space-writes · 12 hours
What it’s like being a writer
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space-writes · 13 hours
someone I follow on the bird app just announced they're starting a very exclusive private fic server because they and a bunch of other people want to talk about how much they love the fics they're reading, and as an author can I just say that a really great place to talk about a fic you love is in the comments for that fic
I understand that people are trying to create safe spaces, but as the number of comments that I get on my fics dwindles with each passing year, knowing these spaces exist where my fics are being discussed, places that I am excluded from, makes me want to write fic LESS
I mean I guess who cares, right, because if I stop writing, there's 10,000 other people that will continue...but if you participate in a fic "book club" server and you say nice things there about a fic you loved, maybe copy and paste that into a comment on AO3?
the only thing fanfic writers are asking for in return for hours of hard work is attention. please don't rob us of the one thing that we hope for when we hit "post"
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space-writes · 14 hours
Obsidian Tutorial - View Modes
In Obsidian, you have three ways to view a note: Reading, Source, and Live Preview. In this mini-tutorial, I’ll explain the differences, and how to switch between them.
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[ID - a purple decorative divider]
Reading mode is a view where you can only read the note, not edit it.
Source mode is a view where you can edit the note, and all of your markdown will be visible (as in, you’ll see asterisks around your italics and hashtags next to your headings).
Live Preview mode is a view where you can edit, and all of your markdown is invisible unless you’re typing it (as in, you’ll see asterisks as you type the word, but as soon as you’re done with them, you’ll just see a word in italics.
The mode to write in to have an experience similar to other word processors, like Google Docs or Word, is Live Preview.
To switch between them, you have a few options: - In the bottom right menu there is an icon you can click to switch between all three modes
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[ID - Screenshot of the mode switcher in Obsidian, a small menu listing Reading, Source mode and Live Preview. Live Preview is selected, indicated with a dull highlight and a checkmark]
At the top right of your note there is an icon to switch between Reading and Live Preview
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[ID - Screenshot of the tab-based mode switcher in Obsidian. A small book icon is highlighted, and beneath it is a black tooltip. The tooltip reads: ‘Current view: editing. Click to read Ctrl+Click to open to the right]
You can use the command palette to switch between Reading and Live Preview
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[ID - Screenshot of the Obsidian command palette. The command ‘toggle reading view’ has been typed in, and underneath that command is shown highlighted, with the hotkey shortcut ‘Ctl+E’ to the right of it.]
You can also set up hotkeys to switch between Reading and Live Preview and Live Preview and Source
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[ID - Screenshot of the top of the Obsidian settings menu. ‘Hotkeys’ is selected in the left sidebar. In the main settings, ‘toggle live preview’ has been entered into the search bar, and underneath the command ‘Toggle Live Preview/Source mode is displayed. To the right of it is the set hotkey, Ctrl+S]
If you’re uncertain about the command palette or hotkeys, I’m working on mini-tutorials for both, so they’ll be out soon™
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[ID - a purple decorative divider]
check out my obsidian tag for more posts
check out the tutorials tag for other obsidian tutorials
obsidian resources masterpost
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got questions? tutorial suggestions? want to say hi?
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space-writes · 14 hours
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space-writes · 15 hours
find the word
tagged by @tabswrites, thank you! my words are light, shadow, fire, ice. i’ve got Vizaeth on the brain rn, so these are all from various Obsession fics
no-pressure tagging @mjjune @stesierra @saltwaterbells and @revenantlore with the words shame, cope, examine, and above
putting these under a cut because. well. cw nsfw, gore, and the infamous intestine-clit line. (real obsession fans know what i’m about)
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[ID - a red decorative divider]
from feel me from the inside
Vizaeth whimpers. His head is light, attached only by a thin and pleasant wire. Pharaun walks his fingers along the coiled mass of his intestines, sweet circles in the viscera—Vizaeth hasn’t had a clit in years, but this almost makes him want one again. Pharaun’s other hand pulses, rocking him in the same rhythm they fuck to, and the slick sound of it is nothing less than sublime.
from like lovers do
Pharaun’s in touching distance now. His breath, their breath, is too loud in the narrow corridor. His presence rolls over Vizaeth like the shadow of a god, dark and ancient and terrible, and all Vizaeth’s blood rushes to his cock.
from with tender tongue undo me
Rhylfein holds him tight, and it’s strange how good it feels to be restrained. To know he can’t get away, that right now this is what’s happening, this is the only thing that’s happening. He hooks his leg back over Rhylfein’s to allow the other boy to press into him in a slow-burning stretch that puts white fire in his head, and swallows his moan. He doesn’t need another variation of whore carved into his door—and it’s always his door, because no-one dares to try it on the short-tempered scion of House Dyrr.
from a wip, a fooled heart
He hates formal events. It used to be so easy, balls and celebrations, slinking in amongst those who could be climbed, plucking gossip and rumours and secrets from iced wine mouths. Xunhrae looked good in a dress. Vizaeth looks like shit.
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[ID - a red decorative divider]
Obedience taglist: @foxboyclit @belovedviolence (ask to be +/-)
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space-writes · 15 hours
sorry for making everything about sex and/or killing myself
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space-writes · 16 hours
Word Find Tag
Look, Ma! I didn't wait a literal year before passing on a tag game!
Thank you @i-can-even-burn-salad for the tag (post here)! With such wonderful words, too! (They were so good I just decided to do it the same day. Very out of character for me these days.)
My words are: whisper, talk, shout, and scream
Your words: well, feel free to keep up with the above words, but if you want to switch it up, I'll offer graze, brush, skim, clip
Gently tagging (no pressure): @mysticstarlightduck @cowboybrunch + open tag ✨
You know it had to be The Prince of Thieves for these!
“I made a deal to save your stupid brother’s life,” she whispers. Her knuckles turn white as her hands curl into fists. “To save his dumb ass from dying, and it was for fucking nothing. We were supposed to escape together. Together. And he stopped running.”
Bree looks at me, trembling, and we’re both exposed for the cowards we are. All talk, all boldness and bravery the evening before. Now that morning’s here, our terror is laid bare.
“I was so stupid. Naïve.” She shakes her head, decade-old anger spilling into the motion. “I ran out, shouted at him, told my father he couldn’t be so cruel. I don’t know how old that boy was, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen? Somewhere around there. Young.” She bites her lip. “James. That was his name.”
He held up a hand, signalling something to Michaelson. Finally, the bastard stepped out from behind me, back into view. He was grinning. My vision had gone blurry by that point, my mind nothing but cotton and fog, but I could see the gruesome expanse of his disgusting, leering mouth. Taking pleasure in every crack. Every scream. Every sob.
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space-writes · 17 hours
Word find tag (creep, tied, upper, kiss)
@frostedlemonwriter tagged me to search my WIP for creep, tied, upper, and kiss. Thank you!
These are from Name From Nowhere...
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I force myself to stare straight ahead, fighting the gnawing unease that’s creeping in around the edge of my consciousness. I don’t like the untidyness and there’s nothing I can do about it.
She didn’t grow up believing that she was fundamentally flawed. She never had her hands tied behind her back to prevent her from removing the sedative cell that was attached to her neck when she wouldn’t stop crying.
I have a chip sealed under a skin patch on my upper arm. No-one thinks to look for it because they have no reason to. I peel back the corner of the patch with the post of one of my small gold earrings in a bathroom stall, then smile at a stranger while we wash our hands at adjacent sinks. We both comment on the weather because that’s what people do.
As soon as there’s a lull in activity, one of the people who’d been serving drinks climbs up and leans over to kiss Rafe in some way I didn’t expect but that seems normal to him.
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Tagging @k--havok, @kaylinalexanderbooks and @lordfenric-writes if you'd like to do it, with an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in.
The words to search your WIP for are time, place, when, and where 💗
Reblogs, replies etc on my tag posts are always welcome, but if you're doing this tag yourself, please make your own post instead of using mine to start a reblog chain.
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space-writes · 17 hours
Five lines tag
Thanks to @pandoras-comment-box for the tag!
📝 Find a line in your WIP (can be dialogue or not) that fits the parameters given by the person who tagged you. Then change one of the parameters and tag five or more people. Lines can be from multiple WIPs.
These are from Spin Cylinder...
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an explosive line (Brett's POV)
The next punch splits the inside of my cheek against my teeth and the third sends me reeling back onto the couch.
a funny line (Noah's POV)
“No, I mean why are you getting high right now?” You sit up and shrug. “Because of who I am as a person?”
a line with colour (Brett's POV)
The walk from the recliner to the couch feels like five miles on the deck of a boat rolling in a storm and I get trapped staring at the sea again until I stop being able to process anything beyond layers of blue and grey.
a line with sound (Noah's POV)
You’ve turned the music up enough that there’s no need to talk and you’re sitting with your feet up on the dashboard even though I’ve told you a thousand times that your knees will go through your face if the airbags deploy.
a line with pride (Brett's POV)
I take a seat at the counter and the dog sits on the floor next to me, leaning against my legs, looking up at me like she knows this is it for us. “I think she’s in love with you,” says Perry. “It happens.”
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Tagging @mysticstarlightduck, @nemaliwrites and @noveldivergence if you'd like to do it, with an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in 💙
Your lines are... a line with fewer than ten words a line where someone says something they don't mean a line spoken quietly a line with a question a line you love
Reblogs, replies etc on my tag posts are always welcome, but if you're doing this tag yourself, please make your own post instead of using mine to start a reblog chain.
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space-writes · 18 hours
WIP Questionnaire Tag
I've been tagged by the terrific @tabswrites! Thanks for the tag! I'll answer the questions for Crying Wolf.
But first, the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @mary-is-writing, @afoolandathief, @amewinterswriting, @space-writes, and open tag! I'll leave a blank set of questions under "read more."
Now, onto those questions!
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
I would say Chapter 1, wherein chaos hits a tavern, but that chapter got scrapped and rewritten. The first part that is still in the WIP is Chapter 2, which is from the perspective of a minor villain.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Definitely a Church of the Cosmic Skull song! If I were to pick one, I'd go with Movements in the Sky:
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
That's like asking me if I have a favourite child.
That being said, probably Ogwut or Daisy. Ogwut's a giant cinnamon roll, so it's hard not to like him. Daisy unexpectedly wound up having a sense of humour and resourcefulness that got me attached to her quite quickly.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
I don't know. Haven't really thought about that. I guess art?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Pacing. The first half of the story is way too slow and I'm trying to fix it at the moment.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There are a lot of animals and they're all important to the story. Wolves, sheep, Brutus the dog, birds, and possums are the most prominent though.
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Either on foot or, in one section of the story, being carried upon Ogwut's shoulders.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I'm working on draft 6 which involves rewriting the first half. I'm on Chapter 10 (out of like 60).
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Probably how wild the plot sounds whenever I try to summarize it. The main villain is a lonely military A.I. who ressurrects the boy who cried wolf as an undead cyborg. The boy wants to kill everyone in his village because they let him die and the A.I. will do anything to help him. Anything. There's a robot who believes he's human... and is also 10 feet tall. He wants people to not kill each other. There's a gravity worshipping cult that wants to kill all three but only knows about two.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
To get it finished and to share it somehow. Not entirely sure how. Maybe I'll attempt to pursue tradpub (when it's legal for me to do so), maybe I'll just share it to the internet. Not sure at this point.
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
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space-writes · 18 hours
if you could provide your css it would be really helpful. i've tried creating css and adding it to my obsidian but it's not working and i have no clue what i'm doing wrong. if you dont want to/cant provide your css could you make a tutorial on how to change fonts, headers, etc? it'd be very helpful.
hi anon! okay so HUGE caveat that this css is built to work with my vault and also that i am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM a developer of any kind, CSS or otherwise, so use at entirely your own risk - LINK
most of this is little tweaks and small custom per-note classes. some of it is even labelled so i know what it is! the theme this sits on top of is Typewriter. my accent colour is RGB - R 215 / G 132 / B 197 (a really nice pink that i use a variant of all over the place of late)
(also i am assuming this is about my main vault, so this is what that’s from.)
for the other part of your question, first make sure you’re saving the CSS in the right place. under settings → appearance you should have a CSS section, and there’s a folder icon there that’ll take you to the CSS snippets folder. that’s where you need to save any snippets you’re using.
second, make sure the snippets are CSS - as in, they end in .css
if they don’t, change the filename to name.css like this:
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[ID - a screen recording showing file name being changed from 'some.txt' to 'some.css'. After doing so, a prompt appears to confirm the change, which is confirmed. The icon for the file then changes from a text icon to the Brackets application icon]
for changing fonts, the easiest overall way (to change the main font for all your notes) is in settings → appearance again, this time in the fonts section. there you can hit manage for your font, and as long as it’s installed on your computer, you can change it.
for changing header fonts to be something else will need a CSS snippet, which should look something like this:
.view-header-title { font-family: arial; } /* change header font in editing view */ .cm-header-1, .cm-header-2, .cm-header-3, .cm-header-4, .cm-header-5, .cm-header-6 { font-family: arial; } /* change header font in reading view */ .markdown-preview-view h1, .markdown-preview-view h2, .markdown-preview-view h3, .markdown-preview-view h4, .markdown-preview-view h5, .markdown-preview-view h6 { font-family: arial; }
and obviously replace ‘arial’ with the font you want. check you spell it the way it’s installed, sometimes you have to put quotes around it. i do not entirely know why all i know is that sometimes you do.
0 notes
space-writes · 19 hours
Friday Kiss Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @oh-no-another-idea! :D We'll just pretend today is Friday :P
I planned to post a Phil/Leo kiss for this, but I went through the series and got a surprise: there is no Phil/Leo kiss! I'm adding that to the things I need to change in the second draft.
Instead, here's a Thomas/Gilbert kiss:
He'd kissed plenty of men before. But only as a prelude to something more exciting. His past kisses had always been brief and often rough. He tried to kiss Gilbert like that. At any moment he fully expected Gilbert to drag him out of the room, upstairs, and into bed. Once again Gilbert surprised him. He pulled back, breaking the kiss for a second. Thomas just had time to panic — had he misread the situation that badly? — when he leaned in again. This time the kiss was softer. Gentler. Slower. He rested one of his hands on Thomas's waist and the other between Thomas's shoulder-blades. It was almost like waltzing again. It was strange and unexpected and everything Thomas had never realised he wanted.
Open tag! :D
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space-writes · 20 hours
Word find tag
Thank you @winterandwords for the tag!
Words are wash, clean, wet, and dry
(These are all from Arc 2 of Tales from Aurea - we're really putting them through the wringer in this one)
Warm blood from those who tried to take everything from her washed away the rage but fueled her fear. Fear. She couldn’t bear to lose anyone again. “Kaja!” A stirring in her heart. Was that her name? “Kaja!” There it was again.
Not yet comprehending what had happened, [Jo] instinctively brought her hand to her side and watched as red blood gushed around her cestus. Her first thought was how much of a pain it was going to be to clean later; her second was the surreal realization that this was all her blood.
Nestled against a rocky outcrop, was a smoldering village. Sputtering embers glowed defiantly in the wet flurries, sending up puffs of steamy vapor whenever the weather touched them. The blackened frames of huts poured gray smoke into the moaning winds.
“Come on, Kaja! Let’s go!” Saara called from halfway out the door. Kaja chased after her, leaving Sakrattars’ question unanswered. “You get in trouble and Jo’s going to find some way to blame it on me!” he cried as the door slammed. “Children at that age have a hard time listening,” Saara’s grandmother said wistfully in elvish. She placed a mug of tea on the table for Sakrattars and stepped back. “I’m sure you can remember what it was like.” “I wasn’t like that,” Sakrattars said dryly.
No pressure tags for @zmwrites, @loopyhoopywrites, @oh-no-another-idea, @authorlaurawinter, and anyone else! Your words are joke, blanket, respect, and follow
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space-writes · 21 hours
Last Line Tag
I've been tagged by the brilliant @revenantlore, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @winterandwords, and @space-writes! Thanks for the tag! I'm going to share the last little bit I've written for Crying Wolf!
But first the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @chauceryfairytales, @deanwax, @sarandipitywrites, @tabswrites, and open tag!
Now, onto Crying Wolf!
Then she’d wake up, drenched in sweat with tears flooding her eyes. She was thankful the priests left her alone at night. She didn’t want anyone to see her curled up in a ball, sobbing as silently as she could. She especially didn't want to be seen by those who were being feasted upon in her dreams.
Crying Wolf taglist: @sarandipitywrites, @tabswrites
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space-writes · 2 days
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space-writes · 2 days
space’s non-exhaustive guide to writing sexy dialogue
You know what’s hot? Erotica. You know what’s really hot? Dirty talk. You know what’s not hot? Bad dirty talk in erotica. Let’s do something about that!
Credentials: I have written a Lot of smut fic, and according to at least some of my comments, a lot of it is hot! I’ve had multiple people compliment my dialogue, even in gen fics, and it’s something I’m very passionate about. So here I am, to try and help you improve your sexy dialogue! Come with me. We can make the world sound hotter together.
a few basic tips
(some of these apply to any dialogue, honestly, but they’re worth bearing in mind)
How it’s said is as important as what gets said (more on that later)
Dialogue tags are your friend, but try not to overuse them. Be sparing, be specific, and remember you don’t need to have one for every piece of dialogue. (more on dialogue tags later as well)
I am begging you not to write out sex sounds. A well placed oh! or ah! is one thing, but do not try and spell out sexy noises. “Uaaghh!” he moaned is not going to get anyone anywhere but out of your story, as fast as physically possible.
read it out loud. yes i know it feels weird. do it anyway. (get a text-to-speech program to do it for you if you need. or if you’re really brave, get a beta/friend to do it). reading dialogue out loud is the #1 best way to see if it ‘sounds’ right. if you’re inclined to change something as you read it, i find that 80-90% of the time, you should make that change.
watch how often you’re utilising pet names (or in kink fic, titles). A calling B ‘baby’ in every sentence is going to get tedious fast.
less is more. unless you’re writing something that’s 100% dirty talk (like a phone sex scene), you don’t need your characters to narrate every action and feeling.
dialogue types
this is mostly me spitballing, but i think this might help with conceptualising the ‘flow’ of a sexy exchange. i don’t sit and consciously think about these terms as I’m writing (i like dialogue, it come very naturally to me; it’s the part of writing i usually have to edit the least), but these are building blocks you can use as a way to start thinking about phrasing your dialogue.
so i figure in smut-talk you’ve got about four ‘types’ of dialogue:
what do these mean?
asking is questions! ‘what do you want?’ ‘how do you like it?’. it’s also ‘tell me how you like it’, which is a just a question phrased as a demand.
enjoying is your ‘oh god, don’t stop’. this one i’d say to use the least, as you probably want to show your enjoyment through actions rather than a litany of ‘yes yes yes’ over and over again. sometimes a well-placed ‘yes yes, god, yes’ is good though! and that’s what this is.
describing this is kind of a sub-type of enjoying, but it’s fun and cool to use. this is just your characters saying how/what they feel. it’s your ‘you’re so wet for me’, ‘i love the way you look right now’. as i say, crossover with enjoying, but it’s more statements of erotic fact than expressions of pleasure.
giving is the delivery of pleasure. it’s ‘I’m going to do x to you’, ‘take it, baby, just like that’. it’s anything that’s expressing the giving of pleasure from one character to another. ordering each other around falls under this, though there’s crossover with asking. Character A telling Character B to get on their knees like a good girl is giving pleasure.
you can use these types if you’re struggling to work out what kind of thing to say next. would your character describe how they’re feeling? how would they do that? would they ask for something? how would they ask for it? what reaction would the other party/parties involved have—would they then ask for something, or would they express enjoyment? (have they been fucked too dumb to do anything but express enjoyment?)
the how part of this is key, though, which leads me nicely into the other half of this post:
character voice
Character voice my beloved. This is how you show the world your blorbo! And this goes double for fanfiction: how would Blorbo say that? You’re going to run into problems when you write something and it doesn’t sound in character, no matter how ‘technically sexy’ the words might be. The key here is to personalise the sexy.
What would this character think is hot? How would they talk when they’re too horny to think straight? What kinds of words would they never use? How would they feel if someone used a certain word on them? How do they structure sentences? Are they aggressive during sex, or more passive? Do they always ask, or do they tell? Are they uncomfortable asking? What does that look like?
Here’s an example using some of my own characters (and Pharaun is also here, because I Love Him and nothing bad happened to him he’s fine leave me alone—i am forcibly removed from the war of the spider queen fandom)
Dialogue prompt: “Get on your knees.”
Rizeth: “You know your position, Ra'soltha. Take it.” (Implies established roles, expectation, implication of consequence for not doing it. This is an order.)
Sorrow: “If I tell you to get on your knees, are you going to do it, or are we going to fight about it until I get what we both want?” (A little bit bratty, a little bit demanding; this relationship is somewhat antagonist but has mutual desire.)
Vren: “On your knees, open your mouth, and shut up.” (A man of few words, and an impatient one. Surrounding narration would show us if he’s horny-impatient, or grumpy-impatient. or both!)
Rainier: “I want you on your knees, beautiful. God, you look fucking gorgeous like that.” (Flattery, this man likes to compliment his partners. No hesitation, he’s not afraid to ask for what he wants. ‘fucking’ as emphasis suggests more intensity of feeling.)
Vivien: “I…I’d really like you on your knees, I want…I want you there. Please.” (insecure, a bit embarrassed: he’s not used to giving orders, likely not the typical ‘top’ in his sexual encounters.)
Pharaun: “On your knees, then, I don't have all day. Open your mouth for me—oh, how well-behaved you’ve turned out to be! Don’t worry, I promise this will be exceptionally enjoyable for us both.” (This man enjoys the sound of his own voice. His impatience is more impersonal, this encounter isn’t emotional for him. His promise comes off as insincere; his words don’t hold any personal feeling towards his partner.)
So you can see that there are so many ways to phrase even a simple statement. I tried in the brackets to explain what the phrasing tells us about the character, which I hope also shows you why they’d say it like that. (apologies for them all being men, i just have. a lot of male blorbos and i pretty much exclusively write m/m porn so. wheelhouse, etc)
dialogue tags
Here are some good tags to use alongside said:
cried out
don’t just use these interchangeably. think about how your character would say it, and if they’d say it in that way, in this moment.
be aware of how frequently you use tags like these, because they’re not as common as said, and so they’re not as invisible. unless you want your character to come off as exceptionally needy/bratty, it’s better not to have them whining everything they say.
also, because I’ve read fic that does it: be sparing with screaming/yelling. a good shrieking orgasm is fun, but if everyone is shouting all the time, it’s very one-note. you want your dialogue to ebb and flow with the action in the scene—building from a whispered tease to a desperate moan to an orgasmic cry is going to read much better.
in closing
this is all very opinionated but it’s opinions based on having read and written a huge amount of erotica over the past couple decades. it was actually kinda hard to write because i’m at a point where dialogue just ‘comes’ (heh) to me, and I don’t have to think about it, but I know especially if you’re just starting out, trying to make your dirty talk dirty can be incredibly difficult.
it’s hard to write porn. yeah it’s fun to just play in the horny space, but it’s even more fun to me to make that play turn out hot as fuck. there’s something very gratifying when you have commentors with steam coming out of their ears because of something you made a fictional man say.
i hope some of these tips are helpful. now go forth and write the filthiest dialogue you can!
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space-writes · 2 days
Shipping fictional characters isn’t representative of your moral values. It’s representative of your particular psychic damage and the themes and motifs that haunt you. Hope this helps.
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