#me chat adonis
sribbles-drabbles · 1 year
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ggukkiereads · 2 years
Can you please help me find this jk series!! It was an arranged marriage story based in another century. Jungkook was the king/prince and reader was from another palace. The last thing I remember about it was reader got hurt and her hand got severely burned which was upsetting because at her palace your hands are sacred (?).
🌷Hi there! What a coincidence I was just catching up on the last four chapters of this series and screaming my feelings on my main lol. This is Wicked @adonis-koo. 
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last-answer · 1 year
all members of adonis are actually victims of manipulation btw !!!!!
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eloquent-edits · 4 months
🗡️ “I’m all for platonic intimacy but this…?”
the subtext of romance is really peeking through 🗡️ friends to lovers scenarios
Person A going to person B’s house to watch a movie but getting looped into playing drunk card games with B and their parents
Working out together and A insisting on spotting B and adjusting their form
B playfully poking A in public and promptly getting tackled
B patting A’s cheek only to accidentally linger as they notice how the light catches in A’s eyes (A is DESPERATELY trying to not blush)
“Here’s the garage code.” “… Why am I receiving this information?” “You’re already over here a lot. My parents think it’s better than a key.”
Forced close proximity at a LAN party because there’s not much room at the table (and A’s arm keeps brushing against B’s, messing up their aim, but if anything the space between them decreases as the night goes on)
The “Oh, is B coming too?” to “A kidnapped me to come here and hang out” pipeline
Going from quick and funny head scratches to absentmindedly stroking/detangling their hair while chatting with friends
“Do I smell okay?” “You smell normal.” “Which is…?” “Like lilac and gooseberry.”
A melting into B’s hug after a long and stressful week
B helping A deal with a major headache by rubbing/scratching their back
A heating up B’s ears with their hands because B forgot ear muffs in winter
“My mom thinks you’re really pretty/handsome.” “My mom thinks you look like Adonis/Aphrodite.” “Can you ever take a compliment?”
Candid pictures give away the softness in B’s eyes when they look at A goofing around
B not minding when A gives them a long hug in public, even though they aren’t big on PDA in general
B drawing a shitpost and sending it to A, A setting it as their lockscreen, and months later B realizes that A still hasn’t changed it
B’s family automatically assuming that A might join for any family function and making A’s favorite dish accordingly
“I have to go into the office this week. Can I crash at your place since it’s closer?”
Hanging out for hours —> “I don’t want you to drive home this late.” —> waking up in each other’s arms because they both refused to let the other sleep on the floor/couch
“My clothes reek of you.” “You could’ve just told me to take a shower.”
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
been wanting to write about my sweetheart + I needed something self indulgent today so here we are! 🩷
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you never really liked talking anime or nerd culture with men!…a strange thought but a true one nonetheless. It was always one exhausting conversation after the next. From being giving random pop quizzes about this series or a lecture about how that one doesn’t measure up to the solidified greats. That was until you met blerd!ony…the gentle, kindhearted cashier in the store you frequented on a daily basis. Blerd!ony, who recognized the t-shirt you were wearing immediately from that very obscure yet classic anime you loved so much, became absolutely ecstatic to talk to you from that day on. The tall, gorgeous male with a smile like the stars, the most beautiful complexion you’ve ever seen and a voice like honey had given you even more of a reason to gush over him. “You gotta give me your top five right now. I always see your keychains and shit. You got good taste..” you were a bit hesitant because this was always the point where things went left but blerd!ony surprised you by praising your choices and even saying he’d check out the ones you’d put him on to. blerd!ony, who had a sleeve full of video game themed tattoos took pride in showing off his pieces when you happened to catch him outside on smoke break one night. Telling you how he played all the time and even streamed a bit in his free time. “I do alright, you should check me out.” blerd!ony, who was always holding up the line just to chat with his favorite customer about the new series he just started. “I’m talking to my girl, y’all can wait—anyways, did you see that new episode? Shit was crazy.” it wasn’t long before he was asking for your socials and hoping to keep the communication going on days even when he couldn’t see you. blerd!ony, who couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the girl who came in his store with sweatpants and a DBZ shirt all dolled up in your cosplays..some a lot more revealing than others. blerd!ony, who’d always wanted to try the hobby but was afraid had some questions..among other things the next time he saw you. “I see how it is, best friend. You be putting that shit on.” you were infatuated with his humor and laid back personality so naturally, when he invited you to an anime cafe in your city, you accepted. blerd!ony, who was the perfect gentleman ensured that you had the best time as you two chopped it up about all things nerdy, making you laugh more than you had in a long time.
blerd!ony, who confided in you that he didn’t have many friends and especially ones into the things he was, told you how happy he was to have met you. “You cool as hell, we gotta do this more often.” a sentiment you agreed with heavily agreed with. Some time had passed and you two spoke nearly everyday. That’s when he revealed that he was not only interested in attending his first con but cosplaying as well, asked you accompany him..and pick a character! “I trust you, ma. Make me look good..” it was a no brainer as the two of you were huge fans of the Mortal Kombat series and decided to dress as Sindel and Shao Kahn. So the two of you spent days going to the fabric store and ordering materials to build props in your spare time..blerd!ony, who was turning heads the entire time when he revealed that Adonis like figure that had been hiding underneath that company polo everyday..you were nervous and even a little embarrassed walking beside someone so fine. but blerd!ony couldn’t keep his eyes off of you or hands..holding your left one, keeping you close and grasping the small of your back as he guided you through the crowds. Even carrying all of your bags and letting you rest your tired feet on his lap. blerd!ony, who had been eyeing you all day couldn’t help but to be entranced when it was time for the after party and the two of you were dancing with liquor in your system. “You full of surprises, huh mama?” “Try me and you might find out just how many.” blerd!ony, who couldn’t wait to get back to you guys’ hotel room, tore that costume open quicker than you could get the door open..leaving a trail of warm kisses down your neck as his fingers delved into your core, pinning you against the wall in the process. “You so fucking sexy..” muttering in your ear as he hiked your leg up and tugged his bottoms down. blerd!ony, who fucked you like a man starved that night had you grasping at things that weren’t even there..taking you from the mirror, to the dresser and eventually the bed, where he gave you deep backshots; grasping that platinum gray lace front on your head as he did so. “You don’t know how long I been wanting this..fuck..” blerd!ony, who had you fucking up the sheets all night, getting stretched by that thick cock with the curve, absolutely depleted you, so much so, you two barely made it around the convention the next day but he was glad that he had met the girl who loved the same things he did and the one of his dreams. <3
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wormdebut · 2 months
@hellion-child you did this. Inspired by this legendary post.
‘It’s not illegal to go to the dog park, just to hear hot dads say Good Girl.’
Rating: M CW: overusage of the term daddy and Eddie just being a horny bastard.
“You know, this is fucking insane, right?” Chrissy laughs while Eddie lounges on the park bench.
Yes. He’s aware.
He and Chrissy don’t even have a dog and yet—
“Chris. Look at all of these great pet parents, taking care of these little doggies. Look at em. Wonderful. Stunning, very normal.”
Chrissy levels him with a glare. Being on the wrong side of a Chrissy glare is a scary thing, but alas his dog park visits are worth it.
“No. Look, listen. You’ve got all of these doggy daddies taking their lovely pups out for runs and walks and what not and then daddy wraps up his run and takes the precious ones to this here dog park. Woof.”
It really was worth it to Eddie, alright? There is nothing wrong with going to a public dog park to maybe hear a hot sweaty man coo at his dog.
‘Good Boy’
‘Precious Girl’
Bark bark bark or whatever.
Would Eddie ever talk to any of them? Absolutely the fuck not, but a man could dream.
He was bummed though because none of the hot guys were out, today.
He is busy scanning the area to see if he missed anyone, Chrissy yapping on and on about how they could just get a dog when someone slows their run to chat.
“Hi!” She says. This woman is tall, short hair messed up from running, she’s got a bright ass orange jacket on, and she is most certainly Chrissy’s type. Thats not fucking fair at all, now is it?
Chrissy’s complaining tapers off. “Hey.”
They smile at each other, and this is truly unfair, Eddie thinks. This whole dog park thing was for him and yet.
“I hope you don’t mind, but me and my best friend just moved to the area and honestly, I think you’re pretty so—I just thought I would say hi.” She hardly makes eye contact with Eddie. So it’s clear who she’s talking to.
Like recognizes like, he supposes.
He can respect the straight forwardness of it all. Chrissy is just kinda staring at her so he speaks up. “Well, I’m Eddie and this is Chrissy, and I can confidently say that she also thinks you’re pretty.”
Both woman turn to stare and him, Chrissy with big eyes and the other woman with a smirk. She speaks, “Well, it must be my lucky day.” She turns back to Chrissy, “I’m Robin.”
The two get talking and Eddie is happy for his best friend, he really is, but where are all the hot men?
He’s about ready to call it quits when he sees a fucking god, running with a ridiculously stunning dog.
Hot people own hot dogs, he supposes.
This guy is—fuck. He’s sweaty from running, and his hair is fucking gorgeous, even after activities. Thats a green flag. Eddie is just shocked.
This is the dog daddy of all dog daddies. He’s wearing tiny fucking red shorts that expose thighs for days and—
“Jesus fuckin’—see?” Eddie doesn’t even care that he is interrupting the girls conversation cause this guys is—god damn. “He could slap a collar on me and walk me like a dog.”
Chrissy balks. “Eddie. We are in the company of a new friend. Robin doesn’t deserves this.”
Eddie simply shrugs and Robin laughs, “No. I think it’s hilarious which guy caught your eye?”
Oh, he likes Robin. “I like her. Get her number—“ He smiles big at Chrissy, before gesturing towards the fucking Adonis in tiny little running shorts. “Anywhozle. That one, look at him. On my knees in a second.”
He ignores Chrissy’s eye roll, and watches as Robin takes in the guy, before busting out in a laugh. “Oh my god—Steve?”
Oh shit.
“I—do you—“ Abort mission. Abort abort.
“Oh yeah, remember that best friend I was telling you guys about?”
She is still laughing, and Chrissy joins her before handing Robin her phone.
Eddie feels like he just got bamboozled.
“Chrissy, babe, I’ll text you. Eddie? I’ll see what I can do.” She smiles at them both before running over to ‘Steve’ and his—their?— gorgeous dog.
“No wait I—“ Eddie tries but she’s already over with Steve who is listening intently to what Robin has to say.
Oh god, oh no. Oh god.
Chrissy is just laughing softly into her hand, which turns into full laughter quick because Steve turns to look at them, smiles and winks.
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reiderwriter · 3 months
For some reason my comments don't come through on your posts, but I want to first say I absolutely love your writing and I'm so happy your requests are open!! 🥰😭 So I've had this idea of a fluff mixed with spencer angst where reader is maybe interning at Diana's facility (not a dr yet, studying) and becomes close with Diana by reading, chatting, etc and Spencer over hears it from time to time and the dialogue between spencer and reader gets too close for Spencers comfort, but Diana wants her around more. Thank you again for your hard work okay bye!
A/N: I've never written a fic with Diana in it before, so this was a bit of a challenge for me, bit I enjoyed writing it a lot! Hopefully, this is somewhat like what you wanted!! ❤️
Warnings: Spencer is a bit dense (real) and puts his foot in his mouth (metaphorically, of course).
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Diana Reid's son was exactly the way she described him, down to the tiny curls at the base of his neck and the glimmer of intelligence in his eye. 
After four weeks interning at the care facility while working on your medical degree, you'd spent a considerable amount of time with your favorite patient, and her stories about her son were legendary. 
At first, you weren't sure whether to believe the woman when she said her son was a genius with an IQ of 187, three PhDs, and a job in the FBI. She wouldn't be the first schizophrenic patient to muddle up her facts, but she certainly was the sweetest. 
So when you recalled your conversation with the head nurse later that day, she laughed and confirmed every story about Doctor Spencer Reid. Your mouth hung open in shock because surely nobody that incredible could just be out walking the streets. 
Another month of conversations about the man, and you were half in love with him. He wrote his mother letters every day - hand wrote them, even - and she's shown you a few. He'd talked about his friends, his team, his jobs, and how he was saving lives. And when one of the latest ones dropped in the news that he'd be free for a visit soon, you found yourself overflowing with anticipation. 
Of course, you felt like you already knew the man. You knew what his first words were, what his favorite toy was growing up, and even about the exploits of his first date, as pitiful as it was. What you didn't know was if Diana was passing along similar information about you. 
The day Spencer Reid finally showed up, he took your breath away. You were mostly in awe of Diana's ability to describe her son perfectly, though you'd grown fond of her perfectly professional English Lecturer tone of speaking over the last few weeks. She was practically lyrical when talking her son into existence. 
“His hair curls beautifully. He's my little adonis. He keeps it too long though, I'm always telling him he needs to cut it because it hides too much of his face,” she'd told you one day before picking her book up and ignoring you for the next half hour. 
“My Spencer is delightfully tall. He's a little bit spindly like a spider. He's not the most grateful, that's for sure, we used to call him crash because he was always bumping into things. Poetic, right?” 
You knew from the second he walked through the door that this man was him. 
Tall, slightly hunched, clutching his satchel strap in his hand, terrifyingly handsome and making your hand jump into your throat. Definitely him, and definitely a problem. You'd have to check the code of conduct about falling hopelessly for a patient's beautiful son. 
If you had any doubts, this was Spencer in front of you though, when he bumped into a chair just as he was about to reach his mother, it was confirmed. 
“Diana, I believe your Crash is here,” you smiled and giggled, watching her turn quickly to greet her son. 
You, too, gave him a warm smile, but he seemed a little hesitant to return it, instead greeting his mother softly and sitting with her while you retreated slightly to give them some privacy. 
You hovered in the space, as Diana had been talking about introducing the two of you all week, and you didn't want to distress her if she couldn't find you close by. 
But though Spencer was closely attentive and soft with his mother, he took brief pauses to stare almost frustratedly at you. You weren't sure what it was, but something about you was setting Spencer on edge, and that in itself was unsettling you as well. 
“Oh, Spencer, you must meet our Y/N. Y/N, come here, this is my son, Spencer.”
Slightly more apprehensive now, you held out your hand to shake his, “I've heard so much about you  it's nice to finally be seeing you in person, Doctor Reid.” 
He didn't shake your hand, though, but awkwardly waved it off quickly, leaving you to awkwardly replace it by your side. 
“Nice to meet you. Are you a new attendant? I asked all updates about my mother's companions to be confirmed and passed on to me, patient and carers included.” 
His tone was business-like and clipped, and you could see a gentle annoyance settling on his features. 
“I'm sorry, Doctor Reid, I thought Diana would have told you in a letter, or the administration would've passed it on. I'm a medical student on an internship.” You felt like you'd been chastised by an irate parent though he'd at no point raised his voice or indicated in his words any sense of anger at all. His eyes burned across your skin, though, and you felt a flame heat your skin under the weight of his stare. 
“You're mother has told me a lot about you though, she reads me your letters sometimes, between our discussions of Marjorie Kempe.” 
“My letters? Mom, we've talked about this. Those are private.” You looked at the quiet disappointment on Diana's face and felt protective over the woman all of a sudden.
“Please, I'm sorry for overstepping, but your mother is just very proud of you. She talks about you a lot actually, and your job-” 
“With all due respect, Y/N, the last time my mother talked to a new friend about me, he traveled to Virginia and shot one of my friends, so this really is a conversation I'd rather not be having.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach as he turned back to his mother and started talking to her gently again about personal security, effectively dismissing you from the conversation. 
You'd had stupid hopes for Spencer Reid, and that's all they would ever be. 
Reid talked on, and you left him alone with his mother, though she seemed distracted by your departure. 
“Spencer, that wasn't nice. Look at that poor girl. She's close to tears.”
“What? Mom, are you even listening to me?” 
“No, and I likely won't until you go and apologize to Y/N. She's a pretty girl, Spencer, and she was very excited to meet you.” 
“Pretty…. Mom, please.” 
“What, do you disagree? You think I don't know you well enough to know when a girl would suit you well? Or do you think I'm blind to the fact that you were stealing glances at her before she introduced herself.” 
Spencer went quiet at having been caught, and he hated to accept that maybe his mother was right. 
It was true as well that the care facility had informed him of medical interns coming and going in the next few months, and really, she wasn't to blame for his mother being fond of him. 
He was glad, though, that neither of them had noticed the ten minutes he'd spent just outside the large sitting area watching them talk. He'd been obviously taken aback to see someone new so close to his mom and his mom similarly comfortable. He felt even worse for the fact that for a solid minute and a half, he'd stared at the girl with no other thought in his head than the sound of his heart skipping a questioning beat. 
He'd pulled himself out of it eventually, but only when another nurse had come along to ask him if he'd actually be visiting his mother today or just dropping in to check on her. 
And then he'd bumped into that infernal chair when he was so fixated on getting to them, and she'd opened her mouth and called him crash, and his heart had sank. 
He reminded himself it was neither of their faults and inwardly cursed himself for being so unfriendly with someone who'd taken such good care of his mother recently. 
He promised himself that he'd talk with his mom and then go and find the woman, and apologising for being such a brute. 
“Spencer, are you listening to me, or are you busy daydreaming about my nurse?” 
“You're plain as day, kiddo, you'll never get anything past me. Now please, leave me be, I'm reading. Come back later if you must, but for now, take this to Y/N for me, please. She left it with me to read this morning, but I'm not in the mood for Medieval Romance right now.” 
It was a blatant lie, but a dismissal nonetheless, and Spencer quietly took his chance to search for you in the halls. 
The head nurse humorously pointed him in the right direction without him asking, much to his annoyance, but he persisted and lightly tapped on your shoulder to greet you. 
“Oh, Doctor Reid, hello again.” You smiled a little smaller this time, still polite, but he watched the way it didn't reach your eyes and felt like a jackass all over again. 
“My mom told me to come return this book to you.” He held out the book, and you quietly took it, folding it into your arms and hugging it tightly against your chest as you both stood there silently after the exchange. 
“I'm sorry, as well. I wasn't exactly very friendly back there, because-” 
“It's okay, Doctor Reid, you really don't have to explain. I overstepped, it's my fault and it won't happen again.”
“Are you kidding? My mom hasn't looked that relaxed in years. Please keep overstepping.” 
Your smile widened slightly at the compliment, and Spencer's tongue kicked into hyper drive immediately at the sight, even as his brain powered off. 
“You're pretty,” he blurted out, stopping only as his brain caught up with his tongue before firing off again. “My mom said you're pretty. I agree as well, though, you have a nice smile, and it's better when you don't force it. Not that I'm telling you how to smile, though. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but my mom made me come over here and talk to you, even though I'm pretty sure that's her book and not one you loaned her.” 
He took a moment to catch his breath as you blinked at him in confusion, heart beating rapidly even as you heard the blood rushing through your ears. 
“If you're free now, would you want to grab a coffee? Unless you have a boyfriend. Or husband. Or girlfriend or wife, I guess, I don't mean to presume. But if you're free, as in time, and free as in, like, relationship wise, I'd like to buy you a coffee to thank you for listening to my mom.” 
He finally stopped, and you stared wondrously at the reddened skin of his cheeks as he held his breath, waiting for your reply. 
“You want to take me out for coffee to thank me?” 
“And on a separate note, I'm pretty, and you want to know if I'm in a relationship?” 
“I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me, I'll just see myself out. It was a stupid idea anyway-” 
“No, wait, Spencer! Let me… let me grab my coat. My lunch break is in half an hour, and I'm sure it'll be okay to take it early.” You held his arm for a second, stepping slightly too close for comfort before realising yourself and taking a tiny step back.
He stood and blinked in your direction, as though wondering seriously for a moment what your lunch break had to do with him. 
“Are you going to stand there staring at me, or are we going to go out?” 
“You're serious?” 
“I guess…. I guess I am.”
“And you're… you're single.” 
Your mouth went dry as his skin finally completed its transformation from vampiric to tomato red. You desperately hoped your own embarrassment wasn't equally as readable on your face. 
“Quite single. Medical students don't have that much time to date.”
“Neither do FBI agents.” 
“Perhaps a subject we could talk more about later?” 
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daycourtofficial · 4 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor (Part 2)
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
(Part 1) (Part 3)
Author’s note: idgaf Azzy is down baddy in this series it’s been 12 hours and he is gone baby
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You waited until the next day to text Mor and Feyre, your friends chomping at the bit to know how you are, and you were expecting to sleep in quite a bit, when you discovered that Cassian likes to wake up early and sing. Loudly.
You texted your group chat entitled Hi, Barbie asking hey Mor why didn’t you tell me Cassian had a hot ass brother. You sent an immediate follow up message with the eye rolling emoji.
You didn’t bother locking your phone - Mor always responded incredibly quickly, because she knew if she put off responding she’d forget and never do it. You walk into your bathroom to brush your teeth as bubbles appear that indicate she’s typing.
Mor: 🤷🏼‍♀️ didn’t come up
Feyre: since when have you ever kept quiet about someone being hot
You: or the fact that they live next door
Mor: 🤷🏼‍♀️
You: not even a little heads up?
Mor: okay fine I thought the heads up might scare you away but they are really nice guys
You: I just wish I had known I’d be living with an Adonis who has two more Adonis brothers living next door
Your string of texts was interrupted by the door to your apartment opening and closing, some discussion in the living room, and a soft knock on your door.
“One minute,” you say, ignoring Feyre’s plea for photos of your neighbors. You get up, opening the door to find yourself face to face with Azriel’s chest. Your eyes slowly draw up his body to find him sheepishly looking at your Donald Duck pajama pants, a slight smile on his face.
“I’d ask if you’re ready but I’d assume you aren’t by your pajama pants.”
It comes back to you, having forgotten every moment of the conversation until you saw those hazel eyes that lure you in with their siren song. You would think the words he spoke would be ingrained in your memory, but what stuck to you was the feeling of his gaze on your skin, his undivided attention the previous night the most memorable part of the evening.
“I have to take the stupid rented truck back,” you sigh, taking a sip of your soda.
“When’s it due?” Cassian asks, his eyes not leaving the screen.
“11 tomorrow morning. Driving it was awful - the thing is massive. I almost got in three wrecks on the way here.”
Azriel, from his spot next to you, chimes in. “I could drive it back for you.”
You whip your head to him, surprised by the generosity of Cassian and his brothers. He’s looking at you, his eyes not straying from your own, a softness lingering in his gaze.
He continues, “I drove the truck when we moved in here, so I’ve done it before. Plus you do not want to experience Cassian driving anything, let alone a truck that size.”
Cassian rebukes, “I did not let Mor’s friend move in so you guys could all gang up on me!”
Rhys snorts, “yeah you did it because you wanted Mor to give you appreciation sex.”
Cassian doesn’t even try to look sheepish as he shrugs his shoulders, an attempt to downplay the truth at hand.
“Wait,” you say, attention diverting away from Azriel much to his annoyance. “Something I did got you laid. I deserve some kind of reward for unintentionally being a wingwoman.”
The conversation had continued, but you do recall that when Azriel left that night he had told you you’d see him today.
Your cheeks redden and you tell him, “just give me a minute,” as you close the door on him and quickly run around your room, brushing your teeth as you try to pull your shorts up over your legs. You quickly shoot off a text in your groupchat
Hottie no. 1 is driving my truck back
Before you can get a question back, you immediately follow up with
Azriel is hottie no. 1 btw
You find some more clothes, swiping on deodorant before you open the door back up and tell Azriel you’re ready. The two of you head to the elevator after you swipe the keys to the truck and to your car off the counter and shut the door behind you.
There’s a quiet over the two of you, and you realize that you don’t really know anything about Azriel. Granted you’ve lived next door to him for a grand total of 23 hours now, but that doesn’t stop you from wanting to know everything about him.
“So how long have you known Rhys?”
The elevator doors close in front of you and as Azriel leans forward to push the button for the ground floor, your eyes are drawn to his well toned back, watching the muscles in his arms as he’s turned away from your wandering gaze.
“Since we were kids,” Azriel leans against the railing in the elevator, a space large enough to fit your mattress but somehow now feels too small to fit the both of you. “Rhys and Cassian lived next door to me.”
Your eyebrows quirk, confusion sweeping over you. “But wait - I thought you were Cassian’s brother?”
Azriel chuckles, a sound that brings heat to your cheeks at both your misconception and how much the melody affected you.
“No, we’re not actually related. Cassian just…” he trails off for a second, deciding where to carry this conversation. “We all have complicated families and so we made an uncomplicated one.”
The elevator dings, and Azriel holds his arm in front of the doors as you walk through it, heading towards the doors of the lobby. “That’s nice. Not the complicated family thing, but the fact that you guys are there for each other.”
You give him a brief smile, your eyes watching him in step beside you. He huffs, opening the door for you so you can walk under his arm.
“Most days I appreciate their presence. But I’d be lying if I said I haven’t heavily weighed the pros and cons of killing Cassian on several occasions.”
You fake gasp, handing him the keys to the truck as you two walk towards it. “Cassian? No way he could ever be that annoying. He’s so sweet - he even woke me up this morning with his beautiful serenade.”
He rolls his eyes, opening your door before heading towards the driver’s side. A small smile graces your lips as you pull yourself up into the truck, settling into the seat as Azriel opens the driver’s side door, getting in next to you.
“He’s no saint and he snores like a chainsaw.”
You gasp, “that’s what that noise was? I thought the air conditioning was struggling all night!”
He snickers, turning the truck on and he pulls out of the spot you had parked it in. You provide him with directions as he drives, the rental place being a bit out of the way. His scent fills the small cabin, a scent of cedar and crisp rain and all you want to do is bury your head in his neck and breathe him in.
“Do you regret moving in with Cassian yet?”
His question catches you off guard, and you watch him take a left turn while you think about your new living situation. Living with Cassian wasn’t ideal, and you had been incredibly nervous about it leading up the move, but now you just felt calm, as if this was the right place for you to be in.
“Not yet, but his singing this morning almost made me reconsider.”
He smiles, his eyes twinkling as he does so. He’s absolutely stunning no matter what he does, but the way his face lights up when he gives a smile makes you want to keep doing it.
“He’s not very good, despite his numerous attempts at karaoke.”
Your eyes light up as you hit his arm, trying not to think about how toned and muscular it was, “Cassian does karaoke?”
He bites his lip trying to suppress his smile, “oh yes. He’s convinced he’s God’s gift to the poor patrons at Rita’s. He drags Rhys and I out to karaoke nights to try out his new material.”
“Please let me come next time, please. I need to see this.”
“Oh I didn’t even get to the best part.” His smile turns wicked as he tells you, “he spends all week working on a dance for the song too.”
You almost scream in delight. “Please, I will do anything if you can convince Cassian to let me come along the next time.”
“I think it’d be more of a miracle if Cassian isn’t trying to force you to come with us. But if he doesn’t extend an invite, I’ll be sure to collect on that deal to bring you along.”
His tone is one full of flirtatious sin as he parks the truck, the two of you arriving without your notice. You peer around, shocked at the ease he drove the truck.
“Thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” he tells you, and you both get out and walk into the rental place.
To return the truck, you have to give them your ID. The guy looks at your license, seemingly satisifed you are who you say you are. You’re digging in your bag for your credit card to pay, when the guy hands Azriel your license. You pay, and the two of you walk in silence to your car.
As you two get into your car, Azriel tells you to wait. He pulls out your license, looking at the photo, then holding it up so he can look at you. He glances between the laminated version of you who was not at all prepared for the photo that they snapped and the present you.
“Can you smile?” He asks, and you oblige his request, causing him to respond, “there are those dimples.”
Your mouth falls open as you blush, turning your car on so you can look away from his shit eating grin.
The car ride back to your apartment is full of conversation about what you both do in your free time, where you find out that Azriel spends a solid portion of his time working on his motorcycle and driving it around.
“I’ve never actually ridden on one before - what’s it like?” You ask, sneaking glances as you drive. You try desperately to keep your mind from thinking about wrapping your legs around his back, your arms around his middle as you zip through traffic on the back of his bike.
You decide maybe a cold shower is what you need when you get back because your mind cannot seriously be this deep in the gutter already.
From a quick glance you watch him look you up and down, the movement of his eyes making you want to squeal that he is definitely checking you out.
“We’ll just have to change that, won’t we?”
Azriel has no idea what has come over him this morning. He offered to take Cassian’s pretty roommate to drop off her moving truck and it’s like he’s been possessed by something way more charming than he ever has been. Every other sentence out of him has been flirtatious, and Rhys and Cassian would definitely have made fun of him for how deep he had made his voice earlier.
He just hopes to anyone listening that you don’t notice how badly his hands are shaking in his lap, or how his voice slightly waivers each time heat blooms in your cheeks.
He had found it so damn cute the way his words affected you, how you’d turn away, too shy to look at him. Perhaps that’s what kept spurring him on, or maybe it was just the amount of nerves he got in your presence that caused his filter to go away.
Azriel knew one thing - it’s been 12 hours, maybe, since he first saw you, and he’s already in way too deep. He’s never acted like this before, usually keeping to himself and not drawing too much attention. Even just offering to help you drive the truck was out of his comfort zone - a favor for a practical stranger. An offer that was so out of character Rhys and Cassian both looked at him in confusion last night, but thankfully didn’t press any further.
Concern courses through him, at what the effect you have on him and the inevitability of finding out it’s one-sided, until he sees your phone buzz and light up, a message in a chat titled Hi Barbie that says:
Look just tell me how hot this Azriel is I don’t need a photo
A second message dings
Is he like Chris Evans hot
A third message
Or like Aragorn in Lord of the Rings hot
Azriel reads the messages from the corner of his eye, your phone on a stand that extends from your windshield putting your screen on full display for him. He starts smiling as he looks out the window, hoping maybe you’re in just as deep as he is.
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Under the Hood 
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Dark! Mechanic Steve Rogers x F!Reader 
A broken car, a handsome hero. Nothing but a spark between you. If only you knew... 
Song: Tainted Love by Soft Cell
Word Count: ~ 2.7K
Warning: 18+ only! SMUT!, drugging, dub-con, degradation, oral (f-receiving), dark! Steve Rogers 
Mood board by: @georgiapeach30513
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
A/N: This came from the mood board challenge game that @georgiapeach30513 hosted a few weeks ago. I spun the wheels and have been pushed out of my comfort zone. My spins were Mechanic Steve Rogers, degradation and drugging.  Please heed the warnings below.   
As this is an out of my comfort zone fic, feedback would be appreciated but being mean or rude comments will not be tolerated and you will be promptly blocked. 
Doing my normal taglist at the bottom. Please let me know if you want to be removed.
Main Master List
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Climbing down the steps of your building, your smile is big as you look forward to your day. Being an art teacher was fun, especially with the younger children.  As you climbed in your vehicle, you couldn’t help but sigh. Today was going to be a great day.  
But then, your car wouldn’t start.  
“C’mon,” you muttered. Your smile fell. This was an older car for sure, but it wasn’t that old.  You got out and popped the hood. Not seeing anything out of place. You tossed your head back and sighed.  So much for it being a great day.  
“Need some help?” 
You jumped and whipped around to the voice behind you.  A man, a gorgeous man stood behind you, a rag wiping grease from his hands.  You eyed him, up and down.  Blonde hair, blue eyes, scruff around his chiseled jaw, white, dirty shirt that was fitted to a narrow waist and tone legs wrapped in jeans. Motorcycle boots finished the look and you managed to look back up at the Adonis standing in front of you.  You swallow, “my car won’t start.”  
“I can see that.  Can I look?” He smiled but you hesitated.  “My name is Steve and I work at the garage.”  He pointed to the garage, Barnes Automotive. It had been a staple in the neighborhood for years.  
“Sure.”  You stepped aside, smoothing out your dress as Steve ducked his head under the hood.  You chewed your lip as he fiddled with the engine.  
“Looks like there are a couple of problems, sweetheart. Gonna take a few weeks to repair.” He looked at you as he cleaned his hands.  
“No,” you whispered. Tears began to flood your eyes.  What were you going to do? You had to get to work and now you were stuck.  
“You ok?” 
“No,” you repeated, louder this time.  “I don’t know a lot of people in this town and I’m not sure how I’ll get to work and stuff.” You sniffed, trying to keep the tears at bay.  
“Well, I can give you a ride,” Steve offered. “I’m at the garage early and I can step out to take you and pick you up. We’re neighbors after all.”  
“Oh, I couldn’t impose.”  
“My mama would whoop my ass if I left a lady all alone, stranded.  Promise, I don’t bite.” He smiled again and you melted. There was nothing wrong with accepting help.  “C’mon sweetheart, what do say?” 
And it started.  Every day, Steve would give you a ride in his classic black Mustang and pick you up every night. You would chat the five or so miles every day. He had coffee ready for you, once he learned of your preferences.  He was charming and sweet.  
And every day, you fell, more and more.  
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Steve was falling in love.  
Well, to be honest, he had been in love with you for months.  When he first saw you, you were moving into the neighborhood.  You were beautiful, your hair swept up in a bun at the top of your head with a glitter headband that made him think you had a halo. Jean short that hugged your ass as your shirt was knotted at the waist. Just the sight of you made his dick twitch, your hair, skin, clothes, everything made his blood sing.  
“I need to know her,” he told his best friend, Bucky.  
Bucky whistled, “she is a dime. What’s your plan?” 
“Get to know her. However way I can.” Steve smirked and walked away, putting his plan into motion.  
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About six weeks into the repairs, you needed a mental health day.  You sent a text to Steve to let him know that you were staying home.  
You: I’m sorry, I need a rest day, not going to work 
Steve: everything ok? 
You: yeah, I'm just needed a break. Going to veg on the couch 
You: I’ll miss your coffee tho 
You got no response to that last message.  Frowning, you went to make your own cup when there was a knock on the door.  Curious, you looked through the peephole and smiled.  “Steve, what are you doing here?” 
“I didn’t want you to miss your cup of coffee.” He held out the travel mug to you, the special one he bought especially after mixing up the cups once before.  
“Oh, you didn’t have to be so sweet,” you swooned. You took the cup and took a sip. “So good.”  
Steve grinned; “I added some cinnamon to the coffee.” 
“God, my own personal barista.” You gave him a big smile. “You want to come in?” 
“Sure, if that’s ok.”  
“It is. I’m just taking a me day today. Veg out, you know.”  
Steve frowned. “Veg out?” 
“Lay like broccoli.” You giggled.  “It's from a movie. Pretty Woman?” 
“Never seen it.”  
Your jaw dropped. “Steve! How could you have gone through life without seeing Pretty Woman. Rich guy meets hooker, and they make an arrangement to help him.  But before she gets paid, she falls in love.” You clutch your hands to your chest. “And then the guy chases after her to tell her he loves her too.”  
“Sweetheart, I’m a guy. We don’t watch movies like that.”  
“Well, you will today.” You took his hand and tugged him to the couch. You sat down next to him and pulled your blanket over your legs.  
“Nope. I need to educate you.” You flipped on the movie and reached for your coffee to sip.  As the movie started, you snuggled closer to Steve, the warmth of his body drawing you in. The smell of the coffee, his cologne mixed with his natural scent was an aphrodisiac. You sighed when he put his arm around behind you.  
Steve ran his long fingers over your skin, fluttering along the now sensitive flesh on your arm. Suddenly, you wanted to be closer. You scooted right next to him and laid your head on his shoulder as he dropped his arm around your waist.  His fingers now played with the strip of flesh that was exposed from your shirt riding up.  
“Steve,” you whispered.  
“Yeah baby, this ok?” 
You turned your head up to look up at him. He could see your pupils were blown, desire and lust filled them that all he could see was black. He smirks as he trails his finger down your cheek and watches as your eyes close from the sensation. “Open them,” he growls. You blink your eyes open to see the positively feral look in his eyes. “Mine.” And he kisses you.  
It’s everything you didn’t expect but everything you dreamed of. His lips are soft, but they kiss you rough and needy. You’re needy. You shift or he shifts you, you’re not exactly sure but now you’re in his lap, straddling him, your hands on his face to hold him to you, his arms around your hips. You pulled back to breathe. “Steve,” you mumbled.  
“You like this, don’t you baby girl. Rubbing yourself on me like a little slut.” He pulled you back in and rocked your hips back and forth on his lap.  Your thin cotton shorts allowed him to feel how hot your pussy was, and it left nothing to the imagination.  The friction on your pussy from his erection pushing up through his jeans was mind-blowing.  
Desire flooded your blood, his words setting you on fire. “Fuck, Steve,” you moaned as your hips began to move on their own.  
“That’s it, grind on my cock. Fucking slut.” Steve assaulted your neck and shoulders, moving your shirt out of the way.  “Fuck this,” he yanked the shirt off of your body, grinning at the fact that you had no bra on. “God damn, these tits are just made to be sucked on.”  
“Yes, please,” you moaned. Your mind was spiraling; you’ve never been so turned on. It borderline hurt, the need to have Steve touch you, taste you, fill you.  God, you needed Steve to fuck you, like yesterday.  
Steve chuckles darkly at your neediness. “I’m going to destroy this pussy soon enough baby.” When you whined louder, he grinned. “You like that, don’t you, you dirty whore. You want me to wreck this body.” You nodded and Steve flipped you onto the couch, so he hovered on top. He rolled his hips against you, and you shuddered at his hard length pressing into you. “How long has it been, hmm?” 
You went silent, embarrassed at how long it had been since you had been with a man. Lust was overcoming your senses, but you resisted answering him.  
“It's been that long, huh?” Steve chuckled as he took a nipple into his mouth. Your back arched, relishing the feeling of his hot mouth on you.  
“S-steve, fuck, please!” 
“Oh, beg for me, slut, beg for what you want. Fucking brat can’t wait, can she? Maybe I’ll choke you on my cock so I can see your lips wrapped around me.”  You keened at the suggestion and Steve’s jaw dropped for a second before pulling himself off of you and moving you to your knees. “Open, fucking cock tease and choke on me.”  
You didn’t hesitate, wait, why didn’t you hesitate? Your mind was in a daze of lust and yearning.  
And Steve knew.  
He knew why you didn’t hesitate.  For once, John Walker had been proven useful. “Just a drop,” he said, “in her drink and she becomes putty in your hands.”  And the six weeks of spending time together in the car had put your guard down. So trusting, so innocent, so … his.  
The first touch of your lips on his cock was like lighting up his spine. “Fuck, that mouth is hot,” he moaned as you bobbed on the tip. You weren't sure if you could take all of Steve. He was the largest you had ever seen or been with. Steve threaded his hand into your hair and pushed you deeper onto him.  “I said to choke, you stupid slut. I want my dick to be imprinted on your throat.” His other hand grabbed at your neck and squeezed just enough to feel his cock. “That’s it, my little slut.”  
You gagged as his cock punched your throat. Tears mixed your saliva as you took as much of Steve as you could. The man was at least nine inches of solid, velveting man and just feeling every ridge made yor core tingle in delight.  
Before Steve could release, he pulled back. “No, I want to cum inside this pussy.” He lifted you off the floor and into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.  His cock was nestled in between you and you could feel it pulsing, wanting to release and fill you with his warmth. “I wanna watch my cum leak out of your gaping, stretched out hole so I can push it back into it.” You shuddered at his words. Steve chuckled.  You like that, hmm? He throws you on the bed and reaches for your sleep shorts.  Not even fighting me. Horny bitch. He rips the rest of your clothes away and you squeak at the force.  
He latches on to a nipple and your back arches as he bites and tugs on the peak. “St-st-steve,” you wail as he continues to lavish attention. 
“Beg for it, slut. Beg me to fuck you hard. Beg for my cock to fill you up and leave my seed I your womb, fucking cock drunk whore.” You cry as he sinks down as pulls your clit between his teeth. “Knew you were cock drunk when you can’t even beg.  Beg, dammit! Beg or I won’t give you want you want! God damn slut! Bet you just prance around like a goddam tease for all of the other guys in the neighborhood.  Bet you have a line so they can just use you.” His big hand covered your throat.  
This snaps you out of your daze, grabbing onto his wrist.  “No! No I don’t. I’m not a whore!” 
“Yes, you are, slut. Wasted no time letting me in here. Am I the first?” He scoffed.  “I doubt it.”  
“No! No! Just you, only you, Stevie, just you!” You cried as Steve held your throat tighter. “Only want you,” you whispered as the air flow began to dwindle.  
Steve felt your hand begin to loosen from his wrist and he let go of the pressure.  You gasped and he pushed hard into your tight heat. “Fuuuuuck,” he moaned, feeling you wrapped around him.  
You tried to make a noise at the intrusion, pain screaming through your body.  But your brain, well your brain enjoyed the pain. It wanted to Steve’s cock to wreck your body but had no idea why. You just needed him and the pain was worth the pleasure you were feeling now.  Steve withdrew and you whimpered at the slight loss.  He chuckled. “Needy cock slut.” He slammed back into you, and you found your voice, screaming.  
He kept the pace, pounding into you as his filthy words penetrating the air. His cock was so deep, you swore it was in your stomach at this point. His pubic hair was brushing along your clit, sending zings through your core, causing you to clench around him.  
“Oh fuck, this pussy is gripping me so tight. Wanna cum, slut? Use your words.”  
“Words, fucking cunt. Use. Your. WORDS!” He punctuated each word with a thrust into you.  
“Please let me cum!” You screamed as the pleasure was reaching its point.  
He roared as he pinched your clit.  
It was like lighting through you.  You pulsed and exploded, squeezing his cock so hard, he couldn’t move. “That’s it, fuck, Such a good little whore.” The tension in your body eased and you were pliant under Steve.  He continued to move, thrusting to meet his end. You cried out from oversensitivity.  
“Can’t,” you cried.  
“Oh yes you can.” Steve kissed you hard until you were bubbling underneath him, your body climbing again. “I need to fill this body with my cum. Fuck, gonna make you a mommy, little whore.”  
Why would he say that? You thanked God that you were on birth control but still his words, shit, his words were bringing your body to the brink again. “Steve,” you moaned.  
“Ready for another? Wanna be my cum drop, hmm? Let me fuck my baby into you?” Steve thrusted harder and harder. You cried out, his hips slamming into you. “That’s it, cum again. Let me fill this slutty pussy up.” One, two and you were gone, eyes rolling back as your body arched from the third explosive orgasm of the day.  “Fuck! Yes!” And with a thrust, Steve flooded your womb with his warmth.  He slowed his hips, dumping everything he had into you.  
He lay on top, his head in the crook of your neck, catching his breath.  You didn’t move and when he lifted his head, he smirked as he realized you were passed out under him. He pulled out and saw his cum starting to seep out. “Whoops, gotta keep the good stuff in there.”  He pushed his cum back into you.  
After grabbing a towel from your bathroom and cleaning you up, he went back to the living room and saw a couple of things had fallen from his jacket.  He saw the packet of pills, snorting at the thought of him switching out your birth control for the last few weeks. “A necessary evil,” he said to himself. Honestly, he wanted a family as soon as possible with you and hopefully this session took.  
The second item was more unusual, but it was the catalysis to start his dreams. The saying was that you just need a spark to start something wonderful. But really, you just needed a spark plug to get our engine going. Not that you were going to be going anywhere other than to his apartment to start your new life.  
He tsk at the thought. If only she knew to check under the hood more often. 
Ah well. Lesson learned. Future planned. Girl secured.   
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ggukkiereads · 2 years
Hiii! I hope you’re doing well❤️ I was wondering if you could help me find this fanfic I’ve been looking for🥹
It’s a Jungkook x reader. The reader is a kindergarten teacher and jungkook is a single parent ( I think he had a girl named minna). Whenever he comes by to pick her up they flirt and eventually he invites her out for dinner with his kid if I remember it correctly🥰🥰
🌷 Hi! Sure, no problem! This is actually included in my Single Dad Fic Rec list and it’s Blue Spring by @adonis-koo. I normally would link the fic but I’ve been having issues with opening tumblr pages on my desktop and I can just see my dash T_T. Please click the author’s link and go to their masterlist. Enjoy!!!!
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
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More Hot Gif Drabbles A Link to my masterlist is HERE Warnings: Kinda smutty. 18+ Language. (w/c 550) If any of these drabbles inspire you, let's chat. I'll be adapting some of them :)
The Towel
"-Oh, I'm sorry!"
Your phone clattered to the floor, palms up as you bumped ungracefully into a wall of hard flesh.
Your apologetic fingertips grazed their skin; just a split second before you looked up.
"-Loki, hello...hi, apologies." you spluttered, fumblingly patting his pecs before curling your fingers away into fists. He smirked.
His wet hair was plastered back, dripping over his broad shoulders in slick tendrils. He licked his lips, drawing one back between his teeth as he observed you with growing amusement.
Your eyes ran awkwardly down his frame, mere inches between you in the gym hallway. He was wrapped in a loose white towel, slung low. Too low. Or maybe not low enough.
A dark trail of fine hair bordered the towel's edge over his Adonis belt, skin still glistening with fresh droplets of water. You swallowed.
Your eyes ran up his stomach like a pinball machine, bouncing between carved marble muscles that flexed when he breathed.
You had never seen him shirtless before. You had never seen him wearing anything other than that his signature cardiac-arrest inducing leather.
Fuck me, you thought; feeling heat rising in your cheeks. He's even hotter without the leather. He's fucking hotter.
You knew that he knew you were leering like a pervert-
He's fucking hotter.
-and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it.
"I was under the impression that on Midgard it is considered rude to stare." Loki purred knowingly, readjusting his frighteningly lax grip on the side of the towel. "Is that not so?"
You bobbed your head in a mix of a nod and a shake, gaze wandering unsubtly to the wall as Loki's keen eyes assessed you.
"Mmmm..." he hummed thoughtfully, marinating in the awkward silence that followed.
"Are you going to get that?"
The side of his foot nudged at your phone lying abandoned on the tiles below.
With a strained smile of acknowledgement you bent down on your haunches, mortification setting in.
Loki cleared his throat, making you look up at him. A drop of water fell from his hair, landing on your cheek. Others followed, pattering on your blouse as he flipped the lengths back, exposing his collarbone.
You stood, sliding the phone in your pocket as Loki leant forward. He brought one long finger to your cheek, sliding it across the trail of moisture made by the errant drips from his hair.
"Apologies, my lady." he murmured, making a small squeak rupture from your lips. A smile curled at the corner of his mouth. "How ungentlemanly of me, it was not my intent to make you wet." he purred, long fingers undoing the tuck of his towel.
Your breath hitched, heart palpitating as a bare sliver of his hip came into view, skating down to one thick, delicious thigh. The perfect thighs to sit on oh my god-
Loki re-fastened the cotton tightly, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it with a soft slurp. You cleared your throat, desperate words attempting to diffuse your fluttering stomach. "Yeah, it was pretty rude, actually..." A nervous laugh followed, focusing on the twitch of his lip as his unyielding eyes continued to glint. God it was so hot in here.
"Indeed." Loki hummed, his finger catching another drip as it teetered against the angle of your jaw, "usually, I buy dinner first."
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- Tags
@lokischambermaid @lady-rose-moon @mischief2sarawr @mochie85 @gigglingtigger @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbs @xorpsbane @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @loopsisloops @sarahscribbles @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @123forgottherest @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @sititran @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @mrsbarnes32557038 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @imalovernotahater @lokiprompts @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @ladylovesloki @marygoddessofmischief @filthyhiddles @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @peachyymallows @soldeloki @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden
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esoanem · 12 days
I scrolled so far through your UK politics tag before I realised that Genny Lecks isn't a politician
I mean we do have fuckers called Michael Fabricant, Dick Braine, and Lord Adonis so it wasn't an unfair assumption
No, this instead came from The Group Chat brainstorming what the platty jubs (platinum jubilee)/panny d (pandemic)/cozzy livs (cost of living crisis) equivalent for the general election would be
Poor Rishi, he won't even get a properly unique tag from me for the end of his tenure, unlike Liz versus lettuce for Liz Truss and clownfall for BoJo
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3-dsimp · 2 years
My Masterlist 🖤
Requests are OPEN✨
This is an 18+ blog only!!
MDNI/AGELESS BLOGS you will be blocked.
My other blog @2-dsimp is meant for everyone so check it out if you’d like!
(Just an FYI some of the links below will direct you to my main blog. because I’ve yet to transfer all the nsfw stuff on my main over to my side 🔞 blog.)
NSFW I write for✨
Genshin impact
The real Yandere Malewives of Genshin
Obey me
Yandere! Diavolo🔞
JOJO Bizarre adventures
Demon slayer
Yandere! Akaza 🔞
Your Boyfriend
Drider! Shinsou! doodle
Perv! Ghostboi! Izuku🔞
Perv! Harpy! Shiggaraki! 🔞
Perv Harpy! Shigaraki art 🖼
Zombie! Shinsou! 🔞
Bunny hybrid! Denki!🔞
Scarecrow! Hawks!🔞
Scarecrow! Hawks pt2 🔞
Cat hybrid! Amajiki! 🔞
Tokyo revengers
Yandere! Shark hybrid Mikey
General kinks/Other
overstimulation 🔞
Cockwarming 🔞
Smonophillia 🔞
Breeding 🔞
Cockworship 🔞
Praise 🔞
Degradation 🔞
Cum inflation 🔞
Sensory deprivation🔞
Yandere Hitman Squad
How Hitman squad reacts when someone hurts their S/O
How the hitman react to you being in a similar profession as them
How the hitman react to you throwing it back
Poly! Enforcer + Torturer 🔞
Poly? Hacker + Sniper🔞
Poly?! Boss + Strategist
Picrew hitman 🖼️
The Boss
The Boss short 1 🎨
Boss + Enforcer + Hacker
The Boss with influencer S/O
The Boss reacting to your favorite cosplayer
The Boss with an darling who went dead silent on social media
The hacker 🎨
Hacker shorts 1🎨
Hacker chats 💬
Hacker with clingy S/O 🎨
Hacker cuddles 🎨
Hacker: Milkies? 🔞
The Torturer
Torturer chats 💬
Torturer chats 2 💬
When He sees your ex harm you
Random hcs
Random hcs pt2
Torturer + protective darling
The Medic
Medic with elf S/O
Medic chats 💬
The Strategist
The Enforcer
The Sniper
Yandere monster gang
The poltergeist
The Archdevil
The incubus 🎨
The Devilbat 🎨
Yandere Spin-offs
The Hero
Hero random hcs
Adonis with hero darling 🔞
Adonis lusting over his heroling 🔞
The husband 🔞
Your husband short 1 🔞🖼️
The vilian
The photographer 🔞
The goth
The nerd
The jock
The delinquent
The model
The pervert
Yandere Zodiac Mafia
The Dragon
The Rooster
The Rat
The Goat
The Tiger
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kiestrokes · 10 months
goodsoop's couch and ramen recs: BTS
🗝️note: oh look, it's the list I started before manic deactivating back in march. rip to my og rec tag and all those lovely fics. Sadly, this is only new fics from my tbr and not my full collection 🥲 BUT this is for the fluff, slice of life and sfw readers! personally for the acespec babes who sometimes get icked out by smut.
my plus one by @btsgotjams27 🍜This is kicking the blankets, cuddled up on the couch, eating snacks with your girlfriends watching a new elite romcom worthy. I love this Jin so very much.
the one with seokjin, soju, and all the stars in the sky by @eoieopda 🍜 "Sojin has entered the chat," - when I tell you I screamed in laughter at this cuteness. You really nailed how a Sagittarius remembers the little things too.
the one with yoongi, netflix and zero chill by @eoieopda 🍜 “cum over?” - JADE 😂 omg, why is the embodiment of every casual relationship I have been in. The way that I felt every awkward and soft moment, deep in the crevice of my bones.
Just Between Us by @herecomesjoon 🍜 “I figured he would be safe with the bookshelf.” - Saturn nooo! You should have seen my look of alarm. We cannot trust Joon to build anything. The gathering of little moments in this is my favorite thing ever!
And on the seventh day... by @moni-logues 🍜 it’s giving lazy Sundays, cuddled up with our own personal sunshine.
We'll Never Have Sex by @eoieopda 🍜 You were already melting into a puddle under that sunshine in his eyes - how this entire fic and your writing made me feel.
Hungry (For Your Love) by @minisugakoobies 🍜The way that this gives me reversed Spike x Buffy roles, the setting immediately putting me in Sunnydale and with Namjoon of all people 🫠
just like riding a bike by @effortandmore 🍜 Listen...this is like walking through an OST music video, so colorful and whimsical.
pork belly by @yoongiphoria 🍜I love love love this, it's so realistic and Jimin's personality traits were captured beautifully. Have thought about this many times while I was away.
adonis by @xjoonchildx 🍜 if you love Ana’s provocative humor this is a must read, obviously I came for Jimin but I stayed for Mrs. Yun.
Swoon by @minisugakoobies 🍜I'm pretty sure I blacked out after that description of THE Park Jimin dressed as Harley Quinn, and my jaw on the desk at Tony Stark JJK. Please this is every army x comic nerds wet dream.
Maybe by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy 🍜 Elite F2L, unrealized mutual pining and a little angsty, just how I like it.
T-Shirt by @still-with-koo
🍜 “You trying to make me throw up or something?” - LO I laughed so hard at this that my eyes hurt from them crinkling. Oh, I adore this couple and their witty teasing.
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688199 · 1 year
Ladybug PV led to the creation of Null Era + other things: A theory re-evaluating the pre-production of Miraculous Ladybug
ah yes, the famous pv, with an alternative marinette that’s confident and an aloof cat boy called felix. yet, even though they seem to be based on null era, why are they still so different from their null era counterparts?
there were a lot of holes in timeline regarding the production, things that made no sense if it was sequenced that way. but when i started to see it this way, i think it solves some questions i had.
(i apologise for the messiness of all the ideas as i am just rambling)
so here’s my theory, as well as the reasons why i think so:
ladybug pv laid out the groundwork for null era. like such:
(first image represents the era in which marinette was confident, and nathan existed. for lack of a better term, i’ll refer it to the 2010 era.)
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seems like toei was only given “2010” material to work with, and thus came up with the pv. this explains why alina, adoni, the bodyguards, null doesn’t show up. oh and why bridgette bug uses martial arts instead of weapons.
if anything, the pv isn’t based on null era, it’s based on the 2010.
looks to me like the pv expanded on the 2010 ideas by astruc
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and the development team liked it so they expanded on the ideas even further into null era which explains actions shown in the pv, such as richard destroying the world because he’s power hungry.
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bridgette’s design seems to be heavily based on this artwork specifically. long hair, same shorts and same shoes. except her top outfit, which seems to be from this right image, created even earlier.
her personality as well is obviously not shy. she’s much like the 2010 marinette rather than the null era.
now let’s talk about felix.
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felix sphinx, on the other hand, has right swept bangs like in the pv, different from many other “felix-like” artworks that showcase nathan/ felix with left swept bangs.
if felix sphinx was based on the pv, the difference in their personalities makes much more sense. why pv is portrayed as being annoyed with bridgette, however not in the same degree as astruc’s nathan version. most likely while creating null era, the team further toned down on the annoyed aspect and heightened his nerd side to create who we know as felix sphinx.
not to mention, the pv is also the only media that depicts felix with being studious (books), other than the july 2012 bible.
now take a look at these, which i believe are all based on the image on their left.
2010->PV->Null Era
i used to think the right image inspired the middle image, but now arranging it this way makes more sense to me.
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in terms of how everything actually went down:
i think that there were on going discussions on how astruc’s original “2010” concept could be altered during 2010-2012. many ideas were being brought up then scraped such as (the later part of) mini menace, quantic kids, etc, leading to an influx of art and ideas tossed around during this time, especially during 2012.
before toei officially became the co-producer, i think toei brought up the possibility that it could be 2d animation, then created the pv using the original astruc concept, of course with their own ideas tossed in (like how another producer wanted quantic kids). the proposal for 2d was rejected in the end, but i think they wanted to explore toei’s ideas, thus leading to the creation of null era.
rather than see it as a linear progression with a lot of mixing in between “eras” which is how i saw it in the past, the development should be seen as a centre (2010) being branched out into multiple ideas all scattered around the place. each era/ version is just the team mixing and matching elements that they like, and going forward with whatever fits best + goes through the approval of sponsors and producers. this leads to why chat noir was officially confirmed to be called felix during september 2012 while he’s called adrien in the first bible, why quantic kids appeared in the super lady luck game, why the pv and the bible, which differed greatly in ideas, existed during the same time (it’s also possible pv was made much much earlier than the date it was put onto youtube).
okay i should shut up now. this is what i think basically.
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darlingsazanami · 6 months
If it not annoyed you can do the headcanons of street singer s/o with Arashi and Eichi?
Arashi and Eichi with a street singer
I’m not annoyed don’t worry! I’m thankful for every request people send me! ^_^! Hopefully these aren’t too OOC 😭
He was definitely intrigued when he first realised you were a street performer, he found himself being quickly drawn in to everything about street performers! The atmosphere, the way you perform, he was enjoying himself much more than he thought he would.
He loves to talk to you about street performers when he has the time! Maybe over a cup of tea together, or just sitting down together for idle chit chat. He’s interested about why you wanted to be a street singer and the difference between street performances and the types of lives that he performs really interests him.
It makes him feel happy as he notices just how much attention you’ve attracted from your performances! He’s also happy that his s/o is passionate about something he’s also very passionate about!
After your performance, he has a soft look of happiness on his face. He’ll congratulate you and ramble on about what his favourite parts of your performance was, how much he liked your singing voice ect.
Very supportive of you! Like Eichi, she’ll want to know exactly how you became interested in street performances, how long you’ve been doing it ect.
She offers to do your hair, makeup or pick out an outfit for you! She wants to be as supportive as she can to you and she also enjoys hyping you up to do your best!
She really likes your performances! They might be a little different from what Naru was expecting or used to but she still enjoys herself a lot! She’d also invite pretty five to come with her next time you perform (or maybe just Mika/Adonis).
After your performance she’ll pull you into a hug while praising you for doing your best and being amazing! She definitely makes a mental note to watch your performances whenever she has the time!
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