#or fifteen going out of his way to save the monster bc that monster is the only one of its kind Just Like Him Fr
aq2003 · 14 days
i saw a post saying boom was good bc it feels like it could be done with any doctor/companion duo and honestly that was one of the things i felt was wrong with it
#in a show with a title character that could be Literally Anyone and a companion sharing the lead that could be Literally Anyone#i value the little moments that set this duo apart from the rest. ESPECIALLY when it comes to returning writers like rtd/moff#fifteen and ruby felt a little too eleven/twelve and clara adjacent in boom. in both their dialogue and characterization#space babies also landed a little weird at first bc it lifted a bit from end of the world BUT the scenes that fifteen and ruby#had to themselves. like ruby getting covered in snot and fifteen laughing. or fifteen and ruby looking after the Space Babies#or fifteen going out of his way to save the monster bc that monster is the only one of its kind Just Like Him Fr#that stuff is so good and its also something we haven't seen from another nuwho doctor. the vulnerable bleeding-heart empathy#and a dynamic w a companion that is basically 'two troublemakers that just deeply love fun and adventure and getting into trouble together'#oh yeah and also the devil's chord was peak fiction because it touches on fifteen's renewed connection and love for humanity#and marries it to ruby being a musician and how music like any art is the expression of the human soul etc etc#WHAT MAKES A DOCTOR WHO STORY GOOD TO ME IS PARTLY HOW THE PREMISE TIES INTO THE DOCTOR AND COMPANION'S CHARACTERS#IT HAS TO FEEL LIKE IT WAS TAILOR MADE TO THEM. ELSE IT WONT LAND RIGHT TO ME#i hate the take that they should've saved wild blue yonder for a fifteen episode bc#the tension is hinged on how well the doctor/companion know each other. u have a level of it that u can ONLY get#with fourteen and donna who are two halves of a whole soul but have also spent much more time missing the other than knowing them#im not rewatching fifteen's eps rn until a week later when i can watch it w my qpp but#rn i still feel a stronger sense of fifteen and ruby's characters from all the rtd-written eps rather moffat#which like. i get that a lot of that is my personal dislike of moffat's writing style but still#dr who#15 era#dw spoilers
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
Hey heyy, i read a small au idea somewhere (i think over on twitter? I realy dont remember) where the idea was that because of germas modifications, the vinsmoke siblings, sanji included, grew way faster than is normal
So this causes a 15 year old sanji to appear 19 and 2 years later appewr 21 when hes really 17... You get where im going with this?
So what if with this in mind the crew just thinks hes 19 and later 21 bc he looks abt the same age as zoro but then WCI happens and they basicly find out this this boy is only a lil bit older then Chopper
And i fee like they wouldn't treat him a whole lot differently, still trust him the same, still think hes insanely capable and one of the strongest of the crew. But i do feel like it would have SOME effect ya know?
Idk i thought it was an interesting idea and wanted to know if your thoughts on it :D
God that hurts when you think about it? Like Sanji was so much younger when he went through those things. What a good AU though. Like he was six when he was on the rock with Zeff which means he's just....so fucked up.
Like and he had to have told Zeff and them while working so they're looking at this kid, who appears to be thirteen but is actually nine. They don't treat him any different, still teach him about cooking and fighting and he still gets all the threats. He's not as girl crazy though just because he's so young.
Sanji doesn't realize how old the crew thinks he is, he's fifteen and on an adventure to find the All Blue! They're going to save Nami! He shows up to Kamabakka at fifteen which makes the Okama suddenly sit him down for so many talks what the fuck did the chef tell you jesus christ as he trains.
It all comes to a head when they get to Wano because Judge and everyone was talking about a year difference between Sanji and Pudding. Zoro says it's weird 'cause the Cook is only a few months older than him and they all know Zoro is twenty one but Sanji just has a moment and realizes 'right, modifications'.
"I'm seventeen." Sanji says.
"Haha, you're funny!" Luffy laughs.
"No, really. I'm seventeen. I look older because of the modifications my family did, those were really the only ones that took." Sanji explains.
"Wait, what? But physically you're twenty one?" Chopper asks.
"Yeah, I look twenty one but I'm not." Sanji says and then lists off his birthday and everyone is staring at him because he's barely older than Chopper and they just now realized that the flaming, sky walking, third man of the monster trio is a fucking child.
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levmada · 1 year
If I may? What's your unpopular aot opinion if you have any?
Perhaps. (just my opinion)
- grey shirt levi is overrated. s3p1 had a big focus on levi bc it was partly about exploring his past and his character, and ofc levi in that outfit is just MUAH but i could think of so many others that are under appreciated (not counting official art). for instance his vest, tie and slacks (with and without the suit jacket) in marley, that casual low-neck(?) t-shirt + black pants combo for a scene ALSO in s3p1 that was cut out, or his little white sweater from the end of s3p1. i’ll find pics
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(jeez it was difficult to find those panels)
– ymir and historia’s relationship wasn’t that captivating. i think because since it’s a lesbian relationship, and it’s basically canon, that it’s held to especially high regards and gets a lot of attention
– erwin gets too much hate for only being seen on the surface as ‘ruthless’ and treating the lives of his soldiers flippantly. just like every character, he’s more multi-faceted with guilt, a childish stubbornness to see his missions thru to the end, his suicidality (at the crate when he talked to levi the last time), etc.
– eren wasn't annoying in the first seasons, or at least he wasnt written to be for no reason. he's fifteen and as far as he knows the ONLY person who can transform into the very monsters who killed his mother + save the world (or at least what he knows it as). of course boy has issues and some emotional problems lol
– gabi is EXTREMELY misunderstood and anyone with media literacy could at least draw the parallels b/n her and eren (when he was a kid). she doesn't deserve all the hate she gets at all. she was a victim of immense (like from BIRTH) brainwashing just like the warriors. and if u wanna throw blame... technically eren was the one who killed sasha.
– the ackerbond isn't slavery, but it's also completely up to interpretation whether it exists in any meaningful way at all. like with lots of things pertaining to the aot story, it's up for interpretation.
– the dub is overall better
– the rumbling was not justified?? idk if that’s majority opinion but i’ve seen a lot of ppl who think that
– the jean horse jokes and half marco jokes were never funny </3
– levi’s choice on the roof makes sense (which i go into more detail with in another post)
– mappa is better than wit
minor manga spoilers
– reiner’s mom’s behavior / character is realistic. she isn’t there to serve as a plot device to be the source of all reiner’s insecurities and issues about being an eldian and so on. she’s an abusive person but no one in aot can be whittled down to a monster or an angel. that’s one of the big points of the story. arguably, that can apply to everyone.
– mikasa from the very beginning deserved so much better than eren and especially in the anime her character was reduced to existing for him, unlike levi and erwin, and kenny and uri (say what you want about those ships, but those are the lieges of each ackerman). i dislike eremika. in fact jean and mikasa would be (or are depending on how you interpret the manga) better and healthier together.
– if erwin lived post-RtS, he would NOT have agreed to the rumbling. yes, he sought freedom to explore the world outside the walls more than many of the major characters, and in his eyes the ends justified the means. but erwin was smart enough to know logically that indiscriminate genocide wouldn't have solved anything, or at least knew it wasn't a long-term solution, and besides, he did have a heart. as much heart as levi, hange, mike, and the rest. for what other reason did levi of all people choose to follow erwin than because he saw something Levi didn't in a world this hellish? Levi even says that Erwin's dream (the scouts' dream rly) was too "innocent", but if it wasn't, it wouldn't have been worth fighting for. so!!!
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g4rous · 3 years
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader)
tags: slight mentions of blood, no warnings really
words: 1.5 k
notes: this one is slightly longer than the two before bc I had to put in a lot of stuff here lol but anyways aa here it is finally! Tried making it a bit lighthearted <3
series masterlist
previous chapter
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Chapter three
After lazily opening your eyes, pain spread through your head. The blackness from your vision cleared away, leaving a fog in your mind and the painful sensation was the first thing you could register before you felt the cold brick wall you were leaning on.
What just happened? Trying to recall how you got in that position, your eyes trailed to the opposite wall, now realizing you didn’t even remember being in this alley in the first place.
“Yo, you’re awake.”
Looking over at a few large wooden crates, your focus now shifted to the silver-haired teen sitting on top of them. You didn’t even make out a response upon witnessing the injuries behind his torn, black shirt. The puzzle was coming together.
Last sight you remember before going unconscious were the heroes from that mini-market fighting the same person right in front of you now. For a moment you almost thought you were being delirious, yet those wounds only proved your suspicions. Was he the self-proclaimed “Hero Hunter” everyone has been wild about recently?
“So…” he looked at you with an awkward expression, “ you gonna go now or?”
Slightly flinching as you snapped back to reality, now you were left completely perplexed on what to do. On one hand the realization made you feel quite uneasy, but on the other you were safe for some reason, despite getting caught up in the ruckus from before.
“What happened to those guys earlier..?”
“Oh, their bodies are probably still lying face down right around the corner,” he grinned, “if no one found them already, that is.”
However after picking up your distraught expression that boastful tone faded in an instant.
“Hey, hey they’re not dead, jeez quit freaking out.”
You only frowned after giving him a small glare. Your head still ached, although not as strong from a few minutes ago. How long have you been out? Judging by the still-sunset sky it shouldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes, much to your relief. The street was still deserted and silent as well.
“Well, thanks for saving my skin back there I guess…” you looked over at his injuries, staggering for a moment after standing up.
“However, you should definitely get those injuries checked out. I think I saw a hospital or something around here somewhere.”
A few seconds passed as he looked at you with a blank stare.
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Dude you’re literally bleeding all over.”
“I said I’m fine!-“, he exclaimed only to flinch in pain. “-why are you so worried anyways? Just go home.”
“Talk about stubborn,” you thought to yourself.
Though, on second thought you do see a good reason why he shouldn’t. It’s almost as if you had forgotten that you witnessed him straight up thrash some A-classes. That and all the other questions that piled up still haven’t left your mind, but be as it may now wasn’t the time for overthinking. People must be pursuing him everywhere now, huh?
You leaned against the wall, still contemplating the situation. Water droplets from the roof were the only thing breaking the silence as you both stood there quiet. That is, until you got an idea.
“I don’t plan on talking you into it anymore…” you spoke with a tinge of nervousness, “but I do have some bandages at home. It’ll just be ten minutes until we get there, I give you them and you can leave. I don’t think sitting on those crates until you bleed out is really practical.”
The teen almost reflexively wanted to protest but not a single sentence came out. He really couldn’t think of anything that made your idea sound regrettable, and as much as he hated to admit it he wasn’t in the best shape. You on the other hand felt almost obligated to help him out. Putting aside that shocking realization from earlier, he did watch over you after you got KO’d.
After finally jumping off the crates, he shrugged and put both hands in his pockets.
“Eh, sure.”
You gave a relieved smile before taking a look at the still empty street you were both heading for. The sky turned into shades of amaranthine and bit by bit street lights began illuminating the path. The streets nearing your house weren’t as deserted as the one you woke up in, and occasionally you had to move to a more hidden route. Fortunately you’ve been greeted by your neighborhood cat soon after, indicating the destination- your safe home.
“I don’t think you told me your real name yet, if I may know? I’m y/n by the way.”
“It’s Garou,” he responded after looking around, almost hesitantly.
“So… Why were you doing that today?” you spoke as you reached out for your keys.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Dunno, you don’t see someone beating up heroes every day.”
Taking a quick glance around your surroundings, you opened the door at last.
“You sure like answering questions with a question, huh?” you gave a tired smile, “ah, I won’t force out any answers from you I guess.”
The lights in the hallway were already open, illuminating the other rooms, some half empty. After all you still had some work to do in the house. Making your way to your room, the bag of trash next to the wall caught your attention briefly. You couldn’t remember the reason you left off in such a hurry, not even throwing it away.
“Well, come in!” you shouted from the other room, “just don’t get any blood on the carpet please.”
But much to your amusement the on-the-outside intimidating man just stood there with a blank expression ever since you stepped into the apartment. You weren’t sure was it politeness or just plain awkwardness but it made you cackle internally.
Even so, after your call he cautiously stepped out to the living room, actually being careful not to dirty the carpet as you told. The room was pleasingly decorated, and even if he didn’t know you it simply radiated with your energy. It was oddly comfortable.
And as you finally stepped out of your room with that first-aid kit, a ring on your doorbell caught you both by surprise. You almost asked yourself whether that’s a hero in front of the door, before your memory got jogged again.
“Well shit.”
You gestured an already alert and intense Garou to step away from the door, to which he only raised an eyebrow.
“Ah…” you whispered, looking over to the side, “I kinda forgot I called a friend over.”
“You remembered just now!?”
“I was knocked out!” you complained, much to his discontent.
What were you supposed to do now? You thought to yourself as your eyes trailed from the door to the teen. The doorbell rang once again as to make the atmosphere grow even more unsteady.
“Guess we have to improvise…”
“You’re joking right?”
“If she saw a beat-up guy jumping out my window I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”
He only rolled his eyes as you went to the door to finally greet your friend, adjusting your shirt along the way.
Frankly, you felt somewhat guilty for roping him in, all bloody and bruised to socialize with your rather concerned friend. Well, who wouldn’t get a little suspicious to see a strange man in their friend’s living room. To make things even more awkward he hadn’t said more than two sentences in the past hour, not that it’s surprising.
“So-,” your friend smiled, desperately trying not to glare at the man’s injuries, “- how did you two become friends?”
“Ah, it’s from that monster incident I told you about earlier,” you smiled back.
“So that’s why he’s so bruised,” she glanced over at him sympathetically, to which he only glared at you deadpan.
“Nothing special.” He spoke in a bluntly before yawning.
“Oh, how come?”
“He delivers stuff!” you exclaimed before any other thoughts came to mind, “sometimes he comes across them there too unfortunately. Poor guy.”
As if his deadpan look couldn’t get any drier.
It was crystal clear he hates being pitied, and you desperately tried not to let out a chuckle because of the ridiculous situation. Truthfully you weren’t even nervous anymore since you let out so many laughs. And your constant teasing only made him talkative since he just had to drop something even more embarrassing for payback, making the evening even more amusing. You didn’t even notice the clock struck midnight already from all the banter.
After saying farewell to your friend, you came back to your living room to see Garou already at the window.
“Looks like you really don’t wanna use the door today huh? Well, way better now than having to explain why some bloody dude jumped out my window earlier,” you grinned, to which he scoffed.
“Pfft, yeah, yeah. Don’t drag me into any more of these things though.”
“Aw, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Well, it better not happen anymore,” he rolled his eyes before flashing a small grin.
“See ya.”
You only gave your small wave before finally closing the window. The apartment was now rather serene, contrasting all the playfulness from earlier. Yet still you couldn’t help but notice that smile caught you by surprise. Nothing like that cocky smirk in battle- this was genuine.
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heshoes · 3 years
Twin Telepathy
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❝And I never thought it would be true that one day I'd have to live without you.❞ In which a connection started at birth remains strong until the bitter end.
Warnings (BC THIS ONE IS TRIGGERING): ⚠️ angst, main character death.
Idk the word count but this one is short
Main Characters: Harry Styles, Edward Styles
There is no smut in this one my loves. I wrote this like 5 years ago and I’m posting it here now. I hope you enjoy and reblog let’s talk about it after you read.xx
Age five is when Harry and Edward noticed that they were identical. Age five was the time of development for secret languages, tricks, and pranks pulled on parents, grandparents, and even the teachers at primary school because they could get away with it.
They would even switch classes sometimes.
Harry was always good at maths. He progressed at counting blocks and telling time where Edward was a bit more fuzzy in the subject. However,  Edward could always read and excelled in primary school literature despite the fact that he would throw a tantrum anytime his mum would pull him away from the television in order to for him to read her a bedtime story.
“What time is it Harry?” Their mum would ask knowing full well what the time was herself,  as she took her seat behind the two curly headed boys on the floor who sat helplessly too close to the television. One because he really couldn’t see all that well, the other because he wanted to be close to his brother.
“I’m not Harry! I’m Ed.” Harry laughed cheekily as he told a lie while his brother squinted to look at the cartoon characters on the telly screen.
“Well, Ed,” His mother spoke playing along with his game, “What time is it?”
“Eight o’clock! Time for bed?”
“Thats right!” Their mother laughed, “When did you get so much better at telling time Edward?”
“That’s right, Harry. Uh-oh.” The boy laughed in his mothers arms as she began to tickle and he began to squirm. Edward found it amusing, and because his brother laughed so did he, feeling the same exact joy that his brother did from the top of his head down to his tiny toes. Rushing for his mother in order to save his brother from the tickle monster, Edward pulled Harry from her arms, and for once he didn’t put up a fight when his mother asked him to read to her after he and Harry were dressed in their pajamas.
Ten was the age of growing into your face and the ever present awkward phase that everyone has to go through. By age ten, Harry had to wear braces and Edward wore a pair of glasses thicker than should be allowed. Their pranks didn’t work as well as they used to when they were younger due to the physical tell all’s that adorned their faces, but it didn’t make the boys any less close together. If anything it made them stick together more. Age ten was also the age in which they were constantly bullied.
As the boys walked down the hallways books would be ripped from their hands or feet would be purposely stuck out in order for one to trip. When Edward fell and broke his glasses, Harry had decided that he had, had enough. Edward was angry, furious even, but because he could barely see he couldn’t do much about it. Harry, however, could and the anger that Edward felt radiated off of his twin in hot streams.
“Apologize!” Harry shouted at the much bigger boy, standing his ground though he was much shorter.
“For what?” The boy challenged in a much more condescending tone. He knew what he had done and he was proud of himself for it.
“Apologize to my brother or I’ll– I’ll...”
“You’ll what brace face?!”
“I’ll kick your ass!”
The crowd in the hallway ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ at the use of Harry’s language as he stood in between Edward and the boy who was much taller. Edward had since put his broken glasses in his pocket as he squinted, tugging at Harry’s arm to get him to walk away from the situation, but Harry wouldn’t budge.
Harry wasn’t prepared for what was to come. As the boy lifted his fist to connect it with Harry’s jaw he was cut short. Before any contact could be made, the boy who was much taller was seated forcefully on the ground holding his bloody nose in his hand, looking up at Edward.  Edward looked down on the bully while flexing his hand open and closed hoping that if he shook it hard enough the pain of breaking someone’s nose would go away.
Harry looked at his twin with shock in his eyes and a smile on his face as Ed continued to shake his hand while all three of the boys were escorted to the principal’s office.
“I thought you couldn’t see?” Harry whispered to his twin  in hopes of a quick explanation.
“I can’t see things that are far away, but that fucker, he was pretty close.”
Harry and Edward both began to laugh as they sat patiently in the principals office for their parents to collect them for their suspension from school.
Fifteen was the age of rebellion, girls, and more argument’s between the boys than usual. They had since grown into their faces and their own personalities and though they were still close, they didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. Harry had gotten into sports and school, while Edward had gotten into bands and trouble. The one thing that they did both agree on at the moment however was going to Tash Fraser's birthday party. Although she was two years their senior she had still sent the boys a personal invite. She was turning 17 and this of course would help boost their popularity for the year.
They were already high on the food chain at school for boys of only fifteen years old, and since they had grown into their faces and out of their braces and glasses, they had become rather attractive aside from the baby fat that they still had here and there.
“You ask.” Harry spoke, shoving Edward towards their parents room and grabbing the newspaper out of his hands, disturbing him from his place at the table as he read while flicking his brand new tongue ring against his teeth. Harry didn't care if Ed was angered by his rude interuption. He was older after all even if it was only by two minutes. Edward should do as he said.
“Why would I ask?! I just got off of punishment. I’ll be lucky if I can go anywhere. If I ask, dad will take one look at me and say no. No doubt I'll go anyway, but I'd rather do it without having to sneak. Leave me alone and give me my shit back! If you wanna go so bad you ask asshole!” Edward pushed his twin back, both of them equally aggravated by the other.
“We won’t be able to go anywhere if mum and dad hear you cussing! Fat chance on sneaking out with your big mouth!” Harry spoke aggressively above a whisper to his brother, making himself be heard.
Edward pulled his tongue ring between his teeth, playing with it and making Harry cringe before he nodded his head up and down in agreement.
“So what are we going to do?” Harry asked as if he were fresh out of ideas though he really didn’t bother to think of any.
“We’ll make them breakfast.” Edward spoke quickly, thinking on his toes much to Harry’s approval. And so they did, buttering their parents up with toast, pancakes, tomatoes, sausage, and bacon in order to get a simple, “alright” from their mother and father.
“You have to be home no later than one thirty!” Their mom reminded them as they headed out the door, riding with a mutual friend in order to make their way to the party.
“We’ll be home by twelve.” Harry yelled back jokingly earning a slap to the back of the head from his brother.
As the night went on, the music grew louder and the illegal activity had gotten more out of hand. Drinks of the alcoholic kind had been passed around, and though both Harry and Edward had one or two, neither of them dared to get drunk, knowing full well that their mother would be up waiting for them to get back.
“It’s one fifteen.” Harry spoke looking at his silver wrist watch that Edward had gotten him as a gift on their thirteenth birthday. “We should get ready to leave soon.”
Edward nodded his head in agreement as he looked around the crowded room for their friend. Hoping that he was sober enough to take them home. When he spotted him and told him that he was ready to go, their friend agreed to drive them even though Harry had notice the stumble in his step.
“Nuh uh, Edward. He’s drunk out of his mind.” Harry spoke to his twin, but was ignored as soon as the words left his lips.
“I can’t get in trouble again Harry. He’s fine we just live right up the street. It won’t take us long to get home. It’s fine.” Edward began to walk towards the car, but as soon as he took a step Harry pulled him back.
“Ed no! Why don’t you ever listen?!”
“Harry! If you want to stay here and get in trouble with dad because you’re not home in time then fine! Stay! I’ve just been freed and I’m not gonna be grounded again over something as stupid as this! I’ll see you when you get home.”
Harry let his brother go tired of arguing back and forth. There was no arguing with Ed and no point in trying to get him to think clearly when he had gotten an idea of his own.
Twenty more minutes passed before Harry had found a sober soul in the party who was willing to take him home. He hadn’t been drinking again, but he had the worst headache that he’d ever had in his life and it felt like it would split him clean in two if he didn’t get home and lie down. As they got in the car they traveled down the road only to see that it was blocked, a sudden panic started to set in. Harry’s head pounded worse and his mouth went dry and before the police got the chance to turn them in the opposite direction, Harry saw the car that Edward was in wrapped around a tree as if it were a flimsy piece of  aluminum foil.
Today Harry was twenty and though this was considered to be an age of a milestone in life, he didn’t celebrate it in the traditional way. Harry hadn’t celebrated any birthday since fifteen because he saw no point in it. Instead of throwing a party or hanging out with friends, every year since after his fifteenth birthday, Harry would go to the cemetery in Cheshire so that he could be close to his brother.
Today was a day of remembrance.
As Harry sat against the cold granite headstone that represented Edward, he thought of the time that they spent together while he was living. Harry was thankful that he was in a fairly secluded area because he would talk to Ed and tell him about the things that went on in his day and as he thought about his brother, he would laugh out loud when he would remember a prank that they pulled when they were younger, like when Harry dressed up as Edward for an hour at school just so that he could take his maths test for him. Their mum was so proud of Edward for passing with flying colors.
Or when Edward would run into Harry’s room and pretend to be him when they were supposed to be sleeping. Harry had a girlfriend at the time and would sneak out of his room at night to go see her, where they would make out under a tree. Harry realised that he had never thanked Ed for that so he did it now. A simple “thank you” left his lips before he fell silent and his eyes began to water. Because this was a day of remembrance, Harry would also remember the day that he lost his best friend.
Harry remembered the waiting.
Waiting in the oddly cold  room at the hospital with his mum and dad as doctors rushed about doing everything they could in order to save his brother.
Harry remembered the tears.
Tears that rolled down the faces of his family and himself as he rocked back and forth in his chair with with his hands clasped together tightly, saying a silent prayer that Ed would somehow walk out of the emergency room with maybe only a couple of stitches here and there.
Harry remembered the screams.
The deafening screams that came from his mother, his father, and himself when the doctor came out of the operating room and said that Edwards heart had given up and that his poor body was too weak to put up a fight.
Most of all, Harry remembered how he already knew that Edward was gone before the doctor came to announce it. His head had stopped hurting and his stomach was in knots, but he could no longer feel that strange connection that he and Edward shared since before he could remember and since age five, the age that he and Edward realized that they were identical.
Harry sat against Edward’s tombstone and allowed his tears to fall uninhibitedly, ridding himself of the pain that he felt everytime he thought about that fateful day. And though it hurt that he no longer had Edward around physically, he wasn’t sad anymore because he knew that he was there in spirit. The feeling that Harry felt was more overwhelming  because everytime he thought about it, he could barely believe it.
He never thought it would be true that he would have to live a day without his best friend, his brother, his twin.
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sanktnikolais · 3 years
Weather The Storm
A/N: Second piece from the three-year gap series (my house of stone, your ivy grows) of the trilogy and King of Scars lashkljhas another argument bc they have the trope of reluctant allies to lovers pining idiots and I want to explore that more ohoho
have this mess
Word count: 1996
Zoya's boots crunched in the snow as she tore through the crowd of bustling soldiers in the camp. She ignored the curious stares she got from the First Army men, her mind focused on one thing that was driving her feet faster. 
          The King is an utter fool. 
          She grit her teeth as another wave of annoyance hit her, threatening to make her lash out at anyone around. If it weren't for the hushed chatter of a few Grisha from the other side of camp, she wouldn't have known that he was here. 
          Didn't you hear? The King came along with the First Army to lead the attack in the left flank. 
          We would have lost the bigger part of the boundary if it weren’t for their surprise attack. 
          He wouldn't have been recognized if his disguise hadn't faded. 
          It was actually a good cover, but I would have recognized the redheads among our men. 
          Her jaw twitched, the wind picking up around her. She breathed deeply and calmed her powers. But the coldness only became worse. Annoyance had already clouded her reason. The wound in her right arm stung, and she was sure it had opened again, but she didn’t bother checking on it. 
          Zoya should have known he would pull off something like this. If she had, she would have chained him up in his chambers and locked him in there. She figured she had underestimated his stubbornness. 
          Ahead, the biggest tent that she recognized as the makeshift infirmary loomed, with people coming in and out restlessly. A small part of her worried that the King could be one of the wounded inside, but her irritation told her there was no way he would be there if he just hadn't come. That idiot. 
          She was almost by the tent flap when a familiar figure emerged from the inside. 
          "Well, isn't it the Commander?" Tamar was smiling brightly as she approached Zoya, completely unaware of her inner turmoil. Behind her, Tolya came out from the tent as well. They were unharmed, at least, and Zoya felt relieved at that. But unlike his sister, Tolya’s face looked grim at the sight of Zoya. 
          She appreciated the tall man's ability to read facial expressions.
          "I still can't believe—" 
          "Where is he?" Zoya cut her off, voice low. 
          Tamar went silent for a moment. Then she sighed, her smile fading. "He insisted," she said, shaking her head. “I would have locked him up if he hadn’t become all too authoritative.”
          “Then you should’ve tried harder!” Zoya’s voice rose. Some of the soldiers stopped to listen, and she fought the urge to berate them about being nosy and to mind their own damned business. “Do you realize the danger you let him walk into?”
          “Woah, Commander.” Tamar straightened, her sharp eyes narrowing as if she had been challenged to a duel. “Just because you go against him doesn’t mean I would too.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Unlike you, I am loyal to the throne. You could—”
          Tamar stopped abruptly, and Zoya’s anger flared. The winds howled atto her will. “Go on. I dare you,” she said. Thunder cracked in the sky despite the snow, making Tamar flinch slightly though she immediately regained composure and set a hand on one of her axes. Zoya knew she would regret this later, so she tried to calm herself down. But something inside her had been ticked, and the rage just overwhelmed everything. “Go on. I could what?” 
          It was then Tolya stepped forward and got in between them, his towering form almost intimidating Zoya. Almost. “Alright, that’s enough, you two,” he said, his deep voice more gentle than she had expected. He looked at her, then turned to his sister. “Let’s not do this now, or ever, if you may. We’ve all had a rough fortnight, and besides, we have a victory to celebrate.”
          A tense silence washed over them, neither of them wanting to back down just yet. But Tolya's words seemed to get to them because their stances slacked, Tamar letting go of her axes and Zoya willed the wind to calm down around them. 
          The people around them were still watching, so she sent a glare to their way that had them scurrying back to whatever it was they were doing. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Not the time to lose control. 
          "Where is he?" she asked again. Her voice was much gentler this time, though it took all she could to make it sound like that. 
          Tolya inclined his head to the side. "There, by the edge of camp near the cliff," he replied. “He went there just now.” 
          Zoya turned to the direction he was pertaining to. True enough, she could make out a small figure through the still falling snow. 
          "Let me guess, he wanted to be alone this time?" she said, tone a bit mocking. The King was out in the open, and he didn't even care about the worst case scenario. "Out there in the open? Good saints." 
          She didn’t let them say anything else as she stomped over her king. The title sounded funny to her, with the way he was acting. He definitely had to live up to his name if he wanted the people to trust him. Or if he wanted her to trust him.
          Lantsov was in a First Army soldier’s uniform, the olive drab looking black against the weather. The golden double eagle on his shoulder indicated an officer’s—a Major—rank, and Zoya was left wondering how he had gotten such a high place in the military despite being young. 
          He was near now, and if he noticed her, he didn’t acknowledge her presence. Zoya was already ready to call him out had he not moved and buried his rifle in the snow in front of him, its stock pointed upwards. She stopped in her tracks. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched him take off his helmet and put in on the gun, along with a bunch of tags he was holding. There was a long silence, nothing but the sound of the wind could be heard. His head bowed, letting his hand linger on his helmet, and then he was standing straight again, the poise and stance of a well-respected leader.
          She eyed him for another moment, noticing the slump on his shoulders as he clutched at the tags on the helmet, and she was left wondering who owned them. Were they his friends? Mere soldiers he wanted to grieve for? The questions lingered in her mind, but she didn’t voice them out. 
          Another beat passed, and then he trained his eyes forward. “Come to give me an earful, haven’t you, Nazyalensky?” he said, a rueful smile on his lips. If it were some other time, Zoya would have sympathized with him. But now she was just angry. “Worry not, I think I deserve it, anyway.”
          Zoya almost laughed. “I am indeed glad you know your mistake, Your Highness,” she said. She considered her next words, but she couldn’t find a way to make it lighter. “You should not have been here.”
          Lantsov huffed incredulously, as if he were insulted. “And what, my dear Squaller? Sit back pretty on my throne and watch as my men give their life to the country I have sworn to protect?” 
          “As much as I hate to break it to you and your ego,” she said, “it is the only way for you to be able to protect Ravka.” She stepped closer to him to emphasize her point. “You have to live.”
          “I don’t think watching your people do things for you could be called living.”
          “You fool,” Zoya said through gritted teeth. “You’re missing the entire point. You’re the king. If you died in battle, who would have replaced you? Some distant relative who had no care to the throne? A pretender? The Triumvirate?” She shook her head in disbelief. “You’ve chosen us to steer this forsaken country alongside you, so don’t try to make any more reckless decisions that would lead to the nation’s and your own demise.”
          Lantsov became silent, a flash of hurt passing over to his face. It was gone in a blink, and Zoya questioned herself if she had just imagined it. His expression became stoic, the usual one he gave when he was wearing the mask of the monarch again, instead of a boy that had too much on his shoulders.
          “Sometimes I wonder if you knew how it felt like losing people close to you to this country,” he said. His eyes were hard, grief-stricken, and she realized that he had been through wars too, just like her and countless others. “Maybe then you would realize why I am willing to put my life on the line.”
          “We all lost people. And don’t you dare tell me that I do not know how it felt like,” she said. Her aunt’s kind smile flashed before her eyes. She blinked the image away. It wasn’t the right time to grieve, but the pain of losing her rekindled in her chest. “Because I do.” She paused, mustering up her strength to speak. “The only difference is that I don’t let grief consume the logical part of my mind.”
          She expected Lantsov to get angry, or leave, or even remove her from her post. But he just smiled ruefully. “No,” he said. “The only difference is that I am a royal and I am not permitted to die. Even if I wanted to save them, I couldn’t. But you could.”
          Zoya stilled. The words hit like knives to her heart, and suddenly she was fifteen again, crossing the Fold on her own in hopes to see her aunt again. But she never got to her in time. 
          She tried to shove the memories away, but it kept flooding. Her aunt and her niece weren’t just the ones who perished in the war barely a year ago. Sergei, mutilated by the Darkling’s nichevo’ya. Harshaw, struck by a bullet to the chest. Fedyor, thrown from the roof of the Little Palace and down to the waiting monsters. Marie. Paja. And countless others. Friends and companions, lying dead in the pool of blood in the hall they had been staying before the attack happened. 
          She had seen the Second Army on the brink of annihilation. He was aware she had been through the same war, and yet he still asked her if she knew how it felt losing people? 
          Her eyes stung, fists clenched. Her hands twitched at her sides, ready to summon the winds and even lightning to her will if it meant making her point to the king. But she chose not to. It would only make things worse.
          Zoya breathed deeply, letting her anger pass  before she spoke again. She hated this. She hated herself. But above all, she hated him because he was right. 
          She knew to herself she wouldn't have sat back too, waiting until her people made a difference. No, she would be with them and fight alongside them, and try to see the change with her own eyes. 
          But she wasn't the leader of Ravka,  and she never would be. So she would do everything she could to protect its king, even from him himself and his own foolishness. 
          She straightened then, slipping her own stoical mask on her face. “That may have been the difference, Your Highness, but I am not the one who chose your fate. It was you alone, and you would stand up to it.” She started to turn, wanting nothing more than to get away from him. “And your fate is to live. For Ravka.”
          With that, Zoya left the king standing on his own in the cold, the weight of her own words heavy on her shoulders. But she locked them away and continued on. She only did what she knew was right.
          For Ravka.
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ezrastokes · 3 years
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[ CODY CHRISTIAN, HE/HIM, CISMALE ] —  [ EZRA STOKES ]  is a child of [ HEPHAESTUS ] with the power of  [ TECHNOKINESIS ] .  they were born in [ 1995 ] and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2010 ] .  with the change, they [ HAVE GRADUATED FROM ] the [ TECHNOLOGY ] role which makes sense since they’re usually [ FIRING POTTERY IN THE KILN AND BREWING A THIRD CUP OF COFFEE ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the [ MOON ]  building .  —  kati / she & her / est / 18+
links: stats / pinterest .
most of ezra’s early years were spent not fitting in and for most of that time, he didn’t know why. he didn’t understand why his father seemed to hate him so much, why his younger brother, caleb, seemed to get all of the attention. ezra chalked it up to just not being quite good enough, maybe because he wasn’t into sports the way caleb was, coming home with paint on his shirt instead of grass stains. 
for a while, ezra tried to fit in, went out for baseball to try and garner his father’s approval, but it was never really him. over time, he began to isolate himself instead, because it was easier to be on his own than face rejection and disapproval.
his mom was loving, but only behind closed doors. it always seemed like she was scared to show her affection for ezra in front of his father, like she felt GUILTY about loving him, about caring about him. she’d sneak into his room at night and read him stories or they’d spend all day together when his father was out of town. “ why does dad hate me so much ? ” he’d ask, and his mother would smile sadly and say, “ i’ll explain more when you’re older. ” 
ezra started developing his powers when he was about twelve years old. his mother had hoped it would never happen. it started small, realizing he could do things like make the toaster pop up without touching it or turn on the television with what seemed to be sheer willpower. his parents started noticing this too. he overheard them talking about it one night, fighting. ezra didn’t know what it meant, but over time, he’d listen at the top of the stairwell as the arguments got more and more heated, resulting in broken glass. caleb would sit with him sometimes. “ what are they always fighting about lately ? ” ezra would ask. “ you, ” the dreaded answer, but he’d already known. he just needed to hear someone say it. “ it’s because you’re a freak. ” 
anxious during a test at school, ezra set the printer going so hard that it started smoking and set the fire alarm off. to most people, it was nice to get out of the test, but ezra went home demanding answers. “ just tell me what i am, please ! ” rising frustration, appliances in the house whirring to life. ezra was getting more powerful, it was not just a PHASE that he could outgrow. his parents had to tell him the truth. 
his mother sit down and told him about an AFFAIR she had once, with the god hephaestus. he had been able to forgive her for it, but his father had never been able to get over the living manifestation of her disloyalty, the obvious misfit in the family that stuck out and didn’t belong. every day, ezra seemed less and less like he could be his father’s son. everything seemed to click into place for ezra, but it didn’t make him feel any better to be the product of circumstances he couldn’t control ; things would have been easier if he’d been born normal like caleb. 
his mother expressed concern for the way his powers were growing and that modern society might not be the place for him. she’d been told if such powers ever developed, that there was a place that he could go. so, at age fifteen he packed this things and began training at nemean lion. 
ezra naturally assimilated into the technology track with his powers, it seemed to make the most sense for him. in terms of helping heroes, he is most comfortable beneath the hood of a car, developing advanced transportation technology and essentially providing heroes with the best possible support. he also built his own motorcycle and car from scratch, they’re named thelma and louise respectively, his pride and joys. ezra is  a quiet person but get him talking about his hobbies / geeking out and you’ve hit the sweet spot. 
recently graduated and working, though he feels like he’s in no position to mentor the newbies…he’ll try. he would’ve been happy to be a student forever, but due to nl’s new status, he felt the need to rush his graduation and work a little harder so that they’d have the tech help they need for the heroes on the field fighting monsters and such. 
PERSISTENT. essentially, when ezra sets his mind on something, he will accomplish it. in some ways, he can be pretty one-track minded when it comes to things, like he’ll start a task in the garage or at the kiln and he won’t speak to anyone for days until it’s done. balance ? he doesn’t know her. but achieving his goals ? yes, king. sometimes i think ezra believes that people are to be measured on accomplishments and his value only exists in terms of what he can do for others. however, you can definitely count on him to get a job done. 
PRACTICAL. ezra is a pretty realistic person, not the type to get caught up in a daydream or set an unrealistic expectation for himself. granted, he knows he can accomplish a lot, but he would never expect more of himself than what is tangible. he’s definitely not a naive person and is more inclined to believe actions over words every time. 
INDEPENDENT. ezra is the sort of person who has always felt like he’s had to fend for himself and is pretty mature. he’s good at taking care of himself and has never felt like he NEEDS other – not that anyone’s really need him. he’s very self-sufficient as a person basically and doesn’t rely on others to get things done. you’ll literally never feel like ezra’s a mooch, but he would let others mooch off him tbh. 
PESSMISTIC. as a result of that practicality, he can come off as rather negative in conversation or in ideals. essentially, ezra can be a real downer to be around sometimes because he will always anticipate the worst case scenario ! he’ll tell you he’s just being prepared though. 
SENSITIVE. although he comes off as tough or even unapproachable sometimes, this is actually because he’s EASILY hurt. he puts on a front like a badass but seriously he is a sensitive baby and if you say something that rubs him the wrong way he will legit never forget it. can literally hold a grudge for 8092390482 years like if you cross him slightly he will bring it up until you die. 
if he’s not working with vehicles, he’s making pottery. he has a wheel in his room and is really passionate about art and ceramics. so, when he’s not working, he’s probably firing something.
yes, he has an etsy store <3 
has a little black cat named soot that is genuinely his best friend
has a natural affinity toward all things fire and smoke, developing the nasty habit of smoking cigarettes – american spirits, too, because he has no class. however, since he started dating his current girlfriend, he’s pretty much quit smoking to make her happy – and like, to be more kissable.
genuinely, his girlfriend cecilia baum ( y’all know her ? ) has been a super positive influence in his life because he used to drink, smoke, and isolate himself a lot more before getting to know her but honestly the act of developing a crush and trying to impress her all the time got him into better habits and her caring about him has made him care a bit about himself more too.
granted, it’s not JUST cece. making better friends and meeting people that care about him has been a positive influence on him overall
don’t ask me too much about cece, strud and i are mid-plotting but they are dating. 
you’d probably think like mechanic, artist, he must be super messy? however, ezra is really meticulous and organized, i would say he’s always been really mature and independent. he has his shit together, but he’s also fueled by a ridiculous amount of coffee in order to do so. 
though he does often smell like gasoline from working in the garage so much, though he personally loves that. 
really likes thrifting? like browsing thrift stores for hours and finding weird shit or interesting art pieces. he’ll treat thrift stores like museums, could spend hours walking around, but he’ll also spend hours walking around museums. 
wanted connections
best friends, bros, etc !! i’m looking for the people he really vibes with in a number of ways, his squad, his fam, the wholesome shit. the scott to his stiles, the schmidt to his nick, all of these things. 
but i would especially love to have like his DAY ONE, i will simply go crazy go stupid for a best friend connection and i feel like that person who supported him from the start and made him feel less alone on his first days at NL prob means the fucking world to him.
like, someone he’s protective of? maybe a little sister type connection, essentially someone that’s probably softer and more naive and he feels like he has to look out for them and keep them safe and such. 
someone to test out his vehicles and inventions. ezra is always tinkering away in the garage and he comes up with cool stuff for the heroes to use out when they’re saving the world, it would be nice if he had someone who was always down to literally come through in the middle of the night and be the elastigirl to his edna mode and all.
someone that he really clashes with. give me enemies for god’s sake, or anything, i feel like especially when he first arrived at NL he was a bit rough around the edges, hard to get to know. ezra definitely comes off as grumpy and standoffish around people he’s not super comfortable with and he’s pretty introverted, so they might have gotten a bad impression of him. 
or honestly if you play a char that’s kind of ? stuck up ? full of themselves ? that would really rub him the wrong way. tho he’s probably just jealous bc he lacks that confidence like damn. 
an almost? like a case of bad timing where they were hitting it off or maybe there could have been something between them but he started dating cece instead. maybe your character read into it more than it was and felt really hurt by it. OR he told them he didn’t want a relationship/do relationships and then started dating cece right quick like that’s gotta hurt. 
someone who is good w money. help him manage the finances of his etsy store and how to run a business because he doesn’t even know how to properly price his own goods, probably undersells himself. gimme the business mind to his art mind. 
drinking buddies! sitting around w a good glass of scotch talking about life after a hard day. ezra doesn’t drink so much but honestly their work is hard and ppl die so like, a lil something to take the edge off. 
roommates? is that a thing here? he is in moon building.
naturally also down to vibe and plot anything, exes, family members, enemies, besties, all the things, this is just off the top of my head !!! 
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janiedean · 4 years
I’m not in the spn fandom, but I’ve seen some people say it’s homophobic while others are saying that destiel is canon. What’s that about?
oh boy where do I start
I’ll try to make it brief but you’ve gotta keep this stuff in mind:
this show went on... at least six years longer than it should have like post s8 it was obvious they were trying to cobble ideas together to air something and by s12 it jumped the shark to a level where it was just ridiculous, so basically everything that’s happened since more or less around then was filler to keep the breathing machine on until the cw laid it to rest
the whole deancas thing came out in a context where... right guys i’ve been there since SEASON THREE WAS AIRING I REMEMBER SHIT so let me tell you that basically until cas was introduced the only fandom ships with a traction were pretty much different declinations of win/cest with the j2 rpf stuff taking like... 99% and 99% of fps and rpf respectively because there was literally no other main and like... not everyone was gonna be into sibling/parental incest or rpf obviously but anyway when castiel showed up basically deancas was the only other m/m ship that actually wasn’t incest floating around and it went big very very soon
now, they had planned to keep cas around as a guest for like some ten eps and then he should have been replaced with another angel character who basically was a human woman who realized she actually was a fallen angel and cas should have died in like s4 ep 10 and anna (the other char) should have been dean’s guide into stopping the apocalypse except that the writers realized castiel was very well-received and the ratings spiked up so they went like QUICK QUICK SWITCH didn’t kill him off and basically gave him the part anna was supposed to have
now now, dean and anna fucked in part two of her two-parter introduction arc lmao or was it even part one but anyway she was supposed to be a love interest and they thought S5 would have been the last so you do your math
then: they’re at S15 and obviously they didn’t go there but
spn fandom also is like... toxicity™ incarnated like before voltron and su there was spn fandom, all the sides were terrible, the side that harassed the actors was worse and like.... sadly a bunch of exclusively j2 people who did harass the actors were also preminent winc/esters and put money into cons and there was a whole circus I can’t even begin getting into but like basically the least dramatic thing that could happen was that the cw would release pictures of dean and cas on their own for promotional reasons and the smm would get a bunch of verbal abuse tweets BECAUSE WHERE IS SAM YOU LOST THE SPIRIT OF THE SHOW
also there were campaigns to fire misha which almost worked for s7 then they saw the ratings dropped when he left and QUICK QUICK LET’S RESUSCITATE HIM lmao
also jensen always was like nah dean’s straight I act like they’re friends but he’s also the guy whose wife got continuously harassed by people who thought she was a cover for his secret rship with jared and so on and like he obviously thinks all shippers are out of control and honestly I can’t even blame him for it since from what I gather some ppl started trailing his kids after school I DON’T KNOW but that’s that
on the other side misha never made a mystery that he played it like cas was in love with dean like he said it at cons pretty much and like..... regardless of everything if there’s one thing misha collins wouldn’t do is milking it for clout bc honestly the guy is a solid ally and has a bi wife/used to be in a poly rship and always put his money where his mouth was re lgbt support so there’s that too
now... back in 2011 and s8 where there was a scene that was the exact EXACT same shit that happened when they canonized my marvel comics #1 ship (like srsly except the marvel ship kissed at the end of that scene) I went like ‘okay they know the undertones they’re obviously marching on it but seeing how this show is and how the fanbase is if it ever goes canon either it’s one sided or it ends with sam becoming a research guru and dean and cas drive off in the sunset hunting monsters without actually saying it out loud’ and it would have been like... soft-not-quite-there canonization but regardless I also said if that ever happens it’s gonna be in the last fifteen minutes of the finale because they don’t want the fandom drama to actually hit them in the face and how to put it, the writing has been a joke for seasons but I can’t even...... blame them for it bc honestly I was tired of fandom drama in S7 imagine working on that since 2005
so like I’m 100% not surprised that whatever’s going down is going down when it’s three episodes from the end actually I’m surprised it didn’t happen in the last ten minutes
now: if cas tells dean openly that he loves him and the context is that he got a curse that sends him to hell if he loves someone (idk I didn’t check the specifics BUT) then it is at least one-sided canon black on white and you can’t say they didn’t make it canon
if he goes to hell and he stays there and that’s it... that’s homophobic and bad and they could have just queerbaited their way through it
except that in this dumb show everyone went to hell twice and came back and cas was introduced as having saved dean from it bodily, so like... if this was a well-written show and they weren’t cowards they’d have dean doing the same for him and realizing he reciprocates getting over his 30+ years of emotional constipation and in that case... wouldn’t be qb
now I’m not betting money on that but they also did this... three eps before the end which sets them up to do it actually so I DON’T KNOW but before deciding it’s homophobic as a whole I’d see how it plays out also bc again this was nEVER gonna happen before the end but the fact that the end kept on being pushed and it wasn’t like... nine seasons but fifteen just made it look ridiculous and like it took them years to get there when if they had been axed in S10 when it would have been merciful.... maybe it wouldn’t have been
so like... either way I wanna see how it plays out but as stated, called in 2011 it could have gone like this the moment we got in the final stretch :)))
anyway: it’s confirmed canon on one side so it’s canon imvho
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poledancingsquid · 4 years
Wicked Game Fanmix
Look I said I’d make this in 2018 and then life was A LOT but I finally finished it today and frankly it’s still my absolute favourite BFU fic.
If you haven’t read Wicked Game go read it ( and send your adoring praise to @mephsation ) If you’re swerving spoilers do NOT read the rest of this yet bc boy am I about the quote the shit out of my favourite fic and also I’ve written a brief summary of every chapter in case people have forgotten.
If you don’t want to read my reasoning and just want the songs here’s a Spotify playlist
So Chapter one: Shane’s just joined the precinct, when Ryan works out the scene they’re at was by a copycat rather than the Lover Shane responds by just saying “You’re Brilliant.”
We’re gonna be friends- The White Stripes, it’s the beginning of Ryan impressing Shane and they’re already conversing easily, honestly this is the chapter I struggled to find a song for the most.
Chapter two: This is where we meet Jess for the first time and find out about her and Shane’s relationship. It’s also when Ryan establishes that the copycat is shorter than the killer so the song I picked was
Looking up- Paramore, granted this is entirely down to the first lyrics being “Things are looking up oh finally” but it’s a banger anyway
Chapter three: This is when Ryan gets the first email. Ryan also nearly gets stabbed and Shane shoots a suspect, the copycat writes ‘he’s not good enough for you’ in blood.
Chic- Leadley primarily for “We could last forever she could last all week” Jess is so sure she’s better suited to Shane than Ryan is.
Chapter four: The second email arrives, explaining that the Lover has killed a man for the first time, the man looks like Ryan.
One More Murder- Better Than Ezra “One more murder in this town don’t mean a thing” which is what Ryan tries to convince himself after a lookalike is murdered.
Chapter five: This is where Ryan first realises he has a crush on Shane, it’s also the chapter with the press conference where the Lover’s sexuality is raised and when Shane admits he’s questioning is sexuality sending Ryan into a slight spiral based on his fear of being outed.
Would you be so Kind?- Dodie I’m not sure who’s POV I think this applies to more at this point.
Chapter six: This is the chapter where Ryan apologises to Shane for his reaction to him coming out, it is also the chapter where an LAPD officer who is the exact same race as Ryan and looks like him is killed, Ryan throws up.
Fear and Loathing- Marina and the Diamonds This is mostly in relation to Ryan’s fears about coming about though I suppose could also be applied to the whole serial killer killing people who are very similar to him thing.
Chapter seven: This is when Ryan and Shane go on their Not! Date that is definitely a date, it ends in their first kiss and Shane blowing him on the couch “Please don’t make me regret this”.
Brilliant Mind- Furniture throughout the fic Shane is constantly fascinated by how ‘brilliant’ Ryan is and this chapter epitomises that. “ You must be out of your brilliant mind”
Chapter eight: Ryan tells Shane about the homophobia he’s experienced in the past, Jess finds out they spent the night together “woke in an empty bed aching for a presence he has no business missing”. Shane is helping a friend clean their apartment so he goes to meet Jess at a bar and gets spiked.
Far too young to die- Panic! at the disco I went with this song because essentially it’s a recurring theme that Ryan almost dies also the obsessive nature of the verses fit in with Shane’s behaviour “ I've never so adored you, I'm twisting allegories now,I want to complicate you, Don't let me do this to myself”
Chapter nine: This is when Ryan wakes up in the hospital, Shane starts to behave oddly and just says he is working on a theory, he also invites himself over to take care of Ryan, Ryan discovers the cleaning supplies in a publi bin. The chapter ends with Shane revealing that Jess is the copycat and the bombshell of “Schmidtt thinks I’m the lover”
If I lose it- Charlie Simpson A little because of the medical stuff at the start of the Chapter a lot because Shane seems so scared for Ryan and ultimately the uncertaintly at the end of the chapter “ I can't tell you what will happen, To us as the days passed, Please just stay with me.”
Chapter ten: Shane plays the recording of Jess, Ryan plans to spend a night with Jess despite everyone telling him not to. Shane begs Ryan not to be scared of him “no more innocents” Jess texts him that she is going to kill someone if he doesn’t come to her immediately, he locked both their guns in the safe so goes unarmed.
Pressure- Paramore this is frankly one of the most stressful chapters to read because Ryan commits dumbassery after dumbassery and I think this embodies that intense STRESS feeling very well
Chapter eleven:Jess is arrested, Shane almost shoots her in full view of the bodycam, Ryan gets shot and Shane is going on trial to ensure Jess pleads guilty.
Coming Down- Halsey This is where Ryan starts to see a possible darker side to Shane  “I found the Devil, I found him in a lover, And his lips like tangerine, In his color coded speak”
Chapter twelve: This is when it’s officially revealed that Shane’s a murderer, he stands by no innocents killing Leo Tayler with an axe after he caused the deaths of his children.
Monster- Paramore “ You were my conscience, so solid, now you're like water We started drowning, not like we'd sink any further” this is the point at which Ryan’s conscience is starting to slip (even if it’s giving Shane more of one)
Chapter thirteen: With no more murders they are eventually taken of the Lover case Jess’s trial is over quickly and she pleads guilty, Shane’s trial drags on, Ryan finds out he killed a criminal in one of his first weeks on duty, he’s found not guilty, Ryan sees Shane at the firing range and says that he wants Leo to be dead, he gets home from work to find Shane in his LAPD uniform.  The head is delivered to Ryan
Crazy=Genius- Panic! at the Disco, this is a bit of a summary of Shane’s character throughout honestly but also this really feels like the turning point of no return, Shane would do anything for Ryan including murder, and it’s through his ‘genius’ he was found not guilty. 
Chapter fourteen: As they investigate Leo Taylor’s murder Ryan begins to suspect Shane, this is where he quizzes Shane, discovers a knife in his home that isn’t his, later whilst investigating the deaths of sex wokers Ryan runs into a building without back up, Shane shoots Douglas and Ryan basically asks him to kill Murray
One Little Lie- Simple Creatures because at this point Ryan basically knows Shane is a murderer he just gets very good at lying to himself “I tell myself one little lie and the pain don’t phase me”
Chapter fifteen: So basically whilst fucking Shane Ryan thanks him for killing Douglas and then he bites him until it draws blood because Shane asked him to/ They manage to book a holiday eventualy, Ryan finds out Shane has a ssecond phone and saves the number. They go literally everywhere Ryan loves: Knotts Berry Farm, A Lakers Game, Disneyland there’s a car crash and Ryan stops to save the victims. Shane admits he wouldn’t have stopped. When they’re due to return to work Shane leaves early. When Ryan gets to work there’s a rung on his desk and email from Shane. He tries to call him on both phones “ I would’ve said yes”
Already Gone- Kelly Clarkson look when I started this playlist this was the only song I was certain was fitting for this particular part of the story because in his own way Shane is trying to protect Ryan by leaving. “ And I want you to know, You couldn't have loved me better, But I want you to move on, So I'm already gone”
Chapter sixteen: Shane watched him for ten years. Ryan remarries after moving to Chicago although he still wears Shane’s ring around his neck. Another killer goes after him. Shane finds out and it culminates in his shooting Weber. Ryan instantly knows it’s Shane and makes a come hither motion.
I felt younger when we met- Waterparks Ryan has had the guilt of hiding what he knows about Shane for a decade, he still cares about him but it kills him inside “ Do you see, You're the reason I can't sleep?, Lose it where your head should be”
Chapter seventeen:Ryan and Shane meet in a bar, Shane tells him the names of everybody he killed, they go home together after Ryan tries and fails ot arrest him, Shane chokes him until he’s either unconscious or dead and turns himself in the next day
Pompeii- Bastille This chapter is straight up just dark nostalgia (which frankly you can inject into my veins) “And if you close your eyes, Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all” In the dark between my sheets
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thewritingstar · 4 years
26&27 with Butch and BC?
26. “Do you ever think?” “27. I’m going to die. I’m going to die with an absolute idiot!”
Okay I’ve never, at least I don’t think I have, written in 1st person perspective. So imma try it and you should all let me know what you think. If its good great if not be honest because I trust the opinions of you very much. 
This was bad, this was really bad. I thought the situation was under control, Blossom told me it was! But the pounding in my head was becoming too much. 
Of course right when I feel my brain pulsing, Bubbles loud ass had to belt out a sonic scream, in soprano none the less. My hands cup around my ears as the pounding increases. If I wanted to fly, I would be met with even more pain. 
Flying and headaches are a no go. 
From above I can see the monster stand and rush behind the building to be out of sight. 
“Hey Butters.” That voice. 
“Not fucking now Butch.” I scold and thankfully my head lets up. 
I don’t even have to turn to know hes wearing that shitty grin before waltzing his pansy ass over to me. “What ya doing?” He asks in such an annoying matter. Fucking asshole. 
I can only scoff. “Saving the day moron, now get lost.” I try to shoo him away but like a pesky bug, he won’t leave. 
“I know that dumb ass. Red sent me to get you. We got a new plan.” 
My eyes finally meet his. “New plan? Blossom didn’t-”
“Yeah don’t remind me. I’m not sure she even knows what I’m about to do.” His laugh was dark and my shoulders shuttered. 
“What are-HEY WHAT THE FUCK.” My scream is muffled as my body is jolted into the air and-did this bitch just throw me? I can feel the impact of the ground behind me as my head looks towards the sky. 
The stomping of the monsters feet vibrates through my body and my eyes widen as I understand now. Human bait. Fucking great. “Do you ever think?” I yelled as a shield activated just inches from my face allowing for the fire breath of the monster to not roast me alive. 
“Nope.” He smirks before hosting me up like some fucking rag doll, yeah my boyfriend was absolutely the kindest. 
So now my face is plastered into his chest and another shield encapsulates us like a bubble of steel. How come he got this cool ass power? Where was mine? Hello chemical X? Yeah thanks for giving everyone special powers but me, fucking douche bag. 
The claws scratch at the dome and I can just see the moment where we become cat posts for the overgrown lizard. I may have super powers but I don’t trust this plan, especially since it didn’t come from leader girl. Brick might rival her in almost everything but she had the title of commander and leader for a reason, not his dumb ass. 
“Butch.” I try to reason with a growl. Maybe he’ll drop it so we can get out of here and just blast the son of a bitch but he doesn’t listen but tightens his hold on me. 
“Relax” And in a flash the shield disappeared and reformed smaller around us, barely saving us from another claw. 
This death grip on me doesn’t allow me to get away and even if i could, I wouldn’t be able to tear down the electric green force field.“ I’m going to die. I’m going to die with an absolute idiot!”
Above us i hear another crash come down on the shield. The impact made it bubble and I heard his breath hitch. “Just shut up woman. We are not gonna die so quit bitching” He scolds me as if im not the one whose gonna die first if the thing were to fall. 
I can heard the scream of Bubbles again and my head goes back to a violent pounding. I can also hear Blossom scolding the fucking shit out of Brick as they attack he monster while its still occupied with the hamster ball bait that is us. 
“Your hair smells good.” 
“Fucking creep.”
“um yeah i think I can say that about my girlfriend ass wipe.” 
“Well you smell like shit.” Lies. He smelt like fresh pine but he didn’t need an ego stroke, not when we are being useless due to him. 
He lets out a chuckle and I only roll my eyes and don’t even try to wiggle out of his grasp. Its a little comforting knowing that I had the person I trusted most by my side in times like this. 
“They are almost done.” He says and I forget that the only view I have is of him. His face is stern as he focuses on the monster and yeah know, not killing us. One of his arms is stretched to the side to keep the force up and I wonder what it would feel like to have that sort of power at my disposal. 
“Remind me why we were bait and not the blues?” It really wasn’t fair. Bubbles secretly loved being the bait. The way she flew faster than anyone was kinda cool and she had always loved tag as a child. 
“Because Boomer isn’t fire proof and neither is Goldilocks.” And with that another flame of fire hits the surface followed by Blossoms ice and a loud crash. 
It makes sense and soon I feel the breeze hit my back and I never noticed how stuffy it was inside. Butch still has a hold on me before pressing a small kiss to my lips. “See. I wouldn’t let ya die babe.” He winks and I wanna hide my smile but I can’t.
“Yeah whatever.” I lightly smack his arm before he finally releases me. “Still sucks we couldn’t do anything, or at least I couldn’t” 
He wants to respond but before his mouth can open a large pink blast sends him flying into the nearest building with a loud crash.  
“DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN BUTCH!” Blossom yells before turning towards me and grabbing my cheeks. “Oh Buttercup I’m so sorry, someone.” She glares at her boyfriend who is sitting on the sidewalk pouting next to his blue eyed brother who looks like he is gonna cry, poor dude. “Decided to use you as bait and I for one did not agree because you could of just smashed that monster and we could have been done with it.” 
I bit back a laugh before hugging her. “Its okay Pink, you saved the day so all is well.” She huffs and nods. 
“I guess so but it was still dumb. I am surprised you didn’t try to kill Butch.” 
I looked towards where she sent him flying and he finally stands up from the rubble with a thumbs up and I laugh out loud this time. “Yeah but I trust him. Now Im going to go see if he’s alright and maybe you should deal with your puppy dog.”
Blossom smiles softly before turning. “I’m just happy you’re okay.” 
“Me too.” And I mange to get to my boyfriend who is leaning against the rubble. 
“Sup babe.” He has a cut on his forehead and I swipe away the blood. 
“Looks like you got a good beating.”
“At this point I don’t know who the real monster is.”
“I HEARD THAT!” Blossom yells from fifteen feet away. 
“GOOD!” He yells back with a smile. “I’m her favorite.” 
I snort before he throws an arm around me. “Well Boomers my favorite.” I joke. 
“THANK YOU.” We hear Boomer shout before Blossom tells him he is still on time out and not even Bubbles puppy eyes can make her reconsider. 
We both laugh. ‘So wanna go get a milkshake?” He asks. 
“Sounds good as long as you never use me as bait again.” 
“no promises.”
“Ass wipe.”
“i love you.”
“I love you too.” 
Hi heres me never writing 1st perspective ever again cause its TRASH!!!! Also i think they would be in high school or maybe 19 in this? idk your choice but anon im sorry if this was trash. 
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
 Masterlist of AUs
okay i’m never putting anything under a read more ever again bc i deleted this whole ass thing and now i’m redoing it so forget me worrying about it being long af it’s what it is my friends
me, scrolling back through my blog: where tf are all my aus smh
(this is why i need them all in one place)
so without further ago, here we go (the title brings you to the tag on my blog, the numbers bring you the posts for that au): 
short stay au - Five jumps forward into the apocalypse and gets stuck, but not for forty-five years. No, in fact, Five is only stuck for one year before he figures out how to get home. Which means the Hargreeves get a lap full of traumatized teenage boy with no idea who the Commission agents trying to kill them are (one)
dolores is the universe au - Dolores isn’t just a mannequin, she’s actually the concept of the universe. The only reason Five can hear her is because overuse of his powers has given him enough exposure to the rift between world that she can reach him. But how to explain this to the siblings who think he’s just traumatized? (one, two, three)
immortal au - The first time Five died, he didn’t know it. The second time was harder to explain. The third and the fourth... well. In the apocalypse, Five figures out that he can’t die, which would be fine except every time he dies he resets himself to thirteen. Puberty? Again? Everyone is more than a little concerned about Five’s lack of concern over his welfare, but hey he’ll start caring again when he’s got further to fall okay? (one)
imaginary friend au - When Five was little, he had an imaginary friend named Dolores. He had that imaginary friend for far longer than he should have, to the point where Reginald intervened. And so they all remember this when Five pops back up toting around a mannequin and calling her Dolores, the only difference is Five has stopped giving a single fuck what old Reggie had to say and he isn’t giving up his friend again so easily (one)
instant arrival au - When Five jumps forward, he doesn’t jump into the apocalypse. Instead, he jumps straight into his father’s funeral. He sort of treats it as a weird vacation until he finds out Ben is dead and tries to return, and finds out he can’t. Now his siblings have to deal with a thirteen-year-old brother who saves the day by just being himself (one, two, three)
barking mad au - Vanya’s apocalypse was more targeted and only killed the humans. Five jumps into the apocalypse and instead of being alone, he’s adopted by the feral packs and colonies that have cropped up. He learns to bark and purr and growl and hiss to communicate, finding friends and family where humanity is gone. Of course, this makes returning to said humanity more than a little bit tricky. It’s not his fault his siblings are dense and don’t understand body language, ugh. (one, two, three)
pushed au - Instead of forbidding time travel, Reginald encourages it. He pushes Five to try it, and so when Five vanishes it’s Reginald’s fault. Written off as no great loss, the siblings realize how disposable they are. Who of them will be the next Five? Trust broken, they don’t stick around to find out and run away. When Five returns, it’s to a very different family who has learned how to depend on one another and protect each other. Together, they figure out how to stop the apocalypse (one)
memory mishap au - The siblings take Five’s hands and jump back in time, and it works! They’re thirteen again! Except for the fact that Five had managed to forget everything that happened since the day he decided to jump forward in time the first time. It’s the others turn to protect him as they run away. Five tries to get his memories back, but is that really what’s best? (one, two)
ghost five au - Five doesn’t leave. He stays, and when that one fateful day happens where one of them is slated to die, Five decides to bite the bullet and take Ben’s place. Even knowing Klaus’s powers, he wasn’t really expecting to wake up as a ghost. He somehow unites the family through the power of being irritating and getting Klaus involved. (one) 
broken five au - Reginald puts his foot down once and for all about time travel, by threatening Vanya’s life if Five puts another toe out of line. Five, fully believing his father capable of getting rid of the ‘useless’ child, shuts down. When his siblings find out what broke Five, they all decide to run away for their own safety as much as Vanya’s. They end up adopted by a woman happily living in the woods in her cabin who wasn’t expecting to adopt seven children but here she is and she certainly isn’t returning them to Reginald so. Seven kids it is. (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven)
run nanny run au - Look the nannies aren’t blind. They know Reginald doesn’t care about the kids and is looking at them like they’re weapons and not people, so it really shouldn’t be as surprising as it is that they decide to just take the kids and run one day. They are going to give these seven toddlers normal childhoods if it kills them, even if they have to dodge Reginald and the law as they do so. And no one forces Vanya to eat oatmeal like damn (one)
travel forward au - Instead of taking them back, Five miscalculates. It shouldn’t be unexpected, seeing as Five has never taken passengers before. But he manages to slingshot them directly into the future - into the apocalypse. The family gets a first hand look at how Five lived for forty years and gain a better understanding of their brother as he frantically works to get them all out again before they starve to death. (one, two)
daemon au - a crossover with the His Dark Materials universe by Philip Pullman, the Umbrella Academy live in a world where their souls walk beside them in the form of animals made of a material called dust. Of course, with these guys it can never be that simple. Ben’s daemon didn’t vanish upon his death and hangs out with Klaus, Luther and Diego’s daemons are always fighting, Allison’s is lazy and disagrees with her constantly, there’s something off about Vanya’s, and Five’s hasn’t settled yet. It’s certainly a bit of a mad house. (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, art)
plush companion au - Dolores wasn’t the only friend Five made in the apocalypse. A terrified and grieving child, he built himself a city out of statues and mannequins and stuffed animals. He built himself an entire world in his own imagination to keep himself from crumbling to insanity. Of course, his siblings have a few question after their brother turns back up and suddenly there’s toys turning up in the manor? (one)
atla au - a crossover with Avatar: The Last Airbender, aka all the kids are benders. In a universe where the Xth avatar is foretold to bring about the end of the world, Reginald manages to get his hands on seven children born whose mother’s hadn’t been pregnant when the day began. Apparently he’s training them to defeat this eventual evil avatar, but little do they know that said avatar is among them and tricked into believing she’s a nonbender (one, two)
suppression au - Reginald doesn’t just use his power suppression drugs on Vanya, he uses them as punishment on the others. They learn that their powers can be taken away on a whim and as punishment, and they’re forced to adapt. Five teaches Vanya the skills he learns to cope without powers, because without them they’re on the same level of competency. Vanya realizes just because she’s ordinary she isn’t useless. A more confident and competent Vanya results, and it changes the future for the better (one)
pianist five au - Vanya isn’t the only child who picks up an instrument. Five learns how to play the decorative piano in the mansion so that he can accompany Vanya’s practice. It becomes more than a hobby. In the end, when words can’t get through to the White Violin, it’s perhaps only music that can soothe the savage beast. (one)
artist klaus au - Klaus was a good artist as a child before Reginald deemed art as being ‘childish’ and forbid it. He forgets until he does some art therapy in rehab, and reignites his passion. He steals notebooks and art supplies and does drawings and caricatures for a quick buck on the streets. When the apocalypse is stopped, he also introduces art therapy to his siblings. It’s just soft tbh (one, two)
out of time au - Five doesn’t jump to eight days before the apocalypse, he jumps to the day of. He has to figure things out and figure them FAST. As such, he’s much more open to delegation and includes Vanya in this because lord knows he’s aware she’s more sensible than half his siblings. And if Vanya and Leonard argue when she wants to look after her brother that she only just got back well, if the apocalypse was prevented by this rift then it’s probably for the best (one) 
how i met your mother au - The Hargreeves jump back in time, but way back to before they were even born. They find their birth mothers, and get to learn exactly who they were, and it’s a little alarming to find out that they’re all people. The kids built them up in their heads as the monsters who gave them up, but they’re just people with hopes and dreams and fears, capable of mistakes and who had to make a choice on the worst day of their lives. (one)
responsible luther au - Five only spends a year in the apocalypse before jumping back and is relieved to find he has four years to stop the apocalypse. Except, Reginald decides that Five isn’t getting out of his hands again and restrains him. The last child left in the house, Luther, has a choice to make. And he makes it. He chooses Five, and absconds with him from the house. Luther tries to help a deeply traumatized Five recover, while also dealing with his reunited family and Reginald teaming up with the Commission to kidnap Five back. To be honest he should have only expected a mess when all the Hargreeves come together (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve)
in the trenches au - Just because Vanya is ‘powerless’ doesn’t mean useless. After all, Klaus doesn’t exactly have a combat based power. So Vanya was included, she was part of the Umbrella Academy, she went on the missions and killed and got hurt and risked her life alongside everyone else. Which means that she isn’t dismissed, she isn’t excluded. She’s as much a part of this as they all are, and that changes everything (one)
post apocalypse au - Just things I think the Hagreeves should get up to in a world where they have to deal with the fact that the world isn’t going to end and they actually have to inhabit it. They decide to try and live instead of whatever they’ve been doing for twenty-nine years, figuring out what they like and don’t like as they go where they were never really allowed to before (one)
late addition au - on one fateful day, forty-three women gave birth despite not beginning the day pregnant. Forty-three women produced forty-four children, and that one extra wasn’t exactly supposed to be there. Indeed, unhappy with the apocalypse plans, the Universe slipped her own child next to another as an almost sleeper agent of sorts. Five grew up with his mother’s voice in his ear, the knowledge that he wasn’t like the others, and a mission to take out the true cause of the apocalypse: the Commission. (one, two)
double trouble au - They stop the apocalypse, but that’s not the end of it because a few days after it all ends Five shows up. Except Five is already there. This is a younger Five who time traveled, except there’s no apocalypse to meet him now. Baby Five manages to convince his elder counterpart to see how long it takes the rest of the siblings to cotton onto the fact that there are two of them, and it’s downright alarming how long it actually takes (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight)
pride and prejudice au - The Hargreeves have returned to Netherfield to figure out the estate after their father’s death. Airheaded Klaus falls head over heels for local soldier Dave Katz, much to the chagrin of over-protective and pig-headed brother Diego. Fortunately, Dave has the fearsome and wonderful Eudora Patch at his side as his best friend. And his little sister, Dolores, is best friends with Five Hargreeves? And for reasons unknown, the Handler is back and sniffing around. (one, two, three, four, five, six)
poster child au - Klaus is a little bit more accurate with that fire extinguisher and Five drops through into the courtyard with a bloody nose and the beginning of a frankly impressive black eye. It’s looking like the poster child for child abuse that Five goes to griddy’s, and Agnes isn’t leaving this abused child alone out front, right? So she witnesses everything and ends up taking Five under her wing and rolling with the whole ‘stop the apocalypse’ train. Along the way she adopts six more children adults, falls in love with an assassin, and saves the world (one)
mechanical boy au - Five and Grace have always been close, in their own way. Away from prying eyes, with careful sentences and unsaid words. Allies in survival against a man who doesn’t care if they live or die. An exploration of a Five who takes more of an interest in his mother, and more in subterfuge. (one, two, three)
ben saves the day au - Instead of Ben dying, it was Klaus. Without his two favorite brothers, Ben drifts away from the family. He leaves when he hits 18 and doesn’t look back. He builds himself a life, gets a job, learns to live. And then of course he’s tossed back into drama central when Reggie kicks the bucket. On the bright side, Ben got one of his favorite brothers back. On the other hand, it appears that Ben got the entire family’s brain cells in the divorce. (one, two, three)
robot five au - Five is just like any of the other Hargreeves, except of course for the fact that he shares more in common with their mother than the other squishier members of the family. It’s a difficult existence, trying to be yourself when even just having free will is too much to ask. But a little trip to the apocalypse and back and Five is done with all this human bullshit and would like very much for people to stop trying to kill his family, thank you. If the others can accept Grace as their mother then on god they will accept Five as their brother. (one, two)
the commission boy au - The Boy was the only success in a series of failures regarding experiments with Number Five’s DNA, or at least the samples left behind after his rather explosive exit. Growing up trained to be the perfect assassin, the Boy eventually discovers the Commission’s dirty laundry. Mainly, the existence of Five. Assuming that Five is another successful experiment and his ‘brother’, the Boy betrays the Commission and embarks on a journey to discover who his family are, and more importantly, who he is. (one, two, three, four, five, six)
hogwarts au - When Five is ten, a woman comes to the house and talks about magic. Reginald tosses her out, but Five follows her and tells her with wide innocent eyes that their father bought them and is planning to expose their ‘powers’ to the world. The magical community can’t have that, and all seven children are bundled up and placed at Hogwarts. They still have their powers, which don’t seem to be linked to their magic in any way, but they’re not about to tell any of the adults that. (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven)
changeling au - When 43 children were born around the world, they became a curiosity that got the attention of a powerful member of the fae, The Handler. Changelings are traditional, so she sent off a minion to swap one of the children with her own - except something goes wrong. The switch isn’t made. One woman assumes she had twins, and gives both of them to Reginald Hargreeves. Five grows up with rules. Lies burn like coal on his tongue, he is bound to his word, and he knows the true power of names. The Handler isn’t willing to let sleeping dogs lie. (one, two, three)
timeboy au - When Five is young, he finds a blue box in an alley that feels like home. He finds a friend, the TARDIS finds family. She finds him again, over and over through the years. Five grows up with the TARDIS’s voice humming in his head, blue glowing on his hands. He asks her to teach him to time travel, and she does. But when he jumps - time screams. It’s wrong. It’s time for a team up between Five and Team TARDIS to fix the timeline, prevent the apocalypse, and learn some important life lessons along the way. (one, two, ao3)
supernatural au - In another world, 43 children appeared out of thin air. In this world, Reginald is a collector. Of what, you might ask? Well just look in his library. Reginald Hargreeves is one of the world’s foremost expects on supernatural and mythical creatures. Why, just look at his children. (one)
pokemon au - Blessed by legendaries, the Umbrella Academy aren’t entirely human. They look human enough, but humans can’t learn pokemon moves. Humans don’t have a type. Reginald wriggles through a loophole, and gets custody of seven legendary children, though of course there are only six on a traditional team. Sorry Vanya. (one)
gym leader au - the Hargreeves are certainly a power family since they were trained from infancy to be the best trainers they can be. Of course, being gym leaders means they’re in the middle of all the weird and wacky shit that happens. Don’t mention the celebi incident that resulted in the dragon gym leader looking like a teenager, for the love of god. (one)
unviable au - Time travel doesn’t work. It needs a conduit. Taking all of time into something as fallible as a human heart... Five gets to the apocalypse, and he doesn’t immediately realize that he can’t touch things any more. He can’t interact with the world. He figures he got stuck in a pocket dimension of some sort, and eventually manages to travel back in time - except the only people who can see him are Klaus and Ben. They tell him that he’s dead, a ghost, but that’s not going to stop him from saving his family and, maybe, the world. (one, two, three)
prophet five au - Five’s time powers are a little different than canon. When he dreams, he sees the future. A possible future. He spends most of his childhood tweaking and prodding at the world to make sure his family is safe, terrified of being discovered. And then he starts dreaming of the apocalypse, of a life he hasn’t lived, and he decides to change the world. But he needs a little help. That’s where Vanya comes in. (one)
delayed au - when forty-three children were born, one mother looked Reginald Hargreeves in the eyes and said, no thank you. She would raise her child herself, thanks. Except her son turns five-years-old, and he’s not safe. He teleports, and he gets lost, and - she turns to the academy in desperation. Five knows about the outside world. Knows that he was loved. Reginald is full of shit, and Five tries his best to save the world. (one)
tog/tua crossover - Five dies in the apocalypse and starts dreaming of other people. Andy has been confused about the immortal child she’s dreamed about on and off for eons. Nile joins the team and with the power of google search, they set off to find the mystery child immortal. Five, on the other hand, would just like to stop the apocalypse and maybe take down the commission thank-you-very-much. (one, two, three)
rebel vanya au - Vanya’s meds suppressed her powers, but her emotions were fine. Vanya grew up loud, grew up sneaking out and acting out because the only attention she could wrench from Reginald was negative attention. With anger in her heart, a friendship with her favorite two brothers based on bashing their father, and girlfriend Helen Cho that was maybe an enemies to lovers orchestra au. When Five pops back up, Vanya isn’t going to let anything get in the way or her and her girlfriend’s concert, so obviously they have to stop the apocalypse. Right? (one)
the red book au - Five finds several things in the apocalypse. He finds an eye, he finds Vanya’s book, and he finds Reginald’s notebook. Five finds out about his sister’s powers when he’s just a teenager, and grows up knowing about them. This... changes some things, when he hops back in time to save everyone. (one, two)
five meets susan au - Susan Pevensie is an old woman now, but that’s okay, because Five is old as well where it matters. They’ve both lived through loss and love and heartache, both know what it’s like to be too old to be so young and too young to be so old. They both know what it’s like to be lost in a world so different from the one they knew before. They both know what it’s like to be left alone. But that’s okay, because Five needed someone who understands him and Susan is the closest thing he’s got. (one, two, three)
oneshots - Just little oneshots, usually within the scope of vague canon or post-stopping the apocalypse times where I write about just family bonding and conversation I would like to see happen in canon. Usually about the siblings bonding and occur on a whim. (one)
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billdenbrough · 5 years
is eddie neville longbottom
anon i have been flicking to this ask in my head for literally hours and i’m at… maybe? like i think it depends what you mean. 
wrt differences, neville has never been able to have a sheltered existence (they both exist in situations of trauma, but neville’s is growing up in the wake of it, and eddie’s is both growing up in an abusive home & the pretty significant trauma of dealing with pennywise—-like, neville ends up thrown into war and fighting death eaters, but that’s more of a resurgence than anything… he knows what the death eaters are, what they can do, and even at fifteen and injured and in the arms of death eaters, he’s still adamant that harry not give over the prophecy, not for him… like that’s the behaviour of someone intimately familiar with their power, because he grew up in a family that had been irreparably hurt by them, whereas wrt pennywise, while eddie has always grown up with sonia’s awful treatment, pennywise is still a different type of monster/experience, which is why i classify them as separate traumas as opposed to how neville’s is always defined by the same circumstances of pain) which i think leads to a very different outlook on the world. i also think the losers club are much closer than neville was to any of his fellow gryffindors, and that eddie is more centrally located in the narrative than neville was (he’s absolutely up there, but he’s secondary, i think, in a way the losers can’t be, but also that eddie specifically is not—-he largely has an individual and independent arc, and in fact affects other people’s arcs (namely richie’s), and has character autonomy that i think neville lacks (to the same degree, anyway, he definitely has it), which is likely just a virtue of the writing style (i.e., even if one argued that bill is the protag for it, then the other six are still the ron and hermiones of it all (i’m not even sure i agree with that reading becaue even across seven books, while we get a very strong sense of their characters, having the losers’ points of view creates an even stronger sense of self, i think), and neville is… maybe will hanlon, alongside sirius/arthur/remus/etc.), but still affects where i’m at with this
on the other hand, similarities. there’s the treatment from maternal figures, though in differing degrees (meaning augusta here for neville, not alice—-and i don’t want to reduce the effect augusta had, because she belittles him, she does, and she looks at him and expects to see her son again, and the weight of expectation… is fucking hard? and unfair? but at the same time, i don’t want to reduce sonia’s actions at all with false comparisons, so i’m just saying here that they have quite imposing maternal figures, whose actions and care differ greatly, and affect them in different ways), and the… for lack of a better term, lack of self-belief. (i do think that’s slightly reductive, though; i think neville has always lacked self-confidence because he’s constantly being held to the specific standard of being his father, and that’s something he simply can’t achieve and frankly shouldn’t have to; and i think eddie’s been conditioned and shaped by his mother his entire life to not expect himself to be able to embody the values he holds, because he’s ‘sick’, and bravery is for other people, like bill, like richie (eddie is 10x braver than richie, but richie is Loud and Present, and something in that feels like bravery to eddie sometimes; richie is ambitious and has dreams and reaches higher than any of them, and eddie listens to him speak and the absolute magnetism in his voice, and even though he can see the flaws in the plans that nobody else is pointing out, he still listens, still believes), not him…. except, well, it constantly is. like, even ignoring his big brave moments and just thinking abt the conditioning and abusive parenting he endured… he was constantly rebelling in little ways, in little moments? which is a marked difference to how neville navigates the world for the majority of the series—-because he absolutely grows a mouth at the end of it all, and he has his brave, stubborn moments, where he’s scared but steps forward anyway, but those are always Things, not exactly like eddie’s quiet constant rebellions)
but! there’s definitely something in terms of how their Big Brave Moments manifest. 
“It’s just a fucking Eye! Fight It! You hear me? Fight It, Bill! Kick the shit out of the sucker! Jesus Christ you fucking pussies I’m doing the Mash Potatoes all over It AND I GOT A BROKEN ARM!”
“Yeah,” said Neville. “That’s how I got this one,” he pointed at a particularly deep gash in his cheek, “I refused to do it. […] I got this one,” he indicated another slash to his face, “for asking her how much Muggle blood she and her brother have got.”“Blimey, Neville,” said Ron, “there’s a time and a place for getting a smart mouth.”“You didn’t hear her,” said Neville. “You wouldn’t have stood it either. The thing is, it helps when people stand up to them, it gives everyone hope. I used to notice that when you did it, Harry.”“But they’ve used you as a knife sharpener,” said Ron, wincing slightly as they passed a lamp and Neville’s injuries were thrown into even greater relief.Neville shrugged.“Doesn’t matter. They don’t want to spill too much pure blood, so they’ll torture us a bit if we’re mouthy but they won’t actually kill us.”
i don’t think either of these are necessarily their bravest moments (i mean, eddie literally dies for his friends & neville fucking defies voldemort in front of everyone and later decapitates nagini) but they’re the two that came to mind immediately for comparative purposes. there’s just something about the way they’re the ones who Stand Up, and Stand For something, and inspire everyone else to as well. and there’s an absolute lack of self-consciousness here, of self-doubt. it’s just unadulterated bravery, and what needs to be done. (to be fair: neville does state he doesn’t believe he’s at risk of death, whereas eddie clearly is & also pushes everyone because they’re at risk of death… but counterpoint: i don’t actually believe that neville’s pureblood status would actually have saved him, not at the rate he was going, and definitely not in battle or war, and he kept on going anyway.)
i guess where i’m at with this is… there are similarities in how their bravery can manifest in Big Moments, but i think due to their differences in experience (bc there are def similarities in their experiences, but the details that differ affect them immensely), they’re not actually… character parallels. that said, i do tend to think that with the losers, mapping them onto specific hp characters is a much more Trying (and perhaps not as interesting) task than exploring their houses in general, so it’s totally possible that it’s just my mindset that makes this harder for me. also VERY totally possible that you were just hoping for a pithy answer and i fucking sprung all of this on you, i’m so sorry fdshjkllhjk
tl;dr —- i think neville wouldn’t be able to defeat It, at least not as a child, whereas eddie’s the loser who It is Most Afraid Of
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ultralaser · 5 years
i'm just gonna go ahead and spoil the fuck out of hellboy 2019 bc it's awful and i can't think of a good reason not to
thomas haden church shows up as lobster johnson! but he looks ridiculous, like, a cheap halloween costume version compared to, say, the period costumes in captain america or wonder woman. and he has NO SET UP so he just comes off like a joke, it's not, oh this is a wierd noir pulp hero in **gotham city**, it's, lobster johnson, nazi hunter. is hellboy a world with cool superheroes, and if so, why isn't hellboy one of them? is he an x men now? idk it doesnt work tho
baba yaga shows up! she has a house on chicken legs that's rendered beautifully, but then she has one of the worst face prosthetics i've ever seen, it literally looks like a cheap monster mask from party city. so much for the grace and elegant spookiness of a doug jones suit, this baba yaga mask can't even lip sync well
guy davis kaiju demons show up! but they aren't, cool, they're just, they have as much screen time as the ogdru jahad in hellboy 04, but they show up and start just gruesomly killing ppl, like same with thr giants fight earlier on, the movie uses the r rating to push a lot of just dismemberment, disembowelment, graphic bodily harm, it's gross and mean and dumb and out of character for the comics. therr's the helicopter shot of the tall man walking through the tower bridge, then two bat demons fky up in front of him and tear someone in half and all their guts fall out. what? why
king arthur and merlin show up! merlin is, christian for some reason? and king arthur is boring. this sequence is nearly saved by ian mcshane's narratiom, but not really. witches bad, she created a plague but not, the plague? england is the most important place in history, blah blah, no. king arthur legend of the sword does more with excalibur as a magic artifact, and drunk merlin from transformers the last knight is way more compelling than Christian Merlin, warrior for god
they do the quick ww2 origin flashback, ala thomas and martha wayne, joe chill, pearls. kroenen is there and looks bad, ilsa looks fine, rasputin, tbh feels like they got the same actor who did a poor job in 04, he's generic in a boring way, the whole scene is unnecessary
okay, so, then halfway! through, after hellboy has been sent to england to help the rebel general from rogue one, and they name their perennial giant hunt 'the wild hunt', and they all betray hellboy and stab him with a bunch of spears, and are killed brutally by giants, and then hellboy brutally kills the giants, and is rescued by new girl, who talks to ghosts and was rescued by hellboy from being replaced by a fairy changeling (who is back, running around putting milla back together after king arthur dismembered her and locked her still-living pieces in boxes around england?), and hellboy both knows her from all along but also hasnt been back since, and knows shes a psychic but also hasnt seen her since she was a baby, depending on the scene?
THEN finally daniel dae kim's ben daimio shows up, and he's NOT EVEN IN THE BPRD, he's with british intelligence, and he takes hank's anti-mutation polyjuice serum from days of future past to repress his were-jaguar form, and he has a special gun designed to KILL HELLBOY because he doesnt trust him not to be the actual devil, despite, HIMSELF, being cursed with a monstrous destiny
the scene in the trailer with hellboy, new girl, and daimio on a bprd mission, with hellboy punching daimio to activate his hulking out? THAT'S IN THE **SIX MONTHS LATER** EPILOGUE. the movie ENDS with the three of them finding abe sapien
so this whole thing? is a fucking ORIGIN STORY. it is EVERY SUPERHERO MOVIE FROM 78 TO IRON MAN TWO, it is ONE HERO, ALONE, IN A WORLD WITH NO OTHER HEROES. it's not even the x-men because they're not recruiting hellboy to join their team, it's like if the x-men were just xavier and logan and a nunch of fbi guys.
meanwhile, ddk and new girl are both americans doing british accents, david harbour is still playing hellboy as a 75 year old teenager, and ian mcshane, bless him, is just playing ian mcshane
also, just, i think the intent was for harbour to play it as the stone right hand is just really heavy? but it ends up looking like a cosplayer who misjudged the weight of his prop hand an hour into the con. i want to say del toro did a better job of making it look like, this is actually hellboy's hand, and not, this is ron perlman wearing a wierd prosthetic.
and also, amazing advances in prosthetic technology aside, why didnt they just get dave bautista, if they wanted surly hellboy, or dwayne johnson, if they wanted comic accurate charming hellboy, because neither of those dudes would have needed a muscle suit. hellboy ends up (AGAIN) looking like one of the fucking dwarves in the hobbit, who wore fat suits to look like they were built like john rhys davies, but if they turn their head wrong you can see their prosthetics floating like trump's wig
have the balls to give him his wierd jawline from the comic, or don't fucking bother
okay, okay. OKAY. so, you guys remember the BLOOD TORNADO from blade one, the 'original ending' on the dvd where frost turns into a whirling vortex of blood, and they superimpose the dorff's torso just kind of leaning out of it? and it looked awful both because it's super fake anyways but also unfinished? so, there is an EXTENDED scene where professor mcshane comes back as a ghost, and it's ian mcshane's head pasted onto a super fake ectoplasm tail coming out of new girl's mouth (which also, gross), and they forgot to give him a neck, and he's naked? and it's awful and only not laughable bc, frankly, ian mcshane is a treasure and spends the whole moving swearing a lot
and honestly, the most annoying part is that hellboy 19 cribs the ending from hellboy 04 where hellboy is about to give in to his cursed destiny and join team evil, until some white dude says 'no, stop, you have a choice thanks to your father'
hellboy popped into our plane in 1944 and it is 2019, dude is SEVENTY FIVE YEARS OLD. he is smarter than this shit, or at least, old enough to know better. i'm half his age and i can tell when someone is not negotiating in good faith.
and at least in 04 he was doing it to save liz, in the new movie witch milla ALREADY KILLED IAN MCSHANE and it still takes ghost mcshane to cuss hellboy out back to team good, talking him into using EXCALIBUR to rekill her instead of, destroying the world
and do they reconcile that EXCALIBUR was the key to the hellmouth, that hellboy pulling the sword from the stone started the biblical apocalypse? that england is the villain here? no, they joke that now hellboy is king.
OMG and i forgot merlin shows up again to tell hellboy HE IS LITERALLY DESCENDED FROM KING ARTHUR. his human witch mother fucked satan in the 1600s and gave birth to hellboy in hell, and then four hundred years later rasputin and the nazis summon him to earth as he's still a baby. does this make sense? no. is it comics canon. idk, who cares, it's BAD.
this movie is B A D in almost every way, it is amazing how bad it is. it is clearly a 'gritty' remake of the 2004 film, not in any way a new take on the comics. there are FIFTEEN YEARS of new bprd comics put out since that film for these guys to riff on, and they are still fundamentally misrepresenting beloved characters while also just, making up new bullshit.
but when del toro did that, it was del toro's cool bullshit. this is hellboy from the guys who said 'lets have jaime rape cersei on joffrey's tomb'
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pokemagines · 6 years
unova boys + asking out their crush
anon asked: “Unova boys asking out their crush? Thank you!”
a/n: this is WAY too long i’m sorry,,, but hey i got to catch up on the supermega podcast and h3 podcast while writing this so it’s all good
a crush for him is a once in a lifetime type thing. and even then, he doesn’t understand what he’s feeling. it’d take someone spelling it out for him, or his crush asking him out to come to terms with his emotions.    + after all, he was basically kept in a box his whole life, not interacting with anyone who wasn’t family. he’s not in touch with his feelings - especially romantic ones - as most people are.
if he does realize his feelings naturally, though, (perhaps by watching couples or reading up about what love is) he’d just tell his crush straight up. he doesn’t feel awkward in the slightest, he’s always been honest with them when they were just friends, why should anything change?
if they say ‘yes’, he feels abnormally excited. he’d probably pull them into a hug, and ask “what comes next?”. they’d laugh and try to explain what a relationship entails.    + he’s pretty bad, at first, with a relationship because he’s just used to taking care of another person or caring for their emotional needs, but he learns as time goes on.    + the keyword in this relationship is patience!
if they say ‘no’, he’d be a bit confused. he thought if he felt the one way, then surely they must? he might be a bit awkward around them after, but eventually, things will go back to normal.
he’s pretty quick to realize he has a crush, mainly because he gets all flustered and sweaty around them. he reverts back to acting like an awkward schoolboy, heart fluttering whenever he sees them.    + he doesn’t fall in love often, but when he does he’s head over heels.
tries to impress them with his knowledge on things, but will usually end up rambling and repeating the same thing -- help this boy he is a mess.
though he realizes his feelings quickly, it would take him a long time to work up the courage to confess. he’d even tell himself that he was going to confess on a certain day, but as soon as he sees you, he chickens out.     + eventually, he’ll just ask bianca for advice, and after she screams for a minute because she’s happy for him, and she gives him all kinds of advice on what to say and do to make sure you say yes.
bianca hides in the bushes to make sure he doesn’t chicken out this time, and when he sees them he takes a deep breath, holding the flowers in his hand a little too tight. cheren basically shoves the flowers in their arms, face flushed and internally screaming, and they start laughing once he starts reciting his obviously rehearsed lines.     + he starts to freak out when they laugh, because he thinks it’s because they don’t like him, but no, it’s because seeing someone who’s usually so composed be this flustered, is cute!    + eventually, cheren just spills how he really feels instead of stating bianca’s lines he memorized and hopes that they reciprocate.
if they say yes, he’d laugh like a madman. because, yes, it was silly to get this worked up around his best friend. they’d kiss his cheek and he’d take them to get coffee.
if they say no (aka reader is a Monster), he’d be wrecked. he would probably cry a bit in private, and couldn’t hang around them alone for a long time, because every time he’d see them he’d be reminded of his feelings. 
it takes him a while to warm up to anyone in a romantic sense. he’s not really looking for love, so when he develops a crush on someone it’s a very rare scenario.
tries to make up excuses for what he’s feeling: maybe it’s because he isn’t feeling alright, or he’s abnormally anxious, but when the feeling doesn’t go away, he knows what it is. he’s in love with [name], plain and simple.
nothing really changes once he realizes his feelings for them, he’s very level-headed about it, knowing when he’s overstepping his boundaries or not.    + he’d want them to help with his inventions more often than they do normally. though, he’d make sure it wasn’t a dangerous one so they didn’t get hurt. that’s the last thing he wants.
he wouldn’t set up anything elaborate, just wanting to get his feelings off his chest so they know what he feels, all the while hoping they feel the same so he’d have someone to be his companion.    + as much as he likes to be by himself, he has to admit it gets kind of lonely. 
he invites them over and they’ll be working on something together, colress would hand you a wrench to adjust something and he’d just be like: “i think i have romantic feelings for you. can you pass me the oil?”    + they’d say: “yeah sure, colress, wait WHAT”.
if they reciprocate the feeling, he’d lean down and kiss you, him being a grinning mess. his grin is actually really creepy, so you kiss him again to wipe it off his face.
if they don’t feel the same, he’d be able to accept it. he’d talk with them about it to understand where they stood, but it really wouldn’t be awkward.
he’s attracted to a lot of people, but falling in love takes time. he has a habit of rushing into things, so he doesn’t have a lot of luck in relationships. 
by the time he realizes he’s in love, he’s already head over heels.     + he’d realize when one of his gambling buddies mentions he’s not coming to the game corner as often, and they ask why he’s been away. he thinks for a moment before it sinks in: 'wow, i’ve been with [name] all week. arceus help me.’
grimsley is very suave around them, more so than usual, dialing his charm up to an eleven. [name] is very confused because they think he has something up his sleeve. when they ask what’s wrong, he’ll deny anything, spinning the opportunity to compliment them.
it’s not about getting the courage to ask them out, more like finding the right opportunity. he’d take them out to a nice restaurant (with his elite four money), and confess his feelings there.    + it’d be almost too perfect, so they wonder if this is him playing a prank on them, but he assures them his feelings are sincere, and he’s truly in love with them. (he’s pretty flustered though he’s good at keeping a poker face).
if they say yes, he’d be ready to leave so he can be close to them, not just sitting across the table. once he pays and they leave together, he’d spin them around and kiss them, letting out a relieved sigh after, him having wanted to do that for a while.
if they reject him, he’d be a little bit upset, but would want to know why they rejected him. he’d try to change whatever it was that kept them from feeling the same way.
cilan (anime bc the games don’t have a lot to go off of):
he’s very oblivious when it comes to love. he really can’t tell the difference between a crush and a best friend until it’s glaringly obvious.     + cilan is the last one who knows he has a crush - well, maybe save ash. his brothers can see it, heck, cress would even tease him about it, but he’d still think it’s just them playing around.
iris would put her hands on the side of his face and be like “LOOK! cilan, you’re in love with [name]. everyone knows this, it’s time you accept it!”     + he’d start to laugh but as it sinks in he’s like: “oh... oh arceus i DO!”
he’d be really nervous around them because he hasn’t really had a crush before, so he doesn’t know how to act. cilan would try to act casual, but he’d end up tripping over his own feet or embarrassing himself in some other way. 
it’d take iris yelling at him to stop being such a child and tell them how he feels for him to confess. 
he’d invite them to some park (himself showing up fifteen minutes early), and he’d have chocolate he made himself made for them.     + when they show up, he’d stammer through an over dramatic confession, holding their hands and trying to look them in the eye.
if they say yes, he’d be so excited he’d scream out “YES!” for everyone else in the park to hear. [name] is like “calm down cilan we’re gonna get kicked out!”. he’d apologize and ask them to try the chocolates he made for them.
i’m not even making an option for saying no but just know that he’d mope for days and would never love again thanks reader.
he falls in love super quickly, but usually those feelings go away because they’re based on physical attraction. though, every once in a while he’ll develop a real crush.
once he realizes his feelings, he’ll try to be around them as much as possible. he can’t have anyone stealing them away, so even when they  were away, he’d text them. 
he wants to tell them as soon as possible because honestly, he loves being in a relationship because he likes having someone to hang around all the time. he’s basically a growlithe in human form.
marlon would accidentally blurt it out when they’re swimming together. he’d try to yank them under the water, and they would grab him, not letting him take them under. when he realizes they’re a bit too close, he’d smile warmly and be like: “wow, i love you, dude.”    + once he realizes what he just said, he’d just admit that he meant it, and that he’s been wanting to tell them for a while now.
if they feel the same way, he’d grab them and spin them around in the water, kissing them on the cheek. they made him the happiest man on earth.
if they don’t, he’d be dejected and would want to be alone, realizing how much he messed up.
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frdknsll-blog · 6 years
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imagine the most serious character you know
now imagine them getting scared by the toaster going off as they walk by
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ joel kinnaman + male + he/his — have you met ford kinsella? they are thirty eight years old known around town as the bodyguard. they’ve been in the gang life for fifteen years, and currently work for the gang as a soldier. they are a pansexual virgo, which means they are practical + observant, as well as harsh + inflexible. rusty metal crow bar, beech forest in the winter, messages on read.
born in valdez. his crackhead mom named him ford because she found him in the boot of a ford fiesta whilst she was robbing it. he was a one way ticket to claim some golden benefits.
had a string of men come in and out of their home like a revolving door who were just as bad as her or worse. ford was still protective of his mum, despite all her shit, and he paid for it.
grew up in a lil trailer park in some dodgy area. a real small community. guy ritchie snatch vibes. he heard stories of kids at school playing ball in the garden but the kids from the trailers fought each other for fun.
he only knew the difference bc he actually went to school. occasionally. he enjoyed learning and thought he’d be able to get on the right path. rip. kept to himself at school, quiet. never threw the first punch but his first was always the last.
the community attempted to overthrow the ‘monsters’ that controlled valdez. stupid.
resulted in one big throw down betw the two groups on ford’s home ground. by the time the caito’s gang were finished - mind you it didn’t take them long - the majority of the ppl ford grew up with were either dead, in the back of police cars, or on the run...
at the age of nineteen, he was thrown into jail. had already gone to juvie a few times. after he’d established his reputation as someone that didn’t like being started on bc it meant he had to finish them? it wasn’t too bad. he got to read, smoke, and read more.
one night, he’d saved the life of a guy who’d been cornered by some inmates. turns out he was the son of a guy pretty high up in the gang. he offered a ‘get out of prison’ card to ford but he declined. the outside world didn’t appeal to him.
until news reached him that the gang had found his girlfriend. immediately he asked to be let out. it took a while but by the time he got out things weren’t how he expected.
she was too far gone. a splitting image of his mother. when he found out that they had a kid, and that the kid was no where to be found, he thought it’d be the end of their relationship. but he couldn’t bring himself to give up on her.
she was a hooker and he’d spent his days trying to protect her, save her from herself. until one day it all got too much and he drove himself mad. a customer laid hands on her and ford murdered him.
caito and his gang came to ford’s protection. but everything came at a price. he began working for the gang officially and it only felt natural to do so - he couldn’t find a job anywhere else, and since his release he’d been doing small jobs to get by here and there.
she died from an overdose not long after. we don’t talk about it.
now he mostly works as a guard to the escorts/strippers. and the odd job here and there during the day. he prefers working on his own.
he’s not angry. or sad. or anything. he’s just tired and pretty over it.
not a man of many words. talks with his eyes and incoherent grumbles: stop talking, step away, can you pass me the salt, this coffee is too hot, do you want my jacket, are you okay...
one cool, calm, collected, callous, cold c*nt. all the c’s. oh and a clean freak.
doesn’t get drunk, doesn’t do drugs. what a bore. v strict with himself. has a set of rules and sticks to them, expects others to do the same or at least respect them.
v patient but has zero tolerance. no manners, raised by rabid dogs lbr.
has a 2g phone. seriously a granddad. likes quiet, peace, serenity. wants to get things done as quickly and as cleanly as possible. doesn’t actually like having to resort to violence but it’s rly the only thing he knows.
likes wood carving. has a collection of ornaments he’d carved. honestly would probably even like knitting if he’d give it a chance tbh.
has just learned to detach himself from everything. lowkey dissociating half the time. honestly has no sense of humour.
super private. u aint gettin anything out from him about his past or personal life. loljk he has no personal life.
he doesn’t rly have friends. ppl he’s used to maybe. ppl who understands he likes his space and the way he works. fellow soldiers that just like to get the job done? not sure how long that’ll last bc we lov begrudging friendships in this house.
pls gimme ppl that will annoy the heck out of him. leon and matilda vibes. he’s a baby sitter lbr.  
he ain’t no ho but he still got needs. one night stands onli. feel like he used 2 fuck ppl in the gang but has made a rule not to anymore cos he cbf for messiness. (we’ll see)
someone that is able to get him to him maybe? bring out the fire in him, make him lose his shit bc when he does he loses his control. and he likes being in control of himself. hence no drinking 2 much.
enemies - anyone who’s a bit psycho and trigger happy, he ain’t gonna get on with u. i feel like he’s sent on jobs to keep them lot in check. 
someone that can actually get him to talk? they could have nice simple random conversations about absolutely nothing but will take a certain character (iono what that is yet pls i’m useless)
if you’ve made it this far then i’m sorry. it’s obvious i just have no idea whAT IM DOIN AND IONO Y U CARRY ON WIT THIS MESS OF A RAMBLE.
if u wanna plot like this post and i’ll message u :D or if u wanna message me first that’s grand too >:))))
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Trap (Werewolf!Jungkook)
Plot: A relationship between hunter!reader and werewolf!Jungkook
Part: Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Epilogue
Word Count: 1484
A/N: so this is the beginning of another kookie series (I may do an epilogue for the mafia!kook series??) part two will be coming out after Jimin’s bday posts and I’m really really excited for this series bc it’s probably the closest I’ve gotten to a fanfiction on here??? so hopefully you guys are interested in it too bc I’m just really fucking pumped up for this shit, so the link for this is werewolf!Jungkook (here)
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You had met him before you’d truly met him, an entire five years before you would know his name. It had been late at night, a full moon in the sky and the distant sounds of howls making your partner’s nose wrinkle in disgust. Certain boundaries were placed to prevent an outright war, having both a pack of werewolves and a group of hunters in the same city. No one knew who got there first, who had claimed the land first but after enough attacks on both sides, there had to be a change. Neither party was willing to leave, both had already begun to form families and homes. Lines were drawn, territories were decided, the town split in half. The only exception for either side to cross said lines was school, for their children. It had been the generation of your grandparents that had formed the truce but the line was still being crossed.
After the howls grew too close for comfort, a few hunters had been sent out to see what all the noise was about. You were still being trained, your partner well into his thirties but one of the best hunters in your group. You didn’t know much about werewolves yet, besides what they taught you in training, which was more focused on weak spots, how to get away from in emergencies and how to kill them in dire emergencies. You knew their blind spots sure, but you had never seen one in person until that night. You weren’t sure whether the movies were right, whether there were upright fur-covered human with elongated jaws and snouts or whether they roamed around as wolves, whether they were truly animals when they shifted or whether they still had their humanity.
But you most definitely weren’t expecting to see a teenage boy, a boy who couldn’t have been older than fifteen, desperately trying to pull his leg out of a bear trap. You hadn’t been able to see much of his face due to the hoodie he wore but it was easy to see the panic in his body, his hands attempting to pry the trap apart. He didn’t look like an animal at all, he looked like a kid who hadn’t looked where he was going and had gotten caught in a trap that wasn’t meant for him. But your partner refused to release your arm from his grip, refused to let you help him, only continuing to pull you towards him as he pulled the long silver coated sword out of its sheath, advising you to do the same.
“What are you talking about?! He’s not one of them, even if he is, he doesn’t deserve to be killed like this.” you argued, refusing to acknowledge the weapon you were still be trained on how to use, attached to your hip.
“Look at his eyes.”
You only glared at your partner before focusing your attention on the still frantic boy, noticing a flash of a bright amber when he looked around for help. You were suddenly pulled to a stop, pushed behind a tree, a hissed “hide!” being whispered in your direction before your partner did the same behind the tree next to yours. You listened, tearing up with frustration when you heard the boy call out again, crying out for help. You couldn’t help but peek around the tree, your eyes widening when you realized you saw a large figure appear behind the boy, a deep growl coming from it. The boy didn’t panic at the noise but he did flinch, slouching as his hands stopped their attempts, as if he was preparing to be scolded.
You heard the cracking of bones, joints popping back into place as the boy remained still, his head hung low and the bottom of his jeans torn and stained in red. Your partner had been right. The boy was either a werewolf or a human in the pack because a face you did recognize, the face of the pack’s leader, appeared behind the boy, behind the invisible line that kept the peace between the hunters and the werewolves. He was careful not to step over it, nearly burning a hole into the back of the boy’s head with his glare.
“What did you do?” His voice held a growl to it, not completely human.
“I-I’m sorry. I just, I dropped my phone and it was just a few steps past the line but I stepped on a-”
“What do you think would happen if one of them saw you like this? What if I hadn’t gotten to you first?”
“You didn’t.” your partner spoke, stepping out from behind the tree, motioning for you to remain still.
You may not have known much about the hierarchy yet but you knew your partner was breaking a few rules. You knew the leader of the pack was meant to be treated with respect, something he had somehow earned, according to your parents. Something about saving a few hunters from some rowdy werewolves who’d gotten too cocky and ambushed them. Ever since the hunters had been returned in one piece, though one had limped back with a broken leg, the other with permanent scratches down their cheek, they were alive and would heal. You knew most hunters didn’t speak to the leader, the same way interns rarely spoke up to the CEO of their company.
“Will you please let him out of the trap? He’s just a kid and I promise you, he’ll be punished at home.”
“He’s not in your territory though, is he? He’s in ours. That means we decide the punishment.” His sword was still held in his hand, the silver glinting in the moonlight, getting too close to the boy’s leg for your comfort.
You knew it was all bluff, that your partner wasn’t dumb enough to piss off the Alpha so strongly, to kill one of his own directly in front of him. But you also knew he wasn’t thinking rationally, his chest puffing out a bit too much. He was growing overly cocky, the same way those werewolves had. He had the technical upper hand in the situation and he wanted to rub it in their faces.
“He’s fifteen. He hasn’t even started his shifts yet, he’s hardly a monster. Let him go.”
As the leader spoke, you heard the boy whimper, drawing your attention to the sword pressing to his leg, a silent threat from your partner. It was like a game of chicken, who would break first. Would the Alpha call his bluff and risk one of his youngest pack members losing his leg or would your partner take the hidden warning in the leader’s glare seriously and back away? You didn’t truly want to find out, tossing your own sheathed sword aside in an attempt to seem as nonthreatening as possible.
“Let him go.” you agreed, running from your hiding spot to move your partner’s sword away from the boy’s leg. “The last thing you want to try to do on a full moon is cut a poor boy’s leg off in front of his Alpha. You’d be dead before you could get a swing in and you know it.”
You only received a look that told you you would be in trouble when you got back to your own leader but you shrugged it off, a victorious smile forming on your face when you heard his sword slide back into its sheath. You knelt down, using a flashlight as you attempted to help the boy get loose. You could hear the rapid breaths escaping his mouth, the slight tremble in his leg when your fingers grabbed onto it to pull it out of the trap, hearing the sharp intake of breath when you grabbed too tightly. You did your best to avoid looking at his leg, not wanting to see the damage you knew would be healed by the time he got home.
“Are you okay?” you asked, helping him hold his leg away from the dirt and letting him use your shoulders as a crutch as he limped towards his leader.
“He will be.” his leader promised, taking him from your grip and giving the boy one final glare before returning his attention to you. “Thank you.“
You watched as the Alpha picked the boy up as if he weighed nothing, a few more figures walking up from behind him, inspecting the boy’s injuries before they all walked away together. You started the walk back home, bracing yourself for the lectures you would receive for disobeying orders, for helping a werewolf, even if his Alpha was right there to protect him if you had done anything else.
“You know you’re dead when we get back, right?”
“And you know the whole point of being a werewolf hunter is actually hunting the werewolf.”
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