#listen lemme clown okay
pandora15 · 9 months
so disaster trio in live action when
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junhanndee · 9 months
idk if you have any ideas for this but what do u think xdz would be like drunk !?¿
LMFAOOOO ok i have thought about this a little bit sooo lemme elaborate
xdh vs being drunk
warinings : just goofy rlly and mentions of being touchy or needy LMAO , take this with a grain of salt pls and ty
gunil :
- probably acts like he’s fine until it rlly hits him and BOOM
- reminds me (if you’ve been to club) of those dude that have a beer in one hand and they are just fucking getting it to the music all by themselves LMAOOOO
- probably really funny and laughs rlly loud at everything
jungsu :
- imo jungsu is a giggly drunk
- like you say one thing and he’s laughing his ass off 😭
- also can see him as being SUPER touchy like he’s all over everybody 😭
- definitely starts singing in the most slurred speech ever 😭😭😭😭
- him but like x1000
- dancing around like a damn fool
- probably really funny
- i see him as being sassy i’m ngl
- like you start picking at him and suddenly he’s got every single thing you’ve ever done down on a list in his brain and is roasting the hell out of u LMAOOO
- gives me the chill vibe tbh!
- like wants to have a good time and just kinda matches the energy of the room
- probably a little loud LMAO
- would probably be up junhans ass annoying him LMFAOOO
- listen this man throws me for a curveball
- i think he is like 100% unfiltered LMAO
- probably just like seungmin and bounces off the energy in the room
- sass king number two like do not get sassy with this man while drunk or he will challenge you to a dance battle
- reminds me of those dudes at the club who never put their fucking arm down and just jump up and down 😭 (love u jun)
- in another note tho i can see him being a little clingy
- like being drunk brings out his touchy side and he’s like all whiney for affection (i am dying writing this anyways)
- okay nuggetz (gaon and jooyeon) together while drunk is like babysitting 18 newborns
- like jooyeon is gonna be on a damn table screaming and gaon is standing on the floor laugh crying
- probably does some karaoke LMAO
- gives me the class clown vibe and will end up sleeping on the floor 😭
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tmntxthings · 2 years
It’s spooky season! Would you be willing to write a fic based around Halloween season? Any of the turtles is cool! Hope your day has treated you well! ❤️
Haunted House Shenanigans
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author’s notes: i just went to the 13th gate, lemme tell you, it was a wild night for sure, pure adrenaline for 30 straight minutes but it was fun nonetheless, this is superrrr indulgent to my experience
warnings: cursing & that’s about it!
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This was not his idea, not at all. But he is not one to be left behind neither. Raph would be sitting shotgun, occupying his mind with being the car dj. “Donnie it’s your turn, no wait was it Mikey’s? Oh that’s right Leo you’re up! Nicki Minaj again?!” Every time it’s his turn to pick a song it will be an uplifting song. Good vibes only, lest he start thinking about the scary shit he’s signed up for.
Subtly shifting his weight during the two hour wait time, the turtles didn’t have enough cash for four VIP tickets! Looking out for line cutters and kindly asking them to go to the back of the line if anyone cuts in his vicinity. They definitely listen.. I mean c’mon no way is anyone gonna look at Raph and be like ‘no’ 6’foot something turtle that’s totally shredded?! Yeah they’re strolling to the back of the line.
Secretly dreading as the line starts to move faster, dragging his feet. Though he will definitely put a on a brave face if he sees his little brothers are getting scared too, “Whaat this is gonna be fun, c’mon guys!”
He’d volunteer to go first in the line since Haunted Houses are single file. He wouldn’t want his brothers to think he’s scared even though Raph is definitely terrified.
Hands covering his face the entire time! High-pitched screams if he’s getting jump scared. Making sure his brothers are still behind him, “Are you guys okay? Shit-!!” Even while he’s getting approached by a crazy chainsaw carrying man.
When he finally sees the exit he’s thanking the supreme pizza in the sky. “That wasn’t so bad~” even though he probably got scared the most/screamed the most. “I’m starving who wants pizza??” BIG appetite after that 30 minute adrenaline rush through the Haunted House.
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This was his idea for sure! Heard about it or found it on a website and he had to go, but there’s no way he was going alone, so he got his brothers to join him, one way or another. “Ohhhh you’re scared???” He wouldn’t be above goading/teasing to get his way. He’d be in the back seat with Mikey, goofing off the entire way.
Complains the entire time during the line! Slouching or crouching whenever his feet would start to hurt from just standing there. He’d get bored fast, even his phone wouldn’t be able to cure his boredom. After about an hour into the line, some of the workers for the haunted house would make their rounds to scare their soon to be customers.
“Oh my shell, what is that?!” Leo would get freaked out, jumping up and down as he watched the clown approach where they were standing in line. “Donnie, you gotta take my picture!!” Leo would get as close as he possibly dared as the clown started grinning manically, he’d probably let out a screech while getting the picture taken.
“There’s no way I’m going first, I’ll go second or third…” Leo will start to lose his cool the closer the group gets to the entrance. And when it’s time to go into the haunted house he’s practically changing his mind, “Maybe we should reschedule?!”
He’s holding onto Raph’s hand or his shell in a vice grip. High pitched screams, jumping out of his skin, running into the walls trying to get away from the jump scarers! “No no no no no” he’d repeat certain words while scared.
After the adrenaline rush he’s exhausted, “totally wasn’t scary~” if he got called out about how much he was screaming he’d just say “That wasn’t me! That was Mikey!” And he’d smirk or laugh while Mikey would sputter trying to defend himself. He’d fall asleep on the way home!
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Mikey was super hyped to go, at first. He’d never been and he’s definitely the type to try something once before knocking it. “Should we dress up?!” He’d want to go in costume too, do some spooky makeup. He’d be in the back seats with Leo.
In line he’d be making plenty of friends, asking if they had been before and what to expect. Telling everyone that this was his first time at a Haunted House. Bouncing from one foot to the other as the line inched forward. Mikey would definitely be freaked out by the scarers who go around the line, but after the initial shock he would be much more interested in their costume and the detail of the makeup.
“Woahhh it looks so real!~” he’d shake Donnie or Leo’s arm as he would point to the tall Slender Man that approached with no facial features. Mikey would only start to get nervous when his older brothers did. So right as they went through the big doors into the Haunted House he’d be whimpering and practically on top of Leo’s shell. If someone scared him from the side he’d jump back into Donnie.
His eyes would be squeezed shut after too many jump scares. He’d only open them when it felt safe to, Mikey would look towards the ground unless something creative caught his eye. Turns out it was an animatronic and it’d jump scare him too! His head would duck into his shell! He couldn’t trust anything in that place!!
“Is it almost overrrrr?!” He’d cry out after he got scared by one of the nurses in the fake asylum. “20 more minutes~” they answered honestly to which Mikey would cry out in disbelief. It felt like they had already been in the house for 30!
After the whole thing was over he’d be laughing about how much his brothers got scared. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience, Mikey didn’t know if he’d put himself through that again. He’d definitely call for a sleepover in the lair, not wanting to sleep by himself that night. The dark would be too scary!
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Last to agree to go, isn’t afraid to admit he would rather do a million other things than go to a Haunted House. BUT him scared? Pshhh! Why would he be scared?! It’s humans in costume, you’re literally paying them to scream in your face. In the drivers seat, swerving in and out of traffic to get this done & over with!
Donnie would be on his phone the entire time during the line. Only speaking when spoken to, and he’d look up from his phone on the rare instance a scarer was approaching. He’d cringe inwardly at how creepy they could act, truly a well done performance.
By the time they reached the entrance he’d have to make sure he turned off his motion sensors for his robot arms. Wouldn’t want to get kicked out because a scarer activated a defense mechanism by getting too close. He would reluctantly be in the back of their four person line. Holding onto Mikey’s shoulders when it got to be too scary.
“GALILEO” “NEWTON” “EINSTEIN” would be just a few names he’d shout out in fear at the jump scares. Usually the back or the front got the worst of the frights. The robots or animatronics would hold his interest for a little while. They would move so realistically! He’d probably use that as a way to get his mind thinking of something else, naming parts and pieces that the manufacturers probably used to make the robots. “NEVER AGAIN LEO,” Donnie would be pissed at first, not liking how many times he lost his cool, totally not a bad boy thing to do.
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cinnbar-bun · 10 days
More wips more wips more wips!!! Tell em to us all!!!
Okay well I can’t list them aaaalll but I’m happy to list plenty of em! I’m so bad at giving details cuz I don’t wanna spoil but also I wanna yaaaaaapp. Lemme pull out that doc with the list-
Diego Brando and (spoiler)- “Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)”: You find Diego again, somehow, (wink wink if you catch my drift on the spoiler heheheheh)
Jolyne Cujoh- “Spoiler Warning”: you know how she has that scene where she spoils “The Sixth Sense”? Yeah. That’s this fic. No one likes movie nights with your girlfriend for a reason 😭
Steely Dan- “Can’t Buy a Thrill”: You and Dan, despite saying over and over that you two hate each other’s guts, are totally inseparable and totally on the same wavelength. All of DIO’s minions thinks you guys are clowns. You two kinda are. Oh and also you run a shawarma shop together but this is totally not romantic guys he’s soooooo annoying omg how could anyone think this is anything BUT pure hatred omg.
Hol Horse- “Trust Fund”: After taking up the gig to be your personal bodyguard by your very rich father in exchange for loads of money (should be simple, right? I mean, you are a grown adult), Hol Horse finds you’re a pain in the ass. All you want to do is argue and never listen to him so you can go out and enjoy your life. You’re definitely not like anyone else he’s had to deal with. But maybe you’re just what he needed to move past his fears.
Polnareff (THIS IS FOR YOU BESTIEEEEEE YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)- The Crusaders found you after you were attacked by one of DIO’s minions and took you into their party. Polnareff, however, has made it no secret that he’s totally infatuated with you and wants to be your knight in shining armor. And he’s pookie how could you resist?
I’m realizing I had like 5 Diego WIPs here oops-
Sir Crocodile- “Walk Like an Alabastan”: Crocodile decides to take a day off from his busy schedule as a (glorified mob) boss and take you shopping at the bazaar.
Rohan Kishibe: The new romantic addition to his manga, Pink Dark Boy, has been successful in keeping the audience approval ratings up. But don’t get it twisted, Pink Dark Boy’s romantic partner is NOT based on you, idiot. Why the hell would you think that? No, Koichi, you’re absolutely foolish to think of something so absurd like that. Hah, the fact is that any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental!
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crimson-roots · 1 year
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OH GOD . listen i never made any promises this was going to be good. okay. the angst hasn't been written yet, so instead i present you with,, whatever this is <3
The man -- Grian, Tim thinks, though god knows why the poor soul's called that -- fidgets in his ill-fitting red sweater, fingers tangled in unravelling thread. Peers at the crowbar in his hand, perplexed.
Tim thinks that maybe he should be nervous; hell, the last time he'd pissed someone off, it had ended with the explosions, and horrible death, and everything. Still, he thinks, shifting in his stance, it's kind of par for the course, at this point.
(He thinks about the amount he's going to have to spend on therapy after this, mourning his poor credit card, then remembers that he does not, in fact, have his credit card on him. Probably because of the aforementioned 'horrible death and everything.') (Are you even allowed to get therapy when you're dead? Maybe heaven has therapy. Maybe it has some kayaks. Tim doesn't come to an answer.) 
(Grian doesn't look like much of a therapist, anyway.)
He opens his mouth to speak - something scathing and well-thought out, because he's cool and sexy and not losing his calm - when the guy beats him to it. His voice is, somehow, exactly what Tim had expected: "Woah. That's not in minecraft. ...is it?"
Tim blinks. Blinks a couple times, really, as if that'd make any more sense. It doesn't. "What," he says. He's trying for neutral, but honestly at this point he just sounds bewildered. "You've never seen a crowbar before?"
"Nope," Grian says, sounding awfully cheerful about it. (Really, Tim respects a guy who's never seen a crowbar before. He wishes he hadn't, but, y'know. Clowns, and death, and everything.)
(That being said, Tim pulls it off. At least he's got that going for him.)
"Huh." The silence stretches between them. "Weird."
"Weird," red-sweater hums, nodding in polite British agreement. "Learning a lot about Minecraft, actually. Did you know that in version Beta 1.2_01, you used to be able to milk squids?"
Tim has no idea what half of those words mean. He very much does not want to know about the other half. "I'm an alpha," he tells Grian. Grian nods sagely.
The silence stretches onward.
+@yellowsomethings, since the ask doesn't get tagged <3
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quillyfied · 24 days
Hellaverse Theories: Helluva Boss S2E7
Welcome to Quilly’s Hellaverse Theories, where I overthink the entire Hellaverse! And we are here, at the final episode of the first half of Helluva Boss season 2, and this is a very good episode, but might not have much to work with in terms of predicting how future episodes are gonna go (with one potentially Very Large exception). Just the Millie and Sallie May short to go (maybe) and then I’ll be done making these posts! At least until the new episodes release! :P
Here we go, s2e7!
Getting to see teen Blitzo and Fizz is such a treat. Getting to see Mammon is less of a treat (but still a treat, because he’s a gem of a villain). So significant too to see Blitzo seeing right through all of Mammon’s bullshit…while Fizz is completely taken in. Poor kid. It’s hard to acknowledge your heroes are shit sometimes.
Blitzo’s had a protective streak in him from the beginning, huh? I’ll bet money it comes from his relationship with his mom. Why do I feel like a Freudian psychologist saying that?? Anyway. Poor Fizz being freaked out by aggressive fans. It can be really hard to know how to deal with them, because on the one hand, thanks for liking my stuff, but on the other hand…please stop, you’re violating my boundaries and it’s uncomfortable at best. (I say as if I have any personal experience in this lol)
(…I could use a wait in line for you Fizzie, actually :P)
Fizzarolli having a Fizzarolli-sized vanity at Ozzie’s penthouse. I WANT THEM TO GET MARRIED ON THE SHOW OKAY.
Blitzo and Ozzie working together on Team Protect Fizz is the best premise for an episode. (Also, to add onto my “IMP and Stolas are going to get legally fucked” theory, it’s another long-standing dream of mine to also have Ozzie come in as a character witness for Blitzo, because having two Sins to have his back would be certainly something fame-inducing for an imp. And also Fizz would probably do the Eyes until Oz agreed.)
File it right along with Ozzie’s goofy little grin when Blitzo says he’s in.
I also need to put Fizzarolli’s incredulous little eye-roll when Blitzo shows how deep in denial he is about Stolas next to Blitzo’s very incredulous glare at how Fizz lets Mammon treat him. LIFELONG FRIENDS ARE A GIFT AND A CURSE.
Glitz and Glam are really cool design-wise, and absolute trash fires personality-wise. They and Mammon deserve each other :P (Fugly imp LEMME AT ‘EM LEMME AT ‘EM)
So. The whole thing is a clown pageant. And they have to end…with a musical number? Ooookay. Listen I’m not exactly complaining, because Klown Bitch and Two Minute’s Notice are both BANGERS, but. Uh. Why??
Y’know, the spider motifs make sense, but why all the sunken ships? What does that have to do with anything clowny or greedy? Maybe sunken treasure? Is that a thing?
WOAH HEY. Think I finally saw a hellhound hybrid! Little kid hellhound with imp-striped ears. So. Huh. That answers my earlier question about if hellhounds also interbreed with other Hellborn demons. Nice.
I remember getting really surprised and then emotional at the sign language scene with the kid. Listen, the Hellaverse isn’t perfect. But it does do things like this scene that feel groundbreaking, and that’s not nothing. Normalizing so many things—queerness, disability, trauma, the messy side of personal growth—that’s not nothing, either. It’s kind of amazing that these shows get to exist, y’know? (And especially while so many other groundbreaking shows, especially queer shows, are getting the shaft. OFMD, my beloved, taken far too soon)
It feels significant that Fizz’s detractor here is the same one he encountered years before. Like. Fizz is famous, he’s going to have a lot of people who don’t like him, but the fact that the loudest negative voice in his ears outside of his own (and Mammon’s) is this same shitwipe who made him feel small and terrible even as a kid? That it’s JUST this guy? This one vocal but singular guy? Feels a bit like a metaphor.
Blitzo assessing the situation and finding it less important to make a violent bloody mess and more important to show Fizz that he has support—and then catch him when he starts to faint—good friending. No notes.
I also notice how much Fizz starts clutching the ruff when he’s really upset. Makes a lot of sense to see it gone in the s2.5 trailer. He looks so much happier out of full jester costume and in something that I sincerely hope I’m gonna see in stores one day (RAINBOW. PAINTS. ASYMMETRICAL RAINBOW PANTS. I WANT THEM).
(Hee. Someone messed up. Blitzo is in his regular assassin gear for the conversation where he calls Mammon a trash fire, then back to the black tie bodyguard outfit later. Sometimes…animation errors are funny.)
You know how we know Blitzo is a good friend? He knows when to call in the cavalry. And he and Ozzie are working as a team on this one, so it’s good that Blitzo tags him in. Because as much as Blitzo and Fizzarolli have history…they don’t have the same connection that Fizzarolli and Asmodeus do. Maybe they could have, but that train passed. Their connection is good, but still kinda fragile, has a giant fifteen-year gap in it. And in that gap…Ozzie filled in (not an intentional dirty joke but I will not be changing my wording). Ozzie saw Fizz at his best and was allowed to see Fizz at his most fragile, and their bond is powerful with mutual support and love for each other even at their most messy. It’s significant to me that before Ozzie walks in, Fizz almost has himself calmed down just by looking into a mirror gifted to him by Oz. When he’s about to blow his top in the last episode after Blitzo calls him a pampered attention whore, he looks down at his leash and is reminded that Oz loves him. Fizz pulled himself back up when he got injured, but having Asmodeus for a support pillar is nothing to sneeze at. Blitzo can’t be emotionally vulnerable unless his loved ones’ lives are on the line. Oz is different; he and Fizz have more open communication with each other than that. And they both need that.
Because when Fizz pulls off his jester cap? It’s the first time we the audience see the full extent of the damage Fizz still lives with. But it is NOT the first time Oz has seen it. And Oz is sure to tell Fizz that he loves him, crooked horns and all. (Gosh, Fizz going “I know you believe in me but it’s so hard to trust that sometimes” KILL ME)
Hang on have to sob my way through this musical number. Have I mentioned how sweet Fizz and Oz are?
I also notice that when Fizz and Oz kiss, they don’t do the tongue thing that nearly every other couple that kisses in the Hellaverse does. The scene is better for it, I think; it keeps it sweet.
(In this case. They might do the tongue thing in later episodes.)
…Blitzo you KNEW they were together already XD But I suppose it’s different getting the confirmation. Especially when you were the one on the receiving end of their joint lambasting for your audacity to go on a date with a demon prince a few months before and it might have thrown a giant emotional wrench into that developing relationship, thanks for that by the way. (No, really, thanks; it was brutal but started the much-needed process of these two morons finally starting to communicate more honestly.)
(Ozzie being Lucifer’s fire dancer makes sense with what he hands Fizzie for this musical number, y’know.)
(This music number is so much more triumphant for Fizz, knowing that both Oz and Blitzo are there backing him up and supporting him. I’m EMOTIONAL.)
(Also, listen, them not going for the obvious “fat sack of shit” and instead going “sad sack of shit” to insult Mammon is appreciated. Would be more appreciated if all the fat characters in the Hellaverse so far weren’t mostly villains or antagonists. There’s such amazing character design in this world, but we can’t have more main fat characters??)
Listen. Fizz knows that Ozzie is there to back him up. But can we admire the absolute adamantium spine on this imp for standing up to not just a Sin, but a Sin in his larger, more aggressive, more imposing form?? The same Sin that he’s been taking shit from for almost a decade? GO FIZZAROLLI GO. HOPE HE STARTS HIS OWN CIRCUS OR CLOWN PAGEANT SOMETIME SOON.
Hey! Wally Wackford! I missed him! Also a very tiny imp! Nice!
ALL OF HELL ALREADY KNEW IT AND IT’S GOING VIRAL. Nice way to take the wind out of Mammon’s sails. HOWEVER. The warning he leaves is pretty ominous. Especially given how gleeful he looks in the s2.5 trailer. It reminds me a lot of the warning that Stella gives Stolas, when she tells him “you have fallen from what little grace you had, and I know you’ll pay for it.” And it sure does appear to be that there’s a trial going on, and Satan telling someone they’re a disgrace, and there’s a good shot that he's talking to Asmodeus and the trial is for Stolas. Like. These aren’t empty threats. They’re gonna come to some sort of fruition. Because they are committing social sins by loving the lowest of the low. And that sucks and shouldn’t be, but it IS. I just can’t wait to see how they all handle the shitstorm that’s brewing.
Oz does look kinda confused at Mammon’s warning, though. That’s something.
Blitzo, getting in the last word, classy as ever. Love that for him XD
Okay. I’m caught up. I’ve wrapped up all my theories, I’ve squealed about all the character interactions, I’ve analyzed the shows to death (so far). Probably gonna do the short, just because it’s there, but if there’s nothing there to really analyze…eh. Might leave it alone. Thanks so much for going with me on this journey! Can’t wait for the rest of season 2 and beyond!!
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lordkingsmith · 6 months
Okay, not really sure how this one works so lemme see... Youtube Wrapped: 64
Just like this. It’s just my 100 most listened to songs of this year on the YouTube app :)
The chapter for the Barry/Cisco/Orm Marius fanfic is still not done but I was working on it. This was the theme song I had for Barry’s stunt in chapter. Let’s just say he almost gets gutted by a really pissed Siren for being, well, a clown. Chase scene with her screaming after him was the vision with this lol.
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s14e13 lebanon (w. meredith glynn, andrew dabb)
weird pre-ep recap, mishmash of clips and the music abruptly changing tone in between the punchy rock and then doom drone for the part about dean's box o' self destruction
apparently it was sam's turn to be a doofus around a bunch of magical/cursed/whatever items? not his usual bag
(script linked on wiki)
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ok then. they really did decide to take turns
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ok, that was quick. is this supposed to be a fun episode?
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JACKSON Hey. The Campbell brothers. Lemme guess – the usual?
campbell brothers, of course
from 7x07 the mentalists MUSEUM GUIDE Never ended well for the siblings. DEAN Why is that? MUSEUM GUIDE Mm, the strain of working together, or maybe just being around each other all their lives. Those two were the exception, actually – the Campbells. Got along famously. Of course, that was just a stage name. They weren’t actually brothers. That was a cover for their, um… alternative lifestyle.
twofer of mary campbell and them.
DEAN Make it double. SAM Dean, listen to this. Uh, hangman’s rope, fairy dust, John Wayne Gacy’s cigar box.
wild guess that the episode will also involve a creepy clown ghost then
ELIOT I mean, think about it. Where do they even come from? Them or their weird sidekick with the trench coat. And what about that kid with the dumb Bambi on his face all the time?
see, that is the way to do it, poke fun at the show, not the fans
SAM It’s called the Baozhu. It’s one of eight ancient Chinese treasures. I-It’s a pearl that grants wishes. Sort of. DEAN Sort of? SAM Well, technically, it’s supposed to give you “what your heart desires.”
how very fanfic/disney
feels like the show has a lot of queer girl rep. charlie, claire and kaia, the girls in the musical, these teenaged girls. wiki has a list, of course
convenient that dean's been charming the townsfolk so he can work his magic with the post office clerk
DEAN A serial killer clown. I mean, this is, like, the best/worst thing that’s ever happened to you, you know, ‘cause you love serial killers, but – but you hate clowns. SAM Yeah, I get it, Dean.
ok, that was cute
ok WHAT is this music? i get it's like swelling emotional whatever (cute little sync with dean closing his eyes, i'll give them that) and gone kind of twisted maybe? but it just sounds like a string instrument that's playing out of tune too loudly. weird. i was gonna put a clip in but i gotta take it out for something else
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so i knew john showed up in an episode. must have been extremely wild to see that happen unspoiled. funny because i rant about john pretty regularly but now i'm like, oh, it's jeffrey dean morgan looking very nice and soft and confused. wait, i'm supposed to be very pissed at you. maybe i can just vibe with what sam and dean are feeling instead
JOHN Sammy. Aren’t you supposed to be in Palo Alto? SAM Palo Alto? JOHN What happened to you? DEAN What year is it? JOHN It’s 2003.
so it was always funny how they cast him being not much older than jackles, to play an older part obviously. so now i wonder if his actual age makes more sense to 2003-john. jdm was 37 in 2003 (born in 1966) and john was supposed to be 49 (born in 1954). and jdm for this episode (in 2019) was 53. hey, pretty good! the math is mathin
JOHN So, you saved the world? DEAN More than once. JOHN Then it’s all true. God, the devil, you boys smack in the middle. Now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and Lucifer’s kid.
co-parenting lucifer's kid, at that. best not to get into too many details of what's happened in the past 13 years because the absurdity is too much
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very sweet. 100% believe 2003 john was never this nice, but whatever y'all. i'm going (well, trying) with the flow
DEAN I don’t know. You said that the – the pearl gives you what your heart desires, right? So, my heart desired – I’ve wanted this, man. I’ve – I’ve wanted this since I was 4 years old. SAM Okay, I know, and I love this, too, Dean. I do, honestly, but – but messing with time – DEAN No, no, no, Sam. SAM You know how this ends. Things change. DEAN Yeah, great – we got our family back together. I’ll take that change. SAM That’s not what I mean. DEAN Stop. Just stop, okay? Look, can – can we just have one family dinner? Just one? Us – all of us together. That’s all I want. Can you just give me that?
i get both sides of this. one dinner is not too much to ask! but also, let's be practical about the whole time travel repercussions business (after dinner) and maybe sam's a little bit (lot) freaked out because of his dad baggage
all right. this is some of the most authentic acting i think i've seen jared do, and he does emotions like this really well to begin with. made me cry, of course. just... vulnerable in a way he isn't with dean, being on equal footing with him (and also dean not being dead the past 13 years). just can really feel that deference and shakiness with john. still don't buy that 2003 john would have this emotional intelligence, this feels like a john that's lived a lot longer a la jdm. but, this is the last time i'm gonna bring it up :p (along with if they can forgive him the child neglect etc, i can try too - for the moment at least 🤪) and sam's getting his much needed (apparently MUCH needed) closure. but no hug?? must be saving it for later.
and jdm's voice is luscious. reminds me of um. dude in the crow, michael wincott as top dollar
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lol what. well, this was a quick way to find out how bringing dad in fucked up the timeline
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ok but if sammy is off being a douchebag in this new timeline from bringing dad from 2003, how did the apocalypse not happen? like in apocalypse world, without them to stop it. must have gotten some other poor bastards to kick it off? eh whatever, nothing needs to make sense
SAM No, I don’t think so. I think it’s a temporal paradox. We pulled Dad here from 2003, right? So time is self-correcting. Our timeline is changing to this new one. DEAN So, what do you mean? SAM It means, I think, that, if we don’t fix this, then we become those other versions of ourselves. Like, for real. DEAN Okay, well, I’m cool, but you’re – ugh. SAM That’s not the point. The point is, if – if all this is different, then what else changed?
well my insides are screaming for them to get back to the bunker and fix this shit asap :p this is a very bonkers little plotline
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creative way to bring back zachariah at least, if they had to
LOL okay, i do approve of bringing him back and immediately killing him again though
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good thinkin on sam with the angel banishing sigil, appreciate the commitment to just having cas 100% on board with killing them both
DEAN Basically, uh, if you don’t go back, Sam never gets back into the life, um, and Mom, she, uh… JOHN What? DEAN Well, without everything that we did – with God, The Darkness – she never comes back. Sam thinks that she’ll just fade away. JOHN Okay. I mean, me versus your mom? That’s – that’s not even a choice. Does she know?
the rehabilitation of john winchester. wait i was supposed to going with the flow. anyway!
i'm sure i'm thinking too much about this but ok. it's 2003 and sam's at stanford and john disappears. and dean... doesn't go pick up sam, like he did when john disappeared in events right before the pilot? sam just blithely continues his normal life and veers into obnoxious ted talk raw food lawyer guy. so how many other people would still be alive in this timeline? and without having the benefit of saved lives via apocalypse-prevention, seems like it's potentially a net benefit. >.> unless those same quantity of people died anyway with some other hunter/vessel/whatevers
JOHN No, son. My fight. It was supposed to end with me, with Yellow Eyes. But now you – you are a grown man, and I am incredibly proud of you. I guess that I had hoped, eventually, you would… get yourself a normal life, a peaceful life, a family. DEAN I have a family.
whatever, got john back, he gets to be the good guy by happily going back to die in his regular timeline to let mary live now
JOHN Alright. Near as I can tell, we have two choices. Alright, we can think about what’s coming. Or we can be grateful for this time that we have together. Now, me… I choose grateful. So, to whatever brought us together, we owe you one. Amen.
okay, john.
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samantha smith and jdm really do have nice chemistry, especially considering they barely have worked together in these roles. would have been nice to hear the conversation instead of the schmaltzy montage to bob seger but i get it
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SAM Did you see them at dinner, the way they looked at each other? They just seemed happy, you know? It doesn’t feel fair to get all this and have to throw it away, and I know we have to. But it just feels like, you know… Once we send Dad back… it’s none of this ever happened. He – he just goes back to – to… to being Dad. DEAN You saying you wish things would be different?
(you saying you're okay in a world without us together)
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SAM Don’t you? Can you imagine – dad in the past, knowing then what he knows now? I… I think it would be nice. DEAN Yeah. I used to think that, too. But, uh… I mean, look, we’ve been through some tough times. There’s no denying that. SAM Yeah. DEAN And for the longest time, I blamed Dad. I mean, hell, I blamed Mom, too, you know? I was angry. But say we could send Dad back knowing everything. Why stop there? Why not send him even further back and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world? But here’s the problem. Who does that make us?
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Would we be better off? Well, maybe. But I gotta be honest – I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is. And I’m good with who I am. I’m good with who you are. ‘Cause our lives – they’re ours. And maybe I’m just too damn old to want to change that.
good with who they are, and who they are to each other. maybe projecting but i think sam still needs and soaks up that approval from dean
i understand that this is focusing on the original family unit and particularly on sam and dean, as the show always comes down to just them ultimately, but they could have also brought in the fact that they'd lose cas and jack in this timeline alteration idea (and jody, donna, the girls, etc). i mean, i'm glad they didn't, but i wouldn't have been surprised if they did. but feels kind of like in the conversation the previous episode when dean says he does believe in us (sam and dean). and then he sees cas, and says he believes in all of us. sam and dean first always
this seems to be a theme for me with later seasons. in isolation, i love these scenes between sam and dean. but for me they're cheapened by the premise or contrivances or whatever of the episodes they're in. so i can take these conversations, i could make gifs or edits or paintings, i could do whatever. but in the episode, they never ring as true as they do outside it. for me they make sense to the characters, but not the plot they're embedded in. which really bums me out, because i'm a rigid asshole about context. but i will also accept the crumbs because otherwise it's an even harder slog through this last handful of seasons.
JOHN You two. You take care of each other. SAM We always do.
man padalecki and jdm are just, killing it with the emotions. sam is a mess accepting that praise and approval from john too.
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thinking back to the first few seasons, jackles was so emotive and teared up a lot more for dean and he's turned into a really tough nut to crack later on. like he finally does break a little in this hug after the i love yous. based on how jensen has talked about other changes with dean (like say, his voice going deeper) i imagine he's got his reasons
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poor mary. one weird thing about this show is with heaven being a concrete thing, where we know who is there and how it works, prior to this mary was up there with the real john doing whatever, living in a loop of memories so not ideal but she was with him (do we know they're soulmates at this point? i know i've read it in the wiki that they are.) but anyway, just always the weird context of well yes they are dead but we know 100% we're seeing them again in heaven. you know, assuming heaven doesn't break down before getting there :p which of course is an actual concern now lol
jesus christ these posts just get longer and longer.
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thegenvyisreal · 10 months
Good Omens Season 2 Episode 2 Thoughts
"it's technically my bookshop, but we both get plenty of use out of it don't we? *raises eyebrows*" EXCUSE ME AZIRAPHALE WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!!!!
I kinda love Jim??? I don't want to but I kinda do???
Okay listen. LISTEN. That miracle had the power of an archangel. I'm just! Lemme just! I'm sorry! Maybe I'm shifting into clown mode but I THINK this may mean that Crowley is more powerful than he lets on, that MAYBE he was an archangel before everything. (okay maybe I'm a Raphael truther let me live)
The whole Job plot was *chefs kiss*. I wasn't expecting Five to be there lol that was fun. And Ty!!! Gayest teen I've ever SEEN. I LOVE Zira going apeshit over the food.
And the two of them in that whole sequence! All the Job parts. Zira thinking he's fallen, Crowley wanting to save all life ever. I just!! Crowley is the GOODEST!!
Poor Nina and her (abusive?) partner. I hope she kicks her to the curb and stands up for herself.
Jim revealing that one phrase from Job's experience when Crowley EMPHATICALLY demands it. How come it worked for Crowley but not Zira? (I'M SORRY I'M BEING A CLOWN FOR RAPHAEL!CROWLEY)
Jim being "my head isn't big enough for all that anymore"??? Is he human now??? What made him this way??? Did God do it for trying to murder another angel???
Ooh! Theory of what was in the box! Gabriel's memories! And when Zira opened the box they all flew out! Idk!!
Still can't figure out why that one jukebox is converting those songs the way the Bentley converts everything to queen. And why Jim is singing it.
I liked the good omens book cameo! And ofc there was Terry's hat last episode!
I had a thought about EVERY (the leak). Do not scroll further if you don't wanna be spoiled about that rn.
SO. My roommate watched it and was catatonic and gave me some vague info about the end and I'm like OH. SHIT. So here's my depressing prediction. I love angst so this would feed me for months.
It's a cliffhanger. Heaven and/or hell find out that our duo has been hiding Gabriel. ONE of them is going to be erased from all existence. (maybe both idk) Crowley, realizing this is the last chance he'll ever get, grabs Aziraphale and kisses him, and there's a big confession scene and it's SO FUCKING EMOTIONAL THIS IS WHY NEIL WANTS US TO REACT TO THE VERY LAST 15 MINUTES. And then one of them is erased, and the other forgets about them completely, and is now back working for their original side, and it's SO FUCKING SAD. Gdi I need this but also DO NOT GIVE IT TO ME I WILL DIE.
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kikyan · 1 year
greetings and salutations, I’ll be fr I got so excited for this event I waited until midnight where I am to send this in. I’m sorry for being terribly down bad lmao. may I please have a yan matchup for haikuu and obey me?
I use they/them pronouns and I’m pansexual. my myers briggs type is INFJ and my star sign is taurus.
Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m kind of introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I find life a little nihilistic. I’m into dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, analog horror, true crime, necromancy, anatomy, etc. I typically consider myself a "gorehound" ig. I also like to visit abandoned places just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable.
I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start taking, which may or may not come off as rude to people.
when I become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. most of my humor comes off really insulting, and I’m brutally honest, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke or I didn’t mean it if it becomes a problem. even though I do have a hard time understanding physical social cues.
lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person. I’ve also been told I never know when to quit, and I find I hold grudges for certain things.
I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. especially with the types mentioned above.
I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, listening to music ( pierce the veil, deftones, system of a down, slipknot, rob zombie,,, sometimes radiohead, insane clown posse, jazmin bean or mother mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games, reading, writing, or talking about a random conspiracy theory I have. I do acting in my spare time as a small hobby too, and I’m learning how to play electric guitar.
I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I also have this specific blanket I can literally not sleep without. Im also a caffeine addict, and I’m guilty of being very submissive and maybe even masochistic- and a bit of a pyromaniac. I dissociate or daydream a lot, so you can often catch me starring.
I suffer from a handful off mental and physical syndromes like adhd, insomnia, asthma, depression and anxiety. These have all been diagnosed professionally, and I’m definitely not trying to make myself "quirky". unfortunately health problems run in my family.
I’m very fidgety, and often bite the inside of my cheek or bounce my leg rapidly. you don’t need to rocmantasize this stuff ofc, but I think it’s good to know so the person can tolerate me.
you do get to this, thanks for your time. <3
I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG OMG, I LITERALLY MOVED AND I WAS SO BUSY I AM SO SORRY!! Don't worry, if you're down bad then we're both down bad LMAO. Okay, I will say this, throughout my very extensive research and careful planning, I shall give you the match and a runner-up! For Obey me, we have Belphagor being the main match, and Satan being the runner-up! For Haikyu we have Kuroo with Sugawara being a runner-up! Lemme explain,
Assuming my research did me justice, as an INFJ you're an introverted yet intuitive person. You're someone who has opinions and ideals, basing your life off of them. These ideals and opinions have guided you and are the main basis for making decisions. Combining this with your sign, Taurus, I think you're someone who has a set path influenced by their ideas, opinions, and personal vision. You don't stray far from the path and despite being introverted, you seek to uplift those around you (those you're very close with) in your own way. You're honest and you don't beat around the bush, very set in your way and stubborn. You probably enjoy having a stable and consistent schedule and work hard to achieve any and all achievements. While you may find life to have no greater meaning, that doesn't mean you don't find life interesting. I'm certain you have passions and things you do that make up for it. You're not doing anything to prove to someone, you're doing this for yourself. I'm not saying you're a defender of justice or anything, but I feel like you're not one to let shit slide. I think when it comes to strangers, you may not care for what they think but when it comes to close relationships, that might be when you start to feel anxious.
Belphagor understands this. I'm not sure if you're caught up with the anime but it did touch on some things regarding lesson 16. In the last episode of the first season, Belphagor noticed how everyone was on edge with him. Walking around eggshells and treating him differently because of what happened. He noticed but said nothing until his feelings got the better of him and lashed out. Whenever he needs time away, he goes to the attic despite that being the place Lucifer had him imprisoned. He has a close connection with Beel and if they ever have a fight, he strives to fix it ASAP! I think Belphie understands what it's like to hold back. To be afraid of admitting things because he doesn't want to make it any more awkward than it already is. He's the sin of sloth which has been dubbed the sin of laziness but in reality, it is the lack of ability to do what is needed to be done. I think goes well with personality because you do what needs to be done (in a sense). You both help each other, you motivate Belphie to do things and he motivates you to take a break. Belphie would never judge you for what you enjoy and take comfort in because he's the same. I think you're a match because you're so similar but also so different from each other. Belphie would enjoy and respect any and all traits, I think the best thing about it is that Belphie understands a social battery and if you ever want to be alone with him, he'll treasure that. As a yandere, he would try to isolate you and take up your time. There's no comfort out there but with someone who understands you with Belphie, he's your comfort. You say you like horror and gore so hopefully, this imagery makes sense but have you heard of the idea of wanting to be inside someone? Not like sexual but hugging someone and having your limbs entangled, the desire to be held more and further to the point you're like inside and protected by them? I'm not weird I promise but that's the way I see him loving you. He'll try to be that plushie and that blanket that you can't sleep without. If you're ever angry, take your anger out on him. You say you're submissive and masochistic and I think Belphie would exploit that as I see him being sadistic and switch leaning to a dominant lover. Your relationship gets dark quick.
Runner-up, Satan! With Satan, I see him understanding where you're coming from in terms of ideals. You have a schedule and stick to it, overall someone who is organized (maybe not organized like planning wise but someone who has a specific way of doing things). Not to mention, Satan would love your sarcastic humor. Maybe the two of you could team up and shit on Lucifer! Unlike Belphie where dark and obscure just is up his alley, Satan might have to cozy up to enjoy your aesthetic and interests. He would never shame you for it, no, but he's not used to it. It's more like you're just there at the start of it all. Satan is composed and usually takes a calmer approach to things, but when angered it's destructive. The type to also bottle up his feelings but at the same time I'm split between him also speaking up. He would understand when you have a hard time picking up social cues (dw I do too we're literally the same) and since he doesn't have a hard time with conversation, he'll lead the conversation and help you when you're confused, it's moving along too fast, etc. I see Satan being one of the people you confess your theories with and maybe even get into passionate conversations about topics that you both enjoy. As a yandere, Satan wastes no time in showing you that he's the dominant one. Pay no attention to my past obey me headcanons as I will redo them because I've been getting more and more into obey me! Yandere Satan would do all he can to make sure you understand that you're inferior to him. He's the one in control but feel free to struggle, he likes that.
Okay now with Haikyu! Kuroo is the main match and while I haven't written headcanons of him but trust I will bring justice to his character as well as Sugawara (who is the runner up). I see Kuroo being someone who is drawn to such a strong and upheld nature but can also pick up that you're not the best in social situations. I can sense Kuroo might see himself in you a bit because if my member serves right, Kenma admits that Kuroo was worse than him in terms of social anxiety. Kuroo just found a hobby that he enjoyed and opened up a bit. With that being said, Kuroo would be the yandere for you! He supports you and your hobbies 100%!! Kuroo isn't one to judge and while he may joke a bit he doesn't ever mean to harm. He'd enjoy exchanging jokes and making sarcastic remarks with you. He would also enjoy the way you dedicate yourself to your craft, I feel like Kuroo is one of those people that truly light up when others are happy as well, just the vibes I guess. While Kuroo works hard to achieve the results he wants, he also knows when to take a break. Which is a really good thing if you ever get frustrated and want to see something through to the end. He's the one who provides guidance but doesn't strive to be a mentor but rather a close friend who you could always count on. He's very patient and honestly, I think when it comes to mental health he's the character I'd trust the most. As a yandere, he's very observant of you. He's able to pick up on the things that appear hidden to others like when you fidget, your leg bounces, and maybe any other behaviors you exhibit. He's observant and very careful in his planning, I don't see Kuroo being a dominant lover but rather someone who wants 50/50. You both matter and have to work together to keep the relationship working and he doesn't fall short of it, even if he has to gaslight you into thinking everything is perfect.
Suga was a runner-up and apparently, you have the same MBTI! I was a bit skeptical on adding him because the same MBTI would obviously make sense because you're so similar but I like to think that you and Suga(while similar) are on slightly different sides of the spectrum. Like Kuroo, he's patient but he would take on the caretaker role. Unlike Kuroo who wants 50/50 (despite being manipulative), Sugawara would take on the responsibility. Supports your hobbies as long as you aren't in danger of course! He lets his feelings bottle up as well so try not to get too close to him when they explode because it may have disastrous results. I want to say that he would borderline infantilize you, and make you seem as if you need him. He may even use your mental issues against you because he gives me the vibes of wanting to fix people and mold them to his liking. I see him taking a genuine interest in you, finding you so unique, and despite sarcastic remarks, you're lively and just. The way you have your beliefs and resemble hope of some kind, he wants to preserve that.
Hopefully you enjoyed this match up and thanks again for your support!!
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spacejvnky · 2 years
“Well, this is a surprise.” Circus Baby began, placing her drink next to a familiar faces’ drink.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you here of all places. So how’d you dodge the law this time?” She asked with intent and curiosity. Raising an eyebrow towards the reluctant masked criminal.
He gave her a casual stare, it was hard to tell if he was smiling for not with the face mask covering his mouth and nose. He looked at her for a few seconds, before turning away.
“Ooh, the lone stoic type.” Circus Baby joked. “Lemme tell you something, I have my ways to make people talk.”
“I prefer my privacy.” He finally spoke, in annoyed and tired voice.
“Oh come on!” She nudged him with her elbow, trying to get some other kind of reaction out of him. “Have some fun every once in a while. It’s good to smile!”
“..what do you want?” He asked, turning back to look at her.
“Aw, come on! Don’t be like that!” She said, wrapping her left arm around him to pull him in closer. “You’ll kill the mood!”
“The mood has already been killed.” He responded. “The only mood around here before you showed up, was the peace and quiet.”
“Yeah, quiet like your ego.” Circus Baby shot back with a grin.
He rolled his eyes. “At least it keep them in fear and silence.” He looked back to the rest of the bar. Everyone else inside the bar had huddled all together at the back. Waiting for the two criminals to leave.
“Alright fair, but you owe me.” Circus Baby said, gesturing towards the door. Her posse was standing outside, ensuring that the law didn’t show up.
And that Deja Vu didn’t leave until Circus Baby said so.
“I can take care of myself if the sheriff showed up.” He said, looking back at her. “In other words, your gang isn’t doing jack shit.”
“Actually, they are.” She said, correcting him. “They’re making sure that you don’t disappear in the blink of an eye.” She heard stories about how he always managed to escape without getting caught.
But there was no way he was getting out of this one.
“Besides, you know what’ll happen if you cross me.” She continued, giving him a dark grin.
“Do I?” He asked sarcastically.
“You should.” She shot back.
“You and I don’t have beef with one another, and I don’t have the time to start a problem with amateurs.” He said an snarky voice.
“Amateurs? HAH!” She laughed. “Either you’re trying to give yourself a death wish, or you’re just playing dumb with me.”
“I already have a death wish.” Deja Vu responded. “It’s called the law of the west.”
“Any specific part of the law?” She asked.
“Who’s playing dumb now?” He responded.
“Hey, it’s a clown thing.” She gestured towards her face and makeup.
“Or the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.” He said. “I don’t know whether I should laugh or pity you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He got on her nerves, no one disrespected Circus Baby and her posse.
“Of course you wouldn’t understand..” He sighed. “See, this is what happens when your heads a fucking rock.”
“Hey! There’s more to me than you’re thinking right now.” She growled back to him, reaching for her gun.
“I can only assume you mean the blood, sweat, and tears you shed while trying to keep your makeup in one piece.” He raised an eyebrow as he spoke to her, she could almost tell he was smiling.
“You watch your tongue.” She threatened. “I’ve got a knack for deceiving people through acting.”
“So you’re good at deception..” He said slyly. “Duly noted.”
“Wait- THIS NOT HOW— YOU..” She clutched her head as she stammered. “Listen. I’m here to get info, out of you. NOT the other way around.” She growled, getting a grip on her gun.
“And what about them?” Deja Vu turned to look at her posse, who was still guarding the door.
Funtime Freddy seemed to be twitching, and Bon Bon was trying to calm him down.
“They just here for decoration? Or are you pulling them around like puppets?” He asked in the same snarky tone from before.
“Okay… listen here you asshole.” She took a deep breath in, trying to contain her growing rage. “They were all I had after my father disappeared without a trace. So insult them any further, and-”
“And what?” He asked. “You’ll shoot me?”
“No...” She growled. “I just wanted to ask you some questions..”
“You haven’t changed a bit, Elizabeth.”
Those words shot through her like a bullet. She lost contact with reality, her mind traveling back to when she was a young girl. Memories of her and her deceased brothers played in her mind like scenes from a film.
She hadn’t heard her first name in years..
Then she was brought back when she felt him touch her arm.
“Wh.. how-” She couldn’t form words from the shock of her trip down memory lane.
“How do I know?” He finished for her. “Don’t tell me you forgot everything
..what was he talking about?
“You were always the one who wanted to start a conversation with me.” He said.
The sound of multiple footsteps and cocking guns led him to turn his head. Circus Baby’s posse were pointing their attention to him.
Circus Baby mentioned them to go back to guarding.
“How do you know my name?” She asked with more curiosity and shock from before.
“Oh, come on, Liz.” He said while reaching for his mask. “Don’t you remember..”
He removed it, revealing the rest of his face.
“Your old best friend?” He asked, smiling.
That face..
..it couldn’t be!
“…Sammy..?” She asked in complete shock.
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dokitm-arch · 2 years
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from monie - “i don’t normally do this…” jirō starts with a bit of a blush on her face ( in a very blink or you’ll miss it kid of moment ), “but it’s your birthday and it was the only gift that i could really think of.” an admission that may have sounded modest at best, but in actuality she had worked really hard on it. he was one of the few people in their class that seemed the most enthusiastic about her musical abilities, so it had only seemed fair to put together something special for kaminari’s birthday.
it would’ve been easy to put all of her music on a thumbdrive and give it to him as a gift, but there was something she liked about burning it all onto a cd and decorating both the disk ( while being careful to not mess it up so it could be played ), and the case that held the cd too, that felt a lot more personal as well. even if it was a bit obvious that there were music notes and little lightning bolts, tying into the other’s quirk.
“you’re the first one to hear these demos… they need more work but I wanted you to be part of it.” wow, that sounded so cheesy. was her face getting hotter or was it her? “lemme know what you think, okay?”
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today proved to be just a right day  to throw your legs back and rest your soul away. while classes and trainings were still mandatory ( a pitiful shame, if you ask the lightning hero - seriously, birthdays happen once a year and there’s no break for the special person?! ), denki still found lighthearted atmosphere midst the hours and hours of frying his brain up - from his usual group taking him aside to give them their shared gift to a large, birthday cake sato prepared in secrecy. no wonder they were all so secretive these past few days! 
however, what denki was most curious of was about to come in courtesy of jirou pulling him aside from the party. at first, he assumed she was going to chide him for making too much of a fuss but the quick flush of her cheeks and averting told him otherwise which, admittedly, kept him on toes. whoever said the ever so charming and quick witted chargebolt wasn’t keen? 
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her muttered words haven’t fallen on deaf ears and instead earned the taller to lean closer whilst peering right at jirou with those cat-like eyes, his smile never faltering.  ❛ you... don’t do normally what, jirou? c’mon, you don’t gotta be so shy! you know that whatever it is, i’ll LOVE it, since it came from you! ❜  that part was very much true, genuine even, but perhaps he hadn’t realized how heartfelt it could be. not yet, he did ... after all, who on earth would go for the class clown of 1-A?
when given the painted cover and cd with “demos”, as jirou puts it, denki couldn’t help the excitement painting his features and the giddy hands holding her gift with ginger care. jirou’s music, in one CD?! and they are demos, of all things, which meant an opportunity to support his friend and encourage her through and through?! this had to be a sign, it just had to!  ❛ woah, seriously?! you’re giving me the demos and want me to be part of them?! that’s amazing, jirou! seriously! ❜  he leaned way closer to the girl, beaming brighter than the sun.  ❛ thanks so much! now i’ll have more awesome music of yours to listen to! hey, how about after the party, we go to my room and you show ‘em? sounds like a good idea, right? ❜  any excuse just to give confidence to her... just to have her smiling.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
hiiii my fave 💓 would it be okay for me to ask what kind of reader you see sero with? i genuinely love the way you write anything, especially sero!!! his smile? the things he says??? i’m in love and am so curious who your genius brain sees him with 👁
Hello MY fave. 😭💕 But hmm, lemme think. Sero, eh?
I will argue myself into a grave that canonically, he’s a smartass. A jokester!!! Smooth, lowkey class-clown kinda vibes. He also seems mostly unbothered by the more extreme temperments of his classmates, beyond making snippy lil asides, behind their backs:
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(shout out to my King Explosion Bulldozer there, eloquent as ever bb <3)
So with those basics, I could see Sero being good foil for someone who’s a little more anxious!!!
Like: our Reader’s a lil bit of a mousey mouse, keeps to themselves, prefers knowing everything about a situation before subjecting themselves to it and even then needs like, at least three different escape routes available lmao. And then you’d have Sero Hanta who just cruises along like, “yup, ‘sup”.
I think Sero would be good at ferreting out personalities that might otherwise be too shy to approach him!!!! and he’d be especially great at just dropping in, mid-convo, like you’re old friends.
(He snorts at something your coworker says, and before you know it you are shoulder to shoulder with Cellophane, Pro Hero, who winks down at you like you’re in on the joke.
“Nah man,” he says, grinning. “You’re delusional if you think series five was any better—”)
Like with all personality traits, I think being an easy-going quipper can backfire on someone—like, even as adult, I could picture Sero at his worst being kinda… self-absorbed? LOL. I feel like that prolly sounds like it’s coming out of left-field but!!!!! Listen!!!!!!! he’s grown up with some very intense people, some very forceful personalities—he’s known nothing but interesting people!!! so when he’s bored i reckon he can just come of super disinterested/disrespectfully flippant—a trait he’d have to learn how to temper, considering most people aren’t… you know, the greatest heroes of their age lmfaooo. Someone who’s a little more reserved, at first, would be a good reminder for him that people don’t have to be constant performers, that there’s value in sharing quiet moments with someone you like. Which would suit him, I reckon, because away from his mates he seems like he appreciates a more zen environment, like so:
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I like imagining his space, as an adult, is just as impeccable. And when you’re finally in his inner circle—idk, I think it’d be good. Sitting with him at a low, balsam wood table, some sweet, woodsy incense burning in the background as you’re both reading.
(Hanta’s got a manga out—a volume Todoroki gave him for his birthday. It looks apocalyptic, something graphic about being the last surviving humans in a world without Quirks. Hanta glances up and catches you looking.
“Get over here,” he says, shuffling over and you move, automatically—setting your book down to curl up with him on his side of the table, his long arms wrapping around you and holding the manga aloft so you can read it, too.)
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (iv)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, guns, mention of war, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: good evening i’ve never been to any of the places i mention in this series so dont come @ me
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! i might actually end up using them 
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
He spends the weekend doing nothing. It’s supposed to be relaxing. He finds it nauseatingly boring.
“No mini mission this week?” Steve asks him from across the couch. 
They’re supposed to be catching up on Star Wars but two prequels in and Bucky could feel himself lose his sanity. Anyone could present him with a random assortment of alphabets, call it a Star Wars species and he would have no reason not to believe them.
It’s not like he doesn’t like space. It’s just that he’s had enough of it and everything and everyone who came from it for the foreseeable future.
“No. Someone else is taking care of it.”
“Didn’t you volunteer for this?”
“I pulled myself out of the case.”
“I thought you were having fun.” 
Bucky’s head slowly turns to look at him. “Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know,” Steve shrugged. “Looked like you were.”
Well, he wasn’t. He likes it here at home, glued to the TV. Popcorn beside him, sweatpants on. Refreshing, calming, slow, mundane, and Jesus Christ, so fucking boring-
His spiralling is interrupted by the dinging of the elevator to the common floor. No one was allowed up there unless it was extremely urgent. Guests were barely allowed into the Tower as it was. 
It reveals the receptionist from downstairs, Marie. She’s always a little reserved, a little shy. But Bucky had seen her chew and spit out trespassers or anyone who dared to get on her nerve. He adores her.
“Hey, Marie,” Steve says while Bucky sends her a friendly wave in greeting. “What’s wrong?”
“There’s a hostage situation downtown,” she informs them. 
“Okay...” Steve drawls, waiting for a reason why this was an Avengers level threat.
“They’ve asked for Mr. Barnes by name.” She makes a mention towards him.
Bucky sits up straight. Bits of popcorn fall off his chest. 
“They said, and I quote-” she looks down at her notepad. “‘Tell that grumpy motherfucker that I’m waiting for him and that he’s not getting out of this so easily because we have come too far.’ End quote. They’ve also told me to include a kissing emoji. And a skull.”
Steve and he look at each other.
“Well?” Steve prods. 
Bucky sighs and gets up to go get ready.
The entrance of Chuck E. Cheese is more crowded than he’d ever seen. He wasn’t even sure he’d seen people in the store before. If there were, they probably only came up till his waist. 
There are a few journalists, a few policemen standing together outside. Whispers of confusion and curiosity reigned free. 
Bucky gently pushes his way to the front. He gets a nod from a police officer who opens the door for him after a quick briefing. 
The place is darker than it usually would be. A trademark, it seemed. The blinds are drawn shut and most of the light is coming through whatever sneaks in through the crack. 
“Hey, Barnes.” Your voice is muffled by a mask that looks suspiciously like it was made out of classroom craft supplies.
There’s a person in a loose chokehold in your hand with a gun pressed against his head. Once again it looks straight out of a cartoon, purple with round disks lining its barrel. 
“What’s all this now?” He gestures around monotonously. 
“A hostage situation. Didn’t you get the memo?”
“Got that part down, genius,” he bites back. “But why?”
“Fucker kept harassing me when I was walkin’ down the street.” 
The guy’s helpless gaze met Bucky. 
“Catcalling me, stalking me.” You tighten the grip you have on him. “Call me darlin’ one more time, you son of a bitch. I dare you.”
He wasn’t impressed with his pleading eyes. He kinda felt like he deserved it. 
“Why’d you do it here?” The bright colours were starting to give him a heading. “And where are the staff?”
“It’s symbolic, Bucky,” you emphasise, “He deserves to be among other rat bastards.”
Of course.
“The staff?” he asks again. 
“Gave them thirty bucks and told them to leave. I’m not a monster.”
“Right.” He doesn’t bother refuting you. “Why’d you call me here?”
“Dunno.” You shrug. “Thought it’d be fun. You having fun yet?”
You shake the guy you’re holding. He gives a small whimper. 
Bucky doesn’t want to stop you. He had chugged enough Respect Juice in his lifetime to know that this guy probably deserved a threat or two.
Hell, he’d even help but you were more than capable of handling this on your own.
“Listen,” he sighed. “As much as I’m sure he deserves it, this is technically illegal and I’m required to stop you.”
“Sorry sarge, I thought you weren’t interested in playing this stupid game with me,” you mock, voice dropping to imitate him.
“I’m not.” It wasn’t entirely true. One Saturday with Jar Jar Binks had convinced him otherwise.
“Okay, so before you leave, do me a favour and call Hawkeye. I hear he looks mighty fine when he’s annoyed.”
His face involuntarily scrunched up. You were going to replace him with Clint? Clint?
He probably took it more as an insult than he should have.
“I’m not doing that.” Bless his foul mouthed friend, but he was a little shit who was too sarcastic for his own good. At least twice a week he’d say something stupid to Bucky and then take out his hearing aids when he tried to argue back. 
“You’re leavin’ me with no options here,” you groaned, using your thumb to flip a switch. The gun looks like it powered up, lights along the side turning red.
If he let you have this, it’d be a bad look for the Avengers.
New York man dies in Chuck E. Cheese lone hostage situation, unable to be saved by same superhero who tried to fight Thanos with a machine gun.
“Tell ya what,” he says instead, “If you kill him, there won’t even be a slight chance that you’ll see me again.”
Your grip on the gun falters.
“If I let him go...”
“I might consider coming back next week.” He’s trying to spin it, make it look like he’s the one with the upper hand here. “But you gotta let him go.”
You search his face for any signs of dishonesty.
“Let him go or you’ll never see me again.” It sounds too much like Clint’s arguments with his dog who brought a live squirrel into the house. 
“Fine,” you relent, a glint in your eye. “but say goodbye to this fuckface.”
Before Bucky can open his mouth to shout in protest, you pull the trigger. The man clenches his eyes shut, face red.
He expects blood to be splatter across his face.
Nothing happens.
A barrage of bubbles floats into the room.
“I meant it literally,” you say, pushing him off you. “Say goodbye. He’s leaving.”
The man stumbles to the ground and Bucky doesn’t make any attempt to catch him. He scrambles to his knees, picking himself up and scurrying out the door to a hoard of reporters.
The door shuts behind him with the chime of a bell.
“You’re annoying,” Bucky states, giving a small sigh.
“I’m well aware of that.” You pull off the mask, wiping the sweat off your brow.
“Where is the agent assigned to your case?” 
“Dunno. Last I saw he was crying on the driveway of my lair. I just figured he’d pick himself up later so I left him there.”
Bucky’s nose twitches. 
“You weren’t actually going to kill him, were you.” He shrugs with his shoulder towards the door. It wasn’t a question, more a statement. He knew you wouldn’t. 
“I could have.”
“But you weren’t going to,” he repeats. 
“No,” you admit. “I wasn’t. But I’m glad to see you showed up.”
“You held someone hostage as leverage.”
“No, no. I held someone hostage and then asked to see you. They were completely unrelated.”
“You’re evil.”
“You jumped to conclusions,” you point out. “Would you like a trampoline next time? Maybe a pogo stick, you clown?”
He has a very real gun in his holster. His very real metal death arm aches to use it. 
“No one else agreed to come,” he deflects. 
“We both know that’s a lie. You were going to come back anyway.” You stuff the bubble gun back into the bag. “I’m deliciously irresistible.”
“I beg to differ.”
“Then beg.” You give him a smirk and he rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry, you win this round, sarge.”
He doesn’t say anything. He watches you remove your heist gear, revealing normal civilian clothes underneath.
You walk casually to the kitchen, intending to leave through the back door.
“But I can’t say I lost either.” You send him a wink before swiftly pushing open the door and leaving him behind.
He only watches you leave.
It doesn’t hit him until a few seconds later that he let a criminal out of his hands when there were several policemen and journalists outside.
He entertains the idea of chasing you down and handing you over. 
It takes him only a few seconds to decide that if they wanted you, they’d have to try themselves.
Next part 
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momowho34 · 3 years
“Minecraft is so inherently wholesome, there’s nothing wrong with the perfect og version!”
*sigh* okay. Listen. I don’t enjoy ruining people’s fun. I hate being the fun ruiner. But like. I just need to tell y’all some stuff abt Minecraft real quick. Lemme just preface this by saying that I fuckin love Minecraft. I do. Srsly. I still play it, love the game. But uh. There’s this whole thing about engaging with media critically, right? So I’m not telling you to drop Minecraft like it’s a hot potato, just. Just read this entire post before getting pissed at me about shit.
Notch is kind of a Nazi. Like straight up. He’s racist, he’s transphobic, he’s antisemitic, he’s also kinda sexist. It sucks. “But none of that carries over into Minecraft.” Right? I’m so happy about that too. At least it’s not like-
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Oh. Wait. That. Really does look like an anti-Semitic caricature, doesn’t it? Hm. But okay, that could just be-
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Oh. Villagers- villagers really do love emeralds, huh? Like. They’re super greedy and shit about emeralds. Almost like the rich and greedy jewish stereotype. Huh. But okay, that could be-
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Oh right. And there are iron golems in the villages that protect the villagers. Like. Like. Like the figures that are exclusive to jewish folklore. And they’re in Minecraft, literally referred to as Iron Golems. Therefore establishing an undeniable connection.
This combined with the fact that Notch cannot say the words “nazis are bad” (something that’s usually really easy for non-nazi people to say) makes it pretty strikingly clear what villagers are.
Like I said, I don’t like ruining fun. But realizing this shit ruined my fun and tons of other jewish peoples fun too. It fucking sucks, and nobody really seems to... actually give a shit? And if you didn’t realize this I get it, I didn’t either for a while. It’s not hard not to notice if you don’t know what you’re looking for. But now you do.
The good thing about Minecraft is that it’s not just owned by Notch anymore. It’s owned by a lot of people that. Y’know. Aren’t nazis. And like boycotts are effective but they aren’t always the way to go. I don’t think refusing to play Minecraft will do anything, it’s a huge sensation and tons of people love it. But the thing about Minecraft is that it receives continuous updates, so maybe like... bother some people about changing what villagers look like at least? It’s happened before. Villagers have been redesigned a couple of times. It won’t be that hard to change a fuckin nose or whatever. So if you play Minecraft. Just. be like. Mindful of this, at the very least. Go bother some Minecraft devs, talk about this shit. It’s there, trust me, it’s definitely there.
Usually I would make this a “no goy clowning on this post” and like don’t clown but if you’ve got questions about this or whatever I have like. A lot more to say about it. I can totally go into specifics about how this is definitely a caricature and why, I can explain some of the problems I have with the golems and why, etc etc. people brush off anti-semitism all the time, constantly, so please fucking trust me on this. But at the same time. Im fine with going into specifics, so if you have a genuine good faith question then ask.
So uh. Yeah. Don’t forget about this, okay? It matters. I realized this a while ago and it’s sorta been weighing on me. And I just. I love Minecraft, and I think it’d be cool if everyone can love Minecraft. Pls reblog.
(Repeat after me: this has Nothing. To do. With Israel. Nothing. Giving a shit about anti-semitism is not inherently connected to Israel at all. Please for the love of god support jews without bringing up Israel. Please.)
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milf-harrington · 2 years
hihi whats your favourite like.. zukka fics that aren't too mainstream?
if that makes sense,,,
hmMM lemme go through my bookmarks and see if there's any bc i can't think of them off the top of my head fkjghd
okay well straight off the bat we've got @onmyliteraturebullshitagain's incredible showstopping wonderful series called 'Midwest Bi Disaster Zukka' which is probably my favourite zukka au out there and i don't see nearly enough people talk about it
it has everything: fake dating, 'there was only one bed', hurt/comfort (emotional AND physical), bitchy zuko, bitchy sokka, bitchy cats, azula and zuko working on their relationship, tenderness, zuko beating up a homophobe at a wedding, angst, learning to communicate, and a lot more i cannot think of right now but it's there
lighthouse beam is one of my favourites, i used to have it saved as a file on my phone so i could read it whenever lmao; it's just zuko falling in love with some guy in his philosophy class and then it turns out that guy likes him back
words: 7 167 | fluffy, zuko is partially deaf, mutual pining, katara as a law student but it's only mentioned but i still like it bc of the way sokka describes it as it being a profession where she gets to yell at people
im p sure this one pops up almost every time someone asks me about zukka fics but born lucky is definitely one of my favourite trans character fics in general. it's just,, so sweet and funny and a goddamn mood
words: 3535, chapters: 3 | funny and fluffy, involves baking and is the reason i spent an entire night binge watching baking shows on netflix, trans zuko, meet-cute in the hospital and then back up meet-cute in the grocery store at 3am
you and i can make it through the night is just about zuko and sokka sharing/swapping beds for various reasons and it's very sweet and nice and romance-y
words: 10 410 | college/university au, roommates, sharing a bed, hurt/comfort, cute, fluffy
only you can ease my mind is a hurt/comfort fic where zuko and sokka are roomies and zuko has a breakdown bc he forgot to write a paper and is Stressed and then sokka helps him
words: 2 708 | fluffy, college/university au, getting together, healthy relationships, lots of love, just very love fuelled
how sweet it is (to be loved by you) is a lil 4 + 1 fic of zuko playing music for people he loves and it's just hella sweet
words: 2 937 | fluff, love declarations, getting together, sibling bonding
slo-fi hip hop radio - (heart)beats to listen/fall for is a kind of social media/neighbour au where sokka is a video game developer (and secretly a lo-fi mixer on youtube), and zuko is the heir to a "pharmaceutical empire" who moves in next door and they mostly communicate via email (and social media)
words: 33 333, chapters: 6 | clown-to-clown communication, neighbours, mutual pining, fluff, humour, light angst, crush at first sight
im sorry if this isn't what you meant, but i hope you enjoy the fics anyway!! it's been awhile since i've actually sat down and read a zukka fic so i'm sorry i don't have more/better ones <3
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