#kitsune x male reader
reallyromealone · 21 days
Title: date night
Fandom: none
Characters: Kitsune, children characters
Fic type: nsfw fanfiction
Pairings: Kitsune x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, nsfw, OC fic, no name for OC, nsfw, smut, height difference, reader is a top, witch reader, Kitsune husband, blowjobs, they have children, the children are adorable, slice of life, cute, fluff,
Notes: to anyone new to this, I am writing like supernatural creatures/ fantasy creatures without them being an official character because I want too, I wrote a vampire and an orc already:)
(Name) Sipped his tea quietly as he took in the quiet morning, the witch reading the morning paper as the sound of pitter patters of feet could be heard as tiny Kitsune pups ran out into the livingroom "papa! It's morning!" One yelled excitedly and (name) smiled as his children crawled into their respective spots all but the youngest who waddled to his dad and lifted his arms up.
"Now, what should we have for breakfast" (name) set his tea and paper down before walking to the kitchen with his youngest of the four in his arms "bacon pancake" the seven year old mumbled sleepily and (name) chuckled before setting his kid down "why don't you guys go watch your cartoons and I'll make some yummy breakfast" (name) ushered the Kitsune halflings to the livingroom before starting on breakfast.
(Name) Was frying bacon when he felt two arms wrap around him, a nose nuzzling into his neck and a kiss at the nape "smells good..." His husband mumbled as he rested his hands (name)s hips "the children wanted bacon pancakes" (name) said simply as the Kitsune swayed them slowly, tail swishing lazily "sounds good" his voice low and husky as he looked at the bacon on the plate and as he reached for a piece, (name) gently smacked his clawed hand away "no, you can have some with breakfast" (name) gently scolded and the other pouted but pulled away when the little ones called for him.
The three older ones ate like their papa while the youngest always tried to copy (name) but very clumsily "so papa is gonna take you guys to school today and you are gonna hang out with papa and I at the store" (name) said as he ate his breakfast, the three kids excited that the Kitsune is taking them to school, that meant they got McDonald's for lunch.
"Now, behave and have fun" (name) said ushering the kids out the door as he carried his 2 year old into his arms and walked downstairs to the shop area and set the still sleepy pup in his play pen before opening the shop, getting everything ready and doing till count.
The couple owned a magic shop in the city, from arcane to alchemy to anything you could need.
They had it.
(Name) Came from a long line of mages, their home predating the city they lived in and when (name) inherited the house he turned the main floor into the store area and the upstairs into the house, the house large enough to move everything upstairs without problems and even using things like shelves and tables for merchandise.
"Alrighty! Pups at school, littlest pup napping and we are ready to go" (name)s large husband grinned as he stepped into the shop, (name) admiring him in his yukata, a casual looking one that the Kitsune wore between alternating clothes.
Kitsune were naturally bigger and stronger than mages like (name) so wearing clothes like that were easier though (name) did love it when his husband wore suits and turtlenecks, secretly he thought his husband looked fancy.
And he knew the Kitsune abused that when he could.
"What needs to be done pretty boy" his husband leaned over him, towering as his chin rested on (name)s shoulder as he looked at the to-do list that (name) put together "well, we have shipment from yesterday we have to put away and dusting and general cleaning and..." (Name) Went over the list as the other snuggled into him, (name)s voice was always soothing to him...
Customers came in and out as their little one was being a helper, following his parents around like a duckling instead of a fox as customers cooed at him "so helpful!" (Name) Cheered as his toddler handed him his own pen, smiling like he just did the most amazing thing.
When school was done, (name) collected them and brought them next door to their grandmother's, tot included.
As tonight was date night and they didn't need little ones ruining that.
"Wanna close the store early?" (Name) Asked as the store emptied and the fox grinned "my, is my goodie two shoes mate being... A rule breaker"
"Not a rule breaker if I make em" and make him he did as they closed up early and went upstairs, pulling out their secret snacks and turning on the adult tv shows that they have been watching when the littles aren't present, changing into comfy clothes and plopping on their bed "god we needed this" the Kitsune grumbled as the large man cuddled into his husband's chest, being the little spoon as they snacked and watched their shows.
"Wanna fuck?" (Name) Suddenly asked and the other immediately looked interested "we haven't properly had sex in four weeks with the pups raising hell" the Kitsune was already taking off their loose shirts and boxers as (name) looked at the others strong toned body, the two very different in size "you want me to top this time? You been working hard" (name) asked as they touched each other, (name) rubbing at the others nipples and pectorals "you sure...?" The Kitsune asked and (name) gently pushed him down onto the bed, it was a little funny as the Kitsune was a solid 6'7 and (name) was (shorter height) but the fox man was not complaining as his husband began sucking on his chest and stroking his large hard cock "lemme take care of you baby" (name) whispered as he licked around the others areola and sucked and bit on his nipple "god... Is it magic that you're so good?" (Name) Chuckled against his chest as his thumb rubbed and smeared the pre-cum against the others cock head before moving down and kissing across the scape of his muscles to his cock and mouthing up the base before kissing the top.
The Kitsune watched as (name) room the entire cock down his throat with ease, having sucked this cock enough times to be used to it as he began bobbing and looked focused, taking it up and down slowly and with as much suction as he could down to the others pelvic bone.
(Name) relished the sound of the other moaning and gripping the pillows as (name) used magic to lubricate his fingers, prodding at the others entrance with soft circular motions before pushing in, a tight heat that swallowed his finger as he thrusted it with his bobs, curling this finger against the others prostate before slowly adding another than another. Stretching and thrusting, the Kitsune let out low gutteral moans and even whines as (name) hit particular spots "what...?" He glared as (name) pulled away completely and looked at him with a grin "why don't you be a good pup and present?"
God did he love it when (name) used his lingo, immediately getting on his hands and knees, ass up head down as (name) kneeded his ass cheeks "god you have an ass sculpted by the gods...." And could you blame (name) as he layed a slap on those ass cheeks, watching them ripple ass he tugged on the others tail "fuck...!"
"Getting there, just wanna appreciate what I have been blessed with" he said before shoving his face between those cheeks and giving a lick, a feral grin on his face as he gave a bite to the others left cheek.
(Name)S husband always found it funny at how poised and reserved he was day to day but I private?
He was more of an animal then himself.
Mages were kinky fuckers after all, he knew if they weren't desperate that (name) would be using the toys.
He wasn't prepared when (name) pushed his cock in without warning, when did he even lube himself...?
Inch by inch (name) pushed in as the Kitsune moaned and eyes clenched shut in pleasure as (name) kissed his back, the height difference making it hard to get much higher but the arch of his back always made (name) smile slightly.
For a big tough Kitsune, he was awful sensitive.
Slow shallow thrusts were slowly shifted to long hard ones as (name) gripped the others hips, a grunt leaving his lips as he focused on the tight pleasure that surrounded him and the moans his husband produced "god... You're so fucking good... Such a good boy..." (Name) Gasped as his hips moved on their own, pressing against the others prostate with each thrust as the smell of sex was heavy in the air "wanna... Wanna... See you" the Kitsune gargled out and (name) chuckled before pulling out, flipping him with some assistance before putting the others legs over his shoulders and kissing just above the man's knee and pushing back in, watching the other carefully.
Eyes crossing slightly in pleasure and jaw hung one as (name) thrusted again "love you baby... God you're so fucking perfect!" (Name) Babbled as he folded the Kitsune in order to kiss him, teeth clashing and the Kitsunes fangs scraping against his lips as their tongues wrapped around one another.
Fuck he was so thankful that he and his husband took up yoga.
"Gonna cum.... Gonna cum!" (Name) Whined as the other kissed his neck, wrapping his arms around him as the Kitsune took every thrust "come on baby... Cum in me!" The Kitsune equally whiny said as he was about to burst.
Cum spilt out of the others ass and cum splattered between their chests as they rode their highs and caught their breaths, (name) looking at his husband and then realized that all four tails were out "came so hard you couldn't contain your shape shifting..." He chuckled at the others more kitsune features, sharper fangs and red tattoos "you look handsome..." (Name) Said love struck as the two kissed sweetly "god I love you"
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Male fox spirit x female reader (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Commission #4 in the list of 5! Thank you for trusting me with your prompt:  female reader saves a dying fox on her way home from work, who turns out to be a fox spirit. I hope you like it!
Contents:  Fox suffers a spinal injury when hit by a car (not the reader’s); there’s some magic; some domestic fluff; oral sex, fingering, him coming on her; and a sweet, fluffy ending.
Wordcount: 4400
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Driving rain greeted you full in the face as you shoved open the main doors of the building and burrowed down into your coat, drawing the hood tight around your head in a vain attempt to keep the weather out. Nights like this — cold, damp, and at the tail end of winter before Spring took a proper hold on the land — were truly miserable.
Your fingers were half frozen by the time you had fumbled the keys out of your pocket and clambered into your car, and you fired the old thing up with a hopeful grimace that it would start. It coughed to life and you uttered a little prayer of thanks to whichever gods or spirits out there might be listening. “Now if only you could do something about my pathetic love life as well,” you said to yourself as you reversed out of the parking space and headed towards the main road. “Wouldn’t that be perfect?”
Half an hour outside of town, your headlights flashed over something lying on the side of the road, sprawled halfway across the white line, and you swerved instinctively to avoid it. Mercifully there was nothing coming in the other direction, or you’d have caused a serious accident. Adrenaline spiked through you and you slammed on the brakes.
The flash of golden-red you’d glimpsed had told you it was a fox, but it had had its head raised and it had been looking at you with its eyes flaring yellow in the headlights, but the expression on its face had struck you to the core. It had looked… resigned. Like it knew you were going to hit it. Like it knew it was going to die.
“No,” you said through gritted teeth.
You had some old work gloves in the back of the car from when you’d taken a load of stuff from the garden to the dump a week before, so you put your hazards on and slid out of the driver’s side door and into the worsening storm. You cursed softly, squinting amid the stinging rain as it struck your face like little iron nails in the gusty night. You cleared a space in the trunk for the fox, spreading an old picnic blanket out and grabbing those thick leather gloves. No need to get rabies if the thing bit you before you could get it to an animal clinic in the morning.
You knew it was a stupid thing to do, that cars hit wildlife all the time, and you really weren’t equipped to deal with it, but you couldn’t just leave it there when it had looked so sad; black ears drooping, eyes wide, mouth slightly open.
Making your way along the edge of the deserted road with only your phone torch to light the way, you found the spot where the fox was still lying on the asphalt, and crooned softly to it. “Hey there,” you said, feeling a bit silly. “It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you. It’s alright. Let me help you out… Let me take you home and see if I can take you to a vet in the morning…”
When your light found its back legs though, your heart sank. They lay limp and slightly twisted to one side. Its back had been broken by the impact with a vehicle.
“Oh baby,” you said, fighting sudden tears. “It’s going to be ok…” you lied.
Was it like with humans? Should it not be moved with a spinal injury? It would probably die anyway, or they’d recommend putting it down. You could at least take it in and keep it warm for its last few hours. When you knelt nearby, it just laid its cheek down on the cold tarmac, defeated, and let out a long, broken whimper.
“I’m going to pick you up, ok? Please don’t bite me. God, this is such a stupid thing to do…”
The fox licked its shiny black nose and just blinked slowly at you.
When it made no move to attack you or snap at you when you got nearer, you scooped it up and marvelled at how light it felt in your arms, its lovely, russet fur damp and matted.
“There,” you said, cradling it in your arms as you carried it back to your car. ‘Him’, not ‘it’, you saw when you set him down on the blanket and stroked his head and neck. He murmured softly, the sound almost a purr, and you swallowed thickly. He was so weak, you wondered if he’d even survive the journey home.
Five cars overtook you as you drove on after that, all beeping and honking their horns and flashing their lights to get you to go faster, but you absolutely would not be bullied into making this last car ride hell for the little, injured fox.
It didn’t take very long to set up a cosy den of blankets and towels in the kitchen by the radiator, and when you were satisfied that it was as comfortable as you could make it — and that any mess would be contained in an area with tile floors — you went back for him. He was still lying on his side, exactly as you’d left him, but his eyes seemed brighter and more focused, and his ears pricked up when you opened the trunk up and gazed down at him.
“Alright?” you asked and he gave a soft snuffle that was half-sneeze and half-chuckle. “You’re awfully perky for someone who’s just gone head-to-head with fast-moving traffic, buddy,” you smiled. “Maybe you will be alright. Ready to go inside?”
You had your gloves on but it didn’t feel like you really needed them, and when you settled him down on the veritable blanket fort inside, he heaved a great sigh and nuzzled his cheek against the fabric with a rumbling moan of contentment.
“You hungry?” you asked. “I don’t have much that’s fox-friendly, but I think there’s some ham in the fridge. Let me check.”
You offered him a saucer of water first, holding his delicate head up as he lapped steadily at it until he’d had his fill, and then you fed him little slivers of cooked ham which he took from your fingers like an absolute gentleman. “Aren't you dainty,” you chuckled as his small, sharp teeth pulled the next piece carefully free of your gloved hand.
He fixed you with such a flat, patronising look that you had to laugh.
The fox flicked an ear and looked away.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you said in a baby voice. “Don’t be grumpy with me, you precious thing… Here, have some more…”
He sneezed, then looked back at you and opened his mouth, head tipped back like a baby bird awaiting a worm.
“You’re not going to take it? You want me to feed you?”
He just stared at you without moving.
“Fine, your highness,” you said. “Anything for you.”
You let the piece drop into his tilted jaws, and then chucked him affectionately under the chin with your finger after he’d chewed and swallowed it.
He caught the leather of the glove’s fingertip in his teeth in a move that was so fast you didn’t even see it, but then tugged gently, insistently.
“I’m not taking this off,” you frowned. “You could have rabies for all I know.”
A tiny, rattling growl, like the world’s tiniest chainsaw, rumbled out of him and he folded his ears back indignantly before pulling on the glove again. Then he let go, his ears pricked about as far forward as he could get them, and he stared expectantly at you.
“No way, friend,” you said, and stood to put the empty ham packet in the rubbish bin.
With your back to the kitchen window, a golden light flooded the room, and for a wild moment, you thought someone was driving straight at the house, headlights blazing. When you whipped around though, you froze. The light was coming from… from the fox.
“The fuck…?”
Your heartbeat started to race, and you weren’t sure if the ringing sound was coming from your own blood pounding in your ears or from something else in the room. The brightness reached such an intense crescendo that you had to look away, shielding your eyes with the crook of your arm until the chiming noise stopped and you lowered it cautiously back down, blinking.
There, standing in the centre of the room, was a man.
You took a step back, fear crashing in on your senses.
You looked around for something you could use as a weapon, but a warm, gentle voice said, “Wait, I won’t hurt you. I swear it.”
Again, you went still, and after taking a steadying breath, you turned to face him again, wide eyed and shaking. “What the hell?”
“Not hell,” he smiled, and you saw that he had warm, tan skin and dark, golden eyes. His hair was a russet colour, and it fell in soft waves around his ears to the nape of his neck. He was slender, not especially tall, and he was quite possibly the most beautiful human being you’d ever laid eyes on. Except… there was still a kind of glow around him, like an aura, and his clothes looked like they belonged at a Ren Faire or something, though the dark green, belted and embroidered tunic was finely tailored and his dark brown boots looked soft and well worn. Tiny points of light, like fireflies, twisted slowly through the air surrounding him before vanishing into a miniature, glittering starburst.
“You’re not human,” you said, despite how crazy it sounded.
“No,” the man replied with a smile. “No, I’m not. But you didn’t know that when you took in an injured fox and cared for him.”
“You’re the fox,” you blurted without thinking.
“I am. Sort of,” he smiled, and you saw that he had perfect, white teeth, with slightly more pointed canines than humans usually did. “I’m a fox spirit. There are all sorts of us, and we’re known by many names all over the world, but the most famous is probably the ‘kitsune’ thanks to modern media.”
“Oh,” you said, only half aware that your vision was darkening around the edges until it was too late. The blood roared again in your ears and your knees went out from under you. The last thing you saw was a flicker of a frown on the man’s — kitsune’s — face before he lunged towards you with hands outstretched, and the world went black.
You stirred and found yourself lying on the sofa in your sitting room, with your feet raised about a foot or so off the seat cushion, and a stranger in green standing over you, holding your legs up by the ankle. The kitsune. The fox spirit.
“Got to say, that’s the first time someone’s actually fainted because of me,” he said with a smile, lowering your legs back down and stepping back. “Are you alright?”
“I fainted?” you asked stupidly, pushing yourself upright and swinging your legs slowly off the sofa and onto the ground. You swayed a little, but didn’t pass out again.
The fox spirit nodded, his lovely hair shining with strands of bronze and copper in the low light of the room, gold eyes glowing as if back-lit. “Thank you for saving me,” he said in a quiet, earnest baritone.
“Did I, though?” you asked, staring openly at him. “I mean… you’re… magic, right? I saw the way your legs were just… Your back was broken…”
“If you’d hit me with your car, or simply left me there for the next driver to do the same, then I wouldn’t have survived. We’re tough, and our magic can heal most things, but not that.”
“Oh.” And then your cheeks went hot and you looked at the carpet, “I’m sorry I baby-talked you like you were an actual animal.”
He laughed; a beautiful, bright sound like dry autumn leaves in clear sunlight. His head tipped a little way back and he looked truly delighted. “You weren’t to know,” he said, still chuckling. “And you’re not the first.”
“Oh,” you said, like a broken record.
From where he stood nearby, the fox spirit smiled at you and then inhaled deeply. “I… should go,” he said, his golden eyes turning a little sad. “Let you return to your life…”
“Wait,” you called from the sofa as he turned away. “What’s your name?”
He cast you a look over his shoulder and the smile he gave you was wry and amused. “You may call me Rowe.”
There was a nuance there that you weren’t understanding, but you told him your name in return, and he inhaled suddenly as if you’d struck him.
“You would part with your name so carelessly?” he whispered, brows pulling together into a frown of utter confusion. “You…” and then his expression cleared and his shoulders dropped. “You have never had dealings with the fae, have you?”
“The… fae?” you stuttered. “Like… fairies?”
The smile that replaced the frown was patient and amused in equal parts, and he sighed and shook his head. “Well, here’s your first lesson. Never tell your true name to a fae.”
Again, all the sound that escaped you was a dull, “Oh.”
He exhaled and approached you, and you tried not to lean back, to lean away from him. This whole night had gone from bad to utterly bizarre in the blink of an eye and you felt a little sick from the whiplash.
To make matters all the more confusing, the strange man knelt before you, sweeping his long, otherworldly tunic out of the way as he sank down onto one knee like he was going to propose or something, and he bowed his auburn head. “You saved my life without thought of debt or repayment, and in recognition of the gift, I give one of my own. I bind your True Name to my heart and hold it there in silence. I may never speak your True Name aloud unless you give me leave so to do. This I swear upon my spirit and my magic and my own True Name.”
The air in the room prickled like static and you had to fight the urge to see if your hair was standing on end. Goosebumps flickered along your arms and legs, and you drew in a shallow breath. “Anything else I should know about?” you asked faintly.
He looked up at you and shrugged. “We’re allergic to iron,” he suggested. “And we’re overly fond of cream and sweet cakes…”
“Sweet cakes,” you repeated thoughtfully, eyes drifting towards the kitchen where you’d bought a strawberry sponge cake just the day before, and an idea half-formed in your head.
Rowe smiled and your heart slipped sideways in your chest for a moment. He was so beautiful it was almost hard to believe he was really there and really standing in front of you. Well, technically he was kneeling like a knight in a fairytale. Fairytale indeed, you thought.
“You don’t have to go,” you whispered.
You were afraid of sounding childish, that if you spoke too loudly, he would think you desperate and would laugh at you, but all he did was tilt his head to the side the way he had done as a fox, and he nodded once. “Alright,” he said.
“I mean, don’t feel like you have to stay either,” you babbled, making a rather pathetic, flapping gesture in front of you with your hands. “I just meant… you’re welcome to stay if you want to. I was going to cook some dinner and watch a movie… eat cake for dessert. I thought… I thought since you’ve had kind of a rough day, you might like to just… chill out with me for a while.”
“May I help you cook?”
“If you… If you’d like to?” you said, standing carefully and holding your hand out to him to encourage him up off the floor.
He slid his warm fingers into your palm, and got to his feet with the grace of a prince, and offered you another smile. “I’d like that very much.”
Rowe stayed with you for a week. You explained that you had to go to work or you’d get fired, and when you came back on the first day, you expected him to have gone, leaving you wondering if the whole thing hadn’t been a hallucination brought on by the combination of a stressful week of work and the awful weather. But no, Rowe was there that evening, curled up as a fox on the impromptu bed you’d made by the radiator while the rain hurled itself at the window pane above him.
“Rowe, you don’t have to sleep on that!” you gasped, dropping your bag by the door and making him startle awake, ears pricked, tail fluffed up in rather adorable alarm.
In a flash of gold light, he was human again, standing beside the bed and smiling at you. “I don’t mind,” he chuckled. “It’s comfortable, and when I’m a fox, I don’t think in quite the same way as I do when I’m in this form. That’s how I got hit by the car in the first place… Please, don’t fret.”
You scowled at him, but relented, and asked him about his day. It seemed he’d spent most of it in his fox form, either out and about in the woods near your house, or sleeping by the warmth of the radiator.
“Didn’t you get bored here?” you asked.
“I could have done the housework for you,” he smirked. “But I thought that might have been an intrusion on your privacy.”
You laughed. “Thanks?”
After three days of sharing your space with him — he sleeping contentedly as a fox on the pile of blankets and you upstairs in your bedroom — you cleared your throat that evening as you sat together on the sofa like old friends, and said, “You know… uh… I… I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to come upstairs with me… I don’t want you to feel like you have to sleep down here like you’re a…” you trailed off, flushing hot with awkward embarrassment.
One russet-brown eyebrow climbed a little higher than the other. “… a what?”
“Like you’re some kind of pet… you know…”
Rowe laughed and, as it always did, your heart skipped a beat. His cheeks dimpled and Adam’s apple danced in his exposed throat and you ached. It felt like a long time since someone had touched you; since you’d been held, let alone kissed. He had a beautiful mouth, like he’d been made just to tempt you.
Some of your thoughts must have shown on your face because the laughter died in his throat and he fixed you with a look that was all concern. He murmured the name you’d given him permission to use when it was just the two of you and asked, “What’s wrong? I’m not upset about the animal comment,” he said, reaching for your forearm and trying to reassure you, but you shook your head. “Then what?”
Tears came unbidden to your eyes and you turned away. His hand felt hot through the fabric of your hoodie, but his grip was feather light. It would take nothing at all to pull yourself free, but the thought of it seemed overwhelming. “It’s nothing,” you choked, pressing your lips together and hoping he’d let the matter drop.
He didn’t. His eyes flared bright gold and he scowled at you when you risked a glance at him. “The fae can always taste a lie,” he said with the slightest growl to his voice. “And I can tell you’re hurting. We were laughing, and then… you weren’t. What changed?”
“It’s —”
A short, animal growl echoed in his throat but he bit it back, shut his mouth with a click of teeth, and glared at you.
“Ugh, fine,” you huffed, standing up and pacing across the room. “It’s been a long time since it’s been this easy around someone, ok? And it’s not every day that a handsome, cute guy with a great sense of humour shows genuine interest in me. I just wished, for like half a second, that you might be interested in me, but I get it. You’re not even human. I was nice to you. You probably feel obliged to stay here. You… You should probably go soon anyway.”
His expression turned from concerned to carefully neutral, and he stood. “If that’s the way you feel,” he said, “Then I can leave. But you should know that I’ve had a wonderful time with you, and…” he swallowed and took a breath, “I think you’re beautiful, through and through.”
“Please,” you scoffed. “Don’t bother trying to spare my feelings.”
“We can taste a lie, but we cannot tell one,” he said evenly. “I could not tell you that your clothes are yellow when they are not, nor that the sky is green, nor that you are not beautiful.”
You turned slowly around to look at him, and found him glowing gold again, those points of light spiralling lazily in the air around him. The slight shape of fox ears seemed to be picked out in two, brighter lines above his copper hair and behind him you saw a golden tail swaying back and forth. His eyes blazed bright like burnished bronze, and he was staring directly at you as he spoke.
“I would very much like to stay with you, and share your bed, and, if you would let me, I would bring you pleasure too.”
Your breath hitched and you licked your lips. He even spoke like he was out of a fairytale. “You mean it?”
“Ok,” you smiled.
Together, you tidied up the sitting room, and he followed you upstairs, still glowing softly, as if he were utterly contented and couldn’t help it.
Rowe undressed with you in your bedroom, baring a body like polished bronze; all lean lines and languid muscle, and you almost couldn’t look away. He asked if he could shower with you, and gently washed you and touched you, cupping your breasts and trailing his hands down your sides with reverent care. He passed his thumbs over your hardened nipples and kneaded your breasts until you gasped and tipped your head back, eyes closed. He teased between your legs with his fingertips, and then when you turned the shower off, he kissed your forehead. In a rush of magic, both your bodies were completely dry and your skin glowed softly with a thousand, dewy, golden sparkles. You beamed up at him, and he kissed you.
When he drew back, he led you by the hand into the bedroom and you lay down on the bed, heart racing. He knelt between your parted knees and you stared openly at his beautiful body. He looked like a statue come to life, and his cock had been more than half-hard ever since the shower, even as he turned his attention wholly on you and skimmed his palms up your thighs. You parted your legs a little wider for him and he bowed forward to kiss along your inner thigh until you shivered and lay back on the pillow behind you with a gasp.
He kissed you and tasted you, moaning softly before letting his tongue sweep up over you. He took your sensitive clit between his lips and kissed you there as well, and then he slid his arms under your thighs, lay down on his front, and you lost yourself to the pleasure of his mouth.
You lost count of how many times he made you come that night, with his tongue and with his fingers, but he never asked for more than you were ready to give.
“Come on me,” you murmured. You had no idea how well your current contraception would withstand a magical fae, but you were pretty sure you were safe with that, and when you asked, he nodded.
His fingers were slick from where he’d made you come, again, and he closed his hand around his cock with a low groan that dissolved into a gasp as he brought himself to the brink. He glowed gold again and you saw those ears made of light and the tail gleaming vividly behind him just as he spilled over your stomach with a muted grunt and another beautiful moan.
The golden light suffused the room, and you watched his expression as he came — open and vulnerable and achingly beautiful — and wished more than anything that he would stay.
When you woke in the morning, you expected to wake alone, but the warm pressure of Rowe’s body pressed against your back and the weight of his arm across your waist drew a little inhale of surprise from you. Apparently that was enough to wake him, because he kissed the back of your head and mumbled a sleepy good morning into your hair.
He was hard too, you realised, and you deliberately rocked your hips back against him.
Rowe let out a grunt and his hand shifted to your hips, drawing himself closer to you with a languid, answering roll of his hips.
“I don’t know if the fae have weekends,” you said, “But today is Saturday. I don’t have to go in to work…”
“Good,” he said. “I’m not sure I could let you go anywhere today after last night.” He said it with a laugh that told you he would let you do anything you liked, and you rolled over to face him. The softness in his smile brought one of your own to your lips, and he slid his hand down over your breast and then down between your legs.
Your eyes fluttered closed as he slipped his fingers easily inside you, and you rolled onto your back as he started a rhythm that would end in the kind of pleasure you had only ever dreamed of before him.
He smiled and kissed your cheek without his fingers once faltering, and whispered in your ear, “I’ll stay with you as long as you want me.”
You gasped and bucked, and almost missed his promise.
“I’ll stay with you forever.”
Thanks for reading this story, and I hope you’ll consider reblogging it (as well as leaving a like) if you enjoyed it, since that will help others find it.
Take care, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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sinnful-darling · 9 months
Yan! Kitsune Hcs
tws: stalking, manipulation, deceit, abuse, fox-like courtship, implications towards rutting but nothing happens.
information needed beforehand: kitsune are known to gain up to nine tails- one for each 100 years they've lived. as they get older, their fur changes from red to orange to white. they're also known to ascend to celestia when they turn 1,000 years old, but Sisko was cursed by his brethren and has no chance of ever ascending to celestia due to his evil nature. Sisko is also a Yama kitsune. Yama kitsune are known to prey upon human sadness and fear
Yan! Kitsune who is the protector of the mountains closest to you. he initially spots you out with your friends, a smile on your face that had the corners of his lips tugging up into one of his own.
Yan! Kitsune who sneakily follows your group, watching as you revel in the beauty of nature, throwing your head back and taking deep breaths of the clean forest air.
Yan! Kitsune who continues watching as your group sets up camp for the night, grimacing at the use of tents and packaged food. seriously, how had you survived this long?
Yan! Kitsune who is elated when you come back the following week (on your own), taking the opportunity to introduce himself.
Yan! Kitsune who introduces himself as Sisko, his nine tails swishing mischievously behind him.
Yan! Kitsune who puts on a friendly face and asks to be your friend. you can’t tell him about anyone though! no one else can see him but you! you’re special.
Yan! Kitsune who was lying, anybody could see him. he just wants to gain your trust and then hurt you so he can prey upon your fear and negativity when he starts breaking you down.
Yan! Kitsune who does exactly that. he gains your trust and then kidnaps you, taking you away to his home and doing awful things to you.
Yan! Kitsune who slowly falls in love with you and your fearful expressions, denying all sense of affection for you when he finds himself becoming more and more reluctant to hurt you. what was this? did celestia and his ancestors curse him? why doesn’t it feel good anymore?
Yan! Kitsune who starts developing a sexual attraction for you, but refuses to touch you in anyway. that wasn’t his style. he wanted you to give yourself to him willingly.
Yan! Kitsune who, when he can’t deny his feelings for you any longer, starts courting you in the ways his kind taught him to. he’ll hold you close to him and scent you, pleased when you don’t resist. surely, you love him too. you’re just scared he’s going to hurt you again if you move.
Yan! Kitsune who takes you with him through the forest as he searches for a new den, making you choose the spot. contrary to his kind, he won’t allow you to build it yourself though.
Yan! Kitsune who tethers you to a tree when he begins crafting the den, a cozy little cottage he builds with his bare hands.
Yan! Kitsune who curls around you at night when it’s time for bed, his tail wrapping around your thighs and locking his arms around your waist.
Yan! Kitsune who starts barking at you…
Yan! Kitsune who becomes softer with you, doing your hair all nice and bathing you, becoming more playful and cuddling with you more.
Yan! Kitsune who chooses you as his mate. there’s no one else for him and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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yonderly-alamort · 2 years
How about a yandere kitsune. Oh and congratulations on 100 followers.hope you make it to 1k! ❤️
thank you, @hoodsstuff ! i think this is my first time writing about kitsunes (specially with a yandere theme) and i really hope you like it <3 please tell me if there's any error-
cw: male kitsune, manipulation, worshipping, jealousy + possessiveness, stalking, toxic behavior, breeding, etc.
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𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who has been spending his evenings looking at you whenever you walk deeper into the forest. there's just something fascinating at knowing that you're here, alone, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and the occasional animal, ur only company being him.
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is full of himself, his ego stroked, when you find yourself having to depend on him. but of course, who wouldn't need his help? after all, he's something like a deity, his nine tails and sly smirk are prove of his wisdom, might as well have you wrapped around his finger.
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who feels the need to 'check' if there has been anybody too close to you. at this point you're already his, and only his. if he would share you? that's not even a possibility when talking about this egoistic fox. why would he do that? you're his most precious treasure...
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is intelligent enough to make his manipulative words sound as sweet as a lullaby. he knows what's best for you, honey. you have no reason not to trust him, right? if he says that you are better only with him, you listen. if he says that maybe you would feel better with one of his cubs, then that's it. no complaining though. <3
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is aware of his own power, and maybe, just maybe, uses it to scare whoever who tries to contradict him. and if he ever hears that you want to run away when you finally have noticed his true self, he won't doubt to use it against you.
"running doesn't matter, angel. i'll hunt you down if i have to."
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© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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cumtastiics · 5 months
Do yandere kitsune hcs please
yandere kitsune hcs
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i think yan!kitsune follows you around first to pull simple, harmless (to him, not you.) pranks, only to feel a bit guilty when you're having a harder day than usual.
you're having a bad day? it's because of some creep at your job? he's going to handle it!
you only recognize him in his kitsune form, so you didn't realize it was him when he showed up in his human form as the new leader of your floor at work.
he loves to tease you!! he'll be nicer on you then the rest of your co-workers.
yan!kitsune who definitely has a lying problem. he'll say that everything is going down hill just so he can ask you to stay a bit longer to help!
yan!kitsune who's a master manipulator. he knows you're better than those lowlifes, but he can't help but want to compare you to them. what do you mean they leave work early? they work harder.
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want more? send requests!
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himexyandere · 8 months
Yandere Headcanons Pt. 1
Content Warning(s): Stalking, obsessive behavior, voyeurism, breeding kink
A/N: These are a few yandere hc's that I thought would be interesting to write! I have two other yandere's I want to make hc's for as well, but that can wait until part 2 ^^ My next post will be the NSFW Alphabet for Leumin!
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Yandere!Neighbor who just moved into your neighborhood, so you decided to be a good neighbor by bringing him a “welcome to the neighborhood” box of freshly baked cookies…
A small gesture of good faith in your eyes meant the world to him—and he couldn’t possibly stop thinking about you after this little encounter
Your house is right next to his, and the window to your bedroom is facing his own. He wondered if this was fate… It had to be, right? 
Originally, he hadn’t meant to peep… But he couldn’t help it when your curtains were open and he saw you changing in the middle of your bedroom
Did you know he was watching? Were you trying to rile him up by playfully groping and squeezing your tits while making cute little faces in the mirror? 
A pang of guilt stabbed through his chest as his eyes roamed hungrily over your form—he couldn’t stop himself, he was too far gone now
The next few nights, he watched you go about your day like normal; the only thing abnormal was the number of times he’d jerk off while watching you do mundane things (like eat, walk your dog, take your trash out, etc)
Speaking of your trash… He should definitely see if he can find something worthwhile in your discarded garbage bags; perhaps a memento?
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Yandere!Kitsune that interprets your constant visits, gift-bringing, and willingness to play games with him as your attempt at courting him.
You were trying to court him… Weren’t you? How else would you explain your amicable behavior and eagerness to be in his presence? 
It wasn’t as if your dwelling was close to his little hut in the forest—you’ve told him multiple times how long your trips took. Even still, you kept coming back to him (and with random gifts each time no less)
It was nice to have a friend like you, yes… But he also couldn’t deny that he was more interested in being your mate. You were stunning, agreeable, and respectful toward other species. In short, you were perfect 
The next time you visited, he had put the finishing touches on an intricately built nest that was full of things you’d told him you enjoyed before — your favorite snacks, games, books, and plushies 
You didn’t see the warning signs immediately; you were just grateful for the gifts and proceeded to thank him with a big smile on your face
Great, impressing his soon-to-be mate was a success! Now all he needed to do was wait for mating season (or for you to start ovulating) so he could breed you nice and proper…
By the time you'd realized that your kitsune friend was acting a little odd, it was already too late — the likelihood of you leaving his hut was practically nonexistent. After all, what kind of mate would he be if he didn't keep you protected and safe at all times? 
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Please do more werewolf and merman c reader pls I love them so much!!!
Wow I'm happy to see you liked it
I chose the werewolf since it was so long ago
Part 1
You sighed, in hopes that your exhale would release some of the tension you had built as you anxiously anticipated the meeting. While your…mate…who had originally promised to find ‘a den of his own’ recently retracted that statement saying ‘it was entirely useless considering the whole reason he was there in the first place.’ Now you had to settle the score with your landlord who had been kind enough to send multiple emails before demanding that you have a face to face meeting. You shooed off your ‘mate’ considering he didn’t really value modern niceties and came here after work instead of going straight home. The office wasn’t far in fact it was just below your apartment which also made it impossible to lie about your added tenant. 
You jumped at the opening of the door before walking inside to sit on the soft chair across from the desk. The inside looked nothing like your own, it looked like the mockery of some rich person reading nook even fashioned with what had to be a fake fireplace. You didn’t bother trying to investigate as the chair across the desk from you turned revealing your landlord. 
“Pleasure to see you again, (Y/n).”
You watched his pointed ears flick as he squinted his golden eyes at you with a deceitful smile. He leaned on his elbow as he titled his head before continuing. 
“Now what is this I hear about you gaining a roommate, without asking me?”
“Y-yeah it was sort of spontaneous and at first I thought he would move out but then he-”
“Uhm, yeah so he said he’d leave but he wouldn’t. If it's alright with you I’ll just pay the extra amount–”
“What’s your relationship with him, exactly? And what's his name?”
“Eh? It's uh-Win-ston? And he’s–well he’s-” You struggled to think. You couldn’t say he claimed to be your mate, even speaking to a descendant of a kitsune it would seem strange. You couldn’t just say he was your roommate, he talked too much and it’d slip out eventually considering he was not shy about ‘courting’ you. He couldn’t be your cousin because that would raise some more concerning questions. So you stuck with what you’d dreaded calling him all this time.
“He…is..my…b-b-boyf-f-friend. Yes, that's who he is.”
The door slammed open and in the doorway stood your neighbor and former friend: Mattis.
“You!? A boyfriend?! Hah! I have got to hear this.”
The petite man strode in, sauntering past you with a doubtful smirk before sitting on the lap of your landlord. He pecked his cheek before turning to you as he happily hung on the shoulders of your landlord who didn’t even react, in fact he was still looking at you skeptical at your response.
“A boyfriend? Since when did you find him and is this a matter of security that he’s not leaving?”
“I didn’t ‘find’ him if anything he found me-”
Before you could continue Mattis chimed in with a mocking tone. 
“As if! Were you organizing your wallet in public this time or wearing that faux watch?”
“That was one time! And no I was actually working for your information. Anyways it's not a problem he’s fine, I’m fine and I’m not being forced or anything.”
“That sounded convincing.” 
“Thank. You. Mattis. But I’m talking to my landlord.”
“And I’m,” he adjusted himself to sit even closer to your landlord if that was possible. “Giving advice to my boyfriend.” 
He coyly smiled at you while he swung his legs back and forth. You rolled your eyes before going back to trying to explain your situation albeit leaving the crazy things out. In the midst of your explanation you were interrupted by the sound of crashing coming from your apartment above. Everyone in the office looked up at the ceiling as the sound continued.
“Are you sure he’s not robbing you because it sure sounds like it?” Mattis quipped, still looking at the ceiling.
“I-if you’ll excuse me, h-he’s probably getting antsy without me there.” 
You left your rent money on the table before excusing yourself to run up the stairs. As you were making your hasty exit your landlord called out to you.
“In a few days bring him around so I can meet him!” 
You climbed the concrete stairs as fast as you could hoping he didn’t do too much damage. 
“Whoo I’m glad it wasn’t too bad.”
“I’m sorry mate, I just wanted to make sure that your pots were organized. I always see you struggling with them when you cook.”
“Yeah, and somehow reorganizing the cabinet in the kitchen also meant reorganizing the vases I have around?”
When you unlocked the door to your apartment a couple of vases that you had strewn across the living space were smashed and on the ground. True to his word there were some pots outside of their designated spot but you figured it could have been worse. 
“So how did the meeting go my mate?”
“It went fine but we need to talk about what rules are going to be followed around here.”
“Oooh my mate is bossing me around~how cute!”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you ushered him to sit on the couch. Finally getting him to sit still you paced back and forth on the carpet as you broke the rules down for him. 
“Rule number one: Do not call me mate! I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while but it's just weird.”
The ears on the top of his head drooped and his tail sagged as he pouted at you. 
“Then what am I supposed to call you, then?”
“By name: (Y/n). Wait, did you not know that before following me around?”
He scoffed and crossed his arms. “Of course I did! But as your mate I’m supposed to be special, anyway.”
“Well if you want to do nicknames that's a discussion for later.” You suddenly made an embarrassing realization as you looked at the werewolf who happily awaited your next words. 
“Um…real quick what’s your name exactly?”
For all the days you had spent keeping up with his shenanigans and being stuck to his side because you couldn’t compete with his insane strength you never properly swapped names. It was like when you were a kid and you’d forget to ask until your parents asked. Like you were having so much fun it didn’t even matter.
“Oh my given name, my beloved ma-(Y/n) is Winston.”
“Wait, your name is actually Winston?”
“Yes, why?”
“I-I just guessed it when I told my landlord…I can’t believe I got that right.” You mumbled the last bit to yourself as it just seemed bizarre for you to get that correct.
“See, it's the power of our destiny. I was made for you so of course you’d know things about me naturally.” He boasted with a knowing smirk and glint in his eyes that made you look away to continue your original task.
“Rule number 2: From now on, you will be referred to as my boyfriend! When people ask you're going to tell them that's what you are.”
“Nope. That’s a hard no.”
“What, why?”
“Exactly why I shouldn’t stop calling you my mate. We are naturally paired to be together–insinuating that I’m just a boyfriend undermines our relationship severely.”
He was standing now, turned away as he pointed his nose skyward and crossed his arms. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you tried to think on how you could convince him. Getting an idea, you reached for his upright tail that was so conveniently placed in front of you and lightly caressed it as you spoke to his perked wolf-ears.
“Well different titles have different meanings to people…and for us it could mean…uh…soulmates.” 
He was still looking away but you didn’t miss the slight wag as you continued caressing his tail. 
“Please Winston? It’d…really mean a lot to me if you did.”
The light wagging had sped up immensely before he turned around capturing you in a hug as he frantically began to rub his face all over yours, occasionally kissing you. You just awkwardly patted his back as he continued to just rub himself all over you. 
“My mate!! You don’t even know how insatiable you are! YES!” 
You pride yourself on your persuasive tactics before feeling the light pin-pricks of those canines hovering near your neck. Pushing at him to pulling on his hair you were able to gain enough air from his smothering.
“H-hey?! HEY!” You got him to stop trying to bite you only for him to set you in between his legs as he nuzzled his face into the top of your head. Trying to buck away to find that you weren’t budging from his slightly muscular arms, you sighed.
“A-alright you can hold me b-but you have to listen to the rest of my rules okay?”
You felt him complete an intense sniff to your neck before letting out a shaky sigh.
“Okay !”
Winston stared at the waxing moon through the window near your bedside. Looking wistfully at the moon before looking back at his peacefully sleeping mate. He audibly swooned as he moved to stand at the foot of your bed letting the moonlight illuminate your sleeping form as he crept in the shadows. You looked ethereal, so much so that Winston hated to disturb you so. 
Immediately your eyes snapped open and you slowly sat up. Your face was stoic as he pulled a pocket watch from out of his pocket. He swung it in front of your face faster and faster until it began to glow a red. Your (E/c) color irises lit up the same hue as the glowing item, letting your face soften as Winston leaned into your ear.
“Winston is truly meant for you. You realize you love him. Trust the process.”
Repeating this mantra a few more times the red hue faded and you closed your eyes once more flopping haphazardly back into the bed. Or you would have if your werewolf boyfriend hadn’t grabbed your limp body laying you down with him on top. Careful to control his weight he nuzzled into you freely letting his hands roam your body. 
“Mmmmh,” You moaned in your sleep, turning on your side as you mumbled something close to ‘get off.’ He lovingly ignored you, only properly crawling under the covers to hold you from behind. Pocketing his watch he once again nuzzled into your neck as he reminisced on the gift from his pack. 
“Father, what is this?”
“This is for your human-mate, as expected they are extremely out of touch with their senses so much so you might need to remind them.”
He smirked against your skin as he let out a calming exhale. He finally had you. His mate. His fated. He’d rather die than let anyone stop him from having this. From having you.
“Argh! Did you see that red hue in their eyes?! They seriously went and got caught up with some scammer, I’m sure! I should’ve been with them! I should’ve not let this happen! I could’ve–”
“What? Bullied them until they left out of spite? Mattis I know you're not an idiot so stop acting like you still have control over them.”
The male spluttered in defiance before stomping his feet. 
“But I can! Didn’t you see?! Just today we were–”
“Bickering while they tried to ignore you?” Quinn scoffed at his boyfriend who abashedly kept his eyes on his feet. Standing from his chair, he walked around his desk to stand directly in front of the quivering human resting his hands on their trembling shoulders. He slyly leaned past the curtain of hair to whisper into his ear. 
“You’ve shown you couldn’t handle it, Matty.” The man in question, looked up fearfully at the landlord who’s previously black irises were glowing a devious crimson. 
“Now it's my turn.”
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Hi hi! Can I request 11,19 and 41 with akito please (kitsune oc)
https://itstheendofthegoddamnworld.tumblr.com/post/663839364948918272/monstobermonster-sentence-starters-nsfwsfw - Monster sentence starters
11) The things I could do to you.
19) I could eat you right up.
41) Let me see you.
"Let me see you."
You hesitated, standing behind the dressing screen, wary of what he would think.
"I'm not dressed yet," you warned, and the kimono was barely around you when Akito rounded the corner, eyes barreling down on you.
Neither of you spoke for a second, both of you merely staring at one another for some time. You tried sheltering your bare skin from him, attempting to turn away from him when you heard the soft growl come from him.
"Don't turn your back on me," he warned.
You turned hesitantly back to him, eyes taking him in. His eyes were heavily lustful, breathing had grown heavier the more he stared at you.
"The things I could do to you." His words were to himself but he spoke them aloud. Your heart was racing, certain your scent had been picked up by him.
"Oh yeah?" Your words were quiet when you asked him, and the curiosity had gotten the better of you. Akito seemed to enjoy the challenge.
"You don't know the things I'd do, what I could do," he growled, stepping closer towards you, inches away when his clawed hands reached and skimmed the bareness of your collarbone. "I could eat you right up."
You shuddered, a cold chill travelled across you, and your skin pebbled in delight. "I'd like to see you try, Akito."
You didn't expect his reaction, expecting the roughness from his soft hands if he grabbed you and pushed you against a wall to take you there. Instead, there was a gentleness in his eyes, and he smiled wildly, leaning in to inhale your scent.
"Take off your clothes, let me treat you like the mate you are."
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itsmmatchaa · 2 years
Kisumi, I went out and got you some sweets!! All pink ones!! Strawberry, peach, raspberry, bubblegum, I thought I’d get you some sweets in your favourite colour <33
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He stands up abruptly from the complicated exercise machine and runs toward you, without shirt, ears twitching like a curious puppy.
"Did you say candy? pink candy?" he talks excitedly smiling "you know exactly what I like isn't hot stuff?" he fixes his hair happy that you remembered. "Next time I'll get you your favorite food 'kay? Now come here before I give you a sweaty hug" he open his arms and starts walking towards you menacingly.
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Here's a Ghostwire: Tokyo x Reader series~ It involves most of the cast being some sort of yokai. I'm not including Ed and Dave as I'm not sure how to incude them in. I'm also not including Hannya. He can go die in a hole.
Reader's gender is your choice. (male/female/gn) But I'm gonna try to stick with gn. So they/them pronouns.
Akito: Kitsune
Mari: Kitsune
Erika: ?
Rinko: ?
KK: ?
Yokai au
Reader had always wanted to travel since they were little.
One day after a boring day at work they just decided do it.
So with a map in front of them and a dart in hand, they closed their eyes and threw the dart. Their destination was chosen. Japan.
Luckily Japanese was actually a language they understood and can speak easily!
With all their belongings packed, they head off to Japan for the adventure of the lifetime!
The first few weeks of their trip went well. But it was when they arrived to a tiny village and decided to explore the nearby forest was where the adventure truly began...
"Was I supposed to go right or left?" Reader was looking at a map closely, not paying any attention to their surroundings until they tripped over something.
"Ow!" Faceplanting into the dirt was not a fun experience, but this leads them to finding a path that wasn't on the map.
Feeling curious about this mysterious path, they decided to see what the path had to offer. It offers an old but pretty shrine.
With their curiousity fullfilled, they turn to leave and head back to the village when a loud clap of thunder stops them.
The sky, which was clear seconds ago, was now pitch black and rain was begining to fall!
With no where else to hide from the storm, reader ducks inside the shrine for shelter.
Seeing how hard the rain came down they knew they were probably gonna be stuck out here for the night.
At least they had their stuff with them!
As they settled down for the most likely a long, wet night, reader finally notices how they weren't alone in the shrine.
Two pairs of glowing eyes glared at them from the darkness and growls could be heard from the same direction.
When lighting struck outside, they see that the creatures were actually a pair of black foxes.
A few hours later, and they find themselves with a lapful of cuddly foxes.
It was a rough start at first, but after apologizing to them, in japanese since they noticed how strangely... confused the foxes looked when they spoke in english, and sharing their food with fluffy pair, the foxes quickly went from wary to friendly.
Oh, and the smaller fox was female while the bigger one was male.
As the rain fell more and more, and darkness swallowed up the shrine, reader decided it was time to at least try and settle in for the night. They had a feeling it was going to be a long, cold one...
They woke up the next moring to not only the storm still going strong, but also to a pair of foxes snuggled up under their blanket with them
They wanted to squeal at how cute the fluff balls were~
With the storm still going strong, they decide the best thing to do was to remain in the shrine for the time being. The foxes remained as well, so at the very least, they weren't alone or bored.
They even gave the foxes names! The female was Ebony and the male was Shadow.
They played with the foxes. Playfully chased them around and let chase them in return.
They talked with the foxes. They talked about everything. They told the foxes about where they were from, what they were doing in Japan, and what they hope to do in the future!
They even shared their food with the foxes. Even when they had barely enough for themselve, they willingly gave their portion of the food to their furry little friends!
Shadow looks at his food and back to them. He huffs and nudges the food back over to them with a growl. He was clearly telling them to eat as well. How cute~
The storm finally ends the next day. This meant they could leave and continue on with their travels.
They smile sadly as they rubbed both Ebony and Shadow's furry heads. Both foxes were whining sadly, making reader feel even more sad about leaving their furry little friends.
"Goodbye..." However as they started to leave, a female voice to calls out to them. "W-wait!" And a hand grabs their hand.
Whipping around, they were shocked to see a young girl dressed in a kimono. She was crying and clutching their hand tightly. But what caught their attention the most was the fact she had a pair of fluffy fox ears on her head and a equally fluffy tail swaying behind her.
"D-don't leave!" The girl cried as her fox ears fold back into her head sadly.
Reader could do nothing but blink at the girl, confused as to what was even happening. They zeroed in on her fox ears and mumurred, "Ebony?" Was this girl Ebony?
'Ebony' nodded with a sniffled. "M-my name is Mari..."
Okay then... Glancing behind Mari, they see another figure by the shrine. It was a young man. He too was dressed in a kimono and even had a pair of fox ears like Mari, but unlike Mari who had one tail, he had nine.
In the back of their mind, they recall reading a book about Japan's myths and legends. One of them spoke of foxes with nine tails called Kitsunes...
With Mari cuddled to their side, reader makes their way back to the shrine where the male was waiting. "Shadow?" The Kitsune huffs. "It's Akito to you human." The way he said human was rather insulting. Was he insulting them?!
Also they wanted to pet his ears so badly. They looked so fluffy!
Once the trio was back in the shrine, Mari shifts, and wasn't that a sight to see, into her fox form and snuggles into reader's arms.
Akito goes on to explain that the shrine used to belong to both his and Mari's parents, they were siblings, but when they passed on, it became Akito's duty to run it.
Eventually though, human's forgot about them. This made Akito angry as his parents did so much for the humans of this land, and all they got in return was absolutely nothing!
Wanting nothing to do with humans now, both he and Mari stay in their old shrine, living out their days peacefully away from humans... at least until an odd looking human stumbled into their shrine one rainy night.
They look down at a calmer Mari, who was now dozing off in their lap, and look back at Akito. "Can I ask you a question?"
"What is it human?" Can this pretty boy stop calling them 'human'? It was getting kinda old.
"Is it possible for you and Mari to hide your ears and tails?"
The Kitsune narrows his eyes. "...Yes. Why?"
What was about to come out their mouth was a stupid idea, but reader did stupid things all the time so the hell with it!
"I want you and Mari to come with me as I travel across Japan."
Akito stills, looking wide eyed at them. "You... want us to come with you?" His fluffy ear slowly fold back into his hair and all nine his fluffy tails wrapped around him. He looked so unsure... "Really?"
Reader nodded with a serious look on their face. "Yeah!" They held out a hand to Akito. "Come with me!"
Akito's eyes flickers toward the held out hand. After a moment of hesitation, he reaches out and grabs it.
Reader smiles, and to their delight, the rather serious Kitsune shyly returns it, looking adorably flustered as he did~
Seriously. Can this guy get even more cute?!
"I gotta ask you something. When's the last time you and Mari left this shrine?"
The Kitsune tilts his head, his ears twitching. "Left the shrine?"
Akito placed a hand on his chin, humming as he thinked. Reader's smile dimmed slightly. How long had these Kitsune siblings been in self isolation?!
Akito snaps his fingers and smiles. "400 years!"
400... years? Oh dear... This is gonna be quite the shock once Akito and Mari see how far humans come since then...
"Uh... Akito? I think I need to explain a couple things to you before we all leave..."
This might take awhile... but reader can't bring themselves to regret it one bit!
13 notes · View notes
nine-of-words · 5 months
(Yokai + 5 of Cups)
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NB (Genderfluid) Kitsune x Bisexual M Reader
Wordcount: 9502
Content Warnings: Drinking (Reader), Difficult Breakup, Depression, Brief Mention of Suicidal Ideation, Compensated Dating, Disguises, Minor Body Horror, Handjob (Reader Receives), Anal Sex (Reader Tops)
A kitsune feels almost like a cop-out choice for a yokai, but they’re one of my all time favorites, so here one is. I’m sure I’ll write about more varied types of yokai for this blog in the future, so starting with a kitsune probably isn’t such a bad thing. Specifically, the kitsune in this story is a nogitsune. And- oops, this turned into double the wordcount than I intended.
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This year has been one of loss for you.
First, your apartment that you’ve lived in for years flooded so badly that there was no returning. You lost not just your home, but most of your belongings to the water damage.
Then, the marketing firm you worked at unexpectedly closed its doors due to some illegal activity involving the parent company, leaving you flailing in the wind without a job, your career in an utter freefall.
And to top things off with the biggest blow to your heart, your beloved girlfriend of several years, Mai; the girl you legitimately thought you’d marry someday, dumped you unceremoniously only weeks later. You’d known each other since you were children, and it was certainly the worst blow of the ones you’ve endured.
All of that, over such a short time span.
But even in your devastation, you managed to survive long enough that things began to turn around for you. Even on basic income, you managed to find a new apartment in a more central location. And it only took you a few months to network into a new job with a better salary at a different firm and recover your livelihood- you’re skilled at what you do, after all. 
But Mai didn’t return to you with your good fortune. After trying to contact her a few times, you got the hint and stopped trying. She had already moved on to a different partner with better prospects, from the look of her feed one of the lonesome nights you took a late-night pity trawl through her social media.
What you thought would return things back to the way they were didn’t seem to matter. Sure, you’d gotten back the same or a neatly improved version of everything you lost; you had a beautiful new apartment and an amazing new job, but you were so empty. What is the point of having a nice life with no one to share that joy with?
It all began to feel so pointless.
You started to lean perhaps a bit too hard on your drinking habit to cope with the loss of direction.
On one particular night drowning your sorrows in liquor and your thoughts with the droning noise of the murky, smoky bar, you came back from the restroom to find a folded strip of paper stuck to the damp underside of your highball glass.
Dumped? Lonely? Need a date? 
Your heart’s greatest desire granted!
What clearly sounds like a dubious ad, followed by a non-descript business number. Your interest was momentarily piqued, but the sensation is fleeting.
You crumpled the slip of paper and shoved it into your pocket, writing it off, then promptly forgot about it.
When the bar closed, you ambled your way towards home, pausing halfway over the footbridge connecting the entertainment district to the residential districts to stare at the lights of the city.
Each and every time you had passed over the bridge lately, you could barely resist the urge to hoist yourself up over the guardrail and throw yourself in the canal below. That night was no different- you leaned against the railing, trying to talk yourself out of doing something hasty to end your despair.
You just needed to find a reason. Any little reason to convince yourself to make it home and try again tomorrow.
Idly searching your jacket pocket for your lighter, you feel the crinkle of the paper you shoved in there earlier. You pull it out a skim over the swimming letters.
My heart’s greatest desire, huh…?
Right… You’ll go home tonight, you reasoned, so that you can at least find out what this is all about. 
One more night.
You step back off the edge of the bridge, instead dragging yourself towards the train station. You’ve already missed the last train of the night, though, so you’ll be lounging about the station until morning.
You were so crushingly lonely and starved for any bit of contact at that point, it didn’t matter who was by your side, as long as you wouldn’t be alone- anything to keep the shadows from creeping in.
…Even if you needed to pay for it…
So, you let the alcohol content still lingering in your bloodstream make the choice for you. 
Sitting on the concrete curb with your device cradled to your ear, and you finally dialed the number on that sketchy slip of paper. You managed to read the digits, despite the water causing the ink to bleed.
Instead of a living person on the other line, your call connected to a phone tree, where you went through pre-recorded prompts to schedule a date with the person of your dreams, the generated voice promises- for a somewhat hefty service fee, as you expected.
You hardly feel any sense of shame as the transaction goes through. If it means you’ll not feel so alone for just a little while, it’s gold well spent.
You woke up to the early morning sun with a start, knocking over some of the copious number of water bottles, assumingly placed around you by well-meaning pedestrians where you nodded off.
But you were at least still alive to take the train home, enter your neglected apartment, and finally crawl into your disheveled, still laid-out futon to sleep off your hangover.
That’s how you find yourself days later in the present, sitting in your ex-girlfriend’s favorite cafe. 
You're waiting to either be stood up, or worse, set up to be blackmailed or robbed. In your sober mind, the clearly scammy set up must've surely been just that, right?
The minutes creep by, the hope beginning to dwindle with them.
After camping your table for nearly an hour and feeling progressively more like a fool and fielding increasingly pitying looks from the servers (one of which offered you a free ice cream that you turned down), you’re almost at the brink of standing up and leaving. You sit there, resigned to having lost the money and any immediate chance in relieving your loneliness.
You can hardly believe it when she, of all people, comes through the door of the cafe.
…It's really her.
You fight the urge to jump out of your chair and embrace her.
You had assumed it was either a joke or some sort of scam or an ad for other questionable business. But seeing what the paper promised, here in the flesh …You can barely believe your eyes.
“Sorry! Sorry I’m late!” Your ex-girlfriend seemingly says to you as she hurriedly approaches the table.
This must be some sort of joke…? It has to be.
“Hi. Sorry.” She dips her upper body forward a few times in quick succession in apology.
The resemblance is uncanny. Every little detail your eyes take in matches something you’d expect from Mai’s appearance. All of it’s the same as you remember: Her soft eyes, permanent semi-pout and long dark waves; her gentle mannerisms, sweet voice and style of speech; even her stylish choice in fashion, right down to the pastel color of her nail polish being coordinated to her outfit.
“You fell asleep on the train again, huh?” You reflexively answer in a playfully scolding tone, playing along despite still being completely dumbstruck that she’s actually standing here. Her being late for various air-headed reasons was something that happened enough over the course of your relationship to become one of her adorable quirks- this wouldn’t be the first time she spaced out and took an unintentional nap on the train.
“A-Ah, um.” She gives you a sheepish look before staring at the ground, seemingly caught red-handed. She favors one of the locks of her loosely hanging hair. “That’s right. I'm happy you waited for me. I would've been devastated if I ruined our date.”
It’s like your desperate prayers have been answered, and she’s come back to you, just like that- out of nowhere. You could cry out of pure gratitude.
But a small part of you is deeply alarmed. The prompts never had you describe anything about Mai, or your ideal partner otherwise- yet here is quite literally, your heart’s greatest desire.
You decide that you don’t care if this is a joke or some sort of scam. You can be taken for a ride, for all you care- what you care about is that she’s back.
“That’s okay. You’re here now.” You motion to the chair across from you, and she takes the seat across from you.
She picks up the colorful menu with a gleeful smile. 
“Go ahead, Mai-chan. Get anything you want.”
“Anything?” She brings an open hand to her mouth to cover the gasp. “Hmm. Pudding… Waffle… Parfait…!”
You watch her mull over the menu with a strange sense of deja vu. 
Your food eventually comes, delivered by a waitress who seems equal parts relieved and surprised that someone actually showed up to join you. She sets down a small, extremely meticulously decorated parfait. It’s piled with thinly sliced, colorful fruits, some cut to look like animal faces. There’s a sweet message inscribed in chocolate syrup on the plate the clear glass sits on. Mai all but vibrates out of her chair in excitement as she scoops up her first bite. Then she pops into her mouth, only to bring a hand to her cheek in surprise a moment later.
“It’s so good!”
“Is it?” You chuckle as you take a sip from your cafe au lait.
“Here, see for yourself!” She laughs sweetly, picking one of the chocolate covered biscuit sticks lodged inside the body of the dessert and holding it out to you. “Say ‘ah’-”
Any concern you still harbor is obliterated by the adorable gesture, and you happily take the bite of the treat.
You take Mai on a stroll window shopping through the rest of the mall, ensuring her that she can get anything that catches her eye. She seems hesitant to pick anything out now, despite it never being much of a deterrent before. You mean it when you say she can have anything she’d like- you couldn’t care less if you blow your whole salary on frivolous things and have to subsist off of convenience store meals for the rest of the month. You’re so thankful to have her back, and you want to show it in the way you’re used to Mai appreciating. 
It takes until she lays her eyes on a soft and pathetically droopy looking stuffed fox, partially buried in a pile of other stuffed animals that her resistance finally breaks.
“Ah!! So cute!!! This!! I want this!” She gasps, picks up the pitiful looking stuffed creature you’ve ever laid eyes on. She holds it under the arms to show you, but its doe-y, wall-eyed stare does not quite reach your eyeline. Then she remembers to add; “Um- Please?”
After the shop, you find yourself pausing on the footbridge like normal, but this time with Mai at your side, her with a stuffed fox under her arm. You hold her around the waist, looking at the lights across the river and soaking in the romantic aura.
Things have gone on like that for several blissful months now. Whether it’s relaxing cafe dates and shopping, or dancing and drinks, or something else entirely; you see her as often as you can make it happen.
Every time you’re feeling down, you think of Mai being back in your life and it’s as if all the darkness has been cleansed from your soul. 
You have something to live for again. A glimpse of a happy future to hold onto again.
All you have to do is call and schedule a date, pay the frankly exorbitant fee, and you have her to yourself again for the entire evening.
…Although, you have noticed a few incongruent things over time. 
Small things, really, here and there. A sharpness in her eyes you sometimes catch when she wasn’t expecting you to look, before the corners soften again. A laugh that starts almost like a bark, before her normal, muted laugh plays out behind her dainty hand. A questioning, performative aura to her speech at times- as if she’s deducing the correct thing to say to comply with your pre-existing expectations.
You never see her leave in the morning- instead, she’s always gone by the time you wake up, no matter how early you rise.
Most worryingly, you wake feeling inexplicably exhausted every time afterwards- not just the usual and expected, happily spent feeling that’s normal from rolling around in the sheets, but a bone-deep fatigue, like part of your constitution itself has been sapped away.
Thinking about it too hard sends a cold shiver down your spine. You’re not a stupid man, even when being driven to make bad decisions by your desperation. Even knowing that something is amiss here, you can’t stop yourself from dialing the number again and again, your physical wellbeing be damned.
Because despite all the glaring warnings, some of the incongruencies are positive ones.
While this Mai is true to character in almost all ways, there are certainly some things you’d call an improvement.
This Mai is much more warm and loving, and seems more willing to communicate in general, rather than expecting you to guess. And when it comes to sex, this Mai is a lot more enthusiastic over all, and certainly more… skilled.
And overall, she's just more kind. Too kind, even. Too selfless to be your ex-girlfriend, who had an acute awareness of her own wants and needs, sometimes to the detriment of others’. This Mai seems to be very focused on yours. 
You never realized it before now, but obligation seems to have played a large part of your relationship with Mai. And while you’re absolutely sure some of that is your fault, you’ve never felt closer to her… or this version of her, you suppose. You can’t help but feel the irony in that it only seems to have happened with a copy of her, rather than the real thing. Somehow this copy’s performance feels more genuine to you than the real Mai’s had, without you even noticing.
One thing’s for sure; It can’t go on like this forever, even if you want it to. But you know it’ll bother you now that you’ve caught on, if you don’t at least try to confirm your suspicions.
While trying to plan out what to do, a brilliant idea dawns on you, and you dial up the number once again.
Within a few days, you meet ‘Mai’ once again, this time outside a highly recommended karaoke parlor near your usual stomping grounds in the entertainment district.
She bounces excitedly by your side as you make your way through the building and file into the small, private, soundproof room decked out with a large screen and extensive sound system.
You go first, and belt out a moody rock ballad with modest skill, no stranger to visiting karaoke parlors with colleagues and clients alike, when the circumstances call for it.
Your companion cheers you on as the final chords wind down.
“Aaah, Wow!!” ‘Mai’ claps her hands together in front of herself and exclaims your name. “You're so talented!! With a voice like that, you could've been a holo-idol!”
“Hahah- Thanks.” You laugh sheepishly, and your face breaks into a knowing smile. “You're going to take a turn now, aren't you, Mai-chan? You know I really like your singing voice.”
You hold the microphone out to her in expectation, slight feedback whirring through the speakers. You feel a little bit of remorse for what you’re doing, but it’s the only way you could think of.
There’s a incredibly short moment of recalibration where she simply stares at the microphone, but then her eyes light up.
“Oh, of course!” She says excitedly, flipping her hair over her shoulder before taking the microphone and getting to her feet. She pauses to smooth her skirt down, then her heels click as she approaches the podium. “Oooo, but what song should I choose?”
“You have no shortage of options here. Go with you heart.” You press a soft kiss to the crown of her head and then take a sip of the whiskey in your hand nonchalantly.
“Mmm… No, I can't decide! You pick for me.” She demands and holds the datapad to you over her shoulder, lips curling at the edges in a barely concealed grin. She looks downright eerie, backlit by the bright neon lights of the screen behind her, bright crescent shapes on the round of her cheekbones.
“Huh. How about this one?” Still feeling slightly guilty, you scroll down and select the most challenging song you can think of for a beginner. “You remember it’s my favorite, eh?”
“Of course I remember!” She says confidently as you go back to your seat. “Here I go!”
The upbeat, funky music picks up and she launches into the song enthusiastically. It doesn’t even take a full verse for you to know your hunch about her is undeniably correct.
This isn’t Mai at all. There’s simply no way.
She has a beautiful voice and a surprising range for such a petite woman. Neither the fast or slow parts give her any hint of trouble, nor the tricky lyrics. She handles every vocal run without faltering once.
Her slender fingers clutch the microphone, and she gets fully swept away. It's hard not to get absorbed in the music yourself and forget why you're here.
What really mesmerizes you is just how passionately she’s singing, her body swaying in time to the beat. She looks actually happy- something you’ve realized you didn’t see a lot from the real Mai- only placated, slightly bored contentment.
The song comes to an end all too quickly, and you applaud, genuinely a bit moved.
“Hehe- How did I do?” She squirms in glee, before rushing back to hand you the microphone. The neon light glints off the bracelet you gave her on one of your previous dates that she’s wearing tonight.
She beams at you, twisting the knife in your gut a little more.
You don’t want to spook her by ending the session before the time you’ve already paid for runs out, so you simply enjoy it while you can, taking a few turns passing the microphone back and forth.
Finally, the block of time runs out and you walk out of the karaoke parlor into the busy square with your hand in hers. You’re more sure than ever you have to say something, now, after that performance.
You find a gap in the throngs of people near the bridge to stop for a moment and discuss. It may not be the most polite place to make an accusation like this, but at least it’s public and relatively safe.
Twinkling lights of the businesses on either side provide an almost ethereal, twilight backdrop for such a strange conversation.
“Wait. I’d like to talk about something, if you don’t mind.”
“Ah- Is something the matter?” Her body language is suddenly closed, and she adjusts her bangs nervously.
“Sort of. …You don’t seem to be yourself, lately.” You say, trying to sound as least threatening as possible. 
“Oh! I’m feeling okay. But thank you for your concern.” ‘Mai’ forces a small smile.
You take a deep breath and bite the bullet. 
“What I mean is- I think that may be because you’re not yourself.”
“W-What? I don’t know what on Hearth you’re talking about.” She switches to feigning ignorance, tilting her head to the side in an attempt to distract with her cuteness, then deflection. “That’s nonsense. I am me. Are you feeling okay, honey?”
“I‘m fine. But is that really so? Then what about karaoke just now?”
“Eeeh? What are you saying?” The woman protests with a pout, looking absolutely deflated. “I thought we had fun. Did you dislike my singing that much? I tried my best…”
“No, I liked it a lot. Your singing was beautiful; You have a very nice voice.” You try to keep your tone from sounding too accusatory. “But Mai doesn’t. She loathes karaoke. Can’t carry a tune to save her life. Absolutely tone deaf- she always refused to even go with me.”
“...Yes and because you like it so much, I… I-Is it so out of the realm of possibility that I’ve been practicing…?” She quickly comes back with an excuse, but it doesn’t sound like she even believes her own words.
You simply cross your arms and wait for her to say something, holding your scrutinizing gaze on her. The silence drags on an almost unbearable length of time.
“...You tricked me.” She quietly fumes, restraining the strength of her reaction so as to not cause an upset in public. Her lips form a glossy, tautly drawn line, and her fingernails dig into the strap of her purse like sharp claws.
“I tricked you?” The irony of the statement is extremely rich, coming from the body double standing in front of you. 
“You called the number!” The imposter whines, and rubs at her eye, sounding on the verge of breaking into tears at any moment. Despite the attempt to not make a scene, the occasional person slows to spectate. “We were having fun and you tricked me. That’s not fair.”
Even this spat is so different. If it was Mai, she would’ve already started reeling off on you for upsetting her, glances from others be damned.
But this is more sad and pitiful than anything. It’s not really fury or scorn in her expression, though, rather than a deep wounded mournfulness. And the more you look, the more you see an expression you never really saw in the real Mai much; pure, raw fear. The signs are clear to you- her body language like she’s ready to flee at any moment, and the shifting eyes of a wild animal looking for an escape route.
“Listen-” You can't help yourself, how distraught she seems pulling at your heartstrings, and reach your hand out to comfort her. You have no bad intentions, even with this revelation, after all. If anything, you’re relieved that the distinction between this person and Mai has been drawn. Maybe now, you can get to know this person even better, without the facade…
Just as your hand connects with her wrist, a dog starts barking loudly nearby, somewhere across the plaza, and a stranger unknowingly bumps into her back while passing by. The chaos causes her to be majorly spooked, letting out a yelp and nearly jumping out of her skin.
It happens so fast- one second ‘Mai’ is standing in front of you as normal. And the next, there’s a clattering sound and something falls before wobbling against the concrete. The figure standing in front of you looks almost translucent, with a canine nature to the shadowy silhouette of their head and shoulders, complete with pointed ears poking up.
‘Mai’ drops to her hands and knees immediately, into a pool of fabric, scrambling frantically to scoop the object- a smooth, pearly white mask carved with blue lines- up and bring it back to her face. She manages to get her trembling fingers around the item and replace it.
But something’s… wrong.
Instead of Mai’s features returning to the stranger’s face, the parts of this person’s face seem to rapidly cycle through bits and pieces of multiple individual faces, combined in a grotesque mishmash- an eyebrow changing here, a new set of lips there- like flipping in a panic through broadcast channels fraught with static, desperately trying to match the right ones into a coherent set.
You reach out again- this time bending to try to help her up, but it seems your attempts at aid are only being perceived as a threat. Instead of taking your hand for support, she freezes in place.
Only for a moment, mismatched eyes turned up at you.
Then, she disappears completely into a sparkling puff of dark magenta and violet colored smoke.
The mask falls to the ground, clattering and spinning all over again.
You cough and cover your face with your sleeve- but manage to spot the form of a small, orange animal dashing off through the legs of the throng of people coming and going, despite your tearing eyes. They’re headed away from the bridge, back into the entertainment district. You keep your eyes on the bushy tail underfoot for a while, but there just isn’t enough room for you to push through as you hit a more congested area. You quickly lose track of the form in the crowd that has gathered.
You search and try to regain the trail, but eventually give up, walk back to where the mask dropped, and pick it up. Its surface seems to be made of some sort of nacre, the way that it shines as you turn it over in your hands. It feels cool and inexplicably wet to the touch, despite it not getting your hands wet. There’s a singular, shining blue jewel inlaid into the forehead.
You decide to take the mask home with you before someone calls the guard, or worse, a suit from the mana bureau shows up to investigate.
By the time you get through the door to your apartment, you’re devastated. You lean against your closed apartment door, running your hand through your hair. Does this mean you won’t see her any more? Perhaps you were too harsh, trapping her like that, but you only wanted to know the different person underneath the mask she was showing you.
There has to be something you can do. 
You set the mask down on your foyer table gently, then you pull up your device, planning to call the number for the phone tree. It’s the only number you have for ‘Mai’- but the contact has mysteriously disappeared from the frequently called list in your device. You briefly chide yourself for never actually saving the number.
But it’s no matter- you’ve certainly memorized the number by now, so you punch it manually- only for the sound of a disconnected line to come back on the other end.
Panicking, you go to find the slip of paper you kept for sentimental reasons to double check you had the right number, only to find a dry, crumpled leaf in your desk drawer in its place.
“Damn it!” You swear and toss the leaf aside, unsure what you can even do at this point.
You sit in silence, hoping she’ll show up on her own, at least to come get her mask back, and then you can apologize and plead your case. But, you wait for days and she never shows up.
You check Mai's social media, but that only confirms to you that she and the person you came to know are completely different people. You kick yourself for not checking that earlier.
It takes a week of alternately wallowing in your feelings and researching in your free time, but you finally manage to contact a private investigator that doesn’t write your request off as deranged. His fee is equally deranged, so you suppose you’re in good company.
Then, it takes months of emotional turmoil on your end just waiting for news.
Just when you’re sure that the investigator just ran off with your gold, he finally gets back to you with a new number and the name of the business associated with the previous number- Club DREAM, a host club in the entertainment district that you’ve somehow never heard of, even with your years of familiarity with the nightlife in this city.
With a shaking hand, you dial the number.
It’s the same phone tree. You heave a massive sigh of relief. You’re one step closer.
You spend at least an hour on hold, but you weed your way through the numerous pre-recorded menus, but eventually get redirected to the business’ actual, live phone line. 
…It’s ringing.
“Club DREAM.” A boisterous, high-pitched voice of an older man crackles on the other end, distinctly curt for business etiquette. “What the hell do you want? Phone tree not good enough for you, buddy???”
“I- Um.” You swallow. You work with people all day and think you’re quite skilled at social interactions, but you can’t help but feel cowed by the killing intent through the phone. “Well…”
“Spit it out, will you?! I’m trying to watch my proo-oograms!” They bellow dramatically.
“I think I’m looking for one of your… employees? I think I have something that belongs to them. But I’m not sure…”
The man simply spits out an address and summarily hangs up.
You follow the directions on your device screen to a less than reputable, slightly seedy part of the entertainment district. 
Despite knowing the entertainment district like the back of your hand at this point, you've never known this place was over here.
You finally arrive at a cramped, ominous-looking, slightly run down building. The only entrance is from the back alley, which you have to imagine does not have a good effect on business. You would be concerned you were in the wrong place, but the buzzing neon sign above the door clearly sears CLUB DREAM onto the night.
The rickety front door rattles behind you as you enter. You're immediately assaulted by the sound of droning dance/pop hits, and a hanging haze of smoke.
Despite that, the interior is much more impressive than the outside, with modern furniture and tasteful decoration. Though, there is still a personal, almost lived-in, cozy touch of worn paint edges and the occasional burnt out bulb- slight imperfections caused by frequency of use.
There doesn't seem to be a host podium, so you head to the bar that seems to function as one.
The bar is backlit by an assortment of ghostly flames, dancing in metal-caged lanterns. They cast a soft, eerie glow that mingles with the artificial flood of the neon lights.
It’s hard to pay too much attention to the wall of spirit lanterns, however, since the person standing in front of it behind the bar is impossible to miss. They’re imposingly tall and quite a bit round for the average city elf, clad in a jarring mix of loud colors and wild patterns, complete with a bright pink faux-fur stole sitting on their shoulders, and spectacles with long strands of beads hanging down.
“Ohhh, it’s a shame I’m retired, honey. You’re a handsome one.” The flamboyantly-berobed man coos at you in welcome, pulling their eyes from the screen perched above the bar. “Someone specific in mind you’re here to see today? Or perhaps you’re a first-timer- I haven’t seen your face before, I’m sure of it. I’d remember such a cutie.”
This is definitely the same person you spoke to on the call. Their voice is recognizable despite having a completely different vibe now; more warm and welcoming geniality, less blatant desire to murder you.
“I have M-” You stop, then correct yourself, if a bit cryptically; “...I have the mask.”
You pull the shiny mask partially out of your bag to show them, before letting it slip back down onto the pocket.
“Oh, it’s YOU.” The towering man gives a deadly, icy look over the flapping of the fan they’re cooling themselves with, and you swear you can feel the room get a few degrees colder. The less-than-friendly inflection from before is bad in full force, much more intimidating in person. “The dirtbag that stole my baby’s mask.”
Dirtbag? Stole? …Baby? 
“Give me one good reason I shouldn't call our bouncer over to pound you flat, you thief!”
“Well… I brought it back. And it wasn’t exactly easy…”
“Hmmph.” They snap their fan closed and shove it into their obi before thrusting out a manicured hand, palm up. “Well? What are you waiting for? Hand it over, then, honey.”
“I'd rather give it back to… them… directly.” You're hesitant to give the mask back to anyone but the correct person. “I… want to talk to them. Make sure they're alright.”
“Cute!! How sweet!! But I’ll be taking it, thanks!”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t give this away to just anyone. I need to make sure it gets back to them.” You stand your ground and the grip on your bag’s strap tightens, not letting the mask out of your grasp quite yet.
The club owner gives you a long, scrutinizing look over, as if they're having a heated internal debate and you aren't privy to the details.
“Hhmmph. Well aren't you chivalrous. Fine! Suit yourself- But you can’t see them without their mask. It's not allowed!!”
Before you can form a coherent response, they keep talking, steamrolling the conversation. 
“HOWEVER, you do seem to be the genuine sort. So. Here is how this is going to work, sweetie: I’m going to escort you to table 6. You’re going to hand me their mask back, I’m going to take it back to them.” They rhythmically tap their lacquered nails on the counter with each point they lay out. ”THEN, if they WANT to see you, I’ll send them out to you. But only if THEY want to. If not, I'm sure there’s someone on staff that will suit your fancy. You are still a precious customer, after all!”
You don’t want anyone else, is the first thought that nearly jumps out of your mouth, but you manage to hold it in, instead agreeing diplomatically. You worry momentarily that you’re about to be set up to be beaten to a pulp by ‘security’ and thrown into a dumpster out back, but if this is the only way to see the person of your dreams again, you’re just going to have to go with it.
To your surprise, you are not put directly into a meat grinder, but instead actually led by the club owner to table 6. You take a seat, then pull the mask back out of your bag with a sigh. The club owner snaps it up immediately and rushes off, neon fabric fluttering in their wake.
“Aaah, thank youuuu~ I’ll be back soon, honey. Or maybe I won’t- we’ll have to see!”
The wait can’t be that long in reality, but it is absolutely excruciating from your perspective. You fiddle with the edges of the drink menu, not even really looking at it, shift in your seat- any small fidgeting to try to assuage your crushing dread.
You only have to stew in your own misery and self-doubt for a short while before the club owner stops back at the table.
“He said he'll see you. But you better make it right. If you hurt my baby again, I’ll hurt you.” He impatiently takes your drink order (bullying you into buying one of the more expensive bottles on the menu), then the loud, bright blur of a man disappears, just as quickly as he returned.
Not long after that, a different person arrives at your table. A tall, lithe and handsome elven man with flawlessly smooth skin and dyed-orange hair styled into a shaggy wolf cut stands there, with the overpriced bottle of liquor the club owner managed to persuade you to purchase in hand. He’s dressed in an obnoxiously ornate version of a standard dressed-down business look; button up, black vest, slacks, pointed ankle boots. The whole outfit is adorned with strategically placed, shiny details and jewelry.
“Hello,” He dips his long body forward in deference, and you catch a pleasant whiff of heady cologne. “Welcome to Club DREAM.”
You don't need to be told- you know exactly who this is. It doesn’t matter that they don’t look or sound a thing like Mai. You can feel it with every fiber of your being- like a hand reaching straight into your chest and seizing you by the heart.
“It's you.”
“Aah- it’s that easy to tell…?” He smiles bashfully, eyes squeezing closed into crescents. “Maybe I should work harder on my presentation.”
“No, I just…” You can’t even begin to explain why you were able to identify them on sight, even without the context clues. “It’s because it’s you- I think I could point you out anywhere, now.”
“Ah.” He fidgets slightly, looking unfittingly awkward with his flushed cheeks, in stark contrast of what seems to be an otherwise carefully composed image. You get the feeling he’s usually as effortlessly smooth as the cultivated image itself, when dealing with customers that aren’t you.
Muscle memory seems to kick in, finally, and they gesture to the table, then the bottle of liquor they’re holding. “Would you like me to join you?”
“Please.” You reply, probably a bit too eagerly.
He takes a seat and you sit in silence for a few moments. The only sound besides the onslaught of slightly-fried pop music playing over the speakers and low thrum of mixed conversations around you is the alcohol being poured into your glass by the obnoxiously handsome man in front of you. Your plan to pathetically grovel for forgiveness as soon as you had their ear has been eroded by just how happy you are to see them. You could sit here for hours, taking in every new small detail of their appearance and committing it to memory.
“Thank you for returning my mask.” He finally says, mercifully breaking the stalemate.
“You’re welcome. I apologize for putting you in the situation to lose it.” Then, thinking of what sort of boss he seems to have, add; “I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble with, er, your work.”
“No, Mama has been quite understanding… Though, it must’ve been a pain to return it. it couldn't have been easy to find this place.”
“It was no problem at all, if it meant I could see you again.”
“You wanted to see me that badly…?” He almost seems bashful.
“Yes! I was so worried about you, M-” You catch yourself, not wanting to call him the incorrect name out of habit. “Wait, wait, first of all- What is your name? You must have one of your own…?”
“You can call me Kanae.”
In a bold move, you choose to forgo any honorific- but you truly feel that close to him, and wish to convey that.
“Kanae.” You repeat his name to him, and his already friendly, if a bit worried, expression brightens instantly. “I've missed you.”
“I missed you too. I've been so lonely without you.”
The words alone make your heart start racing. It wasn't just you lamenting being apart, then.
“If that's the case, may I sit beside you?”
“Yes, of course.”
He comes around and slides into the padded booth next to you. He’s barely settled in when he lays a hand on your thigh. You can feel the warmth of his body pressed against your side.
You’re so pleased, you’re pretty sure you could explode. Your soul is going to leave your body.
You nurse the drink in your glass, contemplating in silence trying to calm some of your nerves. And to try to push the sensation of his fingers resting on you out of your mind long enough to articulate a sentence.
“So, this is where you… work?”
“You could say that, yes. As you may have guessed, I am not a mortal. I am a kitsune.” 
“Do spirits usually work in host clubs?”
“They do when their pact holder is a host club owner, ehehe.”
It makes a lot of sense, you suppose. 
“...I suppose I’m wondering how any of this works… How did you know to look like Mai?”
You’re a simple numan, lacking in any tangible magic ability. While this sort of thing doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility, it’s hard for you to wrap your head around it, without the relevant experience with the arcane.
“When someone calls the number, Mama uses divination magic to determine who the person most wants to see. Then I, or one of his other familiars, assume the form of said person, and feed off of all the positive energy radiating from the client during the appointment. I can use that energy to assist Mama better in their other magic work.”
Ah, well. That certainly explains some things.“ You had your suspicions around how you felt so deeply fatigued after each date with ‘Mai’, and it’s a relief to have them confirmed. “But why do all of this? Couldn’t you just feed off on energy without going through so much trouble?”
“I could… but I think this way is better. Energy for me, gold for Mama’s business, and the customer is happy. I get what I want, Mama gets what he wants, the customers get what they want.” He elegantly fills your glass back up from the bottle with his free hand. “It’s a fair trade. And I always stop before there’s permanent damage- no one ever gets hurt.”
“What about the client’s feelings, though? Those must get hurt sometimes.”
“Oh?” Kanae tilts their head, seemingly confused by the prospect.
“Well, when they find out it’s not real. Doesn’t it hurt their feelings?”
“...Maybe…? I’ve never really thought about it. It's just fun, right? Either way, that doesn’t usually happen. Most people simply stop calling, for one reason or another… What you did was highly abnormal…”
You can still detect a bit of discomfort on his end with his last sentence, like you’re plucking on a raw nerve. His fingers tighten against the creases on your pants like claws, just slightly, before releasing the tension.
“I truly am sorry. I didn’t intend for it to turn out the way it did.” You let out a sigh. “I just wanted to see if you were… really her, I suppose.”
“It's true. I'm not her- I can never truly be her.” He says firmly, but with a bit of regret. “I'm sorry that I misled you.”
“There’s… no need to apologize, really.” You say, putting down the glass of liquor with a smile. “I'm actually quite glad.”
“Mmm?” Kanae tilts his head and reaches up tentatively, hand creeping up your shoulder, then the nape of your neck, before twining their slender fingers in your hair.
“I like you much better.”
“...Is that s-so?” He can’t keep his face from pulling into a smirk, his eyes blatantly on your mouth. “Hahah… I’m supposed to be the one doing the flattering here, you know…”
You've begun to lean in before you realize it, and the gentle hand touching the nape of your neck helps guide you into a soft kiss.
Spirits. His lips are just as soft as before, when you still thought you were kissing Mai.
You can’t even draw much of comparison to anyone you’ve kissed before, past that. He’s an exceptionally good kisser, with his affection for you clear in the way he savors your bottom lip. The desire is palpable in each graze of his teeth or swipe of his tongue.
The scent from before is much stronger now, with your face so close to him. It’s underneath the overlaying smoky, spiced smell of bar; there’s a more familiar scent, a musk almost like earth that’s just been rained on. You recognize it- it’s the same underlying note you sometimes detected under the strong floral of Mai’s favorite perfume, but had thought nothing of before.
You can’t stop.
You’re so enraptured, you barely even register that you’re kissing so deeply in plain view of anyone else in the establishment that happens to look this way. Not that anyone could probably even see what you’re doing, with the mood lighting in this place…
Kanae must not hate it, either; you can feel the sincerely desperate, hungry way his hands grope at your thigh. That’s certainly not the way someone that is just doing their job touches a client.
“I want to keep seeing you, Kanae.” You sneak the words out around trying not to gasp for air.  “Is that something that’s possible?”
“I’d like that too, hah-” You can hear the clear relief in his voice between the kisses he peppers onto your lips, your jaw, your neck. “I can’t bear the idea of never meeting again. Everyone else is so boring now. They’re not fun like you.”
You capture his lips in yours again, this time quickly losing track of time.
It’s several garbled music tracks later when Kanae pulls back with a laugh, the leather booth squeaking slightly with the sudden movement.
“Ah- I’m enjoying myself, but your time slot is almost up. And Mama hates when I go over time.” He smirks, pressing his fingertip to your bottom lip. “But… would you maybe like to come up to my room with me instead?”
You have never agreed to anything so readily in your entire life.
Kanae leads you to a narrow hallway, where behind a split curtain bearing the character for PRIVATE, there's a small set of creaky stairs. Despite the general shady look of the area he’s leading you through, when he opens a door at the end of the hall and shows you inside, you’re pleasantly surprised.
Despite the size and sparseness of the space, it’s very tidy and cozy; a strange mix of clinical and inviting. It looks almost as if someone had started to attempt to decorate a standard-issue hotel room, but didn’t quite know how to personalize it effectively. Clearly whomever decorated had an eye for design similar to that of a bird; most of the things are more here for their level of shine or sentiment, rather than objective monetary value.
Some things you certainly do recognize though. Every gift that you’ve given to Kanae while he was in Mai’s form is somewhere to be found in this room. The slightly out of place jewelry and perfume sitting on the small, faded wardrobe. Peaks of clothes that you recognize peeking out of the narrow, full-to-bursting closet. Even the pitiful little wall-eyed fox plush from your first ‘date’ is here, sitting propped against the oversized pillow atop the slightly unkempt bed. 
It warms your heart to see that he’s kept everything you’ve given him…
“This is your room, then? It’s quite cute.” You lose your shoes by the cramped entryway before entering the room proper.
“Thank you. Please make yourself comfortable. It’s not much, but Mama makes sure we all have our own space.”
You take a seat on the bed, as Kanae gestures for you to do. Then he climbs onto the bed after you, pushing you backwards by the shoulders with a laugh and a set of hungry, toothy kisses.
After making some minor positioning adjustments for both of your comfort, you’re fully sprawled out on top of his fluffy bedspread. Kanae is hovering over you, sitting on his tucked knees, flush to your side.
You grab the stuffed fox you’ve fallen back onto by the head like your hand’s a crane game claw- gently- and place it on the nearby nightstand, facing away. Or at least you think it is…
Kanae makes a noise of approval and his hands dexterously unbutton the front of your dress shirt, exposing your chest. He leans in to press his lips to the expanse of skin along the top of your pec, hands continuing to work down the buttons and wisps of styled orange hair tickling you.
After a bit of teasing, well-needed attention, he finally pulls up with a gasp, looking down at your flushed skin with a look of pride. 
“So, is this what you normally look like?” You ask, your curiosity starting to burn a hole in your tongue as badly as the heat suddenly burning up your face. Your hands are already running down his sides, getting dangerously close to the base of his spine. “I like it.”
“Yes and no. This is my favorite face, so to speak. Mama gave it to me when he retired, since he wasn’t using it anymore. His face is my face now.” He tilts his head, displaying his own beautiful features to you with a look of pride as he shrugs out of his vest and then starts to explore your chest with his hands. “Or at least the one that feels the most like my own. My true form looks much different than this.”
That’s the familiarly you’re seeing in his face, you realize. Your mind finally draws the connection between the features of the man in front of you and the bombastic club owner downstairs, though they’re much more youthful on Kanae.
You can't say you're not intrigued by the idea of what Kanae really looks like- something similar to that glimpse of shadow you saw when his mask fell off, you wager- but a more pressing question enters your mind first.
“Wouldn’t he mind you using his face for, uh… certain activities?”
“Oh- I don’t think he minds at all- He certainly doesn’t look like this now, after all, ehehe.” A faint, mischievous smile settles on his lips, and for a moment you swear you catch a glimpse of vulpine eye teeth. “I don’t mind. …Do you?”
His hands wanders to your waistband, waiting for a response.
“...N-No.” You can’t find it in you to feel shame about it- the difference in looks is wide enough for you to choose to simply delete that information from your mind forever.
He makes a noise of approval, then turns his attention to your still fastened slacks, making short work of your belt and zipper and making room to pull your dick out from your pants. His hand is squeezing you around the base testingly, soft but firm pressure, before he moves his fingers upwards in a few slow, drawn out strokes.
Then, abruptly and without any ceremony, he reaches over and thrusts his hand under the oversized pillow behind your head, hand re-emerging moments later with a small jar of viscous liquid.
You cock your head in surprise, though the sight isn’t something that surprises you for long. Of course Kanae keeps his lube underneath his pillow; that suits him perfectly.
Lukewarm slick dribbles onto your cock from the bottle, the continued loving movements of Kanae’s palm and fingers spreading it across the length of your shaft with soft, squelching noises.
Kanae watches the movements of his hand glide up and down your slippery cock with a diligent smile. His bright eyes flick up occasionally to monitor your expression.
“Nngh-” You wince, unable to keep the grunt of impatience from your chest. You’ve been waiting to feel his touch again for so long, and now that it’s happening, all you can think about is getting more.
Kanae laughs softly at your desperately eager state.
“Oh… Do you like this?” He asks in an innocent tone. You know he’s being coy, given the fact he’s already stroking you in your favorite way- clearly retaining the knowledge from the times he’s done this to you before as ‘Mai’.
“I think you know full well-” You huff, your whole body beginning to heat up.
You watch down your body, rapt as your eyes follow Kanae's hand enthusiastically servicing you. You've gone from excited and half-hard to rock solid and throbbing in his hand in no time.
“Mmm… Looks like someone is ready for more. This soon, even.” He sighs, thumb tip dragging the edge of your foreskin up and pressing into the well of accumulated precum on your slit. “It’s just so hard to be patient, isn't it…?”
“I've never been with a man like this,” You admit, slight hesitancy in your tone. While you've always found men attractive as well, you’ve been with Mai for most of your young adulthood, so you haven't had much opportunity to explore any of that. “So, please excuse my inexperience.”
“Mmh- Don’t worry, honey.” Kanae says in a reassuring, affectionate tone as he removes his pants and straddles you.“I’ll take care of everything.”
You can feel his hardness press against your thigh, and there’s a clear small patch of wetness on the front tail of the button-up he still wears. The sight makes you want to explode.
“Ah- Are you sure?” Despite how lovely the prospect sounds, you’re typically very invested in making sure you’re giving proper service to your partner, so the idea of just laying back and leaving all the work to Kanae makes you a bit uncomfortable.
“Yes,” Kanae says, eyes glinting mischievously. “I’ve already prepared myself.”
“That’s-” You’re only distracted by the way the thought makes your dick twitch by the seemingly impossible logistics. “Wait, when did you have time to do that?”
“Before I came to the table earlier.” Kanae says simply, smirking without a lick of guilt in their expression- instead oozing a perverse sort of pride. “I had the hope that since you showed up- you’d want to do this.”
The dumbstruck grin on your face turns into an open-mouthed groan as he lowers his prepped hole onto your cock. He grins your chest for balance and presses himself down eagerly, inching down your shaft faster than you'd expect; you expect he must know what he's doing.
Kanae lets out a long, dreamy sigh that changes into a faltering whimper as he reaches the root of your dick, flesh grinding against your pelvic bone.
“Aah- Amazing-” You choke out into the back of your hand, already slightly dazed by the tight, warm feeling of his body squeezing around you.
He starts out with a gentle rocking, but it doesn’t take long for him to lose his sense of restraint and build up to riding you with a forceful, reckless sense of urgency.
“Ah-h-” Kanae grimaces, his features flickering and threatening to change like they did before, when he had lost his mask. “S-Sorry- I don’t think I can k-keep this up- Nngh-”
“What’s wrong? Does it hurt?” You lift your torso slightly, ready to help if he needs it.
“No- the opposite-” They pant sheepishly, obviously struggling hard to keep their form cohesively looking like his host persona. “Too good! Can't- focus-”
“Should we stop?”
“Don’t want to- but-”
“It's okay- Hah- Y-You can show me what you look like-” Your fingers dig into his thighs for emphasis. “You can trust me, Kanae-”
Kanae lets out a vulpine whimper in the last lingering bit of protest he has left in him, but doesn’t need more convincing than that to let the illusion drop.
The elven features melt away in waves, starting at the crown of his head, sloughing off his shoulders and dripping down his nimble fingertips. His skin loses its flesh color, changing instead to an almost ghostly partially translucent black color, like a light wash of ink. His body is still solid despite looking like a silhouette, but softer and malleable. You can feel your fingertips dig in ever so slightly more into his thigh than before.
And of course, his face becomes completely smooth, changing into a recognizable, simple mask with fox-like features painted onto its pearlescent surface.
“Aah-” Even Kanae’s voice has a slightly echoing, ethereal aspect to it now, and his shiny claws struggle to not tear into where he holds you down by shoulders. “Nnh-”
Despite Kanae’s initial protests, you are largely unfazed by the change. If anything, you’re even more enamored by the change. You can’t help yourself, thrusting upwards into the new, slippier sensation of Kanae’s partially incorporeal body. His body feels as oddly damp and slick as the surface of his mask.
His claws prick your skin as he pointedly grinds backwards a few times, any self-consciousness forgotten in his single-minded pursuit.
“Ggrr-ngh-” A growl tapers off in Kanae’s throat as his body goes completely rigid, his insides clench around you in a vice-grip and he keens, shooting his pleasure across your stomach.
It’s too much. You don’t have any hope of containing yourself any longer, and hold him firmly to you by his sides as you roll your hips upwards through the feeling of your orgasm. Your muscles contracting so hard you momentarily forget to breathe, warmth spreading out over where you’re still lodged inside of him.
Kanae lets himself sink forward onto your chest, energy completely depleted, with his arms tucked up and hands curled on your chest. You can see the brush tip of his tail twitching from your view down his back.
“Kanae, will you be mine?” You say as you finally regain enough breath to speak coherently. “I want to be with you.”
“Ahah- I-” The expression on the mask doesn’t change, but you can hear his voice waver in muted, but elated excitement. His tail whips behind him even faster. “I’d like that.”
You press a soft, affectionate kiss to the smooth, solid surface of his mask, feeling the coolness on your lips.
You may have lost a lot in the past year, but what you’ve managed to keep means so much more to you.
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13 notes · View notes
phyrestartr · 1 month
Divine Favour | Sukuna x Kitsune!Reader (Pt.1)
W/C: 3.5k #full is NSFW, mild yuuji/reader, yuuji and gang are v early 20s, heian sukuna, male reader, typical kitsune shapeshifting, mentions of abuse, canon typical violence, morally grey reader, sukuna has FEELINGS but is BAD AT FEELINGS, unhealthy relationships, power imbalance, dubcon elements, soz if anything is clunky asdkjf; i can only reread the same fic so many times for editing sadge
A/N: Decided to separate this into parts since I'm dying to post some of it lol I've held it in a chokehold in the shadows of my WIPs for too long, some of it has to come out before I explode o(--( there is more to come!
tag: @nyanwko @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9
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The scripture was incomplete, worn away by age.
…herein lays the God...imprisoned...by...Disgraced One…
Yet the society felt this, the coffin uncovered decades ago, could be an invaluable asset. The vessel was decrepit and ancient, yet still stood strong against the test of time and the wear of nature. Seal papers, no doubt left by a monk of sorts, covered the entirety of its surface, hiding away rotting wood and rusted bands of metal from modern sorcerer's curious eyes.
Few knew why the higher ups kept the vessel under lock and key. Fewer knew why they kept it at all; however, those few understood the importance of such a relic. They'd been the ones to seek it out, to steal it away before malicious forces took it for themselves, warping the supposed deity inside for their own, malevolent purpose, whatever that may be.
And with Ryoumen Sukuna's fingers being found one by one, they could not allow anyone to possess humanity's failsafe: you. A great being imprisoned by the devil.
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“Anything?” Gojo trilled, patting Yuuji’s shoulders frantically as he stood behind him and beheld the wooden tub covered in sigils. 
“Uh…” Yuuji tried to focus on Sukuna’s presence inside of him. He didn’t seem intrigued or frightened, nor did he seem too bothered with the idea of them trying to smite him down with a sealed god–he was, however, annoyed that Yuuji continued to poke and prod at him. 
Piss off, runt. 
“Yep. Nope. Sukuna doesn't care,” Yuuji sighed. “He's getting all pissy now that I'm bothering him, though.” 
Gojo laughed and patted Yuuji's shoulders a few more times before all but twirling towards the bound box. “Well, that's a pretty good sign that he's not the one that did this, then! In that case,” he started, walking up to the seal papers keeping everything locked down, “let's pop ‘er open.” 
Before Yuuji could even wonder if that was a good idea, the white-haired witch used an overzealous amount of cursed energy and disintegrated every scrap of seal paper. 
Yuuji braced for impact. Surely something terrible like a bankai or a spirit bomb would send them flying once the coffin came undone. Surely they'd pay for this, for unleashing whatever godly spirit laid locked up for far too long, only to release it back into the modern age and–
“Huh. Weird.”
Yuuji cracked open an eye and saw the dull shine of tattered onyx fur, and his control slipped with a blitz of vertigo. 
Markings flared across his skin as he stormed toward the coffin, heart howling with thoughts and memories crashing through a shared mind; a face he didn't know but knew so well bloomed at the forefront of it all, eyes framed in pointed scarlet, skin bathed in ancient, dappled sunlight.
They reached the edge of the coffin and gripped the edges, splintering the wood as they took in the sight; crimson and curse decay pooled around a figure, curled up and half-submerged. Several black, tattered tails spilled free from the tub, no longer crushed from the force of the lid sealing them inside, but they were bent awkwardly and matted with whatever tincture lay at the bottom.
Then there was the so-called god in the middle of it all–you. Still. Quiet. Curled up in a haori far too big for you. Eyes closed. Almost peaceful.
Confusion tore at Sukuna while nausea ripped through Yuuji; he couldn't bear to look at such a morose scene.
So, Sukuna pushed him aside.
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[Heian Era]
You were never supposed to be anything more than a trinket. 
You were a gift from some family trying to show off for Sukuna, so much so that they offered him a delicacy, something he surely didn't have yet–a yokai. A kitsune, to be more exact. One with peculiar black tails. 
Sukuna found it interesting, and similarly desperate, to be brought such a creature as tribute. Certainly, it was meant to be seen as a high honour, yet somehow it felt…off. Why would humans give up something so powerful? 
Unexpectedly, it'd be you who told him. 
They submit me for the sake of convenience and mockery, your withering voice whispered where no one else could hear. You sounded weak. Tired. Maybe afraid, yet brave enough to reach towards the king and unveil the intentions of the men who brought you before him. 
Sukuna's eyes flicked to you, his feigned interest in what the sorcerers said falling straight into dismissal. You were much more intriguing. 
“Oh?” Sukuna asked, a smile creeping onto his face. The speakers ceased their jabbering and stared at your back with fierce intensity. Sukuna grinned wider. Oh, how he loved the way fear twisted mortal faces. 
You didn't shift or crumple into yourself under the eyes of so many, however. You pushed on with what little energy and life you had, so intent on dragging that clan through the mud. 
What I say is true, you assured simply. I expect to die today–
“Speak so everyone hears you, fox,” Sukuna commanded.
“--so I–I–” you coughed and cleared your throat, trying to rid your voice of the scratchy, weakness it struggled through. “I wish to not die with regrets.
"They have rendered me ill and unable to produce children, they see the black of my tails and regard me as an ill omen; yet they bring me to you, daring to spin sweet tales about the value of such an offering. But they lie,” You hissed. Your eyes glinted with molten malice, and Sukuna fell captivated.
“They throw me to you as they would diseased meat to dogs.” 
The courtyard fell silent, and Sukuna basked in it. You really were such a little troublemaker. A quietly chaotic force of nature. 
The king stood, rolling his shoulders as he did, and his pride flared as you dropped to your knees before him in respect. He walked to you and patted your head as one might a child's before appraising the sorcerers stood before him. 
“What a disappointment,” Sukuna sighed, raising another hand. The couple took up position, pooling their cursed energy in hopes of fending off the monster standing before them. The effort was quite cute. “Here I thought your clan might actually earn my mercy.” His hand dropped as the two lunged. Then, the two clansmen fell, too, both in neat, vertical halves. Quite overkill, yes, but he had a point to make. 
Where he expected a reaction from you, he got nothing. Only panting and poorly-stifled coughs came from you, racking through the entirety of your skin and bones frame. Sukuna could see it up close now, the way your body trembled from fatigue, the sickly greying of your skin, the scent of disease clinging to you. 
That wouldn't do. Sukuna liked his things to be in good shape. 
“Uraume,” Sukuna droned as he stared down at you, “fix this.”
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It took some time, but you managed to recover. It was an unnerving experience, with the way Uraume tended to you with sincerity. Perhaps it was genuinity born from their devotion to Ryoumen Sukuna, but you greedily soaked it in, filling your stomach with the care they offered you. 
Sukuna didn't bother much with you, not that you really minded; you were much more content to be fed and forgotten than hunted down by the creature that supposedly took ownership of you without enforcing it. If he didn't cause harm or good, if he simply existed somewhere else and forgot you breathed the same air as him, you'd still be at peace. 
But he was more intrigued than you gave him credit for. 
“Ho? So this is where you scamper off to,” Sukuna hummed, leaning over you as you dozed in the nice little spot you'd made for yourself in the garden, right under the crimson cover of a maple tree. You jumped the slightest bit, your daydreams and sunbathing interrupted by the brute’s silhouette eclipsing the sun, but you settled again quickly. The beast of a man wasn't a cause for panic in your little world, after all. 
“Does it displease you?” You inquired, fixing your hair and straightening out your robes. 
Sukuna held onto an overhead branch of the tree as he looked down at you. “Pets are supposed to play in the yard, aren't they?” He smirked as you pursed your lips and flicked your tail before calming it with hasty pets. “What, you don't like being my pet?” 
“I would not refer to myself as a pet,” you countered as the man sat down with you and leaned against the tree. The king's presence calmed you. With him, you knew you were invincible. 
“Pft. Then pray tell what your damn role is around here.” One set of arms folded behind his head while the other set crossed over his chest. “Pets are freeloaders. Pretty sure that's exactly what you are.”
You huffed. “Freeloader. Tch. How rude.” 
“Lookit that. You're copping an attitude now that you're fat and fed. Used to be so much more polite.” 
“Fat and–I am not fat.” You headbutted his side lightly, something that would make more sense had you been in your fox form. You grinding your forehead against him suggested this was more of a human move, however. “I am perfectly normal now. I was brittle and nonexistent prior to now. This is a grand improvement.”
Sukuna scoffed a laugh and looked down at your head pressed up against his side. “Thanks to me,” he boasted. 
“Yes,” you agreed. You held onto his haori and looked up at him, placid and intense. “It is thanks to you. I would not be here if not for your mercy and intervention.” 
Sukuna raised a brow as he regarded you. “Hm. And what will you do to repay me?” 
“My very presence grants you luck, good fortune and fertility.” You tilted your head. “I already repay you by being here.”
Tch. But the gardens and surrounding lands did look more lush and lively since your arrival, he couldn't deny that fact. But he was a king; he could always ask for more and expect to get it. 
“What more?” He prodded.
Your tail flicked as you thought. “What would you ask of me?” 
“Something you haven't given another,” Sukuna replied. Ugh, your flowery, poetry-y, bullshit speak was rubbing off on him. 
You stared at him, gemstone eyes glinting with earthen hues and shards of gold in the yawning afternoon sun. The leaves bristled just perfectly, letting in dapples of citrus sunlight as if trying to make this moment something special, as if to burn your ethereal presence into history for all eternity. All this, just while you thought of what to give him. Perhaps a riddle is what you wanted. Perhaps purple prose suited your fancy. Perhaps it was something else. 
You sat up, carefully raising yourself onto your knees before leaning up towards the hulking king. He turned his face to you in interest, feeling a sort of natural energy begin to pool around the both of you, reaching from the far depths of the earth and the wide stretch of the sky to converge on your existence as you framed his face with gentle hands, and placed a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth. 
It lasted only a second. But a second was long enough to catch the scent of petrichor and petals on your skin, to indulge in the heat of wildfires raging in your soul, to feel the blasphemy of you against him; then, you parted. 
“For now,” you murmured, and Sukuna swore he saw your single tail fan out into nine, “I give you my divine favor, Ryoumen Sukuna.”
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You wondered if your favor was enough. He'd been gone some time, off to accept a duel from the snotty shitheads Sukuna had received you from. Apparently, having two of the eldest boys murdered rubbed them the wrong way. Sukuna was glad for it, you knew–the man lived and breathed for a fight. 
Of course, you stayed put. Uraume assured you'd be fine on your own, and Sukuna reminded his staff they'd all be eaten alive by the king himself if anything uncouth were to take place in his absence. It was more so that Sukuna didn't like the idea of idiots touching his stuff than it was the notion you were important to him, from your understanding. 
Regardless, the time alone left you restless. That king made you invincible. Without him, you were nothing more than the scared kit locked away in darkness, never to emerge lest your stubbornness trick them. But things were different here. Everyday was filled with unknowns and uncertainties when the two you'd forged fragile bonds with fell absent. 
So, you thought of how to repay Sukuna. Your divine favor would only do so much, after all–you didn't think a man like that really needed the extra luck, but he seemed more than intrigued by the manner of delivering the blessing; you remembered how he looked at you, eyes half-lidded, shielding you from the inferno burning out of control. He grumbled something low in his chest, just loud enough that you heard: 
You better be here when I get back.
“Ah–” The thrill those catastrophic words gave you nearly led to stabbing yourself with the needle. You tutted and regained focus, continuing to carefully embroider the sleeves of one of Sukuna's many plain black haori.
You learned how to sew and embroider from watching an elder from that clan work her magic on old, tattered clothes. She never spoke to you nor regarded you, but she never turned you away the rare times you watched her fix garments; you thought it was beautiful–the art of turning something mundane into something meaningful.
Though you wondered if Ryoumen Sukuna, the most powerful sorcerer, the most feared man alive, had a desire for anything useless and meaningful. 
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The answer came quickly. You'd found yourself void of confidence when the monarch returned to his palace after (obviously) winning whatever duel he'd agreed to; you weren't sure if you were to congratulate him, celebrate him or something more. On top of that, he'd eventually find that haori you'd slaved over for days, and you weren't sure you could take the heartbreak of dismissal. 
However, those fears were quashed when, from a new little secret garden hovel, you spied the man donning the very haori you slaved over; it wasn't a flashy piece, you didn't want to subtract from the marvel that was the king of curses, so you opted for using black, shimmery thread to weave intricate twisting trees and blackened blooms along the sleeve. Only if the design caught the light would one be able to notice it. 
But that was enough for you. Knowing he accepted such a meaningless gift was reassuring of your place in his world. 
So, you finally let Uraume convince you to stay in the room they'd prepared for you. 
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“No need to be nervous,” you hummed, that undying urge inside you to take care of something helping you soothe the young woman's nerves. You fixed her hair, your deft fingers carefully slipping strands into place before sliding a decorative pin in to hold it all together. You took a step back to appraise her, Sukuna's latest concubine. 
“I–thank you.” Sachiko blushed fiercely and bowed the slightest bit, not risking a deep bow for the fear of her hair falling loose. “I can see why all the girls love you.” 
You laughed, low and warm. “Well, it's hard not to love someone who takes care of you, no?” Gently, you tilted her chin up and leaned in, carefully examining the red lacquer staining her lips. The colour matched her kimono and the gems in that exquisite hairpin keeping dark locks at bay. “But I'm glad. I know it's difficult to find respite in these times.” 
Sachiko held her breath as she looked over the natural paint of crimson adorning your eyes. “I-I, um–yes, I do agree.” 
You hummed and carefully fixed the smallest smudge on the corner of her mouth. “Mh. So I hope you do your best to please him.” 
“I will!” Sachiko promised. “But–I wish to–may I give you something?” 
“Of course.” 
She gathered her kimono up in her hands and leaned up toward you. You leaned down, expecting a secret or hushed words, but perfect red lips pressed against your skin instead. And you were dumbfounded; you'd never been kissed before. You'd never had a lady show that interest in you. 
Sachiko got down from her tiptoes and hid her mouth with her sleeve. “Just for good luck!” She squeaked before bowing and hastily running through the doors where Sukuna would no doubt be waiting for his woman for the evening’s events. 
You looked at the doors sliding closed and caught a glimpse of Sukuna stood before the young woman, his frame swallowing hers as you looked on. And you caught a glimpse of his eyes, his stare of shock and utter vexation–clearly, he'd seen the short woman give you a kiss for good luck. 
You turned away, choosing to abandon the girl to her demise as your fingers ghosted against your lips in wonder. 
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He showed up in your chambers later that night. You were still awake, quietly embroidering another haori; this time, it was for Uraume. They insisted they didn't want to burden you, but they crumbled under your more insistent insistence, and accepted the offer on the condition it looked subtle and muted. 
Sukuna padded toward you, hardly bothering to announce himself or ask to join you (ugh, how annoying) before plopping himself onto the futon beside you, sighing as he laid down. 
“I see you finished early,” you commented, jumping the littlest bit when large hands caught your flickering tails. He didn't hurt you, no; he was simply an overgrown toddler with a penchant for examining whatever wiggled before him. 
“That woman kissed you,” Sukuna answered, unhelpful. “Ruined it.” 
“Ah. Well. I didn't expect it either.” You cleared your throat, feeling an unexpected bubble of embarrassment rise in your chest. “I have…I've never been given a kiss before. Not from what I can recall, at the very least.” 
“The hell are you talking about?” Sukuna grouched. “You planted one on me in the gardens.” 
“Giving is not receiving,” you corrected, flicking your tail so as to hit his face. “I've never given a kiss on another's lips, regardless. Though I find myself wondering why I–” 
You yowled when he yanked your tail like he meant to rip the thing off, and you whirled on him, eyes drawn into slits and chunky fangs bared as you dug your nails into his wrist in an effort to make him let go.
Yet the king looked unfazed. He sat up and  tugged you closer by your tail, yank after yank, ripping an impressive collection of vexed noises from you until his broad hand caught you by the throat. You clawed at his wrist and forearm, scrambling to find purchase, idly wondering if he'd finally had enough of you and sought to put you down after dirtying one of his concubines–
But he kissed you instead. His lips were warm and dry, not quite soft yet not unwelcoming. Sukuna knew what he was doing, too; his tongue licked at your bottom lip before pushing inside to finally taste you and taint you from within just a little bit. 
Your grip on him laxed the slightest bit, and you even eased into his hold as he, too, refused to harm you further. If you weren't aware of his malevolent spirit, you might've thought him gentle in that long, simple moment–a special brand of “gentle” that was wholly Sukuna's. Kind, but jagged around the edges. 
He started pulling back, though, and you followed after his touch like a bewitched maiden chasing after the lips of a lover. You nipped at the air like that'd do something for you, but soon settled on leaning into the hand holding you still, even if your throat scratched and ached because of it. 
You found Sukuna's calm stare watching you when you opened your eyes a crack. For once, you thought he looked content; the cruel, mocking lines of his face had smoothed and relaxed, and that annoying, cocky smirk he'd been born sporting had been replaced with a placid, normal lilt. Even the inferno blazing in crimson depths eased into pools of yawning embers–warm and spirited, yet contained. 
The sight relaxed you despite the confusion it brought to your rationale. 
“That,” Sukuna said, so odd and quiet, but powerful and judicial. “Is your first.” His thumb stroked against the side of your neck, pausing to feel the pitter patter of your heart thrumming under his mercy. “It'd serve you to remember that.” 
You nodded shallowly. “Of course.” 
Pleased, he let go of your quite breakable neck and moved like he was about to get up. You grabbed at his hand and pressed his palm to the side of your face like he was cupping your cheek. Your insistence on touching gave the beast pause, but he settled again, content to let you keep him hostage for as long as you wanted.
And you indulged in the simple favour. You nuzzled into his palm with a very fox-like chitter as a bassy, quiet trill of a purr lazily rolled through your chest, eventually reaching Sukuna himself. It somehow had him feeling content. Relaxed. Like he was basking in the warmth of the sun. 
“I request another,” you chirped, and Sukuna quirked a brow. 
Sukuna twitched a smirk. “It'll cost ya.” 
“Give me another blessing.”
And you agreed.
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cumtastiics · 5 months
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cosmicck · 11 months
dude sorry lol💀 I didn’t notice the 1000 event. Although, now that I see it, could I request prompt 29? With Miguel O’hara if possible… bottom reader preferably, don’t care if sub or dom
thanks for reading this and I’m sorry for wasting your time
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★miguel o'hara x male reader(nsfw)
★genre: smut
★warning(s): subtop miguel, dombottom reader, drinking miguels booby milk(might be a little gross the way i write things), dick riding(miguel gotta be a good 10 inches), miguel whimpers(real), kind of cringe titty talk, short fic i think, oh shit yeah and size kink, and reader doesn't need a web shooter
★a/n: i always add some extra shit bro also never say sorry for wasting my time(actually dont please) also im listening to tell me by fifty fifty😘
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you liked..no loved miguels tits. now it was kind of embarrassing to say it out loud to yourself but god, just look at them they were so big looking and fit him just right in a way you could very clearly explain if someone would just let you.
you were dating sure, but the urge to just squeeze them right where he stood no matter who was around it was just the damn urge to do so.
but no one said you couldn't do that in private now could they? all you were gonna ask for is one gentle squeeze and then you'd be finished. but one gentle squeeze turned into a few rough ones, that turned into you on top of him your ass slamming down onto his dick. his hands tight secure on your waist his nails retracted simply for your saftey.
"god..if only you could see yourself." if only he could, that look on his face was everything you needed in life he was so adorable looking, the way he kept trying to speak but whimpers and loud moans kept replacing them instead.
his face dripping with swear the strands of his hair sticking to his forehead his nipples perked which started to get you to wonder something. just a little curiosity, it wouldn't kill him.
you leaned down sticking out your tongue flicking the bud using your teeth to slightly pull at it before wrapping your mouth around it fully and sucking harshly.
his hands tried to pry you off but that was annoying, your fingers pressed against the edge of your palm, webs shooting out to make both of his hands stick to the head board.
"(m/n)— what the hell are you- fuck.." his hustle ended quick enough as your other hand fiddled with his other pec you fingers twirling his nipple around and pinching it getting such ear melting sounds and reactions out of him.
what a genius you are to think of something like this. having such a big guy under you whimpering with just the few touches of your finger? i mean sure minus the fact your still sitting on his dick rocking your hips occasionally it was such a sight to see him come un-done simply because of you.
looking up you saw his face was getting more twisted with pleasure almost as if something was coming, well you were right and wrong in your own mind. as you continued to suck you felt something fill your mouth there wasn't that much of it but you still felt it and his reaction was priceless.
every bit of it you swallowed, you could describe it tasting like sweet milk even something way different than semen. sitting up and licking your lips taking a deep breath and looking over to his other breast.
he was already out of breath and it seemed like he was trying to use his nail to unbind himself but you weren't done just yet. might as well stop moving your hips for him and just cockwarm him with your mouth all around his other nipple.
"miguel i hope you know we aren't finished." you gave him a small peck on his forehead then whispering something in his ear.
"this one looks a little neglected don't you think?"
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i fucking hate the ending bro also update im listening to the vampire😍😍 @gaybitchfx @esthxio @secretivemessenger @vyloy @bloodyfennec @kitsune-yuhhh @reallyromealone i feel like im missin someone
oh well
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kisakis-boyfriend · 6 months
An Oni's Beloved
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Pairings: Yae Miko x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, oni!reader, sub/bottom!Miko, size difference, breeding, rough sex, public sex, fingering, eating out
Genre/Format: Smut; Headcannons & scenarios
Author's Note: Requested by @ninjacomix !! Check out the original thirst right here!
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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Lil size queen Miko 🩷
Miss kitsune loves the fact that you're big (in more ways than one)
You tower over her delicate frame in and out of the bedroom easily. Honestly it can be a challenge for Miko not to get turned on even when you're doing something innocent, such as holding hands or standing next to her...
Slinging an arm around her little waist and grabbing her hip with your much larger hand gets the lady dripping with need rather quickly
Depending on how many people are around, you might just slip your fingers in between her thighs and rub her pussy right then and there
This is usually the first step to full-on public fucking
Miko's milky thighs instinctually spread to make room for your hand as you rub over her folds, spreading the newly forming wetness as it accumulates at her entrance
“Ooh... D-darling...come now, th-the other– other shrine maidens will see this...” The kitsune softly moans. Unbeknownst to her, she's already begun to rock against your hand as it wedges between her legs, soon to be knuckle-deep in her wet cunt
Your teasing yet authoritative voice brings a beautiful blush to Miko's cheeks and nose as you ask, “And when has that stopped us before? I seem to recall a time as early as last week when you were stretched on my cock right here— up against the Grand Narukami Shrine.” The smirk in your tone was quite obvious, and it's not like you weren't telling the truth... Miko's urges often lead to risky romps during her duties
“Haah... M-more...more more moremoremore—!! Please, darling– aa-aaahh~ ” Always one to give in to her libido, Miko clung to your muscular arm and whined into your skin for relief. You rolled your eyes playfully, obliging your girlfriend by dragging her around the corner of the building where they hand out fortune slips
Miko braces herself against the wall after you lightly shove her against it, biting her pink lips to prevent any indecent noises from giving away your location. Her clothing is quickly lifted and stuffed into her mouth, muffling whatever was soon to come out
The kitsune's thighs squeeze together as the open air sends a little chill throughout her body; now exposed from the waist down. Your cock is freed from your pants, stiff and ready to fill a tight hole to its maximum capacity. First, you'll fuck Yae Miko's thighs, lubing yourself up in the process. Then you'll slap your dick against her glistening cunt, earning a stifled whimper from your lover as her hole clenches and releases a string of slick
Finally, you'll push half of your massive cock inside — groaning while Miko squeezes your length. Even with her pussy dripping everywhere, the initial stretch still hurts a bit. You have to allow the little thing a minute to adjust. Once she does though, you fuck the life out of her
You're not even trying to be quiet after a few minutes inside Miko's pussy, it's gripping you so fucking tightly, warm and slick with need. Just how you fuckin' like it. The poor maiden handing out the fortune slips can barely hide the look on her face as she recognizes the animalistic grunting from behind her stall. You're moaning expletives with every snap of your hips into your girlfriend's tight cunt, growling downright disgusting things above her while you both lose yourselves in carnal pleasure
By the time you're finally done, Yae Miko's thighs are shaking violently while thick lines of cum run down them. Staining her skin with the sticky substance and the smell of sex. If anyone looks down they will definitely notice the globs of cum accumulating at the head maiden's ankles. Your cum
Speaking of dirty talk...Miko fucking loses it whenever you break out the dirty talk 🥴
She's always so composed, but once you whisper or growl filthy words into Miko's ears? She's gone. Her brain is consumed by horniness
“Fuck, baby... You were made to take oni cock, weren't ya?” She's instantly cumming
“Yeah, take it. Take the whole thing, doll. Gonna fuck your womb and fill ya up~” She's clenching around your cock, milking you for all you're worth 🩷
“This is what you wanted, right? Wanted this fat fuckin' oni dick to ruin your cunt? Isn't that what you said, babe?” Yes, yes it was~
“Haah...yer my little cumdump, aren't you? Mine. My own personal oni breeding meat, yeah?” Yes! Fuck yeah she is!! 🥴
Miss Yae Miko is also a cumslut & creampie queen!
Cum in her, cum on her anywhere, just give her every drop. Please? 🥺
Cover her perky breasts in your seed, shoot some on her wet tongue too~ Cover her lithe body in that thick fluid~
But also! B R E E D her puh-lease!! Give her all of your little oni babies!! Miko will beg so sweetly for your sperm swimming around in her little womb 💞
She's very much the type of lady to melt when you softly eat her pussy after you creampie her!
Let her relax and lay back on a comfy surface, spread her pretty legs, and eat her creamy cunt~ You'll get to hear the cute airy moans Miko lets out as you do
Soft gasps fill the room as you lavish your wife in tender affection after a rough breeding session. Miko's pussy drips with your most recent load of cum, still gaping a bit from your enormous cock stretching the muscle
Everything feels so weightless at the moment; what were once degrading slaps to Miko's cheeks turned into rubbing her ass softly, lapping at her fucked out pussy while her slender legs rest over your shoulders. You can't stop the smile that spreads across your face while you clean your wife up. Her scent and taste are addicting. It's hard not to bury your tongue inside of her and fuck her cunt all over again, but you restrain yourself for the time being
The kitsune's hands drift down, reaching for your hair so that she may comb through it gently. Moaning out, “Ooohh, mmm~ My love, that feels–” A particularly loud gasp escapes the exhausted lady as your tongue brushes against her clit, sighing out her next words with a dopey grin, “So, so wonderful~ ”
The moment becomes your own personal heaven; shared by only the two of you as your hands reach out and interlock with Miko's. You hum with your mouth greedily sucking on her cunt and she arches off of the blanket, squeezing your hands and panting hot puffs into the air. Neither of you want this to end. So, for now, you'll continue nibbling on your lover's soft folds and Miko will push closer to your warmth
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Yae Miko x Ganyu-like!Male!Kitsune!Reader
CW: None. Pure fluff.
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For Miko, there's nothing cuter than you in the entire world. 
Kitsune tend to be confident, slightly malicious and crafty by nature, yet there you are. A complete opposite of her, and the traditional traits of the Kitsune race as a whole. 
But Miko? She is all for it. 
You’re quite the shy person, making you especially vulnerable to teasing. Even a slight remark sent your way is able to knock you off balance, leaving you flustered and blushy. Your occasional attempts at turning the tables usually end with Miko being able to effortlessly steer the conversation in her favor, and use your teasing attempts against you. 
Words are one thing, but physical contact? Sometimes Miko is genuinely worried you will melt or set on fire after she does something as ordinary as holding your hand or tracing her fingers along your back or neck areas. Maybe this timidness of yours, cute as it is, has some downsides? Luckily for you, Miko doesn’t exploit your weak spot to keep you a constant flustered mess. It’s not like she has the heart to. 
Why? Because you work so, so much. How can you do nine or ten hour shifts on a regular, weekly basis? And spend all this time slouching over paperwork too? For Miko, two forms to fill is a personal tragedy, but you seem to be able to handle whole mountains of documents with unshaken resolve. A truly fascinating creature you are. 
She doesn’t like the overtime you constantly take on, however. The core of the issue isn’t that you’re a pushover - though Miko is genuinely worried that your lack of confidence will get you in trouble some day - but that your work ethic, admirable as it is, stands as fairly rigid and harmful to yourself. Miko tries her best to convince you to change - she tries to reason with you, bribe you with extra affection or threaten you with being grumpy if you don't come home when you should. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. Luckily, being close friends with Ei has benefits - a few right words whispered into her ear will land you some much needed leave. 
When you finally return home, so adorably spent and sleepy, Miko won't spoil the daylights out of you. No - she will spoil not only the daylights, but also nightlights, dawnlights and dusklights. You will always be greeted with a warm meal and a warm bath. As your wife, it's her duty to care for you and reward all your efforts, no? Her skittish little husband brings out quite a motherly side of her out into the light. And rightfully so - you deserve more than the entire world. 
Once you’re full and relaxed, Miko’s going to cuddle you right to sleep. She’ll gladly let you rest your cute, weary face on her lap or her belly. As you drift off, Miko will play with your hair and ramble about whatever comes to her mind in a whispered tone, marveling at how peaceful your sleeping features are. 
While certainly not the typical Kitsune, you're certainly a fine specimen. Big, fluffy ears, beautiful tails and an even more cuddly fox form make you all the more precious (and handsome) in her eyes. But you don't seem to share her opinion. You are always noticeably shy when somebody mentions your unique features, even more so than usual. It's all about standing out, you try to tell her, but she always silences you with a kiss. Miko will always tell you that your ears are a point of pride and a source of respect for you, not a stigma. The respectful interest in your person doesn't seem to convince you of the benefits of being a fox envoy, so maybe her attention will, hm? Expect a lot of care directed at your special features. Miko will not only caress them, but also groom them. Such beautiful fur needs proper maintenence, and it's her privilage to indulge you.
You’re a bit more vertically challenged than her, but she doesn’t mind. Not at all. Your compact size makes you much easier to handle, and - aside from the obvious teasing opportunities - give her just the right tool to take care of your health. Finished work, but you want to do some at home? Nope. She’s going to grab you and carry you away to bed where she will cuddle all your senseless overworking impulses out of you. You say you need to work on a weekend? Good luck trying to get out of her iron grip and the deathold of her five fluffy tails in the morning. Miko is far stronger than she looks!
Unlike her, You’re quite innocent. While her idea of spending the evening after a nice date is, shall we say, a bit “for adults only”, you? Battleships, cookies and hot cocoa - that is what’s on your mind. Sometimes, Miko can’t help but chuckle at you and shake her head in disbelief. How can you be so cute so effortlessly? 
Your natural gentleness is very adorable. Miko can’t recall a time when you were raising your voice, aside from the one time when she took you on a date to the Test Of Courage. It was your idea initially - maybe you wanted to impress her by showing your bravery? She’s not sure. At first, Miko was quite amused at how anxious you were, but as soon as she realized just how tightly you held on to her, she got you out of there. Aside from lots of cuddles and kisses to calm your heart, you got a stern yet gentle lecture. 
Miko loves you as is, and there’s nothing she would ever change about you. 
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Thanks for reading!
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