#kin type; fragments of memories
artivessel · 6 months
a few questions to help alters figure out who they are and introduce themselves to others!
Name and nicknames?:
Do you feel older or younger? Age (range)?:
Sexuality? Types of attractions?:
How would you describe your gender and pronouns?:
Fragment or Alter?:
How would you describe your appearance? Drop faceclaims and picrews:
Human or non-human? Elaborate if you can:
What caused you to split?:
Music taste?:
Kins, relatable characters and sources:
Any media you enjoy?:
Favorite/Disliked food?:
Describe your personality:
Favorite colors and themes?:
Do you relate to any mental illnesses?:
How do symptoms affect you?:
Are you safe?:
Any memories you’d like to mention?:
How much amnesia do you experience?:
What is the last thing you remember?:
Significant events you were part of:
Who did/do you interact with?:
Do you prefer to mask or would you like to meet others?:
Who would you like to meet?:
If you don’t want to, why?:
What are your thoughts on other parts?:
Do you have any connections with other parts?:
What do you think of other people in our life? Family, friends:
Do you have any specific triggers? Positive/negative:
What does dissociation feel like for you?:
How do you act in real life (when masking less)?:
How do you act online (when masking less)?:
What are you doing right now?:
What caused you to front?:
Do you have a memory of what happened?:
Are you speaking to anyone?:
How was the switch?:
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banesberry-anomoly · 6 months
Hi, hope these sort of asks are okay but I just seen something about language? So aaa sorry for the ramble! We feel the need to explain:
I think we may be a P-DID/OSDD-1A system but I feel like we still have a sort of introject based on real/fictional people. Which is it possible? I heard the term for -1a and p-DID systems it’s like “facets” or “fabelings” but idk, I know that both myself and two others in our little space took on identities that brought us more comfort than “Sad Kevin.” “work Kevin”, etc sort of thing. I personally feel I am Dr. Iceberg, I have pseudomemories and just I know a take on an “adult” “work sort of deal.
Time to over explain! but We’re usually always very blurry sometimes sharing this metaphysical steering wheel or someone’s being a sort of backseat driver (car analogy is how we explain our experience). Our memories aren’t good and our host/main person (idk terms) he said he usually feels like he’s watching everything in a dream like state. If that makes sense. :p just, is it possible for us as osdd-1a to have introjects based on others? I feel like others will call us out for “faking.” Or worse :(( we do plan to talk to a therapist when we have the funds and feel safe in doing so but you seem very knowledgeable and safer to ask. /gen.
Hello there! I think you may have gotten the term mixed up a little bit. You can use whatever is most comfortable for you, but Facets is a term more commonly used for median systems rather than multiple systems.
Regardless, yes, it is entirely possible to have introjects in a P-DID/OSDD-1A system. We know lots of those types of systems with introjects! As far as Im concerned, most every type of system can have introjects if they feel thats what they are.
I know there are cases of a brainmade alter 'becoming' an introject, its a little hard to explain, but my personal understanding of it is this happens either through fusing with fragments, or kinning becoming something a little more personal to that headmate.
The car analogy is a great way to decribe your experiences! If you want to know some terms for those, fronting is when a headmate is in control of the body, co-fronting is kind of a secondary to that, and then co-consious is when your sort of watching, but may still be able to do things like type or speak with the body to communicate. Theres also passive influence, which is when said alter is not aware of whats going on in front, but may still affect what happens.
It made us really happy that yall trust us enough to ask about this stuff, even just on anon. I hope this helps! And dont listen to anyone that tries to fakeclaim you. I hate fakeclaimers, so much. Yall know whats going on with yallselves the best. Stay safe out there anon.
Feel free to come to our inbox again, or dms if yall are comfortable. And this goes for everyone, we love talking about this kind of stuff and answering it. :]
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So I'd like to rant about something.
From a completely scientific view, any origin can make sense.
Let me just start with the fact that we are traumagenic. We experience splits due to trauma...but sometimes we experience splits due to a resistance to accepting something as part of ourselves. This resistance can be towards memories, introjection, personality traits, disorders, or basically anything we struggle to accept as part pf our identity, or one headmate struggles to accept as part of their identity, or multiple headmates.
This non-acceptance, weve observed, causes us to form a headmate to hold that for us. The thing is, learning to love this headmate for who they are, learning to accept them as part of the system doesnt make them suddenly fuse with us. Thats something they have to choose. Because by the time a headmate forms from that rejected fragment, they have formed a complete person around it.
We've been trying to catch fragments as they form, but there are many things that influence a person and become a part of them.
Now....concider that plurality is not formed from trauma at all, but from rejecting something as part of you and a predisposition to split.
Then all of a sudden plurality can be caused by stress, hyperfixations, kinning (aka: identifying with something so much you feel like you are that thing), interests, cringe culture, a flower you really really liked but have bad memories associated with, using emojis, typing quirks, disabilities, a texture you are fond of, a habit you feel guilty about, or a completely unidentifiable reason.
So then, if this is the case, when you fake claim a system, are you not possibly forming new headmates if they are a system by making that system more likely to reject their plurality?? Who we are is out of our control, but our acceptance of who we are is in our control, and this is why its so important to stop the gatekeeping.
Because while that acceptance in in our control its hard to control, difficult, and made more difficult by people claiming that side of you doesnt matter.
And this is from a completely atheistic view.
You also shouldnt discriminate based on a persons beliefs. So if you are fake claiming systems who explain this experience through religion or spirituality, youre still being a bigot. Stop making people afraid of their own identity(s). Just live your life and let others life theirs.
💡 Grimm, our resident Atheist whos tired of our system splitting due to cringe culture, embarrassment, and shame.
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honourablejester · 2 years
Homebrew Player Race: Yve (Reincarnated Tree-folk)
Based on my story Yves and some of the folklore in Ireland regarding Yew trees. Specifically, that yews are planted in graveyards to keep the dead from rising, as well as the variation on the story of Deirdre of the Sorrows where the yew that grew from her grave spread its branches until it reached and embraced the yew that grew from her lover Naoise’s grave. Who doesn’t occasionally want to play a humanoid tree-folk vampire slayer sometimes?
Yves are often mistake for dryads. They bear many similarities: woody humanoid forms that emerge from the hearts of trees to wander the world. Yves are not fey, however. They are the heartwood of the trees themselves, awakened and joined with a humanoid soul to fulfil a purpose.
There are many stories told of the origin of yves. Some say it is accidental, that a humanoid buried beneath a yew tree may simply merge and reincarnate within the tree to resolve unfinished business. There are tales of tragic lovers separated by death, who merge with their graveyard trees and reach out to entwine their branches together. Others say that their creation was more deliberate, rituals of long-ago druids to merge willing souls and trees to create natural guardians against the undead. Yves are born of yew trees, and yews have always been guardians of graveyards.  Whatever the case, deliberate or accidental, yves now are always born of a deceased soul, buried near and reincarnated into a yew tree. They merge with the heartwood of the tree, infuse it, and emerge from the now-hollowed trunk to walk the world.
Yve memories. Yves are not undead. They are a true reincarnation into a new form, the living heartwood of their home trees. Nonetheless, the process of merging with their trees can have effects on them. They may remember their previous life in full, only flashes of it, or nothing at all. Memories of that first mortal life may also fade over time, as yves can live for a long, long time.
New lives. Yves are free to roam the world at will. They are not bound to their home trees, which can continue to live without them, though many feel a strong attachment to them even so. They will not die if their home-tree is destroyed, though they may grieve passionately. Each yve is as individual as the soul that formed them. Many do feel an instinctive revulsion towards undead, whether because of the yew trees they emerged from, or because yves were originally created as champions against undead and some fragment of that original purposes remains even now. This is an instinct, not a compulsion, however, and while an yve necromancer may be violently frowned upon by their kin, they are far from impossible.
Yve names. Many yves continue to carry the names they bore as mortals, whatever those may have been, while others take new names for themselves of their own choosing or invention. Some might change them often, while others prefer to keep a thread of consistency in a long life.
Ability Score Increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose any +1; choose any other +1; choose any other +1
Creature Type: You are a Plant.
Size: Yves usually stand between 6 and 8ft in height, and are often slender. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base movement speed is 25ft.
Age: Yves are as long-lived as the trees they emerge from, and there are rumours that some still live that are five thousand years old or older. Perhaps the original yves, those rumoured made by druids to champion the natural world, even still live.
Natural Armour: You have tough, barklike skin. When you aren’t wearing armour, your AC is 13 + your Constitution modifier. You can use your natural armour to determine your AC if the armour you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armour.
Yew Resistances: You have resistance to poison and necrotic damage and are immune to the poisoned condition.
Hardened Limbs: Your sharp, woody fingers are natural weapons, which count as a simple melee finesse weapons with which you are proficient. If you hit with them, you can deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 plus your modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Enemy of the Undead: If your target for your Hardened Limbs is undead, the damage die increases to 1d6 and the damage type becomes radiant. If the target is a vampire, your Hardened Limb counts as a wooden stake.
Poison Sap: You do not have blood. Instead, poisonous yew sap flows in your veins. If a creature within 5ft of you deals piercing or slashing to you, you can use your reaction to splash them with sap from the wound. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take 1d6 poison damage. This damage increases by an extra 1d6 when you reach 5th (2d6), 11th (3d6) and 17th (4d6) levels.
If you take an action to create a small wound on your fingers (taking 1 piercing damage), you can add this damage to strikes with your Hardened Limbs for 1 minute, or you can apply the sap to a piercing or slashing weapon and add the damage to your weapon strikes for 1 round.
Sun-Drinker: You must spend at least 1 continuous hour outdoors in daylight per day, or you cannot gain the benefits of a long rest or use your Enemy of the Undead trait. If you spend more continuous hours outdoors in daylight after the first, you can increase the time spent without daylight by 1 day for every hour.
Languages: You speak, read and write Common and Sylvan.
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the-ashen-gm · 3 years
More Dual-Type Lineages #4: Symbiotic Psions, mind flayers gone rogue!
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[Image ID: a tentacle-faced pirate with a cutlass in a room with an astonomy motif. A pet gerbil sits next to them. End ID.]
Mind flayers, otherwise known as illithids, are said to be a hive-minded species. Although each illithid technically has its own individuality, they are are under the influence of the elder brain. This elder brain is a giant mass of neural matter and an ego to match. It believes that illithids are the superior consciousnesses in the multiverse and that it is the peak of illithid-kind. Most illitihids would agree, which is why they implant tadpoles birthed from the elder brain into a select few of their victims. Rather than eat their brains (as they are wont to do), they allow the victim to be slowly transformed into an illithid themselves. After less than a year of incubation, a new illithid emerges where once a normal humanoid was imprisoned.
However, not all victims of the mind flayers is successfully transformed by this so-called “ceremorphosis”. Some escape before the transformation is complete and never become a part of the elder brain’s hive mind. They flee the mind flayer colony and return to their previous communities, or join a new one if the original’s population has already been harvested for their brains by the illithids. For a time, the escapee might believe they have dodged a fate worse than death and live in peace. Truly, there is nothing more horrifying than becoming an illithid. You do not die, but instead are changed forever into an alien monstrosity without empathy or compassion to those of the material world. 
However, once the tadpole is implanted, it is too late for a normal life. Over the coming months or years, the escapee realises that the tadpole lingers on inside their skull and is changing them from the inside out. The alien stowaway is much weaker now than it was, as it is not being nourished by the colony’s ambient psionic radiation, but it still has the capacity to warp the victim beyond recognition. Such individuals retain their memories and personalities, but also gain some of the powers and visual signifiers of mind flayers. Some look like slightly unusual members of their original race while others could pass as mind flayers themselves. 
Regardless of their looks, real illithids will likely recognise a deviant in an instant and seek to destroy it. Among illithids there is a legend that a tadpole-implanted humanoid will one day destroy the remnants of the illithid empire; however unlikely that story might be, it is logically not worth the risk of allowing any half-formed kin to live. 
Symbiotic Psion Traits
Type: Humanoid and Aberration 
Size: Medium or Small (your choice when you gain this lineage) 
Speed: 30 feet
Age: Your ageing slows down on your humanoid traits, but that becomes irrelevant once the tadpole takes over. You live to be roughly 160 years old before expiring.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells.
Ceremorphosis. You have a suite of psionic spells you can cast using your evolved brain, but the more the tadpole integrates with your brain the harder it gets to hide your burgeoning illithid nature.
You can use an action to cast mind sliver. At 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast thunderwave and gain one symptom of ceremorphosis. At 5th level, you gain the ability to cast detect thoughts and gain another symptom of ceremorphosis. At 8th level, you gain the ability to cast levitate and gain another symptom of ceremorphosis. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
When you cast a spell that is 1st-level or higher using this trait, you cannot cast it again in this way until you finish a short or long rest. Furthermore, any spell you cast using this trait that deals damage deals psychic damage instead of its original damage type.
If you roll the same symptom of ceremorphosis twice, the symptom becomes more extreme and difficult to hide.
Sunlight Sensitivity.  You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
1d6 Symptoms of Ceremorphosis
Your skin is slimy and pale, and smells salty like brinewater.
Your eyes are empty like pools of water, with fragments of your iris floating across the surface.
Your limbs are long and your digits are fused into a set of inhuman grabbers.
You become uncommonly tall for someone of your ancestry and far more gangly. 
Your mouth and lips become a maw of tentacle-like protuberances.
Your favourite food is brains.
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system-of-a-feather · 3 years
Some thoughts on Fictive / Fictional Introjects
[This is not based on science and may not be true / reflective of anything other than my thoughts and understanding of some of the conflicts and different definitions that might be found in the fictive community. This isn’t me taking a stance, as much as me just pondering and wondering a few things.]
I was thinking on this lately, as parts of our system do cope a lot with fiction and lately I’ve been realizing a trend that parts in my system have been doing which is using fiction to help reframe their existence / mindset and set grounds for healing from trauma.
A lot of our trauma parts - ones we don’t share on here because safety - have a really bad issue of being stuck in their trauma nearly constantly and struggle to get any ground / mental space to consider moving past it and being anything else than traumatized / hurt / broken / self hating / etc. 
One part in particular has a chicken-egg scenario where the part - as a fragment - inspired a character which in turn the fragment developed as itself into a fictive and originally I really was a bit mean about it because I have some internalized negativity about heavily integrating fiction into identity if you can’t, but embracing the parts that heavily resonated and made sense to them and deciding “Fictive before Egg” has REALLY helped them reframe their existence and has actually enabled them to live, make relationships and have friends.
Still until today, we don’t know if they are ACTUALLY fictives since “did you split off originally as a fictional character” is technically a large ass question mark, but they consider themselves one and they have a LOT of source stuff, so I’m not going to argue it.
After that though, one of our more traumatized parts also randomly attached strongly to a character, and they are well established long term parts - but they, for the first time in a while, were actually interested in trying and working and healing and being part of everything based on the inspiration / idea of being / being like / wearing said character. 
And to this, me being a fictional introject, I want to stand here and be like “No you can’t do that. If you don’t split off as one, if you start identifying and acting as a character, that's kind of wrong?” but also, if it really does help a really really really crippled and hurt part exist and live and be happy, am I really one to say otherwise? It helped another part start their healing journey so well, so am I going to sit here and say its wrong and offensive?
A part of me says “Yeah, just call it a kin”, but firstly, our system is uncomfortable with the kin community for trauma reasons (if you kin thats fine, we just aren’t comfortable with it) and also I feel with the aspect of identity integration, how specific it is to one character, and the aspects of trauma, dissociation, and such, to call it kin would be to minimize the importance / dynamic to it.
With that being said, being an actual fictive is an entirely different experience - as in a part literally split off based off of / identifying as a fictional character. To meld them would create a lot of conflict / confusion in conversations to call them both fictives
But when you think about it, if a system only experiences the type of coping with fiction that is explained above and not actual fictives, it could be very easy to mistake that THAT is what all fictives are like. Because being split off as a fictive is a really weird and hard to explain experience that I’ve found it is even hard to explain to non-fictive alters in my own system. So if a system does not have a fictive as a part, but does have parts that cope with fictive-like behaviors, it could be an easy mistake to be.
And if so, where do those alters belong - the ones that aren’t fictives, but identify / have an intense coping mechanism with fiction that isn’t as fit to be called kin?
I don’t really know about that. I don’t really think these thoughts will do much but I think part of the issue with the fictive community is that there is probably a mix of two very different “types” of “fictives” in it - each a bit thrown off and/or offended by the others.
As a fictional introject, I find it very uncomfortable to be heavily conflated with my source. I feel objectified if people heavily interact with me based on my source, I am trying to be me with my source as background. I am my own person and I have memories and attachments to people in my source. I find it weird, uncomfortable, and disrespectful for people to claim to be people I feel like I knew and had relationships with. I don’t get source calls. I don’t get people asking me about my life and memories. I don’t get people treating me like the character I’m based on.
On contrary, a part that was originally a part and used a character as a framework to cope, learn to live, and handle existence a little easier, I imagine sources and being seen occasionally as their source and all would be a lot more comforting. If life is difficult as is, and it is easier with the reframe of a fictional character, then occasional reinforcement / validation of being like that could be helpful and beneficial.
I don’t really have a solution to the issue, nor do I really know if I’m right about this since it could just be me projecting my system onto others, but it is something I was thinking about. To be honest, I don’t see it happening, but I personally would probably call the ones that literally split off as introjects of the source to be fictional introjects and those that cope intensely with it to be fictives and have that differentiation to be there, but I dunno. Not a real call for change.
-Riku (Host)
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we-the-pride-system · 4 years
system list, triggers, and DNI
So yes read this before you interact uwu
important!!!: Anthony is dating @remote-controlled-watermelon !!! 
(okay so since people can’t get the memo, people who kin, and doubles, are welcome here. we love y’all. keep bein your funky selves!) 
Anthony: host, trans and currently very gay, he/they  [14] tag: moth chats
Jeremy: protecter, cisgender, in a relationship with Carlos, he/him pronouns. [20] tag: jerm talks
Carlos: we don’t know his role, cis, happily married to Jeremy, he/him pronouns. [23] Tag: Carlos speaks
Pea: Caregiver, non-binary, lesbian, they/them pronouns. [19] tags: Pea talks
Alys: Trauma keeper, non human, he/him pronouns. [?] tag: Alice chats
blinkie: old alter, somehow wasn’t added on here before?!?!, robot, he/him. tag: blinkie talks
13: trauma keeper, non human, mute, typ3s lik3 this. They/them pronouns. [??] tag 13 talks
Addie: NO LONGER A LITTLE, big pain in the ass, your aloud to cuss when she’s around cus she couldn’t give less of a shit. She/her pronouns. [13] tag: Addie talks
Quill/ Quillie: Little, plans to take over the world, no cussing around her. She/her pronouns. [6] tag: quillie talks
Spider: Little, Anxious mess, he’s okay with cuss words just not a lot. He/him pronouns. [10] spider chats
Rosie: caregiver, sweet, she/her pronouns. [19] Rosie talks
Prince: reformed prosecutor, not to be confused with Roman, he/him pronouns.[17]  prince talks
Virgil: fictive from sanders sides, non-binary icon, they/them, he/him pronouns. [16] Virgil chats
Deceit: fictive from sanders sides, don’t call them Janus, they/them pronouns. [16] dee talks
Logan: fictive from sanders sides, dating Remus, he/him pronouns. [17] Logan lectures  Remus: fictive from sanders sides, dating Logan, it/its, veay/vem, pronouns. [18] remus bothers
Roman: fictive from sanders sides, ace aro, single and never ready to mingle, he/him pronouns. [17] Roman chats Sylvie: fictive from epithet erased, hates his source character  but finds A good chuckle out of it, chill af, gremlin, basically sylvie if he went apeshit. Don’t call him Sylvester, he prefers Sylvie. his tag is lampchop talks. Questioning so for now he/him. [15] 
Giovanni potage: fictive from epithet erased, loves his source, basically best soup dad, TYPES LIKE THIS, his tag is VILLAN SPEAK. He/him. [19] 
Molly: fictive from epithet erased, Loves Giovanni and sylvie, baby protect her, I’m also counting her as a little since she’s 12. She/her. [12] tag beartrap chats
Dave strider: fictive from homestuck, chill, rambles a lot, gets trauma memories sometimes so if he suddenly stops talking to you that’s what’s happening, just stand by and give moral support if needed, has PTSD. He/him. [14] tag Dave talks
Karakat: fictive from homestuck, angy boi, usually fronts after Dave, TYPES LIKE THIS, he is very tired of peoples bullshit. He/him. [14] tag karakat talks
Eridan: fictive from homestuck, types with double vv’s and ww’s, thinks very high of theirselve, “gender Is for humans I have no need for it.”  They/them, he/him. [14] tag Eridan speaks 
Hollow: innocence keeper, no one really knows their age, they them pronouns, usually talks in the third person. Tag: hollow talks
 Tenya iida: BNHA fictive! Baby, will usually front if your talking about sonic, orange juice, really anything orange flavored, or deku(he misses him) trans man, he/him pronouns, 16 years old (ya nasties.) tag: tenya talks chats Goop: don't know much about them yet, completely fine with all pronouns just mainly uses they/them, will reblog memes untill they die. About 17 years old. Tag: Goop memes
Cyar: angy, >:(, that’s it. It’s a fragment. Don’t ask. Unknown age. It/its pronouns (all it/its will be tagged as it/its use) Tag: Cyar talks.
chris: p chill, fictive of someone irl, 13, they/them. Tag: Krys talks.
D1no: little! About 6 to 7. Still talks babyish. They/them, he/him. Tag: dino talks
Em: mute. Sister of LL. Is still getting used to well, everything. She/her. 14. Tag: em speaks.
Logan/LL: silent. Brother of Em. Doesn’t talk much but can. 14. He/him. Tag. LL talks.
Patton: we have the whole set. 23 yo, we don’t know him that well. he/him. Tag: Patton talks
onix: fictive of a name??? how does that even happen? he/him. 19. tag: onix talks
percy: yep a percy fictive of epithet erased. she/they. 28. tag: percy talks
spike: not a fictive! just mistook him for one. he/him, they/them. 17. tag: spike.txt
cheshire: little, about 9 years old?? uses he/him they/them and she/her. genderfluid. tag: cheshire speaks
Jake english: “use reuse recycle!” he/him 18. tag: jake talks
frisk: no thoughts head empty 10 years old, fictive, little, they/them. tag:frisk talks
Wilbur soot: mcyt fictive! is ghostbur. he doesn’t remember what he did and is very confused as to where he is. fish just all the 🐠 way. 21! he/him tag: Wilbur.txt
Fundy: mcyt fictive! doesn’t forgive his dad but is willing to vibe with him. knows some spanish 19 he/him. tag: Fundy text
Phill: “yes with two Ls” mcyt fictive. system dad. role caretaker! if you don’t feel comfortable talking to him let him know he doesn’t mind :) 38 he/him tag: Phill talks
mack: chaotic protecter. he/they, 19. tag: mack talks
Wilbur/Wil: Fictive of alivebur, mcyt fictive. role protector! pls tell him if he needs to calm down he gets a little loud. 19! he/him. Tag: Wil talks
Tommy: fictive of tommyinnit, mcyt fictive, (not of the youtuber of the character), 14, he/it pronouns. Tag: Tommy,TxT
Ranboo: forgot to do this yesterday lol, fictive of ranboo the character, 17 they/it tag: ranboo talks
Technoblade: again another fictive of the character, p chill, usually won’t announce when he’s fronting cus it’s easier. 20 he/him tag: Techno talks
The happy scale! (This is a stolen idea bc sometimes our emotions get icky but hey whatcha gonna do! This also includes emojis cus we have very complicated emotions)
:)  happy! Ether used in a nice way or in a passive aggressive way.
:( eh not the best. Sad. Man this sucks. Yknow stuff like that.
>:( mad, angry, pissed off.  :/ meh, don’t really feel anything rn.  🥺 baby, love, I love this, please love me.  😔 yep, oof, oh well.  👏 yes, preach sister!
🙏 thanks!
🤟 I love you!  Stuff: 
Sarcasm is usually tagged /s and jokes are tagged as /j , as we cannot tell if people are joking or not in real life or through the Internet. If you are talking to us please use /s when your sarcastic and /j when you are joking.
 police brutality and police in general, unsympathetic Janus, and uh mild nudity like showing tummy or breasts, romantic molly x Sylvie (kissing is fine just no icky stuff, only platonic here.), the California fire stuff + covid 19, calling me baby, doll, gorgeous, or any girl term (if a girl alter is fronting that is the ONLY exception), the trump protesting thing/ civil war 2 happening rn
DNI list:
Terfs, no trauma systems, unsympathetic Janus stans, “all lives matter”, map, pedofile, gio x molly shippers or sylvie x gio shippers, r3mrom shippers, romantic Sylvie x molly (we mean like sex stuff here, platonic only)
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fireflysys · 5 years
Caelie's Crash Course: DID Edition
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(Preemptive banner to ensure maximum safety of this post. I'll explain endos further down.)
This post is sponsored by: Singlets Don't Really Know Anything About Us, Do They? and I'm Tired Of The Misinformation, Karen and also If You Only Know About DID From The Media, You Don't Know Anything About DID.
Enough showmanship, let's go ahead to the meat of the matter, shall we? Feel free to just skip around and only read the bolded stuff, think of those bits as your TL;DR.
What does DID mean?
DID stands for Dissociative Identity Disorder. Yes, it was previously classified (erroneously) as Multiple Personality Disorder — almost thirty years ago. In 1992, Multiple Personality Disorder was reclassified as Dissociative Identity Disorder. Which means there's no reason to continue calling it Multiple Personality Disorder or to refer to anyone as having multiple personalities.
Why the change from MPD to DID?
It's actually really simple. The disorder was reclassified after research found it's a dissociative disorder, not a personality disorder. That's why we don't call system members personalities, too.
So what exactly is DID?
DID is a dissociative disorder brought on by repeated early childhood trauma. For DID to occur, the patient must have experienced repeated trauma between the ages of six to nine. This trauma is too much for the brain to handle, so in order to cope, it splits off into two or more distinct people who handle different aspects of the trauma and day-to-day life. While the initial split has to occur between the ages of six and nine, new alters can form at any time after that. New alters commonly form due to additional trauma occurring or in response to highly stressful situations.
Is DID the only way to have a system?
No. There are two disorders that can cause alters to form, DID and OSDD-1. You must have either DID or OSDD-1 to have a system. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you and spreading misinformation. (This is where the endos come in.)
There are people who do try to say you don't need a disorder to be a system! These people also tend to spread other misinformation and lies that are directly harmful to actual systems. Beware of anyone calling themself endo/endogenic, a tulpamancer/tulpa, quoigenic, a soulbond, a natural system, a kin system, a BPD system, or a non-trauma system. To break it down quickly: Endos, quoigenics, natural systems, and non-trauma systems aren't possible by definition of what a system is; Tulpamancers are appropriating a closed religious practice for a culture that most certainly is not theirs; Soulbonds and kin systems conflate their otherkins or fictionkins with alters, which is very harmful; BPD is a personality disorder and does not cause or include having alters.
So what's the difference between DID and OSDD-1?
It's in the diagnostic criteria! DID consists of having two or more distinct parts (commonly referred to as alters), dissociation between parts, and dissociative amnesia. What this boils down to is having alters and often not being aware of them or the time they spent fronting without you.
OSDD-1 is split into multiple categories. OSDD-1a consists of two or more parts that can influence and control the body, but the parts are not distinct. OSDD-1b consists of two or more distinct parts, but there is no dissociative amnesia between them.
How do you refer to the parts in a system?
The clinical term for us is "alters," but there are some systems who don't like to use that terms. I'd recommend just asking if it doesn't already say somewhere how they'd prefer to be referred to. Some other words systems use in place of alters are:
System Members
System Mates
What kinds of alters are there?
These aren't all the alter types, but these are the most common you'll see.
Hosts/Mains: The alter(s) who usually front most often.
Protectors: These alters usually front to protect the body or the system from perceived external threats.
Persecutors: These alters tend to harm the system or the body. They'll get their own section after this.
System Littles/Syskids: These alters are children, treat them as you would any other child of their age.
Internal Self-Helpers: These alters hold most of the information about the system. They can control access to this information as well.
Introjects: These alters are "based" off another person, who may be someone in the system's life or a fictional character. Introjects may look, talk, or act like the person they're "based" from.
Gatekeepers: These alters control switching and access to the front.
Memory Holders: These alters hold memories from the system's past that other alters may not, often these are trauma memories.
Fragments: These are alters that are not fully distinct from other alters. They may seem rather two-dimensional as a result.
Nonhumans: These alters present as something other than human in the headspace, and may believe as such that they are nonhuman, regardless of the body. For example within our own system: I am a doll, Azrael is an angel, etc.
Aren't persecutors evil/abusers/murderers/etc.?
(I know this entire section is bold. It's the most important section here.)
No. Persecutors are not evil. There is no such thing as an "evil" alter. Persecutors usually harm only the body or other alters if they harm anyone. It is very rare they harm anyone outside the system. They have their own reasons for what they do, often rooted in trauma or a skewed sense of "helping" or what's right and wrong. Yes, it is up to them to recognize what behaviors are brought on by trauma and work through that, but these behaviors do not make them evil.
So can I write characters with DID if I'm a singlet (someone who is not a system)?
(This section is also very important and will contain a lot of bold.)
Yes, but do your research first. Read sites like DID Reasearch, Trauma Dissociation, and This Is Not Dissociative. Talk to actual systems about their experiences. If you can, get a system who can sensitivity read for you and listen to their criticisms. I can tell you now, anyone in my system who's able would be glad to help you with what is and isn't okay to say when writing characters with DID.
As a general rule of thumb though, do not write "evil" alters. This trope is directly harmful to systems. Again, please just find a system willing to sensitivity read your work.
Congrats, you've made it to the end! That's all I have to say on the subject, though this is just surface-level info on DID. Feel free to send any questions to us if you'd like more in-depth info on any of the topics covered here! You can also ask questions about our system and experiences if you'd like!
And lastly:
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~Caelie of the Clockwork Collective
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plusultrakincore · 4 years
howdy! I know you guys are fictionkin-based but your carrd says you do deitykin stuff, so can I have an aesthetic for an unrecorded deity of death/rebirth/the new moon/solar eclipses? themes of fragmented memories and power would be cool too if you can! If this is too out there feel free to decline (tag @uescontactlight in it too, please)! Thank you!!
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☆ Dessert is served! ☆
❥ Yep yep!! We’ll definitely try to do any kind of otherkin that isn’t factkin! While the majority of our kins are fiction, I actually kin a star, a deer faun, a fruit bat, hedgehog and a strawberry tabby tiger!! Never be shy to come by for these types of rqs, we’ll be happy to take them. As for your aes, I’m very happy with the results especially the colors so thank you so much for requesting and I hope I captured it well!! Have a wonderful night!! 💙💜💖
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robotnikium · 5 years
It was all a lie.
Staggering is a word for it, overwhelmed could be another. So much had happened in the world recently that shook the good Doctor to his core; a new perspective forced upon him without a chance to prepare. While his mind was always racing, his thoughts were always coherent. Now he wasn’t sure what to think. The wall of apathy he had stubbornly taught himself over the years was being shattered, leaving him in a state of vulnerability he didn’t like. Ivo Robotnik had a lot to curse the world for and for a while it appeared as if he was going to get that revenge; things got in the way before he could ever complete said revenge.
He can only bring himself to stare ahead at an empty screen, begging to be used. Slowly, carelessly, feeds are logged on and flipped as he desperately tried to search for a distraction. Cities were destroyed, the chaos that wasn’t his had reigned. He feels no sympathy for the events transpired, only envy that he didn’t get there sooner. When it becomes apparent that there would be no way to escape his tormenting mind, he brought forth a thick cigar. He hoped it would at least help slow it down somewhat. 
In place of videos, one of his many files containing notes is summoned. 
                                                    PROJECT SHADOW
Paragraphs are scrolled passed quickly, detailing statistics to events transpired. After all the world had been through, it was about time he added to his studies.
[ X / X / XXXX ] : Shadow the Hedgehog was found in critical condition, but alive. He has earned his title of true Ultimate Lifeform, for it would be impossible for anyone else to survive entering the atmosphere like that. I have taken him in hopes of healing him. Once he awakens; I hope to use his power again to take over the world. It will be a long process, but as long as he stays in a controlled environment he should be fine.
[ X / XX / XXXX ] : Shadow the Hedgehog has escaped. The exact time is unknown as it was during my imprisonment at Neo Metal Sonic’s hands. Though briefly allied with Rouge the Bat and E 123 OMEGA and aiding in the defeat of the Metal Overlord he has left to forge his own path and shows no signs of returning.
                                              I have no way to track him.
He presses the enter key, making space for his newest and final update on the hedgehog.
[ X / XX / XXXX ] : Shadow the Hedgehog has been found alive. Too much has happened since the last update to feasibly record everything; everything unnecessary shall be omitted.
Shadow reappeared when alien forces returned to conquer the planet. While his memory was fragmented from his sudden premature awakening, it was not lost. As events transpired, slowly but surely he was beginning to remember who he was. Black Arms fought against the forces of Sonic, G.U.N and that of my own. While his loyalties were shrouded, the Ultimate Lifeform eventually rose to save the planet just as he’d done before. Shadow |
The typing abruptly stopped, his mind returning to his grandfather. The backspace was feverishly smashed, deleting everything but base statistics and a description of who he was and the significance that he held. There’s guilt hanging on him as he can finally feel the good spirit of his grandfather stare down in disappointment. Its crushing, it's not comparable to anything he’s ever felt before. Gerald Robotnik, the savior of humanity. Shadow the Hedgehog, the creation Gerald who had loved him like his own. Shadow the Hedgehog … family? 
No, no, no. That couldn’t be right.
Yet here he was, feeling guilty for stalking the life of someone that in a better timeline he could’ve been close to. He was trying to control his fate like his Grandfather had done when his mind broke and only thought of revenge. The hedgehog’s heart ached the same way his did over the tragedy of their kin. Fifty years was so long yet so little in the eyes of the grieving. The two had something in common, their only difference being the way they chose to cope with their loss.
The burnt-out cigar is abandoned along with the computer, beginning to get antsy. He rose to steps beginning slow only to quicken the more forward he went. The androids. The androids. He had to destroy those damned androids. Apart from failing to live up to the original, they were straight-up insulting to his grandfather’s legacy and the one that remained to carry it forward. Even if he couldn’t destroy them all immediately he’d make sure there would be none remaining to stain the purpose of Project Shadow.
Doctor Robotnik’s frantic race is halted when his mind caused him to forget his footing and the next second he knew he was on the ground. The impact elicited no response from him, only staring at the ground as he rested himself upon his knees. For the first time in his life, Ivo felt… small. He felt like he wanted to reach out for help. He felt like he wanted to apologize. His son, Gerald called him. He loved him like a son. The years of silence and one news report noting his disappearance had made Ivo worried that he’d done something to make Gerald ashamed in him; had his affections moved to Shadow...? It was stupid to worry about that now. Robotnik knew why they had to stop speaking to each other.
❝ Sorry, Grandfather. ❞ He muttered inwardly as if that would make up for everything. A face buried into gloves with a loud groan. He can only reiterate to himself: I hate feeling this way, I hate feeling this way, I hate feeling this way - It repeats like a broken record until he finally rises back to his feet. Too much weakness has been shown to an audience that didn’t exist. A tug at his mustache and the adjustment of his glasses prompts a long shaky breath. Fists curl as apathy rises; he’s trying to deceive himself. ❝ But the judgment of the dead will stop me from what I set out to do. ❞
A moment passes, almost like hesitation. Then finally, a sigh and words following barely above a whisper. ❝ At the very least... I will spare Shadow from anymore torment. ❞ 
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teaandcrowns · 5 years
Cultural Examinations: Water Tribe
The thing that drew me in the most about the Avatar world is the influence of so many different cultures.
To me, it’s more subtle than just throwing a world-wide mix of cultural analogs together (which is also fun, but will yield a completely different story), and that’s something I very much appreciate.
When I approach writing fanfiction within this universe, I try and take as much care inserting and adding details unique to each culture, as inspired by ones that exist on our world—much as the creative team did for the shows themselves.
When writing fanfiction in such a lush world as Avatar, I do my best to take care and put as many cultural details and cues as the show had visually. This means doing research into the cultures that are analogued or used as inspiration for the ones that appear in the show. Though a fanfic can be written without this, I know that the fics I’ve enjoyed reading the most have all had deeper cultural inclusions and references. It gives both the fic itself and the world its set in more weight and breadth, and I consider that if it’s something I deeply enjoy reading, I should do the work to put the same effort and detail into fics that I add, as well. (Also, enjoying doing that doesn’t hurt, either.)
The Water Tribe is not solely based off of Inuit/Arctic Peoples, but also Mongolian. The parkas they wear are very Arctic in inspiration, but the robes resemble the Mongolian deel.
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The Water Tribe is very family focused, as are both of these types of cultures. Inuit/Arctic Peoples are not one uniform culture, nor are Mongolians, though there are commonalities held throughout. The Water Tribe is well suited to this type of connected but not uniform culture, as the Tribe itself is split into two main sister tribes, and also I feel that with the expanse of the antarctic region we see in the show, there would certainly have been more than one gathering of tribesmen before the Fire Nation decimated the population.
Aside from their dress, what else can we know, culturally, about the Water Tribe?
We know they are very close-knit with one another—both within blood family and outside blood relatives. We know that at least half of the Water Tribe people, the Northern, are severely patriarchal, and it seems that perhaps the Southern Tribe was to a much lesser degree. They are a seafaring people, comfortable on the ocean and sailing in community-built ships, and they are a people who feel a deep sense of cultural pride and connection to tradition.
With as family oriented as Water Tribesmen are, it’s easy to see smaller clan-like settlements being the norm rather than a crowded city. Despite the appearance of a large city in the Northern Water Tribe, it’s easy to believe that there are settlements outside that city—or at least were, perhaps before smaller clan units retreated to the city for greater defense and survival during the War.
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While Sokka exhibited misogynistic views at the beginning of the show, it’s most likely because of his fragmented upbringing rather than the South holding to as fiercely patriarchal ways as the North. Hama, for example, was a combative waterbender, as were plenty of other women waterbenders fighting against the Fire Nation.
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This was probably known between the Tribes, which would be the reason Kanna left the North and her arranged marriage to find her own path (and husband) in the South. The fact that the North did not keep in contact or appear to offer any real help to their Southern tribespeople during the Fire Nation attacks (despite the claim that the Northern Water Tribe leader headed both tribes), could also be evidence that the North did not exactly approve of the South’s views. Then again, the lack of help could also be because of the risk across such a great distance to send help, but Water Tribe people have a deep sense of kinship toward one another, even if they never met (see Foggy Swamp Tribesmen Huu, Due, and Tho welcoming Katara as kin). I am of the belief that it’s the disapproval of the more liberal Southern views rather than simple complex and risky logistics.
Both Inuit/Arctic Peoples and Mongolian peoples have the same tribal/clan-like sense of community, and are welcoming into their homes. One of the traditions of the Mongols is a host offering tea—it is so ubiquitous that a host would not think twice about offering tea and the guest would not think to decline. It’s simply good, expected hospitality. 
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This reflects nearly directly in the Water Tribe. The Northern Water Tribe hosts a great feast to which of course Aang, Sokka, and Katara are invited; Hama immediately sets about making a personal feast of traditional Water Tribe fare for all the kids without question; and the Foggy Swamp benders share their fires and food with the group as soon as they discover they’re distant kin. Even Bato unquestionably makes Aang an honorary Water Tribe member after Sokka’s Ice Dodging—not because he’s the Avatar, but because he’s a close friend of Sokka and Katara.
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On the same token, Katara, Sokka, Hakota, and Bato all express deep sorrow, akin to physical pain, upon the separation of them from family. For Hakota, it’s being separated from his children for so long; for Katara, it’s the loss of her father and her mother, which still affects her years later as keenly as it did when she was eight; for Sokka, it’s mostly the loss of growing into the brotherhood of warrior tribesmen on top of losing their father for years; for Bato, it’s the loss of that same brotherhood, established for years, that he feels most, however temporary it may be.
What seems the most tragic about the Water Tribes, however, is their loss of culture. It is especially so for the Southern Tribe, which by all exhibits seems to have some significant differences from their Northern cousins. Even this is reflective of both Arctic Peoples and Mongolian cultures, though primarily more in the former. A lot if heritage has been lost, by assimilation of other, more dominant cultures—such as post-AtLA when the Northern Tribe sends benders and tribesman to help their sister tribe—and by simple loss of elders and people and their knowledge. It’s a shame that Hama wasn’t able to impart more cultural heritage knowledge to Katara and Sokka before her confrontation with them. With all that, it’s easy to see how people have internal conflict about moving forward after the War is over—is it really okay to make new traditions and technological advances that ultimately have an effect on culture, or should a greater effort be put into relearning and preserving?
This theme of traditional culture versus progress at the (potential) sacrifice of those traditional ways being in conflict in both the world’s nations and in individual characters is a repeated one that I feel is one of the more important themes to the entire series. The Water Tribe still struggles with this even into the story of Legend of Korra, some seventy years after the end of the Hundred Year War.
It doesn’t wholly define the Water Tribe, no, but it does have a hand in defining it. Every culture experiences its own growing pains in the aftermath of the War, and we can see that it’s not something that even a generation and a half has been able to solve.
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It’s easy to see both sides of the argument, especially for the Water Tribe. Half their people were lost, it’s time to move on to newer and better things. But at the same time, half their people were lost, they should honor the memory and keep tradition alive, especially when that tradition seems to help preserve the very balance of the world.
I don’t think there’s a true right or wrong answer of one side over the other, but that, as with another integral theme in the show, of balance. With the Water Tribe, being who they are, I feel that so long as they are able to maintain their sense of community and family (blood or extended), they will always be able to adapt with change and make it work to their advantage.
There are, of course, a lot of cultural details that I like to add when I write fic concerning the Water Tribe that are by no means in any kind of canon. What I feel fits and gives greater depth into a world may differ from what another author may decide. I don’t uniformly migrate details over, either—I pick some that I feel would fit with how the Tribe is presented and how it will add to and impact whatever story I am writing. So long as it meets all the criteria—does it honor whichever culture it comes from? Does it fit into the Avatar world? Does it add to and/or impact or deepen the story itself somehow? Does it feel Water Tribe enough?—then it gets added in. Like an artist would do with visual clues that don’t immediately stand out but enhance the scene and world anyway, I believe adding these cultural details achieves the same effect in fanfiction.
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traumatrash · 5 years
Can you possibly explain some of the different types of alters there are? Or just like terms in general?
system: the collective of alters
alters: the different people in a system
headspace: internal space where alters hang out when not at front. not every system has one
fronting: conscious, piloting the meat sack
co-fronting: multiple alters conscious at the same time
host: alter who fronts most.
protectors: alters who front to protect the system from perceived or real harm
persecutors: alters who do harm to other alters or the body.
littles: alters who are kids
fragments: alters who aren’t fully distinct, they’re usually pretty two dimensional to talk to
introjects: alters based off real life people or fictional characters (no, it’s not the same thing as kin).
trauma holders: alters that hold trauma memories.
Nonhuman: just alters who don’t identify with being human. it stems from trauma. just remind them they have certain limits while fronting
gatekeepers: alters that control switching. we don’t personally have anything like this
and I’m sure there’s other terms I’m forgetting
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donnnoir · 5 years
Abduct this dick; assholes
Dallas, Texas                                               July 16, 2019
Well since I am known to be a bit of a killjoy; I reckon I should just go ahead and piss in everybody’s punch bowl right off the bat.  If I was a prudent man I would wait to secure a large contingent of followers before unpacking certain ugly Truths.  Excepting that a given percentile would drop because I essentially assaulted one of their tenants of faith.  I however have never been known to be either a sensible nor prudent man.  As the song says, “if the Truth hurts bear it”.  Thus with that in mind let’s dance.
The phenomena known as Alien Abduction is for the most part (like 99.5 %) false.  Now before everyone decides to block me, allow me to say that the individuals who are suffering and experiencing abduction are indeed being abducted.  They are being experimented on by their abductors.  The real question and therefore crux of the matter is, who is abducting these people?  What is happening to them?  For what purposes?  Why are they experiencing these abductions as being perpetrated by aliens, principally the Greys?  Why would not aliens be abducting humans?  
From discussions long ago on the topic of Alien Abduction.  I was generally informed that, “come on really”!  Think about it, a more progressed race of intelligent beings can cross the entirety of the cosmos to come anal probe hill-billy Jeb to see what he has been eating?  Really?  Look long ago I saw all kinds of “spheres” and craft very similar to what we now call drones used by ETs to collect data or observe us.  If they want information on ANYONE, including Hill-Billy Jeb.  They could let Jeb inhale a micro sphere capable of scanning his entire body.  Transmit the data to a command module or craft were a non-living version of Jeb could be assembled down to each atom in real time in a lab.  This “version” could then be manipulated as necessary to whatever determining factors were being considered.  This sphere could give continuous live real time data so the subject could be observed in real life context.  Without any undo suffering or harm.  Once sufficient data has been collected the sphere can simply exit Jeb’s body via the closest orifice.  Hell the sphere wouldn’t even need to enter Jeb.  I just put that in to illustrate the possibility to any who subscribe to such being necessary to collect data.  Oh and I mean no offense to my Hill-Billy friends or kin.
Please always remember these persons the abductees are genuinely experiencing real and very disturbing memories of actually being kidnapped and tortured.  Let us not add to their pain by trying to minimize their suffering so that what they are experiencing fits some little box in our minds.  If anything the realities of what is happening should enrage everyone to the point of demanding that those responsible are held to the highest level of accountability and justice is done to them.  Plain and simply put - beginning with Our Government the Alien Phenomena inclusive of Abductions has been usurped to serve the agendas of what can best currently be called The Shadow Government.  Which is deeper and darker than what is presently being referred to as the Deep State (Government).  During the ‘60’s NASA developed Holographic Technologies.  These were initially employed along with hallucinatory drugs as part of a variety of cover stories for the victims of the infamous MK Ultra (mind control) experiments of the time.  I suggest you YouTube Cathy O’Brien.  She openly discusses the matter, or read “Trance-formation of America”, or her other books on the topic.  The victims then suffered additional torture and trauma as these scenarios / cover stories were put in place among the victim’s memories.   As the MK Ultra program was expanded to larger and larger portions of the population it became common practice to embed and use the Alien Abduction scenario in all test subjects.  Matter of fact following the initial reports and the common use of hypnotic regression to recover these memories. In later sessions with these same individuals. They generally recalled seeing several of the notorious Men in Black also in the room during their torture (presumed science experimentation by the Greys).  I suspect that the more recent reports no longer recall such.  As programmers of this type are quick to adjust their activities to exclude any tell tale signs of “the man behind the current” as it were.  The explosion of this supposed Phenomena follows closely the expansion of the continuing programs replacing MK Ultra within and throughout our society.  Ultimately the interests of Our Shadow Government align with those of the Ruling Black Hand of other Shadow Governments around the world.  As such we exported this “Phenomena” to the world.  
Sadly not all abductions can be explained by my thesis.  Mostly due to the fact not all ETs are benevolent, some even view us as a food source. Some are misidentified, when their old world label is much more appropriate that being “demons”.  Don’t worry everyone is going to get reacquainted with these entities from dark lower harmonic realms and their hive mind sets.  Much sooner than most of you may like.  Believe me we are not ready for what is coming.
So what the fuck does it mean?  The totality of the situation is beyond me!  What I can tell you constitutes a small portion of what is happening and to a lesser degree what is planned for all of us, but most particularly the unfortunate abductees.  First and foremost this project/operation was to cover up the sadistic practices of these occultic/satanic believers and their vile appetites.  Nonetheless the presumed operational objectives were genetic sampling and experimentation of the victims.  You see in Antediluvian times one of the great sins of the sons and daughters of Eve was altering their own genome or adulterating it with that of the Nephilim.  By the time Noah came around the practice had become so wide spread that quite literally just Noah and his family had sufficient original genes from Adam and Eve to qualify as being appropriate to continue the human race.  Important footnote here; as according to Antediluvian Law and Tradition, Noah would have brought his household with him on the Ark. Which is inclusive of more than just those consanguineously associated to him.  Consequently these Occultist that make up the Shadow Government wanted to track down all the fragments of these abomination variants scattered in the genes of the population.  They are currently active in trying to create Nephilim via cloning as an attempt to produce super soldiers for the Military Industrial Complex.  With some degree of success I might add.  If creating an abomination can be called a success at any level.  While farming test subjects they also wished to test how flexible our genome really is. Years ago there was discussion as to the programable nature of our DNA.  Comparing it to the Operating Systems of computers and how it could be used to transfer information along with how to make an executable file to update the base program.  As part of this, experiments were devised and various “packets of code” were placed in the test subjects.  At some future date the individual with be further victimized by being subjected to a stimuli (more than likely some form of non-ionizing radiation of a particular frequency and modulation) meant to cause the code to express its self in the subject.  With unimaginable speed the person’s genome will rewrite its self and express this physically in and on the test subject.  I suspect that depending on the amounts initially expressed and its penetration in our society many groups may have this delayed so as to see how it passes from one generation to another, allowing observation of any mutations and continuity.  They wish to hopefully create whole new species of humans.  Granted the attrition rate will be immense, but hey “you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet”. At least that is what they would have you believe.  There are other tie-ins, considerations and vectors from other platforms that are worth thinking about as part of this.  Speculation into the topic could fill pages, and no doubt does in various operation manuals elsewhere.  But I need to be as succinct as possible and maintain focus for any reader who happens upon my writings.  Good Luck to Us All; G-dspeed and may He have mercy on Us all; cause it is going to be a wild ride...
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dustward · 5 years
Episode 12 - Memories (pt.2)
Well, this is it. I really hope there’s a season 2 someday, but there doesn’t *need* to be. Anyways, Phos had been waiting well over a week to get the chance to “talk” with a Lunarian. It went about as well as you’d expect.
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Props to them for having the exact tools necessary to safely catch one without needing to destroy the lot of them. They could always try this tactic out again later, assuming the Lunarians don’t anticipate it or find a way to counter it.
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These things have pupils, eh? It makes them seem a bit less.. heartless, but we can only guess at what this really means. The smaller Lunarians always felt like some sort of hivemind, but they aren’t really. At least, I don’t think they are. Would they care enough for their kin to wish to avenge them? What’s the significance of the larger ones? Are they individuals only when fragmented, sort of like with Shiro? That’s all Phos seems to get for now - more questions.
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Cinnabar’s always watching and looking out for Phos. Phos probably could’ve handled this, but the gesture is appreciated, even if it kinda cut short their plan. “F...” the lone Lunarian said. No idea what it could mean on its own, but it’s a lead.
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I like the parallel here that can be compared with Cinnabar’s imitation of Phos with their own substance from back in episode 3. They really were made for each other, and it only makes more and more sense as time marches on.
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Phos’ promise forever lingers on Cinnabar’s mind. Shouldn’t you have maybe returned that? I guess it stopped mattering once Phos lost their encyclopedia job.
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Such a nice, serious moment completely unraveled by Cinnabar’s kneejerk reaction. Ahhhh, I love these two..
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The series started with a promise. Just when you think Phos would let us down, they’ve come up with a solution. It’s the best way to end the anime, really. Despite all the hell they went through to be put in this position, you could say it was all necessary in the end, in order to hold true to their word.
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It was subtle, yet obvious to us how Cinnabar felt as Phos kept running around, going through all these changes while not having an answer for them. Phos might’ve underestimated, maybe even forgotten the exact wording of what they said, but it’s no shock that Cinnabar repeated those words to themselves time and time again.
It’s not quite what they wanted, but they’re nonetheless happy to see Phos keep their promise.
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Cinnabar’s the only one Phos can trust with this, but that’s not the only reason they asked them. It’s not because they owed it to them to find a new job, either. It’s because Cinnabar’s shown themselves to be incredibly "prudent and clever.” Even if Rutile, Bort, and the others were similarly sharp, I’d wager Phos trust’s Cinnabar’s judgement and advice more than any others’.
Phos might’ve gotten wiser and more mindful themselves, but they know Cinnabar would be the one to spot something they missed. What they’re going through, doubting everything and everyone, that’s also a feeling Cinnabar’s familiar with. It won’t be a fun job, but it’s most definitely something only Cinnabar could do. It’s a cause, a purpose, far more valuable than a night’s watch. They’ll also be able to enjoy that feeling of being valued and of use to Phos. The feeling might be mutual, even, as they certainly aren’t okay with whatever secrets Kongo might be hiding. To have someone they can *maybe* confide in, that has to count for something as well.
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Especially if this endeavor does lead to some answers.
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They say they feel distrust, but is that just a feeling that’s been building up inside them? To say this, is Cinnabar attempting to break through that wall of doubt they’ve surrounded themselves in? I trust Phos, and I hope Cinnabar can come to as well.
What follows is one last sequence that serves to tie things up in a book ends fashion. The end of.. book 1, we’ll frame this as. I’ll lay down some predictions and look forward to seeing how right/wrong I am when I finally tackle the manga.
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Despite Bort being Bort, Zircon seems to be their own harshest critic. They’ll likely surpass and surprise in ways we hadn’t anticipated, now that they have the freedom to do so. Bort’s yet to meet any true hardships, and I wonder when that’ll change.
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We’re given glimpses of many others going about their daily lives. There’s no telling when and which of them will get their time in the spotlight, but just having them all interact brings me joy.
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The winds of change continue to blow. Kongo was always a good caretaker. I can only hope the secrets they’re hiding are only for the others’ own protection, but they have a right to know if they were to ask. The fact you refuse even that may be your greatest mistake, and I hope it doesn’t come with serious consequence. Jade’s just trying to help keep this place afloat, so they shouldn’t get in the way, even if they interact the most with Kongo, and might even be considered the most loyal now.
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I’m so damn happy they replayed that opening scene. I loved it as much the fourth, tenth, twentieth time. Phos is no longer laying in the grass, letting the days pass them by. Each day is important, and each day has purpose. Their changes aren’t finished, and seeing how far removed they already are from their old self.. it leaves a bittersweet feeling, you know?
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We all gotta grow up and mature sooner or later, but it’s important to remember what we had. To lose that would be to lose ourselves. You did indeed live a spoiled life, Phos, but you turned out alright in the end. If you can forgive your former self for their decisions, maybe you can better face the ones you’ll soon have to make.
When I first saw that Phos was gonna go through a transformation I was interested. After seeing it unfold I was ever so grateful I gave the series a chance. I’ve got a weak spot for characters like this - characters that have to undergo such a drastic, yet believable change. Phos will probably be my favorite of this type from this day forward, and I couldn’t think of a better way to honor them.
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The colors, the sounds, the music, the characters, the setting, the themes, the story. I loved all of it. I likely always will. After this rewatch, Land of the Lustrous has probably become my favorite anime of all time.
It’s unlikely the manga will change my view on the anime itself, but it makes me wonder if that love will deepen more. With the tone of the story, how much more will it hurt? Will the ending be satisfying? Those are all questions for another day.
I don’t know if anyone’s ever gonna read all these personal thoughts I’ve had on the series, and frankly I don’t care. I’m just glad I took the time to take such a closer look at it. If anyone has bothered to read these.. thank you for listening.
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olboypacman · 5 years
4. False Hope (Trigon, the Benevolent)
A/N: Still don’t own Teen Titans. This one-shot contains a concept I plan to expand on in a different story. Don’t want to drop too many hints in an A/N, so I hope you all will stick with me.
Azarath had been invaded.
Augustus, the brother of Trigon, in his bid to take the title of “The Terrible”, had amassed a considerable force of allies to his side.
However, Augustus had underestimated his opposition and spread his efforts incredibly thin and had fought a war on three fronts (on earth versus the Titans, versus the army of Azarath, and versus Trigon himself).
The last Azar had foreseen the coming threat from Trigon’s kin and had militarized Azarath. No question the decision was met with great controversy, breaking the many thousands of years of the precedent of being a pacifist realm. Many in Azarath (including other members of leadership) had blamed the threat on Azar’s, and more specifically, Raven’s and Arella’s connection to Trigon. But contrary to what one may think of the people of Azarath, many men and women had volunteered. In doing so many were disowned by their respective families, friends and shunned in public as pariahs due to their choice to defend their world.
Trigon had come across the sight of the main conflict. He walks the area; littered everywhere is the bodies of demons, Azarathians and scorch marks where the forms a of certain type of flame familiar (which Trigon is very familiar with) would be if they weren’t vanquished. Eventually he comes a across the fortified walls and gate of the main entrance of the metropolis of Azarath. In front of the gate is a contingent of a few dozen Azarathians, guarding the gate no doubt because of the recent conflict. A figure in white comes to the head of the crowd.
Her usual white cloak and leotard is strewn in cuts and caked in dirt and blood. That of foe and friend alike one would wager. A look of sullen determination is on her face; her usual expressive blue eyes dull to all they survey, full lips in a thin line, her black eye brows creased in concentration. Upon noticing the approaching Trigon, the hard look on her face immediately melts replaced with relief. She drops the spear and shield she was holding and sprints to the encroaching demon. Her hood falls as she runs toward Trigon, shoulder length black hair now subject to the wind.
Reaching him she throws her arms around his body squeezing his him as hard as she can. He responds by wrapping his arms around her.
“Is Augustus… Is he defeated?” she asks breaking the embrace.
“I took care of him.” Trigon says sullenly. “My brother is…” he hesitates, “was trounced.”
Taking in his appearance she notices Trigon isn’t without wear himself. His body is bare for all to care to see. His slender yet muscular body littered with cuts and bruises from a very recent battle. His red hands having a small amount of dirt on them.
“How are things on this front?” Says Trigon.
“We managed to push them back. They didn’t reach breach the walls. The contingent we faced was mostly those fire familiars. They were incredibly hard to fight back. I’d imagine their sudden disappearance was the result of their master meeting his end.”
She looks to Trigon for confirmation of the theory. He nods in the affirmative.
“We lost more than a few good people today. I will honor their memories with the other soldiers, I don’t know if the populace would celebrate what was sacrificed today. The surviving soldiers are surveying the city for any holdovers of Augustus’ forces, we’re guarding the gate to make sure none approach from the front.” Arella’s eyes begin to tear up as she looks away from Trigon. “I hope I never have to deal with anything this horrible again. Those demons I’ve killed… I know I had to defend Azarath, but…” she pauses. “I felt the life leave them as they died, Trigon. Not just them, but that of our allies as they died too. I’m not sure I could ever do that again.”
Trigon pulls her close once more, laying a kiss to her chakra stone. “You’re safe, my love. Azarath is safe. And unless I miss my guess our daughter is safe.”
Tears still falling she shoots Trigon a smile, not bothering to correct him calling her his ‘love.’
A commotion among the soldiers catches their attention.
It appears a figure in regal, grey robes is barking orders and complaints to the soldiers.
His already older appearance magnified by the grimace on his face. His teeth going up and down as if gnawing, dripping on his grey bread spittle is being spewed carelessly as continues incessant bellowing.
“Councilman Younger!” Yells Arella, “what’s the meaning of this?”
“Angela,” he spits contemptuously, “as if I owe you an explanation.”
She scoffs, “It’s Arella, councilman, and as long as I sit at Azar’s chair, you will answer to me. Now explain!” She says leaving no room for argument.
“’Arella’”, he condescends using air quotes, “as if you’ve ever lived up to the name. Quite the opposite it seems. Carrying on with HIS kind. I still maintain this is your doing. Laying with demons.”
“Younger I suggest you tread lightly.” Warns Trigon.
“Is that a threat, demon?” The elder councilman spits.
Trigon snarls bearing his teeth. “You think I know not your role in this entire ordeal.”
Councilman Younger scoffs indignantly, “Now you levy claims against me, and speak to me as if you have dominion over me.” Younger spits at Trigon in disgust. “To what proof do you have?”
“Your aura’s seeping of that of a demonic influence. My brother’s influence.” Trigon invades Councilman Younger’s personal space, putting himself directly in the elder’s face, “And my dominions are well known to me councilman, thank you.”
The elder councilman turns white as sheet.
His anxiety assaults Arella’s senses immediately. She signals a few of the soldiers over to where they’re standing. Councilman Younger and herself had had their differences in the past, but to betray his own realm?
“Councilman, please tell me, did you betray us to Augustus?”
“I would never betray Azarath he declares. Clearly this demon,” he says spitting once again, “is…”
“And what is it I’m going councilman? Bewitching denizens of Azarath for an effort for power. No, I abandoned any desire I had for power long ago.” Responds Trigon.
“Is this true councilman?” Asks a soldier. Several other among the dozen or so soldiers are mummering among themselves.
His anxiety mounting at the accusation, Younger flairs what little of Augustus’ power he has creating a shockwave knocking everyone present off their feet. He chants a small incantation, suppressing the magic of all present. He produces a dagger and he lunges for Arella, taking her hostage.
Everyone present returns to their as soon they can, the soldiers setting their weapons at the ready.
“Everyone stand back, or she dies!” Yells Younger, pressing the blade to Arella’s throat.
“Lower your weapons, please,” says Trigon.
“Whatever damage this traitor does, can your healing ability not heal it?” Asks a soldier.
“No, look closely at his blade, it’s runes are specifically made to counter act demons. There’s nothing I’d be able to do for any wound inflicted by that blade.” Says Trigon.
“Councilman Younger, why have you betrayed us,” asks Arella sadly. Tears pooling once again, she continues, “If I die today, I at least deserve to know.”
“Your position, dear Angela. For you to become the lead of our people, not being native and consorting with and siring demons was the ultimate insult. I’ve spent more than half of my life working my up through the political system. With nothing to show. And then Augustus showed up, he promised me the reigns over Azarath, once it was conquered. All I had to do was let him in our relam.”
“You’re the one who weakened the barriers of our world, allowing our enemies in. Your people died today because of your treachery Younger!” Cried one soldier.
“Of course, I was the one of the elder mages who built the damn barriers to protect our world from their kind.  It was I who let in Augustus to infect the unborn Raven with Trigon’s influence, ensuring the sires prophesy would come to bear. It was I who let Augustus in when he killed Lady Azar. And was I who let in the army that attacked our world today. Those men and women were necessary sacrifices, and the lot of the others would’ve been had things gone to plan. Lady Azar had clearly lost her way, breaking thousands of years of traditions, allowing complete outsiders, demons even in to our world. And to cast her favor, not on me who gave many, many years of good service to the good Azarath, but to some demon, his abomination of child and his whore companion.” He sneers in look of revulsion. “We needed new leadership. Who better than I. She got what was coming to her. Her affection for you demon,” Younger gestures at Trigon, “I’ll never understand for as long as I live.”
Trigon begins to laugh.
“And what is so funny, demon.”
“You, pathetic little Azarathian. And what, you think you would lead these people into prosperity. In your bid for power, in your bid to protect the world you love, you’ve become that which you hate. Have you not realized what my brother’s influence have done to you? Do you not think you being manipulated? Had you ever considered that my origins lie in Azarath?” Having enough of the being holding his love hostage, he flairs a fragment of his soul-self. Entrapping his hand before Younger can ever realize what’s happening.
“But the incantation!?” Screams Younger.
“Quells and numbs magic. My soul-self isn’t magic, you old fool. And you’ve left yourself completely defenseless.” Trigon approaches Younger, pulling Arella from his hold. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine, I just need this day to end.” Says Arella tiredly.
“What’s to be done with Younger?”
Signing, clearly knowing what she responds, “Do what must be done…”
“Xavier,” Trigon calls to one of the soldiers, “please escort Arella home if you would.”
“No problem, sir.”
“Will you come to see me?” Asks Arella before she makes her way to gate.
“I will, later. I’d like to visit Raven after this.”
“So be it,” she says, taking her leave.
“Now for you, councilman. That spell of yours should wearing off soon.”
“Now as a matter of fact. Prepare…” Before Younger can finish his thought, the remaining soldiers chat a modified incantation of the one he used earlier. The modification: Younger is sole target of magical nullification.
Knowing what he’s facing, Younger begins to cry, snorting and begging for his life. Falling on deaf years, the soldier begins to leave. Leaving Younger to his fate, alone with Trigon the Terrible.
Trigon’s second set of eyes open as they begin to glow a sinister red. The hand of the councilman covered in Trigon’s soul-self begins to glow and heat in a roaring blaze enveloping his whole body as Trigon begins to chant an incantation of his own:
Succendam ignem extinguere urat animam meam carnem et ossa sit satis. At ego ne consistere tuo in novissimis cinis est folliculi pertineret huius ambusti corporalis. Hoc quamdiu anima ardeat sambucae, terribilis atque incensa odio Scath Azarath personam existit.*
The fires then intensify, Younger’s begging and crying becoming inhuman wails. Trigon opens a portal to an uninhabited dimension sparing the realm of Azarath form the further taint of Elder Councilman Younger.
A/N: Boy was this a chore, I ended up re-writing this this thing about 6 times before I was satisfied with a final version. I hope you guys enjoyed it!!
*Translated from latin: Enflamed soul of my existence ignite the fire that will extinguish his flesh and bones soon enough. But do not halt thy self when the last ash of this physical husk is scorched. For this fire will burn his soul for as long as Trigon, the Terrible, Scath himself and the burning hatred of Azarath personified, exists.
 Check out this and my other writings at: https://www.fanfiction.net/~olboypacman
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hollyfox142 · 6 years
Howling Moon, Silent Wolf
By Bryan Castillo
It's a unique type of night, one that only comes once in a blue moon,
When the only presuppositional thoughts of the day wander aimlessly through the mind,
Whom only the trekking pioneer dare enter such a premonitious terrain.
The sound of ringing goes through the ears, and maybe the cricket chirping in the near distance too,
The pestilent creations of man: light, vehicles, planes, and whatever noise in your chamber, corrupt the purity and beauteousness of the night.
Around one may be the run-of-the-mill—a clock ticking, a leaky faucet, a train's horn, the buzzing of your appliances, a ceiling fan’s clouding racket—but these skirmishes between sound and silence are not of utmost important to the poor sleeper.
The pulchritude of the scenery is irrelevant as well; the mind cares only for what is internal.
As the ancient Sumerian proverb goes, “Who has much silver may be happy; who had much grain may be glad, but he who has nothing can sleep.” What then, I ask one, is one with nothing that also cannot have what whom had nothing possesses?
Since tonight one cannot have slumber from uncontrollable, ungovernable thoughts—are they renunciant or destitute?
By the logic of the Sumerians, if one has nothing (not even sleep), does one even exist?
A proper mind counts sheep, drinks warm milk, or reads a boring book, but this is an exceptional night.
This is a night of a silent wolf, as tonight they took the scenic route—away from the insomniac.
Without a wolf, the moon substitutes, and the howling is done by our lunar companion instead.
The fill the void of the moon's howls, the mind becomes lost.
They say the mind can race, but at night it can marathon.
The moon's howl is really an apparatus of time travel—for a sadist. Only the most uncomfortable, unforgettable, and undisclosed stories are omitted on such a night.
The failures, trials and tribulations, regrettable convictions, the traumatic thoughts of all are conjured up in a concoction of nightmares; nightmares one cannot wake up from.
The moon's howl transforms your sleepless night into a thoughtful evening. In boredom one wanders the home, in search of possible and we're hidden within the unilluminated indoors. This journey, however, turns into a goose chase,
As nothing can be found on such a night.
The moon's howl enters the empty bathroom, with the only thing being a disappointing reflection.
Next, the wannabe sleeper goes to the living room, a surreal feeling, actually, as the most lively room is in the dead of night.
After that a stroll to the kitchen might help, napping off a meal always helps.
But, while an empty mind a full stomach equal an adequate sleep, it has no effect in this night.
The moon's howl, now at its loudest, makes one return to the warm bed, the sounds of the clock and fan returning. Sweat begins to accumulate around your face, as the warmth of summer does not offer mercy.
The moon’s howl controls the thought for tonight, deciding to focus on the present.
The present, being one of transition, makes one think, think about what's next, what past decisions are seeing the effects reveal themselves today, where to go from here.
Career is important, as is satisfying one's family, God(s), and kin and kith alike.
One must submit to their own thoughts when thinking about how the present will become the past, because the truth is set in stone, and there's no room for compromise.
The moon's howl, now materializing into a spirit, has entered one's sandy eyes, quintessentially possessing one. The spirit has now indentured one into more thought, on am evening that one simply wants to conclude.
A plethora of thoughts collide with your subconscious, causing crowding on the train of thought.
The steady stream of thought becomes an exponential growth of what's the come. The family unit. The love of your life. The embarrassments that haunt. The large, the miniscule, the present, the past, the future. Where to travel, what to eat, what learn, what to earn.
The anxious arrival of boisterous, busy thoughts careen into your cranium from a dangerous distance to erect an enormous, frightening fear of the grand gate that is the unknown.
The climax of thought slowly fades out, and all the remnants are fragmenting out of rememberance. The glacially minimum speed is a welcome change to the evening. Grogginess sets in, the relaxing sound of branches having their leaves resulted by the howls penetrating your ears.
The smell of rain an upcoming rain enters your nostrils, giving way to the the moon slowly fading away, its howls with it.
The sensation of tiredness has finally arrived, as the eyes slowly lower, gradually shrinking the territory of the open eye, like a declining empire.
The promise of rest is enticing to the point one embraces the return to normality. No more thoughts, sounds, or old Sumerian morality.
The eye finally bends at the knee to the vision of darkness, surrendered its energy with it all.
The thoughts slowly dissipate out, followed by an the repressed memories of the past, and the marathons of the mind. Maybe even dreams might even enter this circadian rhythm; paradoxically, one might need to be a dreamer just to expect the aforementioned.
Just when one believes the night had come to the close, the wolf is silent and the moon howls.
The clouds exit as quickly as they had entered, uncovering the bright sphere of the night time sky.
The quick swindle is realized, as the spirit returns once more; consequently, one must lose what they had received for a second successive time. This deja vu of sleep deprivation is all too familiar. The night may be drawing to a close, on to give the same experience to the unlucky fool the other side.
For unfortunately, your eyes once again open.
The setting moon changes the scenery, but not your sleep deprivation.
Then again, it is one of those nights.
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