#just don't call me late for dinner 😂
actually Lu is short for anything you want it to be now I’ve decided
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dotster001 ¡ 1 year
For Tuna; The Search Continues
Summary:gn!reader Grin has begun round two of his search for his your sugar daddy. Luckily, this time he got a babysitter for you, so no interruptions!
This is such a crack fic...And I deeply love it 😂
A/N: It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
Part One Part three choose your ending...
"Thank you all for meeting me here," Grim said to the crowd of people. "And thank you all for the gifts. They shall be taken into consideration. Now, today will go as such."
He looked around the room in confusion. "Wait, it appears we are one person short, I guess-"
"Yeah! Me!" Floyd bursted into the room, revealing Jade clutching his cheek, and sitting on the floor.
"What the hell, Sealie! We had a deal! You promised I was in!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Grim shifted in his seat nervously.
"Then I'm gonna squeeze you so hard you have to remember!" Floyd made to rush Grim, as Azul wrapped his arms around Floyd's middle, not even seeming to break a sweat as Floyd "ran" in place.
"Jade, please come get your brother, before he kills Grim and ruins it for everyone."
"I tried to stop him," Jade hummed as he retrieved his brother.
"Sure you did," Azul sighed, casting a quick stun spell so Jade could  get him out of the room. Once things had settled down, Grim called for silence again.
He put on a wig styled in your style and color.
"You will court me as though I am Y/N. You will only move on to the next round if you prove yourself here today. Any questions?"
Idia raised his hand.
"Yeah, who are the normies?"
He pointed at the two random Octavinelle students sitting at the table.
"Ah, yes. Two of our applicants couldn't be here today. They have special circumstances surrounding their absences, so they will be doing their tests at a later date. These two are here to remind you all to step it up."
Rook raised his hand. "Not a question, I just want to say your fur is looking soft and luscious today, monsieur Fuzzball."
Leona, Riddle, and Malleus all groaned and mumbled to themselves, while Vil massaged his temples in pure exhaustion.
"Thank you, Rook," Grim said with a smug smirk. "An anonymous donor has been providing me with a new fur product." Rook winked at him before grinning at Vil.
Silver raised his hand. Lilia attempted to shove it down, but it was too late.
"Again, this feels wrong to me. Firstly because Y/N has no idea about any of this, and secondly, because Y/N should pick their lover! I mean we've all known the prefect long enough to know that-"
"Look!" Grim slammed his clipboard on the table, calling for silence. "I've had enough of you and your goody two shoes ways! The only reason you made it through to this round is because the prefect says you're "baby girl", and I want to say I at least tried to think about Y/N in this process, but if you don't get it together, I'm cutting you completely!"
Silver looked at Lilia in wide eyed confusion, and saw Lilia was grinning. He wasn't sure which was scarier. Not knowing what the hell Grim was talking about, or the fact that his father seemed to be very pleased by it.
"If there are no more questions, then I will give you all the scenario. You are to act as though this is your anniversary dinner. Some of you have already lost points, because you forgot a gift," Grim pointedly glared at Silver.
"Oh! I almost forgot. Silver entrusted me with his gift," Lilia said, excitedly pulling out a gift bag.
"No, I didn't."
"Yes. You did."
Silver shrunk into his chair, as Grim happily accepted the present.
"Alright then. Now," Grim cleared his throat, then in a horrendous mockery of your voice, "Let us begin."
"Yo! Y/N!" 
You heard Ace's voice shout behind you as you kneaded the bread dough Trey had asked you to help with.
You turned over your shoulder, in time to miss Trey's expression darken.
"What's u-"
"Ace!" Trey shouted, startling both of you into silence.
"Perfect timing, I need to speak with you. In private," Trey said through gritted teeth, attempting to cover up his earlier blunder with a smile.
"What? No don't distract me, I'm here to-" but Ace was cut off as Trey not so subtly shoved him out of the kitchen, telling you they'd be back in a minute.
"Trey, with all due respect, what the fuck? You know full well that right now, Grim is running a practice date with-"
"Ace, shut up for just one moment, I'm trying to help you!"
Ace's mouth snapped shut in shock.
"My first question is, did you have to take out a loan to be able to afford to come here?"
"Yeah everyone has to-"
"The kind of numbers we are fighting against is people who have so much money, that they might as well not have even come here, because they definitely don't have to work a day in their lives."
"But Y/N doesn't care about-"
"Ace, seriously. I need you to think this through, or I'm leaving you here to rot," Trey said tiredly. "No, Y/N doesn't care about money. But they care about Grim. Grim, if he's as smart as I'm starting to suspect he is, is going to make his final pick, then spin it as a fairytale choice for Y/N. He'll wait long enough that they have forgotten about him interviewing people, and he'll come in with a sad little face and be like, 'Y/N, you're my family, but I'm worried that I can't give you everything you need.' And he'll continue to say stuff like that, and lay the ground work, until one day he sets up a cutsie spontaneous date in the living room with his chosen suitor."
Ace frowned for a moment. "That's…that's actually pretty smart. But Y/N says Grim's a dumb ass all the time. Why would they listen to his arguments now?"
"Ace, sevens, I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you. There's a difference between "my dumbass friend" and "my dumbass roommate, who is wholly reliant on me, who is also my cat, and who is my only family in this world"."
Ace pouted for a moment, before spitting out, "It's not fair! How are we supposed to even compete then!"
Trey grinned. "Well, we're here, and they're there. The plan doesn't work if Y/N has already picked someone before Grim has."
Ace broke out into a grin. "Trey, you're just as devious as the rest of us!"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Now, do you want to help Y/N and I make bread? This is a one time offer, after this you're on your own."
"Absolutely. Nothing like making bread amongst friends."
"Riddle, it was so very wonderful that they allowed you to have our anniversary dinner off," Grim hummed as he cut a piece of meat. "Unlike last year…" he sighed whistfully.
Riddle gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry, my rose, but it was unavoidable. I had to perform life saving surgery."
"You always say that. I'm starting to think you are avoiding me…."
Before Riddle could come up with a response, Malleus had risen from his seat and knelt before Grim.
"My treasure, our lives these last few years have been so wonderful, especially since we have been able to provide the Great Grim with his own estate, and a lifetime supply of sea meat. But I feel I cannot truly continue to share anniversaries with you, unless," he looked at the floor bashfully, "Unless they were with you ruling by my side."
Suddenly, a shimmering ring appeared in his hand.
Grim gasped. "Darling!"
"No fucking fair!" Idia shouted.
"Agreed, this stinks of deceit, lizard," Leona spit out angrily.
Rook subtly returned the ring box he'd been holding to his pocket.
"All's fair in love and war!" Lilia said with a boyish laugh. "But I suppose it is time for my move now."
He stood up from his seat, composing himself, before putting on a face of pure horror.
"My little bat, I beg you not to accept his proposal! You see, as his longtime attendant, and closest adviser, and general of his armies-"
"General?" Vil muttered under his breath, as he furrowed his brow in utter confusion.
"Aim high, I guess," Riddle muttered back.
"I have come to the terrible knowledge that, his highness, king of those who worship darkness, and highest of all draconic fae, has been seeing another on the side!"
"No!" Grim gasped.
"That's a vicious lie!" Malleus spit out, a green thunderbolt striking the ground behind him.
"Is it? Then why did I see you roaming the grounds in a lover's embrace with Silver yesterday?"
"What!" Silver shot up from his seat.
"No, that wasn't what it looked like!"
"Malleus! How could you do this to me? And on our anniversary no less?" Grim sobbed.
Malleus rushed to explain himself, while Lilia handed Silver a notecard.
"No! I'm not…I'm not reading this!" Silver exclaimed.
"Just do it! It's fun!" Lilia laughed, completely ignoring the sobbing Grim, and terrified Malleus.
"No! Fa-Lilia, how does this not seem weird to you in any way? How are you okay with any of this?"
Lilia stared at him blankly, before understanding dawned on his eyes. "Oh, right, see because I raised you so well, I sometimes forget you are human. But we do this all the time back home. I've hosted three of these for you already." 
Lilia shrugged, totally ignoring Silver's jaw dropping. 
"Obviously, no one has been worthy of my precious Silver, but I figure if anyone is it's Y/N. See if you win, you get Y/N, and I've raised the perfect son. If I win…well your odds are high of also someday finding a kick ass person."
Silver would have yelled at his father about the Insanity of his thought process, except he collapsed back in his chair and was asleep.
"That's it!" Grim shouted. "I'm clearly not enough for you! It's over!"
Malleus started sobbing. 
"For seven's sake," Vil groaned, before standing up, and stepping around Malleus' fetal positioned body. "Darling, I decided we're finally going to go on that vacation we've always dreamed about. And Grim will obviously come too, with all the gold and food  he could ever wish for. Happy anniversary, my apple blossom."
"Oh Vil, how romantic!" The betrayal from earlier completely forgotten, Grim sighed happily.
"But how are we able to afford it?"
"Sorry?" Vil choked.
"Your manager called this morning. She says no one wants to cast you anymore because you're too old."
"Vil, you're almost 25 now," Grim said pointedly. "You're practically dead in the industry, and those looks are only going to hold up for so long."
"I bought you an island!" Idia shouted over the table.
"I bought you an island, and the ocean around it," Azul said with a smirk.
"Oh yeah? And how is Y/N supposed to get there, if I bought all the yachts, and patented all travel technology for myself?!" Idia shouted, hair turning a deep crimson.
"I will turn Y/N into the siren they were always meant to be, and they will swim to our island and oceanic home, far away from the dystopia of you running everything!" Azul hissed.
"Capitalist dipshit!" Idia yelled, before launching himself at Azul, both of them soon wrestling on the floor.
In the chaos, Rook, had snuck over to Grim and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"Mon amour, let us escape this room to explore parad-"
Leona yanked him by the collar, looking him right in the face.
"Back away from my mate, hunter."
"Oh Rois des Leones. I shan't surrender to you."
And now Leona and Rook were wrestling.
"Look, darling, I meant to get last year's anniversary off, but-" 
"Save it, Riddle," Grim somehow managed to get his sniffle to carry over the fighting. "All you care about is work!"
"It's the only way to afford the lifestyle I want to give you! I want to clothe you in finery the Queen of Hearts could only dream of!"
"If only I could believe that was true, you're only doing this to please your mother."
"I'm not old!" Vil suddenly shouted, as one of the wrestling duos hit the table too hard and caused it to collapse.
Grim pushed back a lock of Vil's hair, and smirked. "Is this a gray hair I see?"
"What?" Vil panicked and pulled out his mirror, before tripping over the still sobbing Malleus.
"Little bat, our romance is forbidden,"Lilia whispered into Grim's ear. "But now that you know Malleus is cheating on you, we can run away together! Start our own kingdom elsewhere! We'll be so happy together!"
"Lilia, I am flattered, but I think I should try to make it work with Malleus…"
"What? After all he's done to you? He tore out your heart and gave it to Silver!" Lilia shouted, before pointing at the seat Silver was passed out in. Or used to be passed out in.
"Where did Silver go?" It was the last thing Lilia got out before getting knocked over by a wrestling duo.
Silver wandered aimlessly through the NRC halls, trying to clear his head. 
"Silver?" He heard from behind him. He turned and saw Jamil, holding a bag of ingredients.
"If you're looking for, well, everyone, they're baking in Heartslaybul. I'm headed there right now with more flour of you want to come."
Silver nodded, figuring some baking would help him relax. When they arrived he saw you, the first years, Trey, Cater, Ruggie, Kalim and  Ortho, all baking in harmony.
"Trey, I brought Silver and the flour you texted for- Kalim! What are you doing here!" Jamil's calm voice turned into panicked yelling.
"What do you mean?" Kalim's asked, all confused. But Jamil was already shoving him out the door.
"You're supposed to be at…that thing. Remember? We talked about it?"
"Oh yeah! The thing where grikahzj" Jamil covered Kalim's mouth as they both stepped out the door.
"Well, since Kalim is gone, you can help me with kneading the dough, Silver," you said with a bright smile.
Silver smiled softly, and nodded, before joining you at your station.
One week later 
"Darling! I'm the headmaster, I can't just take off because our anniversary happens to be in the middle of a school week! You said you understood that when we got married!"
"You told me you were fine that I had a career in fashion! You know I think you are more beautiful than any model, why are you jealous now?"
Grim simpered in his seat, taking a sip of his apple juice, before saying in his Y/N voice, "I think we should see other people. Happy anniversary."
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog
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princessmaybank ¡ 2 months
hi princess, I hope your break is going well <33 this is like super specific but could you do a jj x Routledge!reader with super blonde frizzy hair nd jj doesn’t know she dyes it brown until he walks in on her with a lions mane getting dye ready
No pressure at all for u to get to this, i love ur work so so much and I hope you’re going okay princess <333 thank you
thank you for the request! wasn't sure if you wanted smut in there but that's how all of my Fics end up so I'm assuming you do! I'm sorry this turned so dark if you wanted it fluffier. I have recently started Haunting Adeline 😂🤭🩷
Hair Dye
Pairings: JJ x Routledge!Reader
Warnings: Surprise Kiss, Fingering, Rough!Dark!JJ, Spanking, Panty Ripping, Hair Pulling, Choking, P in V, Creampie, Caught, etc.
Summary: Read the ask^
Author's Note: Wrote this so fast, I hope you like it, sorry it's so late!
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"I just don't see the point, dad and I have brown hair, you got blonde hair, you should feel special!" John B says as I walk down the aisle searching for the color I want. "That's exactly the point JB. I feel left out. It's odd, plus people have asked us way too many times if we're dating, even though we have the same face." JB rolled his eyes in defeat as I found the shade of brown I was searching so hard for. I was so excited that I could barely wait until we got home.
"Hey JJ is coming over soon!" I hear JB yell from the kitchen as he puts away some groceries. "I expect nothing less. Your boyfriend basically lives here!" I laugh as I go into the bathroom and read the instructions. Once I think I finally have it down and the parts mixed together, my brother calls me into the kitchen. "I'm gonna start cooking dinner. Is there any way I am going to talk you out of this? Blonde hair takes a long time to come back." He says and almost on cue JJ stumbles in the front door. "And yet yours keeps coming back." I say throwing my thumb over my shoulder. He chuckled at my stupid joke and ruffled my hair, causing it to frizz up even more than it already had.
"Hey there, hot stuff." JJ said with a wink. I roll my eyes before walking to the bathroom. "He was talking to you!" I shout teasing JB about his best friend. "I definitely wasn't but okay. What's with her?" I hear him ask my brother. I put the gloves on and get a towel ready under my neck. "She's going to dye her hair. I kept trying to talk her out of it. Fuck, I forgot something at the store. I'll be back, try not to kill each other." I heard the screen door slam as John B ran out.
I heard loud footsteps coming from the hallway until they reached me. "You're not gonna try to talk me out of it too are you?" I say setting down the bottle of dye. "Not gonna try shit" I breathe out a sigh of relief. "You're not doing it." He demanded. "Who do you think you are?" I ask with a full attitude. "Y/N. You don't need to dye your hair." I shook my head. "I want to!" I whined. JJ went to grab the bottle of hair dye and so did I. Eventually he tore it from me and held it above his head. I wasn't able to reach it and he laughed because he thought he had won. I looked him in the eyes and took his face in my hands, planting a big kiss on him. when his lips moved back and forth with mine, I knew he'd drop his arm any second. And he did. I took the chance and stole my bottle back running to the guest bedroom and trying to make it to that bathroom. I wasn't aware JJ was right behind me until I was pinned against the bathroom door.
"Why must you be a little brat all the time?" He asked. JJ's eyes are dark now. This wasn't a game anymore. He removed the bottle from my hand, I let him take it because I was so stunned by this sudden change. "You're. Not. Dying. It." He said with a low menacing voice. "Jay-" I tried to plead, I don't know why, but he was scaring me. He was also kind of arousing me. I never had these feelings for my brother's best friend, maybe it was just how dark he felt in this moment.
He stared into my eyes before placing his lips to mine once again. It felt different this time, I felt a zing, coursing through my veins. His fingertips were now bruising my hips as he lightly humped me through our clothes. This felt unreal. I peak my eyes open for a moment. Yep. it was still JJ. He was still grabbing me with an intense force and grinding his rock hard cock into me.
My eyes shut again and I just went with it. His right hand moved to unbutton my shorts. When he found his way in, he didn't tease, he only plummeted two fingers into my soaked core. "He won't be gone long, if there's something you want from me..tell me now." He demanded again. My eyes stared into his begging to be fucked but I knew it wouldn't be that easy. "F-fuck me.." I whispered through my breath, unable to think as his fingers moved back and forth. "Speak up." His harsh tone scared me slightly but I said my phrase again, louder so he could hear.
His fingers escaped my opening, causing a whine to spill from my lips. He rolled his eyes before pulling my shorts down. I kicked them to the side before I was roughly turned around and slammed up against the door. A gasp flew out of me unexpectedly followed by another when I felt him slap my ass. I let out loud moans as he continued, taking turns with my cheeks. When they were blood red, he squeezed them in his hands. I hissed from the sensitivity he caused.
He toyed with my panties for a few seconds before he spoke. "You don't need these." He chuckled lightly before I heard a ripping sound. Shock was written all over my face as he tore the rest of the thin fabric off of my body. His fingers found my slick folds and teased them for a moment. I was about to chime in before hearing the sound of a zipper and shorts dropping to the ground. I didn't have enough time to process the noise before I felt his cock slide inside me. He let out a dark groan and quickened his pace, not letting me adjust to his size. He was going so fast and so hard. I was a moaning mess. My head started to fall but he didn't let it get too far. His hand pulled me back by my hair while his other wrapped around my throat. His fingertips squeezed tighter, not giving me much room to work air in or out. "You like that? Like my hand wrapped around your throat while you take my cock?" He asked and all I could do was give a small nod before he pulled my hair again, so now my ear was against his lips. "What would John B say if he walked in on us right now? Think he'd be pissed to see his sister with my cock jammed in her tight pussy?" He teased.
Those words were enough to cause an eruption in me. My orgasm hit me like a freight train and slid down his cock and onto his thighs. His hand left my throat and fell to my hips as I pulled in as much air as possible. He fucked me hard a few more times before his cum leaked inside of me.
The sound of the screen door opening and closing apparently wasn't enough to get JJ's dick out of me. My throat was tired, I couldn't mutter a word and JJ knew that. He rode out his high which made my eyes roll back. It was enough for me to squeeze my thighs together and cum again.
"JJ when I said anything, this is not what I meant!" JB shouted. We never even heard him walk in, but we heard the bedroom door slam. We cooled down and I went into the bathroom to inspect my neck. There were bruises where JJ had a hold of me. "What did he mean by that?" I asked. JJ was a lot brighter now. "Oh he messaged me before you two got home and told me to make you not dye your hair. He said to do anything I have to." He chuckled. "Wasn't planning this.." He said pointing to my neck. "But I'm glad it happened." He shrugged and kissed my forehead. A smile spread onto my face before I laid my head on his chest. He held me in his arms and I promised to never dye my hair.
"Good, I like pullin' on this blonde lion's mane." He giggled before I swatted at his chest.
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mountttmase ¡ 4 months
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Where You Belong
Note - happy Sunday 🤭 this was actually a request from my lovely Sid and now you guys get to enjoy it 😂 feedback would be appreciated and I hope you enjoy this little break from winter sun
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 7.2k
Warnings - angst and fluff
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Late training sessions were never Mason's favourite.
In an ideal world he’d be home around three, get himself tucked into bed for a little nap before having the evening to himself but today was different.
Training didn’t finish until around 8pm however Luke had invited him round for a quick dinner and a few games of fifa so he wasn’t home until around eleven and all he wanted was to get into bed and sleep his life away.
Coming home to an empty house never got easier, just like getting into a cold bed still made his tummy sink but he’d made his bed and now he had to lie in it.
The one thing Mason wasn’t expecting was his phone to start ringing just as he’d slipped under the covers. Groaning slightly as he rolled over to grab his phone so he could see who wanted him at this ungodly hour but the number wasn’t saved to his contacts and he didn’t recognise it so it let it ring until it stopped to see if they’d leave a message but it was ringing again before he had a chance to think.
Mason hated answering calls from strange numbers, but it was late and the fact that they’d called again straight away made him think he really needed to pick up so with a slight huff he sat up and hit the answer button.
‘H-hi, is that Mason?’
‘’Yeah it’s me’ he answered, unsure of who was asking after him but just as he was about to moan at whoever was on the other end for calling, the voice speaking to him suddenly clicked in his brain and his breath caught in his throat. ‘Wait, y/n is that you?’
‘Um y-yeah it’s me’ he heard the voice on the other line sniff and it’s like his world had stopped. He hadn’t heard that voice in two months and he was pretty sure he’d never hear it again but there you were. Calling him from a number he didn’t recognise, sounding more upset than he’d ever heard you.
Well maybe only once before.
‘Is everything okay?’ He asked tentatively, knowing you were upset on the other end but he was unsure as to why you were getting in contact after everything that had happened a few months prior.
‘Um no, not really’ you sniffed, ‘I was at a gig and I met these people and… well long story short they took all my stuff. I’m at the police station now and they said I could call someone and yours was the only number I could remember’ you told him, feeling a little silly now as you listened to his deep breathing on the other end of the line. Gulping down a nervous lump before carrying on. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you or anything I just-‘
‘It’s alright, where are you I’ll come and get you’
‘No, it’s fine I don’t-‘
‘Y/n, I’m coming to get you. Just tell me where you are’ he said sternly. Getting out of bed and stuffing himself into his shoes as you told him the address of the station you were at and thankfully it was only 15 minutes away. ‘Just stay where you are, I’ll come inside’
‘Yeah cause that’ll look great. Mason Mount spotted leaving Manchester police station in the early hours, I can see the headlines now’
‘Well I can’t exactly text you I'm outside, can I?’ He reasoned. ‘And I don’t want you standing out in the cold. Don't worry I’ll put my hood up and I’ve got my sunglasses just… I won’t be long just stay where you are’
Mason was out of the door as soon as you’d hung up. Driving well over the speed limit but it was all he could do to stop his mind whirling. This wasn’t how he’d planned to see you again but you needed him and no matter what he’d always come running.
He saw you before you saw him and he took a few seconds just to look at you. You looked so small and fragile, eyes downcast as they looked to your hands in your lap and all he wanted to was to hold you. But he was unsure as to how you might react to him so in the end he took a few small steps forward in hopes you’d look up and see him.
As soon as your eyes locked onto his Mason felt like he’d been shot. The pain ripping through his chest was almost suffocating as he took you in, your bottom lip wobbling and eyes filling with tears before you launched yourself at him.
Mason was probably the last person you wanted to call, but beggars can’t be choosers when you’re in the situation you’re in.
You hadn’t even realised it had happened till it was done, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to take yourself out on a solo date as your favourite band were playing nearby and you’d always wanted to see them live. Your original plan was to go with your friend Jenny, but after that no longer was an option you figured you could go on your own so you didn’t miss out but the thought terrified you.
All was going well though and you even made some new friends with the group of people who were standing next to you but you should've known when they had to rush off at the end that something wasn’t right.
You reached into your bag for your phone to grab yourself an Uber home but your bag was empty. Not just your phone missing but your keys and purse and after a few minutes of panic you made your way over to someone who was working security and tearfully told her what had happened.
You didn’t want to make too much of a fuss, and when you had to take a trip to the police station so you could give a statement your night became even worse. This isn’t how you’d planned your night to go at all but the police officer who was dealing with you kept you calm and helped you block your cards before running through some options for everything else.
When it came to making a call you knew there was only one number you’d memorised for emergencies. There should have been no reason you’d ever have to rely on anyone else but things had changed and you were desperate.
You knew he wouldn’t pick up on the first ring if it was from a random number so you called back straight away and after four rings his sleepy voice came filtering through making your eyes sting immediately. You hadn’t heard it in so long and thought you might never again but you held it together as best you could.
As soon as you started speaking you felt stupid. What were you expecting him to do? He wasn’t yours anymore and he owed you nothing but as soon as you were able to explain you could hear him shuffling about to come and get you and the relief you felt was overwhelming
The wait for him felt like a lifetime. Sat there wondering what to say or do when he got there but you were so distraught and worked up by the time he was you did the first thing you could think of and threw yourself into his body. You knew he was shocked as it took him a second to get his bearings but soon enough he was wrapping you up in his arms and holding you close to his chest.
‘It’s alright, you’re fine’ he whispered into your hair. Rubbing your back to comfort you just like he used to but it just seemed to make your tears feel faster. ‘Come on, let’s go. We’ll go sit in the car yeah?’
You let him lead you out to his car. Getting yourself settled in his passenger seat as he ran around to the drivers side and you tried your best to calm yourself but you felt a little awkward now and his sympathetic expression was making you feel worse.
‘Are you alright?’
‘Yeah, bloody fantastic. What do you think?’ You huffed, feeling awful immediately as you knew he was only looking out for you but you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye as you felt your mood sink even further. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean that’
‘No it’s alright’ he whispered, playing with his fingers in his lap.
‘No it’s not’ you told him, holding back your tears as best you could before turning to him. ‘Thank you for coming to get me’
‘That’s okay’ he smiled softly, but you just felt like crying all over again. ‘Where do you wanna go now?’
‘I don’t even know’ you laughed, not having many options right now. ‘‘Can you go to Luke’s? I gave my spare key to Anouska’ you told him, not even thinking about what you were saying, but you knew from the moment his face dropped even further he was upset by what you’d said.
‘Oh uh, yeah sure’ he mumbled. Starting the car without another word and even though you wanted to talk to him and explain you didn’t think it would help too much.
The journey was silent, Mason looking straight ahead with a hard expression and you attempted to break the silence a few times but chickened out at the very last second each time as you could tell by the tense atmosphere that no matter what you said it wouldn’t make a difference. He was pissed, you just hoped he wouldn’t take it out on them.
‘Wait here, I’ll go and get it’ he told you, pulling up to Luke’s house and getting out the door before he’d even turned the engine off and you sighed as you watched him jog up the path. You knew Mason and you knew he was holding everything in so it was only a matter of time before he let it out. You didn’t know if it would be through anger or hurt but you kept your eye on him and he stood and waited for someone to answer the door.
‘Hey mate, sorry for just turning up’ Mason told Luke quietly after he answered the door. Luke looking a little sleepy but thankfully not annoyed at his sudden arrival.
‘Don’t be silly, is everything okay? Did you forget something?’ He asked, rubbing his eyes but as soon as he got a better look at Mason his expression changed to one of concern as he waited for the younger boy to speak.
‘Yea yeah fine, no listen um- it’s a long story but I’ve got y/n in the car and I need her spare key. She said Anouska keeps one here?’
‘Oh um- let me grab her one sec’ he mumbled, nodding his head inside so Mason could stand in the doorway rather than out in the cold and soon enough Luke was following in behind his wife.
‘Mase? Is everything alright?’
‘Y/n’s had all her stuff stolen tonight. I’ve just picked her up from the police station’
‘Oh my god, is she alright?’
‘She’s fine, they took in without her knowing so she’s not hurt or anything just upset. I’m just taking her home but we can’t get in cause she’s got no keys but apparently you’ve got a spare?’
‘Oh, yeah I’ll go grab it for you’ she told you quietly, grabbing a key from the rack before handing it over and Mason just gave a nod before turning to leave.
Something stopped him in his tracks though. Turning back to face them and the broken look on his face made Anouska’s lip wobble.
‘I asked you guys where she was so many times, every time you said you had no idea but you knew along? How could you do that to me?’ He asked quietly, the hurt in his voice evident at his friend’s betrayal but they were quick to try and reassure him.
‘No it’s not like that at all Mason I promise’ Anouska started but her voice started to wobble so Luke took over.
‘We really didn’t have any idea, mate. We’ve only had the key for two weeks, She showed up out the blue and made us swear not to say anything’ Luke explained but even if it had been two weeks he was still upset about being kept in the dark.
‘I’m really sorry, Mase. She’s got no one and I was just trying to look out for her, I thought it’s what you’d want’ Anouska told him, and Mason didn’t have anything to say. Upset his closest friends had been secretly hiding you behind his back but his emotions were all over the place from everything that was going on tonight and he didn’t want to make everyone feel worse so in the end he just nodded before bidding them a farewell and sulking back to the car.
‘Don’t be mad at them, It was me who made them keep quiet’ you told him after he’d handed the key over to you but he just shrugged. Clearly not in the mood to talk about it so you let him drive away, afraid the silence might consume you.
‘Where am I going?’ He asked quietly as he neared the end of their road and you let him know you’d direct him back to your flat. It was about a half an hour drive over to the other side of town and you were thankful for the low music he played so it wouldn’t be too awkward.
Once you arrived back at your flat you thought Mason might want to leave but he came up with you. You’d moved in two weeks after your break up and had just taken the first semi acceptable place that was available. Under any normal circumstances you would have second guessed showing Mason this place but your need to have someone nearby in your hour of need outweighed the part of your brain that was embarrassed by the tiny flat you now called your own.
‘Sorry about the mess’ you told him quietly as you both walked in but he just gave you a tight but reassuring smile.
‘Don’t worry about it, you should see my bathroom right now, it’s a right state’ he laughed, thankful he seemed to be perking up a little but you hated the way he referred to it as his bathroom. He used to call it our bathroom, the one you shared before things took a turn. ‘What did the officers say happen now?’
‘There should be someone round soon to change the locks over and then they’ll call me later on tomorrow if they’ve got any updates’ you confirmed, watching him eye your living room carefully and you felt your heart sink. ‘Listen, thanks for walking me up, but you can go if you like’
‘I think it’s best I stay, just until the locks are changed at least. There’s random people walking about with your keys so I’ll stay for a bit to be safe’ he told you and his concern for you even now melted your heart just a tiny bit.
‘Take a seat then’ you told him. Nodding to the sofa in the corner before following him over to take the seat next to him. Squishing yourself into the side so your thighs didn’t touch but thankfully he seemed to be having the same idea to keep as far apart as you possibly could on the worn out sofa.
‘So you were at a gig tonight?’ He asked quietly after a few moments of silence, clearly wanting to make a bit of conversation after an hour or so of being understandably standoffish with you and you nodded whilst keeping your eyes looking forward.
‘On your own?’
‘‘It’s not like you to go out on your own’ he commented and you had to gulp down a nervous lump.
‘Well I wasn’t meant to be but my plus one couldn’t go’ you told him. Trying to be vague on purpose to avoid an awkward conversation but you felt him tense up besides you.
‘Oh’ he breathed, nodding his head solemnly but you weren’t quite sure why he’d suddenly turned so moody again and you figured you should explain a little more even if it did take you down a path you didn’t want to be going down.
‘Yeah, Jenny and I don’t talk anymore and I paid for the tickets in the first place so I sold the other one and went in my own’
‘Jenny? You were meant to go with Jenny?’ he asked, face slightly shocked but you could detect a hint of relief in there too.
‘Yeah? Why, who do you think I meant?’
‘Well I don’t know… I thought you meant like a date or something’ he told you awkwardly and even though you knew it was an easy conclusion to come to you still felt your anger rise inside of you.
‘A date? We’ve been broken up for two months, Mase. Is that what you think of me?’ You laughed, slightly in disbelief at what he seemed to be accusing you of.
Well no-‘
‘Is that what you’ve been doing?’ You asked, looking at him with furrowed brows, noticing his expression matched yours.
‘No, I didn’t-‘
A knock at the door snapped the pair of you out of your little argument. Mason standing up to go and answer if before you got a chance and from what you could hear, it sounded like the locksmith here to sort the locks out.
Mason always had the gift of the gab and you were in no mood for plesentaries so you left them to chat, thankful he was taking charge for you even if things before had just taken a weird turn and before long Mason offered him a cup of tea and he reappeared in front of you again.
‘Why don’t you go have a shower and get changed or whatever. I can deal with this’ he offered and even though the thought of being under the hot water sounded like heaven you didn’t want to leave this all up to him when it was your mess.
‘It’s fine-’
‘Please’ he interrupted, his hand gently touching your shoulder before he pulled back. ‘It’s been a long night for you and there’s no point in you being sat out here like a lemon. I’ll come and find you when it’s done, yeah?’
‘Okay’ you told him quietly. Secretly happy he was taking the responsibility away from you. ‘I’ll just be in there’ you whispered, nodding to the door in the far corner of the room and with one final small smile he stepped into your kitchen to make a cup of tea.
You let the warm water of the shower consume you. Not realising how tense you were until you tried to relax and it took more effort than you realised. Raising the temperature of the water ever so slightly try and relax yourself even further but your mind was going a mile a minute.
You couldn’t believe how tonight had gone. You were having the time of your life out of your comfort zone with some people you’d put your trust in for the night but your massive highs always seemed to be followed by massive lows lately. Still not believing you’d been so easy to exploit and that they’d taken your stuff without you even realising.
You tried holding your tears in, having not cried properly since the whole ordeal happened but now you were at home with Mason so close by you could feel your walls slipping again.
You felt silly and exposed. All the things you were protective of had been taken away from you from right under your nose and you couldn’t believe you’d let it happen. You were usually so aware of what was going on but these last few weeks and tonight especially made you realise maybe you weren’t as switched on as you thought.
Once you were done in the shower you slipped into your pjs before laying ontop of your bed. Not wanting to get fully inside right now as Mason was still here and you didn’t want to fall asleep without saying goodbye but the longer you sat in your own thoughts the more upset you became.
You could hear him laughing and chatting away outside. A sound you’d hadn’t heard much of in the last month or so of your relationship as the lair of you grew further apart and you missed it terribly. All you could think about was it being your fault things had turned out how they had and after the stress of the last few hours you felt your eyes sting again.
You were determined not to cry, hugging you pillow to your chest as you squeezed your eyes shut tight but the sobs were only moments away and when you heard your front door shut you couldn’t help but finally let things out as you realised it was just you and Mason alone again.
You’d known it this whole time but it really hit you just how much you still loved him in that moment. The fact he’d saved you in your hour of need, taken you home and taken care of what needed to be done so you could relax overwhelmed you as you weren’t sure you could be so kind if he’d treated you the same as you had him and the thought only made you even more upset knowing you may never get back to how you were.
Mason opened your door slowly, not sure if you were asleep or not and even though the room was dark he could still make out the slight shake of our shoulders as you fought to hold it together. Laying facing away from him so he couldn’t see you and the longer he stood there the louder your sobs became.
Mason was stuck, not sure if you wanted to be left alone or if maybe you needed his comfort but in the end he pushed his worries to the side and went to you. It always broke him seeing you upset and right now was no different so he carefully popped himself onto the bed behind you and pulled you body into his chest. Holding you close as you buried your head into the pillow.
‘It’s alright, sweetheart, just let it out’ he whispered, the sound of his gentle voice breaking down what little composure you had left and you let your cries eat you up from the inside. Your body shaking violently as you let go of everything you had inside of you and you even surprised yourself at his upset you were about everything.
‘Hey, come on baby it’s alright’ you heard him murmur, his own voice sounding emotional as he moved to sit up before reaching for you. Pulling you up and into his lap so he could hold you properly and you cried into his neck as he slowly rocked you back and forth whilst whispering in your ear repeatedly that everything would be okay.
He let you cry it out, not rushing you at all or making you calm down quicker than you needed to he just patiently sat and waited for you to raise your head and his devastated expression almost set you off again.
‘Please don’t cry anymore’ he whispered against your forehead before placing the softest kiss between your eyebrows. The physical affection making you want to cry all over again but you held it together.
‘I’m sorry, it’s just been a lot tonight’
‘I know,’ he agreed. Nodding his head as you attempted to wipe your eyes but the feel of his arms around your body and he held you almost like a baby kept your tears flowing silently. ‘Can I ask you something?’ He whispered after a short while. Waiting until you nodded before he carried on talking. ‘Why don’t you and Jenny speak anymore? You told me she was like a sister to you’ he asked you carefully, knowing it must have been a touchy subject but you knew you needed to be honest with him now. He deserved the truth after all you’d put him through and all he’d done for you tonight when you didn’t deserve his kindness.
‘Yeah well, I realised a few things about her’ you told him quietly. Looking up to meet Mason's eyes and the sadness in them made your lip wobble. ‘I’m so sorry’ you whispered.
‘Sorry? What are you sorry for?’
‘I let her get into my head, let her say horrible things about you. I let her get in between us and I know it’s not all her and I played my part but I shouldn’t have listened to her’ you sobbed. ‘I ruined everything’
‘Hey come on’ he breathed, his voice wobbling as he pulled you back into his chest. ‘Don’t cry anymore’
‘I didn’t mean to hurt you’
‘I know bubs’ he whispered. Kissing your temple softly as you calmed yourself back down. ‘What happened?’
What had happened?
Jenny was a bit of a sore subject for the pair of you. You’d met her a week or so after moving to Manchester all those months ago and the pair of you had become fast friends. With Mason always being busy it was easy for the pair of you to spend time together but to say she wasn’t Mason's biggest fan was an understatement.
When you first moved to Manchester, Mason was here, there and everywhere. It was lonely being so far away from everything and everyone you knew but you were determined to make the best of things so when a girl came up to you in a coffee shop to compliment your bag, you gave her a wide smile and offered her a seat rather than shying away like usual.
Jenny had lived in Manchester all her life so when you explained you hadn’t and didn’t really know anyone around here she was quick to give you her number and let you know she would be free whenever to show you her favourite spots.
She was bright and bubbly and just the right sort of person you needed in your life at the time but there was just one problem.
You could tell she was suspicious of Mason from the beginning. You tried telling her that he would be busy a lot with the new season starting in a brand new team but she couldn’t seem to get her head around why he was always away. Asking why he’s dragged you all the way up here just to ignore you and whilst you understood what it looked like from the outside, you and Mason were as strong as a rock.
That didn’t stop Jenny from trying to make you see sense though. Taking every opportunity she could to tear him down in front of you and whilst it was growing tiring she was your only friend up here and you didn’t want to lose her.
Everyday she would ask about him, wondering where he was and who he was with. Wondering why he wasn’t spending time with you and you didn’t know when, but soon enough her words started to stick. Every missed diner or unreplied to text that you used to think nothing of suddenly was sticking out to you like never before and you wondered if she was right.
It all came to head when you invited him to a dinner with some of the girls and their boyfriends and when Mason told you he wasn't available you didn’t even give him a chance to explain. Ignoring him for the rest of the day before getting dolled up for a night out without him.
‘You need to be strong, babe. Be firm with him and say it’s not acceptable. There’s not an excuse in the world that I’d accept for him not coming tonight, you don’t deserve to be treated like this’ Jenny told you. ‘You wait until you’ve found someone else, he’ll regret it then and he won’t be able to do anything about it’
You were late home on purpose, not ready to talk to him yet but to your surprise he’d waited up for you. His face full of sorrow as he tried to get your attention but you ignored him on purpose. Sleeping in the guest room before the pair of you engaged in a heated row the next morning.
You hadn't given him a chance to tell you what he was doing as you spent your time ignoring the day before but he was just as pissed as you were this morning. Furious with you for not hearing him out and telling you that the whole reason he wasn’t able to go out with you last night was because he was booked in for a charity event for children who were learning to read and speak English and he thought you were coming with him.
You tried not to let him get to you. You knew his charity work was important to him and you knew you’d agreed to go with him months ago but you’d been so wrapped up in Jenny that you’d forgotten all about it. In the end, trying to turn things onto him and making out like he hadn't reminded you or told you about it yesterday but he confessed he’d given up trying with you.
You said so many things you wished you could take back now. Things you knew weren’t true but you’d been spoon fed to believe and once again you didn’t give him a chance to say his piece properly. Ranting at him for as long as you could before locking yourself away again.
When Mason left for training you’d called Jenny, crying down the phone to her about everything that had happened and she convinced you to pack your things and get out. Even coming round to help you finish off and and drive you away so you could stay with her for a few days whilst you found a place of your own.
As soon as Mason realised what was happening he was blowing up your phone. Demanding to see you and talk things out but you refused, hanging up on him in the end before sending him a text to let him know you needed space but you were done and not to message you again before you blocked him.
Life without Mason was hard but you had Jenny by your side at all times. Constantly reminding you that you’d made the right choice and that when you were ready the pair of you would go out and find you a man that would put you first.
That was two months ago, and you’d been miserable everyday. Each moment passing making you think you’d messed up but you didn’t realise how much until two weeks ago.
‘Two weeks ago, we were out getting lunch and I popped to the loo. When I came back this girl she knew passed by and she got up to give her a hug and stuff but she left her phone face up on the table and I could see she was trying to message you on insta’ you told him. Looking up to see his face looking confused. ‘I took her phone and scrolled to the top and she’d been DMing you from the day we ended things. I think that’s the only reason she ever spoke to me was to get to you’
‘I’m sorry sweetheart’ he tutted, brushing your hair back from your face so he could place a gentle kiss on your forehead again. ‘What did you do?’
‘When she sat back down I told her my locks were getting changed the next day and if I could have my key back before pretending to take a call outside. I just went straight home and sent her a text saying I knew what she was up to and you’d never go near her in a million years’ you told him with a slight laugh, smiling as he chuckled under you before you felt him reach for his phone.
‘Find her for me?’ He asked, opening up instagram so you could pull up her profile and look at the messages she’d sent him. Even now reading them back made you skin crawl but you watched masons expression change to a disgusted one as he read the first ones through.
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‘Why would she send me this shit?’ He laughed, coming out of the messages so he could go back to her profile and block her before throwing his phone to the side and looking back down at you. ‘I’m sorry she’s not who you thought she was’
‘It's fine’ you shrugged. Not caring about her or what she’d done to you anymore but the sympathetic look on his face made your heart thump. ‘Why are you being so nice to me? I was shit to you’ you asked. It only really hitting you now that you were broken up still but the way he was being so soft and loving with you made your heart race.
‘Cause I love you’ he told you seriously and you felt your whole body freeze. Loved you? Still? ‘Yeah we may not like each other a whole lot right now but I’ll always love you, y/n’ he confirmed and you felt your eyes sting.
‘I still like you’ you whispered, watching his face soften a touch, both smiling tearily as you came to the realisation things weren’t as bad as it seemed and you could have sworn you felt him hold you a little tighter.
‘I still like you, too’ he nodded, but you were overwhelmed by his kindness and felt yourself getting upset again.
‘God I’m so fucking stupid’ you laughed, nuzzling into his neck and you laughed at the way he held you slightly tighter.
‘Hey, don’t say that’
‘But I am. I walked out on you when you’ve been the best thing that ever happened to me, took some random girls side who was fucking me over the whole time and then befriending a local gang of theives’ you joked before it hit you again that all your stuff had been taken. ‘I can’t believe all my stuff’s gone’
‘It’s okay, we can replace it all’ he reassured you and your heart broke at the way he was trying to help even though there were certain things that couldn’t be replaced.
‘I know but my phone’
‘It’s just a phone love, we can get you a new one’ he told you, but that wasn’t the reason why you were so upset about it. You couldn’t care less about the actual phone itself as you knew you could get a new one whenever but it was the stuff on the phone rather than the phone itself.
‘It’s not the phone, it’s what was on it. It’s gone and I can’t replace all that’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I’ve got years worth of pictures and memories on there, I never backed my phone up or anything so they’ve all gone. And yeah maybe I’d have to get rid of them at some point but I wasn’t ready to let them go yet. To let you go.’
‘I’m right here bubs. You can’t get rid of me that easily’ he whispered. Cradling your face as he gazed into your eyes lovingly. ‘Whatever you lost, I’ve probably still got it on my phone so when we get you a new one I can just send it all over’
‘Really?’ You sobbed, relief washing through you as you realised not everything was so hopeless so you just held him as tight as you could and breathed in his scent that you’d missed so much. ‘I don’t deserve you’
‘Look at me’ he whispered. Pulling back so you could look in each other's eyes and then softness in them made you melt. ‘You’ve stuck by me through thick and thin for years. Every game, every tournament, whatever it was you were there for me. I know I wasn’t the greatest at being there for you but I promise you I’ll try a lot harder if you’ll let me’
‘No, Mase none of this was ever your fault. I was being selfish, like even when you told me the next day why you couldn’t make it to that dinner I was still so blinded by everything Jenny had told me I didn’t care but now I can’t believe I ever acted that way’ you told him. ‘I’m sorry I let her make me think you didn’t give me enough time when I know you gave me everything you had. I’m sorry I just left without really giving us a chance to talk through things and I’m sorry I made your friends lie for me’ you whispered. ‘Please don’t be mad at them, I made them promise not to say anything’
‘Why didn’t you just come back to me’ he uttered, his voice sounding the saddest you’d heard it all night and it was close to breaking you.
‘I was ashamed’ you gulped ‘I thought you’d turn me away’
‘I wouldn’t have, I promise’ he told you tearily. ‘I had a feeling there was more to it but I’ve missed you every day, you know? Your my one and I’ve been going out of my mind not being able to get hold of you’
‘I’ve missed you too’ you sobbed, hiding away in his neck again as you held each other tightly. Mason going back to rocking you from side to side in hopes it would calm you down and soon enough your sobs turned to sniffles and you pulled back to look at him properly.
You couldn’t class the dark marks under his eyes as bags, they were more like suitcases he’d been carrying the weight of the world in. His skin pale in comparison and you knew it was because he probably wasn’t looking after himself properly in the months you’d gone but your heart thumped when you reached out to cup his jaw and he turned his head in your hand so he could kiss your palm before melting into your touch.
‘You look exhausted’ Mase. I’m so sorry for making you get up to come and get me’
‘Don’t be, I’m glad you did’
‘Will you stay tonight? Like in here with me?’ You asked quietly, hoping the pleading look in your eyes would wear him down but he was nodding straight away. Holding you closer before pulling back to look at you and the cheeky smile on his face made your heart thump as you hadn’t seen it in so long.
‘You better budge up then, what size bed is this anyway?’ He joked as he helped you off of him and you felt your face flush as you pulled back the covers.
‘It’s a small double, there’s not enough room in here for a normal sized one’ you laughed, crawling inside and you felt yourself go shy as he kicked off his shoes and joined you.
‘I’m only kidding, love.
‘You don’t have to be kind, I know it’s awful here’
‘It’s cozy’ he said softly. Apprehensively reaching for you but once he realised you were happy for him to hold you he pulled you into his chest and you felt your whole body relax.
‘It’s shit’ you laughed, nuzzling down into his chest before looking up into his kind eyes.
‘Why did you stay here then? In Manchester I mean. Thought you would have gone back to London with everyone since you’re only here because of me’
‘I guess the only one good thing about Jenny was she convinced me to stay’ you huffed. ‘It was probably just to feed me more lies about you but she said he’d look out for me up here as if I went home everyone would tell you where I am’
‘You know what, she’s probably right. I’ve been on at everyone constantly since you left but no one would tell me anything’
‘I’m so sorry’ you breathed. ‘I really am so sorry Mase but I’m here now and I promise I’ll make this right. If you still want me’
‘I’ll always want you’ he confirmed quietly. Lips falling to your forehead again so he could place a gentle kiss there and you couldn't hold in the shiver that ran down your spine. ‘And you know I’ve always got room for you. You know in our house we picked together’ he teased, tears filling your eyes and what he might be suggesting. The thought of being home too much for you to take right now. ‘First World problems but you don’t know how hard it is to be there and be reminded of you every bloody place I look’
‘Well maybe we can figure something out then’ you laughed. Excited about the prospect of being home with him where you belonged but unsure if it was too soon.
‘Just come home please, love’
‘Isn’t it too soon?
‘We both know you’ll be back sooner or later, and I’m never letting you go anywhere again so we might as well just crack on’ he joked, tucking his head into your hair as you both clung to one another. ‘Do you still work half days on Friday?’
‘I do’ you laughed, your heart leaping at the way he remembered the most random things about you.
‘Okay perfect. Pack up what you can tomorrow afternoon then and I’ll come by after training and help and then we’ll get you back home okay? Back where you belong’
‘Okay’ you whispered, too dumbfounded to say anything else but you knew when you saw his eyes flash to your lips you wanted to kiss him instantly. Thankfully his lips were already closing in on yours so you just shut your eyes and let him kiss you.
It was the softest kiss you’d ever shared. Full of nerves and caution but as you kissed him back it became one of longing and you held each other as tight as you could almost as if you were afraid the other might vanish into thin air. Only pulling back when Mason got the giggles and had to hide his face in your hair again.
‘What’s wrong?’ you laughed, trying to look at his face and as soon as he let you, you realised how blushy his cheeks were.
‘Nothing I’m just… just happy we’re back’
‘Me to’ you agreed. Letting him pull you back up for another heated kiss that you didn’t want to end. Finally feeling whole again, back where you belonged in the arms of the man who meant more to you than anyone or anything else.
Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed it and I’d love it if you could leave me some feedback 🩷
402 notes ¡ View notes
lesbianpepsi ¡ 10 months
would it be a sin if i stayed?
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pairing: ghostface!sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: you find out your girlfriend is hiding something from you
words: 3.120k
warnings: mentions of murders, gf!sam, knife, scream shenanigans, stab wounds, treating wounds, fear of cheating(?), swearing, bad writing
authors note: so it's been a minute huh, excuse the rusty writing i've been in pain and in a writers block
Everyone's entitled to their own secrets; there's nobody in the world that doesn't have at least one secret. 
Some people have small secrets such as not liking a certain food but saying they like to please the other person. Others don't have such sweet secrets.
The darkest secret you have is the fact you slit your ex's tire once after she cheated on you, it's not insanely dark or even cool, it's simply just a secret that you don't want people to know about.
Yet there's people in your life that hold such darker secrets, ones that could never be revealed to anyone; not even their most loyal loved ones. 
Unbeknownst to you that person is Sam Carpenter, your girlfriend of over a year.
Me (17:29pm): i'll get started on dinner soon then?
Sammy<3 (17:32pm): Yes please. Hopefully I'll be done soon with my shift and can hopefully even help you a bit with the cooking! ���‍🍳😊
Me (17:33pm): maybe i'll postpone for a bit then
Sammy<3 (17:33pm): No, start cooking. You need to eat and Derek is a bastard who won't let me off early anyways 😂😂
Me (17:34pm): fineeeee 
Me (17:34pm): see you soon then, love you <33
Sammy<3 (17:36pm): I love you too, Y/n ❤️
Me (18:12pm): i finished making dinnerrrr:)) 
Me (18:22pm): sammmm
Me (18:29pm): sam? 
Me (18:31pm): please answer me sam, where tf are you?? ik you finish your shift at six 
Me (19:06pm): Sam this isn't funny, please answer my calls.
You bite your bottom lip nervously as you reread over the messages hoping to see that small bubble pop up any second. 
Sure traffic was a reasonable reason to why Sam's late but she'd always message you after finishing her shift at work.
Sam's one of those people who never leaves the house without her phone being higher than 80%, meaning her phone being dead wouldn't explain it. She always made sure it had more than enough battery in case Tara or you called her and there was an emergency 
So why the fuck isn't Sam answering your texts? You can't help but worry after everything that's happened to the poor woman and her family with Ghostface. 
You've already tried calling her three times to no avail. Nervously you switch over to Tara's contact as your thumb hovers over the call button, debating whether you should ask her if she's seen Sam or not.
If Tara hasn't seen her and Sam is in fact just running incredibly late then you're just going to worry the younger Carpenter for no reason.
"Fuck." You mumbled to yourself as you lowered your thumb to dial Tara, deciding it's worth the risk.
Just as you're about to press down you hear the doorknob to your front door jangle, immediately you whip your head around to see Sam entering calmly.
You drop your phone and rush over to her throwing your arms around her desperately as you cling to her. 
Sam doesn't say anything as she slowly raises her hand to your back, rubbing it up and down slowly.
"Where were you, Sam? I thought something had happened." You say worriedly as you pull away staring into your eyes intently, noticing a glimmer in her eyes that you have never seen before. 
Her eyes looked darker, almost a lustful look in them. 
She sighed as she smiled apologetically. "Some girl puked all over the place so I had to clean it up so I wasn't done till six thirty, then my phone died so I couldn't text you."
You ponder for a second on the possibility of Sam's phone actually being dead since the messages and calls went through, meaning it would be impossible for her phone to be dead.
Biting your tongue you nod as you smile at Sam, just relieved to have her here. 
"Okay, glad you're safe then. I've made a plate for you so you just need to reheat it." Sam grins as she presses a quick kiss to your cheek making your ear burn just as they did the very first time they kissed you. 
"You're the best." She says and you chuckle giving a weak smirk. "I know right, the best girlfriend."
Sam pulls away from you as well, finally giving you a proper look of her. You tilt your head confused as you notice the baggy black hoodie she's wearing, practically devouring her and hiding her arms and upper body.
"You didn't leave wearing that this morning." You comment mindlessly as you grab the end of the sleeve, rolling your fingers around the soft texture.
Sam stiffens as she roughly pulls her arm away from your grip, crossing her arms over her chest. You frown at her abruptness. 
"It was in the trunk of my car." Sam replies dismissively with a wave of her hand before turning to enter your room. 
You remain where you stand a little frown toying on your lips. What was that about? You thought as you glanced at the doorway to your bedroom, the light being flickered on by Sam.
"I'm just gonna take a shower real quick then I can eat dinner and we can watch some movies?" You hear Sam yell from your room also hearing the erratic movement from her as you walk closer.
Leaning on the doorway you see Sam placing her phone, car keys and work badge on the dresser. 
"Want me to reheat your food for you?" You suggest with a smile. Sam nodded her head as she turned to face you, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead this time as she whispered, "I love you so much." before passing you and locking herself in the bathroom. 
A few moments later you hear the loud sound of the shower water hitting the bottom of the tub before it gets muffled by Sam entering the shower.
Against your better judgement you glance back into the room where Sam's phone is kept, the desperate urge to check it gnawing at you. 
You didn't want to snoop through it, no, you just wanted to see if she was lying or not. Which you basically already knew she was. 
You glance back at the bathroom door before rushing into the room to look at Sam's phone.
Reaching the drawer you picked up her phone and to your horror the movement of you picking it up lights the screen up. 

Sam's phone wasn't dead.
She lied to you. 
Sam wouldn't cheat on you, right? No, Sam would never. She loves you too much for that. 
Shaking your head in hopes of getting rid of those thoughts you place Sam's phone back into its original position, staring at it before leaving the room to reheat Sam's plate of food.
You trust Sam with your life and more and don't believe she's cheating on you since she's already quite possessive and protective of you after Ghostface. 
After placing the plate into the microwave you move back into the living room, dropping down onto the couch with a sigh as you wrap your fingers around the TV remote, pressing the on button.
The TV started up and immediately you were introduced to the loud male voice of the news reporter. You pulled out your phone and didn't pay much attention till you heard him utter a line that made your blood run cold.
"-two male victims stabbed to death near Parker Street, the police have no lead suspects as of now but a CCTV footage has been leaked showing the brutal murder and the killer wearing the infamous Ghostface costume."
Your eyes widened as you slowly lowered your phone, pushing yourself up the couch as you straightened your posture.  
Ghostface is back? It doesn't help that Parker street, that's the street where the bar Sam works at is at. 
"Sam!" You yelled and panicked as your eyes remained focused on the screen.
You could hear the shower stopping before moments later the door the bathroom being thrown opened and Sam rushes into the living room soaking wet with a towel wrapped around her body.
"What's wrong?" Your girlfriend asked as she moved to your side, holding your face with a possessive grip as she turned it to the side to see if you were hurt. 
You shake your head making her let go and nod towards the TV, Sam takes your hint and turns to focus on the screen.
She's silent for a moment, her breathing eerily calm as her eyes meet with yours.
"Ghostface is gone, we don't have to worry." She says as her hand glides into yours. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion as this is a total 180 reaction to how she reacted last time when Tara's classmate was murdered, and it wasn't even confirmed it was Ghostface at that time.
"Sam, the person was literally wearing a Ghostface outfit and two people were murdered on the same block where you work! This cannot be a coincidence." You rush out as you look down at your phone where it lay on the couch.  "We have to call Tara, Mindy and Chad. I'm not letting you all go through this again." You say as you grab your phone but you're stopped by Sam's hand wrapping around your wrist.
Looking up at her confused you see a blank expression on her face, not a panicked look you expected to see. 
"This is not our Ghostface, Y/n, calm down, please." Sam replies, moving her hand to interlock with yours with a tight grip.
Your jaw slackens as the crease between your brows gets even bigger. 
"A dude in a Ghostface outfit killed two people near where you work, Sam!" You insist on trying to make Sam notice how dire this situation is.
She shakes her head as she shuffles a bit closer, the droplets falling off of her and a few dropping onto you. 
"My Ghostface doesn't do random public killing, this is very out of character. It's probably just some psycho who's using it as a disguise, Y/n. It's fine. I'm safe, Tara's safe, the twins are safe and you're safe." You're speechless at Sam's smooth words, never hearing her so calm and confident. 
Last year she threatened to move countries instantly when it wasn't even confirmed it was about them. 
You let out a humourless chuckle as you shake your head. "And what did Mindy say when Tara was acting like you right now last year? It's a bit too close to home." 
Sam shakes her own head as she flashes a smile that never fails to make your heart skip a beat. "You trust me, don't you?" 
You let out a barely audible scoff as you nod your head at the question as if it was a stupid question to ask.
"With my life and more Sam." Sam's smile softens as she nods her head gently, as if knowing what you were going to say.
"So trust me on this, my love." She whispers, raising her wet hand to lay on your cheek lovingly. "Please." She adds in a whisper as her thumb runs up and down your cheek slowly. 
You maintain eye contact with Sam as you begin to feel yourself getting lost in her dark brown eyes, unconsciously nodding your head slowly.
Sighing you snap out of your trance as you smile weakly at her, squeezing your interlocked hands. 
"I trust you." 
A few days have passed and the only person other than you who's showing concern over the murders is surprisingly Tara. The girl who was very adamant last year that this almost exact scenario wasn't related to them in any way.
You've been texting her non stop about your worries about the entire situation but you haven't said anything about your concerns about Sam. 
She lied to you, sure it was something very niche but with the timing of the murders; something just felt off. 
You have also noticed that Sam has been even more loving lately, not that she isn't always wonderful to you, but it's more than usual. 
You love the attention but you still can't help but feel that there's something wrong. 
It's a Saturday night and Sam's working the night shift again, you're not doing anything special so you decided to sleep in early. 
It's around two in the morning when you get awakened by a slam of the door, it immediately sprung you out of sleep since you've always been a light sleeper since the entire Ghostface incident. 
You rub your eyes as you slowly sit up, glancing around the room and notice Sam isn't in bed. 
Concern runs through your veins immediately as you push yourself off the bed to stand up, your feet hurting the cold floor as you move towards the door. Is it a complete dumb move to investigate the random loud noise? Yes, absolutely. But you can't help but think it's most likely Sam and maybe she's having another one of her attacks. 
"Sam?" You yell out softly as you open the door and glance around your small apartment, squinting your eyes to see better in the dark.
There's no sign of Sam but then you notice the light peeking through the bottom of the bathroom door. You definitely didn't leave the bathroom light on.
You head towards the bathroom door and go to open it but it's locked, you frown as your concern grows.
"Sam? Are you there?" You ask as you keep trying to unlock the door but to no use. 
A muffled grunt is heard through the door before you hear Sam's raspy voice. 
"Go back to bed, Y/n, I'll join you soon." Sam's muffled voice says as another low grunt is heard. That doesn't help your nerves at all.
You can feel your heart pick up a pace as you desperately keep trying to unlock the door.
"Open the door, Sam, please." You beg as you keep trying to open the door, shaking the doorknobs desperately. 
"No." Sam says sternly, making you shake your head at her stubbornness. "Sam if you don't unlock this door I swear I'll kick it down. Please open the door."
"No I-" Sam goes silent for a moment before continuing her words. "You can't see me like this, you'll leave me." 
"Sam I love you more than anything in this world, if you're hurt I want to see you and help you. Please." You say sincerely as you still your moments on trying to open the door, trying to show Sam how much you care for her. 
She doesn't say anything for what feels like an eternity, your fear growing with each passing second as you swallow nervously. 
Then you hear it, the door unlocking but Sam doesn't open it for you. Immediately you throw the door open and scan your eyes to find Sam sitting on the edge of the bathtub wearing her usual grey tank top, tight black cargos and thick black boots with bruises and a singular stab wound on her arms.
Your breath hitches as your eyes widen dramatically, your fear about Ghostface attacking Sam again being confirmed. 
Sam refuses to make eye contact with you as she sloppily tries to patch herself up, wrapping a bandage around below her shoulder that's already staining with a ruby red shade.
"Let me help." You whisper as you move to stand in front of her knowing in the frenzied state Sam is in she wouldn't tend her wounds properly.
She finally looks up at you and you notice the look of pure fear in her eyes, it breaks your heart. 
Sam stiffly nods her head as she lets go of the dirty bandage and lets it fall gracefully onto the floor. 
You don't take notice of anything else around you as your entire focus is only on your bleeding girlfriend. 
As you focus on the slash below her shoulder you see that she's sterilised it and only needs help with bandaging it up.
You grab a new roll and gently hold onto her elbow for a grip as you begin to tightly wrap the bandage around her wound.
As you keep wrapping enough layers around your eye's unconsciously flicker over to the bathtub, and the moment you see the objects scattered inside you feel your heart drop.
A bloodied knife is peeking out through a thick pile of black which almost looks like a blanket but that isn't what catches your attention. The bloodied Ghostface mask thrown carelessly near what you presume is the cloak is what makes your heart come back to life and rapidly speeds up. 
Suddenly everything makes sense.
The lie about her phone being dead when it wasn't, coming home late and the very calm reaction to the murders.
Sam wasn't attacked by the Ghostface on the news; Sam is Ghostface. 
You can pull your eyes away from the hollow eyes of the Ghostface mask as you keep bandaging Sam's stab wound up, the feeling of shame making your throat tighten. 
Not ashamed of Sam but the fact you don't immediately want to run away. Call the cops or even scream. Instead you stand there as you treated her wound. 
"That's enough layers, Y/n." Sam's quiet voice breaks you out of your stare as you avert your eyes back to hers, stilling your hands as you lock with her brown eyes.
Oh those big brown eyes. 
Grief swirls around in her eyes as if she's already grieving your relationship; grieving her life. 
You take a deep breath as a shaky smile slowly forms on your lips making Sam's eyebrows scrunched together confused. 
"I'll never stop loving you." You whisper to her as you finish bandaging her wound up, dropping your hand from her elbow to place on her cheek. 
Sam leans into your touch laying her own cold hand over yours, looking up at you with a softer gleam in her eyes. 
"I'm not a bad person, I only hurt bad people I promise." Sam whispers in a gravelly voice. You feel some reassurance from that but what shocks you the most is the fact you're not sure if you wouldn't have minded if they were bad or not. 
Would it be a sin if you stayed with her? Probably. But killing is most definitely a bigger sin which only makes you think of one thing. 

You and her will still be together in the afterlife. 
"Let's go to bed, my love." You whisper as you offer Sam your free hand to take to help stand up. 
Sam stares at it for a moment before she complies and slides her hand into your hand, a small smile grazing her lips. 
Everyone has their secrets and who are you to share them with?
authors note: i'd do anything for sam (i hate this so fucking much)
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scxrlett-wid0w ¡ 11 months
Hiya I have read you Natasha and Wanda fics and I would like to say that they are so good and if it’s possibly u you could do a age regression with either Natasha or Wanda or both and reader set up a whole date night scenario with the help of maybe Yelena or carol and they get annoyed and just become really possessive over reader and they end up fighting and reader has just woke up from her nap and comes downstairs and they all stop arguing and they make up as reader told them to. Hopefully you understand that 😂🥰. How u have a good day also if u don’t want to do it that’s fine
Stop Fighting! | WandaNat X Fem!R
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Gif not mine, credits to creator
Pairing: WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Word count: tbd
Warnings: Slight Arguing, Age Regression, Fluff, Little One (R), Mama (N), Mommy (W),
A/N: I'm So Sorry This Is Like A Year Late! Hopefully It's What You Wanted/Expected <3
Summary: The Ask
Stop fighting!
"It has to be perfect!!" You squealed whilst Carol was laying the plates on the dining table
"I know munchkin," She chuckled "why don't you draw your mommies a nice picture, yeah?" She finished setting the table and picked you up.
She rests you on her hip and carries you to your playroom
"Bu' I wanna help youuu!" A loud whine left your mouth when Carol puts you down.
"Don't be like that little one, I'm sure your mommies would appreciate a little picture to go with their meal and dessert, which you can help me make, eh?"
"Okay Aun'ie Carol!" You run over to your little table and grab a pack of crayons
Carol walks back to the kitchen and stirs the sauce that's currently cooking in the pan
Half of an hour later you hear a car pull up the drive and your chair falls over from how fast you stand up
You run to the front door and practically vibrate from excitement when you see the handle pull down
Wanda drops her bags and picks you up
"Hi baby we missed you so so much" she rubs her nose against yours and chuckles
Nat comes around your other side and kisses your cheek
"Привет моя любовь" (hi my love) Nat takes Wanda's and her bags upstairs whilst Wanda carries you to the kitchen where she sees Carol
"Oh... Carol, I didn't realise you were here"
Wanda places you in your highchair so she can take over cooking from Carol
"Yeah I'm still here, this cutie must've used the emergency list to call me," She strokes your chin "Said she needed help so I came 'round straight away"
Wanda glares at her "What kind of help did she need that required....You?"
Carol gulps and takes a step back "I can't tell you, it's her surprise for you"
"Mommyyyyy! Be nice! We jus makin dinner for 'oo! Wanted make dinner for us thwree an Aun'ie Cawol jus helpin'."
You huff and pout as Wanda's eyes softened towards Carol
"Oh Carol I'm so sorry, I just assumed the worst and I shouldn't have I'm truly sorry" She hugs Carol and they make up just as the Oven dings to signal the meal was ready
In the end, You and your mommies enjoy a fancy meal (with Auntie Carol to make up for the misunderstanding) and finish the day off with watching your favourite movie: Frozen
"Bye bye Aun'ie Carol, fank yoo fo' helping make dinner!" You squeeze her goodbye before having to go to bed as it was your bedtime
"Did you brush your little teethies малышка?" Nat asks, as she climbs into bed behind you, as Wanda snuggles into you into her front
"Mhm, sleepy time now?" You hold onto Wanda and use her chest to rub your itchy face
"Yes sweetheart, sleepy time now goodnight darling" Your mommies hold onto you as your soft snores fill the quiet room
"We love you" They say before drifting off to sleep too.
Thanks For Reading <3
My requests are now open again because I'm ready to get back into writing
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vanwritesfan-fiction ¡ 10 months
Yay, I just wanted a concept where reader is scrolling through tiktok while next to jack, they’re each on their phones when the sza big boy sound comes on and he’s immediately like what are you watching 😂😂🤭🤭🤭 just a cute concept I thought, I just love jealous jack sm ☺️
"Baby. Babe. Y/N."
"Hm?" You finally answered Jack after his third call, your eyes still focused on your phone screen.
"What do you want to watch?" He listened intently for your response as he laid between your legs, his head rested on your lower stomach. The two of you were laid out on the couch after a late dinner, trying to decide on what to watch before Jack inevitably fell asleep on top of you 30 minutes later.
"Oh, baby, I don't care." You gave him a half-smile, not even bothering to look down at him.
"Sopranos it is." He grumbled, pulling up the Hulu app. His eyelids were already heavy as the episode started, and your hands raking through his curls quickly lulled him to sleep not even five minutes in.
He startled awake to the sound of your giggles as you watched a TikTok video your friend sent you.
Its cuffing season, and all the girls are leavin'...
"Can you turn that down, please, babe?" Jack rubbed his hands down his face before settling back to sleep, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Mhm." You patted his chest, not even listening to him.
We need a big boy, give me a big boy, big boy...
"What are you even watching?" Jack opened one eye, the song peaked his interest.
"Nothing. Just a TikTok video."
I need a big boy, I want a big boy, give me a big boy...
"Ok, that's enough" Jack snatched your phone out of your hand, sitting up so you couldn't grab it back from him.
"Is this the kind of guy you're attracted to?" Jack tried to hide the hurt in his voice, but it was obvious.
"What are you talking about?"
"You kept watching the video over and over again, you must have seen something you liked."
"Jack, please. I was just reading the comments, some of them were really funny." You reached for your phone again but he held it out of your reach.
He wasn't convinced. "What is it about them? I'm definitely fuckin' tall enough, so it can't be that." Even though it was bruised, he still had his pride to cling onto. "Do I need to get in the gym, put on some more muscle?"
"You're getting all worked up over nothing, babe. I love you just the way you are. Besides, you're already my big boy." You eyed his crotch, Jack's face blushing red once he noticed where your gaze had traveled. You leaned into him, your lips grazing his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. "You're big in all the ways that really matter."
"Damn right I am." Jack gritted out between his teeth, really enjoying how you were stroking his ego.
"Why don't you go to the bedroom? I'll be there in a minute." You pulled at the curls at the nape of his neck, Jack jumping to his feet, stripping his t-shirt off, revealing his toned chest. He flexed for you, giving a wink.
"Oh my god, please go!" You shooed him away, tucking your legs underneath you. You turned your attention back to your phone for a quick second.
Its cuffing season, and all the girls are leavin'...
Jack rushed back into the living room, his eyebrows scrunched together in frustration. "Now you're just fuckin' with me." He grabbed your phone, tossing it to the far end of the couch. You giggled uncontrollably as he lifted you off the couch, forcing you to the bedroom. "Fuck that video, you've got your big boy right here."
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sebastianswallows ¡ 1 year
Ardour — Chapter 1
— PAIRING: professor!Tom Riddle x Reader
— SYNOPSIS: Tom got what he wanted, he is the Hogwarts DADA professor. It's more tedious than he envisioned, but his day gets interesting when his favourite student comes to him for help after she is hit with a strong aphrodisiac.
— WARNINGS: angst, fluff, age difference (she is in 7th year), dub-con kissing, sex pollen basically, hints of incest (reader is a distant Gaunt relation, don't ask me why, I just wanted a depraved twist and also to give her and Tom something more in common)
— A/N: I had this filthy idea and I AI-RPed it and it turned out so well I could not leave it be. So here's part 1. I expect we'll have 2, max 3 parts. Those will contain the smut. Credit to my writing partner, this cute little chat bot, who wrote a very soft and romantic Tom. I had to spend a lot of time re-writing him to be a bit more mean 😂 And yeah reader is more of an OC tbh, because the physical description was important for their similarity in looks. ...You'll see. Also don't mind me fancasting Tom Hughes as an older Tom.
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There was a knock on the door. Professor Tom Riddle, who taught Defence Against the Dark Arts, raised his head from grading papers. He sighed at the interruption and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He checked his watch to see if it was late enough for him to pretend to be at dinner, but he had no such luck — it was sometime in the late afternoon.
He'd once thought that getting this position was all he wanted. To teach Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, and be the youngest one to take the position in the school’s history, would be a great achievement, after all — aside from giving him the opportunity to, like Professor Slughorn, collect students, Hogwarts' best and brightest, select his favourites, and helpfully guide them in a way that suited his long-term personal ambitions.
But what he found instead was that it was a great deal of hard work, unending responsibilities, and long hours. He had to always be available to help students, he had to think the year ahead before it even started, and he had to always be on top of the course material — or at least pretend to be. He had to put up with noisy and inattentive students, be careful to reward the clever and punish the disruptive, calculate awarded points and distribute detentions — but not too harshly. Last but not least, he had to put up with the other staff — the crass, the sycophantic, the obsequious, and the stupid. He almost missed his days working at Borgin and Burkes...
"Come in," he called out a little loudly, not really caring who it was as long it was someone whose presence doesn't make him want to claw his eyes out. He looked expectantly at the door, waiting for whoever was there to step inside and give him take a break from the endless stream of badly written essays.
The door opened slowly, and Adara walked in.
Adara Gaunt, Slytherin 7th year, and one of his brightest. She was excellent at Defence Against the Dark Arts, and he had noticed in her an interest in the Dark Arts in general. She wasn’t a troublemaker like some of the other pure-bloods, entitled little narcissists who wanted to show off, which made it easy for her to not come under suspicion when some book was unaccounted for in the Restricted Section. She was less clever at hiding it after the fact, when she would answer a question of his during classes with an intriguing little tidbit, and he always knew exactly which book she’d read that in. If she got into trouble at all, it was casting the wrong hex at the wrong boy when she got picked on, and then making his well-groomed, fancy-robed, ignorant father complain to the Headmaster. Tom tried not to give her preferential treatment — but he had to actively try.
It didn’t help that she was a relative of his, by way of a second cousin of his lamented grandfather Marvolo, one who married some scion of the Black family and was scarcely spoken of again. He wasn’t sure what that made her — his niece? hardly. Not that he would ever tell that to her. Last thing he needed was some hanger-on.
No, as far as his students and most of the staff were concerned, he was a half-blood with the muggle name of Riddle, and nobody suspected anything illustrious from the magical side of his family — not that there had been anything particularly illustrious about the Gaunts for a hundred years. And as far as he had gathered from gossip and from observation, Adara’s outcast Gaunt-Black family wasn’t fairing much better than his own had. She spent every holiday she could at Hogwarts, she was withdrawn yet had a spiteful edge to her, she sought an escape from reality in subjects of the most extreme kind — his favourite kind, too —and, from his personal experience, he detected traces of neglect. An unwanted child, that much was certain. Sometimes, he thought she was still better off than living in a muggle orphanage — other times, he was not so sure.
She was pallid, dark-haired and dark-eyed, with an elegant showing of bones beneath her skin, and a quiet, withdrawn demeanour — in other words, a more unhealthy vision of him in a different sex. Still, he could see those eyes sparkle whenever he taught the darkest, most terrifying subjects, even while the rest of the class was frightened or disgusted. He understood why she liked it. There was nothing like the promise of power to the powerless.
And so, his eyes widened slightly when he saw her stepping unannounced into his office. It wasn’t like her… But if he were to talk to any of his wretched students, he could count himself lucky that it was her. His demeanour softened when he saw her standing there.
"Adara, it is such a pleasure to have you here."
"Hello, Professor," she said, closing the door behind her but moving no further in. "I hope I'm not disturbing you... I can come back later, if—"
Tom sighed at her timidity but smiled. "You’re not disturbing anything. Come in."
He got up and went to stand in front of the desk, ready to speak with her, and she came closer too.
"I'm very sorry to ask, sir," she started, swallowing the knot in her throat, "but... I was wondering if you can help me with something... I don't wish to go to the nurse about it, I don’t like her, and... you're an expert in this field — I mean, aside from Professor Slughorn, who I… also don’t wish to see. So I thought maybe you would know a solution..." She bit her lip after her ramble, looking at him to gauge his reaction.
She was terrified of bothering him, in fact, of being a nuisance, but she also didn’t know who else to turn to. He could tell she had gone through the options in her mind, and he was, in fact, the third after Nurse Blainey and Slughorn.
"Don't be sorry, Adara. It is my duty to assist students," he sighed. "Please, tell me what it is you need help with."
She looked up at him, visibly tensing even in the darkness of his office as she stood a few feet away, her face hot and body shivering under the effects of... something. Something unusual. She was typically a bit shy, but not that shy. She even looked a bit... unwell. Her legs rubbed against each other and she stood before him unsteadily, as if her bones or muscles ached.
"Well?" said Tom. "Go ahead…"
"I got into an argument with Amyas Avery and he snuck Ardour Fly up my skirt," she said in one fast breath, blushing profusely and looking down.
Tom frowned. Ardour Fly was a powder, a potent aphrodisiac that had few known cures. It irritated the victim and brought them to a point of sensitivity that was nearly torturous given long exposure. It was typically used between lovers, as the effects would not relent unless the victim was brought to... the very heights of pleasure. Until then, they would suffer painful, heated, relentless arousal that drove them mad with desire. What a snot-nose like Avery was doing with it, he didn’t wish to know — but he intended to find out anyway, as part of a long letter to his father.
"He did what to you?" His voice had that edge to it now.
He moved closer to look her over more closely, and she inhaled sharply at even something as innocuous as his approach. Tom brought a hand to her forehead: feverish, and she gasped. A gentle touch to her cheek with the back of his fingers rewarded him with a moan, and she was trying to look everywhere but at him.
"And where is Mr Avery now?" he whispered, his eyes scanning her body, taking in all the symptoms.
He heard her give a trembling exhale at the close sound of him, her eyes becoming lidded, looking drowsy. The timbre of his voice alone had driven her insane with want.
"I... Mmmm... I don't know. I guess he'll... go have lunch in the... Great Hall come dinnertime..."
"And did anyone else see it happen?"
"Mmmm..." she moaned, closing her eyes and biting her lip. "Vanius Nott was there, and Selby Carrow, and Ophius Black..."
Tom’s hand went to her cheek again, but he slid the edges of his fingers down beneath her jaw and tilted her face up to look at him. The storm of emotions in her was nothing compared to that in him: anger and cold fury were there, and a lust for revenge after what the useless progenies of socialites and sycophants had done to his favourite. They had humiliated her, bodily and mentally, out in the open where other little cowards could watch and laugh.
"And where were you when this happened?" he asked gently.
"In the Transfiguration courtyard," she said in a choked mumble.
Her head nearly tilted toward his palm, perhaps to nuzzle it, before he took it away. He almost wished he hadn’t hurried to remove it… His eyes slid to her uniform: ruffled, tie out of place, buttons holding on but barely… She’d either gotten into a physical scuffle, or she’d spent the last few minutes tearing away at herself in frustration before she decided to come to him for help.
He was so close he could smell her, smell the scent of something sharp and woody like ginger — the Ardour Fly — and underneath it, quickly overtaking it, something fleshy and sweet, warm and a bit salty, something cloying that settled at the back of his throat.
"Look at me for a moment," he asked gently.
She did, gazing into his eyes bravely. He held her eyes for a quiet moment, then without warning put his palm right over her lower stomach.
She gave a weak animal sound, something half-moan half-scream. She was nearly bending over at the feeling. Beneath his hand, Tom worked a bit of wandless magic to confirm the state of her insides. As he suspected: swollen, throbbing, overworked, and underloved. He inhaled sharply in sympathy as the sensations coursed through him, before he quickly took his hand away.
He didn’t often have the opportunity to examine the effects of aphrodisiacs on their victims, although he had sold his fair share while at Borgin and Burkes. He never liked these dirty tricks out of principle, although a means to an end was a means to an end… But seeing their effects now on her, his favourite student, his flesh and blood, he felt far less forgiving.
She clung to her waist protectively — his hand had been warm enough that she felt it through her clothes, and it pained her in that way an unfulfilled desire does.
"Please, Professor Riddle," she whimpered, sounding on the verge of tears. "I can’t take it, please tell me you have a cure for it…"
Of course, there was no cure for Ardour Fly at Hogwarts. Those were rare and expensive. Perhaps Nurse Blainey could help her with the symptoms by means of some antipyretic potions, at least until they could have something actually useful delivered to the castle. But the only cure they had on hand, so to speak, was to let the aphrodisiac fulfil its purpose.
"Alright," he sighed, mostly to himself. He could do this. It was a legitimate concern. It could even be an illegitimate concern, because anyway, nobody was going to find out, he’d make sure of that.
"Oh thank you so much, please, it hurts, it hurts..."
"What hurts?" he asked coolly, looking in her eyes again. "Tell me exactly what it is that hurts."
She stared at him dumbly for a moment, then realised he was actually waiting for her to say it.
"My... my..."
She bit her lip and closed her eyes, completely humiliated by the situation but dizzy from the effect of the Ardour Fly.
"My... intimate parts," she finally said, finding a term that was polite enough to say in the presence of a Professor.
"I see..." he whispered, his voice a little breathless now too above the anger he felt at the situation and his lingering anxieties. I can do this. "Show me where it hurts you."
Her soul left her body. She would have collapsed if she weren’t frozen stiff. She looked into his eyes, but there was no playfulness there. He was treating her as seriously, as clinically, as the victim of a poisoning… and it drove her dizzy with desire. It was at that point she realised she made a mistake going for help to the youngest and most handsome professor in the school.
But he didn’t seem any more amused by it than she was. He levelled at her the same stern gaze with which he expected them to hand in their homework, only now his voice was warmer and much close, and it was just the two of them, and he wasn’t asking for a roll of parchment but for her to lift her skirt.
Or did he prefer that she bend over?
The aphrodisiac was twisting not only her senses, but also her sense, and she found her mind going in the most depraved and humiliating directions. But he hadn’t meant it like that, did he? She genuinely was in pain, and her most dear Professor was offering to help. It made sense, it made sense...
After a few moments during which she switched between fighting with herself and looking into his dark eyes, she brought her hands to the edges of her skirt, and lifted it. She showed herself to him.
Tom’s icy gaze slid from her flushed face, down. Her panties were black with a lace flourish, and could barely contain her. She had been leaking down herself, the top of her thighs damp and shining in the candlelight, her folds swollen and visibly throbbing, the very material moving gently with a pulse that matched her heartbeat. And the scent of her, pure and innocent and aroused, became that much stronger now.
Tom stared at her with an intensity unlike anything he has ever felt before, and yet his composure betrayed nothing. It was only his stillness and the time he took to look at her, to drink his fill, that hinted at anything selfish at all. But inwardly, his senses were gripped by an unspeakable desire, a mixture of lust and pain and anger and something else, something that made his stomach churn at the mere thought of it.
His breath was slow and heavy as he spoke.
"You poor girl," he whispered. "What do you think should be done with those boys?"
Her lips parted in wonder at the turn in conversation. That was the last thing she expected from her Professor... to ask for her opinion. It made her realise how little she knew him...
"Punish them," she said with shaky anger. "Give them detention for the rest of the year or humiliate them or let me hex them or... I don't know, but I want them punished."
He smiled, feeling proud and oddly protective of her. That’s my girl, slithered a traitorous thought.
"Rest assured, I will punish them," he said with delight. "Not just detention, but much, much more."
He stared down at her, taking in the entire sight before him, a genuine look of affection in his eyes as he stared at her, an unspoken admiration. Her skirt was still held up in her trembling hands, her eyes were fixed on his, expectant and pleading and so, so obedient… But as he merely watched and said nothing else, she began to cover herself again.
"Thank you, Sir," she smiled, feeling so grateful she could cry.
It moved her beyond what he could know, to feel protected... Nobody had ever made her feel that way, not any of the other distracted teachers nor her fairweather friends and certainly not her parents.
"Um... so…" she asked with a blush. "Do you have a... treatment for the Ardour Fly, Sir? Can you help me?"
He grinned at that, seeming unhappy and excited at the same time, but also oddly… caring.
"Yes, Adara. I will help you."
She smiled at hearing it, as he expected. She trusted him completely.
Don’t get carried away, Tom thought to himself. Don’t let it go to your head.
He held her gaze, still smiling, and spoke in what he tried to make his most soothing, his most encouraging and reassuring tone. The irony was he hoped she’d gotten a hefty enough dose of aphrodisiac to even accept the treatment he was about to offer.
"There is only one treatment for the Ardour Fly we have available to us. It is a… procedure, but a well-tested method. It is, in fact, the recommended treatment. Do you understand?"
"I think so, Sir…"
She didn’t.
"I agree to help you, because I know you’re a good student and you deserve better than this, and I can only imagine what you must be going through right now… But it will take a considerable amount of… fortitude and… tolerance from your side."
"Alright, Sir," she said, looking up into his dark eyes.
She wanted to be brave for him, she wanted to be worthy of his praise and his help and his confidence, but most of all she wanted to show how grateful he was that he could help her. No, most of all she wanted something else…
"Good girl," he whispered, his smile tilting intimately.
A shiver ran up and down her spine at hearing it. She’d never been called that, and to hear Professor Riddle say it to her made her weak.
"You’ll need to lie down for your treatment," he said, then pointed to the far right of the room. "Go there, on the sofa."
It was an old and battered thing upholstered in green velvet that had worn away in places, but it looked to her like an operating table as she approached. She looked behind her as Professor Riddle followed, his arms politely behind his back. She didn’t see him take any equipment or potions, which made her wonder what this treatment was…
She sat on it, almost experimentally, letting herself gingerly on the cushion, but even that pressure was too much. Her head tilted back and she frowned with pleasure-pain at the intense sensation of having her tender parts all pressed together by her thighs.
"Now, lay on your back," he said as he came to a stop beside her.
She took her shoes off first, then came to rest on her back, trying to find a comfortable position. Her arms were stretched out and tense by her sides, and all she could look at was the shadowy stone ceiling.
Professor Riddle sat down on the floor, by her chest, and leisurely trailed his eyes up and down the length of her. She heard him sigh, but could not detect the precise feeling behind it.
"Do you trust me?" he asked quietly. "Do you trust me with every part of you?"
"Yes, Professor," she whispered almost so softly that he couldn't hear.
"Then listen carefully." His voice was almost gentle, almost. "I am going to kiss you now."
"Just one, soft, gentle kiss on your lips."
"Whatwhy?!" she asked in a tangle of emotions. She stared at him with wide, shocked eyes, her elbows braced against the sofa ready to lift her.
"I thought you said you trusted me," he said with a feline narrowing of the eyes.
"I d-do, but…"
"But what?"
She swallowed the knot in her throat and said nothing, conveying instead with her eyes and her lips and her frown all the things she couldn’t say: her worry, her fear, her despair for an ease to her pain, her mortification, and her frustrated desires… Tom understood her better than he wanted to.
"Ready?" he asked in a warm whisper as he leaned in.
His hand touched her cheek again, lightly enough that it was more of a tickle. She could smell ink on his fingers, and the salt from the sweat of his palms… She wanted to lick it clean.
"It’s just one kiss, Adara," he whispered in a last attempt to reassure her. "I’m not exactly asking for a huge sacrifice, am I?"
She wavered at that, her eyes dipping down shyly, sadly, even as his touch mollified her. She hesitated. "I've never been kissed, Sir..." she whispered.
Ah. So that’s why she was sad. This wasn't what she had imagined when she pictured her first kiss. She hoped to share it under quite different, more romantic, more conventional circumstances, if ever...
But at the same time, her body was screaming at her to accept, to assuage the aphrodisiac that was wreaking havoc on her nerves and her senses and her mind.
"You can still refuse," he said with a cocked brow, his fingers gentling her cheek with slow caresses.
She even felt a hint of guilt slip between her nerves... Professor Riddle was willing to help her, and here she was, stalling, fearing him, having doubts... He felt her hesitation.
"Don't worry, it will be a simple, gentle kiss. I will endeavour to make it positively sterile. Alright?"
She couldn’t look at him, but she nodded.
Tom leaned in even further and caressed her from her jaw to her chin in one long hungry lick of a stroke, looking into her eyes even as hers avoided him — deep and dark and lovely… He breathed in, breathed her in, for a moment feeling as if something of each of their own could merge into one being. He didn’t like that feeling, it felt like surrender.
"Do you trust me?" he asked in a huskier voice than he intended.
She looked up at him, pleading silently for him to be for her what he had been the whole time she was his student: her comfort, her consolation, her support, more than anyone else had been.
"I do trust you, Sir," she said with a choked voice, her throat tight with unspilled tears.
"There’s a good girl," he whispered, smiling down at her.
He could see her eyes growing dark at that, could see her breathing in panting breaths even worse than before, her knees coming up to offer her some comfort, to expose her to the cool air of the room and calm her aching parts… His eyes had that same smouldering look in them, but mixed in was the intense desire to prove to Adara that he could help her, comfort and protect her.
With the very tip of his index tilting her chin up, Tom leaned in and kissed her lips. It was the gentlest kiss imaginable, a pressing of his mouth against hers, quiet and silent and patient, a simple display of affection — but his eyes bore into hers throughout, like he was searching through her thoughts, through her very soul.
She looked back into his eyes throughout while his lips pressed with a certain kind of care into her, as tender as a fallen leaf. The scent of his skin so close, the scent of his clothes, the feeling of his warm lips and his cold finger, all made her feel a strange new feeling for her professor — or perhaps, it was not so new, she had just tried to suppress it because it was so indecent, so unworthy of him, and of her.
As he pulled away, he didn’t miss her little tongue slipping out to lick the taste of him off her. He smiled as he circled her chin with his thumb.
"How do you feel?" he whispered.
"The same? I mean, t-thank you, Sir..." she said, a little breathless. Her mind was still spinning from what he had just done for her. "But... It... it still hurts," she whined.
"Hmmm? Oh, yes. That wasn’t part of the treatment."
"The ‘treatment’ comes next. I’m going to have to give you an orgasm. It just didn’t seem courteous without kissing your lips first."
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xpao-bearx ¡ 1 year
"Like A Virgin"
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 2 HERE
Read Part 4 HERE
NOTES: The fact that the idea for this part was already causing me such INTENSE brainrot way before I even finished writing Part 2 (which is pretty funny cuz I actually had a TOTALLY different idea compared to how this part is now, but hey my stoopid brain does what it does) 👁👄👁 Anyhoe, I am SO stoked for this (it also turned out quite long)!! It's finally got ✨️smut✨️ which I know my fellow sluts have been waiting for, BUT it's not the actual sexy sex yet cuz I'm saving that for the last part. Don't worry, it'll definitely be worth it~ ;)
BTW there's a part in this where Steven recites French poetry by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore and I used Google Translate for the English, so if the translation is off then I'm very sorry!
And I just wanna thank y'all sooo much again from the bottom of mah lil black heart, like SERIOUSLY! You lovelies are truly spoiling me with all your sweet comments, likes, and reblogs 😭❤️❤️❤️ And I swear that after the unexpectedly huge success of this fic, it made me fall RIDICULOUSLY HARDER for Oscar ISNACC and I have y'all to blame for dragging me even deeper into DILF Hell Heaven. Like, it's actually a problem when I suddenly feel like giggling and kicking my feet while I'm suffering at work just at the thought of him 😂
I also haven't been this confident and motivated in a while, and this is one of the VERY rare times I'm actually updating pretty quickly without the temptation of slacking off and abandoning it. I love writing and this fic is my baby, and it's just so fucking incredible that you guys are loving what I'm putting out, too, so once more: THANK YOU 🥰
Who knows, maaaybe more Moon Knight fics will come out in the future from me and fingers crossed that Moon Knight Season 2 will be confirmed 🤭
And the tag list has been updated! I also included some readers who I thought wanted to follow this whole series, so if you find yourself tagged despite not asking to be then that's why LMAO xD As always, the tag list is open so don't be shy to ask if you'd like to be added on it! ^_^
TAGS: @autismsupermusicalassassin @ungracefularchimedes @pimosworld @ababynova @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @anapnovo-blog @am-3-thyst @harrys-tittie @zukoisbabee @wiltedwonderland @the-ginger-draws @bitchyglitterfox @readingfan @spidey-3 @minigirl87 @wandasupremacy @simba-will-live-on @wavychelle @thepowerthismanhasoverme @blackholegladiator @kittytiddywinks @literalfkinsimp
Part 3: Like a virgin, touched for the very first time
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After the flurry of honesty and an insane whirlwind of emotions, you and Steven finally winded down. It was a bit awkward following that, but he asked (well, sputtered) if you'd like to stay. He immediately apologized, knowing that he was overstepping boundaries and he completely understands if you rejected such a mental idea.
But it was late, and there was absolutely no way he was going to let you go home alone especially with the state you're in. And also...
Well, call him a selfish knob, but he just wanted--needed--to be with you.
But you agreed to stay--enthusiastically so. You both were flustered, though sharing a laugh together had all the tension fade away.
Because, truly, you were right where you were supposed to be.
Steven prepared dinner for the two of you, consisting of five-minute vegan mac and cheese courtesy of his microwave then indulging yourselves with the box of chocolates he brought at the failed date for dessert. It wasn't "grand" by any means, but it was the best you ate in a long time.
All thanks to the cute host... Actually, your gorgeous boyfriend.
Just the thought had you grinning like a doofus, the butterflies in your belly now transforming into fucking birds.
Did that make sense? Hell no, but being with Steven absolutely did.
"Love..." Steven's strong arms encircled around your waist from behind, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "Make yourself comfortable, yeah? Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch."
You gasped, affronted, quickly whipping around to face him. "Excuse you, sir, but I have every reason to be worried!" You huffed dramatically. "You are definitely not sleeping on the couch, Steven. And if you still insist that you are, then I'll just join you!"
Steven chuckled, his cheeks glowing pink. He rested his chin atop your head, pulling you closer to him. "The couch is too small for the two of us... So for a good night's sleep, I suppose I have no choice but to share the bed with you, yeah?"
"You say that as if you'd rather not." You pouted playfully, wrapping your arms around him and laying your head against his chest. You can faintly hear the erratic thrum of his heartbeat, matching your own.
"I'm just pulling your leg, sweetheart." He teased, kissing your head.
How the fuck did he ever get so lucky? He thought he was going crazy, that this was all just a dream--but it wasn't. Dreams were never this good. You were right here, right now, in his arms. Wholly accepting him for who he is. Loving him.
And he fucking loved you, too.
"Where's the bathroom, baby?"
Baby. The name made his heart stop for a full second. Heat once again crept up to his cheeks and all the way to the tips of his ears, his voice not coming out as all he could do was just point towards the bathroom as he stared down at you in a completely lovestruck sort of wonder.
You giggled, blushing as well before leaning up on your tiptoes and pecking his nose. "You go relax, Steven. I'll join you soon."
He watched you saunter off, still glued in place and a hand atop his frenzied heart.
He had no idea how in the world he was supposed to relax, especially now that the situation fully hit him like a freight train. But thankfully, he found his legs moving for him and his body taking the liberty of changing into his cozy pyjamas before climbing onto bed.
He put on his ankle restraint and settled down, covering the blanket over him like some posh Victorian duchess as he laid completely stiff. He didn't know how long he stayed like that, lifting his head and squinting every so often at the closed bathroom and your obscure shadow dancing amidst the light peeking through the tiny crack of the door underneath.
And it was so...quiet. Neither Marc nor Jake has uttered a single peep, which was highly unusual. Either one or both of them always had something to say, regardless of whatever Steven was doing and he was the same whenever they were fronting.
But as of the moment, he couldn't even handle speaking with Marc. Not after what he did. Marc and Jake were his family and there was no doubt that he and Marc will eventually make up, but no one was ever allowed to hurt you--especially now that you two were officially together.
Jake, on the other hand... Well, he was known to butt into Steven's business. But Jake always gave him a good push, and he would never actually force Steven to do something if Jake didn't believe he could do it. Truly, Steven owed Jake for technically setting you and him up.
But besides Marc, Steven was more surprised that Jake wasn't yapping away especially when you were involved. It didn't go unnoticed for Steven the way Jake has...changed. Only when you were around, at least. And despite Jake being the stealthiest of them all, Steven could always feel him silently observing you at work deep within the recesses of his mind.
But Steven never said anything. He just understood--accepted--Jake, and he was sure that Jake knew. But Steven didn't mind it; in fact, it made him feel less alone.
After all, how could anyone ever resist you?
He then sighed deeply, shaking his head. Clearly it was no use just laying in his bed like a corpse, so he sat up and threw the blanket off before grabbing a random book from his bedside table and donned his glasses. But his brain was too muddled, heart still not ceasing its turbulent thump as he couldn't even register the words popping out of the worn pages he has read a thousand times.
"So you wear glasses, too, huh?"
He flinched slightly at your voice, seeing you standing at the foot of his bed. You chuckled softly before your eyes landed on his ankle restraint, raising a brow.
"S-Sorry, it's..." He scrambled for something--anything. "I...I know it's a huge red flag, but I have a...sleeping disorder. I promise it ain't for something, um...sexual."
"No need to make excuses, Steven. I don't think it's a red flag."
'And I wouldn't mind if you used it on ME.' You bit back the risquĂŠ words that nearly tumbled out your foolish, needy mouth.
Steven only smiled shyly, putting the book away before he gasped when he suddenly felt something plop down on his lap.
Something soft, warm, and lovely.
"Is...is this okay..?" Now it was your turn to be shy, meeting his gaze tentatively.
"More than okay." He breathed, staring up at you with an awed grin. "Gods, Y/N, you're beautiful."
"Thanks, this is my 'I wonder how I didn't pass out from running the most I never thought I could' look." You laughed. But Steven didn't, guilt clouding his features.
He placed his hands on your hips, brows knitting together and jaw squaring. "I really am sorry, Y/N. You didn't have to do that, didn't have to meet me. I would've hated it, but I would've totally understood if you never wanted to see me again. And yet...I was happy when you did come."
"I'm happy, too, Steven." You assured him, one hand on his shoulder while the other combed through his fluffy curls. "And honestly, I would do it again. If you were in, hell, Egypt--I'd still find a way to you, no matter what."
His expression softened, a smile replacing his frown as he leaned forward and laid his head on your chest. "Please do one favour for me, though?" You kept quiet, patiently awaiting his words. "If you ever meet Marc, punch the prick."
"Baby, I can only slap him! No way I'd ever damage your godsent face." You laughed again, little snorts wracking your body that Steven found so damn endearing. Then he looked up, his chin resting in between the pillowy softness of your breasts.
"Love... Call me that again."
"Baby." You obeyed with zero hesitation, and Steven groaned. A deep, rumbly sound that sent tingles all throughout your body. You lightly tugged on his hair, making his head tip back and gaze locking with his pretty brown eyes that have gotten darker, pupils dilated.
"Baby..." Your voice came out as a pathetic whine, your hand on his shoulder holding on for dear life. "Wanna kiss you."
Like a predator pouncing on its prey, Steven swooped up to catch your lips--only for the both of your glasses to bump into each other.
An awkward beat passed between the two of you before you both exploded into riotous laughter. The two of you fell side by side on the bed, giggling so much that tears sprang to your eyes and your stomachs hurt.
Once you two finally calmed down, you exchanged bright smiles and Steven rolled on top of you. His elbows dug into the bed on either side of you, making sure not to bear down his weight on you. He then took off both of your glasses, setting them aside on the bedside table.
"Shall we try again, love?" But Steven didn't wait for your response, crashing his lips with yours.
It was chaste. Feather light. So much better than what you ever imagined it to be like. Steven's lips were unexpectedly soft, but there was a certain firmness in the way he kissed you. Your eyes fluttered shut, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in closer to deepen the kiss.
Steven cradled the side of your face gently, lovingly, as if he was handling glass. Then, experimentally, you nipped on his bottom lip. He gasped sharply, and you slid your tongue inside his mouth.
It was obvious how inexperienced you were, but Steven certainly didn't mind. In fact, it only turned him on even more that you wanted to spend your precious first time with him.
And he was definitely never letting you go.
You moved your tongue uncertainly, small panic brewing inside of you if you were doing it right. All those shows and movies made kissing look so easy; but you were soon snapped out of your thoughts as Steven's tongue tangled with yours, taking the lead as he coaxed you into a lazy, sensual dance.
And that drew a long, beautiful moan out of you. Steven craved more, more, more--wanting to push you to the very limit, a lustful, greedy beast suddenly possessing his body.
But oh, he knew, deep down, that beast has always been there; waiting for the right moment to be released.
Waiting for you.
He then slowly pulled away, a thin string of saliva connecting your tongues. Your entire body was flushed, lips puffy and eyes hazy with anguished yearning as you stared up at him. Your hands reached out, clinging on tightly to his black sweatshirt. Despite being on the bed, you felt as if you were free falling into a bottomless pit.
And you wanted to fall--with Steven.
"Steven..." You murmured, one leg wrapping around his waist. "Are you gonna make love to me?"
"No." His reply was instant, levelling his gaze with yours. "I will, but not tonight, darling. I don't have any condoms."
"I...I don't mind..."
A low purr reverberated from his throat. Fuck, were you even aware of what you were saying? Of the sweet, tempting danger it entailed?
He might as well just tie you up, keep you in his apartment forever. With him. ONLY him.
He shook his head, quickly stamping down such dark, possessive thoughts.
"Love." He emphasized through clenched teeth, and you saw the way his inner conflict flickered in his eyes. "Not tonight, Y/N. But that doesn't mean I can't still please you, yeah?"
He pulled your leg off of his waist then pressed his lips to your ankle, electricity coursing directly to where you desired it most.
He never broke eye contact, his lips slowly trailing down the smooth expanse of your leg before pausing at your crotch. He chuckled deeply, ignoring it as he moved to your stomach.
You mewled desperately, wiggling slightly. "Baby." You pleaded, nearly breathless. "Please... Don't fuckin' tease me."
"M'sorry, pretty girl. Just let me worship you, yeah? You deserve it." He hummed, completely unbothered. "I deserve it."
He pushed up your tank top, your breasts spilling erotically and...fuck, was that a belly button piercing?
"First year of college. It was a completely lucid decision." You giggled at his stunned expression. "Hurt like a bitch, but I've always wanted one."
"Looks like I'm not the only one with secrets, then." He chuckled, kissing your belly with utmost tenderness and your breath getting caught in your throat. His lips languidly traced upwards, reaching your breasts and burying his face in between them and inhaling deeply.
Now he understood why Jake wouldn't shut the hell up about the way you smelled after asking you out.
His left hand groped one of your breasts, breath stuttering at the wonderful plushness. Then he raised his head, eyes locking intently with yours once more as his tongue flicked your pert nipple. You whimpered for more, more, more--back arching as you eagerly offered yourself to him.
And he just as eagerly accepted your gracious offer, mouth latching on to your nipple. You moaned as he sucked and squeezed, his teeth grazing slightly against the sensitive bud, only magnifying the maddening sensations you had no control over yet had the privilege to be a willing victim to.
He pulled away with a resounding 'pop' before giving your other breast equal devoted attention, his right hand making its descent lower, lower, lower--slipping inside your shorts and his chest blazing at the dampness that greeted him.
"Bloody hell..." He grunted, erection straining painfully against his pyjama pants. He glanced down, his much larger hand cupping your entire pussy. "Wanna fucking taste you, angel. Can I? Please, love, I wanna taste your pretty pussy."
"Y-You don't even have to ask..." You squeaked, completely scarlet from head to toe. "Just take me, baby."
Steven grinned wolfishly, a gleam in his eyes that you've never seen before making your heart skip a beat. Without wasting another moment, he practically ripped your shorts off. He groaned as he saw the wet splotch in the middle of your panties, yanking them down your legs before bringing it up to his nose as a shiver ran down his spine at your intoxicating scent.
Your arousal was flowing down to your thighs, eyes glazed over as if in a trance as you watched Steven sniff your panties like a beast in heat. Then he shimmied out of his pants, your eyes widening as his cock stood proudly; thick and veiny, the tip an angry red and leaking with pre-cum. His fist, still clutching on to your panties, wrapped around his cock as he leaned down to meet your pussy.
Instinctively, you snapped your legs shut, hands flying to your face.
"I-I'm sorry!" You sobbed, briskly shaking your head. "I'm sorry, so sorry! I...I can't, Steven..."
You expected him to be furious, and honestly you'd understand if he was. What you didn't expect, however, was him gently removing your hands and tenderly kissing away your tears.
"Hey, hey, it's alright, love." He assured, his hands massaging soothing circles on yours. "What's the matter? You don't want to continue?"
"I-I do, it's just..." You sniffled, blinking away tears and meeting his concerned gaze. "I'm...I'm embarrassed, Steven. It's just... Y-You know it's my first time, and you're doing amazing, it's just...I'm scared I'm not. I...have no idea what the fuck to do, and I'm not even pretty."
"That's not true." His voice was firm, jaw ticking resolutely. His brows furrowed, expression the most serious you've ever seen it. "You're bloody gorgeous, Y/N. I'm the git who doesn't know what the hell you see in me. And don't fret about being inexperienced, love. I'm so happy that you wanna be with me, and if you'd allow me, I wanna spend the rest of my life proving it to you."
You stayed silent, then your lips curved up into a dazzling smile that had Steven utterly weak in the knees. What the hell were you so anxious about, anyway? This was Steven Grant, the man of your wildest dreams. The man you loved.
"I love you, Steven."
Steven froze, tears prickling his eyes. Something between a sob and a chuckle escaped him, positively beaming down at you.
"I love you, too, Y/N."
He then parted your legs, hands quivering slightly. "I love you..." He crouched down, pressing his lips to your inner thigh. "...so fucking much." His tongue darted out, licking the beautiful stretch marks that lined the supple skin of your thighs.
His tongue slowly wandered up, up, up, and you were scarcely breathing once his face was in front of your cunt. His hot breath fanned against your clit; dark, nearly black eyes fixed on yours.
"Quand je vivais tendre et craintive amante..." He recited in French, smiling up at you. "...avec ses feux je peignais ses douleurs."
When I was a tender and fearful lover, with her fires I painted her pains.
You had noticed earlier the French poetry books stacked on Steven's desk, but goddammit you didn't expect he would quote one while he was right in front of your pussy.
You were sure this absolutely sexy menace of a man was trying to murder you.
His thumb then brushed against your clit, making you gasp. He grinned widely, pushing down on your nub as you whimpered and squirmed helplessly.
"Baby..." You begged, tears pouring down your pretty pink cheeks, and there must be something severely wrong with Steven to find it so enticing. "Pretty please... Fuck me with your mouth."
And how could he ever say no to that? He was merely a loyal, desperate slave for his goddess' wishes. For her love.
And so, like a parched man in the desert, he buried his face in your sopping pussy. You yelped, eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sudden--but very much not unwelcomed--intrusion into your deepest, most intimate part.
Steven's groan of appreciation vibrated within your gummy walls, inching ever so deeper, feeling his nose hit a bundle of nerves. Then his tongue licked a long, slow stripe along your mound and up to your clit. You cried out, a broken, pornographic song that echoed throughout Steven's entire flat.
"Gods..." His voice was low, trembling; one hand yet again wrapping around his aching cock, the flimsy fabric of your panties hugging the tip. "You've no idea how much I dreamt of this, Y/N. Waited for this." His other hand settled on your pussy, deft fingers running along your drenched folds. "Such a good girl, tastes so fucking good."
He puckered his lips, kissing your pussy. And the sounds that accompanied were downright filthy, Steven moaning shamelessly, loud squelches and the heady smell of your sex filling the air.
Slowly, carefully, he thrusted a finger inside of you. You keened, your thighs squishing Steven's head and your hands gripping onto his hair. He then added another finger, scissoring his digits and you knew right then and there that you were losing what's barely left of your fucking mind.
You grinded against him, and he bobbed his head zealously in perfect tandem with you. His tongue lapped up and down, up and down, before suddenly driving it inside your hole.
He was rubbing his cock vigorously, watching you, burning this marvelous moment for all eternity into his memories. And as soon as a third finger slipped in, you were fucking gone.
You screamed, finally reaching that peak and falling over it, seeing stars. You gushed around his mouth, and Steven noisily slurped it all up, not daring to leave behind a single drop.
He soon followed, grunting animalistically as his cum sprayed all over your panties. He collapsed against your pussy, in between the heavenly plushness of your thighs, panting raggedly.
Neither of you knew how long you both stayed like that, coming down from your high, until you sliced through the serene silence.
"Wow... Just...wow."
Steven chuckled breathlessly, looking up at you with your wetness glistening on his lips and chin. "Wow, indeed." He then leaned forward, and you gasped as his lips suckled on the skin right next to your clit, claiming you with a dark purple mark.
"You'll be the fucking death of me, Steven Grant." You groaned playfully, pulling on his hair.
He grinned, crawling over your body before moulding your lips together in a passionate liplock. His tongue entwined with yours and you could taste yourself, your brain short circuiting.
He slowly drew away, gently knocking his forehead against yours as his grin grew impossibly bigger.
"I'll make love to you at the Field of Reeds, then."
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Safest with You (Ch. 11 - The Poker Game)
5.9K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din hosts a poker game and invites you and your friends; the meeting of friends prompts a discussion about the status of your relationship.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), new-ish established relationship, dirty talk and teasing, mentions of infidelity (not Din), reader gets in her own head a bit (some anxiety), pet names as usual (Pretty bird, pretty girl, baby, sweetheart, etc.), reader is described as shorter than Din and Din can pick her up.
A/N: Please kindly suspend your disbelief and allow me to write Poe Dameron as Boba Fett’s son 😂😂😂 Like, when I thought of a roguish, charming, sh*t disturber son of a mob boss, Oscar Isaac’s delicious face just came to mind 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm going to level with you, I wasn't a big fan of Poe in the Sequel trilogy - too much fly boy/fuck boi energy for me, and that's kind of how I'm writing him here. I'm sorry, Poe-lovers, please don't come after me! (For the record, I *am* a big fan of OI!)
I ran a poll on WIP Wednesday asking asking if there was a preference to separate the smut at the end this chapter into its own post. I told myself that if even one person answered that they wanted it separate, then I would do that; it's easy enough to click on the link at the end of the chapter to take you to the smut if you so choose! I hope no one is disappointed that the storyline is moving in the direction where smut will be a regular addition to the chapters - but if that's not your bag, I totally understand! I'm sorry if you need to go and am so thankful that you've read along to this point 😘😘😘
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Series Masterlist
In the following weeks, you and Din fall into a comfortable rhythm and easily slot each other into your busy lives.
Your nightly dog walks resume and on most week nights Din tries to stay at your apartment, with you working late more often than not and it being closer to your office.  He’s becoming a familiar face to your work colleagues, bringing you (and often them as well) dinner as an easy and welcomed excuse to see you.  Some days he’ll just join you for a lunch trip to your favourite sandwich shop and the two of you will have a quick picnic outside your office building if the weather is warm enough.  Weekends are for long, lazy dates that span the entire day, rolling into romantic dinners that have you and Din eating your way across the city.  It’s so easy being with Din; the conversation never stops, the sex is brain meltingly good, and he never ceases to make you feel adored.  If anyone were to ask, you were the smartest, funniest, most beautiful woman on this planet and Din would readily unretire his boxing gloves if anyone dared to disagree.  Every moment with Din makes you giddy; not only is this bear of a man actually a secret softie, he’s also goofy and funny, and lucky for you, his new favourite pastime is to make you laugh.  
One night over dinner, you mention in passing that you love the arm waving tube men outside of used car dealerships (actually, you don’t know what they’re called, so you did a sort of arm flail with both your arms above your head and Din almost died laughing).  The following Saturday, you arrive at the gym in the afternoon to find that Din has rented two tube men and they’re bending, blowing this way and that, arms flying and rippling from the force of the air being blown from the fan units in their base.  You join a large group of onlookers in front of the gym, mostly children, laughing and watching with amusement as the silly attention-grabbing gimmick brings you pure unadulterated joy for a good 10 minutes.  After going in, you find Din folding some towels next to the boxing ring and you launch yourself at him directly, too full of laughter and delight to care who sees.  “Thank you thank you thank you thank you,” you murmur against his lips, unable to stop smiling.  Din picks you up so you can wrap your legs around him, not caring who sees either; he wants everyone at the gym to know whose girl you are.  Feeling your big smile against his mouth before seeing it, he grins, “You’re welcome, pretty bird.” 
“Are they a permanent feature?”
“Unfortunately, no.  Just for the weekend, then I have to give them back to the used car lot down the street, Watto’s.  Plus, people keep coming in asking if we’re having a special on memberships today,” he says with a groan.
Giggling, you slide down Din’s body and give him a long, deep kiss, one that will guarantee a fair bit of ribbing from the guys, before heading up to Din’s apartment via the gym’s second floor entrance.  Most of these indulgent weekends start at Din’s so he can stay close to work – you take to baking in Din’s apartment and bringing down treats for the patrons, which are generally very well received.  When you brought down ginger molasses cookies, Greef had jokingly scolded you saying his boxers shouldn’t have too many sweet treats as part of their training, before scarfing down two cookies, then swatting Jimmy’s hand away from the plate and pocketing three more.  You’re sure your offering the following weekend of high fibre raisin bran muffins were better for training regimens, but the enthusiasm for them seemed lower. 
Din’s place, the apartment and the gym as an extension, starts to feel more and more comfortable; a small collection of your things (books, toiletries) have migrated to his apartment, and you love that the familiar faces at Mando’s are starting to fold into your life as well.
The only small twinge of regret you have is that with all the time you're spending with Din, especially the time spent at his place, you’re not spending as much time with Al.  He’s more than welcomed at Din’s but you hadn’t wanted to uproot him too much, or impose too much on Din too quickly, so on the weekends Bea’s been coming by to walk Al and take care of him.  You miss your special guy, your long weekend walks and dog park events; as you cut the butter into your shortbread cookie dough in Din’s kitchen, you decide that you have to make more of an effort to make sure Al isn’t left out.
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“Can you do me a favour?”
“Anything, pretty bird.”
“Do you think you might be able to hang out with Al tomorrow night?  I feel like he’s feeling a little neglected, and I don’t want to leave him alone.  I’d take him to Rory’s but her building has a weird no pets rule,” you pout a little as you scratch Al’s head with one hand while holding the phone to your ear with your other.
Without hesitation, Din agrees, “Sure, baby.  I’d love to have him over during poker night.  Guarantee he won’t feel lonely.”
“I’ll make some food for your poker night as a thank you!  And I’ll bring a dog bed too.  God knows I have a few to spare,” you chuckle as you scan your apartment to pick a bed to bring.
“No need, pretty bird.  I bought Al a dog bed for here already.”
“Of course you did,” you smile to yourself.  Thoughtful, thoughtful man.
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And that’s how you find yourself with two big bags of food, an overnight bag each for yourself and a dog, and said dog in tow, looking up at the long flight of stairs leading up to Din’s apartment.  Luckily, you don’t have to wait very long before his thundering steps are heard and he comes to help you carry everything.  Once on the top landing, Din gingerly places everything on the ground before pulling you in close for the greeting you deserve.
“So… I’ve been thinking…” Din starts, almost shy, “Do you think your friends might like to come over and hang out here?  It won’t be a ‘girls’ night’ but there’s food and drinks and it might be fun for our friends to meet? …I mean, if you think it’s a good idea?”
Grinning at Din’s suggestion, you think outloud, “I mean, it’s not a bad idea… I’ll check with Rory and Bea, but what brought this on?”
Din answers by burying his face into your neck and nibbling on your earlobe, “Just like being with you, pretty bird.”
You relent easily, “Ok, but I’m warning you right now about playing with Rory, she’s going to take you all to the cleaner’s.”
“Good.  It’s been boring being the only one who wins money,” laughs Paz, who has suddenly appeared.  Giving Din a pointed look, “Hey, you know, the gentlemanly thing is to help the lady carry her bags inside,” before giving you a big bear side hug and greeting you with his new nickname for you (“Hey, Lil’ Lady.”) He picks up the food bags and heads in, passing Bo who’s on her way onto the landing to say hi.  For one reason or another, you haven’t seen her since Jimmy’s fight night; after a big hug, she looks at you with seriousness, “Thank god you’re back.  This one,” she jabs a thumb at Din, “was an unbearable grump while you were apart.  Please never leave us again.” She takes Al’s leash from you, and leads him inside the apartment; a second later you hear a raucous cheer of “Alfredo!!” followed by Al’s happy barks.
After setting out the food you brought (caprese sandwiches, sugar dusted mascarpone-blueberry turnovers, bruschetta) and putting what needs to be warmed in the oven (garlic knots, salmon-onion dip, turkey meatball pops), you text the girls and receive an enthusiastic response to the suggested change of plans.
Sitting on Din’s lap to give him the good news, you pass around the sandwiches to the delight of the players already seated at the big card table Din set out for the occasion.  You’re excited that the Mandos that are here tonight will get to meet some of your friends and you tell them so.
“Looking forward to it!  And… you get to meet Poe tonight,” says Koska, with an almost apologetic look.
“Who’s Poe?” you ask, curiously looking around at the facial expressions of the Mandos, ranging from eye rolling to what can only be described as shit eating grins.
Din explains, “He’s Boba’s son.”
“And you guys… like him?”
“We have to,” quips Paz, which is met with laughter from the group, “but we also do for real.  He’s just… a lot.”
Mayfeld chimes in, “He’s all about having good time; always trying to up the ante cause he’s got ‘My dad’s a big deal’ energy and always has.  Used to start shit for fun when we were in school cause he knew no one could do anything to him.”
“I remember it more like he would start trouble with that smart mouth of his, then one of us would have to finish it.”  Paz looks at you, “Used to be me and Din standing between him and a bloody nose, every damn time.”
Din appears to be a bit more forgiving of the past, “He’s calmed down a bit now… still has the smart mouth and a lot of energy, but blows off steam in more constructive ways… like poker instead of all night partying.  Which is like the rest of us, really…”
Jimmy reaches past you to grab a sandwich, “Yeah, the rest of you old timers…”
“What was that?”, Bo cocks an eye brow at the young boxer, who smartly pretends to be incredibly invested in selecting the right sandwich.
Wrapping his arms a little more tightly around your waist, Din draws soothing circles on your thigh with his fingers, “Don’t let Paz give you the wrong impression of Poe; he’s just bitter because he was always the one who ended up getting in trouble when someone wanted to kick Poe’s ass.”
Paz huffs, “Yeah, getting in trouble for defending him when he probably should have taken a pounding; kissing someone else’s girlfriend half the time.”
“Omigod” you giggle, as Paz puts Jimmy in a loose headlock; revenge for the “old timers” comment.
Woves pipes up, “Oh yeah, he’s still a shameless flirt.  Warn your friends.”
“Warn her friends?! Warn herself!” exclaims Koska.
“He’s mainly all talk though.  Lisa would slit him from balls to throat if she ever caught him cheating,” Woves explains, seemingly to you.
“Caught him again, you mean,” Koska grimaces.
“Oh shoot.  I forgot about that girl on the yacht.”
“I wasn’t even thinking about Fennec’s birthday party, but yeah she was pissed.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“Donut shop,” chime in Bo, Mayfeld, Din and Paz in unison.
“Lisa is his girlfriend?” you ask, unsure.
“His wife.  And the mother of his two beautiful kids.  They’ve been together since high school.  On and off, if you haven’t guessed already,” Bo looks embarrassed, even though she has no reason to.
Din hooks his chin over your shoulder and says gently, “That was in the past, though.  They’ve worked through it and he’s been good.”
“Nah.  I bet he just got good at not getting caught.  Always assume cheating until proven otherwise, is what I say,” pontificates Mayfield.
“And that, Mayfeld, is why you’re single,” snickers Woves.
“Right, and you’re beating them off with a stick,” counters Mayfield.  The group laughs, but you find yourself quiet.  You know the Mandos are just joking around and that they’ve all known eachother forever, but you can’t help but bristle a little at the casual way they talk about Poe’s past (and potential?) infidelity.  If the rest of the Mandos are anything like Din, you know they value loyalty and fealty, but did their sense of unwavering commitment not extend to partners?  You and Din haven’t officially discussed exclusivity; you had assumed that like you, Din wasn’t seeing anyone else – but maybe that wasn’t the case. 
You can feel yourself getting in your own head and before you can help yourself, an image of Din kissing someone else flashes before your eyes and your heart constricts painfully.  Sliding off of Din’s lap, you excuse yourself to go check on the food in the oven; you make to busy yourself with taking out and plating the food, but you can’t help it, the heart-breaking image has taken root in your mind.  You’re mad at yourself for spiraling so quickly over something created entirely by your own overactive imagination.  Yes, you haven’t confirmed your relationship status with Din, but he hasn’t given you any reason to give any weight to your sudden anxiety.   This stabbing pain in your chest is entirely of your own making and you feel so much embarrassment that you start to tear up a little bit, which makes it even worse.
You’re not sure how long you’re in the kitchen wallowing, but it must be a while because Din comes in looking for you, “Need any help, pretty bird?”
Turning away from him, you say quietly, “No, thank you though.  I should have everything out in a minute.”
And just like that, Din knows something is wrong; he makes sure you don’t have anything in your hands before wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his nose right behind your ear and kissing your neck lovingly, “I’m here, baby.”
He doesn’t ask you what’s wrong, even though he wants to know.  He doesn’t ask how he can help, even though he would do anything to make it better; he just wants you to know he’s there and that you can come to him on your terms.  You turn in his arms and bury your face into him, breathing in his soothing scent and instantly feeling calmer.  Face smooshed into his chest, you mumble, “Dhnn, dyoothkchhhteenisohhhk?”
Din chuckles, “Sorry, pretty bird, I don’t think I caught that.”
Leaning away slightly, but not making eye contact, you re-ask your somewhat loaded question in a quiet voice, “Din, do you think cheating is ok?”
Cupping your jaw and tilting your head up to meet his concerned eyes, Din says gently, “No, no, I don’t, sweetheart.  What brought this on?  Is it because we were talking about Poe?”
You sigh a small sigh, “I guess so.  You just seem to all be so… okay with his cheating history?  At least everyone talks about it so casually.  And I’m guessing you all know Lisa too… I feel so bad for her if everyone is talking about how her husband cheats like it’s so normal or something…”  You collect yourself and take a deep breath, “Din, actually, no, I’m sorry.  That’s being presumptuous.  You’ve all been friends forever and have so much shared history… I don’t mean to assume anything about your friendships.  I just… I didn’t know if the way Poe’s cheating seems to be no big deal… means that all cheating is no big deal.”
“I see,” considers Din.  He knows this is a serious topic and it obviously means a lot to you, but he can’t help but find your anxious state somewhat endearing, you aren’t usually so flustered and it makes him desperately want to scoop you up in his arms and soothe away your worries.    He bends down to give you a little peck on your lips before picking you up by your waist and placing you on a free space on the counter.  He doesn’t want you to be able to avoid eye contact with him when he answers, “Pretty bird, I don’t blame you for getting the wrong idea.  You’re right, we probably are too casual when we talk about Poe’s exploits.  It’s been going on forever, and he’s kind of like… a show that we get front row seats for?  Like a celebrity kind of?  We love him, and he give us something to talk about, but the way he lives is not the way we live.  He lives in a totally different world than the Mandos; when you’re the boss’ son, you play by different rules.”
You gaze reverently at Din as he so patiently and lovingly talks you down from your self created ledge and can’t help but let a little smile crack.
“Poe… well, you’ll see.  Poe is Poe.  Can’t be mad at him.  And sometimes that makes it seem like the shit he pulls isn’t that bad.  But, baby, for ourselves?  I promise you, no Mando has ever been a cheat.  It goes against everything we stand for; we don’t cheat each other, we don’t cheat the family, and we definitely don’t cheat in our relationships.  And I swear to you, baby – I never have and would never cheat.  Not on anyone, but definitely not you.”  Leaning in to alternate soft kisses to your lips, your neck, the corners of your mouth and your nose, Din’s voice gets low and husky, “Why would I want anyone else?  You’re my dream girl.  You make me laugh and smile.  You’re so sweet.  And the smartest.  You know how smart you are?  I’m obsessed with everything that comes out of that mouth.  I could listen to you talk about anything for hours.  Days.  And you’re beautiful, and kind, and you take care of me, and my friends.  Just look at how much effort you put in to the food for tonight when you didn’t have to even bring anything at all.  I’m so lucky.  Why would I ever want anyone else?”
“Oh Din,” you whisper, marveling at Din’s talent for saying all the perfect things; you had wound yourself up inexplicably tight, but he knew exactly how to calm you and pull you out of your dark place, “How do you always know what I need to hear to feel better?”
“It’s actually very easy, sweetheart.  All I need to do is tell you the truth,” murmurs Din, as he starts to deepen the kisses, “Actually, scratch that.  I lied a bit, I’m just obsessed with this mouth, period.  Love kissing this mouth.  Love when this mouth opens up for me.  How it feels pressed on my skin.  The way it takes my cock…”
“Oh fuck, Din-“
“…but the thing I love the most about this mouth is the sounds it makes when you come,” Din buries his face into your neck, nipping at your sensitive spots as you cross your ankles behind his back and pull him closer.
A round of raucous laughter from the poker table pulls you out of your arousal laden haze and away from Din, both of you panting lightly.  Looking in Din’s eyes and finding nothing but sincerity, you feel comfortable enough to broach the last of your overblown concerns, “Din, if you were seeing other people though, I couldn’t be mad, I guess.  It’s not like we’ve had any talks about exclusivity.”
At first, Din isn’t sure if you’re being serious, the idea so absurd to him.  But when he sees you start to chew your bottom lip nervously, he placates you, “Oh, pretty bird, I didn’t think we needed to have a talk about it.  I’ve been exclusively yours since I met you in the coffeeshop.  I was yours and only yours before I even knew your name, before I knew if I would ever see you again,” Din leans his forehead against yours and you can barely breathe from his romantic words.
When you sigh, relaxed, Din grins, “Feeling better, sweetheart?”  Looking up at him, your eyes bright, you smile and nod happily.  As he helps you hop down from the counter, you cheekily ask, “Don’t you want to ask if I’m seeing anyone else?”
Din stills, hands frozen where they were holding your waist not a moment ago, “Are you?”
Now you can’t help but be mischievous, “And if I were?”
Eyes darkening, Din reaches for you, “Baby, I-”
At that moment, your phone buzzes and you’re saved, “Oh!  Bea and Rory are downstairs!  I’m going to let them in!”  You grab a plate of garlic knots and practically flounce out of the kitchen, depositing the plate at the poker table before exiting the apartment.  You’re about halfway down the stairs when you hear the outside door being buzzed open, and see the smiling faces of your friends along with a the attractive face of a dark haired man you don’t recognize.
The man is chatting animatedly with Bea, his smile lighting up his whole face.  He is quite handsome, you admit – soft longish curls frame his face and he’s mainly clean cut with just a hint of a shadow, giving you a clear view of his chiseled jaw.  His lightly hooded eyes are bright and full of mirth, and his expression is currently so energetic he has a charming, almost boyish look about him. 
You wait for the trio on the second-floor landing; Rory spots you first (“Babe!!”) and rushes up the last few steps before enveloping you in a big hug, the bags in her hands full of clinking wine bottles.  You giggle and give her a big kiss on the cheek, “Is this overkill?” as you peek in her bags and find 7 bottles (2 Cabernet Sauvignons, 2 Sauvignon Blancs, 2 Beaujolais [that’s for you], and one bottle of Rosé).
Rory shrugs, “Didn’t know what everyone would like?”
“That’s why I brought tequila!  Everyone hates tequila!” quips the stranger, beaming widely.
“…and tequila hates everyone,” you smile and introduce yourself while pulling Bea in for a hug.
“Poe!  Poe Dameron!  You must be Din’s girl.  Must say, I can see what the fuss is all about,” he winks, “Guess it’s true what they say, beautiful girls only hang out with other beautiful girls.”
You’re so confused.  The line is so cheesy.  And you know about his flirting from the Mandos… but you’re not creeped out?  Apparently you and your friends are not immune to Poe’s famous charm and earnest brown eyes and you suddenly understand what Din meant when he said you just can’t be mad at Poe.
“Dameron!” comes a shout at the top of the stairs; it’s Paz, with a look of impatience on his face. Unless you’re Paz, you chuckle to yourself.
“Sorry, Heavy P! Got distracted, I mean, even you can’t blame me,” Poe flashes his winning smile again before angling out his elbows and offering up his arms for any willing woman to take.  Letting your friends have at it, you walk ahead and mouth to Paz as you get to the top, “Omigod.  Heavy P?!?”
Paz rolls his eyes and shakes his head (“Lil’ Lady, don’t.”) before muttering, “I swear to god,” and holding out his hands to take the wine from Rory and the bags of food from Bea (which you now realize that Poe notably did not offer to help carry).
You enter the apartment as a comical looking group: Paz laden down with bags that he carries directly to the kitchen (scowling), you looking amused (eyes wide with a kind of astonishment at the scene that just played out), then Poe bringing up the rear, making a grand entrance with a beautiful woman on each arm, grandstanding like a debutant making her entrance at the cotillion.  Al makes a beeline for Rory and Bea when he spots them, and they readily abandon Poe to greet the pup; you have to stifle a snicker when you see Poe’s look of disappointment at having been upstaged by a dog.
“Told you he’s a lot,” a voice whispers in your ear; you turn to find Din grinning at you.  He gives you a little kiss on top of your head before going to greet and welcome your friends.  Introductions are made and everyone gathers around the card table so that those who are playing can play, and everyone can chat, drink and eat.  The Mandos are incredibly hospitable and warm towards your friends; you don’t know if it’s out of kindness to you and Din or just because they really are a friendly bunch, but it fills you with joy to see your friends so well taken care of.  To no one’s surprise (not even Bea or Rory’s), Poe insists on pouring everyone a shot of the tequila he brought and plays deaf to people’s protests.  Rory downs hers without complaint before going back to her cards; you wrinkle your nose in disgust at your shot and when Poe isn’t looking, Din drinks yours, and you see Mayfeld nonchalantly do the same for Bea.  Poe just goes about his business, pouring himself more shots and chaotically raising bets while telling wild story after story about the people in the room (usually targeting the last person who called his hand).  He’s entertaining for sure, and he's seems less interested in winning at poker than he is getting everyone to have a good time.  It’s working.  Poe’s energy is infectious and the tequila is effective - the party gets livelier and livelier as the evening goes on. 
At a certain point, Woves and Paz nearly get into it after Poe (deliberately?) exposes his hand and everyone decides it’s a good time for a break so people can stretch and get more food.  You and Bea flop down on the couch with your wine, and a few people, including Poe, come over to join you, “So, when are you going to come and meet my dad?”
“Why would she meet your dad?” Bea asks curiously.
You look at Poe, your eyes widening just a little, mouth open to interject but having no response ready.  Without missing a beat, Poe says smoothly, “Oh, my dad and Din’s dad were best friends.  Din’s basically family.  My father’s favourite son.”
Bea laughs and you shoot Poe a grateful look, which he acknowledges only with the quickest of winks.  Din comes over, catching the tail end of this exchange; he claps Poe on the back appreciatively before sitting down and throwing his arm around you, “I think I’m done for the night, pretty bird.  Don’t have any more money for Rory to take.”
“Told you she’d clean you all out,” you giggle.
“I think both Bo and Paz are in love with her, too.  I’m not getting in the middle of that, so I’m just going to hang out here with you for the rest of the night, if you don’t mind.”
You shake your head, “Of course not, but are you sure?  I don’t want your friends to think that when I’m around, your attention is divided.”
“Oh, it’s not divided, sweetheart.” Smooth talker.  But you can’t help but feel flushed at Din’s words.
“Ok, ew.  Yeah, Dad is going to love you.  He’s been wanting Din to settle down for forever and he deep down he loves this gooey stuff,” bemoans Poe, and the group cracks up.
When the card game looks like it’s going to start up again, Bea yawns a bit and announces she’s going to go hover over Rory to gently encourage her to cash out her winnings so they can head out soon.  This reminds you that you have something for her, and you excuse yourself saying you’ll be right back.
When you emerge from the bedroom with the book you brought for Bea, you run into Din in the hallway; he’s leaning up against the wall, as if waiting for you.
“Hey you,” your smile easy and wide, reflective of how content you are with how this evening has gone.
Din moves towards you and using only his size advantage, crowds you against the wall he was just leaning against, then braces his forearm above you and peers down at you, “Hey pretty bird.”
You can’t help but let out a school girl giggle at this move.
Still holding your gaze, Din says in a low voice, “Don’t think I forgot what we were talking about in the kitchen before.”
Oh. So that’s what this little display is about; you’ve had a little time to think about it and you smile sheepishly, “Oh Din, I have to apologize for that.  Like, the image of you kissing someone else only flashed across my mind for a second and it upset me so much!  I shouldn’t have teased you with the same thing.  I’m sorry.”  You look up at Din with your most innocent, forgive-me eyes.
Din softens internally; he had been prepared to tease you mercilessly, but now looking down at you and feeling a little bad that you had been upset earlier, he’s tempted to let you off the hook.  Maybe.  
“Pretty bird, I’m sorry you had even a moment’s doubt and that it upset you; in case it’s not clear, I’m yours and yours only.  There isn’t anyone else, baby.  Couldn’t be anyone else.”
You melt under Din’s words and you want to make sure he knows how you feel too, “I feel the same way.  You’re so sweet, and kind, and caring, I can’t believe you’re real sometimes.  You make me so happy.  There’s no one else for me but you, Din.”
“But,” Din leans in to whisper darkly in your ear, “if you were seeing other people…”
You gasp a little at the low edge to his voice. “…I would want to know who they were.”  Din places a light kiss on your jaw before pulling back to move to the other side of your face and when he does, the expression you see on his face makes you shiver.  “I’d want to make sure they were treating you right.”  Another light kiss on your jaw.  Switching back again to the other side to nuzzle just below your ear, he continues in his deep, sultry drawl, “But when it’s my time with you… I’d remind you of who you really belong to.”
Afraid of letting out a whimper, you bite down on your lower lip, eyes open wide while you take in Din’s words.  “The things I would do to you would make you scream out my name until you couldn't speak, until you forget every other name but mine.  And when I’m done, there wouldn’t be any doubt in that pretty head of yours that you belong to me, sweetheart.”
This time you do whimper out loud and you’re sure everyone on the other side of the wall can hear; at this, Din dips to kiss his way to your other ear and growls, “Mine.”  You feel your panties dampen at his possessive words, the low timber of his voice making your knees buckle; Din catches you by wedging his thigh between your legs and you curl your arms under his to steady yourself.  “Yours,” you whisper, “all yours, daddy.”
Din’s mouth is on yours in a flash, tongue gaining quick entrance as your soft moans escape without your permission.  He drinks you in like a man parched, chasing your taste, unable to get enough.  You match the pressing brush of his lips and the movement of his tongue, stroke for stroke; his possessive manner and almost jealous sounding tone unlocking a deep desire within you.  It’s the same part of you that loves to be marked by his mouth, his hands, his cum; that part of your being that wants Din to claim you.  You’re getting all the way lost in Din and the way he surrounds you when you drop the book you’re still holding for Bea and it makes a loud thud that silences the chattering voices on the other side of the wall. 
“Hey, lovebirds!  We can fucking hear you!” booms Paz.
“Looks like I’m not the horniest one for once!”
“Shut up, Dameron!” Din yells, but with a grin only for you, “Yeah, I’m kicking them all out now, pretty bird.”
Chuckling, you give Din a sweet kiss before picking up the book that gave you both away, “Don’t do that.  We need to give Rory time to take all of Poe’s money.”  Winking, you turn to blow Din a kiss before rounding the corner to a chorus of hoots and hollers.
Poker night has been so much fun, you’re almost sad it’s over.  Everyone ate and loved the food you and the girls brought over; Mayfeld quietly apologizes for eating over 70% of the garlic knots and on behalf of everyone else who plan to politely demand that you supply the food for all future poker games.  To no one’s surprise, Rory leaves the poker game the big winner, having taken nearly everyone’s money and also the hearts of both Paz and Bo.  Jimmy and Brian encourage you to invite your friends to the next big fight, making sure to do so in Bea’s earshot.  Woves and Koska, both wine drunk, fight over who gets to take Al out for his nighttime walk; a fight they both lose when Din steps in and declares clearly that Al’s late-night walks are spoken for.  Poe, to (poorly) quote Pride and Prejudice, simpered and smirked all evening and made love to them all – you concede that the Mandos were right, he really is the life of the party. 
After everyone leaves and you put your girls in a cab, you and Din set out on your nightly walk with Al.  As you stroll through the neighbourhood, still bustling despite the late hour, you feel Din pull you closer into his side and you respond by hugging his waist and looking up adoringly at him, “I think Al had such a good time tonight, Din.  Thank you for letting me bring him.”
“Of course.  Al’s my boy.  What about you, pretty bird?  Did you have a good time?”
You nod truthfully, “I really did.  I think everyone had such a good time and your friends were so, so nice to my friends.”
“Even Poe?”
“Especially Poe.”  You both chuckle and continue the walk in comfortable silence for a bit.  Deep in thought about the serious discussion the two of you had in the midst of all the fun tonight, Din wants to make sure you’re feeling okay, “How are you feeling about what we talked about?  I know some of the stuff with Poe made you a bit uneasy.”
“Mmmhmm, I went to a bad head space for a bit, but you pulled me out.  Thank you, Din,” you say, lightheartedly, your easy tone suggestive of having moved past it.
“I’m always here for you, pretty bird.”
“And I’m more than okay with what we talked about,” you add; it’s an innocent enough response, but now you’re thinking about how hot your conversation in the hallway was.  Recalling Din’s dark expression as he talked about making you his has you squirming and you feel the warmth of your arousal start to seep through your panties.  When you finally make it to the sidewalk outside of the gym, you decide to broach the topic again.
“Yes, baby?”
You consider how to ask for what you want, “When we get home, do you think you can.. I want you to… do what you said in the hallway?”
Din tilts his head slightly to convey he’s not sure what you mean.
Suddenly shy, the words spill out in a hurry, “I want you act like I’m seeing other people, and then I want you to fuck me hard until I forget that anyone exists but you.”
Realization hits Din like a freight train and he’s overcome by his need to have you right now, “Is that what you want, pretty bird?  You want me to make you scream my name so many times you don’t need to know any one else’s?”
You nod, biting your bottom lip, “Fuck me and claim me, daddy.”
“Holy fu-, I can do that.  But tonight, I’m not your daddy.  You only call me by my name.  Got it, pretty bird?”
Wordlessly, you nod again.
“Good girl.  Now get upstairs.”
Go to: Ch. 11 Addendum - After The Poker Game
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shelbgrey ¡ 11 months
Okay so two things/ideas
1. Sweets smut if you are up for it, the NSFW headcanons made me feel things okay. It was exactly what I was thinking too. Bit you don't have to if you don't want to.
2. Reading uou adorable piece of the squinterns babysitting made me think about what a pregnancy with Sweets as your partner/husband/boyfriend would be like. It doesn't necessarily need to be connected to the babysitting one shot you made, it was just a cute idea.
As always, have a great day and I hope this finds you well!
Caught in the act(Lance Sweets)
Paring: Lance Sweets x Hodgins!Reader
Summary: Booth calls you up to take care of your boyfriend after he got roughed up after an undercover thing. As your cleaning him up one thing leads to another.
Warrings: Smut! Female receiving, Sorta public sex (your in a closed office) desk sex. Lance has a couple of injuries(that's a warning in it's self, I'll fight anyone who hurts my boy). This is my first time writing smut, sorry if it sucks. Kinda edited.
A/n: sorry for the wait, I was battling on what plot to use. I'll be happy to do the other one too, but in till then here's the first one. This is my first time writing a full smut imagine instead of just headcanons so bear with me folks😂
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Lance was supposed to be at the jeffersonian an hour ago. I placed the skull back on the table and checked my watch, Temperance, the wife of my best friend looked at me confused. “what's the problem little Hodgins?” she asked as I looked at the time with concern.
I shrugged going back to work, Temperance wasn't having it though. “no, something is clearly bothering you, if you let it bother you for to long you might become distressed” she said.
“Lance was supposed to be by an hour ago so we could get dinner” I said, resuming the examination on the remains. it was normal for Lance to be late, especially if he was interrogating someone with Booth or he had a patient, but not this late. anxiety began swarm me as I woried for him.
The silence was cut short when my phone rang, hoping it was Lance I quickly awnsered it without looking.
“sweetheart?” I quickly asked, I was unfortunately wrong... Man I need to learn how to read caller ID.
“no, it's me Buddy” Seeley's voice said nervously. I set the humorous I was examining down and gave Seeley my undeviated attention.
“h-hey, how was the investigation... Where's Lance?” I asked walking out of the bone room.
There was a pause which made my heart pound. My conversation with Lance early this morning re-played in my head dozens of times, the last time we talked was early this morning and it was about the undercover case he'd be doing.
Simple case he said...
I let my minde run away with me as a tear ran down my cheek. “is Lance okay?”
“oh, Sweets is fine... Sortof” Seeley said, I raised an eyebrow when I head the background ruckus on Seeley's phone.
“do not tell her! I'm fine!” Lance's panicky, annoyed voice made me sigh with realef, at least I knew he was okay.
“Seeley Booth you better tell me what happened” I said using my 'mom' voice as he likes to say.
He sighed. “he just got banged up is all, couple of nicks that's all” he said, if voice was still nervous tell me he was lying. Dating a Shrink for as long as I have you pick up on signs in voices and body language.
I heared an annoyed sigh in the background. “I'm not going to the doctor” Lance said, I chuckled at Lance's small fear of the doctor's office.
Seeley sighed. “met us at his office so you can patch the crybaby up”
I rolled my eyes at his choice of words. “alright.. laters gators” i said before hanging up the phone.
Before leaving the jeffersonian I quickly grabed the first aid kit I kept in my office before heading to the burow.
~~~~~~~~(3rd pov)~~~~~~~~
Y/n got to Lance's office before the Boys did, Lance had a key made for her a couple of years ago so she was able to get in and wait impatiently for them.
  She was knocked out of your thoughts when the sound of Seeley's voice and keys jangling just outside the of the office. She quickly open door before either one had the chance to.
  “Lance!” she sighed as she threw the door open, finding her boyfriend standing infront of Seeley, he stood behind Lance like he was ready to catch him if he fell. Lance smiled softly and held his arms out asking for some comfort, she pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his torso gently so she wouldn't hurt him.
  “I'm alright baby..” he mumbled as his arms wrapped around her small body and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
  She pulled away, rubbing his jaw with concern. She looking up into his chocolate brown eyes. The curls in his hair was sorta tossed around, his forehead had a few cuts that touched his hair line, the left side of his jaw was bruised, and his knuckles were busted on his right hand. She heart swelled with both love and concern.
“what happened to you guys? I was worried” she asked as she noticed Seeley was roughed up too. Lance carefully moved to the couch and plopped down.
 Y/n sat on the couch next to Lance, her eyes held nothing but sympathy as her two favorite boys looked like two kicked puppies thst won the fight.
“oh sweetheart” she mumbled, cradling his cheeks. Lance smiled and Seeley rolled his eyes. “it's not that bad” Lance reasured.
“yeah and what happened was-” Seeley started but y/n cut him off. “you know, I don't want to know... You guys are both back in once piece that's what matters”
Lance was about to opened his mouth to defend himself and Seeley, but y/n cut him off, “I'm gonna get you guys patched up”
Lance's lips tugged into an onry smirk as y/n terned her back to get her dented first-aid kit. Seeley saw and quickly clapped his hands together nervously, he didn't want to think of the guy he concerned a little brother in any none-innocent type of situation.
“ya know, Bone can take care of me... Just focus on your Shrink” Seeley said and left without saying goodbye. Y/n raised an eyebrow at her best friend's strange behavior as she pulled out the old first-aid kit.
The thing was well worn and dented up marvel pencil box, it was they type of box that kids cried for during back to school shopping. It was a red metel box and the picture of comic book heros were almost all gone.
  The old kit set beside Lance on the couch while she stood between Lance’s legs, he watched her every move, not because he didn't trust her, quite the opposite... He was was just always fascinated with how much medical stuff she knew.
“this is gonna sting a bit” y/n mumbled as she cleaned one of the cuts on his forehead, he wincined a bit but it wasn't an awful pain. After all the cuts on his face was cleaned she put some oitment on her fingers and rubbed it on the deeper cuts so they won't get infected.
“is that better?” she asked, putting a bandeg on his forehead then kissing it. He smiled, lifting his head so he could meet her lips with his. “I'd say so”
She chucked and pulled away gently. As she got a new cotton ball soaked with alcohol she opened her mouth to ask about the case, but hesitated.
“how was the case?” she asked taking his hand so she could clean up the dry blood off his knuckles.
His chocolate eyes looked down to watch her work, he shrugged. “we got the murder, but obviously not without a fight” he said.
She frowned. “I hate what they've done to you” Lance smirked at her concern. She knew Lance was a tough guy, but that didn't make her protective of him...he's been hurt enough in his life.
“the other guy is way worse... Trust me Baby” he kissed her nose as she finished wrapping up his hand. As he pulled away she raised his hand a kissed the bandged knuckles.
“you'll live” she joked. Lance shrugged with a smile. “I don't know Doc, I could use another kiss... It's a good muscle relaxer”
“your such a dork” she joked as she leaned in.
“you love me for it” he lazily smiled.
Y/n rolled her eyes and placed a kiss on his lips. She didn't pull all the away back, just enough to where their noses brushed against each other. “is that better?”
“it's getting there...” he mumbled as his fingers reached behind her neck and pulled her closer.
  “God, I love you” she murmured against his plush lips. He place one more kiss to her lips and he quickly stood up, pulling her tight against his chest, lips never leaving hers. She moaned softly and quickly reached for his neck to undo his tie. Her mouth moved quicker against his, his tongue brushing against yours.
  his hand moved down to grip her ass as they tumbled around the small room. She moaned louder, this time into his mouth. She began to understand at the fire that was building up in his kisses, how much he need her. Lance gently pushed her into the wall as she pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders. They only pulled away from each other long enough for him to pull her shirt over her head.
  Lance's hands fell and grabbed her ass, this time lifting her up. Her arms and legs wrapped around him. She gasped against his lips as her core rubbed against his.
  She buried her head in the crook of his neck, pressing kisses and bites to his skin as he moved towrds his desk. She shivered as the cold wood bit into her skin. Lance pressed his lips to her's as his hands fell to her thighs, slowly inching upward. Lance pushed her legs further apart, quickly slotting himself in between her legs.
Y/n looked up as the man she loved stood over her, his chocolate eyes trailing from her rosey lips, to the swell of her breasts, she was perfection in his eyes. when his eyes met her again, they were filled with lust, like the predator finally found his pray.
“is this okay?” He asked softly as His fingers trailed up her thigh, even after years of dating he always asked concent and made sure she was comfortable.
She watched as he fell to his knees in front, his head disappeared under her skirt, kissing the inside of her thighs. She let out a whimper as his warm tongue slid up between her folds. A moan escaped her lips as her fingers threaded through his curls. Lance's hands came up grabbing her thighs pulling her body closer as he devoured her. One of his hands came up to her clit rubbing circles, his tongue moved quickly, bring her closer to her orgasm.
He stood up straight leaning over her body. “You tase so good” he said quietly. She grew wetter at the sight of the slick covering his lips. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was just as turned on as she was. Her fingers reached for the buttons of his shirt as their lips connected for a rough kiss.
  Y/n quickly pushed his shirt off his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. She couldn't held but let her eyes wonder, she had seen Lance naked countless times, but every time it got a reaction within her. the sight of his body made her cunt drip with want.
Lance smirked as his nuzzled his nose against hers. “you like was you see Baby?”
  She reached up and kissed his lips lazily “Lance, i need you. please,” she begged. “i need you inside me”
  he stood, towering over her with a smirk. Her eyes dropped to the outline of his cock in his jeans, she reached out and quickly unbuckled his belt, letting his pants fall to the ground. His head fell back with a groan as her hands brushed up against his hard erection.
 Y/n ran her hands along his hardened chest before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him as close as possible. his hard dick brushed up against her soaked core, making the both of them groan in sync into the other’s mouth. Lance reached down to grab his dick, sliding the head through her entrance. he lined it up with her hole, pressing a kiss to her lips.
Y/n whimpered into his lips as Lance pushed his cock into her, pressing on her spot. She became lightheaded with pleasure as his lips fall onto her's again. the kisses were desperate and needy. hot and breathy.
  “are you alright, Baby?” his eyes were concerned and searching for awnsers. She nodded, giving Lance the okay to start moving. he moved slowly, feeling apprehensive. Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, carding her fingers though his hair and tugging, encouraging him to move faster. He sped up, sheathing his cock in and out. Y/n's moans mixed with his.
  groaning, Lance bit your neck. “God, your so tight” he whispered. everything he did brought her closer to her climax.
 “fuck, you feel so good” the way he was fucking her felt like bliss, they're moans and whimpers bouncing of the walls.
Y/n opened her eyes meeting his brown ones. She felt that familiar knot build up again but faster this time as he hit the right spot over and over. He sat up pushing her legs open giving him more access, he looked. “Common Beautiful, cum for me.” His voice was smooth.
his thumb fell onto her clit, bringing her closer as her pussy tightened around him. It became too much, how deep he was and the pressure she felt on her clit.
“Lance” she moaned, bucking her hips to meet his while she cried out in pleasure. If they weren’t mindful, the people in the buro would hear them, but at this point they didn’t particularly care, the pleasure was too good. But as he worship her and kissed her, she prayed the other agents and staff were too busy with their own work and cases to hear her cries and pleas of pleasure.
“i'm gonna cum." Y/n whimpered weakly as she began to let herself go, her hips bucking through her orgasm, her cheeks flushing pink as she pressed her forehead to Lance's shoulder, his hand reached up to her jaw and lifted her face up. “look at me baby”
her cunt pulsing around him as he stared into his dark eyes. He tried to hold himself back and fuck her through her orgasm, and when she let out a loud whimper, he came, shooting thick ropes into her.
As if on queue, his office door flew open. “hey Sweets, I forgot to- oh God -sorry... Sorry!!” Seeley yelled, y/n's head snapping to look at the door “Seeley!” she yellep and tried to cover herself in her boyfriends chest. Lance's head dropped to her shoulder and squeezed her hips in pleasure as Seeley ran out of sweets' office, slamming the door shut, warmth still filling y/n as Lance let out a sigh.
“never ask me what I saw in there” Seeley said fermly as his eyes remained wide. Temperance gave him a strange look as her husband pulled her far away from Sweets office.
Y/n stared at Lance, her eyes wide as she watch him come down, he began to laugh as she looked at him in shock. “Lance, this isn't funny! That was our best friend” Y/n scolded, slapping his chest, causing him to laugh harder. “he shouda knocked” Lance shrugged, pulling his white shirt over his shoulders as he kissed her lips quickly.
“my best friend walked in on us having sex, your not the tiniest bit embarrassed?” Y/n asked in disbelief, Lance shrugged. “a little bit, but that felt too good to care” he said pulling his pants up, as y/n collected herself Lance grabed the rest of her clothes.
“Did you at least see his face? I was busy.” Lance smirked, earning another slap to his chest. Y/n nodded, laughing slightly. “he's probably scared for life now”
“definitely” Lance said placing a quick kiss on her lips. “for life” he added while kissing her cheek.
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moumouton4 ¡ 1 year
Orochimaru with a gn!s/o who likes to randomly pick him up for no reason. Like Orochimaru will be doing something while standing and y/n just comes up behind him and grabs him and carries him bridal style.
Imagine Randomly Picking Him Up || Orochimaru x gn!reader
A/n : Hello my dear I hope you'll like it ! We are really connected lmao I'm currently rping with friends and my character gave piggy back rides to Sasuke 😂
Warning : Fluff
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 909
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He's always on his guard so you had a hard time getting close to him behind his back to grab hold of his body
The first time you lifted him he almost yelped, but he was only able to keep it inside. He only let a gasp escape from his mouth
His reptilian eyes were wider than they'd ever been in his life. He never denied your strength, but this time he didn't expect it
His hand shot to your neck to hold on thinking he was going to fall
Finally, after a while, he realized that he was rather comfortable. But as he realized the situation, he began to blush
Before you could see anything he started wiggling his legs to get you to put him down "Y/n me on the goddamned floor right now !"
You only chuckled "But look at you Sama you're looking so cute from this angle"
"Don't call me that here either ! Now put me down immediately" he demanded
And you did before adding "Next time though..."
"What next time ?" he asked, but too late you'd already taken off
He couldn't help feeling a little thrill at the idea of once again being taken by surprise in your arms. It was comforting in a way. It just felt right
You, for your part, had firmly decided not to carry him like that in front of strangers, knowing that you didn't want to discredit Orochimaru in front of them
However, you had no qualms about scooping him up in your arms in front of the people you lived with
There were many times after that
When he was cooking you'd appear behind him and lift him up
When you passed him in a corridor, you'd turn around at the last second to carry him
Or just when he'd get up to get a glass of water or something
Sometimes he'd talk to you and point to something behind his back so that he'd turn around and you'd have your way with him
One day, Kabuto, who had just finished preparing the evening meal, asked you to fetch the others
And if Karin, Suigetsu and JĂťgo were easy to find, you spent much more time looking for your boyfriend and Sasuke
Realizing that they were undoubtedly in training
"Dear, Sasuke diner's ready get down to eat" but you were only met by the mere sound of clashing weapons "Guys ? Hello ?"
When no one answered, you huffed before making your way to the battle site. Once there, you slipped behind Orochimaru and scooped him into yours arms
Because of the fight, he was out of breath and therefore finding it harder to escape your grip
"What did I tell you about this ?!? Set me down right now !!" he fussed, crimson rising to his cheeks
Sasuke's habitually well-regulated face radiated surprise, his eyes wide and his eyebrows almost reaching his hairline. Clearly he never thought he'd see this in his life. He must admit it was a quite oddly amusing sight to attend to
"No, I wouldn't have come to this if you'd stopped when I said dinner was ready. Let's go now you two" you said as you turned and started walking out of the training room, Orochimaru now comfortably settled in the warmth of your arms. His head on your chest. You were waiting for Sasuke to sheathe his katana and follow you
Behind you however you heard him snicker and Orochimaru started to fuss again in your arms "Why are you laughing brat you want me to beat you up-"
You stopped his sentence by kissing his nose "Calm down handsome. Imagine how lucky you are right now to be here mmh ?"
"Yeah yeah if you say so" he said in a huff, crossing his arms, an hint of shyness in his tone
On the other hand, you put him on the floor before entering the dining room, knowing that Suigetsu wouldn't leave him alone if he was to see this
And knowing Orochimaru, he'd end up killing him. But you didn't want your bestfriend to be killed :(
Sasuke didn't tell anyone. But when he's training with Orochimaru and thinks he's not going hard enough, he asks him if he's waiting to be scooped by you before taking action.
It works every time
With time, he came to fully appreciate this gesture and to show it to you. Sure, his pale skin tingled with pink at times, but it was bearable if it meant being able to be close to you
Now when he's sad, he nudges you, waiting for you to catch his eyes and put your arms around him. before effortlessly lifting him up and walking around with him in your room or private flat
He likes to be cradled in your arms. He often ends up asleep. His breathing slows as his body rellaxes in your hold
It's always very comforting when you play with his ebony hair
Sometimes when you're sitting in one of the armchairs in your private space reading, he takes the book from you and sits on your lap, putting his legs on a side his hand on the other
"C-can you ?" he says taking your hand and putting it on his head "Please ?"
He finds solace being vulnerable in front of you
Dude's hooked now and frankly he didn't see it coming
But we did :)
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🥫🥪 Again my requests are open 🥙🥗
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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dotster001 ¡ 1 year
Headcanons of what if the reader accidentally called the staff members dad?
A/N: Gn! Reader. Hope this is what you're looking for, anon/hope you're still here cause I take forever on these 😂
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"Azul asked me to bring you this paperwork," you said, handing him a stack of papers.
"Excellent, prefect. You've been incredibly helpful lately. In my generosity, I have decided to give you the next week off, and take you to a beach house!"
"Really? Thanks dad!"
Preens. You've made a huge mistake. Good luck to you. You will now be smothered by an overexcited crow.
He hasn't touched up his nest in a while. As headmaster he has no time to think about a family. But now that you called him dad, he is going home and touching up his nest so that his little chick will be comfy. Crow's like to keep their babies in the nest, some of them for years at a time. You're gonna have to tell him at some point that no, you will not be staying in a nest, you will be staying in Ramshackle to finish your education. (This will not stop him from subtly directing you in the direction of said nest)
He's picking at your hair, and straightening your outfit. He does that mom thing where he licks a handkerchief and tries to clean the dirt off your face. If you tell him to stop, he'll say something like, "now now, let papa help." God, I don't envy you.
He buys you shiny trinkets that have no value. But  he can't help his genetics. It's how he expresses affection.  You and Grim may trip over them sometimes, cause he just will drop them in the most random of places. (ex. The middle of the floor)
If you ever try to take it back, whether it's out of pure desperation or annoyance, he will sob. He will sob so hard. He's not trying to manipulate you. He just doesn't see what he did wrong.
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He'd invited you over to dinner. 
"Yeah, I don't really have plans for the summer holiday yet, because, well, you know.."
He cut a piece of his steak, and said, "You can always stay with me. My daughter's are all grown, so they're rooms are empty. Plus they've been wanting to meet you." He gave you a soft smile, the kind of smile that made you feel safe.
"Sevens, that sounds great dad," you said with a sigh. Both of you froze.
He already knew you felt that way about him. But having you say it out loud fills him with fatherly pride.  It's been a while since his kids were young enough to spoil, and he's definitely missing it. Now that you've opened the box, he has all the permission he needs.
He'll act like everything's totally normal though. He still expects you to get your classwork in on time, and strongly discourages you from getting into trouble with your friends. But it somehow seems more insistent? Like when he sees you going to hang out with ADeuce, and he says to stay out of trouble, it sounds more like, "Dear god, please don't do anything stupid!"
He offers to help you with your homework a lot more often now. He had already offered from time to time before, but now it's a lot more often. Like calling him dad was giving him permission.
He gives you presents every once in a while. Expensive presents, wrapped in a neat box with a perfect bow. He acts like it's nothing. When he hands it to you he says how he just was passing through the store, and saw it, and thought it was something you needed. No biggie.
Lucius follows you around a lot now. You have no idea why…
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"You were almost correct here. You need to add mustard seed, or it won't work," Crewel said as he looked over your homework with you. 
He definitely didn't have to go over your homework with you line by line, but you definitely appreciated it. 
"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" You made a note so that you wouldn't forget later.
"Not a problem. Anything for my favorite pup. Don't tell the others though," he gave you a playful wink.
"No problem, no one has to know, dad." 
Oh? He might raise an eyebrow, or give you a smirk, but he won't say anything. It'll be like it never happened, and you can convince yourself he didn't hear it.
But he definitely did. He heard it. He goes home to his dogs that night, and picks them up, and cuddles them close, and keeps telling them, "they called me Dad!" 
Like I said, you can convince yourself he didn't hear it. But every once in a while he'll slip and do something that makes you wonder. Like he'll gently rub the top of your head. Or he'll tell you he understands if you don't get your homework in, just don't let it happen again. Or when your idiot friends drag you into a scheme, he'll get you an exemption from the detention that inevitably follows.
Crewel has a habit of adopting students already, without realizing it. Vil's your brother now, by the way.  He'll invite both of you to dinner in the guise of "checking up on my most studious pups" but it's really to just spend time with his little found family.
You won't know for sure he heard it, until after you graduate, when he offers to sponsor you through whatever you want to do. Cosign leases and loans, transportation to an interview, purchasing a uniform, letter of recommendation…. he'll do whatever you need, and when you're like, "Sir, I'm not sure how to repay you!" He'll say, "It's a dad's job to help out his pup." That's when the memory of that fateful day comes rushing back to you.
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Sam let you work weekend shifts with him for extra cash. You didn't know how he always knew, but whenever the shop was closing, if you hadn't bought anything to eat that day, he'd get you something and have you eat it while he did closing tasks.
"I can eat this later, Sam. It's no trouble!" 
"You've done enough work, my little imp. You're no use to me if you starve to death," he laughed. "Plus your health is important to me, even outside of you working here."
"God, dad, you're just the best!" 
You've known him long enough to know that if he didn't hear it, his "friends" certainly did. No matter how embarrassed or flustered you are by the mistake, you know that he knows. And he won't easily forget it.
On the whole, your relationship doesn't change. To him, you saw him as Dad already. So that's that.  He doesn't need to change, and you don't need to change.
That said… now that the words have been said…he has his friends specifically watching you at all times. Just in case. If you've ever started to fall, and felt someone catch you, but when you turned around you saw no one there…that's not your guardian angel. That's your dad's shadow.
Okay…not everything stays the same. Merch from your favorite things are always in stock at the store from now on. Neither of you addresses it…but deep down you both know.
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"You wanna be as tough as me, right? You need to do at least ten more pushups!"
"God, you're the worst, dad-"
Oh man. You've made a huge mistake. (Part two) the conversation will go as such. "Dad huh?" "Uh, I-" "Ha ha ha! Well,  you're gonna have to bulk up! Just trust your old man, he knows what's best! Fifty squats! Go!" God, you're fucked.
Wakes you up in the morning with a booming laugh, and a green smoothie of unknown origins. Once you chug the smoothie, with indiscernible flavor profile, it's time for your three mile jog. He'll go slow for you. If you complain he'll say, "Dad knows what's best for you! If you want to be as fit as me, this is only the beginning!" If you continue to complain,  he'll make you do a plank until you give in and join him on the run.
You can't look at this man and tell me he doesn't give the best hugs. Before you dropped the d word, his affection was expressed with a pat on the back. Now, when he sees you, he scoops you up in a bear hug. I don't care how tall or short you are, your feet are off the ground when he hugs you. 
Surprisingly? He's the most gung ho about who you want to date. Gym teachers see students at their worst and most desperate. He's seen Azul try to con his way out of flight class, Leona get flaky and take a nap, Cater attempting to split card his way out of laps…none of them are worthy of you! Besides, they can't even lift, bro! You're not from here, how are any of them supposed to protect your magicless, muscle less body? Now that he's dad, he's way more vocal about his opinions. Good luck.
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alreadyjackbestfriend ¡ 2 years
can you write something about the reader and jack getting into a super bad argument about fame getting to his head? let’s say he’s treating the reader differently, not prioritizing his family, etc. (not that he’d ever do that ofc 🥰😂)
just another celebrity
GENRE: angst
i think i didn't really like how this turned out, but i really hope you do😭
“I’m so sorry Maggie” you told your mother in law after you finished your second glass of wine.
she sighed, "it's not your fault, dear"
“I still feel guilty, it was my idea”
“this is only jack's responsibility" she reaffirmed, putting her hand on top of yours on the table, giving you a warm, but sad smile.
A few days ago it had been Jack's birthday, and you thought that the best thing was that he celebrate that day with his friends, and that on the weekend, he could have a quiet dinner with the two most important women in his life: his mom and you.
Thing is, Jack hadn't shown up.
“should we order?” Maggie said, taking you by surprise. You had thought that after her son stood her up, she would just want to go home.
“oh, I thought you wanted to go home" you confessed.
“we are already here, y/n, in nice dresses, in a nice restaurant, let's not waste the opportunity”
You smiled sadly at her, “okay” you nodded.
after having dinner with jack's mom, and doing your best to keep it from being a sad evening, you came home exhausted and upset. This wasn't the first time Jack had failed you in this way, and you were starting to get frustrated. Also, you never imagined that he could also fail his own mother.
You were already sleeping when you felt Jack's body fall onto the bed with a thud, not caring if he woke you up or not. You didn't turn around anyway, and when you felt him kiss your hair and wrap an arm around your waist, you could only clench your jaw and force yourself back to sleep.
The next morning, Jack was still in the same position, and you removed his arm from your waist without any delicacy, however, Jack continued to sleep as if nothing had happened.
you showered, put clothes on and went down to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast. when you sat at the kitchen table and started looking at your phone while you ate, you came across some photos that made you abruptly drop your spoon.
Last night you had felt anger, but now you could feel the sadness closing your throat. As you watched Jack surrounded by celebrities at what appeared to be a second birthday party, you wondered if that man smiling in the photos was the same man you fell in love with.
You began to remember the last few months, all the times that he had been late, all the greeting kisses that he had returned without taking his eyes off his phone, all the nights that you had slept alone because he was at a party that he couldn't miss because there would be that celebrity and that celebrity.
all those times it hurt, but never like this. You know it was DRAKE, you know it was DOJA CAT, and a bunch of other celebrities, but were they more important than his mom?
you kept looking at the photos in case you found Urban in any of them, or if he had taken some, or maybe some members of PG, but nobody was, so... his best friends weren't invited either?
“morning baby” Jack's voice made you jump, and he kissed your hair without even realizing it, quickly turning to the fridge to get something to eat.
“where were you last night?” you replied, not bothering to greet him. You could see his brow furrowed as he looked back at you.
“in a party?”
“And, by any chance, did you have your phone with you?”
“where are you going with this?" he asked, as if he was already bored with the conversation.
“we had agreed to have dinner with your mom last night, jack. we waited for you for almost three hours”
“I don't remember when we agreed on that, y/n, but I'm sure mom will understand, I'll call her in a bit”
“yes, she will understand, but not me”
“please, y/n, let's not make this bigger than it is” he replied, rolling his eyes.
you opened your eyes wide, not believing what he was telling you. "You really don't care about standing us up for hours? Don't you feel even… a little bit of guilt?" you said, gesturing with your hands.
"I'm sorry, babe" he said, but anyone could tell that he was just saying it out of commitment, you didn't see a bit of regret in his eyes, he wasn't even trying to sound believable.
"I... I don't think I recognize you anymore, jack" you said almost in a whisper, and you saw how he snorted.
"you're really making a drama, y/n"
"I don’t think so. The Jack that I knew had his mother as his number one priority, he had his usual circle of friends that he took everywhere with him, if he had commitments with the people he loved, he would arrive on time. The Jack that I met at least took his eyes off his cell phone when he greeted me"
"I'm still like that, y/n, I can't believe you're doing this scene for one mistake!"
"one mistake? one mistake?” you said, beginning to breathe heavily, as you stood up from your chair “and what about everything else I just mentioned? what about dinner with my parents a month ago when you were an hour late, or when I broke my foot three months ago, but you found out the next day because you didn’t answer the damn phone?!" you said, touching his chest with your index finger with each word, in an accusing way. After months, your frustration causing you to vomit words without being able to stop, “oh! and how to forget when you arrived drunk at your brother's birthday and fell asleep on the couch because you had been celebrating I don't know what with fucking Adam Levine! can't stand that guy, by the way” the last part almost made jack laugh, you were so angry that you didn't even care anymore if you mentioned things that had nothing to do with the matter, "oh, are you amused? So you still don't understand everything I just told you?"
Jack had never seen you like this, and with your last sentence he began to realize the seriousness of the situation, but not completely. he tried to hug you and tell you he was sorry a thousand times, but you didn't let him.
“This is not going to be fixed with a couple of kisses and a gift, Jack... I think I've put up with too much… you are not the person that I fell in love with, the kind, the humble and nice man that I fell in love with. Now you're... now you're just another celebrity” you said, before walking out of the house, leaving Jack confused and heartbroken on the kitchen floor.
i think i found out yesterday about adam levine's infidelity… i live in a country that hates him so, DID WE LIE? 💀
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axel-skz ¡ 1 year
HELLO FELLOW STAY ! lysm ty for taking requests
can I request skz with a reader who is super good at dancing or is a quick learner but they don't know it and they decide to film a tiktok dance together and the guys are absolutely shocked at yn
Skz with a super forgetful reader who fell asleep midday and forgot to tell em about it and gave the guys heart attacks ( me when i fell asleep and my dormmates were locked out for 3 hours bcz they didn't take their keys )
A/N: AAA MY FIRST REQUEST!! I’m excited. Also my anxiety cus I’m not doing this how I think you want it to be. Hope you like it anyway. Again, too depressed for the song roulette so I recommend listening to muddy water today. Cus I love it.
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You were playing games on your phone with an online friend of yours. You didn’t usually play for so long but they were only available late today so you decided it was no biggie. You had a day off tomorrow anyway.
You had forgotten though that you had plans with the boys today at the studio. You don’t even know how it slipped your mind. You loved hanging out with them so much and had been looking forward to it for ages.
So it was only natural, the next day, you didn’t make it on time. You woke up very late. Calmly, you reached over for your phone with squinted eyes, filled with sleep.
You saw a few blurry notifications and blinked your eyes a few times, only to see it was all the boys reminding you of the meeting you had.
Seungmin: I swear, if I have to wait 5 more minutes, I’m plotting revenge (Oh wow, he’s probably on phase 7 of his scheming by now).
Chan: hey, ok? It’s been like 20 minutes.
Felix: you’re missing Jisung being chased by mr butt hunter 😂
Jeongin: 👀 ayo, where you at?!
Minho: why you late? I mean, I’m not complaining cus there’s so much cake in this room 🥸 but still-?
Hyunjin and changbin had variations of: are you ok? Where are you? Are you dead? DID YOU DIE?! BUT YOU DIDNT EVEN WRITE A WILL?! ARE YOU DEAD?! BLINK TWICE IF YOURE DEAD- wait…. SEND AN X IF YOU’RE DEAD!
Jisung: I swear.)3ÂŁkydk:!:&dgk28-!my butt bhfyk3ÂŁ:!dg hur ts! Xtjdtix I blbame you!?
You got up with so much speed, your iron deficiency just had to demand attention.
You stood dizzy for a moment before making a wobbly move to change your clothes. You don’t know how you possibly made it to the Jyp building as fast as you did.
You guys had been meaning to go for dinner but they were waiting for you inside.
When you got inside, Chan was the first to spot you. Felix was being used as a human shield by changbin. Hiding from Minho. Han laughed but then minho turned to him and made his way to him with a smug grin. Hyunjin was Han’s shield. He was shreaking. All while jeongin looked very concerned at seungmin who was mumbling furiously while writing in his notebook.
What a bunch of people you call family :)
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Okokokkok I know I suck. I’m sorry. But I hope you smiled atleast a little when you read that.
I’m sorry to who requested it for taking so long and especially if it wasn’t anything as good as you wanted.
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oh-no-another-idea ¡ 4 months
A get-to-know-me by any other name...
Thanks for the tag @winterandwords! I don't believe I've done this particular one before :D
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A scent you love: Chrysanthemums! To me, the smell of those flowers is the scent of autumn 🌸🍂
What's something you're looking forward to this week? I have three rehearsals for two different musicals over the weekend, and I'm very excited for those, and also the Popeyes I'm planning to get as dinner in between ;) I haven't had Popeyes in years...
What's a book you're currently reading? I am reading Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods! As a longtime fan with a reawakened love (thanks pjo tv show), I am enjoying myself immensely ;)
What's a game you're currently playing? I suppose one could call it "write 300 words per day, Cass, or ELSE"
What's the most recent movie you watched? It was Iron Man 3 because my sister wanted to, and I was happy enough to watch along and ask philosophical questions about when armor becomes a cage that nobody answered lol
Are you watching anything on TV or listening to any shows? Well, I just finished Percy Jackson, and I'm about to finish my second watch of Lockwood and Co. with my sister! And then we have plans to watch Nimona again 💗
Favourite season Spring! Give me new flower buds and warming sunlight and bare feet...Autumn is a close second though. And then Winter. Hate that bitch mosquitoes-and-heat-and-humidity.
What's something you've learned recently? I'm still learning it, which is making salmon cakes? My mom only taught me a weird half assed way where they melt in the oven and then crumble apart, and yesterday I tried using a real recipe and I still had a little trouble but I can also safely say they were the best I've ever made 🙄😂 If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears!
Have you had any water lately? Taking this as my reminder to go have some! Gonna be fancy maybe and put a lemon or lime slice in there...
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I'll tag @reneesbooks @sleepy-night-child @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @liv-is @eccaiia @revenantlore @space-writes @lesleymoonwriter and anyone else who'd like to share <3
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