#one time I was watching a kids class for teacher training purposes like a week after nutcracker and the teacher played the waltz of the
awsydawnarts · 4 months
YouTubers stop using the waltz of the flowers, marzipan, trepak, and the dance of the sugar plum fairy as background music challenge
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amaranthsynthesis · 6 months
1 and 30 for Durge ask meme ~ LordGoretash
love the signature on the anonymous asks I always get a kick out of this
(questions from here)
What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass?
Ballard's first 'urge', the foster family slaughter we get the flashback of, is from when he was six or seven years old. He was literally just a baby, and he was kind of a difficult kid--he didn't learn to speak for a long time (he knew, he just did not want to, so no one figured out he could for ages) and he did not, as few children do, have a lot of coping mechanisms to his name. He threw a lot of tantrums, and one of them ended up with a body count of like a dozen, since no one was really anticipating the whole 'murderous child of Bhaal' thing to be an issue for another few years at least. A lot of noncombatants, but not entirely servants or slaves--a few actual ranking house members and soldiers were among the dead as well.
The matron mother had her thoughts about how Ballard's training was going to go, but the plans were adjusted and escalated rapidly. Since the issue, as far as she could determine, was one of self-control, Ballard needed training in a class that was focused on discipline. Self-regulation and meditation would help make sure he (and everyone around him) survived long enough to enact Bhaal's world-ending plans. So she had a monk brought in, an older tiefling woman from the surface they had some trade with, and she organized Ballard's training. She could not remain in the underdark permanently, and her weeks teaching Ballard were punctuated by months away where she left him 'homework' and forms to study in her absence, but the training itself as well as the solitude suited Ballard well and he grew into it easily. He struggled still with his temper, and was only trained with his fists and a staff for a decade or so, but it made his life immensely less stressful.
His teacher was a monk of the Open Hand, but she pegged him for the Way of Shadows basically immediately. Between his home environment and his quiet, watchful nature, it made a great deal of sense--though the tiefling wasn't made aware that her pupil was Bhaalspawn, and that the skills of an assassin would prove invaluable.
30. What are your Dark Urge’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
This is a great question because I, Finn, do not know. My PC struggles with Act 3 and I am a bit overwhelmed by all of the content, so I've not finished a playthrough or made firm decisions about the end of Ballard's personal storyline! So disclaimer, all of the below is speculation and therefor subject to change.
Ballard wants to help solve his friends problems. From his perspective, this involves most of them seizing the power that was used to hurt them in the past so that it cannot be used to do so again. He's supportive of Gale using the crown, and Astarion using the ritual, and though Shadowheart did not end up killing the Nightsong he SUPER thinks they should just kill everyone in the House of Grief so they can't come after he later. He's currently in contention with Wyll about rescuing his father from the Iron Throne, with Karlach about allying with Gortash again, and with Lae'zel because he can't decide if he mistrusts the Emperor or Orpheus more and will not commit to raiding Raphael's. Shit's not going like.... great.
Ballard is torn in a hundred directions and doesn't know how the absolute crisis is going to turn out. He can't decide what he wants, if he is trying to redeem or better himself, if he should return to the purpose he was created for or reject his father entirely, if his new friends or old allies outweigh one another. If asked what he intends to do after, I don't think he'd have an answer. If asked what he hopes might come after... Ballard would still not have an answer, probably, but he hopes very dearly that he will not be alone in the end.
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tyongxnct · 3 years
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pairing: Haechan x reader, Jaemin x reader
special guest: Jeno, Mark 
summary: Haechan was your best friend, until he started dating Jung Youngmi, his longtime crush. One day, he told you to back off and give him space, apparently Youngmi was jealous and wanted him to spend time just with her and not with you. It broke your heart, the boy you loved left you for another girl. Your friendship ended and after a while, he left your mind and heart. You started hanging out with Na Jaemin and it felt different with him, a good different. High school is coming to an end and you go on your last school trip. Unfortunately, you had to do a project on your trip and your partner was none other than Lee Haechan. It was an opportunity to rekindle your friendship, but after everything Haechan did to you, could you forgive him? 
genre: angst, fluff  highschool!au, unrequited-love!au bestfriends-to-enemies!au bestfriends-to-lovers!au
warnings: making out, jealousy, alcohol consumption, swearing, almost sexual assault (reader runs away), Haechan is a jerk, stealing, a prank, some dirty jokes, (I guess that’s it)
word count: 14.8k
A/N: I’m not proud of this one lmao. This took me like a decade to write and I don’t even know If I like it, I hope you do. I’m sorry for the terrible fluff, I suck at writing fluff. kind of proofread, I’m sorry If there are any errors :)
© tyongxnct on all platforms
“Look how pretty she is. She’s so pretty, (Y/n). Are you even listening?” Donghyuck poked your cheek with his finger to get your attention. “What were you saying?” you asked him even though you knew the answer. “I was talking about the prettiest girl on this planet; Jung Youngmi.” You could see his eyes form into hearts. “So, nothing new. When are you going to confess? You’ve been after her for months already.” Actually, you didn’t want to hear the answer, but you had to act like the supportive best friend, even though it hurt. “It takes time to ask out a girl like her. I need to be prepared, I’m working on it. But soon, I’ll call her mine.” He winked at you and continued staring at Youngmi. You didn’t even know If she knew about your or Donghyuck’s existence.
It’s been like this for a couple of months already. You are staring at Donghyuck and Donghyuck is staring at Youngmi, well you looked at Donghyuck that way for so many years already. It was your little secret and you shared it with no one. Donghyuck knew everything about you, but he didn’t need to know that you were head over heels for him.
You kept your little secret with you and when Donghyuck told you about his crush, you buried your feeling deep inside your heart. Every time he talked about Youngmi, you heart cracked a little open but somehow, it never broke completely. It was okay. Being Donghyuck’s best friend was great, but one day, you could hear your heart breaking into many shards.
“(Y/N)! OH MY GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW!” Donghyuck ran towards you while yelling all over the hallway. “I can see it. What’s up?” you asked him casually. You thought that he was going to talk about his biology project or his soccer training, but boy were you wrong.
“I’m going on a date with her! I asked her out and she said yes! Can you believe that?!” Donghyuck hugged you tightly and you would faint right then and there If you weren’t in his arms. You didn’t have the energy to hug him back, his words ripped your heart apart and you could feel the broken pieces stab your insides.
“I guess you are too shocked to say anything, don’t worry I also couldn’t say anything at all once she said yes. I have to get ready, I have to- fuck, I don’t know what to do. You are a girl, right? Tell me what girls like. Do you like flowers? Tulips? Sunflowers? Roses? What do you think?”
“Sunflowers.” You tried to hide the pain and act like the supportive best friend you are. “I like sunflowers.”
“Alright, and what about chocolate? Or champagne? Oh, hell, what the fuck am I saying? Alright, I’ll see you later! I have to get ready for my date tonight!”
After he left, you could finally breathe again. You walked home alone that day, for the first time in forever, and not even the loud music coming from your headphones, could distract you. This was the reality you had to live in. The reality of loving Donghyuck from afar.
A couple of weeks later, Haechan and Youngmi started dating and you felt invisible. Little did you know that it was Youngmi who told Donghyuck to stop hanging out with you that much, apparently, she was jealous of your relationship with Donghyuck, which was nothing more than being best friends, but Donghyuck was so blinded by love, that he believed her.
“What do you mean I’m a distraction and a threat? Do you hear yourself?” you were furious, how could he do that to your friendship.
“Look, you don’t understand because you never had a boyfriend before. I have to spend my whole time with Youngmi- there’s no time for you anymore. And I don’t want my girlfriend to hang out with other guys too. I understand her, why can’t you?” Donghyuck explained.
“Hyuck, this is so stupid. I don’t want anything from you, I am just your friend. We’ve been friends for so long and you want to throw that away because of her?!” you yelled at him, getting angrier every passing second.
“God, you are so exhausting. I would respect your decision If you had a boyfriend!” he yelled back. “I would never even think about pushing you away even If I had a boyfriend. I would rather break up with him!”
“That’s your fault. Maybe that’s the reason you never had a boyfriend! Stop clinging to me and leave me and Youngmi the fuck alone! Stop trying to destroy the best thing that happened to me! You know how much she means to me!”
“Seems like I never meant anything to you. Fine. Go fuck yourself, Haechan.” And with that, you turned on your heel and left his room. He wasn’t your hyuck anymore, he was Haechan from now on.
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After your fight, you completely stopped talking to him, you ignored each other and switched seats in your shared classes. Haechan was always with Youngmi, trailing after her like a stupid lost puppy. You couldn’t believe that all of that was really happening. Some of your friends noticed the change between you and him, but after seeing him with Youngmi, they understood. He was sitting at the ‘cool kids’ table with Youngmi on his lap. Like right now, he was sitting right across from you. You didn’t know If your timing was bad or If he did it on purpose, but every time you accidentally looked at that direction, he kissed her on the lips.
“Hey, (Y/n), do you have time to study together today? But If you’re busy we can do it another time.” You thanked Jaemin for distracting you right now. “Today’s fine. Where do you wanna go?” you asked back. “Let’s go to the library and grab something to eat afterwards? What do you think?” food sounds perfect right now. “Sounds great. I’ll see you after school?” the bell rang and it was time for you to go to your class, which you unfortunately shared with Haechan. “Yeah, see you later.”
Jaemin was actually one of your close friends, but he was never as close as Haechan was. He was also friends with Haechan, but after Haechan changed tables, he stopped talking to your other friends, too.
You were the first one to enter history class, your teacher was also not there yet. You opened the window and looked out, it was raining, and you felt like you could breathe again after the cold hit your face. Your peaceful moment was interrupted by Haechan himself. “I see you finally started talking to other boys. Is Na Jaemin your new victim? That poor boy could actually get himself a girlfriend, but If you are trying to stop him from that like you did with me, it won’t be easy for him.” He said mockingly.
Ignore him, (Y/n). Just ignore him, you thought.
“I’m talking to you.” He said.
Someone’s going to enter, and you won’t hear his stupid voice anymore, you thought now.
“You have the chance to talk to me, (Y/n). Aren’t you going to take it?” he mocked you again.
This is not the boy you knew.
“(Y/n)- “before he could continue, the other students entered, and you thanked god.
You promised yourself to ignore him, to hate him, to stop loving him, and it’s going to be a long ride until you do.
“Hey, I hope you didn’t have to wait for me.” You greeted Jaemin, who was leaning against his car. “Oh no, don’t worry. So, you want to eat first? Or after?” he asked. “I’m actually starving right now, I feel like my brain won’t work If I study with an empty stomach. What do you think?”, you asked back as you entered his car. “I hoped you’d say that.” He smiled. You never noticed that Jaemin’s smile was that pretty.
You arrived at a cute little ramen restaurant and you got more excited to eat. “This place looks so cute.” You said. “Yeah, it’s actually my first time coming here but I heard it’s really good.” Jeno once told him about this place, well actually he told Jaemin to take his girlfriend here, but he thought he could take you here, too.
After ordering two bowls of ramen, you talked about so much. You learned so many things about Jaemin you didn’t know before and you were amazed. He was incredibly sweet and funny. Time was flying by and you didn’t notice that you spend hours at the ramen restaurant. You were so into the conversation, that you didn’t want it to end. But everything good must come to an end.
“Woah it’s almost 9 pm. I guess it’s a little too late to go study.” Jaemin looked at his watched. “We can go study tomorrow If you have time.” You said and at the same time the waiter arrived. “Sure, but we should eat afterwards, not before.” He laughed. You took out your wallet but Jaemin stopped you. “You really think I’ll let you pay?”
“Jaemin come on, it’s just ramen. Let me pay.”
“No way I’ll let you pay, put that back. I’m a gentleman” You laughed at his comment and put your wallet back into your bag.
He really is a gentleman.
You spend all of your time with Jaemin after your little failed study session, it’s almost the end of the school year and everything was going perfectly fine. You got closer and closer as you spend so much time together. Your little study sessions turned into hanging out at each other’s places, facetiming late at night until you fell asleep, having movie nights and late-night dates. But you never really called it a ‘date’, you never really talked about that thing going on between you two. The people around you noticed the change between you and Jaemin. Especially Haechan whose eyes were always on you, but you didn’t know that of course, because you simply didn’t care about him anymore. Your history with Haechan, well, was history and you were looking forward to the future.
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“Did you pack your underwear?” your mother asked you, making Jaemin who was laying on your bed blush and giggle. “Of course, mom, god.” You punched Jaemin on the shoulder for giggling. “What about your toothbrush? And you should bring a bikini, too. I heard the beach there is beautiful. Especially in June.” Your mom checked the list she had made for your class trip. Jaemin and your friends were also going, and you were extremely excited. “Jaemin did you pack already?” she asked him. “Yes ma’am. My suitcase is ready.”
“Great. And Jaemin?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Please take care of (Y/n), I don’t want her to get lost or kidnapped or something.”
“Mom, Jaemin’s not my babysitter.” You said annoyed as you entered your bathroom to check once again If you packed everything.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect (Y/n) with my life.”
After you heard Jaemin’s words you felt so shy. You looked at the mirror and smiled widely as your heart started beating faster. Why is he so cute and why is my heart beating like that, you asked yourself.
Jaemin left after dinner and called you on facetime as soon as he arrived at home. You were so excited that you couldn’t fall asleep and Jaemin spend the whole night with you, awake.
“We’re going to be fucked in the morning.” You mumbled.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep now. We have one hour until we have to actually wake up. If you fall asleep now, it’ll be harder to wake up. You can sleep on the bus ride, baby.”
Your eyes sprung open when your heard him say ‘baby’, he never said something like that before. He’d call you (Y/n) or (Y/n)-ie but baby? That was new. You looked at Jaemin whose eyes were almost closed, and he probably didn’t even notice that he called you baby.
“Jaemin!” you screamed, loud enough for him to hear but not too loud to wake up your parents.
“I’m awake!” his eyes shot open after you scared him like that. “By the way, I downloaded our playlist for the ride, and I added some new songs. Do you want anything else for me to download?”
“Can you download a movie?”
“Why? Do you want to sneak into my room and watch movies with me while everyone’s sleeping?” he smirked at you.
“Who knows.”
“Are you flirting?” he asked, still smirking.
“Maybe. Are you?”
Maybe it was the lack of sleep or just the thing between you two, but sometimes you looked at each other without saying anything and that was everything you needed.
Almost two hours later, you found yourself at school, next to Jaemin with your suitcases. You were waiting for the bus and your legs were about to give up. “Jaem, can you carry me?” you mumbled.
“I’ll carry you If you carry me afterwards. Deal?” he said sleepily.
“How the fuck am I supposed to carry you?”
Before you could talk about the ways of you carrying Jaemin, the bus arrived, and all the students got on. You connected your Airpods to Jaemin’s iPhone and listened with him to the playlist he created for the ride. Your head was on his shoulder and his head was on yours, something you didn’t notice, because you were so exhausted, was the hand holding yours.
What you also didn’t notice was Youngmi glaring at you. Even though you didn’t talk to Haechan for months now, she still looked at you like the devil she was. Let’s not forget the comments she always makes whenever she sees you in school. She laughed at you with her friends and always mocked you. One time, Jaemin was about to throw a chair at her, but you stopped him.
Haechan stopped bothering you after a while, and sometimes he tried to shut his girlfriends’ mouth, but nobody was strong enough to stand against her. Not even her own boyfriend.
“Look how cute they are!” your teacher, Ms. Kim said and snapped a picture of you and Jaemin sleeping like that. You woke up to the sound of the other students and your friends ‘awing’ and your teacher’s excitement. Jaemin also woke up and blushed when he saw all the people looking at you two.
“I just wanted to give you the room distribution, but I had to take a picture of you two, so cute! Here (Y/n) this is your room, and this is yours Jaemin.”
You thought it was going to be a great trip, but after you saw Yougmi’s name and of course the names of her stupid friends, you thought It could only get worse. You looked over at Jaemin’s room and he had to share the room with Haechan. “Don’t worry, if we ignore them, we can still have a wonderful time.” Jaemin tried to cheer you up and after a while you forgot that you were going to share a room with that snake.
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A couple of hours later, you finally arrived, and the weather was amazing. Your hotel looked great and you couldn’t wait to explore everything with Jaemin.
“Listen, everybody. We’ll give you the keys to your rooms and don’t forget that we are here to have fun and to be productive. We made plans for the time we’re going to be here- “Ms. Kim talked as Mr. Byun handed each student a pile of sheets. “For today, you are free to do whatever you want, but we are going to have dinner together at 6 pm. You have to be in your rooms at 11pm and we don’t want to disturb the other guests, so you’re not allowed to make any noise after 10pm. Please don’t sneak out and that’s it for now. We’ll see you at 6pm.” Mr. Byun finished.
You silently entered your room and ignored the other girls. You didn’t care which bed you’d get but apparently Youngmi wanted to have yours. “Move.”
“There are four other beds. Take one of them.” You said. “No. I want this bed. So, get the fuck up.” you sighed, how are you going to survive this? You changed your bed and your phone blinked.
Jaems [14:35] : Wanna go explore the city? Or do you want to unpack first?
(Y/n) [14:35] : I’ll change my clothes, let’s meet at the reception
Jaems [14:36] : alrigthy
You changed your sweatpants and hoodie to a pretty cute sundress, and you put on a little bit of  make-up, and you were ready to go. Your suitcase was under your bed and you left without saying anything to the others.
When you entered the elevator, you thought that nothing, not even stupid Youngmi, could -your thoughts were interrupted by another person who entered the elevator with you.
Fucking Lee Haechan.
When he looked up and saw you standing there, he stopped breathing. It was awkward to share the elevator with you and it wasn’t a short ride. And of course, just like in movies, you wanted to press the button at the same time, slightly touching each other’s finger.  
“Sorry, ladies first.” did Haechan really just say sorry?
You didn’t say anything back and just pressed the button. You were standing as far as you could from him, trying to avoid any more interaction with him. You didn’t notice Haechan’s eyes look you up and down, too focused on texting Jaemin. Haechan never saw you in a dress before, most of the times you wore jeans and a shirt and that’s it. He also noticed the red lipstick on your lips, which was also new for him. He always thought you looked pretty without any make up and in your hoodie and sweatpants, but his view right now took his breath away.
You finally arrived and left the elevator as fast as you could, Jaemin noticed Haechan getting off after you but he didn’t care, because you looked so fucking pretty in that dress.
“My pretty girl, are you ready to explore the city?” Jaemin offered you his hand and you took it with a smile on your face.
“With you, always.”
Haechan was waiting for Youngmi to get ready, but she always, always, takes so long. You on the other side, looked beautiful without doing much. Your natural wavy hair was always perfect, and your face always shined. Everything was so much easier with you, Haechan thought. Stop comparing your girlfriend to your ex-best-friend.
You and Jaemin had a list for the place you wanted to visit. But you were most excited to see the beach. Even though you weren’t wearing your bikini, you stepped into the water until it reached your knees. You pulled your dress a little higher, scared of getting it wet.
“It’s so beautiful, Jaems, I could stay here forever.”
Jaemin held your hand, he didn’t want you to fall into the water, but that was just an excuse to hold your hand. “Be careful, though, don’t want you to get wet.”
You looked at each other for a second, realizing how sexual that sounded. “I mean-“
“I know what you mean.” You said shyly. “Um, yeah.” He glanced at his watch, “We gotta go- it’s almost six.” He changed the topic.
You arrived at the restaurant and saw your teachers waiting there. Jeno, Mark, Yuna and Minji were already sitting at a table and they waved at you and Jaemin.
“Hi.” You greeted them. “Hey, we missed you guys.” Yuna said with a smirk. Your group of friends knew that there was something going on between you and Jaemin, they teased you always because, apparently, it was cute how you and Jaemin reacted.
“Yeah sorry, we just wanted to go to the beach. We’ll hang out with you guys from now on.” You said.
“No no don’t worry about us. Enjoy your time alone.” Minji wiggled her eyebrows. “Yeah, enjoy your time alone.” Jeno also said, emphasizing the word alone.
“Anyways, what do you guys want to eat?” Jaemin changed the topic.
After everyone ordered, you were so full, you decided to go for a walk together. Everyone was teasing you and Jaemin, but no one noticed Jeno and Yuna being really close. They were practically all over each other but only you and Jaemin got teased. Jaemin and you were walking after your friends, your hands slightly brushing but none of you taking the first step. And that’s how you walked back to the hotel.
Jaemin walked you to your room, making sure your roommates didn’t do anything stupid. “Don’t worry. They won’t kill me.” You assured him. “I wouldn’t be worried If your roommates were Yuna and Minji. Do you think I can sneak you in my room?” he asked as he leaned against the door.
“Yeah so Mrs. Kim and Mr. Byun can kill us?”
He stared at you and then he leaned down to your ear, “I’d take that risk.”
“I’ll text you If anything happens and we can facetime? Is that okay?” you asked with a little smile on your lips. “I guess that’s okay.”
“Jaemin? Go to your room, it’s almost ten.” You heard Ms. Kim saying. “Alrigty, Ms. Kim. See you later.” He slightly stroked your cheek bevor he left.
Your cheeks were burning as you entered your room, ready to facetime Jaemin as soon as he arrived at his room. You plugged in your headphones and ignored the three other girls and their stupid faces. You were almost asleep as you talked to Jaemin, but you were interrupted by Youngmi’s voice.
“If you don’t shut the fuck up right now, I’ll throw your phone against the wall. Some of us need their beauty sleep!” she yelled.
“And why is it so hard for you to ask me like a decent human?” you said back, Jaemin still on the phone.
“What did you just say?” Youngmi got up.
“I said ask me like a decent human and I will turn my phone off.”
Jaemin thought that you were actually kinda hot right now. The way you talked back to Youngmi- wow.
“You don’t want to mess with me.” Youngmi said through gritted teeth.
Youngmi turned around and muttered a “Stupid bitch” which you heard.
“I’m sorry- Jaemin?” you whispered.
“What? Oh yeah- sorry. Are you alright?” he also whispered, even though he didn’t need to. His roommates were all awake. He got distracted by your beauty.
“Yeah, but I gotta hang up before she kills me with her claws.” You joked.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night pretty.”
“Good night handsome.”
You were always flirting with each other, sometimes you didn’t know If he was serious or not, but you knew that you were serious. Jaemin is handsome.
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You had a shitty night and the next morning was also shitty. Your teachers were talking about the project you had to do here, you weren’t here just to relax. It wouldn’t be that bad to do the project If your partner were Jaemin- or any other friend of yours.
“We still have to do some work and you’ll do that with a partner, assigned by us.” You really hoped to be with Jaemin of course, but destiny hated you. The moment you heard Haechan’s name and yours, time stopped. Almost an entire day in a foreign city with Haechan? Jaemin slightly squeezed your hand, to assure you that it’ll be okay. But you just pouted at him and ignored Haechan’s gaze on you. Jaemin’s partner was Jeno and Youngmi’s was Minjun, a really shy boy who was almost scared of Youngmi.
“Haechan, do something. I don’t want to be with him.” Youngmi was really annoyed. “What do you want me to do? I can’t change her mind. Just do it, it won’t be that horrible.” Haechan said back. He was kind of happy to spend time with you. You were almost glued to Jaemin, now he could hang out with you, but Youngmi had other plans. You were talking to Jeno and Jaemin as you waited for Haechan and Youngmi’s discussion to be over.
After a couple minutes, Haechan came over to you. “Are you, uhm, ready?” he said awkwardly. You nodded “Yeah. I’ll see you guys later.” You bid your goodbyes to Jaemin and Jeno and left the Hotel with Haechan by your side. It was really awkward. Ms. Kim gave you a map of the city and marked a couple places you had to visit, answer a question, and take a picture together.
The first hour was really awkward but after he tripped and almost fell, you laughed your asses off. It was like back then when you laughed together even though the situation wasn’t funny at all. Your next stop was a little arcade, well it wasn’t marked on your map but the moment you and Haechan saw that arcade, all the memories of your childhood came back. How you played with him and how you always lost against him, but he still bought you a stuffed toy (which you still kept) to make it up to you. He felt bad when you cried, and you always stopped crying after he won something for you. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to play there.” He knew you would go with him, he knew how much you loved it. “Don’t worry, I’m going to beat your ass.”
You played for almost 4 hours, you really tried your best, but he still beat you at every game. “I didn’t play for years, of course I loose against you.” You tried to defend yourself, but Haechan didn’t go to the arcade after your fight. “The last time I went to an arcade was with you. You’re just bad at it. But don’t worry, I got you.”
Haechan almost put fifteen dollars into the claw machine until he got you a stuffed animal. “You didn’t have to.” You said but still accepted the cute little dog. “Well, I know that it’s not enough to make you forgive me, but I’m going to be honest with you now,” You didn’t except to hear that. “I’m so sorry for everything I said to you and how I acted. I was a bad best friend and I really really miss you. Like so much I can’t even describe how much I missed you.” Haechan really apologized and you were really taken aback. “W-What?”
“I’m sorry,” he took your hands in his. “I want my best friend back, I’m sorry. C-Can you give me another chance?” he kind of looked desperate, but the way he talked to you, really warmed your heart. Not like before, when your heart raced because of him. Now it just felt warm.
“Okay, I’ll give you another chance, because I know that you never would want to actually hurt me. I’m sorry that I didn’t accept your feelings for Youngmi. I should be a better best friend and just let you be with your girlfriend.” You also apologized.
“Since we are here, we should make great memories, right?” you smiled at him and Haechan just nodded, with a look on his face that you couldn’t really describe. “My phone’s battery is dead. Can we take the last few pictures with yours?” he asked you after a while. “Sure. My phone’s better anyway.” You were always team iPhone while Haechan sticked to his Samsung.  “We’ll see about that.”
After many hours of having fun with Haechan, you realized how much you missed him. Of course, it wasn’t like before or how it is with Jaemin, but he was still important to you. You talked about all the things you couldn’t talk about when you were apart. No matter which show or movie, or memory you just wanted to share with him. Haechan also talked about a couple of things, but he told you his life was boring and wanted to hear more about you.
“So, you and Jaemin huh? Are you a thing now?” he asked after a while. A smile creeped to your face. “Well, we didn’t talk about anything like that we’re just (Y/n) and Jaemin. I don’t know. But he’s great. He’s super cute, funny, and handsome and he always makes sure that I’m happy. I feel alive when I’m with him and I just- oh sorry I just talk and talk. Tell me about your relationship. Is Youngmi treating you well?” You joked, but If you only knew.
Haechan felt jealous. Your eyes sparkled when you talked about Jaemin and he could see how much he means to you. It was always Haechan for you but know, you talked about another guy. You cared for another guy and you are in love with another guy. Haechan still didn’t knew that you had a crush on him, he only knew that you loved Jaemin.
Thinking of his girlfriend, he regrets dating her. He fell out of love almost a week after they started dating, but he always told himself that he always wanted this, so he should be happy and should stop acting like a fool. Her real self was- terrible. Youngmi was with Haechan just to use him. She wanted to be the most popular girl in school, and she couldn’t be on top without a boyfriend. So, she choose Haechan who was totally in love with her. Everyone knew that. Youngmi thought Haechan would last for a couple of weeks, but everyone called them the power couple, so she just sticked to him. She got everything she wanted. Whenever she called Haechan because she wanted something, whether it was a new bag, new shoes or just a coffee, Haechan bought it. Breaking up never crossed their minds.
“Well, we’re doing alright, I guess. I don’t know really.”
“Are you happy?”
Was he happy?
No, he wasn’t. He stopped being happy after he lost you.
“Yeah, I think so.” He lied. “Come on, let’s take another picture!” Haechan changed the topic. You were a little closer to him and he told himself that his heart was beating because of the thought of Youngmi, not because of you. You sent all the pictures you had taken to Haechan and Mrs. Kim.
You looked at the phone screen and zoomed in. “Oh my god, do I always look like this?” you laughed to yourself while walking after Haechan. Now you zoomed into Haechan’s face, he looked pretty cute, you thought. “You look so much better than me, we need to take a new pic- Haechan?” you looked up, but you couldn’t see Haechan. You turned around and there was still no sight of him. “Haechan?” you asked again, but still no answer. It was already a little dark outside and your eyesight was also terrible. You couldn’t see him, and you were about to call him, but you remembered that his phone battery was dead. Well fuck, you thought.
You had no idea where you were, and the map was also with Haechan. Maybe you should wait here until Haechan comes back, he was probably also looking for you. Almost two hours later, you were still sitting on a bench and waiting for him. Your phones battery was almost dead but that didn’t matter because you couldn’t even use your phone to call someone. Maybe Haechan’s lost and wandering through the streets looking for me, you thought. I have to find him.
You left the bench and walked around, nothing seemed familiar and it was really dark now. You looked at you watch- it was almost 11 pm. You walked around until your legs gave up. You were completely alone in a foreign city and you felt so small and you were scared. Scared that something happened to Haechan and scared that something’s going to happen to you.
You missed Jaemin. You wanted to hug him and cuddle with him, you wanted to feel his arms around you. You wanted to feel safe again, not scared. After you ten minutes break you tried to communicate with some people around your age, but they just laughed at you with their stupid accents, which you didn’t understand.
“Fuck you, assholes.” You mumbled and your stomach grumbled. You were so hungry, you haven’t eaten for hours. You had no money left, you couldn’t buy food nor could you take a taxi. The people you asked for help either laughed at you or just ignored you.
You were fucked.
Your mind drifted back to Haechan.
Was he also struggling like you to get back to the hotel? Was he also so hungry and exhausted? Was he also thinking of you?
Your legs hurt, your stomach hurt, and your head hurt. You started crying because you felt so helpless, there was nobody who could help you. It was getting colder and colder every second and you tried to keep walking to keep yourself warm, but the wind was strong.
“Look what we have here.” Someone said behind you.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t walk around in such alleys. Don’t you know that it can be dangerous here?” someone else said. You turned around and faced two guys, maybe a little older than you and they didn’t talk with an accent.
“Oh, I didn’t know.” You tried to stay away from them, but they stepped closer and closer. “Are you lost?” the guy asked with a smirk. “Uhm, not really but like, I was going to meet my friends, but they’re a little late.” You lied.
“You shouldn’t lie, Pinocchio.”
“I’m… I’m not lying. They’re going to be here any minute.” You lied again but you were so scared, your voice trembled.
Suddenly, one of the guys gripped your wrist and pulled you closer. With his thumb, he stroked your cheek and then your lower lip. “Please don’t touch me.” Even though you tried to sound strong, your voice betrayed you.
“Don’t worry, we’re just going to have a little fun with you, and then you can go.” The other guy pulled the straps of your dress down, exposing your shoulders. “I said stop!” you yelled now. You were struggling in his grip, but he was bigger and stronger than you. “No! Stop! I need help!” you were so scared that you just thought of kicking him in the balls. So, you kicked him as hard as you could in the balls and ran away as fast as you could. Your legs were wobbly, but the one guy was struggling to walk, and his friend tried to help him walk. “Stupid, go follow her!” he yelled at his friend, but you were long gone.
Your heart was beating heavily against your chest as you tried to calm down. You saw two girls around your age walking, and you tried your luck again. “S-Sorry can you help me?” you asked, and they finally understood you. “Yeah of course.”
You asked them how to get back to your hotel and they told you that it wasn’t that far. A 10 minutes’ walk and they even asked you If they should go with you, but you declined politely and thanked them. You could see the lights of the hotel and you could see Mr. Byun and Ms. Kim walking in circles. When they finally saw you and your state, Mr. Byun carried you to the hotel.
“H-Haechan?” you asked. “Haechan’s here. Don’t worry.” Mr. Byun assured you.
You were sitting at the reception with Mr. Byun and Ms. Kim. They were talking to some people on the phone about you. Probably the police and your family.
You saw Haechan, Youngmi, Jaemin, Jeno, Minji and Yuna entering the reception. Before they could say anything, you jumped into Haechan’s arms. “Oh my god Haechan, I was so worried!” you hugged him tightly and he wanted to hug you back, but he didn’t.
“Y-you were worried about me?” he whispered, you were the only one who heard him. You started tearing up again and Youngmi started laughing.
“Oh my god. You really are dumb.” Youngmi said. What? “You were worried for him? Even though he left you?”
You pulled away and looked at her. “What are you talking about? We lost each other in the crowd.” And she laughed again. “Haechan, why don’t you tell her the truth, baby?”
Everyone (except the teachers of course) looked curiously at Haechan. “Haechan what is she talking about?”
Haechan didn’t say anything. “Alright, let me tell you since he’s acting like a pussy. Haechan was with us after you got ‘lost’. He left you, on purpose and you were really stupid enough to look for him. You really thought that he wanted to be friends with you again? That he was really nice to you because he wanted you back? He just acted, to prank you.”
Your eyes widened, you didn’t want to believe her but after you looked at Haechan, you saw the truth in his eyes. She was telling the truth. The truth that Haechan’s a piece of shit.
“You’re a fucking asshole. You- I was walking around this stupid foreign city for hours to find you because I was so worried that you were lost because you always get lost at places you didn’t know. But you were probably laughing at me the whole time, how I walked around and asked people for help. I had no money, I had nothing! I was so scared, so fucking scared!” you were so angry and hurt, you didn’t even notice the tears. “I almost- “you yelled but stopped, your body was trembling, and you hugged yourself. “Almost what, (Y/n)?” Jaemin asked you, anger building in his body. “There were t-two guys who tried t-to...” You whispered and Haechan’s head shot up to look at you, his mouth slightly open.
That was enough for Jaemin. “You fucking- I’m going to kill you!” Jaemin pulled Haechan by his collar and punched him in the face. Haechan was in trance, you were alone, and anything could have happened to you because of him.
Jeno tried to stop Jaemin from killing Haechan and Youngmi was long gone. Mr. Byun came back and helped Jeno. “You never deserved her! You’re a fucking jerk! You’re going to pay for everything you did to her!” Jaemin yelled at Haechan who was trying hard not to cry. He went too far. Haechan realized he went too far.
You wanted to go to Jaemin, you wanted to hug him, but Ms. Kim told you it was better to leave the boys alone to calm down and get changed. Ms. Kim walked you to your room and she entered the room to stay with you and to calm you down.
You opened your suitcase and looked for a little money, to get yourself something to eat but the money was gone. “W-Where is it?” you asked yourself. “What’s wrong?” Ms. Kim asked. “My… My money’s gone, I can’t find it.”
After looking for it four times and Ms. Kim also looked for it, you could find your money. That was all the money you had bought with you. Youngmi looked away, but you knew that she took it.
“Ms. Kim, I need to talk to you outside.” You said. She nodded and you could see the worry in her eyes. “Ms. Kim, I don’t want to accuse my roommates of stealing, but I can’t stay with them, please.” You almost cried. You felt so humiliated, everything was too much for you.
“Of course, honey. And don’t worry about the money, we’ll figure something out.”
Ms. Kim rented a single room for you, she isn’t stupid, you were gone all day and your money was missing. It’s not a coincidence, she saw the way Youngmi looked at you when you noticed that your money was gone. That little smirk on Youngmi’s face could get her kicked out of school, but she would deal in morning with her, right now she wanted to be there for you and make sure you were safe.
“I’ll pay you back Ms. Kim. I promise as soon as I’m home I’ll give you the money you spent for this room.” You told her. Ms. Kim smiled “Don’t worry about that. I know what is happening around you and I’ll promise you I’ll take care of that. Now get some sleep. I’ll send Jaemin to you with some food. You must be starving.” You looked down to your feet, a little embarrassed when your stomach growled right after she said that. “Yeah… Thank you for everything Ms. Kim.”
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You bought all your things that were left to your new room and changed your clothes. Your body was still shivering, and you decided to take a quick hot shower, maybe it could help you relax your shoulders. You slowly washed your body and your hair, your feet hurt so much, it was hard to stand. After you wrapped your body in a towel, your left your bathroom and you collided into someone. You were surprised and you couldn’t see the person who entered your room, you were about to scream, scared that the guys from earlier found you, but as soon as you saw Jaemin’s eyes, you relaxed.
“You scared me Jaemin!” you held your heart to calm it down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I bought food for you- shit you are shaking.” Jaemin held you by your shoulders as your body stiffened, you started freezing again. “Jaemin I’m so cold.” You slightly fell into his arms, your feet were arching and Jaemin slowly put you on the bed. “Y-You need to change. I’ll wait… outside.” He didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but you held his wrist bevor he could turn around and leave. “P-Please stay with me. I’m scared.” Your eyes teared up, you didn’t want to be alone.
Jaemin slowly nodded. “C-Can you help me?” you didn’t care about anything right now, you just wanted Jaemin with you. You didn’t care that you looked so helpless and that you couldn’t even change without his help. “In my suitcase, uhm, my underwear… C-can you…?” you said shyly and Jaemin blushed.
Jaemin handed you your panties, well, he almost threw it in your face. “And a bra, please.” You and Jaemin avoided eye contact, the atmosphere was awkward. Again, Jaemin almost threw your bra in your face. Your bra was black, and your panties were purple, it didn’t match but who cared at that moment?
Jaemin saw a couple bruises under your feet. His heart clenched, you’re hurt, and he wasn’t there to protect you. Jaemin felt guilty for leaving you with Haechan, he felt guilty for breaking his promise to protect you.
“Why didn’t you bring any hoodies?” Jaemin asked as he took his own hoodie off. “What are you doing?” you asked. “Just wear this, it’ll keep your warm.” Jaemin was wearing a t-shirt under the hoodie. Jaemin turned around so you could change to your underwear and the hoodie. You told him that he could turn around and he couldn’t stop staring at you. You looked so cute with just Jaemin’s big hoodie and your panties- Jaemin blushed again. You couldn’t stay like that, so he gave you your sweatpants and he hoped that it would keep you warm. Jaemin tucked you to bed.
“Eat before the food gets cold.” Jaemin bought you a cup tomato soup, he was sitting at the edge of the bed, next to you. “Open your mouth.” Jaemin held the spoon against your mouth. Your body ached and you just opened your mouth, slowly swallowing the soup. “Is it too hot?” he asked. “No, it’s good.” You smiled.
When you finished your soup, you tucked Jaemin shirt. “Are you all right? Do you want more soup?” he asked you. “No, it’s just- can we cuddle?” Jaemin smiled at you, how could he say no to you? “Of course.” You and Jaemin were together under your blanket and he hugged your from behind. You were still cold and having Jaemin close to you was everything you needed.
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you like I promised. I’m sorry that I left you alone with him- I’m so sorry.” Jaemin pulled your closer and placed a kiss on your head. “I’ll never leave you again.” You turned around to face him. “It’s not your fault, I was just stupid. It was my fault.”
“No! Don’t say that. You just have a big heart and you only see the good in everyone. Even in assholes like him.” He stroked your cheek with his hand. “You are perfect and I’m sorry that you’re hurt. I can’t imagine how scared you were.”
“I-I thought that they were going to… I thought they’d…” you started sobbing, the memories of the night still haunting you. You tried to stop the tears from falling, but whenever you closed your eyes, you could see their faces. “It’s over now, everything’s going to be all right. You are safe now. Nobody’s going to hurt you anymore.” Jaemin pulled your closer and let you cry against his chest. He slowly stroked your back to calm you down. “I thought I’d never see you again and… and that scared me the most…” you gripped his shirt tightly, scared that he’d go away. “I’ll stay with you forever, even If you don’t want me anymore. I promise I’ll never leave you because- “He didn’t know If that was the right time to confess but he couldn’t take it anymore. It broke his heart to see you like this.
“B-Because?” you looked up to him. “Because I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whispered against his lips. You felt safe in his arms and you wanted to stay like this forever. The tears stopped falling and you slowly pressed your lips on his. Jaemin’s heart was racing and yours too. It was your first kiss, and it was perfect because it was with Jaemin. You gently pulled away to hide your face.
“I wanted to tell you that I love you for a long time now. I want you to know, that no matter what happens, I’ll love you and I want to do this properly. So, do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow?” he asked you. “Yes, I’d love to.” You looked up again and smiled at him.
“Sleep now, I’ll stay here with you.” Jaemin pressed his lips on your forehead and your heart fluttered. “Thank you Jaemin.” You closed your eyes and fell asleep in his arms. You felt safe, protected, and loved.
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Haechan couldn’t sleep. He was in the bathroom and washed his face with icy water to calm down. He was thinking about you. Haechan felt guilty and he knew that he lost his last chance to get you back. How could he be stupid enough to play with you? What was he thinking? He was about to get out of the bathroom, but when he heard his roommates and ex-friends talking, he listened from the other side of the door.
“Jaemin’s staying with (Y/n). Mrs. Kim bought her a room because some idiot stole her money. We all know who that was. That’s so fucked up.” Jeno said.
“For real. How the fuck could that bitch manipulate him so much? We all know that they were best friends and boom the next second, he transformed to an asshole. Youngmi isn’t even that pretty. (Y/n)’s literally beautiful.” Mark looked at Jeno as they talked. “Imagine being best friends with (Y/n) and leaving her for Youngmi. I really don’t get it.”
Jeno agreed “Yeah. I hope Jaemin isn’t as dumb as Haechan and confesses now. I can’t watch them act like a couple and not confess to each other.”
Haechan bit his lip. Mark and Jeno were right. You are a goddess next to Youngmi, you are perfect. How could Haechan let you slip away from his hands? How could Haechan leave you to Jaemin? How could Haechan break your heart so many times?
So, you were staying with Jaemin. Jealousy bloomed in Haechan’s heart. Were you sleeping with him in the same bed? Were you hugging each other? Haechan wanted to be with you. He wanted to stay with you and ask for your forgiveness until he couldn’t breathe anymore.
But he couldn’t. After what he had done to you, he just couldn’t. But there was one thing he could and would do. Haechan pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Youngmi to meet him in front of her room. He left the bathroom and Jeno and Mark stopped talking about you and Jaemin. Haechan couldn’t even look up, he looked at the floor as he left the room.
“What is it Haechan? I was going to sleep.” Youngmi said annoyed that she couldn’t have her beauty sleep.
“Where’s the money?” he asked straightforward.
“What money?” she played dumb.
“(Y/n)’s money. I know that you took it.”
“Oh, you mean that money. I’ve spent it already. I bought a new dress. Do you want to see it?” she was about to turn around to enter her room, but Haechan held her wrist.
“You’re crazy. You have to give her money back.”
“Stop being stupid, Haechannie. I’m sorry that I didn’t bought you anything with that money- “
“Are you actually dumb or are you just having fun acting like a stupid bitch?!” he raised his voice a little. “Excuse me?”
“You’re a fucking thieve and If you don’t tell Mrs. Kim that you stole (Y/n)’s money, I’m going to do it.” Haechan threatened her.
“You are a hypocrite! After everything you’ve done to her, I am a bitch now?! It’s funny actually. You destroyed your friendship with her and now you think she’ll want you back? Haechan sweetie, you’re worse than me. Do you really think she’s going to want you back after what you’ve done today? Do you really think after being an asshole she’s going to welcome you with open arms? Cute. She doesn’t need you and neither do I. And now go fuck yourself.” She ripped her wrist out of his.
“You made me do it! You made me act like an asshole! I liked you and you used me to hurt her because you knew that she’s better than you. You were fucking jealous and that’s why you wanted me to hurt her.” Haechan tried to defend himself, but deep down he knew. He knew that it was always his own decision to hurt you.
“Let me tell you one last thing,” She said and looked him deep in the eyes. “She’ll never be yours. You lost her to Jaemin, so you shouldn’t even try to get her back,” she winked at him with an evil grin on her evil face and left him alone.
Haechan silently entered his room while trying to hold in his tears. Youngmi’s right, he lost you to Jaemin and it was all his fault. He was the one who pushed you in his arms, who mocked and hurt you.
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You woke up with Jaemin’s arms around your waist. You smiled softly, the warmth of Jaemin’s body felt like home. Jaemin was already wide awake, smiling like a fool because you were in his arms. Jaemin pressed little kisses on your face and you smiled wider. “Jaemin- I have morning breathe…” but still, he pressed his lips on yours. “I don’t care,” and he kissed your cheeks and then the tip of your nose.
“Go to your room before anybody sees you here. You could- “he pecked your lips “get in- “another peck “trouble- “and again. “I don’t care. I want to stay with you,” and another peck. “I want you to stay with me too, but we have to get ready. You know today’s plan, we’re stuck with Mr. Byun and Mrs. Kim.”
“I know, but we’re still going on a date tonight.” A date. With Jaemin.
“Do your feet still hurt? Do you need me to carry you?” he asked. “No, I think they’re fine now. Thank you.” This time you pecked his lips. “Ew morning breathe,” he joked, and you softly hit his shoulder. “Jokes aside, how are you feeling?” he was serious now. “Much better, don’t worry. Thank you for staying with me,” you smiled at him and you could your heartbeat increasing as you locked eyes.
“Even in the morning, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“D-Don’t do that!” you hid your face in your hands. “What? It’s the truth.”
“Stop it. Get out, I need to change.”
“Well, it’s not like I didn’t see anything yesterday-“ you slapped him on the arm again“Shut up.”
“Okay, love. I’ll see you later.” He pecked your lips one last time before leaving you with a racing heart in your room.
Today you were going to visit a couple places with your class. Even though you didn’t want to see Haechan and Youngmi, you couldn’t just stay in the hotel and you still had Jaemin with you and he was all you needed.
After getting ready, you texted Jaemin that you were waiting for him in your room. It took a little while until he texted you back, maybe he’s showering, you thought. Little did you know that he was currently fighting with Haechan.
“You are a stupid jerk, what were you even fucking thinking huh?!” Jaemin yelled at Haechan. “Leave me the fuck alone Jaemin.” Haechan was already at his limit and Jaemin pushing him to the edge didn’t help him calming down. “What would you do If anything had happened to her? What would you do? Huh? What If-“
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I know, okay?! I know that I fucked up! I know that I am a fucking asshole and If anything had happened to her, I would never forgive myself- now shut the fuck up!” Haechan was frustrated and yelled back at Jaemin, tears almost falling down his cheek.
“I don’t want to see you near her ever again, do you hear me?”
Jaemin looked at Haechan one last time before he left his room to meet you. He picked you up from your room and everyone was waiting for Mr. Byun in front of the hotel.
“I’m sorry you had to wait, but I’m here; so, let’s go!” Mr. Byun said happily. “Today’s going to be fun!”
Jaemin slowly held your hand and you smiled as he pulled you a little closer.
You were walking around the city and after a couple of hours, Mr. Byun and Mrs. Kim decided to go to a restaurant. But you had a little problem. How would you pay?
You were sitting at a table with your friends. Haechan was sitting behind you but you didn’t notice. Everyone ordered but you told the waiter that you weren’t hungry, even though you were really hungry.
“I’m not hungry, thank you.” You told Jaemin. “No, I know that you are hungry. Last time you ate was almost 2 days ago and soup doesn’t count as food.”
You sighed and pulled Jaemin a little closer. “Jaemin… I- I don’t have any money.” You whispered, but Haechan still listened to your conversation.
“What do you mean you have no money? When did you spent all of your money?” Jaemin asked confused. “I didn’t- it’s, shit, somebody stole it.” You whispered the last part. “What? Who? When?” he raised his voice a little. “I don’t know, I was looking for it in my bag and my suitcase last night in my old hotel room and I noticed that it was gone.”
“That bitch-“
“What? We all know that it was that stupid bitch.” He said angrily.
Haechan was also angry. You had no money to buy food. You had no money to buy anything and he had to do something.
“Let me take care of you until I take care of her.” He said with a devil look on his face. “No Jaemin, I have no proof and it doesn’t matter. Just eat your food I’m fine.”
“No- babe, I’m not going to eat without you.” He said a little too loud. “Did he just call you babe?” Mark asked with a grin. You looked at Jaemin and Jaemin looked at you. “No?” he said unsure. “Of course, you did we heard it. What did you guys do last night for him to call you babe?” Jeno wiggled his brows.  
“What the hell, dude. Just eat your food.” Jaemin blushed.
Haechan tensed up, they way Jaemin called you babe, the things Mark and Jeno said and the way you didn’t say anything. He gripped the armrest until his knuckles turned white.
“Just order whatever you want, okay? Please?” Jaemin asked with puppy eyes and you couldn’t resist him. “I can’t let you pay for everything, Jaem.”
“Yes, you can. It’s our last day here and I want you to have fun and be happy. Promise me that you’ll tell me If you want to buy anything okay?” he asked you sweetly and you nodded. “I promise.”
Haechan was impatient. He had to do something, anything. Anything to get your trust back. To get you back.
Jaemin paid for your burger and he even insisted to get ice cream. After that, he bought you two hoodies.
“But what If I only want to wear your hoodies?” you said with a grin. Jaemin looked at you for a second and then he tried to take off his hoodie. “Okay, here you can wear it now-“
“Jaemin what are you doing?! I wasn’t talking about right now. I want to wear your hoodie again when we sleep together.”
“Y-You want to sleep with me again?” he blushed.
“What?! No! I mean, yeah of course, but like, god-“ you ran back to the fitting room and closed the curtain as fast as you could to hide your face.
After you got dressed, you could convince him to stop buying so many things. Jaemin was just so excited to spend time with you in a foreign city, he wanted to see you smile.
“I’ll come and get you at 6, is that alright?” he asked you. You were in front of your hotel room, the two of you wanted to get ready for your date later.
“It’s perfect. I’ll see you then.” You quickly pressed your lips on his cheek and before he could even realize that you did that, you hurried in your room.
“This girl’s gonna be the death of me.”
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After the fifth outfit, you were done. “He’ll probably like this one.” You were wearing another sundress, but this time it was wine red. Your left your hair open because you knew that Jaemin liked your long hair. After putting on some make-up, you were ready. Ready for your first official date with Jaemin.
He distracted you the whole day and you never thought about yesterday’s events. You ignored Haechan and Youngmi completely and just focused on having fun with your friends. Everything felt just right.
“So, your first date, right?” Mark asked. Jaemin nodded as he styled his hair back. Even though Haechan was also in the room, wearing his headphones, Jaemin told Mark and Jeno about his date with you. Haechan paused his music as soon as he heard your name, but he acted like he didn’t hear anything.
“Where are you taking her?” Jeno asked now. “I’ll take her to a little ramen restaurant because our first unofficial date was also at a ramen restaurant. After that, I’ll take her to the beach and yeah that’s it I guess.” Jaemin answered as he buttoned up his shirt. He was wearing simple blue jeans and a white button-up shirt.
“And then you’ll get some pussy- hey!” Jeno wiggled his eyebrows but got hit by Mark. “Shut up idiot. But he’s right maybe you’ll get some-“ before he could finish his sentence, an angry Haechan stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut.
Haechan couldn’t let that happen. Jaemin already got you as his best friend, he couldn’t let him have you as his girlfriend.
A harsh knock on your door startled you. “Holy shit.” You got up and opened the door, excepting to see a nervous Jaemin but your eyes met Haechan’s eyes. He looked you up and down, mouth slightly open and hands sweating.
“Wrong room.” You wanted to close the door, but he stopped you from doing so. “No, right room.” He entered your room without permission and your blood was boiling.
“Get out.”
“You have to listen to me-“
“No, I don’t. Now. Get. Out.” You said trough gritted teeth.
“D-don’t date Jaemin. Please- I… Jut please don’t date him.” Haechan begged.
“What? It is none of your business who I date, get out!”
“I can’t lose you-“
“Lose me? Haechan you lost me the second you ended our friendship.”
“I- I know but, fuck, I’m so sorry for what I did-“
“What exactly are you talking about? Are you sorry for treating me like trash after you ended our friendship? Or are you sorry for leaving me alone in a foreign city? There are still so many things on the list- but please, enlighten me.”
“For everything. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you and how I acted and treated you and I know I’m an asshole and I have no right to ask you for forgiveness but, please, don’t date Jaemin.” He stepped closer but you stepped back.
“Haechan! Leave me alone. Please.” You couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’m sorry. Can you just listen to me-”
With one last look at your beautiful face, he left your room.
A couple minutes later you heard a knock on your door. The second you opened the door and saw Jaemin standing there, the sadness left your body and a smile placed on your lips.
“Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous. You’re so stunning- you just took my breath away.” He complimented you. “You also look stunning and really handsome.” You smiled. He also looked really hot, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Are you ready?” he asked and offered you his hand, which you took and nodded.
Your date with Jaemin was perfect, he was so sweet, and you just wanted to kiss him every time he looked at you.
“A ramen restaurant?” you smiled. “Yeah, I thought that it would be nice to go to a ramen restaurant since, you know, we kind of started spending time together after we ate at a ramen restaurant.” He smiled back at you. You quickly kissed his cheek and then you entered the restaurant, leaving Jaemin behind who smiled like a fool.
After eating dinner, you walked hand in hand to the beach. Your timing was perfect, the sun was slowly going down and the sunset looked beautiful. You took off your shoes and walked along the water with Jaemin by your side. You looked up to his face. Jaemin’s face was kissed by the sun and he looked eternal. He looked back at you.
“What?” he asked with a grin. “Nothing.” You said shyly.
Jaemin stopped walking and turned his body to you, standing directly in front of you. You didn’t look at him, you felt too shy with his gaze on you. His one hand was holding yours and with the other, he gently cupped your jaw and pushed your head up so you could look him in the eyes.
“Did you have fun today?” he asked you.
“Yes.” He was so close, you just wanted him to kiss you.
“I want to make you happy, I want to be with you and protect you, even though you’re the strongest girl I know. I want to hold your hand and hug you. I want to kiss your perfect lips until I can’t breathe anymore. You deserve happiness. You have a beautiful heart and every second I spend with you, makes me fall even harder for you. I don’t know If soulmates exists, but I know that you’d be mine. So, I’m asking you, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Everything was perfect. The sunset was perfect, the person in front of you was perfect and his word were perfect.
“Jaemin… I don’t know what exactly to say, you always leave me speechless with your words.  I love you and yeah, I’d love to be your girlfriend.” You smiled brightly.
“I love you.” He pulled you closer and kissed you on the lips. You just melted in his arms as he kissed you with so much passion, your heartbeat increased, and your hands travelled to his soft hair. You could see the stars every time he kissed you and you loved it. You loved how he made you feel, how your mind travelled to another galaxy. You slowly pulled away, but he was still close to your lips with his. He pecked your lips one last time before pulling you into his arms to hug you tightly.
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On your way back to the hotel, Mark texted Jaemin to meet them at a bar, not far from the hotel you stayed at. “Do you want to go?” he asked you. “Yeah, let’s go and tell our friends that we are finally a couple.” You smirked at the thought.
“Alright, girlfriend.” He said and pressed his lips on your lips.
When you arrived at the bar, you immediately saw you friends waving at you. You could see almost the whole class in that little bar, hanging out and drinking. Even Youngmi and her friends were here, and of course, Haechan with his friends.
Jeno was the first one to see you holding Jaemin’s hand.
“Well, well, well. Look at this.” He said loudly.
Jaemin pulled you closer and smirked at his friend. “Yes, we’re dating. Are you guys happy now?”
“I told you it would happen this week.” Jeno yelled happily as Mark handed him ten bucks. “Yeah yeah shut up. It’s your time now.” Mark referred to Jeno’s relationship with Yuna.
Jaemin ordered you something to drink, something with no alcohol. “Sprite? I’m not a baby.” You complained. “Yes, you are. You are my baby.”
You pouted, “Not even a little bit alcohol?”
All of your other friends were drinking and even Jaemin ordered an alcoholic drink. Everyone was drinking and having fun. “Fine, but don’t leave my side.” He pecked your lips. “I’d never leave your side.”
You were drinking really slowly while the others were already tipsy. Jaemin’s cheeks were a little pink and he hugged your from behind and kissed your neck. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You whispered as you turned around to hug him. That was a moment you’d never forget. Having fun with your friends and your boyfriend, you hadn’t felt this way since Haechan stopped being your best friend. The excitement you felt at that moment was always there when you were with Haechan, but right now, it was different, it was better.
Jeno and Yuna went outside to get some fresh air, which was a code for making out without everyone watching them. Mark and Minji were discussing about philosophy and Jaemin hugged you as he laughed at Mark’s drunk way of explaining Socrates’ philosophy.
“I need to go to the restroom.” You told Jaemin.
“Do you need me to go with you?” he asked.
You kissed his cheek, “No, I’ll be back in a minute.”
You regretted your decision going alone the second you entered the restroom.
“Look who we have here.” Youngmi was putting on her lipstick as she looked at you through the mirror. You ignored her as you looked at the mirror yourself, your make up was still there but you also needed to redo your lipstick.
“I heard you and Jaemin are a thing now. Congrats.” She said mockingly. “Did you change your room to fuck with him?” she asked bluntly. “How is he? Does he fuck you good? Better than Haechan?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” you yelled. “What? Haechan told me you fucked with him.”
What the fuck?
“What? That’s not true!”
“Yeah, thought so. He fucked me like a virgin.” She said casually. What the hell is wrong with her?
“Why did… why would he tell you that we-“
“You know Haechan, he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of me. He acts almighty but at the end of the day he’s a little pussy.” She turned to you.
“Well, he lied to you.”
“Just like he lied to you.” She smirked, “You think I stole your money, right? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t need your money. It was Haechan. He was in our room when you were gone, it was his idea. Everything. Leaving you alone, stealing your money, and all the other things he had done to you. He hates you, every inch of his body is filled with hatred. And our little naïve (Y/n) always fell for his lies.”
You tried your best to stop your tears from falling. The last thing you wanted is to cry in front of Youngmi, she’s a beast and your pain feeds her and makes her stronger.
She closed her clutch and turned to you. “It’s almost sad,” she chuckled, “but mostly it’s pathetic.”
Youngmi left you alone in the restroom, alone with your disappointment and anger. You had no idea, how long you were in the restroom with tears rolling down your cheek. Your hands were formed to fists, nails digging into your skin. Your thoughts were interrupted as Minji entered the restroom, looking for you.
“(Y/n)? What the hell, what happened? Jaemin’s worried sick!” she hugged you as your body started trembling in anger.
“I-I’m fine.” You lied. “Stop lying to me, tell me what happened.”
“Youngmi s-she… Haechan stole my money.” You whispered the last part, still not believing that he’d go this far.
“What?” he mouth widened in shook. “A-Are you sure?”
“Youngmi told me, and she told me that Haechan said that he and I… that we slept together. But I swear that’s not true!” you cried out.
“It’s alright I believe you-“
Suddenly someone entered the restroom, it was Jaemin. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait any longer- (Y/n)? W-Why are you crying?”
“I love you I didn’t sleep with him, I swear.” You ran into his arms and cried. Jaemin looked at Minji with confusion written all over his face. “It’s alright, I believe you.” He slowly stroked your hair as you tried to calm down. Minji left you and Jaemin alone, and when you finally calmed down, you told Jaemin everything that Youngmi told you.
“That son of a bitch.” He mumbled.
“I’m going to talk to him.” You said determined. “What? Let me-“
“No, I have to do this, I have to- I have to tell him to leave me the fuck alone, I need to do this.”
Jaemin pulled you closer and hugged you tightly, he pressed his lips on your temple and promised you that everything’s going to be alright.
In the meantime, Haechan sat on the bar and was drowning in his thoughts, the voice in his head telling him what a piece of shit he is and how he could hurt his best, ex-best-friend, like that. What was he scared of all the time? Losing you? No matter what he’d do, he’d lose you anyways. But hurting you was the wrong way, the wrong way of pushing you away to keep his heart safe, to keep his heart away from pain.
Youngmi was right, he thought. It was always Haechan’s decision to hurt you, it was always him. He was really a hypocrite, he blamed Youngmi for everything even though it was all his fault. You suffered because of him and he pushed you in Jaemin’s arms. Jaemin replaced him and it hurt. It hurt to see you smile at Jaemin like how you used to smile at him. Haechan always saw the universe in your eyes, and now, he only saw disgust and hate. Jaemin was now the one who could fly high whenever he looked you in the eyes.
Haechan was not drunk, but he had three drinks already and he planned on drinking more, he didn’t care about Ms. Kim and Mr. Byun, right now, nobody really did, but Haechan was different, he didn’t care about anyone except for you.
He was about to order his fourth drink, but then your face suddenly showed up next to him. He rubbed his eyes and when he looked again, you were still standing there. He knew that something was wrong when you looked at him without any emotion in your eyes.
“We need to talk, follow me.”
Without saying anything, he followed you out. Jaemin was watching you leave the bar with Haechan trailing after you. “It’s gonna be alright.” Minji assured him.
You walked to an alley next to the bar, but you stopped in your tracks as you saw Jeno and Yuna making out. They stopped as soon as they heard you coughing.
“Sorry to interrupt. But could you guys, leave us alone for a couple minutes?” you asked slowly. “Is everything alright?” Yuna asked. “Yeah.”
Jeno and Yuna left you and Haechan standing in the dark alley. You were standing there and just looking at him, it seemed like you were thinking really hard about what to do next.
“A-Are you alright?” he asked slowly.
You didn’t answer.
He stepped closer. “Don’t get closer to me.” You hissed and he stopped.
“I can’t believe you.” Your hands formed fists again. “Why did you change so much?” you asked him now, your voice trembled a little.
“I-I’m still Hyuck, I’m still Donghyuck, your best friend.” He whispered.
“No, you’re not. You’re Haechan, you’re far from being my best friend, from today on, you’re nothing to me. Not even a memory.”
“D-Don’t say that, please.” His eyes started tearing up, he looked down to his feet.
“Why did you tell Youngmi that we slept together?” you asked him. His head shot up. “H-How do you know that?”
“Is that important?!”
“I-I lied because… I didn’t want Youngmi to think that I was a virgin with no experience.” He was embarrassed.
“You’re a liar, that’s nothing new to me. But since when are you a thieve?” Haechan looked at you confused. “A- A thieve?”
“Was it fun? Leaving me alone in this city, stealing my money- was it fun?”
“Stealing your money? It wasn’t me!” he said as he shook his head. “Stop lying, Haechan. Be a man and stop lying, for once.”
“Youngmi told you that, am I right? You believe her but not me?” he was angry, not angry at you but Youngmi. “Why would I believe you after every lie you told me?!”
“I’m your best friend!” he yelled now. “No, you’re not! Why would she lie to me? She hates me, but the only liar here is you!” you yelled back furiously.
“I swear I didn’t steal your money, that… that bitch stole it and I told her that-“ you interrupted him, “Let’s say I believe you. You knew but you didn’t do anything?” you asked in disbelief.
“I-It’s not like that! I was going to tell you today b-but you were getting ready for your fucking date with Jaemin I was so angry and jealous I couldn’t focus on that all I could think about was you and him!” a tear dropped down to his cheek. “Please believe me.”
“Why would you…Why would you be jealous of Jaemin?” you were trying hard to hold back your tears.
“Because I love you! I love you so much that I did everything to hurt you and push you away because I’m a fucking idiot who’s scared to love his best friend! The way I feel for you is so fucking different than how I felt for Youngmi- I thought you’d get jealous… I-I thought you’d miss me, but you replaced me with Jaemin! Did I ever mean anything to you?!” he was crying now, his vision was blurry, he missed the tear falling down your cheek.
“I loved you, Haechan. I loved you but you broke my heart so many times, when I put the pieces back together, my heart was filled with disappointment. I was jealous and I missed you, but you slowly faded, and I stopped thinking about you. And Jaemin- I love Jaemin, I love him more than I’ve ever loved you. It’s different with him- better. He’s perfect. So, you have no right to tell me that you never meant anything to me!” you said raising your voice a little. You really loved Jaemin so much.
Haechan’s heart broke like yours every time he had told you about his crush on Youngmi.
Haechan’s heart broke because he could see the love for Jaemin in your eyes.
Haechan’s heart broke because once and for all, he lost you.
Haechan’s heart broke and it wouldn’t heal for a long time.
He remembered how much fun you had yesterday before he messed up, how it felt like months ago, just you two hanging out at the arcade and enjoying each other’s company. How he watched you as he hid behind a building, how lost you looked and how lonely you were.
He remembered how you hugged him because you were worried about him, even though he was with his so-called girlfriend and friends, laughing at how dumb you looked.
He remembered how you cried in his arms because you were so scared, because he had left you alone and god knows what could’ve happened to you.
Haechan looked at you with guilt, with pain and regret in his eyes.
You wiped away your tears with the back of your hand and next thing you knew, Haechan grabbed your wrists, pulled you closer and kissed you. He held your wrists against his chest as he kissed you on the lips. Your eyes widened, you tried to push him away, but he pulled you closer, even thought it was almost impossible.
You didn’t know what to do, so you bit his lip and he pulled away with a hiss. He still held your wrists but as he saw you sobbing, he loosened his grip. Haechan looked into your eyes, he looked for a sign, a reason to keep chasing after you, a glimpse of love you still felt for Haechan, but his eyes only saw tears and pain.
“I-I’m sorry… I just-“
“Let me go.” You whispered weakly.
“I’m sorry please I love you so much, please don’t leave me again, stay with me… p-please forgive me. I swear I didn’t steal your money- I would never… Y-You’re the best thing that happened to me- I need you please don’t go to him.” He was also sobbing now.
“I don’t want to see you ever again.” Were your last words before you pushed him slightly back, with the last bits of strength you had, and with one last look, you left him alone in the alley, alone with his arching heart.
You wiped away your tears as you entered the bar and almost ran Jaemin in the arms. Jaemin was sitting next to Jeno, his leg bouncing up and down as he nervously waited for you to come back. Jaemin saw you coming towards him and he saw the redness of your eyes. He pulled you into a hug and whispered in your ear that everything’s going to be alright.
“Please bring me back to the hotel.”
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Ms. Kim and Mr. Byun didn’t know that almost the whole class was at the bar, they thought everyone was in their rooms, but they didn’t really care If the students stayed a little longer outside since it was their last day. You and Jaemin quickly entered your room, tiptoeing so nobody could hear Jaemin enter your room.
Jaemin sat on your bed and pulled you softly on his lap. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
You nodded and started telling him what happened, what Haechan told you and what he did at the end.
“H-He kissed you?” Jaemin asked, anger boiling in him.
“Yes, but I tried to push him away, he was a little stronger and I just bit his lip. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry that he did that. I didn’t think he would do something like that. It just made me hate him even more.” You confessed.
“It’s alright, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just want to punch the shit out of him.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Haechan- he’s nothing more than a piece of our past. I don’t need and I don’t want him in my life,” You said as you breathed out, “I love you.” You added and kissed him on the lips.
“I just want your lips on mine.” You whispered against his lips and then you kissed him again.
Everything was spinning around, you could taste the alcohol on his lips and the way Jaemin held you in his arms, with you on his laps, made you forget everything that happened, every bad memory of Haechan just vanished.
Jaemin put you on the bed and hovered above you, his lips never leaving yours. His tongue slipped in your mouth and your tongues were dancing with each other, his hands travelled your body up and down and your sundress exposed your legs. His hand slowly stroked your thigh as he deepened the kiss.
Jaemin pulled back and looked at your rosy cheeks, your plump lips and your chest raising up and going down. He left your breathless.
“Mark me.” You said softly.
Jaemin’s lips travelled from your lips, to your cheek to your neck. He placed wet kisses on your neck and when he started sucking, you moaned. You never felt like this before and Jaemin brought you to the edge. His lips on you, sucking and licking at you neck, leaving marks. Your mind was full of Jaemin, Jaemin and Jaemin.
After leaving a couple love bites on your skin, his lips landed on yours again. He kissed you deeply and with so much love, you felt like you were on cloud nine. He pecked your lips one last time before locking his eyes with yours, looking deeply into your eyes and seeing a whole universe in them.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you more.”
“I love you the most.” He grinned and pulled you closer to hug you with his whole body.
That night, all of your worried faded away, leaving you in the arms of your boyfriend, your safe place.
Your class trip, well, it wasn’t how you wanted it to be, but that was alright. Jaemin asked you to be his girlfriend, you had fun with your friends, and you could spend as much time with Jaemin as you wanted.
It was your last class trip before going to college, your last year of being a high-school student. You spend all of your time with Jaemin, studying until it was dark outside, making out until you needed to break apart because of the lack of oxygen, cuddling until you fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was too good to be true. You even got accepted to the same college with Jaemin and your other friends, everything was going amazingly well.
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It was prom night, your date was, of course, Jaemin. You looked stunning and he looked incredibly handsome. He picked you up, and of course, your parents took millions of pictures of you together. Prom was breathtaking, everything looked so good and the mood was great. You danced with your friends and you slow-danced with Jaemin.
Jaemin held you close to his chest, your favorite song was playing, Jaemin paid the DJ to play this song for you. Your eyes were shining, and your smile reached your ears. You pulled him closer and pressed your lips on his. You felt like you were in a movie, the happiness you felt at that moment, it couldn’t be real. Jaemin deepened the kiss as his hands held you by your hips. Your arms were around his neck as you slowly danced with him. Jaemin pulled back and looked at you with so much love.
“I love you so much, you’re the most beautiful girl on this planet and I can’t wait to go to college with you and one day I’m going to marry you.” He promised you.
“I love you more, thank you for being with me.”
“I love you the most.”
After your dance with Jaemin, you excused yourself to go to the restroom, but you should’ve known that you’d see Youngmi there. “Hey.” She said and you looked at her, confused.
After your class trip, Youngmi lost many friends and, of course, her boyfriend Haechan. She focused on her studies and you almost forgot that she existed.
She put on her lipstick and turned to you. “I know we are almost like enemies, but the last couple of months, I was all alone- I had no one, and I had time to think about everything I’ve done to you- or anyone on that matter. What I’m trying to say is; I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a bitch and I’m sorry for just everything I’ve done. I was jealous, you know, of your relationship with Haechan and your friends, and I’m sorry for destroying your friendship with Haechan.” She almost cried.
You never thought that Youngmi would apologize to you.
“There’s another thing I have to tell you and If you want to hate me forever after that, I understand.” She looked down to her hands, “H-Haechan wasn’t the one who stole your money- it… it was me. I feel ashamed and I know that you hate me, I’m sorry, for telling you that it was Haechan, I’m sorry for stealing it in the first place, I want to give you your money back and I’m sorry for lying.” Youngmi grabbed her clutch, but you stopped her, “I don’t need it, and I don’t hate you. Thank you for telling me and thank you for apologizing.” You slightly smiled at her to show her that she shouldn’t be embarrassed.
“T-Thank you.” She whispered.
You left the restroom and went out to get some fresh air after the information you just got. It didn’t change much, you forgave Youngmi because you could see that she was being genuine, and about the Haechan thing, you let out the breathe you didn’t know you were holding.
You looked to your left, not excepting to see someone sitting on a bench, let alone excepting to see Haechan sitting there all alone. You wanted to apologize for accusing him as a thieve and you made your way to him.
“Can I sit here?” you asked.
He looked up and met your eyes with his, “S-Sure.” He stuttered, not excepting you to sit down next to him, well, you were sitting at the edge of the bench, too far for his liking.
“I talked to Youngmi just now, well, she apologized and told me that she lied to me.” You said as you looked up to the full moon.
“Lied about?” he asked.
“About you. About the class trip and my money. I’m sorry for accusing you, even though you didn’t do it.” You apologized. “But I did other stuff to you.” He mumbled.
“I know, I still wanted to apologize. It doesn’t change anything between us.” You said, maybe a little too harsh since you could almost hear Haechan’s heart breaking.
“Oh.” He looked also up now. “I’m sorry.” He breathed out a sorry before closing his eyes. He was tearing up again. “We could be here together, as a couple, If I hadn’t destroyed everything.”
“I could be the one slow-dancing with you and telling you how breathtaking you look. I could hold your hand, hug you and kiss you. But I fucked up, I never deserved you.”
You turned your face to him, you could see that he was suffering, but there was nothing you could do. He felt your eyes on him, he turned his face to you and opened his eyes, looking deeply into your eyes. He didn’t see hate or disgust anymore, he saw something else, something nice and warm.
You stood up and walked away. Haechan looked after you, his heart clenching because he knew, this was the last time he would see you. You looked breathtaking in that dress, the moon was shining brightly on you. You looked like an angel.
“I love you. Look how pretty you are. You’re so pretty, (Y/n).”
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
A Natural: Part 7/Finale
Description: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader: You’re a single mom, and your son is your entire world. When you take him to get his first hybrid, his choice is pretty bewildering, until you realize that he was picking out a dad.
Posted: 04/09/2021
Tags: Taehyung, Hybrid Taehyung, Human Reader
Wordcount: 3,673
A/N: Yay! Another series finished! Thanks for loving this story!
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Theo was talking animatedly with Taehyung as he was wheeled toward the house, but he got quieter as you approached the front door to unlock it, looking down at the ramp beneath the wheels of the wheelchair.
Tae pushed him through the front door, his conversation also lulling.
Theo looked around, a bit of a smile on his face. “I get to stay now, right?”
You nodded, kissing his forehead. “You get to stay now and forever. We do have to go back for checkups and therapy but you’re home and you’re safe and I’m making roast beef and mashed potatoes.”
“Yummy! Can we go play, Dad?” Theo asked, brightening instantly and sort of bouncing in his wheelchair.
“Sure!” Tae pushed the wheelchair through at a speed that made you nervous. But you knew he would never purposely endanger Theo: Theo was his pup. That was evident in all of his actions, in his conversation, and in the effort he had made to get certified so that he could be there when Theo was released.
You went into the kitchen to baste your roast and then start peeling the mashed potatoes, trying to calm your heart because your baby was finally home again. Finally, finally home again, after weeks and months of too little patience and not enough answers, and a whole sea of tears. Therapy, rehab, tests, more tests, and after all of that, you had your baby home—less mobile than before, but still your baby.
You watched Theo playing on the bed with Tae, fighting the tears and hopelessly losing because he was back where he belonged.
Peace, comfort, and everything right in the world. Nothing intruding, just your little family.
So, of course, your phone rang.
You groaned and answered it. “Yoongi? Really? We just got Theo home.”
“It happened. We’re out of a job,” Yoongi answered, sighing. “They closed the company down.”
“Ugh. You could have texted me that,” You huffed, heading back to the kitchen. The two of you had basically considered everything going on and known that the company was going to collapse. You’d almost been told as much when the two of you went in to talk to an IRS agent who wanted you to walk her through your jobs and some files and go over the discrepancies that had led to the audits.
“Yeah, well, I also had to tell you that the paperwork came in the mail today, and we close on the building next week.”
“Okay, that was worth calling me,” You said, hopping onto the counter. “What’s next on the list?”
“Fixing the building? Getting the classes organized. You finish the certification class tomorrow?”
“Yeah, it’s kind of pathetic,” You said, shrugging. “Too easy. Let’s make our classes thorough, yeah?”
“Agreed. Jin is already writing a teaching plan. He’s got it halfway done—at least, I hope that’s the halfway point. Jungkook’s been helping, which makes hyung happy. And he’s finished the dog-training next week. The teacher was really excited to hear about what we’re doing, by the way, and gave Jin a bunch of things. She asked Jin to sit in on her next couple of classes as her helper.”
“That’s really great. Jimin?”
“He’s hitting garage sales to celebrate getting the building, hoping to find some cheap stuff to get us started. How’s Theo?”
“He’s fine. He’s bright and happy and playing with Taehyung right now. He’s taking things well and I’m making his favorite, and he’s looking forward to everyone coming over tomorrow.” You checked your timer, then sighed. “We’re totally doing pizza, though. I’m already exhausted.”
“Okay. I can pick it up on my way over.”
“Thanks. I’ve got to go. Need to get the rest of dinner started.”
“Tell Theo we’re looking forward to playing games with him tomorrow.”
“You got it. Eat well.”
“You too.”
You slipped off of the counter, and started putzing around the kitchen making some side dishes to go with dinner.
Tae came out. “How long until dinner?”
“Twenty minutes?”
“Better keep it warm, he fell asleep.”
You nodded, letting him stop you and hold you still. “He okay?”
“Very okay. He’s so happy he’s home that he just sort of passed out.” He kissed your cheek, then sighed. “I’m so happy too. I finally get to see him and hold him. I just want to hold him and cry.”
“I’ve almost been in tears for the entire day,” You told him. “I figure once he’s in bed for the night, I’ll cry my little heart out.”
“Can I cry with you?”
“Of course you can. I would never ask you not to cry when you wanted to.” You turned to meet his gaze, gently touching one of his furry ears. “It’s been hard for both of us. It’s still going to be hard. I’m terrified of the next few days.”
“Me too. Even if they told us what to expect and how to care for him, there’re still a lot of mistakes we’re going to make and that scares the fur off me.”
You nodded. “I wouldn’t be able to make it through all this if I hadn’t had you, you know.”
Taehyung nodded. “I know.”
“Mommy! Look! I made it in my chair and through the house!” Theo called, managing the last push through to the kitchen and raising his arms in victory.
“My baby! Look at you!” You hurried over bending to kiss his face all over. “Excellent job!”
“It’s exhau…it’s tiring,” Theo finished, nodding firmly to cover for his lost word.
“Exhausting, fatiguing, tiresome, or draining,” You supplied, sharing a smile with him and moving around to the back of the chair, bringing him over to the table. “What do you want to drink?”
“Water. It smells really good, mommy.” Theo smiled up at you.
You dropped a couple kisses on his face before going to get him his drink.
Tae was bringing over the side dishes. “You want to stay in your wheelchair, or you want to sit on the chair?”
“Chair, it’s a little too high,” Theo said, touching the table edge, which was practically to his chin.
Tae nodded and pulled the wheelchair back. “Arms around my neck.”
Theo did as he was told and the two of them moved him to the dining chair.
“You okay, baby?” You asked, noticing the way Theo was sort of fidgeting in the chair as you brought the roast over.
Theo looked up at you. “It’s still weird.”
“Your legs?” You guessed, resting your hand on his cheek.
He nodded, leaning into your touch. “I don’t like it.”
“I know. Neither do we. But…there are some things in life that are out of our control.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead. “And we’re going to be with you every moment of the way.”
Theo nodded, sighing. “I missed you, mommy.”
“I was with you,” You teased gently, but you understood exactly what he meant. It had always been the two of you, three once Tae had joined, and while he was in the hospital everything felt wrong. You didn’t get to hold him like you wanted, and it seemed like every time you had him in your arms and both of you were comfortable a nurse would come in to do something or other.
“But we weren’t home,” He said, watching Tae put the bowl of mashed potatoes down. “I really, really missed you daddy.”
Tae came over and nuzzled Theo. “I missed you more.”
“I missed you most,” Theo responded easily.
You hummed softly. “Come on. Time to eat, boys, before it gets cold.”
Theo hummed happily as you filled his plate, immediately trying to cut his own food first before ultimately letting Tae do it. “Too tired. Too hard.”
“That’s fine, kiddo,” Tae answered easily. “We all need help sometimes. And cutting things can be hard. At least you try.”
Theo nodded. “Mommy said that as long as I try, I can make it through the world.”
“Your mom is really smart,” Tae said, smiling at you. “She’s got a good history of trying her best at everything, including taking care of you and me. You chose her well.”
Theo laughed. “I didn’t choose her!”
“What?! Of course you did!” Tae objected, grinning himself. “Every kid chooses their parents!”
Theo and Tae launched into a playful debate and storytime about how every kid chooses their parent while you ate, quietly listening and just enjoying the fact that you were home.
Theo was home.
“Uncle Hobi said that he’d help me catch up to the rest of the class over the summer. I don’t want to do school work in the summer, but I don’t want to be behind. Kevin and Jun were close to being my friends, and they sent more drawings and letters than the other kids.”
“They wanted to visit, too, but they didn’t want to tire you out,” You told him. “We told them that they could come play with you once you were home.”
He grinned. “When? Tomorrow? Tuesday?”
“I’ll talk to their moms and arrange it all, and let you know. But, let’s have a couple days just our family.”
Theo nodded, but then looked back up. “Wait, does that include my uncles?”
“Of course. We’re working on projects together so they’re over quite a bit lately. And they’re coming over tomorrow, remember?” Tae nuzzled Theo, then added more potatoes to his plate. “Eat up.”
“More food?”
Tae nodded. “You need to eat well to recover.”
“Oh. Okay.” Theo started eating the extra food on his plate.
“Only eat until you’re full, though,” You instructed.
“Yes, mommy,” Theo answered, smiling at you.
Your baby was home.
“Woohoo!” Theo cheered as he rolled down the ramp at a speed carefully controlled by Jungkook.
You finished edging the window and set your brush aside.
The building for the training center was almost finished, and all of the licensing and training that you all needed, and the first classes were slated to start in three days.
“Over here is our obstacle course, which we think will help those training with us, as well as those in physical therapy, learn how to maneuver around things that they’ll come across on a regular day. As you can see, our happy tester is enjoying going down the ramp after he was working on trying to get up it on his own for a while.” Jimin high-fived Theo as he led the group past. “We’re also finishing painting, so try not to touch the walls unless you like paint on you.”
The people chuckled, fascinated by Jimin’s enthusiastic tour. He was showing some hybrid-shelter owners through the facility to sell them the idea of sending hybrids there for training to increase adoption rates. He’d given multiple tours so far, because he was by-far the best at it, aside from Taehyung, but Taehyung had the disadvantage of being a hybrid.
Hoseok was trailing the group, but split off to join you. “They’re practically eating out of his hand.”
“Good. We have bills coming eventually.”
“Yeah.” He sat down next to you. “But this place is amazing. You guys are going to do really well.”
“I hope so.”
Hoseok handed you the folder. “So, I looked things over.”
“Good news, then?” You asked sarcastically.
“Not bad news. He’s learning more slowly, but he’s still learning. As he grows stronger, I think he’ll be okay. He just gets tired so easily that I think it’s causing his trouble. So, once he gets stronger and isn’t as tired, I think he’ll catch up just fine. But for now, he’s going to stay just a little behind. I’m moving up with the class as part of the new program, so I can keep following his progress and helping him.” He patted your shoulder. “I already talked to the higher-ups about it. They agreed that it was important for him to be with his friends. Especially since we’re working on catching him up. And he’s still a bright kid, that catches on quickly. Tired equals distracted, distracted equals slower learning.”
“Thanks for the crayons, teach,” You answered dryly.
He grinned at you. “Hey, there’s a reason I teach kids.”
“Because you are one?”
He laughed and the two of you watched as Jungkook helped Theo work his way up the easiest ramp so he could go down the hardest again.
“He really likes this place. After we left yesterday, it was all he could talk about,” You told him, smiling as Theo cheered on his way down the ramp again.
“His friends are coming to play here, aren’t they?”
You nodded. “They’ll be here soon. Taehyung is waiting to show them in. Their mom’s were excited to hear that this was practically a playground, rainy days are hard.”
“You could market day-passes and make that one room into a playroom for kids, that’d help bring in more income. I know several sets of parents that would bring their younger kids in, especially on rainy days. And if hybrid rights ever get reestablished, you could make it hybrid friendly which would really help.”
Yoongi paused in the doorway and looked at you.
You looked back, then at Hoseok. “So, we told you you’re a shareholder, right?”
Hoseok nodded.
Yoongi pulled out a notebook and wrote the idea down. “I’ll start pricing things and we can discuss it.”
You looked over as Kevin and Jun ran over.
“Hi!” Theo greeted them enthusiastically and they started talking.
Taehyung was leading in their mothers.
“I should go talk with them,” You excused yourself and headed over.
“Y/n, it’s so good to see you. Thanks for letting the kids play here, it looks great,” Jun’s mother (Debby?) said, sounding genuinely enthusiastic.
“And safe. Kevin has a habit of hitting his head on everything so I’m glad to see everything is padded. Lumps are easy, cuts are hard,” Kevin’s mother (Jamie?) added. “Plus the rain.”
You nodded. “They’re little balls of energy, but I’m really grateful for you two bringing them. Theo was so excited to hear he would get to see them.”
“Jun’s been asking about Theo almost every week. These past months must have been so hard. I don’t think I could have handled it.”
“I have a really good support system,” You answered easily, turning with them to watch the three boys playing, Jungkook keeping an eye on them to help if Theo got stuck.
The other two boys were being really thoughtful and kind and they saw the wheelchair and Theo being stuck in it as a challenge and a game, which would definitely help. They listened when Jungkook did have to help them and they already seemed to be having fun.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to hang around and keep track of them?” Kevin’s mom asked after giving you her husband’s number as well as Kevin’s backpack.
“We’d be happy to help,” Debby added.
You shook your head. “Go home, relax. Or clean, or whatever you need to get done. I’ve got several helpers on hand if I need them, including their favorite teachers. That is, as long as you’re okay with Jin and Taehyung helping out.”
“Of course, this whole law is ridiculous. It won’t last.” Debby waved a hand as if dismissing the law.
“Can’t last, more like. My favorite babysitter is a golden retriever hybrid, she’s been living in our basement ever since this happened. She was really excited to hear about this place, though, so I told her I would bring her once it was open.”
You smiled. “She’d be very welcome, and just let me know if she wants to take any of the classes.”
They nodded and left after telling their boys to behave and listen to you and the other adults.
You went into different rooms, double-checking the painting and making sure everything looked nice and correct.
Namjoon was sorting through the area rugs, placing them in order by thickness and type. This would make it easier to not only determine what carpets might be easier for people in wheelchairs, but help them and those helping them grow accustomed to the type of challenges that different carpets could present.
Yoongi was going through and making notes of different things that still needed to be finished, or other things that came to mind, as well as double checking some of the safety parameters.
Jimin was still talking with the people he was giving the tour to.
Hoseok was sorting through the spare office supplies that all of you had managed to scrounge up (a lot of yours came from your college years, like the dozen or so sticky note pads, the handful of highlighters, a plethora of paperclips and binder clips, push pins, pencils, pens, erasers, loose-leaf lined paper, binders, folders, and index cards—so many index cards), while keeping the kids in his sight should Tae or Jungkook get distracted.
And Seokjin was setting up the kitchen, which was going to be teaching cooking classes as part of companion training, but also used to show the difficulties a person in a wheelchair would face on one side of the kitchen while the other side was made for people in wheelchairs. He really liked the kitchen, and it was his pet project
Which meant you could go and look at the room that wasn’t being used yet.
Hoseok was right, it would make a really good room for kids playing. Something that would be easy to sanitize, but still allow for the kids to play. A slide would easily fit there, some rock wall-type of holds on the wall there….
You backed out of the room and stuck a sticky-note to the door, labeling it the Jungle room.
Yoongi joined you, giving you a questioning look.
“If we’re going to make a room for all kids to play in, we should have a theme for it. Kids like themes. Jungle is a good theme.”
He nodded. “That cafe I told you about, they said if we get busy enough, they’d love to partner with us and open in the cafeteria.”
“That’d be perfect. For now we’re just going to have to offer snacks by the front desk, though.”
“Jimin is on the phone with the local paper.”
You slowly turned toward him again. “What?”
He nodded. “They called, wanting to talk to someone about this place and Jimin saw me starting to stumble so I pretended I was just an assistant and told them I was handing the phone over to one of the founding members. He’s good at the talking thing. Between him, Jimin, and Tae, we should never need to talk on the phone.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” You answered, hurrying to find Jimin because you wanted to know how the interview went.
“Yes, thank you so much for your inquiries. You have a nice day as well.” Jimin hung up, and grinned at you. “Well, we’re definitely getting some attention!”
“What did they ask? What did you say?”
“Well, they asked why we started this, when we were opening, what we were offering—I added on hybrid companion training for the elderly, but I didn’t think you two would mind—and I gave them the answers, I didn’t divulge first names or anything. I used strictly last names, because even that lends us more anonymity and autonomy. I told them we wanted to help our community and those who were currently suffering—I even added that our training areas worked great for kids playing when it was raining outside because they could hear the boys laughing. They asked if we had considered opening it as a playground for the kids as well when it wasn’t being used for training and I answered yes—but I also added that we’d need another permit or two that we haven’t filed for yet. We have considered that, right?”
“We have, actually, we were talking about turning one of the rooms into a kids playroom specifically. Then if we have hybrids who have kids, the kids can play while their parents are in classes,” Yoongi said, definitely adding that to his notebook, as well as the elderly thing. “This is going to be a life-long project, isn’t it?”
“If we’re lucky,” Jimin answered cheerfully.
You left Yoongi grumbling to go check on the boys, noticing that Theo wasn’t playing as much, but he was still laughing with them and apparently they were rescuing him from pirates or something.
Taehyung wrapped an arm around your waist. “You know…I’m really proud of you.”
You relaxed into his hold, resting your head on his shoulder. “I’m really happy Theo chose you as his father.”
“I’m really happy you let him,” He whispered, then tilted your chin up to gaze into your eyes for a moment.
Then he leaned in and kissed you, softly and gently, a silent promise for forever.
“I knew it!” Theo yelled happily, definitely staring at you two when you looked over. “YES!”
“Whoops,” You whispered, trying not to laugh. It seemed an age ago that you told Theo not to expect the two of you fall in love. Told him he could call Taehyung his father if he really wanted to.
An age since Taehyung first kissed you.
A lifetime since you told Theo he could adopt a hybrid.
Taehyung laughed and kissed you again. “Thank you for my family.”
“Does that mean you don’t want more pups?” You asked cheekily.
He shrugged. “I’m satisfied with whatever I get in life. If that’s more kids, then I’m not going to complain. But Theo’s enough for me.”
You kissed his cheek and rested in his arms, knowing everything in your future was going to be worth the trials. But he was a natural at helping you through it.
You couldn’t ask for anything better than this.
Taehyung Masterpost.  Masterlist.  
Tagging:  @alex–awesome–22  @missmoxxiesworld  @bryvada @knjhe  @i-dont-even-know-fck  @forvever-ddaeng  @ncttzuuy   @briramirezalipio   @givebuckysomelove  @bunnyboyenthusiast  @rosita7703 @veryuniquenamegoeshere  @lottosehunnie   @forevermoremagcon  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @0mysticx0  @littlewolfieposts @kerikaaria @hemmofluke @beauthiefully
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hualianff · 3 years
Ice Skating AU
The road to the Olympics was quite lonely for figure skater XL. XL’s parents supported his dreams at the expense of his health and mental wellbeing. XL’s coach, JW, purposefully isolated XL from other competitors, which further distanced XL from the peers who were envious of his talent and achievements.
After the Olympics–XL winning silver, much to the public’s pride–he suffered from detrimental injuries as a result of being overworked and malnourished; JW had put him on a strict diet and training schedule that was ultimately unsustainable. It took over a year for XL to successfully settle a lawsuit with minimal media coverage and monetary consequences. 
Three years have passed since he retired. XL currently owns his own rink, teaching kids and adult skating classes on the side.
When XL competed, everything was so stiff and uptight. It got to the point where he wasn’t enjoying it and came to resent the sport in the end. When XL teaches, however, he gets to laugh with his students. He happily lends them a hand when they need it (unlike JW, who was harsh and trained him as if he were a machine). He celebrates with a student every time they land an improving pirouette, relishes in the pure joy in their eyes. 
That’s how ice skating should be. Challenging but always fun. 
Now, XL truly loves the managing and teaching aspect of the new role ice skating plays in his life. Owning a rink also allows XL to occasionally indulge in his old skills and routines. With no pressure to perform for anybody but himself, XL is free.
HC, a film grad school student, is forced to take a skating class after losing a bet with HX. HX’s partner, who had come up with the consequence on HX’s behalf, suggested a place called Wings, claiming they are “just trying to promote a fellow friend’s business.”
HC almost didn’t follow through with the penalty. He already knew how to skate. (His natural ability to quickly pick up any athletic activity is envied by all his friends.) Upon seeing just who the teacher was, however, HC reconsidered.
After all, losing a bet is no joke.
HC attends the evening class. He wears tight-fitting jeans and a maroon, long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms. The film student asks for extra help on his form despite knowing there’s not much to fix. 
Understandably, XL is a bit baffled how this one tall, handsome stranger keeps asking to be guided into the correct position and spotted while skating across the rink when it seems he’s capable of balancing on his own. But XL is in no way complaining! And if XL happens to stare directly at HC’s small yet perky ass as he skates behind the taller man in case HC crashes, no one has to know. 
One week passes. Then another. And another. 
One month later, HC keeps coming back for classes.
“San Lang, you don’t have to pay for any more classes. You already skate well enough on your own!” XL informed his newest regular with a knowing smile. 
“But then I won’t get to see Gege as often,” HC insisted with that charismatic smirk of his. XL hoped his face didn’t give away how flustered he was on the inside.
“W-well, the rink is not very busy one hour till closing time. You could always come in to practice. And I can watch you from the side!” XL said, looking off to the side. “Free of charge,” he added.
HC tilted his head, pondering. “Hmm, that sounds lovely. You’ll skate with me too?”
“Haha, sure! If there’s no one else on the rink,” XL laughs. 
HC nodded. “Fair enough. However, I will be paying the amount I owe Gege. You cannot convince me otherwise.”
“San Lang-“ 
“No exceptions, Gege!”
They’re so close, XL realized. HC leaned forward on the counter which is the only barrier separating them from touching chests. XL allowed himself a couple glances at the muscled pec straining against the fabric of HC’s shirt.
“Well, San Lang can pay me back in a different way, m-maybe?” the former Olympian suggested. HC quirked an elegant eyebrow. He really was too pretty for XL’s poor heart to handle. 
“Oh? What does Gege have in mind?”
Ignoring how suggestive HC sounded just then, XL built up the courage to utter one word: “Dinner?” 
Much to XL’s surprise, HC visibly malfunctions by choking on his own spit, as if he hadn’t expected XL to be so forward. HC clears his throat right after, sputtering a measly, “O-oh?”  😳
XL doesn’t say anything else. He stands motionless while waiting for the younger man’s answer. 🥺
Luckily, XL doesn’t have to wait more than ten seconds before HC composes himself, standing back and placing his palms on the counter, satisfied.
“Dinner is perfect.”
XL: 🥰
HC: 😇
Things only got better when HC came around. Suddenly, XL wasn’t alone every night he closed. HC diligently visited every night he could when school and work permitted. They skate together as promised, HC commenting how generous XL is for offering special “private lessons.” XL is positive HC makes these innuendos on purpose and selfishly hopes HC doesn’t say them to anyone else but XL. 
Funnily enough, XL has made his own fair share of innuendos–though completely unintentional. 
(XL while skating with HC: “You’re doing so well, San Lang. Go faster!”
HC, raising an eyebrow: “Gege likes things faster?”
XL: 😳😳 “EEEK, I mean the speed you’re going at. I-it’s too slow-“
HC: *nods* “Whatever Gege wishes.” *winks at XL before zooming away*
XL, chasing HC: “Wait, how are you moving so quickly!?”)
(HC falls ill on a Friday when he would normally visit the rink. With no meds and a killer headache, HC texts XL to cancel their lesson. 
XL: “San Lang, do you need medicine? I’ll come for you”
HC: “Gege 😳😳😳”
XL: “TO***** My finger slipped 😅”
HC: “Gege is getting quite bold now, isn’t he?”
XL: “San Lang!”)
It all boils down to a game of tag that got a little too competitive. It’s HC’s turn to tag XL. They’re zipping around the rink like flashes of light, the sound of their laughter echoing throughout the open space. Where XL is elegant yet sharp as he evades his pursuer, HC is aggressive and heavy as his skates dig into the ice in his haste catch XL. 
“Gege is too fast for this poor San Lang. It’s too unfair,” HC complains, though he has no reason to as he gains up on XL for the third time.
“Ahhh, no no noooo!” XL shrieks as he’s chased into a corner by a sneaky HC. In his attempt to turn around to escape, XL is crowded against the clear divider between the rink and the lounge space by a smirking HC. One last duck is countered by HC rushing forward to lightly secure his hands around XL’s waist. 
XL’s breath quickens as HC slowly leans down, a certain tenderness behind his eye that makes XL positively melt inside. 
“Caught you,” HC mutters, his long braid falling haphazardly down his right shoulder. XL shyly looks down, pinned by HC’s inquisitive stare. A large hand comes to gently grip his chin, lifting his head to meet HC’s face. “Do I get a reward?”
“What does San Lang desire?”
HC’s eye flickers down to XL’s lips. XL’s eyelids lower in understanding. And relief. Then, under some unknown source of confidence, XL lifts his chin invitingly. 
“It's your reward to claim,” he whispers. HC’s face splits in shock before morphing into an awed expression. He cautiously nudges XL’s nose with his own, making XL instinctually smile. 
“Gege has indeed become bolder,” HC utters.
He promptly seals their lips, which curiously meld together before separating. A tentative peck. XL is the one to slant their mouths together again, pulling HC down by the lapels of his jacket. They experiment as they press together, pull apart, then meet once more in delicious bliss.
XL hums as HC takes control of the pace. The taller man holds XL close, caressing his waist as they languidly make out against the divider. XL whimpers as HC cups his cheek lovingly. There’s a warm brush against the seam of XL’s mouth. He gladly parts his lips, welcoming the sensual slide of HC’s tongue inside. HC doesn’t let up, eagerly licking along every hollow and crevice of XL’s mouth.
When XL playfully nips at HC’s upper lip, HC firmly presses XL against the divide, grunting as he’s provoked. Another cheeky nibble has HC pulling away, raising a challenging eyebrow at XL. Using the diversion to his advantage, XL surges up to wrap his arms around HC’s shoulder, running the flat of his tongue over HC’s lower lip before coaxing him into another sweet kiss. HC smiles approvingly, allowing XL to lead. 
HC gradually shifts their weight so he skates backward, guiding them around the rink as they unhurriedly explore each other’s mouths. The scuffling of their skates paired with the slick sounds of their kissing serves as their own music and rhythm. XL surrenders to HC’s movements by resting most of his weight against the taller man. 
“I knew you knew how to skate this whole time,” XL murmurs against HC’s lips. HC chuckles as he traces XL’s cupid’s bow, then places a chaste kiss to XL’s cheek.
“Always so perceptive, gege.”
“Hmm, it’s hot,” XL says without thinking. HC smiles in amusement as he switches to skating in circles, gaze never leaving XL. 
“What is?”
“You skate with the confidence of a pro,” XL answers. He steals another kiss to HC’s lips, eyes crinkling as he smiles happily.
“Good thing I had the best teacher.”
“Oh, stop it, San Lang-“
“Make me.”
XL puffs his cheeks out in faux annoyance. But he can’t hold back a beaming grin as HC mimics his expression, over-exaggerating the pout that makes him look like a child whose candy was snatched out of his hands.
“If you insist,” XL sighs. He gives no other warning as he pounces, winding his legs around HC’s waist. HC effortlessly catches XL by underneath his thighs, pliant as XL crashes their lips together, hungry for much more. 
(Brainchild with @no-one-says-hi)
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Damage, Pt. 2
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x OFC Holly Woods
Word Count: 3.8 K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF  Read at your own risk. Pining, angst, FWB, graphic sex, protected sex, talk of getting tested for STD’s, Krispy Kreme, and all the feels.
A/N: It’s my birthday and I missed Rafa and Holly, so I wrote my own deliverance. At this point, these two are so oblivious, it isn’t funny. This happens just after Last Christmas.
This December adventure began early that morning, as Daveed and Rafa taught your writing classes and then hosted a Holiday showcase for your kids. 
They donated their time and talents as a favor for you. It was so damn cute and thoughtful that you’d thanked Rafael and then kissed him under the mistletoe. Almost as if you were in a relationship.
You weren’t in a relationship, however. You’d only shared two nights together, as friends who fucked, and you had an understanding that it wouldn’t be any more than that. Rafael and you had an agreement to service each other for the time being, no commitment, no feels. 
And who were you to him? He was a creative, a star who could jet off around the world in a moment’s notice for a glamorous affair.  You were just a school teacher who worked every day in LA. Rafael would never want you for his girl. So this situationship served a utilitarian purpose, not a romantic one. 
After the kiss, Rafael’s mind was whirring. He slowly backed away and checked the time, noticing that it was just after 9 pm. The night was young. He didn’t want the night with you to end. 
Rafael felt the urge to be with you again, but he didn’t want to push his luck. You were so dope and the fact that you didn’t know it made you even more so.  You were refreshing with your intelligence, adding to the facts that you did not give a fuck who he was, did not play to his ego, and did not want him to wife you.  
That last part was refreshing, but also troubling as he evaluated his feelings for you. But there were no feelings to be involved; you’d made that clear.  If he fell for you, you’d probably end it. You clearly didn’t want to be bothered with his lifestyle, and frankly, he didn’t deserve you. 
But he could possibly have tonight. It would be the last chance to be with you before you went to Houston to visit your family for Christmas, and the thoughts of you he’d had since Tuesday couldn’t wait another week.
You gathered yourself together and got your emotions in check.  You told yourself that you were just fond of him as a friend, but that’s where the sentiment ended.  You only had to repeat that to yourself about three times before your heart started to slow down.
Rafael smiled at you, crossing his legs and leaning on your desk while watching you work, finally getting your things together so that you could leave.  It had been a long day.
You were wearing your work clothes, white button down shirt, black pencil skirt and heels. Your Christmas cardigan had been discarded when you started cleaning up. That skirt was fit. ting.  Damn, that ass.  You were all covered up, but the clothes got him a little hard. 
You watched him watching you and gave him a smile that made his blue-greens light up.
“Did you have fun with my badass kids today?” 
Rafa laughed at your joke. He saw how much you loved your students. 
“They’re not bad. Some kids just need different ways to learn and show that they’ve learned. But you know that already.”
He shook his head at you. He could read you like a book.
“You try to pretend that you’re mean Ms. Woods but I know better. They wouldn’t love you so much if you were mean to them. Like young Timothy. He sure does love you a lot. You’re… what is it he called you?  His Cutie Pie?” Rafa looked at you with a cocked eyebrow. Timmy was his nemesis.
There was something in his voice that made you stop and look.  Could Rafa be jealous of a kindergartner?  Nah. But he was certainly worked up.
You smiled mischievously, walking towards him with some workbooks in your hand.
“I am ‘Mean Ms. Woods.’” 
You came close to him and leaned beside him to put the workbooks on your desk. Standing in front of him, your legs on either side of his, Rafael got caught up. He kept his hands clasped in front of him and eyes on you as you got close. But he couldn’t help but lean in, try to look down your shirt and kiss you on your neck.  
You stepped back before his lips made contact, teasing him.  The way he huffed and clenched his jaw got you going. That smoldering look and flashing green eyes always did.
You  definitely wanted to give him some, if he wanted, after what he had pulled off today for your kids.  You were happy that he seemed to want you too. But you were chilling. You wondered about other women in his rotation. 
You laughed a little and smiled, shaking your head at yourself.
Rafa smiled, seeing that you were flustered about something and hoping that something was him. He knew the cat and mouse game was just beginning.
It had been just three days but he was feening for you. Especially after seeing you with your kids this morning. You were something special. Someone he couldn’t let… He stopped his train of thought as you started talking.
“Timothy is a handful.  Mischievous, hella smart, quick witted. And a little charmer. He’s always trying to get a kiss. He has a ton of potential. Reminds me of someone else…” 
Rafael’s quick wit turned you the fuck on. Not to mention his face. And... Whew. Your thoughts were getting out of control. 
The way you were smiling at him made Rafa‘s heart leap. He tried to push the emotions down and just feel the physical.  But he did care about you. A lot. 
“Ok, enough about Timenstien.  Let’s talk about adult things…”  He just wanted to pick you up and carry you outta here the way you cocked your head at him.
“...Like the arrangement for benefits without borders. The tests, the shot… “ You just continued to stare at him.  When you licked your lips, Rafa put his hands in front of him to cover up his hard on.
You laughed again. “‘Benefits Without Borders,’ you should copyright that.”  
“Yeah, or call it, ‘FWB Raw’” Rafael had jokes.
You cracked up.  “I can’t with you, Rafa.”
Rafael’s face fell. “I mean your jokes, I can’t with your jokes. Sheesh.” 
You turned around to gather more books. Rafa fixed his face, but his eyes couldn’t leave your ass.
“Anyway, I already started the process. I went and was able to get an appointment Wednesday after school, so the shot should take effect next week.”
After the night you’d had Tuesday, you definitely wanted to experience that again. It was fortunate that your doctor had an opening on such short notice.
Rafa’s heart leapt when he heard that, but his face showed no emotion, just a cocked eyebrow when you turned back around.
“Word. Yeah, I’m actually leaving Sunday morning, Christmas Eve, and won’t be back until the 30th...So.”
“So…” Rafa’s eyes, they were changing colors on you. It put you off balance.
“So, if we go get the tests tonight, next week might be available for no barrier method benefits between friends  That is if you still want to….” You bit your lip. Rafa cleared his throat and you saw a smile playing around his mouth.
“Let’s think about the last time when that almost happened.” And he paused so you could go there. You had to lean on one of the children’s tables to think of the shower. You were most definitely wet right now.  
Rafa watched you as you had to open your mouth to breathe.Yes, he was definitely about to get some tonight. He wanted more than just sex, but right now he would take what he could get. Then your face changed to uncertainty.
“By the time I get back, you’ll probably have other plans for New Year’s weekend…”
Rafa was confused. “Nah, I’m going next door for Utkarsh and Naomi’s party… aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but you-- we-- might have dates or something.”
Ohhhhh. That’s what was up. Rafa nodded.  Shit.  You might have someone else in the rotation.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. True that.  There’s a couple of people, I mean. A few.”
Rafa was lying through his teeth, no one in his phone could hold a candle to you. Sure, they were ready, willing and able. But they were not you. And you didn’t have to know that.
“See, so…”
Rafa mourned the lost vibe.  He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, not caring how it looked anymore. You watched him and longed to have your fingers in his mane, but you were chilling.
“Look. The other night we said that this was a special deal between us. I don’t wanna tie you down.  We’ll just see how things go, I mean, you might hook up in Houston…” He watched you, waiting for you to deny it.
You didn’t deny it simply because you did not know how to say that the only one you wanted to take advantage of the situation was him. You just stared at him. When you didn’t say anything, he went on.
“...old flames, new boos, whatever.  The tests will be good information to have in any circumstance.  I say we go for it.”
"Let's get it!"
An hour later you were at the Krispy Kreme donuts on Crenshaw on the way to your place. You had already dropped your car off and were now chilling with the homie after getting tested for STDs. 
You were staring in the window of the bakery, watching the donuts getting that hot glaze now and licking your lips.  They were so tempting. You were thinking donuts and Rafa was thinking the same about your lips.
"I don't think these will help with my anemia."  Your little laugh was so cute to Rafa.
The only bad news you’d got from the blood tests was that you needed more iron. You were both clean and ready to go.
"Let's get some. That glaze does something to me. I just want to lick some of that creamy stuff from around that hole..." Rafa was staring at you while he spoke, the “Hot Donuts Now” sign casting an eerie red light on half of his face.
"You’re so nasty...." you giggled.
Rafael screwed up his face. 
"What? I'm talking ‘bout some donuts.  I don't know what you're talking about." Rafa felt irrationally happy being here with you. Because you were a great friend. Yeah, that was it.
You got a dozen and left on the way to your house.  You stole a donut while riding. You looked at him while licking your fingers.
You’d decided that you wanted to have him before you left, even if you had to use protection. After you ate the donut, you put your thumb in your mouth, sucked for a second, and removed it with a loud pop, still staring at Rafa.
He almost pulled over to the side of the road.  But he was determined. "Hmmmm." Was all he replied as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
You put your hand on Rafael’s knee and moved it up a few inches to his dick. It was appropriately swollen. You smiled and started stroking it through his pants.  You felt it get harder. 
"I’ve been thinking about you a lot tonight. What you did for the kids was so… It was nice. On the other hand, I can’t wait for you to fuck my throat."
Rafa almost choked on nothing. You always surprised him and made him feel like an insecure, horny teenage boy.  But he wasn't going out like that. You were just a few minutes from your place.
"You know what. I'd love to see those tits right now."
“Right now? While you are driving?”
“I’m grown. Been driving since I was 15. I got this.”
You giggled, but reached up and unbuttoned your shirt. Your breasts were bathed in the moonlight, sitting perky and upright in your sheer black bra. Holy fuck. Your nipples were calling to him.
He'd distracted you from his dick, but his mouth was watering.  All he wanted was to fulfill your dirty fantasies. He reached your apartment and turned off the car.  You leaned back against the window. Rafael turned towards you, appraising you impassively. He had to use his acting skills to seem calm. Damn, you had him twisted.
"Touch them for me."
You licked your lips at his command.
"But I think I still have some glaze on my..."
Rafa just stared at you.
You did as you were told and pulled your bra cups down, freeing your breasts.  You started feeling and pulling on your nipples.  Your eyes were half closed in ecstasy as you started moaning and fogging the windows of Rafa’s car. He was right there with you as he palmed himself through his pants and feasted his eyes on you for a few minutes.
He leaned over and took over your breasts with his mouth. He licked and sucked each of them, making you wet all over again.
“Mmmmm. So sweet.” He looked up at you, his breath fanning your face from below.
You giggled. “It’s the icing from the donut.”
“Nah girl, it’s just how you taste. Like the sweetest ambrosia.”
Damn, his words. Rafael Casal and his damn words. You just stared at him, speechless.
Rafael drew in a ragged breath and reached over to pull your bra up and button your shirt just enough to be decent going into your apartment. It was so tender. But in a no feels kind of way.
“Let’s go on up.”
Rafa peered into your soul. Sure, you wanted him. But was it really just for friendship and occasional dick?
“Eager, are we?”
His voice did something to you. The soft tenor and the earnestness of his requests of you made you melt. How did he do things to you without touching you? You didn’t want to analyze it too much, so you threw the question back on him.
“You’e not?”  Your challenge threw him off. He chuckled to hide his nerves.
“Yes, I’m eager Holly.  I’ve been thinking about the last time since the last time. I want you.”
You closed your eyes and licked your lips, trying to center yourself. “That’s cool.”
You reached for your bag and moved to get out of the car.
“Hold on,” Rafa moved quickly to get out and go around to open the door for you, his chivalry not unnoticed by you. Again, the little things made you want him even more.  This was not going to be good for your heart when he decided to move on.
You led the way to your place and started up the stairs to your apartment before him.
It seemed as if that ass was going left to right in slow motion as Rafael watched it intently. He shook his head to see if he was bugging. When you glanced at him over her shoulder, he knew.
He grinned at you and looked back at it when you turned back around, catching a glimpse of a garter belt on your thighs through the slit in your skirt as you climbed the stairs.
Holy fuck! He had to have you. He rubbed his fingers right before reaching out to verify, then drew them back, because it wouldn’t do to fuck you outside on the stairs of your apartment building.
Rafa gave you some space as you opened the door, but as soon as you were inside, he pushed you up against the wall, hands everywhere.  It seemed as if he’d waited forever and not just three days. You had him addicted. 
You moaned as Rafael started kissing down your neck to your cleavage, dropping your bags on the floor by your feet. He saw a peek of your black bra through your shirt. He remembered the garter set and had to see the entire affect. He backed up, taking you in from head to toe.
"You wanna take those clothes off, or do you want me to rip them off?"
You smiled. "I guess I'll choose the first option."
You slowly unbuttoned your blouse, and peeled the skirt from your hips. It was so seductive that by the time you were done, Rafa had undressed as well, his thick dick in his hands, getting it ready for you.
You stood before him, in a sheer black lace bra and garter set, with no panties. The fact that you had been like that all day under your clothes made him get even harder. And you were looking at what he was holding and licking your lips.
"You hungry?"
"Yes. Please."
Rafael laid you down on the couch. He turned your head and filled your mouth as he stood at one end of the sofa. He used his free hand to twist and flick your rock hard nipples through your bra. Damn, he loved it when you moaned with his dick in your mouth.
“You like that Holly? This what you wanted?”
You were ravenous, stroking off what you couldn’t fit in your mouth naturally. And you were busy, so you just nodded. Rafa continued to torture your nipples with one hand, but moved his other hand down to your clit, swirling insistent and concentrated circles around it.
You were so worked up that it did not take too long for him to manipulate an orgasm from you. “Damn, girl.” 
He was in heaven as you came with your mouth around his dick. Good thing, it muffled the sound. He was concentrating on not shooting off down your throat as he watched you, writhing in your garter set and licking his fingers, and then moving down to eat some of your delicious cream. 
Rafa held your hips down mercilessly as you fought your next orgasm.  He tongued you through it, taking all that you had to give him and successfully keeping you from running from it.
When he rose from between your legs, and wiped his face with the back of his hand, you looked as if you were going to sleep, your eyes vacant and rolling back in your head.  You were in shock from all the pleasure.
"Get that ass up."
You languidly obeyed and stood before him, eyes glowing and sexy ass lips smiling. Something in Rafael’s heart lurched and he couldn’t explain to anyone why. He was mad for some reason. 
Conflicted with different emotions, he just grabbed your waist and roughly turned you around, grabbing your arm and twisting it behind your back as he bent you over the arm of the couch.
You looked amazing in what you were wearing. He rubbed your ass before he smacked it, hard. Rafa was rewarded with a moan and an arched back. 
“Are you ready for this dick?” He smiled as he put the tip alllllmost in.
Then he remembered.  “Shit.” 
He went into your bedroom, seeing your suitcase set up and mostly packed for the trip.  He brushed away the feeling that he had at what that meant and quickly went to your bedside table for a condom. He didn’t want to lose the vibe.
He came back into the living room to the sight of you still bent over, head resting on the couch cushion.  He stroked himself to full staff again, put the condom on, and lined up with your cunt.
“Still ready?” 
He didn’t have to ask as he heard your moan and felt you try to push back to take him.  He stilled your movement with this hand on your hip, wanting to prolong the anticipation.  His heart skipped a beat as you asked him for it.
“Please, Rafa, please give it to me…”
He sank into you, none too easily. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight. And so wet. I love to see you cream for me, Holly. Can’t wait to feel it again.” He couldn’t wait until you returned, so that he wouldn’t have to worry about condoms. That is if you hadn’t…
He brushed the thought of you with another man out of his mind and slapped your ass, angry again.  You whimpering beneath him had him almost out of control.  You, it seemed, were on the same page.
“Oh, Rafa.  I’m so close already. I’m going to….” Rafa just kept hitting that spot, making your knees buckle. You were grateful for the support of the couch arm.
“Fuck, Rafa… I’m gonna c-c-cummmmmm.” You started pounding around him, and he grabbed the back of your neck.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK, fuck, fuck.” Rafa had no other words at the moment.
You were screaming into the couch cushion as he emptied his cum into the condom, his hips stuttering and erratic in their rhythm. 
He leaned over you and onto your back after he was spent, for just a few moments. Then, he straightened up and made his way to your bathroom to get rid of the condom. 
Rafael washed up a little and looked at himself in the mirror. It was hopeless.  He brought out a washcloth for you and found you curled up on the couch.
“Let me..” Rafa approached you to clean you up, and you let him, trying not to register the intimacy and tenderness of the act.  He was just being a good friend.
When he was done, you thanked him and went to the bathroom, shaking your head at yourself in the mirror. You felt helpless and a slave to the feelings that weren’t supposed to be there.
You made your way back into your bedroom, took off the garter and hose, and pulled on some sweats and a tee.
In the living room, Rafa was dressed as well. And standing by the door. Your heart sank a little. But you smiled and went toward him.
“Thank you, that was just what I needed after a long week. You headed out?”
Why didn’t you just invite him to stay over?
“Yeah, I better go. You probably have a ton to do before you leave.”
Rafael didn’t know how to say that he wanted to stay, but if he did, he would wind up saying too much. “Can I have a hug?” He needed you in his arms, just one more time.
You smiled at him. “Is it even a question, after what we just did?”
You were sad that he didn’t want really to hug, he just wanted to fuck. He was just being nice, but that didn’t keep you from burying your head in his chest and squeezing tight as you went into his embrace. 
Rafael inhaled the scent of your hair and closed his eyes as he cradled you, holding you close to his heart. “You have a safe trip, and a good time with your people. Merry Christmas again, Holly.”
Your eyes welled up as you kept your head in his chest. “I will, Rafa. Thank you so much again for today. It was everything. Merry Christmas, Rafa. Have a good one.”
You lowkey wiped your eyes on his shirt before you looked up at him and smiled. You gazed at each other for a minute before he let you go.
“See you in a few days. You know, maybe.” He fumbled for the doorknob behind him.
You laughed and smiled, catching his heart. “Yeah, see you next week. Possibly.”
“Bye Holly.” He’d finally found the doorknob and was backing out of it.
“See ya, Rafael.” You were shaking your head at him as you closed the door.
You leaned against it for a long time as Rafa made his way to the car, and banged his head on the steering wheel.
You both were idiots in love. And you didn’t even realize it.
Let me know if you liked it! Like, comment, reblog, please. 😁
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Plz make a prat 2 to its your fault!!! It was SO GOOD!!
Kuroo x reader - it’s your fault (pt. 2)
⚠️warnings - none
Pronouns - male, he/him
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part one can be found here! , and if the link is broken, check my pinned masterlist!
Sports sucks. That’s the mindset (y/n) carried over to Karasuno, in his second year of high school.
He was doing great. He joined the writing club, he did extra well in his English classes, and even made acquaintances who didn’t force them to learn a sport for the rest of their life’s.
He doesn’t think he’d call them “friends” though. They weren’t as close as he was to his ‘teammates’. Or Kenma. Or Kuroo.
But then again, his relationship with Kuroo wasn’t real. And (y/n) will forever hate him for that. He’ll hate his guts for as long as he lives, for wasting his time and giving up his passion just because he couldn’t suck it up to tell him he didn’t want to be friends anymore.
“(L/n)-San, you’re late.”
A cold sweat broke out on (y/n). He looked up at his history teacher, with a nervous smile. He didn’t care for that class as much as the others, so it’s hard to keep up when you aren’t interested.
“(L/n), this is your third offense. I’m going to have to send you to detention. Take your seat and see me after class.”
“Yes sensei...”
He tiptoed to his seat and slid into his chair, with his head down. It was his first detention. He wasn’t going to lie when he said he was nervous.
The detention wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. When he walked in, the teacher supervising was asleep on his desk, and there were only about 4-5 second years in there.
None really stood out, minus the one sitting in the corner, with his feet up, spinning a volleyball in between his hands. He had hair that reminded him of that bitch Kuroo, except it was styled like that on purpose, and there was a streak of blond straight in the middle.
The stranger seemed to catch his disgusted face, and said “Oi-you got a problem, pretty boy?”
(Y/n) wiped the look off his face and leaned a against the wall, not wanting to sit down. He stood there for about 5 minutes, before he heard the ever so familiar sound of a volleyball being smacked. Absentmindedly, he turned towards the sound, and brought his hands up to receive the ball. It’s the first thing they drill into your mind in that prison called Nekoma, so could you really blame him?
The thing he didn’t expect, was the ball to actually hit his hands. He thought the sound was in his head, or the boy just smacked the ball in his hands, but he didn’t think that he threw the damn ball at him. The ball effortlessly bounced off his arms and flew back into the hands of the boy, who had a shocked, excited, expression.
“You play volleyball?!” The boy jumped out of his seat and ran up to him. He was short, but then again, (y/n) wasn’t that tall to begin with.
“I...don’t...I’m sorry.”
“Bullshit! That was a perfect receive! I’ve seen guys on my team who don’t have a receive as good as that!”
Team? He thought there would be no ‘team’. This is the one school with that ‘fallen crows’ thing, right?
The boy was jumping up and down, praising his receive and making weird sound effects. He’s never really been praised on his receive before. It was heartwarming.
“-and you gotta join my team!”
“Hell no. I don’t play volleyball anymore. I’m done with it.” The words came out like an automated response. The boy tilted his head to the side.
“Why not? Your one of those new kids right? I don’t think I’ve seen you last year.”
“I don’t care much to talk about it” (y/n) chuckled and sat down. The boy sat down next to him, to his disappointment.
“I’m Nishinoya Yuu. What’s your name?”
“(Y/n).” (Y/n) said nothing more, mainly because he was used to going by his first name at Nekoma.
“(Y/n)? Just (y/n)? Is that your first name or your last orrrr-“
“First,” (y/n) drummed his fingers on the desk. “I don’t like formalities when it comes to spor-“
That response came out automatically aswell. It’s something Kenma said so much, that he started doing it aswell. They weren’t even doing sports. They’re in detention for gods sake.
“Nice to meet you man!” Nishinoya gave him a pat on the back. (Y/n) flinched a bit. Kenma wasn’t touchy at all, and Kuroo avoided as much contact with him as possible. Yet this...stranger was talking to him like he was the last person on earth. He was the center of attention right now. And he loved that feeling.
Are all countryside people this nice? Back in Tokyo, or at least with Kenma and Kuroo, they weren’t so...touchy. And the team wasn’t touchy as well. But maybe this is different. Maybe...
“You have to at least VISIT the practice! I won’t force you to join! But this is my last day of detention before I finally return and it would be cool if I got another player in! Not that I’m assuming you’ll want to play instantly but-“
“I’ll do it.”
He was just going to watch. He wanted to see how different the Miyagi players were compared to Tokyo. That’s all. After that he’s going to leave. No more volleyball.
Nishinoya and (y/n) became good friends during the remainder of the detention. He told (y/n) he was a libero, and asked what his old position was. He lied and said he was a libero too. There was really no reason to lie, but he didn’t want to say he was a setter either.
On their way to the gym, (y/n) could practically feel how excited Nishinoya was. It was something (y/n) could never understand. They neared the entrance to the gym, when Nishinoya suddenly sprinted inside. A ball hurdled towards him, and he returned in the direction it came from, with little to no effort.
(Y/n) jogged in after him. “Noya! Warn me when you start sprinting damnit! you scared me!” A boy with bright orange hair, also pretty short, stared at Nishinoya with wide eyes.
“He’s...he’s shorter than me!”
“Huh? Hey, what did you just say?!” The libero got ready to pounce on the other short boy when he choked out a panicked “s-sorry!”
They started going back and forth on stuff
(y/n) wasn’t paying attention to, when 3 other people walked into the gym.
“Oi! Noya-San!”
The unknown people started greeting Nishinoya, while (y/n) stood awkwardly to the side.
“Oh! Let me introduce you.” Noya gestured towards (y/n), who stiffened once all eyes landed on him. My name is (y/n), uh-just (y/n). I don’t like formalities when it comes to sports.”
“Yeah! He said he wanted to watch-“
“Actually I want to join.”
It was something (y/n) said on impulse, after looking at everyone’s friendly attitude. They looked at (y/n), even though he was a total stranger, like he was a part of the family. He couldn’t help the words spilling out of his mouth. Nishinoya went silent, along with everyone in the room. A smile grew on Noyas face as he shook (y/n’s) shoulders giddily.
“That’s great! What position are you going to play?” The black haired dude with tan skin said, walking up to (y/n) and patting him on the back. Again, with everyone’s kindness. It’s so weird.
His throat closed in as if it told him he wasn’t supposed to say that. He felt the piercing stare of a boy with black hair and blue eyes. He was most likely a setter. He also looked at the kind smile of the man with silver hair, but how his eyes betrayed his kind look. They looked sad, and droplet of sweat rolled down his cheek. He was probably a setter, too. (Y/n) closed his mouth, then opened it again.
“...Libero. I want to play libero with Noya, if that’s alright.”
(Y/n) hoped he wouldn’t regret his decision. Not of signing up as a libero, his defense was pretty strong and on par with Noyas. He just hoped he wouldn’t regret joining the volleyball team he sought to never set foot on.
But everyone’s warm, friendly smiles made him forget about his inner turmoil, even temporarily.
He’d guess he’d have to quit the writing club, then.
“Rolllllling thunnnnnder!”
Noya dove for the ball and tumbled away, before standing up, looking proud of himself.
Tanaka and (y/n) started laughing hysterically, while Suga awkwardly mused out a “N-nice receive..”
“Why did he yell that out?” Kageyama looked just as dumbfounded as Sugawara, while Tsukishima and Yamaguchi stifled their laughter. “Pfft-what was that?”
“Kageyama! Tsukishima! Yamaguchi! I’m going to lecture you all! Crouch down! I mean-sit down!”
That just made (y/n) laugh even harder. He forgot why he hated volleyball so much, his stamina built to the point he wasn’t dying when he ran laps, and moments like these made him feel like he was on top of the world. He had a family. A new start. Things were going great. Nothing could ever-
“Everyone! I want you to gather around!” Takeda-Sensei burst through the gym doors, making everyone turn their heads. He started talking about some “golden week training camp” and how they needed to practice. (Y/n) wasn’t really paying attention, choosing to jokingly poke Tanakas waist with a “rollingu tsandaa~!!” Until-
“-and for the last day of golden week, I’ve arranged a practice match!”
Tanaka shooed away (y/n’s) hands and cheered. “Whooah! Who’s our opponent?”
“A venerated school in Tokyo, Nekoma high school.”
(Y/n’s) heart stopped. Every moment of his childhood he wasted cane flooding back just as he started to feel content with his new high school life. His eyes widened dramatically and his mouth hung open a tad. Sugawara seemed to notice, and gave him a concerned look as everyone was buzzing about the practice match.
“You okay?” No response.
“(Y/n?)” no response.
(Y/n) felt the ground swirling under his feet. It suddenly felt like there wasn’t enough air in the gym and the knee pads squeezed the everliving hell out of his legs.
“(Y/n)!” All eyes were on him. He was on the ground, sitting down and starring blankly at Takeda-sensei, while everyone silently stared back at (y/n).
This situation felt familiar.
The training camp flew by in a flash. It was one or two day before the dreaded match with Nekoma, and they were sprinting around the street to warmup. However Hinata, being Hinata, ran too far and unknowningly, to a place he didn’t recognize.
“Did I get lost?” His thoughts were intruded when he saw a boy, with bleach blond hair, sitting on the curb playing on his phone.
‘A bright red jersey. You don’t see much of those around here.’ Hinata thought.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Hinata ran up to the boy, who was obviously startled by Hinatas sudden exclamation. He looked from his phone, to Hinata, then to the ground.
“Um...I’m lost...”
“Eh? You’re from out of town?” Hinata cocked his head to the side, as the boy with the blond hair turned back to his phone.
They stood in silence, with Hinata admiring the game the boy was playing on his phone, when he suddenly jumped up, squealing.
“Are you a volleyball player?! Those are volleyball shoes!”
The boy put his phone down and looked at him though his mop of hair. Hinata jumped up and down excitedly.
“I’m in a volleyball club too. I’m Hinata Shoyo!”
Another silence engulfed them, before the boy spoke up. “Kozume...”
“Kozume? That’s you name?”
The boy, ‘Kozume’, looked down at his bag. He then drew his gaze back up, mumbling out a “Kenma” before he looked back down.
“So your Kenma, Huh? Are you in high school?”
“Yeah...I’m a second year.”
Hinata stiffened and straighted his posture rigidly. “Crap! Your older than me! P-pardon me!”
“Don’t worry, I don’t really like formalities when it comes to sports.”
That statement made Hinatas shoulders relax, now sporting an odd look on his face. Kenma noticed his gaze, but said nothing. The thing he said now, was exactly what (Y/n) always said. When he introduced himself when he joined, when he introduced himself to Asahi who joined soon after, and to everyone whom he didn’t know beforehand when in the gym. It was like his catch phase.
“You...remind me of one of my teammates. Uh-! Not exactly! He’s more um...rowdy? B-But you said something he always says and-“
Kenma perked up, whipping his head to Hinata with questioning eyes. He, however, noticed his abrupt nature, and looked back down, trying to focus on his phone.
“Um...what position do you play?”
“Ehhh?! Really? Your waaay different than our setter! our setter is a litt-“
“Does your setter have (H/c) hair? Or is he kind of clingy who likes video games?”
Hinata looked at him with a confused expression. Kenma looked at Hinata with prying eyes that almost seemed desperate. He was clutching his phone in his hands a little too tightly, to the point his knuckles turned white.
After taking Hinatas silence for a ‘no’ he turned his attention back to his phone, with pursed lips and a “...nevermind...”
The conversation they had was pretty tame afterwards, Hinata complaining about how scary his setter is or how it’s odd that he’s short for a middle blocker.
(Y/n) came jogging down the street Hinata took, along with Sugawara trailing behind him. Once (y/n) took sight of the familiar orange tuft of hair, he smiled. However, once he was about to call out his name, he heard a voice and a name he hasn’t heard in forever.
(Y/n) looked past Hinata to see a boy with blond hair. It wasn’t the Kenma he knew, his Kenma has black hair, but it could’ve easily been bleached. He looked a little further and locked eyes with someone he sought to destroy from his mind.
(Y/n) stood there, frozen to his core, before a harsh glare graced the cheery persona he sought to uphold. Kenma stood up and waved a goodbye to his new friend, before jogging up to Kuroo. Kuroo broke into a cold sweat, shoving his hands in his pockets and averting his eyes guiltily.
Sugawara rounded the corner, before his eyes landed on Hinata and (y/n).
“Ah! Hinata!”
Hinata flinched and turned around to see Sugawara, and (y/n), who was clenching his fists with a disgusted look on his face.
“Man, we were looking all over-“
“Who were you talking you, Hinata?”
(Y/n’s) words dripped with venom. He wasn’t one to get angry, but he grew to resent Nekoma as a whole. Not just Kuroo. He hated Nekoma almost as much as he used to hate sports.
“Uh-I made a friend-he says he plays volleyball too-“
“No shit.”
(Y/n) scoffed and walked away, presumably to go back to where everyone was. Suga and Hinata stood there awkwardly.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t know...we should go back, though.”
The two boys trailed behind (y/n), deciding that he wasn’t in the mood to talk.
Pt 3??? Anyone??? Lmaooo
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cyhyr · 3 years
Summer of Whump Day 15: Sleep Deprived
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: G
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka; Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto
WC: ~3320
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Notes: AU backstory for the purposes of I Wanted To.
A/N: This is just. I don't even know guys. I started writing and then it got bigger and bigger and I couldn't stop. It's just. A Lot.
Kakashi has not been able to take care of his sensei’s child the way he should, the way the boy admittedly deserves; and yes, absolutely, he takes that fault personally but also doesn’t do anything about it because really… what can he provide for this child besides instability? He’s hardly in the village anymore, though Sandaime has hinted that, if Kakashi asked, he could be assigned missions closer to home. Instead, Kakashi does what he can without bothering Naruto or letting the boy realize that he even exists. He ensures the bills are paid up in six-month increments, and has the utility companies know to charge to his personal account anything he misses due to being out on mission. He provides non-perishable groceries, placed in the pantry late at night every month or so: oats, rice, dried or tinned meats, beans and legumes. He’ll bring a small selection of vegetables with him at the same time, (no more than three or four items, so they don’t rot before Naruto feels obligated to eat them) usually pilfered from Gai’s garden so he knows they’re not poisoned.
And whenever he’s in the village, he makes a stop at Naruto’s apartment at least once to check in on the wards wrapped into the walls and window frames.
This is how he learns about Umino Iruka and the interest he’s taken in the village jinchūriki.
The wards when he gets to Minato’s son’s apartment this time are different. Odd. Not… well, actually, they might be stronger; Kakashi glances at the walls with the sharingan and finds himself mildly impressed. Whoever placed these wards knew about the ones Kakashi put up, and modified their own to augment and strengthen Kakashi’s.
Kakashi says modified because he’s seen these styles of wards before, but never used like this. The key in the front door jingles a bit, like the person unlocking the door knows Kakashi’s in here and is giving him time to leave. Kakashi takes the out for what it is and slips out the window, closing it quietly behind him. He stays plastered against the wall beside the window for a moment, however, wanting to get a glimpse of who’s taking care of his sensei’s kid in Kakashi’s stead.
The door opens and Naruto—gods, how old is he, seven? Eight?—barrels by the figure in the doorway with a grin and shoots straight for the pantry.
“Naruto-kun, take your sandals off first. I mopped for you just earlier this week, I’m not doing it again so soon.”
One arm balancing a paper bag of fresh groceries, a leather school bag over the same shoulder; hitai-ate and vest both neat, but his sleeves and pants legs are scuffed; and his fingers carry the faint dusting of chalk that hours of holding ingrains and a quick wash won’t wipe away. A teacher.
“Iruka-sensei, I can mop later; I’m hungry now!”
“I won’t ask you twice.” The man—this Iruka-sensei—walks barefoot through the apartment and sets the grocery bag down on the kitchen table. Naruto hangs his head and goes back to the door, and once he’s out of the room, Iruka looks at the window Kakashi is peeking in, scowling initially. The scowl lessens when he sees the Konoha ANBU mask, and he nods, but makes a slight shoo gesture.
“What’re we making tonight, sensei?” Naruto bounds back into the room, barefoot as his sensei.
“I’m thinking of teaching you breakfast for dinner,” Iruka says. “Miso soup, tamagoyaki, steamed salmon; how’s that sound?”
“Sounds great!”
“And if we make enough, you’ll have enough for the morning, too,” Iruka ruffles Naruto’s hair. “Go grab out the rice and we’ll get started, okay?”
Kakashi leaves. Iruka-sensei seems to have only good intentions.
Iruka is a new teacher, one that (if the very quiet rumors are to be believed) didn’t initially want to be the jinchūriki’s homeroom teacher. Something changed his mind, clearly, and now he’s spending every moment outside of class with the kid.
Every. Moment.
Kakashi notices the third time he’s in the village after meeting Iruka—notices how tired the man seems. He follows the teacher from just before dawn when he wakes up and heads out to Naruto’s apartment and fixes him breakfast. Kakashi watches Iruka herd Naruto around the apartment, brushing teeth, getting changed, gods Naruto where’s your homework I told you to put it right back in your bag last night after I helped you with it. Then they’re out the door and one of them locks the deadbolt while the other activates the wards (Iruka always double-checks the wards if Naruto does them) and they walk to the Academy together.
Iruka spends the day in the Academy staunchly refusing to play favorites. If Kakashi didn’t know that the man had made Naruto eat breakfast while searching for a clean shirt for the child to wear, he’d swear Naruto was Iruka’s least favorite student—based solely on the amount of yelling.
But the two of them have lunch together, talk and hang out during recess unless Iruka shoos him away to play, and then they walk together to either Iruka’s or Naruto’s apartment after school. Sometimes they’ll go out for ramen, or to one of the training grounds to work on a technique they started in class which Naruto needs more time to fully grasp. Iruka is a patient teacher, especially one-on-one, and even though Minato-sensei’s son doesn’t perform well on the tests in school he learns the techniques after class and gains the appropriate muscle memory.
Which is admittedly much more important than the grades Naruto earns. Iruka won’t say as much, but it’s obvious that he agrees when his teaching style puts emphasis on practicals rather than paper tests. Kakashi approves.
After a day of minding twenty-five ankle-biters, an afternoon of extra training for the village jinchūriki, and an evening of making sure Naruto is fed and happy and his homework is completed to the best of his ability, Iruka then helps Naruto get ready for bed. Against the kid’s token protests, they’ll read a story together (Kakashi suspects Iruka does this because Naruto’s reading skills are lacking, but he could also very well just be doing it because he enjoys it—the man’s motives are enigma to him) and Iruka will tuck Naruto in. He stays at the apartment until he knows Naruto is asleep, tidying up here and there or even just leaning in the bedroom doorway watching the jinchūriki’s chest rise and fall.
Only when Naruto’s asleep will Iruka leave, activating the wards and locking up after himself.
It took only two times of Kakashi watching these kinds of days go by before he realized that Iruka knew he had been watched all day. As he passes the tree outside of Naruto’s building, the only one that reaches high enough to afford a glance into his apartment, Iruka looks right up into the limbs where Kakashi is crouched, waves, and continues back to his own home.
(He had been underestimating Umino Iruka’s awareness. He’s intrigued.)
(But anyway.)
Once he’s home, Iruka rushes through grading and lesson plans and adjustments. He makes lunch for himself and Naruto for tomorrow. Cleans, if he remembers; showers, if he has any energy left. Then, Umino-sensei crashes hard around one or two in the morning.
All to start over again at five-thirty the next morning.
It can’t be sustainable. Kakashi is morbidly interested in how long Iruka planned to keep up this kind of schedule.
It starts out with checking out during lunch. Kakashi is lounging in the trees on the Academy grounds, pretending to read but listening intently to Naruto ramble on about some new topping Ichiraku is introducing on Friday and please Iruka-sensei can we go? Then the soft click of dropped chopsticks against a bento box made Kakashi look down to the pair sitting at the base of his tree.
“Iruka-sensei? Are you—?”
“Oh, I’m. I’m alright.” Iruka laughs it off, fumbling for his chopsticks. “I was just thinking too hard there.”
“You shouldn’t do that!”
“You tell me not to think too hard all the time,” Naruto pouts. “That I’ll hurt myself.”
Iruka’s laugh crinkles his eyes and he tips his head back. “Gods, Naruto, I’m sorry—no, not—um. Listen, forget it, okay? Ramen, on Friday, right?”
And it was forgotten. Except, Iruka is unconsciously rubbing his fingers together beside his hip and Kakashi can see it. Something happened to force the drop—likely, he lost feeling in his hand briefly.
Kakashi’s out of the village as it gets worse, but he hears all about it from Shikaku and Inoichi when he gets back. They’re in the hallway outside the Hokage’s office, talking in low tones like they were discussing an attack on the village.
“What could cause such a serious mood shift?”
“Genjutsu; one of the other teachers sabotaging him; another student practicing poorly.”
“Iruka-sensei?” Kakashi asks.
Both men look at him as he approaches. He’s still in his ANBU armor, but the mask is in his locker. It’s an open secret he’s in ANBU; only his codename is high-clearance.
Shikaku nods. “Shikamaru’s complaining about the man’s temper being shorter than usual.”
“My Ino confirmed this behavior shift. We’re understandably worried, if someone if trying to use an Academy teacher to attack the kids—”
Kakashi shakes his head. “It’s not that.”
“And you would know?” Shikaku prompts.
“He’s taking care of Naruto,” Kakashi shrugs. “It’s probably catching up with him, finally.”
“What is?” Inoichi looks honestly confused.
Kakashi tilts his head and then realizes. “Ah. That’s right. You’re both married. You have a way to share the responsibilities.”
Sakumo hadn’t ever been irate with him, but Kakashi can remember him being tired. He lifts his hand and walks away. “I’ll see if I can’t have a talk with Iruka-sensei,” he says, as though he speaks with the man on a regular basis instead of just waving back from his shadowed space in the tree at night when Iruka leaves Naruto.
He doesn’t get a chance to talk to Iruka for weeks. When he gets back, it finally comes to a head.
Kakashi is perched outside Iruka’s apartment where he and Naruto are preparing their dinner. Naruto, still talking a mile a minute, hardly notices that Iruka is dazed at the counter, his hands going through the motions of peeling carrots and separating pieces of broccoli without being fully cognizant. He’s much paler than the last time Kakashi peeked in on them—all except for the bags under his eyes; those couldn’t get much darker if they were black.
He flinches forward as Iruka drifts to the side. Naruto catches his teacher before Kakashi can take a step, and the clang of a knife hitting the floor is more than a little startling. Together, they stick Iruka’s hand under running water from the tap, and then Naruto disappears further into the apartment and returns a few seconds later with a first aid kit.
“What was that about, Iruka-sensei?”
Iruka takes a bit to answer. “I haven’t been sleeping well,” he says. “I’m a bit tired, that’s all. Sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Naruto says. He finishes caring for his sensei and then says, “How about I go get some take-out, and then we can clean up and you can go to bed?”
Iruka smiles tiredly. “We can bring the take-out to your place, okay? I’ll clean up when I come back home.”
“It’s okay, Naruto,” Iruka puts his unbandaged hand in Naruto’s hair. “I’d rather make sure you’re fed and well-rested for school tomorrow. That’s what's important.”
“You’re important, too, sensei,” Naruto says.
Kakashi can’t help but agree.
“Let’s go get some ramen, and we can argue about this later.”
Kakashi flashes away to Ichiraku to put in their order and pay. It’s the least he can do, right?
Later that night, Iruka leaves Naruto’s apartment and like always, lifts his head to wave up at Kakashi in the tree. Only, his eyes roll back with the movement of lifting his head and his knees collapse under him and Kakashi makes it just in time to keep the sensei’s head from hitting the ground. He catches Iruka with one hand under his back and the other cupped behind his head and eases him down against his raised knee.
As soon as Iruka is horizontal, his eyes flutter back open. “Oh, ANBU-san,” he mutters. He’s dazed and foggy, but tries to stand up on his own anyway.
“Sensei, are you well?” Kakashi asks, knowing the answer but needing Iruka to admit it.
Iruka waves him away. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
It’s more than that if you’re slipping into micro-sleep, Kakashi thinks, but lets the man stubbornly stand up. He’s still holding his hands out, ready to catch him again, when after five paces Iruka tips sideways and falls again. Kakashi keeps him upright this time, arms tight around his waist and back.
Iruka stays under for a few seconds this time, and when he wakes he leans more heavily into Kakashi’s armor and groans. “What’s happening?” he murmurs.
Normally, he would stay and look after Naruto all night, but this seems more important. “Umino-sensei, I’m going to see you to the hospital now,” he says.
“But… Naruto?”
Because of course Iruka figured out that Kakashi—his ANBU persona at least—stays close to Naruto at all times. “Together, our wards are top-notch, sensei,” Kakashi says. “He’ll be okay for a night.” He slips Iruka onto his back, pulling his arms over his shoulders. Iruka’s light breath huffs past his ear as he says, “Hold on.” Then, they’re gone.
Iruka wakes up much later, Naruto tipped against his hospital bed, snoring. He feels so much better after however many hours of sleep he’s gotten. He wonders briefly why he’s here, and where the ANBU that brought him here is. If Naruto is here, that ANBU is likely closeby. Iruka lets out a jaw-cracking yawn and settles back down on the pillow to sleep some more.
When he wakes up the second time, it’s because he has to pee so bad oh gods. It’s night time and Naruto is gone—Iruka tries not to feel disappointed. His legs shake under him when he tries to stand to get to the restroom; whatever’s wrong with him, it’s making him weak as a newborn but he will not embarrass himself by not making it to the toilet. He pushes chakra through his legs, and, finally, blissfully, makes it.
He gets a good look at himself in the mirror as he’s washing his hands. His eyes are puffy and red, but he has some color back in his skin. His hair could use a wash and some heavy conditioning—he hadn’t had time for that in awhile. All in all, it’s not bad; but he’s still wondering why he’s here.
Iruka leaves the restroom and is halfway across the room to his bed when his chakra flares unexpectedly. He stumbles, collapses, and feels his eyes blur and begin to roll back.
Before his head can hit the tile, he’s caught and cushioned by Naruto’s ANBU. The ANBU gently picks him up, one arm under his knees and the other around his back, and it’s like Iruka weighs nothing as the ANBU stands and carries him back to bed.
“Thank-you, ANBU-san,” Iruka says, flushed. “I promise I’m not usually so weak.”
The ANBU fusses with the blanket and covers Iruka back up. He (Iruka assumes they’re a he, the voice and height lead him to believe it but he’s been wrong before) seems frustrated, in the way that ANBU show frustration: by being busy, and then by being absolutely still. He’ll make sure the water pitcher is full, and then stand silently by the window for a few seconds. Pace the width of the room from window to door and back, and then stand at the end of the bed.
“What’s going on, ANBU-san? Is Naruto—?”
“Uzumaki-kun is safe, healthy, and well-cared for,” the ANBU says, cutting him off. “You are a godsend to this village, if only to care for the uncared for.”
Iruka glowers. “Someone had to do it. He’s seven years old and living alone and has lived alone his entire life. I couldn’t—”
“I’m aware,” the ANBU holds up a hand to stop his rant. “Believe me, if I could have done more, I would have. But an ANBU is no role model, especially not me. I’m glad he’s had you. That said.” The ANBU somehow matched Iruka’s glower through the mask; he was suddenly glad for all the time spent in Sandaime’s office around the ANBU that he can pick up on these micro-aggressions for what they are.
Iruka folds his arms and waits for the ANBU to continue.
After a heavy sigh, the ANBU says, “Sleep deprivation.”
“What you’re here for. You’ve been running yourself into the ground, sensei. You slept for twenty-two hours, and you’re still not fully recovered. The medics say it could take up to a week of proper sleep for you to feel normal again.”
Iruka flushes and ducks his head. “I… But, that doesn’t…”
“How much sleep have you been getting? Three, Four hours a night? And then you’re exhausting yourself all day looking after pre-genin and then Naruto.” The ANBU folds his arms. “This isn’t sustainable.”
“I know that. I just.” Iruka groans. “I don’t have time for—” He scrubs both hands across his eyes. Now that he’s actually gotten some sleep he’s really tired. “No one else takes care of him, not the way he needs it; he’s just a kid! It bothers me enough that he lives by himself—”
“Your immune system was compromised when you arrived, sensei.” The ANBU snapped, quieting Iruka’s tirade. “Who’s going to take care of Naruto the way he deserves if you’re stuck on your back with a perfectly, normally treatable form of the flu? What will happen to him if you critically injure yourself due to a micro-sleep at an inopportune time and find yourself off-roster for weeks? What then, sensei?”
The silence is heavy. Iruka picks at a stray thread in the blanket on his lap.
“I don’t know,” he answers, his voice small. “I didn’t… I wasn’t thinking that far ahead, I guess.”
The ANBU nods. “At least you’re aware now.”
There’s a long, awkward pause as Iruka wonders what else there is to say.
“You have a spare room in your apartment, yes?” the ANBU breaks the silence.
Iruka nods, slowly, not sure where this is going.
“Maybe…” the ANBU continues slowly, “maybe changes in Naruto’s living arrangements can be made. If Naruto were living with you, could you agree to a better sleep schedule—one with which you can better take care of yourself and Naruto?”
Iruka could kiss this man.
“Yes! Yes, please, I’ll—yes! I’ll take him, even if it means I have to lose him as a student, I’d take him as a foster.”
The ANBU chuckles. “I’ll speak with the Hokage. If he says no, well… There’s nothing saying that Naruto himself can’t choose where he lives, is there?” Then his micro-aggression is back, leaning over the foot of the bed with his arms wide. “My only stipulation is that you take better care of yourself. A sick guardian can’t very well keep up with any child, let alone a jinchūriki.”
Iruka nods. “Deal.” He covers a yawn with his palm and asks, “Can this taking care of myself clause start now, with me asking you to leave so I can go back to sleep?”
“I’m not leaving,” the ANBU says, standing back up straight. “If you’re to be the guardian of our jinchūriki, you’ll need to get used to the ANBU guard, sensei. But please, get some sleep.” He chuckles lightly, “I think I’ve caught you enough in the last thirty-six hours, don’t you?”
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please tell me your headcannons about the silly old traditions and funny hats and gowns worn at the Assassins Guild graduation ceremonies (bonus points: Vetinari occasionally attends as a distinguished alumnus; differences for those not taking the black) Downey has to make a speech
I love this ask, thank you so much. <3 
Downey has added feathers to the hats because it’s Downey and he believes all hats need a nice feather. 
Vetinari: . . .I refuse. 
Downey: It’s a single, white feather. Very stylish. 
Vetinari: You can’t make these hats stylish. It’s impossible. 
Downey: That will not stop me from trying. 
First it must be said, I place most of my Discworld fashion firmly in the “anywhere from 1350-1650″ camp. Which means there’s lots of diversity but it’s all still very late medieval/early modern. This is a just-me thing though, as the books are all over the place with the fashion. There seemed to be a sense, in the early Watch books, that fashion went backwards (i.e. the more recent, to our mind, the clothes the more old fashioned they are on discworld) but that was quickly abandoned partway through the series and then it became a hodgepodge. 
I still like the early modern feel and so am keeping to it. You can pry Downey’s stupid fucking doublet with its black pearl buttons and his slouchy hat with the Florentine “I’m very gay” feather from my cold, dead hands. 
This got long so it’s under the cut. 
Fashion first, because this is Downey and the Assassins we’re talking about after all. 
So I imagine the hats that the professors/teaching staff wear are the slouchy ones like these. This is modeled off of hats that were in fashion when the guild first instituted formal graduation ceremonies which are relatively recent (for a given value of “recent” i.e. only circa 150/200 years ago). 
The students graduating with the Black get the slouchy hats too. The ones who didn’t take the black get the more familiar flat board graduation cap. (Students 100% balance things on top of the flat board cap. This may or may not be desired by the cap-wearer.)
The formal, ceremonial gowns, indeed the entire outfit, for the teachers are hilariously ornate because of course they are. It’s the Assassin’s Guild. 
All ceremonial gowns would be different iterations of the houppelande. 
Beneath the gown there is the Assassin’s black of the doublet with a long-ish skirt beneath the belt (knee length? perhaps floor - but then it starts hitting gown territory). The doublet is form fitting at the top, belted off with the skirt below. Naturally, there are very nice buttons. The linen undershirt is white and can be seen at the collar and wrists. Leggings/tights/hose/whatever you want to call them, also black and worn with dress shoes, not their usual working day boots. All men present wear this, including Vetinari. 
(Downey: No grey-blacks allowed on stage unless it’s representing your specialty and I know you didn’t specialize in astronomy and quantum mathmatics. 
Vetinari: But it’s My Colour. 
Downey: Put the doublet on.) 
Women on staff are also all in black, but it’s a dress over a kirtle which is over their undershirt which can be seen at the cuffs. The dress et al is also form fitting on the top with tightly buttoned (or laced) sleeves, then there’s the belt and full skirts after. Dresses are always worn with a high neckline. They too have formal dress shoes, though you can’t see them. 
The ceremonial gowns are black with coloured lining and trim. I’m thinking the sleeves are large and pinned back to show the lining which represents the general field you’re a specialist in. So, green for biology; red for literature/linguistics; white for deportment/dancing; blue for history; yellow for mathematics or whatever. The lining can be dual-colours if applicable. The trim will accent the lining but doesn’t mean anything in particular.  
The slouchy hats, however, tell you what the person specialized in with regards to their training i.e. poisons; knife work etc. 
Some gowns have that long drapey hood that is purely for aesthetics, but not all. I’m thinking if your specialty is stealth (coughHavelockcough) you get it. But, of course, as a specialist in stealth you don’t want people knowing that so no one who qualifies for a drapey hood wears it. 
Students wear simple black gowns with relatively short, deep cut sleeves so you can see more of their doublet beneath. Boys wear the usual doublet/hose combo (kind of like this) and girls the formal dress/kirtle combo (think this, but all black and with less jewels and tighter sleeves) beneath their graduation gowns. 
All gowns on students and staff alike are closed in the front - either with buttons or ties. 
Aside from the hat distinction between those who are taking the black and those who aren’t, the gowns for those taking the Black are all black and have the drapey hood. Those that aren’t taking the black have gowns trimmed with a dark colour - maybe blue? grey? something that blends but still is distinct.
Ceremonial Nonsense 
The graduation is held in the great hall where the students usually dine on a day-to-day basis. Parents are allowed and all families get a “plus two” for grandparents or family friends or whatever. 
There are two separate ceremonies - the first is for those taking the Black. That’s the one where Downey forces Vetinari to give a speech as he is Guild Provost and one a Distinguished Old Boy etc. 
Downey does his speech first and usually lines up those coming after him (Vetinari; Mericet; Lady T’Malia is what I have in my head. Though Mericet can usually convince Downey to sub in someone else as he is Too Old For This Shit).
For those taking the Black Downey will pepper in Fun Facts About Assassins and Helpful Pro Tips for Life (some of which are more helpful than others). Vetinari’s speech usually offers subtle rebuttals to Downey’s more outlandish life advice. Lady T’Malia’s is a universal favourite because she has the dry, disdainful wit of a person who has seen way too much nonsense in her life and has lived to continue to roll her eyes at it all. 
Mericet, when he’s made to do a speech and can’t pawn it off on one of the younger staff, is always very short. His record time was 15 seconds wherein he got to the podium, looked somberly out at his soon to be former students, and said “All I can say to you is, good luck and don’t die” then he sat down. Downey could be heard to mutter: Really?? rather loudly. 
Vetinari, more out of a desire to cause Downey some form of annoyance than anything else, will drone on for a long time and pepper in weird references only the headmaster of the guild will understand. He makes a few tiger jokes every year to which Downey, when he gets up to introduce the next speaker, will reply: “You really need to get over that”. No one knows what they’re talking about. However, the students always haaate it when Vetinari takes the podium. There is much sighing and sliding down in seats out of boredom. 
The students are called up to the stage the receive their diploma in order of their name and it’s done by house (so viper house then black widow then poison dart frog or whatever they all are). 
Weapons are expressly forbidden on all students after that One Unfortunate Incident back when Cruces was headmaster about which the least said, soonest mended. 
Back when Downey and Vetinari were graduating, when weapons were allowed, all students were given a ceremonial sword and they got to wear it when they went up to take their diploma. Students still get a ceremonial sword (or dagger, depending on preference) but they are received after the ceremony. 
The infamous ring is presented alongside the diploma. 
For those not taking the Black, it’s still the same roster of speakers but it’s usually a faster ceremony (though, that is changing over the years as the Guild is sought out more and more as a general-purpose educational institution for parents seeking a classical education for their children). 
Students in this group are also gifted a ceremonial sword but they’re allowed to wear theirs during the graduation ceremony because most can do nice, polite, gentlemanly dueling and not much else. Unlike their colleagues who can use it in increasingly diverse and experimental fashions. 
After both ceremonies are complete there is a grand dinner with students and their families and much conviviality. Under Downey’s reign as headmaster the amount of “accidental deaths” that occurred at this dinner have decreased dramatically. Mostly because unlike previous headmaster, Downey thinks it a waste of a good education to knock someone off so soon. Also, it is deplorable manners and not civil.
(Vimes, “It’s also immoral.” Downey, “I fail to see your point, commander?”) 
Wait at least a year or two until inhuming that One Guy who was A Class A Cunt During Maths. Or, if they’re really that bothersome, at least have the grace to wait until after the pudding has been served. 
Pre-graduation tomfoolery 
The graduating class, as a whole (well, those who survived the Run and those not taking the Black who haven’t accidentally fallen down the stairs), have two weeks between end of term and graduation and tend to run absolutely wild. 
Downey’s main rule is: no one is inhumed, his dogs are left alone and nothing is set on fire; flooded; booby-trapped; or exploded etc.* 
*see fine print for continuing list. 
It is considered a grand tradition for each house to prank their house master. One year, students cellophaned everything in Mericet’s office. Including individual pages of books. Downey thought this absolutely Delightful. Mericet said, “that’s it, I’m retiring.” Which is, coincidentally, what he says every year. 
Students will also strike up a very large game of Gotcha (i.e. Assassin) over the course of the intervening weeks between Term and Graduation. It used to be a very deadly endeavour but due to Downey’s new rule of “no inhuming until after graduation you daft kids” it’s just become a way to dunk on people. 
These are also the weeks that students clean out their rooms which is always an adventure. Many will try and discreetly sneak out their illegal pot plants and shroom logs. Those that hide them in places that aren’t their room will have minor panic attacks because Lady T’Malia and other staff enjoy rounding up the plants ahead of the students and watching the fallout. 
(Vetinari: I really should tell Vimes you have enough here to supply everyone in the city for a decade. 
Downey: Leave my drug collection alone.)
There is a lot of Lady T’Malia and others being like, “You all do know we hid our illegal shit in the exact same places, right?’ 
Students will also throw end-of-year ragers in the common room which the staff pretend to know nothing about. These tend to get very messy very quickly. Downey will show up around 3am to shut it down, though. Because some people need to sleep and aren’t 18 anymore. 
Anyway, that’s the long and short of my headcanon for Guild Graduation nonsense. All in all it’s a rowdy if somewhat bittersweet time. Downey secretly gets a little teary eyed over it. Aww look at his tiny little murderers going off into the big wide world. He remembers when they first arrived with knobbly knees and big eyes. His paternal side comes out in full force. 
Vetinari: it’s very good you have hundreds of students and several dogs because I don’t know what you’d do without them since you’re basically 110% a dad. 
Downey: i might have gotten married. What a horrifying concept. 
Vetinari: I have weird feelings about that which I am not going to explore in any great depth. 
Thank you so much for the ask! <3 <3 
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
word count: 1037
key: ☆
a/n: THERE IS LITERALLY NO REASON YOU SHOULD BE HONORED BY ME JUST READING YOUR REQUEST. I’M JUST A NERD WRITING FANFICS ABOUT ANIME BOYS. but thank you so much for requesting and being amazing! i hope to see you requesting again 💕✨⛄️
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For some reason, Bakugou found it particularly hard to focus during class today.
Hell, who was he kidding? He knew exactly why he couldn’t concentrate, and it was your fault. Why did you have to miss-button your shirt this morning, and why hadn’t anyone let you know?
While Aizawa was busy going over this week’s upcoming events, Katsuki’s eyes were focused hard on your breast, not even bothering to pretend like he was paying attention. He swore he could fall in love with you all over again just at the sight of them. Bakugou’s eyes traced over the hem of the exposed parts of your light blue polka-dotted bar, committing every visible stitch to memory.
His eyes followed the curve in your breast, watching every slight bounce caused by your sudden movements. He often wondered what they looked like underneath the prison they were confined to, were they just as round perky as he dreamed they were?
Bakugou shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable, but his growing erection prevented that happening. Trying his best to stall his hard-on Katsuki redirected his attention from your boobs. He noticed the smeared mascara and wondered what had you in such a rush this morning. It was unlike you to look this un-put together.
Not that it mattered, Katsuki would drool over you no matter what. Just woke up - your bedhead is adorable. Gross from training - he wonders how your sweat tastes. In the midst of burning down the dorm - wow, you look so cute when your hair is on fire.
Katsuki was so caught up in his thoughts he didn’t hear when Aizawa called his name, and a soft pat on the shoulder from Deku wasn’t enough to distract him from his distraction. So gathering all of his confidence, Deku gave Bakugou a slightly harder tap on his head this time, like gently petting an angry pomeranian.
“Oi, what the fuck!” Bakugou snapped at the terrified male behind him, causing Izuku to go green - well greener than he usually is. “Don’t mind, Midoriya. He and the rest of the class, myself included, were just wondering what has you so infatuated with Y/n.” Your teacher asked, causing an undeniable blush to form across the bridge of Katsuki’s nose, quickly spreading to his cheeks.
“Maybe you should consider minding you your own damn business!” Bakugou retorts.
“Awww dude. Can’t you see, Bakugou has a crush on her!” Kirishima teased while simultaneously stating the obvious.
“On her! Please, I’d set my sights higher than someone who can’t even button their fucking shirt right!” He scoffs.
You glance down, seeing that your blouse is indeed buttoned incorrectly, exposing your light blue bra to the world, causing you to turn a deeper shade of pink before turning away from the class to fix your mistake.
Did Kirishima just say that Bakugou Katsuki was crushing on you?
Your crush...had a crush on you?
It took a minute for the class to rile down after Kirishima’s outburst. Bakugou fixed his eyes on your teacher, half-listening while he continued to let his fantasies play out in his head. Meaning now it was your turn to stare. Your eyes didn’t leave his, trying to make sense of everything that just happened.
It was kind of obvious. You noticed the way he would stare at you during class, how he always managed to be right outside the bathroom when you finished your showers, and how he would basically devour you with his eyes during lunchtime. Maybe today would be the day you finally confronted him about all of it and asked him on a date.
“Remember tomorrow we meet at Ground Beta, so you can skip coming to the classroom,” Mr. Aizawa announced to the class waiting for everyone to exit the class so he could do the same.
You rushed to gather your things so you could catch up with Katsuki before he got to the dorms, knowing that you wouldn’t get another chance to talk to him today. He had a ridiculous habit of shutting himself in his room until dinner and going sleep straight after. After a full-on jog through the halls of U.A., you finally caught up with him, prompting Bakugou to pause his conversation with Kirishima and Kaminari.
“Hey, Katsu! I really like you too, and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out on a date with me?” You asked through pants, resting your hands on his chiseled chest.
“See, Bro, I told you she liked you back!” Kirishima gushed, causing you to snap your head towards him. You hadn’t noticed that he was with his friends. You wanted this to be a moment between just the two of you. Not to mention that this was now ten times more embarrassing than it was before. You felt as your cheeks began to heat up hotter than they were before. When you took a step back and finally looked up at the blonde, you were surprised to see he was blushing just as hard as you.
Ignoring Kaminari and Kirishima’s taunts and more than juvenile comments, Bakugou manhandled you into an empty classroom. Before you had a chance to put reason behind your prior words, you felt Bakugou’s lips come crashing down onto your own, abandoning his schoolbag in favor of holding your head between his calloused hands. You heard a slight moan leave your lips in return to his sudden actions. Bakugou took advantage of your parted lips, seeing it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring the moist cavern as if he were a pirate looking for buried treasure.
He moved his hands down to your hips, hoisting you up onto an empty desk as he continued his exploration. Stroking his tongue with your own, you earned a quiet grunt from the man. He finally removed his lips from you slightly bruised ones, for the sole purpose of catching his breath. Bakugou leaned down to pick his fallen backpack, and unable to make direct eye contact with you, Bakugou murmurs a quick ‘Yes’ before leaving the classroom.
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tag list: @loisfics & @freckledoriya
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Perchance to Meet pt. 4
Hi again! 
Back at it again with anotha one. I didn’t put it on the other ones, my bad, but it is a fem reader. I apologize if that makes anyone uncomfortable!
Warnings: language, suggestive language, angst, you’ll probably hate me at the end but oh well 
  Part 5 
After that night, Aizawa tried his best to do what was best for him and his girlfriend. Regardless of what that enailed, he would do it. By no means did that mean he worked any less, he did what any over zealous workaholic does.
He began to stretch himself too thin.
On top of his teaching, patrolling, and keeping (Y/n) safe, the pro-hero barely had time for himself. He felt it was worth it, so long as work and personal life never interfered with each other or her work life for that matter, things were fine.
He did his best to believe his own façade until an early on staff meeting. He sent his love a quick text letting her know that he’d be late to her store because of a staff meeting. That’s alright, she responded, I’ve had some extra stuff come up at the shop with the café portion. Be safe baby uwu
Aizawa rolled his eyes, if you ever say that again I’m not picking up sweets on the way home.
Uwu uwu??
You’re lucky I love you
The man chuckled and put his phone down, preparing himself for the meeting. So far the school year had gone pretty smoothly regardless of his attempts to expel students from the first week. The meeting at hand was just a normal staff meeting, going over the upcoming calendar for the whole school and going into smaller details like who would be at the USJ in the upcoming two weeks. He doesn’t show it, but he’s very excited for his kids to begin training at the USJ and with All Might and Thirteen there they are sure going to learn and grow in the right way.
After the meeting ended, everyone was rounding up their belongings and having idle chit chat. Aizawa is so close to tasting the sweet relief of the end of the day when he’s stopped by a couple teachers.
He’s met with whimsical sapphire eyes that match a grin on the ravenette’s face. “So, when am I going to meet the mystery woman that’s clearly stolen your heart.”
“Nemuri,” Aizawa sighs, “it’s not appropriate to talk about personal relationships during school hours.”
Ruby lips frown and pout, “Aw come on Aizawa! You’ve been together for almost a year now! Why haven’t you brought her to any of the staff outings?”
“Maybe because she’s busy too? I don’t wanna get into it.”
“It’s true!” The loud voice interrupting can only belong to one obnoxious blond. “She runs her own bookstore and bartends to make money for said bookstore! She’s a workaholic just like him. A match made in heaven!”
Upon his arrival, Present Mic had wrapped his arm around his friends shoulders to bring the three of them closer as they walk out of the room. As much as he wants to shove the arm off of his body he doesn’t feel the need to.
“Oh,” Midnight surmises, “so that’s why I haven’t met her! Stop hiding her from us Eraser we want to meet her.”
“You will, eventually.”
Nemuri scoffs, “Eventually?! You’ve been saying that for months.”
“Ah but what if he’s keeping her a secret on purpose?”
A new voice shocks the trio as they turn around to see Principal Nezu walking with a frailer looking All Might. All Might shakes his head and points to Nezu. “I mean, Eraserhead is a very busy man who puts his life on the line for his students and community. Who’s to say he’s not doing it for her safety?”
That makes the three teachers stop and think, but Aizawa’s train of thought isn’t exactly the same as his peers. The principal has a point. Up to this point, he hadn’t been able to bring her because of their crazy schedule and diligence to their respective jobs; granted they always made time for each other. But what if that’s a big part of it? Now that the number one hero is at the school he teaches, having a close connection to his class he might add, doesn’t that put a bigger target on his back for villains?
He’s tried not to think too much about the increase in villain activity since All Might’s presence, however it is now unavoidable. There’s always the possibility of an attack, the press made that pretty obvious, but Aizawa wouldn’t put it past any villain to do their research. Has he been safe enough when he’s been out with (Y/n)? Were they being tailed or followed by anyone on their many dates? Shit, has she gotten any new customers that might be a problem?
How could he have been so stupid and blind to not see the potential danger she’s in just by being with him? He had never felt like this before; never been so pulled into one person. He had avoided dating for this reason but how could she make him forget all of those reasons?
“It’s clear to me you love her and that you have a lot to think about Aizawa,” Nezu finishes, “but you always know what to do! I may not know her but I wish the two of you happiness!”
(Y/n) tried her best to hold back her anger and frustration, but it was inevitable. Even with the addition of the café and a couple extra workers, she still needed to pull hours at the club. The struggle was indeed real. She desperately wants to slam her head on her desk but she knows that it’ll only upset Aizawa to see her physically hurt. So she keeps her head up with her arm and continues to look through the books for the last month.
No one had been stealing, everyone was working hard, hell even Kona had taken extra hours to help ease her stress over keeping the business running. But it wasn’t enough. No matter what she did, it wasn’t enough to keep working like this. Her tired eyes bore into the calendar knowing she can’t take much time off soon regardless of how much she wants to. Her time off will come in the form of a conference she’s been invited to attend and hold a small lecture. It’ll talk about how running a business you love while using your quirk for good is still considered heroic in its own right. I mean, she and all her friends knew that but there are still so many people in this society who feel less than because their quirks aren’t heroic…
Her mind begins to wander to her friends, Aizawa, one of her older favorite customers…
Ah yes, she hadn’t seen them in the last couple of years. She couldn’t remember the moms name, but her child always came in with another daycare every now and then, Eri. She had the prettiest white hair and red eyes, and the cutest little horn that was on her head. (Y/n) really missed her, but she assumed because of something with her quirk she stopped showing up, or maybe they moved; they would always come around the same time as if on some schedule.
A deep exhale escapes her mouth as she attempts to focus on the task at hand. She was finally making some headway in organizing the schedule and financial books when she hears an abrupt knock on the window. In a daze, (Y/n) leaves her office to walk toward the front, staring at the turned off ‘Open’ sign in frustration. But who is she to deny someone who might need help?
“Sir,” she yawns, “I’m sorry but we’re closed right now.”
The man in front of her has a menacing look that sends a chill down her spine. The mask covering his face makes it hard to distinguish his figures, and she notices the gloves over his hands. “Are you not (Y/f/n)?”
“Uh, yes? And may I ask who wants to know?”
The man chuckles, “I have a request from someone you may know.” He hands her a piece of paper and she hesitantly takes it. All that is on it are a few words that she is able to identify as a particular book in a children’s fantasy, her quirk coming to her aide. “I have the money already if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
Unsteadiness rises in the young woman. She searches his eyes for any kind of familiarity but fails to find any. “Ah, well sir I have the right book in mind. Could you wait right here?”
The man waits for her as he watches her go inside the store. So this is the place that good for nothing woman would go to? Hmm, it has appeal and he can see why his subject enjoyed it. Anything to put his plan into motion and keep it within his reach.
“Here you are, and may I get your name?”
Upon receiving the book, he exchanges the money and politely bows. “Chisaki Kai.
“And Eri says hello.”
The drive to the airport was filled with content silence, as (Y/n) leans her head onto Aizawa’s in the car they shared. It was early in the morning so the pro-hero was already adjusted to being up at this hour, however his girlfriend wasn’t. He had debated about escorting her to the airport, Nezu’s words still in his head two weeks later, but figured she’d be happier and more at ease having him see her off. It’s not everyday someone he knows and loves gets invited to talk about something they’re very passionate about.
He’s overly ecstatic about it and is upset he can’t be there for her. But he knows that he’ll do his best to stream her talk when it’s available.
This is what he loves, this equal give and take they have for their relationship. He’s met some of her friends and family, albeit on a tight schedule, and vice versa; minus the pro-heroes. They both have a strong respect for what they do and when they do it. Even though this will be the most time they’ll have together, he’s glad he can see her sleep so peacefully on his shoulder. A content grin adorns his face as he does another thing out of character and snaps a picture of her.
Damn, he really is in love with her. Once he sees the airport in sight, he softly nudges her, “Hey, princess. We’re almost there.”
“Unngg, no…”
Aizawa chuckles at her whining and lightly kisses her forehead. “I wanted a couple extra minutes of you awake before you get out and-“
“Sh, sh,” she interrupts. “You act like I don’t get it,” her words are slurred from being too tired. “You do a lot for me, love. We gotta be safe I understand; gossip is so bad.”
He loves how extra snuggly she is when she’s too tired to function. “You know I’d walk you to the gate if I could,” his voice rumbles huskily that ends up making her mewl.
“I hate when you talk like that.”
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll be sure to call you tonight and talk just like this.”
“Oh sure! Just forget that I’m in the car! Now hurry up your students have a big day coming up!”
The couple giggles at Hizashi’s words, despite their truth. His friend rolls his eyes as he sees where they parked. It’s a bit of a walk to the airport but this gives them privacy from any prying eyes, especially of the villain nature. The two of them step out of the car and gather her overnight luggage from the trunk.
“I’ll only be gone for the night, I’ll be back tomorrow evening.” She leans up to kiss him.
“I know,” he kisses her back, “I just wanted you to finally meet my students and see them in action.”
Her eyes widen at his words, and so did some golden ones at that. “You..? What?”
“Heh, I figured it was way past time I let you into more of my world. I know I’m not the most open person, but I want to keep you safe and where else to do that than at U.A. with other heroes? They’re going to be working on rescues, and since you’ve shared so much of yourself with me, well it’s about time.”
Tears threatened to spill in his girlfriend’s eyes at his words. “Are you sure? I understand we kept our relationship a secret for our safety but, are you sure? I’m content knowing only your family and Yamada and- mmph!”
He silences her with a kiss and chuckles into it. “It’s dangerous yes, but you’re worth it.”
The flight back wasn’t as enjoyable as the tired woman had predicted. Since her presentation went well, she was on a high until midway through her flight. Poor (Y/n) got stuck in the middle seat surrounded by the most unbearable people on the planet. She couldn’t wait to get back to Aizawa and just let him ravish her.
Once she had collected her luggage and turned on her phone, she tried to find the raven haired man and his loud blond friend. But after ten minutes of waiting and searching she came up empty handed. “What the hell,” she muttered to herself. She had no missed calls or texts from Shouta so what was up? He promised he’d pick her up but she’s been in the airport for almost an hour now and no such luck.
Getting frustrated she ended up hailing a random taxi and input her address. No matter, he could have had something come up at school which is entirely possible. She wasn’t going to let that get in her way of returning to the man she’s absolutely head over heels for. It might have been just one night away, but it felt like an eternity. Despite all her work, all his work, the world pretty much telling them no they found a way. Sure they had their fair sure of arguments but what couple didn’t? At the end of the day, they loved each other and that’s what was important.
She suddenly began to feel her phone buzz and pouts at the caller I.D. “Yamada, I have half a mind to come to your place and demand you drive me around for the hell of it! I thought you were supposed to pick me up!”
The laugh that was in her throat retreated when she noticed his serious tone. This wasn’t like him. Damn, what happened?
“Hizashi, you’re scaring me,” her voice trembles, “where’s Shouta?”
She can hear him take a deep breath and his voice is not as boisterous as it typically is. “Answer me!” She’s clutching her phone as tears threaten to fall, “where is he?!”
“(Y/n), dear, I’m so sorry. There was an attack yesterday during the training, and he’s injured. Really badly.”
He’s met with silence on the other end and slowly continues. “He’s at the hospital. I’ll send you the address.”
With that he hung up. (Y/n) felt her jaw go slack. Her heart begins to pound faster than before as her breathing increases. The urge to vomit overwhelms her senses as the feeling in her stomach is one she’s never felt. Nothing makes sense. Why? Why didn’t he tell you immediately? Or why didn’t Present Mic tell you earlier? It’s almost 5 pm school ended hours ago, this makes no sense he would’ve told her, he would have he would have-
Her phone lights up with a text from the blond man Here’s the address. I did this for him. Please go to him.
The rest of the ride is a blur after she tells the driver to switch addresses. Her conference didn’t matter, her shitty flight didn’t matter, her new found knowledge didn’t matter… Shouta needed her and fuck why can’t this person drive faster!
She barely recollects paying her driver as she pulls up to the hospital. She runs in with her bags up to the front desk and politely yet frantically asks for her boyfriend. The nurse up front is apprehensive but relaxes upon seeing her stressed out face and Hizashi coming up to vouch for her. He glances into her eyes and gives her a hug in solidarity and apology. The pair of them pass by rooms, quickly going to the elevator to find Aizawa’a room. Along the way, she assumes she passes some of his students as the blond man pushes them out of the way.
Hizashi holds her luggage as she makes her way inside. In the room, she finally sees him and falls to her knees. Her presence is finally announced as an older nurse and a frail looking man turn to her. His face is completely covered in bandages and his arm is clearly broken. It takes everything in her to not wail at the sight.
“Who is it?”
The voice is soft and muffled but she’s able to make out who said it. The elderly looking nurse comes to his side and removes some of the bandages on his face in order for his eyes to be revealed.
It had been a few hours since he had been able to see, but what he was greeted with confirmed his newfound resolve. The sight of his girlfriend’s face covered in tears for him was almost too much.
“Sh-Shouta, why? What happened?”
“Why are you here?”
That sentence alone stunned everyone in the room, including Hizashi who had just walked in.
“What are you talking about? You got attacked! Why else would I be here?”
“You shouldn’t be here,” he coughs out. “This isn’t a place for you.”
Confusion crosses her features at his words. “I don’t? I don’t understand, I thought you wanted me to be part of your life.”
“Present Mic told you I was here didn’t he? I told him not to.” He sighs and tries to lay back down. “Recovery Girl, could you cover me back up?”
“Whoa, whoa wait! I come back from a conference and I find out that you are severely injured and you don’t want me here?! What the hell happened to everything we spoke about literally yesterday? Why didn’t you tell me, or at least have him tell me you were okay or something!
“You’ve been like this for a whole fucking day and if I’m correct, you weren’t planning on telling me?”
He lowers his voice from the yelling and mutters loud enough for her to hear, “this is why pro-heroes don’t date.”
Gasps were heard around the room and Present Mic is most surprised, “Eraserhead come on,” he breathes. “Don’t do this, man. And you need to take a break! You can’t just go back to work like everything is fine!”
“He’s what!?”
Aizawa puts up his in broken hand to silence them, “no she needs to hear this.” He points to the now confused and angry woman in front of him. “You don’t understand that this is my life and I will get hurt.”
(Y/n) shakes her head, “I know that! But you need to rest, I’ve missed you and I’m sure your students would understand. You saved them!”
He interrupts, “I can’t stop being a hero and a teacher because of some injuries. My kids need me.”
“I need you too.”
“But you’re not putting your life on the line every day are you? You just sell books and make drinks, how is that helping people?”
Her heart sank at those words. How could he say something like that? She can slowly but surely feel her heart be torn and repaired by thorny weeds holding it together. She can’t even look at him, knowing that he was aiming to hurt her intentionally with those words. Those words were why she does what she does and he just mocked her. After all this time, it seems his true colors were finally showing. This is why he never let her in, because he’s a coward. A coward too afraid to let anyone come close. It’s a miracle to her now that he has friends.
The silence is deafening after his last questions as all eyes on are on her. (Y/n) straightens her posture and begins to head out of the room. She stops briefly to whip out her keychain. She removes the key to his apartment, struggling to get it off and finally throws it on the ground, the clanking of the metal against the tiles louder than anyone thought. And through her gritted teeth she spat,
“Fuck you Aizawa.”
She grabs her luggage from an unusually quiet Hizashi and storms out, tears cascading down her face.
Once she was out of earshot, Mic turns to his friend and takes a deep breath. “What the hell was that!? That wasn’t what we practiced!”
He’s greeted by silence from his injured and heartbroken friend. Aizawa knew what he was supposed to say, but the attack on his students left him feeling some kind of way. Even though the villains were after All Might, they attacked his students and he couldn’t have that. He told no one of that trip and feared that someone may have overheard him talking to her at the airport. He knew these villains were ruthless and as he said, he would do anything to protect her at all costs.
Aizawa sighs, the weight of his words and actions falling onto him. “It was the right thing. These villains are crazy, attacking students and teachers in broad daylight. Who knows what else they know about us? I can’t get her involved in that.”
The blond shakes his head in disappointment. “No you don’t get it. (Y/n) loves you and would do anything for you. I understand you want to keep her safe but breaking her heart like that…”
Aizawa knows this too well as he speaks to his friend again. “It’s better if she’s not in my life. I don’t want her connected to this and you know she’d throw herself into this to support and be there for me. I can’t have my students and my girlfriend with targets on their backs.
“What kind of hero would I be if I can’t save the ones I care for?”
taglist!: @kiribaku-queen @cupcake-rogue @shinsouskitten @prk-pyo @therealwalmartjesus 
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draco-kasai · 3 years
Hero Collaboration Program
Chapter 2 pt. 1: Welcome to The Program! --> 
Chapter 2 pt. 2                                            Find Chapter 1 here!
Story Summery: High School Hero Collaboration Program! Helping Sophomore hero students connect with others around the world! Come join us for a two-week-long trip to one of our schools for an amazing once in a lifetime experience with students of Yuuei! Only a lucky 40 students will be selected for this program. They will be split into two groups of 20 and sent to different schools to have completely unique experiences!
AKA; A very bitg crossover fanfic I started because I can’t help myself. I adore all of these characters and hope I had done them justice, though I did take many backstories and threw them into the meat grinder to remold them in a way that fits this universe. Also, I love 1-A but I also want to take them down a peg or two... I also just want to see them get their asses handed to them.  
A/N: Here it is! Chapter two! I hope anyone who decides to read it enjoys!
Alfred Freedom Jones practically bounced out of his bed in excitement. All the exchange student’s had arrived around 7PM last night in hopes for them to receive enough rest and get used to any sudden time change and jet lag. He and Valerie - a teacher of the school where they conduct part of the program - had wanted to be the ones to pick up and welcome all the kids. However, They were tasked with any last minute decorating to make the dorms presentable and welcoming and preparing dinner, that way the kids would have food in their bellies before they headed to their dorms and began unpacking and going to bed. 
The dorms of the school are located right behind the school itself. Although they were especially made 15 years ago since the program had begun, they are used for other purposes throughout the year to not go to waste. When students find themselves in situations where they need a place to stay, they are welcome to speak to a counselor to explain the situation, where they are given a room key and a ‘job’ as a tutor or teacher's assistant as well as have mandatory counseling to ‘pay off’ their stay. Sports clubs are also welcome to apply and stay in the program dorms during the summer for training camp, and many clubs even enjoy having sleep-overs for a few days as a bonding activity. 
This year has been one of the few where nobody has found the need to stay in the dorms throughout their school year. Alfred could almost cry for joy at that fact. Not only is there no student in the school facing such problems, but there won't be a random kid trying to sneak into all of their activities. It’s endearing when it happens the first few times, but the moment you have every one of those students trying to sneak into amusement parks and other field trips with the exchange students they’d become attached to, making you buy them a ticket on the spot to not just send them back, it becomes a little of a problem. Needless to say, he and Valerie have started carrying extra money with them on field trips.
Last year was a new one. Instead of them just buying a ticket on the spot, the two seniors that were with them had been snuck onto the bus and into six flags. They had somehow convinced the shy Brazilian boy to use their quirk to turn them into mice for an hour, so they could sneak in.
Everyone that enters a theme park nowadays are given quirk suppressant bracelets, that are custom-made for each theme park with designs, shapes and looks, that they must wear during their stay and return when they leave. The senior students were somehow able to get their hands on some when they transformed back, inside the theme park.
 Everyone was very smug when they explained to Alfred and Valerie how exactly two seniors not in the program and without tickets got into the theme park. Even the shy boy seemed proud that so much was accomplished with their quirk. As illegal as that is, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud of how they had just outsmarted the system. Although that didn’t stop, he or Valerie from lecturing them. His kids were very apologetic, and tried to make up for it by paying the teachers for the two students tickets by all pitching in.  He had avoided Aizawa’s questioning stare at the two students the whole day and allowed Valerie and the kids to keep him busy.
All things considered, Alfred and Valerie might not be the best choices as chaperones for the students, since they let them get away with shit when they know they’ve been outsmarted. Their superiors don’t have to know. Although the teachers praise them for being so innovative, the two teachers always make sure to drill it into their brain how important following the law is and how they shouldn't abuse their quirks in such ways. They also make sure to explain what kind of consequences such actions can cause, especially if they were pros. 
The reason they don’t kick them out of the program or anything, though, is because they are kids in training for a dangerous profession. They deserve the opportunity to have fun and act their age every now and again. Sure, they usually end up realizing how idiotic many of their ideas turn out to be, but it’s best they start learning now than mess up later and have their careers ruined for it. He and Valerie have kept in contact with kids who had graduated too! They have all become wonderful heroes, even if they had pulled quite a few pranks during their time in the program.
Adjusting the prescription glasses on his face, Alfred grabbed all the lanyards with cardholders attached to them and made sure each of the students program ID’s, room and key cards were there. He was going to hand them out last night after dinner, but all the kids seemed too exhausted, so he and Valerie had led them to their rooms to go unpack and rest. Once he was sure all of them were there, he grabbed his own lanyard. Wrapping it around his jeans' belt loop, he grabbed a folder and stepped out of his dorm. 
Looking at his watch, he realized it was 9:01 AM. They had told the kids to set their alarms, so they should be awake and getting ready by now. Going over the schedule he had memorized, he noted that they all had to be in the cafeteria at 9:45 for a late breakfast. After, they would head over to the large field separating the two dorm buildings for group activities. Since the students are all jet-lagged, they are free from classes till Friday, tomorrow. It may be a program for training, but they're students, can’t let them all fall behind.
 Making his way down the hallway, he began knocking on doors to the boys rooms on his floor. “Head down to the common area in ten minutes! Wear something comfortable for physical activity!” he called out as he made his way down all 12 doors. He could faintly hear Valerie doing the same downstairs to the females. 
As he walked towards the stairs, he spotted a few students already following behind him. He had even spotted a few of the girls walking behind Valerie, already attempting small talk. Once in the common area, he and Valerie smiled at the kids that followed them down.
“You kids are free to enjoy yourselves with anything you’d like while we wait for the others.” Valerie’s chipper voice practically sang as she spoke. “The remote to the TV is on the coffee table, the pool table racks are on the wall over there, the ball for the foosball table should be in one of the goals, and you are free to explore the field, just don’t go too far.” 
Both adults watched in amusement as the students stared around in awe. By the time the ten minutes had passed, all the students were scattered throughout the field, or common room. It hadn’t taken long for the two adults to gather them all up outside. One of the students had been quite sociable, going around speaking to everyone.
“Alright students ~!” Valerie sang as she closed and locked the sliding glass door behind her, “Since we still have time before we have to head over for breakfast, let’s all introduce ourselves properly to one another.” 
Alfred gave the kids a two finger salute as his partner took her place next to him, “Wassup guys! I’m Alfred Freedom Jones! Call me Mr. Jones! I’m a representative of the Hero collaboration program! I’ve been to both schools and have been doing this for 6 years! I was actually a student of this program when it was established! I hope you all enjoy yourselves while you are here!”
“Hello~! I’m Valerie Felicity Frizzle! Please, feel free to call me Miss. Frizzle or even Frizz, as many of my kids call me. I have been teaching in Marina high school for 19 years now. I was actually the teacher that had convinced my coworkers and the district to sign our school up for this lovely program! Truly, it has been a wonderful joy to meet and work with such wonderful children! I hope you all have a glorious experience and take home with you something new~!” The woman curtsied, showing off her dark purple dress that depicted outer space in beautiful patterns and colors.
“Now then! Your turn guys! Anyone want to go first, or shall we popcorn it? Maybe left to right? Choose someone and let them choose after? Whatcha guys up for?”
Both teachers watched in amusement as they watched the kids glance around at one another. They had seen some of them already starting to make some friends. Five of them seemed to get along well while playing foosball. Two had played 8-ball while conversing with two other students that watched with interest. Some of the others kept to themselves while watching TV or hanging around outside. Hopefully they are able to make some friends too. Just as Miss. Frizzle prepared to call on someone, a green arm raised up.
“Me! Me! I would love to go first!” The boy’s grin widened as everyone's gaze landed on him. Everything about him was a different shade of  green, from his skin to his hair and eyes. He wore a white tank top with an unbuttoned short-sleeved button up that has Disney dogs printed all over it, and loose, knee-length jean shorts. A boy at the other end of the crowd of students with green eyes and a serious face jolted in surprise and sank a little into his seat once he noticed him. 
“I like your enthusiasm, kid! Alright! Let’s hear it! Ah, don’t share any quirk information, though! We have a little activity planned later, and staying anonymous would be the best course of action.” Alfred grinned just as wide in response. 
“Okay!” He bounced over to stand between them. It was unnecessary, but it looks like it’s a thing now. Both teachers could see the discomfort that had settled on a small handful of students at the thought of standing in front of strangers to introduce themselves. “Hi! My name is Garfield Mark Logan! You guys can call me Gar! My name can be quite the mouthful. My hero name is Beast Boy and I came from San Francisco, aaand oh yeah! I’m Vegetarian! It’s nice to meet you all -! Oh my gosh, Damian! Hey dude!!” 
Said boy groaned as he facepalmed. A few people in the group held back their laughter as best they could as Garfield rushed over to him. Grabbing the sleeve of Damian’s jacket, he dragged him to the front of the crowd, “You practically ghosted us, dude. This is your punishment. Introduce yourself.” 
Damian almost stumbled when Garfield pushed him before retreating back to his spot next to a boy with green highlights in his hair. Letting out a heavy sigh, he fixed the sleeve to his hoodie and straightened his black V-neck shirt. Clearing his throat, he spoke, “Hello, I am Damian Wayne. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I suppose if I am going off of Garfield’s introduction; my hero name is Red Bird, I came from Gotham in New Jersey, and I am also Vegetarian.” Green eyes scanned the crowd before pointing to a boy with light brown hair wearing a tie diy shirt. “You go next.”
“O - oh! Um, okay.” The boy stood to his feet from his place on the concrete, “Hi, uh, My name is Rudy Tabootie. I live pretty close actually, Burbank, to be exact. Uh, I’m not vegetarian… sorry? Uh, my Hero name is Snap. It’s really cool to meet you all.” and just like that, all the introductions went, and the group found themselves in the cafeteria for breakfast with their new lanyards. It wasn’t long till all the student’s exited the cafeteria and made their way to the field between the dorms. 
“Alright guys! We want to explain a few things with you before we start today’s first activity!” Mr. Jones clapped his hands together, excitedly. 
“I’m sure you have all noticed how the special guests, the main reason for this program, Yuuei isn’t here yet. Well, they will all be arriving tomorrow. However, you will not be introduced to them until Monday.” Miss. Frizzle smiled widely, the students before them began murmuring to one another in confusion.
“Um, Why?” A girl with pearl white skin asked. She wore light gray joggers, a sky blue tank top and had her cobalt blue hair tied up in pigtails. Jenny Walkman.
“The answer is simple! The students of Yuuei have had the whole school year to train and get to know one another, as well as their abilities. Needless to say, they all know how to work together.” Miss. Frizzle explained, “For this reason, our program is set up to allow all the exchange students to have time to get to know one another as well as each other's quirks and skills, so you may be able to work together when needed. This way, when we do battle training, everything would be on as equal footing as we can get.”
Mr. Jones nodded beside her, “Which is why all weekend, as they rest from their long flight, get accustomed to their surroundings and have fun sightseeing, we will be doing a bunch of group activities to get to know one another better. That way, when we begin battle training…” He trails off, hoping someone would finish for him. He wasn’t disappointed. 
“We’d at least be on equal footing against them.” A girl with long red hair that she had tied up in a ponytail responded. Wearing a green crop top, and dark blue cargo pants, she crossed her arms over her chest, a smile crossing her lips slightly at the plan. Kimberly Anne Possible
“Precisely!” Miss. Frizzle and Mr. Jones sang together.
“Today’s activity, drum roll please,” Miss. Frizzle happily made the sound effect for her coworker. Mr. Jones held up a dodgeball, where he got it, nobody knows, “Dodgeball!”
Chapter 2 pt. 2  
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a-bts-world · 3 years
Chapter 3
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It is a week or so after Mariposa was introduced to 21 members of Neocity. However, that isn’t what Doyoung has been thinking about at all. He has been following a target for at least four days and today he is finally close enough to end him.
‘Doyoung, the target should be in the alley on your right, however it looks like another person is with him. So be careful. We only need the tall man with the beanie,’ Sungchan says through his in-ear, explaining to Doyoung what he is seeing on his computer screens. While Doyoung listens to his instructions and looks around him, Sungchan types away on the keyboard trying to dismantle the cameras that have a view on the alley. ‘I have dismantled all the cameras, you can go now,’ Sungchan tells Doyoung and he can only see a heat signal move towards the other two.
Doyoung turns right and sees two men, one of them is walking out of the alley, and thus won’t be able to see what is happening. While the other, a shorter man with a beanie is still in the alley. Doyoung doesn’t hesitate and pull the trigger. His gun fires and the member of another mafia family is gone. Doyoung turns around and walks away not noticing the little boy that sat behind the dumpster. ‘Target is gone, I am now heading back home,’ Doyoung tells Sungchan. 
Doyoung is almost home when he hears sirens going of very close. When he turns around to cross the street he sees a police car speeding towards him. Doyoung steps back on the sidewalk, expecting the police car to drive past him. But they unexpectedly stop in front of him, run out of the car and grab his arms.
‘Kim Doyoung you are under arrest, anything you say can be held against you,’ They explain him his rights while working him to his knees with his hands on his head. One of the officers grabs his handcuffs and locks doyoung his arms behind his back. ‘You may call a lawyer once we are back at the station,’ The officer with the darker hair tells him. Doyoung just nods, this isn’t the first time he got arrested. But every time Taeyong and Taeil get him out, so he should be fine.
‘I will tell Taeyong, don’t worry,’ Doyoung then hears through his in-ear, completely forgotten Sungchan was watching his every move. Doyoung feels better now, the faster Taeil knows where to be, the faster he will be out of jail. He wants to thank Sungchan, but he doesn’t, knowing the officers will then notice his in-ear.
 After a short drive the two officers and Doyoung arrive at the station. One of the officers opens the car door, the other one grabs his arm making sure he doesn’t run away. Doyoung wasn’t planning to run anyway, but the feeling he has now wants to make him run. Seeing Taeil stand at the entrance, is not an unfamiliar sight, but somehow everything he is feeling right now feels unfamiliar. When they are near Taeil, Doyoung feels the officer letting go of his arm a little bit. He is ready to run away because of the unknown feelings, but Taeil noticed it and grabs his shoulder. ‘I want to talk to my client,’ Taeil states, no emotion is his voice. Both officers nod and show the way towards an interrogation room where Taeil and Doyoung can talk. ‘What happened just now?’ Taeil asks him without hesitating or referring to which situation he meant. But Doyoung understood clearly.
‘I don’t know. You know how Yuta talked about having feelings he never had before and that they scared them. I kind of felt like that when you stood there waiting for me,’ Doyoung answered the question looking at the table the entire time, not daring to look up at Taeil. Taeil just nodded, acknowledging the boy’s feelings.
‘Okay, so why don’t you tell me what happened earlier today?’ Taeil then continued. So Doyoung told everything that happened, while Taeil listened carefully. ‘Okay I can get you out, you are lucky they brought you to this precinct. I know some people here, however I also could tell Taeyong was not happy about this.’ Doyoung just nodded, he already expected Taeyong to be mad. Taeyong always got mad at someone for slipping up, but then forgave them as well.
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When Doyoung and Taeil finally arrived back at the base they saw Lucas training outside. Lucas just nodded at Doyoung, their way of communicating that Taeyong was indeed mad. Lucas and Doyoung have been the two who have been getting into the most trouble lately and while Taeyong always forgives his members for a mistake. It is always the question how long it will take and what they will need to do to earn his forgiveness. So as Doyoung passes by Lucas he realizes he will need to do a lot of convincing to earn Taeyong’s forgiveness this time.
‘Doyoung, see you in my office,’ is the only thing Taeyong says as Doyoung walks inside. He quietly follows his leader. Once they are in Taeyong’s office the drama start. ‘I told you to be safe and clean! Why did you get caught? Are you doing this on purpose or something, this has been the fifth time in about a month or so! Eventually they won’t buy the money anymore and you will need to pay for your mistakes. I know you don’t want that, and I certainly don’t want to lose one of my best men. So I think it is time for you to take a break. Remember what you are thought while not being on the field!’ Taeyong yells at Doyoung, while he just stays still looking at the ground.
‘I am sorry,’ Doyoung quietly answers, trying to ease the situation.
‘Yeah, you told me that before. I need you to change Doyoung, and to be honest, I don’t think you can do that while actively working. So I need you to take a leave. I need you to remind yourself of what you were taught and I need you to think about what you stand for,’ Taeyong tells him with a stern voice. He finds it hard to send Doyoung on a leave, but he also knows it will be for the better. ‘I also need you to hand in your guns,’ Taeyong adds a bit softer than before. Doyoung doesn’t notice it, but Taeyong feels really bad for him. Doyoung just scoffs and places his gun on the desk. And without saying anything else Doyoung walks out the room, closing the door with a loud bang. He knows he just need to earn Taeyong’s forgiveness, but it seems very hard right now. Especially when Taeyong has never benched anyone before.
Taeyong sits down on his chair, puts his elbows on the desk and his hands in his hair. This has been more difficult than he expected. When Sun walks in to check on her boyfriend a bit later, she notices that things must not have gone smoothly, because otherwise he would be back at work.
‘hey babe,’ Sun softly says as she stands next to Taeyong and massages his scalp. ‘It is going to be okay, if not now then later on,’ Sun tries to comfort her boyfriend. He let’s go of his hair, leans back against the chair and grabs Sun her hips. He moves her hips, so that she straddles him. While Taeyong keeps his hands on her waist, Sun puts her hands back on his head and continues massaging Taeyong his scalp. ‘everything will be fine,’ She tells him once more, almost convincing him. With his girlfriend in front of him like this, he is reminded of what Jaemin told him. He grabs Sun’s cheeks and brings her face forward.
‘Thank you,’ He tells her and kisses her, thanking his girlfriend for choosing to stay with him and getting involved in this life. He couldn’t do it without her.
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While Doyoung was on his mission this morning, Daisy was also on a mission. She was on a mission to get the kids silent. As a kindergarten teacher, this is a very hard thing to do. All the kids are very enthusiastic because of the weather getting better. So their enthusiasm gets the best of them. ‘Everybody, it is time for the weekly campfire. Let’s alk sit in a circle and then everyone can think of something they want to tell the class,’ Daisy explains and for the first time this day all children do exactly what is asked. ‘Okay, we will start with the person on my left and then we will go around the circle. When someone else is talking, you listen. Does everybody remember how we listen?’ Daisy asks the children before she really gets started. One of the older children replies, saying that they should not talk and keep watching the person that does talk. Daisy agrees and let the first kid tell their story. After a few more children it was time for a break. So another teacher came to get the children outside to the playground. Daisy followed outside, shortly after.
When she came outside, she saw Jaehyun standing at the entrance of the playground. She waved at him while making her way towards him. Jaehyun waved back, staying at the entrance. ‘Hey, what are you doing here?’ Daisy asked slightly anxious. Normally Jaehyun doesn’t visit her at work, why would he do this now. That is until she sees Jungwoo coming around the corner and she realizes the two of them just wanted to say hello.
‘Hello, nice to see you as well. we just were in the neighborhood and wanted to say hello,’ Jaehyun said and put his arm around Jungwoo, who just nodded in agreement. Then suddenly they hear a kid scream.
‘I got to go, see you later. Be safe,’ Daisy says as she quickly hugs Jaehyun goodbye. She then makes her way towards the children, walking to the sound of the screaming. As she looks past one of the playground equipments. she sees one of the younger kids on the ground. She has fallen of the swings Swiftly Daisy picks her up and walks towards the bench, with the little girl on her hip. The other teacher is busy keeping two boys from fighting, so Daisy has her undivided attention on the little girl. ‘What happened?’ She asks the little girl. Who starts explaining how she fell, while playing family with the other kids. Daisy just nodded, letting the girl explain everything, while Daisy can disinfect the wound and put a band-aid on, without too much fuss.
After the little break, everyone goes back inside. While Daisy hoped the kids would be tired from playing outside, but exactly the opposite happened. They were even more enthusiastic. Daisy makes all the kids sit in the circle again for campfire stories. As everyone is seated a hand goes up. ‘Yes, what is it?’
‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ The girl giggled. Daisy answered, telling that she does not have a boyfriend.
‘But who was the man we saw at the playground then?’ Another girl joins the conversation as she puts up her hand. Not really understanding the concept yet, but at least she tried. Daisy just sighs, this is why they shouldn’t have come here.
‘Well the man with the dark hair is my best friend, since middle school. And the other man, with the blonde hair, is his friend. So no, I don’t have a boyfriend. I do have a best friend,’ Daisy explains to the children. It doesn’t seem to be the answer they wanted, but they can’t change that so they accept. Daisy calls the next person to tell their story and so the campfire stories go on.
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Taeyong is in an abandoned building, looking for something. As he is about to give up he hears something. Footsteps are coming closer. ‘hello, how are you?’ the person greats Taeyong, who quickly turns around not expecting someone to approach him from behind.
‘I am well, how are you?’ Taeyong greets the person who is hiding in the shadows.
‘I am good as well, now let’s get down to business. I read your proposal, but I think it isn’t good enough. You gain so much from it, but I gain very little from this deal,’ The person explains his doubts, probably the reason why he stays in the shadow, not yet trusting Taeyong enough to reveal his face.
‘I understand, what if I give more money? Is that okay, or were you expecting something else? If so, then please tell me what you want.’
‘More money is good, but I would also like to receive one of your clubs as a part of the deal. The one located near the Centre seems pretty nice,’ the person in the shadows explains his intentions. Taeyong takes it all in, this person wants one of his best clubs. But instead he gains the North territory, it seems like a good deal. One club and a bit of money in order to acquire the North territory. ‘Would you like some other club? This one is not for sale,’ Taeyong hesitantly answers the man, he knows it is a good deal, but selling this club would mean Yuta hating him for the rest of his life.
‘Well, I mean, I don’t mind receiving Dreamland as a gift,’ the man in the shadows answers Taeyong mischievously. This man seems to know everything about NCT, first the importance of the club, but now also Dreamland, the place where he trains and recruits new members. He should keep this man satisfied, but he should also be careful.
‘We both know that is another thing I can’t give. Please let me think about something to give to you that you would deem sufficient. I will stay in contact, but I just need to think about the things I can give to you,’ Taeyong answers and walks away without listening to the man’s answer. He knows this man would accept his request, because of the respect they have for each other and the reputation they built.
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When Taeyong arrives back at the base it is time for dinner. Everyone is already sitting at the table, with exception of Doyoung and Yuta they are exempted of family dinners right now. Taeyong takes his place at the head of the table, looking at the family he now has.
‘how was the meeting?’ Taeil asks under his breath, so no one else can hear him. Taeyong just nods and shows him a thumbs up. letting him now, the meeting went well
‘everybody, I want to thank you all for believing in me and choosing NCT as your family. Today I was once again reminded of how much you all mean to me, so thank you for everything!’ Taeyong suddenly says and the table falls silent. After a few seconds Chenle starts laughing really hard, nobody has a clue why, but then he points at Mark, who has a food all over his face. ‘seriously Chenle? I am thanking you all and you are playing with the food Kun has made? Have you even thanked Kun? Cleaning duty for you, again, all week. Oh, and you are helping Kun prepare dinner tomorrow.’ Taeyong states clearly irritated that Chenle interrupted him.
‘Mark dear, you can go upstairs and clean up. I will make sure to leave you some food. Chenle you heard Taeyong, cleaning duty for you and we see you in the kitchen tomorrow,’ Sun helps Taeyong out and both Mark and Taeyong thankfully give her a nod. Mark stands up and walks upstairs while Taeyong keeps his eyes on Chenle. ‘Daisy I heard from Jaehyun that you have started a new art project?’ Sun asks Daisy, trying to avoid another incident. All the other Neocity members take this as a clue and start their own conversations.
‘Yeah, after my last project I got assigned a new art project. It is really fun, I am happy to be doing this on the side again, it has been a while,’ Daisy answered the question, giving Sun a saddened smile. Sun gives her hand a squeeze and tells her it is okay. ‘I know it is okay, but I just feel so guilty sometimes. Last project was so special,’ Daisy opened up her heart to Sun. Sun just nodded and embraced her.
‘I know, I know, it is hard on all of us,’ Sun calmed her down, petting her back. ‘Please know that you can always talk to any of us.’ Daisy just nods letting her tears come out. Behind her back, Sun makes sure everyone else except Taeyong and Jaehyun leave the room. Taeyong moves to sit next to Sun, he puts his hand on Daisy her thigh.
‘I am so sorry for you, but please know you can indeed talk to any of us or ask us anything. Just like Sun said.’ Taeyong tells her while still having his hand on her thigh, while Sun and Daisy are still in an embrace. Daisy looks up and thanks him for being so understanding. Jaehyun feels left out, so in order to comfort her he puts his hands on her shoulders, slowly massaging her shoulders. Hoping it would make Daisy feel better.
‘I am sorry too guys, I know you also have a hard time and here I am the one crying my eyes out.’
‘Hey! No one can control how you feel. If you feel like this then that is okay. You are part of the family no matter what,’ Taeyong explains to her, calming her down. Daisy nods, understanding what Taeyong meant but still feeling a bit guilty. After letting go of Sun, she gave Taeyong a hug and then turned around towards Jaehyun.
‘Shall we go to your room?’ She asked Jaehyun and he nodded. Not really understanding her sudden change, but accepting it. So they leave the dining area and make their way up to Jaehyun’s  room. Once they arrive in the room, Daisy let’s go of the tears she was holding back and hugs Jaehyun. ‘Thank you for everything, you are the best.’ Keeping her arms around Jaehyun he moves them towards his bed. He sits her on his bed, walking away.
‘I will be back, just wait,’ Jaehyun tells his best friend, while walking towards the bathroom attached to his room to find clothes. When he found a shirt for Daisy and changed himself into something more comfortable he walks back into his room. While Daisy is still on his bed, she has fallen asleep. She must be really tired from everything Jaehyun thinks. He should be letting her sleep, so he goes and changes her outfit into the shirt he choose for her. He has done it many times before, whenever Daisy would drink too much. This time however it feels different, he feels the sadness all over her.
After changing Daisy and brushing his own teeth, he walks back to his bed. Getting underneath the duvet and hugging Daisy. Stroking his fingers through her dark hair, he slowly falls asleep.
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A/n: hope you all like this one as well. I hope to just post next weeks update, but if I can't it is because I don't have anything left that I have already written. So now I need to write/finish the next chapter in a week, and I am a slow writer, so I am curious as to what will happen.
Taglist: @bvbyxuxi @yutahoes
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trolleybitch · 3 years
the trolley witch backstory
okay this is long overdue but i thought it was about time that i shared the official trolley witch backstory from this thread. before we start, what we know about the hogwarts express trolley witch from canon: she was hired by ottaline gambol, had been working on the hogwarts express for around 190 years by the time she met albus potter and scorpius malfoy, she had pumpkin pasty grenades and extendable fingernail spikes, and when she failed to stop the boys from escaping the train, she was inconsolable and talked about letting down ottaline gambol.
so, without further ado, her story:
the year is 1802. trolley witch is born into a poor muggle family in rural northern england and her father leaves shortly after she's born. she grows up lonely and isolated, working from a young age to help her mum make ends meet. age 11, she gets her hogwarts letter.
her mother is a bit dubious but lets her go - it's a good opportunity to get rid of the burden of looking after her. she arrives at hogwarts and is sorted into gryffindor, although she doesn't really know what that means. she doesn't make friends easily.
other kids mock her background and upbringing, and her magic skills. she never really learned to read, and with no magical family she's behind on spells and has never been academically inclined. she doesn't ask for help and her teachers don't always notice she needs it.
mid-second year, her mother dies. she doesn't find out for several weeks because who would write to tell her? she spends all her holidays at hogwarts, often alone. the gryffindor common room is all snide comments and judgemental looks so she starts to explore the castle.
in her third year she finds the kitchens. the house-elves are wary of her at first, this strange, solitary girl coming to spy on them, but she becomes fascinated by cooking and after a while they grow to appreciate her interest. they start to teach her.
by fourth year she spends all of her free time in the kitchens, cooking and baking with the elves. homework and lessons get forgotten and she lags even further behind in her schoolwork, but she learns to follow recipes and then to invent her own.
o.w.l.s and n.e.w.t.s come and go and her grades are poor, barely passing half her classes. a few teachers try to offer specialist tutoring and she accepts half-heartedly but her mind is elsewhere - she only wants to cook, to do the thing she does best.
she leaves hogwarts with nowhere to go and no friends to rely on. who would hire the lowly muggleborn girl with no qualifications? she makes her way to london - she's never been but she's heard people say it's the best place to find work.
the city is overwhelming, but she manages to find diagon alley and the wizarding community. one day when she's lurking outside the back entrance to the leaky cauldron, hoping for scraps, an old teacher passes by and recognises her.
the teacher takes pity and asks if there's anything they can do. trolley witch tells her the only thing she can do is cook. the teacher's sister works at the ministry and she knows they are often looking to take on kitchen assistants - she'll get in touch.
after a few days, she's nervously making her way to the ministry of magic for her first day. the hogwarts kitchens were big and busy but they've got nothing on the ministry; a scene of vast, barely organised chaos. her boss is shrewd and fierce, and she's set to work on the most basic tasks to prove herself.
that afternoon, a senior ministry official comes down to check on catering preparations for an event she's hosting in a couple of days. trolley witch has just finished glazing several pans of pastries. the senior ministry official tries one.
'she's new, miss' says a nearby chef, excusing trolley witch's skills.
'impressive, for a new recruit,' says ottaline gambol, looking trolley witch straight in the eye, 'this glaze is excellent. welcome to the ministry.'
an obsession begins.
ottaline visits the kitchens only occasionally but trolley witch is always waiting for her. she works harder than ever, picking up every recipe, designing new dishes, honing flavour combinations, all to make sure she's got something impressive for the next visit.
it works. the older official is mildly impressed, if a little unsettled by trolley witch's solitary, strange nature. she rarely seems to go home or interact with anyone apart from necessary conversations in the kitchens.
one day, they meet in an elevator as trolley witch is taking food to an important ministry hearing. ottaline asks for a sample and their fingers brush as trolley witch hands her a pumpkin pasty. ottaline doesn't notice, but compliments the pasty. trolley witch tries to keep her composure.
'my department is in need of an assistant catering manager, helping to design event menus and so on. think about it.'
trolley witch doesn't need to think. she accepts and begins work in ottaline's department, seeing her almost every day, watching her closely.
ottaline gambol is a force to be reckoned with - strong-willed, assertive, a powerfully skilled witch. over the next 6 years she charts a meteoric rise in power, from senior official to head of department to - in 1827 - minister for magic.
trolley witch never leaves her side. she works hard to keep honing her culinary skills, but she does more. she waits for ottaline outside meetings to walk her back to the office. she analyses the smallest gesture, the most offhand of comments. she's desperate for approval and attention from this woman who showed her kindess on her first day. by her appointment as minister, ottaline has noticed the girl's obsession. she's got more important things to do than navigate an intense crush and figure out how to let this odd, lonely girl down gently.
in 1830, ottaline is finalising plans for the hogwarts express - a new form of transport to safely deliver students to hogwarts, managed by the ministry. it's revolutionary, it's creating a storm of attention across the wizarding world. and it needs a trolley witch.
someone to cook and sell food on the journey, but someone with a keen eye to watch over the students and make sure they don't come to harm. ottaline calls trolley witch into her ministerial office and offers her the job. it's the greatest honour of trolley witch's life.
to be chosen, so specifically, by ottaline. she feels like she's finally been recognised, she's finally achieved something. she realises she'll be apart from ottaline for a while, but probably just a year or two and then they can be together again, right? she begins work.
1st september, 1830. her first day.
'good luck,' says ottaline on platform 9 3/4. 'keep these children on the train, and keep them safe. i trust you to do an excellent job for me.'
those were the last words ottaline ever spoke to trolley witch.
the train departs. trolley witch walks the corridors, distributing pasties and sweets, watching the children. they are all delivered on time and in perfect health to hogwarts - a great success. trolley witch writes to ottaline straight away to tell her the good news.
'thank you for you letter, i'm pleased to hear the journey was a success. best wishes' is ottaline's reply.
she's probably very busy, will write a longer letter soon, thinks trolley witch. she never does.
trolley witch works back in the hogwarts kitchens during the year, with only the elves for company. years pass and trolley witch continues to write long, rambling letters to ottaline, never receiving a reply. she makes the journey back and forth to london at the beginning and end of every holiday, dutifully watching over the students.
she hopes to see ottaline at the station, but never does. in 1835, tragedy strikes - ottaline, nearing the end of her second term as minister, contracts a severe case of dragon pox and dies. trolley witch sees the news in a student's copy of the daily prophet and is inconsolable. she speaks to nobody for weeks, not even the elves, even when a few other members of staff ask her what's wrong.
one day in the kitchens an elf passes by with a full tray of pumpkin pasties, perfectly glazed. she remembers the first day she met ottaline, back in that busy kitchen, and she vows to protect her legacy. she works tirelessly, baking and cooking and watching the children. they test her patience, play cruel tricks, tease her, never ask her name. she forgets the outside world, forgets who she is, thinks only of ottaline.
every journey on the hogwarts express becomes more perilous - she cannot let the children get the better of her, cannot let ottaline's work be in vain. over the decades she picks up elfish magic, learning to weaponise her food, and later herself.
she goes unnoticed by staff and students alike, existing as a constant feature of their hogwarts life, always present but never worthy of attention. staff come and go, and nobody thinks to ask how long she's been at hogwarts. she stays alive through sheer willpower.
1st september 2020.
a normal hogwarts express journey - or so the trolley witch thinks. all is well until albus potter and scorpius malfoy climb onto the roof of the train to try and escape. it's the greatest test of trolley witch's career.
it's been a long time since she was challenged like this. she does her best - pumpkin pasty grenades, armoured fingernails, but the boys escape. her world shatters around her. ottaline would be so disappointed in her - she's failed in her sole duty.
it's been two hundred years and she has never failed before. mcgonagall tries to comfort her, but it's no use. what purpose does she serve now? trolley witch hands in her notice and leaves the castle the next day, never to be seen again. she wanders the forests near the castle, thinking only of ottaline. perhaps ottaline had known all along that she would fail, and that's why she never replied to her letters, why she never visited. she gets lost, deeper and deeper in the forest, until the cold and the dark envelop her.
when the hogwarts express departs for the christmas holidays, something is missing - someone. students start to get impatient.
'where's the trolley witch? i'm hungry.'
complaints are made. eventually the ministry hires a replacement, service resumes. trolley witch fades into history, unremembered.
so next time you are thinking about cursed child, about your cute albus and scorpius headcanons - remember the trolley witch.
remember what they did to her. remember her story.
🛒 1802-2020 🛒
the end
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dawniebb · 4 years
Face reveal bc yes
So, guys...especially from the Renegades fandom bc i’m the most active there: you saw the title lmao. This will...barely get notes (i wonder if it’ll get notes at all) buuUUUT YEAH LET’S GOOOO (If you’re gonna reblog pls be respectful bc i have issues and btw reblog ONLY if we are mutuals)
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Now, if you want to stop here, do it. If you don’t...well
I’m going to tell you a story about myself and why I decided to post this.
First of all, I’m not celebrating anything. I’m just celebrating me, I guess (?) and in fact I’ve been wanting to do this since my parents got me a She-Ra cake for my 20th birthday back in May, because I loved that thing and felt the physical need to shove that thing into everyone’s faces But I didn’t because I didn’t feel ready enough...then that thought left my mind, and it came back like two weeks ago.
I’ve had mental issues since I was in like...elementary school. I’m sure I had felt depressed before I turned 12; however, the first memory I hold of feeling so, it’s when I was already 12. Because it was then when I realized that I wasn’t just a dumb kid who didn’t know how to make friends xd To this day, I genuinely feel like I was suffering from isolation bullying; you know xd my classmates purposely excluded me from activities, they would find any excuse for not letting me join their work teams and stuff like that; during my last year at elementary school, I only had like one friend, and that one friend and I shared a sort of abusive/toxic relationship, as in: manipulation, “we’re best friends. you should only talk to ME”, and then this friend turned her back at me too, because she decided to join the rest of the group and ignore me.
And I remember wondering what was I doing wrong. Like, why didn’t people like me; why didn’t they want to hang out with me; why did everyone seem to have friends except me. And then I got trapped into a very...dark place, and I remember being overthinking one day, because I tend to overthink a lot...and I remembered this specific kid who was in the same class as me.
I was in the line for the teacher to check my homework, and this kid, a boy, was behind me.
You see. I’ve always been chubby xd I don’t think I’ve ever been skinny since I was 2 years old or so, because by the time I was in kindergarten my classmates’ moms were already calling me a ‘little meatball’ thinking it was a fucking adorable nickname because Mexican moms can be pretty shitty sometimes don’t let the media stereotypes fool you not all of them are all cheerful and upbeat and when I was in elementary school, for some reason, besides being chubby, I had a really bad posture. And this boy who was behind me started imitating my way of walking and his friends were laughing, so I turned around and asked him wtf his problem was xd and he turned around to his friends and asked “Do you see how hunchback she is?” like I wasn’t even there xd and I genuinely tried to slap him but I couldn’t, and he said “Yo, stop moving because you’re going to cause an earthquake”
And my mom has always felt personally attacked for the fact I’m...u know, fat. She has always been very insistent on the fact I need to lose weight and stuff like that. And her, mixed with my experiences at school, made me feel like I wasn’t enough.
But my mind started saying things like “And u know why you aren’t enough? Because you’re fat”
Because, like, the day of the hunchback insult, when I told the teacher, who was a very shitty teacher btw but i’m not talking about her again today (i’ve already talked about her in MANY of my university papers, because I’m studying to be an English teacher), she turned around at him and said “Don’t listen to HER” and to this day I still don’t know why xd
But it made me feel like I wasn’t enough. Because I was fat.
Lol x2.
To this day, I still don’t know if I have an ED. Like, I genuinely don’t know. But I can safely say that, if I have one, it’s more likely BED... because, through the years, I managed to lose weight when I turned like 15 and I had my quinceañera party, but then first year of high school came and I had a relapse into depression...like, this might come off as a very unpopular opinion, but junior high school was dope for me x’d I remember it as one of the best years in my life, right after my second and third year in high school (high school in Mexico lasts only three years) and so...when I started my first year in high school and got fucking depressed again, I gained ALL that weight back, and even doubled it. During my second year of high school, I met my friends. The friends I still keep with me to this day. And they accepted me like the fucking train wreck I was, failing math like three times in a row and crying about it every single one of those times  because I’m pretty sure I have dyscalculia but my parents won’t listen to me they think i’m just lazy when it comes to math even though they know i cant even read a fucking clock . And them, along with my another very close friend who I met via fanfction when I was 12, helped me go through it. Like, I did have some issues with my body during high school, but not as much as you would expect. They were getting pretty bad in my first and second semester, but during the other four my friends managed to stop me from losing my mind, even when it all went to shit in my third year again for different reasons.
Then I graduated from high school, and I made friends there too. Although my best friends are still my friend from fanfiction, my friends from high school and just one of my university friends. And you know...I was left...pretty scarred from the shit that happened during third year of high school, and even if I didn’t feel like I was *that* depressed, I did gain a lot of weight.
Like, the highest I’ve ever been. Then my dad got sick during October from last year, then my two doggies were murdered god i fucking hate my neighbors the same day my dad was released from the hospital and my mom went kinda nuts during December and I wanted to just...yeah.
So I did a lot of emotional eating. Like, y’all don’t understand.
It was like...I would go to uni and eat a brownie. Then chocolates on my way home. THEN a “a snack” like...fucking rice krispies. Then a huge ass meal, with soda bc why not. Then I would have either cookies or hot cheetos as a treat after my huge ass meal,
I’m a short person xd carrying that much weight was making my ribs and back hurt, as well as my legs and feet; my breathing was freaking awful, and there were some days were I got SO paranoid I just said things like “i’m gonna die today” or “out here trying to get diabetes like the rest of your family, aren’t you??” :’) but i didn’t tell anybody. My parents are not really an option in this case, BUT I didn’t tell my friends, because then I would have to explain that I ate a lot and that was something I was EXTREMELY ashamed of.
When February came, I was scared of going out, because I knew I would have to choose what clothes to wear and nothing fit me anymore and, the things that did, looked super stretched on me and, u know, I was sore. My health was getting bad. But I didn’t like to feel that way.
But going back to the story...
My friends used to tell me I looked pretty all the time, which I appreciate a lot to this day. But my parents were like
Me: I’m fat and I look deformed.
Them: I agree.
Because yeah.
Just before the pandemic madness happened, I went on a school trip with my uni friends and one of them triggered my isolation trauma in the worst way possible...and that, somehow, ruined ALL the photos I took throughout the trip. Because I wasn’t enough. Because I was deformed and fat and I looked like an apple. Because nobody wanted to be seen near me. And my personality was shitty.
Like, I should’ve known I was worth it. I’m still worth it and I know that. But I wasn’t less worth it when I was chubbier. And maybe I didn’t look as bad as my head made me believe. But at the time my mental health was extremely awful.
Now, covid happened.
Not gonna lie. Quarantine fucked me up as much as it fucked everyone else, but for me...by not going out, I stopped being near trigger foods, and I was even able to consult a dietitian.
I’ve lost 15 kg since March. And I’ve managed to love my past self, but I love this one because changing it was my decision. Sure, my parents didn’t help a lot, but in the end it was MY decision. I’ve come to accept I was worth it even when I felt disgusted by myself, and all of those awful things people said or did to me, like my friend during that trip...
I didn’t deserve any of those things. Because NO ONE deserves to be treated that way.  No one deserves somebody else making fun of them. No one deserves somebody else doing awful things to them that they know damn well that they trigger their childhood trauma. No one deserves to be judged for the way they look.
I was in a very dark place, and sometimes I’m still inside there. And like...during all those times, I kept posting in here.
I remember being next to my dad in the hospital, telling him “Guess what? Supernova drops this week” or “We’re going to watch TDP together, right?” or “Let me talk to you about She-Ra...” ....those were things that like...saved my life for a while, though mostly Supernova. Because, actually, Marissa Meyer has helped me in my fucking darkest years x’d from my third year of high school until now.
Her books didn’t take my depression away, but they did make things a little lighter for me, even when I felt like dying.
And I know this fandom is like..full of minors, so...I don’t know if any of you need to hear this: But you’re worth it.
If you want to change anything in your body, do it because YOU want to.
Because YOU’LL like you better.
Because it’s YOUR body, and it’s the only part of yourself that you and other people can touch.
Nobody should ever tell you you’re worthless because of your weight and your physical appearance. And if they ever do, then they’re the ones who should apologize, not you.
Nobody has the right to mistreat you, abuse you, or use your own body against you.
As for me...my ribs don’t hurt anymore. Nor does my back or my feet, and my breathing is getting better; I took the conscious decision to lose weight but, like I said, now that I’m not in such a dark place, I’m staring to realize that the past me wasn’t as hideous as my mind was making me believe. She was okay; she was broken inside, but she didn’t deserve anything that happened to her, nor did she deserved to treat herself that badly.
I posted my photo just to celebrate that I can finally said I’m not disgusted anymore. I can finally see myself in pictures again. And see my own reflection. Or go through my closet. Or do my makeup, because I LOVE doing my makeup and I was even ashamed of that. I’m not fully okay yet, but I’m healing.
So, if there’s any little Dawnie around here: I hope you give yourself a chance and realize you’re beautiful.
I hope that, if you change, it’s because you wanted to do it.
I hope you know that it’ll get better even if the healing process it’s not that easy.
I hope you know there’s people who love you.
I hope you know that you are beautiful. You were always beautiful and, no matter what path you choose, you’ll always be beautiful.
And worth it.
And human.
And important.
Take care of yourself, because you’re wonderful, no matter your size <3
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Can I request Bakugo with a bubbly reader and they get into a fight because reader accidentally breaks something of his and tries to make it up to him, but he cusses her and they dont talk for a week and reader is super sad and depressed and Bakugo is too and crankier than usual. Then Bakugo decides to apologize after having received a taking to by Kirishima. Then when he goes to talk to the reader, reader hands him the replacement of what she broke and they make up?
[Requests: OPEN] 
[This sounds adorable, I appreciate the well thought out plot! I hope I did your idea justice! I love soft boy Bakugo.] 
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The world was drowned out by the music that pumped into your ears, the new album Jiro recommended was amazing and it was impossible not to dance to. Though you often danced and sung your heart out whenever much like Mina, you had a bubbly personality. You were known for smiling and your teachers often said it was a strength of yours. 
You had a warmth and kindness about you, which is why so many people were shocked to know you were friends with Bakugo. The ticking human time bomb, the guy whose only method of communication was screaming. But, he was a nice guy underneath all that anger and even a softie when it came right down to it. 
Of course, only you had the special privilege of seeing that side of him. In fact, that’s why you were currently listening to music and well, dancing around. Bakugo usually insisted that you hang out with him after school and you had taken it upon yourself to wait in his dorm until he arrived. 
You knew Kirishima and Denki liked taking up his time at the end of class which you didn’t mind, after all, they were his friends too. So in the meantime, you continued to goof off. Bakugo’s room was well organized but he did have a few special possessions, typically he kept them locked away but for some reason, he had decided to reorganize his room. 
Now those special possessions rested on the shelf near his bed, unfortunately, you hadn’t noticed the small changes he made and proceeded to climb onto his bed. Your headphones were still blasting music as you jumped up and down, though Bakugo would probably kill you for messing up his sheets. 
Your laugh echoed through the room, and your arms moved around like wild along with your legs. You were in your happy zone until your hand accidentally hit something on Bakugo’s shelf. Your body froze when you watched it tumble and shatter on the floor, your eyes wide as you pieced together what it was. Given the colors, you came to the conclusion that it was one of Bakugo’s All Might statues. 
The sound of the door opening made you gasp and you quickly got off the bed. Stumbling as you stood in front of the pile of broken glass, your hands behind your back. “B-Bakugo! I …” you paused and looked at him, he was already wearing an angry expression which you only guessed was because Kirishima and Denki had pissed him off somehow. 
You shivered when his red pupils settled on you. “What the hell were you just doing?!” he snapped and you swallowed, “Uh ...well I ...I …” your eyes shifted back and forth, he looked past you to see his messy bed. “What the fuck!?” he dropped his bag to the floor and ran to his bed. “DUMBASS, you messed up the sheets again. Damn it.” he hissed before he tried to fix it. 
You glanced to the side, hearing him mutter curses under his breath as he remade the bed. You whistled innocently before pushing your headphones back so they hung loosely from your neck. Then you scraped your shoe along the floor, trying to push the broken glass somewhere else. But Bakugo paused when he heard the noise and turned to look at you. 
His eyes slit with suspicion, “What was that?” he growled, “Uh …” you glanced back and forth. “Nothing?” you replied with a shrug and half-assed smile. But as usual, Bakugo didn’t buy it and stomped over, pushing you to the side without a care. You stumbled, twisting your ankle as you tried to regain your balance. 
You felt your heart sink as Bakugo stared at the broken All Might statue, his face was distorted and a dark shadow cast over it. His jaw was clenched, but you could hear the faint sound of his teeth grinding together. “What the FUCK did you do, DUMBASS!?” he snapped and you frowned, innocently playing with your fingers. “Well, I uh ...I didn’t mean to!” you exclaimed with a pout. 
“You didn’t MEAN to!?” he snapped, stomping his foot and his palms gave off small explosions. You took a step back, a little afraid of the angry man. “I mean ...I was just having fun and I ...accidentally knocked it down.” you explained in a soft tone, “I’ll make it up to you!” Bakugo took a step towards you and panic set in. 
“I-I’ll buy you lunch for the next week! I uh, I-I’ll do whatever you say!” Bakugo took another step and grabbed your arm. “You’re a goddamn idiot you know that?” you frowned, “I’m not an idiot!” you replied before he shoved you back and caused you to stumble once again. “Maybe if you stopped being a fucking extra when it came to your childish personality, you’d actually fucking listen when I tell you shit!” he growled before kicking the glass pieces. 
You cried out and as they flew in your direction, “Bakugo!” you snapped before he came charging at you, grabbing your shoulders. “You’re a damned idiot! A shitty extra who should just quit the hero course!” with that, he shoved you out the door. You stumbled on your feet and fell to the floor. Tears forming in your eyes as his door slammed but you could still hear him cursing you out. 
You sniffled and reached up to wipe your eyes before standing on your feet. Bakugo had never talked to you like that before, yes you had broken something of his. But you apologized and he took that and stomped it into the ground. You were beginning to see why most people avoided Bakugo and though you had always defended his name whenever people happened to be talking shit about him. 
Maybe ...you should have let them talk. After that day you decided to avoid Bakugo, which meant turning the other cheek when you two passed in the hallway and sitting alone at lunch. Your normal bubbly self was gone, there was no smile on your face and you had even gotten injured during training because Bakugo’s words kept ringing in your head. Maybe he was right, maybe you shouldn’t even try being a hero.  
Of course, Bakugo wasn’t doing much better. At first, he had gotten annoyed that you were avoiding him. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew you were doing it on purpose. But going a week without talking to you was beginning to eat away at him, though part of him still believed he was in the right. But even so, the aftermath of your little quarrel had cast a dark cloud over him. 
He was more irritable than usual, even with his closest friends. When Kirishima had greeted him in class, Bakugo’s response was a glare and the words, “SHUT THE FUCK UP, shitty hair!” not exactly the nicest response one could get and Kirishima finally spoke up when the long week had ended. “Bakubro, is everything okay?” He took the seat next to the blond in the common area. 
Bakugo’s arms were crossed and he scoffed, glaring at the redhead. “I’m fine, leave me the hell alone.” Kirishima frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Well you don’t sound fine and you’ve been crankier than usual. I noticed y/n is even avoiding you, did something happen between you two?” he questioned and Bakugo growled, sinking further into the couch. 
“Everything’s fine …” he repeated, feeling more irritated because of Kirishima’s presence. The redhead sighed, determined to get an answer from Bakugo one way or another. “You know ...I’m your friend, you don’t have to lie to me,” Kirishima said, hoping his words would somehow motivate Bakugo, who sighed. “Why do you even care, shitty hair?” he asked. 
“You haven’t been yourself, man, you’re a little scarier than usual and well, I’ve noticed y/n hasn’t been themself either.” he reached up, rubbing the back of his neck. “I actually haven’t seen them smile at all this week …” For a moment, Bakugo looked concerned before he huffed. “That’s their problem, they deserve to feel that way after they broke my damned All Might statue,” he growled before kicking the coffee table in front of him. 
Kirishima jumped, though he wasn't sure what he was more surprised by. The fact that Bakugo told him what was wrong or that was what sent the two of you into a spiraling depression. A moment of silence filled the air before Kirishima spoke again, “So that’s why you two haven’t been talking? That’s why y/n hasn’t been themself? All because they accidentally broke something of yours?” he questioned and Bakugo growled. 
“It wasn’t just something! I told them to be careful dammit!” his jaw clenched and his face twisted with anger. Though the redhead was normally intimidated by Bakugo’s anger, he just huffed. “You’re acting like a little kid, y/n is your friend and probably the closest one you have and you’re just going to let them be sad and alone like that? Is your friendship with y/n worth that little that you’ll cut it off because of a small mishap?” he shook his head before rising from the couch. 
“I thought you were better than that, y/n may not be as serious as the rest of us. But I think they have a bigger heart than anyone and well, I’d never want to lose them as a friend.” he said before shrugging, “The choice is yours.” he said as he walked away from Bakugo who sat there grumbling. His mind replaying the fight in his head and the words he had spoken to you. 
Okay, maybe he had been a little harsh ...did he really want to lose you as a friend? Of course, the answer was no and now that he knew how you had been acting, were you really that sad without him? He felt his heart sink in his chest and growled as he leaned over, placing his head in his hands. “Damn it.” he hissed, knowing that he had to fix this before it was too late. Normally he didn’t worry about hurting other's feelings or apologizing to them, but it was a different case with you. 
So with that in mind, he gave another huff and stood up from the couch. Heading down the hallway towards your dorm room. You had been spending most of your week locked up in your room, it was amazing how much a fight would change your world. You found yourself lonely and bored without Bakugo, despite the mean, rude things he had said to you. It was understandable, you had broken something important of his and while you still wanted to make it up to him, you couldn’t find the courage which only added to your sadness. 
You sighed as you continued to lay in your bed, staring at the wall. In your hands was a small wrapped up box, inside was something you had hoped would make Bakugo like you again. But it was no use, you might as well kiss your friendship goodbye. Your lip quivered and you felt tears coming before a knock sounded, “Ah!” you jumped and nearly fell out of your bed, “Uh …” you unscrambled yourself from the blankets as the knocking grew louder. 
“Coming!” you shouted as you finally managed to get on your feet and open the door, “Hello-” your face dropped when you saw who was on the other side. “B-B-Bakugo?” you stuttered, he was wearing a casual outfit but a soft blush seemed to paint his cheeks and he was rubbing the back of his head. A rare nervous habit you had seen in him before, but why was he so nervous and why was he here? 
You blinked and watched as those red pupils looked in your direction. “Yeah, it’s me! So are you going to let me in or not?!” he snapped, “Oh ...uh …” you were a little confused and somewhat offended he hadn’t even said hello before going straight to yelling, but even so. You stepped aside and allowed him to walk in. Shutting the door, you crossed your arms. “Why ...are you here? You haven’t talked to me all week and-” he interrupted you. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know!” he growled, “Kiri told me okay, you’ve been sad and …” his teeth ground together as he tried to form his next words, he didn’t like being vulnerable to anyone. He took a breath, “You’ve been sad and ...it’s probably my fault, okay!? And ...well …” he looked down, a single tremble coursing through his body. “I’m ….sorry okay? But don’t expect me to say that in the future! You’re still a dumbass and ...you still need to be careful! I ...I don’t want you getting hurt ...stupid …” he muttered the last word.
You blinked, your jaw hanging open. “Did ...you just apologize to me?” you questioned and watched Bakugo’s face twist in anger. “What the hell do you think I was doing!? DUMBASS.” you stood there processing the fact that Bakugo of all people not only admitted he was wrong but apologized on top of that. “Heh …” you found yourself smiling and a giggle left your lips. 
“Wow, I never knew I had such an influence over the great Katsuki Bakugo.” you teased and watched the blond tighten his hands into fists. “What’d you say!?” he demanded, though he was still blushing like mad. “Oh nothing, nothing!” you replied, raising your hands into the air. “But …”  you looked to your bed, “I do have something for you.” Bakugo’s expression dropped and he watched as you walked over to the bed and grabbed the small present. 
Turning back to him, you smiled and held the gift out to him. “Here, I got it for you. I ...did say I’d make it up to you and well ...open it already!” you insisted as you clapped your hands and bounced on your feet, almost acting like your old self again. Bakugo looked at the present and then back to you, “What is it?” he questioned and you sighed, “Just open it!”  you insisted once again. 
Bakugo looked at the present, closing his eyes. “Fine,” he replied before he ripped the ribbon and paper off, he practically tore the flaps of the cardboard box off and you laughed as you saw his surprised expression. “Do you like it?” you questioned as he pulled out the All Might statue you had ordered. “I know it’s not the same, but I hope this makes up for ...well the one I broke,” you said, placing your hands behind your back. 
Bakugo held the statue in his hand, his fingers brushing over the lines and edges. “You got this for me?” he asked and you nodded. “Yeah, you still haven’t told me if you like it.”  you pointed out with another giggle and he took a breath. “Y-Yeah ...I like it,” he said before placing it back into the box. He put the box back on your bed and grabbed your arm to pull you close. 
You were a little shocked by his actions, even more so when you realized he was hugging you. “Thanks …” he said, his hair tickling your neck which caused you to blush. “Oh uh ...y-you’re welcome,” you replied, returning the hug with a happy smile on your face. “Do you ...want to stay here tonight? You have a lot of time to make up to me,” you said as Bakugo pulled away and smiled at you. “Yeah ...sounds like fun.” you laughed and grabbed his hand. “Great! Just don’t break anything.” you teased. 
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