#main blog poetry
oozins · 2 months
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x-files fridge poems
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pyaari-naari · 1 month
Tere paas apna dupatta bhul jaun,
Issi bahane tujhse phir ek baar milne aau.
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melvolkman · 7 months
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Instagram: @melvolkman
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slag-of-all-trades · 28 days
Fortune Teller
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I know this isn't what this blog is usually for, but I dont really have anywhere else to put this. I was really in a bad state today, got sent spiraling about the future because I made the mistake of reading anything about what's happening to trans people here, so I decided to get it out of my system. Thought I'd share in case it helps anyone else too.
Final lines are from this post.
Written out in plain text below the cut for screen readers and because of my handwriting:
I asked an oracle "help me understand. My siblings and I fight but the walls still close in." She placed some folded paper into my hand, and said "all you need to hear is written within." My question I posed, of how the fight would fare, as despair enclosed, and the scrap read: "Despair? If the fight goes well you won't have the cause; If the fight goes ill you won't have the luxury. Rage and riot or weep on your knees - and pause, yes, but never stop. You must continue to be." And at the back of my mind I felt it ring true, If you're transgender you have to live.
I love you.
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All the talk about when you joined tumblr got me down memory line and I went through my old blogs
I joined in late 2016 or early 2017 because I saw supernatural tumblr posts and other on Pinterest and wanted the experience
Soke things on the old blogs didn't age well, but it still got me smiling looking back at it
Turns out 13 ear old me and 19 year old me are not so different but also completely different at the same time
i’m so very glad I was able to inspire you to go through the memories of old blogs.
I understand what you mean though, going through old thoughts is always an interesting and enlightening experience
reading through my old stuff makes me want to simultaneously hug my younger self…. and also tell myself to shut up and not post that angsty stuff for my Tumblr friends to have to see lmao
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feely-touchy · 2 months
Angelic white ice under gilded clouds
Blanketing the street like fresh linens
Catching the light like heaven itself
Soon to be hurtling at the back of my friend's head
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wolftheghost · 9 months
this is part of me.
its still part of me
the lashing tail
the howling voice
the bared teeth
the barking snarl
its a part of me
you'll never take it away
sometimes its good
sometimes its bad
but its still part of me
you can never steal it from me
these scars are earned
you cant erase them
theyre not yours to wipe clean
the scars will never disappear
but fur will grow back
coarser, stronger
ill be better next time
i wont let them in
the wolves are at my door
they ask when ill be home
i say i am
they say im not
they remind me im inhuman
everyone seems to agree
there's something
just something
fundamentally different
about me
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sour-suggestion · 2 months
I think that maybe one of the worst things is to continue living by being remembered, but devoid of context. Stripped of it and used to bolster another.
There’s something about being turned into someone else’s monster, someone else’s mystery, as you get further from home with no way back.
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animalsandskyyy · 1 year
my cousin just posted about her 5 year wedding anniversary
which is weird
because I was there
and legitimately cannot believe that was 5 years ago
time is weird
because I was 15 then
and I started remembering how I was going through an entire gay/ace identity crisis at the time
and I went and looked at my photos from that time
and I was a baby
who was at this wedding with her family
and writing sad and longing poetry
about how she wanted to dance with a girl there
but didn’t
and I just feel so bad for her
because I want better for her
and like mentally and life-experience wise, I’m in a better place than her
but not really
i’m still not out in any way shape or form anywhere, except for the internet
and I can’t even talk about my feelings or identity without feeling uncomfortable and shutting down
i’m still desperately longing for love and devotion
and although I wouldn’t actually start doing so until i was 16, i’m still shitposting on tumblr about these things
i’m still longingly hoping for some kind of love and connection in the future, with no way to actually attain it
and it’s weird
poor baby grace
i, young adult grace, need to do better for her sake
but how
posting this sure as hell doesn’t help
but it cleared my mind
and is reminiscent of how my mother writes posts on facebook
the end
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hopelessromanticme · 1 month
Uffff the moments when she calls me "Janaab" or "Jaaneman" in the middle of conversation...
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वो आए घर में हमारे ख़ुदा की क़ुदरत है
कभी हम उन को कभी अपने घर को देखते हैं |
- Mirza Ghalib
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emily-mooon · 2 months
Just a heads up that I’m going to be taking a break from making fandom content.
I’m at a point now where I want to express myself and fanart just doesn’t seem to cut it. At one point I’ll come back to doing it but as of right now, I can’t give a time frame for when that will be.
Be patient cause I know when ST5 comes out the Jancy brainrot will return, Trust me on this.
Idk about Scott Pilgrim stuff cause I’m very invested in two characters only and they aren’t very popular (ok Neil’s kinda in the middle tbh, Stacey though no). Also I feel kinda alone in my rarepair. I know there are others but even then I still feel lonely in it. It’s difficult making rarepair stuff and atm I don’t have the energy to continue doing it. Very sorry about that!
I will sometimes make text posts about random headcanons in relation to my ships if I have any cause it’s bound to happen. So fandom stuff won’t be completely gone.
Anyways expect to see some poetry and more original illustrations coming from me. Heck my ocs may end up becoming a big part of my art who knows!
I hope you all can understand. I must let my creative voice scream and give me a chance to figure out who I am more. This is something extremely important to me as a soon to be art major.
I do hope you will all support me in this new era of my blog. Original content isn’t as big as say fandom stuff I know but I do hope you’ll enjoy whatever I make :]
Ok bye! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Sending hugs if you need one <333333
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kenobihater · 15 days
i'm thinking about hauntings as manifestations of guilt. not "they haunt you because they deem you guilty" approach, but instead "they haunt you because you believe yourself guilty". there's the hallucination cause, of course, that the ghost stems from your own damaged psyche, but i've never seen anyone explore the concept of your own self blame disturbing the rest of the dead, dragging their specter along in your wake as a consequence of your inner turmoil. perhaps you're supernaturally attuned, perhaps there was some sort of magical bond, or perhaps your anguish is just that profound.
guilt loses its purpose when you lapse into inaction and fail to do better. guilt grows cruel when you weigh the living down with it. guilt becomes horrifying when you drag the very person you lost back from the other side just so they can witness you drive yourself to the edge and claim it's in their memory.
when do the dead get no say about what justice for them should entail? can't you see the heartlessness in that? no, because when you looked at their body, you never let yourself look away. you made them a martyr and styled yourself as damned, but this isn't justice - it's merely penance with collateral damage. you took the albatross corpse up and bound it to your own neck so tight it choked you.
won't you let it go? won't you let them rest?
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austenmarie · 3 months
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I am a wild animal
Left alone too long I am feral
Starving for affection but staying far away
the hand that feeds will get bit
I cannot trust again 
But i am so hungry 
It gnaws at me 
Flesh will tear and bones will crunch between my teeth before you get close
What will I kill to have it all again
What will I lose
Let me go
Let me go 
Let me go
Put me out of my misery 
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l-e-morgan-author · 7 months
Surprise post! Two poems. I don't know how to add alt text in Wordpress yet, though, sorry.
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lauriemarch · 6 months
When do all the bad days begin to amount to something good
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8-bit-poemz · 5 months
What Is There To Say?
There is something I want to say, But it feels too childish, Too genuine, Almost obscene.  But I’ll say it anyway;  So,   Let’s just say that  I happen to notice things; You like pictures of bugs, For one— So here’s five that I got for you Happened to find. Along with  A video of that artist you really like. Let’s just say that I don’t mind you,  That I happened to stay, That I’m stuck with you.  We sat in silence On call last night.  You asked me to. I said yes even though It was 2am and I was tired. I wouldn’t want to Leave you alone. Besides,  I still owed you a favour from when You saved my life spent a whole night by my side. There is something I want to tell you, But it feels too big, Too selfish, Too loud. So I guess I’ll just  Keep noticing things For now.
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