#im not quite as expressive about my energy and my Passions. but its still there !
rucow · 3 months
im trying to learn to like my aries mercury more, so here's one thing i like about it:
i like that i can simply turn my mind off and Not Think, especially about topics that spark no joy. i can empty my head sooo fast u have no idea. being a little stupid is ok sometimes 🫶 but also i like how fast i understand what other people are trying to say. u dont have to finish ur sentences with me, i'll get it. also i like the youthful enthusiasm i have about everything. i talk about everything with a smile on my face, no matter how dark the topic. i simply choose to see the bright side, and even if it doesnt exist, i can choose to make it exist. i dont like gloomy negative people, so i try not to be one. im passionate about spreading refreshing positive energy and i like to believe im decent at it! i like seeing the Good in everything. i like having no inhibitions. im so excitable its endearing (i would hope) and i come across so young bc of it. im doing alright maybe 🤞
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notiddygxthgf · 6 months
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★ pairings: nanami kento x f! reader
★ synopsis: In the search for solace, Nanami stumbles right into the arms of an exotic dancer. In the search for money, an exotic dancer finds more than she bargained for. In the heat of the moment, a contractual relationship turns into something more. (or; the one where sugar daddy!nanami is sweet on his girl)
★ c.w.: drinking (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: OMG! im so excited to finally start publishing this fanfic. ive been sitting on it for a minute. DISCLAIMER LOL I dont condone the behavior observed in this story (even if I myself would have done it in a heartbeat) anything for papa nanami. im so normal about him (I have daddy issues). if ur new around here, say hi! if you've read my other ffs then welcome back teehee. chapter is not beta'd. we die like men. (I would recommend listening to the song while u read)
★ w.c.; 3k
my kinda love; chapter index
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THE HORRORS. He dreamt about them often. Most of his dreams were of a similar nature; long, detailed, brutal. Bloody, at times. When he wasn’t kept up by the memories, he was dreaming about them – as if they had followed him into his slumber. When he woke up, his burdens were heavy on his shoulders. He would repeat this cycle every day.
He was compensated rather well for his traumas. Well was an understatement. Maybe it wasn’t… after all, no amount of money could ever possibly make up for the things he had seen.
He repeated the same cycle every single day.
“Nanami?” A soft voice shook him out of his reverie. It was his therapist – a woman of short stature with long, brown hair and a business-casual outfit on. 
He raised his brows, doing his best to appear as if he had been listening the entire time. “Yes?”
“I asked you if you’ve had any romantic pursuits recently,” She answered. Her smile was warm, patient, but the clipboard in her lap said otherwise. He was paying for her time. “Any efforts to let new people into your life…?”
Nanami’s face wore a blank expression. He fiddled with the hands folded neatly in his lap. “As in… dating?”
“Dating counts, yeah,” She nodded. She tapped the edge of her purple pen against the page rhythmically while she awaited his reply. 
He thought of the innumerable faceless women he had spent the evening with. He thought of warm mouths, soft lips, and supple bodies; Countless beautiful women he had tricked into thinking they had a chance at something more than a one night stand. Every time a potential suitor came along, he found himself being scared away by intimacy.
Not sex. He was no stranger to that, nor to its remarkable ability to take his mind off of the stress. It was what lurked in the shadows that daunted him – the lingering touches, the good morning messages, the heartfelt gestures. He could handle it when he was the one dishing it out, but the moment the energy was returned, every single time, he would find himself running away.
It was a dangerous game. He knew he was an evil, cold-hearted, bad man. A part of him wished he could have done right by those select women he had courted (for rather brief periods of time). The more sensible part of him knew he simply didn’t have the time nor the energy to confront his issues and commit to a single woman. 
So he continued to ignore his problems – finding comfort in a warm bed and a warm body whenever he could. Sex made for one hell of an emotional crutch when it was the only thing that seemed to make you feel anything other than indifference.
Indifference. That was the only thing he felt these days. That, and the rush – the pursuit of animalistic passion in favor of neglecting his personal qualms. The temporary escape from his permanent issues.
“I’ve had quite a few,” He answered after a pause that seemed to stretch on for a moment too long. “Commitment is a bit of an issue for me, still, but I’m making an effort to work on it.”
Only partially a lie.
“That’s great, Nanami!” She smiled. She clicked her pen against the page, scribbling something down before she turned her attention back to him. “Tell me more about that effort. Have you been letting those emotional walls down?”
He fought the urge to grit his teeth together at her inquiry. If you can call ghosting three women in the last month and a half letting walls down.
“I’ll be honest,” He sighed. Sitting back in his leather loveseat, he crossed one leg over the other. “I’m starting to believe I’m unable to open up to another person on that level.”
“Don’t say that, Nanami,” She scribbled something down. Her eyes weren’t even on him when she uttered this. “I think you just need to put yourself out there a little more. Ease yourself into that intimacy you typically shy away from.”
Put myself out there.
He thought again of the countless women he had been with.
“Forgive me for being vulgar,” He admitted. “But I think I have enough sex.”
“Not that,” She laughed quietly, shaking her head. “Intimacy and sex are two completely different things, Nanami – though they often intersect. You should try exploring non-sexual intimacy with a partner.”
“Non-sexual intimacy…” He reiterated. The term felt foreign as it rolled off of his tongue. “What do you mean by that?”
Was that what he had been missing? Non-sexual intimacy?
“Letting someone be vulnerable with you – being vulnerable with someone. The softness, that stuff that makes a relationship more than just physical. Other than love, that is,” She answered. Her manicured fingers smoothed over the page before flipping it. She was like clockwork. “There’s something healing about having a soft and, in your case, feminine presence in your life that you can be vulnerable with.”
“I’ve thought about it, but I’ve never acted,” He said. Casting a sideways glance at the analog clock on her desk, he asked, “Does that make me selfish? Shying away from non-sexual intimacy because I don’t understand it – even though I allow myself to indulge in sexual intimacy?”
“It makes you human, I think,” She smiled softly, writing something else down. Her brown eyes flitted up to meet him with unfounded warmth. “You should try letting someone in, Nanami. Might be worth a shot. What do you have to lose?”
Everything, was his first thought.
“I suppose you’re right,” He sighed anyway. 
The faint buzz of the neon sign before him grew louder as he approached it. It was hardly audible over the deep buzz of the bass coming from the other side of the door. The words “Cat House” blinked periodically, illuminating his tired face in its glow each time.
“You’re taking him to a strip club?” Nanami grumbled. Still, shutting the door of the sleek black vehicle behind him, he glanced at the glowing pink sign. “The kid is turning 21.”
After his white-haired-blue-eyed long-term-acquaintance stepped out from the other side of the SUV, the driver pulled off. Gojo wiped his hands off on the fabric of his suit. “Not just any strip club! My favorite strip club!”
“You’re a regular,” He sighed, shaking his head. “Of course you are.”
“You, my friend, need to learn how to have some fun,” Gojo hummed. He brushed past Nanami, making his way to the stairway that undoubtedly descended to the entrance. “Yuuji’s gonna love it!”
Nanami followed after Gojo, flicking his cigarette onto the ground below his feet. His footsteps crunched against the gravel pathway. “If this is what your definition of fun is, I don’t think you should have been the one planning out his birthday.”
“What would you have done? Take him to an arcade?” Gojo waved him off. He nodded towards the door the two men now stood in front of. “Kid’s 21, not 12. Let’s go inside.”
"Hard pass," Nanami answered calmly. He straightened his tie out, suddenly feeling rather overdressed for the occasion – especially considering the kind of establishment this was .
"Yes we are."
"I have better things to do."
"Like what? Moping and pouting at home?" Gojo interjected, reaching for his  arm – which Nanami quickly pulled out of his grasp. “It’s Yuuji’s birthday. Go celebrate with a lapdance, or something.
Gojo grabbed his arm again. Getting the strong feeling that he would simply try again if he pulled his arm away, Nanami let him.
“I will be doing nothing of the sort,” He grumbled. Still, he allowed Gojo to pull him into the entryway.
A low and seductive saxophone medley poured out from the speakers, and Nanami nearly considered turning back there and then. Gojo – with Nanami in tow – approached a rather scantily clad woman near the door. 
“Hi, doll. Party for Itadori?” He asked.
The hostess nodded. Gathering a few menus, she stepped out from behind the counter – wearing nothing more than a micro skirt and a bikini top. “Right this way,” she said.
The two men followed her into the club. Everything – everything – was pink. As pink as Yuuji’s hair, with red chairs and booths scattered throughout. It looked like the place had been designed by fucking Cupid himself. There were dozens of dancers strutting around the place – all of which wore tiny skirts and tight tops. 
Nanami didn’t miss the way Gojo’s eye’s trailed over the hostess’s ass while she led them over to their booth.
“The dancers here are phenomenal," Gojo said to him, raising his voice so that he was louder than the music. The stage was surrounded by at least 15 tables, all of which were packed with very excited-looking men. Conveniently enough, their table sat front-and-center to the stage. 
"Can I get you started with something to drink?”  The woman said, gesturing to the booth. “Or would you like to wait for the rest of your party?”
Gojo sank into one of the cushiony chairs at the table, and Nanami did the same. The cushion was a bright red velour. It was soft – he really didn’t wanna think about what sort of stories the chair could tell. 
“A strawberry margarita for me, please– extra dirty,” Gojo answered. He didn’t even have to look at the menu. Fuckin’ party animal.
The lady nodded, then turned her gaze to Nanami.
He had to think for a moment before he asked. “Do you have wine?”
“Yeah,” She hummed. “What kind?”
“Merlot, please,” He answered. “Bring the whole bottle.”
The lady nodded, and again, he caught the way Gojo shamelessly stared at the woman's ass as she walked away. Once he was certain they were alone, he asked his eccentric friend, "The drinks any good here?"
"You ask that after you order a whole bottle of it?" The man chuckled, crossing one leg over the other and rather conspicuously nudging Nanami’s leg with his foot. "They’re alright. The key is to get wasted enough that they taste better.”
That’s terrible advice. Nanami knew better than to try to argue with Gojo. He had long since learned his lesson. Instead, he tried to see the bright side of the whole situation. Perhaps this night out would help him take his mind off of everything
Yuuji and his friends had arrived only thirty minutes earlier, and they were already drunk. They were cackling loudly – so loudly that they were beginning to draw attention. Gojo, wiping away tears from laughing so hard, was clapping his hands together in amusement.
There was a brief moment of silence, during which Gojo went for the tequila bottle and poured everyone another round of shots. The clear liquid seemed to catch the light just slightly, just enough that it glistened as he raised his glass.
“Lovely students, gather ‘round!” He slurred, a drunken sparkle in his eyes. He tapped the side of his glass with a metal fork – the resulting clink cut right through the laughter.
The group hushed as all eyes focused on him. “I want to make a toast!” He announced after a dramatic pause. He glanced at poor Yuuji, with his “birthday girl” sash and matching tiara, and proclaimed, “I wanna thank all of you for gathering here to celebrate our beloved birthday girl’s special night!”
All eyes turned to Yuuji, who wore a dopey, beaming grin.
Gojo stood up from his chair, bringing the glass of tequila with him. Nanami watched with moderate intrigue – only because there was a 50% chance that his alcoholic beverage could wind up all over his shirt. 
“To Yuuji!” he declared, raising his glass high.
The group raised their glasses together. For a moment, Nanami felt a warmth in his chest – a rare moment of contentment amidst all of the chaos. Everyone was okay. They were here . Happy.
“To Yuuji!” They echoed.
He raised my own glass a moment too late, then threw it down the hatch. The bitter taste of the liquor as it flowed down Nanami’s throat and warmed his chest was not unwelcome. 
 Yuuji, however, nearly gagged on his, swallowing slowly before erupting into a fit of coughs.
Laughter erupted once again, and Nobara affectionately patted Yuuji on the back. As the group continued to revel in the celebration, the lights dimmed.
"Oh shit, I think the show is starting," Yuuji exclaimed.
"Quiet down, everyone! Gojo chimed in, his usual exuberance heightened by the alcohol.
As the lights dimmed even more, the atmosphere shifted. The group settled into their seats, anticipation filling the air. Yuuji, still wearing his birthday girl sash, looked around with wide eyes, a goofy grin plastered on his face.
The curtains gracefully rolled open just a moment later, ushering in a pulsating beat as a shadow emerged from the stage's depths. Gojo couldn't help but nearly roll his eyes at the sheer absurdity of it all. Gliding effortlessly to the stage's forefront was the dancer, adorned in a fetching ensemble—a pretty pink G-string paired with a matching corset adorned with little embroidered hearts. Her hair was styled into two low pigtails, and from where Nanami stood, he couldn't deny she was, well, kind of pretty.
The rhythmic beat filled the restaurant as the dancer began to sway her hips, accompanied by the provocative lyrics.
‘Tell nobody I control you
I broke you just to hold you,’
She placed a hand on her shoulder, trailing it around her neck before seductively sliding it down her glimmering, scantily-clad chest. The spotlight painted her feminine silhouette with hues of pink and red, and Nanami couldn't resist letting his gaze drift a little lower.
‘They can’t tell, but I love you,’
Grasping the pole behind her, the dancer executed snakelike hip movements. Her hands remained wrapped around the pole as she pressed her back against it, biting her bottom lip in a tantalizing squat. Legs opened, hips gyrating, she beckoned the audience forward. Nanami's eyes dropped below the belt once more as her body rippled enticingly to the beat.
‘Cause you’re loyal, baby,
I love when you’re submissive,’
She was undeniably gorgeous. Her attire accentuated her curves, and her movements exuded confidence and sensuality.
‘Love it when I break skin,’
Gojo, in his usual flamboyant manner, clapped his hands and whistled at the dancer. Nanami turned to him, eyebrows raised in surprise, as if silently conveying, "She's hot." Gojo simply smiled in return.
‘You feel pain without flinchin’...
So say it…’
She stepped around the pole, so that her long, athletic legs were spread in front of it, her back was straight, and her hands were clasped around the pole above her head. She demanded attention – something reflected by the hoots and whistles resonating throughout the room.
‘Give me tough love,’
Slowly, she slid into a squat.
‘Leave me with nothing when I come down,
My kinda love,’
From there, she crawled onto her hands and knees, arching her back, rolling her hips against the floor in a way that had Nanami’s eyes blinking rapidly. She grinded and crawled, eventually transitioning onto her back, where she backbended and then cartwheeled onto her feet again.
‘Push me and choke me ‘til I pass out.’
His jaw would have been on the floor if he didn’t have an image to uphold.
Returning to her confident strides around the pole, she stopped to roll her body against it, smoothing her hands over her smooth bottom, eyes scanning the audience. Sliding her hands up her inner thighs, she flipped her hair up and then rolled back up slowly. She dropped down into another squat, then – spinning on the balls of her feet – she rolled over the floor, kicking her legs up into a split, hands on the ground, back arched.
‘ We don’t gotta be in love, no,
I don’t gotta be the one, no’
She’s amazing, he found himself thinking.
She rolled onto her stomach, pushed herself back onto her knees, and arched her back – all while running her hands over her torso, her waist. Her hips rolled forward, making a little riding motion that made Nanami reconsider his harsh words towards his comrade earlier in the evening.
‘I just wanna be one of your girls tonight’.
Spinning around to face the crowd on her knees, she crawled onto her hands and knees. She arched her back slowly, sensually – in an almost feline fashion – with her ass and heels pointed up.
She pushed herself onto her feet, hands holding her heels, rolling up slowly again – this time dagging her hand up the length of her smooth, long legs. She reached for the pole, rolling her body against it.
‘Push me down, hold me down,
Spit in my mouth while you turn me out,’
Is she even going to use the pole? Nanami wondered. He wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t. It looked difficult – something he could never imagine himself being able to do. And, shit, for what it was worth, she was putting on one hell of a show without it.
‘I wanna take your light inside,
Dim me down, snuff me out,
Hands on my neck while you push it out,
And I’m screamin’ out’
She hooked her leg around the pole – as if she had heard Nanami’s internal inquiry, and flipped up onto it. In one smooth motion, she seemed to defy gravity. Her legs were pointed up, straight towards the ceiling as the pole rotated slowly. Then, before Nanami could catch his breath, her legs split open.
‘Give me tough love,
Leave me with nothin’ when I come down.’
She looked so fucking… perfect, so remarkable. He found himself entirely hypnotized by her. Her back was arched, pressed up against the pole – hell, her whole body was bent backward. He had never seen someone do an upside down split in mid air with only their hands as support, let alone do it so effortlessly.
‘My kinda love,
Force me and choke me ‘til I pass out.’
Her eyes scanned the shouting crowd with a seductive expression. She wrapped her legs around the back of the pole. Then, still upside down, she relaxed her grip on the base of the pole, sliding down until her hands met the ground. 
He was surprised her breasts hadn’t spilled out of their containers by now.
‘We don’t gotta be in love, no
I don’t gotta be the one, no,
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight.’
In one fluid motion, she opened her legs and cartwheeled away from the pole. She sauntered up to the front of the stage again, sliding her hands up her hips, her stomach, her chest, her neck. Nanami’s eyes followed her hands hungrily on their journey up, and then again on their way down, down, down. With her hands on her knees, she sunk into a squatting position. 
‘We don’t gotta be in love, no
I don’t gotta be the one, no’
Nanami gaped at the stage. She was absolutely stunning. Her body moved with grace, and her long legs worked those heels in a way that left his head spinning. The way her hands gripped the pole ignited a desire in Nanami's fingers to reach out and touch her.
‘I just wanna be one of your girls tonight, oh.’
Strutting to the stage's front, she sank back down to her knees, this time facing away from the audience. Slowly, she bent over backward, bridging off the stage into the audience. What struck Nanami the hardest wasn't the sparkle of her chest or the way her hair framed her pretty eyes; it was the way she looked right at him.
‘ Lock me up and throw away the key,
He knows how to get the best out of me,
I’m no fool for the world to see, 
Trade my whole life just to be.’
And Nanami, normally a man of composure, felt the blood rush to his face. He felt something stir deep within his chest – a sensation he hadn’t felt in years. Her half-lidded, smokey eyes gazed into his with the intensity of a thousand wildfires—unwavering, unrelenting, glimmering. She was fucking beautiful.
Droplets of sweat slid down her chest, and she smirked before extending her arm towards him. An unfamiliar, small hand gently caressed the side of his face. Nanami's heart raced, the scent of sweat and perfume leaving him reeling for more.
Then, as if nothing had transpired, the dancer pulled herself back onto her knees and continued with her routine.
Nanami's head spun, utterly captivated. He felt Gojo tap him on the shoulder. 
“She’s good, ain’t she?” He shouted over the sultry beat.
As the bills rained down around the captivating dancer, Nanami found himself unable to tear his gaze away. Gojo's words still echoed in his ears, but a stubborn sense of restraint kept him from joining in the display of buffoonery.
Gojo, undeterred by Nanami's refusal, slid him some bills anyway. "Tip her," Gojo insisted. Before Nanami could protest further, Gojo walked away.
Left alone, Nanami hesitated, his gaze alternating between the bills in his hand and the dancer on stage, who continued her mesmerizing routine, seemingly unaffected by the cascade of money around her.
‘We don’t gotta be in love, no
I don’t gotta be the one, no’
He yearned to be closer to her. It was a strange feeling – one that he hadn’t felt before. He yearned to see her, to hold her, to…
The bills felt weighty in his hand, a tangible representation of the internal struggle Nanami was experiencing. After a moment of contemplation, he made a decision. With a determined look, he rolled his thumb over the bills one last time, then threw them up into the air.
Dollar bills danced around the woman as she moved, and she seemed to lock eyes with Nanami, a subtle smile playing on her lips. 
‘I just wanna be one of your girls tonight’.
He wasn’t enamored.
No, he definitely wasn’t enamored with the absurdly pretty exotic dancer on the stage. That’s what he told himself.
And even though he had slandered Gojo for being a frequent patron of the club before that night, he joined the rank of regular himself not very long after.
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a/n: hi pookie cookie bookie butts! I didnt like this specific chapter, but I never like my first chaps. thats why I make prologues lol!! the story will get much better I swear. tell me your thoughts, requests, remarks, etc in the comments, as always!! love u all <333 -Leo
comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
I obviously do not own jjk or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
taglist: @missphanosaur18 , @bontensbabygirl, @megumissunshine, @chocoyanchan, @littlelovebug98, @lucisimpongod, @xochyw, @jaegerstan222 , @electro-supremacy, @mellytheteddy, @clover0310 , @soraya-daydreams, @priussy, @insanehumantinker, @staygoldsquatchling02, @nonksity, @hinata7346, @chososwhoresblog, @mindurownbussines , @hearts4sid , @simplefools , @ynjimenez
wanna join the taglist? | my kinda love; chapter index
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celestie0 · 4 months
(sending you an ask as a reply to your response to my reblog, because my network is being a bitch and idk if it went through the first time, it showed it failed to go through to me, and also because it’s easier this way, to type it out in the comment section or reblog)
think i’ve said it before but i’ll say it again; gojo loves reader so passionately, so devotedly and even unconditionally. he fell so much harder, it’s heartbreaking that she doesn’t know, but it’s even more heartbreaking that he’s suffering alone, i’m genuinely waiting for the day she gets to hold him through the night and reassure him that’s it’s fine, that they will be fine. idk perfect, but i think they will be the nearest thing to perfection. perfectly splendid.
there’s nothing sexier than a man who loves passionately and consensually. idk about the rest, but personally him looking at her with so much desire and still letting go of her hands when she interlocks it because she might regret when the sun comes up is undeniably one of the most passionate moments ever. i cannot really explain how it is tbh, but there’s something so strong over there. it’s angsty, it’s heartbreaking, and there’s so much selfless love. he’s so good AND he does it so well. iykyk. also that was indeed a “slut” reference because isn’t gojo a gentleman? a man who loves you more than himself? id dedicate all my favourite ts songs to him! any day.
my favourite part about you showing her vulnerability is how it all came together since the beginning, like there were always hints and words of it and they fall together so elegantly. the pacing, the eloquence, everything has been so well put together.
her problems are so relatable…like i get that feeling when you question your calibre, your career choice and everything you’ve ever done. the inner conflict about your cv and if it’s even acceptable, unique, extraordinary? the world is so fast paced and theres only so much we can do,. it’s been refreshing to read about a character who does express their vulnerability regarding their career. i personally think we lack that substance nowadays. even in published paperbacks.
im screaming that i could make an impact on you with my words, because your words definitely made a huge impact on me. they’ve not only refreshed me, but also inspired me, i obviously cannot write a story this well, but i can write poems, i’ve done that most of my lives. i struggle with keeping up with the pacing in stories tbh. and dialogues. (and insecurities)
i’m keeping your fic in my favourite reads ever!
hi dear aaa im not sure if the reblog went through for me so im glad you sent the ask!!
ouu your analysis of gojo’s emotional wellbeing has me tearing up 😭 i think it’s sad too how he struggles to open up quite yet and im sure it feels like two steps forward one step back w reader so far, but im hoping that w more scenes reader can show him she’s trustworthy and can be someone there for him ☺️💕 its going to be a joy to build more of their connection. i’m suuuuper excited for gojo’s last pov chapter which i wont spoil which chap it’ll be but im alr so curious how you will receive it dear reader given how deeply youve given his character thought 🫶🏼💕
haha i LOOOVE the wildest dream ref n just all the ts refs in generaaaal i listen to folklore/evermore when i write each chap <3 and thank you it’s so flattering that you could pick up that energy btwn them in the writing i was rly hoping i could capture it 🥺
and yesss i really resonate with that! i think ive read a lot of works that do have aspects of career and romance but for kickoff im really trying to marry the two :) both w gojo grappling w his focus on soccer due to his father’s legacy rather than his focus on the more “important” things in life such as love n happiness (which his father only rly learned after he couldn’t play the sport anymore), but also in reader who holds on very tightly to her dreams & has only had them in mind since the beginning (her “terms & condition” from gojo) but she’s struggling in dealing w her fears of failure. i think that the two of them have valuable insight that they could offer each other and help them trust one another more bc of these two situations theyre in :) and could build to a more healthy and genuine romance
and yesss to all of the career doubts and wondering if you’re good enough 😭 thats something so universal and also something i genuinely wonder if it will ever go away
THANK YOU AGAIN SM FOR YOUR WORDS I HAVE SM FUN TALKING AB KICKOFF W YOU omg its got me out here emotionallll. that’s so lovely you write poems my dear i could TELL honestly haha you have such a breathtaking way w words n deliberation
also i’ll respond to your reblog of the writing tips post here but you are so very welcome im really rooting for you and awaiting your tag <33
so much love 💕
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biptomb · 10 months
lengthy introspection bordering on a vent about creativity, burnout, and inadequacy below
i think one of the hardest things about creativity for me is it feels like for so many other people, they're able to latch on to their creativity even when everything else around them is going to shit, and pour all their energy and feelings into that. they get consumed by it, but they're able to walk away having made something, at the end of the day they have a passion. and i think i used to be able to do that but then the passion disappeared. creation is a habit, or a chore. i dont really feel it. i only get very brief excitement whenever i think about framing and cinematography, but it doesnt stick in my head long. there's always this underlying guilt to everything, because in theory if i feel like shit that should mean i'm seeking something else to escape to right? to expend the energy.
but i can't really find that zing, everything i do feels like i'm wading through sludge just to attempt it, and its like i cant break free of the numbness to be excited about it. i make something good, and i'll be able to acknowledge it's good but at the same time it doesnt do anything to add to the energy pool, to inspire me to create more. the only "inspiration" i seem to be able to get is from climbing higher, getting better. its not to see what i can make its because im not good enough yet, because im not well-rounded, because im too weak, because even those with less time, with less experience, have more spark than me. my drive, my discipline, my focus, its so bad that its hard to even finish a single drawing. everything has to be a sketch. if i commit to more then it never gets done. i cant even finish the sketching process without getting bored, and wandering, so i have to start coloring. i cant do that step 1. sketch, step 2. line, step 3. render. its more like step 1. sketch the head, step 2. color the head, step 3. sketch the hand, step 4. change the expression, step 5. sketch the body, step 6. change your mind about everything you've already drawn.
i do this jumping around when writing too, but at least that's easier to compensate and bring back together usually than it is with art. i just can't sit down and do a thing, stay focused on it, even if its what i want to do.
and its still so hard to identify if i want to do Anything. i just exist in perpetuity. barely feeling excitement, just this endless floating nothing where i'm not quite sinking but not above the water either.
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virtual-luvr · 4 years
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☇Pairing: Jumin Han x Reader
☇Pronouns: male; he/him
☇Warning: none that i can think of <3
☇Description: Jumin wasn't planning on getting this emotional, especially at a gala.
☇Note: part two of couch nap for @luckymunchkin ! I got a lil emotional while writing that ending though-
Poor Jaehee, she had to see all of your guy's advances towards each other
Like right now too.
Jaehee currently stood in front of her boss and best friend, said best friend leaning on heR bosses desk and sending flirty remarks.
'OKAY WE GET IT YOUR G A Y AND IN LOVE', that's what she wished she could scream out right now.
But, alas, if she did she would get embarrassed by all her coworkers AND she knows you would just say
"Is someone jealous~"
And she is not about to deal with her bullshit.
Jumin sits there leaning out of his chair while conversation with you looking like he about to fall off it. Especially when you grazed your hand against his cheek to swipe a strand of his hair behind his ear.
You guys just wouldn't stop flIRTING.
Jaehee grunts as she holds on as tight as possible to the documents in her hands. Quite frustrated with the fact her boss stole her best friends attention from her and also now she has to deal with you flirting every two seconds.
You were still flabbergasted by his actions so you basically heard not even half of what he just said.
At this point people thought you worked for Jumin, i mean, you did spend a lot of time at his office now a days-
You and Jumin hurridly try to collect yourselves as you hear Jaehee give out a small coff.
"Jaehee yes, what is it you need?" Jumin says
You play and fidget with the things on Jumin desk as Jumin and Jaehee talk. Jumin tries his best not to get distracted by it but your excessive pen clicking was hurting his ears.
As Jaehee backs away to her desk Jumin lets out a grunt and puts his hand on top of yours.
"Stop that"
"Heyyy, i can't help it"
"Ill buy you something to fidget with just not my pen"
He always tried to buy you stuff, and even thought you knew he was rich RICH, you still didn't want to annoy him or something.
As you open your mouth to decline him he shushes you up, putting a finger to your lips and standing up from his chair he gives you a small glare
"Shush, also I need you for something"
"Hm?" You hum out and as you look up at him you're surprised with his face close to yours and his hands trapping you on the desk.
If i could accurately describe your thoughts right now im pretty sure it would be something along the lines of "&*$'.×$:_×€:(*€:*_:$*€:,*_€**€#,_*"
His stare is intense as he talks, "My father wants me to bring someone to a gala he's prepared. I don't have anyone, but im sure you might like the idea of a good evening or something"
He stands back from you, slightly adjusting his nicely done cuffs and waits for your answer.
You were not expecting that.
Giving out a small, "sure", and running off your face as hot as the sun and your breath shaky. In the small portion of time you had been obviously flirting he had NEVER done something like that.
As you pick out your clothes Jaehee is screaming through the phone.
"(Y/N)...we are talking about a HAN gala, there is no way i can calm down. This has to be as perfect as can be"
"JAEHEE CALM DOWN" you yell out as you hurriedly put on your clothes.
"Ill tell Jumin to go easier on you okay, you've been working really hard. Take a break, everything is perfect already anyways Jaehee"
Her words elicit an ugly laugh out of you, never in a million years would you believe that, there's no way.
You hear Jaehee heavily sigh through the phone, "thank you..i know he'll listen to you. You have him wrapped around your finger, you know that right?"
"Its the truth!!"
"Whatever Jaehee, ill see you there" you lightly shake your head and hang up, doing any last details and shaking off any dust that might be on your clothes.
When you get there you're met with the beautiful sight of fairy lights and different colors.
As you walk out you meet Jumins eyes and he softly smiles at you. He usually doesn't do that but he's been doing it much more lately.
Giving your hand a kiss he pats the seat beside him, your blush does not go unnoticed and he lets out a light chuckle.
You grumble as he tells the driver to start the car, after a while you get more comfortable and you make conversation as you get to the gala.
Opening the door you're met with flashes and blinding light. You try to cover your eyes but you flinch as Jumins hand comes into contact with your back.
He ignores everyone around him except the corporates who gave out a wave and nice greetings, leading you to a less crowded area he tells you he has something important to do and now you sit there waiting for him to calm back.
He doesn't give out any reaction, he just slowly walks you through the crowd of people and leave you to the grand entrance.
Zen excitedly picks you up, your feet hover over the ground as you try to hug him as best as possible.
Damn you Jumin, im not good at this stuff.
Hearing an oh so familiar laugh you look all around you, trying to find the culprit as soon as possible.
As you walk around a corner you see familiar head of hair.
There he was!
Giving a light tap to his shoulder you smirk when Zen gives you a bright eyed smile
"Miss me?"
No matter what, damn this man is strong-
"He's here!"
All of you were having a good time until Jaehees breath hitches and she hurriedly gives you the champagne bottle she had in her hands just moments ago.
As you look beyond Zens shoulder you see Jaehee.
"Oh im so sorry, was I interrupting your conversation?" Oh god now you feel bad. You thought he was alone-
"No no, you were just the person i was looking for. We missed you"
You smile at Zen and Jaehee, giving Jaehee a quick hug and engaging in conversation. It was more of Zen flexing his acting and you and Jaehee both being amazed.
Both Jaehee and Zen turn a pale white. Zen stutters before giving you a, "peace out", and running away. Jaehee chasing him, right on his tail.
"Is everything okay-"
You were about to ask up until you felt a slight warmth behind you, looking behind your shoulder you're met with Jumins cold glare.
Damn, so that's how it is huh.
That hurt, thats hurt more then it should have. He doesn't even try to look at you in the eyes, he just keeps looking out at the scenery.
You chuckle nervously as you turn around to meet Jumins eyes
He notices your eyes piercing through him and he huffs, he turns away from you and walks through the crowd. You follow as best as you can, trying not to lose sight of him.
You reach a balcony and you see him resting on the railing, the wind made his hair flow beautifully.
But as much as you wanted to admire him, you knew you guys had to talk.
"Whats wrong?" You go and put your hand on his back like he did to you less than an hour ago but he only pushes it away
"Its fine"
"No its not, whats wro-"
"Can you leave me alone please? I don't want to talk to you or see you right now, its annoying"
It works a little but he knows he needs to go look for you now. Budging the door open he swiftly walks through the crowd once again and as he maps out the second floor of the mansion he knows you're not around here.
When Jumin hears the door to the balcony slam shut he knew he had fucked up.
He panics for a second, running his hand through his hair. Trying to calm his laboring breath and bad thoughts.
"Im sorry, i was jealous of your interactions with Zen. I know you're entitled to all your own emotions but seeing you with him makes my heart ache. I don't know what this feeling is, its so foreign. But i know i don't like seeing you so close to him, I thought we were close-" he chocked up while confessing to you, you grab onto the fabric of his vest as he cries into your shoulder
His shoes click each time he takes another step and he practically skips as many steps as he humanly can while walking down the staircase.
The gala was a big, and so was the crowd. But even so, he was able to pinpoint your head through the whole crowd and he runs after you. Not giving a single care about what everyone in the crowd thought.
He tries not to make a scene so with his long legs he goes up behind you and takes you into one of the spare bedrooms.
"Jumin let me go" you barely fight him off, you don't have any energy to. But you know he would obey what you had to say, and just as you thought he let you go.
He suddenly grabs onto you and hugs you close.
You run your hands through his hair. As much as his words hurt, you also know he would never be this emotional around others. So you know he's telling the truth
"Im sorry, please, I didn't mean that I swear. It just came out, I promise i wont do it again. Please don't leave, please-"
Well to him at least it did seem embarrassing, he was raised this way after all.
"Sh sh, i forgive you"
"You do?" He hiccups, his voice is groagy now, he hasn't cried like this in so long. It felt good but also so incredibly embarrassing to do it in front of the person he loved so much.
His hands were glued to the small of your back and his thumb rubbed soft and smooth traces against your skin.
You give his forehead a soft peck and the smile he had that evening finally came back.
He barely thought his actions through before he had you in a close embrace and his lips were against yours.
Your hands were still in his hair and a sigh slips past his lips as he presses his lips harder against yours.
You eyelashes flutter open as he pulls away, but when your eyes meet he closes the gap once again.
If you could stay like this forever you would.
You push away from just a little so you can look at his expression better, his expressions tells you everything. He truly is so, so happy in this moment.
After another passionate kiss he gives out soft pecks to your lips as you both smile, hearts content
"I've never been this happy"
And you wouldn't want it any other way. Seeing Jumin this happy made you just as happy.
You can't help but kiss him again as you see him smile and look at you with soft but loving eyes.
"Is this a good time to say I love you" you say as you chuckle
[1956 words; aug/25/2020]
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sukirichi · 3 years
this is from an ask i received. i copy pasted and replied here as a text post since i can’t put “read more” on anon asks and it’s quite long hehehe. to the anon who sent me this, i give you loads of my love, thank you so much for everything !!
[ the ask ]
hi lovely,
i just read earned it and i have a couple things i’d like to say to you if you don’t mind. before i start, i completely understand if you don’t want to share this ask or even read at all which is fair. but if you do decide to read it, i know that one person such as me cannot change the decisions a writer had made such as discontinuing a series but i hope that this allows you some sense of peace or happiness towards your creation and end of earned it. i’m actually writing this is my notes before i send it to you so that’s how you know i truly mean it. buckle up baby!
i’d like to start with this; i just read and finished all the remaining chapters of earned it. i don’t know how to say this without sounding arrogant or cocky which truly isn’t my intention here, i promise so i’ll just say it as is. i swear to ever loving god, i’ve scoured the entirety of tumblr, ao3, fanfiction.net, wattpad, everything and anything, and it still isn’t very often that i find works like these, far and few between dare i say. ive looked through almost everything i could get my hands on to read in the jjk fandom and dear god, do you manage to keep on surprising me. i’ve read majority if not all your works along with following you on ao3 and tumblr, and i must say. i truly am so fucking impressed. completely and absolutely fucking floored if you will. the amount of plot twists and pure emotion you managed to put into this is only something i can dream of ever creating.
i cannot lie, it truly my hearts to think that people gave you so much shit over this to which ended in you deciding to discontinue along with your lack of interest which at least, is understandable unlike the hate. i literally cannot comprehend how people would be unhappy with the outcome so far after reading it since it was beyond fucking magnificent in my eyes. it kept me on my toes the entire time whilst never managing to bore me once and as someone with adhd, thats fucking hard to do, i’ll admit it. props to you. and as much as i want to grovel and beg for crumbs, something, anything to know about how it ends, i know that that will most likely accomplish nothing to both you and i so decided to just say this.
thank you for writing this. thank you for not only writing it but dealing with the experience of unwanted and negative criticism to the point you had to stop and discontinue it whilst also being generous and amazing enough to keep it up so other people could still read it. i really hope your proud of earned it and how it turned out so far, because if i were you, i’d be so bloody fucking proud i wouldn’t know what to do with myself.
my friends often tell me i overstep my boundaries and i really hope i aren’t doing that with this but i just really, truly, wanted to express my genuine appreciation and thanks towards your writing and towards you as a writer that puts out content, not to mention for free!!!!, for people like me. i also don’t want to seem as if i’m glorifying earned above all your other works, because that’s not what i mean. your writing is just… just fucking chefs kiss. sorry, my brains starting to run out of words at this point but oh my god. thank you for letting me experience the experience of earned it even though there was no proper end. i’d rather have that than nothing at all. and maybe i misread this entire thing, maybe you are goddamn proud of your work, which you fuckinf should be considering the pure quality it is. once again, chefs kiss!!
i just… i don’t know what to say anymore. your writing, quite literally, has made me completely fucking breathless in a good way of course. anyways, i hope this wasn’t too much of a ramble and at least managed to make you smile or something. have a lovely day sweetheart!!!! <333 :*)
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you really made me speechless with this one, you have no idea. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve reread this and teared up a little bit because you know… I’m so shocked like I really have no idea what I did to receive such a sweet message because I’m just writing silly fanfics when I’m feeling it yknow? Or at least that’s what it seems like because it turns out I have a huge impact on others and I’m able to make people happy like I’ll never EVER get used to that feeling and I mean that in a good way !! Like I’m in a constant state of disbelief that people are this affected by my content and I’m just… 
I’m so thankful truly PLEASE can I give you a hug I’m so happy sobs sobs sobs
also baby, thank you sm for this again AAAAHH. I’m not sure if you really mean ‘Earned It’ the mafia! gojo series or ‘Reckless’ the CEO gojo series though ?? Both are discontinued but Earned It was discontinued bcos my dumbass killed Naoya there and he was my favorite so I lost the motivation and it was all my fault SOBBSSS. as for Reckless though, yeah I’d say it was mostly the hate I got for it that demotivated me into continuing it :// but if this ask is meant for Earned It, then yes thank you so much for the kind words as well, though I didn’t really receive hate for it so no worries !!
and aaah anon im…I’m at a loss for words lmao but the part where you said where you would be proud if you wrote it, that’s really…LIKE IDK it just hit me bcos oftentimes I look at something I poured my heart into, but then I’d have days where I’d be like YIKES that wasn’t a good one. its so easy to forget the effort we put into something when we’re affected by external factors. and yeah even though I really don’t want to continue either series anymore, thank you for leaving me the important note of being proud of myself <33 
although the series (earned it) wasn’t really something I’d properly executed and planned for, I do remember being passionate over it and feeling truly excited to update. even if it didn’t end out the way I wanted it to, it’s still something I poured my heart on and that’s magnificent on its own, so I’ll be prouder of myself from now on <33
no worries bb you are not overstepping any boundaries at all !! believe me when I say this ask truly do means a lot to me – more than you’ll ever know. messages like these are what keeps me going, as feedback is important to writers, but most of all it’s the genuine support and sincerity that gets to me. 
I’m truly humbled and grateful right now. thank you for this again and again and again.
THIS MADE ME MORE THAN SMILE !! there’s a lot of things I’m struggling with even if I don’t publicly express it, but messages like these will always have a special place in my heart. I’m sincerely grateful for everything, and I’ll continue writing here and sharing my works!! It’s supportive people like you that make these moments worthwhile. I’ll never forget this message anon AAAAH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU THANK YOU YOU HAVE AN EVEN BETTER DAY OR NIGHT, you have me weak in the knees for this
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misstrashchan · 3 years
So just as a heads up, this is a continuation of this post about which of Smirke's 14 Fears from the Magnus Archives team RWBY+Pyrrha would be aligned with and @im-the-king-of-the-ocean asking my thoughts on Winter, Ozpin and Oscar (sorry it took so long to get back to this! I've had it sitting in my drafts for a while)
Winter: The Slaughter
Winter as an Avatar of the Slaughter is something I hadn't thought of but it actually fits insanely well. The Slaughter does often bring up the question of whether anger and violence is just senseless and mindless, or following orders followed by rationalisation; or if we're entirely conscious of the choices we're making, and which is worse, which is something that Winter's arc has been dealing with A LOT. In how she follows Ironwood's orders and has to rationalise his actions to justify her own and her "choices", like how she explains to Weiss how she accepts her role as the Winter Maiden being her destiny, though it was something Ironwood groomed her into and how she tries to explain to Penny why they have to internalise however they might feel about abandoning Mantle and trust Ironwood.
There's the element of anger which you bring up, and Winter's relationship with anger is interesting to me to think about, because she seems very much afraid in indulging that emotion, or any emotion, and because of the military industrial complex and her abusive controlling upbringing, leads to a lot of emotional suppression and refusal to think on those feelings or deal with them in any healthy way. Which of course leads to everything boiling over, and there's this. Rage, an passionate fury that's boiling inside her. But I wouldn't say it's something she thinks she needs or enjoys right now, quite the opposite. (the idea of being afraid of being hurt, of needing to have control of her situation and to throw back her hurt of the world fits more with Cinder than Winter in my mind, and I think Melanie's relationship with anger and needing it reminds me a lot more of Yang. It justified her need for it and fed into it, and Melanie liked that, she wanted it, but for Winter her anger is something she's ashamed of, something to be locked away)
But I actually do think with where her arc is headed that thinks she will come to indulge in that feeling more. The one time we see her have an angry outburst expressing her true feelings is at Jaques at his dinner party, and she scolds and shames herself for allowing herself to get angry, that it was childish and immature. To which Penny disagrees, saying she thought she was just speaking from the heart. But Winter believes that to precisely be the problem. She cannot allow herself to think, or feel just for herself,  because that terrifies her. So she only allows herself to follow orders. Again, similar to a lot of the Slaughter statement givers who were soldiers in wars of some kind and become numb to the atrocities they are made to commit, the sensless violence of it all, but her choice to accept her lack of agency and self worth still makes her complicit and is still a conscious decision on her part. This sort of meandered and I'm not sure if it made any sense but yes, I hadn't thought of it but the Slaughter actually fits Winter really well for a lot of reasons. And I think we will see her Go Feral in the near future, the thing she's most afraid of, showing how she really feels, and oh boi all that confusion, emotional repression, the lingering bitterness and jealousy towards Penny being the Winter Maiden, and projected feelings of thinking of leaving or betraying Ironwood she's been having and her conflicted feelings pushed onto Weiss, who betrayed and left first, just a whole over boiling pot that's a mess of emotions manifesting as Big Feral Winter Feelings. 
The Eye, Ceaseless Watcher, Beholding/The Vast, the Falling Titan, Awful Deep
Ohohohoho Ozpin. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to TMA 151 imagining Ozpin as Simon Fairchild or vice versa. Simon's VA was told that his character had to give off the impression that he might offer you a plate of cookies or fling you off a cliff and when I heard that my mind immediately jumped to Ozpin back in v1. And Ozpin's VA said that if he didn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders, he'd be a lot more chaotic and fun. And that's the thing with Ozpin though, is that he wants to be Simon Fairchild, so so badly. I think he wants people to see him as that kind of person too. But in reality, he's stuck being Jonathan Sims. (The Ceaseless Watcher's/God of Light's Special Little Boy assdkjhkk) Oz is 100% an Eye Avatar. Fair warning, like with Ruby and the End, I have a lot of Big Feelings with this one. 
I see where you're coming from, but the thing with being an Avatar of the Vast is being so overwhelmed by the expanse and eternity of everything that you just accept your own insignificance as well as everyone else's, hence why they rarely form attachments or work with others. It's a very nihilistic perspective that it's Avatars tend to be very hedonistic as a result, we're all insignificant, nothing matters, let's just do whatever we want and try to have a good time, who cares what happens. And I do think Oz is Vast aligned, since he encourages the people around him, and tries himself, to enjoy the little things and have fun when he can, since he knows Salem is unstoppable and everything could go to shit at any given moment. And yknow. Him enjoying flinging students off of cliffs during initiation a bit too much.
 But Ozpin cares so much about humanity. He desperately wants to believe, and tries to, in humanity, and tries for them. He's been fighting so hard for so long, and believes humanity is worth fighting for (even if he has trouble actually having faith and believing in them). Everything matters to him. He agonises over every choice he makes and impact that has, takes on so much responsibility on himself, is so guilt ridden that he admits to making "more mistakes than any man, woman or child on this planet" that he practically paralyses himself with indecision and guilt. He’s also someone who has been shown to be paranoid, (his reluctance to fully trust the people around him out of constant wariness that he may be betrayed) and afraid of being perceived for who he truly is and having his secrets exposed, which are all very Eye related fears. Ozpin’s very much in this position in which he is the one who knows everything, who passively watches and waits and knows, from up high in his tower. “Oh please, your god is nothing! The Eye, Beholding, Ceaseless Watcher, whatever you call it, that’s all it does, it watches and knows, sitting bulbous and comfortable in the ignorance of infinite knowledge.” (TMA 89) In the Lost Fable, he believed he needed to be the one to know everything (think to how he only trusted himself to hold onto the relic of knowledge, believing it to be “his burden to bear” and was desperate to take it back from Ruby) and as shown in his past lives, sought after Jinn’s knowledge in the belief that knowledge would help him in his cause, only for the ultimatum of the answer in “Salem can’t be killed” to break him and make him lose all hope of doing anything more than maintaining a perpetual stalemate. In the words of his speech in vol1, in which is a very good example of Ozpin desperately needing to practice what he preaches; 
 “I'll...keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step”  (RWBY 1x03) 
There’s also like. A lot of Eye statements, particularly those relating to Jonathan, that relate heavily to Ozpin and his character, including this one:
“And at last, the Archivist looks up. At last, he looks into the eye that sees all, and knows all, and clutches at the secret terrors of your heart. The Ceaseless Watcher of all that is, and all that was; the voracious, infinite hunger that tears at his soul, invoking him to discover, to observe, to experience all, and everything, and forever. It stares into him, and it stares out of him, and he is falling into the devouring eternity of its pupil. He wants to cry out in horror, but he cannot. 
He. Is. Whole. 
And still he does not wake. Wandering his slim collection of gifted nightmares, passing the grey and lifeless remains of severed dreams he can no longer watch, he waits- but not for long- before they can all begin again”
Like if that doesn’t describe Oz’s endless reincarnation and merging, becoming “whole”, and living all these lives is discovering, observing and “experiencing all and forever” then I don’t know what does. And then there’s the last statement we had before the s5 break, also an Eye one, revolving around the “Minister” which also gives off major Oz vibes:
God, the children. They won’t stop looking, won’t stop following him with their piteous, desperate gaze that speaks so loudly his knees feel like they will buckle. ‘Help us.’He will. Of course he will. He wants to. He hasn’t lied to them, he really hasn’t. He used to be one of them, he remembers what it can be like. He is there to speak for them. And if necessary, he will join them again. The minister grips his black leather briefcase closely to his chest, bile rising in his throat at the sudden jolt of fear that races through his veins. Where did that come from? Is he afraid of it, returning, of that sharp stab of hunger, the shivering of a cold you can’t escape? Or is he afraid that should it come to that, they will see him as a deceiver?” 
“On his side of the arena the shouts should be sharper, more angry, but their tone and pitch are such as to merge seamlessly with the others. There are no golden stakes on this side pinning down his would-be comrades. But the minister must be careful not to look too closely, or else he might see how many of his allies are fused to their own chairs, on which they have sat comfortable for so long"
"His eyes drift away, through the walls to the crowd outside. Their baying cries for justice cannot be heard in here. If any whisper should make it through, it is utterly destroyed in the deafening shouting that surrounds him. But he cannot forget their eyes, watching him, piercing him with their wounded humanity.” 
Another thing is that one of Ozpin’s allusions aside from the Wizard of Oz is Odin, and Raven and Qrow are meant to be his Huginn and Muninn, two Ravens that act as his “eyes” spying and gathering information for him. If you look at Raven and Qrow’s emblem, they have a left and right bird’s eye respectively, with Oz’s gear emblem inside the eye. In v4, Salem, upon hearing that Tyrian poisoned Qrow, says “the last eye is blinded” as in,the belief that with Raven having left Oz and Qrow now dying, Oz would have no more eyes to “see” with. You also have Jonah Magnus, whose corpse is missing his eyes, but is able to watch through the eyes of the Archive employees. That and the whole body hopping host thing is a little similar in concept (and Peter Lukas mentions near the end of s4 that if Elias died, Jonah would have chosen Jon as his new host which is just. Terrifying). There's a lot of other little things too, like Oz in the first three volumes is usually shown watching events like the iniitiation, the fight at the docks, and the vytal festival through his cameras in his office, a passive observer rather than someone who is actively involved. And Yang at the end of v6, when Oscar tells them about Oz saving him, says "so he's just been watching is that whole time?" The underlying tone suggesting that he could've come back at any tike but chose to watch them instead, through Oscar, and everyone looking at him like that's pretty weird or creepy (except Ruby tho, because she's Ruby)
I feel like I could go on, but this is probably waaaaay too long, so, in summary, Oz serves the Eye, is basically a perfect candidate for the Archivist, and is also Vast aligned, and in different circumstances would have totally been a great Vast Avatar. 
Oscar: The Spider, the Web, Mother of Puppets
Oscar. Was. HARD.
This lil shit is part of the reason it took so long to make this post. Because see, with other characters the most obvious indicators would be their semblances (which are often manifestations of coping mechanisms for their personal fears or trauma) or songs (which delve deeper into their characters), or have very specific fears that I can focus in on as to how that factors into their arc. But Oscar? He doesn't have a semblance. His whole THING is that he's scared. All the time. His song is called Fear for Pete's sake. Now, he is Oz's reincarnation, and Oscar does also share a fair few things in common with the Archivist and his character arc, (Elias's plan and the whole plot of the first four seasons was that he was trying to align Jon by having him touched by ALL the fears, aka, to fill Jon with fear of everything, so that he became a walking living record of fear) he persistently calls out people's BS and takes issue with people withholding information, also similar to Yang (who I firmly believe is Eye aligned). So like. Eye, right? But that just... doesn't properly fit Oscar. He's not Ozpin. The Stranger, then, becoming a stranger to yourself, perhaps? That is something Oscar's afraid of, right?
"Everything changes when you see a stranger, feel proud or betrayed" (Fear)
But Oscar is growing more confident in his own identity and figuring out who he is. He’s not becoming Oz, he's becoming his own person. And even if he was becoming Oz, Oz is hardly a Stranger to Oscar. The merge, from how it's described in the show, seems more similar to how the Distortion functioned, except Oscar and Oz don't fit into most of the Distortion's themes.
I was sort of uncertain, and I wanted to wait and see till I was more certain of where Oscar's arc was headed this volume, since he's being pushed to his limits and wanted to see how he acted and what choices he made. At the start, because of how he was regretting all the choices he'd made previously, and was telling Oz how badly he didn't want the merge to happen, I was speculating about the possibility of him being manipulated by Salem and Grimm!Oscar happening, which might fall him into the Corruption, but no.
Oscar is the Web.
It fits with his fear of being controlled, of his will not being his own, and like Jonathan, who was marked and scared for life by his encounter with the Web as a child, it is his greatest fear. Only, where Jon was so afraid of the Web he sought the Eye as his refuge, believing it would keep him safe, Oscar realises that can be used to his advantage. (Which actually makes him more like Anabella Cane, which is. Hilarious) He's trying to do what Salem does, focus in on people's weaknesses and fears and dig at them, manipulate and push them, divide them, only like, steering them into the opposite direction than Salem. He's trying to use the fact that people see him as Oz to his advantage and trying to manipulate their impression of him. He's just got this very sneaky, cunning and pragmatic streak in him that people overlook because he's also incredibly kind and just. Good. But those qualities very much scream "Web" to me the more I've dwelled on it.
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attic-witch · 3 years
🌿Virgo Season!!! aka Expectations and Boundaries  💁💁💁
Happy Virgo Season, and especially blessed Solar Return to all you Celestial Maidens (and my partner in life and crime, Love u Big J). Here’s a video I found which just made me smile and for me encompasses big Virgo/Leo cusp energy which is where we’re at right about now >>> https://youtu.be/oMEhpEn6CE0 
As far as people go, there’s a lot that can be said about Virgos, common traits are
Focused on the small details
Tender Lovers
There’s probably some more you can think of, feel free to comment below.
The shadow aspects of Virgo include holding very high standards against themselves in order to achieve a perfection. This can lead to not feeling good enough about themselves and seeming outwardly anxious while trying to maintain an often unrealistically high standard... nobody can be ‘perfect’ 100% of the time and, of course, even perfection is subjective.
Others may perceive Virgos as being ‘nit-picky’ and overcritical, not only of themselves but also their friends and family. Virgos can have a tendency to hold other people and especially their closest loved ones at these same high standards they hold themselves to. (My Venus is in Virgo and I still have a lot of shadow work to do in this area)  As a mutable sign, Virgo is easy to change her mode of self-expression, one minute she can be gentle and loving but seemly cruel demanding the next
As we leave behind the fiery glow of Leo season, with passion still burning in our souls, we must begin to focus our attention away from our ego and instead, be aware of our cognitive functions and the ways we communicate. Virgo is ruled by Mercury after all, the Celestial KING of communication, intelligence and travel.
Earth sign, the Maiden’s energy can be extremely grounding and we may be more focused on how to practically manifest material goals. Try not to get carried away by every tiny detail of your plan.. sometimes we must let nature take its own course while we willingly go with the flow. This can be extremely difficult for earth signs but mutable Virgo may have more luck as long as she sets boundaries for herself. 
 example:  A very good friend calls you one evening because she needs a hand with a few errands in the morning as her car has broken down but you don’t have time to get ready for work, help your friend and get in to your meeting on time. You would normally drop everything and go and help her out but this meeting, you suspect, is about a potential promotion. Instead of missing out on sleep or breakfast, tell her you’d love to help but your meeting is very important, maybe offer to take her for coffee after work, or see if she still needs a hand but the main point is to put your needs and desires first. Setting these kind of boundaries with yourself and others will allow you to be more at peace within yourself and also consider that others also have their limits on what they can do. You do not necessarily have to lower your standards, but you will experience  more empathy and understanding when you or somebody else doesn't quite meet them every time.
hey so ive  been doing quite a bit of reading about this year’s Virgo season and am happy to be learning new things about myself as my Venus in Virgo in 7th house is extremely dominant obviously in my relationship and the way  I love myself. I have lots more to write for you guys and I just want to say I was really surprised n very happy when i logged in to see how much love my posts have been getting while I was on a lil hiatus for the last couple of months... im really grateful for that and I would love to offer you guys Tarot Readings... I have had my cards for just under a year but i am an intuitive reader and have had lots of grateful and positive feedback from people ive done readings for... mostly i read for myself but i love to practice with other people so please dont be afraid to message me any questions you have for the cards!!! 
Love and light , my darlings!!!!!
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
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a/n: hello! i’ve been wanting to do this for a while now since im a huge astrology nerd (so i know what im talking about teehee)  so this is male match-ups according to sign and compatibility. this isn’t my usual kind of writing so i hope you guys like it!! <3 if you don’t know your sign check here  
this took me so long oh my god i hope you guys like it 
taglist: @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee ​ @moonlightinsanity​ @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @leeeah-loooser​ @bby-chloe1999​ @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum​ @izuku-sakura​ @thegalxe
Katsuki Bakugou- April 20; Taurus
the absolute SHOCK in my face to learn he wasn’t an aries
it would be expected that katsuki is a fire sign, like cmon look at his quirk
but taurus is actually an earth sign 
taurus are typically seen as quite calm, but,, 
katsuki does seem like a true taurus in many ways
they can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise 
they are very realistic 
they are often great at cooking and love to shop 
i feel like katsuki isn’t a self indulgent shopper but would buy anything for his s/o 
taurus are really good at working with their hands ;) 
theyre soft romantic bbs and as much as katsuki hates being vulnerable he’d definetly be a softie with his s/o 
id match katsuki with a calm pisces
Izuku Midoria- July 15; Cancer
i am not shocked at ALL to see that the lil broccoli boy is a cancer
like cmon he’s so sensitive 
he is a cancer to the T
he’s loyal, emotional, imaginative 
he also carries the negative traits of many cancers
such as feeling insecure and having difficulty taking criticism 
i mean the kid breaks his bones to prove others wrong 
cancers love being with their friends and family 
and they love helping others
the career of a hero would be natural for cancers
cancers are such sweet babies and izuku fits right into that category 
i would match izuku with a chill taurus 
Tenya Iida- August 22; Leo 
i didn’t expect tenya to be a leo but im also not surprised 
leos are often seen as flashy and arrogant 
but they’re more than their stereotype
leos are passionate and natural born leaders
like cmon class rep! 
tenya being a leo makes a lot of sense 
he’s generous and kind and always strives for the best 
they tend to be a bit dramatic, and tenya can be too 
being that leos are a fire sign they gravitate to self growth
this can be seen in tenya wanting to improve and challenging himself 
leos struggle facing harsh realities, similarly to tenya when he learned about what happened to tensei 
leos are known for their bravery and tenya fits right in
i would match tenya with a kind aquarius 
Shoto Todoroki- January 11; Capricorn 
i practically screamed when i realized shoto was a capricorn 
it just makes way too much sense 
they’re responsible, well-mannered, respectful !!!!
capricorns i just,, i love them, truly 
shoto is no exception 
they love family, things of quality, traditions 
and their dislikes vary from day to day
cause they’re iconic thats why 
however, capricorns aren’t always the nicest 
they tend to be condescending and can often come off as rude 
they’re incredibly unforgiving *ahem endeavor ahem* 
but, its because they just have naturally high standards 
it makes sense that he is an earth sign because he’s super grounded 
because saturn rules capricorn, the tend to seem cold and distant at times
but they are incredibly loyal friends and always strive for the best 
i would match shoto with a down to earth cancer
Mashiro Ojiro- May 28; Gemini 
i must admit, i was surprised to learn ojiro is a gemini
but if you really look at his character it makes a lot of sense 
gemini’s have a bad rep of being too faced
they’re actually one of my favorite signs!!
gemini’s are are gentle and affectionate 
and sweet bb ojiro is exactly that 
however they also tend to be quite anxious, another thing ojiro happens to be at times as well 
they’re very adaptable people
this can be seen throughout ojiro’s training and how much he learns and is willing to continue striving for 
gemini’s are very sociable and will talk to almost anyone 
like, he doesn’t see hagakure but they’re still good friends 
this is why i think ojiro would do great with a fire sign 
i would match ojiro with a cheerful sagittarius 
Denki Kaminari- June 29; Cancer 
alright cancer number two!! 
to be honest, denki doesn’t really give cancer vibes 
but, his personality traits align to much of what a cancer is 
tenacious and loyal 
and denki is definitely that 
however, cancers can be suspicious of others and their actions
and denki feels like the kind of guy to snoop on somebody 
but we gotta give denki some credit 
cancers strive to be there for their friends no matter what
denki shows this in the usj attack when he protects momo and jiro 
cancers tend to avoid conflict but even so, they search for conflict in those who pose bigger threats to them
similarly to when denki makes fun of bakugou even though he could totally blow him up 
denki is a chatty and flirty baby 
and cancers tend to be most compatible with earth signs 
buuut i think denki would be better suited with a fire sign 
i’d match denki with an outgoing aries 
Hanta Sero- July 28; Leo 
at first i was like hmmm no 
but then i used my brain and i was like actually yes 
leos are prideful and while sero doesn’t seem like the boastful kind, he does have a lot of pride in himself 
leos are very committed to their goals and sero’s actions show his dedication to becoming a hero 
leos are also so funny?? and sero is literally one of the funniest guys of 1A 
sero is one of the most sociable in the class and a total class clown 
leos are almost always seen with their friends and sero is no different 
sero’s vibes are just immaculate in my opinions 
so his s/o needs to match the energy 
i would match sero with a funny gemini 
Eijiro Kirishima- October 16; Libra
ok ok but seriously, of course kiri is a libra 
libras are diplomatic, fair, and strive for justice 
aka being MANLY is in the stars for bb kiri 
however, libras aren’t the most confident people 
they’re quite insecure and pity themselves a’lot 
which makes sense that its canon that it took kiri so long to accept his quirk 
have you ever wondered why kiri is so hot and cute and perfect?
im not even kidding
libras are known for being physically attractive 
i mean libra is literally ruled by venus
who else is venus?
long story short, kiri is the god of love 
libras hate being alone
why do you think he puts up with bakugou constantly calling him shitty hair and pushing him around? 
i considered putting kiri with a water sign but they’re kinda babies (no offense i love my water signs) 
but i don’t think he could handle a person who is constantly emotional like many water signs are 
i would match kiri with a kind-hearted sagittarius 
Hitoshi Shinso- July 1; Cancer 
jesus christ ANOTHER CANCER?? 
i cant even be upset cause it makes sense 
while i would’ve thought shinso was a calm scorpio or a relaxde picses 
he fits much better as a cancer 
as mentioned previously with deku and denki, cancers really do have a heart of gold and just want to help people 
cancers are also very manipulative people 
i mean, look at this mans quirk 
cancers are also moody and pessimistic 
characteristics that shinsou has but are seen more as stoic and quiet
but cancers are also sympathetic 
and bb shinsou is a softie i just know it 
cancers are guided by emotion
like deku, he is seen as passionate for his desire to be a hero, even though his quirk is seen to be one of evil 
shinsou needs to be with someone who’s willing to listen when he opens up (which cancers hate doing)
i would match shinsou with an understanding taurus
Tamaki Amajiki- March 1; Aries
youre telling me this man is an aries and bakugou isnt?? 
i need to collect my thoughts 
OK so tamaki is an aries 
and honestly its pretty accurate
most times aries are seen as passionate in a reckless and angry manner
but tamaki’s passion is displayed in his dedication to being a hero 
i mean he’s literally in the big 3 
aries tend to be moody, which is seen in tamaki’s shy actions 
but they’re also enthusiastic and courageous 
tamaki’s courage is shown in the mission to rescue eri 
aries are seen as intimidating and tamaki’s dark features are exactly that 
and while he is very shy, he needs someone to help bring him out of his shell delicately 
id match tamaki with a gentle libra 
Mirio Togata- July 15; Cancer 
whats up with mirio and deku sharing the same bday doe 
this is way too many cancers 
BUT mirio is such a cancer lets be real 
we’ve covered the basics of cancers
will do anything for others 
and most importantly brave
the sign of a cancer is a crab 
the crab symbolizes someone who doesn’t realize their great strength  
mirio is the personification of the strength of the crab 
and poor baby has gone through so much and deserves the world 
he’s so cheerful but he needs someone to be there for him when he’s at his most emotional moments 
i would match mirio with a tender capricorn 
Shota Aizawa- November 8; Scorpio 
i mean cmon 
ofc dadzawa is a scorpio 
he’s the image of a stereotypical scorpio 
dark features, dark clothing, serious and kinda rude 
but scorpios get a bad rep for being meanies (we should be watching out for virgos tho) (jk jk i love my virgos <3) 
but scorpios have some of the best characteristics 
their loyalty is beyond words 
they would literally lay down their life for a friend or the good of others 
scorpios are passionate and assertive, and this side of aizawa definitely comes out 
aizawa is so stoic he needs somebody to soften him up 
i would match aizawa with a cheery cancer 
Hizashi Yamada- July 7; Cancer
another f*cking cancer
not just because aizawa and him are married and he’s a cancer and it totally makes sense 
but hizashi is such a cancer oh my god 
he’s sensitive, and caring, and brave, and a literal pro hero 
which is a cancer living the dream 
cancers often have difficult childhoods and struggle immensely to find outlets 
this fits with the theory that as a child, hizashi was put up for adoption and/or muzzled as a child because of his powerful quirk 
cancers are ruled by the moon, which would make sense to why they are so emotional 
because the moon goes through phases, so do they
hizashi needs someone that would help him be strong outside of his hero work and for his own mentality 
i would match hizashi with (aizawa or) a charismatic virgo 
Toshinori Yagi- June 10; Gemini 
ofc all might is a gemini 
he literally has 2 forms
and geminis are literally two faced
it makes so much sense that the symbol of peace is a gemini 
he’s adaptable and a quick learner 
geminis are affectionate and you cant tell me toshi isn’t the biggest cuddler and softie in the world 
geminis are people pleasers and just want to make others happy 
and all might’s literal thing is smiling to comfort those in fear
toshi needs someone who is understanding of what he had gone through as a retired hero and the bearer of one for all 
i would match toshi with an inquisitive aquarius 
Keigo Takami- December 28; Capricorn 
ok but he is such a capricorn its not even funny 
he’s a cocky know-it-all kind of capricorn 
but he’s also a responsible and well mannered capricorn
capricorns are people who are willing to take on immense responsibilities 
and hawks is literally the no. 2 hero so of course he’s got a lot of responsibilities 
because he’s an earth sign, we wants to get the most out of what the world has to offer him 
including fame and money 
but hawk’s head strong and professional attitude is what comforts people and makes him such a great hero 
he needs someone who would match his energy well 
i would match keigo with a level-headed scorpio
Dabi- January 18; Aquarius 
i have a deep love for this sign 
dabi is an aquarius and it is so accurate 
aquarius love to fight for a cause
in dabi’s eyes, the league of villains is the best cause he can support
and he’s at the front lines
they’re considered humanitarians,,and dabi is in his own “special way” 
aquarius love a good conspiracy and mystery 
and dabi is a total mystery 
aquarius constantly have to be stimulated and doing something
otherwise their boredom can lead to reckless actions 
they are also anti all emotions 
this is why they seem so aloof, they don’t know how to confront their own feelings 
i’d pair dabi up with someone who is willing to listen to him and hopefully allow him to open up 
i would match dabi with a charming sagittarius 
Tomura Shigaraki- April 4; Aries
now this is a stereotypical aries 
aries is ruled by mars, which was named after aries 
like his literal goal is to destroy society,, 
aries love to be in leadership roles
they’re also short-tempered 
and aggressive 
how ever, his more “positive” traits such as determination and passion are also evident in his characteristics 
they’re competitive people and tomura definitely is one 
tomura would need to be with someone who is calm  
i would match tomura with a patient leo 
Kai Chisaki- Birthdate Unknown;NA 
so kai’s sign is unknown 
he still deserves a match up 
besides his stance in villainy
kai as actually very well mannered and polite 
but he doesn’t value human life and sees his as more important and pure than those who are “sick” 
a lot of his characteristics would lead me to believe he is an unevolved sociopathic capricorn 
outside of being a villain i would match kai with someone who was understanding and a good listener 
i would match kai with a sympathetic pisces 
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oh-theatre · 4 years
You Can't Force A Fairytale (Chapter 4)
Chapter title: Pain Cuts Deep
A/n:  HI HELLO!! This sucks lol! no seriously im so sorry that this is so bad!! although some stuff was revealed!! also also..whats up with patton? and remus? And all of them! Aaa !! Anyway i hope you enjoy even though its trash and make sure to leave me comments!
Also yes Im keeping Dolion because then I can have... janus ;)
also if this is confusing i understand, so please tell me and ill try and clear it out!
words: 3516
summary: The group is scattered and needs to make a plan soon.
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, eventual demus, eventual remile (These might change but for now im love them)
warnings: bow and arrow, violence, injuries, magic, swearing, bruises, scars, blood, fighting, stabbing, pain
Ao3 Link  
“Are you alright Patton?” Logan whispers, guiding the horses into a hidden cove of the forest, followed by the rest of the group. The prince swallows, the images couldn't stop running through his mind, staining the memories permanently in his mind. He doesn't understand why it set a quick blaze and a blush to rise in his face. Logan takes his hand, stopping them, his glazed eyes stare curiously.
“Im alright” Patton promises, hopefully the shadows hide away his blush. Logan looks doubtful but nods anyways, the others in tow. Prince Roman helps an unsteady Virgil practically tumble off the horse, a quick shove to a giggling Roman. Prince Remus follows suit with Dolion, though he is much more graceful and regal stepping off the horse. “Follow Logan into the cove, through the hanging leaves.” Patton guides, they follow suit.
“Good luck” Logan gives Patton's hand a gentle squeeze. The prince nods, giving Nork a sweet pat before Logan leads them away. Once the clearing is empty, he takes to the amulet around his neck, his hand enveloping the magical touch.
“As we search for cover in this mossy forest cove, let no one uncover or discover what's hidden in the mangrove” He chants, a sweet spur of magic dances around him, green flecks as they follow his spell. They take a moment to give Patton an entrance, once hes safely inside the dank dwelling they shut the group away from the outside world, protected from magic and tyrants above. He whispers a quick spell watching his hands engulf in safe flames, the light allows him to regroup with the others.
“Is it done?” Logan cautions, Patton nods feeling exhaustion hit him.
The sight was something. The wet stone was not faint of aroma, the moss that encircled the area was refreshing. The horses seemed to enjoy the small yet spacious patches of grass that led out the other side into a hidden pool of water. Remus, regal as always, lied flat on his back snoring away already. The gray stone may present itself as hard yet the prince seemed so cozy. Patton almost wanted to join him.
Logan sat ever so sweet under a shaded area, in the intersection of the cove leading out into the pond. He read his book, a routine while he ran his hands through a sleepy Nork’s mane. The horse sat next to him, almost as if he had forgotten what animal he was and was content to act as a smaller one. Thank god the space let him.
Dolion and Virgil seemed inseparable, they both sat with their feet splashing away in the water, their muddy boots by their side. The pair spoke in hushed whispers, hesitation to trust the characters around them, finding solace in the similarity of their situations. Patton did find his heart tug at him as he watched however, their soft delight at each magical essence this strange world presented was something that never got old and something you just couldn't deny.
Finally Roman, Patton had to admit, the sight was hard to watch. The prince stood against the rock in the corner with a bland look to his face. He watched the prince skip stones across the pond, bored, his crown that typically rested perfectly upon his head now flopped a bit with no sight in mind to fix it. Romans steed, Dracaena, neighed in concern but had no qualms about returning to her important task of chomping away at the grass around her.
“I wonder if she would be more comfortable in her other form?” Patton inquires, catching Romans ear instantly.
“I think the same, I sense she's eager to be on alert in case of danger though” He expresses. Patton nods understanding, though he did miss the vicious, mischievous creature, he understands. “I don't believe we will be staying for long, correct?” Romans body shakes with impatience. His clear want to ride through the open fields with a hunger for victory was clear. Patton could feel the fiery passion that boiled his blood, not that he needed his powers for that. The amulet strung on Romans neck was alight with the amber blaze.
“I'm not sure Ro” He glanced towards the foreigners, their anxieties at bay for now. “There is alot to process and we mustn't put innocents in danger over our own goals” Patton explains, Roman knows he speaks only truths but still his anger was unkempt. “For now though, we are safe and this gives us ample time to come up with a plan...a much needed one” He reminds stringing his arm through Romans. This releases a chuckle from the prince. “Come, for it was not I who led the battle of Sarcane to victory, but you our brave warrior at the front line”
“Well I had assistance” He smiles at the newly appeared dragon that rested upon his shoulder, a quick breath of fire in excitement.
“But of course, much credit to Dracaena” Patton gives the creature a sweet pet, adoring the soft murmur of affection. “Now come before Logan and Remus tear eachother apart”
“My opinion?” Virgil gasps with a vile sarcasm. “I think you're all insane and i'd like to wake up from this nightmare!” He shouts, ending with a bite and smirk. Should Roman find that defense so pulsing for his heart?
“I do indeed second that” Dolion whispers with a yawn, the cross-legged boy sits sleepily next to Remus. He holds in another sign of his tiredness before settling very lightly onto the prince's shoulder. He hadnt meant to but he simply couldn't keep his focus much longer, and the prince was there. Remus froze of course, terrified to move, he didn't want to wake the boy. And he surely didn't want to call attention to his reddened face.
“Maybe it would be wise for us to rest for the evening,” Patton suggests. Logan huffs shutting his book, the maps and scribbles collected quickly by him. He shakes his head, muttering to himself walking to a secluded corner. “Lo” Patton sighs, he eyes the others asking them to set up the proper conventions for the night before following his quiet friend.
“We dont have time to rest!” He utters, throwing his items away from him, Patton quickly waves his fingers making sure they dont sink into the water. “Thank you” Logan stubbornly acknowledges, watching the prince delticaltyl stack his things next to him. “We must prepare Patton”
“Lo we dont even know what we’re up against” Patton sits beside him, the stars shine through the only opening, reflecting delicately upon the water. “Everything escalated much too quickly” He takes his friends hand, it always eased them both.
“You and I both know that he will be coming soon” Logan reminds, the image of the army marching towards them, led by the figure of whom Logan speaks flashes familiar in Patton's mind.
“Yes but we mustn't allow it to consume our minds as of now” Patton assures “You need rest as much as everyone else, for now we are safe” They hear wild giggles from behind them, turning to see the four enjoying their time. Remus dances kookily around the cover, Roman finishing his meal with delight as he watches Dolion and Virgil quite entertained. “Even in darkness, a light can shine through to guide you” Patton whispers, Logan nods from behind him, he takes the words to heart. “Ill take first night!” Patton announces, receiving no arguments from the group. He goes to stand but feels a tug at his hand.
“Promise me i'll see you in the morning” Logan begs, the soft features catching his eyes. “Come back to me?” He worries, the forest though magical and enchanted was not short of danger. A gentle Patton places his gloved hands on Logan's cheek.
“Always and forever” He swears, Logan nods, the exhaustion now dawning him. “Get some rest Logan, your mind has been at work for much too long”
“Agreed” He yawns, he rolls out his makeshift cloth, a comfy pillow and takes what little warmth he has. Quickly Patton watches him follow into his dreams. The shivering did hurt him just a tad, so when he knew no eyes were watching him, a quick spell he cast.
“On this cold and fateful night, give him warmth, give him light” Patton watches the amber flecks dance before shrouding Logan. He smiles to himself before taking his bow and horse and makes his way to the front.
“Patton!” He would be lying if he said he hadn't jumped, for the voice, though cheery came at the blackest of moments.  Emile and his graciousness fluttered to where the Prince lay sleepily on his horse, trying his hardest to keep awake. Though what protection could he grant with his bow on the floor and his arrows scattered. He was delighted to see the godfather however.
“Emile, your sorcery” He greets, allowing the fairy to fix him up, feeling the boost of energy boil through him. “How did it go?” Patton questions, adjusting his position.
“I was able to clear my own name of crime and reinstate my position but the royal guard is on the hunt just as suspected” He explains. “They're sending out the cavalry”
“Goodness not Remy!” Patton whispers furiously. Emile nods solemnly. “The King is truly going all out...but why?” Patton wonders “What does he know about these foreigners that we mustn't, and what does my needing to get a suitor hold over the kingdom?” His thoughts pour out of him. Emile shrugs as he fiddles with the flowers around him, watching the echinopsis dance around him. He heals the ones that had not been tended with pleasure before summoning a treat for Nork. “We can't stay here then, when morning befalls us we must travel once more” He sighs
“I will do my best to keep you updated, I must go now my dear prince, but I shall visit soon again” Emile promises, an understanding nod from Patton and the godfather disappears in a dazzling shower of light.
Luckily the night went on without any incidents, Patton scoured the area, took Nork for a calming venture before returning to the hideout as the sun came to fruition. He remained outside, reading through one of his many books he had tucked away, Nork allowed him to sit easy while he grazed the small land.
“Good morning” He heard from behind him. Logan emerged from the dangling leaves, a yawn escaping him. “What, might I inquire, are you perusing?” Logan questions, Patton shows him the novel. “Ah very well, I do adore flowers”
“As do I” Patton agrees, he shuts the book marking his page, stuffing it carefully into his sack. Logan observes the area, his eyes admiring every small inkling and detail that surrounded him. Patton extends his hand, a sweet smile. “Care for a morning ride?” He asks, Logans excitement may have begun with his curiosity for the world but it only grew with Patton's proposal. He takes his hand as he had done many times before and allows Patton to hoist him behind him. The simple buzz Patton experiences as he felt Logans respectful hands wrap their way around his waist and his head rest easy on Patton was something he would simply never ever fail to love.
Scratch that… as Logan laughs timidly while they rush through the saplings of the forest, the love that filled his eyes and the mental notes he saw the prince take, the giggle that escaped as water splashed his face
That was something he would never fail to love
Logan was something he would never fail to love
“I swear to god princey if you don't shut up i'm going to tape your mouth shut” Virgil moans, his head falling into his hands. Roman feels taken aback, the shock of such disrespect and yet the almost...excitement from the nickname was something else.
“For such disrespect the kingdom could have your tongue” He retorts, his face hot with anger but almost wanting to engage.
“And yet here you stand with your tongue” Virgil teases, he hears a faint smoky laugh from Dracaena, she slithers away from a silent Roman nestling into his lap. At first hes frightened, but the soft purring spreads a warmth over him. Roman...well despite feeling mocked...enjoyed the gentle view. He takes a place next to Virgil, watching the young teen flip curiously through some of Logan's journals while keeping a steady pet on the dragon.
“What do you think you're doing!” Speaking of the prince, Logan rushes into the room, fuming with shy anger. “Those are my journals! My property!” A scrambled Patton follows him, a look of anticipation for though rare, Logans outbursts were...unpleasant. He quickly snatches them away from Virgil, a glare towards the black haired boy. “Only I and a select few…” He glances towards Patton, did his defenses fall? “Have access! So stop touching others things!” He demands
“And so with Logans anger boiling, and Virgils own fury at storm the two are at odds, will they be able to ban together for a new threat approaching fast?” Remus spouts, Roman takes his side instantly knowing the pain that would come. “I hate it, I hate it” Remus sputters, the sweat fast approaching. Dolion, who while he enjoyed the princes antics found nothing charming as of yet, was intrigued by the sad honesty of the pain. “With that! The group should begin on their way” He barely manages, tears forming as Roman aides him.
“What does-” But Virgil is quickly cut off by the distant sounds of shouts, determination as each beautiful thing in the forest is stomped by power and raging fury. “Oh”
“Nork!” Patton calls, Logan stuffs his books away before allowing Patton to assist him on the horse. “Come now, we haven't much time” He signals to the others. Roman whispers a quick check to his brother, Remus nods. Though pained, he's ready to flee on his own steed. Unsure, Roman calls to Dracaena. She flies away from Virgil before a mist of shrouded light appears and a midnight horse takes her place.
“Coming?” Roman questions, extending his hand to Virgil. The teen rolls his eyes but joins the prince. “Hold on” He warns, and though his own blush denies him, Virgil grips tight to Roman. He watches as Dolion helps Remus to his own horse.
“Estrella” He whispers sweetly, the horse neighs with affection. This fragile moment tugged at Dolion, he missed his own home. New Orleans seemed like such a distant place, Luna, his cat could still be heard purring. “Up up and away” He jokes, Dolion takes the reins, thanking his mother for the horse riding lessons. He doesn't even mind when Remus collapses on his back, the warmth of the prince was...nice.
“On my signal” Patton heeds, and so one by one they gallop through the woods. The horses follow one another, protecting each other from danger and shielding themselves from the public eye. They reach an opening after what seemed like hours, the rope burning on Dolions hands was almost too much to bear. Remus had healed so they switch positions. It seems the sun was setting which set off a yawn in Virgil. He grew more comfortable on Roman, practically hugging him. Not that the prince minded, he enjoyed their journey. And his mind couldn't stop thinking about ...one particular-
“-Moment!” Virgil huffs “Just give me one moment” He slides off Dracaena, clutching his stomach. The group decides to take a rest near the waterfall, Logan leans against a tree and begins reading. Roman makes sure Dracaena is secured before following Virgil to where he sits by the lake.
“Are you alright?” He questions, sitting next to him.
“I feel...sick” He groans, Roman finds his little puffed features adorable. “It just keeps...making noise” He points to his stomach. Roman fiddles with the glass before pulling something from his satchel.
“You haven't eaten have you?” He shakes a small container holding delectable treats. Virgil scrunches his face in realization. “Here” he opens it, pulling out what seems to be a biscuit. Through his own habit he goes to feed Virgil. Virgil takes the first one, before both take a second to come to reality. “Apologies” He rubs the nape of his neck, Virgil laughs watching crumbs fly out. “Habit I guess”
“Fwo wat?” Virgil swallows his food, taking a handkerchief and wiping away the crumbs that had escaped
“Well when I had to meet suitors I had to charm them.” He explains, I suppose the mindless princesses my father found for me enjoyed being treated like a baby” Virgil snorts, Roman would love to hear that sound more.  “ Oh but thats just a few of them! Ive met so many amazing ladies of royalty, each so smart and strong” he muses
“And yet here you are...alone” Virgil notes, he wasn't going to lie. Roman was the spitting image of every disney prince. He should have been scooped up by now.
“Heh...I suppose the shoe...just hasn't fit yet” He gulps, the truth of his uncertainty was something he had only ever confessed to Patton. He wasn't even sure! And yet even with his doubts...No Roman. Once all of this has calmed, you will return home, a perfect princess will be ready for you and you may rule.
Better that,  than living the torute he watched his brother endure. He takes a peek back at Remus, he sits giggling away with Dolion, the look he gives the foreigner was one he had only seen once before. He did miss Janus, he was a wonderful fencing coach, and always challenged the twins. But no one missed him more than Remus.
Ugh! Roman enough! This is ridiculous. You're being ridiculous. You don't know anything, you've never tried anything.
Ok so maybe he didn't enjoy the entire scene, but...he takes a quick peek at the curious raven haired boy, he enjoyed Virgil.
No Roman...
For the crown
For the kingdom.
He looks to Patton. Follow his example, he tells himself. The prince didn't just have a kingdom on his shoulders, he had the entire land of which they rode across. He had endured more suffering than anyone.
But he laughed away the idea of a suitor, he walked away from it
Roman purses his lips...he did, didn't he?
So why can't you
“Are you alright?” Logan whispers from his position. Patton coughs coming back from whatever daydream he was engaged in. He tightens his hold on the reins, nodding away his suspicion.
“Yes of course, are you?” He wonders. Logan doubts his answer but shrugs it away.
“I am, I am more than ready to find a resting spot. I simply must show you these new spells, and oh the mus…” He rambles on, Patton listens, he does but suddenly the world goes silent. He looks to Nork but finds scared darkness. He panics trying to find anything familiar until he hears a voice...his own.
Hes watching himself, he watches the scene that had been haunting his mind for days unfold once more.
“No stop” He tries to call out, but the fearful hoarse cry was nothing. His eyes follow as Future Patton races through the castle, fighting his way. He knows what's coming, he doesn't want to see it. Not again, not anymore… “Stop!” he cries, nothing changes, his future self continues on his path. Tears swell in his eyes as he tries to avoid seeing the tender moment but he can't peel away. He gasps in pain relief, preparing to return to his body.
“What a sad sight” He peeks through his tightly closed eyes. What's this? He doesn't remember this. The King had not spoken before. But now he spoke and moved. “He was brave, tougher than I thought” The King expresses, Patton watches himself keep a protective hold on the frozen Logan. “But he just wasn't strong enough”
Logan's figure collapses, Patton wastes no time kneeling beside him. Patton watches himself and Logan share a hush conversation, but his eyes quickly glance towards the towering figure. The King moves silently as he takes his sword. Fear quickly engulfed Patton. The prince wanted to cry out, scream, do anything, but all he could do was watch.
And listen to the ear piercing scream as the sword slashed its way into Logan. It became too much, The Kings dastardly laugh, Pattons desperate sobs, and the fades of Logans demise. Too much ...too much. Patton clutched his head before the world went black and he felt himself hit a grassy meadow. His eyes fluttered only to catch Logan jump off of Nork and rush to his side. He heard mumblings and worries but soon he lost all senses and fell into a deep sleep.
But not a pleasant one.
Not with the images flashing their way through his head.
He had to change it, he had to.
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
Hello. I really like your previous works. Can I make request, please? Reader's been in relationship with whole gang for a couple of months. Everything was ok but Henry got jealous and started to ruin her relationship with rest of the gang distancing her from them.
ofc!! ✨  i don’t know if im really happy where i left off with this, so if you’re interested i could potentially make a part two?  i’m pretty happy with some parts of it ngl, but that might be my 4am brain talking lol;;
warnings:  usages of slurs / degrading terms ( light, but still present ).  mentions of frick fracking.  possessive behavior.  none else to really talk about. pairing:  poly!bowers gang x reader / henry bowers x reader extra ( edit ):  feel free to look through my masterlist for other bower’s gang/reader works, and have a fantastic day!
The relationship with the infamous Bowers’ Gang began in what you could only describe as a fictional scenario.  You’d always been known as one of the kindest individuals in your classes, a large soul and absolutely heart-warming and dazzling smile.  The reputation, though humbling on the darkest of evenings, felt strenuous to keep up.  It was suffocating, sometimes, when you wanted nothing more than to fade in the scenery, or to say no to a request from someone.  Being the school doormat gave you an easy pass to adoration, but a hard road to doing whatever anyone wanted.
That’s what confused you about the sudden interest of the gang.  Sure, you had been paired up once or twice with them for class projects, shouldered the entirety of the workload; but everytime they hardly batted an eye your way.  Except for Vic, but he always seemed to be a bit more socially adept then the other three.  So it was only fitting that the initial interest came from him, one day after your shared class he approached you, and asked if you’d ever want to hang out.
Obviously, you said yes, and reaped the immediate consequences.  Practically the next day after his query, people began to look at and treat you differently.  No longer was there an affectionate warmth in their gaze, reserved exclusively for you, instead replaced with a brief flash of fear before morphing into a bout of confusion for how to tread the situation.  You didn’t mind it, or at least on the surface you didn’t.  The validation found in your peers suddenly being ripped from your grasp was a bit whiplash inducing, not that you could really do anything about it.
The initial hangout, which you look back at fondly as your first actual date, was a casually dressed affair.  He took you to get milkshakes, which you indulged in the city’s center and poked fun at the Paul Bunyan statue, then took you to go thrift shopping.  It was that day you’d found your new favorite sweater, called ‘hideous’ on many occasions by the likes of your mother and peers, and a cute denim skirt.
It didn’t take long for Henry himself to nearly shoehorn himself into your relationship with Vic, apparently prompting Belch to ambush the two of you on your second date.  The Trans-Am’s engine was unbearably loud, coming up behind the two of you holding hands as Henry hollered something you couldn’t quite make out.
Five months down the line, and half-way through Junior year, a heartfelt outpour from the entire gang; and suddenly you’d become the apple of all of their eyes, so to speak.  Most of the time, your interactions were soft with all the boys, cuddled up with them all -- your personal favorite being Belch, he knew just the position for you to be putty in your hands; Patrick on the other hand did everything in his power to make you squirm while in his grasp.  He’d simply cackle at your protests of his wandering hands, then proceed to mock the tone of your voice.
Though, from the sidelines, you were mostly able to ignore the fiery glares thrown by Henry.  No matter how much attention you gave him, how many times you’d let him leave unsolicited hickies on your neck in plain sight to be hidden from your mother, or held him after a rough night.
He’d never said thank you or praised you for anything, which left you devoid of where you stood with him.  If he hated you, would you even be around the other three?  Wouldn’t he have been completely blunt and outright with it?  The creeping worry manifesting itself in your gut grew with time, and with time you began to give him more of your attention to try and sedate it.
Inside the labyrinth of his mind, Henry’s opinion of you began as negative -- the ambushing of your and Vic’s date was a stunt to try and drive you away from the gang in entirety.  But you just came the fuck back.  Loyalty was written all over your features, as was inexperience.  With time, the faint flame of interest that licked the recesses of his mind fanned themselves into a stronger blaze, and suddenly the shared attention you had been giving the gang was like gasoline.
He played himself off as distant, instead replying to the work you put in with brief hand holds or an arm thrown around your shoulders to show possessiveness around school.  Being calculating obviously wasn’t his thing, nor was being patient.
He took your first kiss, and one of his first, one night while alone with you, the second month into the relationship.  Pussyfooting around the more carnal aspects of a relationship wasn’t something he typically found himself doing, but he knew that Vic or Belch would have his head if he rushed things too fast.  In the end, though, it drove him to wanting more.
Physical affection was kept behind closed doors, and he couldn’t be sure that your intimacy was only reserved for him, considering you never sported any other markings or called out the name of any of the other members while you were with him.  It inflated his ego to astronomical levels, and it killed him that he couldn’t flaunt it in his friend’s faces.
Regardless, he wanted you to himself and himself alone.
“Good morning!” your voice cut through the mid-morning drowsiness of the boys sitting in the parked Trans-Am on the curb in front of your home with steely sharpness, but a welcome smile finds its way onto Belch’s face.
“Morning, gorgeous,” he says from the driver’s seat.  “Hop in.”
“Can do!”  your morning pep leads to a foot on the tire and hauling yourself into the car by means of the roof, and plopping directly in Patrick’s lap - eliciting a hearty grunt and smirk from the boy.
“You’re awfully full of life this morning, feels shameful to waste this energy on something so innocent as breakfast,” he all but purrs as he tugs you further into his grasp while the car lurches forward and en route to the typical Saturday-morning hangout spot.
“Ew, Pat,” Vic cringes over to his friend and you, true malicious intent absent.  “It’s fucking brunch time, let ‘em wake up first, will you?”
His question is answered by a cheeky nip to your neck, causing you to squeal.
In the front seat, Henry broods silently.  On the radio plays one of Belch’s cassettes which goes unlistened, and a favorite of his; ...And Justice for All by Metallica.  The playful tone of your voice and Patrick’s advancements manage to leave a sour taste in his mouth, even though he made the extra effort to brush his teeth this morning.
The meal goes relatively uneventful, though your wandering eyes, half-lidded and vixen-esque, irritate him further.  Vic has an arm around your waist, and Belch holding an unoccupied hand under the table.  If he’d thought any better, Patrick was all but devouring you from across the table.  It was an affection-filled scene, which made the poor diner waitress visibly uncomfortable.
After breakfast, Belch drops both you and Henry off at your home, currently unoccupied by your mother who has work.  “Bye, we’ll be seeing you guys later!”
“Henry, be nice to ‘em, will ya?”  Belch booms from the window, around Patrick climbing into the front seat like an animal.
His request is met with a smirk from Henry, who pulls you into a passionate but short kiss in front of the trio.  “As nice as I can be.”
It leaves you immediately flustered and giggling as you’re pulled into your own home and leaving the other three in a vague state of confusion.  The engine faded away in the distance as you moved toward your house, a mess of giggles, flushed cheeks, and a downcasted gaze.  Henry’s smirk is short-lived as his expression shifts back to neutrality.  He watches you walk through the door and shift to the side to take off your shoes, opting to keep his own on.  The brief and blissful silence is broken by his voice, laced with the undeniable edge of his ire.  “Who’s your favorite?”
The question hangs in the air, souring the atmosphere directly as it leaves his mouth.  You freeze at the words, mid finangling your shoe off as you turn to look at him with a confused, and slightly hurt, expression.  “Huh?”
“Don’t play fuckin’ stupid.  Who’s your favorite?”  He takes a step towards you, which you subconsciously shrink back from.
“I-I don’t have one?”
“God, maybe y’are fuckin’ stupid.  There’s four of us and y’mean t’tell me not ‘a one of us sticks out more than the others?”
A blush spreads across your features, an involuntary testament to your unease and outright lie.  Your eyes dart to look anywhere but him as your body betrays you, petrified in intimidation.  “You,” murmur with a gentle voice and laced with a lack of thinking.
He leans down to your mouth, quickly overtaking your personal space and invading your nostrils with his scent -- cheap body spray and masculinity.  It’s nearly intoxicating.  “What was that?”
“You,” an utterance with little more force, the action of taking a lungful of air simply too strenuous.
“Mind tellin’ me why I feel the least love then?”
You almost want to deflate at it, even if the hands wrapping around your shoulder feel like nothing short of a tender moment.  All the time you’d spent with him, all that you’d given to him, and he still felt overshadowed?
“Or, is it jus’ that you’re an attention-seeking slut?”  The words cut deeper then he’s capable of understanding, and the sick smile curling onto his lips and the whispered tone feel vastly different then what he’s actually saying.
You’re rendered speechless as he takes you closer to the couch, dragging you into a straddling position on him.  “Show me what I was missin’ at brunchfast then, huh?”
Wide-eyed and bashful you stare.  What are you even supposed to do?  He leans into you, peppering your throat with kisses while his hands wander up and down your sides.  Instinctively, your hands move to run through his hair and he nearly purrs at the contact and looks up at you with an intense, baby-blue gaze.
“Who’s your favorite?”
“You,” sighed out as he starts sucking on your neck and rubbing at your hips.
“Say it,”  a rough voice reverbs through him from his chest, and he relishes in the affection of your gentle hands.  You’re his.  His.
“You’re my favorite, Henry,” your voice tightens when he starts to suck on your collarbone.
He’d managed to cut your afterglow short in the early evening, badgering you to call Belch and tell him not to drive you to school for the next week.  You did it, albeit with a bit of confusion, and feeling vague sadness when Belch’s tone took a nose-dive into disappointment when the subject of the call was revealed. For the next week, you couldn’t look any of the gang in the eye, instead taking to marinate in your own shame and blatantly avoid them.
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duhliriouss · 4 years
Joker Headcanon:
After Care - After Sex
Request: Hey love :) are you able to do a head cannon on Arthur/Joker's after care and what he would do for you/with you after sex?
A/N: @thirstforfleck okay and here is Joker’s. I’m sorry if I didn’t add in as much aftercares as Arthur’s :( I hope it was enough! enjoy 💜 For everyone else possibly wondering, Arthur’s version is in a different post. Link Below.
Arthur Headcanon: After Care - After Sex
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Joker was the kind of man that got what he wanted when he wanted it. And nothing could stand in his way.. Especially when it came to you. His obsession with you started before his transition into Joker, but once that transition became a reality, most of his thoughts and decisions revolved around your wellbeing in a more sinacle and overprotective way.
Joker is also unpredictable. You understand Arthur a lot more.. but with Joker it’s always a thrill. Sexual or not, You never know what he will say or do next. He kept you on toes constantly. And you haven’t seen Arthur in a very long time.
With all that being said, sex was also very unpredictable. It was always different and almost always on his terms. You want to get fucked during a time joker is not advancing on you? Or maybe he’s been too busy being the clown prince of crime to focus on your needs? You will have to ask and hopefully you’ve been a good kitten.
Being with Joker has rubbed off on you In a way you never expected. Joker got off on your sweet innocence when he first transitioned. He had ideas for you from the getco that has made you quite the little monster. He loves and adores his sweet chaotic creation. But since he was so unpredictable, he would still find your innocence hidden in other aspects, and he loved nothing more than to rip it out and replace it with pure insanity.
His unpredictable behavior had its way with how he took care of you after fucking you. It all depended on many things.
Anger: You and Joker didn’t get along all the time. And it has left lots of sexual tension between the two of you. When Joker was angry the only release he could find was on you. If his anger was because of you.. love bruises, cuts, blood and wounds was his way of puting you in your place. He secretly knows you love it however. You made it obvious when you would spit your own blood in his face with a mischievous smile stretched across your own. Or else he wouldn’t dare hurt you as badly. Angry sex was the favorite between the both of you. Once you were done and a bloody shivering mess filled with his ownership, his demeanor would change into complete and utter seriousness.
“Come here kitten” he would say patting at his own chest. You’d lean forward with the tiny amount of energy you have left. He would scoop you effortlessly and carry your naked and used body to the bathroom, placing you gently in the tub. He would fill the tub up with piping hot water and lean over on his knees to clean the cuts and blood generously from your frail frame. “You need to stop being so resentful my dear, when will you learn?”
Pure lust: Joker tends to want you at the most random of times. And it’s nothing but out of pure lust. Watching you dance, watching you walk by in your short dresses he made you wear, watching you shoot a gun or kill somebody. it drove him crazy and gave him lots of malcious ideas. These were the times where he had his way with you. Leaving you somewhat gentle marks of ownership, teasing you and watching you beg beneith or against him. After coming down from the high of your orgasms, Joker would usually pull you into his lap and shower you with kisses. Laughing and giggling in each other’s presence. Then placing you down carefully, would he dress you in a oversized old t shirt of his and pulling your undies back up underneath. Lots of times he would make his way over to the radio and put on some music. He would dance his way back over to your entranced expression and pull you back into his lap, placing a cigarette against your lips, lighting it for you before placing one between his own. He would switch the tv on and hold you by your hips to keep you in place as you both watched whatever was on.
Passion: Joker wasn’t always cold In the heart. He still held love and warmness that he only showed to you. You would see this side of him when he saw you cry. When he saw you hurt or if you were actually upset by something he did. His expressions would turn to concern and the warmness would twinkle in his green eyes. This is closest you got to Arthur. And when you made love im these moods, only then he treated you as the delicate princess you were. He took these times to explore your body with his rough hands. Memorizing every dune, mountain and valley of your canvas. It was all about you. And after he would bring you to your beautiful waves of release, he would bring you in to his body. Your back against his vest, taking his dress coat that he still wore and cover your naked frame. Both cacooned in his jacket, his voice will softly crack as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
“My beautiful little clown princess” his voice cracking, tracing his calloused fingers on the grease paint that he left all over your face and neck.
“ would my sweetheart like a glass of wine to get the taste of me out her mouth?”
“Yes please, could tell me another story tonight too?”
“Of course” he cooed, smiling devilishly. Nights like these Joker would replay stories of the people hes killed for you. Or people he’s killed in general. You never knew If some of them were true or if he was making them up on the spot. You didn’t care. You just wanted to listen to him talk oh so passionately. Pride in his voice waiting in aticipation to see your wowed expressions. God he loved it. When the stories got too dark for you, he would throw a couple dry jokes in once in awhile during his tellings, making you chuckle.
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lveclouds · 4 years
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a/n: yet another got7 drabble!! this is going to be a bit angsty, so i apologize in advance and honestly this banner is probably one of my favorites hehe and also this drabble took me a while to type up but it was worth it! and this is very much unedited so if you see any grammatical errors then that’s on me lmao 
genre: fluff, angst, college/university au, friends to lovers 
rating: pg (for mild swearing) 
warnings: light swearing, mild angst,a bit cheesy/cliche (jinyoung’s a huge dork in this hehe think wmylb jinyoung, but like a much tamer and softer version. wmylb jinyoung is uh, very passionate in voicing his opinions, and we love that, its just not fitting for the image that i have for him in this drabble)
pairing: literature major jinyoung x arts major reader 
word count: 2.3k 
you stared at the glowing laptop screen in front of you, eyes struggling to stay open, lashes fluttering, sleep threatening to take over. you couldn’t help but let out a small yawn, forcing yourself to keep your eyes open. the hardest exam of your life, and one that would have a major effect on your grade, was less than a week away, and you had barely looked at any of the review material. you had been so caught up in finishing your arts project and focusing on raising your grade that the anatomy exam had slipped your mind. and now, here you were, at three o clock in the morning, fighting sleep, trying to cram in information. you couldn’t believe you had been so foolish and careless. anatomy had always been a subject that you struggled in, and because you were stubborn and didn’t want people to think you were pathetic or lazy, you refused your professor’s suggestion to enlist the help of a tutor. you were so confident and sure that you could improve on your own, and well, you had never felt so idiotic in your life. 
despite looking over the review material and pouring over pages of the dictionary sized textbook you had to lug around nearly every day, not a single ounce of information seemed to be sticking. the last few days had been spent relentlessly studying countless websites, books, review material, and just about anything that could potentially help you. you were beginning to get a bit stressed out, but you supposed that all of this was because of you. after all, you were the one who had decided to neglect studying for an exam all to work on some stupid art project instead. “just a day in the life.” you mumbled, eyes focusing on the laptop screen in front of you, the blue light illuminating the darkness of your dorm, casting dark shadows onto the white carpeted floor. 
sighing, you shut your laptop closed and flopped back onto your bed in defeat, head softly hitting your pillow. there was no use in fighting sleep, after all, you could barely focus and dawn was drawing near, and soon you would have to trek across campus at exactly six a.m. for your early morning history lecture. sleep soon took over and all thoughts of studying and the exam faded away as you drifted off into dreamland. 
the next morning, you awoke to a soft knock on your door. groaning, you reluctantly got out of bed and went to answer it. to your surprise, it was jinyoung, dressed in an oversized white turtleneck, dark jeans, and loafers, holding two cups of warm coffee and a light blue paper bag.  his soft black hair was adorably rumpled, and despite it being five a.m., jinyoung still looked as gorgeous as ever, which you envied. “oh, hi jinyoung. what are you doing here?” you asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “well, i figured you were up late last night again and i dropped by the cafe down the street, and i thought i’d just come by and give you some coffee. hopefully it’ll give you some energy. oh, and i brought some sandwiches that my roommate made last night. trust me, it’s not poisonous. jaebeom hyung’s a lot of things, and one of them is the ability to make a great sandwich.” you chuckled as he handed over your cup of coffee and the paper bag. “thanks for the coffee and the food. i’ll see you later?” “i-i was wondering if you wanted to walk to class together? “i’d love to. oh, please come inside. it’s a bit messy, so don’t mind all the clutter. i haven’t had time to clean lately.” jinyoung shook his head. “it’s fine. jaebeom hyung’s the same. he doesn’t have time to clean because he’s always so busy with writing music and classes, so i do all the cleaning in the dorm.” you gestured for jinyoung to sit on the couch, to make himself feel comfortable, and then disappeared into your room to take a quick shower and put on a decent outfit. 
as you and jinyoung walked across campus, he told you all about the song that jaebeom was working on for the upcoming showcase that your university put on every month. “wait, so he composes his own songs?” jinyoung nodded. “he does, its pretty impressive, if i’m being honest. he’s been writing songs ever since he could walk. jaebeom hyung wants to become a singer one day.” “ i wouldn’t be surprised if he does, he’s really talented.” you had seen jaebeom peforrm a few times, and his voice was smooth and angelic and unique, and you had no doubt that he would get recognized for his singing one day. “so, what’s been going on with you? haven’t seen you in a while.” “ah, well, my professors are bombarding me with assignments and i have an essay due next week, but it’s tolerable, i guess. been trying to take a breather every now and then, get my shit together, the usual. anwyays, enough about me, how have you been doing?”
you grimaced. “well, i haven’t been getting much sleep lately.  i kinda got too preoccupied in finishing an art project that i forgot all the about the anatomy exam i’m supposed to take, and it may or may not be less than a week away. so, i’ve been cramming.” jinyoung sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “are you kdiding me, y/n?” you laughed nervously. “uh, oops?” jinyoung shook his head, letting out a defeated sigh. “how long has this been going on for?” “u-uh a f-few days?” you looked away, not wanting to see the frustrated and worried expression on jinyoung’s face, fighting back tears. ever since you had met jinyoung on a particular sunny day last summer, the two of you had gone through a lot together, from comforting each other after breakups to taking care of each other when one of you was drunk. you hated making jinyoung worry, as he had enough to deal with, and you didn’t want to burden him. “why didn’t you tell me you were having a hard time?” he asked, and you forced yourself to look at him, instantly regretting it. his gorgeous brown eyes were filled with concern and a worried frown was set upon his perfect lips, and you immediately felt as if you had been stabbed in the gut. “i-im sorry,i just didn’t want to be a burden.” you mumbled, trying to hold back tears. before you knew it, you were engulfed in a hug, strong arms wrapping around you, holding you tight. you felt jinyoung rub comforting circles on your back, and that alone was enough for you to break down, crying into the soft fabric of his sweater. all the pent up stress you had been holding in was finally let out, and jinyoung just held you, not uttering a single word, listening to your soft sobs. after your tears had subsided, you pulled away, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, sniffling. “s-sorry about your sweater.” jinyoung waved away your apology. “don’t worry about it, i’m not gonna freeze to death just because you got tears on it.” 
“anyways, i’m sorry for not telling you.” “it’s ok, but y/n, please know that i’m always here for you and that you’re never a burden.” you felt your heart ache at how sincere he sounded, and despite his reassurances, you still felt extremely guilty for keeping your feelings locked away. 
“i’m a phonecall or a text away, remember that. i’m always here for you, you know that, right?” you nodded. “thank you, jinyoung.” “no need to thank me, y/n.” 
after class, you were feeling a bit better, as you had finally sought help from your classmates on the upcoming exam, and they had given you an overwhelming amount of notes, all of which were extremely detailed and well-written. and, as you were walking towards your dorm, you heard a familiar voice call out to you. turning, you saw im jaebeom, music major and jinyoung’s roommate, running towards you, a white envelope in his hand. “hey, you’re y/n, right?” he asked once he caught up to you, a bit breathless. “yeah, why?” jaebeom seemed to brighten at this, eyes turning into crescents as he smiled, gently placing the envelope in your hand. “jinyoung wanted me to give this to you. he’s in the library, working on an essay if you want to see him.” before you could say anything, jaebeom gave you a small wave before walking off to the other side of campus, leaving you speechless. what just happened? you thought as you opened the envelope, careful not to rip it. inside was a delicate piece of paper, with jinyoung’s familiar looping script written all over it. 
“dear y/n, ever since we met, i’ve always thought you were bright. for example, your smile. your smile practically lights up your face and makes my heartbeat a little faster. i’m aware this is quite cheesy, but its true. ever since we met, you have been the brightest person in my world, and the one girl who has managed to break down these walls i’ve kept around me for so long. before i met you, i didn’t know what love was, or rather, why people bothered with it. but, that all changed when i laid eyes on you. you were the most stunning girl i had ever seen, let alone meet, and when you said”hi, my name’s y/n”, i felt my world turn upside down, but, in a good way. you were the person who showed me that it’s ok to love. you also showed me how beautiful love can be. it doesn’t have to be destructive or painful or terrifying. love can be exciting and thrilling and life-changing. even though i’m a literature major and have written more essays than i can count, i seem to struggle with words whenever i’m around you, thus why i’m putting my feelings on paper. i like you, a lot. i’ve liked you ever since you bumped into me on that fateful day, you were the one who has managed to sweep me off my feet, quite literally, i might add, and though i am awkward and clumsy and not as mysterious and alluring as jaebeom hyung, i do have some worth. anyways, please meet me in the library after you read this, and if you don’t, then i know that you don’t feel the same. it’s ok if you don’t, but i just wanted to get this off my chest. 
park jinyoung
you felt tears prick the back of your eyes as you practically ran to the library, your heart aching. you didn’t know jinyoung felt that way about you, and you were so happy that he felt the same. you had liked him since the beginning, and you had fallen in love with his smile and all of his quirks. jinyoung was easily one of the most attractive guys on campus, with perfect eyebrows, a cute nose, perfectly sculpted cheekbones, gorgeous brown eyes, and one ot the prettiest smiles you had ever seen. his smile was stunning and never failed to take your breath away, eyes crinkling at the corners,perfect white teeth on display. his laugh was endearing and a sound that you would never get tired of hearing. on top of all that, he had a heart of gold, and was unfailingly kind and polite towards anyone, and also very selfless and humble. 
as soon as you arrived in the library, you looked around for jinyoung, and immediately spotted him at a table near the back, typing on his laptop, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. you rushed over to him, heart beating wildly in your chest, and cleared your throat, causing him to look up from his laptop in surprise. “y/n?” he asked, practically scrambling off the chair he’d been sitting on, gently grabbing ahold of your wrist. “what’s wrong? did something happen?” you took a deep breath and grabbed ahold of his sweater, the fabric bunching up in your hands, pulling him towards you and kissing him. you felt him jump a bit in surprise, but he quickly reciprocated the kiss, wrapping his arms around you. the kiss was short and sweet, but you enjoyed every minute of it. when you pulled away, a faint shade of pink had settled across jinyoung’s face. “i-i never knew you were so bold, y/n.” he teased, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “i didn’t either, but i had to do it before i chickened out.” “so, does that mean you like me?” you fought the urge to roll your eyes. “yes, of course, jinyoung. i don’t just go up to random guys on campus and kiss them you know.” “i-i just wanted to make sure.” “ah, you’re so cute, jinyoung.” “s-shut up. i’m not cute.” “hmm, yes you are.” “anyways, will you be my girlfriend, then?” “well, considering that i just kissed the hell out of you in the middle of a library, i think it’d be foolish if we weren’t dating after that, so yes, yes i will.” 
a/n: hehe jinyoung drabble done!! i hope you all enjoyed this lengthy drabble!! i have two more got7 drabbles to write/post and then i will go back to my planned bts ones :) again, this drabble is dedicated to cara, aka @yongcherie​ one of my favorite humans ever (sends kisses and hugs) ily angel 💞💞and this is also dedicated to my sister issy aka @taeramisu​ bc i love her and she’s the one of the loveliest angels ever💖
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kozukenkitten · 4 years
Hi could i get an mha and haikyuu (but if you can only do one then haikyuu please) male character match up please I’m straight, female, capricorn and a slytherin. i’m about 5’2 but i got that 6 foot energy and ive got long straight hair. I’m not too shy but talking to people is still hard. I also get really anxious and come suffer from some pretty bad panic attacks. My friends are really protective of me cause im hella dense and clueless but according to them I give really good advice and am a good listener. I am really impulsive like I once woke up and decided to just get three ear piercings and a nose ring. I’m a dancer that specializes in ballet and i also figure skate. I love playing the piano and violin. Im not really a book worm but i dont mind reading especially if its for school work. My love language is that im quite clingy and cuddly but i really suck at communicating. I am also like hella insecure about myself. Oh yeah a funfact about me is that when I was twelve, without telling my parents i applied to go to a boarding school and got accepted and didn’t tell them anything until it was a week before school started.
Hi lulu3mon!
For MHA, I matched you with Kaminari Denki!
Okay, hear me out. My first instinct was to match you with Iida Tenya. But, after a time, and after thinking about it for a while, I came to a completely different conclusion.
Ultimately, I chose to match you with Denki. You want to know why? This man adores literature and music, and while his tastes may not usually lean toward the classics, he still understands and appreciates your technique and your prowess when playing piano and violin, and he would adore having jam sessions with you, playing around with combining classical and modern musical stylings.
He also adores watching you dance and figure skate. That takes a level of grace he knows he could never achieve, and he’s beyond impressed that you have reached those levels. Denki is your #1 fan. If you ever do competitions, he’s there cheering for you (even if it’s a bit inappropriate – he tries to remember to have decorum, but he sometimes forgets).
He’d also adore your impulsivity and your chaotic actions, and would absolutely join you on your adventures. That story about applying for boarding school without telling your parents? He’d get an absolute kick out of it! He’d love to show you off, telling everyone how brilliant you are, and how creative, and how talented, and so on and so forth. When you have trouble talking/expressing yourself to others, he always seems to know just what you’re trying to say, and will happily step in to explain for you if it seems like you’re getting frustrated.
Denki’s in the same boat as you when it comes to being dense, but when it comes to you? He’s very attentive and focused on your needs, and is very aware of how others act around you. He’s laid back, just like you, but he’s also not afraid to call someone out for saying something inappropriate about or to you, and he’s not afraid to call you out for putting yourself down. He will praise you so much, tell you all the amazing things about you, and never let you feel like you’re anything less than amazing.
You two would have such a great time together, honestly. You’d vibe really well together, and you’d never have a dull day with Denki, even when you’re just chilling at home, cuddling and having a movie night or reading.
For Haikyuu, I matched you with Nishinoya Yuu!
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As you can guess, there’s some crossover here personality-wise between Yuu and Denki, but the real reason I chose Yuu for your matchup is because I can just see his eyes glittering with excitement whenever he sees you doing the things you’re passionate about, and vice versa. You two would be the most supportive couple, and you both have that “short people with tall people energy” vibe, although in different ways. 
Yuu is so good at talking to others because he’s so extroverted, so when you’re struggling to get your point across, he can help out (although sometimes, he does mess up). 
He’s also clingy and cuddly, so you two would probably be attached at the hip whenever you’re not in classes or at practice/rehearsals. He will also shamelessly kiss you all over your face, and be absolutely fascinated with your piercings. (He might even ask if he should get some himself!)
He’s the best at helping you through your panic attacks. He’s learned all your cues and tells, and knows just how to help you feel better, whether it’s giving you some extra space, bringing you water and medicine, or just wrapping his arms around you and holding you to help ground you. Whatever you need, he’ll do it for you.
You’re both impulsive and high-energy, so when you’re put in a room together, you’re a bit chaotic, but you both mean well, so people don’t mind too much, especially since Yuu tends to do better when you sit in on practices or come to games, because he’s more motivated when his cute girlfriend is there watching him. 
This chaotic dork is so in love with you, and he would devote his entire being to you if you let him. (Please don’t let him. He needs to learn what a healthy relationship looks like after years of pining after Kiyoko.)
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onetwothreeopalau · 4 years
Together Meal
Steven stuck his tongue out in concentration, gripping the purple crayon tightly in his fist. The colour was a little too dark for a perfect depiction but it didn’t matter. What he was doing was of upmost importance. He didn’t have time to buy new crayons. The task he had taken upon himself to complete was of upmost importance! It was almost life or death! It was-
“Er, what are we doing again?” Asked Opal, and Steven let out a sigh before grinning.
“I’m drawing an official Crystal gems picture, see?” He thrusted the page towards her, where he had already drawn a picture of Garnet looking out to the distance mysteriously (she wasn’t posing, Steven had just seen her and decided to draw her.) and he had started Opal. He had barely drawn an outline and yet he’d already had to explain what he was doing three times over.
“You see, I was going to take a photo but then I thought, 'where’s the passion? The creativity? The love?’ And also I dropped my phone in the ocean, so I thought a drawing would be just as good!” 
Opal nodded, trying her best to understand Steven’s rambling, but not quite succeeding. Steven took the piece of paper back and resumed working. “Hey Opal?” said Steven suddenly, as if a thought had just occurred to him, “How do you stay on your toes like that at all times?” He stood up and attempted to copy her by standing on his tippy toes, but he felt himself stumble. Before he could steady himself, two of Opal’s arms reached towards him and stabilised him.
“Balance.” She said simply, getting back into her pose.
Steven waited for her to elaborate, but she said nothing more. Steven nodded and pretended that his question was answered and went back to his drawing. He didn’t have a cream coloured crayon for her hair, so he had to settle for just drawing the shape of it with his black one, but overall his picture was pretty good. Probably one of the best he’d ever drawn.
“I’m all done!” He grinned and went to the fridge and decided on the area to place his artwork. He reached as high up as he could so it would be visible to anyone entering the house and put a magnet in the shape of a cookie cat (RIP) over it to secure it. Maybe he should’ve drawn himself too, but it was too late now. The picture was already on the fridge, and an author wouldn’t exactly edit their book after it was published.
“Nice picture.” said Garnet who had somehow managed to sneak up behind him. “Opal and I are going on a mission, but I have something to give you before we leave.”
Steven waited for whatever that was, and she leaned down and wrapped her arms around Steven’s shoulders and Steven smiled, hugging her back. “We’ll see you soon.” she said. Garnet and Opal walked over to the warp pad, and in a flash of light, they were gone.
Steven waved goodbye, even though he knew the two gems couldn’t see him, and then he went up to his bedroom. He tried to amuse himself with his video games, but he couldn’t help but fantasise about what it would be like when he could go on missions too. It would be awesome! He would kick butt, and Garnet and Opal would be like “wow Steven, you’re so amazing, we’re so proud!” And he’d be like “aw thanks guys,” and it would be amazing and exciting.
He couldn’t wait.
He played ‘Awesome Plumber Siblings’ for a bit but then he decided to do something nice for the gems and make them a meal for when they arrived back. They could all eat it together, like a Together Meal! He ran down to the kitchen, taking the stairs two at a time and rummaged through the cupboards to find food and he pulled out anything he could find, eventually settling on a large pile of pancakes. He originally kept it classic, with just maple syrup, but it didn’t feel special enough for the gems so he added mini marshmallows and more syrup, although this time it was chocolate flavoured. It was almost perfect but it still felt somehow..  incomplete. He looked at it for a few moments, trying to decide what needed to be done. And then he had an idea! For the final step, just to make it perfect, he took a dark red cherry and placed it on top of the stack. It was a true work of art.
Now all he needed to do was wait for Garnet and Opal to arrive back. Garnet said they’d be back soon, so there was no way they would be long.
An hour later, Steven was starting to get bored. He lay on the couch looking intently at the warp pad. He wanted to be there the second they arrived back. Finally, after what seemed like years, the warp pad lit up. He jumped off the couch and went to greet them, but instead of saying hello like they normally would, they both went straight for the temple door.
Garnet’s stones lit up first and Steven just watched her go in, holding something large and noisy in her hands, but quickly regaining his wits, he grabbed the Together Meal he’d made and followed Opal into her room. He called out her, but she didn’t seem to notice. Steven was used to Opal being distracted and so he continued to follow her into her room. The place was cool and the air felt slightly damp.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realised that all around him were steep rocks, caves and waterfalls. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to everything, but Opal practically danced around as if she didn’t even have to look to avoid tripping over some of the lower, jutting rocks. She eventually stopped at the highest waterfall Steven could see and jumped to the top before sitting cross-legged, her eyes closed, looking peaceful.
Steven felt guilty for trying to bother her and went to leave, but he quickly realised that he had no idea how to get out. He had no way of finding the door and even if he could find it, he didn’t know how to open it.
“Opal?” He called, but she didn’t hear him. “Opal!” He made his voice as loud as possible and she looked down, her calm face turning shocked the second she saw him.
She jumped down into the water below the waterfall, barely making a splash and began to look over him, checking every area of his body. Steven giggled. She was tickling. “Are you okay?”
Steven tried to smile, feeling bad for worrying her. “I made us all a Together Meal!” he said, lifting the plate. “I wanted you Garnet and me to have it together. As a family!”
Steven didn’t notice the split second grimace on her face. “It looks lovely. But Garnet is busy, and um- so am I.” To his relief, but also disappointment she began to steer him in the direction of the door.
“Are you sure?” He said pleadingly, and Opal looked conflicted for a second, before her face turned devious. It wasn’t an expression Steven saw on Opal often, but when he did, he knew he was in for a fun time.
She took his hand and began to lead them in a different direction, pausing occasionally as if having second thoughts, but they eventually arrived at a rockpool, filled with calm silvery water. She stuck her head in and made a motion for Steven to follow suit.
He stuck his head into the water and looked down. Quickly he realised he could see Garnet and in his shock he tumbled further into the water. Opal tried to stop him, but she was too slow, and Steven fell into Garnet’s room, still holding the Together Meal. Opal sighed. She thought for a second about going back to her waterfall and forgetting about it and dealing with the fallout later. Steven would alright with Garnet, she tried to reason.
It was tempting, but she couldn’t and with a sigh she followed Steven through the water.
The room was a lot hotter than hers, but luckily it wasn’t unbearable like it could get. She picked Steven up, so he couldn’t touch anything dangerous and sat him on her shoulder. Garnet turned to the source of the noise and she grinned sheepishly.
“Steven. Opal.” Garnet casually bubbled whatever she’d been holding but didn’t send it away. She looked at the ground by Opal’s feet, and Steven followed her gaze to see his beloved Together Meal splattered in the ground, sad and soggy looking.
“Our Together Meal!” He wailed. Opal just shrugged lightly, but Garnet looked sympathetic.
“You spent a long time on that Steven.” she said, voicing exactly what he was about to say before he could even open his mouth.  “I’m sorry it was destroyed. I’ll help you two,”with that she gave a look to a sheepish Opal somehow managing to perfectly convey her disopointment even without her eyes being visable. “Out of my room. Then, you can make another one for us to share tonight.”
Steven grinned, but weirdly Opal didn’t look too happy. Maybe she was mourning the old one like him. “Okay!” He said anyway, and Garnet took him to the door.
Back in the house, he took a deep breath of the cool fresh air. Opal’s room wasn’t too bad, but the air in Garnet’s room really was hot and it was starting to get suffocating.
“Opal! Do you wanna help me remake the Together Meal?” Steven asked her hopefully.
Steven smiled. He missed the first edition of the Together Meal,in all of its wonderful foody glory, but he'd made it because he wanted to do something nice for the gems and this one would be even better, because now he got to spend time with his favourite gems in the world.
So this is a lot less magical than what happened in the show and the reason for that is mostly because this was actually the first chapter I’d written and so I had a much weaker grasp on what I wanted to do with the characters and plot for this. It’s also why this is slightly shorter.
I’m having quite a low energy day™️ so my editing for this mostly consisted of getting rid of grammatical mistakes and any glaringly bad sentences than adding things to make it better or more interesting like my normal editing tactic is.
Sorry if I’m sounding too negative, don’t worry, not every authors note will just be me whining non stop (hopefully 😓) Have a nice day!!
Oopsie im a little (nearly 2 weeks) late in posting on Tumblr oops 
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e8luhs · 5 years
i am very excited for refactoring!! i already love the characters. can you tell us more about the main cast? like personality and interests and stuff.
AW YES IM SO GLAD THAT YOURE EXCITED!! i got this ask this morning and it seriously made me want to stay home from school and just infodump. im putting this under a cut since it will probably get a bit long i just kind of wrote down some fun tidbits and etc
absolute jock-passing nerd. she dresses like she Does Sport even though she did like quiz bowl and whatnot instead.
shes quite chill and thoughtful (its the taurus rising) but gets easily bored and needs constantly new forms of stimulation to stay motivated. she loves a challenge and basically feeds off of that kind of stuff. this really only cancelled out when its something deeply stressful (like being teleported to an entirely new dimension and all that). she CAN settle down into one spot and feel comfortable with that so long as she isnt BORED because GOD FORBID SHES BORED.
mavis likes science but especially astronomy, and despite everything shes actually really into horror movies and the paranormal too. a definite Halloween Enthusiast and also listens to lemon demon dare i say.
whenever shes stressed or frustrated or anxious her knee jerk instinct is to try and joke about it and move on. she isnt really direct about how she feels and whatnot and when she IS its usually via punchline.
silas is probably one of the easiest people to read in the cast. its basically impossible for him to lie or say that hes doing well if he isnt. hes a very honest person and expects that kind of honesty from others also, and it becomes really frustrating for him when people arent direct about how they feel
BECAUUUUSEEEE hes also very empathetic. both of the hao siblings are but he goes about it in a very different way than catriona. hes much more like “I have to know everything about why you are upset or else ill die” because if he sees someone sad and doesnt know why it basically eats him up inside until he knows.
hes also a bit of a jokester not about his feelings or anything but just in general! rather than using it as a defense he just really enjoys making people laugh. silas is very sociable.
sometimes he can be a bit of a try hard.... he is really doing his best and i love him. him and lea and mavis all share a need to establish themselves as something greater than they are and his mainly stems from Youngest Sibling Syndrome with a side of boredom with his own life too. mavis and silas really bond over that but silas didnt really take on any escapist tendencies like mavis did. he pushes himself to take action and try many things and considers many paths.
she has a teddy bear in her room that she hides in a reading cubby because its still important but she feels that her image as Mature and Put Together matters too much to really share that soft side with others. and i think that basically sums her up as a character.
really just needs some fuckin sleep. she is fueled by various caffeinated beverages (her favorites being an overly elaborate coffee order and arizona green tea). shes articulate, but because shes usually running on 4 or 5 hours of sleep she can sometimes miss small details or starts talking faster than her own thoughts+stumbling over her own words.
shes a bit suspicious of other people because shes had her trust tested a lot. catriona is very like kind and warm still though its just that like... you know. if you wrong her its very hard to win her back and she likely wont trust you with anything again.
shes also much more of a “fix it” kind of person when it comes to problems. she will absolutely provide a shoulder to cry on when you need it but at the end of the day she provides very practical support by trying to provide options. she takes the same approach with her own feelings too.
basically like “*softly* dont”. they are very cautious and dont take a lot of risks unless theyre absolutely sure that it will work out and there will be a benefit. however, theyre still optimistic and theyre always able to see the best in other people and in any situation. not really in that toxic kind of positivity way... but as in like they are able to appreciate the small things and whatnot
^ that world view is basically why they are so into botany. its very precise but its something small that you can really appreciate and see your own success in little by little. they also like arts and crafts.
they are incredibly diplomatic despite their initial virgo stubbornness. theyre really open to other perspectives and theyre very patient/understanding. kirabo and catriona are basically opposites in this respect and so they balance eachother out a lot here.... they are like bestest buds.
they are very big on like Emotionally Productive Self Care. kirabo WILL put on a face mask and will be like “dont @ me i am chillin”. and they will be like “enough is enough i am going to knit a fucking scarf a second”. they just have a lot of little hobbies to keep them busy like that because they are super fidgety. anxious energy... the mercury-ism
absolutely hates being underestimated in any capacity. minka is fully aware of her intelligence and capabilities and expresses no qualms with it whatsoever. alot of her insecurity ends up lying in her social life and etc. shes just been through a lot and really just wants to share her passions with other people.
really likes to decorate and APPEARS messy but is super organized. she has that sort of “chaotic order” thing going on where she can locate something even if its under a huge pile of random stuff. she has lots of stickers and lots of color-coding methods too.
will do the “are we there yet” thing and the “why? why? why?” thing. mostly out of curiosity to see how far she can go. she is always so curious about how far she can go with everything. so once she finds company she basically never wants to be alone. shes very talkative and inquisitive.
a baby bi.... she is still figuring it out a little though
a little >:3c and i like love that for her. she has a lot of charisma and energy and those are things that she really NEEDS TO HAVE with being a video game streamer and all but deep down shes just really mischievous and playful too.
i consider her a vriska by technicality. she has a lot of issues revolving around her identity and how people perceive her because so much of the time she deals with people projecting an idea of what shes like onto her. so alot of her thing is allowing herself to just be rather than feeling like she needs to put on a show.
^ shes actually probably one of the hardest people to read in the cast because of that. its not that shes not being herself... its just that she feels like she needs to be a pretty altered version of herself. the neptune in 1st struggle. she also kind of tends to have one foot out the door on everything but it makes her very adaptable. pretty much opposite to mavis in that its hard for her to settle down in any sense.
has a scorpio mercury but a libra venus so basically like “good luck my deep lovecore affections for you will be hidden behind several proxies”. also it just makes it to where she comes off very Intense at first as is the scorpio placement way. but really its fucking great and i love her.
well theyre a scorpio sun AND a scorpio moon aka theyre like “i will know everything about you but you will never know anything about me ever” and also theyre like *rebirth* *rebirth* *rebirth*
despite what the emotional constipation and capricorn rising may tell you they are seriously A Lot. they make very quick decisions based on any instantaneous assumptions that they have so deep down theyre just very emotional and impulsive. AND intuitive which is partially because they are analytical of others but all around theyre mostly guided by like Vibez.
their precognition is kind of like if you randomly started having dreams during the day and only saw them through your left eye. so more than anything they get kind of like... weird deja vu when they talk to people or go to places that theyve seen in their visions.
really they are just like. okay in theory by first impression they would be a vriska but in actuality they are a rose lalonde because like. come on. theres a certain self-aware yet chaotic and dramatic and repressed je ne sais quoi here
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