kvdarlee · 11 months
Y si empezamos a visualizarnos como una tercera persona a la que queremos agradar? alguien que nos caiga bien, con quien compartimos gustos y manías... alguien que nos entiende y que queremos tener en nuestra vida? Y si empezamos a ser más cordiales con nosotros mismos? A lo mejor así logramos disfrutar nuestra propia compañía y tal vez hasta enamorarnos de nosotros mismos... al final de cuentas... somos la única persona que podemos garantizar que estará con nosotros hasta el final...
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sunny-tano19 · 2 years
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For @autisticamerican
I've read your fic "Quirks? You Mean Gifts, Right?" Multiple times and I wanted to draw Todoroki and Mirabel together because this ship is frickin cute!!!
(Plus I hope you're okay. Hopefully you taking care of yourself.)
- Young T.
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alteregoauthentica · 1 year
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English - very interesting … how many are there out there
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bone-gardens · 1 year
I deserve to be free, like the feral child I am.
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jotita21 · 1 year
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uklifes-blog · 2 years
This my first post and my fist blog here please support me too as I will support to everyone thanks a lot in advance
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iloveleahrochelle · 1 year
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urgetoease · 1 year
Valentine thoughts
Valentine’s day
And you still thinking about career, future?
Don’t even have a bit of sadness inside of you about you are single?
Congratulations, you have reached a level
Where you will be the person, you used to imagine
And don’t worry about love,
You will find it eventually.
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miraalkhaled · 1 year
I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am successful, I deserve happiness.
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This picture says alot
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So the last few days have been very positive did have a beer last night but didn't get absolutely Smashed which is a first for me... Now i am hitting gym 4 times a week and finally shaping up my new job is going well and i am going to start writing my book & write my business plan up soon EXCITING TIMES 2023 has defintely changed my mind...
THIS PICTURE... Is about a certain someone who put up with a depressed me , alcoholic me , a mood me you name it he put up with it and now i can't let him down.. he has helped me succeed and i couldnt me more grateful...
Thats all for today .. How are you're journeys going? Whats something that's been postive for you
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sparrowtree · 1 year
As the snow melts and changes form, watering the soil and becoming part of new life. So must we.
As the leaves dry and cascade, giving way to the change of season. So must we.
As the sun sets and rises, kissing the sky with tainted resonance of light. So must we.
Have you forgotten who you are my dearest friend?
Do you not remember what it is to be in all its forms?
Do memories of existence slip through your finger, like a gentle kiss from a time before?
You are in unison with existence.
And to exist is to be, and to be is eternally infinite. So kiss the stardust as you tumble and spread the inferno that is the ether. In this, you will never be lost. Only found.
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ikinglavon · 1 year
Be grateful.
You have a bed to lay in.
That’s in a pretty decent size apartment. You have a work station for your art. Lights and utilities are never off.
A wife that you trust and you’re about to be a father.
You have 2 dogs that are your headaches and car that runs.
A job that pays decent.
People that you can call family.
Be grateful.
A phone that works. Credit score isn’t the best but we’re working on that.
Be grateful.
Because I remember when you only had a room in your parents house. And even some people even don’t have that.
Be grateful.
Learn that it’s the journey.
Not the destination.
You complained yourself all the way up until this point. Stop, smell the Rose,
be grateful.
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alteregoauthentica · 2 years
Understanding Yourself:
What you must discover in order to start understanding yourself (In no strict order):
1. Values: What principles guide you?
2. Motivations : What are your goals and what experiences do you want to achieve?
3. Passions: What are you passionate about? What energizes you? Excites you?
4. Belonging: Where do you feel the most fulfilled? Safe?
5. Adversity / Resilience : Think about what you’ve been through, overcome, or the challenges you are currently facing as we speak. Identify how you respond to difficult situations. Identify your reactions to life’s obstacles and life’s surprises.
6. Consistencies: Identify your patterns of thinking feeling and acting. What are your current habits ?
7. Inspiration (On Self and Others): What lights you up? What effect do you have on other people?
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