enjoylearning · 5 years
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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I don’t know where this came from but I NEEDED it
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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“Philosophy is to be studied, not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions, since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather for the sake of the questions themselves; because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against speculation; but above all because, through the greatness of the universe which philosophy contemplates, the mind also is rendered great, and becomes capable of that union with the universe which constitutes its highest good.” –Bertrand Russell, ‘The Problems of Philosophy’
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enjoylearning · 5 years
“The secret to staying motivated: focus on what you’re doing, not what you’re trying to achieve.”
— Marie Forleo
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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enjoylearning · 5 years
“The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself.”
— Maya Angelou (via naturaekos)
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enjoylearning · 5 years
“People seem to think embracing life means to jump off cliffs and kiss strangers. Maybe it’s just slowly learning to love yourself.”
— (via c0ntemplations)
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enjoylearning · 5 years
life hack: do ur readings and go to class
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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enjoylearning · 5 years
How To Start A Study Session (when your really not up for it)
1. Cut up an apple and sprinkle some cinnamon over it (this tastes so good), or grab a healthy snack from the kitchen
2. Get out everything you need, laptop, charger, paper, pens, bullet journal, iPad, notes etc.
3. Write a priority list, number them so you keep track and finish/start what needs to be done first.
4. Have some background music or put on a TV series that you’ve watched all the episodes of so you don’t have to pay close attention. Friends, Doctor Who and The Simpsons are some of my favourites
5. If you have a long day/pulling a (nearly (?)) all nighter, get out a movie series, this, to me makes time fly while I still get the same amount done. I recommend Harry Potter if you have a weekend of study ahead. Watching your favourite movies will keep you from leaving your desk (for the wrong reasons) and getting distracted. (JUST TO BE SURE: choose a TV show/movie you’ve watched a dozen times so you don’t have to pay attention/ go back because you have no idea what’s going on)
6. Use different methods to remember dates, events and the the general stuff for up and coming tests. Flash cards, mind maps and note taking are three ways I memorise information for tests.
7. If you’re starting a research task (essay, oral) watch a documentary relevant to your topic and take notes on the important points. Watch lectures (tedxtalks), if worthy of your time. This is a great way to get your starter information and you can do your own research from there.
8. Every hour (at least), get up and do a couple of star jumps (jumping jacks) or anything to get your heart rate going, staying on your butt all day is not best for your health.
9. Bribe yourself. “if I do three hours on my Latin revision + homework, I’ll _________“ this helps with just getting through it.
10. Keep your goal in mind. Photoshop your face in a doctors white coat, in court as a judge, as a teacher in front of your Yr 11 Applied Mathematics. Have a visual representation of your goal. GOOD LUCK
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enjoylearning · 5 years
The Best Study Techniques:
I’ve recently come across a 2013 study which aimed to compare the efficiency of different study techniques.They evaluated whether the benefits of the techniques generalised across learning conditions, student characteristics, materials, and criterion tasks. Here is a summary of their results:
Least Effective Study Techniques:
Highlighting — including underlining textbooks and other materials
Keyword mnemonics — the use of keywords and mnemonics to help remind students of course material
Imagery use for text learning — creating mental images to remind students of material
Moderately Effective Study Techniques
Elaborative interrogation — uses “why” questions to get students to make connections between new and old material.
Self-explanation — prompting students to provide their own explanations for problems while learning material
Interleaved practice — mixing different kinds of problems or material in one study session
Highly Effective Study Techniques
Practice testing — any form that allows students to test themselves, including using actual or virtual flashcards, doing problems or questions at the end of textbook chapters, or taking practice tests.
Distributed practice — studying material over a number of relatively short sessions.
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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Eight Ways to Remember Anything by Alex Lickerman M.D.
Reference: Research-based strategies to boost your memory and keep it strong via psychology today
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enjoylearning · 5 years
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I thought I’d make a little guide :) These are just some of the ways I’ve learned how to study a particularly difficult subject. Let me know how you usually study a difficult subject, I need some new ideas!
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enjoylearning · 5 years
the worst part about reading ancient roman philosophy is that sometimes you’ll read something expressly saying that people shouldn’t do something that you do frequently and it’s like diogenes threw a plucked chicken at you from 2000 years ago
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enjoylearning · 5 years
Until you have built the right habits that will lead you to your dream
“Keep your dreams to yourself until you are strong enough to defend them, for they are easily destroyed by the comments of others.”
— Jerry Corsten
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