#i paid my car off!! i officially own my car!!
sardonic-the-writer · 23 hours
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𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ notes: happy birthday to me! when this posts i'll officially be older, and celebrating by being cringe (writing this). i also love that picture of misha. it's him at my birthday party for real. he told me himself (lying)
↳ warnings: none!
↳ song: rock your body—justin timberlake
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• Special occasions like this are few and far between
• The Winchester family hadn't had a proper birthday in decades. While Dean clung to memories of gas station twinkies in replacement of a birthday cake, Sam remembered most of his birthdays with a sort of sad animosity. Up until walking out on his dad for Stanford and spending his birthday that year with Jessica, he hadn't had a single enjoyable birthday party. Maybe that was part of the reason he refused to let you feel the same way about your own birthday—even if none of you were kids anymore
• Worst case scenario, the world is ending again and you all have little time for delicacies. If that's the case, you'd get a quick pat on the shoulder from Dean, one excited bear hug from Sam, and very confused Cas wishing you the best of births before being told to continue packing the shotguns with salt rounds
• "With age comes responsibility, so keep loading those guns. Spider-Man said that."
• "For someone that watches so much trash tv, you know so little about media, Dean." You snorted at your friend, fingers nimmbly crushing salt into a line of rigid red shells before moving onto the next group
• "Shut up before I decide to give you your birthday noogies." He pointed a finger at you from across the room with a single raised eyebrow. Off to the side you saw Cas ask Dean what birthday noogies were not-so-quietly, and you struggled to hold back a laugh
• Even in the worst situations, they could always manage to make you smile
• Best case scenario, however, it's a free day. Nothing to do, no devils to fight, no ghouls to stop—nothing. Just you, the guys, and time on your hands that you all normally never have. So what better way to utilize it than with a little surprise party?
• Sam would be the most into the whole birthday party shtick. He'd insist that it was the least they could do for you after all the years on the hunt together, and even got Dean to budge after a few minutes of petty debating
• "It's stupid and cheesy, Sammy. We're grown adults. We've fought the devil beforr for christ's sake." Dean gave his brother the stink eye from his spot in the drivers seat. Groceries stores and Mom & Pop stores passed them by as they ventured into the nearest town, but neither of them paid attention to their blurred surroundings
• "Come on Dean." Sam twisted his torso and turned to face him fully. "Don't tell me you don't remember the look on their face last month when we brought them back a souvenir from our hunting trip in Alabama. You would have thought we brought them a new car. Besides, this is the one chance we've had in a while to actually celebrate something." Sam's eyebrows tilted up as he recalled the memory, shooting a knowing look at Dean's side-profile
• "So what? I say we just tell them happy birthday like a regular person and call it a day." Dean grumbled
• "Is that why you're driving in the nearest direction of the bakery here?"
• Dean didn't respond
• "That's what I thought."
• "Shut your pie-hole or I'm kicking you to the curb."
• Once the boys get back to whatever new place you all are holed up for that week, a couple of crinkled bags in hand, they call on Cas to help out with setting up whatever decorations Sam had forced Dean to throw in the cart
• Cas didn't take nearly as much convincing to partake in the setting up of festivities, but he certainly did need a lot of it explained
• "I thought angels were familiar with the concept of birthdays?" Dean asked at one point while watching Sam pull part of a cake out of the oven. His hand was slapped away when he went to grab at it, and he glared at his younger brother momentarily
• "We are." Castiel's gruff answer came shortly. "But we stopped keeping count after the first couple thousand years. And it was never done like—" He flicked the party hat atop his head curiously, "—this."
• "What did you guys do to celebrate?" Sam asked while popping the lid to a can of store bough frosting open
• "Pray."
• "Naturally." Dean rolled his eyes sarcastically. A blanket of silence fell over the room after that as Sam set out to frost the first part of the cake. Then—
• "Hey. How come none of you are wearing paper hats?"
• "Oh, trust me Cas. It'll mean a lot more to them if you were the one wearing it." Dean's grin was borderline evil as he looked at the angel
• It's safe to say that you laughed the hardest you had in a while once seeing Cas looking so hesitant in a mini cone hat
• Overall, it's the best birthday— the best day —that you've had in a long time
• You didn't need much, and as a hunter you'd come to expect almost nothing. But knowing that your friends— the short tempered, college dropout, otherworldly friends that they were —took it upon themselves to set all this up for you was the emotional equivalent to a punch in the gut. A lovely emotional punch in the gut
• "If you start crying, I'll leave." Dean snapped at you when you eventuallyvoiced how much this meant to you. But the threat was empty, and you all knew it
• Sometime during the party, you had managed to wrestle a paper hat of his own onto his head, and how it sat on the side of his head like a crooked unicorn horn. Occasionally he'd reach for it as if to take it off, then lower his hand with a small smile
• "Shut the fuck up and give me a group hug, Dean." You grinned with teeth, gesturing at him to stand up
• "Wait, no, I take it back that's worse."
• "I will kill you, Winchester. I swear I'll do it."
• You ended up getting your group hug that day, even if it took Castiel trapping Dean between you and him to get him to stand still
• "I hate it here." He griped with a groan. Sam could only laugh as be watched his brother struggle in Cas's iron grip, and said angel was smiling a bit to himself. You felt your heart swell; even if the look on Dean's face was downright murderous
• "Smile or I'm egging Baby on my birthday night." You said before setting the camera's timer and holding it up above you all
• "You wouldn't—"
• "Watch me."
• All four of you have your own copy of the photo from that night, kept in your seperate pockets and bedside table drawers. To this day you find yourself smiling when you look at it, and even if you'd never know it, so do they
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thychesters · 4 months
i got so much writing and other stuff done this weekend i deserve to spend the rest of my sunday night marathoning* one piece
* yeah i'm gonna take 45 minutes to watch one ep because i paused it 3 minutes in to go check something else
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I Remember Everything - Rafe Cameron (Chapter 3)
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Summary: You left the island two years ago, leaving the love of your life a shattered man in your wake. Now, when you return, you find the sweet boy you once loved has transformed into a monster of a man. How can you detangle the real Rafe from the terrible things he's done?
Timeline: begins toward the end of obx season 3 and is mostly canon.
Content: this story contains sexual content, alcohol and drug abuse, and brief mentions of violence. All chapters are 18+, minors do not interact!
(Prologue and Ch. 1) // (Ch. 2)
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“I like the lilac, but I just wonder if the lavender would’ve gone better with your complexion,” your mom said as she eyed you critically. You were standing on a pedestal in the middle of Sally’s Dress Shop, trying on the bridesmaids dress your mom had picked out for you to wear to her wedding. The dress was far too frilly and pastel for your taste, but if wearing it would please your mom and make this week move faster, it was worth it.
“I think this is fine, mom,” you were trying your hardest to keep your tone polite, determined to keep this outing from turning into a fight. After all, it was your mom’s wedding week, and despite all of the history between you, you really did want her to be happy. 
By the time you had returned to the table last night, your mom had already paid the bill. The three of you drove home in silence, your mom giving you her patented silent treatment. This morning when you came downstairs dressed and ready for your fitting, she simply started talking about the flower arrangements for the reception, like the night before had never happened.
“I think you chose well,” you said before your mom could change her mind on the dress again. You’re lying through your teeth, you think this dress might be one of the worst choices she's ever made, but the satisfied smile on her face makes your discomfort worth it. 
“Do a spin for me,” she asks for the tenth time today. When you roll your eyes she pouts and says, “please?”
You smile and twirl for her again, giggling when you nearly lose your footing and fall off the pedestal, grabbing your mom’s shoulder for support. Your mom laughed too, and you realized you couldn’t remember the last time the two of you laughed together. It was nice.
Rafe has been avoiding going downtown as much as possible these days, keeping his outings to the Island Club and having his friends come to him if they want to party. Even though his dad had officially taken the fall for everything, he knew people still whispered about him as he walked by. I heard he was there. I heard he did it. They say his fingerprints were on the bullets.
Today, however, he had a meeting with a potential buyer of some of the melted gold, a jeweler on main street. He slid on his sunglasses and locked his car, trying desperately to act like today was just business as usual, like he hadn’t just put a hit on his own father.
He walked quickly from his truck toward the jeweler’s store front, but stopped in his tracks as he passed Sally’s. There you were, behind the glass, spinning in a puffy purple dress, before nearly falling on your ass. He cursed himself for the way he flinched, as if he could reach out and catch you through the window. Why was it still his instinct to catch you? 
Two Years Earlier…
“Rafe!” You squealed as he pulled you through the side door of the ballroom into the dimly lit alley. “They were playing my song!”
“That’s why I had to get you outta there,” he leans over you, backing you slowly up against the wall. “You looked way too fucking good dancing to that song.”
Rafe started rifling through the layers of your prom dress impatiently, trying to get his hands on you.
“What are you doing?” You playfully swatted his arm, thinking he must be teasing you.
“I need you,” he growled.
“Right here? In the middle of this gross alley?” You started to think he might not be kidding.
He finally gets his hands under the heavy fabric of your gown and begins kneading the flesh of your ass, making you gasp. His open mouth found yours, and you can immediately taste the alcohol on his tongue. You pull back from him and reach up to grab both sides of his face, hoping your touch would ground him a bit. He looked at you frenzied, his pupils shrinking to pinpoints.
“Baby, are you drunk already?” You said as gently as possible.
“Just on you, baby,” he slurred, attempting to dive back in for a kiss. 
“Wait,” you turned your head, causing his mouth to miss yours and land sloppily on your ear.
“What the hell?” He backed away from you in frustration. His chest was rising and falling quickly, nostrils flaring, and you wondered if he was also high. He’d only done coke once before, as far as you knew, but you remembered how panicked he was after, his heart pounding violently as you tried to calm him down. 
“It’s okay,” you assured him. “We just need to slow down a bit.”
You approached him with your hand outstretched, like he was a stray dog you were trying not to scare off. He didn’t look at you, but allowed you to slip your fingers into his, squeezing gently.
“I just wanna dance with you,” you whispered softly. Je just glared back at you, so you pouted your lips, knowing he found it irresistibly cute when you did that. He couldn’t hide the crooked smirk growing on his lips, and his breath steadied.
“We can party hard later,” you promised. “But I wanna remember this part, with you.”
He looked down at your hand in his and ran his thumb over the promise ring he had given you just a few weeks ago. You lifted his hand to your lips and kissed it softly.
As you swayed softly to the next slow song, he bent down and laid a kiss on your bare shoulder. For a moment, you thought you were successful in bringing him back down to Earth. You were full of pride, truly believing that you, and only you, would always be able to fix him when he was broken. 
Rafe stood frozen at the dress shop window, just watching you. When you tucked your hair behind your ears, it was like he could still smell your pretty coconut shampoo. When you smoothed down your dress, it was like he could still feel your soft hands on his bare skin. When you said something to your mom, it was like he could still hear your voice whispering in his ear I will love you forever, Rafe Cameron.
But you hadn’t meant it, had you? You couldn’t have, or you would’ve stayed. And if you had stayed, maybe he wouldn’t be where he was now. Maybe he would’ve married you, taken you away from this island like the two of you used to dream about. Maybe he wouldn’t be a thief, a liar, a killer. 
It was too late now, too late to undo it. Too late to get back to who he was before you left. But there was something about the sight of you, the presence of you, even through the tinted window glass, that made him want to try.
Decisively, he turned back toward his car, feverishly dialing Barry’s number. Praying to whatever God was good enough to create the girl in the window that it wasn’t too late.
Looking back at yourself in the mirror, you stopped short when you saw the reflection of a figure in the window. By the time you turned around, it was gone, and you were the one left wondering if you were imagining things.
Two Years Ago…
“Ma’am can you tell us what happened here tonight?” The cop questioned you.
Rafe looked up at you with pleading eyes. White button up stained with blood, eyes glassy and red. His suit jacket, the one you had picked out together to match your dress, had been ripped to shreds.
“I don’t know,” you said to the cop, not removing your disappointed eyes from Rafe, his bloodied face illuminated in the blue-red light of the sirens. 
“We’re going to need you to give a statement, ma’am,” the officer clarified, “for the record.”
“For the record…” you shook your head at the boy on the curb, arms held behind him in handcuffs. Arms that used to hold you every night, arms you didn’t know if you could trust anymore, “...I don’t know him.”
With that, you walked away, the shattered glass from your car window crunching under your heels with each step. Rafe had no choice but to sit there and watch you go, aching with something completely unrelated to the accident.
“Y/N!” He yelled after you, unable to suppress the pain in his voice.
You just kept walking.
You woke up with a start, clutching your bedsheets. Sighing, you tapped your phone screen and it lit up in the darkness. 5:53am. 
You weren’t surprised, you hadn’t gotten a full night’s sleep in two years. You knew how this would go, once your brain was awake there would be no turning it back off. You sighed and threw the covers off, your old childhood bed creaking loudly as you stood up. You winced at the noise, your mother was a light sleeper, a lesson you’d learned the hard way too many times. 
You pulled on an old pair of leggings and a hoodie, and slowly crept down the stairs. Once out the door, you found your old bike in the shed in the backyard and rode off into the soft morning light. No clear destination in mind, you rode around the neighborhood, down to the beach. You watched the waves crash as you passed them. It had been two years since you’d seen the ocean, and you had nearly succeeded in convincing yourself you were okay with that. But now, the sun rising over the sea, salty air consuming your senses, all the hard work you did to delude yourself unraveled.  
Without really meaning to, you ended up at the cemetery. You parked your bike and let your memory lead you right to your dad’s plot.
His grave clearly hadn’t seen visitors in a while. You made a weak effort to brush the dirt off of his headstone, before smiling and choosing to leave it as is. “God made dirt, dirt don’t hurt” your dad would’ve said. 
For a while you just sat there, fingers combing through the grass as you listened to the birds chirp loudly in the trees above.
“That ever get annoying?” You asked your dad in jest. You smile to yourself, knowing your dad wouldn’t have minded. He was too easy going, the calm current that kept you and your mom afloat. Suddenly hit with a pang of longing to see your father again, you wished that you had something to leave here for him. You noticed a grave a few plots over, completely covered in fresh blooming flowers. 
“Somebody was popular,” you say to your dad’s headstone. “I’m sure they won’t miss one flower right?”
You stand and approach the grave, wondering who it was that inspired such an outpouring of love. 
“Sheriff Susan Peterkin” 1977-2020
You frowned. She must’ve died recently, then. Strange that your mom hadn’t said anything, surely Chip had known her, being on the force. You remembered Peterkin, she came to your school every year when you were growing up. Back then, she was just a beat cop who pulled the short straw and had to give the anti-bullying presentation, but you remember her being very nice.
You plucked a tulip from one of her many bouquets and felt like you should say something.
“Um, hi. I don’t know if you knew my dad, but I think you would’ve liked him. I’m sorry for whatever happened, but thanks for always being so cool.”
As you walked away from her grave, you noticed another newly dug plot a few yards away. The plot was small, if something was buried here, it wasn’t a body. Still, there was a small plaque over the fresh dirt. You approached, having to get pretty close before you could make out the name…
“Ward Cameron.”
Your knees buckled beneath you, the tulip you were holding slipping from your grasp. This grave couldn’t have been here for more than what, a few weeks? The grass had barely begun to grow. Maybe your mom could have just forgotten to tell you about Sheriff Peterkin, but surely the very recent death of Ward Cameron hadn’t just slipped her mind. Clearly, something bigger was going on. 
And Rafe…Rafe.
You regained your footing and started running, past Sheriff Peterkin’s grave, past your father’s, blowing him a quick kiss.
You found your bike and started pedaling as fast as you could. Not even pausing to think through what you’d say when you got there, just knowing you needed to see him, to be with him. Suddenly, it made more sense. He was grieving. Their relationship was complicated, but even when he was pissed at him, Rafe still worshiped his father.
You pulled up to Tannyhill, but the gate was closed. You tried some of the gate codes you remembered the Camerons used to rotate through, but none of them worked. After your fifth attempt, the system locked you out. You rang the bell, not sure if he would even let you in when he realized it was you, but you had to try. No answer, he must not have been home.
You sat by the wall for a few hours, waiting for him to get home. Eventually, your stomach ached with hunger, and you really had to pee. You decided to go home, collect yourself, and come back later. 
By the time you arrived home on your bike, it was almost noon. Chip was just walking in the front door, home from work. He had been pulling double overnight shifts to pay for the wedding and he looked exhausted. Luckily for both of you, the wedding was just a few days away now, and all of this would be behind you soon.
When you walked in the living room, he was mid-conversation with your mother, who quickly shushed him at the sight of you. He looked at her in confusion, clearly not reading the silent message she was trying to send with her eyes.
“What’s going on?” You asked, feeling just as lost as Chip.
“Just telling your mom how we brought in that Cameron boy again last night-” your mother cut him off with a harsh, “Chip!” and he threw his hands up in surrender.
You and your mother looked at each other for a long moment, saying nothing, and at the same time, everything. 
“Don’t,” she pleaded quietly.
You turned fast and ran toward the door, grabbing her car keys and your purse off the dining room table as you passed.
“Y/N, do not do this,” your mom was up from the couch, running after you as you headed for the front door. “Tonight is my bachelorette party and tomorrow we have the rehearsal!”
“I’ll be back in time, I just have to-”
“No you don’t! You don’t have to!” She yelled, trying to grab the handle of the door before you could get to it, but you beat her to it and threw open the door.
“I’m sorry,” you called behind you as you ran to her car in the driveway. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Don’t bother,” she yelled from the front steps. 
You stopped in your tracks, hands pausing on the handle of her car door as you whipped your head towards her in surprise.
“If you leave right now,” she said, eerily composed, “If you go to him, I don’t want you at my wedding. If you do this, y/n…I don’t ever want to see you again”
Your mother had said many harsh words to you in moments of frustration that she tried to take back later, but the way she was talking to you now, her tone so even and her words so carefully selected, you wondered if she’d practiced this speech. Then it dawned on you, she knew you would do this. She knew if you found out about Ward, that you’d run to Rafe’s side. And she was fully prepared to cut you out.
You opened the car door and got in, not looking back at your mom as you peeled out of the driveway.
Twelve Years Earlier…
“No, Rafe,” you scolded, hands on your hips. “You’re the cop, and I’m the robber!”
“Well too bad. I wanna be a robber, too,” he said, taking off the plastic sherriff's badge you had given him and throwing it in the playground dirt. 
“We can’t both be robbers, that doesn’t make any sense,” you told him. 
The rules of make-believe were very clear, and you’d always been a rule follower. That is, until you started spending your recesses playing with Rafe Cameron. He was always in trouble.
“Sure we can, we’ll be like Bonnie and Clyde!” He encouraged, handing you his plastic toy gun.
“Bonnie and Clyde,” you agreed with a smile, taking the gun.
Suddenly, you didn’t care so much about breaking the rules. Not if it meant you got to keep playing with him.
(chapter 4)
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a/n: y'all are blowing me away with all your kindness about this story!! I hope you keep loving it!!! Lots more to come (including some smut if you're patient🤫) 🫶
If you asked to be on the taglist and I forgot you, I'm sorry and please let me know!!
taglist: @maybankslover @dark1paradise @lmg-stilinski24 @idkdudsworld @mimipanini09 @patis643 @readingsmuts @nymphetkoo @xoxohoneymoongirl @hangmanscoming @azrielsgirll @maibelitaaura @laniirackssss @rubixgsworld @sweetienans @dasguccier @brain-palacee @ymnizuh @wearemadeofstardust0 @rafesgiirl @thewalkingdeadsmut @themindofmoe @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @v0lturiaq
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wosoimagines · 7 months
You Didn't Know? - Arsenal WFC/Reader
prompt: R is new to Arsenal after proving themselves at the World Cup, but there are a couple of hurdles they have to face before the team fully accepts them.
warnings: none
words: 6497
I will say that I am not deaf or hard of hearing so if there is anything that I've gotten wrong, please let me know so that I can fix it (I tried to do as much research as I could). Anything that represents sign langue is in continuous italics.
Also, this will become a series, so don't worry about needing to ask for a part two because it will be coming. (I think that this has honestly been one of my favorite ideas for a fic ever and I can't wait to continue it)
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I grinned as I got out of the car. I wiggled my eyebrows at the camera once I noticed it. Honestly it wasn’t too surprising that Arsenal would be filming my first day here. I didn’t hesitate to greet the people who were waiting for me either.
“(Y/N), it’s really nice to finally meet you,” the woman that I knew as Clare Wheatley greeted me. I quickly shook her hand once she held it out to me. “Congratulations. We’re really happy you’re here.”
“I’m gonna show you around,” the dark-haired woman who was behind Clare spoke up. I sent her a soft smile. “I’m Sadie Ross. I’ll also serve as an interpreter for you should you need one.”
“You know Auslan?” I asked. I didn’t always have the option to take out my cochlear implants here recently. Once Sadie confirmed that she did in fact know Auslan, I couldn’t help the grin that overtook my face. “I use a Northern dialect usually, but I do know the Southern dialect as well.”
“No worries,” Sadie assured me. She moved closer to me before patting my shoulder so I would follow her. “I’ve studied both dialects.”
I followed Sadie through until we got to the locker rooms where I was given my own Arsenal gear to get changed into. It was obviously just practice gear, but it was nice to be in official gear from my new club.
“It suits you!” Sadie assured me once I stepped out of the locker room.
“I like it!”
“So, we’re going to take you on a tour, show you the grounds, show you your new home,” Sadie said. I couldn’t help but smile as she had started to sign the words she was speaking. “This is obviously the changing room. This is the technical corridor, so we essentially have all of our tech staff in here. Our head coach Jonas in this hall.”
I looked down the hall that Sadie had been talking about. I started to move with Sadie so that I wouldn’t fall behind her.
“If you come down here, this is where the medical section is. Stuff like physiotherapy, massages, cold therapy, all of that sort of stuff will happen here.”
I paid attention as Sadie walked me through where the medical team could be found along with any rooms concerning treatment were. Sadie also showed me where the meeting room was and assured me that she would be at all of our team meetings and regardless of if I had decided to wear my cochlear implants or not, she would be translating everything that was said.
Then we were off to find the gym. This was one of the places that I was most excited to find since I knew I would probably be spending quite a bit of time in the gym. I appreciated that Sadie had also pointed out where each section was.
Soon we were headed outside.
“So, this is where we come out to get to the pitch?”
I grinned as Sadie pointed out where the exhibition pitch was. I was sure that I would be out there soon enough. Before long we had made our way to the mess hall that they had. It was there that I met Mikel Arteta.
Sadie had disappeared while Mikel introduced himself to me. Then I got to meet Win. Who immediately had all of my attention as I moved to the floor to play with the dog.
It was ultimately drawn away from Win though as Sadie made a reappearance. I was quick to get to my feet as I took notice of what Sadie had in her hands. I took in the back of the kit that had my number and name on the back.
“Such a beautiful kit,” I said as Sadie handed it over to me. “Honestly, can’t wait to play in it.”
“Come on,” Sadie said with a chuckle. “Let’s get you changed into it.”
I did a little fist pump before the two of us headed out of the mess hall and back to where the changing rooms were. Once I had the kit on, I headed down the hall to the room that Sadie and I had passed earlier.
“How’s it look?” I asked as I entered the room.
“I’d say it’s probably one of the best looking kits you’ve ever worn,” Sadie said. I let out a laugh at that. Honestly, I didn’t have the chance to wear that many different kits. I had left Australia to go to the States to play college football for Stanford. Other than my youth club kits, the only other kits I had been in were with the national team, but those had been more recent. “Not too big or too little?”
Of course, we had to take pictures of me in the kit while I was in front of the logo that was on the wall. It had been one of the moments I had been looking forward to since it was announced that I was signing with Arsenal following my college career and performance at the World Cup. Then I moved to take pictures of me signing my contract.
The rest of my afternoon was filled with a photoshoot in a full kit before we headed to Emirates. It was pretty cool to finally be able to take in the stadium in person considering I had grown up an Arsenal fan. I didn’t mind the photographer that followed me around getting pictures of me exploring Emirates.
We even sat down for a formal interview before Sadie played twenty questions with me so that fans could get to know me better.
“Why Stanford?”
“Why not?” I countered. I laughed as Sadie rolled her eyes. “I dunno why I chose Stanford. I had played with youth clubs, but no one was looking to give me a shot with their senior team in Australia. I was smart enough to get scholarships to attend school in the States. Stanford happened to have open tryouts and I was just really lucky that I was able to impress the coaches there and they ended up giving me a spot on the team.”
“Was it hard?”
“Yeah. I was pretty much all alone in a country I didn’t know and having to constantly prove myself,” I admitted. My time in college, while it had been great, had probably been the worst time of my life so far. “I had to practice all the time while keeping up with my studies and even then, I would barely get playing time. Then we had the 2019 College Cup. I didn’t get a lot of time still, but our coach, Paul Ratcliffe, had taken notice of all the practice I put in, specifically with my penalties so when the game went to penalties, I got to take what ended up being the final penalty. I finally knew what the biggest shot of my career was.”
“Did it help you to prepare for the shootout in the World Cup?”
I shrugged at that. Nothing could compare to the shootout that happened at the World Cup. I hadn’t even expected the penalties to go on so long that I would even take one, but then that plan had collapsed, and I ended up taking the final penalty knowing that France wouldn’t have that much film on my penalty kicks and tendencies.
“Nothing will compare to my World Cup penalty. That has probably been the best moment of my life,” I said. I motioned to my ears. “I do kind of have an advantage. It is nice to be able to literally turn off all of the noise. And if you watch the play back close enough, you can see that I had turned it back on right after the ball left my foot. Being able to go from dead silence to hearing the entire stadium cheering was incredible.”
“Did you get the game ball?”
“I did. It will be brought over after our next national camp because surely by then I’ll actually have my own place.”
“Now to backtrack, because you’ll be getting to play with Lotte and Alessia obviously. Not only did they knock you and Australia out of the World Cup but you, as mentioned earlier, won the 2019 College Cup by scoring the winning penalty which caused the two to lose the same game. Is there gong to be any bad blood?”
“No, I don’t think so. Does it sting that we didn’t win the World Cup? Obviously, but we were able to do an amazing job and we overcame everyone’s expectations that they had set for us. In the end, it just wasn’t our year for it. So, I don’t have any hard feelings about that,” I said. I had been upset and frustrated that we weren’t able to win the World Cup, but I was still really proud of the rest of the Matildas. “As for 2019, that’s a question for Lotte and Alessia. Honestly, I’m not even sure if either of them remembers me from it. I might have scored the goal, but my role that season was not a huge one. I didn’t even see an increase in minutes that second year with the team.”
“What are you most excited about being here with Arsenal for?”
“To play for the team I’ve always loved,” I said before looking over my shoulder at Sadie. “It is really cool that I’m also going to get to play with Caitlin and Steph more than just with the national team. And it isn’t just them. I could pretty much learn from most of the players here with Arsenal and I’m excited to get the opportunity to do so."
I sat by myself again in the mess hall. It seemed that until I got rid of this ear infection, no one was going to approach me except for Sadie. I had really appreciated that she was sitting to eat with me. My hunt for a place to call my own had also been stalled considering I had been trying to rest.
But it had already been three weeks with none of the normal tips and tricks I knew had helped to get rid of this ear infection. Our medical staff at Arsenal hadn’t been able to help me, so they had gotten me in to see a doctor. The doctor had told me it was labyrinthitis, an inflammation of the inner ear.
I had been given medicine for the dizziness that I was experiencing but it did nothing to help the pain I still felt. It led to me ultimately being ruled out of the first qualifying round of the Champions League that took place two weeks ago.
And I couldn’t help but feel like it had partially been my fault when the team came back after being eliminated by Paris FC. I hadn’t even been there with the team for the games. I also wasn’t entirely sure how much the rest of the team knew about why I had been a scratch for the journey.
I looked up at the small tap on the table. Sadie sent me a soft smile as she sat down.
“How you feeling?”
Not only was I dealing with an ear infection, but the loneliness was starting to get to me. I knew that it would be hard to communicate with my teammates while I wasn’t wearing my cochlear implants, but none of them had tried to get to know me. Not even my national teammates.
I couldn’t wait for the national window to open. Unless I was deemed unable to travel, I didn’t see why I wouldn’t be called up. Even though we’d be in Perth, rather than Brisbane, I was still happy that I’d be back in Australia. I’d even get to see Theo since he had gotten a job with the Matildas. I knew that his main job was to act as an interpreter while I was with the team, but he was also helping take care of all our gear as well.
I sent Kyra a small wave when she smiled at me. The small smile that had taken place on my face quickly turned to a frown though once she moved to join Caitlin and Steph who were sitting with a couple of the English players on our team along with Katie. I sighed as my head dropped down.
“I can say something to them, you know.”
I shook my head. I didn’t need Sadie tackling my problems for me. Besides, once I got over this ear infection, I’d be right there with the other Aussies.
“The last thing I need is for them to think that I’m a coward because I can’t join them and then I send you to confront them for not spending time around me.”
Sadie softly sighed before she nodded. I knew that she hated that I had been left on the outside of the team, but what choice did I really have? I wasn’t really that great at reading the lips of anyone outside of the Aussies and it wasn’t like Sadie could follow me around all day to translate everything for me, she was still one of our assistant coaches.
It was honestly just a really unfortunate situation. One that I hoped would be resolved within two weeks. I wasn’t sure where I would be at mentally if I couldn’t play in our WSL season opener.
My ear infection had finally gotten better a week before we were slated to take on Liverpool, but I was still finding it hard to talk to any of my teammates. Kyra seemed to be the only one willing to seek me out, but it wasn’t often as she was still attached to Caitlin and Steph’s hips. Maybe that’s why I hadn’t been as excited about getting to start against Liverpool. I had questioned Jonas’ decision when he told me, but he said it was the perfect chance to see what I would be able to do so that he could figure out how he would use me for the season.
It would have been fine, if it hadn’t been for the number of knocks that I was taking. It seemed that Liverpool had decided to target me. I wasn’t sure if it was because they weren’t sure what I could do, or maybe they had decided that I was the weak link on the field. But I could handle what they threw at me.
At least until Taylor Hinds and I clashed in the midfield trying to fight for the ball. She had got a hand on the side of my head which ended up knocking off my cochlear implant. This was one of the times where I hated my cochlear implants because it wasn’t like I could just leave it on the ground to come back to while I chased after the ball. No, I had to make sure I grabbed the cochlear implant that had come off my head to make sure that no one stepped on it and destroyed it.
Ultimately, I didn’t even have to worry about Hinds getting too far because the play was called dead. I had assumed that Hinds was going to be reprimanded for the swipe at my head. I wasn’t really sure, but I knew that it gave me time to put my cochlear implant on.
I didn’t tilt my head in confusion when I saw the ref, Emily Heaslip, going to talk with Liverpool’s coach, Matt Beard. My eyes darted between my own teammates because I had no idea why Heaslip was talking to Beard. At least I didn’t have a clue until Heaslip started to wave me over. I glanced around me to make sure she wasn’t trying to get someone else. I even pointed to myself as I raised my brow in confusion. Heaslip nodded her head and waved for me to go over where they were again.
I shrugged as I jogged over to the sideline.
“She’s cheating,” Beard said once I got close enough to hear them. He pointed to the side of his head. “She’s got earbuds in. Getting information from someone up top.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I watched you put it in,” Beard said as he turned to me. My hand flew up to touch my ear. “Yeah, those!”
“You mean my cochlear implants?”
“She should be sent off.”
“They’re medical devices. I have to have them to hear.”
“I’m sure that’s what she tells everyone so she can cheat. After all, how good can a college walk on be anyways.”
Now that was uncalled for.
“I’m better than you because at least I’m playing professionally.”
“Take them out.”
I froze at that. Surely, I didn’t hear that right.
“Take them out before the yellow I’m going to give you becomes a red.”
Heaslip was out of her mind. My eyes immediately darted over to Jonas as I motioned to my ears causing the man to make his way over to us. I wasn’t surprised that Sadie was following behind. Nor when Kim left the huddle of my teammates to see what was going on.
“She’s getting a yellow for blatantly cheating,” Heaslip said once Jonas asked what was going on. “At least I’m giving her the chance to continue the game.”
“They want me to take my implants out,” I explained. I knew that Jonas and Sadie would both be confused as to what cheating they were talking about. “Neither of them are listening that they’re medical devices.”
“Calm down,” Kim softly said from behind me.
I looked over my shoulder at her.
“No, they don’t get to discriminate against me just because they’re idiots.”
Heaslip had enough arguing I guess, because when I looked back at her there was a yellow card pointed at me. Definitely not how I wanted to start my career with Arsenal, but there was nothing I could do to change it now.
“Kim, go,” Jonas said. My captain hesitated, but she moved away from the group to join our teammates. “She quite literally can’t hear if she doesn’t wear them.”
“They come out. Now.”
Heaslip wasn’t even listening to what we were saying. Jonas nodded before glancing at Sadie.
“Okay, just give us a minute so (Y/N) can get them out.”
Heaslip nodded and stayed where she could watch as I walked back toward the bench with Jonas and Sadie.
“It’s not fair,” I said. I had no idea how I was going to play if I couldn’t hear since I always wore my cochlear implants when I played. “My first game with the team and they get to ruin it because they don’t know what cochlear implants are?”
“I’m not taking you out,” Jonas said. I blinked at that. I hadn’t expected him to keep me in. “You can still play without needing to hear. Just try not to keep playing too long after plays are whistled dead.”
“Oh, because that’ll be so easy.”
It wasn’t like I could just keep my eyes trained on the refs for the entire match.
“Sadie will hold onto them.”
I sighed as I looked between the two. It would be nice to finish my first match with Arsenal. I couldn’t do that if I let idiots ruin it for me. It only took me a second to take both of my cochlear implants out and hand them over to Sadie before was back out on the field.
Coming off from the first half, I knew that I was skating on thin ice with Heaslip with the amount of time it took for me to realize when plays were dead. I wanted nothing more than to keep my head down while Jonas talked to us at halftime so that I could at least pretend that the rest of my teammates weren’t staring at me, but I didn’t have a choice. I had to look up so that I could understand what was being said as Sadie translated it for me.
Going back out for the second half wasn’t any easier. I had been slow to move at kickoff since I was relying on when everyone else moved. I tried my best to stay away from fouls, whether my team was committing them or Liverpool, since they were the most unpredictable ways for plays to be called dead. It wasn’t as bad as the first half had been.
But it really came to a head in the 67th minute. We were already down by one, but Caitlin was getting the chance to make a run. I had made the decision to pull toward the middle of the field from my side as the rest of the midfielders were still behind the forwards and I. Caitlin was clearly fouled by Koivisto, but no one was stopping even though Caitlin stayed on the ground.
My eyes stayed trained on Caitlin who wasn’t getting up as I moved backwards. Then I decided to do something that was definitely risky, but I knew that if Caitlin still wasn’t getting up then it would be good for our trainers to check her out. So, I darted across the field where Koivisto was still trying to move the ball. Koivisto stopped and relaxed as soon as I got close to her, but it didn’t stop me from knocking into her to win the ball back. As soon as the ball was at my feet, I sent it out of bounds.
As soon as I had turned to go check on Caitlin, I knew that I was in for it. Heaslip had her eyes trained on me as she started to march over where I was. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes at the clear fact that it was me that she was coming to talk to rather than Koivisto who had been the one to actually foul another player.
I didn’t even pretend like I was paying attention to Heaslip this time. I was just tired of all of the bullshit from this game. However, my eyes did widen when she pulled out the yellow card again and pointed it at me before the red card followed since I had already gotten a yellow.
“Oh, come on. What do you want me to do?” I asked her as I motioned to my ears. “I can’t hear. You made sure of that.”
Heaslip’s lips were moving, but I had no interest in trying to figure out what she was saying. This was insane and I couldn’t believe that I was actually going to have to fight these cards just so that I could play in our next match.
“No seriously, I would love to hear what you want me to do. Oh, wait. I can’t because you made me take my implants out.”
I shoved the arms that were trying to pull me away from Heaslip away from me. I couldn’t wait to fight these cards though so that Heaslip would never call a game again. There’s no way anyone would ever have her referee a game once they found out that she had discriminated against me by denying me the use of my cochlear implants.
I was a bit surprised when Caitlin got in between Heaslip and I before the older Aussie started to push me back. She was pointing toward the tunnel, so it didn’t take much to guess that she was telling me to get off the pitch. My shoulders slumped forward at the obvious disappointment from the player that I had spent so much time looking up to. I couldn’t bring myself to meet anyone’s eyes either as I made my way off the pitch and to the tunnel.
I didn’t even bother to stop by Sadie to grab my cochlear implants. This had to be the worst debut I ever had.
I took a seat in front of my locker. It was an easy technique that I liked to use to help keep me grounded. It made it easier not to lose myself if I could feel the ground under me. I stayed there for the rest of the game. It wasn’t until Jonas and Sadie had entered the locker room that I realized that the game had ended.
“That was the worst game I have ever played.”
Sadie frowned but she relayed the message to Jonas who rubbed at his forehead. Jonas’ eyes stayed trained on me even though mine had to dart between him and Sadie so I could understand what was being said.
“I should have taken you out. That’s on me. I just wanted to give you the opportunity to prove to them that you were better than they gave you credit for. Which you did. We’ll fight the cards and I’m sure that they’ll be overturned considering you really didn’t do anything wrong.”
I shook my head at that because there was nothing that we could do to allow me to redo my first game with Arsenal. Especially in Emirates. It had all been messed up.
“I have dreamed of this day since I was a kid. And it got completely fucked up. I don’t care if the cards are overturned, but I do want apologies from Beard and Heaslip.”
Jonas nodded in agreement once Sadie let him know what I had said.
“Completely understandable and I’ll be sure that it is known that we fully expect apologies from both for forcing you to do something you didn’t want to with your cochlear implants. Whether or not you wear them should be entirely your choice.”
I nodded as I wiped the tears away from my eyes. I knew it wasn’t guaranteed that I would get an apology from either of them.
“I believe there are some fans who would still like to see you. Even if you did get sent off.”
I sighed and dropped my head at that. Before the World Cup, no one was interested in meeting me. It meant that when I had a bad game, or it didn’t go the way my team had expected, that I could leave without disappointing too many people.
But I knew that I needed to go see the fans. They deserved something good from me today after the game. I got to my feet, and I found that Sadie was holding my cochlear implants out to me. I took them from her before I headed out of the locker room so that I could go see some of our fans.
I fiddled with the cochlear implants in my hands as I made my way out of the tunnel to the field. I just wanted to greet the fans and then head home. But it seemed that nothing was going to go my way as I was snagged by the back of my jersey.
When I turned to see who had grabbed my jersey, I was surprised to find Caitlin behind me. She was holding a microphone causing me to full turn to find her in the middle of an interview. I furrowed my brow because I wasn’t sure why she had stopped me considering I hadn’t crashed the interview until she pulled me back. But my eyes moved away from where she was to the reporter who Caitlin was talking to.
“You’re going to have to give me a moment,” I said once I realized that the reporter’s lips were moving a lot faster than I could decipher. It didn’t take me long to get my cochlear implants on before I looked back at the reporter. “Okay, now I’ve got my ears on. What’s up?”
“I was hoping to get your thoughts on your first game with Arsenal. I know after how you played in the World Cup that a lot of the Arsenal faithful were looking forward to seeing you only to find out that you were an illness scratch during the Champions League games.”
“I won’t lie. It’s all been a bit frustrating. Up until today, none of that had been anyone’s fault,” I admitted. I knew that I had to be careful about talking about my frustrations for tonight because I could still be punished if I said the wrong things. “I’m just hoping things will start turning around.”
“What’s been so frustrating?”
“Well, obviously I was an illness scratch for the Champions League games we had. I had been dealing with an ear infection during that time and it lasted until last week. It was brutal and there were times where I was in so much pain. It was just unfortunate that it had to happen almost as soon as I had arrived at Arsenal,” I said as I rubbed the back of my head. It had honestly been the worst ear infection I had ever had. “It made it hard to communicate with anyone really, so that was really hard because I do enjoy spending time with others. But I finally got rid of the infection last week, and Jonas decided to give me the start. So, things are starting to turn around.”
“Even with how tonight ended?”
I glanced over my shoulder at Caitlin who had asked the question. She had a frown on her face. I wasn’t entirely sure why Caitlin looked upset, but I knew that it probably had to do with me crashing her interview or the fact that I just revealed that I had been in pain and isolated.
“Getting carded for the reasons I did was insane and frustrating. Jonas and I have already agreed that we’ll be appealing the cards,” I said. Honestly, I couldn’t believe that Caitlin was okay with the cards I had been given. “I’m sure we’ll win the appeal. I would like to make formal complaints about both Beard and Heaslip considering how I was treated.”
“Well, I’m not entirely sure that you’ll overturn those cards,” the reporter pointed out. I turned my head back to look at her. “You obviously got into a heated talk with Liverpool’s head coach, Matt Beard, and tonight’s referee, Emily Heaslip.”
“It’s simple,” I shrugged. Was I really around this many people who had no idea what cochlear implants were. “One of my cochlear implants fell off and Beard had to be nosy, even though he can’t tell the difference between earbuds and my cochlear implants. Then Heaslip sided with him without talking to either Jonas or I. Which she should have done to figure out what I had in my ears if she was really worried about someone cheating, but she refused to hear us out as we tried to explain.”
“Well, I wish you both better luck for the future.”
I sent a soft smile to the reporter, happy to finally be done with the interview. Caitlin followed me as I headed to where our fans still were so that I could greet them. Caitlin stayed close to me as we talked with the fans and took pictures and gave autographs. I didn’t think much of how close she was staying to me until we were headed back through the tunnel.
“So those weren’t earbuds?”
I stopped in the tunnel causing Caitlin to crash into my back. I honestly hadn’t been expecting the question. Once I regained my balance, I turned to face Caitlin.
“We played at the World Cup together. Not only that but we spent over a month together to prepare for it and then play in it,” I pointed out as I tilted my head in confusion. I knew that I had tended to stick around the ones on the national team who were closer to my age, but we had all spent so much time around each other. The World Cup was one of the few times where I had worn my cochlear implants even when I didn’t want to. “You’ve seen my cochlear implants before.”
“I thought they were fancy headphones,” Caitlin defended. I shook my head as I let out a sigh. She could have just asked me what they were, and I would have told her. “So, what do they really do?”
“We can come back to that in a second,” I said. There was something else that was bothering me now from today’s game. “Were you upset with me when I got the second yellow because you thought I had gotten the first one for wearing fancy headphones?”
Caitlin only shrugged. My shoulders slumped forward because her silence said it all. My own teammates had thought I was cheating along with our referee and opponents’ coach.
“What is it that they do?”
“They’re basically my ears,” I said. This time it was Caitlin who was tilting her head in confusion. “It’s kind of how I’ve always seen them. I have my actual ears and they can hurt and, obviously, I can still get ear infections. But since my actual ears can’t process sound, I have my cochlear implants which are my hearing ears.”
“So, they’re like hearing aids?”
“They have the same purpose but work differently,” I said. A lot of people asked me about this when they first found out that I had cochlear implants so that I could hear. “Hearing aids just amplify sounds so they can be detected by damaged ears. Cochlear implants bypass the damaged parts.”
Caitlin slowly nodded as she furrowed her brow in thought. I didn’t mind answering the questions she had for me. I never had been opposed to answering questions about my disability. But if my own teammates hadn’t realized that I had cochlear implants or what they did, I wondered how many people were unaware of my situation.
“And we all just ignored you when joined the club.”
“It hurt, yeah,” I shrugged. This time it was Caitlin’s shoulders that slumped forward. “I understood though. Outside of our little Aussie group, no one on the team had ever played with me before. And it wasn’t like I’ve exactly had a lot of experience playing with any of you either.”
“But we ignored you.”
“I couldn’t really talk to anyone,” I pointed out. It might have sucked and hurt while I was being ignored, but I had understood why I was ignored. “Sure, I could talk, but I wouldn’t have been able to understand the rest of you.”
“Ross didn’t ignore you.”
“Sadie? She knows Auslan, AKA Australian Sign Language,” I said. I had gotten better offers from other clubs, but Arsenal had already told me that they had an interpreter on staff. “Sadie is literally employed as an interpreter for me now that I’ve joined Arsenal. It just so happened that she was already an assistant coach here at Arsenal and now they’re also paying her for acting as an interpreter.”
I furrowed my brow. The last thing I wanted was for Caitlin or anyone else on the team to feel like I resented them for not being able to communicate with me. Maybe if I was a kid then I would feel differently about the whole situation, but I had long ago come to terms with the fact that most people wouldn’t be able to communicate with me sometimes.
I grabbed a hold of Caitlin’s wrist as I dragged her to the locker room. I was a bit surprised when we ran into Kyra who was leaving the locker room. It was obvious that she was headed home too considering she had her bag with her.
“Back in the locker room,” I said to her. Kyra’s eyebrow shot up as she looked between me and Caitlin. I looked over her shoulder though to see that the rest of the team was in the locker room. Even our injured players who were talking with the others. “Team meeting! No one leaves until I’m done talking.”
Everyone’s eyes were drawn to me as I turned back to look at Kyra. Kyra nodded before moving back into the locker room which allowed me to drag Caitlin in. Once the locker room door was shut, I let go of Caitlin’s wrist so that she could move to sit down.
“It’s been brought to my own attention that a lot of you are more than likely unaware that I’m Deaf. I was born deaf, and I do use cochlear implants to hear,” I announced. My eyes darted around the room to see how my new teammates would react. “I also know Australian Sign Language, or Auslan. So does Sadie. I wasn’t ignoring anyone or wanted to be left alone during my first month with the club, but wearing my cochlear implants while dealing with an ear infection is quite annoying for me so I chose not to wear them. And I’ll answer any questions you ever have. I really have no problem answering questions.”
The team stayed quiet as they processed everything that I had just told them. The longer the silence went on, the more nervous it made me. I couldn’t help it as I started to fidget where I was standing with most of the team’s eyes still on me.
“So Heaslip made you take off the only thing that allowed you to hear?”
My eyes darted over to where Alessia was sitting. I hesitated for a moment before nodding in confirmation.
“I wasn’t cheating,” I repeated. Just the idea of my new teammates thinking that I had cheated made me nauseous. “And all the warnings for not stopping at the whistle? I couldn’t hear. I had to take cues from everyone else. Well, from you guys.”
My eyes turned to Kim who got up to move in front of me.
“If anyone else ever tries to make you take off your cochlear implants when you don’t want to, they’re going to have to go through all of us,” Kim assured me as she put a hand on my shoulder. “And I know that I’ll be giving you my full support in appealing the cards and any other action you wish to pursue against Heaslip or Beard.”
I sent her a small smile. It was nice to have someone who was willing to back me up so quickly. Especially considering that it seemed like the whole team had been under the impression that I was ignoring them on purpose.
“You’ve got my full support as well,” Alessia said as she stood up.
I didn’t miss how my fellow Aussies shared a look before they also stood up to declare their support. And soon after they stood up, so did the rest of the team.
I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face thanks to the support that the team was so willing to give me even though none of them truly knew me yet. It might have honestly been one of the first times that I ever truly felt like my entire team had my back.
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onadarklingplain · 5 months
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it might be January now, but we shouldn’t let that stop us from pausing and giving thanks for all of the joint posts, flirty post-race interviews, and homoerotic drivers parade moments that 2023 provided.
the year started strong with Alex being deranged about George on the Fast and the Curious podcast and posting about George’s birthday (#BadBoys4Life). George also moved to Monaco at some point and would later talk about how now that he was around Alex all the time, he was the happiest he had ever been in his life (this is a verbatim quote offered up completely freely fyi). 
but all that was a merely precursor for things to come. 
indeed, we had driver’s parades galore, and umbrella moments literally whenever it was wet (this feels true, don’t fact-check me on it). we had heart eyes so big before Vegas that it literally made the official F1 highlights video. we had George breaking into the Wiliams garage AGAIN. Alex said he would eat George if they were the last two people on earth, and all of the tumblr girlies obsessed with the erotic thematics of cannibalism lost their minds (it’s me, i’m tumblr girlies). we had George being president of the Alex fan club before Mexico, and Alex making dick jokes about a photo of George. George was bragging about being at Alex’s parent’s house, and when they filmed the 2019 rookie video, Liberty Media literally had no choice but to separate them with Lando, lest they start making out right then and there. 
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a year in review would not be complete, however, without due consideration paid to the JOINT POSTING, which is rightly reserved for only the most important of Galex dates. the cancellation of Imola brought us The Monaco Run joint post (aka a hard launch, let’s be real), and the machinations of Netflix brought us The Padel Date (authors note: if other drivers were involved in the Padel Date, i have deleted that information from my brain, and i don’t want to hear about it. and anyways, it doesn't matter because according to George's story, only Alex was there!! no other drivers need apply).
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it’s difficult to place any joint post above another for they're all special in their own way, but i need to start a whole new paragraph for The Monza Road Trip. what a weekend to be alive and on tumblr and obsessed with George and Alex. fresh off the love fest that was Zandvoort (considered in depth further on), the two of them were on top form all weekend (it was another albon defense masterclass and we got SIX alboints!!). we had an umbrella moment. Sky gave us a long-form post-quali interview with just the two of them so that they could engage in flirty ribbing and play footsie. and to cap it all off, George told anyone who asked (and many people who didn’t) all about how they were driving home together, just the two of them, alone. there were breakdowns in group chats the internet wide, and i spent approximately one million hours wondering who would drive. as we later learned, even though it was Alex's car, George drove (like a madman). erotic to me! you simply love to see it, you simply love to imagine situations about it. 
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while Silverstone 2023 will go down in history as the day that we lost Alblondo, Galex carpooled to the track, and George was featured in Alex’s photo dump loitering by his motorhome with his feet out, it must be chiefly remembered for the frankly iconic press pen flirting that occurred. George literally crashed Alex’s interview to make sure that the world knew he was a “warrior”, as he had sustained a minor back injury in the car and was bleeding through his fireproofs. i could literally write ten thousand words and not even scratch the surface of this interaction. i simply urge you to rewatch.
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but for the top moment of the year, in this writer’s humble opinion, we must turn to Zandvoort and the second-row Galex lockout. the head-to-head of their quali laps was deeply sexual, and George was out and out praising Alex on the radio. the driver’s parade gave us frankly uncooth flirting, and Alex was even flirting on instagram! i was dreaming of a Galex podium. George was dreaming of a Galex podium! i have never known such hope in my life! sadly the weather gods were not on our side, and despite Alex staying out for one million laps on slicks, Galex erotically spraying each other with champagne will have to remain in our dreams until 2024.
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seven hundred words down, only one thing remains: to beg for the release the Qatar hot lap tape. when we found out that George had taken Alex on a hot lap before the Qatar GP, i remember thinking that i might be able to live with never seeing the video of it if it meant that they did it just for fun instead of as part of a PR stunt. that, my friends, was a lie. we now know that it wasn’t planned at all, and Alex had simply been jogging by and hadn’t been able to resist going for a ride with George. and still!! i need the tape!!!! mercedes admin, name your price.
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while this is by no means comprehensive, this lil walk down memory lane was very fun for me, and i hope you had fun too! but more than anything, i hope 2024 blesses the galaxies of the world with [redacted for anti-jinxing reasons]. i’ll be praying nightly. 
thank you to sarah @bighoneyenergy for working on this with me, and to everyone who made gifs and uploaded photos and wrote fic and sent asks and conducted scholarship and in general helped to make this such a fun year!
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satoruhour · 9 months
gggOoooOOOOD MORNING ‼️‼️ ive been eating up your masterlist esp your racer au UGHHHH that was the last thought in my head before sleep and the first when i woke racer!geto was just. so. fking. h o t. u dont understand like that has a G R I P on me rn UGHHHH I LOVE IT SM do u have any spare hc for geto in this racer!au? if u dont thats okay! just know i ate that fic up 🫶🏻🫶🏻🥺🥺
a/n: thank u anon 4 the support im glad u liked the racer!au hehe. the original au here, how did you meet and geto’s own elaboration post for context. tagging @na-t0 @crysugu @omgeto @slttygeto / 2.4k
warnings: (in second half of post) mentions + discussions of semi-public sex, filming, fingering while driving, oral (f and m receiving), protected and unprotected sex, f and m masturbation, phone / webcam sex, sharing with gojo & nanami
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AAHHH i might have !!! racer!geto has a special place in my heart huhu i would love to develop more
to start off i would say that he’s just… such a good bf. like i know it’s obvious but also the next day after your late night drifting he texted you to ask if you wanted to go back to the cafe :D
he paid for everything again and he was so happy seeing u get another cinnamoroll trinket !!
so when the cafe has another sanrio event you BET hes bringing you there again. it just so happened that it was a berry and cherry event too ahhhh geto’s so cute getting all excited and stuff
he got you two matching coffees with berry and cherry foam art
that cafe has become a monument in your relationship — your first date, the place where geto officially asks you to be his partner with a big bouquet of flowers that you’re hiding ur face wherever you go for the rest of the day cause it’s huge 😭 he brings you there with his racer friends as well (gojo cheers and nanami scoffs that these things weren’t for him but he loved their pastries wheeee)
attentive, attentive! always leaves his jacket in the car for you if you get cold in his Mazda. resorts to a jacket he doesnt like to wear much but bc he always puts you first, he doesn’t mind :(
geto doesnt like to race with outerwear on him so he always loves seeing you greet him after a successful race with a big grin on your face, jacket swallowing ur physique as u keep urself protected against the tokyo chill !!!
said this before but he looooves seeing you in his car. it just ignites something in him, seeing you propped up on the leather seats and looking out the window when you’re driving. it just gets him sort of feral
ALSO also bc his Mazda was his first proper and real racing car he’s very selective of who he lets touch it / sit in it etc
so when gojo does it he swats him away like a fly and asks him not to dirty his finishing as also geto is the only one to be seen in his car until you come along and gojo sees you sitting on the hood
hes reaching forward to tell you to get off bc he knows suguru doesnt like it but your bf only walks up between your legs to greet you with a big smile. the betrayal gojo felt 💀
overall the relationship with geto is quiet and calming. no need for talking if you dont feel like !!! all racer geto needs is his hand on your thigh that’s always stroking the skin there and you
but loves it when you do talk! he tries so hard not to turn to you cause if he does he’d crash the car 😭😭 he just loves ur beauty and the way you ramble so much !!
one time he swerved and almost hit a car because he was watching you talk about the recent research you did on cars and also running back the terminology he’s been patiently teaching you
to hear his partner talk about cars >>> he’s so excited that you’re finally entering his world that he gets so engrossed and almost collides 😭
NO MORE pls omg he was more scared than you were
but also running off on that, geto is understanding when he teaches you about terminology about racing, abt the parts in a car. he took apart an old car in his garage just to teach you and he loved that you were trying your best to memorise everything 🥹
getting into an rs with geto also has given you more confidence, so he loves how you strut your stuff. he wasnt complicit in anything truly !!! didnt force you to wear anything or do anything you didnt want to, so he was very proud of you when you came out of your shell
geto would love you either way :3 hes just a sweet boy like that
i also relate him to han very closely from f&f… always eating his snacks in tokyo drift LMFAO - geto is chill, letting you feed him his snacks as you cuddle up on him on his hood and watch the new race
ok so, he LOVES racing and geeking out about them but he finds sometimes he watches you way more than the races and before then the race is already over 😭
“suguru! did you see how i crushed the other guy?” gojo emerges and shouts across the parking lot and geto is just like “huh? sorry i wasnt looking was too busy looking at my lover” LMAOOO
when you can’t attend his races you always make it a point to send a selfie with your cherry keychain and he sends one with his berry one back and its just soooo cute youre giving him so much wallpaper material!!
also likes to bring you on drives at night - if you need to rush something or study you bet he’ll be there. he’ll try not to interrupt you, looking at your knees tucked in your arms and memorising your notes
he plays those subliminal audios as a joke and annoys you in the process 💀 
and then just pecks your forehead in apology as he watches or helps you with assignments while occasionally looking out the window and smoking
geto always has a hand on you. it shows his possessive streak and just a general love for physical touch
like i said doesnt pressure u into anything but you’ve expressed interests in his tattoos before
you get a tramp stamp with him for your first one! the pain wasnt that bad, more from lying on your stomach for like 2.5h because of the shading lol. it’s a simple one, but a popular one because of the culture
geto offered to pay for you and you rejected, and he said “alright. half at least” and you didnt exactly oppose that because you were running low on jpn yen for your overseas exchange stay
the tattoo looked so good omfg geto was like . going INSANE it was lowkey funny
gojo and nanami wouldnt hear the end of it for like 3 weeks 😭😭😭
had the photo of you and your tramp stamp as his lockscreen for the longest time
as always tattoos are very addictive! you got a few more in the short span of 6 months (maybe 2-3 small ones) but what really made geto go like. clinically insane was this super big on on your thigh (peep the very first post of this au!!)
it’s a spider with chinese traditional ropes and it was by far your biggest one, taking a dent in your account that you had to lie and ask ur parents for more money after and promise to pay back by working part time
ok i need to preface this part first that geto adores your thighs - you didnt show much of it at first but when you start to be more comfortable with the racing scene he almost came in his pants when you first wore a miniskirt
so to see such beautiful ink on YOUR thighs oh my days felt like you were a goddess walking down the steps to his garage
has a little matching tattoo with you :( it’s not too obvious, but has features of berry and cherry on the both of you <3 down the line he would get other vague and subtle couple tats with you but if you want to mark up your body however you wanna he’d like that too :3
so i actually left the latest fic on a cliffhanger… bro was so heartbroken after you left :( couldnt race properly, couldnt focus in uni, poor boy
even gojo or nanami couldnt get thru to him, but over time he got used to the distance and timezones. moves his whole set-up to the garage just so he’d get better wifi there and also show the latest upgrades to his car !!! the webcam quality is pretty shitty on both ends though so you get disappointed more than once trying to talk to him bc the call isnt connecting well :/ 
continues to send those berry / cherry pics where you’re miles away, and more than once suguru has gone to bed crying :(( but i will keep these sad ones short bc i hate angst and also i might wanna write a next part uh… we’ll see
geto also mails things to you which take ages to ship and you only get the presents one month before you finish uni for good and 💀 it’s so funny seeing his shock at you having just received his gifts
a sweet, sweet bf who takes care of you immensely <3
n*sfw hc’s under divider
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now >:) i also dont want to go into too much detail because. i might. MIGHT. continue. do not ask for the next part explicitly tho that shit annoys me. but geto loves to see your body on his car and the risks that come with it
you guys fuck more in his car compared to his or your room looool.
fingers you when he drives sometimes. when you’re feeling needy all you need to do is drag his fingers to your throbbing core and let him feel how wet you are. 
he tries so hard not to look at you bc you know what happened the last time, so he relies purely on his touch and your hands, fingers slipping inside your panties and he grabs onto the steering wheel with the hardest grip
geto has the patience of a monk, however, letting you use him for your high and grinding down on his fingers. it’s usually not after the race or errand that he properly fucks you bc he knows if he starts he will. not. stop. not even lying
has adrenaline high after racing and will fuck you always unless he’s roughed up, but unlike gojo he probably will drive to a more secluded area. the car is there, the risk is there, it gets geto all riled up
one time he was pissed his opponent scratched his Mazda while racing and while he still won, he pushed you into his leather seats to slam into you. he was going so hard the car was shaking, and he teasingly shows you the brief video gojo sends you later, caressing your very sore legs (you were fine with the recording)
“guess i went too hard, huh?”
you shove him and tell him jokingly, “tell your pervert friend to stop filming us!”
“you like it. me showing everyone who you belong to.” geto is so possessive i swear
loves fucking you in the mountains bro is freaky asf. brings you on late night drives and lays on the hood with you to watch the stars - sometimes it ends cleanly but most times you’re feeling up each other until you’re bent over his Mazda letting him fuck you raw
has fucked you while in the driver’s seat, riding him. has given u oral as u lay on the hood of his car, done a full nelson in his backseat whew you name it he’s so gross and filthy. 
when u contrast it properly with how loving and generous he is and to him when it comes to you and your body the difference is insane. but it also sometimes seeps through when he can’t handle your cute outfits and just has to land a smack and squeeze to your ass
ok this isnt n*sfw but it’s so hot of him - he HAS done this before. made you sit in gojo’s car as he drifted around you in a quiet tokyo crossing late one night and oh my god you made sure he knew how attractive you thought he was. gojo left right away when you two started flirting 💀
likes to both give and receive, so the first time you go down on him was possibly just right after he’s done the drifting around you and you couldn’t resist palming him from the passenger’s seat. you asked him to pull over immediately went to the driver’s side and started pulling at his pants.
you didnt even think that your knees were going to be on gravel so before you could kneel down to suck him off he took his jacket from the back seat to put on the ground …. and then proceeded to get the best blowjob of his life LMFAOOOO
getos a little crazy it’s ok i can take him ! but yea hes filthy thru and thru and dude he missed you sm when you left back to your country.
of course, of COURSE has jerked off at the thought of you, to photos you’d send of a new outfit. also has proposed having phone sex. webcam sex is reserved for special occasions because the sight of you playing with yourself is enough for him to book a flight 😭 he possibly couldnt handle it so he settles for your voice only
he doesnt like to share you, but when you do ask if youve ever thought of getting gojo and nanami in on the fun …. ooh. good luck
again his possessiveness shows so he doesn’t let them fuck you raw lol but rather ask them to get their own condoms 💀💀
his friends r freaks too you realise but it’s time to time where the three of them will organise dates to have some fun with you, but only when youre comfortable. geto putting ur comfort first always 🙏
so sometimes you reject them bc you have an exam comin up etc and geto just treats you in his car or your bedroom alone and even with just him, hes already enough to make you go crazy and moan <3
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peep that op has that same exact spider tattoo on her thigh~ teehee
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The Grey Zone 5
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, manipulation, age gap, bullying, toxic parental figures, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your relationship with your parents has never been good, and that with a family friend takes a strange turn(goth!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen
Note: Oh my mustachioed man!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
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Lloyd pulls in at the last rest stop before you officially enter the true desolation of the northern wilds. You open your door before he can even turn off the engine, unable to hold back the spew of sickness. You spit onto the tarmac as the sun sets darkly above. You grip the door and flinch as Lloyd reaches over to rub your back.
"You okay, baby cakes?" He asks as you press the back of your hand to your mouth and sit back, trapping his hand against the seat.
"Yeah, I just get car sick, like I said," you're almost breathless as the bile sears in your throat, "I should go rinse my mouth out."
"Need help?" He asks and you send him a confounded look. He winks as you struggle to decipher his meaning.
"No," you unbuckle your seat belt and grab your little leather knapsack.
"I guess you're not in the mood for any snacks?" He says as he climbs out on his side, mirror you as you shut your door.
"No, I'm good," you cough.
You walk in stride with him, trying to keep ahead as you're paranoid about your breath and any possible dribble from your vomit. He reaches past you to open the door and holds it open. You flit in and search for the bathroom sign, leaving him behind as the taste of your sickness dries on your tongue.
You hurry down the hall and push into the ladies. You crank on the sink and bend over to rinse your mouth out. You dry off, wiping away much of your black lipstick. 
You fish a mint out of your bag and reapply the tint to your lips, checking your reflection one last time. You go into one of the stalls, just to be sure and wash your hands before venturing out into the store. 
As you come out. Lloyd stands by the magazine shelf, browsing without intent. He glances over at you and smirks, his hands full.
"Got ya... ginger ale," he holds up the green bottle, "and some anti-nausea stuff." He shakes the box of tablets.
"Oh, you didn't have to..."
"I saw it, so... whatever," he hands over the items, "paid and good to go, unless you need anything else."
"All good," you muster a smile.
"You just relax, sweetheart," he waves you towards the door, "we're looking at making midnight if we're lucky. You rest up... you'll need your energy for your vacation."
"Thanks," you mutter. You don't plan on relaxing, you have textbooks and more than enough homework.
"Let me get this," he opens the door for you again.
You step through and he follows closely, just grazing the loose fabric of your pants. You feel a tug but don't think much of it right as he passes you and hits the unlock button on his keys. You near the car and drop into the passenger seat with your goodies.
You crack the seal on the ginger ale, the mint tainting the flavor. You open the box of pills and break one free of the insert. You swallow it with another swig of soda and put the bottle in the cupholder, tucking away the pills in your bag before shoving it between your feet. You lean back and buckle up.
Lloyd turns the engine and flips the stereo on again. You're tired already. You're glad he's taken on most of the driving, aside from his lead foot.
"That's it, you just chill," he reaches over and claps his hand on your thigh, "we'll be home before we know it."
"Home?" You wonder.
"Home away from home," he shrugs and pulls his hand back to the wheel and shifts into gear. "don't worry about it, babe. I got you."
You don't respond. You're not really sure how to and you're stomach is still gurgly. You just want the meds to kick in so you can close your eyes without getting dizzy.
"Alright, back on the road," he steers around the lot, following another car towards the ramp, "huh," he snorts as he speeds up.
"Nah, just thinking... feels like... a movie," he muses as he sits back, keeping one hand nonchalantly on the wheel even as the speedometer ticks up, "like we're going away on a honeymoon. Some ridiculous romcom... or maybe a horror movie. You seem partial to the latter."
"I guess. That's a stereotype though. I'm not really a horror person."
"No?" He sniffs, "my bad. I saw that Poe collection on your shelf, so I assumed--"
"I like to read, not so much into seeing gore," you shrug.
"Fair," he replies, "surprising..."
"Why's it surprising?"
"I didn't take you as squeamish with the whole..." he points to his nose, "ring thing."
You reach up to touch your septum.
"Oh, I couldn't really see them doing it," you say.
"Not that I don't like it," he assures you, "it's a look."
You furrow your brow and nearly laugh. Is he trying to sound young and hip or something? At least he's not like your mother, lecturing you on mutilating your body.
"You got any ink? Tattoo or something?" He asks, "something mommy and daddy don't know about?"
"Um, no," you say, "it's... expensive."
"Oh, do I ever know," he clucks.
"You have a tattoo?"
"Sure do," he pats his chest, "I'll give you a look once we get where we're going. It's nothing hardcore. Mostly a college mistake."
"Ah, makes sense."
"What else is college for?" He winks at you in the rearview, "making memories."
"Sure," you agree and yawn into your hand.
"I'll shut up now," he scoffs, "you rest that pretty head."
You look at him, hesitating before letting yourself relax against the seat. You cross your arms and lean into the door, closing your eyes to keep from glancing out the window. He must have got the drowsy stuff, your head is swimming.
Soon the motion of the car turns from alarming to soothing. You let yourself sink into the anti-nauseant laced drowse itching on your eyelids. You blink, slower and slower, as you succumb to the dark sky and your induced exhaustion. You drift into semi-consciousness, the engine still whirring in your ears.
The hours slip by like seconds and you wake much before your ready too. Not quite all the way as your head wobbles and your body feels buried in sand. You drag your hand across your face clumsily as the car slows and you hear the chirping of crickets. You grumble, batting your lashes before letting them close again. You nestle into the door, reaching for sleep once more.
A soft rumble, like a chuckle, rises as the engine quiets completely. You feel a shift and hear the driver's side door. You can't tell if it's real or you're dreaming. Not until your own door opens and your seatbelt barely keeps you from falling out of the car.
Lloyd nudges you back and snickers again, "ah, look at you, sleepy girl."
He bends over you, his fingertips fluttering over your stomach as he reaches to undo your seatbelt. You moan as you struggle to keep your eyes open. His shadow blocks the moonlight as your tongue sticks dryly to the roof of your mouth. You feel... more tired than you should.
"Let's get you to bed, huh? Look at you," he lets his hand wander down your thigh, "fuck, you're so warm." He tickles you through the fabric of your pants and you shiver, "and it's damn chilly, isn't it?"
He pushes his hands between your thighs and you gasp. You reach for him and he bats your hand away easily. He cups your cunt through your pants and you squirm. He puts his other arms below your chest, pinning you to the seat.
"Wha..." you babble.
"Shhhh, it's alright, babe," he purrs as he bends, pulling his hand down your thigh as he parts them wide, dipping his head into your lap. "Mmmm, you smell delicious."
He buries his face in your pelvis and takes a deep breath before exhaling hotly into you. You whimper and push on his head. He chuckles and pulls his head back. He raises the hand he had cupped against you and sniffs that too.
"The way I'm gonna taste you and find out it you're just as good as you smell," he stands and hooks his arms under yours, lifting you out of the seat, "and you're gonna be begging me for it."
"What are you talking..."
"It's okay, honeybee,  you're fucking out of it," he snaps shut the passenger door, keeping you against him, "if I wanted to, I could fuck you in the dirt right now but that's no fun."
"Huh?" You lean against him, your feet unsteady in your platform boots.
"My dicks been hard since we got in the car, you're lucky I don't test your throat out," he guides you along the pebbles and twigs, a large structure looming limned in moonlight.
"Mr. Hansen?" You eke out.
"Relax, I'm gonna put you to bed, nice and cozy. Cozier on my dick but we'll save that," he teases as his hand creeps down to squeeze your ass, "you got some of those rings in your nips too? Kinky shit."
You shake your head, stumbling with him up the wooden steps of the cabin. The place is dark and you didn't notice if your dad's SUV was there yet. They must have got there by then.
Lloyd angles you through the front door and moves seamlessly through the dark. His strength is unsettling, knowing he could do anything and you couldn't fight him off. Even if you weren't groggy.
"Come on, princess," he hums as he takes you up the stairs, each step creaking.
"Please," you beg, "why..."
"Shhh," he hushes you as he gets you to the top.
Your panic pulses and you try to shove away from him. He lets you and you go crashing into some unseen shape and bounce onto the floor. The noise of your tumble is deafening. Lloyd cackles and you hear something else. Suddenly, footsteps barreling but uneven, a door opens further down.
"What the fuck is going on?" Your mother snarls drunkenly.
"Nothing, Connie," he calls through a chortle, "girl's just a bit hopped up."
"Hopped up?!" She shrieks and you hear her struggling before she emerges, shining a light at you from the flash of her cell phone, "what?!"
"Calm down, she had some dramamine," he scoffs, "she doesn't have the same tolerance as you, Con."
"Oh, shut up," she huffs and turns back, casting the light away from both of you, "keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep."
"Pleasant as ever," he mutters as he slides his arms under you and lifts you. You touch your forehead, dizzied as he cradles you against his chest. He walks down the hall and stops to push open a door with his foot. He stands in the frame and clucks, "just like a honeymoon, huh? Me carrying you over the threshold." He enters and moves carefully through the dark as it thickens, "but we'll save the fun stuff for now."
He puts you on the bed and you grumble. He hovers over you, his hand trails down your body. You shiver and he presses his lips to your forehead and growls, "I can wait…"
He pushes away and stands straight, lurking as you feel him staring down at you. You hug yourself and roll onto your side, weak and disoriented. He takes in an audible breath and lets it out. 
"I'm not even gonna jerk off, as much as my balls are swinging like barbells," he taunts as he leans back on his heels, "I'm saving it all up for you, baby." He clicks his tongue in his cheek, "I'm even gonna be a gentleman and bring your stuff in. Don't worry, you can be naughty for me."
You don't say a word as you close your eyes, hoping to shut out this twisted reality. You hear him retreat, slow deliberate steps that stoke your nerves. He's letting you be for now, but it won't be forever. And now you know exactly what he wants…
The morning greets you with the sight of an unfamiliar room. Your memory doesn’t rush back but trickles in. A patchwork begins to form in your mind; your father sending you off with Lloyd, his herky jerky driving, the rest stop, and the wobbly scenes that came after.
You remember a conversation but not every word. Only enough to set you on edge. You sit up sharply as the words etch in your mind; ‘don’t worry, you can be naughty for me’. You want to shrug it off as a figment of your own imagination but it’s all too real in your mind.
You look around at the bedroom. Hardwood side for the walls and similarly coloured slats across the floor. The bed frame is elaborate, hand-carved with ornate knobs at the top of each post. There’s a quilty haphazardly pulled over you, gathering at your waist as you hold yourself with palms flat to the mattress.
Your duffle is in the plaid armchair set in the corner. It’s empty. You shake your head, clearing out the last of the cobwebs. Despite the nausea meds and a night of almost lifeless sleep, you wake swiftly. You feel eerily alert of every detail. 
You get up and near the tan dresser, your reflection appearing in the circle mirror perched above. Your eye makeup is smeared and your lipstick only left at the edges of your lips. You’re a mess.
Your hat hangs on the one of the posts that holds up the mirror and your knapsack from the other. You rest your hands on the thin metal handles and slide the top drawer open slowly. You look down as the wood grinds loudly.
Your underwear is neatly folded to one side but you didn’t pack enough to fill the whole drawer. At the other side, there’s something else, something unfamiliar. You touch the lacy fabric and hook your fingers through the slender straps. 
You pull it out of the drawer and let it hang down to the floor. It’s a full body suit, lace in the pattern of spiderwebs, with no lining. It wouldn’t hide much at all. You look up and see yourself positioned behind it, as if you’re trying to see what it would look like on.
You lower the garment and clear your throat. Last night wasn’t a dream, you’re lucky it was a nightmare. You quickly tuck the lacy bodysuit back into the drawer and close it.
What do you do? Do you tell your parents? You don’t imagine your mother would believe you, if she even listened. She’s already into the wine. And your father, Lloyd is his friend. He’d probably shrug it off as one of his jokes.
You back up and turn to the rest of the room. You hear the birds chirping, trees swaying, and the soft breeze flowing in through the slightly open window. You cross to the pane and look out at the deep cluster of trees that stretches for miles. It’s all the more obvious then that you’ve walked straight into his trap.
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call-me-eds · 2 years
Chivalry Kills
Eddie x Reader
Angst, fighting, smut, fluff
Eddie is a perfect gentleman to everyone, and it makes you feel invisible to him.
“No, really, guys, I’m fine. Don’t let me get in your way.” You were straining to carry an amp, albeit the smallest amp the band used, to Eddie’s van as they leaned against the back wall of the bar, sipping beers.
“We gotta get you in a weight lifting class,” your boyfriend joked, coming over to help you load the equipment into the car.
“Or maybe you could load your own car. Or pay the freshman you hang around five bucks to do this,” you joked. He lifted his beer bottle to your lips, a small reward for helping out like you always did. 
You were more than happy to do it, needing to get some energy out after watching their high voltage performance every week. Eddie kept telling you that you didn’t need to, he could handle it, but you wouldn’t just sit there and let him do all of the work. He wasn’t even crazy about the idea of you driving to The Hideout by yourself to watch their set. One week he tried to leave after their minimal soundcheck to some and pick you up, but he ended up having to jump right on stage after bursting through the door.
“It’s fine, I am able to get here alone. It’s safe,” you promised him.
“You shouldn’t have to, though.”
Ever the gentleman, Eddie went out of his way to be as gallant as possible. He planned thoughtful dates, tried his hardest to never let you open a door for yourself, and always made sure you were taken care of when you were being intimate. He was constantly sweeping you off your feet. Well, you and every other girl in Hawkins.
It was cute when he gave El, Max, or Erica a piggy back ride. It was endearing when he didn’t let Robin walk on the street side of the sidewalk. It was funny when he hit on Joyce right in front of Hopper.
It was infuriating when he paid every other girl in your age group attention, and stopped trying to impress you.
“You’re chewing right in my ear,” you slightly pushed Eddie away from you, just handing over your lunch that he was picking from. 
“What are you going to eat?” he asked through a mouthful of carrot sticks. 
“I lost my appetite all of a sudden,” you said. He shrugged and continued chomping away and talking with his friends. Despite the hustle and bustle of hungry teenagers, you were able to spot Robin looking around the cafeteria for a familiar face. You tapped Eddie’s arm so he would release his hold on your shoulders. “See you later, okay?”
He sent you off with a slight nod of his head.
“Save me,” you grabbed Robin’s elbow and led her out of the cafeteria with you. She followed without a word, and you two went down to the newspaper room where you knew you would find Nancy.
“Well, this is a nice surprise,” she smiled when she saw you. 
“I needed to hide,” you said. “Boys are so annoying.” After a rough morning of sleeping past your alarm and certainly flunking a test, you were in no mood to be spit on or yelled through about fantasy games, shockingly.
“Who got under your skin?” Robin smiled. Neither of them expected it to be Eddie. From what they experienced, he had nothing but good manners. Sure, he picked on Steve, but they both considered that an admirable quality. 
“It’s just been one of those days,” you sighed. “Distract me, tell me what you’re working on,” you asked Nancy, sending her into a spiel you gladly let overtake your thoughts. 
When it was time for the afternoon to officially begin, the three of you walked through the halls together, heading in the same general direction of your next classes. Only a few more left until the end of the day and then beginning of the weekend. You could do this. 
“It is always weird to see them together,” Robin commented, looking down the hall at Eddie, Chrissy, and a few other cheerleaders.
“She’s making his life a lot easier,” you explained, relieved that he was getting terrorized much less, even if he made his way into the good graces of the Hawkins High Elite by selling them drugs.
“Looks like he is, too,” commented Nancy as you all watched him take her books from her arms. You weren’t bothered by it. He was being his normal, generous self. What did bother you, though, was his arm tossed around her shoulder, mouth close to her ear saying something that was making the beautiful girl laugh. They looked like they were floating down the hallway, made lighter by each other’s presence.
“I shouldn’t overreact to that, right?” you asked, starting to fidget with the hair tie around your wrist. “He just doesn’t have to be so touchy. It’s inappropriate, what if she was uncomfortable with that?” you didn’t give them a chance to answer.
The bell rang overhead and made your brain rattle.
“Don’t overthink it,” Nancy stressed, but she saw how your mind was already running away with the minor incident. “We will see you later, be ready by 8!” Right. The party you promised to go to. Usually on Fridays you and Eddie drove around, making pit stops for him to do deals. You liked being in the car with him, passing by the secret night life of teenagers that he was contributing to, but you two were happy to stay on the outskirts of.
With his new friendships, he was coming around to the idea of actually attending one of the parties he served. Nancy wasn’t a stranger to the scene, so she broke you both down, encouraging you to give it a try, even if just for an hour. It had to be better than getting drunk or high by yourselves. Honestly, it was getting kind of sad.
“8 o’clock, got it,” you nodded, going off toward your next class.
The next time you saw Eddie, he was waiting for you by your locker after the last bell had rang.
“Hey, Babe,” he smiled, giving your butt a gentle smack. It wasn’t the most romantic gesture, but your feelings of annoyance from lunch had seriously diminished, and you just wanted to be close to him.
“Hi,” you said, throwing the books you wouldn’t need over the weekend into the metal square and slamming the door shut. “Let’s go,” you grabbed his hand and he squeezed it affectionately.
“We just have to wait for Chrissy, we’re giving her a ride home,” he said. You nodded and let him lead you to her locker, where she was talking to her other friends. They confirmed with you and Eddie that you’d be at the party later, and then the three of you walked into the fresh air like you were the best of friends.
“Ooh, it’s getting cold out,” you complained, frowning at the fall air taking over the town.
“It feels good, this sweater is so hot,” Chrissy said, pulling at the turtle neck uniform she was wearing that day. Eddie turned the air on for her when you all got in the van, making you shiver more intensely than you were outside. 
It didn’t take long for you to get to Chrissy’s house and drop her off. She asked if you wanted to get ready with her for the party, but you honestly couldn’t imagine starting your evening any earlier than you already had to. Her eyes genuinely dropped when you thanked her, but declined, and it almost made you change your mind. But then you remembered Eddie’s hand on her back.
“You’re going to dance with me later, though, right?” she asked, the smile returning to her face.
“Definitely,” you conceded.
“Only if they play something other than the shit on the radio.” Eddie appeared outside of your window, right next to where Chrissy’s hands were draped. You turned around, expecting to somehow see him still sitting next to you in the driver’s seat. He must have gotten out when you were distracted by the cheerleader. With a wave from Chrissy, your boyfriend started to walk her to her front door as if it wasn’t 3 o’clock in the afternoon in a suburban neighborhood. 
When he got back to the car after 7 minutes, you clocked it, of giggling, you were pissed off.
“So what do we want for dinner? I’m sure you’re hungry after giving me your lunch, which i don’t think I ever thanked you for,” Eddie grabbed your fingers and went to bring them to his lips like he did a million times before, but you pulled your hand back.
“I think I just want to relax before the party,” you shrugged. “The math test didn’t go well.” you told him, because he didn’t ask.
“Okay, that sounds good, too. How about we take a nap and-”
“Can you just drop me off and we can meet up later?” you asked, aware of your less than sweet tone. He could tell something was wrong, but chalked it up to the test and knew you’d feel much better if you had some time alone.
What he didn’t count on, though, was your solitude making your anger fester. All you could see was him touching her, her gaggle of friends laughing at his jokes, and the way he had been brushing you off. Eddie made everyone feel so special by doing nice things for them, and you wanted to be the only one on the receiving end. 
By the time you, Robin, and Nancy were approaching the front door of the parentless house, you were practically stomping.
“Relax, Hulk,” Robin teased as you whipped open the front door like someone was hiding behind it.
“I need a drink,” you sighed, heading straight for the kitchen where there were bottles of liquor and a keg. “What do you guys want?” You didn’t wait for an answer, making a strong concoction that you split between three cups, yours a little more full than the others. The drink eased your emotions a bit, and you felt your anger level slowly coming down.
Eddie was set to meet you at the party. Even though you didn’t want to be with him earlier in the day, now you were itching to see him. 
“You keep on looking around like you’re expecting Judd Nelson to walk in,” Nancy said, waving her hand in front of your face. “Let’s go, come on,” she waved her finger so you would follow her to the living room, where people were dancing.
“Y/N!” The high-pitched voice cut through the crowd, and you saw Chrissy bouncing toward you. You recognized how sweet it was that she was trying to get closer to you after becoming friends with your boyfriend, and you wanted to put more of an effort in with her.
“We’re dancing, come on,” you grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with the three of you.
A few months ago, you would have gotten a lot of stares, and not just because of Robin’s off-beat dancing. The cheerleader, the bank geek, the journalist, and the outsider all together. Add the freak into the mix, and it’s a wonder you weren’t put on a poster in a guidance counselor’s office.
“My girls!” Eddie showed up and threw his arms around you and Nancy. 
“Hi,” you grinned, leaning up on your toes and pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth. He winked at you and took your hand, twirling you around. Finally, he was giving you the attention you were craving.
Just as quickly as he gave you butterflies, he opened the window and shooed them out. There were only a couple of blissful minutes until it took a turn. 
It was common knowledge that Chrissy was single and available, and it didn’t even take half a song for someone to ask her to dance. Understandably, watching your boyfriend give another guy daggers with his stare because he was dancing with his friend didn’t exactly put you in the best of moods.
“He’s getting a little handsy,” he said, loud enough for your group to hear.
“She’s fine,” you said, grabbing his hands and putting them on your waist, trying to get him to focus on you. He nodded and began to bounce back and forth on his feet again, keeping a protective eye on Chrissy.
“I’ll be right back,” Eddie leaned down into your ear and nodded toward the back door, where someone was waiting with a $20 bill in hand. You nodded and he walked off, putting on his best salesman face. 
“I’m taking a break,” you said to Nancy and Robin, going into the kitchen. As soon as Eddie came back inside, you were going to grab him for as alone a moment you could get at a house party.
“Hey, you coming to check up on me?” he walked back inside and you wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling you into him.
“Of course, I have to make sure you’re being safe,” you mocked. He laughed and the sound went right to your heart. “So, what do you think of the party?”
“It’s interesting,” he nodded. “I think the last one of these I went to was in the 8th grade, and I played spin the bottle.”
“We can play if you want,” you smiled. He picked up an abandoned beer bottle on the counter and tipped it towards you before leaning in. As soon as your lips met, your hands went to his hair, playing with the curls. Even though you were surrounded by your peers, you felt like you were the only two people in the room. You went to lift yourself up on the counter, but Eddie twisted around so he was leaning against the countertop.
Your hands moved underneath his shirt and he tugged you closer, mouthing against your neck. 
“Eddie,” you laughed, getting shy and pulling away. “Eddie!” His mouth was still open, as were his eyes. While he was kissing you, his eyes were trained on his friend in the living room, who was preoccupied with a boy herself. His eyes snapped to you and he knew he had been caught.
“What, did you need a better view?” you slammed your palms against his chest and he tried to grab your hands, but you ripped them away. 
“No,” you snapped, spinning around and storming away. You thought you’d be able to get through the party despite your nerves and apprehension, and that Eddie’s presence along with your friends’ would keep you safe. The day was horrible from the beginning, you should have just stayed in bed.
“Woah, woah, what’s happening?” Robin and Nancy saw you fly by and followed, despite you holding up your hand to keep them at bay.
The cool night air shocking your system and your high emotions became too much to handle, and your breath became shallow. You were shocked to see that Chrissy had followed them outside.
“I’m okay, I’m fine,” you calmed your friends, although your shaky voice gave you away. 
“Look, it’s fine, I’m going to go inside, call Steve, and we’ll be on our way home in five minutes,” Robin said, going to rush back into the house. 
“No, I don’t want to ruin the night,” you shook your head. “I just need a minute, I promise,” you said, but their watchful eyes weren’t leaving you for a second, not even blinking.
“Want me to go find Eddie? Is he still finishing his deal?” Chrissy asked. They saw how your eyes went dark and your panic turned to rage. “Okay, not Eddie.”
“Chrissy?” The four of you turned around and saw the boy you had all just become acquainted with, the one that was dancing with Chrissy. “Are you ladies okay?”
“Yeah, we’re fine,” she smiled. “You said you drove here, right?”
“DD tonight,” he nodded. “Are you sure you’re alright, do you need me to take you somewhere?”
“Let’s go home,” Chrissy nodded, taking your hand. You understood why Eddie liked her. They were two peas in a pod: protective.
“Can you go tell Eddie?” you asked Nancy.
“Tell Eddie what?” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. “Are you okay?” He was looking around at the four of you, but his eyes stopped when they locked with yours. You felt like he was looking right into your heart, and could see that it was hurting.
“We’re going home,” Robin said, maybe the most assertive you had ever heard her. 
“Alright, let’s go,” he swept his arm out so you would all start to walk to his car, but you stayed put.
“Bob is taking us home,” you told him.
“Rob,” he cleared his throat and corrected you. 
“No,” Eddie said. “I will take you all home.” Again, you all stood your ground. “Y/N,” he frowned at you.
“I will call you when I am cooled off and ready to talk,” you said, turning around and starting to walk away. You heard the scurried footsteps of your friends behind you, and a soft “Sorry, man” from Rob.
The ride home was silent, which you were thankful for. The energy was buzzing around you with everyone wanting to ask what happened and how they could help.
There was nothing they could do. You knew you had to talk to Eddie, but you didn’t want to have to do that. He was so perceptive of everyone and everything going on, but he didn’t take into account how his reactions to outside circumstances made you feel.
The following afternoon, you still weren’t ready to talk to Eddie. However, when your phone started to ring, you knew he was on the other end. You also knew that if you didn’t answer, he would probably show up.
“Hello?” you tried to hide the angry inflection in your voice, but it was impossible.
“Great, so the stranger you went home with didn’t murder you,” he bit across the line. It was from worry, it came from concern. 
“Yep,” you nodded. “I’m still not ready to talk to you, so I am going to hang up.” He should consider himself lucky that you were giving him that much of a notice instead of just ending the call.
“Babe, come on,” he sighed. You wanted to give in, and not have to tell him how hurt your ego was, but if you let the feelings fester, it would be so much more detrimental.
“Later,” you said. This time, you did not give him a warning, just hung the phone back up on the receiver. 
You were most confused that Eddie didn’t think this was a big deal. He was kissing you and looking at another girl. Pushing you to the side, again, to put his attention on someone else that didn’t need him. You couldn’t help but feel like you were falling through the cracks in his life, and it was soul crushing. He was number one for you, and you were low on the list of people he felt he needed to keep in line.
Eddie had to be in control. If he knew that everyone was okay and that he was a part of that, then he wouldn’t lose anyone. Everyone and everything would stay exactly how it was, which was good. He was so busy concerned with everyone else he didn’t realize that you were dipping under his radar, and treating you less and less like a girlfriend.
When the dust of your mind settled, and you knew the point you wanted to get across, you started walking to Eddie’s. He would be home now, you were sure. And if you needed to leave, then you could. You were going to be the one in control now.
You knocked on the front door, and it opened a moment later. Eddie had the phone tucked between his ear and shoulder, the cord tangled around his wrist.
“I gotta go, okay?” he moved aside and you walked in, sitting in Uncle Wayne’s recliner. There needed to be some physical space between you two for the conversation to stick. You would both melt away if you were caressing or could look too deeply into each other’s eyes. “If you can’t get a ride, just call.” You heard the phone hang up and Eddie came into view in the small living room.
“Hi,” your voice was low. The last time you used it was on the phone with Eddie hours ago. He sat on the couch across from you and leaned his arms on his thighs, immediately starting to tap his foot.
“I am so angry at you, Y/N.” This was not how you expected the conversation to start. Groveling, sniveling, and begging was more in line. “You just left last night! With no explanation or no clue to where you were going. That guy doesn’t even go to our school, he could have been anyone!”
“What are you, my father?” you asked. “I don’t have to report my location to you, Eddie.” He scoffed, sending your blood pressure through the roof.
“I don’t care how pissed off you are, you can’t just do that. And taking our friends along with you? I mean, come on.” That was the last nail in his coffin.
“Oh, we want to talk about everyone else? How about how you walk Chrissy to her door like you just took her out on a date? Or how cute and cuddly you two looked walking in the hallway, whispering in each other's ears? Or how about how you were fucking looking at her when you were kissing me last night?” you stood up and were digging your fingernails into your palms, trying your hardest not to cry.
“Is that what you’re so mad about? Chrissy? We are friends, Y/N, she is doing everything she can to extend an olive branch to you,” he remained seated, hoping to bring down your energy level and contain the conversation.
“Oh my God, no,” you groaned, putting your hands over your face. He wasn’t absorbing a word you were saying. “You are so busy worrying about everyone else that you’re treating them like your girlfriend and me like someone you just met off the street.” Your breathing was getting heavier and your voice caught in your throat. It didn’t feel good to be saying these things, you didn’t want to hurt him, He needed to know how his actions were affecting you.
“What are you talking about? I am always looking out for you all and-”
“You’re supposed to be treating me special, Eddie!” Finally, it came out. You didn’t come with the intention of saying that, you weren’t even sure if you really knew that’s how you were feeling. “You care so deeply about everyone and I am left behind. Don’t let me keep you trapped in this relationship if you just want to be friends.” A tear rolled down your cheek as your deepest fears came to the surface.
“What? Y/N, no,” he got up and kneeled on the floor in front of you, grabbing your hands after you didn’t recoil away. You couldn’t meet his eyes, keeping your stare trained on his fingers slotted between yours. 
It was sad that you hadn’t felt this close to him in weeks. Every time you looked at him his eyes were trained on someone else. Dates were cut short to give someone a ride, meals were shared so no one spent their evening alone, and kisses were shared while he was looking at his gorgeous friend.
“I don’t know what to say,” he whispered.
“I just, I need a little more from you. Or just all of you every once in a while, you’re breaking yourself off into pieces to give to everyone and I get what’s left over,” you explained. Finally, you lifted your gaze to look at him, and he was listening along like you were telling him the secret to eternal life.
“Jesus, I’m so sorry. I’ve been horrible to you,” he sighed. You didn’t want to make him feel bad, everything that was making you upset was coming from how much he cared for other people.
“Eddie, you haven’t been horrible.”
“Look at the way I’ve been making you feel. I mean, I love you, and I haven’t been showing you,” he gripped your hands tighter. Your brain went on pause. 
He loved you? You two hadn’t spoken those words to each other yet. Eddie didn’t even realize what he had said, just kept rambling on with his apology. No matter how nervous you were to bring everything up to him, you were happy that you did. Even though there were a lot of times where actions spoke so much louder than words, Eddie’s acts of love for everyone in your lives didn’t diminish how he felt for you. 
Why had you ever doubted it in the first place? He brought you into his life so fully, letting you take up the space by his side. You learned about his D&D strategies, he was receptive to getting some help in school for maybe the first time ever, and he opened up to you. He didn’t need to make grand, sweeping gestures. The issue wasn’t the wonderful, selfless, enchanting things that he was doing for everyone; the issue was that you didn’t see the meaning in the small things he only did for you.
“-and maybe I just don’t know how to have friends. I’m still learning that and how to be an actual, real boyfriend. I’m sorry,” he said again. You didn’t say anything, just tugged his hands in your direction so he was close enough for you to kiss him.
“I love you, too,” you whispered, pulling away from his shocked face for just a second before going back towards him. You pressed your lips to his in quick succession, trying to get him to respond, but he was frozen.
“I’m confused,” he said once you had put more than an inch of space between you.
“I love how kind you are to everyone in your life, and I’m sorry that I didn’t understand. I love you,” you repeated.
“Jesus, that’s what I thought you said,” he was the one to surge forward this time, collecting you in his arms and moving you closer to the edge of the recliner you were still in. “I’m going to be better,” he promised.
“Me, too,” you brushed his hair out of his face tenderly, and he put his hands over yours again. “I know you weren’t trying to ignore me. You’re not built for that.” A blush reached his cheeks and grew down his neck. 
“No, I’m built just for you,” he said. The cheesiness of the line didn’t make you giggle like it normally would, because you believed it now with your entire heart. 
“Come on,” you whispered, grabbing his hand and going to his room that you had become familiar with. 
The sex you’d been having was fun and boisterous, you didn’t cross into emotional. That was another level you hadn’t reached yet, not until tonight. 
Eddie didn’t get the pleasure of taking off your first layer of clothing, you threw off your sweater while you were still in the doorway. 
“Let me,” he said when you brought your hands to the bottom hem of your t-shirt. You nodded and he slowly dragged the cotton up your torso, trying to keep eye contact with you until he got the neckline stuck on your necklace. The small blunder took the edge off of the seriousness in the mood, and you laughed until he freed you and you could see him again.
“There you are,” you breathed. He gave you a close-lipped smile, bashful. “My turn.” The hand-me-down flannel he had on was worn-in and impossibly soft. The buttons slipped through their holes like butter despite your shaking hands.
You sat down on the edge of his bed and started to untie the strings on his sweatpants. Eddie had been happy to continue picking them up everytime they dropped below his hips every minute, but he liked when you subconsciously tied and untied the bow when you were relaxing on the couch. 
While he was thinking of your gentle hands working the material, he felt them suddenly massaging over the bulge that was not so well hidden by his boxers. The cool air coming from his open window was the only thing stopping him from breaking out into a sweat once those hit the floor, too, and he was fully naked.
Your hand was slow, wanting everything to be as enjoyable as possible. This wasn’t drunk sex after a night with the band, this was making love. There was lube in the drawer, you bought a new tube last week, but you spit as graciously as you could onto your hand, getting the base of his shaft wet while your mouth worked on the rest. 
Unlike his voice, Eddie’s whining was high-pitched. Just as you had done for him earlier, he gently moved strands of hair off of your cheeks. He wasn’t concerned with them being in your way, he just wanted to look at you. He could only handle it for a minute.
“Baby, you gotta stop,” he said. You knew it, too, could feel the way his thighs were starting to shake and the amount of precum leaking out of him. He popped out of your mouth, and you were moving backwards on the bed so he could lay over you. The eye contact was intense while he worked on the button of your jeans, but it wasn’t scary. It felt safe.
“I love you,” he pressed the words into your mouth with his. The tension in your body had been displaced, and you were pliant against him. His tongue moved against yours with the same rhythm of where his hand found your chest. You sat up to reach behind you and unclasp your bra, but the moment Eddie was able to fit his hand between your back and the bed, he had already gotten it undone.
Normally, you would have made a comment about him having a suspicious amount of skill and he would have bit back, but the only thing coming out of your mouth was soft groans.
“Please, Eddie,” you begged. For what, you’re not entirely sure. You already had all of him, in any way that you wanted him. He would make sure that was never a doubt in your mind again.
He nodded, knowing what you meant even if you didn’t, and separated from you for just a moment to pull the denim off of your legs, turning them inside out in the process. You shimmied your underwear down your legs in what you were positive was extremely unsexy, but Eddie looked like it was the most R-rated thing he’d ever seen.
His knees hit the floor in front of you for a second time that day, but now instead of taking hold of your hands, he gripped your ankles and hooked them over his shoulders. Chapped lips sponged your thighs equally until there was nothing left to kiss but the middle, and Eddie didn’t hesitate for a second.
You sucked in a breath as his tongue began to wiggle it’s way between your soft folds. One hand was placed on your stomach, keeping you pinned gently to the bed, and the other was sneaking unsuspectingly to join his mouth. 
“Oh,” your eyes almost went to the back of your head while Eddie’s were on your face. He tried not to smile, because then he’d have to stop suckling on your clit. Somehow, he was able to apply the same exact pressure as his fingers swiping inside of you, unnecessarily getting you ready for him. There were times when you loved the sting that a lack of foreplay allowed, but his confession relaxed you that you knew he would meet no hesitation.
The both of you could sense that there couldn’t be another minute before you were fully connected, so Eddie made his way back up your body while you reached over to grab a condom from the value box he had gotten.
“It’s a good investment,” he had said when you first saw it, and he was right. 
He ripped the packet open with his teeth and shoved his fingers inside much less gently than he had with you. Your feet gently ran up and down his legs, needing to be close to him.
“Okay,” he said softly, leaning over you. His weight was on one arm, while the other snaked between you where you couldn’t see. When the tip of his cock was brought to your entrance, you felt like you were an opposing magnet, being heaved to him.
There wasn’t a hiss, a groan, or a whimper when he pushed into you. You were both relieved, but looking right at each other was all-consuming. 
“I love you,” Eddie said, hand that was not supporting him finding a resting place right under the curve of your breast.
“I love you,” you rubbed your nose against his cheek, breaking the spell of his eyes and finally feeling all of the sensation he was bringing.
Slowly, his hips dragged back and forth. You tried to match him but his leg pressed firmly to yours, telling you to stop. He would take care of you.
Nothing had ever felt like this before, so secure and pure. The earth could have opened up beneath you and you don’t think you would have noticed.
“So good,” you nodded, pleasure shooting through your entire body. Eddie didn’t need the assurance, he could feel your body pulling him in. Which was why he was confused when you put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him away.
You really just wanted to flip him over, but when he figured your plan out he maneuvered you so you were in his lap while he sat up. His arms were hugging you close, your chests pressed against one another while you were both trying to adjust to the new position and how deeper Eddie felt.
“Alright?” he asked.
“Perfect,” you nodded, hips starting to twitch with the want to move. You started to move, forcing Eddie to soften his grip on you. He couldn’t hold himself up without losing focus on not finishing this too early, so he allowed himself to flop onto his back. The feeling of your nails instantly digging into his pecs made him think you were nearing the end as well.
“I’m going to cum soon,” he grunted out, not having the mental capacity to have more eloquence. You didn’t either, apparently, because you just grabbed one of his hands and started to rub your clit using his finger.
“Come on, Love,” you panted, and Eddie spilled into the rubber a moment later. The feeling of him throbbing inside of you was what you needed to tip over the edge, and both of your heads went fuzzy with pleasure.
When you returned to clarity, Eddie had a tear coming from each eye. You wiped them away with your thumbs and leaned down to cement it all with a kiss. 
“No,” you complained when he gently rolled you onto your side and pulled out of you. He just nodded and kissed you sweetly.
Another word wasn’t spoken for a few minutes. He threw away the condom, and then you took his place in the bathroom to wipe yourself down. He held out a long shirt for you from his drawer and he slipped into clean boxers. You clicked on his radio while he started to pick up and fold your clothes.
You had no clue how you were so blind to his love.
After smoothing over his comforter, you shuffled onto the bed, knowing he’d join you the moment you opened your arms for him. He patted the small pile of your clothes and crawled beside you, pulling you into his chest.
“You’re my favorite person,” he said. “I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel that way.”
“I’m sorry I freaked out. You didn’t deserve that,” you swallowed thickly, the heaviness of your earlier words seeping through your bliss.
“No more apologies,” he decided and you agreed. After a minute of silent hugging, he spoke again. “This isn’t how I wanted to tell you I loved you, you know.” You grinned, a bit of spark coming back into the energy.
“Oh? So you didn’t just blurt it out so I would forgive you and have sex with you?” you teased. 
“Of course not,” he laughed, rubbing your arm. “I was going to do something big.”
“Like what? Get the marching band to serenade me? Spell it out in cigarettes?”
“I was thinking take flight lessons and write it in the sky. That way you couldn’t deny it,” he said.
“I would never,” you said, turning to face him. “You’re stuck with me.”
“Thank god.”
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j0kers-light · 3 months
His Lighthouse: Humble Beginnings (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Humble Beginnings
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series summary:
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:
Joker promises Y/n a night you’ll never forget but when has J’s ideas ever went according to plan?
authors note:
Please don’t throw any tomatoes at me! I am so far behind on my story that I’ve decided to do back to back chapters! No oneshots in between 😤 I’m super excited to see the reactions to this chapter. It reads like a filler, but it’s jammed packed with vital information. Do enjoy! 🖤✨
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16 @carydorse @jaysmentalspace
Let me know if you wish to be added to the official His Lighthouse taglist! Be alerted with any oneshots and the main story updates! 🖤✨
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“Do you trust me?”
You shouldn’t have. Common sense begged you not to. Apparently, you had none when it came to Joker. You just nodded and did as he asked.
The sidewalk outside Tiffany’s was still empty but you paid it little mind. Your focus was on the black SUV parked near the curb. Behind it you could see the normal bustling sight of Gotham. No one dared to cross the invisible line. Just how did Joker pull off his elaborate stunts, the world may never know. It was none of your business anyway.
You blindly trusted your clown and slid into the backseat only to discover there was no driver.
You hoped that one would join you. Joker proved in the Vineyard that he was a terrible driver.
You didn’t want to relive that horrifying experience again. Yet much to your dismay, Joker came strolling down the sidewalk to open the driver’s door.
He made himself comfortable and opened his mouth to speak. It took a split second for him to realize that you weren’t in the passenger seat.
Joker’s work mode activated instantaneously. It was only a short walk from the storefront to the car but a professional only needed thirty seconds to grab you. His mind was racing with endless possibilities to get you back.
In that moment, Joker showed you just how much he cared about you when he hit the steering wheel with a curse spewing from his lips.
He looked a nervous wreck so you decided to end his mini suffering before it truly began. “Joker, I’m right here.”
You waved from the backseat and he deflated like a balloon realizing that you were okay. No one took you. You were safe and accounted for.
He was relieved to say the least but his hands were still shaking. Hopefully you didn’t notice.  
“Y/n.. ya almost gave me a scare! Whatcha doing in the backseat hmm?” He patted the passenger seat in earnest, “I want you riding shotgun!”
You gave Joker a scare? Now that was one for the history books.
His green eyes still had traces of panic in them and it made you feel guilty. You weren’t where you were supposed to be; and it caused Joker to panic. Losing you was perhaps his only fear and it was all because you miscalculated which seat he wanted you to occupy.
All of this could have been avoided if he gave you better instructions; you didn’t want to point fingers tonight.
You said nothing as you climbed over the center console and plopped down in the passenger seat.
Joker simply blinked in surprise. “Well. Ha, that’s uhh, one way to do it.” He laughed and turned the SUV on.
You were trying to get comfy on the leather seats in your silk dress. It wasn’t the same Mercedes he drove in Massachusetts; you remembered the dash wasn’t matte and the seats were cloth then, not leather. Regardless of the changes, it was a clean ride.
“The keys are clean my boy.”
Your comment made Joker eye you sideways. He chalked it up to one of your Blüdhaven phrases since you didn’t translate further.
J hummed in that ambiguous tone of his. “Uh thanks? It’s yours actually.” He turned onto the highway while you proceeded to error 404.
It was still hard to judge if Joker was joking or being serious about things. He always left you guessing.
“Run that back?” You asked. Ah, he knew what that saying meant.
He briefly glanced over at you before his eyes returned to the road. He wasn’t one for repeating himself, yet you were breaking that personal quirk. “I’m saying….. it’s yours doll. I thought you might want—”
You heard Joker grumble about it technically not being a legal purchase but your mind was elsewhere. Morgana was right. Joker was already spoiling you with things. That sneaky florist knew this whole time!
The devil on your shoulder was cackling for days. ‘Good pussy will get you anything. Secure the bag!!’
You shook your head so you could hear Joker ramble off the key features.
“It has custom cup holders, heated/cooled seats, annnnd its bulletproof!”
Pause. Did you hear that one correctly?
“J, you’re making me nervous.” What did he expect you to encounter on the road? The Batmobile? You hardly went anywhere to warrant owning a car. J didn’t waste time a second replying.
“Good. I don’t want you takin’ the subway anyyy-more. If you don’t li-Ke this model, I’ll uhh, get whatever car ya want but it will be armored.”
That was his only requirement and you were reminded of the stale air between Joker and Two Face. Things were unresolved on that front but you didn’t know if the former district attorney was the person behind the Manila folder incident. If not then you had two enemies lurking around.
Someone had The Joker cautious. It was a fact too hard to ignore.
Joker had many enemies however this one took things personal and that made them ten times more dangerous. Your safety was J's number one priority. The least you could do was comply with his wishes. That didn’t mean you couldn’t have a little fun beforehand.
“So, i-if I want a Prius instead?” You led on. “You’d get me one?”
Joker looked away from the road to gawk at you. The man looked positively offended.
“I am noT—”
You started tapping the dashboard after looking ahead. “Brake! Brake! Brake! Brake!” Your poor heels were stomping on an imaginary brake pedal on the passenger side. Anything to avoid a head on collision since Joker seemed incapable of noticing.
Joker finally came to his senses and swerved into the merging lane thus avoiding the sudden congestion up ahead.
The car behind Joker unfortunately collided with the stand still traffic and began a multi car pile-up. Joker thought you freaking out was the funniest thing ever; you on the other hand were too busy questioning why you let him drive. Again.
No mode of transportation was safe if Joker was behind the wheel.
You clutched your head and stared out the window, yet the passing road signs made you perk up. “Are we headed to the airport? Dear Lord, I can’t stomach flying after this.” You waved at the mess on the highway behind you.
Joker’s hand came to a rest on your thigh, right as he passed by the exit ramp for the Archie international airport. A part of you wanted to yell at him to keep both hands on the wheel but his hand felt nice where it was.
Joker promised you a night you’d never forget, you weren’t so sure when that would start.
“Shhh Bunny. You’ll see.” He squeezed your fears away. “You trust me, yeah?”
He didn’t see your eye roll. “That’s debatable.” You mumbled.
Joker scoffed but kept quiet. 
Despite it being dark out, any native knew where this road led. J saw you tense up out of the corner of his eye. A mile marker made your blood run cold.
Blüdhaven 24 miles.
“Joker, t-turn the car around. I don’t…” You saw the familiar but foreign Blüdhaven skyline in the distance. “I d-don’t wanna be here.” You whispered.
It was so close, yet so far. You never wanted to return to this living hell but Joker gave you no other choice. He kept the vehicle on its course despite you tearing up in the passenger seat.
“Take me home, J. I’m serious!”
He thought about turning around, if not for an incoming text message on the dash ruining everything. Somehow you didn’t see it since you were staring out the window in a panic.
He clicked his tongue and exited the highway, his mind racing to work around this set back. Immediately the SUV was met with the rough pothole-ridden streets you grew up on. There was no doubt where you were now. You were getting nauseous just thinking about it.
“Take you home? I am, silly!” Joker giggled. To your horror, he turned onto your old street and began slowing down. What part of this was supposed to be a good night?
This was a nightmare.
Joker parked on the street, in your old, designated parking spot and cut the engine. You had tunnel vision and failed to hear Joker calling your name.
“I uh, hacked your manager’s office to get the address. Hope ya don’t mind.. But uhhh nice place! You gonna inviTe me up, Bunny?”
You shook your head in the negative.
Joker’s plans were already ruined but you just had to make matters worse by being a stick in the mud. Joker clicked his tongue again and came around the SUV to open your door. He didn’t expect to see you crying when he got there.
“No. Nooooo no noo. Stop that, Bunny. Look. At. Me.” He frowned when you did the opposite. He was getting irritated but he refused to let you see. All it took was a little patience when you got like this. Patience! You know, something he severely lacked.
Joker sighed and reached inside the wagon to tilt your face towards him.
“Focus on me, my Light. That’s it. On me. He’s not here. I am, and I wanna see your place. Uh, in an old blog post you mentioned you had a errr, nice view? Can you show me?”
He was pulling out all the strings, and still, you weren’t budging.
“C’mon baby doll..” J kept his focus on you but also on the street. Blüdhaven was infamous for a reason and he didn’t want you outside for too long drawing unnecessary attention. The SUV alone drew enough.
He had a team assigned to run surveillance; however, they weren’t here yet due to the setback. Getting you situated inside was his first priority then he could check on their ETA.
That is, if you cooperated.
You looked ready to faint amid your panic attack.
Joker’s methods were a touch cruel however he knew facing one’s fears helped in the long run. He never fully understood why you avoided your hometown when it was only forty-five minutes away—at least if you drove fast like him it was.
You had baggage that was long overdue for unpacking, and he wanted to be there with you when it happened. He wished someone had been there for him years ago but all he got was a bad rep and solitary confinement.
Bottling up your trauma wasn’t healthy. This great knowledge came from experience and Joker didn’t want you ending up like him.
“Y/n, you still with me?”
Joker’s voice was muffled by the ringing in your ears, yet you nodded your head regardless. He gave you an awkward hug— you still seated and him standing, desperately trying to get you out of the vehicle.
His actions worked. You sought out his warmth and followed the tugging motion until you were standing on the curb. He half carried half dragged you into the apartment building in an ironic twist of events.
You were reminded that you carried Joker the same way when the two of you first met. History was repeating itself. However, in this case the roles were reversed and there was no elevator. Joker picked you up bridal style and carried you to your old residence. Along the way you came to and asked to be put down.
You wanted to walk on your own and you led Joker right up to the apartment door. “T-This is me. Or it used to be.” You blinked and added, “I don’t have the key.”
Joker scoffed, “Don’t neeeed one.” His shoulder made quick work of things and you glared at his illegal methods.
“J, this isn’t my place anymore! What if someone else is renting?”
A lot could happen in a year. You moved out so fast that your landlord didn’t have time to fine you for ditching the agreement. Technically you still had a lease here and that much was evident when you walked in. Nothing had changed. Sure it was dusty but bigger pieces of furniture and some personal items that you left behind were still present.
You lifted a dust cover and smiled seeing your favorite end table, scuff marks and all, hidden underneath.
“Oh. Me and Nia thrifted this back in high school!” You were confused why you didn’t take it with you until you tried lifting it.
“Yup still heavy.” You moved on and didn’t notice Joker moving it near the door for you. Anything you wanted to take back, he would.
Overtime you started to relax and Joker admired the way you shuffled around digging up old memories. And to think you were initially too scared to come up here. His Bunny was so skittish, all you needed was a little nudge of encouragement.
He noticed that most of your finds were too heavy, and it made him think out loud. “Was my Bunny in a hurry to leave?”
You set down a box of things, sighing. “Yeah. This is the first time I’ve been here since...”
Joker noticed you hesitate and filled in the blanks for you. No wonder you were so against coming here. Joker felt like an idiot.
This was your first visit since your assault, and you continued to rub in his mistake.
“I moved back in with Mama and Dad. It took months to get back on my feet. Dad and some of my cousins moved my stuff for me since I couldn’t bring myself to come back. It was essentials only and it barely fit inside the U-haul. I moved to Gotham with a fraction of my life. I had to start over with absolutely nothing.”
Seeing the space around him was proof of your resilience.
Joker unlocked another piece to the Y/n puzzle. Everything you had today, you earned with nothing but grit and determination. He felt stupid for thinking you were a spoiled, entitled brat.
You were stronger than people gave you credit for. You deserved the world and then more.
Joker came over but stopped short of touching you. He was uncertain if you wanted physical contact right now judging by your closed off body language. However, J thought you shouldn’t be alone, so he tested the water to gauge your reaction.
For starters, he dropped his unique speech pattern and talked to you straight. A trend you noticed he did exclusively for you.
“Anything you want, I’ll have my boys bring back for you.” He moved his hand until his pinky bumped into your index finger. It made you crack a smile and intertwine your fingers with Joker’s.
Such a small gesture held a bigger meaning. You silently thanked Joker for being considerate. After a while you turned to address him.
“R-Really? You can do that?”
Joker feigned offense, staring at your dainty hand looped around his rougher one. The contrast in color had him mesmerized but he heard your question loud and clear.
He let go of your hand to tilt your chin up, and his words brushed against your lips like satin. “Sweetheart. Say the word and it’s yours. You really should believe me on that.”
J backed you into a wall grinning wildly, until you started blinking like mad. “What’s wrong?” He knew that trigger of yours all too well and backed off.
You didn’t let him go far. You buried your face into Joker’s suit and held on tight. “I’m sorry, just a bad memory here.”
Seconds after you spoke, you were deposited on top of the kitchen counter. The surface was cool through your silk dress, but Joker’s hands were warm on your hips.
He was quick to dote on you. “What’s the story?”
A long one if you were being honest. You weren’t up to retelling it, yet one look into Joker’s curious eyes made you cave. He was earnest in his desire to know more about you and that included your horrid past.
There was no harm in sharing so with a shaky sigh, you jumped right in.
“Um l-long story short, I was accused of cheating after he saw a post I was tagged in with a fan of mine. He punched the wall, almost hitting me. I was terrified he would hurt me, but he ‘apologized’ with diamond earrings the next day.”
Joker looked up and sure enough, he could see the indentation you spoke of. Someone had tried to patch the wall up, key word; tried. Joker saw nothing but red.
“Give me a location and I’ll kill him.”
You shrugged J off. The last thing you wanted was Joker killing someone in your name, even if it was your ex. You were trying to forget and move on with your life, despite the process being slow.
Joker was curious as to why you hopped off the counter.
He followed your path as you hovered near the sink. You smiled at a burn mark you found there. Your emotions changed like a drop of a hat; he honestly couldn’t keep up. You reminisced about your Housewarming party when the same friend Mia set down a casserole dish straight from the oven and burned the countertop.
It brought you back to happier times and you were glad to know good memories were mixed in with the bad.
The discovery lighted the mood but Joker couldn’t overlook that this apartment was filled with signs of abuse, hidden in plain sight.
You didn’t realize that you were surrounded by the signs until you gave Joker a tour, pointing things out left and right. It was nearing time for his surprise to begin, yet Joker couldn’t bring himself to interrupt you.
The fancy dinner he planned tonight would have to wait for another day due to safety concerns. Plus he rather enjoyed following you around and hearing you share stories of your past.
It wasn’t the memorable night that he had originally designed, moreover, being in your presence was more than enough.
A shame you were expecting something big to occur. He’d make something up on the fly to appease you. 
You led Joker past the barren bedroom out to your balcony. It was the size of a broom closet compared to your massive square footage back at home. You really moved up in life and it showed.
“This is the view I was talking about. I used to stay out here for hours. Just me and my thoughts, planning a future I could only dream of.”
Joker whistled at the grand sight of Gotham City in the distance.
It truly looked like a beacon of hope from here especially since he now knew about your old living situation back inside. You dreamed of escaping it all and starting anew, and it all originated from this balcony.
Joker’s eyes strayed from the skyline down at you.
His Light bathing in the moonlight. The cool blue hue highlighted your features in ways Joker could’ve never imagined. You were gorgeous, even if there was a wistful expression on your face that he longed to erase.
Joker tapped your shoulder to get your attention. You turned with a soft hum, but it was cut short by J kissing you.
It was full of passion with a touch of desperation.
You weren’t defined by your past. You were free to live out the dreams you created, and he wanted to provide it for you if only you would allow him to.
J shifted to deepen the kiss, but you beat him to it by pushing him away. You said something under breath before clearing your throat.
‘Always running away.’ Joker wryly thought. He had a split-second idea of handcuffing you to him before he shook it away.
He found you removing your heels in order to climb up the dingy fire escape. And to his surprise you were standing on the ledge, Titanic style.
“Uh… Bun?” His hands reached out to balance you. He was met with your carefree laugh floating in the breeze.
“I used to come up here dozens of times, J.” You turned around to look down at him. “It's safe.”
A rusty groan followed by a loud pop proved your words otherwise. You yelped when your balance gave way to the beam breaking and if not for Joker’s tight grip on your waist, you would have tumbled down four stories.
Thank goodness for his fast reflexes.
“I got ya doll! Don’t look down... Don’T! Look..” A dumb order to follow when your head was hanging over the edge. You elected to close your eyes until Joker pulled you back over.
The two of you collapsed back on the safe portion of the balcony in a fit of emotions. You shaking with Joker gently rocking you.
“I got you Bunny.” He kissed the crown of your head, holding onto you for dear life. You were nodding along to anything he said in your state of shock.
“I had plansss for us to stay here after a prior engagement buT. Why don’t I drop you off at your parents instead, yeah?”
This was his idea of a night you’ll never forget?
You refused to believe it. Something must’ve come up for him to be so spontaneous. J didn’t make you get all dolled up and drive you out of Gotham City for nothing. He had to have something bigger up his sleeve for later.
For now, you feigned ignorance. “W-Where are you gonna stay?”
Joker pulled back just enough to give you an, ‘are you kidding me’ glare.
“Right. Y-You have a hideout here in town. National threat and all. Um, if you drop me off at my parents, they’ll hog me for days. I haven’t visited them since I moved to Gotham.”
Were you rambling? You couldn’t tell. Good thing Joker loved your voice and had the patience to listen to what you had to say. He just repositioned you better on his lap and played with your gold bracelet as you filled in the silence.
He hated that you got so pretty all for nothing. Joker was getting fed up with this coward following him around and threatening your safety.
He’d get to the bottom of that situation later. As for now..
“Then stay as long as ya like.” Joker chimed in. He regretted saying it the second it left his lips.
You twisted around until you saw Joker’s eyes alit by the moon. He looked sincere yet you spotted his curt smile. The boy was drowning in self loathing.
You called his bluff. “I thought this trip was about us.”
“It issssss. I’ll uh find something to do while you visit the folks.” His eerie smirk made you wince.
“Let me guess you’ll commit some elaborate crime that’ll attract Nightwing’s attention?” Your fingers toyed with the lapels on J’s suit. “Please don’t stir up too much trouble, J. Blüdhaven is a lot different than—”
Joker’s huff cut you off and a shiver went down your spine hearing his voice drop an octave. “Thanks for the warning, Sugar but that’s the goal. I wanT to cause a fuss. Ya see... I have some uh, loose ends, and whaddya know? I brought scissors.”
You gulped and rested your head back on Joker’s chest. If you ignored his ominous words, then they wouldn’t affect you.
That straight up sounded like a hit list waiting to happen. You wanted no parts in Joker’s line of work.
After a while, only the sound from the nearby interstate and the feeling of Joker’s fingers running up your spine was relevant.
Your mind was adrift with imaginary scenarios where Joker could meet your parents, but alas it was too risky.
Not only did your dad run the streets back in the day, he still had active connections and would recognize Joker on the spot. Plus, your mom was like the female version of Sherlock.
Joker wouldn’t stand a chance. But a girl could wish. And your clown was already ten steps ahead of you plotting ways to make it happen.
He had to make up for this failure of a date somehow.
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Joker let you drive the way back to your parents. Not because you were terrified of his driving, (he just giggled at your seething glare when he accidentally went down a one-way street), but the neighborhood was hard to give verbal directions to.
Little did you know, Joker knew exactly where your parents lived but that was a tidbit for another day.
He rather enjoyed watching you behind the wheel. Like a true Blüdhaven native, you drove with one hand on the wheel, the other resting on the gear shift, riding low. You navigated past potholes with ease and your driving skills were far more impressive since Joker held your heels, allowing you to drive barefoot.
His girl was a sight to see, and he told you this at every stop light.
You tried to not let J’s words make you flustered but with his silver tongue that feat was virtually impossible.
You pulled the SUV a few cars down from the house and shifted into park. The street was so familiar yet foreign, it gave you Deja vu.
You used to read books at the basketball court down the corner and you busted your lip open skating into Ms. Morrison’s mailbox one Saturday afternoon a few yards away. It was still bent at an odd angle if you squinted hard enough...
“Everything alright?”
Joker’s voice brought you back to the present.
“Y-yeah, sorry. Um can you hand me my shoes and I’ll be outta your hair.”
You yelped when Joker yanked you over the console by the back of your neck.
His shaky breath fanned over your lips like a dragon’s ire. “You.. are.. noT.. a.. burden, my Light. Never think that.” J kissed you in between words, “I’m gonna help ya with your heels, mkay?”
He didn’t give you a chance to argue. J was already out of his seat and walking around the back of the car to the driver’s side. Joker opened the door and made grabby hands at your feet. You bent your leg so it stuck out the car and into Joker’s awaiting hand. His hands were so warm against your skin it made you shiver.
And of course, Joker noticed. All he did was snort and resume his task.
He fastened your heels back onto your feet and helped you step out of the SUV. The engine was still running but you stared up at Joker, waiting for a proper goodbye.
You and Joker were two idiots standing in the street just staring at each other. Thankfully it was dark enough so that noisy neighbors couldn’t peer out of their windows and see you embracing The Joker.
Now that would be a fun welcome home surprise. You rather not be the talk of town for a second time, thank you very much.
You didn’t know what to say so you blurted out the first thing on your mind. “I’ll call you I guess?”
Joker hummed. It sounded like an affirmative, yet his hands were like iron bars around your waist. You tried leaning away, his hands simply tightened further. “J... are you gonna let me go?”
An approaching car’s headlights lit up the street, and it startled Joker out of his random head space.
He finally released you onto the sidewalk. It was your cue to walk to the door, even if you didn’t understand Joker’s odd way of saying goodbye. He was still staring as you headed up the stoop. He was acting weird, yet you chose not to dwell on it too much.
Nineteen knocks later and your mother answered the door in her bathrobe wielding a bat. The sight made you arch an eyebrow.
“Who the f—Y/n that you? MY BABY!” She dropped the bat to sweep you up into her arms. “Oh! Do you know what time it is?! Honey! Our baby is here!!!”
Your dad was already making his way down the hallway loading his handgun. Just what time was it anyway for this type of greeting?! You had no clue. The second dad saw you standing in the doorway, his entire demeanor changed, and he concealed his weapon.
It was a reunion scene straight from a hallmark movie and Joker rolled his eyes after seeing the door close with you safely inside. His eyes never strayed from the front door as he made a phone call.
“501 Dorset. Three friendlies. 24/7 watch.” He hung up before driving away.
It wasn’t the memorable night he planned by any means, but seeing your heartfelt smile while reuniting with your parents would have to suffice. His Light was safe enough for him to go out and get some answers.
He wanted to know more about your past, and your hometown was filled with leads. All he needed was someone who would itch his ears.
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The following morning was just like any other in the Y/L/N household. Your mom cooked breakfast and the heavenly smell floated up the stairs and roused you awake. You were always the last down. Somethings just never changed.
Dad was reading the second page of the newspaper by the time you shuffled down the stairs still in your pjs and bonnet.
“Morning, sweetheart. You hungry?” Mama asked, already piling food onto your favorite plate and sliding it on the table. You thanked her after saying grace and grabbed a fork.
At least your dad waited until you had scarfed down half the plate to start his interrogation.
“How did ya get here so late? I hope you weren’t out alone.” He rubbed his arm where your mom hit him with her spatula. She was thinking the same thing! Why keep it hush?
He had already called in from work to spend time with his girls. It was a rare visit indeed, and he wouldn’t miss it for the world. Luckily, your mom also had the next few days off from the hospital.
They had all day to get some answers.
You choked on your eggs. “Um, a... um friend d-dropped me off.” You focused your eyes on the horizon in your coffee mug.
“Teh. You mean the shady lookin’ friend in the all black G-Wagon?” He pestered. You mom shut the stove off and came over to the table with her own plate piled high.
“G Wagon? Should I know what that is?” Your mom asked out loud. You smiled watching dad hold out a chair for her and then push her up to the table. Ugh, they were so cute it gave you a toothache.
He kissed her forehead before sitting back down, “It's the obvious choice with armored vehicles. That or a Rover. Are you keeping your head on the swivel?” You noticed the gleam in his eye and the hidden message behind it.
“I’m not in anything dad, I promise. It's just a friend.”
He nodded; content for now until your mom spoke up, pointing her breakfast sausage at you.
“At that time of night, a friend would’ve walked you up dear. Or at least came in to say hello. They got any manners?”
She had a point and you winced in hindsight. Manners were a big thing to your family. You stammered an excuse. “Yes ma’am.. but..”
“Is this that same Prince Charming fellow Dick was going on about at dinner?”
Bruh, your dad was on your neck! There was no time to breathe! You never lied to your parents before and you certainly weren’t about to start now. You pushed your egg whites around on the plate and caved.  
“Um... yes?” You knew their reaction would be instant.
“AND HE DIDN’T COME IN ‘N SAY HELLO?!” Mama cried, followed by your dad rubbing his temples. Well, this wasn’t good.
How could you get out of this barrage of questions and paint Joker in a good light? Not like he’d ever meet them, but still you wanted him to have a good rapport with your family. “Mama, he’s like reallyshy around others..”
You knew you said the wrong thing when dad smacked his paper down on the table. “What grown man is shy, Y/n? Ain’t you into mature men?”
You pulled a face and glanced at your mother.
She snickered and bit into her toast. There were no secrets, and you were open about everything to them, but it was still awkward to discuss your preferences in men with your parents.
“Um yes dad... I am. B-but, in this situation, just...” you took a deep breath, “Could you please respect his boundaries?”
“Will his boundaries allow us to meet and judge if he’s good enough for our Y/n/n?” Mama argued.
And that’s where you drew a blank.
Realistically you knew Joker would never meet your parents, however staying quiet would only rouse their curiosity. You had to come up with some sort of answer and fast. Then you remembered the mother-daughter conversation you had with Ma back at your place. A lightbulb went off in your head.  
“I’m not sure Mama. Remember I told you, it’s not really a permanent relationship. If you want to meet hi—”
“Whatchu mean it ain’t permanent? Is he stringing you along? Do I need to call your uncle?” Your dad asked.
You paled. “God no.” That’s the last thing you needed in your chaotic life.
Even your mother was on edge. “Honey, I doubt it’s that serious, right Y/n? No need to get... them involved. Just you wait! Our daughter’s got good taste. This mysterious man will come around.” She nodded once and that was the end of that.
You exhaled in relief, but the weight of her words sank to your gut.
You didn’t have good taste at all. You didn’t have the heart to tell your family you were dating the most dangerous criminal in the country or the fact you were uncertain of the outcome. Would Joker let you walk away from this relationship alive, or would you be another one of his nameless victims, lost to time? Something told you it would probably be the latter.
It was a lot to think about over breakfast. A lulling silence settled over the kitchen until your mother broke it with her cheery voice.
“Oh! Y/n! Since you’re here, why don’t we go out as a family?”
It was the least you could do, so you swiftly replied.
“Yeah sure Mama. I need something to wear though.” You played with a loose thread on your pajama pants. After the shock of you being on their front stoop wore off, Mom and dad ushered you inside and caught up on lost time, despite it being the dead of night.
Mama commented on your beautiful outfit and you asked to change into something more comfortable before continuing the family chitchat. You donned an old high school spirit shirt and the threadbare pants you wore now.
The three of you talked for hours until sleep out won the excitement. Now as for going out in public, you weren’t so sure you had anything suitable left in your closet upstairs.
“Well, I think I have something that could fit you, at least till we get to a store. It’s nothing like your fancy designer clothes.” She thought back to your pretty dress that you came in wearing. She hadn’t seen you dressed up in ages!
Which reminded her.
Your mom turned to your father, “Do you have any plans for today, honey?”
“Nah. I wanna tag along with my two favorite girls. All I’m askin’ is to be fed. How about.. we go to Vincent’s later? You remember their brown butter and sage gnocchi? Man, you love that stuff, Y/n/n.” He scratched his neck, hoping he didn’t ruin the moment. Even your mother held her breath at the mere suggestion.
You tensed for a second but nodded. “Omg, yes! I’ve been craving it actually!” You admitted. Mom reached across the table to grab your hand.
“Will you be okay going there dear? We can always order take-out..”
“I-I think I’ll be okay.” You caught the hesitant look your parents gave each other. “Seriously. It's cool. I can’t condemn Vincent for someone else’s actions. Plus, his food is too good to boycott.” You squeezed her hand back. I’ll be okay.
“Well that settles it. Everyone get ready and we’ll hit the towns!”
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A day out with your parents was just what the doctor prescribed.
Downtown Blüdhaven was just as you remembered it. Granted it was just as bad as Gotham, (if not worse) you felt a sense of comfort walking around. Perhaps because you knew the people here. You shopped at that drug store for years and knew the workers therein. You and some old school buddies accidentally broke the window at that diner on the corner.
It was nostalgia at its finest, only downside was that your success in Gotham followed you home. You were spotted walking around and by midday, your mom had to say something.
“Sweetheart! I didn’t know you were so... famous.” She was awestruck when a group of teenagers squealed and asked for your autograph inside the mall. You just smiled, signed their items, and even took a selfie with them—as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Yeah well.. I’m a successful author mama. It's kinda part of the job.” Dad was skeptical but he enjoyed acting like your bodyguard for the day and he took his job very seriously. 
The two bodyguards that Joker officially assigned over you simply rolled their eyes but didn’t dare talk down to your father figure. They both shared a look and passed along a message to J as to who your father was.
To avoid any future run ins with fans, you decided to make a quick post online. Dad guided you over to a nice backdrop and you whipped out your phone.
“Hey hi everyone! I’m back home, taking a break if you will with the ‘rents. My adoring mother,” you flipped the lens to show your mom hiding behind dad. He gave a weak two finger salute in her stead.
Your bell like laughter was captured on camera. “I forgot; she’s camera shy. But um.. Yeah! I’m in Blüdhaven for the day super casual, so please be mindful of my privacy. Love and kisses!”
You hit send and glanced up hearing your dad’s soft laugh. “Look at my Y/n overcoming her anxiety and talking to people!” He was about to nuzzle your hair, but Mama swooped in to save the day. “Not on the twist out!!”
Your hair was looking bomb after she gave it some much needed blue magic moisture and love this morning. She was protecting her masterpiece with an iron fist.
Dad rolled his eyes and tossed his arms around both you and Mama’s shoulder. “I think it's time I fed my girls. Who’s hungry?”
Your stomach cried out the loudest and you slapped a hand over it, embarrassed. And on that note, it was time to head out.
The restaurant wasn’t too far of a walk, but you could feel a change in the air. You noticed the street sign and shivered. Highland and Bicchieri. It gave you the ick.
“We can go somewhere else if you’re not ready, Y/n.”
It didn’t matter which one of them said it, your parents were a collective unit whenever it came to your comfort. Dad kept his distance all day, but you shocked him by initiating physical contact. It made him happy knowing you were healing but he couldn’t help but worry that eating here would be counterproductive.
You hugged his arm closer to you for support. “I’m alright. I’m not going to boycott Vincent’s food just because of one bad apple. I’m hungry! Let’s go!” With a nod to yourself, you entered the building—leaving them outside.
“I got a bad feelin’ about this.” Mom sighed. Your dad silently agreed.
They walked in right as you were being ushered back by the hostess. “Right this way.” She nodded at your parents and guided the three of you back to a cozy area of the restaurant.
Exposed brick and antique lights were the theme throughout. The building itself was one of the founding structures in the city, dating back to the 1900’s and the Bicchieri family owned it for almost all of its history. If these walls could talk...
Menus were handed out and the hostess bid the three of you a nice meal before leaving.
Everything was going smoothly until a waiter came over to start out the table and locked eyes with you. “Y/n?”
Of all people to run into, just your luck. “H-Hey Rebekah.”
And of course she was eating up your discomfort. “Wow. I thought you’d never step foot in Blüdhaven again. Lemme guess. No one believed your sob story in the big city, and ya came crawling back home?” She scoffed under her breath. “What can I get ya? Disappointment with a side of attention seeking who—”
“We’d like a different waiter that’s what you can get us. I don’t got an appetite for your f___king attitude.” Your mother said on your behalf.
Rebekah rolled her eyes and walked off. A table across the way gasped as in disbelief at what they just heard and started mumbling amongst themselves.
Dad was trying to calm your mother down, he did not want her making a scene, and you slid further down in your seat, regretting everything.
This is exactly why you never came back home. There was no escaping the backlash.
It was like dad sensed your brewing tears. “We can leave if you want sweetheart. Mama is right, we don’t have to take their s__t.” He grumbled more under his breath; you didn’t care. You just shook your head.
“We’re on his family's turf, I should’ve expected this. I just want to eat and—”
The restaurant exploded into absolute chaos mid sentence.
Multiple men stormed the place demanding everyone shut up and stay seated. Your dad ordered you and Mom to stay calm despite the goons going table to table threatening everyone with guns. You were a ball of nerves already, but you listened to your father’s soothing words.
He was a veteran to these sorts of things. If he told you to do something, it was for the best. His wisdom was golden in your opinion.
None of the goons made it to your table yet, which you were grateful for, however to your horror, Joker strolled in followed by Frost protecting his rear. It was something straight out of a night terror.
You never saw Joker in his element—and it was obvious he was a completely different person in public. He carried an air of fear that made the warnings news anchors always drowned on about seem tame.
He is heavily armed and extremely dangerous. We ask the public to stay far away if found within the same vicinity as The Joker.
Up until today, you only seen Joker as a caring, silly roommate and an even better lover. He was never a danger to you—at least, that you knew of, and he never caused you harm that he didn’t immediately regret.
The man dressed in a signature purple suit, stalking the restaurant was unrecognizable to you. You didn’t know his motive and that made you tremor in fear.
You whimpered and hid in your father’s arms—narrowly avoiding being seen by Joker as he glanced in your direction. He flailed his arms at the lack of service. “I just wanted a table.” He said before demanding for the manager.
Even his voice was different. Had it always been so sinister? It made the hair on your arm stand on end.  
A man came out and by smell alone, you knew it was Vincent Bicchieri himself. You could smell the garlic and authentic cigars from across the room.
You couldn’t bear to look him in the eye. They reminded you too much of his nephew’s. And they both had the same pompous attitude. “Whaddya want freak? Did ya get lot lost on the highway?” Vincent joked. No one laughed along.
Joker kissed his teeth and glossed over the menu that your waitress; Rebekah handed him. He glossed over the options before he suddenly grabbed Vincent by his gold chain.
“I’m a looking for someone. Someone... veryyyyy special. You ahh, Ital-i-ans are quite family oriented, no?”
“What’s it to ya, freak.” Vincent spat out.
Joker took a deep, long breath and you could see his fingers twitching, a clear sign that he was agitated. You knew he hated being called names and this blatant disrespect was probably eating at him. Frost noticed the same thing and flanked his Boss, waiting on a command.
The other goons were left to their own devices moseying around the restaurant. You were too busy watching Joker to notice that one of them had finally approached your table.  
Joke licked his scars while rolling his dark eyes up to the ceiling. “Ok-aaaaay. Let's just cut to the chase, hmm?”
You covered your mouth as Joker took out a switchblade and slit Vincent’s throat. His body fell to the floor in a rapidly spreading pool of blood. Women and children were screaming and Joker’s goons were ordering them to shut up again. The thug passing by your table caught sight of you despite your father trying his best to shield you and Mom.
“Pretty daughter you got there.” The henchmen smirked. Your father wasn’t having it and politely warned the boy. “Back off son.”
“I ain’t ya son.”
You knew this wouldn’t end well when the crazed henchman grabbed hold of you.
Your instincts were screaming at you to say something, (to cry out for J, anything) but your throat was sealed shut in fear. Being quiet was your default in scary situations but you weren’t alone today. In the den of chaos, you heard both your parents cry out your name.
You didn’t hear Joker’s footsteps; you just happened to see his green hair out the corner of your eye the moment you opened them. He must’ve dyed it overnight, you noted sourly.
“Is there a f__king problem?” The restaurant was promptly silenced by his ominous sentence.
And rightfully so. Joker sounded like the devil himself. You almost felt bad for the poor guy touching you. How was he supposed to know the error in his ways if you were a secret?
“Uh no, Boss? I-I'm not sure Boss.”
Case in point.
“LeT. Her. Go.” Joker’s eyes fell to his henchmen’s grip on your arm. If looks could kill.. well.
Joker had a thousand plus ways to murder the fool.
His green eyes had never been more venomous and they glowed with promises of carnage. The message was well received.
The guy let go; and you roughly fell back into your seat. Your gaze naturally landed on Joker knowing that would set him off even further.
The Joker you knew would not let anyone mistreat his Light.
Unfortunately, there was nothing of the man you cared about standing next to you. Not once did he look your way. Joker didn’t trust himself to. One look at you would jeopardize everything.
If he turned and saw the terror swimming in your e/c eyes, his Joker persona would crumble like the Berlin Wall. He would devote himself to calming you down.
The great Joker would fall to his knees and kiss each tear away, begging for your forgiveness and he would do it shamelessly. Right in front of your parents no less.
F__k, they were right there! All he had to do was bend down and claim your lips for all to see and the truth would be out.
Joker would expose his biggest secret and have zero regrets. The only downside was you. You would suffer the most if J went public with his Light.
He couldn’t risk it. No. He couldn’t look. He had to pretend you were nothing to him. This was how he protected you. You. Didn’t. Exist. You were an innocent civilian caught up in his crosshairs.
Joker did not know you. And that happened to be the hardest task he’d ever faced.
Frost was on guard near the door just waiting for Joker to slip up. The second Frost saw you; he knew they were f__cked. Joker was gonna ruin everything being a simp.
Something had to be done before Joker and his unpredictability, acted out. This scenario called for a distraction and what better one than chaos?
Joker shot his own henchmen and drowned out the sound of your startled scream with a theatrical gasp. It all happened in the blink of an eye.
He inspected the gun as if it accidentally went off on its own. “Oops.” His sinister was definitely forced. Only you and Frost could tell.
Unfortunately, Joker underestimated the power you held over him. You were like a magnet, beckoning Joker to give in with your natural charm and beauty. He always said your tears would be his undoing—that turn of phrase would hold true today. Much to Frost’s and Joker’s own dismay, he caved.
He looked at you.
He couldn’t stop himself, he had to see you. But he would never forget the sight of your e/c eyes widened in terror at him. How it tortured him inside.
For once in his life, Joker felt ashamed.
Your light was shining on him and exposing his pitch-black soul. His eyes quickly averted down to the table where your menu, now splattered with blood, lay.
He gestured at it hoping no one noticed his hands shaking. “You should uh try the ahh, brown butter gnocchi. I hear it's to die for.”
You were speechless hearing Joker stumble over his words and not in his normal calculated way.
J nodded at your parents, who were frozen at the sight of him talking to you. “Enjoy your meal.”
He would never admit it to anyone, but he almost tripped on his henchman’s corpse trying to get away from you. A second longer in your presence would have ended in the national headline.
The Joker Brought to His Knees by a Woman.
Joker heart was beating out of his chest and it took him a second to compose himself back into character. God, you were his greatest weakness.
Joker passed by a petrified family of fours' table and swiped the wife’s drink mid stride. The soda did little to quell his nerves. He couldn’t get your eyes out of his head. The image was forever seared into his brain. He never wanted to be the villain in your eyes. He failed you in so many ways tonight. He had to get out of here before anything else went belly up.
Why did he come here anyway? Great, you made him forget his main objective!
Joker picked up movement out the corner of his eye and quickly locked eyes with Frost. The brute spun his finger in a circle. ‘Wrap it up.’
Everyone could hear the sirens in the distance. Too little too late, but help was on the way. Joker grumbled to himself and was making his escape when he remembered one small slight.
The staff were screaming and ducking for cover when Joker and his men burst through the kitchen area, looking for the exit. Joker had no intention of bothering them until he poked his head back inside with a polite smile.
“Pardon meeee. Which one of you is… Rebekah?” He already knew but where was the fun in that? Frost was behind him, telling him to hurry it up.
J didn’t have the patience to tell him to shove it. He had a score to settle. Joker grinned watching the tall, mixed girl raise her hand in fright.
“Lovely!” Joker shot her in the head before anyone could question his intentions. He admired his work with a cheekily grin. The stunned staff didn’t dare move and thus suffer the same fate.
The clown was completely insane.
The terrifying sight was broken up by someone yelling, “J, we gotta go!” Joker frowned at his fun being cut short, yet he heeded Frost’s urgent cry. He kicked out the back door and escaped into the night.
Out front, the customers were being rescued by policemen arriving at the restaurant. People were terrified, but this was Blüdhaven. Things like this happened a dime a dozen with a lot more casualties.
Although no one was more traumatized as you. By the time local police officers reached your table, your knuckles hand turned white. Your grip on your seat was the only thing that kept you from launching yourself into Joker’s arms.
Despite your fear, you craved his comfort. You wanted the Joker you were falling in love with to hold you—not the scary clown that just left dead bodies in his wake.
Speaking of, you tried your best not to notice the dead man lying near your feet. You couldn’t find any footing with the amount of blood under your heels.
Anything else was a better sight yet your eyes landed on the bloody menu right in front of you. The majority of it was illegible now except for the suggestion Joker gave you.
You were disturbed by how he knew what you wanted. It was in that moment you noticed a table within your line of sight was empty. You staunchly remembered two men sitting there before things went haywire.
How could you be so ignorant? Of course your security detail was feeding Joker intel. 
Your dad was asking if you were alright, but he sounded far far away. You honestly couldn’t hear anything, your ears were ringing so loud.
“I-I think I’m gonna be sick.” You mumbled before you passed out cold.
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The to-go box full of gnocchi sat heavily on your lap the entire ride back home.
Your parents thought they were slick stealing glances at you; as if you wouldn't notice, yet you could sense their pity in the air. It wasn’t their fault. The wonderful day out with family had ended in disaster and you had only your lover to blame.
Was it a coincidence that Joker crashed the same restaurant you were dining at? You weren’t so sure after witnessing the genuine shock on Frost’s face when the two of you locked eyes.
J didn’t expect you to be there. But why was he there in the first place racked your brain.
You had a hunch, and if you were right, the logic behind Joker’s visit made you sick to the stomach.
Your head was already throbbing from the lack of nourishment plus the blunt force it suffered when you hit your head fainting. Dad swore that he tried to catch you; Mama wasn’t convinced.
No one was in a good mood after giving statements to the police, and the three of you walked to the front door like a funeral party.
The to-go box, courtesy of the remaining staff, (you suspected it was Joker’s doing) was tossed onto the kitchen counter when you walked inside. All you wanted to do was wash your face, secure your hair, and crawl into bed in that exact order. You had no other interests tonight.
Mama had a different agenda.
“Y/n, do you—”
You didn’t mean to be rude but the last thing you wanted to do was talk. You talked way too much to investigators at the scene. Your mom jumped when you slammed your bedroom door right in her face.
She sighed and glanced at her husband, who simply shook his head, stating he was off to take a shower. Some help he was.
She didn’t want you distancing yourself, especially after such a triggering dinner, so she tried again. “Baby... can you please open the door? I can help you with your hair?”
A ‘go away Mama’ was weakly heard through the door. The doorknob wasn’t budging either when she tried turning it. Back to old habits. You were isolating yourself and as such, she felt as if she failed as a mother.
“Alright, that’s okay. We’re down the hall if you.. if...” All the air in her lungs left her mid sentence. “Get some sleep, Y/n/n.”
You didn’t hear Mama outside your door. You were distracted by your phone lighting up with an incoming call.
The assigned name made you shiver and for once, not in a good way. Should you let it ring to voicemail? You gnawed on your bottom lip debating the consequences. In the end, your thumb hit the accept button before you could regret it.
He could hear you breathing but not much else. Silent treatment it is then. He braved the unknown and spoke first.
“You alright?”
That was his intro? You didn't know what you were expecting him to say but it wasn’t that. You choked out a dry laugh and stared at the black walls of your childhood bedroom.
The full wall of pictures held so many memories, it was like viewing your life in the third person. From middle school selfies to poetry night with the club, to prom, and then graduation—everything was there in stunning clarity. Except for a noticeable gap in time.
The dark paint had chipped from where you ripped photos off the wall in anger. A blimp of your life, torn from your wall stared back, taunting you.
You’ll never forget the pain you experienced that day. You vowed to not let another man hurt you.  
It gave you the motivation to reply. “No.”
Joker hummed and you heard something metallic clicking together in the background. “I’ll come get—”
“I wasn’t expecting you to kill someone in front of me today.” You muttered. Joker didn’t seem phased by the sudden change of subject, although it took him a second longer to respond.
“If I’d known you were there…”
“Oh you what?” You sneered, “You wouldn’t have killed them? Yeah right. Or or... maybe you would’ve waited until I was gone to unleash your madness! You really think that shielding me from your line of work masks the fact that you still do it? I know who you are. I know what you do... It’s just… getting a visual reminder is...” Your voice cracked at the end with a wet sob.
“Jarring?” Joker suggested.
Mind the fact that this was your first phone call with Joker, he sounded vastly different than the murderous clown you encountered back at the restaurant.
This Joker loved you; you could tell by the lack of his unique speech pattern. He spoke softly and from the heart. His sigh however was strained, and you noted he sounded a tad bit exhausted.
It was Joker’s turn to change the subject.
“You looked beautiful tonight. Sorry I couldn’t tell you in person, Princess.”
In any other situation that nickname would’ve stirred up butterflies in your stomach. You found a pretty printed two-piece outfit while out at the mall to wear for the day. The jewelry and heels you came to Blüdhaven in matched the ensemble perfectly.
A shame Joker splattered blood all over it.
“I know what you’re doing Joker.” you whispered. The walls at your parent’s home weren’t soundproof like in your penthouse, so you had to be careful. “You won’t distract me from the truth.”
“B-Bunny.. I don’t—”
“Yes you do know. Please... I am begging you. If you claim to l.. ahem, love me at all, don’t do this. Some things are best left in the past. Finding him will change nothing.”
He just didn’t understand it! Why weren’t you demanding justice or better yet cold hard revenge? Victims were usually angry at their aggressor. You were apathetic. If you weren’t going to express anger, Joker would on your behalf.
“He deserves to die for what he did to you. If you’ll let me...”
Joker stopped talking when he heard a sniffle. The power your tears had over him should be academically studied. And that same power resonated when you responded bitterly in J’s ear.
“What I want you to do is forget that anything happened! No one in this stupid city believes anything did, so... let it go, J. Please. Angering the Bicchieri’s will lead to nothing but violence and dead ends. No. One. Cares! Why should you?”
Several minutes passed after your outburst. You assumed that Joker had hung up, but his voice came through the receiver, matching your energy.
“Why should I care? Why should I...” He growled under his breath, and you swore you heard glass breaking in the background.
His heavy breathing was loud in your ear. Joker was in rare form. “I can show you better than I can tell ya Y/n. Watch me.”
The line disconnected before you could utter another word.
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daisy-thetoxic · 6 months
Older | Jennifer Jareau
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Fem oc- Ava Willing, brown hair & eyes.
Warning ⚠️ ~ smut, power play, gxg, age gap, praise kink, etc. a bit of plot with the smut ✨ mommy core, manipulation, Gory death, killing. Fingering (Oc receiving)
JJ wasn’t sure how it happened or how it started. When she would host Henry’s friends night, his new girlfriend started coming. Gracious smile, ever so polite, truly she had no idea how her son had won you over. She tried to raise him the best she could, but he was in his temperamental broody stage where he didn’t care about anything. So when he brought home a Angel, it left her confused.
And when Ava offered to babysit Micheal for her when her and will worked late, they took it. JJ wasn’t stupid, she knew Henry snuck out, with Ava babysitting he still, which JJ didn’t really care to dig in why as he would only tell her to go away.
JJ would come home at times and watch Ava with Micheal, as she played with him on the counter, or as he helped her make dinner and would always have a fresh plate of food when she got home.
Ava wasn’t stupid either. She was actually a genius, which a lot of people seemed to forget. She saw JJ once when she dropped off Henry at school and since that day something about her left her a burning memory in Ava’s brain that never seemed to go away. At one point she day dreamed a whole class period with such unholy thoughts about her classmates hot mom.
She decided a plan and set it into motion carefully. Showing light interest in Henry, saying hi in passing periods, staring at him from across the cafeteria. She was known to be an Angel and a lot of people wanted her and she knew it. Guys, girls, teachers… like she said a lot of people wanted her. She was no fool, and played it to her advantage, it took over a month for her and Henry to officially be dating. Poor thing didn’t even know the basics of dating. So she had him right under her finger.
She had done her homework before she introduced herself into JJ life. She knew she was an FBI special a gent that dealt with serial killers on the daily, so she wasn’t a dumb woman at all. She was honestly surprised at how gullible JJ really was.
She had stalked JJ, in her white blouse and dark blue and black skirt, a golden cross hanging from her neck as the uniform was school required. She watched as JJ paid for her grocery’s at the counter, the cash register employee discreetly checking her out as JJ had a light blush on her face only making Ava clench her jaw.
Ava stayed behind the building as she waited for the man to clock out to await his independent doom of fate by her hands. She watched as he made his way over to the car as she quietly walked behind him, he turned around when he noticed her reflection in his car window only to be stabbed in the heart with her knife. She watched as he slowly fell, his hands desperately reaching out onto something, leaving bloody hand prints on his car as she watched as he choked on his own blood. A Saint like smile on her face.
She grabbed her lipstick, drawing a cross on his car window. She got up, dusting off to the bit of woods that was behind the market, taking a path she was familiar with.
JJ watched as Ava closed Michaels door, the boy falling to sleep to the story Ava told him. “I’m gonna head home Mrs. Jareau.” Ava grabbed her backpack not too worried as her plan was being set into motion.
“Is someone picking you up?” JJ was confused as she didn’t see anyone pull up.
“No, I’m just gonna walk. My house is only a few blocks away.” She shakes her head as she turned her back to JJ, bending over slightly to collect her lipstick and books to put in her bag.
JJ tried not to look as she but her lip in resistance, never having to struggle with self control like she had in the last few weeks when it came to her new babysitter.
“Why don’t I drive you, I rather make sure you get home safe.” JJ straitened her back as she got up from leaning against the door frame.
“Are you sure, Mrs. Jareau?” Ava asks while hitting her lower lip in a unsure way, internally noting the way JJ’s eyes travel down to them instinctively.
“Of course.” JJ smiled at her, her eyes glazing over her as she held a high position in the power dynamic, being older, and well a deadly weapon as she boxed and was an FBI agent but the way Ava looked up at her made JJ think she was in control the whole time.
JJ turned on her car as she started driving. Ava moved forward slightly to turn on the radio as JJ couldn’t stop her eyes if her life depends on it as they glaze of her bare chest form the top of the white uniform blouse. A light pink dotted her cheeks as she tried to look anywhere but the younger girl.
“Are you okay, Mrs Jareau?” Ava asks innocently while she was grinning like a devil on the inside.
JJ didn’t know how it happened but in an instant somehow she ended up parked in an abandoned parking lot with Ava on top of her, straddling her as their lips crashed.
Ava turned up her music as she made the chair scoot back and lay back, kissing her way down JJ bare top. Ava had ripped her shirt open, hickeys forming on their way down as the girl was way to possessive to not fake them.
“No marks” JJ managed to gasp out as she could already feel the forming bruises. “Too late.” Ava hummed with a devilish grin, making JJ cup her face and force Ava to kiss her. Which the brunette gladly did as she straddled her once more. JJ hands wondering her body.
“Do I mention how much I like your uniform?” JJ tilted her head as she left her own bruises down Avas’s neck, down her collar bone before she unhinged the younger women’s bra, her hands instantly replacing the fabric.
“Not… that… I… recall-“ Ava moaned eruplty as the words formers through her gasps as JJ slipped her hand into the brunette underwear. Her fingers sliding between her folds as she used her other hand to continue their kiss as she held the back of Ava’s neck.
“JJ-“ Ava moans, feuding her body into the blondes skillful hand as JJ’s palm found her clit, rubbing it more frequently as Ava sped up her grinding. The blonde only hummed in delight at the sight of Ava falling apart in her lap, it was a enchanting sight, one she’ll remember forever.
“Your doing so good.” JJ praised as she sucks harshly at the younger women’s neck. Ava only righted around her grin gets while moaning at the praise.
“Who knew you were such a naughty girl?” JJ tskd as the other women couldn’t even process anything after JJ slid in two more fingers, the younger woman not lasting long as she came hard onto JJ fingers, resting her head against JJ shoulder as JJ prolonged her pleasure as she thrusted back into her.
That’s how it started between them, the fleeting make out session in her bathroom or for JJ to take her home an hour early so they could have their special moments in the abandoned parking lot. She suspects her team thought something was up as she rushed home sooner and took specific days off.
But with the case they have been stuck on they didn’t dig further. Their case popped up about 5 months again, 2 months longer than her affair with Ava. People from JJ area of living seemed to brutally killed, store clerks, mechanics, fast food restaurants, banks, it was random so they didn’t have a clue. The unsub seemed to be one step ahead of them. They had not clue if it was a man or woman as the killings were brutal, but the lipstick drawing of a cross made them lean towards women, or homosexual man/non-binary or drag queen. They had no clue at all.
JJ chain of thoughts broke as she watched Ava walk by her, subtly rubbing her hand against the lower of her back before she walked over to Henry, handing him her drink before putting on her lips stick.
JJ eyes widen slightly as she stared at Ava, who only glanced at her before focusing on Henry. It all clicked to JJ. Way the people where killed the days JJ coincidently saw them or JJ knew them. The way Ava seemed so possessive but her good kind hearted smile had fooled everyone including her. Yet JJ blinked as she hid her emotions, something deep in her gut actually fluttering at the thought of Ava being that possessive over her.
“New girlfriend? Do we like her?” Emily and Penelope walked up to her from the back as they had been watching JJ stare at the girl with an emotion they did not recognize.
“By the way you’ve been staring I think not?” Penelope voices but JJ shook her head, as nobody couldn’t like Ava, she was an Angel.
“No, we actually love her, she’s such an angel, I think she’s perfect for Henry.” JJ put on her poker face as she didn’t want a hint of expression to seep through her facade. She wondered how Ava did it so effortlessly.
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k9iriz · 2 years
𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭, 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡.
𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘹 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙙:
𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢, 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯/𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦, 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳/𝘴𝘶𝘣! 𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘢/𝘥𝘰𝘮! + 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵
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"I didn't even fuckin' do anything!" I argued to a stressed out rhea, overly done listening to what i had to say.
After her match and segment, premiering after she won her championship, things got off to a rocky start. She was getting more respected as a champ, and more spotlight, which caused you to feel alone, and you getting more crankier, and your attitude flashes made things worse.
She paid less attention, and was gaining an interest in Toni Storm.
You two weren't official...or i should say fuck buddies. It hurt bad that as the second priority to her, you didn't gain enough attention from her like she used to before she blew up and got her spot as champion and tagged with more females...knowing nobody knew about what was going on between you two, it hurt you.
But she blindly claimed you. Nonetheless, You got jealous anytime she'd be around someone.
So planning payback was first in mind.
"You didn't do nothing? You mindlessly flirted with another female in front of my fucking face Y/N! Yeah, real fucking bust...slut." Rhea mumbled that last part, so hard that her accent popped out so easily, revealing she was overly pissed.
"Run that by me again...?" You paused, looking at her as if you saw a ghost. One thing was...Rhea antagonized most arguments with her very slick comments, and it did something to you...physically.
But you also had a slick mouth...more than to say than her.
"Bitch! I heard what you said! You wanna act all hurt now that im giving you the same treatment, Rhea. It's not fair at fuckin' all. The audacity people like you must have." You cursed violently, giving her her the taste of her own medicine.
Rhea stopped the car with abruptive ease, stopping the car before slamming the door, storming in behind her of your shared apartment.
"You can't get fuckin mad...But if your mad you can't handle the fuckin' truth, not my fault. Then you wanna call me a slut? You must be a whore. Giving all these females attention ever since you got that gold. Made you more of a bitch than you already are-" Your yelling rant was mid cut off with a forceful choke against the wall.
"I've bout fuckin' had it with your attitude. It's been going on ever since i got that championship...Hm princess? You jealous?" Rhea growled, her intense eyes drew into your pupils before slyly biting your lip, getting lost in her eyes.
Not responding, her nodding before roughly pushing you on the bed, towering over you intimindatingly, her demeanor...her dominance laced and took over you, once she gave you that mug look, tilting her eyes to you, and those eyes pierced into yours, like she could destroy you in one piece.
And not that...you been yearning for some action. This was the intention once you seen her flip. Make her jealous.
"You got 5 seconds to strip. Or i'll do it myself." Rhea raved silently for us to hear, making me slowly look at her.
"Make me." You spat coldly.
"Mnm fuck!" You whined loudly as you heaved yourself up with your two hands, grinding your hips slowly around her long fingers, making you squeal, tightening around them as a sly smirk appeared on your lovers' face.
"Don't you even think about cumming, slut. You wanted to be a bratty bitch to me, brats don't get to cum." Rhea scolded in a teasing manner, staring at her fingers, the sight of my juices coating almost her whole hand, glistening right off of her fingers.
"Hm-ph" I groaned, before getting cut off with a moan, a loud one as i felt that familiar knot in my stomach, feeling her fingers move inside of my clit, before curling them, grazing my sweet spot.
"C-can i p-please c-cum?" I wordlessly stuttered, throwing my head back as my legs shook, unable to personally keep me still and standing up.
"Hm...Show me you deserve to cum princess...you can do it..."Rhea teased, swirling her tongue around her pink plump lips, staring dead at me, connecting eyes with each other, not noticing a mirror was in front of me.
"Or are you gonna tap out like the little bitch you are? Hm? You gonna give up on me? I bet this feels better than my fuckin' tongue touching you, hm?" Rhea barked, her facial expression changing fastly.
"I fuckin' hate you so much-" I spat under my breath, gritting my teeth before nodding my head repeatedly as i stopped moving, along with her fingers plunging in and out of slit repeatedly, before staring into the mirror.
"Repeat what you said. I couldn't fuckin' hear you over those pretty little moans of yours sweetheart." Rhea dared, teasing us completely, causing my mouth to agape, my eyes shutting as i chanted curse words under my breathe, egging her on.
"This is why you been acting out? You wanted me to fuck you? Finger fuck you? You could've asked me to baby, now i have to make my slut suffer." Rhea egged, fake frowning before moving closer to us as she sat in a mans spread on the chair, watching us through the mirror, slutted out and fucked out.
"Look at you sweetheart. All fucked out and being a slutty wet whore all down my fingers...be a good girl for me and look at how wet you are...just by off my fingers." Rhea chuckled.
I shook my head.
Rhea sat on the bed, behind me, as her other hand, came in contact with my neck, forcefully making me look at the mirror.
Everything was on display, her fingers toying with my clit, tears falling down my face as more my sweet juices spilled from down my inner thigh and beneath me as i looked at her dark eyes, everything felt so right in that moment.
Rhea's hand came in soft contact with our cheek, making her squeeze our face, my mouth agaping as she stared at me like a demon before i threw my head back on her shoulder, her mouth coming in contact with my ear.
Public display of affection.
"Look at you. My pretty little cumslut. Don't you ever fuckin' embarrass me like that again. Your mines. Your whole body belongs to me, I own you. You got it?" Rhea growled in my ear, speeding up her finger movements as screams and curse words, enough to send me over edge before releasing over her fingers, causing a chuckle from her.
"Open." Rhea ordered, as i stuck my tongue out, her spitting in it as she stuck my juices covered fingers along with my mouth, swirling it around her fingers, easily cleaning them off before i swallowed it, looking at her with lust in my eyes.
"Yes i got it." I giggled, referring to her last question, now i know if this can get me fucked like this? ill do it more often.
Plus a new riding skill.
"I'll get you a shower ready." She smirked before trailing off in my bathroom, staring at her...Jesus she's fine.
Im also a wattpad writer, and very new to tumblr so bare with me, send in requests! thank you guys! <3 - kairi.
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cialovesklopp · 11 months
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — where several articles question the absence of amara imani and where the singer has gone, after hiding because of all the bad news and scandals
taglist: @lorarri @locedes @aechii @Ippi_d
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SHE IS BACK! After a long hiatus from the public eye, lasting a year and more, the queen of pop & rnb is back and making headlines again. And we can all be sure, she’s got a lot to tell.
Via photo dump on her instagram account, the singer announced her highly anticipated return, sending shockwaves and creating chaos on platforms like Twitter, TikTok and Instagram. The singer also hinted at the arrival of new music, up roaring her entire devoted fan base.
She also announced the coming of two new songs — a collaborations with pop singer Ariana Grande as well as her own single.
Her sudden disappearance from the spotlight did not come unexpected after the whole cheating scandal with ex-boyfriend Evan Henderson. Humiliation and Defamation had pushed the 24 year old to leave the music business and take a very needed pause as it seems, reading from her instagram post.
The thought of Amara stepping back onto the stage has not only fans on the edge of their seats. Everyone who is someone in the music business is anticipating her return especially because of the big hole she left. And let’s not forget, that Imani did not contradict any statements her ex-boyfriend Evan Henderson had dropped about her. So the question is of course, whether she accepts those allegations made about her or whether this will turn into the next star he said - she said.
Last time Amara Imani dropped a single was over two years ago, so of course her whole fan base is awaiting her return with impatience. Whether those songs will be about her ex-boyfriend, stepping into the shoes of Taylor Swift and mentor Beyonce or about her own self-growth, only time will tell. So stay tuned as the music world braces for the return of Amara Imani.
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liked by liyah.clark, arianagrande and 14.346.907 others
amara.imani in my head — out soon
the user turned her comments off on this post
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liked by amara.imani, selenagomez and 5.819.092 others
arianagrande thank u, next 💋 official release soon @amara.imani
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amara.imani 💋
arianator1 why am i kind of excited for this
imani_gossippage i feel the evan slander incoming
amara_im123 mother is blessing us with three new songs
amaraimani_updates can’t wait to listen to this masterpiece
butera.stan the fact that ariana is willing to come out from her music pause just for amara
honeymoon_ari but also why does this song sound so passive agressive
amaraxgrande FR we’re def getting a boss bitch track
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liked by amara.imani, charles_leclerc and 2.046.837 others
liyah.clark visiting my bestie in parisss (and treating her to dinner because she’s about to slay and enter her revenge era) @amara.imani
view all 56.201 comments
charles_leclerc mon angé 😍
liyah_clark baby 🫶🏾
charles_updates guessing from his comment, i think the rumours are true
amara.imani why didn’t you post the other pictures
liyah.clark i didn’t look good in them
cl16stan are we really sure she is dating him? like she is way above his league
liked by charles_leclerc and 370 others
maxverstappen1 no way this is his new girlfriend? i don’t believe him
landonorris maybe he paid her @liyah.clark you can tell us how much he is paying you
liyah.clark OMG I KNOW YOU @maxverstappen you’re the one who looks like that ice age character and @landonorris you’re driving that Lego car
danielricciardo yep, she’s definitely dating him
graceywood where was my invite??
liyah.clark you didn’t pick up, you were too busy sleeping
carlossainz55 nice to finally meet the girl charles’ been talking my ear off the entire time
charles_leclerc thx for exposing me mate
liyah.clark aww nice to meet you too chili
lewishamilton nice to put a face to the name, wishing you and charles the best for your relationship
liyah.clark i think i just died, thank you sir 🥹
𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚.𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 3𝐡 𝐚𝐠𝐨
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@k.mbappé reacted to your story
k.mbappé rehearsing my song, right?
amara.imani patience is a virtue kyky
k.mbappé the make-out sessions we have whenever i come home from training beg to differ
amara.imani je te jure, je vais te bloquer un jour — I swear, i’ll block you one day
amara.imani and don’t act as if you hate them <3
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liked by donatellaversace, liyah.clark and 17.864.325 others
amara.imani project nr. 2 — happy to announce my new collaboration with @versace. i am very excited to be chosen to portray this beautiful line and am honored of being a part to its creation. it’s a dream come true for me to co-design my first collection next to @donatella_versace and the entire team. thank you so much for giving me this chance 🤎
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the comments on this post are limited
liyah.clark i’m so excited for this to drop
versace 🤎
selenagomez congratulations, this looks amazing
graceywood in love with this collection @amara.imani i’m so proud of you
donatella_versace this was all you sweetie, you are now officially a versace member. this collection is a creation of love, friendship and passion for fashion
amara_imaniupdates this is so gorgeous, like drop-dead gorgeous
amy_imani you showed them what you were capable, that even with all the people who dropped you, you’re still able to rise
cynthia_e most beautiful thing you ever designed sis, proud to call myself your sister everyday and watching you rise and rise higher
beyoncé congrats, you’re showing them who’s on top
dualipa welcome to the family gorgeous, i still remember my first collection 🤎
imani_forever amara is THE moment, like we’re all begging to be her
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Recently, my fridge started beeping at me. This was because I had left the door open, and it was being friendly and reminding me to close that door, or it wouldn’t work properly anymore. Now, this sort of friendliness is surprising to me, not least because the house I’m squatting in after my landlord’s unfortunate (and I assure you, accidental) high-speed public dismemberment does not currently have electrical service.
Or so I thought. It seemed that, while I was sleeping, some greenwashers had arrived and retrofitted some government-subsidized solar panels into the house. With a zeal only witnessed in those unlucky workers who are getting paid by the job, they plowed through the pile of broken car parts and miscellaneous electronic trash in the basement to hook up the panel and drop off a massive battery. As a result, my house was now officially “off the grid.”
Now, in my municipality, it’s illegal to be off the grid. Even if you make electricity purely from the power of the sun or your own man-portable nuclear reactor, you have to at least vig up to the local power company between fifty and two hundred dollars a month. It seemed that I had located a loophole in their rules, however, and now could enjoy opulent comfort such as “refrigerated food” and “lights” without any guilt or cost out of my pocket.
A true dream, and it was all thanks to some computer system, deep within the bureaucracy, that hadn’t yet figured out my landlord is no longer of this earth and that the home should rightly have been condemned. Of course, those proud city workers had missed me during their “random inspections,” because my sleeping position is so covered in trash as to serve a sort of suburban camouflage. They might have left with some of my cars, it is impossible to tell, but that’s a small price to pay for unlimited guilt-free electricity use.
Of course, it was not to last. As soon as the power came back on, prowling gangs of realtors began to notice that the house was inhabitable again, and aggressively approached in order to make offers for the land value. I couldn’t exactly fend them off, not without exiting the house and giving away my squatter-status, so instead I just turned off all the lights and hid in the darkness. It’s not so bad. Now I can finally charge my phone without having to sneak down to the convenience store and unplug their coffee maker when they’re not looking.
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misscongeniality18 · 1 year
Okay I have some thoughts for a Peter x reader fic. Peter and reader are officially dating and the reader begins to notice that Peter does kind and thoughtful things that none of her previous romantic partners had done before. Like, Peter buys medicine on the way home and makes soup for the reader when she’s sick, does all the house chores when she’s extra tired, and remembers the little things she says about a book she wanted to read or movie she wanted to go see. One day, the reader’s talking to Peter on the phone on her way home and she tells how she’s had a terrible day and feeling down. When she arrives, Peter cooked her favorite and put on her favorite series to make her feel better. Reader starts to tear up and Peter thinks he did something wrong, but reader tells him that it’s just no other guy had loved and cared for her as much he does, and how lucky she is to have him in her life
This! Ugh, perfection, because we all know Peter would 100% do this. (I'm also so sorry that it took me so long to get this out, Memorial Day weekend was my only time where I didn't have to do anything, so I took the opportunity to rest my mind before I start summer classes. You're amazing, I love you. &lt;;3)
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I Do - Peter Sutherland
Synopsis ! Peter knows finds out you've had a hard day, so he decides to make you feel better. Pairing ! Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Genre ! Tooth-rotting fluff Warnings ! language, depression, kissing, Peter being such a good boyfriend if that counts, I also made this way too cheesy Word Count - 1079
" Never understood why People always say, love chooses you Now I do Now I do " - I Do, Aloe Blacc & LeAnn Rhimes
Masterlist Request Guide
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As you slid into your car, the tightness in your chest didn’t leave. Your job was stressful, to say the least, and it didn’t help that your boss was a first-class demon from hell, not to mention a total bitch. She asks you to come in on your days off and stay at least an hour after your shift is supposed to end without being paid overtime, and while on that subject, you were severely underpaid. You were practically doing your boss’s job for her because she spends ninety-percent of her time scrolling on her phone.
With your hands on the steering wheel, you rest your head against the cool leather, trying to catch your breath. Today had been particularly difficult. You had your own shit to do, but you couldn’t do it because you were taking over your boss’s workload, and when she found out that you didn’t get your own work done, she blew up at you, practically calling you worthless.
Before you pulled out of the parking lot, you called the only person who could make you feel better—your boyfriend.
Peter’s voice came from the car’s speakers, filling the small space with your favorite sound in the world. “Hey, babe, you on your way home?”
You could already feel the tension begin to melt from your shoulders at his clear, upbeat tone. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“What’s wrong?”
Damn, he could hear how stressed and exhausted you were.
“It’s been, uh, it’s been a hard day,” you said, trying to hold in your tears.
“Oh, babe, I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, so I won’t ask.”
Peter knew you so well, it made you want to cry. You still refused to, though. “I’ll be home soon, okay?”
“I’ll be here. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You hung up, and it took everything within you not to speed.
Peter was an angel from above. He was kind and thoughtful and attentive and loving, unlike your past partners, and he would do things just to make you happy. One time, Peter remembered how you wanted to see the movie adaptation of one of your favorite books, so he surprised you with tickets. You thanked him with endless kisses.
He also takes care of you even when you can’t. Last week, when you dared to be sick, Peter picked up medicine on the way home from work and made you chicken soup because you couldn’t keep anything else down. And during that time, he even cleaned up the apartment because you didn’t have time to do your regular chores.
In your mind, Peter was perfect.
You arrived at the apartment, and your feet felt so heavy that you worried you wouldn’t make it down the hallway. When you opened your door, the smell of garlic and bacon and absolute heaven greeted you. “Peter?” You called out, peeking your head around the corner to the kitchen.
There Peter stood, spoon in hand, stirring something on the stove. He turned when he heard your voice, his eyes lighting up when he saw you. “Hey! I made your favorite for dinner; carbonara. Well,” he sighed. “I tried. It’s not going to be like Mariano’s, but it’ll be close.”
You blinked up at him when he mentioned your favorite Italian restaurant located just down the street, a place you could eat at for every meal.
Peter saw the expression on your face, and he quickly put the spoon down and rushed to the television. “I thought we could watch Bridgerton, too! I know how you love that show, and with the new season coming out later this year, I thought…”
He trailed off as he noticed the tears welling up in your eyes, a few streaking down your cheeks.
“Oh, babe, what is it? What did I do wrong?” Peter asked, panic in his voice, and he strode over to you, placing his hands on your cheeks and wiping away your tears with his thumbs. “Baby, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I wanted you to feel better, and I thought I’d make your favorite dinner and put on your favorite show—“
“Peter,” you interrupted him, putting your hands over his and holding them to your chest. “You are making me feel better. Even if you didn’t do all this, you still would. With everything going on at work, you are my only stress reliever. You did everything right. You always do.”
You closed your eyes, the feel of his skin against yours calming and cool. Pressing a kiss to his palm, you whispered, “God, I don’t deserve you.”
“Hey,” Peter murmured, swooping down to wrap his arms around you, his face level with yours. “Do you trust me?”
Sputtering in confusion, you nodded. “Wha-what does—Yes, I do.”
“Then trust me when I say that you deserve everything. You are everything. You are on my mind when I’m awake and when I’m dreaming; you are my everything, and I love you.”
You met his eyes, seeing the sincerity and love within the depths of them, and you couldn’t believe how you had managed to find each other. “I love you, too,” you whispered.
His lips pressed to yours, soft and sweet and soothing. When Peter kissed you, it was as if the world faded away, and you existed only in this moment.
You drew him closer, pressing your body to his, one hand moving to the back of his neck, and then your stomach started to growl. Peter pulled away, chuckling and grinning that wide, toothy grin that always made your heart flutter. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
Peter shook his head. “We have time for that later. You’re hungry, so we’ll eat. Here, come taste my attempt at cooking.”
Leading you by the hand to the stove, Peter pulled out a fork and twirled some noodles for you to take a bite. You moaned as you chewed, nodding in approval.
“You like it?”
“I do,” you replied, mouth full.
Hearing those two words made Peter’s heart skip, and he leaned forward, kissing your cheek still full with food. He enjoyed those words not only because they told him he did a good job at cooking, but because he knew you would be saying them at an altar one day with him in front of you.
The only thing left was to get the ring out of his bedside table and ask you.
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@batneko​ wrote a sugar daddy AU so I had to write one back.
Bowser's longtime flame has officially tied the knot, she's shooting off fireworks to celebrate, she's leaving the country on a world tour honeymoon, she's taken out an actual literal billboard on the road between their cities to showcase the wedding photos
So Bowser's like hey, I'm not stupid, I can see you're over it, you don't have to rub it in my face, but he can't even say that because she's blocked him on everything
And he was GOING to hire a skywriter to spell it out over the wedding, but the skywriting company said there was a conflict with the fireworks company and they couldn't get clearance, and Bowser is halfway through checking his own plane to see if he can rig something up when he realizes hey, this is kinda pathetic
They are both extremely over-the-top people and it's hard not to escalate when you're both filthy rich.
So Peach and Mario are off on a year-long world tour honeymoon, and Mario privately offered to let Luigi tag along, so he's feeling pretty pathetic himself.
And Mario SAYS they'll still run the business together, but Luigi has seen Peach's schedule as...governor? President? Monarch? And it's pretty packed, and Mario already has his own dedicated bodyguard from her retinue, and Luigi is picking up a lot more clearly than his brother how things are gonna change
For the better! Mario's gonna love the parties and meeting people and playing sports with actual athletes and driving sports cars on closed professional tracks against real racers, and he can fix a sink but he's got the brains to fix a city's infrastructure too. He's gonna do great.
And Luigi...Luigi will be fine. Really! One-man plumbing business. He can do this. Except other businesses are already poaching their customers on the premise that Mario is retired and the Mario Brothers will be shutting down, and the only way Luigi can counter that is by cashing in on his brother's fame to get people's attention. Which, no thanks.
So he's just come out of the tropical storm of wedding prep and parties exhausted and ready to take a break, but he needs to scramble as the business dissolves under his feet, and their house is paid off and bills should be fine but it's such a gut punch to see how easily his life crumbles without his brother, and Luigi is TIRED. Luigi wants a BREAK. Luigi wants someone rich and fun and good-looking to swoop in and take HIM on a vacation.
"Maybe I should get a rich husband to take care of me," he mumbles into the newspaper draped over his face, covered in ads for rival businesses and Peach's honeymoon tour.
And you know...that's an idea. That's a real idea. He's already been on blind dates, there's always somebody who has a gay nephew or cousin or coworker who would LOVE a tall strong man like Luigi, they're sure~! So what if he picks out his own guy? And if they don't click, he can just shrug it off as them not being rich enough for him. That's believable, there's enough photos of him at the palace and Mushroom-Wimbledon and Mushroom-Kentucky Derby to say he's developed a taste for the good life.
In all honesty, he HAS developed a taste for the good life. Not high teas and little cucumber sandwiches, but being able to drop everything and go to an island, or play a round of golf, or picnic in the countryside, or play Indiana Jones in desert ruins while Peach is off hobnobbing with local rulers. He had fun. And it would be even more fun if he wasn't tagging along after his brother, if it was someone doing those things for HIM, because they liked him and wanted to impress him and--and spoil him, he makes himself acknowledge. He wants to be spoiled. He wants to be...a sugar baby.
Cue montage! Luigi is a good looking fella, but he's also visually Green Mario, and the idea is to NOT leech off his brother's rep. The mustache goes. The overalls have already been retired. No more baseball cap keeping his thick wavy hair out of his face, no more sturdy waterproof work boots. He regrets getting rid of the mustache, and starts growing a five-o-clock shadow. Maybe he'll grow a beard, those are trendy.
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That's the picture that pops up in Bowser's inbox as he sorts through correspondence.
 He's pulling back and being really honest with himself about what he actually wants. And honestly? Peach isn't it. Not anymore. It was a painful revelation, but a necessary one. She's not the same hyper-giggly cheerleader type he met in university, and he's not the party boy rugby jock he was back then either. He doesn't need a hot blonde girl on his arm to impress his teammates and stop any ugly rumors in their tracks. He doesn't need to beat anybody up for saying he's gay. And honestly, it was freaking exhausting trying to keep up with Peach's schedule when he was a young adult with just classes and games to worry about, now that's he's mumble-something years old and has his own country to run, he couldn't imagine trying to do half of the things she has packed into her schedule.
So...good for her. She got that guy who loves being social and making a bajillion new friends without being rude to them and can probably stay in the background and let her shine without it chafing, either. Good for her. He is genuinely happy for her.
He has a hard time conveying that to the cowering housekeepers as he finishes smashing the last of her portraits into bits, but he doesn't pay them to understand him, just obey him, so he tells them to sweep it up and stomps back to his office.
He needs more people like that in his life, he thinks, if he's being honest. He needs someone who won't argue him in circles or make him feel stupid debating political policy or hint that his family are tyrants. His family gets stuff DONE, okay, no need to go through six layers of wishy-washy old toads and delicately manage public image in the process. Say it and it is so, and the people will see that their needs are met and be grateful. That's the Bowser way.
 Romantically, what does he need? He makes a little list.
1. Hot.
2. No arguing.
3. No criticizing or trying to change him.
4. No pink or girly.
5. Just...hot okay? A hot dude. There, he said it. A hot dude he can take on dates who won't try to fix him, who won't think there's anything WRONG with him that needs fixing, somebody who can just be hot and pretty and hang around making him look good without getting in his way or trying to take over.
Ugh. He needs a Mario, that's what he needs, somebody to quietly stand around and smile at him and feed him cake. But way hotter. Way, WAY hotter.
 He quits glaring at Peach's wedding ads long enough to type out a basic list of demands and send it to a matchmaking service. (It's a sugar baby service, but he'll be damned if he calls it that.) He's not doing ANY work for this relationship. He's rich, he's powerful, he's reasonably attractive, he thinks? Got a bit of a gut since college but he's still got muscle. Whatever, he's got a castle and a fleet of cool cars and enough money to spoil the hell out of TEN thirsty twinks, whoever he picks can keep their mouth shut about his beer belly. No, he's going full Lizzo, he's not considering anyone unless they LOVE his body. He's rich enough to afford that.
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He's all set to send that pic to his potential matches, but then Luigi's pic pops into his inbox, and he panics and switches. He's not trying to scare matches off, that would be self-sabotaging. And he's a fun guy, not some bum who gets drunk and passes out on a deck chair, that was ONE TIME and he was recovering from sunburn, you didn't need to snap a picture of it, guys. Whatever. Fun in the sun dad bod pic, that should be enough to reel in a boyfriend.
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So. Bowser is a smart man, and the ruler of a kingdom. He does have bodyguards, and he designs most of his own security systems. The service will weed out the scammers, but he's investigating his matches himself, and Luigi is...not unknown to him. He's probably wildly unrecognizable to most people post-makeover, but Bowser was stalking Peach's wedding and has dossiers on everyone in the wedding party. He KNOWS what his ex-rival's brother looks like without a hat.
The only question is WHY. Is this a game? A joke? A sick trap? Why is he doing this?
"Why are you doing this?" is the first message he sends through the service.
And boy oh boy is that the question of the hour, Luigi thinks, staring at it. He has no idea who's he writing to, the...DADDIES are wealthy and important enough to warrant a bit of identity protection. He'll get a picture in advance of any meetings, but for now he's flying blind.
He's not gonna dump his whole life's story on a stranger, and he doesn't need to justify his decisions to anybody. He's not hurting for company, or money, so why is he doing this?
"I want to take a break and have fun with someone who can afford to take me nice places and do cool things" is what he decides on. It's true.
The rest is just them going nice places and doing cool things together. No drama, no schemes, no misunderstandings or second-guessing about why they’re there. Bowser pays for everything, and gives Luigi some spending money besides. Luigi works hard to relax and be sexy and flirty and fun. It helps that Bowser is so comfy to cuddle with, and actually taller than him, which is impressive.
He is vaguely aware that he is dating Peach's ex, he figures that out around the third date or so, but the guy is remarkably chill compared to how she described him, (and in this world Peach's security detail handled any incidents, there was no kidnapping (recently,) and the Mario brothers weren't heroes who needed to curb-stomp anyone, so Luigi has never met Bowser directly.)
Bowser is keenly aware that he is dating Peach's brother-in-law, but he works hard to relax, not obsess over anything, and just be cool and fun to hang out with. It helps that Luigi is super hot, a little goofy when he relaxes, and enjoys draping himself over Bowser while they lounge on the beach, or on a train ride through the mountains, or a tour of wine country. Lots of hot guy draped all over him while people stare enviously.
It's definitely envy, nothing to do with how Bowser just chugged half a bottle of merlot. He needed to wash the taste of that horrible rosé out of his mouth, okay? Who bottled that, a skunk? Horrible bouquet. Horrible. Luigi, buzzed and giggly and tucked up against Bowser's side staring at him adoringly, thinks Bowser is the funniest, wittiest guy in the world. They should definitely get out of there. The proprietors sell them a case of the merlot and gently suggest that the gentlemen switch to cheese tasting now, so they do.
Bowser's driver takes them on a long ride up the coast, and they have dinner at a beach chateau at sunset and listen to the cresting waves as the stars come out, and Luigi thinks this is exactly what he needed.
And Bowser just spent a long weekend out of his workshop and not buried in paperwork, and he's got some nice wine and stories to charm some diplomat who's visiting next week, and hey maybe Luigi can handle the charming and let Bowser do the diplomacy, or maybe he'll just sit at the dinner table eating fancy food and looking pretty while Bowser takes care of everything.
Man, it's good to be the king. Especially when you've got a doll like this by your side, cheering you on, waiting to see what you’ll do next. He needed this, this ego stroking and taking care of someone, showing off for them. Not running after a pink velvet track suit who's got a million clubs and committees and parties to coordinate. And wow, he hasn't thought about her in a while. A few days, at least. And he doesn't want to think of her now, under the stars, with a fuzzy face nuzzling his neck and strong hands slowly petting down his chest hair and over his belly. He's good. He’s good.
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
Sometimes It Works Itself Out
By: the-coffee-fandom
Art here
Marinette really could not take any more bullshit. Honestly. She might punch the next person that comes by if they try and say something dumb to her.
Here she was on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Well, the anniversary of such anyway. The anniversary of what she was told was the best day of her life. But even though she was told as such, it never felt that way to her.
Your wedding day is supposed to be filled with a million flowers, a cake too big for all your guests to eat, surrounded by everyone you love and cherish, and with the person you plan to spend the rest of your life with. Your chest is bursting with joy and the smile can’t be contained nor wiped off your face, the birds feel like they are singing love songs far into the night. Everything is perfect. That’s how she always thought it was.
That’s what she thought she had with Adrien. She didn’t realize that her vows were hollow in his heart and his eyes were always on another.
Even if that other was technically still her.
Ladybug felt like a different entity to Marinette. She was strong, confident, and powerful. Marinette had a semblance of that still within her day to day life, but not to the degree that Adrien Agreste had fallen for. He was in love with a hero, not with a human.
Maybe that’s why she wasn’t upset when she found out about his crush on another. She watched as his eyes drifted over to him whenever they hung out together. She saw the hearts in his eyes, felt the quickening of his heartbeat, and heard the stutter of his breath. It was so clear that he had moved on now that he had grown up and realized his fantasy of marrying the mask of what she used to be wasn’t the life he was meant for.
She was in a light pink dress, cherry blossoms decorated the ends of it. If she twirled her dress would flare out and circle her. She liked her dresses like that. She knew her maskera had begun running down her cheeks, black streaks decorating her face like rain drops on a window. She felt it deep in her soul that this was definitely the right thing to do. Not just for her partner, but for her as well. Moving on is hard but it's right.
So she finished the last of the papers making it official, and walked out of the room now a single woman again.
She paid no mind to the blonde that tried calling after her. She didn’t need to hear a thousand more apologies, empty words falling past his lips trying to fix the pieces of a relationship that was never meant to be. Her heart hurt and she didn’t need him to see her break down.
She threw open the doors and stepped into the cool breeze of the outdoors. It was almost a slap in the face how bright and beautiful everything was. It was a painful reminder of her own wedding day. So filled with warmth and love and laughter. Everything and everyone but her.
She lifted her eyes from the concrete and they met with azure blue eyes that were filled with a sympathy and understanding beyond what she thought she deserved.
Marinette let one side of her lips perk up into a half sort of smile.
“Hey,” she responded back softly.
“I thought you could use a ride?” She used her head to nod sideways towards the purple mini behind her.
“My knight and shining armor.”
The blonde smiled and chuckled, “I am dashing enough to be one.”
“You keep telling yourself that,” Marinette shoved her shoulder, her smile becoming genuine.
“I will,” the other girls voice followed as she walked around the back of the car to get to the passenger side.
She stopped short when she saw what her friend had done.
“Really, Steph?”
The amused tone of her voice showed that she wasn’t actually upset.
“Yeah, I thought we could head out to celebrate being single.”
“Because that’s something to celebrate now is it?”
Stephanie punched her lightly in the arm, “duh! Single people have the most fun. Everyone knows that!”
“Sure,” Marinette rolled her eyes with a giggle as she moved to climb into the car.
Steph joined her, taking her space in the driver's seat and looking over at her. Her eyes sparkled in the midday sun and her hair blew lightly in the calm breeze. She looked like an angel.
“Is that for me?” Marinette joked, pointing at the coffee sitting in the cup holders.
“It is!” She beamed brightly.
Marinette’s heart, for the first time, today felt lighter.
“Is this really all for me?”
Steph looked at her, her eyes softening and her shoulders relaxing, “of course. If you ever need me, I’ll be right here for you.”
Marinette nodded, blinking back more tears.
“Where to?”
Marinette tilted her head slightly in thought.
“Nowhere,” she decided on.
“Nowhere it is!” Her friend called out excitedly.
The music was cranked up to full blast as the windows were brought down so they were completely open. The blonde driving sped up to ten above the speed limit and they were off to who knows where.
And for once, Marinette decided she was fine with the unknown. Maybe things don’t work out the way she had planned but she was here and she will live in the moment.
Her eyes trailed back to the girl beside her, singing at the top of her lungs to a song that wasn’t even that good while her hair blew widely in the wind. Her music tastes were adequate at best. But she was goofy and fun and beautiful and…
And maybe, this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
She was with the person she wanted to spend her life with now. And that’s enough.
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