#i will dump anything that i don't want to post on my main for whatever reason here
darstellung · 9 months
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septembercfawkes · 2 months
How to Convert Exposition into Ammunition
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Exposition is all the facts and information conveyed to the audience. It's facts about the setting, the worldbuilding, the characters, the current situation, the history, the magic or technology, or anything else that is straight-up information. Every story needs some exposition, but for all of us, it's been tricky to handle at one point or another.
One of the quickest ways to tell a beginning writer from an experienced writer, is how he or she handles exposition. Beginners often cram in too much too fast, leading to poor pacing, info-dumps, or maid-and-butler dialogue. Professional writers know how to expertly weave exposition into the story, so that the audience is fed information without hardly noticing it.
Last year, I did a post on how to use turning points to help you discern what info to put in and what info to leave out, when. I mentioned that in his famous book, Story, Robert McKee has a maxim: "Convert exposition into ammunition."
It sounds great, right?
But like some of the most meaningful writing advice, it can be difficult to wrap your head around. 
It sounds great, but like . . . how does one actually do that? And what does that actually mean?
Luckily, McKee does expound a bit on what he means, and today I'd like to expound on what he means by offering my own spin on it.
As McKee points out, "Show, don't tell" is key for exposition--we want to find ways to dramatize the information. Okay, great, chances are if you're reading my blog, you already know that. Still, it's often helpful to start with what you know.
McKee writes:
Dramatized exposition serves two ends: Its primary purpose is to further the immediate conflict. Its secondary purpose is to convey information. The anxious novice reverses that order, putting expositional duty ahead of dramatic necessity.
This is the part I want to emphasize: Its primary purpose is to further the immediate conflict.
Summed up into one simple line, this is what it means to turn exposition into ammunition.
But don't worry, I won't leave you with only that.
Cause if you know me, I like to go deep . . . 
Load the Ammunition! Exposition as an Asset or Problem
Ammunition is meant to be shot, dropped, or detonated.
It's not something you use during peaceful circumstances (unless, of course, the peaceful circumstance is just covering up a silent struggle).
Because we want to connect the exposition to the current conflict, this means that one of two (or both) battling forces is loaded with the ammunition.
The protagonist.
Or the antagonist.
And when I say "antagonist," I'm not just talking about the main "bad guy." 
The antagonistic force is whatever is opposing the protagonist in the pursuit of his goal. So while there is often a main antagonist, there will actually be lots and lots and lots of lesser antagonists. A rock may be an antagonist. A computer. A storm. A substance. A mouse. (Read more about this in "The True Purpose of Antagonists.")
Furthermore, the protagonist of a scene may not always be the main protagonist of the story (but more on that in a sec).
The protagonist is someone the audience is oriented toward (often the viewpoint character), who is pursuing a goal.
So, to simplify, the protagonist pursues a goal, and the antagonistic force opposes that.
This is what creates true conflict, which may or may not include flying fists or shouting matches. Conflict is simply the protagonist struggling to pursue the goal because of the antagonist.
When the protagonist is loaded with ammunition, it's an asset. He aims it at the antagonist to get the obstacle out of his way.
When the antagonist is loaded with ammunition, it's a problem. He (or it) aims it at the protagonist to get the protagonist out of the way.
This means that in order to make exposition into ammunition, we need to turn the information into an asset or a problem.
And it needs to become an asset or a problem for the current conflict. . . .
The Current Conflict
Okay, so, before we go much further, I need to briefly review a few concepts. If you've been following me a long time, I hope you won't want to aim your ammunition toward me, because we've gone over this a lot, but it's critical to make sure we are all on the same page, because everything builds off the basics.
Novelists often focus on the big main conflict that stretches through the length of the book, the global story or the narrative arc (depending on what terminology you prefer), and structurally, it looks like this:
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The conflict creates the rising action. If we were to zoom in, it'd be like this . . .
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But this isn't only true of the story as a whole. Story structure is a fractal, and this is true of smaller structural units as well.
This is true of acts (and the second act is commonly cut in half):
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And it's also true of scenes: 
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They fit inside each other, like a Russian nesting doll.
This means nearly every scene has a conflict.
This also means that nearly every scene should have a goal.
And nearly every scene should have an antagonist.
Because, rising action only happens when a character is pursuing a goal and running into antagonistic forces (obstacles). This is what creates the climb, the escalation.
The difference is that in a scene, all these components happen to a smaller degree, than the story as a whole.
So, the protagonist and antagonist of a scene, may not always be the same as the main protagonist and main antagonist of the global story.
The primary purpose of exposition is to further the immediate conflict.
The immediate conflict is what's happening in the scene. It's the current scene's conflict.
And yes, often that conflict is also feeding into the act-level conflict, which is feeding into the global story conflict. Because the smaller units fit inside (and even make up) the larger units.
So we best turn exposition into ammunition, by making it ammunition for the current conflict.
For the scene-level conflict.
Let's talk about how to do that. . . .
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Exposition as Ammunition
Just as that basic structural shape fits within itself, within scenes, so do all the basic elements of plot.
The primary principles of plot are goal, antagonist, conflict, and consequences (stakes & ramifications).
Every scene should have a goal, an antagonist, a conflict, and consequences.
Turning points are important too--those are the "climaxes" in the structures above--it's when the conflict hits a definitive outcome that changes the direction of the story. It turns it into falling action.
There are more plot elements that build off these, but these are the most important and most foundational. They almost always need to be there to create a great scene.
The way to turn exposition into ammunition, is to turn information into plot elements.
It's part of the goal. It's part of the antagonist. It's part of the conflict. It's part of the consequences. It's part of the turning point. (Or it's part of one of the other plot elements I didn't mention (I'm simplifying).)
Or even more simplistically speaking--it's an asset or a problem in the current situation.
Let's look at an example to demonstrate.
Example #1: Magic System Exposition into Ammunition
Say we have a magic system about shadows. Perhaps in it, if your shadow overlaps with another's, that person is more susceptible to your influence and manipulation. In your little fictive world, you think this is a cool idea, and of course, the audience needs to know about it.
But simply explaining it to the audience isn't plot. Exposition in and of itself, doesn't make plot. Exposition is just information, and it certainly isn't functioning as "ammunition."
How do we convert it into ammunition?
By connecting it to plot.
We make it the protagonist's goal to manipulate another character through her shadow. Now she watches light sources and where her shadow falls. Now she tries to get closer to this other person, without being obvious. It's interesting because it's relevant to what's happening at hand.
Or perhaps in this scene, this magic is part of the antagonistic force. Someone else is trying to stop the protagonist by manipulating her via shadow, and now she needs to make sure their shadows don't touch.
Or we bring the shadow magic into a different, current conflict. Maybe neither person originally intends to manipulate the other via shadow. They are arguing about something totally different. But as it escalates, one shadow falls over the other's and contributes to the situation. It helps the protagonist, or it creates more problems for the protagonist.
Or we tie it to the consequences. If the protagonist fails to outrun the antagonist (current conflict), the antagonist will force her down, then manipulate her to the point she's basically brainwashed via shadow magic.
Or, we make it part of the turning point. The current conflict escalates, and the way the "battle" is definitively lost or won is by manipulating someone via shadow.
It's not just information anymore. It's ammunition.
It's working as an asset or problem for the protagonist.
As the audience watches this play out, they barely recognize they are being fed information.
To them, they are simply being fed plot.
And it's scene-level plot. Meaning, it's immediately relevant. 
Suddenly what could have been a boring chunk of info-dump is exhilarating. It has the audience on the edge of their seats.
Let's look at another example.
Example #2: Backstory Exposition into Ammunition
Let's say your character has a history with another character in the scene. They were childhood neighbors, and one time as kids they got into trouble. They were throwing water balloons at passing cars, and one of the drivers got out and chased them. They got cornered in an alley and the driver called the cops.
Now, these characters find themselves together again, and they are planning what to do next on their way toward the main plot goal.
So I could just dump in that backstory as exposition. . . .
Or I could find a way to turn it into ammunition.
Rather than having them peacefully planning together, it would likely be better if they were arguing about what to do next. This makes the second character an antagonist for the protagonist, within the scene.
Each person is trying to convince the other that their idea is great and the other person's is terrible.
As things get heated, the second character blames the protagonist for getting the cops called on them as kids.
This is now ammunition that feeds into the fight--it's the antagonist shooting it against the protagonist in the current conflict.
Now they are arguing about the water balloon incident.
So what was originally just info about their pasts, is now contributing to the current plot.
Let's do one more example . . . 
Example #3: Character Exposition into Ammunition
Your character dreams of winning the upcoming beauty pageant. But that information isn't relevant to the current plot. Yet it's important information to know, because it conveys not only her interests but key skills she's going use in an upcoming scene.
You could try to shoehorn it in, or you could weave it into the current conflict.
Perhaps the current conflict is seemingly unrelated.
She has to walk home from work every day, and her goal is to get home before dark. She doesn't feel safe walking home in the dark.
Anything that delays her, becomes an antagonistic force.
She's facing stray dogs, street salesmen, and chatty acquaintances.
In her rush, she accidentally steps into a storm drain grate, which ruins her shoes.
The shoes she intends to wear to the beauty pageant (she shouldn't have worn them that day, but she had a nice presentation at work and took the risk). 
This is a cost, or consequence (ramification) of her pursuing her home in a rush.
It's "shot" her in a way that impacts her future. It's thrown her trajectory at least slightly off balance.
It's a problem.
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Contextual Exposition
Now, I want to acknowledge that not every single piece of information needs to be completely dramatized or "shown," and if it was, chances are the audience would feel like the story was lacking context.
Context is the information the audience needs to properly interpret the story. Without it, the audience feels a little blind. They need the narrator to guide them so they can appreciate what is unfolding. 
So, if Joe calls Mack, "Sam," the audience wants a clue as to why. Is Sam a nickname? Is Joe bad at remembering names? Is Joe doing this to be rude? The audience doesn't know. They can't properly interpret what just happened. They need more insight.
If Joe calls Mack, "Sam," to be rude, then the narrator needs to drop a line of exposition to explain that. This is not only acceptable, but necessary.
In a strange way, though, this kinda brings us full circle. 
Notice that this is providing context for the current conflict (or situation). 
It's not information for the sake of information.
Having this information adds power to the current scene. It will help us understand that scene's conflict.
It doesn't take away or distract us from that scene.
In the same book, McKee talks about how you must pass on information that ensures the reader won't be confused. This is contextual information. 
(Well, ensures the reader won't be unintentionally and unnecessarily confused. (In some rare exceptions, we may want the reader to be confused, but only briefly.))
McKee says, do pass on exposition if it reduces confusion.
Do write contextual exposition.
Even in my magic system example above, I would include contextual information. If I didn't, the audience wouldn't know to care two cents about the protagonist's shadow. They would probably feel confused on some level, when one character suddenly succumbs to the influence of the other, not understanding how or why.
Contextual exposition helps build the framework of the current scene's plot.
It may not be ammunition, but it's the material of the weapon that will hold the ammunition.
If there is no weapon, the ammunition doesn't do so much.
Reveal the information that will make the ammunition most impactful in the story.
When you do that, it's still relevantly tied to the current plot.
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awakeskydoesntdraw · 11 days
Posting in this blog after an eternity because I feel like I'm going insane here and my friends are asleep so I need to dump my brainstorm SOMEWHERE (SPOILERS FOR ARLECCHINO'S BACKSTORY/SHORT ANIMATION!!)
The TLDR is basically I think that the whole story with Arlecchino and Clervie is foreshadowing for whatever is about to happen with Lyney and Lynette
I think the parallels between Lyney and Arle don't need to be too explained for the most part. Pyro Visions, Arle wants him to be the next "king" while he doesn't seem to be too into that idea just like her younger self didn't want it, both are associated with Rainbow Roses (they both use them as ascension materials)
Plus, I'd argue they look kinda similar here. I'm not sure exactly what is that makes the resemblance, maybe a bit of the hair, bowtie and shorts and you could say it's something she has with the others too (her kid design resembles Freminet, current one Lynette) but I thought it was good to mention anyways
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Meanwhile, Lynette and Clervie are the two closest companions to their respective pair
Lynette's has Lumidouce Bells as an ascension material. Clervie is very clearly represented with the same flower (if her necklace wasn't enough, there's this)
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Plus, a bit of a smaller connection, but they both have clear sweet tooths
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(Lyney saying "we talked about this" implies this is a frequent event. The animation showing Clervie with cake twice while it only had 7 minutes to tell the whole story has a similar effect)
So, if Lyney is a parallel to Arle while Lynette is a parallel to Clervie, where does this leave us?
Well... Not exactly in a good spot-
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To be fair, I don't think Genshin would actually kill a playable character (or at least, so I hope), but it's very possible Lynette gets really hurt, either directly by Lyney or by being close to him
Arlecchino swore to be nothing like her mother, but in the end, the way she's acting towards Lyney by wanting to make him the next king may be very similar to it
Once upon a story quest, Lyney said similar words to a woman who claimed he'd end up all alone. I can only pray that the writers will have mercy at my soul and that they wouldn't go that low with a playable character
If I were to make a mildly self indulgent guess, as the Freminet main I am, I'd say that he may be the key that's going to make things turn out different for the twins. His presence is the biggest difference between the twins vs Arle and Clervie, who seemed to have no one else that was even mildly close to them. From the 4.6 trailer we know that he's the one that has been hiding stuff and we do see him blocking out Arle's attack, so I don't think it's a stretch to say he'll have a really important role in this whole thing
So yeah! If you read all my rambling, thanks I guess, hope you enjoyed it. In the end, all I can hope is that the Fontaine siblings all turn out fine for the sake of my own mental wellness because God knows these 3 stay all day spinning in my head as if it was a microwave
Also, for the record: No, I don't have a clue about what the hell is going on with Freminet apparently finding "Clervie" (ghost?? Illusion??) and hiding her from Arle. Until this short my best shot was that she was some sort of mermaid creature, but that idea is out the window so it could be anything really
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hijacksecrets · 2 months
As if ur art didnt already devastate me enough on a daily basis, a ROTG X HTTYD X TOA CROSSOVER???????? I am going batshit crazy i love ur idea of hiccup being the trollhunter and jack being a changeling without knowing, and the designs for the guardians,,,, omg this is so insane i never thought i’d live to see the day
LOTS OF LOVEE 💕💕💕💖💖 (I literally thrive off ur art. Thank you for your service to the proud nation of Hijack 🫡 )
Hey man, I appreciate it! I'm glad you like the AU!! Unfortunately like I've said in other posts, I really don't have any more ideas, everything I had for this AU has been said already sdkljfdkjlsdkjf
I don't know if i properly tagged everything, though, so I'll link all the stuff I said/came up with for the AU for you, but otherwise I've given anyone free reign to take the AU and what I've made and to run with it, because I really can't think of much else and my interests have moved on.
Main post
Info answering an ask
ask answer reguarding on my perspective on Douxie
smaller ask answer
Comic of Jack inspired by an ask
ask answer on why we chose hiccup and not jack for trollhunter
finally, my post giving permission for you guys to do whatever you want with the au and explaining why I'm not gonna make more trollhunter AU stuff <3
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hotmessmaxpress · 2 months
Mate pleaseeee dont stop writing ever about marc and marco like they areee sososo ughh idk!!!! like it just works so good yk
so thats why i say pretty please with a cherry onntop to give me another snippet of them interacting in anyway🤞🙏
Here is my Bezz x Marc friendship thesis! Which is maybe not what you're looking for but I don't have the brainpower to write an entire scene. I did have the brainpower to dump all of my thoughts about them though!
Okay so in this au there are two main things that I think change Bezz’s view of Marc from enemy to bestie. One is that Bezz has a meltdown about the whole thing and Vale puts him in his place. (I wrote more of this that I might post when I like it!)
The more compelling part to me that I sort of glossed over in the first part of this au is that Bezz has a moment of realization that he and Marc are both omegas. As Marc has noticed, Bezz really doesn’t think too hard about his role as the pack omega. He just is. When Luca first tells Bezz about Marc’s bite and just how badly Vale fucked it up, it sends Bezz into a bit of a crisis that takes him a long time to really confront head on. He sort of just shoves it aside until he has had time to adjust to Marc being in the pack.
Bezz then realizes that no matter what happens, he will always understand Marc better than any other member of the pack because they share the unique experience of being an omega and everything that comes with that. While Bezz’s pack don’t treat him really any differently (at least not in a bad way– if anything they spoil him) than they would if he was an alpha, that doesn’t change the fact that they could. They could take advantage of him, especially during his heats. They could treat him like he’s lesser-than. And none of that ever really occurred to him until he found out about what happened to Marc. And at first, that scared him. The idea that his pack would ever do that to him was terrifying. Pretty quickly, though, he realized that they wouldn’t actually ever do that. Still, that knowledge remained. He and Marc are the only two people in their pack that have to cope with everything that comes with being an omega.
So when it comes to welcoming Marc to the pack (even though it takes Bezz the longest of any of the other pack members) once Bezz decides to love him he loves him. Marc is already a pro at codependent relationships (lol love you Alex) and he and Bezz pretty much latch onto each other.
Marc is who Bezz goes to when he doesn’t feel well. He goes to Marc when he’s tired. He goes to Marc when he needs attention. And on the flip side, Marc goes to Bezz as well. When he needs someone to help him be calm and clear his thoughts, he goes to Bezz.
Marc loves Vale’s room, and he loves that it becomes their room together (he even loves that Vale has a bike in there, a fact which has changed my brain chemistry). He loves the way that Vale has his little pack who all love him and listen to him and look to him for advice. But sometimes he still isn’t sure where he fits into that– he’s closer in age to most of the pack members than he is to Vale, and he really doesn’t feel comfortable giving them unsolicited advice in the way Vale does. He goes to Bezz for reassurance, and he finds himself in Bezz’s room often. There’s something comforting about having a room to go to that doesn’t smell like alpha. Bezz is always happy to have him, too. He lets Marc join him in whatever he’s doing, even if it means Marc silently pressing up against him in bed while Bezz plays video games. Bezz doesn’t even question it. Marc is always allowed in his nests or in his arms.
Maybe they’ve just had a long day of training at the ranch, and Marc’s nerves are frayed because training at the ranch always brings up weird emotions about his first breakup with Vale. And Marc could go to Vale but he doesn’t really want to talk about it and he knows that if he goes to Vale, his mate is going to get all sad-eyed and feel guilty and Marc doesn’t want that! So instead he showers and goes to Bezz’s room, where it smells comfortingly of omega and safety and calm. And Bezz has just showered and his hair is sort of fluffy the way it gets when he allows it to air dry.
Maybe Bezz is even expecting it because he knows Marc gets weird about training at the ranch sometimes (maybe this is even their routine!). So he’s ready and is happy to let Marc curl up next to him in bed. Marc is wearing a sweatshirt that belongs to Vale and he just watches, silently, as Bezz plays video games. He doesn’t join in because he’s tired and emotionally wiped out, but he keeps his chin planted firmly on Bezz’s shoulder. He feels Bezz tense every time he struggles with a battle and feels him relax when he wins. There’s no pressure to talk or explain himself or entertain the other man. They sit in comfortable silence, cuddled together.
Vale comes to check on him usually, and bring them snacks, sometimes, but Marc always stays with the other omega until he feels okay again.
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sharkfinn · 5 months
After what you just posted, I couldn't even form words for five minutes. That reaction image was the exact face I was making, lol. I'm not even mad because I am way too baffled by this reveal. Bro, I love this au an uncontrollable amount.
I kind of caught on a bit ago, but I didn't know that Draxum like truly truly cared about the turtles in this au. I knew he loved Spot, but I didn't know where he truly stood with the others...I'm not 100% sure he's the good guy yet. But I can tell that you've fully embraced Dad Draxum. He definitely would've been a wonderful father in the show. That's one of the main things about Rise that I so desperately wished we got to see more of. In a way, this au is healing a part that part of my soul :']
I guess the turtles really don't remember anything. I don't know if Splinter is actually dead or not because I still think there's more to the story. But I'm pretty confused since we haven't actually seen him yet. But if he is, then that really sucks :'( Leo did mention them already having a father figure, so I hope that's him mentioning Splinter.
Man, the poor babies watched their Dad get killed right in front of them by someone they don't even know. I still have no clue as to why the Rat King is after their family! I don't know why he killed Lou. I don’t know why he took the others. They were literally just playing together, and then out of nowhere, the Rat King just dumped Yoshi's body on the ground. Draxum had to watch it, too. And all he could do was save Spot from that monster.
So I guess you could say Little Brother is a bit like a separation au with a mission. It's kind of like the Life Mission au, ngl. I'm still excited about that project.
Anyway, all the signs were there.
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Draxum talking with them. It's a lot more gentle than he did in the show, too. Wanting them to meet Spot and telling them, "There's so much you still don't know." I just assumed he was talking about Spot. Nope, there was so much more meaning behind those words.
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Spot drawing a picture of him saving his brothers from the "Rat King" because he quite literally watched them get taken and was defenseless to stop it. Either what happened is actually what happened. He just wants to save his brothers and be with them again. He also believes the Rat King still has him under their clutches. But what about Draxum? He's met them already, and he's met April. What's his side of the story? And if Splinter is still alive, then that opens room for Spot to question, "What? How?". And since his brothers don't remember him and don't remember being taken, then he's gonna think they got brainwashed. Then that's gonna be a whole ordeal that'll start conflicting Spot about everything. That's where I think he's gonna start turning against Drax. Only if Splints is alive. I just don't believe they've been taking care of themselves this whole time. Because then April's relationship with them would be a little more complicated.
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And this part? Wow, it makes so much more sense now. His brothers, in fact, do not remember him for a reason. And Spot is, has, in fact, NOT grown. It's just, from the angle you put him at, he looks a lot taller than what he actually is. Because it had literally only been three weeks later from where we're at now. Anyway, I'm assuming that the reason he's chasing April is because Draxum saw them with her and assumed she's the enemy. So, where I think this is going is that this is Spots' first real try at getting his brothers back. And I now know that he most likely hasn't turned against Draxum, lmao 💀
I mean, it's still possible since I have a little inkling that Draxum may be lying about something. Or may have gone in Spots memory or whatever. It's just a hunch, I guess. It's not like I want it to be the truth, though. I would love to be wrong and for him to truly just be a wonderful Dad. And for him to want to save his babies and get revenge on the Rat King as much as Spot does. I'm just trying to piece together what could have happened to Yoshi.
And that nightmare he keeps having? It's just a replay of what happened that night, over and over. My boy is traumatized, and all I wanna do is wrap him up in a weighted blanket and give him his brothers back :'(((((((
Aaaah, Finn. I love this au so muuuuuuuch, it's killing me. And you're cute frickin adorable artstyle that I wanna gobble up isn't helping. Also, the new design for the Rat King is SO COOL. He is AWESOME, so here's a gold star for amazing character design ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 10 — Premium
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
Liam: You don't want me to kill them, right…?
Kate: … Yes.
Liam: Is that what you want…?
Kate: … Y-Yes.
Liam: Mm, okay then. I’ll do whatever Kate says.
Liam: It's okay. I won’t do anything wrong this time. I surely, most definitely, won’t do anything wrong.
Liam: Because I care a lot about you.
Liam released the man who had his hands pinned behind his back, and tossed his dagger aside.
Liam: Kate, this is just for a short while— I’m sorry, alright?
Liam put an arm behind my knees and lifted me up in a princess carry—
He then moved towards a pile of crates in the alley, and opened one of the empty crates.
He put me in the crate, like he was hiding a precious treasure.
Kate: … Liam, what on earth are you doing?
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Liam: Sorry for putting you in such a cramped and dark place. … Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.
Liam closed the lid of the crate with a smile—
Ba-dump, it’s shut.
It completely blocked out the light coming from outside, my view was pitch black.
Kate: … Liam?
Not long after, what sounded like a punch rattled my ears.
Young Man with Piercings: … Haha, he’s not trying to fight back. He’s definitely got a screw loose. Punch him in the face!
The sound of punches being thrown and the coarse language gave me a clear idea of what was happening outside the crate.
(... Ggh.)
Kate: Open up, Liam…! Liam…!
(I can’t lift the lid. Is Liam on top of the crate…?)
Kate: No… stop, stop, stop… I’m begging you, please stop…!
Kate: Please…! Please… Liam, no!
Brown Haired Man: … Hey, let’s stop. … This is… creeping me out…
Brown Haired Man: All that boldness from earlier on is gone… it's like he’s a different person now.
Brown Haired Man: He’s seriously insane…!
Young Man with Piercings: You’re so noisy! Shut up!
Young Man with Piercings: … Tch. … Let’s go.
As the footsteps grew distant, I heard something fall onto the ground.
(... It’s open!)
The first thing I saw the moment I left the crate made me gasp.
Kate: LIAM…!
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Liam laid on the ground, his face covered in fresh wounds, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.
When I rushed to his side and held him up, his eyelashes fluttered open and my face was reflected in his rose coloured eyes.
Liam: … Ka… Kate… *cough*…
Kate: … Why did you allow yourself to be beaten up to this extent?
Liam: Because…
Liam: You… you said that you didn't want me to kill them.
Liam: They didn't seem open to negotiations… so I thought this was the only way… *cough*… ugh
(... What the heck.)
(Are you saying you let yourself get this badly beaten up because I wanted it…?)
Liam intertwined his fingers with mine while I was left speechless.
Liam: Kate.
Liam: Did… did I… do something wrong again…?
His rose coloured eyes were filled with anxiety, like those of a small child afraid of being lashed out at by his parents.
(What does he mean by “something wrong”? … He has never done anything wrong to me…)
Liam: Kate…? I won’t know if… you don't say anything…
Liam: Please. Tell me, Kate…?
I had hundreds of questions to ask, and thousands of things I wanted to know.
But, right now, my top most priority should be to ease the anxiety haunting Liam’s heart.
(Because… I can’t bear to see Liam so anxious.)
Forcing my confusion and worry to the bottom of my guts, I gently stroked Liam’s soft rose coloured hair.
Kate: You didn't… you didn't do anything wrong. … Nothing at all.
(I don't know if I should thank him, but—)
Kate: … Liam. Thank you for rescuing me and doing me a favour.
Liam: What’s the matter… Kate?
Kate: …Hm?
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Liam: … Your eyes are red.
Liam: You kind of… look like you’re about to cry.
(... Ggh.)
My words made me sound strong, but my eyes revealed my real emotions.
Nevertheless, I still want to smile like I’m alright.
Kate: Fufu, what are you talking about? I’m just relieved that the two of them are gone now, okay…?
Liam: … Really? Then… I’m glad.
Liam: Every day, I keep the promise I made to you in mind.
Kate: Promise?
Liam: … Yeah, the one about becoming a charming main character you’d want to write about.
Liam: I… I’ll surely, surely do my best. Therefore… please let me stay by your side for a while longer.
Liam gave a soft and innocent smile, and his eyes fell shut.
Kate: … Liam? LIAM.
(He’s still breathing. … I need to get him to Roger as soon as possible.)
Kate: Sorry, Liam. Please hang in there… a little more…
I walked down the empty alley, supporting the unconscious Liam with my body.
(... There’s a darkness filling Liam’s heart. A darkness he has never told anyone about.)
Elbert told me that he would never step on Liam’s shadow.
That means that Liam’s most painful memory might be more sorrowful and torturous than anyone could expect.
I gazed at Liam’s profile as his eyes remained closed and he leaned his entire body weight on me.
(When I first met you, I formed the impression that you were like a star. And I found myself being drawn to that image of you.)
(The more time I spent with you, the more your words and attitude saved me, and our hearts should’ve grown closer.)
(And yet, your heart feels so… distant. I don’t understand you… at all.)
My lack of understanding made me feel anxious, and my legs wobbled.
But even then—
(I can’t leave Liam.)
The night breeze gently shook Liam’s hair, filling the air around us with a sweet vanilla scent.
He felt so close, yet so far. Somehow, that made me want to cry.
(What is this feeling? Sense of justice? A desire to protect? Or—)
The only thing I knew was that the feeling was not love.
(Liam is always doing whatever it takes to fulfil another person’s wants.)
(To the extent of killing off his own desires and doing things against his will.)
Kate: … Why on earth are you doing that?
One more thing.
There was something that had been bothering me.
== Flashback Starts ==
Kate: … Um, Marie, I have a question. Were you the one who sent this letter to Liam?
“— You are a sinner. Admit to your sins and pray that you will cause your own demise.”
Kate: Whatever reason there may be, I can’t let this matter slide…
Kate: Never again should such letters be sent to—
Marie: … I don't know about this letter.
Kate: … What?
Marie: Kate, I swear to the heavens that I wasn't the sender of this letter. … Really.
== Flashback End ==
(Who sent that letter?)
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When I finally got to the main street, I spotted Harrison and Elbert searching for us in the distance.
Kate: Over here. … Please lend me a hand!
Kate: You’ll be alright, Liam. … We’ll take you to Roger right away.
Saving Liam was my only focus at that point, never did I pause to think about who sent that letter.
I also paid no attention to my surroundings.
A disquieting sound of footsteps approached us from behind.
???: London bridge is broken down, broken down, broken down…♪
???: … Liam. Being born into this world is your greatest mistake.
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hellishradio · 1 month
✦ O O C B L O G . 📌
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SO SO SO sorry for so much ooc blogs recently i promise i'll make less after the blog goes back to running normally but i'm implementing some new stuff for you guys !!
also thank you for 150+ followers!! the list of listeners are growing so fast HAHA
✦ under the cut !!
due to a lot of positive responses i'll be doing art dumps of hazbin hotel stuff sometimes!! it may include doodles i do in my freetime or fully shaded art with colour haha
this blog only featured responses to asks until now but i will be sometimes reposting content from other blogs (like fanart, other ask/rpblogs, etc) and make alastor react to them!!
and also post "vlog" formatted things of how alastor's day is running and maybe a few podcast things like recent news, music reccomendations, etc!! it will be tagged #hellishradio!podcast
i receive a lot of questions through asks and dms so i thought i'd just answer them all here!! though most of the answers are in my rules and info :')
any other questions, please ask me in the comments!
— " i don't think my ask got answered! "
most common question i receive nowadays but! it is most likely that your response is in queue and will be automatically posted in the span of a few hours to a few days. i'm sorry that they get posted late but unfortunately i receive so much asks daily and don't want to spam the tags nor the account :')
this is mostly only relevant to the event but art and writing will take longer!! and it is selective because i can't get through all these writing and art reqs, please understand!
— " can we roleplay? "
unfortunately i can't do more than simple interactions. anything with a lot of plot, i won't be able to do. yes i can do simple action sentences but anything that's too long is where i draw the line due to my busyness!!
you can still send asks in character, and you are free to send long paragraphs, but don't expect me to do the same </3
— " do you follow back? "
I REALLY WISH I COULD. i didnt know this account with gain so much fans when i created it, so i made it a sideblog instead of a main one :') and my main blog doesn't have any (like i mean 0) content so 😔 though that MIGHT change in the future?? maybe??
— " can we be friends? "
yes we can!! shoot me a dm and we can talk anytime <3 you aren't bothering, i promise!
— " can i take inspo from your blog! "
absolutely! go for it! no need to ask or credit, i don't own these types of layouts so you're free to do whatever!! though if you did credit, thank you anyways <3
— " where do you draw? "
i'm really sorry to break your bubble but.. the doodles i do when i respond to asks are not done with an art app haha.. i drew those in a notes app that i use while taking notes from a lecture.. though if you're still interested, it's called collanotes!
the actual art apps i use for my serious art (which has not been posted yet but shh it's coming i promise) are procreate and ibis! usually i draw on procreate and add some extra effects and do fixups on ibis.
i use an ipad 3rd gen pro and an 2nd gen apple pencil!
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ooops-i-arted · 2 months
Gina Carano Sues Disney and Lucasfilm. According to Just Some Guy at 1 : 36 of the youtube video. Gina Carano was the one who put gasoline into the fire herself by intentionally starting a fight with trans people and mocking them for their importance in society.
I was sick the day the happened and @jennadknowsbest-blog was kind enough to tell me and boy let me tell you, despite feeling like crap I was laughing like this allllllll day
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If you too need a good laugh, read the released document thingy. It's badly written on so many levels. (I saw it on Reddit but I think it's floating around Tumblr too. There are some golden comments on both.) Both from just a writing style perspective (it's written like a teenager's Star Wars fanfic) and the fact that her main argument is that "Pedro Pascal said mean things about conservatives and wasn't punished" when 1. most of the posts were apparently before he was hired as the Mandalorian and 2. it seems like pretty common knowledge in fandom that he was asked to tone it down and he did. I follow him on Insta and he rarely posts outside of promoting his own work, and it's largely "support this cause" or "I love my trans sister" instead of attacking/joking at anyone. (I guess his Twitter had more comments, but he's since deleted it afaik.) Overall, it's likely just a stunt to get the right-wing frothing at the mouth and Gina's name back in people's mouth, because she hasn't filmed anything since Terror on the Prairie (one of two Daily Wire films she was supposed to have, the other appears to not be happening anymore) and My Son Hunter (which was straight Breitbart propaganda). Shatpiro has used and dumped her and while I doubt she's hurting for money, I bet she's desperate to get the praise and attention and adoration that the Cara Dune role briefly brought her. Why else would she come crawling back to a company she's publicly trashed and accused of mistreating for the last several years? It doesn't make sense by her own logic! If they were so bad, why does she want back? (And who's gonna hire her now if they think she's a liability who's going to turn around and sue them?)
It's really disgusting though that Gina wants to claim she was discriminated against for being a woman while actively mocking minority groups. Her post appeared on my Insta fyp and I usually don't click because I know she's gonna piss me off, and I clicked and she did. At the time she had a story that said "Still beeping, bopping, booping" with a smirky picture of her. So all she's been told - we know Pedro talked to her because she herself admitted it on Twitter*, and while I'm sure there were plenty of people jumping on the hate bandwagon, there were also people trying to genuinely explain - and explained how this is hurtful to the queer community, she still keeps doing it and thinks it's funny.
That's what's unforgivable to me. Not that she said ignorant shit in the first place - we all have - but her refusal to learn and do better. She wants to say whatever she wants without pushback and so do her fans. The few times I've thought it's worth it to try and talk to someone about it, they always insist it's just her opinion and say something homophobic to me as well (last time I talked to a Cara Dune content creator on Insta, she said she "doesn't agree" with me being gay and "I can't expect everyone to agree with me." For wanting to exist as a gay person. Apparently I should just take it when people mock me or say I should burn in hell.) That's the problem with Gina and her supporters. They don't care, they don't want to think critically or debate, they want to say anything they want without consequence and brush off any conflict with "well it's just a joke" or "it's just her opinion."
Bigotry is not an opinion. You can't "not agree" with someone's skin color and it's the same with their sexuality. You don't get a fucking opinion on whether I have the right to exist as a queer woman.
Let's not pretend the things Gina says are in a void. People who flock to her believe the same things she does. That's why people have protested her attending FanExpo (this video goes into more depth thank you @jennadknowsbest-blog for sharing), when you invite people who, like her, think it's funny to mock anyone like them, it doesn't make a safe or welcoming environment for people like me. Sure one can brush off a comment or two - but where do you draw the line? When does it become harassment? And who is going to protect people like me from that harassment? How can I count on security from an organization that invited Gina and encouraged these people in the first place?
And I say all this as a queer woman who is able to chameleon myself very well because I've done it since childhood. Things are only getting more dangerous for people who are visibly queer. A nonbinary teen was just killed in Oklahoma. I live in a relatively blue area of a blue state, but that doesn't mean I'm completely safe. There are extremists out there, and they're only getting more bold - because people like Gina think it's amusing to fan the flames. Gina, at least, has faced some consequences for it. I doubt this lawsuit will go anywhere (either it'll be settled and Elon and Gina have some Own The Libs content, or they'll be dismissed/lose and they'll get some A Woke Judge Discriminated Against Me content). Gina will be happily on her way. Meanwhile, I get to wonder if the people around me who dismissively say "it's just her opinion" are the kind of people who don't think much about social issues.... or are the kind of people who will happily vote my rights away in the next election.
I assure you, if you have friends who are queer, they are listening to what you say about this case. Throughout all her tomfoolery, I've found Gina to be an excellent canary in the coal mine when it comes to identifying homophobes.
*She apparently later told Tucker Carlson that no one bothered to explain the pronouns thing to her, so we know she's a liar who twists the story as well, which is why I never take anything she says in good faith.**
**I'm very embarrassed I know this but I can't help but following up on stupid things she's doing. She fascinates me. She's like the inverse of a blorbo to me, like she pisses me off but she compels me. How can one person be this dumb. (Fr tho has anyone in her life talked to her about CTE??? Impulsiveness/aggression are possible symptoms....)
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phyriaxi · 9 months
Sketchbook Post! [ 1 ]
Welcome to my first sketchbook doodle dump!
I ended up having a bunch more drawings to share than I initially assumed, so I wanted to include some of my thoughts as well! This post will be quite a bit longer than usual :] thanks for stopping by!
NEW UNIVERSE (personal project work)
Sketches from life
Fanart (there's a lot of Arknights)
A couple of mini-comic sketches
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NEW UNIVERSE // character explorations and other doodles from my personal project!
I haven't really talked about it here, but for the past couple of years I've been working on an original story in my free time! The image above is a quick lineup of the main cast that I doodled while waiting at the station. Progress is slow, but the placeholder name is "NEW UNIVERSE", and I'm currently working on developing the stories for my characters and their origins!
(yes, i draw a lot of Arknights fanart ... but I do have some original work too LOL)
A couple characters you may have already seen are Lyda Khatra (the white-haired girl with bows in her hair) and Maria Serval (the lady who has horns and is usually smirking). They appear many times in my sketchbook, alongside many other characters that I'll try to introduce~
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[ Clockwise from the top-left: Sara, Lyda Khatra, Kiron Schiavona, Red-Eye, Iris Serramount (2) ]
I recently found an old pack of red pencil leads prior to this page, so its purpose is mostly to test the material and less about the characters. But a bunch of them are on here, so I suppose it's a good chance to talk about them a bit :)
>> Sara, the top-left character drawn in light red pencil, is a young Verlin adult (note: Verlin are basically the in-universe demon people, and they're the counterpart to the angel-like Zaurites... it doesn't really give them powers or anything, I just wanted characters with horns and halos lol). She's pretty aloof and was originally a scout for the Blackbird Syndicate, one of the three power-holding entities currently in control of the (tentatively-named) city of Midria. However, she was quite terrible at her job, and they eventually realized that Sara enjoyed making/maintaining records of Midria's various fauna and cryptids. She is often followed around by a trio of little eyeball creatures :D
>> Lyda Khatra is the next character here, whom I've drawn a couple times before and posted here. In short, she's an agent for a security company known as WALTZ, which is in turn a subsidiary/cover of a group called The Styx. On missions, she partners with a boy named Sasha, but due to his unique condition (which I'm still expanding on, so I won't explain it here), she is often outcast by other WALTZ members and nicknamed "Miss Mortician". Truthfully, Lyda is just a child who ran from home, who believes that she won't ever have to acknowledge her fears if she can delude herself enough.
>> Following Lyda is Kiron Schiavona. He's a prodigy marksman who was discovered by one of the Administration's commanders, Elena Sparrow. He takes pride in his abilities, but for whatever reason, Elena has rarely assigned him to any proper missions.
>> Red-Eye is up next, in her usual twin-tailed hairstyle. She is from the Blackbird Syndicate's courier department, which is pretty much the city's only remaining postal/courier system. As a highly capable messenger, she and fellow courier Orion take on many high-priority delivery, retrieval, and escort missions. (additional note: I used to draw her with only one red eye, but somehow the heterochromia felt boring after a while, so both her eyes are usually red now. But either is fine)
>> Last on this page is Iris Serramount. Her story continues to be revised and rewritten, so there's not much I can say about her yet (except that she's 19, which is a fact that has stuck throughout most of her iterations).
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Some other characters that I don't draw as often include Myra ("Malady"), Seremi and William Khatra (Lyda's older siblings who work for the Administration), and to a lesser extent, Maria Serval. Red-Eye's coworker/partner Orion doesn't get much time in the spotlight either :P
The following group of images includes a bunch of their sketches. Seremi is the one with the chin-length messy hair + a cape. She and Maria have a lot of history, and the two of them still work in the same division to this day. Myra/Malady is the one with the choppy hair, holding a chain-scythe in the third (?) image. Her original concept had her as a cowardly clairvoyant trying to take back her life for herself, but the clairvoyance isn't really relevant to the story anymore. Orion is in the last image.
(Yes, I did draw Arknights' Lappland with my Maria Serval in the first one. I'm a big fan of their 'shit-eating grin' energy lol)
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Sketches from/inspired by life // quick studies of people and places, often at the park
I'm lucky to live near many wonderful parks and greenspaces, which gives me a lot of opportunities to people-watch and draw from life. Admittedly, I only started taking advantage of this recently, but I'm glad to have started late rather than never :]
Also, I have access to this really awesome roof, which I take inspiration from in a couple of these drawings. It's in a pretty industrial but under-maintained area, but luckily that means there are lots of rusty pipes, worn bricks, and random metal gadgets that really scratch my aesthetic itch!! I hope to incorporate more of that visual feeling into my artwork going forward.
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FANART DOODLES // unsurprisingly, it's mostly Arknights
This is probably the content you're the most familiar with, albeit in a different style than usual. At this point, Lappland is my warm-up and passtime go-to, so she shows up a lot. I also drew Asuka from Evangelion the other day, and I really like how that sketch turned out!
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MINI-COMICS // doodles of scenes that popped into my head
I'm terrible at writing, especially when it comes to stories, so these are probably mediocre at best. But I hope to publish NEW UNIVERSE as a comic/manga-styled story eventually, so you could say these are just my first steps, hehe :]
1: Red-Eye and Courier receive an unconventional request
2: Commander Sparrow introduces Kiron to his new squad members, the Raptors (featuring Maria Serval being very snarky)
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That'll conclude this sketchbook post! If you've read this far: I know this was a REALLY long post, but I hope it was enjoyable! I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!
There are a couple more drawings that I'm quite fond of, but unfortunately I've now hit the image limit for a tumblr post. Maybe I'll save them for next time :] I hope to make more posts like this in the future when I have the time. Usually the stuff in my sketchbook stays in there forever and I never share it with anyone (nor do I often take the time to look back and think about it), so this was a lot of fun for me!
>> Oh, and lastly, thank you very much for nearly 500 followers!! <3
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essential-oils234 · 29 days
Writing 101: Tips and tricks for experienced authors to novice ones, or just a little reading for anyone who wants to learn something new.
Have you ever gotten into a slump where writing feels like a failed career and nothing you write ever seems to turn out well? (I know I have). Maybe you're itching to write something, it's been so long since you've looked at your notebooks of inspiration or google docs of madness. Maybe you just don't know where to start, and it feels like you've failed before you even begun.
Well, I have a few tips that just might remedy that!
(I'm in no way an experienced writer. I've read a lot of books, watched a lot of character analyses on Youtube, but I'm only at the start of my writing journey. So please don't take this to be expert advice and don't feel disheartened if my methods don't work for you. Everyone has a unique style of writing, and it's only through trial-and-error that you can really begin to find yours too.)
So, without further ado, here are some tips and tricks that helped me organize my thoughts and plan out chapters, develop my characters, and resist the call of procrastination.
"What do I want from this story?"
It's a question that sounds elusively simple, but it's one that's more tricky to answer. For me, at least, it's hard to pinpoint a few ideas that manage to encapsulate what I want the readers to feel or understand from my story. It's even harder when I try to summarize my thoughts into broad themes/ideas, such as love, compassion, hard work, etc.
I usually start a story on the basis of something really small, and then I work out from there. For example, I'm currently working on a Genshin Impact fic that I only started writing after watching an animatic. An animatic. (The link will be at the end of this post, if you guys want to check it out and show some love to the creator.)
A whole freaking story started on the basis of an animatic that is 1 minute and 41 seconds long. It's kinda crazy how that worked out. But in a way, it makes sense. The biggest creations start from small, simple ideas that slowly grow over time.
What I'm trying to say is: don't disregard those silly little ideas that you think don't hold much importance over trying to figure out the big, important plot. Oftentimes, it's those silly little ideas that make up the big important plot. So I'd advise you to turn to a blank page or start a new google doc and write that question at the top. "What do I want from this story?" Your answers could be anything, from little details like "he goes back to his birthplace to confront his family" or more broad ideas like "they have a conversation about loss and how to cope with that". Bullet points or sentences, whatever you choose, this is your dumping ground for all the stupid ideas you have that might not ever make it into your story. The point of the question is to exercise your mind and get it thinking about the main plot, as well as a helpful organization tool for all those scattered thoughts that don't really fit anywhere else.
2. "What if I can't start writing a story because I just don't have any ideas?"
That is a harder question to answer, since writer's block has a multitude of solutions that work for some people and don't for others. My advice is, keep focusing on the small things, since it essentially forces you to start minimally and branch out from there. Inspiration is all over the internet, and those small ideas can help jumpstart your brain into creating something new. If you see a few posts about 'cottagecore' on Pinterest and that inspires you to write a fantasy story about witches, then go for it! If you read a book and want to write something similar, except with a different ending, go ahead! (Except if you're posting it on the internet, please credit the original creator.)
Don't feel guilty for "stealing someone else's idea" or mad at yourself for "not being able to come up with anything original". We all have to start somewhere, and it's okay if what you write isn't completely novel. (That's what fanfiction is for, after all!)
Oftentimes, our brain puts us in a corner where we convince ourselves that we just can't write anything because we don't have any ideas. Maybe that's true, but the thing about writer's block is that you really won't have any ideas unless you start actively thinking about potential plots or characters. Searching up 'writing prompts' on Tumblr will no doubt feed you with a slew of interesting ideas that you can build off from there, and Pinterest is a gold-mine of creativity. The main thing, of course, is to have fun in the process. In the end, the person who you're really writing for is yourself.
3. "Okay, I have a few ideas and plot points, but what about organizing it? How do I go about organizing a multi-chapter story?"
This question is from people who are mainly like me, who like organizing their chapters out before they actually write them. It's good to have a reference point to come back to if you take a writing hiatus, and it's just nice having everything jotted down somewhere I can easily find.
I'm not going to get too specific here, since everyone has their own way of writing notes, but after I have a bunch of main ideas that more or less make up the whole plot, I start narrowing those ideas down into chapters. I have sections of bullet-points for each chapter, which have general ideas that aren't too specific, since I tend to figure out the specifics as I'm writing. (ex. He has a flashback that shows his past before switching back to the present) If you're a person who's pretty gung-ho about these things, you might lean towards the idea of "figuring it out as you go along". If you're super organizational, your chapter notes might go down to the most minute detail before you actually start writing.
I also have a few 'braindump' sections that are pretty much like the "What do I want from this story?" notes, except they're a bit more relevant to the plot instead of just random details and dialogue I want to insert sooner or later. I also have sections where I write about important themes in my story that require further elaboration (ex. the concept of morality, what it means to be human, etc.) It's important to flesh out these ideas beforehand so you have a good idea of how to show these underlying themes in your actual story.
Last but not least, please, please, please flesh out your characters before you start writing a story. It's honestly my least favorite part of writing, but it's incredibly important because your characters are what makes up your story. A good story is known from it's good characters. I, personally, create lists of traits/flaws for my main characters so I can, as a writer, understand them better and know how to show their personalities in writing. I also write lists of attributes before and after they go through ✨character development✨ so I can understand how they've changed and grown and start formulating ideas on how to show that in my writing.
So, we've reached the end! Yay, that took way too long and I didn't even get to talk about procrastination!!🎉🎉 Hopefully, this will not be the first and last 'Writing 101', since there's plenty more I'd like to talk about and plenty more to learn. If you have any questions or anything you want me to talk about next, don't hesitate to drop a comment or ask me anything! I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities. If you liked this post, please leave a like or a comment. It's really motivating and just feels great to know if people like my content.
(Here's the link to the animatic I mentioned earlier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REBxGWSMRn4. It's been a huge source of inspiration for my writing and art, and the person who made it is insanely talented. If you're into Genshin Impact or just want to see some good art, go check out their other animations and comment/leave a like!)
I hope your writing journey is nothing short of spectacular and creatively amazing, and I'll see you in the next one!
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A little slap and ticket
A/N = I was at a soccer game the other day and this Sheriff came walking out to the crowd. Wellll, I was shamelessly ogling him. He had the gun strapped to his right thigh, the thing practically riding up into his crotch. It was so fucking hot. And then of course, my stupid ass brain was like "Write something about Toji!". So, here you go baby birds. Open up and accept what I am offering your little eyes today.
C/W = Slight abuse of power, Oral {F->M}, P->V, driving poorly, annnnd my favorite, overuse of italics! Enjoy!
WC = 2,001
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It was just after midnight and your boyfriend just told you he's fucking someone else and he wants to break up with you.
Like he had any leverage at this point. The fact he said he was breaking up with you was beyond your comprehension.
"Eat a bag of dicks. I don't care who breaks up with who, but I never want to see your stupid fucking face again. Throw anything I left here away."
You got in your car and sped off down the road. Almost clipping the parked car in front of his apartment building. "Fucking motherfucker. Hope he dies from syphilis. No no no, I hope his dick falls off when he's fucking her and, and - Whatever," you sobbed.
Your eyes were so full of tears for that asshole that you were having trouble seeing the road. And you were driving about 30 miles over the posted speed limit.
But you just didn't care. You wanted to get home and rid your space of anything that useless fuck ever gave you.
On the freeway, you swerved in and out of the minimal traffic that was out at this hour and got off at the main road to drive out to your little country house.
You didn't see the Sheriff as you blew through the stop sign.
But he saw you.
You hit about 85 on the barely paved road. Dust clouds plumed up behind your car, lit up by your brake lights only when you saw the Sheriff's SUV lights flash on and turned everything in the night red and blue.
The siren blasted into the air. "Fuck, that's so fucking *sniff*, fucking loud." You were still crying about your boy- ex boyfriend. And now you're getting pulled over.
"Goddamn it. Could this day get ANY better." You said sarcastically. Turning the radio down and reaching for your insurance and driver's license, you lowered your window to the man standing outside of your car.
"License and reg-"
"Here. Here's everything. Just take it." You shoved the information into the Sheriff's hand.
He bent down, his hand resting on where the door and the car meet.
"You uh, you having a bad night, sweetheart? You should know driving like this will always get you pulled over." He chuckled.
"Yeah, my night's been shit. Can you just ticket me and let me go, hm?" You finally locked your sights with him, seeing just how attractive he was. His green eyes looking back into yours. Fuck.
"No, I can't just 'ticket you and let you go'. There's a process to these things, princess. Pipe down and sit tight. Jesus."
He walked back to the SUV and you'd be damned if you didn't find yourself staring at his ass in his dark green pants.
He had a strap that went around his upper right thigh into his crotch. It looked uncomfortable and it looked sexy. His gun wobbled as he walked.
"Seriously." You said to yourself. "I just got dumped and I'm eye-fucking a cop. Cute, y/n. Real ... fucking cute. Asshole is going to give me a fat ass ticket, too."
He was gone for about 5 minutes.
And when he came back to your window, he had a smirk on his face.
"You know you have a broken taillight?"
You jerked up in your seat. "Um, no, no I don't. I don't have any damage to my car."
He opened your car door and gestured for you to get out and join him.
His stature towered over yours. You're not all that small, per se. But he was ... very large.
The two of you walked to the back end of your car and he said so nonchalantly, "See? Right there."
"Where? I don't see any-" he pulled out his gun and bashed out your left taillight. "What the FUCK are you doing!"
"I told you, your taillight was busted. You had to be a little shit princess and be rude to me, didn't you? There are people in life you never want to piss off: People who bring you food. People who prepare your taxes. People who do work on your body, doctors, dentists and tattoo artists. And ... people ... like ... me. And you kinda pissed me off, girly."
"Yeah but you don't just go around breaking other people's shit! What's your name?"
"Name's Toji. But you can call me Officer Fushiguro. Or maybe Officer Toji. Say them both. I want to hear how they both sound coming off that little smart ass tongue of yours." He looked at you like he was waiting for you to actually say the words.
"What? Oh, oh my god. You really expected me to try those both out? Ffff ... Fuck you. Ok? How does that sound. Jesus. I can't believe you did this to my car!"
"Welp, what's done's done, princess. Don't know what else to tell ya." He drew a literal line in the ground. "You should pick this up. I don't wanna have to ticket you for littering, too."
You stood straight up and off of the car and took a few steps toward him. "TOO??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'TOO'?"
"Is this not your car?" He ran the tip of his tongue over the scar on the right side of his lips and smiled at you. 
So handsome. Cocky bastard.
"Yeah. It is my car. But you're the one who smashed my light out! Why the fuck am I getting ticketed for both when the only thing I did was reckless driving?" As soon as you said it you regretted it.
"Oh damn, I almost forgot that, too. Thanks, doll." He pulled out his ticket book and a pen and began scribbling something on the carbon paper.
"You're a real asshole. You know that?" You kicked at the broken pieces of red plastic in the dirt and started crying quietly. "Whatever. I'll get it fixed tomorrow. Just give me the ticket so I can get home."
He looked at you and felt something. Something ... guilt? No. Nothing like that. His pants felt uncomfortably tight. The strap up around his thigh was suffocating him. He was hard. Your crying was getting him hard.
"Why in the hell are you cryin' like that? Huh? I'm not gonna give you a ticket for driving like a dumbass. But I gotta do something here."
You laughed incredulously. "Yeah, thanks for - for bashing my light out. You're a real gem."
"Look here, you little shit, this can go a whole lot differently if you want it to. Ah, fuck! Stop ... stop fuckin' crying like that."
A breath later you stopped and looked at him. "Why?"
He grabbed his bulging cock with his hand and shook it against his body. "Because this! Y'makin' me fuckin' hard. Sissyin' around like that. Goddamn it. You know what? Just go. Fuck the tickets. Fuck your broken light. Just go. I have your address now. I'll mail you the papers with the court date."
"You ‘have my address now’? Are you threatening me, officer Fushiguro?" You stopped crying at this point. Realizing what effect you had on this man by just shedding a few tears and whining. And your piece of shit ex wasn't anywhere near the forefront of your thoughts now.
"Darlin', don't. Don't test me right now. Don't play your stupid games with me. I give stupid prizes." He looked almost like he was grimacing in the shadows the lights on his vehicle were casting across the space.
"Oh no, officer Fushiguro. Are you ... Are you getting a little too big for your britches?"
He took a step toward you and grabbed your arm. "Stop talking. You're startin' to piss me off."
You could feel his grip on you. It was firm on your shoulders. He was inches from your face. His eyes wide in the darkness, you were unable to see the beautiful green they were before. You couldn't anyway, with how big his pupils had blown out.
"Oh my god, officer. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad." Your voice was shaking. He was scaring you, just enough. But it was turning you on. The way he was holding you was making you wet. You could feel it in your panties.
"You know, you're really fucking pretty when you cry. I should have done this earlier. But ... fuck."
He pulled out his walkie-talkie and talked into it. "Hey, I'm gonna be on break for a little while. You okay without me for a bit?"
There was a crackly voice on the other end. "Yeah, we got it handled. I'll radio you if we need ya. Over."
He put the walkie back on his belt and then did something you couldn't believe.
He pulled his pants down, letting his cock bob free.
The gun he had strapped to his thigh held strong. You wanted to undo it, but it scared you a little to be touching a gun like that. It made your panties even wetter.
"Holy shit, officer. Are you-"
"Just, fuckin' stop. Get on your knees, princess. You're gonna suck my cock until I cum all over your pretty face." He gripped his dick and slapped it against your lips.
"Mmm. Please, no." You were so turned on that your words held no sincere weight. You wanted this to happen. You could feel the damp spot in your jeans.
"Nah, I think you want this more than I do." He pulled your hair and shoved his cock into your mouth. He was salty and it was thick. You sucked him off for a minute and then he pulled out, leaving a trail of spit connecting his cock to your mouth.
"Get up." He bent down and ripped your jeans and panties off, throwing them into the dirt.
"No, no no no! Not here, please, not here! My house is literally right down the road - AHH!" He slapped your ass so hard tears ran down your cheeks into the dirt.
He threw you onto the hood of your car and flipped you over, pushing your ass into the air. He spit on your pussy and shoved his cock inside of you.
You let out a squeal. "Oh god, please!"
He pushed himself in and out, his balls slapping against you. "Ohhhh, fuck yeah. Your cunt is so tight, darlin'. Oh yeah. Ahhhhh, fuckkkk." He hissed through his teeth.
His cock was stretching you out. It felt so good. You could feel your orgasm building up as he fucked you from behind.
He pulled out and turned you over, pushed his cock right back into your wet pussy.
"Please ...!" You cried. You were so close to cumming.
"Cum for me, princess. Cum all over my fuckin' cock." He pushed his thumb up against your clit and rubbed it furiously.
You came hard, your back arched and your legs wrapped around his waist.
He pumped in and out of you a few more times and then pulled out, jerking his cock and shooting his cum all over your chest.
He grabbed a towel from the SUV and wiped it off of you.
"I gotta get back to work, doll. But that was a pretty good time. Oh, almost forgot ..." He pulled $450 from his black leather wallet and handed it to you while he kissed you on the forehead.
"This is for your taillight."
“I - this is way too much for a stupid taillight.” You tried, but he waved goodbye to you and blew you a kiss as he walked backward to his ride. 
“Buy yourself something pretty and think of me everytime you look at it, ok, princess? Be safe, now. I wouldn’t - aw, hell. Who’m I kiddin’. I’d absolutely love to pull you over again.”
You couldn't believe what just happened. You pulled your pants and your panties back on and drove off into the night, leaving the broken pieces of your taillight and your dignity in the dust.
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Tags: @callm3senpaii
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theworldvsyoshiko · 4 months
Game setups I experimented with today:
#1: Post-apocalyptic nomad
Used mods to absolutely slather the map in ruins, with a lot of them from Real Ruins so they've got loot, but with the decay/prior looting settings also turned way up.
Cranked the pollution way up and the population density way down.
Planting crops is forbidden by the scenario.
Nomad ideoligion that gets upset if they maintain a colony for more than a season or so.
Also has the scrapper ideoligion from Vanilla Ideology Expanded, so they're great at salvage and don't mind hand-me-down clothes.
Wander from abandoned settlement to abandoned settlement, hunting animals and scavenging the useful stuff, then moving on.
This is a fun setup, but I'd need to find some way to complicate it, because it's a very... slice-of-life kind of playstyle by default. Since difficulty scales off of colony wealth, if you don't build a colony, the difficulty curve is pretty flat. If you move from map to map stripping them of valuables, even if that's just mining a bit of exposed gold/jade/silver and grabbing a few items, that adds up pretty fast. Unless you completely ignore traders, I think you'd be able to get a pretty decent endgame kinda loadout within a year or so. (Not like you're spending the money on much else, after all.) And you'd still be fighting naked guys with rusty axes, because of the wealth thing.
Ironically though, this has the exact opposite problem with wealth too: Real Ruins is happy to dump an entire endgame colony in your lap sometimes. The first map I got with this experiment immediately triggered the archonexus quest, because my faction was suddenly worth $400k all at once. This turned out to be because, for some fucking reason, there was a pile of like 900 persona cores just laying on the ground next to a heap of megascreen televisions. Real Ruins is a fascinating peek into other players' minds sometimes.
As far as larger goals go, the options would be like:
Try to, idk, circumnavigate the planet or something.
Try to wipe out all the pirates, or the empire, or somebody else who probably has it coming.
Get to the journey offer ship on foot, while collecting enough gear/friends on the way to actually defend it while it starts up.
#2 Monastery of the hedonic calculus monks
Disable the mech and insectoid factions.
Turn the storyteller's hostile death-on-downed chance way down.
Hospital, Hospitality, spaceport, and hot springs mods.
Ideoligion that forbids all non-defensive violence against people or animals, discourages meat-eating and leather clothes, requires the colony to maintain lots of healthcare facilities, and strongly requires charity.
The same ideoligion also promotes partying, social drugs, polyamory, and everyone wearing whatever they hell they want to wear (or don't want to wear.)
Must maintain a resort hotel and a hospital, both fully open to the public, in order to properly maximize pleasure.
All raiders must be taken alive if possible, given quality healthcare, and released.
Mod to allow diplomacy with pirate factions, so it's entirely possible to befriend them after patching up enough of their members who tried to kill you.
No war animals because that's barbaric.
This one's pretty fun, and I think it would actually make a surprisingly challenging run. A hospital + hotel is a lot of colony wealth that wouldn't be going toward anything useful. I think I'd probably have to turn the raid difficulty down a bit, unless I wanted the colony to have like 15 members, most of whom are good in a fight.
The main problem I have with it is the question of how to handle recruitment. Who would I be allowed to recruit? Having strong restrictions has proven to be a lot of fun, and clearly not just anybody has what it takes to be a vegetarian party monk. Maybe only allow people who have good medical or social skills and don't have any unpleasant traits or come from a horrible ideoligion. If I wanted to make it harder/more interesting, I could have (a/the) starting character be a mechanitor whose mechs handle the defense and most of the day-to-day work, with all of the other colonists dedicated to medicine and hospitality.
One side option could be allowing lots of people to join, but having strict guidelines and banishing anybody who breaches them. Or at least drop pod'ing them to a friendly settlement.
(Optionally I could also drop the 'party' part and just make them very nice pacifist monks, but I think it's important for every faction to be a little bit of a train wreck.)
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emypony · 1 year
Honkai Idol AU
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this is all ur fault @spectral-claws IDOL FELIS BE UPON YE
I will now proceed to go ahead and post my rambles, thank you to @izzyandviolins for letting me ping her all the time and just dump all the brainrots I have whenever
Idk how much sense these will make AND i will put more specific stuff at the end for everyone else who would just like the general AU idea at the start
EDIT: This actually got hella long so I will be putting it under a read more, oh my god I am so sorry
Now for the groups:
1. there's obviously our 4 main girls: Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua
Himeko is the coach / choreographer, Tesla makes props and Einstein does Costumes / Makeup, Welt is the Manager (this is REALLY. im well aware theres a ton more ppl behind idol / kpop groups but you know its just. ITS JUST WHAT IT IS WITH THE CHARACTERS THAT WE HAVE, OKAY)
2. Senti's main group consisting of!! Senti (obviously), Sirin (HoV), Seele, Veliona (they're a package duo), Sushang and Carole (yes she is here, no I will not elaborate --- ok maybe I will)
3. A few flamechasers: Pardofelis (which is a!!! New Idol!! She's the main focus of this group atm since the stans love her to bits--- catgirl charm. I promise there is a reason for this statement) Elysia, Eden, Mobius (I am not that familiar with her so she would either be part of the group OR maybe act like the on-set medic or whichever), Sakura, Vill V AND Aponia (maybe, there's a 5th group I'm thinking about however it's kind of still an idea so I will leave her here for now)
4. The GuysTM: Kevin, Su (the most marketable out of all of them), Kalpas (shocking, I know. I hc he's in gacha debt from genshin impact) and MAYBE Adam and Lyle but only bc Carole is there I'm putting them with a ?
I don't know where to fit Kosma, Griseo and Teri or Durandal and Rita (im sorry fellas im not that acquainted with them but you're 100% free to suggest something for them)
Now a bit about relationships between members of the groups or other groups:
Seele and Bronya are Dating so Seele (and by extension Veliona) are always hanging out with Bronya's group (though Veli might stay behind sometimes because she gets on relatively alright with Senti)
Sirin and Senti have a one sided rivalry from Sirin because she wants to prove she's the best and always challenges Senti to dance battles or. whatever it is that Kpop / Idols do (idont know dont ask me) but Senti is distracted by her own one sided. Rivalry (and it is NOT towards Fu Hua LOL) They're just dummy but they are a nice combo together when dancing
Speaking of Senti and Fu Hua, I see them like a past dance Duo that was supposed to compliment each other however after Senti was mostly cast and categorized by the fans as a twin / copycat of Fu Hua, she got fed up and went to develop her own solo style. things were mostly tensioned between them however Fu Hua doesn't hold resentment over what Senti did and she also feels like her new spot with Kiana, Mei and Bronya is better, and she also really likes Senti's own evolution apart from her own. Whenever Senti gets dragged along to Kiana's group and meets up with her, she's a bit awkward, but Hua is able to get past that and manages to get her talking (Senti doesn't start a conversation when they meet up, even if she does seek out Hua more than Hua herself, although she doesn't mind. It doesn't take much to go "so what's the recent idol group news" and then Senti goes off abt things the media reports on and other things and. she just starts talking and doesn't stop. Hua listens and gives advice but mostly lets Senti talk about whatever she's dealing with and maybe figure things out on her own by voicing them out loud. She values her as a more awkward friend (compared to her original hard go getter attitude from when they were a duo together) so she doesn't mind listening to her (mostly funny and unhinged) rants about the world of idol / media since she doesnt keep up with whatever drama is going on
+ Senti has got a funny friendly rivalry with Kiana at least and they're able to enjoy themselves ((compared to Sirin and Kiana who have REALLY got their own more serious rivalry))
Mei hangs out with Ely and Eden frequently enough to hold a friendly relationship with them as well as the rest of the flame chasers group and the guys. Elysia keeps begging their managers to let Mei Collab with them much more often.
Carole and Fu Hua go way back before their Idol days and Carole isn't shy whatsoever in jumping Hua whenever she gets the chance. She's way more into fashion and makeup and skincare and all of that and while Hua loves that she's so energetic, she can get a bit much but thankfully Carole knows when to step back a little and focus her energy beam on someone else. (They are great friends that don't talk on the daily but they can catch up without issues)
Li Sushang has a more ... mmm whats the word. Cordial? Relationship with Fu Hua? I'm a bit lost where to place her, mostly because I see her as Fu Hua's dance duo that didn't work out so she got relocated to another group better suited for her style. Unsure if this was before or after Senti teamed up with Hua, but Sushang does hold a bit of animosity towards Senti for that (nothing too bad, but she does wonder how the hell could they have been a dance duo when Senti seems like the complete opposite of Hua in regards to what she does - because she is a little bit crazy at times especially if left alone with Carole). They do have a general ok relationship and Sushang enjoys hanging out with everyone
Senti finds Carole a bit much at times (shocking, I know) but she is fun to hang around with and do mischief (Especially when Veliona joins in. They are banned from the kitchen along with Kiana)
Most of the Flamechasers and the guys keep to themselves BUT Carole will bother Kalpas to no end and he's so pissed off about it except she works out and he cannot beat her in an arm wrestling contest or anything for that matter so he has to rightfully suffer the wrath of a girl with 17 steps of bedtime skincare routine <3
NOW HERE IS WHERE WE GET INTO THINGS THAT ARE INCREDIBLY SELF INDULGENT FOR ME mostly because they are Sentifelis so. I do apologize but also I tried to keep most of it towards the end
OK SO AS I'VE SAID PARDO IS A NEW ADDITION TO THE FLAMECHASERS IDOL GROUP AND THE STANS ARE OBSESSED WITH HER !!! She's literally a catgirl with a cute aesthetic, it's a recipe for success
the funniest part: SENTI HATES HER (at the beginning at least) because until her, she was kind of one of the top spots on the 'idol leaderboard' or whatever (idk if thats a thing, people like diff idols / kpop artists etc but like. POPULARITY POLL?) and she's out there with Elysia BUT AS SOON AS FELIS CAME SHE JUST BULLDOZED RIGHT THROUGH ALL OF THAT and she's UPSET (or thinks she is anyway)
Fans also started comparing them a lot because of their different dance styles - Senti has more of a street dance type, and Felis is good at doing very fluid motions (mostly because of her tail) and fans love them both
Felis actually admires Senti so much as a fellow idol and somehow even after working with the group for a while she doesn't get to meet Senti at all and that's kind of her dream she just wants to 🥺befriend Senti she thinks shes SO cool
Senti would rather die before admitting that she actually thinks that Felis is really cute and isn't surprised that she's garnered such a large fanbase even though she hasn't worked as an idol for as long as the others, she finds her dance moves really nice ESPECIALLY because of her tail. BUT SHE IS GOING TO DENY THESE TILL THE END OF TIME (or so she claims) -
Like Sirin will just come to her on the daily to ask to practice and dance battle and will get completely brushed aside. See:
Sirin: "Today i will!! finally be top center stage instead of Senti!! i will finally beat her in the popularity poll!" She tries to get a rise out of Senti by claiming she is better and such but there's nothing, because Senti is just. too busy scrolling on her FYP on Tik Tok.
Senti: "Can you believe people made Fancams of Pardofelis AGAIN??? WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T!! I HATE HER SO MUCH!!" (real 100% not clickbait) SHES TOO BUSY GOING OFF ABOUT "HATING" THE MEOW MEOW
Veliona: "you watched like 20 different fucking fancams. i thought you hated her"
Senti: "I DO I HATE HER SO MUCH ugh look at how they added a green sparkles and a neon cat ears and whiskers filter to this one. She looks way better in pink."
Veliona, giving a look to Seele who just smiles and waves her hand to leave them be (insert 'I know what you are' dog meme here): 🧍‍♀️
I'm not sure if this ever happens in kpop 'biz' but imagine the 4 groups end up under the same publishing company so now they will all be living closer to each other (I have no idea wtf housing looks like for kpop stars or idols LOL) and collab more often and just meet at the workplace. SENTI HATES THIS OBVIOUSLY and like!! Felis definitely notices the cold shoulder she is given 🥺. She tries to say hi to Senti because she's super excited but Senti thinks she's just there to. Like show off that she's somehow better?? With her cute flicking ears and waving tail and her painted nails and her mismatched stockings BYE Senti cannot deal with this (she is confused and just hides it all behind an unfriendly facade)
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Poor Felis is sad because she thinks she's done something wrong and she was so looking forward to meet Senti 😭😭😭
The same kind of behavior continues, because Senti can't really bring herself to be mean to Felis and tell her to get lost (especially when she's got that sad puppy look on her face) and always attempts to flee to another place instead. Their fellow idol coworkers DO notice, but most of them console Felis and say that's how Senti usually is with newcomers and that maybe she will warm up with time.
BONUS: There is a tiny part of the fandom shipping them - as you would and while they never got to get an interview from Felis about it, Senti is SHOCKED to find out that there's ppl making fics and fanart AND FANCAMS OF THEM (which are mostly taped together bc there's barely any interaction between them in media lmao). Like who in their right mind!! This is inconceivable to her!! She is so pissed about that too bc shes like "WHY ISNT PARDOFELIS SAYING ANYTHING TO THE PRESS ABOUT IT ... WE ARE NOT A THING!! WTF!! THIS IS ALL HER FAULT" (does not actually think its her fault and actually wonders where the fuck did fans get that impression but people will be people. ALSO no I don't condone rpf or any of that with actual real people, these r just fictional characters. and this is fanfiction inside a fanfiction)
Meanwhile I believe Felis would have a secret account on all social medias at least taking a look at that side of their fandom / fanbase and seeing what the people think in regards to that (she cant figure out why Senti won't be her friend, so maybe others will??? The theories and speculations people come up with are so funny though)
Afterwards, I would love to have them all taking a trip somewhere - to ... celebrate the fact that the companies and groups have merged or whatever (preferably the woods or. SOMEPLACE. Maybe with Caves? Yeah I'm pulling the 'stuck in a cave with no reception' trope on them, what will you do about it?) and that's how they finally get to have a 1 on 1 together, mostly because Felis is going to get a bit scared and thinks there's no way out of there.
Felis: "oh my god im too young to die!!! i didnt even get your autograph yet in my journal And I still have curry leftovers in my fridge that I didn't eat and I was so looking forward to them!!!"
Senti: "what."
Felis: "what ?"
Senti: "You...want my autograph?"
Felis: "Of course!! 🥺👉👈you're my biggest inspiration I admire your dance moves so much you look SO good on the screen and in concerts I I don't know how you do it I freak out all the time and think people can notice it BUT YOU LOOK SO CALM AND COMPOSED AND COOL-" and she has to stop herself because she's gushing dfjkghfd
With this they finally have a heart to heart and Senti apologizes for being so cold to Felis, she (begrudgingly) admits that she felt kind of threatened by Felis's onset popularity from the get go. Felis doesn't mind at all and is rather relieved that Senti doesn't ACTUALLY hate her and now they can be !!! friends!!! (Senti is actually overjoyed at their new friendship and hopes to hang out with her a lot more BUT she's incredibly trash at managing her feelings so it still comes off across as a little aloof and 'well, whatever...' but Felis doesn't seem to register that at all and has now resorted to holding Senti's hand because THEY ARE STILL TRAPPED IN A SCARY CAVE AND IT'S DARK
Obviously they are rescued a little while later because people noticed they were missing and such, and while still awkward around each other (mostly Senti, because she is now suddenly RECEIVING A LOT OF ATTENTION from a girl who she will never admit she finds cute, it's still a lot to get used to on day one but she powers through for the sake of it.
After this their friendship and such get better and Felis is no longer a stranger to their group, because she starts hanging out with Senti A LOT MORE once they get back. (and neither of them will tell the others what happened for that change)
Also I like to think Felis barges in Senti's room all the time to give her updates on the. ON THE FANS SPECULATION ABOUT THEM LOL
Senti: "what fic"
Felis: "OF COURSE I DO. SOME ARE REAL GOOD... Someone wrote an Alternate Universe where we're like magical knights fighting against some unknown forces called 'Honkai' !"
Senti: "These people will make up just about anything, I swear"
Felis: "Btw did you know our ship tag is called Sentifelis"
Senti: "Our what."
Would love to draw a few of them in idol / kpop like outfits.
me about to tag every honkai character known to man:
(jk i wont do it I know how tag spam works, I will do my best to be courteous and put the most important ones)
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bellakenobi · 11 months
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Tutorial - Extracting the assets from Shining Nikki for conversion for Sims games (or anything, really)
Finally! In advance I'm sorry for any errors since english isn't my first language (and even writing in my actual language is difficult for me so)
And first, a shoutout to The VG Resource forums, where I found initially info about this topic 😊 I'm just compilating all the knowledge I found there + the stuff I figured out in a single text, because boy I really wanted to find a guide like that when I first thought about converting SN stuff lol (and because there's a lot of creators more seasoned than me that could do a really good job with these assets 👀)
What this tutorial will teach you:
How to find and extract meshes and textures (when there's any) for later use, and some tips about how stuff are mapped etc on Shining Nikki.
What this tutorial will not teach you:
How to fully convert these assets for something usable for any sims game (because honestly neither I know how to do that stuff properly lol). It is assumed that you already know how to do that. If you don't know but has interest in learning about CC making (specially for TS3), I'd suggest you take a look at the TS3 Tutorial Hub, the MTS tutorials and This Post by Plumdrops if you're interested in hair conversion. Also take a look on my TS3 tutorials tag, that's where I reblog tutorials that I think might be useful :)
What you'll need:
An Android emulator (I recomend Nox)
A HEX editor (I recomend HxD)
Python and This Script for mass editing
A 3D Modeling Software for later use. I use Blender 2.93 for major editing, and (begrudingly) Milkshape for hair (mostly because of the extra data tool).
Download everything you don't have and install it before starting this tutorial.
Now, before we continue, a little advice:
I wrote this tutorial assuming that people who would benefit from it will not put the finished work derivative from these assets behind a paywall or in any sort of monetization. These assets belong to Paper Games. So please don't be an ass and put your Shining Nikki conversions/edits/whatever behind a paywall.
The tutorial starts after the cut (and it's a long one).
Step 1:
Launch Nox, then open Play Store and log in with a Google account (if you don't have one, create it). Now download Shining Nikki from there.
After downloading the game, launch it. It will download a part of the game files. After that, log in on the game, or create a new account in any server (the server is only important if you want to actually play the game. For extracting it doesn't really matter since the game already has the assets for the upcoming events and chapters. It also doesn't matter if you actually own an item in game, you can extract the meshes and textures even if you don't have it in game). If you're creating a new account, the game will lead you through the presentation of it etc (unfortunately there's no way to skip it).
After that, click on that little arrow button on the main screen. There, you can download the actual clothing assets. Wait for the download to finish (at the date I'm writing this tutorial, it is around 13GB). When finished, close the game (not the emulator).
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Step 2:
Now we're going to copy the assets to our computer. Click on Tools, then on Amaze File Manager. Navigate to Android > data > com.papergames.nn4.en > files > DownloadedBundle > art > character. This is the folder where (I believe) most of the assets are stored.
Now, where the stuff is located respectively:
Meshes are on the meshes > splitmeshs folder
Textures are on the textures > cloth folder
Tip: Want to really data dump everything? Just select the folders you want and copy to your PC! 😉
Click on the three dots on the side of the wished folder, then in copy. Then click on the three lines on the left upper corner to open the menu, and then click on Download. Now just pull the header of the app to show the Paste option and click on it. It might take a while to copy completely (the cloth folder might take longer since it's bigger, so be patient).
If you're confused, just follow the guide below:
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The copied folder will be located at C:\Users\{your username}\Nox_share\Download
Step 3:
Now that we got the files, we need to make them readable by AssetStudio.
For this, we need to open the desired .asset file on a hex editor, and then delete the first 8 bytes of the file, and then save.
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You can see it is a pain to do that manually to a lot of files right? This is why I asked my boyfriend to create a script to mass edit them. (I only manually edit when I'm grabbing the textures I want, because afaik the script won't work with .tga and the .png files, more about that forward this tutorial)
How to use the script:
Make sure Python is already installed, grab the nikki-fix-headers.py file and place it on the folder where you copied the folder from the game (mine is still the Nox_Share Download folder).
It should look like this, the meshs folder and the script.
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Let's open the Command Prompt. Hit Windows + R to open the Run dialog box, then type in cmd and hit Enter.
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Now follow the instructions pictured below:
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The folder with the edited files will be at the same location:
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Now, we finally can open it all on AssetStudio and see whats inside 👀
Step 4:
Open AssetStudio. Now click on File > Load Folder and select the folder where your edited meshes are (mine is "splitmeshs-fixed"). Wait the program load everything. Click on Filter Type > Mesh, and the on the Asset List tab, click twice on the Name to sort everything by the right order, and now we can see the meshes!
To extract any asset, just select and right-click the desired groups, click in Export selected assets and select a folder where you wish to save it.
Stuff you need to know about the meshes:
Step 4-A: Everything is separated by groups.
Of course you'll have to export everything to have a complete piece. Only a few pieces has a single group. When exporting, you have to select every group with the same name (read below), and the result will be .obj files of each group that you have to put together in a 3D application.
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Step 4-B: The names are weird.
They're a code that indicates the set, the piece, the group.
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Items that doesn't belong to a set won't have the "S...something", instead they'll have another letter with numbers, but the part/piece type and group logic is the same.
As for the parts, here are the ones I figured out so far:
D = Dress
H = Hair
AEA = Earrings
ANE = Necklace
BS = Shoes
ABA = Handheld accessory
AHE and AHC = Headpieces/hats/hairpins
AFA = Face accessory (as glasses, eyepatches, masks)
(maybe I'll update here in the future with the ones I remember)
Step 4-C: The "missing pearls" issue.
Often you'll find a group that seems empty, and it has a weird name like this:
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I figured out that it's referent to pearls that a piece might contain (as in a pearl necklace, or a little pearl in a earring, pearls decorating a dress, etc). The group seems empty, but when you import it to Blender, you can see that it actually has some vertices, and they're located where the aforementioned pearls would be. I think that Unity (SN engine) uses this to generate/place the pearls from a master mesh, but I honestly have no idea of how the game does that. So you'll probably have to model a sphere to place where the pearls were located, I don't know 🤷‍♀️ (And if you know how to turn the vertices into spheres (???) please let me know!)
Step 5:
Now that you already extracted a mesh, we're gonna extract the textures (when any). Copy the textures > cloth folder to your PC like you did with the splitmeshs folder.
Open it, and in the search box, type the name of the desired item like this. If the item has textures, it will show in the results.
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Grab all the files and open them in HxD (I usually just open HxD and drag the files I want to edit there), and edit them like I teached above. Then you can open them (or load the cloth folder) on AssetStudio, and export them like you did with the meshes.
Stuff you need to know about the textures, UV map, etc:
Step 5-A: The UV mapping is a hot mess (at least for us used to how things works in sims games).
See this half edited hoodie and the UV map for a idea:
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So for any Sims game, you'll have to remap everything 🙃 Also, stencil-like textures all have their own separated file.
As for hair, they all use the same texture and mapping! BUT sometimes they are arranged like this...
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Here's the example of a very messed one (it even has some WTF poly). Most of them aren't that messy, but be prepared to find stuff like this.
Shining Nikki just repeat the texture so it end up covering everything, for Sims you'll need to remap, and the easiest way is by selecting "blocks" of hair strands, ticking the magnet button to make your seletion snap to what is already placed (if you have familiarity with blender, you know what I'm saying). Oh, some clothes are also mapped with the same logic.
Regarding the hair texture, I couldn't locate where they are, but here is a pack with all of them ripped and ready to use. You can also grab the textures from any SN hair I already converted :)
The only items with a fine UV map are the accessories, at least for TS3 that the accessory has a UV map independent from the body.
"But I typed the ID for the set and piece and couldn't find anything!"
A good thing to do is to search with only the set ID and edit all the files with it, because some items (especially accessories) share the same texture file. But if even then you can't find anything, it means that there's no texture for this particular item/group because Shining Nikki use material shaders* to render different materials like metal, crystal, some fancy fabrics, etc. So you'll have to bake or paint a texture for it.
*I believe that those shaders are located on the other cloth folder in the game files. This one is way bigger than the other one and once I copied it to see what it was, AssetStudio took ages to load everything, almost used all my 16GB of RAM, and then there was only code that the illiterate me didn't know what it was 🤷‍♀️
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So that was it! I hope I explained everything, although it is a little confusing.
If you have any questions, you can comment on this post or send me a PM!
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howdyhowby · 2 years
Let Me Take Care Of You (1/?)
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A note from the author: Hey, y'all! This is my first attempt at a fanfic and first post on this Tumblr. Please be patient with me as I work on being a better writer. This WILL be a series so stay tuned, I don't know how long it'll go on for, but I won't abandon it. Thank you for reading, have a great day :) WARNING: Nightmares, angst, hurt/comfort, slight sexual themes (just attraction not smut), blood, injuries. This will turn into smut in later chapters, I'm warning you ahead of time. If there's anything else tell me so I can add it.
Your eyes blinked open, your body already in a sitting position as you panted. Another nightmare, another night without him. Your nightmares became regular a couple of years ago. You had been hired by the Ghostbusters, to help out Janine Melnitz. You didn't have an exact job title, just helping whenever you can. When Janine had mostly everything under control, the Ghostbusters decided to let you tag along. It started off at first as staying inside the Ecto-1 while they trapped their ghost, you took notes, and drove them back to the firehouse when they were too tired to do it themselves. Then they started letting you out of the Ecto-1. You wanted to trap ghosts and fight alongside your friends, but that wasn't the main reason you wanted to help them out. It wasn't because you dreamed of fighting ghosts as a kid, or you had to get revenge for a family member. It wasn't anything exciting, or even reasonable. It was because you had an enormous crush on Egon Spengler. His shy demeanor, glasses, and tall frame. The way he was content in just his science, brushing off Janine and other women's touch so he could get back to whatever experiment he had. It is adorable, he is adorable. While he brushed off other women, your touch seemed to always be welcome. You were definitely touchy when it came to the man you loved, and while you tried to hold back so as to not freak him out or make him uncomfortable, you couldn't stay away entirely. A touch here, a hand on his shoulder there, the drag of your fingers across his hand as you took something he was giving you. You didn't know how to be more obvious without shouting it in his face, "I'm in love with you!" The feelings only grew with how often you went with them, how many hours you spent cleaning up his wounds, and him returning the favor. And yet, no matter how much time passed, he continued to remain indifferent. And it hurt. The first few weeks of your nightmares you had hidden them, embarrassed that you couldn't be as strong as the boys. They never complained about night terrors, never seeking comfort from the wars raging in their heads. It seemed like you were alone. That is, until week 3. You had eyebags, your hair all over the place, as you stumbled into the kitchen. Your pajama pants dragged as you took down a glass from the cabinet. You took a quick swig, sighing. "Y/N?" You jumped, dropping the cup. You stared in horror at the broken shards, breathing heavily as you looked up at the new presence. 'Egon... great.' "Oh!" He took a step back, trying to avoid the glass. "Don't... don't move." He left for a couple minutes, before coming back with a broom. He began sweeping, being careful around my feet, before dumping the dustpan's contents into the trash. "Thanks.." you mumbled awkwardly, shuffling a little. He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "What are you doing up?" "Um.." You took a step back, trying to think of a lie. 'Ow, what the hell was that?'
You looked down, frowning as a brownish-red liquid started spreading across the tiled floor. There was a piece of glass he had missed, behind you. Now in you. He followed your gaze, eyes widening. Without a word, he picked you up bridal style and began walking out of the kitchen. "Egon!" You yelped, arms instinctively wrapping around his neck and shoulders. You felt your cheeks warming as he continued toward the staircase that led to his lab. "I-It needs to be cleaned, and.. and you shouldn't walk on it. Sorry if I'm overstepping." He stuttered, not remaining eye contact with you. "It's okay... you know you don't have to me so..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence, as he carefully placed me on the lab table. "So?" He looked at me expectantly, finally looking into your eyes. "So... restrained?" I said, more of a question than an answer. "We're friends, Egon. You're not a stranger. I don't mind you sweeping me off my feet." I let out a small laugh. He gave a half-smile, worry still evident on his face.
"I know, I just don't want to hurt you." He mumbled, nearly incoherent as I strained to hear it. He brought out the first-aid kit, getting to work on your foot. "This is gonna sting a little." He warned before pouring saline on your wound. You inhaled, blinking your eyes shut. It only took a couple minutes to clean and dress your foot, Egon insisting you stay seated. "Egon, I can walk, it was only a little piece of glass." "That wasn't little, Y/N." "Are you kidding me? It was itty bitty!" They continued to bicker for a couple minutes. You felt weak enough around him, you didn't want to look like you couldn't hand a small injury. You began to get up, not listening to his rambles on infection and pain and whatever else he was spewing out to try and convince you. Suddenly, two arms caged you in. His hands were first on the table, thinking that was enough to keep you there. You hesitated, a blush rising to your cheeks as you looked up at him. His face was not even half a foot away as he stared down into your eyes. "Stay." He whispered. Your heart rate increased, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you glanced down toward his lips. Every fantasy comes to the forefront of your mind. You shifted your hips uncomfortably, trying to adjust yourself as arousal began flushing toward your core. Egon must've mistaken it for you trying to get off the table, yet again, and moved his hands to your hips. "Let me take care of you." He whispered again, moving one hand to your face, thumb brushing your cheek. "O-Okay..." His face slowly went into a frown, confusing you. His thumb moved from your cheek to under your eye. "Your eyebags have gotten deeper, Y/N. Please, tell me what's been going on." He asks. He noticed them last week, making a comment on how you need to get some sleep. "It's nothi-" "Don't lie." "I'm not ly-" "Let me take care of you." He said again, almost sounding like begging. I hesitated, leaning forward a little as I rested my head on his shoulder. There's no point in keeping it hidden. You've already been compromised, why try to keep up the facade of courage? "I've been... having nightmares." "...about?" About losing you "About losing y'all. Ray, Peter, Winston... you..." "Oh." His grip on your hip tightened, his other hand moving toward your hair. You felt more relaxed than you have in weeks, his presence calming you down. His scent flooded your senses, slowly lulling you. And you decided you wanted more. He was already in between your legs, so you wrapped them around him, tugging him a little closer. "Y/N-" "Shh..." You leaned back up, moving your own hands to his face.
You knew if you looked down, you would see how embarrassingly close you two were, and you loved it. "I.. I've been having nightmares about you." "Me?" He asked, surprised. "About losing you. I don't want to lose you, Eegs. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Y/N.." His face went blank. You knew what this was. He always tried to remain unreadable, unfeeling. "I know you know." It's obvious you love him. He couldn't not know. You didn't say the three words, too afraid to push him farther. You leaned your forehead against his, not going any farther. You could wait for him to say the three words. "I... I can't, Y/N." 'Oh.' It stung worse than you thought it would. You know how sometimes you can hear your heartbeat? Well, right now you could hear it cracking. Shattering, even. He didn't love you. It all meant nothing to him. You meant nothing to him. Rapidly blinking, you tried not to recoil away from him, "Oh..." "I didn't want to hurt you, I thought I was clear in how I acted." You smiled, looking more like a grimace, trying to ease his panic. On the outside: you looked tired, worn out, but understanding. On the inside: you were tired, worn out, and about to double over from heartache. Far from understanding anything. 'Clear? Only letting you in his lab, only letting you touch him, only letting you get close. That was clear? What does he mean by CLEAR?'
"I understand." You would. Eventually. But as of now, you couldn't be around him much longer before you broke down in tears. You untangled your legs from his waist, failing to notice his look of disappointment. You tried to gently push him away, but it came out more of a shove as you hopped down from the table. You bit your lip, both to keep your composure and not curse out in pain. 'He was right about the foot...' You started limping toward the doorway, surprised when he stepped in front of you. "Egon... please." "No, just listen. I.." He stopped when you made eye contact with him. "I what?" You asked, a little impatiently. "...I want to help you. You aren't alone, Y/N. Please, if the nightmares continue, promise me you'll come to me." Your brain short-circuited, to say the least. "What?" He moved a little closer again, an arms-length away now. "If... when these nightmares continue, come find me. Wake me up, join me in the lab, I don't care if you interrupt what I'm doing. Just promise me you won't suffer them alone. I.. I want to be there for you." "Egon, you don't have to feel obligated to try and fix me. It's not your fault you can't love me." Some weird emotion flashed through his eyes before disappearing. You continued, "I don't need you to take care of me." "I know you don't... but I want to."
"Why!?" You finally asked, your voice rising, confusion taking over. He remained silent, stepping even closer. He pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back. "Do you not... want my help?" He muttered, hands halting his comforting strokes. You laughed a little bitter, shaking your head as you buried your face in his chest. He smelled earthy. Like dirt, aftershave, and the overwhelming scent of him. It stung, realization sinking in. You couldn't have him. He wasn't yours. He didn't want you. "Egon..." You looked up at him. "Of course, I want your help. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable. I don't want to force myself on you." He frowned deeper, moving his hand back to my face. I moved my hand on top of his, leaning deeper into his touch, visibly welcoming him. 'You feel like home.' I thought to myself as we stared into each other's eyes. His brown, warm, puppy dog eyes. "You're not forcing yourself on me. I want to take care of you." You nodded hesitantly. If you couldn't have him romantically, you could settle for friendship. You would have to settle for friendship. You didn't think you could last without Egon Spengler in your life. "Okay. I'll let you take care of me.". And so it began. Hours every night, waking from the terror of your dreams, to scuttle downstairs and into the lab. You would usually bring hot cocoa from the kitchen, sit down on his couch, and watch him work. Or, sometimes, he'd join you on the couch. Just holding you. That only happened when you came down in tears. Sometimes the nightmares would be too much, and you'd come stumbling in, choking back sobs. He would drop everything to hold you, bringing you to the couch, pulling a blanket over the two of you. He would never ask you questions, never make you relive it. He would just hold you on his lap, comforting you with actions instead of his words. Your favorite moments were when you were beginning to drift off again, and he'd whisper to himself, thinking you were already asleep. "I'm here... I've got you."
Present Day --two years after the flashback-- So here you were, alone in your bed, heart aching for him. Tears running down your cheeks, eyes wide from fear. You had never talked of your love for him after that night, after he shot you down. But ever since he had been comforting you, it only grew. You became dependent on him. You needed him. You never told the others about your terrors, and he didn't either. He respected you. He cared for you. Even if he couldn't love you, wouldn't love you, you felt loved. The illusion was better than the harsh reality. They were called in to investigate some paranormal activity at the old Roberts' Mansion, just a couple miles outside of the city. They discovered a link to it in Florida. Some ghost who was murdered by one of the Roberts boys' back in 1808. Of course, they took a road trip. Egon and Winston, leaving Ray and Peter here to cover the local ghosts. And now you had to wait for him, agonizingly, for 2 whole weeks, because some stupid ghost couldn't keep to itself. You had just awoken from a nightmare. Your eyes blinking open, and your body already in a seating position. He said you could call him. That he wouldn't mind. That he would pick up, any time of the night and day.
You hadn't spent a night without him since... since the night you cut your foot. At times you felt you annoyed him, but he was always quick to show you you didn't. Was it weird? Yes, it was. You didn't understand why he acted the way he did. He told you he couldn't love you, couldn't bring himself to do so, and yet he treated you like... like you mattered to him. Like you were more than just a friend. You sighed, knowing you were seeing everything through rose-colored glasses. 'Why would he love me? He deserves so much more...'. I looked over at the clock. 3:48 AM. Would he be awake? Would he be angry if you called? When the clock turned 4:12, and you still couldn't fall asleep, you decided to call him. You leaned over the bedside table, dialing the number and pulling the phone up to your face. You settled back against the backboard of the bed, curling the phone cord around your finger. The phone ringed thrice before someone picked up. "Hello?" A deep, confused, and rough voice said on the other line. It made your heart flutter, and your brain calm down. He could fix everything with a single word. That beautiful, smooth, and gentle voice of his. "Hey, Egon..." You heard shuffling on the other end. "Y/N.. it's nice to hear your voice." You can hear the small smile he must be making. You sniff quietly, looking around the room. You feel the shadows crawl, the drapes blow, the eery silence. "Egon, I-I... I'm scared." You admitted wiping the tears off your cheek.
"I wish I could be there for you." He finally muttered, sounding solemn. "Don't do that. Don't feel bad. You are here for me, Eegie. Even when you don't have to be, you're always here... thank you." You don't know it, but he smiles at the nickname. "I know. I just wish I could be there in person." "Another week?" "Just a little under. 6 days and counting..." He paused for a moment. "5 days and counting. Didn't realize the time." He finished with a small chuckle. "Sorry..." You say bashfully, starting to feel better. "...I hope I didn't wake you up." "I've been awake for hours." "I know." "You know?" "Your voice gets deeper the longer you've been awake." "It... does?" You blush covering your face with your hand. You wanted to tell him the truth, the whole truth, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it. How do you tell someone ' 'Your voice gets deeper, sexier, as the hours go on. I dream of it in my sleep, I long for it while I'm awake. I long for you day in, day out.' '? You don't. Not when they don't feel the same. "...yeah." You respond awkwardly. You can hear him breathing on the other end, thinking, pondering how to respond. "Y/N, I need to tell you something." "You do?" "I... I shouldn't be doing this over the phone." "It's okay Egon, tell me." "I..." You lean forward on the bed, anxious for his response. "...I take back what I said two years ago." That was the moment you shattered completely. Take it back? His promise? He didn't want to take care of you? You were a burden to him. Anger, pain, and sorrow swirled in your veins, leaving you speechless. Not anger at him, no, never at him. Anger at yourself. You pushed him too far, were too clingy, too hopeful. "Y/N? Are you there?" His voice rang in your ears, no longer soothing. It was like pouring whiskey on a dumpster fire. Egon's POV:
I waited for a couple minutes, not sure what was happening. Why wasn't she responding? This was supposed to be a happy moment. I was confessing my love and she... wasn't glad. Was I too late? Did I wait too long to tell her how I felt? Did she move on long ago, and I've been chasing after her like an abandoned puppy? It hurt even to think about. Her, with another man. Someone else holding her, someone else getting to love her. To treat her how she deserves to be treated. To grow old with her, and father her children. I couldn't handle the silence anymore. I needed an answer. I needed to know if I could finally call her mine because I had been hers for so so long. "Y/N? Are you there?" I stuttered out, desperate for a response, any response. She waited only a few seconds this time, finally speaking. "W-Wh-" I heard the phone drop, the sound of rustling. I waited... "Y/N?" and waited... then suddenly: Screams.
word count 3,148
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