#like he’ll treat the baby like a little sibling (he’s too young to be a dad) but by ghost zone rules?
halfghostwriter · 1 year
“Do Not Offer Sacrifices to the New King.”
No one knows exactly why it happened. One day, there are clear instructions on how to prepare child sacrifices to the ghost king, the next said instructions are covered in green splatters, with bold black letters across them reading “Do Not Offer Sacrifices to the New King.” The phrase was written across every single set of instructions to summon the ghost king ever written down.
Of course, there were skeptics. People who believed some rogue individual was trying to invoke the Ghost King’s wrath by not preparing a sacrifice in exchange for the summoning. It wasn’t long before the first attempt at summoning this new king.
The cultists had prepared a fine sacrifice. The previous king was known to prefer very young sacrifices, as the potential years of life stripped away equated to the amount of power the king would absorb at the child’s death. It was for this reason that they had prepared a child of a mere 6 months old, coating it in the finest jewels and fabrics, and choosing a dull yet beautiful knife to slice through the child at the king’s arrival. The old king was said to enjoy watching the life drain slowly.
As the ritual began, the leader took his place by the child, raising the knife high above his head, preparing to strike down the moment the new king’s eyes were on him. Chanting filled the room, and the sigils on the floor burned with a toxic green glow. The infant began to cry, small hiccups echoing over the sound of ice cracking that began to fill the room. A being whose figure seemed to be made of the cosmos itself began to rise from the circle, eyes closed as it towered over the room. Small tendrils seemed to drift away from it, but kept flinching back, as if actively being restrained. As the beings glowing green eyes began to open, the cult leader leaned forward, preparing to shove the knife into the child.
But he couldn’t move.
He tried to push the knife downward, but it felt as if all of his joints were suddenly fused together. He couldn’t move his body. He couldn’t even move his head. All he could move were his eyes, which locked on to the glowing green pits staring right back at him.
“How… Dare… You….”
The words shook the room, causing the infant to wail. The being, the king, flinched back, and his body began to warp into something… smaller. Younger. A child, barely entering puberty. He floated towards the sacrifice, softly shushing the child as he approached. Delicately, as if it were made of glass, he lifted the sacrifice and held it close, stroking its head as he continued making calm, soothing sounds. He did so until the wails dimmed down to mere hiccups. Once that happened, he turned his eyes to the leader.
“How. Dare. You.”
He kept his voice at a mere whisper. His tone could almost be considered pleasant, had his face not conveyed such burning hatred.
“Did you seriously not listen to my instructions? I wasn’t subtle, writing that on every single ghost king summoning in the world isn’t something just anyone can do. Are you stupid or something?”
The leader wanted to say something. Beg for mercy, plead for forgiveness, anything. But his jaw wouldn’t move. No part of his body would move. He felt cold. He glanced around the room, hoping some other cult member would see his dilemma, would speak up for him. But instead of panicked members on their knees begging for forgiveness, he only saw figures encased in ice.
“Don’t look at them. Look at me.”
The leader’s eyes locked back on to the king’s enraged glare.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. I am taking this child somewhere where they won’t be hurt. You,” the king poked a clawed finger into the left side of the leader’s chest, “are going to help spread the word. Make sure everyone knows not to offer sacrifices to me. You have a lot of influence, I’m sure you can get it done. Oh, but in case you don’t…”
Veins of warm ice began creeping up the leader’s chest, beginning from where the king was poking, down his arm, and up his face.
“There. If anyone, and I mean anyone, offers up a sacrifice as young as yours, at any point in time, those ice veins with expand and freeze you to death. After that, whoever offered up that sacrifice will take your place spreading the word. And don’t worry about your cult members, they’ll defrost within a day to help you out.”
The young king turned away, and floated back to the sigils, small infant in hand.
“You’re pretty lucky, you know. If I weren’t having such a good day, I wouldn’t have just left you off with a warning.”
And with that, the king and the infant leave through the summoning circle in the floor.
Within days, it’s known that the new king despises anyone who dares give him a sacrifice.
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dxsole · 2 months
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Character Relation: Buck’s siblings who all hate him.
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Chadwick “CJ” Beauregard Jr.
As the eldest son, a lot of pressure was put on CJ to raise his other siblings. The Beauregard parents worked long hours, barely scraping enough together to provide for their five children. CJ was always the most authoritative and controlling of the siblings, seeing as he felt like he had to give up on a lot of dreams just to keep the family together. He’s still a little bitter about it but especially when he has to deal with Buck, the only sibling that actually caused any trouble and ended up being the biggest disappointment to him. CJ currently went into construction with their father, becoming foreman after their father passed. It pays better these days and CJ is a rather smart, business-minded type of man so he’s pulling in more than his father ever did.
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Gerald “Gerry” Beauregard 
Gerald is probably the closest one in terms of mannerisms to Buck— he’s in no way a con artist nor does he delight in trickery but...he’s a used car salesman. One can imagine. He does his best to run a clean dealership and doesn’t budge on prices (not even for family), but let’s just say, not everyone has been impressed with his product. That being said, he can be very two-faced when it comes to the rest of the family. When CJ or Abby are nearby, he’ll back them up, even when they belittle Buck— but will often be hospitable to Buck if he ever finds his way back to Georgia. If anything, he tolerates Buck and won’t talk down to him too much if he decides to come around.
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Abernathy “Abby” Beauregard
Abernathy is a hunter through and through, and it’s seeped into her demeanor a bit. She absolutely hated the concept that as the eldest daughter, she was treated like a mother and not a child. She didn’t want to be chasing after her young siblings or following CJ’s orders— she rebelled a lot as a teenager and these days, doesn’t take anyone’s crap. Not Cj’s. Not Gerry’s. And certainly not Buck’s. She doesn’t say much but when she does feel inclined to speak, she is scathing. She’s also the only Beauregard that is always packing heat so it’s best not to piss her off.
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Mona Beauregard
Mona was always the baby in a dysfunctional family and while she did her best to behave and help out as much as the youngest child could, she dreamed of a time when she could leave their stuffy town, where everyone knew each other’s business and siblings apparently had to claw and scratch for a shred of respect and attention. It was tiring and she clung to Buck specifically. It broke her heart when their father threw him out for repeatedly getting in trouble, and she had to hide all the letters he wrote home (only ever addressed to her). Eventually, the letters waned until they stopped. And Mona moved to Atlanta to start over, far, far away from her family.
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X!Knuckles shows SCU!Knuckles the Master Emerald
Nickname for X!Knux: Guard
When Guard offered to show Knuckles around Angel island, he was ecstatic! They can compare similarities, differences, and talk about what they’ve discovered.
When Guard first heard that Knuckles had left his Angel Island most likely for good, he was a bit sad. He doesn’t blame the kid, he found a home elsewhere. Plus no master emerald to guard at that specific place.
Knuckles takes a deep breath of the fresh air around him. It smells like home. “Your island is very beautiful. There are so many things to discover here, so much ancient relics I have not seen on my own island.” Guard faces his little self “why don’t you go check? And bring your brothers with you?” Guard has known this kid long enough to know that he doesn’t go anywhere without his brothers in tow. They are a package deal.
Knuckles looks thoughtful, then frowns “hm.. perhaps not. I do not know what secrets Angel Island holds and if they will have reminders of.. Longclaw. Sonics previous guardian. Or relics of the war between owls and echidnas. It was my kind that took away Sonics mother figure.” Guard chooses his next words carefully “…maybe you’re right. But still, even alone, it could be worth a shot.” “You are also right, other me. We are clever.” “Aren’t we?”
The two approach the ruins. As the Master Emerald comes into view, Knuckles is nearly brought to his knees. This is the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen. “It’s… ginormous!” He walks up to it, measuring himself against the gem. It’s towering over him. Guard chuckles, placing a hand on the young echidnas shoulder “that was my first thought too.”
Guard hoists Knuckles on top of the emerald before joining him. “This is what you do all day?” Knuckles asks. “Uh, yea, pretty much. Unless I’m needed to elsewhere. I can’t afford to take my eyes off of the emerald for too long.” Guard responds, sighing.
Knuckles raises an eyebrow “is your Eggman also after the Master Emerald?” “Yeah, kinda. He seems to be more interested in the Chaos Emeralds, though. There is a-“
“Ooooh Knuckie~!”
Oh dear god.
It’s her.
Guard stands up atop the emerald. Knuckles joins him, looking for the source of the voice. He spots a figure emerging from the treetops.
“Hello, Rouge.” Guard crosses his arms. Rouge comes into full view, grinning at him. Then she spots Knuckles. She blinks a few times in shock, and flies towards him to get a better look.
“Oh! Knuckie, you didn’t tell me you had a son~ he is such a cutie!” Rouge pinches Knuckles’ cheek. He is debating whether or not to bite her hand off.
“He is not my son.” Guard growls.
“Ah, I should’ve guessed, really. You couldn’t attract a woman even if you screamed her name for the rooftops.”
Knuckles is very confused by this banter “but.. Rouge, was it? You came here to see other me, did you not?”
Rouge blushes a little then starts laughing. Guard gestures to her “she’s what I’m protecting the emerald from. Rouge here is a jewel thief.” “Righto, darling~! Here’s my card!” Rouge hands Knuckles a purple call card. He’ll hang onto it..for now I guess.
Rouge perches herself on a stone and sits down “so, you’re both Knuckles?” “Yes. This one’s from another universe. According to him and his Sonic, they got here because their Tails built a portal gun.” “I see.”
Knuckles speaks up “this universe is much different than my own. The Sonic and Tails from my universe became my beloved little brothers after we got adopted by a nice human couple.” Rouge did not expect that “oh! A human couple? And the three of you are siblings? Huh! Wow. Do your parents treat you nicely, sweetie?” “Of course! Our parents are strong, respectful, kind hearted noble people. They opened their home to Sonic because he had nowhere to go. Then they extended that courtesy to Tails and I.” Rouge smiles sweetly “aww I’m glad to hear, Baby Knuckie~!”
Rouge came here for the emerald, but ended up staying for tiny Knuckles. LOOK AT HIM HES ADORABLE! And he’s funny.
Guard and Rouge tell Knuckles stories about their adventures with the emerald.
Knuckles wonders if there’s a Rouge in his universe… if so, he’ll have to keep an eye out.
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justanoutlawfic · 2 years
Hi I’m back! I was wondering if you had any Captain Snowing (Killian/David/Snow) and Swanfire (Emma/Neal) headcanons made yet? Any thoughts on how it would all go down with that relationship?
I would find it kinda hilarious when Killian finds out he is related to the bloody crocodile aka Rumpelstiltskin 😂 David and Snow would have to hold them down, just calm him down at the loft cause Killian was just having a simple conversation with Grumpy while grabbing groceries as he comes home to find out that information by his spouses. Especially since he was hesitant about Emma, Henry and possibly Alice too going with Rumple to find his son, fearing for the lives of his children/grandson, and also curious to Bae actually being here in their world. Seeing how he regrets how that ended for them.
Also he would be surprisingly trilled to see that Bae/Neal is alive and hell. I believe Killian would go racing to New York to protect his children and make sure Rumple doesn’t do anything harshly to harm anyone. David has to call Emma telling her that her Papa is on their way. Once Killian arrives in New York and finally finds them he is in shock to find Bae who is a adult now and completely understanding the situation at hand to the best of his abilities. It hurts a lot of everyone’s side of the story but it is dealt with soon. Killian would definitely seeing Neal as family more than ever, not blaming Emma or him too much for their actions since they were young.
Over the years, Neal and Killian grow closer together with their father-son relationship. Alice possibly becoming that annoying little sister than Neal never had and Emma being embarrassed about it especially after coming home from dates to Alice wanting to hear all about it! Snow is trilled about it and a little curious about everything since he wants to be the cool mom and ask about the dates and such.
David is very overprotective of his daughters and always looking out for her no matter what happens so it takes some time for him to grow close to Neal but they do ofc! (which is probably why Neal tries to go to Killian first before proposing the idea to David about marriage to Emma 😂 and Killian watches Neal ask David for his blissing trying not to laugh at his husband and future son in law’s interaction)
What do you think? I just had this idea bouncing in my head for a while and i have so many other ones lol
This would be funny and awkward because technically Swanfire would be step-siblings in this universe. And normally, I’d say it wouldn’t work but in case, they obviously met prior to knowing who they were and their connections. I also think it works as Neal definitely views Killian as a father figure but he’s not technically his dad?
Honestly as much as Killian loves Neal, I see it going a little like Gilmore Girls (idk if you watch) where Luke grills Jess about treating Rory right and Jess is like “ you know you’re my guardian and not hers, right???” (Adding video for reference)
I’d actually make this an AU of my “Every Little Thing” verse where Killian had Alice right before falling in love with Snowing, then both she and baby Emma go through the wardrobe only to be separated. (I think Alice is like 3-4 years older in this verse) She would totally be the obnoxious big sister that wants to pick out what Emma wears. And Snow encourages it. (She lives vicariously through them as she always wanted an older sister).
I see David as totally making Neal squirm and think he’ll say no. And then burst out laughing.
I’d also work in Baby Snowing into this mix somehow (I always name him Ben is universes where Nealfire is alive). He’d be the only sane one in this family lol.
In this version of reality, I think Henry would like Hook 1.0, because he’s not an asshole trying to burn down the city. He’d be the cool pirate grandfather telling stories of a life at sea (and stories about his dad). Add in Regina as she and Snow are very close. She’d roll her eyes and tease the hell out of all of them, but also find joy in having a family this big and crazy.
Forget when Tallie (Swanfire’s daughter) is born. That little girl will be the most beloved in all the realms.
Now, I want all of this. It’s be a crazy, hectic life for all of them. In this universe. Emma being overwhelmed but also loving all the family who clearly care about her and her well-being. Thank you for giving me all these feels!
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axvwriter · 8 months
I read a fanfic about some of the Twst boys being given the tv trope (I don’t know for certain if schools actually used to do so or even do so now. I never had that type of assignment before.) of having to partner up with someone to raise a fake child.
Whole time I thinking of how such an assignment would destroy Bobo’s mental state. She’s always wanted siblings and has had it in her mind that she’ll have a bunch of kids when she gets to that point in her life. She knows she’s still too young for kids, but crap this would give her crazy baby fever.
I can just imagine Riddle and Vil scolding her, saying how she’s still in school and too young and what not. She already knows, scolding isn’t going to help. Then I just see Floyd finding it funny and says he’ll help Bobo out. Everyone just freaking out at what he said until he starts running off towards town- Now everyones freaking out even more.
While the fanfic I read did use fake children like enchanted dolls (or babies Crowley kidnapped-), I think it would be quite funny if it’s just the plot of taking care of a chicken egg and it still gave Bobo bad baby fever. (In this scenario Floyd runs off to the school farm instead. Also Deuce loses his mind wondering if the egg is fertilized or not. Are they hatching and raising chickens? Does he need to get chicken feed?)
Oh I just realized Grim taking advantage of Bobo’s baby fever to get pampered. Sure it’s a little embarrassing to be treated like a baby, but he’s living like royalty now. Though I don’t think it would work and it would actually help Bobo get over it faster. She sees Grim like a younger brother and can tell he’s trying to have her take care of everything for him. Probably start jokingly baby any of the twst boys near them when he tries.
Heck Lilia would tease the crap out of her wouldn’t he? Most of the boys would tease her considering what snot-heads (/aff) they are.
Should I write a fic about getting a baby-raising assignment? (I will make it eggs if I do write it.)
WAIT I COULD HAVE LEONA REACT BY HAVING BOBO BABYSIT CHEKA! He thinks that’ll snap some sense into her, but then he witnesses her struggling to hand back his nephew to his caretakers. Bobo freaking trembling trying not to cry and absolutely lose it over how much she wants to be a mother already. (Unintentional side-effect also being that she’s even more constantly reminded how she has a kingdom that she needs to get back to. That subconsciously she feels like it’s part of her duty as a ruler to make sure her kingdom will have future rulers. That subconsciously she must have lots of kids so they don’t have to go through what she has of ruling a kingdom alone. Ruling alone has made it so she barely has time to do anything she wants to do. Ruling alone has basically given her soul to serving her kingdom.)
(Bobo is often reminded of needing to go home since 1. Being raised with the expectation to rule and then having been ruling since she was twelve has put her kingdom basically on the forefront of her mind so it’s a little hard to forget about it. 2. When her family line took over, they took the kingdom’s name as their surname so whenever she’s addressed as Mycelind she’s instantly reminded how her life belongs to ruling said kingdom.)
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the gang with a s/o who has a little sibling? or siblings wtv u wanna do!!
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It’s no surprise that Darry’s really good with kids, granted he struggles with Pony sometimes but that’s not important here
What’s important is that he knows how to be a big brother and he’s pretty good at it
He doesn’t mind you bringing your younger siblings around, he doesn’t mind that hanging around your house usually ends up with babysitting
If you have really young siblings, like any age under four, and you take them with you when the two of you go out? People think your sibling is your and Darry’s child
Your siblings carry Darry Superman, they think he’s just the coolest thing ever
Darry’ll pick them up, throw them over his shoulder, let them sit on his shoulders, carefully wrestle with them, pretty much just use his strength and expertise to mess around with your little siblings
Soda is literally the perfect person when you have younger siblings
He’s boisterous enough that the kiddos think he’s fun and exciting but he knows how to be an older brother because of Ponyboy
Your siblings worship him, they won’t listen to you but if Soda asks them to do something they go running to do the thing
0/10, would not recommend as a baby-sitter
He and the kids will team up against you; maybe you can resist their puppy eyes, but when you’ve got Soda looking at you like that?
How could you possibly say no?
Pony isn’t used to being the older brother but he finds your little siblings cute!
Him curled up with the younger ones, reading a book or something!
The older ones, he actually has good discussions with them, he treats them like they’re the same age as him, no down-talking
They really like Ponyboy although some of them may act like it’s nothing when he comes by the house (they’re all excited to see him)
If your siblings are sporty? Pony’ll throw the football around with them and let them rant about their sports
Artsy? He’s quick to compliment their latest pieces and doodle with them
Is definitely down to babysit with you if you need it
Notoriously isn’t great with children, he just can’t put up with them
His excuse is that they’re too rowdy, which makes no sense because he’s certainly rowdy enough
Dally just doesn’t like dealing with them
He’s not going to offer to babysit with you unless you promise that he doesn’t have to do anything with the kids
If you’ve got little siblings? And they ask Dally to pick them up?
He’ll do it, rather begrudgingly, but as long as they don’t mess up his hair or jacket, it’s okay
Just imagine Dally holding your young sibling, the fakest, grumpiest look on his face while your sibling babbles about something
He’s trying to hide a smile the whole time though, don’t be confused about that
Most of your siblings like him, he’s cool enough in their eyes, but he can take his tough guy act a little too far with them
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, he’s one of the best ones with kids out of the boys
He was actually super nervous when you first introduced him to your siblings, he just really wanted them to like him
Because of his quiet personality, your siblings aren’t afraid of him!
They’re very quick to tug at his jacket if he’s not paying enough attention to them
Johnny loves being around you and your siblings, the safe atmosphere is just something he really needs
A+ babysitter, he does so well and it’s not a surprise to see your siblings hanging all over him and dragging him around from place to place
He’s already got a little sister so he’s used to having younger siblings!
If you guys have to babysit? Y’all just sort of gather at one of your houses so both of you can watch all of the kids at the same time
Plus, you two get to spend some extra time together, it’s great, everybody wins in this situation!
The only downside is that sometimes he’s actually a bit too childish
Your siblings will convince him to do something and he’ll do it, because in his mind, it’s a perfectly reasonable idea no matter what it is
So sometimes you have to clean up the messes they get into, but after a little bit of a stern-talking to, Two-Big realizes his mistakes and will help you out
Steve isn’t used to having younger siblings, he’s used to being an only child
Yes, I believe he’s an only child. I don’t think there’s any information pointing to him having siblings but I could be wrong
But he’s pretty good with your siblings! He talks with them, he makes time to spend with them
They like him! He’s a little excitable to them but they like him!
If your siblings are old enough to hold their own, Steve will wrestle with them!
If they’re too little, Steve does that thing where he has them on his back and he’ll just jump around as a way to roughhouse with them!
He’s used to being an older brother! He’s got Angela and Curly he looks after!
Babysitting? He’s actually not too bad at it, he’s good at keeping control of the situation and the kids will listen to him!
He tries his best to act decent and keep him and his gang in check around your siblings, especially if they’re on the younger side
His gang knows all your siblings by name and looks out for them, just like they look out for you!
Tim’s not really going to do the wrestling and carrying around of your siblings like some of the boys will, especially not in front of everyone else
But if they’re upset or hurt? He’ll carry them around, cooing in the softest voice you’ve ever heard him use, Tim really does care about them
So apparently, Curly’s the middle child in the Shepard family
Which means, he’s used to being a big brother and he’s also used to being a little brother
Your siblings think he’s super cool, he keeps them in line but he knows what to do so they don’t hate him
Especially if you have younger sisters, wow, he’s so good with them
Admittedly, babysitting isn’t his strong suit but he’ll try his best for you
Besides! When he’s around, your siblings are well behaved, they love Curly!
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
Can i request a headcannon where the dummies from MTC or Fp / maybe both have a s/o which has 2 little little brothers around 4 and 7 and how they will act around the kiddos ??? Thank you 🥺 personally my brothers are one of the most important things in my day by day, this request will make me very soft.
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Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: I decided to do this one with the MTC boys because it’s adorable and I love them with some good fluff! I think they would all be such good older brothers to any of your younger bros haha I hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
we already know that Samatoki is an amazing older brother to Nemu, and he’s going to be just as good of an older brother to your two younger brothers
Samatoki naturally takes on the role of the caretaker to kids because of how he used to take care of Nemu when she was younger
he’ll cook for them just like he cooks for Nemu, and he’s constantly going to make sure that the boys are eating all of their meats and veggies before even thinking about desserts
which makes you laugh because you always have to tell him to finish all of his food and now he’s nagging your younger brothers
I can definitely imagine him saying something like ‘real men eat all their vegetables’
he dotes on them, but he’s not going to be as overprotective with them as he is with Nemu
if you call him up and tell him that your brother came home from getting into fights against bullies, he’s going to be more proud of them than anything else
he’ll help you patch them up too, sitting them down on the ledge of the bathtub and clean up their cuts and bruises, pressing bandaids down on them before giving them a small fist bump and ruffling their hair
telling them that he’s proud of them for sticking up for the little guys
on that note, Samatoki is constantly making sure they know never to take advantage of the weak, and to always help those in need
he loves you and wants to treat your brothers just like his own siblings, but not at the expense of his own vices
so he’ll still smoke, but he’ll only do it outside on the patio
and he’ll still drink, but he’ll keep the alcohol on the top shelf and drink at work or when his baby bros are asleep
I can imagine the two of you getting into some arguments about your younger brothers and how you don’t want them to see Samatoki’s life of crime and violence and think it’s okay
but at the end of the day, you love your brothers and you want them to have a good relationship with Samatoki so he also agrees to cut back on the vices from time to time
Samatoki will humor your younger bros, but will never let them win at any video games or sports
he’ll beat them up with nerf guns or make them run after baseballs but it’s all in a cute, brotherly teasing way
he’ll help you babysit them, offering to help them with their schoolwork, grateful that they’re still young and that the math is still easy
whenever it’s time for bed and they ask you both for a bedtime story, Samatoki always struggles to keep it PG, toning down the violence to try to make a good story
overall though, Samatoki loves you and he wants to make sure that he does right by your brothers just as much as he does right by you
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Juto Iruma
Juto never had siblings and he doesn’t really want children yet, so interacting with your kid brothers is a bit tough for him at first
he doesn’t have the most natural reaction to kids, so it’s a bit hard for him to really connect with them
but he loves you and he wants to be close to your family, and he’s never one to turn away from a challenge, so he’s quick to change his ways to make sure that he and your brothers have a good relationship 
it takes him a while to realize that young kids don’t want to go to museums or eat fancy food
but pretty soon he’ll be the cool older brother that’s always buying them dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets or McDonalds
and taking them to amusement parks or to the movies
Juto is definitely the type to set up movie nights and end up watching all of the Disney movies with your younger brothers whenever you ask him to help babysit them
and it gets to the point that he’s watched them a million times and quote all the little kids movies
you find it hilarious because Juto is usually the type to watch artsy indie films, but now he can’t stop quoting Moana and Encanto
your younger brothers are completely unaware of any worries Juto might have and they latch onto him very easily
they’re always trying to tell him the cool things they learned or show him their favorite toys or games
sometimes your brothers tag along with you on date nights and they quickly end up becoming game nights
Juto was a bit frustrated by this at first because he wanted you all to himself and it was annoying to have to share you
but he’s quick to give into your brother’s demands, because they really are adorable and it’s clear that they love you too
so you’ll all sit down and play candyland or go fish and it ends up being a really fun night and Juto is pleasantly surprised
he’s definitely the type to teach them large words that they can barely pronounce just so that they get excited by it
and he’s also going to make sure they’re doing well in school 
if you ever come to him and tell them that your brothers are being bullied or that there’s a problem at school, Juto won’t hesitate to put on his cop uniform and go help them
speaking of which, your brothers always ask Juto a million questions about his job and beating up bad guys and it’s just another reason they love him
they’re always asking if they can play with his handcuffs or his baton and you have to remind them that they’re not toys
overall, it takes Juto some time to warm up to your baby bros, but as soon as he does, they’re all going to be really close
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Riou Busujima
Riou is immediately in love with your baby brothers and will treat them just like his own family
he’s the type of older brother that is always looking out for the younger ones and making sure they’re staying safe
when you first introduce the boys to him, they’re a little nervous because Riou is so tall and big, but they quickly learn that he’s a friendly giant
he’s always asking if your brothers want to go on walks through the woods or little hikes with the two of you
and whenever the four year old gets tired, Riou just casually scoops him up and puts him over his shoulders
and then the seven year old gets jealous until you have to put him over your shoulders as well
Riou is extremely good at encouraging your baby brothers to try new things and go out and be adventurous
and whenever you go home, your brothers are always asking when they’ll be able to hang out with Riou and have another adventure again
you always have to gently remind him that they’re still really young though, and that they can’t go extreme rock climbing because the younger one is literally four
and Riou just grins and shrugs saying that that’s the age he first learned how to extreme rock climb 
they love hearing all of the war stories that Riou has, and they’re always asking him to tell them more
those are also the stories he tells them for bedtime, but you always make sure that they’re filtered and PG
Riou loves to play games with your brothers and will definitely throw around a baseball with them or even just play tag
he’s the type of person to never run out of energy so he’s perfect to keep your brothers busy whenever you have errands to run 
Riou is the ideal babysitter and is always making sure your brothers stay on top of their schedule, never running late to any practices or daycares they might have to go to
he also encourages a healthy diet and will gladly cook for your younger brothers if you ever don’t have the time
he promises to only use food from the grocery store, but then your brothers get sad that they don’t get to try the grasshoppers that he mentioned eating because they sounded so cool
Riou never really gets nervous around your brothers, and just really wants to have a good relationship with them
he can see how much they love you and how much they look up to you so it’s nice for him to be able to share his love for you too
giant cuddle piles during movie nights are absolutely a thing and sometimes Riou is the last one awake when you and your younger brothers are all hanging off of him sound asleep
and he just smiles and kisses your forehead because he’s so happy to have so many people that he cares for in his life and who care for him in return
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darkestprompts · 2 years
It takes a hamlet... Part 2
Continued from this prompt. Some ideas about how the different heroes handle a baby.
Arbalest/Missandei - Had a good father figure, has it mostly figured out. The downside is that the domesticity makes her think of her own lost childhood. Will do best with at least one other adult to support her.
Houndmaster/William - Responsible, worries about the kid’s physical needs and moral development in equal measure. Strongly believes roughhousing and eating dirt is a part of growing up. The baby will be happy, but never clean.
Shieldbreaker/Amani - Some of her fellow dancers were young mothers, so she’s used to babysitting. Struggles a bit due to her recent disability. Will dress the kid up like a Christmas tree and have a blast doing it.
Vestal/Junia - Inexperienced, but determined to make it work. Very nervous, a bit of a helicopter parent. Will threaten you with the Light’s wrath if you look at the baby wrong.
Leper/Baldwin - Like Junia, a dedicated newbie. Except he won’t even approach if not provided with a hazmat suit and pliers (he can’t risk a helpless infant with his illness!). Reads ancient poetry as bedtime stories.
Man-at-Arms/Barristan - The definition of cool grandpa. Loves playing with the little scamp. Has infinite patience, but can’t pin diapers for the life of him. Will throw the kid in the air to catch them, so concussions may happen.
Grave Robber/Audrey - Can look after a kid, just doesn’t like it. Oh, sure, they’re cute and all, but tell me you don’t feel like lacing the pacifier with laudanum when they won’t stop crying. She’s a much better fit as a fun aunt.
Highwayman/Dismas - Surprisingly competent? Had a bunch of siblings growing up, not nearly as bothered as some expected. Talks to the baby a lot (usually complaining sarcastically at it). Can’t be trusted with toddlers, though, as he will look around at one point and they’ll be gone.
Crusader/Reynauld - Look, he has... some issues. The constant reminder of a child he had and abandoned is just too much. Sure, he’ll not let it die, but he’ll avoid it like the plague every other second of the day.
Jester/Sarmenti - Entertaining babies is much easier than entertaining adults! Can easily put them to sleep. Not very good with the other bits, though.
Abomination/Bigby - Oh, gods. Why would you hand him a child of all things? Don’t you know he holds a monster inside? The very stress for their safety could bring it out! Please, please, please, take them away. (He needn’t have worried so much. If transformed, the Beast will recognize the baby as a cub and treat it accordingly.)
Occultist/Alhazred - Surely, it can’t be that difficult to take care of a pre-verbal human larva. He can read 9 languages, some of which are dead, he can reconstruct flesh with only a thought, he has measured the age and position of dozens of stars! He’s got this! Until baby throws up on his silk robes (overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer).
Plague Doctor/Paracelsus - Almost manages to be functional, but has a terrible habit of keeping the baby around while autopsying fungal abominations.
Flagellant/Damian - Children are gifts of the Light! They are pure and free of sin! He still has no idea what to do with one.
Bounty Hunter/Tardif - Holds the baby at arms length. Thinks of betting it on the gambling hall and losing on purpose.
Antiquarian/Josephine - Same as above, but actually does it.
Hellion/Boudica - Gave the baby beer and a knife.
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televisionboy · 3 years
this gif is everything skdjdjfn and this is my first alphabet! so give me love and constructive criticism.
taglist: @punkgeekchic @visionsofsweettea @adoresobs @am4sawa @reblogsfandom @evarolines @somethingstuffy
Timothee Chalamet Fluff Alphabet
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Dates with Timothee are very very comforting and new at the same time. He LOVES getting out of the house and going to a city where shops are lining every corner and small cafes with coffee to die for. But he also loves to cook you dinner and rehash your days. He’s quite a domestic person.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Timothee finds all of you attractive. But his favorite thing to do is whenever you’re reading a book or the two of you are watching TV, and you’re at one end of the couch and he’s at the other end, he loves to run his hands up and down your legs while they rest in his lap. Drumming his fingers against your knees is like a calming thing
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He doesn’t talk, at all. He’s an incredibly patient boyfriend who will sit there with you and sync your breathing while hugging you. He will listen for hours and hours to you talk about it. And if not, he makes tea for you and offers cuddles and comfortable silences. I mean, either way he always makes tea.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He would love a family with you, he knows you’d be an incredible parent to his children. But he’s content being young, having new experiences and getting to be spontaneous. If he had to think about it, he’d like one or two children and maybe a dog. Living in a cozy but spacious home, of course there’s a pool in the back.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
well, when he’s in the mood, jealous/mad he definitely will be dominant (and especially in bed) but he’s in no way so dominant that you will feel like his maid or a child. But he really doesn’t want to consider your relationship to be that way. Both of you are just you and treat each other equally. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He gets cold when he’s fighting with you. Timothee’s a bit like a younger sibling while fighting, he knows how to push your buttons and won’t stop until he see’s a reaction. But he has that guilty feeling wash over him so fast. He’s very very easy to forgive you because how could he say no to someone like you??
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
SO GRATEFUL. He spoils like no other. If you point out that you like a pair of earrings, they’re yours (it doesn’t matter that they’re pure diamonds) you mentioned that you want to see Italy? Tickets booked. And a great thing about him, on top of being a good listener is that he has a great eye. And he picks up on things and is quick to notice them. Which is a big reason he’s so successful in acting. Even if it’s something as simple as washing the dishes so he can relax, to something as kind as making him your very own fan gift.. he melts every time.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Mmm, he certainly tries not to but everyone keeps secrets. There are things that both of you prefer to keep private but he wouldn’t keep something like him kissing another woman a secret.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You’ve inspired him and fueled him to become a stronger actor even if you’re not one yourself. Some of your advice is seriously helpful, and some are unhelpful but hilarious. No matter what you will tell him, he knows you’re waiting at home or even at his set with open arms, waiting for him to win an award and fangirl online to other Timmy fans. It makes him blush and cause a billion butterflies to erupt in his stomach.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He trusts you 100% that you would never leave him, and he doesn’t want to be one of those boyfriends who restricts their partner. But there’s a part of him that’s incredibly insecure and is convinced you can do better. There are some parts that WANT you to leave him and do better. He would never ever show it in public, but you can read him well. You’ll put a hand on his bouncing knee and kiss his jaw.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like? 
He knows he’s a damn good kisser as well as charmer. You had been on a couple of dates with him, on one you mentioned that it was on your bucket list to be kissed in the rain. He made sure to schedule a date when there would be rain and he took you on a picnic. Towards the end, it had started to pour and you were trying to run back to the car but he grabbed your face and kissed you so hard but so passionately. His curls were dripping and the sandwiches were ruined but the feeling was incredible. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Rightttt after that kiss, in the car you were drying off and laughing with him while the radio was on in the background. The car was on but he wasn’t driving. Instead, he turned to you and told you he was in love with you. Both of you had said “love you” but never “i’m in love with you”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He’s on the fence about babies but he knows for certain that he wants to marry you. You know that scene in The Office where Jim shows the engagement ring for Pam and is like “I got it 3 weeks into dating”? That’s Timmy. 
He brings you to a premire of one of his movies and at the end when all the credit’s are rolling, it says “y/n will you marry me?” and when you turn back around, Timmy is on one knee and Armie is most likely behind him crying his eyes out. 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Babe” “Baby” “Mon cherie” When you two are married, he’ll join you in the kitchen while cooking dinner and call you “Mrs Chalamet” before kissing your shoulder and beginning to chop veggies. It’s just incredibly domestic 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
so so so obvious and so in love. He shows you off as much as possible and talks about you on talk shows until he’s sure that the audience is annoyed and SNL mocks him (and even then, he’ll continue)
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he brags but he does know when to dial it back for your own privacy and humility. BUT that doesn’t mean he won’t hold your hand in public, or banter with you on a twitter thread even if you both are right next to each other on the couch playing footsie
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He has a great eye and is quick to pick up on things. It’s almost as if he has certain senses and can tell when you’re having a bad day or upset. He just knows. It’s incredible. He’ll run you a bath and order cake to indulge yourself in before you even get home.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
The most sickley, fluffy, romantic, boyfriend that it makes me sick. Timothee would dye his hair rainbow and cut of his toes if it meant you would smile. On a more romantic note, he pulls out all the stops but it’s a bit more subtle?? Like he is very romantic but it’s not overwhelming. There’s no string quartet and private dining room but there will be jazz and dancing at midnight or a homemade “restaurant” with Timothee as a one man (messy) staff but it’s the best thing you could have ever come home to
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He’s your head cheerleader and the most selfless human ever. Will cheer for you until his voice goes mute and even then, he’s the one clapping the loudest and crying the most. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
both! Timothee is like a dog in some ways. He’s energetic and needs new things, to be outside, to be social. But he craves hugs and cuddling, he adores late night talks with you or watching you make him breakfast while he scrolls through Instagram. Like I said, a very domestic guy.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He know’s you like the back of his hand and he could spot you with his eyes closed and only by feeling your face. He knows your habits, and the food you hate, your terrible cooking skills, and the kind of dad jokes you tell, the anxiety ticks, and what shows you’ll watch over and over again.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He’d go insane without you. You’re addictive because you have a pure heart and a dirty mind and he falls in love the more you show that. He brings you back the weirdest things that remind him of you. Stationary cards with odd quotes, an antique necklace from the 40′s, peach earrings (because he enables your teasing)
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He’s like the real version of “JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD” but a little more loving lol “I love you, but I’m willing to defend my fries”
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
I said that he’s like a puppy! he needs kisses and scratches to his head (free scalp massage) and he’s a clingy puppy too. i mean, look at his eyes for the love of god. 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he aches so bad. He is your cheerleader but he can’t function without you. You’re his cup of coffee, an antidepressant. He’s fangirling inside for your new project but when he sees your mug or reaches to bring you close to his chest and you’re not there, he’s unable to fall asleep or make a cup of coffee.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’d travel to Mars and back if you asked him to. Just ask him, and he does it. One time, he was working on a movie with an actress who was quite snippy to you and he quit immediately, feeling incredibly guilty and nauseous. He got you very  expensive lox and bagels one morning because you were whining about it the previous night. He doesn’t want to close his eyes at night because there’s so many things he wants to do before he goes on to the next day. But when he closes his eyes at night, it’s all you, you, you, you, you and how much he’s overwhelmed with total adoration for you
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i-am-distressed · 3 years
JJK Boys as stepdads
Characters: Megumi, Itadori, Yuta, Nanami, Toji, Naoya, Geto, Gojo, Sukuna and Yaga
Warnings: Stepdads, Naoya (if you don't like him, don't worry neither do I, just don't read it😊), Sukuna
Fushiguro Megumi: CEO of, ‘he’s doing his best’
Goes into this whole thing having no experience with kids whatsoever, so he’s way out of his comfort zone.
He really is ‘doing his best’ he tries to get himself up to date with what you kids are doing, and he tries to have meaningful conversations.
But it really is quite difficult for him, give him a break.
I think once he gets used to it though, he’s actually really good at it!
I can see him being a good support system, and will listen to your problems, along with offering sound advice when you need it!
Itadori Yuji: A natural, might as well be the real deal
I see him as someone who would be a natural with kids, like a ‘baby whisperer’.
The first time you guys meet him he’s friendly, but not too friendly. He gets to know you guys without seeming weird or like he’s trying too hard.
But that’s because he genuinely wants to get to know you guys!
He seems like someone who would rather than be intimidated by having step kids, he’s actually pumped to have them!
#1 fan for all that you do, even if he’s never heard of it before, and he shows up to all concerts, games, shows, etc.
Okkotsu Yuta: Nervous wreck, but absolutely adores you guys
You guys were scared to meet him at first because...at first glance, Yuta comes off as intimidating.
But after having (1) conversation with him, it’s clear that you are nowhere NEAR as intimidated by him as he is by you and your siblings.
You’re probably wondering “in what world is a special grade scared of some kids…?”
This one, because bless his heart all Yuta wants is to make your mom (and by association you guys) happy!
He’ll do literally anything to keep you guys safe, happy and healthy, there’s nothing you guys could do that would ever make him hate you, he really does love you guys🥺
Nanami Kento: S t r i c t but will also sneak you candy/extra cash
At first, you don’t have high hopes because...mom help he’s kinda mean.
But as you get to know him, he’s not mean at all, just blunt and still not used to having, well, children.
As you guys get to know him, and he loosens up a bit, he’s really not bad at all.
He makes sure you guys are well fed, get enough rest, and on time to literally everything. No children of his, biological or otherwise, will be like a certain...someone.
Will low key spoil you guys, but you didn’t hear that from me😌
Fushiguro Toji: Does the bare minimum, may or may not have forgotten your name
Okay, so, he’s not the worst, but he is in the running.
The first time you guys met was...awkward to say the least. It’s clear he wasn’t prepared to have more children.
Forgets your names after that day, he didn’t say so, but you know so since once he asked you a question like “Hey...kid, do you know where your mom went?”
He makes sure you guys get food, and he gets you places...eventually, and he does show up to events with reminders.
All in all, he’s not the worst, and he does actually kinda like you guys I guess.
Zen'in Naoya: Literally the worst, but he tries…?
Need I say more?
He really didn’t expect your mom to have children, and when she said she did he really didn’t want to meet them, but you guys come as a package deal so…
The whole meeting he has this fake grin on his face that screams ‘I don’t wanna be here’ and by the end, you guys know where you stand with him smh.
You guys have this ‘enemies that pretend not to despise each other’ kind of relationship, like mutual dislike.
So, you guys just pretend the other isn’t there and fake smiles to make your mom happy.
Geto Suguru: Great stepdad, end of story
Like Yuji, he’s honestly a natural.
He’s really laid back but also responsible, so along with being easy to get along with he’s also a good father figure.
He gets you guys to school on time and has never forgotten you places.
Whether you’re young or old, he learns how to get on you guys’ good sides without getting on your moms’ bad side, and vice versa.
Also acts as a good mediator between you and your mom and will never take sides.
Gojo Satoru: Awful stepdad, end of story
UNlike Yuji and Geto, Gojo is not a natural.
There’s the obvious of him being wildly irresponsible and immature.
And then there’s the less obvious fact that he is a child himself.
Has accidentally left you guys places on multiple occasions, but there’s nothing a little extra cash and food won’t solve.
He does care about you guys, don’t get me wrong, he just still has a fair amount of growing up he has to do himself.
Sukuna Ryomen: I- okay hear me out, it’s not too bad
Idk why I included him UHMM.
Okay, let’s go with the assumption that FOR WHATEVER REASON, he and Yuji are separated and for WHATEVER REASON he walks free.
If he were to ‘settle down’ with a woman, and a woman with kids no doubt, I think it would take him a while.
Like, ‘what do you mean I have to take care of these...gremlins’
Will never baby talk or sugar coat things, he’s gonna talk to you and treat you like an adult even if you’re 3.
Despite how it seems, he actually does have a soft spot for all of you, and if someone were to wrong any of you in any way, they’d be dealing with a very angry Kind of Curses.
Yaga Masamichi: Another great stepdad, I will take no criticism
Another great stepdad, I will not take no for an answer.
He’s already in charge of children (and Gojo) so you guys are nothing compared to what he deals with on the daily.
Perfect balance of responsible and caring, he can play the part of a strong father figure while being calm and nurturing.
A really good role model too, I can see him being someone you guys can look up to and genuinely respect, and he does his best to be that for all of you.
Will no doubt shed a tear if you guys ever gave him a card or mug that said ‘best father ever’ cause we all know it’s the truth <3
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Hello there! Can you write hcs for Tim with a reader who's Wally West's younger sibling please?
Tim Drake x West!Reader
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You don’t have super speed like your older brother
But you know all about his double life
You honestly keep your distance from it
Sure Wally was Kid Flash (or used to be)
But you still didn't want to meet other people or what not
It was because when you were younger, Wally told you that they k-worded the people who knew too much
Being older now you knew it was a joke
But you didn't want to test it
Even though he wasn't offically a superhero anymore
He still hangs out with this friends and everything
That's how you meet Dick Grayson
You know he's a superhero or something of the sort because he's friends with Wally
But you didn't try to find out his alter ego
One day Wally gets called for an emergency back to the cave
Only problem is that your parents aren't home
And Wally isn't sure how long he'll be gone
He can't leave you alone since you're a minor
So he isn't sure what to do with you
Until Dick gives him the idea to drop you off at the Manor
Even though you don't like the idea of being dropped off at a strangers house
Dick reassures you that his little brother is there and will keep you company
You want to complain and protest
But you see that Wally is at wit's end and then agree
Him giving you the biggest hug
"Thanks baby sis."
"Just bring me back a souvenier."
"You got it."
That's how you found yourself at Wayne Manor in Gotham City
After being haphhazardly speeded all the way there
And that's how you meet Tim
"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)."
"I know."
"You know?"
It's only then he notices the weird look you're giving him
"Oh, I'm not a stalker or anything. Just Dick told me you'd be coming home."
He shows you around the house and it's clear he's not sure how long you'd be staying there either
It's kind of awkward to be honest
You two have hardly a clue about each other
Luckily Alfred is there before things get too awkward
"Miss (Y/N), your brother tells me that you're quite the master at cheese viking."
Your eyes light up
"Yeah! I have the high score back at my hometown's arcade!"
"Master Tim quite enjoys playing Cheese Viking himself."
Alfred to the rescue indeed
You two end up playing Cheese Viking the entire day
At the end of the day you kind of forgot that you didn't have to go home
You spent the entire night together until Alfred said that it was time to bed
You let Tim pretend he was going to bed even though you knew he was going for patrol
"Well, be safe!"
"Hehe, why wouldn't I be safe? I'm just going to bed!"
You're surprised he thinks you'll believe that
You spend the next few days together
Just nerding out
And Tim always has something new to do every morning
Even though Alfred has to coax him into it
Tim finds himself getting a slight crush on you
He tells himself it's just a summer fling kind of thing tho
And that he'll grow out of it after you leave
Cuz lord knows this never ending mission of theirs is a lonely endevour
Damian's words not his
You get really close during the time you spent together
When Wally's mission gets over he comes to pick you up
And you're upset you have to say goodbye to Tim
But you try and focus on the fact that Wally is safe and happily go home with him
You hadn't realized you were homesick until he came back home
You were so excited and relieved that you totally forgot to give Tim your number
You only realize a few days later and you're unsure how to contact him
You briefly wonder if you should ask Wally
But you don't want him to get upset
So you just suck it up
Dick meanwhile notices how his little brother feels a little down
"What's wrong Timmy?"
Dick tries to hide his smirk
"You know I have (Y/N)'s number right?"
"Really? I mean...uh...could I have it?"
To say you were excited to see a text from Tim was an understatement
Texting him non-stop for the next couple of days
Even calling and facetiming
Until Tim asks you on your first date
And you're ecstatic
One thing to mention is that Wally has no idea you two were so close
He's painfully oblivious
Artemis finds out when you confide about how nervous you are for the date
Promises not to tell Wally
Partly because you asked her to
And partly because she likes that you felt close enough to ask her
When Tim shows up at your house, Wally thinks it’s just for a playdate
Completely ignores the possibility of him being there to pick you up for a date
Even ignores the fact that he has flowers for you
Cuz he just thinks you’re too young to be dating
Even though he started dating Artemis about the same time
When he finds out though it’s like hell boiled over
You’ve never seen Tim intimidated but he just stares at Wally in fear as he’s tapping his foot on the couch
Your big brother is fuming because he caught you two kissing in your bedroom
Artemis and Dick are there but just smirking and waiting to see what he’ll say
“This!” He gestures between you two, “Is not happening!”
Before anyone can say anything you speak
“If you can have a robin then why can’t I?”
And boom
Artemis is laughing her ass off and both Dick and Wally are blushing
“I’m not dating Dick!”
“Oh really? Then the date nights you two have are a little weird don’t you think?”
Dick likes you so he’s definitely on your side
So is Artemis
Wally eventually relents but he doesn’t like it
Not until you get into a huge fight with Tim
And you’re at home sobbing your eyes out
And Wally goes over to his house to kick his ass
Only to see that he’s in a worse state than you are
Eyes red and puffy, hair all messed up and it looked like he was crying all night
And he realizes how much Tim really cares about you
So he convicnes him to make amends with you
And basically now treats him like a member of the family
And his blessing means a lot to you
And now you have a Robin of your own
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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sukumen · 3 years
Lmao over Megumi in that ask with all those siblings, just oh my god can you imagine his parents going on a date so there he is with like the youngest baby in his arms, there’s like four kids on those cute backpack leashes since they’re the rowdiest, and the quiet one, maybe a sister just holding onto his sleeve. Yuji and Nobara are just like why do you have so many gremlins on you and he’s just like my parents are horny rabbits. Gojo thinks he’s good with kids but these are Toji’s kids they have been trained to just roast that man on sight. The real kicker is that all of them are pretty talented like Megumi and Maki and the Zenin clan is just watching all of this like, shit we fucked up. Honestly with the amount of kids and talents at this point y’all might as well be the Fushiguro Clan.
this is probably the best ask i’ve ever gotten oh my god i have been laughing since you sent it because YES LMAO like here are some things that are 100% true about megumi’s sibling army + the jujutsu tech squad ---
p.s. this is late, so here’s a link back to the original ask for context!
yuuji is their absolute favorite - between the ones who love his jokes and the ones that get to wrestle and race to their heart’s content, he is the perfect babysitter’s assistant to megumi, who appreciates how easily he fits into the fold of his chaotic family. in some ways, it’s just yuuji being yuuji: personable, fun, and warm. but i have to think that there’s a part of him that also values a large, bustling family -- especially after what his grandfather said on his deathbed -- and the opportunity to be a part of megumi’s isn’t one he’ll pass up.
also, there is absolutely a kiddo who is unfazed by sukuna and has, like, put a crayon in his mouth when he’s popped up on yuuji’s cheek. he hates them most of the bunch. 
gojou gets roasted religiously by these kids. and the worst part is they don’t even understand what they’re saying really; they just add insult to injury with this little chorus parroting anything they’ve heard megumi or toji say about him (imagine having a six year old call you an idiot to your face). that said: they still appreciate his habit of bringing treats to share and aren’t above being bribed to be nice to him. 
it never lasts long though!
while yuuji is the overall favorite, you can’t tell me the kids don’t have this deep fascination with nobara too, especially megumi’s sisters. they all think she’s just so cool between her strength and her style and vibe. any time they come to visit, they’re making a beeline for nobara’s dorm and spend their day trailing after her and maki. and don’t get me started on the troublemaking antics - most of the chaos comes in when nobara’s in charge. even yuuji’s getting in on it! prank wars, secret missions to vending machines, she commands the kiddo crew through it all with ease.
i also completely agree re: their power - it can be so easy for folks to forget that they have such potential because they are so young and so normal. but as they start to get older and those techniques and energies really manifest, woo - what a team they have on their hands. i have to think that at least one has some degree of heavenly restriction with both toji and maki having it, but i’ll have to think more about what that could be...
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chibiwritesstuff · 4 years
Could you do a headcanon for how the dorm leaders and their S/O would react if their kid(s) from the future magically appeared on campus?
I might have gone overboard with this... but at the same time, I feel like I rushed this. I’m so occupied by work that I have to slowly work on this from midnight to six am before heading to bed then go to work around 10 am for two weeks now... I hope it turned out the way you like it. Yes, the ones with unique magic is inspired with FGO’s Noble Phantasms... I’m still stuck in that hellhole of a gacha game. I think you can tell who my faves are by the length I’ve written for them XD
Now, let’s enter this twisted wonderland~
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“Queen’s Rose Maze!” All five of the Heartslabyul main guys heard. “Traverse in the twisting maze of the Queen of Roses!”
All of them rushed towards the location of the voice only to see a tiny Riddle with (h/c) hair instead.
“What did I do?!” Heartslabyul A-kun whimpered as he seemed to be stuck in a rose maze.
“As stated by the Queen of Hearts’ Rule #186: Never eat hamburg steak on Tuesdays. You just broke a rule and you must be punished.” The kid scolded. “To think this is what my esteemed father deals with everyday…”
“By father, I assume that would be me?”
Surprisingly, Riddle seems to take this information in stride. The kid will turn around and his suspicions were confirmed.
The kid will run and hug him asking if he’s doing a good job. He introduces himself and everything Riddle asked, (s/n) answered perfectly.
Well, until you showed up that is.
“Mother!” He’ll call out in joy as he bounced towards you.
And there goes Riddle’s composure.
Oh great seven, you two have children?! Is his first thought followed by, We will get married, have children, and be together forever!
While initial surprise caught you off guard, you slowly accepted the fact that you and Riddle are now interacting with your future child.
When he can finally go back to his time his final words made both of you blush.
“Farewell, mother and father!” He’ll wave happily as he disappears. “I have to watch over the twins you two just have after all!”
Wanna try betting who’s redder? (It’s Riddle)
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Someone – more like two – that is not him or you is on his bed.
Who dares occupy my bed?!
The little girl stirred from her sleep and upon making eye contact with you two she’ll screech in joy.
“(s/n)! Wake up! Mom and Dad are here!”
Both of you flinched both from the high pitch voice and the statement she just made.
The young boy will wake up as well and greets you two in a much calmer way.
They’ll tell you that someone’s unique magic transported a bunch of kids to the past and now they’re here.
Slowly but surely, you both can tell that (d/n) is a daddy’s girl and (s/n) is a mommy’s boy.
You all decided to take a siesta together, with the children in between.
When you both stirred in your sleep, the kids are gone. There’s a note stuck on Leona’s chest saying that they have to return to their time and they enjoy the siesta as always.
“Can’t wait to have you two soon.” Leona will mutter as he pulled you to him before going back to sleep.
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A girl is crying in the lounge and it's disturbing the customers causing a bunch of complaints, forcing the twins to abandon current tasks to find the girl.
As soon as the girl spotted the twins, she grabs on them. “Uncle Jade, where’s daddy?”
Oh, Jade and Floyd are gonna have a field day with this. They kept questioning the poor girl about everything about her time to the point of scaring her.
“Aw, what a cute girl.” You’ll end up cooing.
“Mommy!” Tears are forming in her eyes as she hugs your legs tightly. “Mommy, I’m scared.”
“(y/n), I wasn’t aware you have a child…” You hear Azul trail off at the news.
He’s crestfallen on the fact that you have a child already. He will start doubting himself, thinking, of course, your relationship wouldn’t last, he’s not good enough, that he didn’t realize the kid is running towards him.
“Daddy! Uncle Jade and Uncle Floyd are scaring me again!”
“D-Daddy?!” He’s so taken aback he fell on his bum.
Jade and Floyd are laughing at his reaction while you just stared back and forth towards the child and Azul.
Ironically this is the time one of Azul’s customers decided to eat and run. Just as he asked the twins to deal with it the kid waved her magical pen.
“Everlasting Summer Spree!” And the guy is now over buying almost everything in the lounge. “Splurge in the joys of summer and shop to the fullest!”
Azul is so proud and started babying her with the very money she earned from one customer alone.
When it's time for her to leave he’s crying… which made her cry as well.
Looks like I’m going to be stuck with crybabies… is the only thing you thought of as you smile.
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“Papa!” Echoed in the middle of the party that Kalim assembled.
When a young boy tackled him, Jamil was ready to grab the said kid until he noticed their features, and boy did he paled up upon the sudden realization.
“Oya, do I remind you of your papa?” Kalim smiled and hugged the kid. “That’s flattering, kiddo!”
“Uh, Kalim you might want to take a real good look on that kid,” Jamil said as he readied to call you on his phone.
When you arrived at the Scarabia dorm, you see Kalim pampering a young boy that has your eyes and complexion. A table full of food, toys, and jewelry scattered around to make the kid happy.
“Mama!” The boy called out to you while your brain is trying to process everything.
“Isn't (s/n) so cute! He’s really smart too!” Your lover kept on praising the kid as he played with Jamil, who looks like he wants to disappear.
Your mom mode instincts kicked in and scolded the two for overdoing things.
They kept saying sorry as Jamil finally got out of the predicament.
When the kid can finally return to their original timeline, he’ll give one last hug to the entire Scarabia dorm’s students before leaving.
“I’m so excited!” Kalim will tell you with a blinding smile. “Arent you excited as well?”
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Vil was looking for Rook when he saw the said man playing with a little blonde girl. The archer noticed his presence so he beckoned the girl to come with him.
“Roi de Poison looks like your beauty runs in the family.”
The little girl did a curtsy as she greeted him. “Greetings, father. I’m (d/n), your daughter from the future.”
He’s amused, seeing as the girl acts gracefully by greeting alone. After doing his usual 5-second head to toe judgment, he nods and beckons her to follow to Pomefiore for a spa day.
No surprise but as they walk the premises of the campus, lots of stares and gossip started spreading.
Before either Vil or Rook can do anything, she once again spoke. “Father, may I ask for permission to use my unique magic?”
This piqued his interest, “Very well, show me what you got.”
“Smile of the Princess~” With an elegant smile flashed to everyone, “Hark, for the fairest’s daughter has graced you her smile~”
You just happened to walk by when you saw the commotion. Color yourself surprised when you saw a girl with Vil’s beauty and grace but with your eyes and preference of hairstyle cast her magic.
You might not have magic but you are quite good at noticing the quirks of everyone’s unique magic. A smile crept on your lips as you realized what her magic really does and who she might be.
They all got enamored with her and waited for her command. “Do get lost and focus on your duties, you pitiful potatoes.”
“As you wish, princess.” Everybody affected by her magic responded and went on their merry way.
“Oh my, so your magic is similar to Monsieur Multi.” Rook happily commented after the display.
“That’s incorrect.” (y/n) responded, already figuring out the true nature of her magic. “Smile of the Princess merely makes her target pay their fullest attention to her. It's her charisma that made them follow her orders.”
“So you noticed as well,” Vil confirmed which you happily nodded.
“Greetings, mother.” She curtsied and introduced herself once more. “We’re currently heading to father’s dormitory to treat our skin. Would you like to join us?”
Ah, so your hunch was right…
“She is going whether she likes it or not,” Vil answered for you as he smirked at your flushed face. “We do need a family bonding after all, don’t we, my dear sweet potato?”
“Yeah… what he said.” You sweatdropped as you unwillingly got dragged to their spa day. “Are we seriously ignoring the fact that she just said we’re her parents?”
“Are you opposed to having children with me?” He raised an eyebrow before facing your kid. “How many siblings do you have?”
“My older brother remains in my timeline with his acting job, father.”
You all end up doing the said spa day and enjoyed getting to know your daughter. You can't help but sigh in relief when she told you that she choose following Vil’s lifestyle of her own will rather than being forced to.
When she has to leave, rather than curtsying, she went and hug both of you instead.
“I know father’s at work and barely spend time with you but please don’t leave him…” She looks away with a sad smile. “He doesn’t mean to make you lonely.”
Against Vil’s protests, you grabbed his hand and raised it with a huge smile. “I promise I won’t let him go until he tells me to.”
Cue to Vil blushing, Rook laughing, and (d/n) smiling as she waves goodbye.
“You better keep that promise, you stupid sweet potato…” Vil mutters under his breath with a small smile.
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The one rare time he leaves his room is when he visits you or he’s out to get his pre-orders. Today’s reason is visiting you.
He hears giggling from his brother and what sounds to be another child. He’s so curious if Ortho made a new friend that he didn’t even process the fact that there’s another person in your dorm.
“Big brother! Your son is here!” Ortho happily announced as he pointed at the giggling boy on your lap.
“AAAHHHH!!!!” Idia.exe has crashed. Please restart your system to continue.
“Ahaha, dad is still so jumpy as always.” (s/n) stood up and walked towards him. “Hi, dad! I’m (s/n), your son from the future.”
He’s the main suspect from all these time-traveling shenanigans. Creating a time machine wanting to meet you two which led to all the children wanting to go as well.
He explains the mechanics of the time machine along with its timer-based setting to return them to their timeline with no fail.
Idia is now just so invested in how this creation works that he sat down on the couch with his holographic computer typing notes and giving his ideas to the kid.
You’re just happy that Idia is finally interacting with someone else even if it's his son.
Truth be told when he randomly showed up in your dorm, (s/n) geeked out so much on how he unlocked the secret episode on his life story. He immediately bombarding you with questions about your current relationship with Idia.
It was overwhelming… thank god for Ortho’s random visits that you managed to calm the kid down.
In the end you four played video games – constantly yelling hacks when someone else wins – and had a great time.
When the timer started beeping, he gave you three a hug. “I love you guys! Please don’t forget the parent-teacher meeting tomorrow, Dad.”
“I believe that something you should say to future us…” You sweatdropped as Idia held back a nervous laugh.
“I-I’ll try.”
Le gasp from all three of you.
When (s/n) disappeared, Ortho starts chattering on how he can’t wait to be an uncle. Leaving so he can make lots of detailed plans for the future hangouts he’ll have with your son.
“(y/n),” He caught your attention as his face and hair slowly turns to fiery red. “I may be the biggest introvert in the world but I promise I’ll do anything that I can to make you happy.”
“Huh, I guess this is how Hades wooed Persephone to marry him…” You smirked as he covered his face to muffle his screaming. “Should we start planning for our wedding now?”
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You two were having a peaceful picnic by the school grounds when a young boy appeared on top of the tree. He lost his balance though and leave it to Malleus’ fast reflexes to catch the boy with no sweat.
“Thank you, father.” The boy with a striking resemblance of your lover spoke as he regained his footing. “This isn’t how I planned to meet you two…”
“Father?” You two both asked.
“Okay, I’m aware that you are god knows how old but I wasn’t aware you have a child?” You can't help but look back and forth between the two boys.
“Neither do I.” He calmly answers, confusion evident on his face. “I haven’t bed anyone in my whole life.”
“My apologies! I’m (s/n) Draconia, your fifth son from the future.”
Cue to you doing a spit-take. “Fifth?!”
Malleus is just beaming in joy from this news, he does love a big family. Oh, he can't wait for the future to come, get married to you and have children… five children!
“There’s eight of us, actually…” He whispered but you both heard it anyways.
Spit-take part two with a bonus of your face being redder than any tomato in existence and Malleus just vibrating in happiness. “EIGHT?!”
He goes on and telling their names and current accomplishments, all to how the youngest sister is about to be born in a few months.
“So, I guess that actually makes it nine.” (s/n) corrects himself one last time.
You passed out while mumbling “Nine… nine kids…”
As much as Malleus wants to keep talking, he chose to care for you first, chuckling at how you passed out from said information.
He brings you and his kid to his room to make sure you have a better mattress to lay on. The two Draconia’s will keep talking about how the future of the family works.
Oh, imagine the horror on his face when tend to always be at doors death every delivery time. Now he knows that it's quite common for humans to die when giving birth.  He second-guesses the idea of having so many children if your life is at stake.
(s/n) have to remind him that they all live, so everything's fine.
After that reassurance, you stirred awake and saw the kid once more. He now wants to snuggle with you on the bed, which Malleus followed suit.
“Mother, please sing me that lullaby again.” He yawns as the older fae encases you two in a hug. “We all love your song…”
You can’t help but smile seeing how adorable your son is being that you hummed the first lullaby your mother has sung to you in your younger days.
You two noticed he’s fading, assuming that he is going back to his timeline once again.
You both placed a kiss on his forehead, saying “We love you, (s/n).”
Malleus chuckles and pulls you close as he peppers your head with kisses. He’s so excited for the future that he’ll share with you and you can't help but feel the same way.
“So… who’s going back to clean up the mess we left at the school grounds?”
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
Prompts: Siblings and Competition
Word Count: 5,884
Characters: The ninja
Timeline: Snapshots throughout the series
Trigger Warnings: None
Summary: What happens when the loveable gremlin the ninja adopted off of the streets introduces them to Starfarer comics?
Chaos ensues, of course.
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“Take that! And that! Oh, yeah-” Jay leaped to his feet, grinning. “Die, lava zombies, die!”
Level complete. The words flashed across the screen, and Jay whooped. Only one more level and he would beat Zane’s high score.
“You could’ve beaten it faster if you had taken out the little guys first.”
Jay whipped around to see the little wispy-haired kid draped over the arm of the couch, staring at the TV screen with a glazed, listless look in his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” Jay snapped.
“I’m borrrred,” he whined, kicking his legs against the couch. “Can I play with you?”
“Can I use the training course?”
“No, you’re not a ninja.”
“Then what am I supposed to do?”
“It’s not our job to entertain you, kid.”
“I didn’t ask to be kidnapped by you,” Lloyd snapped.
Jay felt his face flush. “So you’d rather still be with the Serpentine?”
“Well no, I just wanna have a choice!”
Jay stared at him for a moment. I don’t know his whole story. He’s a kid who’s been dealt a bad hand in life. He exhaled slowly. “Look, Lloyd, you’re just a kid. I know it’s hard for you to understand- but you’ve caused a lot of trouble. The Serpentine are dangerous, and you don’t know enough to deal with them. You just gotta trust us, okay?”
Lloyd sighed dramatically, sliding off of the couch and onto the floor. “Yeah, whatever.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “Can’t you find something to do for a little while? Please? I’ll talk with Sensei about what we’re going to do with you as soon as he gets back.”
To his surprise, Lloyd actually left him alone, and Jay turned back to his game. He knew it wasn’t a very responsible move, but he had never agreed to babysit the kid. Besides, they were going hunting for Serpentine again tomorrow, so it would likely be Jay’s last chance to have some downtime for an entire week.
By the time Jay had finally beaten the top score, his fingers were sore from playing. Flopping onto the couch, he glanced up at the clock. It had been an hour since he had sent Lloyd off, and he hadn’t heard so much as a peep from the kid.
Jay had only known him for a couple of days, but already that seemed like suspicious behavior.
He headed into the storage room that Sensei had scrapped together into a makeshift bedroom for his nephew. Lloyd was sprawled across his mattress, reading a book.
I guess he’s not up to anything. I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge him. Jay turned to leave before stopping suddenly and whirling back around.
“Hey!” he yanked the book out of Lloyd’s hands. “Is this a Starfarer comic? Have you been snooping around in my room?”
“No! I haven’t touched your stupid stuff. Figures, the one time I actually didn’t do anything wrong, you blame me.”
“Have you not heard of The Boy who Cried Wolf?” “What?”
“Nevermind.” Jay examined the comic. It was an old edition, but not one he owned. Besides, the cover was wrinkled and there were dog ears on several pages. Jay would never treat his comics so harshly. “If it’s not mine, then whose is it?”
“It’s mine. Is it so hard to believe that I don’t steal everything?’
“No, I mean, you like Starfarer?”
“Of cou- I, uh, I mean, Starfarer’s for babies, ha. I’m only reading this because it’s the only book I have and you wouldn’t give me anything else to do.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. I guess I’ll have to go enjoy my Starfarer comic collection on my own, then. Since it’s too babyish for big kids like you.”
“Your what?” Lloyd was suddenly sticking to him like a barnacle. “You collect Starfarer comics?”
“Not just comics.” He grinned as he watched Lloyd’s eyes widen. “Movies, posters, action figures- you name it.”
“No way! Can I see? Please, please? Just for a second-” Jay put a hand on his shoulder, holding him back. “Hang on, kiddo. I thought Starfarer was for babies?”
Lloyd shifted on his feet. “Well, I didn’t really mean that, I just- I was just testing you!”
Jay raised an eyebrow, smothering a laugh. “Uh huh. If you’re such a master, why aren’t you reading the new comics?”
Lloyd looked down, shuffling his feet. “I… this is the newest one I have. We didn’t really get many opportunities to buy what we wanted at Darkley’s. Especially not a book about superheroes. Because we were super busy being evil and stuff, heh.”
Jay felt his heart twist. Am I really pitying Lloyd Garmadon right now just because of some comics?
Although, when he looked at Lloyd now, he didn’t see the annoying, mischievous son of a villain. He saw a wide-eyed, naive kid looking at Jay with such hope that it was hard not to feel a strong urge to protect him from the burdens of the world.
Jay crouched down next to him. “Y’know what? I’ll show you my newer comics. You can even keep some, if you like.”
“Really? You’re not messing with me?”
“As long as you promise not to treat them like that.” Jay gestured towards the wrinkled comic. “Seriously, dude, you better go wash your grubby little hands before I even let you within five feet of my stuff.”
Jay didn’t think he’d ever seen Lloyd be in such a hurry to do anything.
“What’s this do?”
Nya snatched Lloyd’s hand away from the control panel. “Don’t touch that!”
“But what about-”
“Or that! Just-” She took a deep breath, running her fingers through her hair. “Don’t touch anything unless I specifically tell you to, okay?”
“Well, then what am I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know, find something. I’m not here to babysit you, Lloyd, I’m managing the comms. It’s important to make sure we stay in touch with the guys when they are on their mission.”
“I don’t need a babysitter,” he huffed. “Why couldn’t they take me with them? I am a ninja now. I could’ve bashed in some Serpentine heads!”
Nya glanced at him, glaring defiantly in his oversized gi. “I’d hardly call you a ninja, squirt. You haven’t even grown into that gi yet.”
“Yes, I have! See, it fits me perfectly!”
“...Lloyd, those pant legs almost completely cover your shoes.”
“They do not! Uncle Wu said I was a ninja.”
“A ninja in training, at best,” Nya corrected.
“What’s the use of being the green ninja if I don’t get anything fun out of it?”
“One day, green machine. You just have to be patient.”
He groaned loudly, flopping onto the chair. “I hate being patient.”
“No! You? Impatient? Who would’ve guessed?”
“Can’t you at least show me how to turn on the alarms?”
“No. Alarms are for emergencies only.”
“It is an emergency! I’m going to die of boredom!”
“Fine,” Nya relented. “What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone- and stay out of trouble? Can I rent you a movie?”
“Ooh, can I watch Zombies: Back for Revenge? Or Ghost Story? Or Dawn of Destruction?”
“Nope, nope, and nope. Too scary, too mature, too violent. Pick something more family-friendly, Lloyd.”
He pouted. “Kai got to watch those movies.”
“Yeah, well, Kai’s older than you and is responsible for his own actions. If you watch those, you’ll be up all night with nightmares and Sensei will never trust me again.”
“I won’t have nightmares! He’ll never know! Please, Nya.”
“No. End of discussion. Pick something else or nothing at all. Remember, it’s my money paying for the movie here. What about those… space wars movies you love?”
“It’s Starfarer,” Lloyd snapped, although his expression looked considerably lighter. “There’s one I haven’t seen yet…”
After Lloyd showed her the movie and she paid for it, Nya turned back to the control panel and checked for messages from the guys. Still nothing.
She really hated when they left her in the dark like that.
There were sounds of explosions from behind her, and a cheer from Lloyd- she glanced over her shoulder to see him grinning gleefully at the screen as the main characters blew something up. She shook her head- what was it with young boys and explosions?- but she couldn’t stop a smile from creeping onto her face. Glancing over at the comms, she double-checked that no one had said anything.
The guys obviously weren’t taking the effort to communicate with her. It wouldn’t hurt to take a quick break.
Sitting down next to Lloyd, she focused her attention on the movie. It seemed nonsensical and boring at first, but after a bit, Lloyd started explaining things to her, and, to her surprise, she found herself happy to listen. As it got later, his talking slowed, and at some point- Nya couldn’t quite identify when- Lloyd was leaning against her side, snuggling with their shared blanket.
Nya watched him carefully. She hadn’t cuddled with anyone like this since she had been younger, with Kai- but then, she had been the younger one, the one being protected. Now, she was experiencing what she imagined Kai must’ve felt, and despite how annoying he could be, Nya felt a strong urge to pull him close and never let him go.
She understood their reluctance to let Lloyd fight fully now. She didn’t want to ever send him off into battle, especially not the Final Battle.
How could this sweet, stubborn little wisp of a child be the green ninja?
Many hours and three movies later, Nya was afraid to even look at the clock. Rubbing Lloyd’s head, she murmured, “It’s way past your bedtime, kiddo.”
“‘m not tired,'” he mumbled in an obviously tired voice.
“I already let you stay up way later than you should be.”
“Just one more movie!” “Lloyd! These things are two hours long!”
“I promise I’ll go right to bed after!”
“That’s what you said after the last one.”
“Well, I really mean it this time.”
“No way.”
“Please?” Lloyd suddenly looked a lot more nervous, twisting his hands together. “Just… just until we hear something. From the ninja.”
“Oh, Lloyd.” She put a hand on his back. “It’s okay. They’re okay. Most likely, they just forgot to report back. They do that all the time.”
“But we don’t know that.”
“...Yeah. You’re right. We don’t.”
“Is it always this scary? Waiting for them to talk to you, not knowing what’s going on?”
Nya nodded slowly. “Yeah, a lot of the time it is, bud. But eventually, you learn to trust them. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t worry about their safety, but I know they are strong and capable and can take care of themselves.” Lloyd nodded. “That makes sense.”
He still didn’t look quite content with her answer, though. Nya leaned in, murmuring to him.
“Tell you what. What if we watch half of one more movie?”
Man, she was turning into such a disgustingly gross softie for this kid so fast, wasn’t she.
But the wide, genuine smile that split across his face made it worth it.
Kai stood in front of the long expanse of bookshelves, stacked with dozens and dozens of comics.
“Excuse me,” Kai gestured to the nearest bookstore employee, and he walked over. “Which part is the Starfarer section?”
The employee blinked at him. “You’re already in it. This entire wall is Starfarer.”
Kai gawked at the wall in utter amazement. There had to be at least a hundred books there. How were these many Starfarer comics even possible?
“Which one is the best one?” he asked the employee.
The man pushed his glasses up his nose, looking increasingly annoyed with Kai’s lack of Starfarer knowledge. “That’s hardly a straightforward question. Starfarer is our most popular franchise, they’re all popular. It’s impossible to pick one book. If you’re looking for our most popular selling comics of all time, that would be volumes 1, 32, 45, and 79. As for comics trending right now, that, of course, would be the most recent ones, 273 through 282. Although volume 13 has seen a sudden influx in readership. If you are looking for those with the best ratings-”
How do I say, ‘which comic is best for my little brother who was just aged up several years, without warning, and I want to help him regain his sense of childhood?’
Deciding this wasn’t going to be helpful, Kai gently dismissed the employee and began looking on his own. He tried to pick out ones with interesting covers, but ended up throwing many of them back after skimming the summaries on the back.
That wasn’t working very well either, and Kai was just about to throw the towel in and grab some random comics and hope for the best- or worse, call Jay and ask for help- when he decided to open one comic to skim it.
This quickly turned into a mistake, because before Kai knew it, five minutes had turned into an hour, and he had completely finished the comic. One comic turned into two, then five. He only was able to yank himself from his reading when he got a text from Zane asking where he was and that dinner was going to be ready soon.
Gathering up a large handful of the comics he had liked, Kai headed back towards the Bounty on his motorbike.
He found Lloyd on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with earbuds in. He pulled them out when he saw Kai, his gaze darting curiously towards the stack of comics.
“I got you these,” Kai said, setting them down next to him. “I know things are… different now, with you being older, but you’re always going to be my little brother. And I wanted you to know that just because you’re physically older doesn’t mean you have to stop doing the things you love. So if you still want to make doodles for our fridge, or make your food into shapes on your plate, or read Starfarer comics, no one’s going to judge you.”
Lloyd picked up a comic, slowly leafing through it. He was quiet for so long that Kai began to worry that he had completely messed something up. But when he finally spoke, he simply said, “You read it.”
“I… what?”
A smile spread across Lloyd’s face. “You read these before you bought them. Didn’t you?”
Kai spluttered. “I- what? That doesn’t make any sense! You have no proof!”
“The pages are creased over here. You always crease back the pages when you have a book. And there’s a slight depression here that shows the presence of fingers. Too big to be Jay’s or Nya’s, and too small to be Zane’s or Cole’s.”
Kai blinked at him. “You pay way too much attention to people, don’t you?”
“Hey, I paid attention during training, y’know!”
“More than we give you credit for, apparently.”
“I just can’t believe I spent all those months trying to pressure you to read Starfarer and you suddenly pick it up when I’m not even forcing you.”
“Shut up.” Kai shoved him gently. “It was a one-time thing. I was only doing it so I could find a comic you would like,”
“Yeah, so it makes sense you would look at them for five hours.”
“How did you- I mean, I didn’t go to the bookstore right away! I was doing other things! I only went there a few minutes before I came home!”
“Oh, yeah?” Lloyd raised an eyebrow. “What ‘other things?’”
“Uh, very important ninja business, like, um… patrol?”
“Cole returned from patrol two hours ago.”
“Well, this was a super-secret different patrol that Cole doesn’t even know about.”
“Really. Does Sensei know?”
“Nope. Just me.”
Lloyd elbowed him playfully. “You’re gonna have to watch all the movies with me now, y’know.”
“No way. Aren’t there like, fifty of those?”
“No, thanks.”
“You have to! It’s part of the experience. Wait until I tell Jay you’re into it now.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“You bet I would!” Lloyd looked over at the pile of comics again, examining them more closely. “Nice, these are some good ones. Which ones did you read?”
“Um. The ones I bought?”
Lloyd looked up at him, his grin fading. “But like… not just these, right? You read others? In between them?”
“No… is this supposed to be some sort of poke at me being a slow reader-”
“No! I just can’t believe you read them in this order! Seriously, you couldn’t have gotten it any more wrong! You’ve ruined the whole series for yourself!”
“Oh, that’s such a shame, guess you better not tell Jay, then-”
“Oh, no way, you’re still getting into the fandom. We’re going to fix this. Come look at my comics. We’re going to read them together, and I’m gonna show you how to do it right.”
“Oh, is that Zane calling for dinner-”
“Nice try,” Lloyd smirked. “But you’ve entered the Starfarer fandom now. You’re in it, good and deep. There’s no coming back from this, Kai.”
“Glad to see your psychotic gremlin tendencies weren’t lost in the tea,” Kai grumbled. “Probably the one thing I could’ve gone without.”
“Are you out of your mind? The movie adaptions of Starfarer are way better.”
“Okay, there is clearly no hope left for you, Lloyd. The show is far superior to any of the movies.”
“Are you kidding? The budget for the show was so much lower! They just used a bunch of cheap, corny special effects, the movies were much smoother!”
“Visuals aren’t the most important thing, Lloyd. The show had a smaller storyboard team, meaning their ideas were more consistent and developed. The plot is overall much more in-depth in the show, and the extended time also gives them more space to do what they want.”
“It also leaves a lot of space for pointless filler! The movies are more direct. Every scene is important. Whereas I can name half a dozen episodes from the show- and that’s just on the top of my head- that were completely useless and would not change the plot at all if discarded.”
“You’re insane, every filler episode had importance! Some just showed it in smaller ways than others.”
“They could’ve fit the minor details into the other episodes!”
“Yeah, but filler is nice sometimes. Getting some more chill episodes between all the action is good.”
“No way, they’re boring and ruin the pacing. The movies have you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole thing.”
Zane sighed, glancing over at Jay and Lloyd. Their argument was getting increasingly more physical, with each boy attempting to tower over the other- not an easy task, considering they were both short.
“Can you two please be quiet? Or at least take this somewhere else? I’m trying to watch the news to make sure there aren’t any danger reports in Ninjago City.”
Jay suddenly whirled on him. “Zane! That’s it!”
“...What’s it?”
“Zane should decide! Which is better? The Starfarer movies, or the show?” Turning to Lloyd, he added, “Since he’s a nindroid, he’ll be the least biased of all of us.”
“One problem,” Lloyd said. “Zane hasn’t watched either.”
“Well, then, he’ll have to watch them,” Jay shrugged.
Zane glanced back and forth between them. “You want me to watch twenty-seven movies. And all seven seasons of the TV show. Just to help you win a disagreement.”
“It’s actually eight seasons,” Lloyd corrected.
“Exactly!” Jay beamed. “You’ll do great. Get back to us when you’ve watched them all and have formed an opinion. The sooner the better, so that I can prove Lloyd wrong as quickly as possible.”
“Hey! If anything, I’m going to prove you wrong!” “No way! The show-”
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it!” Zane stood up suddenly, putting his hands between them before another argument could break out. “Just stop fighting. Please.”
“You got yourself a deal,” Jay winked.
Two weeks and over a hundred hours of content later, Jay and Lloyd were staring at him expectantly over the dinner table.
“Well? What’s the verdict?”
Zane blinked at them with glassy eyes. “They were both very good. I enjoyed them. However, I feel like I never want to watch a minute of Starfarer ever again.”
“Seriously?” Lloyd fumed. “We waited all this time for him to not even properly answer the question?”
“Who cares about the question?” Cole grumbled. “Zane was so tired from watching your guys’ dumb Starfarer stuff, he messed up the gumbo.” Cole drew a spoon listlessly through the stew. “This is my favorite meal. I’m never forgiving you guys for messing it up.”
“Starfarer isn’t stupid,” Jay and Lloyd cried at once. They blinked at each other, surprised, and Kai and Nya laughed.
“I think that’s the first thing they’ve agreed on all week,” Nya grinned.
“It won’t last,” Kai murmured to her as the green and blue ninja set on Cole for his statement on Starfarer. “I give them two days to find something else to bicker about.”
“Hurry, Nya, he’s almost at the navigation!”
“I’m trying!” Nya bit her lip, an iron grip on her video game controller. “He’s sabotaged the security system!”
Game over flashed across the screen, and Jay leaped to his feet, cheering. Nya rolled her eyes, tossing down her controller, while Zane, Lloyd, and Kai watched with disappointment.
“I can’t believe he won again,” Kai huffed. “How is he still undefeated? We’ve been playing this game for weeks.”
“I thought you were supposed to be good at this, Lloyd,” Nya grumbled. “You’re the Starfarer expert. You’ve got so many hours logged on here.”
“I’d like to point out that I’ve gotten closer to beating him than any of you have,” he snapped. “The last time I was only seconds away from winning.”
“Yeah, well, close isn’t good enough,” Kai said. “We need to beat him. Otherwise, it will get to his head.”
“Clearly none of us are going to be winning any time soon,” Nya groaned.
“There is someone who hasn’t played against him yet,” Zane mused. “Someone who has a track record of beating Jay’s top scores in games.”
Five gazes drifted towards the chair on the other side of the room. Cole looked up from his book when he realized the others were looking at him. “What do you want this time?”
“You gotta beat Jay in Starfarer: Alien Invasion 3,” Lloyd insisted, at his side immediately. “He’s undefeated. You know how unbearable he gets when he’s cocky.”
Cole blinked slowly up at them. “I don’t know the first thing about Starfarer.”
“I can teach you,” Lloyd begged. “Just do it. Please. Since when have you passed up an opportunity to beat Jay in something?”
Jay grinned. “Admit it, guys, I’ve defeated you. There’s no way Cole will ever win against me.”
Cole stood up abruptly. “Oh yeah? We’ll see about that. Lloyd, give me that controller. Jay’s about to get a serving of humility.”
For what appeared to be just another mundane rendition of a classic monster-fighter game, it surprised Cole to find it was actually much more complex and engaging.
It would’ve actually been really fun, had Jay not been so ridiculously goated at the game.
“What? Your character is invulnerable to the imperial sludge? How is that fair?”
Jay scoffed. “If you had read the Aliens Strike Back arc of Starfarer comics, you would’ve known that.”
“This totally isn’t fair. You have a bunch of background knowledge on Starfarer that I don’t.”
“It’s not our fault you’re the only one who hasn’t read or watched any Starfarer,” Lloyd said.
“Oh no,” Cole groaned. “You guys are dragging me into this too, aren’t you?”
“Where’s my copy of issue 117 of Starfarer?”
Jay looked up from the counter, where he was munching on crackers. “Like I would know, Lloyd. It’s not my responsibility to keep track of where you put your stuff.”
“I know exactly where I put it. But it’s gone now! I left it on my nightstand last night, right next to my bed. I haven’t touched it since.”
“Well, evidently, you have, since it’s not there now.”
“No, I didn’t touch it! Someone must’ve moved it!”
“And? I don’t see how this is my problem.”
“Everyone knows you’re the biggest Starfarer fanboy on the team apart from me, and I happen to be aware that you don’t own that particular comic.”
“I didn’t steal your comic, Lloyd.”
“Oh yeah? Then what happened to it?”
“Don’t ask me!” “You know that’s my favorite issue, Jay.”
“So? You think I’d take it just to spite you?”
“I think you’d-”
He cut off as Kai meandered into the kitchen, eating crackers and reading a comic.
Lloyd’s eyes widened. “Hey! That’s my missing comic!”
Kai glanced up at him. “You said I could borrow it.” “I did not! And give it to me, before you get cracker crumbs all over it!”
Kai rolled his eyes as Lloyd snatched it from him. “Alright, fine, take your dumb comic.”
Jay crossed his arms. “I think you owe me an apology, Lloyd.”
Lloyd stuck his tongue out at him, and Jay returned the gesture.
“Hey!” They turned to see Nya strolling into the room behind Kai, elbowing her brother sharply. “You said I could have that comic once you finished it.”
“Seriously, Kai? You can’t go around giving my comic to people without asking.”
“I wasn’t going to give it to her! She’s lying!” “Excuse me? You literally just said that like ten minutes ago-”
Zane and Cole joined them not long after, glancing around. “Guys! What’s with all the racket?”
“Kai promised me his Starfarer comic after he was done-”
“It’s not Kai’s, it’s mine! And he took it from me without asking and just auctioned it off to Nya!” “I didn’t auction off anything, it’s not like she paid me for it. Although, that's honestly not a bad idea…”
“What is this, a monopoly?” Jay asked. “We’re not paying for comics we already own, that’s dumb.”
“Yeah,” Lloyd agreed, “especially when they were mine in the first place.”
“Liar! Most of them were mine!” Jay insisted. “I should get dominion over my own comics!”
“Just because you own the most doesn’t mean you own all of them,” Lloyd countered. “You may have more comics by sheer number, but I have more rare comics than you and, overall, my comics have a higher value.”
“I’m sick of you two always deciding everything about Starfarer,” Cole said. “Why can’t one of us regulate the comics?”
“Whoever gets control over the comics is just going to have bias and distribute them to their advantage.”
“I think I would be the most responsible man for the job-”
“Stop lying to yourself, dirtclod, I’d obviously be better-”
“Better than Kai, yeah, if you’re trying to set the bar low.”
“Excuse me?”
“Guys,” Lloyd interrupted, slamming his fists down on the table. “There’s only one solution to settle this. We have a competition. Winner gets control over the Starfarer comics for… let’s say, the next six months.”
Kai cracked his knuckles, grinning. “You had me at competition.”
“When you said, ‘competition,’ somehow I was expecting something a little more grandiose than this.”
The ninja had gathered around the kitchen table, glancing down at the box Lloyd had dropped there. Starfarer: Galaxy Wars, it read.
“Yeah, Lloyd,” Cole agreed. “A board game? Seriously?”
“Not just any board game. The most popular, most difficult, most fun game out there. It is truly for the Starfarer master. Part roleplay, part strategy, part trivia- it puts your Starfarer knowledge to the test. That way, we know whoever wins this didn’t just get the win out of chance, but actually deserves it.”
Nya raised an eyebrow. “I mean, I guess. But you better not be an expert at this game.”
Lloyd shook his head. “I’ve only played it a few times, I promise.”
“Okay then,” Kai said. “May the best ninja win.”
As usual, that lasted about five minutes until they were all yelling at each other.
“Oh, come on!” Cole threw down his card. “I got stuck in the Imperial Sludge Swamp again?”
“Ha!” Jay leaned forward, moving his piece across the board, jumping over Cole’s pawn. “Next time you know to pick a character with better environmental perks.”
“Cole’s character is more well-rounded, though,” Zane pointed out. “If you are unable to gather enough energy before the end, it is likely the aliens will take you out.”
“Quit your yapping and let me take my turn.” Kai snatched the dice from Jay’s hand and tossed them- landing a perfect 12.
“You’re cheating!” Nya snapped. “That’s the third turn in a row you’ve rolled higher than a ten. Are you using weighted dice or something?”
“He’s using the exact same dice I just used, Nya.”
“It’s called skill,” Kai scoffed. “Maybe someday, you can be as good as me.”
“Rolling dice is completely based on chance! If the best skill you can boast is being able to roll high numbers, I think I’m doing pretty well.”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see how useless it is once I win this thing and get total control over all the Starfarer comics.”
“Fat chance,” Nya huffed as Kai moved his piece.
“Oh, look at that, I found a pile of scrap metal! I get to roll again!”
“Are. You. Kidding me!”
“Wait,” Zane put a hand on Nya’s shoulder. “He’s right by the alien spaceship. If he gets an 11 or less, he’ll be on their turf and they’ll shoot him down, kidnap him, or confront him, depending on his stats. The only way he could possibly get through this without negative consequences is by rolling a 12.”
“There’s no way he’ll do it again,” Cole agreed. “Nya, this is your chance to overtake him.”
“Let’s see.” Kai grabbed the two dice and shook up his hands. He shook and shook, stopped to blow on the dice, then shook some more-
“Just roll the stupid dice,” Cole snapped.
Kai dropped the dice, and time seemed to move in slow motion. Lloyd held his breath, leaning forward-
And watched as the dice rolled one six, then another.
A perfect roll.
“Cheating!” Nya cried. “Cheating, I tell you! There’s no way this is possible.”
“We can’t let him win,” Jay groaned. “He won’t share any comics with us.” “Not true! I’ll let Lloyd have one.”
“Only one?” “That’s better than none at all,” Jay snapped. “At least he’s giving you something.”
“He’s not going to be giving me anything, because he’s not going to win.”
Kai grinned, gesturing at the dice. “Sure, be my guest. See if you can beat me.”
Lloyd rolled, earning a seven.
Jay hissed between his teeth. “Tough luck, green bean- you get injured and robbed by aliens.”
“Actually,” Lloyd said, slipping a card from his pile and slamming it down on the middle of the table. “I don’t, because I play this special ability card, allowing me to pick the number of spaces I travel. I choose 10, landing myself on the abandoned spacecraft. Then I use my character’s high level mechanics skills and use this card-” he slammed down another card that showed scrap metal reserves- “to instantly fix the ship. Then I spend my energy points to get another turn, use the gas from my generator to fuel the ship, and then am able to fly the ship back to the base and restore the artifacts. According to the manual, it would take three days from my location, and Kai, the closest, would take five days in his slower spacecraft, meaning it is impossible for anyone to beat me back, and I win the game.”
For a moment, they were silent, gaping at him.
“How?” Cole murmured. “Dude, how did you do that?”
“He just crossed half the board in one turn,” Kai spluttered. “And I was about to win! That shouldn’t even be possible!”
“How many moves were you planning ahead?” Zane shook his head. “Your strategy appears to be far more complex than any of us were anticipating for this kind of game.”
“I knew something was up when he kept stashing his ability cards,” Jay groaned. “We were all using ours, but he hardly used any- he was saving them up to use them all in a big power move and catch us off guard, the little rascal!”
“You liar,” Nya hissed. “You said you only played this game a few times! This was way too complicated of a plan for a novice player.”
“Technically, that’s true,” Lloyd grinned. “I have only played a few times. But I never said how long I played for each time.”
“You conniving little gremlin.”
“Now, Nya,” Lloyd scolded in a sagely voice, barely able to suppress his laughter, “I’d be careful how you speak to me from now on. If you’re rude, I may not give you any Starfarer.”
“Yeah, this is going to get old, very quickly.”
“I can’t believe it,” Jay sighed. “You never share comics with us.”
Lloyd gawked at him. “Are you kidding? It’s because of my sharing that you guys are even into Starfarer in the first place! Jay was the only one who knew about it before I came, but even he didn’t tell anyone else he was a fanboy and kept stuff hidden in boxes. When I showed interest, do you remember how excited you got? You took everything out, just for me.”
Zane shook his head, smiling. “I still can’t believe you got me to binge the entire series.”
“Or how I spent hours investing in that game and tracking down all that information in the comics just to beat Jay’s high score? Which I crushed, by the way.”
Jay scowled. “For the last time, you beat me by five points! You didn’t crush anyone.”
Cole scoffed. “Someone’s just jealous. If it weren’t for Lloyd, I would’ve never beat you.”
“You showed us all something we love, huh, squirt?” Kai ruffled his hair, and Lloyd pulled away, like usual, but grinned at him, bumping his shoulder gently.
“Remember when you used to get all upset at me for slacking off and reading Starfarer comics during training?”
Kai reddened. “That was different! We were preparing you for the Final Battle, there was a lot to be done.”
“Hypocrites,” Lloyd whispered, giggling as he ducked a swing from Kai.
“Well, what are you going to do now, ‘master of the comics?’” Jay asked. “Hoard all the books to yourself? Read in front of us to taunt us?” “Tempting,” Lloyd said, “but I think first, I want to play another round of the Starfarer board game.”
Cole blinked. “Lloyd, it’s seven pm. And this took us like five hours to get through the first time.”
The ninja blinked at each other.
“Oh, it’s on!”
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
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Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu
Hey, everyone! I'm happy to present the piece I wrote for the @todorokibigbang! Enjoy some TodoMomo wedding fluff <3 Also, be sure to check out the absolutely stunning art by my partner, @danyartime​! 
Shoto sucked in a deep breath as he straightened his bowtie for the tenth time in the last minute, using his reflection in the mirror to ensure that the wine red accessory hugged the collar of his white button-down shirt snugly. As his hands fell, they automatically itched to smooth down the nonexistent creases in the thick, sleek fabric of his tuxedo jacket. He smoothed his palms down his front anyway, until they met the band of his black dress pants. Just as he began to wonder if he should re-shine his shoes, he realized just exactly where his mind was derailing and smiled sardonically to himself. 
Natsuo told me about the pre-wedding jitters, but I never imagined they would be this bad. 
Of course, Shoto had no compulsions to flee the altar; proposing to his soon-to-be wife was the greatest decision he had ever made. He would happily give her his heart, his world, everything he could offer, and more without sparing a second thought. However, as he stood there fidgeting in front of the floor-length mirror, listening to his groomsmen bicker and laugh in the adjoining room, Shoto would be remiss to admit that he wasn’t nervous. 
He couldn’t help but wonder if he was deserving of all this— friends and family to surround him as he passes into the next chapter of his life and a successful career as a burgeoning pro hero with a sound investment in an agency that he, Izuku, and Katsuki were slowly building from the ground up—all of which he could share with his beloved. After all the trials and tribulations of his young life, it all seemed so… easy. Shoto was far from perfect and had his regrets, so how could this wonderful life just have fallen into his hands?
As he ruminated, he smacked his lips, his mouth going uncomfortably dry, eyebrows furrowed as he sipped at a bottle of water. Shoto had never entertained these thoughts before—not when he graduated, not when he broke out as a professional hero, and not even on his worst days when he couldn’t save anyone—so it was mighty conspicuous that his subconscious chose now of all days to second-guess himself. He scrunched up his face as he tried to will away the anxiety gnawing at his insides. 
Ever since high school, you’ve worked hard to become who you are now. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy the comforts you slaved for… he told himself, but it rang hollowly in his heavy heart. He drained the water bottle and tossed it in the trash, grimace not leaving his face. His tongue still felt bone-dry and coated with ash. As he paced the small room, rubbing his sweaty palms on his thighs, there was a quiet knock at the door that led to the hallway. 
“Hey, Sho, it’s us!” called Natsuo’s cheerful voice, followed by Fuyumi chirping a greeting. Running a hand through his hair and checking himself in the mirror to make sure he didn’t look too rattled, he hurried to the door and opened it. His elder siblings wore identical smiles as they looked him up and down. 
“You sure clean up nice,” Natsuo grinned as he looped an arm around Shoto’s neck and tugged him down to affectionately ruffle his hair. “Look at you, so big now that you’re getting married, huh? Man, how time flies.”
Shoto grunted as he tugged himself away, indignantly smoothing down his hair. The strands were fine and ordered enough that he didn’t have to bother doing anything, but he didn’t want to meet his bride with flyaways sticking up all over his head. “Natsuo…” 
“Hey, stud, not having any second thoughts, are you?” the white-haired man grinned playfully, nudging him with an elbow. Shoto blinked, floored by his elder brother’s sudden inquiry. 
“What? Of course not!” he answered in bewilderment. Natsuo seemed entertained and had no implications that it was an inappropriate thing to ask. 
“Good, good!” Natsuo chimed. He then glanced at Fuyumi as she began to sniffle. 
“I can’t believe it… Our Shoto is all grown up…” she moaned and dabbed at the tears blooming in the corners of her eyes. “Next thing you know, he’ll be having babies and will slowly move out of our lives…” 
Shoto turned beet red at the mention of having children. It wasn’t out of the question, but it certainly wasn’t on his mind right now, so it unnerved him a little to have it brought up in conversation. He swallowed the nervous nausea in favor of stepping forward to wrap his sister up in a gentle hug. He was taller than her now, so she could nestle right into the crook of his shoulder and cry. 
“Fuyumi, I’m not going anywhere,” he laughed lightly. “You’re still my family. I know life gets busy, but I’m still going to make every effort to see you all.” 
“Really?” Fuyumi gasped as her head snapped up. Shoto tried not to laugh at the black smudges of mascara under her eyes and smiled reassuringly. 
“Of course,” he said before leaning down to kiss the top of her head. The sweet action made Fuyumi start blubbering again, and no amount of dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief prevented the mascara from streaming down her flushed cheeks. Natsuo led her away to the bathroom, trying to suppress his snickers as Fuyumi wailed about “what a good young boy Shoto turned out to be,” and left Shoto in the doorway. 
What a good young boy he turned out to be, her words echoed in the dark of his mind. Though her words should fill him with pride and love, the only thing that rose up within Shoto was the cold emptiness of doubt. He leaned in the doorframe as his breath left him in a heavy sigh, and he stared at the place his siblings had rounded the corner. Fuyumi’s crying face flashed in his mind. 
Why was she crying in the first place? Why would she ever think that I would abandon them? The notion made nervous butterflies flutter in his stomach. Had Shoto perhaps been negligent with his family? Sure, they were the textbook definition of dysfunctional, but after his first semester at U.A., he’d done his best to try to mend their fractured relationship. Had he not done enough? Did Fuyumi really believe that now that he’d found a wife, he’d just make his own little family and forget all about them? 
He scowled as that irritating dryness returned to his mouth, making him run a hand over his lips. His entire family would be attending the ceremony today. He thought that was because they were there to support him, but could it be mere pretense? Or worse, did they all believe that after today they would see less and less of him until routine visits became replaced with excuses? He squirmed in the doorway as a pang of guilt began to prickle at him. 
Before he could dwell on that unsettling thought, someone called his name from down the hall. He looked up to see the looming bulk of his father striding towards him. Shoto involuntarily straightened up, blinking as Enji came to a stop in front of him. 
“Hello, son,” Enji coughed uncomfortably, tugging at the baby-blue tie tucked into his gray suit jacket. Shoto could tell that Enji was trying to hide his nervousness by the way he kept his head held high and the nervous twitches in his face muscles. Even now, after Shoto had grown into a young man, their relationship still had its strains, yet Shoto wasn’t petty enough to deny his father witnessing his marriage, so he’d still invited him. Enji’s eyes raked over him before giving an approving nod. “It suits you,” he said with a vague gesture to his tuxedo. 
Enji shuffled his weight from one large foot to the other, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he struggled to gather his words. “Father, is there something you want to say?” 
“I, uh,” Enji gulped and scratched at his close-cropped auburn hair. “I just wanted… I just wanted to tell you… how proud I am of you, Shoto,” he mumbled, voice dropping with every word. Shoto’s face blanched in shock, causing him to just stare dumbly up at his father. Enji continued to fidget nervously, fumbling through his fatherly dotage. “You’ve, uh… You’ve come a long way. I know that a part of you will never forgive me for what I’ve done, and I know now that the way I treated you was not right. I’m, uh… very grateful that you’re even allowing me to be here to see you get married.” 
“Father, it’s not—” 
“Please let me finish,” Enji blurted, going a little pink in the face. Shoto nodded respectfully, and Enji grumbled under his breath, “How should I say this?” He contemplated anxiously for a moment before continuing, “You’re a fine young man and a fine young hero, a better one than I ever could have dreamed of, and you did that all on your own. Even if I don’t deserve it, it’s an honor to call you my son.” 
Shoto’s throat bobbed as it grew a little tight. 
“Thanks, Father…” 
“I know you’ll go on to do amazing things,” Enji said, seeming to relax as Shoto didn't outright reject his sentiments. He laid a large hand on Shoto’s shoulders. “You’ve made a promising career for yourself because of your hard work in school. Japan couldn’t ask for a finer hero.” Enji held onto his shoulder a second before he coughed uncomfortably and retracted. “I, um… I had better go now. Sorry if I interrupted anything.” It looked like he wanted to embrace Shoto, but he merely offered him a handshake. Shoto shook his hand, still slightly dazed from his father’s emotional speech, and then watched him head towards the entryway. 
Enji paused and looked back at him with knitted eyebrows. 
“Are you… Are you all right, Shoto? You seem tense. You aren’t having any second thoughts, are you?” 
There it is again… Why was everyone asking that? Was that just a thing people asked the groom on their wedding day? Was it really that common for grooms to leave their brides? 
“Of course not, Father. I couldn’t be happier.” 
Enji nodded thoughtfully, staring at him a moment, before uttering a terse, “Good.” Then he was gone, and Shoto was alone again. 
Japan couldn’t ask for a finer hero.
Well, Shoto certainly didn’t feel very fine right now. Shoto had to crawl his way up to the top alongside his classmates. He thought of Fuyumi, of how she’d cried and begged Shoto not to leave them. Maybe he was devoting too much energy to his career. What would the adoring public think if they learned that Shoto was forsaking all the important things in his life to be the best? They’d call him an egotist, for sure. Was that what he was? 
Once again, he thought about how easily everything seemed to be falling into place. Could that be because Shoto was sacrificing other things in the process? Or worse, was this “vision” of his easy life all an illusion? 
What if all of this isn’t as it seems, and I really don’t deserve any of it? 
Just as panic began to pump through his system, he was jolted out of his thoughts by the door to the adjoining room slamming open. He whirled around to see Katsuki stomping into the room, his face nearly as red as the wine red of his boutonniere. The volatile blond was dragging Shoto’s best man in by the collar, clearly to complain about something he didn’t approve of. 
Shoto raised his eyebrows as Katsuki slung a very frightened Izuku to the ground in front of him. 
“K-Kacchan! It’s not that serious!” the green-haired boy whined as he rolled over to sit cross-legged on the floor and pout. Katsuki snorted haughtily and craned up his head, nose upturned so far that he was nearly looking at the ceiling. 
“Idiot! I’ll never understand why this Icy-Hot bastard chose you as his best man! Do you know what this loser just suggested?” Katsuki accused with a sharp point at the sulking Izuku while he rounded on Shoto. Nonplussed, Shoto just shook his head. “‘Hey, why don’t we send Shoto to check and see if the girls are ready’?” Katsuki mocked in a high-pitched, squeaky rendition of Izuku’s voice. “Moron!” Katsuki yelled and leaned down over Izuku, hands on his hips while Izuku blushed and rubbed at the side of his face. “Don’t you know it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride? A best man would know that!” 
“I just wanted to make sure everything was coming along well,” Izuku explained meekly. “If there was a problem, I wanted to make sure we knew about it and could plan accordingly…” 
“Then send one of the other extras, not the fucking groom!” 
As the two began to bicker back and forth, Shoto sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. Honestly, he should have known better than to stick the two in a room together, but their venue didn’t really give them a choice. It was an antiquated millhouse fashioned into a wedding venue; the bridal party dressed in a small suite upstairs from the main floor where the wedding would be held, while the men prepared in a small, two-room shack next door. They’d been charmed by the rustic and quaint nature of the venue, as neither of them wanted a grand affair of their wedding, but Shoto was beginning to wonder if perhaps they should have opted for somewhere with more space and privacy… 
“Enough,” Shoto barked as his frustration reached a boil. Izuku and Katsuki both stopped mid-chatter to look at him with wide eyes. “I appreciate the sentiments, both of you, but I would rather not quibble on my wedding day, thank you.” He sagged a little as the weariness began to take its toll. Arguing was really the least of his problems right now, considering he was shouldering an existential crisis. Izuku and Katsuki both looked at each other before squinting at him suspiciously. 
“Hey, you all right, man?” Katsuki asked. 
“You seem tense, Shoto. Are you okay? You’re not getting second thoughts, are you?” Izuku gasped worriedly. He shot to his feet to grab Shoto by the shoulders. “Please don’t tell me you’re considering calling off the wedding! Don’t worry! Lots of guys get nervous with this kind of commitment! But please, remember that you love—” 
“Izuku,” Shoto interrupted with a weary smile and gently pushed his friend in the chest. “I’m not having second thoughts. Please don’t worry about that.” As Izuku deflated in relief, Shoto wondered if he should tell his friends about his real doubts. After a microsecond of consideration, he decided not to. Katsuki would probably just tell him to man up, and Izuku would go on an entire blabbering speech, and that’s not really what Shoto needed right now. Smiling thinly, Shoto placed his hand on Izuku’s shoulder. “I’m all right, really. There’s just been a lot of planning and preparation today, so I just want things to go well.” 
“Right! Of course! As your best man, that’s my job! I’ll go right now and make sure everything is in order, okay? Don’t you worry, Shoto, I’ll make sure this goes off without a hitch!” 
Before Shoto could insist that it really wasn’t necessary, the green-haired boy had zoomed off, untied dress shoe laces flapping behind him. Shoto looked after him with a small chuckle. Izuku had always been a bit flighty, but he really was an invaluable friend to him, so that’s why he had been the obvious choice for Shoto’s best man. He couldn’t imagine anyone else standing next to him when he greeted his bride at the altar. 
The doubt crept up into his mind with its poisonous whispers. Izuku was a good friend, but did Shoto deserve a friend like that? Had he even come close to repaying all the things that Izuku had done for him? The smile fell from his lips as the cold guilt flushed through him once more. 
Shoto looked at Katsuki with unfocused eyes, still half-brooding. Katsuki’s crimson eyes thinned into small slivers as he squinted suspiciously. “Seriously, Icy-Hot, are you okay? You don’t… seem like yourself,” the blond asked slowly. 
Shoto’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. Katsuki was as prickly as his wild hair, so to have him so readily show concern and inquire about Shoto’s wellbeing definitely dragged him out of his stupor. Again, Shoto debated whether or not to come clean about the disordered mess that was currently his mind. 
Shoto had never been much of a fibber, but for some reason, the lies rolled so easily off his tongue today. 
“As I told Izuku, I’m fine,” he said smoothly, feigning a grateful smile. “I think all the wedding planning just caught up to me at once, that’s all. I’m sure if I just take a moment to relax and gather my thoughts, I’ll be alright. We still have plenty of time before the main event.” 
Katsuki continued to eye him with his lips parted in a skeptical pout, but instead of prying, he just slowly nodded his head a few times. 
“All right. If you say so. I’m gonna go make sure that loser doesn’t mess anything up,” he decided, brushing past Shoto to walk to the door. He paused on the threshold to toss a blank stare over his shoulder. “Don’t think too much. You’ve always been the type to get too in your head,” he advised before continuing after Izuku. Shoto went to step after him, hand raised, but Katsuki was already gone. His arm flopped back down to his side as he released a shaky breath. 
“Maybe I am thinking too much…” he murmured to himself.
He’d like to convince himself of that, but that little beast inside him just snickered. Are you sure that’s not just another one of your lies? it taunted. He rubbed his neck as that ash-choking feeling returned, his body trembling with a few tight coughs. Izuku and Katsuki both seemed so concerned for him… Did he really deserve that concern? Maybe they weren’t really even concerned about him, but were more worried he’d take off and leave his fiancé a shattered, sobbing mess at the altar. Had Shoto been selfish in his friendships? 
Had he been selfish in his relationship? Everyone kept asking the same question… What if they could see that selfishness and were on edge because they all kept thinking that he couldn’t stick it out, that he was too self-absorbed? Shoto’s breaths began to come in terse, ragged gasps as he spiraled into a self-esteem crash. 
What was wrong with him? Why was he thinking like this? He pawed at his head with a small groan. Nothing made sense; everything was swirling around in his head like a whirlwind. He stumbled out of the doorway and slammed it shut in front of him before collapsing against it. The painted wood was cool against his flushing face. 
Breathe. Breathe, he tried to calm himself, gulping down air.
It burned; his throat felt like it was drying up into a desert. Just as he stumbled into the center of the room, blearily looking for water, there was a soft knock at the door. It rang in his pounding head like a death knell. He clenched his teeth as he struggled to come down to earth instead of rocketing himself into the stratosphere. 
I need… I need to calm down… 
“Shoto?” his mother’s voice timidly called. Her soft-spoken tone sliced through the layer of anxiety clouding his mind, allowing him to descend back to reality. He closed his eyes as he composed himself, steadying his ragged breaths and slowing his heart rate. That’s right… I can’t… I can’t let her know I’m like this. 
After he was confident he was presentable, Shoto crossed the floor in a few quick strides to open the door for her. Rei smiled sweetly up at him before her slate-gray eyes dropped to admire the way the tuxedo accented his muscular form. She ran her small hands down his sleeves before linking her fingers with his and giving them a gentle squeeze. He hoped she didn’t notice that they were trembling. “You look so handsome,” she praised, looking back up at him lovingly. 
“Thank you, Mother,” Shoto smiled. He walked backward into the room, tugging on his mother’s fingers so she would follow, and Rei gently shut the door behind her. She walked to the floor-length mirror to inspect her own look— a baby-blue dress patterned with white flowers tied together with white flats and a baby-blue headband. “You also look lovely,” he added while retrieving another bottle of water from the mini-fridge in the corner. Rei hummed gratefully at his appraisal, watching him guzzle half of the plastic bottle through her reflection. 
“Are you nervous, dear?” she asked abruptly. Shoto flinched in surprise, which made him lurch forward and spill water down his windpipe. He spluttered and coughed, eyes watering at the burning sensation overtaking his throat, while Rei turned around to look at him in concern. As he wiped the stream of water and spit from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, he debated lying to her. However, all notions of that flew out the window when he caught her soft, motherly gaze. “It’s natural, dear,” she reassured as she walked over to him. 
Lie. She doesn’t need to know, chimed that anxious beast. It was tempting; Shoto could feel the excuse forming on his tongue. Except… no words came out. He looked helplessly at her, causing her expression to morph into one of intense concern. Shoto didn’t want to lie. He didn’t want to feel this way— selfish and egotistical and undeserving of his life. 
His life with her. 
“Shoto. Tell me what’s wrong,” she ordered, her voice just firm enough to abolish any remaining ideas of lying to her. 
Shoto exhaled deeply and sagged down onto the small sofa next to the fridge. His mother could read him with scary precision, so there really was no use lying, anyway. She stopped in front of him to weave her slim fingers into his two-toned hair, and he responded by leaning forward to press his forehead into her belly. Rei softly scratched along his scalp in rhythmic, soothing strokes, and though she really hadn’t said anything, even the action alone made Shoto relax just the tiniest bit. 
“What’s bothering you?”
He expected her to ask him if he was having second thoughts, just like the rest of them—but she didn’t. Shoto swallowed thickly before answering in a tiny voice. “I just realized how lucky I am, and I’m not quite sure I’m deserving of it.” 
“What makes you say that, my love?” she questioned. Shoto pushed himself further into her stomach, comforted by her soft, soothing presence. Yet all the while, something nickered in the back of his mind. You abandoned her for years. You don’t deserve her comfort. Sickened by the thought, Shoto pushed himself away, grabbing a throw pillow to bury his face in it instead. He heard Rei softly gasp; then, the couch cushion dipped beside him as she tentatively sat down. He curled around the throw pillow, stomach whirling as all his anxieties came to a boil. 
“Shoto,” she whispered and laid a gentle hand on the small of his back. “Talk to me, Shoto.” 
Even though he had rejected her in favor of the pillow, he found himself falling against her. She held him close as he curled against her side. He was so much bigger than her now, but he still felt like he fit naturally into her petite frame. Slowly, he pried his face away from the pillow to reveal that the fabric had darkened with tears. He looked at her brokenly, the salty droplets rolling down his cheeks. 
“Am I selfish, Mother?” he asked hoarsely, horrifiedly. Surely he must be, if everyone kept asking him if he would turn tail and run. “If I’m selfish, and am turning everyone away, then won’t… won’t I end up pushing her away and breaking her heart?” Just the thought of it broke Shoto’s, shattered it into a million little pieces. The love of his life, his dream, his salvation—the thought of doing that to her made him want to die, and the thought that he was already well on his way there made him want to die right now. 
“Shoto, sweetheart,” Rei breathed and pulled him into a crushing hug. Shoto squeezed his eyes shut and buried himself into her, breathing in her scent of floral perfume and ice water. She kissed the top of his head before resting her cheek against it. “You are not selfish. What on Earth has gotten that into your head?” 
“I just… Everyone keeps asking if I’m having second thoughts. Fuyumi was really upset thinking that I won’t be around anymore, and then Father came to talk to me about how far I’ve come as a hero, and then Izuku and Katsuki were worried about me, and—” he sucked in a breath after everything came tumbling out, trying to sort his disordered thoughts. “I just… Everything seems like it’s falling into place, and I just can’t help but think that it shouldn’t be. That it’s too easy, and because of that, I must be messing up somewhere, right?” As he looked at her, conflicted, Rei smiled reassuringly and brushed a strand of his red-and-white hair out of his face. 
“Shoto, honey, you deserve everything you’re being given. If I can’t convince you of that, though,” she smiled mischievously and gestured at the door with her chin, “maybe she can.” 
A blush exploded up from Shoto’s neck to flush all the way to the crown of his head. He grabbed the pillow and smashed his face into it, flopping across Rei’s lap to smoosh down into the couch for good measure. His mother laughed at his overreaction, barely masking the click of heels over the wood. 
“Shoto?” came the tentative voice. What is she doing here? He thought, heart pounding in his throat. 
“Sorry,” he heard Izuku say meekly. “Shoto was just so out of sorts… I thought the only one who could snap him out of it was her…” 
“Idiot! Didn’t I say it was bad luck?” Katsuki scolded. Shoto heard him huff and the creak of the pressed fabric of his tuxedo as he crossed his arms. “But, Icy-Hot is acting pretty weird today… All right, do your stuff.” 
Shoto just squirmed uncomfortably, listening to the ruffles of the lace and the soft click of heels as the woman he would be meeting at the aisle in another hour or two stopped beside him. 
“Shoto,” Momo said, the laughter evident in her voice. God, he loved her voice. It was like a song, high and sweet. “Honey, what’s the matter?” 
“Can’t look,” he mumbled evasively. “Bad luck.” 
“You don’t have to look at me, then,” she chuckled, reaching down to soothingly run a hand over his back. He found himself arching a little into her touch, calm spreading through his nerves. “Just talk to me, sweetie.” Her white gown ruffled as she kneeled down on the floor beside him. Shoto dug his fingers into the pillow, wondering if there was a way out of this mortifying situation. There wasn’t, and he really didn’t want an out, anyway. She continued to stroke down the length of his spine. “Shoto, honey, you know you’re not selfish, right?” 
The silence told Momo all she needed to know. She exhaled deeply, and he didn’t have to look at her to know she was wearing that sweet, loving smile she always wore when she comforted him. “Let me tell you something. Not for a single second have I felt neglected, nor have I had any inclination that you were sacrificing your personal life for the sake of your career,” she iterated slowly. Shoto squirmed as her reassurance battled with the poisonous beast inside him. 
“Maybe I haven’t done it to you yet, but… What about my friends and family?” 
“Boys?” Momo asked, presumably looking at Katsuki and Izuku. “Have you ever felt like Shoto hasn’t been a good friend?”
“What? No! Of course not!” Izuku blurted. “You’re an amazing friend! I can always count on you to be there when I need it, no matter what we’re doing.” 
“Yeah. If anything, he can shove off, the Icy-Hot bastard.” 
“What? He’s up our asses all the time!” 
“That’s because we’re partners, Kacchan! We’re gonna open up our own agency, remember?”
“That doesn’t mean he has to show up at my house for some stupid soba party he decided to have without telling anyone!” 
Shoto found his lips curling into a tiny smile into the pillow. It was a shame that bickering was so familiar, and so comforting. Momo giggled sweetly and patted him on the back. 
“See, honey? Your friends certainly don’t think you’re selfish and pushing them away.” 
Although it was a start, Shoto couldn’t help but think of his sobbing sister. 
“But… Fuyumi…” 
“Shoto, that isn’t what Fuyumi meant at all,” Rei chortled and rubbed the back of his head. “Fuyumi just felt like a mother bird watching her chick leave the nest… Women get emotional over things like that. Your sister—and the rest of us, for that matter—all know you love us very much and want to stay an active part of our lives. I’ve enjoyed every minute of watching you grow into a man, and have never felt like you were abandoning me. You’re growing up. That is a reality we must face, and sometimes… It’s a little tough for us, that’s all.” 
“That’s right,” Momo seconded. “See? We all love you, Shoto, so much. Please don’t ever think that you’re selfish, because you’re far from it.” He felt his eyes water as the emotions caused her voice to crack, indicating she was on the border of tears. Though he couldn’t look at her like he wanted to, he groped blindly in the air, searching for her hand. Momo caught it in both of hers to give it a tight squeeze, then pressed a lingering kiss to his knuckles. “Every day I’m thankful that you’ve chosen to love me,” she murmured against his skin, and he felt her tears drip down onto his hand. “My selfless hero.” 
“Momo,” he groaned. When she hummed against his hand, he smiled weakly. “I appreciate you coming to cheer me up, but if you don’t leave now, I’m going to have to commit some wedding taboo.” 
Momo laughed heartily, uttering small “okay’s” between her giggles, and slowly stood up. His fingers skimmed against the soft fabric of her lace skirt, and he found himself extraordinarily tempted to peek; but he didn’t. He knew that it would be a feeling like no other when he saw her walking down the aisle, so he just had to wait a little bit longer. 
“Thank you both for looking out for him,” Momo said to Katsuki and Izuku as she left. “I’ll see you soon!” 
Shoto waited until the clacks of her heels faded before he slowly sat up, rubbing at his tear-sticky face. Rei looked at him with a loving smile. 
“Do you feel better, sweetie?” 
“Mhmm,” he nodded with a sleepy smile. Having an existential crisis sure was exhausting. Still, his nerves soon began to buzz with the anticipation of what was yet to come. “How long until the ceremony?” he asked, looking expectantly at Izuku and Katsuki. 
“About forty-five minutes, but it doesn’t matter, because there’s no way in Hell I’m letting you walk out like that. Get your ass in here!” Katsuki growled as he marched over and snatched him up by the collar. Shoto could only stumble after him as he was dragged into the groomsmens’ room, while Rei and Izuku both looked on laughing. 
Forty-four minutes later, Katsuki had combed his messy hair back to submission and managed to erase almost all evidence of his puffy eyes and teary cheeks.
Now, Shoto stood rocking on his heels in front of the steel altar woven with ivy, wine-red roses, and white dahlias. Momo’s bridesmaids— Ochako, Mina, Tooru, and Tsuyu—were across the altar on the left, while Shoto’s groomsmen—Katsuki, Tenya, Inasa, Kirishima—and his best man Izuku were behind him to his right. Stretching out before him were rows of chairs, each one filled by someone special in his and Momo’s lives. Their families sat in the front row with bated breath. The ceremony was held in the main room while the reception would be held in an adjoining one—and in between them was a winding spiral staircase that Momo would be walking down any moment. 
Shoto straightened up as the pianist began to play. His heterochromatic eyes were fixated on the staircase and his breath stilled in his chest. He caught the flash of her heel first, then the ruffles of her lace skirt as she slowly began to descend from upstairs. Shoto’s mouth gradually fell open as she came down from the heavens like an angel, here to grace his undeserving mortal self with her rapturous love. She was chuckling quietly to her father, who held her arm as he guided her down the steps. Kyoka came down last, carrying the long train of Momo’s dress. 
He had been right to wait. It was a gorgeous sleeveless mermaid gown that hugged her beautiful figure in all the right ways. A swathe of wine red cut the skirt in half and adorned the bodice of her dress in thin, swirling threads that looked like roses. Her soft tresses of black hair were piled above her head before falling down in luscious curls to frame her face. A tiara was tucked into her hair, securing the sheer white veil cascading over her. She held a bouquet of white and red flowers as she slowly walked down the aisle, which had been laden with rose and dahlia petals by the flower girl. Even through the veil, Shoto could see her brimming with joy just by the aura radiating off her. 
When she stopped next to him, giving her father a kiss on the cheek before he left to sit with the rest of the audience, Shoto could only gape in pure awe. He didn’t even register the priest speaking. 
“Honey,” Momo laughed quietly. “You might want to pay attention.” 
“Right,” he said and snapped his mouth shut, blushing as a few of the wedding party snickered and elbowed one another. His gaze snuck back to his beautiful bride, the love of his life, who stood so patiently waiting to read her vows. When she felt him staring, she smirked and looked at him out of the corners of her eyes. 
“I’m just realizing how lucky I am,” he explained softly. She looked at him with a confused smile. “I get to share this life I’ve made with the most wonderful woman on the planet. I thought at first I wasn’t worthy of it, but now… I’ve realized.” 
“Realized what, Shoto?” 
“Why I worked so hard for a life like this to begin with. I wanted to become a man deserving of your love, Momo,” he explained, reaching out to gently ghost his fingers over hers. “I’m just really glad to hear that you think I’m worthy.” 
“Silly,” she laughed, tears slipping down her cheeks and clinging to the sheer lace of the veil. “You’ve always been worthy.” 
Maybe that’s the way she felt. It was just a testament to how beautiful she was, right down to her soul. But now, after this whirlwind of a day, Shoto could rest easy knowing that he really was. Because she was his angel, his goddess, his salvation, and his life, and she was worthy of everything he had to give her and more—and he would work tirelessly every day to live up to that, to keep himself worthy.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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acidmanticore · 3 years
Aerois spoilers
So I have a headcanon.
After everything is somewhat ok, Hadar is dealt with and Siaska is back, she'll return H'esper to the Aerois. But he'll need to come back in power, so for the first years he'll be a child. Maybe not a BABY, but about 3yo in human years? With some memories but a childlike personality. Little child with three sets of wings.
And Siaska will totally drop this baby on Quill, like a cuckoo mom. Here, higher priest, have a baby titan, he's your problem now.
And Quill is like wtf O know how to treat birb children, but what do I do with this one what do I feed him what....???? Lucius is kinda oblivious, because he doesn't have younger siblings, Nova is too nervous, so there's only Sentry, and she definitely knows what to do with children. And at first baby H'esper can't fly, but after a few years he learns, so there's another level of problems, because we have super smart magical child WHO ALSO CAN FLY.
...all of this started with me imagining Quill holding a sleeping baby H'esper and making scary eyes at the party so he can quietly go put him into bed. And picture where he just gives sleeping baby H'esper to Lucius, because he needs free hands for something, and Lucius freaking out, but VERY QUIETLY, because BABY IS SLEEPING. And picture where Quill and Lucius are going somewhere (just walking) holding both baby H'esper's hands.
Basically, I'm a bitch for Quillucius with foster baby H'esper and general idea of Siaska just dropping titan child onto his own priest.
Quill has about 25 (at least?) years ahead of him, plus we don't know what kind of power he'll get, maybe his life will be somewhat prolonged? Imagine the level of fucking drama when everything happens in reverse? Old Quill. Young and powerful H'esper on his way forward.
Ok, I made myself emotional. I'm going to go now.
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