#magical bindings
secret-bug-pain-blog · 3 months
@febuwhump Day 5 - Rope Burns
This one features... an AU that we're worked on for a while now over on @mantisgodsaus. You guys like selkies, right? We have more of those.
There is a rope tied around his neck.
He walks, aimless and uncertain. His mouth is dry, his gait is slow.
The fog coating his brain isn’t normal. Isn’t natural. He can feel it dragging at the corners of his brain, lagging, tearing, threatening to draw him under. He resists it as best he can, but he knows that there are things he has lost, even with his best efforts.
There is something that he has to do - some goal, some need- but he can't remember what it might have been now. There is a distinct sense of purpose dogging at the back of his mind, a need to find, a need to continue, to keep going, to move forward no matter what-
But he can't remember what it is.
He continues.
There is a rope around his neck, rubbing at his skin with every step. Maybe it's tied too tight. Maybe it's tied too loose. He can barely breathe with it on, and yet, he can't imagine trying to go on without it. It chafes, chafes, chafes, and he ignores it best he can, trekking forward with single-minded certainty.
He has to do something. He has never been more certain in his life about it. He has to do something, and he cannot delay. People are relying on him.
There is a rope around his neck.
He has a name, but he cannot remember it. The burning, chafing, scratching around his neck does not allow for it. His mind dulls, his paws shake- but he cannot abandon this path, not when he is still needed.
There is a rope around his neck.
Exhausted, tattered, and near ready to drop, the only thing that keeps him moving forward is sheer, raw, force of will.
His paws bleed out lifeblood into the unforgiving sand. His tongue grows dry and cracked, the heat of the desert ravaging his throat until he struggles to breathe. His chest heaves with the effort of walking- in, out, in, out, the mucus of his throat hardening until each breath clogs his windpipe more with bloodying foam.
He cannot stop. He cannot falter. He cannot allow himself to break.
And yet, every breath is harder, more of a pained wheeze than the last, more likely to trap itself in his throat, to force him into fits of coughing and heaving before any capacity to move forward. His momentum is slowly beginning to peter out, sense of purpose failing to propel him out from under the weight of his own body's failure - he moves, but he cannot keep himself going forever.
There is a rope around his neck.
Even through the fog about his brain, it feels like a failure. He stumbles on half-numb paws, particles of sand trapped and abrading in his wounds, and he seeks somewhere- anywhere- to shelter.
There is a rope around his neck.
It has been entirely too long since he has seen a place to den. Longer, still, since he has tasted water. The Lost Sands are hot and endless, still, and loose sand makes for poor shelter. Soft soil, deeper tunnels- something in him cries for him to dig as deep as he can, but even in his delirious state, he knows that he will find no purchase in the sands like this.
There is a rope around his neck.
His strength is beginning to wane when he finally finds it - a dip in the ground, hidden beneath a structure that he knows and does not know all at once. He tries to remember what it is that makes it so familiar, but his head is tired and his thoughts clouded - it is a doomed endeavor from the start, and he is forced to abandon the train of thought, simply limping forward, seeking out the blessed, cool darkness beneath.
There is a rope around his neck.
It burns unpleasantly against his worn-open throat, the wound pulsing erratically beneath it, but he ignores its cloying grip. Something about the darkness calls him- the deep depths of the earth holding a siren's song that he struggles to refuse. He struggles to move forwards, but his paws refuse to obey, threatening to give out beneath him- his body is sore, his throat raw.
There is a rope around his neck.
His limbs fail him.
The siren song calls him ever more, singing, humming in his ears without rest- but his body cannot move another inch, drained of all strength. He must keep going, he must- he has his duty, he has his family, he has the call- but he finds he simply cannot force himself to move another inch.
There is a rope around his neck.
He lies still in the cool earth's grasp, and he waits.
He wakes to find himself with company.
A shape looms over him, its features indistinct in the earth-encased gloom. The mugginess encasing his thoughts slows his reflexes such that he struggles to respond in time, flailing uncoordinatedly at whatever he can reach. It stands on two legs, two great appendages on its back like fine-furred cloaks as it snatches its hands from his neck - he knows that he is familiar with its kind, but he cannot recall how, nor what it might be.
Their touch only hurts all the more, and he bares his teeth at it, bloody saliva gurgling in the back of his throat. The beast recoils at sight of him, hurrying to the far side of the dirt-den, a scent of fear and worry seeping from it- it is only luck that he might have remained well enough to intimidate it, and he growls and snarls and thrashes until it flees.
Slumber has given him some strength back, although in many ways he feels worse than he was before. It is enough to lift himself from the ground, however temporarily - to stagger deeper into this temporary den.
The cry of the song in his ears has lessened, though it has not entirely stopped. He drags himself deeper, deeper, ever deeper, as far deep as he can before the darkness at the edges of his vision creeps too much to walk. This den is frustratingly shallow, so much so that he can hardly hear the cry- but his paws are too cracked to dig without harming himself further, and the lure of darkness only calls closer the more he attempts to dig.
He lays on his side, exhausted and spent. His paws ache; his muzzle feels cracked and broken, like mud baked in the sun for too long. He cannot breathe without struggle, his breath whistling through his muzzle like the sound of an all-too-familiar alert. He is exhausted, and he can barely force his eyes open, much less force himself to continue moving.
He is so tired, he nearly fails to see the figure returning.
There are two this time - the one he saw before, small and frail, and a larger one, massive and bulky. They are barely feet away from him when he finally sees them - a movement in the darkness, forcing him to twist his head before he can fully see them as he forces himself back onto his paws with the force of sheer adrenaline.
The figures come closer, and closer- he snarls at them, opening his jaw wide and flashing his teeth. The taller grabs the rope, and he chokes, useless paws scrabbling at chitin as she twists him to the ground, as a pair of tongs close around his rope, as it uses a hammer to-
All the runes etched into the binding light up a blinding blue in the instant before it breaks. He can feel his skin scorch around it- a horrible sort of heat, so strong that it nearly steals the breath from his lungs, but the pain is overcome by the feeling of the fog lifting.
He staggers at the sudden loss of the chains, his paws abruptly feeling all too unsteady beneath him- the enchantment is almost disconcertingly strong, and he struggles to adjust to its abrupt absence as the rails on his mind fall away. His mouth feels dry, his neck burns like it's been flayed open, he feels with a dreadful certainty that his skin has been nearly torn through - but he is himself again.
His first thought, freed from the artificial clouding, is a curse.
How long was he like that? How long was he trapped wandering the desert like an aimless dog? He remembers the rope being tightened around his neck, but everything between and now is a shapeless blur. He takes a moment just to process the sharp feeling of dread that seizes him the moment that he realizes the thought, the fear that he's been too late.
How long was he out?
His first attempt to start the change meets failure- the rope burns around his neck protest, sharply and painfully, aggravated by the shift, and he loses his concentration in an instant. Not good. If damaged too much, he's well aware, the change simply won't take until the damage is healed enough to not gash his throat open, but he can't afford to be trapped as a selkie for so long - not in a conflict like this.
His second attempt is slower, and, thankfully, more successful. His skin splits just below his chin as he forces skin to separate from shell- and he's aware of a sudden, burning pain as his throat rips itself open, rivulets of hemolymph spattering from torn flesh.
He lets go of the attempt, the sides of his pelt fusing again.
That is not a good sign.
How long was he out? How much longer before he'll heal enough to turn back? His tail thrashes from side to side, panic abruptly enveloping him. It's another horrifying moment of fear before he remembers to try and ask those who rescued him.
They've crowded closer during his moment of panic. Concern, he's fairly certain. Astotheles' selkie form cannot speak as a bug could. Fortunately, he's well-versed in workarounds. The utility of those workarounds, of course, will depend on who it is that's found him.
Bandit sign first. His attempt to signal questioning is met with a mere head-tilt, both of the bugs involved muttering amongst themselves. Not his Bandits, then. He scratches a simple symbol into the ground- peaceful meeting[1], only to be met with redoubled confusion, one of the bugs doing what seems to be an attempt at deciphering the components of it.
...most likely not bandits at all.
He brushes over the sign, an abrupt wave of dizziness washing over him. He can't tell for certain if it's due to dread or simply side effect of dehydration - which,  arguably, is just as bad of a sign as the hole worn into his neck. It's been entirely too long since he's been a cricket if he's had this long to accumulate thirst. He doesn't recognize the space he's in, but by the lack of bars and total lack of anything keeping him in, he's probably not adding to the list of prisoner cells he's occupied over his lifespan - a small mercy, but still a mercy.
It still doesn't tell him where he is, or where he's been in the intervening time.
A hand tentatively strokes against his side, and he snaps to attention, jerking away from the bug. His selkie form's ears are different from his normal ears - enough so that it can take time to make sense of nearly anything said to him as the sounds echo through cartilaginous outcroppings. The tone, at least, comes across just fine.
Concern is fairly universal.
The larger one offers him a shell filled with... something. He's fairly sure that they're a beetle, by now, though he isn't quite sure - this form relies more on visual cues than scent, and a lot of beetles look more or less the same. It smells like water when he gives it a tentative sniff, and it tastes like water when he tests it - a good samaritan? Or simply fishing for favors?
It matters little, admittedly. The moment he tastes it, he's reminded of just how parched he is, downing half of it in barely a second. He is resistant to dehydration, of course, but he has his limits- he has far more soft tissue to keep hydrated as a selkie than as a bug. He finishes it in record time, licking at the bottom of the preserved shell before it's taken away.
With the water-weight settling in his belly, he is suddenly, vibrantly aware of the fact that he has not eaten in gods-know-how-long.
The smaller bug gestures at him, and he takes a moment to identify it as a common-ish variant of a Moth's sign. Easier to follow than verbal language- his eyes follow movement well like this, in a way he's been told is reminiscent of how mantises follow their prey.
They're asking if he's okay.
He scratches his reply out in Bugnish- "am fine" is not as eloquent as he would like, but he is limited in both space and time here. "need find friends", he scratches out, looking at the beetle and the... probably-a-moth.
Even with a relatively reduced sense of scent, he can smell their incredulity.
He is informed that the moth doesn't appreciate bugs lying to look tough in short order. According to them, he needs food and water and something else first- there aren't really enough moths in his Bandits for him to be terribly well-versed in this particular variant of sign, and he's not familiar with the last one they use.
He is still familiar enough to know what "you agree" looks like.
"cannot wait", he writes. They sign "you agree" with ever-so-slightly more emphasis. Admirable ethic, he supposes, but he still doesn't know how long it's been. He cannot afford to feed himself before his Bandits.
"i go now", he writes. He hauls himself to his feet, intent on marching through the wave of dizziness-
-and finds himself in the arms of the moth, blinking spots of black out of his eyes.
He strongly suspects that he will not win this argument.
He still makes an attempt at protest, pawing at their arms with suddenly-weak claws. They heft him with relative ease, saying something to their partner - he doesn't understand what, exactly, but he gets the gist of the concern. Considering their previous statements... this is not ideal.
He wishes, at times, that his selkie form was a big bigger. This is one of them. He does not have a particularly strong bite, nor does he have any means of utilizing the bite he has. Considering the situation at hand, this is very, very unfortunate for his prospects of finding his Bandits any time soon.
He still squirms as he is carted out of the hollow. He still snarls, making his displeasure known as sharply as he can manage. The rope burns pull painfully with nearly every movement he makes, leaking selkie-red blood all over the moth's front - he cannot quite bring himself to care, in the moment. He has business to do, he has bugs to attend to, he has an organization to run-
And unfortunately for him, none of these facts make him any less trapped in the eyes of a wayward silk moth and his charmsmith girlfriend.
[1] Peaceful Meeting, part of a cant script commonly used among the Bandit groups around Defiant Root. Signifies a place where bugs are to meet for a peaceful meeting - there is also a variant for a meeting where hostilities are to be expected, although it is most commonly used to overwrite the peaceful variant once a meeting has gone sour.
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realitybitesyouknowit · 4 months
Emerald Blood
by Kamerreon
If Harry Potter isn't going to be safe with the Light, then he'll just go over to the Dark.
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Everything, including the bride. WAIT, BRIDE?!
Pariah Dark had, much like in the afterlife, had been a tyrant ruler when he was alive. He ruled with an iron fist and despite having many trophy concubines (from conquests and others) he wanted his actual partner to have some intelligence. So he set up a magical puzzle box and whoever solved it would have the honor of being his 'Queen'.... That was all before he died of course and later forgot about the box when he set his conquering sights on the Infinte Realms.
But some things from the living can still count even in death.
So when Tim Drake found the box at his first and only archeologist dig site he was brought to with his parents and solved said box after sneaking off with it he unknowingly became the Ghost Kings 'bride'.... Unknowingly he dodged that huge bullet when years later Danny Phantom beat Pariah Dark in rites of conquest and gained everything under Pariah's name...
Including his future 'bride.'
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herearedragons · 1 month
can we talk about pillars of eternity rangers for a second. what do you mean I have such a strong bond with this animal that our literal souls have fused together and if one of us dies the other will likely follow
also? ghost heart rangers? what do you mean this animal loves me so much that it returned from THE AFTERLIFE to keep hanging out with me so that when we go we go together
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justheblueberry · 6 months
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handbinding of A Study in Scarlette by kittebasu
There are people who want to live forever, and then there is Shinichi, who just wants to live a little longer than this.
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this bind has been in my head since i first read the fic like, three years ago. i dreamed up so many ideas for it, for so long, and now it's finally done! the typeset was actually done in early 2022, back when i was still using google docs, but it went through a few iterations because i was just. so. fiddly. with every aspect of this book. it needed to be perfect (as close to perfect as i, an amateur bookbinder out of my depth, can get) and it had to be absolutely over the top, to reflect the insane amount of love and care that the author put into the fic itself.
the first time i read this fic, i barely knew what detective conan was, much less all of the intricate plot details; i was just along for the ride, but by the end i was completely invested. i went back and watched through the anime as well as a few movies (it took me six months) and then read the fic again. and then a few more times. kaishin and the world of dcmk has utterly gripped me. it's 100% this fic's fault and i love it so, so, much.
i went through a few iterations of visual designs and i'm really happy with the little details i managed to squeeze in.
the entire color scheme is based around red, because 1) it's a murder mystery, 2) for scarlette shinamoto (and the title of the fic as well as the original holmes novel it references), and 3) the irony of "lady red" actually being red. the secret fourth reason is that i think red/gold is a super sexy color combo.
i sewed the textblock with red thread to reference holmes' "scarlet thread of murder".
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another detail i love is the five yen coin bookmark, it was one of my first ideas and it turned out even better than i thought.
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i wanted the endpapers to evoke a sense of the white marbled floor of the ballroom, with the glow-in-the-dark kaitou kid caricature being the luminol on the floor, and the little pops of red looks like blood that's been mixed in. i lucked out in that the other side of the endpaper was like a lavender-purpley color, i like to think of it as a little wink wink nudge to the color of the actual Lady Red.
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the chapter pages got a few reworkings, but i'm happy with the illustrations i ended up doing for each of them. the chapter titles are one of my favorite things about the fic, each one has so much meaning packed into it and flows so beautifully, and i wanted to put as much care into making them pop as possible.
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the cover was a linocut carving i designed and carved, which i then printed onto the bookcloth, and ironed on htv on top.
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i also threw in a couple of my drawings of my favorite scenes.
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this is getting way too long, so i'll end it here. i'll have a separate post detailing the process every step of the way, if anyone wants to take a closer look. this fic is kind of directly responsible for getting me into fanbinding, so it's safe to say it altered the course of my life. i now spend way too much time (and money) looking at book stuff.
kittebasu, if, somehow, you see this and would like an author copy, i would be honored to make one and ship it to you; i would be overjoyed to gift you with any art i have the ability to make, because the fics you wrote have irreversibly altered my brain chemistry, and being able to give back in any capacity would be a dream. (thank you.)
a few postscripts:
i am not selling any copies of this fic. partially because i believe in the gift economy of fandom as well as firmly keeping fanbinding a hobby that will stay unmonetized, but also because it took me months (years, if we are counting when i first finished the typeset) to finish this and i do not have the strength.
however, if you are also a fan of this fic and would like a copy, i honestly, fervently, encourage you to give fanbinding a try! renegade publishing and its discord server are an absolutely wonderful and free resource. i knew nothing about bookbinding and had zero materials when i first started, but i've learned so much thanks to the lovely people there. if you're still apprehensive about getting started, i'd be willing to share my typeset of this fic as well as answer any questions about the making of this book if you DM me.
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ent-is-indecisive · 1 month
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id : a digital painting in dark tones with a golden and purple decorated border. steve is kneeling, bare chested, with his back to the viewer. He is wearing pearl shoulder jewellry and a big circle sigil is shining on the middle of his back and connected to magical binds around his torso, neck and wrists. the end of these ties are wrapped in eddie's hand. Eddie is seated on a wooden vanity dressed in black dress pants and a sheer shiny shirt, open halfway. He is also wearing a ruby necklace shining the same colour as the magic and reflecting in his eyes. /end id
Here is the drawing i sent off for the reverse big bang and that @viviseawrites made so much better ! We've mostly worked separately so I am just as excited as you all to go read "they gave you life, and in return, you gave them hell"
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once again remembering how a signed, first edition copy of Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce single handedly made little pre-teen me go from "wait these girls are kissing. can I read a book with girls kissing each other in it???" to "I aM Going to REREAD everY moment where Daja and Rizu exiST Together and Giggle The Whole Time", singlehandedly turning me gay forever
also singlehandedly setting the bar for breakups so high, like, excuse you having Daja keep a little portrait of Rizu to remember her by and be caught looking at it while riding home with her sibs is so freaking sweet, the empress wanting Daja to stay specifically just to make Rizu happy again is so sweet,
and them breaking up not because of a fight or from a lack of love but because they both have Other Things in their lives and those Other Things are just as important as being in love, and they're not bitter about each other for it?
Sad yes, hurt, heartbroken- but it wasn't the wrong choice to not choose each other in the end, and it wasn't the wrong choice to choose each other at the start. Like, damn. 12yo me's mind was BLOWN
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fahye · 1 year
A Power Unbound
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Secrets! Magic! Enemies to… something more? Jack Alston, Lord Hawthorn, would love a nice, safe, comfortable life. After the death of his twin sister, he thought he was done with magic for good. But with the threat of a dangerous ritual hanging over every magician in Britain, he’s drawn reluctantly back into that world. Now Jack is living in a bizarre puzzle-box of a magical London townhouse, helping an unlikely group of friends track down the final piece of the Last Contract before their enemies can do the same. And to make matters worse, they need the help of writer and thief Alan Ross. Cagey and argumentative, Alan is only in this for the money. The aristocratic Lord Hawthorn, with all his unearned power, is everything that Alan hates. And unfortunately, Alan happens to be everything that Jack wants in one gorgeous, infuriating package. When a plot to seize unimaginable power comes to a head at Cheetham Hall—Jack’s ancestral family estate, a land so old and bound in oaths that it’s grown a personality as prickly as its owner—Jack, Alan and their allies will become entangled in a night of champagne, secrets, and bloody sacrifice… and the foundations of magic in Britain will be torn up by the roots before the end.
Coming November 2023
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goatsandgangsters · 6 months
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this fundamentally changed me as a person
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maud blyth took one look at lord hawthorn, with all his determined callousness, arrogance, and withering sarcasm, went yesss, another big brother for maudie, and then set about making it happen whether he liked it or not
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grimoiregradient · 7 months
You're Iced Out
A hex for complete social isolation
Do you have a problematic coworker, a friend who always causes drama in your group, or just someone you think deserves to be lonely?
You Will Need
A large bowl
Three pennies or coins with faces 
A poppet 
Red yarn or string
A Taglock of your target
This Sigil
 “You’re Iced Out.”
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Step 1
Take the pennies and freeze them into ice cubes so that when they are submerged in water later, they can be arranged more accurately. 
Step 2
Prepare your bowl. Add a copy of the ‘you’re iced out’ sigil to the bottom of the bowl. Take the poppet, add your taglock. The heavier the poppet the better for this spell, perhaps weight it down with some rocks or sand.
Step 3
Arrange the coin/ice cubes in a circle in the bowl, make sure the faces are looking outward, toward the rim of the bowl. 
Wrap the body of the poppet in the red yarn. Reflect on the behaviors you wish to punish in your target. Then, unravel the yarn and place the poppet in the bowl between the ice cubes. Imagine them friendless, alone, and completely isolated from all support. No family, no friends, no coworks, no peers. They’re naked in the cold. Dunk the poppet in water so that it is completely saturated. (To ensure it doesn’t float to the top) Then, rub the entire body in salt. (Be careful not to burn your hands when handling ice and salt)
Step 4
Fill the entire bowl with water and leave to freeze. Ideally this will be kept in your freezer until you feel that the target has suffered enough and learned a lesson.
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georgiacooked · 10 months
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I recently finished reading @fahye's novel A Marvellous Light (first in The Last Binding series), and utterly adored it. Edwardian magicians, murder mysteries and romance. We love to see it!
I just had to have a go at painting Robin and Edwin!
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feuxx · 4 months
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Inspired by Lovely, lonely blooms for ashamedbliss <3
I've been wanting to draw for my lovely friend bliss and I finally managed to whip up something for her florist vampire!merlin fic. Pls check it out it's sooo good 🫶 actually pls read all of bliss's fics you won't regret it at all her whole repetoire is 🫶🫶🫶 all her words make me insane 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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nerdie-faerie · 1 month
I'm once again thinking about the missed opportunities to have Klaus and Kol bond more. Part of Klaus' whole motivation as a vampire is to get his werewolf part back and to finally be stronger than Mikael (sort of, I'm simplifying) both of which can be obtained by breaking his curse. But Kol? Kol is the only other original that can relate to having a fundamental part of themself ripped away from them. Klaus might not have known he was a werewolf until he killed, but he likely still had a connection he couldn't explain, as evident by him going to watch the wolves transform. And something he'd never been able to explain was now gone. He might only be able to realise the connection afterwards through its absence.
Kol though. Kol had grown up with magic, a connection to nature and the world around him in a way the rest of his siblings supposedly didn't have. And then he gets turned. And not only has his baby brother died, his father has just murdered him and the rest of his siblings after forcing them to drink human blood, which he'll later learn. Now, not only does he have to deal with the grief of Henrik's death and also his own but also the loss of his magic. A loss that's likely only worsened by Kol being a self-proclaimed child prodigy.
Kol is pretty much the only one who could understand what Klaus is going through with the binding of his wolf. We know Kol searched for ways to get his magic back/carry on practicing magic in the same way that Klaus was looking for ways to break his curse. While Klaus likely could still feel his wolf there despite being bound, Kol has no access to his magic anymore. I just think they should've been able to bond or connect over their shared loss of an intrinsic aspect of their selves at the hands of their parents
#TVD#The Mikaelsons#Kol Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#briefly back on my the originals shouldve gotten to be a family goddammit and as someone from a big family im personally offended bs#i did right a lil snippet about them bonding over this that i havent posted yet for the joml verse but still think its an unexplored concep#need more witch!kol acknowledgement honestly. just need more content of my boy#anyway. klaus having a fascination with the moon and kol telling him about celestial events and how it affects his magic when theyre boys#klaus losing that connection to the moon feeling lost & extra tempermental feeling his wolf claw at its binds and vowing to break his curse#kol determined to get his magic back at any cost relating to that devasting loss and promising to help him find a loophole for his curse#kol who becomes extra reckless and determined when he learns that theres a way to break klaus' curse so maybe he can get his magic back too#that knowledge and recklessness combined with his loss of magic driving him to become the volatile vampire that we see#that leads to him being daggered repeatedly but that first time breaks something in that bond between him & klaus that never fully recovers#it makes him bitter and resentful only fueling his reckless behaviour particularly when there seems to be no leads on reclaiming his magic#that he becomes distant from his siblings in the process especially with finn still daggered but that distance only cements the idea#to his siblings that hes a danger and cant be trusted that he needs to be daggered if theyre to stay safe from mikael#the loss of his magic leading to his spiral as a vampire and him being ostracised by his family > actual tvdu kol canon#klaus being trapped in a room staring at the corpse of his little brother knowing he never repaired that relationship with him#and now he never can so he refuses to look away as penance and a reminder of his failings to his little brother#*edit: one of the reblogs on this post is the author of big bad wolf and honestly she does an amazing job at portraying the mikaelsons#as actual siblings if you havent read it its one of my favourites for characterisations but we need more 😭 i want it to be the norm
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antaripirate · 4 months
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made this a couple months ago and forgot to post it🫢 (it’s so dumb)
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cloaksandcapes · 2 months
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These items are a bit more plot-related than something you'd want to use in combat. But I think they could be used in some very interesting ways by a DnD party to get information about a cult's deity, or perspective from a god. How far would a good party be willing to push though for the information they need?
Divine Bindings
Wondrous Item, very rare
“Two thick iron manacles whose chains are made of silver and gold. The manacles themselves have several divine runes and celestial language inscribed upon them.”
When these magical bindings are placed on a target they become restrained. You can then use an action to speak the command word causing the target to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, if they have a patron, extraplanar being, or god they worship, they become a conduit to that being. The being can hear what the target hears and speak through them. The target can survive having three questions answered through them. If any further questions are asked, each time the being speaks through the target, they gain one level of exhaustion. If the target succeeds on their Wisdom saving throw, they are immune to the effects of the bindings for the next 24 hours.
The bindings can be escaped from with a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check or a DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves' tools.
Join us on Twitch every Mon\Wed\Fri to create new Homebrews and check out our Patreon for 474+ magic items, tokens, maps, and more.
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