#maría x mc
heleneplays · 1 year
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🥺🥺🥺 blease 🥺🥺🥺
9 notes · View notes
seonghwaddict · 2 months
the lamb and the wolf — park seonghwa
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in which all he wanted was someone to love in his dark, lonely world… and then you came along.
hades!park seonghwa x fem!reader. genre. strangers to lovers. fluff. smut. warnings. he’s literally obsessed with mc, ankle injury, alcohol consumption, mention of cannibalism as a metaphor for love but it’s not really explicit, mc is described as innocent, explicit sexual content mdni, oral (f. receiving), unprotected, soft dom!hwa, big dick!hwa, praise, creampie. wc. 7.2k. rating. mature.
lilo’s notes. i’ve been working on this for two-ish months and i’m so happy to finally share it. writing this was fun, i love writing men infatuated with their lovers <33 the letter he reads does not belong to me and comes from “Albert Camus, María Casares. Correspondence (1944-1959)” which is a collection of love letters sent between camus and casares. this particular one is letter #95.
listening to. from persephone, kiki rockwell // sunlight, hozier // liquid smooth, mitski // cinnamon girl, lana del rey // nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, cigarettes after sex
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the realm of the dead was terribly dark and cold and, as the name would suggest, barren of life. for seonghwa, the ruler of the underworld who had spent thousands of years in the realm, this hadn’t been a problem before. yet, he couldn’t deny the temptation of the distant sounds of chirping birds and gentle breezes humming through the air above.
he was, of course, free to leave whenever he wished to but more often than not he was busy—ruling over the souls that had passed or meetings with nymphs and the other deities. there had never been an inclination to explore, but somehow he found himself taking curious steps out of the cave entrance to his world.
and that’s where he saw you.
you weren’t a long way away from the entrance to the underworld, idling in a meadow and picking flowers and berries in a woven basket. the sunlight glinted off your rich skin, glistening on you manicured nails as your hands tended to the plants. the slow wind wafted through your soft-looking hair, making it dance in the air. he was entranced by the way the skirt of your dainty silk dress flowed as you moved around, hypnotised by the ivory fabric folding and brushing against your ankle with every step. you were beautiful in every sense of the word—but not the soft and comforting kind. no, not at all. in fact, he was quite alarmed by the notion of being so infatuated with a mortal at first glance.
seonghwa knew he was doomed from the moment he laid eyes on you. he wanted nothing more than for you to glance his way, willing to split himself in half or carve his heart right out of his chest to get a second of your attention. you spoke to yourself softly, muttering about how pretty you thought the little branch of lilac you plucked out of a bush was.
oh, how lovely your voice sounded; even the sun would not compare to it’s dulcet warmth.
a brilliant idea crossed his mind, one that he knew would get you to fall right in his grasp. and minutes later, he was able to conjure up a disturbingly realistic illusion of a rain storm. he descended back into his realm and all he had to do was wait.
you, however, flinched as the first droplets hit you. looking around for shelter, you spotted a cave entrance just a little way ahead, scrambling to sit there and wait for the storm to pass. the ground and walls felt cold against your body, nothing to separate your skin from the dark stone but your gown that was now soaked through and clung to your body.
minutes after you had sat down, a vaguely familiar scent breezed past you and had your head darting to look into the deeper part of the cave. there was no way it came from outside, not a single house in sight as the dewy smell of rain overtook the meadow. so your next most likely assumption was that it came from inside the cave. you stared into the seemingly endless abyss, squinting into the darkness for signs of, well, anything other than rocks and dirt.
and that’s when you saw it. a brief flickering flame, metres away from where you were sat. in the seconds that it lit, you could faintly make out what looked to be a staircase, descending further into a cave. an intrigued hum left you as you pushed yourself up from the ground and walked to the strange stairs, basket of berries and flowers left behind. there’s a reason they say curiosity killed the cat.
it was significantly colder as you stood at the top of the carved stairs, staring as far as you could see before they winded around and further into the unknown. another light came on, this time around the corner the stairs disappeared behind. with a final look at the exit of the cave, you began your unknowing descent into hell.
the light behind you flickered before going out, leaving you in darkness until you passed by the next torch, mounted on the damp stone. you planted your hand on the wall, afraid you’d lose your footing as each flame only lit the foreign path temporarily. the deeper you went, the colder you got. by the time you thought the stairs were endless, you could see faint puffs of white air emerging from your shaking lips with each breath you took. shivers ran through your body occasionally, your wet dress not doing anything to keep you warm.
just when you were going to give up and turn around to return to the surface, you stumbled at the unexpected absence of yet another step. your faint wince echoed through the small space as you rolled your ankle, instinctively holding yourself against the stone wall. your hand slipped from the wall for a second, a pebble falling and rolling until it stopped with an odd “clink.” you looked up in confusion to see what made the pebble stop with such a sound. looking with wide, bewildered eyes, a black and engraved set of double doors stood a few steps ahead of you. had they been there the whole time?
maybe someone lived there, someone who could help you. your father kept you safe and sound for as long as you could remember, teaching you to always see the best in people, rendering you a little sheltered and much too kind. perhaps this is what made you so trusting as you forced yourself to walk to the doors on limping legs. both doors had beautiful metal knockers mounted on them. the rusted brass resembled three dog heads, a heavy metal ring hanging from the snout of the dog in the middle. more than mildly nervous and with cold, shaking hands, you reached forward and tentatively lifted the ring of the right door before letting it knock against the dark wood.
moments later it swung open, held by a tall, pale-skinned man with slim fingers. for a moment you forgot what you were there for, caught off guard by the sharp eyes that looked down at you. your warm breath swirled in the air as you finally pieced together a sentence.
“i’m sorry, sir, but… i-i really meant to leave but i hurt my ankle…” you spoke quietly, your voice an octave higher than it usually was.
his gaze softened, the light of a torch on the wall reflecting in his dark eyes, and he smiled down at you as he opened the door wider and stepped aside. “oh, you poor thing. please, come inside.”
seonghwa watched you walk past him and into this home he had conjured up just for your arrival. it was quite dark, illuminated by a fireplace and candelabras decorating shelves and tables. he didn’t care enough to provide more light, completely entranced by the way you kneeled in front of the hearth, hands outstretched to warm them by the fire. they looked so much smaller compared to his. seeing you up close made his heart skip a beat, he wanted nothing more than to lay his hands on your smooth skin, run them through your damp hair, pat the thin and wet flowing dress dry and keep you warm. droplets of the rain ran from the top of you head down your face slowly, occasionally getting caught in your eyebrows or the corner of your beautiful lips.
he wondered fleetingly if they felt as soft as they looked. another bead of rain made it past your features, trailing past your jawline and neck. his eyes tracked it but when it disappeared under the fabric covering your chest, he refused to continue looking.
you felt his presence standing beside you a moment later, drawing your eyes—your naïve, innocent eyes—to look up at him. he offered you a hand to help you stand.
“come, love, let me take a look at your ankle,” he smiled at you kindly, pulling you up helpfully as you took his hand. once you stood, you stumbled slightly, accidentally putting weight on your injured ankle and wincing. one of his arm quickly looped itself around your waist, holding you up against him so you wouldn’t fall.
his touch was gentle yet you felt a certain firmness to it, feeling as if his warm hand was searing through your cold gown. your cheeks burned and you looked away shyly, something that had him biting back a smile as he guided you to sit at one of the sofas. he was mildly surprised by how small and delicate you felt in his arms. you felt fragile. there was something so seductive about that, the thought of breaking you in the most intimate of ways. but soon he had to let you go. after you settled into the cushions of the seat, his movements caught your eye.
your jaw nearly dropped when you saw him kneeling on the ground before you. though you weren’t aware of it, something made you so special that you had a god getting on the ground on his knees in front of a mortal. his dark eyes found yours, voice as gentle as it had been the whole time.
“may i?”
when you gave him a small nod, not trusting yourself to say anything, his hand grazed your calf before gently wrapping around your ankle and lifting it to rest on his thigh. despite his intimidating and malicious role among the deities, he was softer with you than anyone could ever imagine. he slipped off your shoe but kept your sock on, dragging the ruffled trim just under your heel so he could inspect the swelling at your ankle. the ruffles tickled you as he moved it, eliciting the most melodic giggle he’d ever heard.
when he glanced up at you, a smile stretched your tempting lips and making your smooth cheeks swell as you looked back down at him. he couldn’t help but smile, endeared by everything you did.
“it tickles.” you explained through another giggle, looking down at him. as his gaze returned to your ankle, you took note of how close he was. if he leaned forward just a little he’d be able to brush his plump lips along your knees. he knew that, of course, since he planned it. every touch, every position, every word had been meticulously planned, it was no surprise to him how close be found himself.
well, other than you getting injured, everything had been planned.
his slender finger pressed against different areas of your swollen ankle with featherlight pressure, gauging where it hurt most. you winced occasionally, but a certain spot made you flinch and whimper.
“there?” he whispered, looking up at you. his gaze was still tender as he gazed at you, his fingers pressing against that spot again with just a little more pressure. you knew he needed to check if it was really that spot, but in reality he wanted nothing more than to hear those lovely sounds tumble from your lips. to his delight, you did just that, bottom lip quivering slightly with the sound as you nodded. his gaze fell to your lips and he imagined kissing you, sucking your lower lip into his mouth, but he refocused his thoughts on your injury quickly.
“how did you even hurt yourself like this?” his other hand moved to the knee of your uninjured leg, thumb brushing small circles soothingly.
“i missed a step on the stairs and rolled my ankle.” you frowned slightly, the cute downturn if the corners of your lips almost making him coo at you. you leaned forward to catch a glimpse of your ankle but it was hard to see in the dim light provided by the fireplace and various candelabras around on shelves.
“i see… how careless of you, dear,” he tutted, fingers tapping against your knee absentmindedly, “but it’s okay, don’t worry. it’s just a small injury… wait here for a moment while i go get something, alright?”
you nodded once more and he got up, disappearing through a doorway as your eyes traced over his figure. you looked around the room as you waited patiently. it was a simple sitting room slash entrance area at first glance, but upon looking closer you found there were many little breathtaking details littered around for those who cared enough to find them. intricately embroidered golden designs decorating the wine red carpet beneath your feet, the shelves lining the wall on either side of the fireplace stocked with worn books neatly.
silent brisk steps drew your eyes back to him as the handsome stranger returned, a little glass bottle and roll of bandages held in his hands. his cheeks warmed at the sight of you sitting there so pretty and obediently. seonghwa kneeled in front of you once again and brought your foot to the same position as before.
“i’m going to apply this,” he held up the bottle for you to see, a mysterious deep blue liquid swishing around inside, “it’ll be cold and it might hurt a bit, but i promise to be gentle, okay?” after you nodded silently, he uncapped the bottle and poured a bit into his hand. “i’ll need you to stay still and relax. can you do that for me, love?”
after you gave him a muttered ‘yes’ he flattened his palm over the swelling. true to his word, the liquid he had poured into his hand was icy cold and stung a little as he rubbed it in as gently as possible. if you had to describe the feeling, you’d compared it to hundred of pinpricks concentrated on one area. it was uncomfortable, to say the least.
your eyes squeezed shut and your hands dug into the couch beneath you. you felt his touch leave your knee but a second later his hand found it’s way to yours, slipping between your fingers for you to hold him instead of tearing up his couch. he squeezed reassuringly and his heart swelled when you squeezed back.
before you knew it, his warm voice filled the silence of the room. “all done. you can open your eyes now, darling, you did so well.”
you eyes opened slowly at his words and looked down. he was peering up at you with round caring eyes, making your stomach flutter. his hand on your ankle lingered before he pulled away so you could have a look at the bandages wrapped around it skilfully, his other hand still intertwined with yours.
“thank you…?” you trailed off, indirectly asking for his name. despite him being a stranger, you somehow trusted this handsome man with your life. perhaps it was because he had shown you nothing but kindness thus far, every one of his actions illuminating warmth and care.
“of course. the ointment works fairly quickly, so you should be free to walk around just fine for a few hours at least,” his lips tugged into a small grin. he thought you were so cute, too shy to be upfront about your interest in him.
he wasn’t blind, your increased heart rate below his touch didn’t go unnoticed by him. for a moment, he considered lying to you—introducing you to an identity that didn’t exist in fear that you’d run away from him once he revealed himself. however, soon enough he came to the conclusion that he wanted you to love him, not some made up caricature. besides, he didn’t have to tell you about his occupation just yet. “it’s seonghwa.”
you tested the syllables on your tongue and he could’ve sworn honey poured right out of your mouth with how sweet you sounded. he nodded encouragingly and you gave him your name. he decided it fit you and your serene disposition. you watched with a warming face as he lifted your hand to his lips, eyes locked on yours as he kissed your knuckles.
“pleasure to make your acquaintance, love.” he winked smoothly before standing from the ground, pulling you off the couch with him. his eyes glanced down at your dress. it was still wet but not nearly as drenched as it was before, though it still clung to your body, teasing him. “you must be uncomfortable. if you want, i probably have a change of clothes for you.”
you smiled at his invitation gratefully, nodding. “i’d love that, thank you.”
“down that hall,” he pointed in the direction he went earlier to get that odd liquid, “the second door on the right is a bedroom. you’ll find some clothes in the closet, i think they’ll fit you.”
you took a step towards the hall before stopping and turning around to look at him with a questioning gaze. it didn’t take a genius to figure out what you were thinking. he fumbled to find a convincing excuse, speaking slowly. “my, uh, sister used to live with me but she moved away recently, so her clothes are still there.”
the explanation satisfied you and he watched as you followed his instructions, eyes drawn to the way you hips swayed slightly with each step. you stepped through the door he told you to, yellow candlelight seeping into the hallway before you closed it behind you. but it didn’t close fully and left you visible through the sliver. he forced his eyes away when he caught a glimpse of you pulling your gown off yourself.
just as he said, you found many suitable clothes in the shelves of the wooden dresser. the room itself was quite plain, though the bed looked more than comfortable. there were many options, though all of them seemed to be dresses of some kind. long or short, dark or pastel, silk or cotton, and everything in between. finally you settled on a flowy white nightgown, the skirt brushing against your thighs. you pulled on some clean socks and slippers and dried your hair as best you could with a towel you found before stepping out to join him in the sitting room again.
but when you got there, he was nowhere to be found. looking around in confusion, you breathed a sigh if relief when you heard him call your name for another room, beckoning you to join him. upon entering said room, it quickly became apparent it was a dining room.
the walls were practically black, much like the rest of the house so far, and made the room appear much darker than it probably actually was despite the multiple candelabras on the long wooden table and the extravagant chandelier hanging from the ceiling. he sat at the chair on the left of the head of the table, a meal set in front of the head. he gestured for you take a seat in front of it. you obliged quickly.
his eyes roamed over your figure, lips parting in a soft exhale at the sight of your bare thighs. fleetingly, he came to the conclusion he wanted to bury his head between them, let them squeeze and suffocate him as he ravished you. before he could further entertain those thoughts, the squeak of the chair brought him out of his head.
“i figured you’d be hungry, so i made a little something for you,” he spoke as you got comfortable in the seat, pushing a glass of water towards you, “i hope it’s up to your standards, dear.”
you gazed down at the bowl of what appeared to be chicken soup with vegetables before looking back up at him. “you’re too kind, really, you didn’t have to do all this for me.”
he was more than delighted by your kindness and manners, looking at him so cutely with the candlelight dancing in your eyes magically. “no but i did have to. i can’t have you sitting here, injured and starved… plus, it’s nice to have company.”
“oh?” his final sentence piqued your interest, fiddling with the handle of your spoon. “you don’t get a lot of company?”
he really didn’t, other than the souls that made down here after their bodies passed on. but that’s a conversation for another time. he shook his head slightly, lifting a glass of wine you hadn’t noticed before to his lips. he let it sit in his mouth for a moment before swallowing it and returning his gaze to you.
“not very often, no…” he explained slowly, setting the glass back on the table with a quiet clink before folding his hands beside it, elegant as ever, “people don’t tend to come all the way down here and i don’t tend to invite people over.”
a frown tugged at you lips and you turned your gaze away, feeling slightly ashamed. “i’m sorry to have bothered your peace then, seonghwa.”
he tensed, hands gripping each other just a little tighter. why on earth were you ashamed, why were you apologising? he reached over and placed a hand over your free one, momentarily distracted by how soft it felt in his grip before he was quick to reassure you. “oh no, darling, don’t you dare apologise. you’re not bothering me at all, really. it’s been a long time since i’ve enjoyed someone’s company this much.”
“r-really?” you finally looked at him again, the warmth returning to his stomach as he faintly noticed one of the straps threatening to fall off your shoulder.
“really,” he reaffirmed, turning your hand over so he could hold it properly, “i should be thanking you, if anything.”
you averted your gaze once again, this time feeling shy rather than ashamed; a fact that had him grinning. soon enough, you began eating your soup, humming at the taste approvingly after the first taste. you conversed leisurely as you ate, jumping from subject to subject naturally as if you’d known each other for years. you asked him why he wasn’t eating with you, to which he said he’d already eaten and didn’t feel hungry. this was, of course, a lie since deities like him don’t need to eat anyway.
eventually, you finished, slumping back in your seat with a yawn. “that was absolutely amazing. thank you, hwa.”
the new nickname had his cheeks tinting a soft pink but he hid it quickly. he watched you yawn. somehow everything you did felt adorable to him, the urge to scoop you up in his arms to hold you tightly and kiss you softly growing stronger by the second. if he weren’t a man with unrivalled self-restraint and patience, he would’ve done it by now.
“someone’s tired, huh?” he cooed at you, crossing one leg over the other. “you should go sleep in the room you got the clothes from. i’d prefer for you to stay until your ankle is fully healed, just in case.”
you nodded slowly, another yawn ripped from your throat as you got up and stretched your arms over your head. the movement caused the skirt of your nightgown to ride up, his breath hitching as he realised if it went up any further head be able to see your lacy white undergarments you’d borrowed from the dresser too. he distracted himself with a chuckle, standing up and guiding you out of the dining room to the bedroom by the small of your back.
before you knew it, you were on your back on the bed of the bedroom that supposedly belonged to his sister. your dress fell over your body entrancingly, tempting his hungry eyes as he stood over you, adoring the way your hair laid on the satin pillow. you turned to your side and curled up with your knees pulled to your chest. he caught a glimpse of your lacy panties before they fell over the swell of your ass as if they hadn’t moved in the first place.
thoughts swarmed his mind, none of them appropriate. he imagined your legs wrapped around his waist, burying himself into the curve of your neck, sculpted for his face to fit right there. he longed to feel your soft curves against his fingers, not a single layer of clothing separating you.
“hwa?” the way you said his name made his thoughts snap to reality as his eyes found yours. the nickname sounded so wonderful with your voice, he wanted to bottle up the sound and keep it safe on a shelf for the rest of eternity. not only that, but the way you looked at him, lips parted softly with small breaths, cheeks flushed, and eyes looking wide and innocent. oh, how innocent you smelled to him. he was torn between preserving it and corrupting it.
“yes, love?” he whispered back, brushing a strand of your hair from you face as casually as possible.
“thank you… for everything,” you whispered, peering up at him with those same glittering round eyes, “i’ll be sure to repay you for your kindness when i can.”
“there’s no need, really. it’s nothing,” he chuckled quietly, gaze flitting all over your features—you fluttering eyelashes, the slope of your nose, the curve of your neck, the slight upturn of the corners of your lips. he took a deep breath as discreetly as possible, reminding himself that there was a chance he wouldn’t be able to convince you to stay with him, he shouldn’t get too attached just yet.
somehow, he held himself back from pulling you into his arms and kissing you breathless. he pulled his hand back after letting his thumb brush against your cheekbone for a moment.
“i’ll let you rest now,” he whispered, “sleep well. i’ll see you in the morning, love.”
you muttered a soft ‘goodnight, hwa’ in return before he was out of the room and shutting the door a second later.
the door clicked shut and you heard his footsteps getting more and more distant. you let out another quiet yawn, pulling the comfortable blanket over your body and up to your chin. your room was quiet, the silence oddly comforting. something about the place had that feel and despite being so far underground, it didn’t feel claustrophobic at all. you compared it to home, your parents always bickering with each other or taking out their frustrations on you. it felt nice to be in a quiet space again, and you briefly wondered if you could stay a little longer than another day.
your eyelids became heavier with each blink in the dark before they ultimately closed completely, pulling you into a deep sleep.
though you didn’t expect it to last so long, over a week passed and you were still staying with him in his little cave house. you didn’t mind, of course, since he took such great care of you. in the week, you’d grown closer, treating each other like lovers though neither of you brought it up. he’d let you sit in his lap and you’d let him brush his fingers through your hair.
you stirred awake, one day short of having spent two weeks with him. today was one of those days where he’d gone out to run some errands, trusting you enough to leave you alone. with not much to do, you usually sat in his little library or took a nap until the evening. this time you chose the latter.
some hair clung to the thin layer of sweat on your forehead, your blanket displaced and only covering half of your left leg, having kicked it off in your sleep. for a second you couldn’t remember where you were, but memories of the previous days returned quickly and you relaxed before sitting up and looking around the room. the candle had stayed on overnight, providing light in a place where windows really couldn’t exist.
there was no indication of the time other than a clock on one of the bedside tables. assuming it was functional and accurate, it was 10:24 in the evening. you hummed, surprised you’d slept so much when usually you’d be awake hours before that. with a quiet groan, you realised there was no point in going back to bed, pulling yourself off the mattress and to the door.
you reached for the door handle but paused, pulling back to check yourself in the mirror. not wanting to look like a mess in front of seonghwa, you readjusted your dress so it sat on your body properly and tried your best to make your hair appear less messy. only then did you tiptoe your way out of your bedroom and to the sitting room.
he was back already, sat on the couch and readings a book, back straight and one leg crossed elegantly over the other. he wore something different. instead of the loose white shirt, black briefs and black corset, he now wore a black vest that had sheer black sleeves with black briefs. the neckline of his vest dipped low, revealing the lean muscles of his chest. you forced yourself to look away, settling into the armchair across from him, separated by a long coffee table.
“i don’t bite, you know,” he spoke without looking up from his book, sounding amused that you sat so far away after how close you’d been the night before.
your daze cracked, chuckling as you stood and walking around the coffee table to sit beside him on his right. though you weren’t touching, a few centimetres of space between you, you could feel his body heat radiating off him. he glanced down at your exposed thighs briefly before continuing to read, or at least trying to. his eyes were stuck on the same line for a minute, distracted by the way you leaned your head on his shoulder to read with him.
he contemplated pulling you onto his lap, missing the feel of your weight against him like the night before. you had insisted for him to carry you to bed, pouty and tired, and when he did, he had a hard time letting go of you and ended up sitting with his back against the headboard with you snuggled safely on his lap until you fell asleep.
knowing you wouldn’t mind, he moved his right arm around your waist, slipping his hand down to your hip to make pulling you onto his lap easier. once you were there, straddling him so prettily, he let you rest the side of your head on his shoulder, your nose brushing against his neck as he tried his best to maintain his focus on his book. to the world he was a merciless king, but with you in his lap he was tender and caring.
you shifted your head, trying to look down at the book he was reading. your breath tickled him as you spoke. “what’re you reading?”
“oh,” he turned the book over for you to see the title. he let you read over, revelling in the feeling of your nose and lips accidentally grazing his neck. it tested every inch if his patience. feeling your heart beat against his chest and wanting so desperately to crawl into your ribcage, cradling your heart in his hands and peppering the beating muscle with kisses. he cleared his throat. “it’s a collection of poetry and letters.”
“you like poetry?” you giggled quietly and he swore he could taste the sweetness of it.
“i do,” he nodded, the tips of his ears dusted a rosy pink, “would you like me to read some to you?”
the offer made you feel giddy for some reason, glancing up at him with a grin as you nodded. you could only imagine how poetry would sound spoken by his divine voice.
seonghwa snickered at your excitement, flipping through the pages of his book to find something worthy of your ears. he stopped at a page near the end, his hand dropping back to your hip as he began reading. he traced a finger over your hipbone as he did, the light pressure making you squirm lightly in his lap.
“i have never surrendered myself entirely to anyone but you, and only recently. and to let my heart speak, when i am pressed against you, is an emotion and a peace that overflows all imagination.”
by the time he finished reading it, you were holding your breath, heart hammering against your ribs so hard you had no doubt he’d be able to feel it. the way he said it sounded less like a recitation and more like a confession, your stomach buzzing with anticipation as you sat up to look at him face to face, eye to eye, your hands resting on his chest.
your touch drove him to insanity. the soft press of your fingers against his vest, making it that much harder to hold himself back. he wanted to hold you against him forever. to inhale your scent so that his lungs would depend on you and only you. to touch you, to kiss you, to knit your flesh to his so you’d never leave him, to devour you, consume you. he wanted to do it all.
he could only whisper, “may i?”
his words echoed what he said before tending to your ankle two weeks prior, the day you first met him. that felt so long ago, a nostalgic smile tugging at your lips as you nodded.
his hand squeezed you hip gently while the other moved to cup your jaw, wasting no time in pulling your face to his. it was a slow, reverent kiss that filled every inch of your senses with warmth. your lips felt softer than he imagined. when your lips finally touched, your fingers curled into his vest, sighing against his lips softly.
he shuddered at the sound, pulling your hips tighter against him and pressing his lips against yours a little harder, your body perfectly molded to his as if that’s where you belonged. his tongue ran along your bottom lip, not pushing into your mouth, just tasting you enough to satiate his growing hunger. despite the way your hips rolled against him, guided by his hand and eliciting subtle gasps against his lips, he couldn’t help but still find you so sweet, so innocent, as you let him kiss you breathless.
in a way, you reminded him of a little lamb, hunted by a wolf. one could say you had tamed him. he could easily tear out your throat, add you to his collection of souls, yet he decided to kiss you instead. kiss you so softly your cheeks warmed.
the next time your eyes fluttered open, you somehow found yourself in your room, still on his lap as he sat on the edge. his kisses slowed, being replaced with repeated pecks before he pulled away fully to rest his forehead against yours, panting.
he sighed your name and for a second you felt the world stop, the sound making your head spin. “darling, please, let me taste you.”
your breath hitched at his whispered request, suddenly aware of your panties sticking to your wet core. wordlessly, you nodded and he manoeuvred you to lay on your back, making sure your head rested on your pillow comfortably.
he kissed your forehead, then your lips. from there he kissed his way further down over your nightgown—your jaw, neck, shoulder, collarbone, the valley of your breast, your stomach, hipbones, the top of your pelvis—all the while murmuring praises of how beautiful you were. his hands rested on your waist and moved down to your thighs, spreading them apart without resistance as he kneeled between them.
with a final look at your curious face, looking down and following his every action with your eyes, he dragged the end of your skirt up, revealing more and more of your smooth thighs and baby blue cotton panties. he thought they were cute as he let the dress bunch up at your waist, leaning down to kiss the little satin bow of your undergarments before hooking his finger through them.
he began dragging them down but stopped abruptly when you place a hand over his own, worried eyes darting to look at you. all you had to do was say the word and he’d stop.
“no one has ever… you know,” you blushed, too shy to say no one had ever eaten you out, only giving your lower half a meaningful glance.
relieved, he chuckled lowly and kissed the hand atop his. “you know i’ll be careful, darling. just relax, okay?”
once you relaxed as he told you to, he slipped his fingers between yours, using his other hand to slip your underwear down and off you, tossing them in a random direction before finally taking a look at the parts of you he craved the most. he nearly moaned at the sight of your pink folds, glistening in the dim light as your engorged clit begged for his attention.
leaning down to kiss your inner thighs first, his tongue slid between your folds, licking an experimental stripe from your hole to your clit, drawing a soft whine from you. he himself groaned at the taste, the sweet nectar that seeped from your body.
“fuck, you taste so good.”
your thighs quivered around his head as he pushed his face deep into your heat, lapping up your juices and sucking at your nub with the desperation of a starved man. each prod of his tongue had your breath shaking, whimpering, as he drove you closer and closer to the edge. before, you figured it would feel good, but not quite this delicious.
when you came, you came with a faint cry of his name, body arching of the bed. your hand that didn’t hold his moved to his hair at some point during his meal, tugging softly as your juices gushed out and you twitched from overstimulation, his tongue unrelenting and determined to swallow every last drop of your release.
he pulled away as you tugged at his hair, moving his torso up your body to kiss you. it was less a kiss and more feverish presses against each other, his tongue wandering between your teeth and making you taste yourself. you couldn’t taste much, but to his sensitive taste buds you were the sweetest thing he’d ever had.
his hips pressed against yours and your breath hitched, feeling the weight of his erection straining against his pants and nudging your aching clit. he pulled back from your lips, searching your eyes for any sign that you wanted to stop. but you only nodded encouragingly and he grinned, his lips moving to your neck as he helped you sit up so he could pull your dress off you and finally see everything he’d been fantasising about.
he detached his lips from your pulse point to pull it the rest of the way and toss it in a random direction, his eyes trained on your breasts. they were just as pretty as he imagined, nudging you to lay down again so he could take one erect nipple into his mouth and suck and lick and kiss it and around it.
“you look so pretty right now, love,” he muttered against your skin as he kissed his way to your other breast, his hands working on releasing himself from his pants while yours unbuttoned his vest, hands shaking with want.
you closed your eyes and leaned your head back against your pillow, your fingers gripping onto his bare shoulders as he dragged his tip through your folds, gathering your wetness. he kissed your cheek.
“tell me if anything hurts, okay?”
only once you breathed an ‘okay’ did he begin pushing in. he was blessed with a cock so big and perfect it hit every sensitive spot in your walls with precision as his length filled you slowly. his tip alone had you gasping softly, moaning incoherently as your eyes rolled back and fell shut, the stretch somehow pleasing you.
when he bottomed out, his eyes were drawn to the way he could see himself pressing through the bottom of your stomach, groaning as he passed his hand over the area and felt the bump. he stilled inside you, not moving until you told him so.
“p-please move, hwa.”
his pace throughout was relaxed, slow but not painfully slow, just enough roughness to his grinds to leave you breathless without tipping you over the edge just yet. it was when his hand slipped under your waist and angled you differently that you began feeling the familiar knot tighten in your abdomen.
he had a hard time stopping himself from releasing the moment he entered you, your walls hugging him so perfectly he choked back a moan with each stroke. everything about you felt as if you’d been made for him to worship, for him to indulge in. before you had come along, there was that occasional craving of romance, of wanting someone. he longed for someone to hold his hand, whose eyes replied to his so lovingly.
and there you were, beneath him, squeezing one of his hands while your dilated pupils showed him just how much you wanted him too.
you bit down on your bottom lip to hold back your sounds, something that made him chuckle and kiss the bridge of your nose. “don’t be shy, i want to hear you.”
his quiet praises made your face warm, letting out the softest of moans as his words shot straight to your core.
“you take me so well, love.” “you’re so precious and all mine.” “keep your eyes on me, darling.”
at some point his deep slow strokes grew needy and faster, pounding against your g-spot repeatedly as moans and whimpers of the two of you filled the room, hot breaths mingling with each other. your next orgasm crashed down on you with little warning, your walls squeezing around him as he muffled your sounds with his lips.
he came soon after that, filling you with his release after you had told him it was okay. his face dropped into the crook of your neck, cock twitching until his body slumped against yours.
after cleaning you up with a damp towel and slipping a new pair of panties over your legs, he joined you in bed once more and wrapped his arms around you. your legs tangled together and your chest pressed against his, your head tucked under his chin as you drifted back to sleep, lazy kisses placed onto the crown of your head.
he sighed softly and shut his eyes, filled with thoughts. now that he’s had you, he could hardly see himself letting go of you. but why would he? you were all he wanted and more.
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networks. @cromernet @wonderlandnet @cultofdionysusnet @pirateeznet
permanent taglist. @ad0rechuu @sankatchu @mlink64 @yeosangsbb @seonghwasbbgirl @likexaxdaydream @dreamingofyeo @yalyallic @yunhoswrldddd @coffee-addict-kitten @thunderous-wolf @chngbnwf
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goldennightengale · 1 year
Hello there! Here's my request for the day, could I have the Dorm Leaders hearing their female musician s/o sing a love song dedicated to them at VDC? As an added bonus, everyone (including their families) saw her performance and really liked it.
AAA I loved writing this so much!! I always have songs I assign to the boys going through my head all the time so this was so much fun writing! I hope you enjoy it~ -GN
Warnings: N/A
Fem! MC
A Song for Your Love
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Riddle Rosehearts (Sombody to Hold My Heart - Lindsey Sterling)
When I tell you this man was flustered when you pointed him out in the crowd. Not only was your song full of love and energy, but all of your attention was on him, laser-focused on his face in the roaring crowd as you danced and sang across the stage like a professional. He’s the type to try and show his affection through actions instead of words, so expect a lot of flowers, gifts, and lots of hand-holding!
What made it even worse was he knew this was being broadcasted. Though he felt horrified by the thought of his mother watching you perform, specifically with him in mind, he was quickly reassured that she was more than amused by your eccentric proclaims of affection. She appreciates a confident woman speaking her mind, especially towards her son.
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Leona Kingscholar (Lazy Love - Chloe X Halle)
Smug Bastard x100 He’s making that concert seat look like a throne with how confident he looks, knowing full well that you are talking about him. Nobody else in the thousands seated near him. (Don’t mention how he might have a slight ego about being the second prince, he can’t give you the throne you deserve but he can give himself to you instead. Knowing you return the gesture makes him unreasonably happy)
Forgot it was being broadcasted until he got a facetime call from his brother congratulating him on having a mate of his very own, especially one so talented! Cheka starts begging him to bring you back to the palace and Leona hangs up before he can get the waterworks going. 
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Azul Ashengrotto (Cariño - The Marías)
Stuck between stunned, smug, and highly embarrassed. He has this goofy smile as he watches you strut across the stage, occasionally ducking his face into his hands when you purr the lyrics into the mic and wink at him in the crowd.
His mama went NUTS when she caught her guppy getting serenaded on live broadcast and demanded that he bring you home. She wants to meet the gal who made her baby smile like that!
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Kalim Al-Asim (What is Love? - Jonelle Monáe)
Your hype man. He’s jumping, dancing, screaming your name, and “I love you”s as you perform. Jamil tries to get him to calm down but how could he when you look like the brightest star in the desert sky? His Jewel has talent!
His father was laughing so loudly when he called, delighted with his son’s choice in love. Immediately offered to build you a personal stadium in return for you (marrying his son) performing for the entire Al-Asim family.
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Vil Shoenheit (Only Girl (In the World) - Rihanna)
Smug x100 pt. 2, He is preening under the spotlight of your affections and, while he may be judging your routine (lovingly ofc), he genuinely likes how you make it clear to others that he chose you above everyone else. Though he does question if you have a death sentence announcing your relationship so boisterously.
His father loved your performance! Bold and confident, you really must have what it takes to make his son fall so hard for you. While he may not be at the front of the musical entertainment business, he’d be willing to get you some connections if you ever decide to pursue music in the field.
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Idia Shroud (Icarus - Grant Knoche)
Hates the attention but melts under your loving stare, completely enraptured by your declaration of love and the thought that you did all this for him. Is 100% recording everything so he can rewatch it over and over again late at night and squeal like a fangirl in the privacy of his room.
His parents teased him relentlessly for finally getting a girlfriend, calling you his Pomegranate, and begging him to bring you home so they can meet you properly. Your references to a well-known myth are not lost on them, and the dedication to get close knowing the potential to get hurt is more than enough to get their trust. His hair is pink by the end of the call but you can tell he’s really happy they like you.
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Malleus Draconia (Sunset - Caroline Polachek)
Smug x100 pt. 3, because not only did you invite him to this whole ordeal, but you were performing for him and admitting how much you felt about him in front of such a large crowd. Is not aware of your performance being broadcasted, but knowing that everyone will know who you chose as a mate is more than enough to get him all smug again.
Oh, his grandmother is more than pleased that her grandson found someone so wonderful to rule beside him.  The trust you put in him, the clear admittance that you see him as a safe place, it's all proof to the reigning Queen. She’s heard a lot about you from Lilia so it only makes sense for you to visit Briar Valley to make your engagement official, no?
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I know this was very short but I hope I fulfilled your wish! -GN
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howdoesagrapewrites · 2 years
𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙣
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"That demon butler looks familiar"
A/N: Like I've said as grape anon, I have this headcanon that Sebastian Michaelis is MC's and Barbatos kid. So here's some family fluff <3 Also Sebastian isn't his real name, but for the sake of this, it is now
Barbatos x female!afab!reader (reader gets pregnant and is referred to as "mom")
>You didn't want to rush kids, after all, Barbatos work was absorbing, you were always aware and comfortable with it, but raising a half demon was a tough job to do without help
>However, because of his powers, Barbatos knew you were getting pregnant soon, so you talked about it in all seriousness, and to be honest, the most excited party was Diavolo
>Diavolo even started working harder so Barbatos could be there for you through your pregnancy
>While your husband was making sure the castle would be baby proof, the prince was buying cute little onesies
>The naming bit was... Complicated, As a human, you saw no problems with names like María, or Fyodor, also the demons assured you that they wouldn't take the meaning in consideration, but your life in the Devildom showed you God wasn't the nicest of guys, so naming your baby something like "gift from God"... kinda awkward
>"I like Gabri- shit, that's an angel"
>In the end, there was one name that caught your eye and Barbatos: Sebastian
>"Sebastian" meaning "revered and honorable", inspired by the city of Sebastia (now Divas)
>Even though Barbatos didn't want to use his powers to know the gender of the baby, there was something telling you it would be a boy
>When baby Sebastian finally arrived, you had never seen Barbatos look so joyous, he looked at you and the baby like you were the most precious thing he had ever seen (bc you are)
>He didn't want anyone seeing you two for the first hours after the birth, he just wanted to be with you like nothing else in the world mattered, like there was nothing outside of your room
>"Would you allow me keep you two all to myself just for now? I just need a moment with the most majestic beings in the all the three realms"
>He cries, doesn't let anyone else see it, but he cries. And still tears up a little when he remembers you two made a whole entire being just because you love each other. It's a lot, specially because he was never a child
>Of course he is a pro at children, he raised Diavolo. But sometimes he does feel like he can't be the best parent because of this
>And of course he wants to be the best parent, he has the best child and the best wife
>Sebastian always looked up to his father, but he was the role model, he's a total momma's boy
>Doesn't like when Barbatos does butlery things for you, he gets all pissy and says "I'm mommy's butler! You're dad!"
>Treats Diavolo like a sibling, but he acts like they're close in age
>Runs to his office with candy and tells him "shhh, don't be loud, or dad will get mad"
>Says he likes mommy better but literally squeals when he gets to "help" his dad do something
>Thanks to the constant exposure to Barbatos, he talks really formal, the kid's five and saying "Dad will be most displeased if he finds me eating these cookies" but kind of switches when he's near you or the brothers and a talks like a normal child
>It's not that he feels unrecognized by his father, but because of Barbato's nature, he's always trying to prove that he can do things (even small ones) by himself
>He's eight now! He's a big boy! He can tie his shoelaces!
>It's you that always thanked him saying "Thank you Sebastian, you're one hell of a butler" and he just... Kept that, forever
>Was literally born a perfectionist and will throw a tantrum if someone messes with his toys, only Barbatos can calm him when he's like that
>Out of everyone, his uncle Satan is his favorite, he's always borrowing books from him and Satan was the first one to show him the world of cat loving
>Likes Lucifer but thinks is funnier to mess with him rather than to spend time with him
>Ages very fast for demons, his parents know this but still it's really weird for most demons
>I headcanon that every demon has a particular sin (Barbatos being greed because of his lightstick) and he's a wrath demon
>His "true form" it's actually him using his powers to scare the shit out of Diavolo
>When he's working for Ciel, he still visits, but he tries to get his professional life absolutely distant from his personal life
>So he's much less perfect prim and proper in reality, that's just him being professional
>Talks shit about EVERYONE during the holidays in the devildom
>"I mean, how can you forget to prepare a bath?! That's servant 101! It's like these humans aren't good for anything!"
>"...Sorry mom, you and me both know I'm not referring to you"
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thingsab0utme · 8 months
𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒂, 𝒃𝒆𝒃𝒆́.
Después de muchos meses de conocernos aún siento que soy una completa desconocida para ti, y mayormente porque no suelo comentarte cosas sobre mí. Quise hacer esto porque no quiero seguir así, quiero que volvamos a tener la confianza que antes teníamos, y que nuestra comunicación y amistad mejore.
Para mí es la forma más fácil de poder mostrarte quién soy sin tanta vergüenza, así que espero que esto sea de tu agrado y disfrutes conociendo un poco más a la Juliet que se esconde por timidez.
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Vamos a empezar por datos muy random, de cosas que probablemente sabes, pero ajá es necesario.
Sabes perfectamente lo mucho que me gusta Feid, es el amor de mi vida, pero antes de él llegaron 2 personas que me encantan mucho; The weeknd y Young Cister.
Estoy completamente obsesionada con McDonald's, y por esa misma razón he intentado probar en otros lados hamburguesas, pero no puedo dejar de pensar que no hay nada mejor que el mc.
Mi comida favorita (no chatarra) son las pastas, en todas sus versiones.
Normalmente tengo sueños muy extraños, por lo general me despierto a mitad de la noche pensando en qué chucha acaba de pasar en mi cabeza (cucú), o asustada por la misma razón.
Me da miedo la muerte, pero no por el hecho de morir, sino por darme cuenta de cuantas cosas me faltan por vivir y que no podré ver más a las personas que quiero.
Fumo cigarrillo, demasiado. Aunque ahora he reducido la dosis.
Amo leer, de todo un poco. Es lo único que me ayuda a calmar mi mente.
Tengo déficit de atención diagnosticada, antes me enojaba por las cosas que me pasaban (que eran producto del déficit), hoy me rio porque estoy bien tontita a veces.
Probablemente no conocerás a una persona que llore más que yo, me da tristeza hasta ver telenovelas. Lloro como maría magdalena viendo tiktok.
Así como lloro, también soy risueña. Me rio de las cosas más mínimas. En fin, la intensa me dicen.
Siento mucho, en general, suelo sentir las emociones demasiado. Tanto la felicidad, como la tristeza o incluso el amor lo siento demasiado. Cuando comencé a darme cuenta de esto intenté que no fuera así, intenté volverme más dura, pero al final no podía hacer nada para cambiar quien era yo.
Me gusta mucho bailar, no importa el genero de la canción.
¿Vamos bien? Una pausa para tomar agüita.
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Mi serie favorita es Grey's Anatomy.
Me gustan, no, AMO unos dulces llamados Pingüinos. Lo mejor de la vida.
Suelo ser muy cerrada con mis sentimientos, puedo quererte muchísimo pero me cuesta un MUNDO demostrarlo.
Cuando era pequeña quería ser taxista.
Odio hacer manualidades, pero por la gente que quiero siempre termino haciendo cosas (y me quedan bastante bonitas).
Solía comer mucho limón con sal, solito, pero ahora me da acidez y me duelen los dientes.
Tengo 1 riñón.
Me encanta viajar, a cualquier lado, me gusta descubrir nuevos lugares de mi interés.
Suelo relacionar mucho la música con mi vida o con las personas. No te sorprendas si un día random te digo que X canción me recuerda a ti o te la dedico.
Me molesta de sobremanera cuando las personas hacen ruido al comer. No lo soporto, me pongo violenta KJSDHKJS.
Amo el queso, soy una ratona.
Después de estudiar psicología no puedo parar de fijarme en cómo la gente se relaciona y sacarme diagnósticos del poto para darles (nunca digo nada).
Nunca el visto el rey león, y en realidad muchísimas películas "icónicas" de Disney no las he visto.
Me encanta Spiderman, pero mi película favorita es Spiderman across the spider-verse.
Desde el 2015 hasta el 2017 tuve una relación en fake la cual luego fue de due. La primera vez que nos vimos fue en la fila de un concierto.
Me estreso fácilmente, no te imaginas. Pero he aprendido a controlarlo y a evitar que ese sentimiento me invada.
Odio el calor y el verano. Sufro de muchos dolores de cabeza durante esta época.
Una de mis películas favoritas después de Spiderman es probablemente El extraño mundo de Jack y El joven manos de tijera. Deberíamos ver alguna.
Durante un tiempo estuve OBSESIONADA con The welking dead, pero ya lo superé (mentira).
No tengo ningún color favorito porque me cuesta mucho escoger entre tantos. Pero me gustan muchísimo la combinación de colores pasteles, el rosado igual me gusta mucho.
Me gusta muchísimo comer milo con yogurt (pruébalo, con yogurt de vainilla queda excelente).
No me gusta el futbol, creo que es una mafia que en vez de centrarse en lo que es el deporte sólo les importa la plata. Además, los futbolistas ganan cantidades estratosféricas sólo por dedicarse a patear una pelota (no me odies).
Siempre soñé con dedicarme a la medicina y trabajar en lugares donde las personas no tu vieran acceso a atención medica (aún me gustaría).
Le tengo fobia a todo tipo de insectos. TODO.
Me gustan mucho los tulipanes.
No me gusta la coca cola, ninguna bebida que sea cola en realidad.
Me gusta muchísimo conversar, de cualquier cosa. En realidad cuando estoy en confianza soy muy parlanchina.
Hace muchos años estaba obsesionada con One Direction.
Me gusta la playa pero me da miedo. Aún así me meto hasta ya no tocar la arena (por si me muero).
No creo en el horóscopo ni nada de eso.
Me gusta escribir, tengo muchísimas historias que jamás les di un final.
Me gusta de sobremanera dormir, creo que es una de las cosas más placenteras de la vida. La otra es comer.
Soy una persona muy sexual (no en el mal sentido, creo), suelo encontrarle el doble sentido a todas las cosas.
Tuve mi minuto de fama cuando administraba un grupo en fake. Éramos muy unidos entre mucha gente que conocí ahí, luego nos peleamos y se chingó todo.
Una vez me dijeron que era manipuladora y desde ese entonces me cuestiono todas las cosas que hago o digo para que las otras personas no sientan eso.
Soy muy coqueta, me gusta gustarle a la gente (red flag).
Me funaron por funar a alguien.
Me gusta mucho el picante, pero no tan picante, sino que normalito.
No me gusta la navidad porque no soy ni creyente y porque siento que es sólo consumismo.
Siento que podría decir mil cosas más, pero quiero que vayas descubriendo el resto en el camino. Espero que hayas disfrutado conocer un poquito más de mí.
Para finalizar, te dejaré algunas canciones que no he podido dejar de escuchar en este tiempo, algunas me hacen acordarme de ti (descubre cuál y me dices).
Te quiero un montón.
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A misty morning at Norwich -  FICHA TÉCNICA
AUTOR: Peter Henry Emerson (1856 – 1936) fue un escritor y fotógrafo británico. Sus fotografías son un ejemplo primigenio de la fotografía como medio artístico de expresión y acto creativo. Es conocido por fotografías que representaban el medio rural y sobre sus reflexiones en torno a la fotografía y al sentido del propio acto fotográfico. 
TÍTULO:  A misty morning at Norwich
AÑO: 1893
MEDIDAS: 15,2 x 19,7 cm.
PROCEDENCIA: National Galleries of Scotland.
TÉCNICA: (”Pictorialista”) Impresiones de platino y grabados. Es considerado uno de los defensores de la fotografía naturalista y pictorialista por el uso de la profundidad de campo, la nitidez y esa aura que recogen sus fotografías del entorno natural, como si de espacios oníricos y atemporales alejados del autor se tratasen.  Este autor defendía que la fotografía era un medio independientes, que los controles fotográficos han de estar supeditados a la mirada del artista y que el efecto emocional y psicológico ha de estar recogido en la toma, alejándonos de aspectos puramente formales en pos de combinarlos con recursos expresivos también.
Género – Fotografía de paisaje y/o pictorialista.
Estilo – Emerson era contrario al retoque y consideraba que debían usarse los recursos de la fotografía y del medio sensible para representar la versión “más pura” de la naturaleza. Otra característica destacable es la defensa del foto de la lente mínimamente distorsionado ya que la visión humana no es uniforme ni tampoco su campo de visión. Esto desarrollará una técnica conocida como fuzzygraphs o borrogramas, explorada por otros artistas posteriormente a pesar de las duras críticas iniciales.
El pictorialismo, para concluir, era un movimiento que surgió a finales del siglo XIX que consideraba que la fotografía era medio y arte en su totalidad, criticando la extensión de la fotografía amateur con la marca Kodak y su sistema de revelado y positivado en copias. Este movimiento defendía que la fotografía requiere de conocimientos y tiene un sentido que va más allá del registro o de la mera captación de lo que el ojo ve.
Recursos bibliográficos: 
MoMa - Fotografía americana, 1890-1965 en the Museum of Modern Art, New York -  https://www.moma.org/documents/moma_catalogue_238_300145800.pdf
Europeana - https://www.europeana.eu/es
MoMa - https://www.moma.org/research-and-learning/archives/
Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, archivos - https://www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/cultura/areas/museos/mc/ceres/catalogos/catalogos-tematicos/jean-laurent/catalogo.html
Ponencia La casa Laurent y la fotografía estereoscópica - Juan Antonio Fernández Rivero y María Teresa García Ballesteros - https://ifc.dpz.es/recursos/publicaciones/39/36/31fernandezgarcia.pdf
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Wacky Drabbles: María María
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Books: The Royal Romance Books all of them
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter:  🍋
Pairing: Liam x Jessica Garcia (MC) Liam X ?
Wacky Drabble A/U: This story exists on its own and may or may not be a part of their journey together. Traits, personalities, and characters are all the same. Some canon characters may appear but in a different manifestation and by no means exist in that form in Agent Phoenix A/U this is not meant to be anything other than an A/U onto itself. Catch up with wacky drabbles here
Wacky Drabbles prompt: “You should have told me earlier, I would have helped you.”
Chapter Summary: Liam meets a woman at a palace event and takes it to the next level.
Song inspiration: Maria Maria - Carlos Santana
Word count: 1,600 *please excuse typos' and grammatical errors
Average reading time: 8 minutes
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Leo's Quarters
Liam stood in front of the mirror as he adjusted his bow tie. “I don't want to love anyone else.”
Leo said, “Who says you are?”
Liam took a deep breath and said, “No one.”
Leo sighed and said, “So what's the problem? You are thinking way too much.”
“I guess. How hard can it be? I go to the bar and order a drink.” Liam furrowed his brows and combed his hands through his hair.
“Lighten the fuck up. Drop the resting bitch face. It looks like you're trying to take a shit and can't.”
Liam chuckled and said, “Fine.”
“Relax you have been so fucken moody. Go get laid don't think twice about it.”
Cordonia - Palace Grand Hall
Liam walked around the room and noticed a woman standing by the bar she was absolutely glowing. She wore a tight long black gown with a sweetheart neckline that showed just enough of her cleavage that left him wanting to see more. As he looked at the details of the gown he noticed the long slit down the middle that exposed her thigh and showed off her strappy heels with crystal embellishment ‘my weakness’ there was something about how she looked in heels that made her appear confident and dominant.
As he eyed her curiously and he could approach her and break the ice. Sure he was rusty but he figured he would try his luck with the pretty brunette after all she reminded him of someone. As Liam walked towards the bar people paid their respects but it slowed him down as he desperately tried to make his way to the woman before she walked away. Other men were looking at her and he didn't want to compete for her attention. Liam stood next to her and said, “I'm sorry I saw you from across the floor and just had to try to talk to you.”
She smiled and said, “Your Majesty” as she gave him a deep curtsey.
“I'm not really good at this and I don't pretend to be but I was hoping it wouldn't be too forward if I asked to buy you a drink.”
The woman chuckled and said, “Well it's your party. I think you brought everyone a drink.”
Liam smiled and said, “Well then shall I order you a drink then?”
The woman smiled and said, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“Please call me Liam. May I please know your name.”
Liam said, “ María te ves como una Diosa en ese vestido.” (You look like a Goddess in that dress)
María said, “Thank you. Do you speak Spanish?”
A playful smile tugged on his lips and he said, “¡Sí! Un poco.”
María said, “That's a turn-on. How did you learn?”
“Well, an ex-girlfriend taught me. But let's not talk about that.”
María said, “Wasn't going to...I kind of want your attention this evening.”
“María you have my attention. My undivided attention. Liam looked at her with a charming smile. “ Can I order our signature cocktail? However, I find tonight Cordonian lemonade divine and leaves you wanting more.”
Maira gave him a mischievous grin and said, “Leave me wanting more.”
Liam flagged the bartender and said, “Two pink lemonades.”
30 minutes later…
Liam shamelessly eyed his María, watching her chew on her bottom lip in thought. Her eyes slowly met his.
María put her glass down and smiled “This is like our fifth drink now.”
“Why are you counting?”
“The fifth drink is usually when I think if I want this to go further.”
Liam said, “I’d like to see where this goes, don't you?”
María smiled and said, “Where do you think it is going to go?”
Liam leaned in and said, “I’m going to walk out that door.”  Liam looked down at María’s shoes and bit his lip “You are going to follow me.”
“Really and why would I do that?”
“I’m going to put myself deep inside you.”
“But you just meet me?”
“I want you and that's all there is to it.”
Liam gently took the drink out of María’s hands and said, “There is a garden and I want you to meet me at the end of it. You will know you are there when you see a well.”
End of the hedge maze
Liam and María were up against a wall and as he began to kiss down her neck as his hand ran down her body touching every curve.
“Do you want more?” Liam whispered in a husky tone. María gently bit Liam's bottom lip and put her hand on Liam’s and guiding it to the slit of her dress. She began to moan when he reached into her panties and smirked down at her and said, “María, you are dripping for me. You should have told me earlier, I would have helped you.” Liam muttered, rubbing small circles into her core with the pad of his thumb.
“I’m attracted to you, what can I say? You give me a tingle,” María muttered, running her hands up his chest. Liam ran his hands over her body as well. She reached down and touched him groping at his erection through his clothes and he let his eyes fall shut. She unbuckled his pants and lowered his underwear began moving her hands back and forth on his shaft. Liam took her wrist to keep her hand there, making her continue her motions. Liam’s free hand came up to squeeze her breast through the tight fabric of her dress. Liam kissed her collarbone and gently sucking at the skin. It made María moan and tilt her head back, letting her eyes fall shut as Liam continued making her whine and grind her hips against his.
“Excited” Liam mused, a little smirk on his face. He leaned down to kiss her lips gently. With his free hand, he pulled on the shoulder strap of her dress down and she arched her back allowing her breast to fall and they repeated the action to the other side all the while Liam was rubbing at her core.
“You are a multi-tasker.” María whispered, “Keep touching me.”
“Like this.” Liam gently began sucking on her breast as he continued rubbing.
“Mmm just like that.” María breathed out.
“Very. We might get caught.” María whispered in a seductive tone.
He pulled his mouth away. “Does that bother you?” Liam whispered
“The idea of it turns me on.” María breathed out
He pulled down her panties all the way down, he helped her step out of them and licking his lips when he saw how wet she was. “Fuck,” he muttered. He spread her legs a little and began to taste her sucking aggressively.
“You are fucking me with your mouth.” He began pumping his fingering in and out of her “Your the best thing I have ever tasted.”  He slowly stood up as he raised her dress. He lifted her up with ease and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed her against the wall aligning himself with her. And he slid into her slowly, moans erupting from both of them. María looked into his eyes, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Move,” she muttered. Liam began his thrusts. He set a slow rhythm at first, angling his hips to try and find the spot inside of her that would make her fall apart. She felt the heel of her shoe digging into the small of his back and he grunted.
“Liam, am I hurting you?”
“I love the feeling.”
“Ah, Liam!” María moaned, tightening around her. It only spurred him on more, hips thrusts becoming a bit faster. He angled his hips there to hit her spot over and over again, making her cry out in pleasure. María reached up to run her fingers through his hair, tugging gently. Liam grunted at that, his hips bucking wildly but very calculated to get María to experience the most pleasure.
“I feel you so deep inside.” María cried out. “Fuck so good, so tight.” Liam trusted deep and hard. It did not take long for them to both become close. Loud moans were shared between the two of them, and Liam reached down to toy with her clit. This made María fall off of the edge almost immediately, crying out. Liam did not stop his thrusts, even as María whined in overstimulation. He was so close, he could feel it.
“Acaba conmigo.” (Finish with me) Liam whispered in her ear. She tightened around him again at his words, and it tossed him straight over the edge and he came inside of her with a shout of her name. He trusted through his orgasm.
He as he gently lowered her down he said, “I have to have more of that.”
“I might give it to you. But I need to get going.”
Liam adjusted himself and smoothed out his hair. María pulled down her dress.
Maria quietly made her wake her way out of the maze and Liam watched she exited admiring her as she walked. He touched his lips and whispered her name.
María stood in front of a King's guard and he said, “Why are you out here? And by yourself.”
“I was saving the Kingdom.”
“You are taking this Guardian of the real thing a little too seriously right now.” Drake crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
Jessica said, “Get it right Drake I'm a champion of the realm so when you address me it really needs to be Champ, Her Majesty or both.”
“How about pain in my ass.” Drake handed Jessica a velvet case and she took it. And said, “I'm many things and that is probably right up there with future mother to gummy bear and Liam's wife.”
“Are we getting casual Friday?”
“Yes we are so you can continue to impress us with your fancy jean shirt.”
Drake smiled “Are you going to wear your tiara to work?”
“Tiara's are meant to be worn Drake plus it gets us free stuff you were not complaining when we got free tacos.”
Liam came from behind and wrapped his arms around her and said, “Mmm.” he kissed her shoulder and neck and back said, “Allow me.” Jessica handed Liam the velvet case and he unzipped it and took out its contents.
Jessica gave Liam a deep curtsy and he placed a tiara on her head. He smiled at her and said, “Her Majesty Jessica María Rys, CHAMPION of the Realm, mother of my child and my goddess of a wife please stand and be recognized.”
Jessica slowly stood up and smirked at Drake and mouthed the words “Champ” he mouthed “Pain in my FUCKEN ASS.”  Drake walked into the hall as Jessica and Liam lingered outside. He held her in his arms and whispered “How much longer till you have till you need to leave?”
“I have to feed the baby in 20 minutes. I can come back.”
“What if we go in there did our final dance and go home. I would love to be with my girls.”
Liam took her hand and kissed her right to her wedding band.
“Mmm that sounds amazing. I believe there was an offer for a little more wondering if-”
“I always want more.”
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Drabbles-MC Masterlist
Because of the link limit, each character now has their own link on this post that leads to a separate post. But this is still where to go to find all of my fics!
(You can also go HERE to find me on AO3)
Fic-list under the cut!
👀 = smut, 💔 = angst
Mayans MC Characters:
- EZ Reyes Fics
- Angel Reyes Fics
- Bishop Losa Fics
- Coco Cruz Fics
- Nestor Oceteva Fics
- Neron “Creeper” Vargas Fics
- Hank Loza Fics
- Gilly Lopez Fics
- Marcus Alvarez Fics
- Che "Taza" Romero Fics
Michael “Riz” Ariza Fics:
- Reckless
- Wipeout
Miguel Galindo Fics:
- Business Trip
- Withered 💔
Guero Fics:
- Always Here Anyway
Canche Fics:
- Trustfall
Sons of Anarchy Characters:
- Herman Kozik Fics
- Opie Winston Fics
- Filip “Chibs” Telford Fics
- Jax Teller Fics
- Juice Ortiz Fics
- Happy Lowman Fics
- David Hale Fics
- Alexander “Tig” Trager Fics
- SOA/Mayans MC Headcanons
Narcos/Narcos: Mexico Characters:
- Javier Peña Fics
- Horacio Carrillo Fics
- Steve Murphy Fics
- Walt Breslin Fics
- Amado Carrillo Fuentes Fics
- Isabella Bautista Fics
- The Diegoverse Fics: A Series of OG Narcos OC Universes
- Hugo Martinez Fics
- Chepe Santacruz Fics
María Elvira Fics:
- Favors Owed 👀
Danilo Garza:
- Things Like That 👀
Amat Palacios Fics:
- Just A Bad Feeling 💔
Officer Trujillo Fics:
- Looking On
Andrea Nuñez Fics:
- At Your Service
Sal Orozco Fics:
- Cómo Puedo Ayudar?
Enedina Arellano Félix Fics:
- Adamant
Jorge Salcedo Fics:
- Debts Paid
Other Fandoms:
- Outer Banks Fics
- Stranger Things Fics
- MCU Fics
- The Bear Fics
- Top Gun Maverick Fics
- Suicide Squad Fics
- Kingsman Fics
- John Wick Fics
- Altered Carbon Fics
- Silent Night Fics:
- Speaking Volumes (Brian Godlock x F!Reader)
- Better Call Saul Fics:
- Should’ve Seen It Coming (Nacho Varga x F!Reader) 💔
- Fresh Start (Gabriela Castillo x Nacho Varga) [Crossover]
- House MD Fics:
- Not to Spoil the Ending (Robert Chase x Greg House)
- Bullet Train Fics:
- Pretty and Unscathed (Carver x Ladybug)
- Emily the Criminal Fics:
- Waking Hours (Youcef Haddad x GN!Reader)
- Law & Order: SVU Fics:
- Stomping Grounds (Mike Duarte x F!Reader)
- Our Flag Means Death Fics:
- Retelling the Story (Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach)
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S Fics
- The One Where It’s The Right Time (Joey Tribbiani x Rachel Green)
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Catch Up Meme
Tagged by @timeforelfnonsense thank you friend!! 🥰
THREE SHIPS: Brynja Ryder x Jaal Ama Darav (aka Brynjaal), Rose Harper x Nick Valentine (never shipped an mc with a character you can't romance in-game before so I'm real nervous, but that ain't stopping me yet!!), and uhhhhh hm. So many choices here. I'm gonna break the rules and put more than three: Korinna (MC) x Hadrian from The Golden Rose, Theia Kurinová (MC) x Nicolás María from Smoke & Velvet, Laura Lee x Nate Sewell from Wayhaven Chronicles. I am LIVING FOR ALL THIS INTERACTIVE FICTION Y'ALL.
Achilles, Come Down by Gang of Youths,
the version of the Wellerman sea shanty that had Mia Asano adding violin,
Sharm's cover of Daughter of the Sea,
The Lion's Roar by First Aid Kit (this, Daughter of the Sea, and Achilles are on the official playlist for The Northern Passage, another IF I am stupid in love with)
Also been listening to a lot of the Diamond City Radio songs, I love this genre of music so much but don't ask me what it's called bc I don't know 😂😂😂
Trøllabundin by Eivør Pálsdóttir (the vid on YouTube and floating around here on Tumbles where she's performing it by some body of water and there's a statue behind her. Listened to it a million times and I'm just as enchanted as I was when I first found it)
Presence by Joseph is stuck in my head atm and it's motivating me to get back to my ME:A fic since I associate it strongly with Brynja's older sister, Nadja yes I have 3 Ryder kids instead of the canon 2, fight me 😂
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Honestly, I am SO terrible with TV shows, I'm not watching any atm but I am planning on a Star Wars Rebels rewatch with my best friend! Also had a movie night with another friend for my birthday last week and we watched Howl's Moving Castle, half of Scott Pilgrim vs the World, and half of Into the Spiderverse. Time was not our friend there, hence the halves 😂 It was the first time I watched a Ghibli movie tho and I LOVED IT SO MUCH.
CURRENTLY READING: No actual books atm bc I am also terrible with that, but I am keeping up with the aforementioned IFs, as well as Wayfarer by idrellegames, Greenwarden, aaaaand some others I don't remember off the top of my head.
HOW'S IT GOING? It's going I suppose 😂 Things are good but I accidentally trashed my sleep schedule and now am constantly staying up until 2-4 a.m.. Oops. I was supposed to start editing my fic this month but got hit with an ADD week from hell right out of the gate, and I'm only now coming to a place where I can pick it up again. Either my anxiety meds aren't working as well as they used to, or my constant forgetting of a different med and my trashed sleep schedule is screwing it all up. Idk. All in all tho, I'm doing pretty good!!!
My memory is FLAMING hot garbage so I'm not sure who has and hasn't done this, gonna go out on a limb and tag @asaara-writes, @pikapeppa, @theherocomplex, @lethendralis-paints, @schoute, @solas-disapproves 😊
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heleneplays · 2 years
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assorted doodles while i was trying to pay attention to class 🤡 ft:
design for milf!helene spillane aka she gets her hair cut short (think Kim Seo-Hyung from Mine) after the war :)
final lengths for her hair in a ponytail, set during r3. it's definitely LONG.
clown emoji helenes bc IT'S WHAT SHE IS!!!
trial for helene in a curled type hair in ponytail..... its not working for me lmao only maría pulls it off well when i draw
HELENE IN A LAB COAT. like bitch she is a woman of science to meeeee
oxford! era Helene and María 💖 ft their short hair!!! like AUGH pls its been so long since i actually doodled the concept but like. KDHDKFKFN big inspo from speakeasy tonight mc for helene's hairstyle, and maría's from a young katharine hepburn 🤡💕
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Maria x mc
Perfect / beyond flawless
Now, I’m an Aiden lover who’d also love to romance Michael, but if I were also into ladies, I’d be willing to risk it all for Miss María Flores
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queerchoicesblog · 5 years
Rooftop Talks (Platinum, F!Raleigh x MC)
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Since I noticed so many fics starring M! Raleigh but none with F! Raleigh, here’s my attempt to fill that void. Inspired by the rooftop scene, this is my entry for the prompt “ honesty” of the @choicesjulychallenge hosted by @kinda-iconic !
In short, Raleigh and Rachel (Dorian, MC) grow closer as they make a habit of meeting on the abandoned building’s rooftop to avoid paparazzi and spend with each other. Then one night Rachel has a question for Raleigh...
Prompt: Honesty
Discalimer: mild use of bad words and hispano hablantes over here: I tried to incorporate some occasional Spanish in here - I wanted to incorporate that trait in Raleigh’s character- so please tell me if I messed something up with the language (I took Spanish classes ages ago) or in general and I’ll fix it!
Word Count: 2328
Perma Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @melodyofgraves @bhavf @abunchofbadchoices @silverhawkenzie @begging-for-kamilah @kennaxval @strangerofbraidwood @crazypeanat @desiree-0816 @universallypizzataco
F! Raleigh x MC Tag: @hellospunkiebrewster @furiouscloddonutpeanut
The night of the charity gala none of them would have expected it to happen again but Raleigh and Rachel made a habit to sneak away from the paparazzi and hide on the rooftop to catch some breath. They would chat and flirt, share takeaway food and views and suggestions about each other new songs. Some nights they would even bring their guitars and jam together: most of the times they would end up playing and singing their heart out silly hits of the past or campfire songs only to laugh till their cheeks hurt as if they were teens at a party their parents knew nothing about. Other nights they would be a soundboard for each other, especially Raleigh: she would listen to Rachel's ramblings and second-guessing herself and offer her advice: how to keep the tune on that note, a better rhyme, a few sick moves for her next video...even how to make the right impression during interviews, because Raleigh was a professional, not just her rebel stage persona, and she had been around journalists and paparazzi way more than the new sweet shining star. 
In return, Rachel would suggest new kinder strategies to deal with fame and fans or to call home every once in a while: even if she left when she was fifteen, she must have someone who missed her. The thought made Raleigh smile, but in a good way: it was almost painful to see how genuinely good the Dorian girl was.
"Are you homesick, Rachel?" she inquired to divert the question.
"Hm, not really, no...” she said, stirring her noodles as she considered her answer. "But I've lived with my parents longer than you did. I just wanted to break free and find a place of my own after I got my high school diploma. I mean, I love them but at a certain point in life, your roads need to part, so to speak, right? But you, it was different for you...that's why I asked. I hope I didn't overstep though"   Raleigh shrugged and took a bite of sesame chicken.
"I talked with dad a couple of weeks ago. It was his birthday, mom and the whole family squad set up a party for him. And just so you know, he hates parties. He's a good ol' grumpy fellow"
"Aw cool! I bet he's your number one fan even if maybe he doesn't show it much? I mean, your whole family should be your number one fan!"
"Nah, papi sticks and will always stick with the classics till the end of time and mamita y tìa were and still are -I guess- huge fans of Ricky Martin, el Rey del Pop Latino" Raleigh explained.
She didn't realize until the day after that she couldn't remember the last time she had talked about her family with someone. Everyone always asked her about future plans, career path, tips maybe, but private life? Never. Unless it meant asking out on dates, heavy flirting or scandalous gossips about a former lover. Only Rachel asked her about the life she had left behind in Puerto Rico and everybody had long lost interest in.
"You don't strike me as a fan of Ricky Martin" Dorian chuckled.
The R&B singer flashed her a wide grin.
"Not exactly, but thanks to them I can make quite a good impression of him. Wanna see it?"
"Is that even a question? Of course!"
Raleigh laughed and reached for her phone as the new star put down her empty food box and shifted to sit more comfortably. She scrolled down a YouTube playlist then her eyes met Rachel's again.
"You ready?"
As the young woman nodded she pressed play and ran her hand through her hair and produced her best puppy dog eyes, making Rachel laugh. She put down her phone and walked backward theatrically opening her arms.
Un, dos, tres Un pasito pa'lante María Un, dos, tres Un pasito pa' atrás
Then as the tune became more upbeat she produced herself in a complicated yet effortlessly fluid sequence of hands clapping, swirling and hips swaying. Latin Pop may have not been her favorite genre but damn, she owned the choreography just as she owned the stage during her shows.
Así es María Blanca como el día
She sang quickly stroking Rachel's cheek with one finger before spinning and turning away.
Pero es veneno si te quieres enamorar Así es María Tan caliente y fría Que si te la bebes de seguro te va a matar
After striking a dramatic pose, she winked just before bursting into laughter.
"Oh my God! That was everything, Raleigh!" Rachel enthusiastically applauded.
"Muchas gracias, nena" she said ruffling her hair and taking her seat beside her.
"Now I'm living to see a Ricky Martin and Raleigh Carrera duet"
Raleigh looked at her and snorted.
"I don't see it happening but paradoxically my team might love the idea so never say it out loud when they're around. Never!"
"A girl can dream, right?" Rachel shrugged and giggled.
All of a sudden way less bubbly considerations crossed her mind and she lost in her own train of thoughts. A girl can dream...she had repeated those few words in her head so many times lately. Every time Raleigh absentmindedly stroked her arms on a fake date, every time she caught her looking at her from afar, every time they kissed.
Then the night of the gala happened. When the two of them sneaked away and hopped on Raleigh's motorbike. She still remembered the cool breeze of the night caressing her skin as she held herself to her "girlfriend". That was a moment of rare perfection: the two of them finally alone and careless, the adrenaline of the ride, the warmth of "the R&B time bomb"'s body pressed against her. When they arrived on the rooftop and she admired the breathing view of New York skyline, her head almost started spinning, just like when Raleigh twirled her in her arms on the gala dance floor.
But what made her heart skip a beat was hearing Raleigh talking about that place, sharing memories of her past, when her teen self felt lost and lonely in the big city...and her project to turn the abandoned building into a community center for kids.
"You make me feel like I want to tell you things. I don't know why" Raleigh confessed that night.
That was when a familiar warmth settled into Rachel's chest. The same feeling she experienced when her high school crush caught her singing to herself in the auditorium and told her that she sounded like an angel and stopped to chat. She didn't ask her out before leaving - Rachel Dorian life had never been a romcom so far- but the little casual talk stole her younger self's breath away.
Rachel instinctively knew that Raleigh never shared that with anyone else. It was just her tone, the way she said it. And she couldn't remember a single interview or tweet mentioning it. So...Raleigh's walls were crumbling down? You don't share secrets, very private secrets with anyone!
Maybe I was just being paranoid as my usual...maybe I didn't misread the signs, she thought as Raleigh not only accepted but enthusiastically returned the kiss that followed. And took her to the railing, her lips never leaving hers or her neck.
But later...
Raleigh suddenly making a loud noise with her soda breaking her train of thoughts.
"Earth to Rachel"
Avery's protege turned to see her looking at her with a slightly amused grin on her face as she played with the straw.
"Sorry, I spaced out" Rachel smiled shyly, avoiding eye contact.
"No biggie. Just glad we're on the same planet again"
Rachel looked at her sideways: Raleigh was happily humming one of her latest songs. She seemed to be in a good mood, she always was in a good mood when she was on that rooftop. Or so Rachel could tell by what she saw over the past few weeks. Which lead her to summon up her courage and ask her a question that had been troubling her for a while.
"Why did you bring me here the night of the gala?"
Raleigh was probably caught off guard by that but concealed it well. She shrugged again and leaned down on the carpet, propping herself up on one elbow.
"I told you, I had to take a break from those stupid fraud activists and this is where I go to catch my breath. We were at the gala together so it made sense to ask you to join. Lie to me and tell me you don't like it here" she said, flashing her signature grin.
"Of course I do" Rachel gave a quick smile.
Maybe that's the problem. I like it here, when it's just the two of us, no one else in sight...probably I like it too much.
But this conversation was going nowhere. So she sighed and spoke again, hoping to find answers and hopefully reassurance:
"Our time is ticking out, right?"
When Raleigh looked up to her, the usual cheerfulness of Rachel had been replaced by what looked like...melancholy?
"What? It's barely midnight, the night is still young, Rachel!" she joked to clear the mood.
Then she gave another grin and reached to playfully bump the other girl's arm.
"I have a bad reputation in case you haven't noticed. You should know that I'm not the kind of girlfriend who respects nor gives a damn about curfews."
But Rachel didn't play along this time.
"That's not what I meant" she said as her eyes met Raleigh's again.
The Puerto Rican singer knew what she meant. The big issue that had been lingering between them for a while and that was written all over Rachel tired face. She felt a pang of pain at the thought of it and she decided to conceal it as she always did.
"Oh well who knows, Rachel? I haven't spoken to my PR manager about it on our last meeting"
But the other woman didn't seem satisfied with that brief explanation.
Raleigh grimaced and sat up. It actually hurt more than she thought. She reached for Rachel's hand.
"Hey, we both knew the deal. Start a fake relationship and get a career and reputation boost"
"It's all it is, huh?"
The Dorian girl looked at her with painful expectancy. Gosh, I knew this is what we would get out of this, Raleigh thought.
"Well, yes and no. I mean, I like you, Rachel, I'm glad we got closer. You're shockingly pleasant to have around, rising star. And you've been...well yeah so far you're the best fake girlfriend ever, seriously. I hope we will still be friends when this...you know..."
"Yeah, sure"
Rachel diverted her eyes as her chest tightened. She misread the signals, shit. She kept fantasizing and being oblivious of their current situation...but she couldn't blame Raleigh for it. That night, their first night on the rooftop, when the kisses grew hungry on the railing, the Puerto Rican star too soon parted and told her to follow her, she wanted to go on another ride on her bike. Rachel reached for her.
"We don't have to stop, you know..." she noted, gently stroking her hip.
"What? Too scared to admit you might be catching feelings?" she teased, since the other woman just stared at her in silence.
"Whoa, there. Let's not get crazy. I'm a seasoned professional" Raleigh interrupted her, walking backward.
What a stupid I am! What was I thinking? That she, Raleigh Carrera, might fall for me?, Rachel grimace, her face hidden from the R&B star's view. Your life is not a romcom, Dorian, and you have embarrassed yourself already. God, that night she might have...she totally thought I was taking advantage of the situation? Oh shit shit shit!
Her phone beeped. She picked it up as a deep blush spread on her face: Low battery warning.
"Rachel, are you okay?"
The girl didn't turn but she felt the weight of Raleigh's concerned gaze over her.
"Yeah, I'm good...I just-I just forgot that I have a meeting with Avery early tomorrow. Very early. Like dawn"
"Why so early?" Raleigh gave her a quizzical look.
"Oh it's Fiona's doing actually" she said as she stood in a swift motion and gathered up her belongings. "She just want to introduce us to some yoga routine or something like that. She said it stimulates creativity... the point is I gotta go. I'm sorry"
She gave a quick apologetic smile and moved towards the staircases.
"Oh, okay" Raleigh was visibly confused by the sudden change in her "girlfriend". "Do you want me to give yo-"
"No no, I know the way! I'll call a cab!"
Before she opened the metal door leading downstairs, Raleigh spoke again.
"You sure, you're okay though? Did I say something wrong? About the-"
Rachel stopped and slightly turned her head.
"No, of course not. It's just...my silly little head that keeps forgetting things. How things go. Buenas noches, Raleigh"
That said she speed up down the stairs and only the echo of the door resounded on the rooftop, "their place", before the other woman could say goodnight back.
Something doesn't add up, Raleigh thought, still struggling to make a sense of the last few minutes. What did I-
Then her eyes fell on the purple guitar she gave Rachel sitting not far from the wooden bench. Dorian jealously kept her ever since the first day they met. She wore it on every show, even in the music video they filmed together. She even caught her smiling down at it as she strummed a new melody. She really made her happy with her guitar: Rachel would never go anywhere without it, even the press noticed...and now it was there. Did she forget?
"Oh crap!" Raleigh sprinted to the staircases and opened the door, calling her name.
"Rachel hold on, your guitar! Rachel!"
But her words were welcomed by silence only.
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shreyamistry · 5 years
57 or 73 with María flores with a female mc Please
Title: College Dancing Dues
Prompt: “Is that my t-shirt?” “Oh, are you ticklish?”
Pairing: Maria x F!MC (Gianna)
Word Count: 1.3k+
Summary: Maria gets a rejection letter from a college she didn’t plan to go to, despite that she thought she’d get in no questions ask and now worries about her chances to get into the school of her dreams. Luckily, Gianna is there to brighten her mood. 
A/N: This is 9 months old, I’m finally fulfilling all my empty drafts of requests so I can reopen them with a clear mind, look out for more info on that. Masterlist in bio, check it out! Sorry for the wait anon, i hope it’ll be worth it if you’re still in the fandom and following me!
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Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!
Gianna throws her arms into the air, jumped around to the music blaring from her stereo. One of Maria’s favorite songs playing to encourage her grumpy girlfriend to get up and dance instead of pouting over the rejection letter she got to a college she didn’t even want to go to. She jumps turning around to face Maria, who lays on her bed her face buried into the pillow, she could still hear Maria screaming into the pillow as she had been for the past ten minutes. She felt bad, despite Maria not even wanting to attend that school, she knew Maria would have a tough time coping with a rejection letter after Kepler and Lauren back in Middle School.
“Come on, babe! Dance with me!” She approaches Maria shaking her arms to the beat in the most obnoxious way she could muster. Maria’s head turns to the side looking at her girlfriend, her eyes lined with tears her mouth still open yelling with her deflating voice. “It’ll make you feel better.” She tried to coax Maria into believing her words.
“No.” Maria simply replies in a raspy tone, coughing over her words afterwards. She sits up in the bed to yank her water bottle out of her backpack sitting nearby her. She takes a large swig from the silver bottle before taking a deep breath. “I said no,” Maria replies as Gianna approaches her wiggling her arms at her.
“Please… Oh please, Maria!” Gianna begs, pouting at her girlfriend. She presses her lips together into a thin line, checking her watch for the time. She shakes her head no again, turning her attention to her phone. “It’s late, I should go home.” Deflecting won’t get you out of this one, Gianna thinks to herself, sidestepping to block the door from Maria’s vision.
“It’s barely even four, you’re not going home to scream in your own pillow and yell at your dads for trying to help.” Gianna crosses her arms, “You’re here at my house and you’ll forget about this dumb college application. What’s college? Never heard of it.” Gianna tries, looking away from Maria as though college was the most absurd word in the English language.
“That’s-” Maria begins to protest, getting cut off instantly.
“No.” Gianna huffs, causing Maria to roll her eyes before reluctantly swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, dropping to the floor her feet hitting the floor with a thud as she places her hands on her hips looking at Gianna with a stern face. “That’s not dancing.” She sings in a singsong-y voice, getting a quirk of a smile from Maria that’s quickly replaced with dread.
“I’m up and that’s all you’re getting from me.” Before Maria can respond, Gianna takes both of her hands into her own pulling her close to her a smirk on her lips as she leans in close to her whispering for the two of them to hear. “You’re not going to change my mind. I will not be dancing tonight, tomorrow, or at freaking Hartfeld. Who even goes to Hartfeld? No one.”
“We’ll see.” Gianna continues to smirk, as she lets go of Maria’s hands, with a quick movement her hands find their place on her sides beginning to tickle her as Maria shrieks with laughter. One of Maria’s secrets is how ticklish she is, Gianna always uses it against her when she realized during the summer when they were fighting over the remote to decide if they should watch America’s Most Eligible or The Crown and The Flame. Gianna won and made her girlfriend sit through an entire season, Maria was very upset to see Bianca leave over Zeke and wouldn’t let it go the entire day afterwards. Even texted Gianna with theories about Piper and rest of the producers.
“GIANNA STOP!” Maria laughs, her body squirming as her hands try to push away her girlfriend’s hands. Her eyes filling with happy tears as she finally manages to catch both of Gianna’s hands in her own, closing her fingers around Gianna’s to restrict her movements. “Gianna, don't you dare,” Maria warns after seeing the glint of mischief in her eyes.
“Dare do what?” She feigns fake shock, “I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re talking about.” She glances away from Maria looking around the room without any intent on her face, trying to hide her smile from her girlfriend's eyes. “Oh, are you ticklish?”
“You’re mean.” Maria pouts, “You know that.”
“What… this is news to me.” Gianna fakes surprise again, looking at Maria. “And is that my shirt?”
“It’s not my fault you left it at my house after cheer practice.” Maria shrugs, pulling down on the bottom of the t-shirt Gianna wore on the last day of school last year. “It’s comfortable and cute. And has Berry Pride.” Her cheeks flush with a gentle blush, as she looks down at the t-shirt. She honestly forgot it was Gianna’s, she didn’t even remember coming into having it despite telling Gianna she left it at her house, did she steal it?
The song comes to an end, as the room runs silently around them leaving the two of them standing together without any words. Maria crooks her eyebrows at Gianna daring her to make a move being sure to ready herself to keep her hands locked on Gianna’s. Gianna watches their hands waiting for Maria to slacken her grip, before striking her moves to lift Maria’s mood. “So.. if I tickle you right now, you won’t be bothered?”
“I never said I wasn’t ticklish,” Maria replies.
“Great,” Gianna smirks before pulling her hands from Maria’s grip as she distracted by the question, running her fingers over her sides as Maria shrieks with laughter again, her hands batting away one of Gianna’s hand the other reaching for other and missing entirely. Their hands clash in a series of a battle over who would win the tickle fight, Maria losing hardcore as Gianna continues to catch her with her free arm.
“I HATE YOU SO MUCH!” Maria laughs, shoving her hands playfully against Gianna’s shoulders. “I admit defeat, let me leave with my dignity intact, please.” Gianna stops momentarily as Maria grips the bed beside her for support. “You win.”
“I do love winning, what’s my prize?” Gianna questions innocently. Her eyelashes batting playfully at her girlfriend, Maria watches her for a second, brushing a few strands off loose hair off her own shoulder to fix the messy locks caused by Gianna during their game. “Name that commercial, every blank begins with K.”
“Nothing,” Maria mutters. “You’re childish.”
Giana grins, “A kiss? I would love a kiss, Maria.”
“You’re unbelievable.” Maria shakes her head the corner of her lips smirked upwards in a smile, that she tries to pretend isn’t visible. “Maybe I sort of also want a kiss.” She glances at the floor and back at Gianna.
“I didn’t hear that last part.” Gianna places her hand over her ear turning it towards Maria, “Can you say again? My hearing is lost to me in these feeble years of existing.” Maria smiles pushing her hand out of Gianna’s face before Gianna wraps her arms around Maria’s waist while Maria leans in to place a sweet kiss against Gianna’s lips. The former’s arms moving to wrap around her neck, letting her head turn to the side deepening the kiss. After a few sweet peeks against one another lips, Maria pulls away blushing.
“Thank you, I feel a lot better.” She brushes a strand of hair out of Gianna’s hair, “You’re the best girlfriend in the world.”
“I know.” Gianna smirks leaning in to steal one last kiss from Maria. “I love you, too.”
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sanagustindehipona · 5 years
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NOVENO DÍA DE LA NOVENA A SAN AGUSTÍN Por la señal de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros enemigos, líbranos, Señor, Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Am��n. Oración inicial Peregrino y enfermo vuelvo a ti, Dios mío, cansado de peregrinar fuera, y agobiado por el peso de mis males. He experimentado que lejos de tu presencia no hay refugio seguro, ni satisfacción que dure, ni deseo que dé fruto, ni bien alguno que sacie los deseos del alma que creaste. Aquí estoy, pobre y hambriento. ¡Dios de mi salud! Ábreme las puertas de tu casa: perdóname, recíbeme, sáname de todas mis enfermedades', úngeme con el óleo de tu gracia, y dame el abrazo de paz que prometiste al pecador arrepentido. ¡Oh Verdad! ¡Oh belleza infinitamente amable! ¡Qué tarde te amé, hermosura siempre antigua y siempre nueva! ¡Qué tarde te conocí! ¡Qué desdichado fue el tiempo en que no te amé ni conocí! (Confesiones X) Noveno Día Lectura En aquel tiempo, se apareció Jesús a los Once y les dijo: “Id al mundo entero y proclamad el Evangelio a toda la creación. El que crea y se bautice se salvará; el que se resista a creer será condenado. A los que crean, les acompañarán estos signos: echarán demonios en mi nombre, hablarán lenguas nuevas, cogerán serpientes en sus manos y, si beben un veneno mortal, no les hará daño. Impondrán las manos a los enfermos, y quedarán sanos. Mc 16, 15-17 Reflexión Oigo al Apóstol que dice: Proclama la palabra, insiste a tiempo y a destiempo. ¿A quiénes insistiré a tiempo, y a quiénes a destiempo? A tiempo, a los que quieren escuchar; a destiempo, a quienes no quieren. Soy tan inoportuno que me atrevo a decir: «Tú quieres extraviarte, quieres perderte, pero yo no quiero.» San Agustín Sermón 46 Padre Nuestro, Ave María, Gloria Oración Final Señor, estabas dentro de mí, pero yo de mí mismo estaba fuera. Y por fuera te buscaba... Estabas conmigo, pero yo no estaba contigo. Me mantenían alejado aquellas cosas que, si en ti no fuesen, no existirían. Pero me llamaste, gritaste, derrumbaste mi sordera. Brillaste, resplandeciste, ahuyentaste mi ceguera. Derramaste tu fragancia, la respiré y suspiro por ti. Gusté, tuve hambre y sed. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1sTc0dFP2q/?igshid=17ah7xszpmccz
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b-br4ve · 7 years
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#DiversityBingo2017 June Wrap Up
PRACTICING JEWISH MC Knit one, girl two by Shira Glassman ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A novella about two Jewish girls falling in love, one of them is lesbian and the other one is bisexual. Chubby love interest. Written by a bisexual Jewish author. 
BISEXUAL MC (OWN VOICES) Desayuno en Júpiter by Andrea Tomé ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A cute book featuring an interracial f/f romance between a Jewish bisexual girl, and a black (biracial) chubby lesbian girl. PoC, queer, disabled, and mentally ill side characters. 🔸It also applies for: Practicing Jewish MC, LGBTQIAP+ MC of color, PoC on the cover.
OWN VOICES LATINX MC Persona normal by Benito Taibo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A story about a young boy who discovers the magic of books and lives amazing adventures thanks to them. Set in Mexico and written by a Mexican author.
PANSEXUAL MC* The melody of you and me by M. Hollis ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A super cute f/f interracial romance, with a pansexual MC and a lesbian Filipino LI.
MC ON THE ACE SPECTRUM (OWN VOICES) Thaw by Elyse Springer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A contemporary f/f romance with a biromantic asexual MC, written by a Jewish asexual queer author. 🔸You can read my review here: x
LGBTQIA+ MC OF COLOR Juliet takes a breath by Gabby Rivera ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A book with a chubby lesbian Latina MC who's recently discovered feminism. 🔸You can read my review here: x 🔸It also applies for: MC w/ an under-represented body, Own voices Latinx MC, Book by author of color, POC on the cover. The paths we choose by M. Hollis ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸NA f/f romance with a Brazilian queer chubby MC and a Cuban bisexual LI. 🔸It also applies for: Own voices Latinx MC, Book by author of color
INDIGENOUS MC (OWN VOICES) Love beyond body, space, and time by Hope Nicholson ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸An indigenous LGBT Sci-Fi anthology.
DIVERSE NON-FICTION Frida Kahlo. Una biografía by María Hesse ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A gorgeous illustrated book about the life of this famous Mexican painter. Queer, there, and everywhere by Sarah Prager ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🔸A book about queer historical figures who changed the world
*I'm skipping the own voices aspect in this square.
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osborgs · 3 years
MTV Miaw 2021: confira a lista completa de indicados da premiação
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<span class="hidden">–</span>Marisa/Divulgação
Vamos de mais um MTV Miaw? A lista de indicados da premiação jovem mais importante da América Latina foi divulgada e podemos ver nomes como Karol G e Anitta dominando as categorias!
O evento está marcado para acontecer no dia 13 de julho e, além dos prêmios do mundo da música e do audiovisual, a cerimônia também vai honrar a galera da internet! Inclusive, tem meme brasileiro na lista, viu?
Quem se lembra das irmãs Maria Antônia e Maria Eduarda, que viralizaram em 2020 com o vídeo do parabéns no aniversário de uma delas? Pois bem, as duas estão concorrendo em Viral Bombástico do Ano! Teve até teste para saber medir o seu nível de deboche, hahaha.
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Maria Antônia, rainha do deboche!Reprodução/CAPRICHO
ICONE MIAW Kimberley Loaiza Kunno Kenia OS Domelipa Jashlem Jimena Jiménez Brianda Deyanara Rod Contreras
CREADOR DEL ANO Kimberley Loaiza Amadora Caín Guzmán Darian Rojas Ralf Ignacia Antonia Legna Hernández Kevlex
Creador Global Martinez Twins Naim Darrechi Charli D’Amelio Dixie D’Amelio Lele Pons Bella Poarch Noah Beck
STORIADOR MIAW Luisito Comunica Elán Juanpa Zurita Paco de Miguel Danna Paola Bad Bunny Kenia OS Kim Shantal
FAV NUEVA ESCUELA Aaron Mercury Ingratax Mau López Carlota Madrigal Melipandda Augusto Gimenez Marian Krawstor Amaranta
BOMBA VIRAL El Niño Del Oxxo La Chilindrina En Biniki El Reencuentro de RBD Ay Rico Rico Rico Las Iñas Del Cumpleaños Máteme Ese Recuerdo De Ese Amargo Amor #SilhouetteChallenge Ciclovía De Puebla
ES MUY CRINGE Paty Navidad Conspiranoica Pelea Fake Mariana Rodríguez y Bárbara Del Regil Trump No Acepta Derrota Fails De Alfred Adame Golpiza Campo de Golf El Chico Gucci Pepillo Origel Se Vacuna López-Gatell de Vacaciones
FILÓSOFO VIRAL Mane Josi La Más Perdidas Cardi B Pamela Chup Trixy Star Camilo Pulgarin
COREO CRAK Kunno Rod Contreras Mont Pantoja SamuelLópez Iamferv Libardo Isaza Los Siblings Itsmitch
LIPSYNC MASTER Érika Buenfil Orson Padilla JD Pantoja Celes Salas Carolina Díaz Fernando Lozada Sebastián Yatra Macarena García
TEAM DEL AÑO Privé Team Ken Team Fénix Mansión Lit DIablos MS Cheli House
FANDOM Jukis Blinks BTS Army Keninis Dreamers Cachers Team Ken Fandom CNCOwners
CELEBRITY CRUSH Joaquín Bondoni Harry Styles Boggi Hadassah Macarena Achaga Billie Eilish Ester Expósito Victor Pérez
PAREJA EN LLAMAS Camilo & Evaluna Zuribeso Jearin Lele & Guaynaa Ilika Cruz & Vane Amador Nodeli Calle & Poché Jukilop
STREAMER DEL AÑO Auronplay Missasinfonía Arigameplats Coscu Windygirk Juan Guarnizo El Kun Agüero
OBSESIÓN GAMER Among Us Fall Guys Fortnite GTA V League of Legends Free Fire Call of Duty: Warzone
KILLER SERIE Wandavision Handmaid’s Tale Euphoria Luis Miguel, La Serie The Mandalorian El Internado: Las Cumbres The Boys Emily In Paris
REALITY DEL AÑO Acapulco Shore Quién Es La Máscara? Guerreros Shark Tank La Más Draga Exatlón
AMO DEL PODAST La Cotorrisa Creativo El Frasco Leyendas Legendarias En Cortinas Con Luisito Karime Kooler Radio Divaza Niñas Bien
COMEDIA TODO TERRENO Paco de Miguel Mario Aguilar Backdor Herly Memelas De Orizaba Se Rentan Cuartos La Resolana Borat
BICHOTA DEL AÑO Jimena Jiménez Herly Ana Lago Nathy Peluso Karol G Anitta Karime Pindter Jaylin Acashore
ARTISTA MIAW Karol G Bad Bunny J Balvin Maluma Rauw Alejandro Danna Paola C. Tangana Natti Natasha
ARTISTA + CHINGÓN MÉXICO Danna Paola Gera MX Christian Nodal Mon Laferte Reik Aleman
ARTISTA + DURO COLOMBIA Karol G Piso 21 J Balvin Camilo Maluma Sebatián Yatra
ARTISTA + IDO ARGENTINA BZRP Khea Nicki Nicole Duki Tini Cazzu
HINO VIRAL “Pareja Del Año” – Sebatián Yatra, Myke Towers “Lá Tóxica” – Farruko “El Makinon” – Karol G, Mariah Angeliq “Se Te Nota” – Lele Pons & Guaynaa “BZRP Music Sessiosn #36” – BZRP & nathy Peluso “Reloj” – Rauw Alejandro x Anuel XX “Hecha Pa’ Mi’” – Boza “Quien Te Crees?” – MC Davo feat. Calibre 50
EMERGENTE Leon Leiden Humbe Renee Natanael Cano Yendry Mario Puglia Bratty María Becerra
VIDEO DEL AÑO “Nominad/Hong Kong” – C. Tangana, Jorge Drexler y Andrés Calamaro “Telepatía” – Kali Uchis “Niño” – Ed Maverick, Muelas de Gallo “La Noche de Anoche” – Bad Bunny x Rosalía “Popular” – Zoé “Ojos Noche” _ Elsa y Elmar feat. Carla Morrison
HIT DEL AÑO “Bichota” – Karol G “Dákiti” – Bad Bunny x Jhay Cortez “Fiel” – Wisin, Jhay Cortez, Los Legendarios “Telepatía” – Kali Uchis “Hawái” – Maluma “Botella Tras Botella” – Gera MX, Christian Nodal “Relación Remix” – Sech, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Rosalía, Farruko “La Curiosidad” – Jay Wheeler, DJ Nelson, Myke Towers
HIT GLOBAL DEL AÑO “drivers license” – Olivia Rodrigo “Levitating” – Dua Lipa feat. DaBaby “Golden” – Harry Styles “Leave The Door Open” – Silk Sonic “Save Your Tears” – The Weeknd “Peaches” – Justin Bieber feat. Daniel Caesar, Giveon “Kiss Me More” – Doja Cat feat. SZA “Montero (Call Me By Your Name)” – Lil Nas X
MUSIC-SHIP DEL AÑO “Lo Vas a Olvidar” – Billie Eilish, Rosalía “Location” – Karol G, Anuel AA, J Balvin “Baila Conmigo” – Selena Gonez, Rauw Alejandro “La Nota” – Manuel Turizo x Rauw Alejdnro x Myke Towers “No Bailes Sola” – Danna Paola, Sebatián Yatra “Párteme La Cara” – C. Tangana, Ed Maverick “La Noche de Anoche” – Bad Bunny x Rosalía “Las Nenas” – Natti Natasha x Farina x Cazzu x La Duraca
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The post MTV Miaw 2021: confira a lista completa de indicados da premiação first appeared on Portal O.S News. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Sc8idv via IFTTT
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