#nut milk bag
keepersofmyheart · 2 years
Almond milk
“You can use a nut milk bag” I thought that was something you used to prevent children” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He is hilarious
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homocorn · 6 months
plans for tomorrow. buy needles. buy nut milk bag. buy eggplant tomato onion peppers tamarind.
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sarrie · 8 months
my right tonsil in particular: huge, mystery slime, painful. causing a huge painful lymph node on my jaw and sharp ear pain. me: i know what i'll do. it's chilly enough to return to Hot Drink Making until i can go to urgent care tomorrow. looks up recipe for chai lattes recipe: oh no!! don't use a bagged chai tea!!! :(( it's too spicy!!! use a black tea instead 😊😊👌😘 me: ?????? s-spicy ? anyway i made it her way, it expectedly blows, and i also accidentally put too much nutmeg in it to consider finishing the whole thing lest i trip absolute balls.
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k2bmore · 10 months
Banana Nut Oatmeal Recipe
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Quick cooking oats, skim milk, flax seeds, walnuts, honey, and a banana are used in this microwave oatmeal recipe.
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northbirdblog · 1 year
How to Make Almond Milk
Another easy and delicious money-saver from the Northbird kitchen!
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13taylorswifts · 2 years
Made my own almond milk today
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dduane · 6 months
Peter Mum's Soda Bread Recipe
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With work around here the way it is at the moment, most likely EuropeanCuisines.com won't be up again until the end of the year. (shrug) Such is life.
With that in mind, here per @the-book-of-night-with-moon 's request is the famous soda bread recipe that brought people to the site again and again for a couple of decades. If the recipe below seems very plain, that's because the way soda bread is done in North America and elsewhere in the world is not how everyday soda bread's made in Ireland. No fruit, no sugar—except for an optional spoonful if the baker likes it: I omit it—no nuts or other similar addenda: nothing but flour, salt, soda and (ideally) buttermilk. (Breads here that do have fruit and whatnot are referred to as "tea breads" or "fruit soda".)
The ingredients:
450 g / 1 lb / approximately 3 1/4 cups flour (either cake flour or all-purpose)
Optional: 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Between 300-350 ml / approx 10-12 fluid ounces buttermilk, sour / soured milk, or plain ("sweet") milk, to mix
If you're using plain milk, add 1 teaspoon of baking powder to the dry ingredients. This is perfectly legit; lots of professional bakers in Ireland do their soda bread this way, without the buttermilk and with additional raising ingredients besides baking soda.
So: preheat your oven to 200C / 400F. Meanwhile, mix the dry ingredients together well in a good-sized bowl, and then add the liquid and mix everything together. Like this:
That raggedy texture you see in the middle of the video is exactly what you want, and part of the secret of getting soda bread to rise properly. You have to get the loaf done as quickly as you can, so that the rise in the oven is maximized; and with minimum handling. This isn't a bread that needs to be kneaded. Just get it into a soft, mostly-cohesive lump as quickly and gently as you can, and shape it into a round about an inch to an inch and a half thick.
Finally have ready a really sharp knife to do that final cross-cut, which allows the loaf to spread and rise fully. Be careful to slice, not press. You don't have to cut incredibly deep: from a third to halfway down the round is plenty. ...There's endless online lore about how this is supposed to let the fairies out. Fond as I am of fairies, I prefer to think of it as letting the chemistry and physics out. (shrug) To each their own.
As soon as the oven's come up to heat, shove the loaf into the center of the oven on a nonstick baking sheet—I used a silicone mat here, but more for the look of the thing than any real concern about the loaf sticking—and bake it for 40 minutes. When you're done, it should look something like the one in the picture at the top of the post. It'll be easier to eat if you let it cool down most of the way; and a lot easier to slice if you put it in a paper or plastic bag overnight.
Anyway, tomorrow, so @petermorwood won't sulk, I'll make soda bread in the farl style instead of the above style that some of the locals call "cake". Farl's done on a griddle and cut into quarters for baking, and its geometry makes it uniquely suited (as Peter's father used to say) for eating large amounts of butter without a spoon. :)
ETA: attn @middleagedandoutoftouch: Check out the gluten-free soda bread from Ballymaloe. ...And there seem to be quite a few more of them out there: try this Google search.
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mayullla · 4 months
Hi! Can I request cyno 🍁+🦋 please?
Title: Friendship Chocolates
Character(s): Cyno (Genshin Impact) Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, fem!reader, stalking, unrequited pining, jealousy, Cyno watching you sleep, soft yandere Cyno, 1k words
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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Is... is this for me?" Cyno asked, staring at the chocolates in front of him. An open bag of chocolates was in his hand, which he had opened when you placed it in his hands, telling him that it was for him.
"Yes, it is for you, silly," you laughed at his surprised face, blinking at it as if he expected it to just vanish from his hand. "I made them with Lisa, actually. Me and her wanted to try making chocolates ourselves, and it was surprisingly easy. We made a ton of them, and I am planning to pass them to all our friends." You looked away, listing names in your head that you wanted to give, not seeing Cyno's reaction as he froze for just a moment.
He was quiet for a moment, and you assumed that he was listening when he cut you off. "They... they are good." You looked at him, about to complain that he cut you off, but when you saw his face looking at the chocolate with a little bit of surprise and fondness, you could not help but smile a little. The chocolates were bite-size, some were just chocolate while others were chocolate-coated nuts and berries. You also got a few biscuits (not enough time to make them from scratch) and coated them with it.
"I am glad you like them," you told him, thinking to yourself that you should have given him a bit more if he liked them this much. "If you want more, just tell me, alright? Me and Lisa made milk chocolate and dark chocolate versions, so drop by my place if you want to grab some more." Telling Cyno that you were going to head out, you said a quick goodbye and left him to himself as he looked at the chocolates.
You had been a little bit worried, to be honest, that the chocolate would have melted under the sun and made sure to pack them well in your bag with an ice pack to keep it somewhat cool. Layla had been kind enough to make a small ice shield on your back to keep the heat out when you met her.
As the sun went down, you finally reached your home, placing your now empty bag of chocolate down. What was left was your study books in another section, while you had already gotten rid of the watered-down ice pack in the middle of the day. Stretching as you thought about the day, quite happy with the reactions your friends gave you when you gave them the chocolates. You felt happy to give, and while none of them were romantic, you wanted to give your friends a little something for the day.
It was fun making the chocolate with Lisa from scratch. Stretching and yawning, tired from the day, you started to get ready for dinner after doing a bit of house organizing and cleaning. After that, you were ready for bed. Tired, darkness quickly took you away into a deep sleep, unknown to you, someone was standing and guarding your house on top of a tree branch.
Cyno watched you sleep, even from far away, he felt as if he was so close to you. So close that he could hear your breathing and watch as your chest moved up and down, slowly breathing as if indicating your sleep. Unlike you, who found today to be relatively nice, Cyno had mixed feelings towards today. He still could feel his heart beating in his chest when you gave him those chocolates.
For a moment, he thought that you were confessing to him, admitting that you loved him just as much as he loved you. Yet those thoughts were quickly dashed when you mentioned that you were giving chocolate to all your friends. He felt heartbroken and almost betrayed, but then he fell in love with you again when he saw how excited you were as you chatted about making the chocolate with Lisa. In his eyes, you were lovely... so lovely.
He quickly headed to Lisa when you left, demanding to know why she didn't tell him that you and she were making chocolates. "I can't invite a boy all of a sudden when it's a girls' time, don't you think so?" Lisa teased him, laughing when she heard about what happened between you and Cyno. "That girl is so cute, having the famed Cyno wrapped around her finger yet none the wiser. How many could do that? Probably only enough to count on one hand."
Lisa laughed again as she watched Cyno huff in annoyance. "You are also quite adorable, so in love to the point that you would follow her wherever she goes. I heard that you beat up those men who tried to hit on her a few days ago. Does she know about it?"
"I wonder how she would react if she found out what you are really like. That matter is rather tame compared to the other things that you have done. Be careful, dear, with that little obsession you have there. Only one misstep and it's over for your cute little relationship."
Cyno knew that. He had known for a long time that he was so in love with you to the point of insanity. He wanted to protect you, he wanted to hold you. He craved your touch and his hand on yours. There were days when he just could not bear it and wanted nothing more than to take you away for himself.
The many things that he was willing to do just for you... there were already too many that he did. Too many to count. He was willing to do anything for you, willing to do anything to protect you. All the dark thoughts, he hid them, and all the gruesome things he had done just for you, he hid everything.
He loved you so much that he would do anything.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
DAVE: i work at a coffee shop and have gotten all my coworkers to start calling lattes "hot milkybois"
DAVE: i also got everyone to refer to the salted caramel blended drink as "the big salty" and i consider it one of my greatest accomplishments
DAVE: oh yeah and anytime someone orders a hazelnut latte with almond milk which specifically is a weirdly popular drink i say "one HOT NUT latte coming right up"
DAVE: our largest drink size is affectionately referred to as "texas size" so sometimes when i hand it out in the drive thru i like to say "heres that TEXAS SIZE drink for you YEEEEEEEEEHAW"
DAVE: and some people look at me as though i have just made their entire day while others look like they could not possibly get away from me soon enough. both reactions are equally satisfying
DAVE: i made this into a game except when i hand out the texas size drinks i say "can i get a yeehaw" and the guests always look mortified but occasionally one of them will let out a terrified "yeehaw" and all my coworkers cheer and then we keep a running tally of how many yeehaws we each get on the back of a pastry bag
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 24 - Modern AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 23, word count 937
Sirius gripped his coffee as though it were a lifeline. It was the biggest, strongest coffee he could find, watered down with copious amounts of milk. He took little sips as he logged into his computer at work, brought up his list of tasks for the day and slowly began muddling his way through. 
He’d gone out last night with James, against his better judgement, not that it took much persuasion on James’s part. All he had to do was bat his hazels at him, and Sirius was putty in his hands. 
He’d been having a great time, downing drinks, shaking his arse to the vintage jukebox and then woken up in some fit lad’s bed, hence the massive coffee and the mind-numbing hangover. He’d crept quietly out of the little flat and stumbled his way down the harsh concrete steps that smelled like weed, piss and, for some bizarre reason, hairspray. Sirius had rushed home, hopped in the shower, changed his clothes and hurried to the coffee shop on the corner. He couldn’t even remember the man’s name. He put it out of his mind, reasoning that he’d never see him again anyway. 
It took an age for the little digital clock on his computer screen to blink to 12:00 and signal lunchtime. 
Feeling the need for greasy food, he went to pull out his mobile to order a McDonald’s when he realised he didn’t have it. He checked all his pockets and his bag. It wasn’t there. The panic had just set in that it had been stolen at the bar last night when his computer alerted him to a new email on his personal account. 
‘Hi, erm, I guess Sirius. Sorry, I didn’t get your name last night 😬.
So anyway, I have your phone. You must have left it here when you snuck out this morning. (You are not sneaky, by the way! Like an elephant in size nines!) But yeah, anytime you want to come by and get it is fine. I’ll be in all day. Crap, I hope you get this email, or I’ve just got myself a new phone. It’s actually a big upgrade to mine. On second thoughts, it’s mine now, mwahaha 😈!
Remus Lupin.’
Sirius stared at the words for a few minutes, taking them in, before picking up the work phone from his desk and phoning himself. 
“Hello?” A voice on the other end answered. “Hi, I’m not Sirius. He left his phone at mine last night.”
“Hi, Remus. It’s me. Sirius.” He added in case he hadn’t realised.
Well, I guessed when you used my name. I highly doubt anyone in your phone book knows who I am. Especially ginger toss pot number 1. There’s more than one ginger toss pot?” Remus snickered. 
“Wait, how do you know that, and how did you get my email address? Have you hacked into my phone?!” He felt outraged. How had he even gotten in, though? It was password-protected.
“Sirius, 6969 is not a strong password. Plus, I could see where you’d jabbed at the screen to unlock it. You really need to clean your phone.” Remus went on. 
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” He paused for a second, trying to rein in the snarkiness. “I don’t finish work until 5. Is it alright to come over after that?”
“Sure,” Remus answered. “I’ll be in.” 
“Great, thanks.” Sirius forced a smile on his face so Remus could hear his sincerity.
“Who’s Specky Dick Nuts?  Because they’ve been blowing up your phone all morning before I woke up and found it. They seem to have stopped now, though.”
“Oh, that’s my best mate James. Oh shit, if he’s gone quiet, he’s probably tracking my phone. Er, be prepared. He probably thinks I need rescuing.” There was a loud thudding on the other end of the line. 
“Er, I think your friend might be here,” Remus whispered into the phone. 
“Put me on speaker so I can talk to him.” He heard the faint click as he was put on speaker and the sound of Remus unlocking the four locks on his door. 
“Hi, you must be James,” Remus said. 
“Where is he?!” James’s voice was stern and full of concern. 
“James, mate. I’m fine. I’m at work. I just forgot to pick up my phone this morning. This is Remus, by the way. He kindly let me know he had it.” He prayed that was enough to call off the Potter inquisition. 
“Oh, cool. Hi, Remus.” 
“Hi, James.” 
“Sorry, I thought you were some lunatic. And you were keeping him prisoner.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. Happens all the time.” The phone line was filled with laughter, and Sirius had to hold his receiver away from his head.
“Hey, James, can you take my phone, seeing as you’re there?”
“Sure thing.”
“Thanks, Remus.” He managed to say before James hung him up. He felt oddly dejected for some reason but brushed it off. 
When he came back from lunch, he found a new email, this time from Remus’s actual address.     
‘Can I take you out on a date?’ 
It said. Sirius felt a surge of joy and so replied.  
‘What do you have in mind?’
‘Dinner? Movie? Massive shagathon?’ 
Sirius choked on his own spit at Remus’s reply. He coughed as he typed back.  
‘Jesus, Remus. Are you always so forward?’
‘What can I say? You made an impression 😉.’
‘Yeah, go on then.’
And that was how Sirius found himself for the second morning in a row in Remus Lupin’s bed. But this time, he didn’t sneak out.
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bambiesfics · 7 months
do u have any headcanons for loser ellie? <3
Sorry if these arent as yummy, I just woke up and I’m so eepy. But these are what I could think up <3 This is such a random collection of thoughts but!
- I think Ellie has a red Coca-Cola themed mini fridge in her room where she stores monster energy drinks and her elf bars so they pull cool when she smokes them.
- She has a vision of -2.00 in one eye and -2.50 in the other eye, but hates putting on her glasses because she’s afraid it makes her look nerdier than she already is.
- She doesn’t use conditioner, only shampoo. And when girls at school flirt with her and ask how her hair is so soft she just tugs on a tiny lock of it and awkwardly tries to avoid eye contact. “Uh-I uh…I dunno. Do you think it’s soft?”
- She falls in love fast, and hard. An absolute master at obsessing over someone so much so that thinking about her crush at night time has been her favorite mechanism to fall asleep at since she was in middle school.
- She owns like 4 pairs of converses and only one pair of doc martens. She still winces thinking about the amount she spent on those. She’s had the same shoe size since she was in middle school so all her converses are beat up.
- Her preferred method of masturbating is angrily fingering herself and she usually does it with a pillow over her head. She’s always pissed after, she doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s because of the sudden dopamine drop from her nut. Or maybe it’s because she’s tired of imagining fucking the same girls she can’t have & who will never want her back. There’s only so many times she can imagine eating a pretty girl’s butt until they squirt on her glasses before she starts getting pissed that it isn’t actually happening, mid-masturbation sesh. She grinds her g-spot until she cums, lazily rinses her hands, and just lies face down on her pillow in a stiff plank position.
- She listens to 40 year old dad rock the most. Think Aerosmith, Depeche mode, Papa roach, Deftones (she has a complex about that) and Alice in Chains. She’d slowly built up a collection of her most loved songs since she was 12 years old. So all her favourite bands and artists are a collection of music she holds near and dear to her heart. Don’t don’t even try it though, it doesn’t matter if you listen to those bands too, you cannot suggest one North American song to Ellie that she hasn’t already heard of. She’ll always know more music than you, even though her Spotify music obscurity rating is like top 6%
- She oddly knows more pop songs than you too. Even though she doesn’t listen to them nearly as much.
- She has slight ringing in her left ear from how loud she usually blasts her headphones at night. Sometimes when the noise really pisses her off, she leaps off her bed and loads up her playstation instead. Which then lead to 10am’s the very next day where her eye bags are a deep purple and she walks through the halls like a freckled ghoul.
- she uses the broken skateboard she used to skate when she was 17, as decoration in the corner for her room.
- she has 17 Etsy bookmarks saved from different tarot love spell practitioners. One time she dm’d one and just went into very scary explicit detail about how she wanted you to notice her, where the scene would be, what she’d be wearing, the first time you’d let her give you head, the fact that you’d be ovulating (that one was really important), and what type of pregnancy cravings you’d have when the inevitable happened and she married you (you weirdly had cravings for her current fav snacks: snickers and carton almond milk).
- she also knows she’s a loser. Scarily self aware girl.
- One time her and her counsellor just stared at each other, and blinked back and forth the entire sesh.
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captain-lessship · 8 months
Candy Corn
A/n: and so it begins. Enjoy and forgive me when I undeniably post the rest not on my schedule I have in my head <3
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Even after years of running your candy shop, You were not a sweets person. There was also a theory that you were not a sweet person.
You specifically hated chocolates. Whether they were dark, milk or white, even if they had nuts or dried fruit, you simply did not like it.
But of course, the cocoa based bars followed you where ever you went because everyone else in the world seemed to like it and you liked the money, who wouldn’t?
Yet each time you recognized your dislike of candy, you couldn’t help but think about a few interesting interactions you had seven years ago.
You sighed as you heard the bell to the shop ding, “Hello, Welcome to the House of Haroldson Chocolates, what can I do for you!” You didn’t lift your eyes from the book you were reading until a pair of shoes approached the counter.
You looked up and saw a very odd looking individual. A lanky man with brown hair and greenish eyes that was dressed in odd pattern combinations was standing there, slightly smiling at you.
“Hello! I was just planning on looking around but since you asked, what is your most popular chocolate?”
You looked him up and down, “Well, I guess it would be our dark chocolate with hazelnuts and white chocolate drizzle.”
You were still trying to figure out why he was dressed like that when he spoke again, “What’s your favorite?”
Your favorite? None. But you knew that your dad, who was the owner and therefore your boss, wouldn’t be happy if you said that.
“I’m not really a chocolate person. I prefer these.” You turned around and plucked a random jar from the wall. The jar had pink and yellow striped squares and were very shiny. “These are Strawberry Shortcake Drops.”
“Can I taste one?” He asked, you thought about it before slipping on a glove on one hand and opening the jar with the other. You plucked one of the squares from the container and gave it to the man.
He popped it into his mouth, eyes turning from joyful to very deep in thought, as if he was trying to taste every single grain of sugar and drop of flavoring. He was entertaining to say the least. You couldn’t help but take one yourself and eat it, trying to see if there was something wrong.
Nope. Vanilla. Strawberry. It was right.
“Is this really your favorite? You don’t seem to like it.” He asked.
“If I am being honest, I do not like chocolate or candy.”
He looked surprised at this, “Why?” He couldn’t fathom that someone dressed as fun in a pale pink dress shirt, striped tie and white pants as you were could dislike candy. It just didn’t seem right.
You shrugged, “Just isn’t my thing. But do you like them?”
His brain was temporarily fried over the fact that someone could dislike sweets. “They’re good. Could I get a small bag of them and a bar of the dark chocolate you talked about earlier?”
You nodded as you began getting his order together. He watched you intently as you pulled a bar of chocolate from the case and filled a bag with the candies, noting the care you took with each part of the order.
As you handed it to him and took the money from him, he smiled at you, “I will find a chocolate you’ll like.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, “I don’t like chocolate Mister…”
“Willy Wonka.” He said. He then stole a glance at your name tag. It was a nice name.
“Mister Willy Wonka.” You smiled.
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stone-stars · 5 months
we all know the hemp milk song, but they talk about hemp milk on 8bbc too. it's a delight <3
Murph: Uhh-- Emily: I do wish that we still had milkmen! Caldwell: Yeah Emily: Because wouldn't that be a nice part of life? I mean I don't really even drink milk, honestly I make hemp milk, um-- Caldwell: Right. (pause) What? Emily: It's really good! Murph: (laughs) Emily once, uh, invited me into the kitchen to… show me that she made hemp milk. And I wasn't ex-- Emily: It's fuckin' cool, man! Murph: I wasn't excited enough, so she made me come back in three different times [Caldwell laughs] to act more excited about the hemp milk. Uh-- Emily: I put hemp seeds into a blender, blended them, and then took-- I'm gonna drop a great phrase on you-- Caldwell: Woah Emily: A nut bag! And poured it all through a nut bag, and squeezed all the goodness out of the rest of the pieces, and then I made hemp milk that way, and now I have hemp milk. Caldwell (overlapping): God. I don't get nearly enough-- I don't get nearly enough opportunities to bust out my nut bag. [Emily and Murph laugh] Caldwell: Just, I'm really envious. Emily: It made me like, want to put everything through my nut bag and just see what it filtered out.
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gemsofgreece · 6 months
Only for cheese lovers!
Super random fun fact:
You probably know feta cheese. When it comes to Greece it's always feta this, feta that. The truth however is that there are many more types of Greek cheese and many are delicious! In fact, there are more than 60 different types of Greek cheese recorded.
Below is a list with some of the famous ones (and my faves). If you love cheese, check it out!
Okay, yeah, let's get the celebrity out of the way fast. Feta is a sheep and goat's milk brined white cheese. It accompanies perfectly salads (especially tomatoes and olives) and it makes a great filling for filo pies. It is often served dressed in oregano and olive oil. Feta has a slightly spicy and certainly distinctly salty flavour - if you buy or order feta abroad and it is not pretty salty with a hint of spice, then you have likely been played and given cheaper white plain cheese.
This is a cheese already produced in antiquity. Anthotyros is a soft cheese made with milk and whey from sheep or goats, sometimes in combination. It has a mild but very distinct taste and it's low in fats, so it is commonly eaten by people on a diet. It's eaten with honey and nuts, on salads or on pasta.
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Literally meaning "milk cheese", Galotyri is produced by fatty sheep milk, 4-5 months after the animal has given birth, which is usually in the summer. It is creamy and milky and has a very fresh, cool taste that makes it ideal for summer meals.
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Graviera of Naxos
The best cheese in the universe, also known as my favourite cheese, Graviera of Naxos is a PDO hard yellow cheese made of cow milk (with some addition of sheep and goat milk). It has somewhere between a salty and an umami taste and it is enjoyed with wine. It also makes a fantastic filling for fylo pies. If you see in a pie shop a pie with "Graviera Naxou" in, it's a no brainer. Try it! I have yet to eat an underwhelming one!
(Graviera is also produced in Crete island and this version is very famous as well, but my personal preference is the one from Naxos island. )
Kalathaki of Limnos
Another protected one, Kalathaki Limnou is a white brined cheese dried in small baskets, from which it gets its name (kalathaki = small basket). It is similar to feta, but less sour.
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Kasseri is a hard pale yellow cheese made from pasteurised or unpasteurised sheep milk and at most 20% goat's milk. Kasseri is a protected designation of origin, according to which the cheese must be made in the Greek provinces of Thessaly, Macedonia, Lesvos island, or Xanthi, however similar types of cheese are produced in the Balkans, Romania and Turkey. It is ideal for sandwiches and toasts, it has a buttery and salty taste and it goes well with wines.
Katiki Domokú
Katiki Domokú is produced in Domokós, in the region of Phthiotis. It is a soft white cheese with low fat content. It is made from pasteurised milk that curdles without rennet and it is drained in bags made of cloth. It can be served in toast or dakos. It can be added in salad as an ingredient and it fills pies.
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Already popular in Byzantine times, Kefalotyri is a very hard cheese that can range from yellowish to whitish and is made of sheep or goat's milk. Kefalotyri can be consumed as is, fried in olive oil for a dish called saganaki, or added to foods such as pasta dishes, meat, or cooked vegetables, and is especially suited for grating. It is in fact our first choice to be grated on top of dishes, an equivalent of parmesan for the Italians, but harder.
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Fried Kefalotyri with shrimps
A PDO cheese as well, the off-white Kefalograviera is in between the worlds of graviera and kefalotyri. It is produced and consumed in similar ways. It is saltier than a typical graviera and a little softer than a typical kefalotyri. It accompanies white wines very well.
Kopanisti is a salty, spicy cheese, with protected designation of origin (PDO) produced mostly in Mykonos island for more than 300 years. It owes its special peppery and spicy taste to rapid and extensive lipolysis and proteolysis caused by abundant microbial growth encouraged by repeated kneadings performed during the ripening process. This is why it is called kopanisti, which means "beaten". The most popular way of serving is in a dish called "mostra" which contains dry bread with kopanisti cheese, chopped tomatoes and olive oil.
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Manuri is an ancient Greek PDO semi-soft, fresh white mixed milk-whey cheese made from goat or sheep milk. It is produced primarily in Thessaly, Macedonia and Crete island. It has a sweet and mild taste and is used in appetizers, salads, desserts and savoury meals. It is considered a gourmet choice.
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Green salad with fruits, cranberries and manuri
Produced in the mountainous town of Métsovo, Metsovone is a PDO semi-hard, smoked cheese made of cow's milk. It accompanies white wines and is used in salads and appetizers.
Myzithra and Xynomyzithra
Myzithra  is a Greek whey cheese or mixed milk-whey cheese from sheep or goats, or both. It is primarily produced on the island of Crete but is widespread throughout Greece. The cheese is soft, snow-white, creamy, and moist. Since no salt is added to mizithra it has an almost sweet and milky taste. It is eaten as dessert with honey or as an appetizer. It is used as a table cheese, as well as in salads, pastries and in baking, notably in little cheese pies (handful size) and Sfakiani pita (pie from the Sfakiá region).
Myzithra that is salted and aged becomes dryer, denser, saltier and more sour (xyní). This version, xynomyzithra ('sour myzithra') is often grated. Xynomyzithra is considered the grating cheese par excellence of Greek cuisine, and is especially suited for sprinkling over hot pasta. (It is less common than Kefalotyri but more gourmet, in short.)
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Xynotyro is an unpasteurized whey cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk, with a hard and flaky consistency, a pungent aroma and a yogurt-like sweet and sour taste. "Xynotyro" means "sour cheese" in Greek. Xynotyro can be consumed either as fresh cheese or after being ripened with the use of naturally dominating microflora during a 3-month maturing period. The Lactobacillus strains in Xynotyro have antibacterial effects that kill Salmonella pathogens, a finding that is of special interest for producers of health-giving cheeses according to researchers at the French Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale.
San Michele
San Mihali in Greek, it is a traditional salty and spicy PDO cheese, that is one of the most expensive in the country. It is produced exclusively in Syros island. It is made of cow's milk.
Sfela is a PDO semi-hard white brined cheese with a spicy, salty and a little sour taste. Its production is founded on old tradition and this cheese is permitted to be produced only in the south of the Peloponnese, in the regions of Messenia and Laconia - both the animals and the production facilities have to be there. Sfela is served with bread, Maniot lalangia (a type of local pasta), accompanies meals and is used as filling in pies.
A cheese that took its name from the word for the shepherd's cape in the Messenian dialect, talagani is a white sheep-goat milk cheese which is especially delicious when grilled, as it does not melt and it becomes chewy. It is consumed as an appetizer or in salads and is great when accompanied with honey or marmelades.
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BONUS: Hallumi
Hallumi is the famous PDO cheese of the Republic of Cyprus. It is made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, and sometimes also cow's milk. Its texture is described as squeaky. It has a high melting point and so can easily be fried or grilled, a property that makes it a popular meat substitute. Halloumi is popular throughout the Eastern Mediterranean.
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Honourable mentions:
Arseniko of Naxos
Thermiotiko or Kythnios tyros
Cretan cheese
Ladotyri of Mytilene
Mastello of Chios
Gidotyri of Crete
Smoked kaniaki
Meriareno of Kasos
and many more!
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lionsongfr · 10 months
Warrior's Way Snacks
Now this year is the lore it was mentioned that “We’d especially like to thank Arvelle for her generous donation towards our food budget”, and in the pamphlet for Warrior’s Way itself it mentions that “Food is available to participating warriors at all times throughout the course of the event.” So that got me thinking, what kind of food would dragons and beastclans eat during such an event?
Unfortunately, Warrior’s Way is during the summer and the heat can stifle anyone’s appetite- leading to warrior’s struggling to have the energy and hydration necessary to fight. Larger meals most likely would be served in the early morning and after sunset, and battles probably would be held off during the hottest middle of the day. But warriors would also need small meals and snacks to sustain them throughout the day. So, what kind of snacks could they expect?
Live Hornworms- a staple insect for insectivores, this import from the Mire is high in water and can be gut-loaded with either Fire Flower (for magic boost), Redblood Sapper (iron for blood), or Greenpod Bloom (calcium for bones and muscles). They are contained in large barrels with a cooling charm upon them, keeping the insects less active and from perishing in the heat.
Pickle Platter- while our most of our dragons do not sweat (I think maybe Light, Earth, and Ice dragons do), there are beastclans who definitely sweat. And with sweat comes the craving for salt. Pickled foods are high in salt, curb sugar spikes, help blood clot, and can provide the necessary electrolytes to relieve muscle cramps. The most common pickled foods are Basilisk eggs, Dubious Cucumbers, Wild Onions, Zeeba/Rambra sausages, Noxious/Leopard Caterpillar, and Kelp Beds Mackerel. Occasionally, Blacktongue Pepper is added for a spicy kick!
Cold Lume Daffodil and Spearmint Tea- every Fire Flight forge has a pot of tea cooling nearby in a large clay pot for refreshment. While Fire dragons typically prefer Cindermint, the cooling and refreshing combo of Spearmint and Lume Daffodil is a blessing on a hot summer day.  Peppermint tea may also be used for creatures having nervous stomachs for their upcoming battles.
Blood Red Smoothie- to many a Wildclaw’s sorrow this does not actually have blood. This smoothie combines Spinach, Blood Acorn, Strawberries, Blood Spath, Goat milk, and ice into a frothy, highly caloric, and nutritious drink. Sometimes it is easier to drink all of one’s calories than eat them, especially when it is hot outside. (Plus the Spirals brought these cute curly straws to drink them with!)
Cold Cut Wraps-unlike bread, flat breads can be quickly made and can be easily sized per creature.  Creating a wrap with cold cuts of meat, vegetables, and condiments makes for an easy to carry and customizable snack for busy warriors. Some favored cuts are: honeyed Featherback ham, smoked teriyaki Rainbow Trout, roasted lemon pepper Woodland Turkey, and spicy Flameleg Millipede.
Energy bites- the Longnecks are known for their Berry and Nut trail bars and the Centaurs for their Ration Pouches, and dragons have their own Elk pemmican tins and Cricket protein bars. Energy bites are a variant on this idea, mixing granola with a fat (Goat yogurt, Sunflower butter, Elk fat, ground Mealworm), Sugarbee honey, and dried fruit (Blueberries, Raspberries, Mushrooms, Butcher’s Fig) into round balls. The bites are then cooled overnight and put into bags made from Sweet Potato Vine (which is also edible), which can be carried about the event.
Shrimp and Potash Gazpacho- served by the cup or by the gallon (Imperial sized), this is a chilled soup for the seafood lovers. The base of the soup is the tangy and sour Miniature Potash Peach along with Cucumbers, Golden Peppers, and Wild Onions. And then anything seafood can be added to it! Most common is sweet Jumbo Shrimp, Pastel Scallops, and feisty Blue Swimmer Crab.
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penny-anna · 5 months
Good evening good evening tonight I am making compost cookies!!
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Here is my cookie dough. I'm using my go-to cookie recipe which is Antony Worrall Thompson's recipe on BBC Good Food. if you're making compost cookies you can & should use whatever your fav is!!
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& here is the Compost!! compost cookies are also called 'kitchen sink cookies'. The idea is to use up everything cookie-suitable you have in your pantry all at once. there ALSO exists what I can only describe as a gentrified version popularised by Milk Bar that's a set recipe w mixed chocolate chips, oats, coffee grounds, pretzels & potato chips.
but personally im legit just here to use some stuff up!! so we got: the end of a bag of porridge oats, end of a bag of dried apricots (cut up small) annd about half a bag of walnuts (pro tip: if you don't feel like chopping nuts and don't have (or don't want to wash lol) a food processor, put ur nuts (NOT THAT KIND!!) in a freezer bag and bash w a rolling pin till they are your desired level of Mushed.)
AND a chocolate chip cookie would be nothing without chocolate. shop only had milk chocolate chips which i consider Inferior in cookies and dark chocolate options were baking chocolate or eating chocolate so i opted for fancy salted dark chocolate.
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in it all goes!! i forgot to take another picture after mixing it all up. very high ratio of compost:dough which imo is what you want in a compost cookie. it's gone in the fridge to chill until after i'm done w my dinner 👍
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