#imma tag it as buddie because why the hell not
lover-of-mine · 9 months
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no, love is never logical...
157 notes · View notes
bro-atz · 6 months
the humanity of anthropology
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in which: sumin has a big fat crush on the ta in his anthropology class.
pair: undergrad student!sumin/grad student!afab!reader
word count: 6.3k
content: college!au, smut, crush to lover, experienced, bedroom sex, oral sex, safe sex, completely consensual!
author's note: 1. this is my first xikers smut and i was extremely nervous the whole time writing it 2. this was NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SO LONG IDK WHAT HAPPENED ugh my b 3. nd yes ofc imma going to start w sumin bc ya know i gotta i love my xikers main rapper my bias my cutie my handsome boy
tag list: @eyeryis apply for the permanent taglist here! university!series: sumin, minjae, junmin, hyunwoo
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Sumin tapped his foot on the ground anxiously as he waited for his class to begin. It wasn’t that he was overwhelmed by the class— he chose to major in anthropology in the first place. It was you, the teaching assistant, that made him all sorts of nervous despite only knowing of your existence for three weeks because that’s how long it had been since the semester started. You captivated Sumin from the moment you walked into the classroom that very first day with your bright smile and infectious laughter of yours. It wasn’t just Sumin who was enamored, though— it was the majority of the class.
Every single class and recitation, Sumin tried to subtly show his interest in you; he would stay after class to ask questions he already knew the answers to, and he participated in all of the discussions to show off his intellect. And he did catch your attention, but you treated him with the same friendly warmth as you treated everyone else. But it wasn’t that you didn’t like him– you simply had to remain professional for the sake of the class. After all, he was still a year from finishing his Bachelor’s degree while you were a graduate student.
As the professor droned on about the origins of homo sapiens, Sumin found his gaze drawn to you as per usual. You were paying attention to the lecture and discussing points with the other TAs while leaning against a desk, a small smile on your lips as your eyes flitted to the infatuated boy sitting mere rows away from you every so often. Sumin tried his best to tear his eyes away from you and focus on the class, but when a beam of sunlight danced through the window, highlighting the shine in your hair and the sparkle in your eyes, he simply could not. You took his breath away.
“Alright, recitations,” the professor clapped their hands. “Your TAs will meet with you to discuss your essay during this weeks recitations. Y/N, you and your recitation will stay back like usual. The rest of the class is dismissed.”
The recitation you led was right after the big lecture, which you didn’t mind at all because it meant a cleaner schedule for you. You stood in the front of the room and gestured for all of the students in your recitation to move forward in the hall, filling up the empty seats in the front rows. Sumin, not wanting to seem too eager, sat in the second row, but he made sure to have a good view of you.
“I’ll be going over your papers individually, so use the time while you wait to get started on this week’s readings— or do whatever you want, honestly,” you said with a slight laugh, knowing that most of the students in the room don’t give a shit about doing the homework. “I’ll call you up by name when it’s your turn to go over your essay, okay?”
The students in the room chorused a lame “okay” and started mingling with themselves.
“Psst, Sumin,” Sumin’s friend, Hyunwoo, whispered to him while poking his shoulder. “Hey. Hey, buddy. Hey—“
“What, Hyunwoo?” Sumin turned to face his annoying friend.
“How’d you do on the essay? I know you checked the grade once the professor put it in.”
“I got an A,” Sumin said dejectedly.
“What the hell? Why are you sad about an A?!”
“I— Uh… I just don’t want the professor to have high expectations of me?” Sumin had to lie if he wanted to keep his crush on you under wraps.
“Geez… I completely fucking failed. I’m scared Y/N is going to rip me to shreds…”
“She’s too nice to do that, and you know it.”
“Choi Hyunwoo?” You called, immediately making the boy flinch.
Sumin watched as Hyunwoo slinked over to you like a dog with his tail in between his legs. Sumin kept watching as you pointed out the various mistakes in the boy’s essay with the softest look on your face, sending Sumin’s heart racing at a million miles per hour. Then, the sudden realization that you were going to call on him next, assuming you were going through the students alphabetically by last name, made his heart thump hard against his chest.
The poor boy was so far in his own head that he didn’t even realize you were done discussing Hyunwoo’s essay with him. “Choi Sumin?” your voice snapped him out of his trance.
Scrambling, Sumin made his way over to you, and you couldn’t help but smile; whenever he was studying, he always looked so charismatic and studious, so seeing him approach you with the lightest blush on his face was a treat. It made you want to tease him more, see an even shyer side of him if possible.
“Hi there,” you greeted him with a gentle smile, making his face go even pinker.
“Hi,” Sumin responded quietly while avoiding eye contact.
You pushed his essay in front of him, the blush immediately disappearing from his face— when it came to homework and assignments, Sumin was very serious, and the change in his demeanor made you all the more curious.
“You did a really good job with the material, Sumin. I wonder if you should be the TA instead of me.”
“I-It’s only because you’re good at going over the material during our recitations…”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, and the beautiful sound of your chuckle made the boy’s ears turn red.
“I feel like I don’t even need to go over your essay with you… Do you even want me to?”
“Yes! Please!” Sumin immediately responded; he wasn’t going to lose the chance to spend more time with you.
“Ah, I see,” you bit back another chuckle. “Alright, well, I need to spend a little more time with the students who really bombed their essays, so why don’t we meet at the library sometime this week so we can dive deeper into the technicals of your essay?”
Sumin nodded eagerly, unable to formulate the proper words to tell you how much he would like to do that.
“What days are best for you?”
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“Dude, I cannot believe you’re ditching us on a Friday fucking night to spend time with that TA,” Seeun, an underclassman friend of Sumin’s, said with a huff. “Y/N is literally just going to talk to you about class! Why would you want to study on a Friday night?!”
Sumin was in his dorm room getting ready for his library meet up with you, his friends all dressed up and ready to clubbing like they always did every Friday night.
“Oh, you should see the way he looks at her. I doubt that he’ll even be listening to her at all,” Hyunwoo nearly burst out laughing.
“Shut up. This is why I said okay to Friday night. I’d rather spend time with her than you buffoons.”
“Um, ow, but I get it,” Jinsik, the only other romantic in the group, empathized. “The heart wants what the heart wants, and right now, Sumin’s heart wants romantic love, not platonic or temporary.”
“If that’s the case, then come here,” Seeun held his arms out for Sumin. “I’ll give you some sweet lovin’, babe.”
Sumin immediately ran away from Seeun while Hyunwoo, who actually burst out laughing this time upon seeing Seeun’s cringy moves, shoved the tall boy away while saying, “Fuck outta here, you cheese-giraffe!”
“What do you plan on doing with her, anyway?” Jinsik asked Sumin while stepping in between the quarreling boys. “Are you thinking something PG, PG-13, or R?”
Sumin, Hyunwoo, and Seeun all looked at the boy with stone faces, wondering why he would describe life in movie ratings in the first place.
“I don’t know what you’re thinking of, but I’m just using this as an opportunity to get to know her… I’m not expecting anything,” Sumin stated simply.
“Really? You? The breaker of hearts?” Hyunwoo was taken aback.
“The guy that all the girls fawn over after me?” Seeun piled on.
“The one notorious for last minute hookups?” Jinsik added one more title.
“Is is really that hard to believe that I’m not trying to make anything happen tonight?”
“Wait, so like… You don’t even want to try to sleep with her?” Seeun asked with mild shock.
“Not even a little kiss?” Hyunwoo added.
“No hug either?”
“No, I want to take everything at her pace, hoping that I can get closer to her over time—”
His three friends groaned at his response, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t about to let his friend’s reactions bother his time with you.
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He said he wasn’t going to let it bother him, but it bothered the shit out of him on his walk to the library until he saw you at the library. The library was surprisingly crowded when Sumin arrived, students scattered among the rows of bookshelves, their whispered conversations providing a soothing ambient hum. You were already there, sitting at a small table by the window, your eyes downcast as you looked over Sumin’s essay for the umpteenth time— you were still taken aback by the way he used his vocabulary to create such an eloquent essay.
“Hey,” Sumin breathed out, a smile tugging at his lips as he slid into the seat across from you.
“Hi,” you responded, your heart fluttering upon seeing him; he was wearing his standard street clothes, but you noticed that he put a little more effort into his fashion, making you wonder if he did that because he was meeting with you. You immediately shoved the thought out of your head and got down to business. “Ready to dive into your essay?”
For a second, disappointment flashed through Sumin’s eyes, but that disappointment disappeared as you praised his work, giving him a surge of pride. And gradually, your conversation shifted from the academics of anthropology to the humanity of anthropology as the two of you discussed your childhood dreams, favorite books, embarrassing moments— wherever the conversation took you.
Your heart hammered in your chest when the two of you somehow got to talking about likes and dislikes in another person. It took everything in you to keep from describing him as your ideal type, but the more you talked to him, the more you realized that his ideal type was you. You.
Sumin, on the other hand, wanted to put his foot in his mouth. He could not believe that he was running his mouth to the point where it was painfully obvious he liked you. Seeing your lack of reaction, though, made his heart fall slightly, but seeing as you were still there, he still gave it his best shot.
The library was pretty empty by the time the warning bell went off. You and Sumin both looked at the time in surprise, then at each other with wide eyes.
“Time really flew, huh? We barely talked about your paper,” you said with a sigh.
“I mean… We can always meet again next week? Talk about it then?” Sumin proposed, praying to whatever God was out there that you’d say yes.
His prayers worked.
“Next week, same time, same place?”
“Yes, please.”
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“Let me get this straight— you’re ditching us again for that TA?!” Seeun asked incredulously.
The friend group had gathered in Sumin’s dorm once again. Seeun, Hyunwoo, and Jinsik were all dressed to go clubbing yet again. Sumin, on the other hand, wore what he could only describe as a date night fit. This was the third time Sumin ditched them to hang out with you Friday night.
“Yes. I’m ditching this Friday, and the Friday after that, and so on and so forth for the foreseeable future,” Sumin stated simply.
“For Y/N,” Hyunwoo said with a heavy sigh. “I get that she’s pretty, but you still haven’t even kissed or hugged yet, dude. Fuck, you haven’t even held her hand yet, and you still only meet up at the library! What makes you think she’s worth your time at this point when there’s not even a sign that she’s into you the same way?”
“Exactly! You’re not even pulling your moves on her to lock her down! If I were you, I would’ve showed her everything that first day and show her exactly what she’d be missing out on,” Seeun said.
“He doesn’t have to do any of those things to show his interest, and neither does she!” Jinsik jumped to Sumin’s defense. “They’re going to take it so fucking slow like a snail, but that doesn’t mean there’s no feelings there. Not all of us are quick to jump into flings and hook ups.”
Jinsik looked right at Seeun as he said that, the tall boy looking around in confusion. “You mean me?”
“Yes, you, you tall man-slut,” Hyunwoo answered on behalf of Jinsik.
“You’re just mad that I pull and you don’t,” Seeun scoffed. “Besides, Sumin used to be so much more worse than me before he even fell in love with Y/N—”
“Alright, get out. I’m gonna leave soon and I don’t need you drama queens pissing me off before I see Y/N,” Sumin shooed his friends out of his dorm room.
“At least try to do something with her tonight!” Hyunwoo gave his unwanted advice.
“Yeah! Pull those old Sumin moves on her!” Seeun added to the encouragement right before the door slammed in his face.
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Your Friday nights with Sumin went from being in the library to hanging out in the park to going out for desserts. You had never felt so comfortable with any guy before, and even though Sumin had your heart racing, you didn’t want to run away. No, you wanted to stay right by his side and risk cardiac arrest.
What was bothering you, though, was that he hadn’t made a single move. He didn’t try to hold your hand or hug you or anything like that. Maybe he wasn’t as into you as he thought. But then, he’d say or do something that made your heart flutter— once he showed off his art skills and sketched a portrait of you that you were amazed with— so you wondered if there actually were feelings there.
One Friday night, Sumin was walking you back from a bar to your apartment, the two of you happily chatting about God knows what. When you arrived at your stoop, Sumin wished you a good night and was about to leave, but that night you had enough liquid courage in your system to ask him what was up.
“Sumin, wait,” you called, the boy immediately stopping in his tracks and returning to face you. “Listen, I enjoy spending time with you—”
Sumin’s eyes flew wide open; he didn’t even get to ask you out yet, and you were already rejecting him?
“—and I would love to keep spending time with you, but first I want to know… What are we doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the sixth Friday night in a row we’ve gone out, and I know we wouldn’t spend this much time with each other if we weren’t interested in each other in the slightest… I mean you walk me home, and during class and recitations, I always catch you staring at me—“
A red blush rose to Sumin’s cheeks the second you told him that.
“—but you don’t do anything else, so I’m always confused. I need to know if you’re actually interested in me or if you see this as a friendship and nothing else and I’m just overthinking this.”
You didn’t realize how out of breath your ramble would make you until you stopped; you weren’t fighting for air, but you were breathing a little heavy at that point.
“I… I had no idea you felt that way,” Sumin said in a small voice.
He took a step towards you, and for the first time in your whatever-this-was-relationship with him, he held your hand. Maybe it was because he had never done so before, but your heart nearly tore through your chest. Sumin’s hands were soft, and they encompassed your hand way more than you were expecting.
“The thing is…” he continued. “My friends freaked me out. They were talking about… Well…”
Sumin cleared his throat and looked away awkwardly, his face and ears turning redder by the second. You squeezed his hand and brought his attention back to you.
“What were they talking about?”
“They were talking about us— no, actually just me— being intimate with you from day one. But I didn’t want you to think of me that way. I seriously like you, Y/N, and I want to be with you, but I wanted to take it at your pace and make sure that you shared the same feelings for me, which is why I maintained the tiniest bit of space between us.”
Sumin reached for your other hand so he could hold both your hands, the warmth from his hands spreading up your arms and to your cheeks.
“I wanted to get closer to you over time,” he whispered.
“You definitely did that,” you responded in the same register.
“And I definitely am interested in you and like you so goddamn much. I guess we’re both being anxious fools about this, but that can change.”
“Change to what?”
For a moment, the two of you just looked at each other, the air between you charged with feelings of want and desire. Then, wordlessly, as if in a dream, Sumin released your hands to cup your face and hold your waist, leaned forward, and brushed his lips against yours faintly, only for his lips to immediately return and press a light kiss onto your lips.
This. This is what you wanted for the past six weeks. You responded eagerly, your hands sliding up to his neck, pulling him closer to you. His arm immediately wrapped around you, bringing the two of you even closer together. The kisses the two of you shared went from short and sweet straight to deep and passionate. Sumin sucked on your lower lip so hard that you felt like your lower lip was going to be sore and swollen the next day, but you didn’t even care because at that point, you just wanted him. All of him.
The two of you were completely breathless when you ended your chain of kisses. Sumin dropped his head and hugged you, his large hands pressing into your upper and lower back. You hugged him back, your entire body flushing with warmth as you felt the muscles on his body move with every deep breath he took.
“So then,” Sumin said breathlessly while pressing his forehead to yours. “Can I…”
You leaned away from him and looked him in the eye, already anticipating his request. “Yes, let’s go.”
You didn’t realize how animalistic Sumin was until he stopped holding himself back. You were completely amazed by the amount of self control he had because he had gone from the precious, studious university student you knew from class to an impatient, insatiable potentially long-term lover. The second you entered your apartment and closed the door behind you, Sumin grabbed your waist and pulled you in for the most intense kiss. You were clinging to his shoulders as he walked you into your apartment and into your bedroom, somehow already knowing where it was.
Sumin pushed you so that you were lying on the bed, immediately pinning you down. He continued to kiss you as he brought his torso down until it pressed against yours, and you couldn’t help but let out a muffled moan when you felt him sneak his tongue into your mouth. You went from holding onto his shoulders to digging your nails into his shoulders the more sensual he got with you and the more turned on you got by his actions.
You found yourself longing for Sumin’s lips when he moved himself away from you, your eyes hazy and your head in the clouds. You were barely sane enough to watch Sumin slip his shirt off and toss it to the side. You couldn’t help but scan him up and down; meanwhile, Sumin was working on getting you out of your shirt and bra, and he did so with such speed and ease, astounding you.
“Oh, God,” Sumin breathed out. “Y/N, you’re so… Fuck.”
Sumin lacked the words to describe how infatuated he was with not only your body but you as a person— dare he say it, he loved you. All of you. He didn’t need the words, though. You felt it as soon as he cupped your breasts and massaged firmly with his strong fingers and as he trailed his lips down your neck and chest. You gasped and flung your head back when you felt him suck on your breast, his tongue swirling around your nipple.
His mouth on one of your breasts and one hand on the other, he used his free hand to move down to your waist and begin to slip your pants and panties off, but he could only do so much at the angle he was at. So, he moved away from you— a longing sigh leaving your lips— and yanked your pants and panties off you completely, earning a gasp from you.
“Sumin…” you breathed out as you felt his fingertips trace every curve on your body. “Oh, Sumin…”
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Y/N. You’re driving me insane,” Sumin whispered as he left light kisses along your waist, down your thighs, and in between your legs.
He held onto your thighs firmly as he spread your legs further apart, and he exhaled lightly on your soaking cunt, making your entire body shiver then flush with heat. He started with a light kiss on your clit, then he licked a stripe up from the bottom of your pussy to your clit. Your hands immediately found their way to his hair and pulled lightly but firmly on the roots of his hair the more he pleasured you down there, the more he ate you out.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck— Mmm-my God, S-sumin,” you moaned loudly and nearly cried. “I’m gonna— Oh! Oh, fuck!”
Sumin barely slipped a finger into your pussy when you started seeing stars. Your entire body convulsed as you came, your cries of pleasure echoing in your bedroom.
Seeing you reduced to a puddle because of his work excited Sumin. The way he needed to fuck you, to see you completely disheveled with tears running down your face, hickeys decorated your neck and chest, your lips red and swollen— he just had to do it.
As Sumin got off the bed to completely strip, you suddenly realized, “Wait! I don’t have any protection…”
With a bashful look on his face, Sumin looked at you and said in the smallest voice he could possibly muster, “…Would it be bad to say that I do?”
Your eyes instinctively went wide. You sat up and looked at him with pure curiosity as you asked, “Hmm, well… Did you grab it specifically today, or do you always carry it around with you?”
“So, uh, Hyunwoo gave it to me earlier this week as a joke, and I kinda sorta left it in my wallet…”
And lo and behold, Sumin opened his wallet to show you the singular condom he had stashed away. You couldn’t help but let out a little giggle at how nervous Sumin was all of a sudden when he was just pleasuring the hell out of you with what felt like years of experience. You reached out and pulled him in for a sweet kiss before saying “Don’t worry. I trust you, baby.”
“W-what?” Sumin stuttered.
“What did you just say?”
“I trust you…”
“After that.”
A wave of complete and utter lust overcame him just by you calling him the most basic of nicknames. Swiftly, he fully stripped— giving you a good look at something massive and destructive— rolled the condom on, and pinned you down on the bed. His lips crashed into yours and overtook them briefly but intensely as his body pressed further and further into you, his cock rubbing along your folds and clit to tease you for a hot second. Then, quickly, without so much as a word of caution, Sumin adjusted himself and shoved his way into you.
Sumin was so big and thick that you felt like he was shredding your pussy apart just by entering you. At first, you wanted to let out a scream because you were not anticipating him to hurt so much especially considering how wet you were, but instead, you let out a loud moan and clung to him, your nails sinking into the sink on his back. You felt a tear or two slip out of your eye, prompting Sumin, who had yet to move, to kiss your tears away then kiss your lips with such soft love and care that you forgot he was about to completely annihilate you.
“Are you alright, gorgeous?” Sumin asked, his voice hushed. “We can stop if it hurts too much.”
“Just… Surprised, is all,” you breathed out, your mind swirling due to him calling you gorgeous.
“This is our first time together, Y/N, so I don’t want to be too rough—”
“Do whatever you want with me, Sumin,” you interrupted. “I’m all yours.”
You slightly regretted saying that the second Sumin hissed profanities under his breath and immediately started moving with immense force. You didn’t realize that Sumin would be so powerful until he kept thrusting into you. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he pile-drove you into oblivion. You moaned and cried his name over the wet sounds of his cock going in and out of you, and you simply just cried out when he planted wet kisses on your neck and kneaded your breast at the same time. You were so overly stimulated that you felt like you were ready to combust.
“You like that, gorgeous?” Sumin bit out in between grunts.
“Uh-huh! Oh fuck! ‘m cumming!”
With a couple more rapid thrusts, Sumin pushed deep inside you, and you felt the tip of his dick hit your cervix. The second he pulled out completely, you squirted all over your bed, your ass and thighs trembling and you cried loudly, relief sweeping your body.
“Y/N… That was so fucking hot,” Sumin said as he brought his face to yours to kiss your cheek. “It was that good, huh?”
“So good, baby… So fucking good,” you sighed happily as you reached for his face and brought his lips to yours.
The two of you shared a couple of small kisses before Sumin helped you sit up and said, “C’mere, I’ll make you feel even better.”
Next thing you knew, you were on all fours, and Sumin was kneeling behind you, his hands rubbing your ass. You suppressed a moan when you felt him press his fingers into the flesh on your ass, his grip tightening with each passing second. The moan fully escaped you, though, when he slid back into you. He slid so quickly, actually, that his waist slapped your ass much harder than he was expecting. The two of you both made the same pleasureful noise upon impact, the stars already appearing in your vision, but you did your best to hold back because you wanted to last longer this time.
“Fucking hell,” you heard Sumin swear under his breath. “Even the way your ass jiggles is fucking hot… Y/N, you’re so hot. You’re so fucking hot.”
Sumin leaned over and left hickeys on the small of your back as he continued to hit it from behind, his cock starting to rub against your G-spot once again. He was originally moving at a slow and steady pace, only to suddenly speed up and fucking you harder, making your arms buckle. You leaned on your elbows and held your ass higher in the air. Sumin inhaled sharply and let out a long groan, audibly but wordlessly expressing how much he liked this new angle.
The pleasure increased for you exponentially when Sumin moved his hands from your ass to your tits, his muscular hands massaging and squeezing your breasts, and twisting and pulling your nipples. Then, his hands moved to your back and to your ass again, his thrusts speeding up incredibly. Sumin felt himself getting close, but he was not quite there yet— there was something missing.
“Mmm, Y/N, fuck… I’m getting close,” Sumin whispered sensually.
“M-me too,” you sighed, realizing that your orgasm was quickly approaching once again.
Upon hearing that, Sumin pulled out. He moved so that he was laying on the bed and held his hands out for you to take, allowing him to assist you to straddle him. The first thing that you thought upon straddling him was that he looked so fucking hot. He had one hand behind his head, and his other was resting on your waist, and he had the most sultry look in his eye that made you want to melt immediately. The second thing you thought was that his neck and chest looked too pristine and pretty— you wanted to change that.
After positioning his dick at your entrance, you sat down slowly, a long groan leaving Sumin’s body. He flung his head back into the pillow below him, and he moved the hand that was behind his head to cover his face (more specifically his mouth to keep from using all of the profanities in the world).
“You okay, baby?” you asked him.
“Yeah, I’m— Woah.”
Sumin turned his head to look at you, but he wasn’t expecting your face to be so close to his. You had bent to down for two things: to move your ass up and down on his fat cock, and to leave pink or red marks on his bare, perfect skin. As you bounced on his cock, Sumin’s moans got increasingly louder, and you leaving love bites all over his chest definitely added to the effect.
“Yes, gorgeous, just like that,” you heard his voice drop when you moved at an angle that he liked.
His hands moved to your ass brought you down harder with great force, his waist thrusting upwards simultaneously. His sudden domination made your mind go completely blank. You moved your face into the nook of his neck and clung to him, his thrusts unwavering, the sounds of the bedsprings underneath you squeaking louder and faster.
“B-baby! F-feels so good, hnngh!” you said before suddenly gasping as his cock went so deep that it hit your cervix.
“You gonna cum?” he asked through grit teeth, his harsh thrusts speeding up.
“Mmm— wanna cum— Ah! I w-wanna cum, Sumin! I’m cumming!”
“F-fuck, me too!”
With one final thrust, the two of you came together, the sounds of your moans and groans overpowering the room. Your entire body trembled as the orgasm overtook you, and you felt Sumin’s condom fill up inside you.
You laid on Sumin’s chest, his cock still inside you as the two brought your breathing back to normal. Sumin’s arms wrapped around you and hugged you gently as he placed a kiss on your head, sighing peacefully when he felt you nuzzle your nose into his neck.
“Was it that good?” Sumin asked as he leaned his head against yours.
“So good…” you sighed out. “So fucking good.”
The two of you took another moment or so to lay comfortably together until you pushed yourself up, wanting to wash up and replace your soaking wet bedsheets. You knew that Sumin was still inside you, but you were still surprised when he pulled out because you forgot how big he was, so you tensed up.
“Fu-uck, Y/N— you— God…” Sumin hissed.
“W-what? What’s wrong?”
You looked at Sumin then saw the problem— he was hard again. His cock was red and throbbing when he removed the filled condom to throw it away.
“I’ll go take care of it,” he whispered as he stood up.
Sumin threw the condom away, but before he could fully move away from you, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back to you.
“Let me help you.”
You sat Sumin down on the edge of the bed and got off to kneel in front of him. Pushing yourself in between his thighs, you cradled his dick in your hand, your light touch sending shivers up his spine. He only trembled more when you brought your lips to the tip of his penis and kissed it before licking with the tip of your tongue, getting all of the residual cum off his cock and into your mouth.
The sensations were insane for Sumin. You were taking your sweet fucking time lapping and cleaning him up when all he wanted was to grab your head and push you down until his cock hit the back of your throat. To keep himself from doing so, though, he bit one finger to hold back his groans and clutched the bedsheets beneath him.
“You taste so good, baby,” you teased him as you looked up at him, your lips hovering around his length. “So sweet.”
It was when you finally took the entirety of him into your mouth did Sumin absolutely lose his goddamn mind. He gasped and let out a moan that nearly cracked the further down your head went.
“Oh my fucking God, Y/N!” Sumin cried when he felt you hum quietly, the vibrations from your mouth making fireworks explode in his brain. “Oh fuck— Please— I can’t— Oh wow!”
His hand moved from his mouth to your head, his fingers buried in your hair but not gripping. You reached for his other hand and laced your fingers with his as you began to move slowly— you were still getting used to his size, so you could only move so fast.
“Y/N, I don’t mean to— I just— Can I— Ah, fuck, I’m— I’m sorry,” Sumin stuttered out, remorse heavy in his voice.
You didn’t understand why he was apologizing until you felt his hand grip your hair. He pushed you down rashly, making you gag. Hollowing your cheeks, you let Sumin dictate your pace, his hold on you getting tighter with every stroke. His breaths got more shallow and higher in pitch the faster he moved you. It was when you looked up at him with tears overflowing in your eyes that did it for him. He flung his head back and groaned loudly while shoving your head all the way down, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat as he shot his load completely into your mouth.
When his hold on your head weakened, you moved back and locked eyes with him as you swallowed. You watched his face turn beet red, his hand immediately covering his mouth when he realized what he had done and what you had done in response.
“Y/N,” he whispered. “You… I… Wow.”
“I know, baby,” you said with a slight smirk.
You stood up and wiped the lingering cum in the corner of your mouth off with your thumb, then licked said thumb.
“You’re such a tease, you know that, gorgeous?” Sumin leaned back on the bed while looking you up and down.
“This is what you get for making me wait weeks, Sumin,” you replied with a small smile.
Then, you turned around and gave him a nice shot of your ass as you walked away, making him shoot off the bed and join you in the shower.
That night, after the two of you got cleaned up and changed the bedsheets, Sumin spent the night. You cuddled against his bare chest, your head laying on his arm while his other hand pushed up your shirt and held onto your waist. As you slept soundly in his arms, Sumin, with the cutest smile on his face, left a light kiss on the top of your head before resting his head against yours.
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 “Sumin, you seriously suck, you know that?” Hyunwoo said with a huge frown on his face.
“What? Why?”
“You’re still not going to come clubbing with us?!” Seeun answered.
The boys met up in Sumin’s dorm again, the three dressed to go clubbing while harassing Sumin to change his clothes and go out with them. Even Jinsik was peer-pressuring him.
“Let’s go! It’s been so long since you’ve come out with us—“
“I never said no, guys. I’ll come, but can I bring my girlfriend?”
“Your what?” all three boys chorused.
Right on cue, you knocked on Sumin’s dorm door. He immediately shuffled to the door and opened it for you, greeting you with the biggest smile on his face.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hey, gorgeous.”
And when Sumin left the sweetest kiss on your lips, you heard the other boys’s jaws unhinge and drop to the ground. Looks like Sumin forgot to update his friends on you. 
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alverrann · 7 months
I love Miami Vice, right down to the alien episode (a good post for another time), but Imma be real. Sometimes it's rough when the episode ends right as it gets to the part I wanna see most.
Needless to say, a ton of the random clips that I've written for MV are episode tags and missing scenes. This is just one such fic, dealing with a little bit of the aftermath for s05e13, The Cell Within.
I hope you all enjoy!
Sonny stepped into the office with a smile on his face. A week with Billy, and he felt ready to come back in to work - ready to conquer the world! There had been many times in the past when he had found himself relieved by the fact that Caroline and Billy had moved, that they'd gotten away from the chaos that was his life … but now Billy was back in his life, and Sonny had to admit that he loved being a father.
The office wasn't silent when he came in, but the mood was somber, and his smile dissipated as he stepped towards his desk. Tubbs was sitting at his own, head down, scratching dutifully away at what looked like a report, but something was wrong. Something beyond the quiet and solemn office. A cough from his left had him glancing up to see Switek, who gave him a significant look. What the look meant, however, was beyond Sonny, who pulled out his chair and sat down with another smile, "Well aren't ya gonna ask how it went?"
Tubbs looked up, and Sonny's bad feeling from earlier multiplied by ten-fold. It looked like his partner hadn't slept since he'd left a week earlier, with red eyes and a drawn face. A smile still filtered through, scrunching the eyes with humor, "How'd it go? Catch anything big?"
Sonny wanted to ask what the hell was going on, and a glance to the side told him that the whole office was basically watching them. Instead he settled back into his chair, determined not to make his partner air dirty laundry in public. "Well, nothin' that would make a full meal for Elvis, but Billy caught quite a few, fileted 'em, and it turns out he got his mother's ability to cook."
Tubb's smile turned slightly mischievous, but his eyes lacked their usual sparkle. "I assume that by that you mean he didn't completely burn them."
"By that I mean they were good enough for you, buddy." Rico snorted, and Sonny kept his smile as he asked the next question, knowing that it might bring his partner's mood back down. "Now what have we got goin' here?"
"Reports." And indeed Tubbs' frown returned, aging him by several years. "Just paperwork."
"That's all you've been doin'?" Sonny glanced down to his partner's desk, at the pile of files that certainly didn't belong only to them. Files that hadn't been there a week earlier. Why would Castillo have his partner doing deskwork? The last time Sonny had been stuck on deskwork had been after his stint as an actual drug dealer - and more often than not Castillo had been trying to get him out of the office.
"That's all." Tubbs was no longer meeting his eyes, effectively ending that line of conversation, and Sonny stood back up.
"Well, I'll check in with Castillo, then. See if he wants us to do anything else now that I'm back." That got Sonny a look from Tubbs. It was an expression that Sonny recognized, because he'd seen it in the mirror more times than he could count. His partner was resigned - they both knew that Castillo was going to fill Sonny in on whatever had happened.
Sonny reached out to give Tubbs' shoulder a pat, and then moved towards Castillo's office. Everyone else suddenly became very absorbed in their work, as though they hadn't all been watching and listening. 
What had happened?
"Enter." Castillo's voice came almost immediately after Sonny knocked, and he went in quietly, closing the door behind him.
"What is going on around here?" There was no need to mince words, for Castillo surely knew exactly why he'd come.
"Manning." Castillo's hands were clasped in front of him. 
"Manning? You mean this happened the day I left?" Sonny didn't like the sound of that, but nothing could have prepared him for Castillo's next words.
"When Tubbs met him for dinner, he was kidnapped and locked up in a replica of Manning's cell."
"What." Sonny leaned forward, a surge of anger rushing from his feet to his head, almost like vertigo. 
"Manning had his own personal cell-block and electric chair. He forced Tubbs to watch as he executed people."
"Executed-? How long?!"
"A little more than two days." Castillo met his eyes then.
"And you didn't call me?!" Sonny realized that he was shouting, and spared a glance towards the office outside. Everyone was working as far as he could see, but there was no doubt that they could hear what he was saying.
Castillo didn't answer him with words, merely a reproving look, and Sonny sat heavily in the chair, lowering his voice. "Where's the report?" Castillo held out the file that he had been looking at - the only papers on his desk - and Sonny took it. It wasn't heavy, but he still felt as though he'd accepted a weight as he flipped it open, poring through Tubbs' neatly typed statements and reading everything his partner hadn't said between every line.
By the time he was done, he felt the familiar itch - the need for a smoke - and almost wished that he had a cigarette on him. His anger had calmed somewhat, and he kept his voice low when he spoke again, "How's he been?"
"I took him off of active duty. Told him to take all the time he needed." Castillo accepted the report back, putting it away and leaving his desk empty. "He hasn't stopped coming in, but until he looks better than he does now, he isn't going on active duty again."
"You mean until he looks like he's slept." Sonny sighed, tossing another glance towards his partner. Tubbs’ head was down, still diligently working on whatever papers he had strewn across his desk.
"Get him out of here." Castillo said, and Sonny stood up, anger still sparking from behind his worry. He stepped back out into the common room, his mood matching everyone else's. He walked slowly to stand next to his desk, watching his partner and considering how to say what he was thinking.
"Castillo tell you to take me away from all this?" Tubbs didn't look up, but he wasn't writing and his shoulders were stiff. Clearly he had expected it. 
"I'm buying." Sonny said. "And it beats the hell outta paperwork." He didn't miss the way his partner's hands fisted for a moment, then Tubbs was standing up, pulling on his jacket.
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princessfbi · 3 years
Tagged by @vampirebuckley
rules : list the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all), see if there are any patterns. choose your favorite opening line. then tag 10 authors!!!
I can't remember what the last fic I left off of the last time I did this so there may be a repeat.
Without Your Kisses I'll Be Needing Stitches
Buck was trying not to be that guy.
Wake Me Up (Won’t You Wake Me Up)
Buck’s face was pressed to the pebbled asphalt as glass and bits of hot warped metal rained down over him in a halo of sparks and fire.
And We Drive Away (and Head for South) of the Tortured Musician Buck!AU
The studio smelled like burnt coffee and acoustic foam.
Out of Reach
Nothing had ever been as heavy as Eddie’s limp body when Buck dragged him across the pavement.
A Book is a Dream You Hold in Your Hands
Buck couldn’t believe he was holding Eddie’s hand.
All The Echoes in My Mind Cry
If you asked Buck, he would say being an omega was the least interesting thing about him.
She Made Herself Stronger (by Fighting with the Wind) of the Buckley Bookshop AU
Maddie didn’t understand how Buck always managed to lose his math book in their very own bookstore but he did.
hell was the journey, but it brought me heaven of the white house AU but the wonderful and talented @buddie-buddie
Buck feels it starting before he even fully processes what he’s looking at.
Last Man Standing
In the end it was a rainstorm that took them out at their knees.
I Told You That We Could Fly
Eddie couldn’t see him.
By An Inch Or A Mile
Buck had never seen any of the Fast and the Furious movies.
I Want You to be Happier of the Buckley Bookshop AU
There was nothing that could make Eddie’s stomach drop to his feet in a twist of dread more than when the phone rang.
When You Gimme Those Ocean Eyes of the Mermaid AU
She heard it as she was dreaming.
Fallin’ Into Your Ocean Eyes of the Mermaid AU
Buck was still trying to catch his breath as Eddie tossed the condom in the trash.
I Know We Didn't Choose to Change
Eddie didn’t know why it’d happened.
Happily Ever After of the Prince Buck AU
The problem with being the boyfriend of someone with HRH in front of their name is that Eddie was recognized at literally the worst times and then not recognized when it truly counted.
Oooooohhhh a favorite? Probably Happily Ever After just because I had planned on doing a Prince Buck Sequel forever ago but then lost motivation because it didn't seem like it was getting a lot of traction and then just randomly got the inspiration and loved every second of it! That or the one for White House AU because it was the beginning of a beautiful project. Or maybe Buckley Bookshop AU!
Imma tag @lovebuck @renecdote @homerforsure @witchbuck @maddieandchimney and anyone else who wants to join because the rules don't matter!
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delaber · 3 years
Rafael Casal x Reader
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Note: I love when you send me prompts 😭 I asked for angst and you delivered! Thanks to all the lovely anons and to @theatrenerd86​ of course!
Words: 3K
Warnings: fist fight 🙃
Tagging: @exrthangel @theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @ohsoverykeri @summerofsnowflakes @ramp-it-up @alexander-hamilhoe @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @riiyy @mysearchforgratification @janthony-stan @sillyteecup @biafbunny @einfachniemand @cashskid (Imma keep tagging you unless you say something lol).
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The minute you stepped in the door, everything changed. Time seemed to slow down. The music became distorted. Rafa could've sworn that the lights dimmed considerably. The billiard ball rolling in slow motion in front of him suddenly wasn't as exciting anymore. All he could focus on was you and the heavy heartbeat in his chest.
You looked around the room, shot him a small wave from afar and headed straight for the bar as his senses seemed to return to normal, time speeding up again.
You'd shown up to the party late and even though Rafa had only seen you from a distance, it was obvious to him that something was wrong - again. Even though you had held your head up high, your confident body language was outshone by the fake smile and the sadness in your eyes. Rafa watched your squared shoulders as you poured yourself a drink while trying to look brave. And although you were doing a splendid job pretending everything was alright, he didn't believe a second of it. You had never been able to keep anything from him. He knew you too well.
"Are you seeing this too?" Diggs mumbled as he had also noticed the way you were carrying yourself.
"Yeah," Rafa breathed as he looked at you wipe away a small tear, the smile still broad on your lips. His heart was aching in his chest. It hurt seeing you hurt.
"What are we guessing?" Diggs continued in a quiet mumble, "Rob?"
"Definitely Rob," Rafa said darkly. Of course you were crying because of your asshole fuckboy of a boyfriend. The biggest fucking clown to ever walk the face of the earth. Mr Dickbag himself. Rafa's nemesis.
Rafa and Diggs had absolutely hated Rob from the minute you had introduced him to them - not only because the man was absolutely no good, but also because he had come out of nowhere, pulling you away from Rafa at the worst possible time. Before Rob, you and Rafa had - much to Rafa's satisfaction - flirted quite heavily. Hell, on special occasions, Rafa had even been granted access to your bed! But from the moment you had met Rob, everything had been about him, and Rafa had been degraded to being your old buddy again. ...And he absolutely fucking hated it! And he hated fucking Rob for stealing you away. Fucking Rob with his fucking stupid hipster haircut and his fucking badass Michael K Williams scar.
"We should go talk to her," Diggs said quietly, and put down the billiard cue without looking away from you.
"Yeah, I'll see what I can do," Rafa answered without really paying attention to Diggs.
"You? Alone?" Diggs arched an eyebrow at Rafa, "are you sure that's a good idea? Last time you nearly broke them up."
"That's still the plan," Rafa sent his friend a challenging look, "or do you want him to continue breaking her heart?"
"Of course not. You're just... partial," Diggs sent Rafa an equally challenging look. He was all for you and Rafa getting together, but he also knew that Rafa was in neck-deep water.
"Shut up, dude. I know what I'm doing," Rafa mumbled and started walking towards you with determined footsteps before Diggs could stop him.
"Don't stir shit up!" He heard Diggs yell behind him.
Rafa ignored his best friend and took a few brisk steps towards you before he was standing by your side. You were pouring yourself half a glass of tequila, downing it in one go.
"Hey..." he smiled when he caught your eye.
"Rafa!" You jumped a little at the surprise of suddenly having him in your face, "hey. How are you?" You poured yourself another tequila, your fake smile still broad on your lips. You hoped he hadn't noticed your rather weird mood.
"Better than you it seems..." Rafa eyed the contents of your plastic cup.
"Is it that obvious?" You shot him a look.
"You're drinking tequila as if it was water..." He leaned in close and spoke quietly so only you could hear, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," you lied, "I wouldn't want to ruin your night," you said quietly. The truth was that you actually did want to talk about it. Maybe with Jasmine or Emmy - but definitely not with Rafa of all people! You already knew how he would react; he hated Rob and would go absolutely ballistic.
"You could never ruin my night," Rafa smiled softly. "Come," he said and grabbed your hand, tugging you along. You followed him hesitantly but ended up sitting down next to him on a small bench outside the house, determined not to tell him a thing. However, as he immediately put his arm around you and pulled you close, the treacherous tears started welling up in your eyes the second you felt his hand caressing you.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly.
"Yes. I'm just having a really shit night," you mumbled while wiping away an annoying tear.
"What happened?"
"Nothing, I'm okay," you croaked, trying to keep him away.
Of course Rafa didn't believe you, and in a matter of seconds, his expression changed dramatically, "Did Rob hurt you? If he hurt you, I swear to God I will kill him!"
You looked over at Rafa whose nostrils were flared, clearly already angry at the scene he had set in his own mind without even knowing if Rob was involved or not.
"He didn't hurt me, Rafa. Stop jumping to conclusions just because you don't like him..."
"So this has nothing to do with Rob?" Rafa arched an eyebrow at you.
There was no way back now. You knew that Rafa would do absolutely anything in his power to get you to tell him about what had happened. You shot him a sideways glance, trying to determine how angry he was before you admitted to Rob's deeds. "It's Rob, alright - but he didn't do anything on purpose."
Rafa clenched his jaws shut and curtly said, "just tell me what happened."
"Promise me you won't hate him..." you whispered while biting your lip.
"No. What did he do?!" Rafa demanded through gritted teeth.
"He - uhm -" you considered shooting Rafa a lie but knew that he would see right through you immediately. Eventually, you decided to tell him the truth even though you knew nothing good would come of it; "Rob - uh - accidentally kissed someone else last night," you mumbled quietly while carefully examining Rafa's face. He looked as if he could punch something so to diffuse the situation, you quickly added, "- but he feels really bad about it and he told me everything straight away!"
"He cheated on you?" Rafa tried to say as calmly as he possibly could although he was doing a horrendous job. Of all the terrible things Rob had ever done to you, this one definitely took the cake.
"He didn't do it on purpose!" You added quickly, "Please don't be mad at him!"
"Why are you defending him?" Rafa said desperately. His face was distorted, his eyes livid, "He cheated on you! Tell me you broke it off with him!"
"He didn't do it on purpose. He's been going through some stuff lately and he told me that he feels terrible about it..."
"Good!" Rafa said angrily and gritted his teeth, "fucking suits him right. Say the word and I'll deck him in his smug face!"
"Stop trying to save me, I can handle myself! This has absolutely nothing to do with you..."
"I'm the one who has to see you like this," he said softly.
You shot Rafa a look, "you pulled me aside!"
"Yes! Because I see right through your fake smile - and it hurts to see you like this!"
"Rafa, I didn't ask for you to take care of it."
"You'd do the same for any of your friends. I don't know why you can't see that he's bad for you!"
"It's just a rough patch! I know he loves me, he's just been stressed lately."
"Are you not listening to what you're saying right now?" Rafa desperately pulled at his hair, "The guy made out with another girl and you're excusing it? You should be livid!"
"I am livid," you shot Rafa a hard look, "why else do you think I'm sitting out here, talking to you about it? If I didn't care that he kissed someone else, I would obviously be inside right now, enjoying myself!"
"If you're truly upset about it, don't excuse his behaviour! Break up with him! He's toxic as fuck!"
"Would you stop that?!" You said sternly, "I know you aren't his biggest fan but he's my boyfriend."
"Why are you even with him? He's a fucking low life!"
"He's a low life?" You said in a shrill voice, not able to hold back anymore, "as opposed to whom, Rafa? To you?"
"As opposed to anyone!" Rafa spat, "why can't you see that there are so many guys out there who are a million times better than fucking Robert Havert?!"
Rafa's words hit a little too close to home and you got really angry with him, "you really want to go there?" You couldn't help yourself.
"Go where?" Rafa shot you an irritated look
"Riddle me this, Rafa; do you by any chance consider Rob competition?"
"No," Rafa said curtly, looking away from you.
You crossed your arms and tapped your foot, "really? Because you've been sending me some weird fucking signals lately while trying to break me and Rob up."
Rafa's feelings were bubbling inside him and before he could stop himself, he spat, "Of course I consider him competition! Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you?! You and I had something special before he came along and corrupted you!"
"He didn't corrupt me!" You answered through gritted teeth.
"Why did you turn your back on me then?" Rafa said loudly, his voice breaking. He instantly looked ashamed of himself. He obviously hadn't meant to show you so much of his emotions.
"Because I fell in love with Rob! ...What you and I had was a mistake..." you desperately cried out, "sleeping together was obviously a mistake!"
"If it was a mistake, why did it happen three times?" Rafa spat angrily before his eyes became glossy. He was panting hard, his face all screwed up, "please don't regret me," he croaked, his chest aching horribly, "you can't be serious..."
"Of course I don't regret you, Rafa. But we would've never worked out."
"...Because of him?" He shot you a dark look, his chest heaving up and down.
"No, Rafa," you desperately put your hands on him trying to calm him down, "Because you're you and I'm me. We've been friends for ages."
"I don't want to be friends," Rafa whispered before he angrily looked away from you.
"Rafa, honey," you whispered while searching his face, "I love you - but not like that..." you put your forehead to his. Your hands were now on his chest and you could feel the heavy heartbeat through his shirt. "I'm sorry if I-" Your words were drowned by a car door slamming hard and a voice behind you yelling loudly; "Step away before I punch you in fucking the face, Casal!"
Rob was coming at you and Rafa at full speed, an aggressive look in his eyes. You let go of Rafa as if you'd been scorched by fire and ran to your boyfriend, trying to stop him from beating up your friend. You hadn't told Rob about you and Rafa's escapade but Rob had long ago figured out that Rafa was into you - and you knew that he had been looking for every excuse to fight it out with him.
"Everything's fine, baby," you tried, "Rafa didn't do anything. We were just talking. Everything's fine, I swear!"
Rob's eyes were huge, his nostrils flared as he gently pushed you aside and went head to head with Rafa, "what the fuck are you doing, Casal?! Are you trying to get with my girl?"
"I'm protecting her from you."
"And you plan on doing that by hooking up with her?"
Rafa stood up straight, trying to make himself a few inches taller, "I plan on doing that by actually showing her some emotional support!"
"Don't fucking touch what isn't yours!" Rob was snarling angrily.
"Rich coming from you," Rafa said calmly with a small growl, "do you feel like a big man when you cheat on your girl?"
Rafa's choice of words had Rob shooting him a sickening smile, "that's right, Casal," Rob smiled humourlessly "she's my girl. Not yours. And you know what? She never will be yours. You will never get to touch her, to kiss her, to fuck her. She will never want you. I know you've been dying to experience it but you will never get to see her with your cock in her mouth," he said devilishly.
"Rob!" You interjected, disgusted with how your boyfriend was talking.
Rafa couldn't help himself. He knew he would be disloyal to you and that it would escalate the situation immensely, but he was desperate to wipe away Rob's stupid grin so he too smiled before he calmly said, "oh, you don't think I know what she looks like with my cock in her mouth?"
"Rafa!" You hissed loudly from behind your boyfriend.
Rob's smug face fell considerably and although Rafa could hear the disappointment in your voice, he continued, "what? She didn't tell you?"
In a matter of seconds, Rob's face went from red to purple. He took a firm grip in the collar of Rafa's shirt and plunged his head forwards. Rob's forehead hit Rafa's face with a sickening crunch, and Rafa staggered backwards but was on his feet not long after, decking Rob in the face with his closed fist.
"Please stop!" you pleaded them and tried to pull them apart, but Rob punched Rafa in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud when all the air was knocked out of his lungs.
Rob plunged forward, put a leg on either side of Rafa and started hitting him repeatedly.
Rafa was desperately trying to defend himself against the rain of fists that were coming at him, but was so busy trying to avert Rob, that he didn't have the ability to fight back. Luckily, Rob was grabbed from behind by two guys that hurled him backwards and off of Rafa. Rob unsuccessfully fought to wrestle himself free from Oak and Anthony'a grips while yelling, "I'm going to break your fucking skull!"
Meanwhile Rafa, who was now back on his feet, was trying to wrestle himself out of Diggs' grip, responding with a "I'd like to see you try, you fucking pussy!"
As Rob and Rafa were trying to fight the men off of them, you stepped in, "what the hell is the matter with you two?" you bellowed.
Rob looked as if he had almost forgotten you were there, the sound of your voice immediately making him stop squirming in Anthony and Oak's arms as he looked at you. Ant and Oak released their grip on him, and instead of flying towards Rafa, Rob took a few deep breaths, his eyes piercing through you as he tried to calm himself down.
"How about breaking my skull now?" Rafa yelled at him while squirming around in Diggs arms hoping to break free.
Rob's gaze flew towards Rafa, while Oak and Anthony took a step closer, ready to punch him to the ground if he tried anything. Rob felt the two men nearing him and looked as if he had only just realised that if he jumped Rafa again, he would have to deal with Oak, Ant, and Diggs too. He took an ultimate decision and with a last look at you, he huffed, turned on his heel and angrily walked away with balled up fists.
Diggs loosened his grip on Rafa who immediately ran to you, "are you okay?" He almost yelled, his voice laced with concern, "I'm so, so sorry you had to see that!"
You looked up at him with a dark expression, "how fucking dare you!" You started out in a whisper but your voice gradually became louder as your tone changed to anger, "how dare you talk about me like that! As if I'm some conquest that you brag about to your mates!"
"I know I'm sorry," Rafa panted, avoiding your gaze, "Heat of the moment."
"Rafa look at me," you searched his face, "this is over," you said slowly, painfully aware that you were breaking his heart in front of his friends.
"It's over?" He looked as if he didn't understand what you were saying.
"We can't see each other anymore. It's over!"
"What? You're choosing that clown over me? What does he have that I don't?"
"Rafa why can't you see that you're just as big of a clown as he is!"
"...what the fuck are you talking about?!" He panted desperately, "I'm just trying to make you realise that he's a dick! I'm helping you. He's treating you like shit!"
"I don't need or want your help. What I want is for you to stay the fuck away from me," you said angrily giving him a small shove. With one last look back at Rafa, you turned on your heel and desperately ran towards your boyfriend who had almost reached his car.
Rafa watched you chase after Rob. He watched you desperately explain the situation to him. Watched you apologise of all people. Watched Rob take you in his arms as if he was the one who had to forgive you. He watched you kiss Rob's cheek before you started crying. Rafa's heart was aching horribly. He almost couldn't stand still.
He watched you get in Rob's car, kiss the man passionately before he pumped the speeder, sending Rafa a smirk as you once again kissed his cheek. Rafa painfully watched you drive away and all he was left behind with was a black eye, a chipped tooth, and a broken heart.
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kitkatd7 · 4 years
Broken Hearts and Whiskey
Summary: Bucky’s not the same anymore. He doesn’t spend time with you at all, or keep his promises. And your done with it.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, lots of angst, drinking, my grammar errors because I didn’t fully edit
Dialogue Prompt #19. “Please! You have to let me make this right.” 
Dialogue Prompt #7: "I can't keep being your second choice, not when you're my first." 
(Prompts will be in bold)
Word Count: 1,654
A/N: This is for @imma-new-soul‘s 550 Follower Writing Challenge and @buckys-other-punk 500 Writing Challenge!! I hope y’all like it! Sorry it’s pretty sad and the ending isn’t as good as it could be :( Also this was inspired by the songs ‘Die From a Broken Heart by Maddie & Tae and Different For Girls by Dierks Bentley' Also there are a few Criminal Minds references in here😂
Masterlinst of Masterlists || Marvel Masterist || Series Masterist || part 2 
“See you later!” You call over your shoulder at Natasha and Wanda as you unlock the door to your apartment, coming home from a very successful shopping spree. Walking into your home you toe-off your shoes at the door, setting down your keys and purse. “Babe, I’m home!” You sing, excited to finally get some time with Bucky after him being gone on a mission for three weeks. “Babe?” You ask, walking into the kitchen, setting down your multiple shopping bags and taking in the empty space. Where the hell is he? After searching the bedroom, living room, even the bathroom and still coming up empty, you look to see if you missed any calls. Nope. He was supposed to be here you fume inwardly as you press the speed dial photo; both of you together at a carnival, you smiling brightly as he places a kiss on your cheek sweetly.
It goes straight to voicemail. 5 times. Now you're not even mad… just disappointed in him. He promised. On try number 6 you’re just done. “Hey, it’s me. Listen, so I don’t know where you are but- just don’t bother coming home tonight, okay? I had plans but- never mind, it doesn’t matter that much. I’ll see you later.”  Pressing the red button you throw your phone on the couch before changing into something more comfortable. It wouldn’t be so frustrating that he wasn’t here if it was a one time thing- But this is the fifth time he hasn’t come home to spend time with you after a mission.
Plopping on the couch, you press start on something mindless that you aren’t going to watch anyway before checking your phone for- well. really anything.
1 new message
Unlocking your phone quickly, you open it in high hopes, only to see Sam’s name appear and your face falls. 
Sam: Bucky said you tried to call. Is it important?
You: No… just we had plans.
You confide, knowing Sam will understand.
Sam: Oh shit. Okay, want me to tell him to come home?
You: No. It’s fine.
Sighing, you toss your phone on the other end of the couch, throwing your head back in newfound anger. Asshole. He saw your calls and didn’t even pick up the damn phone. After a year of dating, you at least deserved that. 
“Hey this is y/n, I can’t come to the phone right now cuz I’m out livin’ my life! Leave it at the beep.” He hears your all too familiar voicemail through the speaker. He had helped you come up with it, you hadn’t known what to put on it. He kicks himself, knowing you weren’t actually out living your life, just dodging his calls. Not that he blamed you- He deserved it and he knew it. Calling again, he’s not surprised when he hears your voicemail again.
“Hey… Um, listen, I know I was supposed to be at your place after the mission… I just wanted to unwind with the guys and- Shit. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think you would mind that much, I’ll be over in a bit to make it up to you, okay?” He leaves the message and ends the call before starting his car and driving towards your apartment, guilt heavy in his stomach.
You listen to his voicemail over and over, a strange mix of rage and sorrow weighing on your heart.
Tears roll slowly down your cheeks silently as you lay curled up in a defensive ball on your bed, trying to block out the unmistakable sound of Bucky begging you to open the front door; “Babe, please open the door,” He says, fist resting gently against the frame. “I’m sorry- really, really sorry. Please let me in and we can talk about it,” He sighs, resting his head against the door in defeat. He could break the lock and go in. You both know that. But he wouldn’t do that to you- All that would do is make you fear him and that’s the last thing he wants. He slides his back down the wall til he’s sitting on the floor next to your door, his elbows on his knees and his hands in his hair; Tears gathering in his lashes. He really messed up this time.
The next day you drag yourself out of bed, trying to forget last night and all the tears you shed. After a shower and breakfast, you head out the door for a coffee run before work. You stop in your tracks when you see Bucky still sitting there, eyes red from lack of sleep and regret written all over his face. He jumps up when you walk out, keys in hand, the door closing behind you. “What are you doing here?” 
“I- I came to apologize,” he murmurs, looking in your eyes.
“I don’t want to hear it,” you bite, moving to step around him but stopping when he steps to block your path.
“Bucky, I’m going to be late for work,” you say coldly, glaring at him. “Move out of the way.”
“Please doll, just let me expla-”
Huffing, you roll your eyes. “I understand perfectly, James.” You watch as he flinches a little at the use of his first name. You only use it when your really mad or really happy, and it isn’t the latter right now. “You were too busy with your beer buddies to come see your girlfriend after being gone for three weeks, but what’s new? It’s been like this for months. I guess it was naive of me to expect something else this time.” You shoulder past him as he stares at you; dumbfounded. Tears gather in your eyes as you make your way to your car in the rain. Your almost there when you feel a large hand on your arm and hear your name being whispered. You turn around and look up into his stormy eyes. You always loved his eyes- They’re always so bright and big and- Now is not the time to be thinking about his stupidly gorgeous eyes.
“Please! You have to let me make this right,” he whispers, tears forming in his eyes as well, mixing with the raindrops rolling down his face and dampening is hair. 
“Bucky…” You sigh, pulling your arm out of his grasp gently. “I don’t think you can fix this. I can't keep being your second choice, not when you're my first." You climb into your car as he stares at you as you pull out of the parking lot. He sinks to the ground on his knees, not caring that his clothes are practically soaked, or that someone might think he looks crazy. None of that matters- because your gone. His girl. Gone. He can’t breathe. The pressure weighs heavy in lungs as all the air is pushed from them and his heart shatters. It’s all he can do to draw a ragged breathe between sobs.
You manage to hold yourself together until you pull into the starbucks parking lot. And then you totally loose it; Tears and mascara mix together and run down your cheeks as you sob into your steering wheel. It feels like your heart is being torn out of your chest. Bucky was the best thing that ever happened to you… and deep down you had feared something like this would happen, but you didn’t think it actually would. You loved him- And now he was gone. 
You trek into Walmart, heading straight for the junk food isle, not caring that you look like an absolute mess. Grabbing some much needed chocolate, chips, cookies and other coping foods, you check out, starting to cry again when the cashier gives you a pitiful look on your way out. 
Stumbling into your apartment, you throw your bags on the kitchen counter before grabbing your desired snacks and tossing them on your bed. You pull on sweatpants and one of Bucky’s hoodies, sending an ache of longing through your chest. Even changing clothes feels like more effort than you could possibly muster but you somehow manage before crawling into bed and turning on reruns of Friends before you start crying again. After 2 bags of chocolate, a bag of Doritos, a burger and french fries you grabbed on the way home, you still feel like absolute shit. Maybe this is just how it will be- Unable to get over him, unable to move on. Eventually you fall asleep from exhaustion, tear stains and left-over makeup on your face and Bucky’s pillow clutched against your chest. 
Bucky ambles into the bar, sliding onto a stool with sullen eyes, ordering a shot of vodka before mumbling “Keep em coming.” 
Throwing his head back, he grimaces as the bitter liquid burns its way down his throat. He knows he can’t get drunk but he’s willing to try. Anything to stop feeling like this.
The old barkeep leans on the bar behind him, looking at Bucky with an evaluating stare. 
“What was her name?” He questions gently after a moment of silence.
“Wha- How did you know?” Bucky looks up in surprise and pain, his forearms resting on the bar, holding another shot.
“Son, you can’t hide the look of love gone wrong.”
Tossing back another, Bucky looks in the shot glass like it holds all the answers before whispering your name, his voice breaking. “Did you ever love someone?” He asks brokenly.
The older man chuckles lightly at this. “I did, still do.” He holds up his left hand as proof.  “Do you wanna know the secret to love?” He asks, stepping closer.
“Why not, it’s not like I could lose anything else,” Bucky says dryly, taking yet another shot.
“Sometimes love doesn’t last and you have to let it go… but sometimes you have to fight for it. And it’s up to you to decide which you’re gonna do. So which is it?”
I hope you liked it! please let me know what you think!! 
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ii-kanjiiiii · 3 years
A Crazy Day at Miku Expo
A Vocaloid shitpost story
Warnings: swearing, contains Kaito x Meiko
Chapter 1
It was a normal day in the Cryptonloid household, like always. It was 12pm and Meiko was already up because she’s a normal person.
“GET UP YOU IDIOTS WE HAVE TO LEAVE FOR MIKU EXPOOO!!!!” she woke the rest of the Cryptonloids up as she was a thoughtful person.
“OH SHIT I FORGOT!!” Miku screamed. Her hair looked like Chuckie Finster from Rugrats but had a much larger mass.
Miraculously, all of them had somehow forgotten that they had a Miku Expo concert in the mystical country of Hajarputa that night. Except for Meiko, because she was a responsible person.
Once they were done packing and getting ready, they went into their private Miku jet which was covered with Miku faces and had big words that said “HATSUNE MIKU” because Miku is the best and owns the world.
Inside, ‘World is Mine’ was playing on loop and the wall was covered in Miku wallpaper and posters. Meiko sat on a Miku couch at the front, because Meiko is queen and is obviously the sexiest one. Kaito, being the simp that he is, sat next to her.
Luka went all the way to the back of the Miku jet and sat in a Miku chair in the corner, away from everyone else as she was tired of everyone’s bullshit.
Miku and the demonic twins were in the middle, just jumping around and throwing shit everywhere as they were still high as fUCK from the FRUIT loops they ate for breakfast.
Suddenly, ‘World is Mine’ stopped playing, and the pilot made an announcement through the plane intercom. Or whatever it’s called lmao I don’t know.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome onboard Flight Miku. We will be taking off from Sapporo to Hajarputa. I am Sonic the Hedgehog and I am your pilot for today. Just kidding bitch, my name is actually うんち(‘Jonathan Harris’ in Japanese). We are expected to reach Hajarputa in about 22 hours. I swear to God, PLEASE put on your seatbelts or you’re gonna fucking die. We also ask that you ensure your seats are in the upright position for take-off, if not you’ll fucking die. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, if not you’ll fucking die as well. Don’t smoke too, cause you’ll get lung cancer and fucking die. Thank you for choosing Miku Airlines. Enjoy your flight. I definitely will not crash this plane. I swear.”
'World is Mine’ was back playing on loop again.
“Well that was comforting,” Meiko said, being a sarcastic piece of shit.
“Lol what? I don’t remember hiring this man,” Miku said. “Lol, whatever,” she shrugged.
Some time after the Miku Jet took off, Kaito and Meiko started fighting over what they would name their non-existent kid that they would never have.
“If she’s a girl, Sakura is the best name!! It represents beauty and optimism,” Kaito said.
“It also represents death,” Meiko argued. “And who the fuck names their kid after a plant? Enaado is the best name!!”
“The fuck kinda name is Enaado?” Len, who was seated far away from them, muttered to himself. Meiko, who was somehow able to hear him, pulled a super soaker gun out of nowhere and squirted him all the way from the other end of the plane.
Some hours later, the vocaloids were bored as heck and ‘World is Mine’ playing on loop was driving them to insanity(except for Miku of course).
“Can you turn that shit off, Miku? I swear to God, if I hear “sekai de ichiban ohime-sama” one more damn time, my internal organs are going to explode,” Luka said, smashing her head against the wall.
“Geez, fine, Luka! You don’t have to be so mean about it, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to appreciate good art,” Miku rolled her eyes, then she changed the song to ‘Popipo’ on loop, which was probably 100x worse.
“YOU’RE my sekai de ichiban ohime-sama, Me-chan~<3” Kaito UwU-ed. She smacked him with a magazine.
Another time skip, Miku wanted to play truth or dare lmao. Luka, Miku and the twins sat in a circle and started playing.
“Oh yeah, by the way, Mei-nee and Kai-nii are in the game too,” Miku said.
“Wtf no thanks,” Meiko immediately said, not looking up from her magazine about self control & anger management.
“No, you can’t escape, Mei-nee,” Miku replied, staring intensely into her soul. She then got a piece of rope out of nowhere and tied Meiko and Kaito to their chairs.
“TRUTH OR DARE, MEI-NEE?” Miku asked, her eye twitching.
“Ugh, fine. Truth,” Meiko replied, as she had no other choice.
Meanwhile, Kaito was having Vietnam war flashbacks as Miku tying him to the chair reminded him of that one time he got kidnapped by Sonic the Hedgehog. (An event that happened in my other fanfic that I’m not going to post.)
“Do you want to make out with Kai-nii?” Miku asked with a stupid shitty grin on her face.
“What the fuck? Oh, HELL NO. I think I already know how this is gonna go,” Meiko muttered.
“AnSwEr tHe qUeStiOn!!!” Miku yelled impatiently, flipping the fucking table.
“Dare!” Meiko quickly said, sweating.
“I dare you to make out with Kai-nii,” Miku said, raising her eyebrows up and down like fucking Mr. Bean.
Upon hearing this, Kaito’s attention was caught and he snapped out of his Vietnam war flashbacks.
“GODDAMN IT!!” Meiko cursed.
“Oh my GOD, Kaito. Don’t give me THAT look,” Meiko said, terrified for her life as she noticed Kaito looking at her with considerable interest.
“Why the hell did you give that dare, Miku? Literally NO ONE wants to see that shit,” Len said, staring judgingly at Miku. He definitely did not have to see his parents smashing their faces together.
“Yeah, Len’s right,” Luka said. “Aight, Imma head out. Bye bitches,” she flipped her fabulous long hair and strolled out elegantly. Once she reached her seat at the far corner of the plane, she opened her laptop and looked at images of the Gingerbread Man from Shrek.
“Shut up Len and just watch the show!” Rin, who was just as delusional as Miku, scolded.
“MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT MEIKOUT” the crazy girls started chanting.
I’m so sorry
I really have no idea where this shitty fanfic is going
It was nighttime and the Cryptonloids were sleeping in their beds with Miku blankets and ‘Popipo’ was still playing on loop. Suddenly, the Miku Jet started shaking really hard, then everyone flew out of their beds and hit their heads on the ceiling. After a few seconds, the Miku Jet stopped shaking and everyone fell back to the ground.
“Heh heh, sorry folks. Just a little air turbulence is all,” Pilot うんち announced.
“What the actual FUCK?? “A ‘liTtLE’ aIR tUrBuLeNcE” he said!! I don’t think we should be entrusting that guy with our LIVES!!” Meiko seethed. “I’m going to have a word with him.” she stormed off to the Pilot’s cabin.
“Wait Me-chan, I’ll come too,” Kaito said, and tagged along with her for extra support because he was a good boyfriend.
Once they reached the Pilot’s cabin, she slid open the door and shouted “LISTEN UP, MISTER, DO YOUR DAMN JOB PROPERLY!!”
“Oh, Meiko-san, hello!” the pilot spun his chair around and smiled. “Oh, Kaito, you’re here too! How’s it going, buddy? Has Sonic been bothering you any more?”
Meiko and Kaito’s eyes widened as they realised who the pilot was.
“FUKASE??!!!!” they screamed in shock. His Ronald Mcdonald hair was unmistakable.
“No, I’m うんち. Who the hell is Fukase?” うんち/Fukase said.
“Uh, no, I’m fifteen. Also, the age of consent in Japan is thirteen, sooo I don’t see any problem with it,” he replied.
“WHAT THE HELL DOES AGE OF CONSENT HAVE TO DO WITH FLYING A PLANE???!!” Meiko screamed, ripping her hair out. I really need to stop using scream.
"Umm… with all due respect, Fukase, are you even qualified for this?” Kaito spoke up.
“Yeah, DUH. I’ve had years worth of flight experience from Microsoft Flight Simulator on the Xbox!” he replied. “What kinda dumb shit would hire someone who ISN’T qualified??”
“oH mAN OH GOD OUR LIVES ARE IN THE HANDS OF THAT DUMB KID OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN OH GOD-“ Meiko was hyperventilating in the corner and hugging her legs, sweat pouring down her face. It was unlike her to freak out like this, she was usually calm and kept her cool. However, this is Fukase we’re talking about, and any rational person would be freaking out and fearing for their lives.
“Breathe, Me-chan, breathe,” Kaito attempted to calm her down. “Don’t worry, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. Nothing bad will happen. Everything is okay,” he assured her, hugging her tightly.
“How would YOU know that???” she asked.
“I don’t,” he replied. “When things get rough, denial is all we have,” he said, giving his Stupid Bakaito Grin™.
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Second Chances
Prompts: “You should be kissed, every day, every hour, every minute.”
Summary: Second chances are hard to come by. Bucky never got to tell you how he felt before, so with a little encouragement he might be able to finally tell you.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader 
Warnings: slight angst, fluffy ending, friends to lovers type thing
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: This is for @cosmicbucky‘s 300 writing challenge. Congratulations again hun! You serve them and so many more! ❤💕❤💕 This was written with me practically drunk off nyquil so if this doesn’t make much sense I’m sorry 😅 Hope you like it!  《Masterlist 》
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It was calm, Bucky noted. There were no missions, no fighting, no yelling, and no trouble. He caught himself in a blissful serenity and he loved it. Trying to soak up every minute of it, he lay sprawled on the sofa of the common room with his nose stuck in a book. He loved these days, but it was missing something. Rather, someone. 
He shut his book and let it flop on his stomach as he reached for his phone in his pocket. He unlocked it and was greeted with the picture of his home screen that made his heartache and small smile turn to a frown. It was a silly selfie you took of the both of you, right there on that sofa. 
He sighed and screwed his eyes shut tight. He felt like such an idiot, a helpless useless dumbass. But most of all, he felt like a coward. The sound of his phone pinging made his eyes open slowly as he saw it was a message from you. 
Hey buddy! It’s nice out, try going for a walk. Who knows, you might end up meeting the girl of your dreams 🤪 Oh, and don't forget to smile!
He chuckled halfheartedly at the text. Only you would be on a lunch date with your boyfriend and send him a text telling him to smile. Whether it was telepathy or not, he found it endearing. His fingers typed as if they had a mind of his own and sent a message.
Hey! You know me, always smiling doll. I might take a rain check on that walk, workout room is calling my name
He didn’t want to take the walk, he didn’t want to meet anyone else. He already found the girl of his dreams but he couldn’t have her. He couldn’t have you.
He shook his head and sat up, swinging his legs over to stand. Hands found their way into his hair and he couldn't help but tug at it. The weight of his jealousy and the pain in his heart hurt him too much.
As hard as he tried, the tears started welling in his eyes and the lump in his throat grew. His leg started bouncing up and down as he tried to steady his breathing. His mind was swarming with thoughts, the loudest one being, “Are you really going to cry over this?” And he shook his head. Apparently he was.
Wanda was tucked into a small corner of the kitchen drinking tea and scrolling through her phone when she felt this feeling of hurt wash over her, leaving goosebumps behind. Looking around she spotted Bucky on the sofa.
“Hey, um, Bucky?” She cautiously sat next to him. “Bucky what’s wrong?” He shook his head clenching his jaw, resulting in her putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“I’m-” He inhaled a shaky breath, “I’m such an idiot.” He scoffed. “I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that day and now I don’t think I ever will.” The tears started rolling freely down his cheeks.
“What if I said you were wrong,” she countered gently, her hand rubbing soothing circles on his back. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He looked up to her, “She’s happy with Brad.” He spat out venomously.
“Men,” Wanda’s eyes rolled as she chuckled, “You’re all the same. All that testosterone.” She smirked, pulling out her phone from her back pocket. “IF you would actually watch her Instagram stories and pay attention to her twitter posts,” she trailed off, scrolling endlessly. Bucky would watch them, but his focus was on you. Your smile, your eyes, your hair, your-
“Earth to Bucky.” Wanda chuckled. “So you think she’s still whooped for this guy right?” He shook his head, why wouldn’t you? “Well think again.” She turned her phone to show Bucky a post of yours on Instagram. It was a picture of your boyfriend, Brad, with his back to you. The caption you put under it is what sparked anger in the bit of Bucky’s stomach.
Won’t even kiss me anymore 🙄
“He’s been getting distance with her.” Wanda smiled knowingly. “Maybe you should tell her.” She smiled, her eyebrows rising in slight amusement.
“But why would she want me?” He didn’t mean to say it out loud, it just fell from his lips. 
“Aww Bucky.” She cooed, bringing him into a side hug. “You could ask her yourself, you know. She never shuts up about you. At this point your name has left her mouth more than Brad.” She chuckled. 
“Oh.” Was all he could say, but his mind was screaming why.
“Hey did I forget to mention that they broke up?” Bucky’s face shot up from where he had it tucked between his arms. His eyebrows rose in confusion as his head tilted, bottom lip jutting out.
“But the picture…” He trailed off. 
“Was from two weeks ago.” She smirked. Bucky scoffed, not knowing what the hell was happening anymore. “That’s why she’s been in her room. She might’ve told you she was on a lunch date or that she was still seeing this douche only because she knows you’ll rip his head off.” 
Now things seemed clearer. His mind reflected over the last two weeks. The bags under your eyes, how they were always puffy. When he asked you about it you said they were either allergies or you couldn’t sleep. The way you carried yourself was a little different, your shoulders were more slouched and your smile didn’t really reach your eyes. But you still seemed yourself. But now that he thinks about it, really thinks, you were flirting with him more. He only thought you were joking.
“Where is she?” He looked at Wanda, pure determination in his eyes. 
“She’s on the roof.” She smiled sadly, “Be gentle.” Bucky nodded before wiping his eyes and darting towards the elevator.
The entire ride he was trying to come up with a little speech, something to say to you so he won’t be as awkward. But his mind turned up blank. All he could think about was that he was getting a second chance. 
The elevator dinged, bringing him out of his thoughts. He took a deep breath, willing his nerves to calm down a bit before stepping out into the crisp New York air. He immediately spotted you leaning against the rail, looking into the horizon, a sad look adorning your beautiful features.
Slowly he started walking closer to you. The panic was slowly building up.  He thought about turning around and sticking himself in his room, but when does the world ever offer him a second chance?
“Hey doll.” He smiled softly while his right hand gripped the rail. He forced himself to keep looking at you. 
“Hey Buck!” You looked at him with a cheery expression. His heart melted at the sight.
“Can I uh, I want to, I-” He sighed looking at the view of the city. “Whatever happened with Brad? The uh lunch date?” Your jaw dropped and your eyes went wide. You completely forgot you told him you were on a date.
“We uh w-we cancelled last minute,” you lied. You hated lying to Bucky. He scratched the back of his neck, his chest heaving slightly faster.
“Wanda told me Y/N/N.” His soft steel blue grey eyes bore into yours. “Why didn’t you say something?” He asked so softly if you weren’t paying attention you might’ve missed it.
“I didn’t want you to worry,” you sighed. “Plus he wasn’t even interesting anymore.” You chuckled, trying to lighten things up.
“Yeah? How so?” He couldn’t help but ask.
“Well for one he wouldn’t want to kiss me anymore,” you laughed.
“You should be kissed, every day, every hour, every minute.” Bucky stated as if it were a fact. His words melted your heart and made puddy in his hands. It was the sweetest thing you ever heard and it brought the biggest goofiest smile onto your face.
“What?” His head tilted in confusion. “Wait did I just-” His eyes went wide as he paled. “Oh my g-I just. Fuck I didn’t-” He racked his fingers through his hair. “I-I mean it’s true but - oh god just shoot me now.” He mumbled, his head hitting the railing. Well so much for second chances. 
“What do you mean second chances Buck?” Shit, did he say that out loud?
“Well,” he started, “remember that party Stark threw last year for the children’s fundraiser? I was planning on telling you how I felt.” A blush creeped its way up his neck to his cheeks. “I was going to bring you up here actually and tell you. But before I could even get you alone I chickened out.” He looked to the floor dejectedly.
“Tell me.” You said, your finger lifting his chin so his eyes met yours.
“Tell me how you feel.” You don’t know where this boost of confidence came from but there was no taking this back now. Bucky gulped. It was now or never.
“I love you. I know it might seem like a strong word but you’re my best friend. Ever since I met you I knew but the feelings just got stronger everyday and then seeing you with fucking Brad just hurt so much. But I never stopped loving you and since he made you happy-” Tears blurred your vision as you cut him off with a kiss. 
“You really should’ve said something at that party,” you chuckled softly, “I love you too Bucky boo.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips which you gladly returned. His hands snaked around your waist as your hands found a way to his neck, bringing him closer. 
“I’m gonna show how much I love and kiss you like you should,” he promised.
“I'll hold you to it Sarge.”
Permanent tags: @becausewhyknotme @katbtracy @imma-new-soul​ @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @theladyoffangorn @itsunclebucky @mushyjellybeans @writing-for-hours-on-end  @this-kitten-is-smitten @agentpeggybarnes @fangirl-introvert @ninjabucky @cosmicbucky
Bucky Barnes tags: @sebbbystaaan @wemisshim3000 @dianadov @nerdy-bookworm-1998
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rainecloud020604 · 4 years
“All’s well that ends well!”
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now i wont lie, this year started off amazing! new friends, new start, hell i got my laptop and was able to be on more. this year became pretty bumpy though through the middle, but hey, i made it!
I have a lot of people to thank for it as well, a lot of people who stayed around and put up with my shit no matter what it was
@elementalgod-aj - okay, first tumblr friend, introduced me to a lot of people i know now on here, got me into roleplaying and refused to let me give up on art. this guy, is solely responsible for me sticking around this hellsite when i thought about quitting a long time ago. He’s very talented, has sooo many amazing ocs you have to dig a bit to really get information on some of them, really fun to talk to as well! I might have a few personal favorites with his ocs but i love them all;3 he makes it worth your nickle talking to him, its rare he doesnt have anything to say and when you need someone to talk to he is willing to listen
@craftyjellyfishcat - she’s awesome, hard to put it into words on how much i appreciate knowing her. always willing to talk and do something. fun to fuck around with sometimes too uwu She has some pretty cool ocs and backgrounds for them, writing skills are like holy shit- where’s more?! art is pretty good too! she’s been there for me several times when i needed it and i cant thank her enough. she deserves a little more love in the art department 
@justadeadlysinsblog - hello thats my daughter Alma i love you and am so very proud of you figuring out who you are and who you want to be!!! it’s been such an honor and blessing helping you with your journey. she’s amazing at art, like holy shit it sooooo clean!!!! colors are beautiful and honestly she knows how to make it look pretty. there is no such thing as “too much purple” in this gals book! she literally is the embodiment of pride and its fun getting mortal souls with her- i mean- nothing! support her or so help me god i’ll steal your kneecaps and toes!!
@flowerrose14 - there sir, thats my wife and i love her. i met her at the beginning of this year/ end of last year and honestly, that changed my life. she’s always there for me, its a blessing being able to talk to her, she’s full of sooo much love!!! it literally oozes out of her messages. She’s my sweet angel who’s helped me so much, with my depression, anxiety, break downs and dissociations as well. its a dream of mine to go live with her, it really is, and imma make it happen! she has such amazing art and the effort she puts into it is shocking sometimes, her ocs and stories have given me the feels and made me attached and thats hard to do. support my girlfriend please! she deserves it!!
@angiewolf09 - i remember i was extremely intimidated by you at first, you are so talented,  with stories and art like holy shit you can do that with a pencil????? and dont get me started on how much of a mastermind you are with connecting things!! its been an honor being your friend and being apart of some of those amazing rps you do uwu
@wazzup-ie - its an honor being your ma uwu you are so talented and have skills i dream of having with art, im so proud of you and how far you have come this year!!! go! support her!!! 
@poiisedaracknos - you are very chill, laidback, fun to talk to and fuck around with. how do you hand???????? you are fucking talented bitch and you know it! such amazing art skills, soi what, no backgrounds for ocs? no problem, you have amazing artwork of them to make up for that! you are my child and im so proud of you, support her!
@mrcucumb3r - Alex you bastard i love you, you are my son. he has such a beautiful art style and honestly im glad that i met you and have been able to be your friend. such interesting characters and ideas that i wish got more attention. follow him and support him or else!!
@k0ncursus - i wish we talked more but the conversations and uno games we have had are amazing and you’re such a blessing and i am so happy you are my friend <3 you wont ever regret talking to her or following her!
@recklessjerry - my mind twin, my buddy, you’ve grown so much and im so proud to have witnessed it this year! you have amazing stories and characters and i love hearing you talk about them. you put so much effort into them and it shows, the easter eggs, the hinting, it makes it such a ride to look into! this guy is worth a follow!
@sherlocktheravencat - its been a long time, i wont lie, but the conversations we have had, its been an honor. i love your characters and your art, the effort that goes into the research honesty pays off. Seeing you on my dash is a privilege really. which is why i wish for others to share such a thing, follow satan Sher, you wont regret it.
@paint-splatterblog - you are so sweet, kind and all around amazing! such a talented soul with art and ocs! she might not post often but when she does its such a treat to look at what she posts! she is worth your follow so follower her please!!
@at-the-mercy-of-the-ocean - General this is lieutenant hugs reporting for duty. you are so very fucking valid and im happy i stumbled across your blog! you make me smile when im having a bad day and im blessed to see you on my dash.your art,,,i love seeing it,,,like i can talk abotu how pleasing to the eye it is to me all day. sending tons of hugs your way! they are worth your time and follow!!
@dearest-starboy​ - a very handsome being uwu can confirm being human tho <w< amazing edits, like how do you do that??? how?? and seeing you on my dash, you seems to always reblog stuff that makes me laugh. a friendly reminder im blessed to know you and that you are very valid go follow them please
@kirakirasilversnow​ - we dont talk much, i’ve been under anon a lot with you cause like,,,im intimidated slightly by your kindness. very valid and you are so sweet and talented!! wish we talked more! edits are jaw dropping with you and they are a beauty to see, like you! support this gal its worth your time 
@cookiie-doe - imma steal your toes if you dont stop acting so valid how dare you! its nice to see you in my notes and on my dash, you are very sweet and supper valid!! she is very much so worth your follow with art and content!! 
@funnierabbit75 - friendo!!! you have been such a blessing to know this year!! such beautiful art and a beautiful voice! she is very talented and deserves so much love and support so please give her that!!
@fizzypopsoda-comics - man i wished we talked more but this guy has got some wicked talent!!!  give them a follow and trust me you wont regret it in the slightest!! i love your art and ocs so much! 
@blogdeepdonutfatality​ - you have such lovely art and ocs!! follow her please!! she is such a blessing to talk to and get to know!!! its been an honor!!
@dreamer-from-elm-street​ - we dont talk often but when we do its something to cherish. such amazing art, anatomy, characters, stories!! follower her and send her love and support!!
@mindytiger​ - i love your art and ocs!! its been such a blessing to see your story grow!! hell, play a role every once and awhile as well! support her and her amazing skills!!
@mocka-mocka​ - you are so talented and deserve more love with your art and ocs! send her love and support and look at how talented she is!!!
@neon-alpha-wolf​ - bro, you are so talented and have grown so much this year! support him and his characters, along with art because he deserves it!!
there are so so so many other lovely people i can tag but theses guys i have the most to say about and want to give a huge thanks to making my 2019 the best year despite the hardships!!! i love you all and thank you for getting me here!!
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softforcal · 5 years
Writing Tips
I get a lot of asks about tips on writing so i figured i’d just make a huge ass post for ya’ll :)
this shit covers: character, plot, motivation, past vs present tense, 3rd vs 1st verson, oneshots vs multi chapter fics, moodboards for character building, dialogue, oc’s vs reader inserts, face claims, the grocery store test, the meme test
okay i want to start by saying: i used to write imagines so writing in character was like MY THING for like 6 years so i have a LOT OF PRACTICE with watching something and picking up on characters and i’ve spent THOUSANDS of hours watching shows. so like, i’ve spent a lot of time on this you know? so don’t feel bad if you have a life and havent had as much practice :)
so at the moment, i’ve been doing character mood boards to help figure out a character? but the thing about that is im picky about face claims and it can be hard so this is an easily skippable option and i’m not even sure if i enjoy it yet you know?
so first: i think of a story. i think of the type of OC that’s involved, i think about what they’re like, (i sometimes find a face claim), i give them a name
for me, as soon as they have a name and sort of a face in my brain, they take on a life of their own. a character knows when you’ve found the right name and face for it and it comes alive when you do. like for me, Birdie was originally ‘Cherry’ but she was like ‘bitch no’ and wouldn’t let me write her until i found her name.
to be honest. i don’t plan things. like. when i write, the character just takes over. i have no control. they do what they want. fucking Valentina and Harry in Trouvaille, i had a whole angst scene for them and these assholes decided to go on the terrace and tell each other they like each other instead and then the story just ended. like. i had a pLAN and they RUINED IT.
you can’t be afraid if letting your characters do what they want to do. when you plot, a loose outline is good but i just throw my characters into a situation and see where they go.
like for my final gang au chapter, did i want Michael to leave town? no. but he needed to take Dove and get the fuck out of there you know?
i don’t make playlists really, sometimes certain songs stick to people, like one of my characters, his song right now is Girlfriend by Anderson East and that song was sort of inspiration.
I don’t know where my inspiration comes from. obviously i write a FUCK ton so let me see if i can explain a few past stories and where they came from.
Gang AU was born from a post by @hereforlukescruff​ about the song ‘Or Nah.’
Cromulent was based off a tumblr post about enemies fake dating
Wild one was legit just me figuring out how to work all of @glitterprincelu​s fav things into one fic
Floral was based off of looking at my favourite tattoo artists floral tattoos
Trouvaille was originally pompous New York! Calum but as i developed it, it was Harry and i couldn’t stop him from pushing Cal out of the way and being like ‘this is my apartment you wanker get the fuck out of here and let me smoke and paint in peace.’
Noise was originally based off an idea by @palliddark​ that i was blessed enough to receive, she also had influence in Cromulent because months ago she requested a post about the boys recording having sex for a song.
So i think what we’re realizing here is a lot of it comes through interacting with other creators. one of my new pieces is based off of 2 5sos songs and one is based off of a person in Love Island. so inspo can hit from anywhere
the fic im working on now came from me talking to @harryforvogue​ about the new Gucci ads Harry did.
i started a Greaser Cal that i dropped cuz im a whore, but it was inspired by @calsangel​ and hopefully it gets completed sometime soon
like. talking to other creative people is just a breeding pool for ideas. people you trust and love, people who you can bounce off of. listen for stories in music, study people and characters and who knows where it might lead you :)
i hope this helps. but yeah. my number one piece of advice: talk about writing, talk about stories, talk about the guys you want to write about and inspo WILL hit.
also to all the people i have tagged i hope you know how much you guys mean to me. like. i really appreciate all you guys do and how much support you’ve given me and continue to give me. i hope i can offer the same support in return and i love you all with my whole heart.
****** Moodboard and Character (final thoughts)
So basically since i wrote that OG advice, i’ve begun to realize: moodboards are a good tool because if you can easily come up with 9 pics for a character they’re pretty well thought out. 
for example, my easiest moodboard to make was for Birdie in my gang au
Birdie: likes scrunchies, reading, classic stories, ice cream, bubblegum, lollipops, acrylic nails, having her hair in a bun
my worst moodboard was for a character named Annabelle from Noise
i started and was like... who is Annabelle: she’s blonde... she uhhhh is doing psychology?
and that’s all i could get because Annabelle was a mostly dialogue driven character with no actual mentioned likes or dislikes, in my eyes, Annabelle was not a well thought out character.
so moodboards can help because they show you how well you’ve got your characters figured out.
so plot is tough. i tend to gravitate more to character driven plot because characters are my #thing. i’m going to start by going through some of my plotlines and going over the good and bad and hopefully have an answer at the end of it after picking apart my writing. should be FUN.
long fic plots
Noise plot: Annabelle gets a new neighbour and he keeps fucking girls and waking her up and they have banter, he’s a hothead and invites her to psychoanalyze him and it leads to some tension but he is soft for her right away and they a little awkward with each other but finally give love a try.
Floral plot: would renowned tattoo artist Calum chooses a new apprentice, socially awkward and anxious Lily, they’re attracted to each other but the confines of a boss and pupil relationship are tight and evident, creating tensions. Calum struggles with being professional while falling for the cute apprentice, especially when pressure is put on them by their friends, after slow burn and anxiousness they finally get together.
Cromulent plot: Calum has a new PR relationship with Chlo and he hates her, he thinks she’s fake and does everything he can to piss her off, finally deciding to fuck with her emotions by being a GREAT boyfriend which ends up hurting her and he realizes maybe she’s not so bad after all, things are a little confusing but they finally sit down and talk it out and address some of Calum’s insecurities about her past relationships and PR stunts, they agree to give love a try.
so, from these 3 long fic outlines we can see i usually go for character based turmoil which works well for fics between 10-15k (or longer, Trouvaille fits this format and it was 19k) I just think, relationships take time and people struggle to figure themselves out enough to enter a relationship. if you have some fiery characters and banter (Cromulent and Noise) or perhaps awkward anxiety and tip toeing (Floral and Trouvaille) shit works out you know?
for smaller oneshot fics plots can be easier and more situational i think.
Movie Snack plot : Cal goes to Luke and his GF’s place for movies and Luke gets bored and eats the reader out in front of Cal which leads to sex.
Road Trip plot : Luke and reader are dating and on a road trip they’re horny but end up having to share a room with Cal who has always had a thing for the reader, smut ensues. 
Stay Still plot : Tattooist!Cal is the readers fuck buddy and she goes to get her tits pierced, ending up with Luke as her piercer, but Calum shows up and angst leads to smut.
so yeah, for smaller 1-5k little smut pieces it can be more relaxed, smut is just smut, not love, and sex is a hell of a lot easier than love you know? 
yeah, so that’s all my plot advice
3rd person, 1st person, what the fuck person
when it comes to HOW you write your fic (what person, what tense, etc...) that’s up to you. it’s honestly whatever you feel best in. i’ve dabbled with a bit of everything. you just have to find what feels the most natural to you :) that’s the only advice i can give on this because no one thing is better than the other, it’s up to you.
one tip for 3rd person i have is to generally focus on one character. i’m a fan of doing the thing where for example, in Cromulent, we focus on Calum and why he doesn’t like Chlo. if we switched to Chlo a lot it would take away from the unreliable narration and bias Calum has. the good thing is to stay with Calum and be angry at Chlo and realize with Cal that she’s not so bad.
but that’s just me.
you can do switching when characters are together or on a phone call, like if you’re with Calum but he’s calling (for example) Chlo and then you want to see her reaction you can do
Calum groaned, staring at the ceiling, “bla bla cal saying shit”
“bla bla Chlo answering” she held the phone tighter etc...
and just like that you’re now with Chlo not Calum. 
*********** OC’s vs Reader Insert
i’ll be real here: for some reason, i feel like reader inserts are more read on tumblr and i started out doing reader inserts to build a following. 
personally, i prefer writing OC’s because you can go more in depth with EVERYTHING. 
it’s honestly up to you what you want to do. i’ve decided to do my short smuts at reader insert and longer fics as OC but it’s whatever works for you at the end of the day.
I’m a fan of dialogue driving story, Noise was so much fucking dialogue it’s insane. finding your characters voice is important and sticking with that makes a huge difference. if you’re character can kind of be seen based JUST on what they’re saying, thats a good sign.
i hate to say it but imma say it: when doing 5sos it’s important to know they’re Australian. some countries have different mannerisms and such, for example, i’m Canadian but i can’t have Calum out here saying “it’s a nice day eh?” you know? so, i would advise to try to get a handle on accents and word choice specifically to make them more believable. as is said in the iconic movie Tropic Thunder 
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so this is probably one of the biggest issues writers are facing and i’m about to get REAL AS FUCK.
on tumblr, it can feel like once you gain a following you CONSTANTLY need to be pumping shit out for them.
back in the day, i was posting a HC a day and a lot of it was for hogwarts!5sos. it felt like a job, which wasn’t anyone elses doing per se, i just think a lot of fic writers get caught up in this pressure whether it’s imposed by anons or not (im lucky that i’ve never had anon pressure and i’m very grateful for my amazing followers tbh)
Tumblr is not a job. if you’re writing, write for you. you are blessing tumblr with you’re writing. please don’t feel pressure to put stuff out or write a new chapter or anything.
if you ever feel like you’re under a lot of pressure, take a few days away, find the root of your writing joy. always do what you want to do. if you have to turn off asks to feel sane, do it. if you gotta block mean anons pressuring you, do it. you don’t owe anyone anything.
your writing is a gift graciously bestowed on this hellsite and this site shouldn’t make you feel pressured to write and give content FOR FREE. it shouldn’t make you lose your passion and make writing feel like a chore or job.
motivation can be hard. i’m a fucking psycho so don’t use me as a base for what you should be doing. i put out a fic a week which i really shouldn’t be doing, it’s not practical. but i can type fast as fuck and writing 1 or 2k in 10 minutes is normal for me so don’t use me as an example you know.
go at your own pace. write what you love. write au’s or for the characters you love and hopefully the rest will come.
******** Multi Chapter vs oneshots
ok more realness, pros and cons of each
-its one and done, no need to worry about putting out more
-they can be fun
-it’s all in one place which a lot of readers like
-can be long af
-take longer to write since a oneshot is probably like 10+k depending on who you are as opposed to perhaps 5k chapters of a multi chapter fic 
Multi Chapter
-people are excited for more
-cliffhangers are fun
-people interact with you more about chapters to come
-more pressure to put out new chapters
-with each new chapter you’re probably losing likes because people get bored or forget about it because people sometimes don’t have the attention span or whatever to continue reading whenever you update
-usually tend to be longer than a oneshot (5k chapters means that in 2 chapters you have probably surpasses a oneshot length of 10ishk)
So i will be real. i prefer oneshots. i adore my gang au which was long as fuck and super multi chaptered but it’s tough to see the likes go down and down. plus, i wrote all of Penumbra (the main multi chaptered part) before i started putting it out so i had no pressure to write more cuz that shit was done before i started posting.
which does help. if you want to write the whole thing before you start posting it takes off the first con but you’re still left with the other 2. 
Face Claims
i feel like for some characters they’re born without a face claim but i totally get it if you want to use a face claim before you even start. finding face claims can be hard so you have to get ready to go creep on insta and look at models and figure out who you like. a lot of insta models follow each other so once you find a model you like, look through their following list or recent likes to see other models.
another thing you can do is go for brands or photographers who link their models. Fashion Nova for example, if you’re scrolling through and like a girl the link is there. and the same goes for some photographers. there’s a lot of accounts that are just for hot girls with links to their instas so (even if it feel weird) you should go check those out :)
The Grocery Store Test
next, for making characters, i think for me name is a big part of it. once a character finds their name that character comes alive in my mind. i was thinking about this yesterday and i said to myself, ‘you know you have a good grasp on your character when you can imagine them in a grocery store and know what they’d do.’
for example:
Birdie (from Gang AU) would go look at nail polish and candy, Luke would legit have to put her in the cart to get her out of there and if there’s a book section? good luck man
Valentina (trouvaille) is just gorgeous. she and Harry would go and he’d push the cart and she’d have a nicely written notepad of things to get and she’d look so pretty, head bowed, crossing things off, and Harry would be such a melt for her. he would crash into things cuz he’s so busy paying attention to her. she’d be a fan of picking up boxes and reading out nutritional values just to point out to Harry that eggos are not good for him.
so, Valentina and Birdie are probably my best OC’s if i’m being honest and because of that, these were easy.
now, take a character i didn’t work on as much and suddenly it’s different
Annabelle (noise) never really talked about anything but school and shitting on Calum so, i mean, i guess i can think of what she’d do in a store but.. like, i’d have to think about it you know?
so to me, we can see the difference between a fully fledged OC and one that needs to be worked on.
but, Noise still got a lot of likes so i dunno, i’m just self critical i guess.
i think, when it comes to characters, everyone has flaws. Annabelle is too critical of Calum and has a stigma about wealth, Valentina… she’s flawless not gonna lie but she’s a little too afraid of stepping on other people’s toes and she should probably be less anxious, Birdie is way too sentimental and cries over everything, plus she’s way too trusting and naive at times.
it’s balance. but once a character is born in your brain, you just gotta give them love and hopefully others will as well :)
The Meme Test
my most recent advice is: if you can meme a character or dynamic between characters, you know you’re gucci. imma leave a meme here for a fic i’m working on and ya’ll will have no clue what it means but whatever it’s a point
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so hopefully this has answered any questions you have. this is all just my opinion and if you disagree with what i’ve said thats chill. at the end of the day this is what works for me and i urge you to find what works for you. there’s no one clear way to write.
good luck writer bubs :) 
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riricitaa · 5 years
55-60 🤗
50. favourite picture of your idol
I have too many fav pics of too many different idols but for the moment I just reblogged this picture of Sebastian Stan that it literally looks like a painting 😍❤
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51. starsign
52. something i’m talented at
Cooking, making gifs
53. 5 things that make me happy
1) my family and friends, 2) my cat, 3) watching football, 4) Sebastian Stan, 5) listening to music while doing nothing
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
My cousin/bff moving away to Italy and how much I'm going to miss her 😭
55. tumblr friends
I have few that we should probably start talking more ❤ I have those that I talk to one a daily basis 🙈💜💜 and I have one that I actually met in real life and now we're best buds in all social media 💕 imma tag a few 💖 @ziiinaaa @yourbucky-x @alarriemadridista @tennymika @musette22 @wintersoldier1989 @kazablanka96 @lovezizou @kingkeylor @franchufeuillassier @jogamuito @sebastiansboobear (i apologise if I forgot anyone, I'm not great at remembering urls I'm only good with icons😆)
56. favourite food(s)
The P buddies, pizza, pasta
57. favourite animal(s)
58. description of my best friend
My best friend is the other half of me, that knows every detail about me and my days and everything I love and hate, she always knows what to say and when to say it! She's always there for me 💕
59. why i joined tumblr
It's been exactly 9 years since I joined this hell site and I don't know if there's actually a reason why, because you know tumblr it drags you without you even knowing
60. ask me anything you want
Well you can ask me anything you want dear anon ❤
Thank you so much 💕💕💕💕
get to know me, pick some numbers.
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rustic-space-fiddle · 5 years
In Which the Newsboys Narrowly Escape the Clutches of Death
Ships: nun
Starring: Davey, Les, Elmer, Racetrack Higgins, Spot Conlon
Warnings: uh idk yet? There’s gonna be some violence? A little gore because violence usually leads to that?? Kinda dark themes??? Death???? Wow it sounds so much worse when I say it like this okay imma stop
Note: I am so sorry for Race’s accent. I’m trying a new way of writing it. It looks atrocious but it’s kinda fun to read lol GOD LUCK BOYS
You know those days where they start out slowly, just running through the routine, and your only plans are to work and sleep? Those sleepy weekends where you’ve been given the morning shift but when it’s over, you’re going to go home and crash on the couch with a good book and not move for at least the next eight hours?
Well, that’s how Davey, Les, and Elmer thought this day was going to be. Saturday, the Sabbath, the Day of Rest. Times were rough, and the rocky financial situation of the Jacobs family meant that Davey and Les had been granted the privilege to work till noon on the Sabbath. Generally they weren’t supposed to work at all, but a boy’s gotta do what a boy’s gotta do.
The clock struck noon, with the sun looking straight down over the trio in Central Park. Elmer had tagged along, enjoying their company and liking the idea of only working till noon. He was sprawled out in the grass, with Davey and Les perched on a bench and a tree branch, respectively.
“Les, get outta that tree,” Davey ordered absently.
“Why?” Les frowned down at him.
“It’s Saturday. No working.”
“We just spent all mornin’ selling papes,” Les countered. “And I’m not workin’, I’m playin’.”
Les scoffed softly, and stayed put. Davey didn’t bother arguing.
Elmer rolled over onto his stomach. “Why don’ you guys work Satadays?”
“Long story,” Davey sighed. “Simply put, the Jews were enslaved a long time ago, so now we take a day off to remember that. It’s called the Sabbath. But as we’re a sort of enslaved right now, we kinda… bent the rules a bit.”
Elmer pondered this. “So, does God like, get mad if you woyk on Saturday?”
“Uh,” Davey furrowed his brow. “I mean, I don’t think so. I think he gets it.”
“Not according to Aunt Becky,” Les piped up. “She used to tell us that we were goin’ to Hell if she caught us doing anything that wasn’t sittin’.”
Elmer’s eyes widened. “Good gravy.”
“Aunt Becky doesn’t count, Les,” Davey said. “She’s almost a hundred years old and kinda losing it. Besides, she can afford to sit around all day. She’s probably just jealous.”
Elmer and Les both stifled snorts of laughter.
Down the street, a police cab rounded the corner. Elmer perked up, suddenly not as relaxed as he had been. Davey glanced over his shoulder but thought nothing of it.
“What if that cop was here to arrest us for some wild crime and it turned out we’d been framed, and we had to go on the run for like, ten years?” Les ventured imaginatively. “Wouldn’t that be somethin’?”
Davey gave him a strange look.
“He’s prob’ly here to arrest you for climbin’ trees on da Sabbath,” Elmer joked. Les laughed and chucked an acorn at him.
The cab came to stop at the edge of the grass, and the officer exited, carrying his billy club. Elmer tried not to stare at him as the officer walked toward them. Les crouched in the tree, silent.
The officer approached them calmly, looking bored but friendly, and maybe a little confused.
“Afternoon, boys,” he greeted them.
“Afternoon, Officer,” they replied.
“How’s your day been so far?” the officer asked.
The boys glanced at each other. “Good, sir,” Davey answered for them. “Made a little change, thanks for asking. You?”
The officer sighed. “Oh, well, it’s been alright.” He seemed to be trying very hard to get to the point, but didn’t know quite what the point was. “You boys gotta- you boys gotta come with me.”
A short beat.
“What for?” Davey asked, trying very hard not to sound suspicious.
“A call come down to the station that said three boys were seen robbin’ a store a little ways away a little while ago. They sorta described ‘em as bein’ short, curly, and tall. And that sorta seems to fit you boys so…”
“Hey now, we ain’t robbed nobody!” Elmer protested.
“I didn’t say you did,” the officer assured them. “I just said I gotta take you down to the station and talk to ya a little bit.”
“You mean like interrogation?” Les called down from his tree.
The officer looked up at him, shaking his head. “No, no, no. Nothin’ like that.”
Les muttered dubiously.
“Look, I got a job to do. Just come with me,” the officer repeated; he seemed rather uncomfortable. The two younger newsies looked at Davey to make the final call.
Davey bit his lip: go nicely and just let this officer do whatever he needed to do, or go loudly and get whacked around. On the Sabbath? Not bloody likely—Mrs. Jacobs would kill them.
“Alright,” Davey agreed.
“Huh?” Elmer whispered loudly.
“Let’s clear our names, okay? They’ll catch the real crooks faster this way. “ He knew they hadn’t done anything, and understood the officer’s plight. There was no reason to be anything but confident and cooperative. “Les, come down.”
Les wasn’t as trusting. “You sure about this?”
“Just get down here,” Davey insisted. “Let’s not make this any more difficult than it’s gotta be.”
The officer seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. “Thanks. This’ll only take an hour or so.”
“Sure thing, Officer…?”
“Just call me Billy. Everyone does.”
“Sure thing, Officer Billy, sir.”
The three boys followed Billy to the cab, who opened up the back. “You gotta ride back here, sorry. There’s a fella in there right now, but he seems alright. I got him cuffed.”
Les and Elmer gave each other didn’t-we-say-it looks. Davey hesitated. How alright could a guy who needed cuffs be? “Uh, are you sure about that?”
“Oi, Dave!” a voice called from the cab.
That voice was really flippin’ familiar.
Davey frowned. “What the—“ He hurried to the cab doors as Billy moved aside. His jaw dropped a little. ”Racetrack?”
Inside the cab, Race waved at him with his cuffed hands, grinning lopsidedly. “Hiya!”
“Racetrack?” Les and Elmer echoed.
Am I really that surprised? Davey thought sarcastically.
“What’s he doing in handcuffs?” Les demanded Billy.
Billy raised his hands in self defense. “I pulled him out of a big fight down on 54th Street.”
Racetrack sat in the corner of the cab, hands cuffed in front him, sporting a split lip and a bloody nose, along with an colorful assortment of scratches and faint bruises. Aside from those very obvious injuries, he seemed just as stupidly chipper as always.
“What’re you doin’ ‘ere?” he asked them cheerily.
Davey spluttered. “Me? Us!? What the heck are you doing here?”
“Oh d’at’s a long story.”
Billy cleared his throat. “Erm, could you maybe tell ‘em on the way there? I’ve got… you know… work.”
“Uh, yeah, yeah.” Davey gestured at the other two to climb in, and they did, reluctantly.
“Good idea, big brother,” Les hissed as he climbed past. Davey smacked him and crawled in after him. Billy shut the door and a few seconds later the cab jolted forward on its way.
Davey whirled on Racetrack. “Alright, smart boy: explain.”
“Yeah, idiot,” Elmer said. “Who you fightin’?”
“Well!” Race settled down to tell what was undoubtedly a dramatic tale of daring and stupidity. “I was jus’ mindin’ my own business, as I always do, when suddenly—“
“Oh please,” Davey interrupted. “You’re never just ‘minding your own business’. Start over.”
Race sneered. “You t’ink you’re so smart, Dave. But I digress.” He continued. “I was walkin’ past a grocer and I saw da nicest lookin’ apple Mankind was eva blessed wit’. I was thinkin’ about swipin’ it but before I could, some udda guy did, pushed pas’ me, and ran off. Of course, wit’ my luck, d’at’s just when da grocer looked up, and of course he sees me, standin’ d’ere with my bag and lookin’ spooked, and of course he assumes I done somethin’. He yells at me—“ (and here Race imitated the disgruntled voice of the grocer) “—‘You boy!’ and I said, ‘Yeah, sir’, and he yells at me again, ‘You be takin’ things boy?’ And I says- I says to him, ‘No sir, but I seen some other fella did.” But I guess he didn’ hear me or somethin’ ‘cause a couple seconds later he was screamin’ his fool head off and comin’ at me wit’ a whole fish.
“A whole fish?” Les exclaimed.
“A whole fish. And d’en I ran b’cause, buddy, I ain’t stupid, and as I’m bookin’ it d’is fella flyin’ tackles me into some udda store’s display. So next t’ing I know, a grocer and a butcher are both trying to club me to death wit’ a whole fish and big ol’ pork roast.”
Les and Elmer were enthralled, gazing at Race with shining eyes. Davey looked unamused.
Race went on. “So d’ere I am, hollerin’ like a pigeon in a rat trap and scratchin’ and punchin’ and kickin’, and I’m gettin’ my butt handed t’me, when suddenly da butcher is fightin’ da grocer and beatin’ him wit’ da pork. People are yellin’ for da cops and tryin’ to pull d’ose two bozos off each udda, when da butcher pulls out a knife—“ (Les and Elmer gasped here; Davey’s eyebrows twitched) “—and slashes da other guy. Everybody went afta him d’en, tellin’ him t’calm down and for da love of God, put d’at bleedin’ knife down! Da cops finally showed up, two of ‘em, and d’ey broke up da fight. D’ey couldn’t get a straight story outta all t’ree of us, so d’ey decided to book us all for disturbing da peace and fightin’.”
“Wow!” Les breathed. “That’s awesome!”
“Pullin’ a knife on ya?” Elmer whooped. “Golly!”
“Amazing.” Davey said simply, arms crossed and altogether rather annoyed with Racetrack. “A wonderous tale.”
Race pretended not to notice this. “Da one cop took da butcher and da grocer t’da locker for a day or two, and ol’ Bobby here is takin’ me to juvie.” He prodded the wall with his elbow. “Ain’t d’at right, Bobby?”
“It’s Billy. Bobby’s my brother,” Billy reminded him sullenly.
“Oh, yeah.” Race grimaced, and shuddered. “I rememba Bobby, now.”
Davey glanced from Race to Billy through the small barred window. “Wait, what do you mean?”
“Bobby is Billy’s twin brotha,” Race explained. “He’s just da opposite d’ough. He ain’t nice at all. In fact, he’s downright creepy. Stay away from Bobby.”
“What, does he kill people?” Elmer asked bluntly.
“Worse,” Billy answered before Race could respond, and said nothing more.
The four boys all looked at each other.
“Told ya,” Race whispered.
“Gee,” Les said, shooketh to the core. He thought for a moment. “But… if they’re twins, how will we tell ‘em apart?”
Race gestured to his chest with a constrained thumb. “Name tags, but d’ose only woyk wit’in spittin’ distance. It’s best you jus’ avoid both of ‘em.”
Up front, Billy looked miserable.
To be continued...
Farewell notes: Yeet I hope you had fun reading Racetrack’s ungodly dialogue. Feedback is greatly appreciated. In fact, every time I get a tag or something I do a dance in my brain. Btw this story is gonna get shuckin wiLD so get ready boys
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parabataisarah · 5 years
Masterlist here.
Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn, @roonarific, @sceptilemasterr, @endlessly-searching-for-you​, @irrelevanthough​, @likethetailofacomet​, @indiacater​.
Reactions under ‘Keep Reading’ cut.
- Pfft, I already like this Vaanti market dude!
-  Let’s give him the “deadly arrowhead”.
- Bruh. I still like him though, he made me laugh.
- 'You awaken to the sound of yelling!’ Oh god, that’s never a good thing.
- All it takes is for him to mention Varyyn and we’re off!
- I highly doubt that after a day of no sales, you’d have to shut shop permanently.
- “Ready? And go.” Never change, Estela.
- Let’s go with the dried leeches, it had a Vaanti name, so I assume it’d work the best.
- Yvonne, leave the nice man alone.
- That would sound so weird out of context...
- We shouldn’t have let Yvonne eat those dried leeches lmao.
- ‘Diego comes running over. He throws his arms around you and hugs you tightly.’ I MISSED YOU TOO BUDDY BOI!
- ‘Raj comes running up next, nearly knocking you and Diego over when he joins the hug.’ I LOVE HIM!!!
- ‘Michelle embraces you and the others.’ I’m emotional on this here Saturday night, at 8:33pm.
- Now I’ve got the image in my head of Varyyn having super long arms lmao.
- I don’t know why, but it’s so funny to me that I got the embrace and the worrying-ness instead of Jake and Estela... PFFFFT!
- “I think we broke Raj again.” Possibly...
- Ghost Man is fuckin’ back.
- “I’m too sober for this to be happening!” Mood, my dude!
- Okay, it’s pretty too when it’s happy!
- We’re getting Raj’s Ember of Hope, y’all.
- Awh, Raj got a TV show? Heck yeah, good on him!
- Craig, you look good in that new outfit, my dude!
- Chris! My boy! Oooft, I feel an emotional attachment to him because of Hollywood U. my mc in that may or may not have gotten married to him lmao
- Awh that was somewhat sweet, though!
- Okay, the “doodlejumps” nickname is cute as hell!
- “You are my true calling, Diego.” MAH HEART! IT HURTS!
- She took them, they weren’t given to her 😂
- Awh, the meaning behind the handfasting is cute as hell!
- Oh no, who’s back???
- Oooh, we got ourselves a pirate’s ship!
- OH! It’s Malatesta!
- Either cover yourself or go find some cover!!
- “Please be Christian Bale, not Ben Affleck...” 😂😂😂
- Malatesta kinda reminds me of a version of Thor??
- ‘Friendship Up! Estela is now close with you!’ I’m here, living my best life.
- Go Yvonne!
- We’re gonna get his ship from him, aren’t we?
- I’m gonna go with Varyyn, he’s lived here forever, and he knows the place better than any of us could, so he knows how to win this thing.
- No point trying to be flashy.
- It’s a spy spider??
- 😂😂 You lost your ship to us, my dude!
- Where’s Sean when you need him to go to a cliff view with you??
- Let’s go with Jake, my dudes. Only fair considering I went with Estela into the rift and surfed with Varyyn.
- “Sunset’s a good color on you, Princess.” Mr. McKenzie, I’m gonna need you to S T O P.
- PB STOP PLAYING TO MY FAVOURITE TROPES LIKES THIS! ...fuckin’ Jake saying that he’s never seen anything as beautiful as the sunset, when in fact, he’s talking about MC...
- You already know Imma kiss him.
- Might as well live in the moment, hey, guys?
- These fuckin’ nerds.
- ‘Jake smiles faintly, grabbing his jacket, and wraps it around you like a blanket.’ Fudge, fudge, fudge.
- “You don’t deserve to deal with that. To deal with me.” BITCH SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN AND LET ME LOVE YOU!
- ‘Do you want to start dating Jake?’ FUUUUUUUCK!
- No, I said no to Estela, so I’m gonna say no to Jake too.
- There’s a witch???
- And of course they end the chapter there.
8 notes · View notes
buckisthatyou · 6 years
More Than This - 2
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1075
Summary: Sleeping with Bucky Barnes is a mistake as he does not know your true feelings for him and now he is dating Natasha.
Warning: Angst
Author notes: This is the new edit because I did say about deleting the old part when i figured how to write again (tho this one is not like any better than before at least i satisfied and like this version better) so enjoy fellas and have a good day. 
Part 1
Series Masterlist
Stepping out of your house with this heavy feeling inside his heart and thousands of unanswered questions in his mind is the last thing he wants. In fact, this is the last thing he expected to happen. He thought he could finally talk to you, sort things out but you shut him out. You send him off. Bucky sighs, not knowing what he supposed to do to get you back, to fix things with you. Everything is so unclear and confusing.
As he arrives at the tower, Bucky is being greeted by Steve who is sitting in the common room with Star Wars on the TV.
“Hey Buck. How was it?” his best pal asks for an update from his ‘talk’ with you.
“It doesn’t work out. She threw me off” Bucky shoulder slumps as he takes a sit next to the American heartthrob.
Bucky remembers the details of him encountered you which doesn’t turn out really good. He takes a deep breath, inhaling the oxygen hoping it helps to calm him down and clear his already messed up mind.
Steve pauses the movie and turns to look at his Bucky, hand patting the other super soldier’s back, “Just give her some more time, Buck. She’ll come back to you” Steve tries to comfort Bucky who is now devastated with how things turn out. One time you two are the best pair and the next you act like you two don’t share any sweet memories together.
“Yeah. I hope so. God, it is frustrating not knowing why the hell she is so distant, Steve” the metal armed man has his hands over his face, venting to his trusted friend. ‘Did I do something wrong? Did I say something hurtful? Where the hell things went wrong?”
Steve shakes his head not knowing the answer to all the questions Bucky has asked. “I don’t know Buck. But I’m sure you two are going to work it out. Just be patience and give her some time and space.”
Both of the men fall into a complete silence for a few seconds before Steve starts to play the movie again and leaves Bucky alone with his wild thoughts. Face scrunched, thinking and plotting on the plan to get you back into his life. He needs you in his life, that’s for sure.
Bucky startles once he feels the big hand of Steve on his shoulder, cocking his eyebrows to the blonde man, silently asking for the intention of his action.
“Your girl is safe and she is coming back home in two days. Said she tried to call you but couldn’t.”
“Oh yeah. Thanks, Steve. My phone died so I don’t receive anything from anyone.”
With his blue eyes fixed on the sci-fi movie, Steve just hums, acknowledging Bucky’s explanation. Noticing the focus is no longer on him, Bucky stands up, excusing himself “Imma hit the bed now. Don’t stay up too long, buddy. G’night” Bucky receives another hum from Steve.
Walking back to his room, his mind still thinking of you. The look on your face when you call him James, to see you cry in front of him, when you avoid his touch. It drives him crazy thinking how you are just disgusted with him. He sighs again. It is a really hard and long day for James Buchanan Barnes.
Bucky places his phone on the nightstand, charging the smartphone before he strips himself to get into the shower. A hot shower to relax the tension in his muscles. He remembers when you had set up a hot bath for him.
“It’ll relax your muscles, Bucky.” you said while you went searching for extra towel for him while he stripped off from his dirty clothes. He remembers the smell of lavender in the bathroom of yours. “I love the smell of that lavender, y/n” Bucky commented once you came back to put the towel on the countertop and pick his clothes. “It is calming isn’t it?” you said with a soft smile, happy to see the man in your bathtub was enjoying himself after a mission.  And in the same week, you gave him a surprise gift, a set of lavender essential oil. “In case I wasn’t available to take care of you. You can have your own therapy bath time of your own”
He smiles thinking of how sweet and kind you are to him. He doesn’t deserve you. You are just too good for a broken man like him. He closes his eyes once the hot water hits his head. It feels damn good after a long day. He just lets the water runs down his body as he is standing under the shower, enjoying the warm.
Once he is done cleaning himself up, he straight away goes to his bed and falls asleep despite there are lots of things going on in his mind.
The morning after, he wakes up with a loud knock on his door. Grunting and cursing under his breath because whoever the person is outside his room is interrupting his peaceful and dreamless sleep.
“What do you want early in the morning?” he opens the door with annoyance only to be shocked to see the person before him.
“Hi baby. Rough night?” Natasha is standing in front of him with a smile on her perfect face.
“Nat? I thought you..? Steve said..” he is at lost of words seeing his girlfriend, greeting him early in the morning.
“I know but I wanna surprise you, so, surprise James” she giggles while she makes her best expression of a magician on a stage revealing one of his classic move.
“I must say I’m surprised, doll” he says as he grabs the redhead by the waist and hugs her close.
“I missed you” he snuggles his face in her neck, taking her sweet scent.
“Well I missed you too, James”
“Would you care if I show you how much I missed you, doll?” Bucky says with a suggestive smirk on his face.
“Oh I would love to see how much you really missed me, James Barnes” Natasha whispers playfully in his ear while running her hands over his toned chest.
He kisses her immediately and passionately once she gives him the permission to have her. Closing the door, Bucky carries his girl to the bed, ready to pleasure her and taking off his mind after a few bad days he has faced.
Part 3
Tagging: @mizz-kraziii @lovely-geek @queenoftrash97 @fran-writes @amindfulloffanfictions
265 notes · View notes
damijon-supersons · 6 years
Damijon Week Day 1:Slice of life? Very poor choice of words… - A DamiJon Fic
Heyo! So DamiJon week is here and here’s my meager contribution. So this is gonna be an entire week and imma do my best to write for every day...cuz this fic right here is the first chapter of  a series I’m making that follows the prompts for each day of the week. This one is the middleschool au prompt (er, not so au anymore cuz the comics are doing it, but in my version, Damian and Jon are classmates :p) and I’ll continue this with the next prompts and days as much as I can. So yeah, I hope you guys like it, and help support the week by submitting and tagging content! ( Jondamiweek2018, or Damijonweek2018)
Part 2  Part 3 Part 4
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 “Mr. Wayne,” Mr Tomas called out firmly. His tone wasn’t overly pissed as all hell, but it was definitely in the range of ‘you-are-in such-deep-trouble’.
Jon winced as he glanced back two rows to his left. Although it wasn’t his name that was getting called out for a grade-A chewing-out, he couldn’t help but cringe as he watched Damian stand defiantly, meeting the teacher’s glare with a steely look of his own.
“What have I told you about giving unsolicited comments to your classmates?” the elderly man snapped.
“That you discourage my efforts to take over your job,” Damian quipped coolly.
Jon could see a vein throbbing on the side of Mr. Tomas’ head. The young Kent buried his face in his hands as he felt what can only be explained as shame on behalf of his friend.
“I said,” the teacher declared with an even louder voice, “that you leave the teaching to me. Your preferred method of teaching doesn’t conform to our school’s…standards of decency.”
“I was under the impression that I was doing Gino a favor by correcting his mistake with a succinct explanation,” Damian countered smoothly. There was no doubt that he could match the older man’s stiff formality, albeit with a hint of insolence.
“You wrote on his test paper,” Mr. Tomas raised the sheet in front of him and adjusted his glasses, “only an idiot would confuse Steinbeck’s symbolism for the pearl as anything other than greed and avarice. How stupid can you be?”  He looked daggers at Damian, who merely shrugged in reply.
“I’m not wrong,” Damian insisted.
“Mr. Wayne,” Mr. Tomas sighed deeply and heavily as if he was regretting his choices in life, “I’ll need to have a word with your father for this…”
“And I wish you the best of luck with that…sir.” Damian added the epithet as a lazy afterthought. “My father is very busy with his work and if you can grab his attention with something as trivial as this, you deserve a medal.”
Mr. Tomas gritted his teeth. Jon knew that his teacher was just itching to give Damian a harsher punishment, but couldn’t because Damian was the son of the school’s largest donor and honorary chairman, Bruce Wayne.
Damian sat back down with a satisfied look on his face. If Damian were anyone else, the class might have laughed appreciatively. But Jon could see how the other boys and girls either glared at Damian or inched away from him. It was almost like Damian was surrounded by an invisible force field of suck.
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Jon had been extremely excited when he’d found out that he and Damian were going to the same school. He’d fantasized about being locker buddies with Damian, eating lunch with him, doing homework, doing phys ed…everything, really. It was like Jon’s best dream come true. Everything was going to be fun, amazing, and infinitely awesome. But whatever giddiness he’d had back then had been replaced by a dull painful ache inside his stomach, one that would tug at his insides whenever Damian did…well…anything.
They’ve been enrolled at West-Reeve School for two weeks. Two Weeks. But for Jon, it felt like forever as he witnessed Damian’s not-so-simple adjustment period.
On the first day, Damian had been late, and someone had already taken the seat Jon that had saved for him. He’d been looking forward to being seatmates with Damian, too… When he’d asked Damian what the reason was for his tardiness, Damian had said that he’d gone out on patrol and ‘enjoyed’ himself before he was ‘shackled down to the education system’.
On the second day, they were grouped up in social studies to present in class. Damian had loudly protested that he should have been the leader of their group, because he was smarter than any of his groupmates. He had been voted out of the group, and the teacher had let him do the presentation alone. He’d still gotten the highest marks.
On the fourth day, some would-be bullies—some 8th graders—started to put the moves on Damian. It was nothing serious, really. They’d just started crowding around Damian and kind of coerced him to strike a conversation with them, because he was the ‘famous secret son of Bruce Wayne’. Then they’d made unflattering remarks about the fact that Damian’s mom had never been publicly identified. They’d left Damian after that, but the next day, the student body was abuzz about three 8th grade boys who’d had to be rushed to the hospital for broken limbs.
Three days ago, during an experiment in science, Damian had…almost assaulted their classmate Ben Percy. Damian had thrown a metal stirrer at the beaker Ben had been holding, shattering it, and staining Ben’s clothes with its contents. Damian had argued that Ben was about to ‘stupidly’ inhale the acrid vapor coming from the concoction like ‘an idiot’, which could have corroded his nostrils, so he’d taken action. Damian had narrowly avoided trouble because Ben hadn’t denied it, but he also argued that Damian could have used less violent methods.
Jon couldn’t do anything but wring his hands in exasperation, as Damian failed to realize that most middle-schoolers couldn’t throw objects with deadly accuracy like say, a batarang. That, and Damian’s little stunt was definitely in the list of ‘things that will make it obvious we’re actually superheroes’, which included, among other things, using their powers—Jon’s powers, mostly—for anything while in school.
He’d talked to Damian about that during one lunch period, but Damian had given him his usual stubborn replies. Today, he tried again.
“Damian,” Jon began as he bit into his sandwich and swallowed, “could you at least try to not be a jerk to the other kids?”
“Not my fault if they’re too slow to keep up with me,” Damian grunted in-between sips of orange juice. “Besides, I don’t see why they should have an issue with my attitude…I mean, you can take it.”
The pair sat on the school’s roof deck with their backs pressed against the wall of a maintenance closet. Ever since day one, Damian had refused point-blank to eat at the cafeteria with the other kids. This is how Jon found himself up the roof with Damian, eating their lunch, even though no one was allowed there. Damian had assured him that nothing will happen to them, because his dad practically owned the school—which wasn’t wrong.
“Damian,” Jon sighed wearily. “I’m used to you. We’re friends and we’ve known each other for a long time now. Our classmates didn’t have that time. You gotta be a little patient with them...just…play ball, y’know? How can you be a student in school if you make all the students in the school hate you?”
“I’ve infiltrated a school before…” Damian grumbled.
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“You’re not pretending to be a student, dummy!” Jon chided. “You are one! This is real! We’re students! And you really should try better to be one…”
Damian stood up with a frustrated look. “You can’t imagine how irritated I am with all of this!” Damian snapped at him. Jon dropped his sandwich in surprise.
“When I was a toddler I was already taught resourcefulness and independence, to get what I need by myself. Under my father, he taught me the same, but also ingenuity, and not a small measure of willpower! Now, these…children,” Damian spat the last word out. “They expect their hands to be held at every turn. And they’re praised for it! Even you consent to it!”
Jon knew Damian wasn’t really angry at him. Damian directed his fury to the sky, the floor, and the horizon, as if he blamed the whole world for its shortcomings. Damian wanted Jon there to listen…and that’s exactly what he knew Damian needed.
“Damian…” Jon stood up beside Damian and joined him in staring at the landscape below them. They could see the school parking lot and the main road leading back to downtown Metropolis. Students milled around the grounds and some of the younger kids ran around chasing each other.
“You know, the whole point of school is to hold hands…” Jon began. He grabbed Damian’s hand until their fingers intertwined, and then raised it in front of them.
“W—what are you on about?” Damian asked. If Jon hadn’t known any better, he could’ve sworn that Damian gulped.
“Sure, school teaches us…stuff…” Jon said with a cheerful tone. “But even you’d say that all the things they teach us in class are stuff you can look up online—or read in books,” Jon hastily added after seeing Damian’s disapproving look.
“But the whole point of being in a place with all these other kids learning the same things is that, you also get to see and learn stuff books will never tell you.”
“And pray tell, what are those?” Damian scoffed, his hand still clasped in Jon’s and growing warmer.
“It’s hard to explain…” Jon mused as he stuck his tongue out in thought. “But it’s a lot like our hands, see? We both have the same hands, but when we put them together…”
“We have two hands. Amazing,” Damian said flatly.
“No, dummy!” Jon insisted, shaking their combined hands emphatically. “It’s bigger together, is my point! Learning together with others is better than learning alone because you get a lot more learning done by seeing how everyone else gets it.”
“What…?” Damian asked, completely confused.
Jon stuck his tongue out again. “You get to see how what you learn is important to other people by how they learn it. Like say, Pete? His family has a farm like we used to before, so when we learned about proteins and stuff in science the other day, remember he said that they grow crops with that? Now with Gene, he’s in the track and field team, so he could be interested in that because remember, they gotta have a diet in the team.”
“Okay…?” Damian replied slowly.
“Damian…what’s the point of knowing a lot of things?” Jon asked patiently
“Knowledge is power…an advantage over your enemies,” Damian said confidently.
“No…knowledge isn’t just a sword you swing at bad guys Damian…the things you learn only matter if you know how they matter to other people. And if you know what matters to other people, only then can you help them,” Jon finished and then looked straight into Damian’s eyes.
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Damian tried to hold his gaze, but something in his eyes—and frankly his gut—made him feel awkward and he chose to stare at the floor instead.
“You sound like your dad,” Damian said simply.
“It took me a while to understand that when he talked to me, to be honest,” Jon said with a grin. “I asked him why I still have to go to school when he’s Superman and I’m Superboy anyway. So he gave me this whole lecture, and I just gave it to you.”
“So…” Damian started to say, “when you study, you try to see how it’ll be useful when it comes to helping people?”
“I guess…?” Jon replied, wondering where this was leading.
“Did you study me?” Damian asked in a small voice. “Is this what you’ve learned? How to help me? Because I’ll have you know that I don’t—!”
Jon gripped Damian’s hand tighter and placed it on his chest. It promptly shut Damian up.
“You’re my friend, Damian,” Jon said with a fond smile. “You can’t stop me from wanting to help you. And I always will even if you think you don’t need it.”
“Is holding my hand really part of helping me?” Damian said finally.
“Did it help?” Jon asked.
“Yeah…it did.”
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roguekriger · 6 years
Tag Time!
TAGGED BY: @the-shifty-cow ! Thank you kindly! (I meant to do this earlier but I just started another Mass Effect playthrough and I is distracted)
RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag ██ blogs you are contractually obligated to know.
TAGGING: @thxchampagne @cauldronfalls @spacejampire @haaska @rareastrees plus anyone else who wants to do it! (I’m sorry I have so many other people I’d like to tag but can’t think of at the top of my head!)
Nicknames: Rogue is the main one since it’s my alias on LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I also get called N7 a lot. My actual name isn’t the easiest to make nicknames for soooooooo
Gender/Pronouns: Male - he/him
Star Sign: Aries
Height: 6′2″ some people will say I’m 6′1″ or 6′1.5″ and those people are LIARS
Time: 11:32 PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Birthday: March 22
Favorite Bands:  Lord off the top of my head Linkin Park (RIP Chester), Two Steps from Hell (technically Orchestra but close enough) Smallpools, Starset, Disturbed (video is kinda dark), Stuck in the Sound, and AC/DC. For things that aren’t technically bands (which I listen to more often tbh) there’s Drunk Girl (one of my all time favorites!), Hermitude, Hollywood Principle, Daft Punk, Destroid, Niklas Ahlström, C2C, and Shirk. There’s definitely more but good lord can I not remember them rn
//Imma put each name as a link to their best song (imo) in case ya wanna listen
Favorite Solo Artist: Literally the ONLY solo artist I follow and listen to on my own accord is James Durbin. Sure I listen to all the mainstream artists but he’s the only one where I actually buy his music and listen to him regularly.
Song Stuck in your head: I’m almost always “rapping” the first verse of Survival by Eminem (that song has picked me up out of some bad times more than once) but currently and almost always I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire by The Ink Spots is stuck in my head.
Last movie you watched: Pitch Perfect 3 which I may add was awesome and better than the second one
Last Show: My dude I have to many shows but the last one was 9-1-1
Why did you create you blog?: Buddy if I had an answer for you I’d be ecstatic but considering the clusterfuck of content I post ranging from mass effect to the stupidest shit posts in existence I would technically say that when I created this 4 years ago was simply for the spicy memes and funny ass text posts but then it more became a blog to keep with my fandoms and yada yada yada.
What do you post?: Well going off of ^^^ mostly Mass Effect, humor (shitposts are humor right?), occasional news or PSAs, space stuff, anything sci-fi really, Gregor the Overlander even tho this fandom is pretty much dead lmao, and really most video games especially like Bioware and Bethesda
Last thing you googled?: Baikal Rift Valley distance from upper mantle            (I HAVE MY REASONS)
Other blogs: I have two other blogs on tumblr and no where else
AO3: Okay I didn’t even KNOW what AO3 was until like a few months ago and I’ve read like maybe two fanfictions in my life but I have written one piece for Mass Effect 3 (should be on here somewhere I think I posted it for N7 day) and a novel length one for The Underland Chronicles which I’m still writing.
Do you get asks?: Lol no
How did you get the idea for your URL?: Okay so...I’m honestly not sure. Ever since Spore came out I’ve loved the word Rogue. Don’t know why, I guess I liked the whole fight against the current lone wolf kinda thing and that’s pretty much what a “rogue” is. As for Kriger, well I also love mythology and history, specifically of Greek and Scandinavian/Norse origin and I believe if my memory serves me right Kriger translates to Warrior in Norwegian. I mean I’ve used this URL for years now so even if that’s wrong its whatever at this point
I follow: 449 blogs which honestly I’m pretty sure a good 80% are inactive if not more. Plus a few friends that...well...aren’t around anymore. For various reasons.
Followers: 419 but that numbers gonna drop because I just KNOW more than half of those are probably porn bots and when I finally gain the motivation imma block em
Average hours of sleep: When I don’t have class or many classes probably around 8 hours but if I have a lot of classes (like last spring) probably 5 to 6
Lucky number: 8, the vertical infinity sign
Instruments: I use to know a few songs on the guitar and piano but idk I never kept with it
What are you wearing?: Andromeda Initiative shirt and jeans! Plus my dog tag
Dream Job: Okay so it’s always been a cross between astronautical engineer for NASA (which is what I’m going to school for) and game developer. I’ve also played with the idea of founding my own engineering company but that’s like way off in the future
Dream Trip: I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland and/or Japan. But honestly a dream trip would be to some ancient ruins in some tropical location or one of those gorgeous nature trips like in the canyons in Zion. Or space, I REALLY wanna go to space. Yeah scratch the other stuff. I wanna go to space. Fuck yeah.
Favorite Food: Beef Carpaccio from Brio straight up. I fucking love it. I’d kill for it. I can’t get ENOUGH OF IT. Also sushi.
Significant Other?: HA. HAHA. HAHAHAHAHA. Oh man that’s funny. My dude my longest relationship was 3 months I would LOVE to have a name to put here but alas I am unlucky and not the most sociable.
Last book I read: Damn I wanna say it was The Underland Chronicles since I reread that at least like once every year but holy shit I can’t remember what was the last book I read. Fuck that’s depressing for some reason.
Top 3 fictional universes: Mass Effect, Fallout, The Underland Chronicles
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