#maedhros is one of the least elf-like characters i know
deer-with-a-stick · 9 months
I've just realized that my favorite character in various things has never been an elf (unless you're talking about the Silmarillion) so... sorry Astarion but the only one breaking this streak is Maedhros lmao
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aipilosse · 10 months
Why Pengolodh of all people is able to stoke such rage within me on his behalf is so bizarre. Like, he's a non-character, a name and some facts Tolkien came up with in his carousel of in-universe authors to keep the layers of narration he loved, but the way he is maligned in this fandom is tragic.
I've touched on before that treating the Silmarillion as if it were written and relayed by a single author is entirely incorrect so I won't go into that here, and honestly I'm sure I've said this all before BUT
The idea that Penny is for some reason *least* suited to write most of the events of the Silmarillion is PATENTLY ridiculous, and I would challenge anyone who says that to a duel, either intellectual or physical (even in my current weakened state... Tulkas is on my side I cannot fail). First of all, the one place where nobody else knows anything about what happened is GONDOLIN, so I think if anyone is going to be writing about most of the events of the Silm, they either need to be from Gondolin or need to live in Sirion with survivors.
Yeah, Sirion! The place where not only are there survivors of Gondolin, but there are survivors of Doriath and Nargothrond AND any remnants of the Beorians, Hadorian, and Haladin. Like, I can think of no other place where the Mannish legends would be able to be recounted, and put on the same level, as the Elvish ones.
"But the Feanorians," you squall. "He's so *unfair* to them, and how could he know ANYTHING about them? That's why we know sooo little about the Feanorians and why they are soooo unjustly maligned."
Ok, first of all, ya basic. Second of all, HE HAS ACCESS TO FEANORIAN SOURCES TOO.
There is Celebrimbor, and all the other former followers of Curufin and Celegorm that could of course tell Penny what was up in Himlad and afterwards while he was in Gondolin. Also, there were probably Feanorians who lived after turning on Maedhros and Maglor during the sack of the Havens who could fill in what happened after The Luthien Incident. So, actually, Pengolodh had multiple sources to literally all of the essential events of the Silmarillion.
OH YEAH THE SACK OF THE HAVENS. Despite living through what is described as the worst atrocity of elf v elf, despite having people we KNOW were friends with him KILLED during that fight, despite having his home destroyed by fellow Noldor, he *really* gives Maglor and Maedhros every excuse. "they felt bad, they're so tired, love grew between them and their victims" etc etc. The Silm is sympathetic to the Feanorians and you can't convince me otherwise (you're not some crazy rebel because you like them!) (They are also Doomed by the narrative, but attributing that to an in-universe author requires getting into the territory of events that occurred not actually occurring and... what's the point if you're going to say that the things that the book is about didn't happen? why are you even here?)
I see people say that the bias is against the 3 Cs, Caranthir especially, which is an ABSURD statement to make in conjunction with the 'Pengolodh, sole conveyer of the Silm' theory. Like, Pengolodh most likely never met any of the 3 Cs or if he did he was very young -- why would he dislike them more than the brothers that massacred his friends? I think the theory here is that he's just such a huge Turgon fan and just absorbed Turgon's opinions on the 3 Cs, which is just conjecture on top of conjecture with no solid footing.
I think there is more credence to him being biased against Maeglin on account of the Fall of Gondolin. But, I ask you, is it really *bias* when the guy is partially responsible for the sack of the city you spent most of your life in and likely the deaths of most of your friends and relatives? And Maeglin too in the published Silm is not without his good qualities! If you hate someone, it can be very hard to admit they're handsome and smart, but Penny does not have that issue.
Anyway, justice for Pengolodh. You didn't write the whole thing, Penny, but what you did write was I'm sure fucking fantastic.
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camille-lachenille · 5 months
End of the Year Fic Rec
I was tagged by @echo-bleu and @dreamingthroughthenoise and it was very difficult to select only five fics for each category but here's my Must Read fanfics list, mostly Silmarillion but with a few LotR and one Hobbit. Also, I cheated at some point so you have one more fic rec as a treat
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
We will make this place our home by @leucisticpuffin
Summary: Elrond and Elros are sent to live with their distant cousins in a house that is crumbling slowly to pieces. They aren't especially happy about this. For Maedhros and Maglor, the twins are a rare chance to start living again.
Why you should read it: This is a whimsical, heartwarming yet bittersweet at times story about finding one’s place in a new world and what makes a family, grappling with the ghosts of the past and the pain of being a child left behind. Also the most exquisitely written modern AU (the style is just chef's kiss!) I’ve read so far, 100% recommend it!
Maglor is an Eldritch Horror by @thescrapwitch
Summary: After thousands of years singing to the sea, Maglor has become something strange and terrifying. But he still loves his family, and his family still loves him.
Why you should read it: Sometimes, family is a Half-Elf, his wife, their children, a shy and whimsical bard and the Eldritch kidnap grandfather who haunts the house; or how to write slightly creepy fluff. This series is pure heartwarming material and giving Elrond the happiness he desserves.
The Day the Horse-Lord wed the Lady of the Seas by @colinnoahmayhare (rated M)
Summary: After the War of the Ring, Lothíriel, Princess of Dol Amroth, finds herself at the receiving end of the search for peace and prosperity by being used as a pawn in an alliance made between kings and princes. Married to the King of the Riddermark, Éomer, she has to navigate being a foreigner in a foreign country, being a Queen to a King, and to learn to live and love with a man she hardly knows.
Why you should read it: This story is an intricate, gut wrenching exploration of what happens in Rohan after the War of the Ring, featuring delightful worldbuilding, lots of politics, revenge and honour. Now with Familial TraumaTM and Couple AngstTM for extra flavour!
And the Stars Shine the Same by @runawaymun (rated M)
Summary: After the Éothéod revolt against the Wainriders, the northern tribes seek to form strong alliances with their neighbors. Lord Frumgar tasks his son Fram to lead the delegation to Imladris. With him, he brings gold, fine horses, and two young thralls chosen by his father to be given to Lord Elrond himself. Elrond is conflicted to say the least.
Why you should read it: Do you like pre-canon Third Age history? Do you like worldbuilding about a few names from the Appendixes of LotR? Do you like found family and Good Dad Elrond? Do you like complex characters learning how to live with their traumas? This story is for you! (Just mind the warnings in the tags)
The ghost you dress up as (knows how to haunt) by @deadqueernoldor (rated M)
Summary: Maedhros was not the first Finwëan to be captured and taken to Angband, nor did he remain there the longest. Ranyatinwë, twin of Caranthir, was the first.
Why you should read it: Tinwë is such a complex character, 50% spite and 50% trauma, and this whole story is so, so promising already! (Really, you should read all the Strength of our Bonds series for extra unhinged, spiteful and unrepentant kinslayer Tinwë. I support women’s rights but in Tinwë’s case I firmly support women’s wrongs). This is pure post-Angband angstfest and dysfunctional siblings caring for each other in their weird way. If angst can be a comfort story, I found it.
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Life in Miniature by @thescrapwitch
Summary: Turgon uses his hobby of building cities to recreate Gondolin, this time on a much smaller scale.
Why you should read it: For re-embodied Finwëan rebuilding their relationships as they work together on a miniature city; a heartwarming and really nice metaphor.
Hearth Fire by @dreamingthroughthenoise
Summary: Findis and Feanor speak before the Flight of the Noldor and share in their grief the best they can.
Why you should read it: Because there are so few stories centered around Findis and her feelings about her family and this one is so interesting and well written. Also, Findis is my Blorbo and everyone should read about her until they're consumed by the Blorbo.
your veins are empty of dust by @echo-bleu
Summary: Anairë finds her late one day in her workshop, surrounded by slabs of stone larger than her. Nerdanel is hammering forcefully at one of them, the barest hints of an elven shape already taking form in the marble. Bitter, stinging tears run down her cheeks and into her collar, and her arms ache with exhaustion.
The body is only barely sketched, but the face is already chiselled, smooth curves and angular cheekbones.
Fëanáro emerges out of the marble, looking like he’s about to take life.
Why you should read it: For a heartbreaking dive into Nerdanel's grief, her friendship with Anairë and how Nerdanel's art becomes her way to cope with loneliness and grief.
see it fall, child of war by @swanmaids
Summary: Elwing's time runs out.
Why you should read it: Because these may be the 740 most impactful words I've read about Elwing since I discovered the Silm fandom.
soldier keep on marching on (waiting on that morning sun) by songofswiftsunrise
Summary: Boromir lives. The world is the smallest bit brighter for it.
Why you should read it: Do I need a more convincing argument than what the summary says? Boromir lives and everyone is happier. I love a good fix-it and this one is very well written indeed.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies.)
The Carpenter’s Son by Zimra (rated M, warning for rape/non-con)
Summary: An untold story of conquered Dor-lómin, in which an Easterling carpenter has a child by his Hadorian slave.
Why you should read it: This story explores in a very interesting way a par of canon that is almost never mentionned (except in the Narn). The main character is attaching and I really cared for her and her son. The hindsights in the slavers' minds are chilling with their realism and this whole story is just so well written. Also, it ends on a note of hope.
And what I am needs no excuses by aurembiaux
Summary: Sam has always been in love with Frodo. It's only that it takes him forty years to realize that he is.
Why you should read it: Probably the most heartwarming and relatable self-discovery story I’ve ever read; set in England from the WWII to the 80’s, with all the social changes that happened in this time period. Featuring Supportive Dad (and Friend) Sam as the main character and a whole bunch of introspection. One of my all time comfort read!
Mark of a Warrior by starryeyedknight
Summary: After the funeral for Theoden, Merry wakes up to a problem experienced by many a young man after a night of heavy drinking. The ink on his arm doesn't appear to be washing off… 
Why you should read it: This one shot explores the relationships Merry formed with the RIders of Rohan, the grief he has in common with them and how he found his place amongst the riders, all of this with delightful humour and lightness despite the initial situation.
Dancing with my punchlines by LiveOakWithMoss (rated M)
Summary: In which the sons of Fëanor throw house parties, the beer is terrible, 20-something hipster elves act like their drama is as bad as it is in canon, and macking on cousins is fair game.
Why you should read it: If you like a good old modern AU with tons of drama of various sorts, amazing ace representation and general Finwëans shenanigans, this is the story for you.
Old Maggie Took by @deadqueernoldor
Summary: The headcanon about Maglor, second son of Fëanor, lives hidden in the Shire? Yes.
Why you should read it: My ultimate comfort read series; featuring mouth-watering descriptions of food, kidnadopted fam and Maglor being an overgrown hobbit and trolling everyone in ME and Valinor. This is fluffy, this is silly, this is prefect.
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Dreams of Doom (rated M, warning for Major Character Death)
Summary: “She runs in the dark, alone. Where her feet carry her, she knows not, and her heart is heavy with dread. Someone - something - is watching her.”
Niënor from the moment she arrives in Brethil to her death.
Why you should read it: Because this fic is my firsborn child and I am insanely proud of it, especially since I went so out of my comfort zone to write it. It features two of my obscure blorbos and I poured my soul into it.
Ice Age(s)
Summary: Ice skating through the ages, from Idril learning with her grandfather to Elrond perpetuating the familial tradition.
Why you should read it: This is a fluffy fic, mostly, and it's also a gift for the amazing @echo-bleu. I also wrote it in a sort of trance in the middle of the night, passed out the moment I posted it and had no memory whatsoever of what I had written upon waking up in the morning, yet I still love this fic dearly.
I never wanted to walk in your steps
Summary: Tilda was ten, the same age Sigrid was at her birth, and her world was collapsing more than when Smaug had destroyed Laketown.
Why you should read it: Because I privately call this fic Hobbit angstfest. I took a sad, doomed ship and asked myself "how can I make it sadder?"
ar ámen apsenë úcaremmar
Summary: Few know of Findis the Faithful, eldest daughter of Finwë, who never lost hope for her family.
Why you should read it: I took my obscure blorbo and set her in a medieval-ish AU. It's sad and a little hopeful too and there's a lot of Quenya interspaced through the story.
Quiet morning in Gondolin
Summary: Idril and Eärendil spend some time together before the city wakes up.
Why you should read it: I'll put the link to the beautiful art that inspired this ficlet and let it speak for me.
And I tag everyone I tagged in this post who hasn’t already done this fics rec tag
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aroace-moron · 2 months
I wrote a story. You know the drill. Read it here or on ao3.
I know my friends and I should probably turn and run
Rated: M
Characters: Maglor, Maedhros, background Elrond and Elros, background Feanorians
Tags: Codependency, Unhealthy Relationships, Hurt no Comfort, emotional manipulation, oath of Fëanor, ptsd
1,151 words
Summary: Maedhros wants to finally retrieve the Silmaril. Maglor does not want to go. We all know how this story ends.
“Ambarussa,” Maedhros said, and Maglor lifted his hands to bury his face in.
“Ambaruassa, Tyelkormo, Curufinwë, Carnistir –”
Fire, limbs on the ground, no longer connected, and the high pitched absence of screams.
Maglor’s chest heaved with the sob he had been pushing deeper inside ever since the ash that had been Fëanor covered his body in a terrible wave of heat, and still he did not permit it to escape the cage of his brittle ribs. “I know,” he whispered. “I know.” 
The twins were sleeping in their room. They had eaten dinner together, Maedhros, they and he, and he had put them to bed, brushed his cold fingers over their small brows, hummed a lullaby just barely infused with a Song of Sleep – the twins rarely slept through a night without – and when he had opened the door to sit in front of the fireplace and wait for the morning, his brother had stood there. Maglor had not flinched from the looming, dark shape that was his brother. He had let him take his hand and let him lead him out the door of the ruin they had taken shelter in, let him sit him down on the broken staircase in front of the house. They had looked up at the stars – at that one, terrible star – for a while, before his brother had started to speak.
Maglor wished he had never started to speak.
“They have broken Angband.” Maedhros’ voice was toneless, as ever these days. “They have thrown Him into the void, and taken apart His crown.
“I know.” 
“Now is our chance.”
Maglor did not lift his face. He never wanted to move again. 
“Brother.” Maedhros carefully laid his hand on his knee, moving like he wasn’t quite sure how to be gentle anymore. Maglor made an odd, keening sound, and lifted his head. His brother’s eyes were still burning with that fire, with treelight warped. He shivered and told himself it was the cold.
“I know the Oath torments you as much as it does me. Perhaps even more.” 
Maglor remained silent. Maedhros took his hand.
“If we do not act now, the Silmaril will be lost forever! They will take them back to Valinor, and we will never see them again!”
Maglor averted his gaze.
“Do you not want to be free?”
He huffed something a liar might have called a laugh. It was a sharp, mangled sound. A lesser elf would have cut his cheeks on it, but Maedhros leaned closer, a nearly hopeful look in his hollow eyes. 
“Do I – Maedhros, what of the children?”
His lips curled in distaste, and he leaned away, but now it was Maglor’s turn to push in this eternal choreography of torment, and push he did. “What if we are caught? Where do we send them? Where in this terrible, terrible place, could they possibly be safe?” 
“They are hardly safe with you.”
“Well at least I did not abandon them to die!” Maedhros flinched. “At least I cared to –” 
“They are hardly children anymore! We have taught them everything they need to give them a chance to survive on their own.”
“They are only eighty –”
“If we wait for them to turn a hundred, the Host will long be gone! The Valar –” he spat the word like the curse it was “– will leave this world behind forever, and you know it, brother. They do not care for us. They have never cared.”
Maglor licked his lips. “Perhaps if we surrender,” he started, desperately, and spoke more swiftly as his brother’s eyes widened, “Perhaps they will release us – We might give them the children! We might, then you won’t have to teach them to fight, or, or Quenya, they would be gone, back where they belonged, it would just be us again! That’s what you want, isn’t it? If we give back the children, if we surrender, what if they take it away? Please, Nelyo, they might just take it away –”
Maedhros might as well have been a statue, cold and unmoving, the statue that their mother had prophesied he would be, well shaped indeed, but wroth and alight with a terrible flame that lit his soulless eyes from within. “By Illuvatar,” he said slowly, “We swore in our madness.” 
Maglor found he could not look away. 
“By Illuvatar we swore,” Maedhros repeated, “And called the Everlasting Darkness upon us, if we kept not our word. You think They can release us? You think They have the power to do so? I do not think They do. I do not think anything does.” 
And it was true, Maglor knew. He had ever known, from the moment the cursed words had fallen from his lips like rotting meat, he had known. But he was a liar, and he had always found it the easiest to lie to himself. Now, he had been found out, the lie was lifted and the gruesome truth uncovered, and he found he could barely bring himself to care. It was a relief, maybe, not to be forced to hold this battered shield up anymore. 
He looked into his brother's burning eyes. “If none shall release us,” he said quietly, “then indeed, the Everlasting Darkness shall be our Lot, whether we keep our Oath, or break it.” He paused, for a moment, willing the sob down again, then continued, nearly shakily. “But less Evil shall we do in the Breaking.”
Maedhros stood up abruptly. Maglor still stared at the place his eyes had been, just a moment ago, their mad, feverish light imprinted in his eyes, still there every time he blinked. For a little while, they stayed unmoving, as the sour wind brushed over the dead, yellow grass in front of the ruin of this house, that stood like the last blackened tooth in the ruined maw of a dying world. 
Go away, he begged him silently, Let me have this victory, just this once.
But his brother had never liked to lose. And so he spoke, condemning both of them for the final time. “Ambarussa,”he said, and Maglor wanted to scream. “Tyelkormo, Carnistir, Curufinwë,” there was no stopping him. “Father.” 
Maglor stared into the cold, dead night.
“They died for this,” Maedhros continued, ever merciless, ever unrelenting. “There are only two of the Stones left, Macalaurë.” Maglor nodded, though he knew his brother was not looking at him. 
“We deserve to have them. They are our birthright.” And then, because this place had turned his loving older brother into a cruel, empty shell of himself, he added: “Do you really want them to have died in vain?”
He left him, closed the creaking door and locked Maglor out, and Maglor sat, still and unmoving, staring up to that cursed Star. This was who he would go down in history as, he knew. The coward who could never say No.
I live for reblogs and comments.
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maeofthenoldor · 3 months
2,3 and 12 for Maedhros?
For this game here
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
So many things. I literally love everything about his canon, its what makes him such an intriguing and complicated character. But if I have to choose it would be his missing hand. I feel like we have a lack of disability visibility in our culture and seeing how Maedhro's injury affects him and how how he overcomes the physical aspect. It is especially amazing when a fanfic deals with this topic, showing how Maedhros deals with his trauma and how the physical scars are just as unhealed as the emotional ones.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
If you saw the last question, then you know its hard for me to decide what I dislike is that fact that he is not canonically the tallest! its his lack of canon that I dislike. I refuse to believe Turgon is taller then Maedhros because 7ft red-haired elf is stuck permanently etched in my brain. That man must tower over everyone at a family reunion, he must stick out like a sore thumb. Sorry Turgon, Relinquish your title.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Too many. I have too many. But I will share one that has been on my mind recently. Maedhros has tatoos that covers all of his scars he gained during his torture, and has inked all the names of the elves who were tortured alongside him in angband, and were killed. I imagine that in Angband he made a few connections with other captives, bonding over there trauma and trying to give them hope and rally themselves. They continued trying to live, trusting in there king. However all of them met a fate worse then death. Maedhros felt unworthy of being a leader after this, and was partly why he gave the crown to Fingolfin. He tattoos the names of his fallen comrades in remembrance.
Thank you for the ask!
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stitcherofchaos · 1 year
A Defense of Maglor
Maglor is my favorite character in the Silmarillion. I know there are people out there who loathe him and there are people out there who love him. I know he murdered, that is a fact. There is also the undeniable fact that he chose to take the oath and burn the ships. There is the fact that he was deathly loyal towards his family.
But I have to say this...
Whoever says that he turned around and became self righteous or delusional, clearly didn't read The Silmarillion as how it ought to be read. These are pretty darn bold words but the reason I like Maglor's character is because of two things.
1: He is fictional. I think if you use his name alone, you can misconstrued him subconsciously into a real life person (but I am going to use his name because saying ‘Maglor’s character over and over drives me nuts) the point is, this essay is about CHARACTER not a real person.
2. He raised Elrond into the elf we see/read in The Lord of The Rings. I'm pretty sure if Elrond was abused in any way by him, he would not be the same great elf lord. Not to mention Elros was a mighty and gentle king, as if I don't know who THAT'S reflecting.
3. He was the only son of Feanor to throw away a silmaril, and regret sorrowfully (now tell me if he is so 'self righteous' or 'delusional', why is he so sorrowful and regretful canonically?)
I had to say these things because Maglor hate makes me physically nauseous (and for pete's sake, I'm exaggerating). Now, you may think I am a hypocrite for taking one's perspective alone on a character so seriously. But I am a self made writer myself; I am not trying to force my opinion on anyone. But when someone misunderstands a character from how they themselves view them instead of seeing the character the the author intended to write, that bugs me greatly.
And yeah yeah, there are people out there who just don’t care and writer whatever that heck they want due to their fanon ideas….
Why don’t you go and write about your own character from those ideas and create your own story instead of leeching off from a famous author?
I like Maglor because the way Tolkien rewrote several drafts of the silmarillion to create characters into the way he saw them.
Maglor is not perfect, he is morally ambiguous at best and evil at worst, but who was the one who saw the Star of Earendil and had hope? The fact that he's not a perfect character or the 'good' or 'nice' son of Feanor is the reason I like him so much. Tolkien did say he inherited his mother’s more gentle temperament. Again, an ignored fact in canon.
At least I am not one of the greater hypocrites who gives his good traits to Maedhros and Maedhros's bad traits to Maglor. Is it because Maedhros is hot? You can be honest with yourselves. Everyone wants to find excuses for the handsome ones.
I don't find excuses for Maglor. Whether anyone in this site wants to admit it or not, finding excuses for a morally ambiguous character is a toxic trait. It is not a healthy way to go through life.
That being said…
Who has ever thought of the idea that Maglor's soul was ripped apart when he realized he was the enemy all along?
Tolkien was a Catholic first and foremost. I believe that when he wrote that Maglor could not withstand the pain of the silmaril, he meant the great spiritual pain of his soul being torn apart by the guilt and regret.
((I also have a headcanon that his body became a husk afterward and did eventually fade, it was like in a catatonic state where he could only walk and sing. Also, that you can hear his voice along the cliff sides or caverns of the beaches, he was known as the mighty singer, it's not because he's still around, but because of the eternal echoes that still haunt the beaches.) I like solid explanations before anything too abstract.)
Also, another thing. Who the heck thinks they themselves are self righteous enough to decide whether to forgive the feanorians or not? They are FICTIONAL. And besides, that's the Teleri's job. If someone asked me whether or not I would look Maglor in the eyes and forgive him. I would tell that person that I had no right because it was not my business. Some people hate Maglor/the feanorians so much to the point where you would wonder if they actually believe that they were personally effect by the feanorians. If you’re one of those people, please either get some therapy or touch some grass (I’m trying to be as gentle as possible so forgive me if I offended you).
The reason I like Maglor, it's actually a pretty deep and personal reason. But, who cares, it's not like he's real or that anyone else on this site cares about self preservation or privacy.
I read the Silmarillion during a darkplace in my life. So when I read about a character who was loyal, merciful, imperfect, ruthless, and regretful... I admired him. Someone who gave up his morals to protect and serve his family, that is admirable. Though his loyalty should have been with his morals, it was still fierce and bright like any son of feanor, or any more so than any of his brothers.
I like him, because he taught me what you should do in times of hardship and crisis and what you should not do, which is basically what I was going through during that time, and even now. That is, despite circumstances, remain hardy and stick to your morals because doing so will give you a prosperous ‘harvest’. Stay close to your family with loyalty and charity, but be wary of the family members who use or manipulate you, get out of that kind of situation. Like imagine you have a ‘Fëanor’ parent. Would you rather live with him or your ‘Nerdanel’ parent? Make a better choice than the choose of those seven brothers. They chose wrong and it lead to their deaths.
Tolkien wrote stories to create, and to teach. I don't see why I should ignore these values instead of appreciating and learning from them. It's the reason why I prefer to look at Maglor's character and learn from him rather than hate or search for reasons to hate him.
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solmarillion · 11 months
9, 16 and 19 for the violent asks? :3
choose violence ask game
worst part of canon everyone knows about the sexism, but the racism is definitely the worst. even beyond tolkien himself calling orcs "the least lovely mongol-types" and designating them as acceptable for the heroes to kill, you have entire groups of humans and elves who are othered and marginalized in similar ways, even worse when they're associated with "darkness" and described as "swarthy" in skin tone.
you have the dunlendings, the easterlings, the southrons, and the haradrim for men, all aligned with the enemy and given african and/or asian characteristics. the peter jackson films only make this worse by making the haradrim soldiers caricatures of asian people, and i worry that war of the rohirrim is going to do the same thing. the numenóreans on the other hand are given divine blessing, and their royal line descends from a union between a man and an elf, enriching the lineage. even though some of the numenóreans are evil, that doesn't erase that emphasis on bloodline that becomes so important to aragorn's story later, as the same royal lines are reunited once more when aragorn marries arwen.
for the elves, it's a bit different, but the hierarchy is still present. the avari are mentioned very little, and one can assume the elves caught by melkor to become the first orcs (if you go with this particular origin story) were avarin. you also have the silvan elves, and tolkien straight up says their culture was erased by the sindar who colonized their lands. the nandor barely get any mention, except when denethor and many of his people die in the first battle of beleriand, and saeros, who is a villain in túrin's story and dies a humiliating death. the "high elves" are those who have seen the light of the trees, and they are ranked above all the others. they control the narrative, and as a result we know very little about these other groups of elves, who are props in the story to be ruled over.
all of this definitely stems from tolkien having benefitted from colonialism, as his viewpoints were shaped by that experience. colonizers like galadriel and finrod get their actions handwaved away because they act "for the greater good"- but it's certainly NOT good that the petty-dwarves lose their home and die out completely. you can't just ignore all of the racism in the text, because it informs every derivative work. while i am white, and i can't speak authoritatively on these issues, we need to make it the norm to discuss them openly without being accused of "attacking tolkien", so we can make this fandom safer for people of color.
you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) i don't get why so many people try to make maedhros so reserved, overly sensitive and whiny. i get he's a tortured redhead and it's fun to ship him with his pretty half-cousin but he has a canon personality, you know.
you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like… thingol as a character. the lay of leithian rock opera did it to me, it's not my fault
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The Rings of Power Should have been a sitcom
I love the second age and I feel like if it had been turned into a workplace sitcom like Brooklyn Nine Nine or the Thick of It it would have been incredible.
That’s the theme song that plays over an intro that shows all the characters in battle mixed up with going through there everyday life in court.
They could have a running gag of everyone being sort of terrified every time Galadriel comes to visit. Gil Galad scrambling to make it look like they have everything under control so she doesn’t decide to intervene. She is politically at least a few millenia ahead of everyone and has a tendency to talk to them like their exceptionally smart children. She is involved in power plays with everyone simultaneously and is usually winning.
The Gil Galad who’s the father joke is brought up frequently. Elrond seems to know something but he’s not talking. After several episodes it becomes apparent that Gil Galad hasn’t got a clue. Almost very week they will be trying to convince everyone that it’s someone entirely different. They once suggested Oropher.
Elrond refers to every single person by varying familial titles on different days. Some days he’ll start calling Gil Galad brother and people will be thinking, shit is our king a Feanorian, and the next he’ll be calling him uncle. He does this the most with the Numenoreans and makes them all very uncomfortable because why is this random elf acting like we’re at a family reunion? They generally think that elves just have weird diplomatic customs.
Elrond and Celebrimbor having really disturbing feanorian inside jokes that freak everyone out. Elrond just generally has a sense of humour that freaks everyone out. His occasional jokes about his childhood just make everyone more and more concerned because they really don’t know as much about him as they should. The aggressive throwing of knives at family trees doesn’t help.
The worst kept secret in Middle Earth is that Maedhros and Fingon were together. ‘Elrond you can’t let the minstrels play a song implying the high king and the leader of the Feanorians were fucking!’ ‘But they were!’ ‘That’s not the point!’
They keep trying to hide Elrond and Celebrimbor’s Feanorian loyalists in the closets whenever Galadriel’s around.
No one is straight. They are the queer friend group. Elrond and Gil Galad spend so much time flirting most people assume they’re together. It is occasionally alluded to that Galadriel may have had a thing with Elrond’s great great grandmother. This is never addressed.
On the rare occasion where they all work together they are unstoppable. Galadriel intimidates, Gil Galad charms, Celebrimbor knows a guy and Elrond is probably the heir to their throne.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Oh goodness!!! So happy requests are open!!♥️
Could I please request a fic (or HC, up to you!) Maedhros x Human!reader who is physically and verbally affectionate? She might or might not use her people's language,which Mae doesn't speak, to call him affectionate names cuz she'd like not to overwhelm him!
sorry if this was too spesific !🥲♥️
My little light
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characters maedhros x female reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n @nolderinpainter i twisted it up a bit - I hope you like! thank you for requesting please enjoy - love you lots <;/3
"Mae— my love?"
You coaxed gently— and pecked his furrowed brow.
You needed to climb on the chair beside to do so— sometimes you hated his height because you were very short compared to him.
He suddenly cleared his throat— a small blush— then straightened the letter he was reading.
"Y/N. . ."
Even year into your courting— Mae found your affections— a little overwhelming. Elves barely involved themselves in physical affection.
But this is who you were— he couldn't ask you suddenly change yourself.
But in all honestly— as overwhelming as they were— they destressed him.
Mae didn't how react to them— and other than that it was rather easier to grow accustomed to it.
Maybe that was because you toned it down a little— or started using words in your language.
He tried to learn your language— but with the oath and your safety being in the forefront of his mind— he didn't get the time.
"Melda. . ."
He whispered— not taking his eyes of the letter from one of brothers.
You placed a hand on his hand— and slowly caressed it— you wanted to release his tense muscles.
But when you felt him grow more tense— you quickly withdrew your hand and looked how at your fingers in shame.
Sometimes— you couldn't help it.
Your prince— he just looked so handsome. . . beautiful— you couldn't resist touching him or showering him with compliments.
Maybe it was your own insecurity?— A tall undeniably handsome Nolder prince courting a fragile little human like you?
Sure— you had some warrior skills— but you definitely weren't anywhere close as Haleth— at least from what you heard of her.
So out of all the beautiful elleths and woman— Maedhros the crown prince of the Nolder from the line of Feanor still chose you.
"Sorry. . . Mae. . ."
You said and ended with an endearment from your language.
It was then— Mae placed the letter back on the desk and turned to you.
"What is it, Y/N, meldanya?"
He asked you— then hesitantly coming to hold your hand.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. . ."
At first you were unsure— and left your hands unmoving on your lap— so your lover took the liberty of taking your small hands in considerably larger hands.
You loved comparing the sizes on your hands— your tiny hands easily slide into his palms, and he was easily maybe to close his fingers around them— and hold and shelter them tenderly.
You lovingly caressing his soft but large rough looking hands— oh how many times has these hands wielded a sword and went through battle.
But despite that— he was still able hold you with a tender care.
"Melda. . . I understand humans are different to —but that does not mean your affections are ill to me. They comfort me— they really do— I just. . .— I do not know what to do in return. . ."
He sighed— Mae watched your trace patterns smoothing on his hands and tried to follow.
"You know how much they— and you mean to me. . ."
He whispered— and smiled when you kissed his knuckles.
"You don't have to give me anything in return, Mae— I just hope you know that you're loved by me."
In all honesty— you knew you wouldn't reach eternity with your beloved elf— so you wanted to give him as much love as possible before you passed.
You knew the horror the oath brought him— you hoped you could shed a little light on his life through your care.
The lost his father and one of his twin brothers already and he had to leave behind a beloved and kind and courageous mother— his pain was great.
He spoke of Valinor to you— but as time passed it grew rarer and rarer— it was almost a distant memory— faded.
"I do— . . ."
He repeated the phrase you used from your language— and you laughed.
He frowned— but his smile didn't drop.
His firey blue eyes gleamed at the sound of your laughter.
"That means my prince!"
He laughed.
"Then what's my princess?"
"Am not a princess. . ."
You laughed.
Mae crouched and placed his head on your forehead.
"But you're mine. . . my little light. . ."
"Always. . ."
You promised— even though the both of you knew it was not to be— but right now it didn't matter.
The moments you had mattered— the moments you shared and took him away from the oath— gave him peace, hope and somewhere to grief.
That's why he couldn't ask for someone better. . .
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form for taglist
tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @wandererindreams @spidergirla5 @aeonianarchives
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine being there to witness everything and watching your beloved die
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(Well, this is almost an series forth headcanon. I do love some angst in stories, but this one was sad one to write, so be aware of the warnings)
Requested by anonymous
Warnings; ANGST, violence, goes a lot with the canon, doomed love and doing nothing to save the day. Angst level cruesome. 
- You know how the story goes. You loved every Tolkien’s work, the most favorite being the lord of the rings and the hobbits. However, you did not expect to get thrown into the same world at the point where it all began. 
-You have read Silmarillion and know its deep history, so you know how it all went. You did not know how to react because the first age was all about war and bloodshed over three jewels everyone was obsessed with having. 
-Meeting the valars and the infamous elves was something, so those parts were exciting, at least. 
-Most of the time, when someone gets suddenly transported to another world. It was either mysterious or reincarnation, like in every fanfic and novel you managed to cross.
-Surprisingly, you had a purpose in Arda. 
-There was a voice who asked you to record history firsthand, then you woke up in the gardens of Lorien with an empty book in your hands. 
-The valars were uncertain when you spoke about your situation to them. You were a human and appeared out of nowhere. They did conclude the mysterious voice who brought you to Arda was Eru himself. 
-They believed your story, but since humans were not supposed to awaken yet. They made you wear enchanted earrings that helped you to appear as an elf to the firstborn. 
-They then gave you a tour around Aman and allowed you to walk freely. 
-It was exciting because you had the chance to meet all the famous elves from the books like Galadriel, Fingon, and Finrod. Well, the whole Finwean house itself. You even bore witness to the family drama between Fingolfin and Feanor himself. 
-Feanor was scary as hell. He always looked like he always had a scowl on his face and appeared as Noldor prince should, but surprisingly he was pretty chill when you went to meet him with a Vanyar noble, who also acted like your guide. 
-He was respectful and welcoming, which was a surprise when you know what he would later do for his most prized creations. You used to think of him as a bit self-centered and arrogant for a character, so it was a lovely surprise that he might have been an average person until the grief and loss of the silmarils got him. 
-However, the scowl always returned when any of his half side of the family was around. You did not know why, but it was funny to watch. It was like their existence was a war crime against his life. 
-You didn’t have much to do in the beginning and had no idea what to write since you knew what would happen in the future. You chose not to write anything about the future because you didn’t want to change the course of the story. Even the tiniest change could change the story drastically, so you desired to avoid that. 
-Living as an elf was fun for a while, but it got boring pretty quickly. 
-You sometimes wrote things you saw in events, but sometimes you simply wrote stuff like you saw a squirrel one day. 
-The elves were also too refined and collected. You missed human things like wild parties and shenanigans without too many rules. 
-Maybe you were too human for an elf. 
-Also, your earrings were itchy as hell. You have several times almost removed them in front of elves till you remember you’re not an elf, which was troublesome because you were not used to wearing earrings 24/7. 
-It almost happened again when you were chilling in a local garden, and your ears itched like lice. You tried to make sure no one was around and tried to scratch the spot until someone suddenly appeared out of thin air, scaring the soul out of you. 
-It was awkward, and the special someone was the red-haired prince Maedhros or Nelyafinwe Maitimo since Maedhros was his sindaring name. 
-He smiled in embarrassment and apologized for the scare. You were scratching your ears quite aggressively, and he heard you curse like a sailor, so he was curious if you were alright.
-You quickly assured him everything was alright and told him you just had itchy ears. 
-To your surprise, he was fully aware of who you were from a party you once attended with the Vanyar. You looked nothing like the golden-haired people, so he was curious to meet you. 
-You told him your made-up background as an elf, then the conversation flowed from there like a breeze. 
-He was super sweet and knew how to keep the conversation going. 
-You know how to talk with people, but you felt shy around him and couldn't help but just listen while he spoke. 
-You almost couldn't believe this tall redhead was this innocent and kind before all the atrocities his house would later commit for the sake of the oath. 
-You thought it was going to be one time encounter, and he kind of gave you a nickname, the itchy-eared maiden. It was an embarrassing nickname. 
-However, you started meeting up much more and hanging out like two casual friends. 
-You learned a lot about his family and brought you to meet some, especially Fingon, who was super friendly. 
-You liked hanging out and going out with him, but then you realized something. You had an actual crush on this elf. 
-Sure, you might have simped for some fictional characters in life, but since you were actually in Arda and got to know him as a person. You knew it was real. 
-It was wrong since you know how the story goes, and you promised not to tamper with it by including yourself, but you couldn't help but feel conflicted since Maedhros continued being sweet, and you just adored that aspect of him since he was like that with everyone. 
-You hoped it was temporal, so you decided to have a little break and excuse you were busy with other things. 
-Maedhros was understanding when you said you had some business and wished you well till you see each other again. You felt bad because you were technically avoiding him. You did not want to lie, but you had to. You can’t utterly fall in love with him. Even though; you most likely already have. 
-He just made it worse by telling you you could count on him if you had troubles with your business. 
-You left quickly, trying to think through your feelings for him. 
-You stopped at Alqualonde, and some of your friends there didn’t make it easy when you revealed your feelings for someone. They kept encouraging you. 
-Your crush calmed down a little because you told yourself that he might think of you as a good friend, not a possible lover. 
-However, he didn’t make it easy when he started sending letters to you, asking how you were doing and keeping you updated on his family drama. It was falling hard for feelings all over again. 
-You were stupidly in love with him. It turned out to be a grave mistake because you realized too late that the events of the Silmarillion were taking place. 
-You agreed to meet with Maedhros one day and catch up. You dumbed on a strange tall man, and when you saw him, you almost froze. 
-You had seen a lot of descriptions and fan art about the dark valar, but seeing him with your own two eyes was something else. 
-Melkor was tall and eerily beautiful in his way, but the way he spoke left you to have goosebumps. And you almost shivered because he looked like he knew something was strange about you, especially when he asked about your book. 
-Luckily, Maedhros came to the rescue and helped you leave the conversation and leave the dark Vala's sight. 
-You panicked when Maedhros told you Melkor had been free for a while, which meant the story had started.
-It took all your willpower to have a panic attack. Things were about to go down, and you didn’t take notice because you were too busy living your life in this world. 
-Maedhros sensed your distress and comforted you. He thought you were afraid of Melkor, so he tried to assure things were okay. You appreciated the effort. But you were not certain about accepting his affection when you knew what was coming. 
-You watched from the side when things started to go down. The family drama in the house of Finwe became dire, and you were there when Feanor threatened Fingolfin with a sword. 
-Maedhros tried to offer his comfort from time to time, but his family got banished for a while, and the pressure almost became too hard to handle since he stopped sending letters. 
-You returned to Alqualonde, trying to calm your nerves. You even begged Eru to send you back to your world because you didn’t want to witness what was coming.
-You wrote everything in the book, but it didn’t ease the ache and fear for the future. 
-You went for a walk one night to calm down your nerves and admire the stars. It helped for a moment until everything went dark. 
-It was pitch black, and you couldn’t see anything. Luckily, the stars showed enough light then the realization hit you. It's the darkening of the trees. 
-You were alone, so it was terrifying, especially when you saw the giant spider and Melkor with the silmarils in his hands. It was like a force struck you down because you couldn't move when you saw them. 
-Luckily, they didn’t notice you, so you were left unscathed. You couldn't say much about Finwe thought. 
-The fear left you frozen for a while, but you managed to get yourself free and return to Alqualonde. 
-However, what you saw next were fire and blood. 
-Maedhros stood among the fire, blade in his hands, coated with blood. You recognized many faces that lay around him, dead. 
-You felt like deer in headlights because you got frozen with shock. You have never seen death before, so your body wasn’t reacting well. 
-Maedhros tried to catch your attention, trying to make an excuse, but when he took hold of your arm. You panicked and started struggling in fear. You pushed his face away with the blood of his victims and ran away when you got free. You ignored his calls and just ran. 
-The aftermaths weren’t pretty. You remained hidden with a couple of Teleri and helped them when things calmed down.
-There were so many dead. You felt awful because some were your friends and neighbors. They never did anything wrong, so they didn’t deserve it. 
-Fingon found you mourning in the street. You told him about Maedhros, and he felt awful because he and his father helped the feanorians with the conflict. He almost broke down because you lived in the city and most of the Teleri were your friends. 
-You didn’t honestly blame him because you knew what would happen next. Fingon was at least kind enough to help you bury your telerin friends. 
-Even though; you shouldn't have. You decided to join the journey through Helcaraxe after burning the ships. The event didn’t surprise you, but you did wonder what Maedhros thought as he watched his family burn the stolen ships. 
-The journey through the icy wasteland was brutal, more horrific than in the books. 
-You watched as Turgon’s wife died, leaving him with their only child. You watched as the elves struggled and died from the cold, and they couldn't do anything to avoid it than curse Feanor and his sons. 
-You tried to hold on to good memories with Maedhros, but it wasn’t easy. 
-You took time to rest and record everything when you finally reached Middle earth. The sun was finally born, so you embraced the day. 
-Fingolfin’s people were tired and pissed with the feanorians. You couldn't blame them. You were angry and hungry as hell. 
-You weren’t surprised when they told Maedhros had been captured. It was going to happen, but it didn’t stop you worry about him because Angband was an evil place. You didn’t want to imagine the tortures he would suffer. 
-You gave Fingon a hint when you caught him sneaking out to save Maedhros. It wasn’t too revealing. You said you just made some investigation about Angband. 
-Fingon was grateful and returned with Maedhros upon the great eagle. 
-You avoided confrontation until you got worried about him when he received backlash for giving up the crown and being a former thrall. 
-He looked broken, so you mustered the courage to talk to him. 
-Maedhros didn’t look you in the eye when you arrived. He only asked why you followed. You saw what he did to your home. 
-You did not know the answer. Your task was to record the history that was about to happen, but at this moment, you were just worried. 
-His eyes were filled with guilt when he turned to look at you. It broke your heart to see that, so you just stayed with him, offering comfort and company like all those years ago. 
-You didn’t see each other often. Maedhros was busy with his duties, and you continued writing down everything in the book. 
-You would spend time together, drinking and talking. 
-You kept him informed and sometimes used dry humor to describe how cruel and stupid his father was to abandon a loyal addition to the army just to spite his half-brother for one final time. 
-Maedhros allowed you to talk like that because he agreed and felt even more guilty when you told everything that happened in Helcaraxe. 
-You sometimes helped him with his hair since he had trouble with one hand. It was to help him relax, and you enjoyed the calm silence it would bring. 
-Maedhros was hardened, but he was still that sweet elf you met in the garden all those years ago, and your still existent feelings didn’t make your situation easy. 
-You tried to avoid your feelings, pushing yourself to be an unimportant character who technically doesn’t exist to anyone. 
-However, you noticed some things about Maedhros. 
-He was more gentle with you than anyone else and didn’t refuse anything when you asked him for little favors. Fingon does it too, and he was the high king.
-He said he didn’t have the right to refuse anything from you after what happened. When he wronged the Teleri, he wronged you, so he was willing to do anything you wanted. 
-You would have thought it was sweet, but it was just sad because the Teleri deserved the compensation, not you. 
-Things didn’t look up when the battle of the unnumbered tears finally happened, and you lost Fingon. 
-You can still remember the moment when you hugged him one last time before the battle because you knew it would be his last.  
-You wished you could have done something because the pain was unbearable when Maedhros brought back his mangled body. 
-You wished you could have done something, but you didn’t want to change the timeline. It would have been too dangerous and unpredictable. 
-Maedhros turned for the worse, and you tried to support him, but it wasn’t enough. 
-You wished you could have interfered and stopped him from making the worse mistakes, but you kept telling yourself you couldn't because it was not in your right to change anything.
-You watched as he killed more elves for his damned oath and everything just went wrong.
-You stopped talking for a while because you focused on trying to help raise Erenion because he was the last thing you two had from Fingon. 
-Maedhros sometimes sent letters, asking how you two were doing and if someone was causing you trouble. Nothing else. 
-You tried asking yourself why you kept forgiving and seeing him, knowing his fate was near. Maybe because of your feelings. Because you still loved him and hoped there might be an alternative ending.
-The day finally arrived, and you met little Elrond and Elros. 
-They looked innocent, and you never imagined meeting the lord of Rivendel when he was just a little child. Pure yet subjected to violence at such a young age. 
-You already knew the explanation Maedhros and Maglor were going to give you, so you just tried to welcome the little twins with open arms. 
-It was peaceful for a while. The twins warmed up to you quickly and enjoyed all the stories you had to offer. They were just the sweetest beings in the world. 
-You and Maedhros barely talked at first, but he slowly opened up and apologized for failing everything. You wanted to forgive him but couldn't. 
-You and Maedhros sometimes stayed all night, admiring the stars and drinking something warm with blankets. You two sometimes talked about better things that could have happened. 
-It was peaceful, and your little group started to feel like a family. You hoped things would have turned out well in the end, but they didn’t. 
-Maedhros and Maglor decided to give the twins to you and go for the last silmarils. You knew begging would do nothing, but you asked Maedhros to consider and not leave you.
-He looked at your tear-struck eyes, stepping closer to cup your face as you both looked into each other’s eyes for the last time with sadness and guilt. 
-He whispered words in forbidden Quenya and apologized one last time because he would not be able to fulfill your wish this time before placing a gentle kiss upon your forehead. 
-He then left. 
-You watched as he stole the silmaril and jumped into the fiery pits of the earth. You watched as Maglor threw the silmaril into the sea and vanished to forever lament the wrongdoings of their house in regret. 
-You were glad for them since the oath was finally gone, but it didn’t heal the pain of knowing you could have done something, yet you did nothing to spare them from this fate. 
-You sat upon the cliff, gazing into the ocean as the book lay on your lap. The first age was over, so you were finished. You begged the voice to let you go home, but no answer came from heaven. 
-You finally broke after hundreds of years. 
-Years of watching from the sides and watching the one you love kill himself finally got to you. You got left with nothing but a task you did not want in the first place and earrings so you could appear as a fake elf. You did not belong in this world, so why couldn't you leave?
-You did not move until Elrond and Elros came looking for you. They sensed your distress like it was their own, but to their shock, you revealed your ears and told them the truth of your existence. 
-You expected them to hate you because that’s what you deserved. However, the two forgave you. Elrond asked you to live because you were all they had left, and it broke you because they were also all you had from Maedhros. 
-Your pain did not heal. You had difficulties finding joy, but you mustered the strength to continue because you couldn't bring yourself to leave Elrond and Elros. The two needed someone to support them, so you decided to be at least that to them. 
-You hated Eru for giving you this task as you found no reason to smile anymore. You hated yourself, and you had no power to change anything. Maedhros was gone, and you remained.
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polutrope · 1 year
Daeron and Maglor, naturally
Well promising I'd be brief was a mistake. I've tried.
one aspect about them i love
He's the best at what his people (the Teleri) are best at (music) but he's *also* a loremaster and inventor. Daeron as Telerian Fëanor agenda.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
He's a sympathetic character.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
He was born in the time the Teleri were waiting for Thingol to return. His parents were not great parents, and he was also very in love with the land, so he decided not to follow them when they left with Olwe. Thingol (his patron) and Melian (his teacher) are somewhat of parental figures for him. His parents were killed in the First Kinslaying, though he never learns this.
Because he never sails west (unless it suits me to write that he does lol).
one character i love seeing them interact with
Maglor, obviously 😁. But also Lúthien. Honestly I'll take anyone, he doesn't get enough fic.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Melian. Ainu and minstrel, it's perfect. Last I checked Hearken Still Unsated is the only fic tagged Daeron & Melian (not that others don't exist... even in Hearken it's a secondary relationship but I do think it's an important one).
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
His relationship with Melian is complicated. She taught him but he never completely trusts her or the Ainur generally. He loves and respects her and Thingol, but he's too smart not to question authority.
one aspect about them i love
At least for me, he represents the ability to make a different choice: pitying and raising Elrond and Elros, breaking the oath (even if he doesn't - or does he?), casting away the Silmaril; to walk away, to let go, to keep living. If I may quote myself:
“For how many years," Maglor asks, "have we two listened for the echoes of the Music of Creation in the oceans and lakes and rivers? And yet we will never be sated. Like the water in which they say it lives, the Song does not rest but ever moves and changes. It cannot be known. It is the same for all who call Arda home, whether Elf or Man or any other creature that lives. Even, I think, for the Ainur. It may pool in a great lake for an age and then pour down into the Sea in another. It fills whatever spaces it can and flows by whatever paths most easily open before it.”
Moonlight paints a white line down Daeron’s neck as it turns towards him. “You do not believe then that all was sung to completion before Time?”
“Perhaps. I don’t know. I have given up on the desire to know.”
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
He's a warrior. He's terrifying. He's "commander gold-cleaver". His songs are probably almost all about glorifying the great deeds of the Noldor, even when they are laments. (Highly recommend the last addition to this post!)
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
He tried to be an inclusive and collaborative leader with his brothers during Maedhros' captivity, which ended up being a disastrous approach to crisis management so he never secured formal authority as leader of the Fëanorians. Basically a 30-year leadership crisis. Thus their inability to accomplish much.
He never sails west. His disembodied voice is still here 😉.
one character i love seeing them interact with
Daeron, of course.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Finrod. I don't care if this relationship has very thin canonical support, I just like them together in all modes. It's thematically satisfying and also hot.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
With almost everyone he's very confident (read: a cocky little shit) but he loses this around Maedhros, especially after Thangorodrim. They love each other but it's not the healthiest relationship. They are quite capable of bringing out the worst in each other. I'm a supporter of the Maglor and Caranthir being close agenda. I think hanging with Caranthir is much more relaxing (for both of them) and they often do during the siege years.
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elithilanor · 1 year
Blog Update:
So I feel like as a silm and lotr fandom community, we’ve more or less collectively agreed that elves (and dwarves etc) are pretty queer in sexual orientation and usually falling along the pan/bi range with at least sexual experiences if not marriages. Also, I feel most of us who write are queer or at least pro-lgbtq/allies.
However, the majority of the fics - in general and insert elf(ves) x reader - are cishet pairings. And if they aren’t cishet, it’s cis mlm (which is why I absolutely adore how much trans Fingon and Maedhros exist).
Of course, just because a pairing is cishet doesn’t mean the characters themselves are (as in, Elrond is still bi regardless even if he’s having sex with a cis woman or not), but as a non-binary afab sapphic person I’m tired of not seeing more trans and enby and sapphic and ace representation. As in, visibly queer elves and their pairings.
And I originally started this sideblog to have more of that, not less.
I’m going to finish out any requests I have already along cishet veins and any NSFW alphabet requests since I usually do reader gender neutral anyway, so don’t worry about that. And Haldir and his OFC wife will probably be around to a certain extent because I kind of love her, but overall moving forward I’ve made the decision to only write visibly queer fics, imagines, etc. Eg, at least one person being gender neutral or trans or it being a non-het pairing. I may make exceptions for some polyamorous fics because that’s outside typical societal constraints, as well.
I will probably make some exceptions if someone reaches out for something specific or for a personal choice, but I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. It’s just that the majority of what I write will be visibly queer.
If you’re offended, you may want to take a look at why you’re offended. Positive representation matters, especially in a world where queer people are being increasingly persecuted and hate-crimed if you weren’t already where they live.
And again, I’ll finish out any cishet requests and I will make occasional exceptions (idk maybe it’s your birthday ya know), so please reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss.
Stay safe, stay strong, and as always (no matter the time of year): Happy Pride.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions and I’ll do my best to address them. Thanks and Happy Holidays! ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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If you’re curious, some things I’m currently working on:
NSFW Sapphic Alphabet Tauriel
NSFW Arwen’s wife getting revenge for all her teasing
NSFW Galadriel absolutely ruining a sub with her strap
SFW Arwen and her wife relaxing in the gardens
And honestly, I love a trans and/or non-binary Haldir so I may not even change much there
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imakemywings · 1 year
Character asks: Fëanor and Maedhros
Character Ask Game
Oh thank God I was about to open a study module. Better do this immediately instead.
one aspect about them i love
This is a trick question, I love everything about Feanor, even the things I hate about Feanor.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
This is hard. I feel like the fandom often falls into either a) Feanor did nothing wrong and is a victim of everyone around him; or b) Feanor did everything wrong and is actually evil and intentionally malicious.
I don't think either of these is accurate? Feanor is a very gray character--for instance, we never know how much of his later behavior is due to Melkor's influence and how much was just Feanor being Feanor--so I don't think it's possible to put him squarely in either camp. However, I think that overall Tolkien intended him to be a sympathetic character (although I think the only ones to blame for his behavior are himself and Melkor), and the second prophecy of Mandos--which involves Feanor willingly breaking the Silmarils to restore the Trees--suggests to me that at least Feanor does learn from his mistakes in Silm.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
So many honestly...I like the idea of his being the shortest of his brothers. I think that while he could be a very persuasive and eloquent speaker when he wanted to be, in personal conversation he could also be extremely blunt in a way many found off-putting. I think Feanor is a deeply curious person and the best way to keep him out of trouble is to hand him a book on something he's never studied before. That'll keep him busy for hours.
one character i love seeing them interact with
I think my partiality towards Feanel is very obvious XD I also love explorations of Feanor's relationship with his (half-) siblings.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
But I have meant for ages to do something on his relationship with Rumil. I think they met when Feanor was quite young, and while Rumil was not looking to be a mentor or teacher of any kind, Feanor did take to language very quickly so he got a pass to hang out at Rumil's place and study.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
While he could be a strict parent, I think he was also deeply supportive of his children's interests, even where they didn't align with his own. Does Feanor know anything about music? No, not really. Is he going to argue with Maglor's music teacher about why Maglor deserves to have the class solo, and also commission him the world's most expensive harp for a 10-year-old? He definitely is.
one aspect about them i love
His tormented immorality <3 Maedhros I think is someone who cared about doing good and being good, but he placed that beneath his need to fulfill the oath, and it led to a really fucked up mental state for him because he actually cares a lot that they're all horrible people now, but he also isn't going to stop doing what he's doing. This Elf needs therapy so so bad.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
That there are actually other characters in this novel besides Maedhros lol
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Aroace Maedhros my beloved
one character i love seeing them interact with
I'm super interested in his relationship with Fingolfin in Beleriand because there are a lot of reasons both for them to get along and for them not to get along and I'm just very curious how that worked out.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Literally anyone besides Fingon I really like seeing more of his relationship with the other Feanorians besides Maglor. I do think he was closest with Maglor so it makes sense that relationship gets a lot of attention, but he commands a signifiacnt amount of loyalty over the other five as well so clearly they have some kind of relationship there.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Maedhros and Celegorm were actually closer in Valinor and did lots of outdoor activity things together (especially when Celegorm was little and Maedhros could show him new things), but their differing outlooks and philosophies on the oath and their place in Beleriand drove them apart after they arrived in Middle-earth.
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materassassino · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Acid on the Horizon [Voltron, Keith/Lance & Shiro/Allura, 2017, 29,975 words, rated M]
With Shiro gone and only Keith left, the Jaeger Gridelin Leo needs a new co-pilot. Enter Lance, a cadet Marshal Allura has seen potential in. And far away, on the horizon, something stirs.
The first multichapter fanfic I finished. Pacific Rim Au. I was super proud of myself for finishing this one, and I still think it's pretty good even if it's, you know.. fucking Voltron.
2. Kick the Beam [Dragon Age, Fenris/Garrett Hawke, 2013, 7,823 words, rated M]
Leandra wants Hawke to get married. Hawke, however, is head over heels for a belligerent, broody elf. You can see where this is going.
I remember this being super fun to write, especially Hawke's pov, he's just such a fun character. It's a little old but still a very fun little read.
3. Stitch by Stitch [DC Comics, Jason Todd/Roy Harper, 2019, 17,843 words, rated E]
Jason is injured and finds a safe harbour in Roy Harper. An old teenage crush comes bubbling to the surface, even through Jason's innumerable personal demons. There is also the complication of Roy's daughter Lian.
Still very happy with this one, getting to explore Jason before a tentative rapprochement with the Batfam was great. Fitting pre-52 Roy with Jason was a fascinating puzzle to figure out, and I adored writing Lian.
4. The Baffled King Composing [The Silmarillion, Maedhros/Fingon, 2021, 13,007 words, rated E]
Great deeds have rekindled the dormant flame of hope within Maedhros. With one Silmaril taken back, he is now certain that the Enemy is not invincible. His plan now is to unite all the peoples of Beleriand under a single banner, and together they will all be victorious against Morgoth. The Shadow will be lifted, and the Oath will be fulfilled. And then, finally, he and Fingon can rest easy again.
I am so grateful to the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang for giving me the opportunity to partner up with the wonderful @nikosheba and make something amazing I'm still so proud of. It launched me back into writing properly.
5. Ever Decreasing Circles [Star Wars, Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, 2022, 112,190 words, rated: E]
His newest (small, green) student has been completely inconsolable, and so Luke Skywalker decides to track down the Mandalorian Grogu calls father, however long it takes. Meanwhile, Din Djarin is coming to terms with the new, painful absence of the most important being in his life, and this damn Darksaber.
This one kept getting bigger and bigger as I was writing it. It's the longest fic I've ever written and I proved to myself I could do it. The urge to go back and edit some bits and pieces is strong (I'll get round to that when I print myself a physical copy) and the way I view Luke changed like halfway through, stupidly, but I'm still like... proud of myself for writing the Romantic Sewer fic and also starting a series which now sits at 176k+ words.
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anghraine · 1 year
Morality aside, who do you find to be the better character? Maedhros or Finrod? 👀 I'm not a big fan of either, but Finrod is too allegorical and plot-devicey of a character for me to like him.
Hmm, I think the level of characterization of each is about on a par?
Maedhros probably has the most thorough characterization of any of the Fëanorians (with the possible exception of Fëanor himself, but obviously, Maedhros persists in the narrative for much longer and has more time to evolve). The transition in the published Silm from Maedhros being the one appalled by at least one of Fëanor's actions, to what he becomes in the end is horrifying, yet his characterization is such that it makes sense. So I do see the appeal in the sense that he contains multitudes without ever seeming inconsistent with his fundamental nature.
On the other hand, there's a subtler but I think equally well characterized evolution from Finrod in the Athrabeth to Finrod in the tale of Beren and Lúthien.
Finrod in the Athrabeth is this philosopher-lord who is simultaneously trying (however ineptly at points) to come to terms with unfamiliar experiences and trying to share his own acquired knowledge and experience and trying to offer comfort (however ineptly, again) and also, I think, in need of it himself. There's an intensity and even anxiety about the ways he tries to reach out to Andreth in that conversation, which is one conversation among many (Do not words overpass the gulf between one life and another? Between thee and me surely more has passed than empty sound? Have we not drawn near at all?). And ... he's still adapting to mortality and yet he knows now that Aegnor (his baby brother!) will die before Andreth (a now middle-aged mortal woman). There's a lot more going on with Finrod in the Athrabeth than I think he's sometimes given credit for.
We don't know that his front row seat to Andreth and Aegnor's tragedy affected his decisions with Beren and Lúthien two generations later, but it seems extremely probable, and at any rate, I do feel like Silm!Finrod has evolved from Athrabeth!Finrod while still seeming like basically the same person. Yet you wouldn't guess from the Athrabeth that Finrod's going to go down fighting a wolf with his bare hands as part of a triumphant human/Elf love story.
So for me, Finrod is actually really interesting and compelling as a character, not allegorical at all. He's not necessarily better written than Maedhros, but I don't think worse, either, just different.
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ladysternchen · 1 year
Headcanon explained/character study- Elu Thingol, part 1
Alright, MY elf at last (this is going to be long. Very long). First things first though, I know that he’s considered a controversial character, and many don’t like him, which is fine, I’m not trying to convince anyone to change their mind. I always read him the way I’ll describe/base my headcanon/fics on, knowing that many disagree. I neither can nor want to judge who’s right. I’m just saying that I do not agree with fanon here, I don’t see him as a racist, prideful idiot who mistakes possessiveness for love and who’s ultimate downfall is his greed and his not listening to his wife. (Just no. So if that’s your opinion of him, this post is not for you. It’ll just annoy you and I do NOT want to annoy anyone.) Oh, and maybe second things second, I’ll probably answer the question of why Elu is my elf, why I identify more with him than with any other fictional (or real) character (in any book I’ve ever read, or movie I’ve ever watched): I just know that feeling so well of trying to do it right, and still failing in the worst possible way. I can relate to one’s mistakes somehow always weighing more heavily than others’. I can also relate to not belonging anywhere, and -frankly- to change being one’s arch-enemy. He is my brother at heart, the to whom I flee in my imagination when reality is just too freaking much. Am I mad? Hm, yeah, perhaps. That doesn’t bother me one bit, though. But enough waffling, on to the headcanon. Elwë was born by the waters of Cuiviénen as the last prince of the Nelyar that was descended in the firstborn-son-to-firstborn-son-line from Enel and Enelyë (though nobody knew it then, obviously. Tata’s line was broken with Maedhros dying childless, Imin’s probably still continues, but certainly did until Ingwion). He was a quiet, shy child, but once he warmed up a bit, he would eagerly join the games of the other children, would sing and dance just like everyone else, so his being rather withdrawn bothered nobody, and once Olwë was born and he the big brother, that shyness vanished entirely. From birth on, his cousin Nowë (I headcanon Círdan’s father to be the brother of Elwë’s mother, though canon of course does not specify ‘close kin’) was his friend and his protector -Nowë took great pleasure in being the older and wiser one and have his little cousin toddle after him and look up at him in utter admiration. Their friendship would persist throughout times, as would their roles in it. To Elwë, Círdan would always be the advisor, and to Círdan, Elwë would ever somehow remain the little elfling that sat beside him by the water’s edge, trying to catch the stars that were reflected in the smooth surface of the lake instead of the boats crafted from bark and leaves that Nowë had made for his amusement. Nowë was mildly annoyed by that back then, but he did get his eager disciple when Olwë was born, while Elwë had by then befriended Finwë as well. Those two soon became inseparable and -frankly- unstoppable. Finwë’s and Elwë’s relationship might be worth a post of its own, so I won’t go too deeply into this now, but they were each other’s perfect counterparts. Where Finwë was reckless and too quick to judge, Elwë was the more considerate, the one to reserve judgement until he could truly assess the situation. And where Elwë was unwilling to move even a quarter of an inch out of his comfort-zone and would keep to himself rather than face his insecurities and engage with others, Finwë encouraged him and kindled his curiosity. They often lay, hands firmly entwined, and swore that they would never abandon the other, that they would always stay together. Where you go, I go. They were both perfectionists to a fault, Finwë in his crafting, Elwë in living up to responsibilities, but soon, and for reasons truly known to nobody, those two had built themselves up a following consisting of all the children of the Tatyar and the Nelyar, or at least those that didn’t prefer to join Nowë and Olwë in their exploring of boat-crafting. They would get themselves into all sorts of adventures, and be loved and admired by the younger children. There was only one incident during the year of his childhood that Elwë did not particularly like to be reminded of (and still ironically was constantly reminded of, at least for the rest of his life in Middle-Earth), and that was his infamous fall into the lake, that had resulted in his uncle -Nowë’s father- to fish him out and, chuckling, wrap him up in his cloak. Tall and lanky as Elwë had always been, he still was very much a child then, and the mantle covered him head to toe (which he was quite glad about then, because the hood hid the tears of humiliation that ran down his face), which lead to Nowë calling him teasingly ‘Greycloak’- a name that stuck with him, and that, in the course of the following millennia, he came to love and hate in equal measure.
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