inkedpages11 · 4 days
Hi! I wrote a Lovely Runner fanfic feel free to check it out! Let me know if you like it!
So perhaps that is why Sun-jae recognizes her voice the second he hears it. The radio show host had been over the moon to have him and his band on the show but now she is floundering.
His Sol sounds different. But he knows it’s her. How could he not?
Or: Sun-Jae remembers her when he attend her call.
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inkedpages11 · 14 days
Holy shit. The Israeli whistleblower story CNN just broke is insane. I cannot believe what I’m reading
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inkedpages11 · 16 days
Hi so I wrote another Queen of Tears fic.
He says nothing. Pretends he didn’t see her shove something under the bed. He wants to know. He never wants echoes of their past mistakes between them. But he decides he’ll wait.
Or: Healing from memory loss is not an easy thing.
Would love to know if you like it!!
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inkedpages11 · 19 days
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inkedpages11 · 27 days
Hi! I wrote a queen of tears fic because I have way too many feelings about it
Something about it feels familiar. The sight of a clover wilting in her hand. The smell of wet cobblestones on Frankfurt's streets. The look in Hyun-woo’s eyes.
Or: Hea-in remembers something important
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inkedpages11 · 1 month
Hi! I wrote a Dramione fic. Please check it out. It’s short and sweet.
It’s about an evening Paris.
It’s about how much they both love each other.
It’s a little about finding your way back to love too.
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
Winter arrived
With clouds full
Of diamond dust
For the starving soil
And haunting tunes
For the mute wind
A heavy slumber
For wandering creatures
And the final touch
A soft silence
For this bustling world
- Indigo ( @inkedpages11 )
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
infinite cat generator
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
i love seeing art created by artists but you know what I love even more? seeing art by people who don't necessarily consider themselves artists
like "i made this pillow because i wanted to see if i could sew" "i made this hat because i wanted to try crocheting" "i drew this animal because I wanted to" "i painted this painting because it made me happy" yes! yes! yes!!!!!!! YES!!!!
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
I haven’t watched the trailer but I don’t like what I’ve heard. And I’m in complete agreement over everything you said. The thing is Anne was already a strong character. Her strength was in her resilience, it was in the way she was level headed in the worst of situations, it was in her persistence to believe in love even after all she had gone through. The biggest thing about Anne was that her strength was quiet. So making her snarky and feisty does not make sense because it ruins the whole theme of the story. The world is obsessed with just one kind of strength, the bold and blatant shows of strength and apparently that is the only way to be strong.
Persuasion as a whole was a quiet love story. Both characters were written as people who’d rather keep their deepest thoughts and feelings to themselves, pining away for years than utter a single word to anyone about it.
There were no grand romantic gestures in the story. Wentworth proved his love for Anne with such small but meaningful gestures. There’s no scene where he dramatically saves Anne’s because he cannot bear to live without her, instead we have him removing a child from her back because he cannot bear the idea of Anne facing even the tiniest of inconvenience. And he does it all without making a big deal out of it. Similarly he chooses to hide his role in making sure she gets a carriage when she is exhausted. Both of them love silently and it fits their personality.
Even the biggest romantic gesture in the story, is a letter. We do not see Wentworth making a dramatic entrance and declaring his love for all to hear. It’s done through a letter instead, even though they are close proximity and he could just talk to her, he chooses to write instead. He chose to declare his love in in a silent voice, letting his words make an impact. It is my personal belief that he would not have been able to be as honest as he was in the letter had he tried to reveal it in some magnificent manner.
And Anne! We see her love her family through small acts of kindness, and no one in her family sees it. Because they don’t understand what these acts mean but Wentworth gets exactly what each one of her kindness costs and why she keeps on doing the things she does because he does the same for her. We as readers hear all about how much Anne loves Wentworth but she does not say a word to him and yet in the letter he says “half agony and half hope”. He has hope because he knows Anne and the way she loves and he caught on to the fact that she cares about him.
So there we go, it’s not just Anne, Wentworth is the same. He’s quiet, modest, perhaps even a bit stoic. So trying to make Anne into something she is not, does not only change the whole essence of the story, it also takes away the reason why Anne and Wentworth’s chemistry worked. This book was about how two people loved from shadows. Not about a snarky girl falling in love with a strong dude.
ok no I'm still annoyed about what they've done to anne elliot. why must every heroine be beautiful, smart, confident, witty, flirtatious, funny, independent, firm-minded etc.?
what about shy women? humble women? lonely women? women who are just sad and a little bit pathetic? not firm enough to speak their mind? not strong enough to know their mind? who are riddled with anxiety and embarrassment? who have genuine faults and mistakes they regret but are too mortified to acknowledge? who know they are being taken advantage of but who keep sacrificing their own happiness to maintain the peace and reputation of their family? who are smart in their own way and happy with that even if it doesn't amount to anything that can be paraded around as a talent? do they not deserve to have their stories told?
I've had enough of snark!!!!! enough of smugness!!!! i wanna see a heroine who is so miserable and lonely and who feels everything so deeply and who yearns so bloody hard for years that she collapses when he finally gives her that letter!!! i want pathetic pining!! i want miserable social interactions!!! i want stolen glances and subtle questions and agonising despair until a confession so cathartic that i faint with her!!!! i want to feel something real!!!!!!!!! god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
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rhododendrons in the rain
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
Try to be a kangaroo? Hun that is already a baby kangaroo 😂
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I want to try to be a little kangaroo via /r/Eyebleach https://ift.tt/5eMBR72
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
i don’t know who needs to read this but please… lower a wing of mercy to your parents man. they’re people just like you are. they have flaws, no doubt; but i believe it’s possible you’re overlooking the things you have to be grateful for and fixating too much on the things you have to be resentful for (maybe because of the parents-based toxic posts on this app but that’s another post for another day)
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inkedpages11 · 2 years
There’s something so empowering about having friends.
You stand there in front of a world tearing you apart into pieces but get to say:
‘I have people that love me. I have people that choose to stand with me’
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inkedpages11 · 3 years
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inkedpages11 · 3 years
I’m going to give you the best piece of Adult Life Is Hard advice I’ve ever learned:
Talk to people when things go to shit.
I don’t just mean get it off your chest, although that’s good. I mean: Something’s wrong with your paycheck/you lost your job/you had unexpected emergency car repairs and now you’re broke so your credit card payment is late. Like, not just 15 days late. We’re talking, shit got crazy and now you’re 90 days late with compounded interest and late fees and the Minimum Payment Due is, like, $390, and you’ve got about $3.90 in your bank account. Call the credit card company. 
I know it’s scary. I know you feel like you’re going to get in trouble, like you’re gong to get yelled at or scolded for not having your life together. But the credit card company isn’t your parents; they’re just interested in getting money from you. And you can’t squeeze blood from a stone or money from someone who doesn’t have any. So what you do is you call them. You explain you’re experiencing temporary financial hardships, and you’re currently unable to bring your account up to date, but you don’t want to just let it get worse. Can you maybe talk to someone about a payment plan so you can work something out? Nine times out of ten you’ll be able to negotiate something so that at least it’s not just taking a constant, giant shit on your credit score.
- Can’t pay your power bill? Call the power company.
- Can’t pay your full rent? Talk to your landlord.
- Had to go to the hospital without insurance and have giant medical bills looming in your place? Call the hospital and ask if they have someone who helps people with financial hardships. Many do.
- Got super sick and missed half a semester of class because flu/pneumonia/auto-immune problems/depressive episode? Talk to your professor. If that doesn’t help, talk to your advisor.
You may not be able to fix everything, but you’ll likely be able to make improvements. At the very least, it’s possible that they have a list of people you can contact to help you with things. (Also, don’t be afraid to google things like, “I can’t pay my power bill [state you live in]” because you’d be surprised at what turns up on Google!) But the thing is, people in these positions gain nothing if you fail. There’s no emotional satisfaction for them if your attempts at having your life together completely bite the dust. In fact, they stand to benefit if things work out for you! And chances are, they’ll be completely happy to take $20 a month from you over getting $0 a month from you, your account will be considered current because you’ve talked to them and made an agreement, you won’t get reported to a collections agency, and your credit score won’t completely tank.
Here’s some helpful tips to keep in mind:
1. Be polite. Don’t demand things; request them. Let me tell you about how customer service people hold your life in their hands and how many extra miles they’ll go for someone who is nice to them.
2. Stick to the facts, and keep them minimal unless asked for them. Chances are they’re not really interested in the details. “We had several family emergencies in a row, and now I’m having trouble making the payments” is better than “Well, two months ago my husband wrecked his bike, and then he had a reaction to the muscle relaxer they gave him, and then our dog swallowed a shoestring and we had to take him to the emergency clinic, and just last week MY car broke down, and now my account’s in the negatives and I don’t know how I’m gonna get it back out.” The person you’re talking to is aware shit happens to everyone; they don’t need the details to prove you’re somehow “worthy” of being helped. They may ask you for details at a certain point if they have to fill out any kind of request form, but let them do that.
3. Ask questions. “Is there anything we can do about X?” “Would it be possible to move my payment date to Y day instead so it’s not coming out of the same paycheck as my rent?” The answer may be “no.” That’s not a failure on your part. But a good customer service person may have an alternate solution. 
Anyway! I hope that helps! Don’t just assume the answer is “no” before you’ve even begun. There is more help out there than you ever imagined.
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