#like dressing up as santa for one christmas or like when she was married etc etc
pickled-flowers · 19 days
I want to write a story about a grandma who realizes he is a trans man in his late 60's
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Home for Christmas | Tom Holland x reader
Seasonal Prompt List + Send one in with any one on THIS list :)
Requested by: no one (aka me? lol) 
Prompts: (bolded)
3. “My flight was cancelled…I won’t be home for Christmas.”
a/n: I had this idea while reading through my prompts and I just couldn’t stop thinking about writing it for Tom Holland. I’ve only written two other stories for him, so if this sucks, well, I take constructive criticism lol 
 I hope you all enjoy! xx 
Y’all I am in LOVE with this man. He’s just the most precious thing i’ve ever seen and he’s got the most precious smile and UGHHHHHHH 
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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You were excited to be in London with Tom’s family for Christmas this year. He’d flown out to Atlanta to film the new Spider Man movie a couple months back, leaving you alone in London. Luckily, his family were more than welcoming with making sure you weren’t alone. Inviting you over for dinner or tea, or to just hang out with the family, you’d gone on shopping sprees with his mom Nicola (Does she go by Nikki? read a few fics where she does but wasn’t sure?) You’d gone with his brothers to see movies, various little weekend trips with the family, etc etc.
Tom was grateful for his family’s love and support and making sure you weren’t alone. It made him feel better about leaving you for months on end. He hated leaving you all alone, but knew you were in good hands with his family. Especially now that he just got some bad news that would ruin the holidays for sure. 
Your phone rang beside you on the counter. You were currently in the Holland’s kitchen making cookies with his mom. “Oh it’s Tom!” You grinned, wiping the flour off your hands and quickly answering the phone. “Hey baby.” 
“Hey darling.” 
“Me and your mom are baking your favorite cookies. We all can’t wait to see you tomorrow!” 
“About that..” you heard him sigh. He ran his hand through his hair. 
You frowned and glanced over at Nicola who had stopped what she was doing when she’d seen your face, “What’s wrong?” 
You gave a small shrug to her, “What’s wrong? What is it?” 
“Love, my flight was cancelled…I uh, I won’t be home for Christmas.” His voice cracked at the end and you heard him give a quiet sniffle.
Your shoulders sagged and you felt like you’d just been delivered the worst news. Which at the time it was. You’d been looking forward to Christmas for weeks since it would be the first time you’d seen Tom since he’d left. “What?” Your voice is only above a whisper. 
“Love, what is it?” Nicola asks coming to your side. 
“Tom’s flight was cancelled.” You look at her with tears already forming, “he won’t be home for Christmas.” 
“Oh no. Can’t he get another flight?” 
You turn your attention back to Tom on the phone, “Tom, can’t you get another flight? There has to be something you can do.” 
“Darling, I’ve tried everything. Believe me. Atlanta is apparently seeing the worst blizzard in over two decades and I’m practically snowed in.” 
“But Tom it’s Christmas.. I haven’t seen you in months. We all haven’t seen you in months.” You glance at his mother who is rubbing your back soothingly. 
He sighs, “I know I know. Darling, since I won’t be home for Christmas, I’ve already sent all your gifts to my parents house.” 
You put a hand to your forehead, rubbing at the skin. “Tom I don’t want to spend Christmas without you. Nor do I want you to spend Christmas alone there. Maybe we can get a flight out there?” 
“No No. You stay there with my family, enjoy Christmas with them.”
“Oh Tom..”  
“I know, love. I am so sorry. I feel terrible.” He groans. 
“You can’t control what the weather does. It’s not your fault. You’ll hopefully be home before New Years though right?” 
“I hope so. Listen, I have to go. We’re having a meeting about filming in January.” 
“Okay, call me afterwards then?” 
“Of course. I am so sorry, y/n.” 
“Nothing you can do about it. It’s okay. I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
The two of you end the call and as soon as you do, you can’t help but burst into tears. Tom wouldn’t be home for Christmas. 
~ Christmas Morning ~ 
You’d woken up in the spare bed of his parents house alone on Christmas morning. This wasn’t how you’d pictured this morning going at all. Knowing there was a time difference, you still went ahead and sent Tom a good morning and merry Christmas text. 
Pulling yourself out of bed, you slipped on your Christmas jammies and headed downstairs. Tom’s family was already up, drinking tea and making breakfast. 
You greeted them with a good morning and Merry Christmas. Harry was the first to come to your side and give you a hug, “I’m sorry this Christmas isn’t going like you’d planned.” 
You gave a sad smile and a shrug, “I’m just glad I’m not alone and I have you guys.” You returned the hug, “Thank you so much for letting me stay for Christmas.” 
“You’re family, love. Of course we wouldn’t let you spend Christmas alone!” Nicola hands over a steaming cup of tea and gives you a hug. “I think Santa left something for you under the tree in the living room, why don’t you go check?” 
You laughed a little and shook your head, taking a sip of your tea, “You guys didn’t have to get me anything.” You headed off toward the living room, almost dropping the cup of tea. There standing in front of the tree, dressed in his matching Christmas pjs was Tom. 
“Tom..” You whisper. 
“Merry Christmas, my darling.” He smiles. 
“What--how--you’re..” You’re at a loss for words. 
He chuckles and comes over, taking the cup from your hand, “Let’s just say I’ve been on a lot of flights the last couple of days just to be here to see you on Christmas morning.” 
As soon as that cup is set down on the table, you jump into his arms, wrapping your arms and legs around him, “I can’t believe your here!” You squeal. 
“He flew in last night after you’d gone to bed. Gave us a scare, let me tell you.” His dad comments, “Thought he was an intruder!” 
He squeezes you, burying his head in your hair, “I wasn’t going to miss seeing you on Christmas. Especially when you see the other present I got you.” He sets you down and you shake your head. 
“No, you’re the only present I wanted. I don’t need anything else.” You smile, waving him off, “Nothing else can compare to you being here.” 
He glances at his family, who are anxiously waiting and smiling, “I think you’ll like this one..” He clears his throat and takes a step back from you, pulling something from his pocket. He kneels down on one knee in front of you, who is now a crying mess at the realization of what is going on. He opens the red velvet box and inside is the most beautiful diamond ring, “y/n y/L/n, my love, my darling, my forever, will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Tom Holland? Will you marry me?” 
You don’t even remember saying yes, but letting out a sound of happiness and engulfing him in a hug, knocking him back onto the floor with you on top of him. Everyone around you laughs, one of his brothers letting out a, “Woah save it for the honeymoon!”  His mum is crying, you’re crying. 
“Is that a yes?” He chuckles.
“Yes yes yes!” You laugh, kissing him. 
Best Christmas present ever. 
All my works tag list: @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafe , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Never have regrets; Joe Mazzello x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well here I have another Secret Santa gift. As a part of the Get Down Give Joy giveaway I would like to present @stewielover95​ with your fic. Yes dear I am your secret Santa. I really hope you like this fic in the end, I struggled with it at first but then I finally had a good direction to go with it. Anyways I also want to thank @warriorteam1924​ and @thosequeenboys​ for creating this splendid give away, after the LONG AND HELLISH year that 2020 has given us, it was very sweet of them to create this little give away to brighten up our holiday spirit (esp. since we can’t really see our families this year. Even if you can, PLEASE BE SAFE!!!). Now I’ll stop typing so that you all can start reading, hope everyone enjoys this lovely little fic with our beloved dino boy Joey Mazzello :) 
Warnings: Joe’s chaotic child behavior (MAY CAUSE CAVITIES), fluff, parental angst, parent death, mentions of suicide, a small very subtle HINT of COVID (word isn’t mentioned but still think I should give warning), 
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I was peacefully sleeping.  After working long hours at my job I wanted nothing more than to just stay in bed all day and sleep until lunchtime.
“Hey baby~” Joey’s voice cooed in my ear.  I felt him kiss my cheek and I let out a tired groan. “Good morning.”
“Joey!” I whined. “Go back to sleep.”
“No. The sun’s awake, so I’m awake. Which means we have to snuggle and make out.” I cracked an eye open and looked up at him.  His auburn hair all messed up from his constant tossing and turning that he does in his sleep.
“We’ll make out when the rooster crows.”
“But babe there aren’t any roosters in New York.”
“Exactly.” He faux a gasp as he collapsed back on the bed.
“How could you? And I thought you loved me?! I knew it. You’re only in it for the money! Or the childhood fame crush! Or was it for Ben? It was for Ben wasn’t it! I knew you two were having an affair behind my back!” god he was such a drama queen.  But he was my drama queen.
“Yes we’ve been sneaking in text messages behind your back.” I teased him.
“Okay that’s it!” I then felt him wriggle himself under the covers and I felt myself go from my stomach to my back in a split second.
“Joseph Francis Mazzello III! What the f—NO AHHH NO DOHOHOHN’T! DON’T TICKLE ME!!” I thrashed around trying to get him off of me but he had me pinned right down to the bed.
“You gonna get up now?” I heard him say from under the covers.
“JOHOHOHOE!!!” I screamed out in laughter. “Plehehehehease!”
“No not until you either say you’re gonna wake up. Or until I hear an apology.” Then I heard the dreaded sound and feeling of his deadly raspberries being blown on my stomach, just an inch over my bellybutton.  And it was even worse now that he was growing out his beard.
“Okay! OK! OK! OK! OKAY STOP! I surrender! I surrender!” his head soon peaked out from the covers as his face was just a few inches away from mine.  His shit-eating grin spread across his face, while his eyes twinkled with that same mischievous spark that made me fall in love with him. “I hate you.” I whined.
“Aww and I hate you too.” He moved closer to my lips and kissed me. “I hate you—so much.” His voice lowered down as he deepened the kiss. I felt his hands cup the sides of my face while my arms wrapped around him.
My right-hand stroking through his already messy hair while my left wrapped around his back.  After what felt like an eternal make out session, we finally separated from each other and stared at one another.
“Alright you have my attention Joey.”
“Yay!” he cheered softly. “But in all seriousness, we need to get up. We promised my mom that we’d help with the Christmas decorations.”
“Okay. Now get off me yah goober so that we can help her.” He got off of me and I sat up but I was quickly pulled back onto the bed, laying against Joe’s chest.  Him grinning smugly at me as he kissed me on the lips.
“Sorry, had to get my morning kiss from you.”
“And the morning make out session wasn’t enough for you?”
“Morning make outs and morning kisses are two completely different things.” He told me in that philosophical tone of his.  You know the one you use to make yourself sound smarter.
“Ahh I see. Well thank you Professor Mazzello on explaining the differences between the two.”
“That’s Dr. Mazzello to you. But you are most welcome. Anything for my best student.” I pecked his nose and got back up but found myself being pulled back again towards Joe.
“Sorry, sorry I couldn’t resist. Okay for real this time, go on. I’m right behind you.”
“Why don’t you go first and I’ll be right behind you?” I suggested.  He sighed and pulled the covers off of us and went to sit up but this time I grabbed his hand and pulled him back onto the bed.  I pecked his lips before taking off out of the room.
We both raced down the stairs and towards the living room when I felt Joey catch me in his arms, pick me up and spin me around.  Laughing manically while he did it.  I myself couldn’t help but giggle when a female voice said.
“Ah-uh Joseph! No horse playing in the house.”
“Sorry mom.” He said as he sat me down.
“Sorry about that mama.” I said.
You see, Joe and I had been dating for practically ten years. We actually met through our good friend Rami way back when we were all on the Pacific.  I was part of the costume department, and I was Rami’s assistant costumer.  So whenever he got into Snafu’s character of course he tried to flirt with me and I’d play along off of his character telling him he didn’t have a chance.
Between takes the three of us became thick as thieves and kept in contact.  Then one day when we were all on break, Rami set Joe and I up to meet at the beach so that the two of us could talk to each other.  At the time of filming, Joe and I had been really shy around each other and we both liked each other (of course neither of us had the guts to say it to the other).
But after spending our break at the beach together that’s when Joe made the first I love you confession and—the rest is history as they say. When the three of us reunited for Bohemian Rhapsody and got to know Ben, Lucy, Allen, and Gwilym, our little family had now grown bigger.  And it was after filming a concert scene in Japan (with some help from the actual Queen band themselves) that Joe (yes still dressed as early 70’s John Deacon) proposed to me.
So for 2 years he and I had been married.  Of course like all couples we have our fights and disagreements but in the end we patch through them and not let it run our lives. Oh and I almost forgot, since I had been so close with the Mazzello family throughout our entire relationship, I had the privilege to call Joe’s parents, my parents even before we got married.
“I swear you both remind me of—” that’s when mom trailed off sadly as she looked down.  Joe and I grew sad too as we thought about his dad.
“We miss him too mom. God I—I can’t believe this will be our 3rd Christmas without him.” Joe said as he walked towards his mom and gave him a hug.
“As much as I wish he could be here with us, he wouldn’t want us to be sad on his favorite holiday.” She told us.  She took a deep breath in and cleaned her eyes of her hidden tears. “There now, I’ve got breakfast all ready for you two. Once you’re done, Joseph, I want you to bring in the Christmas boxes from the garage and set them in the living room. (Y/n), you and I will get the Christmas decorations from the attic.”
“Ma’am yes ma’am!” We both saluted.  We went to the kitchen and ate our breakfast.  After that we went to our stations and helped Mama Mazzello with the Christmas decorating.
It took almost all day but we came to a pretty good stopping place today decorating wise.  We put up some of the minor Christmas displays up all over the house (like small animal plushies, Christmas pictures of the Mazzello family throughout the years, etc.) Joe managed to get all the outdoor decorations set up and displayed, and mama and I set up the Christmas placemats on the tables.
It was now a bit past 5pm and it was pitch black outside. Joey and I were cuddled together on the sofa and I looked out the window and shook my head.
“I still can’t get over the fact that it gets dark at freakin 4o’clock now.”
“I know it’s crazy. My mom’s never liked it, have yah mom?”
“Oh it messes up my schedule everytime!” Mom cried out from the kitchen as she was prepping dinner.  “Hey (Y/n) are your mom and Derek still coming to the party?”
“Yeah. They said they’d be taking the train from Virginia instead of the plane. I think they said they’d be coming up sometime next Wednesday. I’ll call them later tonight to confirm that.”
“Alright well I’ll get the guest room set up for them.”
“You know you don’t need to do that.”
“Nonsense you guys are family. And it’ll be a lot safer here at the house than taking a hotel room with everything that’s going on.” She said.
“Yeah that is true. Thanks mama.”
“Okay well come and make a plate you two, dinner’s ready.” We stood up and got our dinner (steak and potatoes) and ate at the dinner table while playing on Freeform’s 25 days of Christmas was the Santa Clause.
Weeks later and it was the day before the Mazzello Christmas party and arriving in less than an hour was my mom and Derek.  If your curious as to why I call my dad Derek, well he’s not really my dad. He’s my stepdad but I really do care for him.
He and my mom met up shortly after I graduated from high school after my parents divorced.  My real dad and I…well—we don’t talk at all.  Our relationship is very strained so why don’t we just leave it at that?  But when my mom met Derek, he’s been the father I wished I had.
He’s loving, supportive, kind, funny, and he’s always there whenever my mom or I needed him.  He was there for me when Joe and I were going through a bad patch in our relationship, he was there for all my birthdays and movie premieres, and he was even the one to walk me down the aisle at mine and Joe’s wedding.
I was doing the last final touches of cleaning up the house for my mom and Derek’s arrival, as well as Joe’s siblings, nieces, and nephews. I heard the door open and a stampede of footsteps soon came running towards me.
“Auntie (Y/n)! Auntie (Y/n)!” I was soon glomped by 4 little nuggets.
“Hey there kiddies. Oh I’ve missed you four soo much! How have you all been?”
“I lost another tooth see?” Joe’s niece Samantha said opening her mouth to show me her missing tooth.
“I learned how to ride my bike!” his nephew Matthew aka Matty exclaimed.
“Oh big boy now huh? Bet you were better than your uncle Joey was.”
“I heard that!” Joe called out.  He along with this brother and sister came through the living room and I hugged my brother and sister in laws.
“Hey guys Merry Christmas.” I greeted them.
“Merry Christmas (Y/n).” his sister Mary said as she and I hugged each other first.
“Even though Christmas isn’t until tomorrow.” His brother John said.
“Okay Scrooge. Get over here John.” He gave me a kiss to my cheek and the two of us embraced each other. “Joe’s told me about your little league’s championship win. That’s amazing.”
“Yeah those kids did me proud.”
“You know if you could convince Joe and (Y/n) to hurry up with getting kids of their own, they might give you some new champions.” A female voice soon spoke up.  Soon coming around the corner of the house along with Mama was my own mom as well as Derek.
“Mom!” I whined.
“Now, now (m/n) don’t go pressuring her just yet. There’s still plenty of time for her and Joe to have kids. Say when their 50.” I chuckled and shook my head at Derek’s statement.  I walked up to them and first hugged my mom.
“Did you guys have a safe train ride?” I asked.
“It went well. Much less crowded than I expected.”
“That’s cause you’ve always done the Metro mom. Metro and train are two totally different things.” I told her.  I turned to Derek and he said with a smile as he extended his arms out.
“Come here baby girl.” I smiled and went into his arms and the two of us hugged each other. “Don’t just wait till the holidays to come see us. How will your mother and I survive?”
“I’m sorry Derek, work’s just been crazy lately. Directors have been wanting me to do costume designing and fittings for them left and right.” I said as we released each other from the hug.
“And why wouldn’t they? You’re incredibly talented.” Joe said as he came up and quickly pecked my cheek.
“He’s right. I remember you staying up way past your curfew designing costumes for your tech theatre class back in high school.” Derek continued. “And all those times of drawing on napkins and the corners of the morning paper. I swear you doodled sketches like it was no one’s business.”
“You stayed up pass curfew?” my mother snapped.
“Thanks a lot Derek.” I muttered angrily.
“Hey had to come out sometime right?” I playfully nudged him and said to my mom.
“That’s in the past mom. No need to talk about it now.”
“Oh you can be sure we’ll discuss that later little missy.” She lectured as she waved her finger at me.
“Alright, now the rooms have all been prepared for you all in advance. Mary, John you’ll take your old rooms. (M/n) and Derek the guest room has been made up for you all and of course the kids get the cloud bedroom.” The kids all cheered. “Now everyone drop your bags off in your designated rooms and we can all gather around the table for some dinner.”
I helped mom with her bags and guided her and Derek to the guest room while Joe went to help his mom set up the table for dinner.
“So when can we expect future grandbabies from you and Joe (n/n)?” my mom asked.
“If you keep pestering me about that then you won’t have any grandbabies.” I teased her as we came to the room.  “Here we are, I cleaned it up myself. Hope you guys will be comfortable.”
“It’s great (y/n). Thank you.” Derek assured me.
“Tell Virginia we’ll be down in a moment once we’re finished unpacking.” My mom said.  I nodded then left the two of them to unpack their stuff.
As I came down the stairs, I already saw Joe being attacked by all his nieces and nephews.  The kids were climbing all over him like a tree, all of them talking over the other and squealing like little piglets.  
God seeing Joe with those kids it—really did make me want to have kids with him.  He’s already a fun uncle, I’m positive he’d make a great dad.  Probably spoil our kids to no end but—he could be the discipliner if he needed to.
“Ow! Who’s on the head?!” Joe exclaimed.  I shook my head at his nephew Matty who had half of his body on top of Joe’s head.
“Alright you kids break it up.” I told the kids as I grabbed Matty and held him in my arms.
“Auntie (Y/n), will you sing for us tomorrow at the party like you did last year?” He asked me.
“You bet she’ll sing for you kids. And hey how about we do one better. How would you kids like it if your auntie (Y/n) and I performed together?” Joe asked joyously.  But the kids all let out a groan.
“No uncle Joey you can’t sing!” complained Sammy.
“Excuse me?!” Joe gawked offensively.
“Yeah uncle Joey, you don’t have that good of a singing voice.” Matty agreed.
“And too loud sometimes.” His other niece Katie or as I like to call her Kitty-cat said.
“My own kin turned against me. That’s it you three are in BIG trouble. C’mere!” he went to grab his nieces who quickly ran off his lap and hid behind me.
“Save us auntie (Y/n)!” the girls chorused out.  I shielded the three of them and stood before Joe as his face got right up close to mine.
“You know we could team up and catch them together.”
“I don’t betray kids Joe.”
“So—they’ve turned you too. Fine. I’ll take you down first.” Suddenly he picked me up over his shoulder and proceeded to spin me around and around like a helicopter.
“JOEY!!” I exclaimed through my laughter.
“Then surrender the kids to me or the spinning continues.” He threatened.
“Well then this game’s gonna have to be put on hold cause it’s time for dinner.” Joe’s mom spoke up.  The kids all raced to the dinner table while Joe put me back down. I stumbled a little but he caught me and asked.
“You okay?”
“I’ll live. Just next time don’t spin me around so fast.” I kissed the corner of his lips before heading towards the sinner table with Joe right behind me.  Soon enough we all gathered around and had ourselves a pre-Christmas family dinner.
Soon it finally arrived.  The most wonderful time of the year, Christmas eve.  All the gifts were now placed under the tree wrapped up in various Christmas themed wrappings or color schemes of silver, red, gold, and green. Now it was really beginning to look like Christmas.
“Alright guys, as per tradition we shall start off with (Y/n);s annual Christmas performance.” Mama Mazzello said.  I stood up from Joe’s lap as everyone applauded.
Derek at the speakers ready for my signal for him to turn the first song on.  I nodded and he clicked the play button and soon my first song (in fact the very first song I ever sang back when I was a teen for my family) Faith Hill’s “Where are you Christmas”.
It’s also my mom’s favorite song and every year since I sang it back when it came out in 2000 she’s wanted me to sing it just for her. As I sang I could see the tears forming in my mom’s eyes as a wide smile spread across her face and she lip synched the words.  The kids all stared at me in awe, and my beloved Joe Mazzello he was entranced.
He’s always teased me of how I should be a singer instead of a costume designer and back when we were both involved with Bohemian Rhapsody he’s sworn that he’d get me up on stage with Queen and Adam Lambert to sing with them. Thankfully that hasn’t happened (and I hope it continues that way) so Joe’s just had be do private concerts for him.
After the song was done they all clapped as I told Derek my next song and helped him search the right version of the song.
“This one right here?” he asked to confirm.
“Yep that’s the one.” I told him.  I turned back towards the family and now playing on the speakers was Carrie Underwood’s “Do you hear what I hear?” I fingered the piano chords against my thigh, pretending that I was actually playing the keys (even though I can’t play to save my ass, even with Rami’s help).
That song required a lot of breath work and correct timing but I managed to pull it off and once the song concluded everyone clapped again. This time for the final song, I took out two chairs and set them before everyone.
Joe took this as his cue to come up and help me set up the finale song, especially since he was going to be joining me on it this year. We had been practicing this since November, he wrote the script and everything and we rehearsed it and rehearsed it and rehearsed it.
“For this final song I first want to thank my director and partner Joe Mazzello for writing the script for this little skit you will see.” Joe nodded as he came in with two cups of hot chocolate (his being made of almond milk of course).  The two of us sat side by side and Joe clapped his hands together and said.
“And…..action!” I took a sip of my hot chocolate and said my first line.
“I still can’t believe you can finally drink hot chocolate.”
“Hey almond milk saves lives.” He said his line.
“Personally, I’d never drink that stuff but so long as it helps you. I’m glad I could share this tradition with you.”
“Me too babe.” My phone then dinged and I said.
“Oh my god!”
“What? What is it babe?”
“It’s already pass midnight. My mother’s gonna kill me!”
“Whoa, whoa wait a minute. Don’t tell me you’re going out there!” he said as we both stood up and he gestured toward the window.
“I have to Joey. Even if it’s 20ft of snow out there, it’s nothing compared to the wrath of a mother who doesn’t like their baby staying out past curfew.” I broke the 4th wall and turned to my mom who crossed her arms and looked at me with a playful scowl.
“C’mon just give her a call and explain it to her. It’s way too cold out there for you. I won’t let you freeze out there.” Derek then turned on the song “Baby it’s cold outside” the Seth McFarlane and Sara Bareilles version.
The two of us walking in circles of each other with me trying to head out of the living room and Joe coming around in front of me singing Seth’s part while I sang Sara’s.
Every now and then he’d take my hands in his and giving them a kiss.  Or he’d brush a strand of hair out from my face, gingerly brushing my cheek with the back of his finger.  But just as we got to the end of the first verse, there was a knock at the door.
Joe and I stopped singing as Derek cut off the music and we all turned our attention to the door.
“Mom is—anyone else coming?” asked Mary.
“No.” she simply stated.  Four more knocks rang through the house.  The kids were started to get frightened as they ran up to their parents.
“I’ll find out who it is.” Said Mary’s husband Dylan.
“No, no, no. You just stay with your kids Dylan. I’ll go see who it is.” Derek offered as he left the living room.  After about a minute my mom followed behind him and the next thing I heard was my mom saying.
“What are you doing here!?” it—it couldn’t be.  I raced out of the living room as Joe tried to reach out for me and stop me but he was too late.  I came around and walked down the small hallway staircase that led to the front door and there at the door was someone I hoped I’d never see again.
For there standing at the door in his famed fedora hat was my dad.
He looked older than the last time I saw him, his hair going grey from the stress and wrinkles forming at the end of his eyes.
“I know I don’t have a right to be here, but……”
“That’s right you don’t!” I snapped.  My mom and Derek looked up at me.
“(Y/n) go back upstairs. Derek and I can handle this.” My mom told me.
“(Y/n)?” my dad asked in awe.  I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. “Wow look—look at you. You’re……practically grown up.”
“Yeah.” I snapped shortly. “You’d know if you’d pay attention instead of just criticizing me all the time.”
“I know. I……that’s actually why I came here.”
“How did you even know we’d be here (F/n)?” my mom asked.
“Well as part of the NYPD I’ve been—keeping tabs on our daughter. And found out who she married and where she was currently living at.”
“You’ve been spying on me!? Great even when you’re no longer apart of this family you still have to spy on everything I do!” I snapped. “So have you come to complain about my husband now? How I should’ve married a doctor or a cop? How I’ve thrown my life away by marrying an actor?”
“No.” he said. “I haven’t come to do anything like that. I just…..”
“No you know what? Let me start off since you never listened to me then, but you’ll hear me now!”
I walked down the steps and even though my mother tried to get me to go back upstairs, I got out of her arms and got right in my dad’s face and sneered at him.
“For years I’ve tried to be the perfect daughter you said you wanted! And for my childhood I tried to follow in your footsteps. But as I became a preteen you began to nitpick at everything! The color of my hair, what type of clothes I should wear, how I should wear my makeup, you even didn’t like the fact that I wanted to get my ears pierced! Said it was for criminals and goth kids to get their bodies pierced. You called me a delinquent!”
“I-I-I know I did. But now I’m……”
“It doesn’t matter what you have or want to say. The verbal abuse you gave me throughout my life has been nothing but a stab at my self-esteem. I tried to commit suicide by the time I was 16 because of you! You did that!”
“I’m sorry (Y/n).”
“Where was the sorry back then? Where was it? All you told me after I got back from the hospital was that it was my fault for disobeying you.” I once again got in his face and sneered lowly, “So whatever you have to say forget it.”
I turned around and walked up the steps.  As I got halfway up my dad tried to say to me.
“(Y/n) please. I’m trying to make amends for that now. I know I’ve done and said awful things to you in the past. And looking back on it, it’s made me feel absolutely disgusted with myself. I’m your father, please forgive me.  It’s Christmas time.” I lowered my head before turning my head towards him.
“Derek’s my father. Now get the fuck out of my life.” I said lowly to him while I glared at him.  I ran back up the stairs and headed right towards Joe’s room.  I slammed the door and hid myself in the corner of his room, curled myself up into a tight ball, and tried to keep my tears at bay but every now and then a tear fell from the corner of my eye.
I heard the door open and softly shut.  The bed softly dipped down; and the familiar smell of Joe’s cologne hung in the air.
“Please Joe I—I’m not in the mood.”
“I know. That’s not why I came up here though.” I felt him rub my back in soothing circles. “Baby girl, I—I think you should really talk to your dad.” I raised my head up at him, my jaw dropped in shock and my eyes bug-eyed.
“You can’t be serious.”
“C’mon babe it’s Christmas…..”
“So?! I already spoke my mind to him!”
“No. You ranted in anger. You’re not supposed to be angry or any other negative emotion during Christmas.”
“Joe you—” I took a sharp breath in. “I’ve told you what he’s done to me. The neglect and verbal abuse he gave me. How am I supposed to suddenly let it go and forgive him!?”
“I know it’s not easy…..”
“I don’t believe this….you’re actually taking his side!!” I snapped as I backed away from him.
“I’m not! All I’m saying that is if you continue to hate him for the rest of your life, you’ll never be truly happy. Babe please I’m just thinking about what’s best for you.”
Oh my god—it couldn’t be.  He wouldn’t…….
“You called him.”
“What? No!?”
“No. No, no, no, no, no, no, not-it-it-it all makes sense. How else could he pick up this address? That whole detective bullshit you reached out to him and called him up didn’t you!?”
“(Y/n) I—”
“TELL ME THE TRUTH!!” I screamed at him.  Silence rang out through Joe’s childhood room as he and I stared eye to eye with each other.  Not a single one of us flinching or breaking eye contact.
“Even if it was me, as I told you I was only trying to help.”
“How!?” I snapped. “Be thankful your dad died a good man!” At the mention of his dad, Joe’s face grew hard and angry.
“I know. I was lucky. My dad was a kind man, and generous and forgiving. But get this (Y/n), I won’t get to experience that type of father love ever again! And I would give anything to have him back here! To have gotten to know you as my wife instead of my girlfriend! To one day see our children! So be thankful that your father is still alive and healthy!” his voice quivered and choked as his voice got steadily louder.
“Joe, I—”
“All I wanted was for you to make amends with your dad because you never know which day will be your last!” he stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.
Goddamnit! Now I feel like shit.  I sighed heavily and fell down onto the bed and felt the tears stream down my face.
After calming myself down and cleaning myself up, I walked downstairs and there was my mom, Derek, Joe’s mom, and siblings.  The kids weren’t there so I assume Mary and John sent them to bed after what had happened.
“If you’re wondering where Joe is he left. Didn’t say where he went he just—took his coat, hat and scarf and just left.” John said.
“I wasn’t going to ask that.” I walked over to my mom and said. “Where’s (f/n)?”
“Please mom I—just tell me where he went.” I said urgently.
“He told me he was staying at the Milton motel just 15min. away from here.” I raced and grabbed my winter gear and keys.  My mom calling out to me but I didn’t hear her as I got on my bike and took off down the streets.
When I arrived at the Milton, I went up to the front desk and asked to see a (F/n) (l/n), I told the concierge that I was someone close to him. She called him up and told me he’d be down in a minute.
I sat down in the lobby and waited for him to come down.  I heard the elevator ding and soon coming out of it was (F/n).  He turned to his left and when he saw me, his eyes widened.
“(Y/n)?” I stood up.  He slowly walked towards me. “But I thought—”
“First I want to say this before I say something else. You suddenly showing up the way you did was uncalled for. You can’t expect an apology after the years of neglect and verbal abuse you gave me. Even from the smallest little thing about me that I wanted to change, you insulted me to no ends.” I took a deep breath. “And as much as I want to never want anything to do with you again—someone once told me that if I continue to hate you for the rest of my life, I’ll never be truly happy.”
“I’ve looked back on my actions and every day I hate myself for what I’ve done to you. So—will you give me another chance?”
“I won’t forgive you right away and start calling you dad.”
“I’ll take what I can get. Thank you (Y/n).” he extended his hand out for me to take.  For the first time in years I took my dad’s hand and we shook on it.  “Do you want to spend Christmas day with us tomorrow?”
“I’d like that very much. Plus I’d—I’d like to get to know the man that stole your heart.” My eyes widened.
“Joe! Shit I almost forgot! Ohh but where could he be? He could be anywhere!”
“Just a minute (Y/n), let me make a call.” He took out his phone and made a call. “Hey Jeremy, it’s me. Yeah hey listen I know it’s the holidays but I need your tracking skills.” I saw him nod and hum in agreement, “Okay just a second,” he placed the phone down against his shoulder and asked me, “Do you have his number?”
I told him Joe’s number and he relayed that to his friend. Wow I guess he really is a police officer.
“Really? Great. Thanks Jeremy. Yes you have a Merry Christmas too. See you after the New Year. Bye.” He hung up his phone and said. “His cell was last pinged at the Rockefeller Center.” I thanked him and raced out of the motel and back to my bike.  I revved it up and raced on down to Rockefeller Center.
The monument around Christmas time.  I stood before the giant, beautiful tree and raced towards it on foot.  I looked around for Joe till I finally found him on the other side of the two angel statues playing their horns.
“Joe!?” he turned around and looked at me before glaring softly and turned back around.  I raced towards him but he still refused to look at me.  “Joey……I—I talked to him. My dad. And—it’s gonna take some time but I…..I told him I’d give him another chance.” He didn’t respond back, hell he still didn’t even look at me. “I was way out of line. I shouldn’t have accused you like that. I mean, even if you did call him I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I was angry and—those feelings that my dad gave me when I was a kid I’ve tried to bury them for years. And seeing him for the first time in forever it—made me feel like that extremely insecure girl I once was. And I didn’t want you to see me like that.”
Again, he remained silent and stoic.
“And I shouldn’t have mentioned your dad. He wouldn’t have wanted us to fight, especially on his favorite holiday. I’m sorry Joe.” Nothing. Not even a smug Deacy grin. “Joey?” why wasn’t he answering me?
I slowly approached him and everytime I tried to lean forward to look at him, he just turned his head further away from me.
“Joe please? What more do you want me to say? You were right and I was wrong? That Ben should really be with you instead of Gwil? What can I say that will help you say something to me?” he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed at me.
I sighed sadly and looked up at him.  Okay, I get it.  Guess he’s really upset with me and I could possibly expect him to go stay with Rami and Lucy for the next month or so.
“Alright. I get it. You don’t want anything to do with me anymore. I deserve it. I was a real bitch to you. But I just want you to know that I’ll always love you, and that I hope you find the right girl for you. Even if it’s not me.” I turned and walked away from him when I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me up against a comfy coated chest.
“And just what makes you think that I would want anyone else?”
“What?” he gave me a cheeky grin. “Oh you son of a—” I proceeded to hit him in his chest screaming profanities at him.  All the while he kept laughing and holding my arms back.  He then proceeded to peck all over my face with kisses.
Soon my anger turned to laughter as I calmed down and surrendered to his kisses.
“You’re a real jerk sometimes you know that.”
“But you married me in the end right?” I nodded as he once again wrapped his arms around me.  “So you really talked to your dad? Not just yelled at him.”
“Yes. I—even invited him for Christmas lunch tomorrow.”
“Well look at you making progress!” he exclaimed proudly before taking off my beanie and ruffled my hair.  I exclaimed and tried to shoo his hand away from my head.  He chuckled then readjusted my hair to some level of normalcy.  “In all seriousness babe, I’m glad you took my advice.”
“Yeah. I mean like you said, I’ll never truly be happy till I let go of my anger. And I haven’t realized til now just how much that anger has been weighing me down.”
“I could see it every time your dad was even mentioned. I hate seeing you be that angry.” he embraced me from behind, nuzzling his nose into my hair.
“I’m—also sorry about….you know what I said about your dad.” He placed my head over his chest.
“I forgive you. We were both angry and said the first thing that came to mind.”
“But I shouldn’t have spoken ill about your dad. He really was a sweet guy.”
“That he was.” He smiled the smile he inherited from both his parents.
“Like father like son.” I giggled.  He chuckled and took my hand then as we walked back to my bike, we both looked up and saw that snow was starting to fall.
“Well, looks like we’re getting a White Christmas after all.” He said.
“Indeed, just prepare for the avalanche of feet from the munchkin army come morning.”
“Don’t I know it. But you’re also forgetting one other kid.” He looked at me confused. “You yah big man child!”
“Hey you’re just as crazy about snow as I am!” we then proceeded to nag at each other over who was a bigger fan of the snow, even going as far as to see who would crack first tomorrow morning once we’d see the snow on the ground.
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
This is totally up to you if you want to answer this ask: What were Nesta's parents like? Their names, personalities, jobs, where they came from etc. Also curious about Nesta's aunt and uncle too :)
Okay, I SWEAR, I was gonna try and keep this brief. I literally whisper-screamed said to myself, “Keep it brief, Cara.”
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Nesta, Elain, and Feyre’s Parents: Tim and Ines (neé Afonso) Archeron. Tim was a third-generation native Californian, Ines was, as we know, from Portugal 🇵🇹
Archeron Grandparents:
Tim’s dad Rick was an attorney (and an antisemtic prick, see Nesta’s mention of him in Fucking Lawyers for an example).
His mom Marie was a housewife.
Rick was a functional alcoholic “big drinker” and died when Nesta was 14, Marie died while she was in college.
Afonso Grandparents:
Ines’s father Sebastião was a professor of Antiquities at The Univeristy of Coimbra
Her mother Heloísa worked in her father’s butcher shop until she had Ines (she a dope cook, y’all).
Sebastião died two years before In Vino Veritas starts. Heloísa is the only of the four grandparents still alive.
(SIDENOTE: can we fucking TALK about what she’s gonna say when she meets tall dark and gorgeous Portuguese-speaking wine expert Cassian??)
Heloísa: *in Portuguese* Amorzinho, why have you not married this man yet?
Nesta: Avó, stop!
Heloísa: *still in Portuguese and well within earshot of Cash* If I was forty years younger I would marry him myself!
Tim & Ines (background):
They were both lawyers, they met in law school at Stanford (high achieving runs in the family).
Tim was worked as an M&A (mergers and acquisitions) attorney (can be boring shit but a lotta moneyyy). Ines was a special prosecutor trying drug companies for malpractice and fraud (social justice warrior FTW)
They both worked a LOT, especially when the girls were really little, so the girls were raised by a nanny named Benigna (Beni). Ines had insisted on a nanny who spoke Portuguese, and Beni was from Brazil.
Beni got unexpectedly sick when Nesta was 10, and she died after a too-brief battle with breast cancer.
It was Nesta’s first real experience with loss and she was inconsolably heartbroken, making Tim and Ines realize that they’d allowed their children to be almost completely raised by someone else, and that the girls had basically just suffered the loss of a parent.
At that point Ines decided to cut back to working half time to spend time with the girls, who were 10, 6, and 4.
Between losing Beni and her parents having been gone so much when she was little, Nesta was incredibly anxious to please her parents and make them proud. She was involved in a lot of activities and was very hard on herself, especially for a child. She was serious and dedicated, and though Ines tried to calm the best of Nesta’s outward fretting, she didn’t know how to cope with the more deeply-routed issues of Nesta’s compulsion to be the best. Instead she wrote it off as Nesta being incredibly bright and kept signing Nesta up for activities and paying for any private lessons, competitions, workshops etc. that Nesta expressed interest in. (Look, Nesta had to have something to tell her therapist about)
Starting the year Beni died, they began to take trips to Portugal every summer to see Nesta’s avô and avozinha.
before that, they’d only gone a handful of times, and Sebastiâo and Heloísa were thrilled.
Tim wasn’t close to his parents because of his dad was verbally abusive and his mother was permissive and enabling, so Nesta and the girls were much closer to her avô and avozinha.
Her grandfather spoke English but her grandmother didn’t really, so they spoke almost exclusively Portuguese when they were there (Tim was just sorta...j chilling with his incredibly mediocre Portuguese—he only usually stayed a week anyways, and he worked the whole time).
At home they spoke a mixture, Ines often spoke to the girls in Portuguese and they replied in English unless she insisted otherwise.
Family Ties...
Tim’s closest friend from law school (and the best man at his f*cking wedding) was Beron Vanserra.
Ines was not really a fan but she just sort of tolerated Beron for Tim’s sake, and Beron was clever enough to mostly behave when she was around, though he was definitely the friend who was always trying to coax Tim on a coke-filled bender to Vegas every time her back was turned
Whereas Tim and Ines had children later in life (Ines had Nesta at 35, Elain at 39, and Feyre at 41), Beron married his college sweetheart right out of law school, popped out two boys—August and Adrian—and fucked off for a younger wife. They got divorced without kids after like...a year
His third wife, Flavia, became good friends with Ines. She had her first boy, Eris, three years before Ines had Nesta. They were both pregnant around the same time with their seconds, Lucien and Elain.
The two couples were close and they took vacations together etc. AKA...the kids played together a lot as kids.
Tween/teen Nesta had an ENORMOUS crush on Eris. A senior in HS when she was a freshman, he...did not give a shit. When they ran into each other three years later (Nesta: 18 and two years into raising her two tween sisters and Eris: 21 and a swaggering senior prick at USC) and he hit on her that she was decided she hated him, lol
When Nesta was 14 (Eris: 17, Elain/Lucien: 10, Feyre: 8), it came out that Flavia had been having a longgggg term on-again, off-again affair with her college sweetheart. Screaming matches and paternity tests ensued...and it came out that Lucien was not Beron’s
Ines supported Flavia when Beron filed for divorce and came after Flavia with a VENGEANCE. Ines got Flavia a sick-ass divorce attorney, and sis cleaned up in the divorce 🧹 🧼 🧽 💵 . She and Beron had a very strained custody agreement, where Lucien mostly lived with his mom and saw his “dad” (Beron) only occasionally. Eris, who was about to go to college and was mad at his mom for this embarrassing secret, lived with Beron.
Tim, put off by how Beron handled Lucien’s paternity, distanced himself from Beron, and they were never close after that.
When Tim and Ines died, Flavia was one of the people who stepped up the most to help. Nesta was fiercely independent about the whole thing, but Flavia did babysit for Nesta when she had her own activities, and sometimes she would fill the Archeron fridge with groceries or do the mountain of laundry or take the younger girls back-to-school clothes shopping. Still, she was quiet about it knowing that Nesta considered herself a failure for any little thing she couldn’t do for her sisters.
Tim and Ines (personalities):
Tim was easy-going and fairly mild.
Of the three girls, Elain is most like him in temperament.
Like his dad, Tim was a total workaholic. He loved his daughters a lot, always bragging about them to colleagues and friends, but he wasn’t really around enough to really show them.
As a result, his main role as a parent was spoiling them with things.
Tim’s dad had been the diciplinarian, so Tim hated “being the bad guy” and was thus incredibly permissive. On the rare occasions that he was in charge of the girls alone for a weekend, there were...literally no rules.
Had he been alive, Tim would have strongly encouraged Nesta’s decision to pursue law school. He likely would have been more skeptical of Feyre’s choice to pursue fine art.
Ines was more type-A in her personality
Of the three, Nesta is most like her
As the daughter of a classics professor, she had a great love of classical art and music. She would have been pleased that Elain planned to be an academic like her Avô. She also highly encouraged Nesta’s pursuit of opera even though HS Nesta secretly would have rather done musical theatr (like literally any other teenager?)
Ines had been very close to her parents growing up and had planned to return to Portugal when she graduated law school; even though she loved Tim, she was sad when that didn’t happen
She was very nurturing with her girls, but less tolerant of them acting out. Appearances were important to her, and she expected her girls to be well-behaved.
Nesta, always desperate to please, was praised by every adult who ever met her for being perfectly well-behaved
Elain, easy-going and somewhat shy, was quiet and complaint by nature. She never caused problems and rarely even cried
Feyre, a fiercely independent spirit from day one, did not give a FUCK about making a scene if the need arose. Oh, it’s Christmas and Mamã bought Feyre a pretty dress to wear in the Christmas photos? Who cares; not Feyre! She wants to wear her Jasmine costume from Halloween, and if Mamã says she can’t, Feyre is PERFECTLY happy to make a good huge scene in the middle of the bougee photography studio...
Ines was an only child, Tim just had the one younger brother named Mike. Mike was the “disappointment” according to Rick, because he chose to major in communications and had no interest in law school.
Mike is incredibly unassuming and lived in Tim’s popular, affable shadow. Not lame but definitely unremarkable
The Archerons grew up in the affluent Beach town of Santa Barbara, but Mike was so vexed by his parents he move 385 miles away to Sacramento (if you know California, WEIRD flex on Sacramento of all places, but you do you Mikey)
He married a very sweet middle class girl named Linda and got a job in Insurance
They never had kids of their own, and though he and Tim were friendly, they didn’t really get together much because they just had vastly different lives/lifestyles
Mike and Linda were shocked and sort of bewildered when Tim and Ines died and they were awarded custody of the girls (literally do you not really know what it is to agree to be someone’s legal guardian, Michael ???) and they sort of started haphazardly making plans to move the girls up to Sacramento, even though every time Nesta called they weren’t much farther on arrangements.
Elain and Feyre FREAKED out when they were told they’d be leaving home and their friends and moving to Sacramento with Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda (10 yo Feyre: I HATE Sacramento, it’s a shithole!) and when Mike and Linda still didn’t really have any helpful insights on schools, etc (the Archeron girls all attended private school) Nesta decided the move made no sense.
She basically announced that they weren’t gonna move and that she was just going to handle the girls. Mike and LInda sort of (vaguely) protested before being like “yeah you right, we suck at this”. They still controlled Tim and Ines’s estate and helped Nesta deal with all that, but she took it over the MINUTE she turned 18 and they didn’t really have any part after that besides sheepishly calling like “so...hows everything going? Are you liking school okay?” 🤦‍♀️
Nesta tried to make an effort to be closer with them when they were all younger but like...as adults the Archeron girls have sort of tacitly agreed that Mike and Linda are sweet and they’re family but like...they aren’t that much fun to be around. They’d much rather go to sushi and get drunk on Christmas Eve rather than go to Sacramento and force polite conversation with their aunt and uncle
Okay so yeah! There is a far too detailed thing about her parents, hope you enjoy!
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The Christmas Cottage II: A Magical Christmas Part II: The Wedding Rehearsal
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"And we signed a stack of blank checks in case you need them while we're gone,"
Regina told Tink as she packed up her bag.
Tink nodded. "Then I think we're in good order."
When Regina had sent the email asking Gold to take her off the DeVil-Hatter merger, he had called her several times during Mary Margaret and David's wedding and left her a number of voicemails since she had turned her phone off. During most of them, he kept firing her over and over. She didn't quite care - though she did want to make sure Tink still had a job. Regina didn't want her assistant to suffer for her decision and she called Mal to ask her to save Tink's job. After explaining the situation, Mal went and did some rearranging, bringing Regina onto her team to serve out her notice period and promising to keep Tink onboard - with the understanding that Regina could poach her beloved assistant at any time.
It had taken almost a year but Regina was eventually able to bring her to the foundation. Tink adjusted to working for both her and Robin, keeping the office running for them. She had been a godsend and Regina was glad to have her in her life.
"You sure?" Regina asked. "We're not forgetting something?"
"If we are, Belle and I will deal with it," Tink assured her, invoking the name of their second-in-command. Belle French was more than capable of running the foundation in their absence. With Tink by her side, Regina knew they were in good hands.
Tink stepped closer to Regina. "All you have to do now is worry about getting married to Robin, okay?"
"Okay," Regina said, pulling a little gift from her desk. She held it out. "And before I get, this is for you. Merry Christmas, Tink."
"Thank you," Tink said, taking the gift. "Merry Christmas, Regina."
Regina hugged her. "I'll see you at the wedding?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Tink assured her. "I can't wait to see you in your dress!"
"I can't wait for everyone else to see it," Regina replied, pulling away. "Especially Robin."
Tink chuckled. "I'm sure Robin can't wait to see you in it either. Has he been trying to sneak peeks?"
"No, but only because he doesn't know where I'm keeping it and knows he can't go snooping through everyone's house to find it," Regina replied.
"Smart," Tink said, handing Regina her bag. "I'll see you at the wedding."
Regina took the bag and left her office, finding Robin waiting at Tink's desk for her. He straightened up and smiled at her. "You ready, sweetheart?" he asked.
"I am," she said, waving to the staff members that came out to see them off. "Merry Christmas, everyone. If we're seeing you at the wedding, see you in a few days. If not, we'll see you in the New Year!"
"We hope you all have a great holiday," Robin added. "And we wish you and your loved ones nothing but joy and happiness this season."
Their staff applauded and Belle stepped forward. "While most of us will be celebrating your wedding with you and we have all celebrated earlier this week, we still want to offer you our congratulations and wishes for a long life full of love and happiness together."
"Three cheers for Robin and Regina!" someone called out. They gave them three cheers as they left and Regina half expected to be pelted by confetti or rice as they walked past their staff members.
Robin laughed as they left their office. "We have the best colleagues, don't we?"
"We do," she agreed, taking his hand. "And we have the best friends and family, who we're going to celebrate with in a few days."
He smiled, kissing her forehead. "Yes, we are. So we should go home and get plenty of rest."
"You read my mind, Mr. Locksley," she teased him. "Lead the way."
They headed to his car and climbed in. Robin started the engine and pulled away, heading out onto the main street. "Do you want to pick something up for dinner on our way home or just see what we have?" he asked.
"We still have some leftovers from dinner at Granny's house," she reminded him. "We can heat those up."
He nodded, making a left turn. "Sounds good then."
They drove along and Regina admired all the decorated houses they passed. Once again, Storybrooke had dressed itself in its holiday best and glowed brighter than the Northern Lights. Santas, snowmen, reindeer and their ilk all stood on lawns and greeted people passing by. Candy canes and snowflakes illuminated windows along with strands of white or multicolored lights. All of it was beautiful and the perfect backdrop for a wedding.
"Enjoying Christmas?" Robin asked.
"Of course," she replied with a smile. "You?"
He nodded. "I can't think of a better time for us to get married."
She chuckled. "Neither can I. So it's a good thing we were able to get a Christmas Eve wedding."
"Not that it was hard," Robin reminded her. "The Mist Haven Lodge coordinator called us the minute after we announced our engagement."
"That is true," she replied. "She probably would've given us anything we asked for, even shut down the lodge like Mary Margaret did."
He nodded. "I think she was relieved we weren't going that big. Though I think the town would've liked it if we went their route."
"Oh god," she moaned, rubbing her forehead. "That was a disaster. I have a new appreciation for Megan Markle."
The Blanchard and the Mills families were essentially Storybrooke royalty, the two most prominent families in town. Regina had always understood that - as had Robin. What they hadn't understood was how long the people of Storybrooke had waited for the two families to be joined in marriage - a good century, by what she understood. Robin and Regina were fulfilling that long-held dream and so the people of Storybrooke were acting as if their wedding was a royal one. Everyone wanted to know every detail about everything - the ring, the venue, the dress, etc.
But above all, they all wanted an invite to the wedding.
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Reddie celebrating christmas with the losers
A/N: these are some hc for christmas I hope you enjoy! Merry christmas to everyone! Let me know what you think! 
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- Richie, you piece of shit, get back here’, Eddie screeched, leaving footprints in the snow. Richie laughs hysterical, speeding up a notch, only pausing briefly to look back at Eddie. Eddie, who was advancing like he was a speed train.
-  ‘It’s not fucking funny dickwad, I was busy, I don’t have time for your stupid games’, Eddie continued. He crouched down, scooping up a bunch of ice from the ground, seemingly not realizing that he was touching part of the ground aswell. Eddie lifted his hands letting out a squall when he realized that dirt was sticking to his hand.
- ‘Did you just fucking squall?’ Richie teases, and he laughs harder when he sees the glare Eddie shoots him. Eddie throws the ice, and the dirt, in the direction of Richie, who’s not fast enough to duck. The ice hits him on the side of his face, and that causes Eddie to laugh.
-  Richie makes a move to grab the ice aswell, but Eddie turns and runs back to the house as fast as his legs can carry him. Richie chuckles, but he drops the ice gathered in his hands back to the ground.  
- He knows Eddie will be furiously scrubbing his hands in the kitchen, desperate to get the dirt off his hands. It really is just Eddie’s fault though. He had said that Richie would never dare to try and snowball him, but he should now after 5 years of marriage, that Richie never backs down of any dare.
- Richie walks back in, and just like he expected, Eddie smells like apple soap, the one he only uses in the kitchen. It something Richie teases him with, the fact that he uses food smelling soap in the kitchen, and everything else in the bathroom.
-  Eddie glares at him when he comes in, but it’s undermined by the smile he’s suppressing. ‘Please get Sarah up, I have so much left to do before everyone gets’ here, and now thanks to you I need to change and she still needs to get dressed and –‘
-  ‘Eds, you’re rambling again’, Richie cuts him off, but he feels slightly guilty. The reason he dragged Eddie into a snowball fight is because he wanted Eddie to relax for a bit, not to cause him even more stress. ‘Sure, I can do that’, he says while placing his hands on Eddie shoulders, working out the kinks in Eddie’s neck. Eddie groaned in pleasure, and for a small second it seemed like Richie had managed to lift the stress off him.
- The moment was broken when Sarah started crying loudly in her crib. The baby phone went off, and Richie and Eddie pulled apart swiftly.
- Sarah was the little girl Eddie and Richie had adopted when she was just an infant. She was now 5 years old, and she still needed some nap time. She’s adorable, and she loves Richie and Eddie so much.
- She’s also a little bit clingy, so as soon as she opens her eyes, she needs one of her dad’s to come and pick her up.
- Richie smiles at Eddie, pressing a quick kiss to Eddie’s lips. ‘I love you’, he whispers to him, before turning around and walking up to go get Sarah ready. It was a very busy day for the Tozier-Kaspbrak household. It was Christmas night and all the losers were coming over.
- Eddie was freaking out however, because even though the losers would be thrilled with takeout Chinese, Eddie still wanted to cook a full, healthy 4 course meal. It caused Eddie to be completely stressed out.
-  The losers were coming over in an hour, and Eddie still had to make the soup, and get the appetizers ready. He also still had to get dressed, but he was at least so thankful that Richie was taking care of Sarah.
- He was making chicken noodle soup, stuffed turkey and a homemade apple pie. He wasn’t sure if it was going to be tasty, but at least Eddie tried his best.
- Richie couldn’t cook for the life of him, so he was on decorating duty, which he absolutely loved to do, because he went all out. Everywhere were Christmas balls, confetti, little mistletoes spread on the table etc.…
- Stan and Patty got there first, as always strictly on time. Stan was Sarah godfather, and so he loved to spend to time with the family. Patty was an amazing woman who loved the losers club almost as much as she loved the other losers, so she was always keen on spending time with her new family. Though Stan and Patty didn’t celebrate Christmas, they always met up with the losers, because it wasn’t about why they were together, it was that they were together.
-  Bill and Audra were second, followed by Mike who arrived practically at the same time. Bill and Audra and Mike had just gone on vacation together, and it was clear that Audra was also, like Patty, well on her way to become a honorary loser.
- Last but not least Ben and Bev arrived, 30 minutes late, though they were forgiven, considering Bev was 6 months pregnant.
- Sarah spend the entire beginning clinging to Stan’s legs, as she always did when she saw her uncle. Eddie and Richie had been scared at first that Stan wouldn’t like that, all the mess  of a preschooler, but he loved Sarah with all his heart, and he took care of her like she was his own daughter.
- For some reason Sarah was always terrified of Bill for like an hour, before she seemed to remember him and moved on from Stan, to spend time with Bill.
- They played Christmas music loudly, Ben being the one who was taking care of the music.
- They did secret Santa amongst themselves, though every couple bought a small gift for the little kid(s) anyways.
- Considering Bev was pregnant, they bought clothes for the unknown baby anyway.
- Stan and Patty joined in too, but only because they always bought gag gifts to see the look on the persons faces.
-  This year, Bill and Audra had to buy a gift for Ben and Bev. They had bought a Custom First Dance Song Print, because they had just gotten married in the same year.
- Ben and Bev had to buy for Stan and Patty, who had begged everyone not to buy them a gift, and they made them a photo book with all the best pictures they had. Stan would never admit that he cried a little when he saw the gift.
- Stan and Patty had to buy Eddie and Richie a gift, and they bought matching t-shirts with the names; dumbass 1 and dumbass two. Stan smirked when they opened their presents, he loved the gifts he was giving them. All in good fun of course.
-  Eddie and Richie had Mike. They made a book with all the places Mike had ever been, gluing the things Mike had taking with him from one of his any country visits. Mike had hugged them tighter than ever before.
- Sarah got a bracelet with her name, a custom book where she was a character in, a doll from frozen, a mystery game and a huge dollhouse where she could play with all the dolls she got the previous year.
- The little unborn baby got a baby suit with the words; uncles favorite, a play fire truck, a stuffed bear, a baby phone and a pacifier. Richie jokingly gave Ben and Bev a card, saying; good for one baby sit time. Bev rolled her eyes, but she loved every single one of the people in the room, and she couldn’t help but to giggle
- The food was amazing, The soup was great, and the turkey was delicious.  Everyone’s favorite dish was the apple pie however, because it was home-made and Richie and Sarah actually helped. Sarah was proudly proclaiming that she was going to be a baker when she grew up, so everyone loudly praised her, saying it was the best thing they had ever eaten.
- After presents and food, the losers all watch a movie. They were watching home alone.
-  After only a half-hour, Eddie felt the weight on his lap, where Sarah was sitting, get a little heavier. She had fallen asleep, her little head resting on Eddie’s shoulder.
-  Richie looked over, seeing everyone in the room coo over his sweet daughter, and when he and Eddie made eye contact, he realized he was the happiest he could ever be.
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darkdoelette · 4 years
Winter coquette
Coquette in winter
Hey! I made an autumn post that did well. So here’s my winter one!
The coquette aesthetic is most often associated with warmer weather, which means that celebrating colder weather, especially for those new to the aesthetic, can be difficult. But, fear not. Here are some ways to keep up with the aesthetic!
(Psa: Real fur is cruel and faux alternatives can be just as warm. This blog does NOT support the fur trade in any way shape or form.)
Mittens-especially fluffy ones or ones with kitten paw prints
Fuzzy/fluffy jackets.
Fuzzy/fluffy clothes in general
Hoodies (especially if they smell like a person of interest’s cologne/perfume/fragrance.)
Hoodies with animal ears on the hood.
Knee high socks.
Thigh high socks.
Sparkly New Years Dresses.
Faux leather pants.
Santa dresses.
Ribbons-especially those that look like they belong on a present.
Bobby socks
Santa hats
Reindeer antlers
Faux fur trim coats and jackets
See my post about skincare
Highlighter. Especially gold, silver, or rose gold.
Reindeer fawn makeup.
Red lipstick.
Red eyeshadow
Green eyeshadow
White eyeliner
Blue eyeliner
Blue mascara
Gold eyeliner
Gold glitter
Blue glitter
Silver glitter
Bath bombs
Shower steamers
Bubble bars
Any shampoo to help with flakes.
In a Santa hat
In a reindeer antlers headband
Milkmaid braids
With snowflakes inside it
Royal curls
A messy bun
A neat bun
Cute little holiday or winter hair clips
In a tiara
Ribbons with bows
With golden hair acessories
Pigtail braids
Activities: (Keep in mind, some of them have different religious aspects. Learn to appreciate and not appropriate. Obviously there are some activities that apply to different people as there are different foods/clothes/etc.)
Ice skating.
Knitting. Especially if you knit extra garments to donate!
Making snow angels.
Snow ball fights.
Twirl around in the snow (especially if listening to the “Ice Dance” song from Edward Scissorhands during the first snowfall of the year. I listen to it every time I see my first bit of snow falling in Winter).
Playing in the snow.
Donate gifts to charity.
Donate food to charity.
Kiss under the mistletoe
Light scented candles around the house along with the Hanukkah/Kwanza ones.
Decorate the Christmas tree.
Bake Christmas cookies
Play with a Dreidel
Cuddle with someone (you know, for warmth)
Sit around the fire.
Dress dolls up in Christmas Outfits.
Visit the American Girl store.
Buy lingerie and a fuzzy robe to wear over it while you lounge inside.
Learn about other cultures.
Remember that people of other religion and cultures often invite friends to celebrate other Hollidays with them. It’s a beautiful thing that often happens, especially when the holidays overlap. I grew up in an interfaith family, as my mom converted religions shortly prior to marrying my dad (she already had an interest in the religion before they were engaged).
Play an instrument.
Sing Holiday songs.
Open Christmas Crackers
Watch the Radio City Rocketts
Look at Window Displays
Watch the fireworks on New Years (be careful if you’re going to set them off yourself for multiple reasons including preventing injuries and making sure there isn’t anybody with gun or explosion related PTSD living nearby).
Have a New Years Kiss
BE someone’s holiday present.
Sit on their lap and tell them what you want for Christmas 😉
Let them decide if you’re naughty or nice.
Stay up to date with the Iditarod.
Get vaccinated.
Decorate your room/house/apartment.
Put up fairy lights
Go to a Christmas carnival
Go sleigh riding
Cuddle up in front of the fire.
Take a nice warm bath
Make a gingerbread house
Decorate the Christmas tree
Build model train sets
Santa Tell Me-Ariana Grande
All I want for Christmas is You-Mariah Carrey.
Ice Dance-Danny Elfman
Santa Baby-Eartha Kitt
Light My Candle-Rent the musical
Baby it’s cold outside-Frank Losserr
Walking in a Winter Wonderland- Richard B Smith
New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift
Santa Clause is back in town by Elvis Presley
I’ve got some presents for Santa by Paul Horabin
I’ll be your Santa Baby by Refus Thomas
Wit it this Christmas by Ariana Grande
Mistress for Christmas by ACDC
Sext Christmas by Steel Panther
Merry Christmas, Baby-By Christina Aguilera
Christmas tree by Lady Gaga
The Nutcracker Suites
Varuca Salt’s Nutcracker Suite from Willy Wonka the Musical
Never fall in love with an Elf from Elf the Musical
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis
Spirit by HP Heightman
Little Women by Luisa Mary Alcott
A Doll’s House by Henrick Ibsen
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
The Winter Fairy by Lola Karns
The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns
Peace Like A River by Leif Enger
Murder on the Orient express by Agatha Christie
The Bear and The Nightingale by Katherine Arden
Movies and Tv:
The nightmare before Christmas (1993)
Beautiful girls (1996)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Interview with a Vampire (1994)
The Apartment (1960)
Groundhog Day (1993)
Elf (2003)
While you were sleeping (1995)
Love Actually (2003)
Rent (2005)
Deck the halls (2006)
Frozen (2014)
Mean Girls
Bad Santa
Just Friends
Eyes Wide Shut
The Christmas pickle
Sled racing
Candy Land
Nancy Drew and the White Wolf of Icicle Creek Lodge
Hot chocolate with cinnamon, marshmallows, and whipped cream.
Milk and cookies
Chocolate coins
Latkes (Potato Pancakes)
Candy canes
Gingerbread people
Jollof rice
Collard greens
Polar Bears
Sleigh dogs
Arctic foxes
Arctic anything
Burning wood
Pionzidia plants
This playlist I made
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phoenix-downer · 5 years
I don’t, it’s all a ruse. Instead I come up with fluffy headcanons (often with @angel-with-a-pipette) set when Sora and Kairi have their happily ever after and are in a happy stable relationship to distract myself from how KH3 ended, such as:
They love watching romantic movies together. Sora is a big fan of romance because he’s a hopeless romantic at heart. He’s as likely as Kairi to be moved to tears by the really sappy ones because they remind him of how much he and Kairi love each other.
They like holding hands in public and making lovey-dovey eyes at each other. Sometimes Kairi catches Sora looking at her when he thinks she isn’t watching, and the love in his eyes makes her melt into a puddle. The same goes for when Sora realizes Kairi is looking at him, he melts because the look in her eyes makes him weak.
They take turns cooking for each other because they’re both good cooks and it’s something they enjoy doing. Kairi buys Sora an apron that says “Kiss the Chef” that he wears every time he cooks for her, and she is more than happy to do as the apron says.  
Sora makes an effort to get Kairi special presents for her birthday, their anniversary, Christmas, etc. because he feels like he didn’t do a good enough job of that when they were younger. Kairi is grateful for the presents and always thanks him, but gently reminds him that being with him is the best present she could ever ask for.
Kairi likes making crafts and makes gifts for Sora. Maybe she learns to knit and knits him a hat and gloves for his visits to Arandelle and other cold worlds.
They love cuddling and snuggling, and it’s an important part of their relationship. Sometimes Sora just holds his arms out as Kairi walks by or catches her hand, and she knows what to do.
When Kairi’s feeling down, Sora holds her and kisses her and tells her how much she means to him, and vice versa. This always results in the other person melting in a puddle of happiness and/or being overwhelmed with emotion.
Kairi is good at teasing Sora, and Sora can crank up the charm when he really wants to. They love bantering with each other and seeing who gets flustered first. 
After they get married/have kids, Sora dresses up as Santa for Christmas every year. When the kids are old enough to figure out it’s him, he takes them to meet Santa for real.
Kairi leaves little notes for Sora all over the place for him to find telling him she’s thinking about him and loves him.
Their kids are grossed out by how affectionate they are growing up, but when they’re older, they’re grateful to have had such a healthy loving relationship modeled for them and want to have what Mom and Dad have. 
Sora and Kairi fall in love more deeply every day and still act lovestruck after years of marriage. Their love grows and matures along with them, and they couldn’t be happier.
I could keep going with these for ages, but thinking of them happy and in love just brings a smile to my face because they’re so wonderful!
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angel-gidget · 5 years
First off, issue #1 has made it clear that Dark Opal is the villain du jour. This means you guys are in for a treat. This man is an uncomplicated pleasure to hate. Perfect example, this reference: the wedding of Topaz & Sapphire.
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The following commentary shall spoil the heck out of an 80’s classic, good old Amethyst Miniseries Issue #7.
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You stand warned. (but oh my! YOu gossip! YOu totally want to know what happened at the wedding, DON’T you? @timkarinn)
Why is a villain like Dark Opal such a delight? Well, in a world saturated Foe Yay and Grey-Area Morality perpetuated by the likes of Miller and Moore, he’s a kind of villain we haven’t enjoyed in a while.
Amethyst creators Gary Cohn and Dan MIshkin once noted that Dark Opal was designed to be a most classically straight-up villain. Not misunderstood. Not misguided. Not insane. Not sympathetic. Just a dude who wanted absolute power and did not care a whit that it would corrupt absolutely. This is the sort of villain that allows our young, intrepid heroes to shine untarnished.
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Exhibit A: Dark Opal murdering poor old Lord Topaz on the day his son is to be married.
We don’t see exactly HOW Opal clones/pod-persons/etc the deceased lord to make a perfect replica lucky run around in his place, but we do see poor Price Topaz mourning his freedom as the noose of arranged marriage tightens around his neck.
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OH, if only there was some charming, fearless, swash-buckling princess who could save our poor prince from such a terrible fate! OH WAIT…
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SUCH VALOR! SUCH HOPE! Quite possibly the budding of a beautiful romance…
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… if his savior didn’t possess all the smooth moves of an anxious spring chicken.
But hey, it doesn’t matter! What matters is that there are UNINVITED GUESTS AT THIS HERE WEDDING SHINDIG. The first sign of this holy apocalypse is the arrival of Lord Garnet.
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Lord Garnet deserves his own post, tbh. He’s like… if Old Spice Man and Santa Clause had a really ripped clone baby together and you gave him gem powers. He’s one of Amethyst’s trusted mentors and advisors and he’s gr8.
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Okay, my dudes, I know it’s a tangent, BUT A LOT OF THINGS ARE GOING DOWN AT THIS BIT O NUPTUALS. SUCH THINGS. MANY HAPPENINGS.Also, almost-happenings.
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The only Topaz who’s got 0 regrets about this wedding is the princess. She’s just shoving down e’rrybody on her way to the throne today.
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Meanwhile, Dark Opal’s adopted son, Prince Carnelian, is running his drunk dumbass mouth which nearly leads to a duel with Lord Moonstone.
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Some folks, namely Lady Turquoise, have cottoned onto the fact that Princess Amethyst is in attendance, and have proceeded to loudly declare their love and loyalty. With Dark Opal’s lackeys RIGHT THERE. IN THE ROOM. Props for bravery, amiga.
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You know people are having a good time when there is only (1) attempted assassination of Dark Opal’s person that evening. (but mission abort, sadly, bc Lord Garnet knows Lady Emerald ain’t ready to really take the heat for it.)
On with the wedding!
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Gee… when you put it like THAT, how’s a guy supposed to say no?
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Like that, I guess.
So anyway, it’s getting obvious that SOMEHOW, Lord Topaz went from loving indulgent father to #1 Abusive Patriarch overnight, and Amethyst smells something fishy…
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Way to use your filters, gem-people.
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So basically, Amy throws a water balloon to reveal that Prince Topaz’s dead dad has been replaced with a pod-person tentacle monster. 
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And of course, Plausible Deniably is Dark Opal’s idea of a really funny joke.
So, they fight the tentacle monster.
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And even though Amy ASSURES him that NO IT’S NOT REALLY YOUR DAD, TOPAZ, the prince still angsts bc y’know that’s his thing. He angsts.
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But he fights too. Credit where credit is due.
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Together they slay that sucker, and Amethyst finally lets the bass drop, announces the pink elephant in the room. Or rather, the purple princess.
She makes her intentions to dethrone Opal’s tush explicitly clear, which leads to fights all around. Realizing that the angry oppressed outnumber his loyal lackies, Opal makes a run for it in the confusion.
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Yes, Lord Garnet saved the angsting blonde eye-candy. You’re welcome.
Meanwhile, Amy ends off by riding her winged unicorn INDOORS like the Drama Queen she is.
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SO you know what’s an incredible sign of admiration and trust? Lending your super-awesome Lord Garnet-given pegacorn to your new bat-friend, so you can have a DOUBLE DRAMATIC ENTRANCE.
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Meaning, however greatly my baby has been rebooted, she’s still got some 80’s Amy Winston at her core. <3
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Master List of Faustian Exchange Prompts
All prompts, used or unused, that were submitted to the Faustian Exchange! All are posted with permission. If you use someone’s prompts, please credit them for the idea and tag us if you’d like us to reblog your work!
Grelliam: The first time William calls Grelle a woman or uses her correct pronouns.
Grelle/Angelina: first kiss after a Ripper murder.
Grelle childhood fic dealing with gender confusion
Modern day Grelle after fully transitioning to female, preferably with a tongue piercing.
Madam Red/Grelle with Grelle on one knee putting Madam Red's shoe on her (to mirror the Sebastian images with Ciel).
Adult Ciel and Lizzy, portrait-style.
Sebastian spending a day off with Agni when he's recovering after the Luxury Liner arc
when each servant first begins to suspect Sebastian isn't human
Mey-rin and Ran Mao bonding after Ran Mao discovers Mey-rin also speaks Mandarin.
Sebastian teaching Shiori to dance
Sebastian playing piano with Grelle draped over the back of it like a lounge singer
Doll wearing the Weston College boys' uniform.
Crack ship- Tanaka finds out who his true love was all along, tea.
Before the murder of the Phantomhive's and the cuteness of the twins.
Grell's past life? What drove them to suicide?
The real reason Sebastian is a demon. He ate a KitKat by biting it without breaking it first.Grell's eyes.
Elizabeth being a cutie while fencing
Modern! AU with Elizabeth and Grell in the cutest dresses
D&D AU with Phantomhive twins and any other main cast on a quest causing mayhem. Are they playing D&D or are they in a D&D world? That's up to you!
Modern AU Phantomhive twins as fake paranormal investigators, claiming their caretaker Sebastian is a demon.
Sebastian/Agni bonding over taking care of their masters.
Phantomhive twins and Sebastian (and maybe Agni, Sohma, Lizzy and/or Sieglinde) as a D&D party.
Phantomhive twins OR Lizzy and Sieglinde in cute matching/contrasting outfits.
Sebastian/Agni dancing.
Claudia and Undertaker (pairing/shipping optional, and if that's so, the use of Cedric name is up to you), canonverse. Claudia questions Undertaker about his mourning lockets, and if he would one day make one of hers. Implying/asking if she is important enough for him that her death might affect him.
Sebastian brings a cat home and naturally Ciel doesn't like it. Heartbroken, Sebastian has to let the cat go. But the cat won't go. Crack/funny, either canonverse or modern AU
Ciel twins (I'll address them as Ciel and Astre for convenience), canonverse AU or modern AU, your choice. The twins, as nobles/higher status, shouldn't be alone in this part of the city, but Ciel wanted to show Astre some factories to show how confusing, messy and poluting they are, in a way to dissuade him from his wish to have a toy company of his own - something that would drive the twins apart, with different life goals. In there, they meet an orphan employed in that factory. Alois. What unfolds from there is up to you.
Joker and Beast (shipping preferred), canonverse. Back in East End, Joker tries to find a present to Beast in order to show her gratitude for the care she showed him when he fell ill.
alternatively, Joker and Beast in modern AU. Both of them and Jumbo are legally adults, but Doll, Dagger, Peter and Wendy (regardless of their real ages) are still children under institutionalization and up for adoption. In a hurt/comfort manner, big brothers fashion, Joker and Beast dealing with their fears and emotions of having their little siblings sent into foster care versus waiting a few more years to be of legal age and all of them live together in a new life, after . 
Vincent and Diederich, canonverse, brotp kind of relationship but shipping/one sided pairing is not excluded. Crack/funny. Diederich is positively shocked that Vincent would go full drag to solve a murder case of some sort. And even more shoked to see how well it makes him look.
Undertaker and Othello, canonverse. A conversation, some form of interaction, hanging out, opposing views (nothing aggressive, both seem to be very curious and open to hear other opinions even if they don't change their own). Brotp interaction between the two back in Undertaker's Shinigami days. Anything, up to your imagination. 
Sebastian and Ciel, shipping not intended. Preferrably canonverse. Sebastian thinking of how everyone else sees him as deeply caring for Ciel's wellbeing, which he does with only one intent in mind - seasoning Ciel's soul to add to the 'delicacy' level he desires. Ciel knows this, so even despite living together for three years, he knows Sebastian's 'worrying' and 'affection' are all feints. However, maybe after a particularly bad nightmare, or after Sebastian doing something kind out of apparently no reason, Ciel seems to genuinely be grateful. What are Sebastian's thoughts on this? Maybe something dark and manipulating, kind of in the league of his words in the Green Witch arc when he's burning the laboratory? Or the other way around? Your choice. What I meant with no shipping is because I would prefer if this 'affection' I mentioned wouldn't be taken by you as romantic.
Joker and Bravat Sky, canonverse AU, in which they came across each other when they were young. Bravat was a charlaton, fooling people with fake fortune readings, and they meet by: either Joker is one of the people he tries to do it; or Joker attempts to steal his money and an exchange unfolds.- “Sieglinde, modern AU, rocking Japanese street fashion” (I completely stole this suggestion from the reply post on the blog, is seemed so damn cool!)
Ciel & Astre. Either tender, or dark, whichever you prefer. If it's the later, a classical contrast image, in whichever fashion you prefer. 
Side by side, mirror reflex, bloody Ciel vs Astre, or some better idea in case you have it! 
Joker, Doll or Beast from the Circus. Just one of them, I'm naming the three so you can choose which. Modern aesthetic/fashion look for any of them.
Undertaker and a Bizarre Doll, in a sort of gothic-esque style. Maybe something with like a cameo frame-thingy around it would work if it's not too troublesome?
Cat!Ciels, chibi or otherwise, just being fluffy.  
Grell Sutcliff x Reader
William T. Spears x Reader
platonic Lizzy x Sieglinde
Grell Sutcliff
Elizabeth Midford
Soma and Agni (together)
ciel/lizzy (ship)-lizzy gives ciel a fencing lesson
lizzy/seglinde(platonic/friendship)-they have asleepover. modern AU
ciel goes christmas shopping with sebastian (no ship) (before current arc)ciel/lizzy (ship) going for a walk, holding hands
lizzy and Earl Grey dueling/about to duel
Sebastian in a seifuku (preferably pink and very cute)
ciel in a dress (again) and very annoyed about it
Ciel gets sick, and Lizzie and Soma fret over his health; Ciel is either only mentioned, or appears briefly, with the fic focusing on Lizzie and Soma's attempts to help
Before Sebastian can be summoned, Undertaker rescues Ciel (and his twin, if you want to include him) from the cult
Soma/Lizzie (ship) - AU or possibly post-canon where Lizzie is the queen's watchdog1) Vincent and Frances as children, running or playing on the lawn of the Phantomhive Estate
Lizzie and Sieglinde; Lizzie teaching Sieglinde about British fashion: showing her dresses, etc.
Lizzie and Agni practicing with swords, Agni looking impressed
Lizzie and Soma, something cute and shippy
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) taking care of each other in the cult
Astre (Our Ciel) and Alois (ship) going to a ball together
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) going on a murder case for the Queen together 
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) in the cult
Astre ("Ciel") and Alois (ship) doing basically anything together (modern or Victorian era)
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) teasing each other/Vincent teasing Diedrich and Diedrich being angry about it
Grell goes overboard decorating the Reaper Dispatch for Christmas
Ciel finds old letters from his parents
Undertaker holds a comedy show to find the best joke out there
Anything with grell honestly I love them but specifically Grell in the Mean Girls Santa outfit
Claude dressed like Spider-Man
Madame Red and Grell actually happy 
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing or dueling. :D
Anything regarding Francis Midford and Vincent Phantomhive. Anything. 
Lizzy and real!Ciel's interactions after discovering the truth about TCT.
Fabulous Lau lowkey shipping everyone of age. EVERYONE. (The Reapers are pissed, Queen's butlers are flustered.)
Ciel and co. thinking Queen Victoria's the true enemy, then Aleistor Chamber reveals he's the main Kuro villain and that he's had a hand in every scheme thus far.
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing!
Edward and Lizzy being dorks. Maybe Edward tearing up because his little sister's about to marry? Ahaha I'm not picky. ^^
Claudia Phantomhive, Undertaker, Vincent Phantomhive, and Francis Midford in a family portrait???
Ciel/Elizabeth going on a date
something involving the Prefects from Weston
something involving the Grim Reapers (whoever they want to pick)
Joanne Harcourt
Edward Midford
The two nine year old twins, Ciel and Astre, are having trouble sleeping. So, despite being sleep deprived, the two manage to stay up late telling stories and giggling. In their wake, they manage to catch the attention of Tanaka, who sings them to sleep. (Set in the cannon universe.)
A Hogwarts! AU, but set in Weston. The houses are the same, but it's still set in the Victorian Era.
The mourning process had never suited the Spare. He had lost everything, and he knew nothing would ever change that fact. So, despite the world around him urging him to cry, he decides to stand strong. Ciel would be. So he figured he could too. // (Please contact me if I need to specify anything. I'm not that great at writing prompts!)1. Modern! AU. The main characters, but dabbing with fidget spinners everywhere. // 2. Super edgy and dramatic™ drawing of Ciel. // 3. A headshot of Ciel and his brother.
Grell dressed as madam red
soma eating curry
gregory violet dressed as undertaker.
Claudia/Undertaker going on a picnic inside a red cave.
Sebastian being Madam Red butler, where Madam Red sold her soul to him for giving birth and raising a child until 18 years old.
Grell baking a cake, and ruining her clothes in the process.
Sebastian getting a birthday surprise from his mother, where she gets him 100 cats, and Ciel gets furious.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.1.Undertaker painting Ciel wearing a violet dress and eating cake.
Undertaker and Claudia decorating a Christmas Tree.
Undertaker wearing Lizzy's clothes.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Gregory Violet falling in love with Lizzy. He writes her a secret message, and watches her reading the letter.
Grell wearing Ciel's dress, he had worn in the party where he meets Viscount of Druitt.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.
anonymous prompts
Modern AU, somehow, Drocell's sessions with a therapist, confronting what he has and doesn't have of his humanity
Sebastian and Agni trying to outdo each other as butlers, friendly competition that's really just thinly veiled flirting
Mindless fluff, Ciel and Elizabeth shopping for holiday presents for family and household
Grell in a green witch arc dress (but properly fitted)
The twins dressed as the prince and the pauper style aesthetic
The twins modeling on the cover of vogue
Cielois (ship) having tea, playing chess, and/or cuddling while reading in the library
Our!Alois and Real!Alois meeting
Lizzie throwing Alois a birthday party bc she finds out he doesn't really have any friends
Alois Trancy, Lizzie being a bad*ss
Fem!Grell in a nice dress
Undertaker babysitting the twins
Diederich babysitting Vincent while he was sick at Weston School.
Sebastian taking care of a stubborn, sick Ciel who refuses to stay in bed (bonus points if you add angst)
Sebastian carrying Ciel is something always good to see.
Ciel messily trying to decorate a cake (bonus points if you add Sebastian looking both amused and disappointed)
Undertaker and Grell braiding each other's hair.
Lizzy helps Ciel with his studies (ship optional)
Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard preparing dinner without Sebastian
Sieglinde Sullivan and Lizzy discussing about Ciel's work over tea-Lizzy with her hair down
Grey in Weston College uniform
Real Ciel picking flowers with his twin
The household having to take care of Pluto until Sebastian returns home
Ciel being mistaken for a girl by a group of ladies who decide to pamper him
Grell getting lost in the city and being adopted by a group of kids- Grell and/or Undertaker  enjoying a train ride
GrellxUndertaker - Grell lying on the autopsy table trying to flirt with Undertaker 
Ciel wandering the city in commoners clothes, maybe with a group of children 
Vincents life as queen's watch dog
Shinigami dispatch life
Twin ciel angst
Sieglinde (maybe with wolfram)
Shinigami Dispatch/ or trio (william, grell, ronald), or just grell or ronald
Anything Alois related
Madame red and Grell
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pansexual-potatoes · 3 years
Who is your hero?: I don’t have one.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?: I’d become a woods witch, of sorts. I picture it as a cabin so deep in the woods you only find it if you’re lost. Me, my dog and Frank (if we’re theoretically still married) in a very cute cabin with a little mailbox that’s never used and a short walkway to nowhere in particular. I’d have foxglove and lupine up front, hosta and ferns in the shaded areas and a wooden fence around my garden. No driveway but I’d have a shed with a snowmobile, snowblower, and shovel for the winter and a four wheeler, and a tiny car for the summer. I’d have a fire pit for campfires, a hot tub and a pool. Attached to the back of the house would be a greenhouse with a dining area for warm weather. Despite my rural living, I’d get great cell service and excellent internet.
What is your biggest fear?: Losing the people I care about.
What is your favorite family vacation?: My family growing up didn’t do vacations but my husband and I do. I also do fun stuff with my best friend.
What would you change about yourself if you could?: My looks
What really makes you angry?: Disrespect
What motivates you to work hard?: I have bills to pay, and we need to eat.
What is your favorite thing about your career?: I enjoy the plants. I work in a commercial greenhouse and for most of the year the plants are really nice.
What is your biggest complaint about your job?: the pay and lack of needed benefits are big problems.
What is your proudest accomplishment? I’m still here.
What is your child's proudest accomplishment?: Bailey learned to lay down. So far he’s learned Sit, Shake and lay down. I think next we’ll teach him to stay.
What is your favorite book to read?: cookbooks, lol. I actually love reading but my eyes can’t do it much anymore.
What makes you laugh the most?: memes
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? I don’t like movie theaters. I think the last movie I saw in one was the newest grinch movie and I thought it was a cute movie. I liked how they humanized him and brought his situation into scale.
What did you want to be when you were small? An oceanographer, then a marine biologist
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? Bailey, I’m assuming, wants to be a smart, happy and curious doggo.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Mentally healthy
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? I don’t watch sports.
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m in hell being punished, then you’ll see me on a bike. Horses are nice for leisure. Car if I have errands to run or am busy.
What would you sing at Karaoke night?:
I’m not singing
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
I don’t listen to the radio. I have Amazon music
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
Any of those except the dishes.
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
Yard work. I don’t trust people that much except a very few people so cleaning is out of the question. I love cooking so wouldn’t need help there usually either. Yard work is impersonal enough where I’d feel more comfortable with someone doing that.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Salad. Anything can be a salad if you try hard and believe in yourself
Who is your favorite author?
Anne Rice
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?:
Not any that weren’t degrading
Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?
Generally not a fan. I have anxiety and I don’t like being the center of attention.
In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read?
Any except visiting relatives.
Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why?
Hawaii. The warmth and hiking would be incredible, the beaches pretty and the cold makes my body hurt.
Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why?
Hm. Win the lottery. It would allow me to help not just myself but others too.
Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?
No one. If I’m stranded, I’m not going to make it. I don’t want someone else to go through that. I’ll just suffer alone, thanks.
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Help people who are struggling.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
How would your friends describe you?
According to them, I’m nice but straightforward.
What are your hobbies?
I like cooking, hiking, makeup, and relaxing
What is the best gift you have been given?
Companionship in all it’s forms.
What is the worst gift you have received?
Domino’s and a pack of socks to share with my brother (we had to share both). This was from my moms second husbands mom and we had to sit and watch our then step sister open a pile of gifts. We were kids, and my mom and her second husband had been married for a few years at that point so there was zero reason for us to be treated like that.
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
List two pet peeves.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully further along with my mental health
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3- 1 for home, 2 for work
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
I’d want to be able to financially help people
What would you do if you won the lottery?
First, before I tell ANYONE, my house is getting paid off. Ditto for all our bills. Once all that’s done, then I’ll let Frank know. From there on we decide what we want to do together
What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.)
Train isn’t bad, neither is bus.
What's your favorite zoo animal?
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
If Frank and I could go back with the knowledge we have now we wouldn’t get licensed for foster care.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
My husband, my best friend, Nina, and Gerard Way
How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 when I’m awake, 1 once I fall asleep
What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? Like 3 days. I was having a mental breakdown and ended up in the hospital.
What's the tallest building you've been to the top in?
No idea.
Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
Depends on the ratio between what you lose versus what you gain.
How often do you buy clothes?
As needed.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Of course not
What's your favorite holiday?
Definitely Christmas
What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
I fought continuously for ownership of myself in a house where I was viewed as less important than furniture because I was female. I dressed as a boy, quit bathing and became as repulsive as I could so I wouldn’t be attractive to the men or women in my moms lifestyle.
What was the last thing you recorded on TV?
I don’t
What was the last book you read?
Working on a new one.
What's your favorite type of foreign food?
Love Asian foods I’ve tried
Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy, I guess.
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
No one. I wouldn’t want people to see what I went through.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About a half hour
What kitchen appliance do you use every day?
The Keurig
What's your favorite fast food chain?
I don’t like most of them, tbh. Maybe Subway?
What's your favorite family recipe?
My moms bread recipe
Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
As long as they’re not super tall I don’t mind them
What's your favorite family tradition?
The Christmas Poinsettia
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Probably meeting my best friend.
What's your favorite movie?
The nightmare before Christmas
How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out?
I don’t remember.
Is your glass half full or half empty?
I’m just glad it has something to drink
What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
I got married.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
Food, water, and a boat to get me home.
What was your favorite subject in school?
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?
Do you collect anything?
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Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
Comfortable clothes. I’m going to wear them regardless but it would be nice to have a bigger selection to choose from
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Absolutely an introvert.
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise)
No and I’m fine with that.
Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?
Not that I’m aware of.
What do you do to keep fit?
Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?
Baseline living guarantees
Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
I didn’t really have a teacher I was close to.
What three things do you think of the most each day?
My family, my job, and my obligations
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning: Avoid asking questions you don’t want an honest answer for. All attempts at niceness will be tried but there is no guarantee of satisfaction.
What song would you say best sums you up?
I have no idea. There are many who describe parts of me but not one I can think of that describes me as a whole.
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
Weird Al. He seems like a pretty chill guy who wouldn’t mind chatting with an average person.
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?
My lilacs.
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
Like a 2
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully much further along with my mental health
What was your first job?
Picking pine cones out of this ladies yard.
If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join?
How many languages do you speak?
English and a lot of American Sign Language
Who is the most intelligent person you know?
My husband
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?
Probably a bear. I’m not super social, enjoy sleeping through the winter as much as possible, am selective in my social obligations,enjoy fish and berries, avoid people if possible
What is one thing you will never do again?
Drive a semi.
0 notes
ladymagicandchance · 7 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
*I used the authors’ summaries*
Light hearted
Secret Santa by TheLastPilot
Adrien and Marinette draw each other’s names in their classes secret santa and do their best to get the perfect gift.
Kiss and Dash by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
It starts of when Marinette kisses Adrien on a dare and runs off but it really spirals out of control when Chat Noir takes revenge with his own kiss and dash. Do all people kiss the same way? Adrienette/Marichat/Ladynoir/Ladrien.
Quiet Ice, Silent Nights by TheLastPilot
Cat Noir is on a late night run about town when he catches sight of a lone ice skater. To his great amazement it’s his classmate, Marinette.
Lucky Us by Princess Kitty1 *This is one of my personal favorites
-AU- Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s life isn’t going as planned: twenty-six, recently dumped, and running her parents’ bakery. The highlights of her day are the emails sent by her mysterious pen pal, Chat Noir. That is, until handsome model Adrien Agreste starts swinging by the bakery after hours. But how is he to know the Ladybug he loves is standing right in front of him?
Princess Day by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley *I don’t usually go for Marichat fics but this one was cute
When the Mayor of Paris announces a new holiday called Princess Day, which everyone knows is just an excuse to spoil Chloe some more, there is no one Chat Noir would rather spend it with than his very own princess.
Workout Buddies by wonderbugs *Adrien and Marinette grow closer
When Adrien saw Marinette in the gym, he couldn’t help it. He just HAD to join in.
check yes juliet by exosolarmoonlight  *mixed reveal
He was never meant to hear it. “If only asking out my crush was this easy.” Ladynoir. Canon-verse. Angst and humor. Reveal fic.
Pick-Up and Chase by SKayLanphear *My favorite author and story
After she accidentally trips into Adrien and apologizes about “falling for him,” Marinette learns that he’s no match for cheesy pick-up lines–whether they were unintended or not. And while she finds it flattering that he turns into a flustered mess with only a few words, Marinette comes to regret making him uncomfortable. That is, until she learns he’s Chat Noir. At which point the phrase “just desserts” becomes a permanent fixture in her everyday plans.
A story in which Adrien is flustered, Marinette is smooth as glass at dropping lines, and Chat Noir gets the romance he was always asking for–even if he doesn’t quite know how to handle it.
Fourteen Days of Valentine by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
How unfair it is that Christmas gets a love song like that while Valentine’s Day, the holiday for giving your true love gifts, have no songs at all. I’m thinking of Fourteen Days of Valentine.“ Chat Noir begins to woo Ladybug, promising a gift every day leading up to Valentine’s Day…but they don’t see each other every day, right?
Paws Fur Coffee by Zaphirite
He was so sure that Ladybug would already push him off a rooftop if she knew his civilian identity worked at a café called “Paws Fur Coffee” of all names, but his flub on the chalkboard menu just topped it all off. His neat handwriting read back to him: “Chai Noir”. (In which Adrien has some cool drink ideas and gets to know a regular customer) [Cafe College AU]
Nothing is as satisfying as a good romantic reveal 
Art Credit to https://nokkiart.tumblr.com/
These aren’t too bad because I can’t stand to go through the suspense of intense drama, but still they are all gems
Wingless by spectaclesandbooks 
The last person Marinette wants to discover her secret, is of course, the first one who does. But what price will Marinette have to pay to buy Chloe’s silence? And what toll will it take on her and those around her? Namely, one very worried kitty cat… LadyNoir/Marichat, etc. Angst, fluff and all kinds of fun
Chasing the C/h/atwalk by Inkkerfuffle *Aged up, hidden gem
Paris. The city of lights, love and fashion. Follow the progress of Marinette Dupain Cheng as she enters the extremely competitive world of Reality television for a chance to be the winner of Project Runway: France.
I do? by SKayLanphear
Marinette and Adrien are getting married! Unfortunately, Adrien is bothered by the fact that he didn’t invite Ladybug, while Marinette gets cold feet every time Chat Noir flits through her head. A story of mixed up love, rash mistakes, and two oblivious superheroes who should have figured things out a long time ago
My Last Thoughts are of You by SkayLanphear
When a freak accident sends Marinette into critical condition, the only thing she can think about is Chat Noir. She wasn’t going to make it and someone had to tell him. Otherwise, he’d never know what had happened to her–why his lady had never returned. And, as it just so happens, Adrien is there with her near the end, so she decides that he can take the message to Chat just as well as anyone.
On The Prowl by ghostgirl19
“I’ll be fine, Alya. It’s only a couple blocks.“ "But it’s ten at night, it’s not safe. Especially with that Chat Noir prowling around.” AU
Trouble in White by imthepunchlord *I don’t really like akumatizedchat! but this one was good 
Finding your soulmate is supposed to be uplifting, and amazing, and just… miraculous. But for Marinette, it wasn’t any of that. Her soulmate, he… he was… What does one do when your soulmate is an akuma?
Curiosity and Satisfaction by imthepunchlord 
When Adrien agreed to this line of work, he thought all his focus would be on the job of catching the elusive Lady Luck. It never crossed his mind that someone else would catch his attention. Marichat, Enemy AU
I love Emma Stone…my reaction to anything remotely sad^ 
Cute Shorts
A Present from Marinette by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
As the school year progresses Adrien discovers that Marinette makes everyone a birthday present…everyone but him. Why was he being left out?
Practice Makes Perfect by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
When Alya announces there will be kissing games at her party, Marinette freaks out. After all she’s never really kissed someone before. But then when she’s reminded that practice makes perfect…who else is better to practice with other than her partner Chat Noir?
Paw-lov’s Theory by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
Ladybug decided to try and condition Chat Noir out of pun habit with kisses! Chat Noir, however, turns the table on her and now Ladybug can’t resist kissing him whenever he puns. Whether or not he’s wearing the mask.
Class Akuma Conspiracy by Krazy Ky-Sta Hatter
There’s a conspiracy afoot in Alya and Nino’s class. Akuma seem to be attracted to them. So far everyone has been possessed. Everyone except Adrien and Marinette, that is. After Alix and Kim start an argument, the class start placing bets on when they will get turned. Alya is not happy about it. She has another theory in mind. And she is going to win that bet, one way or another.
the transitive property of love by l0ngl0st
If A likes B and B is C, then A likes C…right? Wrong. / Adrien and Marinette slowly start putting two and two together. Oneshot.
The Hazard of Being a Baker’s Daughter by SillyUsagi *I have a soft spot for short reveals
One night while on patrol, Adrien notices flour in Ladybug’s hair. When Marinette complains about the flour from her dad’s bakery the next day at school, he starts to get suspicious. (aka “The Flour Reveal Fic”)
Now kiss by Krazy Ky-Sta Hatter* Aged up AU
 A year after leaving school, Marinette is living her dream. Never could she have imagined working alongside Adrien and his father, let alone living with them. But with closeness comes clashing, which results in explosive tension and confused emotions. And now with her in front of the camera with Adrien… Oh god. She was doomed.
Little Princess by imthepunchlord 
Marinette did the unthinkable. She took the bullet for Chat. And now she’s stuck in his care and poor Adrien doesn’t quite fully know what to do with a kid.
The Reveal That Didn’t by SKayLanphear
Idea by: kittybug:
Me: Okay brain, what new fic ideas do you have for me today? I’m thinking angst.
Brain: Oh, I’ve got a great one! How about Marinette finds out that Adrien is Chat Noir and finally works up the courage to confess her feelings to him. Of course, he doesn’t know she’s Ladybug so he rejects her as kindly as possible. Marinette, in a moment of panic, admits that she’s Ladybug to him but he doesn’t believe her. The next day, Chloe (having overheard the last part of their conversation) starts berating her in front of the whole class for claiming that she’s Ladybug just to win Adrien’s affections.
pt.2 Sad ending
pt. 2 Alternative happy ending
Her Smile by Krazy Ky-Sta Hatter 
He really, really loves her smile. Marinette leaves little notes for Adrien all the time, and she signs them with a smiley face. He loves that smiley face… only… why is it drawn on a letter from his Lady?
Fermeture by KarmaHope *Must read, my favorite one shot
The hardest part of being a superhero is no longer being a superhero. It’s been five years since Marinette last saw Tikki; since she last saw Chat Noir; and she can’t take it anymore. A reunion/reveal fic.
Halloween Dress-Up by quicksilversquared 
When Marinette’s school decides to have a costume contest, she and Alya dress up as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Little do they know how much they’re amusing a certain black cat.
A Gift Fit For A Princess by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley 
Sequel to A Present From Marinette. Marinette’s birthday is coming up and Adrien is freaking out on what to get her. Meanwhile the rest of the class, barring Chloe, are working on the whole serving Adrien up on a silver platter
The Santa Claws Reveal by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
When Ladybug asks Chat Noir to help her deliver her Christmas presents, he is surprised to learn that all of Ladybug’s friends are HIS friends too. There is only one conclusion to make from this especially when they don’t deliver a present to a certain Princess that lives in a bakery…
Hand to Hand Combat by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
When Kim and Alix get a little competitive again, Adrien and Marinette suddenly find themselves up against one another in an arm-wrestling match…
Handsprings and Aerials by DarkScales
An obstacle course, a fistbump, and revelations. Reveal fic, Fistbumps Verse part one. Pre-series.
Classroom Acrobatics by quicksilversquared 
A teacher’s attempt in catching latecomers results in Marinette choosing a somewhat unconventional way to enter the classroom.
The Cutest Delivery Boy by ghostgirl19 
Marinette is beyond mortified when Alya requests the pizza place they order from to send their cutest delivery boy. CollegeAU
Going Once, Going Twice by ghostgirl19 *Jealous Adrien 
Attention, guests. The time has come for our Date Auction!“ Adrien froze. Date auction?
Commitment by Simply-Arien 
It was obvious to anyone within the vicinity of the girl that she had been stood up. / Adrienette AU
The Naked Truth by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley
Ladybug and Chat Noir end up in the same alleyway as they de-transform which would be totally fine…if it wasn’t for the fact that both Marinette and Adrien had been in the shower mere moments before the Akuma attack.
A Roll of the Dice by ghostgirl19 
Alya gives Marinette a set of adult love dice that are guaranteed to give who plays them a fun time. Later that night, Chat Noir suggests to Marinette that they play a game with them to see if they work.
Epiphanies by PFTones3482 
Or, how every single member of Marinette and Adrien’s class managed to figure out who Ladybug and Chat Noir were before they could. One-Shot.
I Like You A Latte by Kaorei 
Just her luck that she had to get stuck with the annoyingly flirty waiter who won’t stop making cat puns every chance he gets. — Adrien/Marinette, coffeeshop!au.
276 notes · View notes
mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
A Magical Christmas; Peter Parker x reader
Okay this was my first Peter Parker oneshot that I had thought back several months ago and yeah it’s another Christmas theme. Now this is Tom Holland’s spiderman and I’m sorry if you’d wanted this to be Garfield’s or Maguire’s spiderman. Anyways this is now a romantic oneshot so now child comforts for now except mentioned because well.............spoilers! I’ll just let you read on okay :) Again I do not OWN the Marvel characters, they belong to their respected owners and any other references belong to their respected owners/companies. Enjoy :)
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“But I thought you said you’d be able to take a day off” I said through the phone.
‘I know but you know my new job’. I chuckled softly then continued solemnly.
“I just can’t believe I’ll be spending Christmas without you”.
‘I know sweetie, I hate it to, if I could I would reverse time and make Wong give me the day off’.
“I know you would, but he’d probably bust you even more and force you to work for all holidays”.
‘Probably. I’ve got to go now sweetheart. I love you, you know that right sweetheart?’
“I do god-papa. Bye”
‘Bye’. I hung up the phone and leaned up against my locker sighing sadly.  I can’t believe that my Godfather has to work on Christmas keeping the world safe. Christmas should be a time celebrating with family and friends, considering that God-papa Stephen is all I have of a family.
Wait I’m getting ahead of myself, my name is (y/n) Strange. Yeah you heard right, Stephen Strange the once known great neurosurgeon now self-titled hero Doctor Strange is my father, well god-father actually.  You see when he was still in medical school, he and my father met each other and were constantly being set up as partners for the professor’s display exams and with that the rest was history and they soon became the best of friends.
Even after graduating they still remained in touch and Stephen was even there for my dad’s wedding to my mom and my birth where he was named my Godfather.  But when I was only 7 years old, the hospital where my parents worked was soon taken hostage by some gunner and unfortunately my parents were caught in the crossfire and died instantly.
After that day, God-papa Stephen took full custody of me as it said in my parents’ will and I’ve been living with him for the last 9 years.  I was there for him when he had his accident and took on extra shifts at my café plus another job washing cars to help give him more money to invest in a cure and give him the flight to Nepal where he was trained with the Ancient One.
I flew with him to Nepal just to make sure he would be okay then just before I could schedule a flight back home, Mordor said that the Ancient one was actually wanting to speak to both of us so long story short I was involved in the fight with Kaecilius and trained minorly in the mystic arts but after God-papa Stephen won his battle with Kaecilius and Dormammu, I decided that I wanted to head back to the normal life of school but once I graduated I will help God-papa Stephen with protecting the universe from mystical threats.
So now here I am at Midtown High School as a junior living in an apartment of my own that’s not too far in fact from my—
“Guess who?” Hands covered my eyes and a voice whispered in my ear.  I giggled and removed his hands from my face and turned towards my best friend now boyfriend Peter Parker.
“Hey Pet”. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he said.
“What’s wrong babe? You look like Santa left you a lump of coal in your stocking”.
“Ha-ha very funny Spider-boy” I teased at him. He shushed me by placing his hand over my mouth and he said to me in a hushed ��stern” voice.
“Why must you call me that?” He removed his hand from my mouth and I said.
“Because I can and I know how much it gets to you”. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and rocked me back and forth.
“But in all seriousness, what’s wrong?”
“My God-papa just called me and said he wouldn’t be able to make it for Christmas”.
“What? Aww man that’s too bad, I’m sorry babe”.
“It’s not your fault. But I wish his work wouldn’t interfere with Christmas. He’s all I got left and it’ll be awkward spending it with his girlfriend even though I love her to death”.
“Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t you celebrate Christmas with me and Aunt May?”
“What? No Peter I can’t do that, I—I couldn’t impose”.
“Nonsense, Aunt May loves you, and after it’s with family AND Friends that you spend Christmas with. I’m not gonna let my girl spend Christmas Home Alone”.
“Oh speaking of which, you wanna come over for a Home Alone marathon at my place?”
“Sure, I love that movie”.
“Who doesn’t?” I asked. I packed away my books into my backpack and the two of us left for my place.
One train ride and about 10 block walk later we reached my apartment and made it up to my room. Peter and I set my books down and Peter got the movie ready while I got the junk food and the hot chocolate.  Once everything was ready we sat on my loveseat cuddled close together and watched the first Home Alone.
When the part came on when Kevin put the tarantula on Marv’s face, I squirmed and cringed and said.
“God I always hated this part, even though it’s hilarious as hell it still is horrible”.
“Ehh, I used to be freaked out but now everytime I see a spider I say, ‘hey man, that’s my buddy’”.
“Yeah only you would say that Spiderman”. I shook out my shivers from my shoulders to my feet and cuddled into Peter when I suddenly felt something crawl along my neck.  I squirmed then lashed out my hand only to catch Peter’s hand in mine.  He laughed and I shoved him hard onto the arm of the loveseat exclaiming.
“That’s not funny!”
“It kinda was” he laughed out. I playfully pounded on him before now pinning his hands to his side and looking down at him.  “You forgive me?”
“Only because you’re the most adorable little puppy dog I’ve ever seen”. I leaned forward and kissed him before lying on top of him the two of us snuggling together as the movie finished up.
After finishing the second Home Alone movie it was starting to get dark and Peter had to get home before Aunt May freaked out on him.
“So I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 1?”
“Might as well, don’t have a choice do I?”
“No you don’t. I’d rather have you be with me than spend the holiday by yourself”.
“I know, and thanks Pete, you sure I won’t intrude on you and Aunt May?”
“Baby you’re practically family, in fact Aunt May sometimes has been pestering me that I better tell her that the girl I marry is you, if it’s someone else she’ll kill me”. I giggled and said.
“Yeah I am pretty cool”. Peter rolled his eyes then he leaned in and captured my lips with his.
“Don’t forget beautiful”.
“Okay Romeo, you better get home before Aunt May changes her opinion on me”. He kissed me one last time before firing a web to the next building and took off.  I shook my head smiling as I watched Peter disappear into the night.  I closed my window and locked it tight with bolts and magic and got ready for bed.
The next day, I prepared an overnight bag since Peter was going to make me stay until after Christmas which was still two days away.  Once I got packed, I heard a knock at my window and saw Peter but dressed in his Spiderman attire.  I unlocked my window and he said.
“Did someone order Handsome Hero airline?” I rolled my eyes and slowly moved Peter’s mask up to his nose and kissed him passionately.  I moaned softly and separated from him but kept my lips lingering on his and whispered seductively.
“Well handsome hero, mind removing the mask so I can see the man behind the Spider?” Peter then removed the mask and looked at me with those deep chocolate eyes of his.
“I swear you’re an enchantress. You’ve got me under your spell Elphaba” I chuckled at the nickname and said.
“Enchantress? Not quite, wicked? Sometimes”. I pecked his lips and he put the mask back on and said.
“You ready?” I nodded and we both now stood on my fire-escape with my bag and he said, “alright, hold on”.  He then fired his web shooters and we took off swinging towards his apartment.
When we reached his apartment and he got changed from his Spider-man suit into normal clothes then he came back out and we went inside his apartment the normal way through the door and Peter said as he unlocked his door.
“Aunt May, I brought (y/n)!”
“Hello (y/n)! Peter told me your godfather wasn’t able to come home for the holidays. I’m so sorry to hear that, but just know that you are welcome here anytime, especially on Christmas”.
“Thanks Aunt May”.
“Once you get settled in, how about helping me with the gingerbread house?”
“Oh yes!” I exclaimed as Peter took me to the guest room to get me set up and comfortable. “Oh Pet, guess what I just found out?”
“The Public Library is having a Harry-Potter themed Yule Ball Christmas Eve at 9pm. You think we can go together?”
“Harry Potter? Uhh hell yeah! Do you know anything else about it?”
“I may have to double check but I think the attire was semi-formal and you have to make sure you have something representing what house you’re in on you like a scarf, necklace, bracelet, etc.”
“Awesome I can wear my Gryffindor patch”.
“Uhh hate to break it to you Peter but you’re a Hufflepuff”.
“What? No I’m Gryffindor 100%”
“You’re a Hufflepuff and you know it”. Peter then tackled me into the bed and began tickling me.
“Say it! Say that I’m a Gryffindor or the tickling continues!”
“Cahahahn’t say whahahaht isn’t truohohohohe!”
“Okay but you asked for it!” He then tickled me harder and more determined making me laugh louder which then made Aunt May cry out.
“Peter! (Y/n)! You two better not be rough-housing too much in there!” Peter stopped tickling me and he collapsed right next to me allowing me to catch my breath. He then held me close and kissed my forehead and said.
“Yeah let’s do it. I’ll ask Aunt May if it’s alright for us to go that night, you know how she is when it comes to Christmas”.
“That I do, oh I better go help her with the gingerbread house”. As I got up I was suddenly pulled back down and kissed. I giggled and said, “Thanks Peter, now really let go otherwise we’re gonna have cock-block May come in and think we were doing something naughty”.
“Yeah you’re right”. I pecked his cheek then left the room and headed into the kitchen to help Aunt May.
For the next couple of days, I was helping with final preparations for the Parker Christmas party with cooking the food, wrapping the presents, etc.  We had talked with Aunt May about the Yule ball on Christmas Even night and she said we could go but we had to be back by midnight (why is it always midnight?) then finally it was Christmas Eve.
The three of us had a small family sized Christmas dinner, we exchanged presents and sung a few Christmas carols (well mainly me while Aunt May played the piano and Peter just watched me with adoring eyes).  Once we were done, Peter and I got ready for the Yule Ball, I was wearing a (h/c) dress to symbolize my (HP/h) and after much, much, much, much, much, MUCH convincing, I got Peter to wear a Hufflepuff scarf just like Newt Scamander’s scarf and we managed to get a cab to drive us to the library.
Once we got there, we entered inside the library and were greeted by the same Christmas decorations they had in the movies when the Yule Ball was shown.
“Whoa” Peter and I stated in awe.  The beauty of the library all decorated and lit up just like an actual Yule Ball. Peter then got in front of me and held out his hand and said, “milady, would you allow me to take your coat and escort you to the dancefloor?”
“Why of course you may, such a gentleman Mr. Parker”. I take my coat off and Peter takes them to the closet and he comes back still with the Hufflepuff scarf around his neck and escorts me towards the dance floor.  He then comes in front of me and takes my left hand in his right hand, his other arm wrapped around my waist, my other hand wrapped around him and my head resting on his shoulder as the two of us began to slow dance.
“So glad you thought of this (y/n)”.
“Well thank you Peter, I thought we could use a fun time together just the two of us. And thanks again for allowing me to spend Christmas Eve with you and your Aunt”.
“Like I said (n/n) you’re practically family already, it was no problem or hassle what’s so ever”. We kissed each other before leaning against one another once again continuing our dance.
Suddenly I could swear from the second level of the library I saw the Cloak of Levitation. It waved at me like it wanted me to follow it before disappearing.
“(Y/n)?” Peter said as he stopped dancing.
“Pet I—I gotta go see something really quick”. I quickly ran out of the ballroom and headed to an empty portion of the library and used my magic to transport me up to the second level of the library.
I raced down the corridor to see the Cloak again waving and flying towards me.  It wrapped itself around me almost like it was hugging me and I smiled.
“Hey there Cloakie, what are you doing here?” It then unwrapped itself from me and gestured me to follow him. I chased after it until I reached an open part of the library and was greeted with a shocking surprise.
“If you think I’d let Wong keep me from spending Christmas with you, then you must not know me very well. I can’t tell whether you’re excited or shocked or—” I cried out as I embraced God-papa Stephen as tightly as I could.
“Oh my god….I can’t but how did—how did you convince Wong to let you go?”
“Let’s just say I promised him Beyoncé tickets to her next concert”. I chuckled and nuzzled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me rocking me back and forth.
“I still can’t believe you’re here”.
“Sweetheart, it’s Christmas Eve, I couldn’t just leave you behind, the threats of the world can wait for one day, especially when that day is Christmas Eve”. He kissed my forehead and I leaned up against him smiling softly with tears of joy rolling down my face.
“Hey (y/n) you were gone for a while so I thought I would—” Peter soon came up and saw me and my god-papa together.  “Whoa, what? I—I-I—hey I’m—I’m—I’m Peter”.
“Ahh the young Spiderman am I right?” My god-papa said.
“Y-yeah. I—I gotta say it’s—it’s an honor to meet you Mr. Strange”.
“Doctor Strange Mr. Parker”.
“Oh boy” I muttered quietly as I face palmed softly.  After much awkwardness (mainly on Peter’s part) God-papa Stephen allowed Peter and I to head back to the party and then he would take us home after the party was over.
As Peter and I danced together, God-papa Stephen kept his eyes on me and now knowing that I was really growing up, he couldn’t help but allow a few tears fall from his eyes just to have the cloak of levitation wipe them away with the collar.  He thrashed his head trying to stop the cloak from Mothering him before finally snapping at it.
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✨ fifty questions tag ✨
This was hard! Thanks for tagging me @simamara !
1. What’s your favorite candle scent? I’m not sure, something not too strong. I quite like soft floral scents. 2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? Um I’m not sure… maybe Blake Lively because she’s and amazing actress, and super pretty. 3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?  I actually have no idea. 4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married? Well I want to go travelling, and go to university so probably like… 27-29. 5. Do you know a hoarder? No. 6. Can you do a split? No! 7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? Five or six. 8. How many oceans have you swam in? Two I think. 9. How many countries have you been to? Six. 10. Is anyone in your family in the army? No. 11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? I love the names Raven or Maya. 12. What would you name your son if you had one? Hunter. 13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test? A fail. 14. What was your favourite TV show when you were a child? I really liked Hi-Five and My Little Pony! Ugh, my taste… 😑 15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? I don’t know a witch? I always dressed up as a witch! 😂 16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? I’m in the middle of the Twilight series, about to read Harry otter and the hunger games after I finish all my current books. 17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? Definitly British. 18. Did your mother go to college? Yes.
19. Are your grandparents still married? On my Dads side yes, on my Mums side no.
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? No.
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? Duh!
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? I don’t think I’ve ever been to one… 23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? French! Definitely French! And maybe Spanish too.
24. Do you spell the colour as grey or gray? Grey 25. Is your father bald? No. 26. Do you know triplets? No. 27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? The Titanic because I’ve never seen the notebook. 28. Have you ever had Indian food? Yes. 29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? The Mezze Bar 30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? No. 31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)? Huh? 32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? Jack. 33. If you have a nickname, what is it? B. Just B. 34. Who’s your favorite person in the world? My Mum. 35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? Well I already live in a rural area and I love it so probably rural still. 36. Can you whistle? Yes. 37. Do you sleep with a nightlight? I used to, but I find it annoying now. The light keeps me awake 38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? Yes. 39. Do you take any pills or medication daily? No. 40. What medical conditions do you have? Gluten intolerance 41. How many times have you been to the hospital? Four times 42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Yes, its literally amazing! 43. Where do you buy your jeans? Glassons, just jeans. 44. What’s the last compliment you got? Idk 45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Yes, most too my stories are based on dreams. 46. What flavour tea do you enjoy? Any fruit tea. 47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Five. 48. What religion will you raise your children to practice? Idk probably nothing, but idk. 49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? Like seven, although I had my doubts all my life because my dad never celebrated Christmas. 50. Why do you have a youtube? I don’t have one, but I want to make one.
I tag: @sandy-sims @glitterysimmies @andromeda-sims @inabadromance @theartofqueenie @simtrovart @smubuh
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6-v-6 · 7 years
1-100. Just give it to me all
ALNLSNGLSG ARE YOU SERIOUS OMFG im so sorry this is going to be Long
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I’ll say Pandora just because it’s the only one I’ve actually ever used. If I used Spotify I’d probably like it the most but I don’t use those apps so
2. is your room messy or clean?VERY VERY MESSY I need to clean it but im lazy
3. what color are your eyes?Brown!
4. do you like your name? why?My birth name? No. And that’s why I changed it ahahahaha yes I like the name Jae since i chose it myself. It’s short and simple
5. what is your relationship status?Single 
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lessContradictory ....... Situational 
7. what color hair do you have?Currently it’s blue c: Natural color is a lightish brown
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?I don’t have a car nor a license :/ I want a motorbike tho ! a black one
9. where do you shop?I shop pretty much exclusively online. Buyma or Amazon, typically
10. how would you describe your style?I’ve been told that I dress like a “bad boy”. I like leather and black and ripped skinny jeans but I do like casual stuff too. Like hoodies and sweats
11. favorite social media accountIf this is talking about my own social media accounts, then this one right here on tumblr. I’m not very active anywhere else
12. what size bed do you have?uuuuhhhh I don’t know proper terminology but it is small
13. any siblings?Yup! I have an older sister and a younger brother
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Japan probably? It’s super pretty and I’ve always wanted to visit
15. favorite snapchat filter?hmm I don’t use snapchat that much but probably the flower crown one it’s cute
16. favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t wear makeup tbh so i dunnooooo 
17. how many times a week do you shower?7 I don’t ever skip showering 
18. favorite tv show?Psych? I also like the 100 currently
19. shoe size?asglnasg... god .... im a 6 in mens nd like a 7 in womens i have small feet
20. how tall are you?ALNSLGNSG im trusting no one has read this far so it’s okay to disclose this info...exposin myself.. im 5′2″ ............
21. sandals or sneakers?Sneakers !! I don’t wear sandals like ever
22. do you go to the gym?Yes! Only recently, actually! I just bought a gym membership with my friend and we’ve been going 3 times a week c:
23. describe your dream dateoh geez I havent really thought about this? I’m not very romantic or anything (im on the ace spectrum) but... i dunno. I think it’d be nice to just have fun together. An amusement park maybe? And just a lot of hand holding and smiles
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Upwards of 100 bcuz my mom keeps giving me money even tho i dont use it
25. what color socks are you wearing?HAH im not wearing any 
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?1-2 it depends on the night
27. do you have a job? what do you do?I work at the cafeteria in my school. I run the register and help to stock items and also serve food to people
28. how many friends do you have?wow this is a Tragic question. Online I have quite a few! In person i literally have....... 2. Barely that lol. More like one
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?Killed my sister’s fish (on accident)
30. whats your favorite candle scent?I’ve never thought about this or really smelled many candles to begin with :( something mild though. Maybe a mild vanilla??
31. 3 favorite boy namesuuhghg 1) Cain 2) Luka 3) Eden
32. 3 favorite girl names1) Erin 2) Rayna 3) Kira
33. favorite actor?I rly dont give a crap about actors if I’m being honest lmao. Uhh choi minho :)
34. favorite actress?Lupita Nyong’o?? she’s gorgeous
35. who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have a crush on him but does Lee Taemin count
36. favorite movie?Princess Mononoke
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I read ff more than books these days. I don’t have a fav book
38. money or brains?is this what I prefer? Money binch if I had money I wouldn’t need brains also I’m dumb anyways 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?No I do not
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?Twice? Maybe 3 times
41. top 10 favorite songscheck out shinee’s entire discography 
42. do you take any medications daily?Nope
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i ?? have no idea?? I guess oily? My skin doesn’t get dry so
44. what is your biggest fear?Probably flying. I hate planes
45. how many kids do you want?Exactly none
46. whats your go to hair style?? uh side-swept? I have no idea what to call it just what my hair normally looks like I guess
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)A moderately sized house
48. who is your role model?Not to be cheesy but Lee Taemin also Kim Kibum also Choi Minho also Kim Jonghyun also Lee Jinki
49. what was the last compliment you received?that I’m great? lol
50. what was the last text you sent?’okay’ to my mom lmao
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?ARE YOU TELLING ME SANTA ISNT REAL??? okay but for real who remembers the age they find out omg .. i was Young so idk maybe like 13
52. what is your dream car?ohhh boy a lambo for sure
53. opinion on smoking?Gross. Smells terrible
54. do you go to college?I do indeed. I’m gonna be a senior ya’ll
55. what is your dream job?To be a writer I guess. I don’t really have a dream job
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs? I dunno. I like living in the city I’d probably die of boredom in some rural area
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?hell yea binch
58. do you have freckles?nope!
59. do you smile for pictures?Not for selfies but for other pictures yes I feel like it’s weird or rude not to
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?like 300 something
61. have you ever peed in the woods?what the fuck?? lol?? no??
62. do you still watch cartoons?does voltron count :/
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?neither if I’m being honest but Wendy’s I guess. I never ever eat at mcdonalds
64. Favorite dipping sauce?barbeque sauce?
65. what do you wear to bed?An oversized shirt and boxers lol
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?no i cant say I have
67. what are your hobbies?Writing, sometimes. Playing video games. Bein unhealthy
68. can you draw?Naaaah
69. do you play an instrument?No :( I wish I did but I never learned any
70. what was the last concert you saw?SHINEE WORLD V IN LA!!!!!!!!! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
71. tea or coffee?Coffee bcuz i h8 tea
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Well the coffee at dunkin donuts is worlds better so dunkin donuts
73. do you want to get married?no
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?i dont have a crush
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?’when’ lol i dont plan to get married
76. what color looks best on you?black, in my opinion
77. do you miss anyone right now?no not really
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?open because if it’s closed my cat will scratch on it incessantly until she’s let in
79. do you believe in ghosts?hell yeah dude
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?when people like, dance around a subject. I prefer it when people are straightforward. Especially if they want something from me
81. last person you called`Honest to god I can’t remember. I don’t ever call people lmao so probably my mom
82. favorite ice cream flavor?I like Rocky Road a lot!
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?regular. Golden oreos are a lesser creation
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?RAINBOW. GIMME DAT GAY SHIT
85. what shirt are you wearing?It’s just a plain white t-shirt
86. what is your phone background?ot5
87. are you outgoing or shy?Horribly, annoyingly shy although I can mask it pretty well
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yes :D
89. do you like your neighbors?lmao I don’t know them?? They arent noisy though so yes I like them since they aren’t annoying or anything
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Both. I take a shower in the morning and wash it then. And then do a skincare routine at night
91. have you ever been high?no.... not that I know of. One time I took nyquil though and it Fucked Me Up i felt high but idk if I was or if that’s even possible
92. have you ever been drunk?nope. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of getting drunk. I don’t like letting my guard down like that so if I ever do it’ll be when I’m alone
93. last thing you ate?a mento 
94. favorite lyrics right nowthe entire lyrics to So Far Away by yoongi
95. summer or winter?WINTER. I hate summer fashion i like being able to wear my jackets and jeans and not Die of heat stroke
96. day or night?night I guess just bcuz I can be alone
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?dark chocolate is superior in every way
98. favorite month?uhm.. December? Because its the end of the year and I’m on break then and Christmas and cold weather and hot chocolate
99. what is your zodiac signI’m a virgo 
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?uhhhHHHH I really make it a Goal to never cry in front of people since im just super uncomfortable with that and honestly dont feel comfortable enough around anyone to do that. My sister walked in on me when I was crying once though so her I guess
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lollipopprincess · 7 years
Just because I feel like it..
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Pandora. Never tried sound cloud.  is your room messy or clean? Eh, its fairly clean.  what color are your eyes? Brown do you like your name? why? Yes because it means youthful and I hold onto my childhood too much lol=)  what is your relationship status? Single. describe your personality in 3 words or less; Sweet, Sensitive, Loyal.  what color hair do you have? Brown. what kind of car do you drive? color? Don’t drive=( where do you shop? Macys, Nordstrom, Vinted, Forever 21, Disney Store, Target. how would you describe your style? Lots of pink, lace, ruffles, whimsical/storybook like.  favorite social media account: Facebook what size bed do you have? Twin any siblings? 1 older brother and a younger sister.  if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Los Angeles, but only if my family and best friend were coming with me lol. I love it there, I feel like there’s always something to do, I love all the movie history you can discover. Its just fantastic. favorite snapchat filter? Don’t use snapchat. favorite makeup brand(s): Don’t use make up. how many times a week do you shower? I don’t shower because of a medical condition I have, but I take 2 baths a day.  favorite tv show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer. shoe size? It varies lol. Between an 8 and a 9 typically.  how tall are you? 5′3. sandals or sneakers? I wear sneakers the most.  do you go to the gym? Nope, prob wouldn’t kill me to try though lol.  describe your dream date: Going to a masquarade ball=)  how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 20 bucks and some change lol.  what color socks are you wearing? Barefoot.  how many pillows do you sleep with? 1.  do you have a job? what do you do? I do dog walking and babysitting.  how many friends do you have? 3.  whats the worst thing you have ever done? I lied to my best friend and family about a guy I was dating online when I was only 12/13 years old.  whats your favorite candle scent? Prob fresh laundry (I know im wierd) or a Christmas Tree scent.  3 favorite boy names: Julien, Elijah, Liam 3 favorite girl names: Esmerelda, Vienna, Charlotte favorite actor? Uuuuuuuh....I dont know if I have one.  favorite actress? Natalie Dormer.  who is your celebrity crush? My last one was Michael Jackson lol (Off the Wall/Bad Days).  favorite movie? SOOOO many! First one that came to mind is My Girl.  do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I dont as much as I would like to=( I really loved Perks of Being a Wallflower. money or brains? Brains.  do you have a nickname? what is it? Jewel. how many times have you been to the hospital? Uhhhhh.....Like 7 or 8? Maybe more.  top 10 favorite songs: uuuuuuugh lol. I’ll tell you one of mine because it would take me eons to write up everything. “I dont want to miss a thing”-Areosmith.  do you take any medications daily? Yes; allergy pills, cranberry pills and garlic pills.  what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc): Dry.  what is your biggest fear? Being alone. how many kids do you want? 3 or 4.  whats your go to hair style? I like my hair down with part of it pinned up on the side with a bow or flower in front of that.  what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc): Small=( My room is big though.  who is your role model? Marilyn Monroe
Whats the last compliment you received? “Your hair looked really pretty today”.
what was the last text you sent? I asked my mom to get me a salad from a restaurant she’s at. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Older than most kids lol. I think I was 11 or 12.  what is your dream car? Pink or blue Cadillac.  opinion on smoking? NEVER DO IT!! do you go to college? Yes.  what is your dream job? Singer or actress, but I know it would never happen. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs def.  do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Sometimes lol.  do you have freckles? No. do you smile for pictures? Sometimes.  how many pictures do you have on your phone? Ummm..1,817. have you ever peed in the woods? No. do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes, mostly Disney movies.  do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Mcdonalds. I know they are worse for you but I just love them too much.  Favorite dipping sauce? Ketchup. what do you wear to bed? A nightdress usually or a tank top if its hot. have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope, not the best speller.  what are your hobbies? wrting, reading (when i can), learning about history of the royals, hanging out with my best friend, making crafts.  can you draw? Not really.  do you play an instrument? Nope. what was the last concert you saw? I saw the main guy from Green Day’s son play with his band years ago.  tea or coffee? Tea, HATE coffee. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks.  do you want to get married? Absolutely.  what is your crush’s first and last initial? Don’t have one.  are you going to change your last name when you get married? I think im gonna hyphenate it because I love my last name.  what color looks best on you?  People have told me purple looks really good on me. I feel like blue or red works well with me, pink too=) do you miss anyone right now?  Not really. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed. My cats would come in and jump on my head lol. Im also a really light sleeper so I have to make it so the least amount of extra noise is happening.  do you believe in ghosts? Yes! what is your biggest pet peeve? People who are late or people who are rude.  last person you called`: I think my best friend.  favorite ice cream flavor? Mango=) regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular. I ate golden ones for a while, but I think i just got tired of them. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow.  what shirt are you wearing? Wearing a dress.  what is your phone background? My baby cousin Emma is the main background. Me and my best friend is the background when i’m looking at the time.  are you outgoing or shy? Shy most of them time. I’m usually excited and chatty with my close friends but if im in a group or with people I dont know well, im really shy.  do you like it when people play with your hair? Yeah as long as they dont pull it. I’m used to people playing with it because I have unusually long hair. Its just hurts when they accidentally pull or are rough with it=( do you like your neighbors?  Our neighbors on the right are nice. I dont really know our other ones that well.  do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? During my bath, yeah.  have you ever been high? Nope and I never will be.  have you ever been drunk? Nope and I never will be. last thing you ate? Reeces peanut butter cup favorite lyrics right now; “Baby Im..dancing in the dark, with you between my arms, barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song...” summer or winter? Winter absolutely.  day or night? Night.  dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk.  favorite month? December=) what is your zodiac sign: Taurus. who was the last person you cried in front of? My best friend.
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