#if ppl want to hear my ugly voice lol
faith--in-the-future · 6 months
I honestly never understood this lie that Louis isn’t attractive. Quite literally, I thought Louis was the only already pretty/beautiful member from 1D at first. The other boys were “cute”, I guess but not in any significant way - except Zayn, who was also always actually good looking too and became very hot as his features matured a bit. I am around the same age as the 1D members and only Louis attracted me. Even when the boys all grew up, I still only really found Louis snd Zayn attractive. I never got people acting like Louis is/was unattractive? He has very pretty features and the perfect body shape (maybe if you’re into heavily muscled figures you wouldn’t think so but come on and I guess Louis doesn’t fit the stereotype of what toxic masculinity demands of male body types but it’s better that way). There were times when it looked like Louis was self-conscious about his body type, like his cute little tummy, and he got quite thin at certain points (which always worried me) but he always had the pretty face. Looks are subjective, I get it, but even people I don’t find personally attractive, I can acknowledge if they fit into that attractive classification. Some people I knew at the time thought Louis’ features were a bit too androgynous/feminine to be their type - and still do when he’s clean-shaven - but still thought he was an attractive person. Like with everything else about Louis, it’s like people just jumped on a bandwagon of unnecessary hate and decided they were right despite all evidence to the contrary. Like sometimes the second fandoms will use the most gorgeous photos of Louis to try to drag him or clips where his singing is spot-on. They only see and hear what they want to see and hear. A m**** H*aly fan tweeted how Louis will pay for his crimes to 7 and I just don’t get it. Louis nailed 7, always does. It suits his voice and style so well and he kills that song. I’m even a fan of CATB and I prefer Louis’ version (🫣) and his high note and his pronunciation are everything
It’s amazing to see Louis happy and confident and owning his amazing body and showing it off a bit more 🥰
as for everything else in this fandom it was just a trope perpetuated by press/media and then people followed it due to their sheep mentality and then it became a self sustaining cycle which can never be broken probably :/
for MY taste in early 1d he and zayn were the best looking ones then in like 2014 after the fratboy phase him zayn and harry were the best looking ones cuz niall was still pre pubertal basically 😭 and liam was having different issues then after 1d I think niall actually went through puberty lol and I think he's good looking now too
the whole conversation is stupid imo bc ugly people do not get picked to be popstars on TV lmaooo if any of them had been ugly they wouldn't have become millionaires that's just what the world is
there are bad pictures of any of them bc thats just what being human is like 🤷🏻‍♀️
also hate that people equate ugliness with moral flaws or think that calling someone ugly is the worst thing u can do like there's nothing inherently wrong with being ugly this isn't a Disney movie... grow up
ps: I like louis' 7 better too! I love his arrangement :) and again that's just ppl picking on louis bc its easy and "allowed" but they don't really have a real opinion of their own lol they'd love that cover if they had been told to . simple as that
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cray-cray-anime · 1 year
Number of reasons why freefonix was pretty cool
Let's ignore the weird slang and could be better plot (tho the creator was told to avoid an overarching plot)
Apologies in advance for the pixels i just took whatever in galleries on the wiki
@obscure-song-tournament if you're interested to read my rambles go for it lol
The music obviously- they literally mentioned there's over 100 songs made for this show and covered alot of genres w different artists; tho honestly idk who done all the singing as the cast list doesn't mention all the characters singing and searching said cast can you get you multiple ppl
I can't remember all of the songs but some of them just has a nice message behind it like do want you want and being yourself which ye typical but still nice
The characters designs I love so very much, from the clothes and general art style. (The episodes are better quality i swear lol)
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Especially appreciate they didn't do those ugly black lip that some other cartoons do. Sugar Che is just so pretty and her afro is like those art where people's hair is like a plant or outerspace
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Bonus her and Freezone (other black character) is voiced and sung by a black person
Also like expanded on black inspired/based (?) music as a kid who only would hear "those bad raps that kids shouldn't listen too" or that they're the jazz guy + occasional pop song that come on radio; i think I'm more appreciative oh hip hop/ rap partly cos of it
Totally anticonsumerism like prob add on the start of my anticapitilistic views lol
They literally fought with music like the instruments would literally shoot stuff in the sound clashes; also the instruments itself looks cool (the clip is from the first episode so miiight not be the best show of it but ya get what i mean)
The antagonist band Mantyz isn't bad cos they're a rock/metal band, but the fact they just do the same music to keep being rich/famous and don't really care abt staying original
They also used to be free wavers which freefonix is. Which really all abt making your own music (cos they love/really get music) that's against "prepsie" or better known as corporate/manufactured music
Oh ye the other villain Mya who done a contract Mantyz is literally just rich CEO and want to rule the world. Bonus is the accent w/o stereotyping accent and like nothing to do w becoming evil cos of a guy. Plus her suite is cool
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I can't remember exactly but there's some interesting concepts around the show like vox, the bigger villain trapped by sugar che that if freed by the "13th note" could rule the world (i mean typical but he doesn't look typical) and destroy sugar che and freefonix
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There's also some sci fi stuff idk like time affected by the music powers
General plot is people who are musically talented are one of the guardians of the 13th note which have alot of power
From wiki "Freefonix have discovered a sophisticated way of fighting their battles against rival band Mantyz, by using the power of the Thirteenth Note, an awesome force that can bend space, time and minds when the perfect sound is created. When the two rival bands meet, the result is an explosive Soundclash, where the opposing forces do battle as all the energies of the Thirteenth Note are released."
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moidse · 1 year
Ugh I feel so depressed. I just don’t feel like we are good together,, well that’s not true. I do think we have pretty good communication and like support for each other mostly.. I mean compared to my other relationships this is easily the most stable and caring and supportive which is why I’m still in it—- but the attraction isn’t there and hasn’t been since that said they don’t fuck. And I honestly think because I’m the only person they’ve been with and they haven’t been with other ppl they truly don’t know how dysfunctional our sex life is. They don’t know that they shouldn’t be tolerating me having little interest in fucking them. They deserve to be with someone who can’t resist touching them and who never puts doubt in their mind about whether or not they find them hot. Like I’m realizing because I’m the only person they’ve been with they can’t see these things like how I didn’t understand in my first relationship why they thought the sex was bad and now I get it. I wasn’t enthusiastic to fuck them either cuz I thought they were mid and they fucked a lot of ppl though and they were mad because they know there are ppl who wanna fuck them bad and i wasn’t one of them. But I had never been with anyone and thought the amount I liked them and wanted to be with them was enough but it wasn’t. I just really wanted to be in a relationship so bad and that is still true today.
I just been thinking about lately how like I am not over my ex— it’s kinda crazy how long it took me to admit that to myself. Like I do think about them on nearly a daily basis. I’ve almost reached out to them on several occasions but has resisted the urge because I feel like it’s 100% cheating to do that and I don’t cheat. Like I don’t even wanna be with them again cuz they were super unstable and would get mad at me over nothing every other day and it was ruining my life but that sex tho. I just wanna be in their hoe-tation. I wanna have phone sex with them.. maybe video sex.. cuz god even the phone sex with them was soooooooo good fuck. Being with them made me feel sooo hot it rly did wonders for my confidence at the time. But anyways I keep thinking about how I jumped into this relationship with K***** because I didn’t wanna take an L with my ex and with my ex best friends. Im realizing it wasn’t just about my ex by also my ex bestie too. Like that’s why I stayed after they said they were ace ,, because they always said im a fuckboi and I could hear her voice in my head mocking me and I wanted to prove that I wasn’t by continuing to be with someone who isn’t into fucking. I was using them to boost my ego and not be alone after ditching my ex and cutting them off with no communication abruptly ,, I wanted to be like bye and I have someone better.. and like I remember when they told me they were ace I was just so upset I’d spent months talking and building this person up in my head just to find out they are not what I am looking for I was so mad they didn’t tell me sooner. It just sucks because honestly having someone to chase and be with is better in my head then being alone and depressed and feeling ugly worthless and gay.. lol… but for real that’s why I always stay too is cuz I don’t wanna be single sooo bad that I’ll be in a mid relationship with mid sex.. but I just don’t want it. And now our lives are too inseparable. We share a car my mom bought. Like I would need to get a new car and move out and I would need a good amount of money to do it. So maybe this year I can build my savings and try. Or ask my mom for more money for a car to help. It sucks cuz yes I like hanging with them and stuff but I just wish we were best friends and not in a romantic/sexual relationship. I just don’t want this and I haven’t like the whole time. I just want to be having sex with someone that im deeply attracted to. Like we have zero sexual tension. I wanna make my partner cum. I haven’t made anyone cum in 3 years..
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pickled-flowers · 3 years
Ok so here's one of the text I wrote, it's about the moment I realized I was asexual and how that impacted me, I'll put it under the cut cuz it's like 900 words (it’s in french btw)
Tu as 15 ans, Mer. Ton nom n’est pas Mer encore, mais cela viendra. Tu ne le sais pas tout de suite, mais aujourd’hui ta vie va changer.
En même temps, à ton âge, tu ne sais pas grand chose, soyons honnête. Et puis, rien dans cet après-midi de mai ne disait que quoi que ce soit de spécial s’apprêtait à se dérouler, quelque chose qui te séparerait drastiquement de la masse. Et pourtant, quelque part, tu as toujours su que quelque chose n’était pas à sa place chez toi. 
Tu te rappeleras souvent de ce moment dans les années à venir, de même que de cette fraction de seconde,quand tu avais 8 ans et que, pendant un instant, tu avais imaginé être bisexuel.le, idée cependant vite écartée d’un geste de la main, car ça serait absurde n’est ce pas? Tu es normal.e.
Tu as 15 ans, Mer, et tu as un cours d’histoire aujourd’hui. Un cours un peu différent de ce à quoi tu t’attendais, mais un cours important. Gris Montréal visite ton école aujourd’hui : deux représentants attendent dans la classe. Tu prends place à ton bureau, tu remarques un document de quelques pages brochées ensemble, innocemment posé là, devant toi. Tu le feuilletes superficiellement, ton intérêt étant très faible. Tu t’en fout un peu, comme de tout, à cette époque.
Les deux représentants commencent à parler de leurs expériences en tant qu’homme gay et femme bisexuelle, et tu n’écoutes pas. Tu n’es pas homophobe, tu n’as pas besoin d’être sensibilisé.e. Tu sais qu’il y a au moins deux homophobes dans ta classe, tu les connais, tu ne les aime pas beaucoup. Jusque là, dans ta courte vie, tu n’as jamais considéré la possibilité de tomber amoureux.se d’une femme. Tu t’en es toujours empêché inconsciemment, par peur de quelque chose que tu ne pouvais nommer. Les représentants parlent de porn, tu ne sais pas pourquoi et tu es mal à l’aise. Tu attends la fin du cours en dessinant sur ton bureau et sur des feuilles lignées.
Et puis les représentants annoncent la fin de leur discours, et ils expliquent que vous devez remplir le formulaire à des fins statistiques.
Ok, que tu te dis. C’est facile ça, ce n’est rien qui te force à questionner le fragile tissu de certitude qui te maintiens dans ta zone de normalité confortable. Alors tu t’en saisis, ton crayon à l’encre bleue n’ayant jamais quitté ta main moite, moite comme toujours car ton corps est toujours en état de stress et d’inconfort. À 15 ans, tu n’as pas encore compris que tu souffres d’anxiété.
Tu réponds aux premières questions, elles sont simples; “connaissez-vous quelqu’un faisant partie de la communauté LGBTQ+?” et tu dis oui, ton cousin Tristan, tu ne veux pas dire que toi aussi, tu penses en faire partie.
Mais c’est trop tôt, c’est trop improbable.
Mais la question suivante te fait l’effet d’un coup au ventre. “Cochez les cases qui correspondent à votre identité sexuelle et de genre”. Y’a plein de mots que tu ne connais pas, et puis ça te stresse un peu plus. Tu lèves la main. 
“Si on est attiré par personne, on est quoi?” tu demandes. Tu te trouves drôle, mais les représentants te répondent sérieusement. 
La femme dit un mot, asexuel, ça te donne le vertige. Elle t’explique ce que ça veut dire, et tu écoutes attentivement pour la première fois. Asexuel. Ça veut dire une personne qui ne ressent pas d’attraction sexuelle pour personne. Les élèves autour de toi te regardent croche, mais tu t’en fout. Ce mot là, tu l’as attendu toute ta vie. Tu te penches sur ta feuille et, fébrile, tu coches la petite case qui dit “asexuel.le”. Tu respires, tu ne t’es pas rendu compte que tu retiens ton souffle. T’as un peu envie de pleurer tellement tu es heureux.se. Le soir, quand tu rentres chez toi, tu as hâte de le dire à ta mère et à ton beau-père. Au souper tu leur dis, ton cœur bat fort, tu les imagines te sourire et être contents pour toi. Tu te sens tomber, même si tu es encore assis.e sur ta chaise, quand ta mère rit. Le premier d’une longue série de sorties de placard qui te briseront le cœur à chaque fois. Tu n’es pas fâché.e, pas encore. Ça aussi ça viendra plus tard. Pour l’instant tu as encore de l’espoir, ou au moins de l’optimisme. 
Ce jour-là, tu as trouvé un mot pour te décrire, un mot que tu ne pouvais même pas imaginer existait. Tu en trouveras d’autres, et ces mots feront partie de toi. On te dira souvent que tu les rends trop importants ces mots, qu’ils prennent une trop grande place dans ta vie, mais ces mots, c’est ton identité. Ces mots donnent vie à ta réalité et à tes expériences, alors tu les défends durement. 
Tu as perdu ton optimisme Mer. Tu as 19 ans maintenant, et tu as peur de ne jamais pouvoir vivre la paix que tu désires tellement. Tu existes en parenthèse à présent, au conditionnel. Tu ne peux pas imaginer un futur dans lequel tu existes vraiment, parce que chaque jour, ton existence est remise en question, et on t'efface un peu plus. Tu as demandé, supplié tes amis de ne pas laisser ta famille te mégenrer et utiliser ton ancien nom si jamais tu meures jeune, et c’est horrible que tu doives faire cela. 
Ton drapeau noir, girs, blanc et mauve est rangé quelque part dans ton placard, et d’une certaine façon, toi aussi. 
Un jour Mer, tu en sortiras vraiment. Un jour, plus personne ne te regardera en voyant une fille, un jour tu iras dehors et tu marcheras dans les rues, tu brandiras tes drapeaux, entouré.e de ceux qui sont comme toi, et un jour tu te regarderas dans le miroir, pour vrai cette fois. Et tu verras qui tu es, Mer. 
Tu as coupé tes cheveux, tu t’es acheté de nouveaux vêtements. Tu t’es fait percer les oreilles, tu verras, ça ne fait pas aussi mal que ce que tu pensais. Tu as rencontré des gens qui ne te connaissent qu’en tant que Mer, et pas sous un autre nom. Cet autre nom, ils ne le connaîtront pas. Tu seras Mer, complètement, enfin. 
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softbinu · 5 years
I’ve been here all night trying to get this recorded nicely but u can still hear the fan in the background so i’m sorry for that but it’s here!! (Credit)
I’m gonna tag (but do this only if u want!! ^^) @arohaloveclub @moon-hyuks @bin-uwu @pcrkmin @uwujpgs @kaptain-k-pop @buffbin @etoilejun and anybody else who wants to do this 🥰💕
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metalheadkells · 2 years
aight i talked abt this on twt but i wanna hear ur thoughts honestly lol
SO! ive always thought that Mainstream Sellout is like, unintentionally authentic. like, he tries to have this deep feel to his music and fails to execute it with a great tonne of emotion, but the fact that he did fail is what makes it more relatable imo. cuz i mean. i Mean as an artist myself i have Felt the Cringe of trying to make Deep Content but then failing cuz my skills arent good enough. and the fact that Kells is out here unintentionally creating that story through the process of the creation, release and feedback of the project makes me go "y know what i like this. art is allowed to exist either way i like it"
like... it reminds me of a 13 yo try hard who wants to do some revolutionary shit but theyre. theyre still 13. and i think its kind of endearing actually especially considering that Kells is pushing 30 cuz like, its as if signalling, "just bcs youre an adult you dont Need to act prim and proper and mature all the time damn." you can say whatever abt Kells but i dont think you can call him a liar or some shit yanno? he is literally living the life in as a severely (over imo) hated artist
TLDR: Mainstream Sellout screams "i am cringe but i am free" and it does so unintentionally by failing to be a great album, except the failure is part of the success. hes kinda not lying when he says hes a mainstream sellout, and i appreciate his honesty
this is a mess im sorry but i need to get this out cuz djsnksms
also this is me impersonally speaking lol. personally i Lowkey have made an emotional attachment to this album and i rock to Emo Girl, Born with Horns and also get emotional during Twin Flame. i think that awoogie boing boing this is a good album cuz *car horns*
trust me, i also think the sheer amount of criticism he gets is excessive. i think his past inarguably ugly controversies combined w/ his 2010-justin-bieber/mid-2000s-nickelback/late-90s-fred-durst tier punchability to several key groups of music fanatics as well as ppl who just enjoy laughing and jeering from the sidelines have resulted in this monstrous distortion of who he is as an artist and a celebrity that - to me - feels pretty hyperbolic when your opinion of him isn't solely informed by gross old soundbites, provocative headlines, and his nu pop punk era PR mishaps. so many artists are not good people, but kells is a not-good person who also currently makes music that many are predisposed to dislike on principle, and markets that music using a persona that arouses Seething Irritation in territorial youths and older folks alike across several different online music communities. i say that not to deflect criticism from him but to explain why i think the Machine Gun Kelly Discourse cocktail is so crazy potent compared to those of some of his also morally dubious contemporaries.
w/ that said, the juvenile POV that people are lambasting in "mainstream sellout" is not new to kells, and i think any adult who is or was a fan of his should be able to recognize that. he has romanticized his own struggles with addiction and mental illness for a long time, and he hopelessly yearns for the posthumous deification that only artists who die young and tortured are awarded (kurt, chester, peep, juice). because, in his mind, maybe that is the only way he'd be as respected as he supposedly deserves to be. maybe then, everyone else would see what he sees when the clouds of discontentment part and there is nothing but pride in his own work and what it represents. i've always found it sad and misguided, but as a Chronically Mentally Unwell person myself i can unfortunately relate to some degree. i have no idea what my creative voice would sound like without the pain that created it in the first place, and i lowkey worry i would lose it entirely if i eventually managed to get better. i suspect kells, who has spoken at length in the past abt feeling like he needs to be miserable to create, hasn't evolved past that mindset either.
i've spoken before about why i believe i connected w/ Tickets so profoundly in 2020 and why i had been a fan of his work before that album dropped, so from this point i'll go straight into why "mainstream sellout" does very little for me in comparison. one key issue is that, taken as a whole, it doesn’t feel authentic to me in the way that Tickets did. there was no way for kells to know before he released TTMD that it would blow up like it did. he was making it because he wanted to. he was processing very fresh and very real feelings about major life events (his dad, for example) during lonely early-pandemic studio sessions. this was not an album that people were asking him for at the time. with mainstream sellout, on the other hand, there was a precedent. he needed it to be as successful as (if not more successful than) TTMD, so it’s like he was trying to reverse-engineer the appeal of that project, with limited success imo. 
i don’t think certain factors that contributed to the success of TTMD can be replicated, because i believe they had to do with the state of the world at the time - but even if we set that aside, i just don’t think kells sounds “free” on mainstream sellout. he sounds like he’s trying to haphazardly balance everyone else’s expectations on top of his own desire to be unexpected, within a genre that has rigid restrictions for All Ye Who Enter Here. most of the songs ring hollow to me as a result - nothing for me to really chew on underneath the ornamental bluster on top with the exception of a couple of tracks. there are definitely some catchy hooks in here, and definitely a sprinkling of songs that made me go “fuck it, I’ll add this to my pop playlist,” but there is little to remind me of the MGK that i felt connected to once upon a time. i got more of that from his Billboard video interview than from the actual album. 
i’ve mentioned this in passing, but i also find the title to be a disingenuous (and unsuccessful) last-minute attempt to assert his self-awareness to the public. he is not a mainstream sellout, because he was not “selling out” by switching over from rap to this style of music. he had been a mainstream artist before TTMD. he already had a sizable and dedicated audience to sell his new image to, even without the percentage of his OG fans who seem to desperately want him to return to his roots. “ironic” album names that might have suited his predicament better:  -POSER!!! (all caps + exclamation marks necessary)   -fake punk  -cancelled (yes, like tana mongeau’s podcast)  -ex rapper  -eminem made me switch genres and all i got was this stupid album 
and i was a fan, so i know very well that he always had an interest in various subgenres of rock music. that doesn’t mean that the people questioning his punk cred are totally off the mark. if he doesn’t want people to do that, he needs to avoid sweeping statements about his impact on “guitar music” and he needs to avoid labelling himself. i mean, if you write a song as ill-judged as “sid & nancy” at the same time that you’re boldly asserting that you know your history, people are gonna have shit to say about it. 
final thing i will say is that your personal feelings about the album are completely valid, regardless of mine! i know it can feel weird and bad to like something that so many ppl are publicly shitting on, but if you like it you fucking like it!! for the record, i also enjoy “born with horns” and i can see the emotional appeal of “twin flame” even if the latter did not hit me the same way that “play this when i’m gone” did the night that TTMD came out. 
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sunatooru · 3 years
hi, can u please write idk comfort? I've been sleeping so much bc it's a way to stop thinking abt !sewercidal thoughts and also bc I'm soo exhausted. I also feel like I'm not good enough and I'm ugly and useless and have no point in life. but i dont want to leave yet.i don't want ppl 2 suffer just bc of me. also some ppl r calling me too sensitive bc I hate some noises and I keep asking them to stop . it makes me want to go break stuff lol. anyways don't do it if ur uncomfortable w/ it or don't feel like doing it , can u write 4 um I like kenma but I think alot of ur req r involving him so u can write him if u want . u can choose the rest , tysm. u r such a great writer. u've comforted me w/ ur writing so many times ♡o。.(✿ฺ。✿ฺ) tysm .
(if any spelling mistakes its bc I dont want to read it again bc I will cringe @ it srry:(
Hey lovely, I’m glad my writing has helped and thank you! You’re not being sensitive and you’re so beautiful <33 I hope this helps xx
Warnings: mentions of suicidal thoughts, oversleeping and low moods
* He noticed you’ve been sleeping more than usual
* You’ve been keeping to yourself more, your smile barely reaching your eyes and a rough swallow whenever he compliments you
* It’s another late night for him, he walks into the bedroom guessing you’re asleep, but this time you’re awake
* Your eyes focused on the wall, you body almost lifeless as you hold a broken expression
* He chews his lips and approaches you, his hand gently rubbing your thigh as he parts them a little
* He positions himself between your thighs, his arms wrapped around you torso, resting his head on your stomach
* “You can tell me anything.” He states, massaging your waist
* There’s a few minutes of silence before you speak up
* He swallows harshly hearing you, the pain and frustration in your voice was heavy
* He tightens his hold on you when you mention ‘leaving’
* He looks at you and crawls further up
* “You’re good enough. For me, for anyone. You have so many things to be proud of too. You motivate me all the time.” He caresses your cheek, a small smile growing on his face
* “You’re so beautiful…I’m never met anyone as beautiful as you. Inside and out…I’m sorry for not always being here for you but you’re not alone…Life is better because you’re here.” He presses his lips to your cheek, then the corner of your mouth until he reaches your lip
* The kiss is soft, slow and filled with love
* “I love you…even when you don’t feel like loving yourself…” he mummers, rubbing your cheek
* He’ll whisper all the things he loves about you until you both fall asleep
* The next day he plans a little outing, somewhere comfortable
* When you’re home, he tries to distract you with games and gets your favourite take out
* Stays up with you if you can’t sleep and snuggles with you when you can
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it9chi · 4 years
Hiii I don’t know if your taking request and if your not it’s fine you can totally ignore this lol :P but if you are can you do the trend of the pretty best friends with maybe Akaashi, Bokuto, and kuroo 🙈 by the way I loved the way you write the characters
how they blind react to the audio “i ain’t never seen two pretty best friends, always one of them gotta be ugly” from tiktok + find the first part here
man doing this to kuroo would be so funny
cs we know he lowkey prideful
so this would “”potentially”” hurt his ego
at least when it comes to you
cs this bitch hates losing to you no matter what
like he’s not like this to kenma usually
and u tell him its bc kenma is his favorite bestie
then he’s all like: noo ahaha who said i like kenma more than u? ahah who sed that cut the cameras
then proceeds to baby and pamper kenma right in front u
smh kuroo we were friends first 
just like oikawa, he likes inviting himself to your tiktoks, selfies, etc u know the drill
so roping him in your tiktok would be easy breezy
you set up ur camera and pretend you were getting ready to dance to that fishing pole reel it in tiktok
(also prior to this u told him abt wanting to do that tiktok w him)
and just like you predicted it, kuroo is now magically next to you smirking and shit at the camera
pulling a debby ryan yes king pop off
then the audio plays: “i aint never seen two pretty best friends. always one of them gotta be ugly”
kuroo goes :O like you did something so scandalous in front of him
even if the camera didnt hear his voice, its still kinda obvious that he said “chibi chan~”
now its ur turn to gasp
mf smirks at your reaction and picks you up like a sack of potatoes and throws you over his shoulder
all of that caught in camera
and right when he was gonna throw you on the bed the camera stops recording
y’all blow up overnight ;)))
the comments: “they gotta be more than friends!!”
“sis i’ll be his best friend if u don’t want to be his bestie anymore”
kodzuken: so y’all a thing now or-
bonus: what actually happened is kuroo tickled u and showed no mercy nor remorse </33
ahh yes bokuto
bokuto beam besties !!!!!
ft. a very very tired akaashi
you pull this shit to mess with the team
perks being the other fukurodani manager
(this is why konoha lowkey hates u but its okay queen u lowkey hate him too (as a joke)) 
so managers have to settle things right before practice starts right
after helping yukie and kaori, y’all had extra time
this is when u call bokuto in 
“bokuto lets film a tiktok real quick!” you call out to ur bestie who was with akaashi and konoha
bokuto immediately dips on them and runs to you
“what are we dancing to today?”
we know this bitch can dance lets not lie to ourselves rn
u tell him u want to do that hit the quan remix trend on tiktok and he agrees
mf even knows the step already so uh anywayz
this is the part where brokuto gets bamboozled
you click record and bokuto starts rubbing his hands together like hes about to throw that ass back and start dancing religiously
til the audio plays
“i aint never seen two pretty best friends always one of them gotta be ugly”
so that played throughout the gym
konoha and akaashi stop talking and turned their attention to you and bokuto
the realization settles in and bokuto frowns
and everyone in the gym thinks his emo mode is about to work up and they’re all about to run to him 
before bokuto lets out a big cackle
“you’re so funny sometimes, y/n” bokuto wipes a tear from his eyes from laughing so much  
bokuto suddenly goes quiet til mf starts chasing you around the gym
“BOKUTO IM SORRY” you screeched as you ran for your life
“nOPE! IF I CATCH YOU IT MEANS YOURE THE UGLY BEST FRIEND” he retorts, catching up on you
in the end the video caught u guys running around the gym
konoha took this as a chance to repost your video with the caption “what a dumbass” 
akaashi and this tiktok huh.....
do u know who u’re doing this to ??????
like akaashi???
akaashi keiji ?????????????????????????????????
this audio and akaashi just dont get along at all... like ... UGLY??? 
all in all im p sure this thing would backfire 
and im not even joking luv xoxo
you do this at home bc ... u dont want to embarauz urself doing this at school cs what if someone saw u calling THE akaashi ugly 
so yeah u have this thing w akaashi where y’all just chill at ur respective homes for no reason at all
and since akaashi is a genuinely nice guy and is a rlly rlly close friend of urs, he wont say no to ur vague requests <3
“keiji let’s do a tiktok together” you shake his arm as the mf reads a fucking book
“hmm okay” he hums, putting the book down
not forgetting to bookmark the page ! bookmark king ! knows his shit ok im getting sidetracked
you set ur phone down and angle it right
akaashi just does the bread face :] respecting ur viewers!
even if ur viewers r just the fukorodani team at best... maybe even some nekoma students bUT THATS NOT THE POINT HERE
ur trying so hard not to laugh and its so painfully obvious ur hiding something like akaashi is alr dreading cs he doesnt know what ur planning
so u press record and the audio rolls in
“i aint never seen two pretty best friends, always one of them gotta be ugly”
it turns to an awkward silence after that
cs akaashi didnt rlly know how to react
like he knows this shit is corny and just..... he cant even describe it oh god
and ur like looking at him for a reaction
hes just there like: :] ......
and akaashi is like: “yes i do :]” 
then he’s all like: “nothing. i know you’re not ugly and u shouldn’t let that meme define who you are because you are beautiful”
like a mf poet making ur heart melt 
u put a closed caption thingie mabober before u post it cs u wanted to let ppl know who or how tf ur bestie acts and damn right hes right !!! ur not ugly neither is he !!!
the comments when u posted it are all asking for his contact information and the just like
even bokuto commented like: THATS MY AKAASHI RIGHT THERE !!!!
and kuroo responds with: u cant win over him bro
and then bokuto replies again with: DUDE
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rosyerim · 4 years
bad boy au | na jaemin
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na jaemin, the notorious playboy of his school
literally flirts his way out of trouble
his english teacher caught his cheating during his test and what did jaemin do? wink and slide the paper up his sleeves
“ah you must be mistaken i would never cheat on a test! esp w a teacher as pretty as you ♥ ~(◠‿◕✿)”
cue the teacher blushin and letting him off and jeno laughing at him getting caught
part of the dreamie squad obviously 
the whole group of them are absolute hearthrobs
but jaemin is like the leader ever since mark graduated ot7(╥﹏╥)o
whenever he walks down the hall or into class, guaranteed the students are squealing and highkey blushing
i mean who isn’t, jaemin is a god???
he’s also known for playing around w girls and boys
its never too serious as jaemin always cuts it off when if they say i love you
homeboy isn’t about that committed life
which sucks for the ppl he has a thing with
because he treats them so good
always taking them out on the cutest dates, to the newest cafe, the aquarium, the ice cream shop even simple dates in the park!!
 pulling out their chair for them, holding the door open for them all that gentleman ish!!
but they always want more from jaemin
jaemin is known to be affectionate w his own friends but he’s never done any pda with his flings
which confuses them bc??does jaemin like me?? 
the answer is; no
despite what he says while flirting he rarely means any of it, he just likes the reactions he gets like,
when he compliments them and they turn red
or he holds their hand and they get all shy
but he loses interest in them as quickly as he gets it and is quick to cut it off
which does make him a bit of an asshole in that sense
but he does it in such a nice way they can’t get mad
he also dyes his hair so!!much!! 
how hasn’t it fallen out yet!!!
also kind of a stoner
psa; dont do drugs kids if ur underage!! this is just an au!!!
he likes to get faded behind the abandoned carnival the dreamies have dubbed as their hangout
its rlly just a closed down amusement park thats rlly old and they just spray painted DREAM on everything they could find but the dreamies love the eerie feeling they get in ther and like to pretend they own it
AND theirs no cops around so they can do what they like
which usually means getting crossfaded or having the occasional bonfire/party but most of the time they just get a truckload of candy and challenge each other on pokemon w their nintendos lol
he also likes the feeling of his surroundings being numb and always ends up falling asleep after he finishes a blunt
which leaves a sleepy and clingy jaemin stuck w the rest of the dreamies
jaemin doesn’t let himself smoke around his flings as he doesn’t trust them nearly as much as his boys
lowkey has trust issues
but once he gets his daily dose of coffee, like 3000 shots of espresso he is A W A K E
the dreamies are the worst for almost getting in trouble
when it gets dark they usually hop on their bikes, grab two bottles of spray paint each, and go on into their neighbourhood, whilst playing obnixous dubstep from their speakers
and cause total chaos 
they always leave dogs barking and house lights turning on in their wake as they cycle like mad men down the empty streets, streaking the road with luminous pinks and greens
they get the biggest thrill out of being chased by the local police
whenever the hear the telltale siren they all whoop and laugh in unison, shouting out bets on who will get caught first chenle and who’ll get back to the hangout first renjun
it’s dangerous but they get a real kick out of it and always make sure to tweet about and post it on ig
overall jaemin is jus your average bad boy who likes causing havoc
but who doesn’t like havoc?? 
you, my dear reader :))
you had just moved house and into a completely new neighborhood
 it was your fifth day in your new home and you missed your old area a lottt
and you were highkey bitter bc you didn’t want to move but your parents made you >:((
so sunday night rolls around and you were chilling in bed, watching some dumb yt video when all of sudden in the distance you heard,,,thumping,,,
like really ugly but rhythmic thumping,,,
and it was getting louder and closer to your house
so you being all investigative, throw on your hoodie and waddle on downstairs and open your front door, the porch light turning on automatically
and what you saw was a sight
there were a group of boys cycling up and down your street, attempting to do tricks like wheelies???and shit
but as they did their tricks they were spraying the ground so they left a lot of squiggly lines as they turned and jumped
you didn’t mind that, you thought it was actually kind of pretty
but what wasn’t pretty was that hideous music
you were pretty sure they were playing that im blue dabdeeda song but a dubstepped remix version 
and god it was awful
but you kinda assumed they must have gona tone deaf bc they were screeching the lyrics to the tops of the voices and one tall kid was trying to freestyle to it
yeah, they were a sight
 you noticed none of the neighours had come outside which meant this was a normal occurrence??
oh no, you were not having this
without a second thought you shoved your feet into your uggs by the door and stomped your little butt over to the group of screaming boys
one of the boys who was on his phone on his bike, noticed you storming towards them and quickly hit another guy next to him and so on
until all their attention was on you
all six of them 
if it were your old neighbourhood you would have been flustered at their attention on you and they were good looking and you were wearing an,,,odd attire
but you didn’t care
once you reached them you just crossed your arms
“whose playing the music?”
they kinda looked at you as if you spoke another language
until you arched an eyebrow and the tall kid from earlier raised his hand, holding his phone 
“uh,,, i am,,, i’m jisung,,,”
you marched over to him and swiped his phone, ignoring the laughing from one of the boys, scrolling thru his horrible choice of songs
then one of them tapped you on ur shoulder
“so like,,who are you? whats your deal sis?”
you noted he had quite an ugly bowlcut that was also bright red and you just rolled your eyes, before typing in a decent song in jisungs phone
another kid stepped forward and tried to look menacing as he stood up slightly taller in front of you
“like haechan asked,,what’s your deal? do you know who we are?”
you scoffed and clicked on the song, feeling satisfied as frank oceans song ivy played through the speaker
“frankly i don’t care who you guys are but your taste in music is shit and you all sound obnoxious”
homeboy who tried to seem tough was lowkey shook
and haechan just laughed really sarcastically 
“our music taste is shit? your outfit is a mess” 
your outfit was literally a large hoodie and uggs but like??your mom bought them and u liked them!!
“my mess of an outfit is worth more than that tragic cheap dye job you got ontop of your scalp smh”
haechan just gaped at you while the boys tried to hide their snickers 
you were about to leave before another one of them stepped forward, stretching out his hand
“yo you’re kinda funny, i’m renjun!” 
u just stared at his hand 
“yeah cool i dont care, bye”
ohhhh cold
you had stalked off from them ignroing their oooo savages behind you, ready to slip back into bed highkey proud of yourself 
not so fast
suddenly your met with a really smiley face with pink hair
he grabs your hand and kisses the back of it giving you his usual, heart stopping smile
“i don’t think i’ve seen you before...i’m jaemin and its very nice to meet you (◕‿-)“
but you are not liking his large ass smile
you rip your hand back and just arch your eyebrow again at him
“are you all actually deaf? I am y/n, and I do not care! goodnight!” 
and off you storm, this time actually making it to your door
you spare one more glance at them as you’re closing it 
and the group are almost crying bc they’re laughing so hard at jaemin whose looking over at you 
and he just winks at as u slam the door shut 
damn reader, ur wildt
once you’re back in your room you hear the group disappearing down the street, smiling as you hear frank ocean’s voice float away slowly
you peak out your window to see if they’re all gone but what you see leaves your mouth gaping
there in a mix of luminous pink and greens, spelled out in capitals is
there was gona b a next time??? oh no poor you ;)
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ambivalent-anarchy · 3 years
Body |Peter's Turn
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 -> here)
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: none (suspicions of cheating but no actual cheating lol just a lotta funny miscommunication)
Anon requested- can I get a one shot where the reader does the body positivity trend with the new megan thee stallion song and the reader is insecure about how ppl will react to it?? Most importantly how peter will react to it?? K thanks
A/N- Part 2 cuz I immediately knew what I wanted to do with this the second I got the ask. (Peter's turn)
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When Peter heard that you'd been nervous about showing him your video, he freaked.
He thought he'd done something wrong. That maybe he gave off weird vibes or that he'd said something before that made you think he wouldn't have liked it. Which definitely wasn't true. He liked everything you did.
Well, except that one time you got bangs. He didn't really like the bangs.
Anyway, Peter felt like he needed to show you that he was okay with it all. That he was down with anything you wanted to do or show him.
He looked in the mirror early that morning and decided.
Peter wanted to show what he had to offer.
He looked down at your TikTok "body" video on his phone. He could do something like that, right? He was completely clueless, but he could at least try his best.
He pulled out his phone and texted the one guy he knew could help him out.
PeterParkour🤟: i need u to teach me the lip bitey thingy
PrinceHarry👑: bro what
PrinceHarry👑: ???
PrinceHarry👑: what is that
PeterParkour🤟: like when u make yourself look all cool when u bite your lip
PrinceHarry👑: ...
PrinceHarry👑: oh
PrinceHarry👑: OH
PrinceHarry👑: 😂
PrinceHarry👑: lmao why do u wanna do that???
PeterParkour🤟: im trying to make a video for y/n
PrinceHarry👑: what kind of video 👀
PeterParkour🤟: NOT LIKE THAT
PeterParkour🤟: well actually
PeterParkour🤟: kinda like that
PeterParkour🤟: ill explain later which penthouse are u at tonight?
PrinceHarry👑: the one closest to ur apartment
PeterParkour🤟: ok ill come over
Now, on your end, school was kicking your ass.
You weren't failing, but the amount of make-up work you had was so far through the roof that you might as well be. And the teachers were hellbent on making it the hardest they could.
To put it short, you needed a break.
And the second MJ heard your tired, irritated voice over the phone, she was on her way over with chips, dip, popcorn, and movies. If there was anything to calm you down, it'd be a nice movie.
MJ had gone to your kitchen to make the popcorn and you were laying on your bed finishing up some homework, when you got a phone call from Harry. "Hello?"
"I didn't know you and Pete were sending nudes."
You paused. "What?"
He carried on in a nonchalant tone. "I mean, I never took you guys as the types to do that, but damn, you two really surprised me. Dude's really over here asking for tips and everything-"
You sat up in your bed, alert and highly confused. "Okay," you said, taking a deep breath" ....what, again, the fuck?" Harry continued to ramble but one sharp scolding tone stopped him. "Harry, shut up."
He paused on the other side of the phone and then suddenly his voice came back, extremely hesitant. "...wait, was I not supposed to say anything? Did I just fuck up?" He sighed. "Oops.."
"No, Harry tell me what the hell you're-" BEEP. You looked down and saw that he hung up.
Just then, MJ opened the door, hands full with freshly popped popcorn. "Okay, ready to get the movie started?" She walked to the bed when she noticed that you were practically frozen in your spot. "Um, [Y/N]?"
You looked up with glossy eyes and she immediately knew that something was wrong. "Dude, what happened?"
You frantically shrugged a bit, and then let out a shrill laugh, half confused and half preparing for the worst. "Peter's- um... apparently... sending nudes to...me....Harry... someone?"
Peter had finally made it to Harry's penthouse.
"So, nudes?," Harry chirped, very amused as he opened his door.
"What nudes?," Peter asked as he stepped into the living room. "What are you talking about?"
Harry paused. "Wait, what were you talking about?"
Peter only stared back in confusion, leaving Harry to pick through his own confusion fragments of information. He quizzically looked at him. "But-..the texts?"
"Oh!," Peter laughed, moving to sit on the couch. "No, I wanna make one of those thirst trap TikToks for [Y/N], that's all," he explained with a shrug and a bashful smile. "She made one for me, now I wanna repay the favor."
"Dude!," Harry hissed out. "You should've just said that!"
"Well, how about you just need to stop making assumptions," Peter said with a slight frown, not understanding why his friend was so wound up.
"Well, I had to since you kept being so vague!"
Peter rolled his eyes and started towards the refrigerator, if not to actually get something to drink, getting away from a crazed Harry for two seconds would be enough.
When he sat back down, Harry started to speak again. "So, what did you need me for?"
"Oh," Peter mumbled, shifting in his seat. "Well, you know how to do that sort of... stuff, right?"
"You mean looking like a fuckboy?," Harry snickered. "Yeah I'd say that's well within my reservoir."
Peter gave his typical bashful look. "So... teach me your fuckboy ways?"
Harry grinned. "Peter. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that."
You held your phone in your handle, looking at Peter's contact number hesitantly.
"Just text him," MJ said with an eyeroll.
"But what if it's nothing?! I don't wanna be the crazy girlfriend!"
"But what if it's something?," MJ added. "Cuz if you put it off now, and it actually ends up being something, you'll be even more miserable than you would be if you just found out now."
You took a long breath and nodded. "Okay then I'll text him."
"But if it is nothing, you'll look pretty stupid jumping to conclusions like that."
You sighed. "So, no?"
"But then if it's something-" she continued, getting deeper underneath your skin with each word. "-you'll look even more stupid because you could've found out sooner and you didn't."
Finally quieting down from her rambling, MJ noticed you glaring at her. You sighed.
"So...do I or do I not text him?"
"Oh nah, dude. I mean, I wouldn't. After all, I'm not saying that I think it's something," she said with a shrug. "I'm just saying on the off-chance that it is, you'd be in bad shape."
"Okay can we please stop playing devil's advocate with my life?!"
"You know I love watching you squirm [Y/N]." "Anyway, I'm sure Peter's not cheating. The boys were probably just doing something dumb and Harry just explained horribly."
You bit your lip. "You sure?"
She shrugged. "Pretty sure."
"Okay, now lower the camera just a little," Harry instructed. "You gotta show the v-line, but still leave enough for imagination."
Peter dropped his arm and his posture and shot Harry an incredulous glare. "Harry, if you focused this much in school I wouldn't have to tutor you."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just keep going."
This was the third picture taken and though it was out of his element, Peter strangely felt very confident with what he was doing. He never saw himself as ugly, but he certainly never saw himself as hot either. Not like Harry. But looking at himself now, with Harry's corny chain necklaces on and his hair scruffed up in a way he's not used to, he knew one thing for certain.
He looked good.
"Okay," Harry said. "Now the last one, actually needs to be some dumb picture someone took of you in your gallery."
Peter frowned. "Huh? But I'm on a roll here."
"Yeah but the whole point is that all of these pictures weren't supposed to be taken directly beforehand," he pointed out. "Since you're breaking that rule, you gotta throw in a cute dumb one to throw off your scent." He smirked. "Also, you gotta show the ladies and gents that you have a softer, funnier side."
Peter stared for a moment. "..why do you have this down to a science?"
"Says the science geek?," Harry retorted.
Peter spent the night at Harry's and they drove to school early in the morning. He was glad that it was Tuesday because your schedules made it so that you'd both have lunch together every other day.
"You sure she'll like it?," he asked Harry as they walked down the halls before lunch.
Harry rolled his eyes with a laugh. "You know, she asked me the exact same thing for you when she made her video?"
Peter nodded quietly, still feeling a bit down about you feeling bad about showing him that video. "Yeah, I know."
"Jesus," Harry laughed. "You insecure little dweebs are made for each other!"
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment..."
"As you should," Harry said with a shrug, as nonchalant as ever.
The two boys walked into the lunchroom and to the table they knew best. You and MJ were already there.
Peter could tell just by the look on your face that something was wrong. "Hey," he greeted cautiously. "Is everything okay?"
MJ glared at him and he looked to Harry, whose clueless face was not helping.
Finally, you looked up and sighed. "Pete, be honest. Are you cheating on me?"
You examined the utter shock and terror in his face. It didn't look fake. He looked saddened and scared as he began to ramble. "No no! I would never! What even made you think-!"
His eyes caught yours as you looked over towards Harry sittting next to him. Peter turned toward Harry and then looked back to you in confusion. "Wait, you think I cheated on you with HARRY?"
MJ bursts out laughing next you. "Jesus..."
Harry scoffed. "Well don't sound so excited Peter, jeez."
You let out a small chuckle but kept your eyes on Peter. "It's just... Harry called me and...said something about nudes and-"
Peter's face grew even more contorted with bafflement. "Nudes?!"
Harry hit his forehead, finally understanding what was happening. "Ooooooooh, me and my big mouth..."
All eyes turned towards him. "What, Harry?"
He sighed. "This is all just a big mix-up." Harry nudged Peter. "Just show her the thing dude."
"What thing?," MJ asked.
Peter fished through his pockets. "Okay," he mumbled, a bit shaken up by what happened. He took his phone out and handed it to you. "Here."
You looked up and saw Peter looking down at you, waiting for your reaction.
"So, this is what you were doing yesterday?"
He nodded.
You blew out a long breath of relief. "You're not cheating."
"God no, babe, I'd never cheat on you," he cooed, stepping over towards your seat. "I know you were really nervous when you showed me yours, and so... I thought I should repay the favor."
He didn't even have time to breathe before you were on him, wasting no time in bringing your lips to his. He kissed you back, mildly aware of the people in the lunchroom around the two of you, but he still didn't care.
Peter pulled away with a smitten smile until he noticed blood on his lip. He wiped it away with his hand and frowned when he realized it was not his own.
You almost asked what was wrong when you noticed him looking at you strangely, but MJ beat you to the punch.
"Dude, you have a bloody nose!"
You gasped, picking up a napkin from the table.
Harry laughed. "Did you really just get a horny nosebleed?"
"Horny nosebleed?," MJ snickered.
"That's not a thing," you scoffed. "...is it?"
"It actually is," Peter corrected, blushing profusely and rubbing his neck. "Just glad to know you thought the video was hot."
"It was really hot," you gushed.
Peter grinned and pulled you close. "Aww babe."
MJ rolled her eyes. "Okay lovebirds, get a room."
Lol I know this was pretty trash but I was just trying to get to sleep while I was finishing this
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil, @yumings , @hey-its-grey , @spideyyeet , @sunkissedspidey , @tommyunderoos , @chaoticpete , @sovereignparker , @thesherlockianavenger , @bubblebucky , @eridanuswave , @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9 , @gwenvrse, @the-weird-bisexual, @kelieah
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 30+31.12.20 lbs
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lmao ep starts off itself with vansh and kabir ka staring match.
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vansh steady in first place, not having blinked for................ like 3 minutes now? this dude a fucking freak.
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while riddhima gazes adoringly at him thinking bhagwaan ne mujhe itnaaaaaaaaaa achcha pati diya hai. pft. idk what the hell sins you did in your last life riddhima, to get a husband like this one in this life, but it had to be something reallllllllllll bad. like stealing from little orphans and kicking puppies or some shit.
thankfully dadi is here to put an end to this chutiyaapa.
countdown blah blah, no1 currrrrrrrrr.
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itna pheeeeeeeeeenka happy new year. bhai-behen ho kya???
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now we talking.
he just says some trite shit like new kahaani that will be remembered for ages blah blah and gives creepy looks. dude why can’t you be normal on oneeeee bloody day?
ahaana also giving random creepy looks seeing vansh/riddhima hugging. and she goes and............
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i think i watch this show and rrahul a little too closely ki i instantly knew this isn’t his hand and thus it’s not vansh’s hand she’s holding.
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yupppppppppp. bola tha na.
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damn they make a hotass couple of shady bitches.
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ok wow i’m really feeling it. wish kabir wasn’t a sociopath who is incapable of feeling attachment (“love” is too strong a word) for anyone but his mother.
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lmao his reaction when ahaana tells him ki riddhima didn’t believe any of the pattiii she padaofied her about vansh.
ok but how do these two know each other??? matlab yeh le aaya hai issko? i thought vansh le aaya hoga?!!?
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mereko kya kaunsa manhoos le aaya? i’m just here for the attractive ppl pressing their bodies up against each other. keep on keeping on, #KaHana
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he’s warning her against ever double-crossing him and dude the angry/hate-sex vibes here are *~~~ExQuISiTe*~~~~
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the way she’s confidently gazing at him all sexy tells me she’s a much more seasoned player than riddhima and i already love her more than the damn lead of the show.
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damn. that’s a gnarly period you got riddhima. that’s an unusual amount of flow. go see a doctor about it, sis.
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i’ve heard about ppl making art with menstrual blood and all, but this is fucking ridiculous.
anyway of course the dumbass goes investigating it. and got fucking attacked in the storeroom and SOMEONE HUNG HER UP. LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS MESSED UP HOUSE DUDE????/ WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU STILLL LIVE HERE????
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Chehra Appreciation Break
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asadkjasldjlaskdjlsakjdlas the way he’s yelling for everyone and interrogating them of their whereabouts coz riddhima’s missing.
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lmao ishani and ahaana’s reactions at this temper tantrum are fucking amazing.
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dang what’s with the suuuuuper orange lower half of his face???? ugh. the foundation woes are back now that the beard’s growing back in.
anyway he went barrelling off to find her after some more chabaaya hua dhamkis at his fam. ahaana already regretting moving into this pagaal khaana.
this scene is so fucking disturbing to watch that i don’t even wanna fucking cap it. but she was legit getting HANGED and he managed to get there in the nick of time and save her.
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this poor girl, my god. i don’t think i’ve ever watched a tellywood FL be tortured to the extent that this one is on a daily basis. it’s fucking ridiculous. there’s no redemption for any of the raisinghanias at this point. she just needs to fucking leave (and file several domestic violence cases against each and every one of them, except dadi.)
anyway she tells him whatever went down today, starting from the period blood fiasco onwards and he’s........ vibrating in anger. cool i guess.
some promises and shit about how who ever did this will pay, time for “humaara khel” and .......... dude. you say this shit every single time. and nothing changes. i don’t give a fuck anymore about your stupid promises. move the fuck outta this hellhole with your wife if you really mean it.
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seedha jaake ahaana ke sar pe bandook taan di. based on what evidence? only the Good Lord above knows, coz vansh and the writers sure don’t.
no literally based on what is he accusing her and pulling the trigger??????? idgi??????
almost shot her and is saying “riddhima pe kharonchh nahi aani chahiye, baat ishq aur vishwaas ki hai” and ahaana is giggling and literally what the fuck is going on i’m so confused.
ahaana saying wowwwww, you want revenge also, and she shouldn’t get hurt also.
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MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE’S THE ONE WHO BROUGHT AHAANA IN!!!!!!!!!!!!
literally what the fuck is this dude on???? badla chahiye, par dard nahi hona chahiye. bhai, kya phoonk ke aaye ho, humein bhi toh thoda de do.
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ok this is tooooo fucking convoluted a game. riddhima thinks kabir is the one attacking her. but it’s kabir + ahaana. kabir thinks ahaana is on his side and brought her into VR mansion, but ahaana is double agent who was actually planted in kabir’s nazar by vansh to fuck over BOTH kabir and riddhima. i think?????????
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ahaana be like re devaaaaaa, what fucking madness have i gotten myself into????????????? the things i have to do for health insurance coverage during a pandemic.
first 5 minutes is some new year ka naach gaana bs. fwding.
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ok this fucker is a legit motherflipping crazy. he just wants to keep torturing riddhima for god knows how long.
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even ahaana is alarmed.
did he do absolutely noooooo research after the cliff chhalaang? like....... this revenge shit is so dumb at this point, when he knows she brought in vihaan to stop kabir from ruining the family, and took a second fucking bullet for him?!?!?!?!?!?! they shouldn’t have written the second gunshot plot point, coz now he looks like a reallllllllll unappreciative fucker for whom literally no good deed is enough.
also can’t say rrahul’s extra chabaaaaa chabaaaaaaa ke bolna is making this enjoyable to watch at all.
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all i wanna know is what ahaana has on him that he’s indebted to her and thought her worthy enough to join forces with. SPILL SPILL SPILL SPILL!!!!!!!!!!!! what does ahaana get outta all this?!!?!?!!!!!!
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riddhima on the other hand running around wondering whom vansh is gonna murder. SIS YOU JUST GOT STRANGULATED CAN YOU SIT DOWN FOR A HOT SEC AND REST?!?!!?!?
ahaana is like bro you gonna ruin riddhima’s life, and he’s like yeah, that’s what i want. jesus christ, dude. just divorce her then. why prolong this shit out like this????? truly psychopathic.
riddhima hears his voice and heads to the pool area..........
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............. isn’t that his shoulder there behind the tree? is she fucking blind???????? HOW CAN SHE NOT SEE HIS 7 FOOT TALL HULKING ASS BEHIND THAT PATLA SA JHAADI?????? HE’S LITERALLY THERE LIKE........
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........... she left. god. she’s really really REALLY stupid. like pretty sure these crimes against her count as extraaaaaaaaa bad....... like, pick on someone with your own brain capacity, vansh? leave the simple minded sis alone!
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the only gift that’s acceptable from you rn sir, is divorce papers. and a self-filed restraining order promising to stay 3 whole districts away.
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yikes, that beard is notttttt growing in well.
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“tum mujhe apne saare stress de do.” BITCH YOU’RE HER BIGGEST STRESS. ASSHOLE. I HATE YOU SO MUCH.
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“tumse door jaake jaaonga kahaan? abhi toh bohut kuch baaki hai.” fucking dieeee, you psychopath.
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lmaoooooooooooooooo her face when she doesn’t understand wtf this gift is supposed to be. i’ve been there sis. trying to fake enthusiasm for some reallllll bad gifts from men is truly painful.
also she’s so dang cute when they let her use her face properly!!!!!! har waqt bechaari ko bass rulaate rehte hain iss show mein.
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one ainvayiiii gift ke bahaane some random cuteness.
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sis gazing at him some more thinking omg he loves me soooooooo much.
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she remembered ahaana’s warning, and is like no she was lying to me!!!!!!!!! stupid stupid stupiddddddd. no matter whoever planted her, you should believe that sister over your haraami misters. motive jo bhi ho, bol toh behen sach hi rahi thi.
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yuck that looks ugly af. why the hell would you want that on your bedroom wall? esp. when your bedroom is already so goddamn fugly.
anyway he’s gaslighting her some more about ahaana blah blah.
riddhima like i’ll prove it. le, iska jee nahi bharaa. she wants to do more jasoosi and go get stuck in random traps that try to kill her.
vansh promising he’ll throw ahaana and her partners out if she can prove it. meaning you’ll........... throw yourself out?????
whatever man, idk and idc anymore what this fucker does. i’m just here for the faces.
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threatening notes planted in all these ppl’s rooms. everyone instantly like OMG VANSHHHHHHHHHHH DID THISSSSS. lol coz who else does this chutiyaapa of leaving random messages around like this.
but nope. chachi saw riddhima’s earring lying there and knows it’s her.
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isko bhi mila.
lmao kabir rueing the day he set eyes on riddhima coz jeena haraam kar rakha hai ladki ne.
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riddhima like mwahahahahhaha they must have got my notes and now they’ll come attack me! behen, woh toh note ke bina bhi roz karte aaye hain...............
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there. promptly got jumped.
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surprise, surprise.
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lol attitude toh dekho behen ka. wish she was the lead of the show instead of riddhima.
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vanityloves · 3 years
anyways im gonna listen to/read the fuckin...rise of the ogre shit bc ive been putting it off 🪓🥴 im gonna put stuff under the cut bc im gonna be TALKING n dont wanna make a new post everytime
ok he performed for 2 pounds 50. which is basically $3 today i- well it was absolutely a power play on his father behalf that also had the promise of money so.
also lol he said Rejection fueled my ambitions which, yknow,, i already knew but it still hurts and i will continue to talk ab it xoxo
AH HELP. "...if ebay had been invented at the time he would've sold me online there and then,"
"man hands on misery to man, yknow"
THEN PROCEEDS TO CONNECT IT TO MUSIC/HIS CAREER. this man said :) the one thing i truly have a passion for. the one thing i fucking like.
oh yeah. bullied by students AND teachers.
oh god hes 42ish during this interview? ok.
the fuckin school bully saying he wouldve acted differently if he knew what hed become
getting called "faceache", then proceeds to call 2d that. jfc he really does just repeat what everyone says. really "treating others how i was treated/how they treat me"
maybe thats why? hes kinder to fans? bc :] you support me and like me so, ok ill return that energy
a real rowdy boy. absolute nasty boy. fraud and arson... shooting ppls windows with his air pistols
black sabbath being a huge inspiration? fucking absolutely.
became a satanist n shit at age 16? "it fitted me like a glove" "heavy metal and devil worshipping became my favorite past times" ajsj funny that ppl in trying times often seek religion or following of some sort
heavy metal being his favorite, n loving the clash, while hannibals was more punk based
hannibal breaking murdocs nose for the 2nd and 3rd time for playing his music on hannibals turntable
he doesnt sound that bitter? ab hannibal? he doesnt sound incredibly fond but he talks ab how he got him into a lot of music. so, i imagine they we're a bit closer than i thought?
international baccalaureate in antisocial? anthropology?
MURDOC IS ACTUALLY SMART HE WAS JUST. NOT INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECTS? I GUESS? (also,,, he literally Built cyborg noodle and i think he had a PhD too lol. but its always nice to hear hes actually...yknow, interested or good at other things)
alright but murdoc having a fascination w/ other cultures - or at least some interests, that lead him to actually study the damn subject and "pass with flying colors"
'fuck college though. im gonna be a rockstar'
he sold his soul at 18ish? whenever the fuck he got kicked out but college was mentioned so my brain goes to 18ish idk
he lived with his father still and paid rent via low paying jobs one including 'part time dressing as santa'
help he was ab to take a Personal Job for quick cash and uhh well, "still made me call him sir though" he really said 20 dollars is 20 dollars, huh "that story was totally true"
alright, 1997,,,
2d stuff
loves zombie stuff? thats really cute, and is freaked out by the way they move. god he rambles
both he and murdoc are horses in the chinese zodiac
[[jfc ok if the official shit compares them a lot i understand why ppl ship them but Dont. its a narrative foil and that doesnt always mean Romance jfc.]]
truly... a lil stinker. super cute bouncing baby and a "bit thick" which is stull so endearing to me. hes just a happy man!
excitable 10 year old and would dance around his room
jfc the fact he has normal/caring parents. i kinda forget how opposite hes supposed to be from murdoc but i think thats another thing jsjsysg (murdoc said why isnt my tragic story making me famous why does he get to be the Star. no wonder he acts like a loon)
i still dont get how gettin bonked by a tree branch made him go bald and also turn his hair blue
big tiddy nurse mommy,,,
went to the same school as The Cure and got decent grades despite hittin the noggin quite hard. WANTED TO BE A STORM CHASER... OMG??
oh thats really cute, hed bond with his dad by building keyboards toegther 🥺💕
messed around with paints and graffiti? artistic king
oh yeah d day...new instruments, new band, new singer - and 'had to be the best or no dice' and absolutely CONFIDENT that his songs were bangers ajsjd
but on that same note, had absolute faith (or desperate) in 2d which i love
ransacked the fucking music shop jdjdj and 2d said he was Just Standing There behind the counter the whole shift hdhdh
"thats when your eye came out, yeah" "yeah!-" HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND SO HAPPY AB IT ?? yes he said ut hurt but he sounds...ok
jfc murdoc ragdolling this poor mf around. dunking him and slapping him around. actually? so incredibly terrible and abusive and i hate him for that 🔫 im sorry 2d stans. we dont condone that behavior here ong.
how and why the FUCK did 2d's parents allow that fucker near their child after that i??? help. wtf. his moms a nurse why didnt she just have murdoc sit in plain view of other people. god damn.
2d flying out the window n hitting the curb "whoops"
"just two black holes...[ah] it looked great...a blue hair, blacked eyed GOD- the girls would go wild-" "pretty boy looks" ???? HELP. HE DOESNT GO LIGHT ON THE COMPLIMENTS, HUH
oh yeah, he straight up kiddnapped this man help. idk how he managed that, russ is a Big Man??
AND MURDOCS MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING SEXY GOOD that russel said hm alright ill stay, :] out ifbhis owm free will im screaming.
"oh this is one of them febreeze commercials" "uh . yeah sure. *murdoc turning on his Sick Tunes*" but that either means? it was just his guitar playing the convinced russ? unless he and 2d recorded sumn?
"2d was the looks, murdoc the brains, then russel truly was the heart"
'while 2d and murdoc liked music, this man was a MUSICIAN' god fucking bless this book holy shit ny man russ getting some respect. he said back hurts from carrying this band.
murdoc basically heard this guy had big trauma that gave him So Many Skills n said "thats what i want" ok idk thats actually really? inch rest ting to me. seems that murdocs fine handing out compliments but i guess that where his charisma really helps out yeah?
"he was going to be in my band whether he liked it or not" ...murdoc-
HELP. 2D IS LIKE BRO GO ON IM LISTENING 🥺 despite hearing the story 50-60 times and murdoc said fuck off you lil shit.
ok irrelevant but i love his voice! its super comforting n nice to listen to 🥺
idk how/why he sucked up all his friends souls though ... how are they all possessing the same person. they said "its my turn on The Russ"
went to a private school,,, and was already possessed? and the thing where he gets bigger and smaller is a reoccurring thing?
was in a coma for 4 years?
hiphop machine...time and history...the ultimate set i guess.
his knowledge was infinite and hes a "Renaissance man" hes so fucking smart our king. jack of all trades but a master of drums. he said i know im good and what of it
yes russel our king. fuck up his nose 5 more times. probably stunted his growth too. he shrunk after russ gave him a wallop im sure
why dies paula sound like tracer overwatch
also only dated 2d for 2 months before joining the band?
HELP SHE REALLY WAS THE FIRST MURDOC FUCKER: "but when i saw murdoc with his thick greasy hair, green teeth and yellow skin i thought 'oh this is the ine for me!'" "OH HES SUCH A DANDY-" HELP ME IM HQJDHD
sick in the head...like i want to hurt people help girl. shes fucking Crazy. but she rly said damn i didnt hear back from him again 😭 and my purse is gone JSHHD
"small japanese person!"
2d: we werent gorillaz until noodle arrived!
im dying the reason he chose gorillaz. 'swinging through the jungle baring my ass'
noodle really said "im just happy to be here" and she balanced everyone out 😭 "she gave off pure love and the fact that she could laugh at murdoc REALLY helped too" RUSS... IS BABY
2d rambling ab some girl he met and "ssSs" "whats the s stand for hawhaw" "i dont know!".
one song is all it took i ❤ good for them
just murdoc talking ab the party that they threw for thier deal and saying "you dont know how much of a dick i felt like [when carrying one of those huge checks]" like oh thats whatll make you a dick? alright.
ahshdj damon and murdoc not getting along bc of Rival Band One Uppery + damon calling murdocs cuban heels crap since ge wore steel ones with gold spurs.
but the band and damon getting over music and their ambitions and became a "paternal figure"
HELP MURDOC SAID AWIOGA @ RACHEL WHICH MADE HER THROW HER DRINK IN HIS FACE AND SPLIT FROM 2D. kinda sad actually, she said i still like 2d but murdoc kinda ruined it by trying to get it in with me, it put a strain in our relationship :/ oh god murdocs That Dude
nov 31 1998: started recording :]
40 tracks that got cut down to 15 holy shit
hooking up cameras in every room ejdjsu
webby artist of the year in 2006? holy shit
noodle learning ab kong studios omfg
built in 1739?
the ghost of the first owners ghost still roams around in the kitchen in the early hours and moans 'aaa glass of water'
theres some rotting bullshit near the studios and in the summer its fucking TERRIBLE
the former owners were a biker gang, and they all died in a fire
murdoc said this place has bad vibes. i want it.
grim weather
the building feels impossible to escape from huHgg
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Please... (Redfinch)
Albert has been thrown to the refuge before. It was an ugly story but at least it prepared him from what was coming when he got thrown in again. But Finch? This was his first time learning on his own how relentless Snyder is...
Word count: 3302
Part : [1 this] - (if ppl like this i’ll make more parts)
Warnings: Blood, abuse, torture, knife cuts, restraints, mentions of death, beatings, cussing (no surprise there lol), in short this is a whump fic. I probably missed some warnings and if I did please let me know!
A/N: Hello, yes, I am well aware that I’ve vanished from my fanfic writing spree. It’s gonna be more common now because school is more hectic online than irl. Anyways, i came up with this idea when I was in the middle of having writers block from writing another wip and ended up finishing this one whoops. I also like ignored the remainder of requests from my inbox not bcs i don’t want to do them but i haven’t gotten the time. Especially since this is October and my school always have special plans on October so I’m sorry. But, hey I got a fic out! ENJOY! (might make this a three part thing if you guys want idk) 
[ @jaelynn-is-slightly-confused i did it.......................... ]
The first time he got sent to this hellspace was years ago, and fortunately for Albert it only lasted for four days before he was able to bust out. Odd how he thought something would be different. He expected the treatment would stay the same, no surprise there. The bounded limbs, the painful souvenirs smeared all over his body, being left to fend for your own life, none of this was new. And yet, Al thought maybe something physical about this awful settlement would be different. Maybe painting the walls a different color? Cleaning the little drops of blood on the floor?
A funny idea to be thinking about in this kind of situation. But he needed something to calm him down. Something to distract him from the pain all over his body. The bruises from punches, the strangling feeling made by a strong pair of hands ghosting his neck, the cuts from a knife marking his skin, the pain in his wrists while they’re tightly bound to each other with a rope, basically everything that’s been given to him the minute he arrived here. 
An itch in his throat triggered him to go on a coughing fit. It made him feel every inch of pain all over his torso as he reached for that itch. He ends up opening his eyes after spending a long time closing them. 
His senses are now hyper focused on everything around him. Albert can feel the coarse cement wall through the back of his shirt. It’s the only thing making him sit up properly while he spreads his legs out on the dirty floor, just as equally coarse as the wall. He can see streaks of lights coming from the tiny windows on the wall he’s leaning onto. The only light source provided for this basement. 
There isn’t anything in here. Most of the kids held in the refuge would stay up stairs. Rooms provided with rickety bunks where at least six kids slept all at once. Big scary men put on guard on every corner with batons, ready to strike when a kid acted up. You only get sent down to the basement, or what most kids would say the ‘torture chamber’, when the ungoldy amount of scars already given to you haven’t made you obey anything they say. And Albert has been a huge pain in the ass. 
The sound of the heavy metal door opening bounces on the walls, pulling Albert’s consciousness away from the distraction forming in his head as he was about to close his eyes for another rest. Slow footsteps climbing down the wooden stairs echoes throughout the room. A weak light slowly gets stronger as the footsteps get louder in Al’s ears. 
The sound of the footsteps against the wooden stairs turn into strong assertive steps on the concrete floor. Al weakly darts his eyes up at the big man, bringing a candle in one hand and a lit cigarette hanging loosely in his mouth. 
“Good to see you again, Al!” Snyder exclaimed after huffing out a cloud of smoke, a devilish grin painting his face. 
“Wish I could say the same to you” Albert voiced as best as he could, hoarse but Snyder could hear the hatred behind it. 
The beaten up redhead proceeds to spit at his captor’s shoes with a glare. In return, Snyder chuckles out whilst shaking his head. 
“You think that’s funny?” Snyder challenged. 
“Actually, I do!”
In the matter of seconds, Snyder gets closer and viciously grabs Albert by the neck with a tight grip. He holds him up with one hand on the neck, high with his back up against the wall. 
Despite his throat being seconds away from being totally crushed, he was able to hold up his glare. The pain is unimaginable, but his smile remains. Albert is not giving in to obeying this man in any way. Not even the fear he’s trying to assert on him. 
“Fearless. I admire that” Snyder notes, curiously tilting his head as he examines the details of his face. 
“Thanks. My parents are pretty proud of that too” Albert needed some effort to get the words out, but thought it was definitely worth the pain to see the displeased look in Snyder. 
“And very stubborn...” 
They lock their eyes in a glare, none of them showing any sign of turning away. 
“I’ll have to fix that attitude…” Snyder exclaimed. He turns towards the stairs leading upstairs and shouts, “Bring ‘em in” 
The door opened, followed by a sound of two men viciously telling someone to obey their orders. Not a moment later, a tumbling noise reveals a weak body being pushed down the stairs and onto the concrete floor with a loud thud. Their back was facing Al, so he didn’t know who that was. 
But Al noticed the newsboy cap, lying on the floor not far from the figure. It was thrown away from their head when they fell down the stairs. The cap looks eerily familiar. God, did Albert hope it wasn’t who he thinks it is…
The two men from earlier came down. One uses his feet to flip over the person they’ve just thrown down here, along with the bound wrists with the same rope as Al dropping in front of their chest. With the minimal light provided by the little windows and now the presence of Snyder’s candle, Albert can tell who they’ve just thrown in. 
His smirk slowly drops at the sight of the weak boy. His hazel eyes no longer glaring at his captor, but staring helplessly at the body lying on the floor. Blond hair no longer electrified as it used to. Al’s favorite face to cradle no longer looks the same as before. Eyes still clenched shut. Snyder smirks, seeing his tactic has shown some progress. And he barely did anything yet. 
“Not so funny now, huh?” Snyder taunted under his breath, only Albert was able to hear it, “Should’ve brought the boy into the mix sooner…” 
Snyder loosens his grip around Al’s neck, but he’s soon held up once again by two of Snyder’s henchmen. One holds down his shoulders, pinning him up against the wall, and another by the chest and stomach. 
Snyder makes his way to the boy on the ground with lazy steps. Albert can see him reaching for something under his jacket. It was soon revealed to be a knife once he playfully glides it in the air while kneeling down to the boy. He throws away his burnt out cigarette and places the candle on the floor, not far from the helpless body. He grabs the boy’s chin to make him look up with his free hand, smiling like the devil when he hears the boy whimpering from his touch. 
“I’m not one to like guys… but this one’s clearly a looker, don’t you think?” Snyder examines the face in his hand. 
Albert’s temper was acting up, but his struggles to break free from the strong grip was instantly met with punches to the stomach. The bruises from earlier makes the pain hurt even more. With a silent raise of two fingers, Snyder made the two henchmen stop the punching. It gives Albert some time to settle in with the pain. 
Another signal from Snyder, and the henchmen drops Al on the floor and leaves the basement to the three. Albert’s head was up against the concrete floor, taking in the cold and dusty texture. 
He’s on the same eye level as the boy. A desperate gaze towards the innocent face now full of blood, water, dust, and dirt all smudged together on his skin. Al could see more details, maybe bruises or cuts covered up by the smudges. 
“Come on now, Finch! You’re invited to the party!” Snyder said to the boy, bringing his face right to his own. It forces him to slightly sit up, whimpering along as his body is getting forced under all that pain, “The least you could do is appreciate the invitation” 
It was the order to open his eyes. God knows what Snyder would do if he didn’t. The action reveals a pair of Albert’s favorite blue eyes, but fear clouds it along with the redness caused from what he assumes to be a lot of crying. 
Finch never loses his composure. He’s that cool and mysterious guy everyone is intrigued by. Either have a cool smirk or a neutral quiet face at all times. He doesn’t express his feelings freely, so it keeps people guessing. But those tear streaks, shaky limbs, pressed down sobs in his throat, that wasn’t usual. Albert may have seen him vulnerable, but this wasn’t the romantic and soft side of him that he’s used to. This was genuine fear. 
“I know you’re not one to follow orders from me…” Snyder started, guiding Finch to sit up properly. His unbalanced head moves along with the dazing motion in his mind. In a split second, the sound of a slap echoes through the room. Finch falling helplessly the moment his huge hand connects to his cheek. With a little yelp from the pain, he’s back on the ground, desperately holding back his sobs and scrunching his eyes shut. 
“... But I’m sure we could… make some changes to that” Snyder continued, turning his head around to face Albert. 
By now, Al found the little strength to prop himself up to sit up against the wall again. He snarls, pushing Snyder to smile to his own amusement.
“I see progress being made!” He exclaimed with an unsettling grin after noting his silence. He turns back to face Finch, “Let’s see how much of that we can get for today’s session…” 
Snyder drags Finch by the ropes that ties his arms together up till it can reach the rusty old hook attached to the ceiling. He gasps at the pain in his wrists carrying his entire weight up on the hook, all the pain being stretched out. The tip of his toes grazed the floor and his head hung low.
The same knife from earlier makes its way to press on Finch’s chest. Albert had only realized his shirt was unbuttoned just now and takes in all the horrifying scars. It ranges from faint purples and blues and very clear red and pink lines, all of which are smeared across his body. The cold blade hasn’t cut through his skin, but it made Finch’s senses hyper focused. Lungs working at full force, loud breathing and rapid chest movements. He thought he was just playing tricks, making him think he’s seconds away from cutting some skin. 
When he least expected it, the blade drew another line just below his collar bone. It causes the boy to let out a half suppressed yelp. Snyder dragged the knife so slow, Finch could feel every bit of the pain. 
“Wait! Stop!” Albert could only yell from a distance. 
“Thought we’ve managed to get you to shut up...” Snyder turns his head a little to see Albert behind his shoulder. He digs the blade an inch deeper into Finch’s skin, causing a little cry to finally escape his lips but soon was suppressed once again. 
“He has nothin’ to do with this!” 
Albert shifts a bit loudly. It instantly alerts Snyder, causing him to fully turn his head towards him with a glare.
“Try getting any closer, and I’ll slit his throat open right now!” Snyder growled, firmly holding the blade against the weak throat. It made Finch pull his head up to avoid getting cut, inevitably forcing his eyes to open to stay cautious around it. 
Albert locks his eyes in Finch’s desperate gaze back at him. A silent cry for help, which only made Al furious because he can’t do anything. He wants to wipe his tears away, clean his face, and just hold him tight against his chest. Get the two back to the lodge where their friends are waiting. Everything in his power to get Finch away from any more torture. 
Snyder smiled at Albert’s compliance, forcibly settling his body back on the wall. 
“Atta, boy,” He said, turning his head back to face Finch. He grabs a fistful of blonde curls and whispers, “See? Told’ja he’d listen to you” 
Snyder pulls the knife out of his flesh. Finch gasps at the pain, red blood dripping down his body. His breath becomes fast and uncontrollable once again. And he didn’t stop there. Punches being thrown, more knife cuts, and a hand gripping firmly around his neck while he growls words that shapes nightmares. The chest starts to add in more color to it. Streaks of blood dripped down his slightly toned body. Each of those marks burns deeply into him. With every swing from the fist, Finch uses all his energy to suppress his voice despite the unimaginable pain it emits.
Finch has been in a fight before. He knows what it feels like getting punched over and over again. But this? This is something new. He’s in a position where he can’t do anything. And god is he scared for his life. Albert won’t blame him. After a few dozen punches, his lover fell limp. Hanging helplessly on the hook and taking all the new cuts and bruises like he deserves it. His heart skipped a beat, thinking that he actually might’ve given up. 
“Can’t you tell he’s had enough of it?” Albert shouted, helplessly watching his lover get tortured to near death. 
Snyder continues to use Finch as a punching bag, ignoring his near silent cries and Albert’s pleas to stop. 
“What does it have to do with ‘im?!” 
A hook to the chin this time.
“You fucking bastard! You’ll kill him!” 
Finch couldn’t hold his crying anymore, despite being told to before he got thrown in the basement. Snyder draws out the knife again upon hearing all the sobs escape his cut lips. 
“Snyder, please!” Albert’s voice shakes.
He stops his arm and turns to face Albert, dropping his hand with the knife to his side. Albert can be seen on the verge of tears, and he won’t deny it to anyone. Snyder’s lips fell open with wonderment. 
“I get the point already. You don’t have to keep hurting him...” Albert explained even further, desperation lacing his words. Eyes slowly welling up with water, “Please…”
Snyder scoffs, twisting his lips into the devil's satisfied smile, “Say that again” 
He just wants to see Albert complying to him. Hear him beg to stop the injustice torture. Maybe as far as to hear him cry. 
“Please… Let him go...” breathlessly, Albert begged. He could feel a drop of water from one of his eyes threatening to fall down his cheek. 
Snyder approaches Albert, kneeling down in front of him. He uses the knife from earlier, still full of Finch’s blood dripping off the blade, to tilt Albert’s chin upwards. He glares at Snyder once their eyes meet, but it only makes the man smirk with delight.
“I see you’ve come to your senses” 
Hopefully that meant he’d stop and let Finch back upstairs. But this is Snyder, he’s not going to let one of his detained kids off for free. 
“But I don’t think you’re... ‘docile’ enough,” Snyder added.
He puts away the knife, letting Albert breathe for a moment. But that breath was stolen from him as Snyder proceeds to slap his cheek, so hard the noise echoes throughout the room. He falls to the ground, adding more to the pain he’s feeling. If his hands weren’t tied up, he would’ve already punched the crap out of that monster. 
“You sound adorable when you beg, y’know?” Snyder said standing up to walk back to Finch. 
Albert huffs out breaths full of anger, watching him approach his bloody human punching bag. He blows a strain of red locks away from his eyes to carefully watch what he’s going to do. 
Snyder grabs Finch’s cheeks, forcing him to look up, “You’re definitely a keeper. Isn’t that right, Al?” 
He turns to face Albert, watching as the redhead struggles to sit upright once again. He didn’t break his glare at the man while doing so, showing his own daggers through hazel eyes. 
Snyder scoffs it off, focusing back to Finch. He unhooks the rope off of the ceiling, the limp body giving in to gravity and hitting the floor instantly. His breathing is slowing down, but hitched with a sob ever so often. 
“So, why don’tcha have a little alone time—“ He grabs Finch by the hair. He yelped in pain before being tossed towards where Albert is sitting, his feet somehow complying to the push despite the ache he feels, “—and think about what you did” 
He was lucky, Albert was able to catch him into his chest and lap. If he didn’t, Finch would’ve hit the floor and added another bruise on his face. Finch quickly scrambles himself into his embrace as best as he can with tied hands in front of him. Shaking with suppressed sobs into Al’s tattered clothes. 
“You don’t wanna make him suffer for something he didn’t do, right?” Snyder taunted. 
It fuels Albert’s anger to the brim. He tries his best to wrap his arms around the boy while maintaining his glare at Snyder as he makes his way up the stairs. The heavy door quickly opens and shuts not long after a dozen or so drawn out steps up the stairs. The basement is once again left with minimal lighting since the candle from previously was brought up along with him. 
The moment he hears the door close, Finch lets out his sobs. Loud, fueled with ache and fear. Albert suspects he was told to stay quiet while they were doing… whatever it is they did to him to make him look like this. He had a few guesses about what it was, but Al couldn’t bear to put the image in his head. 
“Oh, Finch, what did they do to you?” Albert whispered, carefully holding Finch’s cheek up to see the damage. 
Finch stays silent as they view each other’s faces. Albert wipes Finch’s tears with his thumb delicately to be careful as to not harm him. He cries at the touch of his soft hand, the gentleness he’s been longing for the moment he got into this shithole of a place. 
He crashes his face into the crook of Albert’s neck, sobbing a little softer than before. Al places his chin on his curls gently. He rubs Finch’s back and shushes in his hair. Albert knows it won’t calm him down, but there’s nothing wrong with trying. 
“Albert… please… I wanna go home…” Finch said shakily, so soft Al nearly couldn’t hear him. About the only thing he has said since the moment the couple has reunited. 
Albert hushed the boy, rubbing his cheeks against Finch’s curls, “I know. I know. Just hold on for me” 
He continues to sob, a puddle slowly forming on Albert’s shirt. The dam for Albert himself finally broke, letting a drop of water fall down his cheek and a nose slowly getting stuffed. He holds him in his tight arms, as if he’d disappear the moment he lets go. 
“We’re gettin’ outta here. I promise” Albert promised, a big promise to uphold too. 
It would seem difficult with the position they’re in. He believes their friends are out there coming up with an escape plan or will visit them frequently to check up on them till a plan forms. Till then, he promises to do everything he can to get Finch off of Snyder’s evil hands. Anything to see his Finchy smile again. Even if it ends up being the last thing he does. 
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freshouttaparsnips · 4 years
Just Some Random AUs/Tropes for Writing Purposes!
sheewolf85 and I have been working on this for a while lol I couldn’t tell you who did which one at this point XD
But! This is a free ask game! So feel free to use it for whatever XD
--Spies --Philanthropist/Hitman --Mafia Boss/Cop --Mafia Boss/Vigilante --Hitman/Assassin --Wounded Mafia Guy/Nurse --Wounded Mafia Guy/Civilian
--Star Wars --Space Pirates --Cowboys and Aliens --Galaxy Quest AU --Space Hitchhiker AU --Star Trek --Signs AU
--Wounded soldier/medic --You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and that’s why I have to kill you AU --I’m a tree spirit and you cut down my tree. I’m dying now you fucking prick AU --Old timey soldier/nurse AU --I’m the demon who comes when you call its name. You were desperate AU --We’ve been married for 25 years and you just woke up from a coma to ask me who I am AU --I was under a spell/hallucinating and I thought you were my enemy. I’m so sorry. Please wake up. --We’ve been going out for a year and I just found out you were cheating on me the whole time, so FUCKA YOU --Goodbye Kisses
--I got turned into an animal and the only way to save me is to fall in love with me AU --Mad Scientist --I made a wizard mad and now I’m ugly pls help AU --Angel/Demon AU --I’m a witch on the outside of the village and you could get me killed, pls don’t do that AU --I’m a tree spirit and I scare off ppl who want to hurt the trees. What are you doing here? Why do you look so sad? AU --I’m a pillaging pirate and I found you on board my ship and honestly I can’t just throw you off AU --I’m a god, and you’re the peasant begging me to listen. --Beauty and the Beast AU --Village AU --Little Red Riding Hood AU --Hogwarts AU
--I paid a lot for that restaurant reservation, what do you mean you gave it to someone else just because they’re famous AU --I made this reservation at a really expensive restaurant and they never showed, but you did AU --I’m drunk off my ass and you saved me from cracking my head on the pavement AU --I’m late to my first class and you just happened to be standing in front of the Campus Map, can you plEASE MOVE AU --Online gamers enemies to friends to lovers --College classmates and there’s ONE BOOK LEFT in the bookstore AU --Speed dating AU --I burst into your apartment because I smelled a fire and it’s just you trying to cook AU --I’m a vet tech and you brought in a really bad off animal and I thought it was yours AU --There’s never a wrong time to dress in drag. --I know martial arts and you broke into my house. --I shut you up with a kiss and now I have to confess I actually love you. --CEO AU --Tattoo Artist/Florist AU --Coffee shop AU --Flower shop AU
--Prince and the Pauper AU --Masquerade - I danced with this wonderful person all night long and--wait it was YOU?! --Arranged marriage between countries AU --”Evil” King/Queen Takes Local Prince/Princess/Prinxe to be his/her Wife/Husband/Partner AU --I’m the bounty hunter and you’re my score, but there’s really no way I can kill you AU --Prince/Thief AU
~Old West~
--Old Town Road AU --Vampire Cowboys --Sheriff/Stagecoach Robber AU --Outlaw/Bounty Hunter AU --I just wanted to mine for gold out in the badlands and I woke up an Ancient Spirit. --John Carter AU
~Modern Fantasy~
--Superhero/Villain --Super Powers --I made a deal with the devil and you’re the only person I trust to help me AU --Pacific Rim AU --Arranged Marriage between Companies/Billionaires/Oil Moguls --ABO AU --Spiderwick AU
-Handprints AU -Numbered Countdown To Big Event AU -Colored Streak in Hair AU -First Phrase AU -Tattoo AU -What if instead of the death counter, you have a number on your wrist that counts down the days until you meet your soulmate. Yours and your best friend's have always been at 0. It's not until later in life (like 30's or so) that you find out it's because you were born in the same room. You can never tell if the soulmate you're going to meet is romantic or platonic, or perhaps both at different points in your life.
~Song AUs~
--Faithfully (journey) AU --500 Miles (the proclaimers) AU --Please Me (bruno mars/cardi b) AU --S&M (rihanna) AU --flowers (in love with a ghost) AU
--I just wanted to do this little money spell for fun, it was supposed to be funny, nobody was supposed to get hurt AU --So you say your name is Beelzebub? That’s legit. (Horror/Comedy AU) --It was supposed to be a seance to speak with my dead relative… they weren’t who answered. --Shutter AU --One Missed Call AU -Someone is breaking into my house and you were the only person who answered, HELP AU --Alternatively, Someone is breaking into my house so I’m calling you for help. Is that a phone ringing? --I’m hearing tapping on my window and you’re in bed next to me, can you see what’s making that noise? --The Purge AU --I heard your voice from the basement, but you just called me from the attic the moment I stepped down the first stair --A Quiet Place AU --Can you check under my bed? --It Follows AU --There’s some supernatural dude trying to kill me and I’ve killed him like 20 times and I’m so tired, can you try? --The Shining AU
~Horror in Space~
--Alien AU --Dead Space AU --Cloverfield AU --Event Horizon AU --Prey AU
--World War Z (fast zombies) --The Walking Dead (slow zombies) --Warm Bodies (zombies that can love) --I am Legend (sad zombies) --REC (demon zombies) --Resident Evil (scary zombies)
--Hanahaki Disease (Chronic or Love Induced) --You saved my life, now I’m your problem AU --Liar Reveal AU --Fish Out of Water --The Shut-Up Kiss (yes again) --Only One Bed --Help I’ve fallen in love AU
--Cuddling (platonic or romantic) --Breakfast in Bed --Platonic Dates --Surprise Gift --Late Night Chatting --Butterfly Kisses
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
tbh im tired of fuckin’ around with this topic. its simple, if you dont give a shit about fighting ableism and specifically wont put in the effort of listening to mentally disabled people with some basic respect and sympathy when we call you out no matter What in the goddamn fuck we are saying or how impactful You personally think it is bc your opinions come from an outside perspective, if you wont recognize able minded ppl have privilege and that you are part of a group with a ridiculous amount of power over us and in fact a history of VIOLENTLY ABUSIVE AND MURDEROUS OPPRESSION towards us, if you wont accept that the Inherent ignorance you have Ingrained by that privilege could be causing you to perpetuate behaviors that harm us without Realizing it because you and the rest of society are abled centric and benefit off of our oppression and this is deeply saturated within every system imaginable, if you wont sit the fuck down and Consider hearing our voices and caring about the suffering you have been causing us, enough to just Think about how you could try to unwork it in really simple ways, bc thats the LEAST you could be doing for us, then you are not an activist lmfao. you absolutely Cannot be a disability ally of Any kind, and you frankly dont even get to be a decent person. in my eyes when you desperately try to turn a ‘this is ableist!’ topic into a mock opportunity no matter how ~irrational~ it seems to you, you’re a whiny privileged piece of shit thats Seeking out reasons to belittle us so you can gloss over your responsibility, and blatantly parroting ‘i hate sjws theyre so wild for wanting me to respect minorities lol cringe’ rhetoric, and you prob would have gladly ignored forceful institutionalization if we were born 100 years earlier because idk apparently accommodating ppl like me inconveniences you enough to ignore me and laugh at the concept of my struggles now.
i really could not feel any more apathetic than when i hear one of you ppl say you think you’re being called ableist over something stupid. lmao a young disabled person is telling you that your language hurt them on tumblr dot com, which you can apparently even ignore and mock without social consequences, how terrible. we have a body count. we have people who spent their entire fucking lives in miserable abusive hospitals and care homes that let their spirits rot there because they were useless to them. we have forceful sterilization, we have disabled children left for dead, abused or murdered because parents were also ingrained with this ignorance and thought we’d be ‘better off’. and this still happens! so i couldnt care less about your annoyances and your mild discomforts and inconveniences, or how hard it is for you to interact with us and use some tact, frankly it makes me wanna laugh in ur spoiled bratty faces. bc you really dont get your privilege, and really dont get what weve gone through, and Still go through, when your worst complaint is being annoyed. when special interests and stimming and unworking ignorance is the struggle that you present us with. when you try to pass off ‘cringe’ as a real plight of any kind. Lmfao.
dont add some whiny fucking offended comment here, dont rb with screenshots of ‘ridiculous’ autism cringe mock fodder argument points you’ve seen to try and make some kind of ‘’’’’point’’’’ (the only point being that you’re ugly af inside and are attempting to demonize a minority as an excuse to get out of respecting them), shut the fuck Up and stop being such a baby abt ableism. you can handle hearing that you fucked up even when you (privileged majority) dont Think you have, and if you still wanna disagree the literal bottom of the fuckin’ barrel >LEAST< you can do is respond RESPECTFULLY about it. stop complaining and just rb this and think about how inhumane it is to look at how disabled people have been treated historically and then ignore us now when we Kindly try to educate you. stop perpetuating this evil ass behavior for the love of God, have some standards, normalize respecting mentally disabled people in topics of ableism even when you dont want to.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Did the best moment of your life happen at summer camp? I didn’t go to summer camp.  Do you get tired of fakebook? Fakebook, ha. It’s whatever. I don’t spend a lot of time on there, honestly. I just spend a few minutes a couple times or so a day scrolling through the feed and “like” some stuff.  Are you a poser on facebook or are you real? I don’t post a lot of personal stuff on there. I actually rarely post anything at all anymore. Like I said, I mostly just scroll through the feed “liking” stuff. I sometimes share a funny or relatable post, but that’s about it.
Are you a people pleaser? I mean... I don’t want to upset anyone or having any confrontation. I’m usually pretty agreeable with most things to avoid any issues. I’ll go along with what they want to do even if it’s not what I want to do (for the most part). I just don’t want any problems and it’s just easier to do those things. So, according to Psychology Today, avoiding conflict, agreeing with everyone (or pretending to), and finding it hard to say no are some of the top 10 things people who are people pleasers do. Another is not admitting to someone that your feelings are hurt, which is also me. But then also I’m not someone who has to be liked by everyone or seeks everyone’s validation. I feel like I do those things above because of the whole confrontation/avoiding conflict/not wanting to cause any issues thing and not because I want to be liked by everyone if that makes sense. Not to say that I don’t want to be liked, but... I don’t know. Whatever, you get what mean. Or maybe you don’t. *shrug* 
This response was so unnecessarily long, ha. Do you get irritated a lot? All the time. I’m very moody and irritable. What’s something you’ve realized about yourself lately? Nothing new. Do you know a lot of idiots? No, but I hear about and read things where I’m just like....yikes, wtf is wrong with some people? It’s alarming. Do you want a puppy or a kitty? Aww I love puppies, but I have a doggo and one is good for us. Do you hate that some people are stuck-up? I certainly don’t like if someone is stuck up and rude to me. Or really, just that way in general to people. It’s not a cute look. I hear the horror stories from people I know who work with the general public and wow. People can really be just so unnecessarily rude and cruel.  Would you rather be poor and humble or rich and snooty? I definitely wouldn’t want to be snooty. Can I be rich, but humble? ha. I’d be appreciative. I’d give back. I wouldn’t think I was superior to or above anyone just because I had money.  Do you know any humble rich people? I dont know any rich ppl, lmao . <<< Ha, same. Do you hate the millennial stereotype? I don’t pay much attention to that stuff. Does your religion or spirituality teach you to love your enemies? Yes. Do you love your enemies? I don’t have any enemies. Do you struggle to love your enemies? Do you get bullied frequently? I’m my only bully. Do you often wish you could go to sleep and not wake up until something good happens? As hard as it has been these past few years, I wouldn’t want to miss everything. I wouldn’t want to wake up one day and my loved ones are all much older, or worse. I wouldn’t want to miss the important things in their lives.  How many people do you know who are suicidal? I don’t know. You don’t always know that about a person. Do you read advice columns? No. Have you ever used a dating site? Nope. I’ve never had any interest in doing so. Do you want a fairy godmother? No. Do you enjoy watching talent shows? The only one I watch is The Voice. Which cartoon character would you want to play you in a movie? Wait…if there was a cartoon character playing me, then wouldnt they simply be modeled after me? <<< Good point. What is something you do not understand? Why I’m like this, the things I’ve gone through/are going through, life... a lot of things. Do you think cars are ugly? Some are. What is your favorite musical? Sweeney Todd. Are you ok? “I’m nooooooooot okay. I’m not okay, I’m not o-fucking-kay.” Do you ever feel God’s presence? Yes. Do you believe in angels? Yes. What is your favorite magazine? I don’t read any. What color hair did your favorite Barbie doll have? Most of my Barbies were blonde, but I had a few brunettes.  Who were you rooting for in the very first season of American Idol? Kelly Clarkson. Do you believe in miracles? Yes. Have you ever been to a tea shop? Yes. If there were a tea shop in your city, would you go to it? *shrug* maybe. Do you still have your Christmas decorations up? Yes. It’s barely January 2nd, chill out Old Sport.  How many pairs of jeggings do you own? Zero. Do you have any memories that are painful? Plenty. Do you make a habit of taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone? Ha, nope. Is your life boring? Yes, but I don’t have the energy or motivation to do much and I do like doing the things that I do. It works for me. What is your favorite thing to follow on tumblr? Blogs that post stuff related to my various fandoms, relatable and aesthetically pleasing things, and of course surveys.  What are your favorite Pinterest boards? I’m not big on Pinterest. I go on there sometimes to find cute pics and wallpapers for my phone, but that’s about it. Is your Pinterest profile cluttered? No. Like I said, I don’t much on there. If I find photos I like I just save them to my phone. Do you wish you owned more board games? Yeah. I love board games. Do you wish you had visitors more often? No.  Do you hate our culture? Lol, this jst reminds me of that one post thats like “no U live in a society. I live at my mom’s house”. Except in my case, its my dad’s house. And like I said above - I feel rather shielded from the world at large. Its almost as tho Im watching a movie unfold from afar <<< I can relate to that.  Do you live in the USA? Yes. What accent do you like best? British or southern accents. What are some things you would like to do this summer? Ew, I am NOT thinking about summer. It’s barely January, please let me enjoy this winter weather. What are some things you love about spring? The rain. Are you feeling optimistic today? No. When was the last time you did something that made you feel stupid? I feel that way a lot because of things I have and haven’t done and the ongoing, lasting effects of those things.  Is there anything that you’re questioning if you’re allergic to? No. Do you believe everyone should be treated with respect when you first meet them? I’m polite and civil to everyone I meet. Do you hate that nobody cares? About what? What websites shut down that you miss? Xanga was great for surveys. I’m also sad I lost all the surveys I did on there. What were your favorite websites when you were a teenager? I spent a lot of time on Myspace. There was also this Jonas Brothers website that had message boards and a chatroom, which I spent a lot of time on as well.  What was the best class you took in high school? English and Spanish.  Are you happy? No. Would you ever enroll in a college class just for fun? No. I’m done with school. I have no desire to go back, not even for just an elective. Do you feel free to be yourself? Yeah, pretty much. This is me, take it or leave it. Do you stand up for yourself when needed? Depends.
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