#it 2 am and i have to wake up at a decent time tomorrow
zemnarihah · 8 months
guys i have so much homework this week:(
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darling-i-read-it · 11 months
Dalton Lambert x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: insidious 5 spoilers, literally i think tahts it 
Author’s Note: In theory this is a part 2 to blue paint but honestly could be written by itself if you just squint lol. Everyone wanted me to write more for dalton and i was at WORK people but i am here to provide a plotless fluff. An old classic style of mine 🫡Also this fic could literally be called ‘maya googles whispered synonyms’ 
Everyone that asked to be tagged <3 : @geeksareunique, @chaoticxbee, @snixx2088, @ellaneyt, @bespinnn, 
Summary: The night you and Dalton just kind of let your relationship silently grow to avoid the horror of his situation. 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You could feel sleep starting to overtake you. It was in your eyes, the drooping of your lids as you sat against the twin bed. Dalton was sitting on the ground as well, across from you. You narrowed your gaze at him, pursing your lips. You both had class in the morning. He still had blue paint stained on his face. You had leaned him over the sink and scrubbed to no avail. Finally you had both given up, conceding to his embarrassment in the morning. 
The sticky heat of the day had given way for the night chills. You could feel the difference in the cracked window. The breeze had started to get to you so you threw a blanket over your shoulders. 
Dalton, not wanting to fall asleep, sat across from you with a hoodie on. 
“No way,” you muttered. You looked at the cards in front of you, a large stack turned upwards and a yellow 7 card on top. “You just had like 15 cards. Take off your hoodie.”
“No!” Dalton exclaimed, laughing a bit. 
“You’re cheating. There’s no way I missed that. I’m literally the only other person here,” you offered. He shook his head. The clock was ticking away past midnight. 
“It’s late, you’re just starting to get delirious.” You shook your head, tossing your stack of cards down beside you. Usually you would never let a game go, especially one that was decently close. But you weren’t sure if you were even going to wake up to your alarm in the morning, let alone go to class. 
“Am not.” 
“I told you to go to bed hours ago.”
“Didn’t want you to sleepwalk on me,” you muttered. 
“Astral project.” 
“Whatever.” You looked up at the window. You could see the moon outside tonight in the clear sky. It had been a while since you saw the nighttime in a peaceful way. You were so used to being passed out by the time any kind of sereneness came along, or at a party trying not to pass out. It had been too long since it was just you and the night sky. And Dalton. 
Your phones were laying on the bedside table, out of the way and silent. You told Dalton to call his mom but he refused. He said he could do it on his own. He was probably just overreacting, he promised you. Overreacting didn’t make someone stay up late before an 8:30 class but you decided not to mention that. 
“I think I’m out D,” you muttered through a yawn. He nodded. He still looked wide awake, sans the bags under his eyes. 
“I wish we had a TV in here.” 
“Then we could watch Nightmare on Elm Street,” you joked. He half smiled, one of his cute little smirks. When you came to college you never thought you would admire these quieter nights the most. 
“Yeah.” You stretched, trying to shake the sleep out of your eyes. 
“I think I’m still gonna try to go to class tomorrow.”
“You know I don’t have a choice.” You nodded once and stood up, stretching. You felt your body expand as a satisfying calmness came over your body. Dalton grabbed the uno cards at your feet and started to put them in the box. “My last card was red by the way. You could’ve won it.” 
“Rematch tomorrow,” you suggested. You put your blanket over the empty bed. It looked like it hadn’t been slept in. There was no indent of a human having been there, no one having a good night's sleep. Though it didn’t look exactly comforting, it also didn’t look unappealing to your tired mind. Dalton had given you one of his pillows. You plugged in your phone beside you and glanced over at Dalton’s side of the room. You had looked at his drawings before but never studied them. 
Things seemed clearer at night. 
There was a picture of his mom at the piano above his pillow. He was moving around, shuffling, getting ready for bed and doing the last things he needed to. His head obscured your view. 
“She’s beautiful,” you whispered. “Your mom.” He looked at his sketch like he had forgotten it was there. 
“Thanks,” he muttered. His eyes lingered for a moment. You wanted to ask if he missed her but you didn’t. Putting him in that sort of emotional position would’ve been too much for so late. “She writes music. I remember when I was a kid she would sit at the piano when she had a moment to herself. My dad was always working so I guess I thought it was her job.” He shrugged. His eyes moved away.
“She sounds like a nice lady.” 
“She is. She deserves better than that guy,” he grumbled. He sat down on his bed. You were still sitting on yours. You hadn’t climbed under the covers, even though the cold was nipping at your arms. Chris’s words lingered in your brain for a bit, the prospect of staying in the same twin bed. You shook it off and went to grab the edge of the blanket. 
Dalton’s eyes stayed on you. He didn’t want to go to bed yet. 
“Do you mind the night light?” he asked, voice laced with exhaustion and a little embarrassment. 
“Nope. I like a little mood lighting.” You climbed under the covers. Once your head hit in the pillow it was like relief flooded through your bones. You reached up and turned off the lamp beside the bed. You could still see the outline of Dalton. His face, his hair. “I like your hair when it’s down,” you whispered. Your voice was gentle, slightly fueled by the lack of sleep. You could see him turn to look at you as he was getting under the covers. You nuzzled your head into the pillow. 
“Thank you,” he muttered, awkwardly. You smiled. You liked it when he squirmed a little bit. 
“I set an alarm.” 
“Okay.” There was a silence. “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight Dalton,” you whispered. Your name hung on his lips but he didn’t say it out loud. Instead he just watched as your eyes shut into an even calmness. The contours of your face were illuminated by his night light.
He rested his cheek against the pillow. 
He admitted to being potentially dangerous to you and you stayed. He felt safer with you. Like he wasn’t in this alone. 
You fell asleep in 15 minutes. He could tell because your face was completely relaxed. There was no tenseness in your features, no worries about anything except getting rest. When he was positive you had drifted off he sat up, grabbing his sketchbook off the center table. 
He had drawn nothing but dark memories lately. A red door with blood haunted him. A face he didn’t recognize but one that he knew, watched him sleep. After the darkness flooding his brain he was happy to think of his mom. He was happy to remember her when she was tranquil. He liked the sketches that were less cursed. 
He started to sketch you. 
His eyes adjusted to the darkness easily. Maybe if he was super tired the next night then he wouldn't be able to dream or astral project. Just sleep. He wouldn’t mind spending tonight sketching you with observing eyes. He drew your hair as it fell in front of your face. The way your fingers gripped the blanket. Your eyes, fluttering with dreams. He wondered what you were dreaming of. He wondered if you ever dreamt of him. 
Just the thought brought a redness to his cheeks. 
He grabbed his airpod to put on some music. 
The room was so still. 
Your blanket touching the ground. The wind from the cracked window. Your even breathing, mixing with his, the only living sounds in the space. His dried paint on the table. The light from the hallway seeping in under the door. His unpacked bag at the foot of your bed. 
Your bed. That wasn’t your bed. That was an empty bed, one that would be filled by anybody. 
He sketched your nose. 
That could be your bed. He had nothing against that. A sleepover every night, a buddy to help protect him from the nightmares. He thought of his parents. His brother. His little sister. He was safe. 
He turned the focus onto your closed eyes. He was listening to some indie rock or something, whatever he had playing from earlier. He wondered what kind of music you listened to. 
You moved. You hummed under your breath, eyes fluttering open. It hadn’t been that long since you fell asleep, maybe only an hour. It was two in the morning.
You forced your eyes open. Dalton was still awake, sitting against the wall. 
“Still can’t sleep?” you whispered. The sleep remained in your eyes. 
“Not sure where I’ll float too.” You nodded. You slowly sat up, keeping your blanket around your shoulder. “What’re you doing?” he whispered. Speaking any louder would break the muffled moment. 
You shuffled over to his side of the room. He looked up at you, shielding his sketchbook. You barely noticed it. You stood at the side of his bed. There was a beat where neither of you moved. You nodded towards the bed. 
“Lay down.” He squinted, unsure of what your intentions were. He put the sketchbook on the side of the bed, onto the floor. He had it facing the ground so you wouldn’t see your face. He couldn’t let you know how he perceived you quite yet. 
He did as he was told. When he was comfortable you moved his blanket aside and got under the covers. You put your blanket over his so you had double the warmth. 
Dalton froze. 
Did he put his hand on you? Did he just let you be? He had to touch you, there was no way he could sleep here, stiff as a board, all night. 
“I don’t have cooties D,” you whispered. You easily got comfortable beside him. Your eyes stayed open as you looked at him, straight ahead. “You can touch me,” you said, even lower, so much so that your voice almost gave out. “If this is okay.” 
“It’s okay,” he promised. You smiled sleepily. 
He put his hand on your side and you pushed yourself closer to him. You took the initiative and placed your hand over his waist. He moved so that you could nuzzle yourself into his chest. He tried not to breathe too heavily but he was sure you could hear his heart beating out of his chest. 
“Sleep,” you breathed. “I’ll keep you grounded.” 
His breath hitched. He finally closed his eyes. 
He fell asleep quickly with you in his arms. He remained in his spot the whole night, the first time in a week. 
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luke-hughes43 · 28 days
my fucking knee | luke and stella
this could end up as a full fic. this is pregame nerves and a knee flare up for stella. poor stel🥺
(I'm kinda gonna leave this open ended in case we wanna add more angst??)
stella's pov
so today was the first day of the big ten tourney for softball. we play tomorrow as the 3rd seed in the tournament behind northwestern and michigan as 1 and 2. we came out to watch a few games and see how it was looking.
when I woke up today, my knee was definitely hurting. I slapped my brace on and just went about my day. we had practice and stuff around the game times and everything.
and I made sure to have luke's game up on my phone to support him at worlds. this was supposed to be my homecoming, I'm back at michigan and all of my family and friends are here except for luke and mackie who are still playing.
I'm nervous as fucking hell for this because I have so much to prove since I haven't played in the postseason in 2 years. I really need Luke to be here.
the day of our game, I wake up in arguably the worst pain i've had since I tore my knee. like it's throbbing. I can barely get out of bed to get my knee brace on. the girl I'm rooming with is a breakfast thank god, and I end up just on the floor in pain.
I call Luke in tears, "babe?"
"woah, stella, what's wrong?"
"my fucking knee. it's throbbing. it hasn't been this bad since I tore it. it hurts so much Luke." I cry out to him. I scoot over to the fridge and grab the ice out of it to put on my knee but it's still killing. he says calmly, "just breathe for a second sweet girl. you're ok. are you wearing your brace?"
"of course I am. I'm sitting on the floor in the hotel because it hurts to put pressure on it. and I have ice on it. I just wish you were here Luke." I force out through the tears. Luke sighs and says, "I'm facetimeing you."
he changes the call from a phone call to FaceTime and smiles softly when he sees my face. he says softly, "how can I help stel? should I call Bella or any of the guys or mom?"
"I just need a hug from you. and for you to drag my ass out on the field. this will be my first time playing with the brace in a month babe. I'm just scared that the pain is trying to tell me something."
"have you twisted it wrong or been hit there or felt any other pain lately?" he reasons. he's trying to calm my anxieties which is helpful. I explain, "it hurt yesterday while we were hitting. and just in general but I was wearing the brace and that made it decently ok. but today is worse than yesterday and it hasn't hurt all season besides normal aches until yesterday."
"does your coach know?" he asks.
"you already know the answer to that."
"so then tell your coach and don't do anything strenuous until you have to. I know you wanna play so I'd never tell you not to baby but I still want you to be careful."
I nod and he smiles, "go kick some butt for me baby. I'm cheering you on as always. bring it home ok?"
"ok." I smile back at him. he says softly, "I love you Stella."
"I love you too Luke. thank you."
"always sweet girl."
he hangs up and I stay in my position with the ice for as long as possible before gingerly getting ready for the game and putting the big brace on rather than the little one.
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ros3ybabe · 8 months
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Daily Check-in: October 12th, 2023 🎀
Today has been a lazy yet somewhat decent day? There's not much to complain about. Besides the fact that I didn't do a single homework assignment, I'm exhausted, so that's alright. I did do a decent amount of Japanese studying today though I didn't open up my Genki Textbook like I had wanted to but oh well, there's always tomorrow!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Brunch - Spaghetti with ground Turkey and meat sauce
Dinner - Taco bowl with ground beef, black beans, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, sour cream, a small dollop of avocado, and red salsa with 1.5 low carb tortillas
Snack - bunny tracks ice cream, 16oz bottle of Dr pepper
Extra - 4? cups of coffee (or 5, I can't remember)
I was not very productive today in terms of academic progress, but I still feel like I did what I could given my energy levels. (and caffiene intake). Did not eat the healthiest, but I listened to my body, and honestly, not every day will be perfect, and that's okay!
🩷 Personal Achievements, Oct 12th -
cooked ground beef (leftovers woooo!!)
washed dirty laundry
put away all clean clothes
did my therapy phone call
video called my boyfriend
morning + night skincare
completed 2 duolingo lessons
completed 1 busuu lesson
completed 3 kanji lessons
typed up one draft for upcoming blog post
I had heard about an app called Kanji that teaches you kanji based on JLPT Levels, and I actually really like it, so I bought access to all levels for 11$ USD!! feel like that's a fair price for over 2000 kanji, and I'm excited to start expanding my Japanese knowledge. Also, I am trying out the LingQ app. It's pretty interesting and seems useful for reading practice! I don't know why I got such a kick to study japanese but I am not complaining!!
No Academic Achievements for Today
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 13th -
Review previous 3 kanji lessons
Complete 1 duolingo lesson
Complete 1 busuu lesson
Continue Genki I Lesson one (?)
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal
morning workout (at home)
make bed
read 1 chapter of atomic habits or other self help book
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 13th -
Culinary Chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventory Assignment
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Chapter 9 Quiz Psyc
Attend Psyc Lab
Attend Anatomy Lab
Using Credit Personal Finance assignment
module notes fitness health and sport
module quiz fitness health and sport
work on component 2 for psyc paper
Giving myself a lot of school work to complete tomorrow but that's okay because I have the day off from work so I know I'll be able to get a lot of it done, if not all of it! I'm hoping I sleep decently tonight so I can wake up ready to rule the world tomorrow. My goal is to wake up early, workout, shower, do some makeup and get ready, and be on campus early to get back into the school mindset because I know I've been slacking these last two days. I work a double shift on Saturday, so tomorrow is really the ideal time to finish everything as much as possible.
🩷 Song of the Day: Fearless, Jp Version - Le Sserafim
This has been my anthem lately. It's catchy, and I kind of prefer this to the original version in Korean, but that's a bit biased on my end as I am studying Japanese at the moment.
🩷 Tomorrow Morning Workout - Pilates
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Even if I only finish the first video, I will be proud of myself. It's the effort that counts, and it's definitely gonna be a start! I will be posting an updated current workout schedule with routines soon!!
That's all for now! I will update tomorrow night!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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I am Aliveeeeeee!
And I really don't wanna be.
I. Am. So tired!
I kept waking up every two God damn hours!
I don't even remember what time I went to bed.
So I don't know if I woke up at 10 pm or if that's when I went to bed.
I woke up at 12 am, 2 am, 4 am, 6 am, and then at 8 am.
It is currently 9 am, and I have already given up on life for today.
Now, the question is;
Do I mope around all day like my life is meaningless until I reset tomorrow?
Do I get up, take a shower, put something decent on, do some laundry, and then take a walk to some neighboring fast food places to try and apply for a job?
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 1 month
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction - Part 2
Chapter 6
I found it rather difficult to fall asleep due to the intensity that the day brings us tomorrow, between the horrors of the Bhaal cult, the potential for other troubles along the way, and the dreariness of leaving my wife behind. I lie here admiring her sleeping face as I try to ignore it all, and just seeing her slumber peacefully eases the rapid thoughts racing through mind. What could she be dreaming about, I wonder? How did I get so lucky to meet someone like her? To be loved like she loves me truly is a blessing I never thought I’d receive, nor do I believe I deserve it. I gently kiss her forehead as she sleeps, inhaling her natural aroma that pleases the senses.
While I know Emmy, Jenevelle, and I will be fine, I am terrified of the possibilities that we could lose our friends who aren’t immortal, our families who are scattered all over, and the innocent people who are bound to lose their lives. How many have died within the past couple days? Twenty? Thirty? One-hundred? Come on, Gale. Don’t think about it.
Morning finally greets us, and I did not get much sleep at all, but that means none to me. Before I have the opportunity to even get dressed, Karlach, Wyll, Halsin, Astarion, and Shadowheart are all at the front door ready to go. Did they all conveniently meet here or did Withers set off some obnoxious alarm somehow to make sure they knew to come? I gently shake Emmy’s shoulder to wake her; Gods, I don’t want to be away for so long. Who knows how long this could take us?
“My love, I have to leave now,” I whisper to her. She opens her eyes, the bright golden sun beaming inside them as she wakes. I put on a decent shirt as she’s trying to get out of bed. “I’ll miss you so much. I’m so sorry this is so terribly sudden.” She gently steps toward me and wraps her arms around me from behind, pouting into my back. I laugh lightly as she tries to hide her cuteness.
“How will we know everyone is okay?” Her voice is full of worry but it’s understandable why she would feel this way. “I hope we don’t lose anyone. We already lost Jaheira.”
“I know, baby. I know. I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.” We both walk into Jenevelle’s room together and I notice she’s still asleep; heavily, too. Oh my sweet baby, I’ll be thinking about her the entire time I’m gone. Melancholy fills my heart from the thought of not knowing how long I’ll be gone; but it has to be done. I lean down to kiss her delicate little cheek that smells of lavender petals – thanks to her bath herbs from last night.
“I love you Jenevelle,” I murmur in her ear. “Daddy will miss you.” Emmy and I head down the stairwell to the downstairs area so I may depart with the others on this journey. I open the front door, noticing Astarion holding Shadowheart in his arms as she holds their little boy.
“I love you both,” he tells her quietly. Her bottom lip sticks out just a little as a frown droops across her face. “Don’t you forget it. I promise you this, we’ll be back.” I turn to look at my wife once more and we part with one final kiss before I step outside.
“I love you,” she whispers. “Come back soon.” Halsin, Wyll, and Karlach stand behind Astarion as Shadowheart walks inside with their son, accompanying Emmy while I’m away. Astarion takes a deep breath then relaxes his shoulders.
“Off we go then,” he says.
Through the city of Waterdeep we go and it feels so empty without my two favorite people, though deep down I know this is what I must do. The area around us is so calm and inviting; people chatting and laughing on the street and drinking tea, birds singing as they splash in their birdbath, and even the fresh scent of books coming from the open doors of the library.
“Astarion! Gale! Let’s cheer up, mates!” Karlach cheers, nearly scaring the daylights out of me with her hyperactive enthusiasm. “There’s…well, maybe a few positive sides to this adventure.”
“Name a few,” Astarion and I say simultaneously, then glance at each other for a moment.
“Well, you get a break! And, on that note, when you get back home, the feeling of seeing your loved ones again will overflow you with joy.”
“You have a point,” I add. “That will be nice seeing them once we get back. The yearning for missing them will be fulfilled by their presence alone.”
“That’s the spirit!”
“And hey, Gale, you’ll get to use your magic again,” Wyll comments. Gods, yes. The urge has been killing me lately to apply my magic skills somewhere, but unfortunately I haven’t had the chance. The only time I get to really do that anymore is when I’m teaching, and I don’t go back to the Academy for another month. Hopefully I’ll be back by then. I avoid using my magic around Jenevelle, regardless of her being immortal, because I’m not taking any chances. “In your case, Astarion, you can get jabby with those sharp daggers and feed off some Bhaalists.” Astarion hesitates, but doesn’t seem opposed to the idea.
“Hm! I suppose you’re right. I won’t lie, that sounds like quite the treat. I’ve just grown so accustomed to a cozy life with a bed and no violence of any kind. This will be weird for me.” What Astarion said just reminded me how long it’s been since we’ve actually had to fight and destroy enemies of any kind. This will be strange, but hopefully we will get through it like we always have.
“It’s so beautiful seeing you two become such incredible fathers,” Halsin mentions. “I love to see it. And if you ever need a sitter –”
“Hey now! Fine, fine, we’ll take turns,” Karlach interrupts.
We finally stumble across the path that leads out of Waterdeep and suddenly I’m hit with traumatic flashbacks: Emmy being abducted by the clutches of Raphael. Orin. Gortash. Steel Watch. Hell, even Ketheric. The Dead Three have been – well, dead – for quite sometime now but the spontaneous traumatic visions I get of our past still hits me from time to time. I wish my mind would quit manipulating me into thinking about these horrors.
After a moment, I begin to snap out of these awful thoughts because the scenery is absolutely magnificent. The squirrels rustling through the leaves and a few foxes dashing in the forest a few feet away is only a fraction of it. Then there’s the mountains in the very far distance, which I’m not familiar with that area, and a lovely pond to our right as we continue on the dirt trail.
“So. Much. Walking,” Karlach groans. “Are we there yet, dad?”
“Which one of us are you talking to, Me or Gale?” Astarion teases.
“Either one, you’re both fathers. How close are we?”
“Oh. Oh-ho-ho,” Astarion chortles. “We aren’t even halfway there!”
“For fucks sake.”
The sky’s color begins to fade to a dark violet, so we decide it’s about time to set up camp. I won’t lie, I’m ready to sit down and enjoy a nice dinner by the campfire, maybe make some nice conversation so I can shake off the thought of being in Baldur’s Gate tomorrow. Gah, damn it Gale, quit being such a pansy.
“The good news is that we have yet to be attacked by anything,” Karlach says as she takes a large bite from her pork chop. “Gods, this is delicious.”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch Karlach,” Halsin responds.
“You would be the one to make that comparison.”
“We’re bound to come across some sort of evil just on the journey there alone. Though, if we’re lucky, maybe we won’t. Maybe Silvanus will guide us with grace.”
“MAN, I need your enthusiasm. I keep wondering when we’ll be getting attacked by a werebear. I’m on edge. I hate real life sometimes.”
I am hoping Jamus was exaggerating, even just a little, on how bad it is in the city right now. The Bhaalists, the temple, the city probably being on lockdown from all the peril.
“What’s on your mind, Gale?” Wyll asks, and I immediately snap out of my train of thought.
“All of us have devoured our dinner and you’re just staring at your pork chop like a sad little puppy. What’s wrong, pal?” Gee, I must have really zoned out; I don’t even recall cooking at the campfire.
“I must have blacked out somehow. I’m fine, I promise. So peculiar, though, I don’t even remember cooking the meat or anything. I just remember Karlach talking about a werebear and that was it.”
“A weird side effect of immortality, perhaps?” Wyll questions.
“Try a side effect of parenthood. Even as an immortal, it can be exhausting. Unfortunately for Gale, his child will never grow up. Poor fellow,” Astarion adds.
“I think I’m just worried – or rather, missing – Emmy and Jenevelle. I’m worried about my mother… Damn. This entire predicament is causing my mind to implode. No wonder why Emmy was anxious the other night.” On top of my anxiety, I’m drowning in the feeling of guilt for not being there enough for Emmy when she was dealing with these thoughts. I’m glad she’s feeling somewhat better, though. I take a deep breath and release the negative energy within me. “No. We’ll all be fine. We will end this.”
“Hey! That’s the spirit!” Karlach cheers. “How are you feeling, Astarion?” He hesitates and scoffs, but follows up with a sigh of what appears to be relief.
“I do miss them. Shadowheart and Asher, I mean. I’ve finally found a purpose. People I love unconditionally that love me the same way. It isn’t…fake love and seduction. It’s emotional fulfillment and actual love. I’ve never had that before.” I smile at Astarion as he tells us his true feelings. It’s truly incredible that he’s overcome two centuries of pure torture and he’s finally where he belongs.
I manage to eat now that I’m fully engaged in conversation. Maybe Astarion’s right; maybe I’m just mentally drained. The stress of the Bhaal cultists is taking a toll on me, on top of having to be away from my wife and baby. I hope they are doing okay without me. It’s time to rest so I can be more powerful and feel my best before we make it to Baldur’s Gate tomorrow, because as an immortal, that seems to be the key to maximum strength.
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taintmansion · 8 months
Alright so here goes a big personal mental health post…
As I’ve posted about since august, I developed a terrible anxiety induced insomnia which through finding a very helpful community online now identify as “sleep anxiety” which sort of accidentally happens to people when sometimes even one sleepless night sends them into a fight or flight mode. My brain now gets confused and thinks I should not sleep. I am often on 2-4 hours at most, often broken up and requires me to work hard to make myself relax and just wake up feeling unrested.
I’ve had ups and downs, one medication that seemed to work a while but made me feel like shit (while still working a stressful job that set this whole thing off) and then took myself off it and figured I probably need to be on an actual anxiety medication and have 2 family members on lexapro so hey, let’s ask for that. Was given that by a rando telehealth doctor because with shit insurance didn’t know where to go. Got through 2 days on it with what felt like heightened insomnia and anxiety zero appetite etc.
I stayed at my mom’s for half a week after my job took me off the schedule shortly after I gave my 2 weeks notice but told them I’ve been sick and may not make all the last shifts. That was the 2nd day of lexapro and felt I would lose my mind if I kept taking it at that point especially without a psych to follow up with. So, at my mom’s and trying a stress relief supplement, I started sleeping better and better. Went back home, had one bad night but then oddly on an air mattress slept good again.
Just as things were going so well for me, I went to a shitty dentist office i already didn’t like but wanted a tooth filled, and this dentist dropped a drill in my mouth cutting a hole under my tongue. Didn’t even know things like that happened to people! My anxiety was skyrocketed and every day since then sleep has been a struggle again. Actually I only slept decent the 2 times I’ve taken a Xanax which I got prescribed to help me get through the first few weeks lexapro because a trusted dr (gynecologist tbh) at least told me to keep trying. I signed up for better health insurance but it won’t kick in until November 1st. I’ll find an actual psychiatrist.
Anyway. After getting through a wedding out of town that was a big stressor for me, it went pretty well all things considered, I’m starting lexapro once again tomorrow morning and committing to getting through at least 2 weeks and see how it goes. Even though a top side effect is. Insomnia. 😑 This time I have the xanax to take as needed.
Just felt like typing this all out I guess because this has been the biggest mental health challenge of my life. Somehow worse than when I had panic attacks for months when I was 19. This has had me feeling beyond broken, confused, not myself, like I’ll never be ok again… totally scared and lost. So going forward all I have is meds hopefully helping me and the help of this yt channel and the guy’s book that arrives in a few days. This could be a continued struggle or it may get better soon. I’m scared and don’t know when I can work again. I only have so much funds and help but also very very blessed with my family which helps a lot. I hope I get past this and have a good 2024.
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Unplanned Events (Part Two)
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Warnings: Mention of self doubt in the form of reader being fluffy.
Word Count: 1669
Writer's Note: So, here's a little bit more. I should really be asleep right now, but I just keep writing and thinking. I'll post what I can, not that anyone is reading. Lol
Summary: In an unfortunate turn of events, you are alone in the big city for the weekend of your SKZ concert. Unsure of what is safest for you and what you should do, your weekend takes a second unexpected turn when you run into your bias Han Jisung at the park.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 7.5 / Part 8
And there you were with the hyperventilating again. “Woah! Take deep breaths for me. Calm down. Look around! We’re in the beautiful city of c/n for a great time. You are a stunning woman with great taste, I am a decent man with funny jokes, and everything will be just fine. Now I need to take a deep breath out and tell me, why are you so upset?” He questions your state of being eloquently. His accent showed through more British as he tilted his head like a puppy. But you were the one that felt like a lost puppy at this moment.
“This isn’t happening, is it? This is all a fever dream. You’re not actually here. I could probably pinch myself awake.” You mumbled quickly through the confusion and thought process. His head tilted to the other side, and as he did that he reached out to your cheek and did exactly what you said you should do.
“Ow! What the fuck was that?!”
He recoiled quickly and pinched both of his own fluffy cheeks in response to your surprised yell, “Look! There’s your proof that this is real! And I pinched mine too so we’re even.” Oh… that’s true. He obviously pinched his own cheeks pretty hard, because he was now rubbing them with the back of his hands. You felt pain and didn’t wake up. This must actually be happening. 
You surrendered yourself to this potential reality, even if you weren’t fully convinced you weren’t dreaming, and explained your situation to your favorite person, ”I’m here alone… My best friend bailed on me. Now, I don’t know what to do tonight or tomorrow before the concert.” Defeated. Especially now that you’re explaining the pathetic situation you felt you had put myself into to this beautiful man that was just trying to live his life. You slouched into the feeling of being hopeless and alone.
Han took off his baseball cap, set it on his kneecap, ran both of his hands through his long locks, and contemplated what he was going to say next while looking around. As you watched his facial expressions change, you seized the moment to admire him. He is a literal dream and you don’t know how you’ve even managed to speak legit words to him. When you had dreamt about this possibility, you assumed it would just be screams of excitement. Apparently, being in the predicament you were in now, lessened any and all concerned responses your body could’ve formed.
While you stared at him, he looked back at the men that stood behind him, your assumption being that they were his bodyguards, JYP probably made him bring with him when not at the hotels or the arenas. They made eye contact with the handsome idol and held a nonverbal conversation for a few moments with their subtle nods. You grabbed your light stick from the step and placed it in your shoulder bag while their telepathic conversation continued.
He rubbed the back of his neck while returning eye contact with you, “I know this seems quite unusual, but I was given time to wander the city with these two for the day since our rehearsal won’t be until tomorrow before the show. I don’t get a lot of time to actually explore the places we visit during tours, and always seek any opportunity to get out and explore. The other guys took this day off and wanted to keep it lowkey. So, what I’m trying to say is, I would love to have someone accompany me if you wanted to join me.” He stood up slowly and reached out his hand to you.
“Wait- are you sure? I don’t want to intrude or cause you any problems. IF this is because you feel bad, dont. I’m not that interesting anyways so-”.
“Ya!” He hissed before you could beat yourself down anymore, “There will be none of that! You are a Stay, obviously. And as such, I think you will find we have a lot more in common than you think. It would be my honor to have a gorgeous Stay-” he paused in the same melodramatic pose he had been in; standing while holding one arm extended to you-” What is your name, hun?”
“Y/n.” You responded softly in your awe-struck state.
“Perfect. As I was saying. I would be honored to have the beautiful y/n join me on my exploration of food and whatever else we find.” His gummy smile creased his eyes shut as he cringed slightly at the dramatic sentence he had formed. 
You grabbed his hand as he helped you to your feet. His gloveless hand was a little cold, but it was a stark contrast to the warmth he gave off himself. “I am neither beautiful nor gorgeous, Han. I fear you may be talking about someone else.” You laughed and internally groaned at the sudden burst of courage you had with Jisung.
“You are actually both, dear. I’m sure you’re aware that I am an awful liar so you’d know if I wasn’t telling you the truth.”
“Where did that goofball that I know and love go? You are way too smooth to be the real Hannie.” Oh shit, your nickname for him just slipped out and you had never felt more stupid than in this moment. 
“Hannie, hmm?” He giggled at your use of his cute nickname, “I’ll allow it. I promise to you, y/n, that I will be nothing but myself, no gimmicks.” He replied sassily and with that same cheesy smile returning. He turned around to reach over to grab something from Intimidating Guard #1. His smile faded slightly, as a nervous and kind of guilty look appeared in its place, ”The boss man always makes us carry these around, just in case. It’s an NDA. It’s just a formality to say you won’t post about us hanging out online, post any pictures, or start rumors. I have to uphold the image he set, and I could definitely be terminated if I didn’t get you to sign and something wrong happens to either of us.”.
Something snapped in your brain meats again. It had finally clicked that this was really an option you were about to play out. Han was here, in front of you, offering up a great opportunity to hang out with your bias of your favorite group. His squishy cheeks, toothy grin, and dorky antics were within reach. You just needed to sign the agreement. Which meant no one would get to know about today, but it’s not like anyone would believe you anyways.
“It’s fine. Totally understand. I still think I’m dreaming but-“ as you tried to reach out for the pen and paper held in his hands he yanked it away from you quickly. You knew this was too good to be true. He was probably having second thoughts or realized how creepy you are. 
“First, before we officially become secret best friends, I need to hear your answer to one question. Who is your bias?” He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at your scared expression.
Luckily for you, that expression was still from shock at him pulling the papers away, so he couldn’t see the new found horror you felt as he was trying to get you to out yourself right now.  Anyone that knows you in your regular life knows that Han Jisung is your ultimate. It’s such a known fact but to tell the man himself might make him treat you differently. While your brain ran at a hundred miles per hour, you held eye contact with the goofball in front of you. 
“Why does it matter?” You asked in return.
“I’m a curious guy, and want to know if I can change your mind today.” He replied back with a casual shrug. Saying something so cooly could definitely be interpreted as meaning something else. But he’s always been competitive.
“How about, you treat me to the authentic Jisung and I’ll tell you honestly over a good meal?” Little does the man know, your bag literally had a small booklet filled with your favorite Han cards for trading tomorrow. And here you are, hoping the man forgets the agreement and just drops the embarrassing question. 
His inquisitive brain seemed to really contemplate the deal; he’s never been good at hiding when he’s thinking hard on the spot. 
“No lying?”
“Of course not! I promise!” You help out your pinky to him and he took it in his own while handing you the papers. Any smart person would read the papers, but considering there were five pages of font size ten print, you bypassed your better judgment. As soon as you had signed on the dotted line and dated it you were handing it back over to IG#1 since he originally held onto it. Jisung saw the signature so he immediately released his breath he had been holding onto and laughed.
“Well, y/n. Looks like we are stuck with each other until you get sick of me.”
“You have no idea how weird I can be, Hannie. I’ve seen you on SKZ Code and I’m sure I can handle all of your antics.” You slyly retorted to the odd one that was doing a happy dance in front of you. “I do not embarrass easily.”
“Challenge accepted. What shall we do first? You are from here so you should know all the fun things to do.”. He perched his elbow on your shoulder as he looked in the same direction as you, pointing at nothing in particular. He was only a few inches taller, but it was the perfect height to force you to look up at his squinty expression.
“I had one thing that I was planning on doing this weekend. If you follow me, I’ll lead the way. I can already see where we’re headed from here.”
“Sounds perfect. Lead the way.” The squirrely boy proclaimed. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 7.5 / Part 8
Chapter two of `\_(=_= )_/`
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thedeluluverse · 1 year
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First time doing a crossover/multi-fandom fic, I was so nervous throughout writing this, but I hope it’s decent! Obviously, no hate towards Jimin-ssi, ult is BTS just a fun idea I had inspired by the song “Boyfriend” by Dove Cameron.
Summary: Despite the love you have for your boyfriend, you can’t help but feel invisible at this party. He would rather play games but all you want is to feel seen. Will your wish come true?
Pairing:  idol!Jimin x curvy!freader x idol!LeeMinho
Genre: idol!au, angst, fluff, mentions of smut-related topics, acquaintances to lovers, secret mutual pining, crossover, hurt/comfort, songfic, oneshot, RPF, toxic relationship, neglected partner, slight slow burn
Word Count: 4,148.
Warnings:.  swearing, angst, toxic/strained relationship, feeling neglected, jealousy, manipulation, guilt, crying, mention of sex, illusions to cheating, gambling, reader is made to feel insecure about their weight, slight bullying due to weight, lack of self worth, gaslighting.
Six months ago, you started dating one of the most talked about K-pop idols, Park Jimin. You met him at a fan sign event for his new solo album 'Face' and hit it off immediately! However, it was still quite shocking when he slipped you his phone number and said he couldn't wait to see you again upon that first meeting. Chalking it up to fate, you texted him later that night.
Y/N: "Hey, it's y/n from the fan sign earlier today. This seems surreal, but I wanted to message you before I lost my nerve. It's late, so I hope I didn't wake you, talk to you later!”
Not even a full minute later, your phone buzzes with a flurry of new text messages from none other than Jimin himself.
PJ: "Hey there, y/n! I'm so glad you messaged me so quickly! You were so beautiful; I just had to get to know you more! Are you free to grab some boba and hang in the park tomorrow?”
Staring at your phone for what feels like 5 whole minutes (it was 30 seconds, calm down, drama queen, lol). You shakily manage to compose a reply.
Y/N: "Oh my, you got me blushing, Mr. Park! Lucky for you, I'm available all day tomorrow! Where should I meet you?”
PJ: "Don't worry about a thing! Just send me your address, and I'll pick you up myself! I am getting rather sleepy, but I will text you the details in the morning, cutie 😉”
Y/N:    "Sounds like a plan; get some rest!"
            In the beginning, at least for the first 2 weeks, he was a perfect gentleman and doted on you hand and foot. Until his first visit at your place, you cooked him dinner, and everything was magical! This led to quite an intense make-out session on your couch; once y'all took a break to breathe, he says
PJ: *raising an eyebrow and smirking* “Shall we move this to the bedroom?”
Y/N: *bites lip and looks down while fidgeting with your fingers* “I…um..thing is..”
PJ: *confused* "What is it, y/n? I'll be gentle, don't worry, unless told otherwise."
Y/N: "It's not that; I…ugh, here goes. I didn't know how to bring this up before, but I'm a...still a virgin..”
PJ: *processing* "Oh well, that's no problem! I mean, what better first time than with myself?! We can go slowly, and don't worry, I’ll make this night as memorable for you as it is for me” *lust clouds his eyes*
Y/N: “I wasn’t done…
PJ: "Well, c’mon then, someone is eager to meet you” *glances down at his bulge, growing with the thought of how tight you must be and how lucky you are. *
Y/N: *slightly frowning, not liking the vibes* "That's the thing, I want to wait a bit longer before we take that step. I have no doubt that you know what you're doing, and I want to, trust me… just... not tonight. I know that feelings will be intense after, and I don't want to just be a quick fuck, and then you move on and never speak to me again. I don't see you as that type, but you are an idol, after all, with girls throwing themselves at you constantly. You can understand where I’m coming from…right?”
PJ: “Wow, y/n… I thought you trusted me... I'm not that kinda guy. What the fuck??!! Well, I’m just gonna go since I’m so sleazy” *hurriedly puts shirt and shoes back on and grabs his keys*
Y/N: *prancing behind him, trying to stop him* "Wait, no!!!! That's not what I meant. I promise, come back. I have dessert...”
PJ: *ignores you until he starts his car* "Just let me cool off, y/n. It's messed up for you to get me all riled up and not put out. I need to mull some things over. I'll talk to you later…maybe."
            Tears well up in your eyes as you watch him drive away, nauseated with worry that you may have just lost your one chance with one of your long-time biases. After multiple failed calls and unread texts, you fall asleep, exhausted from the constant sobs since he left. The next day, you sleep until noon, grateful you don't have work until 5. Eyes still blurry with sleep and post-cry puffiness, you check your phone to see no responses from your (ex?) boyfriend, Jimin. Heavy-hearted, you shower and get ready for work, unable to eat anything due to the dread in your heart. The shift is relatively slow at the coffee shop you work at, which does no good for your preoccupied mind repeating, "If he would just contact me, I'm sure we could work this out…." As if summoned, in strolls Mr. Park in all black, including his baseball cap; barely lifting his head, he gives his order avoiding eye contact. He occupies a corner of the café at a perfect angle to keep an eye on you while also blending in with the shadows so as not to be disturbed. As you clock out, you see him get up and head toward the door. Determined not to miss this chance, you jog after him as he gets to his car.
Y/N: “Hey! What gives? Did you yeet your phone to Hawaii as soon as you left? And then what’s with coming silently stalk me at work?? I had to lie to my boss and say you were a secret shopper observing the shift so you wouldn’t get kicked out for loitering.”
PJ: *scoffs and rolls his eyes* "Oh, I'm the problem here? You really are naïve, aren't you? You can't just do things like that to a guy. It was painful hence my reaction last night. I came here to ensure you were physically alright because your messages worried me last night."
He may be a jerk, but he had a point. You were naïve. Evidenced by his "being worried about you" being enough to melt any negativity you still had toward him.
Y/N: *lip quivering* "You…you were worried about me??? I'm so sorry; I was worried about nothing. You're so sweet. If you can be patient, I promise I'll be the best girlfriend ever!”
PJ: *his gaze darkens, knowing his plan worked, then switches to comfort mode* “Aww honey, of course, I was worried! I care about you! Now, what do you say we go grab some ramen and watch a movie, huh?" *Brushes a tear off your cheek with his thumb and gives a quick peck on your nose*
            Things are on the mend until you see a tabloid cover 2 days later with him in the outfit from that fateful night he stormed out, surrounded by girls at a club. You confront him, but it's useless as he knows exactly what to say to soften you up and make it seem like he was just a victim of circumstance or was picking up a friend and got swarmed when they used the bathroom. Over time, you believe him less and less, but you stay with him because of your feelings for him and not wanting to seem like the bad guy anymore. After that night at the café, you compromised and agreed to exchange oral frequently. Still, it is to the point where with all of the rumors you hear and headlines you see about him with girls much thinner than you (which he makes sure to point out), you are never letting this dude anywhere near your pussy, even with his tongue. As a matter of fact, it's been about 4 and ½ months since anything but yourself has made you cum.
Having been cooped up in the house or work for months due to his “overprotectiveness” (a.k.a. making sure you aren’t going to catch him in the act or meet anybody actually decent), you jump with joy when he tells you about this colossal idol party, they are throwing this weekend with any group you can think of in the industry. Keep in mind he doesn't actually invite you. He only mentions it and says, “I mean, you can come if you want, I guess…" when you ask if you can accompany him. You both know he does not intend to stay by your side, but you don't even care. You need a night out around different people and scenery, plus it gives you a chance to wear that cute little dress you bought 3 months ago for your anniversary but never got to wear since he had to "work late"; yet came home with hickeys right as you were headed to bed.
            As predicted, no sooner have y'all gotten checked in, and he is already antsy to leave your side. He quickly grabs and downs 2 glasses of champagne for himself, then looks you up and down and remarks.
PJ: "Damn baby, you look so fucking good…."
Y/N: *slightly blushes as it’s been a while since he’s complimented you* “Oh yeah? I’m glad it finally got to see outside of my closet” *giggling ensues with both of you*
PJ: *catches his breath and smirks* “Think tonight is finally the night?”
Y/N: *immediately stiffens* "I mean, I'll let you know, but not sure right now…."
PJ: *sighs* “Ugh, whatever. I’ll catch you later”.
Y/N; *feeling deflated, you catch a chill* “Wait!!”
PJ: *turns around exasperatedly* "What now???? I'm a very busy man, y/n."
Y/N: *thinks 'yeah, busy cheating'* "I'm chilly. Can I borrow your jacket? *thinks 'you seem to like taking your clothes off anyway’*
PJ: *cackles making a few heads turn* "You must be joking. Did your eyesight get worse? No way I’m letting you stretch out and ruin this custom piece. Why don’t you dance? That way, you'll warm up AAANNNDD burn calories" *walks away snickering*
            Tears threatening to fall, you rush to the bathroom to salvage your makeup and gain your composure, all while simultaneously cursing him and believing he has a good point. Poor gaslit y/n!! After a few minutes, you emerge from the bathroom, and his all-too-familiar laugh draws your eyes to the gambling section of the party. You know he can afford it, but that doesn't change the fact that he seems to care more about winning than he ever did about you. Feeling invisible, you sit on one of the luxurious couches on the quieter side of the room. You scroll through the apps on your phone with one hand while the other is wrapped around your elbow, trying to warm up. You hold your head in your hands because you are actually considering taking his advice and dancing since you're about 5 minutes from becoming an icicle.
Suddenly, you feel fabric hit your leg. Snapping your head up, ready to chew out whoever is inconsiderate enough to not give you space, you are met with the kindest pair of brown eyes holding out a jacket to you. Furrowing your brows, you clear your throat and ask.
Y/N: *slowly standing up* “I… is Lee Minho really offering his coat to m..me?”
LM: *chuckles at your adorably flustered state while rubbing his neck with his other hand* “I mean, that’s my name last I checked, and I am not holding a ghost corpse so, I'd say you're right, y/n."
Y/N: *looking like you HAVE just seen a ghost* “Wait. How do you know who I am?!” *Legs threatening to give out*
LM:  *wraps jacket around your shoulders with room to spare, then holding your hand as he sits back down with you* “I mean, for one, you’re almost as famous as I am. Disregarding dating an idol, the commercial for your photography studio has taken off! Second, you are many idols' favorite fans with your respect and thoughtfulness levels. Thirdly, you are easily the most beautiful girl here. How could I not be drawn to you?!” *Shyly smiles and looks down*
Y/N: *face has been a tomato since the jacket touched your skin* “I... I don’t know how to respond to any of that, but I appreciate all of it so much! *Dimple appears*
LM: *tucks your hair behind your ear, admiring your smile* "All I ask is that you believe everything I said is true. Just one question, and I don’t mean to pry… where is that boyfriend of yours? I don’t mean to offend, just... It’s bad form to leave your girl alone at a party, much less shivering too."
Y/N: *scoffs, rolls eyes, and waves hand in the general direction of gambler's corner*
LM: *purses lips in anger* Ah...I see…Well, I’m kind of bored and was headed to grab a snack and figured it only polite to see if you wanted me to grab you an appetizer platter, too, when I saw you freezing over here.”
Y/N: “Sadly, I'll have to decline. I've been trying to stick to this diet to look like I belong to this industry. Thanks though!”
LM: "Nonsense. You are gorgeous, and your talent makes you a part of this world, not your dress size. If anyone says or implies otherwise, they’re an idiot and I’ll be more than happy to relay that message to them as well… can’t promise it won't be with a fist, but…anyway, I'll be right back, okay?"
Y/N: *nodding and grinning ear to ear while you wait*
LM: *returns with hella snacks* "I wasn't sure what you'd want, so I just got a variety to be safe.”
Y/N: “You're such a sweetheart, even though you just threatened to fight people." *You chuckle*
LM: *raises an eyebrow and turns to face you* “Oh, it’s not a threat. I can’t stand people who think like that or treat people like shit because of their fucked-up mentality. Especially someone as amazing as you. Let me know if you know anyone who needs a knuckle sandwich, okay, pretty?" *Places a gentle hand on your knee*
Y/N: *you feel butterflies for the first time in months* “I’ll keep that in mind. But…what if...oh, never mind...”
LM: *grabs your hand, looking into your eyes* "What is it? You can say anything to me, I got you.”
Y/N: *holding back tears, feeling safer than ever* "Well, I was gonna say I'd make a sandwich order, but not sure my boyfriend would appreciate that since he would be on the receiving end" *you lightly chuckle and look away, realizing how unhappy you are*
LM: *abruptly stands up with clenched fists* “Wait are you saying…. he rea...really gives you shit about how you look?? Is he fucking blind?! That's alright; lucky for him, we have a combo special." * He says as he rolls up his sleeves*
Y/N: *eyes widen as you bolt up and lay a gentle hand on his forearm* "No, really, it's okay; he does have a point. I just am having a bad night. Please, let it go for me." * You knew it was a risk pulling that card, having just met Minho, but you could tell there was more he wasn’t telling you about how he knew you*
LM: *intensely exhales and unfurls fists* “Let’s get something straight. The only reason I am not putting that dude in the hospital is on your behalf. OOOOHHH, the things I want to say to that weasel!! *Sits back down, taking both of your hands in his* “Sorry, I'm calm now. I'm not trying to freak you out, but I must be honest…."
Y/N: *leans head to the side* "What's on your mind? If I can be candid with you, it goes both ways, okay, Rocky?" *Stifling a laugh, but your eyes are shining with joy*
LM: *raises an eyebrow" "Rocky? That's a new one, haha; you're cute. Oh, right, my point! *facepalms* “SOOO, the ways I knew you earlier are all completely true; but there’s something else. Did you go to our concert about a year ago?”
Y/N: “I..uh..yeah, actually…how'd you know?"
LM: *twiddles thumbs* “See, the thing is, I've been trying to find you since then, but like not in a stalker way. Ugh, I'm messing this all up. Okay, let me rewind. We were performing 'Taste,' and I saw this radiant Stay holding up a sign that said, ‘I’m looking to adopt a kitt-ten if you need a MinHOE.' It caught my eye right at the beginning, and I couldn't help but laugh as my part began. It was adorable and funny, plus the owner was stunning, so I'll admit I was flustered."
Y/N: *soul leaves body* “Wait…I caused that chuckle?? You not only saw my sign but liked it???”
LM: “I loved it; super creative, honestly! So, I was in the back changing for the ‘Case 143' performance, and I couldn't stop blabbering about it to the rest of the guys. I knew I stood no chance against your charms when I saw the perma-grin on your face and damn near perfect choreography to the song. I tried to get your attention before you left, but you didn't see me. Ever since I've been hoping to get a chance to meet that magnificent girl again. And here we are!”
Y/N: *staring into space, processing what he said* "I... You…wanted to find me?? From a goofy sign?? I'll admit that you were more of a bias than Jimin. But...what now? I can’t just leave with your fairytale ass; I am not single, y/n, that I was a year ago when I made that sign. Thanks for the jacket, snacks, and honesty Min, but I gotta get going."
LM: *stands up before you and extends his hand to you, helping you stand* "I understand and respect where you're coming from. If you ever change your mind or want to order that combo, let me know, okay? It made my year just meeting you and getting that off my chest.” *Turns to help you find the way out while hiding the mixed emotion tears accumulating on his waterline*
Y/N: *checks phone and sees a message from Jimin saying he’s going to an afterparty and not to wait up* *chuckles incredulously while looking at the ceiling, stopping dead in your tracks*
LM: "Is everything okay, y/n?"
Y/N: *shows him the message* “I hate to ask this, but could you give me a lift back to my apartment? I know nobody else here, and no Ubers will be near here. I completely get; if not, I can try to see if his driver will pick up I ju…."
LM: “No no problem at all! I was going to offer, actually. Do you actually want to leave right now, or were you because of him?”
Y/N: “You know what? I think I want to dance. Because I want nothing else, I promise, but if you're ready to go, let me know!"
LM: *holds out his hand* "I have all the time in the world for you, darling. If you don't think my company is unethical, Ms. Not Single." *smirking*
Y/N: *gives the sassiest look ever* "Ha…ha, sir. Plus, the heat made me talk out of my head because I don’t think I’ve had a boyfriend in months.” *Raises a flirty eyebrow* (idk just go with it, y'all XD)
LM: *picks you up and spins you with glee* "THANK FUCK! I would've respected your decision to stay with him, but I am glad you didn't… why did your change suddenly? Not that I'm complaining AT ALL, just wondering what is going on in that pretty head of yours”.
Y/N: *wraps arms around his neck as ‘Slow Motion’ by AMARIA BB plays* “Well, I may have met someone tonight who helped pressure wash the brainwashing and gaslighting away and helped me see my worth in just a few sentences. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel genuinely good about them. I just hope I can get the courage to ask them out soon...” *looks down, nervous as hell*
LM: *can't help but give the biggest grin ever grinned* "I'd say your odds are excellent. They seem very gentlemanly and would gladly let you wear their clothes that are adorably baggy on you anytime. Also, would never have left you alone on your phone while dancing is an option or make you feel like you have to starve yourself to be worthy of love. Generally, feel like they’d do anything and everything for you. Not only because you more than deserve it but to show you that not every guy at this level is a douche.
Y/N: *butterflies return with a vengeance as the song’10:35’ comes on, and your back meets his firm chest as his strong hands find your voluptuous curves* "Well, in that case, I think I hit the jackpot, hehe, sorry I couldn't help it. It's true plus ironic given my ex’s, god, that feels good to say out loud, obsession with gambling. *Turns and hides face in his chest as y'all sway, and he kisses the top of your head*
LM: *smiles while tilting your chin up with his finger* “He may have been a gambler, but he can’t be that good if he didn’t bet on me finding you and you eventually realizing you deserve better."
Y/N: *stifles a laugh* “You did NOT just make a gambling pun… I loved it! He never appreciated my jokes…."
LM: "Well, you no longer have to worry about that. I'm here for all the jokes, whether good or bad. You can tell me anything, and I'll be open-minded, okay?” *Song ends, so he guides you to the couch again by his hand on the small of your back*
Y/N: *palms get clammy getting flashbacks to the disagreement that started it all*
LM: *notices immediately and cups your face with his hands* "Hey, hey, you, okay? What's going on, hun? Talk to me, please."
Y/N: *takes a deep breath and recounts story* "I didn't wanna drop that on you, right away, but I guess it’s better for you to know earlier so I don’t disappoint you too…tonight’s been really fun, but I understand if you bring me back home, and that's it."
LM: *pulls you into the warmest hug ever and strokes the back of your head down your back* “Oh sweetheart, if that’s enough to scare someone off, that’s their issue. I completely understand where you're coming from, and honestly, I'm proud of you for standing your ground. Also, I’m glad that selfish prick wasn’t your first glimpse into the world of sex cuz…yeesh…."
Y/N: "Honestly, same." *cackles* "I will say, while I can't promise a timeline, I feel like it won't take as long for me to be comfortable with the idea this time. *Instantly blushes*
LM: *kisses your forehead* "How do you look so sweet, yet that look in your eye is giving succubus? Anyways... I will wait however long you need to make sure you are truly ready, okay? Just let me know when you want things and what you want, alright princess?”
Y/N: *is too shook to be coy* “Wha..what did you just say??”
LM: *plays dumb* “Which part? The sweet yet succubus part confused you?”
Y/N: *both get up to leave* “Now you know damn well that wasn’t the part… to that point, however, … I dunno guess I'm just the perfect balance of everything." *Flips hair*
LM: *smiles at the newfound confidence and quietly catches up to her* “I guess that must be it.” *Puts coat on her*
Y/N: *is speechless and just grins, taking in the scent from his coat*
LM: “As for the ‘princess’ comment, I figured it only fair since you called me sir...*snakes hand around your waist*
Y/N: “I didn’t mean like th...oh, who am I kidding? I may have thrown it out there to gauge your reaction for future reference, science, or whatever…but I figured it flew over your head, or you didn't like it since you said nothing until now, haha! Is..is it bad that I did that?"
LM: *gently but firmly pulls her closer as they approach the car* “Hmm…" *opens the door and lets her get settled in the car as he starts it up* “I don’t mind that you called me that if that’s what you’re asking.”
Y/N: "Oh, thank god I was so nervous!"
LM: “I mean, it wasn’t bad in the dislike way. It may have been dangerous because it only made the desire to kiss you tenfold, so only that kind of bad did you summon.” *Smirks but keeps fiddling with the car’s settings and setting up music*
Y/N: *bites lip* “I mean… all I’ll say is you aren’t alone in that feeling...”
LM: *undoes seatbelt and leans over with superspeed and breathily says* “Thank goodness” *gently grips the underside of your chin with one hand, pulling you towards him as your hands roam into his hair, kissing with more love than you've ever felt*
                                                    THE END
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itsdelilah123 · 1 year
Nigel Colbie x Alex Forbes one-shot
prologue: Alex has been coming home later and later from his shifts at the bar and Nigel isn’t sure what to think, so one day he waits late into the morning for Alex to ask him about his “late shifts” at work.
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(Side eye)
Alex’s pov:
I’m wiping down the countertop of the bar I work at thinking about how ready I am to get home. I’ve been taking overtime shifts to save up extra cash for the past 3 months for me and Nigel’s 3rd anniversary. I’m going to propose to him tomorrow morning, I got it all planned out. the ring I got him isn’t anything special but it’s enough (hopefully) I’ve also got a week-long trip to Rome Italy planned out, I know he always wanted to go there. I feel bad for always being at work but I’m praying to god that the proposal will make things better.
Third-person pov:
Alex finishes up cleaning with a slight smile on his face thinking about how Nigel was worth being sleep deprived and overworked. Alex gets paid a decent salary enough to pay for his and Nigel’s small apartment and everything they need, just not enough to get up and leave whenever they want. this has put a strain on their relationship but he knows they can get through it. Nigel will understand and get over it.
Alex yells to his coworker, Amy. She is one of the few people who he actually considers a friend, she’s even helped Alex plan out this whole proposal.
“OK DOLLOP HEAD” (Merlin reference😉)
Amy shouts back, Alex smiles after hearing her and nearly drops his car key trying to take them out of his pocket and unlock his car. he sighs and relaxes into the driver seat leaning his head back and trying to imagine Nigel’s reaction, yes they’ve been together for 3 years but he’s still scared of the possibility of Nigel saying no.
Alex shakes his body trying to push away those heart-aching thoughts and pulls off ready to go home.
Nigel’s pov:
For the past three months, Alex has been working “overtime” and he’s never home. His work has consumed him. His whole routine is work, home, and sleep. I don’t ever see him awake anymore, When I do cross paths with him it is very rare, I’m either waking up and he’s sleeping or I’m waking up when he’s just come back home. But today I’ve decided to wait up for him. I’m tired of trying to think of different explanations. He doesn’t need to work overtime it’s not like we need the money, I’ve checked our bank balance a few times and they haven’t changed. what reason does he have if he’s not profiting from anything? I don’t even get to have an explanation for any of this. it feels like he’s ignoring me trying to avoid me even. Every time I ask him about it or bring it up (when I get the rare chance of running into him when he’s not snoring) he gets defensive or says “his boss just needed an extra hand on shift”.
Third-person pov:
it’s been 3 hours since Nigel has decided he was going to wait up for Alex, he sat on their couch book in his lap and a glass of dark red wine resting on the coffee table next to him, it was getting late and Nigel didn’t know if he could stay up for any longer. It was currently 2:10 am and he got off work at 7:00 pm. Nigel started biting on his lip wondering if he should just go to sleep? he has work in the morning. Nigel furrows his brows gripping the cushions of the couch his knuckles turning white, he doesn’t understand why Alex couldn’t at least be home the night before their anniversary. Nigel wanted to see him before he had to go in for work the next day. Nigel lets out a sigh looking around and getting more anxious as thoughts run through his head. His eyes ended up landing on his glass of wine, he grabs the glass and slowly puts the rim up to his lips, he takes a deep breath before completely chugging the glass down, and wine drips down the sides of Nigel’s mouth dripping onto his (Alex’s) white shirt leaving small wine stains down the front of the shirt. Nigel pours himself another after another glass🍷.
Nigel is onto his 4th cup of wine but stops when someone abruptly grabs his wrist. he didn’t hear anything because he was completely zoned out (and tipsy)so he was shocked when he felt someone grabbing into him. Nigel choked on the wine coughing as the glass was being taken from his hand.
“Nigel, what are you doing up so late?”
Nigel looks up to see Alex staring at him confused and concerned.
“waiting for you ofc-of course”
Nigel says looking back into Alex’s eyes.
Alex’s pov:
I pull into the parking lot of our apartment building, I quickly rush out of my car into the small building to not freeze my ass off. I walk up 2 flights of stairs (we live on the second floor) I pull my keychain out from my pocket and unlock the door not expecting Nigel to be up but I’m taken it back when I walk into the apartment and see the dim glow of the living room light. Nigel probably just forgot to shut it off before going to bed- well that’s what I thought before I walk into the living to see Nigel chugging down a glass of wine. The shirt he’s wearing is covered with red stains, he had a blanket loosely covering his midriff, his hair was messy framing his face perfectly and his cheeks were a bright red compared to his fair skin— he looked beautiful.
I rushed over to him and grab his wrist pulling the drink away from his mouth before he could finish the glass.
“Nigel, what are you doing up so late?”
I ask him generally confused, he is always asleep by now.
“Waiting for you ofc-of course.”
“for me?”
I question not quite understanding from the lack of sleep. He looks away for a second but I grab his chin slowly pulling his head to face me.
“you stood up all this time waiting for me—why?” This idiot…
Third-person pov:
Nigel looks into Alex’s eyes and says “because you’re never here.” His eyes started to tear up (the alcohol making him more emotional).
“god Nigel…don’t cry, I’m sorry,” Alex whispers taking his thumb wiping away the stray tear that left Nigel’s eye, in this moment Alex takes in the boy in front of him studying his details closely. His eyes travel from his pitch black hair to his icy blue eyes onto his red chapped lips. Alex didn’t know what to do he’s never seen Nigel act this way before.
“Why are you always at work? Your keeping secrets…we agreed to always tell each other the truth!” Nigel says pushing away Alex’s hand wiping away his tears and looking back at Alex with a cold harsh stare. “Tell me…Alex, why? Did I do something wrong is it me…is it me Alex?” Nigel begs letting out a choked sob, his breathing quickened and his face went from relaxed to distressed. Alex's heart breaks in that moment. He never realized how much stress he’s put Nigel through, how could he let Nigel ever think that he did something that would make Alex want to ignore him?
“no. Nigel god no you didn’t do anything. Im so sorry…” Alex says almost whispering. “Let’s go to bed please I’ll explain to you in the morning...I’m exhausted and I’m sure you are too.”
Nigel finally looks into Alex’s sorrowful eyes and hesitantly agrees. Alex smiles softly and put his hands on Nigel’s face gently rubbing small circles into his cheeks with his thumbs. Alex sighs and leans down and places a soft kiss on Nigel’s lips, resting his head on Nigel’s shoulder raping his arms around his waist.
“let’s go to sleep I’ll explain everything in the morning.” Patting his side Alex slides his hands underneath Nigel’s thighs lifting him.
“Ok” Nigel whispers while he wraps his arms around Alex resting his head on his shoulder his eyes growing heavier by the second. Alex makes his way to their shared bedroom shutting off the living room light on the way. Alex places Nigel on the bed telling Nigel to “wait he will be back in a second” going to the closet changing from his outside clothes to a pair of sweatpants, he then goes back over to Nigel changing his stained shirt and replacing it with a clean one.
Alex lays down bringing Nigel close to himself and placing soft kisses on his face and neck before they finally went to sleep. 😍(finally) 
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(Smoking hot lady 😍)
Alex pov:
I woke up to the smell of coffee, I stretch and open my eyes to see Nigel gone from the bed. I throw the blanket off of myself and walk out into the small hallway and hear my name being said. “Alex?”
I blink a couple of times and see Nigel coming up to me with a mug in his hands. I smile walking over to him raping my arms around him in a bear hug. “Good morning handsome..” I say placing a kiss on his neck.
“happy anniversary,” I tell him pulling away from my hug and looking into his eyes. “I’m sorry for keeping secrets. I’m sorry for putting you under so much stress—“ I was cut off by Nigel giving me a slow and gentle kiss, he pulled away and said, “you're a dick, and a liar.” I smile and give him an Eskimo kiss. “Let me get your gift.” I peck his lips and walk back into our room pulling out a small black wooden box.
Nigel’s pov:
I woke up by the sun hitting my face I look at Alex peacefully sleeping next to me, I can’t entirely recall what happened yesterday but I do remember most of it. I sigh and get up walking into the living room looking at the mess I left.
I cleaned up the bottle of wine throwing it away while folding and putting the pillows and blankets back into their original spots. I stretched and walk back into the kitchen making myself a cup of coffee. I stood in the kitchen with my thoughts running freely inside my mind until I hear the old wooden floorboards of our apartment creek.
“Alex?” I say walking into our living room to see him standing in the middle of the hallway with his head hanging low. Once he heard me call out to him he lifts his head smiling while coming over to me, he raps me into a hug saying “good morning handsome..” and placing a kiss onto my neck. I shiver at the feeling of his lips on me.
I’m caught off guard when he says “happy anniversary.” He pulls away from our hug and looks into my eyes. Before I can say anything in return he follows up by saying “I’m sorry for keeping secrets. I’m sorry for putting you under so much stress—“ before he can finish his apology I kiss him It was simple and sweet.
“you’re a dick, and a liar,” I say after pulling away from the kiss. He smiles giving me an Eskimo kiss. “Let me get your gift.” He tells me pecking my lips before rushing off into our room.
third person pov:
Alex walks out of their room with a small black wooden box in his hands and visibly stressed.
“Nigel I know I haven’t been the best to you over the past few months but I hope this makes up for it because if it doesn’t all the time I’ve spent working would just be wasted and I don’t know if— let me just get straight to the point…Nigel I know I haven’t been the best I love you more than anything and I would love to be able to spend the rest of my life with you…” Alex gets down on one knee opening the box and finally ask the question he’s been wanting to ask for the longest.
“Will you marry me?”
Nigel stands there frozen. He’s lost for words he never thought Alex would propose. Meanwhile Alex is getting more and more nervous because Nigel still hasn’t said anything.
“Nigel..?” Alex questioned voice shaking. So many thoughts were running throughout his head, god this was a mistake he doesn’t want to marry your dumb ass, why would he u basically ignored him for 3 months. Alex tells himself breathing heavier and heavier by the second growing more stressed.
Nigel’s eyes start to water a little bit and he whispers “of course”
“What?” Alex questions desperate to know Nigel’s answer.
“I said of course.”
Alex sighs and stands up his whole body relaxing, he walks over to Nigel looking into his eyes and down at his hand before grabbing the other boy's hand and placing the ring onto it the latter doing the same. big smiles placed on their faces.
Alex places his forehead onto Nigel’s putting his arms around Nigel’s body hugging his now fiancé. Nigel does the same and says.
“happy anniversary”
they’re finally united as one guys
(y’all I half-assed the ending but tell me if u want a part.2 idk if I will make one but if this does ok I might. Sorry if this is bad as well I have written anything in a hot minute. And there are probably a lot of spelling errors) 
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frenchfries02 · 4 months
(12) Excruciatingly Bizarre
( Dream log )
I dream a lot of things while asleep.
Waking up felt not good after those dreams.
1st thing that happened. I was walking in a dark room, was holding a phone and the camera was open. I am not actually sure if the me, there, is a man or a woman. But I feel like I was a man there.
The camera, I'm holding slowly lurked in the dark side of a stair and side of a wall. The vision quickly turned around, I didn't know I have company, there's a little girl with me, behind my back I think we were spending time exploring this house like a haunted house.
She pointed out something in that dark side. Then her arms got bitten, it roared before going on her.
Then I woke up. IT WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT THE TIME. BUT I KNOW FOR SURE THAT IT'S ALREADY 3AM. It always happens to me. I always have a nightmare and wake up at 2am or 3am.
I tried my best to sleep that night even tho I was bewildered of what I have dreamt of.
I had 2 more dreams after that. Can't remember that 2 dream. I was trying to remember it while talking a bath but, can't anymore. Did some house chores ofc. The Lesson/discussion we have been preparing for this day in our class pulled off decently. The class got hyped up by our energy thankfully. I can take a breather already for the other upcoming stuffs and exams damn. I just want to have a decent job already. That's that for today tho, the other stuffs is not necessary to say so, because some of those are boring stuffs and already a routine of mine. Welpppp... Life is short. I hope mine would be shorter tomorrow.
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I didn't sleep last night again. I woke up at around 1:30 and got back to sleep at 5:00. And a few weeks I am going to have my first GYN visit in about 7 years with my Primary Care foc. I'm going to have to break down and see if I can get something to sleep. I've never had problems sleeping in my life to the point that I've had to go to a doctor for it. Whatever minor problems I've had have always been through with Tylenol PM. Last night I took a Tylenol PM and 3 Benadryl and still did not go to sleep.
I didn't sleep night before last either period so unlike last week again I am entering into the new week without a decent night sleep period I don't know what could be causing this period things are actually better this year than they were last year. The kids aren't nearly as bad and the people that I'm working with are much better period because everyone seems to assume I'm some kind of idiot because I'm autistic I really don't have that much responsibility like I did last year period now all I have to do is just copy someone else's lesson plans and tweaks them a little to fit my needs.
Things are good at home. Things are good with my health and my eyes are doing great. I have absolutely no reason to be waking up in the middle of the night without being able to get back to sleep.
But here we are.
Oh and buy some great miracle of God hubby loved all of his birthday presents including the xbox. So thank God for that, that definitely made my life a lot easier!!
Work texted me at 5:00 p.m. today telling me for the first time that I need to bring stuff for nachos tomorrow for janitor's day. I went out yesterday and went shopping it could have told me long before this. 2 days without sleep and I am not venturing out of the house again. Thank God for Walmart delivery. It was a little pricey but it was better than trying to do something on my break or even worse trying to go through traffic tomorrow and the wee morning hours when I still can't see very well.
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15 Questions Game
Thanks for the tag! @captaincravatthecapricious
1. Were you named after anybody?
Not specifically - my driver's license name is the most common name for girls in the year I was born, which is partially the reason I try to go by another name! it's also very. soft and i'm not a particularly soft person 😅
2. When was the last time you cried?
It's uhhh. It's been a couple of years. 😅 workin on it
3. Do you have kids?
how funny would it be if i said yes. how funny would it be if i secretly had five children that nobody knew about.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to do gymnastics for a while and did basketball even shorter!
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
you mean besides their mannerisms and their presentation and their body language and what they're doing with their hands and the choice of words they use and their affect and their emphasis and what do you MEAN every IRL conversation is not a game to be won
7. Eye color?
Baby cow brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I can rock with both, though I do have to admit a happy ending usually affects me more profoundly - I'm somewhat of a pessimist IRL, so i tend to gravitate more towards reading/writing happy endings. there's a quote somewhere along the lines of 'life only ends one way, i'm looking for more variety 😅'
9. Any special talents?
I can do the Vulcan salute and the one where you put down your ring and middle and touch your pinky and index together. that's mostly what i got goin on
(i also have a typing speed of 120-130 wpm when i'm copying and can write decently quickly otherwise! i'm a published academic researcher and not too bad at ICP-MS repair.) (clawing, screaming, kicking, etc. i'm also coherent at writing i guess)
10. Where were you born?
In a hospital
11. What are your hobbies?
I read and write a fair bit! for reading, it's about 75% fiction, but my current nonfiction interests are: Arctic explorations, shipwrecks/lifesaving, Prohibition era US, pandemic/infectious diseases, obligatory chemistry/forensic stuff. Fiction-wise, it tends to be mystery and horror, but I've been trying to branch out into other fields.
I've been slacking at it lately, but I'm also really into checking out new audio dramas. Sort of related, but I also like to walk around/do stuff in the city near me which is a good bit of fun.
12. Do you have any pets?
I am the animal that I take care of
13. How tall are you?
5'2" baybeeeeee but ya girl wore thick shoes to the driver's license appt and my license says 5'3" as a result.
14. Favorite subject in school?
English and Latin!
15. Dream job?
If I could wake up and be the level of author famous where my main job is writing without worrying about building up a readerbase or w/e, my god.
(Additionally, if I could wake up tomorrow and be a chemist on a maritime archaeological vessel - give me shipwrecks, give me chunks of ice, w/e - that would also be Excellent.)
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kaerichan-yatta · 2 years
hi everyone~! i'm back, feeling a bit better and with normal thoughts now, finally.
But what exactly happened?
| Narcolepsy
As some of you know, I have narcolepsy (inability to regulate the sleep-wake cycle) which caused me A LOT of visible and auditory hallucinations, su1c1dal thoughts, /// thoughts, and a lot of things like this.
During my break, this happened infinite times. I woke up hearing disturbing music, only for me to realize it was loud as heck but just in my head.
I kept falling asleep at 1 am until two nights ago, when I starter feeling dizzy as never before and I almost fell asleep on my plate during dinner. One of those moments that I like to call "when I don't even know where's left and right".
I fainted for two days in a row during class cause my brain was completely off and I couldn't keep my head up straight. My eyes literally gave up and I collapsed onto my desk. My teachers got very scared too (I kind of blame myself?? But I understand them tho, I'm really sorry).
Yesterday, I fell asleep around midnight after I took a painkiller cause tennis is "breaking" my muscles (as I don't get proper rest, my muscles are weak as heck and sometimes respond to a ball with the racket is really difficult for me, let alone running to catch it).
Tonight, I have to finish studying Latin (I want to voluntarily go to an interrogation to recover a very bad grade) and then I plan to go to sleep around 11 pm.
| Studies
And now, let's switch to the (probably) worst part of this post.
My studies got way worse, unfortunately. I kept getting bad grades for almost a week, I saved myself with a decent grade but only in some subjects.
That's why tomorrow I want to volunteer to the interrogation. I plan to get a 9 (which -if you don't know- one of the best grades you can get) and recover a 3 (one of the worst grades you can get).
I have to be honest with myself tho, I really didn't study for the test, that's why I got a 3.
I realized a bit too late that my study method wasn't good, so I'm trying to improve and change to get better grades.
I'm planning on not having recover lessons in the summer, nor during the change of the semester, so I'm focusing even more.
| Asthma
Definitely better!
I didn't have to use Aerosol for too long, I only had to do 2 rounds per day and I still managed to breathe properly even during panick attacks, so it improved a lot ^^
| My Bully??
Ok, this is probably the funniest parte of this post.
Cause this involves tickles.
So, after speaking to my parents about this, they talked to the teacher (I'm very shy when it's about talking to an adult I'm not in confidence with, I never talked to a teacher about a very serious problem) and the teacher called my bully here to talk to me.
We had a little discussion where I explained how his videos affected me and my mental healt/condition.
He had no idea my hallucinations could go so far that could lead me to think about ending my life.
He apologized. I could say ue begger for forgiveness cause he really looked sorry, and I forgave him in the end. And strangest but sweet part, we even became friends after three days.
So as we started talking more, he asked me
"But seriously now, are you still mad at me?"
That's when I understood he really was sorry for what he did, but deep inside he was also afraid that I would never really forgive him.
"No, i'm not mad anymore. Honestly, i've never been 'mad', but just upset about it"
But he still looked sad. So, what did I do? Of course duh🙄, I tickled him!
And I'm telling you I've never thought he could be so cute and ticklish. His giggles are the cutest thing and his worst spot is probably his neck (AHHHHH TICKLISH NECKS ARE SO CUTE).
So I managed to get him happy again and he even gave me a hug aw <3
So yep, that's all ^^
My timer is currently at five months and fifteen days without ///ing so I'm really proud of myself, and I started loving my body more than before <3
Thanks to the two anons that sent me kind asks about how I was doing and wished me happy things <33!!
Stay safe & hydratated! ^^
Bye~! <33
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surviverp · 1 year
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JANUARY 2ND, 1966 — WINTER, 2039
stroke mention tw
❝ in a world overrun by infected, dying a natural death is almost seen as a miracle. and that's how our very own eugene linden went out at 73 years old, a quick stroke claiming his life. one of our leader's oldest friend, there is nothing that he wouldn't do for this community, whether it's picking up a sick patrolman's shift or helping out in the kitchens when we were all feeling a little bit overwhelmed, he would do everything with a fun word and a welcoming smile but he was just as fiery as the next person. you will never quite meet anyone like eugene, a tinkerer of all things electronic and someone that you never knew what he was up to. i remember when he and my father met and, just like that, he was a part of our family and someone that was there to pick jackson community up when henry couldn't. he always said how he wanted his funeral to go and we will be honoring that wish. "i don't want my wake to be some boring, tedious fuckin' get together, ya hear me? a want a quick funeral, a decent eulogy and then i want everyone to have fun and have some barbecue and some music. no tears, but a lot of dancin'," he'd say. eugene will certainly be missed. we should all go out like eugene. old age, living a long life. that's the dream right? may he rest in peace. ❞
𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙥 𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚. 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚.
ooc information under the cut.
and here's the first event! i wanted to make it chill and a way for people to write their characters in a setting that's not "normal" but also not too complicated so we can focus on building our muses and our connections! that being said, here's some ic info:
WHEN: friday, winter, 2039 ( month wise, around late november, early december )
TIME: starts at 7 pm
WHERE: clay pit bbq ( not a wednesday, but they made an exception for eugene )
WHAT: a bbq night / wake, with music, food, drink and dance to celebrate eugene's wishes
MORE: no limit on drinks or food, no closing time ( though they're not working past 2 am ), though please remember you still have to work tomorrow morning and be mindful of the biting cold outside.
WE ARE NOT OPEN FOR INTERACTIONS YET. that will come around tomorrow, 9 pm gmt+1.
TAGS TO USE: survive.starter & survive.wake ( both for starters )
TIME FRAME: the event will run for about a week and it can be extended if the group feels like it needs it. it will start on may 14th ( sunday ) and it will go until may 21st ( sunday ). threads can be continued past the end of the event but no new event ones should be started past that date.
A LITTLE NOTE: if you want your character to be connected to eugene in any way, please let me know! although i won't be accepting any family connections, they could have been his co-worker ( he was a retired patrolman, having been a technician for the past FIVE years, going to the dam many times ), neighbour, etc.
please like this post so i know you've read it!
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rachymarie · 3 months
I mean we've gotta account for the fact I am in recovery from the volunteer shift and following grocery shopping yesterday so I'm also a bit lax.
Not sure I'll even have the spoons to shower after eating egg and second coffee, I think I had a kinda decent sleep (for me) of maybe around 5 hours last night - still I'm feeling lacklustre in the energy department, that ever-lurking feeling of cosmic sleep-deprivation like you are an astral being that hasn't slept for 500 years. Sleep deprivation straight up exacerbates and flares up symptoms, whether negative ones or positive ones. The disorganisation os struggle is real
I was trying to explain yesterday at work why I left my boiled egg out on the bench for 4-5 hours recently: basically because of hyperfocus and the subsequent lack of awareness of/inability to gauge the passage of time
So I might just have egg and second coffee and crawl back into bed (somewhat defeated) for naptime. Need to try get to sleep by around midday anyway to hopefully awake by 2pm - provided my alarms are able to wake me (it's not always a given) - and get into the P.N (post-nap) tasks
The vague messaging was that the get-together would begin at 3 or 4pm and realistically makeup shouldn't take more than 40 minutes for just the eyes - but then again, you would be surprised just how long I can drag anything out. Diligence is part of my whole deal, unfortunately. It's a blessing and a curse.
There's also the question of: is all this effort, planning time worth it for a 1-2 hour shindig (we're all gonna get kickdd out when she leaves for her gig in town at 8. but at the same time my friend departs back to Aussie tomorrow and thus far hasn't been able to provide an available slot to hang out just us and i have already spent way too much on presents (which spurred me to buy more things for myself too) for her birthday on v-day thinking if would be a piece of cake to get an available time (but alas, non-autistics have a way of filling their whole holiday with social catchups and drinking events so she was all booked up almost straight away, I barely had a chance)
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