#my darling angel <33
bbbrianjones · 2 years
🌟 ~ ahhh ily <3
you really are just pure happiness and joy! i love you so so much!! your blog is always amazing and i get so excited when i see you have posted something, regardless of what it is! you have opened my eyes to so many amazing media and bands, you are definitely responsible for my many loves - chris wood, ronnie lane, etc!! obviously, you are just so much fun to be around! you mean to world to me and i just want to thank you for everything you have done for me, no matter how small. you have really been a big joy to me and i'm just so happy to have someone like you in my life!!
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mo2k · 3 years
- With love, BamBam 🦢🌙
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prince-of-khrysalis · 3 years
1: Lilith & Cordelia, 2: Oceania, 3: Jacques & Cordelia, 6: Antigone, 7: Percy, 10: Nazar, 13: Antigone, 14: Oceania, 15: any x3, 17: any, 18: any.
Imma keep this all to wizards for this time!! Long, sorry! 1.) What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering: For Lilith, her name! Granted, not my style these days but... this was several years ago! I still love the mythology with that <3 For Cordelia? Her appearance, “pretty, cane-twirling, Victorian redhead” was the goal? 2.) Did you design them with any other characters/OC’s from their universe in mind?I designed her to parallel her sister, Nazar! Oceania would have cooler colors to contrast Nazar’s warmer ones. 3.)How did you choose their name? Cordelia’s name came from a Victorian era name list, I choose it because of it’s meaning AND the fact that it sounds quite posh, no? Jacques’ name... Well I just thought it sounded snobbish? So it was perfect? I didn’t go looking for it, it just... came to mind! 6.) Is there any significance behind their eye color?(Hey anon I love you for matching this one up), Antigone’s eye color is a huge part of a subplot I wrote in! In Defective, red eyes are a marker of a particular curse. 7.)Is there any significance behind their height? Not a huge significance in Percy’s height aside from the fact that making her small and frail was otherwise the goal! And I like short characters. 10.) If they have a LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?None! Naz is meant to be unstable and incompatible with people. Her getting into romantic affairs ONLY works if the other person is equally unique. 13.)How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? Far, very far. I have my own plot, specifically involving Anti! She goes far past the canon Mooshu lore, specifically in backstory, having a ~centuries old~ curse which altered both her and Mooshu as a whole for me in some spaces? 14.) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC?  Her massive hero complex for one, it cancels out a LOT of common sense and self preservation?? A mess. And the fact that despite all of that, Oceania is still so young and sheltered. 15.) What is something about your OC that can make you laugh? Persephone’s temper will never not make me happy <3, Cordelia managing to sass everyone and everything with nothing but cards, and Nazar’s complete and total discord between personality and action kjsdhksdk 17.) Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? Not particularly? Some romantic subplots are a bit messy these days and I’m unsure what to do with them, but aside from that I’m fairly happy with them! 18.) What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? Discovered a few months ago that Cordelia has a nephew she’s never met, who is my main pirate.
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loveqinn-moved · 6 years
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(♥ω♥ ) ~♪
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leejungchans · 2 years
seventeen as new parents
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༉‧₊˚✧ for my 1k event !
requested by @joshuas : i would also like to request hehe for a small parent au headcanon (maybe like when they first become parents </3) with svt </3
a/n: hihi shuawife <333 thank you for the req and i hope you’ll like this hehe 💓 requests open until june 1, see this post for more details/guidelines if interested <3
word count | 2k
pairing | seventeen x afab!reader
genre | fluff, parents au
warning(s) / includes | food mentions (please lmk if i missed anything!)
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୨୧ seungcheol
he’d be so fascinated by your baby :(( they’re just so small and tiny and he’s so in love :(((
he knows he’s strong so he’d constantly be worried about doing something wrong, like accidentally holding your baby too tightly or in the wrong position, but you’re always there to reassure him
literally has the proudest dad smile no matter what your baby does. it doesn’t matter if it’s the bare minimum—they’re his child and he will be there to smother them in affection >:(
makes a spit bubble? proud dad. yawns for the first time? proud dad. grabs his hair and yanks? proud dad. takes their first step? proudest. dad. <33
so. many. cuddles. he’d never let go of your baby if he could
he’d love holding them close to his chest as they’re napping so he can quietly admire them, gently tracing a finger over their tiny features and smiling when they yawn
୨୧ jeonghan
jeonghan would not be afraid to make a fool out of himself just to get your baby to smile :(
coos a lot to your baby and playfully squishes their cheeks (see: that video of him and soonyoung with chan)
“peek-a-BOO!” “goochie goochie goo~”
definitely also does the airplane thing whenever he’s feeding them, makes mealtimes more fun <3
he has infinite patience, and even if your baby makes a huge mess he’s never annoyed
“oh, you’re a little troublemaker, aren’t you?”
“i wonder where they got that from, yoon jeonghan.”
he loves lifting your baby up in the air while calling them his little angel :(
jeonghan very much radiates calm excitement, really eager to spend time with them and at the same time always has the situation under control
he’s yoon jeonghan, what else do you expect <3
୨୧ joshua
serenades your baby all. the. time.
your baby grew up in the womb listening to sunday morning <3 they’ll probably be able to recite it word for word eventually
but as much as you love teasing him for his neverending sunday morning agenda, it helps lull your baby to sleep faster so who’s complaining?
gets one of those baby carriers that you strap across your chest so he can go around doing errands while having your baby close to him at the same time :’)
one of his hands is restocking your fridge with groceries and the other is giving your baby head rubs
dad jokes for days, like actually
“why can’t leopards hide? because they’re always spotted.” “joshua, i love you, but oh my god…”
the first time your baby wrapped their tiny fist around his finger, he looked over at you with the widest eyes and biggest smile
“darling, did you see that? they’re so tiny 🥺”
yes, he teared up a bit but can you blame him? he loves kids and loves the fact that he now has one with you even more <3
୨୧ jun
jun’s the fun dad <3
he’d love dressing up as/pretending to be different characters to make your baby laugh
sometimes his performances baffle your baby more than anything, but them staring at him with widened eyes is just as cute :(
whenever something unexpected happens, he’d panic a bit at first, but just as quickly regain his composure and try to find a solution because he wants you to rest as much as possible without being overwhelmed with a ton of questions </3
strikes a perfect balance between letting your baby roam and experience as many things as they can, and spending more tender, quiet moments with them
one moment he’s putting on a one-man puppet show for your baby, and the next they’re napping together on the couch with their chubby cheek squished against his chest <3
୨୧ soonyoung
please, he’s practically overflowing with excitement <3
the thought of you two expanding your family and having mini-me’s running around the house makes him so, so happy
let’s be honest—he definitely wants a ton of kids
two words: tiger. onesies.
you take a short nap and wake up to your baby tiger on your chest smiling at you
he’d be such a positive dad, always there to celebrate your baby’s little wins and to encourage them during an oopsies moment
there’s never a dull moment between these two because he’s always your child’s biggest fan
your baby’s destined to be a dance prodigy: the moment they can stand they’re already bouncing along to the song he’s playing
he spends all day teaching them how to horanghae so that one day they can do it together. sorry, i don’t make the rules <3
୨୧ wonwoo
oh, he’s prepared
of course there are no set rules to parenting, but he definitely knows what to expect
he’d read as many books as he can, so by the time your baby arrives he knows how to help and lessen your stress <3
while his excitement doesn’t always manifest externally, it doesn’t mean he isn’t giddy about welcoming a new addition to the family, because he most certainly is
often, you’ll walk in on a sight that makes you feel fuzzy and warm—your baby snuggled comfortably in his arms as he reads to them in his gentle, calming voice
when your baby starts learning how to grab stuff, they’ll constantly be trying to take his glasses off as he’s cradling them
in those moments, the laugh he lets out is genuine and clear, and he almost always lets them have it for a bit <3 (under his careful watch so they don’t hurt themselves)
୨୧ jihoon
he definitely worries a lot especially as your due date approaches, because he wants everything to be perfect for both you and your baby </3
sometimes his concerns can overwhelm him as he juggles work and being the best father to your child
but they melt away almost instantly whenever he sees you rocking your baby to sleep, whenever he looks into their round, curious eyes; immediately reminded of how lucky he is to have a family with you
when your baby is old enough, he’ll take them with him to his studio so you can have some me-time at home
he’s trying his best to stay focused, he swears, but he keeps getting distracted by how adorable your child looks as they stare at his equipment in wonder ☹️
“do you want to say something into the mic, sweetheart?” [unintelligible baby noises] “thank you, that was beautiful.”
proceeds to play the recording to anyone he crosses paths with
୨୧ seokmin
another member who’s practically vibrating with excitement
his happiness was already contagious even before you welcomed a baby, but after? you can feel it from the next room 🥺
truly rivalling your pregnancy glow with his new dad glow ✨ though he makes sure that everyone knows you’re the main character
100% lifts your baby up in the air like they’re simba, it’s cute and it makes them squeal with glee <3
gently tickles your baby a lot because he thinks the little giggles they let out are the most beautiful thing he’s heard
tries to cheer them up when they're crying by making silly faces :(
insists on singing your baby to sleep every night. sometimes you just like to observe from the doorway of the nursery so they can bond
he cradles your baby in his arms while singing softly, the slow rocking movements and his sweet voice lulling them to sleep within minutes ;-;
୨୧ mingyu
the golden retriever energy is through the roof :( he’s just so, so, so happy to be a dad
he has tons of nicknames for your baby: honey, sweetie, sprout, pumpkin… the list goes on
honestly, there isn’t a thing this man wouldn’t do for you and your baby—he built the crib, he painted the nursery, he packed your hospital bag, he learnt how to change their diapers…
as your baby gets older, your place will be completely baby-proofed
if your little angel will be anything like him (ie: inherit some of his clumsiness), he needs to make sure they don’t bump into sharp edges as they’re exploring 😞
another member who’s extra, extra careful whenever he’s holding his baby, because the last thing he’d want to do is hurt them :(
probably gets teary or cries every time your baby wraps a hand around his finger because they’re just!! so tiny!!!
୨୧ minghao
another member who likes being extremely prepared throughout the course of your pregnancy
he tries his best to stay calm through everything because he doesn’t want to add to your worries :(
even during the worst tantrums he never loses his patience with your baby, simply continuing to rock them in his arms with a gentle smile on his face
when they finally stop, he gives them a little kiss on the forehead to comfort them <3
your baby is better dressed than some people are 😌
he likes to buy cute outfits for them, it doesn’t matter if people point out that babies grow out of their clothes really quickly
bonus if he coordinates his (and your) outfits to theirs so you always look like the best-dressed family whenever you’re out in public together
he’d also like doing something artistic with your baby once they’re older, like letting them try finger painting or moulding stuff using clay
proudly displays their creations all around the house afterwards <3
୨୧ seungkwan
he documents every step of the way so you’ll have lots of photos and videos of your baby to look back on <3
on that note, he absolutely has a photo of you holding your baby as his lock screen
definitely really, really emotional about being new parents with you and swears up and down that he’s going to be the best dad
gives the best reactions to anything your baby does, the “you’re doing amazing, sweetie!” energy personified
sometimes he can be a tad overprotective over his baby, but all for good reason because he never wants anything bad to happen to them :(
he talks to them a lot even if they’re just a baby and can’t understand anything, it still doesn’t stop him from telling them about his day in a soft voice while rocking them to sleep, it’s his way of bonding with them ;-;
“the choreography was a little hard, but uncle chan’s helping me with it… oh, you’re getting sleepy, aren’t you? sweet dreams, little one”
୨୧ vernon
vernon’s the cool dad
in the beginning he might flail around and panic a bit with tasks like changing your baby’s diapers or trying to feed them, but he quickly gets the hang of it <3
eventually he’s completely unfazed and probably bopping his head along to some music while changing their diapers 😭
he’s just so, so endeared by your baby that everything they do makes him grin widely
lets your baby make small decisions for him for fun
“should i order noodles or a burger?” [baby noises] “noodles it is, you’re so right, sweetheart.”
once your baby is older, he’d love taking them on late-night bus rides, your baby tucked securely in his arms as they peer out the window
he points places out to them too <3 “that’s where uncle seungkwan and i go out to eat a lot” “that’s where i got you your cat plushie”
speaking of cats, definitely shows your baby a ton of cat videos :(
୨୧ chan
oh, chan…
he loves kids so he’d be so, so excited to be a dad :(
he’s a very animated storyteller, so whenever he tells your baby a story it always makes them giggle because of how energetic he is
probably calls your child “baby dinosaur” </3 liddol baby crongs </3
they’d have the cutest cheeks and he always squishes them
obviously your baby would show a passion for dancing since a very young age
he’s over the moon when he sees them bounce along to the song playing on tv, immediately showering them in hugs and kisses while proudly remarking to you they’re going to grow up to be an even better dancer than him 🥺
if you bring them along with you to visit him at practice? he’d be even more determined to give it his all because he wants to look cool in front of your baby ;-;
much like how he’s always the others’ biggest supporter, no one’s a bigger fan of your baby than him and he’s always showering them in praises :(
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a/n: watched the clip of baby chan with his brother again, -12/10 would not recommend, extremely devastated rn 😞 also this is my first time writing headcanons so please go easy on me <3
if you enjoyed my writing, please take a little time to reblog and give feedback to support it <3 it tells content creators what you like and motivates them to keep creating for you <3
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achoonihaachu · 2 years
Younger Brothers React to a Child asking if they are Married to MC
(Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor)
a/n:: and taa-daa! Here are the reactions of the younger brothers to the prompt: "the brothers reacting to a child asking if reader and them are married and reader goes with it..." from alt anon! <33 i had a blast writing this part (prolly bc im a satan simp...) so yeah! i hope u all like it! stay safe out there, alright! <3 ilya!
warnings: none again,, unless ur afraid of kids,, maybe a bit of swearing and asmo gets a lil frisky...,, not proofread!!
Now, we are all very (painfully) aware that this man is a hopeless romantic. (Reading Shakespeare’s work for centuries does that to a person/demon)
He thinks that, out of all his brothers, he’s the best boyfriend/husband material.
He believes that grand romantic gestures are the quickest ways to a person’s heart (Don’t tell him I told you but… He may or may not be planning to take you to Italy pretty soon…)
To get you ready for a *ahem* special surprise he has in store, he takes you to the human world to buy you a few new outfits… but more specifically because he wanted to take you to an art gallery that had recently just opened.
You spent most of your morning drinking extremely overpriced water, trailing behind a fascinated Satan, and pointing at different pretty paintings that had nice color palettes.
You loved the gallery tour, sure, but you were more invested in messing around with a tiny kid you saw being dragged along by a man that you just assumed to be like… a congressman– or a CEO of a multimillion dollar company at the very least.
You kept glancing down at the little boy and when your eyes finally met, you waved enthusiastically at him and he quickly reciprocated– giggling happily as he waved his hand at you.
Your boyfriend, too busy letting the art course through his veins, hadn’t realized that you had left his side and you’d walked over to kneel beside the little boy.
His father wasn’t mean or anything; In fact, he looked relieved to let his little boy hang around with someone else for a little while. A closer look at him made you realize that his hair was disheveled and he had bags under his eyes.
“Would you look after him for a few minutes? I have to go make sure my assistant’s doing his job– I have an important client to meet with and I couldn’t leave Ryu alone at home.”
Ah, so he’s the gallery director–
You couldn’t protest being left with a young child so you simply watched as the man walked away, looking around with stress in his eyes.
He better thank his lucky stars that you weren’t a kidnapper.
You take Ryu’s hand gently and lead him to a small bench in the middle of the gallery. You see Satan look around and you wonder if he even noticed your absence.
You’d spent a total of 5 minutes with Ryu and you were already experiencing the world’s worst baby fever in recorded history. He was just an angel of a kid and he was so tiny and cute– Perhaps it was time to have a talk with Satan about how many children he wanted to have… You nod your head along to whatever Ryu was saying in the moment, unsure of how to reply to the gossip he was spilling about his kindergarten classmates. I mean, how else are you supposed to react to stolen apple juice boxes and cheap lollipops from secret admirers? At this point, Satan finally realized that you weren’t by his side and a flash of panic struck across his features as he scanned the gallery for you.
He almost fell to his knees at the sight of you lifting Ryu up to sit on your lap as the child giggled in your arms.
He scurries on over to you with an embarrassed smile, “I’m sorry about that, darling. I didn’t realize that you slipped away without me noticing… Who’s this strapping young man?” He asks, leaning over your shoulder to give you a small peck on the cheek. Ryu gasps, surprised by the voice of your boyfriend, but he quickly relaxes when he sees that you two are, indeed, close.
“Oh! Your husband’s here!” The little boy cups a hand as he leans in to whisper in your ear, “He’s handsome…”
You could feel Satan tense up behind you. Before he could say anything, you nodded and smiled tenderly at Ryu, “He is… I’m really lucky, huh?” Ryu grins and nods once before he goes back to swinging his legs. Satan’s face starts burning bright red as a lovestruck grin creeps onto his lips.
“(MC)... What did you just say…”
Just in time, Ryu’s dad comes back looking exasperated but then… He sees Satan standing behind you. His posture is immediately straight, he looks composed and reeks of suaveness–
“S-Sir! I didn’t see you walk around earlier! Did you find a piece that caught your eye?”
So… you now have an extremely expensive painting hanging above yours and Satan’s shared bed…
Satan has also started calling you absolutely disgusting (read: scarily adorable) pet names… like “My Darling Spouse” and…“Schnookums”– yeah, no… maybe not that one.
Asmo has this reputation of being… overly flirty with people. Sometimes, it worries your friends that maybe he isn’t being loyal to you or perhaps he isn’t treating you right.
They literally couldn’t be more wrong.
Asmodeus treats you like literal royalty and it feels so good to be loved so openly by someone like him.
Sure, he’s had a plethora of different lovers in the past but he has genuinely been so true to you and it warms your heart to see him try for you.
If anything, you worry that maybe you aren’t enough for Asmo– (He always whacks you upside the head when you say these things because he loves you so much–)
You managed to convince Lucifer to let you and Asmo stay in your home in the human world for about a week as you celebrated your anniversary; It took a lot of convincing and a bunch of promises of getting him a dozen new vinyls to even get him to consider.
The thing is, you surprised Asmo with this small vacation and when you broke the good news to him– and he was in tears. He was on the floor, holding you whilst simultaneously sobbing as he told you how much he loved you and how much he appreciated everything you did for him–
Woah, Asmo! Hold on! Is that a freaking ring?!
He wasn’t proposing (yet!) but he had planned on giving you a promise ring on the day of your anniversary but then the good news– He panicked! He did it too early!
Both yours and Asmo’s hands were shaking as he slipped the ring on your finger; It was gorgeous and you couldn’t help but give him the biggest kiss as a way to say thanks. (u could thank him in other ways ;) )
So your anniversary comes up and you had brought him to your childhood home in the human world and you decided that it was time for him to meet the family.
You introduced him to your folks but your little cousin was quick to latch on to your boyfriend–
“Yui! Stop! He’s mine–”
“Nope! He likes me more!”
This little brat–
You hadn’t even had the time to cuddle with your boyfriend since you got back home. He’s been too busy lugging Yui around as they did practically everything together. You weren’t jealous or anything but Yui didn’t even pay attention to you! You loved Yui and you practically helped raise her– the tiny brat was now 8! You huffed as you pouted on the couch in the living room.
Asmo’s allowed to hang out with your baby cousin. It’s fine. You just needed a hug from her, is all.
Yui and Asmo came bounding in; your boyfriend trailed behind slower than normal as he chased her around before they both fell on the couch with you. Asmo lands face first into your lap and Yui sits up beside you. You stifle a giggle as you run a hand through Asmo’s champagne hair, “Are you two done horsing around for today?” You ask jokingly. Asmo grumbles incoherently into the fabric of your pants as he moves to hold your hand.
Yui tenses up beside you.
You glance over at the small girl, concern washing over you as you see salty tears prickle in the corners of her eyes, “Yui? Honey?! What’s wrong?! Are you hurt?” You ask, moving to kneel in front of her on the couch. You inspect her arms and legs; no bruises or cuts or anything at all. Did she break a bone?!
“Y-You didn’t tell me that you married him…” Yui whispered quietly as her gaze hardened on your ring finger.
You literally had to stop yourself from dying of laughter right there and then. Asmo was worried, kneeling beside you, and he was so confused as to why you were pulling such a face… “Yes, he’s my husband. Are you gonna do anything about it?” You tease, wiggling your fingers in her face as the ring shines in the living room light.
Yui’s bottom lip wobbles before she starts crying. She jumps off the couch and into the direction of where her mom was.
“Sweetheart, that was so mean! But… If you wanted to marry me so bad… You could’ve just told me so! I look forward to the honeymoon–”
You shove him off playfully as he starts wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively.
Your aunt only told you off playfully as Yui glared at you from behind her leg; Something about marrying Yui’s new crush was off the table… You simply showed the ring off again and stuck your tongue out at her.
(She cried.)
Now this may come as a surprise to some but I feel like Beel would be the first out of his brothers to ask for your hand in marriage. (That is if you two have an established relationship already!)
He loves kids and the idea of having kids with you makes his heart flutter– It feels better than any meal he’s ever indulged in!
As the resident respectful boi tho, he takes his time and respects your boundaries and needs as well so he holds off until you two talk about it.
That being said though, your relationship with him is already very domestic and you two lowkey already act like newlyweds.
In the words of Belphegor, “You two are so sweet… Stop being sweet in the attic because I’m about to vomit. I want to sleep.”
Beel: “Oh, Belphie ^_^ what do you mean? <3 ^_^”
You lost your attic cuddle room privileges after Beel snuck a kiss on your forehead before two went to sleep.
You and Beel were actually in charge of, you guessed it, grocery shopping for the week.
You were pushing around your fourth full cart… Beel had to start lining the groceries up for the poor cashier.
Seven boxes of ramen, 12 kilograms of princess poison apples… Huh… This’d only last till Thursday… It’s already Monday.
Beel had said that he was going to look for a little snack so he left you to deal with finding the dried monstrous squid jerky…
You were about to start pushing when the cart stopped in its tracks.
You strain to look past the mountainous stack of boxes and you see… A tiny girl with the stubbiest little devil horns.
A baby demon :( <3
“She’s standing on the metal rail at the bottom of the cart, you had a few canned peaches lined there–
“Oh! Um… Hi! Who might you be?”
“Hi… I… I’m Hana…” She says quietly.
The grocery was pretty empty; Literally and figuratively because not only have you started clearing the shelves, you and Beel managed to scare off most of the other customers from the amount of food you’re getting. (Beel had a bit of a reputation with his obsession with eating…) You rounded the heavy cart and lowered yourself so that you and Hana were at eye level to each other, “Nice to meet you Hana. My name’s (MC)... Where… are your parents?” You ask, looking around to see if there were any frantic moms or dads looking for their adorable little girl.
“I– I think I’m lost.” Her voice was soft and timid; She sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
You soothe her as best as you could, you ask her permission to hold her and you wait with her for either Beel or a security guard to walk over to help with the finicky situation Hana was in. Just as you were about to phone one of the other brothers to help, your big sturdy boyfriend comes into view, a roasted phoenix leg in his hands.
“Beel! Hey! I need a little help here!” He immediately rushes over, phoenix leg forgotten on top of one of the many boxes and he has to make himself look physically smaller so as to not frighten Hana.
“Hello. I’m Beelzebub. Who are you?” He asked; He sounded a little bored but you could tell he was simply trying to keep her from crying.
“Y-You’re not going to hurt us?” She asked worriedly, “Are you her… husband?”
You nod quickly, “Yes, he’s my husband. He’s a little big and scary but he’s nice. You’ve met big scary demons before, right? They’re not all bad!” You say sweetly. Beel stares at you, a small smile on his face as he stands back up to look for some help.
Hana seemed comfortable with you anyways, he could at least help out in any way he can.
A few minutes pass, Hana’s sniffling in your arms and you hear a loud cry of relief come from behind you as bounding footsteps grow louder and louder in your ears, “Hana! My little devil! Here you are!” A female voice calls out.
Hana crawls out of your arms in an instant and rushes over to who you can only assume is her mother. The reunion was tear-jerking and was like a scene straight out of one of those coming-of-age movies you used to love watching.
They’re both grateful and leave the store together, Hana seems to be in a much better mood as she waves goodbye to you. (She even gave Beel’s leg a quick hug!) That leaves you and Beel alone to deal with finishing your grocery shopping.
Wordlessly, Beel wraps his arms around your middle, “I like hearing you say to other people that I’m your husband.” He says bluntly.
“You’d make a great mother to our kids in the future.”
“Oh? Our kids?”
“Yes.” :)
So, manchild :) Who needs kids when you can have Belphegor?
Kidding aside, I think Belphie’s the chillest to be in a relationship with. He’ll simply love you in the moment, without pressuring you to moving quickly to the next big step, he doesn’t ask too much of you– simply that you love him regardless of who he is and what his sin stands for…
That and also unlimited cuddles and that he’s your designated cuddle buddy.
And also 96% of your attention.
Like I said, so easy :)
He’s also not the type to want to do too much… Why on Earth would you go out to watch movies when you could watch it at home?
With that being said though, he knows that you’d still want to do things with him and go out on dates soooo… he indulges you every now and then!
He managed to surprise you with a carnival date to the traveling circus that was in the area. You were literally so surprised to see him all dressed up with flowers and casual outside clothes that didn’t include his blue jacket and khaki pants–
He looked like the perfect boyfriend! Oh no! Your heart!
His teasing was relentless all day but that was a small price to pay for a really fun date for the first time in a while. In all honesty, he seemed to have toned down the teasing and the sly remarks, he was gentler and he seemed to have been taking this date seriously!
(unbeknownst to you, Beel and Mammon were watching from a few feet away– They told him to be a cooler boyfriend or else… What that “else” meant was unknown to Belphie but he wasn’t sticking around to figure it out.)
He had bought you a huge serving of fuego cotton candy that was literally on fire and you were having such a blast.
The lines were a tad long though…
Oh! That ride with a bunch of kids seemed like it was a tolerable wait…
You honestly had no idea on what the ride was about when you first dragged Belphegor along with you but then you saw that it was a a tilt-a-whirl of sorts; there were little booths on a platform that spun around at speed you weren’t sure your human body could handle– This was the best way to go out though.
You realize that a bunch of kids seemed to really enjoy it so you decided to join in on the fun!
You realize then that you were a little too old for the ride. Despite being weaker than these kids, the tilt-a-whirl was seen as a bit of a baby’s ride.
“Hiya Miss! What're you doing riding this?” One of the kids asked obnoxiously. The others then turned to look at you.
You could hear Belphie groan under his breath. This was going to be fun!
“I just haven’t been able to go to carnivals in a while. I hope you all don’t mind riding this with a pair of old farts like us.” The kids all giggle quietly, a few of them whispering to each other as they very obviously point at your boyfriend.
“Who’s he? Is he like… Your brother or something–”
“Don’t be dumb, Suki! He’s obviously their husband.” A boy says loudly, rolling his eyes.
Belphie choked on his spit, eyes wide as he glared the boy down; If he wanted to scare the kid shitless, his plan… failed miserably. The kids all start laughing at him, taking turns calling him your husband and whatnot.
You, never the type to miss out on an opportunity, obviously join in to start picking on Belphie.
“Guys, c’mon! Don’t pick on him! We’re newlyweds. He’s still a little shy about it.” You say with faux embarrassment.
The kids break out in oohs and happy cheers. You swear you could see one of the young girls pout in the corner of your eye.
Before you could continue entertaining the group, Belphie grabs your arm and pulls you away. The kids sound indignant as you two walk away but you wave goodbye to them as you trail after a red-cheeked Belphie.
He sits you down at an outdoor restaurant and sits across from you. He buries his head into his arms and he sounds like he’s muffling a scream.
You laugh lightly and pet his head.
“Do you really not want to marry me?” you say in a teasing sad voice.
“Pfft… Of course not.”
“Belphie! That’s mean!” :(
“I’m kidding… Of course I want to marry you… Not here though.” :)
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kururrugi · 7 years
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“If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I’ve just got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!”
Dedicated to @todorokih ♡​ Happy Birthday my sweetest Angel-chan (⇀ 3 ↼)
Bonus +
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genshinology · 2 years
Hii hot babe~~ *leans against a trash can*, can i request a headcanon where xiao (or any other genshin characters that u would love to write abt them) comforting their s/o who likes to bottle up their feelings and at some points, they just can't keep their normal demeanour and broke down. THANKS BESTIE<333333 ily~~
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ft; ayato and xiao.
notes; omg kai what's wrong with you and this ask. I'M WHEEZING WITH THE UNNECESSARY TRASH CAN PART. anyways, i am truly sorry for the long wait (pretend like we're not irl friends haha) and i am going to put ayato here for you just because (iykyk) <3
+ it's my first time writing in 'headcanon' format so i am truly sorry if i did awful <33
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so, kamisato ayato, or better known as a busy guy who dislikes small talks.
the only thing he thinks of is work 24/7 and trust me, when it comes to his own s/o, he swears he tries his best but work often comes up every single time he wants to spend his "free" time with you.
he never has a free time, sometimes he just makes an excuse to go and do little things with you.
which honestly makes he feels very bad because all he wants to do is asking you how your day goes, wants you to tell him countless events that have happened but he just couldn't, often restricted to his own workload that he accidentally neglects you.
nevertheless, he swears he tries his best to find the perfect timing with you.
you, on the other hand, are so understanding of his position of course. he is the commissioner, the head of kamisato clan. of course you slowly tone down your own selfishness of wanting to be with him all the time and your own feelings, because no matter how many times he apologises to you, you give him a smile and say it's alright, the people need him more than you.
until one day, when you went a terrible and horrifying day, from being lectured at for submitting the trading reports late to the shogun to accidentally got the dango milk spilled onto your kimono by a nearby vendor.
even your hand fan went missing—the precious hand fan ayaka gave you as her gratitude of being the source of happiness in ayato's life—got stolen whilst you running an errand to help yae publishing house.
you come back to the estate, exhausted and frustrated, feeling on the edge as ayato quickly holds you in his arms, noticing the way your eyes are lifeless, unlike your usual persona.
cue, "darling, are you fine?" oh he definitely calls his s/o darling, little one, angel, etc. on daily basis
"angel, look at me," he will definitely lift your chin, eyes worrying seeing you pliantly follow his orders without your precious smile given to him, "you look tired and sad," you feel so emotional having ayato treats you this way. it is nice to feel him holding you like a gentleman he is.
and it ends up with you giving him a big hug, before ayato pats your head multiple times and catches off guard when you muffle your crying noise and tears on his white uniform.
it breaks his heart to see you in this light, reminding him how bad he is as a partner, "keep on crying, little one," he doesn't care whether his outfit is ruined by you, all he wants you to know that his darling is loved by him as he reciprocates the hug with a comforting one.
he knows he is bad with words, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, but hopefully, his actions are more than enough to convince you that he will always by your side whenever you need him the most.
"people cry not because of their weak heart, they cry because they have been strong for too long," he gives a peck to your forehead and it oddly calms your racing thoughts, "so are you, angel," canonically ends your day with him being clingy by your side the entire night because he is worry about you and often reminds you that you should come at him when you feel at your lowest.
oh, i forgot to mention, he will definitely cook dinner under ayaka and thoma instructions if that what makes you feel happy again.
ugh i want ayato so bad it hurts
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xiao, xiao, xiao, our emo and angsty boy.
first thing to note, he is either really awkward and shy when in a relationship other than those platonic ones, or, he just maintains his cool and the 'tsundere' vibe. there's no in between.
and i, wholeheartedly believe in the latter. the 'does not care from the outside but has a soft spot for you in the inside', he is rightfully in this trope.
he may know you as an extroverted, often the first one to reach him out, the first one to strike an empty yet random and interesting conversation, basically the first one to do all kind of things with him, the first one to confess and yes, you are the first one to ask him out as more than friends, as an official couple.
he may know you as a hard-headed person, he couldn't count how many times he rejected you, because he didn't want to get emotionally attached with any mortal figures, yet you would ask him, again and again, for him to accept you.
constantly and lowkey provoking him that he was being immature, because you promised him that spending his days with you would bring joy towards his solitude, dull life. that he should open up his heart more, and you did say that he shouldn't worry about his main concerns and instead focused on what was happening and living the current moment to the fullest.
surprisingly, he was sold when you said that. the constant efforts had finally paid off and you were practically flaunting to everyone at the inn that xiao was yours back in your earliest days in an official relationship with him.
despite him living for decades, he is such an amateur and so inexperienced in this weird yet loving relationship.
especially when you are the one initiating romantic things once again, and those moments actually make his heart beating uncontrollably fast.
imagine his shock, and confusion, when he sees you acting cold after you are back from your daily commissions back in liyue harbor.
it's hard, but xiao tries to approach you, although there are no words coming put from him, he tries to ask you why you are acting like this.
it shouldn't hurt him, but the way how you accidentally give him a scowl, as if you mentally say to him that he shouldn't have come closer, makes his heart almost drops, it pains him seeing you suddenly becoming like this when he perfectly knows that the way you treat him is unintentional.
it takes him some courage to finally voice out, and although his words are only, "hey, are you fine?" or, "did something happen?"
it means a lot to you hearing them directly from xiao.
and you become so emotional that you actually break into tears, "xiao," your whiny voice makes his heart shattered. oh, he did get emotionally attached to you alright. you do make him feel dejected when you aren't being a ball of sunshine towards his life. he never knows that it would hurt this much.
the only rational and logical thing to do is making you lay down on his lap after he signalled you to do so.
caresses your hair and cheeks occasionally, and hearing you patiently as you pour your heart content to him, much unlike xiao who you already knew.
how people treated you like a servant beforehand, and you emotionally and socially exhausted when accepting those commissions of doing this and that.
it hurts xiao hearing how you were being mistreated when you are just a mere adventurer, "i'm here," despite your teary eyes, you couldn't help but find this awkward side of his to be cute.
all flushed red for you to see yet he is avoiding your eyes. i'm screaming T-T
"call my name, if you only need help of course," he awkwardly plays with your fingers, before you give him a cheeky and sly kiss to his reddening face, "i love you, xiao. that means a lot."
xiao doesn't understand the meaning behind your words, he only did this and said a couple of things but you already appreciate his actions that much.
maybe if he does more to comfort you, maybe he could drown himself with your kisses.
he doesn't mind it though if that what he gets from you.
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extra notes; thank you for 500 followers everyone! this is more of a filler post—and my first work in 2022—until my new ayato fic is released (stay tuned <3) reblogs are greatly appreciated as always!
all rights reserved © genshinology 2022 strictly on tumblr only. any form of wrongdoings under the copyright law is strictly prohibited.
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multistan-247 · 3 years
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Well.....idk why I decided to write this rn...I missed Toji? I wanted to be squished by his beefy arms and and pressed against his man tiddies? Idk. I'm just horny or lonely or it's just my hormones. This is literally being written out fo nowhere so, fluffy(?) incubi smut it is! It's kinda similar to your werewolf mate bond and stuff, but more spicier and fun hehe
Unedited. Also, soft dom Toji is >>>
Lemme know what y'all think in the comments and reblog for me lovelies <33
Characters: Incubus!Toji × Fem!reader
Tags: MINORS GTFO. (I MEAN IT) NSFW, incubi, smut, virginity loss (?), size kink dirty talking (it ain't Toji if there's no filth), soft dom, fingering, nipple play, mentions of masturbation, hickies, biting and marking, mirror sex (I cannot believe I'm writing this lmao), a lil dab of fluff, cute ass pet names
🏷️: @r1nf4iry
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That was the only feeling occupying your body.
A beautiful man with raven hair, sharp, feline like eyes and a small scar on the edge of his lips was haunting you in your dreams since weeks.
"Hey darling."
Spoke a deep baritone, which sent a shiver down your spine.
Every night, you would find yourself on dark four poster king-sized bed with velvet covers, inside a room with blood-red walls, which seemed outwordly and posh.
Thick, stocky arms encased you in between a large chest, as his angelic face breathed down your neck.
His presence screamed danger, but you found yourself somewhat comforted around him.
You're enamoured with the way he is, the way he held himself with authority, as if he knew that he could do anything and no one, no one would be able to stop him.
He'd tease you with little touches, sweet talk and would press his lips to the shell of your ear, telling you how soft your skin was, how small and breakable you seemed under him.
The weird part?
You were never uncomfortable around him. Never. His slow, sensual touches, the shallow of the cut on his lips pressing onto your awaiting, sensitive skin made your brain go haywire, gasping and whimpering, wanting him to go further.
He wouldn't take off even a small piece of clothing from you; but he was always shirtless, muscles bulging from every corner of his body, with only a pair of black sweatpants hanging off his hips as he subjected you to his administrations.
It would depend if he'd allow you to touch him or at times he would pull you over his lap, and let you feel how you made him; his large boner pressing against your core, his lips swollen and red with the hickeys and bites he painted on your neck and shoulder.
But he wouldn't go beyond that. It was almost like he was saving you for something.
It would be nothing more than a small exchange of words, mostly initiated by you but he would put an end to that by pressing kisses against your skin.
You found yourself wanting to know why he stopped before it got out of hand. Why he was limiting himself to just touches and kisses, only on your neck, and nowhere else. Why he was on this secret mission to drive you crazy when he himself was struggling to hold himself back.
You would wake up in the morning and look at the array of purple, blue and pink marks adorning your skin as you blushed in surprise after seeing yourself in the mirror, reminding yourself that it was too real to be a dream.
You knew of his kind.
Incubi and succubi sucked off the life force from their prey as they engaged with them, but you had no signs of energy draining. Infact, you were completely fine and you were practically glowing, since many of your friends pointed it out.
Day by day, you were switching to lighter and more provocative pieces of nightwear just to feel more of his touch; shorts, a tight shirt, a satin nightgown, all without innerwear on. His eyes would gleam with knowing, because he knew he was stroking the fire inside you and making you open up and be more and more comfortable with him.
You had no sexual experience, but that didn't stop you from engaging with a healthy dose of masturbation, but these days? Nothing would give you relief. Nothing would make you feel the hot fire coiling in your belly, nor was it satisfying. Imagining and remembering his touch could do only so much, but it wasn't like the real thing. You found yourself getting turned on for the smallest of jokes, for the most stupid innuendos and you cursed yourself for it, waiting for nightime to arrive so that you could see him.
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You found yourself alone, sitting on one of the stools in the bar lounge waiting for your friend to finish barfing her guts out in the toilet. She'd said no when you offered to hold her hair for her as she threw up, refusing as "the smell would be too much and then I'd have to haul your ass out instead".
The bar was relatively full but the ambience of it felt good. There were a few couples here and there and a groups of people talking and every once in a while they would laugh or shout, which would make your head turn.
Swirling the pale pink fruit punch in the glass, you downed it in one go and your eyes drifted back to the door, waiting for your friend but it looked like she wouldn't get out of there any time soon. Your mind quickly uses that opportunity to think about a certain dark-haired man who had made you restless since weeks.
The atmosphere in the bar shifted when a cold breeze of air blowed in as the door opened. You immediately feel a gaze on you, but it didn't make you uncomfortable nor was it scrutinizing. It was as if the gaze was caressing you, like a pair of hands running all over your body, over the square of your shoulders, the smooth planes of your breasts, down your ribcage to the curve of your waist and hips. It was as if you were coming undone.
Heat crawled up your butt and floods in your core and you chastise yourself, remembering that this was a public place.
To distract, you open your phone, going through the recent messages when the bartender comes upto you and slides another glass of the fruit punch with a folded note under it. You notice that the lounge is rather empty & choose not to touch the drink. Instead, you slide out the little note with a neat, manly scrawl which read:
"I knew you were special the second I laid my eyes on you. Thought I'd wait a little more but I don't think I can. Meet me near the building's exit in 2.
- The tease from your dreams"
Your heart sped up in delight, the prospect of finally learning something about him making you giddy. You knew that you shouldn't exactly be dabbling with a creature like him but your curiosity and desire won you over.
You push the black metal door open and step out into the rocky street, looking around for a sign of life but there was none. Panic flooded into your body after learning that this was a trick and before you could barge back in, the door closes with a dull bang and you find yourself trapped against it when you feel a familiar presence behind you.
It's him.
"You're really clever, little one, you know that?"
You jump at the sudden question but a feeling of satisfaction fills you when you hear his voice. You stand silently, staring at the door, desperate for him to make a move.
A half-gasp tears from you when his arms wrap around your middle, tugging you to him until you melt into his embrace. His huge figure swallows you whole (be honest, the mans so effin big), head tucked into his chest even with heels on.
You feel his hard pecs, the large structure of his body pressed against you and savour the raw warmth radiating off him. Your cheeks flush when you're made aware of the heat pooling between your thighs as you're struck by the harsh polarities between the both of you.
Big, hard and powerful, that's what he was. You recall how you fragile you were when compared to him when he held up both your hands above your head with only the press of his palms, all in contrast with your petite, softer and smaller frame.
The heat only grew when you felt the large indent of his cock against your ass.
He laughed a sensual, throaty laugh as he nuzzled into your neck, picking up the scent of your arousal.
"Does the stark polarities between us excite you, little one? Fuck. If I knew that this was all it took to arouse you I'd have done this long ago."
He pressed his body a little more against yours, the action causing you to inhale sharply.
"I have a question." You ask in a meek voice, as if he'd disappear any second if you lifted a muscle.
"Shoot." He says, his nose running down your exposed neck, planting kisses which sent small shivers down your back.
"Should I be scared of you...?"
A beautiful name for a beautiful man, you thought.
"What made you pursue me, Toji?" You ask, testing his name on your tongue.
You weren't prepared for the bodily reaction when you felt the slightest dig of his canines on this one particular spot on your neck when you spoke his name.
A fervent spike of heat in your pussy makes you moan softly.
"This. This connection. It feels right. Almost too good to be true." He says, his voice husky, the musk of his scent doing things to you.
"Is that why you're holding back?" You ask him, wary of his answer.
"That is exactly why I'm holding back. You're too good to be true, little one."
"Really?" You ask him in disbelief, wondering why a man like him would sought out for someone like you.
"You're testing me here, little one. If I could express half the things I want to do to you right now, you'd launch yourself to the hills."
The suggestive note in his voice had your pussy throbbing, and you gulp, ashamed to feel a dampness on your nether regions.
You gasp a little.
"Listen closely, little one. I can't hold my desire any longer. I can practically feel you throbbing so unless you want to be fucked raw on the pavement, I suggest you leave."
His tongue was filthy. And somehow that made you more tempted than you should be.
But you still did as you were told, opening the door back in and closing it, making your way into the crowd in the bar, knowing that it would be worth it.
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You stir awake, sitting up on the velvet covers. Toji appears on the opposite end of the bed, eyes widening for a fraction of a second before fixating on your figure.
His jade green eyes dilate, growing progressively darker, the pupil expanding, a naughty gleam shining in them.
You chose to look away, flustered as he rakes over you from head to toe, taking in all the curves and edges of your body. The feminine lavender lingerie was light, the intricate design of it wrapping you up perfectly, the delicate lace encasing your modesty in a way that could be called guileless.
The demon in him was utterly pleased with forethought.
You giggle and slap his chest bashfully when he crawls over to you and puts you on his lap.
He promptly kisses your jaw and moves to the edge of your lips, letting his tongue dart out to lick, a small giggle leaving you.
He swallows your giggle by pressing his lips against yours, as you kiss back, feeling the scar on his lip and deepen the kiss, tilting your head and cup his warm cheeks.
He breaks the kiss and kisses down to your throat.
You hum in gratification and he takes it as a signal to continue.
He presses wet, electrifying kisses and trails it all over, till he reaches this one spot on your neck, connecting to the skin of your throat and bites it with a bit of teeth and kitten licks to soothe the bite, making you shudder.
"There you go." He whispers as he repeatedly kisses, bites and lick the raw spot on your neck and your hands sneaks into his hair, ruffling and slightly tugging on them.
His chest vibrates with a purr and he bites more sharply than before and licks it roughly, sucking on your skin happily, undoubtedly leaving a huge mark.
A shocked moan leaves your mouth as you cream in your panties.
"I- what just happened-"
"Relax, little one. It's okay."
"But- but I just came-"
"Yes, I know little one. That's another physical sign that you're my Gift other than the pheromones." He says, nuzzling in your neck and instantly, you relax.
"Why do you insist on calling me as your "Gift"?"
You pose him a simple question.
"You see, little one, in rare cases, incubi and succubi have mates, supposedly our other half, designed by our creator. The spot I left a hickey right now is where I mark you. I haven't marked you yet. I won't force you to be mine, and if you don't want to do anything with me and my kind, I will walk away and leave you under my protection. It's your choice."
He knows that he answered all your questions, ones that didn't needed answers. He was giving you a choice.
"So you've accepted me? Why?"
A small frowns etches into his face at your question.
"Why? I've accepted it for who you are. You're mine, little one, but it's your decision to take if you want me or not. It's not usual to have a mate, a chosen one who is made specially to cater each other's needs. Someone who fills your other half and makes you whole."
"Woah." You say aloud.
"B-but- I don't even know your last name." You stutter, still processing the onslaught if information he fed you.
"Zen'in. I know, little one. Please don't feel pressurized to answer that question." He says, motioning you to sit in the space between his legs.
He reassures you with his words, acknowledging that you might be shocked with all this new information, and brushes your from your face. Pressed up against him like this, you weren't sure if you wanted to stop seeing this familiarly unfamiliar man. It felt like you'd known him all your life and he had no ill intentions towards you either. He even gave you a choice for you to accept him, as you began to think, basking under his wandering touch.
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"T-Toji-" you whimper his name, when his fingers dig into the plush of your thighs.
He takes his sweet time exploring all your skin, appreciating the dips and curves of of your body leaving nothing untouched. He doesn't let go; it's almost as if he couldn't get enough of you. It made your head spin, made you want more.
Without your notice, you'd surrendered to him. You were letting him do whatever he wanted, as long as he touched you. You were in a haze, a haze fuelled by his touch and his touch alone.
Soft breathy moans and whines filled the room.
Toji was doing this on purpose, letting you hear your needy grouses as he lets his hands do whatever they felt like.
He was dangerously silent, his heavy breaths and the hard press of his rock hard erection between your rump the only thing you could concentrate on as the blistering heat between your legs grew.
Your hips juts unconsciously, yearning for friction but a deep growl rumbles from him in warning, his hands wounding tighter around you.
Your thighs trembled like leaves as his fingers drew circles, before slapping and squeezing them, plucking a cry of shock from you.
Your breasts felt heavy, pert nipples hardening under your bra, begging for attention, for contact.
"Does this feel good, Y/n? Does it feel nice to be touched like this?"
"Yes." You answer with a soft hum following behind.
Your belly palapitates when his large, veiny hands slither down your ribs and plays with the lining of your panties.
"You've wet yourself." He says, noting the damp little patch on the thin material.
It takes everything in you to stop yourself from moaning embarassedly when his slightly cold, calloused fingers parts your lips, brushing your soaking wet cunt as he pulls them out for you to see.
"You see that? See how wet you are?" He asks, rejoicing the breakout of goosebumps down the side of your face as he whispered in your ear, splitting his slick-coated fingers with the shining web of your arousal.
His knuckle grazes your clit. You just struggle against him, whining, wanting him to go further as he repeats this action until you can't take it anymore and moan out and loud for him to hear.
"Ahh- Toji-"
"Has anyone touched you like this before?" He asks, suddenly, and you could swear you heard a side of jealousy in his words.
"N-no. Only my fingers." You admitted.
He was pleased to learn that you knew how to pleasure yourself. It mattered to him more than he thought it would.
He tugs your clit, rubs it, draws rough circles on it and you feel your walls contracting as pleasure fills your senses. You held your breath as his middle finger sneakily enters you and the grind of his thumb goes rougher as he stretches your walls with his thick digit.
His figure swallows you whole, fingers languidly doing their work, but he pulls out only for a second just to trace his fingers on your panties, and they just-
- disappear.
"Perfect." He grins and goes back, fucking your pussy open.
He folds your leg and places it to the side of this thigh, making sure your feet is blocked by it and does the same with your other one, which prevents you from closing your legs.
You could almost cry with how wet you were. Thick, sticky juices begin to coat your walls, a sinful squelching noise echoing in your ears as he stretches you deep, reaching places your small fingers couldn't reach.
When his middle finger comes in contact with a spongy spot, you almost thrash, crying at the sensation washing over your body.
The muscles of his bare body dig into you, reminding you of hard and powerful he was against your small fragileness.
"Shh. Relax, Y/n. Relax and let yourself loose into it, sweetheart. I've got ya."
He says, and your body relaxes into the sound of his words, soft whines leaving your lips everytime he would stop moving. Your fingers dig into his forearm wrapped around your middle, unable to control the moans which seemed quite intent from breaking free from you.
"That's right. You're enjoying it so much, aren't ya kitten? Why don't you look down for me? Look how your greedy little pussy is swallowing my finger, yeah?"
Hesitantly when you do as he says, almost gasping with the way his long finger disappeared into you, whining when the fingertip brushed against that spot again.
"Fuck. I knew you were special, Y/n. Right when I saw you in that pretty white dress in that birthday party. A fucking angel between the crowd of sinners. Not that I'm a saint, but I wished I could be that dress. So fucking much."
Your breath hitches when his hands reach for your bra.
"Relax, sweetheart. I won't hurt ya. I wouldn't even be able to hurt you even if you weren't my little Gift."
"Why?" You ask, curious even in your lust-filled haze.
It was a simple question, one Toji didn't mind answering as he continued to add another finger inside you as he hears your gasp.
"You're one of those. You're one of those humans who manage to have a ray of hope in then even when their life is in shambles, the ones who are often the most wonderful people but also the ones who suffer the brunt in life, but you eventually come out victorious. That's what makes you so special, and your life force never drains."
The sincerity in his voice warms your heart, the blush deepening in color when he eases the cups of your bra aside, hard peaks stiffening in the cold air.
"You're way more beautiful than I imagined."
He says, breathless as he meets your eyes in the mirror which has suddenly apparated in front of you.
"Toji-" you start, shying away but he shushes you by bringing his fingers back into you.
"Just watch, little one. I want you to know how good this can feel." He says, watching with hooded hues.
So, you watch. You watch as his fingers disappear into your red, swollen pussy and moan his name as he takes your nipple between his pointer and middle finger and tugs on it with titillating eyes, as you bite down on your lip.
"You're practically begging me to ravage you on the bed if you're gonna continue doing that."
You blush even more if possible.
A pleasurable, sweet kind of pressure starts to build in your lower stomach, as his fingers keep fucking you, his other hand playing with you, alternating between your tits and clitoris.
Just when you think you're on the edge, he pulls out his fingers, a small protesting whimper leaving you.
"Suck." He orders, bringing his slick-coated fingers to your bottom lip.
You do as told as your decadent lips wrap around his fingers, hot mouth licking his fingers clean of your own essence, maintaining his gaze in the mirror.
"You're naughtier than I thought, kitten. Maybe you and I are meant to be afterall." He grins, pushing his fingers back in, hitting your g-spot again.
He gazes at your quivering body in the mirror, knowing you were ready to release for him.
"Look at me in the mirror, kitten. Look how I'm playing with you and you're enjoying it. So fucking much."
"Your greedy little pussy is so tight around my fingers."
"Look at that needy cunt, making a mess on the sheets as I fuck her with my fingers. Your nipples don't seem to soften at all. Do they need some attention too?"
He keeps breathing filthy words as such into your ear, reducing your thinking capacity to nil.
You feel your pussy contract repeatedly as the blistering heat in your tummy begins to release, your arousal getting syrupy and Toji adds his thumb to the mix, hitting your g-spot and flicking your clit all at the same time, earning a loud moan from you.
"Look in the mirror, sweetheart. Look how you're coming undone on my fingers. Why don't you let go for me, yeah?" He whispers, as his other hand palms your tits and pinches your nipple, the combined effect of it all making you orgasm violently on his fingers.
He lays you back on the bed as you recover from the orgasm, hovering above you and kisses your temple, fusses with your bra and pulls it back on your chest.
"Yes." You say shyly.
"Yes what?"
"I'd like to be yours, dummy."
He pecks your lips almost lovingly and tucks your hair behind your ears, the proximity making your cheeks flush.
"That's fucking wonderful, then. Now let's get you to sleep. I'll take you out on a real date tomorrow. Do something without involving dreams for once and approach you normally, yeah?"
He says smiling, as you nod a yes.
You lull to a peaceful sleep, as Toji hovers above you, lightly threading his fingers in your hair as your eyes shutter close.
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© 2021 all rights to multistan-247 - don't copy or modify.
Seriously bro, I'm sure you're better than that. You got your own brain for nothing then :D
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englishmensbitch16 · 2 years
Hii could u write headcanons about cedric diggory having a s/o with big breasts please? <33 (and nsfw if possible, like how he would act in bed, i hope yk what i mean)
Awe yes I love this so much Cedric is most definitely a tit guy<33
Sorry it took a while I was busy with my story and had writers block
Warnings- smut, fluff, rough days, tit play, tit fucking, cum eating, needy ced
Cedric Diggory headcanons:
Cedric would be so stressed about the tournament coming up and would be so tired of everyone putting the pressure on him to win… the only person who doesn’t make him feel stressed is you. Your like his own little escape from all the worries
One day he would walk in to his prefect dorm after a night of rounds and find u laying peacefully on his four poster bed just reading looking nothing less than angelic
“ hi pretty girl, how long have you been here?” He kicks of his shoes and loosens the yellow and black tie around his neck before flopping on the bed next to you
“ I was just waiting for u to finish your rounds ‘cuz I know how stressed you’ve been about the tournament” you dropped the book to your side and began taking off his tie fully now
he would crawl into bed resting his head on your chest, you knew that was his comfort position, and you didn’t really mind
He would go on about his day asking you about yours, until his hand that was slung over your waist was moving up your torso in a teasing manner
“ whatcha doing ced?” You’d ask already knowing what he was up to.
“ I’ve just missed you today baby”
“ you talking to me or my tits” you’d giggle back at him as his hand made it to the top button of your blouse.
“ both” he whispered in a soft voice, his hand popping each of your buttons open to expose your breast to him, their practically spilling out of your lacy bra
He doesn’t even try to stop himself when he latched his lips onto your tits leaving harsh red and purple marks all over them
He has you moaning in seconds as he pulls down your bra all the way to expose you tits fully now, nipples hard as the cold air and feeling of his mouth reach them
He’s practically sucking most your tit into his mouth at this point moaning at the feeling of the plushy body part in his mouth
“ I fucking love your tits baby they always feel so good in my hands” he moans out the words in a desperate way
“ y’know I bet they’d feel even better wrapped around your cock”
He’s practically jumping off of you to rid himself of his trousers and boxers his cock already rock hard from the way he was rutting into your thigh
He straddles your stomach and places his cock in the crevasse of your breast and you push your tits together so they fully enclose his cock
His hands grip the headboard as he ruts into the space you created becoming a moaning mess on top of you
You feel his hips stutter as his creamy seed shoots onto ur chest and neck
He falls beside you breathing heavily, when you swipe your fingers through the sticky substance on your chest and placing them in your mouth moaning at the taste of him
“ you sly little minx” he watches you with wide eyes
“ feel better ced?”
“ much darling, you always make my days better”
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jeongwife · 2 years
its so weird how minghao with corruption kink isn't that much talked abt... LIKE I GET THAT SOME PEOPLE CANT SEE HIM WITH IT BUT I CAN LITERALLY SEE HIM WITH IT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 passing away right now.
- 🌷
hi besties 😁 i’m back! tulip anon you’re so right bc i can also totally see hao with a corruption kink and i think it deserves more attention <33
minghao might not always show it, but his heart always beats a little faster whenever you gaze at him with wide eyes during more intimate moments, and he adores when you can’t see to look at him anymore as you stammer out how you’ve never really taken things further in your past relationships. in the beginning, he’d take things slow because his first priority will always be your comfort and he’d only want to make you feel good, but once you tell him you’re ready to try new things with him, his mind goes absolutely haywire with all the ways he wants to corrupt you. and i feel like amongst those things, minghao would be particularly eager to try mild bondage and edging with you.
his cock is already beginning to harden in his pants upon stepping back to admire his handiwork—your hands bound behind your back with a pretty silk tie (maybe even complete with a small bow <3) as you’re positioned face down, ass up on the bed. from your position, you can’t see your boyfriend while he admires your naked body from behind, your breath quickening with anticipation as you await his next move. “you’re so pretty like this, darling,” he croons, gently trailing his fingertips up your spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake, “are you feeling okay?”
your heart warms at how he never fails to check on you, and your cheek rubs against his silky sheets as you nod. “y-yes! please, hao, just want you t-to touch m-me,” you whine, wriggling your hips as a way to tell him to hurry up. minghao chuckles at your neediness, continuing to drag his fingers along your exposed skin to tease you more, his feathery touches and the cool air of his bedroom already enough to have slick coating your folds.
“you’re so wet, angel, i’ve barely even started,” you hear minghao say, and it’s evident that his eyes are trained on the way your arousal leaks from your needy entrance. the next thing you know, his fingers are dragging through your sopping folds to collect your wetness, eliciting a whine from you as you attempt to push yourself onto his fingers for more pressure.
minghao hushes you and places a firm hand on your lower back to hold you still as his other hand continues teasing your cunt, his fingertips occasionally dipping into your entrance but never pushing in enough to give you what you want. you whimper into the sheets when he starts rubbing circles on your clit, your slick practically pouring out of you and coating his digits. “p-please—more, hao! wan-want m-more!”
satisfied with your begging, minghao increases the speed of his rubbing, thumb now drawing firmer circles on your sensitive nub as you cry out underneath him. your thighs shake as the coil winds tighter inside you, alerting him to the fact that you’re about to cum as your moans become higher-pitched with the frantic movements of his thumb against your clit. before the wave of pleasure can crash over you, however, minghao quickly pulls away, causing your orgasm to ebb away while your chest heaves heavily.
“i didn’t cum yet,” you mumble, tears of pleasure gathering in your eyes from the denied orgasm. this has never happened before as minghao had always let you cum whenever you want, but you also can’t deny how turned on you are from his ministrations. he coos at your teary, doe-like eyes, pupils blown wide with lust as he places a gentle kiss on your bare shoulder.
“i know, darling,” he says, voice smooth and sensual as he lets his lips graze your heated skin a little longer, “but i want to take my time with you tonight. i promise that when i finally let you cum, you’ll feel really good. do you want to try that, baby?”
— admin lily <3
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venerex · 2 years
masterlist i
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[🔹] historical au
[ ☘️ ] gender neutral reader
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# 1
cat got your tongue?
# 4
always better
your girlfriend (ft jeonghan)
very nice ☘️
again ☘️
the morning after ☘️
after you
first dance🔹
angel (ft joshua)
# 5
your girlfriend (ft scoups)
pout ☘️
marks ☘️
front door ☘️
23:04 (from old blog)
22:51 (from old blog)
movie night
angel (ft jeonghan)
got it bad
11:42 ☘️
non-flat ☘️
or something
lemon tea and home
focaccia ☘️
# 3
guess it worked
minghao / the8
feather-light praises
the poet🔹
mon amour🔹
a day later🔹
how'd i do?
# 2
glasses ☘️
something sweet
tomorrow ☘️
it's us
call (ft yeonjun of txt)
chocolate mousse ☘️
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little miss
little miss 2.0
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minho / lee know
oh captain
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gentleman ☘️
© venerex / do not take, copy, or in any way steal my work. i do not allow reposting, translating, or utilising my work in any way.
i only post my work on tumblr. if you see my work being posted on any other platform, it is not my doing and please let me know immediately.
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love-strawberry · 2 years
cause in the end, ilysm
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summary : in which they announce their engagement and the internet breaks.
pairing : harry styles x reader.
warnings : language
author's note : enjoy!!!
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liked by madelyncline, harrystyles, zayn and 3,618,517 others
y/n_ y'all think that harry is an angel but look at the cake he brought me for my birthday
ps: still love you, you shit <3
username 'satan was born today :)' wtf happened to tpwk harold???
harrystyles love you darling
-> y/n_ 🤨
harry_lambert is that why he asked me for bakers that'll write whatever he wants them to??
username IM CRYINH
tchalamet he's not wrong tho
zendaya i detect no lies
username her friends and bf bullying her on her birthday is goals
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liked by jefezoff, y/n_, louist91 and 3,78,918 others
harrystyles the cake she got me in return. shaking my head, treat people with kindness, y/n.
username god clearly has favorites
y/n_ suck my ass,,,this is what you get for being a lil bitch
-> harrystyles i'm eating your brownies
niallhoran mate, don't retaliate now. you know she'll shave your head and get another cat without telling you. again.
username y/n getting another cat after disagreeing with harry just to spite him is what i look for in a relationship
chrisevans you should've seen the cake she got me. 'sorry im better than you at mario kart'. hit me right where it hurts
username they're like old married couple dkislslslsksjalaksks
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liked by gigihadid, harrystyles, arianagrande and 4,818,913 others
y/n_ he apologized by getting on one knee and giving me a ring
username OMG OMG OMG OGM
harrystyles thank god you forgave me
-> y/n_ it's tiffany, why wouldn't i forgive you (i love you so much <3)
niallhoran THANK HEAVENS, i don't know how long would i have to keep my mouth shut
username OKAY,,,,, but imagine one direction reuniting and performing at their wedding id cry
oliviarodrigo MOM AND DAD
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liked by y/n_, dualipa, zayn and 4,578,917 others
harrystyles couldn't imagine spending my life with someone else. you make me the happiest even though you're mean, grumpy and hungry most of the time. i love you so much, more than words can describe. here's to our forever <3.
jefezoff so happy for you mate!!
y/n_ i love you, to our forever <3
-> harrystyles to my forever with you <3
username 'here's to our forever <3' im crying
zayn so happy and proud !!
twhiddleston congratulations <3 sending so much love your way!!
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sunarc · 2 years
Happy V-day!! <33 Have a good one :))
Kink: somnophilia
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
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I think somno is kinda hot… imagine waking up to getting your brains fucked out like this
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You looked so beautiful. Your skin shined so perfectly in the moonlight, he felt himself slowly growing harder at the sight of you. He leaned in to pepper soft kisses to your neck, groaning at the way his cock brushed against your bare thighs.
“I need you so bad baby” he whispered the soft words against your skin.
He sat up to lean over your sleep figure. His lips pressed gentle kisses down your body until he was met face to face with your heated core.
“Fuck- your practically dripping already for me darling” he groaned as his fingers brushed against your soaked underwear. “ I hope you're dreaming of something nice.” he closed his eyes imagining how perfect you’d feel when he finally slipped his cock into you. He stood up and pulled his cock free. He stroked it as he pulled your panties to the side watching the way your slick drooled down your cunt just the way he liked it.
“Always so fucking wet for me” His eyes were glued to your cunt as he rubbed the tip of his cock across it spreading his pre-cum. “Promise I’ll be gentle.”
He inched his cock into your hole slowly, smiling at the way your face scrunched up. He groaned, throwing his head back at the feeling of how warm and tight you were.
“It’s taking everything in me not to fucking ruin this cunt” he began thrusting in and out of you at a slow soft pace not wanting to wake you from your slumber. You let out soft whimpers and whines in your sleep each time he bottomed out.
“Shh shh angel it’s okay. I’m just gonna fuck you nice and good. Want you to cum all over my cock before you wake up okay?” he whispered the words as his thrust picked up speed.
Your chest heaved up and down as your eyes fluttered open. He placed a hand over your mouth silencing your loud moans. He leaned down pressing his lips against your ear.
“I guess now that you're awake you can scream my name while you make a mess on my cock.”
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kageyama, sugawara, kuroo, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Semi, Suna, Osamu, Megumi, Choso, Sukuna,Toji
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bunnisenpaii · 2 years
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 — (part 1)
Characters: Albedo, Kazuha, Diluc, Zhongli
Theme: Trigger warning!; mention of body shaming, death, blood, suicide thoughts, and fluff!
A/n: felt like writing this bc me need some comfort from these boys. Tried my best! i hope you enjoy<33
— 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨
Seeing you hugging your knees to your chest, sobbing, he didn't know why but his heart broke into pieces seeing you like this. Dropping his things he went towards you, bringing your body close to his.
Rubbing his thumb on your wet cheeks he brought your face close to his, "why are you crying my darling?" Seeing your lover with a worried look you explain what happened. Your so called friend ignored you, said harsh things to you, just because you were dating albedo. She was jealous of you.
Bringing your face to his chest, he had a piss off look. Like what the fuck, she was your best friend and she broke things off just because you were dating him. Wanting to go out and find this so called friend, he push those thoughts behind, you come first. Planting light kisses on your forehead he comforted you, rubbing soft circles on your back.
— 𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚
You open the door, tears streaming down your eyes as you closed the door behind you. Walking towards your share bedroom you broke down, digging your face into your knees. Crying louder and louder about the events that just happened not so long ago.
Crying you didn't hear the door open, hurrying footsteps towards your curl up body. Kazuha who looked worried about you brought your body between his legs, rubbing circles on your back.
Kissing your forehead he let you take your time before telling him what happened. Your family yelling harsh words towards you, shaming you and your body, how you are unwelcome to your own family and everything about you. Kazuha looked shocked.
He thought you had a wonderful family, a caring one who loves, worries and support you. But it didn't look like it. Kazuha looked calm, too calm. Inside his blood was boiling. But he snap out of his thoughts, you are important right now. "My angel, you are beautiful. Your a wonderful caring person, and your home will always be here." he planted a sweet kiss on your lips, wiping your tears away.
— 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜
When he was about to open the door, he could hear it. Your sobs. Dropping the flowers he planned to give to you he ran to the garden he gifted you a few months ago. There he could see, your shaky body, tears rolling down your eyes and cheeks.
His heart shatters. In seconds he had his arms warped around your small figure. His thumb wiping your tears away, kissing your wet cheeks. He didn't speak, letting you take your time. An hour past with you digged into his chest, not sobbing as much anymore. Rubbing your back softly he heard you speak in a broken tone.
Explaining that your friend/sibling was killed by monsters made his heart drop. Kissing your forehead, nose, cheek, then your soft lips. Cupping your cheeks, he knows his words wont heal your wounds, but wishes he can be by your side, "my love, i'm here for you, always"
— 𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢
He just went out to buy some of your favorite snacks and cuddle with you. After all he enjoys those moments with you. But he didnt expect to come back to see the bathtub filled with blood. Your blood.
Seeing your body he dropped everything bringing your body out of the cold red water. Warping your body with a warm towel he took you to your shared room. Your eyes were barely open but you can see his shaky form. He was hugging you tightly, shaking and almost at the brank of tears.
He lets you go seeing as he needed to tend to your wounded arms. kissing your temple, he whispered a quick "ill be back" quickly bring the med it kit. Softly he started tending to your injures. You just sat there quietly, a million of thoughts rushing in your head. You didn't feel any pain nor did you notice the tears which were falling from your cheeks.
But you did feel the big arms that were wrapped around your small body. You felt your tears, felt your wounds that were still bleeding. You finally broke into more tears. Hugging your lover tightly confessing everything. About your stress, your suicidal thoughts, everything. Not saying a word he cupped your wet cheeks, feeling the tears on his fingers. He kissed your lips, and whispered to your ear.
"I'm here. ill stay here with you, (y/n). So please..don't leave me"
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frostironfudge · 2 years
eeeeeep hi! sorry for not responding to your reply to my ask sooner haha
it’s totally fine to take your time! no hurry :)) /gen
can i request some fluffy smut for loki? loki loving it when reader wears his clothes, and like he gets turned on when he sees reader walk out of the bathroom after taking a shower in nothing but their underwear and loki’s hoodie, which is waaaay too oversized on them. dom!loki with praise? :33
The Forest Green Hoodie - Loki (One Shot)(Smut)
Summary: Loki really wants you to steal his clothing.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, smut, fluff, praise kink, loki gets very turned on seeing you in his clothes, soft!dom!Loki
Pairings: Loki x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 1523
Authors Note: hi @anemois-hiraeth thank you for your request i’m so sorry this took a while, apparently i write my best Loki work at 4 a.m, i’ve tried to keep the reader gender neutral please let me know how i’ve done, i hope you enjoy it. Soft!Dom!Loki is a sweetheart.
Masterlist // Ao3
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Loki remembers the first time he saw you in his clothing. The memory of it making him smile as he decides his next step.
He had gone to Asgard for a few days, royal duties were calling and even though he hadn’t thought much of it when you asked him to leave behind the forest green button up shirt.
Upon his return his heartstrings tugged at the sight in front of him.
You were laid in bed, hair disheveled by sleep, your soft breaths and steady rise of your chest an endearing sight to Loki.
What took his heart into overdrive was when you shifted around in bed the blanket moving from your shoulders down to your waist you were wearing the very forest green button up.
Then the sight of your exposed skin awakened his need for you.
When Loki slipped into bed pulling you closer, your sleep at the lighter end, you awoke to find his hands wandering over your form.
“Loki?” You ask voice laden with slumber.
“Yes, my love?” He presses his lips softly to your forehead.
“You’re back?” You wonder if dreaming or not, his scent is stronger now and you couldn’t be dreaming of his comforting touch so clearly.
“I am, you look absolutely beautiful in my clothing.” His lips trace the shell of your ear and a coil tightens in your stomach, oh you can’t be dreaming this.
“I missed you.” You admit the reason for borrowing his clothes.
“I missed you too, love. Longed to have you in my arms. Do you find comfort in wearing them?” His lips now below your earlobe tracing along your neck, drawing out a moan from you, you nod, hands moving to tangle with his raven hair.
“Loki,” You whisper pleading as he leaves love bites over your exposed chest, the buttons on the shirt undone.
He hums against your skin, enjoying the lovely sounds he coaxes out of you.
“You sound so beautiful, darling. Do you want me to continue?” He asks, as his fingers brush over your inner thighs.
“Yes, Loki, please,” Your mouth parts into a moan as his lips leave kisses along the waistband of the shorts as he slowly takes them off of you.
“So good for me, so beautiful, look at you my love, will you be good and cum for me?” All you can hear are Loki’s praises and filthy words which increase your need for him, your body arches into his touch, each praise making you more and more closer to your climax.
Loki knows he won’t be able to last long the sight of you spread out for him as he thrusts into you his teasing fingers on your heated skin, his shirt half off your shoulders spread under you, you look ethereal to him. Angelic.
His lips on yours, “Cum for me, my angel.”
He moans your name as he reaches his climax with you, fucking you both through your orgasms.
Then pulling you flush against him, peppering you with soft kisses. As his seidr cleans you both, though he leaves the shirt unbuttoned around you.
“Did so well for me, always so good to me, i love you.” Loki says, you gaze into his green eyes, a smile etched onto your features.
“I love you, Loki.” You whisper, brushing your lips against his seeking another kiss.
He kisses you once more, before slumber takes over the two of you wrapped up in each other.
Since then he always made sure to have some of his clothes tucked around your drawers and even hanging in your wardrobe.
More often than not your hands would reach for his shirts when he was not home, his amber and musk scent engulfing you, keeping you from longing for Loki too much. Helping keeping the ache of missing being in his arms at bay.
When Loki would return he would always find you in one of his clothing items, you were very fond of the shirt he noted.
He wanted to see more of you wearing his clothes even while he would be at home.
So as his next step he brought home a forest green hoodie one day, wearing it, cuddling you while he wore it, it was soft like the shirt and similar to the hoodies you wore around the house.
You were taking note of how Loki’s number of midgardian clothing was increasing steadily, you adored finding his clothing between yours, his scent rolling off of the fabric making you feel he is right next to you.
You were afraid he might get mad if you wore his clothing while he was there but when you think about the times that he returns and finds you in his clothing it makes you blush.
He had brought home this green hoodie recently and it was much much softer than the shirt you loved, and it felt so much more cozy against your skin. When you wore it once it engulfed you, you loved how warm it was, how it reminded you of Loki’s much larger frame keeping you tucked against him.
This hoodie was becoming your favourite over the shirt.
You decide then, this will be the item you wear first, as the first step to wear his clothes even when he is at home.
He has so many midgardian clothes now, its as though he wants you to steal his clothes. You grin at the prospect. Thinking over when you would wear it at home.
Loki is sitting on your shared bed, reading a book about some lost form of magic when you walk out towel drying your hair when he spots something green in his vision, he looks up.
You bite your lip as you watch Loki’s eyes trail from your uncovered limbs to the hem of the hoodie ending along your thighs, his hoodie engulfing you.
Loki smiles, finally, you’re wearing his clothing with him being there.
Loki’s eyes darken, as you lift your hands higher, your underwear peeking through as the hem lifts higher.
You look so small in his clothing so breathtaking and just so very very sexy.
In a flash he’s behind you, chest against your back, his nose trails over your neck. You can feel his hard length pressing against you.
“Loki…” You whimper as his large hands slip past the hoodie, tracing over your legs, inching towards where you need him.
“So soft, I can smell your need for me love.” Loki whispers, breath hot fanning over and raising goosebumps across your skin.
You shift back, your hips grinding against him. Loki’s moan that echos through you has you whimper in need.
Loki turns you around making you sit upon your dresser, he stands between your legs pulling you closer, your legs wrap around his waist, you can feel his cock against you.
Loki’s lips are on yours, his tongue swipes over your bottom lip, his fingers circles over your nipples, making you gasp as his tongue explores your mouth.
You arch against him, grinding against his length, he releases a deep groan, meeting your hips as you grind against him.
His hands trail over the expanse of your back, lips attach to your neck, biting, claiming you as his, your hips pick up pace as Loki hears your whimpers knowing you’re close.
“My angel is close, aren’t you? Go on, take what you need from me, you’re doing so well, fuck, fuck,” Loki uses his siedr to have you both back on the bed, you’r knees are on either side of him, his hands on your hips controlling your pace as you move over his clothed length, each press of skin making the coil in your stomach tighten, mewls and whimpers falling from your lips.
“Look at you, so needy, such a beautiful little angel wanting to be fucked hard by a god, you’re close aren’t you love? You’re doing so well, i’m close too, fuck could just watch you get off on me. Such a good angel, go on, don’t stop, take what you need from me, then i’ll taste you.” His promise is such a delicious prospect.
Your hands are on his shoulders, your hips stutter as your orgasm draws close,
“Loki, Loki, Loki,” the coil tightens, his hand trails up under the hoodie rubbing against your nipples as he tugs on them the coil snaps as you throw your head back moaning his name loudly, white hot pleasure surges through you, as your frantic movements turn slower.
“Such a good angel,” He brushes strands of your hair away from your forehead, kissing your heated skin,
“So beautiful when you cum for me. Did so well.” He praises, shifting slightly the soiled fabric of your underwear now rendering you sensitive, you whimper at the sensation.
“You need to rest up, angel.” Loki’s voice holds a promise that tugs at something inside you. His tongue traces over the spot on your neck just beneath your earlobe.
“Because, I’m not done with you yet.” You feel his smirk against your skin.
Yes, you decide through the post orgasmic haze of your mind, you’re going to steal and wear more of his clothes.
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