#now if only they knew what a petition was lol
blueorchid-95 · 4 months
In regards to this situation in the TMNT AU competition
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Anyone here willing to sign? ^^
Startled, the horned stranger blinks at you with his one functional eye, then lowers their head to the clipboard you’re holding. They don’t look like a turtle, but they seem to understand you anyways as they slip one void-black hand from his long, heavy cloak and take ahold of the offered pen with segmented fingers. They study your paper for a moment, narrowing their eye at the text as if trying to parse it, before lowering their pen to the paper. They tap once, twice, then swiftly scrawl their name in an open slot. They hand the clipboard over to you, hands trembling ever so slightly, and back up a step, ducking their face into the fluffy ruff of their cloak. When you look back down at the page, you can see that they’ve written in a language completely foreign to you—strange shapes and symbols fill their slot, definitely from no language on earth. When you look back up at them, they’re still standing there, head tilted slightly to the side. One of their hands is playing with the fluff of their cloak, as if it’s some sort of anxious tic. They point at their name at the page, and then at you, and it’s not entirely clear just what they’re doing. Nevertheless, it’s a signature. You just need to understand it first.
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punksocks · 11 months
Astrology observations No.15
*just my opinions, take them with a grain of salt
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-Neptune hard aspects to Mercury/ Neptune in 3rd/Pisces Mercury- people may constantly underestimate your intelligence and they’re genuinely surprised if you’re observant/smart
-The only Virgo risings I’ve known that are not skinny/petite have mars conjunct asc (even then they had a period of time when they were really skinny and either got out of that on purpose or on accident)
-Did you notice that a lot of Cancer Asc men get cast as like “traditional” manly men. I saw Ben Affleck was a Cancer Asc and Kurt Russel! They’re both known for their action movies (I like Kurt Russel more lol) and I was looking at Jon Hamm’s birth chart and he’s a cancer Asc too. He prefers to be a comedy guy, but looks like he walked out of the 50s so he had his breakthrough in mad men. (There’s also a lot going on there with that whole hazing scandal that I note everytime I see him so that’s a lot)
-Libra mars Asc try not to get frustrated but often their mars energy leaks out in other ways and they end up expressing their anger somehow despite the passive aggressive placement for a mars sign
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-Fire Mercuries (especially Leo and Sagittarius) copy speech patterns/catch phrases a lot imo, almost as much as water Mercuries but less exact mimicry. Earth Mercuries tend to have very specific speech patterns that don’t change too much throughout their life, they can be very direct and to the point but will have a great deal of detail to share depending on the subject. Air Mercuries tend to have very distinct speech patterns and usually are the most likely to talk and write in their own sort of prose, I’ve known a few (specifically Gemini Mercuries) that have overcome speech impediments and become great, captivating speakers.
-Pluto touching Saturn can amplify its lessons and effects to a higher degree. (Trine, Sextile) will make the experiences more intense but conjunction, opposition, and square could make these effects explosive and intense. With both positive and negative aspects the native will be forced to transform and change their ways- with the negative aspects (conjunct, opposition, square) the native will feel the trials they go through in these transformations
-12th house placements can give you psychic dreams, I’ve also frequently dreamed being people other than myself. Mars will have action oriented dreams. Sun may have more dreams about experiences they’ve had echoing in their dreams. Moon will have deep emotional experiences. Venus may dream about love and friendships.
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-Moon opposition sun synastry can create a lot of tension in a romantic relationship. There seems to be some underlying competitiveness going on. Especially if the moon and the sun are Cardinal signs.
-Moon conjunct Sun synastry can be intense. I think it shows how conjunct can be a negative aspect. The energies can understand each other sure, but they can also become an echo chamber of feeding into each other’s egos. I feel similarly about Sun conjunct Asc synastry. (My parents had this and oof, if that relationship isn’t karmic anyway it’s even more so now..)
-The only conjunct synastry I think I had intensely play out was Scorpio moon conjunct my Asc (I didn’t even realize it at the time) it was a lot! Fun and passionate but also he would get so overwhelmed he would be just shaking in normal conversation. Felt like with that and the 8th house synastry and my venus conjunct his pluto there was no was to turn the heat down and be normal with each other. Like we knew it would be short term but he was like talking about the future then I was overthinking the future and then it was over and idk that’s too much imo lol, lil dramatic just to be over in a snap. (Local Capricorn moon doesn’t get what all the fuss is about lol)
-Plus you can have all the positive synastry in the world, it really depends on timing and effort and individual choices and joint communication to work on your relationship, it’s an effort game
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mrs-weasley-reid · 1 year
Cases and Candies
A/N: This is my first time posting here so bear with me lol
Summary: bau!y/n started a tradition of giving the BAU team candies every time they return home from a case. Only this time, Y/N was on sick leave.
— ★ — ★— ★★★
“Great job, everyone. Have the rest of the week off. You all deserve it.” Hotch announced and walked up the few steps to his office.
The rest of the team was now at their respective desks, working through paperwork to pass their last two hours on the clock.
As soon as Hotch’s office shut, Emily, Spencer, and Derek’s hands flew up in the air, palms facing the ceiling as they waited for a small object to graze on their skin.
JJ entered the room with manila folders clutched to her chest, almost choking with laughter at the sight she walked in on. “I assume none of you are waiting for more paperwork?” She said, earning the three agents’ attention to lift from their desks, realizing the subconscious act they just did.
You started a tradition of giving the BAU team a piece of candy as soon as Hotch closed his door.
It would start with Derek, as your desk was next to him. Then, to Spencer, whose desk was across yours. You would move to Emily, then venture up the small flight of stairs to knock on Hotch’s door and leave a piece of candy on his desk without saying anything. You always gave Rossi’s treat last, at least between the people on the main floor, because you wanted to ensure that he didn’t grab two like he did the third time you offered him a piece. Nonetheless, you would give him his favorite flavor to make up for only giving him one candy. And then, you would skip to Penelope’s bat cave with a customized treat. Ribbons tied at the ends of the candy wrapper. Lastly, you would meet JJ on her way to the bullpen with a strawberry-flavored candy in your hand.
Two doors abruptly opened, and JJ immediately spoke, “Y/N was not with us this week, remember? She’s on sick leave. You two have to calm down.”
Aaron’s face shifted a little but was still stern all the same. On the other hand, Rossi tilted his head to indicate a front that he knew already, failing miserably.
JJ shook her head and went straight to Derek’s desk, dialing your number and setting it on speaker.
The ringing stopped as soon as you picked up the call, “Y/L/N speaking.” Your cough echoed in the bullpen, but you were far too busy fighting for your life to feel embarrassed over your office, hearing you heave for air.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s JJ. Are you busy?” Her voice was soft and gentle, and even if you were busy, you would’ve stopped everything you were doing.
A bright laugh rumbled from your end, “If watching ‘A Bug’s Life’ for the fifteenth time is considered busy, then I guess I am.” Your movements muffled the speaker a little bit but they heard you clear enough.
JJ smiled at that. As the person you mainly confided with, you didn’t hesitate to ask her to bring you the DVD copy of the movie as soon as she offered to visit you before they flew out for the case. “I just wanted to ask if you have any treats for your puppies here. They were all waiting patiently, and I’ll let you know they did a great job at the case.” JJ chuckled, earning multiple eye rolls from Emily and Derek.
“Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention that I left a set of treats in my drawer. One for each.” You emphasized your last words, knowing how greedy your teammates could sometimes get.
It has happened before. There was one time when Spencer argued, backed with statistics, that he did such a great job helping find the unsub that he deserved at least three chewy candies. Not to mention that they all created a formal petition, signed by everyone (even Hotch with a special mention of his Unit Chief position), to give five candies to the agent that finds and arrests the unsub.
There was a wave of cheering in the bullpen. 
“Now, that’s what I’m talking about!” Emily approvingly nodded.
Derek snorted, “Thanks, sweet mama.”
Spencer went on with his usual random fact, “Sweets as a reward is actually ill advised because studies show that it leads to obesity.”
“Does that mean I can take your piece?” JJ raised a brow at Spencer.
“I just said it’s ill advised. I didn’t say I don’t want one.” Spencer walked to your desk and ignored Derek’s teasing grin.
Aaron let go of the railing, clearing his throat. “Just bring it to my office.” He said and went back to his office.
Rossi didn’t waste time, walking down with an unusual speed that he doesn’t use even during a case. “I want the grape one!” He announced.
The glass door swung open, revealing Penelope with her bright-colored pen. “Hey! No fair! No one told me the treats are out.” She rushed to the group and playfully shoved Derek out of her way.
You couldn’t help but smile through the phone as you listened to the commotion from the other end of the line. And you promised yourself never to miss a case ever again.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Imagine with a Reader who literally have many dogs like their house is literally full of dogs and puppy??imagine Chuuya decide to visit his s/o then he saw many dogs
anon you are an absolute genius
The Man and the Puppies
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: Chuuya is a dog lover and you're a dog owner, and he finally gets to meet all of your puppies.
♡ wc: 838
♡ cw: Dogs (duh lol), swearing, Chuuya and reader are in an established relationship.
note: I HAD TO DO THIS OKAY?? CHUUYA IS THE ONLY DOG PERSON IN THIS SHOW. I have two puppies and I think he would love them and treat them super well :') As always apologies for errors and please enjoy!
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"Holy shit..."
You were half-expecting such a reaction from your boyfriend, but the sheer amount of joy and wonder in his eyes drew a smile out of you. For a while now, you'd impatiently been awaiting the day where you would introduce Chuuya to your dogs (of which there were...many), knowing how he had such a sweet soft spot for the animal. The often suave and collected Chuuya had been excited like a child on the way to your place, asking about breeds, names, ages and just about every other detail you could provide. It was truly adorable how eager he was to meet your puppies.
Chuuya stepped into your home, so enamoured with your pets that he almost forgot to close the door. You knelt down to give pats and attention to the dogs that ran up to you in excitement to hop on you and lick your face. Your partner blithely observed as you interacted with your beloved pets, until he noticed a petite white Maltese leave the small crowd before you and approach him, staring up at him curiously.
"Hey there, tiny," Chuuya knelt down and locked eyes with the puppy. "How're you?" The dog leaped up and pawed at his chest, and Chuuya scooped her up in his arms before seating himself on the floor. She wasted no time in befriending him- that is to say, licking his face.
"I guess she likes you," You smiled. "She doesn't usually behave so friendly around new people."
"Is that right?" he asked, grinning down at her. "She's a beauty, for sure."
"She's one of the younger ones," you explained. Another one of your dogs, a brown and white bulldog, wandered up to you and took a seat next to you. You reached over and rubbed his head. "Hey, buddy! This is Chuuya! Say hi!" Obviously, he didn't say anything, but he did cast his large black eyes towards the redhead holding his sister.
"What's he like?" Chuuya asked, watching the bulldog.
"He's just a lazy little guy," you grinned affectionately at the dog. "He loves to have his tummy rubbed, don'tcha, fella?" As if he knew what was coming next, the bulldog slowly rolled over onto his back, to be met with a barrage of scratches to his stomach. He stretched out his small arms as you did so. Chuuya watched with a peaceful smile on his face.
"Do you all want tummy rubs?" You continued, reaching out to scratch another one of your dogs' stomachs. "Come on, all of you!"
"You're so cute with your dogs, hon," Chuuya beamed. "I'm almost jealous."
"Don't worry, Chuu, you're still my favourite," you turned back to him jokingly. "Now that you've met my puppies, though, you're obliged to help me take care of them and give them your attention, too."
"Alright, then. What's that entail?"
"Well, you're their daddy now. You need to help me feed them, clean up their shit, and play with them and give them little kisses on their tiny heads."
"That's fine..." he replied, still admiring you in your sea of dogs. It almost appeared as if they were your children, in a way. Chuuya wondered how it would be if the two of you did have a kid, but quickly brushed off the thought. "I'm not gonna be around all the time though."
"Just move in with me," you shrugged. "It's not that hard."
"No, you move in with me. My place is bigger. It'll fit all the dogs." Chuuya had just been going with the flow of the conversation, so he didn't actually realise the implication of what he'd said until you glanced at him, your expression sincere.
"...you want me to move into your place?" You asked, softly. "...and the dogs too? Like, you're actually willing to help me take care of them? I was only kidding when I said you were obliged to help me-"
"Y/N," he interrupted, firmly. "First of all, I fuckin' love dogs." You chuckled. "More importantly, I fuckin' love you. I'd be so happy if you moved in with me, and if you bought your dogs along. It'd be great to come home to see you and them every day. It'd be like..." Chuuya glanced down at the Maltese in his arms and traced a finger over her head, "...kinda like having a little family of my own. But that's only if you wanna move in with me, I mean."
"...Chuuya..." You reached out and took his gloved hand in your own, a genuine smile across your face. "You sappy bastard, of course I wanna move in with you."
Chuuya let out a small laugh. "And the dogs?"
"Yeah, I guess I'll bring them too," you huffed, ironically. He laughed once more, before leaning over to press his lips to your cheek.
"Love you, babe."
"I love you too, Chuuya." you sighed. The puppy in Chuuya's arms suddenly yapped, catching the attention of the both of you. "Hey, she says 'I love you', too!"
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Well that got mushier than I thought it would! Shout out to my dogs I love them with all my heart 🌸 they actually helped me write this they were my beta readers
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robinbuckleysfringe · 3 months
you are in love.
tom blyth social media au
pairings: tom blyth x reader
warnings: accused cheating
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
*yninstagram has posted*
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liked by tomblyth, joshandresrivera, rachelzegler, jacobelordi and others
yninstagram get you someone who ties your laces for you 🥰😘
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user y/n babes, that doesn't look like Jacob
↪️ user I'm pretty sure they broke up
↪️ user they never confirmed that tho
tomblyth happy to be of service 🫡🫡
↪️ yninstagram 🫡🫡
↪️ user is this tom confirming that he's the guy in the first pic???
↪️ user seems like it
rachelzegler cuties 😍😍
↪️ yninstagram ❤️
user this post defo isn't about Jacob
↪️ user he's liked it tho??
↪️ user he's liked her last few posts, doesn't prove anything
↪️ user he's not been commenting like he used to tho. + he was photographed with that girl
user not y/n openly cheating on Jacob
↪️ user and with her costar too, smh
↪️ user didn't he cheat first???
↪️ user not necessarily. they were only pictured holding hands. Y/N is posting herself being very cuddly with Tom when she's in a relationship. it's very different.
↪️ user I know in Tom's post they liked a comment about how they're just friends, but this now feels like there might be something more between them
↪️ user Tom's comment seems to confirm that this post is about him
↪️ user seems that way since if it was about Jacob, Y/N would've tagged him
*comments on this post have been limited*
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y/nupdates y/n confirms that she has infact split with Jacob Elordi, during an interview promoting her new show, The Artful Dodger
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y/nupdates she said that their split was mutual, "We're still very much friends, so we'll still hang out together occasionally."
↪️ y/nupdates when asked about the cheating rumours y/n said, "no one cheated on anyone, I know there was speculation about it. we broke up back in December actually."
↪️ y/nupdates "we still care about each other deeply. I really do love Jacob, and vice versa. We just decided that we're better of just being friends."
↪️ y/nupdates the rest of the interview is linked in our bio
user wait?? so they actually broke up??? no way
user can't believe mum and dad broke up 😭😭😭
user so happy that the cheating rumours were false. I knew they wouldn't do that to each other
user I'm so sad but it seems like they're still happy which is what matters
↪️ user this!!! ^^^
↪️ user for real!!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged tomblyth
liked by tomblyth, zendaya, rachelzegler, hunterschafer and others
yninstagram happy birthday pretty boy, thanks for existing ❤️😘
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tomblyth thank you, lovely ❤️
↪️ yninstagram ❤️
↪️ user "lovely" and the heart emoji- I can't 🥺🥺🥺🥺
rachelzegler happy birthday tom!!! xx
↪️ tomblyth thanks rach xx
user omg the caption
↪️ user she's so real for that
user "pretty boy" STOP
user the 2nd pic omg 🥺🥺
user cuties for real
user petition for y/n to post more bts pics from tbosas cause that pic of Tom is so cute
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged samohtsangster & theartfuldodger
liked by tomblyth, rachelzegler, tomholland2013, florencepugh and others
yninstagram today's the day, the artful dodger drops worldwide on disney+. absolute dream team to work with 🥰💜
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tomblyth super proud of you!! can't wait to watch ❤️
↪️ yninstagram love you ❤️
rachelzegler cannot believe you're in a show with thomas brodie sangster!! jealous!!
↪️ yninstagram babes, I'm still in shock myself
samohtsangster it was a delight to work with you xx
↪️ yninstagram you too, you absolute legend!! here's hoping for a season 2!! xx
jacobelordi you've been a busy bee 🐝. congrats on the new show ❤️
↪️ yninstagram been so busy I could sleep for the rest of the year lol 🐝❤️
user Jacob's commenting on her posts again?? so happy they can be friends publicly again, the world is healing!!
user omg, super excited for this!!
user omg is that newt from the maze runner???
user need season 2 so bad!!!
↪️ user same omg!!
user season 2, when???
↪️ yninstagram for real @/theartfuldodger !!!
user if we don't get a second season I'll be sueing disney
↪️ user seconded!!!
↪️ yninstagram I'll be sueing with you, dw
part 3 is finally here!! sorry it took so long to post, I got hit with a bad case of writers block.
once again, any feedback is welcome, just keep it friendly.
feel free to send me any requests and I'll do my best to write them 🩷
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zaynesbeloved · 1 year
I'm actually writing a full fic of it so might take awhile (and it's basically just prn lol)
but here, have this crumbs ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ (didn't mean to write that long tbh..)
warning¡ : NSFW CONTENT AHEAD! fingering+squirting with mean scara (dilf!scara x fem!reader)
!MDNI! read at your own risk!
you could say you're pretty small for your age.
many would mistake you as a highschooler because of your petite figure.
when you meet scara for the first time, he also mistake you for young girls when you pick up his wallet and return it to him one morning.
"um, s-sir? you dropped your wallet.." your voice was really quiet that scaramouche almost miss it if it weren't for the tap on his shoulder
"ah, thanks. you should go now or you might be late for school miss." scaramouche says calmly as he took his wallet from the younger girl
"eh..? school?" you tilt your head in confusion, trying to process what he say. when you finally realized what he meant you could feel an irk mark on your forehead as you pout and point at him,
"i-im not a highschooler! my working place is just ahead there.." you mumble angrily, tired of people always mistaking your age because of your figure
and man, scaramouche thought it was cute how you got angry like a child.
in the end, he offer you to have lunch together as apologize for judging your age from your figure.
that's also how he got you under him after a week, a whimpering mess with his fingers scissoring your throbbing cunt and you kept moaning with every thrust of his fingers.
"a-ah! s-scaramouche.. that feels good mhn!" you manage to let out few words in between your moans. scaramouche look so big on top of you and you feel so small under his gaze.
scaramouche chuckle darkly at this before adding another finger into your cunt and start to pump his fingers faster making you moan louder as well
"hm, maybe you should call me daddy instead, what do you think darling?" scara smirk as his sharp gaze was on your eyes. he slow down the movement of his fingers, earning a whine from you.
"n-noo ah-" you cried out when scaramouche stop his movement completely, fingers stay stilled inside your cunt as your hips buck helplessly, trying to get friction from his fingers.
seeing this, scaramouche hold your hips with his other hand, stopping your movements.
"do you perhaps wanna be a bad girl and get punished? don't you wanna be a good girl for daddy?" scaramouche raised an eyebrow. god he was having too much fun with this, he really loves how your cunt clenched on his fingers, he knew you were close that's why, teasing you would be fun.
"i-i'm sorry daddy! 'wanna be good girl for daddy p-please? want daddy to make me cum, please daddy!" you beg to him. he really has you on his mercy, you were close and wanted nothing but just to cum on his fingers so he could finally fuck you with his cock. though you knew just from the bulge on his pants, you could tell that his cock was really big, especially for your body. it might won't fit at all but, you just want him to fuck your brains out.
"I know you can do more sweetie, come on~" there was him, being so mean.. but he knows how to pleasure you so well that you always forgive him for being so mean to you
"p-please daddy? want to cum on your fingers, want you to fuck me stupid daddy!" you finally shout in the end, making scaramouche chuckle,
"that's my good girl." you feel your heartbeat fasten at the nickname as your flutter around his fingers. scaramouche start to thrust his fingers in a inhumane speed. you could only moan and moan at this as your hips quirver from the intense pleasure. you could feel the knot in your stomach was something you're not familiar with. you wanna tell scara but the only things that you could let out was moan which positively getting louder every second.
"you're close right? now be a good girl and cum for daddy." scaramouche whisper into your ear. you immediately came undone with his words as you let out a loud wail, cumming around his fingers. what you both didn't expect was the fact you also squirting around his fingers.
scaramouche laugh out loud when he see how much your squirt wet the bed as he help riding you off. your eyes was teary as your tongue lolled out, drool dripping from your chin. your chest was rising up and down as your hips twitch against his grip. scaramouche pull his fingers out of your cunt and stare at the glistening digits of his before licking it, for you to see.
you only stare at him licking your juices off his fingers in daze and pant as he let his other hand caress your shaking thighs, trying to calm you down from your high.
"that was hot, you really want to be a good girl for me huh.." scaramouche chuckle as he look at your already fucked out face. he pull his pants down, revealing his big cock to you. he then throw his pants somewhere in the room before also pulling his shirt off, you could feel yourself drooling even more at the sight of his hard cock, standing up proud accompany by his toned chest. he guide his cock towards the entrance of your cunt, which was still twitching from your previous orgasm. scaramouche could feel himself laughing internally at the size difference,
"since you've been such a good girl, I'll give you a reward that you definitely deserve."
god, you're so small and fragile compare to him and he may loving it way too much.
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blues824 · 11 months
Hello, hello! Could I request Michael Afton with a super strong yet petite female dhampir reader?
Had to look up what a dhampir was lol.
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Michael Afton
You were technically a teenage-hood friend, because he and his friend group when they were younger went to explore a seemingly abandoned mansion. He thought his friends were playing pranks on him because he kept hearing voices: a girl and an older man. Someone in the group suggested that they split up and use their walkie-talkies, so he was eventually separated from everyone else.
He was exploring one of the many corridors, and he saw something like a white nightgown passing around the corner. 
“Hello?” He asked, but he received no response. He followed the figure, but no one was there. He could have sworn someone was there, but he shrugged and turned around, only to be met with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He noticed that she had fangs protruding from her lips, and then he realized what she was… he was about to scream when you pushed him to the wall and used your hand to cover his mouth.
“SHH! You can’t scream. When I let go, you are going to take some deep breaths, okay?” He nodded his head, and you slowly but gently took your hand away.
“Who… Who are you?”
“My name is Y/N. Why are you all in our mansion?”
“We th-thought it was abandoned, and we wanted to explore it.” At that moment, one of his friends buzzed in on the walkie-talkie, and you looked at the device in surprise. Michael noticed this, and he asked if you knew what it was. You shook your head, taking it from his hand and looking it over.
“It’s called a walkie-talkie. As long as my friends are within a certain distance, we can communicate with each other.”
Your moment of wonder was cut short when you heard shoes clacking against the floor, and you shoved him into a nearby room. He was surprised by the sheer strength you had, but you let out a shhh before closing the door in front of you. Michael listened in on what was going on outside of the room.
“Y/N, I saw that there were intruders within the house. Go to your room and allow me to deal with them.”
“But Papa-”
“Y/N. Go to your room… now.”
“...Yes, Papa.”
Then the sound of shoes, the teenager did not know whose, started fading down the hall. After a few moments of silence, the door was opened slowly, and you peaked your head in, calling for him with a ‘hey, it’s safe!’
Quietly, he made his way to you, and you told him that he needed to get his friends and leave before your father would kill them. He asked why he would do such a thing, and you said that there was no time to explain and that he needed to leave now. Michael nodded, and he used his walkie-talkie to round his friends up to the foyer so they could exit.
Luckily, they made it out, and as Michael looked back, he saw a brief glimpse of you in one of the many windows.
Years later, he finds himself once again exploring the mansion. He told all of his friends about the girl that he found in there, but none of them believed him. At first glance, he couldn’t see you in the window, which made him doubtful and that he truly had imagined it all.
Upon entering, there was a lot more dust and cobwebs all over the place, but everything still looked the same. The only difference was that there was some old, classical music sounding from somewhere, and so he decided to follow it. The wooden floors creaked with each step he took, and he cringed at each loud echo. After all, the girl’s father might still reside here.
When he got to the source of the music, he got to a door that seemed relatively new… or at least kept clean because the others he had passed had rotted. He leaned his ear against the wood, and he heard a voice humming to the tune that was playing. It sounded like honey, and he gently opened the door.
“Who is it?!” A woman exclaimed, in surprise and fear. Michael opened the door entirely to reveal the woman, wearing a dress straight from the 19th century. You both looked at each other in utter surprise.
“It’s you…” you both said at the same time, and you rushed in to give him a really tight hug. He felt his back pop, but he wrapped his arms around you as well. Your strength still managed to surprise him, but at least his back felt a bit better and less tensed up. After a few moments, you held his face in your hands and they were colder than the air within the mansion.
“I knew you were real!” He exclaimed, much like a young boy rather than an adult man.
“I’ve been hoping you would come back for me, but I was losing hope after a decade.” You said, your face donning a sad smile. You started to bring your arms back to your sides, but he didn’t let you and just held them.
“I’m sorry for not coming sooner. So much has happened, and I was afraid you would think less of me, and…” 
“I don’t even know your name, and I haven’t told you mine.” You stated in realization.
“You’re Y/N. I heard your… father?... say it outside the door of the room you shoved me into.”
At that, you let out a sad sigh as you remembered your Papa. He was gone now, as you tried to escape and ran into the sun. Being a dhampir rather than a vampire, you were only sensitive to the sun. It gave you such a headache, and it dampened your abilities. However, your father ran after you, and he was dissolved.
He would tell you about your mother, and how you reminded him of her. You knew that it wasn’t just love that he held for her, but also an obsession. Much like the man standing in front of you, a woman many moons ago stumbled upon the mansion with a bunch of her friends and caught your father’s attention. Skip a meeting, a marriage, and a bedding later, you were here in a very similar situation.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about him anymore. Now, tell me your name.”
“Michael. Michael Afton.”
“Michael…” You said in thought. The sound of his name on your lips was absolutely heavenly, and he would give an arm and a leg just to hear it again. “Lovely to make your acquaintance.” You curtsied, reminding him of a princess.
“Lovely to make your acquaintance, Y/N.” He bowed, reminding you of a prince.
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Shout to D.M ehehe ❛ now, i'll ask again, are you going to be good for me? ❜ xoxox
I am very weak to french (sorry i googled all the words used here) and this skin is literally french Moriarty lol
Rated Mature | Warning: use of drugs (truth serum like)
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You are out of breath, hands gripping an iron pick from the fireplace, and the room is partly destroyed from your fit of rage. Rightfully, “Don't!” As Tuberose attempts to get the weapon out of your hand.
No one blames the reaction you are currently having, the drug is known to cause hallucinations and it seems paranoia is part of it.
“Mon petit gâteau,” The man sitting in the chair in front of you, the one who gave you this drug (slipped into the tea you drank), calls to you, causing you to turn towards him, “Give him the poker.” A command, “You are going to hurt yourself.”
“Shut up!” You are absolutely terrified right now, “Let me out right now!” You need to get out, the walls are closing, and ringing in your head is killing you. “I need to find… Find.”
“Find who, mon amour?” A raised eyebrow as the mastermind leans forward, “Tell me and we will find him together.” How disappointing, he had hoped to trust you.
“My father,” Swinging wildly the second the other man gets closer, “He will hear about this!” You are so tired and scared.
“Mélodis.” But both men knew that given you knew the drink was lace yet you still took it. A show of faith and your willingness to bear a test for your fiance. Though this side effect is rare, poor you. Tuberose is worried, his voice says it all.
“I want to go home!” Falling on your knees in the corner beside the fireplace, curling up while holding close your only means of defense.
It does hurt his calculating heart to his little love in such a state but he must be sure, seems you are clueless about the battle between him and his rival.
Getting up and singling Tuberose to leave, D.M. kneels in front of you, “Just us, little love.” You tremble like a scared pup, “Sh, sh, come here.” And you do, the poker drops to the floor and you throw yourself into his arms. The man holds you, squeezing you close, as you sob into his chest. The whimpers of fear and constant begging to go home.
Perhaps the dosage was too strong.
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Désire Mélodis is not a jealous man, he is quite secure in his place in this arrangement between your family and him. A mutual agreement that he only is using to his advantage, yet he had not expected to be charmed by you. There is nothing special about you, nothing mystical or fantastic, you are plain compared to a man like him and those around him. Yet, maybe it is the plainness that draws him close to you.
Boring can be nice at times.
You like him too though it took a while to get you to this point of actually being around him. An introvert who would rather be at home playing some matter of game with their siblings or reading a book. The first part of the courting was him having you get out of the house.
“I would rather watch paint dry, goodbye. You told him at the door before closing it on him. The lord is not one to chase but in this case, he chased.
“You have tickets!?” He found your weakness for musicals. You hid behind that door then opened it a little more. “I want to be home immediately after!”
What a shy thing you are, or maybe you prefer your isolation? Either way, he felt no need to be jealous or worried about you leaving him.
Yet, when the new maid reported about you crossing with the female detective… He felt strange. D.M. is not one to easily trust, yet with you he found himself at ease. As if you spellbound his heart. He let the first meeting be a coincidence. There was no sign of betrayal, you returned to him telling him about your walk including the part about meeting a detective.
The second meeting he was not happy. He was with you when greeted the blind one, Seer, at a party. You were chatting with the man while fetching your father. 
The third had him snatching you away while you were too oblivious to know what was going on. It in that moment of seeing smile at Mr. Interference that drove him to an edge he never felt towards someone.
Seeing you now sleeping in his arms after being drugged along with having a bad reaction to the effects, the mastermind's heart feels less of a vice of assuming betrayal from you.
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“Mon petit gâteau.” His cupcake. The nickname came from how you always ask him to go to this one particular bakery and buy a cupcake with him. You always tell him you will buy but he never lets you. Your favorite he knows by memory. Your cheeks are so cute when you stuff the whole cupcake in your mouth.
You refused to look at him, turning your body to lay on your side with your back to him, still very upset. You do not remember what happened yesterday nor are you home where you can hide in peace. The maids changed your clothes and were there when your fever broke. You have been in your fiance's care for a day.
“I am deeply sorry, my heart.” He stands beside the bed.
“I wish you would trust me.”
He knows.
You dare not return the kiss he places on your cheek, “Rest.”
When he leaves, as the footsteps drift away, you cry.
Being with Désire is… Trying. You love him! You really do love him, yet he feels distant at times. This arrangement is one to keep you safe and help him grow further in his social and financial status. You do not mind, it is just the way things work plus he is gentle and understanding of your needs. He is very social while you are not. You sit up on the bed, wiping your tears away, it hurts when you realize how much fallen for him.
The man is strange, like a Moriarty, and you entertain it thinking nothing of it. That is why you drank the laced tea, you trusted him to trust you… And a part of you hoped he was bluffing.
The fever was your body fighting the drug out of your system. When you woke up, he was there asleep holding your hand. He looked like a mess. In that moment you fear your heart fluttering like a newly born butterfly in the spring.
He never says those three words you easily say to him every day. Hell, he adores teasing you worse with his masked friend around who joins in. Though he does not say it, his actions however have shown he loves you, maybe?
God, you are so confused right now.
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D.M. is very charming, he knows all the right words and actions to get back in your good graces. It is a practiced song and dance, one that would have worked but he does not realize you aren’t falling for it. In fact, when has you over for the usual amount of time, you made it very clear you will only speak to Turbrose and not him.
“Hmm, this tea is very talkative today.”
As much as the other man loves drama and seeing it, he knows better than to sit around and watch the second Désire sets his foot on the ground rather than keeping them crossed, his cup of tea back on the small dish, in graceful motion he stands. “Friponne,” Oh, you take a small deep breath in and out quickly as he circles you until his behind you. Now that you both are alone, the one thing you have been very good at avoiding all day, you know there is no escaping. Your teacup is gently taken out of your hand and placed on the silver tray. The study suddenly feels dreadfully hot, the fabric of his gloved hands caresses the exposed shoulder of your attire. Wore knowing how much he likes seeing any flash of skin your clothing exposes.
“Are you going to be good for me?” The purr of his voice beside your ear as he leans down.
“The wind is nosy too.” Turning away, “Or a fly is being bothersome.” Rolling your eyes until his hand grips your throat making you tilt your head back. He has teased you physically before, he loves how tightly wound up you get from intimate touches. You grip the armrests of the chair as he kisses behind your ear down your neck to your shoulder, your lips pressed together to stop the moan when he easily finds a sensitive spot. 
“Sir,” As he tugs down the front of your attire making it very clear what he intends to do right now. “We can’t.” That would be shameless to bed the person you are not married to! The scandal!
 Your body is hot, and when he moves away you think you have a second to gather yourself from his teasing but this is not a tease. He grabs your hand and pulls you into his arms, his kisses dominating and you are too inexperienced to match his skill leaving you completely ensnared.
“Now, I'll ask again, are you going to be good for me?” Asked once more.
You nod not realizing until he chuckles.
“Words, my little love.”
“Yes. I will be good.”
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mx-myth · 4 months
So here's the mlc pacific rim au finally (told in bullets because that's usually how I do things when I'm not frantically typing and instead frantically writing on sticky notes)
(Titled "mlc pacific rim aka drift au" funnily enough)
Lxy and dfs who were rivals during Jaeger training
By the end they learn they're extremely drift-compatible but due to a freak event where they have to emergency-pilot a Jaeger lxy gets an injury that makes him permanently unable to pilot forever
Dfs also gets injured badly but not as severely and does recover after a few years
But no one for the next several years is drift-compatible with him so he just. Stays at the dome
He's a stellar pilot (aced all of his training) but everyone knows him as the man who is rapidly leaving his prime piloting age (which I'm somewhat making up. Think of it like how athletes have a "prime" age)
Lxy becomes a pilot trainer at the dome and he and dfs do become friends eventually but the bitterness of what they could have been always tinges their relationship
But a few to several years later fdb shows up for Jaeger pilot training. He's very good, though his file is all about how sickly he was as a child (lxy likes him and thinks he's quite promising - "He reminds me of us, feisheng")
They do a preliminary drift-compatibility test in the class at one point and it turns out fdb is compatible with exactly no one in the class. Lxy observes how much it depresses him and how he throws himself into his training as a result of it (lxy: "he reminds me of you, feisheng") (dfs, who at this point still hasn't seen fdb yet: "fuck off")
(Little do they know that the reason fdb wants to be a Jaeger pilot so badly is because he saw the Jaeger Lotus Tower save his home city live on TV when he was in the hospital. Something something lxy and dfs gave him a reason to live)
Dfs assists lxy in one of his classes because he's curious about this boy lxy talks about sometimes (he complains about all of his students but when referring to fdb he always ends up praising him a little, which dfs notices) and
Dfs, literally vibrating: xiangyi. I'm going to fight him
Lxy, who has also wanted to do that since forever: lol just don't kill him and stay in the sparring ring
(It is a beautiful match. Dfs hasn't felt this alive since he was in the drift with lxy. Fdb hasn't felt this alive since he saw Lotus Tower on TV)
(Not that he knew that it was dfs and lxy who saved him. Not that he knows that now)
Lxy notices how they seem to click and Meddles(TM)
(He's resigned himself to a future devoid of the passion and youth of his past. But he won't let dfs rot away too)
So the next time his class test drift-compatibility he drags along dfs
Dfs digs his heels in and is like. Xiangyi. Why am I here. These are Kids.
Lxy: "you'll see. Fang duobing, come here"
Basically he whips out a stack of paperwork and launches into a spiel of how he petitioned the higher-ups for an opportunity for dfs and fdb to test their drift-compatibility as he shoves them into the testing unit)
(It is, perhaps, the moment when fdb begins to look at lxy like he hung the moon)
(It is, perhaps, the moment when dfs finally sees a bit of the old lxy return)
Fdb and dfs turn out to be just as drift-compatible as lxy and dfs once were (and still are.)
They begin training together. Dfs feels alive again. Fdb feels like he's finally living properly
Lxy has another one of his Hunches(TM)
When they complete partner training and are now certified co-pilots he smugly presents them with a repaired Lotus Tower (who has basically when sitting in what amounts to the Jaeger garage for years). Dfs has the hugest smile on his face ever. Fdb cries
(This is mildly alarming for the two of them. Lxy and dfs have no idea how he loved (loves) the Lotus Tower and loved (loves) them as the ones who gave him a reason to continue living)
(Fdb tells them how the Lotus Tower and her only pilots saved his life. Dfs and lxy are stunned)
(Yes, Lotus Tower was built for them. They were her only pilots. They had no idea that the only time they had ever piloted - the only city they had ever saved from destruction by kaiju - would have such a huge impact on anyone, much less that they would ever meet anyone they had saved)
Lxy: "duobing..."
Dfs: "xiangyi." (What he doesn't say: tell him.)
They tell him. Fdb cries even more. He hugs then. Maybe he even kisses them. (He loves them. He loves them so much. He loves them as the pilots of Lotus Tower who saved his life. He loves them as his new co-pilot and his instructor. To find that they're one and the same - is it not fate?) (He can't believe that he'll be Lotus Tower's third pilot; this must be a dream. He loves her too)
(By the way. Huli Jing is lxy's dog. They go everywhere together. She is Constantly Underfoot Being Adorable. Fdb brings her treats during his classes)
Extra stuff I'm making up RIGHT NOW
Lxy and dfs held onto their drift as long as they could. As a result it never completely fizzled out (does the drift ever leave, after all? Do you ever lose that kind of connection?). Once they both recovered fully from their injuries they drifted properly in the testing units at every chance they got (it was a trapping of co-dependency) (it was also the sort of thing to get lxy barred from any promotions and permanently confine him to be an instructor) (Not that he ever wanted to move up. Not that he ever even cared). By the time fdb comes around they're only stealing drifts a couple times a year
Lxy and fdb are also just as strongly as drift-compatible. They're able to very tangentially feel each other through dfs. Dfs gets tired of seeing fdb wince when lxy stubs his toe (often)/lxy grab his water when fdb burns his tongue eating too fast and shoves them both in a testing unit. Lo and behold.
(All this results in is that they start playing video games that use technology that essentially is just a baby drift. They play a mystery/crime thriller story game set in historical China and fdb and lxy get really competitive over who can solve the cases first. Dfs just wanders about enjoying the graphics and occasionally being the Owner of the Braincell and less often acting as the cannon they point at npcs because he chose the warrior-type character with a bad reputation) (Yes it's mlc as a game)
Dfs and lxy shared a cabin as co-pilots but now live separately in two of the permanent suite residences in the dome. Fdb gets one on a technicality of "Well your co-pilot is refusing to give up the nice cushy lodging we gave him"/"Oh your mom is actually rich from inventing and patenting a bunch of the technology we use you can have a suite too" (that's how lxy and fdb find out fdb is kind of a rich boy) (but he spends more time in lxy's rooms or dfs' anyway)
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Hi! Can you do a The grabber x reader, that the reader is a gremlin. (Aka, sneaking out of the basement at 3am to get snacks, and is just crazy, lol)
i can see this happening later in you and the grabbers time of knowing eachother, once you and him establish some type of bond ( maybe trusting, maybe he gets to know you more, etc. ) he wouldn't put it past you :) going into a but if a more non-canon direction in some parts, so take it w a grain of salt 💪
as usual, requests, messages, n reblogs r a great way to communicate w me!! thank you sm for the request <3
This is The Grabber x Gn Reader!
Warnings: Stockholm syndrome effected reader, The Grabber, Manipulation, The belt
The banging of the winds on your petite window kept you up, you've been growing restless over the day since you could never keep still, and being locked in a stingy basement only fueled your need to move. Besides the evening check in, he hadn't stopped by at all today, and the more you thought of it, he hadn't really given you anything to eat. So you came to the conclusion that it wouldn't hurt to take a quick trip upstairs, you and him had spent, what, atleast months together now? You'd seen him for what he really is, not what the public saw him as. He'd shown you all his masks, and you'd shown him all there was to show about yourself, so you thought, fair is far.
The stairs creaked under your nimble steps. You did try to be quiet about this, after all, you didn't want to bother him, just a quick snack, a harmless bite. You slowly approached the wooden door, and with a tap, it opened, making a painful noise as you pushed it further. Putting one foot in the door frame, you stepped up, and the sight you saw shocked you, or at least surprised you the tiniest bit. The man you'd spent all your time with, sat silently asleep on a chair, directly facing the door, a belt in one hand, and the other left comfortably open.
You raised your eyebrows at the show, but didn't care enough to take a second thought, after all it was late, and both of you had obviously had long days. You kept onward, treading even lighter to not wake him up, and you finally got a hand on the freezer door. Its metal hand cooled down your hand as you pulled it open, a nice wave of cool icy air hit your face, and among it revealed a delicacy you hadn't had in years. A box of freezie pops stood infront of you, opened, but still good. In an instant, you pulled the first flavor you saw, and shut the freezer door.
You began to tear off the top, before feeling leather swiftly wrap around your neck, holding you back into a silky chest. Hot breath landed on your neck as you tried to comfortably turn your head to look at the person responsible, but of course you already knew who it was, you felt the makeshift mask on you. A grunt came out of him before he spoke,
"My dove, what have I caught you doing?"
He always framed his sentences that way, always making you feel smaller, or that he was in charge. You hesitantly spoke, the belt keeping you in place from moving all too much. A shaky breath came out before speaking,
"Nothing, nothing. I just got hungry, y'know?"
You gave a shaky smile, hoping to not trigger the belt to choke you. You were being honest, so you waved the ice pop to him, showing him you were really just hungry, not trying anything. What came from him was an amused chuckle, leaning his head onto yours, you could tell he was tired, his voice exposed that. His hand clasped your should before letting go of the belt, and he turned you around, moving the free hand to your chin, gazing into your eyes, his hardened eyes stared at you blankly. What you thought was strange, he thought was working, he was looking to see if you were truthful, and thankfully, you were, his months of effort to make you his were out to good use as you had an opportunity to leave him, the life he'd sculpted you, but you didn't, you genuinely just grew hungrier.
"Im sorry, I know I didn't show a lot today, I've just been busy, thats all."
You smiled at him, your eyes reflecting your tired state, nodding, you understood him, he was too a human who had a schedule. You didn't blame him, and he took value in that, you didn't blame him. While he admired your adventurous face & traits, he did wish you did them when he was awake. He took your shoulder and guided you downstairs, both you and him feeling rather exhausted after long nights, but he still felt the urge to make sure you made it down before him. You two made it to the mattress, and he gave you his sweater as a pillow to lie on, but he also sat next to you, hugging your shoulder, whispering nothings to you as you drifted to sleep, and not soon after did he as well.
I really wanted to keep his character in this one and you can see where I tried while keeping the prompt alive, so I hope you liked it!!
Also sorry for the late releases of some requests, busy day today, but my requests are still open, anything you have is welcome :)
have a great day/night <33
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kaykebitez · 4 months
Phaere Vrinn - Tav Character Sheet
The first of my character directories, since I figured it would be helpful for myself to have character sheets for all my Tavs in one place, and what better place than Tumblr lol. This bio will contain SPOILERS for A Sonnet of Spiders and my fanfiction universe, The Dark Minstrel, so if you're following along and don't want all the lore spoiled pls read at your discretion. <3
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Name: Phaere Vrinn (Formerly: Phaere Melarn) Race: (Formerly) Lolth-Sworn Drow (Currently unaffiliated) Class: Bard (College of Lore in Game; More closely aligns with College of Eloquence) Age: 170 Sex: Female Pronouns: She/Her Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral (ish) Orientation: Pansexual Partners: Astarion & Halsin
Height: 4'11" Build: S m o l. Petite and lightly curvy. Skin: Dusty lavender with tons of FRECKLES Eyes: Pink (Volo eye Grey) Hair: Moonlight White with a bit of a teal-ish tint Tattoos: Amethyst purple Starpoint Glimmer Tat Favored Weapon: Hand Crossbow or Orin's Dagger Instrument: Flute or Spider's Lyre Favorite Spell: Shatter, Otto's Irresistible Dance Base Stats (I think) CHA: 17 WIS: 12 DEX: 15 STR: 8 INT: 10 CON: 13
Likes: Music, dancing, pomegranates, sparkly clothes, witty jokes, sweet wines, vanilla cake Dislikes: Drow Bullshit (TM), injustice, boring speeches, krakens, spiders (the irony), being underestimated Personality: Phaere can be a bit of a wildcard, but most of the time she's a charming, charismatic performer with a good heart. However, she can dish it as well as she can take it, so if you come at her with hostility, malice, or snark, expect to get it back tenfold. If you meet her with warmth or friendliness, she will absolutely bend over backwards to befriend you or at very least treat you with kindness in return. She reflexively helps the helpless and defends the defenseless, but gets easily angered by injustice, prejudice, or unfair treatment.
While she holds little love for her drow heritage, Phaere is not above using others' prejudices to get what she wants if it suits her. She can play a convincing, evil drow matriarch, even if the act turns her stomach every time she does it. She does have a bit of a cruel streak for those she deems 'evil' or 'deserving' of punishment, which is how she gets around the cognitive dissonance of (usually) not wanting to hurt anyone if she can help it. She would much rather entertain than kill, but if the situation calls for it... well... she can be incredibly sadistic. Anger is the emotion that gets the best of her most often, and when her well of patience runs dry... watch out. You don't want a tiny, pissed-off drow coming to mock you to death.
In love, Phaere is kind, attentive, and selfless, almost to a fault. She puts her partners' needs above her own and rarely asks for what she wants, but she's getting better about it with Astarion and Halsin's help. Her previous lover taught her how relationships work on the surface, and now with the help of her boys she's putting it into practice. Sensual but with a 'take it or leave it' attitude to sexual intimacy, Phaere is more interested in building connections of the heart rather than of the body. But well, she is very good at the bodily connection part, when the mood strikes. She is a bard, after all.
Phaere was born in Ched Nasad, a drow city in the Underdark in 1322. The seventh daughter of Halisstra Melarn (or so she was told,) Phaere was ignored often as a child. The smallest of her sisters as well, Phaere was often left in the care of her elder brother, Rylbros, the only male of the family. (As Phaere knew him, he was technically her cousin, an illegitimate child of Halisstra's brother, Q'arlynd, but he was raised as her brother and she considered him as such. Little did she know that SHE was also an illegitimate child of Q'arlynd as well, making her and Rylbros full siblings.) Rylbros, a kind, timid boy with an incredible gift for music, became something of a surrogate parental figure for Phaere, providing her with the affection and care that she never received from her mother or sisters growing up.
Halisstra was tutored in the bardic art of bae'qeshel, and passed on the art to her three eldest daughters, despite none of them being very proficient in the musical arts. Meanwhile, Rylbros and Phaere were gifted in music, and practiced their own music in secret unbeknownst to the rest of the family. Q'arlynd, even though he was forbidden from seeing his son for the most part, even arranged for a private tutor to teach Rylbros the violin as a teenager--the very same bardic tutor that Halisstra had learned from.
Of course, Halisstra had the tutor killed after she insinuated that Phaere, even as a toddler banging on a piano, had more musical talent than all of the Melarn women combined.
Rylbros and Phaere, long since disillusioned with drowic society, made plans to escape Ched Nasad and travel to the surface as a bardic duo when Phaere was around 50 years old. However, during the Silence of Lolth in 1372, Ched Nasad was attacked by Duergar mercenaries, sent by the matron mother of House Melarn's rival house, House Zauvirr. The mercenaries were ordered to kill every last Melarn, and Rylbros and Phaere tried to escape the burning wreckage of their home during the attack.
Rylbros was captured, giving Phaere just enough time to run to freedom. Believing Rylbros to be dead, Phaere ran for days into the wilds of the Underdark, collapsing at the edge of Araumycos, a giant fungal structure located between the ruins of Ched Nasad and Menzoberranzan.
There, she stumbled upon a colony of Myconids. Delirious and dehydrated, Phaere played her flute for the Sovereign, unable to do anything else for fear of being killed. Instead, the Sovereign released rapport spores, and taking pity on the young drow, it decided to take Phaere into its colony. She lived with the Myconid colony through several cycles, working as a dedicated bard and tour guide for travelers and as a caretaker for juvenile myconids. It was through this 60-year experience that Phaere unlearned some of her drow teachings, earning a new appreciation for surface races through meeting travelers and building up a connection with nature thanks to her fungal family.
At the encouragement of the third Sovereign, Phaere left the colony at the age of 110, having grown restless and wanting to travel the surface world to spread her music across the land, as she and Rylbros had dreamed of doing in their youth. She wasn't very successful as a bard, however, until she made it to Neverwinter, where she met a 40-something human bard by the name of Robin.
It was love at first sight.
Robin started as a mentor for Phaere, and then as a confidante and friend, teaching her about the intricacies of life on the surface, as well as cultivating her musical talent with other instruments (piano and the lyre, mainly). Robin, with their infinite patience and kindness, opened Phaere's heart to more experiences as the two traveled across Faerun, performing and dazzling audiences in taverns, city squares, and inns alike. Eventually, the two began a romantic relationship, and Phaere stayed with Robin until their dying breaths at the age of 92. The two never married (Robin was not the marrying type) but were faithfully committed for nearly 45 years, even as Robin encouraged Phaere to seek other experiences outside of their relationship.
Phaere never did. She knew she'd have plenty of time for love later in life.
After Robin's death, Phaere traveled alone for 15 years, leaving behind a string of flings and only casual acquaintances, not quite ready to open her heart to friendship or love until the events of BG3. On her way to Baldur's Gate when she was abducted by the Nautiloid, Phaere received a rude awakening in the form of a tadpole, and thus decided fairly quickly (with some bumps along the way) that life was too short and too unpredictable to wallow in loneliness and misery. Robin wouldn't have wanted her to do that.
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Happy Thursday hoes, let’s get to it!
Todays pros: citytv thinks im in TO so I’m getting it started at six!
Cons: no subtitles.
Alright, OG up first.
Love this new detective that’s a fanboy of everyone, makes me miss rollins lol
Pls let it be a female perp. We love a good female perp.
Okay seriously, this very subtle shaky cam is fucking terrible and hurts my head.
The GROAN I let out at the sight of Samantha in her well fitted pants suit sitting there like a fucking badass pissed off look on her face. Ma’am. Please. (yes, she is the only reason I watch this show)
Okay, the pedo may be the only eye witness, but they still have blood on the murderers pants, don’t they? Would that not tie it together enough? Or is it because the eye witness was the one who lead them to him? God I hate the legal system.
I REALLY wish this show would show more of the arguing between Nolan and Sam, like these two do NOT see eye to eye or have the same opinions on basically anything. And while I know major fighting would be called unprofessional, we at least used to see the lawyers get into it, or bantering. There’s so many times that you can tell just by the look of her face that Sam’s pissed, that she doesn’t think highly of him or his decisions on cases, like she hates him. I wanna see that play out on screen LOL
SVU time!
Let’s see if this week is any better than the last ones
Liv back in therapy, we love to see it.
A crumb of EO? Will that keep the crazies at bay? (like, I don’t even ship it but fuck am I sick of it now, the baiting is hella annoying and terrible, make it happen or not, don’t keep leading the actual ship fans on…)
Uhhh… is there not some kind of patient dr confidentiality? Like this bitch could have just lost her job (esp with someone like mcgrath involved… wtf..)
ITS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES ME FERAL. In previous episodes they’ve had situations where shrinks couldn’t testify when they were the ONE witness, and like the entire case went into the trash because of it based off this exact type of situation… where TF is the continuity??
Okay… so she’s a minor so I can see the loophole here, BUT the therapist should have told her parents….
I knew it wasn’t the math tutor…
Ok… so mcgrath threatens to kill the math tutor, but when they’re picking up the son across the street he goes rage on benson?? And the iab captain? Shouldn’t you be attempting to punch the kid or something? God I really hope this ep is his last…
“can you drop that to me?” good thing Bruno’s there cause fin would have ZERO ideas on how to do that…
“until the age of 25 the male brain is about as useful as an electrified meatball” jfc… that wins for best line of the night.
Where the fuck is Velasco? Like.. man deserves his paycheques too..
Okay, mcgrath’s wife needs to shut the fuck up, liv’s trying to help her daughter and she accuses liv of gunning for mcgrath’s job.. jfc..
I was expecting mcgrath to throw hands not pull out his fucking GUN jfc… and like.. that was infront of two cars, that’s gonna be on a dash cam somewhere…
This is one of those one case turns into 4 but there’s only 5 mins left of the episode… cmon…
“I guess I didn’t see it in myself…” THANK YOU I was just gonna bring up the whole half assed back plot of mcgrath being abusive… (which is on par for cops, and ironic that the woman playing his wife was the wife of a cop who abused/raped her in 1.o)
This very much seems like a good bye. Pls let it be a good bye. Petition to bring back Garland!
Okay… im confused, I looked at my phone for 5 seconds and lost track of what was happening. Is the iab captain joining svu, cause that doesn’t work…theyre both captains. Or is she saying she’ll be filling in for mcgrath in the meantime??
Onto OC!
Okay, I am incredibly thankful for carisi on oc, but he’s the *sex crimes* ada.. not the only Manhattan ada, he wouldn’t be prosecuting this case… lol
Me: “wait I thought he was an officer.”
Reyes: “detective?” *side eye*
Me: ah yes, okay he was promoted the writers didn’t forget between weeks.
God this entitled pos teenager… wtf… its not *your* house bitch.
Ah, thank god, here’s the arguing that was missing in OG, not surprised its Elliot. Lol.
Oh god..the bratty teen overheard that didn’t she? Fuck..
God… this girl is gonna blow the entire thing, isn’t she? Like, in todays day and age with all the social media and how teenagers (and some adults) don’t know how to go without it, there’s no way they’d cut contact with everyone and delete socials and keep things quiet.
Aaaaaannd here we go. 5 seconds in and she’s blown their new location. (also WHY would the cops even tell them the location? That seems like something they wouldn’t do until they were halfway there…)
Okay… we’re missing a daughter.. I don’t know if this is supposed to be Maureen or elizabeth but I’m assuming liz as it looks like her kids are twins and she was the twin… Also where’s dickie? (I know the brother said something about someone not being able to get a flight? Im just deaf and without subtitles I couldn’t tell ya what exactly was said lol)
How old is this younger brother supposed to be? The only info online I can find is the actor is 50 which im not sure I believe.
Okay there’s dickie he’s in the background!
These guys KNEW they were in a high risk situation and none of them have a vest anywhere near them? ARE WE DUMB?! IS IT OUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB?
Okay, there’s the other kid.
Maureen and Kathleen giving side eye while sipping their drinks while the tea is being spilt is the highlight of this moment.
This is SOOO awkward for everyone else at the table jfc… ESPECIALLY Eli’s poor girlfriend.. like. Welcome to the family drama, don’t worry we never have to come back…
Why the fuck did jet not grab the other gun?!
Me: unfazed at Elliot body slamming a teenager.
Bell: *casually* “I’m shot”
I knew this other captain was going to be coming more into play, but im pissed its cause bell’s out with a gunshot wound.
Okay well, another week and OC is continuing it’s reign as superior of the three!
Some pics for context/hilarity
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foosybit · 10 months
Mayoi in PriPara Outfits Part 1
this is a suuuuuper long post cuz i did 2 drawings for about 20 outfits????? so here's the best ones so u dont miss anything by not actually going thru them all o7
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but woooo !!! basically i've been on a long journey rewatching pripara very slowly so it's kinda seeping into my brain so i wanted to mess around with what outfits mayoi would go for if he went 2 pripara !! if u want a teal eyed version that also isnt split into parts, heres my pixiv post
last few things to say b4 i start, hello 3 pripara fans on my account, no boypara outfits cuz i didnt grow up with that (the last op i remember is the 6th one and i dont think im anywhere near that yet in my rewatch), honestly i have no clue if there's even proper boypara outfits??? i just know it exists idk anything about it, and if u see placeholders thats cuz i wanna keep the 3 image layout, thats the only reason why lol. and outfit descriptions will go below the art of the outfit. ok time 2 start !!!!!!
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Petit Devi from Holic Trick Classic !! this was the first one I did back on.... Janurary 2nd lol. I have yet to see Mayoi in a bright pink but u know what, my executive decision says he deserves it. hi 3 pripara fans on my account again, i should also say most of these (like this one) will be from the arcade stuff cuz i just picked stuff i liked from the wiki's coord list
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Sexy Girl from Holic Trick cuz Mayoi's the sexiest girl i know !! from now on all the coords will be from Holic Trick (an in-show brand) cuz 2bh w y'all i mostly just browsed Holic Trick for this whole series of drawings cuz im not going thru all those dam coords. although i've done 2 short skirts so far i do think mayoi'd like longer skirts more, but pripara likes short skirts more so so be it o7
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Gothic Check !! the grey shirt and black jacket is kinda giving fs2 4star vibes so this would be the fs2 4star if enstars were cool (wore pripara outfits)
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Modern Coffee Maid !! I was thinking of maybe changing the color but i liked the way the orange contrasts with the purple making it look kinda halloweeny :] I also have a personal bias towards brown i luv that color !! but ya if i had 2 say, he'd probably be a 3star if this were a set, kinda vaguely fits him but not enough to be under the spotlight imo
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Classic Trump !! Sophy actually wears this in the show and i think it's so cute i wonder how the other alka members would style the vest in their own way (im 2 lazy 2 do that myself yawwnnn) in fact mayoi himself would probably prefer longer sleeves but u kno, stayed tru 2 the original n stuff, anyway say hello to bright pink again mayochan
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Sparkling Jellyfish Sophy !! hi kanata hi fish wife hi nata hello nata hi nata whats up nata i love u nata
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Nin'Nin Among the Water from Baby Monster !! when i saw this outfit i was chained to my tablet the demons were holding me hostage i had to make the ninja association wear it or i'd suffer a public execution
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My Design Holic Trick !! back to holic trick for the rest again :] this is the one i posted on its own hehehehe it's still the one i put THE most effort into (which is why it's the only one i bothered to sign, still dont repost the rest tho please and thank u im just lazy) cuz man its a vibe its so good its one of my favs still i love stupid shorts and the puffy sleeves with the cropped vest and black and purple and the heart and bows and keys which are kinda all reasons i also like mayoi (heart in mayois vibe comes from his big heart muah) bless u mayoi i luv u
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Night Navy !! mayoi loves to kill artists in cold blood with random intricate patterns (or maybe thats just an enstars thing in general) so i knew i had to give him this dress. gave him an undershirt cuz what if he gets cold :[
And that's it for this post !! I've now reached the image limit, so see ya in the next post !! (sorry foosybit followers for triple posting i didnt realize i drew so much)
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milflewis · 2 years
sebchal + gold
lol i am sorry it took so long. wasn’t able to write for ages so only going through these prompts now. anyway here’s 2k of medieval sebchal dancing around each other for you !! hope you like it bestie
“May I ask what exactly are you doing, Your Highness?”
Charles knocks his head against the stone arch as he startles, flailing around, cheeks hot. He swears out loud when he sees Pierre behind him and not Lord Mattia.
“You’ve gotten way too good at his voice,” Charles says.
Pierre is laughing as he steps up beside him, dark blue tunic broad across his shoulders. There’s a faint pink scratch along his jaw. Pierre refuses to let anyone else but himself shave his beard. The dirt from the war, Charles has found, has clung to people differently.
He looks good though, eyes bright, face unshadowed and clean, hair falling into his forehead. His ring burns bronze in the sun as he rubs his fingers against his mouth, peering over the low balcony wall.
“Ah,” he says, a little smug. “I see.”
Charles elbows him in the ribs as Pierre laughs again. “I was admiring your husband,” Charles says, turning back to the training ground below them.
Pierre hums as they watch Yuki grin down at Alex who’s lying flat at his feet, legs sprawled, sword fallen off to the side. Yuki laughs, jumping a little when Alex tries to kick his feet out from under him, and Charles watches Pierre’s face soften from the corner of his eye.
“Understandable,” Pierre says quietly. “He’s very admirable.”
He smiles and there’s something sharp in his eyes that reminds Charles of when they were younger and the kingdom was smaller and Pierre used to shove Charles into Alex during dances because he knew Charles had a crush on the older boy and thought he was a lot funnier than he actually was.
“Speaking of admirable,” Pierre nods to the training ring just below them, right where Charles was definitely not looking earlier.
Ser Lewis Hamilton is laughing as he pulls off his helmet, curls damp with sweat and wild around his face, and throws it to one side. He spins his axe in small tight circles, metal glinting liquid and bright in the low morning sun. Charles recognises it to be Ser Valtteri’s, though the other knight is nowhere to be seen. Lewis’s own famous broadsword is leaning up against the table where the rest of their armour is strewn around.
Lewis is now down to just his right vambrace.
“What are they doing?” Pierre asks, eyes tracing the width of Lewis’s shoulders. Charles rolls his eyes, typical.
“A training game, I think. If one of them hits a body part, the other one has to lose the armour they’re wearing there and then if they get hit there again, they can no longer use the limb.”
Pierre chews the inside of his cheek for a moment, trying not to smile. It only makes his dimples press in deeper.
“That’s not what they normally wear,” he says and Charles grins.
He watches as Lord Sebastian Vettel points his sword at Lewis’s chest, giving him a half salute with it and a wink. He had taken off his tunic when he removed his breastplate earlier. His undershirt is dark with sweat and clings to the curve of his arms.
“No, it’s not.”
Their usual armour of dark grey steel and brown leather is nowhere to be seen. Instead, they’ve chosen to wear their golden ceremonial armour; winged helmets, heavy vambraces and metal boots. No one can spend more than five minutes in this castle when there are celebrations on and not hear Sebastian petitioning to King Michael on why exactly he shouldn’t have to wear the absolute ridiculous costume that Lord Wolff insists on them wearing and how could they defend Your Majesty if something happened when they could barely walk under all the extra metal and ornaments and it’s a waste, Sire, it should be given to the poor and even what Lewis wears on his days off is less ostentatious than this.
Lewis stands beside him, face solemn and serious, and says, like he’s announcing that they lost the northern flank and will have to retreat, that he, regretfully, cannot find his armour. He had the audacity to say, one year, that he fears his horse, Roscoe, may have ran off with it and that he’s not sure where he must have put it because Lewis had checked his stables and hadn’t been able to find it. Charles had nearly had to leave the hall as he tried not to laugh at the look on Michael’s face. Valtteri doesn’t even bother to come up with an excuse when he turns up, not wearing it.
Lewis seems to have had no trouble finding it now and neither of them appear at all slowed down by it.
Sebastian grins at him, flicking his hair from his face, down to two vambraces.
They watch as Sebastian attacks, slicing at Lewis’s gut before twisting his hand and arching the blade up. Lewis parries with the hilt of his long-axe and grins, slamming his forehead into Sebastian’s face, who curses. Sebastian stumbles, barely half a step backwards, but it’s enough space for Lewis to kick him in the chest. He follows him close, knocking his sword away. It all happens to quickly that Charles barely has time to blink.
Lewis presses the blade of his axe gently against Sebastian’s throat with one hand as he reaches for the knife at his waist and pulls it out. He taps the blade on Sebastian’s two vambraces as Sebastian glares at him.
“You already won, Hamilton,” Sebastian scowls, pushing the axe away with a careless hand. “There was no need to take my vambraces too.”
Lewis laughs, following him to the table where they left the rest of their armour. “Oh, but there was.” He bumps his shoulder into Sebastian’s. “It was funny. And aren’t you always telling me that I should laugh more?”
Sebastian grimaces, eyes light, and runs a hand though his hair.
“Since when have you ever listened to me?” He scrambles to hold up a hand, nearly hitting Lewis in the face. “And don’t say Baku. I explicitly told you not to talk to that man and—”
Lewis scoffs, “You fucking did not. You said to talk to him, that he had been watching me all night, and that he was a knight, not a bloody king.”
“How was I supposed to know that you were going to tell him that you heard a knight is always as hard as his armour and if you could check if the rumours are true?”
Charles chokes on nothing as Pierre starts giggling beside him.
Lewis shoves him and Sebastian laughs, something catching in Charles’s chest at the sound. “I was drunk, you bastard.”
“I still can’t believe that line worked. Though, King Jenson isn’t exactly the classiest of people.”
Lewis makes a noise in the back of his throat, half incredulous, “What has the world come to when Lord Sebastian Vettel is commentating on the lack of classiness a person has.”
Sebastian shrugs, the movement easy and rolling, and grins, his smile clumsy and wide on his face.
“What can I say, I am a pillar of virtue.”
Lewis laughs, eyes crinkling, Sebastian’s smile growing wider at the sight of it.
“Well,” Pierre says, voice pitched low, already smirking. Charles braces himself for whatever he is about to say. “I don’t think that is the kind of strip show you have been wanting Lord Vettel to do for you for years but I certainly enjoyed it.”
Charles coughs, and ignores his friend as Pierre cackles beside him. He slaps Pierre’s hand away when he reaches up to poke one of Charles’s flaming cheeks.
Lewis looks up, ruffling his hair, and catches Charles’s eye. Charles freezes, feeling like he’s caught doing something wrong even though there are at least half a dozen people watching training this morning. His eyes are dark and unreadable like they often are but then after a moment, he grins at him, nodding a little. Charles swallows back the heat of embarrassment at the weight of knowing in Lewis’s eyes and returns his nod.
Lewis reaches for one of the waterskins on the ground beside Sebastian, mouth moving, words too quiet for Charles to hear. Pierre laughs beside him.
Sebastian seems to still, his own waterskin halfway to his lips. Charles tries very hard to ignore how Lewis glances up at him again before saying something else that makes Sebastian’s training flushed cheeks darken even further.
Sebastian rolls his eyes, hair glowing light at the edges. Sometimes, Charles finds it difficult to look straight at him, catches himself looking a little to the left of him, at the space right above his ear.
“I nearly had you,” Charles can hear him say and his stomach sparks something hot and fizzing at the low scratch of his voice.
Lewis laughs again, pausing in taking off the last piece of his armour, a deep gold that is now dusty and scuffed, hand against his chest. “Nearly, old friend, as you very well know, is not good enough.”
Charles doesn’t miss the way Sebastian’s eyes flicker down to the long slash of a scar that circles Lewis’s throat where they tried to behead him and, like most people who try to stop the unmovable force that is Lewis Hamilton, they failed, before laughing with him.
“True,” Sebastian says, and throws the rest of his water into Lewis’s face. He tackles him at the waist while the other knight is distracted, both of them tumbling into the ground, dust and sand coughing up around them.
Pierre sighs heavily beside him. “I am a wonderful friend, I hope you know that.”
“You’re the worst,” Charles says, already dreading what Pierre’s about to do.
Pierre grins and ducks around him, too quick for Charles to catch him, and hurries down the stairs to their left. Stairs that lead to the courtyard.
Charles swears and follows him, nearly tripping over his feet. By the time he gets outside, Pierre is talking to Lewis and Sebastian, cheeks slightly pink, smile soft. The two knights are no longer wrestling on the ground, shirts dirty and untucked. The neck of Sebastian’s shirt is stretched out slightly, sweat pooling along his collarbone. Want hits Charles deep in his chest and he curls his fingers into fists, hands behind his back.
They half bow as Charles approaches them, one hand on their chests, and he awkwardly waves them off.
“Prince Charles,” Lewis says, eyes laughing, and Sebastian only smiles at him, saying nothing. “Sirs,” Charles replies, trying to not visibly react as Sebastian glances down at Charles’s chest where his shirt is open quite a bit. It’s hot, Charles wants to tell him and tries not to blush. His necklace feels heavy around his throat.
Beautiful, Sebastian had said, years ago, on Charles’s twenty-first birthday, stepping back. His fingers had been warm and feather-light where they brushed his neck as they clasped the chain together. Charles had wanted to grab them, trace their callouses, but he had only smiled, thank you, sir.
Call me Sebastian, Sebastian had laughed because Sebastian was always laughing. I couldn’t possibly, Charles had said, but thank you. Sebastian had shrugged, I’ll convince you. I’ve been told I can be quite stubborn. I’ll keep pestering you for as long as it takes. Charles had laughed, the next person holding a gift approaching, and thought, do you swear it?
Lewis leans one elbow on Sebastian’s shoulder as he takes off a boot, pouring the sand out. “I saw you watching us, Your Highness. I hope we put on a good show for you.”
He laughs as Sebastian steps on his foot.
Charles falters. “You looked very, um, your form looked very well. I mean, I —”
Why is he still talking?
“Your swordplay was very, um, precise. And, uh, experienced? I mean—”
“We know what you mean, Your Highness,” Sebastian interrupts, voice soft. “Thank you.”
Charles clears his throat. “Yes, well, you’re welcome.”
By the gods, shut up, Charles.
He cringes internally and stays focused on Sebastian’s face so he doesn’t have to look at Lewis’s who always seems to catch him looking at Sebastian during balls and meetings when he should be paying attention to everything else. He can practically feel Pierre vibrating beside him from the strain of holding in his laughter.
Charles keeps his mouth shut for the rest of the conversation, watching as Sebastian eventually drags his stare away, listening to whatever Pierre and Lewis are talking about.
He makes himself be distracted by George and Alex sparring two rings over, Yuki now gone, and not by Sebastian’s fingers playing with the strings of his shirt, the light hair on the back of his hand visible in the sun. His hands are smaller than mine, Charles thinks and despairs at himself.
Sebastian’s smile is quiet and his words are soft when he says, “Goodbye, Your Highness. Your Grace.” Lewis nods at both of them, eyes flickering from Sebastian to Charles back to Sebastian again, more brazen and bold than most would be.
Charles ignores him and he grins, saying something to Sebastian as they walk away that makes Sebastian speed up a little so Lewis has to jog to catch up.
“‘Your swordplay is experienced’. Really, petit calamardo? That’s the best you could do?”
Charles groans, dragging his hands down his face. “I am begging you to leave me alone.”
“Experienced! You just called Lord Vettel old, Charles. Old.”
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mikuyuuss · 2 years
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I’ve been wanting to draw my oc artwork for awhile though I was pretty shy about it, but here she is now!
C.V. Ayako Kawasumi
Taisho Rumors:
Because she grew up in a family of clothing makers, Akari herself developed a liking to it, with the embroidery of her favorite flower Camelias, being her personal trademark. Her love for fashion led her peers to misunderstand her as vain and shallow. A particular incident made her close herself off to her peers and her family out of shame.
She never got to have a proper closure with her family when they were taken away from her by demons, and she was subsequently saved by Tomioka Giyuu, who was still yet to be a Pillar at that time. 
The regret of not having a proper closure with her family, as well the the Demon Slayer Corps being her new home, is what encouraged her to develop Camelia Breathing: to honor all the things she cherished in her life by using it as a weapon to defeat demons.
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Camelia Breathing / Tsubaki no Kokyu is Akari's personal creation which is derived from Water Breathing (no, not Flower Breathing, she gets annoyed by this lol) It involves Very smooth and free flowing movements that create Art Nouveau Visuals.
Camelia flowers in general are featured heavily in Art Nouveau movement, and incidentally, it is also known as the "flower of fashion" which goes hand in hand with Akari's profession.
While Akari can still cut off heads, both of them relate to being petite/delicate, so Shinobu teaches her precision techniques, so that Akari won't have to rely too much on physical strength.
While Mitsuri is more extroverted and Akari more introverted, both have a shared struggle with "being themselves" so they naturally got along. They both love cute and modern things, and Mitsuri helps her with flexibility training.
Akari is very grateful to Giyuu for saving her, but their first interaction was rocky to say the least. Akari, in her traumatized state, lashed out really badly at Giyuu. It's only after she regain her clarity that she realized that Giyuu's Haori was draped around her, and seeing the tattered haori she somehow knew that Giyuu carries the same burden that she does now. She apologized to Giyuu after realizing this. 
She was one of the few people that can be considered as Giyuu's "friend" and probably one of the reasons why Giyuu believes he isn't hated.
In kimegakuen, she is a fashion student in a nearby college. She likes to cosplay.
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teekays · 11 months
teddy... do quinn hughes also
OHOHO... let's get into it.
First impression
i was anti hughes from the gecko because i kind of only knew jack and i was like. averse to his brand of greasy frat boy but tanya txstars is quinn's official pr person and i saw him a little more and i was like WAIT. i can work w this he's cute in a classmate kind of way. also it helps that he's jewish and that made me like him automatically
Impression now
i have been lovingly asked to stop tweeting about quinn hughes having meek petite penis vibes by multiple beloved friends of mine which i think speaks volumes... but on a more serious note he fascinates me. this is a guy who has the double "growing up too fast" whammy of being an oldest sibling in like. the hockey royal family and thus being the Example and also of moving out at a really young age and having to handle the weirdness of the hockey world kind of on his own and now i think he tries to protect himself by kind of forming this little outer shell of Boring Media Persona so no one knows how deeply he wants things or how he's really feeling but i do find it SO interesting that he will not hesitate to speak his mind if it has to do w his brothers or his team and any sort of perceived slight/insult against them... very older brother of him to be like oh me? i'm fine. i'm good. it's okay. my team sucks? well you should kys :) like he is genuinely very chill and easygoing except for when he's insane. many such cases. he's also a sleeper contender for funniest guy imo he will only show it in certain contexts but he IS hilarious. unfortunately he is very boyfriend to me!!!
Favorite moment
pretending to crash the car after petey made fun of him for driving a toyota is an all time moment but also the game this season where van was playing jersey and he absolutely RACED across the ice to stop jack from scoring. older brother rights
Idea for a story
if i speak.
Unpopular opinion
he's actually not that miserable LOL like he's fine he just looks like that. and if he is he's got his reasons! you would also be miserable if you were on the vancouver canucks! but like seriously the bit is played out let him live. also i think someone being sexually mean to him could fix him
Favorite relationship
quinn and his brothers such a fascinating little relationship to me esp when you frame it as like... they were raised in the same house but had different Experiences growing up yknow? quinn and brady freak4freakism is so like. foundational. what if you lived with a guy and him and his dad had to teach you to stop being such an uptight fucking freak. and then he got engaged and you were stuck on a flop team? what then?
Favorite headcanon
kind of based in fact but him desperately wanting to be a mama's boy and ellen just kind of being like okay? and? is SO FUNNY. sorry quinn
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