#i'm... okay. i have a great family. i'm fine. just.... slightly panicking.
its-paperd · 1 year
i can't hide everything.
mom's not gonna be happy about it. she's definitely gonna scold me.
scared. but.
it's fine.
it's the internet!! there are things that can't be blocked or hide. it's fine.
it's going to be fine. just try not to panic. just don't panic.
you're old enough to handle things. stop crying.
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 26 days
sheldon cooper x reader??? thanks 😍
my first request!!! hope you like it :)
girl from the train station
"WAIT!" sheldon's voice called at the train that had just driven off. oh he was so screwed. his mom would be so mad; this had definitely put him off breaking rules for life.
he sighed and looked round to see if there was anyone he could ask for help. then he realised he was in germany, of course there wouldn't be many people that could help him! his german was good, but it could only take him so far.
"hey, are you okay?" your voice interrupted him from his thoughts. he looked up to see you, standing in front of him, a sympathetic smile on your face.
"hallo-." sheldon begins in german but you cut him off.
"i speak english, i'm here visiting family." you chuckle. sheldon finds himself smiling slightly as well, but quickly stops.
"oh well.. i'm definitely not okay, i just missed my train in a foreign country and my mom's going to kill me because she thinks i'm at the library." sheldon says, in a panicked tone.
"calm down," you say comfortingly, "i think my mom can help you get home."
"really? that would be wonderful." sheldon breathes out a sigh of relief.
"yeah.. i'm y/n. by the way. nice to meet you." you hold out your hand for him to shake.
"sheldon." he looks at your outstretched hand, and reluctantly shakes it.
you give him a confused look.
"sorry i don't really like physical contact, no offence but i don't know what germs you have." he states, matter-of-factly.
surprisingly, you laugh. "fair enough."
sheldon smiles slightly back. you seemed a nice enough girl, he felt like he could trust you.
"right, you're in luck, we just dropped my dad and brother off here, so we'll be able to take you back to your mom." you say, and lead him to where he had just bought that damn strudel that made him miss his train in the first place.
"mom" you approach a woman that looked like an older version of you, "sheldon missed his train home and has no way of getting back!"
"now now honey calm down." your mom says then turns to look at sheldon, "do you know where you're staying?"
sheldon nods and tells her where he's staying.
"oh, that's right around the corner from my parents, that'll be easy then, you can come with us if you'd like." your mom smiles at him.
"i.. would like that." sheldon nods.
"great!" you cheer. sheldon looks at you. although you weren't his type of person (then again, who was?), he found you endearing.
"let's go then!" you say, and the three of you walk to your mom's car.
"would you like to sit up front sheldon? i'm feeling generous." you smile at him.
"no thank you, it's statistically safer in the back." he says, but then sees your face drop a little. "thank you though." he adds, and smiles at you.
"that's fine, i'll keep you company." you take a seat beside sheldon in the back.
your mom starts the car, and then you were on your way back to sheldon's hotel.
"so where are you from sheldon?" you ask, wanting to find some things out about him.
"medford, texas. what about you?" he nods.
"nice, i'm from (insert place here)." you respond.
"how come you're in germany anyway, sounds like a long way from home?" you chuckle.
"i'm here at grad school." sheldon responds.
"grad school?! wow you must be a genius." your eyes widen.
sheldon sees your reaction and chuckles.
"i am, i started college at 11." he subtly brags.
"11?? woah!" unlike many other kids his age, you seemed impressed and in awe of him. he liked that.
"yeah." sheldon says.
"i wish i was as smart as you." you look at him.
"it's just a natural gift." he responds. "i'm sure you're good at other things that i'm not. for example sports."
you giggle. "maybe i am. then."
for the rest of the car journey, you and sheldon talked about yourselves. sheldon learnt you came to germany quite a lot because your grandparents lived here, you had an older brother who annoyed the living hell out of you (he could relate) and you were a swimmer. he found himself quite enjoying talking to you, and was quite sorry when he arrived back to his hotel.
"here we are, it's been a pleasure driving you home sheldon." your mom speaks up from the front.
"thank you so much for driving me." he smiles politely.
"mom, please can i walk sheldon in!" you beg.
"alright, but don't be too long." she smiles fondly at you.
"come on." you say to sheldon who thanks your mom again and you walk up to his shared room.
you reach to a stop outside of his door and sigh.
"well.. it was nice meeting you sheldon." you smile sadly at him.
"and you. i had a great time talking to you in the car." he smiles back.
"yeah uhh.. maybe i could give you my number, in case you'd want to talk again..? you can tell me more about your string theory." you feel your face heat up and look down.
sheldon's eyes widen "uhh yeah okay." he surprises himself.
"here." you take hold of his hand and write your number on it, using a pen from you pocket.
"i'll call you." he nods. "well goodbye y/n.."
"bye sheldon." you reply and before he can stop you, you place a quick kiss on his cheek and walk off.
sheldon brought his hand to his cheek, open-mouthed. first, he lied to his mom, then he snuck out, and now he had just been kissed by a girl!
maybe today hadn't been so bad after all.
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saibug1022 · 3 months
Bad Liar
Word Count: 2k Magnus Bishop & Wind Velez, Magnus Bishop/Marcus Sharpe A/N: Alright, here is another windverse fic, this time it's a milestone of Magnus's, where he talks to someone (Wind) about his past for the first time in over ten years. TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of transphobia, homophobia, racism, foster care, loss of family, neglectful parents, graphic violence, mutilation, and custody battle
“It is ordered that the following allotment be made of The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of this Court among the circuits, pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42, and that such allotment…”
Magnus startled so violently he banged his knees against his desk.
“What the hell do you want, Velez?” Magnus demanded. “What are you even doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” Wind had the audacity to look shocked. “Mags, it’s one in the morning.”
“Is it one?” Magnus checked his watch and found that Wind was completely right. Well shit. He’d been asleep for hours. That was so much research time lost. He bit back a yawn. Those few hours would just have to make up for the three previous nights in which he hadn’t slept. “So it is. And what does it look like I'm doing, I'm working. Now will you go, please, and do whatever you came here to do?”
Wind crossed her arms and glared at him, slightly taller but only because Magnus was still sitting and looking like an exasperated mother in every inch. The look on their face was rare enough it actually made Magnus pause. It was then he noticed they weren’t dressed in the usual clothes he would wear around the office, instead wearing a rainbow long sleeve shirt under denim overalls.
“I came here looking for you,” Wind said. Great, something else Magnus would have to do to distract him from his work.
“What do you want?” Magnus sighed.
“What do I…” Wind blinked hard, momentarily shocked from his scolding nature, like she couldn’t believe Magnus didn’t want to stop what he was doing to complete whatever favor she wanted. “I’m here because you were supposed to meet up with Marcus at ten and he just now called me after panicking for the last three hours! I told him ‘don’t worry, there’s only so many places he could be, I’m sure everything is fine. I’ll even check the office for you even though I’m sure he wouldn’t be there this late’.”
“Alright, I’ll text him,” Magnus rolled his eyes. “If that’s all-”
“Magnus!” Wind slammed his hands on Magnus’s desk.
Oh shit. Wind never used his full name.
“His last girlfriend was murdered!” Wind told him and Magnus’s eyes widened. He didn’t know that. “He thought you were dead! He’s terrified!”
“Shit,” Magnus muttered. “I, I didn’t know.”
Wind took a deep breath and came around Magnus’s desk to sit on the edge of it.
“Mags what are you doing here at one in the morning?” Wind asked, much gentler now. “We’ve all burned the midnight oil now and then but you’ve been here every night when I’ve left and every morning when I got here for the last week.”
“Why do you care?” Magnus wondered. “What do you want from this?”
“What do I want?” Wind tilted their head in confusion.
“Yes what do you want,” Magnus repeated. “Marcus and I are…something, so his concern makes sense. You and I just live next door and work in the same office. So what do you want out of this?”
“Oh Mags…” Wind for a moment looked like she was about to cry which was the opposite of what Magnus wanted. “I’m just worried about you.”
“Well I’m just as capable of doing my job so if you please-”
Wind grabbed his shoulders and spun him in his chair to face them.
“I do not care,” Wind said, enunciating every word. “I don’t care about how well you can do your job or what you can do for me or any of that stuff. I care about you. I want you to be okay because of just regular human empathy and because you’re my friend.”
“I am not your friend,” Magnus spat, honestly with more venom than he’d meant to as he shoved himself back away from Wind. They seemed not just shocked but hurt, with pain flashing in their eyes to mingle with the tears from before. “I’m not your friend, I’m not Gigi’s friend, I’m not anybody’s friend. And honestly, seeing as how it’s distracting me from my work, I shouldn’t be anything to Marcus either. So just go!”
“...what happened to you?”
Wind, despite the pain written all over their face and the tears in her eyes, just stood there and looked at him with this look in their eyes like they were slowly connecting the pieces of a particularly important but maddening puzzle.
“I knew you weren’t the nicest guy and you were crazy cynical but this, I,” Wind shook his head. “What happened to you to make you so…sad?”
“I’m not sad,” Magnus said, something he’d said to himself many times, but it sounded like a lie even to him. “I’m annoyed and I’m busy.”
“The only people as lonely as you, are either horrible people or sad people,” Wind retorted. “And no matter how mean you are, I've seen how hard you fight for people. You’re not a bad person. So why are you so sad?”
Magnus felt like he’d been kicked in the gut, and he knew what being kicked in the gut felt like. The scars on his ribs suddenly felt like they were burning and a familiar feeling of uncomfortability was squirming under his skin. He knew exactly why he didn’t have friends. He knew exactly why he worked so hard and so much. He’d accepted those things as parts of him a long time ago.
“I’ve been in the office so much this week because the case Martin gave me was about a newly eighteen year old suing their foster parents now that they’re out of the system,” Magnus answered quietly, like if the words were soft enough then maybe Wind wouldn’t hear them and Magnus could pretend he didn’t say anything at all. “The same system that put me and my sister through hell. I became a lawyer to protect people from the systems that put me in a hole so deep I almost couldn’t crawl out of it.”
Wind didn’t say anything, just perched back on the edge of Magnus’s desk, folded his hands, and waited, looking out the window instead of at Magnus. Somehow that made it easier to continue.
“My parents were murdered when I was four,” Magnus admitted, even quieter. “And their murdered got a plea deal. Only went to prison for three years on a technicality. But me and my sister went into foster care. No matter what we did, they still separated us when I was seven. I didn’t see her for six years. I bounced around from shitty home to shitty home until I ended up with a woman named Lily. She couldn’t care less about me, she was just in it for the check, but by that point I was old enough to take care of myself enough that I could make up for her neglect and keep from getting placed again.”
“I get the feeling you do this whole, not sleeping barely eating thing a lot,” Wind whispered. Magnus nodded. “No wonder you’re so good at hiding it. I had no idea.”
“She sued for custody of me the day after she turned 18,” Magnus said. “And even with our testimonies and the evidence she still had to fight tooth and nail to get it. Our lawyer, her boyfriend’s dad, was the only reason she won. Because the system doesn’t really care about who hurts who, who lives, or who dies, or who suffers.”
“Vivian was pretty much the only person or thing I could rely on,” Magnus braced himself for the part of the story that would actually answer Wind’s questions. “Except my friends. I met them in middle school and they were there for me through everything. The trial, Lily, how shitty the town treated me as a black bi woman, all of it. In junior year, when I came out as trans they made sure they were using the right name, the right pronouns, even standing up for me and correcting people. They started this new tradition where we'd all go camping in the woods once a month to get away from it all for a weekend. And those few months were the best of my life until I found out it was all an elaborate plan to get my guard down and lure me into the woods.”
“Oh no.”
“I was in the hospital for three weeks.”
“Holy shit,” Wind breathed. She was looking at him now but Magnus was staring firmly at his desk and could only see them from the corner of his eye. The tears were falling. Magnus couldn’t help noting that the tears hadn’t fallen when Magnus yelled at him, but did when she heard what Magnus had been through. “That’s, that’s awful. I can’t believe anyone would do that. I can’t believe anyone would so that to you! That’s awful! No wonder you don’t have any friends, that’s so cruel!”
Wind lifted their arms up and turned toward him only to pause and pull back as Magnus looked up in shock. 
“Right, guess you’re probably not a hug guy,” Wind chuckled. “What your friends…no, I won’t call them your friends. They weren’t your friends. What those people did was completely terrible and you didn’t deserve that. But those people…if they could do that they weren’t really your friends.”
“Well it doesn’t matter now,” Magnus sighed. “Look, I’ll talk to Marcus and apologize and I’ll cut this off-”
“Wait like, break up with him?” Wind was shocked again. 
“Assuming we’re even dating then sure, break up with him,” Magnus shrugged. “It’ll be better for him in the long run.”
“I mean, I-I guess if you don’t want to date him,” Wind replied. “But he really cares about you. It took a lot for him to ask you out that first time after what happened to his girlfriend, and I get the feeling it took a lot from you to say yes.”
“Well, it’s clearly doing more harm to him than good. This way I can just focus on my work, you can focus on your work, no one gets hurt-”
“What about you?” 
“What about me?”
“What about you getting hurt?” Wind asked. For a moment Magnus didn’t know how to reply. The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. 
“It’ll be better for me in the long run too,” Magnus finally managed to say. “It wouldn’t work out. Better to cut it off early.”
“Earlier, you actually felt bad about scaring him,” Wind remembered and this sad smile appeared on her face. “You care about him.”
“Why do you care so much about this?” Magnus sighed. “I don’t need your pity, Velez.”
“It’s not pity, it’s empathy. Because I am going to show you what having actual friends is like whether you like it or not.”
Wind stood up and put his hands on the armrests of Magnus’s chair effectively boxing him in. 
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen,” Wind told him, and Magnus raised an eyebrow. “You are going to put away these files, I am going to drive you home, you are going to change, I am going to call Marcus over, you are going to apologize, and I am going to order you both take out. Then you are both going to get in bed together and sleep while I call off for you tomorrow so you can catch up on sleep.”
“I am not-” 
“I swear I will tie you down if I have to.”
“I’m not intimidated by you,” Magnus scoffed. “You can’t make me do anything.”
“Actually I can,” Wind replied. “Because if you don’t, I can very easily get you taken off this case.”
…shit. Magnus couldn’t get taken off this case. And from the glint in Wind’s eyes, he knew it.
“You conniving little weasel,” Magnus grumbled.
“Yay!” Wind stood up straight again to pump her fists in the air in celebration. They grabbed his hands and pulled him up. “Just you wait, I’m gonna be your friend if it’s the last thing I do.”
“Good luck with that, Wind.”
“My name! You’re warming up to me already.”
“Shut up.”
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
22- Memories and Tricky Games
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Part 23
Family is More than Blood
Mystic Falls - current timeline
Klaus followed his two daughters, Henrik and Andrea into the gym, hearing that there was another monster attacking the school. Once they were inside the room he could see the Hope Parker girl and Lizzie backed into a corner. “On second thought, be as loud as you want. Because we are so screwed.”
Hope frantically gulps. “Uh, it feeds on secrets, right? So let me have it, all of it.”
“I prefer to die with dignity.” The siphon blonde rolled her eyes.
The strange girl beside her replied. “Okay, fine, I'll start. Um I stole your jade butterfly clip in fifth grade.”
Lizzie gasped. “I loved that clip!”
The monster wearing a cap growls towards them where Hope begins panicking. “Well, Andrea had a crush on Josie for a week a few years ago.”
“Read my lips: my sister and our cousin are never happening.” Lizzie scoffed at her friend. “I don’t know why you didn’t just tell your parents or something because your mom has been going crazy trying to figure out who you are.”
The brunette glared at her hating to hear that she was mentally hurting her mother’s mind. “I didn’t want to hurt Landon and Josie. But I never thought that mom and Henrik would even slightly remember who I was.”
“Well it happened, Hope…agh!” The Gemini blonde screamed when the monster shrieked giving her the chance to see the Mikaeslon family watching them not sure how they could help. “Hope, they’re here except for your mom so just spit it out.”
“I won’t do it, Lizzie!” She snaps back.
Klaus and Lizzie made eye contact and he could hear her heartbeat quickening in her chest. “Okay, um, I accidentally killed your hamster. I siphoned you to cheat on finals.”
“What?” Hope spun on her feet.
The Saltzman blonde shut her eyes briefly avoiding her gaze. “And I actually think you're kind of cool.”
Yet the creature still made its way forward not affected by anything the girls had administered meaning they needed a new plan. Alina and Missy intertwined hands with Henrik and Andrea being siphoned so the twins had magic. “Let’s just do the siphon spell or the freezing one.” Alina suggested to the group unsure of what would actually stop the monster.
“If it has a heart I can just take it out and that’s the end of it.” Klaus added on trying to listen but couldn’t hear that the creature was alive meaning they were still stuck.
Lizzie and Hope bumped into the brick wall trapping them in between the wall and the monster causing Hope to begin panicking not wanting to admit what would most likely kill the monster in front of the pair. “Okay, it's not working. It's not gonna stop until everyone knows the secret we've been keeping from them: that I'm back.”
“Let 's try Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras-“ Missy began saying until the gym doors behind them bursts open revealing Josie.
The dark haired siphon eyed the monster in front of the group. “I'm back, too.”
“What are you going to do, Jo.” Andrea asked the siphon still remaining by her cousin's sides.
The monster turned around to the witch screeching down at her until Josie raised her hands up not afraid as she blasted the monster with a powerful spell. “Harae-tamai Kioku Yomigaerashi-tamae!” Thr monster bend over, holding its stomach.
“Jo!” Lizzie called out when her twin collapsed onto the floor.
Hope shifted her focus towards her father who blinked a few times at her while he slowly walked towards the girl. He raised his hand up and touched her face with the other teens watching him. It was rare to see the great Klaus Mikaelson shed a tear but he began crying in front of his daughter. “Raelyn was right….you’re my daughter.”
“Holy cow!” Andrea blurted out falling backwards on the floor.
Missy removed her hand from her sister’s rushing to check on Josie. “Josie….woah…uh.” She grunted when whatever spell she had done took over her body and she fell onto the floor too.
“Sissy!” Henrik broke into a run tackling Hope in the tightest hug the young boy possibly could crying into her chest.
Hope fell down on her butt embracing her brother in a warm tearful hug laughing at finally being able to hug him once more. “Hi Henrik…I’ve missed you so much.”
“So you were telling the truth all along, Lizzie…How could you think we wouldn’t want to know that our older sister was actually alive!” Alina stood beside their father raising her voice towards her sister flashing her werewolf eyes being frustrated like her father.
Hope dropped her gaze sadly. "Alina, I'm sorry…wait Where's mom?"
"Mom, I don't know. She's supposed to be-" Alina got cut off and collapsed suddenly.
Klaus ran a hand through his blonde curls answering his eldest daughter’s question. “Don’t worry she may have made a reckless decision but I know where she is. She went to the Malivore pit….bloody hell.” He groaned feeling a headache stumbling backwards, having Josie’s spell finally take effect.
Hope bent down seeing her family shortly taking a nap from the magic they were blasted with. “Lizzie, if your dad comes back make sure he doesn’t get angry that we left for Triad headquarters.”
“Why would auntie Raelyn jump into the portal if she knew what would happen to you?” Lizzie asked, standing beside her.
Hope shrugged her shoulders. “I have no clue. I just hope that she is okay.” Unfortunately that could be far from the truth when they would see where she ended up.
Raelyn’s pov
I blinked silently at the guy in front of me. My hands were clutching the crossbow still in my hands. Even though I knew that he was still alive I never dreamed I would be seeing him again. “How the hell are you awake?”
“No answers for free, Rae Rae. You should know that by now. So my question is what exactly are you doing here.” He gasped covering his mouth. “Did old Ric change his mind about you?”
Shaking my head, I scoffed at my cousin. “No he didn’t. And for your information I have no clue why I am here. All I know is that I went through a portal and somehow ended up here. Now answer my question: how are you not desiccating?”
"It's what I like to call the supernatural hunger games. There's a witch, vampire and werewolf that got dumped down here and they woke me up to have a little play thing." He responded back to me.
Scanning my eyes over my cousin I could tell it really had been ten years for him. He had a beard growing on his chin and the top of his head had some gray hairs forming by the looks of it. "When you say there's other people here who exactly put them here and why?"
"Old Alaric Saltzman obviously." Kai shrugged his shoulders, noticing the crossbow. "You do remember that will only kill me for a short time right?"
Rolling my eyes I vamped past him still holding the weapon in my hands. "It doesn't matter if you're bound to this world or not. I'm only concerned with getting out of here."
"You really think that I haven't tried that over the last ten years?" Kai dryly chuckled, making me pause. "I'm assuming you know what it takes to escape a prison world."
Glancing over my shoulder I stared at him, lowering the crossbow I was holding. "I actually do. The Ascendant, Bennett blood and a celestial event. So I am getting out of here before you and whoever else is here can kill me."
Kai raised his hand before I could move fast enough, freezing me in place. "Immobilus…Awe don't be so sure of yourself Rae Rae. It’s rude to leave without meeting the other guests first. Come on out, my murderous friends!" Kai called out walking up behind me grabbing my shoulders while I was forced to remain there.
I grunted dropping the weapon in my hands letting it clatter on the ground. I elbowed my cousin in the gut quickly using the chance he was holding his stomach to vamp away from him. “Argh!….who the hell are you?” I screamed, feeling someone vamp behind me twisting my arms around my back holding me against whoever it was.
“Names Diego. What do you want me to do with her Kai?” He asked where I could hear him growl meaning he was the werewolf that he had mentioned earlier.
My psychopath cousin shoved his hands with a slight tilt of his head smirking. “Hmm give her a taste of what happens if she helps us manage an escape but tries to leave us here.”
“Just remember you don’t have your little blood cure here to save you.” Diego growled into my ear lightly scraping his teeth against the veins on my neck where I gulped nervously knowing if he bit me now I wouldn’t make it once his venom was inside of me. I’d never see Klaus or the kids ever again.
Diego pushes me back towards Kai who holds my face in his hands pressing his forehead against mine. “Now that we’ve made that clear. You, my siphon cousin, are going to help us escape this prison world whether you like it or not.” He shoved me away from him and shoved a piece of wood into my gut before Diego and himself left the room.
“Sometimes I really do hate him!” I grumble under my breath drawing the piece of wood out and throwing it across the room, praying that Klaus and the kids would figure out I was here before Kai and his fellow prisoners decided to kill me.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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im-not-a-hero-bud · 4 months
Plot twist!
tw: character death, minor gore
i do not own these characters ! the rights of them go to flying bark studios ! also, English is not my first language, so please keep that in mind
sorry if this is bad. i just liked this idea
note: haha wukong fucking dies what a skill issue
There, he stood against the man who he once called his brother. Azure Lion against Sun Wukong, the great sage.
Azure lion, The Golden Winged Peng, and Yellow Tusk, against the Great Sage himself, his successor, and the friends they made along the way.
Everything felt worse knowing this was once a place of peace between the brothers.
Wukong's teeth clenched as well as his fist only a couple of seconds later.
"YOU!" He screamed as loud as his lungs allowed him to. He was furious.
As he attacked, Azure Lion pulled out his sword, it directly hit his heart, and everything went black.
Wukong's life was flashing before everyone's eyes. His birth from a stone, his first interactions with the brotherhood, Macaques brutal murder, Journey to the west, the sealing of the Samadhi fire, meeting his successor, everything.
Everybody saw his body fall to the floor, limp and lifeless.
While everybody's fight or flight response went into fight, MK's went into the secret third option;
He stood there, eyes wide as saucers and heart beating as fast as it could.
What was he going to do? He couldn't just stand there. He couldn't just leave. He couldn't fight. He just.. panicked.
".. I'm sorry, Monkey King."
MK looked away, tears in his eyes, transformed into a hawk, and just got away. He needed to get out of there,
But ending up on top of Flower Fruit Mountain wasn't exactly better considering what happened ten minutes ago.
So there he was, on top of a mountain, guilty about every little thing.
Behind a corner, the all too well-known or infamous Six Eared Macaque was planning to prank or bother his bubbly sunlike polar oposite, only to find that the one good thing that came out of him was shakily sitting with his head on his knees and crying his heart out.
Rumble and Savage, Macaque's only known named clones, was giggling in a mocking tone.
"Will you two shut it?" He said with an annoyed look.
"Aww, somebody's grumpy.."
Macaque rolled his eyes.
"I-I know you're there, Macaque!"
Macaque groaned as he removed the giggling clones.
He sat down beside MK with careful steps on the way.
"So.. You're feeling like crying."
"You don't say."
Macaque chuckled slightly and swayed his tail over the edge of the cliff they were sitting on.
"Wow. Laughing. Something I'll never experience again."
The chuckling and smiling look on Macaque's face slowly faded as that sunk in.
".. I.. got my cloning powers when I felt something similar to that. It made me realize that stuff like that passes. Everything will eventually be okay."
".. S-speaking of the cloning stuff, you and your clones look like Scar and his hyenas. You physically as well, considering,"
MK lifted his hand from his legs and gestured around Macaque's blind eye.
The comforting look on Macaque's face immediately faded, turning it into a playfully bothered one.
".. I'm gonna let that pass because you're having a bit of a moment right now."
MK giggled a little and lifted his head from his knees. He wiped his tears.
"Thought you said you'd never experience laughing again."
MK's eyes widened, and he stuttered about something to try and deny his laughing.
"Okay- Fine- maybe I laughed- but that was your fault! You tricked me! You're a tricker!"
He corrected.
".. Shut! Up!"
Macaque giggled and put an arm around MK's shoulder(IN A PLATONIC OR FAMILIAL WAY. PLUMSYNOODLES SHIPPERS FUCK OFF), and ruffled MK's hair.
"So.. why were you crying?"
Macaque carefully asked.
".. I don't know, really. Guess it's just been bubbling up since the Samadhi stuff."
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trollishly · 3 years
Valkyrie Pt. 5 • Ivar X Reader
A girl shows up bloody and beaten to Kattegat. The Queen and her sons take an interest in the girl, especially Ivar.
Warnings: Gore, Swearing, Mentions of sex, Angst, Anything you'd expect from Vikings
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The harsh chilled wind of Kattegate’s forest whipped the the thick furs that laid upon her shoulders. The forest seemed to be alive, as the trees whined and creaked as the gusts only became stronger. Her breathing became heavier as she quickened her pace towards her desired destination, ambitious for what she seeked.
Her eyes light up as they finally fell upon the individual, though she couldn't help but shiver as her feet finally met the front of their seated position. 
“The Queen...“ Slightly bowed the being, words slurring from their twisted lips. “Ancient One,” Quipped Aslaug as she tucked her gown to kneel before him, “you know why I am here, we’ve spoken of this matter before.“ Rushed the Queen in a desperate manner. The Seer let an exasperated grunt, his grotesque tongue running along his lips in thought. “The girl from your vision, you speak of her, you’ve spoken to her.” Hummed the cloak individual, while Aslaug only nodded hoping for him to continue.  
"Well what is it that is troubling you my Queen?" Aslaug rolled her eyes slightly, "I wish to know if my visions are once again correct, or am I mistaken and she is actually a threat to my kingdom?"
"You ask difficult questions, always questioning." He grinned, "However, I shall give you comfort by saying that what you see, is in fact true my Queen." Aslaug let out a breath of relief she hadn't known she was holding, refraining from smiling, which she found herself doing more often as of late. "The gods have blessed us with a great gift..." Croaked the Seer, "A Valkyrie." Spoke the two in unison.
Soft knocks echoed throughout the quaint room, and with nobody acknowledging it, a hush voice followed. "I'm coming in." Spoke Ubbe as he push the door open which dragged along the uneven floor.
There laid Frode, in bed and struggling to inhale evenly. His glazed over eyes drifting to look at the intruder. Ubbe watched as the boy clench his hand firmer around the one that laid upon his, the hand belonging to non other than his sister.
Y/n was slouched against Frode's bed, half her weight on her knees and the other on the edge of the bed. She looked as if she hadn't slept for days, which was half of the truth. If it weren't for Y/n's recent episodes of passing out, she would've been up like usual, her sleep schedule being far from healthy.
"Is she asleep?" Asked Ubbe, stepping further into the room. Frode tried to speak in denial, however, he found himself unable to speak, his voice caught in his throat as another fit of coughs erupted from him. With Frode at a loss, he was not able to warn Ubbe as he reached out to shake his sister awake. Y/n flinched harshly from his touch, rolling away from him and onto her feet. They both stood still, however, Y/n seemed to be on guard due to his presence. Ubbe tilted his head, trying to catch the girl's gaze, but she seemingly refused, not wanting him to see her at her weakest, as her eyes were red and puffy from her night's worth of crying over her brother.
"Sorry to disturb, but my mother asked me to invite you to come eat with us." Ubbe simply said, "I would of sent a thrall, but it seems you've scared them all half to death." Chuckled the man as he refrained from coming any closer.
"No, but thank you." Replied Y/n, turning to tend to her little brother once more. Frode quickly grasped his sister wrist and pulled a pleading face at her. "Y/n, you were never one to deny food, please go. I promise I will be fine." Comforted Frode as he begun to push Y/n away. "You need fresh air, you shouldn't be near me. I am not well," he paused briefly by taking a breath as he tried not to cough, "with you still being injured, it could become deadly if you were to stay near me and get sick." Finished the boy, relieved to see that his persuasion was beginning to work as his sister's frown lessened.
"He'll be fed and watched yes?" Questioned Y/n as she turned to face Ubbe. He nodded reassuring her, "A thrall will tend to your brother's every need."
Y/n began to debate in her head, not for long though, as her thoughts were interrupted by a loud growl that came from her stomach. "Okay." Agreed Y/n begrudgingly, as she came to pushed the hair from Frode's face before leaving the room with Ubbe following closely behind.
"Uh- pardon?" Stuttered Ubbe shaking himself from his trance. Y/n spoke up and repeated herself, "I said, the Queen is very generous. All of you are, you could have left my brother and I to die." Expressed Y/n as she kept her head facing fowards as she walked alongside the prince.
Ubbe blinked down at the girl, inspecting her appearance, which he did more often than he'd like to admit, especially in the little time he was in her presence. "You should thank the Queen, yourself." He said, looking away when he caught himself staring. "She knows something we don't- a-and I trust her enough to follow her blindly. Not only because she is my mother, but because I believe she is fit as ruler." Spoke Ubbe, his tone indicating he said more than what he intended to.
Y/n's forehead creased slightly at the mention of his mother's knowledge of the unknown, but let him be, by keeping silent as they finally made it to the hall.
Bickering could be heard from a table of cluttering cutlery, a whine drawing the attention of Y/n. "Mother. Tell them to stop tormenting me." Mischievously spoke, who Y/n now knew as Ivar, as he held a hand of a thrall, who sat rigid beside him. His head was lolled to the side as he looked pleadingly towards his mother with a pout.
Ubbe walked ahead of the girl, a snort coming from him due to his little brother's banter. This causing everyone's eyes to not only land on Ubbe, but Y/n as well. Ubbe eyed a seat from across the room, rounding the table and sitting besides Hvitserk, who's eyes kept flickering between Ivar and Y/n curiously, as he continued to shove food into his mouth.
At the speed of which Thor would strike his hammer, Ivar shuffled in his seat, removing Margrethe's hand from his lips and dismissing her with just a wave of his arm. Y/n stood quietly, unsure with what to do with herself, before realizing something that could have been crucial.
"My Queen." Announced Y/n as she bowed her head in respect, looking at her through the thick of her lashes. "Morning Y/n. I am pleased to see that you've joined us once more. Please, take a seat beside me." She said, gesturing to a spot in between herself and Sigurd. As Y/n approached, the Queen gave Margrethe a narrowed side glance, "Get our guest a chair." She stated firmly, causing the thrall to panick as she left her spot beside Ivar and walking towards the nearest chair. Both her and Y/n reached for the chair, clutching it at the same time.
"Please, there is no need." Y/n said gently, lifting the chair from Margrethe's grasp and placing it in its spot. The slave just stepped back and scanned Y/n's form before looking away in a submissive manner.
As Y/n took a seat, the Queen continued their discussion before Ivar had been interrupted. "Now Ubbe, when will you have children?" Asked the Aslaug as she gestured to him with a napkin in hand. He grinned, "I probably already have!" He joked causing the others boys to break out in laughter as he pick at his food to throw it towards his mother. "No I'm serious, each and everyone of you should have a woman by now, even married." Spoke the Queen genuinely, as she looked to each of her boys. All of them eyed each other before shrugging without a care and focusing back onto their food. The Queen pinched the bridge of her nose as she shook her head, turning to face her attention to Y/n.
"It seems my boys are far too immature to have a wife, let alone children, don't you think Y/n?" Smiled Aslaug at the girl, which made the boys pause in their gluttony. Y/n found herself a little caught off guard, as she was never the one to get romantically involve, spending most of her time training or raising her brother.
"I don't believe my opinion would have much value my Queen." Began Y/n as she kept her attention solely on Aslaug, "But since they are the King and Queen's children, heirs are expected from them..." Aslaug seemed pleased with Y/n's answer as her lips quirked slightly, "Hmm, and do you have a husband, or lover, for that matter?"
Y/n cringe internally, knowing what Frode would say to the Queen if he had the opportunity. "I don-" However, Aslaug cut her short. "I'm speaking nonsense aren't I? Of course you would. You are a very beautiful young woman, and a shield maiden I assume?" Rambled the Queen which seemed suspiciously intentional. Y/n's mouth was left agape momentarily before she quickly closed it, "Yes, I am a shield maiden my Queen." She said keeping her answer curt.
Hvitserk began giggling cheekily, as he watched the way Ivar strained himself by pressing his palms against the bench. Pushing his torso upwards as he leaned on the table, in hopes of getting a better view of his mother and Y/n as they conversed. Sigurd scowled at his little brother's enamored behavior. Still upset at his earlier possessiveness of Margrethe, especially after she had confided in him the night before.
"As I was saying, you don't need to love the woman to breed with them." Explained the Queen, making Y/n bow down to eat her soup as she try her hardest to block out the conversation; one that she had already deemed as a personal family matter. As Aslaug continued to chatter, Y/n's eyes scan the room as she spooned the food into her mouth, making accidental eye contact with Hvitserk as he copied her actions. He grinned at her as the soup messily dribble down his chin, until an aggressive voice broke his playful staring.
"What is wrong with you?" Quipped Ivar as he now leaned further onto the table staring daggers at Sigurd, "Nothing is wrong with me," spat Sigurd making Hvitserk and Y/n glanced at each other, with Hvitserk widening his eyes at her humorously. "I just wanted to know if she has love anyone except Harbard..." Silence followed making Y/n sit up uncomfortable, "You remember Harbard don't you?" Sigurd continued sparing everyone a glance but his mother.
Ubbe sat stoney still and so did Hvitserk, but Ivar pushed on, with his arms now crossed loosely, "Of course she has loved another," he stated to Sigurd while nodding. "She has always loved me... isn't that right mother?" He urged while smiling at his mother, his eyes briefly catching Y/n's, who was sat just behind Aslaug from his position. However, the Oueen didn't speak and just nodded as she swallowed her drink discreetly.
Y/n's eyebrows raised at Aslaug's reaction, wondering as for why the Queen wasn't being more reassuring to her son, "She just pities you Ivar, just like the rest of us. Y/n probably feels sorry for you too, especially when you look at her with so much desperation." Ivar flinched at Sigurd's words, anger and embarrassment building within him. "and sometimes, we wish mother had left you to the wolves." He smoothly said, as if it weren't something completely vile. Y/n couldn't comprehend how someone could be so cruel, mainly to their family.
"Sigurd!" Demanded the Queen, with Ivar continuing to glare at his brother trying to sort his feelings internally, "What?" Was all he replied with, before resuming his breakfast.
Y/n found herself wanting to put Sigurd in his place, but refrained from doing so as nothing but consequences would come from it. A drag of a chair turn Y/n's attention back to Ivar, as he was now standing tall at the end of the table. This caused Sigurd to haphazardly throw his spoon onto the table, scoffing at Ivar's display.
Ivar began scooting from his seat, supporting his weight briefly on his mother's chair, with her cooing at him to calm his temper. Her attempts went unnoticed as he continued, with his left hand wavering, before it had finally landed on the back of Y/n's chair. Ivar and the girl gazed at each other, with her turning within her seat to make room for the young prince. Ivar was now hesitant, mainly now that he was the closest he had yet been to Y/n, not helping himself as he caught of whiff of her aroma that furthermore attracted him to her. Ivar's forearm gently grazed Y/n's hair as he pulled himself from one chair to another, as he heard Sigurd still taunting him.
"Come on Boneless!" He teased as he stood from his chair now that Ivar was near. Everyone was now standing, Y/n situating herself just behind Ivar. Bowls and utensils fell to the floor as Sigurd pulled a chair from underneath Ivar making him collapse with a painful sounding thud. Y/n reach down to help him, but pause as Hvitserk gestured to her not to from the corner of her eye.
Ivar's frustrated huffs filled the room, his nostrils flaring as he forcefully began to drag himself towards his target. Sigurd's harmful jabs continued, with the Queen now walking up towards Ivar and passing Y/n, who couldn't help but stand and watch how this would play out.
Sigurd seemed to grow tired of this little game, quickly turning and pushing the doors of the hall open, making the bright light bleach the room with a stark white wash, highlighting Ivar's enraged features.
Ivar chased Sigurd out of the room causing a loud scream to rip from his throat, with the Queen attempting to hold him back.
End of part 5.
Notes: Thank you all so much for 50 followers! Had to finish and post part 5 today for you all!
Tags: @youbloodymadgenius, @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog, @midnightmystic
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“Alex…” Jo interrupts, her hand slowly curing round his, the one resting on her bump. He can feel his lips trembling as the tears he’d fought so hard to keep at bay begin to fall. 
"I put glow in the dark stars up.” He whispered. "So she can't be dead."
On one of the rare occasions, Alex and Jo’s days off don’t coincide, Alex finds himself wishing for a six-hour surgery, hell he’d rather be removing splinters than deciding between lemon sherbet and soft daffodil. To say he was excited about the impending arrival of their second child would be an understatement but completing the ridiculously long list Jo had left him to do this morning before rushing off with Robin felt more like torture.
He understood though, with only two months to go everything seemed to pile up on them, the quiet calm they had mistaken for panic when Robin was on the way paled in comparison when they were trying to juggle two full time demanding careers, a new puppy, a new baby and a toddler whose main goal in life seemed to be giving his parents a heart attack with the many hiding places he could find.
And this is how Alex found himself staring into the abyss of a million Amazon boxes that Jo had somehow managed to sneak by him, with various shades of yellow paint cans dotted around.
He understood Jo’s desire to make everything perfect, she’d been that way since she’d stepped out of the loft bathroom over two years ago, her hands shaking as she lifted the test towards him clearly displaying two lines. He swears they both had good intentions when Robin was born, he wouldn’t be spoiled, there wouldn't be gifts that make up for missing birthdays or missing bedtimes, they’d be honest about mommy and daddy having to work hard for everything they have and yet they couldn’t seem to stop themselves, because the luxury of giving their son and now their daughter everything they’d never had brought more happiness to Jo and Alex then maybe their children would ever understand. There could never be a single second their children doubted how loved and wanted they truly were, so it didn’t matter if their daughter would be in with them for the first few months, her room had to be finished before she arrived.
Their daughter...he smiles at the mere thought of her, their daughter, who likes to kick when their reading Robins bedtime stories, or plays the guitar on Jo’s rib cage until Alex sings along softly with her in the early hours of the morning, their daughter who’d refused to make herself seen for the first two scans.
It’s only when Alex finishes the last coat of soft daffodil that he hears the faint ringing of his phone above the radio. Shuffling down the ladder he wipes the back of his hand on his shirt as he hears the familiar ringtone sound again making Alex frown as he manages to navigate his way through the maze of boxes he's built around himself.
There’s a slight twitch in his chest as he begins down the stairs hearing his phone fall quiet only to start up again seconds later. He finds it still plugged in by the coffee machine where he’d left it, glancing at the screen to see he had twelve missed calls and three voicemails.
There's a definite twitch in his chest now as he clicks play on Jo's first voicemail, his lips twitching up at the sound of Robin's singing. They sounded like they were still in the car as Jo listed off a few more things she needed him to do.
"Hey, sorry I know you said not to go overboard but there are two more deliveries coming today so make sure to listen out for them and oh oh...if you get a chance to go grocery shopping we need...well we need pretty much everything but get me those cupcakes with the oranges on them and oh erm..." She paused after taking a slightly heavy breath. "I do not feel great today, maybe I can get someone to take over my surgeries. Oh and don’t forget to get the box of baby clothes down from the attic will you...okay... I love you, Alex, I’ll call you later."
He frowned quickly, bypassing the message Meredith had left, assuming it was whatever love triangle tragedy she had that day. He finds Jo's second message. There was no greeting to this one, only Jo's panicked voice.
"Why aren’t you answering the phone Alex? What’s the point of having one if you don’t ever answer it?”
His phone beeped again, signalling another message had been left, this time from Meredith again.
"Alex, where the hell are you? You need to be here now. I don't know if Jo is trying not to worry you but Carina is having her admitted so get over here before I leave work and drag you here myself.”
He felt his heart begin to drop in his chest as he hit replay, trying to piece together what was happening. Before he even knew it his feet were carrying him towards the front door, keys in hand as he rushed out. His entire mind had narrowed in on one simple need: to get to Jo.
He couldn't think of much else as he drove, he doesn’t even remember his route to the hospital he just remembers being at home and then bursting through the doors of Grey Sloan. He was severely out of breath by the time he caught sight of Meredith outside the maternity ward talking quietly with Bailey.
The best thing about Meredith, and what made her excel as a doctor, was that she was damn good in a crisis. So she knew the minute their eyes met that Alex just needed Jo. As soon as he’s within reach she wraps an arm around his shoulder—which felt way too much like condolences for Alex's liking and leads him through the doors where Carina was already waiting. This had to be a mistake. Jo was fine last night. Their daughter was fine last night. He’d felt her kicking as they’d talked. They’d talked about his mom's upcoming visit, and maybe going to see Amber and her family for Christmas or inviting them here.
"—I know. It's awful." Carina mutters her eyes on Jo's chart. The intern beside her nodded in agreement.
"I hope Dr Karev shows up before the ultrasound. She shouldn't have to deal with that alone." The intern responds.
“He’s here,” Carina whispers as she looks up, hearing Alex and Meredith footsteps as she tucks the chart under her arm. “If you can go set up the ultrasound while I talk to him.”
"Of course."
Alex gulps at the sorrow on Carina’s face as she steps closer, it's all too much for him as he averts his gaze down to the floor, his eyes catching on the silver band around his finger, splattered with yellow paint from earlier.
"What's going on?" Alex asks, hearing his voice crack as Meredith drops her hand from his back.
"Alex, you need to take a breath and pull yourself together because right now Jo needs you.”
He doesn't respond to Mer, doesn't even look at her as he raises his gaze back towards Carina, “What’s going on?” He repeats, his voice lower this time.
"Jo's in premature labour. She mentioned a couple of hours ago that she had some pretty bad Braxton Hicks, but then she timed them and they were too close together and too regular. So she paged me, and when I checked her cervix had already begun to open-”
Alex found himself nodding along but Carina’s words soon faded to quiet buzz in his ears. His fingers are already twitching to hold Jo. This couldn’t be happening, not to them. Not now.
"Okay." He whispers his voice dangerously low as he blinks back tears, desperately trying to pull himself together when everything in him was burning. Please don’t do this, please don’t take her from us, please don’t do this to her . He can feel his nails digging into the palm of his hand, the only way he's sure he’s still alive is the dull pain he feels as he takes a deep breath gathering himself slowly. Suddenly his doctor brain kicks in as he begins to ask what they are doing to fix this, listing everything he knew like he wasn’t surrounded by some of the best doctors he knew.
Carina nods, her words still buzzing in Alex’s head as she explains the past couple of hours, Jo’s contractions stopped an hour ago, her cervix hasn't opened any further.
“We’re just waiting to do an ultrasound...it really needs to be done right away.”
“Right...what's the problem then?”
“She’s refusing Alex, won't let anyone near her.”
Alex shakes his head, that's not true. Jo wouldn’t...she would never do anything that could harm their baby. She wouldn’t refuse medical care. He watches as Meredith shoots another look to Carina who sighs, tilting her head in a way that has Alex’s heart dropping into his stomach. “I tried earlier with the stethoscope to find the heartbeat...and was unsuccessful.”
"Alex, do you understand? We couldn't find a heartbeat. Dr DeLuca tried and I did too. Even Jo tried...now she’s refusing the ultrasound, she won’t let anyone touch her."
The childish reaction was quick and automatic. "Maybe you didn’t try hard enough, you didn’t do it right, okay? You know you should check properly.”
Carina took a deep breath. "Alex, I'm sorry. I’m going to do an ultrasound, of course, but…I don't know. It's usually easy to hear it with a stethoscope at twenty-eight weeks. Intrauterine deaths happen and there's not much—"
He felt like he couldn't breathe. His hand was clutching at his chest trying to feel the air filling his lungs but he couldn’t feel a thing as everything went fuzzy again. "Stop. Just shut up. You don’t know Jo. You don’t know our…"
"I'm so, so, s o sorry, Alex," Mer whispered. "I know how much you wanted her."
He felt his eyes burning. "I still want her. And you're wrong because I just felt her kick last night. She was kicking when I sang—she always does that. She does. So she can't be dead."
He chokes on his words. “She’s not...dead.”
There’s a quiet discussion mainly between Carina and Meredith who seems to be answering for Alex as they both guide him towards a door at the end of the corridor:
He has to stand outside the door for a full minute as he tries to get a hold of himself. He doesn’t want his face to show how truly scared he is at this moment.
When he does finally gather himself enough to step into the room he notices how the curtains were pulled, blocking almost all of the sunlight from the otherwise dark room. Jo was curled up onto her side, her entire body tucked protectively around Robin's sleeping frame. She hadn't even lifted her head or made a move to turn when the door shut behind Alex, and that terrified him so deeply that he couldn't even move. It had all suddenly gotten very real.
He walked slowly around the bed so he could see her face, he needed to meet her eyes or he’d never believe any of this was true. But as he rounded the bed he was met with her blank stare, blinking slowly as she took in his form.
"Robin needs to go home. I don't want him to have to see any more of this." She said quietly. She made no move to speak about what was going on. She was emotionless and it terrified him. Suddenly flashbacks of the first time he’d ever seen her look so shut down came to mind. When she’d first met her biological mother. When she’d shut down and left him out in the cold. He wasn’t sure he could survive it back then, he’d needed her so much but now he was certain he’d never survive without her.
Alex turned his focus to his son, who was asleep with his face scrunched up against Jo’s chest, his chubby hands resting on the swell of her stomach.
"I can get Mer to take him home with her." He told Jo quietly, he couldn't find any other words to say, it seemed neither could she.
Jo just nods in response but makes no effort to move. Alex could tell by her hand curling tighter around Robin's back that she wasn’t quite ready to let him go yet.
He’s not sure how much time passes next, as he takes a seat carefully on the edge of the bed. Reaching out gingerly to run his hands softly across Jo's cheek. And it’s in that moment when their eyes meet, his thumb tracing the already dried tear tracks down her face that they break. She lifts her right arm gathering a handful of his shirt tightly pulling him closer, pressing her cheek against his chest so she could hear his steady heartbeat. She doesn't say anything and for a second she’s silent before the sob she must’ve been holding back erupts from her and Alex can feel the tears begin to soak through his T-shirt. He feels powerless, all he can do is keep a steady arm wrapped around his wife holding her tightly to him. That was what hurt him the most about this. He couldn't do anything to take her pain away. He couldn’t fix this.
“Jo…Jo Carina is waiting to do an ultrasound…we need…we need to be sure.” Alex sighs trying to keep his tears at bay as she continues to shake in his arms. “Why won’t you let her help?”
"I didn't want anyone else." She finally admits, loosening her grip enough that he can see her face, her lips trembling as she speaks. The sight alone sends another sharp stab through Alex’s heart. "I didn't want anyone. I wanted you. I wanted—I wanted you to make it better."
Alex nods, wishing with everything in him that he could make any of this better. He lets out a shaky breath as Jo settles back down so her head was resting on his chest, her face pressing into his collarbone. He knows it is selfish, he knows it might kill them both but he can’t help reaching out over Robin's little body and pressing his hand to her stomach. He waits a moment…before pressing again, still waiting to feel the usual response. He hears Jo's breath hitch as she too waits for the little nudge of their daughter's feet, he knows she’s usually responded by now but he waits, he just keeps waiting. He thinks sort of him will always be waiting for that little kick…he thinks this moment might be frozen in time. Not us. This happens to people, but not us. Maybe it wasn’t fair to think like that, after all, every day he sees the worst card parents could ever be handed in life and yet he says the same lines about support groups and doing everything he could and not once did he think he’d ever need to hear those words.
He doesn’t know how long he keeps his hand there just waiting. "I just finished painting the nursery. I went with soft daffodils but if you prefer lemon sherbet we can change it…we can pick whatever colour you want, and I know I said we didn’t need a new crib but if you want that fancy one we’ll-“
“Alex…” Jo interrupts, her hand slowly curling around his own on her bump. He can feel his own lips trembling as the tears he’d fought so hard to keep at bay begin to fall.
"I put glow in the dark stars up.” He whispered. "So she can't be dead."
There’s no logic to what he said. There’s no truth to his reasoning but he believes it. Jo winces at his words or more likely one word in particular. He feels her drag his hand down to where Robin's tiny hands rest, a little reminder of what they still have.
Alex moves closer to them, pulling Robin gently onto his chest, sliding over and opening his arms for Jo. Letting her sink into him. She rests against him like she no longer has the strength to hold herself up.
“I'm sorry. I thought it was nothing more than Braxton Hicks. Can you believe that? I’m a freaking doctor and I couldn’t tell the difference between Braxton hicks and labour. I should have known better. I did this. This is my fault—"
Alex cuts her off, shushing her. "It's not your fault," he assures her. Life was unfair. He knew that. But this pain Jo didn’t deserve. Not his children. Not Robin. Not their new little girl with the stars on her ceiling. Not his family. They hadn't built this together for it to be broken.
"Please don't cry," she pleaded, her voice wavering. "Please don't, it terrifies me. I'm already so scared, Alex. I'm so scared."
Alex just nods, swallowing deeply as he pulls her tighter against his side. It was true that everything had changed once he'd had children. He no longer understood how he had lived without them. And he was realizing that everything he gained could be taken just as easily. He knew that, if this baby really were gone, there would be nothing he could do to ever fix the pain that would settle in Jo's heart or his own for that matter.
He feels Robin begin to stir against him and he forces a smile on his face and kisses his head, smiling genuinely when the little one lifts his arms, reaching out for his father in an instant.
"Daddy” He cheered, his little fists gripping Alex’s T-shirt as he shifted him higher up his chest. He settles his palm on the back of his head and kisses his head again.
"Robin, how would you feel about playing with Ellis, Bailey and Zola tonight?" He asks him carefully.
Robin is as stubborn as his mother. "Scout?" He suggests instead.
"Yeah okay, we can see if Uncle Link will take you. You can play with Scout and then mommy and daddy will see you when you wake up." He knows Robin has no real clue on what’s happening around him but he knew Jo had been right. He didn't need to be here.
Robin lifts his head and peers down at Jo. He seemed to be thinking hard about the proposition before shaking his head fiercely.
No was his new favourite word and Alex was already sick of hearing it. He strokes his hair back as he meets eyes with Jo. Her tears are still falling steadily. Her hands spread out over her stomach and he knew she was waiting to feel something still.
"No, I want mommy," Robin insists. His little face mustering up what Alex assumed was a scowl as he reached over to wrap his hand around one of Jo's curls hanging loose in front of her face. Alex didn’t have it in him to battle Robin today, it’s not like he wanted to let go of Jo either.
They were out of time to decide what to do about Robin because Carina was already wheeling in the ultrasound. Jo tensed beside him, her hand gripping his tightly as he rose from his place on the bed lifting Robin with him.
"I can't. Please." She whispers and if possible his heart cracked even more.
She was hanging on by a thin thread, but she was hanging onto him. They could survive this…they could survive it together. He lifts Robin higher up his chest, gently cradling Robin's head to his shoulder as the little one's legs wrapped around him.
Alex stared at the swell of Jo’s stomach, the same stomach he'd kissed just last night and singing old country songs much to Jo's amusement. There was no way…there was no way she was…he’d just finished her room…the paint was still wet. Her name is written in stars above her crib. She can’t be.
Alex didn't even realize he was crying until Carina flashes him a sympathetic smile. Robin lifts his head as he squirms in his fathers’ tight grip, peering up at him with a frown. Reaching out to touch his cheeks with his small hands.
"Daddy sad?” He whispers curiously. Alex was torn because there’s no way of explaining this to their toddler and he doesn't want to scare him. Instead, he settles for pressing him back against his chest, his little face squeezed against his neck because while he didn’t want him to watch he also couldn’t bear to let him go.
He watches as Carina helps Jo to sit up. It was too much to watch, the way her whole body shakes as her cries shook through her. He reached for her hand, laying limp by her side, his hand covering hers as he threaded their fingers together. She squeezes his hand back, gripping onto him like he was the only thing stopping her from coming undone. Her hand in his gave him a spark of hope that maybe no matter what happened next they’d make it together, as long they just kept holding on.
He almost dropped Robin in paralyzing relief when the familiar whooshing of the heartbeat filled the room. He lets out a cry of relief as he shakes his head. Alex presses his face back into Robin's hair and squeezes Jo's hand tightly, his heart still pounding away.
"Why wasn't she moving?" Jo asks, her voice hoarse. "I tried everything and she wouldn't move. And why couldn't you find it before?"
"Babies don't move much if at all during labour," Carina explained. "And I don't know. I listened for such a long time.” Once again Alex’s mind blocks out the surrounding noise until it’s a quiet buzz. Instead, he focuses on the image of their baby girl on the screen, the feel of Robin's hot breath against his neck and Jo's hand still clutching his tightly. His family. He’s had these images ever since they’d decided to try for a second…maybe even longer, before Robin, before he and Jo had even got married he’d had this whole dream…Jo, their kids and the house they’d live in and the life they’d live. “But you'll have to be on strict bed rest for the rest of this pregnancy, and even then there's no way to know how long you can prolong labour. If we can keep her from being born for at least a month she’ll be in a much better position."
He comes back down to reality when he feels Jo tug at his hand, she’s looking up at him expectantly. “There’s our girl,” He whispers, leaning closer, pressing a quiet kiss to her hair, not even glancing at Carina as she backs out of the room to give them a moment.
"What if I have to give birth soon?" She mumbled into his shirt. "What if we lose her anyway?"
He shook his head firmly. "We won't.”
He kisses her forehead and glances down at Robin before turning back to Jo. She was looking at him with that look. The one that communicated very clearly that she trusted him with everything in her.
Alex set his hands on her stomach and let out another relieved breath.
"God." He said quietly. She set her hand over his and caressed the back of his hand with her thumb.
Jo's expression twists with guilt. "I’m so sorry...this is all my fault. I've been overworking myself. I always think I can do so much more than I can and our girl is suffering because of it. Maybe I'm not fit to be a mother."
Alex shook his head. "If you're not fit to be a mother, Jo, no one is. Hell, you know what an unfit parent looks like and you are not one."
She opens her mouth to say something else, but abruptly she stops, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. Her expression goes from shock to joy in no time at all as she grabs his hands gently and moves them back to her stomach, pressing down lightly. Alex feels a familiar, returning nudge, gentle and soft, but definitely there. He laughs giddily and locks eyes with Jo, pleased when she laughs in return. He moves around the bed, leaning over Jo so he could press a kiss to the spot he'd last felt the nudge. He keeps his cheek pressed against her soft skin for a moment, whispering a quiet ‘I love you.’ before looking back at Jo’s teary gaze.
"Robin, come here. Come feel your sister." He tells the toddler. Alex tugs him up into his lap and helps guide his hand to the spot he'd just kissed. He applies slight pressure and laughs at the joyous giggle Robin gives when he feels the baby move underneath his hand.
"That's your little sister."
Robin looked up at her father and smiled but the tiny movements didn’t keep his attention for long as he began to climb out of Alex’s grip, into Jo's welcoming arms.
“It’s gonna be okay Jo. We’re gonna be okay.”
Jo looks up at him. Tears still trailing down her face but the sparkle missing from her gaze earlier was slowly making its way back.
He smiles gently, reaching out to cup her face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs softly over the wet trails her tears left. "Everything’s gonna be okay.” He promised. "You'll see."
And she did. A little over two months later their baby girl made her entrance into the world, a little less dramatic than her brother as she’d been monitored so closely, that it was no surprise when she decided to join everyone. With her brown eyes sparkling with the same warmth as her mother’s and a full head of hair she was every little bit perfect as Alex had imagined. A little taste of heaven.
“Hey, baby…welcome home.” Alex grinned as he pulled open the door to the nursery, ushering in Robin who proudly displayed the teddy he’d chosen for his baby sister as Jo slowly made her way inside. She’d been too afraid to step inside since the incident, she claimed it would jinx it.
“Oh wow…” She hummed happily looking down at the bundle in her arms, who as predicted was still asleep and had no understanding of the magnitude of the moment happening around her. “Aren’t you a lucky girl P?”
“Mommy… I see…you sit.” Robin yelps, pulling Jo from the bottom of her cardigan towards the new rocking chair set up in the corner. Jo is all too happy to take a seat, allowing Robin to catch sight of his baby sister.
“It’s perfect Alex…Thank you.” Jo mumbles after a minute, catching Alex’s eye who had taken the moment to settle against the door frame and just watch his family.
He smiles softly, before pushing up off the frame heading towards the window. “You haven’t seen the best bit.” He pulls the blinds down slowly, letting darkness take over the room leaving only the glowing stars for light.
Robin gasped as he looked around in wonder but Jo's eyes remained trained on Alex. “I love you.” She whispers.
“I love you.” Alex grins, kneeling down beside the chair as he runs his hand across their daughter's head. “I love you all…now look up.”
Tilting her head, Jo looked up at the ceiling and gasped. The stars trailed up the wall and right above the crib, they clustered together, spelling out their dear daughter's name.
Yes. This is a day late. But it's also very on-brand for me so.
This one-shot is part of the What Could've Been universe so if you haven't read them I would thoroughly recommend reading them, you find them all under my master post on Tumblr.
Also, I made all the medical crap up, so don't come for me with corrections...I don't care.
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rrickgrrimes8 · 3 years
Normality is Death
Chapter Thirteen ~ Philippians 1:29
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"C'mon baby lets go back to our room," Lori said to Jacey, Carl already holding her hand. Jacey nodded following a part of her family down the halls. 
"What's happening, mom?" Carl asked as he watched Lori go to the air vent feeling no air come out, "Mom? Something wrong?" 
Jacey watched her apprehensive mother, "Uh, nothing. It's just... just the air conditioning stopped." 
Lights went out soon after that too which agitated Lori more as did the disappearance of her husband. Sitting at the foot of her parents' bed, she watched as she left the room to talk to Doctor Jenner as he passed quickly. "What's wrong, Jacey?" She heard Addie call to her. 
"Please leave me alone," her hands found their ways to her ears once again seeking to block out any noise. 
"Jacey? You're scaring me... what's wrong?" Addie called to her again, causing her to look up only to see her younger brother worried, "What's wrong, Jacey?" 
"Uh... nothing, squirt. I'm fine," She stuttered, paralyzed by her shock, "Where's mom?" 
"Went after that Doctor. Sent me back to get you," Carl smiled, still perturbed, "You coming?" 
"Yep, Let's go, squirt."
The two younger Grimes' entered the hysterical room, passing their frightful mother on the way out, "Mom what's happening?" Lori didn't respond though, as she continued to run down the corridor and back to the room. Jacey caught wind of Jenner's words about how the French were the last ones to hold out. Well, that was until the fuel ran out. It sunk in deep with the child, there was no cure and there never will be - everything is gone.
Jacey, grabbing the hand of her brother, ran into the room eyeing the now sealed doors. "No. Did you just lock us in?" Glenn panicked, "He just locked us in!" Carl held her hand tighter, the loud noises and consternation becoming at once too much for him. Jacey saw Edwin take a seat at his desk and begin to talk to a camera. 
Bold lettering violated her eyes as the screen switched to black with the red-lettered words of '30 minutes to decontamination'. "Carl! Jacey!" she heard her mom bellow, quickly finding them. Dropping her bags, she wrapped her arms around the two children, kissing both of their heads. 
Daryl endeavoured over to the man in a fit of rage, yelling at him something Jacey couldn't quite catch but was quickly stopped by Shane. She watched as her father pleaded with the stubborn man to open the door, to which he refused. "What happens in 28 minutes?" Rick yelled to the man after he had ignored him the first time. 
"Come on!" Daryl encouraged threatening him with a glass bottle. 
"You know what this place is?!" He snapped, "We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever!" Jenner stops to breathe slowly, "In the event of a catastrophic power failure - in a terrorist attack, for example - H.I.T are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." 
"H.I.T's?" Rick asked. 
"VI, define," he ordered. 
"H.I.T's - high impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consist," VI continued but Jacey just blocked it out. They were going to die. They were all going to die. Rick walks over to his family joining in on their hug, mortified by the news. Jacey, however, felt okay, fine really. It didn't bother her that she was about to die - her death never seemed to scare her. What did bother her though was that her family would die too. Carl was too young to die she thought to herself. 
"It sets the air on fire. No pain," Jenner told them after VI had finished, "an end to sorrow, grief... regret. Everything." Jacey smiled through her tears, she was almost looking forward to it as dark as that sounded but she just wanted some peace, a rest. She watched as many grew angry - and in Daryl's case - violent with the doctor. 
Shane and T-dog stayed by the door throwing any and everything they had at it, but none of it making a dent. "You should've left well enough alone... it would have been so much easier," Jenner lent back in his chair, unbothered by the chaos he had created. 
"Easier for who?" Lori spat, clearly angry with the man's decision yet still a great amount of sadness in her words, knowing her children were about to die when they're lives really had just begun. 
"All of you. You know what's out there. A short brutal life and agonizing death," Jacey understood this and observed as he looked to her, "The people you lost, what was their names?" 
"Mitch and Addie," she replied not entirely sure on how he knew, while Rick looked to the man threateningly not wanting her daughter to have any part in his manipulation. 
"And you? Your sister?" he asked now to Andrea, the following was a quiet 'Amy'. "Addie, Mitch and Amy," He looked between Andrea and the girl, "You know what this does. You've seen it. Is that what you really want for your wife, daughter and son?" 
Now looking at Rick. "I don't want this," He almost cried emphatically. 
"Can't make a dent," Shane shouted to Rick, alarmed. 
"Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher," Jenner said almost comedically. 
"Well, your head ain't!" Daryl screamed, making his way over to the doctor, axe ready. Dale, Rick and Shane come together once more to hold Daryl and his clear anger issues back, "Daryl! Daryl!" 
T-dog soon wrestled the weapon off of him as Jenner continued to Rick, "You do want this. Last night you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead." Lori's face drops at his words, while Jacey detaches herself from her mother and brother, planting herself on one of the many identical tables. 
"What? You really said that? After all your big talk?" Shane expectorated, almost betrayed at the doctor's words. 
"I had to keep hope alive, didn't I?" He justified to Lori. 
"There is no hope. There never was." 
"There's always hope. Maybe it won't be you, maybe not here but somebody somewhere-" 
"What part of 'everything is gone' do you not understand?" the younger girl interrupted her father, earning an approving nod from Andrea but a pained look from her family. 
"Listen to your daughter," Jenner advised, "She gets it. This is what takes us down. This is our extinction event." 
"This isn't right. You can't keep us here," Carol cried, "my daughter doesn't deserve to die like this." 
"Wouldnt it be kinder, more compassionate just to hold your loved ones and wait for the clock to run out?" Carol still cries as she holds her daughter, but Jacqui nods her head slightly. 
Much like what happened with Daryl, Shane came to the doctor pointing a shotgun right at his face, but this time Rick intervened, "Out of the way, Rick! Stay out of my way! Open that door, or I'm going to blow your head off. Do you hear me?" Jenner remained emotionless as the officer continued to aim for his head. 
"Brother, brother, this is not the way you do this. We will never get out of here, " Rick reminded him. Instead, in a fit of anger, Shane begins to shoot at the computer screens randomly, everyone cowering away from the shots. "We all die, Shane!" he reminded before struggling to get the gun away from him, "Are you done now? Are you done?" 
"Yeah, I guess we all are," Shane disputed. 
"I think you're lying," Rick said to Edwin, "You're lying about no hope. If that were true, you'd have bolted with the rest or taken the easy way out. You didn't. You chose the hard path, why?" 
"It doesn't matter," Jenner sheepishly said. 
"It does matter. It always matters. You stayed when others ran. Why?" 
"Not because I wanted to. I made a promise," he proceeded to point towards the screen, "To her. My wife." 
"Test subject 19 was your wife?" Lori questioned sympathetically.
"She begged me to keep going as long as I could. How could I say no?" Jenner paused, looking to Daryl, who continued to use his axe against the door no matter how useless it was, "She was dying. It should've been me on that table. I wouldn't have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world. Hell, she ran this place. I just worked here. In our field, she was Einstein. Me? I'm just... Edwin Jenner. She could've done something about this. Not me." Jacey sighed, feeling the pain of his loss substantially. 
Rick pleaded once more, "Your wife didn't have a choice. You do. That's... that's all we want a choice... a chance." 
"You let us keep trying as long as we can," Lori added. 
Jenner moves over to the desk picking up what looked like a security pad and said, "I told topside's locked down. I can't open those." 
Seconds later, the doors open and everyone begins to rush out of them, "There's your chance. Take it" 
"I'm grateful," Rick smiled, lifting his hand for him to shake. 
"The day will come when you won't be," Jenner said before shaking Rick's hand and whispering something in his ear. 
"You can't go, you know that, right?" Addie says, her voice kinder now, which Jacey was more grateful for. 
"I know. I want to be with you again," Jacey looked to the girl reluctantly, hoping that the walker won't appear again. 
Addie's face - her normal one - came into view, blooming a big smile on the younger girls face, "And you will, love. I'm never going to leave you again, I promise." 
"I love you, Addie." 
"I lov-" Addie's voice was interrupted by a male one "Jacey, c'mon, angel, grab your things. Let's go." 
Jacey shook her head at the man she realised to be her father, "I-I'm not coming." Rick stopped, hoping his ears were deceiving him but then looked at her tear-covered face and realised. 
"No, you're not, baby. Let's go," Lori shouted from behind Rick. 
"Lori just go. Get the others out of here," he ordered his wife, "We're right behind you." The rest of the group stampeded out of the room, Lori and Carl lingering for a short minute, hoping Rick will be able to convince her to join them. 
"Tell him you're sorry, Jace," Addie whispered, holding her hand. 
"I'm sorry but I-I can't." 
"Yes you can, Jacey, please. You're not thinking straight," Rick prayed that she'd see reason and join them, but his heart stopped when she shook her head. 
"I can't anymore, dad. I'm so tired." Jacey looked around the room, seeing that not only Jenner was still here but so was Jacqui and Andrea. 
An arm snaked over her shoulder, squeezing it gently, an arm, belonging to Mitchell, "Tell him to leave, babydoll, and then you'll be with us forever."
 She smiled at his words and then returned her eyes to her father's blue ones, "You have to leave. I want to stay with them." 
"I'm not leaving you here, angel," He cried, tightly holding the sides of her face. 
"Addie was only 16, dad, Mitch was 25. We had children in our camp. I-I should've died with them. I don't deserve to live when they had to die." 
"Listen to me, Jace, you survived for a reason, okay? You don't have to agree with me, but whoever is up there, whatever is in charge made it so you weren't there. So you wouldn't die. They wouldn't want you to die here and now. Your story is not over yet. I won't allow it," Rick wailed, heavier than earlier as he watched his daughter looked to her left and right as if looking at people that weren't there, "Your death isn't going to bring them back." 
"I can't leave them, daddy," She paused, "I already hurt them enough." 
"Who are you talking about, angel?" his voice breaking slightly. 
"Addie and Mitchell," Jacey told him as if it was obvious, "I can't leave them alone again." 
"Addie and Mitchell are dead, baby. They're not here anymore," the man pleaded with his deluded daughter. 
"No," she argued, squeezing her eyes shut, "shut up. You're lying, they're here with me now, they want me to stay. She promised me she wouldn't leave again," Jacey cried, looking at Addie and Mitchell, slowly seeing them morph into their walker forms, "Oh god. No, not again, please, not again. They're going to hurt me, daddy. They're going to hurt me like I hurt them." 
"Hey baby, look at me, only me, okay?" he stopped her from looking to where he assumed she saw them, "No one's gonna hurt you. Addie and Mitchell are gone. They can't hurt you, alright? Now we've got to go, angel, before it's too late." Jacey wanted to nod, to go with him, but the grip that Addie and Mitchell had on her tightened, making her let out a small cry. 
At once, they both turned into their undead self's clawing at her skin instead of holding it, "You can't leave, Jacey. Not when you did this to us." 
"No! Shut up! Leave me alone! I want to live! I don't want to die!" Rick watched the girl breakdown her hands beginning to claw away at any visible skin. The man grabbed her hands, stopping the movement before looking over to the timer seeing it hit the 5-minute mark. 
"I'm sorry, Jacey. I'm so sorry baby," Jacey heard him cry before feeling him move away from her. 
"Jacey, look at me, sweetheart," A kind, shaky voice begged of her. Jacey turned to meet their eyes, seeing a crying Jacqui, "You gotta go, darling, please."
"I can't, Jacqui. I can't keep going on like this," She paused, "I'm not strong enough."
"Yes you are, child. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met, don't ever trick yourself into thinking you're not," Jacqui apprised the younger girl.
"I'm not as strong as you think, Jacqui. Nowhere even close."
"That's where your wrong, sweetheart. You've got a lot of heart and if do say so myself a lot of balls," She smiled at her, "You're gonna survive this world, I'm sure of it." Jacqui stops speaking as she looked at the girl, aware of the mental state, "Look, sweetie, I'm not gonna force you outta that door, as much as I'd like too. I don't want you to die today, Jacey, but it seems like it's going that way so let me tell you something, okay?" Jacey nodded, "And you gotta promise me the moment you understand it you'll leave, you'll survive," she nodded once more, "Philippians 1:29; For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake." Jacey stayed silent not quite comprehending the meaning of the passage. 
"I don't understand, I don't get it, Jacqui," She cried into her palms.
"That's okay, sweetie, just breathe..." Jacqui refrained, "It means your pain has a purpose, whatever that purpose may be." 
"Do you understand now?" 
Jacey shook her head sadly, "That's okay, take your rest. I will see you once more in another life." Jacey watched as the older woman rejoined Jenner at his computer and observed as she wished that their conversation had gone another way and in some way Jenner also did.
"You have to stay Jace. You said you understood that. Everything will be better if you do," Addie warned, "If you go you will kill every single one of them out there. Do you want that? Do you want them dead? Your dad? Your mom? Carl?" Jacey shook her head manically, her mind flashing unforgiving images of their bodies eaten and unmoving, "So stay with me, my love. Stay, and I'll love you forever." 
Jacey nodded at her before muttering, "I'll love you forever too," causing Addie to smile. Jacey began to move closer to the dark-skinned girl, her face returning back to her natural one. 
"I wanna kiss you, Jace," Addie parted her lips inching towards Jace's. 
"Me too," She replied, shyness shrouding her confidence. 
But before their lips could touch, the masculine voice returned, "I'm sorry, Jacey," following a sharp twinge in her neck. Immediately, she felt a rush of dizziness hit her, Addie and Mitchell disappearing shortly afterwards, "no." She fell off her chair and into a pair of muscular arms, "I'm sorry, angel." 
"Addie," she cried before the darkness took over her. 
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: You were maybe a little too forgetful at times, after all these years, Tim still wasn’t used to it. 
Warning: Fluff
A/N: This may or may not be based off the fact that I do in fact forget that I do not have 20/20 vision. 
Also I’ve finally got back to my laptop after a week and let me tell you did I miss writing 😫 some posts might be delayed, sorry 😭
Word Count: 1.9k
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Tim hated how forgetful you were.
He hated that that you forgot the simplest of things like taking the trash out or emptying the dishwasher. You forgot dates, when you were supposed to meet up with him, and birthdays. Your memory was horrible, you didn't wish for it to be, but you couldn't help it. Forgetting things has been a problem your whole life.
Hell, you would even forget the punchline to the joke that you were telling.
What you lacked in memory, you made up for in fighting. You had been a vigilante for far longer than Tim had. Where he was an amazing detective, you were a lethal weapon. The two of you together was the perfect combination when it came to crime fighting. It was why Batman always set the two of you together.
Bruce Wayne never adopted you as a kid - you had your own great parents. However, after figuring out that Barbra Gordon - a family friend of yours - was Batgirl, you somehow figured out the rest of the gang. Bruce reluctantly agreed to train you. However, he learned pretty quickly just how forgetful you were.
It was frustrating at first. He was the world's greatest detective, a great memory had to be part of the gig. However, he learned to accommodate to you, that was how you got paired up with Tim when he joined the team. The two of you were close, too close to be just friends.
It was only after a few months of constantly working together did the two of you start dating as well. A year after that, the two of you moved in together. That was when Tim really started to realize just how forgetful you really were. As much as it drove him crazy, he also found it too adorable.
Tim got into the habit of leaving sticky notes everywhere for you to remember. You loved to read his little notes - even though they were to remind you to do something that you didn't even want to do in the first place. He always left a little heart at the bottom of it.
Half the time you didn't even have to say anything and Tim was already handing you something that you misplaced. He was your blessing, your savior.
You could be his downfall sometimes. On missions, you forced yourself to go over the plan several times so that it would stick. Thankfully, for the most part you were pretty good at remembering what needed to be done and when. You knew the costs of what would happen if you messed up and made sure that a failed mission was never on you.
That didn't mean you would forget the small things, like restocking weapons and gadgets. There were a few times that you would be out fighting on the streets and run out of batarangs to throw. It would leave you in trouble and someone would have to come give you a hand. Thankfully, it was never a big enough mistake to have someone's life taken.
You and Tim were well into adult hood and had been dating for years. As you got older, the more you realized how much you loved him. It was like everyday there was something new about him that you fell in love with even more.
That week, Tim was already upset with you because you had forgot about the date night that he had planned. You tried your best to make it up to him, but he was still rather upset about it. You had tried every trick in the book - puppy eyes, the pout, doing everything that he asked above and beyond, even treating him with home cooked meals every day. None of it worked.
"Tim," you sighed. He was working at his desk on his laptop, back towards you and no sign of giving you any attention. You stalked towards him, wrapping your arms over his shoulders and placing a bunch of kisses against his cheek. "Tim, I'm sorry. I know this date meant a lot to you, I didn't mean to forget about it."
"I know you didn't," Tim sighed. He turned his head slightly so you could kiss his lips this time. "I know you never mean to forget, it's just... I had a lot planned."
"What can I do to make up for it?" You asked. After trying all week, you were out of ideas. Tim didn't really answer you, so you had taken it upon yourself to sit on his lap so you had all your attention. "Timmy, please."
"Let's get ready for patrol," Tim suggested. He gave you a quick peck on the lips before grabbing you by the legs and carrying you into where you kept your suits. If he was still giving you kisses then he couldn't have been that mad. There was only once that he went three days without so much as a cheek kiss.
Reluctantly, you followed Tim's request to go out on patrol without another plea to get him to forgive you. This wasn't the first time that you had forgotten about a date with him, he was never this upset about it before. It was best not to worry about it while you were out in the city, distractions were never good in Gotham.
You and Tim were perched on a rooftop that overlooked the city. It wasn't until you were up there, did you realize that once again you had forgotten something: your contacts.
Lucky for you, your eyesight wasn't terrible. It was bad enough that you shouldn't drive without your glasses but you could easily make it through a day in your house without them. However protecting Gotham while having to make precise, metric moves? That was something that you shouldn't have forgotten contacts for.
Since Tim was already mad at you for forgetting one thing that week, you decided that it was best not to say anything. You were too far from home to just go grab a pair and you didn't exactly carry any on you - after tonight it was probably a good idea to throw a pair into your belt in case this happened again.
The night was fine at first, you and Tim took down a few thugs with ease. You didn't miss your contacts too much and thankfully whenever you threw a weapon, Tim didn't notice how bad your aim was. It was brutal had many times you missed your target and you were sure that the people you were fighting noticed.
You and Tim were back on the rooftop scouting the city. Tim spotted another crime from down below and pulled out his grappling gun to get there. You had done the same, and aimed it in the same spot that Tim had his. However, without your contacts, you had missed entirely and you were already jumping from the roof.
It took you less than a second to realize that you were free-falling. Lucky for you, it took Tim even less time.
"(Y/N)!" Tim yelled, not caring that he used your real name. Tim had already landed in the spot that he had desired to and thanks to his incredible reflexes, he had managed to shoot his grappling hook back towards you. You were meters from hitting the ground before Tim had snatched you up.
The two of you stood on the ledge, hearts racing from what had just happened. You nearly died, all because you were stupid enough to forget your contacts.
Tim didn't care that you were on the job, he pulled you in for a long, panicked kiss. He swore that you could hear his heart racing through his chest. You had come to a lot of close calls but this was completely different than anything you had gone through. Never had a near death been your own fault.
"What the hell was that?" Tim still held your face in his hands, scared to ever let you go again.
"I, uh," you looked down in shame. It was ridiculous and you didn't want to admit the truth. "I forgot my contacts at home."
Tim's eyes closed and an annoyed breath escaped him. You could only stand there and watch as he walked away from you. Tim frustratingly paced back and forth in front of you with his hands being thrown up in the air. He was pissed at you, it was obvious.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Tim finally spoke again. "This is ridiculous, how did you forget your contacts? Why did you not say anything? You could have died right there! Do you know how heart broken I would have been? How we all would have been? Just because you forgot your contacts! I'm tired of this, (Y/N). This is getting out of hand."
"Red Robin-" You cut yourself. This wasn't the time to use your hero names, not when he was so emotional about this. "Tim. I'm sorry. You were already mad about this week and I didn't want to upset you more. I should have known better, I'm sorry. I've been trying to be better, I really am."
"Fuck, (Y/N)," Tim stalked back to you. He pulled you into a hug, a much needed one. As angry and frustrated as he was, it didn’t mean he didn’t love you and it didn’t mean he wasn’t worried. "I'm just glad you're okay, I love you."
"I love you too," You mumbled into him. "I'm going to make that date up to you, tonight, everything that I've ever done wrong. I just wish you would tell me why you were so upset this time."
Tim pulled just enough away from you that he could look into your masked eyes. The rough texture of his gloves glided against your skin but you didn't mind. "I had big plans for that night."
"What kind of plans?"
"Plans that I wanted to ask you to marry me," Tim revealed with the tiniest of smiles on his lips. He wanted this to be special, you deserved the most grand, meaningful proposal but he knew that you couldn't forgive yourself unless you knew why he was upset. This was why, Tim Drake wanted to make you his wife, and you had simply just forgotten about his plans.
"Tim," You barely whispered, shocked by his news. You crashed into him, kissing him with every ounce of love that you had. Marrying him was always something in the back of your mind, but never this early. Tim grinned into this kiss and pulled you completely flush against his body.
"Will you marry me, (Y/N) (L/N)?" Tim asked. He didn't have the ring, and he wasn't down on one knee. Hell, the two of you weren't even yourself right now - you both were in complete suit with masks on. Yet, with how dysfunctional you both were, this seemed to be more perfect than anything you could have imagined.
"Yes!" You nodded. Tears threatened to spill down your cheeks and you could barely contain the happiness in you. You kissed Tim once more. Tim couldn't wait for the day that he was going to be able to kiss you while calling you his wife.
"Just promise me you won't forget our wedding day."
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey hey, chapter 4 . Please remember if you want to be tagged you have to message me and not just like the post. Reader and the boys get more interaction. I'll probably spend the next few chapters having the characters get to know each other more. Anyways enjoy!💖💖
Tw: decapitated head
Pairings : Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 4:
A Fish Dinner
They had stopped at a house. Pulling the truck up to the curb. Knocking on the door a plump older women coming to answer. She hadn't bothered asking about the unconscious body they were holding. It wasn't her business to care. They were informed there was only one bed open. The boys came in anyways, getting rid of her quickly. She would just be in their way. Otto layed you down on the couch.
The womens many cats already jumping up on you. Stinky wasn't to fond of the other cats being near you,hissing at the other cats, purring and taking his rightful spot on your chest. Axel and Oscar went to unload the few thing the had brought with them. That being only their weapons and then decide to sit in the living room. They needed to talk about what to do with you.
"Why did you let them live?" Oscar , having the shortest temper out of the three, wasn't too happy that they haven't gone home yet.
"Did you not understand the part where they had to help their brother?" Family was always the most important thing for Axel. He didn't fully understand how you felt, he wasn't good with sympathy, but he did understand what it's like to do anything for your brother.
"Yes , but I dont understand " Oscar wasn't as good with English as Axel was. Otto was even worse, which is why he didn't even bother asking. He assumed that if his brother thought this was the right thing to do. Then he too would do it. Oscar didnt agree with it though.
" Okay then let me explain it easily " Axel decided to explain it in Swedish, since it was easier for Oscar to comprehend, and easier for him to explain.
" They ran away from the commission because they had to save their brother."
" Would you not do the same for me if it was you in that situation?" Axel glanced quickly at you then back to Oscar, who had a down cast gaze, knowing his brother was right. Oscar would do anything for his brothers,but he couldn't help shake the feeling that what they were doing would put them in a lot of trouble, with a big sigh and crossing his arms he agreed "okay, fine".
Oscar and Axel explained the situation to Otto afterwards, Otto being okay with it. Getting up Axel decided to cook some food, knowing he and his brothers were all starving. Taking out some fish that was stored in the freezer and turning on the stove, and putting on the apron, he started cooking. He figured that if you were hungry you'd be able to make your own meal. They were going to help you,but they weren't going to do everything for you.
Otto and Oscar were left in the living room. The cats still around you trying to get Stinky off. Oscar grabbed one of them , he liked cats, and then walked away to one of the bedrooms to rest up before dinner. Otto sat in a chair across from you, waiting for you to wake up so he can alert his brothers. He noticed cat fur everywhere;he'll have to vacuum it up later.
You had woken up to a pounding headache. Getting up on what felt like a couch and many many cats on you, which all jumped off because you disturbed them, you were quick to open your eyes. Confused as to where you were and why you were still alive. Otto had shot up out the chair when he heard you get up,he had taken a short nap, and rushed over to your side pushing your shoulders down trying to calm you down. You had a panicked look in your eyes,you were confused as to why they took you, weren't they trying to kill you?
" You okay" he helled his hands up trying to show you he wasnt going to harm you.
He had done enough by knocking you out. A knot forming on your head. Axel and Oscar had heard the commotion from their rooms. Coming in quickly all three standing infront of you.
Looking up at them with slight fear in your eye you only said one thing " I'm hungry " . Axel had rolled his eyes the other two sighing. They had expected you to put up a fight, not demanded some food. Axel pointed at the stove silently telling you to cook your own food. Getting up, with great trouble and a slight frown that they didn't help you, you shuffled over to the kitchen. Screaming when you saw the decapitated head of an older women and slamming the fridge shut. You had a lot of questions for them, but you didn't want to question about the head, heading back to the living room you sat back down on the couch releasing a big breath.
They had all looked at you slightly amused of your panicked state. Looking at you they waited for you to say something. " So .. umm.. what's up?" With an anxiety ridden face and a not so happy laugh you looked up at them. Boy , was this trip just getting weirder and weirder.
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nikki-romero · 3 years
The Wild Flower (Tomoki Matsuba x OC) Prologue
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It was finally the long-awaited moving day. I was moving into an apartment by myself. My dad helped me get the perfect apartment. The negotiations had gone smoothly and it was time to move in. I decided to walk to the new apartment to learn the new neighbourhood better.
My cousin and I had stopped and checked the map we had.
"Hmm, it looks like it's this way." My cousin, Ayame, pointed ahead of us. The pedestrian light turned green. "Come on!" She rushed across the street. With how excited she was getting, you'd think she was the one starting a new chapter of her life, so to speak.
"Wha-! Ayame!" I called after her. I quickly shoved the map into my bag before running after her. She turned around to wait for me, and her eyes widened.
"Hotaru! Watch out!!"
I looked to the side and saw a white limo heading towards me. I gasped but managed to leap out of the way before it could hit me, right into a puddle of ice-cold water.
"Hotaru! Are you alright?!" Ayame came running up to me, panicked.
"Peachy." I looked at my soaked clothing in utter dismay. Just as I was about to get up from the ground, a gentlemanly man dressed in black stepped out of the limo. A butler? I stared dubiously at him as he reached out his hand.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Oh, I'm great," I replied sarcastically. I had the right of way. I should not have had to escape death so narrowly. And I wasn't about to take his hand either. I shot him a nasty glare as I got up by myself.
"Your clothing... This is my fault. Allow me to make it up to you."
"What the hell was that? Don't you know how to read a road sign? Jesus Christ, you could have killed me!" I scolded him.
"You're right, I am so sorry." He bowed to me. "I'll get you a change of clothes," the man said gently.
"I don't need it," I snapped.
"Please, I insist. I can't leave a beautiful young girl looking like this. For one thing, my employer would be angry with me."
"Hotaru," Ayame whispered, "Maybe you should accept his offer. He looks like he feels really bad."
"You're too nice," I whispered back before turning back towards the butler. "Fine, whatever."
He smiled as he opened the door of the spacious limo and ushered us inside.
"My apologies. I should have stated earlier. My name is Aoi Shirafuji. I'm a butler to the Ichijo family," the butler introduced himself.
I stilled. "Ichijo?" I repeated.
"Oh, you know Mr Ichijo?" Aoi asked, looking somewhat concerned.
"No, I've just heard a lot about the Ichijo Group," I managed to force out. "The amusement parks the company has built is really quite impressive." I forced a smile. Somehow I felt like I just stepped on a landmine.
We arrived at a large and impressive mansion and Aoi took me to a room with a large full-length mirror and closets full of a wide range of clothing. "This way. Choose whichever you like."
The clothes were both my style and my size. It sent unpleasant shivers down my spine; I felt sick.
"Does a girl our age live here?" Ayame mused. I didn't answer. "Hotaru? Hey, are you okay? You seem a little tense." She furrowed her brow.
"Mm," I choked out. I didn't feel particularly eager to talk about it. "I'm... going to get dressed. Would you mind waiting outside?"
"Uh, yes, sure." Ayame knew me too well. She knew I wasn't being myself.
I took a shaky breath. Then another. Another. I took several deep breaths until I felt slightly calmer. I really didn't want to be here. Feeling like I wouldn't explode, I grabbed the first dress I saw off its hanger, not bothering to even look at it.
There was a knock on the door as I finished getting dressed.
"Yes?" I replied though I hadn't finished fastening the hook of the dress yet. It wasn't Aoi who entered the room.
"I'm Tomoki Matsuba. I'm one of the butlers here. I'm here to pick up the garments that require cleaning," the butler said. Bow-tied, black-suited and bespectacled, he exuded a rigidness befitting of a butler.
"Right. My cousin; did she...?"
"She went ahead to the garden," Tomoki responded.
"Oh." I bit my lip. Now what? I couldn't reach the clip on the back of my dress. I took yet another deep breath." Would you mind helping me fasten the hook on my dress? I can't quite reach it," I said.
"Please turn around." I did as he said and turned my back to him. He swiftly fastened the hook at the back of the dress before speaking again. "I'm going to do your laundry. Would you like some tea while you wait?"
"That would be lovely, thank you," I answered.
"This way." I followed Tomoki to the garden where Ayame was already waiting for me. She was sitting at a table, drinking from an elegant tea set.
"Kyo Aizawa. I'm a butler. Would you like anything else to drink?" Yet another butler introduced himself to me.
"The tea will be just fine, thank you," I replied formally as I sat down. Kyo promptly poured tea into the beautiful cup. "Thank you," I smiled up at Kyo once he was done.
"It's an original black tea blend using roses from this garden," he informed me.
"It smells wonderful."
"I recommend first tasting it black." A delicate pattern covered the teacup.
"This is Queen Rose, is it not?" I inquired, inspecting the cup. It suited the garden, but I was too on edge to enjoy it. Kyo didn't look the least bit surprised that I knew that.
"That's correct. It was produced in the early 18th century at the Raines factory." I nodded as I delicately held the cup and took a sip.
"How do you even know that stuff?" Ayame asked me. My only response was a small smile. Ayame cocked an eyebrow at me, inspecting my lips, and then my eyes. She gently placed the cup in its saucer and leaned over the table. "Hotaru?" she lowered her voice so only I can hear.
I shook my head. "Don't."
Ayame frowned but left it at that.
"It's delicious," I said after having tasted the tea, but the truth was I could barely taste anything. Silence fell upon the garden. Kyo didn't seem to be the talkative type as he watched over us. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another butler approaching, a charming smile on his face. This family certainly had a lot of butlers...
"What's the matter? You look so serious," he commented.
"I always look like this," I replied calmly.
"Itsuka Matsuba at your service. You met Tomoki earlier. Last name's the same," he said cheerfully.
"Brothers, I take it?"
"That's right. Now, how would you two like some freshly baked scones?"
"Scones sound nice, don't you think so, Hotaru?" she asked, a little too cheerfully.
"Thank you," I replied. We were stuck here until my clothes got cleaned so we might as well.
"The strawberry jam is made with organic strawberries from our farm, and the clotted cream from milk from our cows." Was that supposed to impress me? Without responding, I cut open the scone and took a small bite.
"It's very delicious," I said before taking another bite. After eating, I elegantly wiped my mouth with a napkin and glanced at my surroundings. The garden was well taken care of. It was filled with gorgeous flowers and the landscape was really quite breathtaking. "You have a lot of pink flowers and roses here," I noted.
"We're growing them for a celebration," Itsuki replied.
"A celebration?"
"It will be our employer's birthday in a month. And his daughter will be introduced to society on the same day," he explained. It took everything I had not to tremble. Not to react in any negative way. I swallowed.
"Is that so? I'm sure she must be wonderful," I said, keeping the bite I was feeling out of my voice.
"She is. A bit of a diamond in the rough. But that'll make training her all the more worth it." I had to keep myself from barking a laugh, and almost faltered.
"Oh? In my experience, I've found that the rough diamonds are far more valuable than refined ones." I flashed him one of my most dazzling smiles. His eyes widened.
"Oh, how do you figure?" he asked.
"I apologise for not being able to put this more delicately, but in this society, I find these 'refined'," I air quoted the word, "diamonds to be little more than sheep." Itsuki didn't hide his shock at my words, and I smirked ever so slightly. "Of course, I don't blame them. They were raised that way. You know, to follow someone else's orders; someone else's plan for their lives. It's been imprinted on them since the moment they were born and it's all they know. Whereas a diamond in the rough, as you put it, is quite rare in high society, but personally, I find it invigorating. It's like a breath of fresh air in an otherwise suffocating world to meet someone who is willing to against the status quo to do what they believe in. You could even say it's like defying gravity, which, in and of itself is already a very impressive feat." I chuckled. "But, what do I know? I'm just a teenager." I didn't fail to notice Ayame's dubious expression directed at me.
Yet another butler walked up to us, holding my freshly cleaned clothes.
"Sorry I kept you waiting," he said. I had to admit, I was taken aback by how attractive he was. But he had a certain vibe that reminded me of my brother, Eisuke, and that usually only spelt bad things. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yuma Akagi, and I'm the Ichijo family's head butler." Yuma bowed to me.
I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"I would like to apologize for the actions of one of our butlers today," Yuma said.
The corner of my mouth twitched. "I appreciate it. I'm just glad no one was hurt," I added. Yuma nodded.
"Meeting like this was, I think, fate. I hope... that you and I will meet again somewhere." I forced a chuckle as I looked away. If we did, I'd choke all of them. Yuma smiled significantly as he took my hand, then he gently kissed the back of it. The gesture was familiar, but it never got any easier to bear. "You were in the midst of moving. I'll have the limousine take you," he said.
"Thank you," I replied. I quietly watched Yuma give instructions to the other butlers.
After changing my clothes, Ayame and I got into the limo together with Yuma.
Ayame gave me another worried look as she was dropped off. "Hey, um, call me. Okay?"
"Sure." I nodded.
"Again, I am very sorry about today," Yuma said. It seemed like his attention was focused solely on me.
"It's alright."
"How did you find the house?"
"It was gorgeous. Absolutely breath-taking," I replied.
Yuma smiled, brimming with elegance and grace, but I could tell he wasn't actually buying a word I said.
We weren't far from the new apartment when the limousine came to a sudden stop.
"Are you alright?" Yuma's arms were around me, steadying me after the abrupt braking. I felt myself stiffen; my blood ran cold. In a panic, I pushed away from him. "Miss?"
"Sorry, I just don't handle physical contact very well." I shifted uncomfortably.
"I... apologize," Yuma said as he moved away from me. I shook my head.
"It's fine. But is there a problem?" I asked, looking away from him and out the window in an attempt to get rid of the tension in the atmosphere.
"It appears the road narrows up ahead. The car can't continue. This is as far as we can take you," Yuma explained.
"Here is fine. Thanks for bringing me this far."
"Before you go, might I ask how you found our service?" Yuma asked. An odd thing for a butler to ask.
"Oh, your service was superb." I got a sudden idea. "You're definitely on Geo's level."
"Geo?" Yuma asked. The corner of my lips tugged upwards. I got him. Hook, line, and sinker.
"My dad's butler," I replied innocently.
"Your... Dad?"
"Oh! I just realised I never introduced myself. Apologies. I'm just so used to people knowing I am. I'm Hotaru Ichinomiya."
"A pleasure, Miss Ichinomiya." Yuma smiled, but it was forced.
"I know this is probably common knowledge, but my dad, Akira, adopted both me and my brother, Eisuke. You see, my biological father abandoned me and my mother a long time ago."
Yuma's façade almost faltered, and I saw that. I was right; he knew!
"Abandoned?" Yuma asked, almost hesitantly.
"Yep. He didn't even show up for my mother's funeral after she died."
Yuma looked away. "I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps there was a reason he couldn't take care of you?"
I leaned back in my seat. "I don't care."
"You... Don't care?" God, how many more times was he going to feel inclined to make me repeat what I said?
"I don't. No excuse he could have would ever be good enough."
"I'm sure he must love you." I could tell Yuma was choosing his words very carefully without divulging too much information.
"You can't love someone you don't know. I've never even met him. Or talked to him. You see, the way I see it, blood doesn't mean anything. Genetic doesn't mean anything. I'll tell you what does mean something though: When I needed a dad, Akira was there. Akira is my dad. And my so-called father was little more than a sperm donor." Yuma almost choked on his words, and I chuckled. "Not the most delicate choice of words, but it's the truth. The thing is, you don't get to be a dad just because you share DNA. He wasn't there when I needed him the most, and he has no right to take up that role now." Yuma was speechless. "But I'm sorry to dump all of that on you like that. That was really silly and unfair of me. Please, forget I said anything." I made a show of giving a nervous laugh.
"Not at all." Yuma knew I was full of it. And I knew he knew that, but he didn't say anything more.
"Well, it's getting dark. I really should be going."
"Of course." He got out of the car before I did and held the door open for me. I bowed politely to him and turned to leave. I was happy to see the moving truck in front of the building when I finally got there.
"Excuse me. I'm sorry I'm so late. I'm Hotaru Ichinomiya."
"We've brought everything inside. Have a great day, Miss." With that, the movers left. I stood still for a moment and frowned. They brought everything inside? I didn't have to guess how they did that. I had a really bad feeling about this. I just hoped to god I was wrong. I inserted my key and unlocked the door.
"Welcome home, Miss Ichinomiya."
I wasn't wrong...
I was unable to hide my disdain as the butlers bowed their heads gracefully. I slammed the door shut behind me. The composure I put so much effort into keeping all day crumbled in an instant. I stared at them, not saying anything.
"We're here to serve you. Starting today." Aoi said. The butlers brought me slippers. I glared at the slippers, then at them, and crossed my arms.
"Well. I wish I could say I'm surprised," I snapped scornfully. I slipped my shoes off, not bothering with the slippers as I walked into the living room and sat down on my sofa. Resting my elbow on the armrest, I pressed my forefinger against my temple and my thumb beneath my chin. "Well go ahead. Give me the whole speech about why you're here."
Itsuki cleared his throat, uncomfortable. "Do you remember when I mentioned our employer's daughter?" he asked.
"That girl..." Itsuki started, only to have his sentence finished by Tomoki.
"... is you." I didn't respond. "But... you already knew that."
"And that surprises you, how? I have the power, money and resources to do just about anything. You really think I'd go through life being oblivious and naïve without looking into who my father is?"
"You're going to be a sophisticated woman by the time of our employer's birthday," Kyo said. Sophisticated. I could socialise quite well in and I knew how to conduct myself, but there were many in high society who would argue that I wasn't quite "sophisticated" or "traditional" enough. Men in high society liked controlling everything, and I had a reputation for going against the tide. But I've never been bothered by that before and I wasn't about to start now.
"Right. Your employer, Kazuma Ichijo. My so-called father."
"Yes." Aoi smiled. I bet women were putty in his hands with that smile. The stupid ones anyway.
I didn't say anything, and the tension in the air grew ever more palpable. I didn't take my eyes off the butlers either.
As the glaring continued, the front door opened and Mr Head Butler walked in.
"Why, hello there, Miss Ichinomiya," Yuma grinned as he unceremoniously locked the door.
"Oh, great. The cavalry's here," I said sarcastically.
"Yuma, she knows," Aoi said.
Yuma grinned. It was a sinister grin; the same one Eisuke got whenever he was plotting something. "I figured as much. Everything you said in the limo... You knew all along who Mr Ichijo is."
"What did she say in the limo?" Itsuki asked, curiously.
I snorted. "Believe me, if I'd known you were Ichijo butlers before I got in that limo, I never would have accepted your half-assed offer. But then again, something tells me whether I accepted it or not, we'd still all be here right now."
"Enough. I cannot allow and Ichijo to utter such vulgar words," Tomoki said with a scowl.
I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Oh yes? Try and stop me, four-eyes."
His scowl turned into an expression of both shock and offence.
"Well as fun as this has been, everybody out. Before I report you for break in and entering."
"I didn't expect you'd treat us like crooks. Not when you're the one violating your lease." Yuma held out a piece of paper.
I snatched the paper from his hand and skimmed through the contract until my eyes stopped at a particular 'special feature'. "Personal butler?" I read out loud. And right at the bottom was Akira's signature. My dad wasn't stupid. No way would he have signed this without checking every detail and have the family lawyer go over it for emphasis. Which could only mean he knew about this and didn't tell me.
"We had you come to the house to make the idea more palatable," Aoi said.
"Yes, yes. You set me up. I figured that out hours ago." I got up. "I don't believe this," I mumbled as I grabbed my phone and went into my room. I slammed the door shut and furiously dialled my dad's number.
"Yes?" He didn't look at the caller ID before answering.
"Hi, Dad. It's me," I said in a voice so sweet it sounded sickening even to me.
"Hotaru! I was going to call you in the morning. Have you settled in?" he asked.
"Yes, about that... Did the lease for my new apartment perhaps come with a tiny detail you forgot to mention?" I spoke through clenched teeth.
"The lease?" Akira remained silent for a few moments as he thought. "Oh! You must be talking about the butler service. It was a special they had just for your apartment. I figured having a butler would make your life a little easier."
My eyebrow twitched as I closed my eyes in exasperation. "So you did know about it."
"Of course. You think I'd sign something like that without thoroughly checking every word on it?"
"And you didn't think to warn me about it?" I breathed.
Akira paused. "You're upset..."
"Damn right I'm upset! Dad, you've been duped!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Those butlers! I wouldn't be surprised if they disguised themselves as real estate agents. They probably played on your worry as my dad, too."
"Hotaru, you're not making any sense."
"They're Ichijo butlers! They orchestrated this whole thing! The apartment, the lease, the butler service. All of it! All so they could, and I quote, 'turn me into a sophisticated woman' for his birthday party."
I heard Akira breathe hard over the receiver in an attempt to maintain his composure. "I'm calling Yuzuru."
"What's he going to do? They're practically untouchable, and not because they work for Ichijo. They planned everything to the finest detail and slipped through all the right loopholes. Everything on the lease is legal and you knew about the butler service when you signed it, so we can't even sue them for not explaining certain details on the contract. There's nothing we can do."
Akira paused. "You're right. But there's nothing on the lease about you following their rules. No conditions about you taking any kind of lessons from them. I doubt I need to tell you this, but you don't dance to the sound of their pipes. You dance to yours."
I smirked, relaxing a bit. "You know it, Daddy."
"Good. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you." I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Love you, too."
I took a deep breath before opening my door. Of course they were still there, and they likely heard every word I said to my dad, too. I took one annoyed look at them and moved to the kitchen.
"All sorted out?" Yuma asked sarcastically as he followed me into the kitchen.
"Why bother asking when you heard my entire conversation," I retorted.
There was a moment of silence before Yuma doubled over with laughter.
"I think this will be very interesting indeed," he said as he looked at me with amusement.
I didn't bother responding as I put the kettle on; nothing good could possibly come from interacting with him. I turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing my arms over my chest.
Yuma's sinister smile returned. I raised my eyebrows in a motion for him to get to the point.
"All you have to do is accept our training on behalf of our dear employer. It's only a month," Itsuki said.
My eyes flitted to him. "No," I said flatly before turning my back to them.
"You had etiquette lessons, but we need to make doubly sure you didn't miss anything. Not to mention kick that flighty nature of yours. Otherwise, you'd just be an embarrassment," Yuma replied with a broad smile.
I barked a laugh. "Wow. That is just hilarious." I turned back to him. "I already told you how I feel about him. And I know you know I meant every word. But just in case you're still processing, allow me to break it down for you. I can barely stomach the thought of breathing the same air as your oh-so-wonderful employer. He can go fuck himself for all I care. And you would be damn lucky if I decided not to embarrass him and his company on purpose, which, by the way, I'm still undecided on." Tomoki opened his mouth to say something. I pointed my finger at him without looking at him. "You say one word about my language, I swear to god I will punch you."
Yuma sighed, exasperated. "How you feel about him doesn't matter. We made a promise to him and we intend to keep it."
I snorted. "Good luck with that." I turned back to the now boiled kettle and prepared some camomile tea. God knows I needed it.
"Alright, it's time you choose," Yuma said. I could hear the amused smirk in his voice.
"Oh, I get a choice, do I?" I retorted.
"Who would you like to be your butler?" Aoi asked.
Next Chapter
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helloalycia · 4 years
hey, stranger | lena luthor
summary: after Lena leaves for National City shortly after her brother's attempt to kill Superman, you're left to learn to live without her. Until a year later, when you find yourself as CatCo's new junior photographer and discover Lena Luthor owns the company.
warning/s: none.
author's note: buckle in folks, this is a long one
masterlist | wattpad
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One Year Ago...
"Look, I know that what happened was terrifying, and I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like, but Lena, you can't just leave."
The raven-haired woman avoided my eyes as she crossed her arms nervously.
I felt a pressure on my chest at the mere thought of her leaving Metropolis, and stepped forward to lace my fingers with hers.
"You're not your brother, and people will see that," I told her, my stomach doing somersaults when her glassy green eyes stared up at me. "They just need time."
She swallowed hard. "I don't want to wait for the rest of Metropolis to play catch-up. I can help better the world in National City, where there's a fresh start and a different Super there that hopefully won't judge me on the premise of my name."
I frowned when I heard her say that with such determination and ferocity, as if she'd given it much thought. It was too late, I knew that voice. It was the voice she used when she'd truly made up her mind and there was no convincing her otherwise.
"Y/N, I love you so much," she spoke again, grabbing my attention when she pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and stepped closer to me, our bodies pressing together gently. Her eyes were bright and piercing as she continued, "I need you to know that you are one of the few good things I have left in my life, probably the only good thing." She chuckled dryly and rested a hand on my cheek. "I know that I'm not the easiest person to be with–"
"Lena, I've never thought that," I cut her off instantly, shaking my head. "Don't say that."
She smiled sadly, glancing down to the floor. "Look, I know that what I'm saying sounds insane. But I need this fresh start. I don't think I can stay here, having this constant reminder about what Lex almost did."
I knew where she was going with this, but she was beating around the bush. My heart was crumbling with each second passing, but at the same time, I felt a small sense of relief that Lena may finally have the chance to be truly happy elsewhere, without the immediate ties of her family.
"I'm not asking you to come with me," she finally said it, eyes meeting mine as a tear dropped down her face. "You have a life here. A job. Friends and family. You can't just pick up and move with me."
"I could try," I said, a little hopefully as I gave her a small smile.
She shook her head, her voice cracking. "I wouldn't let you."
I breathed out slowly, feeling a lump form in my throat. "When are you leaving?"
She sighed regretfully. "Tomorrow."
I raised my eyebrows with surprise. "Tomorrow? Lena, you can't be serious! I thought you meant a few weeks, maybe a month, but–"
"I know, I know, but if I stay longer, it'll only be harder, and I'm afraid that I may change my mind," she cut me off, holding my arms now. "It's better this way." She leaned down to find my eyes, certainty shining through. "Y/N, it's better this way."
I pursed my lips, my eyes watering as I realised how real this all was. She was really going to leave and I wasn't sure when I would next see her again. If I would see her again.
"We still have today," I said, a statement rather than a question.
She flashed me one of those rare beautiful smiles she had, only reserved for me. "We do."
I lessened the gap between us by leaning forward and going in for a kiss. I didn't spend long thinking about it, knowing I didn't have time to waste. I pressed my lips to hers in a passionate kiss, wrapping an arm around her waist and another on the nape of her neck.
Her floral perfume filled my nose as she kissed back, lips agape as she sucked on my lower lip. It was a salty kiss and it didn't take long before I realised we were both crying into it.
We pulled apart for air and I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, feeling my warm tears soak my face.
"I'm really gonna miss you, Lena Luthor," I admitted, forcing a smile on my lips.
She sniffled adorably, wiping away my tears. "I'm really gonna miss you, too."
Present Day...
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, the new junior photographer," I introduced myself to my superior.
"Oh, shoot, you're here," the head of the photography department, Mr. Rodriguez, said startled.
I knitted my eyebrows together with confusion, a smile still politely on my lips. "Er, yeah... should I not be?"
His mind seemed like it was racing a million miles a second. "Yeah– no! I mean, no, you should be. You're in the right place. It's me who's all jumbled up..."
He headed to his computer at his desk as I awkwardly stood by the window, waiting for further instructions.
He tutted to himself. "Sorry about this. My assistant wrote you in my diary to be showing up tomorrow. I had a whole thing planned and everything."
"Oh, I'm, er..." I didn't know what to say though, as I remembered clearly getting a call asking to begin today.
"It's not your fault," Mr. Rodriguez said, waving a hand dismissively before looking up from his computer. "She's new, you see. Still getting used to the computer systems."
"I guess I can come back tomorrow," I offered awkwardly.
"No, no, that would be silly, you're already here now," he said quickly and apologetically. "I'm just thinking..." He crossed his arms with thought as he began to mumble to himself. "I've got several meetings today... Sasha is out sick... Nick could– no, no, he's out working on a story... so is Jamila and Markus..."
"You sure you don't want me to come back tomorrow?" I asked again, feeling like an inconvenience.
He looked up as if suddenly remembering I was stood there. "What? No, of course not." He glanced at the clock on his wall before widening his eyes with realisation. "Follow me for a second, will you, Y/N?"
I had no choice but to follow the older, slightly baffled photographer, as he led me outside of his office. His office was an all-glass box essentially, as every other office in this place was. We stood outside the door a moment and I took in the hustle and bustle of CatCo's newsroom for a second time that morning. I wondered what we were waiting for when Mr. Rodriguez seemed to have an idea.
"Kara! Kara, can I borrow you for a moment?" he called out, stepping forward to get some blonde woman's attention.
The blonde stopped walking and greeted Mr. Rodriguez with a chirpy smile. "Yes, sir?"
He seemed to breathe out with relief as he checked his watch. "Kara, I'm sorry to do this but my assistant messed up my schedule and it turns out that the lovely Y/N Y/L/N, my new junior photographer, has showed up and I am unprepared."
I awkwardly smiled at the blonde as she glanced my way.
"Do you think you can show her around the place? Just until lunch and then I can make time to do things properly."
This Kara woman seemed unsure as she laughed nervously. "I'm only a reporter, sir, I don't think I'd be the best person to–"
"Please, Danvers, I'll owe you one," Mr. Rodriguez said with a pleading smile.
"I really don't mind coming back tomorrow," I chimed in, looking to him. "This seems like a bad time. You're really busy and–"
"It's okay, I'll do it," Kara cut in, smiling at me.
"Yes, Danvers, you're a life-saver," Mr. Rodriguez exclaimed before looking to me. "I'm very sorry for the unprofessionalism, Y/N, especially on your first day, but I will make it up to you at lunch. Meet me in my office at half twelve?"
"Of course, sir," I said with a smile. "You should probably go, don't want to be late for your meeting."
His eyes widened with realisation. "Right! You're absolutely right! I'll see you ladies later."
I suppressed a laugh as he speed-walked away, leaving me alone with the reporter.
"Is he always that panicked?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Kara chuckled. "Yes, he is. It's probably best you saw him like this. Now you know what you're getting yourself into."
I snickered. "So, your name is Kara?"
"Kara Danvers, yes," she introduced with a smile, putting out her hand.
I shook it and returned the smile. "Nice to meet you, Kara. I'm Y/N Y/L/N."
"The new junior photographer," she filled in jokingly.
"Right," I agreed with amusement.
"Well, I guess I'm your personal tour guide for the morning," she said, before motioning around us. "This is the kitchen."
I laughed at her lame joke. "Look, I can totally make myself busy until lunch if you have stuff to do. I didn't know Mr. Rodriguez would ask somebody to help me."
"Nah, it's fine, I don't mind," Kara said dismissively. "I used to be an assistant for Miss Grant, so I'm pretty familiar with this place, including where you'll be based."
"Wow, assistant for the boss, huh? That must have been... an experience."
Kara laughed as she led me around the newsroom. "I guess, yeah, but I learned a lot. Miss Grant taught me things I wouldn't have picked up elsewhere and..."
"That was James Olsen," I said with amazement. "I just met James Olsen."
Kara suppressed a smile. "He's kind of the guy in charge around here. If you weren't introduced to him, it would be strange."
"You know he took the first ever photo of Superman, right?" I said, glancing at Kara, still a little starstruck.
"Yes, I do know that," she said, crossing her arms and watching me with an amused smile.
"His photography is amazing," I rambled on. "He's got so many great shots of Superman, and now Supergirl as well. He manages to capture the most heroic moments in a single photograph without fail. It's amazing."
"I know that, too," Kara teased. "You said all of that and more just a moment ago when we were in there."
I felt my face grow warm with embarrassment. "Right, right, sorry..."
Kara laughed at my dismay, patting me on the shoulder. "It's alright. Besides, I think I've almost shown you everything. There's a few people I can introduce you to though, if you want. It might make settling in here a bit easier."
"Oh, wow, yeah, that sounds great," I said appreciatively. "Thanks."
"No problem," she said happily, before adding, "I think my friend, Nia, might be free to–"
Kara looked over my shoulder and a smiled brightly at whoever was there. "Lena, hey!"
I widened my eyes, unsure if I'd misheard the name or not. I turned around and forgot how to breathe for a second, realising I hadn't. Because none other than Lena Luthor was stood before me, her smile fading as her eyes flickered to me from Kara, flashing with recognition.
I swallowed hard, before offering a small, friendly smile. "Hey, stranger."
She looked stunning, absolutely radiant. Just as I remembered, save for her hair which had grown a little longer. My heart was suddenly remembering what it was like to be with her, beating up an uncontrollable rhythm in my chest.
"Y/N," she finally breathed out, recovering from her momentary shock. "You're here."
"National City is a big place," I said, feeling like a teenager with a crush as her green eyes were trained on me. "I didn't think I'd see you."
"I own the company," she said quietly, still surprised.
I raised my eyebrows. "Wow. I didn't–" I cleared my throat, "–I didn't know that."
"Wait, you two know each other?" Kara asked, and I forgot she was standing there until she spoke up, looking between us with a puzzled expression.
I licked my lips and stayed quiet, not sure what to say. Thankfully, Lena spoke up for the both of us.
"Y/N is an old friend of mine," she said carefully, eyes never leaving mine. "Back from Metropolis."
Kara's mouth was agape with confusion, but she didn't speak. I could feel her looking between us both with much intrigue.
"What are you doing here?" Lena asked, cocking her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed.
I straightened up as I found my words. "I'm the new junior photographer. Today is my first day."
"Oh, well, congratulations." She seemed like she was still catching up with everything, as was I. "Have you met James Olsen? He was our lead photographer and art director before being promoted to CEO." She glanced behind me at his office before nodding that way. "I'll introduce you, come on–"
"Lena, it's fine, Kara already introduced me," I said, smiling appreciatively. "Thank you though."
Lena bit her lip and nodded, before looking down to her shoes uncomfortably.
"Anyway," Kara began, filling the silence, "is there anything you needed, Lena? I'm not on my lunch break yet, but–"
"There's no rush," Lena said, shaking her head. "I just came to check on things. I needed to speak with James about a few things." She glanced at me, adding, "Er, we're going out for lunch, if you'd like to join us? I mean, you don't have to, but if you'd like, you can..."
This whole situation was so out of the blue and neither of us could ignore the awkwardness between us right now.
"I've got plans with Mr. Rodriguez, but thank you anyway," I declined politely, forcing a small smile.
"Okay, yeah, of course." Lena nodded before smiling at us both. "I should get going."
"See you later," Kara said with a wave and a smile.
Lena returned her smile before looking to me, her eyes softening. "It's nice to see you again, Y/N."
"You, too, Lena."
I watched as she walked away, before releasing a breath when she was out of sight. It was just like we'd met for the first time all over again, myself feeling butterflies in my stomach and unable to get her piercing green eyes out of my head. And here I was thinking a year would make a difference.
"You okay?"
I blinked and looked up, realising Kara was staring at me with concern. I put on a smile and nodded.
"Yeah, sorry, yeah. I just– I didn't think I'd see her again. At least not today."
Kara seemed hesitant as she stayed quiet for a moment, before finally saying, "I'm guessing old friends means something else in Metropolis..."
My smile faded as I nodded. "Yeah..."
Kara led me away, the two of us walking down the hall.
"Are you and Lena, er–"
"No, no," Kara said, reassuringly. "We're just friends. Best friends, actually."
I felt embarrassed for even thinking I had a right to know. "Sorry, it wasn't my business."
"It's okay, don't worry about it." Kara flashed me a small smile. "She's not with anyone right now by the way."
I raised an eyebrow and Kara gave me a knowing look, as if she knew what I was thinking.
"Come on, I'll introduce you to Nia," she changed the subject, thankfully. "She's a reporter here."
I nodded and followed Kara, but I would be lying if I said Lena hadn't plagued my thoughts.
The last time I'd seen her was just over a year ago, when we'd said our goodbyes before she left. It was a hard goodbye, a hard breakup in general. I loved her a lot and knowing she was moving away to be someone better hurt because I couldn't stop her. I would never stop her. But I couldn't leave with her either.
We were friends long before we were a couple, so we made sure things wouldn't be weird when we broke up. Of course I still had feelings for her, but we agreed to try and remain friends.
It worked for a while. We would text and occasionally call, whilst she was settling into National City and turning L Corp around. But then the calls were fewer, and the texting lessened, and before I knew it, we'd lost touch. I wasn't sure if it was because maybe we both knew it would be easier and hurt less, to not have each other at all if not in the way we wanted, or if it was because we were getting busier, but it happened.
When I stopped freelancing as a photographer and decide to apply for a permanent position somewhere, the job from CatCo practically fell into my lap and I couldn't turn it down. I genuinely didn't believe I'd bump into Lena – this was a big city! But of course she owned the company. Just my luck.
I'd been in National City for a few weeks now and hadn't seen Lena since that first awkward encounter. I wasn't sure whether to be offended or not, since we were friends before being a couple so I at least thought we could pick up where we left off, but that was naïve of me.
I was enjoying my job at CatCo and already had a few things in the works with the help of Mr. Rodriguez. I'd also befriended Kara and a few of her other friends – Nia and James. It was still weird that I was 'friends' with James, since he was such a talented photographer and I couldn't imagine it, but it was great. They were a fun lot to be around at work, along with a few other photographers in my team.
My latest assignment was covering an L Corp gala, which wasn't my first choice, but I couldn't argue with it. Thankfully, the reporter I was partnered with was Kara, so I wasn't entirely uncomfortable. Apparently Kara had covered a lot of Luthor-related stories, so was the best person for the story.
So, that's where I found myself now, standing in the doorway of a massive ballroom, full of important-looking, rich business professionals. The gala was a charity ball, raising money for children's hospitals around National City, that Lena owned. I felt proud of her when I looked around and saw the impact she had made by moving here. She was certainly just as determined as I remembered her to be.
"This is very fancy," I commented aloud, feeling a tad bit underdressed in my dress pants and blouse.
"Wouldn't be a Luthor event if it wasn't," Kara joked, before nudging me in the arm. "Come on. Let's have a look around."
I followed Kara as we showed ourselves around, myself looking at the best vantage points for some nice shots, as well as subtly wondering if Lena was around.
Eventually, I left Kara to do her interviewing as I wandered about, taking photos of everyone. There was a lot going on, so it wasn't hard to find interesting subjects. I spotted Lena at one point, mingling with other guests. I almost forgot I was supposed to be taking photos when I saw her because she looked amazing.
She was wearing an elegant off-shoulder black gown and her long dark hair was sleek and straight, shining under the lights. I could make out the bright green of her eyes from the other side of the room and I had to remind myself that I was there to do a job before I began to drool.
I snapped some photos of her, maybe a few more than necessary, but she looked beautiful and I couldn't help it. I took more photos of everyone before deeming it enough and settling on a table on the 'quieter' part of the hall.
I was snacking on some of the hors d'oeuvres as I looked back through the photos I took when I heard Kara call my name.
I looked up mid-bite into a salmon puff when I saw Kara approaching me, Lena in tow. I straightened up and finished chewing my food before smiling at both women.
"Hey, Kara," I greeted, before meeting Lena's gaze. "Lena. This is a lovely event. You've done an amazing job."
Lena smiled bashfully. "If there's anything rich people love more than lavish events, it's lavish events that showcase their charitable donations."
I cracked a smile – her sense of humour hadn't changed.
"You get any good shots?" Kara asked, nodding to my camera.
I looked down at it. "Yeah, I was just looking through them."
"Can I...?" Lena smiled as she motioned to my camera.
I nodded a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah, yeah, of course."
She stood beside me, a little closer than I expected, or maybe it seemed that way because I was holding my breath. She accepted the camera from my hands and began to flick through the photos. She was smiling down at them all, nodding with approval.
"Still as talented as I remember," she muttered.
I didn't even realise she'd spoken because I was too busy taking in her profile. The sharpness of her jawline contrasted with her long dark hair pushed behind her ear was distracting, and I felt my mouth go dry when she looked up at me, dark eyes suddenly staring right at me.
"Huh?" I spluttered, unintelligibly.
She laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. "Never mind, Y/N."
I felt my face grow warm. "Sorry, I'm just... is this strange? Me and you?"
Lena cleared her throat and suppressed a smile. "If it's strange, it's my fault, sorry. I should have greeted you properly a few weeks ago. I really wasn't expecting to see you again."
"Me either," I said, shaking my head. "No need to apologise. I think we both thought it was a little weird... but it is really good to see you again." I glanced around. "You've achieved a lot, Lena. And I have a feeling this isn't even the half of it."
It was Lena's turn to get embarrassed as she avoided my eyes, smiling to herself. "Thank you, Y/N."
It went quiet for a moment, a comfortable silence between us, until Lena looked up and lost her smile.
"I know that things ended a little... suddenly between us, but I never intended for us to stop speaking." She frowned a little. "I don't really have any excuse for why we stopped. But I am sorry it did."
"Hey, it takes two to tango," I joked to lighten the mood, making her glance up at me. "We both lost contact with each other. It happens. But I'm here now, and you're here, and well, maybe we could try and be friends again. If you want, that is."
A beautiful smile graced her lips as she nodded. "I'd like that."
My heart skipped a beat at how her eyes lit up. "We can get coffee and catch up, if you'd like. I'd love to hear about all you've done this last year."
"Coffee sounds great," Lena agreed. "And it's not just me who's been up to new stuff. I wanna hear all about how you ended up at CatCo."
I chuckled. "It's a date." I widened my eyes when I realised what I said. "That's not what I meant, sorry. It's just a plan and–"
Lena's laugh cut me off. "Y/N, it's fine, I know what you meant."
I nodded, a little flustered. I soon realised we'd been talking a while and Kara was nowhere to be found.
"She left a moment ago," Lena said, realising I was looking for her. "Between me and you, I think she got us together today for a reason."
"She cares about you," I pointed out. "She seems like a great friend."
Lena nodded, smiling nostalgically. "Yeah, she is. One of the first I made when moving here."
"Come on, we should probably chase her down and let her know we're good."
"Lead the way, Y/L/N."
Lena and I followed through with our plans, meeting up for coffee to have a big catch up. It was amazing hearing all she'd achieved in the past year. I wasn't surprised in the slightest however, as I knew that if anyone could do it, she could. It was also lovely to see her look a lot better, health-wise. When she left, she was still shaken up about what Lex did – it was reassuring to know she'd recovered, even slightly.
We hung out a few more times, mostly with Kara, Nia and James present, but it still felt good to see her at all.
Kara even invited me over to her place one evening, claiming she hosted a weekly game night and would love if I joined. That was where I met Kara's sister, Alex, and their friend, Brainy. The two worked for the government, but weren't as serious as they let on.
Nia and James were also present, along with James' sister, Kelly, who was also Alex's girlfriend. Lena was there, too, and admittedly, I looked forward to seeing the raven-haired woman yet another time.
"Charades?" Alex suggested, already grabbing the bowl of charade ideas.
Everyone agreed and naturally got into teams. They'd been playing a while, so it seemed that they had teams organised in advance. The Danvers sisters were one, the Olsen siblings were another, and Brainy and Nia (who had been flirting all night) were the last, leaving Lena and I to pair up.
"Is that okay with you guys?" Kara asked, realising we had been left to team up. The blonde had been hesitant in pushing us together too much when we hung out, clearly worried about pressuring us into anything. It was thoughtful and I'm sure Lena appreciated it as much as I did.
"Being partnered with the smartest person in the room?" I asked rhetorically. "Why would that be a problem?"
Kara seemed taken aback as everybody laughed. Lena nudged me in the side jokingly, just like old times, and Kara finally came to her senses and grinned.
"Game on, Y/N," she played along, before standing up. "Alex and I will go first."
The Danvers sisters performed alright, managing to get eight points in the 60-second round. Next up was Lena and I.
"You wanna go or should I?" I asked, glancing at her.
"You go, you've always been better at it than I have," she said, ushering me to stand up.
I chuckled and stood up, readying myself.
"And... go!" James said, starting the timer.
I grabbed the first slip of paper. Water bottle.
I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering how one could act that out, but nonetheless, I locked eyes with Lena and began to make a drinking motion.
I shook my head and repeated the action, emphasising it a little.
"Water! Glass of water?"
I repeated the action, motioning to the 'bottle' in my hand.
"Water bottle!"
"Yes!" I shouted back, before moving onto the next slip of paper.
Watching a romantic comedy.
"Ooh! Okay, okay, er..." I sat down on the floor, looking ahead at the TV as if I was watching it.
"Watching TV," Lena guessed.
I pretended to laugh one second and then cry another.
"Watching a comedy!"
I wiggled my hand to show she was almost there. I made a love heart with my hand and did the whole thing again, hoping it would make sense.
"Watching a rom com!"
"Yes! You got it!" I shouted with a grin, before moving to the next one.
Finding Nemo.
I began to make the whale noises similar to how Dory does in the film and Lena guessed it instantly.
She laughed as the others were watching eagerly, curious to if we would mess up or beat Alex and Kara.
Scuba diving.
I pretended to dive off the couch onto the carpet and she guess it immediately.
"Five more to go and thirty seconds left," Nia reminded us.
Hide and seek.
I covered my eyes and began counting backwards from ten.
"Hide and seek!"
I wasn't sure how to act that out, so I said, "Er, that, er, the shop opposite the McDonald's down the street!"
"Walmart!" Lena said with a laugh.
"Can she do that? Talk in the game?" Brainy asked as I moved onto the next slip.
"Technically she didn't say the answer, so yeah," Nia said with a shrug. "Three more left and twenty seconds, guys!"
Having a bright idea.
I pointed to one of the light bulbs above as and motioned to it on my head, making a 'ding' noise with my mouth.
"A bright idea?"
"Yes! Okay, er..."
A penny for your thought.
I dug out a penny from my pocket and held it up before pointing to my head.
"Penny for your thought!"
"Okay, how is she getting these?!" Alex complained, mildly confused.
Kelly laughed at her girlfriend as I moved onto the next one.
"Shoot, er..."
"Five seconds left!" Nia called out.
"That thing your car ran over on our second date!" I shouted, meeting Lena's eyes and hoping she'd understand.
"Oh! Er, it was..."
"Come on, Lena!"
"A coconut!"
"Time's up!" Nia called it, and I looked to her to see how many points we got. She looked at her point system before sighing disappointedly. "Nine points."
"Yes!" Lena and I shouted with excitement, and she stood up to embrace me in a hug.
We were laughing as James tried to get our attention.
"You drove over a coconut on your second date?" he asked, probably for everyone, and all eyes were on Lena and I as we remembered it like it was yesterday.
"Look, I don't know how it got there, or where it came from," Lena began, a hint of amusement in her voice, "but we were driving back from this restaurant when I drove over a bump or something."
"We stopped to take a look and it turns out it was a coconut," I finished, shaking my head. "Weird time. But yeah."
Everybody seemed confused, but Lena and I exchanged amused knowing glances.
"Okay, well you two aren't going to be partners next week, since it's unfair how well you work together," Nia commented, before standing up. "Brainy, it's our turn."
Lena grabbed my hand and led me to the couch, the two of us sat side by side watching the others have their go. I didn't even realise we were still holding hands at first, then I felt the warmth from her skin touching mine and smiled to myself. Friends could hold hands, so it wasn't a big deal, but it felt right. I had missed this.
Some time passed and any hint of awkwardness between Lena and I had disappeared. We were friends, like we used to be before we got together, and it was nice. I tried to ignore any old feelings that were trying to resurface when I was with her, and I assumed it was working since I hadn't done anything stupid to ruin what we had.
It did feel good to spend all this time with her as well. I'd forgotten what it was like to have her in my life, to have someone with me who understood me. We had inside jokes, memories, time spent where we knew each other inside and out. It was almost a relief to have that, knowing we didn't have to start from scratch.
I guess it was always expected – we'd loved each other dearly. That couldn't be erased, not even after spending a year apart.
A few months into the midst of this friendship, I was at CatCo, in the darkroom processing photos from my camera when I heard a knock on the door.
"Y/N? You in there?"
I recognised the voice as Lena's and called back, "Yeah, you can come in, just be quick!"
The door opened and closed quite quickly, barely a sliver of light creeping into the room thankfully.
"Woah," Lena said, looking around.
"C'mon, you've been in a darkroom plenty of times," I teased with a half smile, glancing up at her.
"Not for a long time, actually," she retorted, playfully glaring at me.
I grinned at her as she joined my side, watching as I hung up some prints I'd just processed.
"So what's up?" I asked, glancing between her and what I was doing.
She was distracted by my hand movements, finally looking to me when I spoke. "Huh? Oh, right. I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me. I was free, but now I think you're a little busy."
"No, lunch sounds great!" I said, smiling at her. Her eyes were dark in the red light, yet they made my stomach do somersaults nonetheless. "I just need to finish these last prints. You can stay if you want."
Lena nodded and watched as I moved some more prints from the stop bath to the water tray.
"Where are these?" she asked, looking at the photos hung up already.
"That rally downtown," I remembered. "A few days ago, I think."
"Oh, right."
I glanced at her, watching as she stared at everything with awe. I smiled, admiring how adorable she looked. She always used to do that whenever she'd join me, back when we were dating. No matter how many times I showed her, she still found it all fascinating.
"You want a go?" I asked, earning her attention.
Her head darted to me as she raised her eyebrows. I nodded to the prints that needed 'washing' and she nodded.
"Sure, what do I do?"
I handed her a pair of metal tongs. "Just pick that up," I pointed to the first tray, "and put it in here." I pointed to the second tray. "But first, hang that print up on the line above so it can dry."
She did as I said and I watched to make sure she didn't spill any of the chemicals on herself or her fingers.
"Okay, just a few more here," I said, pointing to the last few prints. "You think you can handle it?"
She rolled her eyes at my playfulness and I smiled as I watched her finish up. When she finished, she set the tongs down on a paper towel. I spotted a little bit of developer solution on the counter and spotted the rest of the paper towels on the side, next to Lena.
I rested a hand on her back as I leaned over her, grabbing the paper towel. I cleaned up the last spot and tossed the paper towel in the bin, about to speak, but I was surprised when I looked to Lena and saw her move forward quickly, pressing her lips to mine.
She pulled me close by the waist and kissed me hard, making my heart beat faster and faster in my chest. I relaxed into her embrace, resting a hand on the side of her face. She moved closer, my back hitting the counter behind me as she swiped my bottom lip with her tongue.
It was like we hadn't been apart when she pulled away for a second, before reattaching her lips to mine. I was still surprised and I knew I should have stopped us, but my heart was saying otherwise as I kissed back, missing the taste of her lips against mine.
She slipped her tongue between my lips and I let out an unsolicited moan, definitely knowing I should stop this now.
"Lena," I breathed out, managing to part our lips for a second, but she reattached them in an instant, and I almost gave in all over again when she began to suck on my lower lip, enticing me with her Luthor charm.
"Lena," I tried again, using every ounce of willpower to pull apart from her.
She finally listened and pulled apart, her eyes meeting mine apologetically, realising what she'd done. "I'm... I'm sorry."
"It's okay," I assured her, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. "That was... unexpected."
"I actually wanted to do that for a while," she admitted, eyes flickering to the ground. "I tried not to, but I couldn't not do anything..."
I felt a little hopeful as I watched her. I couldn't help but blurt out, "I think I'm still in love with you."
This got her attention, as she looked up and searched my eyes. "You are?"
I nodded slowly, holding my breath for her response.
She pursed her lips, raising her hand to caress my cheek. "I think I'm still in love with you, too. I don't think I ever stopped."
I smiled as she looked between my eyes. I always felt a sense of calm when looking in hers, and I guessed some things didn't change.
"I really missed you when you left," I admitted. "I tried really hard to get over you, but I don't think I did. Not really."
"I missed you, too," she muttered. "I hated that I left you."
"You didn't do anything wrong," I said, shaking my head. "Sometimes, the timing is off. But I'm here now and I think that maybe the timing is in our favour again."
"Are you saying you want to try this again?" Lena asked, a hopeful smile on her lips.
"Well, it's either that or we make out every now and then without any real resolve," I joked, and she laughed, smacking me in the shoulder before pulling me close again.
"Nothing will get in the way of us this time," she said confidently. "I won't let it."
I wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled down at her. "You do tend to get your way."
She smiled and leaned into me, her head fitting into my shoulder. I held her close, closing my eyes and smelling that familiar floral scent of her perfume.
She pulled back and met my eyes, a sense of relief present in them.
"I'm really glad you're back," she said softly.
My heart was still pounding in my chest as I smiled at her. "Me too."
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dorkzrul · 4 years
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(Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
The next morning she found Luke had texted her and immediately jumped up, thinking he wanted to make amends for yesterday night. However this was all the text said:
Luke Castellan: You wanted to talk? Let’s meet at my place at 5.
No apology, not even an acknowledgement of the fact that yesterday had been their anniversary. Last night’s thoughts came back to her. She decided that she would go over, they would talk about yesterday and she would ask him why he was being so weird. Communication was important for any good couple. They would work through this.
At exactly 4:45, she left the house and reached Luke’s apartment by 5. She rang the bell and waited. Luke didn’t come to open the door. She rang the bell again. This time, she heard someone walking towards the door and fiddling with the lock. Luke pulled open the door and held up a finger. He was on a call. “K, I have to go, Annabeth’s here.” She heard a female voice saying something on the other side of the phone. “Maybe later, I have to go.”, said Luke and he put the phone down. “Who was that?”, she asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. “Noone.” “Um...okay” “Just someone from work”, Luke responded with a sigh. “So, how’ve you been”, he asked, instantly brightening. “You wanted to talk. What’s wrong?” The tone of his voice made her want to hit herself on the head. How could she ever think that he was cheating on her? He loved her!
“Oh um I actually wanted to talk about yesterday” “Sure, what about it?” Wait. had he really forgotten? “Yesterday was our anniversary Luke! How could you have forgotten? I waited for you for almost an hour yesterday!” He looked surprised and smiled sheepishly, “So sorry Annabeth! I thought it was next week. I really did. I had plans to surprise you with flowers and even bought tickets to see that movie you’ve been wanting to see. Ugh, I really messed up didn’t I?”, he shook his head, looking mad at himself. She softened. So he hadn’t forgotten. Well he did mix up the dates but that was a valid mistake. He did seem to have plans to make it special. She could forgive him. And since he’d bought movie tickets, they could go out together next week. “It's fine, it can happen. Lets go to see the movie next week and you can make up for forgetting our anniversary”, she added playfully. Luke looked relieved, “Great! Thank you!”, he tightly hugged her. She laughed. Things were good between them again!
Then suddenly she got a call from the architectural firm she worked in. “Hello?” “Annabeth, so sorry to bother you on a Saturday evening but do you think you’ll be able to send in the report right now? The date got changed to tomorrow and I still need to edit it and send it to boss” “Oh, of course. The report is complete. I'll send it to you as soon as I get home.” “So sorry Luke, I need to go”, she apologized. “It's fine, baby. Call me when you get home. Can’t wait to go out next Friday!”, he kissed her goodbye. She put on her shoes and walked out, closing the door behind her.
That night, as she lay in bed, she realised she’d forgotten to tell Luke about Percy. It’s fine though. It wasn’t really that important. Though she still felt she should’ve told him. She would have wanted to know if Luke was going for coffee with a random girl. She’d tell him tomorrow. Also, she still can’t believe that she’d actually considered that he was cheating. Luke would never do something like that, not just because it was wrong and he loved her too much but also because it would make him like his father. Luke’s dad had cheated on his mother and then just left them without a word. Luke’s mother hadn’t been right in the head since he left, leaving Luke to fend for himself. Luke loved his mother dearly and always took care of her, however she never got better. At least until she met his stepdad. She seemed brighter, happier, better mentally and physically. Until she died in a car crash a few years back. This was on the anniversary of his father leaving. Luke was devastated after that and his stepfather just took all the money that she’d left him and ran. Luke had had a tough past and he blamed his father for it all. However, he looked just like his father and every time he looked in the mirror it was his father's face he saw staring back at him. Luke swore that he would never be like his father and cheating would ruin that.
She fell asleep then, confident that everything was once again great between her and Luke.
The next morning she woke up and jumped out of bed, weirdly excited at the prospect of meeting up with Percy, considering he was just a stranger. You dont meet strangers for coffee, there's something else going on here, a part of her announced. Was there, she wondered, were they friends? She shrugged, it was unimportant. It was Monday, she suddenly realised. She was going to be late to work! She quickly got dressed and headed to work, grabbing a coffee on her way. The day passed, she felt herself get more and more jittery as it got nearer to 4. At exactly 3, she left the office and arrived home with just enough time to get dressed and leave.
She got there right on time and saw Percy already there. He saw her and waved, grinning. “Hey!”, he happily greeted her. “Hi”, she replied, slightly hesitating. He waved over a waitress. “What would you like today”, asked the waitress, clearly flirting with him. “Oh, um I’d like a hot chocolate and a chocolate muffin please”, he asked politely, almost as if he didn’t notice the waitress twirling her hair and blinking rapidly. “Um, do you have something in your eye”, she asked, annoyed. The waitress, Kelly (it was on her nametag), glared at her. “Who asked for your opinion”, she asked rudely. “You’re the waitress aren’t you? Shouldn’t you be asking for my order?” “Fine, whatever. What do you want?” “I’d like a cappuccino please” “Whatever, sure”, she rolled her eyes and walked away, swaying her hips and turning around her shoulder to wink at Percy, who had been watching this whole exchange with an amused expression on his face.
“What?”, she asked when she saw him looking at her. “Nothing, just the way you reacted” “She was just being annoying. I mean she only asked for your order, what about me. I was right there. Like hello, are you blind?!” He laughed at that. She glared at him, before cracking a small smile herself. “So, Annabeth, did you sort things out with your boyfriend yesterday?” “I did actually. It went pretty well” “Did he apologize for standing you up” “He did actually. He thought our anniversary was next week” Percy snickered a little at that. She glared at him, “Hey! It could’ve been you! Are you telling me you’ve never forgotten an important date between you and your girlfriend?” “Okay firstly, I might have forgotten a couple important dates but that’s different.”, he protested, “Secondly, I don't have a girlfriend”. Oh, Annabeth thought to herself, a guy as good looking as you without a girlfriend? Damn! But she kept that thought to herself, once again reminding herself about Luke. “How is it any different?”, she asked referring to his previous statement. “Well, it just is”, he mumbled, the tips of his ears reddening. She sensed there was an embarrassing story in this somewhere and tried to convince him to tell her.
“Fine, fine”, he conceded, grumbling under his breath. “I once forgot my own birthday and when my friend called me asking about my gifts, I thought it was his birthday, panicked and immediately went to his house to give it to him and apologise, only to find he wasn’t at his house. When I got back home, all my friends and family were there and threw me a surprise party. Imagine how much of an idiot I looked like when I entered the house with a gift from my friend and sad because I’d forgotten his birthday, only to be surprised by everyone and realise that it was my own birthday I’d forgotten”. She was doubled over by the end of the story, laughing harder than she had in a long time. “Whew”, she added, wiping away a tear from the corner of her eye. “That is hilarious! Did you really forget your birthday?”, she asked in disbelief. He nodded, embarrassed.
“What about you? Any embarrassing birthday stories”, he asked, grinning, his face still red. She immediately stiffened. Her birthday was a topic she liked to avoid. Percy noticed this and immediately, the expression on his face turned to one of concern, “What’s wrong? Was it something I said? I’m sorry”, he quickly added. “No, nothing you said” She debated for a moment, should she tell him? She’d only known him for a couple of days but he looked trustworthy enough. She decided to tell him. “It’s just, birthdays are kind of a hard topic for me. On the night of my seventh birthday, my mother just left, without a word. My father was heartbroken. He immersed himself into his work until he met Helen, my stepmother. On my 11th birthday, he introduced us to each other and she instantly hated me, I don't know why. I had never done anything to her.They got married soon after and had twins. My brothers, Bobby and Matthew. As I grew older, I looked exactly like my mother and looking at me reminded my father of his lost love. Thus, he shunned me and ignored me entirely. He got his own family with Helen, Bobby and Matthew and I was always the outsider, just another reminder of his failed marriage”, tears were falling down my cheeks by now, “My stepmom hated me as I was the child of her husband’s previous marriage. My stepbrothers learned to hate me. I had no one left who I could rely on… until Luke”
She kept her head down, tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt Percy’s arm around her and moved closer to him, almost burying her head in his warm chest. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying. I’m making this whole meeting really awkward.”, she noticed a couple of wet marks on his shirt, “And I also ruined your shirt!” She pulled away, quickly wiping away her tears. “No, no, it’s okay. I'm glad that you trusted me enough to tell me this and I’m so sorry. If it makes you feel better, my father also left when I was little and until a couple years back, I also had a terrible stepfather. He was really bad. He used to hit my mom and I. I still have scars on my back from his knife, and they’re still better than those my mom has.” That did make her feel better, but then she felt horrible for feeling better at someone else’s bad experiences. “Oh, I’m sorry that must’ve been terrible. You said until a couple years back? What happened” “Oh um, he died in a car accident and my mom just remarried another guy. He’s much better. He really loves her and she loves him.” She could hear the pain in his voice. He really loves his mother, she thought. “What about you? Do you like him?” He looked surprised at the question. “Well, I suppose he makes her happy so he can’t be all that bad” “You really love her a lot huh?”, she asked, softly. “I do”, he smiled at this, “She’s the most wonderful person ever. She deserves so much better than what has happened to her. She really loved my father and he left her, leaving her to fend for herself with a baby. Then came Gabe, my first stepfather. He used up all our money and left us injured and almost broke. She worked 3 jobs to support us and we finally got back on our feet. Then, she met Paul, and he’s been around for a year and it’s been great” The two shared soft smiles. “It was really great meeting you today Percy. And thank you” “You’re-you're welcome”, he replied, looking a little shocked. “You too. I hope we can do this again sometime”, he said smiling. “Sure”, she responded.
He walked her to her apartment and then left with a quick hug, momentarily stunning her. That night she fell asleep with a smile on her face, feeling better than she had in ages.
Thanks so much for reading this and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to update asap, which was today. Also, anyone got the Bad Blood reference? Lol. K thanks again for reading and don't forget to comment/review. It helps me write better and update faster!!! *awkwardly hugs readers* <3<3<3
Tagging: @rhian-not-ryan
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fortheloveofkuroo · 4 years
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A really long angst with i think over 1500 words. GOD IM SO SORRY FOR MY BEST BOI. Tell me if you guys want more. Anyways it's f!reader ^^ Sorry for any typo or grammatical error <3
"(Y/n)-senpai!" You turn your head to the source of the voice. Only to found a girl, shorter than yourself. Her blonde locks are tied neatly. She smile widely as your hand hugs her shoulder.
"Uwaah! That concert is really something! Still i can't believe that we got Shimizu to come with us though!" She said with fire in her eyes. You can't help to giggle. It's very rare seeing your junior on fire like this.
"What do you think of the concert, Shimizu?" The girl with raven hair only smiles. "It's great. I can feel the fire and so much passion that the band radiates." You nod. Agreed. The band did such a great job, and you know both of the girls are enjoying the concert tonight.
"Oh! Isn't that Hinata-kun?" You notices a boy with orange hair jumping around with a tall black haired boy.
"Oh and Kageyama too." Add Shimizu senpai. "We should say hi Yacchan, who knows the whole team is going?" Yachi immediately agrees and follow your step as you walk closer to the crowds of boys.
"Hey team!" You greets. There's almost a full team here if only Asahi and Yamaguchi are here. "Hey where's our ace and pinch servers?"
"Yamaguchi have some family stuff to do. And Asahi senpai is feeling under the weather." A tall blond boy suddenly speak up. You smiles to him. Tsukishima, the cold hearted and introverted boy who kind off dislike months ago you suddenly reply to your question. Is this some kind of progress?
"Thanks Tsukki!" He shrugs his shoulder. "So where are you guys going? Let's go together!" Offer Daichi as his hand gesture over the crowds that are going down. A big red gate that are surrounded with paper lantern and food stall. It's a summer festival!
You all enter the festival and your jaw cannot help but drop. It's been so long. You never went to any seasons festival anymore since elementary and it shows. Not surprisingly, the same happened to half the rest of the team. Even Kageyama.
"Wah look! grilled squid!" Yachi yelps happily. "Let's go Yachi-san!" Hinata shouted as he takes Yachi's hand and runs towards the festival.
You couldn't help to laugh. Their chemistry is so bright and funny. It's like they were made for each other. It's nice seeing your junior bonding so well with each other. Tsukishima even having a little chit chat with Kageyama and the others are just being so loud and cheerfull as usual.
Suddenly a touch on your shoulder snaps you out to reality. "You okay (Y/n)?" The captain feels a little worried about you because of the sudden quiet. You shook your head. Smiling, you reassured him. "Don't worry. I'm fine Daichi-san." Daichi huffed. Then nudge your arm playfully. "Come on drop the formalities. We've known each other for so long." It's true. You've been in the same neighbourhood with Daichi since you're elementary. You've know him longer than anybody else. Even Asahi and Sugawara knew you're important to Daichi.
"Hey can't do that in front of the team! I have to be good example to my junior y'know! And you're still my senpai too you or should i call you Onii-chan?" You laughs. "Geez we're only like 3 months apart (Y/n) I'm not that old!" Daichi chuckles, ruffling your (H/c) hair as you struggle to break free from his big hand destroying your hair. Suga, who's now witnessing everything only smiles playfully and signal the entire team to leave. Quietly.
He always knew. He always knew that Daichi is crushing on you. It shows so much that it annoys him. He really want to shove Daichi infront on you and yell at him to just confess already.
After several dad jokes and mini argument later you finally realized that you're alone. With Daichi.
"Eh? Where's the rest of the team?" You wonder. Looking around, hoping to see any familiar faces. While you're having a mini panick attack moment, Daichi takes a little time to visit a stall and comes back to you.
"Hey (Y/n)-chan." You face him, worried and anxiety clearly visible on your face. But after you see Daichi's gentle smile your heart calms over. And that suffix.
"Woah what's with the suffix suddenly? You never call me by -chan anymore since.." you stops. Remembering something.
"Here." His hand offers you a simple wooden box. At first you refuse. "What is this? My birthday is over a month ago and you already gave me a present right?" You wonder. Daichi grins and shrugs. "I think it might look pretty on you. Open it."
You smile softly to him. He's the sweetest isn't he? You slowly open the lid and inside, a necklace with a tiny lilac peony pendant decorated with beads and gems around it.
It's so shiny and pretty you gasped way to hard you almost drop it. It looks so expensive and you quickly close the lid and shove it back to Daichi. "I can't take this! This looks so expensive i... Cannot. I'm not worthy of this!" You grin, denying his present as polite as posible
But Daichi face is not showing any emotion unless a serious one. Untill it softens and hands over the box to you again. "I want you to have it (Y/n)-chan. And don't say you're not worthy. You are worthy. In fact.. I.. I want to tell you something." You can tell where this is going. He avoids your gaze, cheeks slightly flushed and his fidgety moves.
"Listen (Y/n), I-" "(Y/n)-chan?"
A voice. His voice. It's like a bell ringing trough your ear drums and hit your brain so hard it went down to your heart. It was so clear it hurts.
You turns over the direction where the voice is coming. You saw a tall figure. His hazel cat eyes like piercing the silence that you're having.
"Oh.. Hey." Daichi voice was so small. He barely even speak. Like whispering. That tall figure approach you and Daichi, without any doubts his huge warm hand wraps around your hand.
"What are guys doing here? it's already late. Let's go home. I don't like seeing my gilrfriend catch a cold~" He said with a grin to Daichi. Daichi froze. His eyes went wide. You have a boyfriend?
"God you're freezing." He immediately takes off his bright red jacket and place it over your shoulder. Making sure you're warm and nice. It is, you think. You never felt so warm and fuzzy. But the view infront of you is killing your inside. Daichi, looking so gloomy, dead inside and fake smiling while chatting with him. "Send my regards to other members, Captain!" Daichi only nods as you left your spot with this tall figure.
Before you leave, you turns back for one last time. "Wait! Daichi you have something to tell me right?" Daichi, who's about to leave the place freeze. He turns back and smiles bitterly. "It's nothing important (Y/n). Really, you should get going." Then he disappear to the crowds.
With his hand intertwined with yours, you walk back to your house with him.
There's no any sound or voice coming out while you two walks together. You don't want to start any convo either. Then he sighs and broke the silence. "I know you mad, but please hear me out." He stops walking and pull your closer to him. Stopping you from walking away from him.
"He was about to say something.. Important, Kuroo." You avert your gaze from his eyes. Avoiding any eye contact because once you locked on eyes with him you can never get off. Kuroo takes a deep breath and rubs his face harshly.
"You know what he's going to do right? He want to confess (Y/n). I know. I showed up at the wrong timing but i didn't mean it okay? I just simply went there and say hi because i saw you.. Not because i saw you're with him."
"How did you even get there anyway?" You're still not convinced.
"Lev drags us there. He never went to Festivals and really want to see one with his own eyes. I'm pretty beat today so i decided to went home early and boom i found you. And Daichi too behind the temple, in dark and surrounded with trees and bush." He simply answer.
Yeah, it seems pretty obvious now that he points all of that.
You can't help but to feel sorry and guilty. You leans on Kuroo's chest. "But i feel sorry for Daichi, Kuroo.." Kuroo's hand once again found his way to comfort you.
"I don't want to lose you (Y/n). You are so important to me.." His voice was vague. But somehow you can heard it clearly.
"What are you saying you dummy cat?" You pet the back of his head. Kuroo sighs seems at ease. Then he pulls off and stare right into your eyes.
His hazel eyes, glowing under the moonlight. Making them thousands far more majestic rather than the first time you met his gaze. His gaze is serious yet so loving at the same time.
"(Y/n), please allowed me to be selfish and make you mine once again. And of course i'm yours."
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‘I'm saluting to your lips’ ~ Kim Woojin Soulmate AU ~ Part One
I know this took ages, I'm sorry, but here is part one, it was getting way too long, so I thought I’d split it up, otherwise it would have ended up really rushed at the end. and no one needs that. I also proofread this like 6 times so if there’s a mistake I need to be taken out. 
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Not a lot of things are certain in this world, but of the few things that are, finding my soulmate was the most exciting. Knowing that someone somewhere was absolutely made for me? That was the most incredible thing I could ever think of.
I used to be teased in school, kids told me that I didn’t have a soulmate, and if I did they would take one look at me and want nothing to do with me. But I knew I had one, somewhere in this world.
See, I have proof, the squiggles and weird lines that pop up on my arm every so often, they’ve been existent since I was 13, that’s when they start showing up on everyone, your soulmate writes on their own body you get to see it too, in the exact same place the exact same handwriting, and size, its all the same.
Some people find their soulmates straight away, they’re lucky enough to have their soulmates live close by or even be someone they’ve known forever.
My friends Bailey and Felix found each other on Felix’s birthday, Bailey couldn’t see her own drawings yet, but Felix could see his, and what he had written on her arm just seconds before in class, “if you let me copy your homework I’ll love you forever.” And sure enough, in his slightly messy handwriting on his left knee, as it was on hers, was the same phrase. To keep the story short, he squealed like a little piglet and ran out of class, later showing Bailey why, and they cried together, their soulmate was their best friend.
That’s usually everyone’s dream, that its someone they know, that way they don’t have to learn everything about a new person. But that’s sort of what I dread, there are only three people in my life that I can stand, the first being Felix and Bailey who are already soulmates, and then Chris, he’s two years older than me, and been my best friend since I could remember, I used to have a massive crush on the guy, but then I realised how great of a friend he was, and how much I needed o value him as my best friend rather than my crush.
That and on Chris’ 13th birthday drawings started popping up in his arm that weren’t mine, and that’s when I knew there was no chance anyway.
On the day of my own birthday I become indescribably excited, I woke up that morning and before I could register it was my birthday, I looked at my hand and saw tiny symbols on my palm, not remembering writing them, it suddenly clicked in my head, these were my soulmates symbols, my soulmate wrote this, they did this. I screamed. I quite literally screamed, my mum came into my room, looking panicked wondering why I was screaming, I showed her my hand and she screamed as well, then raised the question. What was it on that was on my hand?
I asked everyone I could, everyone that might have an answer, anyone I could find, and no one had any idea. No one except Chris.
I hadn’t seen him that day, not until the night of my birthday, going out for dinner with my family, Chris, Felix and Bailey, who basically counted as family anyway. New symbols had appeared throughout the day and I still had no clue what they were or what they were supposed to mean or represent. Chris sat next to me, and took one glance at my hand, and asked, “since when did you know Korean?” and suddenly it made sense, they weren’t weird little drawings, just a different language. Oh no, it’s a different language.
“its Korean? Like? From Korea, Korean?”
“yes Y/n from Korea, Korean,”
“my soulmate is Korean?”
“it seems like it.” 
The weeks went on, the Korean continued, and I began trying to learn the language, Chris tried helping translate, since his family spoke Korean at home, but he couldn’t be around to translate every word that was written, so I had to start learning myself. It seemed that my soulmate had also begun to try learning English, throughout the weeks I saw messily written “hello” and “I love you” because obviously that was an important phrase.
 It went like that for 5 years, we both bettered our second languages, each becoming better and more fluent, I started seeing reminders pop up, some in Korean, some in English, I was starting to understand his lifestyle, they’re training for something, but I can’t figure out what yet. Felix, Bailey and I were still friends, and still trying to decipher everything.
Chris and his family moved to Korea after my 14th birthday, he kept in contact for a while and then he just sort of faded away and only Felix had been graced with his presence, and even if it was apparently the equivalent to passing words and phrases, at least he had some contact. At least I knew he was doing well.  
Apparently, Chris had started “training” as well, and went by ‘Chan’ now. Felix said that he was trying to become an Idol, which was like a celebrity for us, he was getting into the kpop industry and so our friends got into it too, Bailey and Felix became devoted to it, they kept up with all the latest news just waiting for a glimpse of Chris, or Chan I guess. It made me wonder if maybe my soulmate was doing the same kind of training.
I’d always assumed it was something sporty, but now I understand why “drink more water to help voice” was written almost every day for 3 years.
I started looking into kpop too, waiting, and hoping that one day I might see someone who I feel could be my soulmate, but no one ever made me spark like I thought I would. I started to lose hope, realising tat there were many different obstacles in the way of us being together. I was a broke uni student now, I had no means of getting to Korea, and it seems as if my soulmate had no intentions coming here either.    
 But still I remained optimistic, I had to be, I’d been dreaming about my soulmate since I could hold a comprehensive thought, I would fine them one day and that is a promise I made to myself and my soulmate. I couldn’t give up and I wouldn’t.
The day it happened is a day I won’t soon forget, I was in the middle of class at university, when I got hit with a sudden sharp and almost unbearable pain in my wrist, I saw words start to etch themselves across my skin, forming words I was yet to recognise, my squiggles never pained me like this before, it felt like something was wrong, this wasn’t a common occurrence, in fact I don’t think anyone on record, has had this happen before.
The professor stopped the class since I was making so much noise, he took one glance at my wrist and sent me straight to the office to find the nurse.
She sat me down on one of the plastic chairs, looked over my wrist, poking the other squiggles, asking me what language they were, whether the rest of them hurt as well, to which I replied, that no they don’t, she grabbed out her phone headed to google translate and did her best to translate the other words on my arm, in hopes that maybe there was some sort of clue.
She translated the last one, fading on the palm of my hand ‘오늘 오후 1시 30 분에 문신’
“well love, it looks like this might be the answer, it still doesn’t make any sense, but by the looks of things, your soulmate got a tattoo today.”
She was right, that didn’t make sense, usually tattoos didn’t affect the other half, but that came to be the genuine outcome. There truly was no explanation.
I called bailey to tell her about what happened, but as soon as she picked up the phone she was ahead of the gun and already talking.
“oh my god y/n you’re not going to believe what I just found out! Chris found his soulmate, apparently, he was out travelling in Seoul and this girl bumped into him, he accidentally spilt his coffee all over her white shirt, she ran before he could even say anything to her. Anyway, so he gets back to his dorm and sees a new note on his hand, that says, “reminder: call Carmel about cute guy who spilt coffee on me,” and then Chris was like well that’s me I guess and wrote his number on his hand just below I with his name! who knew that dork would be so smooth right?”
My world felt like it was crashing down around me, not because Chris had his soulmate but because he didn’t call to tell me. He promised, ever since his 13th birthday that he would call as soon as he found the person, and he didn’t. I suddenly felt betrayed, I told bailey that I would have to call her back, and then immediately bombarded Felix for Chris’ number. He gave it over almost immediately, I must have scared him because he’s never been that easy to break before.
I sat there contemplating whether it was a good idea or not, he hasn’t spoken to me since I was 14 but he is the person is known longest, I decide to call later.  
Later ended up being 30 seconds later, soon I was met with the ringing, and then someone greeting me in Korean, I heard Chan and I started ranting.
“listen here prick, you promised me that would message or call me as soon as you found your soulmate, and I had to find out from Bailey? What the fuck is up with that? Come on Chris, you’re the one who made that promise, you’re the one who told me it would be okay when you moved away, you told me that you would still talk to me, that it would be the same. And now I haven’t heard from you in almost 6 years, I don’t even recognise your voice, who even are you?”
There was silence, for a little too long, and then the person cleared their throat on the other end.
“I am really, really sorry, Chan is a dick for doing that to you, and I didn’t know he was even capable of being rude, here’s not here right now, he left his phone when he went out with Jamie, ahh that’s his soulmate or whatever. Umm I’m Woojin, I’ll yell at him for you when he comes back, what’s your name so I know who I’m defending?”
“oh um, I’m so sorry for going off at you for that I’m, I’m really really sorry, my names y/n but you don’t have to go off at Chris for me, I’ll just call back later, but thank you.” “that’s okay Y/n it was nice talking to you.”
”You too Woojin thank you for listening to me rant even though you didn’t have any choice”
I hung up the phone, smiling and annoyed at the same time, I looked down at my wrist again and noticed words that weren’t there before.
“reminder: tell Chan about call from y/n, ask him when he got mean.” 
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 years
could you do a ficlet about ham like after philip is born being just so happy that he has this amazing family but also sad bc he remembers he can't share any of this with his mother and how he hopes he making her proud or smthg like that? i'm rambling sorry but your writing is amazing
Oh I am so sorry this took so long, this is such a lovely, wonderful prompt, exactly the kind of stuff I love to write! I hope this was worth the wait!
“Alex, I swear to God, get back in bedand calm down or I’m throwing another book at you,” Eliza groaned tiredly, noteven opening her eyes, not even lifting her head from the pillow.
Her husband wanted to keep arguing. Hewanted to keep insisting that she’d felt a pain, of course that meant that shemust be in labor, she was thirty nine weeks pregnant, what else could it be,they had to go to the hospital right freaking now! But the last time Eliza threatenedto throw a book at him, she’d meant it. And it had been his Study of EuropeanLaw, which was a pretty damn heavy book. Last time he left that thing on thebedside table.
And, to be honest, judging by the factthat Eliza was halfway back to sleep already, the baby probably wasn’t comingright this second.
Alex may have slightly overreacted.Again. For the third time this week.
He sighed, dropping the jeans he’d beenhalf in half out of, the first item of clothing he’d grabbed after he’dcatapulted out of bed, frantic after seeing Eliza wince and moan a little. Butit was nothing, just another false alarm.
Alex huffed and crawled back in bedbeside his wife, but he couldn’t help smiling a little as she sleepily wrappedher arms around him and used his chest as a pillow. He kissed her forehead andplaced his palms gently on her belly, there days they were hardly anywhereelse.
“You need to stop doing this, baby,”Eliza murmured sleepily, “You’re stressing yourself out. And scaring me, to behonest. Stuff like this happens towards the end, it’s supposed to, everything’sokay.”
Alex tensed a little defensively but letgo of it in a heartbeat; he knew she was right. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, “I’mjust…you know.”
Eliza’s arms tightened around himcomfortingly, understanding exactly what he meant, “It’s okay.”
He opened his mouth to say more butEliza has already gone limp, drifting off within seconds and with no warning,which she’d been doing a lot these days. Alex smiled fondly and kissed the topof her head.
“Pull it together, Hamilton,” he warnedhimself, as he drifted off too.
“I said I’m not hungry, Alex,” Elizamoaned, her whole body tense as she sat grouchily, watching him move aroundtheir tiny kitchen. She’d shifted the chair back a way, her frankly enormousstomach didn’t fit under the table anymore.
“You’ve barely eaten anything all day, Betsey,”he insisted, rummaging through the cupboard for something that wouldn’t make hernausea worse, “Just a piece of fruit or something? Please?”
He waved a kiwi at her hopefully. Heknew they were her favorite.
But Eliza just screwed up her delicateface, “I can’t Alex, the thought of it honestly makes me want to vomit. I justfeel a little strange right now.”
That word made him stop dead in histracks, nearly falling off the counter he was kneeling on (he technicallycouldn’t reach the top shelf). His head snapped over to his wife with wide,panicked eyes.
“Alex!” Eliza warned him, her fingercoming up to point at him accusingly, “You promised!”
He remembered. So he swallowed back hispanic, favoring a scowl instead as he jumped down from the counter.
“All right, all right, I get it. Don’toverreact, don’t panic, I’m sure you’re fine,” he sighed as he walked over,setting a glass of water in front of her.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” she squeezedhis arm, “Can you get my book for me? It’s in the living room?”
“Of course,” he nods, turning on hisheels and calling over his shoulder, “I’ll make sure I don’t panic on the way there!”
Eliza smiled and shook her head gently,“Don’t! I’m fine.”
Alex was stood in the front room,scratching at his goatee and wondering what book she meant from the piles onnearly every available flat surface, when he heard her cry out.
Feeling like he’d just been drenched incold water, Alex pelted back into the kitchen. Eliza was braced against thetable, shivering, her eyes screwed shut. The water had overturned and was now drippingonto the floor but there was a lot more on the tiles than could ever be held inthat glass.
“Ohshit…” Alex breathed.
Eliza moaned through gritted teeth, “Alex.I think it’s happening.”
Alexander Hamilton had made a lot of baddecisions in his life. Like, a lot. But one of his absolute worst was turningto his scared, distressed wife, five seconds after her waters broke andexclaiming “Well, I told you so! I was right!”
There was a moment of awful, terriblesilence.
“I fucking hate you, AlexanderHamilton,” Eliza moaned weakly, holding her stomach.
As he frantically apologized and ran toher side, Alex thought to himself how that probably wasn’t the only time shewould say that to him in the next twenty-four hours or so.
He wasn’t wrong.
Eight am the next morning and Alex’shear were ringing slightly from Eliza repeatedly screaming that she hated himand detailing the various interesting and colorful ways she was going to removehis reproductive organs, his fingers were bruised and he had long scratch marksdown his arms.
But his Eliza was safe and sleeping, agentle smile on her exhausted face. And Philip Hamilton was here, tiny andperfect and so beautiful, napping in his dad’s arms.
And Alex really couldn’t make himselfcare about anything beyond that.
He hadn’t stopped crying or smiling inthe hour since he’d held his son for the first time and he say no plans tochange that fact. He was just so happy. Sohappy that it was almost painful. It felt like the entire focus of his life hadshifted, like his internal software had been rewritten. Everything that hadseemed important before now made him want to laugh deliriously, how had he evercared so much about that stuff? Nothing mattered now apart from his son, hiswonderful little son, the best gift he’d ever received in his life.
Everything Alex did from now on, he didfor his family.
Alex cradled him gently against hischest, standing near the window of the hospital room so his little boy couldsee his first sunrise. He could hear Eliza’s soft snores from where she slept,utterly and understandably exhausted, but that didn’t stop him craning his neckto check on her every so often, struck by how much he adored her.
“Your mother is the best, Pip, isn’tshe?” he smiled, his voice rusty from hours of coaching Eliza (which had turnedout to mean just repeating exactly what the doctor said) but warm.
He got a frown and tiny squeak from thesleeping newborn in his arms, which he took as complete agreement as well asthe cutest thing he’d ever seen in his life.
Alex sighed happily and studied hisson’s face, memorizing every feature; the slope of his nose, the dawn color ofhis skin, slightly lighter than his father’s, the little birthmark on hiseyelid, his heart shaped face. He had great fun sorting the features intoboxes, what was his and what was Eliza’s, all the different parts and piecesthat made his son so wonderful. That made him Philip.
Although there was one thing he keptsticking on. One thing that made his throat tighten for a completely differentreason than simple happiness.
Baby Philip had a head full of soft,dark curls, fluffy and delicate like tiny feathers. Alex could hardly keephimself from running his hands across the crown of his head. But every time hedid, it made him so terribly sad.
Because that hair wasn’t his and itwasn’t Eliza’s, they both had perfectly straight hair.
It was all Rachel’s.
Alex knew that hair well, he’d ran hisfingers through it as a boy as his mother would lie next to him in bed and readhim stories and sing him songs. He’d buried his face in it when he’d beenupset, when his father had been yelling and he was scared and mama was cryingbut he didn’t know why, he just knew he wanted to help. He’d seen it wet andstiff with seawater when mama had taught him to swim down at the beach. He’dseen the sunlight bouncing off it as she’d stood at the counter of the store,working away, making him think that his mama was the prettiest lady ever.
He’d rested his head against in in themiddle of the night, when he’d been sick and scared and desperate for some kindof comfort, when she’d used what must have been the last of her strength tosing him his lullaby.
Alex swallowed hard to clear his throat,pulling his baby son closer to his chest. Of course he knew the words withoutneeding to think, he’d never forgotten them.
“Una mariposita, que del cielo bajó. Con sus alas extendidas. Y en el pico una flor. ¿Para quién son las flores? Si no son para mí. Ay mamita del alma. Yo me muero por ti. Cuando venga papito Se lo voy a decir Que esa mariposita No me deja dormir 
Alex wasn’t the best singer and hisvoice broke more than a few times but it meant more than him than words couldsay, to be stood here holding his own child in his arms and singing hismother’s words.
He gave Philip a gentle kiss on hisforehead, feeling one tiny little hand close around his thumb, holding fast.
“You’d love them, mama. You reallywould. I love them so much,” Alex murmured thickly.
“I hope I made you proud.”
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