#like opal short story she was stunning
girlaskew · 4 months
Tdt was just like not good which imo does Not come as a surprise like I can’t sit here and say I don’t enjoy her characters however mstief was just never good at long overarching storytelling
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clotpolesonly · 4 months
okay so, i just reread the Opal short story for the first time in a while and bizarrely i feel like........Opal = Declan?? in a way???
hear me out
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^ Declan fearing and resenting dreams but also craving the beauty of them that he's never really been allowed to engage in fully as someone neither dreamer nor dreamt, born of dreams but traumatized by them
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^ growing up watching his dad's and Ronan's dreams, cleaning up their dreams, knowing how dangerous and volatile Ronan's dreams in particular can be but never sure when they will be, always on the alert and waiting for the next disaster
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^ Declan going into politics, fitting his life into rigid forms, canonically craving structure to cope with a stressfully disordered dream-riddled childhood
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^ and isn't this, like, Declan's whole TDT arc? understanding that he'd let his trauma get in the way of appreciating the good parts of his childhood and his family? accepting dreams back into his life with wonder instead of fear, returning to the Barns and making it his home again?
i know that Opal is a manifestation of Ronan's subconscious, and i know she's paralleled in TRK with Adam, and this may all be a stunning display of my brainrot but i was honestly NOT expecting to reread this story and come to this conclusion, and yet here i am.
am i actually crazy or do y'all feel me here??
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Dude I absolutely adore your blog and your OC?? Disco spider is everything I strive to be in life 😭
Also, about disco spider. Does she have any powers outside of like the normal set spider powers? [Like Miles invisibility and electricity?]
Thank you so much!! Disco was the whole reason I learned how to draw recently lol
But yes, she does!! (sorry if this is long cause it kinda has to do with her arc and theres like a story behind it sorryr lojfkghdjj)
Disco-Spider's Summer Song
Diane's special attack is her Summer Song, otherwise called 'A Donna' by her team-mates. It's kind of a 'Black Canary' type power, named after the Disco singer Donna Summer rather than the season.
While performing or in battle, Diane can belt a high-note loud and high enough short near-by electronics and stun or daze people.
The dazing effect is useful for giving performances a mystifying feeling, but unlike Miles cannot do it on command nearly as easy.
It doesn't work if she yells, and she has to warm up her scales to even be able to attempt it.
They're less like Ariana Grande whistle notes and more like the belted notes of the song 'Funkytown'.
If it's done without some form of music, it's nearly impossible to do - and she has only done it without music maybe 3 times before - once being at Miguel after Gwen gets sent home.
She can however attempt it more if she's playing her bass Opal. However she'd never go swinging Opal around in battle the way Hobie does (lol)
Disco, Hobie, & the Summer Song more context on how it plays into her arc
About a year into knowing each other, Diane and Hobie discovered during a battle that her Summer Song reacts to Hobie's guitar playing
Albeit with a lot of drawbacks.
The power is a lot less predictable with Hobie's music style - and when she attempts to hit a Donna, it's effects will be partially influenced by his playing.
This is implied, with her Summer Song being most powerful when the both of them are playing.
But every successful Donna she's hit with Hobie leaves her voice raw for at least at day. Hobie's music is heavily influenced by the Gwen Stacy of his universe, and although Diane can match her range, she sits a whole octave above Diane.
Because of that, singing with Hobie - in battle or on stage - pushes her to the top of her register. So they don't do it often. Besides, she hates singing hard rock.
BUTTT the two of them do have a 'secret weapon' they haven't ever tried in person. At one point in knowing each other, Hobie and Diane dated for two weeks, fought the entire time, wrote and an album and then broke up.
They actually were in a pretty sour place at the time, and the last argument they had came down to eventually making a song together to settle it - a very angry and uptempo funk-rock song.
They have only ever played the song twice.
The time they played it before the breakup - it was enough to cause a good chunk of damage to Hobie's houseboat, and they broke up immediately after.
The second time they played it, it was Gwen's idea in an attempt to get them to reconnect. The three of them polished the song, with Gwen acting as mediator on drums.
The effects of the finished song were pretty catastrophic (in a good way) -
However it took a large hit to Diane - causing her to lose her voice for 3 or so days. She slept most of that time and was completely exhausted and out of it. A bit guilt-ridden, Hobie took care of her then and they rekindled from there.
Now they're back to being close - somethings. A good something, though.
They still haven't played the song again. Hobie always pushed Diane to develop vocally and push herself range wise, but that song is probably the only time he's like 'hey maybe dont go for that one.'
but Diane is adamant that if they were to try a third time, they'd get it completely right.
And for anyone who read this far (thank you soo much!!!!), and this is the song they 'wrote' before their breakup
[It's by Kimbra, the woman who featured on 'Somebody I Used to Know'. It's a rock-funk song where her vocal range is CRAZY. Her voice could totally tear a houseboat to shreds]
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pearlplusau · 3 years
Pearlplusau animatic #1: The Great Divide (By Tripixle)
I believe this was the first animatic that introduced the AU.
Full video description and brief analysis below:
So in the beginning, we were given a glimpse of Pearl's original position, which most of us believed to be White Diamond's pearl. (This was before the canon origin of Pearl was released.)
Pearl had a brief eye contact with Pink Diamond's pearl while they passed by. There we can tell they probably weren't super close or anything, just Pink Pearl (who I will be calling her Coral from this point on) casually waving at another pearl like they were acquaintances in the same office.
After Pearl was assigned or "given" to Pink Diamond (without Coral getting hurt and replaced), she found her new diamond panicking over her burning throne while Coral was doing her best. Pearl realized right then and there what she was getting into for the rest of her gem life. She activated the sprinkler system and accepted her new role and post.
The next scene showed how Coral was a bit nervous around the new pearl. Her quick glances were noticed by the aloof-looking Pearl but her friendly handshake was finally started their relationship. (This is most likely how the two introduced each other similar to the short comic.)
We see Pink balancing on a giant ball with Coral by her side. Pearl came in, flipped out, and rushed to her now wobbling diamond. Coral was less worried but she joined in on the mayhem. Pink fell down and both pearls caught her. The trio, now laying on the floor, was stunned for a moment. Pearl got up and checked if her diamond was hurt in any way, but the diamond couldn't help herself and burst into laughter with Coral. It looked like Pearl was able to finally let herself go from her own strict codes and officially join the two as a group.
After Pink got her first colony, Earth, from Yellow and Blue, she had fun adventures with her pearls but found out how it was damaging the planet. She formed the rebellion starting with her two loyal friends.
After their encounter with the permafusion at the sky arena, the trio came to a rest and discussed their excitement. The trio accidentally fused from their shared excitement and startled the passing permafusion, who later joined in as Garnet.
The next scene cut to a battle with Homeworld gems, where we saw the Crystal Gems had the upper hand from the battle. Unfortunately, it was also the last battle as three diamonds launched a direct attack on the planet Earth. Rose realized what was truly going on and grabbed the closest gems to her, Coral and Garnet. The other closest member, Pearl, was too far for the leader to reach, but Coral was not one to give up on her companion. She screamed at Pearl, urging her to come over. She was finally within reach and into safety as the light shone bright green.
Skipping a few storylines, we see Rainbow Quartz being shown off to Greg the human. Coral looking a bit upset seeing Greg (or RQ?). We then move on to the talk of Greg and the leader of the Crystal Gems. Coral was found to be just as worried as the rest.
As Rose gave out her big announcement to the gems, Coral forced out a smile, trying to be happy for her leader while Garnet and Pearl took a different turn. Coral tried to keep the group together but failed to do so as everyone wanted to be alone.
Pearl was found weeping behind a stone hand by Coral. The two pearls wasn't sure whats going to happen, but they know they'll get through it when they have each other.
After that its a sequence of major events in rapid pace, from Steven joining the team, to Opals appearance, to the fight with Sugilite, to Coral's fusions with the gems, to Stevonnie, to the arrival, to the Malachite arch, to Coral's confrontation with Pink (Story for another time), to the Sardonyx arch, to Coral and Garnet's fusion, to the Rupphire wedding, and finally, to the Diamond days arch.
Aw man, I haven't seen this animatic for a super long time. So glad I was able to find it on youtube, which was re-uploaded by someone else after the original got deleted.
I'll be posting another animatic I found online, but the other two animatics are still nowhere to be found. To whoever's reading this, please take a look at your downloaded folder and see if you have the following animatics downloaded:
1. Listen before I go
2. Coral's part in "Here we are in the future"
If you've read to the end, I really appreciate it and hope you can help to spread the word about the missing animatics above. It will be a great help to me and the rest of the pearlplusau fans!
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linsallyworld · 3 years
Hiiii :D
for the prompts...I was thinking...12 fluffy👉🏻👈🏻
your writing is amazing and I love it :3
I hope this one can be as sweet as you 🥰
Prompt Fluffy 12: "Do we really have to babysit them? What if we throw them in the river?"
Words: 2.190
Ship: kyalin
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"You agreed with WHAT?" Lin's eyes are wide and she looks on the verge of collapse while all the airbender kids come in through her apartment door. Jinora observing the atmosphere with Rohan in her arms, Ikki climbing on top of the leather sofa and Meelo already making an airball to walk all over the place.
"Tenzin and Pema went to the North Air Temple to check on the new benders with Bumi and the acolytes can't take care of the kids the whole night. I don't even think they want to." Lin tilts her head and Kya can tell what she is going to say in the next second.
"And since when do I want to take care of the kids?" Kya's smile is slightly teasing as she approaches to place a delicate kiss on the police chief's cheek.
"You knew I had nephews and nieces when you decided to date me." Lin rolls her eyes so hard she believes they can easily be trapped behind her head.
"I didn't know they were included in the package." She steps away so that Kya can enter the hall before closing the metal locks with a gesture of her hand. She no longer sees Meelo and Ikki and this is starting to panic her with all the possibilities of things they could destroy within those walls. Kya seems to know exactly what is going through her head. She leans in again and just her smell, sweet and like the sea itself seems to soothe Lin's senses.
"I promise I will reward you later." She whispers before holding the earthbender's earlobe between her teeth and pulling. Lin winces and Kya walks away with a smirk that is further than suggestive.
Something fell in the laundry room and the police chief closed her eyes.
Spirits ... It would be a long night.
"What do children eat?" Jinora gave a glorious laugh as she sat on the kitchen counter. She looked a little taller than the last time Lin saw her, she took after her father, would certainly go over 5'7 feet before she could predict.
"We eat ordinary food ... But we are vegetarian." If Lin was honest with herself, she was already becoming a vegetarian after Kya came back into her life. The waterbender didn’t eat meat as well, which meant Lin didn’t eat in front of her out of courtesy. It ended up becoming a custom and now she didn't even miss it.
She can hear laughter coming from the hall bathroom. Kya was bathing Rohan and Ikki and Meelo seemed to be having a great time.
"Are you okay with vegetable chile and baked potatoes?" Jinora nodded, brownish eyes shining in Lin's direction, which made her frown. The police chief goes to the sink to wash her hands and start making dinner when Jinora comes down from the counter.
"Can I help you?" The question seems to echo for a moment. The earthbender doesn't know if she ever cooked with Toph. Her mother was more of a mother who ordered food than cook. She smiles and nods at the girl.
"Just stay away from the knives." She warns as a wide smile crept across Jinora's face. She already had her tattoos but it didn't mean Lin would let her rip her own fingers off.
"Yes ma'am." She salutes and something particularly hot rests on Lin's chest. She doesn't want to admit that it's just affection, so she blames the heat in the kitchen.
She and Jinora work well together. She left her stuffing the potatoes while cooking the chile. The girl didn't speak much like Ikki and didn't do anything out of the ordinary like Meelo. It was a quiet company to make dinner.
She felt the vibrations of Kya's footsteps and the other children a few minutes later. The waterbender never managed to surprise her, but it's still just pleasant to feel her arms wrapping around her waist from behind. Kya's head fits perfectly in the curve of her neck and the way she's smiling at that moment ... Spirits ... What would Lin not do to see her smile like this always?
"How's it going?" Her lips are hot when they touch the police chief's shoulder with a delicate kiss.
"I'm making potatoes," Jinora announces as if it's the most incredible thing in the world. Kya raises her eyebrows at the girl and then tilts her head in Lin's direction. It's a silent question. Lin doesn't want to answer.
"What are you doing?" Meelo flew over Ikki's head and the counter, landing with a crash on the kitchen island. Lin opened and closed her mouth in surprise before looking at Kya who laughed. It was a very closed space for airbender kids.
"Do we really have to babysit them? Can't we just throw them in the river?" The healer nudged Lin's sides, shaking her head. She took Rohan from Ikki's arms and breathed in the baby's scent for a moment. He giggled and it was a sweet sound.
"This smell even makes me want to have one of my own." Lin really widens her eyes at her this time. Kya laughs and Jinora, who seemed to be paying attention to the whole interaction, wheezed.
"We are making potatoes and chile, Meelo." Jinora announced, showing the full tray proudly to Lin. The police chief nodded and then the siblings were arguing because Meelo tried to stick a finger inside the potato.
"The river is still standing." Kya nudged her waist with her free hand before going to take Meelo by the hand.
"We are going to play a game while aunt Lin and Jinora finish dinner." The police chief was about to protest about "aunt Lin" but she didn't. The kitchen was empty again, just her and Jinora, and that made her sigh with relief. No children flying over knives and hot pots.
"How can you handle your siblings?" She asks Jinora, almost rhetorically, her hands busy slicing the vegetables with one of the shiny metal knives.
"I think ... just as you handled your sister." Lin frowns at that statement, even though the girl can't see it. "I kind of have to be the responsible one ... And for what my dad told me, you had to be as well." She wasn't wrong. The police chief had solved her issues with Su, but she will always wonder what her sister would have become if Lin hadn't been the mother Toph wasn't. "It's a little bit of work, but I love my siblings." Lin turns her head so she can look at Jinora. She was growing up ... So much.
"I know the feeling." She smiles smoothly and Jinora does the same.
And a very loud laugh from Meelo breaks their little moment.
Jinora was really good at Pai Sho and won all rounds against Kya. Lin won by one point, but the girl didn't seem to care because she was shining ... Lin hadn't realized it before but Jinora seemed to really have fun around her and Kya. They played rounds of guessing as well, but the police chief was terrible at showing things with her body. It was Meelo who won, with a smashing advantage over Ikki. The earthbender really laughed at his imitation of a flying fishopotamus and she felt Kya's eyes on her when it happened. It seemed like she always had her eyes on her when she laughed.
Lin doesn't remember her living room ever being so messed up. There is a Pai Sho board on the coffee table and colored cards scattered and bowls with chile remnants. At some point Meelo rested his head on her lap while Kya told one of the stories about the northern water tribe, or perhaps about the fire nation, she no longer remembers and now he was sleeping heavily. Ikki's sleeping on the other couch, her head hanging off the pillow. Jinora is still awake, but she seems really immersed in what her aunt is saying. And Kya's holding Rohan in her arms.
It's silly and childish the way Lin's heart seems to swell to see her caressing the baby's black-haired head as she proceeds with her story. She looks quite like a mother. Lin never thought of herself as a mother. The children liked her for some reason, but she...Her experiences with motherhood weren't very promising ... She was pretty well without children. She couldn't imagine having a baby at this point in her life. But seeing Kya with a baby ... Humming, breathing in his head's scent ... Maybe they could be good mothers if they tried. The police chief would be very strict, which was obvious, it was written in the way she walked, but the waterbender could lighten up a little. Their child would have someone to play with since Rohan was still young. But it's just a silly thought. A silly thought that brings a smile to the corner of Lin's mouth.
Kya seems to feel she's being watched because she stops the story and her blue eyes turn to the earthbender. She smiles at her. Wide. The smile made Lin's heart ring in her ears.
"We should put them to bed." Kya says, nodding at Meelo and then at Ikki. Lin nods and takes the boy in her arms first, he complains and lets out a loud sigh. Kya laughs softly and it's so wonderful to hear her.
She accommodates Meelo on one of the beds in the guest bedroom, returning to pick up Ikki and give her the same destination. Jinora followed her. Kya arranged with pillows on another bed so that Rohan would not fall out while sleeping, which she found very ingenious.
Lin left Ikki on the bed, next to Meelo, but the girl opened her eyes as soon as she found her head on the pillow.
"Good night, a-aunt Lin." She wrapped her arms around the police chief's neck and placed a kiss on her cheek. Lin was stunned for a second, but she couldn't contain her smile this time and stroked the girl's hair when she walked away.
"Good night to you, too, Ikki." Kya was grinning when Lin's eyes found her again. A smile full of excitement and so childish.
"Good night, auntie Kya." Jinora hugged the waterbender quickly and then turned to Lin with hesitation for a moment as if she was considering whether to hug her or not. That's why the police chief extends her arms, a little hesitant too. Jinora hugs her gently and she smells a lot like pine, her hair is short, but it's soft and smells truly nice.
"Good night, aunt Lin." Apparently ... She would have to get used to 3 more people calling her aunt around, besides Opal.
Kya's smile was still on her mouth when they closed the bedroom door to the dark corridor of the apartment.
"What?" Lin asked and the waterbender just shrugged for a moment.
"You would be a great mother, you know." The police chief frowns and just shakes her head. She would be the mother the child would like least, that was for sure. "Don't make that face." She says, taking a step closer to take Lin's hands in hers. "I bet Mako and Bolin would agree with me." She rolls her eyes, but Kya grabs her chin so that she looks into her eyes. Hers seems to be glowing in the soft night light coming from the windows. "I think the way you treat those who are more vulnerable than you is beautiful." She puts a kiss on the corner of her mouth, it's warm and lovely. "And even if you don't agree with me." Kya's hands move up her arms until she can reach her neck where she allows her fingers to touch Lin's veins. Her mouth puts another kiss, this time closer to the lips, and the earthbender shudders. "Children love you because they can see how pure your heart is." Lin can tell her heart is a little racing now, Kya can probably feel it for the soft grip she is holding around her neck.
"Kya." It's just her name, but the waterbender leans towards the sound as if she were being massaged. She bends to run her tongue over Lin's bottom lip, gently, just expecting a kiss.
"At least you didn't kill any of them, so I think I owe you a reward." Kya chuckles and then places a tender kiss on Lin's lips before pulling her by the hand down the hall.
Before she can reach the master bedroom door, though, the police chief pushes her against one of the walls, her lips falling on hers like rose petals. Kya clings to her, her fingers, her mouth, her tongue. The same woman who was humming to a baby.
Lin kisses her as deeply as she can and the warmth spreading through her heart is incredibly different from sexual desire.
Maybe having a big family is not a bad idea after all.
It was pleasant to do her duties as a temporary mother.
And now she expected to do her duties as a wife.
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cassiabaggins · 3 years
A/N: Part/day five! I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the comments on the previous parts!
Wordcount: 3k
Tags: @anjhope1 @deathlikessodaandpizza @guardianofrivendell @myrin1234 @wettomatodude @lothloriien @annkdarar @artsywaterlily @hmmm-what-am-i-doing @drowingintheempty @estethell @claraofthepen @kilielweek
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Warnings: none, it’s pure fluff. Unless Kili being cheeky counts as a warning...
Summary: Kili and Tauriel share a late night picnic, a carefully made gift, a kiss under the moonlight, and a promise.
It starts off as a simple sketch of a bow on the corner of a piece of parchment. Kili is no great artist, but he knows his projectile weapons, and he stares at this little sketch for a long while, just thinking. Then, he goes to inspect the woodworker’s guild. It starts on a whim, a fine stave of yew laying set aside for some project. He picks it up absently, turning it over in his hands. 
“A fine choice in wood there, Your Highness!” one of the guilddwarrow says. 
“Yew, is it not?” he queries idly.
“Aye! And a fine specimen! Fine bows are made of that wood, but being an archer I suppose you already know that.”
Kili nods. “I do. Say, is anyone using this stave?”
“I don’t believe so, sir, but what do you mean to do with it, begging your pardon?”
“I know someone who needs a new bow,” he says. “Hers was broken.”
“Broken? Ah, mighty bad luck, having your primary weapon break.”
“Aye, mighty bad luck indeed.”
The following weeks are filled with rough drafts, mock ups, practice carvings, and an obscene amount of frustration. Somewhere along the way, this bow doesn’t become just a bow, but a courting gift -- and that means it must be perfect. Because she is perfect. He finally settles on a simple recurve bow, short but powerful, made for tight spaces and quick draws, perfect for the flexible yew. After deciding on the type of bow, and sketching up the shape, he heads out into the woods to find arrows. He decides on pine, and harvests a good amount of straight, light shafts, then heads to where the animals are kept within Erebor to hunt down some fletching. A butcher has just slaughtered several turkeys, and it is simple enough for Kili to purchase the tail and wing feathers. “Making arrows, Your Highness?” The butcher guesses, spying the pine shafts strapped to Kili’s back. He nods. 
“Aye. My quiver is running a bit low.”
“Ah, it happens. Glad to be of service to you, and fine feathers these are, too!”
“The finest,” Kili grins, admiring the barred black and white feathers. “I wouldn’t go for anything less. Say, next time you butcher an ox, let me know, I am in need of a new bowstring.”
The butcher agrees readily, happy to be of service to the prince, and Kili leaves walking on air. 
Back in his workshop, Kili drafts up several designs for arrowheads and the final curve he wants for the bow, and then gets to work. Although driven and determined, he knows he must work slowly and carefully, for woodworking is not his craft.
It takes him the better part of a month to make the bow. Then, he can move onto his other gift: courting beads. He's been thinking carefully about not only what material he wants to make them out of, but also what shape. When he finds a fist-sized fire opal while sorting through the treasury, he has the most perfect idea. Thankfully, jewelling is his craft.
Tauriel has taken up permanent residence in Dale, ending up as leader of the city's guard, and the ragtag but earnest group of former fishermen fall into line quickly under her stern command. The sun is just beginning to set and the evening autumn air is crisp and inviting when she returns home. As she nears her house, she sees a person standing on her doorstep, too short to be a man and too broad to be a child. "Kili?"
He turns, the golden light bathing his face, and his grin stuns her a bit with its wideness. "Hullo, amrâlimê !" He says, coming towards her. He takes her hand with all the grace of the prince he is and places a chaste kiss on the back of it. 
"You are being silly," she informs him. He grins wider. 
She huffs a little and brushes past him to enter her house, and he saunters in after her with all the airs of owning the place. "Why are you here, Kili?"
Although she pretends she isn't bothered by the fact that it has been nearly a month since she saw him last, truthfully, it is bothering her. Immensely. 
“I’m here to ask if you’d like to go on a bit of a jaunt with me,” he replies. She turns and gapes at him. 
“I’m sorry?”
“A picnic, to be precise. I’ve a basket all set up, some lovely dwarven wine… I’ve pulled out all the stops, Tauriel, you can hardly say no.”
She splutters a bit. “It's almost sundown!"
"It's not like you can't have picnics at night. C'mon, it'll be fun!" 
It's not that she doesn't want to go, it's just that the whole thing is so sudden. "I… I’ve just come back from guard duty! I’m in my armor!”
“I am aware,” he replies blithely. “I can wait until you change into something more comfortable.” He glances at her appreciatively. “Or you can stay in that. I wouldn’t be bothered.”
Tauriel sighs. There’s really no getting out of this one (not that she especially wants to, anyway). “Give me a moment.”
Kili sits down at her kitchen table. “Take your time, amrâlimê.”
Tauriel hurries up the stairs and into her bedroom, setting aside her bow (her third, the other two having snapped from her elvish strength) and arrows, and casting off her armor with hands that are almost trembling with excitement. She throws open her wardrobe doors… and stops. What does one wear on a nighttime picnic? A dress? She hardly has anything suitable, mostly trousers and tunics populate her wardrobe. She spends a bit wavering between clothes before deciding on something simple. It’s not like they’re courting or anything.
She retrieves her cloak and hurries back out to Kili, who greets her with a grin when he sees her. 
“Ready?” he asks, and she nods. 
They ride out to the eastern shores of Long Lake, Tauriel on her horse Aearon, and Kili on his sturdy pony, Granite. The water is glassy smooth before them as they stop their mounts at the last bit of grass and dismount. Kili hands Granite's reins to Tauriel and  begins unbuckling his saddle bag, maneuvering his body between his mount and her as if he's trying to hide something. 
"Go find a good spot on the sand," he says, "and start a fire." He hands her a tinderbox and takes back the reins. "I'll bring the food and rub down the ponies." 
She doesn't bother to tell him Aearon is hardly a pony, just takes the tinderbox and heads toward the shore, kicking her boots off at the edge and heading barefoot on to the cool sand. Kili looks after her, admiring the way the sunlight turns her hair to flame. Granite nudges his arm, drawing him back to reality, and he scratches her forehead, sliding off her bridle. “Sorry, girl. I got distracted.” His pony ruffles her mane and ducks her head to snatch up a few mouthfuls of grass. “D’you think she’ll like it?” he asks her. She ignores him. 
Aearon, however, peers at him out of one eye, rather like he thinks Kili is entirely ridiculous. Kili stares right back, raising an eyebrow challengingly, and gets back to untacking them both. He sets the saddles near a tree and hoists his saddlebags to his shoulder, making sure the gift is well hidden. 
Tauriel is waiting for him on the sand, next to a small but slowly growing fire and a pile of driftwood. Kili drops the saddlebags and pulls out a blanket. "Help me spread this out, won't you?"  
She moves to help him. “Is there a reason you dragged me all the way out here?” She asks.
“I told you,” he replies, kicking his boots off at the edge of the blanket and sitting down on the soft wool. “A picnic.” He pats the space next to him with a smile of invitation and drags one of the saddle bags towards him. 
She sits gracefully, wiggling her bare toes under the sand. At first, their conversation is a little stilted, but as time passes, the tension eases.
“Isn’t that cold?” he asks with a laugh, unpacking food and setting up a spit over the fire. She shrugs.
“A little. I like the way it feels.”
Kili laughs again and she smiles at him. 
“Are you doing the cooking?” She asks. 
“Aye, unless you’d like to help.”
“I can’t,” she says. He stares at her, midway through spitting the chicken he brought, already pre seasoned.
“I can’t cook.”
“What do you mean you can’t cook?”
“Well, I’ve never really had to. Back in Mirkwood, my meals would be prepared for me. For all of the guard, actually.”
Kili balances the chicken on the spit. “Well, what did you do when you couldn’t get back in time for meals? Or when you were on a trip? Or when you were gone these past few years? Did you just not eat?”
“Of course I ate!” She replies. “I’d eat lembas!”
He gives her a quizzical look. “Lembath?”
“Lembas,” she laughs. “Elvish waybread. It lasts for ages and even one bite can fill your stomach. It’s the perfect travel food. I had a supply with me when I left Mirkwood, and it kept until I left Erebor. I restocked in Rivendell, and again in Lothlorien.”
“Oh. I see.” He looks into the flames for a moment, then says, “Tell me of your travels, Tauriel.”
She peers over at him, at the firelight bathing his face in the after sundown, before moonrise darkness, and frowns. She would think he wouldn’t want to hear of it, of how she abandoned him, but… she nods slowly and begins her tale. Kili listens closely as he tends to the food cooking. Whenever he looks up to watch her, he is enchanted by her bright eyes and dancing hands. There’s something different about her, he realizes. He hadn’t noticed it until tonight. When she had first come back he hadn’t been able to think about anything but how happy he was to see her again, and in the past month he’d been too preoccupied with his gift to notice. 
“Tauriel,” he starts, interrupting her story. She pauses midway through telling him about the plains of Rohan and looks down at him expectantly. 
“Why did you leave?”
She bites her bottom lip.
“Was it because of me?”
“No! Oh, Kili, no!” She crawls over and takes his hand, squeezing it comfortingly. “It was nothing you did! I just… I needed to figure something out.”
He looks down at their joined hands and then up into her green eyes. “What did you need to figure out?”
“I wanted to find out who I was outside of what I’ve always known. I’ve always been Tauriel, Captain of the Mirkwood Guard… But, Mirkwood isn’t my home anymore. That’s not who I am anymore. I needed to find out who Just Tauriel was, outside of duty.”
“Did you find out?” he asks gently.
“I believe so.”
“You seem different.”
Concern flits over her face. “Different? A bad different or a good different?”
“Good different. Definitely good different. You seem… I don’t know, more at peace with yourself.” He slips his fingers through hers. “I like it.”
“I’m glad,” she whispers. 
“If that’s why you left,” he asks, “why did you come back? I would think living here on the edge of the forest would be painful.”
She looks down at him with a smile. “I guess I didn’t realize how much I would miss you.”
“I did,” He replies. “I missed you so badly I dreamed of you at night.”
She blinks at him, and then her cheeks flush pink. “I… I…”
“Tauriel? Is something wrong?”
“It’s just… I dreamed of you, too.”
“Nightmares of me dying?” He asks cynically. She nods, and he sighs. “Thought so.”
“Not all of them though,” She murmurs, looking away from him. “Many of them were pleasant. I mean… oh my, look at the moon!”
Kili looks over the horizon to see the moon rising over the lake, huge and red. A firemoon. Tauriel stands and walks to the edge of the water, gazing up at it with wide eyes. Kili watches her, framed by the moon, her hair cascading down her back in a stream of molten gold. This is as good a time as ever.
She looks down to see Kili standing at her side, something behind his back. “Isn’t it lovely?” She says, gesturing to the moon. 
“It is. Almost as lovely as you.”
A blush once again flares over her cheeks, visible even in the dark. “You flatter me.”
“I mean it,” He says sincerely. “I know I’ve been rather absent the past month, but the truth is, I’ve been working on something. For you.” From behind his back, he takes whatever he had been hiding and holds it out to her. Whatever it is, it is wrapped in a cloth, which she carefully peels back to reveal the most beautiful bow, quiver, and set of arrows she has ever seen. 
“Oh my…” 
“Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful.”
He hands it to her. “Try it out. See how it feels.”
She takes it almost hesitantly, stringing it with the bowstring he provides, and carefully nocks an arrow. It bends with ease, but there is no hint of any possible breakage. She aims at a tree several paces away and releases. The arrow flies true into its target. Tauriel lowers the bow, unable to keep the grin off her face, and admires the green leather grips and the silver inlays, the iron tipped arrows, the barred fletching… it’s designed and made with love and care. 
"This is a lovely bow," she says. He beams at her. "But, Kili, you must know, I can't keep this! You worked so hard on it!"
His smile doesn't fall. "I don't think you're understanding, amrâlimê," he says. "I made it for you. It's a courting gift."
"A cour…" she stares at him, eyes wide. "Are you serious?"
"Of course I'm serious! Why wouldn't I be serious?"
"W-well, I don't know, I… I just… oh my stars!" 
Kili takes her hand. "That's not the only thing I have for you." Gently, he turns her hand over and opens her fingers, placing a small silken bag on her palm. "I wanted to make this official. These are for you. Well, us. They're courting beads."
He lets go of her hand and steps back, looking at her expectantly. Tauriel hesitates for a moment. Dwarven courting is completely alien to her. Finally, she sets down the bow and sits down on the sand, patting the space beside her. Kili sits down eagerly and grins at her, nodding a little. "Go ahead! Open it! I actually got to use my Craft for this gift."
Tauriel smiles at his eagerness and carefully opens the pouch, emptying the contents into her palm. It's a pair of beads, just as Kili said, made out of some strange shimmering jewel, shot through with all sorts of colors: blue and orange and green and red and purple, and carved in the shape of a crescent moon. Tauriel can't stop the gasp that escapes her. 
"Oh, Kili," she breathes. 
He scoots closer to her and reaches over her arm, lifting one of the beads. It shimmers in the moonlight. "We call these fire opals. They're notoriously hard to work with. But the colors… they…"
"They're stunning," she says earnestly.
"They're supposed to represent the fire moon," he murmurs, looking up at her, the red moon reflecting in his dark eyes, in a way that makes him so beautiful that her breath catches in her throat. "Back in Mirkwood, I promised I'd show you a fire moon someday, did I not?"
"You did," she breathes. "You have. Three times over." She means not only the moon above them, but the two tiny ones nestled in her palm. He smiles up at her. 
“So, do you accept my suit?”
She wavers for a moment, unsure, self doubt creeping in. Not only is he a prince, he is a dwarf, and there is a very, very good chance their love is doomed. But then she sees his hopeful face and bright eyes, and the fear evaporates like dew on a summer morning. "I do," she murmurs. 
Kili beams so wide it's blinding. "Then may I braid your hair?" She bends slightly so her hair pools in his lap.
"You may."
The braid he weaves is beautiful, the beads glimmering at the end of it. She’s distracted from admiring it when he cups her face in his hand and draws her face down near his. “May I kiss you?” he asks softly. She nods, sliding her hand behind his head and drawing his face close to hers. 
“This won’t be easy,” he whispers when they part. “Tensions in the Mountain are still high. Very few will accept this, and even less will be happy for us.”
“I know,” she says. “But I’m willing to fight for us.”
“So no more running?”
“No more running.” 
She presses her forehead to his. “Kili, there’s one thing I never understood. Why did you never come after me?”
“I thought about it,” he admits, “especially on nights when resisting the goldsickness got too much, or when the pressure of my duties felt like it was crushing me, I would be just minutes away from packing up and running after you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
He shrugs. “Because every time I almost did, I’d dream of you that night. That would help. It was like you were still with me. And besides, I couldn’t leave my brother, he had it worse.”
“You’re a good brother.” She touches his cheek and kisses him again. “I admire that about you.”
“You do?”
“I do.” She smiles. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“I have no idea, I am very admirable, after all.”
Tauriel laughs and shoves him so he flops backward. “Don’t be cocky, Kili.”
He grabs her arm and pulls her with him, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her tenderly. “But you love me anyway.”
“I do,” she says, and kisses him back.
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
If only they knew🤡 Henry Cavill
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Warnings: smut, language, unprotected, rough, cheating, oral (m), fat shaming, fingering
Relationship: Henry Cavill x black plus sized reader
“Hey are you busy” I look at my newly done nails
“No I had just went for a run then I was about to get in the shower. Why?” Henry asks. I frown my face up
“Because I wanted to come see you”
“That’s fine. She’s not here”
“Ok I’ll be on my way”
I knock at the door waiting for Henry to open it. I stare down at my feet painted a pretty opal color dressed in Steve Madden sandals Henry got me. Oh yea me and him are having an affair basically. He’s married to some model but he already knows she’s cheating so I guess this is payback. Me and him have been friends since before he even met this girl. We’ve been this whole friends with benefits thing for a long time. Before I got pregnant. You can guess where this story leads to now. I had my affairs child and never told my own husband. Because Zara, the baby looks so much like me just with lighter skin. Scott, my husband, doesn’t realize.
He opens the door pulling me from my thoughts and I see his dripping wet body clad in a towel hung low on his waist.
“Hey how are you” he smiles with his phone in hand.
“Hi I’m good” he lets me in pulling me in for a hug getting me all wet
“Ugh Henry now I’m wet”
“Wouldn’t be the first time” he smiles kissing my head “how’s my baby girl” he refers to his daughter Zara
“Good teething so she’s kept me up for a minute. Scott took her with him to give me a break”
“Mmm” he mumbles
“My clothes”
“Let me help you” he pulls my shirt off and I push him to the recliner in the corner of the living room. I unravel Henry’s towel dropping to my knees as he sits in the recliner. I think my head on the tip watching his eyes shut completely trapped in what I’m doing.
I jerk him from the base sucking on the tip collecting all of his precum on the tip of my tongue. As his eyes are closed and I’m still sucking I grab it unlocking it with the password. I click on ‘Contacts’ and select the name ‘Christina’. I let it ring and when she picks it up I set it on speaker on his chest “hey babe”
His head shoots up and I smile “h-hey honey”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing” I sink my head further. Luckily I don’t have a gag reflex. Henry tries to push me off but I swat his hand away. “I was just calling because I think we should have Y/N and Scott over tonight for dinner” my head shoots up. I smirk tightening my grip around him making a low moan escape.
“That’s a great idea. What should we have for dinner” before he responds I massage his balls and suck his tip hearing him moan again
“Oh? What are you doing babe” I hear her getting flirty but Henry pushes it off
“I stubbed my damn toe. Uh steak is fine”
“Oh ok cool. With mashed potatoes”
“Yup perfect” he looks at me grabbing a fistful of my head guiding him further. Henry pushes his hips upward and I smile letting him fuck my face. “Honey i gotta go I’ll see you later”
“Ok love you”
“Love ya too” he hangs up throwing his phone and pulling me up. Henry pulls my leg on his and I sit on his dick feeling him stretch me out. He puts my legs on his shoulders and holds my arms out bouncing upward to penetrate me. I moan smiling and then my phone rings. I look at Henry and he smiles “answer it or you won’t cum”
I whine and grab it putting it to my ear “h-hello”
“Hey babe” it’s Scott “hows the nail salon”
“It’s good I’m at the gym now. What’s up” I say rushed
“I just got a call from Christina inviting us over for dinner tonight. Did you wanna go”
“Yes” I moan. I snap out of it when Henry fucks me harder “Yea sorry these leg days kill”
“Trust me I get it. I’m going to the liquor store did you want anything”
“Uhhh” it’s harder to think when I have a huge cock plunging into me. He lets go of my arms and I straddle his waist. He’s still bouncing into me. Henry’s face dives into my bouncing breasts. “Uh cupcake champagne” my body starts shaking
“Ok wh-”
“I gotta go bye” I hang up dropping my phone and my body caves forward. Henry groans squeezing my hips as we both leak on each other.
“Look at you. You filthy bitch” my body shakes more at his degradation and I smile.
“You feel so damn good” I moan
He pumps us out the rest of the way and stops. I feel his dick throbbing inside of me.
“I gotta go home and go shower to get ready for our dinner tonight” I smile. I pull myself off of him and get dressed “your wife will be home any minute”
“That she will” he stands up walking me to the door not even before clinging his towel to his waist again.
“I’ll see you at dinner?”
“I’ll see you at dinner” he smiles winking
I’m at home fresh out the shower when I hear Scott get home “babe”
“I’m upstairs” I yell back. I oil my body down and he walks in holding Zara. I smile as he puts her down and she walks towards me. I pick her up kissing her cheek.
“I got the drinks” I nod “damn where’d all this weight come from I thought you went to the gym” I put down the baby and finish getting ready giving her a toy to settle her.
“The shit doesn’t just fall off overnight asshat”
“You need to lay off everything you eat” he chuckles
“Get ready so we can go” I slip into a short dress and grab my sandals. I grab the baby taking her downstairs and shake my head. His comments are really sticking to me today. I grab my phone texting Henry titles under ‘Dominoes’.
“Do you think I’m beautiful?” I text
“Of course why?” He responds
“You ready?” Scott asks. I yell back a yes and reply to Henry
“Did he say something to you again?”
“Yea. We’re on the way”
“Ok darling. Don’t worry I have something special for you tonight”
I knock on Henry’s door and Christina greets us at the door. She hugs both of us and I smile “thanks for having us” Zara smiles at her.
“Of course no problem. Come in” I walk through smelling the delicious food. If she couldn’t do anything else, Christina could cook. I think that’s why Henry is still around. He likes to eat. Trust me I’d know.
We migrate to the dining room where the food is neatly placed on the decorative place mats and Henry smiles standing up. He wraps me in his embrace. Henry lets go and a part of me wishes he didn’t. He tickles Zara’s feet and she instantly clings to his large arm. He hugs Scott and we all sit. Me with Henry and Christina with Scott. Zara on his lap.
“So how’ve you been” Henry asks Scott as he starts feeding her.
“I’m good. Works kicking my ass” he smiles
“I understand” I take the fork starting to eat while Christina smiles at me
“So when do you plan to get pregnant again Y/N?” I nearly choke
“Uh not for a long time I’m perfectly fine with Zara” I smile “I’m too busy with work. What about you?”
“We’re trying but nothing yet” she says sadly
“Aww you’ll get there” I feel Henry’s hand slide up my thigh all the while he’s still holding a conversation with Scott. Now they’re on the topic of business and how Henry owns multiple.
His hand moves further up parting my legs. I rest one on top of his to give him easier access. Henry rubs my clothed clit and I trip up on my words.
“How’s w-work coming along?” I ask her
“Great. Me and Henry have a banquet to go to next weekend which should be fun. I bought this beautiful gold dress” She grabs her phone and Henry inserts his fingers inside of me. I hold his large hand grinding myself against his hand. I smile as I see the dress and control my fast breathing. He uses his thumb to run my clit while stimulating my g-spot.
“That is...” I take a minute to collect myself “stunning”
“I’m so excited” she smiles “we’ve been thinking about getting another dog”
“Uh you’ve been thinking about it. I’m perfectly fine with Kal” the British hunk chimes in curling his fingers. I stab my fork into some broccoli trying to shove as much of it in my mouth as possible masking a moan.
“Damn babe can you chill with eating so much. I told you about that”
“I just got the perfect idea” Christina says “we should go to the gym together. It would be so much fun”
I can see Christina means no harm in her words but Scott’s words were dripping with humiliation. I grip the sides of the chair and I see Henry’s chest rise and fall faster. His nose flares in anger as he presses my spot harder.
“Scott that was a little mean don’t you think?”
“Come on Henry look at her. She looks like a whale”
My legs tense and start shaking while he keeps a straight face destroying my insides with just two fingers “I think she looks great especially for someone who just had a baby” he emphasizes. I can see he’s pissed. Scott did this a lot when I was pregnant as well which would make Henry go off sometimes.
I tap his thigh lightly succumbing to my demise. I let out a shaky breath and squeeze my eyes shut leaking all over his hand.
“Y/n are you ok?” Christina asks. I nod
“Headache” My nails dig into his thighs and I hear a low growl come from him feeling him hash out the rest of my juices.
I take another bite and Zara smiles. Scott feeds her another small bite of mashed potato.
“Yea but damn it’s been a like 11 months. She should look like Christina by now”
“Clearly they’re two different women” he says getting angrier. Zara pulls off of Scott’s lap walking over to Henry with her arms up. He grabs a napkin wiping his hands and picks up Zara with his clean hand. She stands on him playing in his hair ruffing up his curls.
“Hi pretty girl” she smiles giving him her one dimple. Like his.
“Can we all just eat a civilized meal” Christina says adoring Henry and Zara. God. If only they both knew. “You two are so cute together”
Henry smiles as she moves on to his buttons.
“I never realized how much Zara kinda looks like Henry” my breath catches in my throat and I cough.
“You’re right” Christina says. I grab the cup of water taking a sip “ugh Henry give me a baby tonight”
“It’s not that easy” he smiles
“Yes it is” I blurt out “sorry” I laugh glancing at Henry He smiles at me with a small smirk
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A suggestion/request from @bon-fly
Medieval Au Zukka, I would have added more detail about the other ships but it had already much longer than I anticipated
"What ever could be the problem my lord?" Came the characteristically grumpy voice of Zuko's Dwarflven Mage Toph
He leaned back from his slouched position to look at the blind woman. "It's nothing much really. I Just... I need to summon the southern knights for the Avatar honoring" he gave a sigh
"Then summon them" she said simply while leaning on his throne. There was a few other advisors in the room, none of them were ever expecting Toph's brash behavior towards the king or the fact that he took it. The high elven king never once found his Dwarven mage's behavior to be uncalled for. His reasoning was simple. She was a friend, one which would lay her life down for his just as he would hers.
"Its not that simple Toph, he's going to be with them" Zuko leaned his elbow on the table and pressed his hand to his forehead.
"If I may, My lord, the avatar is technically escorting the knights, not the other way around" advisor Tayko offered
Zuko gave a snort "thats not who I'm worried about Tayko, but I appreciate the sentiment. Its the Cheif's... ehm, son"
"Did he do something wrong my lord?" Tayko asked with narrowed eyes
"More like he did everything right and managed to fluster mister pointy ears" Toph bellowed and Zuko flushed a deep red
"Shut it Toph!" But he laughed with her "she is right though... I'm just, nervous is all, dont worry Tayko, I'll have the letter written by tonight"
Tayko, still being wary of how Toph behaved but understanding that her king was very brash with people who acted out of line, gave a smile "my lord, may I say something?"
Zuko sat straight and looked at her warily "go on Tayko"
"It is to my knowledge that most people don't support miss Toph being here, but I have never seen anyone make you smile as she has," she paused and looked at her hands in her lap "I'm very happy to see you smile again"
"Well, its nice that someone noticed, thank you Tayko" Toph said with a big grin spread from ear to ear across her cheeks. "Now, Zuko has some writing to do, so run along, I will fetch you when it is written"
Not long after Tayko scurried off she was fetched once more and given the letter to send by hawk to summon the southern nights and the avatar. The hawk response came by the next evening when Toph was training Zuko to react faster on both sides, not just his good side. "I know you're not a dwarf but ANYONE can feel the vibrations, and you're clear proof of that" Toph said as she watched the king use his blades and flames to expertly block and deflect each rock sent his way.
"My lord" Tayko spoke suddenly from behind Toph and had a blade fly past her head missing by a good six inches "Eep!" She tensed while he took off his blindfold
"Sorry Tayko, you startled me" Zuko gave a sheepish grin "what did you need?"
"The uh.." she moved away from the wall with a sigh "the Southern Chief sent back, they will be here in three days time. Shall I summon Lady Mai and Ty Lee?"
Zuko gave a huff and slouched his shoulders, his pointed ears slanting downward as well "that would be best, though they won't be happy to be summoned so soon after their honeymoon"
The pair most certainly weren't, the arrival of them was easy to notice because a knife flew past Zuko's head, barely grazing his ear and landed on his throne "ah, Mai, sorry to summon you so early after you two wed, but youre the only ones capable of pulling off a three day party planning."
"You are going to owe use so many fruit tarts!" Mai spoke harshly as she stormed into the room
"Yeah! With rose petals!" Ty Lee backed up her wife with a much softer voice.
Mai smiled softly at Ty Lee and placed a quick kiss to her forehead "thank you darling."
"Of course, you'll have all the reward you like, but we have to prepare for the avatar and Sokka." Zuko said with a wave of his hand.
"You mean the Avatar and the Southern Knights" Mai pointed out
"Thats what I said"
By the time the third day of planning had finished the kingdom was decked out with shimmering blue flowers of all assortments, ribbons and the like were draped around anything that seemed fit to the recently weds.
At high noon Zuko was found with Ming fixing his hair and Ursa helping him with his robes and jewels. "He'll be here soon Mom"
"I know sweetie, but you need not worry, the Avatar will appreciate the festivities you have set out for him and the knights" Ursa reassured her son while tying off the last bit of silk and Ming slid in the metal hold for his hair piece.
"Thats not who he meant lady Ursa" Toph said bluntly. Ursa turned to the blind dwarf behind her who had a soft smile on her face rather than her normal mischief coated expression. "My lord, they've arrived at the gates"
Zuko flushed "lead the way" and she did. She lead him down the many stairs, with his many layers of silk flowing freely behind him. They followed the winding paths of the kingdom streets until they reached the Knights and Avatar. Chief Hakoda and Bato stood with Sokka on their right and Katara on their left with Avatar Aang in the middle. A hobbit at maybe their hips was a humorous sight indeed, but Zuko's focus was on someone else.
Sokka stood in his formal attire, a pale blue high collar robe ending at his shoulders but his arms covered by a a deep blue draping silk over dress connected in the center by a fire opal jewel. Zuko was of course caught staring by the chiefs themselves "ahem, Lord Zuko?" Bato spoke up with a raised brow
"Oh, uh! My apologies, welcome to my kingdom," he turned to look at Aang who smirked when he noticed the flush on Zuko's cheeks "thank you for coming to the honoring Avatar Aang"
"Say, Lord Zuko, Sokka told me about his last trip here.. well, technically he spoke mostly of you, not much variety in his stories I'll tell you tha-!" The small boy was silenced by a hand over his mouth from a flustered Sokka.
The blue eyed boy stammered out a "sorry about him, he loves to blurt things out without thinking them through!"
"Sounds like someone else I know" Katara said with her hand on her hips. From just looking at her ears he could tell that she was a bender, and a powerful one at that. "Sorry about that Zuko, my brother and Aang love getting on eachothers nerves, especially about you" she rolled her eyes
Zuko however was as red as his robes "oh, uh, thats perfectly alright, Toph, would you mind showing them to their quarters?"
Toph gave a laugh "you want a blind dwarf to lead four southern elves and a hobbit to their living quarters?"
"You may be blind but you can easily see, and you know it Toph-" a rock hit the back of his head and he yelped before giving her a pout
"Haaah! Yeah, youre right, but don't you wanna show baby blue to his room?"
Zuko gave a huff "Chief Hakoda, Cheif Bato, Warrior Karata and Avatar Aang please follow Mage Beifong to your living quarters. Warrior Sokka, I need a word with you about that design you sent over last moon, so I will show you to your room"
"Oh, of course" and with that the group left the two man alone to walk to the palace. For a short while they were quiet but Sokka broke the silence by linking arms "so, about those designs, I was thinking we could easily make a cart that didn't need any animal to pul it if we just used"
Zuko didnt hear much besides Sokka's voice, too lost in the fact that he was finally here to understand what the sounds meant together until they made it into the castle and Sokka tugged him into a small broom closet "I know why you actually separated me from the others"
Zuko cleared his throat "im sure you are aware of my reasons, but you did not need to drag me in here, if you were worried about someone catching wind you made the mistake of going into a broom closet with one of my maids already in here" he turned to help her up "sorry miss Jin, I'll give you the day off paid in full"
Zuko then took hold of Sokka's hand and dragged him out of the small room and back to the empty hallway. "Hah, my bad" Sokka said with a small voice crack
"Don't worry about it, thought you shouldn't worry about the staff catching wind of this sort of thing, everyone here adores you, I hope you know that" Zuko chuckled
"What sort of thing?" Sokka feigned innocence and Zuko being ever so gullible fell for it with a flushed face
"Oh! I'm sorry, I just thought that, maybe you had caught onto my affections for you, and reciprocated them. What did you think I-!!" The king didn't have much room to continue his awkward words because Sokka planted a quick kiss to his cheek to silence him
"Of course I do Zuko, and I was only teasing, you really should be better at spotting that with Toph being around you all the time, hah, she plays the- hey! Where are we going?"
Zuko said nothing, and just dragged him to the room he was to be staying in for the week of festivities and slammed the door behind them. "Don't. Don't.... don't tease me about that okay? I'm not entirely used to anyone returning affections since... well" he genstured to his burn scar and damaged ear.
"Oh, oh Zuko no, Zuko I'm sorry, I didnt realize... I'm sorry" Sokka took the shorter elf's face in his hands and forced him to look him in the eyes "Zuko you're beautiful, I can't get over how stunning you looked under the moonlight the first time we met. And what's even more stunning about you is the ability to make a confession walk seem like a diplomatic walk to anyone but the two of us. You really do have a way with words"
Zuko was practically melting in the hands of the southern warrior, "you... you really think that of me?" He asked with a shy softness to his voice.
Sokka couldnt help the fond chuckle "Of course I do Zuko, now, if its not too much, may I give you a real kiss this time?"
All Sokka needed was a small nod and he sealed the distance between them. Every mile, every inch, every millimeter of distance that had ever been between the fire elven king and Southern elven warrior was gone, and all that remained was stars.
The two wed thirteen moons later, with a promise to protect, love, and trust one another in this life and every life that came after.
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dercolaris · 3 years
Another day, another story. Sort of. This time about Nora and Victor Fries. I mean, why not? It’s horrible sad. Light smut, but it’s not the main focus of the story. Nora x Victor, post Arkham Knight.
@shin-arei, thanks again. I know it’s always hard for you to read my stuff. Sorry :/
A loud, almost threatening crack accompanied the rusty ship, making the blonde-haired woman flinch more than often to the strange sounds around her. Her blue eyes slid to the misted porthole and watched the unique spectacle on the deadly water. The sharp-edged metal of the ship cut through the thick pack ice and eased its way across the wild ocean. Nora pulled the blanket tighter around her narrow shoulders, then put her arms around her freezing torso. How long have they been on the sea? Probably a week, maybe two. The former dancer blinked tiredly, finally resting her cheek on one of her knees, breathing calmly in and out, totally overwhelmed by her chaotic surroundings. Her body grew weaker with every passing day. Only a fraction of the former muscle strength in her best times as a committed dancer was left and any effort to do something ended faster than she would have liked in sheer exhaustion to the point at which she could no longer get up on her own. Her end was imminent. Even if her husband tried vehemently to deny it, she would die in the next few days or even hours. The woman brushed a loose strand of hair from her face and maneuvered it behind her left ear. A small smile crept onto her pale lips. Despite this horrific fact, she felt more relaxed than ever before. Huntington's disease had visibly wiped out the blond-haired woman's body, but one thing had never been able to steal by the destructive protein in her brain: the indomitable will to live. Nora was enjoying every single moment with Victor now, probably more than before. The tall man was quite simply the fulfillment of her dreams and his fierce fight for her life only confirmed his absolute loyalty and especially the good intentions he had always cherished. The cryologist was probably anything that was thrown at him from the scared citizen of Gotham, just not a bad person. The former dancer closed her eyes for a moment. It had hurt immensely to see him suffer all these years. Every day Victor had stood in front of her specially developed cold chamber and told her in detail what he had experienced or discovered. There was so much hope in his violated soul, which was never completely ripped away even with the countless setbacks in his life. Until the end he had firmly believed in healing her disease. Now the die was finally cast. Finally.
Nora opened her eyes and listened to the telltale crack of the ice. Her husband never stopped telling her how much he loved her. Even now he seemed intent on letting her know at every little opportunity. His feelings were the strongest contrast to his tragic existence as a dreaded Mr. Freeze. As much as the cold flowed through his hypothermic veins, the boiling emotions burned hot in his unchanged human chest. The blonde-haired woman looked casually at the clock, tried to make out what time it was. Not an easy task. The ship was wavering harder than the hour before and robbed the woman of her clear view. Presumably they would get into a heavy snow storm in the next few minutes. After a few seconds, she finally gave up looking at the clock. In fact, time wasn't really that important to any of them anymore. There were more important things than following the hands on a clock face. A loud rumble came through the crew area of the ship. Nora looked curiously at the door and immediately felt a strong pull in her lungs. Suddenly she began to cough violently, instinctively holding her hand over her mouth. The coughing attack lasted for a few excruciatingly long seconds, then vanished as suddenly as it came. The woman gasped exhausted and looked at her trembling hand, slightly wrinkled her nose at the actually terrifying sight. Deep red blood on very pale skin. She wiped her palm on a handkerchief, tossed the previously white cloth in the direction of the already overflowing trash can. The rumble grew louder, moving steadily towards the cabin. The dancer looked at the open door with a faint smile and waited to see the stunning figure of her beloved husband. He was still beautiful, even if the years had marked him too. Clearly. Suddenly the cryologist stepped over the threshold, the milky visor of the survival suit was open like the last few days. His unusually cool blue eyes met her soft opals. Even if his eyes seemed frozen to many outsiders, undying love shimmered from under the eternal ice. The tall man sauntered cautiously into the cabin, holding onto a rusty desk when the ship suddenly swayed. He tried to manage a smile, but failed miserably in the endeavor. The sadness seemed to be slowly eating him away. Nora offered him her delicate hand, waiting for her better half to take it. Victor pushed himself from the table and staggered over to the bed, got down on one of his knees and closed the chunky gloves around her fragile fingers. The blond-haired woman put her other hand on his cheek, caressing his bluish skin tenderly. She whispered softly: “Please Victor. Don't make it harder for yourself than it already is. You did everything you could for me. Really – everything. It's enough.” The tall man's face didn't change a bit, but only the expression in his eyes showed how much he struggled with himself. Even now part of him was still convinced that he could save her and continue the harmonious life that they had once led before her illness. Despite this remaining hope, it could also be read in his face that he was gradually facing the cruel reality. The cryologist knew that there would be no nice happy ending in their very own story like in the countless Hollywood movies they had seen together in the cinema during their admittedly short but very happy marriage. Nora squeezed her husband's hand tighter, knowing that he probably wouldn't feel the touch beneath the strong leather.
If only she could somehow soothe his inner doubts. What words to choose if neither was able to express what was going on in both of them? Their souls spoke a shared language that people around them had rarely really been able to understand. Often glances were enough to give the other an unmistakable recognition that their love was unconditional and that it would probably last forever. Victor suddenly sighed softly, his blue eyes looking sadly down at their hands. He replied calmly: “I don't know what to think anymore, Nora. I've been trying to find a cure for you for more than a decade and now...” The tall man broke off abruptly in the middle of his sentence. The woman was startled to watch a small tear slide down his cheek. It slowly crystallized on the cold skin, then froze to ice and fell to the floor with a clang. The splinters were distributed on the metallic surface. The former dancer felt how her heart wanted to burst into thousands of pieces in her chest, just like the ice on the floor. She leaned up carefully, hovered over her husband's cool lips for a moment. Without waiting any longer, she kissed him very lovingly, gently caressing the cryologist's bony cheek. He paused, seemed for a moment taken by surprise by the unexpected gesture. It took a few seconds until he finally returned the kiss longingly. The blonde-haired woman released the touch carefully and breathed on his lips: "And what now? Victor, please listen to me for a second. You have proven to me more than once that you are ready to give yourself up for me and really sacrifice yourself in terms of your love, but this fight should now be over. I can no longer bear your inner suffering. It literally breaks my heart to see that you still blame yourself for my illness. I beg you, Victor - let me finally go.” The tall man swallowed loudly. Apparently a tight knot had formed in his throat. He looked deeply into her eyes, looking for a glimmer of hope to change the inevitable fate. Nora smiled gently and shook her head slightly, feeling an all-pervasive shiver go through her weak body. Something in her mind told her it was almost time. These would probably be the last minutes of her life. Contrary to logic, however, it was not fear that she felt.
A look into her husband's blue eyes calmed her previously troubled mind and gave her to understand that she was safe, even if she had to leave now. The former dancer had a rare privilege that most people would probably be denied: she was allowed to die in the presence of her only love. The blond-haired woman had offered Victor, despite her unspeakable fear, not to have to watch her inevitable death and to let her rest in the cabin until her time had finally come. Fortunately, the cryologist had assured her immediately that she would not be left alone during the most difficult hours of her life. He had then repeated the vow he had given her at their wedding: until death do them part. As promised, he had seldom left her side in the past few days and even when he was gone he had made sure through a camera in the room that his wife would not pass away without him. Victor was clearly too good for this world. The former dancer's eyes suddenly became sluggish and an unknown force literally pulled her back onto the soft mattress. She looked into her husband's face, held his hand tightly. The cryologist moved closer to the bed and gently placed his other hand over hers. He, too, seemed to sense that the time to say goodbye had come. Nora coughed loudly into her hand again, then asked carefully after a short pause: "May I ask you for one last favor, Victor?" The tall man nodded silently. The woman, trembling, stroked a strand of hair that had meanwhile been damp with sweat from her wet forehead and expressed her wish calmly: “Would you sleep with me? Just like when we shared a bed for the first time, young and naive, without any experience. Let me remind again how I found the love of my life.” The cryologist seemed to have forgotten to breathe for a moment. Finally he rose slowly and loosened the heavy helmet from the latches on his neck, carefully removing it from his head. There was a loud hissing sound as the latches on his suit also opened. The tall man slowly took off his second shell, and ended up standing in front of her bed in faded, partially frozen work trousers. Nora grabbed the waistband of the cold cloth and helped her husband out of the pants. All the fighting in the past years had left quite a mark on his once pristine body.
Deep, sometimes strangely overgrown scars stretched across the bluish skin. The former dancer sat up with the greatest effort and traced the notches with a few fingers, following every bump, no matter how small they were, on his chest. The cryologist shuddered at her touch, then finally put his knees on the mattress. He pressed her on her shoulders almost tenderly on the bed and slid over her frail shell, looking her in the eye without even dare to look away. Nora put her delicate hands on his neck, ignoring the coldness that emanated from her lover. Reluctantly, he opened the blanket wrapped around his wife, slipped into the gap and closed the fabric again around their trembling bodies. The blond-haired woman sucked her breath deep into her lungs. The warmth on the bed disappeared under an all-consuming coolness. Despite this fact, she enjoyed being close to her husband again and didn't want to miss it for anything in the world. Victor helped her out of the several layers of clothing until she too was finally lying naked under him. Nora let out a gush of misty breath from her mouth and whispered barely audibly: "I love you, Victor." With that, she sealed their lips in a sensual kiss. The cryologist gasped softly into the tender touch and gently pushed her legs apart, after a while felt his fingers against her vulva. The former dancer winced because of the unfamiliar cold and unintentionally interrupted the long-awaited kiss. Against the worried look of her lover, she nodded meaningfully and lay down in a more comfortable position. The tall man studied her face breathlessly and carefully placed his right hand around the half erect penis, slowly leading it to the moist opening of his still beautiful wife. She slowly closed her legs around Victor's hips, resting expectantly on the soft mattress. After a while he carefully entered the former dancer and lingered quietly in the almost unknown warmth of his partner. Nora gave a throaty moan, clutching her husband's neck tighter. She caressed the hypothermic skin and showed him by slight movements of her pelvis that he didn't have to wait any longer. The cryologist willingly complied with her request, starting a leisurely, passionate rhythm. The blonde-haired woman gasped softly and relaxed her eyes closed, savoring this moment to the fullest.
Her thoughts drifted away, lost in memories of every beautiful moment she was allowed to share with Victor. Starting with their shy acquaintance, through an unusually harmonious teenage love to their wonderful wedding. All of the forgotten emotions were suddenly as present as they were then. Nora groaned hoarsely her husband's name and clutched his neck, finally stroking aimlessly over his bony back. The pleasure overwhelmed her, with a creeping heaviness just as noticeably slowly taking over her body. It was only marginally that Victor was getting closer and closer to his climax too. In spite of this, he didn't get rougher or more impatient, no, he obviously took his time. Time that they actually didn't have. Still, the blonde-haired woman knew that they both had wanted it no different and enjoyed it equally. The orgasm developed unhindered. An overwhelming, electrifying feeling twitched through her veins, filling her mind with a blissful calm and relaxation. She gasped in exhaustion, her hands resting gently on her lover's hips. The blue eyes found his own, looked once more into one of the most beautiful souls in this universe under an emerging blackness. With this thought the world went dark around her, the last bit of tension slipped out of her body. Before Nora passed out of life completely, she heard Victor's voice sounding far away: “I love you too, Nora. Please wait for me in eternity."
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the-irish-mayhem · 4 years
Fosterson Fic Rec Masterlist: Oneshots
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The Main Reclist has been split to fix the links that tumblr decided to break if there were too many of them in a single post. I’ll be keeping the main reclist updated (even if the links appear broken) as well as maintaining this list and the list for multichapters.
I need help expanding this list! If you have any favorites or fics of your own of your own you don’t see included in this list and you’d like to submit for consideration, please drop me a line.
List updated April 2020. New additions marked with **
Updated during this wild quarantined time, which should serve as a reminder to everyone to APPRECIATE YOUR CONTENT CREATORS! Leave all the comments and kudos to show our love for everything they do. Big thanks to everyone who recommended and/or created content for this amazing ship.
Rated G/K-K+
**Promise by igi_pigi: Thor visits Jane to say goodbye before he leaves for Asgard. Rec: Bittersweet but lovely post-AOU, semi AU pre-Ragnarok. | 1.1k
**Spooky Nights by igi_pigi: "So what is it about?" Thor asks. "Or are we to go in uninformed?"Jane's eyes instinctively flick towards the blank tv screen. Darcy was insistent about it being a horror movie this time - as they serve as "perfect romance fodder", according to the maniac. Jane has decided to go with the recent one, 'The Conjuring'. [Set a few months after Thor2] Rec: Just sweet, dumb, wonderful fluff. Not an ounce of angst to be found. Also Thor learning about Earth is always sweeeeet. | 3.2k
**Stars and Solitude by igi_pigi: It's Jane's first night in Thor's home, however unusual the circumstances. He wishes to show her somewhere. She thinks it's his room. [Set during Thor2] Rec: A nice lil add on, Thor inviting Jane further into his life. | 3.3k
**Can’t Go Back the Same Way You Came by gumbridge: Loki lets go. This is what happens after. (post-film; basically a fixit fic.) Rec: This is pretty Loki-centric, but Jane is fabulously written, the family unit that Loki gets inducted into makes me very happy, and the fosterson is understated but so important and wonderful. | 20k
**spring will come by LadyCharity: As if grieving over the death of her husband wasn't hard enough, Jane has to deal with Thor's angry, bitter, emotionally shot little brother. Rec: This is literally all pain but god it is so good. You can feel the love binding Jane and Loki and Thor and it is so, so well written. Holy shit. | Content Warning: Major Character Death | 12k
the universe in your hand by amonkeysue: For the free day of Fosterson Week 2019, Thor's finally taking the right chance to propose to Jane. Rec: an adorable little bite-sized proposal fic. | <1k
Who Lives, Who Dies by MissChrisDaae: When the dust settles, who is left? Rec: Post-Infinity War, semi-kidfic. Pretty cute, and brings Jane into the story like she should’ve been. | 1.2k
Morning by MissChrisDaae: Thor and Jane's morning is interrupted by their kids. Rec: Fluffy fluffy FLUFFY Jane and Thor with a whole gaggle of children. | <1k
Trending by MissChrisDaae: Jane and Darcy's work session gets a little derailed. Rec: For the Social Media day of Fosterson Week, a fluffy and silly bit, and feeds into the 2012 Avengers Fic nostalgia. | <1k
ever on and on by often_adamanta: Darcy has to correct three separate people at the reception about their relationship, not younger cousin or sister, but college professor and boss and finally best friend. Jane thinks about their surprise, the second glances they give her, and wonders. Rec: Jane deals with the implications of immortality. Her friendship with Darcy is so potent and real in this. | 3k
Before the Thunder Shook Us by niobium: #6, “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” #14, “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” Rec: This is such a wonderful canon-insertion/canon divergence. Just enough fluff and bittersweetness to seem real. | 1k
Private Jokes by MissChrisDaae: Before his return to Asgard, Thor and Jane have a talk. Two years later, Thor misses a chance and Jane has to carry on. Rec: An AOU coda and a Ragnarok fix-it all in one. Feisty Jane and apologetic Thor. My bbs. | 1k
On the Physics of Magical Space Hammers by shinyopals: ‘So what does it mean to be “Worthy”?’ Jane asked. Jane doesn't mind sharing her life with Mjolnir. She just wishes she understood it a bit better. Rec: We’ve all wondered about Mjolnir and worthiness. Jane finally takes the initiative to find out with amazing results. | 4k
Fives Times Jane and Thor Broke Up and One Time They Didn’t by shinyopals: I didn’t know you were in the country, Jane,’ said Jane's grandmother. ‘Of course, nobody tells me anything.’ ‘It’s just a very last minute thing,’ said Jane, which Thor knew to be a lie. ‘I only arrived yesterday-’ another lie, ‘and I’m just on the way to work and thought I’d stop by and see Mom.’ This too was not true. ‘This is my friend Thor,’ she added, almost casually. ‘He’s been helping me with some work so we’re driving into the university together.’ This seemed the most flagrant of all the lies, but Thor decided not to let it show. It's not always convenient to be a relationship, so sometimes Jane and Thor have to make sacrifices. Rec: A giant SUCK ON THIS FEIGE that takes the “Jane and Thor break up” concept to the best possible places. | 12k
Hours Long and Short by shinyopals: The first night, Thor does not sleep. (Written for a post-TDW prompt for Fosterson Week 2017.) Rec: A really wonderful slice of life fic post-TDW. Deals with their trauma so wonderfully, and includes some lovely soft moments. | 4k
#7Days7Hobbies by shinyopals: Thor wants to try out some of Midgard's finest hobbies and turns to Twitter for suggestions. Jane isn't really sure how this is now her life. (Prompt for Day 4: Domestic, for Fosterson Week 2017.) Rec: One of my favorite things that’s ever been submitted for Fosterson Week. I love reading about Thor fully embracing Earth customs, particularly social media, which opal KNOWS is one of my weaknesses. | 5k
A Question of Honor by shinyopals: ‘Paintball?’ said Steve. ‘We could do… that…’ ‘What is that?’ asked Thor. He nuzzled into Jane’s hair. His mead-breath was giving her a headache. ‘It’s a thing- a game… thing. With paint.’ ‘Rogers, stop explaining stuff to Thor, you’re embarrassing me.’ Tony’s voice was remarkably coherent. Must have been drinking sensibly. Bastard. When it comes to deciding whether Earth or Asgard has better warriors, the stakes are high, and Jane is wishing she'd kept her big mouth shut. Rec: TEAM BUILDING EXERCISES FOR THE WIN. | 8k
The Gift Horse by fartherfaster: Sam and Darcy are formally introduced for the first time. Sam says “formally” with some flexibility. And a couch. A couch and a great deal of flexibility. Nevermind, he’s said enough. They met, is what he’s trying to say. Or, Sam's early days with the whole gang. Rec: Mostly a teamfic from Sam Wilson’s POV, which is awesome because how often do you see that. Fosterson is mostly background, but it made me smile so much. | 3k
on the verge of understanding something extraordinary by dirgewithoutmusic: “Jane, you’re an astrophysicist, not a storm chaser,” said Erik Selvig, and he was wrong. She was just an astrophysicist too. (A Jane Foster character study) Rec: I’m relatively certain I read this before and loved it, only it somehow didn’t make the reclist. An amazing, touching, wonderful, stunning portrait of Jane Foster. | 9k
starlight in her eyes by jdphoenix: “You,” she says, voice strong with accusation. “You’re the one who attacked me!” Thor really must laugh at that. “You are the one who attacked me. Or is it considered polite among stars to crash into one another?” Rec: A really awesome take on a Stardust fusion AU. Full of inquisitive Jane and cocky Thor. It gave me really hard vibes from the first Thor film. | 1.2k
a true lady of Asgard by jdphoenix: It's not uncommon for Jane to fall asleep working when she's chasing a new theory or hunting down evidence but the middle of a battle for the future of Asgard is not the time. Rec: Jane becoming a fixture of sorts in Asgard is one of my kinks. Also Jane being friends with Thor’s friends and the people of Asgard. Kink. | 3.5k
Afterwit by RC_McLachlan: Good with patients, bad with relationships. That's what she told Thor before she ripped the name tag from the shirt in his hands and crumbled it in her palm, relishing the way the sticky back clung to her skin before she threw it in the waste bin. She'd never been so right in her life up to that point—the rightest she's ever been was when she decided to offer the crazy blond guy a ride to his mysterious non-satellite in the desert. Or, the one in which Jane and Thor run into Donald Blake. Rec: I am such a sucker for the “running into the shitty ex with the New and Improved Partner” trope and this is that. All of that to such a wonderful degree. | 2.7k
drabbles by freshexes: Rec: Some really fantastic little bits of prose. Great voices of Thor and Jane. Some fluffies, some angst. | 1k
The Good Times are Killing Me by alwaysaprilia: Rec: Modern royals AU. Jane and Thor are perfect in this. The dialogue is sublime, and the interactions made me squee really hardcore. I only wish there was more. | 3.6k
College AU by anthropologicalhands: Rec: It’s kinda more meta/heacanon, but it’s really adorable. | 1k
all’s fair (in love and war) by sweetwatersong: This is what you fight for. This is what you yearn to feel: this moment, this passing of every second, this rush of life and the indomitable strength of the present. Thor is a warrior, born and bred, and he is glad of any battle - and yet, as with all things, even this can change. Rec: A Thor introspect and a really well done second person perspective. | 1k
Five Times Thor Gets His Shirt Off FOR GREAT JUSTICE And One Time He Doesn’t by shinyopals: Sometimes Thor’s armour is more useful when not being worn by him. He definitely doesn’t end up in these situations on purpose. Rec: Please bury me in every single five times fic shinyopals has written. This one might be my absolute favorite. So many fantastic interactions for Thor, not just with Fosterson (which is BEYOND perfect), but the whole team. Plus: naked Thor fighting bad guys in an apron. Also the SamSteve is so strong and I’m in love. | 9.8k
A Discussion of Hypotheticals by shinyopals: Jane and Thor talk about their future. Hypothetically. Rec: I am so glad we’ve made Fosterson Week a thing because this fic is WONDERFUL. Great communication makes me weak, and also so many squee-worthy moments. | 5k
Jane Foster Versus the Internet. Or: Five Times Jane Allegedly Dated An Avenger And One Time She Apparently Did Not by shinyopals: Jane discovers that the internet is The Worst. Rec: It’s the thing I loved so much I made graphics for it because it’s so good. Jane’s interactions with all the Avengers are delightful, not to mention her steady relationship with Thor that is so grounded and real. It’s also freaking hilarious. | 10.4k
Untitled by polyamoryavengers: Rec: Angst and fluff and Jane comforting Thor. *cartwheels into the sun* | 1k
Sexiest ‘Something’ Alive by Niobium: Tony is bound and determined to make sure a human is awarded the title of Sexiest Man Alive (he even has a solid candidate in mind); Jane just wants media outlets to get their science right. Rec: This is absolutely fantastic. Just the right kind of blend of humor, sweetness, and meta criticism ever. | 7.5k
The Hours Filled by websandwhiskers: Ritual and comradery are basic human needs. Rec: Focus on Jane, not a ton of Thor, but pregnant Jane is always a delight. | 1.7k
First Dates? by hariboo: Jane’s not really sure what her and Thor’s first date is? The party or the barbecue? In end does it matter? Rec: I am not a big fan of high school AUs, but if they float your boat, this is definitely worthwhile. | 1.4k | Part of Let’s Be Young Forever series
Of Car Crashes and Coffee by hariboo: “you bumped my car and I’m so piss- oh wow no you’re hot let’s go for a coffee” au prompt. Exactly what it says on the tin. Rec: This made me giggle. Super duper cute. | 1.3k
Tactile Perception by RC_McLachlan: “The day I met you, I knew you would see me.” Her hands find his face, sliding over his jaw, his cheeks, and she brings their foreheads together. “The day I met you, I hit you with my car. Twice.” Rec: *dies quietly* Teasing and cute story telling and just so many good things. | 2k
Clarke’s Third Law by shinyopals: “Of all the people to knock down the stairs, she would pick the practically-seven-foot-tall son of the Minister for Magic who just happens to be the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.” Jane’s just trying to read every single book in the Hogwarts library in between classes, and she’s not quite sure how Thor happened to her. Rec: I never read Harry Potter but damn it this makes me want to. I just love this. So much. I don’t know how but it happened. I actually really wish there was more? | 3.8k
The Most Daring Prophecies–Dr Jane Foster at TED Talk by Rozilla: A transcript of Jane giving a TED Talk on her experiences of crossing the cosmos, Asgard and her hopes for the future of interstellar travel - as reported on WHIH. Rec: I can’t tell you how badly I wanted this to be real. Fosterson is mentioned a bit, and it makes me smile a lot. | 5.1k
Paradigm Shift by jdphoenix: “Jane’s implementing a ‘new organizational paradigm.’ She does this like once a year, usually when she’s extra stressed. Like after that time your brother messed up NYC.” Rec: cute domestics plus Jane is worthy. | 1.5k
Raging Storm by jdphoenix: Thor knows the moment he touches the hammer that it is not Mjolnir. Rec: A brilliant continuation of Paradigm Shift (above, previously recced) wherein Jane bests Loki and is worthy, plus Jane talking down berserker!Thor. So many of my Fosterson hot buttons. | 4k
Overlap by littlestardust: A moment between Thor and Jane. Alternative summary: Thor is respectful of Jane’s life choices, and also there is cuddling. Rec: Teeny tiny fic, but super cute. | <1k
amazed & confused by tashlae: Dating an alien/god/man who fell from the sky isn’t something to take lightly. Rec: Jane/Darcy centric with lots of talk about fosterson and a kinda sweet moment at the end. | 1k
untitled by ifilovedyouless: jane/thor, modern royals. Rec: Oh my god, the sweetness overload was too much. Also YAS Thor in military uniform. | 1k
Fosterson - dancing by batsonthebrain: Rec: Introspective, sweet, and with a heavy dose of mutual respect. | <1k
Unplanned by hariboo: The first person to hear Jane is pregnant isn’t Thor. It should be, but extenuating circumstances. This happens a lot when it comes to living in Stark Tower. Rec: Very much toeing the crack line. Baby!fic, obviously, plus fabulous Clint, and a semi?redeemed Loki. | 1.2k
clash of the (scientific) titans by anthropologicalhands: Thor brings Tony to meet Jane. Thor admits he probably could have thought it through a little better. Rec: this fic always makes me giggle. Fosterson is mostly background, but the interactions between everyone makes this worth it. | 1k
Through Doors by nayanroo: The Jedi Order knows a good team when they see it, but unfortunately even the best-planned missions always have something go hilariously wrong. That’s when the true strength of any bond is shown. Rec: A Star Wars fusion is always a good idea. The way Jane and Thor play off each other and their bond through the Force is lovely. | 4k
Straight On 'Til Morning by arsenicarcher: Thor and Jane are having a baby. Tony’s conflicted about the whole thing. Rec: Kinda Tony-centric, but I’m always up for a fosterson baby. | 4.4k
hard to keep the rainclouds out by veliseraptor: Rec: A unique view on Thor’s grief and Jane’s struggle to be there for him. Very lovely, very angsty. | 2.1k
Perils of an RPF Life by hariboo: Look, it isn’t that she isn’t excited for Jane, sure she is. But Darcy wonders if Jane ever thinks about that. The fact she’s dating the sexiest E.T. ever. Rec: Darcy’s voice in this is hilarious and touching all at once. Jane and Thor’s caring for each other is so clear and endearing I audibly squeed a few times. | 2k
amazed & confused by tashlae: Dating an alien/god/man who fell from the sky isn’t something to take lightly. Rec: Jane and Darcy friendship is a lot of fun. Jane’s pondering of their relationship seems very characteristic of her. | 1k
On The Unsubtle Nature of Fish Ties by Niobium: Fancy clothes shopping for your alien boyfriend should be easier than this. Or, how Thor got his red velvet jacket. Rec: Fosterson is mostly background, but cute Jane/Darcy/Pepper interaction. | 3.3k
Be Safe by MissChrisDaae: Thor and Jane have a contingency plan for emergencies. Rec: Speculation/AU for Age of Ultron. Baby!fic, and is just so damn cute. | <1k
It All Happens Here by MissChrisDaae: Her very first year of teaching, Jane Foster gets an unusual bonus in the form of one of her students’ extremely attractive father. Single dad and his daughter’s kindergarten teacher au. Rec: super fluffy and just adorable. | 7.5k
Remembrance by Are_you_ever_not_going_to_fall_for_that: Thor and Jane take a walk and come across something that sparks memories. Post The Dark World. Rec: Jane and Thor talk about Loki, and the lack of heavy angst is refreshing. | <1k
Traffic jam by kes: When you’ve been fighting omnicidal aliens and the bureaucracy, a getaway is in order. Unfortunately, flying from A to B isn’t always possible… Rec: domestics. cute domestics EVERYWHERE. | <1k
nothing is ever convenient (except to make things uncomfortable) by anthropologicalhands: After Thor returns, there is still the matter of responding to Richard. Rec: The awkwardness of dealing with Richard made me smile. A very smile inducing fic. | 1.3k
Jane on Top by Rozilla: Jane Foster is asked to lecture at the SHIELD Academy, but she feels her old anxieties and worries begin to creep in- but it’s okay. Darcy has her back, not to mention it appears she has a fan club at the Science and Tech Division of the SHIELD Academy! Rec: An unapologetic Jane-fest, which is my favorite kind of party. Fosterson is background, but very relevant. Darcy is a cool friend. | 4.1k
leave this star crossed world behind by anthropologicalhands: Sif visits Jane with an offering. Rec: Jane/ Sif friendship, and they talk about immortality. Great interactions and insights on fosterson. | 2k
Measured Uncertainties by plushbug: Gap-filler, applying to the 2011 Thor movie. A shot at what might have gone missing from the rooftop scene between Thor and Jane Foster, after his 'rescue’ from the SHIELD base. Fits between “…and Asgard. That’s where I come from.” and “Thank you, Jane." Rec: A good fill for the movies, explains some comic-verse continuties. Curious Jane is a lovely person, and Thor relishes in giving her knowledge. | 4k
halfway between the gutter and the stars by verity: Thor pulls his phone out of his pocket and lifts it above them to capture a picture of the moment, their hair lit by the sun, Jane’s soft smile next to his beaming grin. The Rise filter suits the image perfectly. “I shall title this 'THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE,’” Thor says, typing carefully on the touchscreen. “With the small image of your planet, flanked by sparkling stars." "Well, we abandoned a geocentric model of the galaxy hundreds of years ago,” says Jane. "'THE CENTER OF MY UNIVERSE,’“ Thor says. He amends his caption and selects the options to crosspost from Instagram to Twitter and Facebook. Rec: Okay I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this. So much. I love the world-building that Avengers + social media allows for. Also, cute Thor and Jane and team stuff plus Neil Degrasse Tyson and George Takei. So much good stuff. | 2.2k
Catalysts by Niobium: Meeting people winds up being a catalyzing event in Jane Foster’s life more often than not. Rec: Well-written Jane, and super supportive boyfriend Thor. I love it when he treats her like a genius. | 2.1k
The Reconstruction of the Mind by Niobium: Jane Foster’s introduction to astronomy doesn’t start with a backyard telescope or a shooting star or the arm of the Milky Way strewn across the nighttime sky, but with an Alexandrine woman named Hypatia. Rec: Jane-centric, and very well done, as per usual with this author. Fosterson is more background, but they have some lovely moments. | 4.6k
Asgardian Cautionary Tales for Young Maidens by Niobium: Jane discovers that Asgardian love stories aren’t exactly romcoms. Rec: Jane and Thor sharing love stories. I audibly squeaked at their cuteness. | 2.3k
the new millennia by hoosierbitch: Thor’s life was measured in centuries, not days. Rec: Post-Dark World, very Thor oriented and introspective. Jane helps him through his grief over Loki. Angst on angst. | 1.1k
the drumming inside her by hariboo: she can feel everyone looking at her, waiting for her to break or give up. they don’t understand. she made a promise too. Rec: oh my god Jane being determined, Thor pining a bit, Heimdall being awesome, and a super sweet reunion. | 1.3k
Starchild by empyrean: One night Jane teaches Thor the basics of Western astronomy, and Thor tries to describe Asgard. Then the Bifröst breaks, and Jane isn’t having that. Rec: Jane and Thor bond over the stars, and Jane doesn’t take it sitting down when the Bifrost breaks. Love the simplicity and the power in this. | 1k
There by Barkour: Jane has found Thor and in the finding, she has gone somewhere she’d never dreamed she’d see. Rec: Jane geeking out over Asgard, plus some really cute banter, and Thor being a gent as always. | 1.9k
Numbers and Lines by Sheeana: Jane Foster visits Avengers headquarters to help install a program she designed, and gets caught up in helping with their latest problem. Rec: Jane and Natasha get some great action together, and the Fosterson is handled well. | 4.9k
Important Meals of the Day by hariboo: or alternatively: Five Breakfasts With Jane and Thor and them feeding their family and friends. Which sometimes lately seem to be the same thing. Rec: domestics! Fluff that makes me want to stay there forever! I love this author’s way of writing fosterson. Also Darcy is so great in this. | 6.2k
Fire in the East by Maat: He finds that there are sweeter things than mead and glory and the fierce bright colors and rich textures of Asgard. Rec: Best Thor-being-on-Earth-longer fic that I’ve read. Short, poignant, sweet, and painful. This is beautifully written and left me wishing this was how the canon story could have gone down. | 1.1k
Few So Generous by galaxysoup: After Odin falls into the Odinsleep, Frigga takes up her husband’s spear and the rule of Asgard. Rec: Jane and Thor from an outside perspective, and a different version of events. Though the focus is not on fosterson outright, it is still a very good fic. | 2.7k
we fall like stars by jadeddiva: All that is left of him now is the extra chair pulled up to her makeshift fire pit, which she never sits in and hasn’t had the heart to move. Jane, and the search for Thor and a greater understanding of herself. Rec: A character study of Jane and how Thor affected her life. Lovely and poignant. Fluid writing style. | 3.1k
Not "Functional” or “Elegant” by Niobium: Jane Foster has worked some bad jobs in her career; working with Stark Industries’ R&D is a vast improvement. Rec: Jane-centric, and gives her a great backstory. She and Thor are adorable as always. The author clearly respects Jane as a scientist, so that shows through a lot, which is amazing. | 1.6k
Jane Foster’s High School Reunion by Niobium: Jane Foster has a high school reunion to go to. Rec: Jane and Thor are adorable. Thor is a gentleman, and Jane gets to laugh in the face of a jerk. Very satisfying. | 5k
Nature and Nurture by nayanroo: What’s better than solving a physics problem that may well get you another Nobel Prize nomination? Having a baby on the same day. Rec: Part of an amazing series (full rec with multichapter fics below) but can be read as a standalone. Featuring pregnant!Jane and adorable and far-too-accurate expectantfather!Thor. The fluff is lovely. Features all of the Avengers with some lovely domestics. | 7.4k | Part of in progress series, The Kingsverse
don’t we all want happy endings? by hariboo: Thor is thinking about Jane, Steve cares (because Steve has Feelings about Lost Lady Loves*), and in the end it’s a team effort. Rec: We get the closure on Thor contacting Jane after the events in New York. Sweet and painful and just lovely. | 3.4k
Legacy by me: A generation later, a budding social scientist tries to figure out Jane and Thor. Rec: Because it wouldn’t be a true reclist without a self-plug. Both Jane and Thor have passed away in this fic. | 2k
Rated T
**Heed the Signs by igi_pigi: Thor wakes up from a nightmare. Is it just a dream, or something more? [Post Thor2, Pre Thor3.] Rec: A heavy, meaningful setup to a Thor 3 that never was. | 4.8k
**Heartless by igi_pigi: Everything reminds her of him, it's funny. Wherever she looks, whatever she thinks of, usually and especially to get her mind off him, will eventually lead to him. [Set the night before Jane's date with Richard in Thor2.] For Day 6 of Fosterson Week - 'things that make you think of them' Rec: A really interesting and fabulous rumination from Jane about Thor’s impact on her life. | 1.4k
**Her Healing Touch by igi_pigi: Jane doesn't really realise that the Aesir are a bit relaxed when it comes to physical hurt. And freaks out over what Thor thinks are just petty bruises of battle. Ending with a little confession from Thor. [Set after Thor2] Rec: A neat take on Asgardian culture, love the way Jane’s care connected to Thor’s past. | 2.5k
**Qeryana by Domenika Marzione (domarzione): Thor and his efforts to live on Midgard, as opposed to just defending it. Rec: Thor’s visceral struggle of living in a culture not his own, but is ultimately still hopeful and positive. | 3k
**First and Foremost, Red by RC_McLachlan: There's a reason Jane and Thor break up. It's not a great one but it's the right one. In the year that follows, Jane carries on, doesn't win a Nobel Prize, defeats Thanos and saves the universe, and finally allows herself to be a little selfish. Rec: YAAAAAS I want ALL the Jane Saves Everything in Infinity War/Endgame fic. ALL OF IT. It’s so satisfying and good. | 9.7k
**Gangráðr, Faðmbyggvir Friggjar by tsukinofaerii: Less than a week before her wedding, Frigga warns Jane of ancient Asgardian rituals she and Thor must undergo before her marriage ceremony. Jane and Thor call on their friends for help as they face what might be the challenge of their lives. Rec: Just an absolute fucking delight from start to finish. Hilarious and amazing. Absolutely the best of the 2012-era Avengers fics. | 19.1k
The Courage of Stars by always_a_queen: Half the universe turns to dust. Thor goes to find the one person who is his whole universe. Thor/Jane Post-Infinity War and during/after Endgame. Spoilers for both movies and Ragnarok. Rec: god this is so heartbreakingly perfect. A wonderful fix it that gives a perfect little taste of what we might’ve had if Jane had been rightfully included in these movies. Jane does pass away at the end of the fic. | Content Warning: Major Character Death | 4.3k
Family Values by shinyopals: ‘It would have been kinder to leave me dead,’ Loki informs her one day. Jane Foster, who’s just revoltingly kissed Thor goodbye, told him she loves him, and called him a disturbing pet name, snorts derisively. ‘He brought you lunch; quit whining,’ she says. Loki isn't sure how he feels about his family, these days. Rec: The best take on Loki ever. His relationship with Jane is fabulous, and the interplay between him, Thor, and Jane is AMAZING. What a freakin treat this fic is. Post-Infinity War AU. | 3k
The Second Law of Thermodynamics by shinyopals: ‘What have you done?’ he asks. He still attempts to sound grave, but with Jane it is hard not to give into smiles.‘Done? I haven’t done, well. I mean. I have done some things. But it’s not bad. I was just curious! And nobody stopped me. I mean, they even welcomed me. So. I didn’t do-’‘Jane,’ he interrupts, laughing and leaning down to plant a kiss on her mouth. ‘You are absurd. I missed you. Tell me.’ Rec: Pardon me while I try to physically scream this fic into existence. It’s perfect. Jane loves science, and Thor loves Jane. Post-Thor 2. | 1.8k
Storm Warning by shinyopals: Then he strides to her and presses a kiss to her lips, taking her face in his hands as he does and holding her close. ‘You planned this?’ he asks. ‘Your morning’s work was not astrophysics, then?’She gives a guilty smile. ‘I wanted to, you know, surprise you.’ Thor gets ~romanced. He kinda likes it. Rec: GOD THE FLUFF. THE. FLUFF. PURE AND GOOD. | 3k
Sakaar by MissChrisDaae: Jane's been stuck on Sakaar for a year and a half. So Asgardians are a welcome sight. Rec: A really original way to get Jane involved in Ragnarok. Jane + science for the win. | 1.3k
Lab by MissChrisDaae: Thor likes spoiling Jane. Rec: For the Jane on Asgard day of Fosterson Week, a short and sweet lil tidbit! | <1k
Domesticity by MissChrisDaae: Little moments around Avengers Tower. Rec: I literally gasped in delight with how much this made me nostalgic for the fluffy Avengers Living in the Tower fics of 2012. | <1k
The Prince(ss) and Me by asoulofstars, MissChrisDaae: Prince Thor of Asgard just wants a little time to feel normal before he has to marry the mysterious Princess Jana of Ameos. So, he runs away from home and enrolls at Harvard University as Donald Blake, where he meets Jane Foster. Jane is clever, kind, and everything he wants, but can never have.Princess Jana of Ameos has spent her whole life studying incognito, getting the best global education possible under the alias of Jane Foster and trying not to think about romance, or the fiancé waiting for her back in Europe. Then Don Blake comes along and throws that plan out the window. Rec: A funky Modern Royals AU. Charming in some nice ways, and I like the slow-building tension. | 17k
Misunderstandings by writerblocked: She looks up at Thor, who grins warmly at her, and looks at their surroundings again. “This isn’t my apartment,” she says. Thor’s grin grows wider. “I know,” he says back. Rec: Newlywed!Fosterson fluff. | 1.8k
Turtures in Aeternum by shinyopals: ‘Legend tells that some unlikely souls are known to pause in their work for reasons of leisure,’ deadpans Thor. ‘History does not say what trials they faced.’ Asgardian science is giving Jane a headache. Thor persuades her to take a break to see some of the sights with him. Rec: Asgardian worldbuilding (literally) via Fosterson field trip. I love everything in this. | 5.5k
Five Times the Bad Guys Interrupted Thor and Jane's Date Night and One Time Tony Freaking Wishes They Had by shinyopals: ‘I have told Steve,’ Thor says to Tony as he’s leaving to go back to his rooms, ‘but I thought I should tell you also. Jane and I plan to institute the ritual of ‘Date Night’.’ As always, Thor sounds like someone’s severely uncool father trying to be hip when he uses any slang invented since the Civil War. Tony's been an Avenger long enough to avoid deliberately tempting fate, even if he doesn't actually believe in fate. The universe is just plain cruel. That's why he knows to be prepared for the worst Hydra can throw at them whenever Thor and Jane make evening plans. Rec: IT’S SO FUDGING CUTE. I CAN’T. IT’S CUTE AND HILARIOUS AND PERFECT AS ALWAYS. | 4.7k
Unexpected Arrival by shinyopals: ‘Jane-’ Thor cut himself off, opening and closing his mouth without managing words. Her name on his lips sounded so familiar; warm and deep and like nothing else mattered. An undercurrent of nerves there that she could still hear after all this time, that she didn’t think anyone else would be able to. She wanted to run to him, bury her face in his neck and jump back in time. Back before the break up - not enough time for each other with the universe in peril. Back before the baby. The baby she still sometimes wondered if she should have terminated to save them both this moment. Rec: The angsty and painfully yearning babyfic that you never knew you needed. | 2k
Steadfast as the Stars Above by jdphoenix: It was not meant to be like this. With him so small and weak, fighting every second to find purchase on a tiny world that spins faster than he can fathom. He wanted to be strong for her. Rec: A fabulous use of the Soulmate AU that completely slots itself perfectly into canon. | 8.3k
too poor for silver, i have a copper tongue by venndaai: “Maybe you don't have the perfect words all the time but, you always have something to say, right? You never have to, have to stop and think about it, and you never stumble over your words or anything.” He squinted at her. “I thought such things simply aspects of Midgardian speech, which you know I am not well versed in.” Jane sighed. “They're not supposed to be.” Rec: A story featuring an explicitly autistic Jane Foster. So wonderfully done. Full of empathy and love and kindness and warmth. | 1.3k
Gift by spikewriter: Jane looked at the brightly colored rug on the floor of the farmhouse in the Hudson Valley they were still moving into. “I like it,” she admitted with a bit more enthusiasm, picturing how her six-year-old self would have run screaming around the room in glee at such a gift. Rec: Some post-TDW fluff with bonus Darcy inclusion. | 1.5k
to candle incandescent as you pass by sweetwatersong: The legacy of King Tristan and the Star Queen Yvaine is not a mere tale in Stormhold, a fantastical portion of the kingdom's history. It lives and breathes in the blood of their descendants, in their long lives and graceful aging, in the ruling King Odin and his son, the Crown Prince Thor… Rec: A Stardust/Huntsman/Thor fusion that isn’t so much a full fic as it is, as the author describes, “a sketch.” Still a really lovely read, a great blend of the films. | 5k
Raiment of The Gods by randomcelt: They say the clothes make the man ... or the god. But sometimes, they do the most for his friends. (Or, a tale of all the times someone else wore Thor's clothes and the adventures necessitating such a development.) Rec: A great Thor character piece. A heavy emphasis on Thor + the team which I love. Runs you through the full gamut of emotions in the best way. | 10k
How to Quantify by Rozilla: It turns out Jane has a personal top ten list of favourite equations - and a nice expanse of hot Norse God to write them on. Rec: Super sweet and also contains the phrase ‘who said science never got you laid’ so. Yep. | 2k
this new bravery by hoosierbitch: For alfadorisawesome, who requested Thor/Jane “about to hook up with someone who doesn’t know.” This is my favorite piece so far. <3 Rec: Incredibly well done Trans Jane Foster. I am such a sucker for open lines of communication between partners, and that’s exactly what this is. Thor is incredibly sweet, and this story establishes his very nonbinary opinions on gender which I LOVE, but he still makes an effort to understand Jane’s experience. I love this fic so much. | 1k
The Hammer and the Ice by grav_ity: In the course of her short and mortal life, the heart of Jane Foster has been twice touched by the sons of Asgard. Rec: I adore AUs where Jane was in the Avengers. This is a short flashfic, but really lovely. | 1k
A Royal Wedding by MissChrisDaae and Science_Thunder_Lightning_Love: After three years, ten months, an alien invasion, a cosmic event, and a baby, Thor and Jane finally make it to the altar. Rec: Ridiculously cute fluffies. | 7.5k | Part of the Convergence series
The Thunder God Job by fuzzy_paint: Jane and Thor are thieves. Rec: Oh lawd, the AU I never knew I needed. Beautiful characterization with a rich world they’re placed in. I only wish it was 200 chapters. | 16.2k
there was a star danced by tosca1390: This is the familiar rhythm of her days; the coffee shop until one pm, five days a week, then class and the lab, then home or the library. Here, in her last year with a future dark ahead of her, she doesn’t see anything to change her ways. Jane and Thor, meeting at a coffee shop. Rec: College/Coffee Shop AU. Bless the AU gods. Sly little Shakespeare references. Thor and Jane being cute, sweet idiots. | 6.2k
Proximity Alarm by fayedartmouth: Thor comes back to Earth. Jane thinks it’s great. Except all the times it isn’t. Rec: It’s a great writing style. Jane and Thor are awkward, adorable, and passionate in a realistic way. Them navigating how to be together is a challenge that not all authors can rise to, so this is a great piece. So much yes. | 13.7
Never So Empty by iwillavengeyou: Thor has traveled the nine realms and seen many things in his centuries of godhood. What could possibly make everything seem so empty? Rec: Wow, just no. This hurts. This is not cool. Ow. Ow. Transcends angst and ends up somewhere much worse. Read if you’re into self-flagellation or are making a reclist. I literally yelled “Wow rude” at the conclusion of this fic. Major Character Death | 1.5k
An Ancient Gesture by Niobium: Jane and Thor come up with a tradition for dealing with situations where a social function gets to be a little too much for either of them. Rec: Super smiley, stomach flutter inducing fic. Fluff upon fluff, but also Asgard culture/worldbuilding! Yay! | 2.8k
Five Times Jane Kinda Sorta Accidentally Slept With An Avenger, The One Time She Didn’t, And the Many (Many) Times It Wasn’t Even a Little Accidental by shinyopals: Some people collect Avengers trading cards. Some collect action figures. Jane Foster, almost entirely without meaning to, has them all beat. Rec: If you’re not convinced by that title and summary, I’m not sure I can help you. Hilarious, in character, and kinda cute. | 9.3k
Well Remembered by Rozilla: Jane’s met Tony Stark before. Rec: Cracky and hilarious. | 1.1k
you may end up wanting more from this life by tosca1390: Everything is cold where it was once warm, and Jane is at a loss. Rec: Not sure why I haven’t put this beautiful thing on here yet. Deals with their separation, and a great character study of Jane. Angsty. | 1.6k
The Hearts of Stars and Thunder by MissChrisDaae, Science_Thunder_Lightning_Love: Rec: A Snow White and the Huntsman/Thor fusion. Really great use of characters, and all of the medieval battles and fosterson abound. | 7.7k
You Get One Phone Call by MissChrisDaae: Following the Battle of Manhattan, Jane gets a phone call. Rec: Post-battle strain, but then suddenly fosterson cuteness hits you like a wrecking ball. | <1k
Abs of Thunder by Unknownnobody32: During a flight on-board Stark’s jet, Jane learns how turbulence, pasta sauce, her Thunder god boyfriend, and his rock hard abs can soon become a recipe for embarrassment all thanks to bad timing. Rec: Takes washboard abs to another level. God, this is just too funny. | 2.1k
London, underground by Maybug: Clint Barton meets some familiar faces and has a very bad day hunting the jotunbeast left behind in London after the convergence. Rec: an awesome outside POV on fosterson, plus badass science Jane and her science assistant Thor, and awesome Clint. | 2.6k | Part of the Fosterson Files series
We have loved the stars to fondly by Maybug: Jane and Thor are up to something on the roof of the Tower. Tony thinks he knows what it is, but doesn’t see why he should be the one to tell them to stop. Rec: Outside POV of fosterson. Basically Thor does cute/dangerous things for Jane’s happiness. | 1.8k | Part of the Fosterson Files series
change places by coffeesuperhero: Jane and Thor get in the way of a Stark experiment. This goes about as well as you might expect. Rec: Body swap madness. So many cute moments though, plus some implied sexytimes with swapped bodies “for science.” So much yes. | 3.1k
Slowly, We Adjust by katsumi: Jane Foster leaves the lab on Friday exhausted, overworked, and petrified that she won’t get the grant proposal for her wormhole experiment finished in time to get funding. So, of course she gets rear-ended, because that’s just the kind of week she’s having. Rec: Protective/Worried Thor is best Thor. Reassuring Jane is best Jane. So much angst/cute. | 1.4k
Put a Ring on It by fuzzy_paint: Jane makes Thor a wedding ring. Rec: What it says on the tin. | 3.9k
The Pretty Birds Have Flown by beanarie: "Jane never pukes, not when she first wakes up, not at any other time of day. She has a cast-iron stomach and wicked stable inner ears, and morning sickness doesn’t stand a chance.“ The one where Thor knocked Jane up that night they chilled on the roof, and offscreen Frigga swore Heimdall to secrecy in the interest of protecting everyone involved. The All-Father’s house has a lot of enemies, okay. Rec: Heartbreaking, fluffy, and feelsy. Batten down the emotional hatches. | 2.2k
Jane Foster and the Impossible Library by Niobium: Jane, Darcy, and Thor find a peculiar library, and their afternoon takes a turn for the bizarre. Rec: This one’s wild from start to finish (I say that lovingly), but as always, Niobium delivers on fantastic characterizations. Not super-duper shippy, but so worth the read. | 12.4k | Part of the Jane Foster Works series
Northern Climes by Tyranusfan: Six months after the Avengers saved New York from the Chitauri invasion, Thor must convince Odin to return him to Earth. Rec: Jane and Thor doing cutesy couple-y things. The author captures well the eager awkwardness of a new couple while remaining true to their characters and story. | 4.3k
nowhere to go but up by anthropologicalhands: It is not uncomfortable, waking up with Thor’s arm draped over her waist, their legs entangled under the sheets. It is inconvenient when she wants to get out of bed or, at the very least, look over last night’s data. Rec: So very fluffy it makes me want to roll in it. Adorably domestic, too. Jane at her scienceing finest. | 2.3k
Late Night Waiting by hariboo: Jane didn’t often get home late. Rec: A very sweet and simple Jane/Thor that makes their relationship seem very grounded and real. Also, it is so sweet it makes my teeth hurt, and then I just want more. | 2.1k
Uru by sheffiesharpe: Thor cannot look after Jane, no matter how he wants to. Hogun offers a solution. Puente Antiguo receives another unexpected visitor. Rec: The author makes a really strange concept work brilliantly. Jane and Thor’s pining is frustrating and well-written, and the writing sizzles with unresolved sexual tension. | 6k
Star-Crossed by websandwhiskers: A vignette taking place during "Avengers”, after shawarma, before Thor returns to Asgard with Loki. Thor and Jane have their reunion, and discuss their future. Rec: Jane is an awesome person, and Thor respects the hell out of her. One of the best portrayals of Jane Foster that I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. | 1.7k
The Morning After by fuzzy_paint: "I can’t believe we’re doing this,“ Jane says. "Can you believe we’re doing this?" Rec: Even without much in way of dialogue, Jane and Thor’s devotion is plain. We get a little view of domestics, too. | 1.7k
The Observable Universe by Sarea Okelani (sarea): As an astrophysicist, Jane studies the observable universe for work, but in her free time what she likes to study is a bit closer to home. (Or: Jane has a low tolerance for stupidity. Clint and Natasha take exception to being called stupid.) Rec: Not a ton of overt Jane/Thor, and is mostly an outsider POV on Clint/Natasha, but there is lots of team shenanigans and there is definitely a lot of affection for Thor from Jane’s POV. | 10k
Deal by GreenVelvetCurtains: Jane introduces Thor to the great Midgardian tradition of being made to remove your clothing when you lose a hand of poker. Everybody wins! Rec: I got a huge kick out of this one. Toeing the line of becoming crackfic. Oh, how I wish there was a smutty follow up. | 2k
Before the Fall by verily-thor: Jane helps Thor prepare for Ragnarök. Rec: Oh god, if you’re in the mood for some sadness, come on in here. Tragic without being grotesque, stripping it down to the bare emotions, and two people who love each other more than anything. | <1k
top gun is not a movie; it’s a lifestyle by hariboo: jane and thor got that loving feeling. Rec: an AU that is reminiscent of Top Gun, which is a fab movie. Awesome Jane, and adorable Thor. | 2k
A Brief Introduction to Asgardian Dinner Parties by jonesandashes and pentapus:  This is the first Earth-Asgard bonding opportunity since that time Loki punched interstellar relations in the face, twice, and the king and queen of Asgard are here, and they are her boyfriend’s parents. Jane is absolutely not going to get drunk at this party, is the point. Rec: This fic makes you smile, then laugh, then cringe, then do it all over again. | 4.5k
Destiny, Disrupted by me: Loki never sends the Destroyer to Midgard. Rec: Because it wouldn’t be a true reclist without a self-plug. | 3.5k
Rated M (these won’t contain the smuts unless otherwise noted)
**The Teardrop by igi_pigi: Post-Infinity War reunion of Thor and Jane. Forewarning - heavy angst. [Set right after the movie] Rec: Angst, melodrama, and desperation ahoy. Contains some smut | 4.2k
all the best distractions by fuzzypaint: They've found a rhythm when they share Jane's lab, Jane with her science and Thor with his own work, and though it is easy to be distracted by each other, usually they're both very capable of avoiding such things. Usually. Rec: Cunniligus in the lab ;) | Contains smut | 1.8k
Patience and Poker by Rozilla: Jane and Thor sneak off from one of Stark's parties for a quiet chat. Nope, just kidding, hot tub sex. Snarky hot tub sex. Best kind. Rec: What it says on the tin and it’s delightful. | Contains smut | 4k
A Deal with the Duke: An Epilogue by hariboo: Thursdays were busy days around the house, but today was the first day of winter much. Thankfully, the skies were clear, without a hint of storm, but the wind was sharp and bit into his cheeks. He was looking forward to a warm meal and seeing his wife, curling around her in bed for rest of the evening. Rec: Historical romance AU. A nice slice of life bit. Contains minor smut | 2.8k
Ray of Light by evieeden: To Thor, Jane shone brighter than any star in the sky. Advent fic for 18th December. Rec: A sweet, introspective fic from Thor’s POV. | 1.5k
just memories to hold by tosca1390: When the dust and light and smoke clears, the roof of Stark Tower is still intact. Jane can still feel the surge of power in her fingertips, thinks she could hear the songs of Asgard, feel the chill of Jotenheim, as the bridge built itself through Yggdrasil, Thor calling her name across realms. And then, a shadow falls over Jane. Rec: A really, really great post-Avengers reunion fic. Contains some smut | 3.6k
set with the stars by hariboo: jane tries to teach thor earth’s stars. tries, being the operative word. Rec: Jane and Thor getting distracted by each others’ sexy is my favorite thing. Contains some smut | 1.5k
It Could Be Sweet by hariboo: Jane and Thor traverse their last year of high-school. However, they didn’t expect it to be together. Rec: I am not a big fan of high school AUs, but if they float your boat, this is definitely worthwhile. Contains some smut | 7.8k | Part of Let’s Be Young Forever series
Thunder Whispered Low by Niobium: Rec: I love it when Thor talks about his magic, and the bridge that makes between him and Jane. Contains minor smut | 1.5k
Specularity by Niobium: Jane’s bad day improves significantly with a little reflection. Rec: A great slice of life fic, really, really nice interactions. Contains very minor smut | 3k | Part of the Jane Foster Works series
My Blood is Singing by Niobium: Sometimes Thor pushes a storm a little too far. And, sometimes, the storm pushes back. Rec: Jane and Thor at their domestic finest, with some internal angst and the simple comfort found with another person. Contains smut | 2.9k
All my faces are alibis by agirlnamedchuck: Thor is strong and stubborn and she thinks she could be a good king. Maybe even a great one. Besides she’d never seen herself as queen anyways. Rec: Genderswapped Thor. Fosterson is minimal, but amazing insights into Thor’s character. | 6.5k
Leaving On An Airship by Rozilla: To escape to a better life, Jane Foster, maid to a cruel villainous Baron, must leave her lover and disguise herself. But not before one last goodbye. Rec: *cartwheels into the sun* FOSTERSON STEAMPUNK WITH SMUT AND FEELINGS OH GOD SEND HELP. Contains some smut | 2.6k
Unrememberance by letthesongtakeflight: Before he became the Huntsman, he was a prince. Rec: Marvel/Snow White and the Huntsman fusion. Prequel of sorts to SWatH. Angst on angst. Major character death | 1.2k
steal my heart 'til kingdom come by tosca1390: Her eyes stray over reading upon reading; she thinks she can taste the tang of energy and ozone even now, and that strange sense of pine and smoke that she associates with Thor. Rec: AU post-Avengers where Thor goes to visit Jane who has remained in New Mexico. Yay for a great collision of two characters who absolutely did not prepare for any of this. Contains some smut | 2.1k
fingerprints that leave me covered for days by tosca1390: It is not all lost, to be stranded here. Perhaps, he could make something of it. Rec: Another AU in which Thor is on Earth longer in the first movie. Great development for Thor, and the relationship he has with Jane feels very real. | 5.5k
journeys end in lovers’ meeting by tosca1390: Solitary moments in snow; it sounds conducive to rest, to a time of rejuvenation before her research resumes. Rec: A really cute AU based on the movie The Holiday (which I’ve never seen before). Just adorable holiday fluff wherein Thor is human. Contains some smut | 19k
Bound by Medie: It was ironic that his and Loki’s greatest mistakes had led to her. Rec: Some tame bondage featuring dom!Jane. Contains smut | 1.1k
Rated E (these will contain the smuts unless otherwise noted)
**Ambush by orphan_account: Jane isn't into violence, but there's something about those SHIELD debriefings, something primal and raw about hearing how the bad guys got their asses handed to them by the good guys, something that inspires her to act on instinct alone. Rec: If you’ve got a thing for Thor’s armor.... mmmhmmm. | 1.1k
Is This More than You Bargained for Yet by Anshin Archives: Thor and Jane's first go at sex. Jane's expecting Thor to have a cock, and is surprised when he doesn't. It doesn't take her long to adjust. (Pure porn for the excuse of writing Thor with a vagina.) Rec: Genderfluidity and completely accepted queerness for the win. | 2.5k
When Jane Pegged Thor by waldorph: They raise them slutty in Asgard. Rec: What it says on the tin. Pretty damn hot if pegging is up your alley ;). | 1.4k
Practical Magic by Rozilla: Freya’s flowers can do funny things to you. Rec: Roz is the queen of smut so this is amazing. Kind of a play on sex pollen, but takes it in a totally new, refreshing direction. Asgardian sex magic for the win. | 2.8k
built on the old rivers by fartherfaster: You catch her wrist and delicately kiss the bone of it. “Nothing to be sorry for,” you tell her. She composes her reality in absolutes and theories and the true phenomenal names of things. Colloquial language is not her means of communication. You like her hard lines, her curiosity, her determination. Jane would never call Mjolnir just a hammer, and that puts a small, needy part of you to rest. There is a storm in the desert, and Thor comes to terms with all of his changes. The one where human-Thor has Lichtenberg figures. Rec: Incredibly poignant and the author makes a second-person POV work incredibly well. | 3.3k
Tell Me Something New by hariboo: "Compile the data of the reading we took during Convergence. The gravitational–“ She trails off, can’t finish the sentence out loud or in her mind, her voice catching on the words as Thor’s mouth latches onto her throat. Rec: Cute and hot and perfect because smart Jane is Thor’s biggest turn on. | 1.5k
On the Throne by murdur: His insistence that she should sit on the throne had been in jest and merriment, but the sight of her sitting upon the seat now makes his heart beat quick and steals his breath. Rec: Oh my god, Thor goes down on Jane while she sits on the throne of Asgard. I have nothing else to say. *dies* | <1k
Experience Counts for Something by Rozilla: Jane was surprised at Thor’s new female body- but pretty keen to explore it. Rec: Bisexual Jane and Genderfluid Thor are great. Some hot femslash fosterson. | 2.3k
Just Get In The Van by paxnirvana: Written for a prompt on Anenko’s Bad Sex & Awkward Romance: a comment-a-thon that got away from me. Rec: All first time sex is gonna be awkward, friends, even if you’re Jane and Thor. Might as well enjoy the ride. | 6.3k
close your eyes and count to ten by fuzzy_paint: Post battle, Jane and Thor make sure the other still lives. Rec: Reassurance of safety sex is hot. Sue me. Still manages to be angsty too. | 2.4k
We Woke Up In The Kitchen by hariboo: He didn’t think he could miss someone as he missed her, but there is something singular in Jane that pulls at him and threatens to overtake him. Rec: post-TDW sexies that are adorable and awkward and hot all at once, plus some really nice conversation at the end. This author just really gets Jane and Thor in a way that is always awesome to read. | 3.7k
A Helping Hand by fuzzy_paint: Jane can’t sleep. Thor has a solution. Rec: Some nice, cute sleepy!smut to help Jane to relax and stop thinking. | 1.5k
The Scientific Method by Serious Snugglebunnies: Thor is much too honourable to have meaningless sex with Jane - but will he do it for the sake of science? Rec: Cracky, hilarious, and hot. | 3.3k
A Thorny Situation by GreenVelvetCurtains: Jane has a problem and she’s not afraid to try and solve it. Rec: A hot fantasizing/masturbation piece starring the lovely Jane Foster. | 2.7k
Detours by ancarett: Life is a highway. Jane takes Thor on the detours. Missing moments from the movie. Rec: Some mildly awkward sex which is actually kind of adorable and works out for everyone in the end. Not my favorite smut ever, but worth a read. | 3.9k
Say It’s Okay by theleaveswant: Darcy gave her a sympathetic pout and walked around the table to put both hands on Jane’s upper arms. “Okay. Honey? I know this isn’t your preferred way of handling things, but it looks like you’re going to have to talk with him.” Rec: Big premium on 'consent is sexy.’ Jane teaches Thor how to pleasure her. Not my favorite smut, but worth a read. | 2.1k
Accretion by RC_McLachlan: "You are burning inside,” Thor whines, rolling his hips again, and she rides it out helplessly, eyes rolling back, lungs cramping with envy for air. “Like a star." Rec: A seriously hot look at the simple difference in size between Jane and Thor. | 1.6
Salt On Your Lips by Barkour: The strawberry daiquiri is indeed a drink worthy of adulation, but Thor prefers the taste of Jane Foster. Rec: For it’s sense of fun that comes with the sex, and the pure happiness of two people who simply enjoy being in each other’s company. | 2k
Good Morning by me: Jane wakes up with Thor between her legs.My addition to Fosterson Week’s smut day. Rec: Because it wouldn’t be a true reclist without a self-plug. | 2k
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by me: Jane and Thor do Christmas. (Finally.) Tis the season for holiday smut. Rec: Because it wouldn’t be a true reclist without a self-plug. | 5.4k
Your Highness by me: Jane wants something in bed and Thor is more than happy to oblige. For the first day of Fosterson Week, post-TDW. Rec: It’s not a true reclist without a self plug. | 6k
Not Your Average Star Trek Fanfiction by me: After several years of unresolved sexual tension, Jane and Thor are in quite a rush to rectify the situation. Takes place immediately following TDW. Rec: Because it wouldn’t be a true reclist without a self-plug. | 3.7k
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ya-boi-is-spaced · 4 years
Klance fic ideas: Cinderella AU
Okay so this has probably been done before but I had some ideas. This is more loosely based around Cinderella and I love it so here goes:
Keith is the dumb prince duh
Keith is complaining to Pidge, his butler, about not finding any of his marriage offers attractive
Side note: just like in the show Pidge is a girl who pretends to be a dude to sneak into the garrison, or in this case, the castle. She snuck in bc Matt is a knight and he's also kindof a dumbass so she wants to look out for him
Pidge is heckin smart obviously and asks: "Hey what about dudes?"
Keith is dumbstruck. He'd never thought about it before.
Then he thinks about it.
"My dear friend, I have reason to believe you might like dudes."
Keith's a blushing mess but looks at Pidge and says: "I think... I think you may be right..."
K: "What do I do?! How am I ever going to meet the right guy if I can only ever be seen flirting with chicks?!"
Thus is born the Ball.
P: "Throw a bigass Ball for the whole kingdom and sneak away with a hot guy who's also into guys. Simple."
K: "NOT SIMPLE!! ....but you may be onto something..."
So they plan to throw a Ball and invite the whole kingdom.
They obviously tell Shiro, because Shiro is awesome and also a raging homosexual.
Poor Shiro's in the same boat
He is definitely NOT smitten with his butler Adam. Who also happens to be a badass knight.
He's 100% on board and they convince their parents to let them host a Ball so they can get to know their citizens and form a good relationship with their kingdom.
Krolia and Texas agree, because obviously Texas was just gonna go with whatever his badass amazing wife Queen said, and she's awesome so she said yes, so then they get to planning and it's awesome.
More on Texas and Krolia: Texas is born into the royal family, Krolia was a general in their army. Texas fell in love with Krolia, and thankfully she returned his feelings bc he was absolutely head over heels for this wonderful woman. She might have also been very smitten with the big hearted young prince. They got married and had Shiro then Keith. They're very good to their people and Texas has always had a great relationship with his kingdom. He loves and cares for all of them very much. He does his best to assure everyone is employed, housed, fed, and doing well in general. He spends a lot of his spare time in the villages helping his people. Krolia allows this because she's always been better at handling diplomatic things, so it's a win-win for the both of them and they're both very happy with their jobs. It's a very good kingdom bc I said rights for the royals and they made good decisions for their people.
Keith, Pidge, and Shiro decide on a masquerade ball so that it'll be easier for them to sneak away.
The plan is set and they begin preparations.
Shiro decides he's finally going to confess his love to Adam at the ball once they can slip away from the crowd.
Pidge, having lived in the village nearby, had some connections to the common folk and can make her special preparations under the radar of the castle's staff
Coran, Allura, and Hunk are witches in the same coven as Pidge, so that's exactly who she goes to for advice.
Coran & Allura's backstory: Coran is an eccentric older Man who was secretly the lover of Alfor, a witch and healer in the village. Allura is Alfor's daughter. Coran is the only parent she's ever known because her mother died in childbirth (which is why Alfor began practicing witchcraft and healing, so that no one else had to share his pain of losing someone to misfortune) and Alfor was hanged for witchcraft when Allura was too young to remember him. Coran, being Allura's godfather and therefore next of kin, adopted her and claimed to know nothing of Alfor's participation with witchcraft. He raised her and taught her about magic and the good it can bring and to stay away from the dark magic.
Pidge decides to make Keith a good luck charm to ease his nerves about the whole ordeal.
Hunk decides he's going to do the same thing for his closest friend, who is excited and nervous about attending the ball.
Can you guess who that is? Let's backtrack for a minute.
Lance is a peasant and lives with his bigass family who love him very much. They're all tailors.
But he's a closeted raging bisexual who happens to love dresses and makeup and men just as much as the next maiden
He can't always show his love of fashion, which sucks.
His mother knows her son's vanity well, and buys him a pair of simple silver earrings for his birthday about two years ago
It's his favorite thing that he owns and he hasn't taken them off since his mother pieced his ears for him on his 17th birthday
He's ecstatic when his family receives the invitation letter.
It states that all members of the household are welcome and encouraged to attend the Royal Masquerade Ball hosted by the Princes. The Queen and King will be in attendance as well, and the royal family is beyond ecstatic to welcome the kingdom into their home for a night of dancing and fun.
Hell yeah, Lance loves dressing up and dancing and fun
Lance also lo- ADMIRES- ahem. Yes. Admires the younger prince very much.
He's quiet and kindof mysterious and broody, but something about that just does it for Lance
Lance is determined to capture the prince's attention. He's had his fair share of crushes, but he's never felt his heartstrings pulled like he does when it comes to Prince Keith.
Lance assumes Prince Keith is probably straight (thank you, heteronormativity) and decides to go to Hunk for help with his crazy idea.
Hunk loves and supports Lance, even when he's being crazy, and goes along with it.
And Hunk is a witch. So he's gonna work his magic on Lance.
In preparation for the ball, Hunk and Lance spend hours practicing the spell and getting Lance's measurements right.
Hunk (and his family and his lovely girlfriend Shay) is one of the caterers for the event.
There's no way the royal chefs would be able to prepare that much food, so a bunch of chefs from the kingdom stepped up to help
Lance's whole family is booked making outfits for other villagers too. Of course they save time to make their own outfits as well.
Lance has always loved being the center of attention so his outfit, his hair, everything has to be perfect.
Hunk agrees that his best friend is going to outshine even the royal family
He's so proud of his bestie and so happy to help him like how Lance helped him with Shay (long story short, Lance is the best wingman ever) and Hunk wants to return the favor)
Lance makes himself a gorgeous blue tux for Hunk to enchant so he looks equally as stunning when the magic inevitably wears off.
Remember that good luck charm mentioned earlier? Hunk decides to give Lance luck from head to toe, so he gifts Lance with a silver hairpiece encrusted with sapphires to match prized silver earrings, and heels made of Opal.
Lance is awestruck and cries to Hunk about how he's the best man in the whole world ("I'd marry you myself if I could, Hunk. Seriously, Shay might just have to share." XD)
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echos-orchard · 3 years
For the short story game!
Being yourself
Tired of everything
A young man loves Opal, but she doesn't return those feelings
Victorian era
Beach house
Doesn't have to be historically accurate :)
Hope you have a nice time
With The Waves
Sorry it took so long to get to you, it’s been a wacky few weeks. Hope you enjoy!
It was a warm summer evening- the sky shining a bright, brilliant orange; the sound of the oceans waves echoing through the halls; truly peaceful and beautiful, an incredible end of the day...for most.
Opal wished she could have gone outside to socialize with the other girls in town, or to sew in a small boat, gently drifting along with the waves, but instead, she was preparing for her upcoming wedding. She was to be married in two days time to a man she had never before met. Opal would be whisked away from her home by the ocean, from the town she loved, from the friends she cherished.
She had been so lost in her own depressing thoughts that she was genuinely surprised when her maid Gwendolyn tugged on the strings of her corset, the cloth tightening around her waist. A sharp gasp left Opal’s lips, Gwendolyn scoffed, the wrinkles on her face deepening alongside her frown. Gwendolyn was an old maid of the house, she had taken care of Opal from the time she was a small child...though she tended to be a heartless and cruel woman, except for times when Opal’s father was around.
“Daydreaming again? A young woman shouldn’t have her head up in the clouds, she should be prim, and proper, and focused. You are getting married in two days, and yet you still act like such a child, hell, sometimes you act like an absolutely uncivilized heathen, blah blah blah,”
Opal could care less about another of Gwendolyn’s scoldings, the woman was practically a church bell. As she slipped on her dark blue gown atop her petticoat, she glanced at herself in the mirror, sad gray eyes staring back. Her wavy dark chestnut hair cascading down, stopping at the small of her back; her tanned skin, fair and flawless. Opal smiled gently, apologizing for acting so childish, before walking out of her room. 
Her navy heels clicked upon the wooden floor, hair bouncing gently behind her, she was the perfect picture of elegance and grace at first glance. Looks however can be oh so very deceiving, no one knew who she really was, nor had anyone ever taken the time to get to know her, the real her. Hell, she barely knew who she was, her only moments of freedom were when she would run away from home for a few hours, but when she returned she would be scolded and sent to bed without dinner, or have her wrists slapped, or something of the sort.
Standing in the hallway, Opal could hear the blaring orchestra playing below. She let out a deep sigh; tonight, at this dull dinner party, she would meet her suitor. Her father had planned this whole thing to celebrate, she could only imagine how many people were behind the door a few feet away. Opal really did not want to take another step, her heart anxiously pitter pattering in her chest. She wanted to run far, far away, or at least up to her room so she could sleep for the next century.
Opal took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the butterflies in her stomach, as she slowly opened the large wooden door into the parlor. 
...It was bright…
...so incredibly bright, her eyes hurt…
...but after a moment…
...everything was okay.
Opal smiled as her vision cleared, gracefully stepping into the vibrant parlor full of guests. She greeted a few as she made her way elegantly across the room, avoiding dancers and dodging waiters. Her father stood tall in the distance, talking to a young man whose red hair resembled that of a raging fire. His eyes, a soft amber, and his stance strong and unparalleled. It was him.
Upon catching sight of her, Opal’s father smiled and beckoned her over, to which she begrudgingly continued forward. Her father introduced the man to her- Mateo, as he pressed his lips to the back of her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my beloved Opal…”
Opal cringed, many would have thought this to be sweet, but Opal was just not here for it. She smiled politely back, as her father called for everyone to proceed to the dining room. Sitting across from her spouse, she felt more nervous than she had ever felt in her life. He just stared at her- almost judgmentally, making remarks about her lacking in beauty or her terrible posture. He criticized the way she ate, how much she ate, commented on her weight and makeup. By the end of dinner, Opal came to the oh so stunning realization that her fiance was an absolute prick. 
“I’m sure you will make a wonderful mother in the near future, hopefully our children get their looks from my side of the family” 
Her fiance joked, Opal’s father howled in laughter as Opal excused herself from the dining table, rushing out into the cold night. It was quite soothing, the cold breeze on her shoulders, the ocean waves hitting against the cliffs. She wished she could stay here in this moment forever, to keep her freedom and not marry Mateo the dick of the century. Tears began to overflow, as she let out a quiet, strained sob.
“Excuse me, miss?” a timid voice questioned from behind.
Opal gasped, turning quickly and locking eyes with...the flower girl? She had been tending to her family’s gardens for months now, but they had never spoken before. The girl approached, pulling Opal into a gentle hug.
“What's the matter, miss?” asked the flower girl, as Opal sobbed in her delicate arms. Opal could no longer keep it in, and let her words fly. She cried about her father, and Gwendolyn, and Mateo; she cried about the want to be happy and be free; she cried for her mother, and her friends, and for herself for being so pitiful as to cry in a stranger's arms on the night of her engagement party. The flower girl listened, in comfortable silence, holding Opal close to her heart. “I just wish I could be free, I wish I could be...me?” Opal cried.
The flower girl moved, and wiped Opals tears away, a soft smile replacing her previously concerned frown. “Let me take you away Opal, lets be free”
Opal sat in shock, she had no reason to trust this strange girl, would she really leave her life behind because of some selfish desire, leave her father and have him  be disappointed? Would he even look for her? And yet...she couldn't say no as the flower girl stared at her with the love and warmth Opal had always craved.
The flower girl held her hand, as they walked down the beach closer to the water, her deep green eyes were so enchanting, Opal couldn’t look away. It was almost as if she were under a spell, trapping her in the flower girl’s gaze. The flower girl began to hum a beautiful melody, something almost trance inducing, as Opal followed her deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Ridikulus Pt 17
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“Thank you,” you said to the Lord and King following you who stopped at the edge of the Black Lake surrounding the Hogwarts grounds.
Thranduil, “For what?”
“For not being afraid of us.”
Glorfindel, “We have nothing to gain in fearing you. Together we could find peace for all of us.”
“I have to ask, you will raise our orphans to-,”
Thranduil’s hand claimed yours drawing your eyes to his, “We will raise your young to know our culture and yours. Already we have had requests from the fostering families to aid in learning Westron. Spoken and written. Estel has shared a few of your stories already. There is so much we have to learn from one another.”
Glorfindel, “We will not erase your culture. It is how we have survived, all of us keep our old lives and home alive in our hearts. Their pasts will not be forgotten.”
“Thank you.” In a turn a bridge of ice formed across the ice when the King released your hand. “Should I wait on suggesting Celeborn housing his girl until after Galadriel has chosen her path?”
Glorfindel, “When she consults the Valar they claim separate quarters. Celeborn’s watch over her will not be disturbed if that is your concern.”
“I just don’t want her to get attached to Galadriel then lose her too.”
Glorfindel, “I doubt Galadriel will disturb them at all.”
Thranduil, “It is not uncommon. Celeborn has taken infants before he raised alone.”
“Were they forced to marry or is she just that cold?”
Thranduil, “Her ring, Nenya, it is a hefty weight to wield a ring of power. A weight that has changed her greatly in the centuries wearing it. She is born of the line of Feanor.”
“Ooh, bet Elrond loves hearing that.” The comment made the men smirk beside you.
Glorfindel, “It is not a matter of joy. He found peace after pain with his captors, but by Celebrian’s birth the blood of Feanor had changed by matter of mothering. In her case fathering by Celeborn, her namesake, who handled a hefty portion of her raising.”
“Is that uncommon?”
Thranduil, “No. Galadriel sought power, as many of her kin. Celeborn sought his child’s every happiness. It did bring up a question, if he could choose a name for the child as your father did for you. That is, if she might be greeted as his child publicly. As Dwalin was able to for Lulu.”
“Lulu apparently is short for Melody in Khuzdul. Celeborn can always choose a nickname for her, though for the official adoption and to permanently change her name on our documents that would have to wait for the full process to complete. Has he chosen a name?”
Thranduil, “Tindoome, Starry Twilight.”
“That is adorable. Can’t argue with having a star based name.”
Glorfindel smiled to himself, “Ember is a lovely name as well, only, he feels she is more of a silvery light than the end of a flame.”
“He doesn’t have to explain it to me. He can choose what he likes to call her. He is wanting to adopt her.”
Thranduil, “That will lighten his day greatly when he has to hand her over. Having the treasured task to record the name on his family line.”
To finish his nursery properly Celeborn had asked to wait another week before bringing his little girl home and along with the others he returned home buzzing with excitement just like the other Elves about their little ones while the Dwarves were glad to see a few more children timidly claiming a possible family to talk with for the day. Dinner was shadowed by another visit to the little girl supervised by Regulus allowing you to sleep. It was a weekend but tomorrow was a packed day. The final touches on your next film was set to be filmed and it would be an all day ordeal leaving Em to Regulus’ watch joining him and Lindir on a relaxing day in Rivendell.
Early breakfast for you came too early for the Lords to catch more than sight of you warming up your voice for the singing portion of your scenes at the piano. The instrument puzzling them but the mixture of your partial hum along to the tune stirred up a curious wonder as to what the final product would be. Though you were gone before they could speak to you and all the way to dinner you were gone, only to be joined at the meal by the Pears coming to spend time with Em and to meet Fin.
The presence of the children was cherished by each of them after a basic set of questions to learn more of the Lords, who seemed to be stunned at how formal the Pears were now speaking to them in the longer time conversing with them after the brief first meeting. Yet through it they could tell a great deal more of the family you were still getting used to, who all lit up hearing about your day of filming and stated fact that the next Sunday should finish it off after grinding out so much of what was left.
Halfway through however Barty came sliding into the room excitedly hugging and kissing Em saying, “This is not a drill. I will keep you posted.”
Regulus chuckled, “Good luck on your boy.”
Barty gave him a playful smirk, “It is statistically in my favor to have one boy at least out of the four.” A firm kiss on your cheek had you giggling to yourself as he said, “I wouldn’t have this without you, Love.” After a second kiss for Em he darted out saying, “Off to Mungo’s!”
Turning from the door your attentions turned to Em and Estel focusing on their block castle you were folding tiny flags for while the Lords stole glances at you to see what you might be feeling in the blatant change of subject by the Pears to distract from your ex-lover having kissed you and called you his Love.
After putting Em to bed however in the nursery now housing three with Fin in Em’s old crib you were found in the kitchen making a grilled cheese sandwich you would pair with cocoa to help you sleep through the brewing rainstorm. Thranduil and Glorfindel approached the counter separating you and the latter asked, “Miss Black,”
“Hmm?” You answered pressing the bread down into the sizzling pan.
Glorfindel, “Are you excited, about Barty’s children?”
Your eyes shifted to him in a curious half smirk, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Legolas popped up from behind his father having snuck in after them, “He is your former betrothed who just called you his Love and kissed you.”
Softly you giggled saying, “Oh,” you said moving the sandwich to the side, “Do you want some?” Curious nods to try and lengthen the questioning they accepted the offer and you grabbed more bread to start another to join your three. “There are so many ways to love someone. I do have love for Barty, however, we were never romantically in love. There is a deep seeded trust and affection there. When he found his wife I knew he loved her right away and once the danger was gone I publicly ended the fake engagement so he could be with her. I’m nervous for him, not upset at all. Besides, Love is a common nickname even for strangers in certain countries in our world. You have to add My to the front of it usually to deepen the meaning of it.”
Glorfindel, “The kiss would not upset his wife?”
In a sigh you caught his eye saying, “It was excitement. She knows I would never let it go past a kiss on the cheek. Not that he would ever try anything, unless he’s two bottles of rum in and we’re dancing. I think it has to do with the spinning.”
Thranduil, “That has happened before?”
“When we were together. Couple times after some rough nights.”
By the draining of your glasses news had arrived of the trio of girls and little boy for Barty after the confirmation that a c-section had been done just in time to ease her troublesome time in her final months. The Lords were far more impressed with the combination of food you had offered and went off home elated that you were contently off to your own bed and pleased with the news of Em’s siblings finally being here.
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“Now, who can tell me,” tap tap, the sound was heard followed by a click, for a moment you paused to glance at Opal on her perch by the window to spot the little bird squeezing through the crack Norberta made for it. In a hop it found a place on the bookshelf there and shivered casting droplets of rain from the growing drizzle outside watching you in your approach to it. “Which would be more powerful, a blocking spell or a counter curse for a blasting charm?”
Your eyes skimmed over the students with hands raised and you called a name hearing their answer in untying the little pouch laying across its belly you opened to find a note there. A helping of fruit was brought over by Opal to help the little bird recover its energy after having carried the note so far. A vote was given and for the rest of the class you went through each of their choices on which charms would be the most effective you would have them try out in the RoR the following day until you heard the bell and watched the children gather their things and hurry to their next classes.
Curiously you reached back onto the desk you were sitting on to read across the front, ‘Miss Black’.
Unfolding the flower like folded note carefully you read the note inside,
‘Miss Black,
I am due for an evening of long meetings and was wondering to know if you might take Tuo out in my stead? I know he would enjoy running with you again and this time I would have him dressed for you if you should wish. Unless you would prefer to manage that yourself again. I hope this letter finds you well and does not disturb your students or teaching.
Thranduil Oropherion, King of the Greater Greenwood.’
Shaking your head in the few moments you had to yourself you brought out another sheet of your firefly stationary you replied that it wouldn’t be any trouble and you could be over at five. Though you left it open for whatever would be convenient on the saddle topic. A sentence leaving the King wide eyed a moment at the indecisive moment and muttering to himself that it wasn’t about the trouble but a stolen moment with you before his meeting.
But of course that ended with Legolas smirking as he said, “Unless, it’s a test. To see if I am willing to steal a moment with her. A test of my wish to be in her company before her ride and my meeting. Well I will be there! And I will have him partially dressed to prolong the encounter. I will show her that I prize her company and will make the Council wait!” With a glance at Tauriel Legolas turned the page in his book he was pretending to read while his father walked out muttering about his robes and possibly changing.
Tauriel, “Sometimes I wonder if Miss Black is doing this on purpose or if the King is imagining it all.”
Legolas chuckled replying, “Hard to say, both are reasonable options.”
“Lord Elrond says Dwarves have reclaimed Erebor. The explosions we heard were from construction on Dale and he does not require aid from attacks.” Ecthellion read making Denethor huff.
Thengel shifting on his feet after a long walk from the stables after the longer ride here from Rohan at the call of the Steward, “What does King Thranduil say?”
Denethor, “We do not write to that Elf.”
Thengel sighed asking, “Let me guess, still sore that he does not follow your pie recipes?”
Denethor, “It is a matter of principle! We were born to our position and our people expect a certain-,”
Thengel nodded turning to the table of drinks in pitchers, “level of respect and decorum to meet your hoity toity standards when visiting another Kingdom. I know.” Grabbing a pitcher his eyes shifted to his cousins and Ted, the new face in town he had invited here to show them the white city they had claimed to have never seen now peering at the table of maps splayed out near them. “Why should it matter? King Thranduil is closer to Erebor than Lord Elrond is.”
Denethor, “It matters!”
Thengel smirked in swallowing his sip of his drink seeing Ted glare at Denethor in his move to scoop up the maps and put them away making the new comer go to slump back to his chair propping his chin in his palm. “Alright then. I will inspect the matter myself once we return.”
 Your final class was through and in a grumble you circled your head and passed through your doorway back home again letting the dragons roam free while you changed out of your dress and tights into jeans and a sweater. Boots were the last to be added and off to the King’s palace you went unable to shake the morning ride with Glorfindel. That single trip now stirring up reminders of the pair muddling with imaginings your brain was stirring up of just hauling off and kissing the pair of them to see if they were faking interest or just unknowingly giving off signals of interest.
Mint green robes hung around the King with a silver and orange wrap draped across the fence to the small walking pen for a pair of foals. The sound of your approaching steps made him turn and with even more red berries and golden leaves in his crown than yesterday you noticed he hadn’t dressed Tuo at all but was brushing the slightly irritated grunting Elk who all but smiled in your approach.
“Miss Black. I am a bit behind, though, how were your classes?”
Cleared throats and huffs from the line of trees eventually ended the in depth conversation the King had continued even at your noticing the group that had come to fetch him. Even Tuo seemed to be more impatient than ever after having been dressed for five minutes now after your help to do so trying not to distract the King from his meeting. Heavily Thranduil’s brows fell and he stated, “I will assist you up.” And in your turn you were gripped and raised up to the saddle you settled onto them watched him turn as Tuo began walking off to go storm his way over to the group now almost darting away.
In a shake of your head attention was shifted back to the Elk now beginning to pick up speed. Five minutes bled to ten and a shrill blur of a cry turned your head only to have Tuo rearing up and a blue blur crashing into your chest knocking you off his back with a panicked squeak. At once frigid water was sloshing around you in your apparent fall into a stream filled with tons of slick rocks you surfaced in only to come eye to eye with the now cockeyed peacock chirping at you. In a freezing pant you asked, “What did I do to have you attacking me?”
The bird didn’t answer merely turned around whacking you in the face with its tail using your body as a bridge to walk back to shore in your irritated huff. Onto your feet you stood seeing the bird fly off at Tuo’s loud bray right in his face. Regretfully his eyes met your lap seeing you stumble your way to shore casting the water off of you to dry yourself with a swish of your hand. “I apologize little Queenie.”
You shook your head, “Not your fault. Not sure how it’s mine,”
“I believe he might have taken you for a challenging male due to your bright hair.”
“Ah, well next time I’m turning him into a slug.” In a glance around you saw a propped up root and said, “Ah, that-,”
Tuo followed curiously then grinned to himself at your climb up onto the root he turned sideways at to help you back up onto his back, “There we are. You’re not hurt are you?”
In a shake of his head he replied, “Not at all, little Queenie.” He said starting to walk again to steadily build up his speed again while overhead in the roots an Elf on guard had already sent off word about the accident. The message making the King snap the pencil in his hand, unintentionally missing the second half of the message that you were fine, to leave the unanimously accepted concluded meeting that was sort of useless anyways over adjusting old trade routes for southern Greenwood. Not that they had the bodies able to pick up more trade routes or need to demand more supplies, it would merely be picking up old routes that would only mean to stretch patrols even thinner to use them. An endless conundrum.
A slowing of Tuo’s pace had you shifting on the saddle in his coming to a stop, “Tuo?” A sudden blur of mint dropping from above almost out of nowhere had your boot slip in a startled shriek as you started to slide off the left of tree saddle.
An arm looping around your side from the King now kneeling on the back of the Elk watching your wide yellow eyes matching your telling startled bright yellow curls pooling into your face kept you from falling. And the telling velvety voice filled with concern asked, “Miss Black,”
“Yes?!” You squeaked out in fearful agitation now knowing who had been the second culprit of falling out of the sky at you today.
“Are you-,” his eyes shifted to your rapidly rising and falling chest and helping you to brush back your hair over your back his fingers pressed to your thundering pulse exposed by the vein in your neck parting his lips. “I did not mean to frighten you.”
“So you just fall from the sky?!!” The crack in your voice stirred an upward twitch of the corners of his mouth he his as your eyes landed on his.
“I did not fall from the sky I jumped from the branches above.”
Tilting your head back you pointed up asking, “Those branches?” He nodded and you lowered your gaze to meet his, “Which are a good, let’s say seventy feet up?”
“Closer to 95” he said with a hint of pride on having nailed the landing from such a height only to say, “Ah, I see your point.” Hastily he wet his lips then stated, “It is, I heard word that you had fallen from Tuo. I wanted to check on you.”
“Technically I was knocked off Tuo.”
“By that raving peacock from Rivendell.”
His brows clenched, lowly gritting out, “I explicitly warned them to keep him away…”
“How did you even find me?”
“The trees.” Your brow inched up and he said, “The branches above are interwoven as are the roots below, if you know how you can find anyone in these woods.”
“And then drop in on them suddenly into a heart attack.”
“I had no intention-,”
“Of scaring me, yes.” After a scanning glance over your face in your sigh his ears twitched in your asking, “What about your meeting?”
“Oh, that was concluded. Not much to do when one thing depends on four more and we lack the essentials for even the first task to begin with on top of what we already bear.”
His eyes looked you over again as a grin split across your lips, “You used me.”
“I, pardon me?”
“You used me falling to get out of your meeting!”
His mouth opened and a blush began to form on his cheeks stirring your grin wider in his clear search for a fib, “There was no solving-,”
“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that.”
Suddenly he slid his feet outwards to be seated and reached around you to grip the reigns and turn you in one go, “Oh shush. I will show you something.”
In a mad dash he guided Tuo away into the distance using the speed as an excuse to hold an arm around you only for Lipte and Glorfindel to appear on your right with the latter calling out. “Are you injured Miss Black? I heard you had fallen.”
“Tackled more like. And I’m fine, thank you for not falling from the sky at me.”
Thranduil, “I did not-,”
“Excuse me, falling from a tree at me.” Making the King shake his head. “You didn’t skip out on a meeting to race here did you? This one’s missing a meeting to take me, where are we going?”
You asked in a glance back at him only for him to reply, “A surprise.”
Glorfindel chuckled to himself and replied, “No, I was not in a meeting. I was in conference with one of the other Lords.”
“Even better, now two groups of Lords will be upset with me.”
The pair of them said, “No one will be upset with you.”
Thranduil, “You were attacked-,”
Glorfindel, “Attacked?!”
“That peacock swooped at me-,”
Glorfindel let out an irritated grumble close to a growl making you smirk curiously as he said, “They were supposed to ensure he did not find the portals.”
Thranduil, “I have half a mind to make him into a hat.”
That made you nearly snort behind your hand trying to keep from giggling at the image making the pair glance at you. “Oh I doubt you have to be that extreme.”
Glorfindel, “That bird is a menace!”
Thranduil, “Exactly! Tried to destroy a tapestry from the Year of the Trees last time he snuck into my Kingdom.”
A trip to the rebuilt palace had you stunned but in showing you inside a former aviary and rare breed greenhouse had your lips parting at the climb up to a hidden ledge where you watched eruptions of golden rainbows of light over misty tops of trees coated with flocks of blue butterflies that shimmered under moonlight.
A yawn from you on the ride back again had the tea afterwards canceled and moved to another day to allow you to rest but the sudden hug you pulled the pair into through a soft thanks, albeit uncomfortable for the near cheek to cheek pair to be so close for the moment they had to rest their hands on your back. In a moment again though you were crossing the garden leaving the pair longingly staring at your back still partially leaning against one another’s sides. Yet in your vanishing a step between them was gained and discussions of what to do about the menace bird was brought up again to ensure for a safer ride for you the next time around.
For all the luck in managing to find relatives or family friends able and willing to form new households with the elder orphans a small group had become a difficult task to house. The teens no doubt were still housed in Hogwarts and settled in nicely for the next few months easing the troubles. But their younger siblings still in Muggle schooling and those even younger still in the rounds or guardians keeping them safe and entertained through their days of rotating groups of Elves, Dwarves and the Aurors and unemployed teens yet to find work.
The trouble had nothing to do with the children, sure the teens had been a bit rough on being re-homed at first. But in the planned future weekend supervised trips to the Elven lands and Erebor under their leader’s watches their moods lifted as even with a few language and culture barriers common interests were found weeding out a great number willing to house the children and teens that had bonded with them. For all the doubts you had the supposedly stubborn Dwarves were all too willing to follow the weekly check ins for the mandatory fostering probation period. As the Elves had mainly been claimed by the younger toddlers and infants they gladly took to setting up cots in their shared rooms to keep watch over their chosen kin through the nights with enamored smiles.
But a few snags were met of course, mainly in a group of children wishing to stay with their chosen Dwarf families, that were all too eager to house them in return, however relatives had been found for them and the case had to be monitored carefully. All instantly had agreed to allow the children where they felt more comfortable, mainly because the relatives worked in dangerous or demanding professions. With Aurors glad to add them to the mix of decided children in the fostering pool.
Thankfully the great number of willing Elves proudly accepted the terms as well and brought their gleeful bundles home finally, agreeing to keep the group play dates up so they could compare experiences and gain aid from the Witches and Wizards checking in on them for how to properly include their own culture with that of the Elves. Once again the sounds of children were heard through each Elven land with precautions being taken, enchanted barriers around bridges, steps and walkways under the aid of Witches to ensure the safety of their new little ones brightening the forests and mountain greatly.
All this easing the great weight of the task from the new Ministry, that could now focus on reinstating the apparating laws and restarting the Flue system to ease transportation again. The latest of Draco’s models had been voted as the best option for all leaving only the confirming of the design with the Dwarves and Elves before the Aurors would begin to form the final structure checks and clear what was in the way of the new structures.
Added to the lower half would be a small Muggle born city the schools for the younger students would be moved to after the Muggles had begun showing suspicion of their strange behaviors feeling far too similar to the trials that had initiated the split of your races again. Included in this would be the Dursleys, including Dudley, who found it hard to settle into the new ways and previously took you up on your offer of helping you and the twins out in your shop. A decision also easing Petunia and Vernon into learning more about your world they had been so vehemently against while Harry was in his early days and making the distance between Vernon and Arthur Weasley shorter by a great deal aiding their new found friendship.
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@long-cosmos-overhead​, @partoftheminfamily​, @alishlieb​
Pt 18
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jiggly-rough · 4 years
I started this story a few months ago & honestly don’t know how to finish, so I’m just going to keep writing until that happens.
  My name is Tanya. I’m a 20-year-old college student trying to make something of myself. I go to the local university because leaving my family right now, even if it is for my education, is just not an option for me. I’m majoring in business and communications is my minor. Now with finals coming up, me and my friends decided to plan a little getaway over the break. Nothing to crazy, just something to help us unwind & take our minds off of things for a minute. We wanted to do something different, get out of our comfort zone a little bit so we decided to go stay in a cabin in the woods. You don’t even have to say it, we already know. It actually turned out being super cliché & corny. But I’m sure we’ll all have a good time. It’s going to me, my boyfriend James, his cousin Toby and her girlfriend Stacey, my classmate and right-hand man Amanda and her flavor of the month Jackson. Don’t get the wrong idea about Amanda, she’s a good girl at heart, she just gets tired of these dudes after a few months. It could have something to do with the fact that they’re all hot garbage. But that’s another story. I and James have been together going on 1 year now and time has literally flown by. It’s actually Jackson’s lake house that we’ll be staying in, it’s right on Lake Tahoe. This would be all of our first time doing something like this. Well except Jackson, his family is LOADED, and this is just another week for him. But for us? We were all excited & a little terrified. Because this is the perfect set up for a horror movie. “Hey Tanya, how prepared are you for this trip?” Amanda asks. It was almost like she didn’t really want to go. “Girl, we’re leaving in a week, I have plenty of time to pack. Why are you asking? Are YOU prepared for this trip?” I ask in a ‘what about it’ type of tone. “I mean I know what I’m bringing or whatever. I just don’t know about Jackson.” “Here you go with your bullshit!” I said. I knew this was coming. They’re coming up on 6 months of dating & I’ve honestly never seen this girl so happy. Compared to the hot garbage she would usually choose, I actually liked Jackson. I know exactly what you’re thinking because I was thinking the same thing. A super rich black man named Jackson just screams pretentious, jock, dumb. But he’s surprisingly none of those things. Although he comes from money, he doesn’t act like it. And all I know is that he’s treating my best friend like the queen she is. So he’s alright in my book. “Um you do realize that he’s the reason we’re even able to go on this FREE TRIP anyway, right?” “Yea, yea I know that Tanya. It just seems like he’s too perfect, you know what I mean. It’s scaring me to be honest.” “Of course you’re scared, hell I would be if I were in your shoes too. But you now focusing on what could happen instead of what is happening is always a bad idea. And he hasn’t given you any reason to think he’s going to do anything to hurt you so just chill. To me it seems like he wants to take your relationship to the next level. I would just live at the moment Amanda.” I said. It’s no secret that the majority of guys are age are trash. So for her to have something real is scary for her. I just have to make sure she at lease gives him a chance first. “Oh I have to go, James is calling me.” I hang up with Amanda and answer for James “Good morning beautiful!” He says in a very enthusiastic tone. “Um.....good morning babe, what’s got you in such a good mood this morning?” I ask. In the 4 years that I’ve known him, he’s never ever ever been a morning person. “Well I just logged in and saw that I aced my arch final which brings my average up to a 3.5 which I never thought I could do so hell yea I’m excited. I’m talking to the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world & it’s Friday, so that means we are definitely going out to celebrate later. ”Aww babe, I knew you could do it! I’m so proud of you!!!” I practically screamed because he’s been working super hard. “I did have you on my damn neck about it so I had no choice. I just want to thank you for always being there to push me when I didn’t feel like doing it.” “You damn right I am boy! The same way you’re always on my ass about me getting my degree, I have no choice but to be on yours.” I love the way we’re basically both best friends who can fuck from time to time. “So we gotta talk about Stacey.” I could hear the smile from his face. But I had to butter him up before bringing the mood down. Listen, I try to be as open minded as possible BUT, that girl is a few crew members short of a full deck if you catch my drift. See Toby didn’t even know what to tell us. It looks like she practices Wicca but some of the things we’ve seen or overheard her doing are completely out of that realm. Almost like some occult type shit. Anyway, we welcomed her with open arms. Even if they were shaking a little bit. “Awww man, what is it Tanya? Just talking about her makes me feel like she’s putting a curse on me man.” He did sound a little concerned. Like he was looking over his shoulder as he spoke. Not gonna lie, this made me giggle a little bit. “That’s exactly why we should have the conversation. All I’m saying is 7 days in the middle of nowhere seems like her type of party, not ours. I just want to make sure everything goes as smoothly. I’ll give Toby a call & see if we can meet for lunch or something.” “Alright man, just remember last time we tried talking to Stacey about how weird she was being & that damn near sent her to the hospital” “I know, I know. But I remember Toby mentioning something about her seeing a doctor so hopefully that won’t happen again. I’m heading into class, I’ll talk to you in a bit.” I hang up & sit through an amazingly slow 2 hour lecture class about Human Resource Management. Mind blowing. Really. I texted Toby about the whole double lunch date & she sounded like she had something to tell us as well. So yea, I was just a tad excited. “Do you know what you want to eat, like REALLY know what you want. Cause you know how you get.” I sensed a bit of annoyance in Toby’s voice. She has a right. I’m the definition of indecisive. “You already know she’s going to want Chipotle!” Amanda practically screamed from the backseat. We decided to make the lunch a group thing since we were all free anyway. Amanda was riding with us and Jackson was going to meet us there. And yes, Amanda was right, I wanted Chipotle. Toby came alone, which was a little strange but I know that Stacey has a super busy schedule so I didn't think too much into it. "So you guys, I think I want to propse to Stacey." Toby said. We were all pretty taken aback by this, seeing as their relationship hasn't exactly been the greatest. "Are you are you really want to do that?" Amanda asked. "I mean yea, we know y'all have been good for a about a month or so but we all remember a time when it was something going on every other day with you two." There was nothing we could say in rebuttal to that because it was the truth. One time Toby called me at 2am because Stacey just started flipping the hell out on here because she thought she was sleeping with her study partner. It got pretty hectic. The cops were called & surprisingly enough Stacey almost filed a restraining order against Toby. They made up 2 days later though. "You know, Amanda, you're right. But like you said, we've been good. And I've somehow fallen in love with her all over again." Toby said, proudly I might add. Hey man, if my cousin is head over heels for this psycho, I guess I could put everything else aside & learn to be ok with her too. "Well, I'm happy for you Toby. Let me guess, you want to do it on the trip, don't you?" I said. I swear I saw her turn red. It was so adorable. She rummaged around her backpack for something & pulled out an old Victorian style ring box. It was beautiful. It was purple crushed velvet with a gold trim. The ring was just as stunning. It was a gold opal ring with diamonds around it. "Goodness Toby, you're setting the bar pretty high for the rest of us, huh?" said James. I just looked at him & giggled. "Well I want her to know that I'm serious. I know you guys don't like her all that much but if you just got to know her without the weird stuff, you'd like her too." I'm surprised she actually acknowledged that we didn't like her. It had been kind of a taboo subject since they've been together. “Is there a her without with the weird stuff though?” Amanda asks sarcastically. I just looked her, kind of surprised, and trying not to laugh. Toby must have found it funny too, because the laugh she chortled out broke the awkward silence. “Of course there is Manda, I think she just acts like that around people as some sort of defense mechanism.” She explained. “Ohhhh, ok. Well I’m happy for you Toby, really, I am.” Amanda said. We all got our food, ate, joked, and sighed when we realized that we all had to get back to our lives.
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kotas-dump · 5 years
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For as long as you could remember you have hidden your face behind a mask. It was tradition, custom reaching back as far as you could remember. Even today you couldn't bare to leave your bedroom without it firmly in place. It grew to be your identity. The face that represented you growing up and now it represented your family trade. Messenger birds.
Business had been booming since the rebellion kicked up and you'd been dragged off to some ‘warfort’, more like a huge castle, at your father's request. There you hid away in the lofty tower room reserved for the birds toward the back near the ramparts. There you trained ravens who were sent to lands far off with messages of the utmost urgency, possibly to never return.
Sitting at your desk you sighed and watched the fluffy white clouds roll across the sky. On days like this it was hard to imagine you were stuck in some fort on the top of a mountain. Straightening your supplies you stood up and brushed dust off your embroidered gown. Might as well go for a walk and get some lunch. Grabbing a delicate silk scarf you wrapped it around your arms and turned to check yourself out in the small mirror that hung on the stone wall.
Since business had been booming due to the uprising your family had sent you more elaborate gowns despite your wishes. Today you wore one of the more simple ones. A dark black gown with gold embroidery on the cuffs and on the belt tied around your waist. Even the scarf that hid your hair and neck had intricate gold embroidered feathers dancing along the hem.
Sighing you pulled the plain silk scarf around you tighter, grabbed your journal and a pencil, and started down the stairs.
"Heading out?" The familiar guard asked as he heard your steps. He was a short but sweet orc with tiny tusks. Probably a half breed but you weren’t nosy enough to ask.
"Just for a walk to the tavern." You answer with a smile he couldn't see behind the extended beak of your bird-like mask.
As you walk past the guard shakes his head. "Don't stay out to late this time. The mercenary group Korig brought in has a werewolf who's been getting real rowdy after dark. I- Just be careful."
Rolling your eyes you laugh. "Maybe I should wear my silver gown next time." You reply as you open the door to the outside. Glancing back you wave again but his face is confused. "You know...I don't actually have a silver gown."
The orc laughed, holding his free hand up while the other remained firm on the axe at his hip. "I wasn't going to say anything!"
"You thought it!" You laughed, shaking your head and leaving.
Through the door you hear him holler out. "I didn't say anything though!"
Orcs! Sighing you head down the interior ramp and out into the courtyard. Taking a deep breath you smiled. The air was nice and fresh up here in the mountains and with the sun beaming down it was perfect.
As soon as you got close to the tavern you could smell the savory stew, the simple but delicious buttered yeast rolls. Your stomach rumbled and you quickly hurried in. Seating yourself at a table tucked next to the window you placed your order and waited. Sometimes you wondered if they ordered the honey wine just for you...they probably did.
Looking around you quickly spot the mercenaries. A ragtag group who occupied the other side of the tavern, slightly hidden by the nearby staircase. Sure enough there was a werewolf. One who didn't bother to hide his hairy chest or the ears the swiveled around every now and then. Also among the group was an angry looking goblin, a tall minotaur, an orc who rivaled the minotaur, two humans, and a Hoiten. Hoiten were rare to see outside their underground capital. They were a sly race of people who looked like someone had cross breed elves, giants and some unknown deep cave dwelling creature. Their skin was smooth but shimmered like opals in the flickering firelight. Their face devoid of any recognizable features save their two black eyes and a pair of lips. Most races wanted nothing to do with them as they were notorious for their uncanny ability to see right to your very core and read you like a book. It was a sort of magic even the elves couldn't crack.
As you waited for your food you opened your journal to a fresh page and began to sketch. You'd never seen a Hoiten before so you started with them. Taking a break for your food you flipped to a new page and looked over the group again suddenly glad the tavern had filled up a bit more. The orc was clearly the leader. He lounged in a large chair he must have brought himself. Leaning against the armrest with his chin on the back of his hand. He watched the tavern folks too, when he wasn't drinking and laughing with his crew.
Naturally, a softie for big muscles and interesting poses you started to draw him. The man was covered in deep scars. One in particular he caught you staring at. It was a large gash down his forearm. Looking away quickly you felt your face flush red hot underneath the mask. Time slowed as you hoped he wouldn't think anything of it and sure enough he didn't. Went back to drinking. That was enough of drawing for the day. Closing your journal you stood up and went back to work. ---- A few weeks had passed and you fell into a predictable schedule. Walk up, dress, mask, birds, breakfast, birds again, lunch and drawing, birds, and then bed. Over and over again but every time you couldn't help yourself but to go down to the tavern and oogle the orc. You knew you shouldn't, especially this merc, but how could you resist the mystery of it all? The stories you came up with in your head of how he earned every scar couldn't compare to the real stories they told. You found yourself eavesdropping more often than would be acceptable. Staying out later and later each time.
Rouge adventures, laughing stories of their mistakes, the stories of completely raunchy and filthy...romance they'd spew left you craving more. It was a window into another world, one you'd never get to see otherwise so why not indulge in the guilty pleasure while they were here?
However, your recurring visits and suspicious behavior didn't go unnoticed. You found that whenever you weren't in your loft that the Hoiten wasn't to far. Those inky black eyes following you everywhere you went. Even to the marketplace.
 You had nothing to hide but to say it didn't worry you was a lie.
So you'd backed off for a few days. Nearly going stir crazy without your daily eye candy and story binge. Cracking under your own house arrest you grabbed your journal, dressed in your nicest gown and headed down to the tavern for dinner. Plopping yourself back into your usually seat you oh so casually glanced around to see who was here, if HE was here.
His grey eyes were already locked onto you, an unreadable expression on his face. Your heart stopped and fear made your blood turn to ice.
The human tavern woman came up to you with a smile. "You're usual Madam?...Madam?"
Turning to the voice you stared in confusion. "I beg your pardon? Oh. Yes please. Thank you." Swallowing thickly you nod and stare down at your journal before sneaking a glance over to the orc. His cold steely gaze still resting firmly on you. The Hoiten stood beside him, scaled hand resting on the orc's shoulder as they spoke in a voice to soft for you to hear.
With a groan the Orc brushed off the hand and stood. Quickly you opened your journal and flipped through the pages to a clean one, writting down an to-do list to act like you hadn't been watching them.
The heavy thuds only came closer.
Your heart, once stopped dead, began to race like a rabbit through the brush.
The steps came to a halt as a shadow fell over your journal. May the gods have mercy on your soul. Looking up you were glad your mask hid the fear on your face right now. "May I help you good Sir?" Thank goodness your voice didn't waver.
The orc leaned in, snatching the book from the table before you could stop him. "Oh! I wouldn't-" You begin but his sharp glare shuts your mouth.
Turning his attention back to the book he flips through the first few pages. Mostly sketches of your birds and of the view outside your window. "Who are you?" His voice is low but surprisingly higher than you expected from an orc his size. You're to stunned to speak and he glances over to you.
"Could I just- If I may- It is mine... after all." You reach for your book and he pulls it from your reach.
The orc grunts, holding the book out of your reach and continuing to flip through the pages. "I asked a question." He's reached the sketches of him and he stops.
"I-I'm Amornth of House Jordaan and this is NOT an acceptable way to trea-"
"Shut up." He snaps, flipping the page.
Huffing you cross your arms. "First you have me followed and now you steal my things?" You frown.
Rolling his eyes he walks off, book in hand, back to his seat.
Shocked you sit there dumbfounded. A moment later the bar maid brings out your food and sets it down infront of you. "If it’s any consolation hun. He's not nearly as scary as he seems."
"W-what?" You quickly pull the wine toward you, pushing the beak of your mask to the side and downing the glass. Gods knew you were going to need some liquid courage if you were going to get your journal back. You WERE going to get it back.
"You know who i'm talking about. Hell, between him and that werewolf he's bed down half the castle already." Laughing the woman nudges your shoulder. "I know your people are rather up your own ass but give it a go. The best ride you'll ever have."
"I-I beg your pardon?" you snort. "I'd never-"
"Oh right. You'd never do that. Only oogle him every day like he's some puppy in a window and your a kid who's father said no dogs. We get it." The barmaid rolls her eyes. "Buy the damn dog. Gods know you can afford it." Scoffing she gives a dismissive wave and fills your wine glass again before leaving.
This day was....was something else. You find yourself laughing and shaking your head. After you eat... after you eat you'd get your book back.
It was the longest damn meal of your life and by the end of it you'd drank over half the bottle of wine if not the whole damn bottle. When you stood to finally confront him the world shifted and you staggered. Grabbing the table for support.
Head up, back straight and remember your manners! Taking a deep breath you try again. This time you were ready and you marched right up to the orc.
The book lay on the armrest next to an arm that was as thicker than your head.
"You're not half bad you know."
You'd open your mouth to demand your book back but his words paired with the smirk on his face threw you completely off-kilter. "What?!" You snapped. Manners thrown right out the window. Was he really starting this conversation with a crass remark?
Beside you the Hoiten made a snorting sound.
The orc glanced to his companion and then back to you, holding out your book. "Your drawings. They're good."
"Yeah I like the one where he's naked." The werewolf laughs, taking a swig from his beer.
Flushing you scoff. "It's unfinished! He is NOT naked!"
The Hoiten is dying now, a chittering of laughter bubbling from them.
"Not yet anyways." The orc winks. "But i'm serious. You could make money with skill like that."
"An Orian like her? Why would she need it!?" The brown haired human laughs.
"She's practically dripping in precious metals De'ruk! Use your damn eyes for once you dumb orc." The blond adds, knocking shoulders with her human partner as they both dissolve into a fit of laughter.
Your blood began to boil and your lips pulled into a scowl. "Expecting class from a group of tools for hire is like expecting a broom to talk." You huff, snatching your book from the orc.
Leaning back in his chair the orc laughs. "I am curious though...Can you be satisfied with just drawings?" His voice turns seductive and the way he's smirking is just as repulsive.
Glaring you huff. "As if you could satisfy your own right hand let alone- Augh. You all are terrible."  They're all looking at you, smiles on their faces and a knowing look in their eyes.
De'ruk humms and stands, closing the distance between you two in a simple step.
"Augh there he goes again. I'm going to yak." The Minotaur groans, rolling his eyes.
The orc reaches for your mask as you reach for the dagger hidden in the gathering of your skirt. As he grabs hold of the mask you press the point of the dagger into his side and he freezes.
"I like her." The goblin claps, "Put him in his place! Stab him! Stab him!" The rest of the group joins in on their chant and the minotaur and Hoiten both shake their head.
The two of you stare off, a silent fight of who with cave or call. He begins to pull your mask up, barely even catching a glimpse of your lips before-
A. Stab him! Stab him! B. You let him lift your mask and snog that orc face!! C. Run. D. Comment below!
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djhedy · 4 years
3, 15, and/or 24 for the fic ask meme?
from end of year asks post
thank you anon
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
2019 is the year i rejoined fandom! i grew up reading and writing harry potter fanfic, took many-years break, and came back in january 2019, post-break-up, for the raven cycle and all for the game. so it’s really been a year of learning how to write again, learning how i like writing. it turns out i really like one-sentence paragraphs. here are some examples i can think of, i guess i do this style a lot, which i do unapologetically.
from (trc) alive, alive alive
Something tugged inside Ronan and he stomped outside. He made his way towards the first field and just started walking, jacket forgotten, boots sliding easily through wet grass, skylight dimming, his breath coming out in shudders like smoke, and at some point Opal had come running out of a hedge or a tree or a rock, had run rings around him, had shown him all the stones she’d found that she thought looked like her opal, and he’d nodded, had accepted a stone in cold dry fingers, had felt it in his palm all rough texture against rough texture, had watched her bobbing head as she exhausted herself against the day, had looked at the wet grass curled around his boots, at the line of trees curling at the foot of the hill, at the dissipating clouds in the paling orange sky.
from (trc) sunlight feels good now don’t it
When Adam woke up it was to tight skin and dreams of his father towering above him, Adam on the ground, please stop please stop please stop and his left ear ringing – he touched it, vacant, elsewhere; it was to loud warring voices in his head and him, frowning, and not opening his eyes as he thought I overreacted, Gansey wasn’t saying – but also – I am broken and he knows he knows he doesn’t want me to break him too – and he swung a leg out of bed, and then the other, eyes still closed, and thought – I really don’t think that’s what he meant, this isn’t fucking logical Adam – but also ­– but ok we do know I’m manipulative and selfish and weren’t those the exact qualities Gansey’s afraid of – and then he opened his eyes and his skin was crawling and his father was walking towards him and he just wanted it to stop and he imagined smashing a glass into a wall and wished for a split second it was his father’s face, no, he wished it was his face – it was a little your fault, wasn’t it Adam? – and then he opened his eyes, stared, a little stunned, blood on his knuckles and the bathroom mirror shattered, glass dripping into the sink, and from somewhere far away Daniel’s voice, “Adam?”
from (aftg) hold me close
“I don’t need protecting, and you promised to stop that bullshit a long time ago. Do you understand or do I need to repeat myself?”
              There’s a couple of birds flying overhead, their calls to each other just loud enough to filter through the pounding in his head, and it sounds like the sky is singing, and then he can hear waves too, crashing against the sand he’s standing on, and it’s like he’s trapped in a soundscape that he hadn’t been listening to before – or maybe wasn’t able to hear – but suddenly it snaps back to him with a jolt of colour, and noise, and the understanding that he’s barely awake, that he’s standing right where his mother died, screaming at someone he doesn’t want to live without.
so, yeh, there’s that. but also here is a favourite single line i can think of, from (trc) sunlight:
This speech had been made to the sky, and Adam spent a while after he’d finished speaking wondering at the appropriateness of that. That someone the scale of Ronan could only fit into something as infinite and wondrous as the sky.
15. something you learned this year
ah man. idk. i spent a lot of this year digesting my own mental health / general life woes by reading and writing fanfic. so something i’ve learned. maggie s said in a writing seminar you can’t write about a problem you have if you haven’t solved it yet. i think about this a lot. i think about writing adam parrish grappling with the concept of anger, thinking of himself as a monster he can’t escape; neil josten unable to admit something’s wrong, unable to take the first steps in fixing what’s wrong in his brain chemistry. idk. maybe i was able to write these stories because i have, at least partly, dealt with my own issues with the concept of anger, with taking a step forwards in seeking help. maybe it’s because i’m in fandoms where we fucking love talking about our problems. which i think is a really really good thing. or maybe il reread these two stories in a few years’ time and think “hoo boy she really was still in the thick of it and had no idea eh”.
this was supposed to be what have i learned. i have learned that:
it is ok to use writing fanfic as a way to learn about yourself; but it can’t be everything
it is ok to use reading fanfic as a way to feel your emotions safely; but it can’t be everything
be yourself! that is what i have learned. the rest will follow.
24. favorite fic you read this year
my gosh well that’s not fair because i’ve read essentially the entire backlog of the trc and aftg top hits this year and then some. however, these are the ones that stuck out, that i’ll keep going back to (ignoring like the five you’ve all already read anyway):
(the raven cycle) Like Storms: this fic man… selectively mute adam meets gansey and ronan at college, and they in turn meet ghost!noah in a church and… i dont know my heart just Did Not Cope. i don’t know how to explain how special this one is, except to really emphasise that i spent this year really only reading fanfiction, and this is the one i’m choosing to recommend.
(harry potter) Away Childish Things: this broke me. it’s basically an excuse to have harry and draco deal with their traumas by meeting the younger version of each other, and figuring out shit they should have figured out already. it’s, genuinely, one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever read.
(all for the game) we might be hollow: im going to cheat and very quickly give you this, possibly my favourite long fic? neighbours au, and, stunning, i just remember the pacing was perfect and i felt like *a lot*. BUT im sorry can i also just very quickly shove this in your face. paper skies: favourite short, hands down, no contest. absolutely gorgeous short piece about andrew’s favourite colour, and how he uses it to search for meaning in his life. i’ve read this one so many times. 
ok that’s all. ask me more questions if you can stand such long answers.
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