#male kitsune
monstersandmaw · 1 year
Male fox spirit x female reader (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Commission #4 in the list of 5! Thank you for trusting me with your prompt:  female reader saves a dying fox on her way home from work, who turns out to be a fox spirit. I hope you like it!
Contents:  Fox suffers a spinal injury when hit by a car (not the reader’s); there’s some magic; some domestic fluff; oral sex, fingering, him coming on her; and a sweet, fluffy ending.
Wordcount: 4400
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Driving rain greeted you full in the face as you shoved open the main doors of the building and burrowed down into your coat, drawing the hood tight around your head in a vain attempt to keep the weather out. Nights like this — cold, damp, and at the tail end of winter before Spring took a proper hold on the land — were truly miserable.
Your fingers were half frozen by the time you had fumbled the keys out of your pocket and clambered into your car, and you fired the old thing up with a hopeful grimace that it would start. It coughed to life and you uttered a little prayer of thanks to whichever gods or spirits out there might be listening. “Now if only you could do something about my pathetic love life as well,” you said to yourself as you reversed out of the parking space and headed towards the main road. “Wouldn’t that be perfect?”
Half an hour outside of town, your headlights flashed over something lying on the side of the road, sprawled halfway across the white line, and you swerved instinctively to avoid it. Mercifully there was nothing coming in the other direction, or you’d have caused a serious accident. Adrenaline spiked through you and you slammed on the brakes.
The flash of golden-red you’d glimpsed had told you it was a fox, but it had had its head raised and it had been looking at you with its eyes flaring yellow in the headlights, but the expression on its face had struck you to the core. It had looked… resigned. Like it knew you were going to hit it. Like it knew it was going to die.
“No,” you said through gritted teeth.
You had some old work gloves in the back of the car from when you’d taken a load of stuff from the garden to the dump a week before, so you put your hazards on and slid out of the driver’s side door and into the worsening storm. You cursed softly, squinting amid the stinging rain as it struck your face like little iron nails in the gusty night. You cleared a space in the trunk for the fox, spreading an old picnic blanket out and grabbing those thick leather gloves. No need to get rabies if the thing bit you before you could get it to an animal clinic in the morning.
You knew it was a stupid thing to do, that cars hit wildlife all the time, and you really weren’t equipped to deal with it, but you couldn’t just leave it there when it had looked so sad; black ears drooping, eyes wide, mouth slightly open.
Making your way along the edge of the deserted road with only your phone torch to light the way, you found the spot where the fox was still lying on the asphalt, and crooned softly to it. “Hey there,” you said, feeling a bit silly. “It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you. It’s alright. Let me help you out… Let me take you home and see if I can take you to a vet in the morning…”
When your light found its back legs though, your heart sank. They lay limp and slightly twisted to one side. Its back had been broken by the impact with a vehicle.
“Oh baby,” you said, fighting sudden tears. “It’s going to be ok…” you lied.
Was it like with humans? Should it not be moved with a spinal injury? It would probably die anyway, or they’d recommend putting it down. You could at least take it in and keep it warm for its last few hours. When you knelt nearby, it just laid its cheek down on the cold tarmac, defeated, and let out a long, broken whimper.
“I’m going to pick you up, ok? Please don’t bite me. God, this is such a stupid thing to do…”
The fox licked its shiny black nose and just blinked slowly at you.
When it made no move to attack you or snap at you when you got nearer, you scooped it up and marvelled at how light it felt in your arms, its lovely, russet fur damp and matted.
“There,” you said, cradling it in your arms as you carried it back to your car. ‘Him’, not ‘it’, you saw when you set him down on the blanket and stroked his head and neck. He murmured softly, the sound almost a purr, and you swallowed thickly. He was so weak, you wondered if he’d even survive the journey home.
Five cars overtook you as you drove on after that, all beeping and honking their horns and flashing their lights to get you to go faster, but you absolutely would not be bullied into making this last car ride hell for the little, injured fox.
It didn’t take very long to set up a cosy den of blankets and towels in the kitchen by the radiator, and when you were satisfied that it was as comfortable as you could make it — and that any mess would be contained in an area with tile floors — you went back for him. He was still lying on his side, exactly as you’d left him, but his eyes seemed brighter and more focused, and his ears pricked up when you opened the trunk up and gazed down at him.
“Alright?” you asked and he gave a soft snuffle that was half-sneeze and half-chuckle. “You’re awfully perky for someone who’s just gone head-to-head with fast-moving traffic, buddy,” you smiled. “Maybe you will be alright. Ready to go inside?”
You had your gloves on but it didn’t feel like you really needed them, and when you settled him down on the veritable blanket fort inside, he heaved a great sigh and nuzzled his cheek against the fabric with a rumbling moan of contentment.
“You hungry?” you asked. “I don’t have much that’s fox-friendly, but I think there’s some ham in the fridge. Let me check.”
You offered him a saucer of water first, holding his delicate head up as he lapped steadily at it until he’d had his fill, and then you fed him little slivers of cooked ham which he took from your fingers like an absolute gentleman. “Aren't you dainty,” you chuckled as his small, sharp teeth pulled the next piece carefully free of your gloved hand.
He fixed you with such a flat, patronising look that you had to laugh.
The fox flicked an ear and looked away.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you said in a baby voice. “Don’t be grumpy with me, you precious thing… Here, have some more…”
He sneezed, then looked back at you and opened his mouth, head tipped back like a baby bird awaiting a worm.
“You’re not going to take it? You want me to feed you?”
He just stared at you without moving.
“Fine, your highness,” you said. “Anything for you.”
You let the piece drop into his tilted jaws, and then chucked him affectionately under the chin with your finger after he’d chewed and swallowed it.
He caught the leather of the glove’s fingertip in his teeth in a move that was so fast you didn’t even see it, but then tugged gently, insistently.
“I’m not taking this off,” you frowned. “You could have rabies for all I know.”
A tiny, rattling growl, like the world’s tiniest chainsaw, rumbled out of him and he folded his ears back indignantly before pulling on the glove again. Then he let go, his ears pricked about as far forward as he could get them, and he stared expectantly at you.
“No way, friend,” you said, and stood to put the empty ham packet in the rubbish bin.
With your back to the kitchen window, a golden light flooded the room, and for a wild moment, you thought someone was driving straight at the house, headlights blazing. When you whipped around though, you froze. The light was coming from… from the fox.
“The fuck…?”
Your heartbeat started to race, and you weren’t sure if the ringing sound was coming from your own blood pounding in your ears or from something else in the room. The brightness reached such an intense crescendo that you had to look away, shielding your eyes with the crook of your arm until the chiming noise stopped and you lowered it cautiously back down, blinking.
There, standing in the centre of the room, was a man.
You took a step back, fear crashing in on your senses.
You looked around for something you could use as a weapon, but a warm, gentle voice said, “Wait, I won’t hurt you. I swear it.”
Again, you went still, and after taking a steadying breath, you turned to face him again, wide eyed and shaking. “What the hell?”
“Not hell,” he smiled, and you saw that he had warm, tan skin and dark, golden eyes. His hair was a russet colour, and it fell in soft waves around his ears to the nape of his neck. He was slender, not especially tall, and he was quite possibly the most beautiful human being you’d ever laid eyes on. Except… there was still a kind of glow around him, like an aura, and his clothes looked like they belonged at a Ren Faire or something, though the dark green, belted and embroidered tunic was finely tailored and his dark brown boots looked soft and well worn. Tiny points of light, like fireflies, twisted slowly through the air surrounding him before vanishing into a miniature, glittering starburst.
“You’re not human,” you said, despite how crazy it sounded.
“No,” the man replied with a smile. “No, I’m not. But you didn’t know that when you took in an injured fox and cared for him.”
“You’re the fox,” you blurted without thinking.
“I am. Sort of,” he smiled, and you saw that he had perfect, white teeth, with slightly more pointed canines than humans usually did. “I’m a fox spirit. There are all sorts of us, and we’re known by many names all over the world, but the most famous is probably the ‘kitsune’ thanks to modern media.”
“Oh,” you said, only half aware that your vision was darkening around the edges until it was too late. The blood roared again in your ears and your knees went out from under you. The last thing you saw was a flicker of a frown on the man’s — kitsune’s — face before he lunged towards you with hands outstretched, and the world went black.
You stirred and found yourself lying on the sofa in your sitting room, with your feet raised about a foot or so off the seat cushion, and a stranger in green standing over you, holding your legs up by the ankle. The kitsune. The fox spirit.
“Got to say, that’s the first time someone’s actually fainted because of me,” he said with a smile, lowering your legs back down and stepping back. “Are you alright?”
“I fainted?” you asked stupidly, pushing yourself upright and swinging your legs slowly off the sofa and onto the ground. You swayed a little, but didn’t pass out again.
The fox spirit nodded, his lovely hair shining with strands of bronze and copper in the low light of the room, gold eyes glowing as if back-lit. “Thank you for saving me,” he said in a quiet, earnest baritone.
“Did I, though?” you asked, staring openly at him. “I mean… you’re… magic, right? I saw the way your legs were just… Your back was broken…”
“If you’d hit me with your car, or simply left me there for the next driver to do the same, then I wouldn’t have survived. We’re tough, and our magic can heal most things, but not that.”
“Oh.” And then your cheeks went hot and you looked at the carpet, “I’m sorry I baby-talked you like you were an actual animal.”
He laughed; a beautiful, bright sound like dry autumn leaves in clear sunlight. His head tipped a little way back and he looked truly delighted. “You weren’t to know,” he said, still chuckling. “And you’re not the first.”
“Oh,” you said, like a broken record.
From where he stood nearby, the fox spirit smiled at you and then inhaled deeply. “I… should go,” he said, his golden eyes turning a little sad. “Let you return to your life…”
“Wait,” you called from the sofa as he turned away. “What’s your name?”
He cast you a look over his shoulder and the smile he gave you was wry and amused. “You may call me Rowe.”
There was a nuance there that you weren’t understanding, but you told him your name in return, and he inhaled suddenly as if you’d struck him.
“You would part with your name so carelessly?” he whispered, brows pulling together into a frown of utter confusion. “You…” and then his expression cleared and his shoulders dropped. “You have never had dealings with the fae, have you?”
“The… fae?” you stuttered. “Like… fairies?”
The smile that replaced the frown was patient and amused in equal parts, and he sighed and shook his head. “Well, here’s your first lesson. Never tell your true name to a fae.”
Again, all the sound that escaped you was a dull, “Oh.”
He exhaled and approached you, and you tried not to lean back, to lean away from him. This whole night had gone from bad to utterly bizarre in the blink of an eye and you felt a little sick from the whiplash.
To make matters all the more confusing, the strange man knelt before you, sweeping his long, otherworldly tunic out of the way as he sank down onto one knee like he was going to propose or something, and he bowed his auburn head. “You saved my life without thought of debt or repayment, and in recognition of the gift, I give one of my own. I bind your True Name to my heart and hold it there in silence. I may never speak your True Name aloud unless you give me leave so to do. This I swear upon my spirit and my magic and my own True Name.”
The air in the room prickled like static and you had to fight the urge to see if your hair was standing on end. Goosebumps flickered along your arms and legs, and you drew in a shallow breath. “Anything else I should know about?” you asked faintly.
He looked up at you and shrugged. “We’re allergic to iron,” he suggested. “And we’re overly fond of cream and sweet cakes…”
“Sweet cakes,” you repeated thoughtfully, eyes drifting towards the kitchen where you’d bought a strawberry sponge cake just the day before, and an idea half-formed in your head.
Rowe smiled and your heart slipped sideways in your chest for a moment. He was so beautiful it was almost hard to believe he was really there and really standing in front of you. Well, technically he was kneeling like a knight in a fairytale. Fairytale indeed, you thought.
“You don’t have to go,” you whispered.
You were afraid of sounding childish, that if you spoke too loudly, he would think you desperate and would laugh at you, but all he did was tilt his head to the side the way he had done as a fox, and he nodded once. “Alright,” he said.
“I mean, don’t feel like you have to stay either,” you babbled, making a rather pathetic, flapping gesture in front of you with your hands. “I just meant… you’re welcome to stay if you want to. I was going to cook some dinner and watch a movie… eat cake for dessert. I thought… I thought since you’ve had kind of a rough day, you might like to just… chill out with me for a while.”
“May I help you cook?”
“If you… If you’d like to?” you said, standing carefully and holding your hand out to him to encourage him up off the floor.
He slid his warm fingers into your palm, and got to his feet with the grace of a prince, and offered you another smile. “I’d like that very much.”
Rowe stayed with you for a week. You explained that you had to go to work or you’d get fired, and when you came back on the first day, you expected him to have gone, leaving you wondering if the whole thing hadn’t been a hallucination brought on by the combination of a stressful week of work and the awful weather. But no, Rowe was there that evening, curled up as a fox on the impromptu bed you’d made by the radiator while the rain hurled itself at the window pane above him.
“Rowe, you don’t have to sleep on that!” you gasped, dropping your bag by the door and making him startle awake, ears pricked, tail fluffed up in rather adorable alarm.
In a flash of gold light, he was human again, standing beside the bed and smiling at you. “I don’t mind,” he chuckled. “It’s comfortable, and when I’m a fox, I don’t think in quite the same way as I do when I’m in this form. That’s how I got hit by the car in the first place… Please, don’t fret.”
You scowled at him, but relented, and asked him about his day. It seemed he’d spent most of it in his fox form, either out and about in the woods near your house, or sleeping by the warmth of the radiator.
“Didn’t you get bored here?” you asked.
“I could have done the housework for you,” he smirked. “But I thought that might have been an intrusion on your privacy.”
You laughed. “Thanks?”
After three days of sharing your space with him — he sleeping contentedly as a fox on the pile of blankets and you upstairs in your bedroom — you cleared your throat that evening as you sat together on the sofa like old friends, and said, “You know… uh… I… I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to come upstairs with me… I don’t want you to feel like you have to sleep down here like you’re a…” you trailed off, flushing hot with awkward embarrassment.
One russet-brown eyebrow climbed a little higher than the other. “… a what?”
“Like you’re some kind of pet… you know…”
Rowe laughed and, as it always did, your heart skipped a beat. His cheeks dimpled and Adam’s apple danced in his exposed throat and you ached. It felt like a long time since someone had touched you; since you’d been held, let alone kissed. He had a beautiful mouth, like he’d been made just to tempt you.
Some of your thoughts must have shown on your face because the laughter died in his throat and he fixed you with a look that was all concern. He murmured the name you’d given him permission to use when it was just the two of you and asked, “What’s wrong? I’m not upset about the animal comment,” he said, reaching for your forearm and trying to reassure you, but you shook your head. “Then what?”
Tears came unbidden to your eyes and you turned away. His hand felt hot through the fabric of your hoodie, but his grip was feather light. It would take nothing at all to pull yourself free, but the thought of it seemed overwhelming. “It’s nothing,” you choked, pressing your lips together and hoping he’d let the matter drop.
He didn’t. His eyes flared bright gold and he scowled at you when you risked a glance at him. “The fae can always taste a lie,” he said with the slightest growl to his voice. “And I can tell you’re hurting. We were laughing, and then… you weren’t. What changed?”
“It’s —”
A short, animal growl echoed in his throat but he bit it back, shut his mouth with a click of teeth, and glared at you.
“Ugh, fine,” you huffed, standing up and pacing across the room. “It’s been a long time since it’s been this easy around someone, ok? And it’s not every day that a handsome, cute guy with a great sense of humour shows genuine interest in me. I just wished, for like half a second, that you might be interested in me, but I get it. You’re not even human. I was nice to you. You probably feel obliged to stay here. You… You should probably go soon anyway.”
His expression turned from concerned to carefully neutral, and he stood. “If that’s the way you feel,” he said, “Then I can leave. But you should know that I’ve had a wonderful time with you, and…” he swallowed and took a breath, “I think you’re beautiful, through and through.”
“Please,” you scoffed. “Don’t bother trying to spare my feelings.”
“We can taste a lie, but we cannot tell one,” he said evenly. “I could not tell you that your clothes are yellow when they are not, nor that the sky is green, nor that you are not beautiful.”
You turned slowly around to look at him, and found him glowing gold again, those points of light spiralling lazily in the air around him. The slight shape of fox ears seemed to be picked out in two, brighter lines above his copper hair and behind him you saw a golden tail swaying back and forth. His eyes blazed bright like burnished bronze, and he was staring directly at you as he spoke.
“I would very much like to stay with you, and share your bed, and, if you would let me, I would bring you pleasure too.”
Your breath hitched and you licked your lips. He even spoke like he was out of a fairytale. “You mean it?”
“Ok,” you smiled.
Together, you tidied up the sitting room, and he followed you upstairs, still glowing softly, as if he were utterly contented and couldn’t help it.
Rowe undressed with you in your bedroom, baring a body like polished bronze; all lean lines and languid muscle, and you almost couldn’t look away. He asked if he could shower with you, and gently washed you and touched you, cupping your breasts and trailing his hands down your sides with reverent care. He passed his thumbs over your hardened nipples and kneaded your breasts until you gasped and tipped your head back, eyes closed. He teased between your legs with his fingertips, and then when you turned the shower off, he kissed your forehead. In a rush of magic, both your bodies were completely dry and your skin glowed softly with a thousand, dewy, golden sparkles. You beamed up at him, and he kissed you.
When he drew back, he led you by the hand into the bedroom and you lay down on the bed, heart racing. He knelt between your parted knees and you stared openly at his beautiful body. He looked like a statue come to life, and his cock had been more than half-hard ever since the shower, even as he turned his attention wholly on you and skimmed his palms up your thighs. You parted your legs a little wider for him and he bowed forward to kiss along your inner thigh until you shivered and lay back on the pillow behind you with a gasp.
He kissed you and tasted you, moaning softly before letting his tongue sweep up over you. He took your sensitive clit between his lips and kissed you there as well, and then he slid his arms under your thighs, lay down on his front, and you lost yourself to the pleasure of his mouth.
You lost count of how many times he made you come that night, with his tongue and with his fingers, but he never asked for more than you were ready to give.
“Come on me,” you murmured. You had no idea how well your current contraception would withstand a magical fae, but you were pretty sure you were safe with that, and when you asked, he nodded.
His fingers were slick from where he’d made you come, again, and he closed his hand around his cock with a low groan that dissolved into a gasp as he brought himself to the brink. He glowed gold again and you saw those ears made of light and the tail gleaming vividly behind him just as he spilled over your stomach with a muted grunt and another beautiful moan.
The golden light suffused the room, and you watched his expression as he came — open and vulnerable and achingly beautiful — and wished more than anything that he would stay.
When you woke in the morning, you expected to wake alone, but the warm pressure of Rowe’s body pressed against your back and the weight of his arm across your waist drew a little inhale of surprise from you. Apparently that was enough to wake him, because he kissed the back of your head and mumbled a sleepy good morning into your hair.
He was hard too, you realised, and you deliberately rocked your hips back against him.
Rowe let out a grunt and his hand shifted to your hips, drawing himself closer to you with a languid, answering roll of his hips.
“I don’t know if the fae have weekends,” you said, “But today is Saturday. I don’t have to go in to work…”
“Good,” he said. “I’m not sure I could let you go anywhere today after last night.” He said it with a laugh that told you he would let you do anything you liked, and you rolled over to face him. The softness in his smile brought one of your own to your lips, and he slid his hand down over your breast and then down between your legs.
Your eyes fluttered closed as he slipped his fingers easily inside you, and you rolled onto your back as he started a rhythm that would end in the kind of pleasure you had only ever dreamed of before him.
He smiled and kissed your cheek without his fingers once faltering, and whispered in your ear, “I’ll stay with you as long as you want me.”
You gasped and bucked, and almost missed his promise.
“I’ll stay with you forever.”
Thanks for reading this story, and I hope you’ll consider reblogging it (as well as leaving a like) if you enjoyed it, since that will help others find it.
Take care, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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1K notes · View notes
itsmmatchaa · 2 years
Kisumi, I went out and got you some sweets!! All pink ones!! Strawberry, peach, raspberry, bubblegum, I thought I’d get you some sweets in your favourite colour <33
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He stands up abruptly from the complicated exercise machine and runs toward you, without shirt, ears twitching like a curious puppy.
"Did you say candy? pink candy?" he talks excitedly smiling "you know exactly what I like isn't hot stuff?" he fixes his hair happy that you remembered. "Next time I'll get you your favorite food 'kay? Now come here before I give you a sweaty hug" he open his arms and starts walking towards you menacingly.
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51 notes · View notes
maxivermillion · 9 months
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WIP of a Kitsune character that came to my mind. Not much lore behind him atm, no name as well.
Still tweaking a few things with his design. His robe was inspired by GANKUTSUOU after a friend showed me some screen shots.
6 notes · View notes
swampertgirl · 11 months
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His name is Kyozuko. He's my new Kitsune OC.
3 notes · View notes
kaytrawrites · 1 year
Heart of the Kitsune - Episode 2: Family Ties
WARNING - this is very cringe and stereotypy. You have been warned.
- Sotan summons a demon wolf (related to Kitsune) - Demon Wolf invades Tomi’s school & Tomi gets rid of it - Maya meets Tomi’s mother (Kishi Mashi) - Meet Toda Karen & her ‘bees’ (Caitlin MacAilin & Malia Springs-On-Water)
Kishi Tomiichi waved to his mother as she drove away, leaving him to his second day of school. He turned and headed toward the school entrance, lost in thought. Then, he jerked to a stop when he was faced with the angry teen girl known as Machida Maya.
“Maya.” He said, trying to dodge around her.
Her hand snapped up and grabbed a tuft of his hair, which just so happened to include his left ear. “What the hell was that yesterday!?” She snapped, shaking in rage.
Tomi winced as she pulled. “I have no – OW – idea what you’re talking about!”
“Yes you do!” Maya snapped. “There is no way you can even exist if what you told me yesterday is true!”
Tomi reached up and grabbed Maya’s wrist, relieving some of the pressure on his ear. “I can assure you. I’m quite real.” He said, calmly. A touch of pressure on just the right spot, and Maya’s grip loosened enough for him to get away.
Maya growled after the retreating teen. “We are not finished with this!” Quite a few of the other students shut up and turned to stare at her. “Ugh.” She muttered, and marched off to her first class.
A shadowy figure stood on the flat roof of the school, and watched Maya storm off. They sighed quietly. “Really Maya. You did not heed my warning, and now you will pay the price, I suppose.” An ugly glow slowly grew behind them, then gradually faded.
“Master…” A dark, chilling voice growled behind the person. “What do you wish…?”
The person turned, a dark book clutched against their chest. “I want you to break Kishi Tomiichi.” He stated, clearly.
The dark mass, vaguely shaped like a wolf didn’t move.
“Well?!” The master of the creature snapped. “What are you waiting for?!”
The dark creature growled. “I sense no be-ing with that name, master…”
The person growled, then looked back down at the courtyard. “Well, well, well. Kishi Tomiichi is not your true name, is it?” He lifted a hand and waved it, dismissing the demon. “I’ll bring you something to find him. Don’t you worry…” They turned and headed toward the roof entrance of the school, the darkness that shrouded then dissipated, revealing the school’s boy uniform, and the young man that was wearing it.
Machida Sotan pushed open the door, and slid the book that he had been holding into the book-bag that was leaning against the wall just inside. He lifted the bag onto his shoulder, and headed down the stairs to the first class he shared with his twin sister and Tomi.
Tomi had been cornered. Again. But, this time it wasn’t by a jock or Maya. It was by the ‘Queen Bee’ and her ‘hive’. Toda Karen, Caitlin MacAilin and Malia Springs-On-Water.
Karen was a classic Japanese Beauty: petite, long dark hair, almond shaped dark eyes. Caitlin’s father was originally from Ireland, so she was tall, large busted, with fiery red hair and sharp green eyes. Malia was pure Native American; her skin was browned, and her hair and eyes were deep black.
Tomi didn’t know what drew Caitlin and Malia to Karen, and he certainly didn’t want to deal with them right now.
“What?” He asked, sharply.
Karen leaned forward, right into Tomi’s personal space. “I want you…” She purred, trying to sound seductive, and succeeding.
Caitlin was playing the tsundere role of the trio. “It’s not like I wanted to go along with this…Leibide…” She looked away, a faint blush on her cheeks.
Malia had just grabbed his arm and was clutching it tightly to her chest. “I like! We keep!” She crowed. As the shortest, she was playing the adorable cutie that very few could resist.
Tomi was immune to all that. “You three read too much harem manga.” He stated, pulling his arm from Malia’s grasp. “High school is not a place to find a guy that would ‘love’ the lot of you.” He pushed past the three, who were glaring daggers as he kept speaking. “Try one of the jocks. Or the actual manga-reading-guys that like that sort of thing.”
Maya barged into the room, and plopped down in her desk, which was right next to Tomi’s. She glared at Tomi, who pointedly ignored her.
The teacher called the class to order and started roll-call. She paused at Tomi’s name and rolled it off her tongue, giving him a sultry look.
It wasn’t that Tomi was dense, it was just that he had absolutely no desire to impregnate a bunch of girls with children that could turn out to be Kitsune, which would draw the attention of the Eight and Nine-tails. And that would be bad. He would be dragged off and made to breed with the most powerful females that could be found, and he would never be able to get rid of all the creatures that the Eights and Nines said they would take care of!
Tomi indicated he was present and pulled out his notebook to take notes.
As notes slowly appeared on the page, the scents of his classmates drifted around him. The cloying scents of girls, the musky scent of the jocks, the new papery scent of the ones who studied all the time, the sharp, brimstone scent of a demon. Wait.
The bell rang just as he identified the scent. He stuffed his notebook away and hurried out of the classroom. He had ten minutes before he had to get to his next class. Just enough time.
As soon as Maya exited the classroom, laughing at something one of her friends said, he grabbed her arm. “We need to talk.” He growled, and pulled her further down the hall, despite her protests.
He stopped in a tiny alcove that held water fountains that very few used. Maya shook his grasp of her arm. “What the hell was that?!” She demanded.
Tomi sniffed quickly and didn’t smell the demonic scent. “We have a demon.” He said. “I scented it in class.”
Maya froze, and her eyes bugged. “You’re joking, right?”
“No.” Tomi met her eyes, showing how serious it was.
“We need to call the council!” Maya exclaimed, reaching into her pocket for her phone.
Tomi grabbed her wrist. “And they will just call The Demon Killer!” He hissed.
“So!” Maya said, much louder than Tomi had spoken. “Of course they will!”
Tomi leaned in close. “And since I’m here anyway, she will tell me to take care of it.” He hissed.
Maya frowned. “Why would she tell you to do it?”
“Because she is usually taking care of the big guys. I get the small-fry.” He leaned back against the wall, and rolled his eyes. “But sometimes I take on the big guys if she’s busy.”
“Just how do you know her?” Maya asked, dumbfounded.
Tomi grinned, allowing a bit of his fangs to glint. “I’m not telling.” He stepped out of the alcove and headed for her next class, leaving the confused Maya behind.
It was during Gym that Tomi smelled the creature again. It was fainter when he had smelled it in class, but now it was much sharper, with an undertone of wet dog. It was manifested.
A girl outside the Gym screamed.
Tomi sprinted outside, along with most of the other students. Maya was cornered by a massive demonic wolf. She was backed into a corner, and was purely terrified. Her control was shot, and it overwhelmed the bracelet, seeming to create a haze about her that looked almost like a tail and ears.
Tomi scowled. Of course it would be her! The fates had it in for him since the moment they killed that first Demon. He hurriedly glanced around, and saw that the students were focused on the demon, and not on the other students around them. He hurried around the corner of the building, where none of the other students were watching.
Then he completely shed the illusion. His red-brown hair became snowy white, his three tails roiled around behind himself, much larger than when Maya had seen them. His gym clothes were replaced with a pair of lose dark pants and a short white kimono that was tucked into the pants. His feet were bare, but the nails looked like claws, as did his fingertips.
A wide dark band was wrapped around his forehead, completely obscuring his eyes, and hiding his identity from everyone. It was only the work of a few seconds to climb onto the roof of the Gym, which was bearly two stories tall. He pulled his katana from its space, and unsheathed it. He looked down at the gathered students, and noted that the wolf was too far away to just jump on and attack outright. A gap, about five feet across, appeared among the students, close enough to jump to.
Tomi jumped.
The wind whistled past his ears, and he slammed into the ground with considerable force. Students screamed and cried out. Through the dust, an opening appeared. Tomi dashed forward and swung his blade at the beast.
Red appeared in the black fur on the demon’s head. It reared back, and howled. Tomi ran behind it and grabbed Maya with his free arm. He ran with all his speed back to the front of the beast, and scowled when he saw the dozen or so smaller wolves appearing from the creature’s shadow.
Tomi glanced down at Maya, who was looking up at him, her eyes wide. “W-who?” She whispered.
Tomi said nothing, and shoved her toward the students who were quickly backing away. She stopped just shy of the crowd and turned to watch, but Tomi had already turned back to the demon.
‘Well, well. You are the one my Master was talking about…’ A low voice growled in Tomi’s head.
Tomi ignored the voice and lunged for the creature’s head, ready to strike a serious blow. The wolf howled again and several of the gathered wolves lunged for Tomi. He ducked and sliced his sword through them, breaking them into shadows.
More attacked. They were killed just as easily.
The wolf paused, seeming to catch its breath. Tomi lunged again, this time cutting a serious gash into its side.
It reared back and howled. Tomi leapt for its throat, ready to deliver the killing blow. A paw came out of nowhere and slapped Tomi aside. Tomi was slammed inch deep into the wall, and he lost his grip on his sword, sending it back to where it came from. Tomi slid out of the dent he had left, and collapsed on the ground.
“NO!” A female voice shrieked. Tomi looked up, and a girl stood between him and the demon. Maya.
You idiot. Make the idiots. Three other girls had joined her. Karen, Caitlin and Malia.
Tomi stood and drew on the deep well of power that he had been born with. He only used the overflow and rarely tapped into the source.
He felt his body begin to change. He was taller, stronger. He walked up past the girls, who all stared in surprise. Tomi dashed forward and slashed at the creature, his claws causing more damage than even his sword did. The wolf roared. It grew smaller, becoming more human shaped.
The wolf demon lunged for Tomi’s throat, its human-like hands wanting to choke the life out of Tomi. Tomi dodged, and slapped the thing’s back, sending it into the concrete ground.
The demon lunged up again, slashing at Tomi for all it was worth.
Tomi backhanded it, and it slammed into the wall. For a long three seconds, it lay where it had fallen. Tomi called his katana back, and plunged it into the creature’s exposed back. White fire roiled up from the ground and consumed the dead wolf demon, right down to the smallest bone.
Tomi turned and looked back over the students. He had to deal with this, otherwise his mother would kill him.
“You will forget any of this happened.” He commanded, pushing power into his voice, making it more convincing and beautiful. “It was simply a fire drill.”
The students all acquired a dazed look and Tomi fled. He shifted back, and rejoined the students, who were all milling around, talking about the ‘unscheduled fire drill’.
Tomi simply smirked and let the teachers do their thing.
Once the last bell for the day rand, Tomi headed for the gate. His mother was picking him up, since they had to do a bit of grocery shopping.
Maya, Karen, Caitlin and Malia were standing around, chatting.
Tomi frowned, but ignored them. Until Maya came up and grabbed his arm. “What the hell was that?!” She yelled.
Tomi looked down at her with a slightly confused expression. “What was what?”
“That demon! We all saw it!” Karen shouted.
“What demon?” Ignorant card?
Caitlin slammed a fist down on the top of Tomi’s head. “Idiot!” She screamed.
“How is my son an idiot?” A beautiful, husky voice asked.
The four girls jumped and yelped.
The woman smiled, her head tilting slightly and her eyes crinkling almost shut. “I’m Kishi Mashi.” A dark aura appeared around her. “And you four are…”
Maya sniffed slightly and her eyes widened. She hurriedly bowed respectfully to hide her surprise. “I’m Machida Maya, Kishi-sama!”
Karen bowed as well. “Toda Karen, Kishi-san.”
Caitlin nodded. “Caitlin MacAilin.”
Malia grabbed Mashi’s hand and pumped it up and down. “I’m Malia Springs-On-Water, Miss Mashi!”
Mashi glanced at her son, her eyebrows raised. “It’s nice to meet you girls.” She replied, smiling again. She turned back to Tomi. “Son, I don’t think you could have done any better.”
“Hah?” All four of the girls asked, looking very confused.
Tomi wanted to sink into the ground and never come up. “Mom!” He whined, actually putting a bit of foxlike whine at the end, his ears pressing flat against his skull.
“Well, a young Kitsune, a half-fay, a shaman and an alter maiden. I’m surprised you didn’t notice before now.” Mashi explained, her voice slightly scolding.
The four girls tensed up in turn. First Maya, then Caitlin, followed by Malia, and finally Karen.
“H-how did…” Maya asked, tentatively.
Mashi laughed. “I’m surprised you haven’t heard of me, Blood Rose. Your clan holds me in high regard.” She paused and the dark aura returned. “And fear…”
Maya gulped. “Y-you’re…!”
“Perhaps.” Mashi smiled again, and headed back to her car. “Tomi, we need to get the shopping done.”
Tomi hurried after his mother, and Maya watched, terrified. If Mashi was who she said she was, then Tomi was so powerful, he could easily take out any of the nines even when he was just a four. And judging by his age, he would be able to do just that as soon as he graduated.
‘By the fates, how can he even exist…?’
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valkyrieshepard · 1 year
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First drawing of 2022 - Fox!Jin Ling~
You can commission me
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lil0fox · 1 year
🤭💕🦊 more Kitsune Art of the hubby and I - HE IS ADORABLE! Asked me a few weeks ago if I could make more art of our vtubers so I drew him up this photo! Ahhh I love it!
[Please do not steal/remake my artwork]
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tigerpriestess · 2 years
I'm getting my male!kitsune fix as I'm reading the first book of the "Red Winter" trilogy by Annette Marie and loving it so far.
If anyone knows of any good books with a kitsune character I'd love to hear about it.
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ghostraves · 2 years
I don't know why but I'm obsessed with kitsune mc rn please put me out of my misery
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littlenoriart · 1 year
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A drawing of an OC I have in a story. He got caught during his work break by his coworkers while drawing over and writing hateful sayings about his boss and the company's mascot. Though he does this type of rage drawing for years due to stress from his line of work to end up getting more work thrown at him once the company's mascot told the boss.
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sinnful-darling · 8 months
Yan! Kitsune Hcs
tws: stalking, manipulation, deceit, abuse, fox-like courtship, implications towards rutting but nothing happens.
information needed beforehand: kitsune are known to gain up to nine tails- one for each 100 years they've lived. as they get older, their fur changes from red to orange to white. they're also known to ascend to celestia when they turn 1,000 years old, but Sisko was cursed by his brethren and has no chance of ever ascending to celestia due to his evil nature. Sisko is also a Yama kitsune. Yama kitsune are known to prey upon human sadness and fear
Yan! Kitsune who is the protector of the mountains closest to you. he initially spots you out with your friends, a smile on your face that had the corners of his lips tugging up into one of his own.
Yan! Kitsune who sneakily follows your group, watching as you revel in the beauty of nature, throwing your head back and taking deep breaths of the clean forest air.
Yan! Kitsune who continues watching as your group sets up camp for the night, grimacing at the use of tents and packaged food. seriously, how had you survived this long?
Yan! Kitsune who is elated when you come back the following week (on your own), taking the opportunity to introduce himself.
Yan! Kitsune who introduces himself as Sisko, his nine tails swishing mischievously behind him.
Yan! Kitsune who puts on a friendly face and asks to be your friend. you can’t tell him about anyone though! no one else can see him but you! you’re special.
Yan! Kitsune who was lying, anybody could see him. he just wants to gain your trust and then hurt you so he can prey upon your fear and negativity when he starts breaking you down.
Yan! Kitsune who does exactly that. he gains your trust and then kidnaps you, taking you away to his home and doing awful things to you.
Yan! Kitsune who slowly falls in love with you and your fearful expressions, denying all sense of affection for you when he finds himself becoming more and more reluctant to hurt you. what was this? did celestia and his ancestors curse him? why doesn’t it feel good anymore?
Yan! Kitsune who starts developing a sexual attraction for you, but refuses to touch you in anyway. that wasn’t his style. he wanted you to give yourself to him willingly.
Yan! Kitsune who, when he can’t deny his feelings for you any longer, starts courting you in the ways his kind taught him to. he’ll hold you close to him and scent you, pleased when you don’t resist. surely, you love him too. you’re just scared he’s going to hurt you again if you move.
Yan! Kitsune who takes you with him through the forest as he searches for a new den, making you choose the spot. contrary to his kind, he won’t allow you to build it yourself though.
Yan! Kitsune who tethers you to a tree when he begins crafting the den, a cozy little cottage he builds with his bare hands.
Yan! Kitsune who curls around you at night when it’s time for bed, his tail wrapping around your thighs and locking his arms around your waist.
Yan! Kitsune who starts barking at you…
Yan! Kitsune who becomes softer with you, doing your hair all nice and bathing you, becoming more playful and cuddling with you more.
Yan! Kitsune who chooses you as his mate. there’s no one else for him and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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itsmmatchaa · 2 years
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Fun fact: Kisumi play football on the university team and he's the quarterback. When the rumor that a fashion design student went to the team's auditions spread the entire team and the coach were already prepared to make the student's life a real hell.On the team there were already some tall and strong monsters on the team so when a pink haired kitsune tall as fuck showed up chewing strawberry gum managed to take down two of the strongest of the team they were wide-eyed and no one said a word.
"Just because I wear pink doesn't mean I can't play" he said
Imagine their faces when Kisumi said that he didn't even used his deity power to knock out two of them.
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yonderly-alamort · 1 year
How about a yandere kitsune. Oh and congratulations on 100 followers.hope you make it to 1k! ❤️
thank you, @hoodsstuff ! i think this is my first time writing about kitsunes (specially with a yandere theme) and i really hope you like it <3 please tell me if there's any error-
cw: male kitsune, manipulation, worshipping, jealousy + possessiveness, stalking, toxic behavior, breeding, etc.
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𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who has been spending his evenings looking at you whenever you walk deeper into the forest. there's just something fascinating at knowing that you're here, alone, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and the occasional animal, ur only company being him.
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is full of himself, his ego stroked, when you find yourself having to depend on him. but of course, who wouldn't need his help? after all, he's something like a deity, his nine tails and sly smirk are prove of his wisdom, might as well have you wrapped around his finger.
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who feels the need to 'check' if there has been anybody too close to you. at this point you're already his, and only his. if he would share you? that's not even a possibility when talking about this egoistic fox. why would he do that? you're his most precious treasure...
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is intelligent enough to make his manipulative words sound as sweet as a lullaby. he knows what's best for you, honey. you have no reason not to trust him, right? if he says that you are better only with him, you listen. if he says that maybe you would feel better with one of his cubs, then that's it. no complaining though. <3
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is aware of his own power, and maybe, just maybe, uses it to scare whoever who tries to contradict him. and if he ever hears that you want to run away when you finally have noticed his true self, he won't doubt to use it against you.
"running doesn't matter, angel. i'll hunt you down if i have to."
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© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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cumtastiics · 4 months
Do yandere kitsune hcs please
yandere kitsune hcs
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i think yan!kitsune follows you around first to pull simple, harmless (to him, not you.) pranks, only to feel a bit guilty when you're having a harder day than usual.
you're having a bad day? it's because of some creep at your job? he's going to handle it!
you only recognize him in his kitsune form, so you didn't realize it was him when he showed up in his human form as the new leader of your floor at work.
he loves to tease you!! he'll be nicer on you then the rest of your co-workers.
yan!kitsune who definitely has a lying problem. he'll say that everything is going down hill just so he can ask you to stay a bit longer to help!
yan!kitsune who's a master manipulator. he knows you're better than those lowlifes, but he can't help but want to compare you to them. what do you mean they leave work early? they work harder.
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want more? send requests!
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kaytrawrites · 1 year
Heart of the Kitsune - Table of Contents
WARNING - this is very cringe and stereotypy. You have been warned.
Episode One: Plot Link
Episode Two: Family Ties Link
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himexyandere · 6 months
Yandere Headcanons Pt. 1
Content Warning(s): Stalking, obsessive behavior, voyeurism, breeding kink
A/N: These are a few yandere hc's that I thought would be interesting to write! I have two other yandere's I want to make hc's for as well, but that can wait until part 2 ^^ My next post will be the NSFW Alphabet for Leumin!
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Yandere!Neighbor who just moved into your neighborhood, so you decided to be a good neighbor by bringing him a “welcome to the neighborhood” box of freshly baked cookies…
A small gesture of good faith in your eyes meant the world to him—and he couldn’t possibly stop thinking about you after this little encounter
Your house is right next to his, and the window to your bedroom is facing his own. He wondered if this was fate… It had to be, right? 
Originally, he hadn’t meant to peep… But he couldn’t help it when your curtains were open and he saw you changing in the middle of your bedroom
Did you know he was watching? Were you trying to rile him up by playfully groping and squeezing your tits while making cute little faces in the mirror? 
A pang of guilt stabbed through his chest as his eyes roamed hungrily over your form—he couldn’t stop himself, he was too far gone now
The next few nights, he watched you go about your day like normal; the only thing abnormal was the number of times he’d jerk off while watching you do mundane things (like eat, walk your dog, take your trash out, etc)
Speaking of your trash… He should definitely see if he can find something worthwhile in your discarded garbage bags; perhaps a memento?
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Yandere!Kitsune that interprets your constant visits, gift-bringing, and willingness to play games with him as your attempt at courting him.
You were trying to court him… Weren’t you? How else would you explain your amicable behavior and eagerness to be in his presence? 
It wasn’t as if your dwelling was close to his little hut in the forest—you’ve told him multiple times how long your trips took. Even still, you kept coming back to him (and with random gifts each time no less)
It was nice to have a friend like you, yes… But he also couldn’t deny that he was more interested in being your mate. You were stunning, agreeable, and respectful toward other species. In short, you were perfect 
The next time you visited, he had put the finishing touches on an intricately built nest that was full of things you’d told him you enjoyed before — your favorite snacks, games, books, and plushies 
You didn’t see the warning signs immediately; you were just grateful for the gifts and proceeded to thank him with a big smile on your face
Great, impressing his soon-to-be mate was a success! Now all he needed to do was wait for mating season (or for you to start ovulating) so he could breed you nice and proper…
By the time you'd realized that your kitsune friend was acting a little odd, it was already too late — the likelihood of you leaving his hut was practically nonexistent. After all, what kind of mate would he be if he didn't keep you protected and safe at all times? 
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