#i was literally waiting for the first opportunity so my oc could start flirting with her
thorinkingoferebor · 10 months
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Hello, this is the first time I’ve come here and I’d like, if possible, you could place my order, I don’t remember if I already placed that ask or something, so if yes, sorry to bother you...
I can order something with Yandere! Vampire with a Vampire Slayer! Reader, please...
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Welcome in!
Well yes boo, you did make a very similar request, and I'm sorry if it took me like a long time to answer you (at least to me it feels like a whole month has passed, time has been so slow and so fast somehow-) it's just that I'm dealing with a lot of stuff outside of Tumblr and although I try to not think about it, it does affect my performance in writing. Also you're not bothering me at all boo!
Also I just realized something, normally when I write I put really mean remarks about the reader but it's not supposed to be taken seriously by you guys, as it's mostly either an look into the perspective of the ocs (normally the bullies who are very mean and cruel-) or even an exaggeration on the reader's current mind state (if the reader feels dumb about a certain action they have chosen, I try to make them sound very exaggerated since I don't want any of you to take it personally, y'all are beautiful okay? Don't worry about the snarky comments and rude remarks that I may write).
I'll try to make it more obvious that it's mostly a character's exaggerated perspective next time, or maybe put trigger warnings about degrading language/mean comments.
TW/Tags: mentions of addiction (to blood) // male x male // male reader // vampy vamp // monster(vampire) x (human)reader // mentions of death // unofficial OC/just a random character I decided to create for this specific piece // captivity/kidnaping // mentions of torture/infliction of pain // mind control/gaslighting/manipulation and stockholm syndrome // being drugged/poisoned // kinda sadistic but not so much so cause I like giving y'all some softness.
True love is found in small bites [Yandere!M!Vampire x M!Vampire Hunter!Reader - Headcanon]:
Who doesn't like a little one on one with an immortal creature in a fight filled with sexual tension? Who wouldn't want to prove their worth to their dad who is a lonely vampire hunter?
Your dad had hunted vampires all by himself for years now and he won't stop until the day he drops dead, or at least that's what he told you.
He taught you everything that you needed to know, and honestly- You probably know a lot more than some of the guys who are paid to do this every month, Hell, your dad hunts them basically every week! That's kinda the reason why he won't accompany you this time, too busy dealing with vampires in a neighboring village, some rumours of some high profiled vampires coming into your hometown… He was very concerned for your safety before deciding that whenever these rumours were true or not, he needed to check them for himself regardless.
You decided to go on a hunt on your own, hunt one down and prove to your man that you'll do just fine all by yourself.
However, you have the knowledge from the books you read and from what your father taught you, but you don't have personal experiences in fighting vampires. So that's why you're finally going to take down a vampire all by yourself.
It took you some time to find the right target, but after hearing complaints about some odd things happening in the less wealthy part of town, you thought you had a pretty clear picture of what happened. You thought that maybe some vampires have been attacking the poorest people in town to not cause a bigger panic in the population, and sadly enough, you were right.
Apparently the vampirism started to spread uncontrollably as the newly transformed vampires weren't accustomed with the new malevolent power. Some would get addicted to blood and to the power they hold against humans, and start to bite more than what they can chew on.
You found someone who was acting suspiciously, a commoner who was acting more aggressively towards his neighbors and family, he had created a lot of enemies in only a couple of days after being transformed, as he was now acting like "royalty" surrounded by peasants. The poor bastard was out of his mind, and sadly you needed to take care of him before he would hurt more people.
The work of a vampire slayer (or at least, one who works on their own accord) isn't as glamorous or "pleasant" as most may think, it involves you constantly questioning yourself and your morals, the guy you're hunting has a family but from what you heard and from what you have seen as you observed him from afar- He is clearly gone, consumed by the addiction of human blood, he would end up hurting his own family if you didn't intervene.
You had to stalk him for basically the whole day, collecting information and waiting for a good opportunity to strike him- Sadly enough, you didn't know that someone else was also interested in killing him.
It was pretty quick now that you think about it- You were about to tackle him when someone else got to do it before you. You didn't know about vampire society's inner relationships but you are aware that there is some form of hierarchy, and that those who were transformed into vampires were considered to be closer to the bottom than those who were born into it. The bottom of their social structure being those who they could all feed on, so in other words humans.
As you have already prepared yourself to attack the blood addictic, this guy who seemed to have come out of nowhere has already noticed that he wasn't alone, you wouldn't be able to hide yourself at this point and running wouldn't be an option considering how fast he moved.
The only option was left was to fight this vampire who was clearly way too powerful for your newbie ass. It was a pretty tough fight, and even if you have lost- You did manage to prove that you weren't just a random human who found themselves in the wrong place, in the wrong time.
You were very well prepared- Idris was pretty impressed by your resistance, but from his eyes, you were lacking a lot in the intelligence department. You were a good brawler, but not a decent vampire slayer by far- He would question you about your level of skill constantly, even mocking the idea of you being an "newbie" at this job.
Idris had won in the end, making you his prisoner who he would bring back to his clan to be used as an easy food source while also giving them info about other vampire slayers. Of course you wouldn't give them anything, no matter how bad your situation was you would still fight to the very end.
Idris had used one of his abilities to bring you two to his clan's hideout in a blink of an eye, you weren't expecting it to be so quick. You were tied up and inside an "abandoned" mansion filled with vampires, you were sure you wouldn't survive this at all- Yet you had promised yourself to not give them any information about other vampires slayers, especially your father.
You have met them, all of them- All of the Nox clan of pure vampires (or at least the last of them), in one single place. They were all so eager to jump in and start the "fun" with you. To torture you, drink from you, control your mind so you would spill all that you know, they tried to but you wouldn't stop squirming and fighting their touch- However, your attitude has only helped to aggravate them.
Idris was in charge of taking care of you- And by that they meant he was the one who would be screwing with you the most. He would keep you alive with your bare necessities but would also be the one to punish and torture you to speak up.
Interestingly enough, Idris wasn't interested in violently taking the truth out of you- Oh no, boo- He was much more sadistic than that.
He saw you as a plaything, like a cat he would see you as something he should toy with before devouring- He would try to push you to your limits verbally, trying to trigger some sort of wound you may have. You were stronger than he assumed, he should have known you weren't so dumb to give in to his insults and threats.
He would still bite you though, hey, a man needs some blood before continuing his private interrogation, right? It's not his fault you're both his snack and the one being interrogated.
You were strong minded, you weren't feeling too awful about being taken as a prisoner, since you felt as if deep down you could still escape this- So the effects of the poison that he would inject on you weren't showing up at first, but after sometime of being under this terrible living condition with only him to talk with, you started to feel some type of weird way around him.
It could be the poison finally taking over, but you have started to notice some… Particular choices that Idris took when interacting with you. Again- It could be all some magic shit in your mind, but you could swear that the lingering touches from him weren't rough or painful as his threats.
Idris was never physically harmful towards you, even to his peers dismay as they would constantly scold him for being too soft. He was indeed very off putting and sadistic- But could he be hiding something deep inside his literally cold exterior? You started to think so… Well, you started to hope so.
See, although the poison is already making your mind dizzy and making you feel some kind of weird attraction towards Iris- It wasn't completely just your mind playing tricks on you, Idris has been trying a new tactic with you and it was working.
Maybe you haven't noticed yet, but for the last few weeks he has started to flirt with you more, touch you more and whisper less concerning things into your ears, and you were eating it all up due to your isolation and his poisonous bite.
The more he sucked your blood, the more enamoured you were with his softer "side", the poison becoming stronger with each bite. But everyday you two spend time together, Idris can't help but feel just as interested in you as you are to him. He may play it off as a sadistic manipulative (which he kinda is-) vampire who is above you and his own feelings- But whenever it's just you and him, he just feels like there is a bigger connection being formed.
The more you two get to know each other the more he'll start falling for you, to the point he doesn't know if he is faking empathy and care or if he actually likes you in a weird way. He has started to feel very satisfied whenever you start acting clingy, desperate even for his attention (again- He is the only one willing to even talk with you before biting you and sucking your blood), the sensation of power he feels is a little bit overwhelming- But very much appreciated.
You have started to feel some side effects from losing so much blood everyday, which has made Idris concerned and incapable of drinking from you for at least some time while you recover from it. But since you need some time to rest without being injected with more venom from fangs, which will cause you to start waking up from your brainwashed state and remember that A: It has been months since you were gone, your dad is out there looking for you and it's possibly thinking you're dead; B: You're trapped in a mansion filled with the last vampires of a powerful clan which has been massacred by vampire slayers like you; and C: You were starting to catch feelings for the one who brought you here- Regardless of manipulation and freaky vampire shit- You were indeed falling for his charm.
Whenever that happens, it will be obvious that you'll start trying to fight them and escape again, even if you're very, very weak from all these months without proper training and healthy eating habits.
You may try your hardest dear, but you'll need a better plan than just going feral on Idris. He is a lot stronger than you, especially since you can't even stand up on your own, and even hurting him makes you feel oddly awful- You had relied on him for so long, that it feels like you would be betraying him if you actually do hurt him, it seems like some of the effects of so much time under his manipulation are still present.
You can't hurt him, but you can still try to sneak out. You should still try to escape!
You would eventually come up with a plan to run away while it was still morning, even if it was a very flawed plan considering that the only place you knew in this entire mansion was Idris's room and bathroom. For some miracle reason, you would find a way to sneak out, it was pretty hard considering you have no strength in your legs, yet luckily no one seemed to be aware of your sudden movement around the corridors- Apparently the whole clan is composed of heavy sleepers.
Your escape was successful, but you wouldn't be able to reach safety anytime soon in your condition- And you knew that eventually they would wake up again and Idris would find you soon. Yet as you had promised yourself and your father, you weren't going down without a fight.
Idris is responsible for you, so whenever he notices that you were gone- He would first assume one of his kind has took you, but considering how everyone else in the clan considers him to be a nuisance and incompetent, he couldn't possibly ask around where were you. If he did, they would end up yelling at him and take you as their personal blood bag- He couldn't let them know that you have escaped.
He would search for you and be honest to god thankful that you weren't dead yet- He would be pissed but more concerned about your current state, after all you were supposed to be resting from losing so much blood and yet here you are: Trying to survive the wild nature around the mansion in a stupid attempt of escaping the vampires.
Idris would have to bite you more often while also giving some days off so you could rest, but doing in a way that you never lose the effects of the poison- He can't stand to see you fighting him so much.
I mean- He thinks that it's pretty attractive how fiesty you are, but he needs you to stay still in his bedroom and to start giving him those confused yet passionate eyes again- Idris doesn't know whether or not you're in love with him or is just acting in instinct considering your current position, and he soon will find himself begging for you to truly give in to this weird fantasy he has built around you two- But for now, all that he wants is the smallest affection that may come from you, even if it's not as true and morally correct as true love is supposed to be.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
What would be your OCs ideal "meet-cute"? Like how did they plan to meet their darling in a way that would attract them to the boys? Or did it happen by pure coincidence?
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love the ask! Prepare for chaos cause I like seeing them struggle
Also omg you gave a request Im so happy I think you're so cool and i like seeing you on my notifications so please like and request more stuff if you want to ahhhh💖-
This story contains: talk of stalking, yandere behavior, talk of sex (sorry it's prince...sex is always on his mind)
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Oh he's smart
He knows exactly how he wants to set up
He first saw you in your favorite bakery and from then on it was a done deal
His five years of stalking you has paid off
He knows almost everything at this point
He wanted it to be romantic and something out of a romance movie
But- he's still a bit of a dummy at times and it didn't go exactly how he wanted it to
He's played this out in his head about 100 times, he has done everything he has to in order to get everything to work out in his favor, so why did this have to happen?
His plan was to walk in ten minutes before you did at the bakery, he would pretend to be unsure of what to get then once you walk in he waits exactly two minutes before asking what exactly you would get sounding as lost and clueless as possible
out of the kindness in your heart you will respond and he will charm his way to getting your number, even though he already has it. That was the plan but you never did show up to the bakery so he panicked and went to your house to look for you
Were you kidnapped? Sick? What was going on?! He has rushed to your place now right infront of the door only for it to swing open and for you to crash into him falling ontop of him, okay?
You were frazzled and flustered, you must have woken up late. He looked at you and felt his cheeks turning red as you scrambled up and he picked up his glasses
"i-im so sorry! I just crashed into you i didnt see you"
This wasn't exactly how he expected it but he can use this, sure it wasn't the same but it was alright he can work with this.
"ah, it's quite alright. Though I'm sorry to say but my ankle isn't doing so well"
"holy shit, I'm sorry! So you need help?!"
You helped him up and as theodore leaned on you slightly he shuddered at the scent of you, absolutely delicious.
"sorry, I'm so rude I'm theodore"
"I'm the rude one here, it's [y/n]. do you live around here or something? I feel responsible so let me help by getting you home"
Theodore smiled and adjusted his glasses as he faked the pain in his ankle, it was a little embarrassing having to pretend to be pathetic but his first plan flew out the window and this was all he had left
"live just down the road, thank you for such kindness"
He smiled and knew that he wormed his way into your life, sure it wasn't how he wanted but he was in no rush.
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He has to be careful
He's famous after all
He has an image to maintain so he can't be all creepy and stalk you
He pays people to do that
He first saw you at one of his photoshoot sites and he just couldn't help but fall
He really honestly just wants to walk up to you and say hi
But a crowd of people would be on him I minutes so maybe not
He decided to wear a hat and mask
He honestly is so self centered he just wanted to say hi and expected you to swoon
Hikaru adjusted the mask now walking into the book store where he saw you walk into just moments before, plan was to casually find you and bump into you before revealing himself and next thing you know you are jumping into his arms!
So he did just that, walked into the book store, saw you and "accidentally" bumped into you causing the book in your hand to fall
"oh I'm sorry, how clumsy of me"
"no no it's fine! Accidents happen y'know?"
Hikaru smirks before pulling down his mask while picking up the book, his eyes shining with a charming gaze as he looked at you
"how about I make it up to you with some yummy food"
"oh! You're that model from the magazines!"
Yeah baby now come jump into-
"that's sweet but I'm good it's truly fine"
Excuse me bitch?
Hikaru felt his body twitch now fighting the urge to turn his charming grin into a harsh scowl, what the actual hell!? Do you not see how hot he is?! God why the fuck did he fall in love with such a dumbass?!
"o-oh well, how about I pay for your book? I like this book as well so it's only fair"
"you like 'elmo goes to wonderland?'"
Hikaru twitched once more as he glanced down at the book you had dropped and felt his eye twitch with annoyance, why were you buying this?!
"it's for my friend's sister if you were wondering, if you're still up for it let's have that food I want some red bean buns!"
Okay..so that worked?!
Hikaru didn't understand why him being a total idiot wooed you but okay?!
"names [y/n] by the way, I'll let my friend know that you love elmo I'm sure she has more books for you"
Your joke wasn't funny and hikaru now wanted to kiss and strangle you at the same damn time. He feels so embarrassed but at the same time happy.....but the real thing he's thinking is why the hell did I fall for this idiot?!
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Okay so he really just wanted to get into your pants
Like really wanted to get in there
Until he started to stalk you and saw how you acted
That's when he fell for you
He has no idea how to court anyone so he has no idea what the hell to do
This was a whole different game that he didn't know how to play
You were different than the strippers and party loving people he hangs with
You two met out of pure fate
Your friends were forcing you to go out for your birthday to a bar
The bar he worked at
His heart was about to burst
He wanted to say hi soooo bad but your friends were flirting with him hard
He figured if he got them drunk they will pass out
So he did exactly that while leaving you tipsy
He's been bartending for a while so he knows how to do this kinda stuff
Once he strikes up a conversation with you he's so happy
"so, you don't exactly look like one of my normal customers"
"what exactly does your normal customers look like?"
Prince grinned at you as he fixed you another drink before placing it infront of you, giving you a sly wink
"nothing like you doll face, you're too cute and I've never seen your face trust me I would remember a face like yours"
He prayed to God his flirting works cause that's the only trick he's got. He watched you laugh as you took a sip of your drink and he knew he wanted to marry you on the spot
"smooth, but you'll have to try a little harder than that"
"alright well, what's your name?"
"[y/n], why whose askin?"
Prince flashed a huge grin as he leaned down his arms rested against the bar as he eyed you up and down.
"prince is the name, so ever wanted to get behind a bar before?"
"won't you get into trouble for that?"
"I won't tell if you won't"
Sexual tension was HIGH
Prince was ready!
then..you fell asleep
Damn it he got you too drunk, with a long sigh he leaned back now feeling the biggest blue balls in his entire life, he decided it was time to take you home so he did exactly that.
Getting into your place was far too easy and he reminded himself that when you two stsrt dating he has to tighten security around here, he laid you in the bed before placing a soft kiss onto your cheek and leaving but not before writing his phone number and name on a napkin and placing it on your nightstand
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Okay so I've talked about how dumb axis is
But he is like...reallllyyyyy dumb
Poor boy was so excited when he first met you before falling in love
He met you at an art store
He needed help on picking the right color and you popped up
Your voice made him giggle and your smell made him drool
He was in LOVE!
He wanted to meet you again
So he showed up at that art shop every single day listening for your voice and hoping to smell that amazing scent
After six months of actively going he almost given up..until
"excuse me, where are the paint buckets?"
"oh! Right this way!"
Axis perked up as he heard footsteps and the soft scent filling his nose, you! It was you! It had to be you! You were here!
He slowly followed your scent hearing you talk to the worker before hearing the worker's footsteps vanish, he was panicked! Did he look okay?! Did his eyes look weird?! He made sure to wear his sunglasses but they weren't all too tinted..what if you see his weird fish eyes!
All this panicking made him start to shake and he soon heard a voice break him out of it
"excuse me, are you okay?"
He tensed up and snapped his attention onto that voice, that angel of a voice. That voice that could make him do anything it could ever want, you were infront of him and he loved it
"y-yeah! Sorry! I'm just panicking cause I don't know which paint to buy, being blind has its limits haha"
"oh, well I can help if you need?"
He gave an excited nod and you did exactly that just like you did six months ago, it was magical
"what do you need paint for?"
"oh I just moved into a new place"
You moved? He didn't know that, he doesn't know anything about you, he wants to know everything
"oh, well I'm an artist haha, weird yeah?"
"well I don't think it's that weird, it's actually really impressive"
Axis held in every tear he could as he decided to ask the age old question, the question he wanted to know for six months
"what's your name?"
"oh! Sorry! It's [y/n]"
What a pretty name, a name he wanted to now write over and over again, when you asked his name he of course gave it to you before throwing an opportunity out there hoping you take it
"if you ever need help painting your house, I can help out trust me I'm awesome with a brush!"
"I would actually like that, when are you free?"
That's how he ended up in your home, and into your life.
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He literally just walked up and said hi
That's it
He saw you and was like "oh okay let's do this now"
He has no grace he doesn't usually plan things out he just goes and see how it works out
As a person who is a mute 80% of the time talking with you was a little awkward.
He gave off a lost puppy type vibe
Yuki usually would never come to an arcade, but he wanted to win the giant stuffed cat that they had at the prize booth it was so big that they simply had a picture of it..it would make a wonderful place to sleep on
It costed so many tickets though so he had put his entire paycheck into that card to hopefully win as much tickets as he could. That's when he met you, you were absolutely killing it on one of the zombie games and honestly it looked super cool
He walked up to the machine before swiping his card and picking up the player two gun, without a single word he started to play as well. The silence was awkward for sure but it was you who broke it
"wow you are actually pretty good, you play a lot?"
His short one word answer made you think that he wasn't really wanting to talk so you were about to leave when he simply swiped his card in the player one slot before handing you the gun once more, with a grin you stepped back up and continued to play
You would ask him questions and get one word responses back or even just sounds filled with emotions, you quickly realized that he just was a man of few words
Yuki had been swiping his card for the both of you so when the time came that he was tapped out a look of shock filled him, he was about to go out more money in but it seemed like the store was closing
"well, I better g-"
You were cut off with him grabbing your hand and pulling you to the prize counter. You followed as he gave the worker the card and got exactly what he wanted...the softest, warmest, biggest plushie ever!
As he hugged it close he watched your eyes soften at the sight of it and you were in awe. He glanced at the plushie, then back at you, then back at the plushie
With that he handed the plushie to you watching your eyes grow big as you hesitantly reached out to it
"you're giving it to me?"
He nodded softly as he watched you hug it close
"are you sure?! This is the most expensive thing in the prize corner, I don't even think you can get another one! Are you re-"
"take. It."
You nodded and flashed him a huge grin before you watched him take out a pen and write on the plushie's tummy in big letters
'yuki: XXX-XX-XXXX'
"that's your name? Yuki..well yuki I'm [y/n]! I'll be sure to send lots of pictures of our new baby! Figured we can have joint custody hmm?"
Yuki have another nod as you both started to walk out, he didn't feel mentally exhausted when he was around you. You were definitely special and he wanted to know more.
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eberles · 4 years
Love, Rafe ♡
Part I - Senior Year 
Rafe Cameron x OC
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(gif is not mine, if it’s yours lmk and i’ll give credit)
A/N: Hii everyone! This series is based on one of my favorite movies Love, Rosie, if you haven’t seen it you totally should, but you don’t need to in order to read this! If you have seen the movie, keep in mind that I switched the main characters roles! Also, thank you to @northcarolinanative for reading this first and giving me feedback! Any feedback is always welcome! Be sure to tell me if you want a part 2!
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, angst
“Today is the happiest day of your life...” Rafe started his speech, trying to keep his voice steady trying to hide the fact he had been in the bathroom crying leading up to this moment.
Rafe was currently at his best friend, Zoe James’ wedding. The girl of his dreams. The girl he was in love with. The girl met when he was 6. It all started one day in first grade when recess took an interesting turn. A group of kids were picking on Zoe, this wasn’t the first time, but it sure as hell was going to be the last once Rafe Cameron stepped in. Ever since that day on the playground, the two young kids were joined at the hip. 
The day of Rafe’s 18th birthday was the day everything changed for Zoe.
“I’m so embarrassed about last night, I feel so sick just thinking about it.” Rafe spoke, once Zoe entered his bedroom. She went over his house to see how he was doing after the night the two of them had. He didn’t remember much of what happened but he remembered enough of it.
“What do you mean?” Zoe asked nervously afraid that he was referring to the kiss they shared before he passed out at the club where they were celebrating his birthday.
“I had to get stitches, Zoe. We’re not telling anyone about me getting so drunk I cracked my head open.” he spoke sarcastically. She was relieved he wasn’t embarrassed about kissing her, but also disappointed since it seemed as though he didn’t even remember it. Zoe wasn’t going to be the one to remind him of what happened, instead she bottled it up with her true feelings towards him.
Later that day, Zoe and Rafe found themselves at the beach with a few of their school peers. It was nearing the end of senior year and beach parties in Outer Banks were becoming an every weekend thing for their graduating class. The two of them were sitting on a colorful beach towel on the sand around the fire when the prettiest girl in your senior class, Olivia, came up to Rafe and held out her hand for him to take. Olivia asked if they could walk around for a bit and Zoe was shocked, they had never spoken before, but she always knew he had a crush on Olivia. 
“What did she want?” Zoe asked Rafe curiously when he returned to her sitting on their towel.
“She asked me to prom.” he said with a slight smirk. Zoe was astounded, how could she just ask him to prom like that?
“Well what did you say?” she was obviously trying not to sound offended, the two of them went to every school dance together ever since Zoe could remember, and she had not planned on going to senior prom without Rafe.
“I said ‘no’ of course, i’m going with you!” he said it calmly as if it were obvious. Zoe just smiled and let out a short breathe of relief.
The rest of the beach bonfire was a blast for them, but it got kind of weird when the hottest senior guy, Jeremy, went up to Zoe and Rafe and asked her if they could go out sometime. Zoe swooned and gawked at him as he spoke. She stuttered and agreed that they would hangout sometime after tonight. 
“Hey, drool much?” Rafe asked and bumped her shoulder once Jeremy walked away. Ever since Zoe could remember, she knew she had feelings for Rafe and after drunkenly kissing just the night before the feelings were more prominent than ever. She couldn’t deny that Jeremy was hot and if he wanted to see her again? He was going to see her again.
“Uh shut up, Rafe, i’m not drooling! What do I do? I don’t know how to flirt!?” Zoe was stressed and it was obvious, but it made Rafe let out a chuckle.
“Relax. You’re gonna ignore him and let him come to you, play it hard to get, Zo, boys love a good chase.” he used her nickname which always made Zoe blush a little. 
“What if he wants to take me to prom?” she asked, curious to what his response would be. Maybe Rafe didn’t care about going with Zoe at all, now that Olivia has sparked her interest in him. He contemplated his answer for a moment.
“Let him, if it’s important to you, let him.” he spoke casually as if it didn’t matter. As if hearing those words wouldn’t crack Zoe’s heart a little.
“Uh, but then you wouldn’t be going with anyone?” she stressed.
“Zoe, I got asked by the most beautiful girl in school...I think i’ll be fine.” she was disappointed, she knew she literally put the words in his mouth but she were so sure Rafe would just rather go with her. Zoe simply nodded and looked back over at Jeremy who was already smiling at her. Deciding to have a little fun, Zoe winked at Jeremy and he took that as the perfect opportunity to walk over and talk to her again. Rafe rolled his eyes when he saw Jeremy sitting down and he looked away. He sat down next to Zoe on the towel she was sharing with Rafe and took both her hands in his.
“Hi again, Zoe, um I was wondering if you’d want to go to prom with me?” he seemed a little nervous to be asking her, which was confusing considering his social status at school.
“Oh my god! Yes! Of course, I will!” she tried to sound ecstatic and smiled widely as she leaned over to kiss Jeremy’s cheek. If Rafe didn’t care about going to prom together, neither did Zoe.
Throughout the next few weeks until prom Zoe and Jeremy had actually been spending a lot of quality time together. Even though they had gone to the same school and had the same classes for 4 years, her and Jeremy never talked all that much. They guys had a lot of fun over the few weeks, the two of them ended up spending most of their time together and no one was surprised when Jeremy asked her to be his girlfriend. 
Rafe, on the other hand, was a little less than happy and even more unhappy when he found out Zoe lost her virginity to Jeremy after only seeing each other for a few weeks. Hell, it didn’t matter to Rafe how long they were together, it would’ve irritated him no matter what. Zoe was super excited to tell someone though and not just someone but her best friend in the entire world. 
From Zoe: Rafe!! Guess what!!
From Rafe: Zoe!! What!!
From Zoe: Guess who is no longer a virgin? This girl!!
From Rafe: wait what? are you joking?
Zoe couldn’t lie that she was saddened by his response she expected him to be supportive and he was kind of when he realized she wasn’t just fucking with him, but on the inside he was disappointed and definitely jealous of Jeremy. Zoe could tell their was something off with him following the week after that, but she didn’t want to pry so she left it alone.
About a week later, Rafe and Zoe were in her room getting ready for prom. Even though things were a little awkward after what Zoe revealed to Rafe, they were still best friends with an invisible magnetic pole between the two that constantly brought them together. Either that or it was an undying love for each other. 
Prom itself was great. The music was loud and everyone was dancing and having a blast. Rafe and Zoe kept their distance from each other most of the night and tried to spend as much time with their dates. The distance didn’t stop Zoe and Rafe from admiring each other over the shoulders of their dates though.
At one point, Zoe and Jeremy started making out on the dance floor and Rafe couldn’t hide his jealousy even if he wanted to. They were laughing, kissing and dancing and Rafe wished that was him with Zoe. He didn’t understand these feelings. Neither of them did. Even though he was with the hottest girl in school, it didn’t matter to him once he saw Jeremy and Zoe together. Olivia quickly noticed Rafe’s shift in mood and followed his eyes to where he was glaring at Zoe and Jeremy kissing. She knew exactly why Rafe was glaring and she definitely wasn’t going to allow that. 
“Let’s go get a room for the night.” Olivia whispered in Rafe’s ear to gain his attention back to her. Little did Rafe know that spending the night with Olivia would lead to a series of misfortune’s for him and Zoe.
Part 2
taglist: @maaybanks​ @maybankiara @ssjiara @fav-imagines @jjmaybankx
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bymoonchild · 5 years
Get You The Moon (M)
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Pairing | Taehyung x Reader Genre | Fluff, smut, angst / College!AU, enemies to lovers!AU, football!AU,  jock!Taehyung x student reporter!OC Warnings | Explicit language, sarcastic banter, dirty talk, blowjob, facefucking, eating out, cumplay, cum-dumpster, fingering, rough sex, slight dom!tae, spanking, degradation, unprotected sex, ass-pining, tae has the phattest ass and dick but wbk Summary | Life has its ways of fucking with you, but you know you’ve hit 50 feet below rock bottom after being tasked to do a profile feature on Kim Taehyung, the varsity football captain, for your school newspaper. Pure torment awaits you, but this is alongside glassy eyes, pink cheeks and conflicted feelings that you’ve never dared to imagine with the likes of the devil incarnate. Word count | 19.6k 
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“What a surprise, you’re alive.”
It is exactly that fake enthusiasm and subtle mirthful nuance that’s too familiar to your liking that gives rise to the arch of your eyebrow. You don’t even need to look up at the owner of the voice to picture the shit-eating smirk that belongs to none other than your editor-in-chief-slash-best-friend, Min Yoongi. Such morbid greetings have been long established as an inside joke between the two of you due to the peculiar sense of humour that you two share.
This is just how he likes to start his mornings. Being the systematic person he is, he has his own morning routine in the newsroom. Regardless of the pile of work on his desk, he’ll first make a beeline for his first cup of coffee of the day, after which he will come sauntering your way to provoke you with his laundry list of snarky remarks – about work, being tired, being alive and dead, about how bureaucracy sucks, the negative sides of capitalism and what not. Well, you two share a deep-seated sense of misanthropy so albeit provocative, his laments are refreshing in the morning – a literal morning boost of positivity from negativity.
“Not for long buddy,” you shrug, looking up from your laptop and your eyes land on Yoongi, who looks just as dead.
“I barely slept last night – was busy rushing my essays. Essays, might I repeat. So it would be great if you don’t have much for me today, although I know you have a kink for torturing me.”
At this, the edges of his lips curl up and you instantly register the meaning behind the sinister smile: your impending doom.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I do have something for my most talented and gung-ho reporter and best friend.”
“Kindly elaborate,” you smile back acrimoniously, squinting your eyes in distrust.
“It involves a profile feature of a popular varsity athlete.”
An involuntary groan escapes your lips almost instantly. Athletes are the worst people to interview.
“That’s not even the worst part yet. As we’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of our publication this year, we’ll be doing a special spread on honorary members of the school, including club presidents, captains and valedictorians. Oh, which reminds me – maybe I should feature myself for being the most overworked Editor-In-Chief because this publication is sucking my entire soul, but anyway, I digress.”
He brings up his mug to his lips. It’s only 10am, but you wonder how many cups he has had, eyeing the pallor of his face.
“I’ve already assigned the other reporters their respective targets for the lack of a better word, and left the toughest nut for you to crack,” he grins smugly and that’s when it hits you.
Clocking you square in the face.
“Yoongi, no you didn—”
“Yoongi, yes,” his smirk widens at your aghast expression, “A profile feature on Kim Taehyung, for my most talented and hardworking reporter.”
Kim Taehyung.
Your biggest nemesis.
The boy who lives to torment you.  
Literally everyone in school and their mother (or their dog) knows him because 1) he’s quite a looker (he’s known for having a god damn symmetrical face and you’re honestly baffled and amazed at how people even took the time to check the degree of symmetry), 2) he’s the captain of the varsity football team (cue the huge hoo-ha about varsity captains), 3) he’s probably slept with everyone in school and their mother (okay, that’s an exaggeration, but he is a dumb fuckboy to the bone), and 4) he’s also the poster boy for the department of narcissistic and annoying fuckboys, star football player and all that jazz.
“What the fuck?”
You challenge the carefully hidden astonishment reflected in Yoongi’s eyes, disregarding how the other reporters in the newsroom have jumped in their seats at your abrupt outburst.
“You know I fucking hate him!”
Yoongi, per contra, does absolutely nothing to show the slightest of empathy, simply because he has none, and even finds the scowl on your face hilarious, “Which is exactly why you’re the perfect person for this story.”
“There must be someone else whom I can cover. Please, Yoongi – I really, really don’t want to take this up.”
“Listen,” he sighs, running his hand through his fingers and you know that signifies that his sigh is genuine, “As your friend, I’m really sorry that you’ve been assigned to this story, but there’s no one more suitable than you. No one does profiles as incredible as you. Look, you just need to follow him around for a week – observe how he is in class, what he does after class and how he performs on the field. I can promise that it won’t be that bad.”
You frown, “As my friend? Then… what about–”
You don’t miss the 180 change from his previous expression, the soft in his comforting smile replaced with a sneer that is all malign in a blink of an eye.
Panic starts to form a thick film in your throat.
Lowering his voice by two tones, he snarls, “As your Editor-In-Chief, I only have three words for you: suck it up. The journalism world is a dog-eat-dog world. You don’t and can’t choose your beats. What you can do is to go out there and come back with a story, or this newspaper is going to flop at your hands, along with your GPA.”
Such audacity.
You glare at him in disbelief, squinting your eyes at the sneer that’s still plastered on his face.
“As my friend,” you mimic, dragging each word, “Fuck you bitch.”
Sighing out loud with absolute disregard, you clench your fists to tamper down the vexation that threatens to escape your throat, “But for the sake of my GPA and this publication that is my precious baby, I’ll take this up. Very unwillingly though, I must add. But if he refuses to cooperate, he can suck my ass.”
“You have my seal of approval if you meant that literally.”
“Fuck off—”
“Anyways, you won’t need to worry about Tae. I contacted him just now – he’ll be expecting you at practice on Monday.”
You roll your eyes, “Tae? I can never understand how you two are close.”
He inches closer to taunt you further, “May I remind you that Tae and I literally grew up together in Daegu, so he’s like my little bro. Anyways, he also told me to tell you that he cannot wait to see you.”
Nose scrunched up in disgust, you groan out loud at the duality before you, before flipping your friend off and burying your head in your palms.
But as much as you hate to admit it, Yoongi’s right. You have to suck it up.
If doing this profile is the only way to save your GPA and the publication, to hell with your pride and Kim Taehyung. You’re going to do this story well and you’re going to make sure that nothing, absolutely nothing – including Kim Taehyung and his fuckboy antics – is going to fuck that up.
Not in this economy.
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Building up to Monday aka the Big Day as what Yoongi calls it, while you refer to it as the Day You Die), Yoongi has left you very specific instructions for the profile feature, expecting you to find some easy way out of this. He normally leaves you on your own, knowing that you’d always return with a solid piece that he won’t be able to find anything to nit-pick on. But for this task, he has ordered you to follow the boy around for a whole damn week and expects you to submit your voice recordings for accurate transcription.
Right from the get-go, you can already deem this profile to be the most stressful and frustrating piece in your entire journalism career. In other words, it’s a sham. A popularity stunt. A hoax. An opportunity to give Kim Taehyung even more clout and undeserving commendation than what the resident fuckboy deserves.
The day you finish your story will the best day of your life because you won’t ever need to interact with the said boy ever again.
To say that you hate him would be an understatement – sure, hate is a strong emotion, yadda yadda yadda, but the cacophony of arrogance and smugness that radiates off him makes your face scrunch up in disdain whenever he’s around. Though you would never allow him to have such power over you, he has tormented you countless of times with his shameless flirting whenever he has the chance to, and by simply existing and being his annoying, putrid self. You really don’t know why Taehyung has taken a liking to teasing you and pushing your buttons, ever since Yoongi introduced the two of you two years ago.
The sun is dripping down on the soccer field with delicacy, casting its golden light on the grass patch when Coach blows the whistle from the sidelines. Right in the heart of the field, Number 6 springs into action on the field, shouting commands at his teammates who listen to him intently.
Indeed, there are many other guys running all over the field, decked in the same jersey, but you could instantly recognise the outline of Taehyung’s ass, your eyes fixated on how the fabric of his shorts hugs his lower half like a second skin. Much to your dismay, one of your thirsty friends had hooked up with Taehyung last Christmas and didn’t allow you to forget the details of his bomb dick game and the thickness of his ass, so it’s fair to say that you have a good gauge of how his ass looks like. Not that you take pride in that knowledge though.
A smug smirk plays on his lips when he scores another goal as he instinctively pumps his fist to the air. You observe how he proceeds to run around the field, high-fiving and patting his teammates to spur them on.
Being the captain of the precious varsity football team, Kim Taehyung naturally carries an aura of confidence, which easily moulds into palpable cockiness. He’s infuriatingly talented and thus, his big ego sadly, and he also doesn’t have much of a filter and says anything that comes to mind. You’ve come to a conclusion that his language is an unfortunate concatenation of sexual jokes, sarcastic taunts and indolent mischief.
As if having sensed your gaze, he cranes his neck in the midst of practice and shoots you a seemingly innocent grin when he spots you standing awkwardly at the sidelines, hugging your notebook like they’re a piece of armour shield. But you know that there is more to his smile than just innocence. Still maintaining eye contact with you, he grabs the hem of his shirt to dry the sweat on his forehead and smirks in satisfaction when your face drops disgruntledly.
After calling for a five, he jogs up to you, his smile unwavering. Behind him, his teammates have all huddled together, pretending to drink up and talk amongst each other, but their eyes are all glued on the interaction between you and their captain.
“My my, look who we have here. Isn’t it my favourite girl cheering me on during practice?”
Taehyung’s awful voice pierces your eardrums, thick with honey and mixed with some other cloyingly sweet substances.
Your annoyance reaches its peak level as your eyes narrow to slits when he stops right in front of you.
You could leave right this instance. In fact, you very much want to, but your conscience is holding you back. While you’ve contemplated smoking your way for the profile one too many times, you know that Yoongi, being the smart shit he is, would be able to see through it (and also, Taehyung might just snitch on you) and the mere thought of a disappointed Yoongi just bites you.
“Look,” you spit, facing him properly for the first time, “I’m here against my own will because I have a story to write and that’s the only reason why I am even here. So I would very much appreciate it if you could quit acting like a jerk and let me do my job so I can leave ASAP.”
You’ve never been this up-close with Taehyung before, not when all you ever focus on around him is putting on your bitchiest expression, coming up with spiteful retorts, or pretending that you didn’t see him in the hallway which is actually impossible because he comes for you like a plague.
“Sssh, did you hear that?”
“That’s the sound of you begging for my help.”
A taunting smirk inches its way onto the edges of Taehyung’s lips and you want to sock him in the face and wipe it off his lips. Your glare seems to only spur it to grow wider, as if somehow your clear distaste for him is amusing to him.
“Going to fake a quote for me again?” He continues, the shit-eating grin never leaving his face.
“If you continue pissing me off, I just might.”
For your previous article which involved having to interact with Taehyung, he had refused to answer your questions properly, spouting nonsense and idiotic pickup lines that served of no value to your article. You just needed a one-liner from the egotistical football captain, but all he did was obliterate your gossamer thin patience and last few braincells. Given his insistent reluctance to cooperate, you eventually made up a quote for him – something along the lines of “I don’t really think much about life – I just YOLO it because you know, YOLO” – and made sure that it reflected him badly.
The quote eventually became the unofficial quote of the year and it gives you so much satisfaction, knowing that it made a small dent on Taehyung’s reputation. On bad days, you’d think of the fake quote and laugh to yourself. Needless to say, he was enraged and even sent complaint emails to Yoongi for false reporting. Journalism ethics? You don’t know her.
“Oh yes, where were we?” He draws out each word with a smooth tone, unfazed, “We were talking about how I hold your fate in the palm of my hands, Princess.”
You hate that nickname he has for you. You don’t even remember when and how it started or what led to the nickname. Grunting out loud in abhorrence, you stop to contemplate kicking him in the shin and running away, but you lack the courage to carry out the former because if you’re to ever hurt the precious varsity captain, you can jolly well bid farewell to your collegiate life.
But before you can even take a step away, he stops you by blocking your passage with an even wider smirk. If he is fucking ecstatic at your rage, he’s determined on making sure that you’re well aware of it. 
“Seriously, if you don’t want to do this, let me know right now so we don’t waste each other’s time.”
“Oh Y/N,” he calls out dramatically and you cringe at how your name rolls off his tongue, “I did promise Yoongi-hyung about that profile, but I didn’t promise him that I won’t make your life a living hell.”
If it’s possible for your eyeballs to roll out of the socket, you’re pretty sure it would have already happened by now because Kim Taehyung is impossible.
“Okay,” you exhale, gathering your thoughts, “Then I will, for the better of mankind, start this civilly. But let me just say that I’ll take the mantle of being the bigger person here, which isn’t hard because you’re technically not a person.”
“Of course, I’m more than just a person,” he laughs and a devilish smirk, way too familiar against your own will, tugs at his lips, “I’m Kim Taehyung.”
“Did I ask? Can we just get this over and done with so that I can stop being around your despicable presence, stat.”
“Now, that’s not the way to treat your interviewee. Also, Yoongi said you’ll be following me around for a week. You’ll be around my ‘despicable presence’,” he holds up his fingers in the air to quote, “For an entire week. You think up for it, babe?”
He waggles his eyebrows with a mischievous glint blazing in his eyes, enjoying the scowl on your face.
“Fuck off, Kim.”
His eyes light up when he realises that he’s hit a nerve.
“Every breath you draw in my presence annoys the heck of me,” you edge, words slowing down to a pace that’s normally used on children.  
His large, almond eyes continue to regard you with keen interest.
“That’s funny. I thought that after all this while, you would be used to me scoring right into your goal.”
“Get your head out your ass.”
“Oh, I’ll have you know that I have a bomb ass. 10 out of 10 would tap.”
He laughs with an amused grin on his face, the same one he always has whenever he riles you up, finding entertainment in your fury. You hate his laughter. He’s always laughing, his smile huge and genuine and his out of this world personality knocking girls off-kilter. You hate it. Everything about it.
“What the fuck,” you spit scathingly, mouth agape in utter disbelief at the boy in front of you, or Satan himself wearing the flesh of a human.
You end up only asking two questions from your entire list of 15 questions, but it’s as though you’re stuck at square one because his answers are either half-assed or pure nonsense, and boy are you pissed.
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“Hey, you’re alive.”
You look up from your misery and see the very cause of the said misery, standing at the door with an eyebrow raised. You don’t miss the extra sarcastic bite to his voice and the irritating smirk on his face, but you’d like to believe that he’s actually impressed by your unyielding resilience.
“Highly arguable. Mentally, no, but physically, yes I am. Not for long though,” you grunt, tone imbued in sarcasm because you are seriously done with this profile feature and you can’t wait for this torture to end.
Lifting your tumbler, you suck on the dregs of your coffee and groan louder at how it’s no longer hot. Lukewarm coffee is like torture to the tongue, much more than burning your tongue. You’re one of the annoying customers who would request for extra hot coffee, because you simply can, and you’re used to them faking a smile and then rolling their eyes when they’ve turned on their backs.
“I take it that something happened?”
“Oh nothing,” you shoot him a sarcastic grin, “Except for the fact that the bastard just toyed with me and wasted my Monday evening. If this is how it’s going to be, I say that we stop immediately.”
“Oh come on, it’s just the first day! I get that Tae can be playful and says a lot of stupid things, but he’s actually a really nice dude.”
“I just don’t like him,” you mumble and your voice trails off upon realising that you sound like a bratty preschool kid who can’t get along with the others.
Yoongi scoffs at your remark to correct you, “You don’t like anybody.”
“As if you’re not the most misanthropic person I know.”
“Wow, this ain’t about me,” Yoongi throws his hands up in the air in faux-defeat, “This is about you and Taehyung. Can you at least tell me why you hate his guts?”
The empty remark that brews on the tip of your tongue dies instantly and all you can lamely mutter is, “Over my dead body.”
“Seriously? Why?”
“Because I’m embarrassed.”
“Wait, what? Did you embarrass yourself in front of him?” Yoongi urges with a confused frown, but your lips are still sealed.
“Something like that.”
“Would you be so kind as to elaborate on that?”
“Nope, continue suffering.”
He rolls his eyes in disbelief, before flipping you the bird.
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The next two mornings, you find yourself dragging yourself across the campus and past the newsroom, just to show up at the football field. Upon your arrival, the entire team ditches their warmup session and falls into a collective silence, openly gawking at you and your every movement. The sudden change in the atmosphere elicits an uncomfortable shiver to crawl up your spine. Looks like your social anxiety is about to have a field day.
“Captain, you have a visitor!”
One of the boys hollers with a playful glint in his voice, breaking the silence. At that, some teammates instantly gather in their own circles to whisper to one another, while some discuss your presence without bothering to be discrete. Is this… a jock version of Mean Girls?
“Tae! Your girl is here again!” Another dude shouts and you turn around to shoot a glare at the owner of the voice, eyebrows furrowed.
“Call me his girl one more time and I’ll make sure your legs won’t make it to finals.”
“Damn, a feisty babe. Noice.”
Another guy comes up to you – Jungkook, you recognise him because he’s in one of your classes. His build towers over you, while he flashes you a small, shy smile and you can’t deny that he is pretty cute with his dimples and doe eyes, which makes him look like a little bunny, but all hope is irrevocably lost when he opens his mouth.
“Hey, I think I lost my number. Can I get yours?”
The earlier guy who calls you feisty butts in, “If Taehyung isn’t fucking you right, call me yeah? I’ll make you feel real goo—”
“Minjae, leave her alone.”
You hear a displeased grunt from behind you and turn around to an annoyed Taehyung. His grip on the football in his hand tightens, before he shoves it roughly at Minjae, throwing his teammate off completely.
“Guys, please leave Y/N alone. She’s here to interview me, so I’d appreciate it if you could keep it in your pants and have some decency or respect for yourself.”
The boys instantly mutter a sorry, the peculiar sharp undercurrent of their captain’s voice has them heaving themselves upright in alarm.
You turn your head slightly to look at Taehyung, who’s wearing a vexed frown on his face – well that’s a first for someone who is joking around and laughing. Seeing his strong side profile irks the fuck out of you because someone this attractive shouldn’t be such a big nuisance. What an unfortunate waste. Of course, you would rather be impaled than admit this.
“If you don’t go back to warmups, you’re getting another 5 more laps around the field!” He raises his voice to the entire team and they scramble back to their warmup positions like ants.
After making sure that the team is back on the grind, he spares you another look and leads you to an empty bench away from the warmup area.
“Pretty sure you could have handled it yourself, but you looked uncomfortable,” he smiles apologetically, resting his hand on the back of his neck.
“Well, if you didn’t make me wait, I wouldn’t have needed to go through that.”
“I was helping this freshman who needed extra help with his dribbling. It’s a one-on-one thing so we were in the clubroom.”
“Whatever, it’s cool.”
“Anyways… I got an earful from Yoongi-hyung this morning. He said that I was being too annoying yesterday, so yeah, sorry about that…” His voice trails off and for once, the smile playing on his lips is sheepish, instead of a cocky one.  
“I said I’m sorry. And also for my teammates’ behaviour. Don’t know why they act like this every time they see a girl on the field.”
“D-Did you just apologise to me? Is everything okay, like you know, with your brain?”
“What?” He scoffs, but the smile on his face still remains, “I’m not an asshole. I will apologise if I crossed the line.”
“Kim, not to burst your bubble, but you’ve crossed the line with your annoying and rude ass self since the beginning of time.”
And there it is again. That little grin tugging softly at his lips as his eyes lock themselves on yours.
“Not going to lie, that’s part of my charm.”
You hastily ignore the stirrings of intrigue in your chest, deciding to stop with the chit-chat, “Yeah sure. Let’s just start with the interview. I’ve got a class in an hour.”
He extends an arm to gesture you to sit down on the bench, while he settles down beside you and leans back in an elegant slouch, one ankle crossed over a knee.
“So, let’s talk about the freshmen players this year. Anyone potential successors yet? Do you have a lot of one-on-one trainings?”
“Wow, we playing 20 questions now?”
“Kim,” you sigh loudly with every intention of making sure that he knows how done you are, “I’m literally here to interview you. If I don’t ask questions, then what’s the point.”
“I was just kidding!” He throws his head back with a chuckle, “All right, shoot me with your best shot.”
“Okay,” you clear your throat, “You’re called the dark horse of the school. How do you feel about that?
“Do you like horses?”
“Bet you’ll like mine.”
You cup your face in your palm, as your heaving suspire lowers into an interminable groan, “Kim Taehyung. Before I—”
“Hmmm, so a dark horse…” he begins slowly, “I think it’s a respectable and fulfilling title. It’s when you amaze them with how unexpectedly good you are. It’s about really proving your competence to everyone who didn’t think highly of you before, so I’ll take it with pride and satisfaction.”
You nod your head as he speaks and when he finishes his sentence, you ask with a raised eyebrow, “Practiced that much?”
“Every day before I go to bed.”
“Well, I can show you first-hand.”
“You fucking wish.”
Thankfully, Taehyung gradually stops playing around and actually starts answering your questions properly without giving bullshit answers or making suggestive remarks.
At your last question about his legacy in school, he even elaborates without any prompters and you gratefully take everything down, nodding once in a while when he brings up a good point.
“Wow, you’re writing all these down while I’m talking? Can I see?”
You casually hand him your notebook and he gapes dramatically at the notes you’ve taken.
“These are just scribbles, but they’ll help with transcribing later on.”
“Wow I have to say, I’m impressed and also a little turned on right now.”
Rolling your eyes for the nth time in disbelief, you grunt, “Kim, you do know that you’re still being recorded, right?”
“Of course,” he smirks, raising instant flags for mischief etched across his lips, “Here’s a little note for Y/N who will listen to this when she gets home – I think she’s hot as fuck.”
“You’re shameless.”
Laughter bellows from his lungs, “That I am. I’m not going to deny it.”
Afterwards, he offers to take you for a tour around the clubroom, showing you the medals and trophies that the team has snagged over the years. As he elaborates on the trajectory of the varsity team, the noisy chatter of other students outside fades into background noise like timing in your ears.
He shows you a picture of the team taken from two years ago and your eyes nearly pop out at how small and out of place freshman Taehyung looks. He’s grinning widely at the camera, surrounded by his poker-faced burly seniors, painfully sticking out like a sore tongue, even more so with his scrawny build.
“You look way too happy in the picture that I actually have second-hand embarrassment,” you mutter, but Taehyung manages to catch it.  
“Hey! I was an excited freshie and they didn’t tell me it was a formal picture.”
When you leave the clubroom that day, you take along with you new knowledge about Kim Taehyung. Firstly, you learn that he has only been playing football for two years, which comes off as a shock and almost a form of embarrassment when compared to the other guys with at least a decade of football experience, thus deserving the title of a dark horse. He’s always been more of an arts dude, but he got sucked into the sport when he and his best friend from high school Jimin walked past the football tryouts during orientation.
Secondly, either his cologne or shampoo has a fruity undertone and this is derived from the fact that he is suddenly standing so close to you that you can feel the warmth of his breath and see each glimmer of darkness that surfaces in his orbs, alongside the humming warmth radiating off of his body.
A chill runs down your spine and your heart starts slamming against your chest out of nowhere at the proximity. You’re not used to being so physically close to him and you try not to think about how his alluring scent has you biting the inside of your cheek.
Taehyung seems to know his effect on you because his lips start to spread into a wolfish grin, inching closer to you.
“Your fuckboy antics won’t work on me, Kim.”
Your voice doesn’t come off as strong as you wanted it to, but you hope that he doesn’t catch on.
“You sure about that, princess?” His breath fans out across your cheeks when he speaks, causing instant warmth to scatter over your skin in the rise of gooseflesh.
Irritation bubbles like a brook throughout your entire body.
It’s taking every single willpower of yours not to headbutt him in the face. You desperately want to, but because you’re obviously the bigger person here and you need to prevent yourself from being expelled from school, you could only jab your finger harshly at his chest.
“Try it on another chick, yeah?”
He uncoils from his slouch and rises to his full height, exuding a smug superiority.
“What if you’re the only one I want to try it on?” He teases, his voice echoing with timber, rich and velvet.
You shoot him a leer, accompanied with the imaginary daggers to his face, trying to ignore the steadfast flutter in your belly. By the anger that undulates from your pinched features, he knows he’s left you tongue-tied, and this only spurs his grin to widen, your clear distaste for him a pure entertainment and amusement to him.
“I hate you.”
You grit, but your voice comes out as a mere squeak. You feel like burying yourself from the weight of his longing gaze. Clearing your throat, you push the strange flutter that’s settling in your belly as you hoist your bag over your shoulder and speed-walk away from him, missing the way he smiles at your departing silhouette.
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The shift in Taehyung’s demeanour on the field is beyond commendable, almost palpable to everyone who has their eyes on him. When he’s on the field, there is no fooling around, only the giving of his one hundred and one percent to the game.
Moving agilely with astounding precision, you observe how his sun-kissed skin shimmers with a thin sheen of sweat on his neck, while his eyes sparkle with intensity.
All right. There is some truth that Taehyung looks kind of cool (do people still use that word to describe someone?) and charismatic like this, all serious and immersed in the game. You just wonder if he could be the same when answering your questions.
His brown mop of tousled locks is damp, parted haphazardly, while his jersey clings onto his frame, drenched with perspiration. His biceps strain against the fabric and the veins on his exposed forearms are given prominence when he grabs onto the ball with his fingers effortlessly. Taehyung’s not the buffest, but he is lean with just a nice amount of toned muscles.
When your eyes trail further south for an infinitesimal moment, his tight football pants accentuating the swell of his thighs and the curve of his ass on full display come into view.
Fuck. Your eyes divert back up to his face when you realise what you’ve been gawking at. As the sun hikes up in the sky, it casts a pretty golden glow on his profile, highlighting his sun-kissed skin. You push away the sensation of a small bud blooming in your chest when you meet his gaze, especially when he shoots you his signature boyish smile, a foil to your frown.
Well, looks like someone is happy to see you.
A disconcerting feeling starts to stir in the pit of your stomach when Taehyung approaches you without wiping that smile off his face.
“Good job for surviving two and a half days with me. You ready for today?”
“Replying yes or no literally won’t make a difference at all.”
Shrugging, you lift your tumbler to sip on your coffee before pulling a face.
“Fuck,” you curse quietly under your breath, unexpecting Taehyung to catch it but he does.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing… My coffee isn’t hot anymore.”
“I bought this tumbler not long ago and it’s supposed to be good at trapping heat, but it just sucks and it was kind of expensive? I’m so angry I need to get another one—”
You stop your rant abruptly when you realise that Taehyung’s been staring at you quietly. He even urges you to continue with a nod of his head.
“Sorry, I’m oversharing.”
It’s not your fault that you tend to get too passionate when talking about your distaste for lukewarm coffee. For something that’s your bloodline, it has to be the right temperature, or else.
“Is that your pet peeve?”
You nod, “You can’t judge me though, or I’ll punch you.”
“It’s cool. If your greatest nemesis is lukewarm coffee—”
“Wrong. My greatest nemesis is the boy who’s currently talking to me right now.”
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” he rolls his eyes in faux-annoyance, “I absolutely detest coffee, big ass pills that I can’t swallow, and bread crusts.”
“Wait,” you stare at him pointedly in a cursory silence. “You don’t like coffee?”
“Nah, never liked the bitter taste.”
“Okay…” You drag your word out, “But you can just add sugar? Not that I do, I like it bitter. But please elaborate on the big ass pills and bread crusts. For a big boy like you, I have to say that this is pretty amusing.”
Laughter rises in Taehyung’s lungs at the pure confusion on your face, “I can’t swallow pills. Used to always puke them out. I usually crush them and yes, I know it tastes even worse but really, how else can I take my medicine? And bread crusts? Incardinate of evil. I’m really picky when it comes to bread.”
You can’t help but laugh at his dramatic expression. You don’t think you’ve ever had a proper chat with Taehyung that didn’t include insults, remarks, or retorts of any kind.
“You’re one weird boy, Kim.”
The conversation carries on smoothly, tucking itself into every available space, and you’ve got to admit that not only is Taehyung not bad at holding a conversation, he’s also a decent listener and listens quietly when necessary. This really piques your curiosity – maybe Yoongi’s right about him, maybe there is indeed a decent side to him. You’re just not sure why Taehyung loves to push your buttons. It’s as if he wants you to give him the time of day.
From your periphery, you realise that Taehyung’s looking straight at you and you freeze at the weight of his piercing gaze, feeling hot all of a sudden. A stunned silence encompasses the space between you, sitting heavily in your lungs.
After mustering up some courage, you look up to meet his eyes to reciprocate his actions, but your gaze diverts to the ground when you realise that his eyes are piercing right into your soul, like they’re searching or yearning for something.
“Kim,” you clear your throat awkwardly, “What are you doing?”
“Looking at you,” he replies matter-of-factly, his intense gaze never leaving your face. You want to bury yourself alive when you feel a persistent heat simmering under your skin, tinging your cheeks a translucent pink.
“And may I know why?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” The right corner of his lips curls up into a smirk. He’s raising a challenge.
“Spit it out.”
“Do I say the truth or?”
“Not that bold after all, huh?”
“Well,” he opens his mouth again with a devious little gleam in his eyes, “I was thinking about kissing you.”
You don’t miss how he is openly gawking at your lips and your eyes instinctively rest on his as well, which are somewhere between the colour of peaches and cherries. You’re not sure of what washes over you, but your mouth takes the better of you. And for the first time, your words aren’t clogged in your throat.
“Do it then.”
You look at him through your lashes, dark and coy, eyebrow raised, testing the very limits of Taehyung’s restraint.
The erratic beating of his heart is in sync with yours, but it increases within a second when you notice his gaze fall back on your lips from your eyes. Suddenly, this sparks your curiosity and all you can think about is how good Taehyung’s would feel on yours.
“Do it, Taehyun—”
Before you could even mutter his name, his lips are suddenly smashed against yours.
Goosebumps rise on your skin in its wake when his tongue grazes along the flesh of your lower lip, and you, suddenly so enthralled by the boy in front of you, part your mouth to meet him halfway.
You don’t know how long it has been. With his lips pressed against yours, you lose track of time, watch it fly away in the form of the licks on your mouth. Taehyung slackens his jaw to deepen the kiss, cupping your face with his hands to bring you closer to him. His tongue brushes against the underside of yours and then he recedes slightly before tangling for dominance.
Your name leaves his swollen lips in a dulcet whisper, causing your heart to spike in your chest and your stomach to unravel and knot again. You press your palm over your chest to calm the injured patter of your heart against the depths of your stomach.
The way his eyelashes that are almost impossibly thick and dark flutter just a fraction with each breath, brushing slightly against your nose and you squirm at the intimacy of the moment.
When he finally parts away, you feel like you’ve been electrocuted. But your stomach drops again when a pretty blush blooms over Taehyung’s face, crossing the bridge of his nose and spreading over his cheekbones. His hands continue to rest on your shoulders, but his touch is so hot and tantalising that it makes you want to melt.
Taehyung has always called bullshit on all those romance novels that rave about how lips can taste as sweet as strawberries. But you taste like the strawberries from his grandparents’ farm – sweet and delectable.
When he licks his lips again, he shudders when his senses register the honey musk of you and the ghost of your afternoon coffee. He hates bitter coffee with a passion, but you taste so fucking sweet. Overly saccharine that he feels dizzy.
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You don’t talk about the incident the previous night and you’re grateful that Taehyung doesn’t act any differently. It was most probably the adrenaline that took over you and also perhaps your curiosity because you’re a reporter and reporters are supposed to be nosey, curious and also dreaming about kissing the varsity soccer team’s captain. Yep, absolutely.  
Your pride be damned. While it kills you to admit it, it’s common knowledge to everyone in the fucking school that Taehyung is just really nice to look at, be it when he dons his jersey, a button up or his colourful printed clothes. There is no doubting his ravishing features – his sharp nose, big almond eyes, long eyelashes, perky lips and the little moles that adorn his face.
Unbeknownst to you, you cross paths with Taehyung in a day more often than you think you do. Too often for your own good. Most of the time, you can hear him before he comes into view. His boisterous laughter that highlights a lilting charm to his low voice fills your ears like a plague. It is as though he has intended to haunt you with his loud presence. And though you’ve already made up your mind to avoid him unless it’s necessary to spare him a glance, it’s quite impossible. After all, you have one job – and that is to follow Taehyung for a week.
“Hey Princess!”
You could almost hear the sneer hidden in his coo and envision it with perfect clarity, that infuriating spark in his eye whenever he manages to rile you up. You don’t turn around, your feet bringing you further away from him, but eventually come to a halt when he jogs up to you, blocking your way of passage.
“I heard you the first time.”
“And you still ignored me? I’m hurt.”
“What do you want?” You grunt loudly, having absolutely no qualms about showing your displeasure.
He slings his football bag over his right shoulder and smiles, “You know, you shouldn’t be mean to a person who just bought you coffee.”
With a goofy smile pulling at his lips, he pushes a tumbler towards you that was initially hidden behind his back.
“You said you don’t like lukewarm coffee and a styrofoam cup wouldn’t keep it warm by the time I pass it to you, so I got you a tumbler… Besides, you said yours wasn’t good so I figured that I’ll just get you a new one.”
Warmth violently flares in the full of your cheeks, tipping your ears pink at his words. You try not to let the fact that he remembers get to you, but he fucking remembers.
You are a college student to the bone. Turning your back on coffee would be a sin. But coffee from Taehyung? In a tumbler that he purposely bought because he fucking remembers what you said?
He beams, simpering at your speechless self. He thinks your shocked expression is adorable, doing nothing for the wildfire claiming the land of his chest.
“Did you, like, stalk me or something?”
“Pfft. Maybe?” He runs a hand through his hair with a lopsided smile, eyes filled with mirth.
“You’re so weird.”
Despite being surrounded by the steaming, teeming mass of students in the crowded hallway, the moment you two share is as private and as comforting as sitting on the sideline bench alone.
“Enjoy your coffee! This tumbler has very good reviews, I checked! So your coffee should be still hot. If not, text me and I’ll give them a bad review.”
“W-What? Tae—”
Before you could call out for him, he has already scrambled away and blended in with the crowd. You deadpan mentally when you realise that the entire hallway is gawking at you and the tumbler around your hand. But what’s more alarming is the strange tightness in your chest and the warm, tingling feeling coursing through your fingertips that you can’t get rid of.
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You start learning random things about Taehyung beyond just football and general facts that everyone knows about him. It’s surreal how drastically your relationship with Taehyung has changed over the past few days. While snarky ripostes and greasy comments (from Taehyung, of course) are still exchanged, talking and listening to each other, or just being with each other, feels almost natural to you. But you’re no longer at each other’s throats and his annoying retorts have significantly decreased.
The daily meetings bring the two of you into line: by tacit and unconscious consent, you two have begun to weave a space for each other in your lives, forming a joint narrative like a breeze in the boughs, hanging in the spaces in between the two of you.
He was telling you about how he likes comparing his cheeks to bread buns, and he likes to stuff his cheeks when he eats, and that his grandparents would get upset if he returns to his hometown with sunken cheeks. You don’t realise that you’ve been grinning this entire time listening to him ramble on about his cheeks, but your smile grows even wider at Taehyung’s lock screen when his phone lights up from a notification.
“Oh my god, is that a dog?”
“Yes!” He exclaims, a little too loudly and shoves his phone in your face, “Say hi to Yeontan! Isn’t he just adorable?”
Your heart jumps at his excited smile and the tinges of pure adoration dancing in his orbs.
“Aww, he looks like a little ball of fluff.”
“He is! But he can also be very grumpy. Like you.”
“Did you just compare me to a dog?” You fold your arms fold over your chest in faux-rage.
“Such audacity!” He raises his palm to his chest with a gasp, feigning indignation. “He’s not just a dog. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me ever since I saw him at the shelter.”
“Oh, I volunteer at a shelter for abandoned and stray pets every month. You know, Yeontan was actually abandoned by his previous owner and I don’t know, I just had to take him in? I would take all the animals at the shelter if I could, to be honest. Maybe next time. Anyways, let me show you more pictures! I have an album full of his pictures.”
“Don’t be like that. I already have a Yeontan who gets super unenthusiastic whenever I show him pictures of other dogs. I think he’s jealous.”
A small smile tugs at your lips and the edges of his lips start to curl up to a semblance of a smile as well.
“Well, Yeontannie sure is one lucky dog.”
“More like I am one lucky boy,” he beams, flashing his honey bread cheeks in all their glory.  
There’s no denying the sweet quiet of Taehyung’s presence when he’s not making stupid remarks, and this is expounded by how time seems to forget about its own existence these few days. Before you know it, it’s already dark and you’re soon packing up to head back home.
“I’ll need you to go through some fact-checking with you tomorrow. You free around 6pm?”
“Shit, I think I have something on,” Taehyung pouts, fishing out his phone from his pocket, “Let me check.”
“Oh, then it’s fine—”
“Do you want me to cancel it?”
“No! No, it’s fine!”
“It’s okay, I can just postpone it—”
“That’ll mean that you’re cancelling for me.... and you know, you don’t have to.”
“It’s just dinner with Jimin. Fact-checking is important for your article, right?” He says quietly, while his eyes come slowly round and rivet themselves upon your face.
You don’t miss the twinkle in his eyes, igniting a blaze deep in your bones and washing your senses away. All of a sudden, your throat feels constricted, breaths coming out short. You’re hyperaware of how close he is and to be honest, you feel like you’re standing in a room that’s on fire, too hot for the chilly evening which has a very high chance of rain.  
Even if you continue to insist that you despise him, you can’t help but admit that somewhere deep down, something between the two of you is now different. 
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Exhaustion creeps up onto Taehyung, the pain in his arms manifested in his back as well, gradually sneaking into his legs until all his limbs are aching and stiff. Hunched over on a bench, he grits his teeth in frustration, nails digging the skin of his palms, while hot tears threaten to spill.
On Friday, you’ve walked into the team huddled in a circle, frowns all over their faces, a congealing tension evident in the air. From the clamour, it seems that one of the boys have gotten injured during practice and the team was split into two on who to be held responsible and whether there was any foul play involved.
From the sidelines, you watch Taehyung order everyone to shush and makes everyone sit down for a deconflict session. He appears surprisingly calm and addresses the issue in a collected manner. Afterwards, he invites the team to share about how they feel, allowing the conflict to openly spoken about and viewed from different perspectives. He listens attentively, like he always does with you, and speaks clearly and practically, easing the tension in the air till their teammates start coming to a consensus.  
When he sees you standing at the sidelines, he gives you a small smile that you easily see through and approaches you after making sure that his teammates are cool with one another and reminds them that whatever happens on the field stays in the field.
“So um,” you begin quietly, treading carefully around his feelings, “Are fights like that common?”
You already know the answer from looking at the size of the dark bags under his eyes. He is slowly breaking down, but still holding tightly onto the carefree façade that he puts on for show, for the team. It’s also mid-terms period and from the earlier interviews, you remember that he is on a scholarship that he cannot afford to lose because his parents are struggling to send his other siblings to school as well.
Contrary to popular belief, Taehyung isn’t an open book. He’s more of a sealed book, covered in dust and trapped in a forgotten corner of a bookstore. He has his own elusive way of dealing with ways, befriending people, treasuring the people and things around him, but he has also his own way of hiding his feelings. He hates the idea of being vulnerable with people.
He is a combination of hot and cold – sometimes you feel like he’s an old friend because of the emotional compatibility and his comfortable presence, but sometimes, he just goes back to being the cocky fuckboy he is. Maybe that’s just part of the jock persona – to deceive people into thinking that he’s more than that. But in all honesty, that’s not Taehyung and you wouldn’t compartmentalise him like that or homogenise him as just another fuckboy no matter how much you dislike him.
You think you’d know him quite well from having shadowed him the past week. It has come to your realisation that you’re no longer at each other’s throats and his annoying retorts have significantly decreased, but you’re not sure whether it’s because he’s just tired from everything to go out of his way to be annoying. But you don’t have any complaints.  
He lets out a dry chuckle at your question, his words sounding sugar crystalised and rough in his throat, “Are you asking this as a friend or as a reporter?”
“We’re friends?”
Some threads of a biting remark begin to sew themselves together in his mind, but he stops instantly, too tired to really fabricate anything, much less bother to speak.
“Taehyung,” you call out after drawing a furtive breath, “Don’t doubt yourself. You’re a great friend and captain.”
Your soft and sincere tone permeates through Taehyung’s every last prickle of frustration, especially when you offer him a reassuring smile, “What you did out there was one of the selfless acts I’ve ever seen in a leader. And this should mean something, you know, considering that it’s coming from me.”
“Of course I am, I’m actually nicer than I look.”
“I know you’re kidding, but I’m trying to be serious here and on the off chance you’re not, fuck off.”
He remains quiet.  
“I’m serious though. It’s obviously not easy being the captain, but it’s clear that you have rightfully earned the respect from all your teammates. You handled it quite well without being biased or losing your cool.”
“I did?” His tone, deep in timbre, is so quietly surprised that it gnaws at your heart.
“Conflicts like that are a daily occurrence,” he mumbles, “But they can really break or make our teamwork and… the momentum for me as their captain, so I have to try? I have to be responsible for my guys.”
You watch how a cocky smirk instantly settles itself on his lips right after you think that he has opened up, “But I might be just great at forming relationships and team-bonding.”
“Judging from how you treat the girls around you, I don’t think that’s completely true.”
“Girls around me?”
“You’re a fuckboy. I don’t think it’s safe to say that your relationships with girls are great.”
“It’s just sex, no big deal.”
“And that gives you the right to play with their feelings?”
“Of course not, we just hook up that’s all. No hard feelings. It’s just sex with no strings attached and they all know it. Before I hook up with someone, I make it very clear that I’m not looking for anything serious. Just meaningless sex and fun.”
“Okay, but let’s say for example, a girl does end up falling for you. Is that solely her fault?”
He stops to think.
“For now, I just don’t wish to get involved in anything serious. I don’t have the time or the energy to deal with feelings.”
You scrunch your nose up in distaste when Taehyung shrugs his shoulders casually, dismissing the conversation.
You’re not someone who is easily lost for words, always quick to retort with a witty comeback, especially when it’s with Taehyung. But this time, all you could mutter is an “I see”, before pretending to focus on writing on your notepad. For some reason, you feel like your heart just took a dip. The thought of him playing around with girls leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but you can’t comprehend why. Since when did you care what Taehyung does with his life? You never did before.
Maybe it’s because at the back of your mind, you know that your said example might not exactly be one. Maybe.
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Sunday arrives quicker than ever. In retrospect, you know this day would come – in fact, you’ve been waiting for this day ever since Yoongi assigned you the profile. But there’s just something – sort of a difference in the air surrounding you and Taehyung – that kneads at your heart about this coming to an end. Whatever this is.
He doesn’t say a word when you take a sip from the tumbler that he gave you, but you’re pretty sure that the way his eyes instantly lit up with a smile to match says it all.
“Oh right! Have you eaten breakfast? I, um,” he coughs awkwardly, hand scratching the back of his hand with a nervous smile, “made some sandwiches this morning.”
He turns around to his sports bag and fishes out a lunchbox, “Strawberry cream sandwiches!”
“My grandparents own a strawberry farm, so I get all the best strawberries!” He beams, and his eyes turn into little sparkly crescents. At that, your heart skips in two, one half in your throat and the other down in your gut.
“Not to be biased, but these are the tastiest and sweetest strawberries ever. Oh! After Japanese strawberries, but don’t tell my grandparents. They’ll be sad.”
“Anyways, try it,” he hands you a sandwich and you take a moment to observe how it screams Kim Taehyung at his finest. He has trimmed the bread crusts (his nemesis) and added a shit ton of cream cheese.
Taehyung’s crescent-like eyes are now staring straight into you as he watches you bite into the sandwich, anticipating for your reaction. There’s something in his gaze that makes your limbs heavy. It makes you feel trapped and lost in the depths of his eyes, warm and inviting.
You smile at the sweet and sour taste and he literally jumps with joy, flashing his honeyed cheeks.
“It’s good, right?” He chirps, beckoning you to eat more and you ignore how Taehyung’s cheeks are fully stuffed and how he chews with a natural pout on his lips.
For a moment, the world seems to be out of space and time as you sit on the bench, savouring the sweetness of everything. Taehyung is looking at you and the moment is lengthening. He becomes severely tongue-tied, no longer knowing what to say, but yearns for this moment to stay the way it is.  
“Nice weather, huh?”
“Talking about the weather now?” You ask in a bemused tone and he puffs, rolling his eyes playfully, but the growing tingle of pink on his cheeks doesn’t escape your notice.
“I-I mean... It’s nice.”
A softness settles into the lines of Taehyung’s face, and you can’t bring yourself to look away when his eyes land on yours, “It’s nice being here with you.”
And he means it. He generally feels good around you. He isn’t an anxious or socially awkward person, and he’s got tons of friends, but he still finds himself putting on a mask with most of them. A slightly louder, a more playful and enthusiastic version of himself. He almost always becomes the life of the party, the person who makes things easier and more comfortable for everyone else – breaking the silence, making jokes, drawing people out of their shells and easing them into conversations. He likes being that kind of person.
But it does get tiring, sometimes.
He likes being quiet, sometimes.
Sometimes, he just likes to curl up on the couch in his PJs and not feel like he has to be Funny! Loud! And gregarious! All at once. On some days, he just wants to laze around and watch anime till his eyes bleed. On some days, he just wants to be a normal college student without a team to manage and reputation to uphold.
You roll your eyes at his sudden confession, hoping that the warmth that sits high on your cheeks isn’t that obvious, but it probably is, from the way your heart ensnares at how Taehyung’s lips are stretched so widely across his face, his crescent eyes crinkling so adorably that you find yourself smiling too.
“You’re a loser,” you tease, shoving him lightly.
Then Taehyung is laughing, highlighting the undertones of oak and berries. He is laughing so hard that his stomach hurts and his chest aches with a drumming sound against his ribcage. Soon, laughter pokes its way across your glassy eyes, with tinges of amusement waltzing in your orbs, and pink cheeks and you’re doubling over him, with tears in your eyes and nose all scrunched up. Taehyung is holding onto you and the moment is lovely, everything is lovely.
You’re lovely.
Taehyung raises his arm to ruffle your hair, stirring up a mini tornado within you and chuckles again when you jump slightly.
“Gotta say that I’d miss having you around. You and your pesky presence. Can’t believe a week just went by just like that.”
“Rude,” you half-heartedly taunt, pushing his hand away, while a corner of your mouth curls up in retaliation.
“It was fun being your side hoe though. Do you know how many glares I’ve received by strangers, literally girls I’ve never seen before in my entire life, in the hallway? Imagine the power I have.”
“What side hoe?” He chuckles boyishly and your breath hitches, “You’re as good as my main.”  
Your heart pulses erratically in your chest, cheeks flushed with a warmth that matches the one that blooms in your heart. The way he makes your heart soar terrifies the fuck out of you.
“Not sure if I should feel honoured.”
“You know, I actually don’t know how we ended up like this. You hated me for the longest time and now we’re sitting here.”
“I did hate you, all right.”
“You have such a personality.”
“That’s another way of calling me a bitch.”
“As in… vibrant, colourful, I don’t know how else to describe you. You’re rude and endearing at the same time – it’s weird.”
The most adorable of smiles form on his face as he lets out a wholehearted laugh, it makes your insides melt.
A grin moulds on your face that resembles his own, “And you’re still a huge pain in the ass.”
“Still a bomb ass that I’ll tap.”
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Later in the day, you receive a text from Taehyung. It’s not the first time that he has texted you. But little did you know that he would be a freaking double texter.
[from annoying ass jock] [18:49] hey you [18:49] do you want to grab dinner [18:49] i am very hungry right now lol [18:49] i mean you’re probably hungry unless you’ve eaten? [18:49] take this as a goodbye dinner, celebratory dinner wtv [18:51] feel free to say no tho HAHAHAHA
[you] [18:53] stfu I wasn’t going to say no [18:53] clam down [18:54] i’m kinda craving for a good burger and cheese fries
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The night passes by smoother and faster than expected. Maybe it’s because you don’t realise the possibility of it being a date. The way Taehyung has asked you for dinner seems rather impromptu, so you’ve completely eliminated the idea of it being a date.
On the other hand, Taehyung himself knows that this is a date. While you’re cutting into your burger, he is furiously chewing on his fries, struggling to believe that you had even taken up his absurd offer of eating dinner together. On a Friday evening. With him. Is it a sign of peace? Or even something more?
He offers to walk you back to your dorm after that, telling you that he needs to walk off his burger. When he walks side-by-side with you, you focus at how he is so tall, how his height literally hovers over you, doing nothing but darkening the pink high on your cheeks.
When he stops in his track abruptly, you have to tilt your head upwards to look at his face, and each passing streetlamp casts his already golden skin in an orange glow, throwing tiny suns in his eyes into orbit.
Tonight is a little different.
The way he’s looking at you is a little different.
He takes your palms into his and starts playing with your fingers, allowing the two of you to stew and bask in the quiet contentment of the night.
His other hand rests gingerly on your waist, before bringing you closer to him. Then you find his lips graze the shell of your ear and shudder at his warm breath on your skin, inviting the rise of gooseflesh to scatter all over your body.
Your mind goes blank. All you can only think about how his touch on your waist burns, how ticklish his breath is on your face, and how there are little awakening tingles that shoot up your spine every time his skin comes into contact with yours. How he’s so gentle with you as if you’re a delicate piece of art.
How much you want him to kiss you.
Honestly, it takes you by surprise how much you actually want him to do just that, how much you’ve unconsciously thought about this so often that you can already imagine the ghost of his fingers down the cleft of your chin.
A fizzle of electricity runs down your spine when he brings your hand to his lips and presses a soft kiss to each finger, before he brushes over your knuckles to intertwine his fingers with yours.
He’s looking at you with as much certainty as you know that he’s going to sweep in and kiss you. You offer him a smile, and it is all the reassurance Taehyung needs before he leans in to press his lips against yours. Something akin to fireworks explodes inside you, colouring your insides and nerves with rainbow sparks. It makes you feel so alive.
The gentle brush of skin becomes static charge. He takes his time with you and kisses you like he’s always had the intention of doing so, like this isn't a spur of the moment catastrophe. Like he wants more of you, needs a taste of what he’s been yearning for the longest time.
You are abstrusely drawn to Taehyung. Like planets condemned by gravity to collide, you two have become yoked as one. It’s the headiness of his scent, the taste of his lips, his tongue that carefully darts over your bottom lip and seeks entrance. It’s the way he’s kissing you, so different, so soft and gentle, like it’s grounded in something you can’t quite place, compared to the first kiss.
Taehyung’s lips are soft like the cup of his hands around your face, but it is the settling of the repeated brush of his mouth against yours that makes you almost melt into the ground.
Nipping lightly at your lower lip, his lips curl up into a smirk when he hears a gasp escape from your mouth, your heart ricocheting in your chest.  
It’s an amalgamation of teeth, hidden feelings and pure adoration that are coming to a head and finally bursting – absolutely everything you wanted and more. But even when your tongues tangle with one another, it is more sensual and romantic than hasty and lustful.
The night is upon you when he parts from you moments later, allowing you to catch the breaths that have escaped from your now swollen-red lips and come down from your highs. You’re staring at him with eyes laced with fondness, before he leans in to meet your forehead and chuckles to himself at how surreal everything is.
You shouldn’t be feeling so happy, so satisfied, but you feel like you’ve been moon-struck. God, you can’t even figure it out yourself. Not when you’re tucked into his broad sturdy chest, his chin resting on the crown of your head and hand resting gently around your waist. Listening to his heartbeat. Though you’re aware that he isn’t looking for anything serious, you want to believe that maybe, just maybe his heart is beating as thunderously as yours because he’s serious this time.
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“Not about to feint surprise at how you’re still alive because I’m going to need that profile from you, but I have to ask. Did you not sleep last night?” You look up to see Yoongi raising his eyebrow at you with suspicion.
“Ah, the appearance of negation in a question – my cup of tea. Do I reply yes or no to your pervasive question?”
“Very snarky today, I see. You look like melted ice cream, topped with tasteless sprinkles.”
“And you look like a boiled dumpling.”
“I was up doing work last night.”
“You’ve already handed up all your submissions,” he replies matter-of-factly.
“I know… I just… was,” you shoot Yoongi a pointed look, “thinking about stuff.”
The change in his expression lets you in that he knows exactly about what’s up, “Thinking about stuff, huh?”
“I’m just so—”
“Whipped for Kim Taehyung and I want to tap that ass. South Korea’s ass, yeah?”
“Disoriented. The word I was going for was disoriented, thank you very much. But also, what the fuck?”
“I said what I said.”
“I also said what I said. Don’t be gross.”
“Look,” Yoongi clears his throat, as if to brace himself for his forthcoming words, “I don’t really want to be involved in whatever feud or relationship you have – look how I didn’t overgeneralise because I’m generally confused. But one thing’s for sure. You clearly have feelings for him.”
“Yeah, of course I do. Anger, impatience and animosity.”
“You know what I mean,” he sighs in incredulity and gives you a look like he can look through your soul and tell that you’re lying through your teeth.
“What the fuck, dude? Kim Taehyung is just urgh. There is nothing good about that jock – all he knows is fucking around and getting onto my nerves. Seriously—"
“Seriously? You expect me to believe that? Don’t think I didn’t notice you smiling at your laptop while working on that profile? Or how you’re glued to your phone because he’s texting you or sending you memes?”
“What?” You blurt out in disbelief.
“Don’t fight me on that – you hate texting. I’m not blind, Y/N. He obviously ignited something in you.”
“What the fuck,” you snarl, “That’s disgusting. I don’t even know what’s so interesting about him, like why the heck are people so smitten by him. They must be blind or something. I swear that I’ve lost at least 10 years of my life from spending an entire week with him. Don’t know how I’m still alive.”
“I don’t fucking understand why people put him on a pedestal. He’s really your typical jock? Another egotistical fuckboy. An airhead with no personality. I don’t understand why people like him so much—"
“Um… Taehyung…”
“What?” You flare up impatiently, acrimonious at how Yoongi keeps interrupting your hate speech, totally missing the grimace on his face.
“Y/N, Taehyung… He’s behind you.”
You spin around and your heart drowns in your chest.
The sight of Taehyung’s face of reticence at the door punches you straight in the gut. He shakes his head with a forlorn smile that you can easily see through and turns on his heels, walking away quickly.
Without hesitation, you run after him, your chest tightening with a disconsolate, stifling feeling, as if you’ve just swallowed a hard lump of cloud.
“Tae! I can explain–”
He turns around, maintaining his distance from you, “Gee Y/N, I didn’t know you hated me that much. I thought… thought that after spending all this time with me, your feelings might have changed. But you still… you still hate me, don’t you?”
“Taehyung, listen – I didn’t mean it. I j-just–”
His brows crinkled together in a tight wedge, eyes pressed shut.
“You meant it.”
Your tongue feels heavy, like it’s made of iron.  
“You meant it,” he repeats, shoulders sunken low, crestfallen, and you swear, you see hurt in his eyes.
Your heart immediately falls with it, knowing that you’re the cause of his sadness. It feels like there’s a fist seizing your heart and squeezing it until it bursts and splatters all over the walls. When he walks away from you, the pain remains, unabated.
Only heaven and you yourself know how much you did not mean it.
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When you wake up the next few mornings, it’s as if a shadow is lurking at the back of your mind.
There is a tirade running on loop in the back of your mind, the more you thought about it, the angrier you got. But anger is merely a convenient emotion that easily covered up for sorrow. You are angry at yourself for hurting Taehyung.
You’d never say it, but in between glances, hazy mornings at the field and the exchange of witty ripostes, your feelings for Taehyung have changed, unbeknownst to the world. You have no idea when it happened. When the lines that so clearly distinguished you from Taehyung became so blurred. When he stopped being irritating, an obstacle, an enemy and became something else entirely.
You don’t exactly know when you started to thaw and let your guard down to let him in, but you know that you… like seeing Taehyung smile. And you also know that you want to be one of the reasons for his smile.
Despite the overwhelming amount of work you need to attend to, these few days, you spend a lot less time working on your assignments like you should be and a lot more daydreaming about twinkling eyes and a distinctive laughter from a boxy smile. It doesn’t go past your notice – how your heart goes all erratic when a particular football player is around, his sunshine smile radiating the darkest part of your mind and threatening to break your steely, collected demeanour into bits.
You have been so scared to let him in, so afraid to let yourself fully submerge in the comfort of his touches, in the calm that envelops you when Taehyung is beside you, listening to you ramble, or when he looks at you when he thinks you’re not looking.
You tell yourself that you’d be fine. That life goes on. That Taehyung is just another almost and you can live without talking to him again like how your life was before this whole shit-show. But you remember the current that zaps you whenever he brushes his hand against yours, the ricocheting of your heart whenever you find him staring at you. You also think about the little crinkle at the edges of his eyes whenever he laughs and the music of his laughter that you’ve grown to adore. Little did you know, the warmth at the pit of your stomach has long built a house to reside in and it’s yearning for its owner to come home.  
It hurts.
It hurts because Taehyung has the prettiest, purest and brightest of all souls. He views the world in a different light with all his little quirks. You adore his ardent love for classical jazz (he accidentally played his music out loud when you were with him and gave you a whole lecture on and you didn’t stop him for he spoke so animatedly with stars in his eyes), for strawberries and his family that he would have been a farmer with his grandparents if he didn’t attend college.
Because when he loves, he loves so fiercely, softly and dearly, like the first snow, like the fresh dew on a perfectly bloomed rose. Soon, the gentle heat of the morning will send him back to the clouds and the bloom will raise her head, calling to the summer bees. Taehyung flows like honey in your soul and makes you feel so whole, but vulnerable at the same time.
He’s a dream come true, a daydream, a part of the labyrinth where reveries rest. He’s just so wonderfully and ethereally endearing.
The ache in your chest throbs especially when you spot a cute dog on the way to the café downtown and whip out your phone to snap a picture to tell Taehyung that it’s one of Yeontan’s little friends. You almost hit the send button, but your thumb freezes into place when you remember.
He’s never going to talk to you again.
It also hurts extra bad when you’re glued to your laptop, fingers hacking away to finish up the feature article on the said boy, writing about the true Kim Taehyung that currently, only you know of. But he probably hates your face right now.
“Hey, you’re—”
“Yoongi, no. I’m not alive. I’ve never felt more dead before.”
“I was going to commend you for being here today after you know, yesterday’s incident.”
He grabs a chair and sits by you and a dreadful sigh escapes from your lips because you’re well-aware that Yoongi is going to make you talk. He isn’t the type to let you ignore your feelings, preferring in honest and open communication even if it pains you to talk about your feelings because you’re so emotionally constipated.
“How are you?”
Burying your face in your hands, you somehow manage to choke out the words lodged deep in your throat, “Feel like shit. I thought I hit rock bottom. But now it’s rock bottom, 50 feet of crap and then me.”
If Yoongi notices the tremble of your fingers, he doesn’t comment on it and you’re grateful for that.
“Tell me more.”
It’s not a question.
God, you hate it when he presses. Fuck journalists and their persistence of sticking their noses into other people’s business. You want to laugh at how ironic this is.
“I don’t even know where to start,” you laugh dryly and cringe at how fake it sounds.
You have your usual self-defensive answer rolling off the tip of your tongue, “I am just another dumb bitch who fell for him.”
“You know, if you’re going to continue being like this, I don’t really know how to help you.”
“I’m not kidding. I feel so dumb for liking him. In fact, one part of me is fucking furious that I’m so vulnerable right now. I hate feelings.”
“First of all, you’re not dumb for liking him. And second of all, human beings are vulnerable and all feelings, no matter how small or insignificant or cliché they are, are all valid. That’s how we grow.”
He continues sagely, “Look, whatever happened between you two is a mess. So you hated him last time, but you’ve developed feelings for him, and that’s all that should matter, no? Don’t refuse your feelings just because you know, you’re too ashamed or scared to acknowledge them.”
Your mouth opens and then snaps close. You repeat this in your state of stupefaction as your brain tries to process everything that has occurred.
“Does it matter if I acknowledge my feelings?”
He doesn’t answer.
“He told me that he isn’t looking for anything serious. Just meaningless sex and fun. I literally just played myself.”
“I don’t exactly know what Taehyung feels about this. But what I know is that they have their first game in a few days and he hasn’t been doing well. Coach has been going really hard on him. You should go talk to him, yeah?”
“Yoongi,” you whisper helplessly, “I’m scared.”
“I know.”
He puts his hand atop yours as a form of comfort and suddenly, everything seems okay. Even if it is just in that moment.
Before you clock out of the editorial room, Yoongi sends you back with your article to vet through before giving the green light to the designers. Scrolling all the way to the bottom of the document, you realise that Yoongi hasn’t fixed anything at all to the point that you wonder if he has accidentally sent the wrong version. Until you spot his message at the bottom in really tiny font because you know, Yoongi.
I said that you’re the only person who could cover this feature article and I wasn’t wrong. Well done. Hope you know that I’ll always have your back, alive or dead.
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You decide to drop by football practice the next day. Lurking near the bleachers, you jump in horror when Jungkook spots you being suspicious. From the way his eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights upon the sight of you, you know that he’s aware of the recent happenings.
“Hey,” he offers you a small smile, but you could tell from the size of the dark bags under his eyes that he is shagged to the bone.
“Y/N, right? You okay?”
You let out an awkward chuckle, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because Cap is a mess?”
“Is he really?”
He laughs dryly, “Aren’t you here to confirm that?”
“Sorry, I just… the stress is getting to all of us. But especially to hyung. He’s being really grilled by Coach for the sudden dip in performance.”
“Right… I’m sorry… If I caused this. I just—”
Across the field, Coach’s whistle shrills through the air and you realise that it’s directed at Taehyung. From where you’re standing, his grunts are almost inaudible, but the sound of his voice still traverses the darkness of your mind.
“You know, this is the first thing hyung is being grilled by Coach. He’s always been Coach’s favourite, even right from the very start, so Coach doesn’t really know how to deal with him either. Hyung’s even worse than his freshman self. You know, hyung didn’t know shit about football when he first joined? It was a joke. He really worked his way up, even though all he wanted was just to play on the field.”
A sudden prick of guilt pinches at your chest.
“Hey Jungkook, could you do me a favour? Could you pass this to him? You can just leave it on top of his bag? I think he’ll know.”
When Taehyung hobbles into the locker room feeling like death after a vigorous grilling session, his legs almost collapse on the floor. But then he sees a lunch box atop his bag and runs towards it, huffing louder than usual, so hard that he feels like his lungs might collapse like his legs. And when he opens it, only to see a nicely packed strawberry sandwich with a little post-it note on top of it, he lets out a huge breath and for the first time in years after his grandmother’s passing, Taehyung cries.  
Don’t tell your grandparents (sorry!) but these are Japanese strawberries. Good luck for Sat, Yeontannie and I believe in your galaxy 💜
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A big commotion startles Taehyung from his mandatory quiet time that he sets aside before each game. He’ll put on his headphones and play his jazz playlist to meditate for at least a good 10 minutes, allowing both his muscles and mind to rest. But even his noise-cancelling headphones can do so much in blocking out his rambunctious and adrenaline-filled teammates.
“Captain! Your girlfriend’s here!”
Before Taehyung could even remove his headphones to bark at his teammates for disturbing his peace, the door that swings open reveals his very confusion, rendering him utterly speechless.
He sees you standing there with an apprehensive expression, looking out of place as fuck, and if it’s possible, Taehyung can hear the gears in your brain turning frantically from here.
When your eyes land on Taehyung sitting across the room, the first thought that pops into your mind is that it feels like eons since you’ve last seen his face. It’s only been a few days, but you miss seeing him. You miss him so fucking badly.
He looks tired. There are dark circles painting his under-eyes and frown lines on his forehead and that doesn’t sit well with you, because there’s always either an annoying smirk or a bright smile plastered on his face.
For moments and moments, your eyes rest on the boy in front of you, drinking in his presence – the coruscating eyes and pretty lips behind his inspired, untiring voice.
“Hi,” he breathes with an indifferent expression, removing his headphones hastily before he stands up to close the gap between the two of you. The nervous flickering of your eyes doesn’t escape his notice.
“Hey,” you whisper back, lips quivering. There are many more words on the tip of your tongue, but the prevailing fear that catches in your throat freezes your lungs.
The boys have filed out of the locker room to give you two some privacy and now the world is basking in their awkward, ricocheting off the window in a quiet plea for noise. It is so quiet that if you focus more, you could hear the erratic thumping of your heart.
“How’s your article?” Taehyung asks and silence comes to splinter like a stone thrown at a wall, colliding with it and shattering like lightning bolts.
A frown settles itself on your temple at how he is trying to make everything seem all right. How the first thing he does is ask you about your article when you’re the one clearly at fault and he isn’t even showing signs of anger towards you. How could he be so selfless?
“It’s fine,” you mumble, “But I’m not here to…. I’m…”
Without warning, you go on your toes and reach for the rosy flesh on his mouth. At your touch, his entire body softens. It feels like there’s a cavernous hole in his aching heart.
“I’m sorry, Tae.”
Taehyung gives you a little nod, his way of saying it’s okay, before closing his eyes until they disappear in the shadows of his long black lashes.
You kiss him with profound earnestness that had been missing during the first kiss, dusting kisses over every inch of his blushing features, until you’re breathless, dizzy with want. There’s this inexplicable spark of desire growing within you and warming your body from inside out. Your heart longs for him, marvels in how right it feels to be in his arms, to kiss him, to be as close to him as possible.
Gosh, you’ve missed this so much.
Taehyung’s hands find your face, cradling your cheeks as if you’re the most delicate flower he has ever encountered, as if your petals would tear apart if he wasn’t gentle with you. He doesn’t look away from your eyes, searching your gaze silently. Now that you’re here, standing right in front of his very eyes, it makes everything all the more painful.
You move your hand to the back of his neck, pulling him into another gentle kiss, falling onto him like moonlight on a window seat.
“Princess…” He calls for you, voice deep and huskier than you’d ever heard it, and the timber of it sends shivers raking down your spine, “You know that I’m physically incapable of being angry or upset with you.”
The two of you move silently in each other's orbits, solitary planets in a lonely galaxy.
“I’m sorry for everything,” you whisper against his lips as his fingers play with the hem of your shirt.
“Hey, it’s okay, love. I’m just happy that you’re here.”
More words are lost on his tongue as he seizes the opportunity to drink in the sight of you, his eyes trace the outline of your visage, from the curve of your nose to the arch of your philtrum and down to the soft of your lips.
“Are we just going to stare at each other until the buzzer rings?” You joke.
“Can I? I haven’t looked at your face enough lately,” he laughs, “Missed your face. A lot.”
His eyelashes brush against his cheeks, following the stare of your eyes into deep brown irises. When he leans a fraction of a space closer, his bangs brush softly against your forehead.
“Taehyung…” You breathe out, reaching out to caress his face, fingers brushing away his bangs from his eyes, “Can I ask you something?”
“As a friend or a reporter?”
“Neither,” you reply, “I just wanted to know… Since when?”
“Since when?” He tilts his head.
“Since when did you start having feelings for me?”
He laughs like it’s an obvious question, tugging the fallen strand of your hair behind your ears. His expression is hard to decipher, it’s a combination of amusement and endearment, but he is smiling so widely that it’s almost blinding.
“I’ve always liked you, Y/N. Remember when Yoongi-hyung introduced you to me and you were angry about something?”
“I’m always angry about something.”
“I thought you were interesting as fuck.”
“You’re fucking weird.”
“Okay, but can you at least tell me why you hated me?”
“Fine. It’s because… Iwasjealousathowyou’regoodateverything.”
“I was jealous… because you’re good at everything. Like without even trying. And I thought it was plain unfair, because people like me need to work so hard to do well, while there are people like you who are just… born talented.”
“But after getting to know you, I realised that I’ve completely misunderstood you. You hide a lot of things about yourself, but you’re incredibly humble and hardworking even though you’re fucking annoying and cocky. And you’re so selfless, you offer help to your teammates when you notice them struggling. And you’re also so nice to everyone, you make them feel comfortable. Y-You kind of bring light to everyone around you. That’s just your charm, I guess.”
You reach out to hold his hand, but he beats you to it, taking your palm into his. He starts playing with your fingers, mapping every whorl of the ridges on your fingertips.
“Remember the day Yoongi introduced us to each other? It was also the day I failed my scholarship interview. I was up against you and there was only one slot left. You got it, so when you were teasing me for being grumpy, I kind of took my anger out on you. Felt like you were making fun of me.”
“Shit,” he curses under his breath, “I was smiling at you because I found you cute, dumbass. I kept pestering Yoongi-hyung to introduce me to you so when he finally, I was so nervous and didn’t know how to behave in front of you. I didn’t even know that I was up against you for the scholarship.”
When Yoongi first introduced you to Taehyung, he thought that you two would hit off long. But he didn’t take into account the fact that Taehyung and you are polar opposites – your petulance and Taehyung’s happy-go-lucky attitude is a stark juxtaposition. So when Taehyung opened his mouth and told Yoongi (right in front of you, bitch) that you looked like you were about to cry, his chin tilted up slightly, one eyebrow cocked, right after you found out that you failed your scholarship, so it was a straight-up no for Kim.
“Well, we’re both dumb.”
You look away in faux-annoyance, desperately trying to prevent your cheeks from igniting under the warm gaze that deftly lights upon you. “Long story short: I’m mean and I don’t deserve you.”
He cups your face with a smile so bright that his nose scrunches up adorable, “What are you on about? We were made to complete the living hell of each other.”
This prompts another fond smile to play on your lips, one so tight it hurts your cheeks.
When you realise that time’s running out, you tip-toe to press another kiss on his cheek, “For good luck. Go out there and get the trophy for me, bitch.”
The smile you give is soft and pink-cheeked, but familiar in every kind of way and for the umpteenth time, Taehyung gets the fucking air truly knocked out of his lungs. He’s a goner.
“You know,” his eyes are soft and there’s a wisp of a smile on his rosy lips, “I’ll get you the moon if you asked. But you deserve so much more than just the moon, Princess.”
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If there’s one thing you know, it’s that you have almost always wanted to kiss Kim Taehyung. From the very start. And if there’s one thing that you don’t, it’s that the same boy will almost always kiss you back until you’re drowning in honey.
After Taehyung receives the trophy and lifts it high in the air for everyone to see with his teammates cheering around him, the entire ordeal almost has you in tears and you run to him, pressing kisses and bites down necks and collarbones. The ministrations don’t stop even when the two of you waltz-dance and skip all the way to his apartment, never getting enough of each other’s touches.
Taehyung’s fingers knot in your hair, controlling the kiss, his other hand finding purchase on the curve of your waist and teeth digging into the swell of your lower lip. You let out a whine that only encourages Taehyung to press against you closer and kiss you harder, in such a primal way that has heat swirling in your belly and wetness to pool between your thighs.
Your fire to him is the most peerless of lights.
Adrenaline runs through his entire body, lighting up his nerves like fireworks as he removes your shirt and openly soaks in the sight of your body, how your breasts are cupped by your lacey bra and how you’re blushing fervently.
“So pretty for me. All for me.”
You don’t miss the way he growls and licks his lips, eyes hooded as he stares at you like you’re a piece of meat that he can’t wait to devour. And his actions prove his ardent hunger when he grabs your chin and tilts it to the side, before attaching his lips greedily to the skin on your neck and licking a stripe over the flesh. He carries on nibbling on the sensitive part of your skin, sucking and biting in a way that is sure to leave you crying for more.
“Wow, and I thought you’d be tired after the game.”
He is already breathing heavily as he towers over you, biting back his moans, rocking his hips upwards for some needed friction.
“Can’t be tired when I’m just getting started with you.”
He pushes you onto the bed and comes crawling to hover over you within seconds as he connects his lips aggressively with your neck once more. While he continues to suck faint lilac bruises into your skin, you can’t help but jut your hips firmly against his, an instinctive reaction to feel more of him.
He groans loudly and this spurs you to give another experimental roll of your hips over his. This time he freezes and accidentally bites down on your neck a little harder than before which earns another sharp gasp from you, but this only douses the flames licking your abdomen. He leans back to apologise, but his words are lost at the tip of his tongue when you continue to grind against him shamelessly. His hands fall to your hips, nails digging firmly in place, and holds you down against his raging boner that now pokes at your inner thighs.
Thrashing in Taehyung’s grip, you sit up, hands finding the courage to explore the soft material of his shirt. Running your fingers over the buttons, you hastily tug it off him, lingering your fingers over his bare skin that you desperately want to kiss with your lips, lick with your tongue and mark with your teeth as yours.
You feel his hunger swallow you whole, his gaze leaving trails of fire as they run all over your body, electrifying you all over.
“Can I eat you out?” His voice is deep, much huskier than ever, and the timber of it sends shivers raking down your spine.
“God, why did you ever think that I would say no?”
In the briefest of moments, Taehyung tugs your shorts down with a grunt. Your eyes lock briefly, heat blooming like a stove burner, flaring up with that low flickering blue when you notice the pure, unadulterated lust in his concupiscent eyes. Fizzy warmth floods your belly, the knot of lust tightening within your abdomen.
His hands rub at your thighs, spreading them widely as he moves down the expanse of your body. There’s a raw power hidden in his hands and it’s tantalisingly arousing to feel those fingertips pressing into the meat of your thighs, wandering under you to squeeze at your ass.
Leaning in, he begins to leave hot, open-mouthed kisses over your bare torso, before trailing lower to your inner thighs and giving them a few kitten licks. You squirm underneath him at the intimacy, while an involuntary gasp leaves your lips at the sensation of his warm breath and lips dusting across your sensitive skin. The sudden stimulation leaves you aching for his lips to be somewhere else, somewhere where it’s throbbing to be touched, to be filled.
Taehyung seems to sense exactly what you want and the next thing you know, you’re falling back onto your elbows and his nose is pressed into the cotton of your underwear. He inhales deeply and groans, eyes cloudy with lust and pleasure, relishing the unbidden scent of your arousal.
Fucking hell.
The hot of his tongue starts teasing your bud through the sheer fabric, sucking through your underwear. Timidly, you lift your lips up, seeking for friction, but Taehyung doesn’t relent, pushing you back down.
“Gotta be patient, Princess.”
When he finally, like finally, removes your soaked underwear, he dips his head between your thighs and licks a long, languid strip along your folds. This elicits a loud keen from you, hips bucking but he winds his arms under your legs and over your hips to properly restrain you. He begins slowly again, lapping up your juices like a man starved, his satisfied whimpers sending vibrations straight to your clit.
“You smell so fucking good,” he continues on to wrap his plush lips around your clit, growling against your pussy and you feel it vibrate deep in your core, “But taste even fucking better.”
Ecstasy washes over you and you cry out, pleasure hot and sharp shooting through your veins to feed the tightening coil in your abdomen as you writhe in his iron grasp, fingers grasping for purchase at his hair.
“Can fucking eat you out all day, want to bet?”
His teeth scrape lightly against the nub when he speaks, and your back arches at the pleasure. He continues to slurp up whatever you offer him, before giving in to your unspoken request, trailing a finger up your folds and sliding it in.
You’ve always known that Taehyung has long, slender fingers – you’ve noticed how long and pretty they are when they’re wrapped around the football, when he waves to you and when he plays with your fingers. And perhaps, you’ve thought about him doing things to you with those fingers before, but now that he has his finger in you, you cannot emphasise how otherworldly it feels. Fucking delirious.
His long digit meets no resistance, instantly enveloped in the tight, slick heat of your core as he goes in knuckle-deep and adds another finger, and it makes you feel so full that you’re losing your mind. You scream even more when he fucks you deep with both his knuckles and the flat of his hot tongue, bringing the inklings of stars behind your eyes.
His fingers continue to pump into you in a quicker succession that has you trembling and keening. Your pussy gushes at his merciless, erratic flicks and pokes at your hot spots, clenching around his fingers and soaking them in your intoxicating sweetness. Shockwaves begin to tear through you and you’re coming too hard and too fast. But Taehyung doesn’t stop and continues to suck harder to help you ride out the pleasure, the squelch of his tongue lapping at your juices filling the entire room in their entirety.
“Please, Tae, please I’m c-close. Your fingers… Fuck. Feel so good. Fuck, fuck!”
You’re dripping, leaking even by now and when he detaches away from your clit to look at you, you can see your own juices glisten on his lips, dribble down to his chin, and it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. The throb in your core has never been more torturous.
He leans in to give your clit another chaste kiss and your hips buck up instantly into his face as he gathers the arousal onto his tongue, tasting the heavenly mix of your juices and his saliva.
“Does Princess want to taste how sweet she is? Princess likes my fingers, doesn’t she?” He purrs, coating your juices with his fingers and holding them up so you can see how they coruscate in the dim light.
Nodding hazily, you open your mouth and he doesn’t hesitate to slide three of his digits in and you suck the evidence of your own bliss off his skin, enjoying your own taste and the weight and fit of his slender fingers in your mouth. Taehyung swallows in satisfaction and fervour at how dirty you look.
“Fuck, Y/N. Can’t wait to fuck you. Going to fuck you so good you can’t walk for days.”
A spark of a fire in the very core of your being, beginning to fizzle outward at his words.
Without warning, he pounces onto you, planting kisses on your jawline and down your neck again. When you crane your neck to give him more space, he takes his time, hard muscle of his tongue lapping at your sweet skin, lips sucking until a bruise begins to bloom.
“So fucking beautiful, God,” he croons, threading his fingers through your hair as he groans at how hot this is.  
“Taehyung,” you breathe, looking up through your eyelashes, vision hazy with lust, “Want your fat cock in my fucking mouth. Please?”
Taehyung grunts loudly at your crude request, rolling his eyes in a mixture of disbelief and pleasure. He wants your words, this exact memory, to be burned into the very cells of his brain.
“Yeah? Princess wants my dick?”
Pushing his sweats and underwear down with swift fingers, you watch how his dick slaps hard against his stomach. It is searing red at the tip, the head thicker than the shaft, begging to be touched.
You want to fucking sit on it, suck him till you’ve milked him of all his cum. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on before, not when his long fingers are wrapped around his fat cock, giving it a couple of quick strokes. Fuck, his fingers can barely wrap around his dick and that itself makes you dizzy with arousal.
“Open wide, sweetie.”
You throw yourself in front of his thighs, mouth wide, sticking your tongue out in anticipation. You can’t help but moan out loud when Taehyung slaps the head of his dick against your cheek, spreading precum all over, and then on your tongue, before slowly feeding you his cock. Fuck, you feel so dirty.
Taehyung’s cock rests heavy on your tongue, throbbing in the wet heat of your mouth. You lick a long stripe with your tongue on the underside of his length, feeling the very veins that have popped out.
He doesn’t believe that it’s happening. He can’t, not at how he has dreamt about this more times than he can count with both hands, and now it is actually fucking happening.
He grunts, “Dreamt about this so many times. You have no idea how many times I’ve jerked off to this.”
“Jerked off to what?” You tease as your fingers wrap themselves around the base of Taehyung’s dick to keep it steady, massaging his balls every now and then, as you suck noisily around the tip. Running your tongue along the side of his shaft and then back up to swirl your tongue at his slit to lick at his precum, you rejoice in the almost pained whine he lets out.
“Jerked off to you on your knees, looking pretty as fuck, while sucking my fat cock,” he smirks, without blinking an eye at the announcement of his fantasy.
Shuddering at his words, you start to bob your head, taking a little more of him every time you go down until you’re choking and your eyes are watering.
“Fuck yeah, just like that. Does Princess want me to fuck her throat? Feel so full and good?”
A low groan rumbles from deep within his throat, bordering on animalistic, which sends tremors of desire to thrum through your veins.
Peering up through fluttering lashes at Taehyung with your plush lips stretched wide around him, you smile at his fucked-out expression and proceed to alternate licking between his balls and his hard shaft.
When you take his cock into your mouth again, you purr at the fullness of him, opening your mouth wider to take him deeper until he’s fucked himself to the hilt of your throat, your nose buried in the tussock of cleanly trimmed pubic hair at his navel.
“Not so snarky anymore now with my cock in your mouth, huh?”
You don’t reply. The darkness in your eyes is enough to send a punch of heat straight into the pit of Taehyung’s gut and he can’t help but buck his hips forward, sliding right into the wet, hot vice of your throat, fucking right into your throat ruthlessly, leaving you a whimpering, writhing mess.
You don’t stop suckling with your lips, coating his length in saliva and then pull off with a little 'pop’, your hands still working at the base of Taehyung’s cock, fondling his balls.
“C-Cum,” your lips gleam in saliva and precum, “Please… Cum on my face.”
“Want me to come all over your face, doll? You’re so fucking dirty.”
Taehyung grips at his cock, stroking it a few times, before he taps his cock against your cheek again. His mind is sent in turmoil when you stick your tongue out and before he knows it, he’s ejaculating in thick spurts all over your face.
You look so fucking pretty with globs of white all over your chin and cheek and Taehyung shivers in ecstasy, a growl ready at the back of his throat, “Y-You really have no idea what you do to me.”
You lick off what he can, relishing in the taste of Taehyung as you swipe your thumb over your mouth to coat it with his cum and suck on it, while your other hand reaches behind to squeeze his ass.
“You weren’t kidding about your ass,” you whirl, slapping his ass and loving the way it jiggles.
“Yeah? It’s all yours, Princess.”
Taehyung traces the knobs on the base of your spine with his other hand, finding warm and soft skin. You let out another desperate sound against your lips, feeling a shock of electricity zip through your back down to your very core.  
Arching your back, you throw your head back and Taehyung takes this opportunity and slips his tongue in the hot wet of your mouth and licks fervently at the four corners, rougher and needier this time round.
It’s as if all at once, something connects between you two. You find it impossible to breathe properly, hands fisted in Taehyung’s locks, dizzy and lightheaded and hot all over. Taehyung’s teeth scrape over your bottom lip. It’s almost impossible to pull away, but when you finally break apart, a strand of saliva connects your mouths together and it lands on your chest.
“Fuck, so dirty,” Taehyung’s eyes are golden, blown wide, and he smiles at you so dearly that it makes your chest gnaw. It’s the littlest of moments and softest of gasps that render you breathless. Every part of your body that Taehyung has touched feels like it’s on fire, but it’s the deep timber of his voice, almost a growl, that makes you feel like he’s melting.
“So wet for me.”
He yearns to memorize the map of your body, the trenches of the grooves on your lower back, the stars living in your eyes, the parts of your body that have you shuddering from the pleasure.
You can feel it, the tip of his cock brushing against your wetness and you let out a soft plea. Your stomach ties into a knot when he slaps his dick against your clit a few times, loving how his head is already soaked by your juices. When you search for his eyes, you see that his irises are long gone, blanketed with pure, unadulterated lust.
“Want you. Want you to fuck me with your fat cock, Tae.”
He has to bite his own flesh to suppress the feral moan threatening to drip from his swollen, red lips, “Fucking hell. Can’t believe you used to hate me. Now here you are, begging me to fuck you.”
Your breath hitches when you feel him enter you, his cock pushing against your walls and stretching you out so good. He eases his cock slowly until it fills you the brim, pushing against your hot walls until he can go no further.
“You’re so tight for me. Feels fucking good,” he breathes out with a hazy smile, and your eyes flutter closed.
He doesn’t move for a moment, allowing you to adjust to the stretch and burn, before the wriggle of your hips urges him to move and he knows that he’s about to take you higher than ever. He lifts his lips to almost pull all the way out, the tip nestling an inch within your entrance, and without warning, slams back into your cunt, drawing a choked moan from the both of you as his length drags against your walls and hits a spot deep inside you.
Your back arches off the bed at the pleasure, a sharp cry leaving your lips.
“Fuck yeah, you like that princess? Going to be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, yes! Fuck Taehyung. You feel so good.”
This only prompts him to repeat the movement a few more times, until he settles on pounding into you mercilessly with a precision that he flaunts on the field. He continues fucking into that same sensitive spot over and over again with no signs of slowing down, finally able to fulfil the primal, animalistic need and urge that has accumulated ever since the day he met you.
As his hips snap into yours, his palm remains gentle on your face, his tongue hot and assimilating your own so passionately and tenderly that it makes your heart melt. There’s just something so tangibly tender and sensual about the way he’s kissing you, while fucking you senseless, as if he wants you to know how much he wants this, how much he wants to give himself to you with each stroke.
How much love he has to devote to you.  
“Faster, faster, don’t stop, Taehyung. Fuck.”
You can feel every drag of Taehyung’s thick cock inside you, his ridges sliding against your walls and hitting that little bundle of nerves inside you that has got you babbling nonsense and your eyes rolled all the way up.
Screwing your eyes closed, the sparks glow brighter, and your moans heighten in pitch, while you sink your teeth into the swollen flesh of your lower lip. Above you, Taehyung learns that your mouth is sinful from the way you’re repeating curses and cries like a mantra and from the way drool is dripping down your chin. It’s just how unbelievably rough he’s fucking you, rough enough that you’re convinced there will be bruises all over your body and he’s going to rip you apart. But maybe that’s what you want, maybe that’s exactly what Taehyung intends to do to you.
“Say please.”
He then sits up and leans back to rest on his calves, before he hikes your leg up to rest over his shoulder, effectively folding you into half, and pulls you towards him roughly to fuck into you harder. You keen loudly at the new angle, how he’s able to fuck into you so much deeper, hands clawing at the sheets and dragging long, red marks on his back.
“Please, Taehyung. Please, you fuck me so fucking good.”
He smirks at how helpless you are underneath him and frees his hand from your thigh, reaching to search for yours, intertwining them tightly.
Which each thrust, the both of you grow closer to your impending orgasms, excitement curling in your abdomen along with pleasure that shoots straight to your core as Taehyung continues to pummel into your welcoming heat, strong thighs trembling against the backs of yours.
His other hand rest on your hips as his fingers squeeze and caress your skin each time you curse and whimper his name lasciviously, blending in with the symphony of skin slapping against skin, of his balls and thighs smacking against your ass that stirs the silence.
“I’m on the pill. Cum inside me, please. Want your hot cum in me.”
“Princess wants to be my personal cum-dumpster, doesn’t she?”  
Taehyung dips his head over your chest and takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking it lavishly as if the taste of you is suddenly too much to bear. You wail in pleasure, back arched all the way up, the grip on his hand tightening as your hips rise to meet the brutal thrusts of his hips, pleasure shooting white hot to join the heated desire in your core.
That’s all you need to lurch over the edge. The coil within your core suddenly snaps with the tension and then comes the onslaught of immense white-hot pleasure, curling and roaring like a beast in your stomach, the pressure between your legs immeasurably high. You clamp around him one last time, galaxies firing in the murky red of your eyelids as he coaxes you through your orgasm.
You know Taehyung’s close too – now faster, more erratic, as he chases his release relentlessly. For a moment, all you can see is glorious light, blinding your vision until it consumes you whole and you’re shaking ferociously.  
Your eyes roll to the back of your head when Taehyung comes hard with a harsh shudder and an animalistic growl from between his clenched teeth, thrumming at his warm seed inside you. He isn’t done with you yet though. When he pulls out, the emptying sensation of his cock being drawn out of your walls gives rise to another wail from you, but you forget all over it when he rubs the swollen tip of his dick against your clit in a circular movement, playing to its sensitivity and pushing in his cum inside you again. His personal cum-dumpster.
Taehyung kisses you once more just because he can, and then lets his eyes run over the girl in front of him and his mind goes blank because wow, that actually happened – and it certainly did, evident from the mussed hair, blown hazy pupils, lovebites all over flustered skin and the soft, dreamy smile belonging to a pair of swollen-red lips.
This, Taehyung registers despite the giddy turbulence in his mind, is the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. So unbelievably, heart-wrenchingly beautiful that he can feel something in his chest splinter.
There’s a passing second of staring at each other, your cheek deep in the pillow, his head lulled against the headboard.
Taehyung lets out a chuckle, airy and filled with a rasp of post-sleep that would never come. He moves slowly, creaking the mattress in droning successions as he slips his arm around your waist, dusting little kisses on your nose before bringing up your hand to his lips. You realise that he likes doing that.
He stares at you for a long while, thumb over the back of your hand in tandem with the flick of his eyes, back and forth, between yours.
Even in the dark, Taehyung’s lovely flush is brilliant, otherworldly effervescent.  
“You know when you said those things to Yoongi, I knew you said it out of a fit, but I couldn’t help but be upset about it.”
His lips quirk upward on the edges into something knowing, “Then I realised that this was the first time I was genuinely upset about someone’s opinion about me. I usually don’t care what people think of me. I mean I don’t live to impress them, so this made me realised that I actually care a lot about what you think about me. About how you feel about me, whether I’m just a dumb fuckboy to you or whether you see the real me.”
He presses another kiss to your knuckles and your entire body tingles with warmth, “Then it hit me. That you know, maybe I really, really do have feelings for you and I want you to like me too. Like for real. I know I said that I don’t have the time and energy to deal with feelings. But you… You drive me insane. I used to be cynical about being so vulnerable for someone, and it’s so scary how much you can yearn for someone’s attention and affection. It’s just crazy – the things you do to me.”
As his words spill into the spaces between you, you simmer in the comfortable silence, ignoring the sharp tugs at your heartstrings.
“Never thought I’d live to see this day,” he mumbles, before pressing a kiss to your forehead with an earnestness that heightens the tugs at your heartstrings.
“Talk about character development,” you joke, burying your face in his chest and finding solace in the warmth of the sweet honey gold that he possesses. His hand on your waist begins caressing the small of your back, bringing you closer to him, until his nose is settled in the crook of your neck.
“Looks like my YOLO-ing did me some good,” he whispers into your ear and there’s a resplendent lilt to his voice.
It takes you a while for you to realise that he’s referring to the fake quote you’ve assigned to him.
Taehyung smiles at your deadpan expression and it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. His mouth is pulled into a rectangle and his eyes are curved into crescents. You realise this a long time ago, but you will finally admit to it now – Taehyung is beautiful. He is so beautiful that he could rearrange continent with that smile of his.
When he laughs and the moonlight catches on the flecks of gold in melted brown, that’s when you know that you’re struck with a love the size of the entire galaxy for him. To hell with your past hatred and feud with him, you’re just grateful to have your entire universe lying right beside you, right in this moment, under the burning light of the great, yellow moon that hangs heavy and radiant above the two of you.
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that’s it. that’s the mammoth i’ve been brewing over the past few months (and rushing it like mad over the past two weeks)! i wanted to depict tae as accurately as possible so i made sure to include the little tiny details and quirks of his ;; did you know that he was the one who coined the term bread cheeks??? there’s a video of him comparing his cheeks to bread buns and i think that started the entire trend i’m just. i never want tae to be sad he has the purest and biggest heart
thank you so much for reading this and if you enjoyed it, please please hit that like or reblog button or/and hmu in my inbox/dms! ♡ i love receiving asks and messages tho sometimes ;; i just disappear from the face of the earth. i literally post a fic every 6 months sobs but next up sugarplum elegy (and i promise i won’t take another 6 months, my aim to upload it is end june!) love you guys  much and remember to take care of yourself – i believe in your galaxy ☁️💫💜💞🌃✨
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
give a little: chapter seven (college! jj maybank x oc)
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(gif from @toesure​ !)
pairing: jj maybank x oc
synopsis: charlie & jj get heated. rafe tries to stir up trouble.
warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, violence, possible triggering mention of abuse, all characters are 21+
wordcount: 3k
After the fight, JJ texted Charlie consistently to check in, giving her advice about her hand and asking to hang out again. In an effort to keep JJ at arm’s length, Charlie kept her texts short and sweet. It had been a month since they first flirted at the party at the start of the summer.
It took a few days for JJ to get the hint, but he eventually backed off with his texting. Their run-ins around the island - at the grocery store, passing him and the Pogues at the Wreck as she went to work - were fairly infrequent, but friendly. He even ran into Grace on the beach and inquired about her, but loyal as always, she just rolled her eyes and left him with a “she’s doing just fine, Maybank.” After a week, JJ had enough and reached out again.
JJ: Party this Friday?
Charlie: you’re throwing one?
JJ: No, Cameron is
Charlie: rafe invited you to a party??
JJ: Sorry, I meant Sarah, but he’ll probably be there
JJ: Perfect opportunity for your plan?
Charlie: I’ll meet you there
JJ: Can’t wait to see you, Walker
Charlie: 🙄
JJ: 😘
Charlie showed up late to the party for no good reason at all, wearing her typical beach party attire of a bright red bikini top and jean shorts. Looking around at the rest of the Kooks, she felt out of place, wishing she had at least thrown on a skirt. It didn’t take long for JJ to find her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and pressing a kiss to her temple. “Hi, Walker. You look pretty,” he murmured to her. He lifted her bruised hand carefully, inspecting it. The bruise was yellowing and her thumb, having stayed in a splint for the past week, was back to its normal size. “Hi JJ. It’s mainly healed,” she said. “Good,” he replied. She leaned back into his touch. She hadn’t realized how much she missed being around him, inhaling his familiar scent, a mix of woodsy cologne and spearmint. There was something so reassuring about the way she fit just right in his embrace. “Did I miss anything?”
He shook his head and gently grabbed her hips, turning her in to face him. “No, but I waited for you to get here before I started drinking and I need a pong partner. And I know you’re good. I’ve seen you dominate on Thursday nights.” She grinned. “Who are we up against?” He grinned back and took her hand, leading her through the crowd. John B and Sarah were at the other end of the table and Sarah was double fisting two White Claws, already leaning into John B. She waved excitedly at Charlie. JJ ducked his head and whispered into Charlie’s hair, his lips brushing against her ear. “You thought you had a low tolerance, meet drunky over here.” She barely heard him, her heart beating faster at his touch.
“Are you two done flirting and ready to play?” John B called out across the table, hitting JJ with a ping pong ball. JJ caught it after the bounce and took a shot, the ball sinking into the cup with a small splash. Charlie grinned. “Nice, Maybank!” JJ smirked, handing her the ball after Sarah missed her shot by a wide margin. He stood close behind her, his arms snaking around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. Charlie tossed the ball, it bouncing off the rim of the cup. “Don’t let me down, pretty girl,” he murmured into her ear. Charlie closed her eyes, mumbling back. “I can’t concentrate with you so close.” JJ grinned, trailing a finger down her hip and along the frayed hem of her shorts. “Yeah?”
Charlie shivered and swatted at his hand, stepping out of his grip. “Do you want to win or not?”
JJ shrugged. “I can think of more fun things we could be doing.”
Charlie immediately blushed, eyes widening. “Like what?”
JJ just laughed and drained another shot into John B and Sarah’s cups. “I’ll let you interpret that.”
To Charlie, it felt like the game dragged on for forever, JJ teasing her the entire time. His breath on her neck. His hips pressing into hers from behind. His hand gripping her hip, his thumb rubbing circles on her hip bone. The second Charlie sunk the final shot to win the game, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the nearest private place she could find - which just so happened to be the pantry.
“What on earth are you doing?” She questioned, flicking the light on and crossing her arms.
JJ stepped close, backing her against a shelf. “What do you think I’m doing?”
“I don’t know, but I need you to do something or quit altogether.”
He smirked. “Needy girl.”
“God damnit, Maybank, I can’t stand the teasing.” Charlie whined.
“Then why were you practically avoiding me all week?” JJ asked, resting his forearms on the wall above her head.
She frowned slightly. “I wasn’t.”
“You were.” JJ said pointedly. “Is it because of the fight?”
Charlie shook her head. “No, not at all. I just..I just needed to be sure this is what I wanted to do.”
JJ quirked an eyebrow, leaning closer. “Is it?”
She nodded, confident. “Yes. I want to be with - um, I want to do this with you.”
JJ paused at her slip of the tongue. “Do what?”
Charlie stumbled over her words. “Um. The plan.”
“Right. The plan. Well, we can’t make a man jealous from inside the pantry.” He reasoned, taking another step forward and pressing his hips into hers.  
Charlie reached over and flicked off the light. “I don’t care, just kiss me.”
That was enough for JJ. He crashed his lips down into hers and she kissed back heatedly, wrapping her arms around his neck. She moaned softly into the kiss and grabbed at the hem of his shirt, tugging up. “Off.” JJ grinned against her lips. “Demanding, aren’t we?”
“Shut it, I’m hardly wearing a shirt, it’s only fair,” Charlie mumbled back, tossing his shirt aside. JJ slid his hands under her ass, lifting her, and Charlie wrapped her legs around his waist. She left open-mouthed kisses along his jaw up to his ear, nipping at his earlobe with her teeth. He groaned loudly and she pressed her lips against his. “Shh. I don’t want to get caught.”
She threaded her fingers through his hair, raking her nails against his scalp and rocked her hips against his. He quickly moved one of his hands to her hip to stop her, pulling back from the kiss. “If you keep doing that we’re gonna have a problem on our hands,” he warned, gesturing to his already-evident hard on. Charlie smirked. “Can’t control yourself, Maybank?”
He shook his head seriously. “You’re the one that pulled me in here!”
“Because your hands were all over me!” She retorted.
He smirked. “No they weren’t. Just wait ‘til I actually have my hands all over you, then you won’t be able to control yourself.” He slipped his thumb under the edge of her swim top, tracing it down the side of her chest and around her back. “You look killer in red.”
Charlie let out a soft moan, her nipples hard through her fabric. “Shut up and let me kiss you.” She pulled his head down to hers, her tongue slipping in to explore her mouth. He groaned, his grip on her ass tightening.
Suddenly the door swung open and the pantry was flooded with light. JJ swung around, caught off guard, and Charlie buried her face in his shoulder, embarrassed. Sarah stood in the doorway, clearly plastered, and giggled. “Oh shit, sorry guys, um, maybe find a better place to hook up though?” JJ glared at Sarah and pointed at the door. “Cameron, get out.” Sarah rolled her eyes. “Oh my god, I just wanted a snack. Whatever.”
She closed the door and JJ reached over to flick on the lights. He let her down gently and laughed, sheepish. Charlie covered her face with her hands. “Oh my god, that’s so embarrassing.” JJ took her hands from her face and smirked. “I’m gonna take this opportunity to remind you that you’re the one that came on to me, baby.” Charlie sighed, pretending to be annoyed. “Again. Not your baby.” He grinned and leaned in to kiss her again but she ducked out from under him. “Wait, that’s it? You’re really gonna leave me with blue balls?” He complained.
Charlie gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. “There. Better?” She glanced toward his hard on and smirked when she saw it, proud of her influence.
“We could do it in Rafe’s bedroom,” he suggested eagerly.
Charlie pretended to gag and grabbed his shirt from the floor, shoving it against his chest. “Literally nothing sounds worse.”
He laughed and pulled his shirt on, then reached out and smoothed her hair. “You look like you just got fucked.” He grinned, running his thumb against her lips.
She bit it playfully. “In my dreams.” She grinned back, hearing JJ’s groan in response, then walked out of the pantry alone.
JJ stood in the pantry for a good five minutes, thinking about math problems and his old-as-hell professor to will his erection away. He finally left the pantry and went back to the pong table by Sarah and the rest of the Pogues, but Charlie was nowhere to be found. “Where’s Charlie?” He asked John B. John B shrugged. “Weren’t you just with her?” JJ frowned and doubled back.
He heard a pair of voices as he moved further away from the party and closer to the hallway by the bedrooms. He stopped in his tracks, seeing Rafe alone with Charlie. “I just wanna talk, Charlotte,” Rafe breathed against Charlie’s ear, trapping her against the wall. Charlie shuddered, smelling the alcohol on his breath. She pushed him off of her and JJ walked closer. “Charlie? You alright?”
Rafe quickly turned, hearing JJ’s voice. “She’s fine, pogue, just making sure her hand’s alright. Had to show her that she left a scar.” He growled, gesturing to a small nick from her ring under his partly-healed black eye.
Charlie quickly moved to stand by JJ and he put his arm around her shoulders. “Leave her alone, Rafe,” JJ bit out in a surprisingly even tone.
Rafe smirked at JJ, raising his solo cup in a mock toast. “Did she learn that hit from you? I’m not surprised, it was solid.” He sneered at Charlie. “Control your bitch, Maybank.”
JJ raised his fist as he stepped toward Rafe and Charlie stepped in front of him, cutting off his path. “Don’t, JJ,” she urged. JJ scowled. “Fuck you, Rafe, don’t talk about her like that.”
Rafe shrugged and just smiled. “Sluts should be treated as such.”
Charlie shoved Rafe, hard. “Rafe. Shut the fuck up. Walk away.”
JJ had his fists clenched and he was practically shaking with rage, seeing red.
Rafe smirked and held his ground. He looked Charlie directly in the eye, straightening his posture so he was looking down his nose at her. “That dirty mouth is exactly why you deserved to be cheated on.”
At that, JJ lunged past Charlie and swung, but Rafe ducked in time. He grabbed a fistful of JJ’s shirt and they both went down, swinging fists back and forth. JJ slammed his fist into Rafe’s cheek and Rafe responded quickly, punching JJ square in the mouth.
Charlie yelled out, afraid to move. “JJ, Rafe, stop!”
As the commotion got louder, a small crowd gathered. It didn’t take long for John B and Pope to come sprinting down the hall, Kiara and Sarah just behind. Topper and Kelce followed. John B grabbed JJ and pulled him off of Rafe, Topper doing the same. JJ was able to get a well-placed kick to Rafe’s groin as John B dragged him away and Rafe groaned, buckling at his knees. As the fight broke up, people started returning to the party and Rafe was brought into his room to be fixed up. John B finally let go of JJ once he stopped fighting to go after Rafe again.
Charlie just stared at JJ with wide eyes once John B let him go. JJ frowned and stepped forward to embrace her in a hug, but Charlie stepped back. “Charlie, I just…I was trying to protect you.” He tried, faltering at her expression. Charlie shook her head. “It’s...fine. I’m just gonna..um, clear my head.” She turned and hurriedly left back toward the party, out to the backyard. Kiara watched her go, then stopped JJ from following her. “I’ll go find her. Give her a minute.” JJ watched his friend follow after Charlie, then sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck.” John B sympathetically clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Out at the party, Charlie sat alone way out in the backyard, looking out at the water with her knees pulled up to her chest. She couldn’t stop replaying the visual of JJ throwing punches left and right, without hesitation. “Charlie?” Kie asked, stepping up behind her. “Are you okay?” Charlie nodded, eyes trained on the ocean. Kie sat next to her, glancing over her for any signs of a fight on her part. “What happened?” She asked gently. Charlie ran her hands over her face, sighing. “Um, I went to go find the bathroom and Rafe ran into me. He was just being a dick, and then JJ found us and Rafe said some...stuff to piss him off.” Charlie frowned. “I wish he could have just walked away.”
Kiara laughed softly. “JJ will never walk away if someone talks shit about someone he cares about.” Charlie shrugged. “I doubt he feels like that about me.” Kie frowned a little. “He’s worried about you. Can I tell him you’re out here?” Charlie paused, then nodded. “Yeah.” Kiara got up, then turned back to Charlie before walking away. “Be careful with him, all right?” She left, leaving Charlie wondering.
Ten minutes later, JJ walked up and sat next to Charlie, leaving some space between them. Charlie moved over and filled the space, leaning into him slightly. He wrapped an arm around her and squeezed her shoulders gently. She looked up and examined his face. He was sporting a split lip, but nothing more. “Are you alright, Charlie? What happened? He didn’t touch you, did  he?” He asked, concerned. Charlie nodded. “I’m fine. After I left you, I was looking for the bathroom and we ran into each other. You found us pretty quickly.”
JJ frowned, playing with her hair to comfort her. “Why did you come out here?” he asked. Charlie tilted her head toward him as he gently combed through her hair with his fingers and bit  her lip, thinking before she spoke. “I hate fighting. Rafe used to get into fights all the time when we dated, it freaked me out every time. Seeing him violent like that.” JJ sighed quietly and sat her up so he could look her in the eye. “Did he ever hit you, Charlie?” Charlie shook her head quickly. “No, no, never. He just yelled a lot. He just wasn’t very nice,” she understated.
“Why didn’t you just walk away, JJ? Why do you always fight?” JJ’s frown deepened. “It’s a long story.” Charlie crossed her arms. “I have time.” JJ shook his head. “No, it’s not like that. I, um.” He shifted, clearly uncomfortable and it was Charlie’s turn to be concerned. “You can trust me, JJ.” He twisted his rings as a nervous habit until she took one of his hands in hers. He closed his eyes, not wanting to look at her. “Uh. My mom left when I was younger, and my dad wasn’t too happy about that growing up. We got in fights a lot.” He opened his eyes, afraid of Charlie’s reaction. “All parents fight with their kids,” she replied, confused. JJ swallowed and looked down at his feet. “Not like mine.”
It clicked and Charlie let out a small sigh. “Oh, JJ...” JJ ran his hand through his hair, not making eye contact. “It’s fine. I don’t want to talk about it. I moved in with John B the second I turned 18 so I’ve had time to get over it.” Charlie moved closer and put her arms around his shoulders, pulling him in so his head was on her chest. He leaned into her as she held him tight. “I’m so sorry, JJ. I wouldn’t have asked,” she murmured. JJ shook his head. “S’okay. I just hate hearing him talk about you like that. You don’t deserve that trash.” She pressed a kiss into his hair. “I don’t want you to get hurt over me.”
“I’m okay. He’s a shit fighter anyway.” JJ mumbled.
Charlie laughed softly. “Not the point, J.”
He sat up a little. “That’s new.”
“J. You’ve never called me that.”
Charlie paused. “Is that okay?”
JJ nodded, settling back into her. “I like it.” Charlie smiled and ran her fingers through his hair for a few minutes as the two of them sat together in silence. She pressed another kiss into his hair and shook her head to herself, thinking. “JJ?”
“My cousin is getting married next week. Do you want to go with me?”
He sat up quickly. “You want me to be at your cousin’s wedding?” He sounded a little incredulous. “Why, is Rafe gonna be there?”
Charlie shook her head. “No, no, of course not.”
“So...why are you inviting me?”
Charlie flicked his arm. “Because I like you, Maybank.”
JJ beamed at her affirmation. “You’re alright,” he teased. Charlie scowled and poked his side, and JJ did the same. Charlie flinched away, laughing. “Watch your hands!”
“You didn’t mind them earlier, Walker.” He smirked. “And we never finished what we started…”
Charlie blushed. “You’re trouble.”
He grinned. “You like trouble.”
TAGLIST: @booksandshish @jiaraendgame @hmsjiara @outerbanksbro @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @annedub​​ @casper17​
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subaruthegamer · 3 years
About my OCs (Randy and Deacon)
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Again, bear with me here.
Randal (Randy) David
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“What’s rule #2?” - me
“Never *bleep* with anyone who’s bigger than you.” - half-drunk Randy - regarding why Jack effortlessly... 18+ed him.
Randal (as I occasionally call him) is from a slightly better off family from Hidden Springs, and he was born to parents who while idealistic on the outside, were actually a little bit difficult to live with on the inside. Even though is family life left a lot to be desired, in terms of education, he was attending some of the best schools that Hidden Springs had to offer. With that, his education did leave a rather bitter taste in his mouth since he had almost quite literally, burned his mind through everything that was asked of him. As a result, he now suffers from a mild case of depression which he hides even better than myself.
After turning 17, Randy had a tutor as a result of his rather intense struggle to keep up with everyone else. But he also started to notice an attraction to him (he was pretty much devastatingly handsome) and it started to get personal in a way. That was when Randy started to suffer a headache about his situation. Because his parents were quite uptight about him staying straight as an arrow, this was probably going to be the end (to him). So on the day he turned 18 after his high school graduation, he decided to enlist in the military. But he had to tell his parents about that and his sexuality. Rather than wait until everyone was at dinner, he waited until the night he was about to be shipped out to tell him.
You can guess how it ended for his parents - the bickering was endless.
I honestly don’t know how Randy pulled through with dealing with his training, but one thing I can say for certain is that while Randy was starting to get his body toned, but the one thing that I can say for sure is that he was definitely the smart one. This got him transfered once, and then again. Until he landed into Colby’s team. 
It was a crush at first sight after all - Colby was big, bulky - but obviously, he couldn’t just say he’s in love with him. Until one night, at a barracks somewhere we will probably never know, Randy managed to sneak out of his cabin, and for some rather insane reason, decided to peep on Colby. Colby had just came in from some weight-lifting, so he was going to take a shower. So when Randy peeped, he was getting turned on by Colby’s big size and when he turned around, how large his... uh... right, keeping this safe for work...
Anyway, Randy snuck back to his cabin and needed a moment alone to himself because his heart was pounding so fast. The next morning, he was summoned to Colby’s cabin and sure enough, Colby knew he had been spied on. So inevitably, rather than give him a lesson, Colby would go with his “lesson” by clearing up his schedule come liberty day, and giving him something that was sorely needed.
When the day was free, Randy went over nervous... he had never had somebody this close to him... and when the door closed in Colby’s cabin... it didn’t take long for Colby to slowly strip him down and start his “lesson.” Sure enough, they were sweaty and layered.
This kept up for weeks on end. Working together and creating a formidable team of tactics and actual fighting with (potential enemies) they were literally climbing the ranks during the day, and being given lessons during the night. In fact it got to a point where they had been turned into the stories of legend because of Randy’s moaning.
Sadly (for Randy) it didn’t last, because Colby rather strangely quit his position after he himself spent 6 years in the military. With an address if Randy ever got himself loose, he stayed on - but while he was good over the next year with other people, they got transferred out because Randy wasn’t quite as compatible with others simply due to the dynamic that he and Colby had. So, he quit.
After that, he sort of bounced all over the country, seeing if Colby was there, hoping to hopefully continue with what he and Colby had - enter me.
Yeah, it’s a pretty good guess as to what happened when he finally found Colby. This was an awkward reunion for sure, since Colby was in love with me, and Randy was now... the ex.
Obviously with him sharing a room at his Riverview house (which I was still studying in college) this did have a few awkward moments - then it started going into a slightly strange stalker-ish vibe that was coming off. I was probably overreacting, since Randy’s questions were really sort of borderline creep~ish to the point where I had to have a conversation with Colby with regards to it. 
“I mean, in hindsight, it’s not so bad - I have a feeling we’re getting somewhere.” - me
“It’s more of... will he do everything to replace you?” - Colby
And it didn’t happen. Strange as it may seem, it just didn’t happen. Despite all of it, he was still trying (a bit too hard) to try and remain upbeat about the whole ordeal, but it left me with the impression that he was a little cold with it.
After I graduated and got a job starting my way up with being an intern, Randy got a job as a filing clerk in the office. We started hitting it off as friends, and he was starting to have this sense that he wanted Colby, but he didn’t want to fight over what Colby’s mind up was which depressed him. As I was a former sober companion then, I always notice the signs that one may possibly start to need vices. The job he got was something to live for, but it just felt like he wanted more at the end of the day.
We had our fun, of course, as friends. Walks, drinks, the occasional shameless flirt. I worked my way up but then sort of stalled, which got Randy to catch up to being an intern. By the time I was given the opportunity to be a full-blown journalist, Randy was on the heels of being one. His comparison tests were unique in a way nobody has ever seen before (why, I will never tell you!) but we both got into our moment in the spotlight - I was working on reviewing cars, he was reviewing consumer products.
Furthermore, we also both got job opportunities in Lucky Palms - hence the move.
Which did leave one question - was Randy really going to try and shoot himself past me and into Colby’s arms? The three of us decided that Randy can be friends-with-benefits with Colby. Which meant that there was no relationship with Colby - it being over as Randy came to the reality that Colby was in love with me. But the occasional hookup would be okay.
Did it mean he can also sink his claws into me as well? (hehe...)
Deacon Peaks
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“Lemme get this right - you got that tattoo to hide several of scars on your arm?” - me
“It’s not something I’m proud of.” - Deacon
Deacon has been through a lot. Actually, more than even I could describe. Coming from the slightly rough side of Twinbrook, his story wasn’t as fairytale as his blond hair and tattoos suggest. Deacon and his sister (who we’ve never seen but is mentioned on occasions) were born to a rather alcoholic father, who beat everyone on several occasions. Deacon sustained a lot of the injuries through school, and until his mother finally went to his grandfather, he was still suffering a lot which the school staff at the time turned a blind eye to.
When his mother finally had enough, his grandfather (who he called Pops) had the whole family (minus his father) move into his place and chased his father away with a shotgun. After that, at 14, he was starting to put the pieces of himself back together, but it started to take a domino effect on his education, since he was also bullied through school. Until a new principal came into effect 2 years later, the pieces he had allowed him to get by, but not get better. In fact, from what I remember about the conversations Deacon and I had when we were alone was that he also started an attraction to boys - who then also got kicked around for liking them as well. So, clearly, high school wasn’t exactly something he’s enjoyed.
That gradually changed slightly as he entered college - although it was still a painful time for him - even as he turned 21. Because Deacon was at a small college party, the temptation to drink too much was just there. I mean, everyone was simply getting too drunk to get comfortable. Even in this setting, the pressure was still on. But he walked away. And good thing he did, because hazing was a thing that occurred then.
Now, Deacon entered college with loans, so unsurprisingly, he did have to work quite hard through college. It wasn’t the most enlightening difference, but it was enough to live by modestly. He still had to bike to school, but it was enough to work and live by in a way. Although with Deacon’s athletic career - he graduated alright, but there is a problem: the amount of debt wasn’t exactly something that enlightens a prospective team. So after graduating, he held a few dead-end jobs before moving to Lucky Palms.
While looking through the ads list at the supermarket in Lucky Palms, I had advertised a room for sale (this was post-Adam, pre-Jack - draw your own conclusions) and, Deacon, ever the blondie, came in and was about to text the number on the ad. Sure enough, it was me. Randy had been living in a room on his own, and with Lucky Palms property values, renting a spare room that could be used could supplement what we paid.
Sure enough, Deacon was sort of back where we started until a team mascot position at the stadium opened. So he took it - but he was facing a little bit of ridicule from not being “from the bag - and probably rusty.” Obviously, he hid this from us until I checked in on him... and where I may have introduced him to Randy.
The two went on a night on the town at a bar, and Deacon (according to Randy) did have some degree of fun, but there was something missing. Now, when they got home with Randy (on the gray line of tipsy and drunk), Deacon decided that rather than carry Randy to his room (which factually was closer to the stairs than Deacon’s was) he would take him to his.
What happened during the night would be anyone’s guess (relax, nothing of a rather criminal nature happened), but when Randy woke up (unsurprisingly slightly hungover) Randy had been giving Deacon a cute smile while waiting for him to wake up. When Deacon turned around, his heart was beating quickly. Randy was still staring into his eyes with this cooling effect that apparently gradually got them to cuddle even closer in bed.
They spent the whole day cuddling until... Deacon made the first move with a kiss in bed. With Randy slightly shocked (and hungry) that Deacon wasn’t sure if he blew it. But Randy responded by kissing him back :)
This was a gradual secret until I accidentally got him and Deacon making out because Randy accidentally took my phone and I was going to give it back.
What was interesting about this was that they moment they started dating was also the same moment Colby proposed to me.
Randy was the catalyst in Deacon’s life, and soon enough, Deacon started flying up the ladder from being a mascot, to being one of the most sought after players. And before you ask - they’ve decided to be boyfriend and boyfriend.
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fanfictrashdump · 3 years
Queening a Pawn, 17
((Y’all know the drill. I was supposed to be doing something productive in my life and I wrote this trash, instead))
Summary: During the Time Heist, Loki stole the Tesseract and escaped. He did not expect, however, to be pulled through a Time Loop that delivered him to a Midgard more than a decade older, wiser, and bitterer. Having just lived through his unsuccessful attack in New York, Loki must learn to live in Midgard after the defeat of Thanos (post-Endgame). The question is, who is Loki without a quest for a throne or total domination?
Pairings: Loki x OC
"–out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout, again."
Delilah grinned from ear to ear as she spied into the classroom where the handful of four year-olds were huddled into while their parents were at work. When she was first informed that Loki had volunteered to take the afternoon shift for the pre-school kids, she had feared the worst. 
On the best of days, Loki's patience lasted about as long as it took him to drain a full cup of coffee. On others, just about as long as it took his heart to beat. When it came to the imps, as he called them, his tolerance for half-hour stories that went nowhere and non-stop renditions of nursery rhymes was utterly boundless. And so it became that every now and then, when her day was going awful and she needed a pick-me-up, Delilah peeked around the doorway to watch him interact with the kids. 
Today, he was chasing after a boy that was covered, head to toe, in finger paint while another child trailed behind singing Itsy Bitsy Spider on a loop. The Asgardian Prince snatched the boy up just before he clambered onto the pristine, white armchair in the corner, ignoring the fact that, he too, was now covered in cheap water-based paint.
With a lazy half-smile, he deposited the boy into one of the seats at the art table, where three other kids were sitting, doing their crafts before snapping his fingers and ridding them both of their colorful mess. Before retreating, he ruffled the boy's hair with a chuckle and immediately took a knee in front of the child trailing him.
"Yes, Aria. You have my undivided attention," he assured and the child repeated her song, seemingly satisfied when he smiled and applauded her at the end as she turned tail and went off to do something else. "Tidy up and go wash your hands. We're having snacks in ten." There was a chorus of acknowledgement around him that made Lilah sigh and smile delightedly at the extra beats her heart skipped. As if sensing the fondness, Loki did a double-take at the door, trying to smother a smile as he skirted towards the door with his hands clasped behind his back. "Wasn't aware I was to be under scrutiny today."
"We like to keep inspections a surprise. Make sure the rules are being followed at all times," Delilah responded with a feigned severity.
"And, is my performance satisfactory?" He leaned against the wall beside her, choosing to cross his arms over his chest, seemingly so he could watch the kids while also flirt. It was never to be said that Loki wasn't good at multitasking.
"Well, there is the small matter of how the child became utterly covered in paint, but I suppose you're passable."
The unspoken challenge drew a wolfish grin from his lips. "Will there be an opportunity for me to prove myself later? I can assure you that I can be more than passable."
"There are literal children here–"
"And I have said nothing untoward. Have I, Miss Delilah?" He pushed away from the wall with a grace that was unfair of such a tall person and turned towards Delilah to bow slightly, fist over heart. "I must feed the children before they riot. See you later?" With a dazed grin still on her face, she nodded and quietly slipped backward into the hallway to walk back to her office.
The grin, however, fell off her face when she opened her door to find Thor frowning at her desk. "I was having such a good day, too," she complained under her breath before plopping down in her chair. "I know I'll regret asking, but why are you so sulky?"
"Nothing. Just mentally preparing myself for the answer to my question: how is my brother doing?"
Delilah furrowed her brow, confused. "Loki? He's doing great. I just left his class he was giving the kids snacks."
"I just wanted to offer my services, should there be any need to–"
"I'm going to stop you right there…" Delilah leaned forward, leaning her face into her hand and sighed. "Last week he learned every child's favorite color and made them each a snowflake that never melts in that color. I think we're fine," she finished in a mock whisper. "I don't want to say this, but you look the littlest bit disappointed that your brother hasn't fucked up."
Thor sighed, shoulders slumped. "It's not that I am disappointed at his current success–"
"You're disappointed you voted to keep him imprisoned. To be fair Cap and Sam voted with you. It wasn't exactly an unpopular opinion, bud."
"But he is my brother."
"He also tried to, you know, take over the world."
"You trusted him."
Delilah gave him a tight-lipped smile. "No. I hoped I could." She chuckled, shaking her head absently. "You know, when Loki taught me how to play chess, there was one thing he said that always stuck with me. I remember him setting the board and staring at me over the pieces. The crux of the matter is this: you can learn the rules and hope that I'll respect them, you can distract me and hope I don't catch on, or you can interest me, and that, pet, is where the game really is," she finished, perfectly imitating his purposeful pronunciation.  "A whole new world with a decade full of new things to discover– who wouldn't behave for that? It was practically Loki's wet dream."
Thor made a face at the turn of phrase that did nothing to resolve his already pinched expression. "I wish I were that confident of his behavior."
"I'm not. That's the whole point. Loki will mess up–he's allowed to mess up. He works so hard when he doesn't assume you're waiting for him to fail." She chuckled. "And he's good at his job– great at setting examples. None of the kids are afraid of trying new things because they know they are entirely free to fail."
"Failure is not something to strive for."
"It's better than hiding in the back of a ship with Quill and Rocket," she snapped back and Thor showed surprise at the retort. "Don't dish it out if you can't take it."
"I am performing a duty for the Universe."
"It didn't start out that way, though, did it?" She pressed, single eyebrow raised and the god of thunder shifted uncomfortably. "Bottom line is that your brother is actually an astounding person. You should meet him sometime."
Amidst tense silence and a staring contest, the doorway was filled by the devil, himself, who looked between his brother and his lover with a small notch forming between his brows. "I can sense I am already in trouble. Consider me well and thoroughly lectured, brother dearest," he said to Thor, not bothering for a response before turning to Delilah. "It seems that Byron has thrown up his snack because he insisted on running a lap around the room right after eating. His parents are awful hypochondriacs– do I need to tell them?"
"Yes, but preface with the running and end with the fact that the rest of the kids are fine."
"Excellent. Oh, and Bruce was looking for you. He said he'd be in his lab." With a flirty wink, the clone disappeared from the doorway, leaving Thor and Delilah back in awkward silence.
Delilah smiled quietly, hands folded together upon the desk, while Thor decided if he was going to accept defeat graciously or not. "Was there anything else on your mind, Thor?" She asked when he didn't say anything.
"How… how have you done this?" He asked, heaving a great sigh. "It's like there's a different person occupying his body."
"The really sad part is that there isn't. That's just Loki, except we didn't give him a goddamn chance the first time around."
Thor frowned, looking down at his boots. "You love him."
"Of course I do. How can I not?" Lilah sniffled, scrubbing at her eyes with frustration at the tears that prickled the corners of her eyes. "He's a beautiful creature who thinks he's a monster all because Asgard failed him. They failed him, and you know it."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize to me. You take it up with him," she retorted, harshly. "Now, get out of my office." Thor merely nodded before vacating his seat, and disappearing out the doorway. When he was out of sight, she drew a deep breath, wiping at her eyes and anxiously ruffling her hair. "Stop hiding. I know you're there."
The illusion melted away and from thin air, Loki appeared looking surprisingly sheepish. "I thought you hadn't spotted me." Delilah gave him a look and he raised his hands defensively. "I am aware I should know better." He smiled, taking long steps to close the distance between them before bending to kiss her crown. "Stop fretting over me, darling girl."
"Someone's got to do it. It's not like you fret over yourself!"
"My love, I don't care what Thor thinks. Or the Valkyrie, or anyone in these blasted nine," he argued, carding his fingers through her short hair. "Only you. And if I please you, even if unworthy, I am happy." He kissed her forehead and sighed. "Just you… and that spoiled cat of yours."
"Lilah, do you happen to–" Thor's voice boomed as he crossed back into her office, stopping mid-step at finding Loki with an arm around her slight frame, looking content and soft. "Oh... Brother, do you have a moment…?"
Loki cut his eyes down at Delilah, who shrugged noncommital. "Certainly, Thor." Smiling warmly, he bent once more, pressing a lingering kiss on her forehead and brushing his fingers on her cheek as he straightened. "I adore you, my love," he whispered gently. "I'll find you for dinner, alright?"
Loki followed Thor quietly, hands clasped behind his back. The god of thunder looked conflicted and Loki knew better than to interrupt the man when he was on the verge of emotions stronger than silly giddiness. The hulking blonde stopped just short of the in-house bar, sucking in a deep breath before meeting his blue eyes to his green.
Thor steeled his resolve. "Loki–"
"There's no need, brother. No need to dwell on the past."
The older brother furrowed his brow. "She has done you good. I would have thought you'd relish the idea of having me grovel for forgiveness."
"I just spent eight hours dissolving quarrels because one child stared at another for too long. Being petty for the sake of it is highly overrated," he offered, leaning against the corridor wall with a leg propped up on the surface.
Thor chuckled, nodding absently. "You always did have exceptional patience."
"Yes, you've trained me well in that regard." Loki offered his brother a lopsided smirk in response. "Come. Let's have a drink. I've been on a steady diet of apple juice and mandarin oranges all week."
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doctorgerth · 4 years
hi it's me anon with my oc saige! and yass i really love how you matched sabo with my baby. so ever since the match up, i had this idea. I forgot to mention it but saige is a big flirt, she would literally flirt with anyone and anything, it's her way of communication. so the idea i have is like how they first met and saige's the one to approach first and started flirting with sabo (but saige really just wanna make friends) yeah kinda like that. it's hard to explain. anyways congrats again!!
Soooo, I’ll be honest. I am god awful at flirting lmao so writing about it just doesn’t come naturally to me. But I really had fun writing this, so I hope I managed to pull it off! Thanks for requesting and I hope you like it. 💖
warnings: heavy sexual tension 😳
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"Oh? What do we have here?”
Saige hummed to herself in intrigue as she observed the cloaked man from her perch high in the tree tops. Soft tresses of blonde peaked out from under the hood and thanks to her keen senses, she easily spotted the big round eyes that tried to conceal themselves in the shadow of the hood. She’d recognize that face anywhere, but what was Sabo the Revolutionary’s Chief of Staff doing around these parts? 
She watched with curious eyes as he continued to make his way down the path, seemingly alone. With her excitement getting the best of her, Saige decided to go say hello. She wouldn’t dare pass up an opportunity of meeting someone of such high ranking. Not to mention getting friendly with the Revolutionaries would surely prove fruitful for furthering her career. 
With mouse-like movements and acrobatic agility, she swung from the branches to land softly on her feet a few yards behind him. Just as she thought she’d gone undetected, a sudden fireball charged at her and she could see Sabo staring at her from across the way. In the midst of the fiery blaze, she managed to slip just underneath it and sneak her way into his blind spot, immediately behind him with a blade against his neck.
“Just what I’d expect from Chief of Staff Sabo.” She cooed from behind him, her words laced with pure amusement and a hint of flirtation. 
His body jolted for a split second before almost relaxing in her hold. He chuckled lightly as he came to the realization that this stranger was no threat, “So you’ve heard of me?” 
“Big fan.” She teased as she pressed her chest flush against his backside. His body shuddered at the contact and it only worsened when he felt her soft lips brush ever so slightly against his ear, her warm breath sending chills down his spine, “Maybe you’ve heard of me?” 
“Can’t say I have a face to put a name to. Rather rude of you to put me on the spot like this.” Saige noticed the smirked that tugged at his lips and she forced herself to swallow the thick enjoyment she got out of such a simple reaction.
With that, she removed the blade from his neck and flipped over him to stand before him at last. It was unlike her to feel so sheepish before anyone, especially men, but as Sabo put his hands on hips in what seemed to be pleasant surprise, she could feel an unfamiliar warmth creeping up her body. It was both repulsive and inviting.
“Well, well. If it isn’t Saige, the infamous Grand Line assassin.”
But she wouldn’t let him win in this undeclared competition of confidence, “I see my reputation precedes me. Good to know someone of your ranking would recognize someone as elusive as myself.”
“I’d recognize those freckles anywhere.” He replied casually as that damned smirk plastered on his face once more, eliciting a strange tinge of embarrassment within her. God damnit Saige, what is wrong with you? Don’t blush! Keep your cool.
“So, what’s mister Chief of Staff doing around these parts? Nothing good for you lies beyond this point.” How foolish she must have looked kicking her feet like a shy child at the dirt below her. It had to have been embarrassingly evident that her self-assured composure was beginning to crumble. Just what was this man doing to her?
“Ah, now that’s on a need to know basis. And frankly, you don’t need to know.” 
“Ooh, such a snarky mouth on such a pretty face. I like it.” 
She’d taken notice how he slowly made his way closer to her, decreasing the distance between them until he was suddenly towering over her. Why did she only crave him to be closer? Was she losing?
“Surely a woman like you can understand the importance of keeping secrets, hmm?” His big eyes stared at her with a gleam of mischief. Just what was he thinking? In that moment, she desired nothing more than to explore that brain of his. Perhaps other parts of him as well, but she tried to deny those desires.
“And just what secrets are you keeping, mister Chief of Staff?” She whispered lowly at him, not realizing that she raised onto her toes ever so slightly to draw their faces closer. Saige watched how his eyes would shamelessly dip down to observe her lips before quickly returning back to stare into her own eyes, holding her captive before him. Surely she had him right where she wanted him now, surely she was winning. The tension in the air was thick enough to cover the entire forest and she waited anxiously for his next move.
“Let me buy you a drink and you might get a little something out of me.” He smirked down at her and an icy cold rush coursed through her entire being.
Well, so much for friendship.
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lou-is-creative · 4 years
Unpredictable (pt 5)
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ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ: 6 Underground
ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: Four/Billy // Eight/???
ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ: Four/Billy x male!Oc
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜʀ: Are you flirting with me?
ꜱᴏɴɢ:  Crush Culture - Conan Gray
𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥!
ᴀɴ: ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪꜱ ʟᴏɴɢ. ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴛ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴏꜰ ʜᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴏɴ ɪᴛ, ꜱᴏ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀꜱ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴀꜱ ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴛ~ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ. ᴀʟꜱᴏ, ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ, ʟᴏᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴅ 'ꜰ-ᴡᴏʀᴅ', ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏ, ɪᴛ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ꜰʀᴏᴍᴀɢᴇ.
To you, @incorrect6underground​💞
It was about 9pm and the darkness didn't completely dominate the sky as the young man got out of the luxurious car. He grabbed his purse and checked himself in the side mirror of his car before he locked it, casually making his way towards the club.
While he was walking, he fixed his shirt to cover up that he was activating the microphone on it.
"I arrived, can't see her yet."
He muttered and walked towards the crowd of people who were patiently waiting to get inside.
He heard Five say and looked up as he got in line. The cameras. They could probably see him.
"We can see you over here, mate."
Four now contributed grinning and Eight shook his head in disbelief.
"Okay spoon-master, thanks for the information. You' having fun?"
The boy had gotten his phone out and held it to his ear to be able to talk without someone getting suspicious.
He could hear Four laugh on the other side, and it made him smile.
Five covered the microphone and looked at Four. Actually, every person in the room was looking at Four. And he just grinned.
"What the hell were you doing in your room earlier?"
Five asked now and Four shrugged.
"Casual stuff."
"What are you guys talking about? I can't hear you."
Eight now said and looked at the line in front of him, which was slowly getting shorter.
"Nothing, concentrate on your mission."
One said and looked at the screen in front of him. He was sitting next to Five who really wasn't in her best mood.  Four and Seven sat a little further away now, just close enough to still follow the scene.
The security scanned Eight from head to toe. And maybe, if he would have had the shirt closed, they'd doubt his age. But he paid and got inside casually.
"Fun fact, I've never been to a club before."
Eight said and it was more of a confession to himself. As if he just realized. The boy took down his phone and looked around. Any other person would have looked lost. But he wasn't any other person.
Eight looked like he was on a haunt. Like he was waiting for his pray to appear while he gracefully walked over to the bar and leaned against it.
Four bent forward and even Seven now focussed on the screens. They all stayed quiet. Two followed the scene interested.
What they saw wasn't Eight. It wasn't even close. He looked like Eight, but the way he moved, the way his eyes worked their way to analyse the scene, it wasn't Eight.  It was the guy Four and Eight created.
The boy looked over to face the bartender and ordered himself a coke. And it was the most perfect moment. Because the second he raised his glass and turned around to take a sip, his target was walking through the door.
"She's there, don't fuck it up, Eight."
Five said and Four looked at her with his brows furrowed.
"Are you joking? Look at that, he CAN'T fuck it up. Go mate!"
Although Four was right, everyone in the room held their breath. The first interaction was probably the most important. Once he messed up, getting back would be really fucking hard.
But he didn't intend to mess up.
The moment the short and slim girl entered the club, stroking her hair back, Eight had his eyes on her. And only her. Like she was both, someone he'd protect from all evil, and someone he'd fuck senseless. Like she was everything he ever wanted.
And she noticed. She saw how his amber eyes scanned her body. How they got stuck on her lips until they moved on to her eyes. And she never saw eyes this sharp. Eyes this warm, eyes this intimidating. Eyes like his. And it felt like everything else disappeared. As if there was only this one boy and this one girl. Only him and her. Everyone else was gone.
The others watched the scene. It was as if his gaze had stopped her from functioning. She was literally just standing there, like she froze. Like she didn't DARE to move.
That was until one of her friends softly touched her shoulder. She was a little taller and had short brown and curly hair that nearly touched her shoulders.
"Ams, honey, you're starring!"
She giggled and Amanda blinked twice and then hid her slightly reddened cheeks.
"Ams just got eyefucked the second she got in. If this isn't powerful then what is?"
Her other friend laughed and pat her shoulder. She was about Amandas height, a little curvier and had long black hair. Amanda was hiding her face in shame. She couldn’t even find words to describe the way she just felt.
"Come on, you need a drink, sweetheart. And," 
the curvy friend wiggled her brows at her,
" chances are high you don’t have to pay for it."
Eight kept his eyes on them, slightly smirking. He couldn't hear them, but he was able to guess what they were talking about.
Amanda seemingly agreed on the drink and they moved towards the bar. The boy watched her for a while but then focussed on the coke in front of him. He knew exactly that her friends could be of advantage. But they could also cost him.  One wrong move and they could ruin the mission.
"Not to ruin it, Ams, but he looks like trouble."
The taller girl said with a worried face.
"I think he looks good."
Amanda spoke out and looked over to see what the boy was doing just to find out that he was just doing exactly the same. Their eyes met and a sly smirk snug onto his lips before he looked down, letting the smirk fade into a soft smile. The girl turned back; eyes widened.
"Fuck good, he looks perfect."
The third girl, who had watched the scene turned to face Amanda, making sure she was looking at her.
"I swear if you don't have this guy by the end of this night, then I will force you back into the club myself, I don’t care what your dad says."
Amanda hit her friend lightly.
"Jess, if I stay longer than I am allowed, my father will make a scene and I will never see you again!"
"So you better get him fast."
"And how should I be able to do that? I never really flirted..."
"Just let it come naturally."
Amanda sighed and looked back at the place where this mysterious boy had been sitting, but he was gone.
"Where is he?"
Just as she voiced her thoughts, she heard a low chuckle behind her. And she immediately flinched.
"I'm sorry, I did not mean to frighten you."
The boy spoke and ran his fingers through his hair. The other ghosts followed the scene interested. It was breath taking to watch their new member. Because he completely lost himself in his role. There was nothing that hinted on him anymore. Even his voice sounded different. A little bit deeper, raspy even. He sounded like he looked. Like trouble.
But he had to be careful. Both of her friends were eyeing him carefully.
"I just saw you walking in."
"Dude, you didn't see her, you stared her down!"
Jess said and immediately got kicked by Amanda. But Eight didn't let that opportunity go to waste. His eyes sharpened as he focussed on his mission.
"How couldn't I? Looking at someone this beautiful without starring would be impolite, wouldn't it?"
Four raised a brow. And so did Seven. And One.
"Does this really work?"
Three dared to ask the question every guy in the room had. Two and Five just looked at each other, not saying anything at all.
"Baby, do you like it when I stare at you?"
Three asked again and Two just smiled shortly but before he could say another word, she stopped him with lifting her hand.
Well, it seemed to have worked on Amanda. The girl had to hide her cheeks once again. She seemed like she was daddy's good girl, never causing too much trouble.
"My name's Jacob."
The boy now said and pushed his hands into his pockets and smiled a little.
She smiled back and her tall friend shot her a quick glance. Eight bit his lip, allowing his eyes to roam over her body shortly before focussing on her eyes again.
"Amanda... I like the sound of it. So... would you mind it if I'd buy you a drink?"
He pushed his slender, bony fingers through his hair again and smiled. And the blonde gulped. The way he smiled, the way his shirt fell, the way his eyes seemed as if they could light up the dark, it just looked perfect. He looked perfect. Like late night talks on rooftops, like cigarettes and Whiskey on a blanket somewhere far away from everything, like everything she shouldn't do. He looked like her father would throw him out before he even had the chance to speak.
To make it short, he looked like everything she ever wanted.
Amanda nodded shortly, not really knowing what she was supposed to say for a minute. Until she remembered that she still had her friends around and an image to defend.
"But only if you don't let me drink alone."
She said and the guy in front of her chuckled shortly while shaking his head.
He looked up again, a low hum leaving his mouth.
"I like that..."
He focussed on her again, captivating her completely.
"So, what can I get you and your friends?"
He asked and the girl looked a little bit confused. Which caused Eight to grin softly.
"I know you meant me, and I'll gladly do so, but I figured your friends might want something too?"
Jessy turned around to face Amanda.
"Marry him."
She mouthed and Amanda had to kick her again. Even the tall girl now looked like she slowly started to let her worries fall. They ordered some drinks and Eight pointed at the free stool next to Amanda.
"May I?"
She nodded again, this time while pushing strains of her hair back. And as soon as he sat down, they started talking. All four of them, no one being left out. Until Jess asked the question they all had been dying to ask.
"So, Jacob, how come we've never seen you around?"
Eight felt how all eyes were on him now.
"Oh, that's simple. I'm not from here. I'm travelling."
Amanda placed her chin on her hand, smiling a little. And you didn't have to be good at understanding body language to know that Eight already had her.  
"Are you travelling with your parents?"
The taller, shy girl asked interested. Her Name was Helena and she was the only problem left. She was still mistrusting him, but Eight knew how to handle her.
"No, it's just me and my car."
He softly smiled. But there was something to his smile, something sad. Something that indicated a deeper meaning behind the reason he was travelling alone.
And it was a genius move. Because if he would have said that he, a, as he told them, nineteen-year-old was out without his parents, Helena would be back to being suspicious. But like this she felt sorry for him and the suspiciousness was wiped off her face. The mood was a little down so Eight cleared his throat.
"Anyways, I need some fresh air, wanna come catch some with me?"
Amanda looked at her friends, who looked at each other before nodding.
She answered and Eight got up, offering her a hand to get off the stool. She gladly took it and he kept holding onto it while walking out. The night had kicked in fully by now. Only the lights of the city were on. No star in sight, just artificial light. Nothing was real, just created. Eight looked around while finding a spot to stand freely.
"I'm glad I can talk to you alone now."
He said softly, not looking at her. His hand holding hers a little tighter. She looked up at him.
"I mean, I like your friends but...."
He turned and looked her in the eyes.
"I can't compliment you as much as I would like to around them."
He lifted his hand, softly brushing his cold fingers over her warm cheek. Their eyes were glued to each other, like they were caught in a trance, in their own world, drowning in the desire to keep this moment until the end of time.
And the way he traced his finger over the warmth of her lips told her more than words ever could. It was such a simple gesture, such a careful touch and yet it felt like heaven.  His stare was so intense and yet so warm that she thought she'd melt under his gaze completely. The way he focussed on her lips made her feel so special, so wanted, as if she could feel his on hers already. Her lids were heavy. All she wanted now was him to kiss her. To hold her face in his hands and brush his lips against hers.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Amanda."
He whispered, taking a step closer. His hand was resting on her cheek, and his thumb was slowly caressing it. He bent down a little to rest his forehead against hers. She closed her eyes completely, a smile resting on her lips. She was waiting. But he wouldn't let her wait any longer. Instead, he raised his other hand, placed it on her other cheek after softly pushing up her chin with his index finger.
The kiss was so sincere, so tender, so soft, it made her forget all her worries for a while. As if the time froze around them, as if the world stopped turning. This must be what falling in love was all about. About the increased heartbeat, about the incredible feeling of having found a person that you want to be with for the rest of your life. This must be what it feels like to fall for someone.
The kiss lasted a while and he intentionally kept it soft until the very end. As they separated, he let one of his hand rest on her cheek while he pushed the other through her hair before he slowly opened his eyes. They both chuckled.
"This was incredible."
He said quietly and she laughed shyly, placing her hands on his shoulders. Eight used the moment to shortly analyse the situation. To figure out how far he had her by now. And he was pleased with the result.
"Do you think it was destiny?"
She asked him now and he chuckled while playing with her hair.
"I hope you're joking."
Silence and shock spread on the other end of the line. Eight just seemingly went and ruined the whole mission.
The girl looked at him with hurt and disappointment in her eyes. But the boy knew exactly what he did.
"Relax, angel. I was asking because it seemed so obvious to me that it was, that I thought you wanted to joke. Of course, this is destiny. How else do you explain it? How else could you explain me being in the same club as you when I didn't even plan on stopping here? How else do you explain that I bluntly pulled my car over, as if I just HAD to go into that club? How else do you explain that you walked in the moment I turned around? Baby if this isn't destiny, I don't know what it is."
The harder you fall, the higher you fly if it turns out to be alright. Her smile grew so big, it was taking over her whole body. Her eyes were smiling, her heart too, and oh her lips.
"That was disgustingly romantic."
Four commented and leaned back.
"And you like things like that? I can't relate.
He scoffed and Three looked at him as if he just couldn't believe what he just heard.
"How can you be like that? That was beautiful!"
"Are you crying?"
Two asked and raised a brow.
"Could you discuss this whole romance stuff later? Please?"
One finally said in annoyance before turning back to face the screen.
Amanda was still smiling; they had exchanged a few other kisses.
"Now, that you're unofficially mine, you have to close those."
She said and Eight looked down to follow the movements of her fingers which were busy closing the three buttons.  He chuckled a little.
"You're so fucking adorable, I bet you can be one hell of a devil."
He smirked. He had her figured out. She was a good girl in her father’s eyes, but he could tell she didn't want to be.  She wanted to be this aesthetic bad girl. This girl with a deep tumblr blog about love and intimacy.
"Oh if you knew..."
She grinned and bit her lip before pulling him down to kiss his once again. This kiss was different. It was passion colliding with lust. It was intimate. Too intimate for Eights likings but what choice did he have than to just return all of these feelings?
Luckily, they didn't quite have the chance to go any further. Her friends came out to check on her and he slowly broke the kiss as he noticed. Amanda turned around, going completely red again.
"WOW AMS, didn't expect THAT."
Jess said and Helena looked a little terrified.
"I- I can explain!"
Amanda turned around to face her friends and Eight laid her arms around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder as he pulled her closer.
"Can you, baby?"
He whispered and felt how her body tensed. He was messing with her head completely. Eight was just smiling softly.
"Anyways, we gotta go now, so kiss your boyfriend goodbye, but don't like... go too far because we don't have the time and Helena here is already traumatised. See you at the car then."
With that said, Jess left and pulled Helena with her. Amanda turned around. She looked at him with sad eyes.
"Angel, don't look at me like this."
He whispered and kissed her nose before he stroked her cheek.
"I just don't know when I will be able to see you again. My father is very strict. He will be insisting on seeing you and... I don't know if he will be..."
"Accepting me? Babe, I can be a decent guy. I will just wear something formal. It will be okay, don't worry... I won't risk losing you."
He said softly and watched her rub her arms.
"Are you okay?"
He asked worriedly and tilted his head a little. She just nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just scared... I mean, this could... be something... I don't know, there is something between us and I don't want that to go to waste."
Amanda replied quietly before she shyly looked at him. He just smiled.
"Come with me, I'll show you something really quickly. It won't take long, promise."
She hesitated but followed him. He didn't leave her much of a chance either. Their hands were still intertwined. He stopped in front of his car and let go of her hand as he opened the door and got something out. A sweater. He just turned around and carefully pulled it over her head before he chuckled.
"Suits you, although you look a bit creepy without arms."
She laughed and put it on correctly.  
"My number is in the pocket of the sweater. I expect you to text me when you're safe."
Amanda blushed a little.
"Now hurry, honey, get back fast so your father keeps believing you're not secretly a bad girl."
He winked at her and they shared one last kiss before she hurried away. Eight waited until she was gone. Then he turned around to face his car.
"That was more social interaction than I can take. I need a nap."
He muttered under his breath while he touched the car and looked like he was caressing it with his fingers.
"Okay guys, hope that'll work. I'll be back in 3, hope y'all choked on the whole romantic shit talk. Especially you, spoon master."
Eight laughed and he could hear Four laugh as well.
"Mate I choked big time. Who thought a pudding guy like you could win a girl over so easily?"
“Listen here, the moment I’m back, I’m strangling you.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
Eight shook his head. He was smiling. Sincerely smiling. It was a good moment. A happy one. One he'd keep in his head.
“Wishful thinking, are we?”
The boy turned off the microphone before he headed home.
Four was grinning a little and Five eyed him in confusion.
"What are you so happy about?"
She asked and Seven raised a brow.
"I really wanna know what the fuck happened in your room. Wait maybe I really don't want to know. Just... stop it, its creepy."
Four laughed a little and shook his head.
"It's just good to have someone who understands your jokes. Even when they’re bad and just not funny at all."
He said and Five looked a little disappointed. Which Four did notice.
"We were joking around in my room earlier. Actually we developed the character he was playing, so whatever the others were hinting on is bullshit. I mean, you get my jokes too, most of the time, but… we’re making guy-jokes."
He explained as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Sleep well, Amelia."
She smiled softly.
"You too, Billy."
With saying that, she left the room. Four looked after her for a while before he sat down on the sofa to wait for Eight to return home. And while waiting for his return, he fell asleep. Only to be woken up an hour later by the engine of Eights car which approached the headquarter.
Four stretched and got up while yawning. He lazily scratched his thigh and fixed his pants before he sleepily made his way outside. Eight closed the door of his car.
"Good night, beautiful."
He hummed and removed a little stain from it. Just as he turned around, he faced an amused blonde guy.
"Thought you had enough of sweet words for today?"
"Bro, this is my car. I'll always have some sweet words left for it. Besides that, I said I've had enough of social interactions."
"You are talking to me."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"Good, didn't plan on stopping anyways. So, where can I sleep?"
"Follow me."
Four moved aside so Eight could enter. And he noticed once again, just how adorable his height was.
"Are you still growing?"
He dared to ask and Eight raised a brow at him.
"No. One more question about my height and I'll make you match it."
Four was quiet for a good minute while he was looking at him.
"What if I water you?"
Eight froze. Four held his breath. There was this sudden change in the colour of Eights eyes and he got pressed against the wall faster than he could process.
"Fucking dare you."
Eight growled. His gaze was very intimidating so Four just blinked dumbfounded before Eight backed off, chuckling a little.
"Consider this a warning and let's move on. I need some sleep. And I bet you too."
Four needed a few seconds to recover.
"Oh come on, I need sleep. Hurry."
Eight groaned and Four just shook his head. They made their way through the wreck and eventually stopped in front of a door. Four was about to open it but it was locked. Eight raised a brow. Four turned around.
"Technically, Threes old room is yours now but it's locked. And I don't want to risk hearing or seeing Two and Three... you know?"
Four ran his fingers through his hair, thinking a little.
"Okay, no problem, I can sleep in my car too."
Eight was just about to return to his car as Four grabbed his arm.
"You can sleep in my bed."
"And where are you supposed to sleep?"
Four looked at him a little confused.
"My bed. Obviously. Where else would I sleep?"
Eight shrugged.
"I don't know? But, you know, for some people that stuff is kinda awkward. Sharing a bed and stuff."
Eight spoke and for the first time since they met, his sentence didn't sound as planned and thought through. Besides the spoon thing. But that was a different story.
"No, it's okay. As long as you don't cuddle?"
"I sure don't"
At least not intentionally.
"Well then, do you have your sleeping clothes?"
"Uh, well normally I am sleeping in boxers only, but it's kinda cold."
Eight said as he entered the room and removed his watch from his wrist.
"I like to sleep in a colder room, sorry. Uhm do you want a shirt or a jumper?"
Four opened his closet and the belt of his pants already. He heard Eight do the same.
"A sweater would be lovely."
Four nodded and grabbed a grey sweater from his wardrobe and threw it over his shoulder. Eight, who tried to catch it, stumbled over his pants, which he just undressed and fell. Four, who just heard the noise, turned around fast to check if Eight was okay. But the second he turned around; he couldn't help but laugh. Hard.
Eight was laying on the bed, nearly naked, his head buried in the sheets. But his arm was struck out into the air, his hand holding onto the sweater. He looked ridiculous. Which is why he got up fast, red and embarrassed while mumbling a bunch of swear words and pulling the sweater over his head.  But it made Four laugh even more. He had the hood in the front. And while Four was laughing is ass off, on the bed, rolling around, Eight just fixed the sweater and got even more embarrassed. Four was crying already. And Eight would have been mad but shit. Four looked so good like this. Laughing whole-heartily, showing his white teeth and a little bit of his well-defined stomach.
"Stop it and go the fuck to sleep. And fix your fucking shirt, you half naked man."
Eight grumbled at him before getting on, - what he now reclaimed his side of the bed- and crawling under the blanket. Four, who slowly came down, changed his clothes and turned off the light before coming under the blanket as well. Eight cleared his throat.
"Mate, that's my blanket."
"Technically it is mine. But obviously, we are sharing it."
"Don't you have a second one?"
"Nope. So don't steal it while sleeping."
"Your feet are cold."
"So are your hands."
"Why are you touching them?"
"I needed to have a comparison."
Eight laughed softly before he clicked his tongue.
"Good night."
He said and Four smirked.
"Night, pudding boy."
"Fuck off"
"You too."
I believe it isn't necessary to mention that both of them fell asleep smiling.
AN: If you like this fanfiction, please reblog it, or share it with someone who could be interested in it, it would mean the world to me! You can also leave an ask if you have anything on your heart 💕💞✨🙇🏻‍♂️
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Soul of a Warrior. Chapter 16: Calm Before The Storm
Fandom: The Witcher
Ship: Jaskier x Nissa (OC)
Previous Chapter - Chapter Index - Next Chapter
Please reblog and leave a comment, it would make my day!
Our relationship doesn’t change much, and at the same time, it changes drastically. We still flirt, we still joke and we are still extremely close and touchy. The only true difference is that we now openly kiss. Then how is it that our entire dynamic feels different? Is it because of the simple knowledge that the intense burning feelings are reciprocated? Is that why I can’t get enough of Jaskier? I feel closer to him than I have ever felt with anyone, and his mere presence makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. His touch alone heals the past wounds with the graze of his fingers. It makes me smile as he suddenly pulls me in closer and traps me in an embrace that I have no intention in escaping.
“Come here, angel” He says as he repeatedly kisses my face all over. My cheek, my temple, my jaw, my eyelids, the corner of my lips, just anywhere he can reach. It seems as though he can’t get enough of me either. I giggle at his endless and tireless adoring touches.
Geralt, ahead of us, loudly grunts in a clear complaint to our blatant displays of affection.
“Do that again” I tell Jaskier, and he loses no time in returning to his amorous ministrations.
“You love it, don’t you?” He smirks against my cheek, but I squeeze his hands on my stomach to claim his attention.
“I do, and by all means don’t stop” I tease him, earning a confused look from him. “But I was referring to the other thing”
“Oh” Jaskier bashfully laughs, begrudgingly quitting his kisses even if his arms linger.
There are many things I know about Jaskier. That dusk is his favorite time of the day. That he fidgets his fingers when he is nervous. That he often talks in his sleep. That he wrote his first song when he was eighteen. As it turns out, however, I have so much more to learn about him. For example, that his real name is Julian Alfred Pankratz, even if I will still always call him Jaskier, or otherwise, stupid bard. Another of the incredible facts I have learned about him is that he does a flawless Geralt of Rivia impression. I try not to gather the witcher’s attention as I muffle my laughter at Jaskier’s growling voice. He sounds exactly like Geralt.
“Fuck…” Jaskier says now, emulating the witcher’s deadpan voice to perfection.
I have to cover my mouth with my hand not to laugh out loud. Even so, I hide my face on his shoulder to suffocate the badly contained giggling. If Geralt discovers us, it will unleash his anger. Knowing this, Jaskier is having lots of fun making me laugh and putting me in his radar.
“What are you laughing at?” Geralt doesn’t bother to stop walking or even glance at us.
Jaskier takes a breath, prepared to reply, and so I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. Whatever he was about to say, I know him well enough to realize it is better if it doesn’t reach Geralt’s ears.
“Nothing” I innocently say, and the witcher only grunts in annoyance.
These few days, and much to Geralt’s vexation, Jaskier and I have been inseparable, quite literally so, as our hands seem to permanently be fused together. Our fingers always find each other to easily press our palms together, just like they do right now. Jaskier and I exchange a look and lowly giggle together. This childish energy continues on as we murmur and follow after Geralt.
After several more days of travel, we have finally reached Cintra. Everything has regained a feeling of normalcy after we visited Mousesack, Geralt’s druid friend, and he helped us recover our horses as well as our belongings left behind. After that, Geralt accepted a witcher job that we decided to join him in. I still can’t believe we have convinced Jaskier to accompany us, or rather, I have. Kader’s spirit seems to have taken over me as I find myself understanding his yearning for adventure more and more, as well as his fascination for the witcher’s job after all that we have experienced together.
A subtle shift in the ambience warns me that we are getting close. It feels eerie and heavy. Jaskier seems to feel it too, because his feet halt and his hand squeezes mine. Watching the witcher, I think of the quickest most absurd way to distract my preoccupied lover.
“Don’t you ever get the urge to braid Geralt’s hair?” I whisper to him, to which he chuckles. Jaskier has no problem in following along with my silliness as he stares at Geralt as well.
“I wish I knew how to braid”
“I could teach you”
“Really, you would do that for me? You’re so kind”
“It’s not every day I get to teach the great Jaskier something”
“Are you flirting with me, Nissa?”
“I am, thanks for noticing”
The witcher doesn’t stop walking, but he interrupts us again when we start giggling.
“What are you two muttering?” He turns to us, and I cringe a bit at the sight.
“Shit, I forgot about his eyes” I avert my gaze, finding the change jarring.
“Oh, gosh!” Jaskier exclaims himself at the sight of Geralt’s frightening black eyes. “I will never get used to that”
Surely, Geralt took the elixir knowing how dark it would be inside the crypt. Nonetheless, a part of me believes the witcher was having a bit of fun by taking the potion beforehand, precisely for Jaskier’s amusing reaction.
“We’re here” Indeed, I catch a glimpse of a smirk on Geralt’s lips. “Are you coming in?”
Now that we have arrived, I hesitate. Even from the outside, I can tell it is pitch black inside, and I can’t imagine myself navigating the dark crypt. Strange sounds reach my ears even from afar. Geralt won’t be facing only ghouls, as I believed. Imagining myself in there, I already feel the chills creeping up my neck. That place will be swarming with spiders, which would be the least of my concerns. I can picture the dread and paranoia as I blindly advance the claustrophobic rooms. For a change, I have no need to subject myself to that.
“Uh, no” Jaskier mutters for me. “No, we will wait for you here, thank you very much”
He firmly grasps my hand as he vehemently shakes his head. Perhaps he is worried that I might still run after Geralt. I no longer have any intention to do so.
“Good” Geralt absently rests his hand against the medallion hanging from his neck and then unsheathes his sword. “Stay here”
“Geralt?” My eyes quickly fall upon the pitch darkness inside the crypt before settling over his burly figure once more. “Be careful”
Geralt nods his head and faces his back to us. Before he enters, however, a growl echoes from the depths of the crypt. His shoulders grow tense and he pauses for a moment.
“Fuck” I mouth, just as Geralt speaks the word. Jaskier laughs and kisses me in the cheek.
As the witcher immerses himself into the crypt, I turn to my beloved. His bright grin awaits me as it rests against my jaw now. The butterflies return in anticipation, and although I truly enjoy his lips traveling down my neck, I take a deep breath to focus and quiet down my racing heart. We are both eager to make up for lost time, but not yet. Not now. We must take this opportunity to train again. We have been during every break in order to teach Jaskier some self-defense techniques. Or rather, I have while Geralt watches him fumble with the dagger in amusement.
“Jaskier…” I pipe up, mustering all my willpower to ask him to move away.
“If you tell me you don’t like it, I will stop” He replies against my neck, with a cocky hint to his voice.
“Oi” I push him away from me, although reluctantly. “I have something else in mind”
“Do you now?” He smirks, especially so when my hand sneaks past his doublet. “Oh, yes, show me then”
I then pull the dagger that he clings to his waistband. It is a relief to see he still carries it with him. As the realization hits, Jaskier groans in exasperation and hides his face in my neck. His warmth is enveloping and comfortable, but I must resist him.
“Ugh… please, no…” He miserably covers his face with his hands. “Not again, Nissa…”
I watch him without batting an eye. After a bit, he shows his face again. To further entice me, he shows me those trained puppy eyes and pouts his bottom lip. When I calmly shake my head at him, he runs a hand through his thick brown hair and huffs in resignation.
“Honestly, Nissa” He takes my hand as a last resort. “It’s so tedious and dull, I much rather be doing something else with you”
“You need to know how to defend yourself” I offer him the dagger, and although he eyes it, he refuses to take it. “I don’t want you getting hurt again, Jas”
Jaskier sighs, rolling his eyes with such fervor that I fear they might get stuck on his skull. Then, however, he sighs and his vexed exasperation turns to fond admiration as he watches me.
“I won’t” His arms fall around me, yet in a different manner they usually do. He is now using a lock I have taught him, securing the grip by holding his own wrist. It keeps me pinned against him. “So what happens if I refuse?”
“That’s daring” I push a hand against his chest, though he does not budge and instead tightens his hold on me. Now I have no space to move as our fronts are pressed together. “Especially given that I am armed and you are not”
“You can never hurt me” He is cocky enough to not only whisper those words, but to also lean his mouth dangerously close to mine as he does.
“Do you have a death wish, stupid bard?” I lean the tip of the dagger below his chin.
Jaskier cocks an eyebrow, and although he doesn’t move, the smugness lingers on his lips. There we stand, not moving an inch. His mouth is still dangerously close to mine. It would be terribly easy to kiss him, and the offer is far too tempting. He knows this and smirks.
Of course I would never hurt him. I just hoped he had the decency of pretending this was a real fight. It is completely useless given that he is determined not to train now. As well as the fact that I cannot resist him no matter how hard I try. I glare at him, though he holds my gaze as I lower the weapon. He nods his head, satisfied, and drops his arms. His bright smile returns with ease as he stares at me. When I shake my head at him, he plops down in a big boulder and pouts at me from below.
“Why don’t you just sit here instead?” He suggestively pats his lap. “Rest for a bit, darling”
“I mean it, Jaskier” I roll my eyes at him despite the smile that tugs at the corners of my lips. A similar gesture plays on his even as he pushes my hand away, and with it the dagger. “You need to keep learning and-“
“Then why don’t you have Geralt teach me, hm?”
“Because I need an excuse to be this close to you”
“You don’t need any excuses”
I yelp as he unexpectedly takes ahold of my hips and pulls me down into his lap. He lovingly squeezes me against him and nuzzles my neck. I have found my sides aren’t the only tickling spot, as the back of my shoulders grows tingly with his touch.
“Don’t…” I try to convince myself that training is more important than this, although less pleasurable. “Jas…”
“Don’t?” He laughs as he moves to delicately kiss the bit of skin exposed in my shoulder. “Don’t what?”
“You know what, Jaskier…” My arms find their way around his neck as I give in and pull him closer against me. I clench my jaw when he smugly smirks against me.
“Just relax, Nis” With his words, I heave a deep breath and lay my head on his shoulder.
I have been a bit tense ever since he got hurt. Honestly, it terrifies me that I may not be able to heal him again if he were to be injured once more. All this stress melts away, however, when his nimble fingers sink into my hair. I close my eyes and lose myself in the feeling of his loving caresses.
“Aren’t you tired?” His tender voice nearly lulls me to sleep, as I am indeed fatigued. “You’ve got many visits lately”
“People need healers, just like they need witchers”
“And bards, as well”
“Do they now? What do you do, dear bard?”
“I, my lovely Nissa” He pauses dramatically. “Bring joy and cheer to the hearts of people by means of song”
“Do you?” Our gazes meet, and when they do, I cock an eyebrow at him.
“Why, of course!” Jaskier frowns in response. I can only laugh as I tease him more.
“Do you really think of your music so highly?” I hold on to his nape as I move my mouth dangerously close to his. He takes a deep breath, though he gulps as he glances down to my lips. I smirk, but don’t move.
“Don’t you start it too” Now he is the one trying to distance himself from me, holding a finger up. “Geralt complains about my songs, like he doesn’t enjoy them. You both love them, don't you dare deny it”
“We don’t” A laugh escapes me when he gasps and gawks at me.
“Nis-“ Before he can complain, I silence him with a kiss. My hand cups his cheek, and my thumb caresses him to confirm that I wasn’t serious in my taunting, even if he already knows.
Our lips move in sync, hungry for each other’s taste, as we cling on to the other’s body. The sound of our love, translated into kisses, fills the silent environment. My lungs start burning and begging for oxygen, and only then do I break away from him. Our eyes meet and we smile. We laugh together. I have been missing these brief intimate moments. We stop to rest too sparingly, and even when we do Geralt is not too keen on putting up with our affection.
I accommodate myself against his lap, overcome with that feeling of happiness once more. If we hadn’t been a pair of idiots, we could have had this sooner, though perhaps destiny meant it to happen this way... to ensure it was the right moment, that we were properly prepared to reach this part in our relationship. Perhaps we needed to be separated for a bit in order to get here.
As he repeatedly pecks my jaw, I giggle and lock my arms around his neck. Jaskier’s lips suddenly latch to my neck once more, more passionately than before. Heat arrives to my cheek and spreads down my body, filling me within and leaving me breathless.
“Jaskier!” I call him in outrage between ragged breaths.
“Hm?” He only asks, not stopping his ministrations.
“Geralt will return any moment” I remind him when his mouth and hands start growing hungry. The downside of our wait is the fact that our passion now overflows as we had been repressing it for so long.
Jaskier complies and only nuzzles my neck instead. I sigh in relief, instructing my accelerated heart to quiet down. The torture of being with him without being with him had been unbearable for me too. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how I had enough restraint not to throw myself at him. Perhaps the fear of rejection was too great. I smile in content and forget about all that. We are here now, together.
Returning to our previous position, his hand is in my hair once more. I shove my face in the crook of his neck as he caresses me and lowly starts singing an improvised tune.
“You’re going to put me to sleep…” He has definitely done a good job in soothing my anguish. I feel completely relaxed, nearly lulled to slumber with the marvelous sound of his beautiful voice. Jaskier laughs.
The short pause that follows foretells mischief. I never find out why. Something heavily suddenly drops next to us. I jump in alarm, and Jaskier yelps as well. Confused, the both of us look to see a ghoul head on the ground. Geralt walks to reunite with us, saving his sword.
“Bloody hell…” Jaskier’s hand moves to rest against his chest.
“You have a twisted sense of humor, witcher” I tell him, averting my eyes from the sight.
“Don’t do that!” Jaskier absently ushers me off his lap to stand up and scold him. “You scared me out of my wits, Geralt!”
The witcher smirks a bit, staring at me. Although he startled me too, I must admit it was quite funny. Jaskier, however, is going on about how rude it was and how Geralt is a brute.
“Good to know you have my back, Jaskier” He teases him in a deadpan voice. The bard follows after him when Geralt heads back towards the horses.
“I mean it, Geralt!” Jaskier continues speaking nonsense. “How would you-?”
Calm throughout his melodrama, I take him by the shirt and pull him against me. When my lips smash against his, he breathes out and it doesn’t take long for him to melt into the kiss. I smile, and he puts a hand on my side to squeeze it. Giggling to his retaliation, I pull away and grin at him.
“How did you do that?” Geralt quickly turns to us.
“Do what?” I separate myself from Jaskier, even if my hand lingers over his shirt and plays with his chest hair.
“Shut him up” The witcher watches us intently, and I have to purse my lips in amusement.
“I kissed him” I don’t say that I did so just to, in fact, shut him up. It’s clear for our friend.
“Hm” Geralt turns back around and continues walking. “Maybe it’s not so bad after all…”
“Unbelievable!” Jaskier takes my hand off him and scowls at me. “By all means, speak your mind about how insufferable you think I am, Nissa, you-“
I kiss him again, smirking against his lips. Jaskier melts into the exchange once more. Both his hands fly to my waist in an automatic gesture. I show him an angelical smile as we pull away and he grins like a fool.
“Heh...” Jaskier cutely wrinkles his nose at me. “Had I known I was so irresistible, I…”
“Yes?” I encourage him when he stops himself.
“Wait, did you just do it again?” When I push my face against his shoulder to suffocate my laughter, he insistently pats the small of my back. “Oi, answer me, Nissa!”
I press my lips together, trying not to laugh. I know it will only earn me his never ending outrage. It becomes a hard task when Geralt grins at the bard’s outraged ramblings.
Another city, another inn. After so long, they all start blurring together. The only real proof of the passing of time is the situation we are in. The first inn welcomed us as nearly strangers. Then we were companions and almost friends. Now… well, now things are very different. As well as a strengthening of our bonds, there is another change. Precariousness hangs in the air. We have been evading the subject, yet that won’t make the problem disappear. We must face it and do something about it.
Geralt nods his head, hidden under his hood, and quietly occupies a table in the corner of the tavern. Jaskier and I make our way towards the reception, knowing what we are to do. My stomach churns in anticipation as we reach the weary innkeeper.
“Hello, good sir” Jaskier starts, making use of his particular charm. “We are looking for someone, can you help us?”
“Who?” The man replies, glancing from one to the other.
I approach the counter to address him. I have to make a conscious effort not to look at Geralt waiting at the table. Even if he is wearing the hooded cape, I worry for him.
“A group of treasure hunters” I continue, which Jaskier allows me. “Most of them have brown hair. One of them has a big scar on his jaw, here”
As soon as I point a finger to my own face, the barkeeper squints and nods. By the disgust in his eyes, I can tell he has definitely encountered them.
“A bunch of scoundrels” Indeed, he nods his head. “As far as I know, they headed for the outskirts”
Jaskier and I share a look of understanding. A sinking feeling reaches my stomach.
“Will there be anything else?” The man asks us, and Jaskier is quick to answer.
“Three tankards of your best ale, please” Expertly hiding his restlessness, he leans on the counter.
We take the mugs, thanking the innkeeper, and return with Geralt. My head boils with thoughts. They are still here. Perhaps we can anticipate their next assault by attacking first. The three of us are done hiding and willing to face it.
“They’re at the outskirts” Jaskier says as he sits in front of Geralt and hands him the ale.
“They might have a hideout there” His voice projects from the depths of the cape.
“I hate to be a downer, but we are actively seeking those who want to kill us and nearly succeeded many times” The bard sighs, gesticulating quite a lot as he rests his hands over the table. “Are we sure this is a good idea?”
“What is our other option?” I don’t like this anymore than he does, but we have to retaliate. “Let them kill us? Sit by and wait to be slaughtered?”
Jaskier watches me in silence, pressing his lips together in unease.
“We’ll go to the outskirts first thing tomorrow” Geralt’s golden eyes shine slightly under the cape. “We need to be well rested and prepared”
“And uh… what is my role here?” Jaskier asks, looking from me to him. “A distraction? I can do that”
I smirk, and although I'm about to tease him, I wish he could just stay behind where he is safe. However, just like Geralt, he is involved in this. Those men made sure of it when they injured him. It isn’t only a personal matter to me because of Kader. Those bastards made it personal for them too.
“You just be pretty and stay quiet” I move the mug close to my lips to drink. “Although the last part might be hard for you”
“I’ll show you, you little minx” Jaskier passionately mutters between grit teeth. Then he whispers something in my ear, something that causes me to blush violently and choke on my beverage. The bastard sniggers when I start coughing.
“I don’t want to know” Geralt lets his eyes wander, finding interest in anything other than us. “Stop that already”
Even as he pats my back to aid me in my recovery from choking on the ale, Jaskier smirks.
“I…” My attempt to regain my composure fails, and I have to wait several more seconds until my voice obeys my command. “If you will excuse me, I’m off to take a bath”
I stand up without waiting for any responses. In any case, I have a faint idea of what Jaskier’s might be. And I prefer he doesn’t say it in front of Geralt.
I absently dry my hair with the towel, letting my thoughts wander. I’m not focusing on anything in particular, but I still get slightly startled when the door opens behind me.
“Hey, Jas” I smile at him when he languidly comes in.
“Hello, my love” There is a mischievous grin plastered in his lips.
“What is it?” I stop the motion of my hands, leaving my wet hair to dry on its own. As he advances towards me, his expression only intensifies. “Do you have mischief on your mind?”
Jaskier approaches me, and now his smirk acquires a mysterious glow. I wish I was psychic like Hana always said. That way I could read his mind right this moment.
“Not exactly” He ceremoniously takes the towel from my hands and carelessly tosses it over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” I observe him under the dim light filtering through the window to my right. Only the little sunlight left, as it turns to night, illuminates his features.
Jaskier now smiles sweetly, as though the light wasn’t making his profile attractive enough.
“Nothing, I just missed you” He shrugs a bit, but I’m not quite buying his innocent act.
Indeed, he puts his arms around me and brings me close. I rest my hands on his chest, ready to push him back if he gets cocky, which he might. We remain silent while we stare into each other’s eyes.
“I only took a bath” I scoff, playfully wrinkling my nose at him. “We saw each other no more than ten minutes ago, you-“
His lips interrupt me when they hungrily seek mine. My eyes close on their own. I lose the ability to breathe. My body automatically responds to the kiss, deepening it as he does. It brings me back to that moment outside the crypt, making it harder to ignore my desire for much longer. My hands fly to his nape, bringing him impossibly close to me. His hands against the small of my back do too, even if there is no space at all between our bodies. Our mouths dance in sync, drinking from each other’s essence. I feel so connected to him that I almost think our hearts are synchronized as well. Jaskier is breathless, and he begrudgingly leaves my mouth for oxygen. I take a deep breath myself, feeling my heart racing and my breathing erratic. But he doesn’t stop there. He quickly goes for my neck. He seems to have special fondness for that spot. When the butterflies appear in my stomach, my brain gives an alarm. I’m enjoying Jaskier’s lips on my neck, perhaps a little too much, which is why I nervously push him away. He gawks at me, his mouth still frozen in the position for a kiss.
“What’s the matter, Nissa?” He asks, showcasing that puppy look in his beautiful blue eyes.
“You sneaky little shit…” I chuckle in awe, understanding what his intentions were. Especially when I have to take a second to calm down, and his red cheeks tell the same tale.
“What do you mean, love?” The bard still looks innocently at me, so I give him a soft glare.
“You know exactly what I mean”
“You don’t… you don’t want to do that?”
He has turned more serious, noticing my hesitance. I sigh, conflicted about my own emotions. There are many reasons why I am unsure.
Firstly, what awaits us tomorrow feels too important to focus on anything else. I fear that, if we were to trespass that threshold, it would be more due to the fear of losing our chance than because we desire to do it. We know the dangers that lay at the outskirts.
Secondly, the matter is more personal than just the possibility of meeting an early end. It had been so long since last time. Thinking about that moment also brings Vizima to mind. It reminds me how much has occurred since I last was this intimate with someone, how love and sex had completely left my mind when more important things, like grief or loss, occupied my thoughts and my soul.
Jaskier’s hands, which had been firmly settled on my hips, leave me completely. The absence of his touch makes me feel cold and empty. I shiver, unsure if because of the low room temperature or the conflict within me.
“We don’t…” He scrunches his face in a carefree gesture. “We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, I…”
My finger goes to rest against his lips, efficiently silencing him. We stare at each other for a moment. His eyebrows arch in surprise and anticipation.
“It’s not that…” My hands slid down his neck and over his shoulders. This encourages him to rest his on my back, returning to that warm touch. “I just don’t want that to be the only thing between us now. I don’t want our relationship to be only that”
“Nis…” The nickname warns me of a light-hearted response. He adorably tilts his head as well, staring at me fondly. “You know I don’t want just that either. I fell for you, all of you. Not just what you can give me”
“Well, I-“
“I wasn’t finished!”
“Go on then, silly”
“Do you want to know when I knew I was inevitably in love with you?”
“Back when you so wittily verbally retaliated against me for calling you a delicate flower”
“Jaskier... that’s the day after we met”
“And you waited all this time to court me”
“I wasn’t waiting, I continuously tried to-“
“No, you didn’t! How was I to know your endless and obvious adoration was genuine?”
We both laugh when I begrudgingly take most of the blame. Only most of it.
“I’ll tell you how. I promise you something, Nissa… your heart is safe with me”
“I…” His earnest emotional response surprises me for a moment. “I bet you tell that to everyone”
Jaskier grins in amusement to my teasing. His pretty eyes twinkle as he watches me fondly. It only fuels my desire to taunt him, so I peck his lips and retreat immediately after. He groans in quite a needy whine.
Delicate flower… I smirk to myself at the thought that I proved him wrong. And I proved him right. Perhaps I can be a delicate flower, but as he once said, roses are flowers with thorns.
“H-Hang on… Jaskier…” I gasp when I am hit with realization. “That day… Delicate Flower… That song…”
Jaskier grins. Even that gesture is breathtaking. He arches his eyebrows and vehemently nods his head. For a moment, watching his smug grin, I forget what we were talking about.
“Thank you for noticing, love” He playfully kisses me on the nose. “It took you a bit”
“Is that why it took you so long to write it?” It is my turn to smirk, and he blushes a tad.
Jaskier doesn’t reply. In fact, his eyes look anywhere but me. I laugh and slap his shoulder.
“What’s the matter, Jas?” I teasingly say, squeezing his arm. “You seem flustered”
Jaskier now stares into my eyes. His gaze is piercing, intense. When he opens his mouth to reply, his tone is hushed and tender.
“How to express what my heart yearned to say? There was no way to show how I feel about you. Even now that the song is finished… it doesn’t quite explain all these wonderful things you make me feel”
The tables are turned when I am now flustered myself. His sweet smile, reinforcing his genuine words, only makes matters worse. Nonetheless, I tilt my chin up and recover.
“If you’re so smitten, then explain that entrance, you cheeky bard” I try to hide my nervousness by teasing him, poking his shoulder. “Did you harbor pure thoughts then?”
“I will admit” He smirks, responding to my provocation. Nonetheless, his hand gives my waist a comforting squeeze. “I had only one thing in mind, but… you were in the bath”
“You… ugh” When I feel myself turning several shades redder, I plop my forehead against his chest. Jaskier chuckles, delicately tangling his fingers in my wet hair.
“Fine, you perv-” As soon as we are face to face again, he lifts one finger and leans it against my lips. His soft expression shocks me. It is softer than I have seen in a while.
“Do you want to?” He insists, slowly retracting his finger so I can speak.
“I do”
“But!” I hold my hand up, causing him to arch his eyebrows in expectation. “You better treat me right still after, Jas, or I will-“
He interrupts my flimsy joking threat with a kiss, showcasing the sweetest of touches yet. My eyes flutter closed and I happily shiver. I hang on to him, pressing myself against his chest as close as I can. Our lips meet again and again with feather light pressure. Delicately.
Jaskier slowly breaks away, and I open my eyes to look at him.
“I love you, Nissa” He suddenly says. I gawk at Jaskier, as he said it so confidently. There are no doubts in his mind whatsoever that what he says is true, that his feelings are real and strong. I have the conviction that so are mine.
Unaware that I have been holding my breath, I let it out. His brows knit in concern, though I smile reassuringly. A timid grin grows on his lips as well.
“And I love you too, my stupid bard” I say in return, caressing his face. Saying those words feels right. Voicing those feelings is freeing, cathartic. It finally feels as though I have confessed what gnawed at me for far too long.
Jaskier sighs with a mixture of relief and glee. A bright smile grows on his mouth. He leans in, and just as his lips are brushing against mine, I halt. The moment somehow feels familiar. He stares at me in awe.
“Why does it feel like I have said it before?”
“Because…” Jaskier pauses for a brief moment, showcasing a smug smirk. “You said it before”
“Oh, no… that day... I forgot about it…” I hide in his chest in embarrassment. He kisses my hair, even if the bastard is laughing as his lips linger on my head.
“You didn’t believe me” Jaskier says to further tease me. “And you started sobbing”
I chuckle in spite of myself, and shiver when he returns to kiss me. My breath shakes in my chest as he busies his mouth with my neck.
“I'm glad..." I can hardly speak as the butterflies intensify and spread the heat of passion within me. "That my embarrassment is amusing to you”
As soon as I lock eyes with him, we both laugh together. Jaskier then wiggles his eyebrows at me. A mischievous laugh is all warning I get before he kisses me on the lips again. I just melt right into it, into his arms. Against his mouth. I even find myself giggling as we both stumble in our passionate stupor and fall together onto the bed.
Tag list: @x-joie-x​ / @x-jodi-x​ / @dancingwith-thesunflowers​ / @golden-guide​ / @alwayshave-faith​ / @this-is-whump-dammit​ / @legallyblindgamer727​ / @lilyevans1​ / @kingniazx​ / @molethemollie / @a-somehow-functioning-dumbass // Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list to be notified when I post next chapter!!
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broke-n-bitchy · 5 years
Wicked Dreams
Part Five
@triplehaitches Thank you for helping me get out of my writers’ block and for the suggestions!
@knightwhosaysnii @lovesick-heart0 @carmineharry @slowandangry @rxsesinjune @fandomshit6000 @my-names-blurryfvce @sighsophiia @jerseytaint
Part Sixx
Nikki Sixx x OC
Warnings: drinking, drugs, angst, domestic abuse
-Lucy’s POV-
New city, new venue, and I should be pumped but the thought of Nikki’s hands running down my sides while his lips attached to my neck played in my head like a fucking broken record. I gazed at my stage outfit, admiring the makeup that Vince actually ended up doing for me.
Dude did my makeup better than I did. Sliding on the black blazer along with a top hat that Mick was actually letting me borrow, it came together. “Alright, showtime,” I mumbled to myself before leaning down to snort up a line of blow that was laid out on across the table.
I heard someone wiggle the knob before bursting inside of my dressing room, “Um, what are you doing?” It was Nikki. The butterflies in my stomach swirled around like a tornado. He didn’t say anything, he just swaggered over to me. The closer he got, the more nervous I felt.
Placing his hands upon my cheeks, his lips crashed into mine in a heated kiss. Letting out a soft grunt, he grasped my thighs and propped me up onto the table. “Nikki,” I tried pushing him off but this felt too good. Fluttering my eyes shut, running my hands along his shoulders while tugging him closer between my legs.
“Mm, you always smell so fuckin’ good,” He mumbled into my mouth and I felt a light blush tinting my cheeks. But it couldn’t be like this. We were too close for comfort. Gently pushing him back, I shook my head. “Nikki, last night.. It can’t happen again. We were caught up in the moment but we’re on tour together, we’re starting to become good friends - I just-” He cut me off by placing a finger on my lips.“
“It’s okay, babydoll. Just know that I am going to keep pushing until I get you,” He told me with a sly smirk before pulling back, “Good luck out there,” He said before walking out of my dressing room. Leaving me quite breathless.
End of Flashback
-Nikki’s POV-
After the show, Vince and Tommy decided to host a Halloween party since it was in a few days. We were going to be here for a few days and I’m sure it was they wanted to see girls’ in slutty costumes.
I didn’t dress up, I just slid on a pair of devil horns over my head. That was it. Sitting on the couch, and after snorting a few lines I leaned back. A bodacious brunette clinging to my side, she looked familiar from somewhere. Couldn’t quite pinpoint where though. 
Then, an angel walked into the room where I was. Literally. Lucy was turning heads in her costume.
She was wearing a white pair of fishnet thigh highs, matching heels. My eyes followed her body upwards and she was wearing this little white tutu, and this extremely tight corset that outlined her curves. Angel wings and a little halo headband on top to match it all.
Lucy looked around before being greeted by Vince. Just by his body language, you can tell he was flirting with her. And by hers, you could see that she was turning him down. Ha, been there buddy.
Being pulled by my thoughts, the girl that I was hanging with brought me back a drink, “Thank you, sweetheart.” I gulped it down in two drinks before settling the cup off to the side.
“Hey,” Lucy grinned while she sat down next to me. I was about to greet her before she pointed her finger towards the brunette across from her. “Hey, I remember you! Scarlett, right?” She questioned and the girl seemed generally excited. “Yeah, that’s me! I remember you too!” The girl smirked and then it all came back to me.
“Well, isn’t this a coincidence,” I tugged both girls closer to my body, Scarlett relaxing more than Lucy did. Her pupils were dilated, “You already do some blow?” I asked her and she shook her head, “No, I smoked a joint with my cousin before getting dressed. I needed to relax to get this corset to fit,” She told me before snagging the bottle of vodka on the table. It was unopened. Which meant it was Mick’s. Normally you’d get bitched at for touching his alcohol but Mick from across just nodded towards Lucy.
He had a soft spot for her, everyone did. Lucy unscrewed the cap and gulped down a few drinks. I was about to grab it before she shooed my hand away, “Get your own, Sixx,” she basically growled at me.
“Sharing is caring.” I scoffed before snagging the bottle and taking a drink. She just rolled her eyes at me, getting up and walking over so she could sit next to Scarlett.
“So how have you been, love?” Lucy asked over the loud music thumping in the background. I was literally getting cockblocked by my wingman. They were talking about something and I just groaned in annoyance. I was about to get fuckin’ laid. Then they hunched over a little to where I couldn’t hear them, giggling and laughing. They peaked up every now and then to look at me. Now I really wanted to know what they were talking about.
Lucy then gave Scarlett a nod before getting up and walking away. Scarlett moved closer to me again with a smirk, “Hey, so Lucy and I were talking and well..” She trailed off as her fingers trailed across my jawline, “How about we all get out of here? Head back to your room or hers.” She suggested. Was that what they were talking about? A threesome? What made Lucy change her mind about me? It’s been almost two months since she turned me down and she has every day since. I mean, I obviously wasn’t going to turn this down so I decided to just let it go. 
Scarlett excused herself before she got up, claiming that she was going to find Lucy so we could get the hell out of here; and that was a good question. Where was Lucy?
At first, I didn’t think anything of it but ten minutes passed by and still nothing. I’m going to be pissed if she stood me up.
My eyes searched through the party, hoping every brown-headed chick with blonde streaks was Lucy, but to my luck - my needs were never easy to fulfill. I did find Savannah? No, Samantha... Uh. Wait, it was Scarlett.
Strutting over to her, I slung an arm over her shoulder while a playful smirk rested on my lips, “Where’s Lucy?” I asked her.
Scarlett gave me this look of confusion, “I thought she was with you? She said she was going to look for you so we could get to business.” She ran her finger down my chest teasingly. Normally, I wouldn’t hesitate to just take Scarlett somewhere private but I was going to pass up this opportunity with Lucy. I’ve been trying for months to fuck her and tonight she’d finally let me, even if it was in a threesome.
“Hm, you check the ladies bathroom and I’ll ask her cousin,” I told Scarlett and she nodded before disappearing into the crowd. Maybe she got nervous and bailed? I don’t fuckin’ know, but I did manage to find her cousin, Sami, and Alex during my search.
They were standing in the corner, scoping out the crowd - pretty sure to find an easy fuck. 
“Hey, have you seen Lucy?” I questioned as soon as I made it to them, I was starting to freak out a little bit.
“Nah, man. Thought she was with you?” Sami asked, looking like he was about to have a heart attack whenever I shook my head to confirm that she wasn’t.
“She never does this at parties or crowded places, she always makes sure to let someone know where she went. Even if it’s to go take a piss,” Sami explained and I trusted him. They were related so he knew her better than anyone else.
Deciding to round up Mick, Tommy, and Ryder - I couldn’t find Vince. No surprise there. We started searching throughout the property in an attempt to find our missing angel. 
-Lucy’s POV-
The last thing I remember was some guy giving me a drink from the bar. I didn’t think anything of it as I gulped it down. Originally, I went to go find Tommy to borrow a smoke off of him but I ended up against the wall, breathing uneasily. What the actual fuck was in that drink?
My vision started blurring in and out, and my heart was pounding. I thought I was starting to run but I was actually moving very slowly along the wall.
“You don’t look so well,” I heard a creepy, deep voice mumble in my ear. It was that guy. He mentioned his name but I couldn’t fuckin’ remember. “Dude, what was in that drink?” I managed to get out between my chest heaving.
I felt him grabbing my waist and began pulling me out of the party. Telling people who gave us looks that I was drunk and he needed to get me home. “Please, stop..” I whimpered, whatever he gave me was making me extremely tired but the blow I did earlier was helping me stay awake. 
“Get off of me!” It took all of my strength to literally shove him off but my legs were wobbling and I couldn’t run. It resulted in a harsh strike across my face. “So fucking ungrateful.” I heard him say before being lifted up over his shoulder. The absolute worst part of all of this is that I knew what was happening and I couldn’t do anything at all about it. 
All that could come out of me was soft whimpers begging for this creep to stop but he was tying my hands with a rope, once he was finished he shoved me in the trunk and slammed it shut. I heard a yell from the distance, “HEY, WHAT THE FUCK?!” It was Sami. I couldn’t see anything except the cracks of the light from the streets peaking in the trunk, but I did hear slamming, punching, kicking, glass being busted.
It was muffled, “Someone get her out!” They yelled, pretty sure it was Ryder. 
The trunk flew open and I couldn’t help but cry in relief, “Oh my god,” Nikki said as he scooped me up, pulling out a switchblade and cutting the rope free from my wrists. “Hey, can you talk? Are you okay?” He was shaking my shoulders vigorously. I know he means well but it hurt and I was trying to find the words.
“Hey, calm down Sixx,” Sami told him before lifting me up, “Lets get her back to the hotel, and if she wants, she can file a police report,” Normally anyone at that party would argue about that considering the number of drugs just on the perimeter but no one did.
“You’ll be okay, it’s okay. God, I’m so fucking sorry.” I could’ve sworn I saw tears brimming Nikki’s eyes before I passed out. 
The Next Day
I got maybe, two hours of sleep and the rest was nothing but nightmares. Glancing over at the clock, it was ten in the morning. Which means everyone was still sleeping.
I didn’t want to press charges, I didn’t want this bullshit to end up on the tv. I just wanted it all to go away. I knew in this situation I would in no way be considered the victim. That’s just how it was with women, and it fucking sucked. So there was no point in getting riled up over this. At least that’s what I told myself before the vicious flashback came flooding into my head as soon as I lit my cigarette.
Feeling so fucking helpless, not being able to fight that man off. Not being able to do anything about the entire thing. If it wasn’t for Sami and everyone else quite literally coming to my rescue, I would probably be dead in a fucking ditch. “Please stop..” Tears streamed down my cheeks and I finally came to once I realized I was burning my knee with my lit cigarette. I nearly fell off the bed whenever I heard banging on the door, “Hey! It’s us, we just want to make sure you’re okay.” Tommy’s muffled voice rang in my ears.
Sighing, I got up and walked over to the door, opening it up. I saw both my band, and the Crue standing outside. It was ten in the fucking morning. They looked hungover and like they just died. Nikki was standing between Tommy and Sami.
Sami moved forward and pulled me into his arms, “I’m supposed to protect you and I failed, I’m so sorry.” That’s when I remembered the promise Sami made to me a decade ago right before my mother passed away. She was stationed and I had to stay with him and my aunt, and he swore he’d always have my back. I didn’t blame him at all.
I didn’t blame anyone. 
Except for myself.
Letting out a shaky sigh, I pulled back from Sami, “It’s not your fault, and if it weren’t for you guys, I’d probably be dead.” I tried to shake off the comment with a laugh whenever Sami winced at my words. “But it’s super early, and I think I just want to be alone right now,” Then I heard a groggy voice from a little further down, “That’s the last thing you need, princess. But we can’t do anything except respect your wishes, we’re only down the hall if you need anything.” Mick told me. He was distant and came across as bitter but we were both the guitarists for our bands, and despite the age difference, we got along extremely well.
“Thank you, all so much for everything.” Tommy then handed me a single yellow rose, “Here, it’s the official flower of Texas, right?” That brought a smile to my face and he roped me in for a hug, “The official flower of Texas is the bluebonnet, but thank you anyways.” His cheeks turned a little red while he shrugged, “Oops.”
Ryder and Alex gave me a group hug that almost squashed me before going to grab breakfast. They were typically up earlier than me. Sami went off with Tommy to smoke a cigarette and find Doc, I think Mick went to go find more booze.
Vince stood there with guilt evident in his eyes, he wasn’t there when everything happened, “I’m so sorry, Lu- I-”
“Sh, come here.” I wrapped my arms around him reassuringly, “Stop blaming yourself for every little thing, Vince. You’re a rockstar and not everyone else’s problem has to be your own.”
I know they wanted to be here for me but it seemed like the complete opposite.
Once he took off himself, I stood there in front of Nikki. For some reason, I wanted to just let it all out, “Sorry I stood you up last night,” I gave him a sad grin followed by a hoarse laugh. Desperately trying to hold in the tears.
“What the fuck, Lucy? You think that’s what I’m worried about?”
“I don’t think you ever worry about anything except yourself.” I didn’t mean that I just needed to let out some of the anger and Nikki wanted to go off but held it in. He knew I didn’t mean it.
He shook his head, grabbing me by the shoulders so his eyes could gaze intensely into mine, “That’s not true. You’ve had my back from the second we met and I am going to do the same for you, okay?” I didn’t say anything whenever his fingers grazed my sore cheek, instead, I choked out the words, “It was so bad, Nik. I was so scared.” He did the last thing I expected him to do next.
-Nikki’s POV-
Seeing Lucy break down in front of me tore me up in ways and caused feelings I didn’t even know I had to flare up like a fire. Why did I have such a soft spot for her? I almost killed that motherfucker last night if Ryder hadn’t yanked me off. I hated it but I knew he was right, the last thing Lucy needed was for a friend to end up in jail.
Whenever she told me she was scared, I didn’t know what to do. Lucy didn’t come across as someone who was scared of anything. She loved living her life, she loved being in the moment. After a nano-second of thinking, I carefully scooped her up into my arms and carried her back into her room, carefully laying her down back in bed and pulling the covers over her, “Look, it’s still early. The show isn’t until tonight so, get some rest, okay?”
I was about to turn around and leave until I heard her, “Will you lay with me?” She asked, and I smelled like shit. But I didn’t want to be rude, “Yeah,” I nodded, kicking off my shoes before crawling into bed next to her. She immediately moved closer, wrapping an arm over my torso and letting her head rest upon my chest.
I didn’t do this. I didn’t cuddle. I wasn’t there for people. If anything, I was the worst. Yet here I am, holding this girl while she cried softly into my shirt. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe here,” I rubbed her back, trying my best to comfort her. She only cried harder which only made me think I was making it worse.
“Thank you, for everything.” I didn’t respond. Instead, I just let her tears fall. Dampening my shirt, sometimes that’s just what someone needed.
I can’t explain why, but I just wanted to be what she needed.
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tellerford-mayhem · 7 years
Americano: No hablo su Jesus Cristo Chapter 1
Ship: Chibs x OC
Word Count: 2,045 Words
Synopsis: Isadora White Dove Alvarez is the daughter of the late president of the Mayan MC. She blames SAMCRO for all of her problems and intends to make them feel her pain. Chibs grows worried for her safety.
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendos, Mentions of Death
A/N: This is my first crack at SoA fan fiction. I hope that I can capture their likeness and I don’t disappoint. If you haven’t already, read my preview first about what has inspired this piece and where I want to take the story. If you want to be tagged, please let me know!
She heard the growl of the motorcycles coming up the drive. “Cabrones,” she said under her breath as she started getting ready for the day. She knew the Sons were coming to collect their precious cargo. She hated MC’s, especially this one in particular. They were the reason her father, Mateo Alvarez, was murdered. During the time when SAMCRO and the Mayans were at war, her father was gunned down, leaving her Uncle Marcus to take the reins of his MC. Now she lived with her mother’s sister, her Aunt Dana White Feather, on the Wahewa Reservation. Her Uncle Charlie had made a deal with the Sons to supply them with ammunition for a fair price. She tried thinking of ways to thwart this deal, but her uncle ordered her to stand aside. He knew of her desire to hurt them in anyway she could without starting a war, so he did his best to keep her away from them any time they were on the reservation.
She walked out of the bathroom and saw her Aunt and Uncle sitting at the table, talking under their breath. “Tsaangu beaichehku,” [Good Morning] she said to both of them. She grew up in a mixed house between Shoshone and Mexican. Her mother believed it was beneficial that she learned both languages and customs, as they were apart of her.
“Tsaangu beaichehku,” Aunt Dana replied.
“The Sons are back,” she noted while she fixed herself a cup of tea.
“Yes. You are to go with Wolf Tamer while they are here. He needs help in his mother’s garden.”
She rolled her eyes. Michael Wolf Tamer was enamored with her; he would literally do anything just to be alone with her. “Fine. I’ll hang out there, but if I see one of those puntas, lo asesinaré.”
There was a loud knock on the door. Her uncle looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “Please behave, White Dove.”
White Dove. The name she earned while she spent her summers with her grandparents on the Shoshone Reservation in Nevada. Her Aunt and Uncle only used it when they meant business, otherwise they called her by her given name: Isadora.
Three men walked into her home wearing SAMCRO colors: A tall grey haired man, who wore the president’s patch; a young blonde man, who wore the VP patch; and a greying man with distinctive scars on his cheeks. She knew the first two to be Clay Morrow and Jax Teller, respectively, but she didn’t know the other one. He intrigued her while he stood stoically by the door as Clay spoke with her uncle. She recognized him from somewhere, but couldn’t place where. She was studying the man when she noticed Jax looking over to her and smiling. She gritted her teeth as he approached. She had heard he was a ladies’ man, despite being in a committed relationship to Tara; a little flirting never hurt anybody. “I don’t believe we’ve met yet,” he said.
“Aléjate de mí, o te mataré,” she said with a smile. Her spanish caught him off guard. He looked at Dana who was watching the pair intently.
“Please excuse my niece. Her manners must escape her. This is Isadora White Dove.” She elbowed her in her ribs. “Sea amable o le estamos enviando a Nevada,” she whispered in her ear. Even though Dana grew up in Nevada on the reservation, she and her sister decided to learn spanish in their free time.
She sighed and held out her hand for Jax to shake. Quickly, she grabbed her sunglasses and headed out the door past the silent, rugged man standing guard. Michael was waiting for Isa on his doorstep when she arrived. He ran after her as she walked straight to his mother’s house to help with the herb garden. “Let’s get this over with,” she said.
He didn’t protest as he handed her a pair of gardening gloves. She ignored the offer and began pulling the weeds that were at the base of the Oregano bush. She looked back towards her house and saw the Sons loading boxes into their black van: the ammunition they came to collect. She glared at the man with the scars as he walked out of the door. He shot a glance in her direction and smiled. Isa turned her attention back to the weeds. She heard Michael mumbling to her about something, but she paid no attention to him. She was more concerned with the Sons than anything. She grabbed her garden sheers and walked over to the van as all the Crow disappeared behind the house. Isa had made the decision to puncture each of their tires. She raised her arm to give the blow momentum. As she brought it down with swift force, she felt arms wrap around her waist and lift her up and away from the van. “Oh no ya don’, lass,” a voice said in her ear, “I dinna think tha’ be wise a ya to do. You dinna want the club on yer ass for slashin’ their tires.”
He set her down and took the sheers out of her hands. “I don’t care who’s on my ass,” she said.
He smiled and cocked his head.
“I meant I don’t care if the club is pissed at me! Fuck you!”
“Now’s not the right place, lass,” he said, “go inside and stay outta the way.”
Michael had run over to take her back to the garden. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over her,” he said.
“Control yer woman.”
“Oy. Cállete, Cabrón. I’m not his woman.”
“Chibs!” Jax yelled. “You and me, let’s go.”
Chibs placed his hand on her chin. “We can deal with tha’ later then,” he said with a wink.
“En tus sueños,” she smiled.
“Then they’ll be good dreams, mo chailín shárálainn.” He walked over to his bike and revved it up. Once he and Jax were gone, she stormed back to the garden with Wolf Tamer.
He looked at her as she continued furiously pulling weeds. “Isa, I know you don’t think much of me,” he began, “but I do care about you. I don’t want to see you get hurt or worse.”
She wiped her forehead and looked at him. “Where are you going with this, Wolf?”
He sighed. “Why do you put yourself in those situations? You know the Sons are dangerous, so why piss them off?”
“They ruined my life. They took everyone I ever loved and destroyed them. If I can hurt them, even if it’s just a little bit, then I feel I have started to avenge them.”
He had a somber look on his face as he listened to her. Everyone in the tribe knew her father was president of an MC, which also ultimately caused the death of her dear mother. Nobody in the tribe knew what she had seen; nobody knew what had happened. Those were secrets she would take to the grave. All anyone knew was that they were murdered and that she blamed the Sons of Anarchy for everything.
Isadora stood up and dusted her pants off before walking into Wolf’s house for some beer. His father, Adam Flies with the Dragonfly, was sitting at their table enjoying a book and a cup of tea. “Where you the one causing all the commotion outside?” He asked, not looking up from his book.
She grabbed a beer out of the fridge. “I just wish we weren’t selling to the Sons.”
He put his book down and rested his arms on the table. “Dora,” he said. He was the only one allowed to call her that. She hated being called Dora, even more so after the children’s show aired. “Esa has brought them into our lives for a reason. Embrace the opportunities that have been given to you. This could be a time to learn forgiveness.”
She set her beer down. “They murdered my parents,” she said.
“We’ve lost more than just our parents. We’ve lost nations of people, only to be forced to live on reservations that barely pass as a ghetto, and yet we move on. We are a resilient people who forgives but never forgets.”
“I came in here for a beer, not a life lesson.”
He smiled. “My job as Medicine Man is to give you those life lessons.” He took a drink of his tea. “Reconnect with your Animal guides. They will send you on the right path.”
She rolled her eyes. Though her mother, a proud Shoshone, taught her the ways of their people she was raised in a very devout Catholic home. “I’m sure Esa wants me to meditate early tomorrow morning.”
“For your aunt’s sake, please stay out of trouble,” he shouted after her as she walked back outside.
She walked back to her home to grab her keys. She decided it was time to visit her Uncle Marcus. She hadn’t seen him in months, since his attempted truce with Clay Morrow.
He sped away with Jax. They had a situation with Zobelle that needed to be taken care of. Clay wanted them to tail him. After they received intel on his dealings with Alvarez, they watched his every move. They were headed back to the garage to switch from their bikes to a more discreet vehicle to tail Zobelle in. The Prospect had called and said Zobelle was on the move. Jax volunteered to tail him into Mayan territory with Chibs. They pulled into TM and parked their bikes. Jax took his helmet off and said with a grin, “Hopefully we can hurry back so you can get in on some of that action back at Wahewa.”
Chibs chuckled. “I dinna think so, Jackie Boy.”
Jax hopped into the driver’s seat of the car. “She scare you off, Chibs?”
“I think she’d a’kill me before it’s all over wit’,” he replied. Despite her beauty, she had an anger inside her that Chibs knew was directed at SAMCRO. “I dinna think she likes us there.”
“Yeah, probably one of the hardcore Indians that doesn’t want anything to do with the ‘white man.’”
“Nah, Brother, she was speaking mostly Spanish.”
“You think she’s with the Mayans?”
“I caught her tryna slash our tires on the van.”
Jax looked at Chibs as they drove away. “Let’s keep this between us. Clay finds out, he’ll kill her. I want to see if she can lead us to the Mayans. I’ll have the Prospect follow her for a few days to see if she’s passing information onto Alvarez.”
Chibs leaned against the door and rubbed the back of his head, feeling the newest scar he received thanks to the AB. “What’ll we do if she is?”
“We don’t kill women, Chibs.”
“I know! But we canna let her pass along any more information.”
“If she is, we’ll handle it.”
They pulled up to the street Sack was parked on. He walked over to the car and hopped in the back seat. “Alvarez just got here. Zobelle’s been waiting for a while.”
“Anyone else with them?”
Sack shrugged. “Alvarez took a car here, and the windows are tinted. I couldn’t see anyone else in the car.”
Chibs stared at the car, waiting for some sign of movement from another possible passenger. His eyes flashed between Zobelle, Alvarez, and the car. “You dinna see a woman with him, did ye?”
“No. Just the men he brought with him.”
They watched the pair nod and walk away from their cars. Zobelle was doing most of the talking. Alvarez appeared to like what he was saying, because he nodded and shook his hand. As soon as Zobelle got back in the car and drove away, they hunkered down in their seats to avoid being spotted. When they sat back up, they saw her: the woman from the reservation. She was in the car that brought Alvarez, and she was furiously talking to him. Chibs couldn’t believe his eyes. He wasn’t surprised by this, but he didn’t want to believe it.
“I guess we’ll handle this, Jackie Boy?”
Jax shook his head and put his face in his hands. “The next time we are up there, grab her.”
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noodlecupcakes · 7 years
Nothing More Contagious Than Laughter - Chapter 1
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Welcome to a new fan fic written by yours truly. This is a Gotham fic, featuring all your favs and then some. So ships featured in this fic are Jerome/OC and Oswald/OC (that will come later) I hope you all enjoy. My face claim for Emerald is Taylor Momsen 
Warnings: Language, Goofiness, Implied abuse, Flirting 
Shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist 
Chapter 1
Emerald’s P.O.V
My parents were taking me to the circus. Even at the age of eighteen it was still my favourite place to visit. A traveling circus would come to Gotham every year and my parents took me each time without fail. It was our little tradition. Because I was old enough now they would let me go off on my own before the show. I headed to the tent that held the animals. I spotted a huge glass cage with the biggest python I had seen inside. I went over to it as people were more focused on the snarling hyenas.
Any kind of animal was cute in my eyes. The python was coiled around itself, staring in to space. A guy who looked to be the same age as me stepped out from behind the glass. He had red hair, green eyes and a menacing grin. “Hi gorgeous, the hyena’s not to your liking?” The ginger spoke. “They are but this guy looked pretty lonely.” “That guy is actually a girl.” Well done Emerald. You probably just pissed off a member of the circus for getting a snakes gender wrong.
“I’m sorry, I had no idea,” I apologised. “It’s alright, how were you supposed to know.” “Exactly. So is she yours?” “My mom’s. She’s a snake dancer. Are you staying for the show?” “Of course.” “Then you’ll see this lady in action tonight.” “It must be so cool working for the circus.” “It has its moments. Where are my manners? I’m Jerome.” “Emerald.”
We shook hands and he checked his watch. “Well I’d love to stay and chat but the show starts in five minutes.” “See you round.” “You sure will.” I headed to the main tent and sat down inside with my parents, my dad handed me a small bucket of salted popcorn. I grinned, my favourite. The show began with clowns of course. I was more excited to see The Flying Grayson’s, they performed every year and their act managed to amaze me every time.
The show soon came to an end and the three of us headed home. Our house was way too big for the three of us but I don’t think I’d be able to leave my childhood home. “Have you thought anymore about a job sweetie?” My dad asked. I hated this subject. I had finished school with decent grades and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My dad worked for Wayne Enterprises and of course he wanted me to work there too. It was bad enough when we had to go to charity events so why the hell would I want to work there? I’d rather be a seamstress like my mother, I mean she had taught me everything she knew. And I was pretty good at it too.
I awoke in the morning, showered, dressed and ate breakfast. I sat around wondering what I should do. My friends would be working so they weren’t an option and I was seeing them tomorrow night too. They had gotten tickets for the circus and why would I pass up an opportunity to go again? Dad was also at work and Mom was busy sewing. I grabbed my bag and car keys. I reversed my car out of the drive and headed downtown. I soon reached the parking lot which was practically empty and parked. I stayed in the car for a little bit. This was weird. It made me seem desperate and needy. But he seemed like a cool guy to hang out with, but he could be busy.
Well you’re here now so you might as well get out of the car and say hi or else you’ve wasted gas. I got out of the car and cursed myself. I didn’t even know what damn trailer he lived in. I knew this had been a bad idea. I found someone sitting outside a tent, patching up a costume. I guess it couldn’t hurt to ask them. “Sorry to bother you but um what trailer does Jerome live in?” I asked. They pointed over to a fairly large trailer at the end of the pathway and I thanked them. 
I spotted the snake cage outside the trailer and smiled to myself. The python was inside sleeping. Probably deserved it after the night she had. I knocked on the door of the trailer and waited. I heard shouting coming from inside. Maybe I had picked a bad time to visit. The door opened soon enough and Jerome stepped out of the trailer, smiling. “I was in the area and I thought I’d say hi,” I said. “Is that the only reason?” “No. I have nothing to do today and I thought you might wanna hang out.” “In that case you came to the right guy.”
Jerome vanished back inside his trailer where there was more shouting. He came back out with his coat and led me off to the animal tent. It was a lot different seeing the animals in the daytime. Especially the hyenas. They seemed much calmer now people weren’t gawking at them. I crouched by them and the pair stirred, growling at me a little. I was a new face to them of course they would go into defence mode. Eventually they fell quiet but didn’t take their eyes off me. I slowly inched my hand into the cage, which caused them to growl again. I froze keeping eye contact until they were calm again. We continued this routine until my hand came into contact with fur.
The animal froze, allowing me to touch it. Eventually it relaxed and I began to pet both of them. I smiled to myself. Maybe I should work with animals, it was definitely a possibility if I could get two hyenas to like me. Jerome handed me a scrap of meat which I threw in to the cage, letting the two of them fight over the food. “What are their names?” I asked. “Bud and Lou, they don’t come out much anymore. They attacked their trainer a couple of months ago.” “Why?” “Could be a number of reasons. They might have been provoked, which is the more likely option or they were hungry.” “Did the trainer survive?” “No.” “So who looks after them now?” “Mainly me. Everyone dumps the animals on me because of the damn snake. I don’t mind, sometimes animals are better company than people.” “I agree with you there.”
Jerome smiled and dropped another piece of meat in the cage. “So apart from looking after the animals what else do you do?” I asked. He shrugged, “not a lot. I mean I’ve learnt everything there is to learn. Although I’m still learning how to turn myself into a pretzel, I’m not that flexible.” I laughed, which made him smile more. “Well if it helps I can’t do handstands,” I admitted. “That’s like the easiest thing to do.” “I guess I have shitty balance.”
Jerome got to his feet and gave me his hand, pulling me to my feet. He led me to another tent that was a lot smaller and had various blankets and pillows strewn across the floor. “Today your gonna learn how to do a handstand,” Jerome declared. “You can try and teach me but you won’t get anywhere.” Jerome took off his coat and proceed to do a handstand. I sighed, everyone else made it look so easy. I guess I had no strength in my arms. Jerome’s shirt rode up a bit thanks to gravity, giving me a pretty good view. He got back on his feet and raised an eyebrow, a smile on his face. “You see something you like gorgeous?” He smirked. “I might do,” I replied, “your gonna need to hold my legs or otherwise I’m gonna fall on my face.”
I tucked my shirt in so it didn’t ride up and attempted to do a handstand, I didn’t even get my legs in the air before I fell on my back. Jerome laughed and I gave him an unimpressed look. “Are you gonna laugh every time I fall on my ass?” I asked. “I might do.” I tried again and managed to get my legs in the air long enough for Jerome to grab my ankles and hold me up. I straightened my arms like he had but I still could feel myself wobbling. My arms eventually gave out and my head came in contact with the floor. I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. Jerome gave me his hand and helped me up, smiling to himself.
“Can’t we try something else?” I asked. “Like?” I thought about it for a moment. There were many circus things I wanted to learn. Let’s start with magic. I suggested the idea and Jerome grinned. He pulled out a piece of red cloth and held it between his fingers, smoothing it out. I watched him play with the cloth until it revealed a single red rose. He handed it to me and I felt my cheeks burn. First guy to give me a flower. He smiled as if he had just come up with the world’s greatest idea.
“You know I have always wanted a glamorous assistant,” he mentioned. “For what?” “Knife throwing.” I giggled at his joke until I realised just how serious he was. No way was I letting some guy I hardly knew throw knives at me, even if he was cute. “Maybe I can be your magic assistant instead,” I suggested. “I’m sure there’s some revealing costumes around here somewhere.” My phone buzzed and I pulled it out my pocket, checking the caller I.D. Tessa. I gave Jerome an apologetic look before answering.
“Hey what’s up?” I asked. “I got out of work early, thought I would pop round yours. Where are you?” I didn’t want to tell Tessa, mainly because she wouldn’t shut up about it if I did. “I just went out to grab a few things, I’ll be back in like fifteen minutes,” I lied. “Alrighty, see ya.” I hung up, putting the phone back in my pocket. I glanced back at Jerome and gave him another apologetic look. “See you tomorrow night?” I asked. “You will. I don’t appreciate you skipping out on me like this.” “Hey I have a needy friend; I can’t help it.”
We said our goodbyes and I headed back to my car. I placed the rose on the passenger seat next to me, a smile forming on my lips again. Ok so I was head over heels in love with this guy there was no denying that. But we’d literally only just met, there was no way I could do anything about it yet. And he might not even feel the same way although he was pretty flirtatious. I drove home, finding Tessa’s car outside my home. I parked in my drive and headed inside to find her sat at the breakfast bar with my mom, both of them drinking coffee.
Tessa noticed the rose in my hand and raised an eyebrow, imploring me to explain. I really did not want too. She would go on and on about it forever. And it didn’t help that we were going to the circus tomorrow so she would probably try and embarrass me in front of Jerome. “Oh this? I saw it outside, thought I could brighten up my room or something,” I lied, mentioning to the rose. Both of them seemed to buy it and I felt my shoulders relax. Tessa and I went up to my room where we sat on the floor and began to talk.
I awoke, showered and changed into something smart. It was a miracle I even owned something smart. Dad had insisted he take me to work today. I didn’t like the idea but I suppose I didn’t have any other choice. But I did not want a job at Wayne Tower even if the pay was great. I headed downstairs and grabbed a slice of toast before Dad and I got into his car. The car journey was half an hour long and dad told me that apparently there was going to be a small meeting today that he had to go too and I was allowed to sit in. Great. I was going to be bored out of my mind.
We arrived and instantly Dad led me to the top floor and into the huge meeting room. We were right on time as the room was slowly filling with other staff members, including Bruce Wayne himself. A lot of people were going over and shaking his hand, probably in the hopes of getting on his good side. He was standing to the side with an older gentleman. Probably his guardian. Bruce was only fifteen, I’m sure he didn’t want to be here just like I didn’t. I approached him and shook his hand. “I’m so sorry about your parents,” I said apologetically.
Bruce forced a smile, accepting the handshake. My Dad shook his hand, saying it was good for him to be here. Bruce’s attention turned to me. “Your daughter I assume sir?” Bruce asked. “Please call me Jack, I should be the one calling you sir,” my dad spoke, “yes this is my daughter Emerald. I thought I would take her to work, she’s struggling to work out what she wants to do.” “Well I would be happy to show her around, this company is all about family after all. I’m sure I can help find her a position that she would enjoy.” I smiled at him. It would be better than my dad doing it. We took our seats at the table and the meeting began.
Once the meeting finished and the room emptied Bruce insisted he show me round. Just the two of us. He took me floor by floor, giving a brief over view of each department. This was sweet but I didn’t want to work here. Office environments seemed boring to me. Being sat at a desk all day couldn’t be fun. “You’re not interested in working here are you?” Bruce asked suddenly. “Of course I am,” I lied. “Please. I respect people more when they are honest. I understand if you don’t want to work here and it doesn’t insult me at all. But if you change your mind then I’m sure a position would be available.” “Thank you, that really means a lot.”
Bruce led us back to my dad’s office, where I sat outside at an empty desk. Thankfully there was a computer so I could at least browse the internet while I waited. Maybe plan out what I was going to wear for tonight. Maybe a dress.
@multi-villain-imagines, @socktrollqueen, @genevievedarcygranger, @warriorqueen1991, @lets-get-down-to-buisnesss, @suicidesqwads, @maltafiir, @maddybeck01, @musicalcoffeebean, @hannah-leighhh, @darkmarceline28
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My boyfriend pt 1
Wow, how do I want to start? I want to really get into it so I can have fresh vivid images and feelings and true thoughts and re-encounter how amazing it really was. Oh my gosh I can’t even fully describe what’s going on. I love this kid, I really do have love for him already. I’m going to do my best. Okay do I’ll come back in pt 2 with actual dates and stuff but I’ll jump right into the beginning. I had recently cut off this crazy ass guy that I met on Tinder and I’m like ok fuck it let’s try this again. I was getting so bored I swear tinder was soo ugly I couldn’t even hold conversations with half of those guys. And then I came across Charlie, ugh he was just so adorable. The obvious caught my eye, nice cars, nice eyes, nice hair, nice clothes. And WEED. And he was 21? How could I ask for more? And I had literally fallen for him by the time we matched, I think I waited maybe a day or less before I just shot my shot. I said “sheeeesh” with a few heart eye emojis and he said something like “Look at you”, and I just died. Was it too good to be true already? What was the catch? Fake acc??? Dude I don’t even know, but I was quick to gtfo of Tinder and asked for his snapchat, which went well. He sent me a selfie at one point when talking and all was fine, I really wanted to hang out with him because I suck at replying and I didn’t want to lose this chance and fuck it up by having out convo go dead. I had already told so many people about him too it was so crazy I was really getting my hope up for this guy. I mentioned him to my coworker Christiane, my siblings, Dora! And here I am, dating him??? He’s my man, my boyfriend, he’s mine. But it was a little challenging at first, I wanted to meet up on the weekend but he’s 21 so he was out doing 21 things w his friends of course. He went to ugly ass Darna and the MGM both places I can’t go to smh. Anyways, he’s definitely flirting with me as we’re talking, and I just kept mentioning that we should hang out. I asked him to come over and he actually said yes ?? oh bruh, he pulled up and was v cute. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans, I was wearing a long sleeve t shirt and shorts since we were just cooling it at my house I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard. I was actually so shook like omg, I went and told my mom that I was having a friend over and then yeah ((((: She was iffy of course, and one of the first things he said was that my room was “comfy” and it’s funny just last night he mentioned that he was relieved that I didn’t smell like basic bitch. Which is basically like VS but I’m on the other boat of basic at Bath and Body works lmaooo, he’ll find out later though. It’s funny because I do want to get into nicer perfumes anyways, so it’s good timing. Continuing, we were drinking Patron as our first drink omg. Only a few shots and they were half shots because he was driving far back home and he had gone to a bar beforehand. It’s crazy because we totally vibed together and I knew we both felt it, like we were feeling each other but at the same time I we could’ve been cool ass friends. And I’m glad that we have a bff feeling relationship, like that’s my mf boyfriend but that my mf mans too. He literally gives me diarrhea of the mouth, and as someone that can never stop talking it’s crazy to think that I could talk anymore than I already do without not being able to breath between words. At the same time my mind gets jumbled up and I lose my train of thought and I don’t know what to say. Some things just jump out and others just take so long to formulate and I second guess it but even when I cross reference stories and get lost Charlie always reminds me what the whole point of the conversation was. Charlie. Charlie. Charlie. Good luck Charlie, Charlie and Lola? Charlie is literally so gorgeous, even though he might be wearing colored contacts lmfaoo. And it’s funny bc this other hoe ik wears them so I subtweeted and I wonder if he thinks it’s about him. I love him for appreciating my little butt and my little boobs. See how I keep getting distracted, I can’t even tell our story bc he’s so great and all his little details excite me a lot. Ok so we hung out and he didn’t even kiss me or try to do much but he did flirt with me I think? I couldn’t even tell if he was being friendly or not.  The next time we hung out we drank again, and same thing. It was nice we cooled it but nothing big. As soon as he asked for my number though, I KNEW he was fucking w me. And then I think that it was the 3rd time I copped us coke, and it honestly sucks that my memory is so hazy. Especially with someone that I care about so much and such significant moments, I wish I could remember everything. I wish I could relive it and remember. That’s why this blog is so important to me, I need to remember the good because it seems that only bad and traumatic moments stick to me and cling to my mind. I remember being on my couch and just leaned over and he kissed me and I just exploded. I wish I could remember what I was wearing, what show was on the TV, what time and day it was. I’ll investigate but there’s only so much information I can gather. I don’t want him to know that my mind is burnt as much as it is, I don’t want Charlie to think that something’s wrong with me. And looking back at out 1 month of talking and me falling for him, all I do is talk and talk and I probably seem mildly crazy and self centered. This is not my world, and these people aren’t just living in it. I don’t even know much about him, he’s gonna come over today and I’m going to just ask him everything and stfu. I wish I wasn’t so me, me, me all the fucking time. It’s probably so noticeable and ugly. My fucking baby. I am SO happy he is mine like wow I want him to feel appreciated. I want him to feel good, and I want him to be so happy to be with me and say I’m his girlfriend too. UGH I just missed a good writing opportunity just now while Kukuwa went to lunch. I have a new motivation and yeah it’s to look good for myself but it’s also to look good for my boyfriend, I can only wear so much make up and jewelry. My true looks, frizzy hair, fat stomach, and flat ass will always peek out no matter how I dress it up. I need to work on it, I can’t be out with a cute ass guy like him and not look like a bad ass bitch. So far we’ve been to the movies together, and the fair. But those are separate stories, and this will literally go on forever and ever. I wanted to write every detail I could possibly remember, and I can’t wait to add things to our scrapbook, it’s going to be so lit. He’s motivated me to stay more financially stable so that I can sustain us both, so we can have fun and can continuously have a nice time. I want to go everywhere, I want to go on trips and go see the world and have real adventures with my love. Fall is coming up and we’re going to do the whole sha-bang, I want to go to the pumpkin patch, horror fest at Kings Dominion, I want to dress up as something doesn’t have to match or anything. I want to take corny ass photos, and I REALLY want to carve pumpkins. I want to be able to get naked and let you love me, to embrace me and to kiss me everywhere. I want to be able to feel good and confident in front of my boyfriend. I recently got some new products hopefully they can help with the new scars bumps and the old scars, I feel like it’s going to take forever but I hope it’ll go quick. I need to start taking my vitamins and just take care of myself in general. Going back to Charlie instead of going on and on about my pointless and selfish insecurities, as soon as we kissed I felt myself melt into my underwear. I Felt myself wanting more and more, wanting to just grab him and love him everywhere. Literally the night that I discovered the song “Sleepwalk” by Santo and Johnny was right after we just had our first kiss and the riff at the first 7 seconds of the song just climaxes the same slow and tender way that these feelings hug my insides and gently squeezes my heart with small pools and waves of care and affection. I’m sure there’s a better way to organize those thoughts and feelings but I want it to be true and raw. He is just so pretty, Charlie is soo pretty to me I don’t know what to do. We had an unspoken trust where we gave each other everything. Sometimes I want to rip his face off because hes just so mesmerizing to me. It would super duper suck if he has brown eyes he’d look fine of course but the bragging rights that I have a boo w hazel eyes is veryyy high for me. He told me that he’d be having a oc for a whole week and that I’m invited of course, we’ll see how that goes. I’m not going to lie but the fact that I haven’t met his mom makes me nervous and hurt. What if she doesn’t like me or doesn’t approve of me, and we’re already dating as boyfriend and girlfriend? I really do think that it matters and I almost jokingly met her last night but I didn’t like my outfit enough for a first impression and I honestly do think it matter so much dude. This is the first and last image she’ll see of me until the next time I’d see her and who knows how long that’ll be. Not only that im trying to get hit from the back soooo bad omg I miss back shots so bad but I feel like we can’t catch the same rhythm. It sucks because the one time we did it was the first time we had sex in his little side room in his basement. And DUDE I’m lowkey embarrassed I did this weak ass little roll on his dick. I think our sex is really good, but it could be better. I haven’t cheated on him and I can feel that my pussy is tight and I can tell that he feels it too.   
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