#is more confident in his ability but struggles to form his own opinion
pumpkinsouppe · 6 months
I haven’t played all of AA4 yet but I was thinking a lot about how uneasy the first case made me feel (in a good way) and I finally figured out why. (AA 4-1 spoilers btw) Part of it of course is the overall scheme: what happened 7 years ago and what are the answers to all these unresolved questions. But I genuinely don’t think I’ve seen a more accurate depiction of how I experienced GAD and social anxiety than I have with Apollo Justice.
Thankfully, I have learned to stand up for myself and I’ve controlled the majority of my anxiety but I can very clearly see that Apollo has not done that, at least yet. I am hoping hoping hoping we get to see him grow in this game because I know that AA5 and 6 won’t do that justice (lol). All throughout the first case, Apollo rarely spoke for himself. He was very much a follower and wanted approval, ergo he was very easy to manipulate. Kristoph and Phoenix both recognized this about him and were able to both use Apollo as their own puppets. He followed Kristoph’s orders whenever he gave them (‘expose phoenix’s lies’ ‘don’t embarrass me’) but he also was very willing to follow Phoenix’s orders too (‘point on the map for us’ ‘name the fourth person/killer’ ‘accuse Kristoph’). He followed who he thought was seeking the truth but he had to be told that doing these actions was for the truth.
I never was manipulated in court like Apollo experienced, but I was VERY quick to abandon plans for something else or act in ways if someone told me to. I remember sometimes even saying yes to things that made me super uncomfortable because I didn’t think for myself and didn’t want to disappoint or make anyone mad. And you can tell that Apollo really looked up to both Kristoph and Phoenix in that trial. He wasn’t sure who to believe so he followed both simultaneously until at the end when he realized both were assholes. I LOVE the unease I felt during the first case. It felt so real to me how Apollo was able to be so easily manipulated and how that was able to be used as a very interesting way to set up a new game and protagonist.
It’s amplified especially if you played all the past Phoenix Wright games. Hell, I finished PLvsPW an hour before picking up AA4 and that really influenced how much I wanted to also follow and believe Phoenix. So I absolutely love how this trial was used not only to play with the heart and mind of Apollo, but the players as well. There’s less reason to follow Kristoph since the players don’t have the same bond Kristoph and Apollo have since this was our first time meeting him, but because he’s our boss and he’s standing at the defense with us like Mia has, that adds to his credibility. Which is even better that Phoenix took Kristoph’s spot behind the defense bench when Kristoph was summoned to the stand. “Don’t believe that other guy, look at where he is now. Believe me instead, the person who just left that same spot.” You want to believe him, it’s Phoenix Wright! Teaching us the ways just like Mia. But what he’s actually done is replace Kristoph as the supposed voice of reason in Apollo’s ear. Yes that’s the spot for mentors, but does every mentor have your best intentions in mind? Are you able to distinguish genuine advice versus motivated advice?
I am truly fascinated and captivated by the writing. You can tell how much Shu Takumi has grown as a writer compared to the original AA1. I am so excited to play the rest of this game.
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Two of Us leaves a bad taste in my mouth these days. The more the other writers talk about the development process the clearer it becomes that they were complicit with Sony in pushing Louis to release a song he wasn’t lyrically or sonically up for writing. All so Sony could milk tearjerker dollars from 1D fans. I know the music industry is a shitty business but I can’t wrap my head around how cold you would have to be to add to the burden of someone you knew was already struggling.
That’s not how I took it, tbh.
It felt to me, at the time, that Louis did have some insecurity or anxiety about continuing his career without his mother. Jay had been Louis’ bedrock who guided his life in every aspect, up until she became ill and subsequently passed away. Jay was 100% in Louis’ corner. Her confidence in Louis’ ability never wavered. In difficult times, under difficult conditions, Louis could always consult her to help him make the right choice.
When we look at the entirety of Louis’ career and life, we realize that there is really no one else with the loyalty and wisdom that Jay had. No matter what One Direction or the media or fans were doing, and no matter the vicissitudes of pop culture, Louis could count on Jay’s steady, supportive, and astute nature to love him unconditionally and give him an honest yet fair opinion. Suddenly she wasn’t there anymore, and Louis had to both process his own grief, and to be the head of his family, the spokesperson and the role model.
Even today, you can see the conflict in Louis’ nature. He is the leader in so many ways (“I was always the boss,” as he said), the decision-maker of expensive, risky, high profile projects, the face of fame for his sisters’ careers, the father who must protect his son from the dangers of fame and keep his own name out of rude headlines. Yet Louis is also a man who never really lived a normal late-adolescence. He “skipped” the freedom of being able to do stupid things out of the limelight, to form normal young adult friendships and romances, to educate himself on relationships, culture, and history, to have a loose day or two online just shit-texting. He tries to have a normal life, but friends and family can also be young, immature, or plain unreliable. Sometimes (nowadays) Louis does stuff just for the adrenaline and you can understand why.
Writing a song about Jay seemed to me (at the time) like a gate that Louis had to pass through, to process what was happening to him mentally and emotionally, and it was seriously challenging for him. He didn’t feel up to doing it for many reasons.
Also, as the rest of the songs from Walls demonstrated, Louis felt like the album had to tell his entire life story up to that point (he even said he had envisioned the songs in chronological order), and Two Of Us was the touchstone in his story that he could not allow himself to get wrong. During the lead-up to the album, Louis had a habit of saying he was “a perfectionist,” which I interpreted to mean that he had both very high expectations of the creative work but also an anxiety about getting the details right.
I think it’s pretty tough to read a few lines from Bryn Christopher about the songwriting on Two Of Us and understand it from Louis’ perspective, his motivation. The music videos— the performance video and the video with Richard Green— give us a better idea of what Louis aimed to do with that song. He has almost a compulsion to share his compassion and generosity with the world; this is the other side of the coin of his private, intense sadness. I think this duality allows him to be a steadier person, and it’s also something he learned from Jay.
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mamuzzy · 4 months
I dont know if its been asked before, but who is your favourite clone?
Also who is your favourite touken ranbu character?
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Thank you so much, Anon, for this ask! I really felt shitty today, and I couldn't form any coherent verbal form of my thoughts about Ordo Skirata and Nikkari Aoe, so I ended up drawing them together in one picture. :)))) And suprisingly their dynamic works well in my head!!! Lately I'm really focused on Ordo Skirata, and yes I think I answered a question before who is my favorite from Repcomm, and my answer to that was also Ordo, so... yeah, my fixation about this character is pretty much the same as it was during the summer. I find easier to talk about Nikkari somehow, probably because Touken Ranbu is not actively in my head, so it's easier to step back and think it through but when I have to think about Ordo it's more like...
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(It also doesn't help that I have "it's muffin time" on loop in my brain.) But I do my best :))) Under the cut.
I usually drawn to characters with issues, especially when those issues resonates with me somehow. And oh boy, these two have issues!!!
Struggles, insecurities and needyness they both try to hide it behind being highly effective and practical surface while both have confidence in their skills to the point they appear cocky.
Why I love Ordo... I love highly competent characters who are also a big mess due to fear of failure, so their whole existence is being overcompensated by constantly pursuit perfection. Not because Ordo is really driven by the love for knowledge, but so nobody will find a questionable trait about him. He has to know everything otherwise he is a failure. And if he actually messes up things, he quickly wants to find a way to do damage control because he is also sure about himself, he can fix it.
But it's only go for the people HE LOVES. And oh he loves obsessively. He doesn't care about strangers opinions and feelings. Abandonment issues strengthening this feeling that if he is no longer useful, the people he cares about would abandon him, and this feeling is especially strong toward Kal'buir. And no matter how many reassurances Kal gives to Ordo, when the "I'm not perfect so I'm good as dead" spiraling goes on, no loving words and caring can ease the pain and the dread of being alone.
Oh boy, this is one stressed out blorbo…
As for Nikkari... My other favorite thing is when a character is an outcast, or treated as an outcast in communities. There were few lines that indicated maybe the residensts of the Citadel are not entirely comfortable with his presence due to his history.
I interpret Nikkari as someone who can be seen as a war veteran due the fact he is one of the few swords actually having fight-exprecience, given he was owned by multiple samurai lords actively waging war. But he used to be SO MANY things! He was forged as a Divine Sword, only his whole existence is tainted by that tale of cutting down the ghost of a mother and her child.
Sometimes I HC the swords having special abilities, the more older they are, the more chance they have, also being a Divine Swords also grants them godly powers, but yeah, because the ghostchild-killing tale is so ingrained into his identity that he is robbed from ever being able to ascend to divinehood. Compared to Ishikirimaru who I HC as a the divine healer of the Citadel. And from that, had a short period where he accompanied many generals to war, and finaly he acted as a guardian spirit of the Kyogoku clan's castle.
According to his lines, he describes himself quite versatile, and encourages the Sage to use him as they see fit, he will "change his colors" according to the wishes of the master. (Mind that, this is all pre-kiwame brainstorming.) But you just have to take a look at his clothes, it's plain, it's practical, no decorations (compared to the kiwame uniform), but in Hanamaru he is pretty much collector of treasures, shiny and soft stuff, loves to eat, so he desires to have nice things. I think this is one of the reason I really love to HC him to be friends with Hachisuka Kotetsu, Souza Samonji and Kasen Kanesada. These guys are so out of his league, he wants to be pretty, elegant, and being in touch with his softer side through arts just like them.
And these two met somehow... Honestly, if Ordo and Nikkari would ever meet, I don't think the communication would be so easy between them at first. Because Nikkari is constantly using puns and innuendos in his speech. Also, Nikkari's facial expression is not always easy to read either due to always smiling (also inherited from the Ghost lady). But hey, Ordo grown to like Fi as well! Fi is just not a pervert - canonically... :DDD But yeah, Nikkari also pretty much knows how to push buttons, and find a way to tease Ordo. Ordo would chase him through the whole citadel for it. But also I think Nikkari would understand him. Burdens of the past are there, Nikkari suffers from the thing he can't change and never was in his control to begin with. Ordo (and his brothers) suffers from mistreating then being labeled as a reject when they didn't meet with the expectations. Also I think a clonefied Nikkari would make an excellent ARC Trooper. Ugh this got so long, I hope I didn't make you bored that much.
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arrancxr · 1 year
Could you do a deep dive on Szayel then? That man is such a bundle of neuroses. And I suppose in line with the other ask, how does he change as he develops an interest in the reader? Thank you! I love your work!!
Szayel is primarily made up of arrogance, vanity, and perfectionism.
These traits are highly intermingled in his personality— Szayel's intelligence drives him to seek perfection, and his pride in his own abilities leads him to overconfidence. Since he believes he's capable of becoming perfect, he can't let go of that ideal, even when the constant drive to improve is a detriment to his mental well-being.
Szayel is vain not quite in the sense of physical looks, but in the sense of how he appears to others. A massive need for control (stemming from that perfectionism) makes him focus heavily on how he presents himself; how he's viewed. Presentation is everything to him, both in terms of appearance and reputation. Szayel can't stand it when he's not the one controlling a situation, so he doubles down on every little detail— from always appearing confident and well-put together to how much he lets anyone know about his experiments and the rotten self that lurks behind his refined words.
However, all of this leads to a persona that can't tolerate failure in any form, no matter how small. Szayel can't handle flaws in himself, or in anything he's supposed to control. Knowing that he's not perfect distresses him more than anything, and nothing makes him feel threatened like being unable to shape a situation to his will. He's neurotic and high-strung because he's always struggling for that perfect control, and always, deep down, fearing the loss of it.
All of that considered, if Szayel was to form a romantic interest in someone, he's not having an easy time of it.
At first, he can convince himself that he's just using you, that you're yet another hapless research subject who's fallen into his clutches. But soon enough, he finds himself showing off more than he can justify like that, seeking your approval and awe, and preening under the attention he gets because, for some reason, it feels right.
Past that point, Szayel can hardly stand it. He hates that he's so obsessed— to the point that it's clouding his logic and making him want things that should be well beneath his genius and self-sufficient pride. But hating reality doesn't equal changing it, and with his natural tendency to fixate on things until they're solved, he can't tear himself away. The unwilling attachment makes Szayel frantic, and no matter how hard he tries to stay rational, he finds himself going to greater and greater lengths to keep your attention on him alone.
Once he values you, he values your opinion as well, and that means that he can't be perfect unless you think so too. And yet, in the process, Szayel winds up showing you some very ugly sides of himself, from the constant paranoia he suppresses to his most selfish and desperate moments. You know you're getting through to Szayel when he lets himself be ugly around you, even if he hates every second of knowing that everything is out of his control now.
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inhobe · 4 months
inho auditions (0:18-1:35) for next gen on a dare
it was difficult to pinpoint exactly how he had ended up here in line to check in at the auditions for the second season of next generation.
unbeknownst to him, his friends had decided it would be a fun idea to send in a photo of him and an initial form, explaining something about a two part audition process. then he got an unexpected email saying he'd passed. when he told his friends about it, they had laughed and explained what they'd done.
apparently they also knew inho would roll his eyes and laugh along before claiming he wasn't going to show up.
until suddenly he was dared to, and there was money on the line if he made it through the auditions. he couldn't pass it up.
now he was surrounded by many individuals, most of whom seemed significantly younger than he did, with a number on his chest, and watching a video play on screen with people he didn't know explaining how their audition process would work. he knew about the 60 second audition, it was in the email, the whole reason he had an electric guitar on his back and a portable amplifier in his bag. the questions, the talent...inho wasn't prepared for those. he already was significantly out of place, nowhere near idol materials in his own opinion, and now he needed to demonstrate idol-like abilities at the drop of a hat.
when they were soon shuffled into the audition rooms in groups, he surveyed those around him. there were others with instruments with them, presumable also for the audition piece. he couldn't use that for the talent though so he'd have to keep thinking. part of him had wondered if he was the only one hiding many tattoos under his black sweatpants and long sleeve shirt, chosen strategically.
"ryu inho, you're next."
his name pulled his attention for his scan of the crowd. quickly, he pulled out his black electric guitar, ensuring it was hooked up to the amp as he stood in front of everyone. had he not spent the last three years standing on stages in bars and tiny venues, he imagined he'd feel out of place and nervous, but he stood sure of himself. auditioning was new but the acts weren't. "my name is ryu inho, i just turned 23, and i'm gonna sing for you."
his hands moved with muscle memory as he began his song, one he covered frequently. it didn't feel right to bring one of his own songs to the tapes for some reason. inho knew this song well, how it showed off his range from the control over his tone to the breathe support and experience it took to hold out lyrics in long and steady manners. it was idol-like, but still very much him. he felt confident in his abilities, knew he sounded good in that moment, all he had to do was perform while playing his guitar.
the 60 seconds passed by quickly. once it was over he turned off the amp and set his guitar back in its case before standing back up. he had some questions to answer.
"why do you want to become a kpop idol?"
of course they would start with that one. he didn't want to be an idol, really. it had never crossed his mind, and what he knew was from what groups or songs his little sister enjoyed. yet, he couldn't admit he was dared to. "i love to sing and connect with people," he explained. "if i was to become an idol, i would be able to do both of those at the same time. maybe have the power to make positive impacts on people's lives." yeah that sounded good.
"which company would you want to receive an offer from and why?"
what were the companies called again? inho struggled to remember the names even though he had been told before. he had five seconds to figure something out. "i would be fortunate and honored to receive an offer from any of the three companies," he began, a slightly sly but confident smile on his lips. "but any three of them would also be very lucky to have me. i don't have a preference."
one more question, he could do this.
"what was the first thing you thought about when you woke up this morning?"
"if my little sister slept well," he answered without hesitation, his smile softening as he thought about inhye, "and what i was going to make us for breakfast."
lastly, he had to have a talent to show off. one more he found his eyes darting around the space before landing on the red item in one of the staff member's hands. "does anyone have an apple? or a few people?" he inquired, "and wouldn't mind lending them to me."
somehow he managed to get a few takers, ending up with three red apples in his hands. inho took a knee briefly, setting two of the apples beside him and keeping one in his hand. "better keep your eyes open, this will go quick," he said, confidently, as his fingers gripped onto the apple and tore it in half. same with the second, and once more with the third in less than 7 seconds. the impressed looks on people's faces was enough to make him feel less guilty about taking the snacks of some people.
once inho had cleaned up his mess and discarded of the apples, he was dismissed politely. someone would be in touch if he passed.
why did he feel like he'd be receiving a message soon about the filming schedule.
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anmagirl · 1 year
Mix mash match up winner?
OK so I am currently obsessed with Mario and Sonic.  In my searching to gather more info on both I came across many “who would win” posts.  All are Mario vs Luigi,  Mario vs Sonic, or Luigi vs Tails.  However my question is who would win in a mixed mash battle.  As in heroes vs their sidekicks.  So Mario and Sonic vs Luigi and Tails.
In my thoughts I would think it would be really close but ultimately I think the sidekicks would win.
Here are my reasons
Team work
So the biggest one would be teamwork.  Sonic is a hero who does work with others but can usually hold his own by himself as well.  Mario is the same but it would seem he also relies on others or power ups to help him instead of his own ability.  If these two were put together I can see Mario and Sonic going at it separately but then would try to work together but find it to be very difficult.  Sonic could find it annoying to wait for Mario to eat a mushroom to get a power up as well as the fact he loses the power when he is hit.  Meanwhile Mario might not be able to get through to the act first, think later Sonic.  I just think they would have issues to work through.  Sonic would have to learn to slow down and Mario would have to adapt to using his powers to help Sonic.
Meanwhile Luigi and Tails are both pretty reliant on others already having to work together, think of a plan, then execute it might come naturally to them.  Tails would be able to use his flight ability to help Luigi.  Plus Luigi can also use power ups and I can see Tails quickly coming up with plans to use them to their advantage.   Plus they are both capable fighters so if they learn to combine Tails tech and Luigi’s power ups then it would seriously put the heroes in trouble.
The next one is power which unfortunately the heroes have more of.  True the sidekicks of the tech and team work but when you remember all the ability the heroes get and have then they are in the lead.  Like if Mario got a strength power up and then combined with Sonic’s ring and spin dash move that would make quite the attack.  But like I said above it would depend on if they could actually strategize.  But even if they don’t they both also have the muscle and confidence to fight even without powers.  Now I doubt either could fight their brothers but if it was in a sparring session or till the opponent is down then yeah they could do it.  
Meanwhile Tail and Luigi are usually shy and timid so they might be on the offense about attacking their brothers.  I can see them only going at it if the brothers attack first which in itself is a disadvantage.  Not to mention they both usually need to rely on something to help them fight.  They don't usually fight by themselves.  So they might struggle even if they worked together.
The final thing is abilities which Mario and Luigi are pretty similar in.  They can use very similar moves and abilities that are slightly different from each other and they both can use power ups.  But because of this and their bond they would both know how to work around the abilities.  
Meanwhile Sonic and Tails are almost polar opposites in fighting styles.  Sonic goes head on while Tails covers the back and uses his tech.  They complement each other when they fight so if they went against each other it would be a battle on who knows the other better and their weakness which I think Tails has the upper hand in.  
So in battle Mario and Sonic would use the knowledge of their brothers abilities and try to use it against them.  However their brothers are also doing the same thing.  So it really depends on who knows the opinion's weaknesses, knowing how to form a plan with that knowledge, and working together to pull off the plan and win.
Here is how I think the battle would play out
It begins with them facing each other. The sidekicks are a bit nervous since they are going up against their big brothers who they admire and/or respect.  Meanwhile the heroes are up for the challenge.  Not to hurt their little bros but to test their strength and just have a sparring match with them.
Sonic would be the one to make the first move before Mario even had a chance to think of what to do or say anything.  However Tails knows Sonic well so he uses his flight to pick Luigi up and dodge Sonic
While in flight they go to the first powerup which Luigi gets.  Mario knowing how powerups work and the fact he knows his brother is taller than him and now stronger than him he quickly goes for his own power up.
Sonic meanwhile tries to face off against Luigi head on but with the power up Sonic has trouble but he keeps his attack going.  
Mario, now with a power up goes for Tails but finds the flight ability a struggle.  He realizes it's a losing battle or more of a battle that will not continue so he goes after his own brother.
He tries to compliment Sonic’s constant attacking but finds complimenting a person is battle is pretty hard and Sonic who is not used to Marios battle style hits him causing the power up to lose effect.  On the up side Luigi who is now distracted by Mario getting hurt also gets hit and loses his power up.
Now they are both at square one but Sonic is still raring to go but Mario tries to talk to him.  But it doesn't work and Sonic attacks Luigi and a repeat happens where Tails flies in and saves him.  
Mario, already aware of this pattern, is already starting heading for the next power up.  He gets there first and immediately goes for the duo in mid flight.  The attack separates them and with the power up Mario has them in a corner.
Sonic then comes in and goes straight for Luigi who is on the ground and with Mario on defense Tails can’t help him.  However, Tails then goes and retrieves the power up and through swift maneuvering gets past Mario and gives the power up to Luigi who can now stop Sonic.
However unlike before Tails immediately starts to go to the power up locations to retrieve them for later.  Mario tries to alarm Sonic but Sonic doesn’t listen. So Mario goes to try and stop Tails.
Eventually Sonic actually notices what Tails is doing and goes and retrieves the rest of the power ups.  
Being unable to use them he hands one to Mario which gives him the power up.  Unlike before however Mario picks Sonic up and Sonic goes into a ball and Mario throws him hard.  With their combined force Luigi gets hit and loses the power.
Tails immediately gives another one to him but by using the same attack Luigi loses power again.
At this point the sidekicks are at a disadvantage but don’t give up.  
They take a moment to strategize and their brothers, thinking they have it in the bag, let them talk.  
Luigi then takes another power up and Mario and Sonic do the same attack but this time before Sonic can land and get back to Mario it is revealed Tails gave Luigi two power ups.  After the first one Luigi immediately takes the second one and goes after Sonic.  Meanwhile, Tails goes after Mario.
Tails uses his brain and maneuvering to make Mario dizzy to where he loses his power ups which Tails retrieves.  
Now with most of the powerups he hands them all to Luigi to hold and then goes to Sonic.  He picks his brother up and flies super high to where Sonic actually gets worried.  While  Luigi faces his brother and sees that Luigi has more power ups remaining and  realizes that he lost.  
With that the match is over and Luigi and Tails win.
It could also end with Luigi and Tails losing if they gave up after Mario and Sonic started to actually work together.
how do you think it will end?
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clearpathemployee · 2 years
How Staff Augmentation Can Help Your Business Grow
Staff augmentation can be a great way for your business to grow. By hiring staff on a temporary or contract basis, you can get the help you need without having to commit to a full-time employee. This can be a great option for businesses thin the early stages of growth and need extra help but don't have the budget for a full-time employee. this blog post will discuss the benefits of staff augmentation and how it can help your business grow!
There are several ways to handle increased demand. The most efficient way is through staff augmentation, which involves hiring more people for your business or organization's needs when they arise so you don't find yourself struggling due in part because of an influx of work volume.
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Staff augmentation is a type of outsourcing service, where a software company provides their engineers in the form of external hire, usually on a Time & Materials contract basis.
In practice, the in-house team of the outsourcer is extended by (or solely composed of) third-party specialists working on the premises of the buyer for the time of the project.
1. Experience Matters
Augmenting your staff with trained professionals at the height of their careers allows you to assign projects and tasks with confidence. Experienced mid-career professionals are not temps or interns and won’t need much training or assistance. Simply assign projects and tasks as needed and an augmented staffer or team will be able to promptly deliver the results you need. An experienced professional brings his own considerable set of skills to your project, freeing up your time and allowing you to focus on the big picture.
2. Cut Costs Without Sacrificing Quality
If you know you only need someone for a few weeks or a few months, a permanent hire is probably not going to be cost-effective. Between the salary, benefits, and tax expenses, even a single full-time worker will cost you a lot of money. Augmented staffing allows you to engage a professional when you need one – without the long-term, costly commitment.
3. Choose the Skills you Need Most
Whether you need help with a particular project or for your entire business, targeting the skills you need allows you to get effective workers in place quickly and affordably. You won’t have to hire one person and then hope that they have the right expertise for the job; you’ll be able to pick and choose the right person with the exact skill set you need.
4. Enjoy an Objective Voice and Outlook
Bringing a short-term staff member into your company or project allows you to get an objective opinion and a fresh look at how things are going. An outsider who is only coming in for a short period is much less likely to get involved in office politics and squabbles and won’t have any pre-existing loyalties to one in-office group or another.
5. Boosted Flexibility Saves Time and Money
The ability to hire a short-term worker for the projects you need help with can save you both time and money. Since you’ll only have to pay for the time worked, using a staff augmentation service can cut your employee costs – and you won’t have to worry about downtime or finding things for a full-time employee to do when no work is available.
Choosing staff augmentation services over traditional hiring methods benefits your business in many ways, including:
Access to experienced professionals ready to hit the ground running
Cost-effective alternative to recruiting, interviewing, and hiring a regular employee
Focus on the skills you need for a particular project — choosing an expert, not a generalist
Fresh ideas and objectivity from a professional who is not engaged in office politics
Flexibility when you need it most
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Staff augmentation can be a great way to help your business grow. By partnering with an experienced and reputable staff augmentation firm, you can get the help you need to scale your operations quickly and efficiently. In addition, staff augmentation can also help you improve your bottom line by reducing costs associated with hiring full-time employees. If you're interested in learning more about how staff augmentation can benefit your business, contact us today.
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angstsfordays · 3 years
Beautiful Pain (1)
Chapter One- A post-Blip world
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Summary: Post-Blip, you started to feel lost when most of the Avengers team are gone. Coping with your loss, you still find hope in the connection with your remaining friends. However, it is not easy as everyone is trying to figure their lives after the Blip.
Having a long history with Bucky ever since you both saved each other from Hydra, you were still glad you had Bucky after all this time. However, as you try to give Bucky space to find himself after being pardoned for his past, you start to wonder if you should ever cross the line of friendship before it’s too late.
That thought might have to be put on hold though, when you, Sam and Bucky find yourselves having to deal with threats that continue to rise in a post-blip world.
Chapter synopsis: Post-Blip, you find yourself more alone than ever as old friends are forever gone. You and Bucky struggle with finding life's purpose while trying to move on.
Warnings: Angst. A lot of guilt and self-blaming. Spoiler for ep 1 if you haven't seen it!
Word count: 2.4k
Notes: Here's the first chapter of the series! Check out the prologue if you have not done so! It gives you an insight into the OC's background and history with Bucky before TFATWS.
Hope you enjoy this read!
Opening up a tag list for the first time since I have gotten a request! Message or comment to let me know!
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Previous: Prologue | Next: Chapter Two |
Bucky felt his heart stopped for a moment when he realised what he was about to do to the terrified man from his dreams. Before he could imagine the next scene, his eyes flew wide open and he immediately sat up.
Assessing his surroundings to see that the television was still on, he realised he was home and have woken up from a nightmare. Even though Hydra’s brainwashing has been removed, the memories from his dark past continued to plague him.
The summer blanket you got for him pooled around his waist, his right hand reached out to give it a soft squeeze. The soft texture of the fabric comforted him emotionally as he sat on the cold hard floor. As he regained steady breathing, he looked around to see that it was still the early hours of the night.
He reached out for his flip phone- the one you couldn’t believe he insisted to buy over a regular smartphone. Pressing the buttons, he went to his inbox to see an unread message from you. Bucky contemplated opening it but decided to continue when he decided he wanted to hear from you.
Ever since the blip occurred, the days and weeks seemed to be a blur. Sooner than he realised, six months had just passed like that.
When Steve decided to go back to the past for good, all three of you including Sam were at a sudden loss. Bucky was disappointed but not surprised at Steve’s decision. Sam wanted the best for Steve and showed his support.
However, you were the most affected out of the group. He knew that despite putting a brave front, you were struggling with the loss of your friends in a short span of time. After all, you had spent a good amount of time with the Avengers and had a developed a close relationship with most of the team.
Bucky remembered how you immediately slumped to the floor when you heard the news about Natasha. You were at a loss of words before you started to break down when Steve went to comfort you. You always regarded Natasha as an older sister so her death hit you hard.
He recalled how you held back your tears at Tony’s funeral as you did not want to further bring down the atmosphere when Pepper and Morgan were there. He remembered how Tony was like an annoying but endearing older brother.
When Steve was disappeared from his spot, you didn’t think much of it thinking he would return in a matter of seconds after returning the stones. However, when all three of you looked to see an ageing Steve, you were the first to run up to him. Despite the astonishing expression that painted your face, you reached out to hold Steve’s hands to check if he was real.
Steve’s decision to pass Sam the shield was no surprise to Bucky. Even though Bucky found Sam irritating at times, Bucky knew he was a good man.
While you chose to accept Steve’s choice, it started to sink into your mind that the people once closest to you were gone or getting further. Bucky remembered how you were reluctant to let Steve walk away and Steve let you hold onto him longer.
You and Bucky decided to not let each other be alone that night. You two figured that at least you had each other and you wanted to cherish that.
Moving forward, Sam had decided to find work with the U.S air force. Sam checked in on Bucky from time to time but Bucky contemplated to respond. After being pardoned for his past, Bucky found himself compensated but he still felt like a prisoner.
He was required to attend court-mandated therapy sessions to make sure he was doing well. You know that it was just a way for the government to have him under surveillance and in check.
He might be the oldest prisoner of war but he was still a super soldier and one with a vibranium arm. Bucky knew he was still deemed as dangerous in their eyes.
When you and Bucky discussed how to move forward, he confided that he wanted to make amends and you showed your support. When he asked about you, you seemed hesitant and a little lost for an answer.
The Avengers are gone. There was no more S.H.I.E.L.D.
Who were you now? What are you fighting for? What is going to be your purpose moving forward? These were all the questions swimming in your head.
You were reluctant to tell Bucky yet but a government official had paid you a visit while you were waiting for Bucky to finish his therapy session.
You were offered a position in a task force to maintain global security in light of a post-blip world. Given your abilities, you were viewed as an invaluable asset. However, you knew better than to take their words for it.
Revealing your hesitance, the official took a harder approach and laid out the truth. You were viewed as a potential threat if you were to not co-operate with the government. You are an unsupervised enhanced individual that is roaming freely. They do not want to allow that in the event that you were to do anything out of your own jurisdiction.
It was the Sokovia Accords all over again, you thought. The official added that you no longer had the Avengers team to fall back on. His words only added to the ache in your heart as you were reminded of your lost friends.
Additionally, he let off that Wanda had been involved in an event that caused the government to review their management of enhanced individuals in the country. Wanda was out of their reach but you were still around. They knew that you have been sticking by Bucky and thus decided to come for you.
Remembering Steve's words from the times of the civil war between the Avengers, you were not able to let yourself trust any words that the official said.
You didn’t want to let yourself be controlled especially by the government whom you knew had hidden agendas that they would not reveal to you. Their words of praises of how you would be a great addition made you felt like you would be nothing more than a tool in their master plans.
“What if I refuse?” You spoke to the official. The official's eyes hardened and his jaw clenched.
“Then Ms L/N, we will have to view you as a threat to national and global security.” You scoffed at his words when you stared dead into his eyes.
“You forgot that I was one of the many to help fight Thanos and brought the world back. This is how you decided to treat me after giving my service to this country? To this world?” You shot back in distaste.
You turned your back on the guy and walked off without giving him a chance to answer.
Hey Buck, I managed to find Wanda and decided to accompany her for a bit. She needs someone now.
I will let you know when I am back.
Don’t miss me too much ok! ;)
Bucky couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face at your last sentence. He missed you but he knew that you had things to attend to. He understood how much you valued your remaining friends. Wanda, being one of them.
Bucky sighed when he realised that he was not going to get away easy with today’s therapy session. Dr Raynor was really trying to push his buttons and even took out her darn notebook again.
That ticked Bucky off the most and he reluctantly gave in. He began to share about how he crossed another name on his list of amends. Dr Raynor then gave her opinion about how even making amends wasn’t able to help with his nightmares.
Bucky continued to deny that he had any at all but he knew Dr Raynor was not convinced. Glimpsing down briefly with an unconvinced look, Dr Raynor looked back up to Bucky.
“Look. One day, you’re gonna have to open up and understand that some people really do want to help you and that they can be trusted.”
“I trust people.” Not all but maybe just one. Only one person came to his immediate thought.
“Yeah, give me your phone.” Dr Raynor put aside her notebook before reaching over to take Bucky’s phone from him. As she searched up his contact list, she remarked that there wasn’t even ten numbers in it.
“Oh, and you’ve been ignoring the texts from Sam. Look, you gotta nurture friendships.” She spoke before noting that she was the only person Bucky called all week and how sad it was.
Dr Raynor was going to continue before she stopped herself. She opened up the chat with your name and read your last message to Bucky.
“What about Y/N?”
“What about her?” Bucky retorted.
“Seems like she’s someone you are close to?” Dr Raynor tried to imply something.
“She’s a friend,” Bucky answered firmly. Dr Raynor gave Bucky a glance before probing further. “I’ve seen her around before when she accompanied you at the beginning of your session. She seems nice.”
“She is,” Bucky answered curtly once more before deciding to shoot back, knowing his therapist was trying to probe more than he was willing to share. “What are you insinuating, doc?”
“Nothing. I am glad you at least have one friend. But you need to make more connections with other people.” Dr Raynor tried explaining. Bucky drifted off in his thoughts for a moment, thinking about how he didn’t need more people. He was fine with just you but he didn’t want to let on more than he wanted to.
He didn’t feel the need to explain about his relationship with you when you knew you two were solid. Bucky sighed internally when his therapist asked him what he wanted. Bucky thought of the calm and peace he had in Wakanda, his mind replaying the moments of you and him living a carefree life on the farm.
When he was told that he was finally free, he questioned “to do what?”. Was he ever truly free? The memories from his past, the long list of amends he had in his notebook. Could he ever truly be free from the guilt that constantly plagues him?
As Bucky made his way back to his apartment, he spotted his neighbour, Yori arguing with another neighbour, Unique over the trash. He reassured that he could take care of Yori to this Unique fellow before catching up with the grumbling old man in the alley.
Bucky convinced him that he would give a treat at their usual sushi place and that managed to pacify Yori’s mood.
When they were at Izzy’s, Yori mentioned how no one made it past 90 years in the obituary of the newspaper. The familiar waitress came up to the two and remarked if they were feeling adventurous since they did not order the usual.
Giving him a slight smirk, Yori suggested that Bucky should ask her out. Bucky immediately shook his head and gave Yori a bewildered look like he was crazy.
“Why not? Are you seeing that pretty friend of yours that always come to visit?” Bucky knew Yori was referring to you and immediately tried to refute the notion.
“Y/N’s just a friend.”
“Could have convinced me otherwise. You two seem really close.” Yori scoffed at Bucky’s statement.
“Such a pity. If I were 50 years younger, I would have made a move already.” Bucky chuckled at how Yori, despite being a grumpy senior most of the times, actually tried to make a witty joke. He silently agreed that you were indeed a catch and how it was crazy you have not been with anyone.
Well then again, you have always been with him all this while. Of course, as a friend, Bucky tried to convince himself that there was no way he would have a shot with you. You were too good for him and you definitely deserved someone better.
Even though he tried to convince himself, Bucky does not know what to do if you had managed to find someone and will eventually leave him to be on his own. He shook himself out of his inner thoughts and before he knew it, Yori spoke to the waitress.
“He would like to take you out on a date.” Bucky’s eyes shot wide open when he realised what Yori had actually done. Bucky tried to apologise on behalf of Yori for his bizarre behaviour but the waitress did not seem to mind. In fact, she was game and agreed.
After she went off to attend to other customers, Bucky shook his head and couldn’t believe Yori actually became his wingman. Yori then suddenly went silent for a moment. Bucky was nervous before hearing how Yori spoke of his beloved son who had passed away due to an incident.
Bucky listened intently with the guilt gnawing in his gut, his heart heavy with all of the weight of the world.
Bucky convinced himself to go on the date with Leah. He decided to give himself the chance to make more connections as Dr Raynor had advised. The date was going well in fact. Leah seemed like a great gal but Bucky felt himself holding back.
There were just too many secrets he was holding in. What would she think if she knew who he really was? Would she even want to be in the same room as him then?
While he tried the whole online dating thing (much to your masked disappointment and amusement), he was not convinced if he could really make a romantic connection with anyone. Who was he kidding? Could he ever?
When the topic of conversation turned to Yori, the overwhelming sensation started to descend onto Bucky’s consciousness. Before he could stop, he immediately tapped out. Giving a pathetic excuse, Bucky rushed back to Yori’s apartment and had the urge to tell him the truth.
However, when he saw the altar that Yori had dedicated to his son, Bucky withdrew himself. He did not want to lose a friend in Yori even though he was dying to say the truth.
Bucky pretended to come up with an excuse to a confused Yori by paying his half of lunch before stalking off. When Bucky returned to his place, he opened up his notebook and stared at Yori’s name.
What was he to do?
A ring on his phone averted his intense thoughts and he reached for his phone.
Hey Buck, I am done on my side.
Would be back soon!
Can’t wait to see you again, missed you!
Bucky clutched his phone tighter and brought it close to his heart. He started counting down the hours till he could welcome you back in his arms.
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tsukibraun · 3 years
Pragma Love; Jean Kirschtein x reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
type: series, blurb
summary: you and jean slowly develop feelings for each other over time, but you both quickly learn that love isn’t as easy as you thought
warnings: feelings of worthlessness (you get better in the end tho cause you’re a legend, obviously)
listen to: Crush- Yuna, Usher
part 1/2
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read part 2 here!
Self-worth is a tricky thing. You have to know when to be humble and when to humble others. You have to be able to determine what’s just a small flaw in someone’s personality and what’s them trying to walk all over you. You have to have enough love and respect for yourself without becoming a complete narcissist. You have to know what type love you deserve and how to reject the love you don’t like. And when someone tries to challenge your worth, you have to be ready to honestly defend yourself.
This is something you’d struggled with for a long time. It wasn’t easy being able to discern people’s intentions or to come up with a reason for why they treated you the way they did. Yeah, sure, this person could just be a total jerk, or you could’ve done something to deserve the harsh treatment. Maybe you really hurt them without realizing; maybe they’re just reacting that way to defend themselves. They could be a bad person, but what if it was the other way around? You never wanted to assume anything about anyone, but in recent years you’ve learned that sometimes that’s what you have to do.
That was the first thing you noticed about Jean. You witnessed the fight he’d had with Eren in the lunchroom one night. They both retaliated back at each other, but there was something different about the way he was doing it. Eren was clearly angry and wouldn’t let someone challenge his opinions, but Jean- Jean was beyond confident. He wasn’t threatened at all by Eren or his opinions; in fact, it seemed Jean knew he was right, at least in his head, and didn’t mind letting someone know that. He was confident in himself, like he knew he’d come out as the victor; but even if he didn’t, you had a feeling he wouldn’t be too bothered by it. He seemed like the type to just be proud of making his point.
At that time, you couldn’t imagine getting into an argument like that with someone. If they disagreed with you, even if you were clearly right, you would just let it go. ‘There’s no reason to put up a fight’, you’d say, ‘they have a valid reason to think what they think’. Even if they persisted after you clearly would not retaliate, you’d either end up agreeing with them to get them off your back or just sit and take it. Confrontation wasn’t an option and must be avoided at all costs, even if you weren’t the one that started it.
That was the first thing Jean noticed about you.
You were very quiet and laid-back; you often didn’t say much when you guys were in groups. You would just sit back and listen, quietly laughing at jokes from time to time. You weren’t quiet forever, though. After a couple of months you started to open up more; not too much, but it was progress. Little by little you would start to engage in group discussion, agreeing with someone, cracking a joke, or adding to the conversation in general. He thought it was so weird. You clearly had a lot more to say but you just...didn’t. You always bit your tongue and let someone else say it, or just let the idea disappear entirely. He didn’t pester you at first, though. He wanted to see how you would come out on your own.
There was one night, though, where he was really irked by your shyness.
It was late the night before an expedition. You guys were supposed to be asleep by then, but the night before a mission is always a restless one. While some scouts were responsible enough to get some shut eye, you, Jean, Berdolt, Reiner, Mikasa, Eren, Sasha, Krista, and Ymir had other plans. All of you sat in the lunchroom, making casual conversation. It was simple things, like games you would play as kids, things you hated, funny stories from before you became scouts. Eventually, though, you began to discuss your current reality. At first it began with the EDM gear, talking about improvements, how hard it was to use, what you liked about it, etc. Then you came to the topic of Titans. Many different things were talked about here, but there was one question that made everyone tense up: If you could only save your family or fellow cadet, who should you pick?
Ymir asked this question, of course, smirking at the change in atmosphere. This was a very sensitive question for many reasons, but you didn’t think too much of it. Everyone is different with their own experiences and reasons for why or why they wouldn’t do certain things. Eren was the first to answer. “What kind of question is that? You’d save your family, obviously.” No one answered for a while, each person contemplating their answer. “Do you guys seriously have to think about this?” Eren pestered. Finally, Jean answered. “As much as I can’t stand you, Eren, I’ll have to agree with you on this one.”
Everyone else began to give their answers and it started a small debate, but you were still thinking. Jean wondered if you were just gonna sit this one out again, and honestly the idea irritated him. But to his surprise (and everyone else’s) you gave an answer. “I’d save the cadet.” Everyone went quiet and stared at you, somewhat because they were shocked you answered, and somewhat shocked of your answer. Eren in particular didn’t like it. “Are you serious? You’d pick a soldier over your own family?” The tone in his voice made you anxious, but you still decided to explain yourself.
“Well, it’s not like I don’t love my family or anything but...in most cases, the cadet is more important...in practical ways at least. I’d obviously try to save my family afterwards but-“
“How heartless are you?” He interrupted. You felt a lump form in your throat as you predicted the confrontation that was about to ensue. “How could you say that? A soldier is more important than your mother, then? Sister? Father?” You gulped, trying your best not to freak out in front of everyone. You took a couple seconds to make sure he was done before speaking again. “Well...I don’t really view you all as just soldiers,” you trailed off looking at your feet, “I do care about all of you. I don’t hold the people I care about one against the other. I care for each of them all the same.”
���So, in this certain scenario, although I would never want my family to die, saving the soldier is more practical. They’re an extra set of hands, skill, thinking ability- we all know how devastating it is to lose a soldier. Everything becomes incessantly harder. What if they were really needed for future fights? What if they were an important asset? And, if I were able to save them, they could help me possibly save my family.” You finally looked up for a second, seeing everyone’s reaction to your words. You immediately looked somewhere else so you could finish your point.
“Saving a cadet isn’t just saving them, it’s also saving the rest of us. If I were to go after my family, what other things would I miss? More Titans coming? A retreat?A change of plan? And even if I did save them, it’s another liability.” You finally looked Eren in the eyes, seeing his clenched fist and strong glare. “Unfortunately, in this world, we can’t always go after what we want. Sometimes we have to go after what we need, even if that means losing something we want. Our decisions don’t just affect us- they affect everyone.”
A long silence followed the end of your tangent. This was the most you’d ever said in one go, and they didn’t quite know how to take it. They didn’t know you had such detailed thinking, either. They shared glances with each other before some began to speak again. “You know,” Berdolt said rubbing his chin, “when you put it like that, I can see your point.”
“Yeah,” Krista agreed, “I’m not sure I would do the same thing, but I can see where you’re coming from.” Eren scoffed. “You guys are delusional. The only reason you’re agreeing with her is because you pity her.” You straightened up, palms sweating. He could be right; you saw the looks on their faces when you were done. They could just be trying to keep you from feeling dumb. Before you could say anything else, Jean came to your defense. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, cocking his head to the side and leaning forward.
“You know exactly what I mean,” Eren continued, “the girl never says anything!”
“And so what if she doesn’t,” Jean asked, “she’s not bothering you. Why do you care so much?”
“I don’t-“
“Then leave her alone,” he interrupted, “She’s allowed to have her own opinion just like the rest of us. If you’re gonna get that pissed about it, maybe you should go to sleep.” Eren quickly stood up, ready to fight with Jean again, but Mikasa quickly stopped him. You looked between the two of them not quite sure of what to do; you decided not to say anything more to Eren since you had clearly made him upset. Instead, you quietly tapped Jean’s arm and gave a quiet “Thank you.” He gave you a small smile. “Don’t mention it. You know, though,” he said leaning closer to you, “you really need to learn to stick up for yourself. You can’t be so quiet all the time or else stuff like this is gonna keep happening.” He was so close you swore he could hear your unsteady heart rate; still, you returned his word with a small smile and nod.
Ever since then, you two were close.
It wasn’t necessarily a closeness that was outwardly established between you two, it was just there. If he saw you getting anxious, depending on the situation, he would invite you over to where he was. If not, he would give you a certain look, similarly to asking if you were okay or telling you everything was okay. You sat close to each other during meals; if one of you had a smaller portion than the other, you would give a piece of your meal without saying anything. You made sure you were in eyeshot of each other, whether that be on an expedition or simple training. It wasn’t an obsessive thing, just comforting.
Being around Jean made you open up more. Slowly, you began to be okay with showing others who you were. You began to talk louder, laugh more, speak your mind (with tact, of course), and stand your ground. It wasn’t to Jean’s level, but it was there. You noticed other small differences, too. If you needed help with something, you weren’t afraid to ask for it. You could come into a conversation without overthinking it. You began to speak to other people first instead of waiting for them to speak to you. You could walk up to a group of people without feeling like you were intruding. You were able to really live, now. And it was with his help.
The more you came out of your shell, the more Jean absolutely adored you. Sometimes he would be the one to sit back and observe; he would watch you talk and laugh with everyone and be completely infatuated with you. Your laugh, your smile, your humor, your kindness, your little mannerisms; the more and more he was with you, the more he realized he was in love with you. Completely in love with you. So much so it actually started to hurt.
Although he loved being around you, knowing that any of the cadets could have a chance of sweeping you off your feet frustrated him. Since you came out, everyone noticed your charm. The boys had complimented you a couple times, to which Jean told them all to shut up. He wanted to tell you how he felt, and he eventually would, but he had no idea when. He had to use tact like you did so you wouldn’t be too shocked and reject him, but he wasn’t quite sure how. Although you two were close, he had no idea what you wanted in a guy, especially not how you’d want to be confessed to. You didn’t seem to want much from anyone, but there was a part of you he didn’t know yet; the romantic part- that part of you with anyone was completely closed off. He didn’t want to ask you, either, because it was clearly something you weren’t too comfortable talking about.
He had no idea what to do, which was a pretty rare occurrence, at least when it came to women. Either way, he was going to tell you. He just had to figure out when.
Meanwhile, you were completely ignoring your feelings for Jean. Although you were a lot more open with everyone, there were certain parts you kept from them, even from yourself. You noticed the butterflies in your stomach, a different type of longing for his presence, him popping up in your head at random times. You knew how you felt about him, but you continued to lie to yourself. “It’s nothing,” you’d say, “I’m just overthinking it.”
You’d noticed him staring at you with a certain look in his eyes; the way he’d smile at you, the way he’d purposely brush your hands together when walking by, him being more protective and watchful of you- it was little stuff, but clearly different than what it’d been before.
And you absolutely loved it.
You didn’t notice, but you began to do the same thing. Smiling at him if you saw him sleep, fussing at him if he ever got hurt, making sure he had everything he needed at all times, fixing his collar or hair when it was a mess; everyone else saw it except you.
One day you’d have to come to terms with how you felt, but until then, you’d deny the feelings every change you got.
uh...hi!! this is something pretty different from what i normally do 😅 i’m not too comfortable writing stuff like this but i’m trying my best! hopefully this was a nice introduction to this series. anyways, if you read all of it, thank you sm!! i can’t tell you how much i appreciate it. take care and stay safe!<333
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout 4 companions respond to getting captured by Super Mutants (for optional added angst, maybe even getting turned into a super mutant). Strong not included for obvious reasons.
Ada: "Be advised: My guardian has equipped me with a tracking device in the event of my capture. You lack the privileges necessary to access their estimated time of arrival."
Ada is always matter-of-fact about her situation, even if her legs aren't functioning and she's squashed between two bags of body parts on the floor of an abandoned hospital. She's also patient, and content to wait until the sole survivor comes to retrieve her. In the meantime, she'll run escape scenario algorithms to determine the best way out of the building. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
Cait: "Are you f***ing serious?! I'll tear your ears off with my bare hands and string them on a necklace! You don't know who you're messin' with, you green bastards!"
No one can match Cait in sheer viciousness when fighting to free themselves, but even she has her limits. The sole survivor would likely find her in a cage, hyperventilating and on the verge of tears. If the super mutants made the mistake of exposing her to FEV, she would tear the nest apart herself. Mutation would be another internal struggle for Cait, but I think she could successfully make peace with her new state of being if given enough time. A makeshift, giant baseball bat might help.
Codsworth: "Unhand me, you brutes! By God, the class of people I'm forced to associate with these days just keeps falling!"
Pre-war Codsworth is constantly offended by the super mutants' behavior, particularly their lack of housekeeping. He can't help bemoaning his situation for all to hear, something that would probably annoy the super mutants enough to bonk him on the dome until he shuts down. Some assembly required once the sole survivor catches up with him. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
Curie: "While we are waiting, would any of you mind answering some questions for me about how you came to exist in this state? Ça vous dit?"
With a wide new world of oddities to study, Curie takes her abduction as yet another opportunity to learn. If nothing else, she can observe super mutants in their natural- or at least chosen- habitat. Prior to her synth transition, not affected by FEV for obvious reasons. Post-synth transition, however, I think Curie would take the mutation as an opportunity to study the effects that turn a person into a super mutant. I don't think she would lose her bubbly personality, similar to the way Lily the nightkin retained some of her old sense of self.
Danse: "You may have the upper hand today, but you and the other freaks of nature are fighting a losing battle." [spits]
Having lost the most to super mutants in the past, Danse fights his captors until he is completely spent. In fact, the sole survivor would have to practically carry the man home for a lengthy recovery, something his suit of power armor would definitely help with. Mutation into a super mutant is one of Danse's worst nightmares, and if exposed to FEV, he would beg the sole survivor to show him the same mercy he once showed Cutler.
Deacon: "Oh yeah, this reminds me of that summer I spent camping out on the National Mall. You even look familiar. Know anyone by the name of Uncle Leo?"
Like in every tight spot he's ever been in, Deacon masks his stress level with quick wits and quicker retorts. Most likely to slip his confines, let the sole survivor fight their way to the heart of the nest, then reveal he was free the whole time and they needn't have bothered. If exposed to FEV, Deacon would probably panic and enlist the sole survivor's help in searching for a cure, positive that a mutated countenance would irreparably damage his ability to help the Railroad. Then again, he might see it as a "new look" and use it to his advantage for a bit.
Dogmeat: [snarling]
Any super mutants that get their hands on Dogmeat are highly likely to lose fingers. Still, there's not much the canine can do if he's put in a cage, other than bark and wait for rescue. While FEV leaves many dogs as aggressive shells of their former selves, I think Dogmeat would be largely okay with his new green-and-bulky form and would still happily guard settlements and follow the sole survivor around, not unlike Gracie from Far Harbor.
Hancock: "Whoa, whoa relax. I've got time to hang out for a bit, no need to get all worked up. Don't stain the coat, I doubt you can cough up the caps to get it cleaned."
Of all the companions, Hancock is the most unbothered by becoming a super mutant captive. It's just another wasteland adventure, albeit one where the opposing cast of characters are all at least two feet taller than him. He might earn some bumps and bruises for being unable to keep his smart mouth shut, but he'll just bide his time until he spots an opening to wreak havoc and escape, or until the sole survivor comes along to wiggle him out. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
MacCready: "You know, I'm getting real sick of you green lunatics. Spent almost a decade living next door to some of your cousins, and they knew enough not to mess with me."
Upon capture, MacCready would roll his eyes and accept that he's going to have to wait for some help. He'd get more desperate the longer his wait went on though, envisioning a world where Duncan lost his dad without getting to say goodbye. Mutation wouldn't necessarily dampen his spirits at first: After all, if anyone can find a cure, it's the sole survivor.
Valentine: "Not exactly a group of masterminds, are you?"
At this point, Nick is used to getting abducted and locked up by just about every group in the Commonwealth. He knows super mutants well enough to know they don't listen to reason, but he can't resist getting in a jab or two about how he's far from edible. Not affected by FEV for obvious reasons.
Piper: "So, uh, what's say I write up a column about how super mutants are seriously misunderstood creatures and we'll call it even? No?"
Piper might have similar levels of confidence as Deacon, but hers are much more likely to waver when faced with possible death by ingestion. Her quips would be fewer and more nervous until the sole survivor arrived, at which point she would put her game face back on and cheer her rescuer along. If exposed to FEV, she would beg the sole survivor to help her find a cure for Nat's sake, and eventually weasel the information about Virgil out of them.
Preston: "I didn't need to get up close to know why you're called 'uglies,' but here we are."
While terrified at what the super mutants might do to him, Preston is the most level-headed when captured. He's already great under pressure in battle, and he's used to setting his own fears aside to find solutions for his woes. Most likely to have more people coming to his rescue than the sole survivor alone, due to his role with the Minutemen. If exposed to FEV, Preston would likely accept his fate with dignity, and make the sole survivor promise to dispatch him if he turns violent. I don't think he would, though, and the Minutemen would probably be more accepting of a super mutant officer than most.
X6-88: "I can afford to wait for field assistance, mutant. They will not make the mistakes I did."
X6-88 accepts his predicament calmly, like he accepts everything that happens to him. If unable to free himself, he will patiently wait for the Institute help he knows is coming, even if it's just the sole survivor with a pipe pistol. Regarding FEV mutation, turning into a super mutant might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for X6-88. In the Institute's eyes, the Courser is now hideous and no longer viable in the field: In X6-88's opinion, though, he is even stronger and more dangerous than he was before. I could see him finally choosing to desert his post out of a growing sense of self-preservation once transformed.
Gage: "Well look who's suffering from delusions of adequacy! I'd call you f***ers dumb as rocks, but at least a rock can hold a door open."
Porter Gage is great at heckling, and just good enough that he toes the line right up to where super mutants would start to understand he's insulting them. The sole survivor would likely find a gaggle of them around his confinement space, convinced he's complimenting them when he's actually being very rude. Breaking him out gives him the biggest smile. Becoming mutated himself might actually benefit Gage in the long run, as the raiders he used to be wary of would instead find themselves newly-wary of the Overboss' right-hand man.
Longfellow: "Too bad you aren't one of the more reasonable ones. Might've saved your skin."
Longfellow treats his own capture with a sense of humor, acknowledging that he's not as young as he once was and might need help now and then. Chuckles the whole time the sole survivor is fighting their way to him, and grateful upon release. If turned into a super mutant, he'd shrug, accept his fate, and ask to be escorted to live with his friend Erickson up near Far Harbor.
Maxson: "I welcome the day you and your kind meet total destruction."
If Danse is angry about being captured by his sworn enemies, Maxson is seething. Kidnapping a Brotherhood Elder is something that shouldn't even be possible in his eyes, let alone by super mutants. Once freed, he would do his best to erase the nest from the earth: Fire, missiles, tactical nukes if necessary. Also like Danse, Maxson would order the sole survivor to mercifully dispatch him if he were mutated. Additionally, he'd have them destroy any evidence of his exposure to FEV, and simply turn in his holotags with the news that he had perished in the line of duty.
Desdemona: [livid silence]
Plunks herself down, lights a cigarette if her hands are free, and waits. Eventually, the sole survivor or Glory will turn up, and she'll give them one, lingering look of disappointment before vanishing into the Commonwealth ruins. Least likely to get captured in the first place. If mutated, she would reassume her job as leader of the Railroad with no comment, and everyone else would know better than to ask.
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battlinghurricanes · 3 years
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I'm honestly not entirely sure how I got such a deeply involved concept for his character and motivations, but I definitely did. I just feel like he fits into an especially interesting place in everything and that there's a lot of great potential with him.
Shout out to @petalveinedwarrior for enabling me and also I'm very sorry for being incredibly long winded. My bad.
Also DISCLAIMER! I am NOT an expert on the Trojan War and all its surrounding mythology lol. This is just for fun, based on my own fairly limited knowledge of the myths (though I think I pretty much cover everything that’s relevant to this). These are just my headcanons woven with some details from various myths. Sorry if anything’s missing or inaccurate!
First and foremost, I headcanon Deiphobus as the oldest of Priam and Hecuba’s children after Hektor.
Hektor calls Deiphobus the dearest of his brothers, and to me, this is why. They are the closest in age and they were the closest growing up, best friends when they were young. They also get the closest to being on equal footing which means a lot to Hektor, who often feels distance between him and his other siblings because of being heir to Troy.
Despite the relatively equal ground and Deiphobus treating Hektor with a very casual familiarity, deep down, he idolizes him. Deiphobus adores and admires Hektor, ever a younger brother in how he looks up to his strength and intelligence and reliability but close enough in age to not feel the same envy as so many of their younger siblings.
Deiphobus is aware that he is next in line to inherit the throne of Troy after Hektor, and the possibility of that is more real to him than to the rest. He doesn’t envy or want the responsibilities Hektor has to bear being the first son and admires him for it rather than resenting him. He never wants the weight of Troy on his shoulders.
Additionally, as close as they are, Hektor confides more openly in Deiphobus than the rest of their siblings. Consequently, he has a more realistic idea of both the burden he bears and also the ways he struggles to manage it like any human would.
Deiphobus holds Hektor in the highest regard- he means the world to him. It is a strange and unique combination of relating to and understanding Hektor exactly as he is and then loving him so dearly for how remarkably he seems to do in all of it, all that Deiphobus adores and strives to be like.
Hektor calls Deiphobus the dearest of his brothers, but Deiphobus would never need to say the same of Hektor, that much has always been obvious.
Deiphobus himself is ferociously loyal, boastful and fiery proud, wild and energetic, and always quick to smile and laugh with a sharp sense of humor. He’ll defend his own with tooth and nail, Hektor first and foremost, and they make a well balanced pair. Hektor’s level headed sense of responsibility softens many of Deiphobus’s rough edges, and Deiphobus’s enthusiasm breaks through many of Hektor’s more anxiously formed reservations.
Deiphobus would do near anything for Hektor, to a concerning degree in the eyes of some, but Hektor, by his nature, isn't overly controlling. He doesn't want Deiphobus to change how he is. Mostly, the only place Hektor truly pushes him is on moral grounds, for better rather than for worse.
Deiphobus hates to spend time overthinking anything, which benefits him in some ways, but also frequently has him following the example of those around him without considering what might lean towards cruelty. Hektor never tolerates hurtful and needless rudeness or otherwise, and their friendship doesn’t spare Deiphobus his reprimands.
Hektor's needling, though, has him step back and reexamine his actions and the second look is generally what he needs to correct his missteps. Admittedly, he’ll sometimes act better in some way solely to please Hektor, but far more often than not, he’ll come to recognize why it’s best with time and continue that way from his own compulsion.
(He grows and his conscience sounds irritatingly like Hektor.)
Deiphobus is actually one of the best of his siblings at not holding a grudge. He might for drama or humor’s sake, but once a squabble is past, he’ll easily set it aside in favor of having fun with whoever he fought with.
Regardless of his flaws, Deiphobus is amiable and of the opinion that it’s never worth passing up a good time over some pettiness. He’s never one to ignore the value of little joys, no matter how fleeting they are.
Before the war, when he is still younger, there is Antheus. He’s the pretty son of Antenor, and both Deiphobus and Paris are quite taken with him. Paris’s involvement rubs him the wrong way, but he elects to ignore it as best he can. It doesn’t sit right to consider policing Antheus’s actions. He can hardly demand he stop seeing Paris while still insisting on his company, after all.
Besides, he can’t really complain. Antheus favors him with his presence often, laughing at his jokes, stealing off his plate when they share meals, tumbling with him when they wrestle. And when Antheus lifts his hand to idly toy with his lower lip as he smiles slyly at him, Paris is the last thing on Deiphobus’s mind.
Hektor teases him sometimes when he turns up ruffled from some exchange turned overzealous, but his flustered frustration pales in comparison to his excitement, so Hektor gets away with it. Oh, he loves Antheus and the feeling is so heady, better than the most potent wine.
Then it all shatters when some men rush into the palace with Antheus’s limp body carried between them. He was in the gymnasium with Paris, they learn. One throw from Paris with a warped discus and Antheus was gone. Deiphobus stares at the blood soaked in his lovely hair.
Deiphobus is ready to rip Paris apart, but when his brother is guided in after, there’s just no room for it. He’s in complete hysterics, shaking all over as he hyperventilates, and screaming would have gotten through to him no more than their family’s vain attempts to calm him down.
Paris is inconsolable afterwards. He retreats in on himself, though without any attempt to defend himself, first to give himself the blame. He makes for a pitiful sight, and at first, Deiphobus can’t stand being in his presence at all, to take his anger and grief out on him or otherwise.
It doesn’t take that long for Deiphobus’s anger to grow more painful than cathartic anyway and, well, it is hard to lash out at someone acting exactly how he feels. He feels the same heartbreak and pain he sees in Paris and he can’t find it in himself to rage against him when he’d rather just sit and cry himself.
Paris does take it upon himself to face Deiphobus after a time and claim responsibility for what happened that day. Deiphobus doesn’t forgive him, doing that feels... off, but he manages to convey that he won’t turn on him for the accident with Antheus. He thinks that might make Paris feel better but he can’t truly tell.
It all still hurts then, even as they try to get things to settle. Nothing but more time can do anything more to heal those wounds.
And time passes and then Paris returns from Sparta with Helen, and, well.
The brewing war doesn’t drive a rift between Deiphobus and Hektor, but it does force a new distance between them. The pressure on Hektor spikes and never eases, and the time he has to spare becomes exceedingly rare.
Much of the time the two would have spent for themselves together now shifts to working together to manage the complications that come with this new conflict; Deiphobus has new responsibilities to shoulder himself. More work, less play, but the mutual affection and respect between them remains just as strong as before.
Deiphobus can’t help but feel a certain bitterness over having the casual companionship of his brother taken away from him, but he does all he can to set it aside. He refuses to let it be another source of stress for Hektor, so often too caring for his own good, and he doesn’t hold it against him anyway.
As always, Deiphobus remains aware that these tasks could easily have been his and, privately, he feels woefully inadequate in the face of that possibility. And truly, it just serves to make Hektor even greater in his eyes, handling it all with grace he can’t imagine. He knows he’s not perfect, yet still, it’s hard to imagine that anything could ever truly bring Hektor down.
And so, Deiphobus helps his brother in the ways he can and loves him as ever, always ready and eager to fight at his side.
Deiphobus leads a contingent himself, and does it well. It comes easier to him to manage a smaller group like that. He does as directed and guides his men through the fighting. One can say what they will about his ability to lead, but his capability as a warrior is undeniable.
Things shift between Deiphobus and Paris as well. Much of Troy turns on Paris, some faster than others. Deiphobus ignores the greater dramatics which, in his opinion, help nothing. Still, it is often tempting to berate him for his flippant disregard of the battles so he does, which is, admittedly, not entirely unwarranted.
However, Deiphobus and Paris share a mutual, unspoken understanding that they simply cannot focus on the war at all times. Sometimes it must be set aside. This is more often true to Paris than to Deiphobus, but that invites Deiphobus to keep Paris’s company when he can no longer bear all the stress.
In turn, when Deiphobus approaches him like that, Paris can trust not to be reprimanded as he so often is, as that gets ignored along with the rest of it. So there are times during the war where the two can be found together affably, chatting about nothing important. Their personalities can still mesh in such moments.
And, well, it’s shocking how steady things can stay over nine years of war, but they do. Death and loss become far too familiar companions, but they can do nothing but keep fighting through that, and things proceed much as they have been.
Until, of course, Achilles.
With all the cruelty of fate, it of course follows after they get the closest to driving away the Achaeans as they ever have. Such a brief, amazing hope. In his unmatched fury, Achilles slaughters their soldiers, butchers many of his brothers, escapes Scamander’s rage through the grace of the gods, and drives the army behind Troy’s wall with his advance, except for-
Hektor is dead.
Deiphobus tastes blood in his throat screaming at the sight behind the chariot.
In a way, it’s a blessing that it takes twelve days to get Hektor’s body and another twelve to bury it. With his death, command of Troy and her allies has passed to Deiphobus, and he could barely lead his own horse after losing Hektor, much less an army.
Deiphobus falls to pieces. He can barely process it, losing the one he held in the highest regard, held every confidence in, believed in to his core. Hektor was the best of all of them and now he’s dead, leaving him shattered. Deiphobus is hysterical, wildly heartbroken.
In this time is when Priam first turns on his remaining sons. He lashes out at them as he prepares to ransom Hektor’s corpse, degrading them as the most worthless of his sons. Still half blind with tears of grief he can’t hold back, he thinks that it’s true in the same moment he thinks of how he will now have to take Hektor’s place, worthless ruin though he is.
Most often, Priam refrains from speaking of his remaining sons after that, and in rare, fleeting heartbeats he almost seems contrite over cursing them. Neither is enough though to keep him from savagely reproaching them in unpredictable instances as Troy continues to spiral towards its doom. Deiphobus shakily chokes down his father’s abuse without a word.
Of course, he returns to the battlefield once Hektor is buried, coming to truly learn the crushing weight of his new role. How did his brother bear this? Every day feels like one failure after another; he’s not strong enough, not smart enough to do this. He tries anyway, each day more taxing than the last.
Deiphobus can hardly bear Paris after Hektor’s death. A large part of him hates him for it, desperate to pin the blame on someone despite knowing deep down that he’s not responsible. Though, even then, part of him is drawn to Paris, broken same as him, shaped by a sort of desperation to grieve for their brother with him. Misery loves company.
His anger burns hotter, but now he can’t bring himself to berate him even in the way he did sometimes before all this. He never confronts him with his hatred, such that it is. He simply avoids Paris entirely, knowing that if he indulges in the impulse to curse him for what happened to Hektor, he would fall apart at the seams.
Even now he can’t face the truth of what happened and keep going. It is all he can do to try never to think about it.
And then, with the aid of Lord Apollo, Paris kills Achilles.
The undecided limbo of Deiphobus’s feelings towards Paris topples into something like affection the moment he hears of it, connecting them once more. Paris has destroyed Hektor’s murderer, avenging him, and that matters to Deiphobus more than anything else.
That night, the two of them drink together until it half kills them, close enough to keep knocking shoulders as they revile Achilles with the worst profanities they know. It’s the only celebration they can muster after everything, but they’re both laughing for the first time since they lost him.
(When the night grows damnably late, Deiphobus’s attempt to laugh turns into retching and Paris collapses to the ground when he tries to get up to help. They suffer the agonizing morning together.)
They make a strange pair from then on. Friendship would be a generous word given the still unavoidable tension between them, but they somehow manage to maneuver around that and share a certain closeness. They maintain it despite differences that grind against each other. Sad as it is, it’s one of the only things either of them have left.
Paris and Deiphobus also weather Priam’s spontaneous tirades together. Usually wordlessly, but there is something to be said for the company of someone enduring the same pain you are. It is a quiet solidarity, but a significant one.
They talk of the war far more often now. Every day it devours more and more of their lives, always harder and harder to ignore or set aside. On rare occasions, they do still manage it. Those conversations make for a breath of fresh air, though that does little to stave off the feeling of drowning.
And then Paris takes a poisoned arrow and dies.
Deiphobus doesn’t wail and sob in the same way he did for Hektor. He’s too numb for it now. It hurts in an unnatural, distant sort of way. All he can muster is a ugly, stilted feeling of shame for letting himself come to care for him in the first place. Of course he would die like the rest, he should know this by now. He crumbles further.
After Paris’s loss, there's only two reasonable options for what to do with Helen. Either they need to return her to Menelaus or arrange a new marriage and keep her in Troy.
Helen pleads to be returned to her first husband but Deiphobus competes with Helenus to be the one who weds her. Troy does not stop them. There is a quiet but tangible tension to the city and he doesn’t think their people would tolerate Helen departing. He competes with everything he has left and he wins. And they marry.
That first night, Helen stares at his back while sitting in her new place on his bed. She expected to be treated like a piece of meat, a feeling she's grown well used to through living her life under the eyes of men, but he's barely even looking at her. He fought for her hand with an undeniable, feral sort of desperation. What was it for if he doesn't even want her?
"Why?" she asks him. "Why bother going through every effort to marry me only to be so cold now? What do you want?" Her voice would cut razor sharp if only she wasn't so tired.
He turns to face her with bloodshot eyes narrowed in a glare, riddled with barely restrained anger and grief. "I'm not letting you leave," he forces out and Helen pushes down the urge to scoff because that much is obvious.
"It has to be worth something," he continues. "There has to be something we fought for. If we just let you go back, then it won't have been worth jack shit." He paces, not looking at her again. "I won't allow that. Don't think you can avoid all this so easily now that Paris is gone. There has to be a point. My brother is dead because of this shit! If you're gone, then what would be the fucking point?!"
His brother. He means Hektor. He means Paris. He means every last one of them, so many dead. He means Hektor.
Helen doesn't reply. There is nothing she can say to that. For all that it doesn't make a difference, what he's laid before her is something she knows well. She's spent so long now berating herself and blaming herself for all that's come to pass and she understands. She hates this, all she wants is to go home, but she understands him.
She knows that they both hate each other and themselves all in equal measure. What a wretched pair they make, Helen thinks.
Not that they make much of a pair at all. They're rarely ever together. Deiphobus camps outside whenever he can, and when he can’t, he goes out of his way to avoid her. Helen accepts it as the best she can expect from the truly miserable situation this has become. The war drags on, but the truth hangs in the air that Troy is losing.
Then the horse.
The people, starving so desperately for peace, bring it inside the walls. Deiphobus tries to be cautious. He tries to think of what Hektor would have done. He commands Helen to walk around the horse, calling out in the voices of the Achaeans' wives. If there's some wretched spy or invader, let them show themselves. He'll kill them.
No one answers. Deep down just as desperate for peace as them all, he breathes a sigh of relief and leaves the damn horse.
He hopes the Achaeans filled their mouths with blood, biting their tongues as hard as they must have.
Troy is burning. The Achaeans fill the streets with slaughter; they are everywhere. Reunited with her husband after so, so long, Helen tells Menelaus where Deiphobus is. And so, Deiphobus dies alongside Troy.
(Deiphobus and Hektor meet again in the Underworld and Deiphobus tries to apologize for his failure to keep Troy safe. Hektor will hear none of it, refusing any of the anger he has every right to put on him. Still, a long time passes where Deiphobus silently and anxiously wonders if that was a lie, if Hektor truly does hate him for what happened.
Hektor keeps throwing him tense, unsettled glances sometimes when he thinks he’s not looking, even though he never says a thing. Each one worms further and further underneath his skin and he starts to squirm under the conviction that he’s done something wrong. Something Hektor holds against him.
When it finally grows so unbearable that Deiphobus confronts him about it at last, Hektor flinches and doesn’t disguise his fear and upset. Deiphobus braces himself. But then, mangled in with confusing, ashamed apologies, Hektor recounts for the first time how he died.
Athena luring him to his death in Deiphobus’s shape, speaking in his voice. How he turned to face Achilles believing he had support. When he called for a spear from his brother, he was alone.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I think of it at all, I’m so sorry I let you believe I was angry with you because of it. I’m not, it had nothing to do with you, you shouldn’t have to know of it at all. I just- remember it sometimes. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Deiphobus feels nauseous. Hektor looks even more so.
“If I had actually been there-”
“No! Don’t do this. Achilles would have just killed you too.”
“We wouldn’t have died alone, then.”
They clutch at each other, these battered remnants of their souls, carrying with them the wounds of their lives.)
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i love the self-confidence that all of your y/n’s have, i really dislike fics where the self-insert is just nonstop hating on herself so whichever iteration of harry or whomever can make her feel better. confident characters, banter, and poetic descriptions are your thing, they really set you apart in the fic-writing community (also your descriptions of the long-term effects of psychological trauma 😃). and that’s not to say that ALL insecurity is obnoxious bc it adds a wonderful humanness in realistic doses, but it’s very nice to see that confidence come from within as well!! one of my favorite aspects of your writing 💗💗
OH WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I try my best SIDNJSSNSJSJ I agree with what you say, I hate stories where the mc’s confidence is centered solely around their partner’s validation sndnsndnsnd like yes your partner should provide comfort and reassurance but your self-merit shouldn’t be based completely around their opinion of you, yanno??
I love writing confident characters who also struggle with personal issues because the truth of the matter is that a person can be comfortable with certain parts of themselves while simultaneously being insecure in others!! in fact, it’s usually the norm for most people, and it makes the characters more relatable :D vampy’s confident in his personality and appearance, but is insecure in his self-worth and his ability to form lasting relationships with others. bb’s independent and clever, but she can also be anxious and sensitive. anthorry’s incredibly intelligent and well-spoken, but has trouble processing and understanding others’ feelings and it scares him. lit student y/n is also really smart and outspoken, but she has her moments of self-doubt where she questions whether Harry actually likes her or is just using her. demonrry is self-assured and strong-willed, but he’s yet to heal from the fact that he had to grow up so fast, died so young, lost everything he sacrificed his life for, and had to take on such a heavy burden for the rest of eternity. angel is mature and compassionate, but she carries the weight of having to be a perfect servant to Heaven and is scared of disappointing her family and friends as a result of who she fell in love with, which kinda alludes to the trouble lots of normal people face with having to be the perfect child in their family who isn’t allowed to make mistakes.
It’s about balance, and showing that both confidence and insecurities can coexist and it’s about finding a neutral ground within yourself in order to be comfortable in your own skin!! :•)
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love-sapphirerose · 3 years
Naruto: 10 Worst Things About Sasuke And Sakura's Relationship
By the time of Boruto, Sasuke and Sakura are a loving married couple, but their checkered history included some troubling low points.
Sakura harbors a crush on Sasuke before the two of them even graduate from the Academy and end up on the same team. He's always at the forefront of her thoughts and actions, and the two of them do end up getting married and starting a family of their own in the end. On paper, their romance seems relatively dreamlike.
However, that's not the full story of the ups and downs of their relationship. Sasuke initially doesn't care enough to give Sakura the time of day, and there are even multiple instances where he seems indifferent to her life being in danger — or actively endangers it himself. Sakura's unhealthy obsession with Sasuke also stunts her growth in other ways.
10. Even After Starting A Family, Sasuke Is A Largely Absent Father Who Can't Connect With His Daughter
There's a long period of time between the original series and Shippuden where Sasuke is absent after he turned his back on the Leaf to instead seek revenge. He eventually does come back and start a life with Sakura, but even then he's absent most of the time.
While this is due to being sent out on missions and he doesn't have much of a choice, he fails to properly connect with his daughter Sarada when he does get to spend time with her. He's so bad on this front that he actually ends up getting scolded by his old squad leader, Kakashi.
9. Sakura Ignores Naruto And Treats Him Like Garbage Because Of Her Initial Infatuation
It's one thing to have a crush on someone and to value their opinion more than anyone else's. It's another thing when this infatuation causes someone to treat others around them poorly, especially when their crush doesn't even want to give them the time of day.
In the beginning, Naruto continually makes efforts to connect with Sakura and get to know her better. She not only brushes him off but straight-up calls him annoying and tells him to get lost, simply because he's not the object of her romantic affection, instead of making any attempt to bond with her teammate.
8. Sakura Appears Blind To Much Of Sasuke's Suffering, Instead Focusing On Her Own Feelings
Sakura values Sasuke above everything else in her life, and this remains true even after he defects from the Leaf. Despite this, though, it oftentimes feels as if she doesn't consider his feelings and struggles and is instead remains much more focused on her own.
In the beginning, she doesn't consider his feelings regarding his murdered family when talking down on Naruto, saying he's so undisciplined because he doesn't have parental guidance. She's also quick to say she'll help Sasuke with his path of revenge when he goes to leave the village despite this being an incredibly destructive and harmful path.
7. Sakura Throws Away Her Best Friend For Sasuke When He Doesn't Care At All About Her
Back when Sakura was much younger, she completely lacked self-confidence and was a consistent target of bullying from other girls. It's Ino who stepped in, got the bullies to back off, and showed Sakura that she shouldn't hide her insecurities and instead have more confidence in herself.
Sakura then decides to throw away their friendship simply because she hears that Ino also has a crush on Sasuke. She says it's for the sake of them becoming rivals, but they both would've been much stronger if they worked together rather than letting a guy split them apart, especially a guy who doesn't care for either of them.
6. For A Long Time, Sasuke Shows No Interest In Her While Both Naruto And Rock Lee Do
Sakura stays completely devoted to Sasuke even though he betrays no romantic interest in her whatsoever. This might make sense if there were no one else who cared for Sakura and wanted her to be happy, but both Naruto and Rock Lee care immensely for her.
Lee goes as far as to risk his own life for Sakura's sake in the Forest of Death, and the two of them bond when Sakura goes to Lee's hospital room nearly every day to spend time with him after the tournament. Naruto consistently offers to spend time with Sakura and gives her positive attention, and she instead chooses to yearn after Sasuke, who's totally caught up with his curse mark and revenge business.
5. Sakura States She Has No Interests Or Hobbies That Don't Involve Sasuke
During the initial introduction that Kakashi has everyone participate in, the members of the newly-formed Team 7 all go around stating a bit about themselves. Sasuke focuses on his future revenge, and though Naruto mostly talks about ramen, he at least also states his dream of becoming Hokage.
Sakura, on the other hand, states that all of her likes and hobbies have to do with Sasuke. Because of this, she also declares that the thing she hates is Naruto. This is incredibly immature, and it's not a good foundation for any relationship if one's entire world revolves around the person they like and they don't have anything else to bring them happiness.
4. They Don't Put Equal Effort Into Their Relationship After Getting Married
Sakura essentially gives up on her life as a shinobi in order to raise her and Sasuke's daughter while he's away. He's gone for so long on missions that Sakura admits that the main reason she keeps so many pictures of Sasuke is so she doesn't forget what he looks like, which is heartbreaking.
Sasuke, on the other hand, doesn't make any effort to stop by and see his family while he's away for years at a time. He could at least send letters to get updates on how their daughter is doing — something he should care deeply about — but he never does.
3. Sakura Plots To Steal A Kiss From Sasuke When He Has No Interest In Her
After graduation, on the day when the teams are made up, Sakura asks Sasuke if she can sit by him. He completely and utterly ignores her, but this doesn't stop her from sitting beside him regardless.
She states internally that she'll be "stealing his first kiss today," which comes off incredibly creepy when he hasn't expressed any interest in her or desire to kiss her. It doesn't make her look like someone who actually cares about him when she's willing to try to get a kiss from him without his consent.
2. Sakura's Self-Confidence Early On Is Completely Reliant On Sasuke
Before the Chunin Exams, Sakura asks Sasuke if he'd like to train with her. He coldly brushes her off and comments that, when it comes to trying to push her plans onto others who aren't interested, she's just as bad as Naruto.
This rejection completely crushes her self-confidence and she immediately agrees with him instead of standing up for herself. She stays in this funk until Sasuke later compliments her ability to see through genjutsu, after which her self-confidence is immediately restored. It's incredibly unhealthy for her sense of self to hinge on how Sasuke treats her.
1. Sasuke Almost Successfully Ended Sakura's Life
If there's one thing that should have made Sakura realize Sasuke didn't care about her the way she cared about him, above all else, it's the moment he tries to kill her.
Sakura goes after Sasuke declaring that she'll be the one to kill him herself after he becomes an international criminal, but she freezes in the moment. He then tries to kill her instead. He would have been successful in this endeavor, too, if Kakashi hadn't shown up just in time to deflect Sasuke's Chidori and save her. Her infatuation with him doesn't waver whatsoever after this, which feels incredibly off-putting after this vicious interaction.
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
breaking down Ace of Diamond - the "Hero's Journey."
Using the model/guide presented by Overly Sarcastic Productions in their youtube video Trope Talk: The Hero's Journey, I will attempt to discuss how Sawamura Eijun's story in DnA is his Hero's Journey to becoming an ace pitcher in the Japanese HIgh School Baseball environment.
Blue from OSP put forward the 12 basic parts of the Hero's Journey Cycle. The illustration below will be our reference. I simplified a graph made by Signy Wilson in order to match OSP's less rigid guide.
disclaimer: I am by no means any kind of expert. I was just fascinated when I learned about the Hero's Journey as a general trope/framework when it came to writing stories. I want to apply what I learned by breaking down the story created by Terajima Yuuji in Ace of Diamond.
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Hero: Sawamura Eijun. Captain and Ace Pitcher of middle school baseball team. He has no formal training in baseball whatsoever but was the one who gathered and convinced his friends to start a baseball club. He's the best player in their small team. Good at sports but bad at academics .
He is generally a baseball idiot and quite a naive/simple guy with a strong heart. He does not have any idea what competitive and pro baseball looks like because not only does he not have experience but also he does not watch the broadcasts on tv/radio at all.
Ordinary World of the Hero: rural town in Nagano Prefecture, where Sawamura formed a small baseball team with his childhood friends. Acording to him, as long as they all stay together they can always play baseball anywhere.
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2.1 Problem/why hero's ordinary world is going to crumble: - He lessened his chances of being scouted/accepted in a good baseball school after he btchslapped an entire opponent team and the umpires in their first and only match as middle school team in Saitama Stadium.
He also has low chance of being accepted into the high school in their area (where his friends are all going to) because he struggles with his academics a lot.
Unless he does something he won't be able to be together with his friends and/or play baseball at all.
2.2 Caller of the adventure - Takashima Rei pursues Sawamura into Nagano Prefecture in order to scout him as a sports scholar for Seido High School, a baseball powerhouse school located in the West Division of Tokyo Prefecture.
2.3 medicine/ solution to hero's crumbling world: being a sports scholar for Seido. This would solve almost all of Sawamura's highschool enrollment problem and also give him the chance to play as much baseball as he wants.
3.1 reluctance to go: Sawamura refuses to leave Nagano despite Rei's "sales pitch" to him and his family. He doesn't want to leave his friends just to play baseball in a stronger school far away because he had promised his friends that they would always stick together.
3.2 hero punished for this - his grandpa literally smacks/slaps him in being stupid and doubting his friends.!!! / technically circumstances are already punishing him for being a hotblooded baseball idiot in the first place.
3.3 do you think you have a choice - this is probably the only chance he'll get to play baseball with all his strength AND finish highschool.
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Venturing out into more competitive/pro baseball is a world beyond him. It's scary and unknown and he'd rather defeat bigger teams than leave his friends.
4.1 crossing physical threshold - Rei persuades him to at least check the school out with his own eyes. They leave Tokyo together for one visit.
4.2. crossing a metaphorical threshold - in that visit, sawamura, picks a fight with a senior who's bound for baseball drafts, works together with a nationally acclaimed catcher in defeating the senior player, thus changing his worldview because he had so much fun.
4.2. conscious and irreversible decision - Because of the experience he goes home conflicted. His family encourages him in their own way to follow his guts and heart and go to Tokyo.
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5.1 hero learns to navigate the unknown world - Sawamura learns the harsh realities of being in a baseball school once he actually starts to live there. Our boy also gets educated in Baseball and Pitching 101. He also finds out the true personality of the catcher he played with before.
5.2 meeting allies/rivals/mentors - he learns about the team better when he meets a whole bunch of people: batchmates, coaches and senpais. He builds interesting dynamics with all of them.
5.3 trials and initial failures - Sawamura undergoes difficult initial training and is barely allowed to play in matches.
5.4 meeting enemies - Sawamura being allowed to play as relief pitcher in the games and face talented pitchers and scary batters mostly in tense situations.
5.5 growth, new skills - Sawamura grows with each match, thus bolstering his confidence. Sometimes he falters but he learns from his mistakes.
5.6 first major success - striking out scary batters with each new thing he learns.
5.7 major challenge that leads to downfall - seido vs inashiro finals match where he goes in full of confidence and courage but then he and his team gets defeated in a devastating way.
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6.1 lowest point of hero where hero physically or metaphorically goes down - one month after their major defeat, a lot of intense practice matches and change in team dynamics, the team find out that Sawamura has the YIPS. This condition took away Sawamura's ability to pitch in his trademark style/ the only thing he was good at.
6.2 hero's darkest hour - without the ability to pitch, Sawamura questions his reality and why he is still on the team.
6.3 Face and overcome inner demons - with a lot of help from allies and mentors, Sawamura finds a way to bring back a bit of his ability.
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7.1 Discarding old self - In the duration of his downfall and eventual healing, Sawamura turns to books, meditation and becomes even more careful in maintaining his form and body.
7.2 Accepting the new role - instead of fixating on the ace position like before, Sawamura is just glad that he is still allowed to pitch as relief.
7.3 Finding path out of the belly of the whale/The road back - After figuring out a solution to fix his pitching, he focuses on it and regains some of his ability. Sawamura is then allowed to play in matches. Just like before, he improves little by little as he recovers from each failure. He gains fresher mindset and new weapons, thus becoming an even stronger pitcher than he ever was before.
7.4 more trials - they face new opponent schools and old but improved opponents which test the best of Sawamura and the team's ability
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every major match in ace of diamond has this part of the story but usually the most critical breather episode is the one before the final match.
8.1 show humanity of other characters - Somethng bad happens to the other mc without Sawamura knowing. This could absolutely wreck their chances of winning the final match. This shows that the other guys are not 100% invincible after all.
8.2 last chance to relax. - calm before the storm. It is also the time where they finalize sawamura's weapons.
8.3 quiet moment to reminisce - usually happens before each match. However the night before the finals was the major one because their old senpais went to visit their practice and encourage them.
9.1 Final Showdown - Sawamura helps in the team defense with the best of his ability and weapons and he succeeds. Their team eventually wins Fall Tournament even with a few setbacks.
9.2 Apotheosis - Sawamura's worldview changed once he realises that even with his improvement and skill, his goal of being the ace is still out of reach for him.
9.3 Ultimate Boon - Sawamura gets to be a pivotal member of their baseball team and can play baseball as much as he wants with his team.
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STAGE 7. ROAD OF TRIALS start again after the Fall Tournament Act 1 because Sawamura faces new challenges in Ace of Diamond Act 2.
Meiji Jingu Tournament - Play in matches without Miyuki
WInter camp and break - Intense Physical Training and development and improvement of his weapons which he will use and improve on throughout the rest of Act 2.
Spring Koshien where he realises that he has to do more in order to surpass the current ace which was Furuya.
Start of New Term/ Practice Matches - Sawamura and co. meets their new kouhai and team dynamics shift once again.
Spring Tournament / Summer Tournament - Sawamura meets old foes and new enemies. He also becomes the Ace Pitcher of the team, which adds more pressure on his part.
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This is the big and long one before Summer Tournament Finals match where injuries and problems were discussed and feelings were explored.
Final (Or most hyped and awaited rematch) Seido vs Inashiro in order to qualify for Summer Koshien Nationals.
**everything after this point will be prediction and just my opinion
STAGES 7-9 start again
Koshien Nationals Arc.
Miyuki/3rd years retirement/graduation. Sawamura and his batch will have to lead the team.
Sawamura gets to play with his team as ace pitcher.
Sawamura may become both ace and captain, same as his role back in his middle school team, albeit in a stronger school. Even if he won't be the next captain, as ace he will still be in a strong leadership position.
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That's how Ace of Diamond is written in the style of A HERO'S JOURNEY.
Act 1 writing especially followed the trope quite rigidly.
I still don't want Sawamura to be the next captain. I hope that does not happen. However if it does, it means the story will have gone back full circle. That would be quite poetic ngl.
Gotta applaud Terajima's pacing. Can you believe that the story only reached its lowest and most pivotal point at around episode 70 of the anime???? thank godt that after ep 63 I read spoilers about yips arc in tv tropes or else i would have dropped the series completely.
I had difficulty in classifying the events after the climax stage into hero's journey stages because technically sawamura has not gone "home" yet. Moreover the challenges and trials just kept on piling up after Fall Tournament.
In this whole story, Sawamura has experienced only one true "Belly of the Whale stage" during his YIPS arc. I don't think he really came to a low point in Act 2 other than his first official match as Ace Pitcher. I treated that in the same vein as the effects of Raichi's first homerun off Sawamura back in Act 1.
I realized that having stages 7-9 recur starting from Meiji Jingu to the current summer tournament is what made reading Act 2 quite frustrating for me. That's at least 5-6 arcs of endless roller coaster ride loops.
I consider Miyuki's departure to be the "CROSSING THE RETURN THRESHOLD" moment because playing with him was the major reason for Sawamura's decision to study and play in Tokyo. Something will change Sawamura when this eventually happens.
As Blue from OSP said, the Hero's Journey is just a general guide/framework to writing stories. It is flexible, writers don't even have to use it or all of its parts to make a good story. Terajima just seemed to have adopted A LOT of the hero's journey trope in his baseball series.
I wanted to add more pictures tbh but tumblr is a killjoy :(
This was a fun thought exercise. There were probably even some parts which I have used the tropes wrongly. Please feel free to dispute me.
I talked about Sawamura's mentors here (x).
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cotccotc · 3 years
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 ✰ you coming out PART 2 !!
part of my eight as fate event !! ( requested by anon ♡ )
genre/s: ot8 reaction headcanon, gn reader, platonic, fluff & humor
wc: ~1.3k
warning/s: descriptions of coming out as non-binary, brief mentions of gender dysphoria, my dumb commentary once again (hehe), these are just my opinions and ideas !!
a/n: i reference the first version of this reaction a few times and i recommend reading it first !! i got some really sweet responses to the original so i hope y’all like this one too :) OH ALSO i should mention that i decided to make it platonic since i found that easier and more natural to write.
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i feel like even if he already knows a bunch about gender identity, non-binary and genderqueer people, dysphoria, pronouns, etc. he would definitely enjoy you giving him a full rundown on it !! and specifically what your interpretation is and how you identify
do you remember that vlive where felix is talking and chan’s just sitting back and looking at felix with immense amounts of love in his eyes? yeah…
he’d be so. incredibly. proud. of you.
idk why the chan portions of these reactions have both been super sappy but anyways-
he’d be very dedicated to using your preferred pronouns and finding new ways to compliment you !!!
his google search history would most definitely include “genderless adjectives” and “enby dad jokes” and he’d keep a running list on his phone
chan: “what do you say when your non-binary friend is sad?”
you: [dead silence]
chan: “their, their....” [giggles]
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my first thought is that he’d be the type to ask for your new pronouns and immediately use them in a sentence.
for instance, say your new pronouns were xe/xem. he’d immediately say, “well, i’m very proud of my y/n, and i love xem very much.”
so then i’d start crying in the background.. blah blah blah omniscient narrator struggles :’)
i can’t see him being anything but casual and accepting !!
if you want to talk about things, he’ll most definitely let you, but if you don’t want to he won’t push.
but regardless, he just wants you to know he supports you in whatever way he can.
would also politely correct people if they misgender you in public !!! he wants you to feel safe !!!!!
i saw him as a wingman in the other reaction but in this context he’d definitely serve as your personal information pamphlet for people who you might not know too well.
random person: “what exactly does that mean?”
you: “it-”
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just like in the first version, he’d get pretty emotional !!
i think he would really sympathize with you even though he can’t fully understand what you had to deal with externally or emotionally.
honestly that would probably make him even MORE emotional.
the fact that he can’t fully relate to those complex feelings would really tug at his heartstrings as he listens to you speak. he really wishes he could understand your struggles more, and maybe even take on the burden for you.
but let’s get less emo, shall we?
ok picture something with me bestie:
first, he casually refers to you using your new pronouns in a group conversation.
next, after the topic changes in the conversation, you look at him while the others continue talking.
this mf WINKS and flashes you the silliest smirk
you let out a little chuckle and you both continue on in the conversation
[end scene]
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i feel like he might question his own gender identity a little as well sometimes, especially due to what people say online (like calling him “pretty”, the edits some people make, praising him for breaking stereotypes, etc.)
so, he probably understands a bit deeper than some of the other members might.
in that same vein, i think it might make him a little bit emotional to hear your story !!
over the years, i think it’s plain to see that he’s become more comfortable with expressing his more feminine attributes, which has always comforted you as his friend.
he understands the feeling of being uncomfortable with the gender roles one is expected to follow, so he empathizes with you.
in terms of his actual first reaction, i think it would be pretty similar to what i suggested in the other version of this.
(my bias is showing but oH MY GOSH I STILL THINK THIS WOULD BE SO CUTE-)
“woo~” *insert little jazz hands here*
[cries] anyways-
you feel really comfortable coming to him with this, and you’re happy when you do !!
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maybe it’s because i’ve seen tweets about it, but i feel like this dude knows everything there is to know about modern gender identity topics and neopronouns and stuff
after the initial awkwardness of the conversation (and a big supportive hug ofc) he’d be stoked to talk about it !!
would ask for your pronouns right away !!! he might also do the thing where he uses them in a sentence.
“y/n !!! ze’s so cool !!!!!!!”
i think if he saw someone misgender you (by accident) he wouldn’t correct them for you out of in-the-moment nerves, but he’d be very proud of you if you do it yourself !!
might buy you a snack afterward tbh
but if HE ever misgenders you OHHHHH goodness gracious
he’d get so very embarrassed and apologetic SDKFJ you’d have to really assure him that it’s not that big of a deal since he’s still adjusting to things, but he’d still feel like he has to make it up to you in some way
would probably buy you snacks again LMAO
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i think he would be really excited !!
we know felix really loves and is passionate about androgynous/genderless forms of expression, especially in regard to appearance, so he’d probably really enjoy talking about gender and stereotypes with you !!
(if you’re comfy with it, ofc)
honestly, felix would be really encouraging and would help you gain more confidence !!!!!
if you ever feel like trying out a new look, he’d be like “OK BESTIE LET’S GO SHOPPING”
tbh he’d probably try it out with you !! or if you hang out often, he’d probably subconsciously start finding inspiration in your style and adopt it a bit himself
on days where you feel a bit down for whatever reason, especially in regard to dysphoria, his first instinct would be to cheer you up by reminding you how unique and cool you are.
and it’s not just because you’re nonbinary but also because you’re just a super cool person !!!!!!!!!! and i think so too !!!!!!!!!!!! never forget it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so overall, i feel like felix wouldn’t be very hard to come out to once you get over your initial nerves, and the end result would be super fun :D
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i think his initial reaction would be pretty similar to chan’s !!
he also seems like the type to be super, super diligent with adjusting to whatever pronouns you feel comfortable using or words you’re okay with him using to refer to you.
(maybe it’s because we know he was a good student and he’s diligent with practicing his english. training his brain to correct itself would be like studying for him lol)
for example, instead of calling you “pretty” or “handsome,” he might even try simply pointing out a part of your appearance that he thinks looks especially great !! something like your eyes, your hair, your outfit, etc.
your hair looks great today, btw. anyways-
aside from that, i think he would just try to be as courteous as possible without making a big deal out of things.
and if he ever slips up with your pronouns, descriptors, etc, he’d be super quick to apologize and correct himself before keeping the conversation going like normal !!
there’s just generally a lot of mutual respect all around :)
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this is somewhat similar to my other version of this reaction, but i think he’d just be really intrigued and a little shocked
IDK WHY I KEEP THINKING HIS ABILITY TO GAUGE THESE THINGS IS SO BAD DKFJ every time i think about someone coming out to him i just can’t help but picture him being like “reaLLY??? since WHEN”
still, something deep within my soul is telling me that jeongin would truly think you’re the coolest person on the planet.
being as he can’t personally relate to this, jeongin would be pretty psyched to hear about your journey to finding out !! kinda the opposite reaction to changbin lol
honestly he’d be a super good listener !!!!
he’d hear you out for however long you explain things to him, and if you ever get a bit emotional, he might smile at you or reach out to hold your hand :’) or both :’’’’’)
then, when you tell him your preferred pronouns he’s like “oH okay !! coOL !!!” lmao
so, he understands the concept and is super happy for you but he just didn’t really expect it !!
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tags: @stayndays​, @hanniiesuckle17​, @leggomylino​, @freckledberries​,@kisskissbanggang​, @mr-jisung-main​, @childofthecosmos​,@kpopscape​, @skzwriternet​, @hyunsins​, @sleepylixie​, @sunshine-skz​, @vera-liscious​, @moonlit-lixie​, @thatrandomoneinthecorner​, @sunshine-skz​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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buntycake · 4 years
Hey I really liked your writing so I decided to send in a prompt. What do you think the brothers would only reveal about themselves to MC after a long time of dating? Maybe a different side of their personalities or an embarrassing interest? Thank you for the hard work 💕
I’m glad you like my writing! I hope you enjoy this headcanon.
What the Brothers Reveal to You After Dating You for a Long Time
Lucifer never seems to struggle. True, he has his fits of irritation as he tries to run Devildom while bringing Diavolo’s machinations to fruition. Even so, to an outsider he always seems to have a plan Z for everything.
The first time you saw him in a less than orderly state was when he called you to his office during one of his all-nighters. It was three in the morning and he had asked you to bring him a coffee spiked with poison. (This would have been alarming to you if you hadn't lived in Devildom for quite some time.)
Hunched over his desk and surrounded by paperwork, he looked exhausted. He didn’t even take the time to save his coffee like usual. It was gone in one gulp. When you asked what was keeping him up so late, he told you about Lord Diavolo's new idea. It had him ripping hair out he tried to figured out how to implement it.
Though he tried to shoo you away, you sat with him until 6 am, when he finally called it quits. This became a semiregular occurrence. (You talked him out of his all-nighters when you could.) Just your presence is enough to make the process of figuring out the impossible better.
When you're more settled in your relationship, he'll start asking for your advice and help. It's hard to believe that someone as persnickety as Lucifer would allow someone to do a job that he could do better, but he trusts you.
It's not always about work either. The conversations you two have about his relationship with his brothers are when Lucifer seems the most vulnerable. He wants to be close with them, but struggles. You are one of the few people he allows to know that.
Mammon being completely serious is still an uncommon occurrence in your relationship. He has his more reserved moments, sure, but not bouncing off the walls is not the same as having that solemn, focused look in his eyes.
There are really two occasions when this side of him comes out. One, when he's in DEEP trouble with the witches. You'll know that his debt with the witches has become serious when he's pacing the length of his room and muttering a string of numbers and calculations you can't follow.
Two, when he's trying to comfort someone, most often you. (After all, his brothers aren’t the type to admit when they’re feeling down.) There was once you had gotten to ruminating about the past. Those memories had whirl winded into something ugly. All your past regrets and embarrassments built up and weighed down on you until you began to cry.
Luckily or unluckily, Mammon came barging into your room at that time. He was ranting about some new opportunity for making money. In your melancholy daze, it was hard to remember. You must have looked awful because the switch was immediate.
Mammon gathered you in his arms and rubbed your back until you calmed down enough to talk. At first, he seemed agitated since he thought one of the brothers had done something to upset you. However, as you explained what happened he settled down. He was silent as you spoke and his eyes never left your face as if he was trying to gather up your every word and reaction.
Mammon is surprisingly insightful when he wants to be. What he said to you after your rant was thoughtful and wise – completely unlike his typical persona. You knew the typical fun-loving demon had returned when he said, "Anyway, forget about all that stuff. You have the Great Mammon looking out for you now."
Levi is extremely capable. Being an otaku shut-in, it's an aspect of him that isn't immediately apparent and that you've probably only seen glimpses of.
Levi's ability to keep up with all things otaku, while perhaps not impressive to anyone outside of the anime community, is a testament to his persistence. And no matter what normies think, Levi isn't without ambition.
It's actually a little while into your relationship that he brings up an old goal of his: creating an otaku podcast. He was timid as he began to explain his vision to you, but about an hour in it was clear that he knew EXACTLY what he wanted to do. He just needed a little nudge.
After many reassures, some words of affirmation, and a pretty drawn out planning session, he got to work. For the next couple of months, he was busy - completely hyper focused on this goal.
He reached out to some smaller creators in the otaku community to find others interested in making a podcast. The two of you went searching for a place and some equipment to rent out. There were many late nights with just the two of you drafting up some beginning podcast topics.
Levi was a nervous mess before the first recording. You sat in on the first one just to be a calming presence, but in the end, you don’t think he needed it. He had a BLAST.  Everyone seemed to play off each other so well.
When the podcast came out, it was a modest success. Those that liked it were begging for more. He was practically vibrating from excitement and overflowing with new ideas after that.
Levi undoubtedly did most of the leg work, but he'll insist to his last breath that it was all because of your support. To him, he can jump any hurdle with you by his side.
Satan is disgustingly romantic. For all the rage he can store in his body, honeyed words and sweet sentiments take their place there, too. Blame it on all the romance books he's read over the millenniums.
This aspect of him was probably the clearest during your dates, where he’ll take you to some unknown, but beautiful place. Even as you take in the environmental or astronomical wonders that Devildom offers, his eyes can’t seem to part from your form. It’s as if your existence is even more surreal.
This sentiment bleeds into your daily life the longer you're together. Most notably when you start finding small notes everywhere.
In the morning you found a note on your dresser, scrawled in his neat cursive. It read, “Your smile is as refreshing as the morning dew.” The smile in question appeared on your lips and you could almost see Satan’s amused smile in your mind.
Another note that said, “Your curiosity is something to be admired and feared,” had you giggling in the middle of RAD’s hallways. You got a few odd stares for that.
Surprise, surprise, there were more in your backpack, textbooks, around your room, everywhere. Each contained a small snapshot of his feelings about you.
At the end of the day, you found him tucked away in the library with a book like usual. When you asked him why he hid all those notes, he simply said, "So, that you would have at least one happy moment each day.”
Asmo takes pride in his appearance, but more than that, fashion and beauty are a defensive mechanism. If he looks less than perfect, then there might be merit in what people say about him. They might have good reason to hate or resent him.
When he's at his most beautiful, he can pass those reactions off as people being envious of his perfection. It may seem like a small thing, but it's a privilege to see him before all the primping and preening.
So, when you woke up after one of your rendezvouses and found him still in bed, you were surprised. Usually, he was already up and about, wrapped in one of his silk robes.
He always looked like he woke up fashionably messy. Hair that was perfectly mussed, robe that was draped lazily over his shoulders, and eyes that seemed dewy with sleep, but the smell of bathing oils and perfume always gave away his morning preparations.
Seeing him with bedhead, rubbing at his bleary eyes, and yawning out morning breath was surreal. You thought you were dreaming until he pulled you closer and nuzzled into your chest. His lack of pretense went unmentioned for cuddles and an extra thirty minutes of sleep.
Every time he does this, know that he's choosing to be vulnerable with you. And perhaps more importantly, that he's opening himself up to your criticisms. Ones that he can't/won't deflect and will take to heart.
Beel is rarely angry. As the peacemaker of the brothers, he's often the one pacifying the others. It doesn't leave him much room to express his own anger.
More than that, Beel doesn't like to hold grudges. It makes him feel guilty. There's already so much animosity among his brothers already; he doesn’t want to add to it.
You were really worried the first time he came to vent to you. He had entered your room a bit solemnly and gathered you into his arms. Then, he’d asked your permission to disclose something to you.
At first, you thought he was sad. Beel had commonly shared moments where he felt sad or upset, but this quiet simmering anger was new to you.
He started off quietly. It was lucky his mouth was right by your ear or else you'd have never heard what he was muttering. The whole rant started off with him confessing how frustrated he was with Lucifer for still withholding information and not leaning on the brothers for help.
As you nodded and encouraged him to go on, he got more confident. The conversation drifted away from Lucifer, to his qualms with the rest of the brothers. All of them for condescending his intelligence on a daily basis, Mammon for always going through everyone’s things, Asmo for constantly stealing his cake, and so on.
Beel had completely cooled off by the end of his rant and was a tad bit embarrassed. However, as he gets more comfortable venting, he'll let you know about small things that irritated him that day. It becomes like a daily confessional ritual between the two of you.
Belphie is notably cynical. However, this gets toned down by his aloof, sleepy persona. As adorable and soft as he is, he harbors numerous negative opinions of the world.
He doesn't trust easily and often expects the worst of people - demons, humans, angels, it doesn't matter. To his credit, when he isn’t blinded by his temper, he’s often right in his assessments. However, for Beel's sake, he typically suppresses this response.
With you, he feels he can air out his grievances. The first of these occurrences happened after a post-nap in the attic. The two of you were curled around each other and he began to let his woes slip out into the space between the two of you.
He talked about everything from his brothers to the exchange program to even his reservations about you. The dichotomy of Belphie cuddled into you, surrounded by a mountain of pillows while lamenting the woes of the world was frankly jarring. But when he finished, he seemed to sink deeper into your embrace like a weight had lifted off his shoulders.
As he continues to talk to you about all his less than optimistic views, they become a sort of philosophical debate between the two of you. There’s something satisfying about throwing each other’s ideals around and deconstructing them. More appealing to Belphie is that the two of you can have these conversations without judging each other (too much) or forcing your morals down the other’s throat.
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