#like when im reading fics and they’re talking about how sexy s is and then they mention he has his hair in a ponytail/bun i am immediately
steelycunt · 1 year
sirius black would not wear a man bun. so stop it
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space-writes · 4 months
So this post has me thinking. Because though the post and a lot of the comments talk about fic, this kind of scene-breaking PSA-feeling scene is something I run across in a fair amount of the M/M erotica/romance I read as well. (By which I mean a lot of indie/selfpub stuff, for clarification purposes) (don’t rec me ‘good m/m books’. my tbr is so long. my kindle is so full. im drowning. my god.)
In those, the ones that repeat are the ‘hey we’re both on PrEP!’ conversation, and the ‘when did you last get tested?’ conversation. The testing conversation also shows up sometimes in M/F that I read, and the one in there that also shows up is fairly naturally the birth control conversation. And first off—none of these are bad to have. None of them are automatically ruiners of good stories, or things you should cut!
What they often are is copy-paste scenes. They’re jarring when they happen because they aren’t written properly in character, and they take you out of the story and damage your connection to the narrative and to the characters. This is, in fact, he would not fucking say that time. This is not a problem of ‘including consent and safe sex is boring in smut’ (a whole other conversation). This is a problem of character voice and also bad dialogue.
Listen, I live here, on the internet. Bad smut is a time-honoured tradition here, and bad dialogue is at its wretched best in bad smut. I have an entire post in the works about writing good sexy dialogue—it’s hard! It’s hard to do!
(sidenote, this is why a lot of smut dialogue prompt lists make me cringe, because the dialogue is either poor, or so generic as to make lines that could be sexy in the right mouth sound poor.)
But the reason these consent-PSA scenes don’t work, and jar readers, is because you are putting words in your characters mouth that you want to say—for whatever reason; you think showing consent is important, you want to be clear about the consent given in the fic, whatever—but you are not saying them how your blorbo would say them.
I have an ongoing D/s romance series. Tens of thousands of words now. Twenty-four main fics, two unposted-yet novels, and a handful of side stories. The main relationship is a Master/sub relationship. They do a lot of kinky shit, and I can count on one hand how many times the couple sit down and talk about consent and they have never, not once, had a conversation on-page that uses the word consent.
What? Why! Space, why do you, person who is very passionate about proper consent and communication in BDSM play, not have any consent discussions in this BDSM fic?
Because those dialogues aren’t what the story needs. When it does, I include them in ways that are relevant to the scene and written in character, not as some obligatory cut-and-paste “do you consent?” “yes I do!” PSA. There is one exchange in fic 2 where the nature of the relationship is established. For the other six fics in that arc, I don’t have them sit down and negotiate scenes. It’s implied by a few lines that they talked about likes/dislikes off-page and then it’s back to the fun kinky shit.
And the thing is, they would say that. They would talk about boundaries and limits, and I could write an in-character conversation about that very easily. I didn’t, because that’s not the point of the story; the focus is on hot sex and emotional pining, and having a three-paragraph discussion about consent between them would get in the way of that.
(obedience readers i know at this point you’d read those two talking about the fucking weather but do not undermine my point here XD)
Listen, I’m just some guy. I take my writing seriously in that I want to be good at it, and I know a lot of people—especially in fic—are just having fun with it. That’s fine! Do what’s fun! But if you want to get better at writing porn, you can do that. I believe in you. You can have your enthusiastic consent and you can do it in character, in scene, and you can make it feel so natural no-one even notices you’re doing it because they’re too busy going ‘holy shit this is hot!’
This is kind of a rant but I just. am very passionate about good dialogue in smut. and about character voice. and i’m tired of reading the exact same PrEP-status conversation in my m/m novels. yes i get it author. you researched gay sex safety. im so proud of you. can we get back to the mediocre porn now.
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Its the end of the year! Which means its time to post the
Tags That Made Me Smile 2022
The following are a collective list of tags, author notes, and fic names that i saw on ao3 and tumblr that made me either laugh or smile. Ive separated them by fandom but a good amount arent actually fandom specific. Ive added the character names or fandom at the end like {name} to clarify who the tag is talking about
[2021's list]
Author Specific / Non-Specific
i saw canon; acknowledged it; And promply burned it in a dirty trash can thanks; Have this instead
Give me pain I need to feel something
this is self projection thank you coming to my ted talk
Whats that?? Overused tropes that everyone has seen before????? Pfffffffft. This fic is literally just a big mess of "how can I cater to myself and myself only"
you ever just look at your life and wonder how you got here; bc that's what this fic is for me
Don't underestimate me I DO NOT know how long this fan-fic will be
can you tell my target audience is myself
this is content specifically catered to me and no one else
these characters are my landlords and i pay them rent
P O L Y A M O R Y   I S   M Y   P O L Y J A M O R Y
cheek kiss warning
kidnapping isn’t sexy don’t do it
i've never read the archie comics but that's not gonna stop me {archie sonic}
not me writing a whole fic for a ship only i care about; that like maybe two other people ship; rowing this boat is hard but someone has to do it {scourge x fleetway sonic}
ankles don't heal this fast but fuck it i do what i want
no beta we die like men; or rather we drown like the sad shipper with a pool noodle we are
I'm afraid of the Danimals mascot and you should be too
if you're getting flood warnings, don't worry. It's just MY TEARS!
me at every character: anxiety be upon ye
Me (Grabs canon and runs a marathon with it)
Quote: Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created (Spy Kids) {tmnt crossover}
Alternate Universe - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
contains dangerous amount of bed based snuggling
(kind of its a very short very homosexual fight scene); and then they kiss.
Hostage situation takes a romantic turn???? Not clickbait????
enemies to frenemies
Improper Use of Pool Noodles
stone cold stoicism meeting determined stupidity
Star Wars
Kanan Jarrus: The Daddening
platonic love is what healed his lonely existence {din djarin}
when in doubt: road trip with the besties {din, boba, fennec}
Soul Eater
found family at its finest {kid, liz, patty}
The Witcher
wife (platonic) {yennskier}
at first I was like haha geralt and Istredd should kiss as a joke…. but bro I don’t think it’s a joke anymore….
Sonic the Hedgehog
Movie!Super Sonic is made out of LOVE no one touch me
Sonics gay awakening I guess
sonic movie 2 made me make an ao3 account lol
Sonic was made to love people
Two Bros Chillin’ in an ER Five Feet Apart ‘cause they’re not gay {sonic x shadow}
the most dangerous thing is to love {shadow}
Trapped in a small box with just enough room to face some feelings {sonic x shadow}
the R in rivalry stand for romance {sonic x shadow}
The L in Rivalry Stands For 'Love' {sonic x shadow}
A Largely Platonic Cave
i love boom!shadow so naturally i made him even more insufferable
Wachowskis holdin it down in the bg; Absolute champs
I love how Shadow is just so mindbogglingly utterly done with reality
Knuckles is a guardian of all things great and small
“Would you kiss a worm?" “If he was cute as fuck? Yeah.” {wade x stone}
"What is this made of, bendable titanium?!" "INCORRECT. IT IS MADE OF THE FRUSTRATIONS OF MOTHERS EVERYWHERE." {team dark}
featuring a scourge that trips far too much because it's my fic and I said so {scourge x fleetway sonic}
no thoughts just soft hedgehog moments
listen if im going to die at the hands of injured lancelot shit i might as well take advantage of it
Everyone has a crush on Lancelot and I'll die on this hill
fairy Lancelot Fairy Lancelot FAIRY LANCELOT!!!
Slow Burn; mostly on april's end of things; casey and donnie are basically on fire right off the bat {tmnt 2012}
Rise!Donnie and 2012!Casey be out there committing arson together for their first date >.>
Please enjoy Casey, the fool, realizing his feelings for Donnie, another fool {tmnt 2012}
Draxum and Splinter are the turtles' dads (it's a reluctant partnership)
just two absolute powerhouses holding each other gently {raph x mona}
“There’s nothing wrong with the way you love, Dee. Goodnight.” {rottmnt}
Wondering what to do when the apocalypse happens? Easy: fly across the country and get Vegas-married. That's definetley an appropriate reaction that won't involve your complicated feelings towards your roommate at all {hypno x warren}
Look rise are weapons of war 12 were accidents and I play with that HARD in this fic
Donatello is now Dad-Atello {rottmnt}
The other [Casey] is out on a beach in Tahiti; It's what he deserves after surviving the Krang {rottmnt}
Leo is now actively being hunted for sport; (the only sport Donnie is good at) {rottmnt}
These turtles can fit so much trauma
2018 Karai lives because fuck Nick; Casey x Donnie x April are a healthy ship and also fuck nick again
I cant be the only one pissed by Leo's and Karais 'love interest plot'; Leonardo's weird feelings were simply gender envy...Yes that is canon now {tmnt 2012}
What happens when two "dudes" call each other 'girlfriend'; Transgender activities, that's what! {tmnt 2012}
splinter is twice divorced and never married {rottmnt}
Papatello / Dadatello {rottmnt}
draxum's gone from dadxum to grand-dadxum good for him
draxum just be like gramps still got it; and by 'it' i mean a complete lack of forethought for care when creating random children
Puts the Bi in Bitchless {rottmnt leo}
its because ninja turtles
feral mamatello {rottmnt}
it's the anguish, the self flagellation, the audacity to love the man who annihilate ur nation and killed ur mother; your m o t h e r {black panther}
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Easy As A-B-C
Pairing: Professor!Gwilym Lee x Reader
Summery:  Professor Lee is getting sick of marking papers, you offer an alternative. One where he doesn't need to think at all.
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected sex, bimbofication (without hypnosis), oral sex (m and f receiving), hand job, light dom/sub dynamic, dom!reader, sub!Gwil, overstimulation, maybe a little bit of hair pulling
Words: 4,537
A/N: This was massively massively inspired by my love @dracoladon​ and her Drarry fic Lucid (seriously, go read it because she’s a much better writer than me and also sex dumb Draco is hhhhhhh). Reading it made me want to write more himbo fics but without all the hypnosis stuff thats in my Future Management series. Then I got talking to @peachydeacon​ about himbo!Rog which led to talking about himbo!Gwil and this fic is the result of our discussion lmao. It was also partly inspired by a post on a porn blog that popped up on my dash but I can’t link to that because tumblrs dumb. 
Also, it is a professor gwil fic but set after reader has graduated so it’s all above board lmao
Blurb Advent: Day 24
Tumblr media
Taglist:  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks​ @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​ @hannafuckingsucks​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​ @ilovequeenmorethanyou​ @johndeaconshands​ @borhapbois​ @stardust-galaxies​ @cherries-n-rocknroll​ @rogersslave​ @scorpiogemini 
Gwilym looked unreasonably hot while he was grading papers, his brow knitted, wearing a look of serious concentration made all the more noticeable by the reading glasses sliding down his nose. His loose tie and the undone top buttons of his business shirt lent him a casually dishevelled air, and that wasn’t even mentioning the way he absentmindedly twisted his pen between his fingers as he read and reread sentences he was struggling to understand, occasionally pausing to underline something or write a note in the margins. It all painted a very sexy image, the kind of serious sexy only a professor could achieve, though this sexiness was nowhere near new. You’d found his manner oddly arousing even when he’d been your professor. Of course, that had been a few years ago and well before you’d had your chance encounter in the local second hand bookstore that led you to ask him out. He’d stuttered out something about never having even thought of you as more than his student and “really I feel almost as if I’ll get in trouble for the conversation as soon as I get back to campus.” But the awkwardness soon changed when you confessed to having had a minor crush on him back in the day and having since hoped to run into him. He seemed more open to the idea of dinner with you after that and, if you were being honest, more cocky too, but cocky in a decidedly dignified and charming way. Anyway, one thing led to another and now here you were somewhere close to a year and half later and you were struggling not to stare at Gwil as he graded papers and looked professor-ally disarrayed and hot.
You knew it was something to do with the Romantic era poets that the students had to write about because he’d read a question out to you earlier to get your opinion of if it was confusingly worded. “No, I don’t think so,” “Then why in god’s name do none of my students get it?” he looked about ready to hit his head against the desk until he passed out but he returned to the topmost paper with a sigh and ruffled hair from where he’d run his hand through it. That’s when you’d started trying not to stare. A tall order when all you could think about was dragging Gwil to the bedroom and ravishing him enough to make him forget all about John Keats and poetry and the English language itself. Not that that was exactly hard. No, Gwilym had a tendency to get a little dazed and confused when you really gave it to him. Sex drunk you’d decided to call it. A transformation that you quite delighted in witnessing and causing. Gwil was sharp as a tack usually, always ready with some obscure fact or quote from literature. It was part of what made him such a good teacher, his memory for all things bookish, as well as his approachable (if a little stern) demeanour and his determination to get the best from his students. But it wasn’t hard to shut down his brain, cloud his memory and entirely befuddle him. One time you’d snuck into the bathroom at the restaurant you’d gone to for dinner and poor Gwilym had become so spaced out he’d spilt half a glass of wine in his lap and then walked into the glass door as you left, even with you leading him by the hand. You supposed that what they said about great power and responsibility was true. All the same, it was a fun power to wield and you knew that, with the right sort of attention, you could have Gwilym babbling incomprehensible gibberish with no memory of what a poem even was, which was surely something he’d appreciate right about now.
You blinked yourself from your reverie as, finally, Gwil set his glasses aside and rose from his seat, groaning as he stretched out the stiffness in his back. He rolled his neck back and forth, your eyes following, before letting his shoulders drop and moving to sit next to you on the couch. “I can’t do it anymore, I can’t read another word about Byron or I’ll loose it.” He sighed, draping an arm around your shoulders and leaning into your neck. “Byron? I remember that assignment. Everyone hated you for it,” His breath was warm against your skin as he spoke, sending a tingle down your spine, “Well if this year’s lot is anything to go by, the feeling was probably mutual,” “Mmm, I remember one girl saying she was going to shove her copy of Don Juan up your arse if she didn’t pass,” He lifted his head again and laughed, “And yet my rectum remains Byron fee and no other injuries befell me, so either I taught you enough to get by or you were all a bunch of cowards,” “Bit of both probably. And why would this year’s be any different, huh?” “I don’t know, you haven’t read any of their attempts at cohesive analysis. Some of them are just throwing out terms like allusion and anapestic and personification all willy-nilly, clearly without properly understanding them. ” “I think you’re being too harsh on them. They’re first years after all and it’s not always easy to understand all that poncy poetical bullshit. Plus, you know it all already so of course everyone else seems stupid to you,” “Maybe,” he conceded, though it seemed to take some effort. “Honestly, someone should put you in their position, see how well you go with it,” “Yeah? And who would do something like that?” Gwilym laughed as you shifted to straddle his lap, accepting the kiss you offered, “You?” “Maybe I will. Spell personification for me,” “You know it’s not high school English, right. We don’t do pop quizzes on spelling and grammar.” “I know you don’t, but this is my subject and I’m testing spelling. Besides,” you let your hand drop between you, brushing lightly over the front of his pants, “I promise it’ll be fun.” Gwil gave a half-hearted eye roll, “P-E-R-S-O-N-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N, personification. D’you want me to use it in a sentence too?” You knew he’d get it right. Gwil always had been good at spelling off the top of his head which you supposed was a side effect of all his reading and the years devoted to the written word. But it was still a little annoying. Mostly because he was being a bit of a tool about the whole thing, but it didn’t help that you’d grown quite wet thinking about how you’d like to have him, like to turn him into the fucked out airhead you’d seen before. You shook your head and tutted at him as if he got it wrong. “No, that’s definitely it. I’ve just read it about a hundred times, I know I’m right. P-E-R-S-O-N-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N,” he spelt it faster that time, trying to prove that you were wrong. “Try allusion for me,” “A-L-L-U-S-I-O-N,” Right again. You sighed as if you were disappointed. Gwilym raised his eyebrows but said nothing. “What about caesura?” “C-E-A-S-U-R-A,” The mistake was an easy one to make, two letters flipped around the wrong way, and you could tell he knew it was wrong as soon as he’d said it. He was surprised when you leant forward to kiss him again, cupping his jaw with one hand as you dropped the other and slowly pulled down the zip on his work pants. “But I fucked up,” he said softly, eyes still closed as you pulled away a few centimetres. You just smiled as you thought of a new word, “Anapestic,” It was another word Gwil had mentioned as seeing in his student’s essays so you knew it would be fresh in his mind and he proved as much when he spelt it, “A-N-A-P-E-S-T-I-C,” He was right of course, so you tutted and pulled your hand away from his crotch, grabbing his chin with your other and forcing him to look at you, “You can do better than that.” His features shifted at the sudden loss of contact, the look of concentration returned once more. If anything, your much closer proximity to the expression made him seem all the more hot but you resisted the urge to give in and drag him to the bedroom, curious if he’d catch onto your little game now and, equally so, to see if he’d play along, “Try Onomatopoeia.” A longer word gave him more chances to get things wrong but would his pride and his brain allow that? Apparently so. “O-N-O-M-” Gwil paused and thought for a second, his eyes narrowed as his looked at you, “O-N-O-M-A-T-O-P-I-A,” the last three letters were said with such deliberate diction that you knew he’d figured it out. “Good boy,” you said, letting your hands slip inside his undone pants to massage his dick. His hips jolted at the contact and he let his hands fall to your arse, squeezing. “What about, dactyl?” His reply was instant, unthinking, and totally correct, “D-A-C-T-Y-L,” You clicked your tongue condescendingly as you once again removed your hands from him. “Fuck,” “Well that’s what happens when you get things wrong, honey, and such an easy one too,” “I didn’t get it wro- fine, give me another,” You smiled, unable to hide how delighted you were that he was interested in following your rules, even if it was just his competitive streak rearing its head to show that he could out smart you, “Assonance,” Gwilym spelt the word slowly and carefully, making sure to only say one ‘s’ and to leave off the ‘e’. And you made sure to reward him for it, shuffling backwards on his lap so you could shimmy his pants down his thighs and wrap your hand around his cock. He raised an eyebrow at you but otherwise made no comment as he leant back in his seat to enjoy the attention. “Romanticism,” Once again Gwilym was careful with his spelling, intentionally replacing the ‘c’ with a double ‘s’ but that was the kind of behaviour you wanted to encourage so you kept stroking him off, twisting your wrist, dragging your thumb over his flushed tip. It must have felt good with the way he was sighing, shifting his shoulders as if to move his whole body closer to yours. “So clever baby, what about,” you paused, dredging up memories of poetry analysis and the words you used to have burned into your brain but which you’d not had much use for recently, “Enjambment” “Ummm, E-N,” Gwil hummed as you leant over him and let a trail of spit drip onto his cock, using your hand to spread it over his length, “Enjamb-ment, uh, E-N-J-A- no E, no A, M-E-N-T,” You leant into his ear and spoke softly, “That’s right, being so good for me, so clever. What should I do next though? Ride you? Or maybe suck you off? Or just keep doing this?” “Uh,” Gwilym shook his head a little as if to clear it, “mouth? Please?” “Of course, baby. If you can spell dissonance for me.” You were quietly confident that he’d get the spelling wrong, already noticing the first sign of his impending brainlessness, extra filler words where he’d normally not need them. It was funny though, usually he wouldn’t reach that stage until he was much closer to nutting. “D-I-S” he rushed through the first three letters and then stopped, biting his lip, “T-um, A-N-E-N-C-E.” You were sure the errors in that word were less intentional than the previous few and, as promised, slipped off his lap and settled yourself between his legs, pulling his pants off so he could spread them wider for you. You held eye contact as you let your tongue trail along the underside of his cock, tracing along a vein, though you couldn’t help but smile as he groaned above you. “Can you spell Decasyllable for me?” you asked before closing your lips around the head of his cock. “What? Oh, um, D-E-C-K- fuck,” he broke off as you swirled your tongue around his tip. “Fuck’s not a letter, baby,” you sank down on him again, bobbing a little lower. “I know, um, Deck-syllable, D-E-C-K-A-S-Y-B-L-E, I think. Is that right?” In answer you hummed and took him a little deeper, pushing his shirt up towards his chest. Gwilym took the hint and pulled it off before he grabbed your hair, leaning his head against the back of the couch. For a moment you just focused on sucking him off, listening to his shallow breathing and whiny groans. But you weren’t finished with your game yet.
“Epigraph?” you asked before bobbing down on him again, pushing yourself to take him deeper still. Gwilym remained silent as you gagged and pulled back from him again to breath freely. “Well?” “What did you say?” “Epigraph. Can you spell that?” He nodded as you resumed your bobbing, his hand grabbing at your hair, “E-P-P-E-G-R-A-F-F.” You hummed around him and his hips bucked up, pushing him further down your throat for a second. “No, don’t stop,” he whined under his breath as once again you let him fall from between your lips. “Sorry baby,” you wrapped your hand around his base and switched back to jerking him off, “you’re so hard though and I know you want to earn your orgasm like a good boy,” Gwilym nodded. “Okay, so spell meter,” “M- oh, I don’t know,” “You do know, baby, you just gotta try. Meter,” He scrunched his face up in thought, “M-E-E-T-R,” “See, I said you knew it, and you did it so well!” Gwilym gave you a dopey smile, looking proud at your praise, “I did?” His mouth dropped open with the movement of your hand. “Of course baby! You got it completely right because you’re so clever. What about sonnet, do you think you can do that one for me?” He nodded enthusiastically, “S-N-E-T,” “Very good! Okay, three more and I’ll let you cum,” “Okay!” “Okay, what about,” you thought for a moment, watching your hand pumping over his shaft as you trailed your fingernails lightly over his thigh, “Spell rhyme,” “Ummm,” Gwilym bit his lip in thought, soft grunting noises rising in his throat in time with your strokes. “It’s a bit of a tricky one,” “Yeah.” “And it’s hard to concentrate isn’t it?” “Mmhmm, so hard to con-ten-tate,” he thought for a little longer as you slowed your hand, “rrr- R-I-M,” “So clever baby! Okay canto,” “Oh! Ummm,” Gwilym pouted and whined as you unexpectedly drew the tip of your tongue around his head, “I don’ know,” “No?” He shook his head, eyebrows furrowed. “Okay what about, poem?” Gwilym seemed to have reached the last dregs of his knowledge, grunting in frustration as he shook his head again.” “You sure you don’t know?” He bucked his hips up into your hand as he shook his head again. “Alright, I’ll give you an easy one then. Spell your name for me, spell Gwilym,” Gwil’s eyes lit up at the suggestion but his face quickly slipped into a frown again, the expression getting more pronounced with every passing second he didn’t say anything. He sought out your face, his eyes brimming with frustrated tears, “I don’t…” his fists balled up as he looked to you for help. “You don’t remember?” He shook his head once more, a tear shaking loose and rolling down his cheek, “you said it was easy.” “It’s okay if you don’t know,” “Really?” he sniffled. “Of course it’s okay. You’re not supposed to know things.” “I’m not?” “Awww, of course not baby. That’s why I’m here, to know things, and you’re just here to make me happy.” Gwilym sighed and leaned back against the couch, smiling again. “Do you want to give it a try for me?” “Umm,” he whined as you slowed your strokes “It would make me very happy,” “Okay, umm…G? L? ummmm, M?” “You’re so clever, baby!” Gwilym giggled proudly and grinned at you as you adjusted your grip on his cock. “You’re my good, smart boy, aren’t you baby?” “Mmhmm,” he bucked his hips towards you as you took him into your mouth again. “Feels go-od,” he mumbled, almost panting with how close he was. You dragged the hand that rested on his thigh up to cup his balls as you sucked on his tip until he moaned and came, spilling his seed over your tongue.
You kept working your hand along his length, even after you’d pulled your mouth from him. “Was that a good orgasm baby? Did it make you feel good?” He nodded, pouting a little as you kept wanking him, “good oggsam,” It took all your effort not to laugh at that, biting on the inside of your cheek to keep from letting so much as a chuckle slip. Very few things delighted you as much as when Gwil forgot how to talk properly. “You know,” you said as you finally let his cock free, “sometimes when people have orgasms they feel euphoric. Do you feel euphoric?” “Mmhmm, you-porik.” “Clever boy. Do you want to help me feel euphoric?” “How?” “With your mouth,” “Oh! Okay!” You braced yourself against his knees as you stood, leaning forward to give Gwil a small kiss on the lips. He closed his eyes and smiled up at you contentedly as you shimmied out of your own clothes, dropping them all to the floor. “You going to let me lie down?” you asked, tapping Gwil on the shoulder. He looked around confusedly for a moment before his eyes settled on you, growing wider as he realised how naked you were. Without warning he surged forward, his hands grabbing your arse as he nuzzled his face in the valley between your breasts. If it were up to Gwil he would have stayed there all day but you had need for him elsewhere so you yanked his head back by his hair, earning a small noise of displeasure. “Don’t complain, baby. You want to make me feel euphoric, right?” “Mmhmm,” he hummed earnestly. “And how do you think you could do that?” “I don’t know,” “Maybe, cunnilingus?” “cun-un-un-un-gus,” “Exactly,” you directed his gaze down to your pussy, failing to hide your amused grin. But he was too far gone to notice, happily slipping to his knees in front of you. Telling him to wait for a second, you climbed onto the couch and spread your legs, beckoning him between them once you were comfortable.
He hadn’t been able to say the word but that didn’t mean he wasn’t skilled at the act. A string of soft hums and throaty sounds rose to your lips as he licked your cunt, the scratchy sensation of his beard only amplifying the soft, wet, warmth of his tongue.   “Can you, oh, can you spell poem for me baby?” Gwilym hummed and then started naming letters, his mouth still pressed against your cunt as if he didn’t realise he couldn’t talk and suck at the same time. You didn’t bother to stop him when he said too many letters or correct him when all of them were wrong. You just let his breath wash over you, his tongue flicking against your clit with each new letter, eliciting longer moans and sighs from you. “Fuck Gwil,” you panted, “keep going,” “Keep going,” he repeated, his voice muffled as he dragged his tongue all the way down your slit and then back up again, making you whine. You jolted when he reached your clit again and pressed against his head, keeping him close to you, your other hand trailing up your chest to tweak your nipples and knead your breasts. Occasionally you’d give him an instruction – “faster please,” or “do that again,” or “fuck Gwil, right there,” – and he’d repeat the words back to you, softened and often a little slurred together or mispronounced, before doing as he was asked, drawing you closer to release. He was pleased whenever another groan or mewl slipped from your lips, responding to them with sounds of his own as if he were savouring a particularly delicious meal. It seemed he’d taken what you’d said about making you happy to heart, though some of his whines might have had more to do with his cock, hard again and straining to be touched as his attention remained focused on you. “I’m c-lose ba-by,” you grunted as Gwilym pressed his mouth to your lower lips, as if to give you a soft chaste kiss, only to begin shaking his head side to side, rubbing his face against your cunt. “loase,” he muttered to himself, trailing his tongue back up to your clit, making you grind your hips up into him. It was impossible to keep your mouth shut in the face of such a feeling, wantonly moaning as you felt your orgasm bubbling to the surface. Gwilym hummed against you in response to a particularly loud moan which managed to be your undoing, your knees trying to clamp shut around his head as he continued to suck at your clit.
When you calmed enough to let go of his hair and loosen your thighs from around his ears, Gwilym looked up at you. His face was shiny and wet but he seemed to have regained some of his usual awareness. His eyes weren’t quite as vacant and his smile less dopey than it had been. “Feel good?” he asked, sounding almost normal except for a slight lightness in his tone. “Very good baby,” you leaned forward and kissed him full on the lips, tasting yourself as he opened his mouth and accepted your tongue. Slowly you dropped your hand between you, finding his cock again, not quite done with your brainless toy. He grunted against your lips and bucked into your hand as you stopped his return to sense. “Isn’t this fun?” you said softly as you pulled back, holding Gwil by the chin to stop him from trying to follow. “Yeah, fun,” a smile slowly tugging at his lips, “what is?” “Not needing to think, baby,” “Oh! Yes,” he laughed. “You’re too pretty to have a brain anyway, aren’t you? Much better off letting it leak out of your head,” “Mmhmm, much,” “And do you know what good, dumb boys get?” “No?” “They get fucked. Would you like that?” “Yes yes yes,” “Alright, lie back for me,” you chuckled, giving his cock a final stroke. Gwilym settled on the carpet on his back, grinning as you straddled his lap. Silently he held out his hand, all but two of his fingers folded against his palm. “No, I don’t need your fingers sweetie,” you said, giving the tips of his two fingers a light kiss, “as dextrous as they are and as much as I enjoy them, I think I’m okay skipping straight to your cock,” He nodded, letting you place his hand down on the floor again. You watched his face as you slowly sank down onto him, once again the picture of cunt drunk bliss with glazed eyes and his lip between his teeth. He smiled as you leaned down to kiss him, rolling your hips against his slowly. As you tongues entwined again, Gwilym framed your waist with his hands, slowly dragging them up your sides and onto your chest. He cupped each of your breasts in one of his palms, squeezing softly as you rocked forward and back. “Better than Byron isn’t this?” you asked, pushing yourself up a bit, but not so far you couldn’t kiss him again. “Wha’s Byron?” You laughed, “Y’know I think this might be the dumbest I’ve seen you. Can’t believe all it took was a rigged spelling test. He obviously didn’t understand, staring blankly back at you.
What he did understand was that you were moving further away from him and he whined as you pushed yourself to sit higher again, bracing your hands on his chest as you used your knees to raise and lower yourself. It still wasn’t enough though so you shifted again before too long, placing a hand behind you to grab Gwil’s leg. You leant back on it changing the angle of Gwilym’s cock, and felt his hands drop from your chest, no longer able to reach as easily. They came to rest on your leg, his fingertips digging into your skin as you rode him, keening as you felt the start of your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. “Fuck Gwil, fill me so well, feels so good,” “My dex-ik-tus cock?” You couldn’t help but laugh, taken by surprise at his misunderstanding and mispronunciation of dextrous, but you nodded in agreement too, repeating your sentiments about how good it felt. “Wanna make me feel even better?” “How?” You sat forward again and reached for his hand, pulling it to your clit. Gwilym took the hint, messily rubbing as you bounced on his cock, but his whines and moans only grew as you rode him. “You’re close?” “Mmhmm,” You were on the verge of asking if he could hold it when he came with a groan, pulsing inside you. But you didn’t stop. “I’m close too, baby, so I’m gonna keep fucking you, okay?” He nodded, eyes fixed on you. “Good boy.” You panted, grabbing his wrist to hold his hand at your clit and adjusting your rhythm. Each time you sank back down onto him you did it harder, slamming his cock into you as deep as you could manage, groaning with each one. Your orgasm was frustratingly close but Gwilym was becoming steadily more sensitive as his subsided, wincing more with each of your thrusts. The winces turned to whimpers which turned to whines as you whispered that you were so close. “Almost baby, almost,” “Please. Hur’s,” “Nearly, just. One. More,” you threw your head back with a moan as you finally found your release, Gwil whining when you pulsed around him, a fresh tear running from the corner of his eye onto the carpet as he squirmed under you.
“Sorry, baby,” you said softly as you carefully dismounted him. He hummed as you kissed him again, leaving an extra kiss against the tip of his nose. “Did so well, such a good boy for me,” “Yeah?” “Mmhmm, so good,” He gave you a slightly watery smile and let you pull him into a cuddle, sighing contentedly when you brushed your fingers through his hair. You stayed like that for a while, knowing that later you’d regret lying on the floor for so long but unable to find the energy to move or the willpower to tell Gwilym you had to let him go. He gradually lost the fucked out expression, becoming more aware of his surroundings and more capable of clear speech. “How are you feeling?” you asked when you realised he’d blinked away the last of his sex drunk vacancy. “Better than before. Little tired but much more relaxed and very satisfied. And, before you ask, yes that’s satisfied and yes I can spell it if you want,” “I believe you.”
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latinobirds · 3 years
So I noticed that you are Brazilian, can I have some tips on writing Brazilian people (I don't want to accidentally have the characters be bad representation)
Okay this is going to be long because i’ve been waiting for someone to ask me this for who knows how long. Also thank you for asking ;w;
1.What to avoid
-If your character is the only brazillian/latino in the story, avoid making them orbit around the white character(s). Which means, give them their own lifes, their own relationships, their own hobbies, likes and dislikes, that don’t involve an usamerican or european! You don’t need to do all of these if it won’t fit your story, but it’s good to just make at least one of these so they are their own person
-The character fighting style is capoeira...it’s alright if they took classes and it kinda stuck with them, but capoeira is not learned to be used in actual fights, it’s more of a dance then a fight if anything. it’s just that the dance moves happen to be like fighting, but it’s just like dancing in the regard of both parts need to get ready to fight in harmony, plus there’s literally people singing and playing instruments like berimbau in capoeira fights...
-Making your only brazillian/latino character in the story be the comedic relief or punchbag. It’s not bad to have comedic relief characters, or to make your br character be a jokester! Brazillians have a huge sense of humour, and we love joking and not taking things very seriously. But to make your character boil down to the butt of the joke or the punchbag is just mean to your audience. How do you think we feel if our only rep is shown when we’re being made fun of or being beaten up?
-It’s not exactly bad to have your character like music/samba, be from Rio de janeiro, be a jokester/malandro, be an animal, play futebol, and/or have a green/yellow color palette. But it would be great to have something new for once. 97% of brazillian characters fit into these cattegories, and it’s not only not very relatable but kind of feels like it’s the only things you guys know about us, or care about enough to write.
-On that note, it’s also not bad to have a flirty br character, or a handsome character, or a character that everyone falls in love with, but that may also fall into the sexy latino trope, which is not good because it objectifies us. Your character can be pretty, and they can like to flirt, and they can be loved by many, but make it be because that’s who they are, not because they’re brazillian.
2. Billingual characters in media
So, i’m just going to sum it up because my opinions on this topic aren’t something new, in fact i’m quite indifferent. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about characters that switch mid phrase to speak their native language for no reason, and like...no billingual person would do that, that kind of confuses us and the people we’re talking to. However, like i said, i don’t really care. Of course, i’d love a character that would be like “it’s like! um...what’s the word again? damn it how do i say cocada em inglês?”, but i also don’t care so much if i get a character that goes “olá amigos!!how are you doing?”
However here’s some scenarios i'd like to see in a billingual character, because they’re hella relatable for billingual people. Doesn’t mean you have to do them tho, consider them some ideas that you can or can not use
-The character remembers a word in another language instead of the one they were currently speaking, and gets frustrated because they can’t remember no matter how hard they try!...then 20 minutes later, after changing topics, they shout the word because they finally remembered it
-The character talks to themselves in the opposite language they’re currently talking with(if i’m talking english, i’m thinking in portuguese. if im talking in portuguese, im thinking in english)
-The character acidentally mix words in both languages they know, and it makes sense in their head but no sense when they say it
-The character has a great vocabulary in their second language, and a lazy vocabulary in their first language.(we tend to get more relaxed in our native languages, and more anxious about mistakes in a second language)
-The character speaks in their native language to joke with someone that doesn’t speak it, or speaks in their native language when talking bad about someone or anything they don’t want others to hear
-The character tries to translate a slang in portuguese to english because they forgot it wasn’t a slang in english, and it makes no sense at all, confusing everyone but them
3.Some details that we’d love to see in brazillian characters!
-If the character is from another place that isn’t rio de janeiro/são paulo/bahia. Bonus if their behaviour and/or taste in food is affected by where they’re from!
-The character enjoys other types of songs/dances besides samba&capoeira. we have several genres of music and dances that your character could love! funk, technobrega, bossa nova, sertanejo, mpb, forró...it even could tell a lot about a character, where they’re from, when they were born, they’re personality...
-The character mentions some brazillian food they like. This one is super easy, and it’s a small detail that doesn’t even have to change much in a story. Just have your character, idk, say they love pão de queijo, or have a scene they’re making brigadeiro, or have them wake up to eat beiju...it’s small details that are very appreciated.
-The character mentions some accurate detail about a place in brazil(that isn’t rio oh my godddd). Like them just thinking about the candy colored houses in bahia, just that. 
Once i’ve readed a ttc fic where the author made Zé mention tarsila do amaral, a brazillian artist, and i couldn’t belive my eyes. i was so sure the author was brazillian! but she wasn’t! she just researched!!! i was smiling so much that day
Basically just something that makes us know you actually researched or spent time while making this character. The bar is so so low
Anyways, hope this was helpful! If you have any questions or want me to be more specific about a certain topic, don’t be afraid to ask! I love rambling about my culture, and i love being helpful, so i have a great time answering questions like this!
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
( im also thirsty for mista) can you please do any nsfw hcs for him 😇
Only if you promise to take responsibility for the absolute mess that is about to happen 😂😂
N/sfw below
Letting me go off about my spicy headcanons for Mista. Smh you guys have no idea what you’ve unleashed. I’m a certified Mistafucker y’all 🥵
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Unrelated to the gif but Mista in The Rolling Stones miniarc is peak sex appeal Mista for me. Interrogation scene in the elevator has got me fantasizing about Mista pinning me to the wall slamming his hand next to my head ever since 🥵
A lot of this is just going to be building on the stuff I posted in the Bucci gang sex headcanons
- So as I said before I think Mista had a healthy amount of casual sex during the time of his “simple” lifestyle. If you couldn’t tell from my pfp I headcanon him as bisexual so I think it was men and women too, though he leans more toward attraction to women
- Jumping off that, he’s got kind of a high sex drive, and jacks off regularly. If he gets a s/o he isn’t going to pressure them, but if he knows they’re into it he’s VERY happy for casual, frequent sex
- His type, for both men and women, are generally stocky and curvy. Directly quoting myself here I think Mista is a big fan of a woman’s curves. Likes to grab and squish hips, butts, thighs, all that stuff
- Mista is hot and he knows it. He’s not cocky, but he gets hit on a lot. When a sexual partner, s/o or not, runs their hands over his muscles, it is like stroking his ego though (i could talk about mista’s muscles forever. im going to jail for horny crimes i know)
- That being said he is a little self conscious about how hairy he is, but yanno some people (me included) are really into that. You know what else Mista has that i love since I’m just exposing myself? I find shoulders really sexy. Mista’s got the wide shoulders I like. As for how he smells... Trish said its kinda comforting right? I swear i fell in love before I knew he was smelly.
- Every scenario ive ever read with his s/o seducing him into the shower with shower sex is just pure gold keep writing them please
- He is really good with his tongue when he goes down on his partner. That mostly comes from his sexual experience. Doesn’t mind if they come on his face, in fact he finds it kind of hot
- Take off his hat and tug on his dark curls, Mista loves it. He strikes me as someone who can be the dominate one in bed and the more submissive one. He’s pretty go with the flow according to what his partner’s doing
- Mista prefers slow, passionate, almost lazy sex. Lots of feeling each other up, lots of low moans and breathy kisses. That being said if they want more, he can certainly change it up. Especially if his partner has really been teasing him before they got to bed, he’s gonna be more rough
- Still going with the flow, he’ll do whatever position his partner wants. I imagine he does probably like to be on top a little more, and when he’s with a guy he prefers to give than receive, but has absolutely received before
- I know i’ve mentioned that I headcanon Mista being very reliant on touch, especially when he talks to his friends and such. That continues to the bedroom; Mista is sooo handsy during sex. His hands do not stay still
- Cuddles are necessary after sex for his s/o because again, he needs that touch. It’s almost as intimate for him as sex is. Might be even a little more. Why would you not want to have Mista wrap his arms around you. I’m literally begging the universe please give me a Mista. He is so gentle cuddling in bed, still running his fingers over their skin and planting soft kisses down their neck and back
- Mista probably prefers that vanilla lazy sex but he isn’t opposed to trying other things. I think a lot of what he would be down for involves roleplaying in bed, and no not just because those are my favorite fics that I’ve read. But Mista would also break character so fast to kiss his s/o, he can’t help it.
- I go back and forward on how I think he feels about gunplay. Like I see reasons for him to both enthusiastically do it and reasons for him to want to keep that out of the bedroom. Let me know what you guys think
- Mista would never actually hurt his s/o in bed though. He’s constantly checking on them if they’re trying new stuff and probably wouldn’t go too far into the bondage and such.
- Dirty talk flusters him. He talks such a big game but the instant someone gives it back to him he’s bright red. He’s a dork and I love him
- Other things he likes is making out and just feeling each other up, being teased, his s/o sitting on his lap, going maybe a little too far in public but nothing too bad. He likes the shot of adrenaline but wouldnt actually want to cause more trouble than its worse
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lentils-writes · 4 years
Ocean Eyes
(So, this is a fic I wrote for my wife, because she is writing an AU where Valkyrie and Carol are Youtubers who do a dramatic reading of a self-insert fanfic they find about themselves. I wrote it as if I were 14 again and had an enormous crush on both Val and Carol, which was not terribly hard, except there are a lot more typos than I would have made. “My” OC is named Artimys and is loosely based on a real character I made up when I was 15. The plot is a homage to the story in this video. This is the most fun I’ve had writing anything in a long time, for real. Also, the jokes about Val blushing and crying constantly are on purpose yes.)
Chapter 1 - My Strange Addiction
Val waited at the door excitedly. Today was the day that her girlfriend Carol was moving in with her! They had been togehter for three years and loved each other very much. 
She heard a knock. “Hi Carol!” she said. Carol was stabding there with all of her stuff. “hi baby!” said Carol. “Im so excited so move in with you!”
“Come in” said val “We should get pizza to celebrate!”
The door opened to the apartnent next door and a girl stepped out. She had long brown hair that looked almost black that went past her butt and ceruleeen blue eyes that looked purple sometimes. She was wearing a black leather jacket and a red flannel shirt and combat boots. “Hi!” she said. “I’m your neighbor Artimys. If you need any help moving in let me know”
“Hi Artimys” said Val blushing. 
“Nice to meet you!” Carol said. Artimys waved and went away.
“Why did you blush when Artimys talked to you?” Carol asked. “Do you like her or something?”
Val felt bad. “Yes i do like her but I didnt want you to think i didn’t still love you! She is just so hot i can’t help it!” and she started crying.
Carol smiled. “Baby don’t be sad, I think she was hot too. and I know what we can do about that.......”
Chapter 2 - Everythig I Wanted
Val and Carol knocked on Artimys’ s door. “Hello” said Artymis “what do you want?”
“We want you to invite you over for dinner” said Carol. “We are making spaggetti. You should come because Val is cooking and she is a very good cook.”
“Okay!” So Artimys came over.
While they were eating Carol said “Artimys are you dating anyone right now?”
“No” said Artimyz “but I am a lesbian.”
“Great well Val is bisexual and I’m lesbian too and we were wondering if maybe you wanted to go out with us sometime?” Carol’s heart was beeting so fast she worries that Artimys will be mad and run away.
Artimys opened her eyes very wide. “Wow! But I thought you were daring each other?”
“We are but Val has a crush on you” Carol said while Val blushed and her cheeks turned bright red. “And I think you’re so pretty. Please go out with us?”
Artimys blushed too. “I will!” she said smiling. “I think you are both so petty too. can I kiss you?”
“Yes” said Val and Carol and they leaned in and kissed her. All three of them kissed and made out and then they did it six times in a row (because they are all girls and girls can do that). Then they all went to sleep happy and in love.
Chapter 3 - listen beofre I go
Val and Carol woke up and got out of bed before Artimys. “I will make pancakes” said Carol. 
“Thank you!” said Val giving her a kiss on the cherk. 
Val went back to the bedroom and waited for Artimys to wake up. “Good morning sleeping beauty” whispered Val kidding her lightly on the lips.
“Good morning!” hummed Artimys. “Where’s Carol?”
“She’s making us pancakes.”
“Oh I love pancakes!”
“Me too” nodded Val. And then she got on the bed and they made out until the pancakes were done.
“Hey!” Carol yelled when she found them making out. “Don’t leave me out! That’s rude!”
And then there was a knock at the door. “Who could that be” said Cal and Artimys went to the door to see who it was. There were two big tall guys standing there wearing black shirts and black pants and black masks like they were bank robbers. “Who are you” gasped Artimys but then they grabbed her and threw her over their shoulders and ran away, kidnapping her!!!!!
“HELP! Let me go! screamed Artimis. 
Val and Carol ran out to see what had happened and they ran downstairs after the men. They tried to run after the van but they couldn’t run fast enough because the van was going too fast. Val started crying. “What do we do???
Carol grabbed her phone and called 011. “Help!!!!” she shrieked. “Someone kidnapped our girlfriend!!!!!!!!”
While the police were coming to talk to Val and Carol Carol got a Youtube notification on her phone. It was a message and it said: IF YOU WANT TO SEE YOU GIRLFIEND AGAIN MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT HOW SORRY YOU ARE FOR BRAKING UP WITH HELA. 
The police asked them a lot of questions. “Do you know of any suspects?” they demanded.
Carol showed them the message on her phone. “Maybe it was Val’s ex-girlfriend Hela, she’s a real bitch and hates me ever since Val broke up with her and started dating me. She makes makeup videos but they aren’t that great.”
“Oh I know who she is” said the police. “But she’s a nice girl and she would never do something to bad as kidnap somebody. We’ll be in touch of we learn anything.” Then they drove off.
“Now what do we do?” Val asked tearfully.
Carol was thinking. “I have an idea..........”
Chapter 4 - bellyache
Carol got on the phone and called someone. “Hi Natasha” she said “are you busy?”
“I’m picking a lock but not really” replicated Natasha. “What’s up?”
“Our girlfriend got kidnap and we need help” begged Carol. “Can you hack into the security cameras and get a license plate?”
“Im already in” said Natasha triumphantly. “And I’m loooking up the license plate of the van.”
“Thank you” sighed Carol. “There were two guys in a white van and they wore masks so we couldn’t see what they looked like. We think Hela did it but the police didn’t believe is.
“That butch” said Natasha “ok I’m tracking the can now, it’s driving to the airport.”
Val went and got the car and Carol got in next to her and Natasha told them where to go to follow the van. “Oh no” gasped Natasha. “They’re getting on a plane!!!!!”
Carol and Val ran inside the airport but the plane had already took off. “NOOOOO!!!!!!” screamed Carol.
“Did you see two big men buying tickets?” Val asked the ticket desk desperately.
“I’m sorry but I can’t yell you that, it’s illegal”
“Please” whimpered Carol. “These men kidnapped our girlfriend and we love her and want her back. We need to know where they’re going!”
“Well in that case” said the employee typing on the keyboard. “Dont tell my boss ok? They bought three tickets to Porto Rico.”
“We need to go there!!!!!” shrieked Val.
So they boght two tickets to Porto Rico. “I am sending you the cordinates” said Natasha and they got a text on the phone that said the cordinates.
“Thank you” gasped Carol. “How can we ever repay you?”
“I just want you three to be together” said Natasha. “Good lick.”
While on the plain carol said “we should make a video.”
“What?” shrieked Val. “Im not apologixing to Hela!”
“No” soothed Carol. “A cideo for Artimys so that she knows we’re looking for her and we love her.”
“Oh” said Val. “Good idea.”
So Carol got out her camera. “Hey copilots todays video is gonna be a little different. Val and I are making this for our girlfriend Artimys. Artimys we don’t know where you are but we’re not giving up on you. Don’t worry, we’ll all come home soon. We love you and we’re not going to stop looking for you. You don’t have to stay with Hela anymore.”
Meanwhile in Porto Rico
Artimys woke up. She was inside a cave and it was cold and windy. “Where am I” she asked.
“Hello” said a mean sexy voice and it was........HELLA!!!
Chapter 5 - Hostage
Artimys hasped. “Hela!!!!”
“That’s me” said Hala. “Hello Artumys.”
“Where are we?” demanded Artimys “where are Carol and Cal?” 
“That doesn’t matter.” Scoffed Hela. “Your going to be MY girlfriend now.”
“No I’m not!” yelled Artimys. “Val and Crol love me! They will come save me!!!”
“Oh really” laufhed Heka. “Then why did they post this?” And she pulled put her phone and opened a video.
Carol and Val were in the video and said “Artimys we’re giving up on you. Don’t come home. We’re going to stop looking for you. We don’t love you anymore.”
Artimys started crying. “Why don’t they love me anymore????”
“Who knows” shurgged Hela and she put her arms around Artimys confritingly. “But I love you.”
Artumys was still crying and Hela said “let me get you some tea that will make you feel better.” She gave Artimys the tea and Artimys drunk it.......but she didn’t know that the tea had a love potion in it!!!!! 
After Artimys drink the tea she stopped crying and said “Hela I love you so much! Why did I ever care about Val and Carkl. You are the only woman for me!”
“Of curse baby!” said Hela. And she out her arms around Artimys and they kissed. 
“Now that you are my girlfriend I think we should take some sexy pictures” said Hela. “That way I will be able to see how sexy and gorgous you are even when we are apart.”
Artimys blushed. “I’ve never taken pictures like THAT before Hela.”
“Don’t worry” Hela whispered “their jyst for me and don’t you love me?”
“I do” said Artimys and started to take off her clothes. 
“Good” said Hela. “And after I take these pictures then we can do it.”
Chapter 6 - When the Partys Over
The plane landed in porto rico and Val and Carol got off it and called Natasha. “Have you seen the pictures” asked Natasha.
“What pictures?”
Natasha texted them a link and they opened it. They were baked pictures of Artimys!!! In some of the pictures she was wearing underwear but in a lot of them she was wearing noting and doing sexy poses for the camera. “Oh no!!!!!” gasped Val starting to cry.
“What happened???” Carol womdered. “Did Hela take these??”
“I dont know but im texting you the address where she is” said Natasha.
They got a taxi to take them to the addresss Natasha  sent them. It wasn’t a very long drive but Carol spent the entire drive mad. “How dare she take these pictures!!” she shouted.
“Hela always wanted me to rake naked pictures but I said no” sighed Val. “I thought she might put them online if she got mad at me.”
“That’s why I would never take naked pics” said Carol wisely. 
They got to the address and got out of the cab. It was a cave! “Let’s go get Artimys back!!!” shouted Carol. They didn’t have any weapons but they had a lot of big mussels so it was okay.
“HEELA!!!!!!” roared Carol busting into the cave. “Give is our girlfriend back you bitch!!!!!!”
Hela and Artimys were naked and cuddling together in front of the fireplace. “Hello” purred Hela “she’s not you’re girlfriend anymore she’s MINE now!”
“Artimys!” shrieked Val. “We’re here to rescue you!!!!”
“Go away” screamed Artimys. “You said you didn’t love me anymore! Hela lives me and I love her! I never want to see you again as long as I life!!!!!!”
Hela cackled evily. “You’re too late! She loves me now and she’ll never love you again!”
Carol flew over and punched Hela in the face hard. “Shut up bitch!!!!!!!!” she growled. Hela got up and stated fighting with her.
Meanwhile Val went to Artimys. “We never said we didn’t love you!” she said pulling out her phone and going to the video they made. “Watch this”
Artimys watched the video and glared her eyes. “Hela showed me a video where you said you didn’t love me anymore”
“No baby” Val said on the verg of tears “we’ll always love you.”
Meanwhile Carol and Hela were fighting. Hela was getting punched hard. “Stay away from us!!!!!!” screamed Carol giving her another black eye. Hela layed on the ground groaning in pain.
“Carol don’t kill her” Val said “I have called the police to come and take her away.”
“Fine” muttered Carol punching her in the nose one more time.
“How do I know your not lying” asked Artimys.
“Because we love you” Val said kissing her. And because it was true loves kiss it broke the love spell and Artimys remembered that she was in love with Bal and Carol and not Hela.
Artimys starter crying. “I’m sorry” she said “I let Hela take sexy pictures of me because I thought I was in love with her.”
“Its ok” said Carol coming over to kiss her too. “I think Hela put a love spell on you to make you fall in love with her. That’s not your fault.”
“She WHAT” hissed Val. 
“Dont worry I found it and got rid of the rest” said Carol. “She won’t be doing that ever again.”
Chapter 7 - all the good girls go to hell
They got on the plane to go home. “What will we go about the pictures?” Artumys asked scaredly.
“Don’t worry” Carol said soothingly. “I have an idea.”
When they landed Carol called Natasha. “Hi Natasha can you erase pictures from the internet?”
“Of course Carol, I have already done that. Right after Jela put them up I took them down. I also deleted them off the servers of everyone who downloaded them and I sent the FBI after them too. Everyone who saw them is going to jail.”
“Wow thank you” said Carol. “Your a great friend.”
“Anytime” said Natasha “I’m just glad you’re all back together.”
“See?” Said Carol as she hung up. “Narasha took card of everything.”
“I shouldn’t have take the pictures,” cried Artimys. “It was so slutty of me. When Hela said it it sounded like a good idea but I dont know what I was thinking!!!”
“Sash” whispered Val petting her hair. “Don’t cry baby it will be okat.”
“But I acted like a slut!!!!!” sobbed Artimys. “Only sluts take sexy pictures of themselfs!!!!!”
“It wasn’t your fault” said Carol. “Hela’s love spell made you stupid. She told you to take sexy pictures and you did because you thought you were in love with her.”
“I’m sorry!” cried Artimys. “I’m a terrible girlfriend. You should break up with me. I don’t deserve either of you!!!!!!”
Carol and Val looked at each other and then nodded. “We have a different idea” said Carol kneeling down and pulling a box out. 
“What??” gasped Artimys wipping tears off her eyes.
“Val and I have been thinking and we think it’s time to take the next step, and we want you to do it with us. Artimys, we love you and we will always love you no matter what. Will you marry us?”
Artimys cries happy tears and jumped into their arms. “Yes I will!!!!” she shirked with happiness.
Chapter 8 - I love You
It was a beautiful day outside. Inside the Air and Space museum Val Carol and Artimys were getting ready for the wedding in different rooms. Thor and Bruce were helping Val, Tony and Rhodey were helping Carol, and Natasha and Steve were helping Artimys.
“Are you nervous?” Asked Thor as he braided Val’s hair.
Val laughed. “No i’m happy Thor! I get to marry the loves of my life today.”
Meanwhile Carol was pacing back and forth. “You dont think Hela will try to crash the wedding do you?” she asked Tiny and Rhodey.
“No” said Tony “I have set up dozens of security cameras and robots around the museum. If they see her they will fire.”
Rhodey Pat her arm reassiringly. “She is in jail for seventy years. No way she will show up at the wedding.”
Meanwhile Steve and Natasha were helping Artimys get into her dress. It was huge Luke a wedding cake topper and covered in pretty blue and purple flowers that matched her eyes. “You look beautiful” said Batasha. “Val and Carol are so lucky.”
Artimys blushed. “Really?”
“Yes” said Steve. “Your the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen including my girlfriend Peggy (Sorry Peggy).”
In the main hall everyone was dressed fancy and waiting for the wedding to start. Nebula pushed play on the music and the wedding march started. Okoye waited at the alter because she was a prest in Wakanda and it counts in America too. 
Val came down the isle first wearing a sexy white suit and crying. She was in Thor’s arm. She wipped her years away when she got to the alter.
Carol came next holding Tony’s arm. Tony didn’t even make a joke because he knew this was serious.
Finally Artimys walked down the isle with Steve. Everyone whispered about how beautiful they all looked together. “Dearly bellved” said Okoye. “We are gathered here to marry these three women to each other. If anyone thinks they should not be married, speak now or forever hold your piece.”
The room was quiet. “Good” said Okoye. “Val North, do you take these women to be your wives to love and honor as long as you live?”
“I do” said Val starting to cry again.
“Carol Danvers do you take these women as tour wives to love and cherish as long as you live?”
“I do.”
“And Artimys Jones do you take these women to love and hold as long as you live?”
“I do”
“I know pronouns you wives. You may kiss!”
The room erupted in cheers as the three of them kissed. “I love you” whispered Artimys to her wives.
“We love you too” they said back before kissing her again.
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KageHina Lemon Fics
(*) Indicates my most suggested reads.
then fall into me by censored (aroceu)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Felching, Blow Jobs, Crying, Semi-Public Sex, Sloppy Makeouts Summary: "You wanna have sex in the club room?"
Shoyo’s ears are burning. “Don’t say it so bluntly like that!”
Fanning Flames by CheyanneSaysHii
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, First Time, Blow Jobs, Aged-Up Character(s), there's some fluff in there too Summary: After several months of dating in college, Hinata and Kageyama plan to spend the day together "playing video games" while Hinata's parents are away from home. Smut fic.
I Aim to Please by iisintrovert
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: IM NOT TAGGING AS UNDERAGE BC THE AGE OF CONSENT WHERE I LIVE IS 17 BUT THEY ARE BOTH 17 IN THIS FIC, Emotional Sex, KageHina - Freeform, Finger Fucking, Fingering, First Time, First Kiss, they're in their third year, Demisexuality, Demisexual Kageyama Tobio, Gay shenanigans, its really lovey and fluffy ok, Tumblr Prompt, Smut, Fluff and Smut Summary: For starters, Kageyama had really nice hands.
Hinata wasn't the most observant of people -- but he noticed this. He noticed the force with which he tossed a volleyball, noticed how his fingers curled around the net whenever it was spread between him and Hinata. He noticed how Kageyama ran his hands through his hair when he got to sweaty or when it fell in his eyes after he challenged him to a race.
That was part of the reason Hinata grabbed them, that day. There were other reasons, reasons far back in his head that he couldn't focus on at the moment, but when he leaned forward on his toes and wrapped both of Tobias hands in his slightly smaller ones, wound their fingers together and squeezed, he hadn't been thinking at all. Maybe, if he had, he wouldn't have done it (he definitely wouldn't be on a couch with his legs hooked over Tobio’s shoulders, six months later, either. Hinata definitely wasn't complaining about that).
There Are Mornings by Esselle*
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Morning Sex, Sleepy Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Aged-Up Character(s), Consensual Somnophilia, Canon Universe Summary: 'This slow, quiet rhythm, this bliss trapped halfway between waking and slumber, they can do this for hours.'
Sun-warmed sheets, curtains blowing in the breeze, the morning after a win.
didn't you know love could shine this bright? by kagome_angel
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou Additional Tags: KageHina - Freeform, I Will Go Down With This Ship, It isn't stated but they're third years here (still underage oops), First Time, Rain, Sex during the rain, They've been dating for a few months, Hinata loves compliments, Kags loves compliments but gets embarrassed, Soft Kageyama Tobio, Hinata is very very much in love okay, Frottage, It's been a while, I've missed these boys, Yes this is porn but what were you expecting from me?, Porn with lots of FEELS, Hinata is such a sap, They're both such saps really, Volleyball Dorks in Love, stream of consciousness writing, I seriously just sat down and started writing and could not stop until it was DONE, Please be gentle with me okay?, Alliteration, Quick and Dirty, Messy Boys, The ability to hold themselves back is non-existent at this point, Very very mild restraining, Top!Hinata (kinda)????, Bottom!Kageyama (kinda)???????????, Kageyama makes Hinata bold, feely sex, Yes I am still stuck in volleyball hell thanks, They're meant for each other I don't care what anyone says, Bakageyama (because it's cute), Please forgive any mistakes as I didn't really proof-read this Summary: There’s the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, against the window. There’s Kageyama’s breathing and there’s Hinata’s own—both have quickened. There’s Kageyama’s pulse beneath his fingertips and there’s skin and there’s heat.
Sweaty Pecs and Hot Abs by KagehinaLollipop
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Hinata's sister is briefly mentioned Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Moving In Together, heavy teasing, Teasing, Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Come Eating, Body Worship, Slutty Hinata because I can't help myself, Begging, Dirty Talk, as always, Dom/subs, light dom Hinata but mostly, Sub Hinata, dom Kageyama, Top Kageyama Tobio, Bottom Hinata Shouyou, like no angst at all I promise Summary: His back flexed up, taunting Hinata. The ginger gulped harshly as he stared at Kageyama's back, feeling something close to the bottom of his shirt give a jerk as he studied him.
Kageyama turned his head to the side, eyeing Hinata.
"Is that my shirt?"
OR Hinata's boyfriend might have the hottest body on the planet, and he might be a little obsessed.
Pav-love by Clementizzle
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Azumane Asahi Additional Tags: Kags and Hinata are 2nd years, daichi suga and asahi are graduates, hinata has long hair, and also had a growth spurt, he is still the second shortest member of the team, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Shower Sex, Cuddling, A Week of Kagehina Summary: Hinata realizes that the people closest to you can be conditioned to pick up on the most subtle of habits, and decides to explore this realization further.
Aka the one where Hinata discovers hemay have pulled a Pavlov with Kageyama without realizing it.
Halloween Sleepover by endlessnight
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Underage Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Halloween Challenge, Underage Kissing, Blow Jobs, Underage Sex, Halloween Smut, sleepover, Begging, horror movies, Explicit Sexual Content Summary: There was a noise. Not a moan from the guy on top of him, that wouldn't have been unpleasant. No, it was like someone had just smashed the door to Kageyama's house open. Hinata froze -well, he wasn't really able to move already-. They heard footsteps.
“God, stop! Have you not heard? There's someone in the house.”
Surviving His Debut by ThatGinjaNinja
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Romance, Masturbation, Riding, Barebacking, Jealousy, Volleyball, Boys In Love, Improper Use of Volleyball Monthly, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Anal Sex, Sexual Content, really, corking, really, porning, Inspired by Fanart, KageHina - Freeform, Power Bottom Summary: Hinata's latest issue of Volleyball Monthly has arrived. The featured athlete looks flawlessly sexy in every image, and Hinata can't keep his hands from wandering. He also can't seem to control the urgent need to lay claim to his now nationally recognized boyfriend.
Kageyama can't understand what all the fuss is about, especially since the pictures seem to have basically nothing to do with volleyball.
Exploring by TheBookThief14
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio Additional Tags: Hinata/Kageyama - Freeform, Semi-Public Sex, Grinding, Dry Humping, Hot, Top Kageyama Tobio, Bottom Hinata Shouyou, Gay, Cuties, Bold Hinata, chapters, short but sweet, Love these cuties, Kissing, Making Out, New Relationship, Gay Sex, First Time, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering Summary: A short story in which Hinata finally manages to hit one of Kageyama's sets after practice and gets a little too excited causing them to question just what kind of relationship they really have.
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sparkly-angell · 5 years
Stuckony Fic Rec because why not
*= series
ATTENTION! LOST ARM (If found please contact:) by Fakesheep-luna Teen, 8k Bucky doesn't understand why everyone is so worked up. He just went out for a few drinks, made some new friends and passed out in a dumpster. No big deal! "No big deal??" Steve squeaks, throwing his hands up in the air "You lost your arm! And you don't even remember how!" "Well, at least it wasn't the good one."
Guys!! This fic is comedy approved! its really good, made me laugh a lot, and the plot? amazing. Go read!
Break In by Tenspencerriedplease 7k Scott Lang, at least, understood why Tony hated this stupid job so damn much. He had a Masters degree in engineering but Tony was working on a PhD. Unfortunately for him even with his previous experience and schooling- good schooling- he was stuck working in a knockoff version of McDonald’s meets Subway. At least he works there until he meets Steve and Bucky.
askfjnsfdjsn aaaaaaaa I love gang AU and this one is Great. Highly recomend!
Brooklyn Boys - Bakey Au* by Quicksylver28 Teen/Mature 27k Tony is a bachelor college professor who walks into Steve and Bucky's Bakery/ Cafe. Awkward Flirting ensues.... and fluff, we wont forget the fluff.
ITS SO SWEET! Pun intended. Gosh, I wish I could eat all those baked goods. Sounds delicious. Anyways, the fic is sweet. Peter is a good friend.
Bruises and Drunken Heart Tattoos by Akira_of_the_twilight Teen, 6k An older man in his thirties was standing over Bucky with a bottle of aspirin in one hand, and the fingers of his other hand still gripping the rim of the cup he’d set down on the nightstand. Amber eyes blinked at Bucky in mild surprise. The man’s lips curved into a teasing smirk. “I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
I wanna hug Tony so hard over the course of this fic. It’s cute the way they fall in love. And it’s also funny. 
Canvas, Ink & Paint* by Ficlicious Teen, 11k Bucky's got one goal: to rescue a captured SHIELD agent and get out before the guards realize he's not one of them. Unfortunately, apparently he's also got soulmates, and when their messages and sketches start appearing on his skin, his mission becomes a complicated mess of trying not to get caught covered in their ink.
!!!!!! I love soulmate aus and this fic is one of my favorites!! Poor Bucky, tho, he was just trying to do his work. Go read!! 
Carrier by Just_another_tinker Explicit, 49k Steve and Bucky gift Tony with their jacket that survived from the 1940's. Turns out that wasn't the only thing that survived.
YALL. SO. MUCH. ANGST. and with a happy ending? someone said Pining? PERFECTION. I love the group dimensions in this fic. 
Comic Books and Kings by Ashes0909 Explicit, 10k Tony Stark read Captain America comics and everyone knew it, but it was only ever about Bucky Barnes.
Freacking great! Tony having a crush on Bucky before his crush on Steve? Godsent. 
Coffee Love* by Syriala Good, 8k Tony thought his best day was when Steve walked into the coffee shop he was working in. That was until Bucky came in a few days later.
The fluff!! The flirting!! Their kind of pining! *heart eyes*
Cried For Love (Can’t Stand It) by Potrix Explicit, 7k Bucky braces his hands on his hips, and tilts his head to the side, expression caught somewhere between anxious, confused, and nervous. “Well, shit.” “Yeah,” Steve agrees, worrying at his bottom lip, and rubbing at the back of his neck. “That can’t be good.”
Steve and Bucky become spirits and Tony blames himself (which he shouldn’t but thats Tony for you). I love this fic a loooot! (and i wanna hug tony a loooot too)
Difficult Conversations by Yumekiumono Mature, 34k HYDRA had brainwashed their Asset into silence, and then muzzled him to boot. It's not that surprising that Bucky no longer considers talking to be one of his strong suits. So why does he keep having to have difficult conversations? Or, the road to loving Tony Stark is never an easy one.
!!! Man! Tony/Bucky is strong in this fic, but also Steve is there and he is cute. Ive read some WinterIron fics with a similar plot, but the fact that this is Stuckony makes it 100% better. 
Don’t Say It by Bibliomaniac Teen, 35k Tony Stark is autistic and nonverbal. Which is fine, obviously, except for it means that Steve and Bucky don't have his words, and it only takes him a few minutes to decide they don't need to know he has theirs. That's also totally and definitely fine, until he goes and falls in love with them.
So. Fuckin. Good! Soulmate au. Its a must read fanfic. For real. The pining and the angst. Gosh, Tony is the best fuckin person. He doesn’t deserve all this pain.
Eagles by Spqr Teen, 6k Natasha presses her hand over her heart, and – Tony has heard rumors, that her skin is blank, or that she killed her other half, but he doesn’t believe them. “They deserve to know, don’t you think?” “They’ve been together for ninety years, Nat,” he says. “They’re practically married. There’s no room for me.”
Gosh!! Another soulmate au. Me addicted in them? yes. This one hurts more. I think i really cried while reading it. But has a happy ending so its worth it! 
From Winter’s Cold by 27dragons Explicit, 64 Thanks to one of Thor's crazy stalkers, Tony finds himself stranded in the past. If he significantly changes the course of history, he might never get home again. The choice, when it appears, turns out to be not nearly as difficult as he might have expected.
I simply love this fic. One of my personal favorites! Tony is taken back to 1945 and he finds no one other than.... Bucky. Go read! 
Liebestraum No.3 in A Flat by Daecyan_Shikoba Teen, 10k I humbly request to the pianist: Liebestraum No.3 in A flat
Im actually just doing this rec because of this fic. sfdjnsdkjfsn i love it SO much. Pianist Tony has a crush on his neighbours and has anonymous requests to play the piano. Its great. This fic is so relaxing to read.  
Long Distance by Notevenclosetostraight Explicit, 44k At the end of a bad day, Tony gets drunk and texts Rhodey all his woes. Except he typed the wrong number, and has been texting someone named Steve– who is blond, 28, teaches art and somehow charmed by Tonys drunk rambles.
Go read!!!!!!!! Its cute, full of sexy times and fluff. 
Hands by ezazahaz Teen, 1k He pushed harder, feeling the suit start to crack under his metal hand, the arc reactor giving way. Just a bit more force, and it might push through the grafted skin and false sternum that had replaced the device that had once been a part of the man. This time, instead of saving the man's heart, it would crush it, and he could never hurt Bucky again, never hurt Steve again. Bucky has a nightmare.
I know this one is smoll. But! it’s full of emotion and hurt/comfort. It’s cute. Mostly Bucky/Tony
Hollowness by amobisan Explicit, 63k It feels like a hollowness, when Tony first realizes. First sees. And the first thought, the first thought his useless, traitorous, genius brain can come up with was "At least this time when he leaves, it wasn't your fault."
So. Many. Feels. Tony is so selfless and sad it’s painful. But there’s also so much fluff!!! And a Lot of sexy times. 
How Good You’ve Got It by Orphan Account Mature, 2k Tony was only trying to work on deciphering Loki's power signature, which admittedly what Steve would call 'poking an angry brown bear with a pointy stick'. But if he could just- Shit. It wasn't supposed to do that.
Goddamn. One of my favorite fics!! I’ve already reread this like, three times. It’s small, I know, but the plot? Incredible.
Me through Him to You* by sahiya Teen/Explicit, 71k “You’re sick, you need someone to look after you. This mission could take a couple of days, and I want you in one piece when I get home.” Tony sighed. “Why do you care?” Steve’s mouth twisted unhappily. “I hope that’s the fever talking.” He stepped closer. “When I get home,” he said, so quietly that Tony didn’t think even the nosiest of their nosy friends could hear it, “we’re going to talk, all right? Until then, please let Bucky look after you. Consider it me looking after you, through him.”
First fic: sick fic, sick fic, sick fic!! Fluff!!! Love! Second fic: all. the. angst. you never knew you needed, with ahappy ending, tho. 
Not Like That At All by Catchclaw Explicit, 8k One last gig. That’s what Steve tells himself this'll be.
Hilarious! I s w e a r it’s so funny. I mean- theres a lot of smut that happens but the end? comical. And sweet. Go read!
One Date Wonder by Arukou Explicit, 20k Every week, the same guy comes into Steve and Bucky's diner and every week, he's got a new date on his arm. Guy just can't seem to catch a break, and after a particularly bad date, Steve and Bucky start taking matters into their own hands to help him out.
Sweet, cute, fluffy! Poor Tony I want to hug him :’( Amazing Diner!Au, a must read.
Pretend You Don’t Know Me!  by Aknightofagoodking Teen, 16k Peter forgets that his class is taking a field trip to Stark Tower. Tomorrow. ["So you want us to pretend we don't know you that well?" Mister Stark asks, looking somewhat unhappy. "Yes! Exactly! Pretend I'm actually just an intern. Can you do that for me, please?"]
Ok, so this focus more on Peter. But Stuckony as Peter’s dad? Isn’t that just the best thing in the world? 
Scientific Heresy by Antigrav_vector Mature, 34k In the process of running the particle accelerator in his basement and fixing the arc reactor, Tony finds himself flung into the past where he has to take on a fight not his own if he wants to get home to stop Vanko. At least he had a chance to replace the old rector that had been killing him with the new one before everything went sideways... But now he has no choice but to face off with family, friends, and old heroes, and none of that sounds remotely appealing. Well, okay, getting to meet them all during their glory days kinda does.
AAAA Ok, I love time travel stories, so i might be biased a little, but this is the best!! There’s a lot of action scenes which are great and engaging. It’s a must read. 
That Damn Flight Suit by Orphan Account Explicit, 2k James and Steve make a very interesting discovery about what really is under the Iron Man suit. Cue awkward boners, oblivious Tony, and slightly possessive super-soldiers who really don't want to share his...assets... with the world.
I mean- It’s smut. 
The Sex Shop Around the Corner by sadieb798 Mature, 16k Tony really hates his job. When he tries to figure out what he wants to do next, Tony decides that instead of making weapons for war, he should make things for pleasure. So he decides he's going to open his own sex shop.
cmon, tell me this isn’t the best au out there. skdjfsdkfsn but for real tho, the fic is full of fluff, some pining and kind of a mis communication? perfect. 
The Shirt by Sailorchibi Explicit, 3k How an impulsive decision that Tony made at sixteen and an equally impulsive decision that Tony made at forty-three combined to have the best outcome ever.
Smut. Again. But its damn good as well.
The Stories We Write by Notevenclosetostraight Mature, 33k A question at an interview leads to Steve and Bucky discovering fan fiction, and after piles of coffeeshop au's and fake dating tropes (and screaming over ABO fics) they find an author that writes some of the best fics they've ever read-- reader inserts starring a dark haired, dark eyed male reader as their shared love interest.
This fic is so freacking amazing!! Steve and Bucky are such nerds. Tony is mostly unaware until--
Thats it!!! Hope you enjoy reading them all :) If you want more, you know where to find me ;)
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jinjojess · 6 years
okay im not a part of purity brigade or anything but don't you think ao3 should take actions against works that legally meet the definition of child porn? ive seen multiple works that are fully disturbing and serve no other purpose than to make the assault of children sexy. not a gritty, dark tale of character development and woe.
Putting this answer under a cut because it’s long and I don’t want anyone having to stumble onto it by accident.
For anyone on my blog on mobile, meanwhile...
To my knowledge, OTW does ban illegal cp, as defined by US law (which I believe is where they’re based). I looked it up and what it says is that it covers visual depictions indistinguishable from real people. Written depictions aren’t considered illegal, probably because it would be too broad and might implicate, say, someone vividly recounting their own experiences in an autobiography.
And that’s the issue with the Ban Things in Bad Taste approach: there’s no way to be fair when enforcing it without innocent people getting slammed with false positives. The problem with censorship is that it’s a train that’s really tough to stop once it gets going–sure, if tomorrow AO3 banned explicit pwp of any characters under the age of 12 then I wouldn’t be affected at all. However, how long would it take for my story where two characters have implied sex as young teens (where it’s a traumatic event and a defining moment in the main characters’ life) gets flagged? How long until “child porn” gets expanded to include any mention of teens having sex at all? How long until “pedophilia” means “an age gap of two years between adults”? How long until you’re banned from writing anything LGBT+ because any and all depictions of queer relationships are considered “fetishistic” to some people?
You may think that I’m being hyperbolic, but I’m really not. The kind of people who champion the purity brigade are not about trying to make the world safer or better–if they were, they’d be volunteering time and/or money to organizations that combat these social ills in real life rather than organizing libel campaigns about content creators and fiction archives–they’re in it for control. They’re pitching a fit at AO3 because the staff has repeatedly said that they are anti-censorship across the board, and because they don’t allow dogpiling and bullying that these people love to engage in on other sites (like this one).
Do I like that those stories are there? No, I don’t. The thought of them makes my stomach turn, which is why I don’t seek them out. However, I’m not going to try and ban them, because that opens up a can of worms that a) won’t actually solve any real life child abuse issues, and b) will more than likely just come around to bite me in the ass in the future.
If you don’t mind me asking, how did you stumble onto the stories? Were they improperly tagged? If so, then report that, because not tagging things appropriately is an issue. If you find realistic visual depictions of kids in sexual situations, or god forbid actual photos/video/whatever, then report that immediately as well, because AO3 makes it clear that real, illegal child porn is not allowed and will be passed on to the authorities.
For fictional stories about fictional kids, however, I recommend you block users or blacklist tags so you don’t have to run into it. Someone in the notes of the earlier post did some searching on the Archive and it turns out that out of all the hosted fics, the only ones with explicit sexual content about actual children characters was some absurdly small figure like 0.00000000016% or something like that. It’s hardly some widespread epidemic like the purity brigade wants to make out so that people join their side. Always do a bit of investigating into how people define terms, too, and check it out to see if there’s any general shipping wank involved.
I understand the climate and events that led to AO3′s firm anti-censorship policy, and I respect it, just like I respect the right of other private sites to exclude certain things. Since there’s no actual evidence that anyone writing or reading those stories is going out and hurting kids in real life, there’s no moral imperative to not just avoid it. (Ironically, you’d probably never even know that content was there if not for purity wankers bringing it up every five minutes. They’re way better at advertising and spreading this kind of content than anyone who enjoys it.)
Now, if you want to know what DOES actually make a positive impact in terms of stopping child abuse (and all abuse in general really), here you go: education. Teaching people, especially young kids, what to watch out for is the best way to inoculate them against being taken advantage of. Make it clear what it looks like to be manipulated via grooming, guilt, fear, etc. Show them what to do to get out of a situation like that when they realize they’re in one. Allow people to talk about their experiences in whatever way is best for them to express it.
Armed with knowledge of what is right and wrong, healthy and unhealthy in real life, no fictional story can dupe someone into thinking abuse is normal, no matter how romanticized it may be. 
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b0blegum · 6 years
A+ [part one]
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Author: b0blegum
Pairing: Changkyun x Reader (teacher AU)
Rating: R
Genre: s m u t, like smutty smut.
Status: PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | END
a/n Shit, i’ve never written a chaptered fic in one night, but look what i’m doing here? I have finished writing all parts! This actually meant to be posted yesterday as a celebration for Changkyun’s birthday though, but whatever. Hope you enjoy this smutty fic for our kinky maknae.
Your POV
Teacher’s life sucks.
Well, at least for me. Someone who actually hated kids, but had to deal with them due to my financial status. If it wasn’t because of your sister’s pregnancy, i wouldn’t be here faking smiles everyday and played with children age 6-7.
Actually, you know that there’s this saying, there’s always something good in something bad? Well, i didn’t really understand about that at first, until i finally saw a man (most probably younger than me) walked into the school in the morning of November. I didn’t know him well, actually, but my fellow teacher friends said he was an english substitute for grade 6 students.
This man is the good while the school is the bad.
I never had real conversation, like, real-real. He was always too caught up with school materials or had a ‘date’ with some female senior high students who out of nowhere came to our office. Well– i haven’t talked about this, but the gossip of him was everywhere in this school. That’s why those female senior high students often came here.
3rd person’s pov
You sat yourself at the teacher’s lounge, reading some materials for tomorrow’s math class. It’s nothing complicated, but you only want to made sure whatever you teach is right.
“Hey, may i sit here?” A heavy voice asked you. Without looking, you nodded.
“Sure,” you answered, still flipping the papers on your lap.
“Math teacher?” He asked again. His voice was rather deep and… sexy. Now, this time, you took your eyes off the paper and looked at the owner of that sexy voice.
“Yeah, grade o–“ you stopped your sentence after finding out who you were talking too. “One.” You continued, awkwardly.
Holly hell. I am talking with sex God. Am i dreaming? No right?
“Cool. Oh, i am Changkyun by the way. You are?” He offer his hand. Taking his hand and shook it gently, you smiled.
“Are you always so focused on what you do?” He asked, eyes to your papers.
“Well, i– it’s just my way to make sure everything goes according to my standard.” You answered, adding detail with hand gestures.
“That’s sexy.” He commented, nodding slightly before he took a sip of his coffee.
Did he just… flirt with me?
“Excuse me?” I know i am, but really?
“Oh– i didn’t mean it that way, sorry. It’s just… i find it attractive.” He awkwardly crossed his leg while you mouthed an ‘o’.
“That’s alright. I get it.” You nodded. God, did you see? I just talked to the sexiest human being in this school! Your mind screamed out an excitement.
The guy pulled out something from his pocket when you were about to say something to him.
It was his phone he pulled out. He looked at it quick before he bit his lip and sighed. “Hey, (y/n). I think i should go,”
“This girl in my class has a fight with a seven grader.” He sat up, shoving back his phone, adding another bulge on his pants. You shook your head, deleting the dirty thoughts.
“Wow, what? A fight?” Your eyes followed him walking to the door.
“They’re fighting over a boy. Isn’t it great?” He laughed, sarcastically.
“Well, you better be there as soon as possible, Changkyun.” You said. He was already on the door.
“Yep. I better be.” He replied. “I guess, i’ll see you later?”
“See you later.”
“Hey, asshole, guess what!” You bumped onto a guy who’s currently lounging on your couch.
“Stop calling me asshole, will you?” He scooted aside. You mouthed him ‘never’. “But, what is it? You finally lose it to someone? Eh, wait, you wouldn’t doing it at day, but– that could be—“
“Not that, stupid.” You lulled your head back for a mere one second before looking back at your best friend with a sparkly eyes.
“Then what?” He put his focus back on the TV.
“Changkyun just flirted with me!” You cheered. “Well, i mean, he said i’m sexy, but–“
“Is he blind?”
You groaned. “Why are you–“ you shook your head. “Okay, whatever, but he really did say that. He said i am sexy when i focus on something.”
“I did say you were sexy, too. You remember? That time when you gave me a hand job?” He smirked.
“Shut the hell up, will you?” You looked at him in full annoyance. “By the way, i told you many times to not bring that topic up. It was just for one fucking time!”
“Okay, sorry, but you were so good doing that. The way you–“ without waiting him to finish his sentence, you sat up and threw him a pillow to shut his mouth.
“You’re the worst.” You gave him the finger.
That was Minhyuk. Your only best-friend who knew everything about you. Everything including the fact that you are still a virgin and your lustful feeling towards this Changkyun guy and he loves to tease the hell out of you.
Oh, and about that hand job he was talking about, it was really for one time only and both of you were so bored that you two decided to watch porn and things got heated, so… that happened.
“(Y/n), by the way, how old is he? You said he is younger than you, right?” He shouted from the living room.
“Yeah. Two years.” You answered after sipping some banana milk. “Do you think he’d go for older woman?”
“No, unless he has noona kink.” You almost choked at the word kink. For you, that was such a dirty word and hearing kink and ‘he’, which refer to Changkyun in one sentence was quite a bit… awkward.
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gffa · 6 years
hi sunshine
(cont.) enjoy what we find ourselves liking without getting hate and being proclaimed horrible people?? personally, i really enjoy their dynamic so much, beyond the romance, bc there’s so much there and i think there’s no one who better understands them than each other and god knows no one sane ships them when anakin’s a /child/ but !!!! the hate!!! it just gets overwhelming sometimes and makes me wonder idk i kinda went off on a rampage thank u for listening i hope u have a great day
Hello, dear!  A lot of this depends on how the person being asked feels versus the intention behind the ask versus what’s a good faith or bad faith discussion.  If it’s a bad faith discussion–ie, if the person asking is only there to be an asshole, who isn’t really interested in your answer–my response is pretty much, “[posts a gif of the elevator scene] YEAH I DON’T KNOW WHERE I GET THAT IDEA FROM.” because they’re not looking for an answer and I don’t need to justify one.But if someone is looking for an honest answer and is genuinely open to listening to others (which can be very hard to determine sometimes!) then I would say that, FIRST OF ALL, they’re fictional characters and we’re here to have fun, it’s not that serious.  Nobody deserves hate for which fictional characters they ship!SECOND, they’re adults and we actually get to see them age out of the Master/Padawan relationship.  We get to see Obi-Wan respect Anakin’s boundaries.  We get to see them interact as peers and best friends, rather than only just as teacher/student.  We see that dynamic right in front of us and so saying that they can never be shipped because Obi-Wan was his teacher deliberately ignores that Anakin SURE FEELS JUST FINE SPEAKING  UP WHENEVER HE WANTS.  It’s fine if someone doesn’t want to ship the two of them for themselves because of this!  If someone out there feels, oh, they were teacher and student or feels that they can only see the two as father and son, those are perfectly valid interpretations for those people!  They are just as right as someone who ships Obi-Wan and Anakin!Shipping fictional characters is about us, not about the idea that Obi-Wan and Anakin are real people, and that means exploring the aspects of them that we are interested in and speak to us.  That’s the ultimate point of anything in fiction–to make us feel things, to make us think about things, to give us tools to examine ourselves individually, to explore ideas in a place that’s not the real world, to give us something that satisfies us, to just have fun with.  And if that means you want to explore some fluffy Obikin smooching fic or kinky sexy fic or wrenching heartache fic or fixing all the problems of the GFFA fic, that is what fiction is for.But what you’re asking about is people who give others shit about what they like and, honestly, the real truth is that you’re probably never going to be able to convince them.  George Lucas or Dave Filoni themselves could come knock on our doors and tell us Obi-Wan/Anakin romantic feelings were canon and many antis would still be angry about it and say how wrong it is and hate on anyone who shipped them.  You cannot convince other people who don’t actually want to change their minds, there’s no magic combination to unlock what some have already decided is inherently wrong.  We can only decide for ourselves what we like and what we want to interact with others on.I can quote a dozen moments from the movies, tv shows, books, comics, games, and interviews that put Obikin in a romantic light, there’s no shortage of stuff that lends itself to them as a pairing!  I can (and probably have orz) write multiple essays on how so much of the galaxy’s fate is founded on Anakin’s relationship with Obi-Wan!  I can write more essays about their dynamic, how they really know each other better than anyone, that that’s the whole point of that fight in ROTS, that nobody knows these two as well as each other, that Obi-Wan has loved many people, but Anakin has always been the great love of his life, that Anakin’s choices hurt because of what they do to Obi-Wan just as much as what they do to Padme and Luke and Leia.  That they have defined each others’ lives!But it’s never going to matter to someone who doesn’t want to see them as a valid choice for someone else. And you have to decide for yourself if you want to continue being around those friends, if they’ll still be your friends if you talk publicly about what you like, or if you need to make a separate blog to interact with fans or even just lurk quietly in Obikin fandom.  All of those options are fine for what you yourself need!  If you feel you can’t openly join us, I’m sorry to not be able to interact with you, but I understand!  If you come to us under a different blog name, WELCOME!  If you openly join us, there’s a lot of really fun stuff going on around here, I hope you have fun with  us!!  And, honestly, I find that Obikin hate isn’t nearly as bad as it sometimes seems–maybe it’s just because I’ve blocked the worst people or because I don’t read people who hate it, but I almost never see it and I almost never get any anons telling me horrible things for it.  It might be different where you are and I don’t know the people you hang out with, they might give you hate for it.  But just generally hanging out in this corner, I don’t see much of it anymore!And I’m very, very much with you.  One of the reasons I ship them so hard is because I love their dynamic beyond just wanting them to smooch–honestly, my very favorite fic in this fandom is one where they aren’t even meant to be a pairing, but instead it nails the dynamic between them so well that I don’t care I JUST WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER, I JUST WANT THEM TO BE IN EACH OTHERS’ LIVES.I love them because they know each other better than anyone, because they run the gamut of dynamics, that they can be cute and happy and hilarious but they can also be angry and heartbreaking and hurtful.  I am a sucker for pairings that explore a whole array of what’s between two characters, from happy to sad, from hilarious to heartbreaking, and Obikin has that in spades.  I’m also a sucker for pairings that have wildly great chemistry, which they do in everything I have ever seen them in, they always spark off each other and they have all these delicious issues to explore, there’s such incredible love there that can never be burnt all the way down, no matter how hard Anakin tries, and sometimes that means I want to explore Anakin’s d/s kink and sometimes that means I just want time travel fluffy fix it fic where they never even smooch and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN.  ♥__♥
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jaehyunskitten22 · 7 years
Current Text Requests *UPDATED 01/06/18*
These are the requests I currently have! :) If you don’t see your request here send it in again! Requests are still open for : NCT 127, NCT U, NCT Dream, BTS, Jay Park, Wu Yifan, Got7, F(x), Seventeen, Shinee, Bigbang, Ikon, and new groups: Monsta X and Exo! (bc i’m now a wonho landfill whoops)
Seungcheol x Reader // Smutty Daddy x Kitten!Reader texts
Yunhyeong x Reader // You doubt the way he feels about you because he sometimes seems disinterested and other stuff (angsty ending or fluffy ending)
Boyfriend!Jackson x Chubby!Reader // Fluffy and cute everyday boyfriend texts (i’m assuming this person wanted no sexy texts please correct me if i’m wrong thanks)
Mark x Chubby!Reader // Fluffy everyday boyfriend texts (once again I’m assuming no sexy texts plz correct me if i’m wrong)
Youngjae (Got7) x Chubby!Reader everyday texts (some nsfw stuff whoot whoot)
Jaebum x Chubby!Reader // part 4 to the matchmaker series where they are dating (lowkey just saw this reply on that post whoopsie)
J-Hope x Reader // everyday boyfriend texts
jaehyun x reader // he texts you for the first time in ages after you guys broke up because of his work without even trying to work things out
Hyungwon x Chubby!reader // everyday boyfriend and sexy texts (hELL YEAH WE GETTING SOME MONSTA X UP IN HERE)
Jay Park x Reader // You tell him you’re pregnant and he isn’t necessarily happy about it because of his career (dude this would so be him I can vividly imagine it)
bf woozi x chubby reader // you’re insecure about your height and weight, the reader is 2 inches taller then him (he’s 5'5) and he comforts you on both (THIS IS CUTE AND I LOVE THE IDEA OF WOOZI WITH A CHUBBY GIRL OR PERSON IN GENERAL HE WOULD DIG IT DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS)
bf chanyeol x short chubby reader // the reader is about 5'1 and chanyeol finds her shortness and chubbiness adorable but they dont (YALL I IDENTIFY WITH THID REQUEST ALLOW ME TO SQUEE AND SOB AT THE SAME TIME)
Minhyuk X chubby reader // minhyuk wants you to come over and cuddle with him, your having one of those days where your really insecure about your weight
Johnny Seo x Chubby!Reader // boyfriend texts with a chubby italian reader
Yoongi x Chubby!Reader // he sends you pictures of holly sleeping on your tummy and thighs and you get embarrassed
wonwoo x Chubby!reader // nsfw texts (👀👀)
mingyu x Chubby!Reader // Friends to lovers text (YES I LOVE THIS KDKSNS)
Jungkook x chubby!reader // you get caught trying on his shirt and he finds it cute and you get really embarrassed because you thought you could fit into it (I AM PRESENT FOR REQUESTS THAT TALK ABOUT THIS BECAUSE PEOPLE MAKE IT SUCH A BIG DEAL IN FICS ABOUT WEARING THE BOYFRIEND’S CLOTHES AND NOT EVERYONE CAN DO THAT)
Onew x Chubby!Reader // nsfw texts (fun fact onew is (one) of my bias wreckers in shinee yep-yep-yep)
T.O.P x Chubby!Reader // He is away and you guys miss eachother (yall alright i think of him in a relationship with a big girl all the time and i have some thoughts on tgis too dirty to share here so I’m just gonna keep it to myself ahem 😂)
Best friend dino x chubby reader // the members know you and dino like each other and try to get them together (YEP-YEP-YEP I LIKE THIS)
Rap Monster x Chubby!Reader // Anything but Daddy Kink (i can do that bby
best friend!Joshua x chubby!reader // your going to an anime Convention together and your trying to find the best cosplay outfit to wear, so you send him pics of the outfits and he starts realizing he loves you
Suho x Chubby!Reader // he’s taking you to an aqard show for the first time (BIG BABES IN DRESSES AND SUHO THIS IS ALL I WANT)
Jaehyun x Chubby!Reader // You accidentally send a picture of you in lingerie to the nct hyung line groupchat (F ME UP THIS IS MY FAVE TROPE)
yongguk x chubby!reader // everyday boyfriend texts with a hint of sexting (yep-yep-yep bap is my guilty pleasure)
jay park X fat!reader // you’re helping him sub his god forsaken videos and he confesses to you in the midst of all your memes, and you get self conscious because it’s jay fucking park and you’re lucky you’re allowed to be his friend and he tells you otherwise because damn it he’s gonna make you feel wanted if it’s the last thing he ever does (i love the way this person worded their request LOLOLOL)
chubby!reader x sehun // friends to lovers texts (YEP YEP YEP)
jay park x fat!reader // he tells you you were his muse for yacht in an attempt to get into your pants because he doesn’t know how to just tell you he actually likes you
boyfriend!jungkook x fat!reader // she’s bothered by the fact that she’s not only bigger than him, but younger than him too because she knows he likes older women
Chanyeol x chubby reader // chanyeol wants the reader to meet his parents and toben (his dog) and the reader is really nervous because they think his parents will hate them because of their weight
Daddy!Minhyuk x Chubby!Reader // She feels really insecure about how she looks and he conforts her, turns nsfw
wonho/shownu x Chubby!reader // everyday fluffy and sexy texts (i’ll probs do these for shownu bc I don’t have anything for him yet)
Bts x Reader // You’re a witch and you accidentally turn yourself into an animal hybrid, the members reactions to you telling them. (Might do a set for wach member or I might just pick hyung line or maknae line. I ALSO LOVE HYBRID STUFF SIGN ME UP)
Minho x Reader // he’s dating a 5’ girl and people are kind of weirded out about a giant dating a really short person (YES I LOVE MINHO AND SHORT PEOPLE YES)
minho x reader // he finds out hes dating one of the members younger sister
mingyu x chubby!reader. You accidentally send him a sexy picture (I LOVE MINGYU)
Jihoon x chubby!reader //reader is being extra affectionate and getting her boyfriend all flustered with cutie pictures (YALL OKAY WOOZI IN MY MIND HAS A DADDY KINK BUT HE WOULD GET SO FLUSTERED WHEN HIS PRINCESS WAS IN LITTEL SPACE BECAUSE OF ALL THE AFFECTION HE WAOULD GET I CRY)
daesung x chubby!reader // He’s taking you to the beach but you can’t fogure out what bikini/swimsuit to wear, so you ask him
jungkook x chubby!reader // the reader is insecure because jungkook always talks about how IU is his ideal type and the reader questions why they’re dating if a skinny girl like IU is his ideal type and he comforts her
Johnny x Chubby!reader // you recieved your uniform for your job at a bar but it’s really tight on you and you’re uncomfortable 
yixing x chubby!reader // he’s filming a movie in china and you miss him
jay park x chubby african american!reader // reader gets hate for having a differenr skin color and he comforts her
jiyong x Chubby!reader // he’s a fuck boy (I HAVE BEEN LITERALLY DYING TO DO SOME FUCK BOY TEXTS YES)
kyungsoo x chubby!reader // everyday fluffy texts
Scoups/Jay Park/Yifan x Chubby!Reader // he starts working out and lifting weights because he’s upset they cant lift their chubby s/o. And when the s/o finds out they comfort them and tell them it’s fine (IM DOIN AL THREE)
Boyfriend chanyeol x chubby reader // chanyeol wants to get couples hoodies and he ask for your hoodie size, you get embarrassed because of your size
Best friend chenle x chubby reader // some people are bullying you at school and you get very upset over it and he gets to comforts you (MY BBY CHENLE AWWW YISSSS)
Ten × Chubby!reader // Literally anything (and sexy yes)
ten x chubby!reader // she is insecure about her chubby stomach and thinks she isn’t sexy (like everyone only calls her cute and stuff) so she rants to ten (her best friend) (YALL I LOVE TEN)
Jisung x chubby reader // you guys are best friends and have feelings for one of another and the others try to match make you guys
best friend!chenle x Reader // he confesses to an insecure reader
Poly!Johntae x Chubby!Reader // if anyone has a specific idea for this let me know 
Pornstar!Yuta x Chubby!Reader // She’s actually super confident and he says something mean and she breaks up with him and he realizes that he actually kind of loves her and needs her in his life and tries to get hr back and it ends in smutty romantic sexy texts (I AM ALL FOR THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA)
t boyfriend!kihyun x chubby!reader texts // reader sends him the lyrics to TLC's No Scrubs as a little joke and he freaks out and asks if she thinks of him as a scrub and if she wants to leave him and she has to try to comfort him and tell him it was just a joke, that they were lyrics to a song.
this is not proof read at all so I apologize in advance for any mistakes I might have made :)
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adhd-ahamilton · 7 years
C F I M S T Y :) (I'm sorry....) ❤️
Never apologise for responding to these memes :P And oh, one of them’s already done, so that’s ONE less... :P
C: What character do you identify with most?
Lmao that’s a really good question!! It’s funny... I think many of us went through a similar process here, of liking Hamilton and relating to him, but then also encountering Laurens and really relating to him? But I think that’s because Hamilton is a specific kind of person, that a lot of the time it’s less relating to him outright and more... looking to him as an example? Both good and bad. Being enthralled by him and wanting to learn from him and figure out how to take on those qualities of passion and ambition and hard work without also gaining the many negative qualities. And I think that’s part of what interested John about Alex as well - John had so much tendency to self-doubt, and of course there was the whole issue of what he would study and how his dad basically forced him into law, but then there’s Alex who is so sure of what he’s going to do and how he’s going to do it...
But ramble aside: I identify a lot with Laurens like emotionally? And tend to project my insecurities and worries onto him. And also since I am also a white person from a wealthy family I try to kinda... be aware of that through him, as a way to work through what it’s easy to forget in my position and how I need to do better. So I guess I relate to him morally, as well. But... I first did get into this fandom because I saw something in Hamilton that I almost never saw in any other characters. Like, I almost never really relate to characters? There isn’t any character at all I can point to and say ‘yep, they’re just like me’? And Hamilton spoke to me in a bunch of ways I didn’t think I’d ever find. But like I said, it’s also partially a lesson thing - he taught me that I could be the way I was and still work and achieve things and be useful and do good, but it was also kind of a ‘yeah you can do better in THESE ways though, wow’ kind of thing. So though I don’t write from his POV much for various reasons, I definitely relate to him in some really important ways as well.
And uh, beyond this fandom... I love Leslie Knope but I’m more like Ben Wyatt, and there’s a whole bunch of moe anime girls that I relate way too much to (like Suou from Flowers and Hanamaru from Love Live! and oh god, Tsukimi from Princess Jellyfish for sure...)
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
Hmmmmm! :O There are a lot of good ones by Madtom and Publius in their whole verse! Also, going through my fic tag... wow this one by ciceroprofacto is SO GOOD (it’s not like overtly hurt/comfort but the overtone is definitely there in the end).
And beyond this fandom... I was into Supernatural right before this and lmao, canon-verse Dean/Castiel is like, inherently hurt/comfort :P And yet my favourite is probably this human AU one where Dean is a paraplegic and Cas is a guy who comes in to hang out and talk with people at the care facility and it’s written so so sensitively and avoids a lot of the gross ableist tropes that are so common in this type of fic because it’s written by someone who actually knows their stuff a lot and it’s REALLY GOOD and great!!
(Also just in general I tend to bookmark fic on AO3 when I like them, and I read for a pretty broad array of fandoms, so if you’re looking for recs you might find some you like there!)
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
MAN like I really have a thing for like... stuff to do with intimacy? Specifically, kinda mismatched or forced intimacy or whatever. Like the classic ‘there’s only one bed’ thing, where two characters who are just friends (or, like ‘’just friends’’) suddenly have to share a bed together, or the even MORE classic pretend lovers thing, where two friends have to pretend to be a couple and it’s all awkward and uncomfortable and they start feeling it FOR REAL but then it’s like nooo they’re only pretending, we have to act like we’re so close but we’re not but I wish we were...! MAN it’s so great!! Like IDK there’s just something about characters ending up in this position and it’s awkward but they end up learning so much about each other and then falling for each other and that just makes it even worse... Love it :’)
Or like, I looove like sexual tension and friendships that tip just a bit over too much and that steady slow burn as they get closer and closer and they’re SO CLOSE to getting together but NOT QUITE and they’re so much PINING and TOUCHING and ahhhh!!!!
Also just, projecting as much of myself and various identities and stuff onto characters as possible :P
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
S-so many... orz hmmMMM here’s a couple!
A modern day AU Hamburrger thing where they dated in college and now they’re both politicians and it comes out and Ham just kinda admits to it because what does he care and now Burr is just *screaming internally* at all times because he actually wanted to keep every tiny bit of his private life out of the public sphere, thanks?
Another Hamburrger thing where Ham is just trying to have a fun sexy time but Burr keeps unintentionally prodding at Ham’s really painful memories and stuff and it all just falls apart
One that I’ll almost certainly never write but: Lams AU assuming Ham dies in 1804 (which I don’t think he would but whatever) and Alex Jr is mourning but it’s difficult at home because he and Eliza never got along that well so he ends up staying over with Laurens instead and somehow they get to talking and finding ways to mourn together and Eliza as well and it’s all awkward and sad but they’re figuring it out eventually somehow
Various other Lams AU things, including: a kind of day in the life thing featuring domesticity and more Ham and Frances interaction, Laurens first moving into the city next to Ham and a LOT of domesticity and also porn?, Ned Stephens showing up and effectively doing the ‘if you hurt him I’ll kill you’ to Laurens, Alex and Eliza talking about the whole ‘Im cheating on you with a man’ thing where they are both irrevocably on different pages and will never agree but at least start to understand each other a little better
John and Francis meeting up during the war. Which sounds like a perfectly simple premise which I totally don’t need to research at all before I start writing it in my head!!!
Also I couldn’t write it myself because I don’t know nearly enough but I’d be really curious to see a Lams fic set in modern times, but like, where they’re both still in the military? Obviously such a fic would have to engage with the whole issue of the American military and all but like, we already have to engage with slavery as a thing, soooo it’s hardly foreign territory (no pun intended).
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
Already covered part of that :P I love those dumb plots that basically revolve around ‘two characters are stuck together! How do they react?’ because there are just so many ways they can go depending on the characters and that’s really interesting!!
I also really love domestic fic including kid fic, historical AUs, interesting formats (like epistolary etc.), Outsider POV, and of course slow burn!
I quite like fandom tropes in general, to the extent that people really do, like... cross-reference the pairing and characters to the trope and write it specifically for them, and not just some Generic Pretend Couple Fic and change the names? I just really like seeing all the subtle differences between different interpretations of the same characters, when it’s done well!
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
Hoo boy :) Well first up, I’m not into D/s, so any kind of A/b/o and slavefic and stuff I just walk right past. And as I implied above, when I get into a pairing, I really like to get into like... what makes that pairing special and unique and different? So I really dislike any stuff which cleaves towards making them more generic, like ‘jock!{character}/nerd!{character}’ type fic, which usually just ends up exactly the same as any other jock/nerd fic. (Also maybe it’s just cause I’m Aussie but we...didn’t ever actually have strict groupings like that in high school? So those fic in particular are just. Bizarre to me.)
Related, I tend not to like high school/college/coffee shop AUs because they’re usually like really overtly ‘hey this is what it is like for people here!! haha doesn’t it reflect your time in college really well? this is just what things are like for me!!’ and they are...usually not relatable to me. At all. Because my experiences are quite weird;;; So I just. don’t enjoy reading them because it makes me feel bad lol.
And uhhhh I really dislike fic where people go hard on the sarcasm and stuff? Like it mostly just ends up making them sound like assholes. I admit I’m particularly sensitive to this but I really, really hate people who mock and insult other people for just being themselves and doing what they want and 90% of snarky seems to be about that, especially when done by inexperienced writers. But even experienced writers do this sometimes when they get this idea that banter is good writing 100% of the time or that it’s too ‘’’simple’’’ just to write a character being like... nice? Or genuine? (Like holy shit I got soooo damn sick of snarky!Castiel like yeah great he is sarcastic OCCASIONALLY in canon, he’s not a grumpy asshole 24/7, where do people get this??? But it’s also something that comes up a lot in Hamilton musical fic and. yeah.)
Aaaand that’s probably enough lmao thanks for asking again!!! :D
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kyanmas · 7 years
kagayam-a fic recs!!!!
ok I’ve read quite a bit of fics but I’ve managed to narrow down my all time fav fics in haikyuu, and I promise you, they’re all amazING
ps, I’m on mobile rn so I can’t do the fancy schmancy linking fics to their titles so bear with me!
• [national hot dad alliance is now calling….] >link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5663683/chapters/13045579
I’m pretty sure this is the all time fandom fav, it consists of the captains and their stupid antics on Skype!! includes: mopeds, crying with snot and memes. I cANNOT RECOMMEND THIS FIC ENOUGH I LOVE IT SO MUCH, ITS ONE OF THE FIRST HAIKYUU FICS IVE READ
•[conquering the great king] - IWAOI SMUT W A PLOT >link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3301085/chapters/7209029
MY GOD THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST FICS I HAVE EVER READ IN MY 17 YEARS OF EXISTENCE. if ur a slut for slow build up, this is for you. it’s so beautifully written and the smut scenes make u … feel stuff. BUT THATS NOT IT!!! Yes there’s smut, but the plot!! is!! so!! good!!!!!!!! 10000/10 recommend read it now
•[how kuroo found kenma] KUROKEN SMUT AND FLUFF >link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3988276/chapters/8953993
this fic was written by the same author as the iwaoi fic above. SO EXPECT THE SAME AMAZING WRITING. THE SMUT SCENES ARE 1000/10 even though it’s right at the end,, it’s the usual kuroo “oh shit I’ve fallen in love with my best friend” tetsurou but my god, even though that plot basis is repeated several times, this is one of those fics that you CANNOT stop reading.
•[the kittens curse] KUROKEN WITH KAGEHINA AND IWAOI ON THE SIDE >link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9326645/chapters/21134000 AKLAKSKDELS THIS IS WHAT IM READING RIGHT NOW AND ITS SO BLOODY GOOD!!!!!!!! it’s kuroo and kenma both being incredibly dense and not realizing they’re both pining for each other but GET THIS,,, ITS NOT INFANTILISING KENMA!!! it talks abt how Kenma masturbates and has wet dreams about kuroo and TREATS KENMA LIKE THE 17 YEAR OLD HE IS!!!! 929282829292/10, easily on my top 3 All time fav fics,, I love it so much go read it
•[thaw] KAGEHINA WITH THE OTHER SHIPS ON THE SIDe >link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3720139/chapters/823870
in which kags has a sexuality crisis and realises he GAY AF for hinata, amazing character development, amazing writing, amazing story. includes kuroken and bokuaka cameos and kageyama walking in mid bokuaka make out session :^)
•[you’d fit in my lonely arms so perfectly] DAISUGA >link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/2628422/chapters/5864243
TEETH ROTTING FLUFF THAT MAKES U FEEL WARM INSIDE ASHSHJSHSKSL. suga accidentally calls daichi, thinking he’s asahi and RANTS about his oven and burnt cookies. BASICALLT THEY FELL IN LOVE W EACH OTHER OVER THE FUCKING PHONE. then they meet up and daichi loses a tooth. A MUST READ DAISUGA FIC
•[character development] BOKUAKA W OTHER SHIPS >link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7862059/chapters/17953549
includes: sassy and sarcastic akaashi and his sexy brother kuroo,,
BOKUTO BEING HUMAN. no glamorising and whatnot, the writer went into detail about how there was duckin snot on his face when he was crying.
BOKUAKA MAKING LOVEEE IN THE THEATRES. (and akaashi grinding on bo)
lots and lots of denial,,mostly from akaashi
SEMI DRUNK KARAOKE INCLUDING ALL THE SHIPS, with kuroo being a sappy little shit and singing to Kenma, which lead kenma shoving ice cream and apple pie into kuroos face
PROM!!!!! PROM!AU IS ALWAYS THE BEST FOR EVERY FIC. but that’s not all tho ,, it has A PLOT TWIST that made me cry but it’s ok BC everyone’s happy at the end
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imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 15} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
ALSO I have included asks I received to do with IWSY in the hours leading up to before I posted it because there was a few! So if you sent in an ask to do with IWSY and I didn’t post it - it will be in this post!
@kpopppimagines said: *Looks at clock, notices time, starts to dance strangely and do weird jazz hand motions* Wooooooooo yeahhhhhhhh! So excited! Xx 🙌🏼🙌🏼💕
Ahhh I really hope you liked the chapter love!
Anonymous said: Hope the new chapter will be as great as the rest!! Really looking forward to what direction the story will go in❤️❤️
I hope it lived up to your expectations :D
@mocking-butts said: I'm probably way too excited for this chapter because holy moly i need more!!! Honestly one of my favorite fanfics i love it <3
I really hope you enjoyed it my dear ^^ Thank you very much!
@audreymv said: I wanna kill Yoongi like mate I UGH I CANT. Like why and now Jungkook cant tell her his secret just omg everything os crashing down. I love this so mich but Yoongi he is ooooo on my list in this fanfic. Loving it so far 😘😘😘
Just when he was about to tell her :c How can he tell her now?! heh ^^ Thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said: Wow, new chapter of IWSY was really good! I'm so glad to finally get some backstory on the reader, but I kind of feel bad for Jungkook now.. Because how will the reader react when he tells her? And Yoongi's going to the ball so she'll recognise him.. Ahhh! Well, I suppose there's nothing to do but patiently wait. Stay healthy and keep up the hard work! Thanks
I’m so happy you thought it was good! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how she will react when/if he tells her ^^ lol Thank you so much for reading and I hope you stay healthy too!
@loverofotome said: 😱😱 IT'S THEIR FATE TO BE TOGETHER 😱😱 I was definitely not expecting that. Yoongi seems to think there's something special about her and I can't help but wonder what that is. Ahhh! I love your writing and it's so good, as always. I can't wait until next week!
IT WAS DESTINY~~ hehe ^^ I wonder what’s so special about her? I guess we will have to wait to find out :D Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an awesome day :)
I am very very sorry c: hehe~ I love you too and thank you very much for reading the chapter!!
Anonymous said: oh my gosh, yoongi.. what he did was so cruel. and that's why he's looking for y/n... i'm really curious about when and what's going to happen when y/n finds out jungkook is a vampire
Why did he do it though? And what’s the reason he is looking for her? Is it to just dimply finish what he began? If so - is he going to go looking for Sid, too? ;o SO many questions! haha ^^ Thank you for reading the chapter!
@omelys-space said: IT ALL CONNECTS GOD DAMN! Like how amazing is this update 😍 I am honestly excited for every update you post and they never let me down   Thank you ❤
I’m so happy that you can see it all connecting and beginning to come together to make a bigger picture! There is still much more to come :D hehe Thank you very much and it makes me happy that you said I never let you down. Thank you!
Anonymous said: Honestly this fan fiction is one of the best things I've ever read. I hate reading, but this story has changed my perspective about it! IWSY is also the first long fanfic that I've read heh~ I just want you to know that I think you are a really good writer and the stories that you make are amazing! I am in love with this story!❤️❤️  -Ro (you don't know me but I'm gonna put my name anyway☺️)
Hi Ro! :D Ahhh thank you so much for your wonderful words, I’m smiling so much! And thank you also for reading my series and I’m so happy that you’re enjoying it ^^
YAAAAAY I’m glad I could surprise you! I think a lot of people thought it was either going to be Yoongi or Jungkook that had something to do with her parents death. But in a way - they both did, I guess :D Thank you so much for reading the update!!
@im-so-scared-aaaa said: Ok, I'm suppose to be studying, but now I'm shooked ^^ Thank you😿
I hope you managed to get back to studying you naughty child! c: Haha thank you so much for reading it and I hope you enjoyed it too!
Anonymous said: That curveball thoooooooo I don't want jungkook to be hurt :"( how is he ever going to tell reader about his secret like this 😰😰😰😰
I know :( How could you ever tell someone that after what they just told you? :(
Anonymous said: OMG This chapter give me chills!!! It's amazing, I am loving how the plot starts to thicken ... things are about to get a while lot more intense and complicated isn't it ?!😏 I honestly can't wait for the update , thank you so much for updating every week. I Love you and you writing so much❤
I’m so happy I could give you chills c: And...it may possibly get more complicated and intense from this moment on...yes c: Thank you so much for reading and I love you too! Have an awesome day :D
Anonymous said: Ah this chapter was so angsty... I never read angst but You did so well!! Ta! x  U.K. Anon :)
I do enjoy writing angst a lot :) It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written something very angsty since my Who Are You? series! Thank you so much fellow U.K anon!
@moonlighthollow said: I somehow new that her parents were killed by a vampire But Holy shit it's yoongi He's scary af 😐 Poor brother😭 Poor girl😭 And poor jungkookie😭 It was good as always tho😅😊
Idk about you but evil Yoongi gives me such a sexy vibe isfskdgksjng lol Thank you for reading the update and I hope you have a wonderful day babe!
Anonymous said: I don't know if I'm shivering because it's cold in my room, or because of ch 15 of IWSY... Oh my fxxking god!!!! I mean, there were hints, so the plot doesn't come as much as a surprise, but the writing style had me sucked into the story completely! Loved it! 👏🏻💕
I am also shivering but my reason is that it is DEFINITELY cold right now TT I want it to be summer already I’m so DONE with the cold lol Thank you very much for reading the update and I hope you’ll enjoy the future chapters too!
Anonymous said: I LOVE YOU AND WRITING SOOO MUCH!!! ❤❤❤
Anonymous said: Hi Sara!! I'm the anon that had that super late 7:45 class, so I couldn't read IWSY a couple weeks ago when it updated. ANYWAYS, I usually post some kind of ask to you every update you have, but the past couple weeks I haven't been able to because of school T.T SO, I wanted to finally message you again and tell you how WONDERFUL IWSY is! Not gonna lie, it is my ALL TIME FAVORITE FIC that I have ever found on Tumblr! Like the last couple chapters with the smut.. WOO DAMN GIRL. (cont.) Usually I read the smut for the smut (lol), BUT when I read those chapters, I was so engrossed in the story that I wanted to know what was going to happen next more than reading more smut X3. AND THEN YOU HAD TO COME OUT WITH THIS NEXT CHAPTER AND HOT DAMN. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET MY FRIENDS TO READ IWSY SO THAT I CAN TALK TO THEM ABOUT IT BUT NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO ME >.< Anyways, keep up the good work! You keep throwing curve balls my way gah damn. (2/2) - 7:45 anon
Hello 7:45 anon! That’s okay, I completely understand and you don’t have to apologise or explain yourself because school/work is important and I’m glad you’re focused on your studies! But thank you so much for reading and catching up with the series, and I’m really happy that you’re liking it ^^ Awwww I hope once of your friends reads it too so you guys can talk about it with each other! That’s so cute haha c: Thank you so much and I hope you have a great week :D
Anonymous said: BRRROOOOOOOOOHMYGOD WHAT THE FUCK HWAT THE FUCK WHAT THE F U C K OOOHHHH MY GOD!!!! pls tell me the next chapter is the charity ball I'm READY for the action the drama GIRL PLS I cannot wAIT GIRL!!! That chapter had me yelling at the top of my lungs 😱😱😱
*giggles* thank you so much for reading! The ball will come soon - I promise! Just hold on tight a bit longer :D I hope you enjoyed it my dear!
@fashionkilla124 said: I love you. That I won't stop you story just stopped my heart. I honestly knew yoongi had something to do with but when I found out yoongi killed her parents I was like NOOOOI NOT MY BABY YOONGI AWWW LAWD TAKE THE WHEEL PLEASE. I cant wait for next week I'll probs have a heart attack next chapter
Awh I love you too :D hehe~ Evil baby Yoongi what is he doing :c lol thank you so much for reading the update and I really hope you’ll look forward to next week too!!
Anonymous said: Omg poor Sid 😞 he was only four...DAMMIT Yoongi
I know :( Poor Sid indeed - but I wonder why Yoongi did it...;)
Anonymous said: Damn in the span of like four days (not including the hours they're at work) they've managed to christen every room the house, didn't you say there were like 13 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, not to mention the kitchen, living room etc.?? Damn they got busy 😏
LOLOLOL they got busy indeed c: Haha it was more so meant as a sexually comedic idiom, but if it’s possible it’s possible! lol I hope you enjoyed the chapter my dear :D
Anonymous said: BISH. I'm jungshook rn. I can't. I love you. But why you play with my emotions like this? I love this story. I love you. I love Jungkook. I love the way chapter 15 snatched my edges and left them at a bus stop in Miami. You're the best. ~With love, New Kookie Anon
Hello new kookie anon! lol Jungshook~ I think everyone becomes a little Jungshook from time to time c: I love you too my dear!! I hope you got home safely from the bus stop in Miami xD thank you so much for reading the update!
OOOOOH BUT WHY DOES HE WANT HER BLOOD?! That’s the most important question ;D lolol I’m so glad I could make your day a little less shitter though c: I love you too and thank you so much for reading the new chapter my dear!
AHHHHH I HOPE THAT’S A GOOD THING! I hope you enjoyed it ^^
Anonymous said: Oh mai gawdddd!!! Sara you're such a good writer! Part 15 of IWSY gave me the major feels!!!! Poor kookie... Halfway through part 15, I already knew what was going to happen before I read it, but you're so skilled that you still managed to make it sad T-T. I can't wait for part 16!!!
Ahhh thank you so much my darling :) You’re too kind to me! Thank you very much for reading the update and I hope you enjoy the next chapter as well!
Anonymous said: I cant believe Vampire evil yoongi was looking for y/n since back then ONG GET A LIFE LMAO love your serie💜
But remember that he has been locked up for the past 13 years! So he has had a lot of time to plan c: Thank you so much for reading and enjoying it my love ^^
Anonymous said: 😭😭 I wish it's a happy ending for Jungkook and Y/N, in the "I Won't Stop You" series. I love you Author-nim!
I wish for that too my dear! I love you too and thank you for reading my series *hugs* Have a wonderful day!
@jynxy24 said: SARA SARA SARA SARA SARA!!!! WHEN WILL JUNGKOOK TELL Y/N?! ARGHHHH YOU ARE PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS! LIKE JUST WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO TELL? COME ON!!! This is just like when I found out Who Are You was a dream. T.T But i still love your writing Sara! Great chapter today, stay awesome! 👅👅
But how can he tell her straight away now right after she just dropped that bombshell on him?! So many questions hehe :P I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyway my dear ^^ I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you so much for reading!
@lostheretics said: i thought they were going to the fundraising ball in part 15 but they had a deep talk instead asdfghjkl kill me rn bc y/n's secrets omg😭😭 iM STILL CONFUSED WHAT's THE SPECIAL THING THAT YOONGI WANTS FROM HER
Deep, heart to heart pillow talks are my fav thing in the world *feels very soft at this thought* ahhhh :c lolol And I guess you’ll just have to wait to find out why he wants her so badly! Hopefully, someone will be able to tell Jungkook too, before it’s too late...heh ^^ Thank you for reading my love and I hope you’re enjoying the story!
Anonymous said: oh my fucking god :( i hope y/n wont abandon jungkook once she found out he a whole dracula :(( oh my god no but then ill love that because I LOVE PAIN but no dont do it LMAO WAIT WILL Y/N RECOGNIZE YOONGI AT THE BALL HOLY FUCKING SHIT
I hope she won’t either :c He deserves to be loved since he is so capable of loving now! You masochist hehe (fucking same tho) c: Thank you so much for reading my dear!
Well if you remember, Yoongi has been locked up for 13 years but has now only escaped with the help of Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin! Hehe I hope you enjoy how the story unfolds c: Thank you so much for reading!
Anonymous said: OMG THE BACK STORY I'M CRYING how will y/n react if jungkook tell her the truth bruh I can't take the suspense AND ALSO IS THE BALL NEXT WEEK???? I WANNA SEE HER DRESS OMG
In the story, Y/N and Jungkook are currently talking when it is Friday night - so the ball is on the Saturday; which is the next day! c: And yessssss! I wonder what type of dress Taehyung and Jimin are creating...I think it will be a masterpiece~ Thank you for reading my series! :D
I’m sorry for hurting your heart Koto :c Please forgive me ahhhhh. I love you a lot and thank you for always being so fucking awesome ^=^
@manibbunny said: i am sure that Y/N will be understanding of jungkook when he tells her about him being a vampire. she will get sad but she loves him and she knows he's different and won't do something like that ever again. loved the new chapter btw!
I hope she is understanding of Jungkook too! I think if you really love someone and have feelings for them like that - love can always find a way and triumph. So I hope that’s the case for Jungkook and Y/N too! Thank you for reading the update my love and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!
Anonymous said: Oh yoongi's been after OC since she was young.. Loved the chapter. I'm even more excited to find out what's special abt the OC. I wonder also why jungkook (and taehyung) dont know what's special if yoongi knows? (You dont need to answer that ofc. just me voicing my thoughts while reading). Looking forward to next tuesday~
Don’t worry - I always love to read people’s thoughts so think and say all you want! But yeah, you’re right - I won’t ever say whether is someone is wrong or right :3 Jungkook and Y/N will be talking with Taehyung and Jimin before the ball when they go to get her dress (which is the next day in the story if you remember ^^) So I wonder if something will happen then?! c: Thank you for reading and enjoying my series dear ^^ It means a lot to me!
@animeimmortal said: wow. Just wow. Like I am so curious as to how this is going to turn out but right now I'm just amazed omg
I hope you’ll enjoy how the story unfolds and pans out in time! Thank you for reading the update beautiful ^=^
@taekookiesandcream said: Sara, my love, part 15 was amazing! You keep out-doing yourself!! You're so so talented and I want you to know your very appreciated! Also, I feel really bad for only speaking to you when you update lol, I'll try and speak to you more often, pinky promise 🙋🏼💕
Ach, thank you so much my little flower ^^ And no oh my goodness don’t feel bad about doing that! You can always talk to me whenever you wish - my DMs are always open! (although I may not be able ot reply straight away due to work and Uni etc~ I will reply eventually lol!) Thank you so much dear :D
Anonymous said: SHIT JUST GOT REAL
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