#i put more effort into these rambles than my school essays
im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
If it is alright if i ask, but what is Eenek's (they are the Galran kid right) relationship with the funky guys like?
oh i havent really had a chance to talk about Eenek yet!
their relationship w/ the clones is complicated - these people kept them safe and took care of them for years, and eenek slowly grew to see them as family - but the road to get there was long and winding.
at the beggining they were definetly distrustful and agressive, but also these weirdos were literally the only other people on this shithole of a planet, so they didnt really have a choice but to stick with them. (they tried very hard to look intimidating and serious but theyre literally the galran equivalent of 13. and also very small for a galran, so really they just ended up looking like an scared angry cat)
they are propably the closest with the other kids - Pal, Taks and Taka. technically pal is the oldest, but hes not a very responsible older brother(hes trying tho!!). neither is eenek but beggars cant be choosers, so they ended up as the oldest sibling.
beacuse of the language barrier pal was the only person they could have a real conversation with for years, and after a rocky start they became really great friends! they try to be responsible older siblings(with varying degrees of sucess), take turns rambling about random stuff and help each other process the trauma of growing up surrounded by people telling them to sacrafice themselves for the greater good :)
dont leave eenek and taks alone for too long or theyll wreck your shit and steal all your valuables. even though they couldnt freely communicate w/ each other for a big chunk of their relationship, they still manage to wreck havoc<3 seperately theyre smart young people but toghether they come up with the dumbest most recless ideas and execute them flawlessly. when taks saw eenek for the first time she decided shes going to befriend that cool purple alien no matter what and eenek could do nothing about it.
taka is The Baby TM and to be protected by all costs.
to say tashi was freaked out when he first saw eenek is a huge understatement - what the fuck?? is this??? an alien????? he barely knew how to aproach scared human kids, so a very scared, very confused purple alien teenager was not ideal. he did his best(as always) - made sure to give them space and patiently waited for them to get more comfortable. in the beginning eenek thought tashi was the worst choice for a leader, but he proved them wrong many times. they actually grew to respect him quite a lot beacuse of how he manages to keep everyone(mostly) under control not by force or threats, but rather by finding compromises and admitting when hes wrong. also hes funny and taught them how to sew!
at first eenek tried to avoid soup - shes imposing and can look threatning - but she would never hurt them. since theyre stuck on a wild planet they have to hunt for food, and soup is the main hunter of their little family. eenek helps her a lot, setting up traps and scaring the animals in her direction(they are a bit queasy though so they leave the kills and preparation to her and tashi). they also like just sitting toghether in silence to calm down :)
them and buddy have a really weird relationship. for the first weeks/months(before buddy explained the clone situation to everyone) eenek was terrified of him beacuse they knew who he was - the black paladin of voltron. they stayed as far away from them as possible... until they realised the only thing he was worried about was them talking about his past and other than that left them alone. later on, after buddy came clean, they started to try and convince eenek that maybe the galran empire isnt that cool after all - but theres only so much you can do when the person youre talking to is a kid desperately clinging to the remnants of their childhood and also spent the last few years of their life with 'vrepit sa' as their defining personality trait. buddy drops the topic eventually(for now. they havent given up, hes just waiting for the right opportunity). after that they actually start to get along pretty well! buddy helps them improve their fighting skills a lot, and also it turns out theyre both painfully stubborn dumasses(it gets even worse when you throw taks into the mix)
jesus fuck. thats a lot of words..
heres some drawing of them and taks! (these are a bit old tho, their design looks a little diffrent now)
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uhhh i also wrote like 4 paragraphs about eeneks childhood and motivations but this is long enough alreadyyyy(maybe ill edit it in later if anyone wants to read it)
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kay-elle-cee · 7 months
A song from the i'll be fine, i'll be good playlist came on when I was picking up dinner and I just got so fucking giddy thinking about Lily’s turning point in regards to Snape. (Spoilers for ibfibg chapter 5 below the cut)
The song is I don’t have one anymore by The Sonder Bombs and it really encapsulates the Snape/Lily fight at the apothecary. There's a few lyrics that really stuck out to me that made me put it in this particular spot on the playlist:
“You could help me (…) but I don’t buy it.”
This line is obviously in relation to Snape trying to recruit her to the Death Eaters, but the repetition of it to the point of like, screaming, I think is so indicative of Lily just finally losing her absolute shit and reaching her boiling point with every. single. thing she's had to deal with up to this point. Someone who once knew her better than anyone else, who she hasn't seen in almost two years, who she at one point hope she could save from darkness, who played such a significant part in her isolation throughout school...now coming to try and recruit her "for her own good" to a side in a war that wants to literally kill everyone like her? With that fucking same sense of superiority of knowing what's best for her just like he was "looking out for her" in school and manipulating their fading friendship and alliance to keep her alone? We know this confrontation leads to that duel in the street and her subsequent joining of the Order...which brings me to the next line.
"Moving forward from here I think you should stay clear of me" which upon repetition turns into "you should fear me."
I love that this is a line in the sand moment, and definitely her turning point in going from laying low to becoming an active participant in the war, BUT EVEN MORE THAN THAT, I love the framing of this as she's the danger to be feared. She doesn't need to avoid them, they need to avoid her. I think it's a powerful recontextualization of herself, especially with the fact that most of the times I've used The Sonder Bombs on this playlist has been in relation to Lily's inner struggles and also her external conflicts specifically with Severus.
And ultimately it's a fair warning because he should fear her, because she outsmarts him, in the end. Her confirmation of his status as a Death Eater sets in motion a plan that ends with him captured and her own knowledge and talent on the other side of the war ends up neutralizing the threat of his (super fucked up) potion. I fully believe Lily would've joined the Order without that visit from Snape, but his visit pissed her off enough to light a fire under her that wasn't going to die until she did something worthwhile for the war effort.
And then straying from that particular song for just a little end-of-essay tangent, in the playlist order it's followed up with another song from the same band literally called Play It By Fear that I've always interpreted as Lily wrestling up the courage to ask about the Order. Like, the line's been drawn, she's motivated and knows what she wants but there's still that little bit of residual shame, especially when it comes to James:
"I've always been a coward but that's just something everybody already knows."
But yeah I just really like the juxtaposition of "You should fear me" and then "Play It By Fear" next to each other 😅
And THEN again, just to wrap this all up....those are the last songs from this band on the playlist (there are 8! which is not an insignificant number!), as her inner turmoil settles with a clear purpose in front of her, as her interactions with Snape are behind her, as she makes new friends and mends old wounds.
I dunno, sorry for rambling, this story is still very much in my head 😅 Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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scenearcee · 3 months
Can we get some more info about Jacqueline? Like, the story you have in mind for her, her relationship with Neivilette and the Melusines, what she did during the prophecy, etc.?
omg I am actually so glad you asked!!!!!! I wasn’t expecting there to be much interest in her!!!!!
Jacqueline was raised in a family mostly consisting of duelists, and was also expected to become a duelist alongside her brothers once she was an adult. Growing up, she was really excited about the concept, but as kids do, she also started having other interests and hobbies as well- especially wanting to be a lawyer, and an actor. This wasn’t exactly to the pleasure of her family, and as her brothers became successful duelists with their own high maintenance needs, she fell into the background. Due to this, her health needs were also ignored quite a bit, and it wasn’t until she started passing out regularly that she was even noticed by her family. She was diagnosed with POTS, as well as warned about a potential degenerative disease- preventing her from becoming a duelist at all. Lots of pressure was put on her by her family, with the logic that “if you’re not going to be a duelist, you need to be the very best that you can in another field.” Academic burnout hit her HARD, and only by the grace of her professors and tutors in primary and secondary school was she able to graduate top of her class in theatrical studies. She’s currently doing legal studies at the Palais Mermonia, and she actually got her vision at the end of a trial. She was able to prove a man innocent of murder, though it was a very difficult and convoluted process, and was rewarded for her efforts with the power of electro.
As for the prophecy, she was in the audience at the Opera Epiclese during Furina’s trial- taking notes, because of the exam she had coming up. Once it was starting to be revealed that Furina might not even be the archon in the first place however, the notebook quickly went away, and she was on the edge of her seat. As soon as the big ole Narwhal showed up, she was trapped behind some fallen support beams, and couldn’t maneuver with her forearm crutches out of there. Eventually more of the supports gave way and she was able to get out- barely even stepping outside the Opera house as Neuvillette shot into the sky. The rain was hitting her face hard, and she watched as Neuvillette deemed the people of Fontaine innocent. And of course, fantastic timing, she didn’t have much time to think about it before getting smacked with a huge wave of primordial seawater. Obviously, she didn’t dissolve, and was dragged onto the big rescue ship by a diver during the rescue effort.
After this series of events, her university life became a lot more interesting. She not only submitted the notes she took during Furina’s trial to her professors for a massive essay grade, but more and more opportunities were opening up to her- internship opportunities at legal firms. That’s not an easy decision to make, and it took her a while to do some research before picking one. But again, with fantastic timing, her professors managed to get her an internship with none other than Iudex Neuvillette- which was bound to be an interesting experience, for sure. So, she took it up, because why not. However, she regards it as her worst mistake. Not because of the workload, but rather the fact that she now has to deal with the complexities and nuances of Neuvillette’s personal life, which used to be Furina’s responsibility. And he talks about Furina specifically so very often.
What’s her relationship with Neuvillette like, you ask? Imagine the “okay grandpa let’s get you to bed” meme, because that’s essentially what it is. She deeply respects him as a person and for his authority, but if she’s alone in a room with him for too long, he starts rambling about life with Furina, oh I hope Furina got my package, Furina is such a good actress, I remember when Furina and I, etc etc. And let’s be honest, it gets on Jacqueline’s nerves big time. Especially when he is an oblivious freak with attachment issues and makes poor decisions concerning this (as he does in the fic I’m writing). She’s perfectly happy to have personal conversations with him, and be a supportive ally, but dear GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT FURINA PLEASE. It’s not easy for her to say no to his thoughts and ideas, because unfortunately she does crave praise and academic validation, and Neuvi really is kinda becoming a father figure for her. She runs around scheduling his appointments, delivering his packages at lightning speed, escorting him to trials, and more. Neuvillette really appreciates her help with getting his affairs in order, and is grateful that she’s willing to listen to him ramble on. He offers himself as someone for her to talk to, but she’s never taken him up on the offer- even though he can tell there’s something clouding her mind. He takes extra steps to make sure that she’s fed, hydrated, and has a place to stay- she has her own little room in the Palais Mermonia! Sometimes these two will be up into the late hours of the night doing work, and enjoy some pure water after they wrap it up together and head to bed.
The melusines very quickly got around to absolutely adoring Jacqueline, and she adored them right back. Although she has other issues on land, Jacqueline is an excellent swimmer, and will sometimes escort melusines from Merusea Village to the court of justice. She’s very close with Sedene and a Melusine in Merusea village, Cherie (my other genshin oc woahh). She always makes sure to keep up with all melusine affairs, every bit of drama and that kind of thing. She’s extremely supportive of their endeavors, and will go as far as eating the food they make for people and trying their little potions and machines. She really cares about them, and always greets every single one with a lot of enthusiasm! Sedene will sometimes help out with her Neuvillette babysitting duties, and has been a supportive hand for Jacqueline in this chapter of her life.
I would talk about her relationship with Furina, but she has literally never had the chance to meet her. Oops. She holds her in very high regard though.
Now, for some basic details about Jacqueline as a person. She’s 5’2 with a limber, slightly but not really muscular stature. The muscles she does have are toned, if that makes sense. She has shoulder length black hair that she decorates with silver jewelry to hold her style in place, and her eyes are a piercing silver color. Most of the time she has a pair of forearm crutches or her cane on hand, but she does go without mobility aids sometimes. She carries salt with her everywhere, to salt her food and drinks- promoting blood pressure balance and all that jazz. Also, she is a fruitcake. Sees a pretty woman? Folds like a goddamn lawn chair. She has little fan crushes on Chlorinde and Navia, and has a MASSIVE crush on Charlotte. Talking to Charlotte is always a joy. She’s definitely very exclusively into women though, and she gets very snappy and passive aggressive with men who make passes at her. Her favorite things are ice cream with bacon, silver jewelry, feather quills, satin, women, and being rewarded for hard work. However, she HATES boring music, being interrupted, chocolate, being lied to, and having to salt everything she consumes. She has a deep fear of abandonment, and is also scared of armored crabs. She had a run-in, don’t ask too many questions.
sorry this is a lot of words!! I hope this answers your question.
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madame-wilsonn · 2 years
📰 Anna, for your celebration I am very curious - what are your top headcanons for my boy Alfie? 📰
thanks for your request, darling!! and sorry for the delay! 💗
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Alright, I believe our dear Alfie would make a fantastic history teacher! If there wasn’t the whole “gangster” context, I see him as a professor in college, being his student’s favorite teacher.
Maybe it’s because he reminds me so much of my high school history teacher but he just has that vibe…all his classes are more interesting than the previous one. He’s definitely a bit scary, especially to the newest, youngest students but he soon becomes their favorite. He just has the whole “rough on the outside but a softie on the inside” persona.
Not only does he make his classes very interesting, he also knows each of his student and considers them like his kids. He knows Susan struggles a lot with speaking in front of the class so he makes time after classes for her presentation, when everyone is gone. He knows James isn’t the best at essays but hey, he made some efforts since the last one, he deserves to pass.
He’s the kind of teacher who rambles on and on, walking all around the class, changing topics every two minutes. It’s a bit confusing in the beginning but you get used to it. He also sits cross legged on his desk, puts cheerful music while the students are working in groups (he read a paper that said music helped with productivity.). Oh and let’s not forget about the 10min session at the beginning of every class where they make fun of the current politics.
Everyone is excited before Mr. Solomons’ classes. Even those who abhor school find it in themselves to put on a cheerful face. He may look scary and make students jump with his loud voice but he’s the only one who can recount battles and treaties without anyone nodding off.
At the end of every year, all his students prepare him a little card they all sign for their “favorite teacher” and offer it to him on the last class. He makes a silly joke about it, how he’d rather get a million pounds instead. But the truth is, he keeps all those precious little cards in his desk drawer, at home and rereads them every once in a while.
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Henlo, I would love a matchup with a CRK character!
I’m bi and I am 5’9! I do get a little insecure about my height due to pressure and high expectations but I feel even more insecure about my face, skin, and body shape/weight especially when my own parent/relatives keep judging and comparing me- I sometimes shut myself off from others due to insecurities and anxiety unless I really trust the other person and feel close to them. Most people tend to say I don’t talk much and am shy though once I feel I can trust that person, I do enjoy chatting next to them and it feels nice when I’m able to talk about things I enjoy or think of without being judged or made fun of! I love writing and sending messages to show I care and I love love!! love when people I feel connected to (whether platonic or romantically) write or text kind things to me showing they care! The way I read them and go …afkewebfiulaewkbg!!!<33 I do not care how long or short the letters or messages are, if I feel cared and understood then I will treasure it and may or may not screenshot it/ keep it in a box I may or may not have to keep them ahaha- Oh! I really like cats and dogs, I especially want to have a pet cat some day. I enjoy drawing and listening to music, especially alternative/indie- and I love making a playlists for myself or the ones I care dearly for! I don’t feel comfortable in hot weather so I do prefer cooler and cloudy days. Although I don’t mind,I do get pretty startled from sudden loud noises and jolt or aggressively and sharply turn my head to see what the hell that noise came from especially if it’s yelling- it can be triggering to me and I tend to silently panic with weight dragging me down in fear and memories- I also tend to shove and burry my face into stuffed animals in my sleep oops
Good Lord I just wrote an essay LMAO I put more effort into a matchmaking with cookies than I do on my school essays 😭😭😭 Whether you do the request or not I appreciate you for reading my mini rambling about myself ehekekeke thank you! I wish you a lovely day <33
You're awesome dude 👍
Pfft, why write essay when you could t u m b l r
I match you with ~
Rye Cookie
~| Rye is very protective of you, to the point it's a bit scary. She always seems to be your bodyguard, just following you around and chatting with you, placing herself in the way of any interaction you feel anxious in or standing up to your family.
~| Rye isn't naturally lovey-dovey, but she will try to give you little notes and compliments! She loves how happy they make you.
~| She is naturally a loud person, but she tends to cool it down around you. She knows you can get freaked out at yelling, so she makes sure her tone stays low when around you.
~| Rye loves you with all her little cowboy heart. She will stick up for you and more. She may occasionally ask you to draw her a picture of a horse or a goat as well, she always compliments your drawings. She gave you a drawing of a stick-cat once.
~| You and Rye give off "Hey, someone is going to go down the slide backwards!" "Hah, what a dumbass" "I'm gonna go off the slide backwards!" "Wait thAT'S MY DUMBASS" vibes.
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
goal: your heart
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member: sunwoo genre: fluff word count: 5,423 synopsis: due to a budget cut, you have to follow the soccer team around for both the school newspaper and yearbook despite knowing nothing about sports. before you know it, you find yourself warming up to the team’s star player, who you swore was the most annoying and arrogant person ever.
a/n: this is a part of the star player collab with @atbzkingdom​ for sunwoo’s birthday! (also, this will be written with the american academic calander in mind)
You knew exactly what you were doing. You were the top student of both your class and school and the leader of many clubs. Your college application was full of achievements and your essay exquisitely written. The only problem? You had no idea what to do after graduation. You didn’t know where you wanted to go or what you wanted to study.
Growing up, everyone told you that you’d eventually find something you love. By senior year, you thought you would at least have an idea by now.
But nope, you were even more lost if anything. Dream job? That was just a capitalistic lie meant to make people happy to slave away for money.
Grumbling, you listened as your friends rambled on about the campuses they visited. It was only the first day back and everyone was already obsessing over one thing and one thing only.
“Y/n, you’re so lucky,” Juyeon pouted. “You don’t have to worry about getting into a university. Your stats are literally perfect.”
“I have other things to stress over,” you groaned. “At least you know what you wanna pursue.”
“Y/n has other things to worry about. She’s about to graduate without ever finding love,” Younghoon teased.
“It’s all our fault,” Jaehyun squinted as he pinched his nose bridge. “We raised her standards too high. I’m sorry, Y/n, that I can’t take responsibility.”
The notebook in your hand threatened to fly over to his seat. Luckily for him, he was saved by Juyeon’s very unnatural attempt at changing the subject. He inquired about the school newspaper that was barely spared in a major budget cut last year.
Thinking about it made you sigh. You had poured in so much effort over the years for the paper and it was almost taken from you. The school was cutting funds for a lot of clubs and diverting the money to the many sports teams that brought home trophies.
A part of the negotiations to save the newspaper club was to feature more sports events and student athletes in order to garner support for the teams. You weren’t pleased with the decision. Your plate was already full without trying to inflate the ego of players who had a god superiority complex. Jaehyun was a great example of the type of jock you didn’t want to raise on a high pedestal.
You had also promised Kevin, the president of the yearbook committee, to help out with photographing games since you had to attend them anyway. Despite the many tasks assigned to you, you were relieved that you could spend your last year continuing to write articles.
“Does that mean you’ll get to come to practice with us? The basketball team is always on my ass about introducing them to you. Now I can finally stop being pestered to be the middleman,” Jaehyun grinned.
“No shot,” Younghoon shook his head. “My swim team has already tried but Y/n puts up a cold front.”
“Hey, I’m a delicately guarded rose with sharp thorns,” you joked, making Jaehyun pretend to gag. This time, the notebook hit his arm.
“No one is good enough for our Y/n,” Juyeon defended. You turned around to coo at him and said something about him being the only nice one as Younghoon guffawed.
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The first day of soccer practice meant you had to stay behind after dismissal to meet the team. The coach introduced you to the players and beamed when he got to the last one.
“This is our ace, Sunwoo. Although I’m sure you know that already,” he said proudly.
To be honest, you had no idea who he was. The school was too big to know everyone and you had absolutely no interest in sports. You rarely even went to Juyeon and Jaehyun’s basketball games and Younghoon’s swim meets.
Not wanting to offend anyone, you simply smiled. Sunwoo, catching your hesitance, raised a brow. However, he kept quiet until he approached you during one of his breaks.
“Do you really not know me?” he asked as he took a seat next to you on the bleachers.
Surprised by his sudden question, you blankly stared at the boy in front of you. Sweat was dripping from his hair but he paid it no attention as he chugged an entire water bottle.
“How cocky are you?” you scoffed.
“You really don’t know our soccer team’s star player, Kim Sunwoo?” he gaped.
“Sorry to disappoint but I really don’t care or know much about soccer. Or any other sports for that matter,” you shrugged.
“You’re going to write about the soccer team… when you don’t even know who we are or what we’re doing?” he asked incredulously.
“That’s why I’m here to observe,” you snapped back.
Finding you amusing, he finally wiped away his sweat as the coach blew his whistle to gather the players again.
Sunwoo always gave it his best but for some reason he found himself practicing extra hard that day. Knowing your eyes were on him motivated him to show off his skills by annoying his teammates and stealing the spotlight. After his third goal in a row, he looked at you to see your reaction but was baffled to see you busy writing something down.
Frustrated and peeved, he kicked at the grass with a huff.
When practice came to an end, he snuck up behind you to see what you were so intently focused on. Reading the notes on your notebook, he hummed.
“So that’s what you were doing instead of watching me,” he mused.
You were listing physical traits and personality attributes of each player. He scanned the paper for his name and frowned when he saw what you wrote about him.
“Arrogant and conceited? That’s all you have to say about me?” he whined.
“What? It’s true,” you deadpanned.
“Haknyeon gets “tall, bubbly, and extroverted” but I get “arrogant and conceited”? That’s not fair. This is biased journalism!” he exclaimed.
Realizing that practice was over, you gathered your belongings and stood up to leave. With his cheeks puffed, he watched as you left the field. You were unlike any person he had ever encountered.
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“Sunwoo? Kim Sunwoo?” Younghoon repeated with his eyes wide. “The soccer caption Kim Sunwoo?”
Jaehyun and Juyeon’s chopsticks froze midair in shock. Finding their reactions odd, you nodded as you took another bite of your lunch.
“I can’t believe the lady killer got rejected by the man hater,” Jaehyun broke out into a fit of laughter.
“Now that’s a title I’d like to see on the school newspaper,” Younghoon snickered.
“Okay, first of all, I did not reject him because he did not come on to me,” you rolled your eyes. “Secondly, who the hell is he anyway? Why do you all know him?”
“He’s notorious for his fuckboy image. Although I think that’s an exaggerated reputation,” Juyeon said you picked out all the vegetables from your plate. He willingly moved them to his own and you smiled gratefully in response.
“So my first impression of him was correct,” you said.
“He’s not that bad. He’s actually pretty cool. Rumors don’t do the sweet guy justice,” Juyeon explained.
“Our lovely Juyeon sees the good in everyone,” Younghoon gushed as he pet his friend, earning him a smack on the back of his head.
“We were partners for a history project,” Juyeon clarified. “I got to know him a bit and he’s a good guy. Just enjoys attention a little too much. Like Jaehyun.”
Weirdly offended, Jaehyun scowled. You shrugged it off, returning your attention back to your food. You had no intentions of getting to know Sunwoo anyway. At least, that was the plan until he bombarded you in the hallway while you were walking to class.
He blocked your path with that irritating smirk on his face. Exasperated, you asked him what he wanted.
“So I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday,” he started.
“Oh, so you do think?”
“Do you think you can move and get out of my way?”
“Anyway, as the president of the newspaper club who’s in charge of covering the soccer team, I think you lack way too much information about the sport. And our school’s players.”
“How do you know I’m the president?”
“I asked around.”
You look at his eyes, trying to peer through any ulterior motives. He was being suspiciously generous. But he wasn’t entirely wrong. Even you thought it was ridiculous that a person who didn’t know a thing about soccer had to write articles about it.
You were also aware that any interviews with the athletes would be surface level stuff that all the students probably already knew. You were the only one out of the loop.
You pursed your lips, annoyed that he was right. Realizing that you were in agreeance, Sunwoo grinned.
“I am offering you the very special privilege to follow me around and learn everything there is to know about the team. For the paper of course,” he quickly added the last part after seeing the look on your face. “I can teach you about both soccer and my teammates.”
After pondering his proposal, you finally nodded.
“Deal,” you eyed his happy expression. “What do you want in return?”
He was taken aback by your question. He hadn’t expected you to assume that he would demand compensation. Your presence and attention were what he was after in the first place. However, he couldn’t let the opportunity pass by.
“Bubble tea,” he declared after some thought. “You can treat me to bubble tea after practice and I can tutor you then.”
“Fine,” you sighed before pushing him aside to make it to class before the bell rang. He was left behind with a stupid smile on his face.
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The first tutoring session was extremely awkward for you. You weren’t used to hanging out with guys other than Juyeon, Younghoon, and Jaehyun. They were the only members of the male species you didn’t despise. This riled up Sunwoo’s competitive side. He was determined to get close to you.
He couldn’t stand having someone not like him. He was used to being on friendly terms with everyone—including teachers and even wallflowers. He had a strong desire to receive acknowledgement from everyone.
Perhaps that was why so many girls fell for him.
Nevertheless, the wall around you remained thick and high. Just as he was well known for his playboy persona, you were infamous for never letting guys in. You cold heartedly turned down any and every guy who asked you out. And there had been a lot.
Sunwoo, on the other hand, was excited to spend time with you. Bubble tea was just an excuse to meet you outside of school grounds.
His phone dinged, notifying him of a text. Haknyeon had sent him a screenshot of a post made on the school’s gossip page and wrote “this you?”. He snorted at the content speculating his relationship status after supposedly receiving another confession and rolled his eyes. Curious, you asked him what he was looking at.
“Ah, it’s nothing,” he shook his head as he put the device away. “Just the stupid tea account.”
“Oh you mean that anonymously run social media page that popped up over summer break?” you frowned.
You hated everything about it. It spread rumors, without fact-checking, and started drama. It resulted in both a breakup and the end of a friendship in the span of two months. It was exactly what you and the school newspaper stood against.
Nothing could be done to stop the false information and invasion of privacy because it wasn’t officially affiliated with the school and the students continued to feed into it. People even sent in stories to be posted.
“So tell me what you do know about soccer,” he leaned in and propped his chin on the palms of his hands.
“I know the very basics from catching glimpses of the World Cup,” you leaned back on your chair, making him pout.
“Well, to be honest, explaining the rules is a lot easier to do when directly pointing things out during a game. There’s a match airing tonight. Do you want to come over and watch it with me?” he asked expectantly.
“We can watch the replay tomorrow during study hall,” you said.
“Then we can start by talking about me today,” he chirped. “My squad number is 19 because 9 is usually worn by centre forwards but I wanted to be special and added a 1 in front of it. I’m the centre forward, which is the main striker. That means playing offensive is my main objective. Which is why I’m the highest scorer on the team.”
You wanted to wipe the smug look off his face. It irked you how he so easily bragged about himself.
“I also really like movies and can play the guitar. A true all-rounder and romanticist,” he smiled.
He continued to reveal fun facts about himself for another half an hour. It was only at the end that you realized most of it was useless when writing for the paper. You groaned, realizing you had fallen for his trap.
Still, you learned some things about soccer and his position in the team. Following him to the cafe hadn’t been a complete waste of your time.
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The next day, Sunwoo hunted you down to make sure you kept your promise about watching the game together. He dragged you to the computer room during study hall and pulled out the earbuds he prepared. He had purposely rummaged through his drawers the night before to the share wired ones with you.
You had to admit he was extremely helpful when explaining the rules and strategies of soccer. Despite being uncomfortable with the proximity of his body to yours, he was a great teacher. He made everything sound so simple. After you began to understand the game, you even found yourself enjoying the match.
After spending a week with him, you hated that you couldn’t say you still disliked him. After all, you two met almost every day for hours.
You had a gut feeling that you would come to regret it and were proven right. You had a bad feeling the moment you saw Jaehyun run up to you as if his life depended on it. Panting, he barely pulled himself together to show you the post that made him immediately report to you.
“KSW and Y/INITIALS seen cozily spending time together. Will he be the one to finally break through her?” you read aloud.
A photo of your backs from the computer room and a mosaicked side shot of you two at the cafe were attached to the title. The comments under the post were even more ridiculous.
“A challenge to be anticipated.”
“Poor girl will only end up as one of his many heartbroken playthings.”
“I know who KSW is. Who’s Y/INITIALS??”
“The legendary man hater? With a guy?? Wow how good must he be 👀”
“Damn so she rejected me for him?”
Your blood boiled and you shoved the phone away. Trying to calm yourself down, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. And failed.
“What is this, fucking Dispatch?” you exploded. A few students passing by stared at your outburst and widened their eyes when they saw that it was you. You sighed, knowing that the whole school saw the post.
“I’m not a celebrity! Why are people so invested in fake rumors about me?” you yelled, trying to keep your voice to a whisper as you pulled Jaehyun into an empty classroom.
“I’m sure it’ll blow over,” he assured.
“If I ever find out who the admin of this page is, I will ruin them,” you glowered.
You almost didn’t go to the soccer practice that day. But you knew that avoiding him would only add fuel to the fire so you sucked it up and went to the field after school as usual. You heard the hushed murmurs that stirred among the team when you arrived and you wanted to turn back around and leave.
Before you could, however, Sunwoo appeared and shut everyone up with a warning glare. He announced that the coach would be late and to start by running laps.
You were more annoyed than upset about the post. It just stupefied you that people really had nothing better to do than gossip about you. You didn’t think you were that interesting.
You were so close to escaping after practice but Sunwoo caught you trying to sneak away. He stood in front of you, crossing his arms as if to ask where you were going. Giving up, you muttered a “fine” and waited for him to change out of his uniform.
This time, you two wordlessly agreed to go to a different cafe. With the bubble teas on the table in front of you, you sat in silence until Sunwoo finally spoke up.
“Don’t mind what the post or others say,” he huffed.
“I’m not too bothered by it,” you shrugged.
“Good. Because I want to get to know you as just Y/n and Sunwoo. Through whatever you wish to tell and show me. I feel like we’re always just talking about me.”
His words left you speechless. Juyeon hadn’t been kidding when he mentioned how thoughtful Sunwoo was. You felt your heart warm as you smiled.
“Well what do you want to know about me?” you asked.
“Anything. Everything.”
So you spilled about your interests, hobbies, and goals. It was strange. Although it hadn’t been long since you met him, you felt comfortable around him. He made you feel at ease and you didn’t think twice about opening up to him.
You told him about your struggles as a high achieving student. About the pressure you felt and how embarrassing it was to tell people that you didn’t have any dreams.
With your grades, all the teachers expected you to apply to medical school. On the other hand, your parents encouraged you to work towards a high paying and stable salary as a corporation employee. Your friends suggested that you go for something in journalism because of your passion and commitment to the school newspaper.
But the club was just something you did for fun. You didn’t know if you liked it enough to pursue it as a career.
Sunwoo listened attentively as you went on about your concerns. From the outside, you looked like you had your life together. You were the perfect student and the girl that many guys chased after. But as he spent more time with you, it became clear that you were very uncomfortable with boys.
“Can I ask how you got so close with the Bermuda line?” he asked.
“The Bermuda line? What’s that?”
“You’ve never heard of the term? Juyeon, Jaehyun, and Younghoon are called the Bermuda line because they’re the most popular athletes out of all the sports teams. The girls say that once you fall for them, you’re stuck in between them forever because you can’t get out.”
You hadn’t laughed that hard in so long. You knew they had fans but found it hilarious how the trio even had a nickname.
“Oh man, I can’t wait to make fun of them for this,” you laughed, nearly in tears.
When he told you that they actually took great pride in the title, you bursted out in laughter again. Their self love truly was on another level.
“So how’d you end up friends?” he asked again.
“Juyeon, I’ve known since middle school. We were in the same class for all three years. Jaehyun didn’t go to the same school as us but he was friends with Juyeon because they played basketball together. I met him and Younghoon at the end of freshman year. They kinda crash landed into my life but we really clicked so that’s why I still bless them with my friendship.”
Sunwoo giggled at your own overwhelming confidence. He loved that you never sold yourself short. He didn’t notice he had been staring at you until you pointed it out. Blushing, he insisted that it was nothing and took another sip of his bubble tea.
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Two months passed by and you eventually came to call Sunwoo a friend. Younghoon teased you about him being more than a friend and at first, you thought he was crazy. But with him planting the idea in your head, you began to question your own feelings. Cursing Younghoon, you blamed him for confusing you.
As the designated photographer, you tagged along to the soccer team’s last match. The entire team was nervous as it would determine the winner of the tournament. Even Sunwoo was anxious.
Before the game started, you offered him a supportive smile and he felt all worries lifted off his shoulders. He erased all thoughts of winning and losing and just concentrated on the ball. He wanted to enjoy the last match of the season and look cool in front of you. That was all that mattered to him.
Fortunately, he got both plus the win. The crowd erupted into cheers as he scored the winning goal just seconds before the whistle was blown to signal the end of the game. His knees fell to the ground and his teammates rushed to surround him.
Seeing how happy he looked brought a smile to your lips. He jumped up and scanned the bleachers for your face. When he finally spotted you, he broke away from his team to run up to you and embrace you in a giant hug.
Caught off guard, you froze as his teammates hooted and applauded. You felt your cheeks heat up at the attention.
“Congratulations,” you chuckled, patting his back. “You did well.”
“Did you get a lot of pretty pictures of me?” he grinned, pulling away to look at you.
“No, I only took pictures of Haknyeon,” you joked. By now, he was used to your teasing and simply ruffled your hair in response.
“There’s gonna be an after party tonight,” he brought up carefully. “I’d really like it if you came. Only if you’re okay with that type of scene though.”
Surprised, you nodded before you fully thought it through.
That was how you ended up moping at Jaehyun’s house. The invitation was extended to the Bermuda line as well and they were all planning on dragging you there. Younghoon was excited at the thought of finally going to a party with the whole group and Juyeon was picking out an outfit for you from Jaehyun’s sister’s closet.
“I don’t know if I trust your fashion sense,” she made a face at the top he held up.
This was your first party and you weren’t sure how you felt about it. There was a reason you hadn’t gone to one throughout your high school years.
Nonetheless, you were dressed up in an outfit that definitely reflected Jaehyun’s sister’s style more than yours. She fawned over how pretty you were and urged you to go with the boys.
So you walked through the doors and into the house vibrating with music. Everyone who recognized you was shocked to see you there. Feeling awkward, you stuck by Jaehyun’s side as you maneuvered around the throng of people. When he finally caught sight of Sunwoo, he dipped and left you alone with him.
“Thanks for coming,” he shouted over the loud music.
“Thanks for inviting me,” you shouted back.
Sunwoo offered you a drink, which you declined. Following your choice, he opted for a soda instead as well. You weren’t much of a dancer so you enjoyed people watching instead. It was fascinating to see your classmates have so much fun.
You giggled when you saw Juyeon be so painfully oblivious to a girl’s advances and walked away to dance with Younghoon. Meanwhile, Jaehyun was having the time of his life flirting with girls. You blocked your eyesight when you saw him leaning in to kiss one of them.
“Ugh, gross,” you cringed. “I do not need to know this side of my best friend’s love life.”
Laughing, Sunwoo offered to take you outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery. You gladly agreed and let him guide you to the backyard.
The night sky was full of tranquility that contrasted the chaos that ensued indoors. You sat on the grass and Sunwoo joined next to you.
“You look beautiful today,” he commented.
“Only today?” you laughed.
“Especially today,” he answered in a serious manner. His sincerity made you clear your throat and look away. He stunned you by cupping your face with his hands.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
“Are you drunk?” you blinked.
“I haven’t had a single sip of alcohol.”
His voice was slow and raspy. Your heart was beating faster than you wanted it to and you knew the corners of your lips were betraying you.
“You can either lean in or pull away,” he said as he brought his lips closer to yours.
Your heart now felt like it was about to jump out of your chest. Red alarms were going off in your head and you didn’t know what to do. All you knew was what you were only a few centimeters away from kissing Sunwoo.
So you did what any insane person would do and closed the gap between your lips. You wanted to punch him when you felt him smirk but he pulled you closer and held onto you tightly.
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The weekend passed without much changes in your relationship with Sunwoo. You were worried that you had either ruined your friendship or that he was sick of you but Juyeon reassured you that he probably wanted to talk about it in person. Anxiously, you overthought things until Monday finally arrived.
Wanting to keep yourself busy until you met Sunwoo, you stopped by the club room early in the morning to import the photos from the last game. Shortly after you connected the camera to the computer, you heard a knock on the door.
Startled, you looked at the door and saw Jacob sheepishly poking his head through the door. You told him to come in and he took a seat next to you.
“Kevin told me to drop by before class for an interview,” he said. You nearly facepalmed. You had completely forgotten about that. You were supposed to interview him for the paper.
“Oh yeah! Hold on, let me go get my notebook,” you searched through your backpack to find it.
The volleyball player was this month’s star of the month and you had to write a piece on his past achievements. He was extremely kind and was careful not to use any advanced sports terminology to make sure anyone could easily read the interview, which you were grateful for.
Before you parted, he gave you a side hug out of habit and apologized when he realized that it was only his first time meeting you. You laughed it off and insisted that now you could be friends since you two hugged already. Relieved that you weren’t disturbed, he happily waved goodbye to you as he walked away.
Being in a different class than Sunwoo meant that you had to wait until lunch period to see him. You honestly didn’t even know if you wanted to see him. You weren’t ready to face him yet.
When the bell finally rang and it was time for lunch, Juyeon forced you to go to the cafeteria instead of hiding out in an empty classroom. The moment you sat down with your tray, however, you felt all eyes on you. Your stomach dropped, knowing it couldn’t be good news.
“Y/n, is this true..?” Jaehyun asked, showing you the new post on the gossip page. You hated that you were always right about bad intuitions.
KSW and Y/INITIALS caught making out at last night’s party… is BJY a side hoe?
You had no idea when a photo was taken in the brief second you and Jacob hugged that morning. When you scrolled and saw the next part, your heart dropped.
A shocking revelation of history: Y/INITIALS and SYJ used to date in freshman year. Does this have anything to do with the swimmer and basketball players always next to her?
You felt your breath caught in your throat as you read through the comments.
“Isn’t BJY on the volleyball team and SYJ on the baseball team?”
“Wow she clearly has a type.”
“I guess athletes just hit it well 👀”
“And here I thought KSW was the hoe… who’s playing with who?”
“Aye so KSW finally managed to break through her. Thanks for my $10 bro.”
“Aren’t the basketball players LJY and LJH? And the swimmer KYH? The Bermuda line, right?? I always thought she had a thing with one of them.”
“So much for the icy Y/INITIALS. She was acting all pretentious when she was already having all her fun.”
Juyeon grabbed the phone out of your hands and glared at Jaehyun. You never thought your past relationship would ever get exposed. There were only a handful of people who knew about it and it had stayed hidden under the rug up until now. It was something you wanted to bury and never think about ever again.
Shakily, you got up and ran out of the cafeteria with Younghoon calling out after you. You ran as fast as you could. You didn’t stop until you busted through the doors and collapsed on the rooftop. Your lungs were on fire and you closed your eyes to stop the ringing in your ears.
Meanwhile, Sunwoo was running across the school to find you. When he didn’t see you in the club room, he changed his target and sought out Eric.
“Is it true?” he demanded when he finally saw his friend.
“I can’t believe people already figured out that it’s me,” Eric sighed.
“Is it true?” Sunwoo repeated.
“Yes, yes, it’s true,” he answered with his hands up in defeat. “She never wanted anyone to find out. We didn’t exactly end on good terms. It’s something I’m not proud of.”
“What happened?” he asked, trying to contain his anger. “What did you do to her?”
“I…” Eric trailed off. “I cheated on her.”
“What the hell, Eric?” Sunwoo yelled.
“I-I was stupid! And young. It’s the biggest mistake I made in my life,” he admitted.
Frustrated, Sunwoo left and ran off in search of you again. When you weren’t anywhere to be found, he checked the rooftop as a last resort. He didn’t expect to actually see you there.
“Y/n,” he breathed. You felt a lump form in your throat. It was the first time he had addressed you by your name.
“Get away from me,” you glared. “Was I nothing but a bet to you? Was I just a challenge for you to win?”
“Y/n, I never placed bets on you. I don’t know what other people have been betting on but I have always been genuine with you,” he affirmed.
You refused to let your tears fall. There was no way Kim Sunwoo was going to see you cry.
“I like you,” he confessed. “I like you a lot. I meant to say this that night but got too flustered. So I wanted to tell you today. Whenever I see you, the butterflies in my stomach won’t go away. When I don’t see you, I miss you like crazy. You inspire me to become a better person and all I want to do is hold you and call you mine.”
And now Kim Sunwoo has officially seen you cry. He bent down to wrap his arms around you as you sobbed into his shoulder.
“You’re an asshole,” you mumbled after you calmed down.
“I think you mean the opposite,” he chuckled. “Whatever barriers you put up to protect yourself, I’m going to take them down one by one. With you. Together.”
“Who said I’m helping?” you muttered.
“Then I guess I have to work twice as hard to prove myself,” he softly smiled.
“This is embarrassing,” you groaned.
“This will only be embarrassing for me if you reject me,” his hand reached out to the nape of his neck. “So what do you say? Will you go out with me?”
“I’ll think about it,” you huffed, prompting a chuckle from him.
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onebizarrekai · 3 years
v3′s art is comically terrible for a professionally distributed game in a series: a compilation
in this not-essay I will list all of the mistakes and problems I have spotted in v3′s art. don’t worry, it’s entirely for fun and I’m doing this on a whim, so please feel free to not take this seriously but also it’s hilarious and embarrassing how ridiculous this is like what happened did they speedrun the whole production or what
see, there are some things you can take as meta like “they made it bad on purpose to allude to the downfall of tv shows that have been on air for much too long” but I have a very strong feeling this is not the case due to the nature of some of these errors
disclaimer, the more I study this art, the more I fear that the artists were underpaid and underslept, so if this is in fact the case, I am so sorry to all of them but also I’m going to make fun of the art anyway
anyway let’s get started!
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if you study this image for longer than 5 seconds, you will see that kaede is the only one fully shaded and keebo is literally just his normal sprite pasted into the image. every other character is just an ordinary ref, hence most of them facing the exact same direction with neutral expressions on their faces. it looks like a bad edit, and is probably one of the worst pieces of art in the game. it kind of gets better from here on, but my roasting will not.
with that out of the way, here’s the problem that officially bothers me the most and clarifies my viewpoint of “this is not meta and an actual lack of company communication”
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this freaking cg, which seems normal at a glance, but some wiseass was like “oh, kaede is a girl, so obviously she’s going to be shorter than the Male Protagonist™” ah, that’s funny. because if you look at the character bios, kaede is, in fact, one inch taller than shuichi and not like 6 inches shorter as she is shown here.
also shuichi’s shoulder is disproportionate and horrendous and he looks vaguely like a jojo character, but I wasn’t even thinking about that until right now.
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thanks guys, 50% of the fandom who has never bothered to check these bios thinks that kaede is like 5′3 (did the developers really put so little thought into her to the point where drawing her correctly in the game didn’t even matter??)
also I would like to point out that, even though this isn’t related to the art itself, yes, a character kaede’s size being only 117 lbs is unfeasible, but this applies to literally every character in danganronpa ever and it’s not new news that it’s unrealistic
update: someone in the tags informed me that in versions of the game that use centimeters, like the japanese version, kaede is actually shorter than shuichi, which just adds another thing to the list of weird decisions the localization team made for no reason. that said, after confirming this, kaede is 167 cm in the original, while shuichi is 171 cm, which are approximately 5′6 and 5′7 respectively, but one inch is still nowhere near as drastic as it is depicted above. (in spite of this, I would rather depict kaede as slightly taller, so I’m probably going to keep doing that.)
the journey continues!
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bro if you want kaede to have shoulder length hair then stick to it to begin with
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you can pretend this is at an angle all you want but they definitely committed the shorter kaede sin a second time
wait a goddamn second.
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no………… it wasn’t kaede who shrank. it was shuichi who got taller
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speaking of which, can we talk about how shady the perspective is in this elevator pic? look at shuichi and kokichi in comparison to kaede. kokichi, who is canonically 7 inches (edit: or 5, if you’re loyal to the original) shorter than kaede, looks taller than kaede. he’s growing too. what steroids are these gays taking
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running into the room, electric boogaloo: I don’t think tsumugi is supposed to be the same height as kokichi
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gonta… gonta you’re lookin a bit like a jojo character there
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I love how kaito’s head looks kind of like it was pasted onto his body. why is he the same size as shuichi? shouldn’t he be high school bully size or something? his torso is teensy
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ah yes, white angie.
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I love this cg but why is shuichi’s right hand so much bigger than his left hand
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I also love how this cg looks like they literally took pictures of trees and pasted them into the background, especially on the left. the shadows are so weird, especially closer to the ceiling, it’s difficult for me to believe they didn’t do exactly that.
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return of Enlarged shuichi
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puberty update: kokichi is now taller than shuichi in spite of shuichi never missing leg day. what crimes will he commit
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I have to mention it, guys. this has to be one of the worst danganronpa cgs. kokichi’s facial proportions look atrocious. look at the way his face sticks out like his jaw is in the wrong place. his scarf is a pasted texture. that’s it. this moment was so iconic but the cg just looks so… so… off. like something is terribly wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it.
you know what? let’s get into that ‘pasted texture’ thing.
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let’s imagine you’re an artist working on a professional game. you’re assigned to draw cgs of kokichi ouma, who has a checkered scarf from hell. sure, it will be terrible to draw, but you only have to draw it once at a time! plus, perspective is pretty important, right? can you be bothered? nah, actually. let’s just copy paste a checkered pattern into the cg, because I’m sure nobody will notice. it’ll blend right in with the other cgs that someone actually put effort into drawing his scarf in, right?
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no. the answer is no and I very much noticed. this genuinely looks terrible and I would understand taking a shortcut like that in fanart or even an indie game but this is a full price pc and console distributed game
(an addition: look at kokichi’s TINY HANDS in that last one)
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meanwhile, they straight up forgot to color in kokichi’s scarf in this cg.
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dude. I forgot about whatever the hell this cg was. anyway look at keebo please just look at him
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lovin kaito’s baby arms
real talk, maybe you could argue that he’s missing muscle because he’s deathly sick, but most of his cgs don’t line up with this, and his arms just look disproportionate to his torso size (granted this is a consistent problem across all danganronpa games and a lot of characters have this weird problem, like hajime, but also kaito is bigger than hajime so I kind of have higher expectations of him) maybe it’s his stupid goatee and the way he reminds me of yasuhiro?? it creates this illusion that he’s older than he is and so I keep expecting him to look more like an adult
oh, also rantaro is missing some of his accessories in that video he made–you know the one–but I don’t wanna go back and screenshot it
also you may have noticed that I’m skipping all of the monokub cgs because I literally do not care about them and I’m not even bothering to check and see if they have artistic mistakes in them
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hey um uh kaito you seem to be missing your neck
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hey guys do you like my pregame fanart
so, that done, the sprites are also pretty terrible at times. they’re not as interesting to go through, however, and downloading the full sprite sets for every character and studying every single one of them will drive me insane, so I’ll just sum some of the ones I noticed up. I made things for kaede and shuichi before deciding I wasn’t going to get into it, so here are these.
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that said, other mistakes include kokichi missing his purple highlights in all of the sprites encompassing a specific pose, stray pixels all over the place on everyone, and everyone also has heavily inconsistent shading, but literally all I think about is how pregame shuichi is unshaded and two of kaede’s pregame sprites have glaring outfit change mistakes in them
anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my ridiculous ramble. in all seriousness, there’s this looming presence of some lack of communication in the development team, like with all the art and design inconsistencies, pieces and sprites that look rushed, stray pixels, and missing basic proportional stuff. these are the kinds of things that you supposedly have to pretty much have in the bag in order to get jobs in professional businesses, so it’s really weird to me that this game suffers from so many of these problems. it’s like they tried to make the art so much more crisp than the other games, but it fell on its face as they realized it was going to take longer to draw everything and they started to rush. it’s weird, because the coloring itself looks normal–it’s just sloppily drawn, and the proportions are a mess once put into the context of perspective. many of the cgs look like they were drawn by different people, and I’m still not over the fact that half of kokichi’s cgs have his scarf pasted in as a texture.
the moral of the story is that if you’re selling a game at full price that also happens to be in a series that has had 3 very good games in it already the stakes should probably be higher than this. v3 has been out for more than 3 years and it’s still $40 (did it cost more than that before? I sure hope not), and the overarching quality of the game is just not as high as the other games. I’m not saying that the other games don’t have any problems with their art at all, they’re just not as glaringly obvious and every artistic choice in those games feels intentional.
regardless, I had a blast roasting the art at 2am, so maybe you got a kick out of all this chaos.
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heliads · 3 years
The Only Reason
Y/N L/N is one of the smartest Gryffindors in her year, so of course Fred and George Weasley ask her to help them with a prank. The only problem is that Y/N is beginning to fall for Fred, even though she knows he’s only paying attention to her because of the prank, right?
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“What do you think about Fred and George Weasley?”
You look up at the sound of your friend’s voice. You and Hermione Granger are sitting out in a leaf-strewn courtyard, bookbags balanced on crumbling stone benches as you attempt to muddle your way through the latest round of essays. You had been working in silence for some time now, or at least until Hermione had asked you this altogether unexpected question.
You frown. “I don’t know. I haven’t given them much thought at all.” Hermione furrows her brow in confusion. “Why not? They’re in your year, aren’t they?” You shrug. “I don’t know everyone my age. Why do you ask?” Hermione shoots you a furtive look, but can’t hide a smile. “Don’t look now, but they keep staring at you from across the courtyard.” 
Slowly, casually, you glance around the courtyard, allowing your gaze to pass unconcernedly over the redheaded twins. Sure enough, their eyes keep flickering from each other to you, back and back again. You look back at Hermione, noticing her gleeful expression. “Did you put them up to this? I haven’t seen you look so excited over something since Lavender Brown tripped and fell in the halls.”
Hermione groans at that. “First of all, that was pretty funny. Second of all, I didn’t make them do anything. I don’t think someone could do that if they tried. They tend to have a mind of their own.” You laugh at that. “You can say that again. All I know about them is their pranks, and those tend to be fairly noticeable. They had this one in my first year, before you got here, where they flooded an entire hallway with nothing but bright orange ink. Stained everything. It was awful.”
Hermione grins. “Their pranks do tend to be fairly interesting, don’t they?” You nod, smiling. You’ve been friends with Hermione ever since she had first come to Hogwarts. You were exactly one year older than her, but you still became fast friends. You had similar interests- namely, studying and trying to know everything under the sun. It was no surprise that the two of you were friends, there was practically no way that you wouldn’t be close. Besides, Hermione said that she first got to know you because you reminded her of an older sibling. It was lonely being an only child, she said, and you were especially nice because you could talk about the whole wizardry thing without a care in the world.
Hermione, however, is still caught up over the issue of the Weasley twins. Suddenly, she stands up. “I’m going to head off down the halls for a couple of minutes. I want to see if they come over here.” You raise an eyebrow, grinning. “You’re invested in this, I can tell.” Hermione tilts her head in acknowledgement. “They’re either going to prank you or talk to you. If it’s a prank, I don’t want to be here, and if it’s a conversation, they probably don’t want me here.” Her voice is factual, as if explaining a simple set of directions. You laugh. “I appreciate you planning this out. I’ll be here, waiting for your swift return.”
Hermione takes one last look at the twins before disappearing back into the halls, leaving behind her bags as if she’ll only be gone a moment. You have a feeling that she’s currently looping back through the corridors nearest you, hoping to find a place where she can watch what will happen and listen in on any auspicious conversations. You yourself have no idea what’s about to happen, but it turns out Hermione is proven right as the twins start walking over to you mere seconds after she leaves.
They swoop down, sitting closely on either side of you. You glance up from your parchment. “What do you two want?” The one on your left- George- clicks his tongue. “That isn’t a very nice way to greet people, you know.” You look over at him, unconcerned. “It also isn’t nice to be staring at people for a long time, but you tell me.” Fred, on your other side, flashes you a grin that seems brighter than the sun. “See, we’re already off to a good start. Friends already.”
The two of them lean in closer to you, as if about to impart some deep secret upon you. “We need your help, Y/N.” “For a prank.” “For a very important prank.” You raise your eyebrows. “And why would I want to help you with a prank?” Fred raises a finger to make a point. “A very important prank, actually. You would want to help us because you would get to use all of your incredible knowledge of magic to work on new and exciting spells. It’s a golden opportunity.”
George spreads his hands in front of the three of you like he’s envisioning the future prank. “You’re one of the smartest Gryffindors in our year, that’s common knowledge. With your spells and our natural prank aptitude, we’ll be unstoppable. Besides, it’s only one project. Won’t even take up that much of your time.” You look between the two of them. “Somehow, I’m not feeling very convinced. Appreciate the flattery, though.” Fred frowns. “Why not?” You turn your attention back to your quill. “As much fun as it would be to do your homework and get nothing in return, I’m not feeling it. Thanks for the offer, but I’ll have to turn it down.”
George rolls his eyes. “Oh, come on. It’s just a light spell or two, nothing major. You’ll forget about it by the end of the day.” You stand, sweeping your still incomplete essays into your bag. “Then I suppose you’ll be able to do it yourself, won’t you?” With that, you stride briskly away, ignoring the sounds of the twins’ disappointed voices.
You don’t get far into the halls before someone jogs up behind you. You glance over your shoulder to see who’s following you, but decisively turn back around once you realize it’s Fred. He, however, seems undaunted by this, and matches your pace to walk side by side with you. “I’d like to apologize for upsetting you. We didn’t mean to bother you, we just wanted to see if you’d be interested in the prank.” You shrug. “If you’re hoping that I’ll change my mind just because you’re nice to me, think again. I’m not that desperate for attention.”
Fred laughs, and the sound is surprisingly clear, ringing out like a bell. “I never thought you were. That’s exactly why we asked.” You look at him, feigning distress. “I thought you asked because I was the smartest Gryffindor of our year.” Fred grins. “That too. We can have multiple reasons.” You stop walking, and he stops with you. “Look, I appreciate the offer, but I don’t know anything about this prank or what it means. There are plenty of other bookish Gryffindors, I’d suggest you ask them.” Fred starts to speak, but you hold up a hand. “The prank will probably work better if you don’t have to keep fighting your textbook. I’ll see you around.” You continue walking down the hallway, and this time, Fred doesn’t follow you. You’re not sure why that makes you feel so alone.
You’re out on a visit to Hogsmeade, snow crunching underneath your boots. It was supposed to be a nice day, with the sun shining down over the crested roofs, but a newly arrived torrential downpour begs to differ. You lost your friend group after the rain started, and now have to face the undesirable task of navigating your way back to Hogwarts in the freezing rain. You’d taken refuge in one of the many shops lining the crooked streets, and now venture outside the door, arms wrapped around you. You’re still sheltered from the rain under a lopsided awning, and you’re just starting to force yourself out into the rain when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
You spin around to see Fred standing next to you, a dark umbrella leaned against his shoulder. He gestures up at it. “Never understood my dad’s obsession with muggle things, but I can appreciate this one. Walk back with me? It’s nicer than running through the rain.” You accept his invitation with relief- you don’t much fancy the idea of making the trip back to school in this awful weather.
The two of you begin the walk back, shoulders pressed together as you huddle underneath the stretched black fabric. You shiver slightly against the chill. “If you’re going to all this effort to recruit me for the prank, I think I’d better agree to get you to stop following me.” Fred puts on a mock pout. “I go so far as to offer you my brolly and you call me a stalker? If that’s how it’s going to be, I’ll leave you here instead.” He pretends to shove you out of the welcome shade of the umbrella and you shriek in protest, clinging to his arm.
“That’s cruel. Wickedly cruel. I can’t believe you.” Fred laughs. “Many can’t. I’m terrible.” You mutter under your breath, “You are if you keep pushing me out from under the umbrella,” and Fred grins before reaching his arm around you to pull you closer, away from the offending raindrops. “Oh come on, we’re friends. I would never try it again, I’m worried you’ll hex me.” You sigh in irritation, trying to ignore the hammering of your heart. “I just might, honestly.”
The journey back to school is over faster than you’d like, and you’re almost reluctant to trade the brief spot of refuge under Fred’s umbrella for the broad expanses under the Hogwarts roof. Even after the two of you part ways and you walk through the stone corridors, you can still feel Fred’s arm wrapped around you, holding you close against the bitter cold of the rainfall. You’re not sure why you’re so caught up in that moment. Maybe it just caught you by surprise, you reason. Or maybe you’re beginning to think about a certain Fred Weasley far more than you should.
You don’t think you could go back to studying right now if you tried, so you instead choose to continue your ramblings through the halls, looping around stone passageways until you’re certain you’re going to wear out your shoes. Eventually, you begin the climb back to Gryffindor Tower, but pause by an open door when you hear a pair of familiar voices. Fred and George are in some empty classroom, most likely practicing for that all too important prank. You intend to keep walking by, at least until you realize that they’re talking about you.
George is currently speaking. “You know, for someone who chose Y/N L/N just because she was the smartest in our year, you’re getting awfully close to her. I thought this wasn’t personal.” Fred throws something at his brother. “Ok, I offered her my umbrella. So what? It’s not like I gave Angelina Johnson my scarf at Quidditch practice and told her she could keep it and think of me.” George, however, remains unaffected. “We’re not talking about my relationship with Angelina, we’re talking about you and Y/N. Did anyone ever tell you that this is just for the prank? I mean, I didn’t expect you to fully propose marriage but you seem like you’re days away.”
Fred’s laugh feels like it cuts you to the core. “It’s not like that, George. Like you said, it’s just a prank. What, did you want me to walk past her with an umbrella and leave her to walk through the storm? I’m not a complete git, you know.” George tosses back some joking retort, but you’re too far away from the room to hear it. You’re heading back to the common room, back to the one place where you can find your friends and talk with them and pretend everything is fine. Of course it was just for the prank. What other reason could he possibly have to want to talk to you? Boys like him don’t share their umbrellas, boys like him don’t spend time with you unless it could help them. You would do well to remember that.
You’re coincidentally absent when the twins return to the common room that night, murmuring something about wanting an early night’s sleep to your friends just before they arrive. You lie awake in your bed almost the entire night, eyes trained on the ceiling above you. There’s only one thing you can do now, and that’s to agree to take part in their prank. Maybe once you help them, Fred will finally be done messing with you, and you’ll be left alone. Maybe then you can finally get over him.
You sit down next to them at the long Gryffindor table in the Great Hall that next morning to tell them about your changed decision. It almost hurts to see how excited Fred is that you’ve agreed to help. He looks so sincere that you’d almost believe he was genuinely happy to be working with you. It’s a shame that none of that is true, that he only ever spoke to you because you had a reputation for being particularly smart. It’s a shame that this will hurt you twice as hard when it’s over.
The prank itself is relatively simple, and all you have to do is a few intricate delayed transfiguration spells over the intended objects. Fred and George have assured you that they’ll handle the prank itself and no one will know you were ever involved in it so your sterling reputation will remain pristine as always. Their concern is touching, were it not for the fact that you know the real reason they don’t want anyone to know you were working with them. Why make it seem like the bookish Gryffindor girl is a close friend of the infamous Weasley twins?
At long last, the prank is over. You’ve been putting on the finishing touches alone with Fred, doing your best (and failing) to think of him as nothing but an acquaintance, someone who you’ll have no problems leaving behind after today. When it’s clear that the project is complete, you stand up, brushing dust off of your hands. “Well, that was fun. See you, I guess.” Fred stands up too. “Why does that sound like a permanent goodbye?”
You look back at him, forcing your gaze to remain cool. “We both know how this works. We weren’t friends before you needed my help, I’m assuming that we won’t be friends after this.” Fred shakes his head. “That’s not what I want.” You spread your hands in front of you. “That’s exactly what you want. This whole thing was just for the prank, nothing else. I heard you say it.” Fred’s face falls. “You heard-” His voice trails off. You nod. “Yeah. And it’s fine, I completely understand. Like I said, that’s how it works.”
You have been doing your best to keep your voice level, to keep all emotion off of your face, but it’s growing difficult to remain so unbroken. You feel like your heart is cracking apart with every word you say, so you turn to go. You’ve done what you had to, now he can at least let you go put yourself back together when you’re alone. But he doesn’t- instead, you feel a hand close around your wrist and Fred guides you back to face him once more. “I don’t want that. I know that’s what I said, but I don’t feel like that anymore. Yes, it all started for the prank, but I don’t want to go back to being strangers. I don’t want you to leave again.”
Your breath catches in your throat. Of all the ways you thought this goodbye would end, this was certainly not what you had imagined. Fred searches your face, looking for any possible hint of how you’re feeling. “If you really want to go and never see me again, that’s okay. I was just hoping that you might feel differently.” You stare at him for a second, then nod. “I do. I mean, I didn’t really want to go, I just heard you, and-” Your voice drops away. “I’m used to people leaving. I figured I should get used to one more person.” Fred takes your hand, pulling you close. “I’m not going to leave, Y/N. Promise.”
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queen-of-wires · 2 years
:sits down with notes:
Do elaborate on who was the best thighs in twst
/nf /lh
- tired
TWhat is with you and thighs?/lh
My Azul thighs rambles are going to make Lilia jealous
Essay on Azul thighs under the cut.
I put more effort into this than I do with my school work-
To begin with, I like the man who owns the thighs. Azul is very lovely and I enjoy him. He would give you headpats while he works. He also gives you nose boops. His thighs aren't big but they look soft. His thighs seem to be mostly muscle which is not the best to use for pillows. His thighs are pretty small so there wouldn't be much fat to lay on which means they wouldn't be too soft. Then there's also the problem of being able to be on his thighs. You have to be very close to him or have a contract. Even then it would be very hard to lay on his lap.
In his octopus form, he doesn't have thighs. But the bases of his tentacles look squishy. He has spikey shells(?) on the front part of the base of his tentacles and it looks like they are attached to him. The main problem is it's going to be very hard to get him to show you his octopus form. He thinks he's chubby and is very insecure. I think using his as a pillow might upset him. Then there's the problem of him being slimy because he's an octopus. You would have to get a contract with him or be very close with him because of his insecurities to see his octopus form. With contract is still very hard but getting close to him is also very hard.
Thank you for listening.
To conclude; it is very hard to lay on Azul and it might not be worth it. Even in his octopus form he would not be too comfy to lay on.
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lovingrosewho · 3 years
Hii so, as some of you may guess by the summary, one of my teachers failed me in a project in which I put a lot of effort in:( I had to take my anger out writing this haha, I hope you like it, as usual, any feedback or suggestions are well received! English is not my first language, etc. Enjoy!
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Rating: T.- Fluff
Word count: 2.1k words
Summary: Crowley finds you crying in your room because you failed a really important test
Warnings: mentions of sex, curse words, protective!Dean which of course counts as a warning
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You had been taken under the Winchesters wing for a while now, they agreed to share the bunker with you as long as you didn’t drop out of school after that wendigo hunt that had left so many scars, physical and emotional. They had warned you about the dangers of being a hunter and how it would eventually kill you and the ones you loved around you if you decided to take it up as a job. They kind of saw you as the little sister they never had, to be protected at all costs...
But when it got to the King of Hell, well, that was a whole other story.
Crowley had been around you a few times, the boys did not want him anywhere near you, had it been for them they would’ve put up a 12 feet round salt circle with you in it, but of course you would’ve argued.
You didn’t see the King of Hell as a threat, you even found him charming. His witty comments mocking Sam and Dean made you laugh in silence more times than you could count, his confident stand and even the pace of his steps made your insides nervous, ticklish. When he was around, he’d salute you with a slight tilt from his head and a “Kitten”. Nickname which would make the Winchesters roll their eyes and tell him to focus with, frankly, nearly not any manners.
The first time you talked with him properly, even though the boys were around, was kind of cute. You were helping them with some research and he went to stand by you, eyeing whatever you were reading, you had to suppress a laugh at how his eyes squinted trying to read the tiny letters.
“Something funny, Pet?” he asked you, a hidden, smug smirk in his lips. Sam and Dean gave each other a look, which shifted to Crowley afterwards.
“No, no, nothing” you assured him smiling, returning your gaze to your book “I’m guessing this snooping around is due to boredom, your Majesty?”
Crowley now grinned notably whilst Dean’s head snapped back at you.
“What did you just call him?” the eldest Winchester asked quite annoyed, but you dismissed him anyways.
“How’s hell, Crowley?” you said turning to him, ignoring Dean’s question and Sam’s glance at you.
“It’s okay Squirrel, I think (Y/N) here can take care of herself just fine” he said without taking his eyes off of yours and winking “Hell’s fine, by the way. Sweet, boring hell, which I should be getting back to right now, I hope by next time I drop by you’ll actually have something to show me”.
His eyes flew to Dean’s flared face with annoyance, then Sam’s and finally they fell back at you.
“I’ll be seeing you around, Kitten” and with this he vanished.
After that, Dean had scolded you, repeated once again what Crowley was capable of and how you shouldn’t be joking around with him. You shrugged it off just like Sam did, because nor him nor his brother were able to keep Crowley at bay with you after that. He’d drop by even more than he did before, and most of the times his words were directed at you, not the boys, talking about Hell, hunts, and overall non-important stuff. The Winchesters finally gave up and had to deal with the fact that, inevitably, you and the King of Hell were close.
A few months passed since your first little chat with Crowley, Dean insisted in scoffing and rolling his eyes every time he made a flirty move on you, Sam just smiled, guessing you probably had a thing going on for him as well.
Things stayed that way until the last term of the semester started, then you were buried underneath books, essays and projects. You still talked on the phone with Crowley at least once a week, but seeing each other personally was nearly impossible, he did not want to distract you.
When he was sure you were just days far from finishing school, he appeared at the bunker with the classical “Hello boys”, scanning the library, but you were nowhere to be seen.
“Looking for something?” Dean mocked, which caused Crowley to gave him a boring look.
“Very funny, Squirrel. You know bloody well who I’m looking for and I don’t see her in this room” he answered giving them a sarcastic look.
“Now’s not a good time Crowley” Sam affirmed without looking up from his laptop.
“Whatever do you mean, Moose? I’ve been told (Y/N) is almost finished with the semester, she should have less deadlines now” he argues when Dean interrupts.
“She failed a test and she has been... moody, the whole day, I wouldn’t even touch her if I were you, hell, I wouldn’t even go near her” he suggests winking at him. Crowley grunts at his, yet again, unsuccessful attempt to keep him far away from you.
“That’s because you two morons don’t know how to talk to her, I’ll just go to her room” he says beginning to walk, causing Sam to stop paying attention to his laptop and instead getting up all of a sudden along with Dean, who’s decided to stop Crowley.
“Wow wow wow, you’re not going into (Y/N)’s room” Dean declares laying a hand on Crowley’s chest so he doesn’t make another move “You’ve never been to her room”.
Crowley removes Dean’s hand with visible disgust.
“Oh Dean, I thought we were past the whole ‘Stay the hell away from (Y/N)’ deal. Listen Squirrel, if you don’t let me see how (Y/N)’s doing, I’ll just zap myself over there, understood?” he demands, and Dean is about to say something when Sam interrupts.
“Dean... maybe he’ll be able to cheer her up” he encourages timidly.
“What? Oh so you’re on his side now?” Dean reclames and Crowley can’t help but roll his eyes, snap his fingers and there he is, inside your room, standing in front of you.
You are laying flat on the bed when the unexpected smell of sulfur, whiskey and citrus invades your nostrils and makes you smile slightly.
“Crowley” you greet him lifting from your bed, inviting him to sit at the edge of it.
“Hello, darling” he says smiling back and accepting your offer of taking a seat next to you. When he gets closer he notices your swollen, red eyes “Have you been crying, Pet?”
You avert your sight and say nothing.
“Pet?” Crowley prompts “Are you alright?”
“Yeah” you lie “It’s nothing really, just some stupid test”.
“It’s not ‘stupid’ if it’s important to you. What is it? I know you. You can’t tell me you forgot to study or something like that”.
“I didn’t! I-“ your voice cracks again and you have to clear your throat to keep speaking “Of course I didn’t forget. I studied. Hard. But my professor said that ‘my answers weren’t clear enough’ which I totally disagree and I... I just find it unfair”.
“Huh” he says listening to you ramble whilst he gets up and starts walking in circles around your room. You glance at him and see his thoughtful look “Perhaps we could arrange an appointment between your teacher and my hellhounds”.
You laugh lightly and shake your head.
“Whatever it’s... it’s fine, I suppose the boys told you” you say “Guess now I’ll just have to drop out of school and take up hunting again”.
Crowley rolls his eyes for the eleventh time this day. Even if you’re joking he doesn’t like the thought of you being in danger, much less getting hurt or even... or even killed.
“Quit being dramatic, (Y/N), it doesn’t suit you at all” he tells you arching an eyebrow “Besides, we both now I’m the dramatic one in this relationship”.
You chuckle.
“Is that so?” you ask.
“Yes” he answers walking towards you and cupping your face with his hands, wiping the last tears from your eyes. You let a sigh escape.
“How did the boys let you in anyways?” you say changing the subject. Crowley scoffs at your question.
“They didn’t. In fact, they surely must still be discussing my quite essential stay with you today” he answers, taking his hands off your cheeks and sitting beside you.
You nod in understandment, amused.
“Everything’s going to be okay, Kitten” he assures you, placing his hand in your leg, yours instantly flies to it.
“I know” you tell him, moving your other hand to his cheek and making him face you “Thank you, for being here...”
He grins softly.
“Anything for you, love” he says and you smile. Slowly, you start leaning forward towards his lips. Crowley stares at you perplexed, but does nothing to stop you, instead, he shifts to touch the nape of your neck and leans into the kiss.
The kiss is swift. It begins with slow, careful movements, eager lips brushing over yours, turning into a heated passion as Crowley requests for entrance with his tongue and you jump to his lap. He explores your mouth until you’re both out of air.
“Well that’s an interesting turn of events” he tells you arching his brows and you laugh giving him a mild smack in the chest with your elbow.
“Shut up” you say pecking his lips a few times “You know... if Sam or Dean come in they’ll kill you right?”
The boys are right outside the door waiting for you or Crowley to go out, conflicted if they should go in, or knock, given that they’re not able to listen to anything you say.
“They’ve been insanely quiet in there” Dean’s mind begins to wander in the possible escenarios where you’re involved with Crowley. In your room. And he doesn’t like any of them.
“So what Dean? Maybe they’re just catching up” Sam says, exasperated with his brother.
“No, no, no, I could hear murmurs just minutes ago, now it’s total silence”. Sam sighs.
“Do you really want to go in there? Like really?” he questions giving his brother a look.
Dean considers his options for a few seconds.
“You know what? I’m going in” he asserts and Sam laughs.
“Suit yourself, I’ll be right behind you, covering my eyes”.
“Don’t be a baby” Dean snorts, but to be honest, he’s praying he doesn’t find you having sex with the King of Hell.
They come in the room to spot you in Crowley’s lap, arms wrapped around his neck, eyes closed, his mouth grazing over yours.
“Crowley you son of a bitch!” Dean yells at him, taking long strides to get to you.
“Squirrel” Crowley says sighing, whereas you do the same, adding an eye roll “Didn’t your mommy teach you how to knock?”
Sam is just laughing in the back, glad that at least they didn’t find you naked.
Dean is about to continue yelling at you and Crowley just raises his hand, snaps his fingers and you’re on his throne in hell.
“I believe that was our cue, love” he tells you with a half smirk in his face. You outburst in laughter.
“After this Dean’s definitely making me sleep with the dog” you state. Crowley chuckles lightly “Well, if we had a dog”.
“I thought that was Castiel” he says pretending confusion, you snort and shake your head, a grin not leaving your face.
Crowley takes a lock of your hair between his fingers and starts playing with it. At the same time, he leaves a trail of wet kisses that go from your mouth to your neck.
“Those Winchesters are lucky I was too busy admiring you to shove them out the room and lock the door” he acknowledges, continuing tracing kisses along your skin.
“They’re lucky they found us with clothes on” you admit and he chuckles again.
“Now now, Pet, never took you for the naughty type” he jokes “Quite honestly, I figured this was eventually going to happen, but I always thought I’d be the one to invite you out”.
“You want to invite me out?” you tease “Never saw that coming”.
Crowley smirks, faking annoyance.
“I’m asking to date you, (Y/N), but of course you would tease me about it” he says. You giggle, he’s right “So, what’s your answer?”
“Yes” you speak without hesitation, covering his lips with yours in a long, deep kiss.
“See? If Dean Winchester decides to kick you out the bunker, which I’m highly doubtful, you get to sleep with the King of Hell, not the dog” he tells you with bedroom eyes.
You bite your lips and nod, proceeding to keep making out with the King for a long time, spending the night with him. Dean’s chide can wait.
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
Blakeworther,,,but college
Blakeworther: ORIGINS (hopefully actually canon-compliant?)
-Vincent didn’t want a roommate. But RMU has a policy that unless a first-year has an extreme medical condition that requires them to room alone, they have to double up due to high attendance rates vs. limited dorm space. So unfortunately, Vincent needs to stay in the same room as this “Victor Blake” person he’s never met before and probably won’t like.
-He opens the door to their room on the first day. Victor is already there, decorating his half of the room. And you think Victor is a flirt nowadays? This is a Victor straight out of high school, with lingering teenage hormones. He takes one look at Vincent, gives him a coy smile, and just goes “Hello, beautiful.” And winks.
-Vincent goes “Don’t talk to me” and starts setting up his side of the room.
-Well, that’s rude. Victor tries to engage in conversation a couple more times, but Vincent makes it clear he is NOT HAVING IT, so Victor eventually gives up and pouts. (Vincent really is pretty. But more importantly than that, Victor kind of wanted his roommate to be his friend. That seems like a requirement for the college experience.)
-Oh, well. If they can put up with each other for one (1) year, they can request new roommates for their second year.
-Vincent sets off for his 8 a.m. on the first day. Psychology 101. He gets going at about 7 because he NEEDS to make a statement by getting there first. Back in high school, he was valedictorian, and he must continue to show people how classy, smart, and punctual he is.
-He arrives at the classroom. Seemingly empty. He strides through the door -
-The next thing he knows, he’s on the floor. Someone has screamed. He thinks it’s him. He’s disheveled, his books scattered. What just happened?
-After assessing the situation and going over the split-second incident that is retroactively gelling in his memory, he realizes that he walked through that door, and somebody who was waiting on the other side of the wall, just around the corner and out of sight, leapt out and JUMPSCARED him the moment he walked in.
-He looks up at the perpetrator who stands above him, giggling his ass off. This asshole is wearing a bright pink shirt and he’s admittedly kinda cute but also this was unforgivable.
-Victor: “What the HELL was that for?” Pink Shirt Man: “I knew someone would come along who thought they were first, and I wanted to make it clear this is my territory. I was here for fifteen minutes before you.” Vincent: “Why the HELL were you waiting here for fifteen minutes - “
-He makes a point of gathering up his books VERY ANGRILY and stomping to the furthest corner of the classroom to sit as far away from Pink Shirt as possible. Then glares at him venomously.
-So. A word on Albert. He grew up an only child with very few friends. He’s got a roommate too, but the guy’s an introvert in dark glasses who barely talks, spends like all his time watching anime, and is visibly just scared of Albert. So that friendship is out the window.
-(Yes. It’s Winston. He has not had an easy life.)
-This leaves Albert, who has no idea how to appropriately interact with people but has way too much pent-up energy, trying to figure out how to get people’s attention so he can make friends. But when I say he has no idea, I mean he has NO idea.
-So he sits down in the front row where his stuff was previously and just turns and STARES AT VINCENT until the rest of the class files in. Vincent keeps his eyes turned anywhere but at this Pink Shirt Creep because who stares at somebody over their shoulder for ten solid minutes?
-Albert chalks this up as a victory. Sure, this dude hates him, but that’s more attention than he was getting before!
-For the rest of the class, Vincent is hoping they can just move on and have a normal day in which he knocks every question fired his way out of the park. But that’s not what happens. What happens is this PINK SHIRT ASSHOLE in the front row keeps answering questions without being called on, and not even seriously. With the most MORBID sense of humor.
-Prof: “What are the three ways to study the brain?” Albert: “Smash open the test subject’s skull, rip it out, and have fun.”
-Vincent KNEW the answer was “lesion, stimulation, recording” and he’s so mad.
-He leaves this class grumpy.
-He’s on an alternating schedule, so block A of classes one day, block B the next. His next classes for A day go well and he gets to show off a fair bit of his intellect. But then the last class of block B and it’s art.
-Guess who’s there? Not Victor, unfortunately!
-Vincent walks in the door and THE PINK SHIRT ASSHOLE is there and Albert just waves at him “Hello” and Vincent is in hell.
-Same thing. Albert spends the whole class being obnoxious and annoying, but in a way that gets the other students to laugh. And Vincent just stews.
-Over the next few days, Vincent spends a lot of study time in his room rather than in the library because it’s quieter. Victor respects that Vincent will complain if there’s too much noise and so wears headphones when he’s working because he likes music in the background.
-One day, he accidentally rips the headphone jack out of the laptop and the song he was listening to blares over the dorm. He fixes the volume, already going, “Well, sor-ry for the accident - “
-Vincent: “Actually, I like that song. Have you listened to the album or do you just like it as a standalone?”
-Victor: “I...I saw them in concert, actually.”
-They have the first real conversation they’ve ever had since they moved in together because they ended up liking the same song. And they’re happy to be talking about it. This is good! Maybe they can be friends after all!
-First exam in Psych 101. Vincent feels pretty confident. This is a test he didn’t really put too much effort into studying for because he’s confident he memorized everything from high school. Well...as it turns out, he didn’t. But he fudges it as best he can, sure he’s at least doing better than the simpletons of the class. He’s the only one who takes this seriously, after all.
-Exam results come back, and the prof reveals that he’s graded on a curve. One student and one alone got a 95% on the exam; the rest failed horrendously.
-Vincent is about to rest on his laurels when the prof says “And that person is Albert Krueger.”
-Who the hell is -
-PINK SHIRT ASSHOLE stands up and bows playfully.
-Vincent now has a name for his nemesis. ALBERT KRUEGER. He’ll remember that and not be happy about it.
-So he’s chatting with Victor a lot more now as they hang out. Victor has a problem one day because one of his econ courses has a particularly picky prof who’s failed every single one of his essays to date, and he’s afraid he’s going to actually fail his favorite subject.
-Vincent takes a look at that prof’s notes. To his eyes, it’s easy to see what arbitrary hoops the prof wants Victor to jump through. It’s also easy to see that Victor actually is doing what’s asked of him and grasping the material; the prof just demands these extra trappings, probably as a power trip.
-Vincent knows exactly how to write the next paper to make it fit requirements. And so he says, “If you don’t have a problem with plagiarism, I can get the next one to pass.”
-Victor: “Well, don’t make it too perfect, or they’ll catch on.”
-Vincent writes Victor a solid B- of a paper. And it’s graded with the expected B-. Victor is SO thankful and calls Vincent a genius.
-About time someone around here did. Since it strokes his ego, Vincent offers to do any paper Victor wants for him, free of charge.
-Meanwhile! In art class, they’ve been assigned a midterm visual art project. Vincent can already tell that his piece is...good but not great. You know who’s making a fantastic landscape painting that everyone else in the studio ahhs at every day he works on it? AAAAAALBERT KRUEGER.
-Vincent is trying so hard not to explode.
-Vincent and Victor decide to eat lunch together because they like each other now. They head on down to the cafeteria, load up their plates with food, go to get the last two puddings on the shelf -
-Somebody takes the last two puddings.
-Albert: “I believe it is they who snooze who must lose.” He didn’t even want two puddings. But while people can get temporarily impressed with his prowess, annoying people is the only way he can REALLY get lasting attention. Most people go “Albert’s painting is so cool!” and leave. Vincent, though? Vincent keeps on making a SCENE out of it and Albert likes that. So he made sure neither Vincent nor Vincent’s friend could have any pudding.
-Vincent and Victor sit down, pudding-less. Victor: “Who was that guy?”
-Vincent explains the whole thing. He rambles for almost the whole lunch period about how much he HATES Albert. Culminating in how he knows that Albert’s art project is going to get highest marks and make Vincent’s look so much worse by its very existence.
-Victor: “You know...I have a plan, but it’s not entirely legal. If you want to get back at him, though...” Vincent: “I’m listening.”
-They break into the locked art studio after hours and RIP ALBERT’S PAINTING INTO SHREDS. That’s, like, twenty hours of work just gone. They leave no evidence.
-The following day, Albert approaches the two of them at lunch: “I know it was you. You can’t lie to me about this. From now on, we are at war. You, Vincent, are my mortal enemy. And you, Vincent’s accomplice, I know were talked into this by him, but you’re on the thinnest of ice.”
-Vincent’s fine with this. Victor thinks it’s funny and doesn’t own up to having come up with the idea.
-Anyway, Vincent and Victor start hanging out more, so when there’s a school dance, they decide to go together. Just as bros, not as PARTNERS what are you even - no. Platonic. Heheheheh
-And they have a good time dancing! Vincent doesn’t normally like this sort of thing, but Victor’s into it, so they’re cutting a rug.
-A small throng of students is gathered in the middle of the floor, watching some spectacle. Victor wants to see what’s going on. So he brings Vincent over.
-Everyone’s watching a particular student just absolutely breakdance with the greatest of skill. And GUESS WHO?
-Vincent enters RAGE MODE
-Victor: “Oh, no, here we go.” (Secretly thinking to himself that Albert did have some sexy moves indeed.)
-Vincent storms in and CHALLENGES ALBERT TO A DANCE-OFF. Albert accepts. Victor calls himself a third competitor so as not to be left out, and Vincent rules that either he or Victor winning will be a victory for Vincent.
-Well, Albert gains more applause by a LANDSLIDE. Vincent and Victor are good dancers, but Albert is FANTASTIC. Vincent complains the rest of the night and Victor’s just “Look, I know he was gorgeous and he got all the attention but please pay attention to me”
-Things continue like this until the next semester, when classes are shuffled and FINALLY Vincent is free of Albert.
-You know who walks in to find Albert just staring creepily at him from the front row of his first class? VICTOR.
-It’s Biology. Right away, the class gets a partner assignment, and the prof sticks Albert and Victor together.
-Might as well make the best of this.
-So they get to just awkwardly chatting. Victor tries to keep himself level-headed. Albert still doesn’t know it was Victor’s idea to destroy his painting. So they’re just playing it cool.
-And...it’s actually kind of fun to talk to one another?
-Albert lets slip that he likes bio a bit better than psych, but everyone’s expecting him to take up the position at Krueger Health Corp. Victor’s just like “So fuck ‘em. Switch majors.”
-Albert then blurts “Have you ever wanted to dismember someone who wronged you?”
-Victor: “Yes. All the time.”
-So for the first time, somebody is giving Albert attention that is NOT rivalry and is NOT just marveling at his talents and antics. This is new. He’s not sure how to handle it.
-For the rest of the semester, Victor is technically on Team Vincent, but he still waves at Albert when they pass on the grounds.
-Vincent and Victor go off campus to a house party with alcohol! Albert doesn’t actually show up to steal the spotlight this time. And...that kinda pisses Vincent off. Where IS he? He usually shows up to these things -
-Victor tells him to pleeeaaaase stop obsessing about Albert, please. (But Victor also kinda wishes he was there and isn’t sure why.)
-Later in the night, some beefy upperclassman starts a fight and threatens Vincent. Vincent and Victor are both buzzed and riled up. Victor jumps in and decks the guy to protect Vincent. The guy decks him right back and HARDER. So Vincent tackles the dude because now HE’S protecting Victor.
-They both end up in the hospital with broken bones. Roommates, again. And when they look at each other across their hospital room, they realize something has changed. That they now know they would defend each other to the death, and each has to repay the loyalty of the other. They’re in this for the long haul, and most certainly not going to request new roommates.
-They get their classwork shipped into the hospital and have some nice calm chats with each other, away from the buzz of student life.
-Albert, however, suddenly has his archnemesis and his lab partner both MISSING and it’s driving him insane. Where are they where are they where are they
-When they get released from the hospital and finally go back to campus, Albert has to refrain from RUNNING UP TO THEM AND HUGGING THEM BOTH. HIS LIFE HAD NO MEANING
-Instead he says “Pity. I’d’ve hoped that you’d die and be out of my hair.”
-Vincent and Victor can’t really admit how much he was the missing piece of their lives either.
-It’s gonna be a few interesting years at RMU.
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iadoreyouharry · 4 years
His Reputation
summary: Y/N and Harry are in High School. The two of them absolutely hate each other but have to work together at an English assignment. 
pairings: Harry Styles x reader
warnings: Angst and swearing. 
word count: 3,6K words
a/n : To be honest, i don’t really know if i like it that much, but i still wanted to share it with you! Please let me know if you liked it! :)
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Today was the first day of senior year. Y/N couldn’t be any happier about finally starting her last year. She was over with this shit show of a school. First of all, Y/N didn’t have many friends. She tried to make them, but they were mostly put off by her appearance. She mostly wore dark clothes and didn’t always have a smile on her face. She barely put any effort into her make-up, only some mascara what was smeared out at the end of the day. 
But nonetheless Y/N had one best friend. It was hard for Y/N to open up to people and she could be cold and distant to a stranger at first, but if you get her to trust you she was literally a sweetheart. And so, it happened to be that Y/F/N won the trust of Y/N. 
In contrast to Y/F/N, Harry Styles was the person Y/N would never trust, even if he was the last person to exist on this planet. The hatred towards him was big. 
Harry Styles was a captain of the High School football team and was pretty popular. Freshman guys looked up to him, they aspired to be as good as him in Football one day. And the girls would drool all over him in the hallways. Even though he got a generous choice for girls he was still single. Some people said he didn’t want to have a relationship because he focused too much on football, others said he might be dating someone secretly. Y/N didn’t care about all this bullshit over Harry. She lived her life without having to obsess over a stinky football guy. The funny thing, she was the only one.
“How can you not like him?” Y/F/N asked Y/N. 
“How could you like him?” Y/N responded. “He is so full of himself, I’d almost think he wants to marry his self later.” Y/N chuckled when she saw him looking in the tiny mirror in his locker, fixing his hair. “Why would he care so much about his hair, god damn.” 
Y/N closed her locker and walked away from the scene. Girls were admiring from a little distance, but all you can do was find the nearest bathroom to puke. 
Harry tried sometimes to talk to Y/N, but it was short conversations. Y/N would respond back with short and cold answers and would cut off the conversation immediately. 
Y/N may hate Harry, but Harry did find Y/N interesting. He was confused as why she didn’t like him? How could someone not like him? He knew he was handsome and attractive; how could she not see it. But because she didn’t like him Harry felt more attracted to her. She was mysterious and he liked it. He only didn’t show it. After trying to talk nicely to her, and not succeeding, he became cold and harsh to Y/N too. 
After 3 full years of pestering each other on and off they were not thinking off ceasing this year. 
“Hey, Raccoon, still didn’t learn how to do some proper make-up?” Was one of the first things Harry yelled at Y/N when she walked into school. Y/N’s reaction? holding up two middle-fingers in Harry’s direction with a fake big smile. 
Y/N and Y/F/N said their goodbyes when they split to go to their classrooms. First period would be English. Y/N sat down in the back corner of the room to not be seen. The start was good, the teacher, Mrs. Anderson, talked about her summer break and introduced herself. She even showed pictures of her two dogs. But then hell broke loose. Mrs. Anderson paired people together to interview each other about their summer break and write a whole essay about it. Y/N hated projects where you needed to work together. But she hated this project even more when she heard who her partner would be. 
“And then next, Y/N Y/L/N together with Harry Styles.” Harry looked to Y/N with a smirk on his face and all you could do was put a middle finger up. Gladly Mrs. Anderson didn’t see it. 
After class Harry walked up to Y/N. “Please, fuck off.” Y/N said and grabbed her bag to leave. 
“You need to talk to me, otherwise we will both fail this class.” He said and crossed his arms. 
“Fine, then I’ll fail this class, everything to not have to talk to you.” 
“For a fact, I know you can’t fail this class, or you can’t graduate.” A crooked smile could be seen on his face and his head was tilted a bit. “So, what do you say, mine place, or yours?” 
“Library after school sounds just fine.” With those words, Y/N walked off to her next period. 
After school Y/N walked to the library to work on the project with Harry. She had told the horrible news to Y/F/N but the only thing she could say was: “Maybe you two might actually talk for once, and maybe even slightly be friendly to each other.” Y/N thought she was crazy and that that never was going to happen. 
Once in the library Y/N found a spot and pulled out her laptop to be ready for the interview she had to take. But Harry was nowhere to be seen. The thought of mailing him came through Y/N’s head, but that would look desperate, and Y/N was everything but desperate. 
After a good twenty minutes Harry finally showed up, he was dressed in his football uniform, and his hair was one big mess. “Practice took longer than expected.” he said. He took place across from Y/N and laid back in his chair. 
“I don’t care what the hell you were up to.” Y/N snapped. “Just be in time.” 
“Jeez, why so grumpy?” Harry laughed. Y/N was already irritated and couldn’t wait for this god damn project to be over. “So, what do we need to do?” 
“Didn’t you listen to the explanation of Mrs. Anderson?” 
Y/N sighed and tried to explain calmly what the two of them needed to do. 
“So, we need to interview each other?” Harry asked, “and then need to write an essay about each other’s summer break?” Y/N nodded. 
“Exactly, it isn’t that hard.” 
“If it isn’t that hard, then why won’t you write both of our essays?” Harry proposed. “You wouldn’t have to see me, and I wouldn’t have to do anything.” 
“Do I look like your little slave? I’m not going to do that, idiot.” 
After a while the two actually started to ask each other questions about their break. Y/N tried to come up with good questions and tried to answer Harry’s questions as well as possible. But his answers were short and Y/N couldn’t work with those, and let’s not talk about the questions he asked. 
“Aren’t you going to write my answers down?” Y/N noticed that Harry didn’t write anything down on his notebook during the whole interview. 
“Nah, I’ll remember it.” He crossed his arms and smiled. “Or, I’ll just come up with something.” 
“You can’t do that.”
“Oh, and who are you to say that? You’re not my teacher.”
The whole afternoon was full of the two fighting like this. and Y/N was relieved when they called it quits. They weren’t done, far from. Y/N didn’t have enough to get a whole essay to write, and she was sure Harry didn’t either, with his dumb ass questions. 
“So, when are we going to work on this further?” Y/N asked when she packed her stuff. 
“I thought we were done?” 
“We are far from done, how do you think you are going to write a whole essay about my break with this little information.” Y/N rambled. 
“Just, like I said. I’ll come up with some stuff.” 
“You can do that,” Y/N said, “But I’m not going to, so we’re going to meet up again to work on this horrible project, if you like it or not.” 
Harry put his hands in his pockets and was thinking about it. “Fine,” he finally said. “But, at my place tomorrow after school.” 
“I don’t fucking know where you live, Styles.” 
“I’ll just text you the address.” Harry already walks away. 
How in the hell was he going to text her if he didn’t even have her phone number? Y/N decided that wouldn’t be her problem. 
When Y/N got home she decided to make a start on her essay. Even though she didn’t have much to write about she stretched the hell out of everything and finally got at least one page full. The fact that the main thing Harry did in his break was playing football made Y/N laugh. How can a person be so dedicated about a school sport? When he didn’t play football, he hung out with friends. At least that’s what he had told Y/N. 
Harry played so much football to get away from his house. His parents were fighting all the time and Harry didn’t like being in the middle of it all. At home he often was in his room listening to music on 100% volume to zone out of the real world. Harry liked music, he has a guitar and he also likes to sing, but he keeps that to himself. Sometimes he even wrote songs, but would never let anyone hear them. The lyrics would be hidden away in an old book in a drawer in his room.
Of course, he couldn’t tell Y/N this was what he was doing in the holidays. He had a reputation of being the hot football player who wasn’t afraid of anyone. And even though he knew he could get any girl, he still was insecure. He was scared people would see when he hadn’t slept all night because of his parents. The bags under his eyes would sometimes be so big, he put his mother’s concealer under it. Nobody would notice. 
Harry was glad that his parents finally decided to get a divorce, and his dad would move out. It was quiet in the house, finally. And Harry got to have a good night sleep again. His bond with his mum had grew since, and he was really glad for it. 
When he got home he went to the kitchen where his mum was preparing dinner.  He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and then sat on the counter. 
“How was school, darling?” 
“I’ve got to do a stupid project for English class with that stupid girl, Y/N.” Harry’s mum knew he didn’t like Y/N, but she disagreed about how he talked about her. 
“Harry,” she said warningly. “You probably don’t even know her that well, maybe she’s a really nice girl.” 
“Sure, that’s why she’s so cold and harsh to me.” 
“Maybe she has her reasons?” Harry walks off unagreeably. He loved his mum, but in this case a little less. He knew Y/N was stupid. She didn’t like him, so why would he be nice to her? He tried it long ago, and that didn’t go well. Why even try now?
After school Y/N was walking to Harry’s house. It was a fifteen-minute walk and rain poured down. She forgot to bring an umbrella and was now soaking wet. She already felt the embarrassment of sitting in Harry’s room, clothes dripping on his floor. Amazing. 
After fifteen minutes of walking, Y/N arrived at Harry’s place. It was a cozy house, not too small, not too big. Y/N didn’t expect Harry to live in a house like this. She had more the image in her head of a big house with big entrance and huge garden. 
She walked up to the door and rang the bell. Anxiously waiting for someone to open it. After a few seconds a woman opens the door and squeaks when she sees Y/N. “Oh, you must be Y/N! come inside it must be cold!” Y/N follows the woman into the house and there they stood in the hall. “I’m Anne, Harry’s mum.” the woman says. “You’re soaking wet, darling. Do you want something warm to change into?”
“Oh, no I don’t want to bother-”
“I’ll get Harry to get you something warm.” She yells upstairs for Harry to come downstairs and get Y/N some warm clothes. Harry’s face speaks for itself, he’s already done with this bullshit, but does what his mum tells him to. 
Anne told Y/N to just follow Harry and it would be alright. So, she did. Harry walks into a room, Y/N guessed was his. The walls were painted in a light color and it was clean. Y/N imagined his room full of football supplies, but she saw nothing what was related to football. While Y/N was looking around the room Harry was picking out some of his old clothes. He gave them to Y/N and told her she could get changed in the bathroom. 
Harry had given Y/N some sweatpants and his old football shirt. It was way too big on her, but it was better than the wet clothes she was wearing. Anne offered to put her wet clothes in the dryer so Y/N handed them over to her. 
When Y/N walked back into Harry’s room Harry looked up. He didn’t want to find Y/N cute in his old clothes, but he did. And he hated himself for that. It was just cute how the clothes were way too big on her. She awkwardly stood in the door opening and waited for Harry to say something. 
“You can sit on my bed.” Harry offers while he was already seated at his desk. Y/N plops down and grabs her laptop from her bag. Y/N was confused, as to why his mum was so kind and caring while Harry was far from that. 
The two, were to surprise, working great together. Harry finally asked some good, deep questions and Y/N was glad to give some good answers in return. After an hour the two were finished interviewing each other without any hassle. 
Harry dropped on his bed with a big sigh while Y/N was still seated at the end of it. “Glad that’s over with.” he says while staring at the ceiling. 
“Yes, indeed.” Y/N answers as she puts her laptop away. “I’ll get my own clothes again so I can leave.” 
“They’re probably not dry yet.” Harry says. “You can stay a little longer if you want, I can make you a cup of tea?” In this hour of not fighting with each other Harry began to see why he was interested in her four years ago. He saw her ticking away on her laptop with her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth. It was funny how she made weird faces while typing out some of the answers. And he admired when she giggled sometimes. It wasn’t a lot, but for some reason it felt like home. He knew he couldn’t be harsh to her right now. 
“Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?” Y/N asks suspicious. Harry was never nice to her, so something’s got to be up. 
“It was peaceful today, I liked it.” 
“I thought that was just to get over with this project.” 
“No, I-, do you want tea or not?” Y/N chuckled and nod her head.
She was still surprised Harry was acting so nice out of nowhere. She had do admit she really liked this side of him. But she was still scared he’d change at a glance. Maybe he only was this nice because there was nobody else and his reputation couldn’t be destroyed. 
Harry already was off to the kitchen so Y/N was alone with her thoughts. She really wanted to believe he could always be this kind, but she needed to see him like this at school. She was scared that if she would open up, just a little bit right now, he would use it against her, and pester her even more with it. 
After 5 minutes Harry comes back up with two cups of tea and hands one over to Y/N. “Thank you.” She says with a slight smile. It was silent while the two of them while slurping their tea. 
“Y/N I can’t do this.” Y/N looked up at Harry in confusion. She knew it, he couldn’t fake being nice to her. Of course, she was right. It was just an act. “I can’t act like I hate you, when I actually like you, you seem really nice.” 
“What?!” Y/N almost spits out her tea. “How?” she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. “Then, why were you always so rude to me?” 
“Because you acted cold and harsh towards me!” he exclaims. 
Dead silence. 
“I’m just not so open towards people I don’t know, I don’t trust people that easy and i can be cold, i guess.” Y/N explains. “I always thought you just picked on me.” 
“No, in our first year of High School i really tried to talk to you in a nice way, but you always cut off the conversations.” 
“So, because I was cold to you, you became cold and mean to me?” 
“Yes, i guess so.” Harry takes another sip of his tea. “I guess the tea is hot today.” Y/N laughed and gave nudged his arm. “Can you trust me now?” 
“Well, no.” Y/N says. “How can I know you really mean this?” 
“I just don’t pester you the upcoming days on school? If you don’t either?” he extends his arm. “Promise?” Y/N nods and takes his hand. 
The next week the two of them didn’t snap at each other and it was peaceful between the two of them. They also didn’t speak to each other, but sometimes they would send each other a small smile in the hallways. 
Y/F/N noticed the sudden change between Y/N and Harry. “What is going on, why aren’t you guys fighting all the time?” 
“We came to our senses, and agreed we should stop being mean to each other.” Y/F/N was shocked. She saw the two of you fighting each day for the last three years, how was that changed of a sudden?” 
“But, you literally hate each other.” 
“Well,” Y/N begins. “I thought he hated me, but it was me who was harsh to him in the beginning, so he became harsh to me too because of that.” 
“So you hated him for being mean, but it was your own fault?” 
“And you’re sure he won’t start picking on you again?”
“I hope so.” Y/N gulped. “He promised it.” 
“Let’s hope” Y/F/N says cheery. “Because I’m liking this truce.” 
When Y/N was walking in the way of a bathroom she walked by Harry and his friends. 
“100% you’re going to pick on her again next week.” She hears one of his friends say laughing. 
“Yeah, absolutely.” Harry confirms and laughs with his friend. 
“What the fuck, Styles?!” you blurt out. Harry looked up in shock after hearing you. He wanted to say something but you ran into the bathroom. 
“Y/N,” he stood by the door to try and talk to you. He heard his friends behind him laughing but he didn’t care. Why did he care so much about this stupid reputation, it wasn’t meant for Y/N to hear that, he didn’t mean a thing he said, he just wanted his friends to like him? “Y/N, please.” he repeated after she didn’t respond after the first time. After the third time of not responding he walked into the girl’s bathroom not giving a fuck. 
“Go away.” Y/N yelled. Harry could tell she cried a bit and tried to cover it up. “You don’t care about me.” 
“I do, I really do Y/N.” 
“Didn’t seem like it back there.” 
“Y/N I have a reputation here.”
“Exactly, and getting a truce with me would ruin it, go ahead, let’s ruin each other’s lives again.” Harry wanted to come closer to Y/N but she pushed him away. “If that fucking reputation is so fucking important to you, mister fucking styles, then go ahead and save your reputation.” She punched Harry on his chest. For harry it didn’t hurt that much, but Y/N really needed to relieve her anger at him. Harry grabbed her wrists so she stopped hitting him. “Let me go!” she exclaims. Harry doesn’t let go and stares deeply into Y/N eyes. 
“Fuck my reputation.” Harry says. He leans forward and crashes his lips onto Y/N. At first Y/N was in shock by the sudden kiss but was soon joining him. Their lips were in sync. Harry grabbed Y/N’s cheek and stroked it with his thumb and Y/N’s hands were all over Harry’s curls. The anger she had really was outed in the kiss and it made it even more passionate. The two couldn’t get enough of each other, and they both realized that this was the thing they both wanted, but tried to put that feeling away for so many years. 
“Harry.” Y/N begins as the kiss came to an end. “Are you sure you want to get rid of that reputation, for me?” 
“one hundred percent.” He grabs her hand and squeezes it. “please, trust me.” 
“I want to, but how do i know you won’t keep talking about me like that.” referring to the scene with his friends from a moment ago. 
“You still have my football shirt from the afternoon we did the interview?” Y/N nodded, Harry said she could keep it because it didn’t fit him anymore. That was a lie, he wanted her to have it, it looked adorable on her. “Please, wear that to school tomorrow, and I’ll gladly show you off to everyone in this school.” 
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
I'm going to ramble about my SW OCs for a bit, since @zeawesomebirdie said he was interested!
So, when I say Star Wars OCs, I actually have 4: Cehim Velm, who's a Pau'an mapmaker, and the three Jedi, Korcha Serach who's a Harch, Reil Zilarrest who is human and Devafe Ardolald who's an Arkanian (to give you an idea of what they look like, here are drawings of them I've done before: Cehim here, Korcha here and the padawans there). Korcha was Reil and Devafe's master, and she's very much based on a japanese teacher I had in school whom I respect a lot, whereas her Padawans and Cehim aren't really based on anyone besides some aspects of me. Here's two timelines I have on hand, the first one is just the Jedi and the second one is kind of a quick sequels chronology with important dates, characters, and their ages at said dates, for comparison.
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Which is what I'll use to start on Reil: you'll notice he 'dies' in -19 BBY, because technically if we follow the events of canon, he absolutely would not have survived Order 66, as opposed to the other two who might have, I still have to decide (though of course in my head everything is fine everyone is happy and they all live to be very old) The reason is Reil is a crèchemaster, and well, we know what happened to the younglings.
Reil loves working with the kids, loves seeing them grow and learn, the way they're young but creative and clever and kind. Korcha also likes younglings, but more for what they represent than anything else: she's very respectful of traditions, and seeing the new generation of Jedi, with their little tabards, learning the thousand-year-old traditions, always makes her feel warm. She's more suited to one-on-one instruction, though, and she doesn't particularly want to take care of a group of 15 children for too long. Devafe is the only one who didn't inherit the youngling-loving genes, if you will, because she isn't a fan of kids running everywhere and being active and noisy, she likes her calm too much. The only ones she appreciates are the quiet ones who come to the Archives to read, because they have that love of books in common.
In general, Devafe is more drawn towards mental, intellectual things, whereas Reil is a very physical person. She loves sitting down and reading, writing essays, meditating, and Korcha had to push a little for her to put as much effort into the more physical aspects of training. Reil is the opposite, he prefers tangible things, activities where you can clearly feel what you're doing, and even if learning lightsaber combat was harder for him because he's visually impaired, he preferred spending an afternoon going through katas again than being stuck listening to a recording of a book he has to read (because, headcanon time: I imagine they have audiobooks in a galaxy far far away, but the really interesting texts Padawans get assigned as readings don't necessarily have a recording, and if that was the case he had to listen to Korcha or one of his friends read him the book, which can get old quick. In any case, he wasn't a fan) Devafe's hobbies obviously include reading, but she also likes playing board games, and she has an interest in geography, while Reil is more the type to have plants, to do pottery or to paint.
Korcha is is a strict Master: she wants her Padawans to do the best they can, to really invest themselves and to be serious about learning. She gave them help if they needed it, she went over things they hadn't understood and explained them again, but they couldn't just vaguely do it to say it's done. She had to get better at helping, because she tended to assume people weren't cooperating when they just didn't understand or didn't know how to go about it, but the Padawan isn't the only one learning things during the apprenticeship haha. While she’s strict, she will never pass up an occasion to sing the praises of her Padawans to someone else, and she’s very family-oriented, in a way: she regularly hosts little get-togethers with her extended lineage and friends where people bring food and have a chat, and when she sees all the people she loves in the same room having fun together it warms her heart. She also puts a lot of importance in traditions, she respects them a lot, she's very proud of contributing to the Order, and of helping it grow and prosper by training new Jedi.
This, by the way, is why both Reil and Devafe had the silly Padawan haircut: I personally headcanon it's an old tradition and Masters are free to ask it of their Padawans or not. Obviously, Mrs Traditions Are Important had them wear it, and let me tell you they both were glad to grow it out, though not really in the same way. Reil, though he's let his hair grow when he became a Knight and hasn't cut it since, kind of liked the clear, tangible reminder that he was someone's apprentice, that he belonged with the Order. Devafe was less enthusiastic and mostly thought it was ugly, I imagine she was pretty happy the serious Master Serach wanted her to be her Padawan, but when she had to cut her hair short like that she felt a bit disappointed.
Korcha, given that she's based on a language teacher of mine, is kind of specialised in languages. I haven't thought of all the languages she studied, but she speaks quite a few of them, and can do a good translation job. Devafe somewhat followed in her footsteps, but focussed on only one or two, and really got familiar with the culture's litterature and culture. Reil wasn't as interested, and while he picked up a few things it's not really one of his skills.
I imagine Devafe as the kind to want to specialize in Makashi, if that helps get a better reading of her vibes, while Reil is probably better at Shii-Cho or Niman, and Korcha remains to be decided. After a little research, I determined that Reil probably has an acceptable level in lightsaber combat, given that he can't really see much. I think it would make sense for him to use a shoto, or at least one of those adjustable-length sabers, because the closer you are to the person you're fighting the better it is when you don't see them. His level certainly wouldn't be good enough to send him on missions that would involve combat or, later on, to battles in the war, especially if you add his disability, but he prefers staying at the Temple and teaching the younglings in any case. He would win against someone who isn't really trained in combat and doesn't know him, but that's about it. However, he was trained, knighted and lives in an era where there's no actual need to be excellent at combat: there are no Sith anymore, and lightsaber combat is mostly a sport. It's understandable he wouldn't be incredible at it, and it's not a skill he absolutely needs, so overall it's fine. As for Devafe, she didn't particularly want to spend hours sparring, but she likes being good at things, and she couldn't just let herself be acceptable at it: she wanted to have a good level if only to have a good level, and she put effort into it (that, and Korcha wouldn't have let her slack off anyway)
I haven't mentioned it yet, but she's also a very honest person, who will say what she thinks if she says anything. That and the fact she applied herself to be good at as many things she could meant she was totally the type to say things like 'oh, it's fine, you weren't very likely to win' after a spar with another Padawan, not because she's mean or she thinks she's inherently better like people assume she is based on the fact she's Arkanian, but because that's true: she spent time practicing and they didn't, that's the logical conclusion. Korcha, who was the same kind of kid except she did think she was a little better than others and had to learn humility, has to remind her to avoid saying that kind of thing, and that honesty isn't always the best course of action even if it's true.
Finally, I wanted to give them sort of a lineage theme: Korcha’s master was a Bothan who saw this little spider girl who acted like she was cooler than everyone else and that other Jedi didn’t particularly want to take on and made her their Padawan; Korcha did the same for a blind boy Masters didn’t know how to train and an Arkanian kid with a reputation for being too full of herself. Not that I’m saying Jedi are prejudiced and assholes, not at all, just that sometimes you don’t think you’d do a good job at teaching that specific kid for whatever reasons. And that’s a good thing, if you don’t think you would work well with one of the Initiates then don’t take them as your Padawan, that’s better for everyone involved! But Korcha’s Master and Korcha herself thought they could do it and they did.
So here, that was for my three Jedi, I love them very much and they’re cool <3 I actually have maybe a few more things on them and I didn’t talk about Cehim but honestly that’s enough of a novel for tonight haha
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when/how did you realize beatles music was amazing and something you couldn't live without?
I'm trying to not start off every answer with "OOF" but you people do keep sending me loaded questions lol. That's fine though, I enjoy it, keep it coming! My close attachment to the bug boys (both their music and them) is new. It more or less started at the beginnng of May of this year.
I've always known about them and known a good handful of songs. We sang Yellow Submarine and Hello Goodbye in school, I have memories of playing Beatles Rockband once at my cousin's house and also the Love album used to be relatively regular car music for my family. Also, I was in class with someone who was obsessed with their music and sometimes she'd be playing songs. My opinion on the music for most of my life has been kind of… middling. There were songs I really liked or loved (like Help! or Eleanor Rigby) songs I thought were fine but didn't take much note of (something like Being For The Benefit of Mr Kite) and ones I just really didn't get the hype for (A Hard Day's Night comes to mind [I love it now]). But I have a sort of kneejerk sceptic reaction to people hyping stuff up for no discernible reason sometimes, and so the more I'd hear older people with little knowledge of music theory and history call them the be-all end-all of music, the more I sort of developed a kind of aversion to them. I just hate being told to respect and/or like things without knowing why, y'know?
PSA to older Beatles fans: you will NOT convince younger people to listen to your music by telling them their music taste sucks actually.
On the other hand, I had also sort of gotten the idea I should maybe go through their entire discography and get behind the myth of it all. I sort of attempted this a few times over the years, like I started listening to Sgt. Pepper once and then for some reason had to stop halfway, and I listened to the This Is The Beatles playlist on spotify a few nights in a row in 2019 lol.
What actually made me commit to doing it was 1) I had seen a LOT of backlash against Taylor for breaking the Beatles' records for 3 number one albums within the least amount of time in the UK last April, and like the sheer stupidity of some of the arguments being made why "Actually She Didn't Break This Record" really set me off (for example talking about it being "more effort" to buy an album back in the day… But the Beatles weren't competing for number one against anyone who had it "easier" to sell their albums and Taylor wasn't competing against anyone who had it "harder" than her. Or talking about absolute pure sales numbers when that's not what going number one means?) and 2) in a Discord I was in, someone shared a link to an 8-Bit version of Sgt. Pepper at the beginning of May, which I decided to listen to cause it seemed like good study music and I rather enjoyed! I found it really let their talent for creating good melodies shine through.
Anyways, so all of that made me go okay! I'm gonna go through this motherfucking huge discography then I will know this music better than a LOT of the people who hype it up and then I will be able to be objective about all of this.
So I listened to Sgt. Pepper and Please Please Me and then the White Album. The first was enjoyable but I didn't really ~get the immense hype, Please Please Me bored me at first (I think their early style is something you kind of need to get into and need to hear a few times to fully appreciate. But also Love Me Do sucks and why a record label thought it would be a good debut single is absolutely BEYOND ME) and the last one REALLY caught me off guard. There was stuff in there I loved (Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da is actually possibly my very first favourite song that wasn't a kids' song. I used to have to go to these psychomotor education classes and that song played there often and I adored it. Also Piggies slaps, send tweet) but also like a lot of stuff I found pretty weird and off-putting. And I still haven't warmed up to Yer Blues and Why Don't We Do It In The Road. That album did, however, get me very interested in the band. I think the weirdness of the album really just invited me to look into their history. I wanted to understand why they had broken up. That sent me down the rabbithole of the India trip history and I just kept reading more and more wikipedia articles related to all of it.
It was around this point I sort of came to realize that I'd had a lot of wrong preconceived notions about them, especially John. I was never someone like roaming around twitter, yelling for him to be cancelled, but he had simply never seemed sympathetic to me. For instance, IDK if I misunderstood what someone told me or if that person had misunderstood, but the story of John learning chords with Paul left-handed to follow him better (and maybe also Stuart not letting Paul change around the strings on his bass) had somehow been morphed into John finding Paul's left-handed playing off-putting and forcing Paul to play right-handed?? And I was like "Wow, what an asshole!" Also all the 1970 narrative that the two didn't like each other, plus I projected boomers' and gen-xers' Beatle snobism onto them and just got the impression they were pretentious narcissists. (I mean they were kind of that, but not to the extent or in the same way I imagined)
So I think learning these things opened me up to them more. Like I realized Hey! They were my age! And then at some point I found out about the Christmas albums and thought that was so fascinating, that that existed, (a huge part of my initial interest was my fascination with the marketing around them, which is why I watched AHDN and Help! super early on) so I listened to those and was like "Fuck! These guys are endearing!" and then I remember lurking on bug-tumblr and seeing that "Well that was very observant of them, because we aren't American actually" quote and I wanted to find the video of it and ended up finding this legendary video. And starting to actually like these guys and realizing they took all of this ten times less seriously than their Boomer fans do made me more excited to keep listening to the discography and look up more of the stories behind the songs and just kind of… Come to understand them better. I also found that once I accepted that some Boomers are just gonna hype up their fave music too much I'd enjoy it more. Like I'd listen to I Want To Hold Your Hand and get a bit defensive like "why do you love this so much??? the lyrics are so dumb??" but when I just kind of accepted that fact I realized no! It's an amazingly structured bop, which yes, has weak lyrics but it's fine!!! It's the Call Me Maybe of its day and that's NOT a bad thing!!
And in the end they have an amazingly versatile catalogue that covers most things you might be in the mood for. It is kind of hard (for me) not to like it.
There are still sort of two bands in my head: the archetype, the myth, the pretentious group of people who hate each other that I just sort of instinctively want to dislike and the band who sang all those songs I had NO IDEA existed and came into my life without any baggage or expectations from my part. I've pretty much never listened to say Hey Jude in the past months, even though I don't find it bad the outro is too fucking long because it's kind of got too much of that baggage to me still.
This was SUCH a ramble but I hope this makes sense to people to some extent. Anyways I'm a new fan, drag me, but maybe drag me more for how much I seem to know after three months. Seriously, this is a curse.
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welcometomy20s · 3 years
January 10th, 2021
Action Button Review
Tim Rogers reminds me of Hank Green. They are about the same age, they look about the same age which is a combination of young and old that feel eternal. They also have the same length of experience in writing in online spaces, interest in Japanese media, and apparently have Crohn’s disease? In summary, he might be the closest equivalent to Dave Green that exists in the real world. Well, I guess Dave Green is not apt, as Dave Green is not special in a way, while Tim Rogers is special, but his speciality comes from his failures rather than his counterparts' success.
Tim Rogers is a hypothetical Green brother who did not decide to publish that book. He’s a hypothetical Green brother who went to Japan instead of Alabama or Florida. Whose project crashed and burned rather than a surprise success. He’s forged in fire while the Green brothers are eroded by water. Both are wonderful people, but with a different ground of intensity and differing wealth of wisdom.
I encountered this series because I found a twitter post about a six hour review of Tokimeki Memorial, and a white middle-aged man talking about a dating sim for six hours with laudatory blurbs would always pique my interest, but since I didn’t know the guy, I went ahead and looked if he made other videos, and found he has four other review that were all about three hours or more. Now I knew that I had to watch all the reviews to prepare myself for this six hour review of Tokimeki Memorial.
Now, I wasn’t a stranger to three hour reviews of video games. I watched Joseph Anderson, Raycevick, Whitelight, matthewmatosis, and Noah Gervais-Caldwell. In fact, in the comments below Action Button Reviews, many people talked about a comparison to Noah Gervais-Caldwell (and Brian David Gilbert) and that was quite funny since I actually watched a recent Noah Gervais-Caldwell video.
His first two reviews were perfunctory, him opening himself up and trying out new things and polishing his review style, as he went through the Final Fantasy VII remake and The Last of Us. While I watched The Last of Us, I distinctly remembered and contrasted Noah’s The Last of Us Part 2 review with Tim Roger’s The Last of Us review. I liked Tim Roger’s defense of interactive movies (although he denies it!) contrasted with more cynical but ultimately positive connotation in Noah’s review. And Noah’s thesis pairs nicely with Tim’s observation that Ellie was the main protagonist all along. That fact makes Part 2 much more understandable, even the bad parts.
When I finished watch his first two reviews, I went ahead and also watched several of Tim’s videos on Kotaku, which were slightly shorter, the longest being just over an hour, which is a review of the best games in 1994, and does contain a short segment about Tokimeki Memorial, which his six hour review was my destination. To put in context, Tokimeki Memorial was #3. #1 was Earthbound, #2 was Final Fantasy VI, and #4 was Super Metroid. And I just watched a playthrough of Super Metroid basically on a whim, because it’s a monumental and a great game to play and watch.
And while the segment of the games that I knew to be great and monumental in my absorption of knowing video games was deeply personal and rightly claimed its stake that it deserved its spot, his segment of Tokimeki Memorial never got there. It was almost as if he was deliberately hiding behind something. In the end of 1994 review, Tim pitched an idea about a three hour Earthbound review, which probably was Tim’s idea of floating a departure from Kotaku, which would happen two months later, and I wonder if he was trying to deliberately throw a curveball by making a video of Tokimeki Memorial instead of the promised Earthbound review. This may be a far leap, I admit.
I went back and watched the video about Doom. It was much better in quality and in darkness. I was reminded of Film Crit Hulk’s writing of The World’s End and James Bond, another very long essay that was deeply personal and chapter for easier consumption. Few commenters noticed that Tim Rogers was just doing a dramatic reading of his written reviews on Kotaku and Action Button dot net, and how they liked that approach, and I found myself liking that approach as well. You might believe a video review needs more than just reading an essay out loud, but just the act of reading an essay out loud in the correct intonation and inflection adds ton to experience. And Tim Rogers sounds like he has decades worth of experience to present a dramatic reading of his essay very effectively, much like Hank Green.
I continued scaling the mountain to my goal. I went through his review of Pac-Man and was delighted by his reading of Namco games, and was impressed by the opening sequence, and just generally enjoyed it. I was getting excited to set a day aside and let the six hour review of Tokimeki Memorial watch over me and reduce me to dust.
And it sure did. That six hours was a harrowing experience. What Tim Rogers is best at is telling a story, and so to go through a let’s play was a wish I never made, fulfilled. In the end, I was left with nothing and everything. It was like finishing a really good book.
I wanted to watch it again, then again I never wanted to watch it again. It was almost a traumatic experience. Tim talked about there being endless variation of love, and the love Tim Rogers went through was not the fluffy yet melancholic one that I craved, but one akin to a devotion of an eldritch god. Love made in justification for one’s efforts in attending and maintaining a relationship. A love stronger than most kinds of love, but most draining and taxing as well. Tim Roger’s synopsis of Tennis Monster reminded me of Asking for It by Louise O’Neill, which is also about empathizing a quite hateable character because we kind of have to. Apparently one person knows the full plot because Tim Rogers rambled on about it as he was couch surfing in his house, and unbelieve as it usually is, I fully trust that the commenter is telling the truth.
I was like a heroin addict, who really wanted a different hit, like talking to friends or hiking, my mother wanted me to go hiking with her, and I didn’t because, after the pandemic started, all I wanted to be was inside. Outside felt diseased. The air outside felt contaminated to me, hard to breathe. I was stuck in this place.
Tim Rogers is an exceptional figure. He seems to be a movie protagonist, he reminds me of The Librarian, played by Noah Wyle. Tim has eidetic memory, as he has access every single autobiographical memory formed, but not other types of memory. We know that those types of memory are different because of people like Tim and people who are opposite of Tim, someone who has no memories of autobiographical memory but otherwise fine. These people tend to have very few emotions and have a hard time deciding things. Lack of emotions is correlated with difficulty in decision making.
So Tim is the opposite of that, Tim is full of emotions, complex emotions and he can make decisions and carry it out in a snap. He would be good at school, and he was, but he would be too focused on his grandeur to be under some authority, which is how he became who he was. His anti-authoritarian nature rings throughout his reviews, highlight the general Generation X vibe that Tim exudes but also the modern socialistic movement of Generation Z, which adds to this odd mix of old and new.
Not only does Tim have eidetic memory and intense work ethic that he never seems to move away from, therefore making a three hour video masterpiece at a clip that seems unbelievable for a seasoned viewer, he also has exceptional skills in fast math and language, he seems to be at least familiar with dozens of languages, and of course Tim’s experience is bounded by his decade of living in Japan.
I think this is why Tim naturally gravitates towards video games. When Tim says ‘welcome to video games’ there’s a natural supposition that Tim Rogers is the protagonist of video games, and I think he is. Tim wants to be in video games, because he needs to be in video games, instead of some almighty god cruelly deciding to plop him into a real life. He should be an video game adaptation of The Librarian and go on world-spanning adventure and romance impossibly beautiful girls instead of toiling the grime of what real life portends to. His life is dramatic, but impossibly mundane as well. It’s a simulacrum of a movie or a video game, which is pretty cool on its own.
But of course Tim Rogers isn’t the only part of Action Button Reviews. In the ensuing five videos, Tim Rogers tries to do something. Video games are a wide net. There is so much to video games, something like Gone Home and Geometry Dash are included alongside Wolfenstein The New Colossus and Farmville. What makes a video game? Actually, the more interesting question is, why do we have the term ‘video games’? Why do we put all of this mess into a single category, as if there is some throughline.
Tim Rogers starts to do that. Tim Rogers boldly states that things like Doom and Tokimeki Memorial are intimately connected to each other. And that all video games are in conversation with each other, through deep and complex meta-narratives. Tim Rogers is a cartographer, trying to map out how video games are made whole.
I’ve always strived to be that kind of a cartographer, to showcase the weave of reality, of connecting two seemingly unconnected parts, and showing to a profound implication both existing, instead of one or the other. If you don’t know, I have been trying to write something out of my current obsession with Virtual YouTubers, and mostly Hololive, and while I think I stumbled upon the six hour video review of Tokimeki Memorial outside of my interest in virtual YouTubers, this video, as I expected in the back of my head, gave me plenty of thoughts about Hololive. Its rumination of cyberpunk and idol culture is so directly connected with the peculiarities of Hololive that I was quite astounded.
From the very beginning, I wonder how Tim Rogers thinks about Hololive, especially after he has done that six hour review. I’m sure he will have a lot of interesting thoughts about the prospect. I want to get in contact with him, maybe work under him. But then I don’t want to hang out with him. I want to be near him as he talks to a crowd at a party, but I don’t feel safe to be near him when there’s less than ten people nearby. I think below ten, I would be swept in some danger that I won’t be prepared for.
Tim Rogers and Action Button Review is a fascinating review series and if you have the time, I suggest you should take the journey. It’s well worth it, just to get a different perspective on video games and the world around it.
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struwwelzeter · 4 years
Stripped Making Of (not so) Liveblog, actually more of an aimless ramble
Ah the stripped video. One of my absolute favorites.The one I could say so much about and at the same time am so exhausted by even thinking about it ...
But basically this is why I don’t trust Philipp Stölzl. Because I honestly don’t buy that he couldn’t explain to them how controversial Leni Riefenstahl Material would be. I do buy that they were fairly unfamiliar, lots of people were and still are, and especially with their background, I think they genuinely might have not understood. But him? I mean in order to even think of that material he had to have known. And like, that means he is either way too comfortable with her proximity to the NSDAP, or he genuinely kind of just assumed that they knew what they were letting themselves in for. And that’s assuming a pretty arrogant position to be honest. I know he initially wanted to refilm all that but I genuinly don’t think that if he had explained to them more in-depth what this means that they would have still used it. Not with them always being so upset at being seen as right wing. @msgwendolenfairfax recently said something like that he’s jerking off to his own intellectualism, and ever since I do believe it’s mostly that, that he just assumed this “it’s an aesthetic choice, not a political one” position which I am very much on board with in principle, but in practice was letting the band walk into open fire imo. I mean I looked, and he has a clean reputation otherwise, so I do believe it must have been that. Which - giving him the benefit of a doubt - could have just been because he comes from a very intellectual (theatrical) background, that’s what he does nowadays, so it could have been genuine mistake, —- kind of expecting more from the audience than it could deliver, but really? A mistake that big? Why, Philip? It’s entirely possible that I read wayyyyy way too much into it, but like, I have seen people fired for a lot less in this country and I am just so suspicious.
All that being said, that video IS brilliant aesthetically, and anyone who wants to dispute Riefenstahls accomplishments because of it’s evil purposes completely misses the point to be honest. Some of these shots are filmed in a way that would be rare and astonishing even today. My grandmother was only a couple of years younger than her and one of the two first female students at the Munich School for Photography, and she was accused weekly of being too stupid for a camera. That’s the time we are talking about. She might have been a dirty opportunitist, but how much can you really blame her. Can you imagine saying no to these opportunities as a woman, with a camera, during that time? Honestly? People give Albert Speer more slack than her and it’s. Suspicious, let’s leave it at that.
Back to the actual making of, I should update on how my Depeche Mode exploration is going perhaps. I love those “works for everyone” acts, I mean how many of these are there even? What is comparable from later on? Gorillaz? Wu Tang Clan? Billie Eilish?
Richard being a smiling fan boy makes me squeal internally. I am making horcruxing a verb, because him hiding liking pop music is basically me hiding my Eminem records and my classical CDs from my punk friends and I start to be convinced he just flung a bit of his soul around he accidentally splintered off during the chaos of reunification and I had to catch it like the idiot I am.
God, them trying so hard to do it justice makes my heart so full. Schneider is so genuine, and look at Richard smiling, he’s so into that challenge I ... moving on, ok.
I think the stripped ... down to the bone might have been so hard for Till because it covers quite a big range from beginning to end of the line, and he doesn’t normally do that. Like it would be a fluid change from where his voice needs to sit in the beginning to where it sits in the end of it? Because in principle he should be able to hit it I think ...
Yeah see, they didn’t think about the consequences. But they should have and I genuinly do not understand why noone stepped in and made them.
I love how unwilling to compromise Paul is here. I mean I 100% agree with him, and to be honest I don’t think they should have decided against using it, it’s just that they seemed to have been so unaware of what they are using that makes me pause.
See I actully like how Stölzl explains this here. If you take those images on their own and recontextualize it, there is nothing wrong about it whatsover. And doing just that is an art historical constant. It’s just difficult because most people aren’t art historians and can’t sort their instincts away from objectivity. It’s a weird mix of simultaneously knowing too much and too little that makes cases like this so difficult.
See that’s the thing, yes there were (and are) alot of debates about the “who are we and how are we gonna deal with this legacy” thing, but just blindly starting that experiment slightly puts the answer before the question, or? And again, if this would have been a conscious decision of everyone involved I am all for it and I agree, but it just seriously seemed like that wasn’t the case? Or alternatively if he just stumbled over rolls of film and used it, that would’ve been fine too.
The aesthetic commonalities of Nazi Germany and the Warsaw Pact countries could send me into a whole other tangent but I’m gonna shut up about it other than “YES”, because I’m not actually knowledgeable enough about it.
God, I feel so sad for them for that fallout. :(
Yeah, Richard’s right. It is a pity that knowing that fallout going in, you wouldn’t make that video. So maybe it is a good thing in a way that it happened that way, because it is an aesthetic masterpiece, that otherwise would not exist. The ideal state would be when we could make a video like that, fully knowing what it means, and still being able to do it because the majority of people would understand how semiotics work, but I mean utopia isn’t real so.
God honestly ... that conflict of aesthetics and their emotional impact vs their history can fill dissertations (and already does), and it’s truly one of those things our society needs to learn to give people the individual freedom to draw those lines in the sand for themselves. It honestly goes both ways, people say “it’s not like the nazis” because it doesn’t wear neat uniforms but dirty shirts and red caps, and they say it causes school shootings even tho school shootings are caused by bullying and the music we listen to has probably helped more bully victim survive and stay sane than anything, and it’s all part of a huge “I think I understand something based on what it looks like and use that as a quick escape from actually making the effort to understand what it is” delusion.
Yeah see, Stölzl referencing the darkness and crossing of limits - he KNEW what he was doing. He completely derails his own argument, first he says those images are only negative if you know what they came from like it’s two completely seperate things and then he goes “yeah the darkness was needed” ... the darkness you only know if you know where it comes from ... ? What’s it gonna be Philip? I mean I can follow both arguments but like, using both simultaneously seems a bit ... hmm.
Aww Schneider and Paul being proud boys, look at them. It’s funny how Paul “I want to fling shit in everybody’s face” Landers actually gets quite flustered when people he likes love his stuff, no? He reacts the most impressed with the Lost Highway thing aswell, it’s really quite endearing.
I think I rambled on without conclusion even worse than usual but in fairness it’s a very complex issue. TL;DR: I wish they would have made that video knowing what they let themselves in for, because I do think it would have made the fallout easier to bear and I wish that hadn’t happened to them. Does that make sense? At some point very far into the future I will want to write an actual essay about this but we can jot this down as initial brainstorm before you jump on me with arguments I missed, ok! (Seriously tho, please discuss this with me I need arguments that aren’t my own to sharpen my opinion)
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