#i sincerely NEVER expect to get even a single read hit on those fics
shararan · 6 months
Types of comments I've gotten on my swedish fics after I started posting them:
I can't believe there's swedish fics in [fandom], and I liked it
I am learning swedish so it was really helpful to read something from [fandom]
I am so desperate for more of this pairing/trope that I put the entire thing through a translator
#and mind you i would marry all of the above i love them all#i sincerely NEVER expect to get even a single read hit on those fics#as theyre a different type of self indulgent than the way ships or tropes are#its a way of going nuts within my comfort zone and just not worry about the things i do when writing in english#which is a combination of the matter of fluency as well as different levels of rigidness in literary expectations#theres like 800 or something swedish fics total on ao3 which is larger than a few years ago like its a huge boost#but to put it mildly its not THE most sought out fic language#but english has definitely taken over as fandom language since many years now#and things dont get translated as much as back in the day cause ''well everyone speaks english so''#and i mean fine but i hated how my entire validity started to depend on english#it was enough that i risked losing access to basic education because i struggled learning it in school#didnt want to deal with fandom side eyeing anything non english on top of that#sdklkgsd MY POINT BEING it helps me to shake off expectations + get caught up in arbitrary numbers and let those affect my enjoyment#i dont care for clout generally but yeah writing swedish fics helps squash the beginnings of worrying that maybe i should#because no?? it literally does not matter???#im glad to bond with people and im happy when they enjoy my things#but its good to remind self regularly not to place ones self worth in the amount you have of it#IM RAMBLING WHAT ELSE IS NEW#sharan talks
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greenerteacups · 10 months
Hello! I wanted to let you know how amazing your fic is, it seems my life now revolves around Friday mornings. I think it may be one of my favorite series ever, not just fics, your stuff is better than most published works I have read. I really could go on and on. Suffice to say, thank you x1 million for just putting this out there for us.
I had a couple curiosities! Is it ever hard to restrain yourself and just post 1 time per week? Or is that necessary for your creative process?
Also, your fic is rapidly growing in popularity, do you ever get worried about how that might change your audience?
Thank you again for the amazing thing you've written, I feel super lucky to be reading it in real time because I know this is going to be one of those legendary classics.
Thank you so much! You're wonderfully kind, I really appreciate it, and I hope I can live up to your expectations!
Weekly posting: Posting once a week is actually something I started for my own sanity — posting it regularly/serially is better for audience response, so there's a natural incentive to do it, but it also gives me more time to write ahead. And having all of a book prewritten in advance is really important for me creatively, not only so as to avoid the possibility of cliffhangers, but also to feel immune from the pressure to change the story based on what audiences want.
Growing audiences: Oof, it's been wild. I've been sort of boggled by the response to my little fic; it was entirely unexpected and the most I can do is work hard to deserve it. For the most part, an increasing audience has been a wonderful, wonderful thing, and I've been so grateful for everyone who's been offering support and praise. I'm seriously insanely lucky. My only point of frustration is that, in general, as a fic grows, readers seem to perceive increasing distance between themselves and the author. For instance, people in my comments have increasingly started to address each other instead of me, or have left comments seemingly without the expectation that I'll read them. But when someone comments on the fic, they're still sending that message directly to the author, and I think that some people might... well, they either don't know that, or they don't care. Like, the audience/author distance might be greater than it is for a fic with only 300 hits, but it's not like I'm a showrunner, or some other media production bigwig who'll probably never see 99% of the feedback generated by fans; it's still my pet project that I read basically every scrap of feedback for.
And sometimes (rarely — most of my comments are just so wonderful, and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but) people do say weird or unnecessary things. One comment for the last chapter read, "if krum dies im gonna drop this fic ngl," and that just irritated the hell out of me. Like, if that's your opinion, cool. Your reading habits are none of my business, and I sincerely encourage everyone who needs to take a break from Lionheart — or, hell, even loses interest — to go find something that sparks joy instead. Reading fic should bring you pleasure. No hard feelings, swear to God.
But my frustration with that comment, in particular, was: you do realize that you've sent that message directly to my inbox, right? You realize that was the first thing I read when I opened my comments section after a long afternoon of writing? Someone directly informing me, the author, that a narrative decision (which, either way, I already made about 4-5 months ago) will lose me a reader? And how does this person expect me to react? "Oh, no! I have to go back and rewrite 90,000 words of the story — God forbid I lose you, Single AO3 User Who Left No Other Comments! How can I live with myself if you're not here??"
It's just a bit frustrating. And, to the point — I say this politely, with respect — but if you seriously can't handle seeing characters die, then maybe don't read the fanfiction that's rewriting a series where very many characters die. Just a thought.
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cgogs · 9 months
Hiiii! Im binging Scream Eureka right now, and I am obsessed.
One of the first dynamics I found compelling when I entered the DSMP fandom was Sam and Dream. It’s fascinating to me: how Dream commissioned Sam to build the prison, how he trusted Sam to take care of him in the prison, how he relied on Sam for food, how Sam feared Dream but basically owned him. And with the Quackity torture that Sam willingly allowed? Chef’s kiss.
Sadly though, i couldn’t find anyone initially interested in the pairing, so I just went with other, more common dynamics (like c!drunz and c!dnf)
But as I was re-reading Oxeye Daisy again (I’m not sorry), i decided to check your backlog, only to discover you wrote a c!awesamdream fic.
I’m only on chapter three, but this has easily reached the same level of intensity of Oxeye Daisy, if not more. A story about a warden and a prisoner somehow falling in love, and it being somewhat heathy??? Not only to mention that they are married and expecting a kid??? Only you could manage to make such an insane plot turn into a beautiful story on forgiveness and moving on.
I already knew how well you wrote Dream from Oxeye Daisy, but it hit me all over again with this fic. The way you write his trauma always fascinated me: you somehow manage to capture the sheer horror and agony of the prison AND make it palpable for the audience to read. Often times I find gory scenes too surreal to capture the gravity of the situation, but reading the Quackity torture scenes chills me to my bones every single time.
Furthermore, the way you capture Dream’s paranoia and hysteria? Absolutely breathtaking. I know logically that Quackity isn’t there, that Dream isn’t wearing the jumpsuit, that Dream isn’t in that basement, but I still find myself doubting that because Dream is so sure of those hallucinations that I, the reader, almost believe it too. It’s just such damn impressive writing.
And Sam. God, Sam. It’s hard to write an abusers who’s changed. How do you justify the actions of the past? How do you make very good thing seem good when the shadows of the past still linger? It’s an extremely hard question to tackle, but you take that challenge with Sam in this fic. You show his hesitance toward the initial sexual arrangement. You show the love he has for Dream. You show how his duties as a Warden (keeping Dream alive) translate into his duty as his husband (keeping Dream happy). You don’t justify his actions, but you also don’t damn him for it. You humanize him. You make us want this relationship to work.
I still have many questions: is this the same universe as Oxeye Daisy, what was the turning point for Sam and Dream, how did they get to this town? But, I’ll guess I’ll just have to read.
Thank you, once again, for your words. I always treasure them.
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Long comments like this mwan everything to me where do i even begin
I know what you mesn when you talk about how their relationship makes uou feel because i felt much of the same. Wanting dream to be happy means kind of hoping for the best with the lot hes been given despite the horrific history. But theres always that looming realism that hes never really gonna get what he wants and what has has is, also, horrific. And then theres kind of rooting for sam whos changed but too little too late
Im glad that im.able to portray this through writing ive been nervous im not hitting the beats!
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
Hi days! I know you're the best person to go to for some NH fic recommendations. Can you share with us really angsty NH fics? I've read White Lillies, that amount of angst is revitalizing I LOVE IT!!! big thanks!!!
For how fluffy NaruHina is, there SURE ARE A LOT of shippers who LOVE NARUHINA ANGST.  I’ve been asked for angst recs far more than any other type????
I will now compile every angst fic rec I’ve ever made into one long list.  (folks can see if there’s anything I’ve missed 🤓)
“A Place In The Sun” by ihaveastorminme - Rated M for smut and depictions of violence, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Naruto realizes that he’s not enough to love her.  He’s not enough to save her, either.
“A Fate Worse than Death” by Caelestia - Rated M for smut, ABO Canon-Divergent, One-shot.  Naruto, improperly socialized and traumatized as a child, rejects his inner Alpha, which has devastating consequences on his family and marriage.  “A Risky Bet” is its fluffier follow-up.
“Girl No 10″ by meeiwen - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto makes a mistake with a dancer one drunk night.  Years later when he meets her again, he begins realizing his perfect life is a lie, but he’s too late to fix it. Angst if you want to know what dying feels like warning.
“if this is love (why does it hurt?)” by ClairvoyantDreamer1011 - Rated M, Friends with benefits Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata knew many things about Naruto Uzumaki. She knew that his heated glances meant ‘I want you’; that lingering touches whispered 'please’, and that the sight of his back to her screamed 'leave’. But she couldn’t tell you what they were to each other for the life of her.
“If You Said You Loved Me” by destiny’s sweet melody - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot.  Naruto begins to realize he took her feelings for granted and now he’s too late.
“The Ring that Binds” by softwind - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Naruto and Hinata are married.  So why is Naruto calling “Sakura” in his sleep?
“Why would innocent little Hinata be out dressed like that?” (One-shot) and its follow-up “On Any Given Day” (Long One-Shot) by @utsus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent. Hinata tries to move on from Naruto, right when he realizes he wants to keep her.
“For the Future” by @utsus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata understands this better than anyone else. Naruto is easy to love.  (I actually just hate the ending a lot.  That’s what puts this on the list).
“Gilded Butterflies” by Kid Crisis - Rated M for depictions of violence, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Tenshi, beautiful prostitute of the Villa, realized from a very young age that people seem to do nothing but empty her, and not even Naruto seems capable of convincing her otherwise.
“Serenity Prayer” by @katarinahime - Rated M for smut, substance abuse, PTSD, and depictions of domestic violence and non-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. When their fairytale endings smash to ugly pieces, Hinata and Naruto help put each other back together.
“Common Side Effects” (Naruto’s POV) by @katarinahime & “Medicated” (Hinata’s POV) by @szajnie - Rated E for smut, substance abuse, mental illness, and depictions of violence, self-harm, and attempted suicide, Crime/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto and Hinata, in a struggling relationship, must confront the pain inside before they can love each other.
“In Another Life” by theGeneralissimo - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. In which Naruto listens to his mother’s advice and marries a girl like her. And lives to regret it.
“Mistake” by Cherry1315 - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto falls apart, and, unfortunately, Hinata has to pick up the pieces.
“Until the Day I Love” by BluBlooThalassophile - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Everyone is recovering from the war.
“Hidden From Sunlight” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. How different could Naruto’s life be when the girl that seemed 'barely around’ is truly hardly around at all?
“Powerless” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated M for depictions of violence and character death, Mystery/Crime High School/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. His family’s past can’t be taken at face-value, and it comes clawing back to hurt him in ways that are out of his control. DELETED FIC.
“21 Days” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E includes dub-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Anonymous internet friends decide to meet up IRL and give each other their first times.
“April - Too Late/Missed Opportunities” from “Still Falling for You” by @chloelapomme - Rated T, College/Modern AU, One-shot. After her 3 years away for college, Naruto decides to confess.
“June - Honor/Sacrifice” from “Still Falling for You” by @chloelapomme - Rated T, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto marries Hinata, the girl of his dreams.  If only she loved him back.
“you totally almost killed me that one time (it’s okay I still love you)” by @itachiboutit - Rated G, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  Naruto, a promising baseball player, returns to Konoha Prep, and, without so much as even a “long time no see,” hits a ball into Hinata’s face. (This isn’t really angsty…but I get really upset in Ch. 4 and cry a lot every time.)
“Because I Love You” aka “Arranged Marriage AU Take 2″ (Same fic) by @magmawrites - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. A canon divergent fic in which The Last never happened and Hinata Hyuga was promised to another.
“Asylum AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. What’s to say what’s real and what isn’t? The only thing that’s valid and true in all universes is their love for one another.
“Dreaming of AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites - Rated M for implied suicide, Modern AU, One-shot. Naruto dreams of her. He grows to love her. Dreams are nice. Too bad reality is a nightmare. (Most likely a continuation of the Asylum AU.)
“Memory Loss AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Amnesia Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. I LOVE YOU. Will I ever hear those words from your lips again?
“The Path We Walk” by @tenney-shoes - Rated T, Amnesia Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. With his memory of the past five years missing, Naruto never expected to be married to Hinata, and now he must navigate through the maze that is their life together with no memory of how he got there.
“Easier For Me” by @tenney-shoes - Rated T, Amnesia Canon-Divergent AU, Two-shot, Complete. How will Hinata handle waking up with no memory of how she got there?
“My Escape” by @marimare-writes - Rated T, Amnesia Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto wakes up from a coma with no recollection of life after graduating the Academy. Hinata, anxious and with a secret that will change both of their lives, struggles with what to do.
“Consolation Prize: Through Her Distorted Mirror” by mysterious intentions - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Her love is taken lightly, as if her heart could change so easily.
“Good Luck” By LovelyLori - Rated T, Flowers/Ballet AU, Two-Shot, Complete. A Japanese ballet company arrives in Naruto’s town.  Can love transcend language barriers? (I spent HOURS looking for this one, it totally breaks my heart.)
“On the outside looking in” by @char-lotteral - Rated E for smut, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto’s in love with his best friend’s girlfriend fiancee.  And he’s not moving on.
“Sincerely, Uzumaki Naruto” by @bkgsbby​ - Rated T, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. After his wife leaves him a week after giving birth to their son, Naruto moves back to Konoha. He adjusts to life as a single father, with the help of his friends and surprisingly, his old crush.
“Road to Redemption” by averagejane497 - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto’s made a lot of mistakes in his life, especially concerning the women he loves. Maybe this time he can get it right.
“You’re the One” by AnimeloverNUMBA100 - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. After 4 desperate years, Hinata finally asked Naruto out. He decides to give her a chance, but his feelings for Sakura has never faded. Hinata is slowly losing hope as time goes on…and she soon chooses to leave him.
Untitled by @randomprose - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Prompt: Hinata finds out that Naruto told Minato that Sakura is his girlfriend.
“Jitters” by ncfan - Rated T, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. He has her heart but he doesn’t even know it.
“The Red Umbrella” by ncfan - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. As the rain hits her, Hinata thinks about what she doesn’t have, and what she’ll never have now.
“Duplicity” by GoldKing - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Uzumaki Sakura wants to know why Hinata’s children are blond.
“My Favorite Night” by @peppercornpresses - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata harbors deeper feelings for Naruto after three years of being his roommate. When he starts dating Sakura, Hinata decides it’s in her heart’s best interest to turn the other way, and leaves Naruto for good with a heart-breaking secret in tow.
“The Loving Type” by @peppercornpresses - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A few years have passed since the Fourth Shinobi War, in which…Rookie Nine steadily advances in rank. Naruto gets engaged. Hinata leaves Konoha. And Kakashi schemes for days.
“Blurred Lines” by @vegebulsoup - Rated E, Police / Cops and Robbers Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Detective Naruto Uzumaki is having a hard time staying focused at work due to an elusive, dark-haired beauty.  (Starts off fun and smutty, grows angsty).
“I want you to cry” and its sequel “Road of Tears” by Devahhole - Rated E for graphic murder, dub-con/non-con, and smut, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A sociopath blinded by revenge runs into his greatest opponent.
“Absolute” by @ssa25 - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. She was his kind, shy and innocent friend. Until she wasn’t. He was her pure, beautiful and unrequited love. Until he wasn’t.
I’m very glad that you enjoyed my “White Lilies” fic!!  Here’s everything I could think of for you to cry or stress out over.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Omotober Day Three- Picnics
If you want to read it on ao3 (now as one singular fic because I am a dum dum) you can do that here
When Hero suggested that the five of them get together and have a picnic, Basil was nervous, but excited. There was a part of him that would always be afraid, but more than anything he wanted things to go back to the way they used to be. A picnic could be the start of that.
But Basil should have known that things could never go back to the way they used to be.
“Forgiveness, reader, is, I think, something very much like hope and love - a powerful, wonderful thing.
And a ridiculous thing, too.”- Kate DiCamillo
Basil wasn’t really sure what to expect when their group decided to get together for a picnic again like they used to, but his first inclination wouldn’t have been that there would be a fist fight about to break out.
After the fight, and the hospital, and everything that came after, things had gotten surprisingly calm and quiet. The guilt that had eaten his insides for all those years was gone, and in its place was peace. Yes, he still felt awful about what they had done, but the secret was over, and he no longer had to hold all of that pain by himself.
Their friends had accepted the truth at varied rates, and Basil was sure it would take a long time before they ever even came close to forgiving him or Sunny. Aubrey was still quick to anger, Hero was still avoidant of the pain, but things had changed. Something about those last few days Sunny had spent with them in Faraway had changed them all, made everyone more open to trying with each other again. Even after they learned everything.
It felt good to be friends again, to be able to look at their faces without the self loathing threatening to crush him. He would take whatever halted measures of friendship they would give, if it only meant not being alone again. So when Hero suggested a picnic, Basil eagerly agreed without thinking twice.
He should have thought twice.
The planning had gone perfectly fine. Kel was a hundred percent on board, and he had even offered to help with making the food. The other boy seemed most pleased that it was Hero specifically who was extending the branch out. Basil knew that, of all of them, Hero was probably going to have the most mixed emotions about what he and Sunny had done. Still, Hero was Hero. Even if he hated them both, he would never reveal it.
Aubrey had seemed unsure, but Kel’s enthusiasm and the promise of getting Sunny back to join them had her agreeing. Basil knew she and Sunny talked on the phone pretty often, maybe even more than Sunny and himself. Aubrey was trying hard to make up for the last four years, and she spent most of her time with Basil or by herself. She said it was to ‘figure things out’ and he didn’t pry. He knew how hard it was to accept things in your past that you didn’t want to think about or the parts of yourself that you didn’t like all that much.
Then there was Sunny. They had all crowded together around Kel’s home phone to talk to Sunny about their idea. He had agreed to come and made plans to sleep at Kel and Hero’s house the night of their picnic. Logically it would have made more sense for him to stay with Basil, there was more room at Basil’s house, but it went unspoken between them why Kel and Hero had extended the offer instead. He would catch the train in and out and be back by dinner the next day, it wasn’t a far journey. None of them had seen Sunny since the hospital, at least not in person, and Basil wondered what it might be like to lay eyes on the other boy now.
The day came and they had split into natural groups. Most of the preparations were already done, but there were a few things to finish up on the morning of. Hero would take care of finishing the food, Aubrey would set up in their spot in the park, and Basil and Kel were going to go pick up Sunny from the train station.
Everything was good. The day was bright and warm with not a single cloud in the sky, Sunny’s train had arrived right on time, and Sunny had even greeted them both with quick but tight hugs and a small smile. He was still wearing an eyepatch (and apparently would always be from now on) but he looked a lot better. The bags under his eyes were gone, and the greying pallor of his skin had vanished. He held himself a little straighter, spoke a little more, and the air of fear that seemed to surround Sunny had dissipated into nothing.
Kel had grabbed both of their hands and swung them through the air as they walked towards the park, chattering about what he and Hero had planned for that day. Basil was content to let Kel do most of the talking and shared a secret amused look behind his back with Sunny. This was something that had happened all the time when they were kids, and the nostalgia of it was easy to fall into.
When they got to the park and saw Aubrey, things were awkward for all of two seconds before she punched Sunny gently on the arm and ruffled his hair, bringing them over to the set up she had created. The picnic blanket was a checkered blue, not red, but it was soft. There was the scent of flowers in the air from the bushes nearby in bloom, and a breeze twirled the pinwheels clustered in the distance. It felt so blissfully...normal. Like they could just fall right back into step where they left off all those years ago.
Basil should have hit himself over the head for thinking that.
It started so innocently. They were waiting for Hero to arrive and sighing about how nice their little corner of the world was, when Aubrey made an offhand comment about her friends potentially joining them next time. Before Basil could even really process what her words, Kel had said no. He hadn’t said it in a joking way or to tease her. Kel had snapped, and the tension in his shoulder and the hardness of his eyes told them all that he was deadly serious.
It was jarring. Of all of them, Kel had always been the friendliest. Hero may have been the most popular, but Kel wasn’t far behind his brother in natural charm. He was sweet and sincere, and almost always willing to get to know people. It wasn’t like him to shut down so quickly or with such force. Kel’s face was stormy and he was avoiding eye contact with all of them, keeping those hard eyes locked with the ground. Aubrey seemed livid, but she sat stony and silent, waiting for more of an explanation. The one that came only made things worse.
“I just don’t see why you would even wanna be around them anymore,”
Aubrey, loyal beyond words, had swooped in to defend the rest of her gang, claiming that they were good people who were great friends. This had only made Kel scoff, which infuriated her even more. Basil was used to Aubrey and Kel getting into arguments, he was even okay with the escalated fight that had happened at the dock (seeing as he blamed himself for causing it), but this was unlike any of those.
Normally it was Kel who kept fairly cool during these things, and Aubrey that went ballistic. Yes, Kel fought right back with her and gave as good as he got, but he had always seemed calm and collected, mostly joking around and poking fun at how red Aubrey’s face would get.
Now it was his cheeks that were tinged, and his throat that was raw from screaming, in a way that Basil had never seen before. He stayed silent and tried to keep himself small, hands clasping together over his chest as he tried to remember the deep breathing techniques Polly had been teaching him. They didn’t seem to be working. A quick glance to the side showed Sunny in a similar state of distress, watching their friends argue with a wide eye and clear panic etched into his features.
Aubrey and Kel’s argument devolved fast, going from something that held worth to just being insults hurled back and forth. They began to advance on each other, clearly done with words and moving past to blows, but a voice cut through, breaking the intensity that had caught them all firmly in its grip.
“What’s going on?”
The four of them turned around simultaneously, varying stages of guilt evident on everyone’s faces. Hero emerged from the brush, carrying a large wooden picnic basket on one arm, his mouth turned downwards.
He surveyed the moment and sighed, a tired sound that betrayed a weight that they all knew Hero carried but refused to let them bear with him. The eldest walked over and gently placed the basket down on the blanket, glancing at each of them in turn.
“You okay, Sunny?” Hero asked, and Sunny nodded. He seemed calmer now that someone was intervening, but fear was still there. Hero patted him once on the top of his head and peered around the youngest. “Basil?”
Basil nodded too, his own words caught in his throat. It wasn’t the same as when Something had been squeezing him too tight to breathe, it wasn’t that bad yet, but it was still pretty bad. Nothing he couldn’t handle though, and Basil knew that Hero needed to be focusing on the other two right now. With both of them checked on, Hero stood at his full height and stared at the others.
Both teens burst into words, voices raising as they tried to shout over each other and interject to disprove what the other had just claimed. Hero listened to the cacophony for a moment and then raised his hands, yelling over them to quiet down. Once it was settled again, Hero turned to Aubrey.
“Aubrey, you go first. You can talk with no interruptions. Then Kel is going to talk with no interruptions, and we’re all going to listen to each other. I want each of you to explain to me why you’re fighting, okay?” Both teens nodded, and Hero sat down, gesturing for the other two to sit back down as well. They did, and then Aubrey began to talk.
“Out of nowhere Kel starts going off about my friends and talking bad about them for no reason,” Kel made a noise here and Hero looked at him. The younger brother rolled his eyes but stayed silent, and Hero waved a hand at Aubrey to continue, “I don’t get why he’s so angry, but I don’t care. He had no right to say all of those things. That’s why they don’t like you, you just assume the worst of them.”
Kel shot a harsh glare towards the girl, something fiery and fueled with a deep rage that was completely out of character for him. Then when he spoke, the oddities only continued.
“I didn’t start ‘out of nowhere’. You started this by saying you wanted us all to hang out with them. Like we’re all pals. Did you forget that the only thing you did when you spent time with them was bully people and act like none of us mattered to you? You keep talking about how you wanna change, but you don’t. You just want to act like nothing you did mattered. They bullied m- Basil for years! If you’re really our- his friend I don’t know why you don’t want to protect Basil from those guys,” Kel finished his speech with a huff, crossing his arms and curling in on himself.
“I apologized to Basil plenty already!” Aubrey replied, a glance to Hero when she began. When he didn’t interrupt her, she kept going, “He forgave me, and now we’re trying to get past it. Isn’t that what you want?”
“Maybe we should listen to what Basil thinks?” Hero suggested, trying to keep the conversation from riding off the rails as it had before, “If you’re both so worried about him, it seems like his opinion would be the most important thing here,”
Then all eyes were on him, waiting to hear what he had to say. Basil twisted his fingers in his lap and laughed nervously, his mouth filling with cotton as both sides of the argument clearly looked for his backing.
“I-I don’t know?” He finally replied, the words sounding small and useless, only making everyone madder, “I wouldn’t mind trying I guess. Seeing if if it works out, ya know?”
Hero perked up here, shooting Basil a grateful smile. Aubrey seemed vindicated and her anger began to melt. The tension eased out of the air, and Basil breathed out. It was all going to be okay now. It was just a regular Kel and Aubrey fight. They would hug the way Hero always forced them to at the end of their arguments, and then the five of them could enjoy the afternoon together.
“Kel, if Basil is okay with it then it’s fine. Why don’t you two hug and make up and then-”
“What if I’m not okay with it, Hero?!” Kel exploded, cutting his brother off, “What about that?!”
Stunned silence coupled with an even stronger tension surrounding the group. Kel and Aubrey fighting he could understand, even Kel and Aubrey dragging Hero in to play referee he could understand, but never before had Basil seen Kel yell at Hero. Kel worshipped the ground Hero walked on, his big brother could do no wrong, and Basil had never seen any evidence that he ever had.
But Kel wasn’t done yet, and he continued his yelling. It was like something had cut into him with those words, and now that something, dark and black, was finally getting a chance to leak out of Kel. Basil knew all about Somethings. About how painful it was to live with them, about how they always eventually burst out and demanded to be seen. He just had never thought Kel might have a Something too.
“It isn’t fair that they get to spend years being terrible people. and then just act like they never did any of it. It isn’t fair that I have to just pretend like they weren’t awful to me. Like I didn’t spend most afternoons crying on my walk home because of them. Like I didn’t have to second guess everything single thing I did because they made me think that I was a bully.”
Basil had remembered hearing them calling Kel that before, and it had confused him then too. Kel had never done anything like bullying to anyone, but Basil had dismissed it. It seemed so ridiculous to him, he thought Kel would have just let it go too. Apparently not
“All I’ve ever done is try to help. I smiled and laughed and pretended like nothing bothered me because that’s what everyone else needed. And what did that get me? A bat to the face and being told by my own bullies that I was the one messing with them. They’re the bullies. Mean, angry bullies who I never did anything to. Except try to be friends with you.” Kel finally pulled his eyes to Aubrey with this final word, cutting his furious ranting off with a half laugh half sob. He brought his knees up to his chest and put his arms on top of them. He wasn’t crying, but the pain in his eyes was enough to make Basil’s own chest ache in sympathy.
“And then you let them call me a bully. When I didn’t do anything except try to help.”
Kel dropped his head against his knees, hiding and breathing harshly. His shoulders rose and fell. Up and down and up and down as he panted with exertion from his outburst of emotion. None of them made a sound. Basil wouldn’t have known what to say after that, and he was sure no one else did either. They also couldn’t have been prepared for the final blow that was about to be dealt.
“You all just wanna pretend like none of it ever happened...like all that time didn’t matter.” Kel’s voice was muffled, but the words hit all of them like a punch to the gut.
It wasn’t just about this one fight, it wasn’t even just about Aubrey’s friends. It was bigger, stretching out for years and years of suffering that had never been addressed. Basil’s breath caught in his throat, and he could see the others were in a similar state of shock. He looked down at his interlocked fingers, his stomach twisting up in knots.
It was so easy to forget with Kel. It was so simple to just get lost in his happy go lucky personality and his endless bounds of optimism. He always had time for them all, always willing to go that extra mile to help out his friends when they needed him.
He hadn’t given up on them. He hadn’t stopped knocking on Sunny’s door, even when he never answered. He hadn’t stopped saying hi to Basil, even when he didn’t say hi back. He hadn’t stopped encouraging Hero, even when Hero had no encouragement left to offer in return. He had even still looked for the good in Aubrey, when she had nothing good to say about him. That was just who Kel was, someone who kept trying.
But Basil knew better than any of them that a person could only be pushed so far before there was a part of them that was cracked and bleeding and needed others to heal it. Kel was a nice person, a happy person, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have his moments of doubt. The times where he needed to rely on them instead of the other way around. He never pushed, so no one ever was forced to notice all the bad thoughts and emotions piling up under that sweet sunshine smile. It was just easy to forget that those things existed behind his joy and his upbeat attitude.
They were the people who should have remembered to look. They were the ones who should have known. They had all wanted things to go back to the way they were, but the truth was they couldn’t.
There was no way to erase four years, no way to let go of what had happened to Mari. It existed, it was real, and all of them had tried to ignore it. All except for Kel, who had done everything he could to hold them all together without so much as a complaint. He was right, instead of acknowledging his sacrifices, they had acted like none of it had ever happened. That was what was unchallenging, that was what took no effort. But that was also what was killing Kel inside.
He didn’t know what they could say that would even start to mend four years of their friend trying and failing and continuing to try against all hope. What could a person say to that kind of dedication? What kind of thanks could be given to someone who took on that burden without a word until it had nearly crushed him?
It turned out that Basil didn’t need to know the answer. There was someone else who did.
Aubrey rose up from her spot across from Kel on the picnic blanket and plopped down next to him, turning her head away from the other boy. Her hand moved to his, settling on his elbow and grabbing his attention. Kel raised his head, staring silently at her as she looked at him from the side.
Basil didn’t know what conversation the two of them had without words, but he suspected he would never know. Things like that were only ever meant for two people, and even asking about it was treading on something sacred. Whatever it was, it was enough for Kel to uncurl from the position he had put himself in. He sat on his knees facing Aubrey, and she turned to do the same. She took a deep breath and raised her head, meeting his gaze fully.
“I’m sorry,”
It wasn’t much, when it came down to it. It wasn’t a long speech filled with tears and impassioned pleas. Aubrey wasn’t on her knees begging for forgiveness, or making promises to be better. She hadn’t even said it in a special tone or in a whisper meant just for the two of them. It was an apology, nothing more, nothing less.
It wasn't really much, but it felt so big. They were all touched by her words, all impacted by the enormity of such a small but profound statement. Sunny edged closer and leaned against Basil, and the weight against his side was warm and grounding. He looked down at the top of Sunny’s head, and the vines looping around his spine eased away once more.
When he turned back, Aubrey and Kel were hugging, sitting up on their knees and clutching hard to one another. He wasn’t sure which one of them moved first, but it wasn’t something he had ever seen. Basil has only ever seen them giving each other quick little hugs, or the awkward side squeezes Hero demanded after their fights. But this wasn’t either of those. It was genuine and real, and they both seemed a little reluctant when they pulled apart.
Hero, ever the older brother, beamed and pulled the basket to the center of their group, changing the subject to the food that he and Kel made. To anyone outside of their group, it might have seemed like a callous way to change the subject, but the other four were grateful for something to switch their minds to.
With the moment over, Aubrey went back to her usual brusque, digging into the basket and pulling out a sandwich and bottle of water. She grabbed the food and Sunny’s hand, dragging him over to one of the corners and demanding to hear about his new house. Sunny obliged her, talking about his room and the renovation plans his mother had begun.
Kel drifted over to Hero, falling against his brother’s side and leaning his head against Hero’s shoulder. Basil didn’t interrupt, but he watched Hero wrap Kel in his arms and whisper in his ear, something that had to be comforting given how Kel nodded and snuggled closer to his brother. Hero squeezed Kel and turned to Basil.
“How’s the new garden coming along?”
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dionnaea · 3 years
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pairing: kenny ackerman x reader (platonic), slight levi x reader
warnings: angst, character death, mild swearing
wc: 4.4k
a/n: so, so sorry this took so long!! i decided to combine these two requests and change them up a little, so i hope that’s okay! i’m really proud of this piece, so i hope you all enjoy it, too. xx
side note: technically this is a sequel to my other fic Pot Meet Kettle but it’s not entirely necessary to read that first.
Your writing’s so good I’m cryin’... Also, I’d LOVE to see what you have in mind for Kenny and Reader’s background! 👀 Were they both underground? was Reader already in the Corps when they met?? did she learn how to punch creeps from Kenny?? Plus I’m very curious about what he meant by her fixing broken hearts!
could you do a part 2 to the pot meet kettle levi fic? i really loved it and i think it would be cool if you could write a part 2 based off the kenny vs levi scene in season 3? like maybe kenny sees the reader and he's like good to see you again and levi is like mf what idk im not creative :(( sorry if this isn't enough
attack on titan masterlist | general masterlist
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After Rod Reiss had been taken down, the scouts were sent to search the ruined fields for survivors. It was unlikely that any were left, but Erwin was adamant that no soldier would be left behind. You respected him for that, and went on your way to do your job. 
As you wandered, you ran into a returning scout, someone you didn’t know the name of but were sure had been paired with the Captain for this mission. His head was down as he walked, like there was something he had seen that he shouldn’t have, and your mind began to fill with worries for Levi. Had something happened? 
Making your steps slightly heavier in the grass so that he would notice you, the man finally looked up, quickly saluting to his superior. You brushed him off, instead getting down to business. 
“Where’s Captain Levi, cadet?” 
The man’s eyes darted away from your own before he answered. “Taking care of something, I think.”
You raised an eyebrow in suspicion at the soldier’s weary tone. “Oh? And what is he taking care of, might I ask?” Everything about this seemed peculiar, and you weren’t having it. 
“I don’t know. Something… personal.” When he finally met your gaze, he relented, sacrificing the Captain’s privacy for his own sake, too scared to see what your reaction would be if he kept playing coy. “He’s that way, by the big oak tree,” he stated, pointing in the direction he came. 
You squinted, making out the shadow of the tree in the setting sun. You dismissed the cadet, and quickly made your way towards Levi, his body becoming clearer as you approached. Once you were a reasonable distance away, you called out, but were met with silence. As your worry grew, you moved faster, only stopping when you realized what was going on. 
Levi was kneeling, his body covering the person in front of him. It didn’t matter, you’d recognize those spurs anywhere. 
“Kenny?” The name was uttered in disbelief, and as you stepped around Levi, your eyes grew wide with fear. “Kenny!” 
Immediately, you jumped into action, your scout training taking hold of your body as you knelt by your friend. Your hands hovered over his burnt and bloodied body, not knowing where to start but ignoring the possibility that it was too late. “How… How do I help you? I-I don’t know what to do.” Your eyes were tearing up, and your breathing was getting ragged as you struggled to find some solution. “Please, Kenny, tell me how to help!” 
“Kitten…” His voice was rough as he spoke, his usual tones of confidence and charisma gone. You met his half-closed eyes with your wet ones, begging for him to give you some answer, some, any sort of reassurance that things would be alright. 
“Please,” you pleaded. You had never sounded this pitiful in your life, but you didn’t care, and as his shaking hand grabbed your own, a sob wracked your body. “Kenny, please. Please stay.” You couldn’t help, you knew that, but you hoped for once in his life he would listen to you. 
His eyes began to shut, and his voice fell to a whisper as he said, “Stay safe, kitten.” With a barely there squeeze of your hand, his body went limp, his hand dropping from your grasp.  
You stared in silence, shock overtaking you for a moment. But then, all you felt was anger. “No. No! You promised!” You were yelling at this point, fist reaching out to bang on Kenny’s chest in retaliation. A strong grip on your wrist stopped you, but you weren’t done. As if he could read your mind, Levi wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you back from the now dead man. You were screeching obscenities at both Kenny and Levi as you struggled to break free. Soon, your screams turned into sobs, and as you fell limp into Levi’s arms, you let out one last whimper, a last cry for help. “You promised.”
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Later that night, as you pulled a camisole over your head, a knock sounded on your quarters’ door. Truthfully, you had absolutely no desire to talk to anyone. You had had a long day, you had just changed into your pajamas, and you weren’t in the mood to join your fellow soldiers in celebration. Still, you pulled the door open a few inches, hoping it would be someone you could easily send away. To your surprise, Levi stood outside dressed in plain clothes and hair wet from what you presumed was a shower. Even more surprising was the newly formed bruise on his cheekbone. The reddish-purple mark stood out against his normally flawless skin, and you found yourself staring, only Levi’s sharp voice bringing you back to reality. 
“You did that, you know,” he commented with a blank face. 
“What?” You opened the door a bit more, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. “What do you mean?” 
His left eyebrow cocked up just barely. “When you went berserk earlier. Before I managed to snag both of your wrists,” he explained. He reached up a hand to brush against his cheek. “Damn, you hit hard.” 
You weren’t sure, but the tone in the man’s voice made you think that maybe, just maybe, he was trying to cheer you up. Against your will, the corners of your mouth turned up the slightest bit. “Did you expect anything less?” You quipped, wondering what his answer might be. 
“No.” He shrugged. “Just surprised it took you this long to punch me in the face.” 
At that, you let out a laugh. It was true, the man had managed to push every single one of your buttons during his time with the Scouting Regiment. The two of you were in constant conflict, arguments over the smallest things popping up out of nowhere. At some point, Erwin had decided that Mike would be the babysitter of you two, keeping you both in line during training and even more so during squad leader meetings. You started to smile at the memory, but when you remembered that Mike, like so many of the others you loved, was dead, your expression fell. 
Moving your eyes to stare down at the uneven floorboards, you spoke quietly, but sincerely, “I’m sorry.” 
Levi knew you weren’t just apologizing for hitting him but for everything, and as he studied your face, he made a decision. “Do you want some tea? I keep a special brand in my room.” It was the only thing he had to offer, and both you and him knew it. 
You froze as you tried to figure out the best course of action. Follow the Captain to his room or mope around alone until you cry yourself to sleep? In the end, it was an easy choice. Still, your heart stuttered in your chest while you gained your composure. You took a breath before responding, “Um, sure.” 
There was a beat of silence, as if the two of you were readying yourself to take on some new, mysterious foe. And in a way, you supposed, you were. About a month after Levi had joined the scouts, there had been an… incident of sorts. It wasn’t disastrous or anything like that, but Erwin had quickly ruled that the two of you weren’t allowed to be in the same room together without someone else present. A wise decision on his part, if you were being completely honest, and something that Levi nor you argued with in the slightest. But now, years later, it seemed both of you were ready to break that rule, Levi making the first move as he turned on his heel and waited to see if you would follow. 
Out of all of the scouts, you were known to be the most stealthy. Mike was usually the only one who could sense you were coming, claiming you had a distinctly pleasant smell that his nose had no problem picking up on. One time, he had even claimed that you were the best smelling person in the Survey Corps, and you couldn’t help but swell with pride. Hange had whispered to you later that evening that that was his way of flirting, but you never took her seriously. You weren’t interested in dating anyways. No one had ever really caught your eye minus one man, but you always said it was more of a fascination than a crush. 
Even your ODM gear seemed to be quieter than the rest, and you once managed to spook even the Commander when you landed on the same tree branch as him without him knowing. You naturally existed silently and sneakily so when Levi picked up on the sound of your sock-clad feet shuffling behind him, the pit of concern in his stomach grew. 
Reaching his quarters, he unlocked the door wordlessly, holding it open so that you could enter first. Your eyes widened as you took in the space. First of all, it was much bigger than your room. While you only had a bedroom and bathroom to yourself like the other squad leaders, Levi had a small living area with a couch, small coffee table, and even a desk. There were papers neatly stacked on top of it, and the rest of the area was just as orderly, his tea kettle sitting in the exact center of the coffee table. Only when you sat down on the couch did you see the small fireplace he had. It was just big enough to fit a tea kettle over it, and that’s what Levi proceeded to do. 
You let out a low whistle, capturing the man’s attention. “Wow. When did you get so important?” You asked, motioning lazily about the room with your hand. 
Levi scoffed and placed a hand casually on his hip. “Erwin gave it to me when he moved into the Commander’s quarters. Reward for the highest kill count or something like that.” His voice was so nonchalant that for a moment, you didn’t realize that he was insulting you. No, you thought, it was more of a tease than an insult. 
Now it was your turn to scoff, well aware that your fellow Captain was just trying to get a reaction out of you. Levi watched as you rolled your eyes playfully, firelight glinting off of your irises. Had they always been such a pretty color? 
The whistle of the kettle broke him out of his reverie, and he swiftly turned back to take it off of the heat. When he brought it back to the table, he was pleasantly surprised that you had already prepared the teacups, him only having to pour the water in and wait for it to steep. Hesitantly, he moved around the table to take a seat next to you, wondering when the two of you were ever this close. The events of the day popped into his head, and he did his best to ignore the fact that the thing he remembered the most about it was you being in his arms. Still, a question had been lingering in his mind, and he figured now was the best time to ask it. 
“Y/N,” he started, and you looked over with wide eyes at the use of your first name. You honestly weren’t aware that he even knew you had a first name. “Can I ask you a question?” You knew what was coming, but you forced yourself to nod anyways, giving him silent permission to know your secrets. “How do you know Kenny Ackerman?” 
It was a loaded question, and you let out a breath as you tried to figure out the best way to tell the story without getting either you or Kenny into trouble. Even the secrets of a dead man needed to be protected sometimes. Despite it all occurring years ago, the government’s threat towards you regarding the release of information hung heavily in your mind. Both you and Levi would be in danger if you revealed too much. He could swear himself to secrecy, and you would trust him, but the risk would never be worth the reward. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap, worrying your lip as you thought of how to start to explain. 
“Well,” you bit the inside of your cheek, gathering your nerves before continuing, “About a year and a half before you joined the scouts, I got myself into a bit of trouble.” He raised an eyebrow in surprise as you were widely thought to be the most well behaved and well intentioned scout there was. He thought he was the only person who could get you riled up, your scoldings from the other squad leaders and the Commander always leading back to him. You sent him a small grin. “I wasn’t always the goody two shoes I am now, Levi.” 
“Anyways, it became kind of a big deal in the Capital, and a lot of higher-ups were calling for my head.” You let out a light chuckle. “Imagine just turning 19 and having almost every MP looking for you. Scary stuff.”
“Wait.” Levi held up a hand to stop you before you could continue. The story had just started, but he was already having trouble believing that this was the truth. If not for the darkness that rested just behind your eyes, he would’ve called bullshit as soon as you said your first sentence. “What exactly did you do?” 
You looked away from the intensity of his gaze for a moment, an internal debate raging on inside your head. With a sigh, you relented. “I… I can’t tell you everything, but let’s just say it had to do with a certain Premier and confidential papers being stolen from his office.” Levi’s eyes grew wide, and you took that as a sign to continue. “No one knows except Commander Erwin, but I spent most of my teenage years in the Underground. I was born within Wall Sina, so I had papers to be up top, but I much preferred being below gro—”
“Why?” Levi was quick to cut you off, his expression hard and tone almost offended.
“My parents owned land in Wall Sina, and when they died, they left none of it to me, so folk got the idea in their head that I was a problem child. I wasn’t wanted there, so I left.” You shrugged, and Levi’s face softened. “I admit, the Underground wasn’t easy, but I was quick on my feet and smart for my age. I survived and I survived by myself. Help wasn’t something I wanted, but when you’re suddenly being chased by the royal government, it becomes something you need. That’s how I found Kenny, and it’s why I owe him my life.” 
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It had been a week since you had completed your assignment, already turning in the materials to the man who had hired you and returning back to your comfortable life underground. All had seemed to go swimmingly, and your confidence had grown tenfold. The feeling of being unstoppable was addictive, and you craved the sensation of that feeling again. You let your thoughts drift to what you could accomplish next, but sudden screams quickly snapped you out of your daydream. Straightening in your chair, you peeked out of the window of the tavern you currently resided in. Fear grew in your chest at what you saw.
Standing right outside were five MP’s, fully equipped with ODM gear and holding up a wanted poster with a poorly drawn sketch of your face on it. It was clear that they were asking for your whereabouts, and you were thankful to see that every person was shaking their heads to say no, they had no idea. Even with the solidarity of your fellow Underground citizens, you knew you had to get out of there and away from the sharp swords that hung off of the men’s waists. Before you could move, though, two of the men entered the bar, their eyes sweeping over the patrons. 
Right before their eyes could meet your frightened ones, your world was encased in darkness, the only light you could see coming from below you. You blinked, trying to understand what exactly just happened, but soon realized that a large hat had been placed over your head. Carefully, you lifted the brim so that you could see, and were met with the piercing silver stare of a man a good amount of years older than you. Apparently your confusion showed on your face because he quickly pushed the hat back down so that it shaded your features. 
He spoke in a quiet voice, only letting you be privy to whatever information he was about to share. “I’d keep that on if I were you, kitten. Don’t want the MP’s seeing your face, now do we?” You didn’t dare speak, but quickly shook your head, showing him you were listening and following instructions. “Good,” he dragged out the vowel, and the table shook as he placed his leg onto the table. Were those cowboy boots and spurs? You were pretty sure people only wore those in stories. “Now,” he stated, “We’re just gonna have a nice, pleasant conversation. Lots of giggles, ya hear me?” You nodded, the hat moving up and down your forehead. 
As the man started spewing nonsense, you did your best to play along, laughing like he said to and keeping your face covered as best you could. You could hear the MP’s getting closer to your table over the man’s rowdy voice, and the hand gripping your drink began to shake in fear. Smoothly, the man took your hand in his, making some weird comment about how soft it was. You frowned. Your hands weren’t soft at all. What was with this guy? 
The realization of what his plan was smacked you in the face, and you let out light giggles in response, putting on your most fake voice as you thanked him for the compliment. The things you were saying to each other became sickly sweet, so much so that you almost laughed at one point. As the soldiers approached your table, the mysterious man leaned in close, his alcoholic breath fanning over your face. Calmly, he swept the hat off of your head and placed it so that it covered both of your faces from the men who were now only a couple of feet away. 
A swift kick from under the table spurred you into action, and you let out a girlish moan followed by an exaggerated giggle. He followed suit, making a comment about how nice your lips were. If it were any other situation, you would punch this man in the face, but for right now, you’d listen to every command he gave you. From behind the hat you heard one of the MP’s mumble about ‘couples these days’ with a gagging noise coming from the other. With one last lovesick comment from the man in front of you, the MP’s retreated, leaving the tavern with muttered curses leaving their lips. 
Your savior leaned back into his chair, a smirk adoring his features as he placed his hat back on his head. For a moment, you both just stared at each other, you in shock and him in some state of glee. You decided to speak first. 
“Who are you?” 
“The name’s Kenny.” He kicked his other leg up on the table with a thwack! as the spur hit the cracked wood. The silence grew again, but this time you were at a loss for words. Sure, his name was Kenny, but was that all he was going to say? Apparently not, but when he spoke up again, it was entirely unhelpful. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”
You frowned, unamused. “Maybe for you. I should punch you for some of the things you said. Strange men shouldn’t talk to unassuming ladies like that.” Your tone was laced with a bit of sarcasm, and he guffawed.
“I don’t think fugitives from the crown can be considered ladies,” he shot back, and you huffed. His face grew serious. “I’ve been watching you for a while, kitten.”
You raised your eyebrows at the nickname. “It’s Y/N, and, uh, what?” Once again, this man completely took you by surprise. 
He shrugged. “You may not know it yourself, kitten, but you’re well known down here in the Underground. A mysterious girl who arrives without a sound, stealing from the above-grounders and sharing the wealth with the rest of us? You’re practically a legend; some people don’t even believe you’re real, but those that do would protect you with their life.”
This was all news to you. Yes, those were things that you did, but people recognized you for it? You furrowed your eyebrows and blinked quickly as you tried to puzzle the situation out. “I…” You struggled for words.
Kenny held up a hand. “It’s true whether you believe it or not… But, it seems that you’ve bitten off a little more than you can chew this time, my friend. Stealing from the Premier? Tsk, tsk.” His tone was more playful than condescending, and you gave him a weary grin. 
You sighed and finally relaxed back into your own chair, studying the man’s face. It showed his experience rather than his age, and you wondered just exactly who he was. Taking a chance, you pried for more information. You hated being in the dark. “So, you didn’t answer my question. Who are you?” 
His smile grew at your curiosity, crooked teeth appearing under chapped lips. “Someone who can help you. If you want it, that is. It seems clear you like to work on your own.” There was a challenge laced into his words, and you wondered what the right decision was. On one hand, getting involved with someone else, someone else you knew nothing about at that, was a dangerous game. On the other, you were in trouble and you needed all the help you could get. 
Taking a chance, you slowly nodded. “Okay. What do you have in mind?” 
He explained his plan. The MP’s didn’t know your name, so it would be easy to get above ground using your old Wall Sina papers. After you expressed your concern and with a chuckle, he dismissed their drawing of you, stating that once you got above ground and cleaned up, you would be unrecognizable from your old self. Then, with his next words, you lost your confidence in his plan. 
“You want me… to join the Survey Corps?” You shook your head in disbelief. “Uh, no way. That’s right under the government’s noses!” 
He brushed you off. “Eh, not really. The government already dislikes the Corps. They’re not gonna care who’s in it; they figure you’ll all die soon enough.” At that, you gave him a very blank stare, and he just laughed, stealing a swig from your mug. “You’ll be fine. You don’t seem like the dying type.”
It was true, you had escaped the jaws of death on multiple occasions, but you weren’t in the business of actively riding towards your demise. That seemed plain idiotic to you, and you made that known. “This isn’t a joke. It’s my life on the line,” you countered.
With a swift movement, his legs were off of the table and his body was leaning in towards yours, the weight on his elbows making the table creak. His eyes turned dark, levelling your gaze. “It’s your life either way. Would you rather die by the hands of the Military Police after they’ve done God-knows-what to you? Or would you rather die on your own terms, possibly fighting for Humanity’s freedom?” 
It was a good question, a fair question, and one you immediately knew the answer to. You sucked in a breath as you resigned yourself to your new fate. “So, how do we do this?” 
With another grin, Kenny explained the rest of his plan. It really wasn’t a bad idea, and you were grateful for the help. But still uncertainty settled in your stomach.
The day you were to join the Corps, Kenny had told you he would meet you before you left. You hadn’t seen him in about a week, and in that time, you had completely changed yourself, moving up top, getting a haircut, and finally wearing clean, untorn clothes. It was weird and different, but a part of you enjoyed it. This was a new start, you had chosen to believe.
“Kitten!” You turned towards the easily recognizable voice with a roll of your eyes, but the playful smile that toyed with your lips gave away your true feelings. “Give me a spin!” He requested, and when you did, he let out a loud whistle. “Damn, you really look like you belong up here.”
You raised your eyebrows with a grin. “That’s the point, right?” 
“Precisely, my friend, precisely.” Slinging an arm over your shoulders, he began to walk with you towards where the ferry would pick you up. His pace was slow, obviously not in a rush to say goodbye, and you felt the same. Somehow, the two of you had grown close over the past month. Even with all of the secrets you both kept from each other, there was an air of freedom when you were in the other’s presence. No lies, no false personalities, just friendship. 
It was refreshing, to say the least.
For once, you both were quiet as you walked. The weight of the future hung over both of you, pressing your mouths shut. He managed to speak first, his voice cracking for the first time since you met him and giving away his true emotions. 
“Stay safe, kitten.” The words were serious, and something in him couldn’t stand to let that be the last thing he said. “You’ll kick those Titans’ asses.” 
Normally, you’d laugh, or at least smile, at his cheesy jokes. Instead, you stopped walking and turned until you both faced each other, looking up to meet his eyes. With a swallow, you asked something of him that you knew was unfair, was selfish, was wrong. Yet, you still asked, knowing Kenny wouldn’t hold it against you. 
“Promise me you won’t die before me.” 
His eyes softened in understanding, crinkles forming around their edges as he gave you the most gentle of smiles. He knew what you needed to hear, knew it would be a lie, knew you’d hate him for it. But, he said it anyway.
“I promise.”
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Opposites attract
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Pairing: Hermione Granger x Slytherin!Reader, Platonic!Blaise Zabini x reader, Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson, Platonic!Draco Malfoy x reader (The reader is race-neutral!)
Warning: I think there’s a couple swear words, uhh if you’re in love with Draco you probably shouldn’t read this, there is not a single sentence in this fic where Draco and Y/N are any more than friends. Actually, Y/N will commit an act of violence against him. (Don’t do this to your friends)
Summary: Blaise notices that his best friend, Y/N is different the second he sees her again after Summer break. You are a full-fledged pure-blood Slytherin, but during Summer, you got your heart stolen by a certain muggle-born Gryffindor.
A/N: I am OBSESSED with Gryffindor x Slytherin trope, I’m so sorry I will write a reader who’s in Hufflepuff soon! Also, I love Blaise Zabini? He deserves love :/ He a true King in this fic. Oh and Y/N & Hermione are a power couple who eat men ok cool happy reading!!
It was a quiet evening in the Slytherin common room. The white noise of the light rain present, but none of you could see, for the Slytherins belonged in the dungeons.
You had your head rested on the lap of Blaise Zabini, your best friend, and your legs over the lap of Draco Malfoy. You wouldn’t say he was your best friend, per se- you didn’t always like how he acted. You thought of him more like a brother, in a way. An annoying brother, no less.
But while your friends engaged in some deep conversation about whatever they talked about, your mind was elsewhere. Since last week, you’ve been lost in the curious world of a strange muggle book titled “pride and prejudice”. You picked the damned book up every time you had some spare time.
“What’s this then? Never seen it before.” You recall 2 weeks ago, laying by the old oak tree of the city park, the bushy leaves shielding you from the blinding sunlight.
“You’ve never seen a book before?” She teases, playful laughter filling the crisp summer air.
“You know what I mean! C’mon, read to me.” You look up at her, sitting down with her back pressed against the tree. Her face was covered with the red cover of the book, but you could swear that what you were seeing deserved to be drawn on canvas and presented in museums. Her golden curls looked as if they were lighting up under the sun, her soft yet strong hands curling around the spine of the book.
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife-”
Blaise also had a book opened in his hand, but he was not reading- he was listening in on Draco and Pansy’s conversation. Also glancing down and seeing you smile to yourself, for whatever reason. It could have been the book, but he doubted it.
And even though this was the first day back to Hogwarts, he knew that you were very different from who you were when he waved goodbye to you before summer break.
First of all, you never read muggle books. You were the eldest child of one of the most pure bloodlines to exist. Your family were very close with the Malfoys, the Blacks, and obviously the Dark Lord. Anyone would expect you to grow up hating muggles, and... in all honesty, Blaise thought you did.
But then why didn’t you say anything few hours earlier when Granger bumped into you on the train? A witty quip about her blood, perhaps? But nothing. And why in the world did you have a Jane Austen story in your hand?
Despite the multiple questions looming over his head, Blaise had a theory. So now, he wanted to see. Test you, on how you’d react to another one of Draco’s degrading talks about “muggles” you recently seemed to take an interest to.
“God, those mud-bloods infuriate me. And what’s Dumbledore thinking, opening a class of ‘Muggle Studies?’ What a pathetic excuse for a school.” Draco said quite loudly for the whole common room to hear, looking behind him and at first-year Slytherins as if to get them to agree with him. They nod out of fear, but Blaise can see it’s poisoning their unbiased minds already.
Great. More racism. He’s never been a big fan of it.
Just when Blaise turned back around to pretend to stare at his book once more, you quickly stood up from your place in his lap, and smacked your hard-covered book over Draco’s head. The first years jump and gasp from utter and complete shock.
...Ouch. Blaise doesn’t know if he should be happy he was right about something being up with you, or stop you from killing Malfoy.
“What in the- What is your problem, Y/L/N??!” Draco stands up too and glares at you in an accusatory manner, hand flying up to the back of his head. His tall figure looms over your head, his eyes burning with confusion and rage. But you’re not afraid. Quite the opposite.
“Don’t you dare talk about muggles like that ever again, Draco. You know I’ve never liked it when you used that word.” You point your halfway closed book into his chest, the corner digging into his neatly ironed shirt.
“What? You’ve never hit me over something as little as this? What’s wrong with you, Y/L/N?” Draco questions loudly, the irritation in his voice evident. Pansy stands up as well, linking her arms with the Blond, and glaring at you up and down.
“You’ve been acting strange all day, Y/N. Blaise, say something!” All three of you looks over to Blaise, who was nonchalantly pretend reading his book, unmoving from his place on the couch.
“What? So Y/N can’t hit Malfoy with a book now? She’s done it before.” He looks up and locks eyes with Pansy, “I don’t give a fuck” written all over his face.
“That’s not the point! Why is she so angry over filthy Mudbloods?” Pansy retorts, but as soon as the last word left her lips, you raised your brows at her warningly.
“Don’t. Use. That. Word. Why does bloodline matter? We all bleed red, for Merlin’s sake!” You huff, whirling around to get yourself out of this godforesaken dungeon. Blaise gives a playful salute and trails closely behind, leaving behind the pure-blooded idiots and follows you towards the Gryffindor common room.
“Will you tell me, though? Y/N, what happened during summer?” Blaise stops you just in front of the portrait of the fat lady, and you’re forced to look at your best friend’s curious expression.
“Promise you won’t laugh?” You sighed, knowing you would have to tell your best friend if he wanted to come with you. He nods sincerely, although there is a twinkle in his eyes that lets you know he’s enjoying this.
“I fell in love with someone. A muggle-born.”You confess, your cheeks burning like a 1,000 degree flame just by admitting that.
“A muggle-born??” Blaise’s brows shot up to his hairline, his brilliantly talented imagination already making up a scene of you getting disowned by your parents.
“Wait...” his gaze glides past you and at something behind you. “Does it happen to be Granger?”
Your eyes grow wide as a plate, and you almost break your neck from how quickly you turned around. Hermione, Harry and Ron stood there, the door to the Gryffindor common room wide open.
“There was a Slytherin alert. Uhm, Fred and George. Not us.” Harry tries to explain, looking over at Ron for some assistance, but he just stays in place. Wether it’s from shock or fear, you couldn’t tell.
“You... fell in love?” Hermione looks directly into your eyes, as if everything that wasn’t you didn’t exist to her. She climbs out of the entryway, taking a few steps over towards you.
“Uh- I did. Over the summer.” Guessing you didn’t have much other choice than to admit it, you stood your ground and focused on her sharp brown eyes you’d come to adore.
“You did.” Hermione repeated, stunned from the looks of it.
“I did.”
“So did I.”
“You did?”
“I did.”
“Oh bloody hell, just admit you love each other and move on.” Ron teased from a few feet behind, comfortable now that he saw who he originally thought was a Slytherin nightmare act so awkward and giddy.
Hermione glared at him threateningly, and so Harry wordlessly pulled him and Blaise into the Gryffindor common room. Before entering, Harry almost forcefully rips off the cloak from Blaise, still skeptical of the Slytherin always hanging around Draco Malfoy.
“Right. Anyways-“
Before you could say anything, Hermione hurriedly pressed her lips against yours, her cheeks tinting rose from a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. She’d never done something like this before. She feels like she can hear her heart beating rapidly in her ears, which can’t be normal, but she thinks it feels right.
You feel like getting wrapped into a cloud of euphoria as she deepens the kiss, your hands finding their place on her cheeks. The book clatters on the crème stone floor, but neither of you pay it any mind. Luckily, not one soul is walking around the halls at this hour, everyone getting settled into each their dorms. But you don’t even think about that, for your mind is filled with her, and only her.
After pulling away, Hermione chuckles at your surprised look, mumbling a little “You’re blushing, Y/N.” Before pulling you into her chest for a hug.
You return the gesture without hesitation, grinning from ear to ear and whispering back, “So are you.”
“Come on, we’ll have butterbeer inside. Take your cloak off and hide the tie. I’ll bring my jacket.” Hermione laughs nervously, and looks back at who she swears is the most beautiful girl in the world. Never had she thought she’d get her heart stolen by a Y/L/N, even in an alternate universe, or in a dream.
But she takes your hand, and pulls you into the common room, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
Ooooooo bro I've been saving this one for the longest time. Ok so we can all agree that mof crane probably didn't go to his senior prom and probably felt like shit because he didn't feel like anyone really cared about him right? What if a friend/admirer of his (i.e. the reader) he had mutual feelings for asked to hang out on prom night but told him to dress nicely and meet them by the cornfield. He's having doubts cause of the whole Sherry thing but he meets them there anyway, he's gonna comment on how pretty/handsome they look but they're literally so excited they just grab his hand and drag him through the cornstalks. He's getting real sus after a good 5 minutes of walking and is about to pull his hand away until they arrive at a clearing where they have a radio set up to play slow music, a picnic blanket, a few soda bottles filled with wisky that they may or may not have obtained from another student during class, and a balloon held down by a stack of books they've been dying to share with him. They dance, they get a little tipsy, they laugh, he gets a well deserved smooch or two, then they read under the stars together till they fall asleep cuddling.
Please 🙏.
i so fucking wanted to turn this into a fic but i'd just turn it into 30k words of jon's emotional turmoil and never finish it, so have this instead and keep it in mind that my heart has genuinely melted while writing this and i squeezed out every last bit of fluff it had
Masters of Fear!Jon's dream prom night hcs:
when you tell him to meet you by the cornfields on prom night, he's... conflicted. for two main reasons. one obviously being his trauma after the humiliation Sherry put him through the one time he got his courage to ask someone for a date, and two - this was the night of his revenge. he hasn't told you about this, but this was the night his plans were supposed to come to fruition. this was supposed to be the night he first donned the scarecrow costume, the night that would turn his whole life around. but you... you were his friend. he didn't remember a time when you weren't. you were always there. you were there for him every time got bullied, beaten or humiliated. you were there for his misplaced infatuation with Sherry and you were there to comfort him after he had a head-on collision with reality. and now, you were there for his prom night, despite him not having the courage to actually ask you to go with him. and maybe, just maybe... revenge could wait. maybe he should repay you for going through the trouble (and it was a trouble) of befriending him and staying by his side. so he accepted
you told him to dress nicely, so he did, to the best of his abilities. he donned a brown suit, the only one he had that was supposed to be for his prom and that was just slightly too small. it was the smartest garment he owned and he almost liked how it looked, how it made him seem more serious, more intelligent, but when he saw you... he truly felt like a servant in the presence of royalty. "nicely" wasn't anywhere near to how you looked. you were breathtaking. absolutely fucking breathtaking, to the point where the air actually got stuck in his lungs when he looked at you. thousands of thoughts were running through his head. you were so beautiful. why didn't he ask you to prom? why did he waste his only chance to do something with what you two had? the suspicions as to why exactly were you so dolled up by a cornfield were muffled by his absolute admiration for you as well as that slight self-hatred that accompanied him wherever he went
and then, you complimented him. it wasn't the first time, you were always so supportive of him, but this time it... hit different. it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, not like you haven't called him handsome before, but suddenly he found himself tongue-tied. the best he could muster back was a stuttering "you too", but before he blinked you were already grabbing his hand and rushing him through the cornfields, claiming that you had a 'surprise'. and after his experiences, Jon wholeheartedly despised surprises
there was a battle going through his head because honestly, where the fuck were you taking him, why were you two tearing through a cornfield? what, because he looks like a scarecrow? was it another joke? you were never once mean to him, but at this point, who fucking knew? but also, you were holding his hand. you laced your fingers and squeezed and pulled and your thumb kept rubbing over his skin in almost a soothing manner and you held his hand-
"(y/n), please-" he didn't even know what he was asking of you, all he knew was that he was scared and your hand was both the reason for it and his only source of comfort, but he shut his mouth the second you pulled him into a small clearing and he was faced with... a dream, really. you took care of... everything. you laid down a huge blanket with some light pillows to make it more comfy, homemade snacks, drinks, alcohol, a god damned radio with both your favourites on, a small stack of books with balloons-
he was speechless. completely, utterly speechless. you were talking like it was nothing, how you took the CDs from your home that he liked, how you baked those muffins he always immensly enjoyed, how you sneakily bought whiskey with the help of your older friends, how you brought the books you were just dying to read with him, how you fucking made your own private prom for you two to enjoy in peace, and said it like it wasn't a big deal. and he... brought you nothing. not even flowers. he should've gotten you flowers, like any man would. you made all this and he was just standing there like a fucking idiot, with his hands empty, and he dared to doubt you after everything you two have been through-
but you didn't let him wallow in his self-doubt, instead pulling him down, deciding to start the fun. you sat there, side by side, with you pouring the drinks, munching on snacks, discussing books, laughing and joking around with some music in the background. Jon has spent some amazing moments with you, from skipping school to go to the lake to going on trips with you and your parents to places he never thought he'd visit, but this felt... special. that night, he felt happier. he felt like it meant more
he didn't expect that slow love song he was fond of to play, nor you offering to dance. well, offering might be an understatement. if you offered, that dumbass would've probably refuse out of sheer embarassment and bashfulness. you pulled him up and decided to lead him to the "dance floor" (i.e. area around the blanket), leaving him no room to refuse. yet again, not the first time you two danced together without a care in the world, but the first time it felt so... intimate. you were so close, closer than ever before. you held him so gently, you smiled so brightly and he was so captivated he stumbled over his own feet more than once, but it was all perfect. your chest pressed up against his and then soon enough, your head leaning on his shoulder felt so... right. like you were meant to fit against him, like his arms were meant to hold onto you like this. at the same time his heart tried to beat out of his chest but his mind was an oasis of peace. he felt both nervous and at ease, his face hesitantly nuzzling into you, arms tightening around your body, pulling you so close not even paper could fit in-between you two
it's like he finally realised that what he always wanted was right under his nose all along. that all that time, the only thing he craved was being with you like this. at last, he could understand why his heart always sped up and why he dreamed of you so often. this was way different than the "thing" he had for Sherry. way stronger, way more sincere. he felt more deserving of Sherry than he did of you, like she was closer in his reach than you because you were always so kind to him, because you always cared and he felt like he had no right to ruin what you two had. with Sherry, he had nothing, it was easier to project onto her because he couldn't have you. and all that time, he was unconsciously complicating his own life instead of just... trying to reach for you
he felt like he got really far with you that night, like it was already a big step forward and that maybe, someday, you'd consider something... more. he didn't expect you to kiss him right then and there. he didn't expect you to slowly lift your head from his shoulder and dive right in with only a quick glance into his eyes. suddenly, the whole world stopped, along with his heart. suddenly, the world didn't exist, there wasn't a single thought of Bo, Sherry or his revenge, there was only you. you and your perfect lips moving against his own and your perfect hands cupping his cheek and tangling in his hair. he didn't expect an embarassing mewl to escape the back of his throat but if anything, you didn't seem to mind, only pulling him closer, letting him feel all of you
the kiss was messy, almost awkward, but Jon has never felt anything as divine as your plush lips moving against his chapped ones, your tongue slowly sliding into his mouth, guiding him, showing him what love really felt like. he really didn't know when his arms embraced you tight enough to feel your every move against his body, but it felt right. it felt right to have you this close and to kiss you like this. it felt like this was where he belonged
he needed air, but he needed you more and he couldn't just stop, if it wasn't for you finally pulling away, he might've suffocated on the spot. when he leaned back, his chest was heaving and his lips tingling, but he didn't let you go. it's like... he couldn't. you looked into his eyes, hell, right into his soul and for the first time in his life, he had no doubt. surprisingly, he felt no fear crawling up his spine that he just fucked up, he felt no anxiety that he ruined what you two had. the only thing he felt was the need to kiss you again. and then again and again until he could no more
the rest of that night was filled with cuddles, kisses, alcohol and laughter. with talking until the early hours of the morning, with you comfortably between his legs and him wrapped around you like a blanket. that night ended with his shaky, whispered "i love you" and long, meaningful kisses from you which were quickly becoming his new addiction as you two finally parted ways, only to meet again the next day, and then the next and so on. and maybe none of you knew that, but you saved him that day. saved him from a fate he was not entirely ready for. from a life of crime and pain and severe trauma
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Tis the long await fic....
First time (Jumin x MC, NSFW, FLUFF)
Summary: What happens when you put two horny virgins in a room, the two of them not even knowing how to put a condom on? Chaos. Absolute chaos.
"Mm Jumin I think I'm ready." You said between kisses, looking at your boyfriend straight in the eyes. He stopped and looked at you, caressing your cheek.
"You're sure?" He asked, and you nodded, smiling up at him shyly. Jumin smiled lovingly back and cupped your cheek, kissing you passionately, his hands unbottoning your shirt. You helped by taking his shirt off (today he didn't have to work, so thankfully it was just one layer of clothes.) And you ran your hands through his bare chest. Jumin sighed happily and started taking your bra off, while you slipped down your panties.
After a few tries Jumin pulled away and gave you a confused look. "Love, could you please help me out? I can't seem to work out how to remove your brassiere...."
You giggled as you looked at your boyfriend's adorable confused face and he blushed.
"It's just harder than I thought it would be....." He mumbled, and you chuckled, quickly pecking him on the lips.
"It's fine Jumin, I got it!" In a few seconds you had taken your bra off. Jumin looked in awe. Mostly because of your beautiful body, but also because he couldn't believe how you managed to take that thing off in a matter of seconds and just with one hand.
You blushed and started to cover your body a bit, but Jumin gently grabbed your hands and began kissing all over your neck and made his way down your chest. You shivered at the feeling of his cool lips against your skin. Jumin smiled and gently pushed you down for you to lay on your back, taking his pants off.
You pulled him down to kiss him while he took his undergarments off and was now laying bare on top of you. You were both blushing and panting. But Jumin had this look of love and adoration that you found adorable. He kept kissing your neck and then glanced up at you.
"Are you ready?" He asked, and you nodded, closing your eyes. You waited to feel him finally be inside of you, for the two of you to become one for the first time.
You heard him let out a shaky breath and you braced yourself again. Maybe he was nervous, he could take his time.
So you kept waiting.
And waiting.
You opened your eyes and decided to speak up when you heard him mumbling to himself.
"Jumin...?" You asked, and he looked at you, surprised.
"Yes love?"
"Is everything alright?"
Jumin stared at you and then sighed, a slight trace of red on his cheeks.
"I'm afraid I do not know what to do now. I expected something to happen, but it's been a few minutes and nothing has. I thought the process of penetration began automatically, but it seems we have to do something to get it started. I just don't know what."
You felt your eyes widen and slowly sat up, Jumin quickly moving to sit beside you.
You found it adorable as heck that he was nervous and didn't really know what to do., You tried to answer him and give him instructions but then.....you couldn't reply.
And that's when you realized that you had never really paid attention to the video they showed you in the sex education class and had never really talked about it with anyone else.
You were stuck.
"Jumin.... I'd love to answer your question but uh....I don't think I....I don't think I know...."
Jumin raised an eyebrow and, after thinking nodded. He quickly grabbed his phone and started typing something.
"Jumin, what are you doing?" You asked, looking at his phone.
He kept his eyes on the screen, scrolling through, but still answered.
"Normally I prefer to use books instead of the internet, but it's the closest thing we have right now. I'm trying to figure out how to have sex."
Your eyes widened and you let out a laugh, and then covered your mouth. As funny as it sounded, Jumin was actually right. The internet was the only solution right now.
"Oh, hey read this one! It has steps!" You pointed to an article and Jumin clicked it.
"Step number one." He read. "Maintain physical connection. Engaging in cuddling and kissing is essential for maintaining an emotional and physical bond."
"We've been doing that right? Check!" You said, and Jumin nodded.
"Use lubrication. Often the vaginal dryness that-"
"Jumin next one!" You didn't exactly want to hear while trying to have sex, about how your vagina worked. Besides it was definetly killing the mood. You decided to change the subject and look at the next step. "Practice touching."
"Love, it says here that I should ask you where and how you like to be touched. I apologize I did not do so sooner." Jumin said sincerely, and you smiled, resting your head on his shoulder.
"It's alright. I'm sorry I didn't ask you either...could you tell me what you want?"
Jumin ran a hand through his hair and looked at the ground. "I'm afraid I've never really thought about it, so I can't give you an answer. What about you?"
You chuckled. "Me neither I have no idea. Does this article even explain how to have sex? How are we supposed to- oh wait!" You gently took Jumin's phone from his hands and typed something. Then you clicked on a link and gave him a triumphant smile.
"Porn!!" You said. Jumin looked at you, taken aback for a minute and then nodded understanding what you meant.
"That's right....if we watch pornographic content then we should be able to understand how it works. That was a really good idea love." He smiled porudly at you and kissed your forehead, and then got closer to you to look at the screen, making your bare shoulders touch.
You two spent the next twenty minutes binge watching some....questionable porn videos. You had to admit that some of them were....well....you were not prepared. Not only that, but you two couldn't help but comment at a few of them.
"Is that really how it works?" You asked at one point.
"This actress is not giving enough emotion. Someone should have really given her acting classes." Jumin commented on the second video.
"Yeah that's true. I just don't feel like she's feeling it you know? It looks way too fake."
After a long time, Jumin decided to give up and put on his pants and quickly walk over to look for a certain thing on his bookshelf.
You decided to watch a bit more porn but found out it wasn't as fun with Jumin by your side judging the actor's performance, so you scrolled through social media and saved some cat videos to show to Jumin later.
Meanwhile, Jumin was stacking up all his Playboy magazines and started studying. He read through every single magazine, studying the pictures, absorbing every drop of knowledge.
And then finally....he was ready.
He walked into the room and you looked at him excitedly.
"Did you figure it out?!" You asked, and Jumin smiled, nodding.
"Yes. I believe I've read enough in the matter to understand what to do. Would you want to continue?" He looked up at you and you excitedly nodded. He took his pants off and walked over to the bed, kneeling on top of you and moving a strand of hair away from your face.
You blushed and kissed him. The room becaming hotter and hotter in a matter of seconds, the kisses were now rough and passionate. As Jumin nipped and sucked on your chest (something he found out you really enjoyed) you felt a warm feeling begin to spread across your legs. You whimpered and Jumin stopped sucking, looking at you.
"Would you like me to put it in now?" He whispered, and you nodded. He placed a hand in between your legs and then kissed you, smirking. "It seems we won't need the lubricant. You're wet enough for me to put it in. Let me just get the condom." He started moving but you grabbed his hand and shook your head.
"I-its fine, I'm o-on the pill. P-please just do s-something....my body it's...it's so hot...please do something Jumin....I need to you..." You pleaded, and then, before you could say anything else, you gasped as you felt Jumin quickly thrust his hips against you, inserting himself inside you. You felt tears form in your eyes and Jumin kissed them and wiped them again with his hand.
"Sorry love...I just...you were being so adorable and I couldn't help myself...does it hurt?"
You whimpered, but then shook your head.
Jumin began gently thrusting, the two of you gasping and moaning everytime he moved his hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and then let out a yelp as you felt him hit a spot that felt amazing. Jumin stopped, alarmed, and glanced over at you, asking if he should continue.
You nodded, unable to speak, and then kissed him.
"Y-you can keep going... j-just...please be gentle..." You managed to whisper.
You saw Jumin's expression change and gasped as you felt him harden inside of you. Jumin's eyes were filled with lust, and he kissed you deeply before saying, "I'm sorry love, I can't hold back anymore. Bear with me for a bit now..."
You moaned as you felt him thrust insanely hard inside you, his movements now quick and rough.
"J-Ju-Jumin! A-aah!!! I- ah, it's...I...mngh I...ANGHHH, toooo...too faaaa-ast! Mmmph agh, it's so-o-o.. good! It's so good, ah! Ah!"
Jumin kissed you, cupping your cheeks.
"L-love...mgh...you're...you...you feel amazing.....ahhh, I think I'm going to....mmph, I'm going to come soon...." He said between kisses and you nodded.
"M-me too! MNNNGH, Jumin!"
"I love you..." He whispered as he nuzzled your nose.
"L-love you...t-too..."
The two of you quickly reached your climax, letting out a pleasure filled scream, and when you were done you were both left panting. Jumin didn't move yet from his spot, not wanting to hurt you. When you looked up at him you smiled, and he smiled back. The two of you kissed each other softly, humming happily.
"That was fun." You said, and Jumin chuckled.
"It was. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Those playboy magazines did end up being useful huh?" You joked, and Jumin chuckled.
"It seems like it. Although the videos did help too."
"I'm glad at least now we know how it works. For next time y'know?" You said, and Jumin kissed your forehead, smiling.
"I know. Although I am a bit more curious about the other things you could do when having sex. It's actually a very interesting topic, it's really diverse. And there are a few things I'd like to try out, especially about positions. Then there's also this other part of the subject that I found fascinating, people usually call it something like bd- "
You quickly kissed him and pet his head, giggling. "Alrigh, alright buddy, let's take it slow. Why don't we go take a shower and then we can talk about this later? As much as I enjoyed it, right now I feel really dirty....and sticky..."
Jumin laughed. "Of course love, as you wish." He started carrying you bridal style towards the bathroom.
Although in the end you did a bit more than take a shower, so you lasted there a bit longer than usual.
Even if the two of you were new at this, it was great!
And you had to admit that for beginners? The two of you didn't do bad.
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some kind of loud, attention grabbing noise that lets you know ITS FIC TIME, BABYYYYY you could start here, but the context... the build up.. the hours of worldcrafting, you'd miss it all... so start here, instead, then circle back.
These last two weeks have actually been nice. She and Adam had both mutually agreed that, despite not being the kind of person either of them would intentionally seek out on their own, Beetlejuice (she still has a hard time believing that’s what BJ stands for, but okay,) is fun. Not just fun, but funny, and seemingly often in the mood to laugh, in that overblown, Vincent Price horror movie way he does, which earns him multiple shushes in the library.
Drama club has gotten better. Barbara has a private theory that what most people need is to just get used to BJ, to spend enough time with him that he stops looking like an outsider, and it’s coming true, slowly, but finally. BJ had mentioned off-handedly he played ukulele, and when the other kids had expressed interest, he’d brought it with him the next day... Though she’s not quite sure where he kept it, the entire day. She’s seen that mess of a locker he’s got. She doubts it fits in there. And it can’t have been in his backpack, either, because every time he sets it down, she can hear what sounds like glass and rocks settling. She’s even seen him, after school, pick up a rock and shove it in one of the pockets. She has to assume his bag weighs a hundred pounds, or so.
His instrument, almost predictably, was painted with black and white stripes, but he’d played the little thing like a pro. She had never taken him for someone who enjoyed the mellow, soft sounds the ukulele was known for, but clearly, she doesn’t know enough about the boy. Miss Larson, the drama instructor, had clapped, and learned that BJ could read music, too. “Maybe while we’re practicing, you can accompany us?” She’d asked, clearly trying to work a way into getting more participation out of their newest member. BJ had been flustered, but had agreed, easily.
The wildest thing had been hearing him sing. They’d moved from being in the drama room, most days, to being in the auditorium, working on lines and practicing their singing. No one’s been officially cast, yet, but it’s mostly to get used to being on stage. Miss Larson had insisted that BJ sing a few lines for them, and he’d sort of made a face, ducked backstage, and had appeared with his ukulele in hand. Barbara didn’t even know he’d put it back there.
“Uh, so, sing what?” He’d shuffled awkwardly, and Miss Larson had smiled. “Whatever you feel,” to which BJ just snorted, and rolled his eyes, but then he plucked a few notes on his ukulele, and started to sing.
“There’s a camp, there’s a camp, by the frozen lake, wa wa ooh. With every belly starving and every finger numb, but up on the hill there’s a red, red rum, somebody’s always cooking something in the lean-to.”
It wasn't a song she’d recognized, but it was clearly morbid. She shouldn’t have expected anything different. The real focal point was his voice, his strange, scratchy pitch, because despite sounding like he gargles sandpaper and nails, he’s got a strong, clear tone, one that carries well, and as he sings, he doesn’t hit a single sour note. She also noted that his enunciation is much clearer when he’s singing, oddly enough. He sang as much as he decided he needed to, and clung to his ukelele as he finished, like a lifeline. “So. Yeah.” He’d said, and then flinched when the clapping started, from all members present, but especially her and Adam. He’d stood looking around at them all, utterly baffled.
“You didn’t tell us you would sing!” Jeremiah, the student director, was the one who looked the most enthused, and BJ balked. “Didn’t think it mattered. M’just gonna be a stagehand.. Right?”
“Maybe he could play the dentist?” Miss Larson had looked at Jeremiah, and they’d begun talking amongst themselves, ignoring him, as he strummed nervously at his instrument.
“Oh, wait, check this out!”
And he sings again, another verse from that same, oddly morbid song, which she’d started to pick up is definitely about cannibals, but his voice is.. Different. The grit is gone. It’s like he’d ran his vocal cords under some hot soapy water, and washed all the grime and gravel out of them, because he sang like an angel, like a normal person, and then, suddenly, devolved into a hacking cough, doubled over.
“Sorry, can only do that so long. Hurts my throat,” he said, after a moment, all the grit back in his voice. He waited. There had been a soft laugh, and then it grew louder, coming from each of the members watching him in turn, because the idea that speaking like THAT somehow hurts, and his normal tone doesn’t, is just so outrageous and silly, and he’d stood there proudly, grinning in that way he does, because his joke had landed, and he might, for the first time since he was forced into their club, be enjoying himself.
So, yes. The last few weeks have been good. Very good.
All that club progress aside, looking back makes her a little flustered, because at this point, she’s gotten the hint that he’s not gay. What he is, is incredibly flirty, not only with Adam but with her, and she finds herself... enjoying it. He keeps his ukulele tucked into the bottom of the cart in the library, and sometimes, when he’s certain he won’t be interrupted, he grabs it and sings little songs about them, laying on top of the cart like a drunk lounge singer on a piano, as she or Adam wheel it along. The songs are made up on the spot tunes that often start dirty, and end sincere, like he can’t even help it. It’s embarrassing, and endearing, and just very… Beetlejuice.
There’s just the problem lingering overhead, the one she’s desperate to solve, of Kevin. BJ doesn’t talk about him, abruptly changes the subject when she tries, or just goes silent, and gives her a hard glare with those amber eyes, which is the worst of the three options, because silence on him is unnerving. He can do this thing where he goes deathly still, and she swears he doesn’t even breathe, just stands there, totally unmoving, like a corpse.
She thinks if she could just go to his house, and talk to his mother, she might get a better understanding of the entire situation, but despite him inviting them, he’s never followed up, and both Adam and herself are too polite to push.. Directly. But then, he doesn’t show up that day, not for library duty and not for drama club, and she makes the decision for him, that today is the day they’ll be coming over. She gets his address out of the guidance counselor, easily. “It’s so sweet you two want to go check up on him,” Mrs. Birch says, sliding his address across her desk to Barbara. “I knew the drama club would be a good fit for him! He’s already making friends!”
Adam’s mom is nice enough to drop them off, and Adam, adorable, sweet Adam, stares delighted at the house, as they walk up the front steps. “It’s a tudor!” he tells her, and she sort of nods, not really knowing exactly what that means. “I’ve never seen one painted black and white, before. Usually those accents are a natural wood color,” and she rings the bell, as he goes on. The outside of the house matches BJ’s stripes, and she wonders if that’s coincidence, or if his parents just really, really love him. The door swings open, and then a chubby blur jumps away from their line of sight, startling her from her thoughts. “Beetlejuice?” Adam calls, concerned, and it takes a moment for their friend to reappear in the doorway, with a croaked out, “Sup?”
He looks terrible. He always looks a little terrible, as mean as that is to say, too pale and with purple spots under his eyes she chalks up to exhaustion, but he looks worse, today. It hadn’t occurred to her that he’d actually be sick.
“We just wanted to come by and see if you were okay,” she tells him, and BJ cocks his head so far to the side, he looks like he might fall over. “Why?” “Because.. We’re your friends,” Adam says, cautiously, which causes BJ to stare down at the checkered entryway tile.
“Oh.” He packs a lot of emotion into that little noise.
“Can we come in?” She asks, and he doesn’t look sure, rubbing at the back of his neck, but then next to him, in the doorway, appears what must be Mrs. Deetz. She’s on the tall side, slim, with blonde hair past her shoulders, and she’s wearing all black with lace accents. Even her stud earrings and the rings on her fingers are that same dark hue.
“Well, hello! BJ, invite your friends in!” She urges him, and then, to them asks, “You kids hungry? We’re just sitting down to dinner. It’s grilled cheese tower night,” and then she turns, and leaves them there, like that needs no explanation.
BJ fidgets a moment, but relents. “Come in, I guess,” he moves aside, and Adam and Barbara take a collective step into the Deetz household. The house is dark, not for lack of light, but for lack of color. The walls are paneling which Adam, delighted, says must be original, but they’ve been stained a dark shade of coffee, and it takes a moment for her eyes to adjust. When she does, she takes in how strangely eerie the place is. It’s less like someone’s home and more like a haunted house ride.
“Oh, you guys haven't taken down the Halloween décor, yet?” Adam asks, noting a cracked vase full of black roses on a side table as they follow BJ further in, and BJ snorts. “That crap? It's up in th’ attack. This is what passes for normal around here.” Barbara stops to stare at a picture of a distorted figure cannibalizing a smaller one. “Saturn Devouring His Son,” BJ says, briefly putting on a voice like a tour guide, high pitched and peppy, and both she and Adam wince. “What’s with you and cannibalism?” she asks, which only earns her that haunted laugh in response.
The kitchen, at least, looks a little more normal and bright, but Barbara learns quickly that’s not to be trusted, because sitting on the counter is what looks to be a lasagna made from sandwiches and sauce. “You guys are here on a night Emily had to cook. Bad luck,” BJ tells them, and it takes her a moment to realize he’s talking about his mother. Does he use her first name?
Emily, or, Mrs. Deetz, her mind corrects politely, busies herself with dishing them both a plate. “So, you kids must be.. Adam and Barbara,” she says, knowingly, and BJ, perhaps embarrassed, shuffles his bare feet at nothing. He’s been talking to his mom about them… aww. She notices then that he’s in his pajamas, which are, like everything else he wears, eccentric. He looks cute. She realizes she’s staring, and BJ catches her eye, and wiggles his eyebrows at her. Oh, god.
“We’re sorry for dropping by unannounced, Mrs. Deetz,” Adam says, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and Mrs. Deetz waives that off. “It’s totally fine. BJ’s never taken a sick day, before, I bet you probably thought he was faking. You kids can call me Emily. And that, of course, is Lydia.” She gestures to the nine year old scrutinizing them from the kitchen table.
“Hello again,” Barbara says, and Lydia gives her a smile, at least, but it's wary, it’s very, “I’ve got my eyes on you.” It’s strange to see from a little kid.
They all sit down to eat, all five of them, at the kitchen table, she and Adam settled across from BJ and Lydia. Adam squints, trying to read what’s on the other boy’s shirt. “What does that say?” he asks, and BJ glances down, and pulls the top taught, to make it easier to read. “Least exciting hole I’ve ever been in,” both boys say, at the same time. “Grand Canyon National Park.” Barbara and Adam both blush at that, and Mrs.. Emily, Emily just laughs. Lydia looks annoyed. “No one will explain to me what that means,” she tells Barbara, leaning closer to her, and almost looking hopeful. Barbara avoids that look. “It’s a dirty joke,” is all she says, and Lydia, clearly not satisfied, just takes a bite of her grilled cheese abomination. “Chuck hates this shirt,” BJ tells them. “Chuck?” “Chuck, Chuckster, Chuckles, Charles.. My dad,” he grates out. Barbara can’t imagine calling her father by his first name. She’d be in a world of trouble for being “disrespectful,” if she tried. “Is Mr. Deetz home?” Adam asks, and Lydia is the one to reply, mouth still a little too full.
“He’s at the office. He’s always working so fucking late,” Lydia says, and then lets it settle in the air, like she’s waiting for something. Barbara balks, and it feels like her eyes are bulging out of her head, because she’s never heard that kind of language from a nine year old. She glances at Emily nervously, waiting for her to blow up, to be angry, but Emily just seems to be in deep thought.
“I dunno about that one, Lyds,” Mrs. Deetz finally says, and Lydia puffs up her chest and tries again. “He’s always working so god damn late?” She looks to her mother, and Emily, finger on her chin, nods. “Yeah, alright. I hereby decree that Lydia Deetz, at the age of nine and a half, is allowed to say god damn.” Lydia pumps her fist and then takes another huge mouthful of grilled cheese casserole. “Bout fuckin’ time,” BJ grunts. Barbara thinks the Deetz family might all be whack jobs. there's more, a lot more, but tumblr can't handle it all, so read this chapter in full over on Ao3!
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multisfabulis · 3 years
Wayfinder’s Voyage
Terrestrial (Chapter 2 | 2)
Word Count: 6427
Fun fact, the last part of this chapter was written and finished during Terraqua week on Twitter so this marks the second time I've written a fic for a ship and the ship week just happens to roll around when I get around to writing it. Maybe lightning will strike twice around this time next year!
While I was reading fics on AO3 over the past day, I noticed a couple things. One is that the two people I read the fics from put more thought into their works than I did and I spent a month and a half writing both these chapters. The other is that my interpretation of this ship is vastly different from others which isn't a bad thing! I think my years of writing my original ship of Verreth has gotten me to stay with the "slow" aspect of slowburn with plans of payoff being sometime in the future. I do plan on writing payoff for this ship someday, just at some point in the undetermind future!
One last thing is there's a timeline with this fic! It's not super necessary to know but for those wondering, there's 4 scenes in both chapters and it goes Aqua 1 > Terra 1 > T2 > A2 > A3 > T3 > A4 > T4. Hopefully, that's not confusing!
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     Today had been a good day, thought Terra as he headed towards the library. He was coming from Aqua’s room after finding that she wasn’t there and figured she’d be at the library studying. They’d finished their daily training earlier so he wanted to spend some time with her before evening rolled around. Besides, he wanted to thank her for helping him out with his magic skills, or lack thereof. It was only because of her guidance he was able to do what he did today.
     He felt like he was in top form. He mastered new techniques for his Keyblade, learned to use some strong magic, and even earned Eraqus’ praise. This was honestly a great day and he wanted Aqua to partake in his revelry. She needed a break from studying anyway so this was as good a time as any.
     He stepped inside the library through the grand set of double doors. Tall bookcases lined the walls from top to bottom, left to right. Sunlight poured in from the great western window, causing the tables sitting in the center to cast large shadows all across the tiled floor. He looked at where she usually sat and, while there was a stack of books and some paper lying on the table, she wasn’t there. That struck him as odd since she normally put things back where they belonged. If she wasn’t in her room or here, something must’ve happened.
     He searched all over for her but he still couldn’t find her. There’s no way she left the Land of Departure so she had to be somewhere. The only place he hadn’t checked yet was the mountain, which he was unsure about. She never ventured far from the building and that was when she was outside but it was the best guess he had. He ran out the front door and down the stairs leading up.
     He didn’t need to look very far. He found her sitting on the edge of the Forecourt with her knees drawn up to her chest, looking off into the horizon. This had happened enough times for him to know she was deep in thought over something. Whatever she was thinking about, it was affecting her to the point she wasn’t acting like her usual self and he couldn’t just ignore her.
     She didn’t seem to acknowledge him when he sat down beside her. He decided to give her some time to see if she wanted to speak first. A moment or two of silence passed before it was made clear he had to be the one to break the ice. Starting off with a question looked to be the right way to go.
     “Everything okay?”
     He saw the corner of her mouth curve up into a tiny smile and she replied, “Yeah, I’m just…thinking.”
     “About what?” he asked.
     She leaned back and let her legs hang off the edge of the Forecourt. “The future, I guess.” She let out a heavy sigh. “Our future as Keyblade Masters, I mean.”
     That caught him off-guard. She wasn’t one to worry about the future, least of all them becoming Masters. She never thought of it as an if, instead an expectation to meet one day, so to hear her say those words concerned him somewhat. The only possible explanation he could think of was that she was starting to doubt herself and her abilities as a Keyblade wielder.
     Of course, that made no sense. Despite her modesty, she’s proven her strength and capabilities more times than he could remember to both him and their master, not to mention she had the heart to show for it. He had the confidence in believing she’d pass her exam with flying colors and become a pretty damn good Keyblade Master. Maybe she just needed to be reminded of that?
     “Hey, if you’re worried about not becoming a Master, I don’t think you have any reason to,” he said in an attempt to reassure her. “Me and Master know you’ll ace your Mark of Mastery exam and---”
     “You don’t understand, that’s exactly what I mean!” After shouting that, she leaned forwards and put her hands in her lap, keeping her eyes fixed on them. “Sorry, you didn’t deserve that.”
     So he was wrong, which left him even more confused on what was going on than before. “Then what are you worried about?”
     Breathing in deep, she answered with, “We said we’d become Masters together one day, right? But what happens if we don’t? What if only one of us passes and the other fails?”
     “You mean, if you were to pass and I were to fail?” Was that really what she was tearing herself up over? It’s a possibility that’s stuck with him for a while now and, though he’d prefer it not happen at all, it wouldn’t bother him too much if it came true. “Well, if it happens, it happens. It’s not up to us on whether we become Masters or not, you know that.”
     “But I don’t want to be the only one who passes.” She finally looked at him for the first time since this conversation began. “I don’t want to be a master without you, Terra.”
     Her earnest sincerity flustered him, causing him to avert his eyes away from her gaze as his heart fluttered wildly about. There was a part of him that, admittedly, was touched by her devotion to him. It was just like her to want that and share the enjoyment of hitting that milestone together. But what kind of friend would he be if he let her give up on her dream? It may have been theirs all this time but she stood a real chance at getting it and she deserved it.
     “Aqua, as much as I understand how you’re feeling, you shouldn’t pass up on being a Master for my sake,” he said, hoping that he was getting through to her. “It wouldn’t be fair to you.”
     “But I don’t want my title to come between us. I don’t want to lose you and I don’t want you to…” she trailed off. Looking her way revealed her hands to be clasped tightly together in her lap. Even without that little indicator, she didn’t need to finish for him to know what she meant.
     He slowly reached over, took her hand in his, and held it to ease her shaking. “I could never hate you, Aqua. You’re my friend and I just want you to be happy.”
     When she didn’t respond, he continued on, “That’s why I promise that, if you’re the only one of us who passes, I’ll support you 100% all the way.” He gave her hand a firm yet gentle squeeze. “I give you my word.”
     She stiffened beside him yet she didn’t try to take her hand away. The only sound that broke through the quiet was the ambient noise surrounding them. He watched as her shoulders shook and she wiped unshed tears from the corners of her eyes. Even so, he could see a small smile on her face. Sometimes, all she needed to hear were words of encouragement, which he was more than happy to provide.
     Eventually, she scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Now it was his turn to act like he got hit with electricity. Before he could say or do anything more to react, she whispered:
     “Thank you.”
     He hoped she couldn’t see the defeated yet tender smile he had. There was a reason he felt something akin to fondness for her when she did something like this. He liked this part of her, even if it did leave him feeling like a fish out of water sometimes. He rested his cheek against her in an attempt to return her affection. Whether she’d realize that or not remained to be seen.
     “You’re welcome.”
     They stayed like that for as long as they could. From watching the sun set over the horizon to greeting the night sky together, they stayed. Their only witnesses were the stars above them as they twinkled in the darkness.
     Terra let out a yawn as he walked down the corridor leading to his room. He had just gotten back from doing some late night training outside and wanted nothing more than to go to bed. It was tiring yet rewarding, which gave him hope he’d get stronger the longer he kept at it. If he had any chance at becoming a Keyblade Master, he figured this was his best shot.
     It was when he was reaching the library he noticed it. A dull orange glow was emanating from the crack under the set of double doors, which he found to be strange because who could be in there at this late hour? Master would’ve already retired to his chambers earlier in the night so it had to be the only other person living here. Was she still studying, even with it being this late?
     He pushed open the doors and stepped inside, his voice breaking the silence with a single call of her name. He didn’t get an answer and soon realized why. At the furthest table on the east side of the room, with stacks of book piled all around her, was a soundly asleep Aqua. The orange glow he saw before came from the small lamp sitting beside her just within hand’s reach.
     A smile split across his face when he approached her. Her face was buried in an open book and she was holding a pencil in her hand, as if she was writing things down before falling asleep. He’d believe it too, what with all the papers scattered around the table that were full of extensive notes just from a cursory glance alone. It was honestly kinda adorable seeing her like this. He’d ponder on the question of what to do with her but asking himself that yet again would yield no answers.
     Well, there was only one thing left for him to do. He slowly pulled her chair out, tensing up when it seemed she was stirring before relaxing. He set the pencil down beside a stack of books and carefully picked her up so as to not jostle her awake. This had practically become a routine at this point. Then he began the long trek of carrying her back to her room.
     It wasn’t like this was his first time doing this sort of thing. If anything, he’s had to put her to bed more times than he could count lately. He didn’t mind helping her out every now and then but this was starting to turn into a problem. He hoped she wasn’t pushing herself too hard to the point of exhaustion. While her hardworking nature was a trait he greatly admired her for, it was a double-edged sword. He was worried that it’d lead her to an early grave if she didn’t slow down some.
     There was little doubt in his mind she was running herself ragged. She trained and studied hard on a daily basis and that wasn’t even taking into account all the cooking, cleaning, and management of him she decided to put on her shoulders. She seemed more like a mother than a girl two years his junior. Just because she was his fellow apprentice didn’t mean she needed to bear so much responsibility. If only she'd take his words to heart instead of shrugging them off like she usually did.
     They soon made it to her room. He opened the door and carefully maneuvered his way inside with her in his arms. There wasn’t much to remark on in here, aside from the organized tidiness of it all. It was something he always tried to strive for with his own room but he could never quite get on her level. He set her down on the bed, pulling the blanket up over her since it was around that time the weather cooled some. When it came time for him to leave, he left the room and shut the door but not before silently bidding her goodnight. If there was anything he wanted for her to have tonight, it was a restful night’s sleep.
     Now what? Maybe it was perhaps a good idea to clean up her improvised office so it’d save her some time tomorrow. He knew her well enough to know she’d rush over to the library to do the exact same thing the moment she realized she woke up in bed and not there in her chair. It was the least he could do. With a weary sigh, he trudged back to the library, feeling that this was going to be a long night.
     What if he became someone she wouldn’t need to look after anymore? Part of the reason why she didn’t put herself above others was because she was too busy taking care of everyone so it was up to him to lighten the load. If he could show her he’d be fine without her worrying, she might finally think of herself for once. The more he thought about it, the more right it felt. He was going to become a man who could be independent from her so she could get some well-needed rest. It was the best solution he had to this problem and he had to make it work.
     Eventually, he was inside the library again and at her table. His first order of business was to put all the books back in their place, which meant taking apart the stacks, reading their titles, and searching the empty spots in the vast bookcases. Then the papers strewn about had to be organized and put somewhere she could easily see tomorrow. Oh, tonight was going to be a long night, indeed.
     The first few books were easy to find and return. It was when he got to the more complicated ones he had to do a double-take because these were advanced. These were books he was absolutely positive they didn’t need to learn from but she certainly was, if her notes were anything to go by. Just flipping through the pages let him see how complex and intricate everything was for an apprentice to learn yet she made it seem so simple, so straightforward. He had to give Aqua major props for understanding all this since he sure as hell couldn’t.
     Her intelligence was just one of her many amazing qualities. There was her strength, her kindness, her selflessness, her ambition, her determination, even her modesty, although he wished she’d realize the praise heaped upon her by both him and their master was rightfully earned instead of it being said for niceties’ sake. She was a person he was proud to call his friend and he had all the confidence to believe she’d be a superb Keyblade Master. Admiration didn’t come close to how he felt towards her yet it was a small step before falling into adoration.
     He’s known for a while he’d developed feelings for her. It was hard to pinpoint when he became so enamored with her but the way he’s viewed her definitely changed the more they aged. She stopped being a friend a long time ago and was turning into a girl he may or may not have been falling in love with. Everything on that front was a mess of jumbled up knots that would take forever to unravel. His method of dealing with these was to express them quietly, convey them in a way she wouldn’t suspect there being something deeper. He had no idea of when or even if he’d confess because he wasn’t sure there’d ever be a right time.
     Now definitely wasn’t the best time. They needed to focus on their exam and romance should be the last thing on either of their minds. Even the future didn’t seem certain, what with the choice they were supposed to make when they did surpass the rank of apprentice. One would stay and succeed their master while the other would travel to other worlds to protect them from invading Heartless. He didn’t go further down that depressing train of thought. He had plenty of time to decide on when would be good so he didn’t need to worry too much on it.
     Maybe he could tell her when he became independent from her. The day she realized she wouldn’t have to look after him anymore, he’d tell her. That sounded right. It was still a far off dream but it was a dream he could see now.
     He’d wait for that day, no matter how long it took. A part of him almost wanted to believe he was looking forward to it.
     Terra ran inside the ravine, looking behind him to see if the Unversed would dare follow him in. The twisters carrying them still raged on outside and he hoped they’d stay out there. He kept his Keyblade trained at the entrance, ready to defend himself at a moment’s notice. He waited and waited till it became clear they weren’t in hot pursuit of him for him to dismiss his Keyblade, thanking whatever higher power there was for the brief respite.
     The only relatively safe place he had was further inside the ravine. He began walking, running a hand alongside the wall to help keep himself steady as the world spun around him and his body ached. It was about halfway through he collapsed from the exhaustion, falling to his knees while struggling to breathe. He needed to take a break. If he went into battle like this, he would surely lose. He shifted himself into a sitting position and leaned his back against the wall, closing his eyes.
     How did it all end up like this? The dream he worked so hard to achieve, his lifelong dream of becoming a Keyblade Master, slipped from his grasp just when he thought he could reach it. Ven, the boy he saw as a little brother, the friend he swore to protect, was being hunted down by an entity who meant him harm and would stop at nothing to ensure his demise. Aqua would want nothing to do with him after she found out what had happened and he wouldn’t blame her for washing her hands of him. That was if she hadn’t done so already. Then their master, the man they all saw and looked up to as a father figure, he…
     His eyes burned with tears threatening to spill over. He never hated Eraqus, they may have argued at times but he never hated him. He took him, Aqua, and Ven in, raised them as if they were his own, and only wanted what was best for them. Sure, he wasn’t perfect but what parent was? He may have fought him and Ven earlier but he showed genuine regret and wanted to make amends to them both. Terra didn’t want to hurt him, he was just trying to protect his friend, so why? Why did he have to die? He didn’t deserve such a fate, especially one dealt to him by his apprentice and former friend’s hand. If only he could rewind time and try to reason with him, try to undo his death so they wouldn’t have the grief of losing him weighing on their minds. Yet he had no such power so it became another sin he put on his cross to bear.
     How was he going to explain what happened to Ven? The last time they saw each other was when he cast him out the portal before fighting with their master. He was still alive, that much Terra knew, but he didn’t know where he ended up at. The one thing he had to know, though, was why Ven was willing to die by Eraqus’ hand. It wasn’t like he had done anything wrong so why? He didn’t understand what his friend’s death would accomplish, not like he wanted to if it did at any rate. When he eventually learned of the aftermath of that fight, Terra worried it might break him, if everything up to this point hadn’t already. A part of him almost believed Ven would revert back to the despondent boy he was when they first met and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever recover from that. It was a miracle he did over the past four years but this time…
     Then there was Aqua. With how he managed to royally screw things up with her, he had no one but himself to blame. He treated her so awfully, from the hearing of their exam results to their short-lived reunion in Radiant Garden. His first mistake was breaking his promise to her, which was to support her in the event she was the only one to pass and become Master, and she must’ve felt so horrible about it. It wasn’t that he was angry at her for passing, he was just upset at the whole situation that it buried the happiness he felt for her at finally achieving her dream. Then he lashed out at her after it came out she was sent by their master to watch over him to make sure he didn’t succumb to the temptation of darkness. It hurt enough to think Eraqus didn’t trust him but to believe she didn’t, either? Yet they were right. He was led astray so easily and they were all suffering for the consequences of his actions now.
     Everything, all of it, was his fault. If he wasn’t so trusting, if he just asked the right questions, if he wasn’t so weak, none of this would’ve happened. Xehanort preyed on his insecurities, attempted to turn him against his friends, and used him to kill the man he considered his father. Now he was going to destroy what was left of his family, along with Vanitas, and he didn’t know what to do. He only knew how to fight but would it be enough to save them? Or would it lead them all to their deaths? All he wanted was to go back to the night he, Aqua, and Ven shared under the starry sky back home, blissfully unaware of the tragedy that would befall them. Was that too much to ask?
     Tears slid down his cheeks as he teetered on the edge of despair. Everything was just so twisted, so hopeless. What chance did the three of them have against a seasoned Keyblade Master and his loyal guard dogs? They might as well have been heading straight to their deaths with all the worlds falling into darkness as their consolation prize in this battle disguised as a cruel game. He was scared to die, scared of death and whether an afterlife really existed after passing on from one plane to the next. He didn’t want to die but it came for everyone at the end, regardless of their desires.
     Well, if he was going to die anyway, he’ll go out protecting his friends. This was his mess to clean up so he should be the one to fix it. Besides, this might be the only way for him to atone for his sins, right the wrongs he made. If Aqua and Ven could live out the rest of their days free from any danger that would harm them, then he’d face his death with dignity.
     With his energy replenished, he stood up and looked towards the exit. He hadn’t been this far into the Badlands so he had no idea of what awaited him at the other end of the ravine. He walked on and on till he came out and stopped. The sight that laid before him rendered him speechless.
     Hundreds upon hundreds of Keyblades stuck up out of the ground like markers and something resembling a crossroads cut through all of them. It was then he realized what this place truly was. This was where thousands of Keyblade wielders fought against each other in order to summon Kingdom Hearts, the conflict better known as the Great Keyblade War. These Keyblades represented, or what was left of, the people that fell in the battle, where they would rest for all eternity. How fitting then it was to die here at this scarred wasteland of a graveyard among the warriors of old. Would he meet the same fate as his predecessors did all those years ago?
     At the eastern end of the crossroads was Aqua. Their eyes met and hers held a quiet fury in them he had never seen before. They both walked down the paths ahead of them till they reached the intersection, where he could see her clearly now. There were healing cuts and bruises all across her body, no doubt from the countless battles she faced while on her journey, and there was a hidden sadness behind the anger. She knew and nothing he could say or do would make it all right. He was fully prepared for the emotional lashing her words would deliver unto him.
     She didn’t disappoint, laying into him all the pain and misery he brought to her, culminating in her placing blame of their master’s death onto his shoulders. She was particularly close to him so the news had to have hit her hard. Her eyes glistened with tears as he stayed silent and she demanded answers from him, almost begging him to say anything to defend himself. It hurt to hear her voice waver, knowing she was trying and failing to hold back the emotion. She didn’t deserve this. She deserved so much better than this. What kind of man was he, to cause the woman he loved so much pain and not be able to fix it?
     Ven appeared at the southern end of the crossroads. Soon as they both saw him, they exchanged a look and approached him. It was like an unspoken rule that, whatever was happening between them, it came second to Ven. He was their top priority and nothing could be any more important than him. That was the one thing they could agree on unanimously. He seemed just as tired as they were, though it was clear something was weighing heavily on him, evident by how he couldn’t look at them at all. Concern gave way to dread when he told them the reason behind his woe.
     He and Vanitas were to fuse together and create the X-blade so that Xehanort could use it to summon Kingdom Hearts and reset the universe. He wanted there to be a balance between Light and Dark, which this supposed reset would bring. That’s why Ven was willing to die by Eraqus’ hand. His death would foil Xehanort’s plan and potentially take out Vanitas along with him. Terra felt time stop when Ven asked him and Aqua to end him. How could he ask such a thing from him? He already lost their master, he couldn’t bear to lose what was left of his family.
     Before any more could be said, they were at the northern end. Xehanort, Vanitas, and that man he fought back in Radiant Garden. It seemed like an evenly numbered match but power had to be wildly scaled between the six of them. The final battle was here, Light vs Dark, the victor left up to chance. He, Aqua, and Ven all summoned their Keyblades and rushed in.
     His target was Xehanort, the mastermind behind everything. There was no way in hell he was going to let him get away with his crimes. He manipulated him to do his bidding, killed the man that was once a former friend to him, and would kill his loved ones if he didn’t stop him here. He swore he’d protect them till the very end, to his last breath, and he planned on upholding that vow.
     He would set things right.
     Terra’s eyes fluttered open to rays of light filtering through the curtains of the window, telling him it was early morning. He was on a bed, soft one at that, in a room he didn’t recognize slowly becoming bathed in sunlight. The room was like any others he’d been in before. Where was he?
     Only once it sank in did he begin to panic. He was in an unfamiliar room and he was out for what felt like an eternity. He couldn’t let this rare opportunity go to waste, he needed to reach out to someone for help before Xehanort attempted to shut him inside that place again. It didn’t matter who, it just had to be someone who’d listen to him and not think he was crazy. He tried to sit up but found he couldn’t. There were two weights on either side of him keeping him trapped there on the bed. Did Xehanort count for something like this happening and put measures in place so he couldn’t wander around freely? Whatever the case may be, he had to break out while he still had the chance and find help.
     It was then the memories of yesterday started to come to him. There was a big battle between Darkness and Light and those on the side of Light won. His heart was freed, the man possessing his body had been driven out, and he was reunited with his two dear friends. He looked down, as if to confirm that what happened did happen, and saw Aqua and Ven soundly asleep beside him. The anxiety that had seized him vanished, becoming replaced with relief and an exhausted sort of happiness he hadn’t felt in such a long time.
     It was liberating to be back in control of his body and his life. No voice in his head, no feeling like a passenger as someone else piloted him, he was himself again for the first time in forever. No longer would he worry if he was allowed to be out or if it was another one of Xehanort’s psychological games of war. No more losing fights for control as more and more of his identity was stripped away. He was Terra, he reclaimed himself, and he wouldn’t let anyone take that away from him again.
     A soft smile spread across his face as he watched them sleep. His grip on them tightened ever so slightly, thankful to be able to bask in this moment. They saved him, even when they were knocked down over and over, almost dying in the process. They all fought so hard to reach each other and their efforts were rewarded with a tearful yet happy reunion. He’d cherish that memory till the end of time. He almost lost them once and he’ll be damned if anything ever came between them again.
     They had lots of work ahead of them. An entire decade passed them by in ways no one should ever have to experience. While he was vaguely aware of the passage of time during his drifts in and out of consciousness, it still felt like only days since everything in their journeys happened. All they had were fragments of the lives they led, of worlds left forgotten, to help them start anew.
     Ven might have the easiest time adjusting to the changes. He spent those eleven years sleeping in the Land of Departure, though that wasn’t quite right. His body stayed safe at home while his heart slumbered within another. He was never in the line of danger, Aqua made sure of that. He befriended lots of people during his trip around the worlds so they were certain to be of big help to him. It’d be hard but he’d adapt quickly, Terra just knew it.
     Speaking of which, he might have a more difficult time. Pieces of him were scattered across different forms throughout the years so he needed to relearn what being himself was like again. Parts of what made him Terra had changed so much from how they were before, they could no longer apply to him now. He was, in some ways, a new person and he would never be the same man he was. He was going to be doing lots of soul-searching in the foreseeable future. His only hope was that he would like the person at the end of the tunnel.
     Then there was Aqua. She definitely had it the roughest out of them all and for very good reason. She traversed through the Realm of Darkness, fighting for her life while struggling to keep her inner demons at bay. She was only there in the first place because she sacrificed herself for him, which he planned on speaking to her about at some point in the near future. They met only the one time last year and their reunion was cut short by Xehanort seizing his chance to continue on with the creation of the X-blade. She needed to learn she’d be safe, that nothing would come and kill her if she wasn’t vigilant enough and whatnot. Her time in that hellish wasteland left her with deep-seated scars she may never fully heal from. He and Ven would help her with whatever she needed, whether it be supporting her at every step of the way or by simply listening to her. She wouldn’t go through this alone.
     None of them came out unscathed by their ordeals. Although it would take them some time to truly recover, both physically and mentally, it really helped to know they weren’t alone in this. They still did and always would have each other but they now had their newly-found friends to lean on for support whenever they needed it. It was kinda hard for him to wrap his head around just how many people would be there for them, especially him. Their master was gone now but there was no doubt in his mind he’d still watch over his apprentices from wherever he went. Their new life might be scary yet it already looked so bright.
     His eyes wandered over to Aqua again. He wanted to set things right with her, especially after all the pain he caused her. An apology for breaking his promise was the first step in the right direction. Then he was going to become someone she wouldn’t feel the need to look after anymore. It was because of him she ended up in the Realm of Darkness so he thought it’d be only fair to help her focus on herself for a change. She was a Master now and he was planning on catching up to her as soon as he could. That was a promise he intended to keep.
     When was he going to tell her? He originally wanted to do it when he became independent from her but his time away from people had taught him some important life lessons to remember. Loved ones were here only as long as they needed to be and time spent with them should never be taken for granted, like he had with Eraqus. He didn’t want to leave things unsaid between them, in the event that something happened and he was left unable to say what he wanted. They weren’t ready for that sort of relationship yet so he’d keep his cards close to his chest for just a little longer. Once they were in a better place and had worked through some of their issues, then he’d confess. Who knows if she’d return them?
     He couldn’t quite pin down when his feelings for her deepened into what they were now. He only really realized it when they were in the Keyblade Graveyard before their paths split apart so it was hard to say. What he did know, however, was that she became such an irreplaceable constant in his life. She was someone he confided in, someone who always thought the better of him, a light in the darkness that plagued him. She was his anchor, his dearly beloved. She became his Wayfinder, guiding him until he was back home to her and Ven.
     The whisper of three little words broke through the silence. He wasn’t able to admit it to himself back then but he now had a voice to vocalize them with. He hoped his feelings would reach her heart.
     “I love you.”
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southsidestory · 4 years
I generally try to stay out of discourse, but I have to chime in on this one.
@birkastan2018 is getting dragged for suggesting the most preposterous thing: that more readers should comment instead of being silent consumers. The fact that this is actually controversial is blowing my mind. 
I’ve been writing fic for many years, but only posting regularly since about 2014. I jumped into Naruto fandom just a few months before the manga ended with a (then) canon-compliant longfic. In Times of Peace got WAY more feedback than I ever expected it to, and I was absolutely thrilled.
Because you see, in 2011 I posted a SasuSaku drabble, my first ever fic posted to fanfiction.net! I was so excited to share it… and it got one review. ONE. Now, I realize a 600 word drabble isn’t exactly gonna attract a lot of traffic, and I knew that then too, but it was still horribly discouraging. I figured my writing style must not be a very good fit for the fandom, that no one wanted to read it. I gave up, and went back to working on original projects. I want to be clear, I didn’t stop writing because of my one-review story. I kept writing, both on fanfic and original work, but I stopped posting. 
Eventually I came back, obviously, and the success of ITOP bolstered my confidence. Not everyone was leaving me novel-length, glowing reviews. Many were very short, just a simple “thanks!” or “this was good” and let me tell you, that was so, so much better than nothing. Some were also negative or even cruel, which sucked, but the good comments made up for those. If the first few chapters of ITOP hadn’t gotten at least some response, I might not have finished the story. And if I hadn’t finished ITOP, I probably wouldn’t have continued writing Naruto fic. Well, I would have written it, because when I have a story to tell there’s no stopping me, but I wouldn’t have shared it. (The number of WIPs sitting on my Google Drive gathering dust, unposted, even today, is ridiculous.)
Now, on to the point.
I used to think that asking for feedback made me look desperate. That wanting it made me weak. Because there’s this narrative surrounding writing that says, “You should write for yourself. Writing for others is disingenuous, and it means you’re not dedicated to your craft for the sake of your craft, which is the only reason you should write.” I used to believe that, and to some degree there’s value in that sentiment. If you write purely for feedback, then you might stop when you don’t get it, and that’s horrible, because anyone who wants to write should write.
But mostly, that narrative is bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. Writing and reading don’t exist in separate spheres. They’re part of a conversation, and when no one gives you feedback, it’s like the author is talking to a wall. Storytelling by its very nature is a communal activity. My strong, sincere belief in this is also why I’m a huge proponent of Death of the Author. What I think my story means isn’t any more important than what my readers think it means. Neither is the One True Meaning. Because stories are multi-faceted, and part of what gives them value is the conversations we have around them.
This is something I especially love about fanfiction. Transformative works build on one another, and fanfic writers learn together, write together, give each other prompts, beta for each other, comment on each other’s work, etc. There are so many stories I never would have told without engaging in fandom, especially with other writers. And isn’t that the whole point of fanfiction? To take a known story and create something new, to jump into the middle of a fictional conversation and say what comes next?
Stories are communicative. We share them, and we talk about them, and the things writers hear from our readers help shape the stories we tell next.
Something a lot of writers feel but don’t often talk about is how lonely a process this is. Yes, I love writing for its own sake. Putting together words and taking them apart, losing myself in my stories. It’s fun, it’s difficult, it’s challenging, it’s thrilling. But it’s also very, very isolating when you have no one to share your stories with. Or worse, you share them only to be met with silence.
I don’t expect all readers to comment on every single fic they click on. I read a lot of fanfic, and I certainly don’t do that. But when something truly moves me, I tell the writer why. When something is just a lot of fun and it brightened my day, I usually tell the writer that too. Some days I don’t have the energy for it, but I try. And let me tell you, the hits to comments ratio on my fics paints a very obvious picture: the vast majority of people are not trying. Hell, even the hits to kudos ratio on Ao3 shows that, and kudos take one second and zero effort to leave.
Fanfiction writers aren’t getting paid for this. We put our blood, sweat, tears, and time into writing for a mostly silent audience. Those of you who do speak up matter more than I can possibly express.
The main reason I’ve returned to writing The Valley of the End after such a long hiatus, apart from just wanting to finish it, is because of the outflow of support it has received over the years. Even without new chapters being posted, people kept leaving me encouraging reviews. It made me feel like TVOTE was a story worth telling, worth hanging onto. When I finally felt the urge to dive back into Naruto fandom, that fic was the first thing I revisited, in part because I knew it was the one people were waiting for.
And you know whose kind, thoughtful feedback on my Naruto fics made me really miss writing SasuSaku? You guessed it: birkastan2018. I likely wouldn’t be back if not for her.
So if you read a fic, and you enjoyed it, and you have thirty seconds to type “Thanks for sharing this story, I really liked it!” please do so. It means more to most writers than we can say. And who knows, your little comment might be the thing that makes a difference in an author leaving and staying in a fandom.
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markresonates · 3 years
My birthday isn’t for another few days, but I consider hitting a new milestone yesterday an early birthday present.
I never thought I’d get to say this…
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thank you 1k followers!
I can’t quite put my finger on it but I feel like the past couple months have gone by pretty quickly. I didn’t expect I’d ever be an admin for a network, and even more so, write something that gets 1.4k notes. I never imagined I’d approach anywhere near this amount of followers. It kind of blows my mind that over a thousand people thought my writing was good enough that they followed my blog.
Like many writers, I’ve been getting a lot of anon hate recently. The thing that keeps me going is receiving asks with compliments, seeing people reblog my writing and leave reviews or little comments in the tags, and, most of all, having my work recommended for others to read.
Regardless of whether you’ve done any of those things, I appreciate and love every single one of you for simply reading something I’ve written.
I would do one of those request things but in case you haven’t noticed, I failed to even complete my requests from my 500 followers milestone because I suck at commitment and I’m sincerely sorry for feeling unmotivated concerning those specific requests
If you didn’t read my latest fic, I left a little comment at the bottom about my next work:
I got hung up on this new Jeno idea that starts at his bday party and laid out an actual plot(!) and made a banner impulsively??
It will be in honor of both of our birthdays this week :) I am thinking it will be anywhere from 8k-10k words based on the flow of the plot, and that it might be posted on his birthday. ➾title: "It" boy
thank you, again!!💘💘
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slywrites · 4 years
Show Me What You’ve Learned - Leon Kennedy/Reader
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THIS is my 300th post on this blog! *fan fare* With it being my 300th post I wanted to make it special with Leon. I’m back at it again this time because of @residentsbeingevil​ with the CLEVER line “show me what you’ve learned” when I told them some ideas for a RE4 Leon fic. Here we fucking are with just SMUT. 
This is technically a sequel to Best Two of Out of Three but can be read on it’s own since it’s mostly....smut so yeah. 
This is my first time writing RE4 Leon bc I’ve only written our baby RE2 Remake Leon. SO this Leon is a mix of the two before you know the whole RE4 thing. 
Warnings: Strong Language, Smut (18+ only!)
The moment you walked into your apartment, you knew something was up. Those special candles that you didn’t want to burn because they cost too much were lit in the center of the small kitchen table. The table was set with those fancy dark blue cloth napkins and silver woven placemats you got on sale because you thought they’d be cute for an anniversary dinner. 
But it wasn’t your anniversary or your birthday. It wasn’t Leon’s either, and it wouldn’t be for a while. 
So why was the apartment so nice? Not that Leon didn’t treat you well, it’s just he was more subtle in his love than this bold display. You wouldn’t complain just yet. 
The door closed quietly behind you as you locked it. You shrugged out of your jacket and hung it on the chair that sat next to the door. You slipped your shoes off and kicked them under the side table next to the chair. 
Your foot falls softly on the wooden floor. The kitchen was a mess but whatever he cooked up, or ordered and reheated, smelled delicious. If Leon put all this work into this dinner and the setting, something was up. You just didn’t know exactly what. 
“Leon?” You called out. 
“I’m in the bathroom,” He responded. 
You tiptoed to your shared bathroom that was settled in the back of the apartment in the master bedroom. Leon left the door cracked. You peaked through to see he was messing with his hair. His hands kept running through the long locks, he was in need of a haircut. Your soft giggles were heard as his headshot back to look at you peaking. You almost jumped out of your skin at how quick he threw the door open. 
“Were you spying on me?” He asked. 
“What would you do if I said yes?” You teased. 
Leon leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over his broad chest. He shrugged, “I would probably have to arrest you. It’d be my duty as an agent. Can’t have any of my secrets getting out.”
You scoffed and laughed, “What secret Agent Kennedy? That you use products in your hair?”
Leon moved, a whole lot faster than you expected and tackled you into your bed. He pinned your wrist above your head. His fingers dug into your skin that only made you arch into him. 
“That is classified government knowledge, sweetheart,” he smirked. 
“Oh really? Well, it looks like you’ll just have to shut me up.”
Leon titled his head. The tips of his hair brushed against your cheek. He dipped and gave you the lightest kiss and immediately hopped off the bed as if nothing had happened. Leon just left you on the bed as he made his way out of the bathroom. 
Before he made an actual exit, he turned to look at the flustered look on your face and fucking smirked. You blinked, did that really just happen? 
“Come on, before the food gets cold. I worked hard on it,” Leon chided. 
You sighed and got up from your spot on the bed. 
“Atta girl,” he said as he reached for your hands. 
You pouted and intertwined your fingers with his. Leon gave you a small smile as he dragged you out to the kitchen. He led you to the table. You moved to sit as he pushed the chair in for you. His warm hands rested on your shoulders as he kissed the top of your head before moving to the kitchen. 
“Did you make dinner or did you buy it?” You asked as you brought the napkin to your lap. 
Leon hummed, “I’ll let you decide.”
You laughed at his remark. Then he came out to the table with a large dish in his oven mitt covered hands. The dish was still steaming as he set it down on the trivet that was already prepared on the table. 
“Well,” you started, “Regardless of whoever made it, it smells delicious.”
Leon rolled his eyes and shoved the spoon in what looked to be like Shepherd's Pie. You reached for a spoonful and dished it on the bowl in front of you. Leon reached for it once you were finished. 
“Shit,” he jumped up from his seat, “I forgot the wine.”
Leon half jogged around the small island to get to the bottle that was in the door of the fridge. It was already half-drunk by the both of you as he poured you and himself a glass respectively. 
You couldn’t help the smile on your face. 
“Okay, what are we celebrating?” You asked once he sat down again. 
The lack of a quick response made you nervous as he picked up his spoon. 
“Nothing, we can’t have a nice dinner without celebrating something?” 
You mulled over his statement as you took a bite. It was divine, he probably bought it, but you weren’t going to bring that up. Instead, you thought about the setting around you. Leon was very precise in the way that he showed you appreciation and love. He always wanted it to be simple without the necessity of grandiose gestures on the daily. You couldn’t recall a random special dinner in the years that you had been together. It was only on specific occasions that he would do this, to actively show his emotions. 
“It’s not that Leon, it’s just…” you trailed off, did you really want to question this nice gesture?
Leon reached for his glass as he studied you. Something he didn’t do before the government stuff. You usually didn’t mind it but something about the situation made you feel like you were being locked in an interrogation room before the detectives would come in. Leon’s eyes were the single light in the room. 
You forced a laugh, “It’s nothing, I guess I’m just reading too much into this.”
Leon shrugged and continued eating, “You’re just surprised at how loving I can be. It’s intimidating.”
You balled up your napkin and tossed it right at his face. You knew he could have caught it effortlessly, he just took the hit instead. That garnered a laugh out of you and him. 
“That is so not it,” you said. “I know just how loving you can be. With the fact that a scarf is now permanently a part of my wardrobe.”
Leon just chuckled and continued eating. 
The Leon you first met all those years ago after the Racoon City incident would have been flushed at a comment like that. The Leon that sat in front of you was so different. He just smirked as he ate, though you could see the fire behind his eyes. It was crazy to think that you two have been a constant in each other’s lives ever since the motel. Though you two only started becoming serious two years ago. You’ve watched him grow from that innocent rookie into a hardened secret service agent. 
“What?” Leon asked. 
“What, what?” You shot back. 
“You’re staring at me like there’s something on my face.”
“There’s nothing on your face but your face,” you stated simply. 
“It’s a nice face though.”
“Leon, I will beat the smug look off your nice face in a minute,” you tried to sound serious but you just laughed at the end. 
Leon joined in and laughed, “I’d like to see you try.” 
“I would, but I don’t want to set our apartment on fire. Plus the food is good,” you settled. 
“You wouldn’t believe me if I said I cooked it myself.”
You finished your last bite and sipped on your wine, thinking. 
“If I had never experienced your previous attempts, then I would believe you. But since I have eaten, and somehow survived all your cooking I’m going with no.” 
“I am hurt,” Leon said as he gulped the last bit of wine.
“You’re just hurt that I saw through your ruse,” you smirked. 
You pushed yourself back and stood to take your plate into the kitchen. Before you could even grab your plate Leon had already gotten up. 
“Let me,” he whispered as he gathered up your used dishes. 
Okay, you thought, this is now suspicious. 
“What are you hiding from me, Leon Kennedy?” You asked your hands firmly on your hips. 
Leon looked at you from over the island. He did that cute head tilt at you, and you knew he was just trying to get your mind off the question at hand. He knew just how much that simple action made you want to smother him in kisses. But he wasn’t going to win you over that easily. 
“I’m not hiding anything,” He said over his shoulder as he focused on shoving the strewn dishes into the sink to be washed later. 
You let out a loud sigh and leaned against the island. 
“Leon, you know you can tell me anything - well - anything you are legally allowed to tell me,” you joked. 
The way that Leon turned and rested his hands against the counter gave you deja vu. You’ve seen this before. The way that he stood, his weird mannerism where he waited on you hand and foot. Made up a special dinner. You knew this, you’ve experienced it a few years prior. Before he left for South America. 
“You’re leaving aren’t you?” You whispered. 
Leon hung his head then his hand went to rub the back of his neck, “Was it that obvious?” 
You smiled sadly, “I know you better than you think. Was all this to soften the blow...like before?” 
“I didn’t mean for it to be that way,” he said sincerely. 
You walked around the island to stand next to him. Gently you pulled his arms away from the counter and sat them on your hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Your hands rested at the base. 
“It’s okay, they wouldn’t pick you unless it was a special mission right? They need the best agent possible don’t they,” You gave him your best smile. 
Leon gripped your hips like his life depended on it. It was rare moments like these now where you truly understood the turmoil he has gone through. He started to develop that tough outer shell and wore it as much as he could so it felt like second nature. But he didn’t have to be like that around you. You think he did it on purpose so you wouldn’t worry as much as you did. This only made you worry more, but you weren’t going to tell him that, at least not right now. 
“Wish I wasn’t as special as they see me as,” he muttered. 
“That’s what you get for being you,” you sighed. 
Leon shook his head and engulfed you in a hug. He wrapped his arms tight around your waist and rested his head atop yours. You squished your face to his chest and brought your hands down to massage his shoulders. He sighed into your touch. You’d miss this. 
Great, you thought, I’m already missing stuff and he hasn’t even left yet. 
You didn’t even know when he was supposed to leave. Last time he did this he left the next day, which you were absolutely pissed about. Especially since that was your first month really together after you two went your separate ways, though against your will. The government just had to recruit both of you for very different departments.
Leon more than made up for his bomb drop when he got back, but that didn’t lessen what he did in the first place. If you didn’t pose the question now then you’d never get an answer until it was too late. 
“When are you supposed to go?” You mumbled against him. 
A hand came up to cup your cheek as he pulled away, “I don’t know, I just know it’s soon.” 
“That means you could leave at any time,” You whined, “How long have you known?”
“Only a few days,” he was being honest. 
“That’s not good,” you pouted and rested your head against his shoulder. 
Leon rubbed his thumb up and down your cheek. Then he leaned down ever so slowly to plant a kiss on your lips. It was a sweet embrace in your kitchen. He pulled away first and looked at you. 
“Well we should use our time wisely then,” Leon smirked. 
“What-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence. 
Easily, Leon bent and wisped you off your feet. One arm wrapped around your back and the other cradled the bend of your knees. You clung to his neck as he carried you through the apartment to the bedroom. 
Leon pushed the door open with his foot the biggest smile on his face as he laid you down on the bed. He didn’t give you a chance to react as he straddled your waist pushing your arms above your head. Just like he did before dinner only this time he pressed his lips to yours over and over. 
You giggled in between the quick little kisses. Then you wondered just how much he’s changed. 
“Leon,” you groaned against his lips. 
“What?” He whispered, moving his kisses from your lips to your jawline. 
“Show me what you’ve learned,” you smirked. 
His ministration stopped. His lips froze against your jaw. Slowly, he rose up and stared at the look on your face. Then everything changed. There was a different fire in his eyes now than you’d ever seen before. Leon pressed open-mouthed kisses down the side of your neck to your collarbone. His hands left yours and proceeded to rip every single button off the button-down shirt you were wearing. Leon didn’t act like it was that much of an effort as he glided his hands down your chest to squeeze your breasts then down to your waist. He massaged circles into the exposed skin. 
You pouted at your work shirt getting destroyed, but quickly you didn’t even care as Leon nipped at your collarbone with his teeth. You couldn’t help the whine that left your lips and the way that you arched into his touch. You could feel his smile on your skin at your reaction. His hands moved to lift you up slightly and toss the useless shirt to the side. 
The way that he studied you made you squirm underneath his thick thighs that held you tight to the bed. 
“You won’t need this,” Leon said nonchalantly. 
Your brows knitted together as he unclasped your bra with one hand. He held it up like it was a trophy to show off, then threw it over his shoulder. Now with your chest fully exposed to him, he dipped down to continue his trail of kisses. Ever so fucking slowly, he dragged his lips to the valley of your breasts. His fingers ghosted across your stomach to the underside of your breasts. 
Goosebumps erupted across your skin. Your mouth hung open as your breathy moans filled the room. Leon was eating this all up. He took your statement to heart. He trailed his lips to your left breast. He cupped it with his hand and gave you a gentle squeeze before he took your nipple into his mouth. Almost fucking expertly he swirled his tongue around. He started off slow like he was curious about how you’d react. When you pushed yourself closer to his mouth he took his queue to speed up his lapping. 
Heat pooled in your stomach hard and fast. Your eyes screwed shut just enjoying the way he was taking care of you. Your hands skirted up his arms and settled in his hair. You tugged lightly on his locks and the moan that came out of his mouth vibrated throughout your chest. 
“Fuck,” you whined. 
Leon pulled away and you wanted to protest until he raised his head and smirked. Leon’s mouth formed into an ‘o’ as he blew on your sensitive nipple. The noise that left your mouth made Leon’s pants just a little bit too tight for comfort. 
All he could think about was you and having you make that sound again. But he was getting restless, he wanted to really show you what he’s learned. Leon’s hands covered both of your breasts. He gently massaged them as he kissed down your torso. Eliciting small moans from you. The sounds were his favorite to hear as he got to the waistband of your pants. You were still wearing your work clothes, he didn’t even give you time to change. He already ruined one of your work shirts, and you were sure he was going to ruin your pants too. But he didn’t. 
Instead, he let his hands explore the expanse of your naked skin until he got to your hips. Carefully, he unbuttoned your pants. He fluttered his eyes up to yours as he pulled the zipper down with his teeth. 
Holy shit. 
Your face was flushed and your mind was on fire at just how sensual that one movement was. Leon’s hands traveled up your covered thighs until he grabbed a handful of your ass. You shot your hips up and he took that second to dig his fingers into the waistband of your pants and pulled them off your legs. You gasped at how smooth and easy that was for him to do that. 
Leon stood up and pressed a hard kiss to your lips. You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him close. Your hands stayed in his hair as you deepened the kiss with a tilt. One of his hands ran up your thigh and the other to your shoulder blades. Leon took your bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled gently. Then he pulled you to the edge of the bed in one swift motion. Before you could protest him breaking your kiss, he was already pushing your legs apart and settling on his knees in between them. 
Was this the same Leon you had sex with after Racoon City? That question kept buzzing in your head the more he surprised you. 
Your thoughts left you as you felt his fingers ghosted over your entrance. His light touch felt nonexistent, but the warmth was still there. You made a move to scoot down closer to his touch. Leon stopped that with a hand on your stomach. 
You couldn’t see the smirk on his face but you knew it was there. 
“So eager,” he whispered to himself. 
Leon placed soft kisses along the inside of your thigh. He started at your knee and got close to your core then moved to the other thigh and did the same. This teasing was going to ruin you, and he knew it. His hand stayed ever so close to where you wanted them to be, but he didn’t place enough pressure to make you feel anything other than anger. 
Your legs started to shake on the edge of the bed. Leon took the hand that held you down and adjusted you to where your thighs rested on his shoulders. You crossed your ankles that rested against his back. 
He was trapped. Or were you?
Leon gently pressed his forefinger against your cloth-covered entrance. Your underwear was soaked. He didn’t care as he drugged the finger up and down at the slowest possible pace known to man. It was just enough to have you feel something. You rolled into his touch, desperate for anything. 
Leon tsked, “Relax, and let me take care of you.”
You took a deep breath and did exactly what he said to do. Relax. 
You actively had to let the tension in your body go and just focus on him. You slowed your breathing down and just let yourself feel. The arbitrary thoughts in your mind of where he’s going or when were forced away to a distant spot in your mind that you’d unpack much later. 
It didn’t take Leon long to see the change in your demeanor. A small smile tugged at his lips. Leon placed a bit more pressure against you as he flicked his finger up and down. Your breathing quickened over the slightest change. He did it again. Your thighs tensed slightly on his shoulders. Which made him chuckle quietly. Leon just wanted to tease you as you do to him, and it was working.
When he saw how you balled your fist and your knuckles started changing color, he thought you’ve probably had enough. Leon fiddled with his pocket and pulled out a small folding knife. 
“I hope you don’t care about these,” Leon stated. 
You lifted your head and your eyes widened at the knife that was in his hands. The cool tip of the blade was pressed flat against your skin and under the band of your underwear on your left leg. Your heart ran like a fucking racehorse as you quickly nodded your head. 
A smirk played on his lips, then the ripping sound of fabric filled the room. Leon cut the other side in a quick motion like it was nothing. Within a second he pulled the fabric down and threw it below him. You were fully exposed to him. Leon pulled you just enough off the edge of the bed were your ass hung off. He kept you up easily as his arms wrapped around your hips, his hands splayed out on your stomach. 
You took one look down to see how blown his eyes were. Leon kept eye contact with you as he moved closer to your core. You could feel his breath on your thighs and you shook as he placed the flat of his tongue against you then dragged it all the way up. The loudest groan erupted from your throat and that just egged Leon on. Steadily he did it again. And again just as slow. Your hands reached for his hair and tangled in his soft locks. You gripped on him like your life depended on it. 
And it did. 
Leon stuck his tongue inside you and moved ever so slowly up and down. His tongue sent electricity throughout your entire body with how slow he was eating you out. The slow build of your release coiled in your stomach. It felt like a wave washed over you. You didn’t even realize that your thighs had closed around his head. Leon didn’t even seem to care as he just focused on you. 
One of his hands stayed splayed on your stomach as the other dropped to your entrance. Leon took his time as he pushed one finger easily inside you. Your legs twitched. Your back arched, but his hand kept you locked to the bed.
Loud moans filled your lungs as he pumped his finger in and out, twisting and curling it around your walls. This felt just like heaven as he pushed another finger in and you gasped. 
Your head was in the clouds with how well he was treating you right now. It was almost too much as you felt the heat all too apparent all over your body. You were so close to one of the most enjoyable highs of your life, getting off from Leon’s tongue and fingers. Just as you were about to scream his name he abruptly pulled away from you. The waves that washed over you pulled you under and you started drowning. All the wonderful sensation that you were riding out crashed into a wall. 
“Why,” you breathed. It took all of your strength to mutter that one word. 
Leon licked his lips so nonchalantly, “I want to give you more.”
That line knocked the wind out of your chest. That’s what you said to him all those years ago. He still remembered. You were baffled, you couldn’t even speak. Leon parted your legs and stood from his position. Easily, he lifted you so you were fully on the bed. Your entire body was hot and flushed from the euphoria you were experiencing before he decided to stop. 
Leon kept his eyes on you as he lifted the edge of his shirt and tossed it to the side completely unapologetic. You ran a hand through your hair and watched him unbuckle his belt and slide his pants down his thick toned legs. The tent in his boxers was evident as he snapped the waistband. You followed him as he walked to his side of the bed. He went to the top drawer and pulled out a condom. 
You shivered in anticipation as he took his previous spot at the end of the bed in front of you.
Leon took a small breath and ran his hand through his hair. He bit the edge of the condom wrapper and held it in his teeth. Both of his hands dipped into his waistband to push the boxers off his body. You bit your lip, your boyfriend fully naked in front of you. You pushed yourself up on your elbows to take him in his full form. Little scars covered his body from the years of training and the few missions he had gone on. Though the most prominent was the little circle on his left shoulder where he got shot almost six years ago. Every time you saw him shirtless your eyes would first travel to that spot with your shitty patch job that probably made the scarring more apparent. 
That was one of the first real moments you two shared and you smiled at your reminiscing until you felt the bed dip. You stared as he put one knee on the edge. He had his cock in his hand and was softly pumping it as he watched you. Leon’s beautiful lips were hung open as he ripped the condom open and slid it over himself.
Slowly, he made his way in between your legs again. His erection laid heavy on your stomach as he dipped down to capture your lips in a rough kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut. You cupped his cheek and held him close, deepening the kiss with a slight tilt of your head. Leon groaned and you swallowed the sound, wanting nothing more than to just be close to him. 
He pulled back and caged you with his hands next to your head. 
You smiled, “I love you.”
Leon shivered at your proclamation. You two rarely ever said those words out loud; you had other ways of expressing the concept of love. Leon only ever saved those three words for anniversaries and when...he...left… 
He dipped down for another kiss. He dragged his lips across your cheek, down your jaw, then to the curve of your neck. 
Leon kissed the shell of your ear and whispered, “I love you.” 
The words were husky and thick with emotion and the realization that he’d be leaving at a moment's notice hit hard. 
“Love me,” you whimper. 
With that, Leon stood back upon his knees. He settled himself between your legs. The tip pressed against your entrance softly, like he was afraid to break you. Leon adjusted his hips slightly and pushed himself fully inside you. You sighed as he bottomed out, his hips flush with yours. 
Neither of you wanted to move just yet. You were connected in the most primal sense. You let your head dig into the pillows to stare up at Leon. He looked so content, the flush on his face complimented him well. 
With the slightest movement, he pulled out then back in at an agonizingly slow pace. Every nerve in your body was overloaded at this point. Leon wanted to spend as much time with you as he possibly could. You knew he would drag this out as long as you both could tolerate, but you were already edged once and you didn’t think you could survive that again. 
You whined as he leisurely pushed into you as far as he could possibly go then pulled out at the same pace. It was slow going, the heat in your stomach felt like lava burning through your skin.  
As your hips met again, you enveloped your legs around his waist and locked your ankles tightly at the small of his back. Leon fell forward at your force a moan falling from his lips as he caught himself with his hands. You smirked. He looked at the smug look on your face and wiped it away with his lips devouring yours. 
Your brows furrowed together at the intensity of his kiss. Then your entire being shook as he moved his hips quickly and slammed into you. You felt the entire bed move at that one thrust. 
Fucking hell. 
Then he did it again and didn’t stop the relentless pace. You were sure there was going to be a hole in the wall where the headboard rested and you didn’t fucking care. All you could focus on was how his hips slapped hard against yours. How he filled you so deep and so fully. You wouldn’t ever feel this way with anyone else. Leon really showed you what he had learned and you were soaking up every moment of it. 
The wave of pleasure drenched your body in a layer of sweat. The heat in your stomach morphed into electricity that sent shocks through your body you could barely feel your fingers. You screwed your eyes shut and reached for Leon’s wrists that were by your head. You dug your fingernails into his skin and he hissed, but neither of you cared. You needed something to hold onto for dear life. 
Leon captured your lips and you lost it. Your toes curled as your walls clenched. The dam broke and your orgasm hit you hard and all at once. You moaned deeply in Leon’s mouth and he drank it up easily as he came with you. You could feel it inside you. You both breathed hard, not wanted to let go immediately. Leon peppered kisses on your cheek. After a minute, he slowly pulled out of you and sat back on his knees. 
With a look, you could tell how drained he was, but the corner of his lips tugged up slightly as he saw how ruined you looked. Your legs visibly shook and your chest rises rapidly. 
You lick your lips, “I’m going to need a shower now.” 
“You’re welcome.”
Leon peeled the condom off him and tied it into a knot. His legs wobbled as he threw it in the trash in the bathroom. 
You stretched out your legs and sighed at the feeling. 
“Well?” Leon asked. 
You turned your head to see him leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed which just accented his toned muscles. You held your bottom lip in your mouth tightly, then smiled. 
“You’ve certainly...blown my mind, Leon, what happened to that shy rookie?” You pouted as you sat up. 
Leon rolled his eyes, “You happened. You ruined me.” 
You scoffed and feigned innocence. 
“Me? I could never,” you smiled. 
You stretched your arms out towards him. Leon took the few steps to the bed and entangled his fingers with yours. With a tug, he pulled you up and dragged you to the bathroom. He turned the water on. In the meantime, as the water warmed up, he engulfed you in his large arms trapping you against his body. Leon’s hands rested on the small of your back. 
“What would I do without you?” he questioned. 
Your fingers followed the curve of his collar bone then to the small scar. You mused for a moment. 
“Probably would have gotten tetanus and lost a limb by now if it wasn’t for me.” 
Leon pinched you and you giggled. The water started to steam and fog up the mirror. He pulled away only to drag you both into the shower. You two stood under the stream still intertwined together. The warm water soothed both of your aching muscles. 
You pressed a kiss to his exposed neck and leaned against his shoulder. 
“Promise me you’ll come home,” you pleaded. 
“Promise,” he replied. 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Showtime (SpicyHoneyMustard, stand alone, lemon)
Summary: Edge and Red are bodyguards for the Queen's Judge, Rus, and they more than happy to watch over him.
In every way possible.
Notes: Forgive me for my sins!!😭😭😭I got this idea into my head and it refused to be banished. 
Naughty, naughty boys, read the tags before you dive in!
Tags: SpicyHoneyMustard, Fontcest, Fellcest, Sibling Incest, Threesome, Established Relationship, Possessive Behavior. LEMONY GOODNESS!!
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Edge had always hated meetings and while they’d never said as much, he was certain that the others did as well.
Endless, trite negotiations where Humans and Monsters both spent hours dancing around the subjects they truly wished to discuss, speaking through clenched teeth as they struggled to find a common ground to agree upon.
Coming from a world where agreements came either briskly or at the expense of spilled dust, for Edge it was something of an adjustment.
Edge stood stiffly by the door, hands clasped in front of him as he watched the Human Leaders who were meeting with the Queen and her Judge. The Humans had politely requested a private meeting of only them and as the head of Security, Edge just as politely told them in so many words that he’d sooner gift-wrap his own soul for them to dust at their leisure. No Humans were ever going to be alone with the Queen on his watch and as for Rus…
Humans were often tetchy about Rus once they learned his purpose; their Judge, the one who could weigh the souls of Monsters and Humans alike. If mere magic discomfited them, then knowing someone could see the heaviness of their ugliest sins could send them into a blustering rage. Even some Monsters found it unsettling at times and it was Edge’s duty to keep Rus safe, an ofttimes thankless task that he’d taken on before they’d even met.
These days, Rus’s safety was no duty, but a necessity for Edge’s peace of mind. Nothing was going to hurt him, not Humans, not Monster, no one. It was a promise he swore to himself daily.
The conference room for this particular meeting was at the Embassy and as a concession to meeting on less than neutral soil, Edge readily agreed to be the only security in the room. It did not mean he was the only one watching and there was no reason for these Humans to know that Red could be here between one blink and the next. Besides, there were only ten of the Humans, all sweating and nervous in their uncomfortably fitting suits, trying to decide if the offered coffee and pastries were safe to consume. Hardly cause for concern.
Edge wondered with dry amusement if they’d be more willing to choose a muffin if they knew all of it was fresh that morning from the local Tim Horton's.
The stiff conversation held little interest to him and instead, Edge measured their body language, reading their intent. Humans worried so fearfully about being Judged and yet had no idea how much they revealed with a single tapping pencil or the stuttering bounce of a leg beneath the table. They were nervous, unsettled, but not truly afraid and it was enough for Edge to relax, as much as he was able this close to unfamiliar Humans. Nerves were to be expected and much easier to predict than fear.
After a few wary glances, the Humans no longer paid him any mind and that was fine by Edge. He didn’t miss the slight flicker of pale lights in his direction, just as quickly flicking away, nor the slight smile that curved Rus’s mouth. His expression was one of dutiful interest, paying close attention to the rather unpleasant Human who was asking for concessions that they weren’t about to make. The glance that flicked Edge’s way again for the briefest of seconds and then away said that the negotiations weren’t holding his attention as they should.
Edge shifted the weight of his gaze entirely to Rus, calmly watching him so that the next glance he snuck was met with a stare his own. Rus’s sockets widening then quickly returning to the Humans and none of them would have any idea what the faint, flustered orange rising in his cheek bones meant.
Edge knew, very well, indeed.
‘easy, boss,’ drawled through the earpiece in his auditory canal, ‘don’t wanna make a bad impression on all these humies, do ya.’
There was no way to reply to his brother without being overheard and Edge only stood, his gloved hands clasped in front of him, his expression one of bland neutrality.
‘can’t blame ya for drooling, though, he cleans up too fucking nice.’
He did. Rus rarely wore the formal robes of his office, only at the Queen’s request and still reluctantly. Silken, creamy ivory with the delta symbol delicately embroidered on his chest, discreetly hugging the lithe line of his body as they covered his slim, lovely bones from the high collar to where the hem brushed the floor, showing only peeks of the tips of his shoes. It made him look coolly resplendent, untouchable and yet—
‘‘course, that only makes ya want to dirty ‘im up, don’t it.’
Stop, Edge did not, could not say. He shifted his stance, widening it as discreetly as he could. Not at all enough for any bastards watching through the room cameras, who only chuckled, darkly pleased.
‘yeah, ya like that idea, dontcha. think he’d look real good on that table. pull those robes up and show off those pretty bones. bet he don’t have much on under it and ya always look good between his legs, ya know. draggin’ all those sweet sounds outta him, making him cry and moan while your fuckin’ that tight little cunt until he’s begging to cum.’
Control, that was all, he’d spent years working on his control. But his brother’s husky voice was cruelly relentless, worming its way from his hearing and settling into his warming thoughts.
‘course, our sweet thing always has a lot to say when ya give ‘im head, don’t he. don’t always make sense but it do make for a hellava show.’ Edge could hear a soft clacking sound, a fingertip tapping consideringly against teeth. ‘can’t decide what i’d rather see right now. you eating him out or you ramming him until he screams. both’re worth the price of admission.’
A ticklish trickle of sweat fell from Edge’s brow bone and he plucked out a handkerchief, wiping it away discreetly. The Queen noticed, glancing at him with faint concern. He only shook his head ever so slightly and she returned her attention to the Humans, her tight smile a fair indication of how well their negotiations were not going.
‘guess i’ll hafta to let ya choose, don’t think i can. whatcha think, bro, how ya gonna wreck that pussy today?’ Through the earpiece, Edge could hear a chair creaking, a familiar scuffing sound of Red propping his boots up on the desktop despite frequent admonishments to keep his filthy feet on the floor. ‘oh, i got a plan now. ya fuck him good, fuck him up, wear him out for me. think after you’re done i’ll give our boy a good tongue-lashing. see if we can get him to pass out again, yeah?’ There was the faint, obscene sound of his brother licking his teeth. ‘he always tastes better with a little sauce on the side.’
The queen abruptly standing startled Edge so much he actually twitched, only barely catching himself from flinching. She towered over the Humans, who gaped at her as she said coolly. “Gentleman, I believe we’re finished for the day.”
None of them seemed ready to question her commanding authority, all of them standing, blustering and scrambling for briefcases and paperwork. When they were ready, Edge stepped silently aside, opening the door and gesturing curtly to the rest of the security team. They would lead the Humans out of the Embassy and if they found Edge’s appearance to be unsettling, a pack of fierce Dogs didn’t seem to instill any additional confidence.
He closed the door and the moment it shut, the Queen sagged, pulling off her crown to toss it uncaringly to the tabletop and her head falling into her hands. “Why must they be so aggravating!” she burst out, all the frustration that she refused to show the Humans overflowing, spilling out into the air between them.
“hey, it’ll be okay, tori,” Rus soothed, even as Edge struggled not to show his distaste at the familiarity in that nickname. He moved to stand behind her, rubbing her stiff shoulders until she began to relax, some of her tension flowing away. “we’ll work through it. look, why don’t you head out for the day? go on home, get a glass of wine, spend some time with that kid of yours and we’ll give it another shot tomorrow, yeah?”
A heavy sigh and the Queen nodded, twisting her head to smile up at him, “You’re right, of course. You always know what to say.”
“of course i do,” Rus said loftily, “i’m your advisor, so listen to my sound advice. hit the bricks, head home.”
She laughed, tiredly amused, "I should have chosen the corn muffin with my coffee, then I could have been all ears."
Edge chose that moment to interrupt, offering quietly, “The Humans have left the building.”
“Thank you, Edge,” the Queen nodded and stood. “I believe I will go home.”
“Your car will be brought around in ten minutes,” Edge told her. She nodded again, her smile less personal than the one she offered Rus but no less sincere.
The second she was gone, Rus slumped back in his own chair. Gone was the posed, coolly competent Judge, regal and distant, and left behind was only Rus, his knees sprawled as far apart as his robes allowed, long arms dangling on either side of the chair almost to the floor.
“well, that was a waste of an afternoon,” Rus sighed out. Staring up glumly at the ceiling, he didn’t noticed Edge discreetly twisting the lock on the door. “why do they have to make everything so diffi—hey!”
Rus flailed in his arms as Edge scooped him easily up, carrying his light weight over to sit him on the table. For once, the position made Rus slightly shorter than him and there was nothing in those pale eye lights but startled confusion. It seemed his formal decorum was not completely abandoned yet.
“what are you do-oooing!” It rose into a high-pitched yelp as Edge pushed him to lay back before roughly yanked those robes up to his femurs without a care for the delicacy of the material. Red was correct, there was nothing beneath them but bones, glossy and slim, begging for a rough hand to slide over them until the delicate joints glowed brightly with desire.
“I’m giving you a way to be productive,” Edge murmured. He bit the fingertip of one of his gloves, pulling it off and spitting it to the floor, already forgotten as he ran his bared hand up Rus’s silken femur to thumb at the place where the joint met his pelvis. Rus arched into the touch, husking out a moan as Edge kept up the journey, fondling his pubic symphysis with deliberate intent.
A flood of bright magic filled Rus’s pelvic cradle, his pussy snapping into place. Even as he squirmed and moaned, Rus’s hands fluttered shyly down as if to cover it from Edge’s avid gaze, his cheek bones flushing brilliantly. “do i even want to ask what’s gotten into you?”
“should be more worried about what’s gettin’ into you.” Came from behind them. Edge did not look; he could picture his brother’s lasciviously eager grin as easily as a photograph. Rus’s blush only deepened, honey-golden and lovely. “c’mon, bro, hurry it up. i’ve been waiting all day for a show and i’m gonna play judge and jury for once and say he’s ready to give one.”
It was easy to simply ignore that careless command. Trailing a single fingertip along the soft, tempting folds found Rus already slippery, easily taking that finger inside. Another finger joined the first and if Red was hoping for a show, the way Rus arched, crying out as his femurs slid even further apart in generous offering already made for a lovely performance. Already he was debauched, his teeth parting to allow those lovely cries to escape, sweat beading prettily on his skull and his robes crumpled and bunched up around his waist.
“Beautiful,” Edge murmured, and despite the heat bulging at his own crotch, he would have been content to simply watch this. The slippery slide of his pale cracked phalanges into the golden petal softness of Rus’s pussy was delicious enough, no matter what his brother thought of it. A demonstration that fingers were quite nice things on their own.
“please!” Rus suddenly burst out, panting as he scrambled to grab at Edge’s wrist, stilling his thrusting fingers. He gulped loudly, his pleading look darting from Edge to someplace behind him where surely Red was watching them with scarlet-bright intensity. “oh, please, want you, need you, please!”
That decided him and Edge ignored the tremor in his hand as he pulled his fingers free with a wet, obscene sound and went for his belt. His fingers were still too slick and he cursed as he fumbled at his zipper, the tiny tab stubbornly refusing to be lowered.
Smaller hands settled over his own, the fingers as cracked and damaged as his own, and arms wrapping around him from behind. “hang on, i got you, bro.”
Edge sighed in relief as Red nimbly opened his pants, reaching inside to take hold of his cock, drawing him out. He gave the shaft a brisk, unnecessary stroke. Edge was already achingly hard, crimson wetness beading at the tip and spread by Red’s careless touch. A light push at the small of his back urged him to step forward and Edge did, bracing his hands on the table as he settled in between Rus’s spread femurs.
They both groaned at the first touch of his cockhead against Rus’s slit as Red lined Edge up, pressing him firmly to Rus’s entrance.
“there ya go,” Red crooned, even as he stepped back, eye lights glittering as he took in the scene before him, the two of them hovering at the cusp of being joined, “c’mon now, give him what he wants.”
It was a command Edge was more than willing to obey. This time.
Rus threw his head back at the first slow thrust, hands scrabbling desperately at Edge’s shoulders as broken cries welled from his throat, thoroughly lost to the sensation of being penetrated, and that was where Edge’s patience broke.
With a low growl, he thrust deep inside, hips snapping forward, and he could only be dimly grateful for the room’s soundproofing as Rus choked on a scream. The gloriously tight heat of his cunt rippled and clenched around him as if trying to suck him in even deeper. Edge groaned deeply, rolling his hips in a desperate rhythm, slamming their bodies together even as Rus clawed at his scapulas, blunted fingertips scratching chalkily as bone met bone.
Red clambered up on the table, sneakers squeaking against mahogany as he knelt at Rus’s head. He managed to lift Rus’s thrashing skull into his lap, then took hold of his wrists, forcing his hands down to the tabletop. Freeing Edge from his hold only let him thrust deeper, both hands gripping Rus’s iliac crests as he drove into him with aching force, glorying in the hot clench of the pseudoflesh around him.
“that’s it, baby,” Red crooned out, barely audible over the clatter of bones against each other. “fuck yes, you’re beautiful. take it, take him, you gorgeous bastard.”
“oh, oh, i…i need…” Rus stammered out, “oh, oh, please, ohhh!” He strained against Red’s hold, unable to break his unyielding grip even as he shuddered and whined, caught between them, struggling uselessly against Edge’s weight as he tried to arch up even as orgasm struck him with the force of a velvet-wrapped blow. His eye lights blew wide, flooding with deep orange before his sockets scrunched closed and he came with a warbling cry, writhing and whimpering in a gorgeous display of desperate pleasure.
Edge leaned down to cover his pleading mouth with his own, managing a degree of tenderness even now with Rus’s sweet cunt pulsing and spasming around him, still thrusting erratically as he groaned through his teeth, gloriously engulfed by the orgasm rippling up his spine.
It took a while for Edge to return to his senses, gulping in deep gasps of air that were thick with the rich tang of their sex. The clammy feel of his own sweat beneath his clothing was uncomfortably acute, but there was no attention to spare for that now. Not with Rus clinging to him, his own breathing closer to sobs as he buried his face into the front of Edge’s once pristine shirt, smearing it with sweat and tears, all the fluids sex brought with it staining it.
Edge couldn’t have possibly cared less. He rested the bulk of his weight on one trembling arm, wrapping the other around Rus and pulling him close to murmur gentle reassurance against the side of his skull.
His need for closeness after sex was endlessly endearing and Edge always indulged it, wishing for Rus to always be so, greedily unashamed to cuddle in close and steal kisses and soft touches even as he shivered with pleasurable little aftershocks.
A cleared throat had them both looking up at Red, who waggled his fingers in a mocking wave. “thanks, you two, good to be remembered.”
Edge scowled even as Rus made a sound of distress, reaching out for Red who took that feebly groping hand in his own, twining their fingers together. As always, their Rus acting as a conduit between them, tying them together past the bond of brotherhood. Their Rus.
“love you,” Rus slurred out. “love you both.” Red pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles with the uncommon tenderness that belonged to Rus alone. Then he let go, crawling over to the side of the table.
“love you, too, honey, but ya ain’t done yet.” Red gave Edge’s shoulder a rough shove and he went without protest, grimacing as he withdrew and even as he tried to be gentle, Rus let out a little noise of discomfort, knees drawing up slightly as he winced. Edge staggered back, nearly falling into one of the chairs, legs akimbo and his trousers sagging as he took in the view.
Rus, his once immaculate robes stained and rumpled where they were rucked up around his pelvis, cloth and bone contrasting against the dark wood of the table. He lay bared and trembling, his bent legs dangling, femurs still spread to show his lovely cunt painted with thick crimson fluid, marked by Edge’s release. A gorgeous, glorious ruin, beautifully tempting and Edge's magic gave a hopeful throb at his crotch, gamely willing.
Edge pushed it sternly down. After all, he’d had his turn.
His brother hopped back down to the floor and the height of the table nearly put Rus’s pelvis at a level with his mouth. His hands settling on Rus’s knees made him lift his skull, watching blearily as Red ran his thumbs up the insides of Rus’s femurs, smearing those heavy spatters of crimson.
Red gave Rus a wink as he ran his tongue lightly over his jagged teeth, the shade a deeper scarlet and no less eager.
“had my show, now it’s time for dinner,” Red leered.
“wha—ahh!!” Confusion jolted into disbelief as Rus’s skull fell back on the table with a painful sounding thunk. He convulsed, choking out a wail as Red buried his face between his femurs, wet, sloppy sounds spilling into the air to tangle with Rus’s newly desperate cries.
Edge only propped his chin on a hand to watch avidly. It was his turn for a show, and he planned to enjoy it.
Read the next chapter
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wincore · 3 years
AGREEEE, WORKING OVER THE WEEKEND IS THE WORST esp since im in uni full time and i work 9-5 on the weekends which means... no breaks for me ever.. 🥲
MASSIVE CRUSH ON OIKAWA OMGGG I SUPPORT THIS!!!!! but i am unfortunately much older than 15 and still enamored by 2d men 😔 life’s rough like that HDJWKDJ YES ATSUMU CAUSES PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE.. HES THE WORST!! btw.. ive heard that the oikawa to atsumu stan pipeline is very real... so if u get to s4.. u may develop atsumu brain rot like me 👁_👁
OOO alright run on, extracurricular, vincenzo, true beauty, love alarm, & perfect crime. NOTED!! ive actually been meaning to watch extracurricular for a while now, it looks so interesting!! now that it has the wincore seal of approval i must watch 😤 OMGG SAKURADA DORI I SAW HIM IN ALICE IN BORDERLAND!! super good show but really gore heavy at some points 👁
ahh ok thank u for the reccs, ive been thinking about starting demon slayer too!! shoplifters sounds really interesting :oo crime??? i havent watched a full movie in a while so i will def check it out!! THESE R ALL GOING IN MY NOTES APP.
NEXT YEARRR omg it sounds far away but i know time passes so quickly nowadays so I WILL WISH U LUCK ONCE AGAIN 💛 i hope u update us when the time comes!!
UGHWHHD EVEN THIS SYNOPSIS IS MAKING ME MISS UR WRITING?!? I LOVE THE WAY U WORD IT... “given a choice to pretend, you find that jaehyun is the lesser of the two burdens to bear” AHHHHHHH omg “he’s in a relationship and doesn’t rlly care about the soulmate system” THIS IS ALWAYS SUCH A PAINFUL SCENARIO IN SOULMATE AUS PLSS!!! Wait is the soulmate of yn gonna be an oc/vague character or another member :O EITHER WAY... PAIN! THIS IS GETTING ME SO EXCITED AND U HAVENT EVEN MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT JAEHYUN’S LIKE IN THIS FIC YET
RUNWAY CHARACTER CAMEOOOS YESS I LOVE RUNWAY YN!!!! i actually reread it last night and ugh i was reminded how much i love yns personality... just the process of experiencing all tht self doubt with them!!! so real & makes u root for them :’)
“if jeno plays edward i need him to that apple scene like taemin did” WHHHHHWJDJJWJDBW THIS MADE ME CHOKE ON THE WATER I WAS DRINKING LMFAO
GODDDD THESE TROPE/MEMBER PAIRINGS, HARD AGREE HARD AGREE!!! HAECHAN AND RENJUN ARE E2L 100%!!!! i think bc the ppl in the bff2l category cant convincingly hate yn back LOL
“gets complimented on his lyricism often but like every song’s about you” STOPPPPP HES SO PERFDCT FOR THIS TROPE!!!!!
OMG I SEE EXACTLY WHAT U MEAN ABT SICHENG IN ROYALTY/CHAEBOL AUS... i think like u said it’s because of his poise & the way ppl are generally in awe of him but also bc of his reluctance to open up!! more reserved until he trusts u... funny and kind but sometimes perceived as aloof... those r some prince tendencies! “what are corporate businesses but modern day kingdoms” LMFAOOWJDJ SERIOUSLY THO
“mans really said i will not give you any onscreen idol personality to work with” HDJWJDJWJSJ LITERALLYYYY this is why i have trouble reading jaehyun fics sometimes bc sometimes they can feel “inaccurate” but its mostly just bc there’s no Standard Personality Stereotype to go off of. but a random & uncommon trope i think he’d pair well with is exes to lovers!! Yes im basically just a jaehyun + angst advocate.
“i think most of them would pair well with bff2l??” FACTTTTTTT and no im not just saying this bc its one of my favorite tropes.. heh... i think i told u this before?? but ur like the main reason i started enjoying e2l!!! i didnt like it before bc i love the PINING in bff2l but then i started reading ur works n was like OH SHIT! THERES LOADS OF PINING HERE TOO...
i think yangyang is not bff2l or e2l, he is in his own category which is Annoyer2Lover HDJWKDJ ex: troublemaker, wasted nights
OMGGGG I DID NOT EXPECT ROYALTY AU TO HAVE SUCH A LARGE LEAD IN THE SURVEY??? and cryptids is so low 😔😔 cmon guys, vampires r fun!!!
WE R LITERALLY WRITING ESSAYS TO EACH OTHER RN BUT I LOVE IT 🥺🥺 its a such a nice break to read ur response when im burnt out from studying!!
“—and when this whole game you’re playing is over, you’re going to say I rejected you.” ?!?!???? THE WAY JAEHYUN IS A LITTLE SHIT! THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE BOTH SO FUN PLSJWJDJEJ IM MORE EXCITED NOW!!
pls disregard the part in my last ask where i asked abt romeo roulette.... i had no idea all of the information i needed was sitting right in front of me 😔😔
- tata
WHAT 9 TO 5 ON EVERY WEEKEND???? the system has failed you this honestly feels like a villain origin story 😭 when does it get better???
ALSO let me answer the other asks separately for better readability lol we really out here writing essays GOOD THING i have practice writing but like. this is infinitely better to write 🥰
PLSSS SOMETIMES I WILL SEE AN EDIT/TIKTOK OF OIKAWA AND BE LIKE DAMN I REALLY NEED TO CATCH UP I MISS THIS MF also are you daring me to ruin my life for 2d men bc i will do it without hesitation. wait till i watch hq again and get that atsumu brainrot with you he seems annoying enough for me to like ^_^
AND YES PLS I WAS SO ABSORBED IN IT!! extracurricular was the most gripping show i’ve watched in a while like yes enough teen romance give me two unhinged teenagers doing crime 🤩 AND OMG??? THAT’S WHERE WE SAW HIM TOO and although niragi was literally vomit-inducing human trash, sakurada dori is like. a good actor. except i hated coffee&vanilla which starred him it was literally so cringe i couldn’t 😭 i blame the writers for that though. IM EXCITED FOR S2 OF ALICE IN BORDERLAND THO i really like horror (and i can tolerate gore if ive been desensitized enough) and like i read the manga too!!! the games were really interesting (although morbid).
😭😭 MY NOTES APP IS FULL OF RECS FROM FRIENDS ALL OF THEM HATE ME FOR NOT WATCHING THE SHOWS BUT LIKE. i binge 3 or 4 at a time and strike them off and then go 6 months without watching a single tv series hhh.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I SURE WILL UPDATE !!! it’s so exciting to think about grad school sometimes :33
AHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT AND THE PREVIEW TOO SGSDJKDS there’s a few differences in the actual fic i think bc i changed up the language (and i dont remember what else bc i refuse to look at my writing) JAEHYUN RLLY IS A LITTLE SHIT he’ll be like hm yeah im pretty chill :) and then proceed to beat yn at her own game at times. (she wins mostly dw) the fact that i made her soulmate cha eunwoo like girl if i were you i’d crash their relationship 🥱 (jk) but like. jaehyun too is 🤩 despite being dry af
ASDKDSKDS YOU REREAD ALL (ALMOST) 19K WORDS ??? IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THAT FIC SM AAAAHHH IM FEELING LIKE AN ACTUAL AUTHOR 🥰 i loved runway yn too they were like boss attitude with 20% anxiety.
LOOK JENO BETTER BE PULLING MOVES LIKE THAT TO IMPRESS THE GIRLS 😤 if he hits himself in the forehead with the apple, bonus points bc that was true comedy (as invented by taemin)
AND YES. LIKE I KNOW MARK HATED DONGHYUCK SO MUCH HE WANTED TO LEAVE SM BUT LIKE HE’S TOO NICE WITH EVERYONE ELSE 😭😭😭 i cannot picture him pissed off apart from that summer fight </3
thinking about dejun getting rejected by a girl he wrote a song for. rip brother.
IM GLAD YOU PUT THAT INTO WORDS BC THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!!! he’s got all of these regal qualities but he’s still human ykyk so it makes for the most amiable person on earth 😌 i love this characterization of him!!
oof exes to lovers with jaehyun... i had a similar idea a while ago (with theme song sincerity is scary by the 1975) that i discarded bc i don’t think i’m cut out to write that 😭 (YET) so i will keep this is mind. u r so right about jaehyun feeling inaccurate bc it’s like he’s very mild in personality onscreen sometimes?? so him having strong personality traits makes me go 🤔🤔 that man is overreacting. (jkjk but like you get the idea)
WAIT RLLY OMG BC OF ME???? i would never enjoy e2l irl bc irl dudes are 🤢🤢 and if they annoy me i will end them. but in fiction the mutual pining and initial disgust at yourself for liking the other??? helllooo 🤩🤩🤩 especially if it’s in a romcom style <3 bff2l is also better in fiction bc if the relationship doesnt work out irl and the person become uncomfortable with me i will just get annoyed jskshdl
LMAO YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT YANGYANG HE’S JUST THAT™ DUDE skgkhs he feels like someone fun to hang out with but he would annoy you the whole time. also he is cute 🥰
AND EXACTLY!!!! IM HAPPY FOR ROYALTY AUS BUT CMON. LOOK AT THOSE VAMPIRE TEETH. feel like media ruined vampires for people 😔 
THIS IS SUCH A NICE BREAK FROM STUDYING HONESTLY!!!! im like working on two semi-large projects AND studying course and out-of-course material simultaneously so my brain is a little fried. thank u for this 😘
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