#modern university
cheesy-cryptid · 9 months
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My party cramming for their finals week 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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useless-catalanfacts · 8 months
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The University of Barcelona's Medicine Faculty has temporarily installed a giant heart made by the Catalan artist Jaume Plensa, with the building's columns acting as the ribcage.
The objective of this work of art is to raise awareness about cardiovascular illnesses, which are the leading cause of death worldwide.
The work is titled El cor secret (The Secret Heart). The heart measures 13 metres tall and 10 metres wide, and weighs 150 kg. It's made of synthetic materials and painted by hand. It had previously been shown in Germany in 2014 and was supposed to arrive to Plensa's home city sooner, but it was delayed because of covid. Instead, in 2020, Plensa donated one of his famous head sculptures to this same building, to thank medicine professionals and students for their work during the pandemic.
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journen · 19 days
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Mer Soap au, installment 2! Their meeting. I'm imagining they met after a helicopter Simon was in on an op got shot down over the water. Soap then pulled him to shore, and waited by him until he woke up.
This is Simon when he wakes up. 🤣
Installment 1 of this au is here!:)
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caemidraws · 8 months
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shurikthereject · 3 months
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I was extremely bored during class and made a lil doodle from the university AU. I think Thorin definitely fell first but also the hardest lol, while Bilbo was mostly getting very mixed signals and thought Thorin hated his guts at first. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas for this AU feel free to comment! Anyway enjoy this very messy illustration.
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plutolovesyou · 5 months
read part two here! series masterlist here!
currently thinking about how modern!ellie would be such a like “hallway crush” type…OKAY WAIT i have an idea, picture this: it's the first day of classes, and you're on your way to your university's astrophysics lecture hall and see her, walking briskly to her destination, with big black headphones (listening to divorced dad rock, of course) seemingly in her own world, not even aware of how cool she is in the moment. she passes you, walking only a little faster than you are, but it gives you time to check her out a bit. she's wearing some dark wash jeans and a flannel with a chunky jacket over top, her beat up bag slung over one shoulder(because shes just too kewl for skewl), and her signature worn black converse. as you follow her into the hall, (not being creepy, you're just on the same path. oh, seems like you're classmates too…oop!), she enters first, then holds the door for you as you file in behind her, looking back, meeting your eyes, and giving you a small nod as a greeting. (one of those that guys do, like when they tilt their chin up for a split-second as a bro greeting, UGH THE ENGLISH EXPLANATIONS ARE ESCAPING ME i do not know the ways of the men but yall have seen that nod thing they do, right?) that would happen in a fraction of a moment and you'd go to smile back at this beautiful stranger, but by the time you collect yourself she's already looking forward again. oh and then the two of you would part ways and sit on opposite sides of the room, however she'd still be on your mind…and whenever you cast glances her way, she'd seem interested in what the professor is talking about, but you'd then realize you're staring and bring your eyes back to your own laptop....
☆: hi, i have SO many ideas for drabbles and stuff but they rarely translate onto paper how I imagine them to go, but I'm sure that comes with time and practice, but for now take this silly idea I jotted down as it crossed my mind...I need her so bad, wish she was real 😔 (half hoping a situation like this happens to me LMAO...but crushes are too much stress....) BUTTTTT this drabble thingy got them creative juices flowing, and now im highly tempted to make a series or more parts to hallway crush ellie ...I say that every time but this idea's bouncing around in my skull and won't leave so who knows...
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quozacheese · 9 months
i can't stop thinking about the Singapore gp so i drew a CoD F1 AU
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konigsblog · 1 month
nerd!reader sleeping with professor!könig 📚
cw; university au, dub-con, coercion, age difference/age gap (20s - 40s) MDNI 18+
you've been struggling lately and könig isn't oblivious to it.
you're not usually the type to struggle when it comes to studying, but recently you've been slacking and falling off, staying after classes for extra help when you usually never had to. you read a countless amount of textbooks and different articles, but you still didn't understand, a dumbfounded look plastered on your face.
könig asks you to stay behind one evening to make a deal with you. könig calls you over to his desk, a smug and playful look plastered on his face, his eyes flickering between your breasts and your eyes. you're könig's favourite student, no doubt about that at all. your obedience and silence, your eagerness to know more and to learn—it's admirable and adorable. könig is looking out for you; his decisions are made with what is best for you in mind, grinning at you from ear to ear and explaining that he can help you if you return him a favour.
you're all ears at first. you fix your posture, beginning to smile again, gazing at him curiously with your head cocked to the side, intrigued by his offer. although your smile doesn't last very long once he explains what he can do—or more of what you can give him. your smile begins to fade slowly. you fix your glasses, standing uncomfortably and shifting your weight from foot to foot nervously. 
perhaps you'd be uncomfortable during it, but you're desperate to get back on track. you said you'd do anything, right?
könig bends you over his desk, pushing textbooks and other equipment out of the way to make room for you. your stomach churns with disgust, guilt, and shame when the older male begins to grope you and touch you all over, revealing how creepy and perverse he really is.
he squeezes your rear and digs his blunt fingernails into your supple skin while he rolls his bulbous, hot cock back and forth over your warm hole, teasing you slightly. if he's benefiting you, he wants to make sure it's equal and that it's fair on his end. he begins to ease inside slowly, prodding against your entrance, his thrusts starting out gentle and sloppy, praising you for each inch you manage to take. he can hear the sounds of your voice breaking when he asks you how it feels and stumbling over your words when he asks you if you're enjoying yourself.
könig rolls his head backwards at the tightness and wetness of your tight cunny. you throb and squeeze around him, your slick cunt aching at the force and impact of his thick, sensitive tip against your bruised cervix. you heave and pant breathlessly; your breathing is uncontrollable as he begins to quicken his soft pace. the sound of skin slapping against skin echoes, your eyes rolled backwards, biting your bottom lip to suppress and stifle your moans and cries.
you're shaking, tight like a virgin, unused and so inexperienced—a nervous, shaking thing presented to him. 
you're usually smart enough to prevent getting yourself into these horrible situations, to not be taken advantage of, and to not fall for coercion. but god, your desperation was noticeable, and he knew you'd do whatever it takes to do better—such an easy target.
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saddestsquid · 4 days
Bbf!Jason who hates your ex.. .
~ 18+
“Can you believe this? his following is still filled with other girls! Did he even like me at all??” You whine, scrolling through your ex’s insta who you swore to Jason you already blocked.
“and it’s like I should be pissed at him, but at the same time I just want to be with him again!” You ramble, oblivious to the grip on your hip tightening in frustration. “I should text him. No, wait, shit, should I text him?” You asked, turning to your bestfriend who’s currently holding your hips up.
“are you seriously asking me about your ex while I’m balls deep inside you?” He groaned while rubbing scarred hands along your hips.
You fiddled with the sheets for a moment before frowning, “…well do you agree?”
He glares and before you can even think he's pushing your face into the pillow and quickening his pace until he’s slamming his pulsing cock directly into your g-spot. Your eyes roll back with every brutal thrust and you can’t even catch your breath, loud moans of his name being muffled by his scarred hands entangled in your hair and shoving your face down. You’re drooling over the pillow, pussy squelching on his dick. Your a mess, yet he just hums and admires the cockdrunk haze you settle in that stops you from whining about your shitty ex for once.
I mean come on, you could do so much better. He could treat you so much better, If only you’d let him.
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~ ~ ~ Sorry for slow uploads! I don’t even have an excuse tbh. I’m just a lazy mf. Heres some food tho!
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etincelleart · 4 months
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Felt like drawing them trying more realistic proportions, especially for their eyes ♥♥
(lovingly longing at each other of course)
Life is Strange True Colors AU btw, with modern outfits !
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clairiko · 2 months
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Certified Pretty Boy (TM) of the Academy
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cheesy-cryptid · 9 months
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The gang finally finished their exams
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greatstormcat · 7 months
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COD Omegaverse Part 2
Part 1 part 3
Alpha!Ghost x Omega!Soap x Omega!f!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, fluff and smut, double penetration, anal, threesome, angst, past trauma
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Gaz looked at you, still smiling to himself as you stared at him in confusion. Who would be interested in you? Why even would they? As far as Omegas went you were not the perfect, dainty little specimen that Alphas craved and fought over. You didn’t cower and submit to stronger figures automatically, you only gave respect where it was due, when it was earned. Up until now you’d never even been with an Alpha, for fear they’d scent out your secret and tell the world. You’d put up strong walls around yourself, for your own protection, avoiding physical intimacy. That was, until you found your Pack with the 141.
the soft kindness in Gaz’s eyes, almost looking like pity now, made you start to wonder if those walls had been built too tall, too thick for your own good.
“I know you’re whole thing about hiding your designation,” he said quietly, “but have you considered you’ve gotten so good at it you’ve started losing who you are? Perhaps you’ve gotten so good at hiding you are missing out on something important?”
“Gaz, I’m scared if I let anyone close I will lose who I am anyway,” you reply.
“You have seen the other Omegas on base, they are in the same boat as you. You’re just as strong as any of them, I’ve even seen you take down Soap in drills. Just think about it, and open your eyes to what’s going on around you for fucks sake.” He grinned as he finished speaking, again hinting that you were oblivious to something everyone else saw.
Ghost was waiting outside the entrance to the Medbay, and looked up as you came outside.
“Wanted to check you were okay and take you back to barracks,” he explained, looking you up and down. “You’re still looking pale, you eaten yet?”
“Yes, I have Lt, just need some sleep now,” you reply, scratching at the raw mark where the IV needle had been taped into your arm. His eyes caught the movement and he took your arm in his hand to inspect the red skin, turning your arm gently side to side. As he did, you spotted that his gloves were rolled back slightly exposing his wrists. It was an odd habit he’d gotten into around you over the last few months and…
The realization hit you like a vengeful god had struck you with a thunderbolt. You suddenly thought of all the times Soap had found an excuse to hug you, put his arm around you, marking you with his scent. Ghost had a habit of being near you during exercises and drills involving other Alphas, always being teamed up with you or sudden switches happening bringing him nearer. Gaz’s words rang in your head, you really had been oblivious to something so clear.
Ghost stopped what he was doing and looked at you, eyebrow raised.
“Problem?” He rumbled.
“No, sir,” you replied but your face betrayed the mix of emotions you felt.
“Well, let’s get you back. You look like crap still,” he told you, and then wrapped his hand gently around your arm to move you along.
“Lieutenant, can I ask you something rather personal,” you asked.
“Yeah,” he replied simply, still guiding you along a route he knew that you knew perfectly well.
“You and Soap,” you started but didn’t know how to continue your line of questioning. What did you want to ask? Did you even really want to know the answer?
“You gonna finish the question or am I expected to guess?” He asked with a chuckle, looking down at you. The hand on your arm shifted and slid up to your shoulder, his thumb brushing against your neck very so slightly.
“Let me try again. I wanted to know if you were serious about what you said back in Price’s office, that you were fine with me going around with your scent on me?” The movement of his thumb was very light, enough that you were able to resist the sensation while still enjoying it.
“Sergeant, you are one of the smartest soldiers I’ve ever worked with,” he began, “but you can miss obvious so easily sometimes.” He didn’t make it sound insulting, like it was just an observation instead so there was no sting in his words. “Soap and I have been interested in you since before we even knew you were an Omega.”
He stopped walking, and you realised you were outside your door now. He stood in front of you, hand slipping from your shoulder to the back of your neck now, his eyes burning into yours.
“We’ve talked and, well, we’d like to court you, if you’d be interested?” There was your answer, and now your Lieutenant was waiting for yours while resting his hand on the back of your neck. There was nowhere to hide now, he knew you and knew you well, his eyes watching your face carefully.
“I’d like that,” you
A few days after your talk with Ghost, Soap caught up to you as you were heading towards the rec room. He approached carrying a paper bag in his hand as he called out to you. When you slowed to greet him, his smile warm and infectious, he held the bag to you unceremoniously.
“What’s this?” You asked, opening the bag and peering inside. You pulled out a soft, thick blanket and it smelled heavily of Soap, as though he had purposely scented it himself before giving it to you. You stared at it in shock and confusion. “It’s a blanket…”
“It’s a courting gift, for your nest,” he said with a confused frown which turned to concern when he saw no sign of understanding on your face. “You have a nest, dontcha?” You swallow back tears, despising the feel of the pain in your chest.
“I’ve never actually nested,” you admit, rubbing the soft material between your fingers and releasing more of the wonderful scent. “If someone found it…” your voice cracked and you stopped speaking, unable to meet Soap’s eyes as you knew there would be pity in them.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he muttered, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “That’s a powerful instinct to ignore. Even I’ve always made sure I have somewhere to go, even when I was hidin’ my designation.” He sighed deeply and leant his head against yours so he could speak as softly as possible. “Be honest with me, are you ashamed of yourself? Of being an Omega?”
The one question you had never wanted to be asked hung in the air before you, and there was nowhere to run from it. You clenched the blanket in your fists, tears burning your eyes worse than any chemical warfare agent you had ever experienced, and nodded once.
The hug Soap enveloped you in was tight and fierce, crushing the air from your lungs with its intensity.
“Right, how about this, I will help you build yerself a nest. Okay?” He looked you squarely in the eyes, palms pressed to the sides of your face. He blinked as a thought struck him and he got up, grabbing your wrist and dragging you behind him. “Come on,” he said, as you were pulled down the hallway to the quarters he shared with Ghost. Soap opened the door and pulled you in, shutting it firmly behind you before turning to face you, his expression unreadable.
“This is to show you that I am serious about how I, we, feel about you and that you don’t need to be ashamed. Okay?” He said, resting his forehead against yours. The mixture of scents in the room were a symphony as Soap tugged your hand and led you to the far side of the bed. There, tucked into the corner was a collection of blankets, pillows and clothing. The smell rising from it was a strong mixture of both men and their bond, and it crept into your head teasing and calling to you.
“It’s okay,” he encouraged you, helping you take off your boots and easing you into the collection fabrics. You made sure not to disturb anything as you sat down, and Soap quickly joined you, pulling you down to curl with him against his chest.
The effect was immediate and intense. You relaxed, felt yourself let go of all tension and melted against Soap who held you gently in his arms, stroking your hair. Your eyes drifted shut as your heartbeat slowed, you allowed yourself to nuzzle against Soap, and that was when you felt the vibration in his chest begin low and gentle. It took longer than it should have to realise he was purring as he held you, and the sound drew you further into a state of contentment.
The door opened and you flinched before Soap shushed you, a low chuckle sounding in his chest. You heard an audible inhale of breath as Ghost caught your scent in his private quarters.
“What the fu…” Ghost’s words died in his throat as he moved around the bed and saw Soap and you curled together in the nest. “Johnny, care to explain?” He asked softly, his eyes bouncing between the pair of you as slowly eased himself down to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Don’t get too excited, Simon,” Soap chuckled, “just needed to show the lass what she’s been missin’. Ghost watched as you sat up, Soap continuing to lounge propped up on his elbow beside you but resting his hand on your knee.
“Yeah? What’s that?” Although you couldn’t see his face, his tone betrayed what you imagined would be a huge grin beneath his balaclava. You wondered if he would remove it if you accepted their proposal as mates.
You met Ghost’s eyes and gave a shrug.
“He’s going to help me build a nest. I’ve never had one before,” you explain.
“No nest?” Ghost repeated incredulously, his brows furrowing as he looked down at you and he took a deep breath then blew it out slowly as though controlling himself. “How have you ended up living like this? It’s more than just hiding your designation, something happened to you in the past...”
“My dad, he would rant about Omegas a lot when I was little,” you explained. “He said Omegas were attention seekers, whores or worse. When I started to present as one, he lost it and kicked me out,” As much as it hurt you to relive the memory, being able to share it was cathartic, especially whilst Soap cradled you against his chest.
The scent of Ghost’s anger cut through the air, his hands clenched until his knuckles went white and he growled low in his throat.
“Simon,” Soap warned his mate gently, recognising the protective edge of Ghost glinting through his outer calm. Ghost shook his head, running his head over the top of his head. “She knows she doesn’t have to live like that now, it’s okay.”
“I do, it’s okay. I know I’ve been living half a life up to now and you’re both helping. Honestly.”
You carefully got out of Soap’s nest and stood up, feeling content and more sure of yourself than you had in years.
“I should go,” you said with a smile, picking up the bag containing the blanket.
“I’d rather you stayed,” the Alpha said firmly, “but it’s up to you.” You walked to the door. “Wait,” came a firm command which stopped you in your tracks. Ghost stood and walked to you pulling his t-shirt over his head as he went, then held it out to you with a raised eyebrow. “Johnny gave you his gift. This is mine, maybe it can be the start of your first nest.” You hear Soap swear softly, and you accepted the warm fabric. You pressed it to your nose and inhaled, earning a satisfied hum from the Alpha, who nodded with approval.
“Thank you, both of you,”
It took a few days, a trip off base during some down time with Soap’s guidance, but you finally completed construction of your nest. Once you had allowed yourself to start the project you were amazed at how important the task became to you. The placement of each item was carefully scrutinised and adjusted, until you were happy with the outcome. Ghost’s t-shirt was given a prominent position, alongside the blanket Soap had given you at the start of the endeavor.
Eventually you felt comfortable enough that you decided to invite the other Omega to join you.
“You ready for that, hen?” He had replied after you made the offer in a break in training.
“I wouldn’t say it if I wasn’t, would I?” You replied with a grin.
“Fair enough, it’s gonna drive Simon nuts you realize?” he smirked, nodding across at the Lieutenant who was busy across the training ground. “He’s dying to see what you’ve made, and if you’ll ask him to see it.”
“All in good time, you’ve both been patient with me and I can’t be grateful enough for that,” you said. “But between you and me, I promise he will very soon.”
Later that day, you opened the door to your quarters in answer to Soap’s knock. His gorgeous, smiling face greeted you, and you bite your bottom lip to fight the urge to kiss him then and there.
“Come on in,” you smiled, letting him step inside. He looked around happily wandering about the space, stopping only when he saw your nest.
“Looks good, you’ve done well for a first timer,” he said softly, giving you another beaming smile. You lowered yourself down into the comforting softness and beckoned him in with you. Soap moved gently beside you, slipping his arm under you and shifting you so he could spoon up behind you in the warmth of the nest.
This time, when you began to relax, it was you who purred. It was the first time in your life you had felt safe and happy enough to do so, and Soap kissed the back of your neck in response. His own purr started shortly after, and you wondered what Ghost’s response would be to having two mates with him just like this moment.
You felt Soap’s lips on the skin of your neck again, leaving a tingling wetness behind that cooled under his breath, and a rush of arousal coursed through your veins. It bled into your scent almost instantly in your relaxed and unguarded state.
“Soap…” you whispered, hips gently pressing back against his.
“I know, hen. Can smell it on ya,” he whispered against your neck and placed a firmer kiss. He slipped his hand down from your hip to your thigh and squeezed. “Not yet though, love. I promised Si I’d keep my paws to myself for now.”
You sighed with frustration. “I know, it’s probably best while we work out what we are doing. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck,” you pour playfully.
“Can’t be too careful now,” he agreed and placed another kiss against your neck despite the obvious effect it had on you.”how ‘bout I go and let you rest, rather than get you riled up?”
“Okay, and say goodnight to Ghost for me,” you say as Soap got up, cresting a cold space behind you that you instantly hated. “Actually, let him know I’d like him to come here tomorrow after training. If he wants to, that is.”
Soap grinned even wider than before.
“Aye, he will be here, trust me on that.”
Ghost looked down at the fabrics, eyes taking in the items from Soap and himself with pride, his chest swelling.
“That’s a good nest,” he said with a nod, and reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a wad of black fabric. “Just needs one more thing though,” he unfolded the wad to reveal one of his balaclavas.
“Oh, yes that would be nice,” you reached out for it, but he pulled it back.
“No, that one's clean, no scent on it,” he said and reached up and pulled the one he was wearing off his face. He smiled at you, messy blonde hair ruffled by the mask, lips crooked with scars and a nose bent from too many breaks, but warm and beaming at you all the same. Your heart thundered in your chest as you looked at him. “You take this one,” he held out the mask to you, smirking at your shocked response. “The other ones for later when I leave.”
“Thanks,” you managed to say, and cracked a massive smile back at him before gesturing towards the nest.
He squeezed himself into the space with you, thick limbs adjusting with instinctual ease to surround you, protect you like any good Alpha should. Like you Alpha should, the thought came so easily now. His nose pressed against your scent gland and your eyes fluttered shut for a moment, your body suddenly falling soft and limp. He felt your reflex, and chuffed against your skin.
“You’re a good Omega,” he said softly, lips just touching against your neck. “You shouldn’t feel you need to hide, be proud of yourself. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you sir,” you whisper back.
“I think we can forget that ‘sir’ stuff for now. Simon will do just fine.”
“Thank you, Simon,” you grin. There was an answering growl from him as he heard his name leave your lips, and he kissed at your gland sending another wave of bonelessness through you which this time you managed to resist. He chuckled in response, a deep and wicked sound.
“Yeah, such a good fucking Omega,” he growled and kissed harder at the raise flesh to test you. This time a whimper escaped your throat as you fought the urge to submit, and Ghost pushed his hips against your backside, rubbing his hardening cock against you.
When his tongue ran over the sensitive patch of skin, you moaned openly and he pulled your shoulder back so he could kiss you. His tongue slid against your lips and you opened obediently for him, letting him taste you deeply. You curled your fingers into his hair and tugged, deepening the kiss and urging him on. The smell of arousal suffused the air around you, but he suddenly pulled back.
“Fuck, you’re delicious,” he murmured, rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip. “We’re not going any further though, just so you know.”
“Yeah, Soap said the same thing yesterday. Something about being careful until I decide what to do.”
“That’s right,” Ghost replied softly. “I don’t want you making a decision in the heat of the moment that you then regret. We want to be your mates, but only if you’ll have us.”
“Well, I accept you both.”
Ghost pulled off his mask the second the door his quarters shut and turned the lock. In a blur of movement he then had you pinned to the wall beside the door, caged with his arms either side of your head and his face close to yours.
“Say it,” he said. Soap had been lounging in his nest and sat bolt upright as he caught the scent rolling off the two of you. When he heard Ghost’s words he got to his feet quickly and moved closer.
“What’s goin’ on?” He asked with an eyebrow raised as he looked between Ghost and you.
“Say it. Tell Johnny what you said,” Ghost rumbled, eyes never leaving yours as you chewed the inside of your mouth trying to hide your smile.
“I said that I accept you both,” you replied firmly. Ghost’s mouth crashed against yours in an almost violent kiss, his hands pulling at your clothes desperately. Soap swore under his breath and began to strip as well, knowing full well what would happen now.
The three of you tumble onto the bed, you pulled Soap towards you to kiss him as well, as Ghost kicked away the remaining items of clothing. For a moment he stood and admired the two Omegas in his bed, his Omegas, as Soap kissed you with equal ferocity to his current mate.
You felt Ghost’s hands skate along the inside of your bare thighs and glanced down, but Soap pulled your attention back to him by nipping your bottom lip. You tried to cry out when Ghost’s tongue pressed against your slit but Soap swallowed the sound with his persistent and demanding mouth.
Ghost’s tongue worked up and down your slit, drawing out your slick with each pass until you were moaning and writhing with the need for more.
This was nothing like before, they were taking their time with you, there was no burning pain this time, just the pleasure of the three of you being together because you chose to be. This was happening because you wanted it to.
Soap kissed along your jaw, neck and then collarbone before running his tongue across the swell of your breast. As Ghost began to tease your clit with his tongue, Soap flicked at your nipple with his tongue. The dual sensations caused you to shudder with pleasure, eager to see where this would lead.
With a rumbling moan Ghost pressed his mouth against your pussy and licked deep into you, pushing as far inside as he could go, causing your back to arch up off the bed.
“Oh fuck!” You gasped out as you felt his tongue moving in and out of you, his hands gripped your thighs to keep them spread open for him.
Soap watched with a lax mouth, mesmerized by the sight before him, his hard cock straining with need. You reached out and wrapped your fingers around Soap’s length and began to pump it, drawing a guttural moan from deep in his chest and his head fell back on his shoulders in ecstasy. You felt the huff of air leaving Ghost’s lungs as he watched you and Soap, but his tongue never stilled. As Ghost pushed you closer to orgasm, your hand worked Soap feverishly, your combined moans music to his ears and precum dribbled along the hard shaft of Soap’s cock.
Without warning Ghost sat back on his heels, chin and mouth coated with your slick as he watched Soap tremble, nearing orgasm at your ministrations.
“Johnny, I want you here, now,” Ghost ordered, pulling the Omega to position himself between your shaking thighs, and then pressing between his shoulders so he was on top of you. “You can come after when she does, not before.”
Soap lined his leaking cock up with your entrance and pressed in, hissing at the tight heat as it surrounded him, and you moaned wantonly as he began to thrust into you slowly taking you closer to your orgasm. There was movement on the bed, and Soap suddenly stilled and shuddered.
“Fuck… Si, what are you… ah!” You felt Soap’s cock twitching inside you, and you realised that Ghost was behind him sinking his cock into the other Omega’s slicked hole. When Ghost thrust into him, you felt the force through Soap’s cock and gasped.
“Remember Johnny, not before she cums,” Ghost growled and began thrusting. You were already teetering on the brink of orgasm, but the sight and feel of Ghost fucking Soap into you pushed you quickly over the edge and you orgasmed hard clutching onto Soap’s shoulders. Your inner walls clenched onto Soap’s straining length as Ghost pounded into him, and he followed you over the edge quickly, gasping and whimpering with the sensations.
Soap carefully moved off of you, kissing you tenderly, and you felt Ghost move himself into position. His cock glistened with Soap’s slick as he teased it against your sensitive flesh until you rolled your hips, chasing the blunt head as he collected Soap’s seed as it leaked from you.
With one smooth thrust Ghost pushed into you, the ripples of your first orgasm merging into a new wave of pleasure, building towards another quickly. Ghost leant down to you, his breathe coming in harsh pants until he latched onto the side over your neck, drinking in your scent and you felt his knot growing and catching. The pressure when it finally caught made you cum again.
As you orgasmed again Ghost sank his fangs into your gland, marking you as his mate, and you fell completely limp in his arms as he came, painting you inner walls with his cum. The mark throbbed, but in a wonderful way, and Ghost lay you carefully on the bed, your back against Soap. Both men, your mates, pressed themselves against you, damp with sweat and scents mingling into one beautiful bonding scent, along with the combined purrs of both Ghost’s Omegas.
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cfserkgk · 2 months
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I imagine them to be a happy family in the modern AU where Fengxian and Lakan are married and Lahan and Maomao are their children. Fengxian would be strict but she very much dotes on her kids (just not as obviously as Lakan, but who can compare with Lakan).
I feel like Lakan would be a lawyer which would put his skills to use, whereas Fengxian would be an academic in mathematics, and of course they're both super good at xiangqi and go in different ways. (I'd like to think Fengxian taught Lahan a lot of maths when he was younger and that encouraged his love for the subject).
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minkei · 4 months
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CARS au things i already posted on twt
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sikuena · 3 months
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what song are they listening to? (wip).
note - feeling a little burnt out so i probably wont be finishing any pieces within the next two weeks. will still be uploading sketches on instagram though
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