#i see this every time i go into the jedi order tag
bolithesenate · 3 months
take your culturally christian values off my emotional support space monks
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ihathbenobiwankenobied · 10 months
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Obi-Wan Hurt/Comfort and Whump Rec 1: Long Fics
Some of my favorite multi-chaptered or longer form fics (>10K). These are whump, sickfics, angst fics, and hurt/comfort with some very general tags and descriptions. Please make sure you note the tags on ao3 before reading.
I tried to tag everyone I could find here on tumblr, but if you see your fic and want a tag, let me know and I'll add it in. To all the writers, thank you for these fics, I have read each of them multiple times and I am fucking in love with all of them.
Here we go, in no particular order:
Good Man of War - scrapathon
Codywan, OC clones and medics, 16.2K
This fic is so well written and it has some really well-characterized OC clones, including clone medic Zero, as well as a bit of codywan (which I can't resist).
Things Hidden, Things Forgotten- sospes
Codywan, Zygerria/Kadavo arc, 23.5K
This writer has some of the best codywan fics on their roster, but this one absolutely destroys me everytime. This fic covers Zygerria and gets into some of the emotional aspects of the experience for Obi-Wan.
Shoulder the Sky - @kcrabb88
Quinobi, rewritten ending for Palpatine, 149.4K
This fic is part one of the Shoulder the Sky Verse series and is one of my favorite fics of all time. This fic is incredibly detailed, and every character get's their time in the spotlight. The Obi-Wan whump is absolutely delicious, and lasts basically the entirety of this fic. The plot follows Obi-Wan's discovery of the identity of Darth Sidious and how this changes the course of the end days of the Clone Wars.
Whispers from the Dead - @kcrabb88
Quinobi, PTSD and medical trauma, 210K as of 8.14.2023 (WIP)
Another part of the Shoulder the Sky Verse series (please read the fic above first). This fic is a WIP and every time there is a new chapter I drop everything to read it. Equally as emotionally damaging, equally as much whump, and equally perfect characterizations of every single character. I won't spoil the plot, but it's a perfect continuation of the series.
Gaping Hollow - Walpger
Gen - Obi-Wan, Cody, and Ahsoka, Force-exhaustion and hypothermia, 18.1K
Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Cody are trapped in a cave on the ice-planet Vandor and Obi-Wan uses the Force to keep them both warm and alive. This leads to impending Force-exhaustion. This is one of the earliest Obi-Wan-centric h/c fics I read and I love how the author describes Obi-Wan's use of the Force.
Enforced Convalescence - @swbumblebee
Gen - Obi-Wan, clones, and Jedi, sickfic/illness and fluff, 12.5K
Obi-Wan is ill and requires babysitting because he doesn't really know how to rest. This fic is endlessly soft, and Obi-Wan gets taken care of for once in his life. This author writes delightfully soft fics and this one is one of my absolute favorites.
Uja Nejah - @ijustreallylovedaredevil
Gen - Obi-Wan, OC clone medic Stim, clone troopers, Cody, diabetes and medical accuracy, 34.2K
Possibly my favorite fic of all time? Perhaps? Anything by whitchry9 is pure gold and this fic is only one example. This fic follows Obi-Wan's journey through his life as a Jedi diagnosed with diabetes. Deliciously whump, and my favorite OC clone medic, stim. You might as well read the whole series: a series of fics in which Obi Wan Kenobi having a disability somehow saves the galaxy
Iviin’hiibi te Tuur - @ijustreallylovedaredevil
Gen - Obi-Wan, OC clone medic Stim, clone troopers, Cody, epilepsy and medical accuracy, 16.4K
Surprise, surprise, yet another whitchry9 fic. This one is about Obi-Wan's life with epilepsy. This fic also has Stim and has a few extra oneshots that can be read with it.
every shadow - @kenobster
Gen - Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, Ahsoka, Cody, 501st, Zygerria/Kadavo arc and recovery, 34.9K as of 8.14.2023 (WIP)
This fic is a WIP and at 3/9 chapters, so I am going to to use part of the author's summary here: "during the mass casualty event following Kadavo and Zygerria, Obi-Wan and Anakin seek ways to cope with trauma." I am absolutely glued to this fic, and have already read all three chapters multiple times.
Finding Obi-Wan - @stolen-pen-name23
Gen - Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka, amnesia and angst, 86.8K
For the record, I think I read the entirety of this fic in one day because I just couldn't put it down. In this fic, Obi-Wan loses his memory and finds himself in the lower levels of Coruscant.
something inside this heart has died (you're in ruins) - revanchxst (BadWolfGirl01)
Codywan (implied or pre-slash), Zygerria/Kadavo arc, 22.6K
In this fic, Cody joins Obi-wan on the Zygerria arc rather than Rex. Very painful with a sprinkling of codywan. 1000 kudos for this fic.
The Consequences of a Crash - happygiraffe
Gen or pre-slash Obi-Wan & Anakin, crash-landing injury/infection, 44.9K
ALRIGHT. Alright. This is the first long-fic I read in this fandom, and remains one of my favorites to this day. Delicious whump, a really wonderful look at Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship, especially as Anakin has just become a Jedi Knight. I reread this one at least once a month.
See My Dreams All Die - @hellotemporaryuniverse
Obi-Wan & Cody (implied codywan), torture by Darth Sidious, 34.7K
This fic is absolutely brutal in the best way. In this fic, Anakin dies and Sidious is looking for a new apprentice. Such good whump.
From the Same Stone - @kckenobi
Gen - Obi-Wan & Anakin, concussion and poisoning, 8.1K
I'm already breaking my own rules, because this fic is under 10K, but this fic is one of my favorites and it's just long enough that it felt like it should be included on this list. In this fic, Obi-Wan and Anakin get trapped in a mine and are slowly ingesting a toxin.
|to failure, sweet victor| - littlekaracan
Codywan, angst and physical fights, 20K
This fic is as fucking bittersweet as it gets. Absolutely destroys me with every read. This fic follows Obi-Wan and Cody on Tatooine, but Cody's chip can't be removed until it has deteriorated to a certain point. As a result, sometimes Cody isn't quite himself.
battle scars - series - @calltomuster
Gen - Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin, PTSD and medical trauma, 27.2K
This series gets into some of Obi-Wan's medical trauma and why avoids medical treatment. I can't get enough of the OC clone medic, Fuzzy, and I love how well the author writes Obi-Wan's PTSD.
shoulder the sky - series - Night_Fury
Codywan, Cerasi & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Nield, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, PTSD, temporary death, recovery, 196.1K
What can I say about this series? Probably too much. You will just need to read it to find out. Just read it.
chronic conditions - @deniigi
Codywan and clones, epilepsy and chronic illness, 13.1K
Yet another epileptic Obi-wan fic, this one through the lens of Kix and Cody. I am absolutely mesmerized by how this author writes, and I keep going back to this one over and over again.
Six Times Ahsoka Thought Her Grandmaster Was Dead, and the One Time He Actually Was - @pandora15 and lazarusII
Gen - Obi-Wan & Ahsoka, deathfic, 12.3K
The title says it all. You will be in pain.
heavy off a golden hue - @catboydogma
Codywan, hanahaki and chronic illness, 36.7K
This is a series which looks at Obi-Wan's life with chronic Hanahaki. This is such an amazing series, another set of fics I read in one sit-down.
Suddenly this is defeat - ealcynn
Gen, Landing at Point Rain and major injury, 13.3K
This fic is in first-person POV and does an incredible job of portraying Obi-Wan's perspective on the events based on the episode Landing at Point Rain.
This incessant snow - ealcynn
Gen, Landing at Point Rain and major injury, 20.7K
Part two to the above fic. Another extremely well-written fic. I absolutely adore the way Obi-Wan is written.
We Can Be Beautiful - OuzoAthena11
Codywan, panic attacks, 23.2K
The fic summary on ao3 says it best, "Five times Obi-Wan deals with anxiety or a panic attack and one time he causes minor anxiety in someone else." Really well written and soft fic.
Count My Little Scars I've Got Dozens Inside - nuclearturtle
Codywan (as adults), angst and de-aging, 27.1K
A de-aged Obi-Wan fic where Dooku attempts to gain his trust, but inevitably, doesn't. Very angsty. Extremely angsty.
Conjuring Miracles - @kcrabb88
Gen - Obi-Wan, Leia, Tala, Vader, PTSD, 29.8K
Another one by this author. In this fic, Tala doesn't get to Obi-Wan in time, and he ends up being taken with Leia to the the inquisitor base. There, he encounters Vader.
Rapture - @galateagalvanized
Codywan, depowered character, 62.5K
I think the summary on ao3 says it best, "An independent terrorist cell has developed a weapon capable of severing the bond between a Jedi and the Living Force. They test it on High General Obi-Wan Kenobi." Wonderful whump mixed with a great story, and of course, codywan.
Always Gold - happygiraffe
Gen - Obi-Wan & Anakin, terminal illness/cancer, 10K
In this fic, Obi-Wan is dying of cancer and just wants the best for his padawan. Prepare yourself, this one hurts.
As an Obi-Wan whump writer myself, I can't help but throw a couple of my own here (not that these are by any means on par with the quality of the incredible fics above). I have linked a couple below if you are interested:
orbit me slowly
Codywan, burns and recovery, 15.3K
After an injury leaves Obi-Wan down and out, he realizes that time isn't as unlimited as he once believed
green is the colour
Codywan, sickfic and injury, 14K
Obi-Wan, sick with the flu, is cornered by hundreds of droids. Cody and Anakin come to his rescue, but there is unresolved tension between them.
Hope you all enjoy this list!
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momojedi · 28 days
topic. hunter x gn! jedi! reader
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type. loss, pt 4 note. you start to feel exhausted from your imprisonment when you hear talk of an upcoming guest … warnings. imprisonment, medical blood, slight creepy scorch, tantiss, jedi shit talk :( word count. tag list: @ooostarwarsfandom501st @shadow-rebel-223
star wars masterlist || pinned post
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The pinch of the needle in my skin isn't what makes my stomach churn, but rather the squelching noise as my blood is drawn from my veins.
"There," Dr Karr declares with her eyes glued to her datapad once the droid pulls back from me and I'm left rubbing the back of my hand, "thank you for your cooperation." I grit my teeth, biting my tongue yet the words slip my mouth before I can hold them back. "Not like you're leaving me much of a choice."
She hesitates and for a second I notice her gaze swiftly glancing toward me before looking back at the screen. Then she steps out of the cell, letting the door slide shut behind her. This time and much to my dismay, the little girl isn't accompanying her but rather another droid programmed to serve the Empire. I gulped when I noticed the blonde shock of hair missing in Karr's trail, immediately forcing my head to fill with worrisome thoughts at where she might be. An imperial research facility isn't exactly the safest place for a girl her age to be, let enough one under the lead of a sociopathic scientist such as Hemlock.
Whether Karr had noticed my surprise or not, I'm not sure as she didn't exactly react to it. Instead, she immediately went for the daily procedure of taking my blood samples for whatever the scientists are testing now and asking the usual questions.
I pace up and down the small room, letting my thoughts roam free in my head when the distant noise of statics catches my attention. I lean again the cell door, narrowing my eyes to make out the distant silhouettes down the corridor. Two commando troopers, their armour a polished white and grey, stand guard with their blasters readied. They're so engulfed in their small talk, neither of them pick up on the hiss escaping my lips when the door shoots a shock into my veins as soon as my fingers graze the metal.
"So, he wants to see the Jedi?" "That’s what the commander’s been saying," the other trooper responds in his modulated voice, "Don’t even know why he’s coming specifically for them. I figured the Empire would want all of them dead." "Yeah. Jedi scum."
I bite my cheek. A guest on Tantiss isn’t exactly a common occurrence, let alone one that seems to be so vastly enthused about seeing me. My thoughts drift to various imperial names before I shake my head free from those thoughts. The fear I hold for these figures is tense enough, and as Master Yoda liked to say, fear is a direct path to the dark side.
So, I suck in a sharp breath and settle down, kneeling on the cold floor and shutting my eyes to assume my standard meditation practice. An hour passes in a silence — or well, as silent as it can be with comms chattering down the hallway — when I’m interrupted by heavy footsteps.
“Up.” The clone commando’s order leaves little room for discussion, and so I hesitantly get up. The yellow and black markings on his armour make him stand out from the others, clearly pushing him to be higher ranked than his brothers. With a raised brow I trail my eyes over his form, letting the gears function in my brain. This wasn’t an average sampling procedure; where was Dr Karr? What is going on?
The commando locks my wrists with a pair of binders. “Move,” he bites from behind me before leaning closer, so close I can feel the cold plastoid of his armour on my cheek. “And don’t do anything dumb.” I gulp. Then, I stumble forward, scanning my surroundings with every step.
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yukipri · 4 months
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Ngl this is sorta making me queasy with excitement/nervousness...
Especially coming right on the tail of:
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So even though I will likely be a clown (again) this time tomorrow, here's what I wrote out in the twitter thread above:
Please @/starwars Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 2, this time with Ewan McGregor and Temuera Morrison as co-stars. There's closure now with Obi-Wan & Vader. Next, closure between the Jedi & the clones on Order 66, represented by the 2 we saw experience it first: Obi-Wan and Commander Cody
I know in the latest Obi-Wan comic, Obi-Wan basically goes "I miss Cody to this day, even though he tried to kill me. Ah well." And it just K*LLS me that that's it. Obi-Wan (and most the Jedi) have no clue that the clones were victims too.
Y'all are inserting Order 66 scenes in almost every show, so you can do it one more time, this time in an attempt to understand and gain closure. And this is a story that is genuinely best told through Obi-Wan and Cody. Palpatine sent the Order to Cody, first and most directly.
This is a story that doesn't need to mess with characters like Luke or Leia, who we know we'll see again. Cody is MIA as of TBB S2. Obi-Wan now also has some time after season 1, where we know he can't really be messing with Vader. This story can fit in well.
(heck, you can even insert more Clone Wars flashbacks, including young Ahsoka, you saw how much we all loved that in the Ahsoka show!) This show would let you share more about other clones and Jedi as well. Depending on how TBB S3 ends, we can have some connections there too.
PLUS! Temuera Morrison seems eager for a role. I'd love to see him again as Boba in TBOBF S2 (and have a whole 'nother pitch there), but Cody is a character that Tem personally originated in ROTS. He also had fantastic chemistry with Ewan as Jango!
So I'd love to see them share a screen again. (plus, age-wise, he's kinda closer to double-speed aged Cody than Boba?)
I could go on forever but…yes, please this.
(also can I help write it?😂😭🙏)
~~End Thread
But yeah, I know better than to get my hopes up, and I have been a clown about this many times before (including but not limited for the actual Obi-Wan S1 lmao).
So here I am with my clown mask ready: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
(Edit: added this in the tags but:
It does occur to me that another very possible route they could take an Obi-Wan Kenobi season 2 is doing something with Quinlan, since they left that very obvious thread open in S1.
BUT I would still prefer Cody & clones centric😭🙏)
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Every Time We Touch
Summary: Your relationship with Crosshair and Tech, before Order 66 and after.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x Jedi F!Reader x TBB Tech
Word Count: 4987
Warnings: Smut. Oral (male and female receiving). Some Dom/Sub dymanics.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: This has been a labor of love that took me, in total, almost 16 hours to write. The first part is smut, the second part was going to be smut but I decided it didn't make sense with everything that happened. It has not been edited aside from a very rough spellcheck. Happy reading~
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It’s easy, losing yourself in the ebbs and flows of the force. Especially here, on a planet largely untouched by the war.
The Marauder landed here three days ago, with the plan being that you’d move on as soon as you got a new set of orders. Only, those orders still haven’t come.
And, as much as Hunter might hate it, you decided that you needed to get off the ship, even for a little while. It’s not as if they’re going to leave without you, after all.
So here you are, sitting next to a stunning little pond with a waterfall roaring in your ears, meditating. Or, well, you’re supposed to be meditating, but really, you’re considering whether or not you’d like to go swimming.
You absently tap your fingers against your knee, before coming to a decision. It’s not like anyone is going to bother you, not at this time of night. So you unfold from your sitting position and quickly tug your clothes off.
You set them neatly on a rock, with your lightsaber and comm perched on top of the clothes, and step into the cool water. You wade out until you’re waist deep and then you dive into the water.
This is exactly what you needed, the water feels amazing against your skin, and with the moon high in the sky, it almost feels like something from a fairy tale. You know, if fairy tales generally involved skinny dipping.
You’re pulled from your thoughts at the sound of a low chuckle from the shore, and you smile when you see a familiar figure standing next to the rock holding all of your clothes. 
Crosshair lightly plucks your panties from the pile on the rock and dangles them from one long finger, before his sharp gaze finds you in the water. “Funny,” He practically purrs, “I didn’t know that there were mermaids on this planet.”
You laugh softly and swim closer to shore, until you’re able to stand on your toes, “What brings you out here, Cross?”
He absently folds your clothes and stacks them a little neater than you did, “You, of course. You weren’t in bed.”
“I needed a moment off the ship. Hunter’s practically radiating anxiety.” You answer with a shrug.
“Well, I can just about guarantee that if he knew you were swimming, naked, in a lake he’d probably have a heart attack on the spot.”
“Um…well…he doesn’t need to know?” You offer sheepishly.
“Oh definitely.” Crosshair agrees, as he peels his shirt off and sets it on the rock next to yours, “Especially since I’m joining you.”
You laugh, “Are you?”
“What? You think you’re the only one who needs a break?” Crosshair finishes stripping off his blacks, and sets them on the rock. He pauses and then sighs and grabs his comm, shooting a quick message.
You tilt your head in question.
“You’ll get pouty if Tech doesn’t join us.” He explains as he steps into the water and walks out to you. The moment he’s close enough, he pulls you into his arms, and bumps his forehead against yours.
“I do not pout,” You reply as you slide your arms around his neck.
Crosshair urges you to hook your legs around his waist, which, really, you would do anyway. “You pout.” He teases, “It’s adorable.”
You press yourself against him, “Yeah…well…cite your sources.” 
“Do I look like Tech to you?” He asks with a grin, “I’m not citing anything. You’ll just have to take me at my word.”
You release a huff of laughter, and bump your nose against his, “Thank you for inviting Tech, Crosshair. It means a lot to me.”
Something soft slides across his face, and his hand comes up to brush against your cheek, “Well, you said so yourself, the only way this works for us is if we’re in it together.”
“I can’t believe you were listening to me when I said that.” You admit.
“I have a very vested interest in making sure that you stay happy, kitten.” He replies, “And if you’re happy with me and Tech, then who am I to argue.”
“And you, Cross? Are you happy?”
“Happier than I ever thought possible,” He confirms as he tilts his head to catch your lips with his own. 
You lean into the kiss, your hands trailing up to slide through his hair, a soft moan slips from your lips, swallowed by Crosshair, as he nips your lower lip and then trails his tongue across the sore spot to soothe away the pain. 
Heavy footsteps on the shore forces him to break the kiss, pulling a whine from you as you try to follow him. Crosshair chuckles and squeezes your hip, before he glances towards the shore, “D’you have to be so loud, Tech?” He asks.
Tech peers at the pair of you, “Yes. I did not want Crosshair to shoot me.”
“As if I would.” Crosshair mutters with a roll of his eyes.
You giggle and nuzzle your nose against his neck, “Will you be joining us, Tech?”
He glances at you, and then the water, and then back at you. “I have a better idea, you both should come to shore.” Tech quickly starts tugging his own blacks off, tossing them carelessly to the side.
Crosshair exhales sharply, and you giggle. “Let it be, Cross.”
“Annoying, everything else is folded-”
You giggle again and pull him into a deep kiss, your tongue sliding across his lips and then past his lips. You map out his mouth, as though it’s the first time, and he releases a quiet groan, his strong hand tightly gripping your ass to grind you against his half hard cock.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” He breathes against your lips. “Believe it or not, I didn’t actually come out here to fuck you.”
You grin against his lips, “Oh? What a pity. Maybe Tech will be interested-” You squeak as he pinches your ass.
“Well, my plans have clearly changed, imp.” He carries you towards the shore, and only sets you on your feet once the both of you are clear of the water. 
Tech’s eyes drag down your bare body, lingering on your breasts for a moment, before he steps into your space to catch your lips in a deep kiss.
Tech kisses you like he’s trying to learn everything about you. Like kissing you will answer any and all of the questions he has about you. 
Crosshair, on the other hand, kisses you like he’s trying to take everything that makes you you and replace it with himself.
You love both kisses, almost as much as you love both men. 
When Tech breaks the kiss, you’re a little breathless, “I’m guessing you have a plan?” You ask.
“I always do,” Tech replies with a small smile, he trails his finger down your cheek, and then across your lips, “You have such a clever mouth, cyare. I want your lips wrapped around my cock.”
Your face heats, and you press your hands against your cheeks, “You can’t just say it like that, Tech.”
Crosshair coos in your ear, “Embarrassed, kitten?” He turns his gaze to his brother, “I assume you have no issues with me fucking her while you’re fucking her face.”
“I am hardly going to be fucking her face,” Tech counters blandly, and then he pauses, “Well, I did not have the intention to.”
“Not an answer, vod.”
“Oh, yes. Do what you like.”
“Well, that was never in question.” Crosshair slides his hands down your sides, “On your knees, kitten.”
You shiver under his touch, especially when his hand slides from your side to dip between your thighs. His finger just barely brushing over your clit.
You release a breathy little moan and Crosshair chuckles and kisses your jaw, before pulling his hand away from you and licking his fingers clean.
“Actually, I had a better idea than her on her knees,” Tech says thoughtfully, and once he's sure he has all of the attention, he smiles. “You on your back, Crosshair, with our cyare riding you.”
Crosshair's fingers pause on your hip, and he glances at you, “You mean I get to feel her all around me and watch her tits?” He asks with a sly smile.
You release a strangled noise and thump your forehead to Tech’s shoulder, “Why?” You ask as your face burns.
Even after all this time, you still get flustered and embarrassed when your boys talk like that.
Which is exactly why they do it, and all of you know it.
“Because you are just too cute when you are ten kinds of flustered, cyare.” Tech kisses the top of your head, and then glances at his brother, “I would suggest spreading her robe across the ground.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Crosshair drops one last kiss to your shoulder, “That was the plan.” He walks over to the piles of clothes, kicks Tech’s stuff out of the way with an annoyed grumble, and then carefully pulls your robe from the bottom of your stack of clothes.
You watch as Crosshair spreads your robes out on the sand, and then lays down on his back. And then you’re distracted as Tech takes one of your hands and wraps it loosely around his half-hard cock.
“I know my brother is pretty, cyare,” Tech teases as he trails light kisses across your cheek, “But I would like your attention too.”
You give him a few light strokes, feeling him harden under your touch, and you’re not surprised when he shoots you a slightly frustrated look. “Cyar’ika, why are you being so gentle?”
A small, almost angelic, smile spreads across your lips, “I have no idea what you mean.”
He peers at you for a moment, and then releases a soft sigh, “You have decided to be a brat tonight then?”
“I have never done anything wrong in my life-”
His hand lands, firmly, on your ass and your sentence breaks off with a startled yelp. 
“If I did not already have plans, cyar’ika, I would make this punishment much more enjoyable.” You shiver at his tone of voice, and he presses a light kiss to your forehead, as he massages the sore spot on your ass, “Perhaps later tonight.”
You watch as his gaze flickers past you, and then he locks his gaze with yours again. His rough, calloused hands settle on your hips and he lifts you just enough that he’s able to move you to stand next to where Crosshair is laying.
“How would you like her positioned, vod?” Tech asks lightly, as though he’s commenting on the weather and not manhandling your naked body.
Crosshair’s gaze drags across your body for a moment, and then he smirks, “I was going to say that I want to stuff her full with my cock, but I changed my mind.”
“I want her to sit on my face.”
“Oh, but-” Two pairs of eyes lock on your face, and you duck your head, “I don’t want to hurt you-”
Crosshair laughs, “I don’t know if you remember this, kitten. But I’m a decently strong guy. You can only hurt me if you try.” With Tech’s help, the two men lower you so that you’re hovering just over his face.
“Are you sure-” You yelp when Crosshair roughly pulls you down so that your pussy is settled over his mouth. His tongue immediately darts out to drag along your folds, and your yelp turns into a moan of pleasure.
“There we go,” Tech murmurs, “No need for such anxiety, cyare.” He moves so that he’s standing next to you and he rests his hand on your head, smoothing your hair for a moment, “Open up for me, darling.”
You part your lips for him, obediently, and he presses the head of his cock against your lips.
“You remember what to do if you need a break?” Tech asks, and his gaze softens when you tap his thigh twice in quick succession, “Good girl.”
And then he pushes the head of his cock past your lips, and lets you do whatever you want.
The dual sensations of Crosshair alternating between flicking your clit with his tongue, shoving his tongue as deep inside you as he can, and sucking on your clit, combined with the feel of Tech, heavy in your mouth, and the taste of his precum on your tongue, is almost too much.
But you’ve been in a relationship with them for a while now, and you’re not a blushing virgin anymore. You’ve had a lot of practice using your mouth on both of them, and you have a few tricks to push them over the edge quickly.
For Tech, all you have to do is trail your fingers over his balls while hollowing your cheeks and sucking hard.
Which is exactly what you do, pulling a hoarse groan from his lips, “Kriff, should have tied you up.” He gasps as his hand fists in your hair, and he starts lightly directing you how to move by moving your head for you.
Crosshair closes his lips around your clit and sucks hard as he eases two of his fingers into you and curls them, pressing them right against that spot inside you that makes you see stars.
Your hips, which had been rocking against his face, using his mouth for your pleasure, stutter as you teeter on the edge of your orgasm. You just need a little bit more, but you aren’t able to vocalize it.
Luckily, Crosshair knows you as well as you know him, and one of his fingers slides across your folds, and then further back to circle the tight ring of muscles of your asshole. 
And you shatter with an almost broken moan, your vision dimming as you plummet over the edge. 
Tech pulls himself from your mouth and Crosshair quickly lifts you and moves you down his body, quite happily pulling you down on his solid cock until he’s completely bottomed out.
“There you go, kitten.” Crosshair mumbles as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand, before he slides his hands to caress your breasts, “Move for me, sweetheart.”
“You need to open your mouth again, cyare.” Tech whispers, a proud smile crossing his face as you mindlessly obey him, “Good girl. Such a good girl.”
He’s just about to slide his cock past your lips again, and Crosshair is just about to start thrust up into you, when all three of you are distracted by heavy footsteps.
“Crosshair? Tech?” Hunter’s voice echoes from the forest, and then there’s an explosive sigh, “I’m not going to come any closer because I do not need to see what I can smell.” He sounds deeply grieved.
“Go away, Hunter.” Crosshair snaps as he pinches your nipples and pulls a soft moan from your lips. “We’re busy.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” Hunter calls back, “We have new orders.”
There’s absolute silence for a moment.
“If I have to come over there and get you-” Hunter threatens.
“We will return to the ship shortly.” Tech calls, “We need…an hour?”
Crosshair searching your face for a moment, “Not even. 30 minutes, to give her time to recover.”
“An hour would be preferable.” Tech argues.
“Five hours would be preferable, but orders are orders.” Crosshair counters. He sits up and caresses your cheek, “I’m afraid we’re not going to get to play like we wanted to, kitten.”
“S’okay.” You whisper to him, though you are careful to make sure that Tech can hear you too.
Tech settles back, “We need thirty minutes, Hunter.” He calls.
“Fine, but if you’re not back in thirty-” He leaves the threat hanging, and then he stomps away.
“You first, Crosshair.” Tech says quietly, something quietly wistful on his face, “I will have my turn when you finish. We will just have to play properly later.”
You lean your forehead against Crosshair’s, your breathing heavy, as he thrusts up into you. 
“Deal.” Crosshair replies with a glance at his brother, before focusing his attention on you, a small smirk crossing his lips, “Ready kitten?”
“Always-” You gasp out in response.
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The events of Beloved happen here
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“I appreciate you doing this,” You say as you press the palm of your hand over your new, well, newish cybernetic eye. You’ve come to learn that entering and leaving the atmosphere makes the cybernetic feel very uncomfortable. 
“Ya don’t have ta thank me, kiddo.” The pilot, a Chiss man with bleached blonde hair, drawls as his hands fly over the console, “Yer…da and ya…Ah still owe ya more’n ya owe me.”
A small smile lifts your lips, “You owe me nothing, Cid.”
“Bah, in yer opinion.” He glances at you, “Yer eye botherin’ ya?”
“It’s not fond of pressure changes,” You admit, “I guess that removes deep sea diver from my list of future professions.” You cast your gaze out the front window, “So this is Pabu?”
“Yup, like a glimmerin’ gem.”
“Cid, I didn’t know you were a poet.”
He flashes you a roguish grin, “Ma lady loves it.”
Your smile widens slightly, though it fades when you turn your attention back to the planet.
6 months ago, the clones turned on you and your fellow Jedi. The majority of your brethren were wiped out before they even knew that they were in danger.
You had been in the temple, catching up on some school work that you missed out on due to the war.
It was a blessing, perhaps.
After all, if you had been on Kamino, you’d definitely be dead. Rather than just…
Your fingers glide down the smooth metal of your new prosthetic arm, a gift from Senator Riyo Chuchi, just like your new cybernetic eye. She even offered you shelter for the last six months, while you recovered from your injuries.
You’ll never be able to pay her back.
Still, she swears up and down that Pabu is a safe place, a good place for someone like you to vanish. And you need to vanish.
“A’right there, kiddo?”
“Yeah. Just…lost in thoughts.”
He reaches over and lightly grips your shoulder, though he doesn’t say anything as he focuses his attention on bringing the ship down to the landing pad.
He says nothing until the ship settles on the landing pad, and then he turns to look at you, his crimson eyes scanning your face. “Bein’ a Jedi taught ya how to survive. Taught ya how to adapt. Yer gonna be fine, kiddo. An’ if yer not…jus’ give ol Cid a holler.”
You stare at him for a moment, and then you smile at him, “Thank you, Cid. Really. It’s nice to know that the Jedi still have some friends in the galaxy.”
“More’n ya might believe.” He places both of his hands on your shoulders, and squeezes, “See ya around, kiddo.”
You nod once, and then slide out of the co-pilot’s seat to gather the one bag that you have from your life before, and you step off the ship and onto the landing pad to start your new life.
You move to the edge of the landing pad as Cid powers his ship back on and takes back to the sky, and then you turn to get your bearings. The island isn’t large, you can only imagine that everyone knows everyone.
Still, according to Riyo, this is a refugee planet, so maybe people don’t dig here.
You step off of the landing platform to follow the path towards the building that you can only guess is the welcoming center.
The woman at the desk, a Togruti woman, is very patient with you as she processes your citizenship. She doesn’t ask many questions, though she does eye your prosthetics and scars with a sympathetic smile.
“Welcome to Pabu,” She says quietly, “I hope you find peace here.” She presses a map into your hands, as well as written instructions to the nearest hotel.
So you thank her, and then step out the main doors.
Pabu is a tropical island, which means hot. You’re immediately grateful that Cid suggested that you switch to a tank top and shorts rather than the longer clothes that you’ve taken to wearing since you lost your arm. 
It’s also humid. So humid. Humid enough that you’re sure that your hair is already getting frizzy.
You sigh and rub the back of your neck and pull your hair off your neck with a hair clip, and then you focus your attention on the written instructions in your hand.
“After leaving the welcoming center,” You mumble to yourself, “follow the sidewalk to the left until you reach the jewelry store, then turn right-” You look around and then you hoist your bag up on your shoulder and you start following the sidewalk.
“Jewelry store? Jewelry store…oh! Jewelry store.” The shop is, quite literally named, Jewelry Store. Handy. You glance at the note again, “Turn right, and follow the sidewalk until you reach the whale statue.”
You glance both ways, before you cross the street and you start walking.
You pause as a shop door flies open and a small girl with short blonde hair darts out into your path, running into your leg, “Ah! I’m sorry!” She blurts, as she looks up at you.
She has a very familiar face. A very, very familiar face.
“No harm done,” You reply, your voice slightly strangled.
The girl stares at you, and then beams, “Oh! You must be a new arrival! My name is Omega.”
Well, so much for your hope that she just looks like a clone.
You introduce yourself with a small smile, even as you carefully, very carefully, reach out through the force to try and determine if you’re in any danger. 
There are no warnings, and so you relax. Ever so slightly.
“Um…wait…” Omega reaches up and twists a strand of pale blonde hair between her fingers, and you jolt in surprise. It’s weird, seeing your habits on another person. You used to twist your padawan beads when you were trying to remember something, and when you were promoted, you took to rolling some of your hair between your fingers.
A habit that Hunter took up when you took command of Clone Force 99.
“I know your name…” the little girl murmurs. “Why do I know your name-?”
The door to the shop slides open again, “There you are, Omega. I was wondering where you ran off to.”
You turn your gaze to the veritable wall of muscle that just came out of the shop.
You’d recognize Wrecker anywhere. Even dressed down in civvies.
It’s funny, you thought you’d be nervous about running into any of your men. Especially after the temple. But you’re calm, peaceful even.
“There’s a new person, Wrecker. And her name sounds familiar-”
“Well, names are names Omega.” Wrecker replies, before he finally glances at you, “Welcome to Pab-” He stops mid-sentence. You see his gaze dart to your cybernetic eye, and then drop to the prosthetic arm, “...General?” Wrecker, who’s usually so loud and enthusiastic, sounds hushed and disbelieving. 
He sounds guilty.
And you can’t allow that.
So you flash the smallest smile, “Hey, Wreck.”
Wrecker drops his shopping bags into Omega’s arms, pulling a disgruntled noise from her lips, before he tugs you into a tight hug, “Thought you were dead.” He says against the top of your head, “Tech and Cross will be thrilled-”
You don’t move for a moment, and then you release a sigh and wrap your arms around him as well, “I got lucky,” You admit, not the least bit surprised when he doesn’t release you.
He finally pulls back, his hands warm on your shoulders, and his gaze darts across the scars covering your body. You can see the questions on his face, but he swallows them, with difficulty, and instead squeezes your shoulders, “You’re coming home with us.” Wrecker announces, “It's where you’re supposed to be.”
“If you insist.” And it’s as simple as that.
The house your boys share is located near the water. It’s a massive house, big enough that they all probably have their own rooms. That had to have come as a shock to them, seeing as they shared for most of their lives.
Wrecker leads you up the stairs, with Omega in the lead. The little girl isn’t sure what to make of you, not that you blame her. You have just as many questions about her as she probably has about you.
“So this is where we live.” Wrecker says as he leads you into the house, “It’s kinda big, but it’s nice too. We never had our own space before.”
There’s light footsteps coming from the kitchen area, “Who are you talking to, Wrecker?” Crosshair asks as he steps into the front hall, his gaze locked on his brother, before it drops to land on you.
Crosshair stops.
His sharp eyes lock on your arm, your eye, your scars.
And then he’s moving, shoving past Wrecker and stopping only a little bit in front of you. His hand, rough and calloused, gently grips your chin and he tilts your head back so he can see your eyes properly, “Oh, kitten.” He breathes out.
He doesn’t ask what happened. He doesn’t have to.
“Hi Cross.” You whisper.
He releases your chin and his fingers move to your prosthetic arm, to the scars that mar your once barely scarred body.
There’s more footsteps, and then Tech is there. His gaze finds you immediately, and he quickly moves to stand next to Crosshair, his eyes cataloging the array of healed injuries covering your body.
It doesn’t take much longer for Hunter and Echo to join the crowd in the hallway, with Omega watching everyone with confusion on her face.
It’s a confusion you understand, though you’re sure that your confusion isn’t at all similar to hers.
Slowly you set your bag on the ground and you hold up a single hand, “Boys.” You don’t raise your voice. You don’t have to. All five of them immediately fall silent when you speak.
You don’t understand.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath before you open them again, “I’ve had the…most awful of times.” You say, quietly. “I would, very much, like to know what crime my people committed to deserve to be executed in our own home.”
The faces around you change. Delight morphs into something stricken. “You…don’t know?” Hunter asks.
You glance at him, “Tell me.”
Hunter takes a deep breath, “Yes ma’am.”
One very, very long conversation later and you finally understand. The knowledge that the men hadn’t turned on the Jedi willingly, that they were forced to do it, eased a hurt that had been festering in your heart.
Though now your heart hurts for the men who are little more than slaves to the Empire.
But that was earlier. Now you’re sitting on Crosshair’s bed, your back pressed against the headboard while he makes room for your stuff in his closet. Tech is messing with something at Crosshair’s desk, and they’re both completely silent.
Crosshair, you know, will wait for you to say something. He’s incredibly patient like that.
You suspect that Tech is going to break first.
And you're right, as only moments after you have that thought, Tech pushes the chair back and moves to the bed to sit next to you. There’s probably a million questions running through his mind, but you can wait for him to settle on one.
But he surprises you. 
He doesn’t ask anything, instead his hand moves to a large scar on your shoulder. There’s something pained and guilty on his face. 
You reach out and press your hand against his cheek, “It’s not your fault.” You whisper, “Either of you.”
Crosshair drops a jacket to the ground and joins you on the bed, his strong arms slide around your waist and he drops a feather light kiss to your throat, “We should have been there.”
“We thought you were dead.” Tech adds, sounding so deeply pained that your heart lurches.
“I’m sorry,” You comb your fingers through Tech’s hair, and he sighs as he presses his forehead against your other shoulder. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” Crosshair says roughly, “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
You shift and lay your cheek against the top of his head, and his arms tighten around you. 
“It’s funny,” Crosshair murmurs against your skin, “I genuinely thought that the only thing I would want when I had you back in my arms is to make you fall apart for me. But now that you’re here, all I want is to hold you.”
You laugh softly, “I love you too, Cross.” You say as you press a light kiss to the top of his head.
Tech presses himself firmly against your other side, “When things get back to normal,” He murmurs, “I would like to give you a full examination, so that I can see how your prosthetics and cybernetics work. So I can keep you healthy.”
“Of course.”
“No one is ever going to hurt you again, cyare.” Tech promises.
“That’s not your job, Tech. But thank you all the same.” You whisper as you press a kiss to the top of his head as well.
And then you squeak as you’re tugged down the bed so your head is resting on one of Crosshair’s pillows. His face is pressed against your neck, and his legs are tangled with yours. Tech rests his head on your shoulder, his fingers threading with yours. 
For the first time in months, you feel safe.
And slowly you drift off to sleep. Sure that this was part of their plan.
Your boys always did know you better than anyone.
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grievedeeply · 1 year
I saw you want requests after playing Survivor
One shot of Cal running across fem reader that he knew when he was a padiwan (assumed dead)? And realizing why he was always so flustered and agitated by her 🤭🤭
this is so cute i loooove these reunion prompts i'm getting!!
fem!reader (no pronouns used) | tws/tags: death, sorta in depth order 66, use of y/n
they never left — cal kestis
you remembered the day clear in your mind as though it had happened yesterday. the purge. the clones tore through your master as though they were never even there. their last words to you ring true in your mind even ten years later, "run," and you did. you ran, using the force to reach into places they couldn't. you snuck past those who used to be your friends. you thought they cared for you. why had they all had a sudden change of heart? whatever the reason was, you knew you couldn't dwell. it wouldn't do you any good to be miserable.. even if that's all you wanted to do, sometimes.
over the years, you hid your abilities and tucked away your lightsaber for good. you swore to never use the force ever again. your family was gone. the order was gone, your master was gone.. and you couldn't reach out into the force to attempt to sense anyone. it was too risky.
cal. was he gone, too? he was another padawan under the tutelage of jedi master jaro tapal, a kind but intimidating lasat who you had met a few times. but cal.. cal was warm. he was inviting, he was friendly. he was everything an introverted child like yourself needed in a friend. the two of you quickly became rule breakers, sneaking out past curfews and past the temple guards who— looking back on it now— definitely saw you. you snuck out so often to spend time together, knowing that the likelihood of being assigned together on a mission was slim to none, it was the next best thing. maybe even better. at least there wasn't a risk of death, now.
you managed to get on each others nerves often, too. disagreeing and arguing and avoiding each other until you both forgot what happened. though, as you grew older, cal found himself getting more and more.. flustered.. when you were around. his face was constantly red, his palms were sweaty, his chest so tight it practically hurt to breath, and it irritated him. you irritated him. was it your fault? he didn't know. it only happened around you, so it had to be your fault, so he tried to avoid you.
it wasn't as though he treated you poorly. he could never do that. his heart and soul were too kind, too gentle. he didn't have a mean bone in his body.. but he wished you would just go away sometimes, to get that sinking feeling in his stomach to fade as it always did when you left.
now, cal knows what that feeling was. it was the beginnings of a crush. attachment and relationships were forbidden in the order. attachment made you selfish. it lead to jealousy, anger and resentment. a path to the dark side of the force. but now.. the jedi order was no more. it was destroyed years ago, but you hadn't lived to see it.
he heard your name. whispered in hushed voices by people on every planet he visited. your name, and the names of plenty of other jedi. plo koon, aayla secura.. anakin skywalker. but he focused on solely on you. you were killed alongside your master during the purge. you died, and he wasn't there to protect you. he reached into the force over and over, desperately trying to find a trace of you throughout it as time went on, but he found nothing. your death was confirmed, and there was nothing he could do about it.
you were glad word of your death spread fast. it was much easier to hide, and you had to move less often. your life proved more relaxed.. or as relaxed as it could be. despite your supposed death, your world would never be safe as long as you were force sensitive.
this time, kohbo was the world of choice. it was a nice, relatively backwater world in the outer rim. imperial presence, but as long as you kept your head down, you would fit in well. people from all sorts of backgrounds flocked to it. it wasn't like you would be out of place, and that fact was a relief. you'd stick to yourself as you always did, and everything would be well.
you stood, back pressed against the cold stone of the wall as you stared up towards the landing platform. a ship, a S-161 'stinger' XL, sat on the dock. you'd heard that it'd crashed out in the gorge a little ways away from rambler's reach. whoever piloted it knew greez in some way or another, and he'd managed to fix it, along with someone else you didn't know the name of. you didn't much care for their name, anyway. keeping your head down, staying out of trouble, that was the main goal.
until turgle fell off of the platform, screaming as he hurtled towards the ground. before you could even think, you reached out your hand and looked deep into the force, watching as he floated to the ground. his eyes were still closed and he yelped as you caught him, but other than that, he looked confused until his eyes landed on you, your hand extended out in his direction. he might be clumsy, but he wasn't exactly stupid.
you cringed, awkwardly sinking in on yourself as you turned around, ready to go back to your ship and leave koboh and everyone else on this planet behind.. until you heard turgle's voice call out your name.
"you," you heard him come up behind you, out of breath and looking red in the face, "you saved me!" he exclaimed, "with your.. your force magic." he said, eyes wide in disbelief. he stared you down, and you pursed your lips as you stared right back at him. "you're a jedi, aren't you?" he spoke up again, and all you could do was roll your eyes. "ha, of course not. you're just seeing things." you insisted to him with a simple shrug of your shoulders, turning on your heel to leave once again. by now, greez was hot on turgle's tail, his expression wide eyed and excited.
"oh, come on! i saw you," he retorted, "you saved me from imminent death.. and i am in your debt." he told you with a nod of his head, and you sighed. "you don't owe me anything, okay? just keep this quiet and we're even." you responded, and he nodded once again, eagerly. he stood there for a few moments until you raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to leave. finally taking the hint, he skipped away from you and into the cantina.
you let out a groan. turgle could barely be trusted. he would blabber about you eventually, and you didn't want to be around when he did. this place wasn't safe anymore. once more, you turned to leave, but heard the sound of greez clearing his throat. you weren't out of the woods, yet.
you shut your eyes, but glanced over your shoulder at him. his arms were crossed over his chest, but he wore a smile.
"there's someone i think you should meet, kid."
you furrowed your brow. you couldn't exactly say no, could you?
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greez led you into the cantina through the back entrance, clambering up the steps through heavy breaths. who could he possibly want you to meet? a million questions ran through your mind as you came out into the main area of the cantina, and he gestured for you to take a seat next to him at the bar. you did so after a moment's hesitation, and you sat there, hunched over in your seat, feeling completely exposed. still, no one looked at you any differently as they did before.
"what am i doing here?" you asked, letting your elbow rest uncomfortably against the bar. greez spared you a glance, but kept at his drink. "someone i want you to meet, s'all." he reassured you, finally turning his chair to face you. you blinked a few times. his words did nothing to reassure you, for all you knew, he could be turning you in to the raiders or even the empire. you sighed, but decided to keep your mouth shut.
you watched the door as people entered and exited, waving goodbye to moran as he left for the night. over the few months you'd been staying on koboh, he was the only one you spoke to regularly. he came off as prickly, but the truth was, he was a sad, lonely man who needed a friend. even if making connections, getting attached, wad a bad idea.. moran was there for you when you needed someone, even if he didn't know it. he returned your wave with a smile, and the door slid shut behind him.
"it's been hours, who am i waiting for?" you spoke up again for the first time since you'd arrived. "any minute now," he reassured you, a knowing grin spread across his lips. what was he even talking abou-
the door slid open.. red hair. you froze in your seat, your hands suddenly felt sweaty and your heart fell into your stomach. the boy you once knew was now a man, but you would recognize his face anywhere. cal. he was alive. you practically jumped out of your seat and rushed into him without thinking, arms wrapped around his midsection in a tight hug. "cal.." you muttered his name under your breath, finally finding your voice as you pulled away to get a better look at him.
he had matured, grown into his features. he carried a newly fashioned saber on his belt, and on his shoulders was a cute BD unit. his cheeks were covered in freckles, his eyes still that same beautiful green, splattered with specks of blue.
"i thought.. i thought you were-" cal said, his voice barely a whisper. "i'm sorry," you told him, "i.. wish i knew you were alive." you continued after a pause, still taking in his new look. he looked.. handsome.
"i tried to find you," he swallowed, "through the force."
that feeling was back. the feeling from ten years ago. his palms were sweaty, and his heart pounded against his ribcage. a crush that never faded, that only grew once he saw how you'd grown. you were incredible then.. but now? you were stunning. his breath hitched in his throat, but he lifted his hand to your face. "i.. i'm so glad you're okay." he whispered to you, and you nodded, a small smile on your lips.
"okay, kids. break it up. you can.. make out later, or whatever." greez cut into the moment, his grating voice ringing unpleasantly in cal's ears. he chuckled awkwardly under his breath but took a few steps away from you. still, his eyes never left your face.
"we aren't.. we weren't-" you said, cheeks flushed in embarrassment at his suggestion. "uhuh.. whatever." he responded, eyes flickering back and forth between the two of you, and you felt as though he saw right through you. for a man as strange as he was, he read people incredibly well. "figured you'd get along. glad i was right." he continued before you had the chance to dig yourself further into the hole in your mind you were forming.
"i'll leave you two alone," he laughed, glancing knowingly between you and cal, a smirk on his face. still, he stayed true to his word and climbed out of his chair, walking out of the front entrance with a skip in his step.
you watched as he left, only turning back to cal once the door closed behind him. your mouth felt dry, and you licked your lips. "you.. um, you have a new lightsaber?" you asked, glancing down at the weapon hanging from his hip. he nodded, "my.. my first one, i lost it during the purge." you didn't reply to his words verbally, but sat your hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"and who's this?" you asked, a smile on your features as you glanced at the BD unit. "oh," cal said, matching your expression even though it seemed as though he forgot the droid was there at all. "this is BD-1," he told you, and you directed your grin at him, "you've been taking care of cal while i've been gone?" you teased, but the droid replied in completely serious beeps, much to his dismay.
"how long have you been here?" cal asked you after a pause, and you glanced around at your surroundings. the cantina needed some work.. and a deep cleaning. you turned your attention back to him, but a sigh fell from your lips. "a couple of months now." his gaze was soft as he stared into your eyes, and he took your hands into his own, grounding himself into this moment. "i heard you were dead, y/n." he muttered. "i.. i know." you spoke, your heart aching at the thought of him mourning for you. "the force.. i couldn't.. i couldn't feel you." he told you, and you said nothing in response, averting your gaze to his hands in your own.
this.. this moment reminded you of your childhood, running around the gardens of the temple with your hands entwined, completely ignoring your assigned training to play for awhile. except now, cal's hands were rough, and so were yours.
"i cut myself off from the force." you explained to him, "i had to hide. i've been hiding.. up until today." you could hear his breathing through the silence of the empty cantina, and he didn't say anything else. instead, he dropped your hands and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
"i love you." cal whispered into your neck, and you swore your breathing stopped. "what?" your arms fell to your sides, but he didn't pull away. "i love you." he repeated himself, pulling away to look into your eyes. his face was red, but the expression he wore was serious. "how could you.. how could you say that?" you asked, brows furrowed. his hands gripped your shoulders, and he let out a breathless chuckle.
"i've known it for years. when we were kids.. i had the biggest crush on you, and it bothered me. it bothered me how flustered i'd get around you even when you did.. absolutely nothing but smile." he explained, a growing smile forming across his face. "and irritated me. so i stayed away from you, thinking you were the one who bothered me all along." he said.
"but now the order doesn't exist anymore. the code is gone. but my.. my feelings for you- they never left." cal's voice fell to a whisper, "and seeing you now, it just makes me realize it all.. all over again." he took in a deep breath, but kept his eyes trained on your face. "so.."
"cal," you shut your eyes, shaking your head, "you actually felt that way that entire time when i thought you just started hating me for no reason?" you sighed, his lack of response telling you everything you needed to know.
you took a step closer to him, pressing your lips to his for a few seconds before pulling away. to cal, it wasn't nearly long enough. he leaned after your lips, eyes already completely closed as he'd relaxed into your touch. "i love you too. i always have." you told him, the feeling of his lips burned into your memory. they were chapped and dry.. but they fit against yours perfectly.
he grinned, and kissed you again.
tags: @starwalkerwriting @war-in-time
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Dancing Your Way Through The 501st
501st x Jedi!Fem!Reader
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Summary: You’re not sure who you want to go home with tonight, so you challenge your favorite 501st boys to woo you on the dancefloor.
Pairing: 501st x Jedl!Fem!Reader
Characters: Rex, Echo, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, Tup, Dogma
Tags & Warnings: 18+, suggestive themes, implied sexual content, alcohol, flirting, teasing, kissing, biting, dirty dancing
Word Count: 3.2k
Author's Note: Just for fun and because I was feeling frisky. You get to choose who the reader goes home with 😉 This is probably the spiciest thing you’ll ever see from me. As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta Read: Once again, by the lovely @commander-sunshine to check if I actually had any spice in this thing or if it was just flour. Thanks babe.
@clonexreaderbingo Square: "What are you doing here?"
Song used in fic:
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It’s Friday night and you're back home on Coruscant for the first time in several rotations. You bustle about in your apartment as you get ready for a fun night out. You slip on your favorite dress, the knee-length navy-blue one that has the silver sequins cascading down the side, and pop on matching heels. The dress is form fitting, but loose enough that you can still move well. You do a quick check of your make-up and hair in the mirror, make some fine-tune adjustments, and give yourself a little spritz of your favorite perfume, a mix of velvety rose and strawberry. 
Being a general in the war is a very taxing lifestyle, but so is being a soldier. Every time you and the men are on leave, you pop into 79s, pick up one of the 501st boys, and show them a good time back at your place. It never turns into anything serious, but it’s a fun way to blow off some steam and enjoy life away from the battlefield. You find the flippant exchange to be mutually beneficial and exhilarating. The men enjoy it as much as you do, so you don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. 
As you stroll towards the entrance of 79s, you wonder who is going to be there tonight and who you’re ultimately going to bring home. The uncertainty and anticipation both excites you and makes you a little nervous, but the unpredictability is thrilling and you giggle to yourself as you open the door to the bar. The music is loud, the clones are louder, and the drinks look endless. You scan the bar and notice your favorite captain sitting by himself. You walk  over to him, your heels clacking on the hard floor, and glide your hand across his back to announce your presence. 
“What are you doing here?” Rex asks as you take a seat on the bar stool next to his. “I thought you’d want to take the night off.”
You order a Coruscant Cooler from the bartender and flash Rex a flirty smirk. “I’m always in the mood for a good time.”
Rex chuckles and takes a sip of his Fofo. “So, who’re you taking home with you tonight?” 
You purse your lips in thought, and swirl your drink in your hand. “Not sure yet.” You swing around on the barstool and look out into the crowded bar. The choices tonight are tough. The 501st always has the best men to choose from, and with so many of them here tonight, you’re having a hard time picking the one you’ll be taking home. 
“Need some help deciding?” Rex asks, his voice a deep rumble while sliding you another drink. 
You giggle at Rex’s subtle advance. “Why captain, is that an invitation?”
“Maybe,” Rex gives you a small smirk. 
You chuckle and grab your drink before getting off your bar stool. “That would be unfair to the rest of the boys.” You sway over to the DJ and give him a small request before returning to Rex. 
Rex raises an eyebrow as you down the rest of your drink and order another. “We’re going to play a little game,” you explain as you hear the beat drop for the song you gave the DJ. You step closer to Rex and slowly turn him around to face out into the crowd. You trail your fingers up the side of his arm and give him an alluring smile. “You and your men have one song to try and convince me to go home with you tonight.”
J-Lo, ya tú sabes, no hay más na'
It's a new generation
Mr. Worldwide
Of party people
Get on the floor, dale, get on the floor
Red one
Let me introduce you to my party people in the club, huh
“Well, then,” Rex stammers and blushes at your advances. He turns back to the bar, downs the rest of his drink, and then turns back to you. “We should get started.” Rex slides off his bar stool and stretches out his hand as an invitation. You smirk and take his hand as he leads you to the dance floor.
I'm loose
And everybody knows I get off the chain
Baby it's the truth, it's the truth
I'm like Inception
I play with your brain
So don't sleep or snooze
Rex may be a man of few words and he can come across as awkward, but he becomes a different man when the beat drops. His movements are gentle, but bold, taking his time to make sure you are having a good time. He’s not too grabby, but his hovering hands drape so softly over your waist and hips. The feather-like softness makes you shiver and long for a deeper, more intense touch. You swing your body forward to try and close the distance, but he never lets you get too close. His incessant teasing makes you want him even more.
I don't play no games so don't, don't, don't
Don't get it confused no
'Cause you will lose yeah
Now, no pu-pu-pu-pu-pump it up
And back it up like a Tonka truck
Rex knows he’s being a tease, but it’s all part of his plan to get you to go home with him tonight. He can’t give you everything you want or else why would you go home with him? He stares into your sparkling eyes, forcing you to blush, and look away in embarrassment. You just might be falling for him, but the night is still young and you have plenty of more men waiting to woo you before you make your final decision. Although, those eyes of his are hard to ignore and you find yourself leaning further and further into his teasing, hoping he’ll give you something more.
If you go hard you gotta get on the floor
If you're a party freak then step on the floor
If you're an animal then tear up the floor
Break a sweat on the floor
Yeah we work on the floor
As you enjoy your dance with Rex, you feel a rough hand tug at your arm and pull you back against a well-defined chest. It’s Jesse. The force and boldness as he steals you away from Rex makes your heart flutter into your throat. He growls at the captain from behind you to let him know it’s his turn and to back off. The vibration of his deep voice alone is enough to make you bring him home with you right now. He smirks at your flushed face and gives your ear a little nip to tease you with. His breath makes your hair stand on end and your insides hot and bothered. 
Don't stop, keep it movin'
Put your drinks up
Pick your body up and drop it on the floor
Let the rhythm change your world on the floor
You know we're running shit tonight on the floor
Brazil, Morocco, London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York, Vegas to Africa
Jesse is an aggressive dancer, but not in a ragefully or disrespectful way. He knows what he wants and he’s going to show you what he wants. His assertiveness makes your heart pound as he places his hands firmly on your hips as he grinds on you. The heat and friction between the two of you is unparalleled and leaves you wanting something more. You enjoy his roughness, but just as you start getting riled up, he hands you off to someone else. Your disappointment is audible as you separate, but he gives your butt a light smack to remember him by.
Dance the night away
Live your life and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody, drink a little more
Without seeing who your new dance partner is, you feel two large hands covering your eyes and a hot body swaying in time with yours from behind, softly brushing your backside in a teasing manner. The intrigue delights you and your breath quickens in anticipation of who it is. But deep down, you know there’s only one man who will do something so playful, yet so gentle. These hands must belong to Echo. He removes his hands from your eyes and  turns you around to face him, revealing that your hunch is correct. He gives you a smile that leaves you breathless.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Although Echo is a walking rule book in the field, that changes when you get him on the dance floor. There are no rules on the dance floor. There are no rules when you are in his arms. There are no rules when he wants something. He is nothing but respectful and enjoys giving you the reins to do what you want. He’s game for anything and follows your lead, adding in his own spicy ideas here and there that make your head spin. And the way he stays in tune with your body is divine. As if he’s reading your mind and knows which way you’re going to move next. 
I know you got it
Clap your hands on the floor
And keep on rockin'
Rock it up on the floor
Your dance with Echo has you entranced so deeply, you could stay like that with him all night and never leave. Alas, and to your displeasure, he ends your dance, leaving you with a small kiss on the temple. He gives you a little push towards your next dance partner and winks at you. You blush and stumble slightly towards the next man, Tup. To be honest, he looks a little scared. It’s very possible that Tup has never danced with a woman before. You feel for the young clone and decide to give him the time of his life and give him a dance he soon won’t forget.
If you're a criminal, kill it on the floor
Steal it quick on the floor, on the floor
Don't stop, keep it movin'
Put your drinks up
You grab Tup’s hand and pull him further onto the dancefloor. He’s unsure of where to put his hands, so you guide them to rest on your hips. The look on his face as he touches you makes you smile. He could melt in ecstasy standing just like this. You give him a playful nibble on his neck to entice him and you feel the heat begin to radiate from his body. He thinks he’s losing his mind as stars fill his vision. He’s still unsure of himself, but he knows he wants to take you home tonight. Something about the way you feel, so soft and warm, it makes him shudder.
It's getting ill
It's getting sick on the floor
We never quit, we never rest on the floor
If I ain't wrong we'd probably die on the floor
Brazil, Morocco, London to Ibiza
Straight to LA, New York, Vegas to Africa
You continue to show Tup all of the best moves to seduce a woman and he’s learning quickly. You finally get into a good rhythm, when you’re ripped away from Tup’s arms and pulled back into another set of arms. The disappointment on Tup’s face makes you sad, but you know it’s time for a new partner. The gruff hands that tore you away from Tup belong to none other than Kix. He twirls you around and gives you a sultry smirk. The fire and passion in his eyes make your insides quake and quiver expectantly. You already know this dance is going to be hot.
Dance the night away
Live your life and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody, drink a little more
The way you describe Kix’s style is somewhere between Rex and Jesse. It’s both aggressive, yet sensual, almost worshiping your body as you move under his touch. His hands glide up and down your body, caressing every curve and nuance along the way. He enjoys feeling you tremble under his expert fingers and knows exactly where to touch you and how much pressure to apply. For extra measure, he gives your neck a possessive bite and squeezes your butt to make you squeal. He smirks and whispers something in your ear that makes you gasp.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Kix has you fully under his control and you never want him to stop touching you. The way he grips you, his dirty mouth speaking in your ear, it has you under a spell. Just as you’re getting heated, he lets you out of his tight grasp and releases you to the next man in line. He does a quick check to make sure his bite mark is still visible on your neck and lets you go. Still in a daze from your short dance with Kix, you accidentally bump into your next partner, Hardcase. To be honest, at this point, you could use a drink, but the song is almost over so you keep going.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
You brace yourself for this dance. Hardcase is a wild man even when he isn’t on the dance floor, but when you let him let loose, all bets are off. All he wants to do is have fun, and if you’re not having fun, he’s not having fun. He doesn’t care if you take him home tonight or not, because he believes in living in the moment, which right now, means dancing with you for as long as he can get. He twirls you around until you’re dizzy and giggling. You forgot how much fun dancing can be and are loving every second of Hardcase swinging you around the dancefloor.
That badonka donk
Is like a trunk full of bass on an old school Chevy
Seven tray donkey donk
All I need is some vodka, some chonky konk
And watch and she gon' get Donkey Kong
Baby if you're ready for things to get heavy
Hardcase also has a mellow side to him that not a lot of people get to see. When he’s had his fun, he wants to be frisky as much as the next guy. He swings your hands up to his shoulders and grabs your waist, swaying  back and forth to the beat of the music with exaggerated movements. Just because he lives in the moment, doesn’t mean he wants to be left out of the running. On the contrary, he’s competitive and wants to win. He gives you another fast twirl as your dress splays out and you spin right into Dogma’s arms as he catches you from falling.
I get on the floor and act a fool if you let me dale
Don't believe me just bet me
My name ain't Keith but I see why you sweat me
L.A., Miami, New York
Say no more get on the floor
You wonder if Dogma will be similar to Tup, since they’re batchmates and inexperienced. He does hesitate for a moment, but you can see something in his eyes that Tup didn’t have. Perhaps it’s lust or he’s craving your touch. Either way, he grabs you and pulls you into his arms and begins dancing. You're a little shocked at his boldness and the way he handles you. You’re not sure where he learned these moves from, but you’re not complaining. His movements aren’t methodical, but the unpredictability of what will happen next is enough for you to want more.
Dance the night away
Live your life and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody, drink a little more
Your dance with Dogma is fun, flirtatious, and playful, bringing you back to your teenage years of wanton abandon and insatiable appetite. As you enjoy yourself and sway your body to the beat of the music, two strong hands pick you up off the floor and sling you across a broad shoulder. You blush and quickly place your hands over your dress to keep the whole bar from seeing your panties. The steady hands place you back down on the floor and your flustered face is greeted by Fives’ mischievous smirk. You try to compose yourself, but he doesn’t give you a chance.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Fives grabs your waist and pulls you close to his body, your hot centers brushing against each other as he teases you. Fives, a mix of Echo’s playfulness, Jesse’s aggressiveness, and Kix’s sensuality, has no filter when it comes to dancing. He will take what he wants and make you feel every bit of his desire until you're begging for more. He runs his hands across your hips and your backside, making your body shudder. He turns you around and kisses the back of your neck as he sways with you and firmly presses himself against your butt, making you gasp. 
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
You continue your fervent dance with Fives until the music comes to an end. When the beat finally stops, he gives your shoulder a small nibble and lets you go. You wobble forward and attempt to make your way back to the bar. You’re not sure what just happened, but it was the best five minutes of your life. You sit down on the stool you started at and Rex is still sitting on the one next to yours. You order the same drink you had earlier and chug it with reckless abandon. If it’s one thing, the 501st boys definitely made you thirsty.
“So,” Rex begins as he swivels his stool around to look at his men standing around the bar in anticipation. “Which one of us gets to go home with you tonight?”
Still reeling from all of the fabulous and hot dances, you look up from your drink at all the men pining for you and wonder how you’re going to be able to choose just one. 
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Tag List: @nahoney22 @kixs-husband @commander-sunshine @sunshinesdaydream
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adragonsfriend · 25 days
Reading Darth Plagueis,
by James Luceno.
Ok I finished this book. It was a wild ride, here are some highlights, (anything in quotes, " ", is in fact, a direct quote). Spoilers, I guess.
“At some point, probably when he was focused on murder, a rock or other projectile had pulped a large area of his lower back.”--Plagueis
Yeah man that always happens to me too when I’m focused on murder
Me thinking, *Plagueis is way too normal for a sith,* about five seconds before the narration goes *Plagueis was hungry. he thought about eating the eggs of some sentient lizards and also the sentient lizards themselves, but restrained himself*
Plagueis, a banker: nOt all mUNns R bAnkErS u kNoW
A pirate who wants a bribe: be better for you if you were some financial wizard
Plagueis, a literal wizard:
Captain La (the random pirate): how do u know my name
Plagueis: *truthing* I sliced you ship’s systems,
Plagueis: *lying* it’s not like I’m a telepath or something
*at the evil rich people party*
"Republic senators, at least those that weren’t present, would be subjected to ridicule—"
I love how the narration says "subjected" like Bail Organa would give fuck about some assholes making fun of him
Plagueis in a business meeting as hego damask:
Repeats himself multiple times conducting experiments in trying to force suggest to a resistant species
His assistant: bro what r u doing ur making us look bad
omg young Palpatine is so Anakin coded. Genuinely he throws tantrums it’s perfect
Tag this accidental baby acquisition some random dathomiri lady just handed maul over like a sac of potatoes
Sidious, about to gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep, mansplain, manipulate, and threaten to manslaughter Nute Gunray within an inch of his life all in the span of a 2 minute zoom call: *wearing his Sith cloak on their holocall* what is up my guy? did u get the rare collectible bird I sent u anonymously a while back?
Nute Gunray: uhh…yes…um… its very nice…who are you and why r u hiding in that hood bro?
Sidious: it's the traditional clothing of my Order
Gunray: ur a cleric?
Sidious: "Do I seem like a holy man to you?"
Me: the only holes I see here are in your logic, morals, ability to feel compassion, and *waves hand all encompassingly* vibes
Dooku: if one more Jedi dies because of the indolence of the republic, I’ll leave the Jedi and refuse to look back
Palpatine: *listening attentively*
Plagueis & Maul: (separately) gloat about being Sith Lords to people they’re about to kill
Sidious: these idiots cannot keep a secret to save their lives—
Plagueis ACTUALLY believes Sidious is about to appoint him co-chancellor. what an idiot.
Padme shocking both Sith at every turn during the Naboo crisis is sending me
Oooh Sidious' murder rant is incredible. He's like Plagueis you manipulated and abused me, now i'm gonna kill you so I can go do that to other people without you hanging over my shoulder. It's like the evil but still cathartic version of Zuko's speech to Firelord Ozai.
Dooku: That zabrak guy was definitely a Sith. There has to be another one, probably the master
Sidious, standing right next to him in a shadowy warehouse wearing a black cloak: “how would one even begin to know where to look for this other Sith?”
“For an instant, Palpatine perceived a touch of his younger self in Skywalker”
This book needs to stop. Maybe consider pulling its punches sometime. The only mark of disapproval I have here is that this is portraying Obi-Wan as an asshole for the five seconds he’s present
Bad news, the book did indeed stop. I have been gravely injured, but also greatly amused. The experience of reading this book is just constant vacillation between *wow so Sith Lord, so scary, so evil* and *Plagueis, my guy, that is the dumbest ideology I’ve ever heard. maybe if you took a nap (for the first time in 20 years) you’d finally say something that made sense*
I will also confess that I was taking detailed notes about Plagueis for an AU idea I have that I will not be starting for at least another year because I am married to BHOT and I refuse to be like the rest of you sorry fucks with 17 wips (ignoring that fanfic is in fact the only genre of writing I do not have at least 17 wips in)
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thecoffeelorian · 8 days
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Hello again, everyone...and welcome back to another Fandom Friday.
The purpose of these entries, if you have not yet heard it, is to bring more visibility to art and stories that might otherwise go unnoticed on the Tumblr timeline, as well as to help the creators of such fanworks achieve more followers in the process.
As of the first day of this month, it is also officially MERMAY, so until June rolls around, you just might be seeing a lot more ocean-themed creations around here, with my dashboard being no exception.
And so, on that particular note, here are my picks of the week!
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Star Wars Fanart--By @thepatchycat :
Star Wars Fanart--By @s-pirth-lemonade:
The Prequels Fanart--By @friskynotebook:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @mandalorianbrainweasel:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @0vvl404:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @reader6898:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @the-bi-space-ace:
Jedi: Fallen Order Fanart--By @ziemniorrysuje:
The Ascendancy Fanart--By @gia-batmm-crickle22:
The Sequels Fanart--By @daalphawolfe13:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists and writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists and writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good morning, and good luck.
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No-Pressure Tag List: @gun-roswell @callsign-denmark @theosb0rnway @melymigo @saphiranishimurashan
@ilovemedia @brownielocks69 @here-comes-the-moose @skellymom @lilithastar
@ankossss @sharpasanaro @serinzatravel-blog @yeehawgeek @ray-rook
@algo-o-nada @rott1ngbra1n @smw-on-kamino @cinnamonsugar-pretzel @snap-my-kneecaps
@vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @maxims-multifandom-corner and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom.
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Worth the Risk: Chapter I - Before
Chapter Summary: You've known Anakin ever since you were a youngling. It was hard to see one of you without the other. It's different when the Clone Wars start. But then, you're finally paired together for a mission and you're almost always together again. However, an argument after you almost die, may ruin your relationship. Or maybe it will do something completely else?
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Reader
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Reader, Shaak Ti (only mentioned), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ahsoka Tano, Rex, Jesse, Sketcher, Bunker, R2-D2
Word Count: 4338
A/N: This was supposed to be a one-shot. Once again, I'm proving myself I can't write those. Oh well. Anyway, I've got into "Star Wars" a few months ago and this is the result. I haven't watched everything yet, but I couldn't stop myself. I hope you will enjoy this. Happy reading! P.S.: The gif is not mine! Same as the Star Wars franchise. Nor you, for that matter. Oh, and I didn't know if the people on the tag list wanted to be only in my fanfictions about Aleksander Kirigan or in all my works. So, I address you guys now: if you're not into the Star Wars or this pairing, let me know in the comments and I will remove you from the tag list and won't tag you in the next chapter.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
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Anakin Skywalker has been your best friend since you were little. When he arrived to the Jedi Temple, the rumors about him being the Chosen One quickly spread. Other younglings were a bit afraid of him or treated him as someone amazing already. You were having none of that. During your first training together, you beat him up. He may be the one to save you all, but you were here longer. He was not going to get any special treatment from you.
However, after the training was finished, you hurried to him and took him on a tour of the Jedi Temple. You didn't want to treat him like he was better than you, but you didn't want him to be your enemy either. He was a kid, like you. And you could tell he appreciated that.
Ever since that, you spent every free moment together. Everyone knew that wherever you two showed up, chaos followed. He was advancing quicker in the Order, but you were an apt student and were close behind. After the Initiate Trails you were honored to be chosen by Master Shaak Ti. She's a good mentor and you really valued everything she had to teach you.
Then, the Clone Wars started. Your Master was asked to oversee the Clone production and training. You accompanied her and also took part in some battles, sent as a Commander. Soon after, you took your Jedi Trials and the Council granted you the title of the Jedi Knight. It was time to leave your Master and become a General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Of course, Anakin has been one already for some time, having passed his trials before you.
Because of the war, you and Skywalker have been spending less time together. But wherever you two manage to meet, you always try to take the most of it. But for some reason, the Council have never asked you to go to the battle together. Until now.
Anakin is walking through the Jedi Temple with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda. They're discussing the new mission Skywalker has been given. He needs to free another planet from the Separatists.
'Don't worry, Master Yoda,' he says, as they exit the Temple. 'Obi-Wan and I will not fail you.'
'Go with you, Obi Wan cannot,' Yoda says, surprising them both. 'A different task, he has. Send someone else with you, we will.'
'Who?' Anakin asks, frowning. At the same moment they notice Master Mace Windu approaching with you. He's saying something to you and you nod, absolutely concentrated. Until your eyes fall on your best friend. Then, you grin. He does the same. But Obi-Wan's face falls.
'Master Yoda, are you sure about this?' he asks. 'The two of them together…'
'What is needed to save this planet, exactly is,' Yoda finishes.
'We'll be fine, Obi-Wan,' Anakin says, already heading your way. Kenobi sighs.
'This is gonna end badly,' he murmurs. 'Or at least in an explosion.'
You and Anakin meet halfway. At once you start talking strategy amatively. Windu passes you and joins other Masters, eyeing you skeptically.
'Are we sure about this?' he asks. 'There is a reason why we haven't paired them up together for a mission. They tend to be… destructive together.'
'To put it lightly,' Obi-Wan adds. But Yoda smiles.
'Trust them, we must,' he says. 'Powerful together, they are. Win the battle, they will.'
And so, an hour later you're at the docks, getting ready to board the Resolute, Anakin's Venator-class Star Destroyer. Anakin's Clone Legion, 501st, is to join you, same as yours, 98th. They greet each other and chat, waiting for you and Anakin to declare you're ready to fly. Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's padawan, stands a bit to the side, talking with Captain Rex, one of the clones.
'Ahsoka, do me a favor and keep an eye on these two,' Obi-Wan says, glancing at you and Anakin.
'Why?' Tano asks, puzzled.
'Wherever they go together, chaos follows,' Kenobi explains and pats Rex on the shoulder. 'Good luck to you all.'
'Thank you, sir,' the Clone says, already fearing his future.
'All set?' Anakin asks, joining the group.
'We were waiting just for you,' Ahsoka answers and smiles at you, as you approach them. 'And [Y/N]. Hi!'
'Hey,' you say, grinning at the young padawan. 'Shall we?'
'Let's destroy some droids,' Skywalker says, smirking at you. You smirk back and board the ship with him.
'May the force be with you,' Obi-Wan calls after you. You and Anakin turn and salute him.
'And with you!' you say at the same time and head inside. Kenobi sighs.
'Please, be careful,' he asks.
'I'll keep an eye on them, sir,' Rex promises.
'Thank you,' Obi-Wan says. Ahsoka smiles at him and boards the ship with others. She can't wait to see you and Anakin in action together.
When Obi-Wan returns from his mission, you and Anakin are still away. The task is going well, but he hears there are some complications. Still, you return not long after him. The Clones from your legions are the first to get out of the Resolute. They all look weary.
'How did it go?' Kenobi, who is there to greet you, asks. The Clones look at him. Rex walks forward and brings his hands together.
'Please, sir, please, never put the two of them on a mission together again,' he begs. Obi-Wan raises his eyebrows.
'That bad?' he asks.
'They were crazy,' Jesse, a Clone from 501 says with wide eyes.
'That bad?' Obi-Wan sighs.
'It was quite fun, actually,' Ahsoka says, joining them with a small smile, also looking tired. 'But… they are something else together.'
'They're chaos, that's what they are,' Jesse mumbles. Just then you and Anakin show up. You're having a bacta patch on your forehead.
'And what happened to you?' Kenobi asks.
'Skywalker,' you answer, but don't sound angry.
'Yeah, well, it worked, so I'm not sorry,' Anakin says. You roll your eyes.
'But we're not doing it again,' you say.
'How about next time you can throw me into a swarm of droids?' Skywalker suggests. Your eyes light up. Obi-Wan's go wide.
'You did what?!' he demands from his former padawan.
'She had two lightsabers!' Anakin defends himself. You grin and decide to quickly evacuate yourself, not wanting to be berated by Kenobi as well. Ahsoka and Clones take that as their cue as well.
While you retreat, Skywalker glares at you, feeling betrayed. You wink at him and walk away gracefully. Until you hit a droid and trip over him. You can hear Anakin's laughter very clearly.
'Damn you, Skywalker,' you murmur and stand up. You stick out your tongue to Anakin and walk away.
'How can one change their personality so quickly?' Jesse asks Rex. 'On the battlefield they both have been professional, focused and very scary. And now they are…'
'Young people having fun,' Rex finishes with a small, sad smile. They observe you walking away in silence, pondering about the cruelty of the war.
A few days later the Clones from 501st and 98th legions get bad news. The Senate and Jedi Council were so impressed and satisfied with how the mission went, they want to pair you, Anakin and your legions for more missions. All Clones groan in unison at the news. Some actually cry.
However, with time it changes. Yes, you and Anakin can still be crazy, not only on the battlefield. But 501st notices that you tend to have a calming influence on Skywalker. And 98th notice that you seem to thaw around Anakin. They're used to see you calm, collected and serious. Sometimes even a bit too much.
501st Legion takes a quick liking to you, not only because you calm down their general's temper. You are fun, compassionate, kind and you are a very warm person. Sometimes, Anakin even thinks they like you more than him. He is probably very right.
98th Legion is fast to warm up to Skywalker, too. They admire his skills, intelligence and strategies. They also love his fun side and to joke around with him. And annoy you with it.
Both Legions have a chance to see more than anyone, maybe with an exception of Ahsoka, the chemistry between you and Anakin. While others see it as some sort of connection, good sync in the Force, they see it's something… more. And they're determined to see what exactly it is. The opportunity for that comes with one of the missions.
The Clones stand awkwardly outside the medic bay. They look at each other. No one dares to speak. They wince, hearing something clattering inside.
'So… they expect a report,' Sketcher, one of the Clones from 98th, says.
'Do you want to go in and tell them that?' Bunker, his companion, asks. Sketcher gives him a horrified look.
'None of us does,' Jesse murmurs. Just then Ahsoka, who had to take a shower because she was completely covered in slime, shows up. Everyone looks at her with hope.
'Commander, the Jedi Council expects a report,' Rex quickly says. Tano raises her eyebrows.
'Shouldn't Master Skywalker and Master [L/N] do it?' she asks. All Clones look at the door to the med bay. As on cue, Anakin's and then your voices can be heard:
You could have died!
But I didn't!
'I see your point,' Ahsoka sighs. 'I'll get right to it.'
She turns to go and contact the Council. The Clones hurry after her, no longer feeling guilty for not stepping in. Only Rex and Sketcher stay behind, ready to assist you and help if necessary.
Inside the med bay, you and Anakin are glaring at each other. You're covered in bacta patches. But you don't see why your friend is making such a fuss. You're fine. Nothing serious has happened to you.
'But you could have,' Skywalker says. You roll your eyes.
'What's your deal?' you ask, putting a hand on your hip. 'Usually, you don't hesitate to do things like that. You do even more dangerous stunts.'
'You're supposed to be more responsible one,' Anakin argues. 'Besides… you're not me.'
'I know, but what's that supposed to mean?' you ask, narrowing your eyes. Skywalker clenches and unclenches his fist.
'It's less risky when I don things like that,' he says after a tense moment. 'Dangerous things.'
'And why is that?' you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
'Because I'm a better Jedi,' he blurts out. 'I've always progressed faster than you.'
He regrets his words the moment they leave his mouth. You look as if he's slapped you. For a long moment you stare at each other. Finally, you huff.
'You can be a really unsensitive jerk, Skywalker,' you snap and march out of the med bay.
'[Y/N], wait, I didn't-!' Anakin starts, panicked. But you push past Rex and Sketcher, and hurry away. The Clones stare after you, then look at Skywalker judgingly.
'What?' he asks. Rex sighs and Sketcher shakes his head.
'What?' Skywalker repeats, annoyed, crossing his arms. 'Come on, spit it out.'
The Clones exchange a look. Sketcher waves his hand and walks away. Anakin and Rex stare at each other. Skywalker raises his eyebrow, waiting. The Clone sighs again.
'You should have just told her you were worried, sir,' he says and the Jedi quickly opens his mouth to protest. 'You and me know she's just as good as you. You're angry with her, because you were scared. You know that, I know that, but she doesn't. So, give her time to cool down and talk about it. But calmly now. And explain your reasoning. And apologize.'
'Are you giving me orders, Rex?' Anakin asks, a bit amused.
'Just a suggestion, sir,' the Clone answers, salutes and walks away. Skywalker sighs and runs a hand through his face. He knows Rex is right. But how to talk to you?
Nevertheless, he gathers his courage, and once you're getting close to Coruscant, he searches for you. He finds you in one of the storages, checking for supplies. The furrow of your eyebrows tells him you're still angry. But he has to clear the air now, before it's too late.
'[Y/N],' he says, walking inside. 'Can we talk?'
'Talk or yell at each other?' you ask after a beat.
'Talk,' Anakin answers, walking slowly to you, and scratches the back of his neck. 'I… I owe you an apology.'
You finally look at him, raising your eyebrows at him. You clearly haven't expected that.
'I am not a better Jedi than you,' he says. 'And I have no right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. I'm… I'm sorry.'
'I'm sorry, too,' you say after a pause, looking at him with sorrow. 'I… I shouldn't have stormed off like that. You… I… Truth is, I've always been a bit jealous of you being promoted quicker than me. Because I was in the Temple longer than you. Ever since I was a baby. I've tried to get over it, but I guess a part of me is still angry about it. But the truth is, the time spend on the training doesn't matter, but talent does. And you're a natural, Anakin. I just… I just wish you'd trust my skills as well. I may be not as good as you are, but I'm capable of doing risky things, as well.'
'I do trust your skills!' he hastily says, taking a step toward you. 'And you are as talented as I am. I just… I… You…'
'Yes?' you ask when he trails off. He gulps and looks into your eyes. His pulse speeds up. He can do it. He can.
'I was worried about you,' he confesses softly, surprising you. 'When I saw you jumping into that fire… for a moment my heart stopped. I thought… that you're not gonna come out of it. I feared I had lost you. When you emerged, I… I was so relieved. But then I became angry. For you to putting yourself in such risk and for making me so scared. I… lashed out at you and I'm sorry for it. But the thought of losing you is…'
You eye him warily, your heart beating fast. He looks at you like a kicked puppy. There's deep sadness in his eyes and… and something else you don't dare to name. Probably, if you reached out, you could read him. But you don't. And you beg him in your mind not to speak.
'It was unbearable,' he finishes softly anyway. You gulp. His eyes are begging you to say something. Your heart screams at you to answer him. But you can't.
'Well… I'm still here,' you say and smile nervously. 'Still in one piece. But I promise to be more careful. And as responsible as usual at least.'
You stare at him, expecting him to smile back. To finally get rid of this tension between you two. So everything could be back to normal. But he doesn't. He stares back at you, his eyes serious and… Oh, no. Determined.
'What if I do lose you one day?' he asks. You quickly put your guard up.
'You'll move on,' you answer, softly but sternly. He scoffs and looks at you with disbelief.
'Do you really think I can do that?' he asks. 'Could you move on if something happened to me?'
'Yes,' you answer with difficulty, forcing the tears back from your eyes.
'Seriously?' Anakin huffs, narrowing his eyes at you. You gulp, feeling a burning sensation in your throat.
'I'm not saying it would be easy,' you say. 'But I'd have to. That is the Jedi way. No attachments. Letting go of those we lost. Moving on.'
You give him a pointed look and walk past him. You press the button to open the door, but suddenly Skywalker grabs your wrist and presses the button again, closing the door. You stare at it, stunned. Your breath hitches when you feel his chest pressing into your back.
'What if we weren't Jedi?' he asks quietly, straight into your ear, causing you to shiver.
'Then… I'd mourn you,' you answer, also quietly. 'Openly. Letting everyone know how… hurt I am.'
'No, that's not the word you wanted to use,' he says, gently squeezing your wrist.
'Heartbroken,' you whisper. 'I'd be heartbroken.'
Anakin lets go of your wrist. But his hand moves to your waist, his other landing on its other side. He starts to turn you around. You panic and press the button to open the door. But it doesn't budge. You frown, confused. You can't wonder about it, however, because your eyes meet Skywalker's.
'Let me go,' you plead, for both your sakes. But he leans toward you, allowing his eyelids to drop a bit. You want to give in. Oh, you want it so much. But…
'What about Padmé?' you ask. He freezes. He looks at you with a frown.
'You've been going on about her ever since I met you,' you huff. 'And then you were reunited and… you always wanted to be on the missions that were connected to her and I always felt… how much she means to you.'
'She's just a friend,' he says, but you give him a skeptical look. 'Truly. Yes, I thought Padmé is… someone more for me. But then I met you and I realized… She was the first beautiful and kind girl I've ever met. What I felt for her was a childhood crush. Nothing more. I'm certain of it. Because what I feel for you is stronger than what I've felt for her.'
'Don't,' you say harshly, attempting to move away. 'Stop it here, Anakin.'
'No,' Skywalker says sternly, looking at you with passion. 'I've been hiding my feelings for too long. I almost lost you today and I can't… I can't continue without you knowing about them. Without knowing about yours…'
He reaches out and cups your cheek. He wipes out a stray tear you weren't even aware of. You open your mouth to protest more, but he quickly leans to you and your lips touch… and it's everything you've ever dreamt of and so much more.
You've been in love with your best friend for years. You've tried to deny and hide it. Because you are both Jedi and you also believed he has some feelings for Senator Padmé Amidala. But now he's kissing you. He's almost devouring your mouth and you just want more. You don't even realize when you put your hand behind his neck and pull him closer to you.
'[Y/N]…' he groans, deepening the kiss.
'Anakin…' you whisper and finally get enough clarity to push him away. 'We… we can't. The Jedi code…'
'Is wrong,' Skywalker says strongly and cups your face, looking at you pleadingly. 'It must be. Because how can this be wrong? Kissing you is the rightest thing I've ever done. I was made to love you, I'm sure of it. How can this be wrong?'
'Attachments lead to fear,' you say, forcing yourself to ignore what he said. 'Fear leads to hatred. Hatred leads to the Dark Side.'
'I'm certain that if I ever was tempted by the Dark Side, you'd beat that idea out of me.'
'Ha. Maybe. What if I turned to the Dark Side with you?'
'You couldn't. You're too strong for it. Too good.'
'I don't know. I've already broken so many rules for you.'
You look at him softly. His breath hitches. For the first time he can see past your walls. He can see the depth of your feelings for him. He opens his mouth to say something, but then voices destroy the moment:
What are you all doing here?
Uh… nothing! Everything is fine!
Yes, perfectly fine, General! No need to worry!
Alright… Where are Anakin and [Y/N]?
… They're in there, aren't they?
No, General, don't!
They need to clear some things out!
The door start opening and Anakin quickly lets you go, stepping away from you. Once it's open, you're met with Obi-Wan, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. Next to him is Ahsoka, looking at you with curiosity. Behind him are the Clones, looking at you sheepishly. You huff.
'Seriously, guys?' you ask, putting hands on your hips.
'We were just trying to make you up,' Sketcher says, grinning. You roll your eyes.
'Did we at least manage that?' Jesse asks hopefully.
'We're good,' you answer and look at Anakin. 'Right?'
Skywalker nods without a word, staring you in the eyes. You turn your gaze to Obi-Wan.
'You didn't have to come and get us,' you say.
'You've been docked here for minutes and no one was getting out,' he explains. 'I was beginning to get worried.'
'Seriously?' you ask, annoyed, glaring at the Clones. They grin at you. You huff and head toward your room. Kenobi shakes his head and follows you. Ahsoka looks at her master. He snaps out of his reverie and walks away, his padawan close behind him.
Not much later he's getting his things, when Rex shows up in his room. He closes the door behind himself. Anakin raises his eyebrows at him.
'What is it?' he asks. Captain straightens up.
'I just wanted you to know, sir, that none of us is going to tell anything about it to anyone,' he says seriously. Skywalker looks at him, confused.
'About what?' he asks.
'Exactly, sir,' Rex says and gives his supervisor a pointed look. 'We also erased all the recordings from the camera in the storage room.'
Anakin's eyes go white and his face goes pale. He opens his mouth to say something, but the Clone interrupts him by saluting.
'Sir,' he says and turns to leave.
'Uh, thank you, Rex,' Skywalker quickly says. Captain turns his head and smiles.
'To be honest, sir, we all have been waiting for that for a long time,' he says and has an audacity to wink, then chuckle at the dumbfounded look on Anakin's face, and walks out.
'Those Clones,' Skywalker huffs after a moment, running a hand through his hair. He quickly gathers his things and leaves.
He finds you in the docks, talking to R2-D2. He hurries to you. You frown at his flushed cheeks.
'What's wrong?' you ask and look at him alarmed. 'Does Obi-Wan know about…?'
'No, and unless one of us says something, he won't,' Anakin denies. 'Rex and others deleted the recordings from the camera in the storage room.'
'The… camera, oh sweet Maker,' you groan, hiding your red face in your hands.
'And they won't tell anyone either,' Skywalker adds and huffs. 'Apparently they ship us.'
You let out a nervous laugh. But you uncover your face. Anakin looks at you softly.
'I meant what I said,' he says. 'I-'
'Don't,' you interrupt him, looking around. 'Not here. Besides, I got the message.'
'What about your feelings?' Skywalker says and grabs your wrist. 'I won't let you go until I hear about them. Please. I need to know.'
You could tell him you don't feel the same. You'd break his heart but maybe it would allow you two to move on. But you know he'd recognize you're lying. Especially since you kissed him back…
'It has always been you, Anakin,' you decide to say softly and look him in the eyes. 'My heart has always belonged to you.'
'Can we… give us a chance, then?' he asks hopefully, moving his hand so he could hold yours.
'I'd like nothing more,' you admit, your heart literally hurting. 'But you know we can't.'
'If I ever try to turn to the Dark Side, you have my permission to beat me out of it,' he quickly says. You snort.
'What if you already turn to it?' you question.
'I know you'll never let that happen,' he answers, grinning. You scoff and roll your eyes. Anakin takes your other hand in his and looks at you pleadingly. In the corner of your eye, you see your Legions discreetly observing you with bated breaths.
'If the Council finds out, I'm the one taking the blame,' you say after a long moment. 'You're already a controversial figure in their eyes. While I am their favorite.'
'Works for me,' Skywalker says, starting to smile.
'And you also have to let me take risks sometimes,' you insist. 'Trust in my abilities.'
'I will,' Anakin promises hastily nodding. You sigh.
'I can't believe I'm agreeing to this,' you murmur. Skywalker smirks and squeezes your hands.
'I'm that good of a kisser, huh?' he teases.
'Oh, you are,' you confirm, loosing yourself in the memory of his lips on yours… You quickly shake yourself out of it and pull your hands away.
'We will have to be careful,' you say. 'I'd like to remain a Jedi at least until the war is over. And you're needed, oh the Chosen One.'
'We will,' Anakin assures you softly, leaning toward you. 'But can I kiss you again?'
'Someone can see,' you protest.
'There are only Clones and R2, they're not going to tell,' Skywalker says. 'I saw Ahsoka walking away somewhere with Obi-Wan. Please. So I would know you're serious and this is not a dream.'
'Fine, but only one,' you give in after a moment. Anakin quickly cups your face, before you change your mind, and joins your lips for a short, but passionate kiss. He leaves you breathless when he pulls away.
'Damn you, Skywalker, you'll be the death of me,' you say weakly. Anakin chuckles and lets you go.
'I'll come to your room later and take you out on a date,' he says, winks and walks away. You blink and turn after him.
'You'll what?!' you call, but he doesn't stop. 'What have I done?'
You sigh, troubled. You know this is wrong. You should resist the temptation. But you can no longer deny yourself what you've wanted for years. Anakin Skywalker.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could. Every comment makes my day!
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898226/chapters/136425739
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
Hey Mimi! It’s been so long, but I hope you’re doing well!
I wanted to pop on and congratulate you on the followers!
Your writing is absolutely amazing, and you deserve every one of these followers! I hope you can keep sharing your talent for years to come!
You are absolutely amazing!
~ Jinn <3🩵
Aww Jinn! Thank you my love, I hope things are going well for you. I know you didn't request it, but I wrote a quick little something for you.
I hope you like it.
Love oo.
Look at the Stars
Warning: Implied anxiety attack, panic, comfort, kisses, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
The view from Echo’s ship as you both travelled through hyperspace was one you’d seen plenty of times over, in fact it was one you’d seen on other ships too. The blue shimmer from the hyperspace lane, the hints of white as stars zoomed past, it was all beautiful. And sometimes a little too much.
How were you able to deal with everything the galaxy threw at your feet? How were you able to rescue all of Echo’s brothers? How were you going to save them from Hemlock’s experiments? You were just you, you didn’t have any amazing skills. You weren’t a jedi, you locked that part of yourself away when you left the order before Order 66 happened. It’s been years since you even tried to tap into the force. 
Not that you hadn’t tried, but … you were afraid. Afraid of what it would mean if you did accept it again. Afraid if you would put Echo in danger. Afraid of … everything.
“You okay? Caught you staring off into space again.”
Echo did his best not to push, you didn’t need that right now. He saw how you struggled, how sometimes when it all got too much you somewhat shut down. It wasn’t because you didn’t care, it was the opposite, you cared too much. He could see that as bright as the sun. Every time you looked into his eyes, everytime he held you as close as possible trying to become one with you, he saw and felt how much you cared. Not just about him, but about his brothers, about Omega, about everyone. 
He kneeled beside you running his fingers through your hair, “What is it?”
“I … I’m just tired” it was your go to response, when you wanted to talk but the words never came out.
He didn’t need to prod more, it was already too much for you, so he did the only thing he could, he picked you up, and placed you on his lap while he held you in his arms. Stroking your hair and back, making sure his scomp didn’t hurt too much while he held you with it.
“I know. But that’s okay, because I’m wide awake enough for the both of us.”
You buried your face in his neck, reminding yourself that you weren’t alone. He was there, he was always there. From the first time you met him after the Rishi moon incident, to the day you left the order when you thought he died, and even when he came back like he’d been resurrected from the dead. He was always there. Holding you, comforting you, his lips pressing gentle kisses to the top of your head as you reminded yourself, it wasn’t just you.
“I’m going to try again.”
“I’ll support any decision you make, whether that’s to connect to the force or leave it off completely, cyar’ika.”
“I know. But I need to do more. More for you and for your brothers.”
“All I need from you, is to love me. Anything else is extra.”
You wrapped your arms around him tighter, knowing he’d never demand more of you than you could give. He understood better than most how difficult sometimes just breathing was for you, and you loved him all the more so for that.
“But I want to try.”
“Then I’ll be here to help you, but in the meantime, just breathe … breathe. Look at the stars, kid.”
“I love you”
“I love you, too.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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animatedjen · 3 months
Hi! So I am relatively new to the Jedi games but became so quickly and deeply obsessed, and seeing another user send you a headcanon has inspired me to share one too, because I have no one I can talk about this stuff with IRL, haha. I guess a warning that it's kinda nsfw (like, VERY mildly), so it's TOTALLY okay if you don't want to post this.
Ever since finishing the game I've been thinking so much about Merrin and Cal and how their relationship will change now that they've admitted and embraced the fact that they have feelings for each other. Part of me for a while was thinking maybe Cal had his "first time" with someone he met through the Rebellion in the five-ish years between Fallen Order and Survivor, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it would be more in character for him to uphold the part of the Jedi code that forbids romantic attachments. Like, he was just so focused on fighting the Empire that even when a slight interest in a person did arise within him, he convinced himself that it was not only against the code, but a distraction from the fight. So, he pushed all those feelings away.
This leads me to my headcanon that Cal's first time is with Merrin after the events of Survivor. While I don't have lots of specifics in mind as to when or how it comes about, I imagine that when it does happen, it is the softest, slowest, sweetest first time in the history of first times. I like the idea of Cal, this person who dives headfirst into everything and (as Cameron once said himself) "kind of likes to fight," just being incredibly thoughtful and deliberate and maybe even nervous about allowing himself to be that vulnerable with another person. Like, all these powerful emotions and powerful physical feelings would be overcoming him, and the sheer magnitude of it all would cause him to slow down and ask Merrin to lead the way, and he'll follow, so that he knows he's not hurting her or taking things too fast.
And Merrin, who is always ribbing him and teasing him and having silly banter about who's stronger, who's faster, etc., abandons all of that during their first time and is just purely kind, patient, attentive, and present with him, taking pleasure in taking the lead and cherishing the trust that he's put in her. And when it's over, I like to think they just lay together talking quietly for who knows how long, with Cal holding Merrin tight against him and Merrin tracing her fingers along his skin, maybe along his tattoo or his scars, while they tell each other stories and pretend like they'll never have to get up and leave this wondrous place <3
My offline Star Wars community is pretty small, so it's nice to have people on here to share ideas with :) So glad you enjoy the Jedi games!!
There's a lot of narrative weight to Cal and Merrin: the Nightsister massacre being led by a lightsaber (Grievous), the manipulation from Malicos, the Jedi views of attachment and dark magick. They're both survivors of a war that destroyed their families, and they take turns helping each other heal and grow.
Almost every main character in FO/Survivor is a foil to Cal in some way - but unlike all these fallen Jedi, Merrin looks to the future and finds new purpose while still honoring her past. I think that's something Cal really admires in her.
I love the trust and steadiness that they have together regardless of romantic attraction. Admittedly I haven't read Battle Scars and didn't go into Survivor wanting a relationship for Cal, so I may not be the best person to share intimacy headcanons with?? But I'm supportive of the story Respawn wants to tell, and recognize the weight/importance of their connection when it comes to Jedi 3. These tags on my recent post are kind of where I'm at:
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Also Star Wars is very much lacking in the "healthy relationship that LASTS and no one DIES" department so if these two can break the trend, that'd be great 🙌
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dinluke-ao3feed · 1 month
We'll Always Have Ossus
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/55469839 by Maered Din pulls off the helmet as soon as the door closes. He walks over to the cabinet full of liquors he’s been gifted over the years, picks a random one and pours himself a glass. He tosses whatever it is back, as if it were moonshine from a backwater cantina, before sinking down into his chair. “Out of all the kriffing planets in all the kriffing systems in the whole Galaxy… he walks onto mine.” ** 20 years after Endor, Mandalore is thriving. The same cannot be said for the rest of the Galaxy. The First Order has captured every planet in the outer rim, save Mandalore, sending refugees it's way. It's leader finds himself on the perilous balancing act of neutrality, with a New Republic set on a strategy of appeasement. However, as Senator Organa arrives on a diplomatic mission at the same time as the First Order, the Mandal'or finds the tight-rope is even thinner than usual. Especially when Organa is not so secretly the Head of the Resistance- something that irks both the First Order and the New Republic. None of that matters to the Mandal'or though, seeing as Organa brings along a bodyguard. A man who the Mand’alor has not seen for a very long time… Words: 19734, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Vanis Tigo Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Casablanca Fusion, Angst, Mutual Pining, Reconciliation, Mand'alor Din Djarin, Jedi Luke Skywalker, Jedi Code (Star Wars), Bittersweet Ending, Discord: DinLuke Server, The Dinluke Server Made Me Do It, We’re going to ignore that i have already written the middle third, luke teaches din to use the darksabre, sparring as sexual tension, Luke Skywalker Has Daddy Issues, Switch Din Djarin, Switch Luke Skywalker, look far be it from me to change the ending of the greatest movie ever made I’m sorry, luke skywalker has attachment issues, The stardads server made me do it, GFFA AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett (TV) Season/Series 01, Canon through the end of tbof, Flashbacks
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eelfuneral · 10 months
I know I seem to be writing a lot about my issues with certain aspects of how the Jedi were written lately, but I will say that I do like them over all—especially when we look at individual Jedi characters. What has been prompting my flurry of dissection of the less than nice aspects of the Jedi as an organization has been seeing a number of really uncomfortable arguments in their favor. I’m going to elaborate on this, but I’m putting it below a cut and tagging it as “jedi critical” so you can avoid it if it’s not your thing. So here is a list of fandom Jedi takes that I don’t love:
1. The insistence that the Jedi having a repressive view of emotions is nothing more than a fanon myth. Star Wars canon isn’t terribly consistent: it has a number of different writers and George Lucas is famously indecisive about his beliefs regarding canon. As a result, you have a hodgepodge of differing portrayals of Jedi, but the one that people are most familiar with is the one from the sequel and prequel trilogies. While it can be argued that the Jedi are more about controlling how you react to your emotions and avoiding harming people, especially if you look beyond the films and at other canon material, the first six films don’t do a great job of portraying the Jedi in that way. When Yoda himself has multiple lines about how certain emotions (not reactions to them, but emotions by themselves) are of the Dark Side, can you really blame people for coming to this conclusion? The same goes for the idea that they don’t *really* forbid romantic love. When you have a whole subplot involving a prominent Jedi Knight having to hide a romantic relationship or face expulsion from the Order for having a romantic relationship in any capacity, then this argument doesn’t hold a lot of water. A rule stating that “romantic partner = automatic expulsion” does not line up with the idea that Jedi only ban possessive love.
2. Having any sympathy for Anakin Skywalker means you think that he’s never done anything wrong ever. I acknowledge that rabid Anakin stans who bash every other character to prop him up are very much a thing, but I don’t believe that we need to shut down every discussion of Anakin that doesn’t paint him as an ungrateful brat who needed to stop having so many damned emotions. Anakin was intentionally written as a sympathetic antihero and later a sympathetic villain. People picking up on the sadder elements of his life and the times where he maybe didn’t get everything he needed from the Jedi Order are sniffing out intentionally placed story nuggets that are designed to make his betrayal of everyone he loved in ROTS that much harder to watch. Also, acknowledging that the Order may not have been a great fit for Anakin isn’t the same as saying that it was somehow abusive or evil. No organization, real or fictional, can meet the needs of every single person. Anakin was certainly loved and cared about in the Jedi Order, but his personality and trauma arguably made him incompatible with their lifestyle.
3. The weird vitriol at the idea of Gray Jedi. Gray Jedi were very much a thing in the legends continuity and have been a fanon staple for literal decades. A lot of people aren’t fond of this concept, because they feel that it misrepresents how the force works, particularly in current canon. That’s perfectly fine, but acting like this type of Jedi was never, ever a part of canon is silly. Insisting that it’s a cardinal sin to depict a Gray Jedi in fanworks, which exist specifically to be a free-for-all that may not be canon compliant, is just mean. You didn’t have to like every fanwork or concept, but you cannot control what other people create for fun.
4. Outright denial that the clones are enslaved by the Republic. Clones are described as “property” and “equipment”. The Republic BUYS them. They do not have a choice but to go to war and don’t seem to be paid much, if at all. When a group of people are owned, bought, and sold, they are slaves by definition. I understand that the Jedi were dealt a bad hand and weren’t in a great position to do much about the situation, but I and a lot of other people would have loved to see more instances of Jedi advocating for clone citizenship and freedom. People noticing that the Jedi could have done more for the clones are not stating that they think the Jedi were 100% okay with the situation, and it is entirely possible to acknowledge the deep Jedi/clone friendships that we see in canon while acknowledging what the Republic was doing to the clones. Justifications of the clones’ enslavement mentioning that they liked being soldiers (they didn’t know anything different) or were treated well by the Jedi (Pong Krell existed, and they were still owned by the Republic) make me very uneasy. If your defense of your blorbos reads like Neo-Confederate chattel slavery apologia retrofitted to be about pretend space people, then maybe it’s time to do a little bit of self-reflection.
5. Ableism. When you throw takes like “if the Jedi philosophy regarding emotions is so hard for you, then you are a baby or a sociopath” into the tumblrsphere, they are always going to fall and hit people with disabilities that cause emotional regulation issues. The line between stating that people should not use emotions as an excuse to harm others and outright attacking people for having intense emotions in general is one that I have seen crossed, shat on, and lit on fire in defense of the Jedi.
6. Equating criticism of the Jedi to real-wold prejudice. Saying that criticizing the Jedi is the same as being antisemitic or homophobic is uncalled for. Queer and Jewish people exist in the real world, and pretend space wizards do not. Comparisons like this are insulting because they put real-world prejudice and fandom wank over space wizards on the same level. Do better.
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Hello! Happy follower celebration! I love reading your fics and I’m really excited about this event. Could I ask for Captain Rex x f!reader with blue daisy and white tulip? (Yeah, I couldn’t help putting Rex with the white and blue flowers) Angst with a happy ending if possible. Maybe something where after order 66, it took Rex took a long time to contact or see her again.
The Promise
Summary: After the Jedi purge, Rex travels the galaxy, looking to free his brothers from slavery, all the while, his heart remains on Coruscant, with you.
Pairing: Captain Rex x F!Reader
Word Count: 1452
Prompts: Blue Daisy - long term loyalty, White Tulip - Forgiveness
Warnings: Angsty, the reader is deeply depressed in the second half
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
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How long has it been since he’s seen her face? Since he’s heard her voice? Felt her touch?
Too long, Rex knows. Since well before the Order went out.
He closes his eyes and allows his head to thump back against the tree he’s resting against.
Stars, how long has it been since he’s even been to Coruscant. Weeks? Months?
The last time he was on Coruscant he went to her apartment. He stood in front of her door for about fifteen minutes, wanting, more than anything, to key in the door code and sweep her into his arms and kiss her until all of the bad of the galaxy was little more than a nightmare.
But he left.
He’s a damned coward.
That time, he stayed on Coruscant long enough to make sure that she was alright. That she was safe, and then he left and never looked back.
Only that’s not true, is it?
Because he thinks of her every night before he falls asleep, and she’s the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up in the morning, and there, hanging around his neck, is the small ring she bought him.
“Here! For you!” She grins at him as she presses the small box into his hands.
“I didn’t bring you anything,” Memory-Rex says even as he starts unwrapping the box.
“Silly! You’re here, aren’t you?” Her laugh is nearly contagious, and Rex is unable to stifle his amused grin at her joy. He opens the box and stares, startled, at the simple silver and blue ring sitting on a neat blue cloth, “A ring? And a cloth?”
“It’s a ribbon, the one I was wearing in my hair the first day we met,” She replies with a roll of her eyes, “And, well, this type of ring has a special significance in my culture.”
“Cyare, I don’t have enough hair to wear a hair ribbon,” Rex teases as he carefully drags the silken material through his fingers, “But I’d love to hear about the ring.”
She lifts her chin, and it might be a trick of the light, but he swears that she’s blushing, “It's a promise ring,” She says.
“And what are you promising me?” Rex asks, his voice dropping slightly.
And she smiles at him, warm and loving, “When the war is over, and if you’re still interested, I promise to marry you.”
Rex pulls himself out of his memories with a jolt. He can’t afford to lose his focus. Not here, not now. 
Not when he’s so close to finding and freeing Cody.
He rubs his thumb over the warm ring, his fingers finding and tracing the blue swirls on the ring with the ease of long familiarity.
He hopes that she’s safe. That no one is bothering her on Coruscant. That she’s still going out with her friends on the weekends.
He hopes she still loves him.
Though he wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t. 
It doesn’t matter either way, because Rex still loves her, and always will. And as soon as he finds Cody, he’s going to go back to Coruscant and beg her for her forgiveness. 
He closes his hand around the ring before he brings it to his lips, pressing a feather light kiss to the material, hoping that somehow, his feelings will reach her, even though she’s so far away, and then he puts the ring away, and he slides back into a battle ready state.
He’s so close. So very close.
Just one more brother. And then he can hand everything over to Cody.
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“Are you alright?” 
You jump as you look up at your supervisor, “I…sorry?”
“You just…you look like you’ve not been sleeping.” The older woman says gently, “And you’ve lost some weight.”
“Well, I probably needed to lose some weight,” You joke weakly, “And, yeah, I think I’m just coming down with something.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I just…I haven’t been sleeping well lately-”
“How about you take the rest of the day off? And maybe the rest of the week.” She says, “I’m worried about you.”
You sigh, “Yeah, alright.”
“Do you need a lift home? I can take some time to make sure you get home alright.”
“There’s no need. I took a taxi this morning.” You reassure, “Thank you, though.” You wait until she’s wandered off to go and check on someone else, before you slowly push to your feet and gather your stuff.
You must look really bad if you’re being sent home for the rest of the week.
You wish you could feel some way about it. But, honestly, you’ve felt mostly numb since the day the Purge happened. You don’t even have the energy to eat most days, and on days when you’re not working, you mostly just lay in bed and sleep.
Your friends are worried. So are your parents. 
Hell, you’re worried. At least, you’re about as worried as you can bring yourself to feel.
Your mom’s been coming by and meal prepping for you, so that  you can just throw food in the microwave, so maybe you start eating again. But you just have no desire to eat.
How can you want to exist when Rex is dead?
Slowly you drag yourself to the taxi stand, and order a speeder to take you home. And then you trudge up the three flights of stairs, and numbly key in the door code to your apartment.
The door slides open, and you step into your home, absently slapping the light switch to turn the hallway lights on and you drop your bag on the bench. And then you stare at the new items sitting neatly on the floor and on the shelf you bought well over a year ago.
A shelf unit you bought for Rex’s armor, and haven’t bothered to get rid of. 
The shelf is full of armor. Blue and white armor, with little hash marks that you once asked about.
But that’s…impossible. 
Rex died.
You hear heavy footsteps come to a stop at the end of the hallway, and you turn. Rex is standing at the end of the hallway. His hair is a little longer, and he has a few more scars than he did the last time you saw him, but it’s him.
It couldn’t be anyone else.
“Cyare,” His voice is like a jolt of electricity to your system, it’s been so, very, long. “I…owe you an apology.” Rex says as he takes a half step towards you, “Well…more than one, really.”
He has your ribbon wrapped around his wrist, and the ring you gave him hangs from a chain with his dog tags.
He’s saying something, but you can’t hear him. There’s a strange ringing in your ears, and the next thing you know, you’re on the ground and Rex’s arms are around you. 
“Y-you died-” You sob out, when did you start crying?
Rex’s face twists in guilt, and gently cups your face as he caresses your cheeks, “No. No, cyare. I didn’t. I should have contacted you, but I didn’t know if it was safe-” Carefully he helps you to your feet, and then he falters, “Cyare, you lost weight.”
You try to choke down a sob, “Haven’t felt like eating,”
“Oh, my cyare-” He whispers, and his lips are warm against your forehead, “I’m so, so sorry.”
You shake your head, “I’m sorry-”
“You’ve done nothing wrong,” He brings you into the living room and settles you on the couch, before he pulls away to look at you, and then he sighs softly and gently cups your cheek, “Will you eat if I make you something?”
You curl your hands around his wrists, “Don’t leave me. Please.” You whisper.
“Never again.” Rex swears, “I’m never leaving you again, cyare. I promise.” 
You look up at him with tear filled eyes.
Rex crouches in front of you and he gently cups your face, “Can you ever forgive me for leaving you, cyare?”
You sniffle and nod once, “Was never angry,” You whisper, “Just sad. So sad.”
He raises up slightly and uses a gentle hand to tilt your head back so he can rain feather light kisses all over your face, “I love you.” Rex whispers between every kiss, “So much. I’m not leaving you again.”
“Never ever.” Rex promises, “So please,” he lightly caresses your cheek, “Smile for me, angel?”
You blink at him, and then, slowly, a small smile lifts your lips. “I love you.” You whisper up to him.
And Rex just smiles at you as he presses his forehead against yours. “Don’t worry, cyare. I’m going to take care of you. I promise.”
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grievedeeply · 1 year
Finally someone with Jedi survivor requests open!! 🖤
Would you be open to doing some Cal Kestis NSFW head cannons? Everyone writes him as a bit of a sub after Fallen Order but Survivor Cal gives me more dom vibes. Like, he is more cocky and sure of himself. I feel like that translates to the bedroom
Interested to see your thoughts! ❤️
this is my first request for cal on this blog and i haven't written for him in like 2 years so i hope this is good 😓 thank you for the request!! no jedi survivor spoilers btw <3 this is just pure smut lol
afab!reader (no pronouns used) | MINORS DNI!! | join my taglist!!
tags: switch!cal, switch!reader, orgasm denial, cockwarming, piv, oral (reader & cal receiving), praise kink, rough sex, inappropriate use of the force, public sex/risky sex, mutual masturbation
cal kestis nsfw headcanons
i don't think he's the most experienced at the beginning of your relationship but i do think he's an incredibly fast learner as well as a good listener
he can read your body well, as well as your expressions and even your breathing. he can just tell when something feels good
cal is versatile. incredibly so, actually. he caters to your needs most of the time and hardly ever focuses on his own. he wants to see and hear your pleasure before he ever gets to his own
he's soooo sweet and so giving during sex. it's always an intimate act and a display of love in his eyes even if it's a quickie (which he doesn't particularly enjoy, only because he can't spend hours getting his hands on you)
really big on foreplay and teasing when he's feeling more dominant. i can see him into orgasm denial and reveling in the look in your eyes when you're so close to your orgasm.. it drives him up the wall and makes him so hard
praises you for doing so well for him. anything that comes into his mind he'll say. his voice as soft as ever, whispering into your ear. he'll praise your moans, how well you're taking him— it doesn't matter— he'll find a way
the feeling of his cock slipping into you is such a magnificent one, a feeling cal doesn't ever think he'll get tired of. he'll whimper and moan into your neck whenever he bottoms out, his hands gripping at the bedsheets or your chest
depending on his mood, he can be super rough or really gentle. whenever he's had a particularly bad or rough day he just wants to fuck the shit out of you. the door opens and his lips are immediately attached to you, asking you if you're okay with sex before he takes off your clothes
even if he's feeling more dominant, he can be so gentle, too. if he sees you're feeling down and need him to take care of you, he'll jump into action. his fingers rubbing at your clit, driving you crazy even through all of the layers of clothing you wore
definitely the type of guy to prepare you a bath afterwards, too. he knows how important aftercare is no matter how gentle he might've been with you. it's just as intimate as the sex if not more so
he can be really vocal.. especially if you're giving him head. he just loooves thrusting into your mouth watching as you gag on his cock..... keeps eye contact the entire time and tugs on your hair to get you to look back at him if you turn away for too long
sometimes he gets sooo into it that tears will form in your eyes. he can't bring himself to slow down, though. your tongue hits all of the most sensitive spots, his head thrown back as he releases into your mouth
apologizes after it all calms down. asks if he's being too rough, and tells you to tap on his thighs if he's ever going too hard on you or if it's too much
he's sooo kind in every situation and that moves over into the bedroom as well
BUT! he's also really good at eating you out. his tongue is so masterful, and that isn't an understatement. i mentioned before at how he's really good at reading you, and this especially comes into play in these moments
he'll listen for the hitches in your breath, feel your hands pulling at his hair with each movement of his mouth against your clit and he knows how to drive you to orgasm just by observation alone
i don't think cal would think of using the force in this way before you came along. the thought comes to him at a completely random moment, too— but he'll suggest it to you and you're almost a little shocked
but when you try it out.. it's incredible. he doesn't have to hold your hands down above your head as he thrusts into you, instead, his hands far away from you, held behind his back. you can feel the force moving across your body, your chest, your stomach, your face— and you wonder if he can feel it based off of the look on his face
submissive cal is still pretty common. he enjoys being taken care of especially on his off days. it feels good to know you're more than willing to take on a more dominant role in the relationship too, and he LOVES it
he sees the look in your eyes. hungry, desperate. it makes him yearn for you in a way he hasn't before, seeing you like this. especially if this is your first time being dominant? ooooh it makes him so hard to see you with this mindset
he cannot insult or degrade you. he doesn't find it attractive and it'll make him feel so bad if he ever says something in that sense to you, even if you're into it. he'll try mostly anything else, though
cockwarming. he loves it. it makes him feel close to you. it doesn't matter if you've even had sex or not beforehand, but it's something he really enjoys to do. he loves feeling you around him.. your walls clenching with every move he makes
public sex. the only thing keeping everyone else from knowing his cock is buried into your cunt is the outfit you're wearing. he looooves the riskiness of it all even if he knows he shouldn't
.. sex on the mantis while greez, cere and merrin are in the other room. he's pounding into you from behind, his hand covering your mouth while the other fingers your clit, "come on, be quiet for me, okay? you're doing so good for me, sweetheart.."
you come stumbling out of the back, your face flushed and hair completely messed up. everyone knows what happened, and cal takes a strange sense of pride in it.. but he won't deny the red on his cheeks
mutual masturbation is sooo hot to him, especially if he walks in on accident while you're touching yourself— cockily asks you if you want his help
he'll watch you so intently, too.. until he gets too hard he can't stand it. he'll palm himself through his pants until he has to pull his cock out, rubbing his hand up and down his length as he watches you. the look in your eyes as you watch him, too..
when you're not around he could get too desperate and fuck a pillow and imagine it's you if he has to. it sounds so pathetic to him at first but he can only jerk himself off so many times and have it be satisfactory
the reunion sex, though? it's practically magic. nothing will everrr feel as good as you do
the sound of his balls slapping against your ass with each of his quick thrusts is sooo sexy to him, especially when it's accompanied by your lewd moans of his name
he seems really vanilla at first glance but he's willing to do anything to make you feel good no matter how out of left field it might be. he only has a few big no's and that's it
if you ever say his dick is big or it's too much to fit he will actually cum on the spot. the idea is so hot to him— especially how you say it. so desperate and needy, it drives him mad
cal.. he's so kind. so caring and so generous with his love, but while you're having sex it's never just sex to him. it's a way of displaying his love for you. that's how he thinks of all of your intimate moments. he never has sex just to have it
once again. aftercare!!! so important for him and it helps him unwind from it all. but don't be surprised if he wants to go at it again after everything you've already done
cal knows he is sexy. that's all
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