#is for anyone who wants to see my day to day life / sexy posts before they go on fansly / and unlimited chatting!
rosicheeks · 2 years
Can someone request your Snapchat to be your friend?
Of course! I have a premium snapchat so you do have to pay no matter what you join for.
I’m sorry I’ve been super busy and haven’t made a new post about my Snapchat. I did have to increase the price 😔 (I desperately need to save up cause I have to move and find a new place in the next month or so 🤦🏽‍♀️)
$25 - 1 month
$50 - 1 year
$75 - lifetime
If you’re interested send me a DM or an ask and I’ll answer privately 💖
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 5
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Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
#Propaganda for Glenn Close: one of the other PCs mentions multiple times how hot he is #Actually several characters point it out but especially Henry #Also the only person in a podcast that has to put a disclaimer about not being a BDSM podcast to have had sex during the course of the show
Young hot rocker dilf
Loyal to his dead wife <3
Does in fact smoke weed
BARD!! HES A BARD. HE WAS LEAD GUITAR IN HIS BAND (that he was kicked out of)
His band was a Christmas cover band btw.
Literally the fandom had hot Glenn summer which consisted of drawing him being incredibly hot and sexy
Anti government (ofc)
Kind of cringefail (Disney adult) (was on dilfs of disneyland)
Young and sexy not your style? Then how about HIM AFTER YEARS LOCKED IN A TIME PRISON WITH A DAMN HANNIBAL MASK ??
Lost an eye and wears a fucking eyepatch
One incredibly buff arm
Has a pet rat named after his son <3
Immeasurable amounts of trauma in this man- becomes progressively more unhinged
Becomes a demon hunter for the rest of his existence
Also nonwhite !!! We are done with cringefail whiteboys !!!!!!!!!
I can’t put into words ok just know he is the best plz love him.
Okay but Glenn made a minivan cum by talking to her so
HE HAS A BOOK THAT HE MARKS X’S AND CHECKS FOR EVERY DAY TO SEE IF THAT DAY WAS A SUCCESS OR NOT. TO SEE IF HE DID GOOD THAT DAY. ITS ALMOST ENTIRELY X’S. HE WAS CUCKED OUT OF A SON. AND A DEAD WIFE. HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO KILL HIS DAD IN REVENGE. There’s absolutely nothing going for him except his sex appeal in his life. Nobody he loved remembers him. He lost his eye. All he has is a pet rat and friends who admit they don’t really like him that much. He was kicked out of his own band. The band was named after him. He was kicked out of the Glenn Close trio. All he could do was deez nuts the big bad and be sexy. If nothing else, then pity him. Look in his eyes. Look at his heart and soul. He did not do the BDSM episode for this I’ll tell you what. Do this for my his sake. Do it for Nick Jr, who needs the prize money to pay for his rat snacks. Do it for his son. For Morgan. Ganbatte.
Glenn is the goofiest sexiest character there is and I will die on this hill! I will ride into battle for him! what Dndads created is truly unique and Glenn is a key part of that and for that he deserves to win. I said it before and I'll say it again - GLENN SWEEEEEP
Can we talk about how he says ‘baby’ casually? Like he just calls people that?? That’s HOT. THAT IS HOT!! He’s also bilingual and knows Japanese!!!! He’s a big dumb idiot with a lot of charisma!!!!!! HE WORKED AT A BDSM PLACE FOR TWO SEPARATE ONE SHOTS. HES SO SAD BUT PLAYS IT OFF LIKE HE’S CHILL ALL THE TIME!! HE DOESN’T THINK OF HIMSELF AS SINGLE BECAUSE HE DIDN’T DIVORCE HIS DEAD WIFE!!! He’s like.. the perfect guy. We need this win.
I’d also like to add the fact I made this. Which is the first 11 episodes edited to (almost) only have Glenn in them <3 which is a level of insanity I hope to reiterate. These took hours to make. I wouldn’t do that for anyone else.
Mod Note: While I will still take "bad dads are sexy" propaganda and "bad dads aren't sexy" anti-propaganda, I kindly request no more discussion on whether or not he was a bad father. This is a sexypoll, not a parentingpoll. If you see a post you strongly disagree with, you can just not reblog it.
Mod Note 2: This tournament is about fictional podcast characters. Please do not vote for the real actress Glenn Close.
Amber Gris (The Adventure Zone: Ethersea):
Middle aged woman who punches sharks to death. My hero
If you love me you'll vote for amber gris I swear to everything holy on earth amen
Amber is butch, instant win
Amber Gris has a negative charisma modifier and she pissed her pants on purpose in order to trick a guard and knock him out. She tied up a dude. She once killed an evil magic shark (they're out for murder. not like real sharks) by punching it and then picked it up and smashed it into another shark, also killing it. She talks in a southern accent. She calls people guppy because it indicates a lack of respect. She has a big pair of magical green arms that come from her stomach. She got a fancy jacket and immediately ripped its sleeves off. She has a gay thing going on with one of the political leaders in the city. She gets in fights with people and doesnt do vulnerability and tries to lay low and not get in any social trouble she doesn't have to. She jumped through a portal into a new world because she could. She's now the god of said world, alone with only afformentioned political leader, who was previously possessed and she had to fight. She spends her time in a bar called the Cloaca. She calls people she doesn't like claspers, because it means shark penis. She and her friend, an old man named Uncle Joshy, sneak attack each other and yell VIBE CHECK! She tries to talk fancy to impress people and she's really bad at it (verily).
She’s everything and more. She’s irreverent. She punches sharks for a living. She becomes God. What more do you need in a butch.
amber gris propaganda: she is straightup the physical embodiment of "women want me, fish fear me." also she's an appalachian post apocalyptic sea captain. that's just objectively cool.
amber's creator said she was based off of the type of working-class woman you commonly see in appalachia where "this is the sort of woman that you see walking past CVS, and you know that a truck could hit her and it would just split around her as she continued to go pick up whatever she had to do that day." and that's pretty hot
guys Amber becomes lesbian god of the new world with her childhood “”friend””
#amber gris is LITERALLY a middle-aged butch #she would win this entire tournament in a just world
Last time Amber got horny was when she killed that shark
"it was a savage bummer though, don't-- trust me, there's nothing that great about a history. You know? I got one. What did I do, killed a bunch of sharks? Last time I got horny, god and christ I can't even tell you-- well, it was when I killed that shark. But! Hey. We're all just kinda figuring it out."
Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast: Bahumia):
She's a hot elf with mushrooms growing on her. She has 1 level of barbarian. She's bisexual. She shapeshifted into a dragon and ate a god.
how tf does the post not mention Moonshine’s giant boobs her greatest asset
Moonshine has canonically gone down on a woman for a solid hour without asking for anything in return. Moonshine edged a dryad just by kissing them. Moonshine faced down someone being controlled to kill everyone in his path and told him if he still wanted to hurt her, she would take his blows as a friend. Moonshine makes jambalaya for her family and friends. Moonshine mispronounced someone’s name for a month and that woman still wanted to hook up with Moonshine. These are just a few of the reasons why Moonshine is sexy.
shes illiterate
canonically huffs dirty water from a bong
has big tatas
wears a belly chain with a demon trapped in it
almost became the queen of hell
ate a god
turned into a pregnant moose & gave birth
The woman she went down on for an hour asking nothing in return is still hung up on her, 200 years later. Moonshine is unmatched
To be clear the woman whose name Moonshine mispronounced for a month and then hooked up with is the same woman she went down on for an hour, and the same woman who is still flustered over her 200 years later. The rizz is unparalleled. She’s also incredibly kind and accepting of others, and goes out of her way to bolster her friends. The party always requests one big bed.
moonshine cybin is a druid who learned counterspell through sheer force of will. moonshine cybin turned one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse into a dolphin, flew him 60 feet up into the air, dropped him on the ground, and then spit spores into his face to kill him. moonshine cybin turned into a dragon and bit the head off of a double god. moonshine cybin was willing to confine herself to an eternal hell to save the world. moonshine cybin is a dragon rider. you know what you must do.
Amber and Moonshine Together
Look at them. They should not have to fight when they could be gay instead. Imagine the power they would have combined... Every lesbian in a hundred mile radius of the post would swoon. It may be an odd alliance, but from an Ethersea fan to Bahumia fans, i believe this will strengthen both our odds. I have always been insane about Amber Gris but through this poll I have also learned about Moonshine and come to love her too. Take my hand... We can do this together...
appalachian sapphic solidarity!
Art of Amber and Moonshine from @pirateknight.
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scoonsalicious · 1 month
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Unwanted: Chapter 30, Epilogue - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mild sexy stuff (Just some very light hand business. Very light.)
Word Count: 1.1k
Previously On...: You moved out of the Tower :(
A/N: This is it! The last part! You guys. I can't even. It's been a magical journey, and I'm so honored that I got to take it with all of you. I'm scheduling this post on Thursday in my office, and I'm fucking crying, because you've made this more than anything I could have ever hoped for. I love each and every one of you, so fucking much. Thank you for coming on this adventure with me. Thank you for loving Pocket. Thank you for sticking with Bucky and not throwing knives at him and his stupidity. Just, fucking THANK YOU. You are all amazing, beautiful people, and I could not have done this without you. Thirty Chapters, One Hundred Fifty Five Thousand, Four Hundred and Fourteen Words, and more to come. Bucky and Pocket's journey is not over! POOKIE LOVES YOU SO MUCH.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
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Not even twenty minutes later– it was actually almost pathetic how close your new place was to the Tower, really– you were opening up the door of your brand new penthouse apartment. It was more extravagant than any other place you’d ever laid your head, and when Tony’s realtor had first shown it to you, you’d balked at the opulence of it. But Tony reminded you that you’d been shot, after all, and had almost died once, then actually died, all in the span of a few days, and after that, on top of everything else you had already endured in your life, wasn’t it time you treated yourself to something good? Besides, it wasn’t like you couldn’t afford it. So, here you were.
“Honey, I’m home,” you called out softly to the enormous, empty space. It would still be some time before the movers finished loading up and delivering everything from the Tower, and then you were going to have a lot of furniture shopping to do. Toeing off your shoes, you padded your way across the apartment to the terrace. Opening the glass doors, you stepped outside. You walked to the edge and rested your elbows against the railing. Taking a deep breath, you admired the view of the city before you, the Tower just a block away. Looking across, you could easily make out Tony and Pepper’s apartment. Waving at breakfast, indeed.
You felt a pair of strong arms slink around your midsection, tugging you into a broad, warm chest. “Thought I heard you come in,” Bucky said, nuzzling his head into the crook of your shoulder. 
“Hey, baby,” you smiled, reaching back to caress his face with your hand. You turned in his arms so you were facing him. “I missed you.”
 Bucky laughed as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I only left the Tower two hours ago,” he said. “But I missed you, too.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him, pouring every ounce of love and affection you felt for him into the motion. “I can’t believe we finally did it,” you grinned.
“Took us long enough,” he mused back, but then turned thoughtful. “Probably would have happened a lot sooner if I hadn’t–”
You brought a finger to his lips, silencing him. “Stop. We agreed not to talk about that, remember? Dr. Whitmore said we can’t move forward if we keep hashing out the past, and I just want to move forward, with you.”
“Sorry,” he murmured, but you just smiled and kissed him again.
After you’d been released from the hospital, you and Bucky had had a long, emotional discussion about the future of your relationship. The only way you’d ever stand a real chance, you’d both decided, was if you committed to couples’ counseling and complete and total honesty. Bucky knew he didn’t deserve yet another chance from you, and you probably wouldn’t have given him one if you hadn’t loved him so fucking much. But you’d actually died, and you couldn’t stand the idea of wasting any more time without him. Now, after nearly a year of doing the work, both on your relationship and yourselves, you felt your connection was stronger than ever. And besides, when it really mattered, Bucky had proven, in the most definitive way, that he would pick you over Jade Carthage.
“So…,” you said once the kiss had been broken and you began playing with the hem of his shirt.
“So, what?” he asked. You raised an eyebrow at him suggestively. His eyes widened as he caught your meaning. “What? Here? Right now?!”
You tilted your head and looked up at him with the most innocent expression you could muster, given how completely un-innocent your current thoughts were. “Yeah, right here, right now. Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough, baby?” You trailed a hand down the center of his chest and his breath hitched. “Almost a full year, spent using my fingers, pretending they were you, never feeling full enough? Never getting off as good as I got off with you? It’s been so long since I felt you inside of me, Buck. So long, it fucking hurts.”
When you had decided to give your relationship a real reset, one of the rules you had established, with the advice of Dr. Whitmore, was no sex. You needed to establish emotional intimacy and boundaries once again, without the complications a sexual relationship would bring. She had even suggested you both try to date other people, to ensure that this was the relationship you both truly wanted, but neither one of you could bring yourselves to do it. And now, here you were, almost a full year since the last time you’d been together, and you were desperate. 
Bucky groaned at your words and you knew he was this close to giving in to you.
“Come on, baby,” you purred, reaching down and slowly unbuckling his belt. “Don’t you want me? Don’t you want to be inside of me?” You slowly began nibbling at his jaw, tasting the salty sweetness of his skin and letting it flood your senses.
“Always want you, Pocket,” he growled, tightening his grip on your waist and pulling you flush against his hips. You let out a low moan when you felt the evidence of his arousal press into your stomach through his jeans. 
“Then have me, Barnes,” you whispered, carding your hands through his hair. “Have me on this balcony, have me on every fucking surface of this apartment, as many times as you want.”
Any remaining sense of resolve Bucky may have possessed snapped, and he was on you, sucking on the skin of your neck as he rutted his hips against you, and it felt so. fucking. good. to feel him like that again. His hand dipped into the waistband of your pants, where he found you wet and eager for him. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he growled into your skin as his fingers slipped through your slick folds to toy with your clit. “All this for me?”
You groaned as you felt one finger gently breach your entrance. “Only you, love,” you moaned. “Only ever you.”
You both froze when you heard the sound of the elevator ding, and Bucky quickly withdrew his hand, popping his finger into his mouth to suck away the evidence of his actions. Grunting in frustration, you looked around him to see the elevator doors open and the movers begin to unload dollies of boxes from the Tower into your new apartment.
“Fuck,” you whispered. “So much for reunion sex. I swear, I’ve got blue balls, Barnes”
Bucky grinned at you, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before redoing his belt and heading over to help the movers. “This’ll only take a little while, doll,” he winked at you. “We’ve got the rest of our lives together to make up for lost time.”
<- Previous Part / The End
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seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — RIN x FEM READER
True love stares you in the face and calls you an idiot. 
wc — 1k
tags — fluff, post enemies to lovers
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“Do you find me lovable?”
Rin squints at you. “Where is this coming from?” 
The question is wary, like you’re setting a trap, and he’s the rabbit that’s dumb enough to fall for it. To be fair, when you do mess with him, he does fall for it every single time. 
But not this time. 
“Don’t you think I’m annoying?”
He rolls his eyes at you. “Yeah, actually. Super annoying. Worst mistake of my life.” 
You stretch your leg out to kick him in the shin. He rips it back, yelping. 
“Be serious,” you scold. 
He blinks at you. When Rin is confused, it’s very obvious. He never manages to be ugly - it’s those sexy Itoshi genes - but his confused face comes the closest. He squints like he’s smelled something distasteful and his entire face screws up. His nose crinkles. His mouth puckers. 
Rin is, at heart, a very simple creature. If it’s not about football, he doesn’t tend to think too hard. He’ll make the attempt for you, but in general, he’s a little less developed than other people his age on important concepts like emotional awareness. 
You decide to throw him a bone. “Like when we met, remember?” 
It’s a memory that you laugh at now (okay, not now, because you’re in a mood at the moment, but in every other scenario). At the time, however, you went home and screamed into your pillow to escape from cringing at yourself every five seconds. 
It was your first day working for the Japanese National Football Team. You had been so excited to be here! Of course, it’s more glamorous to be playing the actual sport, but the team can only function at their best because of people like you.
Scanning in with your fancy new lanyard feels so professional. You still haven’t gotten over the excitement of a new job yet, and it’s written all over your face. Your new boss laughs when you tell her profusely how grateful you are to be here. She’s kind and funny. You can already see yourself fitting right in. 
“I don’t have too much for you right now,” she says. “Why don’t you go meet the team?”
Your eyes practically sparkle with delight. “Can I really?” 
“Sure! Just tell them I sent you,” she says. 
The football pitch isn’t attached to the main building, but a short walk away. Your head is in the clouds as you all but float down the sidewalk. You still can’t believe you’re really here, but when you pinch yourself, the world remains as clear and vivid as it was before. This is no dream. 
This is a nightmare, actually. The gates that allow you into training grounds are locked with a code that no one told you. You flutter around it, trying to decide what to do. Should you go back and bother your boss? You don’t want to seem stupid on your first day. You look around, but you don’t see anyone to ask. You pace around the lock again. 
You don’t know where to go. If there was someone you could ask, you wouldn’t know where to find them. How is it only your first day and you’re already messing up? 
“What’s the hold up?”
You gasp and whirl around to find Itoshi Rin, one of the star players who came out of the Blue Lock program. You’re starstruck, but that quickly fades as he pushes past you to put the code in. He doesn’t even hold the door open for you, leaving you to rush to grab it before it swings shut. At least you’re inside the facility now. 
The coworkers you meet are much nicer than Rin. Even though your boss told you not to work today, they’re so friendly you don’t mind pitching in. As the players trickle in to warm up, you run around offering water bottles and balls. It’s starting to feel like an okay day, especially because Rin doesn’t seem to recognize you from this morning. 
When you offer him a bottle, he takes it with a nod of appreciation, so you know it’s not personal. It’s not that reassuring to think that he might just be a bit of an asshole, but at least it’s not targeted. 
Whatever your feelings on Rin are, he’s undeniably an incredible player. When he scores, every member of the staff stops to watch the arc of the ball. It’s perfect. It’s a thing of beauty. 
You’re working up a sweat yourself carrying out the tasks you’re asked to do, so when the team finally wraps up, you’re grateful to finally start heading home. You pick up a stray ball heading your way and deposit it in the nearest basket, but a hand catches yours before you can let the ball drop. 
“Are you stupid? That doesn’t go in there,” Rin says, taking it from you and trotting across the field to another basket. 
Your jaw drops. 
You hate this man. 
But in a few months, he’ll take you on your first date, and you’ll be head over heels. You still don’t remember why or when it happened, just that one day Rin showed up with an apology and a dedication to doing better. 
“When did it change?” You ask, curious now. 
“I dunno,” Rin says. “Probably when you called me stupid after I fumbled the keys you gave me.” 
“What?” You laugh at him. 
“I’m serious! I was like oh, that was kind of shitty of me.” 
“Sometimes I wonder how you’re still alive.” 
“I’m a professional football player, not a therapist,” he says. 
You hold your tongue about how emotional awareness was not a trait relegated to therapists alone. 
“Anyway,” he adds, reaching for you. You stumble and nearly fall on top of him, but he doesn’t mind. “You’re still kind of stupid. But that’s what I like about you.” 
“Rin,” you say, slowly like you’re talking to a very dumb toddler. “You forgot to hit start on the washing machine this morning.”
It doesn’t phase him. “I know I’m stupid too. That’s why we work.”
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Wait, how would Cooper feel about thigh high stockings with some of those heels? Possibly a garter belt too? Or even just knowing that his partner has them on underneath whatever they usually wear? My mind goes blank when I see them on a pretty lady (or a man or anyone else really, I'm bisexual) Something about wearing them also makes me feel super hot but also powerful? Is that weird?
Oh, they feel very powerful, Anon. That's definitely not weird. In fact, I'd argue that that's one of the main selling points of them. It's very empowering and confidence-boosting to feel desirable and sexy.
That's why Cooper would absolutely adore seeing you in the entire get-up. He'd also like seeing you be so confident...
I think it would start small, maybe him gifting you your first very nice set of lingerie for your first Valentine's Day together. To you and your current financial situation, nice lingerie is simply defined as "a cute-ish top and bottoms that match and aren't completely ratty".
It's been about a year since he and Barb officially divorced, and about four months since you and Cooper started dating. You're both still quite low-key about it, not wanting to deal with the drama or the guilt of making Barb feel bad, but you're wild about one another. Coop likes being with someone who is more down-to-earth like he is, someone who he could really see raising chickens with him. You enjoy the older man's kindness, his generous nature, all the things he can show and teach you from years of life experience.
You aren't inexperienced, sexually, but the things you've tried aren't exactly adventurous. He catches you reading a steamy novel one evening, though, and suddenly you're getting quite the interrogation about what naughty things you like while he tickles you and kisses at your neck. And trust me, you will be divulging that information; he's a patient man, and if he has to wait until the next time you have an extra glass of wine with dinner to ask again, he will.
One of the things you eventually mention, lips loose after too much New Year's champagne, is how you've always liked the idea of dressing up in sexy lingerie, high heels and all, parading around a tied-up man like a prowling seductress.
So, naturally, you're over the moon when, a week before Valentine's Day, he gives you a gorgeous satiny bra and panty set and some stockings to go with. The sizing is perfect, of course, because he's so wonderful about attention to detail. The garter belt confuses you when you try it on, but eventually you manage to wrestle it all into place, and you're blown away by your reflection in the mirror. Cooper insists you don't show him what it looks like on until the day of, and you keep to that. But after your romantic dinner together that evening, you find yourself almost overly giddy to get out of the nice dress you'd chosen for your date. He's been shooting you heart-stopping glances all night, running his eyes up and down your body like he knows what you're hiding underneath your clothes.
Which, of course, he does.
When you finally get home, he takes great pleasure in slowly peeling you out of the thing, revealing the black satin and silk and the little bow between your breasts. Your feet have much less traction than usual against the hardwood floors in the stockings, but you're sure in your step as his eyes on you give you a huge confidence boost. Leading him to his bedroom, you push him down on the bed and kiss him for a long while before telling him to stay put, disappearing from the room and reappearing with a few lengths of rope in hand, his white cowboy hat on your head.
A few minutes later, his arms are outstretched just enough to keep him from being able to reach his body with his hands, the knots around his arms and the headboard posts nice and secure. He taught you the knots, and you'd really enjoyed learning them, but you still didn't think it had been fair of him to test your knowledge on them while he made you cockwarm him. But that's a score to settle another day.
You enjoy taking your time teasing him, running your tongue and nails along his chest and stomach, noting the way he shivers as you run your fingers along the waistband of his slacks. After he pleads a little, you free him from his open fly and tease him with your lips and tongue until he's pleading again. You smile wickedly at him as you move back.
Balancing on your rear and your palms, you lean back as far as you can while still staying upright between his knees, slowly and intentionally running your silk-clad feet all along the planes of his bare chest, appreciating his physique as you tease all the way up to his collar bones. A giggle leaves you when he cranes his neck to allow himself to nibble at your ankles, but the playful little kick you give him to the forehead sends him staring you down with a heat in his gaze. When he's settled down, you move your feet back down to the trail of hair that leads to his twitching, throbbing erection.
"Dirty tricks, little lady." he growls when you start to gently rub your smooth sole back and forth across his cock. You've managed to sniff out this particular kink of his between all the "secret" little glimpses at you after you take off your heels at the end of the day, the glut of compliments about how pretty your feet are, the regular pedicures he happily pays for. The massages where he can barely conceal his growing erection. You'd thought it a little strange at first, but he didn't judge you for your stranger proclivities, so you tried your best to grant him the same grace.
Plus, it was really quite hot how worked up he got about it, and you certainly didn't mind all the gifted shoes.
Since you've already been working him up and teasing him, he quickly reaches his end. You're both a little shocked by exactly how hard he cums, and how much, jet after hot jet spattering across his chest, his stomach, and your stockings, a low, guttural groan leaving him as you continue to gently pet at him until he pleads with you to stop. You can't help but notice that he seems like he's having a hard time meeting your gaze.
The whole display is incredibly erotic to you, despite what you may have thought about this sort of thing before. You'd never considered how much you could enjoy having a man you actually liked and trusted thinking your feet were very, very sexy, and now the whole thing has you ready to plant yourself down on him and never get off.
"Well, are you gonna untie me so I can return the favor, darlin'?" he asks eventually, face and neck still pink as he finally seems to gather up the courage to look over at you. You grin, slinking forward to lean in and kiss him deeply, running your fingers through the cooling rivulets of semen painting his toned chest.
"Mmm, I dunno, cowboy." you tut, pulling his hat from your head and giving your hair a seductive shake as you place it onto his. "I sorta like you like this. I'm thinking about maybe taking you for a little test ride."
His muscles flex against his restraints as he grins impishly at you. You have him under your control, and you intend to keep him that way for quite a while. Your pretty lingerie will definitely be destroyed by the time you're finished with each other, but no worries; he's got another of the exact same set hidden in the closet, ready to replace it so you can have one to actually keep.
He's just thoughtful like that. 😈
To the innocent anon: I'm sorry I used your submission to write foot job porn. :( Well, I'm kinda sorry.
I do feel at least a little bad, scout's honor.
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count-alucard-tepes · 7 months
What sexy things do the OP Hotties do that turn you on? 👀
Haha I normally wouldn’t do slightly spicy asks but I’ll respond to this one because I can’t resist😆😍
Kizaru ✨: he such a tease, you know he’s so smooth with the ladies and he dresses really well too. A well put together man is always desirable.
Akainu🌋: he’s stoic and cold and I’m a brat 😂 I feel like that would be the perfect match for someone like him. Also he has tattoos and he seems like he would protect me with his life and that’s so sexy.
Ryokugyu 🌱: he’s a bad boy and everyone loves a bad boy. And when ever I get mad at him he would just turn into a tree with my favorite flowers…a girl is sold.
Fujitora 🐅: he’s such a sweetheart, you know he would be the best husband ever.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: it’s his style, he just oozes sexiness in everything he does and says. He knows he can have anyone and that confidence is really sexy.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: the ultimate bad boy who would have you wrapped around his finger literally and figuratively. It’s the sexy body, the laugh, the style! Not to mention, he’s someone you don’t want to cross the line with him. He’s the guy your parents say stay away from with good reason but you still want a taste.
Benn Beckman 🔫: he’s so mysterious and you know he’ll charm your pants off in 30 seconds. He’s also strong and smart…it’s a win-win situation!
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: Oda thought everyone was gonna be terrified of this hottie! But no, this mochi baby daddy is the perfect example of don’t judge a book by its cover! He’s a family guy who listens to his mom and cares for his younger siblings! And not to mention he’s got a sexy body and can tell why you’re angry before you stomp around ! And he loves donuts so I never have to diet again! I AM SOLD!
Killer🔪: alright post time skip Killer is hot and all but pre time skip Killer had me on my knees! He’s is so cute and mysterious but also super intelligent and fine af! Blonde hair and blue eyes…that’s my punk rock Barbie right there!
Kaido🐉: he’s emotional af when he’s drunk and just loves the hell out of his kid and those around him that are loyal to him! To be Yamato’s mom and smash Kaido at him prime! Omg I’d cling to ankles, y’all !
King 👑 : he’s the hot character of color who is the epitome of tall, dark and sexy! He has the white hair! He’s that bitch! He’s got wings and legs for days! The fucking face tattoo!!! I would cling onto his knees (since that’s probably the highest point where I’d be able reach him) and die for this baby daddy!
Queen👑: oh man, Queen is so fucking cool! I just wanna party with him until I can’t walk anymore! You know he puts the party God to shame! Karaoke night at Onigashima would be everything!
Izou🔫🔫: he’s so beautiful…I would be so shy around him because he’s so freaken pretty and would always look hotter than me! It’s always nice to have someone else do your hair and make up and Izou is my main man to be my wifey!
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: the face tattoo! You know he’s a badass when he got a face tattoo and his best friend is an Okama! I’m ready to see Dragon naked, y’all! I’m about to be Luffy’s stepmom! Croc is about to gut me😂😂😂
Oven Charlotte 🍞: feeling sad…he bakes some cake…feeling happy…let’s have croissants! He’s just gonna fatten me up and I’ll never have to diet again because I’ll always be smaller than him! These Charlotte men are just the best! He’s also got main character energy 😂
Buggy🤡: he has hair goals I want to achieve but will never reach even if I tried! He’s charismatic and funny af! Buggy-sama is everything!😍
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: he’s a doctor! Score! My parents would never be prouder since I’m not…next best thing is my hubby being a doctor! He’s also such a cutie who seems to always be smiling!
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: our favorite angry firecracker! He’s a cutie who wears make up and looks like he should be a drummer in a rock band! He’s got beautiful red hair and he’s intelligent! He also can fix your appliances! That’s a wifey right there!
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: he’s gentle and emotionally available! Not to mention he’s a natural dad! He’s funny and clumsy af but a total badass! Let’s not forget he’s the handsome sibling lol
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹: omg he’s tall, has pink hair, has tattoos and has a sexy smirk! Not to forget he turns into a cute kitty man! I’m ready to have his kittens!
Gecko Moria🦇: now prime Gecko Moria was every fucking thing! I mean who challenges Kaido and doesn’t actually lose…kinda! He was really hot too!
Iceburg💜: he’s so cute and funny, I can’t with him! He’s also so intelligent and can build stuff, love it!
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: first of all, he’s rich and he’s hot! A girl is sold! He sings and dances…even better!
Rob Lucci🐆: he’s so cute! I can’t deal especially in his kitty form, he’s also mysterious. From hot to cold in a mere couple of seconds! I love it! His hair is so beautiful too! I can’t deal!
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vitzi9 · 1 month
Could you do a story but with male reader pleasee <3
Come out, come out
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Creepy!Ethan Landry x Male!Reader
Masterlist if you want to read my other things.
CW/TW: Phone-sex, sub!Ethan, AMAB Reader, stalker Ethan, dirty talk from Ethan (like really), reader has a dick and has he/him pronouns, FILTHY
(put me in jail)
Been dead for months and came back to life for some smut, what a life man (I do not respect myself)
I didn't know if you meant male reader as in AMAB or else so I post this and I'll probably do others where reader's genitals parts are not specified.
05/05/2024 (3147 words)
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Your relationship with Ethan was not the easiest. He was hard to understand, for anyone really. You’ve known each other for a few months, been really close as well. Chad, his roommate, was often absent. Whether working or out with friends. While Ethan was calmer, learning his lessons and globally just more insecure to go out that much.
Of course you’d offer to come to his place when he was bored or wanted to hang out with you. You met in class, you were paired together for a project and became good friends ever since. Ethan and you spent almost every afternoon after class at his place, talking, working or watching movies. He wasn’t an open man, for example, he categorically refuses you to enter his room. Though Chad, who you stumbled upon one day before he left for his girlfriend’s, assured you he was forbidden to enter as well.
Ethan was a private man, you did not know anything about his family or love interest, you did not even know whether he liked you or not, as you sure started to like him. How could you not ? He was kind, nerdy, smart and handsome. Sadly, you believed he never thought about you that way.
Until one night, after a movie session that exhausted you both, you found yourself cuddling on the couch, dizzy and half conscious.
It started when two men on screen start getting closer and closer to each other. You know how there's more gays showed on TV, sometimes you hate it because people look at you weird when this shows up, like you're the one who fucking put it in the movie.
But tonight, you hated it even more because your crush was here.
The worst is not knowing if Ethan is gay or not. Straight men love to laugh about gay sex, (why, you don't know but maybe it's funny) it's possible for him to start saying things like "Aha gay funny and weird aha peepee in the ass" or some shit. But Ethan's finger, who was on the cushion between you, inches towards your thigh. Confused, you tried to read his face but his eyes were solely in the screen, cheeks burning red.
It escalated quickly from there, he pulled you onto his lap, his hands were groping your ass, your lips on his, you touching his chest, his tongue against yours. You did not have sex with him as Chad came back in the middle of you humping his roommate, interrupting you and forcing you to separate from each other. You also did not have sex with him seeing as the next day he avoided you like the plague. You never actively told him of your attraction for men, but never hid it either. You left clues, small interactions when you’d mention finding someone handsome, never speaking about women you find sexy or, whatever straight men usually talk about. But you think you showed it enough that night.
Ethan, on the other hand, kept his love life pretty secret from you.
He never mentioned any crush or exes, whether it was men or women. Ethan could be friends with anyone, yes, you know that gay men could be friends with men as well but you were getting desperate to find out what he really was so you were taking what you could. What if he has a crush on Chad ? It was possible, after all. Or maybe he was talking to men online, you never know. But he could also very well talk to women online, and have a crush on a girl somewhere.
Ethan is cute, he’s sexy, even. Of course you’d be devastated after your kiss. He ignored you ! You read online of straight men trying things with men only for the thrill of it, to know how it is and everything but you never experienced it for yourself. Ethan isn’t like that, right ? Has he even had any partner before ? You don’t remember it.
It's dragging your own feet that you enter your apartment. Shoulders tensed and legs burning. Taking out your keys out of your pocket, you inch them towards the door only to let them drop on the ground. You sigh, feeling your nerves on the edge of exploding.
You crouch down, picking them up before putting it in the keyhole only for the key to be stuck. You frown and, confused, you push the door. It opens with no resistance.
What the... ? You didn't lock the door ? What crossed your mind this morning ! In such a crazy city no less ! But as there's no signs of any intruder being here or having been here, you simply unprepare yourself in the bathroom before enjoying a shower.
Drying up quickly, you realize having forgotten your pajamas in your bedroom. Towel around the waist, you search tiredly in your closet for any clothes you can sleep in. Seeing none, you question yourself about where you last put them. Did you put them in the washing machine ? You don't remember. Then where are your damn pajamas ? At one point, you grab a simple shirt before going back to the bathroom.
You place the towel on the heater for it to dry up but in doing so you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You frown.
What's that ? That's not your t-shirt ? You take it between your index and thumb, creasing the fabric. When was the last time you invited someone over ? Did it belong to one of your exes's ? You can't seem to remember.
You sniff it for a second, even if the odds were low, that maybe the person's smell would still be there. It's not, well, you don't think it is anyway. It smells clean, not a perfume, more like simple laundry.
As long as it's clean ! And nobody ever asked you to give it back so... Guess it's yours now. Before leaving for the kitchen, you check the pile of dirty clothes in your closet, learning with surprise that a lot of your supposed clean clothes are in it.
Okay, you're definitely going crazy to forget such things.
You rub your face, trying to wake you up before finally going to the kitchen. Phone is discarded on the counter while you search for anything good in the fridge. But a ringing followed by numerous vibrations grabs your attention away. Dragging your feet to your phone, you're confused at the sigh of a number you previously erased, waning to forget it.
Ethan Landry.
Ethan is calling you, you know it because you memorized his number. You let the ringtone pass, hoping he would give up. When your vocal messaging informed him to leave a message, you thought he would finally send you a text and let it go. But he called again, and again. Until you pick up, after the third call.
Only to be greeted by utter silence.
Great, he harasses you by phone and doesn't talk. What is wrong with him ? He better have good excuses.
“Ethan ? you ask, confused. A throat clearing on the other hand of the call is the only proof of his presence.
-Uh, hi, man. How, uh, how are you doing ? he asks, more awkward than ever. He’s out of breath.
Weird, why is he talking like that ? You check the time with a frown, he’s probably still in public transport, hence his breathless state. It’s Wednesday, the day he goes for errants. That’s probably where he was.
-I’m fine, man." You insisted particularly on the last word. "How are you doing ? Why the late call ? " It’s not that late by any means, it’s only 7PM (19h) but it’s confusing coming from him, especially after his long absence.
-I was just… Checking, I guess. It’s been a while.
Of course it has, he’s the one who ghosted you.
-Right, that's not really my fault though…” Awkward. What's he going to say now ? What does he really want ?
-Yeah, I kind of panicked, I guess. Sorry about that." And that's it. His sole excuse is "I panicked". Great. Nice. He clearly cares for you a lot ! How could you crush on this guy ?
You’re able to hear crumplings on his side, which makes you ask yourself whether he is really in transports or already home. Though, there is no way you’ll ask him directly, that’ll make him believe you still think about him and remember his week’s schedule. Which you do, you still think about him and know his damn schedule. Ethan takes a deep breath, as if to instill courage into himself.
“It’s gonna sound weird, I’m aware. He pauses, preparing you (or himself) to his next words. Can you just talk to me ? You can tell me anything, really.
-What ?
-I can't sleep.
Is that a good or bad thing that he thought about you before sleeping ? You’d say bad, as he ignored you for weeks before, visibly, deciding he needed you enough to come back.
-Wow, I’m flattered you thought about me to fall asleep. You say ironically. Am I that boring ?
-No, you’re not… You’re not boring. He gulps his saliva. Just talk to me, please. I like your voice.
Something’s wrong with his voice. It’s like he remains out of breath. Maybe he’s running ? He’s a strong man, he’s probably doing a marathon or something. Wait, what are you talking about, he said he needed to sleep. He’s not running at all. Then what the hell ?
-Ethan, are you sure you’re okay ? You sound weird. What are you doing ?
-Nothing, he says, but you clearly hear him exhaling a long puff of air out of his nose. I think I’m a little sick.
-Ethan ? you ask again, resulting in him coughing after, you guess, badly swallowing his own saliva.
-Just talk to me, okay ? I’m on the edge of sleeping. Particular choice of words, Ethan.
-I don’t have anything to say, honestly. I worked today, that’s all.
-Tell me all about it.
You’re a cashier, there is literally nothing interesting enough to brag about. People are mean to you, others are nice. Being a cashier is long and boring.
-Helen, you know the girl with short hair I told you about, you start after seeing he wouldn’t let go. Ethan simply hums. She dropped the big pile of canned goods at the entrance and it fell on an old woman. She threatened to sue us.”
After this, you simply told him all about your day, even the most boring stuff. It was nice to have someone listening to you after a long day, on the other hand, it was Ethan you were talking to. Never had he interrupted you, only sometimes humming at your words or letting some kind of throaty sound out, making you aware he was still awake.
Sometimes as well, he would inhale, or exhale, louder, as if falling in and out of sleep.
But most of the time, his sheets would crease under him due to his constant movements. You don't know, but he seems agitated. Maybe he had a hard day ?
“...but he told me it was my job to clean after him ! I’m a cashier, not a slave. I told him I’d call the manager and, of course, he got escorted out. Seriously, people are so impolite, why do they think it’s okay to look down on me ? He did not answer, did he finally fall asleep ?
-Ethan ?” you ask, almost whispering.
He’s not sleeping, you realize. You clearly still hear his frantic breathing, he’s talking, too. You can’t quite understand but it looks like curses. “Ethan ?” you call. Putting the call on speaker, you listen carefully to each sound coming from him. What the hell is he doing ? Your ear catches another sound, lower, distant but very much here. Confusion paints your face, you approach your ear on the screen hoping to hear better.
Faint, swift wet sounds paired with his frantic breathing create an image of Ethan you never thought you’d hear. You can only think about one thing, him laying on his bed, jerking off talking to you.
This can’t be real. Ethan, it’s Ethan on the phone. He’s not a creep. He’s a shy man, and most of all, he’s straight. Ethan can’t be attracted to you, right ? Your heart is pounding in your rib cage from panic, stress, excitation; everything at once.
“Ethan are you fucking touching yourself over me right now ? he quietly moans.
-Yes, yes I am. Please don’t hang up, just… Just wait a little bit, please." His phone hits something, probably his chest, because now all you hear are the wet movements of his hand on his member.
Is it you or is it getting kind of hot in there ?
You stare at the wall, completely lost and overwhelmed by the situation, eyes not wanting to close. Ethan is jerking off on the phone, right now. He’s moaning, having stopped hiding by now. Is it a red flag ? It’s sort of weird to masturbate on the phone with someone not even aware of it. Ethan mutters something sounding like a question, you gulp, regaining your senses and asking him to repeat.
-I need to suck your dick really bad.
Oh !
Heat spread throughout your whole body in a generalized shiver at his words. You were absolutely burning from the inside. It’s now necessary to choose or you won’t be able to later. Are you really turned on or are you just missing being desired ? Are you excited by Ethan or do you just like the idea of him finally returning your affection ? You wouldn't have been turned on if your ex told you he's been touching himself and not even listening to you, in fact, you would have got angry and humiliated. But it's Ethan and you won't meet a man like him ever again.
-Face-time me, he pleads.
Taking your phone away from your ear, you click on the camera icon without thinking. Immediately, his clothed legs appear as well as his dick, your eyes going as wide as saucers. His jogging pants are soaked, it’s sticking to his skin through the fabric. Your member twitches in your pants, one of your hands quiver closer to it.
-Look at me, he whispers.
How many times has he came already ? And was it on the phone ? You didn’t even hear him ! His dick is shiny with cum, his hand is sliding on the tip, holding it firmly. His sighs only grow louder and louder. Backing against the counter, you start rubbing your dick through your pants, enthralled by the scene before you.
All of this, just for you ?
-I’m sorry, he whimpers, I’m sorry. I… His hips move against his hand to follow the movement but he moves so fast that his dick slips out of his hold, resulting in a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. Seeing him acting so desperate has you putting your hand in your pants immediately.
-I shouldn’t have ghosted you. He mutters, fueling your ego by finally obtaining remorse from him. It’s bad, but you’re so damn horny right now you’re drinking his words. We should’ve fucked that day…
-Yeah, you sigh dreamily, we should've.
-Let me see it, let me see your dick. With such hungry words, you can’t do much but oblige. You lower your pants enough to take out your cock, pointing the camera at it. Ethan moans, his hand going down to play with his balls. Knew you’d be sexy.
Fuck, the effect he has on you was almost worrying. You were so down bad for him, glad he’s in the same situation. Knowing he thought about you like that for a moment as well was so sexy you could burst in your pants.
Blinking slowly with eyes hazed by desire, you notice his legs moving to the side, spreading open. You now realize, even if it’s logical, that he’s in his room and that you’ve never seen it before. He displayed lot of posters on his walls, it's dark so it's hard to see what is it. Looking haphazardly around him, your eyes widen in confusion, curiosity replacing horniness for a brief moment.
Something caught your eyes in his room, you did not notice it until now as his dick was honestly more important than anything, but a book is on his bed. Your hand slows its movements on your member, utterly unhinged by its content. It’s not a book but a photo album, it’s disgustingly stained with cum and the picture in it is well too familiar for your liking.
-Ethan, is that…
My face ? you thought, not having enough strength to end your sentence.
-Yeah, he moans, so sexy like that. You’re so sexy when you don’t know I’m here. So handsome. My man, mine, so sexy.
What ?
-Want you to cum on my face like I cum on yours. His hand rubs frenetically at his dick. I’d... I'd swallow it all for you, he sighs. Want to be all yours. Forever. He ends his sentence on a shaky note, making you believe he was on the verge on coming.
His movements gained speed, wet sounds invading both his place and yours. You were second guessing everything really hard.
-Want to be your cumdump for you to use when you want...” Getting chill from his words, you hang up on the spot, throwing your phone on the counter before you. Looking down, you stare at your semi soft member, suddenly feeling disgusted by what you did. You get dressed up again, putting a hand on your tummy as if to prevent you from throwing up.
What the hell was that ?
Since when did Ethan… How did he… Why… He was jerking off to pictures of you ? What is wrong with him ? At one point, Ethan must have finished his business as your phone vibrates on the counter. You send daggers at it, not wanting to look at it one bit. But somehow, you do anyway, only to regret it instantly after. He sent you a photo.
A photo of that damned book, your head close-up full of his cum with his dick on the lower part of the screen, followed by a smiling emoji. You stare at it for a while, asking yourself at which point were you supposed to guess that Ethan was a psychopath. After some seconds, he sends you another text, one you almost shiver over.
“What do you think about coming over tomorrow ?“
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bloodlust-1 · 3 months
The Consort ₊⁺જ⁀➴
NSWF | Explicit 18+ | Angst | Blood | Ascended Astarion | Spawn Tav | Dark | Smut | Trauma | Stockholm Syndrome | Violence
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Ascended Astarion x fem Tav
Chapter: 3 | Pins & Needles
Summary: In a tumultuous tale of love, power, and betrayal, Tav finds herself entangled in a complex relationship with Astarion, a heartless vampire lord who will stop at nothing to maintain control over his newfound spawn. As Tav witnesses Astarion’s transformation and descent into darkness, their love is put to the ultimate test amidst love triangles, drama, and the pursuit of world domination. Redemption seems like an elusive goal while Tav grapples with the realization of who her lover has truly become.
Notes: Anyone in the mood for some ascended Astarion smut? Cool cause this is that. Posting this a day early cause I want to…yw <3
Lovely photo by @aristenfromwarsaw
Tav stood still as Astarion draped the silk cloth over her body, his hands skillfully taking measurements with precision. The tape hanging from his neck swayed gently as he worked, his focus never broke his hands as he sewed the dress together.
"Aagh -" A sudden prick from the needle stabbed her skin, causing a sharp breath to escape her lips.
“Stay still,” Astarion demanded with a slight tug. “The party is tomorrow night, and I need to finish this dress for you.”
Tav obliged, standing motionless before the large mirror.
Well maybe if he'd be more careful I wouldn't have to move.
Tav watched in silence as Astarion created a dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, creating a sexy silhouette around her figure. Tav stared into the mirror, even though she couldn’t see her reflection. Instead, she could only see the shape of the dress as it took form on her body.
I wonder how this color compliments my skin, hair, and eyes. I can't tell. Only Astarion is my mirror. He always tells me how beautiful I am.
While Astarion continued to sew, Tav’s thoughts drifted to a place of her life before a spawn, and remembering her time if her childhood in the woods; trying to teach herself how to hunt under the sun. Tav's emotions hid coldly beneath a mask of stoicism.
Astarion was on a knee, threading the last bit of the dress's slit. He suddenly leaned in closer to Tav’s exposed thigh.
His lips pressed against her soft flesh, sending a tingle up Tav’s spine. The sensation was both electrifying and unsettling as Astarion’s kisses grew rougher, his fingers gripping her thigh tightly.
Astarion’s actions became more aggressive. His cold, seductive eyes bore into hers as he sank his teeth into her thigh, drawing blood that trickled down her skin. The mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelmed Tav, causing her legs to tremble beneath her.
After savoring the taste of her blood, Astarion stood up and admired the dress he had just finished, "Ah, a masterpiece. It looks even better on you than I imagined.”
His demeanor shifted and his eyes trailed over the silk hugging her hips. He took a step closer and hovered over her with lustful eyes, "Take it off."
Tav’s smile faded as she brushed down the fabric on her hips, "What?"
Commandingly, "Take. It. Off."
Despite feeling a mix of emotions - fear, arousal, and confusion - Tav hesitated for a moment before complying.
Tav slowly undressed, letting the dress fall to the floor around her ankles, and taking a step out of the dress. She felt exposed and vulnerable under his gaze.
“You are truly exquisite, my consort,” Astarion murmured, his voice low and husky. Tav’s cheeks flushed at his words, her breath catching in her throat as she felt his gaze linger on her breasts.
Her legs trembled and she could feel her core growing excited. The heat pooling between them was almost unbearable. Astarion sensed this, took a step closer, and grasped Tav's face firmly in his palm. He tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet his crimson eyes.
“Kneel,” Astarion commanded, his tone leaving no room for disobedience.
Tav’s heart pounded in her chest as she sank to her knees before him, her eyes wide and pleading. She looked up at him with confusion and longing, her lips slightly parted in anticipation.
“I want to see how well that mouth works when it isn't testing me,” Astarion whispered, this was about her teasing him earlier.
He marveled at this. Tav, on her knees naked. Just for his pleasure.
In her eyes, Astarion grew into this dominate person. Sure it was exciting but it also shook something inside her, like she was almost scared of his consequences.
Tav was at his mercy.
"Look up, and don't dare take your eyes off me." Astarion reached out for her face again and squeezed her cheeks, "Do you understand?"
Tav nodded her head with a soft, "Yes."
Again, his hand clutches her face in a tight squeeze,“Yes what?”
Tav spoke through the force of his hands pressing her cheeks together, “Yes master.”
Astarion clicked his tongue in admiration, and let go of her with a slight push. He slowly started to unravel his buckle, letting his trousers melt to the floor with his undergarments.
Tav could see his fingers unraveling himself from her peripheral, not daring to break her eye contact with him. And neither did he.
Astarion's erection popped up with the drop of his pants and he positioned himself close enough to push his head against Tav's lips, "Be a good pup." he purred.
She gapped her mouth enough to fit his tip on the base of her tongue. Tav wetted his slit before his hips greedily forced its way into her mouth. Astarion pump in and out a couple of times to prep her throat.
"That's it." His hips jerked against Tav's filled mouth, "Get it wet."
Tav looked up at Astarion, pleadingly as the heat between her legs tickled her inner thighs. Her tongue and lips wetted any skin she could wrap itself around.
Astarion then kneaded his fingers threw her thick locs, tightly grasping them before slamming his hips against her face. Tav toppled back slightly from the sudden force, but he quickly tugged her by the hair back into position. On her knees like a good girl.
The tip of his cock battered the back on her throat and her eyes quickly glossed over with tears as she struggled to keep eye contact with him.
"Don't -" Astarion groaned against the tightness of her throat, "Fuck - Don't you dare look away." He threatened Tav hoarsely between moans.
Tav grabbed onto his legs for support while continuously bobbing her head against his length. Her throat squeezed and gagged on his cock with each rough thrust.
It was unbearable. Tav could barely breathe and she struggled to moan with her mouth full of Astarion's length. The vibrations from her struggling hums only made him throw his back with ecstasy.
Tav tried to pull away, and for a moment she tugged back with a gasp escaping her lips.
"Oh, no you don't," Astarion put some distance between his legs, squatting slightly before both hands held onto Tav's head, "I'm going to fuck this mouth until I cum."
Tav's moans muffled as she nodded to his testament. The tears in her eyes began to stream down her face from his force. The preassure in her throat started to tighten around his cock, rewarding her with Astarion's sweet moans.
"That's it, fuck, that's a good girl."
His moans were something that stayed the same, even after ascending. And it was one of Tav's favorite things about him.
A whimper left Astarions lips, never breaking his half-lidded intense gaze from Tav. Every thought and action centered around fucking and possessing his dearest treasure.
Astarion felt himself getting closer to his climax, tightening his grip on Tav’s hair, pulling her closer and deeper into him. And with one last final thrust, he let out a low moan, filling Tav's mouth and throat with his white slick.
He could feel Tav hum against his skin, and when he pulled his cock out of her mouth, she stumbled down on her palms; coughing and gasping. Her head sunk low between her shoulders, desperately trying to catch her breath.
"Look at me." Astarion asserted between heavy breaths.
With watery eyes and reddened cheeks, Tav lifted her head as her chest heavily rose and fell. Her arms quivered and trembled from the intense moment.
Astarion was awed at the mess she made. He loved seeing the way her black makeup stained her cheeks, "Good pup. Now open your mouth - I want to see it."
Tav parted her lips, and the cum trickled down her bottom lip, down her jaw, and then to her neck. She stuck out her tongue to further push out his seed.
Astarion looked down at Tav with a mixture of gratitude and possession. She belonged to him.
He hummed in approval and swiped his thumb against her cummed bottom lip softly, "What a fucking mess you made..." He leaned over and hovered over her lips with a teasing whisper, "You're so beautiful when you choke on my cum."
Tav hung her head back down and tried to catch her breath. She felt defeated, horny, and unashamed as she replayed the look of pleasure of Astarions face in her head.
But it seemed she wasn't going to get anything in return, only the sweet memories of his climax. And this was Astarion's punishment to Tav, no attention to the begging heat between her legs.
Tav needed a moment to gather herself, there was no way she’d be able to stand right now with her shaky legs.
Astarion pulled his pants up and buckled himself back to normal. He stared down at the ruin he caused with a smug look on his face.
“You are just perfect.”
Next part here
See you next week for some party drama. Let me know if you’d like to be on a tag list, I’ll try my best to keep up :]
What’d you think about this chapter?
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canyouiimagine · 6 months
Showed Me | CS55 x Black! Reader
✧ Paring: Carlos Sainz jr x Heiress black!reader
✧ Warning: Mean reader, cursing, mentions of cheating.
✧ Summary: In which reader is a bad person but a good friend.
✧ A/N: I obviously don't know Carlos Sainz, this is just for entertainment. <3 Also, English is not my first language so 👉🏾👈🏾.
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You and Anna had always been polar opposites. She was nice, you weren't. She was sociable, you weren't. She was passionate, you weren't. But there is one thing you guys had in common, you both hated losing.
Your best friend was currently curled up in your bed. The same bed she hadn't left since she came knocking at your door 2 days ago, bawling her eyes out. For a man. Carlos Sainz - the man she was crying about - was handsome, you'll give her that. But the man was a fluorescent red flag, you could see he was trouble from a mile away. You told her to be careful, but she didn't listen. 
Anna was an optimistic person, you weren't.
Anna and Carlos met almost two years ago at a private party in Ibiza. She had just graduated Valedictorian and wanted to celebrate with a weekend on the island.  It was love at first sight she said.  She was minding her business, dancing to the beat when suddenly she felt someone rubbing up on her and trying to grope her. She turned around to give the person a piece of her mind, but he got mad and raised his hand to hit her. Anna braced herself but nothing came. Instead, she heard – in her words - "a deep sexy voice speaking sexily in Spanish" and saw a tan hand holding the arm of her harasser. 
They started dating shortly after and Anna was over the moon.  To her, Carlos was sweet and caring. He flew her out places, bought her expensive gifts, and gave her his time whenever he could. She was rich, she didn’t need trips and gifts, but she appreciated the thought. To you, he was a prick who had convinced your friend that it would be better to keep their relationship a secret so he could feed her crumbs and use it as an excuse. Carlos was a Formula 1 driver, so they were apart a lot. Sure, she would sometimes attend races, but they couldn’t interact in public. Apparently, the media and fans had bullied his ex-girlfriend into breaking up with him and ever since he had opted to keep his love life private. 
A few months in their relationship he had given her the keys to his mansion in Madrid. “For whenever you miss me” he had said. “It’s our home” he had insisted. Anna went there as often as she could. So often in fact that she knew every corner of it. And the one this Instagram influencer was posing in was no exception. At first, she thought “it has to his cousin or something” but after clicking on her profile and scrolling through her feed she accepted the hard truth, he was cheating on her.  There were pictures upon pictures of her at the same places she had flown to meet up with Carlos. Pictures upon pictures of the same hotels and homes they stayed at together. But the worst part was the timeline of it all. All the posts were made a few days before or after she had been there. Carlos had been cheating on her, perhaps the entire length of their relationship.  Coming to that realization had her spiralling. She didn’t even know who was the side chick, was it her or the other girl? Had he met the both of them at the same time? Were there other girls? She tried asking his housekeepers for answers but all they did was give her looks of pity and sad smiles. She called and tried to confront him but as soon as he understood what was happening he hung up and blocked her.  Carlos was an asshole, and you couldn’t resist the urge to say -
“I told you so.” ��Y/N!!” She cried out to you. “But I did, didn’t I?” This might seem harsh but you knew Anna more than anyone and you knew what she needed right now was a slap back to reality. You had let her cry and wallow in her pity for a few days but now she had to get herself together and be the bad bitch she knew herself to be.  “You’re supposed to be supportive! I gave him two years of my life. Two years!” You had been supportive. You had listened to her talk again and again about that man when you didn't even like him! Instead of replying you let out a sigh and caressed what you presumed was her head under the blanket.  
After a few minutes she finally let her head out to look at you, mischief written all over her face.
“Y/NNNN?” She said, smiling. “No.” You replied, giving her a pointed look.
You already knew where this was going. You tried to get up but she grabbed your wrist.
“We can’t let him get away with this, Y/N!” She whined, letting go of your wrist to put your hand in between hers. “We?” You looked at her incredulously. You didn't remember this being a "we" problem. “Who’s we?”
“We need to make him pay Y/N/N.” She said, frowning.
The minute she used your nickname she knew she had won.
Anna Lang was emotional, you weren’t. But Anna was your best friend and there was little you wouldn’t do for her.  She wanted revenge and she knew revenge was what you did best.
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Hope you enjoyed it 🥹💖
Here's my ko-fi in case any of you want to support me by giving donations 🥰: https://ko-fi.com/canyouiimagine
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tunnelofphriendship · 2 months
on phandom whiteness, race and stereotypes
I've been meaning to make this post for a while. I have never been very active in this fandom space, and part of that has been due to a discomfort I have felt that i have never felt i could discuss openly. So while I want to be a part of this phandom, I need to adress the elephant in the room and I want this sideblog I created to be a space where others like me can feel safe to voice their feelings and thoughts.
To preface this, I am not looking to "cancel" dan and phil. I just want to talk about my experiences both as a hardcore phan for years, and as someone who deviates from the usual dnp fan: I'm not a white person from Europe, US, Canada.
To put it bluntly, some of their videos are extremely hard to watch and enjoy and it makes me feel alienated when no one talks about it. There is no media without "problematic" elements, but I feel like in other fandom spaces people at least talk about elements worth questioning because they may be offensive or ignorant.* And yet dan and phil are hailed as "unproblematic kings" when this is not the case at all, and it's hard to bring up how I feel.
I'm not looking to make a comprehensive list of everything they've said, but I will talk about a few examples to illustrate what I mean.
Sexy Internet Dating (1:59-2:03)
d: whats yo name
p: i like how the guinea pig is now a sassy black woman
A Day in the Life of Phil and Dan! (3:58-4:03)
p: Suncream d: suncream for your albino face p: yea d: i don't need it because i'm already black
Does anyone remember the Mexican Dan thing? He seems to have deleted most of the things associated with that period where he was tan and "jokingly" fancied himself a different race because of it but this little window to that time remains in one of the most beloved videos of all time. Can you see how this might be hard to watch? When even the most iconic videos they've made are sprinkled with little instances of ignorant comments like this?
And let me be clear, I know this was ages ago. I'm aware they might have grown and changed. What really gets to me is how nobody in the phandom ever talks about these moments. It makes me really lonely and disappointed that everyone turns a blind eye to things that might tarnish the image of their faves.
Like for example, the pewdiepie situation. I'm not going to discuss everything he did and said. But imagine how it might feel as a non-white fan to want to rewatch old dnpgames videos and find that they kept their videos with him up all this time:
They were clearly quite friendly with F*lix. Besides these videos, Felix is also casually mentioned in some of their videos and livestreams from the time before he was "cancelled" (more on that later). But did they ever say anything condemning his actions? I think that given how they had collaborated and were friends, I would expect them to say SOMETHING rather than just never speak on the matter (as far as I know, the closest they got to this was in a liveshow where dan said he had had "a conversation" with felix in a way that implied he disapproved of his actions.) Or at the very very least, is it really that hard to delete a video? They have deleted old videos for a variety of reasons. How is collabing with a known racist not reason enough to go through the trouble of deleting a video? But deleting other videos just because they're a bit"cringey" is worth that time?
I just wonder how regretful they really are at having been friends and collaborators with him. In fact, part of me wonders if they are still friends behind the scenes. If this is ever confirmed btw, that will cause me to stop watching them forever. And they might still be friends in their little white circle for all we know. After all dan and phil are long time friends of KickthePj. And PJ is STILL friends with pewdiepie.
Now, besides PJ being dnp's friend and having once been part of the phantastic foursome, I don't care much for his content except for when dan and phil have been featured (lol sorry not sorry). And this might be the case for many of you as well! But some of you ARE avid kickthepj fans and decided to ignore the fact that he uploaded a video with pewdiepie last month. There is no plausible deniability here anymore. Despite the harms pewdiepie has done in internet spaces--and how that extends to real life--NOBODY said anything about how kickthepj doesn't care enough (or at all) to simply NOT make a video with pewdiepie.
It's staggering to me that no one cares. It's shocking to me that in these videos i've mentioned, you go to the comment section and everyone will be happily enjoying the video with no mention of these things.
Is this what being "cancelled" looks like? It seems to me like with the passage of time, Pewdiepie and his friends and followers just want to sweep it all under the rug. How is it that the internet will tear a man to shreds for plagiarism but then find it in themselves to excuse racism?
Why does no one care? Is it because this space is overwhelmingly white? I think so. I think it's a conscious choice to turn a blind eye when it's convenient. So I just wanted to make this post to say that if you ever feel alienated by the white ignorance of dnp or their circle of their fans, then you can come talk to me and I won't ignore you.
I want to be a part of this phandom, I really love dan and phil, but I'm not going to "stan" them. I'm not going to make excuses for them. And I'm not going to keep quiet just so I can be a part of this fandom without making the vast majority of white fans uncomfortable.
*I'm thinking of my experiences in the supernatural fandom. (Although, i'm not saying it's perfect. There are certainly a number of fics that have made me feel very disappointed inthe creator for falling into the trap of racial stereotypes in OCs and stuff like that, and despite that so many people enjoy it and include it in rec lists.)
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ensemblesmile · 1 year
rockstar in love
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tags: best friends dad, age gap (reader in their 20s, semi in his 30s), fingering, hickeys, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, infidelity, (and probably more that i can’t currently think of).
warnings: minor and ageless blogs DNI!! i will block any that do interact without ages in their bios or pinned.
word count: 10.6k
summary; famous rockstar semi eita is thought to be in a happy marriage with two amazing kids, however his life isn’t quite so picture book perfect as his fans might think. or, at least it wasn’t. but the moment he met you, he dreams of the actual picture book life he could have with you that finally comes true during your final summer break of college.
a/n: it's finally posted! it feels like ages since i posted this thirst of a rockstar!dilf!semi eita. it is definitely different from that post, however the dilf rockstar semi is still the same, and that he is also readers best friends dad. also, this was my first time ever writing smut so i would like to apologize if that part of the fic is not written well... also also, i may or may not write a second part depending on if this is well received or not as well as if i get any ideas... anyways, i hope you enjoy!
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semi eita, lead bassist and composer for the infinity order, had prided himself on the fact he had the most perfect family anyone could ever dream of. the perfect wife, an amazing son, and a beautiful daughter. or at least, that's the façade he's kept up for years because his manager didn't want him to ruin his image or his bands.
however, behind closed doors, his family isn't all that it's cracked up to be. his son hasn't willingly talked to him in years, his wife cares more about money and status than being a good wife, a good lover. the only thing good in his life is his daughter, the only one who's been by his side through everything.
when his daughter had gone off to an arts school in the states, he'd thrown himself into his work, hoping to distract himself from having to see his wife or son the few times a day they would come home. due to his newfound dedication with his work, his band mates had started to worry about their lead bassist and composer. they hoped he wasn't pushing himself too much, but they couldn't lie and say they didn't find his dedication to his work admirable. and because of this need to stay away from home, the band had been able to crank out single after single, eventually being able to turn out a few new albums before the year was up and gaining more and more attention from new fans, both nationally and internationally. and due to this newfound popularity, semi and his band mates had been able to quit their day jobs in order to focus solely on their band.
once semi quit his day job, he'd moved out of the penthouse suite he shared with his wife and son, buying himself his own house and a huge property, thankfully being able to afford it due to his bands rise in popularity.
the few times his daughter had come back to japan for breaks, she'd brought various friends with her, though only one seemed to always be by her side. that friend was you, a sassy dancer semi had started to get to know as incredibly strong willed, stubborn as all hell, and, at least in semi's eyes, sexy as fuck and intriguing as hell. whenever you were visiting with his daughter, he would always find himself secretly searching for or staring at you, sometimes feeling an erection start to grow if you happened to be trying out a new dance routine when you thought only his daughter, semi aiko, was looking. he'd always curse himself when he found himself growing hard to his daughters best friend, hating that you, someone almost half his age, had such an effect on him. he couldn't help that he once recorded a new dance you had been showing aiko, jacking off to the you in the video who's hips swayed tantalizingly and the look on your face which was pure sin in semi's eyes.
you, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to his growing attraction towards you. when you'd first met him, he'd been nothing more than your best friends father, the one person in aiko's family that she even still talked to. but as you started to get to know him during your visits to japan, you'd slowly started to find him attractive the more you got to know him. you, however, would always shake off your attraction towards him, cursing yourself for starting to feel something for your best friends father. honestly though, you couldn't keep shaking off your growing attraction towards the mysterious, tall, dark, and handsome male that always welcomed you into his home with open arms. you would have to face your feelings eventually.
so one spring break, when you returned to japan with aiko, your attraction for him (and he for you) started to bubble over, resulting in "coincidental" run ins, lingering looks shared over meals or conversations, brief touches as you passed each other in the halls, or random excuses to touch each other in...less than appropriate ways.
you had also found yourself dressing differently. not in a way that would show more skin, but in a way that showed off your curves without revealing skin. you were confident in your body up to a point, but once clothes started coming off, your comfort levels started to decrease. that was why you'd stuck with clothes that accentuated your curves. and boy did semi notice these changes, finding that he seemed to be getting harder a lot more frequently, finding more chances for lingering touches or chances to talk with you more just so he could stare at you in the guise of being a good listener.
these actions, however, did not go unnoticed by aiko, the one person who knew semi the best. the mutual yet hidden feelings had become clear to her one day during her second year of college when she and you had been visiting japan for a short visit during spring break. at first, aiko was a bit weirded out by this development when she'd first found out, however she had slowly started to accept it — and even silently support it — the more she realized her father had been happier than he had been in a while. if you, her best friend, were able to make her father genuinely smile — a feat he'd only been known to do when onstage nowadays — then of course she would support a relationship between her best friend and her father. how couldn't she? if you genuinely made her dad happy, she would help your relationship blossom.
so, after months of secretly planning, she invited you to visit her father in japan with her during summer break where she would finally put her plan into action. well, she would start working on her plan before summer break by getting you more comfortable with wearing clothes you were usually less than comfortable wearing. and one day, after you had agreed to visit japan with her for the third summer in a row, she had suddenly brought up you and her father which had caused you to blush bright red and stutter hurriedly to change the subject. however, with that reaction, aiko's suspicions had finally been confirmed — at least on your end. she would still need to confirm things concerning her father, but that could wait. right then, she had to grill you about those feelings you were feeling towards her dad.
"so, y/n, now that you've agreed to visit japan with me for summer break, is it because you know my dad will be back from tour?" aiko had suddenly asked one day during a sacred girls day you and aiko usually did after a rather stressful week of classes.
"wh- what are you talking about, aiko? of course that's not the reason," you'd quickly rejected, face heating up into a deep red blush, quickly turning away from her so she couldn't see the blush coating your cheeks.
"i knew it!" aiko cheered upon seeing your reaction, hands thrown into the air in triumph.
"shut up, i have no idea what you mean," you muttered, shaking your head at your best friend in embarrassment.
"oh, i'm not mad," aiko assured, reaching out to give your arm a squeeze of reassurance. "yeah, when i first found out i was a bit confused and concerned, but the happier i saw my dad get, the more i found i was okay with it. sure, you're my best friend, and sure, it would be weird to start thinking of you as my stepmom, but so long as my dad is happy and finally out of that toxic relationship, the better off he'll be. and i just know he'll be better off with you in the picture."
"wait, so you're actually supporting this?" you had questioned, dumbfounded at the way aiko seemed completely okay with whatever might happen. "and don't get ahead of yourself. i don't even know if eita-san likes me in that way."
"so long as you make my dad happy, then yeah, i'll support you," aiko nodded, sending you a smile so big and contagious, you felt your own smile grow in response. however, you felt it slip away the moment aiko had given you a serious look. "but i swear, if you end up hurting my dad, i will make your life miserable. and don't be ridiculous, if he didn't also like you in that way, do you think i would even be bringing this up?"
"of course, ma'am, i would never dream of hurting eita-san," you responded seriously, earning a quick attitude change from aiko in the process. this had you raising a silent eyebrow in concern, musing silently to yourself about how the semi family — at least the two you knew — were very strange people. but you knew for a fact that if given the chance, you would never choose to not meet your best friend, the first true friend you had ever known — your own siblings excluded.
and so, the rest of that girls day was spent discussing aiko's surefire plan to get you and her father together.
step one: get you more comfortable with wearing more revealing clothes so that by summer, you could confidently strut around in clothes aiko knew would drive her father mad. step two: get you both chances for those lingering touches to get bolder, more insistent. in aiko's words, "build up that sexual tension." step three: set up the perfect occasion for you and him to be alone, setting the most perfect atmosphere for all that built up sexual tension. in aiko's words, "that built up sexual tension needs to snap at some point, why not make it while i'll be out of the house so you have the whole place to yourselves? besides, i don't want to hear any of it."
after giving you the plan, you and her worked continuously on it to refine and rework the plan before heading to japan for summer break, where you would start to enact said plan into your daily life.
it started the moment you arrived in japan, wearing a much too revealing outfit in public for semi's liking. you wore black combat boots, black fishnets, short jean shorts, a black crop top decorated by a silver sun design that happened to reveal your stomach if you were to move or stretch a certain way, and a red flannel that hung low over your backside so that from the back angle, it looked like you weren't wearing any pants. never in a million years would he have guessed it was you walking beside his daughter as you both made your way to the baggage claim, talking excitedly to each other with bags slung haphazardly over your shoulders.
as he stood in the airport, he realized that he must've been standing out too much because he found himself surrounded by a sea of fans, all bombarding him with questions and requests, though he hardly seemed to notice them as he barely took his eyes off you and your — in his eyes — very appealing yet revealing attire.
"sorry, my daughter and her friend are here, thank you for supporting my band and i," semi quickly spoke up, pushing through the crowd to get to you and aiko's side.
"hi, dad!" aiko smiled, giving her father a bright smile and big hug, happy to see her father after the semester apart. "you didn't have to pick us up, we could've called an uver," aiko added, glancing towards the large group of people who all seemed to be staring at them.
"nonsense, i wanted to greet my daughter the moment she came back to japan, just like i always have," semi responded, ruffling the younger semi's hair in amusement.
"hey, not the hair," aiko protested, sending her dad a glare as she fixed her hair.
"thank you for having me again this summer, eita-san," you finally spoke, having been silent the entire exchange, but now finally finding the perfect opportunity to speak up — though it may have had more to do with aiko giving you a sharp elbow to the side.
"of course, y/n, thank you for continuing to watch over my daughter in the states," semi responded, giving you a warm smile.
"of course, i'd never leave aiko, she'd be in trouble if it weren't for me," you spoke teasingly, eyes twinkling in amusement as you smirked at your best friend due to the look she had shot you.
"shut up, y/n, like you're one to talk," aiko responded, elbowing your side, causing you to double over in mock pain.
"ouch, i'm wounded, aiko," you responded, placing one hand above your heart while the other went to rub your side as if to soothe a sharp pain.
"payback's a bitch, isn't it," aiko teased, a twinkle of amusement in her eye that semi had grown used to whenever you and her were together.
semi simply watched your and aiko's exchange, used to the dynamic you shared due to your closeness. it was something semi had no idea he was missing until it suddenly came back into his life. he was so lost in thought thinking about how much he had missed his daughter, and especially you, that he hadn't realized that aiko was heading towards the carousel to collect your and her luggage until you were pulling gently at his arm in order to move off to the side so you weren't taking up so much space. with a muttered apology for getting lost in thought, he quickly followed you, watching from the corner of his eye as you tapped away furiously on your phone. he had an urge to see what you were doing, but he knew he needed to respect your privacy, so he refrained, deciding to simply watch in amusement as you reacted to what was on your phone with minute facial details. a crinkle in your brow to show confusion, a light blush to show embarrassment, a huff and pursed lips to show annoyance, a smirk to show smugness. semi should probably feel worried that he could pick up on so much when it came to you, but he just couldn't find it in himself to actually feel that way. after all, you were a puzzle he just wanted to solve — or was there more to it?
"—ther, father you there?" aiko questioned, waving a hand in front of semi's face to try and catch his attention. "i got our luggage if you want to get out of here." aiko explained, gesturing down to the two bags that now sat at their feet. "and also, to get away from...this," she added, glancing behind her to gesture to the sea of people still trying to get a good look at half of the semi family.
"ahh yes, sorry," semi apologized, glancing from his daughter to the crowd gathering behind her then back to his daughter before sending her an apologetic smile and then taking both bags for the girls and leading the way to his car so they could leave. he could hear you and aiko whispering together behind his back, however it was too soft so he wasn't able to pick up on just what you might be whispering.
"you take the front seat, talk to him," aiko was whispering, urging you to make a move, even if it was just a small one.
"you'll be in the backseat though, so won't that be a bit awkward," you whispered back, glancing nervously in front of you to semi's back.
"as if, i'll have my headphones in and i am a bit jet lagged, i'll probably take a nap on the drive there," aiko responded, rolling her eyes at your nervous attitude in amusement.
"but-" you tried again, only to earn a sharp glare from aiko to stop you from continuing.
"look, think of it this way, this is step one of our plan to get rid of the sexual tension between you and my father," aiko hissed, shoving you towards the front seat upon the arrival to semi's vehicle.
having finished putting your bags into the back of the vehicle, semi had watched the particularly insistent shove from aiko with a raised eyebrow, a small smirk taking over his features as he notices the subtle glare you had sent aiko before opening the front passenger door and taking a seat in the passenger side of the car.
aiko simply rolled her eyes at you in reply as she got into the back seat, instantly pulling out her headphones and blasting her music, loud enough you could just barely hear it in the front of the car. reaching a hand behind you, you swatted at air, hoping to give your best friend a smack for being so obvious. aiko simply watched a you flailed around in amusement, making sure to keep to herself until semi got into the car, stopping your vain struggle in finding aiko in the back seat. she noticed semi's mouth moving, meaning he was probably talking to you though she couldn't hear anything over her music, not that she wanted to hear anything you or he would be saying. with that thought firmly in her mind, aiko stared out the window, letting her mind wander as she watched the scenery pass by, eventually letting jet lag catch up to her and resting her eyes.
you were in a similar position as aiko, though you tried to push through it in order to continue the conversation you'd been having with the rockstar. it was mainly about his career and your semester since you'd last seen him. small talk that slowly petered out as you, too, felt the affects of jet lag starting to catch up with you.
noticing the newfound silence, semi glanced at you from the corner of his eye, realizing you must've been tired though you looked like you wanted to fight it. with a small smile on his face, he reached over, placing a large, calloused hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, urging you to go to sleep and that he would wake you when they arrived at his home. you sighed softly and nodded your head, resting it against the glass as you let your mind wander. absentmindedly, mind muddled with sleep, you had reached down towards his hand to gently start playing with his fingers as you felt yourself slowly fall asleep.
semi couldn't help the surprise that took over his face for a second before a soft smile made its way onto his face, stilling your fingers to gently turn over his hand and simply hold your hand, fingers interlaced as you slept. fleeting moments like these are what semi wished for, to bask in your warmth and acceptance of who he was and what he stood for. because that's what you did, accepted him for who he was the moment you'd met him.
semi silently lamented the fact you were his daughters age, because if you had been older, he would've instantly called for a divorce with his wife and had pursued you. no one besides aiko had ever accepted him for who he was, they were always too enamored with the fact he was a rockstar, too interested in his money or using him in order to get at his bandmates. they never seemed to see him as the man he was, but rather the man the media portrayed him as. but you were different, you had made an effort to get to know him, to understand the real him, who he was behind his rockstar persona.
upon arriving to the house, semi gently pulled your hand up to his lips where he pressed a gentle kiss against the back of your hand before he gently placed it back on your thigh and let go of your hand. you had made a sound of protest as he let go of your hand, though he couldn't tell if it was his imagination or not, so he simply leaned over, pressed a kiss to your temple, and then, in a whisper, promised he'd be back for you. then he got out of the car, grabbing both your and aiko's luggage, and bringing them inside and up to your designated rooms. then he came back for aiko, gently lifting her bridal style and bringing her to her own room and placing her on the bed. he knew he wouldn't be able to wake aiko so he decided he wouldn't bother. then he went back to the car in order to wake you up, though when he opened the passenger side door, he instantly found he didn't have the heart to. you just looked so peaceful, a calm look on your face instead of the worry that usually marred your beautiful features. sighing softly, he carefully unbuckled you and then picked you up bridal style, stiffening for a second when he felt you cuddle closer to him before heading towards your bedroom in the house. when he reached your room, he had carefully placed you down and then tucked you in, smiling to himself because you just looked so at ease while you slept.
as semi was turning to go, he froze as he felt a tug on his arm, causing him to slowly turn around to face you. "please stay," you murmured half asleep. semi silently cursed at the invitation, inwardly debating with himself on whether or not he should actually stay. he couldn't lie to himself, the thought of holding you while you slept did sound tempting, however he wasn't sure you knew entirely what you were saying as you lay there, half asleep, trying to get him to stay there with you.
sighing, he knelt down on the ground. "i want to, beautiful, but i don't want you to think i'm taking advantage of you or anything," he explained softly, cupping your cheek and rubbing his thumb on your bottom lip as he spoke.
"i don't care about that, i just want someone to hold me," you responded, leaning into his touch subconsciously. "please, eita-san, hold me, that's all i'm asking." honestly, you weren't above begging at this point, you just felt so touch deprived since your breakup that you didn't care who it was so long as they held you close. semi seemed to be debating with himself why he should and shouldn't give in, though he ultimately gave in to the desire to hold you close like he had when carrying you up to the room.
sighing, semi slipped off his shoes before lifting the blankets, urging you to scoot back as he climbed into the bed beside you and then enveloped you in his arms, smiling softly to himself the moment you shifted closer and buried your face in his chest. oh if only he could stay like that with you forever. finally holding you in his arms, softly tracing random patterns onto your back, semi felt at home, more at home than he'd ever felt when holding anyone — besides maybe aiko, though it definitely was in a different way from how he felt when he held you. you hummed softly, a content sound to semi's ears, as you slowly drifted off to sleep, your breathes evening out and lulling him to sleep as well. it didn't take long for him to fall asleep despite him trying to fight it.
it had been a few hours since you had arrived at semi's home when aiko woke up, slowly at first until she felt her stomach growl. after that sound, she quickly got up, dressed, and headed to your room to check if you wanted anything specific, though she froze in her steps upon opening the door, spotting her father cradling you against him as you both slept. a small smile took over her face as she whipped out her phone to snap a picture, forgetting that her sound was on and cringing when the shutter sound went off. despite the loud click her phone had made, she had managed to capture a sweet moment between them, smiling to herself as she closed the door and went towards the kitchen to make some food for herself, staring at the picture with a soft smile on her face.
in it, semi's back was facing the camera, his lower half covered by blankets. he had his arms wrapped around your midsection, with his chen resting softly above your head. she had managed to capture the picture at an angle, so she was able to just barely make out your face buried in semi's chest, a soft smile on your lips as if you were subconsciously reveling in the warmth semi provided as he snoozed right next to you.
"is that the picture you took of us?" a voice spoke up behind aiko, causing the young semi to jump in surprise and turn to face her dad who wore an apologetic smile at having scared his daughter.
"geez, dad, a little warning next time? i thought you were still asleep," aiko muttered, clutching a hand over her heart as she felt it racing beneath her hand.
"sorry, i thought you would've realized i woke up," semi grimaced, glancing away in embarrassment from his daughter. "but you have to admit, that click wasn't exactly subtle, im a bit surprised y/n's still asleep."
"oh please," aiko snorted, clicking her phone off and sliding it into her back pocket. "that girl can sleep through anything. it's a pain trying to wake her up in the mornings so she isn't late for classes."
semi hummed thoughtfully at this new information, enjoying the fact he was learning more about you, even if it was from his daughter and not directly from you. as he absorbed this new information about you, he made his way into the kitchen, grabbing pots, pans, dishes, anything he felt he would need when making dinner, aiko taking a seat at the island which sat in the center of the rather large kitchen. no words were spoken between the father daughter pair as the elder semi made dinner and the younger semi prepared a side dish, the pair working well together despite neither knowing what exactly the other was making.
when the meal was finally finished, neither semi had the heart to wake you just yet so they made sure to keep whatever needed to stay warm was nice and toasty in the oven while they cleaned up and set the table in the dining room that semi only ever used whenever the pair were there or he had guests over. the silence was broken by aiko who had been trying to come up with a subtle yet serious way to bring up the potential relationship between two of the three people who mattered most to her.
"so, you and y/n?" she had questioned, earning a raised eyebrow from semi as if asking what she meant by that. "like, what's going on? do you like her or..."
"why are you asking, aiko?" was semi's response as he continued to set the table, making sure not even the napkins were out of place.
"oh, you know," aiko responded, a teasing glint in her eye as she unlocked her phone and tapped on the screen a few times before sliding the phone towards the rockstar, a smirk on her face as she watched a light blush coat semi's cheeks as he glanced at the phone and then looked away. "i totally encourage whatever it is you might want to pursue with my best friend. just, yknow, don't do anything gross around me, that crosses the line."
"pursue?" semi questioned, eyebrow raised at aiko as if questioning why she was bringing up something like that now of all times.
"yeah, i saw the way you were holding her, and when you picked us up from the airport, don't think i didn't notice the look you were giving her," aiko responded, a smirk now permanently on her face as the elder semi just continued to prove her point. "look, i was a bit weirded out at first when i found out about your...mutual interest in each other. however, as i watched your interactions from afar, i realized that y/n makes you happy, more happy than i've ever seen you with...her. if she makes you happy, i won't complain. but if you hurt my best friend..."
"yeah, i guess you're right," semi mused, thinking back to the time when they'd first met and the many other interactions since. okay, so maybe she was definitely right. "look, i won't hurt y/n, i could never hurt her. and i promise not to show too much affection with her in front of you. however, i don't...does she really like me like that?"
"seriously?" aiko questioned, an unimpressed eyebrow raised. semi gave her a somewhat sheepish look as aiko sighed and muttered something unintelligible under her breath. "geez, it's like you're a lovesick teenager, dad. i'm not having this conversation with you. no, no way."
"alright, i get it, i'll figure things out on my own," semi sighed before turning towards the archway and leaving the room.
"where you going?" aiko called after his retreating form.
"to wake up y/n so we can eat," semi responded, striding towards the stairs and to your room. pushing open the door, what semi wasn't expecting to find was you curled into a ball, your breaths coming in short, shallow gasps, eyes squeezed shut as if you were in pain. "hey y/n-hey y/n are you okay?" he questioned, dropping to his knees in front of you in order to be level with you. he had never seen you like this, though, so admittedly he didn't exactly know what to do in this sort of situation. he shot a quick text to aiko who suddenly appeared in the room, shoving her dad aside so she could be at eye level with you if you were to open your eyes.
"hey, y/n, open your eyes for me and breathe," aiko spoke, her tone gentle yet demanding as she spoke to her friend. y/n cracked an eye open slowly, one after another, staring into a familiar pair of hazel eyes. "good, now breathe in slowly through your nose, and then slowly out through your mouth." when aiko instructed you to breathe, you followed what she said, over and over again as you slowly felt the pounding of your heart decrease. the three of you sat in your room for a good half hour as you slowly calmed down and regained your bearings, neither semi willing to leave your side until you were calm enough to move.
when that happened, you slowly pulled yourself from your ball and gently sat at the edge of the bed, smiling softly in thanks at aiko for helping you get through yet another of your panic attacks, before your gaze averted to semi, eyes widening at the pure, unadulterated worry and relief swimming in his eyes as he gazed at you, hands going up to reach up to cup your face as he stared into your eyes, searching them for anything that might give him a hint as to what had just happened. he hardly acknowledged when aiko spoke up, saying she would be getting their dinner on the table, instead keeping his full focus on the woman who was slowly starting to steal his heart for herself.
"ei- eita-san, i'm okay, really," you murmured, a sigh escaping your lips as you leaned into his touch, hands moving up to cover his own resting on your cheeks.
"you really worried me there, beautiful," semi breathed, thumb absently running over your cheek and causing you to sigh into the touch.
"i'm sorry, i think it was just the unfamiliar environment that caused the panic attack, or it could've been my dream...though i don't really remember what it was about," you murmured in response, closing your eyes as you tried to remember just what your dream had been about.
"don't worry about the cause, i'm sorry i wasn't able to help you with it, i felt pretty useless just sitting there staring at you," semi apologized softly, taking his hands from your face and instead holding them out for you to grab, pulling you up so you were almost flush against him. honestly, what he really wanted to do was lay back down with you wrapped securely in his arms, however he knew you needed to eat something and aiko was probably waiting for them so he instead settled for wrapping his arms around your smaller frame, chin resting on the top of your head.
"i'm sorry for worrying you, eita-san, thank you for staying though," you murmured, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning a cheek against his chest.
"shhh, it's okay, beautiful," semi responded. "now let's go eat dinner, i'm sure aiko's getting impatient."
"mmh, she does this to me all the time with her boyfriend, she'll survive," you hummed despite pulling away from semi and heading for the door, pausing when you felt a tug on your hand to turn back to him.
"stay with me tonight," semi murmured, interlacing your fingers together.
"feeling lonely?" you teased, eyes twinkling in amusement as a myriad of emotions seemed to pass over his eyes before landing on adoration.
"i just want to be there for you if something like that happens again in the middle of the night," semi responded, pulling you along with him as he led the way through the large house to the dining room where aiko was no doubt waiting for them. your brain seemed to have stalled at the new information which had caused semi to lead the way, making sure you were following behind despite your still clasped hands.
"ugh, dad, what did you do to my best friend?" aiko muttered, catching the almost vacant look in your eyes as you took the seat across from her, semi to your right at the head of the table.
"i don't think i did anything, she was fine until we left her room," semi responded, glancing worriedly at you as you absently started scooping food onto your plate.
the three of you fell into silence, both semi's casting worried glances over to you every so often. it wasn't until after dinner when you had offered to do the dishes that both semi's seemed to breathe sighs of relief that you were fine. aiko blamed it on the fact you still seemed tired, and the way you woke up hadn't been the best way, either, wracked with panic.
"yeah, okay, you do the dishes then, i'll set up a movie or something in the theatre to watch before we go to sleep for the night," aiko nodded, heading for the archway after having cleaned up her side of the table, handing the dishes off to semi as she left.
then, with hands full of dirty dishes, semi followed you into the kitchen and over to the sink where he set them down and then headed back out for the leftovers, transferring them to tupperware and placing them into the fridge.
the two of you worked in silence, with you washing the dishes and semi drying them after you had finished washing them. it felt so domestic to you, almost feeling like something you could get used to if it was with semi. the dishes were done faster than you would've liked, wanting to spend even just a little more time with semi before joining aiko in the home theatre room semi had redecorated part of the basement into.
it seemed semi had the same thought, wanting to spend even just a little more time with you before joining aiko for a movie night. after you had dried your hands with a towel semi hadn't used to dry dishes, semi had caged you in between himself and the island, hands resting on the island countertop to keep you trapped there. your usually soft e/c eyes went wide with surprise as you glanced from his arms to the smirk he wore. his hands slowly travelled from the island to your hips, lifting you up onto the island and setting you down on it so that you were almost eye level with him, though he was still taller than your seated form.
"eita-san, what are you doing?" you asked breathlessly, eyes never leaving his gaze.
"i was planning on finally kissing you if that was alright," semi responded softly, hands trailing from your hips to your thighs, spreading them apart so he could stand between your legs so he could be even that much closer to you.
"oh please," you murmured, wrapping arms around his neck to pull him closer to you, your bodies almost flush with each other as you got your first taste of each other. you smiled into the kiss as semi groaned, loving the way you felt against him. his lips parted and his tongue shot out, licking at your bottom lip as if demanding entrance. you responded in kind, parting your own lips to allow him entrance, tilting your head slightly to allow for better access, hands going from around his neck and into his hair to brush through his hair. when he slipped in his tongue, it met your own, at first fighting for dominance before he won, almost finding himself moaning at the taste of you and feeling himself go hard to the taste of you.
"ugh, please stop biting each others faces off," aiko muttered from the entrance of the kitchen before she entered and went about making popcorn.
semi silently cursed aiko for interrupting, pulling away from you who quickly buried your face in semi's neck to hide your blush from your best friend.
"i'm happy for you guys, truly, i am," aiko continued as the machine started the process of popping popcorn. "however, if i have to see anymore of that, i will cut you. i do not want to see my dad going at it with my best friend, that's a picture my mind would much rather live without."
"shut up, ai, it's not like i wanted to see you and your boyfriend going at it either, and yet here we are," you spoke up lightly, still blushing like crazy though your face was no longer hidden in semi's neck.
"shut up, that was completely different and you know it," aiko sniffed, turning her nose up and away from you in mock defiance.
"really? because at the time, your boyfriend happened to be my older brother," you responded, earning a sheepish look from aiko in response.
semi, who was simply content holding you close after you had pulled away from the kiss due to aiko's interruption, raised an eyebrow at the conversation between the best friends. "oh? you dated y/n's brother?" semi interrupted their conversation, earning a small nod from y/n in response while aiko sighed.
"yeah, they ended on good terms though," you murmured, smiling softly over semi's shoulder at aiko who couldn't help the slight frown on her face.
"they may have been good terms, but you never really forget your first relationship," aiko sighed, cupping her face in her hands as she thought back on her relationship with sora.
"if only you could," semi muttered darkly, though he had to admit that two good things came out of that relationship, and they were both currently in the kitchen with him. if he had never been with that woman in any way, he never would've had aiko, and if he never had aiko, he never would've met you. so one good thing that led to another good thing had happened between him and that woman — semi refused to think of her as anything else now that he was finally able to hold you in his arms.
"hey, stay with me, don't think back to then," you murmured, moving a hand up to his forehead to rub at the worry lines that started to mar his features. "be with me, in the moment, not then with her."
"you're right," semi murmured, moving his head to your neck to give you some featherlight kisses there.
"alright, and that's my cue to leave the room," aiko declared, taking her newly made bowl of popcorn and marching from the room, calling over her shoulder how the movie was ready whenever they were if they still wanted to watch it.
"we're coming!" you responded, pushing lightly at semi's shoulders in order to make him move back to give you space to jump down from the island. semi grumbled about having to watch a movie, saying he'd much rather spend his time doing something else to which you just laughed at, commenting how it was true guys only have one thing on the brain when it came to the object of their affection.
semi watched you for a few seconds, admiring the slight sway of your hips as you followed aiko, calling over your shoulder if he was coming or just going to admire your ass to which he chuckled and quickly caught up, grabbing your hand to guide you to a couch behind the one aiko sat at and away. he then got comfortable, reclining back before pulling you down to sit between his legs, back resting against his chest so he could cuddle with you as the movie played.
or maybe he wasn't thinking of just cuddling because aiko had barely even started the movie before semi swept aside your hair and you felt lips on your neck along with the subtle scape of teeth against your skin causing your breath to hitch in your throat at the feeling. without much thought, you exposed more of your neck to the bold male, feeling a smirk take over as he continued his ministrations on your neck, growing bolder as he listened to your breathing hitch in your throat or the way you exposed more of your neck to him. loving the way you reacted to him, he continued on, growing even bolder by lifting your shirt with his hands so he could trace your hips and stomach without barriers between his hands and your skin. another bold action was him trailing kisses along your neck until he found the spot on your neck that you reacted to the most and then biting down, leaving a bruise in its wake. he was quick to soothe the inflamed area with his tongue, feeling himself go hard at the breathless moan you released at the feeling.
"if you guys start doing it on that couch i swear to god," aiko spoke up, throwing a handful of popcorn in their general direction. "are you even paying attention to the movie? go upstairs if you're going to do...that."
"yeah yeah, i hear you aiko," semi responded, standing up with you in his arms bridal style. "enjoy...whatever it is you're watching. i think we'll be busy tonight so don't bother us any." he called over his shoulder as the two of you left, you slinging your arms around his shoulders for two reasons. the first being so you could steady yourself, not wanting to risk possibly falling from his grip. the second reason being to hide your face in his neck, your cheeks burning as you heard over and over again the exchange between your friend and the man you were slowly starting to realize you were in love with.
"hey now, beautiful, don't go getting shy on me now," semi spoke softly, stopping in front of a door and swinging it open, maneuvering himself and you inside before gently laying you down on the large king size bed on one side of the room in the center of that wall.
you carefully scooted yourself up the bed so that your back was resting on many pillows. then you took a moment to take in the room around you. directly across from the foot of the bed sat a nightstand with a large tv. on either side of the nightstand stood two doors, one of which you assumed led to a walk in closet and the other to the bathroom. a few pictures hung here and there of him and aiko mostly, though you did see some of him with his bandmates and even some of you, him, and aiko. honestly, the room didn't look how you were expecting it to. you thought the musician might have more instruments in his room just in case he thought of a melody or lyrics late at night. 
semi could see your mind racing with questions, smiling softly at the sight of you slowly taking in his room. "what are you looking for, beautiful?"
"your room just looks...different from what i was picturing, i guess," you replied softly, turning your head to face him.
"really? how so?" he questioned, crawling into the bed right next to you, laying on his side so he could stare at you as you spoke.
"i don't know, i guess i just assumed, with you being a musician and all, especially being the composer for your group, that you would have more instruments set up around the place," you murmured, sighing at the feeling of his fingertips dancing over your hip as you turned onto your side to face him.
"that's a fair assumption," semi responded, loving to see how you reacted to his every touch. "my recording studio is right through that door though, so i don't really need them with me in order to compose in the middle of the night. however, i will tell you that this room is soundproof just like my recording studio, so you can be as loud as you want to and aiko will be none the wiser." he whispered against your lips, having moved closer as he explained where his instruments actually were.
your face instantly bloomed bright red at the implications, wanting to turn away from the shameless man in front of you, though he wouldn't let you because he was now kissing you, rolling you over so that he landed on top of you, using his forearms to steady himself so that he wouldn't crush you under his weight. but before the kiss could go any further, you moved a hand to his chest and pushed him away, a look of hurt flashing in his eyes for a millisecond before being replaced by worry. maybe he was too bold, maybe you didn't actually want this, maybe maybe maybe. many other possibilities flew around in his mind but before he could get carried away, you spoke up, speaking words he never thought he would ever hear from your mouth.
"are you sure you want me, you want this?" you whispered uncertainly, voice shaking with emotion as you looked anywhere but at semi. semi, confused on where this was coming from, sat up and then pulled you with him, sitting at the edge of the bed and pulling you into his lap where he could watch your side profile even if you tried to hide your face.
"what do you mean, dove?" he questioned, wanting to get to the bottom of this sudden hesitation from you.
"i- i just mean like-" you spoke, pausing every few words because you weren't sure if you were ready to share the sudden flash of insecurity you felt. "you could have anybody you wanted, literally anyone at all, so why choose me?"
"are you kidding?" semi questioned incredulously, almost throwing his head back and laughing at the question though refraining before he could tell you were serious about it and he didn't want to give you any reason to get mad at him or leave. "look at you, dove, you're the most beautiful woman on the planet, nothing can change my mind about this fact."
"no i'm not, i'm really just average, there are so many more beautiful women out there," you responded, playing with your fingers in embarrassment at the conversation you two were having.
"hey, no, look at me," semi spoke, cupping your cheek and tilting your face up to look at him, his thumb gently tugging at your bottom lip to pull it out from between your teeth. "are you listening?" you nodded at his question, albeit shyly. "good. the first time i ever laid eyes on you, you stole my breath away. i couldn't believe someone as beautiful as you could ever exist. but it felt wrong to think of you in that way despite you being a legal adult. but now, you're here in my arms and i wouldn't change anything for the world. let me show you the love i feel for you in my heart, please beautiful." semi finished in a whisper, forehead dropping forward to rest against your own. you sighed at the admission, truly feeling the sincerity in his voice.
instead of answering, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his, arms moving to wrap around his neck as you kissed. with semi not moving from his seated position, you carefully shifted your own position so that you were straddling his lap, your lips not leaving his own as the musician deepened the kiss, licking at your bottom lip to gain entrance to your mouth. you granted him the access he desired.
as the kiss deepened, you rolled your hips, moaning at the friction you feel against your clothed cunt. semi let's out a hiss, pulling back from the kiss to watch your eyes roll back at the feeling of his growing erection. he loved this side of you, a side only he would ever get to see as he vowed to ruin you for anyone else. as you lost yourself in pleasure, semi carefully lifted your shirt over your head, his own shirt following yours onto the ground.
"you're so beautiful," semi murmured, taking in the sight of you, shirtless, before him. a blush bloomed on your face as semi fiddled with the clasps of your bra, unhooking it and watching as a little more of you was revealed. semi groaned at the sight, he couldn't help it, you were just so beautiful, so tempting. semi stood up, almost so suddenly you would've fallen had you not had the quick reflexes to wrap your legs around his waist.
semi was quick to throw you onto the bed and then climb on top of you, using his forearms on either side of your head to bare most of his weight. with this new position, he couldn't help the groan that escaped him at the sight of you beneath him. with one arm, he started to fiddle with your pants, causing you to giggle and help take your shorts off, with his being quick to follow. with the hand that had pulled off your shorts and fishnets, he cupped your warm cunt in his hand causing a moan to slip from your lips and grind down on his hand, wanting to feel friction against your pussy. semi watched your reactions, loving the fact that it was him that made you react this way, it was him that you were currently under. all those years of thinking he wasn't good enough, that he didn't deserve any love went out the window the moment you had first moaned for him.
without any warning, semi dragged a finger along your sopping slit and then inserted a finger into your hole, almost coming on the spot at the beautiful moan of pleasure that left your lips. you really were so reactive to him, evident by the way you were clenching around his finger. you gave another moan of pleasure as he curled his finger inside you, mouth falling open in pleasure when he added a second finger. this had you absolutely creaming around his fingers, a sign you were close to coming. with a few more thrusts, he pulled his fingers from your dripping hole, smirking at the whine you let out as he moved his hand up to lick his fingers clean of you, eyes closing in pleasure at just how sweet you tasted. it was better than he ever could've imagined, you were better than he ever could've imagined.
"you feel and taste so good, angel," semi murmured before he leaned forward to give you a sweet kiss on the lips. "but however pretty you may look coming on my fingers, you'll look even better coming on my cock."
"mm whatever you want, eita-san," you murmured, slowly opening your eyes to look up lovingly at the man before you.
"good girl," he murmured, kissing the side of your lips before rolling off you in order to reach into a drawer on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. you whined at the loss of his warmth before you rolled over as well, landing on top of him so you were straddling him.
"no need for that," you murmured upon realizing what he might be grabbing, reaching over to hold his hand in yours, fingers naturally intertwining. "m' on the pill. want to feel you, no barriers."
semi cursed softly at your admission, groaning at the feeling of you grinding down on him before he was quick to roll you both over so he was again hovering over you. "do you have any idea what you do to me?" he whispered against your lips, hands still clasped together as his other hand trailed from your hip to your thigh, prying open your thighs so he could drag his painfully hard erection along your soaking slit before entering you slowly, moving in bit by bit to allow you to grow accustomed to his size.
semi wasn't painfully large nor was he unnaturally long. he also wasn't short or small, but rather it felt like you were the lock to his key, you slotted together so perfectly. it was like he was made expressly for you and you for him, it was that perfect. once you'd grown accustomed to his size, you started to squirm beneath him, needing to feel his length move as you clamped down around it. semi couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled his chest and then traveled to yours, giggling at the feeling of the vibrations it gave off against your own chest.
as he started moving, he wrapped your leg around his hip to give him a better angle, allowing him to hit different areas you never even knew you had. you moaned as he continued his pace, head thrown back in pleasure which semi found extremely sexy. it stroked his ego to think of the fact he alone was able to bring this reaction out of you, he alone was able to see the side of you. as he continued pistoning in and out of you, he found you clenching tighter and tighter around him, a sign he came to realize meaning that you were close. with a few pleasurable thrusts, you came undone around him, coming on his cock and arm sling around his neck, moaning beautifully against his neck.
he continued to thrust in and out of you, chasing his own high.
"wanna feel- inside-" you babbled, a groan leaving semi at your words, coming inside you and filling you with his seed. after all, who was he to deny you?
with a final thrust, his collapsed on top of you, his now softened cock still inside you and plugging up your hole, keeping both your and his cum inside you.
"so good f'me," semi murmured, peppering soft kisses against your neck that caused you to giggle. "can i make a confession?"
exposing more of your neck to him, you spoke up breathlessly, a quiet yes slipping between your lips as you started to drag your fingers through his hair, pulling softly at his his hair each time he kissed an especially sensitive spot.
"i'm in love with you, have been since i first laid eyes on you," he murmured, looking up into your now wide eyes before softly kissing you on the lips.
"i think i'm in love with you too," you whispered against his lips, a moan surfacing after your words as you felt his teeth digging into a rather sensitive spot on your neck as if in response to your submission.
"then marry me?" semi questioned, causing your eyes to shoot open as you stared at him with wide eyes.
"b- but you're still married," you sputtered. "and what about your fans? and aiko? and what about-"
"shh," semi murmured, silencing you with a finger to your lips. "i'm in the process of getting a divorce, it's just been taking a long while because that woman has been refusing to meet with our lawyers. my fans don't need to know anything, you will be my secret, i don't want to share you with anyone. as for aiko, we can talk to her if you wish, however she has said she approves of us so long as i don't hurt you, which i could honestly never do. you're too precious to me, i could never see myself hurting you, angel."
"so she threatened you, too, huh?" you murmured, almost to yourself though semi was able to just barely catch your words, a laugh escaping him as he realized aiko had used the same threat for both of them. "relax, i want this, i want you, and nothing will stop me from getting you. i will even chase you to the ends of the earth if i must."
"i want you too, eita-san," you whispered, pulling him down to connect your lips and his in a passionate and heated kiss. if he wasn't carefully, his softening cock would surely become erect again, especially considering your current intimacy. he was, after all, still inside you.
"so then do you accept?" semi questioned happily, peppering kisses from the corner of your lips to your neck where he gave you a fresh hickey.
"i do accept," you responded, a moan escaping your lips as he continued to leave hickeys along your neck.
needless to say, that night was very...busy, though aiko had been none the wiser to what was going on because true to his word, semi had in fact soundproofed his room.
it wasn't until the next day that aiko found out about the proposal, not that you or semi had said anything about it. if it hadn't of been for the large rock on your left ring finger, she would've been left in the dark until you and semi had decided to break the news to her. but the moment she saw the ring, she let out a high pitched screech which had alerted you and semi to her presence as she rushed from the doorway of the kitchen to your side where you sat on the island, not even taking notice of the fact you wore a large shirt that belonged to semi that covered your shorts.
"you- my dad- he- i- you- when-" she stuttered, picking up your hand as she studied the ring on your finger.
you and semi simply shared a loving look over her head, both of you smiling softly as semi responded that you'd made it official last night. if aiko had seen that look, she might've walked out of the kitchen in mock disgust, however her attention was too focused on the ring.
"actually, aiko," you spoke up softly, watching as your best friend continued staring at your ring. "we were hoping you would keep this a secret between the three of us."
"of course, but do you mind if i ask why?" aiko questioned, finally taking her eyes off the ring to look between you and her father.
"we have three reasons," semi responded, continuing to make breakfast for the three of you. "the first being that i'm still not divorced yet, so if she was to get word of this, she could use this to get even more undeserved attention."
"yeah, that sounds like something she'd do," aiko muttered under her breath.
"the second reason being my manager would have a fit," semi continued as if aiko hadn't spoken. "he was adamant on my keeping up my image of being a happily married man with a happy family. however recent events have persuaded him to allow my divorce and now he wants to sell me as a recently divorced bachelor with a kid to appeal to...other crowds. or something, i don't entirely understand what goes through his twisted mind."
"what a questionable manager you have," aiko muttered, moving to sit beside you on the island to read your twitter feed over your shoulder.
"the final reason is because, well, i don't want to share y/n with anyone," semi finished, sending you a loving look to which you blushed at, aiko silently gagging beside you.
aiko was quick to hop down from the island when she noticed semi walking towards you. she really didn't want to be in the room when you guys started kissing, that was a sight she would much rather live without so she stole a piece of toast from the plate semi had set the finished pieces on before she headed out to the dining room, calling over her shoulder for them to hurry up with their lovey-dovey shit so they could eat.
semi responded with a comment for her to be patient as he stood between your thighs, hands resting on the island countertop beside your thighs to cage you in and give you a kiss. you giggled into the kiss, arms flying around his neck to pull him closer to you, chest to chest as he moved his hands from the island to your ass, pulling you to the edge of the counter to pull you flush against him, tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss. before the kiss could get any more explicit, you pulled back slightly, giggling as semi tried to chase your lips, though you kept pulling back, always barely out of his reach so that you could catch your breath.
"aiko's waiting for us, let's go eat," you whispered to a playfully annoyed semi who refused to allow you to move from his hold.
"she can wait, i cannot," semi growled, eyes narrowing at you as you continued to giggle.
"the food will get cold," you responded, not backing down. "besides, we can continue this after breakfast when my best friend isn't in the room next door."
"i agree, listen to her," aiko called from the dining room that sat adjacent to the kitchen. "besides, i'm starving so hurry up dad."
"what a cockblock," semi muttered as he pulled away, causing you to burst into laughter as you hop down from the island, collecting plates and cutlery that you would need for your breakfast while semi trailed behind with the food, all the while muttering about how he'd pay aiko back, just she wait.
the rest of that morning passed into afternoon where aiko soon left the house to meet with her boyfriend, leaving the newly engaged couple to continue what had been started in the kitchen.
needless to say, that summer break passed in a blur and you were reluctant to part ways with semi for another four months, the only thing pushing you to go being the promise of your secret marriage happening during winter break, as well as the promise of a spot in semi's bands dance group so you could travel with him during tours after you graduated in a semester.
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— 2023 ⓒ ensemblesmile, do not repost or translate my work. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Finals
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Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
#Propaganda for Glenn Close: one of the other PCs mentions multiple times how hot he is #Actually several characters point it out but especially Henry #Also the only person in a podcast that has to put a disclaimer about not being a BDSM podcast to have had sex during the course of the show
Young hot rocker dilf
Loyal to his dead wife <3
Does in fact smoke weed
BARD!! HES A BARD. HE WAS LEAD GUITAR IN HIS BAND (that he was kicked out of)
His band was a Christmas cover band btw.
Literally the fandom had hot Glenn summer which consisted of drawing him being incredibly hot and sexy
Anti government (ofc)
Kind of cringefail (Disney adult) (was on dilfs of disneyland)
Young and sexy not your style? Then how about HIM AFTER YEARS LOCKED IN A TIME PRISON WITH A DAMN HANNIBAL MASK ??
Lost an eye and wears a fucking eyepatch
One incredibly buff arm
Has a pet rat named after his son <3
Immeasurable amounts of trauma in this man- becomes progressively more unhinged
Becomes a demon hunter for the rest of his existence
Also nonwhite !!! We are done with cringefail whiteboys !!!!!!!!!
I can’t put into words ok just know he is the best plz love him.
Okay but Glenn made a minivan cum by talking to her so
HE HAS A BOOK THAT HE MARKS X’S AND CHECKS FOR EVERY DAY TO SEE IF THAT DAY WAS A SUCCESS OR NOT. TO SEE IF HE DID GOOD THAT DAY. ITS ALMOST ENTIRELY X’S. HE WAS CUCKED OUT OF A SON. AND A DEAD WIFE. HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO KILL HIS DAD IN REVENGE. There’s absolutely nothing going for him except his sex appeal in his life. Nobody he loved remembers him. He lost his eye. All he has is a pet rat and friends who admit they don’t really like him that much. He was kicked out of his own band. The band was named after him. He was kicked out of the Glenn Close trio. All he could do was deez nuts the big bad and be sexy. If nothing else, then pity him. Look in his eyes. Look at his heart and soul. He did not do the BDSM episode for this I’ll tell you what. Do this for my his sake. Do it for Nick Jr, who needs the prize money to pay for his rat snacks. Do it for his son. For Morgan. Ganbatte.
Glenn is the goofiest sexiest character there is and I will die on this hill! I will ride into battle for him! what Dndads created is truly unique and Glenn is a key part of that and for that he deserves to win. I said it before and I'll say it again - GLENN SWEEEEEP
Can we talk about how he says ‘baby’ casually? Like he just calls people that?? That’s HOT. THAT IS HOT!! He’s also bilingual and knows Japanese!!!! He’s a big dumb idiot with a lot of charisma!!!!!! HE WORKED AT A BDSM PLACE FOR TWO SEPARATE ONE SHOTS. HES SO SAD BUT PLAYS IT OFF LIKE HE’S CHILL ALL THE TIME!! HE DOESN’T THINK OF HIMSELF AS SINGLE BECAUSE HE DIDN’T DIVORCE HIS DEAD WIFE!!! He’s like.. the perfect guy. We need this win.
I’d also like to add the fact I made this. Which is the first 11 episodes edited to (almost) only have Glenn in them <3 which is a level of insanity I hope to reiterate. These took hours to make. I wouldn’t do that for anyone else.
vote Glenn I am asking with the biggest saddest eyes possible 🥺🥺🥺 he is so sexy it's pathetic and also so pathetic it's sexy, no I can not possibly adequately elaborate just trust me
Mod Note: While I will still take "bad dads are sexy" propaganda and "bad dads aren't sexy" anti-propaganda, I kindly request no more discussion on whether or not he was a bad father. This is a sexypoll, not a parentingpoll. If you see a post you strongly disagree with, you can just not reblog it.
Mod Note 2: This tournament is about fictional podcast characters. Please do not vote for the real actress Glenn Close.
Gable (Campaign: Skyjacks):
7ft tall silver-haired thembo of a fallen angel. was the literal sword of god until they killed him! reasons slightly unclear but probably sure to forbidden queer love! super caring for their friends. has one friend they have known for hundreds of years who they HATE but are bound to by the red string of fate. their sword is a part of them, they can sheathe it into a tattoo. they start out indistinct at the edges but as they have continued on through the campaign they have become more and more distinct. they became a flaming engine of justice to kill their friends shitheaded older brother who was following him. they have learned enough necromancy to allow other fallen angels to die, even though they typically cannot. they fly giant birds in to battle.
7ft tall beefcake wielding a sword as tall as they are. vengeful sweetheart
Imagine now: a fallen angel with beautiful gray hair and very big muscles. Now imagine them with a 9 ft sword. Now imagine them as a helmsperson of a pirate ship in a flowy deep-v pirate shirt. Now imagine they're dumb as a fucking rock. And finally, imagine that they killed god. Here, you have made Gable Skyjacks: sexiest podcast character of all time.
7ft tall nonbinary/genderfluid thembo fallen angel sky pirate who wields a buster sword. silvergrey hair with black/gold streaks as they regain feathers/memories of before their fall. back is covered in tattoos that hide the scars of their shredded off wings. killed God. toxic exes with lucifer. they are the keeper of several giant war birds who occasionally crave human flesh. they enjoy getting rowdy/smoking rope with their boys. they collect rocks that they think are neat. When anyone admits they are attracted to them, Gable trips over their words and absolutely swaglessly ends up sounding stupider and sexier by the end of the conversation; the will they/won't they and teasing they dish out to these (un?)lucky few is palpable. Sometimes the buster sword is on fire. They are immortal, they are cringe, they are trying to atone because they believe they are the reason the world is ruined.
Okay so aside from all of the above (giant with a matching giant flaming sword, killed god, extreme dumbass), here's some more propaganda for Gable the Godkiller.
They've escaped death multiple times with their partner in... crime? Like literally they were about to be executed in the most brutal way possible and just. Escaped and killed all their captors in the snowy wastelands.
They are the helmsperson of the Uhuru and take this job very seriously and definitely haven't left it to Bowser (you know, like from Mario) multiple times. Can steer that flying ship in horrible weather and still make it to port safely.
Healed an entire fucking hospital by cutting their hair for someone they had the hots for who was also in the hospital. Imagine being on that level of myth making in some random port city because of a hair cut.
Giant bird caretaker and also took the giant birds out on their friend's bachelor party (this was like. his Xth polyamorous marriage at this point btw) and had a fucking blast getting high on some rope and fucking around. They've also flown these birds into combat and looked cool as hell doing it (see: killing their friend's shithead of an older brother in a joust).
Had a relationship with Lucifer the Morning Star before they fell as an angel and killed God. Literally the reason the stars fell was their love for each other. The world would not look the same without Gable and they are, at the very least indirectly responsible for the creation of the Church of the Slain God and everything it represents (fantasy Catholicism).
And also yeah they are regularly tripping over themself and saying very silly things. 10/10 character we love Liz Anderson and Gable in this house
I am seeing people say that this Nicky fellow is basically trans! That's very cool! Gable is actually trans. Pronouns they/them/any presentation whatever they feel like.
Gable held a bachelor party for a BFF where the attendees hunted from their sky birds, wore dresses, and still managed to keep their eyeliner on point!
Gable killed God because he wouldn't let them be queer. They should rightfully crush anyone in their path.
We are finally going up against a character I know. I can confidently say all sexy moments with Gable are much sexier than TAZ's largely off-screen romances. Mod Note: This was written during the poll versus Killian Fangbattle.
But seriously. Listen to Gable's most recent introduction. Unparalleled sexy thembo introduction! Context: The Captain's Council is at a magical tattoo/piercing parlor (which has a lengthy form and disclosure process), trying to stay below the radar, and the Captain and Jonnit are pretending to be father/son to keep up the ruse. And to let Jonnit get a tattoo, since he's technically sort of underage. Bonus: Gable's decision at the tattoo/piercing parlor and noping out of Orimar and Jonnit's acting. (You should check out the full episode! Episode 197 starts a new arc and a good point to step into the series!)
Nicky Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
One armed half-demon man with a sword (also a Dedicated, Involved, Loving Father). (Specifically campaign 2, where he is an adult)
Transmasc bisexual (or at least so widely accepted as such it's basically canon) dilf half-demon let's start with the basics
And by half-demon I mean the literal prince of Hell
But also simultaneously is Saint Nicolas get you a man who can do both specifically this man
Missing an arm cause his ex-friends tragically betrayed him and shot it off but he doesn't need two arms to show you a good time wink wink ;)
The betrayal in question forced him to be seperated from his also hot milf voice actress wife and their son which is sad but in like a way that makes him sexier
Uses his one hand to wield a flaming katana that he used to rescue his son from the FBI
Protects his family with his life very literally which is hot as hell
Big himbo energy couldn't come up with a good plan if he used 100% of his brain
When he does fail at things it's pretty cute honestly
Definitely played a variety of musical instruments before the whole arm thing happened! Maybe he still does idk he's a sexy mystery
2 in 1 deal! This man was born from the merging of two timelines! Kinda sick!!! Also two dads = twice the daddy issues
You'd think the whole being forcibly split from his family thing would mean he isn't very close with his son but nope! His son adores him! They get along great!!!
His mom is simultaneously alive and dead
His mom bagged fucking two different dudes (one of whom FOUND HER DEAD in a different timeline, both of which are demons)
Lifelong pot smoker 👍 (plus drug flower user!!)
CANONICALLY BOTH A POLO WEARER (and yes, has all the stereotypes of that attached with it — a nerd, which is hot) AND A LEATHER JACKET WEARER (which also has all the stereotypes attached with it — a rebel dude person, which is also hot) [<- all widely accepted as canon by the fandom even as he’s older]
A part of the SECOND BIGGEST ship of season two, (Nark) despite the two characters only having one-two canon interactions (one of which JUST happened last episode)
Man’s a himbo what’s hotter than that
So many fucking names. You try to tag him in anything and he takes up half the space. That’s probably hot. For someone out there
This was already mentioned but so very very trans. Like. It’s basically canon
Rock and roll(er)
Joined a group of thieves called the watermice when he was like 13
for a few minutes had a guitar called the Battle Axe of Hatred
definitely had an frienimies with benefits relationship with his childhood friend Lark (sorry ppl that don’t ship nark lol) (it’s canon after ep 44 hah)
Nicky also acts like his sons Pokémon! Taylor tells his dad to do things, and Nicky does it without thinking about anything else he could do!
I feel like the audio of the entire Nick-breaking-into-the-FBI scene should be propaganda, but I'm copying select bits from the transcript:
Anthony: Yeah, it kind of echoes up through the vent, like the beginning of Metal Gear Solid. You hear a voice that strikes you as ever so slightly familiar, Taylor. Saying—  ??: [a deep voice] [echoing in the vent] Where is he?  Anthony: You hear—  Will: Uh-oh, he’s hot.  Anthony: —a bunch of shouting voices.  [giggles]  Beth: Uh-oh! Anthony: You hear a bunch of shouting voices and people shouting for him to get down on the ground to turn off his flame. To fucking get his hands behind his back. You hear this rhythmic stepping forward— because his footsteps don't sound like anybody else's because it's almost like… y’know when you toss a little bit of water onto a really hot pan and it just sizzles like that? It's like every footstep he's taking, you can hear that— Freddie: Cool  Anthony: — and you can feel some of that heat coming up in this vent, even though you can't see him at this point. And he goes—  ??: [echoing] Where. Is. My. Boy? Anthony: You hear the FBI agent—the FBI in quotation marks agent—in the back going like—  Agent: [echoing] He's safe for now. If you want to go ahead and make sure that he stays that way, you feel free to go ahead and step inside the suite that we've prepared for you, my boy. Anthony: And you hear the hot guy voice saying—  [chuckles]  The Hot Guy: [echoing] I don't think that's going to happen.
[a powerful rush of air builds] Anthony: You hear—  [gunfire, and the air rush culminates in a burst of flame; from underneath the fire, metal music starts playing] Anthony: —plumes of flame exploding.  [a person’s pained shout, gunfire and bursts of flame continue]  Anthony: You can feel the heat radiating through this metal vent and it's actually beginning to hurt and burn your hands.
Anthony: And you hear blood—  [sizzling]  Anthony: —hitting the fucking ground and you hear sizzling and things boiling and burning. Taylor: That could just be coffee! That could just be coffee. Link, let's go. Anthony: And you are getting closer and closer to the elevator. And you hear that same hot voice say—  The Hot Guy: [echoing] Where the hell is Taylor?
Gable and Nicky Together:
We are on a joint ticket now! This is a truly unbeatable combo. Not even god can nerf it because Gable killed him. Vote for us. Nicky Close will watch your stuff and play with your cats while Gable gives you the night of your life.
Gable and Nicky can literally be yuor angle or ur bevil.
Art of Gable and Nicky from @slightlyhopefulromantic.
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jinkookspencil · 1 year
game night | jjk
it's your turn to host game night, and an exciting, undressing game awaits jungkook at home....
author's note, please read: THIS IS A REPOST OF MY ORIGINAL FIC! i made a post saying i'm done writing smut and wanted to go back and edit/delete my older smutty fics. this is the first one i'm dealing with (i still don't know what I'll do about the others, they might just get deleted entirely without a repost like this one, so read them while you can!). the "smut smut" has been edited out. i hope you guys understand.
description/tw/tags: ~3k words / one-shot / established relationship / established relationship / suggestive / i hope you guys like it! feedback is appreciated & welcome :)
Dating Jungkook was a lot of fun. So fun that well into your time together, you both doubted a “honeymoon phase” ever existed in relationships and pitied anyone who said it did - every minute of your relationship had been a prolonged “honeymoon phase" with nothing changing since you first got together. You never had to find ways to keep your time together interesting, sexy, or fun…. they just were. It’s how you both were, even before meeting each other, and, sure enough, it’s how you both fell in love. Your wacky ideas either complimented or impressed the other, and your traditions - even the most routine ones - were always treats you looked forward to. Especially…game night.
A routine tradition that never seemed so, for most game nights were different. There were the classic video game or board game nights, switching up the games, the settings, and the characters you played to keep it interesting. There were the innocent games that surprisingly not always turned not-so-innocent since you and Jungkook just loved playing them regardless… (though his genius suggestion of “hide and seek in the dark” that one time did result in one of the steamiest nights of your life). Similarly, there were bedroom nights when you and Jungkook spent more time naked in the bed than you thought was humanly possible, teasing and toying for hours…  And there was also, “serious business” - when you and Jungkook sat down with a super serious mindset - whether it was a 1000-piece puzzle, the hardest Lego sets you could find, or Mario Kart. 
Tonight, it was your turn to plan game night. That’s all Jungkook knew when he walked in from work that evening. After coming up with such a genius idea - the perfect blend of every game category you’d established, you had to keep it a secret til the last minute…. and make the little brat wait a little.
“Baby!” Jungkook calls the moment he steps through the front door of the apartment, the enthusiasm is his voice clear as day. “I’m starving. You said you made me something, didn’t you? What’s tonight’s game? What’s tonight’s game night dessert? I’m ready to eat, I’m ready to game, and I’m ready for you. Tell me.” He slams his hands excitedly on the kitchen table, wiggling his eyebrows. “Tell me - what do you have planned?”
“Patience, baby. Take a bit of this donut first,” you tell your boyfriend, feeding him one of the sugared donuts you’d baked for the night. 
“Mmm,” he moans, his brows furrowing as he licks his lips and tilts his head forward, asking for another bite. “If the game is ‘how many donuts can we eat in one sitting’, you are going down, baby.”
He smiles, taking the entire donut in his hands and eating at it until he finds the tray full of them on the coffee table, grabbing another one. “This is almost as good as the pancakes we made last week… And the syrup I ended up licking off of your tummy was the sweetest thing...” 
“Eat up, Kook,” you laugh, seeing your adorable boyfriend stuff his face with desserts, as he always did, with an angry yet complimentary expression on his face. “You’ll need the energy.”
“What will I need energy for? Not complaining, let me figure it out....” He looked around the living room, which looked exactly as it always did, save for the extra pillows you set up on top of the mattress Jungkook placed in front of the TV. “The PS5 is turned off, the Switch is turned off, no pens or paper, no board games in sight, I need energy…..” Jungkook recounts, trying to piece together the puzzle. “Is it hide and seek or 'the floor is lava' again? A new remix? In the dark?”
“Not exactly,” you say, bending to pick out the box of UNO playing cards you’d wedged between the pillows. “Let’s play.”
“UNO?” The look of disappointment on Jungkook’s face is undeniable - no matter how hard he tries to hide it, the little pout sticks out. After a full day of teasing and keeping it a mystery…. UNO, he wonders. “I- okay, baby, if that’s what you want. I have to admit I thought you’d be a little more creative. And hey, why would I need energy for UNO? Is it because I have to keep up with you and your little tantrums when you lose?”
You roll your eyes. “You wer right about something, stupid. There is a remix. UNO with a twist,” you tease your boyfriend, quickly kissing his neck before tugging on his t-shirt, your hand swiftly slipping beneath the fabric and grazing his solid abs. Nestled into his neck, you reveal the game you had planned. “Strip UNO.”
The shift in his demeanor is immediate. 
“Strip UNO? Yeah?” he asks with wide eyes and a menacing smirk, rubbing his nose against yours. “Yeah, damn. This is new. This is you. You’re all sexy suggesting stuff like this. I just know.... it'll end with angry - sorry, passionate - sex. Oh, you always bite me extra hard when you're angry. I can't wait.”
“Don’t get too confident, baby. I think I can beat your ass.”
He scoffs. “Hah, we’ll see about that.” Looking down, he sees himself disappointed at how few layers you both have on… it’s usually the other way around, with him being disappointed that you had too many layers on. Still, the gaze is the same. Tempting. Excited. Calculating.
“Let’s layer up and take this slow. I don’t want to get you naked too quickly in this cold.” You follow him into the bedroom, grabbing as many items as you can fetch before hiding away in the bathroom to layer up. Knowing how this’ll end, you’re sure to switch out your bra for the black low-cut, lacy push-up bra that Jungkook loved so much. He’d get you to that stage regardless…. might as well fluster him, you think, smiling as you put on the matching underwear,
After layering up, you walk out of the bathroom to see Jungkook bundled up in just as many layers…. even pulling out a puffer jacket and a beanie he looked adorable in. How was this supposed to be a sexy game when Jungkook looked like one giant boba ball walking around your apartment?!
“Gkaja,” he grins, a wide, proud smile on his face thinking he has an advantage over what seems to him as your fewer layers.
Plopping down on the living room mattress in more layers than you could count with the plate of donuts by your side - it was game time.
“Let’s go.”
“Uno!” You scream, holding up your final card in your hands while laughing at the eight in Jungkook’s. Seconds later, when he plays a card, and you put down your final card, the round is finally over.
“Hah,” you smirk. “Finally. Take your t-shirt off, Jeon.”
Rolling his eyes, Jungkook takes off his tee and discards it onto the pile of clothes on your side, leaving him in the long-sleeved t-shirt he wore underneath, his favorite grey sweatpants, and his socks.
“My puffer jacket, my beanie, my hoodie, my sweater….” he sighs, shuffling and distributing cards. “You must’ve rigged this. I thought I’d get you fully naked by now but it’s alright. I already won enough rounds to make you get rid of your sweater, your jacket, your cardigan, your socks, your extra skirt, and your crop top - genius addition by the way, ….. Now you’ve just got your pants, a t-shirt, and I’m assuming underwear underneath. Piece of cake.”
Sure enough, he wins the next round. 
“Finally, let’s see that bra, baby,” he giggles, but not as loud as you do when you take off your t-shirt to reveal the tank top you wore underneath.
“Fucking…”, Jungkook resigns, scratching his forehead. “Another hidden layer… It’s not fair. It’s not fair. I tried - guys just can’t layer as much as girls do. They don't make as many layers in as thin fabrics for us.”
“You could’ve worn your muscle tee underneath."
He looks up at you to shoot you a glare, but his expression turns into a suspecting one, catching how low the neckline of the tank top went, the lace of his favorite bra creeping out, and, more importantly, your cleavage - almost on full display. Before he could say anything, you jump up from your spot, making sure your chest bounced a little more than they usually would. 
“I’ll just grab us some water,” you say slowly, walking over to the kitchen to get two glasses of water before returning to find Jungkook frozen in his spot, the cards from the previous round still unshuffled in front of him.
“Kook? The cards?”
“Hmm?” he coos, looking up at you, then at the cards, taking them in his hands. “Oh.”
You bend down to place Jungkook’s glass by his side, making sure he got a clear view down your bra the second your chest meets his eyeline before you sit back down with your glass. It takes another moment for Jungkook to return to the cards, quietly shuffling and distributing them.
“You go first,” he says before he pinches the skin at his wrist, just as he did when he tried to sit through a movie you wanted to watch that he found boring. You could practically read his thoughts at that moment - Stay focused. Stay focused. Stay focused. He didn’t need to say anything for you to know it - his sugary fingertips digging into his skin did all the talking.
The game goes on until you yell “Uno!” to which Jungkook sighs. 
“Fuck, I just realized I have a yellow card I could’ve played,” he groans, putting down a green one with a pout, finally allowing you to end the game as the winner. 
“Distracted, baby?”, you tease, leaning all the way down and bringing your arms together, emphasizing your chest and cleavage even further. “It’s okay if you wanna give up now.”
You drink in the sight of Jungkook standing up to take off his white t-shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs underneath.
“Let’s see who gets distracted now,” he mutters, eating an entire donut in two bites before shaking his head in concentration, the furrowed expression on his face one of frustration at the game and delight in the carby dessert’s immediate sugar rush. Licking his lips, Jungkook quietly reshuffles the cards and distributes them once again, starting - and winning the round with a laser focus, as though UNO was never a game of luck but skill, one that he had been honing his entire life. 
“Hah,” he says, a wide smile finally returning to his face as he wiggles his eyebrows and leans back on his elbows. “Strip. Strip for me, slut.” Jungkook never commanded you with words like that except in the roughest of times…. but the giddy expression on his face is too cute. It was his frustration and horniness talking - and that excitement only thrilled you further…. Was it that much of a torture for him to wait to get you undressed? That sexy smirk on his face after he licked his lips seemed to prove it...
You laugh, taking in his entire form as he was, from his anticipating expression all the way down to his legs and wiggling toes, each one individually covered by his toe socks. Taking off your tank top, he sees your chest in all of its glory, held by his favorite bra.
Don’t wear it often. Surprise me with it every now and then, he had once said. You were just following his orders, every single time… And Jungkook reacted as he always did. Almost a reflex, his head tilted forward, eyes growing wider as his tongue peeked out from between his lips....
But, unlike all those times, he remembers himself when the tank top lands on his lap instead of the pile of discarded clothes.
“Fuck you,” he says with a slight laugh, scratching his head, his eyes never leaving your chest. “I knew it. I thought I recognized the lace.”
“As I said - do you want to end the game here, baby?” you ask, leaning back and away from him while tracing the trim of the lace with your fingertips. “It’s alright, you know. I can win.”
He looks up at your face. “Oh, I’ll do whatever I want as soon as I win…. “ Jungkook surveys the room, obviously trying to come up with a scheme to trick and distract you and level with you…. and when he turns to face you again, there’s something dark in his eyes. “Plus, I have my ways too, baby.”
And so the messiest, sloppiest game of UNO commences. It's hard to pinpoint what Jungkook didn't do next. It was all too desperate - desperate for you - and so, all too sexy. From pouring his glass of water over his head and torso and flexing his toned, muscled, and tattooed arms - your known weakness - to eating a donut while recreating an expression he only ever had when he'd been between your legs and at one point, rubbing at the area over his sweatpants - a submission seemingly at the tip of his tongue... The tongue you'd missed so badly...
Before you knew it, Jungkook won, and you had 18 cards in your hands… and you couldn’t tell if his groans were fake anymore.
A grunt rebelliously escaped his body when you admitted defeat and take off your leggings. With his hands by his side, he gives you a clear view of his glistening body and visible bulge as he leans back, prepared to watch you undress... Keeping your eyes on Jungkook, you slowly find the waistline of your leggings, pulling them down to reveal the underwear that came with the bra he loved so much….
“Oh, fuck,” he grunts as you plop back down on the mattress in a criss-cross position, giving him a clear view of everything he wanted to see. “I forgot the bra was part of a set.”
With your focus drowned out by the thought of one another and the growing tension in the air, you and Jungkook didn't take notice if you were playing correctly or even pulling the right amount of cards from the deck. All you knew was that, somehow, Jungkook won the round. And by that point, you both had enough. 
The second your hand finds your bra hooks at your back, Jungkook leaps across and over you, grabbing your hands before they’re able to unhook it in defeat. Pushing your body towards his face, Jungkook hungrily kisses and bites at your chest. “Fuck,. Keep it on,” he moans, biting the bow that sat right between. Everything he did after had been either heavenly or adorable, but the best part was the feeling of him smiling against your skin at the sounds of your gasps and both of your slight giggles. No matter what, Jungkook always found new ways to play with you, and he was surely having fun, his sugary lips stuck to his saliva on your skin and sprinkling over your bra.
“The donuts didn’t fill your appetite, huh, babe?” you whisper, kissing the top of his head where your fingers have been toying with his long hair. He licks the skin with a whine that nearly sends you into overdrive.
At your dual realization of the fabrics between you, Jungkook eagerly stands up and takes off his sweatpants, boxers, and socks all at once, chucking them to the other side of the room before grabbing your underwear at your hips and pulling them off of you - all in a matter of seconds.
You chuckle at Jungkook’s haste before your naked bodies meet. He starts placing soft, quick kisses on your chest, almost having had his fill of the area for the night, before he kisses down your torso, his hands roaming your soft body all the way down...
“So… before we go for round 2….” Jungkook begins through heavy breaths, hovering above you once more “….who won game night?”
“I did, obviously,” you laugh.
“What, you won because I fucked you so well?” Jungkook immediately snaps back with a proud grin, looking up at you. “That's a win, but I'm sorry baby, I won the last round of UNO, remember?”
You wrap your arms around his neck. “Baby, you jumped on me. You stopped the game and gave in. You got turned on first. You made a move first. You are naked. I am not. I won.”
“Technically, by wearing that slutty, beautiful little bra - you made the first move, babe. ”
“Well, that first move ensured me the win, Koo. That's the whole point, baby - who can get naked first. Didn't you realize I was giggling so much? It was a laugh of a champion.”
“I thought I was just being adorable. I thought you were having fun." 
“You always are, baby…. And it was fun as fuck. But I won,” you tease, booping his nose with a kiss.
“So what, I’m a loser for not being able to resist you? For having the most perfect girlfriend in the world? Nah, that’s not losing.” Jungkook’s lips meet yours in a kiss. “I win.”
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 22 here //Series Masterlist
Chapter 23
Summary : A certain vivid dream drives Loki towards a conclusion.
Warning: 18+,soft smut, dirty talking, mention of stalking, mention of psychological torture, angst, insecurities, ptsd, self deprecating behaviour, panic attack, praise kink, soft precious bean loki, sub loki
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You had made your way back to the front porch after eavesdropping on the conversation Loki had with your mother. He stepped out the front door and he noticed the look on your face so he smiled, walked towards you, cupped your cheeks to kiss your forehead and then he kissed you on the lips softly. As soon as you were in your hotel room you jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately.
Yeah your man standing up for you like that was sexy as hell.
He laid you down on the bed and you just wanted to go crazy on him like an animal in heat, your mouth latched onto his shoulder blades as you sucked and nipped on the skin a little before you sighed and put your head back down on the bed.
"I have been so angry these past few years lo" you mumbled so he focused his attention on your face instead of your bare bosom that was distracting him in all the best ways.
"You have been angry love?"
"Mmmhmmm Just .. utterly sad and sooo goddamed angry. I used to go by my days knowing that I'd never find anyone i would actually want to be with, let alone someone like you..i mean you're wayyyy out of my league" your eyes were teary but you chuckled still, you felt his cock rubbing over your clit and it made you moan in response, your emotions had gotten into an overdrive but you loved it, you loved feeling this way, for the first time in your adult life you were actually feeling genuine happiness.
"That is just not true my love, it is me who is not worthy of you" he caressed your cheek with the back of his fingers so you shook your head.
"Shhhh..Don't say that..you don't even know your own worth, i know you love me my sweet baby but you don't have to say that, never in my wildest I could have imagined that a man who looks like you and a god who possesses such otherworldly powers would give me even a second glance but here you are loving me, adoring me, fighting for me.." you gasped as you felt the tip of his cock sliding inside slowly "Making me feel as if I'm the only woman you'd ever want to be with…it feels surreal and it feels good to be treated the way I have always wanted to be treated" he placed his forearms next to your head, trapping you underneath his body and his thumbs wiped your tears, you still had a smile on your face so he kissed you softly before he spoke.
"You are my only woman my darling, you're my best friend and you're the only person I see whenever I close my eyes and envision the future that is ahead of us, my only fear is that you will not be there with me and I would go to any length to prevent that from happening. I know you always worry that I never would have glanced your way if we hadn't met under such circumstances but perhaps you are wrong. Even if we hadn't met the way we did, i just know I would have found you anywhere anytime, even with several unknown faces all around my heart would have brought me to you and you to me. That is something I truly believe" you caressed his scalp with your fingers softly as his sweet words filled your heart with so much of love that you didn't even know how to contain them.
"Godd I'm just always worried that someday you won't feel the same way about me" your lips trembled as you spoke so he kissed you again.
"I know and I fear the same but as I have said before, you are my truest friend in the whole nine realms, you gave me the love and acceptance I never had before and i will never not be crazily in love with the woman who makes me want to become a better man for her"
You kissed him tenderly and wrapped your legs around his waist, he moaned as your hips rolled forward and his cock stilled deep inside your warmth.
"Mmm I love you lo and I love having sex with you, I guess that's one of the reasons why I don't feel angry any more" you mumbled to lighten up the mood and it made him chuckle but then his face turned serious, definitely not in a bad way though. Not at all.
"Yeah you love being taken by me this way everyday..don't you?" He whispered, his voice deep and shallow in your ears, you could listen to him talk to you like this forever.
"Mmmhmmm yesss everyday, every moment I want you Loki, godd yess" he moaned as he picked up the pace, your hands caressed the skin of his back before you lowered them down and cupped his ass to give them a soft squeeze, sculpted muscles flexing and relaxing with every harsh thrust. As both of your orgasms crashed together he collapsed next to you to catch his breath but as usual he was the first one to recover so he took care of you in the best possible way and you felt so tired that you didn't even remember when you had fallen asleep.
"Where in the name of hel are we?" Loki sighed as he looked around, it seemed like a carnival but he couldn't have been sure. It's been years since he had entered this realm. He knew this was a bad idea but he and Thor had made a wager along with the warriors three and they had to fulfill the conditions.
"Seems like a celebration" Thor chuckled, Loki looked around and they were surrounded by hundreds of people. There were rides at the fair and kids were playing, he also basked in the beauty midgardian women had to offer and that's exactly why they were there.
"Alright brother, we shall meet the next morning at the same place, good luck on your quest, wish me the same, though I do not care for the luck, all of you will be defeated" Thor mumbled arrogantly so Loki rolled his eyes and gave his brother a pat on the back.
This was a bad idea, the wager was to sleep with as many midgardian women as all of them could in one night and they also needed to bring a souvenir of sorts from each of their conquests. He looked around and his eyes met with plenty of young looking midgardian women, one of the conditions also imposed that they weren't to reveal their names or anything about themselves to any of these women. Contradictory to popular belief Loki did detest lying but he had a reputation to maintain here.
He saw Thor leaving with not one but two willing sexual partners at the same time and he knew he had to pick up his game. He looked around again and that's when his gaze fell upon a beautiful woman and he didn't understand why he wasn't able to take his eyes off her. She had a blue shirt on with a black trousers, the simplest garment but still he felt drawn towards her aura like a moth to a flame..
"Okay now, you see that guy over there?" You looked at the man in a blue suit near the cotton candy stall, he was a good 20 feet away from you. He was also devastatingly handsome. You always had a hard time finding guys attractive in real life but this one seemed as if he was a prince charming from a Disney movie or something. Long raven hair, angelic face, and he was taller than a tower, In twenty five years of your life you had only ever seen men like him on tv until this moment. He looked like a Greek god.
"What do you want me to do Chelsea?" you asked her, contempt evident in your voice, your mother had just started to date this new man David after the divorce and you wanted to be happy for her and you wanted her to move on but hanging out with his daughters and their vapid friends wasn't your idea of fun.
"Well you lost the bet so now you have to go kiss him.. handsome isn't he?" Courtney giggled and you rolled your eyes. You denied the challenge but then they started to shame you so you had to save face somehow, you reluctantly agreed and took a deep breath as you walked towards him. Why the hell would one wear a business suit to a fair you wondered. Must be a tourist.
However the closer you got to him the more unreal he looked, he was the sexiest man on the face of the earth and he smelled so good that you just wanted to hug him as tightly as you could. Maybe kissing him didn't seem so bad now but you knew he was going to take offense and humiliate you for even thinking about that. Guys who looked like that didn't go for girls like you.
"Ummmm hiii" you said nervously as you expected him to just walk away but he turned to you and smiled instead "Are you alone here?" You asked him so he looked at the group of people that were watching the scene unfold from a distance, waiting for a disaster to happen. He saw four girls and there were two men as well, he figured you weren't courting any of them. He really wished you weren't with any of them.
"That depends on why you are enquiring darling" the way the endearing term slipped out of his mouth had almost made you moan. You sighed and took a deep breath and he found your nervousness extremely adorable. He had heard your conversation with your friends already, he knew why you wanted to talk to him, sharp hearing, he never understood why his senses were so strong but they always helped him best Thor in certain situations so he never really complained.
"Okay look umm you can just deny, as you should and will, but I lost a stupid bet and those people there want me to kiss you so we are not going to do that obviously but just humor me here for a second and I'll go away in a minute" he smiled as you blabbed unnecessarily.
He walked closer to you and your breath hitched suddenly, his scent intoxicated you and you felt completely drawn towards him for some reason.
"Are you certain you don't want me to kiss you darling?" He smirked as he placed his hands inside the pocket of his pants, he had seen a bunch of midgardian men around doing it and he was hoping he wasn't looking like a buffoon doing the same.
"I don't think anyone should be kissing strangers" you crossed your arms as you said that.
"That i respect" he chuckled so you smiled.
"Just a quick peck maybe..just so I can show my face to them" he smiled again, his hypnotic eyes made you want to do sinful things with him ,you had never felt such a scorching heat with a man of the opposite sex before. You didn't think it existed.
He walked closer to you and cupped your cheeks, you gasped at the touch, his skin felt soft. So soft and velvety.
He leaned into you and tilted his head, you closed your eyes as you expected him to kiss you, a stranger was going to kiss you. You didn't even know his name..but to your surprise instead of feeling his lips on yours you felt them on your forehead instead and then he kissed the corner of your mouth. However to the people watching you two it seemed as if he was kissing you properly.
"This is not how we shall have our first kiss so I'm not going to do that. But do not fret little one you're no longer in trouble" he mumbled softly before he placed a kiss on your cheek and pulled away. You were in trance, your skin still tingling because of his touch. God you just met the hottest man alive and you already felt sad that you'd probably never see him again..
You thanked him for his generous help, he got a cotton candy made for you before you went back to the group, however you kept bumping into him at the fair every few minutes so you asked him if he wanted to go on a ride with you and to your surprise he agreed immediately.
"Sorry I don't think I asked for your name" you chuckled and he smiled
"What is your name darling?" At first you wanted to lie but something about him made you want to trust him.
"Y/n, precious y/n" your face flushed as he said that. He wasn't even trying, he didn't have to try to make you feel that way. He told you about the bet and how he was competing against his brother, he didn't want to forge the foundation of this whole relationship with lies and to his amazement you found his honesty endearing.
"I am Loki" you looked at him perplexed as he said that. Sure you had heard of the Norse God Loki but you had never met anyone named Loki before. He didn't reveal to you just yet that he was from Asgard, of course you'd think of him a lunatic, but he figured he'd do it one day when you're ready for it.
He broke several rules that night and of course he lost the bet because he spent the night just getting to know you better and he knew Thor and his friends will give him a hard time but he didn't really care, by the sunrise he knew you weren't someone he wanted to let go of so a precious friendship began between you two.
"Keep this, a souvenir, at least they'll know that you got one girl you know" he chuckled as you gave him one of the earrings you were wearing "Will I see you again or you're just going to disappear?" You asked him and you noticed the tear in his eyes. He brought the back of your hand to his lips and pressed a formal kiss.
"You shall see me soon, i promise I won't disappoint you my lady"
You woke up with your heart running a miles per second, a vivid dream again that made no sense, well it kind of did because it happened but ofcourse not the way you had just seen in your dream. Your eyes fell upon Loki who was up already and he seemed a little pale as well .
"Bad dream?" You asked him as you worried that he was having a nightmare again.
"It wasn't bad per say but–" before he could speak further your phone started to ring so you picked it up, it was your mom, she had told you that she had sent her sister and your cousins away, but David and his daughters were still there for dinner. Loki was worried about the rest of the family members finding out about him so he had suggested before leaving he'd enchant them and erase the memory about this whole ordeal and only your mother will remember him.
You told your mom the same and much to your delight she seemed to agree. You looked at the time and you both had to get ready so you decided to tell him about the dream you had later.
As you reached your mom's house, this time she greeted him with a smile, you helped her set the table while Loki was accompanied by David and your stepsisters from hell.
"Are you in love with him?" You sighed as she questioned you.
"Yes I am. And I know you want to know whether he would marry me or not but trust me mom it's not something we have discussed yet okay?"
"I just worry about you y/n and this– have you ever thought what will happen to you if he leaves? Do you think you'll survive that? I hardly survived the divorce and I wasn't even in love with your father for as long as I could remember " your eyes teared up as she said that so you walked towards her and hugged her tightly.
"I know you worry, I know you do but I love him and I have never ever had anyone love me the way he does and the future is in the future, I don't want to make all our decisions today, i just need you to stop worrying about me dying alone now okay?"
She sighed as she hugged you warmly, it was going to take some getting used to but you knew she only wanted the best for you. After that conversation you both went back to the living room and the dinner went well. Courtney and Chelsea tried to ruin your happiness by sharing embarrassing stories about you but this time your mother shut them down.
Loki was happy that your mother had bestowed this opportunity upon him and he promised her that he won't let her down, he was hoping his mother would come around as well but it didn't really matter. After dessert your mom brought out several photo albums and you noticed how giddy he was as he went through your childhood pictures.
"Ohhhh remember this day, y/n made a complete fool of herself" you rolled your eyes as the sisters shared a laugh. You looked at the picture and grimaced internally. It was taken at a fair five years ago. Weirdly enough you saw yourself living the same day with few details changed in your dreams today but you chalked it up to your subconscious mind doing its thing.
Loki grabbed the album and his eyes widened as he looked at the picture. It was you with your step sisters and those other people he had seen in the dream today. Blue shirt and black trouser, the hair on his neck stood up as he traced his fingers over your face in the picture.
"You know it really is not funny, the fact that you married the guy you had sent me to kiss over a bet, not funny" you grumbled at Chelsea and she smirked at you.
"Well yeah, it was funny, he got so offended by your audacity and I saved your ass that day by calming him down, he was so smitten by me, love at the first sight" Chelsea cackled and Courtney joined her. You looked at Loki as you felt a little embarrassed that he was going to find out about this incident in such a way but his eyes remained fixated on the picture.
"What's wrong?" You whispered in his ears so he snapped out of his thoughts and leaned into you on the couch to kiss you softly.
"You were here?" He asked you as he pointed towards the photo.
"Yeah..that was one of the most humiliating moments of my life" he gulped as you said that.
The bet, he remembered the bet he had on with Thor and the warrior three five years ago, around the same day, but their plans had ruined because Vanaheim had imposed a war on Asgard so they both had to leave, the political scrooge was settled when king of Vanaheim Munor came with the proposal that his youngest daughter shall get wedded to one of the princes. And Odin chose Loki for that, for once Loki felt chosen and he accepted the proposal without giving it a thought, he had no hope of finding true love but he would have met you if he had come here that day.
The dream wasn't a dream, it was an alternate reality.
It was his past, both of your pasts. He would have met you five years ago if things had been perfect. And that's when he realized that these dreams were no coincidences, they were a reflection of his past and the future, several outcomes from several different realities. Realities that diverted and changed because of one moment of uncertainty.
"It's so weird I had a dream when we napped this afternoon that instead of Shawn it was you that day at the fair..so weirddd" you chuckled as you remembered the dream but then his response made your eyes well up.
"Blue suit, the sweet candy stall, I pretended to kiss you and we spent the night together getting to know each other and becoming friends, didn't we?"
Note: The dream sequence is from both of their pov because they were both having it at the same time.
Taglist (if you want to be tagged or removed let me know.. also I’m not able to tag some of you, please check your settings)
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72 @nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @greep215 @yallgotkik @obscureenigmatic @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie @purplekitten30 @sunnixart @nikkig496-blog @frozenhuntress67 @qardasngan @rosecentury @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @hrefna-the-raven @jennyggggrrr
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cattocavo · 2 months
So I’ve been tagged in six sentence sunday!
I’ve never done these before and I’m not very active on here so i wouldnt know who to tag in response (although if any of you are fine with being tagged, please write to me! Id love to hear what everyone’s doing, and make some new friends!!
Since I last posted on tumblr I’ve finished all the inktober drawings I planned to draw. They’re all posted on my instagram, but I’m severely behind on posting here😅 tumblr is great but I cannot for the life of me shake off the awkwardness that comes with posting on another media that isn’t my preferred one. But if anyone who doesnt have instagram wants to see the rest just lmk and I’ll post them!
Other than inktober I haven’t really done anything.. i wanted to draw something for valentines, and got an idea a day before which is obviously WAY too little time to finish anything. And well, then valentines day passed and I no longer had a deadline.. so I didn’t finish it. I cannot for the life of me finish anything without a deadline. (Literally realized like 4 days ago that ive basically never finished a high-effort illustration without a deadline or someone relying on me😵‍💫 which kinda sucks ngl)
But since six sentence sundays are for wips, I guess I can show it to y’all what i drew for valentines!
So heres the concept (which is almost better than the finished result will be. I didn’t manage sultry Simon’s facial expression very well in the actual drawing😭 he just looks annoyed instead of ‘sexy’)
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Aaannnd this is a wip of the actual drawing:
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I really might end up redoing sultry Simon’s face, cuz it just isn’t working. I wanted the “expectation” side to like be the baz vision equivalent of some sexy male models slicked in oil and faces all squinty and lip-bitey. I didn’t want there to be a trace of an actual person, only the vision of “hot” so an annoyed simon with a bow will not do :/
Sidenote about simons shirt: eat the rich more like swallow the rich amirite?
I have this dumbass obsession with putting simon in ugly T shirts where theres printed the most ridiculous quotes on. I have a whole pinterest board on it. I tastefully called it “simons questionable taste in fashion”
(It’s all dumbass crop tops and tiny shirts with big chunky shoes. Idk I just love that on him)
But uhh I think that’s all for now! Thank you for tagging me @thewholelemon and @j-nipper-95 for tagging me a lot of previous times where i didn’t do anything bc i was shy😅
See you all next time!
Also idk if people put tags on SSS but I’m just gonna do that bc its what I’m used to
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p-redux · 8 months
Weekly Summary October 20, 2023
Hi peeps, lots of stuff happened this week, so I'm going to do my weekly summary instead of individual posts or answering individual Asks. This is a LONG one, so grab a drink, and dive right in for: Ringgate, Sam and the City, and Sam and open letter and follow up statement. Also, starting tomorrow, I'll be off for the weekend, my man surprised me with a trip away to the beach before the weather starts to cool down.
Anyhooo, let's start off with something light. #ringgate. For different reasons some fans get verklempt when Sam wears jewelry, and panties definitely get twisted or wet, depending on who you are, when Sam dons RINGS. Sam wore the 2 rings he's been wearing lately during his appearance on Jimmy Fallon a few days ago. Sidenote: Samshine is EXTRA Samshiny is in this pic. Say what you want about him, but the man is BEAUTIFUL 👇
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So, of course, Extreme Shippers are convinced Sam is "finally" wearing his wedding rings because he's married to Cait. Um, one small problem, Caitriona Mary Balfe is already married to Tony McGill. Some Non-Shippers get excited to see him wear rings because maybe it makes them think of when Sam WILL get married. There is something about a man wearing rings. I find it sexy as well. But, alas, these rings are on the right hand and Scottish people wear wedding rings on the left hand. Also, Sam's definitely NOT married to anyone since we've seen him linked to several women lately.
For the people who had doubts the copper looking ring is an Oura ring, it definitely is. Here is what the two rings most likely are. The silver one I'm told by some of the Team is 👇
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And here is the Oura ring he's wearing, most likely in Rose Gold. It's basically a ring with a computer in it to keep track of physical stuff, the way a fitbit or Apple watch does. Seems EXACTLY like something Sam would wear 👇 So, let's put #ringgate to rest now, please.
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On to WHERE in New York had Sam been hiding. Everyone thought he had left and that his recent appearance on Jimmy Fallon had been taped earlier, until we saw THIS fan pic with him. 👇
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My New York sources said he had not been seen at his usual hotel The Crosby. I'm putting out the name now just because EVERYONE knows that's where he stays in New York. He used to stay at The Bowery Hotel, but the last few years it's been The Crosby. None of the usual pic and autograph hounds got pics with him, so we assumed he wasn't staying there. All those hounds have contacts at the different hotels and restaurants frequented by celebs, so they would have been alerted to Sam staying there. Soooooo, if he wasn't at The Crosby, BUT he was in New York, THEN the possibilities are. He's aware too many fans know he stays at The Crosby, so he's switched hotels. Or he decided to rent an Airbnb instead. Or he stayed with friends. Or he does have a lady friend in New York, like some think, and he stayed with her. Who knows...but I'm sure we will find out...
Onto more serious matters. I'll preface this by saying I have made it a policy on my blog to NOT talk about anything political and to also not talk about any world events happening, which are upsetting. This blog is my escape from real life. So, I want to continue on that path. But I'm making an exception this time because based on the DMs an Anon Asks I'm getting there is some confusion as to why Sam posted this message on his social media. I just want to give people some clarity on it. And them move on. So, Sam posted this. 👇
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It was in response to Sam and other mostly UK celebrities signing an open letter asking Israel to cease fire on Gaza, and explicitly claiming Pro-Palestine sentiments. If you click below, you will find an article on it and then keep scrolling down and you can read the actual letter. That's the letter Sam signed. A few days later, he clarified his feelings and regretted signing it because it doesn't represent fully what he meant. 👇
Here's the thing the history of Israel/Palestine is LONG and COMPLICATED. And most people haven't done enough research to know it fully. Most people go by sound bytes they see as they scroll social media. Or they give in to confirmation bias based on their political party, nationality, ethnicity, religion, affiliations etc.
I'm not going to get into the specifics because all of the information is easily accessible if anyone TAKES THE TIME TO RESEARCH AND READ THE HISTORY, both of Israel and Palestine...with an OPEN MIND.
The reason Sam got himself in trouble with signing the open letter and then the subsequent damage control message is that he didn't take the time to do his research. In extremely simplistic terms: Most of the UK, and in fact, most of Europe has traditionally been Pro-Palestine (except for European Jews, of course). The U.S. has traditionally been Pro-Israel and are allies. Up until recently that is. Due to the divisiveness in the US since the Trump era, Conservatives (Republicans) in the country became even more Pro-Israel, which then meant Liberals (Democrats) had to be the opposite. The rhetoric that Israel was the oppressor and Palestine was the oppressed grew louder. You had to pick one or the other. You couldn't take a step back and look at the history of the Jews being oppressed pretty much since Moses kept trying to get back to The Promised Land aka modern day Israel and Palestine. Or the Palestinians also being oppressed and their lands shrinking year by year.
The Jews have always been fucked over throughout history. And the Palestinians have always been fucked over, but especially since 1948 when modern day Israel was created. So, then, TERROR GROUP, Hamas decides, we're gonna fuck you over, Israel, REALLY BADLY, and engaged in some of the worst atrocities in recent times. No matter what anyone's beliefs are, when you saw what Hamas did (I'm not going to write the details because it's a horror show we all already know about) EVERYONE in the world should have said "Not today, Satan, not today," and DENOUNCED their savagery.
Hamas is NOT the Palestinian people, Hamas' ONLY goal is to terrorize and destroy. First the Jews, then their allies. Look up in the sky if you're in the US, one day a missile will be coming your way if they aren't stopped. After Hamas committed their savagery, Israel, understandably attacked back. They defended themselves from TERRORISTS trying to literally annihilate them. That was NOT the time to chant Free Palestine or write Free Palestine open letters. Just like after the murder of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement came to the forefront in the US, but you had people countering "All Lives Matter!" Yes, all lives matter, but RIGHT NOW we're focusing on Black Lives, ya dopes. Breast Cancer awareness month. But what about Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer, they're important too?! Yes, but JFC, FOCUS people. Should Palestine be free from Israeli occupation, should they have more land? OF COURSE. But when the world SAW what Hamas did to HUMAN BEINGS, regardless of nationality or religion, the ONLY thing that should have been chanted is "DESTROY HAMAS." Hamas fucked things up for Palestinians, not just Israelis. And because of Hamas' actions, now Palestine is getting destroyed by Israel. And then Hamas will counter attack. And it will go on and on. There should be NO sides. There should only be ONE side, the HUMAN side.
So, when celebs seemingly "pick" a side, especially without considering the repercussions, they will get pushback. I love Sam and he's a good man, but he missed the mark on this one. Not through malice, but rather, naivete and ignorance. By cosigning that letter he didn't realize he wasn't simply signing a Pro-Palestine letter, he was simultaneously signing an Anti-Israel letter, Anti-Jews letter. And the reality is he alienated his Jewish fans, his more US conservative fans, his more centrist fans, assorted other fans...and I'm just going to state facts...he forgot WHO runs Hollywood, has always run Hollywood, and will always run Hollywood, including people who run Starz, as well as WHO are some of his agents, and publicists, hence the "better late than never" damage control quasi apology.
If you're wondering about MY stance: I feel badly for the Palestinian people and I feel badly for the Israeli people. There, that wasn't so hard to say, right? You CAN be Pro-Palestine AND Pro-Israel aka Pro-Humans. In the end, ALL HUMANS want the SAME basic things: food, clean water, shelter, safety and peace for their loved ones. To pick sides is to say that one set of people is more important than the other. And that can't be true. It isn't true. I pick the Human Side. Simple as that.
*big long sigh* Okay, peeps, you can leave comments, but I'm not going to answer them because I'm TIRED now. Also any hate comments, antiSemitic or antiPalestineMuslim comments and they will be deleted, and you will be blocked.
I'll check in later today. And then I'll be off until Sunday evening. Of course, still feel free to DM me and send Asks. I'll answer when I can.
Peace, people, PEACE.
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