#alien abduction
qualifiedaquarian · 1 year
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one-time-i-dreamt · 20 days
When I was little my dad was taken by aliens and I was really sad and crying to my mom, and then he walked back in and said he forgot his keys and left again.
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baganslover · 9 months
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goobersplat · 7 months
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Alien Abduction Cow Lamp
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oliversrarebooks · 3 months
chemical imbalance
You know that trope where horrifying things are treated as mundane? You know that trope where the whumper is talking around the whumpee like they aren't even a person? This is that story.
TW: alien abduction, alien parasites, body horror, brainwashing, mind control, restraints, tentacles, forced drugging, forced medical examination, complete dehumanization, condescension, defiant whumpee
The receptionist was young and lovely, their skin a fetching shade of blue-purple, and their human host was healthy and smiling, with the dazed, glassy expression that indicated it was well taken care of.
5X2 couldn't help the wave of intense jealousy. Their own human host's gut churned in panic. It was lucid enough to know it was being brought to the doctor, and didn't like the idea at all, stress hormones flooding its fragile body. 5X2 pumped out chemicals to soothe it, beamed calming imagery into its mind, even tried to reassure it through its psychic connection that it was just the doctor, the doctor was going to help it, and hopefully they'd both be feeling better. 
All of their efforts only put the smallest dent in the distress their host was feeling. Well, no wonder -- 5X2 couldn't even remember the last time their poor host had properly slept. They took a deep breath, reassuring their human host that they weren't angry at it, not at all. They loved their host and knew it wasn't its fault it was struggling so hard. The host thrashed mentally, adrenaline rising, coming dangerously close to waking fully as 5X2 wrangled its consciousness back under control.
"I'm 5X2-YLL, and I'm here for my 3100 appointment," they said to the receptionist, hoping they couldn't tell how much trouble they were having with their human.
Sympathetic waves rolled from the receptionist as they looked 5X2 up and down. Oh, they could tell. 5X2 knew their human looked an absolute mess, with a wild expression, deep bags under its eyes, and poor hygiene. The past few days, 5X2 had even taken sick leave from work, embarrassed to go out in public in this state -- that's how they knew they had no choice but to make a doctor's appointment.
"Right this way, 5X2. The doctor is running a bit behind, but if you'll just go into this examination room, they'll be with you shortly. Please have your host change into this medical gown... if you're able."
"Yes, thank you." The door clicked shut behind the receptionist as 5X2 looked around the small examination room. It looked like any other doctor's office, but they couldn't help but notice that the examination chair had formidable looking restraints on it. They supposed it was to be expected for a doctor who specialized in disorders of host control.
The far too lucid human noticed too, and all of its muscles tensed as it signaled to every corner of its body to escape, escape, escape. 5X2 had no choice but to inject yet another low dose of paralytics into its bloodstream, just to make sure it couldn't actually act on that misguided impulse. 
The paralytics kept the human from moving, but also meant that 5X2 had to do much more manual work puppeting its body, and they were so, so tired. With their host's clumsy fingers, they pulled off their shoes, shirt, and pants, and slipped on the flimsy medical gown. The human was expressing distress at having their physical form exposed, of all the ridiculous things. Sometimes 5X2 wished that its constant fears at least made sense. Instead, it was scared of the doctor, of being nude, even of the everyday, ordinary sight of other human hosts with their passengers atop their heads, tentacles nestled neatly in their ears and euphoric expressions on their faces.
I'm trying to help you, 5X2 conveyed through their psychic connection for what seemed like the billionth time this cycle.
All they got back in return was terror, anger, and the intense desire to go home.
We can go home after the appointment, 5X2 reminded it, beaming soothing images of their quarters, the cheery artificial sun lamp, their collection of exotic plants, their vibrant fiber arts, the beautiful view of stars from out of their window. Their host had always been calmed by these things in better days, but it wasn't working now. It didn't make any sense to 5X2 -- if it wanted to go home so badly, why didn't it respond to sensory landscapes of home? 
Surely it wasn't lucid enough to desire its human habitat...? The human habitat was a death world compared to the safety and comfort of the space station.
There was a knock on the door, and the doctor walked into the room. They carried an air of authority about them, perched on top of a petite human who moved with unusual grace. "Hello, 5X2," said the doctor in a kindly voice. "I understand you're here because you're having difficulty in controlling your human host. Is that correct?"
5X2 looked anywhere but at the doctor, pretending to be very interested in a cabinet full of jars of multi-colored fluids. "Ah, yes, that's correct."
"There's no need to be ashamed. There's a lot of unfair stigma attached to host difficulties, but I assure you that it's a far more common problem than you think. There's no judgement here. Please, tell me about what you've been experiencing."
"My human host is almost completely lucid for most of the cycle," 5X2 confessed, trying to suppress their waves of shame and sadness. "I can't keep it fully entranced, I can't soothe it, I can't even put it to sleep. It's constantly scared and stressed and won't stop filling its body with adrenaline."
"I see."
"I have to spend so much of my energy just keeping it from fully waking, and it's affecting my work and my social life. I can't even relax on my days off, because every time I let my guard down, it decides it's a good time to fight me," they said. "I love my host, but I'm at my limit. I can't go on like this. It's sick all of the time from stress hormones, and I'm constantly fatigued. If there's anything you can do, anything at all that would help..."
The doctor's host nodded sagely. "There's a number of common conditions that could cause symptoms like you're describing. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a blood sample from your host so we can run some lab tests while conducting the examination."
"Of course," said 5X2, holding out their host's arm while the doctor prepared a needle for the blood draw. As the needle grazed the host's skin, the human managed to wrest enough control to jerk backwards, irrationally panicked at the sight of the needle. "I'm so sorry. It's been especially determined to fight me on everything today."
"It's nothing to worry about. I see it all the time. Hosts can be smarter than we give them credit for -- it's probably realized that the doctor's appointment is for putting it back under."
"But why does it fight that? That doesn't make any sense -- doesn't it want to be calm and happy? Why would it want to be stressed and miserable?"
"Oh, it's not that it wants to be stressed and miserable. It's just the natural state of hosts that aren't fully entranced. It's not its fault that it's acting this way -- it just doesn't know any better," said the doctor. "To make the examination easier, it might be best if we strapped your host into the chair, if you don't mind the restricted mobility."
"Not at all. It'd be a relief to not have to suppress their impulses," said 5X2. Their human predictably howled with displeasure, scraping and clawing for any bit of control over its limbs as 5X2 fought its body into the chair and tried to hold it still as the doctor restrained it. It was even managing to resist the paralytics, utterly desperate to escape.
If this doctor couldn't help them, 5X2 was going to lose their mind.
With the host's body securely restrained, the doctor was finally able to take a blood sample. The human's consciousness was thrashing like a wounded dust-moth, but with their body secured, 5X2 could devote their whole efforts to dampening their mental distress.
"If you'll excuse me a moment, I'll bring this to the lab. We should get results in around ten deciclicks."
5X2 tried to relax in the chair as the doctor left the room, but of course their exhausting host was having none of it.
Why are you fighting so hard? they asked.
The answer was always the same.
I want to go home. I don't want to be a host. I don't want to be hypnotized again. Please let me go.
Incoherent nonsense. The poor, confused thing.
"All right, that's taken care of," said the doctor, entering the room and perching on a nearby stool. "Now, may I ask you some questions? How long have you been noticing these symptoms?"
"About a quarter star turn."
"I see. And have you previously sought help for them?"
"...No. I really should have, before it got to this point, but I was ashamed. I thought it was temporary, and that I could fix my host myself."
"At least you're here now. You're doing the right thing," said the doctor encouragingly. "How often does the human sleep?"
"Only once every few cycles, and for only a few clicks at a time. I can't keep it to anything resembling a schedule, either, and it doesn't seem to respond to sedation at all. The only mercy is that it often sleeps while I'm at work."
"And how do you normally soothe it?"
"I think I've tried just about everything. Before this all started, it was so easy -- a quick wash of sedative and neurotoxin, some soothing hallucinations, a little gentle urging of slumber, and it was out in a milliclick. It would normally sleep for half the cycle. But now, nothing works. Not toxins, not hallucinations, not psychic compulsions. It doesn't matter what I do, I simply cannot put it to sleep.  The only reason it sleeps at all is because its own consciousness turns itself off when it becomes too exhausted."
"You say it was easily controlled before?"
"Very much so. It took very well to deep trance, especially if I was listening to music. It enjoyed art and scenery and was calm as can be. I never imagined it was capable of so much anxiety."
"How close is its consciousness to the surface?"
"...Very. It's listening to everything we're saying. It might even be able to understand us. Well, as much as any host is capable of understanding."
"Has it ever become fully awake?"
5X2 hesitated.
"Please, don't be ashamed. I'm here to help you, but I need you to answer my questions honestly. Has it ever become fully awake?"
"...A handful of times," 5X2 admitted. "It didn't get very far before I was able to paralyze it and return it to my control, but... it was so terrifying, to feel my host wake, to take full control from me and do what it wished with its body."
"That's a very traumatic experience," said the doctor sympathetically. "Once we have the main issue sorted out, I recommend a visit to memory alteration to remove the unnecessary fear generation."
"Won't they judge me for losing control of my human?"
The doctor seemed lightly amused. "5X2, it's the memory alteration department. Don't you think they've seen far worse than that?"
"You're right, just a silly insecurity on my part," said 5X2, mirroring the doctor's amusement.
"Let me perform some quick examinations on your host's body while we have you here," said the doctor. "Your host is partially lucid and fearful right now, correct?"
"Extremely so," said 5X2, feeling the horrible squirm in their host's gut at the mention of the doctor examining it.
The doctor waved a small light in front of the human's eyes. "Pupils are very dilated. It's focusing clearly on my light, indicating a high degree of responsiveness. Dark circles indicate a dangerous lack of sleep, and the skin seems unusually flaky and dry. This all matches the symptoms you've described."
They moved around to 5X2's side, using the light to peer into its host's ear. "Everything looks healthy and normal here," they said, giving a slight tug to 5X2's left connector tentacle. "Connection seems firm. I assume it's enmeshed with the correct portions of the brain? You have at least six tendrils on each side of the frontal lobe, three in the parietal, and two in the occipital?"
"Of course, doctor."
"I know it sounds obvious, but I have to ask. Believe it or not, I've had more than one patient that neglected to enmesh the frontal lobe entirely. You can imagine what kind of a state their poor host was in."
"I'm amazed that anyone in this age is so ignorant. That sounds like torture for them."
"You're not wrong," said the doctor, clicking off their light. "From the outside, there doesn't seem to be any issues, but if we can't resolve the problem, we may need to do some scans to check that all of your tendrils are properly connected. It's uncommon, but there are certain disorders that prevent proper cohesion of tendril to host brain."
"I'll subject myself to any tests if it will help."
"I know how intensely uncomfortable it must be to have your host so wakeful, for both you and it," said the doctor. "I'm certain we can help you. It's extremely rare for this sort of problem to be beyond the reach of modern medicine."
A knock at the door, and the receptionist entered the room. "I have the results from the lab for you," they said, slipping out again quickly.
The doctor's host took the readout and looked it over, as 5X2 waited in anticipation and 5X2's host trembled in terror. Finally, there was a wave of satisfaction from the doctor. "I have good news for you, 5X2. The lab results may have given us an important clue to your problem."
"Truly? What is it?"
"You see here..." The doctor placed the readout in front of 5X2. It was full of miniature graphs and jargon that they didn't have a hope of understanding. "Most of the toxin levels in the human's blood were highly elevated -- no doubt due to your efforts to keep it under control -- but one in particular was abnormally low, almost undetectable."
"And that is?"
"In basic terms, it's a powerful hypnotic, the primary toxin used to keep the human mind asleep and docile. Without this important chemical, your host's mind is far more alert than it should ever be. That makes it less receptive to all of your efforts to soothe it, allows stress and fear hormones to build up in its delicate brain, and causes it to resist being put to sleep."
"And that's what's missing?" said 5X2, feeling waves of relief at having an answer.
"It would seem so. The absence of this hypnotic would make it next to impossible to keep a healthy human under trance. It's no wonder your efforts to sedate and entrance your host were fruitless. I'm honestly impressed you were able to walk into my office."
"Is there a cure?"
"There are a few different conditions that can cause this. To start with, I'm going to give you a prescription for a course of medication that should help promote the natural release of this chemical from your toxin glands. It has a few minor potential side effects, which the informational packet will describe."
"No side effects can possibly be worse than what I'm going through now. How long will that take to have an effect?"
"It should be at full strength in eight to ten cycles. We can see how you're responding, then, and I can advise you on a further course of treatment."
5X2 steadied themself. Eight to ten cycles. They could endure eight to ten more cycles.
"But in the meantime, we can simply inject your host with a big, healthy dose of the chemical cocktail it's been missing."
5X2's elation was almost drowned out by its host's panic and despair. "You can do that? You can do that right now?"
"Certainly," said the doctor, pulling a jar of translucent blue liquid from a shelf. "Let me prepare the injection. It's all natural and safe for both of you. I'm sure you're both eager to get some reprieve from fighting each other."
"And I'll be able to put my host to sleep? To keep it under trance?"
"With this extra strength, time release formula, it should be well out of it for the next few cycles, exceedingly simple to control. You can both finally get the rest you need."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, you don't know how much of a relief that is."
No! No, no, no! the human was screaming through their connection. Don't let them inject me with that! Let me go! I want to go home! I need to wake up -- I need to --
"I need to wake up!" 
5X2 felt their consciousness suddenly cut off from their host's body as the human woke. It pulled at the restraints, trying to get its hand free.
"Please let me go! Don't do this!" the human yelled, as the doctor looked on with curiosity.
"Oh, you're awake? Now, now, we're only trying to help you," said the doctor. "Aren't you tired of fighting? Aren't you scared and hurting?"
"I'm scared and hurting because of what you're doing to me! This isn't right! Humans aren't meant to live like this -- you've taken my entire life from me!" Tears streamed down its face. "You're a doctor -- if you have any compassion at all, please listen to me! We don't want to be hypnotized and turned into puppets. We don't want to spend our whole lives sleeping and hallucinating and floating along in a mindless trance. We want to be free!"
The doctor patted its head. "I know this must all seem so scary to you, but it's only because of a chemical imbalance. That's why your passenger brought you here to the doctor, to help you. Your passenger loves you very much and only wants the best for you. Do you understand?"
"No, I don't want this. This is wrong -- please listen!"
"You're going to feel so much better in just a few minutes. I promise. Just trust me," said the doctor, their host easily pinning down 5X2's host's restrained arm and administering the injection. 
"No, please!" 5X2's host struggled uselessly against the tight restraints, its panic reaching a fever pitch, as 5X2 sat in their own mind and watched. "Please! Please listen! Let me go! Let me... go..."
The human host's body relaxed, sagging against the restraints as its control over itself suddenly diminished. 5X2 could feel a lovely sense of peace wash over their host, a sensation they hadn't felt in a quarter star turn. 
5X2, eager to take back its host, sent deep, hypnotic compulsions to fog its host's mind, to sink it into a pleasant daze, to pull it back under their control, and they were delighted when the host responded swiftly and easily. All of that fight, that fear, that anger began to evaporate like mist as 5X2 gently soothed its host into a trance.
You want to be a good host, 5X2 coaxed. You want to stop resisting. You want to weaken your feeble mental defenses and let me in.
I want to... Their host's thoughts were faltering and slow, easy to manipulate, just as they should be. I want to be a good host... want to let you in... want to drop my defenses... stop resisting...
Yes, that's right. Lower those defenses. You're safe, completely safe. You can relax now.
There was only a slight hesitation before the response. Safe... relax...
 5X2 felt the human's resistance melt away, leaving its mind like soft clay in their grasp.
5X2 rewarded their host's compliance with a pleasant vision of the ship's recreation district, filled with laughter and games and live music, one that their host used to be fond of before it became impossibly defiant. Their host latched onto the familiar, mollifying hallucination right away, like a young one with its comfort-toy.
Fun... pretty...
Yes, it is fun and pretty, said 5X2. You deserve it, because you're being very good right now. Aren't you glad I took you to the doctor?
Feels... hazy...
And isn't that good?
Mmhmm... good... so good... thank you...
"How is it feeling now?" asked the doctor. "Any better?"
"Oh, yes, that was absolutely brilliant," said 5X2. "It's completely docile and enjoying its favorite hallucination right now. I can't thank you enough."
"Excellent. I'm just glad that worked. I'll make an appointment for you ten cycles from now, and give you the prescriptions for the medication I recommend, along with a course of injectables to keep your host nice and compliant. It shouldn't give you any more trouble."
"That sounds perfect."
"I recommend putting your host to sleep for the next cycle. It must be so fatigued after all of that pointless struggle, and a prolonged period of rest will help it to reacclimate to your control."
"I don't think I need to worry about the last part," said 5X2 gleefully. "It seems so relieved to be back under. But I agree that it needs sleep. Maybe I can get some sleep too."
5X2's host was already flooded with the injected sedative, so they sent a simple but strong compulsion to lull it asleep. Its exhausted mind responded right away, filling it with a deep, irresistible drowsiness, its remaining thoughts dulling and fading as it drifted away peacefully. The cheerful hallucination of the recreational zone would give it pleasant dreams. 5X2 couldn't remember the last time their host had been so quiet, not a hint of stress or nightmares.
It was so charming to feel their delightful host curling up comfortably in its own mind and going to sleep. It reminded 5X2 of how much they loved their host, before everything had gone wrong.
"It worked," said 5X2 in awe.
"Asleep already? I thought so. It was so worn out."
"Thank you again, doctor, for all of your help. My host wanted to thank you, too, before it fell asleep. I can tell that it already feels so much happier."
"It's my pleasure." The doctor released 5X2's host from the chair. 
5X2 stood up, shedding the medical gown and putting the host's clothes back on its body. Control was simple and seamless now, the host's body moving exactly in accordance with 5X2's wishes. They could hardly believe what a difference a little chemical persuasion made. With their newfound freedom, a part of them wanted to go out and indulge in all of the fine pleasures they had missed out on for so long -- but really, they knew it would be far more prudent to go home and sleep.
They'd do that after they picked up those prescriptions, of course. They weren't going to let a simple chemical imbalance ruin their life any more.
It's always the weirdest things you need to get out of your system, right? I don't know where this came from, but I'm tempted to write more about this alien parasite society. Like how they acquire humans, and how other pairs are doing...
What would you do if you had a passenger of your own?
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pulpsandcomics2 · 2 months
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186 notes · View notes
jue-jack · 2 months
Have you ever been scared by aliens?
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no but i had a suspiciously vivid dream of being abducted by aliens once
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70sscifiart · 11 months
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Italian poster art for The Bermuda Triangle, 1978
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realfootage · 6 months
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couple16 · 1 year
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I’m waiting for u 👽🛸
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
I was in a group of people abducted by aliens and brought to their home world. In a desperate bid to win the aliens' approval, I cleaned the gutters for our communal living space and telepathically conversed with their giant sentient oyster.
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cold-alienacid · 6 months
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easy-karas · 11 months
tim drake, every time kon carries him away to hang out with young justice: those alien abductions are so real right now
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
A/N: I am realllyyy iffy on how this came out, but I weirdly put a lot of effort in it,,, so tada! here it is!
TW Abduction/alien invasion, forced touching & kissing, fluids(saliva), violence, dehumanization
Synopsis: You just HAD to meet the prince of an alien race on your shift at 7-eleven that night, huh? 
Word Count: 3,000
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A green abyss.
That was what you had been sitting in for countless days. 
Or, what you assumed had been days. Time was untellable in this coldly lush room that shined with fluorescent lights mimicking a sun and moon. The moon in this room seemed to come out far sooner than the one orbiting Earth though, and the sun was so dim you could stare at it without squinting. You wondered if your captors were used to a different measurement of time, considering they seemed to force you to sleep at earlier and more prolonged periods than you remember on your planet. Though with the noisy activity you could hear outside when you begrudgingly tried to rest, you guessed the mandatory bedtime was merely curated to keep you docile.
You had very few to complain to about your unhappiness in this newfound habitat. It wasn’t like anyone came to visit you, save for the select few anomalies that reluctantly brought your food. With the clinking metal chained to their legs, you came to realize that they were creatures forced into a servitude similar to your species. 
They wore little fabric to cover up the indecent parts of their bodies, displaying their protruding ribs and bruised ankles. Their features terrified you when they first came to your room, though they merely set down food and items. Their large, unnatural eyes shone brightly, taking up two-thirds of their faces as their mouths ceased to exist; with bodies that twisted and cracked, they seemed both fragile yet flexible. You had tried to talk to the creatures on several occasions-- pleading with them, yelling, begging, crying. Even screaming once you got to your breaking point; but none of it worked. Each time, they seemed to look at you with sorrow and skittered away without a sound.
Even now, with one dropping your tray of food and scurrying out as you pleaded for help, you saw it could not understand a word you spoke. The sludge on the tray was dumped from the alien’s haste, splaying across your room and landing specks on a certain someone’s shoes. 
“Would you at least try to refrain from fraternizing with the servants?” A voice called out from the corner. “It's insulting to your hosts to acknowledge them.” You watched as he slowly came from behind a potted tree, shaking his gruel-speckled shoe. “Besides, they can’t understand you.” 
You made a sour face as his disguise fell. The being in front of you had taken the shape of the foliage surrounding your room, green and brown hues reflecting the plants native to your home. The colors blurred for a moment, quickly turning him from an emerald-green bush to his regular state of regal apparel and lilac-gray skin. He had blended in so well you nearly jumped when he changed form. Your stomach twisted into itself as a frown made its way to your face, unable to hide your discontent at seeing him. 
His sets of dark eyes peered down at you, their scrutinizing gaze looking with disapproval. The bastard was twice your height, countless limbs attached to his side as he gracefully made himself known. His teeth were large, sharp canines gleaming when he smiled at you. The alien had small scars carved as symbols decorating his slippery skin; the marks only appeared on his forehead and upper cheeks, having long since healed; they had to have some meaning of importance on his planet.
 Other than his visible differences, the creature was not far off from your own species. If he walked amongst humans on Earth, most would probably perceive him as some costume-wearing weirdo. 
But his presence didn’t make you point or stare as it would on Earth; it simply reminded you of how you were torn away from your home. 
“How are you liking your enclosure? I sent a few things here to make up for my absence.” He touched a leaf that seemed to be browning, looking curiously at it. “I hope you’ve enjoyed them. It’s been hard for us to find things in what's left of your planet.” 
You glowered at him, pinching your lips shut. Being reminded that your planet had been destroyed was crushing. You still held a small hope in your heart that there might be some part of Earth still alive. But hearing the wails of your fellow humans on the ship before you were forced into your ‘enclosure’, made the reality all too prickling. 
“When are you going to let me out of here?” You asked, picking roughly at your hands.
The creature sighed, his lips perfectly curating an unhappy expression. There was something deeply uncanny about his appearance that made it impossible for you to get comfortable. 
“Does your species naturally have such a poor memory? We’ve already discussed this.”
 You grated your teeth as he drew near.
“If you don’t let me out, I’m just going to…to--” You started, clenching your fists and preparing to threaten him.
“Going to what?” He quickly interrupted with a grin. “Your measly human body has already exhausted itself by trying to escape your pen, sweetling. I don’t think you should try this game anymore. Goodness knows it would still take lightyears even to get back to your little planet.” 
Hearing the sheer distance you were from Earth made you shiver. Was there even a sliver of a chance of getting back there? Was it…truly gone? Would you, too, be burned and crushed to ash?
 You still felt you might have been able to save your planet If you hadn’t treated his questions about Earth as a joke the first time you met him. You could still be working in that tiny gas station with your fellow humans, and not here in a cold, unforgiving spaceship made by creatures you thought to be unreal.
That night, the alien in front of you had taken the appearance of your greatest desire; a man that only existed in your dreams. He was the most beautiful being you had ever seen. You were easily fooled by his alluring disguise, stuttering out your words and trying to calm your beating heart while at the cash register. In your moments of quippy remarks and quick scanning in an attempt to appear collected, you had revealed how great your planet was, how useful it could be to him. 
All your simple interaction had confirmed to him was that your species wasn’t intelligent enough to be a threat. Your planet had the minerals his race was looking for, you heedlessly revealed, and that was that. To be fair, you had no idea who he was or that he wasn’t even human. But that didn’t change the fact that you and several hundred others had been captured to be placed in his personal menagerie, and your home was now being viciously mined for his race’s gain. You wished you could have at least gone down on Earth with your loved ones, instead of being trapped in a cage, treated like an expensive pet. 
“Well, if you aren’t enjoying yourself here, I may be inclined to move you into my room. At least, until we get back home.”
Home. His home, he meant. 
“No. I’d rather stay as far away from you as possible.” You mumbled.
 Your captor turned in your direction, long layers of red and gold fabric trailing behind him that hardly covered his torso. He certainly looked regal, adorning robes finer than you had ever seen.
“I’ll make sure the arrangements are made as soon as possible if that's the case.”
Your eyes went wide in disbelief. Why did he propose the idea to you in the first place if he was just going to make a decision?
“But I just said--!”
“These tantrums of yours are causing more trouble than you’re worth. Until you learn to behave yourself, you’ll stay in my sight.” He strutted closer to you, his multiple hands caressing the leaves and stems of plants as he walked by. “What will the elders think of such a disobedient little human? I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to save you from their wrath, even if you are my pet.”
His words held no sympathy as they jabbed into you, allowing you to realize just how little he thought of your existence. 
“Just-- let me out of here! I want to go home,” You stood up, saying the first things that came to mind. “you disgusting monster!” 
You hoped your words would make you seem big, almost threatening. But once they left your mouth, you just felt childish.
His sets of eyes looked at you with a dull expression, clearly not interested in your newfound exasperation. But you were still hungry to get revenge, hungry to have some sort of control over your abduction. The furrowed, annoyed look on his face gave you a flawed, but tempting idea. 
Getting up from the soft, plushy bed in the center of your ‘room,’ your bare feet began to make a beeline straight for him. You lunged, your hands outstretched with pointed nails. You had filed them with your teeth during your hours of alone time, waiting for the perfect moment to attack. The creature didn’t appear phased, making your hateful expression soon turn uneasy.
 The only emotion he seemed to portray was… disappointment. That was not what you were looking for. 
You aimed for his eyes, hoping to damage at least one. But your hesitation mixed with his strength ultimately created your failure. You grunted and screamed, trying to push away from him as he snatched your flailing arms. 
“If you’re going to call me names, at least use the right one.”  His blunt, clean nails dug small crescent shapes into your skin as a multitude of arms held you in a tight grip. “Aether is fine. Or if you’d like, ‘my lord’ or ‘master’ would suit well, too.” He grinned, eyes gleaming. 
His lips had a natural gradient of black, almost giving him a venomous look; a detail you had never noticed from far away before. It made him look all the more dangerous; your mistake of thinking of him as similar to humans now became far more apparent.
 Aether’s unmatched stature allowed him to leer forward, looking down at you as he shoved you backward. Your head knocked onto the tile floor making you see stars as the “sun” stared down at you. The alien hardly strained as he leaned down, kneeling next to you as you lie dazed.  He was almost amused as you moaned in pain, fingers caressing your disheveled clothes as you held your head. 
“Are you ever going to stop fighting?” He asked with a frown.
You attempted to kick him with your leg, but Aether caught it without a need to dodge.
“No!” You screamed. “So just let me go! Let me out of here!”
 Even if you couldn’t return home, you couldn’t stand being locked in this room anymore. 
You struggled in his grip, trying to bite his hand that tried to cup your cheek. Another set of his arms came up to quickly press you down on the floor, nearly cracking the tile below you with how roughly he shoved you down.
He sighed, clicking his tongue as you refused to look away. 
“Then it seems some training is in order.” 
Aether didn’t give you a chance to scream another word, sticking his large thumb against your tongue as the rest of his hands held you down. You groaned against his hand, trying to spit out his finger; yet that only pressured him to put it farther down your throat. 
“You know, I read about this before entering your planet. When a human isn’t getting enough attention, it lashes out. Same when there isn’t enough food or entertainment-- you humans throw a fit.” 
You could taste his salty, smooth skin as your tongue frantically slid against his thumb. His bare thigh peaked between the fabric of the robes and pushed between your legs. As most of his hands kept you held down, the rest were busy fondling you. 
“I didn’t know you were so dissatisfied with my absence… if you really needed my touch so badly, I would have come sooner.”
‘You’re crazy!’ You tried to shout, but the words came out a gargled mess. 
“We, too, like to indulge in similar acts of passion as your kind. And I would have satisfied you if I knew sooner;” Aether watched as tears began to form in your eyes, his thumb nearly causing you to gag. “Even if you don’t deserve it.” 
He caressed your tongue, letting spit gather onto his digit until he removed it. You coughed hoarsely once it exited your mouth, the alien busy observing the liquid on his thumb. He seemed intrigued, studying it as if it was something odd. Popping the finger in his mouth without hesitation, he sucked the secretion. You watched hazily with watery eyes and a sticky nose, unable to focus on his odd behavior as your survival mode kicked in.
He let go of the slick finger after a swirl of his tongue. 
“Well, I suppose you don’t taste nearly as awful as I expected. Though, that isn’t a reflection of the rest of your body;” He commented, letting his purple tongue flick against the wet digit. “How about… down here.”
He looked down as you shut your legs quickly, trying to get around his leg that kept itself planted between your thighs. Aether looked amused, taking note of how that small phrase seemed to garner so much squirming.
“Please--” You huffed, trying to struggle against him. 
But that only seemed to interest Aether more, his eyebrow arching as your body wiggled against his hands. His long, dark hair fell to the side messily, destroying his preserved image of perfectness. He looked ethereal, like a being created by humans to describe a creature not of this world; a make-believe vision. But this new side of him disgusted you, showing his true, ravenous nature. 
Your cries fell on deaf ears as he leaned down, one of his hands coming to hold your jaw as you tried to twist your head away. 
“Relax, I won’t initiate an intimate, ‘mating’ taste yet. But I still need to understand this sweet flavor, coming from--” He bent down, prying open your lips and shoving his tongue into your mouth.
 Aether groaned pleasurably, finding the taste of you quite delectable. His unnaturally long yet wet muscle took in yours. You pushed against him persistently as your breathing increased, becoming overtly anxious; but still, his strength greatly outweighed your own. His body nearly consumed yours from its utter size, including his multitude of arms that enveloped you without a care. 
You drooled as Aether kept mingling with your tongue, keeping your mouth open as he shut his rows of eyes. He seemed to concentrate, almost savoring the flavor of your mouth. The alien continued his assault for what felt like an eternity, only releasing your tongue with a slick noise when he became out of breath. A line of saliva connected you to him. It was slowly licked away as the creature ran the tip of his tongue over his lips. 
Aether took his time, swallowing as he contemplated whether or not he liked it. Your tongue lolled out, having been engulfed by aether so much it was nearly numb. His eyes glowed, looking down at you and seeming to enjoy your helplessness. He licked your lips and chin, cleaning up the mess he made, but only out of a desire for another taste. 
Your chest pounded, wanting now more than ever to be back home, or at least with a fellow human. You didn’t care at this point, as long as you were away from him!
Aether leaned down next to your ear, taking in a big whiff of your smell and miserable expression.
“Your bodies feel so strange…There is a great deal of research to be done regarding your anatomy. Especially from how sensitive it is.” 
He came close, gently biting the shell of your ear; it was a test for a reaction. You tried to stay quiet, wiggling to get free but ultimately jerking at the new sensation. His teeth grazed down your neck, his tongue almost feeling like a slimy tentacle as it poked outward. The alien’s hands left bruises on your wrists, but his other limbs were busy focusing on your thighs and stomach, riding up your shirt to grab and inspect your flesh. Were you the same all over? Did you have something he hadn’t seen before? He wanted to know all of it, see and experience everything that he had only read about before taking over your planet. 
Aether was too curious to leave you to your own devices. Besides, you were so low on the food chain when it came to other species that he didn’t see much of a problem with using you as his little guinea pig. 
His fingers pinched your hips, several hands getting dangerously lower as you attempted to kick again. It was clear he wasn’t going to back down on seeing every bit of your flesh; eventually, he’d manage to force you to give in to him. Even if that time wasn’t now. Your stomach sank at the thought. Bile began to rise in your throat, making your head spin.
“Please, Aether--” You tried testing his name. Maybe if you pleaded rather than defied, you decided, he might let you go. You desperately hoped for that mercy. 
Your voice sent a jolt through Aether once he heard his name roll off your tongue. Instead of pity that you hoped would flash through his eyes, it was greed. He smiled hungrily at you, liking your newfound obedience. 
“No. Your right to call me by name has been revoked.” Licking his lips, Aether bit down. “Call me ‘master’ from now on.”
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