#not a fan of the beard but a big fan of the character
slipperyskell · 1 year
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It’s about the ✨size difference ✨
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sepublic · 25 days
Alright, let's talk about some details from the TOH pitch bible;
A lot of the stuff is what we've already seen and/or in line with the show. What's interesting is that King WAS a former King of Demons at one point, and we would've had an episode where he runs into his old gang and chooses Luz and Eda over them. It makes me wonder if he even had a connection to the Titan in earlier drafts, if he wasn't recognized as one back in the day because he just wasn't big enough, etc. Eda makes a deal to help remove the collar, which IS the source of King's woes, placed by a 'mysterious wizard', I wouldn't be surprised if it was Obron AKA Proto-Belos.
What gets me is that Tibbles originally started off as a friend to the protagonists, while Bump was an antagonist! Coupled with Tibbles being re-elected as mayor after Bump is deposed for corruption. I like the detail of Bump being a parasite controlling a body from the head, because it carried over into his final design with Frewin, and before we got confirmation Frewin was a separate entity, I loved the joke theory that the imp on Bump's head was the REAL Bump!!! Seems that was always the implied story of the design, I love it. Tibbles being the demon fan of human stuff would eventually become Gus instead, so this is technically Proto-Gus too…?
Interesting how Bump and Tibbles' alignments switch completely with one another, and it makes sense that with Lilith no longer the principal in the final draft, it goes to Bump, who ends up being really chill and a subversion in his own right! Interesting, but I do prefer the final Bump we got, and that's fine by me, because when the concepts aren't as interesting as the final product, it means we got the best possible version.
I've already discussed Obron and William in a separate post, and Pupa is someone we've been told about in a previous livestream. Lilith would've been both head of all covens (and not just the Emperor's Coven) AND principal at the same time, and she seems much more of a jerk to Eda in general; She has no qualms with cursing Eda because of a direct order from Obron.
Apparently the curse would've been an AGING spell, which settles my questions on how it would've been portrayed in earlier drafts! This goes along with Eda's older look. Likewise, there would've been a subplot of Eda considering Luz's sacrifice as a way to restore her youth, which likely goes hand in hand with Obron's orders to bring Luz to her, etc. The 'Bloom of Eternal Youth' quest, which Eda and Lilith go through together as their sisterly relationship is explored, feels like a carryover from this past idea.
I think I prefer the final draft; I like that the curse isn't just aging Eda, but also takes away her magic, makes her turn into a beast, etc. I like Lilith being a lot more complicated in her relationship with Eda, instead of just hating her and cursing her without hesitation. The redefining of the curse makes it less about age, and more a chronic illness metaphor, and I like how Eda in the final draft is upfront about having to learn to live with it, deal with it, on her own terms. She isn't trying to find a cure (although Lilith being promised one by Obron feels like a carryover of Eda's moral dilemma with Luz), and that adds another nice dimension to her conflict with Lilith, as well as Gwen. It's pretty frank in its own right about normalizing disability, and those who play an antagonistic role (however brief) are the real weirdoes for making such a fuss about it.
The Bat Queen would've had more of a recurring role based on the description, which saddens me; I always got the vibe she was planned for more, but between all of the other stuff the show had to juggle, plus the shortening, she ended up getting shafted despite being one of the earlier characters. Sashley, Pasha, and Bruno are also interesting, with Pasha in particular giving me freaking Philip Wittebane vibes with his grossness, beard, and anti-demon attitude; He even starts off as a potential friend to Luz because fellow human, only for his true bigotry to show. Makes me wonder if Philip ended up incorporating Pasha, we also have bodily transformation because of consuming magical stuff... P-names.
(Also, I like how in the drawing of typical Demon Realm denizens, I can see an eye demon who resembles a past drawing of Dana's!!!)
Eda was actually a late bloomer, which creates a parallel with Luz in one way, and their relationship is referred to as sisterly (in the final draft it’s explicitly maternal). So Eda wouldn't have been the talented youth, in fact things may have switched between her and Lilith; Lilith's disdain may have partially come from Eda not being as innately talented as her.
Luz and Amity's dynamic seems like it would've had Amity retain a lot of her more stand-offish, pragmatic personality even as a friend with Luz, and this would've come up more; So basically, she'd remain more like S1 Amity. That, or this part of their relationship would've lasted longer, and then we would've seen character development as Amity unlearns a lot of the issues her parents passed on. I also wonder if the Willow who cameos in the pilot was originally supposed to just be an extra separate from ‘Paulina’, but then they combined the two together.
The themes are exactly as I expected, glad to see they're still there, nothing changed! Luz becoming a witch and defying all odds to do so, putting in real work and passion. Celebrating individuality amidst conformity, plus Luz trying to impose her own fictional tropes onto the world, only to have to put that aside... Just like Wing it like Witches. It seems Amity would've had more involvement with Luz's journey to become a witch, though we still do have a carryover of that disconnect with her rant near the end of Covention.
I love the Demon Realm being situated BELOW the Human Realm, way to be subtle about being Hell you guys lol... Apparently portals to the human world are a lot rarer to find and use, which makes me wonder if the pilot's 'dimension port' doesn't have access to the human world; Meaning Amity is Luz's only way back, so her improved relationship with her is linked to getting back home. There's a gag about the Knee having service with the human world, but I can see how that didn't make the cut, for dramatic purposes; It seems like the premise for a S1 episode or at least a B-plot. Would Luz have struggled to communicate with Camila through this, or would her search for wi-fi be for mundane reasons?
Apparently Luz's magic would've required a lot more steps to complete, and I see why the show simplified things down to just glyphs. I wonder if there was always going to be the connection of glyphs as a gift from the Titan, or if the Titan and her story was going to be less intertwined in the overall narrative. There also don't seem to be nine main covens, just the many, many covens, some of which are pretty ridiculous, and Covention's sub-covens seem a callback to that.
Luz's first spell would've been levitation, and THEN she would've infiltrated Hexside, with Amity being a lot subtler about exposing Luz, though in the final draft she does figure that out as the way to go in I was a Teenage Abomination. Yeah, I prefer Light being her original spell, feels so much more symbolic and personal, etc. I wonder if the Titan is even as much of a character in early drafts, and if there's still the whole connection/relationship with the land and learning to respect it aspect. Some of these hypothetical episodes push the idea of Amity as a more episodic, typical popular kid antagonist, though in the final draft, the show goes through her character development and explores Amity's romantic relationship with Luz and its complications.
It seems the idea of the Mirror Ghost was split into Adegast and Vee, with Adegast being the one who offers the easier narrative for Luz to believe in about becoming a witch (only to be a fraud who uses uncanny puppets), and Vee being a doppelganger whom Luz communicates through with mirrors. Interesting how Yesterday's Lie was born from this. We saw the test animation from Spencer Wan for TOH, so I guess we know what Luz's puppet-doppelganger is called! And we can safely call her Proto-Vee. I wonder if she also would've been a sympathetic character, I always thought she reminded me of Lake from Infinity Train (and speculated her to be as such since Enchanting Grom Fright), and now the similarities are even MORE apparent!
Alas, The Good Witch Azura, or 'The Unassuming Princess' seems like it'd have been a lot less dear to Luz's heart, as the pilot also reflects; In the end, it turns out the author is just Eda's ex using her adventures as basis, and including private information. I remember when I once speculated that Raine, before we saw their face, would've been just like this as the author of Azura... Again, I think I prefer Azura as being a lot less mean-spirited in the final draft, and instead a celebration of who Luz is as a person, her relationship with fantasy and fiction, etc. We also would've had a Luz birthday party, the Quincenera we've been hoping for since S1...! In the final draft (and episode) we still get that Human-Demon Realm disconnect, though by that point, Luz is much more attuned and chill with the isles.
There’s definitely more of an episodic, sitcom feel to this pitch bible, especially when you compare Proto-Yesterday’s Lie to its final version. Makes sense, Dana is pitching this to Disney executives, though her statement on Understanding Willow feeling truly like her show makes me wonder if she always intended to push TOH in that more serious, emotional route we got.
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How they react to finding out you're an animal lover
Based on the actual Zoo's worth of pets, I acquired.
Let's assume somehow there's a scenario where the Hazbin Characters are able to see your life on earth, to review what might have gotten you sent to Hell. As far as most of them were concerned, you may have been chaotic, maybe you jumped to violence quickly (it's Hell though so defending yourself is important), maybe you drank or used drugs or slept around, but not to an extent that would warrant Hell.
And it's not that you aren't capable of being friendly or nice, but you're always wary of new people. You seem uncomfortable in large groups and tend to stick to people you know and unfortunately have Resting Bitch Face, so aren't very approachable.
So imagine their reaction to seeing your life and noticing from a young age your obsession with animals. You watched Animal Cops instead of Cartoons as a kid (and boy, your little brain sure got creative when imagining how best to punish [torture] animal abusers. Even Alastor's impressed by the level of violence). You begged and cried for a pet your whole childhood and did your best with the fish you got or the guinea pigs, though poor misinformation from adults and lack of proper husbandry being available in easily accessible media meant that your setups were....lackluster. And boy did you literally sob over that as an adult.
Every animal you met, horse, snake, cat, dog, rabbit, rodent, lizzard, frog, fish, they were all met with the brightest smile, a gentle cooing voice, happy baby talk, you getting on their level to coddle and and pet. The total opposite of your response to people.
He's never been a big fan of dogs, especially after his death. But watching you with the numerous dogs you owned, the bond you shared with them, how they weren't perfectly trained but you tried so hard, and they all lived such long happy lives, he thinks he would have tolerated it. Especially your first dog, a small yappy thing that was wonderfully trained to do many tricks using just hand signals. Watching you shut down, breaking into billions of pieces when that dog died is probably the closest his smile has come to dropping.
Cats though, Alastor adored cats and you, despite being allergic, took in every feline in need. Even ones with health issues. You shelled out your hard earned cash left and right and the once ratty, crusty, scrawny, timid, strays blossomed into sleek, healthy, playful cats. He's going to laugh at all the curse words that arise from the various shenanigans that come with owning cats though.
As for your snakes, he's not phased. He isn't particularly fond of them, but he isn't scared either. But he could listen to you gush for hours about genetics, morphs, breeding, and proper set ups. He liked your bearded dragon though. Would get one for you if he could.
His favorite though was your rats. The quartet of rodents that were as smart as human toddlers and as likely to get in trouble. Watching you build and construct cardboard play structures, teach them tricks, feed them all sorts of fruits, veggies, meat, grains, insects. The constant cleaning and remodeling of their cage to entertain them. Oh you clearly adored them. Especially since they lived longer than their average 4 year expectancy by a whole year, with the exception of one rat that had been born ill but he still lived to by nearly 3!
All in all he just thinks you're precious, is amused by your entirely sincere and intensely violent response to abusers, and admires your caring nature and dedication (it reminds him of his ma, working hard to shell out every penny to ensure he thrived). He's probably considering getting you a pet.
Heart eyes! You're so soft and cuddly with your pets! So patient with them, even when they're still adjusting, scared and prone to biting. You take every bite, scratch, hiss, growl, and in cases like snakes and turtles musking, in stride. Sure you flinch but your tone stays calm, you relax quickly, adjust your approach.
The way your eyes water and light up when the black cat with a stiff limp and crusted eyes, and swollen cheeks finally approaches you instead of hiding behind the water heater in your basement after you managed to trap it in indoors melts her heart. The way you have to visibly control yourself when you pet it for the first time and then finally lift him into your arms to take upstairs where the heat works and you aren't relying on a space heater and old blankets to warm him.
She's not thrilled about your violent tendencies, but they also remind her of Vaggie. Your protective and have strong feelings about injustice and she admires that.
She's definitely asking you to watch Kiki more often.
Angel Dust
Another proud pet parent! He gets you. Animals are so much easier than people. He loves watching you dress your pets that would tolerate it and take them to get pictures done, sending them to family members like you would send pictures of your kids. And hey, they essentially are! He's gonna ask you to dress up Fat Nuggets with him and do a photo shoot!
He's not a fan of rodents, but you're rats, and the hamsters were cute. He thinks he'd be ok with them if he met them, may even enjoy them.
Really liked watching your fish tank though once you got older and had more understanding and were able to set up a proper one. Even when things went wrong like algae blooms, fish fighting, your $35 betta beaching itself on your crabs basking platform, you were determined, and eventually you get a nice little live planted tank going that's mostly self sufficient and some fish that breed. You never quite mastered the algae issue, but it never overran your tank again, so he considers it a win. It's just cute watching you try so hard and dedicate so much time too it.
You're literally his spirit animal. He would rather be around animals than people, too. And honestly, you're right, animal abusers are the worst and he's probably taking notes from you on fitting punishments. He is trying to be more active as a ruler of Hell now.
He thinks you're incredibly smart for learning and memorizing so much about animals at such a young age and that you learn more as you get older, keeping up with proper care techniques. Kinda shocked you didn't become a vet, but also gets it. He doesn’t think he could handle having to let an animal down either. Or deal with stupid owners.
Gets heart eyes when he sees your obsession with snakes and is genuinely sad for you when your small collection of them dies off. Reptiles are hard, even professional keepers can have snakes die for seemingly no reason, so it's not anything you did, but it still sucks that within a 16 months you lost both your corn snakes and then a 8 or 9 months later your ball python.
He's the Serpent of Eden so anytime you had a snake draped around her neck, coiled around your wrist or arm, anytime they slithered under your shirt or up your pant leg while holding them is giving him inappropriate ideas. If you're someone with sensory stim needs and you loved the feeling of snake scales on your skin he'll offer to be one for a while (he's gonna go in your shirt and probably just coil around your waist or your chest, maybe rest his head on your shoulder peeking out of your shirt, blepping).
He's also sad that you can't see your beloved pets now since you're in Hell and it makes him even more bitter towards Heaven. Your beloved pets deserved to be reunited with an owner who gave them everything they could and you deserved to see the furry little wonders that got you through your darkest times. He can't imagine how much pain you were in when you realized you wouldn't see them again.
Is determined to get you a pet and find a way to reunite you with yours.
Was never big on pets before, but he thinks yours are cute. He may let you pet his ears more often now and be more comfortable purring around you. If it helps you feel better since it's obvious you miss your little furballs.
The entire time they're watching your life play out your eyes are glued to your pets, eyes misty, and smile adoring. It's more of a highlights reel so you're constantly babbling over it telling story after story. You mention how pissed you were tattoos didn't show up when you died because you had every pet you ever owned's (with the exception of ones you had really young), pawprint tatted on you when you died, staring with the rat tail and feet at your ankle and the top of your foot all the way up your leg, hip, side, so many of them it looked like a zoo walked across your body.
He misses having that kind of enthusiasm and devotion to something and admires you for being able to so deeply love and care for your pets despite what you've been through.
He maybe feels a little inspired himself to open up a bit more.
He grew up when a wife, two kids, a dog, and a white pickett fence was a standard, but you go beyond that. Animal care has gotten so much more detailed since he was alive. Aside from his sharks, especially Vark, he doesn’t really know much about pets, though.
He loves your commitment to trying to keep a fish tank, but he is going to critique you. He probably will get you one and help you set it up, a nice, moderately sized 50 gallon. It's something you two can bond over.
Watching you step between two dogs about to get into a fight because their owners were drinking at the dog park and didn't pay attention nearly gives him a stroke though. But you effortlessly snag an 80 pound mutt and lift them up and pivot, using your arms and legs to corral that dog back towards the fence and keep yourself between them while someone else snags the other dog. Once both dogs can't see each other anymore and you have effectively redirected their attention to the treats you brought, using a stern, sharp voice to direct it to sit, the dogs settle. He can visibly see you seething as the guy gets up, uncaring, and leashes his dog to leave the park.
Also thinks it adorable when watches you pull over and dart across a highway to get a turtle out of the road. Or to get a baby bird out of the street once it's been pushed from the nest. Watches you circle back to watch dogs you see wandering the neighborhood to see if they're lost. You approaching gently and sweetly, not even remotely upset when they startle and you nearly get bit. You apologized to the dog for spooking it.
Really, he just thinks you're cute and have no self-preservation and doesn't think a dog or cat would do well in the tower, but lizzards and fish are ok, and you two bond over the fish tank.
So if that whole thing about him getting one of the little insect dogs and then shooting it within a day thing is still canon, he's probably lowkey afraid for his life right now. There's just something about watching an year old version of you say you might wanna be an animal cop so you can shoot bad people with such a serious face. Listening to teenage you threaten two boys who had joked about pouring chemicals on a cat with jamming an anti-freeze bottle down their throats and water board them with it. Or offer to toss puppy mill breeders in a cage too small, no ac, no heat, no food, no water, naked and in their own filth while walk by them every day. He can't even repeat the threats you made against dog fighters or cock fighters. He's pretty sure Satan, prince of Wrath himself, is scared of you. How does a 13 year old come up with shit that twisted?! Like maybe you're in Hell for a reason you fucking psycho.
But! Assuming that's not true, I think Valentino wants to be a cat person. He thinks they're elegant and fashionable. But watching yours he realizes if you're lucky they're snuggly, mischievous, trouble makers who even without trying can and will fuck shit up. If you're not lucky, their terrorists that get into everything, bite you for attention then run off when you pet them, get hair everywhere, are literally so fucking messy, and somehow are both incredibly smart and incredibly stupid. Like smart enough to open doors and drawers and plastic treat containers, dumb enough to run into a window or jump in the dryer.
Honestly, he is shocked to learn that he's a snake/rodent kinda guy. Literally, the snakes are so pretty, have such smooth textures, and yeah, they can be derpy, but he thinks they're kinda hot. Like the image of you, the four-foot ball python draped around your neck and chest. Or some of your bigger five and six foot snakes. He likes the idea of maybe doing like a naked photo shoot with the snake wrapped around you. (HE AND LUCIFER SHOULD NOT SHARE KINKS BUT HERE WE ARE).
Personality wise, hyper, gets into things he shouldn't, bored easily, needs attention or gets depressed and stressed, too smart for his own good but too dumb to get himself out of trouble. This man is a rat/ferret. Whatever irony made him a moth demon is dumb. He would have adored the little fuckers. Maybe not by himself, he doesn’t have the time or attention span to dedicate to them alone, but with your help caring for them and playing with them, he'd be great.
In general I don't think Val is the kinda of person who would get a pet for himself or should have one, but if you're helping and it makes you happy he'll do it. He got Angel one after all.
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capsicle-evans · 8 months
The Make Believe Ms Evans
Summary: A PR marriage between Y/N and Chris Evans has skyrocketed their careers but their sex lives has never been this low. Up until now.
Warnings: unprotected sex, swearing
Series Master Post
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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“What are you reading?” Chris raises one eyebrow, moving his attention away from Dodger to me.
“Nothin” I blush, sitting up in a straighter position.
“Sure and that’s why you’ve been whimpering and pressing your legs for the last 5 minutes” He rolls his eyes and before I can stop him, he snatches the book right out of my hands.
“Give it back, you dick” I try to retrieve it from his hands but he is so much stronger than me so he keeps me away with just one arm.
“Let’s see” He scans the pages as a grin spreads over his lips. “Oh we haven’t done that”
“Give me that” I manage to get my book back, giving him a dirty look before settling back down on the couch. “You are such a kid sometimes”
“Why are so so ashamed?” Chris frowns. “It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked by now”
“I know” I blush as the mental picture of a naked Chris floods my mind. “It’s just… forget about it”
“Y/N” Chris’s frown deepens as he steps closer to me. “You have been eaten out, right?”
Why can the Earth just swallow me whole right now? Why must I go through this? I mean it’s not like it’s my fault, but still.
“Of course” I roll my eyes before placing the book over my face to block Chris stare. “Leave me alone”
I try to focus back on the story, the words of intimacy that lay before be sending warm waves through my body. I clench my thighs as the main character is being stimulated by her male counter part, her pussy being consumed by his mouth.
I jump a little in my spot when I feel a warm hand pushing up the hem of my dress. “What-?” I move my book away to look down where Chris lays in between my legs, his hands tugging at my underwear. I try to speak but the words get stuck at the back of my throat as my core gets exposed right on front of Chris’s face. “Chris” I try to grab his head to push him away but he shakes it off.
“Just relax” He looks up at me, his eyes turned a deep shade of stormy blue. “Read to me”
“What?” I pant as he connects his lips to my inner thigh. He points at my book with a little nod, darting his tongue out to taste the saltiness of my skin. “No, I want to-“
“Read to me or I’ll stop” He gives me a pointed look as he grabs both of my legs to drape them over his shoulders.
“Fine” I grunt before placing the book back in front of my face as Chris moves a couple of inches closer to my throbbing center. “I needed release” I start reading, feeling Chris’s breath fanning my pussy. “I needed Simon to let me reach it, but every time I got close, he’d pull away”
“I should do that with you” Chris grins against my skin before finally swiping his tongue between my folds. The new sensation pushes my legs together, smothering Chris closer to my pussy. “Keep reading, Y/N” Chris grunts against me before pulling my clit as he sucks on it.
“I can’t” I gasp as he spreads me open with his big hands. His tongue darts inside me forcing his chin to rub against me so his beard burns against my thighs. Chris looks up at me before removing his mouth from me.
“Be a fucking good girl and read” Chris bites into my thigh before reaching up to place the book back into my hands. “Or I won’t eat you, bunny”
The pet name makes me blush so I grab the book to hide my face. Smiling up, Chris moves back to his mission. This time he spreads my fold, my puss glistening and blushing under his gaze. A sudden embarrassment takes over me so I focus on the words in front of me. “His mouth is demanding and savoring my core” as I say this, Chris’s tongue tortures my clitoris, his fingers digging into my skin. I drop the book again so my hands can fly to his hair, digging in between his golden locks.
“The bo-“
“Shut up” I push his head against me, muffling his words. I can feel him grinning against me as he intensifies his swipes across my pussy, focusing on my clitoris every once in a while.
“Do you like this?” Chris’s raspy voice breaks through my moans. “God you make the best sounds”
“Chris” I moan his name as he starts fucking me with is tongue and his thumb massages my bud. “I’m so close”
“Yeah, cum over my tongue, bunny” Chris replaces his thumb with his lips and his index fingers starts fucking my pussy, thrusting hard into me. “I want to feel you clench around my finger”
I feel the pressure building, the need for release making me shudder against his touch. I pull on his hair, the waves of pleasure rising as he laps at my lips and when he adds a second finger, I’m a goner.
“Fuck fuck fuck” I pant, shaking under him as I my release rides away under his mouth. I’m trashing under him so Chris grabs my hips, pinning me down.
“God I want to be inside you” Chris holds himself up as he undoes his pants. His dick springs out, wanting to join the action.
“Please, Chris” I grab his white shirt, pulling him down to me. “Fuck me”
“Your wish is my command” He plants a quick kiss before plunging inside of me. “Damn, you feel so good around me. So tight and wet”
“You stretch me so good, Daddy” I moan out and suddenly Chris goes stiff over me. My hands fly to my mouth, realizing the words that just came out of me. “Shit sorry”
Chris eyes are almost black, his chest heaving and the vein on his neck pulsing. “Say it again”
Fuck. I grab his neck so our foreheads are touching. “Make me cum again, Daddy” I whine against his lips as his hand wraps around my neck, gripping just enough.
“You like that?” Chris starts entering me faster and harder, pressing down on my neck to gain stability. “Open up, baby girl”
His thumb tugs at my lips so I make an O shape with my mouth. Pulling me closer by the neck, Chris spits in my mouth. I lick my lips close and guide his face to the crook of my neck. “I’m so close, so close”
Chris bites into my collarbone as his hips roll faster before becoming sloppy and erratic. “I’m cummin, fuck” Chris moans hard as I feel him spilling inside of me.
His orgasm and moans send me over the edge once again. My nails ding into his back as the waves of pleasure consume my every senses.
Sex was always okay with my exes, my vibrator achieving more than they ever did. Until Chris. He fucks me up so good, I always end up wrecked, exhausted and destroyed.
Chris pulls out from inside of me but makes no intention of getting off me, his cum dripping along my thighs. “Move” I laugh as he rests his head over my boobs.
“Give me a minute, woman” He sasses me. “If I move, I might pass out”
“Ugh fine” I roll my eyes, throwing my arm over my face.
I can feel his chest rising and falling over mine, his shallow breaths colliding with my covered nipple. Too focused on his heaving chest, my eyes begin to drift off, my eyelids getting too heavy to keep them open. And the last thing I can remember is a sigh that passes through Chris’s lips.
My dry mouth slowly wakes me up, the urge for a glass of water strong in the back of my throat. My eyes flutter open and it takes me a couple of seconds to adjust to the darkness. I rub my eyes to remove the sleep that still holds on, the clock on the wall flashing 2:00 am. Fuck, last time I remember, it was 8:47 pm, right after Chris and I had dinner. Chris.
My head snaps to my chest as a golden mane rests peacefully over my chest. Chris is still deep into his sleep so I try not to wake him up but I need to get out of here. As a small woman, a very tall man laying over me is not really good for my blood flow. I can tell my legs are almost numb from being under him. I try to push him softly on his side so that I can roll away and leave him sleeping here.
“Mm” Chris purrs against my skin, his ocean eyes blinking open slowly.
“Sorry” I whisper, placing my hand over his shoulder blade. “I just need some water”
“Yeah sure” Chris straightens up and I can feel the stickiness he left behind over.
“Okay, and a shower as well” I laugh as I move towards the kitchen, Chris following close behind.
“And is there room for me?” He gives me puppy eyes as I fill my glass up with water.
“Hm that depends” I pretend to think as I bring the glass up to my lips. “Are you going to behave?”
Chris walks to stand behind me, his hands immediately reaching for my hips. He dips his head down to nuzzle my neck. “No, I won’t”
Chris pushes my hips back against his erection as his free hand takes purchase of my nipple. “You know what drives me crazy?”
“What?” I barely speak as his tongue savors the skin behind my ear.
“The way you look right after I’ve fucked you” His other hand hides under the hem of my shorts, softly massaging my entrance over my panties. “Your face right after your orgasm is so fucking hot, your mouth all swollen up and red and so so tempting”
“Chris” I gasp, gripping the edge of the kitchen counter as Chris’ index finger dips inside of me.
“Yes, how you moan my name also makes my pants explote” He adds a second finger in, forcing my head to fall back against his chest. “I also love it when you were sun dresses and you bend down and I get to look at your perfect ass”
With that, Chris slaps my butt cheek, sending shivers straight to my core. “You know how many times I touched myself with that imagine in my mind? How I pictured you riding me reverse cowgirl, your ass slamming against my skin?”
“I need you Chris” I manage to speak, my eyes closed as my hips follow the rhythm of his hand.
“Come here” Chris spins me around to pick me up. “Wrap your legs around me, bunny”
With me in his arms, Chris walks us to the shower in his bathroom. I take my time to ravage his neck with my mouth, earning moans and praises when I dig my teeth softly in his skin
“If you don’t stop, we are not gonna make it to the shower”
Chris puts me down so he can turn the water on and let if warm up to us. “Off with those clothes”
“So impatient” I grin, pulling down my shorts, revealing my damp red panties.
“You are so fucking hot” Chris admires me as I remove the rest of my clothes. “Really why didn’t we start this sooner?”
“Don’t know, but now we have all the time in the world” I pull him down by the neck to meet my lips. I grab the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head. His pants come off soon after and he guides me into the shower, the hot water steaming up the entire room.
“Come here” Chris hugs my waist and pulls me under the shower head, water splashing us.
“Last time I saw you here” I grin, gripping his arm muscles. “You were pleasuring yourself”
“Really?” He grins, blush straining his cheeks. “Do you want to know what I was thinking about?”
“What?” I bite my bottom lip.
“You in that pink night gown” Chris presses his hip against me, his tip tickling my belly. “And how much I wanted to take it off and fuck you so hard”
“Chris” I breath out, my pussy clenching at his words. “Show me”
“What the fuck?” A loud shrink wakes me up, making me jump on my spot. “WHAT THE FUCK?”
I look at the door when Polly and Claire have their mouths wide open and staring back at me.
“Can you two shut up?” I groan, letting by head fall back into the pillow.
“Please” Chris whines behind me and that’s when I realize what is happening.
I fell asleep on Chris’ bed. After sex. He is naked. I’m naked. Claire and Polly are here. Fuck.
“Like Hell” Claire replies to me. “Can you guys fucking explain?”
“Do you want me to explain to you how I fucked my wife?” Chris rolls his eyes as he pulls away from me, still holding on to the bed spread.
“I think I’m having a fucking seizure” Polly brings her hand up to her head. “I’m about to have an aneurysm”
“Stop being so dramatic” I roll my eyes, reaching for a towel thats on the floor near my side of the bed. “You guys should be delighted”
“With the two of you, we never know” Claire shakes her head before tossing Chris his pants from the floor. “Get ready. You’ll explain later. Your stylists are here to get you ready for the event”
Agh of course, the fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital.
“Fine, be down in five” I wave them off as I move pass them towards my room.
“No funny business” Polly points at the two of us.
“As if I last 5 minutes” I hear Chris reply and then a loud thud. Probably some shoe aimed towards Chris.
And the rest of the morning is spent with people running around doing my hair and makeup, Chris trying on different suits and Polly and Claire staring at us like we grew a second head.
I can tell they want to grill us with questions but every time they try to approach the subject, someone else walks into the room and they have to turn their attention to something else. It’s not until we are all seated at out assigned table at the event that Polly finally breaks the silence.
“So how long?” She asks us, her voice un almost a whisper to not gain any attention.
“The day after the premiere” Chris replies, bringing his whiskey up to his lips.
“Ok not that long then” Claire nods. “Should we be concern?”
“Because I’m having sex with my wife?” Chris asks and I almost choke on a piece of cheese. “No, I don’t think so”
“You guys hated each other less than two weeks ago” Claire places her hands on the table, leaning forward so that only us can hear. “If this goes wrong I can only imagine how hard it’s gonna be for us”
“Relax” I roll my eyes, leaning back into my chair. “We are adults, we know what we are doing”
“That does nothing to calm me” Polly shakes her head. “But if there’s one thing I know about you two is that you never make our jobs any easier”
“Can we please just drop it?” Chris sounds more irritated now. “We are married, as you have made emphasis on for the last four months, we are getting along. Leave it alone”
“Fine” Polly slumps back down on her chair. “I just don’t even have the energy for this”
“Great” Chris nods before turning to me. “I’m gonna go say hi to some friends, do you want to come?”
“No, it’s okay” I wave him off. “I actually wanna see the garden so I’ll go for a walk”
“I can join you if you want” Chris offers but I know he hasn’t seen his friends in a while.
“No, it’s okay” I smile at him. “I saw Ana de Armas a couple of minutes ago, I’ll ask her to keep me company” Ana and I became really good friends on set whenever I had to pay a visit to my beloved husband.
“Kay” Chris stands before placing a kiss on my cheek. “See ya in a bit”
I follow him until he disappears from my view and my eyes fall back to the two ladies in front of me. “Stop fucking staring”
“It’s just so fucking weird honestly” Polly shakes her head before bringing her glass of wine up to her lips. “I’m gonna need more of this honestly”
“Fine whatever, I’m gonna go for a walk” I grab my clutch and walk away from the table.
I look around the beautiful garden to decide what to do. I spot Ana deep in a conversation with someone so I decide better not to step into their conversation. I decide to check out the paintings that are being displayed for the fundraiser. Most of them are floral themed and filled with pastel colors and soft drawings.
“Do you like it?” A deep voice startles me as I’m gazing closely up at a painting. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you”
“It’s okay” I wave him off before turning my attention back to the painting. “Yeah, it’s gorgeous”
“Good, cuz I painted it” He beams at me proudly. “Jaques, nice to meet you”
“Y/N, like wise” I extend my hand to shake it but he grabs it and brings it up to his lips. I pull it back quickly as I feel my cheeks go warm “You must be proud of your work”
“Very much so” He steps a bit closer to me. “And tell me Y/N, do you paint?”
“No no” I chuckle, grasping my glass of wine with both of my hands. “I always wanted to but never got around to doing something about it”
“What a shame” He gives me a side smile. “I’m pretty sure someone as beautiful as you would only creat art just as beautiful”
I feel myself physically cringing but I try not to be rude so I just smile.
“I could give you some lessons” He steps closer, his hand reaching for my elbow to pull me closer. “We could meet and I could show you everything you need”
Before I can open my mouth or step away from him, I feel a big hand wrap around my waist and pull me away hard until I’m pushed into someone’s chest. I look up to find Chris with his eyes set hard over Jaques. “Chris?” My voice comes out squeezed as he presses me against his side. Chris manages to peel his eyes away from Jaques to look down at me.
“Hi, Bunny” He winks down at me before leaning down to connect our lips in a kiss that anyone would consider inappropriate in public. He finally pulls away to look back to Jaques. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“No, I was just telling Y/N that I could give her some painting le-”
“Ms. Evans” Chris interrupts Jaques and I feel my cheeks burning but my pussy as well. Fuck who knew possessive Chris was such a turn on.
“What?” Jaques almost stumbles with his words.
“She is Ms. Evans to you” Chris makes emphasis on this by showing up his ring. “And about those painting classes, I don’t think they’ll be necessary. If she wants to we can get her another teacher. Now if you excuse us, my wife and I have somewhere to be”
Chris doesn’t even let Jaques form a reply before he is turning us away. “There was no need to be rude” I try to glare at Chris but his eyes look so stormed up that my words come out in breaths.
“There was no need for him to touch you” Chris guides me towards some stairs that lead to the foyer of the mansion where event is being held.
“Where are we going?” I frown when I notice Chris is moving us towards a hallway.
“To teach you some lessons, not painting ones” He pushes me into a room before locking the door behind us. “But a lesson nonetheless”
I moan as he pushes himself against me and his mouth takes over mine. “Chris, someone could hear us”
“Better, then”
“Look, our first sex scandal” I grin as I show Chris the pictures someone manage to snap of us going inside the manor and then walking back out with my hair a little undone and Chris’ shirt poorly button up.
“Claire and Polly must be thrilled” He grins as I flop down next to him on his bed.
“I think they actually were” I laugh as I show them the text that they sent me. “Everyone is talking about us and all those rumors of divorce seem to be a thing of the past”
“Good” Chris smiles down at me before looking down through my night gown at the hickey he left right over my left boob. “Sorry about that”
“It’s nothing” I wave him off. “I’m just wearing turtle necks until next week I guess”
“Uh, it’s a shame no one is going to see my work of art” He grins, pulling me by the waist so that I’m pressing up against him.
“Oh no mister” I laugh, pressing my hands against his chest to push back away from him but his grip is tighter. “I’m all sore, you need to let me rest”
“Fine” He rolls his eyes but he doesn’t let ho of me.
His blue eyes stare down into mine and suddenly I feel my throat dry up. His eyes flicker between mine and my lips before he leans in to touch my forehead with his.
“Chris” I breath out, my heart going a haywire as he nuzzles my nose with his. “I should probably go to my room”
“Y/N” Chris covers my neck softly with his hand to connect our lips for a brief kiss. “Stay”
“I have my room” I reach for his hand with mine but don’t pull away. “We have separate rooms for a reason”
“I don’t think I remember that reason anymore” He grins against my lips before moving his lips down to my neck. I expect him to tease me there but he just stays there and pulls me hard against his chest. “Stay”
Hi i know it’s been forever but I kinda got stuck. I have proofread it so sorry for the mistakes
@talesofadragon @patzammit @rainyhort10-blog @cutedisneygrl @creae7881 @edtomh @8crazy-freak8 @weirdpeoplecoolpeople @sarahdonald87 @mrsevans90
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galedekarios · 3 months
Hello, big fan of your Gale content um I just saw this post on X that really annoyed me that was a graphic saying Gale would use 3 in 1 shampoo implying he is lazy with his hygiene and that another character was more like that and it had like 6k likes and I just wonder why everyone mischaracterizes our best wizard so much? Generic male expectations? Justice for Gale. He deserved that lavender bath.
thank you for your message and kind words! 🖤
i haven't seen the post you're referring to so i can't say too much about it, but if we talk about the general concept of hygiene and personal care, in my heart i know the following truth:
gale loves his little indulgences and that includes the finer things in life, like taking long baths, perfumes, massages, and the like.
once he feels better again and has the spoons to fully appreciate it, he would have a ridiculously elaborate 13 step self-care routine, beard oils and all of that.
(we know his year of isolation likely led to him neglecting himself, given tara's repeated lines about not eating enough, as well as gale letting his beard growing out.)
in early access, he had this dialogue with the protag, about dreaming of a nice lavender scented bath:
Gale: Time is a precious gift. With time, we may even reach Baldur's Gate, a city rife with magic, wizards, scholars, and perhaps: solutions.  Player: In that case I share your optimism. Here's to the journey ahead.  Gale: And here's to your company.  Gale: Oh, I can picture it now: academies, libraries, laboratories – the assembled knowledge of centuries that may just set us free. Better yet: soft beds, home cooked meals, and all the other little luxuries this wilderness so brashly denies us. Gods, I'd pay a king's ransom for a hot, lavender-scented bath – minstrels serenading as I close my eyes and let the water's warmth dissolve all woes. Plenty to look forward to.
this was sadly cut.
i also seem to recall another line of dialogue in early access where a companion commented on gale using a waterdhavian scent/perfume, which had woody undertones. if i can find it, i'll be sure to post about it.
but still, he still has similar lines in the full release version, like in this banter with shadowheart:
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Gale: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. devnote: A bit know it all Gale: The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep are far superior. And they have the most excellent soaps. devnote: A bit know it all Shadowheart: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager. devnote: Teasing
bathing waters, excellent soaps and ablutions at the temple of beauty in waterdeep. the temple of beauty is a temple to the goddess sune, the goddess of beauty and passion.
"Her temples usually held social salons and displayed mirrors for use by lay parishioners. Some of them even had public baths for the local populace. Her shrines often stood on the corner of busy city streets. They would have a small ornate overhanging roof with a mirror underneath. They were used to check one's appearance while honoring Sune with prayer. Some shrines even held perfume and cosmetic items for those who could not afford such luxuries themselves." [x]
volo's waterdeep enchiridion says this in particular about the temple of beauty in waterdeep:
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"If you need to refresh yourself during your travels, or perhaps to primp before an important meeting or a night out, visit Sune’s faithful at the Temple of Beauty. Its marbled public baths and mirrored salons are open from before dawn to after dusk. There’s no fee for these services, or for the advice and aid of the temple’s many pleasant attendants, but donations are encouraged."
there are some other banters & lines of dialogue in the same vein:
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Player: I want to be with Gale. I'm sorry. Shadowheart: Don't be. He's charming enough, well-read and well-groomed.
there are more banters and comments like this from other companions as well (including minthara, for example), so yes, i think it's safe to say that gale is not a 3-in-1 shampoo type.
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tossawary · 4 months
Regarding "The Hobbit" film trilogy, even if I ended up personally disliking and resenting how much time and focus the elf characters (and others) ended up taking away from the dwarves whom I think deserved more focus as rich internal characters (I know that studio pressures are a factor in that terrible love triangle and so on), I still... vaguely appreciate the effort to create and include named female characters like Tauriel, when the book is sadly lacking in them. I think she's fine, actually. Comparatively, there are many other elements in these adaptations that I think are much, MUCH worse.
But still, if you want to add female characters to this story, the obvious answer to me seems to be to just make half the Company into dwarf women? (With similarly fancy beards and other facial hair! Because I think that's fun.) It's just... so much easier?
Do NOT come at me with that "dwarf women are rare" bullshit. Unreliable narration. Logistically unlikely. Also, if you believe that "men are the warriors and craftsmen, the women stay at home" is how dwarf society strictly functions (boring, honestly, on top of being incredibly sexist), I could argue that the Battle of Azanulbizar and other struggles probably left a significant dent in this dwarf group's male population, leaving behind many widows and mothers without children to pick up the work. The battlefields have come to and TAKEN both Erebor and Moria from the dwarves. I see no good reason why dwarf women would not have equal investment in reclaiming their home and the gold. Many of the Company are not presented to be formally trained warriors, anyway.
Now, ideally, we could do way queerer stuff in terms of both romance and gender here, but we know cowards with veto powers would not let this happen. Still, I feel like basic genderbending would have been a very doable move and is, actually, a very reasonable ask of an adaptation that would have added some depth to the story even if you didn't acknowledge the change at all.
Like, preferably, this would be an adaptational change that would be directly addressed. Maybe all of the Company appear male at first due to traveling that way (and assumptions made by humans and hobbits), then Bilbo might learn that some of the Company are dwarf women when he becomes closer to all of them. We could have a brief scene acknowledging that dwarf women are fighting these battles for their pasts and their futures too. It doesn't have to be a big thing! They can just be there. Existing. Participating.
I even think it would be fun if two of the dwarves were actually an older married couple traveling together, instead of brothers or cousins, because loving married bickering and battle couples are fun. You can have running jokes in the background about how Smaug's invasion ruined their wedding day, and going back and forth with "you never take me anywhere nice" @ each other whenever they're stuck in Goblintown or the Mirkwood dungeons. (I like seeing good marriages & partnerships in fiction and established couples going on fantasy quests together. I just think it's neat.)
But another (sillier) direction is that you could just cast some actresses in beards to play some of the dwarves, then leave the fact that some of these characters are probably dwarf women (traveling as men) as a fun detail for the audience. Bilbo is either too oblivious to notice or much too polite to bring it up at all. It's canonically compliant to the text this way!
Now, obviously some few people would have complained that Tolkien's work was being ruined by "political correctness", but they complained anyway about Tauriel (when there are MANY other bad choices in these movies), and what worthwhile arguments could they have possibly made against genderbending some of the THIRTEEN dwarves? Like, most casual fans I know cannot NAME the entire Company, who get so little character development in the book that the films had to come up with unique designs and backgrounds for most of them anyway. Bro (directed towards someone objecting to the idea of including female dwarves), be real, there's no way that you honestly cared this much about "Nori the Dwarf" before right now.
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
Is the Sad Wizard Depicted in this Drawing Caleb Widogast or Anders Dragon Age: A Guide
Caleb Widogast and Anders Dragon Age are shockingly similar characters on paper and sometimes when you see fanart of them, it can be hard to tell who's who because of this. Here is a non-exhaustive list of their shared features you can find in fanart or just in general:
Both Caleb and Anders:
Are wizards
Really like cats
Have reddish-blonde hair
Have anywhere from a stubble to short cropped beard depending on fanart
Referred to as "wizard hobo" by fans
Have burned down their parents property in their backstories
Hopeless romantic
Are from their fantasy world's version of Germany
Chronically just look so tired
Deal with extreme self-loathing issues
Are sad
Are often drawn paired with a white-haired brooding magical elf
Lots of similarities BUT there are enough differences that it's relatively easy to tell them apart once you know what you're looking for
Here is what you're looking for
It is most likely Caleb if:
His cat is brownish-orange with black stripes
He has any dialogue with a phonetically spelled out accent consisting of lots of Zs
He's wearing book holsters
Has blue eyes
Hair is tied in a LOW pony-tail, usually a bun
He is wearing a simple BROWN coat
Is very dirty
Associated VERY STRONGLY with fire magic
Is glowing but it's from crystals in his skin
His white-haired brooding magical elf has grey/purple skin, a long flowing cloak, and is floating
It is most likely Anders if
His cat is VERY orange, light orange fur and darker orange stripes
Has any dialogue where the word "justice" is used a lot
He's carrying a staff
He has brown or gold eyes
Hair is tied in a HIGH pony-tail, usually a very short one that low-key reminds me of Sokka's "Warrior's wolf tail"
He is wearing a somewhat elaborate orange coat with green sleeves and feathers on his shoulders (note: sometimes the coat is black but the feathers on the shoulders do not go away)
Is not that dirty
Associated VERY STRONGLY with healing magic
Is glowing but it's from the spirit living inside him and often very focused around his eyes
His white-haired brooding magical elf has normal human colored skin, a really big sword, and would not be caught dead floating but is sometimes glowing
I hope this comes in handy and also a moment of silence for Dragon Age or Critical Role artists that have had their art tagged with the wrong character I have seen it happen so many times its unreal
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delhe-dalim · 2 months
Stuff in common I found between Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) and Splinter (Tmnt2012) bc that happens when u are hyperfixated with fictional characters:
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-Both being badass powerful and wise jedi/ninja masters, responsibles for the main characters' training (Anakin/Luke-the turtles)
-Mental powers
-Both went into exile after some heavy events that changed their lives (the Great jedi purge / mutation)
-They had a brother in the past, but things didn't turn well :(
-Both lost the woman they loved (bruuuhhh)
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-Buuut despite all their suffering and pain, they never went to the dark side (well maybe Splinter for a lil bit, but that was the damn Rat King's mind control, not his will 🤓☝)
-This thing I noticed in the Tmnt 2012 artbook (this rat kinda reminded me of obiwan, now I know why)
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-At some point they appear as force ghosts lol👻
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-These little details that had me 👁👁
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*strokes his beard*
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-Sweet moments with children 😭
The whole Lone rat and cubs episode and the bond between Obi-Wan and little Leia had me like 🥹🥹
idk I'm a big fan of cuteness so watching that made me happy
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-According to the character database, both are INFJ -Whatever this type of character is called, I like it
Although their context of their stories are different, I found curious to notice some similarities! so here I am, sharing them and thanking you for reading this far
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lotrlocked · 2 years
So. Rings of power was better than I, a 20 year LOTR fan, xpected. It’s visually beautiful in a way that doesn’t feel totally computer generated. The costumes look better than I expected and honestly it made me get out my Tolkien books and pour over the maps and timelines again.
But like: the elves. Terrible. Bad. Boring. Why? Why do they all look like exasperated suburban dads? Did we fly too close to the sun with Lee Pace as Thranduil and they went, well, we can’t possibly find anyone hotter than that so they just gave up? Why do all of the men except Gil Galad have short hair? I’m so angry we were robbed of the beauty of Black elves with locs or braids and got emo buzz cut man instead. 0/10
Where is Disa’s beard? She has the tiniest little extended sideburns but come on. Cowards. Absolute cowards. Again she could have a beautifully braided beard with jewelry and flowers in it. 9/10 for Disa’s character in general, 3/10 for design.
Galadriel SWIMMING across the whole ass sea? That whole part in general 0/10
If they make a Galadriel/Elrond romance I’m gunna riot. -1000/10
If the make Galadriel/Halbrand romance I’m gunna riot. (However if they have a buddy cop dynamic that’s a mark in favor.) -1000/10
Harfoots, good. Love it. Strong sense of culture and society. Interesting. Little girls being weird. 10/10.
Tirharad- the concept that pre-ring era Mordor was a lush livable landscape is FASCINATING to me because it’s something I never considered in all of my pouring over maps and reading fan fictions for 20 years. The timeline is fucked, but I want that kid (Theo?) to become The Witch King in a rode to hell is paved with good intention storyline. 6/10
The fantasy racism, stupid. Bad. Why?? Just…stop. It’s so forced and unnecessarily awkward. We see a black elf, an obnoxious white kid says ‘you people’. Elrond, ELROND THE HONORED AND REVERED, being told he can’t go to the council because he’s not ‘an elf-lord’ despite the fact that it was never explained in the show that he’s half elven. I?? Yes there was racism in middle earth but I’m big mad because it’s so poorly written. -1000/10
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karuuhnia · 3 months
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I've been a Pokémon fan since the very beginning and recently a friend asked me who my favourite character was. I couldn't answer with just one character. So instead I gave her my top 3 favourites from each generation - and then turned it into this. lol
A little bit more info under the cut if you're interested.
Please do not alter, repost/reupload or redistribute my artwork anywhere! (Reblogging is perfectly fine, of course.)
Gen 1:
Blue: The original rival, you loved to hate him. :D
Erika: I loved her design as a kid, even though I had no idea what a kimono was back then lol
Bill: No idea tbh lol. I like his hair and that he's a nerd, I guess? Honestly, Gen 1 did not have that many memorable and fleshed out characters, so I kinda struggled here.
Gen 2:
Lance: Honestly, he was my fave in Gen 1 already. I love his strength, his design, his virtuousness, his bravery, his code of honour, his everything. To me he's like a knight in shiny armour from old fairytales. lol I could spend a whole day describing all the things I love about him, but I don't wanna bore you.
Eusine: Probably a weird pick for many because he is kinda obnoxious in the game lol I've always had a soft spot for him though and I really wanted him to get Suicune in the end, after he'd changed.
Morty: I love his design and colours and that he's Eusine's bff and voice of reason.
Gen 3:
Steven: He is classy, wears a really awesome suit, has very cool Pokémon and is still a huge nerd. I love it!
Archie: (I see you, @chipsncookies) Big hunk with a big smile and a cool outfit. Beard. Not a bad guy, actually. Learns that he was wrong and does everything to make things right again. Frienemies with Maxie.
Maxie: Scrawny beanpole with a silly (but very cozy looking) outfit. Secretly a dork. Not a bad guy either. Learns from his mistakes and wants to make them right again. Frienemies with Archie.
Gen 4:
Riley: I was a huge fan of Sir Aaron in the movie and Riley is just as awesome. I love his hat too. His personality is also similar to Lance's, so that's a huge plus.
Cynthia: I really, really like her. She is so cool and strong and her theme is amazing. Just like Charizard she's become too popular and that gets a bit tiresome sometimes.
Looker: Okay, I admit, it took me a while to get used to Looker. But now I like his quirky, funny Inspector Gadget shenanigans. What changed my mind was the aftergame of XY. ;__;
Gen 5:
Ingo & Emmet: I couldn't do it. I couldn't choose who of them I like more. So they share the first place.They're a duo anyway. And absolutely inseparable. R-Right?
Elesa: I like her mainly because of the fanon that she's bffs with the subway twins. But she's also not the bitchy supermodel that I first thought she was. She's actually kind and supportive.
Alder: Funny grandpa with awful hair, but a big heart and a great theme song.
Gen 6:
Lysandre: His design always gave me Ganondorf-vibes. That's pretty much it. His goal is stupid.
Emma: Her storyline in the post-game was by far the best thing in XY. And her theme is so beautiful!
Sycamore: I still wish he had actually turned out to be evil. I still like him.
Gen 7:
Kukui: What is not to love about him? He's a hunk, he loves his wife, he takes in Lillie, he punches Pokémon with his bare hands.
Lillie: Sweet little girl who deserves all the love from her friends and her adoptive parents instead of all the shit her psycho bio mother put her through.
Burnet: She's sweet and smart and kind and I wish she had a much bigger role in the game. Her anime part was great though <3
Gen 8:
Piers, Sonia and Raihan: Honestly... These are pretty much the only characters that I remember lol Gen 8 was very underwhelming for me.
Gen 9:
Arven: Just a poor neglected boy who wants to save his sick dog. In contrast to his shitty parents he's got a big heart, is caring, nurturing and supportive.
Clavell: The twist about this character was that there was no twist. He is just a very kind grandpa who genuinely cares for the well-being of his students. I also LOVE his battle theme.
Hassel: This game really is full of wholesome boomers. Hassel's got a huge heart for art and his students and Pokémon. He's also not afraid of showing his emotions.
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hainethehero · 3 months
Steve Rogers is a babe. Like khaleesi Game of Thrones level of babe. He is just FINE.
No matter the version - live action, animated, cartoon, comic, fan art - he is a vision.
The Disney/marvel version of him is somehow cute, pretty, sexy, and hot at the same time. While also being badass when he needs to be.
It’s a very hard feat to achieve as a male character but Steve can do that.
Also, his body/figure is very unique. He has broad shoulders and broad/ample chest pec area but he has a very narrow waist and he also obviously has America’s ass. I’ve always thought it was the male version of an hour glass figure - which is the most desirable shape for women (at least it used to be).
I definitely think Steve is a male version of blonde bombshell but I don’t think it was intentionally meant to be that way. It just happened and I think that’s what makes it even more great. He developed and evolved into this as a character and then in the movies they elevated it likely also unintentionally but it worked.
You're so real for this because I've noticed it since CATFA. To begin with, pre-serum Steve just goes against every physique a typical hero is supposed to have. Then he gets the serum and gets big and is supposed to wow all the ladies when in actuality his physique is less God of Thunder and more, Disney Princess.
He's clean shaven everywhere- except for Infinity War which I hated (it was not his best look & I hated the beard don't @ me)- doesn't have the facial hair like MOST of the male mcu heroes and has bimbo blonde hair. Not to mention his eyes that are just gorgeous.
And most of it is Chris Evans' natural features, but in Avengers 1, when his hair was buzzed for Snowpiercer, they did a lace for him and like, THE HAIR WAS FLOPPY AND SOFT AND SHINY AND GORGEOUS. like I think we can all agree Avengers 1 (baby Cap) was the most gorgeous he's looked followed closely by Winter Soldier Steve. He is totally a blonde bombshell.
Not to mention the narrative surrounding his character, especially in the MCU. The guys all make fun of him for being a virgin- like, sure let's make the guy's sex life a focal point of his character arc- like they do with female characters. They have Nat trying to find him a date, sort of like girls do in those early 2000s movies with their besties. Steve himself is a very tactical fighter and has more moves in common with Black Widow than Bucky who is an absolute unit. Steve's a ballerina in combat, light on his toes, pretty and lean. Not bulky like some of the comics make him out to be.
And let's just talk about his LIPS!
Like, he's got the plumpest, most plushy soft pillow-looking lips I've ever seen on a guy. So, in addition to the body, he's also got the pretty face. Long wispy lashes, full, red lips, big blue eyes and a clean shaven face. He's every typical "guy's" fantasy- just in guy form. Pair his physical features with his sweet, shy disposition and maybe that's why everyone flirts with him so much.
He's absolutely endearing and totally flips the usual "Alpha-esque" idea of what a male superhero is supposed to look and act like.
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filmmarvel · 1 year
Ted Lasso Finale Pros and Cons
Nate telling everyone about Jade :))
Their performances in the final match, including Isaac kicking the ball THROUGH the net
Barbara’s scenes, and her continuing to work with Keeley!
Rebecca selling her shares and getting a happy ending with Boat Guy- just because it isn’t the ending I wanted doesn’t mean I’m gonna let it ruin the whole thing for me.
The shares going to the fans!
Even though I disliked the Jane thing, it made sense that Beard wanted to stay in England, he was always better acclimated than Ted. He seemed natural, and he had a home and community there.
Sam going to the Nigerian team!
Fun moment with Zava and his avocados
The ussie guy, and a bunch of other fun nods to the first episode
The fine thing at the beginning of the episode
Dr. Sharon finally appearing!
Women’s football happening?
Of course, the believe scene was really sweet
Colin being one of the few characters to get a satisfying arc!
Unresolved storylines
The entire Roy/Jamie/Keeley situation? It was really unnecessary to bring Jamie back into the mix this late in the game. Plus that weird bar scene? Not to mention how they had really teased Roy and Keeley getting together for awhile (their whole arc this season was all over the place). Roy was being pretty immature, which kinda undid some character development. And I felt pretty unsatisfied by the lack of resolve there.
The fact that they’re still implying big moments that happened and not actually showing them!! There were a lot of big moments that we never saw- super unsatisfying (ex: Sam deciding to go to the Nigerian team).
Deliberately teasing Tedbecca like that:( The opening scene, her pouring her heart out and him saying NOTHING, her literally buying a first class ticket just to say goodbye to him. I’m not saying Tedbecca HAD to happen for it to be a good finale, just that all that was kinda cruel and irritating for the writers to mislead people like that.
Ted being uncharacteristically unresponsive to a lot of stuff, not talking a lot and joking like most other episodes.
Nate not really having any super impactful moments this episode after a long arc this season (and no Jade scenes). He’s one of the few characters this season who’s really gotten a fulfilling emotional arc, so for him to not really have any big moments this episode felt a bit like whiplash. Not to mention that we didn’t really get any indication of where he’s going from there career-wise? He’s still the wonderkind, so to have him back as a kit man was fun for the episode, but I expected a bit more for his future (at least a tease or something).
Beard marrying Jane (and Ted not being there??)
Ted’s whole ending, the way we have no reason to believe he’ll be at all happy there. I’m glad he’s back with his kid and everything, but what the hell. Like it’s one thing if we had been able to see his friends visiting and staying with him or something but nope! He’s just alone, in a place and with people who have caused him significant unhappiness throughout the show. I feel like they could’ve set it up better, maybe having him discuss things with Dr. Sharon or SOMEONE (just to see his perspective and understand what he’s thinking a bit more) but instead it’s just yet another example of not showing the important moments here.
Not getting any resolve about Jamie’s path in life, future plans, etc and instead only using this episode to make things weird with him and Keeley. They were fine as friends.
I’m not a Ted/Trent shipper (I feel for you guys), but Trent deserved at least one nice scene, a goodbye with Ted, something!
So in conclusion, despite how fun certain parts of this episode were, I was pretty unsatisfied with the lack of resolve among a lot of these storylines and characters, not to mention some poorly justified plot choices. As I mentioned below in my initial reaction, this whole season was so poorly planned out. I assumed that they would’ve at least planned for the finale, but it’s clear now that the whole thing was all over the place. They should’ve decided what they wanted in the finale and then spent the season setting it up. For example, when they decided it was going to end with Ted going home, they could’ve chosen to spend the season slowly working through this decision leading to an ending that would’ve felt justified (and they could’ve spent time setting up a way for him to be happy there). But instead, they introduced it in one of the last episodes. And I could use any number of examples here- Sam going to the Nigerian team, Beard staying, anything with Jamie, etc. This just felt rushed and random.
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I saw in the tags of a post you reblogged that you don't now who anton is (red guy, big beard,)
Basically Anton is a character from a similar wario-like platformer, and many fans compared AntonBlast and Pizza Tower. This lead to the developers to make some jokes here and there, until they made a post saying that Anton and Peppino are in a relationship.
of course this wasn't all that serious but it is what lead to the ship of Anton and Peppino and why he is in a lot of PT art.
i was COMPLETELY serious so thank u for clarifying 😭😭😭 I just saw the red man everywhere and was like well i guess everyone is having a good time :) i just assumed it was an au or something that fanon latched onto so i blacklisted it alongside the au and oc tags 😭😭😭 thats sounds interesting tho that TWO wariolikes sprouted up at the same time; ill go look it up!
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mask131 · 17 days
You know, if there is a Greek god that rubs you the wrong way, or if you like one element about a Greek goddess but don't like the rest, and still want to write about them in your work or include them in your game or make a fan-art or whatever...
... Instead of rewriting the Greek deity and playing at AUs as if it was your OC, maybe... just look at other non-Greek deities and pick someone else?
As a big fan of Greek mythology I always very glad that so many people are willing to use and explore the Greek gods... But if it is to just reinvent everything and create gods as fictional as the Valar or the Faith of the Seven, it is not worth it. Just invent your own gods for your fictional setting - OR PICK A GOD FROM ANOTHER PANTHEON.
Because here's the thing: people seem to use the Greek mythology as the "default" setting when dealing with mythologies. But you know there are many more mythologies and ancient dead religions and polytheistic set of legends than Greek or Roman mythologies, right? I mean, people usually are aware of Norse and Egyptian mythologies too - but there's even MORE than them. There are THOUSANDS of gods to choose from around the world, so when you take one Greek god but because their characterization displeases you, you change the character entirely, it doesn't feel like "reinventing", it feels like you're a lazy person who didn't bother looking at all the alternative deities that were offered to you.
You hate how the Greek opposed war and wisdom through Athena/Ares? Take Odin: he is both the war and the wisdom! You don't like the animals of Aphrodite and thinks she would look cooler with cats? Just take Freya! You want an hermaphroditic visual but don't like the Greek character of Hermaphrodite? Hapi the Nile god rocks the beard-boobs-beer belly look! You want Persephone to be a guy? Yarilo is awaiting. You like the idea of Aphrodite-Ares couple but you wish they'd be one person? Ishtar is right there!
Seriously, if you force yourself to make Greek deity stuff, then you're just limiting yourself to one branch of an entire world-tree. You don't need to reinvent Aphrodite as being faithful or Ares as being peaceful or Hephaistos as being loved by all or Hades not scaring anyone. That's just creating false images of these deities, and forcing yourself to come up with the reverse of what they are, in terms of culture, history, religion and archeology.
Just... open your horizons. Search into other religions. Read about different mythologies. Heck you even have some public-domain entire fictional pantheons if you want to really god wild, like Dunsany's Gods of Pegana! So don't tell yourself "But I HAVE to do this with X Greek deity", because you're just lying to yourself.
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thenixkat · 3 months
People really trying to refute one of my examples of fatphobia in Dunmeshi that was a fat character's weight being very rudely insulted (plus that fat character being portrayed as greedy, gluttonous, and incompetent) and there being zero examples of any fat characters being complimented on their weight to counterbalance the insult by pointing at Chilchuck complimenting Senshi or Laios complimenting Zon's wives (which is from a fucking extra) which doesn't fucking work as examples.
Those don't work b/c:
Chilchuck complimented Senshi on his masculine looks not his weight.
Laios complimented Zon's wives on their well-structured faces, nice racks, and round butts. Not their weight.
Furthermore, the mangaka didn't go out of her way in the art books to specifically point out that in spite of their looks the orcs and dwarves are not actually fat. They're *litterally* just big boned with a diagram and everything and notes that they have low body fat percentages for their visible size.
Instead of lying to people that Dungeon Meshi isn't fatphobic and trying to gaslight the fat fans pointing out that it is, don't do that shit.
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[ID: Two rows of drawings in the same picture. The first row of drawings is of a tallman, dwarf, and orc of similar-looking girth. The second row shows the bone structure and fat ratio differences between the three races. /End ID]
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[ID: A drawing is of a sitting orc with piebald patterns on black fur. Next to this picture is a caption reading, ‘Body fat percentage 12%’ . /End ID]
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[ID: A page full of colored drawings of dwarf women in different poses from one of the Dungeon Meshi Daydream hour art books. At the bottom of the page is a row of uncolored drawings of dwarf women with different body types in order: average, more muscular with less body fat, fat, tall with an average build. and skinny/emaciated.
The mangaka's comment at the top of the page reads: The dwarven female form. They're very muscular with little body fat. /End ID]
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[ID: A bust of the character Dia from Dungeon Meshi drawn with tallman (irl human) proportions instead of dwarf proportions. /End ID]
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[ID: A bust of the character Nemari from Dungeon Meshi drawn with tallman (irl human) proportions instead of dwarf proportions. /End ID]
Like, our major dwarf characters aren't fat. They aren't. They're just dwarves. Not even fat for dwarves. (Didn't grab a pic of tallman!Senshi b/c beard obscures his neck.)
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gal8ctea · 6 days
Im Robyn/Sage!! You can call me whichever one you like idm :3
I go by he/they/it pronouns, and I’m bisexual and a trans guy :] (I’m actually boyflux but it easier to call myself a trans guy LMFAOAO)
Please know that I am a minor!!
I really love:
The owl house, amphibia, spider verse, Gwen Stacy, Adrianne Lenker, Steven universe, whale sharks, marine life, hazbin hotel (but I’m not one of THOSE fans I promise 😔), helluva boss, my hero academia (once again I’m not one of THOSE fans I’m chill I promise 😔😔), drawing, art, cosplaying, heartstopper, occasionally writing, ok ko, bluey, splatoon (although I don’t play it very much anymore 💔), kipo, I’ve watched almost every queer/queer coded children’s show out there, my bearded dragon, dressing emo, and I just love being myself!!
DNI (do not interact) list:
Homophobes, transphobes, zoophiles, proshippers, anyone who hates any group of people that aren’t hurting anyone (eg furries, cosplayers, etc)
Music taste:
Adrianne Lenker (if you like her please talk to me), cavetown, Alex g, Taylor Swift, my chemical romance, pierce the veil, 6arelyhuman, phoebe bridgers, big theif
(As you can tell it’s very all over the place)
If I was a Sanrio character I’d be kuromi :3 (you probably guessed it LMFAOOO)
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