Roland groans as he spreads his legs further allowing Chaewon to explore his cock with her tongue. Precum begins to build at his tip.
Her grand finale of getting him ready for her. She wrapped her tongue around the tip before diving into his slit and lapping up his precum with an intense fervor that only separation could provide. Rolan groans as Chaewon engorged herself. He watched as she began to gag on his rod. Chaewon felt her arousal rising with each passing moment. It built making her light-headed as she stopped long enough to get oxygen to breathe before going back. She knew she had to stop herself otherwise she wouldn't be able to due to her love for Roland’s cock being down her throat. "Fuck Chae, How do you take me so well," Rolan questioned.
Chaewon knew Roland was ready for her when his eyes shifted to an intense crimson. He gets up and lifts the petite doctor to the table. She smiles knowing he is about to give her everything she's been wanting. As Roland urgently strips her Chaewon moans into his ear before nibbling on his cartilage. “Please be wild with me,” Roland nods as he pierces Chaewon. She moans uncontrollably as her pussy reflexively welcomes its favorite resident with a tight hug. He began to thrust as Chaewon enticed him to be rougher with her. She wasn't fragile after all. As Roland pumped in and out of Chaewon she brought herself up to kiss him. In between the fervent kisses she would moan.
"Ah fuck me. Fuck me harder Rebel." Hoping to satisfy her ventripotent lust for the adrift, and to his credit, Rolan would always try his hardest. As he fucked with more vigor Chaewon moaned harder as she neared her high. Roland smiled at his paramour as her moans filled their little love nest. when her eyes rolled back into her head he knew she was close.
"Cum for me Chae," Roland said and Chaewon obliged her lover. Her body tensed before her orgasm sent her spiraling into intense spasms and sensitivities. As she tried to calm herself through her high she watched helplessly as Roland kept fucking her.
"Yes, Yes, Yes Chaewon moaned as she flexed and tensed hoping to coax Roland to cum. before she could however she saw her seraph sheriff badge glow. She immediately pushed Roland off her and got serious.
"Wait Chae is everything okay," Roland asked.
Chaewon turned to her lover and nodded sweetly, "Yes I just have some business to take care of." she said. Roland nodded and said
"Well, then I am coming with you,"
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM LIFE IS STRANGE, SEASON 1 *  assorted dialogue, suggested by ismelodrama, adjust as necessary
everything is a picture waiting for be taken.
you're just jealous of me because i actually do the things you can't.
are you hiding something?
i'm sick of your disrespect. tell me the truth!
i don't want to fight with you anymore. i don't want to fight with anyone anymore.
i was eating those beans!
how the hell did you know about that photo?
always take the shot. my number one rule of photography.
you just don't listen, do you?
there's something weird going on with you.
you've only been here for three weeks and you're already causing conflict.
after this week, you are certainly not a little kid anymore.
not now. i'm contemplating shit.
are you fucking kidding me? this is major bullshit!
i didn't have all the evidence at the time.
we all make decisions we regret.
i'm not gonna make any excuses for my behavior.
i'd put stephen hawking against picasso any day.
it sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.
nobody believes me anyway.
you're exactly the kind of soldier i'd want by my side in a war.
why the hell not?
i almost asked you to hang out.
you should have asked me.
maybe we're too much alike.
i don't believe anything you say. you're full of shit.
eat a dick, [name].
i'll be in the tardis getting my delorean ready.
since you're the mysterious superhero... i'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion.
you don't know who the fuck i am or who you're messing around with.
where'd you get that? what are you doing? come on, put that thing down!
don't ever tell me what to do! i'm so sick of people trying to control me!
so you can't help me?
i told you before that i'll always believe you.
i may be a pest but... i'm a good listener.
you're the bravest person i've ever known.
for every action, there's a reaction.
i'm trying. but you have to understand my position.
i know i can be a pain in the ass... and you've always treated me like a person, not a beta nerd.
why do you want all your friends to die?
oh i see. i'm not important to you anymore.
nobody lectures me. everybody tries though.
do not analyze me! i pay people for that.
hey, that's total slander!
you don't know shit about my father, or me.
you're all fucked!
everybody hates me.
[name]... it's me. i just wanted to say i'm sorry.
i truly am sorry for being such a bastard.
you would have been cool to hang out with.
you might as well choose me.
i'm not perfect, okay?
you have talent, [name].
you don't have to push people out of your way.
thanks for admitting again that i have some talent.
do you think it's, like, fate we're not supposed to be friends?
nobody says we have to be friends.
everybody lies. no exceptions.
i came for all of you.
i'm in a nightmare and i can't wake up.
no wonder they call it a "web." nothing can ever get out.
i wish i could go back in time and erase everything.
just tell me you do have the photograph.
now shut up and listen.
i'm not a real scientist.
i was just happy just being your friend.
[name], i'm so sorry you had to go through all that.
i don't think i can concentrate on going out to the movies.
everybody pretends to care until they don't.
even angels need angels, [name].
i might be naive, but i feel their struggle.
why did you stop me from jumping?
this shit pit has taken everyone i've ever loved.
when a door closes, a window opens... or something like that.
i keep going back in time.
how could there be a more important moment in history?
thank you for trusting me.
hey... be careful out there.
what kind of friend are you?
you never understood me, or what happened to me.
i'll always be alone, thanks to you.
just in case we don't get out of this...
i'm going to make the right choices from now on.
i've been feeling like this might be actually the end of the world.
i hate to say that i'm glad to see you, but i'm glad to see you.
i wish i could stay in this moment forever... but then it wouldn't be a moment.
if that tornado came right now, i would just sit here and watch for a while.
i just feel like escaping.
i have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes.
with great power comes great bullshit.
am i pushing myself too hard?
you like to hurt people, huh?
i'm glad you decided to escort me.
i know this is a bad time, but can i get one picture?
of course i believe you. you're the most amazing person i've ever met, and i'm glad you trust me.
i don't have a fucking clue what's going on.
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ovaryacted · 2 months
(TW: talk of abuse/domestic violence)
I’ve been thinking about Leon and his daughter. I am 100% sure this man is not above using his ties to the government to wipe anyone who harms his daughter/abusive partner off the face of the earth.
His perfect baby girl comes to her daddy with a bruised eye and crying? She’s an adult, sure. But Oh he’s going scorched earth.
He kisses his precious little girl on the forehead, lets her sleep in in her old bedroom, and once she’s settled, he grabs his gun and goes.
I really REALLY do not think he’d let an abuser live. Someone put their hands on his little girl. His perfect little baby has gotten hurt by someone she trusted/loved?
Yea I don’t think they’d survive.
CW: mentions of abuse and domestic violence; talks of violence as payback; Leon & the reader are together and have a daughter (unspecified age but 21+)
Anon, this message made me hurt inside, and you sent it to me a while ago so I apologize for not responding until now. But wow, we're getting really angsty...damn. This hurts, but I get where this idea coming from. I think seeing something like his daughter being hurt because of someone else will actually break Leon as both a parent and an individual who puts his life on the line for his family.
Ever since his daughter was born into the world, Leon vowed to protect her with his entire being. He worked so hard to keep her safe from the dangers of the reality that he was all too familiar with, keeping his princess in bubble wrap and tucked away in the safety he knew he could provide. It worked for some time, watching her grow up into her own human being, as gentle and as precious as he imagined, practically his spitting image with his eyes down to his smile.
No matter how old she got, she will always be his little girl. Leon wanted to keep her at home for a while longer, nervous about sending her off to college but she reassures him, promising to call once a week and on the weekends to ease his anxieties. He knew she'd have to venture off into the real world eventually, and his daughter stuck to her promise, often coming back home on her breaks and using that time to catch up with her parents.
He thinks he's done well in raising her alongside you, smart and charismatic, doing everything to ensure his child grew up to know what love and acceptance felt like so she'd never have to be without it like he was.
When Leon was introduced to her current boyfriend, he tried hard to accept him, run his own mental background checks, and make sure he was enough to take care of his daughter and treat her the way she deserved. His daughter was happy, so he relented, giving this new guy a chance. So long as he saw his daughter smiling, all was right in the world.
That's why when Leon gets a phone call from his daughter sometime at midnight, he's confused, but the hair at the back of his neck raises as he gets a weird feeling that something is wrong.
"Hi dad", he hears her on the other line, her voice shaky and unstable.
"Sweetheart? Are you okay? What's wrong?", he gets up instantly and walks out of the bedroom so he doesn't wake you up, not wanting to bring a panic just yet.
"Yeah, I'm okay", he hears a sniffle, he knows she's lying, but he doesn't mention it. "I just...can I come home? Please?"
"Of course you can, you can always come home. Do you need me to pick you up?", Leon asks without hesitation. He didn't care if there was a tornado outside, he was going to get his child back home.
"It's okay, I can drive, traffic isn't too bad. I'll see you in a few okay?", she was hiding something from him, and if that were the case it must be bad. And that scared him.
"Sure thing honey, please be safe", she hung up the phone, the anxiety getting much worse because he didn't know what to expect. You wake up soon after that to ask what's wrong, and decide to wait for your daughter to come back home and make sure she's alright.
Was she safe? Did something happen? Why did it sound like she was crying? Did someone hurt her?
So many different scenarios play in his mind that the sound of a knock at Leon's front door brings him back to the present. Opening the door, he tries to hide the way his heart crack at the sight of his child standing in front of him with a bruised eye. He doesn't say anything as she drops the duffle bag she brought and instantly falls into his chest, crying heavily and shaking in his arms.
Sometime later on the couch, she explains how she got into an argument with her boyfriend, and in a fit of rage, he threw a punch before walking out of the apartment. Just hearing her retelling this and not being able to stop crying is what breaks Leon inside, having his daughter, whom he's tried so hard to protect from this world be a victim of abuse from someone who was supposed to love her hurts him greatly.
He blames himself for letting his daughter get hurt, for letting that bastard get anywhere near his angel and hurt her like this. Whispering apologies into his daughter's blonde hair, he cradled her close as he repeated "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry sweetheart".
Leon lets her stay in her old bedroom, tucking her into bed the way he used to when she was little and running his fingers through her hair as gently as he could. He knows you'll watch over her as she sleeps, and will probably slip into bed alongside her to hold her in your arms the way a mother should.
"I promise you, he's not going to hurt you ever again. I swear", Leon tells her, and his daughter believes him wholeheartedly. He gives you a knowing look as he walks out of the bedroom, and you don't try to stop him.
He takes his gun out from the locked safe in his closet, not sure when he last held it in his hand but the muscle memory quickly comes to him. Throwing on a jacket and grabbing his car keys, he got into his Jeep and headed on the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly until his knuckles were white. Maybe being on the road while he was seething and seeing red wasn't a good idea, but he had to handle this or he would never forgive himself.
A part of him thinks that he should get Hunnigan on the phone, should have her knock some sense into him, and tell his ass to turn the fuck around. But he doesn't, hitting the gas and imagining tearing off this man's head for laying a hand on the most precious thing he has in his life.
He doesn't remember the last time he was this pissed, and he certainly didn't know he could want to hurt someone when he had been so focused on saving others for most of his life. But he finds himself caring less and less about the consequences of his actions and doesn't feel guilty for wanting to do what he knows is necessary.
Justice is what Leon calls this, and it brings him back to his time studying for the police academy, how doing the right thing felt so fundamental to him that it was always a part of his character. He's doing this out of love, out of knowing his daughter will be safe from this monster, and that makes it right.
Yeah, that man better start praying, cause it might be the last time he gets to.
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Treat You 3
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, violence, abuse, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (Tall!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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"You're useless!" Your dad slather's spit on your face as he holds himself over you, penning you in on your bed, "fucking idiot!"
You whimper as he growls and huffs his tobacco-tinged breath in your face. You wrinkle your nose and bat your lashes as tears prickle along the brims of your eyes. You shudder as he shoves himself off of you, snarling as he heaves his weight off the mattress. Another rude awakening, though for what you don't know.
"I'm sorry, da-" You begin as you sit up, only to have him spin and crack his knuckles across your cheek. You fall back and cradles your skull as it vibrates. "Ow, dad, what did I do?"
"Where the fuck are my smokes?!" He hisses.
"I dunno, I dunno," you sit up, holding out an arm to shield yourself, "you know I wouldn't touch them."
"I know you're a sneaky fucking bitch," he barks and goes to your dress, shaking it as he tears open the drawer. He scoops out the contents and throws them so the fabric scatters over the floor.
"I didn't touch them," you sniffle.
"Stop fucking lying!" He blusters as he stomps over to you, grabbing you by the front of your tee shirt, "look at you, lazy piece of shit, hiding in your room all day, doing what?!"
"Dad," you murmur.
"Bitch!" He shoves you back and you once more fall flat, biting your own tongue.
He surges around the room and there's a thunderous crash as he swipes your desk clear of its contents. You sit up and watch, helpless as he rips like a tornado through the space. He hollers and hurls until he's out of breath. He leaves you with a slam of the door. A promise in the shake of the frame. If he sees you again, it will only get worse.
You get up and switch your pajama bottoms for jeans. You retrieve the clunky laptop from the floor and tuck it into your bag. It's the only thing of value you have. It's how you make your living, typing away captions and sending the words in for pennies. You swipe up your book and the small change purse with not much in it.
You listen before you emerge from your room. You creep down and take your denim jacket and sneakers from the entryway, tiptoeing out and putting them on in the hallway. You stand straight and touch your throbbing cheek. You must look a mess. It doesn't matter, you just need to get out of there.
You get out to the street and find a bench just around the corner, sitting to think of where to go. You need to get the next project done. Tonight's the deadline to get a few extra dollars on the next deposit. You need wifi. Usually you can leech off the neighbours' but there's no way you're staying in the apartment with your father like that.
The library isn't an option. You can't even access the wifi without an account and you have fines since your father destroyed several borrowed books last month. Besides, it's too far out of the way and you have no bus fare. Maybe...
Is it worth it? You don't know if you have any change. You sift through your bag and open your change purse. A couple of quarters; seventy-five cents. Hmm, how much is a cookie? Just one of the small ones?
All you know is the cafe has wifi. You'll test your luck and see how long they put up with you. You head off, disappearing into the urban ebb and flow, happy to drown in it and forget the morning.
The cafe is busy enough for you to sneak in with the rush. You find a seat in the corner and set up there, hoping you can fade into the background as usual. You glance over at the menu, there's nothing you can afford there. You sigh as you slip the heavy laptop out of your crochet bag.
You open it and hit the power button. Nothing happens. You lean in and try again. You notice how the frame of the screen is split at the seam. Oh no. The thing's taken a beating over the years but it's usually fine. He's done it now. It's broken.
That's it. That's the only thing you got and it's just as garbage as everything else in your life. You hang your head, holding it in your hands as you stare at the table. You're numb, to hollow to feel anything. You should cry but you can't.
Your vision blurs as you sit there, frozen. What do you do? What can you do? You are totally screwed.
You don't know how long you stay like that. The world skews around you until suddenly it centers on a gentle tap on your shoulder. You pop your head up, nearly tipping the chair as you look up at the barista. It's the same one as last time. Peter, you think he said.
"Excuse me--" He begins but he gapes and stares at you.
"I'm sorry, I... I'll go," you gulp and shake your head, "I don't have money for a coffee."
You stand but he doesn't move. He's close as you reach for your laptop and he reaches to stop you from closing it.
"What happened?" He asks.
"Nothing," you lie.
"Something must've happened--"
"I must've hit it on the door when I came in," you mutter pushing until he moves his hand, snapping shut the broken screen.
"Not the computer," he says, "you?"
"What?" You frown and wince as the bruise twinges and you notice how you can see your cheek swelling from your left eye.
"Did someone hurt you?" He asks.
"Please, it doesn't matter," you turn to unhook your bag from the chair, "I'm just going to leave. I told you, I don't have any money--"
"Coffee's on the house. Or tea," he insists, "please, sit down."
"I can't."
"Why not?" He asks.
You cringe and stop. You turn to face him, looking down at his warm brown eyes, "why are you bugging me?"
"Am I?" His forehead ripples, "I wasn't meaning to."
You squeeze your lips together and a pang of guilt tweaks in your chest. You hang your head, "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to talk back."
"Look, seems like you've had a rough morning. If you stay, I promise I won't bug you. I'll just bring you some tea and let you be."
You look away as your nose flares, tingling dangerously, "why would you do that?"
"Nice things always come around," he shrugs, "and they don't cost anything."
You nod and hide your face, "thanks."
"No problem, oh uh, one thing," he turns a palm out, "I didn't get your name."
You put your bag on the table as you touch the back of the chair. You eke out your name before you sit. He repeats it brightly, "alright, I'll be right back."
You stare out the window, refusing to look anywhere else. You're too embarrassed to let him see the tears in your eyes.
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virginsexgod69 · 2 months
3| Stormy Weather
pairing Daryl Dixon x F! Reader
summary You and Daryl get to know each other while cooped up in the bathroom, hiding from the tornado
cw none! This chapter is chill, but kinda heavy in dialogue
1.1k words
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You and Daryl were both crammed in the empty bathtub, toe to toe with each of your knees to your chests. You didn’t know why you were in the bathtub, but it’s what you remember doing during tornadoes as a child. It was definitely awkward. The two of you sat in silence, avoiding eye contact. 
“So,” you said, opening the door to awkward conversation, his blue eyes snapped up at you. “Did you have a camp before I found you?” 
“Yeah. Lived in the prison with my group. You been here the whole time?” He asked. You sighed and nodded your head, not liking the direction the conversation you started was headed in. “Somewhat. A little after the outbreak, a couple of us took shelter here in my hus- ex husband’s cabin.” You cringed at your almost slip up. 
“Anyway! How’d you get split from your group?” He told you about a man who called himself the Governor and the atrocities he committed on his group. You cringed at the story of what he went through. Because your cabin was in the middle of nowhere, you never really had run ins with any other people, save for the few times you’ve ran into people during runs. You hadn’t realized, or seen first hand how depraved people have become. You were grateful that it was Daryl who stumbled upon your cabin instead of someone like the man from his story. 
“You by yerself now, too?” He asked. 
“Nope. I shot a stranger and now he’s in an empty bathtub with me,” you joked in an attempt to lighten the somber mood. A small smile graced his handsome face at your joke. He didn’t need to know that you were all alone in your cabin because your scumbag of a husband abandoned you in the midst of the apocalypse, so you didn’t tell him. 
“When the weather clears up, are you gonna go out lookin’ for your friends? You asked. He grunted in the affirmative. You couldn’t help the twinge of jealousy you felt. He had people and he seemed pretty dedicated to them. You wondered if they even knew how lucky they were to have someone who’d look for them when they got split up, instead of having someone who couldn’t wait to ditch them, like the people you had. 
“How nice of you,” you bitterly remarked. You didn’t mean to come off so cruel, but for the first time since meeting Daryl, you noticed how lonely you really were. He didn't say anything, but just glared at you. 
"I'm goin' to sleep. Wake me up if something happens." You got as comfortable as you could with your pillow and closed your eyes, willing sleep to come quickly. 
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 A loud thud and the sound of glass shattering jolted you awake. You looked around hastily in your state of disorientation before your eyes landed on Daryl and everything started coming back. 
"W-what happened?" you asked blearily. 
"Think a tree fell through a window." Panic shot through your spine. You couldn’t afford any damage to the cabin. Not only was this your home which held so many memories, both good and bad, but this place has kept you safe from the outside’s dangers for so long. A broken window would compromise that.
“I need to go check, I’ll be back,” you said as you scrambled out the tub and rushed for the door. 
“Ain’ no point in checkin’ now. Storm’s still goin’,” Daryl nonchalantly said from the empty tub. He was right and you knew it, but you couldn’t help but feel drawn to leave. Anxiety clawed at your chest causing you to pace in circles around the small bathroom. 
“Wha’s wrong?” He asked, unable to tune out your nervous behavior. He wondered if it had anything to do with those two locked rooms. 
“Nothin’, I’m just worried about my house is all,” you told the half truth. 
“It’s gon’ be fine. It didn’ seem like the tornado’s gon come through here.” Whether he said that to comfort you or not, you couldn’t tell, but it did help you relax a little. 
“Were you a meteorologist before all this or somethin’?” You teased. 
“Nah,” came his reply. Suddenly interested in the man, you sat down on the ledge of the tub to question him further. 
“What did you do before all this, anyway?” 
He removed his thumb from between his lips before he replied with an unsatisfying “Nothin.” You raised your eyebrows at him in disbelief. You didn’t know much, or anything, about him, but people who do nothing don’t usually look like Daryl. “I highly doubt that, but I’m guessin’ this is a touchy subject.” Maybe, if he ends up staying here long enough, he’d open up eventually. 
“I was a marriage counselor, which is kinda ironic since I couldn’t save my own marriage,” you said before laughing to yourself. You had a tendency to overshare when you felt an awkward silence needed to be filled and right now it was biting you in the ass. You bit your tongue to keep yourself from sharing more about yourself since Daryl seemed not to be in the mood for conversation. 
“I jus’ stuck with my brother. Did what he did. Drugs an’ stuff like that,” he replied vaguely. 
“Oh wow, I would’ve guessed you were a model or somethin’.”  
“Wha’ makes ya think that?” He asked. 
“Pfff, look in a mirror when you get the chance.” You wouldn’t even try to deny that the man was good looking. Whenever you made eye contact with him, you felt timid under his piercing blue gaze. When you turned to face him, his ears were a soft pink and the skin of his thumb between his teeth. 
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You were woken up by Daryl gently shaking your shoulder. You blinked your eyes open and saw him towering over you, standing outside of the bathtub. 
“C’mon, storm’s calmed down,” he informed as he held a hand out to help you up, which you accepted. Heat tingled in your cheeks when your hand touched his warm one. Your uncertainty from earlier rapidly made a reappearance and you hurried out the bathroom with a curious Daryl not far behind. You sighed in relief when you saw that the living room was fine, relatively untouched by the horrid weather. You then hurried back down the hallway and dug around in your pants pockets until you pulled out a key. Daryl watched closely as you hurriedly unlocked the door. In truth, he wanted to get inside and see where you were hiding his stuff. Even though it was raining pretty hard again, he knew he’d find a sense of comfort knowing where they were in case he needed them beforehand.
 When Daryl first found out those doors were locked, he figured you were keeping something like an armory or pantry out of his reach, considering that he was just a stranger in your home. When you opened the door, he realized that he couldn’t be more wrong. 
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WOO! 3rd chapter, hell yea! >=] thanks for reading <3333
maybe this was kinda obvious, but i have no idea what to do during a tornado! i'm more of an earthquake girlie
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@eternalrose81 @the-dixon-effect @millybaby @daryldixmedown @theoraekenslover @aeriean
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itsprashimusic · 1 year
Don't Let Me Down
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Summary - You loved him, really. But in the end loving him was more like your poison than your antidote.
Pairings - ex!Harry Styles x singer!Reader
Warnings - suicidal thoughts, mentions of wanting to die, ANGST, failed relationship, cuss words, using a real-life singer's songs for this fic, death of parents, absent partner, Harry is an asshole at the end (he threw things at reader), not entirely proofread Happy reading<3
Word Count - 4.5k
A/N - reader is female but can also be read as gender neutral. suicidal part will be labeled with (💔) for those who want to skip it.
flashbacks are in italics
also please reblog this, i spent a lot of time on it and reblogging it with tags would really mean a lot to me. love you❤️
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You were getting ready for you first live concert in months. The familiar rush of adrenaline was coursing through your body. The type that only comes when you are performing. This was probably one of the best parts of your job as a singer. The better parts are probably the free items people give you just because you are a celebrity. The bad worse parts are definitely the paparazzi and publicity of everything in and about your life.
Your fans were wanting more music, and so that is what you gave them. A few months earlier you released an album. A lot of fans were expecting maybe some love songs surrounding your rumored relationship with famed singer and actor, Harry Styles.
You kept your personal life hidden from public view. But still they always were trying to guess who the current 'man in your claws' was. This time it was Harry Styles, but it was true. You and Harry had been dating for nearly 3 years.
Key word: had
You both had broken up. You weren't sure who broke up with who, but one thing was clear, it was not mutual. It was messy, very messy. Your house looked like a tornado went through it twice and again. Things were thrown, hurtful false accusations were thrown around, when you called him out on his bullshit, he just gave you another lame excuse as to how it was your fault for that specific flaw of his, you get the idea it was just a bad break up.
Fans around the world mourned your break-up, even though no official statement was given by either of you for almost 3 months post the breakup.
It has been nearly a year since your breakup, and you are still not over it. You admit it, you really did love Harry. He was the world for you. In the back of your closet sat a little box with a simple gold band resting in it, waiting to be worn by your life partner. You had a date planned out on which you would propose to him, two days after your break-up.
The part which hurt the most was knowing that he would've said yes, if things were fine in your relationship.
You stood in your dressing room. Being finished with your warmups, you stood, simply doing nothing. You just stared at yourself in the mirror. It was your supposed to be your largest tour. So of course, your nerves were on edge. You were standing in your dressing room, clutching the table with a grip so hard even you were surprised by it. You knew you were not doing well. A lot of the people around you even pointed out you looked unwell. You started feeling nauseous.
You were aware it was coming, the panic attack. Breathing became a bit difficult. You knew there was only one thing that would calm you down. A person to be more specific. Little did you know that this very person who could calm you down was rushing through the corridors, pushing people aside, just to find you. He knew that you would be having a panic attack.
Just as you were about to fall down, the door to your dressing room broke open revealing your boyfriend. He ran in enveloping you into a hug, hiding both your view of the others in your dressing room and their view of you, a gesture you were grateful for. One arm around your back, the other around the back of your head.
"It's ok darling, I'm here now." he said, his voice making things better, his deep soothing voice. He gestured for the others to leave the room so that the two of you would be alone. They left and shut the door giving the two of your privacy. You and Harry just stood there, him hugging you. You knew eventually you'd have to go out and perform, but for now just standing there felt right.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you could see the tears forming in your eyes. This would be your first concert in a long time, and you wanted it to be one of your best. You remember that one concert, it was the best. The type that everyone remembers, has countless edits of, even years later, that kind.
You looked at the clock. 10 minutes. You stared yourself down in the mirror. 9 minutes. You paced up and down doing your warmups. 8 minutes. You nervously sipped water from a bottle. 7 minutes. You were called outside to get your earpiece put in. 6 minutes. Your hands were getting sweaty, so you rubbed them against yourself. 5 minutes. The earpiece is in and working. 4 minutes. You could hear the crowd waiting for you to make your entrance. 3 minutes. You and your backup dancers huddled up together. 2 minutes. You made your way to where you were supposed to come out from. 1 minute. You clutched the tissue paper that you took from the dressing room. You clutched it hard, knowing that the last time you were up on stage it was someone's hand instead of a piece of somewhat soft paper. 10 seconds. You got your cue and could hear the intro music playing and the smoke machines going off. And from then on everything felt like a dream but even through the performances, your mind was somewhere else. Harry.
It was oddly quiet in his house. Normally there was some type of noise, whether it was the heater, AC or just some new air purifier he found and thought you might like. Your keys jingled while you were unlocking the front door to Harry's house. He said he would be meeting you here and so you didn't expect anyone to be at home.
But little did you know Harry was standing behind the door waiting for you to come. He saw your car pull up below the building. He had a surprise that he wanted to share with you first. Just as the door swinged open the lights turned on and a bunch of confetti flew out from somewhere. It startled you and you yelled. It took you a few seconds but then you saw Harry standing behind the door with a sheepish smile on his face. "Honey, what is all of this?" you asked him, coming closer to him. He pulled you in by your waist and said, "My new album's coming out on December 13th. I want you to be the first one to know."
"Wait, you have another album coming out? I didn't even know you were working on one!" you said. "Love, I never stop working. And to answer your question, yes, I have another album coming out. It is going to be called Fine Line."
That was all years ago. You remember that day clearly. It was the day you thought he was the one. So much followed after that. You walked him backwards onto the couch, hands tangled in his soft curly hair, lips on his. Just as he fell onto it his head made contact with some leftover food that was lying around. It was messy and cut your make out session short. But it was sweet. After getting him cleaned up you both sat cuddled on the couch and continued watching Modern Family.
"How are we doing Manchester!" you could hear the crowd cheering through your earpiece. You finished the intro and now you were starting to get more comfortable. "You know, it has been a long time since I have performed here. I just got the warmest welcome of all time, and it's time to return the favor," you say just as a short whistle tune is played over the speakers making the crowd go wild. "Usually, people love dancing around to my songs, but for this one we have to sit still," you say, teasing the crowd when another whistle tune is played.
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The song got over and slowly transitioned into your other single.
Crashing, hit a wall Right now I need a miracle Hurry up now, I need a miracle
It was a really low time in your life. You had just lost your father to covid, and your mother wasn't doing so well. Add to that, your boyfriend was stuck in England and you in America. And the cherry on top, your name was plastered all over the news. People were bored and decided to pull and poke fun at you and some of your songs to keep them busy.
But it sucked for you. You were dangerously close to swallowing a bunch of tablets and it sucked. You were on your own, got calls daily from the nearby hospital about your mother's health, which was declining and going through grief over losing your father 1 month ago. All you needed right now was a miracle. Only a miracle could save you.
Stranded, reaching out I call your name, but you're not around I say your name, but you're not around
You had just received news from the hospital saying that your mother had not made it. Being in the hospital for so long had benefitted her but in the end, she contracted covid. You did not take the call well. The second the doctor said the words 'I'm sorry' you felt your heart split into tiny shards of glass which embedded themselves into every part of your body. You did cry, you didn't sob, not even a voice crack by the time you finished the conversation.
You were numb. The only person you wanted was him, but it was impossible to reach him when he was on an entirely different continent. You called him. You texted him. You messaged him. You emailed him, but there was no response. You even tried Instagram but that resulted in nothing. You attempted to write him a physical letter, but there was no response.
You had no idea why he was ignoring you. And it wasn't like you called him 3-4 times a day. You called him 15-20 times a day, you were surprised no one was responding.
Right when you needed him the most in your life he decided to shut you out. It hurt more than any break-up ever did. It was like you were stranded on an island with no way to escape. And the person you were trying to contact to come and save you was not there, almost as if they didn't exist.
I need you, I need you, I need you right now Yeah, I need you right now So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down I think I'm losing my mind now
That was when things started going south in your and Harry's relationship. When he finally responded back, he was nothing like the man you fell in love with. Though you were so desperate and elated that he finally responded, you didn't even notice the shift in his attitude. By the time you realized how out-of-love he was with you, you were ready to propose to him.
It's in my head, darling, I hope That you'll be here, when I need you the most So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
For the longest time you kept hoping that at some point Harry would respond. That he would come and save you from the hell you were in. That he would be there to put an end to your turmoil. But no. He didn't show up (not like he even could), he didn't call, didn't text, nothing. You were left to pick up your own broken pieces.
Don't let me down
'Harry please pick up, please'
A sob racked through your body, making you tremble.
don't let me down
'Leave on seen, even that will do, just please say something, please'
You were getting hysterical, one sob after another, pleas falling from your lips like a prayer, repeating it to yourself again and again and again.
'Letter number 12 and I will keep writing more, just please respond'
Ink was dripping down the paper like the tears on your face it was mixed with. Your vision was a blur.
'Maybe today he will respond, it's been 6 months, things are starting to open up, maybe I can go see him'
With each passing day your delusional hope kept getting stronger. You never knew you had this much motivation in yourself.
'Please don't let me down…'
You whispered to yourself every day, almost as if he could hear you begging him to save you, to heal you, to do some thing.
Running out of time I really thought you were on my side But now there's nobody by my side
You sat on the kitchen floor, three different items sitting next to you, each one waiting to be used. You thought of the knife and how if you used that it would be painful, but then when you were found people would talk about how much pain you would have had to endure to die.
You looked at the rope and the ceiling fan and how that would also be painful but at the same time a bit faster. It would certainly be the most dramatic way to go, overrated but dramatic. When you would be found, someone would see you hanging off of the ceiling suspended in air in the middle of the room. Headlines would be something about you not dying of the virus but of ill mental health. Maybe it would raise awareness.
You looked at the bottle of meds. Certainly, the most painless way to go but when you would be found and it would be announced that you died of an overdose, people would think you were desperate to die. Well, they wouldn't be wrong, just that you don't want people to every think you stooped to that level.
Look at you, thinking about if people thought you stooped to the lowest level of suicide when suicide itself is low. But what other option is there really? You father died around 8 months ago, your mother followed him about 6 weeks after, your sibling was in the military with absolutely no way to contact them and your boyfriend was blatantly ignoring you while the media has been having fun with ruining your name and songs because they are bored at home.
It felt like a clock was ticking, like time was running out fast, but for what? Your death maybe, that would be satisfactory for you but this clock felt like it was ticking down to something else. 'Well, if there is something worse, let it happen'
"Don't let me down." you reached your high note with practiced ease. Goosebumps erupted all over your skin as the crowd yelled loud enough that you could feel the sound waves. You kept going on for another 2 hours until the show ended, Harry not crossing your mind for the remainder of the show.
"Thank you once again for this lovely evening. Goodnight Manchester!"
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You were in your hotel room, thinking back on your opening show. A smile played on your face when you thought back to fans' yell when the whistle tune played through the stadium speakers. But that smile left your face when you remembered who was on your mind as you sang the song which followed your opening track. Looking around you realized that the hotel room looked very similar to the room in which you felt your heart probably actually break.
You both had just returned from your best friend's movie premiere. It was late at night, which in your case meant getting a bit clingy and touchy. Nothing much, just hand holding, hugging, some neck kisses. You thought the night would be perfect, given that you were in the city of love itself. But little did you know that Cupid had a cruel joke in store for you.
You and Harry reached the hotel just fine. The night went better than imagined, it started in the bathroom and continued on in the bed until neither of you could keep your eyes open any longer. But then things changed in the morning. And it all started with, obviously, an article. This time the headlines were about the premiere last night.
When it comes to talking or interacting with people, you act the same with everyone and this included your best friend's co-star. He was a tall, brunette-dyed-blonde with 'sparkling silver eyes' (as the article put it). You were freaking out before the event and since you were meeting Harry at the location, you had no one to calm you down, so you decided to have a drink or two. By the time you reached the premiere, you were a bit tipsy. Harry knew this, of course, you tell him about almost everything that happens to you.
As you made your way around after walking the red carpet you were talking with people, socializing, networking. Oof, but the people who wrote this article only had pictures of you interacting with your friend's blonde co-star. You touched his arm at one point, were smiling widely when he cracked a joke and gave him a side hug when he wanted a picture with you. But this was enough evidence for people to think you were cheating on your boyfriend, someone who you almost worship.
Morning came, you and Harry were still acting touchy from the night before, you sitting in his lap while eating breakfast. You were having a shower when the room service came to pick up the dishes. Harry was mindlessly scrolling through his phone when he got a text from someone, an old friend who he started talking with and hanging out with recently. It was the article.
Now if Harry had seen this article 6 months ago, he would have probably just brushed it off as the media trying to stir up drama where there isn't. But sadly no. For the past 6 months you and Harry's relationship has been more than strained. There are constant fights, accusations about if the chicken got burned because of you or him and many cold shoulders. The second Harry read the article (and a few more covering the topic), he was hammering on the bathroom door demanding you come out immediately.
You had just finished your shower and had dried yourself when he was banging on the bathroom door. You opened the door to Harry angrier than he had ever been. He questioned you about the article. You told him you knew nothing of it.
"Baby, I swear I have no clue of what you are talking about."
"Then take the damn phone and read the bloody article!" he yelled, making you jump. You started realising that he wasn't just angry, he was furious.
As soon as you saw the pictures you realized what it was about. "Harry, you know me. I was not flirting with him, let alone cheating on you with him. The media just likes drumming up things that have nothing attached to it!" you saw, trying to get your clothes on.
He rolls his eyes, an unamused smile plastered on his face, "Do I know you, y/n? Hm, do I? Because over the past months it seems as if you are nothing like the person I met in 2018." "What do you mean 'nothing like the person I met'?! You are nothing like the person I FELL IN LOVE WITH!"
"Its just like you, always playing the victim. Instead of accepting that you're at fault you just find a way to blame it on me."
"Oh? Since when do you know so much about me? Didn't you just say I am nothing like the person I was before. And for your information, it's YOU who is at fault here. I have been the same person this whole time."
"So I'm the one at fault here? Huh, then tell me one thing that I have done wrong." By the time the argument reached here, you had all your clothes on, and Harry had grabbed a lamp out of frustration.
"With pleasure. Over the past 10 months whenever there was an article about me and someone else you would get jealous and think that I was cheating on you. You say that as if I don't worship the bloody ground you walk on, the water in which you bathe, the mirror in which you look at yourself. When you talk about something you like I give you my undivided attention. Even when I am exhausted, I still listen to you and respond with my 100% enthusiasm. Yet when I am excited about something you are either too busy, too tired or just plain uninterested. Oh and did I mention that for 8 months you did not answer one of my calls, any of my texts or emails?! That you were not there for me at a time when I needed you the most. That I nearly killed myself when you were not responding to me or the 15 letters I had sent to you. I called your mum, I called Gemma, I even resorted to Mitch and Sarah yet none of them could get me through to you because YOU TOLD THEM TO TELL ME YOU WERE UNAVAILABLE, WHY?! "
When you started talking about him ignoring you he rolled his eyes at you, folding his hands, gripping the lamp even harder. Ignoring everything you said before that he said, "Every single time I ask you to elaborate on what I did wrong, you bring that up. I have told you so many times that I told no one to tell you anything and for the last fucking time I did not receive any call/text/email or letter from you!"
When he screamed the last sentence he threw the lamp he was holding at you. It narrowly missed your head. The expression of shock was all over your face. You were no longer angry at him, you were scared of him.
"Harry what is wrong with you?! You threw a lamp at me." your chest was heaving, you looked at the lamp and back up at Harry. He took a step forward but you took a step back. "You keep saying that there is something wrong with me, that I am the one who changed, but please look at yourself first. Throwing things at people and not being bothered by it."
"You have no life outside of your work. You 'hangout with' Sarah and Mitch more often than you eat your food. Oh, and not to mention Leigha. You spend more time with her than with me, but do you see me complaining? There are more articles about you and her specifically. Yet you throw a fit about 1 article with me and a guy whose name I don't even remember."
"Don't you fucking dare say one more thing about her!" Harry moved closer towards you, picking up a vase at the same time. But you were more focused on calling him out to notice it. "And what about you and Louis? This actor might be a one time thing, but what about him huh? My old bandmate, you practically act like him with how much time you two spend together."
"Why? Do you care too much for her? Your 'old school friend'. And leave Louis out of this, I stopped hanging out with him long ago because you didn't like it. He was one of the only people who were there for me at my lowest, so shut your mouth about him. Plus, for your information, Leigha is nothing more than a self-obsessed man whore who was a nobody when you were in school." you were starting to get extremely riled up, your voice raising with each sentence. By the end of your sentence, you had pick up multiple items and left them all over the room, it was an anxious habit you formed. But you didn't stop there, you continued, "She failed senior year 3 times and got around the football team more often than other students studied. The only reason she attached herself to you was becau-" You were stopped by a vase hitting your head.
The anger on Harry's face could not be described. But the pain you felt could. Both the physical and emotional. The 3 inch cut on your forehead hurt really bad. You found it bleeding when you attempted to touch it. Emotionally, you felt betrayed. It didn't matter what Harry said next. You knew that this was the last straw, that it was the end.
Maybe if you kept your mouth shut there would have been a better chance he would have stayed with you. Maybe if you went ahead with your fatal plans those many months ago, you wouldn't have had to endure all this. But who are you kidding? The only reason you are alive right now is because of your sibling whose deployment ended. They flew from England and surprised you on a random Friday. After coming back they reminded you about how much you still have left to achieve, with your music, your future plans on a family, they reminded you of your fans and how they would feel, how your friends would feel, how they (your sibling) would feel, how Harry would feel. Though right now, you knew Harry would've felt nothing.
You only zoned back in when Harry was physically shaking you "Are you even listening to a fucking word I am saying?!"
"No, I am not. You just threw a vase at my head and are not even bothered about the bleeding cut on my forehead. You know what, I am done. I should killed myself a long time ago when I had the chance, because you don't love me anymore."
"Well, you got one thing correct; I don't love you anymore."
As soon as Harry said that you packed up your suitcase. Within three minutes you were out of the hotel on your way to the airport, taking the first flight back to Heathrow.
And during the flight, you kept rotating the box in your hands. The only which contained a simple gold band in it. As a tear streaked down your face you wiped it with the back of your hand. 'Why did I let him gaslight me for so many months?' you kept thinking this and many other questions relating to your relationship. 'It was so toxic, it was so unhealthy and moreover he was a dick.'
You sent a text to you sibling stating that you were on your way home. You even sent one to Louis. He was always there for you. Being your childhood friend and all. You both auditioned for the Xfactor at the same time. He got put in a boyband while you signed a contract with Simon separately. When your careers started, you both started hanging out less, but you remained good friends. The only One Direction member you met was Zayn and Niall, and that too on accident. The plane landed, and because no one was expecting you to be at the airport, there was no paparazzi for once. You quickly got a taxi and headed to his house after calling him.
You spent the entire night venting about your entire relationship.
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a/n - this is probably one of the longest things i have ever written. let me know what you think. i hope i'll be able to write a part 2 to this, unless you feel i should leave it at this?
also i sincerely apologize to any Leighas out there.
Hope you enjoyed reading<3
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sheeple · 10 months
Miracles don't exist | 19: The Department of Mysteries
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Use of crucio / blood A/n: The fact that y'alls comments saved Sirius' ass [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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"Can you see them?", you ask in a whisper as Theo and you watch how the DA flies away on the Thestrals. He shakes his head, finding the sight of his schoolmates flying away on thin air very fun to see.
You grab his hand and make your way towards one of the leathery beasts. Theo unsurely lets you place his hand on nothing and gasps as he feels something. It's... weird. Almost hairy.
"Do you feel it?", you whisper again, eyes flickering from the brown-haired boy towards the Thestral.
He nods wordlessly. He reaches out his other hand, an amazed smile on his face. "It's wonderful." He looks at you in amazement. But his smile soon drops as he remembers that you can see them. "I'm sorry..."
You shake your head and turn your head towards the edge of the forest. "Don't worry. Let's warn Dumbledore that the DA is on its way to the Ministry. Maybe he can notify the Order of what Harry has seen."
Theo nods and the both of you hurry out of the forest. But before you set foot on school grounds, the hair on the back of your neck stands up straight.
Stopping, you turn around and peer around the dark of the forest. Something... calls you in. It's like someone or something is calling your name.
"Do you hear that?", you ask, turning towards Theo. But the boy look around confused, only hearing wood noises. 
Suddenly, a dark smoke cloud comes barreling towards you and you scream. Theo grabs your hand and the both of you start to run towards the castle. You strip over a tree branch and your hand slips from Theo. A yell leaves your lips as you feel something grab you and lift you up from the ground.
You vaguely hear Theo call out your name in panic before the world completely goes up in smoke and chaos. It feels like you're travelling a million miles per hour, swirling through the air like a tornado. 
When you're finally dropped you crawl away, trying to keep your dinner inside. It's almost as bad as apparating. You flip around and shuffle away from the figure until your back hits a wall. 
The figure disappears like it's called and you're left alone in the room. It's round with black tiles and a giant arch in the middle of it all, some sort of weird white thing floats in the arch. Faint whispers are seeming to come from it, but you can't understand what they are saying.
Just as you stand up to approach the arch, you hear something woosh through the air before five figures drop out of nowhere. You quickly hide behind a stone and try to make yourself as small as possible. You search your pockets and let out a silent breath of relief as your wand is still in your pocket.
The five turn out to be the DA, all looking bloodied and bruised up. Harry and Luna can hear the voices, just like you. The same people who can see Thestrals. Has it to do with seeing Death, maybe?
There is banning coming from somewhere and the five quickly draw their wands. But it is no use as the same smoke that kidnapped you start to attack them. They yelp and struggle and when the smoke disappears, it's only Harry laying on the ground, clutching some ball.
The other DA members are all held by Death Eaters. You spot Mr Nott and your mo... Bellatrix Lestrange. She holds her wand painfully against Neville's neck and looks like she is playing with her prey. Hermione is closest to you, her hair tightly in the grip of a man you've seen a few times over the summer and at the Christmas party. She whimpers.
Uncle Lucius appears out of the darkness, his cane clicking on the ground. "Did you actually believe? Were you truly naive enough to think, that children stood a chance against us?" He holds out his hand towards Harry. "I'll make this simple... for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy, now. Or watch your friends die."
You've never seen your uncle act like this before. Yes, he would be foul at times when he didn't get his way. But now he's just flat-out evil. 
Harry looks around, blood dripping from his nose and his glasses slightly askew.
"Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville is the only one to speak up. Bellatrix hushes him with a poke of her wand.
Uncle Lucius still stands awaiting with his hand open, and Harry places the ball. It once glowed brightly, but now it turned dull in your uncle's hands. 
As your uncle revels in holding the ball, a white smoke appears from behind him and Sirius emerges. Lucius turns around to see who has arrived.
"Get away from my godson", says Sirius and punches your uncle. He flies and so does the orb, and it lands on the ground, breaking into million pieces.
That seems like a sign and other Order members start to join the fight, knocking the Death Eaters away from the children and firing spells left and right, knocking out Voldemort's followers.
Seeing as chaos breaks out, your hiding place is no longer secret and you jump out, pulling Hermione down. 
"Wha- what are you doing here?", she asks bewildered as the others join the both of you, all looking at you confused.
"I don't know", you huff, firing blindly from behind the stone, "someone took me."
The cackle of Bellatrix Lestrange, while she flies around, makes the hairs on your arm stand up straight.
As Sirius and Harry battle and disarm a man and your uncle, you see Bellatrix land on top of a stone, malicious content in her eyes. You jump up and before she can yell out the first letters of the killing curse, you hit her with Dipulso and she loses her footing.
Harry, Sirius, and Bellatrix all look surprised to see you there. "You traitor!", she bellows and advances upon you.
You turn around and bolt out of the room, down a corridor and end up in the main hall. All the while Bellatrix chases after you, one curse after the other barely missing you. 
Another set of footsteps hurry after you but you're too concerned about getting to the exit, that you don't dodge when you need to and Bellatrix hits you in the back with the Cruciatus curse.
You fall to the ground and cry out in agony, memories of the day the Dark Mark was forced upon you. You crawl away but another spell hits you and you flip over, harshly landing on your back.
"I should have killed you when I got the chance!", she screams, stepping on your left hand and a sickening crack can be heard. "You are not deserving to be his heir!" You wail out in pain, kicking and screaming to get her off your broken bones.
A spell knocks Bellatrix off of you and Sirius kneels by your to check out your hand while another Order member holds her at wand point. You try and protest to get Sirius away from your arm. You don't want him to see the mark. You don't want him to hate you. Be disappointed in you.
"Let the girl be, Bellatrix", comes a whisper from behind you and you turn your head. Scrambling from your seated position, you look scared at Voldemort.
He appears out of nothing, his voice haunting. "We're all young and weak once, aren't we?"
Green flames erupt from one of the fireplaces and out comes Dumbledore. It flips Voldemort's attention from you to the headmaster, and you're quickly pulled away by Sirius.
"You shouldn't have come here, Tom."
A great battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. Fire against Water. Light against Dark. Good against Evil. With one final show of power makes Voldemort all the widows explode and he sends the chards towards Dumbledore and Harry. As it seems like Dumbledore's not defeated, with one final look disappears Voldemort in a swirl of sand and glass.
You whimper and clutch your arm tightly to your chest, trying to suppress your already-flowing tears. Sirius appears before you and takes your face in his hands. "Are you further hurt? Any glass?"
You shake your head, your eyes roaming over the DA members now running into the main hall, their eyes flickering between Harry and Dumbledore to Sirius and you. 
He helps you on your feet and supports you to sit on the edge of the fountain. You turn towards Dumbledore. "Did Theo- is he okay?"
"Get them out of here", orders Dumbledore to the Order members while turning around to greet the Ministry workers and the Minister of Magic, ignoring your question. 
Harry gives you a look while you are whisked away to a fireplace and the world gets engulfed in green flames. 
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious
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mothellie · 1 month
So I have a Life is Strange theory and I know I'm probably not saying anything that hasn't already been said before, but I feel the need to ramble about it because MMMMMMMMMMM. Major spoilers for Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
My theory: Rachel had powers, too.
That's definitely been said before. I know I've seen people talk about it both on here and on other sites. When she kicks over the flaming trashcan, a HUGE gust of wind blows from behind her and turns this relatively small flame into a huge forest fire. The fire goes out when she disappears. I've seen people debate whether this is a power related to the wind, or fire itself, but I personally think that her power encompasses all of nature. Which leads me to the second part of my theory.
Not only does Rachel have powers, ones that are related to nature, but she quite literally is the storm that wipes out Arcadia Bay. And the deer that follows Max around through most of the first game, and the butterfly.
Now PLEASE hear me out on this.
Max Caulfield suddenly gains the ability to control time seemingly out of no where, conveniently right in time to save Chloe Price from being shot to her death in the Blackwell bathroom. She's also been getting premonitions of a catastrophic impending tornado seeming headed straight for Arcadia Bay. And, to top it all off, she sees a doe all around the town that seems to follow her and make direct eye contact with her on several occasions, that only disappears when her and Chloe finally locate Rachel's body. Do you wanna know where Max saw the doe in the junkyard, the very first time she's seen it outside of her foreboding nightmares about the storm? Right next to where Rachel is buried. What's in the bathroom that gives Max a convenient hiding place to witness Chloe's death so she can reverse it? The butterfly.
At each turn Max takes, there is some sort of natural occurrence or creature guiding her path, leading her not only to the clues that solve Rachel's disappearance, but also to saving Chloe's life time and time again. She's then faced with a choice: sacrifice her hometown, or sacrifice her best friend.
Despite being given a choice, it's my firm belief that Rachel wants us to sacrifice the town. The very first thing Max's power is used for is to save Chloe, which she was all but put on a leash and led to by numerous strange occurrences that all seem to link back to Rachel Amber. Rachel wants two things: for her story to be told, and for Chloe to be safe. And she knows the only way to ensure both of those things happen is through Max Caulfield, Chloe's long-term best friend since childhood. She also knows that Chloe and Arcadia Bay do not mix, and cannot coexist. If Chloe lives, Rachel will not let Arcadia Bay stand knowing all the pain this town has caused not only herself, but Chloe. If Chloe is dead, there's nothing for her to protect. And it's all up to Max to decide if Chloe is worth that sacrifice. She's gotten what she wanted for herself, for her story to be revealed. That's why the doe disappears after they find her corpse. The only thing that's left is ensuring nothing can ever hurt Chloe again, not even herself.
Once Arcadia Bay is in ruins and Chloe is safely out of town, the storm stops. Peace has been restored and Rachel can finally rest.
And, finally, my third part of this theory:
Rachel is the reason anyone in the continued Life is Strange series has powers in the first place.
Life is Strange 2 picks up a story that seems completely unconnected from the story of Rachel, Max and Chloe. It follows two completely different characters, Sean and Daniel, in a different state. Life is Strange: True Colors follows Alex Chen, also in another town. This seems like it couldn't possibly tie back to the original story but JUST YOU WAIT, DEAR READER. In LIS2, Sean and Brody quite literally have a heart to heart while overlooking the ruins of Arcadia Bay. In LIS:TC, Alex meets Steph Gingrich, a character who was featured in LIS:BTS and is canonically from Arcadia Bay. No matter how minor the connection is, each Life is Strange game up until this point has somehow referenced or tied back to the story of Rachel Amber, and by proxy the story of Max and Chloe.
Each character who gains powers have something in common, as well. They all have something, or someone, important to protect. The same way Rachel, and Max, protected Chloe. Rachel's influence is still felt throughout the United States, all because she wanted to protect all that was important to her and destroy anything that dared to underestimate her.
The true story of Life is Strange can only be told if you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, and that story didn't start with Max Caulfield. It started with Rachel Amber.
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
Is this Love?
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Douma X Black.Fem Reader
Genre: Demon x Demon Slayer, Demon Boyfriend AU, Human X Demon, Angst, Fluff Ig? Yandere x Tsundere? Action?
Warnings: Blood, Mentions of stabby stab (tryna keep it PG.) Yandere themes. SPELLING/ GRAMMAR ERRORS
A/n: I know Douma has a few screws loose, but lets ignore that for now. (This was a request) I've only seen 5 minutes of Demon Slayer but I did some research on homeboy and he is an interesting Antagonist. Also, Ik the powers kinda wack, just work with me here—I'll be doing some revisions too so if something looks different dont be alarmed
Wordcount: 1k-ish? Ill count later.
Part 1: Here ♡
Part 2: (More Yandere stuff. Nun too crazy)
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The Heavenly Hashira. That was you title. You were known for your Aerokinesis, tessen abilities. You weren't the strongest nor the weakest, but you could hold yourself astoundingly well compared to the others. There was no denying that the Heavenly Hashira had quite a few deaths of demons on her hands.
The walk through the dark night was silent. A cool and Icy breeze began to pick up, you shivered.. It felt familiar but you just couldn't put your finger on it.
That was until you heard..That voice. "Don't you know its dangerous for a gorgeous woman to be walking around at night...Alone?" You stop in your tracks, eyes scanning the area in attempt to find where he was hiding. Nowhere in your eyesight, meaning he had to be somewhere behind you.
You take a deep, concentrated breath.. Springing into the air, looking below you. Rest assured there he was. Large muscular build, platinum blonde hair—Leaning up against a tree, waving at you, those cold rainbow eyes smile at you.
With your Tessen in hand, You whisper a quick chant before whisking your arm around. Shooting a atmospheric gas in the form of a small cyclone.
The last thing you wanted to do was create a large one and lose control of it. Once the cyclone reaches the demon it combusts.
You gently land, one foot touching the ground before the other. Your eyes glued on the now clouded area due to the combustible cyclone you sent towards him.
To no avail, no damage was done. Of course what would one expect from one of the most dangerous demons. He walked out of the cloud unscathed, still with that apathetic smile on his face.
"Well..Good evening to you too. Y/n", He spoke."
The air getting colder by the minute, amost like tiny miniscule icicles formed in the air. Breathing in was starting to hurt, causing you to breathe more conservatively. "I'm not here to hurt you, Y/n, Let's just chat for a moment", he cooed.
"Talk? I have no desire to speak with you." He lowers his voice, somewhat husky now. Those symbols within his eyes studying you.
"Playing 'hard to get' I see. You're So cold-hearted Y/n.." He smiled, eyebrows following helping him display a flirty expression as he continued pacing forward.
Of course, you walk backwards not wanting to come into contact with him. The ground started to crawl, a force growing quickly at Douma's feet and working their way towards you. Vines created by Ice, growing.
"Just let me say a few things and I'll consider letting you go for a bit.."
"Huh? Letting me—"
The vines shaped into large lotuses, the icy vines capturing you by your wrists. The vines, growing spikes rushing towards you. In a panic, you wave your fans around. Doused in pink aura, your wind slices the Ice lotus. Your wrists now free you turn and leap, hoping to get out the range of the Ice limbs Douma was creating.
Taking your tessen you use them to your advantage, utilizing its ability to give you a jump boost. Not long after the cold air picks up once more. Seeing Douma chase after you swiftly. Chanting then waving your Tessen as you hopped tree branch from tree branch.
"I advise you to Stop Y/n, I promise I won't hurt you", He says evily chuckling. Creating cyclones, tornadoes of all sorts- taking advantage of the freezing clouds Douma was producing. Sending hurricanes of sharpened Icicles right back at him. The frozen mist slowly engulfing you from behind, as you raced back to the others hoping you could lure him back to the others.
Dodging large wintery icicle shards that plummet from above. 'There! The Estate!' It was just at your fingertips, and then...Dragged down from the sky by Lotus vines. "Y/n, I love a good chase...but I really must confess something."
The vines tossing you around, one minute you hang upside down, the next you're thrown and caught upright. The vines wrapped around your waist vigorously. Holding you still for the deadly demon before you.
Pushing away at the vines, only for them to nearly squeeze you to death as a punishment.
"Release me!", you shout. You wriggle your wrist, striving to create some sort of wave strong enough to break the vines.
Douma, appearing so suddenly right in front of you. Face to Face, His hands latching onto your wrists, keeping them at a halt. His long blue nails, grazing your skin— He snatches the Tessen away from you.
"Fun game Y/n.. I thank you, I needed that run."
You stayed quiet, thinking of the things you'd never done yet..preparing yourself to be consumed.
"I wanted to tell you before— seems like..I've come to fancy you."
"...What?" You're neck nearly snapping as you turn to look at the demon. You studied his face, waiting for him to say he was joking of some sort. "You?...You heartless, unemotional psycho- Are you really capable of such emotions? Don't make me laugh", you scoffed. Douma's usual casual smile drops..
"Heartless..Unemotional?..How saddening you've been convinced I have no feelings..However–" ,With your Metal Fans Douma had taken from you, he closes them before bringing them up to your chin. Gently, lifting up your chin to look at him. "Explain to me what these feelings are..I don't think a emotionless being would feel what I am feeling right now."
"That doesn't change the fact the you're psycho-"
Douma gazes at you, his rainbow eyes undressing you in the process. His smile ever so alluring, baring his sharp fangs. "Psycho, I guess so. I'm a psycho for you."
Noticing that you were slowly moving backwards, now with your back to a tree, icy vines that held you captive loosen, not quite unwinding from you. In an instant, pale fingers intertwine with yours. Caging you to the tree. "Join me Y/n, I'll make you happy."
You shocked by his sudden proposal, pulling at your restraints and his hands. "NO!" Wriggling one hand free, you reach behind you grabbing a spare hidden weapon you carried just incase of an emergency. A blade, now shoved through Douma's skull from his chin and up. Warm crimson staining your hand as it drizzles down. Catching him completely by surprise, his eyes widened with shock.
His hand, swiftly yanking out the weapon out of his face. Blood following the weapon once disguarded. Slightly regretting your actions as you watched him turn his attention back to you. Expecting for your life to be cut short then and there, the opposite happened.
His pale hands, blue claws pinning your free hand to the tree. His eyes sparkled in amazement, desplaying admiration for you. "Oh my, such a beautiful and clean piercing."
He leans in, leaning in close to your face. "You really are something. An slayer capturing my heart..how interesting."
"You're not fooling me, let me go or kill me!"
"The last thing I'd want to do Is fool you, let alone kill you", he cooes. The Demon gazing at your lips every now and then, allowing you to catch onto what he wanted. You turned your head away from him. Leaving Douma chuckling, his fangs once again flashing. "Well..That will come in due time." His multicolored eyes scan you,"Hmm..how about you come with me?"
"What?", you question.
"You heard me, I'm. Taking. You. With. Me!" He sings happily.
..'This guy is really insane you through to yourself.' Douma chuckles, holding the fan before you. He opens it, puckering his lips and blowing icy dust into your face.
"As if id go with you willingly–"
Your sentence discontinued by the substance introduced to your lungs. You wheeze with disgust, in attempt to cough up what you ingested. The swiftness of your limbs going numb, followed by sleepiness now taking control.
Douma smiles joyfully as you slouch against the tree now keeping you up. His vines now releasing you as you fall before him. "I do have to admit, while I absolutely adore you fired up..This, Sleepiness suits you well too Love."
Douma kneels down to your level, reaching out to you. He loops one arm around your back and the other below your knees— carrying you Bridal style.
"Stop..l-let me go", your voice sleepily slurred.
"Mm-mm, the both of us have things to discuss. Take a nap in the meantime, okay?" His smile, the last thing your eyes saw before quickly succumbing to the slumber spell placed upon you.
Practically skipping with you in arms Douma heads back to his Resort. The satisfying sound crunching of dead leaves under his feet follow him.
"Don't worry Y/n..You'll come to terms with my feelings— No matter how long it takes. I will make you mine."
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Written May 31st, 2023
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
She Likes You! (Black Clover)
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We're at it again- WHOOO! :D
Heyo everyone! This is part two of a collab I'm doing with the amazing @intheticklecloset We decided to embrace our shippy selves and our love of Black Clover to bring y'all some confessional tickles! (or in my case; realization ones lols)
💖💖💖For Nym's Part💖💖💖
Summary: Yuno does some thinking after Asta helped him realize his feelings for the Leopold. Maybe he can help him realize the ones from a certain water mage in return?
“Don't you think I’d notice if someone had feelings for me?
Yuno was still rather shocked by such a statement. The delivery was matter of fact too- like Asta truly believed in what he was saying. He was either convinced or obtuse- or both. Asta could be both.
The wind mage leaned back against the grassy hill, arms behind his head as he played back the other day’s events over and over again. It was a good conversation, and much has happened since. All good things really.
So why was he so hung up on the comment? Did it really matter in the long run?
His focus switched back to Asta and his teammate- Noelle was her name, right?-leaving. He remembered how she looked at him when he wasn’t paying attention, the warmth that spread across her cheeks and the softness in her eyes showing her true feelings for the smaller mage. When he did look at her, she’d hide it quickly- trying for disinterest with little success.
‘Is that how I looked with Leo?’ The thought hit him like a tornado, making everything come together. That was it- that same hopelessly in love expression that girl wore with Asta. She felt for him how he felt for Leopold.
Somehow, the thought made him rather sad. Yuno hadn’t realized it before, but he was starting to empathize with her situation. Being in love with someone who you don’t even know likes you back.
At least, that was his own predicament until recently.
“Hey.” A finger poked his forehead, making him open his eyes. Green irises looked down at him, framed by vibrant hair. He looked upside down from his position, but his smile was as bright as the sun. “There you are. Whatcha thinking about, wind chime?”
“I told you to call me Yuno.” He huffed with a small blush as the redhead somersaulted beside him, getting comfortable. He didn’t know what changed, but one day-Leopold approached him with his heart in his hands, declaring his feelings in that special Vermillion way of his. They’ve been keeping things on the downlow since, but Yuno couldn’t be happier. “I’m just thinking about Asta. That girl really likes him, huh?”
“Noelle? Oh man- she’s crazy about him!” Leopold nodded excitedly, scooting close to him and resting his head against his chest. “Anytime anyone brings up his name she perks up, but if you ask her directly she’ll try to drown you. It’s cute.” He grinned, his smile faltering some. “Still, I’m worried about her. What if Asta breaks her heart?”
“He won’t.” Yuno replied automatically, perhaps a touch too hard. Leopold only chuckled in response, patting his chest.
“I know he won’t. Not intentionally. I just don’t think he quite gets she’s into him yet.” Leopold mused, playing with the tufts of Yuno’s Golden Dawn uniform. “Granted, I was pretty dense myself until my siblings asked me if I liked you. After that, it was like someone cleared all the fog in my brain.” He grinned up at Yuno, eyes soft. “I know it’s not a perfect solution, but sometimes you just need somebody to come over and hit you with an obvious truth for things to click.”
Yuno had been nodding along listening to him, but that last part struck a chord.
Of course..why didn’t he think of that sooner?
“You’re brilliant, you know that?” Yuno told him, taking Leopold’s chin in his hand as he kissed him quick. The redhead was beaming when they pulled away. “Completely brilliant.”
“Hmm, tell me again without words, yeah?” The redhead grinned as Yuno kissed him again and again.
His plan would have to wait until later it seems.
“Noelle likes you.”
There- he said it! Since his time with Leopold, Yuno had been debating on how to approach the subject matter. Should he do what Asta did and teasingly lean into it? Ask questions that would eventually lead to his friend coming to the realization himself?
In the end, the second they met up once again to hang out- it just came out like that. His version of a greeting.
“Huh?” Asta blinked, staring. “..huh?”
Okay- maybe should have started with the greeting. “Hey, what’s up? Noelle likes you.” Nailed it! He watched, waiting for Asta to process the information.
“Well, yeah- I know that.” Asta smiled, nodding. “We’re friends, afterall!”
Yuno blinked, then he closed his eyes, seeking patience. “No, I mean- she likes you.”
“Yeah…I know?” Asta waved his hands before him, puzzled. “I think she likes everyone in the Black Bulls though. Especially Vanessa and Grey, but their all girls so it makes sense-”
“Asta.” Yuno tried to keep the exasperation out of his voice as he grabbed his friend’s shoulders. “She likes you. Like how I…really like Leo.” The confession wasn’t new, but it still made Yuno’s cheeks warm.
Finally, Asta seemed to get it. “Oh? Oh! Oh…nah, there’s no way! No way at all- she doesn’t like me like that.” Asta laughed as he took a step back. “I already told you, I’d-
“Yes, you’d notice if someone had feelings for you, you’ve said that before.” Yuno gave up on hiding his exasperation, shaking his head. “Sorry to say this, but I think you’re wrong this time.”
“Whatcha mean by that?” Asta narrowed his eyes some, raising his chin with an indignant frown. “Are you saying I’m not good at picking these things up?”
“Yes.” Yuno nodded. Asta sputtered in shock, eyes wide.
“Well! I’d never!” Asta puffed, his annoyance fading when Yuno started to smile. “You’re a real jerk, you know that?”
“And you’re oblivious. I’m serious though- Noelle likes you.”
“I really don’t see it.”
“She calls you ‘dorksta.’”
“You call me ‘shortsta’- I don’t see you getting down on one knee.”
“You're not my type. She’s always looking at you.”
“Everyone looks at me!”
“Not the way she does! She’s always by your side-”
“To send me flying with water-”
“It’s true!” Asta cried back, shaking his head as he flopped into the grass beneath his feet, leaning back on his hands. “Even if she did like me like you say she does, it wouldn’t matter. She’s royalty- meaning she’s got an entire ocean of guys to pick from if she wanted. Why would she pick me?” Something uncharacteristically bitter entered Asta’s tone- a rare side of self-loathing Yuno never thought he’d hear from his best friend. “It’s like back in Hage when you pick potatoes; you grab the best ones first. No one wants the little guys.”
Yuno couldn’t believe his ears. Was this really Asta? Shaking his head, he sat down beside him in the grass, bringing his knees up to his chest. “Do you remember what you told me when I said the same thing about Leopold? You said I still have a chance, and that it didn’t matter about our social standing.”
“This is different, Yuno. Really different.”
“Look at you!” Asta waved a hand at him, gesturing to his entire being. “You’re tall, cool as hell, have amazing magic- not to mention you’re an amazing person inside and out, even when you’re being a jerk. It’s easy to see why Leopold likes you so much- you’re the whole package.” Asta slumped some, his hand dropping back to his side. “But me..what do I have to offer? I’m short, loud, and smelly. I’m nothing until I become the Wizard King. Until then-what can I offer her if I did like her back?”
“Asta..” Yuno felt his heart break at his friend's words. Asta sat up then, putting on a brave smile.
“It doesn’t matter- I’m already in love as is! One day- I’ll come home and sweep Sister Lily off her feet! She’ll accept my proposal one day-AH!” Suddenly the world tilted as Asta was unceremoniously pushed back into the grass. “Yuno? You big jerk- you can’t go tackling people like that!”
“I’m not the jerk here.” Yuno growled, tone nearly unreadable as he cracked his knuckles, staring daggers into Asta’s soul. “Enough is enough- if you’re too blind to see what’s right in front of you, I’m just gonna have to open your eyes myself!”
“Huh? What are yo-ohohohooeheahhahaha!” Almost immediately, the smaller boy arched with a yelp, hands shooting down to grab Yuno’s wrist as they scratched along his waist. “Yuhuhuhuhuno, wahhahahait! Gehahahahah, yohohohou jeheheherk- whahahhat the heheheehll?”
“Oh? What- you think you can tickle me until I confess and not get it in return?” Yuno’s death glare melted into a warm smile as he carried on scritching his fingers against Asta’s tunic, making his friend squirm and giggle. “I’m not stopping until you admit you’re worthy of Noelle’s feelings!”
“Buhuhuhuht I’m nohohohohot! Nohohohot yheheheheht!” Asta cried out, arching when Yuno dropped to his hips, pressing tickly thumbs into the soft spots. “Geahhahahha, Yuhuhuhuno! Dohohohohon’t nohohoht thehehehhehre!”
“Yes there! You’re so dense, I bet if someone cut your head open, they’d find bricks! And another thing- what are you saying you’ve got nothing to offer? So what if you’re short and smelly- that’s just you! You’re also brave, heroic, and determined! Do you really think Noelle only likes you based on the shallow things?” Tsking, Yuno kept one hand on his hip while the other moved to Asta’s ribs, making him shout before dissolving into giddy snickers. “She looks at you like you’re the only star in the night sky. She hangs onto every word you say, and she’s always flustered and shy whenever you look at her. She’s in love with you!”
“Ahehahahahhhahaha! Ehehehheven ihihihihihif thahahhat’s truuhuhhuuhe- I dohoohohohn’t thihihihk-GEHAHHAHA YUNO!” The second fingers attacked his stomach, Asta was flailing like a fish, his softer giggles shooting up to a proper burst as his worst spot was attacked. “GEHHAAHHA NOHOHOHOHO!”
“Yes! This is what you get!” Yuno smirked, deciding to go all out. Pulling out his most diabolical weapon, he leaned down and got right up to Asta’s ear. “Come on, whittle Asta- you and I both know you’re much better than you think. Admit it, will you? Please, for me?”
“TRAHAHHAHAITOR!” As if Asta couldn’t laugh harder! The dreaded teasing voice Yuno discovered worked so well on him sent him into near silent laughter- face red and eyes growing misty. Finally, he gave in, smacking the ground repeatedly and pulling at Yuno’s coat in submission. “OHOHOOHKAY OHOHOHOKAY ENOHOHOHOUGH!”
Yuno did as requested, pulling his hands back as he watched Asta curl into a loose ball against the ground, gasping for air. His cheeks were bright red, stained with tear streaks from how hard he was laughing. For a moment, Yuno felt a bit bad.
Then Asta was on his feet tackling him into the grass for revenge and Yuno realized feeling bad for someone so energetic wasn’t always the best idea.
“Heh. This feels all too familiar.” Asta laughed, breathless beneath the warm sun as he laid side by side with Yuno. “Weren’t we just having this conversation?”
“Can’t remember. My memory is as short as you.” Yuno snickered, laughing more when Asta threw a handful of grass at him.
“Shut up! Jerk.” Asta grinned, looking up towards the sky. After a moment, he spoke again, voice careful. “Do you…really think she likes me? Like, truly likes me?”
“She thinks the world of you, Asta.” Yuno reassured him, watching the emotions play out on his friend’s face. Realization there might be something there, anguish of possible rejection. And hope…something hopeful that maybe, just maybe…”Even if she has a hard time expressing it. I think she’s scared to tell you cause you might not feel the same.
“You don’t have to tell her now if you’re unsure. Just don’t drag her along, okay? When you realize how you feel about her, make it known- regardless of what it is. Believe me when I say..” Yuno’s ears burned as he turned away from his friend’s watchful eyes. “It really, really helps to know from the otherside.”
Asta was quiet. Then he reached out, punching Yuno’s shoulder gently. “To think it was only yesterday it was me comforting you when you were unsure. Thanks, Yuno. For everything.”
“Hmm.” Yuno nodded, bumping his fist against Asta's, pretending the mistiness of his vision was from the earlier tickle attacks. “Thank you too.”
Thanks for reading! And another major thank you to Nym for collabing with me! This was the best!
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
like real people do (anthony lockwood x reader)
a/n: anthony bloody lockwood is hozier coded you cannot convince me otherwise!! i considered making this a locklyle fic, but i wasn't too sure. let me know if you guys want me to write a locklyle version lol. this is shorter than my usual, but i was listening to hozier and got inspired lmao
warnings: mentions of panic attacks gn reader
In the darkness, you can feel his fingers wrapped around yours and the faint pulse beating within them, steady and assuring. His hand is warm, and the knowledge that he is simply next to you, holding your hand so tenderly, is enough to soothe the horrible beating of your heart and the tightness of your throat.
He doesn't need to say anything. He's never needed to, for he understands the tornado that tore through your mind and stole the air from your lungs. Many nights have been spent in the reverse of this, with you holding him as he gasps and cries. It's a horrible situation to be in for both of you, but you've adapted. What else could you do?
So, as he so gently brushes the hair from your face, you breathe in the familiar scent of too-bitter tea as if it is the very thing keeping you alive.
"You're safe," he murmurs. "I'm here."
He is. He always has been. Ever since you met, he's been there, pulling you from the bad memories that have always clung to you. He's the reason why the nightmares are less frequent now, why you feel safe enough to sleep at night. But never once has he pushed to know what causes it all. And neither have you.
It's astounding how little you can know about a person, and how little they know about you, and yet still be their biggest source of solace.
Anthony Lockwood has been that for you for years, now. Ever since you moved to London, running from a past you feared you'd never escape, he has kept you safe, has comforted you whenever you've needed it without a single question. He's let you keep your secrets, and you've let him keep his, but you're both always there, waiting with a net to catch the broken pieces, and glue to put them back together.
You had never expected to find such a person in London. In all honesty, you came here only to run and hide, but you found him in the process, led by some string of fate. Everything you did in your first few days here led you to him as if some part of your subconscious knew he was waiting for someone to catch, someone to fall on.
Gently, he guides your head to his chest, where you let it rest as you listen to his heartbeat. With each strong pulse, you breathe in the scent of him and the promise of recuperation.
Wordlessly, his free hand rubs your back softly, and you find it easier to breathe now. It's as if with each brush of his hand, he reopens a part of your lungs.
"How are you feeling?" he asks quietly.
Your throat hurts and your voice is weak, but you say, "Better."
Not good. Not even okay. Just better. The world doesn't feel as though it is crashing on top of you now, nor does it feel like your lungs are being squeezed of every last vestigial of air they hold. You feel a little lighter, but your throat aches. Your chest hurts. Your skin feels strange and like it's not even yours. But you're better than before. It's an improvement.
He presses a gentle kiss on the back of your head. "Want some tea?"
"It's three in the morning."
"It's never stopped us before."
You can practically hear his smile. "Okay."
You're grateful that he brings you with him, that he doesn't leave you alone in the dark. No, he takes your hand so delicately as if he's worried it'll crumble if he holds it too hard, and he leads you quietly from the floor of the library down, down, down, to the kitchen.
He doesn't turn on the light, instead opting to open the fridge door and use that for light. Every so often, he shuts it and reopens it to prevent the little warning alarm inside from going off, but you appreciate it nonetheless. The big light would be far too blinding and disorientating. In no time, he's made both of you a cup of tea and sets the steaming mugs down atop the cluttered thinking cloth. Now, he shuts the fridge and opens the blinds.
It's summer, and although it's still the early hours of the morning, the sky is no longer an all-consuming inky black, but rather a dark navy that you know will get lighter. Pathetic fallacy, if you've ever seen it.
As Lockwood sips his tea, one of his hands always stays wrapped around yours as a reminder. He's here. You're not alone. Breathe. He's here.
There is no person you could ever be more grateful for than him. Throughout it all - the fall-outs you've had, the worst of your breakdowns, the worst of his - he has never left your side. He has always taken your hand in his and led you from the endless dark and into the slowly-rising sun.
You may not have been looking for him when you moved, but you'll always be glad that you found him.
And, so, as he kisses your forehead, the tip of your nose, your cheeks, your smile slowly returns. You're not perfect, nor is he, and your pasts have left you with more than you can handle, but he is slowly guiding you away from it all, as you are him. Like real people do.
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hezzabeth · 6 months
"Really, Queen Victoria? You have some sort of AI in your breasts?" Revati asked, rolling her eyes.
"This human had nano beauty bots installed fourteen years ago, similar to the ones constantly cleaning your teeth," the alien AI voice stated, using the queen's vocal cords.
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"Cute party trick. Is the queen still alive in there?" Revati asked.
"This body's consciousness has been removed," the AI replied.
"Is that your plan then? Are you here to steal everyone's bodies and use them as batteries?" Revati asked.
Normally, whenever the Queen spoke, her face was constantly shifting between annoyed scowls and semi-amused smirks. This creature, however, didn't seem to know how faces worked. The lips were expanding upwards, showing far too many teeth. The eyes were too wide.
"No, the spider is here for the weapon. Let us take it, and we shall leave your colony to die off," the AI replied, cocking its head to one side.
"Fine, take it and leave," Revati replied, throwing her solar flare gun at the queen's weapon.
"That is not the weapon. Give us the weapon, or we shall hijack your teeth," the queen said.
"My teeth don't have cleaning bots! My mother makes me chew fresh basil and peppermint," Revati snapped back before picking up her gun and aiming it at the queen's chest. There was only enough charge left for one more shot. Revati realized wasting it twice before was probably a terrible idea. Sometimes the best thing to do was run, and Revati bolted around the corner as fast as her boots could carry her. Every few seconds, she could hear the queen's heavy footsteps. Revati's breath grew ragged with fear. There was no real escape.
"Just give us the weapon! All will be forgiven," screamed the queen from two rows away. Revati skidded to a stop when she realized she had reached the Maze's glowing balloon stand. The balloon stand was nothing more than an empty gold cart covered in red playing card decals. Back before the tornado, all the children in the park would play hide and go seek. Revati hid so often inside the balloon cart that Dityaa would find her within seconds.
The footsteps were coming closer, feet crunching upon gravel. Revati hauled herself up onto the cart, and it wobbled dangerously under her weight. Carefully, she slid inside, closing the cart's door behind her. Years had passed, and she barely fit inside. There was a small crack in front of her, a hole that had once been used to attach the machine that filled balloons with glowing gas. Revati peered through it, breathing quietly, and watched as the queen's feet crunched on the pebbles in pretty stained slippers. Suddenly, the queen's feet stopped, her dress skirts falling and landing on the rocks.
"Do you have the weapon?" The AI voice asked. Revati slowly opened the top of the cart and peeked out. Dityaa was standing in front of the Queen, pretty and confused, still wearing her ballgown from the night before. Her carefully styled hair had fallen down her shoulders in chaotic indigo curls. Her shoulder still had a smudge of the peculiar moss on it. If Dityaa was anyone else, she would have looked like someone who had just rolled out of bed, or possibly a ditch. Instead, Dityaa looked like a lost woodland nymph.
"It's you, the weapon," the AI said flatly, and Dityaa glanced behind her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I have no idea what you're referring to. I'm on my way to meet the Duke," Dityaa giggled before trying to brush past the Queen as politely as possible.
"Dityaa, run!" Revati screamed, and the queen's arms moved with a flash. In a moment of sudden violence, the hands closed tightly around Dityaa's throat. The fingers, firm and unyielding, pressed relentlessly against her skin, constricting the airway with a ruthless intent. Revati crawled out of the cart, grabbed one of the pebbles on the path, and threw it at the queen's head. The queen barely reacted when the rock struck her temples. Instead, the knuckles on her hand grew white as Dityaa gasped violently, her eyes rolling back into her head. Suddenly, Dityaa blinked, and her eyes glowed an eerie blue.
The queen gasped, staggering backward, her hands flying to her chest. Black gritty sand was pouring out of the front of her cleavage, spilling down her white bodice. The queen's eyes widened with shock before she fell face-first onto the pebbles. Dityaa, meanwhile, sat down on pebbles, rubbing her throat, a terrified expression on her face.
"Did you do that?" Revati asked, and Dityaa nodded.
"How the hell did you do that?" Revati shrieked, and Dityaa shrugged her shoulders before bursting into dry tears.
"It's alright, Dityaa," Revati said absently, leaning down to pat her shoulder. Like most children born after the appliance war, Dityaa and Revati had their tear ducts genetically altered. It was done to prevent emotional crying, which was seen as a dangerous hazard. Dityaa still tried to cry all the time, however, his noisy crying with a dried-up red face.
Revati went to examine the queen. The queen's chest, which now looked blotchy and wrinkled, was rising and falling.
"Well, she's not dead! What is this stuff? Black mold? Did AI figure out how to weaponize killer mushrooms?" Revati asked, trying to make sense of the entire situation.
Dityaa crawled towards the queen, wiping her dry eyes.
"It's creatrix sand. You were too little to remember, but this was how we used to make everything in the city," Dityaa said, her voice whispery soft and croaking.
"Really? I thought creatrix sand would be prettier and glowing," Revati replied, checking her pulse.
"I could see the robots in her skin, I could see them made out of creatrix sand," Dityaa whispered, stunned.
Queen Victoria's eyes fluttered open.
"I was dead!" she screeched, sitting up.
"I don't think 'dead' is the right word. Your body was hijacked by an AI device," Revati said, helping the queen stand up.
"I know what I saw! I was floating above the infinite cosmic heart of space and time," the queen snapped back, still looking startled.
"Really? When Dad died, we put his soul in a storage drive," Revati said.
"I don't have access to one of those! I was floating through all of human history! It was ghastly," the queen cried, and she wobbled a bit as if getting used to her feet before walking off.
"Where are you going?" Revati demanded to know.
"I know where the crack in the walls is! I'm going to fix it before my guards with cyber hearing implants go on a rampage," the queen said before storming off.
That left Revati alone with Dityaa, who was rubbing her bruised neck.
"So, someone's tried to kill you twice in twenty-four hours," Revati pointed out, both horrified and amused by the entire situation.
"It's not funny! Someone must object to the Duke's feelings for me," Dityaa choked, and Revati shook her head.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Okay, this is probably the only au for X-Men Evolution I'll make that isn't a reboot/reimagining. This idea, which I'm sure plenty of people have had, is this:
What if someone from our world/a darker version of our world ended up in the show?
Somehow the reader, who is from what I will call Earth 2020, ends up in X-Men Evolution, possibly dying on Earth 2020 and somehow being dropped into the series proper. And for the reader, they're a mix of emotions, but one stands out the most: Sheer, utter PANIC. They're likely dead, aren't anywhere they've been before, don't have any papers or documents, and are in a world set in 2000 where superpowers are real and adults try to kill kids on a near daily basis. Bby is going through a panic attack as they check what's with them, finding that the good news is they had all their saved money with them in their satchel, but nothing else of much use besides a calligraphy pen, pepper spray, and a ticket with a date that hasn't even happened in this world.
Reader knows they could try to get involved, could pretty much do whatever they wanted, help or hurt or anything they want with the knowledge they have... But... they'd rather do the right thing. They compile notes, writing down every major event of the series for both the X-Men and Brotherhood, warning them about things like Apocalypse, Sentinels, Hydra, Weapon X being back in commission, pointing out the things that should be avoided, such as brainwashing your daughter, tossing children off of cliffs, threatening a bunch of teenagers, manipulating everyone, etc. ... but reader also mentions ways they can change the worst of it from happening and begging them to help Laura and the Morlocks. And then adds final notes, the bad things that could happen throughout the next twenty years, from 9/11, the wars in Europe and the Middle East, the pandemic of Covid, the wildfires in North America and Australia, terrorist attacks in different parts of the globe, tsunamis and hurricanes and tornadoes, pretty much every disaster, they list it, when it was supposed to happen, and pleads to stop it, or alert someone who could... By the time reader is done writing down every disaster and crisis that they remember, they have piles of notes, even some with theories. And finally, the reader sends the notes, praying for the best. Then they promptly go to hide out in some small town far away from everything, because they fear what happens if someone finds out how they know everything and where they're from... If it doesn't end well for other people, who's to say it would end well for reader?
The X-Men and Brotherhood get the notes, and are more or less shocked, because what they have is about twenty years worth of disasters listed, with notes about what specifically happens regarding them. But, for some reason, they decide to listen, wondering if perhaps the writer of the notes was like Destiny, a mutant who could see the future... And somehow, things go better. Less tossing kids around and off of things, helping the Morlocks find a safer place to live, freeing Laura, and destroying the Sentinels before they are finished, it all happens, and everyone is relieved to know that they've avoided whatever was supposed to happen. Yet... where is the person who warned them? So begins the search for reader...
And reader ends up in Bayville, somehow. Apparently they're now in the foster system, developed a mutation (they wonder how that's possible, how would that work, they aren't from that world- ) and so far have been doing their best to get by. It helped that they lived through what was basically a dystopian world, since they know useful tricks for their survival, and with a mutation, hopefully that can keep them alive for just a bit longer.. They end up in the highschool, having to do everything in their power not to feel tense and have a break down. They're in the town where everyone else is in, they only have themself to rely on, and they have too much knowledge of everything around them, plus an ability that could alert others of them. They're glad they helped, elated even, but... anxiety still worms its way inside them. They don't know how to deal with their own thoughts and the world around them, every bit of knowledge sending them spiraling. Because if someone finds out it was them... then what? When do people ever take things like that well, that someone knew, that they're from a whole other world, and that they haven't done much else to do anything? Reader stays alert and tired, but keeps going. Besides all the crushing fear and loneliness, the 2000s are a lot better than 2020: lower cost of living, lower prices on food, less gun violence, less rioting, less noise...
Then, I guess with the help of Caliban or Jean, maybe even Xavier, the reader is discovered. And the two groups have to take a minute. The person who wrote the notes... is some scrawny teenager who trembles whenever someone talks to them, and jumps at the slightest noise? It's confusing. They were expecting someone older, maybe a time traveler, not... whoever this is. And the moment any of them try to approach, the kid just gets wide eyes and tries to get lost, avoiding anyone in the school like the plague. But, they finally are able to corner them and talk... And what they find is... terrifying.
From what they're able to find out from the reader, who's trembling like a leaf and trying not to cry, they're not from around there, they saw things happen, bad things, and thought if they gave a warning, it might help. And what Jean and/or Xavier can read from their mind is downright nightmarish, images of violence and memories of hate, of people hurting them, of destroying others, of a world filled with violence ad wars and plagues running rampant, anything and everything seemingly out to end their survival... Even how they ended up there, a hazy, near-forgotten memory of water and silt in their lungs and the world fading to black, a hand holding forcing them under... And all they can feel for them is sympathy, empathy in some cases, horror at what absolute H*ll they lived through... They offer aid, thanking them for helping them...
And the reader is just... relieved, that no one wants them dead. Hoping that this world truly doesn't want them dead, that they can breathe and not fear for their life...
The characters are glad that the reader is on their side, and isn't some evil genius bent on the destruction of mutants... but it isn't easy to know that the person who helped them lived in a world that sounded and looked like H*ll, and then eventually died, in one of the worst ways to go... And they can't help but feel a little protective of them, a little worried. Sure, their new ally is also a mutant, but they also barely know anything about their powers or how to handle normalcy, used to fighting for themself among peers... Not to mention that their new friend had to explain the reasons they kept a calligraphy pen with them, and the reason scared them, because who knew a fancy ink pen could be so dangerous-
Over time, they all grow to be platonic yandere-ish, if not fully platonic yandere. Reader helped them, it's only fair they repay that kindness. And they don't have to worry about them going back to the h*llscape they called home. It's not like they were going to let them go back, even if they could. Best to not think too deep on leaving, though. They aren't leaving, ever...
(I've been wondering about this idea for awhile now, and I plan to make a playlist for this au, simply because why not? Expect plenty of Panic! At The Disco, and a song from Lemon Demon😊💛🧡)
Reader, staring at the handful of adults for the Brotherhood: For Best Parent of the Brotherhood, at least in the original timeline, I think?, I nominate... Lance
Adults: What? Why him? He's a teenager!
Reader: Well, originally, Mr. Lehnsherr seems to only showed up when he wants something, instead of being there to help his kids, let alone everyone else, and leaves the kids on their own, Mystique had threatened them, left them on their own with no supervision, and tried to toss children off of cliffs, and Mr. Victor doesn't have kids as far as I know, but if he is related to Mr. Logan, I'm not sure he had been a good parent or brother or whatever he is, due to capturing him for the person who put a control chip in his head, and also trying to kill him. So, that leaves the other acolytes. Who are never here. And also tried to kill the kids. Yeah, so, that leaves the actual Broterhood teens. And the only one who has acted anywhere near enough to keeping them alive and taking care of the group's needs is... Lance. So, by default, if not by actual execution, the winner of Best Brotherhood Parent is Lance. Good job👍
Adult Brotherhood Members: Wait, we did WHAT?!
Acolytes: Thank heavens we aren't parents
Erik: I did WHAT to Wanda?!
Mystique: I tricked my own daughter, and lost both her and Kurt?!
Victor: Wait, I'm Logan's what now?!
Reader: That might only be a theory, I'm not sure...
One DNA test later...
Test: positive
Reader: Well... in my defense, I only thought it was a theory... Um... Should I say sorry, or congratulations?
Extra Bonus:
Reader, presenting each character with a gift: This is hand-made, so I did my best. I'm sorry if you don't like it🎁
Everyone: It can't be that bad opens their gifts
Reader: Do you like it? I'm not the best at this stuff, but, I did read three different books a few months ago... And spent the last three weeks working on these...
Everyone, holding an oddly-made crocheted scarf with their theme/colors: trying not to cry Its... nice puts it on🧣😭
Also them: Don't ever leave, please🥺☹
Reader: Um... I wasn't planning on it
Everyone: Good... because we aren't joking. If you leave, we will find you
Reader, realizing that maybe something might have just changed: Um... that's... sweet... worrying now if they're in danger😟
Everyone: 😊🥰😍💖
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strawbee-strawberries · 8 months
I'm cooking again yall
More kittails headcanons!!!
1. Cream is their third-wheel (and Tails' wing-woman)
2. Tails was extremely scared of being rejected which is why he took forever to confess
3. Kitsunami actually liked to make tiny doodles of him and tails holding hands (he would hide these drawings from Surge lmao)
4. Cream was the only reason Tails actually confessed (she hyped him up violently)
5. Kit and Tails are both awful at flirting
6. Tails likes to bake random treats and sweets for Kit from time to time.
7. One time while sleeping Kit had a dream about him and Tails, He then woke up startled. (This was before he realized he like-liked Tails)
8. Tails tried to fly Kit around in the tornado but the loud noises startled Kit, so when Tails landed he had to help kit relax.
9. Even if Kit's ears are more sensitive he really likes to listen to thunderstorms, they help him relax, which is why he doesn't mind comforting Tails during them.
10. Kitsunami and Tails often have sleep overs and they'll ball up around each other (they both deny that they do this)
These were a bit bad I'll think of more soon I promise!! Just wanted to make people aware of my silly idea that Cream is the Kitails third-wheel lmao 🧍
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