#i love ladynoir's dynamic so much
Ladybug: just be careful
Chat Noir: i always am
Ladybug: i respectfully disagree
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Just to clarify, having a favorite side of the lovesquare is not- ‘this side is objectively better and more moral than all other sides’ or ‘this side is the only side worth shipping’
Having a favorite side of the lovesquare is loving and appreciating all sides of the lovesquare because they are all the same two people and just overall enjoying the lovesquare as a whole, but also having one particular side that makes your heart extra giddy whenever you see them and makes you especially excited to watch their scenes
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cursedchildofchaos · 2 years
I really am amused by how ml fans treat the love square as almost separate ships, like they are all the same two people, sillies...
But also, hahaha, the first real kiss that's gonna be remembered by both parties is of my favorite ship hahahaha in your face you mothertruckers
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fortuna-et-cataclysmos · 11 months
S5 finale: wrapping up the "running out of time" theme
So I have been mentioning frequently that there is a theme of "running out of time" in season 5, but I wasn't able to make out the meaning of it, until now.
We can say that there are three situations where the theme explicitely manifests:
Gabriel: After receiving a cataclysm wound in Destruction, we often hear Gabriel repeat that he is running out of time. The entire Intuition episode is based on that premise.
Ladynoir: This is the most obvious manifestation of this theme. In Jubilation, Ladybug and Chat Noir live a dream just to be constantly reminded that their perfect life together will end when they wake up to reality. I call it Ladynoir, but actually it is Maribug's love and romantic relationship with Chat in general.
Adrinette: This is the most subtle one, but it is there. Notice how Marinette needs to ease into a relationship with Adrien, and Adrien is doing his best to cut her slack, so much so that he says in Derision, and I quote: "We've got time." Soon after, Adrien is sent to London.
If you think I have forgotten other strings of running out of time, feel free to let me know!
Now let's look at these three strings individually:
Gabriel running out of time
This one is the simplest one as it starts very early on in the season, with the episode Destruction where he gets the cataclym wound, and ends in Recreation with his "sacrifice." Also worthy noting the names of the episodes. What starts as Gabriel running out of time in Destruction is concluded in Recreation with him making his wish, accomplishing his wish, and dying. We can consider this thread concluded.
2. Ladynoir running out of time
Of course, the first episode that comes to mind is Jubilation. In Jubilation we (and the blorbos) learn that they actually desire to be together, romantically. And indeed they get to live a perfect little life in their dream, ignoring the increasingly bigger alarm clocks that are trying to wake them up. Except that at the end Ladybug realises that they must wake up (duty calls!), and she abandons Chat Noir in the dream universe, broken.
From here on, nearly every episode is a warning for Marinette against being romantically together with Chat Noir:
Determination: Marinette accepts that she has feelings for Chat Noir, her reaction to that is crying
Passion: Ladybug's crush on Chat Noir leads to her being distracted and making many critical mistakes in their fight
Reunion: is a cautionary tale about Ladybug and Cat Miraculous holders falling in love
Illusion: (I haven't watched this in a while but I think nothing relevant happens here)
Elation: Marinette is nearly akumatised because of her love to and rejection by Chat Noir
The overarching message from Jubilation to Elation is that: if Maribug ends up with Chat Noir, it'll be a disaster.
So Marinette decides to close up her heart to anyone, and after a brief depression, Adrien finally convinces her to be with him and they become an official couple. From this point onwards, the key ship becomes Adrinette.
Does that mean that Ladynoir has run out of time? Not necessarily. They just decided to love each other in a different way. I should remind here that even though we tend to polarise the sides of the square as fandom, the creators have repeatedly told that the love square is one, there is one love.
The Ladynoir relationship has a direct connection to the Adrinette dynamics because after all, they're the same two people.
3. Adrinette running out of time
Now that Adrinette is finally together, they should have all the time in the world, right? Right? It's what Adrien says, after all.
But I couldn't shake this sense of urgency throughout this season. Every time they said that they had time, it made me feel like they actually don't and they don't know it. And it was exactly what they wanted to make us feel: with Adrien's move to London, it turns out they didn't have time. Worse is that, Adrien actually knew that he'd need to move to London but he couldn't tell it to Marinette, he kept it a secret all the way till he was shipped off to London.
And there is a parallel between Jubilation and Revolution here: in both episodes, their dream is shattered, they share one last dramatic kiss, and they are torn apart from one and other (@asukiess had a big brain time and pointed this out back when Revolution aired).
But now, in Recreation, Gabriel is gone. Everything is fixed? Everyone will be happy, right?
Well... No.
As I pointed out in a previous post, the world that Gabriel creates is a bit too bright, too perfect. The show is notorious for associating the sun with fake happiness at this point, while the "real" moments are rainy and/or dark. And let's see the colour palette in the end:
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Another detail that makes me put on my tinfoil hat:
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They're not very visible on the static image, but there are white butterflies flying over the flower arch. Those could be symbolising the end, as a reference to how Ladybug releases the purified akuma at the end of each episode. But it might also have a second meaning, a reference to how this world was in fact created upon the ideals of Gabriel.
And that can't be good for anyone. I explain more the consequences and aftermath of this episode in the post I mention above, but basically this world is Gabriel's ideal, and it is far from being a good place for neither Marinette, nor Adrien.
One main reason why: Gabriel has left Marinette with the truth about the Monarch, and she agreed to keep it a secret from Adrien. But we know that it will eventually come out. Either she tells it to Chat Noir, or maybe Lila plots something, but it won't remain a secret forever. And when it does... it will have tremendous impact on not only Adrinette, but also Ladynoir.
This world is a fantasy world where Marinette and Adrien have ended up together, just like in: Chat Blanc, Ephemeral, Oblivio, Jubilation. And at one point the alarm clock will ring, the hammer will drop, and both Ladynoir and Adrinette will run out of time. Except that this time, we may not be able to revert back to the status quo.
Gabriel has left them with a tickling time bomb.
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ramen8008 · 2 months
I LOVE aged up Ladynoir dynamic because they are more mature and understand each other to a level that just AHHH!
One of my oldest and most loved Ladynoir head-canons basically goes like this:
Where as they grow older, they grow closer but especially during the time where the og friend group kinda separates because of college and Marinette being Marinette is like "you know what? not having close friends with me helps me focus on college AND ladybug" but she still NEEDS SOMEONE (whether she knows it at the moment or not) .
It gets tougher, the akumas evolve into causing more mental and emotional damage than physical, hawkmoth grows to understand that with their age and jobs it's easier to target their mind. During this time they've grown more independent than they should have. So one night they talk, they explain their situation, they vent to each other and decide that the comfort they feel with one another can't be compared to anything else. That maybe the other is more than just a work friend that they joke with, more than just someone they only see during the most stressful times of the day, maybe it's easier to find a best friend in someone who you've known for most your life, who you've been through thick and thin with, who understands you in ways most might never. So Chat Noir and Ladybug grow closer and closer.
They rant about college and work (Adrien works in his father's company now and did a business course so he doesn't have to model and Marinette has an Etsy shop on the side). They get close and have random night talks where they talk about things no one but them and the night sky will ever hear. Everything they go through as heroes, the ups and downs, and they also talk about fun stuff, learn more about each other, finding out that chat is a part of multiple fandoms, that Ladybug has a horrible bed head and hates that chat doesn't, that they more are more of a romantic at heart than they want to admit. But they also talk about just the struggles and anxiety that comes with their jobs, just how messed up what they went through as kids is now that they see it from an adults point of view, but they also just laugh it off, joke about the trauma some fights inflicted. Nightmares that keep them up, hopes they are too scared to say out loud, sometimes even the fear of losing purpose if hawkmoth is defeated.
There's so much more too. They have the kind of friendship where they make jokes and promises into the night about how if they are always going to be single because of their jobs they'll just get married in their superhero costumes. How ladybug is going to love making chat's kids little clothes and how chat is going to make sure that ladybug gets time with her future partner whenever there's an akuma by handling it for her. All the while not knowing that their feelings for each other keep on growing and growing. It's so huge that it feels like their hearts will combust but it's also constant to the point that they get used to it.
It hits them like a truck yet it's so slow, maybe just talking one night and it hits them that they can't imagine life without the other, that they want the other in a way that's more than what they ever thought, no they've thought of it before, they've jokes about it but never acknowledged the truth this jokes had in them, never acknowledged that over time they became to lean on each other more than just in battles, they became each others partners in more than just fights against akumas, more than in a platonic way. They've always loved each other but their love had grown into something much stronger
P.s. thx @rosekasa for reigniting my Ladynoir head canons and now I'm on a journey to go through all my head canons 🤍
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theerurishipper · 10 months
Could you please explain why Cat Noir is no longer healing for Adrien after season 4? I technically know the answer but I love your metas <3
Thank you so much for your compliment!
Anyway, about your question. The short version? They made Ladybug treat Chat Noir like Gabriel treats Adrien.
Let me explain. The Ladynoir conflict was about how Ladybug and Chat Noir were experiencing a shift in their dynamic because of Ladybug’s new role as the guardian. Ladybug starts to keep secrets from Chat Noir and leave him out of the loop. She replaces him with Rena Rouge as her primary partner in all but name. And Chat Noir understandably feels neglected and ignored by someone who is supposed to be his partner. His home life is shit, and Ladybug and his life as Chat Noir have always been his escape. Ladybug has been the one who accepted him unconditionally and cared for him with no need for him to change himself to please her. He trusts her with his life and heart, and suddenly, she doesn’t do the same for him. Instead, she’s keeping secrets from him, she’s leaving him out of things and more or less treats him as “just another holder.” And yeah, this is because of her new responsibilities as the Guardian and her trauma from Chat Blanc. But the fact remains that even if she wants to make these changes, she should tell him.
It's pretty obvious now that Marinette has a controlling side to her, and that shows itself more than ever. She wants to control everything, she admits it herself in Strikeback. And that includes Chat Noir. She controls what he knows and what he can do, and denies him information he actually needs. She lashes out at him and dismisses him when he does try to talk to her, like in Kuro Neko. And this behavior is, how do I say it, very much like what Gabriel is. Of course it is more understandable than Gabe and it is certainly nowhere close to the level of Gabriel’s treatment of Adrien, which is abuse plain and simple, but there are some… similarities. They both keep him at a distance, they both start making decisions for him, they both want to have control over everything, and that includes him. They both take advantage of his trust and forgiveness and they both take him for granted.
Again, Ladybug doesn’t go anywhere near the levels Gabe has reached with his treatment of Adrien, but she does in fact take advantage of his trust. Ephemeral is the worst offender here, with Ladybug actively deciding to trick Chat Noir into an identity reveal without his consent. I think it’s awful to do that to someone. And what’s worse is that the episode ends with her not even realizing that she was wrong to do something like that.
Anyway, she’s treating him not unlike the way he’s treated at home. And while her actions are obviously not as severe and not as malicious as Gabe… it doesn’t change the fact that Chat Noir feels suddenly less like an escape, and Ladybug becomes not much different from the people who only like to see him as an object or a perfect little doll. He used to mean something to her as her partner, and now he doesn’t. He’s just another tool in her toolbox. He’s just someone who’s in the way. Ladybug doesn’t care for him anymore. He’s a bother.
She used to roll her eyes at his flirtations, but now she flips out and throws him in a trashcan for them. She used to treat him like an equal partner, but now she yells at him if he tries to talk to her or help her. He’s bothering her. He’s in the way. And he’s not good enough.
So he quits.
And then he decides that he wants to be the partner Ladybug wants. Not Chat Noir, who is his escape and the only way he can be free. No he’s going to be the Adrien side of himself, the perfect doll who wants for nothing except to cater to Ladybug’s needs.
Now, here is where the show loses the plot. Kuro Neko is supposed to be the resolution to the Ladynoir conflict, apparently. And the way it happens is… Adrien putting aside his valid concerns and emotions because Ladybug needs help, and apologizing to her for wanting to be treated with respect. Which is what Gabe taught him. That his feelings don’t matter, and that he should be perfect and cater to everybody’s desires for how he should be. That he shouldn’t have emotional needs because he’s too emotional and he’s a burden on others for having them. He literally says, “the boy who was Chat Noir was probably too sensitive,” which is what Gabe taught him! That Adrien was too emotional to be able to make his own decisions, and so Gabriel had to protect him and keep him in control. He had to be perfect for everyone because in reality, he was too emotional, and no one wanted to see that.
And Ladybug accepts this! She also thinks that Chat Noir is being a bother, and she starts crushing on Catwalker so quickly. And this isn’t salt on her for crushing on Catwalker, but it is so bad from a narrative standpoint and when you consider the implications of that. You see, what Adrien is doing with this whole Catwalker thing is something called fawning. It’s a trauma response because of Gabe's abuse. He pushes aside his own needs and desires to please Ladybug. He assumes responsibility for her mistakes and blames it on himself. At the end of the episode, he apologizes to her! And she just says some things about how he’s irreplaceable to her and how she needs him and all that.
And what is tells me is that Ladybug doesn’t like when Chat Noir has emotional needs and expectations of her in their partnership, and that she likes only boys who take care of her emotional needs without expecting anything in return. Adrien just seems so perfect and unbothered by anything, and he’s always praising and encouraging her. Luka always put her emotional needs first and was always in her corner even when she didn’t pay as much attention to their relationship. And now Catwalker, who says he’ll take care of her. And considering the Love Square from a writing standpoint is supposed to have Ladybug fall for both sides of Chat Noir, seeing her fall so quickly for him when he denies himself his needs and accepts being her emotional support partner is not the best look.
And what’s worse is that this reaction from Adrien is because he is an abuse victim. He is once again, putting on a mask to make himself into the person Ladybug wants. And they specifically say that he should act like the “perfect son” side of himself, so Adrien is acting the way for Ladybug the way he usually acts for Gabriel. And he ends the episode by apologizing for having emotions and for inconveniencing her. And since Adrien pushing aside his own desires is a trauma response, and Ladybug likes people who don’t inconvenience her with their emotions, it comes across as Ladybug benefitting from Chat Noir being traumatized, and it’s so great for her that Chat Noir comes pre-abused and ready to supress his emotional needs and cater to hers while demanding nothing from her.
But let’s move on to Strikeback, where Ladybug admits her mistakes. She admits she wanted to control things, that she pushed him away and left him in the dark. He hugs and reassures her he’s always here, and it’s beautiful and sweet. The Ladynoir conflict was not resolved, but surely, they would address it next season, right? Surely, we would get episodes of Ladybug apologizing and working to make up for her mistakes, right? Surely Chat Noir wouldn’t just forget this treatment, right?
It's never brought up again in Season 5. In fact, Season 5, where the Gabriel-Marinette parallels are really hammered down onto us, ends with Marinette siding with Gabriel and lying to Adrien about his entire existence. So, the entire conflict ends with Chat Noir putting aside his own emotional needs because Ladybug is sad, and he just accepts that he’ll never be treated with the respect that he wanted. Ladybug doesn’t learn squat, and she just does the same things again, but even worse this time.
At this point, they have their own toxic cycle. Ladybug does something to Chat, he puts his own needs aside to forgive and support her instead/accepts the blame onto himself, she does it again. All the while, he’s offering her emotional support while pushing away any of his feelings so that he doesn’t inconvenience her with them. When he does seem at the end of his rope, she says something along the lines of “I need you,” or “you’re irreplaceable to me,” and he comes right back to her, ready to continue being her emotional support partner even though she never actually fixes her mistakes. And while she obviously does mean what she says to him, her actions prove otherwise, and they end up coming across as similar to those little concessions Gabe gives Adrien so that he won’t get away from him. And this is never resolved. Season 5 ignored it, but it was never resolved, and the finale just brings it back full throttle with Marinette literally siding with Gabriel and doing what he wants.
This should have been an arc showing how Ladybug’s and Gabriel’s treatment of Adrien is ultimately different. They both make the same mistakes, though Gabriel is worse. But what’s different is that Ladybug actually does love and value Chat Noir, and she would never go as far as that because learns and grows, and because she is a good person. But instead, they had the protagonist act like the love interest’s abuser, established a bunch of parallels between them, and had her literally follow his request on how to treat his victim. They flat out went beyond it being a coincidental parallel. She’s literally doing what he wants at his own request. Not a good look for the abuse victim’s girlfriend to be behaving like the abuser.
But that was a long tangent. Anyway, to sum it up, Chat Noir was supposed to be Adrien’s escape from a toxic, controlling environment into one where he could be free. But everything changed when Season 4 attacked. And Adrien goes back to his trauma responses that he tries to escape from as Chat Noir, and this is treated as good and correct by the narrative. His hero life is also now being controlled, and Ladybug is behaving like Gabriel. His life where he once felt free is just another prison.
I hope this answers your question. Thank you for your ask!
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flightfoot · 11 months
Miraculous movie review
Just watched the movie. Overall, I'm pretty mixed on it. There were some things I thought it did well and others I thought it was pretty poor at, especially with how the constraints of its runtime meant it couldn't build relationships as well. Ultimately, I prefer the show, though the movie definitely had some things going for it.
More details below the break, warning there will be SPOILERS below.
What I liked about the movie:
It had some really nice music and song sequences, they were my favorite part of the movie! I thought the singing was top-notch, and I loved the visuals they brought out for them, even if it was clearly non-diagetic most of the time. I adore musicals and sadly there haven't been enough of them lately.
The movie was more consistent with its tone and theming than the show usually is. Granted, that's a LOT easier to do in a single movie than in a show spanning 100+ episodes over seven years. They really leaned into the "Marinette has low self-confidence and just considers herself a useless mess who causes disasters all the time, so she needs to learn that she IS capable and heroic."
This movie BELONGED to Ladynoir, specifically with the song sequences with both of them, I adored them singing duets and dancing together.
ADRIEN GOT TO FIND OUT GABRIEL WAS HAWK MOTH AND REALLY REACT TO IT. Gabriel gave a genuine, heartfelt apology for everything, and gave up when he realized he'd been hurting his son. Since this version of Gabriel had only been avoiding Adrien out of grief and hadn't seemed to ever go out of his way to hurt him or subjugate him, Adrien forgiving him worked, I thought. This version of Gabriel jives nicely with most Gabenath fics I've read.
What I didn't like about the movie:
While I enjoyed the song sequences the most, they did feel kind of jarring with the rest of the movie, especially since Marinette and Adrien had different voice actors for the singing parts.
Adrien's and Marinette's relationship was barely developed in the Adrienette dynamic. I was actually surprised when Ladybug told Chat that her heart belonged to someone else, given that she'd only had like, two scenes with him as a civilian? And neither one was THAT meaningful. The library scene was nowhere NEAR the level of the umbrella scene.
This movie had beautiful music... for the singing parts. But then they tried to bring out the opening chords of "Careless Whisper" for some bits that were supposed to be romantic and... yeah no, that didn't work at all. It felt like a parody. The show uses its OST WAY better, especially "In The Rain".
While this movie emphasized the Ladynoir dynamic, it didn't actually work for me? It was nice to see them sparring, but I didn't like their actual interactions - mostly because of how Chat was portrayed.
Which leads to a point about Chat: he got done dirty here, with his over-the-top bravado getting to the point of arrogance and it even seeming like he was putting Ladybug down sometimes, with him calling her a "sidekick" several times (which Plagg joined in on for some reason) and a watermelon and while that seems to have been in order to show how his and Ladybug's relationship strengthened and became more playful over time, the shortened length of the movie didn't really allow that to be conveyed well. He was mostly just annoying, and it didn't feel like he actually got to do much in fights. We didn't get to follow him much so there wasn't much reason to get attached to Adrien, either.
Were the fart scenes with Plagg really necessary?
Overall I'm happy I watched it, but I wouldn't call it the definitive version of Miraculous by any means. For all its flaws and foibles, I far prefer the show, with the relationships and characters its built, and the creative, intelligent superhero fights it showcases. Just watched the movie wouldn't have gotten me into Miraculous's world, but the show entranced me after only two episodes.
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miraculousink · 1 year
Ladynoir Dating Dynamic Headcanons
Ladybug is always griping about how annoying and silly Chat Noir is. He replies by saying "aww, you know you love me" and she'll stop, smile, and say "Yeah, I do." It gets him and makes him blush every time because he's not used to being loved, yet alone so openly
Whenever they're walking down the street together, Ladybug will walk backwards so she can face Chat. She'll start rambling about something (fashion, trees, her day, how cute her boyfriend is, anything) passionately and lose track of her surroundings. Cue Chat Noir reminding her to watch out for pedestrians and gently steering her around lampposts
Ladybug is a chronic blusher. Chat Noir flirts with her? blush. Chat Noir hugs her? blush. Kisses her? more blush. She sees him, doing absolutely nothing in particular? blush. Someone literally just mentions him? blush.
Ladybug is always referring to Chat Noir as hers. Her kitty, her partner, her boyfriend. She's very open about how much she loves him
Chat Noir opens doors, offers her his hand to help her stand up, fetches things for her, pulls out chairs, etc at every opportunity. always a gentleman
Whenever they're sitting next to each other, they'll start out sitting apart and by the end they'll be in each other's laps
Ladybug playing with Chat Noir's hair
Chat Noir sitting in her lap
Ladybug carrying Chat Noir bridal style even though he's taller than her
They try the spider man style kiss at Chat Noir's request and completely botch it the first time
Their first kiss together is extremely clumsy and awkward but in the moment it doesn't matter because they're just happy to finally get to be in love with each other
Every time they get Andre's ice cream together, they buy Mr. Ramier a cone if possible because of all the times he got them ice cream after he was akumatized
At first everyone is like "awww!! they're finally dating!" pretty soon though, they're more like "okay okay WE GET IT YOU'RE IN LOVE"
Ladybug is actually just as silly and just as much of a flirt as Chat is + she puns because every. time. he just looks so delighted
They love to race each other over rooftops; Chat Noir is faster but he lets Ladybug win because she's so cute when she's gloating
People keep giving them free merchandise of themselves so Ladybug takes the Chat Noir stuff and Chat Noir takes the Ladybug stuff
Ladybug wearing a suit and Chat Noir wearing a dress
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rel312 · 11 months
I forgot the Miraculous Awakening movie was supposed to come out so now I’m gonna ramble about it (spoilers!):
The jumpscare of hearing Marinette sing in a completely different voice took me off guard
I’m loving actually seeing gabriel as a fashion designer and what his stuff looks like
Chloe sounds… very much not like Chloe and it’s off putting (idk if it’s a different voice actor, I’m not looking it up)
“Think you an I were meant to be” I love Alya
Emilie? This clearly in the movie??
Was that Luka I just saw next to Juleka? At school???
The black cat on the book!
Adrien looks so pretty in that shot
Are… are Nino and Adrien already friends??
Gabriel’s hair
The loss of Emilie seems to be a lot more recent/present than in the series
Ohhh it’s her birthday
The lore is very interesting in this, we’re getting a lot more that wasn’t there in the show
So the miraculous have a choice in this for their holders I guess
Fu is so funny
The moon!
Was… was the black cat a coincidence? How did it get there? I don’t think it was Plagg so what was that??
So the first akumatized victim is not a child this time
There’s a ladybug too? I’m so confused
“Who saves a life saves the world” interesting that it’s more prophecy-like
I keep forgetting this is a musical
I love the beats of the theme song though
Is- is Tikki rapping???
No transformation sequence?
So she’s aware it’s a musical?
Is the yo-yo sentient???
No Adrien and Plagg intro scene?
Adrien is so funny he’s so excited to be a hero
Pretty different ladynoir dynamic, cat noir’ not immediately smitten
“A she-ro” please no
She called him Kitty!
Now he’s smitten
“Like a dream in a dream” Adrien you have to work on your lyrics
But the moon
Fart jokes? Really?
Adrien going from she’s my side kick to she’s better than me in every way
Puss in boots
“I have nothing to lose” um your son??
Gabriel villain song kinda goes hard ngl
Is he making multiple villains? I’m so lost
Are they making Mr. Mime a real villain now? Not Mylene’s dad?
Also who is this pink haired lady?
“Dr. Love” Nino I love you but you’re so wrong
So Nino already has a crush on Alya and not Marinette
Aww Tom gets to hear Marinette call him the best
Only to immediately think she’s embarrassed by him
Nino losing his glasses on the ride is legit my biggest fear when going on rides
Transformation sequence!
Where did she actually transform though? She was just in the middle of the fair
They learned to work together fast
So I guess he doesn’t need to say the word cataclysm?
I love Ferris wheels rolling around scenes
Lmao Marinette really went I’ll save your life but you’re going in the dumpster
The timeline of this movie is very confusing, Nino is in love with Alya? But wasn’t it just the first day of school? Or was it just in the middle? When did Nino and Adrien meet? I have so many questions
Was the balloon thing a person? If not who created him and how?
Are we really getting all this adrienette development in a montage?? He told her about his mom, they went to the movies, they had a double date with Alya and Nino, and were barely getting it???
I love the glitter in Cat Noir’s mask
Ladynoir moment by the moon!
Marinette stood up to Chloe!
Adrien you cannot scare a person like that
The hearts in the balcony and the moon again!
I’m loving the visuals in this movie
“For the first time I feel truly free, it’s all thanks to you” my heart!
Ladynoir seems to be the main ship of the movie and I’m not mad about it
Oh my god their dance by the moon! I knew it was coming but I love it so much!
“How could I ever think she’d fall for me” Adrien stop she does love you she just doesn’t realize it’s you
Gabriel looks like shit and I’m glad to see it
I’m glad Adrien was able to stand up to him though
She actually managed to ask him out holy shit!
I mean I know it’s sad cause he rejected her but she actually managed to do it look at her!
I… did not think her shirt was a tank top this is so weird
Hawkmoth is akumatizing himself???
Careless Whisper again??? Are the writers ok??
Did they really need the takeout death?
The- the moth miraculous just… ate the ladybug miraculous???
I guess they don’t quite have cataclysm and lucky charm, their powers work a bit differently
Gabriel’s face at seeing Adrien, now you finally see what you’ve done you SOB
I’m glad they get to reconcile
So she can just… fix everything without a lucky charm??
Her dress is so pretty!
And she’s not wearing a mask!
The reveal in this is so interesting but pretty cute!
The way she took off his mask and put it on her was so freaking cute!
Really? Cut to the end right before the kiss??
So he does have Emilie in the basement?
Wait a minute I don’t think we ever got to see Chloe and Adrien interact in the movie lmao
The movie started a bit more cheesy and childish but overall they did a pretty good job of telling the story. The visuals were stunning, though the story was a bit rushed but they did a good job. There wasn’t quite enough time to develop the characters and their dynamics but they did the best they could with the time they had. The person who did Marinette’s singing voice was amazing, but I wish they found someone who sounded more like Marinette if they couldn’t use the same voice actress. The lore was a bit different but I kind of like it better than how much we started getting in later seasons, I just wish we got a bit more explanation on some things cause we don’t have the show to give us answers anymore. The only reason I feel like this ending with gabriel and Adrien works is because they didn’t have as much of an abusive relationship and he actually had a chance to redeem himself, but I’m glad he has to actually deal with the consequences. I know there are tons of fanfics about it but it’s so sad that while Marinette knew who Adrien was, he had no idea if he’d ever see Ladybug again but I’m glad that got resolved pretty quickly. I’m confused on what they want to do next cause they clearly were setting up for some kind of sequel but gabriel is already out as Hawkmoth and Nathalie only helped him during that time but I guess we’d just have to wait and see.
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tziplet · 5 months
monbisou's mlb fic rec!! mlb fics recced by monbisou(me)!!
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okay let’s get crackin!!
There’s Something About Marinette by ThoughtWarfare
im telling you this fic is so funny and honestly kind of the reason i got pulled back into ml fandom after thinking i’d finally moved on with my life. ever since i read this, marinette x ladybug has been my otp.
Girls Talk Boys by LNC
the core four and adrienette being oh so charming. to be honest, i would recommend everything and anything by LNC, this just happens to be my most recent read.
golden (like daylight) by okayanna
in my mind everyone has already read this because it’s so perfect and classic and lovely. also, well written! adrien is so well characterized. what else can i say. ummm 10/10.
Who Kissed Dupain-Cheng by Ridiculosity
sometimes i think about the marichat dynamic in this fic. actually, who am i kidding. i think about it all the time. constantly. i’m obsessed with the marichat dynamic in this fic.
Friends by meeble
short and sweet and deadly. god i love adrienette.
final girl by picayunewrites
could i do a fic rec and not mention final girl? could any honest marichat lover stay silent in the face of the work that is final girl? i recommend this. i recommend it so so hard.
comfort food by Reiaji
marinette cooks for adrien. marinette teaches adrien how to cook. marinette loves adrien. she loves him.
Trying to Get Bi by breeelis
adrien is ladybugs celebrity crush. is he your celebrity crush chat noir?
bon voyage by gentlefist
set more recently in canon! adrien and marinette are dating! they are dating one another! “dang it!” says chat noir.
Mr Perfect Disguise by caprisuns(marimbles)
ladybug wearing a very big floppy hat. adrien agreste wearing slides. romance!
baker “enemies” comic by buggachat
okay, you’re on tumblr, you’re a ml fan. i’m sure you’ve read or at least heard about buggachats comic. i think my favorite thing about buggachat is their portrayal of the core four. or maybe it’s their adrien? maybe it’s their ladynoir. i love buggachat so much.
oeuf ouch owie by miraculousumflower (ominousunflower)
daydream by a_miiraculer and clairelutra
marinette and adrien are so so into eachother. also, he’s figuring out who ladybug is.
But All I’m Seeing Is You by chealseababylove
for a while i was like, “idk man i’m not sure i’m a ladrien type of guy” but that was before i read but all i’m seeing is you by chelseababylove.
The Dating App by leadernovaandthemacabre
chat noir and marinette. marinette and chat noir. they text eachother and analyze eachother from different angles. ps! a lot of sexy talk! for those who are opposed!
for the record by peachcitt
adrien and marinette set the dating record straight! as friends!!!! prpr
telepathy by thelibraryloser
sometimes you just want a good reveal fic. this one is really good.
A Partir De
something i’ve noticed in ladrien fics so far? a lot of very silly disguises. i’m talking extremely silly.
Strangers in the Bright Lights by poodles
poodles you cook my metaphorical noodles. also, this fic is wondrous.
and that’s it!! for now!!! more coming soon i suspect but then again, who knows?
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d1g1k1tty · 10 months
I keep thinking about this, and I don’t remember if I’ve already said this on here, but Miraculous Ladybug is the only fandom where you will have four very distinct and unique ship dynamics from the same two people.
Like, I adore Adrienette. It’s the classic, dare I say, the OG. It’s just two awkward kids who kinda have crushes on each other. It’s cute and it reminds me of a simpler time. They’re both kind-hearted and shit. It’s just-- akfaljaf;ajfk They were my favorite in middle school and I’m attached. I used to watch that timeskip comic video on Youtube. You probably know the one. I’m not even going to explain it. You know what it is. But, I will say that my favorite panels from that video were the ones were Marinette tells Adrien about her pregnancy by putting a bun in the oven, and he doesn’t get it at first. But anyway.
Then there’s Ladynoir. Again, a bit of an OG. It’s the casual banter, the partnership on the battlefield, the complete and utter trust they have in each other. I love them, and I miss them. I need the flirty Ladynoir dynamic again. 
Now, Marichat. I love Marichat, too. They’re just so goofy. It’s like when you meet someone who seems really cool and then you find out that they’re actually a huge dork, and they try to impress you the whole time. That’s the dynamic that they have and I live for it. And also, Chat is just,, so sweet with Marinette. And on the other side of the coin, it’s almost like the secret lover trope. Like, for God’s sake he literally can come in through the balcony in the middle of the night. I love the fics where he’ll just check in on Mari.
And finally... Ladrien. I’ll admit. Out of each ship in the love square, I really, reallly dislike Ladrien. It gives me the vibes of when celebrities get together with their fans... They distract each other too much, and not in the silly goofy way. I just don’t think it’s cute. That’s it. I think I’m done. 
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
hii do you have a list of miraculous fics you think everyone should read at least once?
Anon, I have been excited to answer this request ever since I got it. What better way to celebrate my 50th Rec List (!!!!) than with my favourite fandom fics? 🎉🎉🎉
I've tried to choose fics with a variety of tones, from different fandom eras, and different authors. These fics are all special to me in some way, and whittling this list down was HARD. Others may have fics they think should be on this list, and to those people I say: make your own rec list. This one's mine. 😘
Experimental Kisses by @komorebirei
Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?”
Chat Noir looked up.
“I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.”
Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in.
One-shot. Ladybug offers to kiss Chat since he doesn’t remember their kiss and the way she reacts to the kiss…it lives in my mind rent-free. I have fallen asleep many a night fantasizing about what the repercussions of the kiss might look like. One of my absolute favourite Ladynoir fics.
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle
Alya didn’t want to come between Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she didn’t want to stop being Rena Rouge either. And if Chat Noir didn’t want to talk to her, then she’d need to find a different way to prove all three of them could be a team.
Her plan unintentionally brings a few secrets to light, which leads to even more secrets coming to light, which leads to… well, Alya is sure it’ll all work out eventually.
Multi-chapter. Warning, this fic is a WIP! (But there’s only one chapter to go.) Honestly, I didn’t want to have any WIPs on this list and I was lowkey hoping that it would be finished before I posted this list but I’m obsessed with this one and couldn’t leave it off. It’s literally one of the BEST fics in the entire fandom and, I think, the absolute best delving into the characterization and relationship dynamics of the core four. This fic feels so dynamic and complex, with all of the characters feelings so like themselves and each having their own distinct voices. The conflict is so well done and so realistic. It’s such a fantastic tackling of the issues that came up in the last couple seasons and I cannot rave about it enough!!
œuf ouch owie by @ominousunflower
Chat Noir enlists Rena Rouge's help to create an Aspik illusion. Absolutely nothing goes wrong.
Ladybug smiles. “I wanted to drop by and welcome Aspik. I know it must be a little intimidating, being surrounded by so many veteran heroes…so, welcome! We’re glad to have you on board.”
“I look like an egg!” Aspik announces, T-posing.
Chat turns to Rena, feeling like he has been punched in the solar plexus. What the hell? he mouths.
Rena grimaces, her eyes wide with panic. Stomach sinking, Chat remembers one of the first things he learned about the Fox Miraculous: that if Rena Rouge isn’t focused, her illusions go haywire.
Oh, no.
One-shot. This is hands down the FUNNIEST fic in the entire fandom asdfghjkl like I have read this fic at least 50 times and I still laugh out loud every single time. If you have somehow failed to read this fic before, read it now. You won’t regret it!
lucky (we're in love in every way) by @carpisuns​
Chat Noir is Adrien, and Marinette is freaking out. If she manages to quiet her internal screaming, maybe she can also find the guts to tell him her identity too. And maybe they'll actually live happily ever after—well, as soon as Tikki and Plagg are done humiliating them.
One-shot. This fic just makes me so incredibly happy. Like it puts a smile on my face every single time I read it (and I have read it many, many times!) I love Marinette’s reactions and Adrien’s sweetness and the kwamis just absolutely ROASTING both of them. Marissa has written a ton of amazing fics for this fandom (seriously we are so lucky to have her) and I was tempted by others (like tell me something i don't know) but in the end, I had to follow my heart with this one.
Your Kitty by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights​
“Such a dramatic kitty.” Marinette scratched under his chin, bringing a smile to his face and a purr to his throat.
Your kitty, he didn’t say.
Wait. What?
(The one where Chat Noir thinks he needs pats like a cat, only to find out he may have jumped to the wrong conclusion.)
One-shot. When I think of Marichat, this is THE fic I think of. Adrien being touch starved is 100% my headcanon now. This is just so sweet! Marinette’s affection and Adrien’s determination to do the right thing no matter the personal cost and the way they fell for each other without meaning to... Also I love that they both encouraged the other to go back to their original crushes because that makes so much sense!!
rattle my cage by @lnc2​
In which history, despite Alya's best efforts, does not repeat itself.
One-shot. I am always here for Adrien being rash and Marinette being smart and capable and just switching to treating him as Chat absolutely seamlessly after a reveal. I absolutely love the vibes of this one.
Chasing the C/h/atwalk. by @runningoutofink
Paris. The city of lights, love and fashion. Follow the progress of Marinette Dupain Cheng as she enters the extremely competitive world of Reality television for a chance to be the winner of Project Runway: France.
Multi-chapter. It should come as no surprise by now that I’m a sucker for reality tv and this is my absolute favourite reality cross in the fandom! I love that it’s canon compliant, and frankly the idea of Marinette and Adrien as designer and model on Project Runway is friggin’ BRILLIANT. The slow burn and pining are delicious, and the identity reveal is incredibly well done! (And it has a steamy sequel, Meet me in the Middle, which is 🔥🔥🔥 and intensely satisfying after all of that build up.)
daydream by @clairelutra
you're my daydream
you know that i've been thinking about you lately
In which Adrien finds out Ladybug is Marinette, and beats the 'this is fine' dog at his own game.
One-shot. Shout-out to the author for realizing way before canon let on that Adrien is way more likely to figure out Marinette than the reverse! And then absolutely murdering us with this intense slow burn that absolutely drips with mutual pining and UST.
What Will You Do When Everyone Knows? by @sariahsue
They stepped in closer, shoulder to shoulder to catch the akuma as she landed, but she twisted in midair, landing squarely in front of Cat Noir, swiping at him. He stepped back, trying to keep his balance. Her fingertips almost touched his face, and Ladybug felt her stomach lurch.
“Duck!” she yelled to him as she whipped her yoyo around. He did, but unfortunately, the akuma woman did, too. Ladybug suddenly had no target to latch onto and lost her balance. Her stomach twisted again as she pitched forward. Black hands darted forward to catch her, but too late she realized it wasn’t her partner. Cold gloves caught her shoulder and neck, then slid up her face, brushing past her earrings. Cold. The woman’s touch froze Ladybug’s breath in her throat.
Then there was something warm around her middle. Cat Noir’s shout sounded distant as he pulled her away. As the woman’s black gloves left her face, Ladybug felt even more heat being pulled from her, along with… something else.
Multi-chapter. There really isn’t another fic in the fandom like this one. The akuma is original and provides an absolutely amazing premise for this fic. We have mystery, intrigue, and a huge upset to the status quo with the public revealing of Ladybug’s identity. I also loved the dramatic irony of Marinette being unable to understand Chat’s reactions to things that make perfect sense to us readers. It’s got amazing characterizations and suspense, and I love it!
But All I’m Seeing Is You by @chelseaapproved
After Ladybug finds out Adrien is her Chat Noir, they start dating. She didn’t think it’d be so hard to keep her identity a secret from him. She also didn’t realize how much it would affect her friendship with him as Marinette.
One-shot. This might be my favourite ladrien of all time. It’s only about 5k, but man does it ever pack in a lot of emotion and relationship development and I really, really, really love it.  I really felt how much they love each other in this one and Marinette is just so, so wonderful to Adrien and he’s so wonderful to her and if you haven’t already please read this.
A Miraculous Reveal by @kasienda​
Series of one-shots and drabbles all centered around The Reveal Moment. Identities will be revealed, feelings will be confessed, and secrets will be discovered through contrived situations, accidents, meddling friends, desperate moments, and moments of emotional vulnerability. Each chapter is a self contained piece. Love-square focused, but will not remain exclusive to them. Each chapter will have its own trigger warnings.
Collection of one-shots. I feel a little like I’m cheating in including a collection here, but like most of us in this fandom, I’m an absolute sucker for identity reveals, and @kasienda is especially talented at writing them! Every single one of these is beautiful, amazing and worth reading at least once.
the wonderful part of the mess that we made by heresie_irisee
They knew.
They knew, and there would be no magical reset button for the memories they'd made today. She'd have to  see him at school every day, and she'd see the Chat in him, as surely as  he'd see the Ladybug in her.
One-shot. Oblivio is probably my favourite episode and this is such a great alternate take on it. The mutual pining is so, so, so good! Especially love Marinette struggling to assimilate Adrien’s identities and Adrien’s obliviousness.
The following fics are amazing and absolutely worth reading, but do feature sexual content, so minors beware.
The Ladybugs and The Bees by @bullysquadess
AKA the early-fandom Ladynoir puberty fic that spiraled waaaaay out of proportion.
Multi-chapter. I’ve avoided reccing this fic for so long as it was literally the most kudosed fic in the entire fandom when I joined. However, the kudos are well-earned and I can’t make a list of must reads without including it. I love the ladynoir, the way it builds slowly, the focus on the developing relationship, both physical and otherwise, the yearning and the devotion and the vulnerability. And, of course, the steamy scenes are fantastic!! The whole thing is just so well developed and feels so grounded and real. I absolutely love it.
one night of moonlight by @mirthaculous
i’ll always think of you
inside of my private thoughts
i can imagine you
touching my private parts
2:13 ok im texting you now like i promised instead of drunktexting adrien and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. arent you proud of me?
2:19 this is Adrien, hi.
Marinette’s brain-to-mouth filter isn’t great on the best of days. Add some beer and some misplaced texts, and things get a little more… interesting.
One-shot. Rated M. This is one of my favourite fics of all time. This is so steamy, seriously the UST is off the charts!! It is absolutely unreal how much these two want each other and the mutual pining and they’re so stupid and this fic literally killed me and I thanked it.
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standreamy · 11 months
A very problematic finale.
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I really didn’t want to talk about this because I was spoiled with the leaks time ago so I was prepared for the worst, but even so... after watching it... it just made me so sick. 
I don’t really blame people who liked the finale, and I’m aware that this is not anymore the last season. 
But there are so many issues that it's even difficult to know where to start.  So, first of all, a premise...
We don’t know when season 6 was confirmed to the writing crew, but it was almost surely when writing was basically over. Or so we can presume. Season 4 and 5 were written kind of together and between the time the writing ended and season 6 was confirmed and then started to be written, passed quite some time. 
Logically, there wasn’t anymore time to change big stuff. Once the episodes were being animated there would be no chance to change the scrips. Thomas said already that they have too much rush and pressure from tv channels, which prevents them to fix mistakes in the writing or animation. Once things are done, they’re done. And from the leaks and the bible we know that most things, comparing what was probably the info for season 5 when it was the last season and when the series was renewed, stayed the same. 
Some minor changes are probably there, but again, they are MINOR. Changing Emilie’s name with Ladybug’s... removing her glance exchange with Adrien... But the basic issues stayed the same and we can presume they were present in every version of the finale, since from Thomas’s tweets about the choice of keeping Chat out of the finale, that seemed a willing choice made from the start. 
This means that most of this was planned even when season 5 was meant to be the last season.
Possibly no reveal, and if there was it was shoved the last moment or in a very rushed way (It’s already way late for that), Gabriel “winning”, Adrien never learning about the truth, Chat Noir non participating in the final fight. The actual ending of the show.
And all this portrayed to be something positive.
With an ending where all abusive parents were excused and paid no consequences.
“But there are more seasons, surely these elements will be picked up again”. Postponing elements for too long makes higher the risk to make the resolutions anticlimatic and out of their ideal context,  The new butterfly opens a new set of plotlines, and Adrien's plotline will be dragged on.  You may can’t rush Adrien’s reaction and trauma, but if this was the intention, it could have been done seasons ago. When there was still more confirmed seasons to go and it wasn’t a possible finale of the series. 
And I also feel like asking... when did Miraculous and its writing give any reason for fans to trust it picking up again these plotlines and handle them correctly? Where does this trust comes from?
The show is famous from dragging things for longer than they should and not resolving them properly. When there were 5 seasons to handle the plot, the relationships, the characters at the best possible. 5 seasons to build the fluff and the angst, to handle misunderstandings, to build friendship between the characters, between the protagonists... to then lead it to romance. 5 seasons to make the characters fall in love with every side of themselves slowly and gradually, to make character live negative events and heal, to have a decent reveal and seeing what comes after. And there was none of this. Since season 5 must have not been changed a lot since the confirmation of season 6... when was Chat supposed to discover about Chat Blanc? When was Ladybug supposed to develop a trauma out of it? 
What did the Ladynoir dynamic lead to? Their whole talk in s4 finale, their newfound equality? What was that angst subplot needed for? Was it brought up again? Because I remember a lot of fans saying that surely Ladybug would apologize, that Chat would turn that experience as a lesson for self-love and acceptance, that the topic of their misunderstanding would be brought up again in season 5, yet it didn’t happen.  Chat questioning Ladybug about the identities of the secondary heroes, about Multimouse, about many things... Nothing.  I hear a lot of “Surely next season...” “Surely this will be-” And I don’t blame people for hoping, nor I’m judging, but I also think that people who don’t believe it anymore and and think this is way too late have their own reasons too. 
Now, going deeper into what I think are some big issues:
First of all, Adrien/Chat obviously not being included in the final fight and not discovering the truth. 
The first issue about this regards the usual discourse about the balance between the two heroes. 
We are told that Chat and Ladybug are equals even with her being the "leader" but it's always shown and proved otherwise. This happened for seasons with Chat being kept in the dark, then with Ladybug becoming guardian and then with the Ladynoir trust issues plotline in season 4, which was left mostly unresolved.
  Kuro Neko seemed the resolution of that plotline, but not only it didn't explain why Chat would be fundamental for the team (while showing instead that a perfect cat holder would be just more functional and then saying just "But Chat is better" without explaining) but it also mostly blamed the whole thing on Chat while Ladybug says she didn't know he felt left out and adds that he not as needed anymore.  S4 finale instead shows Ladybug admitting she pushed him away on purpose, the exact opposite, didn't apologize and the thing being forgotten because the other heroes couldn't be called up anymore. And this with it being said multiple times that Chat was then just a hero like the others and not anymore her equal. Then, in s5, with the opening even and the situation implying they'd be both just as important, ends up with excluding him from the finale. The co-protagonist, the other half of the whole. The one who is son of the villain.
After 5 seasons of him being extremely related to the plotline due to him being Hawkmoth's son and the plot being basically all centered on his birth, it just leaves everything uncomplete and unfullilling. 
Adrien was never able to have the realization, to deal with it even if it’s sad and heavy with the support system he built. He wasn’t able to live such a big personal growth, an important reaction out of his character was avoided, even with it being so important. True, Adrien would feel lost, angry maybe, sad, but these emotions would have been very important for his character. The reactions that characters have to situations is just as important as the events happening. Marinette's reaction over the truth wasn't as fundamental as it would have been Adrien's.
And this leads to the other big problem that makes me even sicker: Adrien not discovering the truth and Chat either. 
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The thing is obviously wrong because of missed character development and for the abuse plotline. The thing that makes me sick about the finale is indeed how the abuse plotline was ended. When it was made such a big point, I find unacceptable to end it with not only Gabriel being fakely redeemed, reminded as a hero by the people but also his abused son. 
Adrien can't come in terms with his own situation as victim, he can't grow and heal from it. Gabriel's death doesn't erase what happened and making Adrien believe he was a hero and even saying he can't even dream to be like him, is... just wrong on so many levels.  It doesn’t matter if Marinette says to be himself and not his father. Adrien still thinks positively about one who abused him for years. Gabriel sacrificing his life for Emilie's may make it seem he wasn't so bad, but it doesn't cancel his actions. He still was a terrorist and an abuser and not only he didn’t pay for his actions (death isn’t a punishment, prison instead yes) but he was rewarded, because he was remembered positively for it.  And while his death could be acceptable eventually, even if him paying for his actions would be better, Adrien not finding out is ridiculous. And Chat not doing it either is just as much a problem, because as I mentioned already in a past message, it implies that Ladybug didn’t tell her "equal partner" about the true final fight. I think it's something pretty important he should know how things really went, instead of just being satisfied with "it's all over, gabriel helped against a random person who died" Of course, it would lead to Adrien discovering, but Chat knowing would only be the right thing. Just as of course Adrien.  Adrien should know. Marinette should have told him, instead of doing as Gabriel wanted. Like, at least not telling around Gabriel was a hero? 
Isn’t she the character who hates lies and injustice? Is not seeing Adrien sad worth making him sadder when he will discover he was lied at?  If we are supposed to believe she is on the right, she is the one showing what true love is and what Adrien deserves, opposite to Gabriel's, it should be portrayed as such. She is just keeping more secrets from him as she always has done with Chat. She isn’t letting him take his own choices. She isn’t letting him be free as he says she makes him feel. 
Of course, she can make mistakes and it could open up an angst plotline, but angst plotlines with Marinette/Ladybug keeping a secret they shouldn’t have kept was already done multiple times and it always ended up with the lesson being forgotten, with the entire resolution being underwhelming or Chat accepting the situation and blaming himself anyway....
We can also say that it’s Nathalie, Plagg, Amelie or Felix telling Adrien. But what counts is that he should have known.
“But Chat Blanc showed that Adrien can’t face his father” Chat Blanc was an alternate reality, one that was supposed to tell that it wasn’t “the right moment, in the right conditions”.  Character weren’t ready yet, they weren’t mature enough or ready to face such a difficulty. And perhaps you may never be ready for such a thing, but you can face it and heal.  Adrien has a better support system, more realization over his situation as victim and is more mature. He isn’t supposed to be the same of back then. 
Whether Season 6 will really pick it up again, Gabriel’s arc was this. The ideal moment for Chat to face his trauma was this.  And even accepting Adrien’s absense and unawereness...  The other issue is that these episodes treat his reaction as a good one. if you want to postpone his reaction, to make clear that it’s only Adrien that tries to convince himself of something that is wrong, you still need to put elements that remind that what he is thinking isn't "right" morally. Especially in a show that tries to teach morals and is always excused to be for kids. There are plenty ways to show with clarity that what Adrien believes is wrong with him still saying those things: soundtrack, Marinette doing a quick grimace of regret or disgust and him not noticing or their kwami saying something at all in the background.
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There are plenty more issues, like Gabriel being once again not a solid villain or character, the wish allowing to choose a “sacrifice”, Gabriel “winning”.
Yes, Gabriel may didn’t revive Emilie, and made the perfect world he wished with Adrien as a perfect symbol, but he reunited with Emilie, was remembered as a hero, admired by his son, avoided being imprisoned and paying for his crimes between terrorism and abuse (I don’t see death as a penalty), dying with a serene smile on his face....
Even if the perfect ending wasn’t perfect, even if it resulted in an illusion, in dire consequences, Gabriel’s tale ended mostly in a positive light.   Once again also, it’s highly unprobable that big changes were made between the finale when it was meant as last season and the finale when season 6 was confirmed. So most of these factors would just be part of the real end.  While we can’t confirm that for sure, it’s still something to keep in mind.  I really want to to say again that I don’t want to shame on people who liked this season finale, but just to explain why I perceived these episodes as problematic and why I understand the view of everyone else expressing criticism. 
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miraculouslycool · 10 months
My Review of Miraculous Awakening: The Movie:
Spoiler alert: yeah I'm more disappointed than pleased. Zag really should consider making something original with his own deviations of the original show instead of contaminating what was already good on its own.
More under the cut, because spoilers:
The Things I did like:
The animation and visuals were stunning. The transformation sequences, Marinette's dreams being visualised, Ladynoir's duet were all very beautiful to look at. I liked how the powers and power-ups glowed, even the background and setting was tastefully done. This movie is very cinematic to look at and watch. The character models were definitely better looking than the prototypes they showed us in 2021.
(Sadly it seems like all the 100M budget went into this alone)
The Ladynoir was so cute y'all. I'm sorry, I know there are several people who would disagree but I liked their dynamic, their bickering and all was funny, and their duet and dance took my breath away. Was it as earth-shattering and groundbreaking as the show's Ladynoir dynamic? Absolutely not. It definitely felt like I was watching two different characters who had to learn to not dislike each other (compared to how they got along so well and clicked since the day they met in Origins), and I did like that they made Marinette acknowledge her feelings for Chat as well as Adrien, but if I compartmentalise it from the show, I think it's fine enough. I'm not really conflicted about it if I look at it that way.
The things I'm conflicted about:
Marinette's arc was....generic. It reminded me of several coming-of-age arcs where the protagonist had to learn to face their fears and believe in themselves, yada yada yada. But it felt like the soul of the Marinette we all know was gone from movie!Marinette. What made Marinette Ladybug in the first place was that quiet but powerful moment in Origins where she transformed to save Chat Noir and Alya even though she was terrified. Marinette was shy and reserved in the beginning of Origins, but it seemed like that was all Zag ever comprehended. What makes Marinette a hero is that she didn't "just face her fears", it's that her love for the world is bigger than that fear. She's scared of disappointing and failing the world than failing herself. That little nuance was deeply missed in the movie. Oh and her mega-intelligent genius brain too. What happened to the girl who can build a box that bites that hand that tries to steal from her? Where are her zany, over complicated plans?
However the reason why I didn't put her completely in the dislike tier is because this girl is genuinely the only one in the movie carrying the combat on her back. She's the one saving people, she's the one actually using her powers, she's the one at least acting like a hero.
Marinette's singing voice was not suitable at all. Lou is technically a very good singer but she's unable to bring the life Christina Vee does to her voice. Idk why they needed a singing voice actor for Marinette, Christina Vee has a beautiful voice already. Three guesses as to why she wasn't used. (/s)
The musical numbers were, like I said earlier, nice and lovely to look at. But after them making Marinette sing for the third time about believing in herself and having no way out of "facing her destiny" it starts to get grating. In all that time, they could have used it to flesh out Adrien's character much more, or even work on the rules for the miraculous. I did like Hawkmoth's number, Chat's song about falling for Ladybug and Ladynoir's duet, but that's it.
The thing Germy Zag and his money hungry company fails to understand is that Miraculous Ladybug, or any version of it will fail as a musical is because the show is too plot and action-driven. There is always something that has to be shown visually or explained verbally, and unless they're willing to show that in song, instead of filling it up with pretty sequences, ML as a musical is never going to work.
Things I dislike:
The "Chosen One" trope is 100% the worst part of this movie. (The use of Careless Whisper is a close second)
The miraculouses in the show were jewels that were meant to be given to people who proved they good at heart, and had potential to be heroic. The earrings and the ring flying away to magically bond with their owners was just plain lazy writing. What makes Ladybug (well, to a certain extent, she is the Guardian now) and Chat heroes is that they can choose to give up their powers at any point, they can choose to give up, but they get up and fight anyway because they want to become good people, not because they were destined to.
Why was the butterfly miraculous described as "evil"? It was common sense to show it as a jewel that can be misused by bad people, not something that was essentially made to be misused. Why were the Ladybug and the Cat shown as rivals, and not two halves of a whole that complement each other?
And most importantly, WHERE THE FUCK IS THE LUCKY CHARM???
And on that note, what, may I ask, did Adrien to earn the ring? How did he meet Plagg? How was he convinced to put on the suit? Movie!Adrien is a complete disappointment, and he didn't even have any nice redeeming moments like Marinette did for me to tolerate his portrayal. One of the important (if not THE most important aspects) of Adrien is his kindness. What kind, selfless things do we see Adrien do? What brave things do we see him do, other than taking shots at the villains?
Chat Noir in the show was much more reckless and direct than Ladybug but we also always see him saving civilians, putting Ladybug first, putting the fight first even when he is not doing good emotionally (which is always). It just felt like a fan's surface-level understanding of who Chat Noir is: a few snarky lines put together and a huge ego.
And don't even get me started on how shallow the Love Square was portrayed. Or in other words, the two sides of it that Zag thinks is the most marketable. I really really hate how rushed Adrienette was, compared to Ladynoir. This is insane, because I never thought I'd have any opinion like that about any canon portrayal of the Love Square, but it's true. Why did Marinette fall for Adrien? Because he awkwardly helped her up? Why did Adrien find Marinette's quirks weird when he's never ever done that in the show? Like where's the depth that Origins put into this ship?? And every single episode after??
I do think this could've been fixable though, if they didn't reduce Adrienette to a montage (like him telling her about his mom) and added at least 1 Marichat and Ladrien interaction each. That's what the other two sides are meant for!! For both of them to see a different side of their partner when their partner is seeing them differently!
In other words, this movie is showcasing the "true selves" syndrome several parts of the fandom were accusing the show of. Zag simply did not understand the ins and outs of what makes the Love Square so compelling and I really think if this was fixed, the movie wouldn't be as disappointing as it is.
Gabriel's arc was pathetic. I know, on one end, it's like, yay, Adrien's gets a grieving, neglectful but well-meaning parent!! He gets to avoid the abuse he goes through in the show!! But I think it also takes away the angst that comes from Adrien essentially being a hero fighting against his father's abuse daily, which is also a core component of the show (who knows how season 6 will deal with that) and it also was a huge asset to Adrien's character - how he turned out good, kind and heroic despite all that.
And Gabriel by himself just isn't as compelling if he wasn't a ruthless villain, in my subjective opinion. Maybe the moment of forgiveness between son and father would have been more touching if we got a few scenes between Gabriel and Adrien. (Can you believe they only interact TWICE in a 90 minute movie??) Maybe Gabriel shutting Adrien out but out of genuine overprotectiveness, maybe Adrien trying to bond with his father but Gabriel misunderstanding it and killing the entire vibe. Just something to show us that Gabriel really does love his son, if that is what the movie wants us to believe.
The ending being a sequel hook was so stupid lmfao. Gabriel wants to stop being a villain for his son's sake but will entrust the peacock miraculous and his refrigerated wife to his assistant? Instead of idk, properly cremating the poor woman? He doesn't want to be a villain but he won't let go of his obsession with his wife?
It makes sense psychologically, I just hate it because I know that in 2 years Germy is gonna waste another 100 million dollars to make another pointless sequel.
Overall I'd give it a 3/10. It's a shame because all of this stunning animation could have been used in the actual show, or the bickering dynamic they wanted for Ladynoir could have been done with different original characters.
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Derision was a breath of fresh air this season. I didn't have much to analyse in the latest episodes, but here I go now.
This episode gives us that very important backstory needed to understand Marinette's behaviour both as herself, but also Ladybug. Chloé's bullying and her trauma with Kim has very much shaped her way of thinking and acting, which we see the most throughout season 4 and 5.
After confessing to Kim in what turned out to be a prank and humiliated, Marinette swears to three things:
To never fall in love with someone without knowing them fully
To always have everything planned and under her control
To never get feelings for someone who is friends with Chloé
Each of these decisions are a direct consequence of her trauma, beliefs acquired due to it, and they have tremendous impact on her decisions later on. Let's take it piece by piece.
Belief 1: I should never fall in love with someone without knowing them fully
I guess I am not the only LadyNoir stan who has been thoroughly annoyed for years that Ladybug refused to acknowledge that she held a deep affection for Chat Noir. Well, turns out, that had a very justified reason. She has prohibitten herself from having feelings with someone who she doesn't know fully, which obviously is impossible when she can't know the person behind the mask. This decision to omit any romantic feelings that she may have for Chat Noir happens mostly unconsciously: it is not that she actively thinks that the person behind the Chat Noir person is bad (or God forbid, friends with Chloé!). It is just that she has once put her faith in someone and let herself fall in love with them without knowing them properly, and it led to humiliation, heartache, and hurting her friend Socqueline. So obviously, in her mind, as someone she can't ever fully know due to the identity schenanigans, Chat Noir is a no-no on her crushable guys list.
Then you might ask, how come she ends up falling in love with Chat Noir in season 5? She even explicitely says, in Elation, that she doesn't care that he wears a mask, right?
Well, here is the thing, at the end of Season 4, Chat Noir shows to Ladybug that she can trust him, and she really does. She starts giving him more responsibilities as her partner (like confiding him the Bunny Miraculous), but also as a friend. She realises that she trusts Chat Noir literally with her life, why not with her heart? So she is willing to make an exception to her belief, because she trusts Chat Noir and that he'd be there when she is down (and not kick her the way Kim did).
Belief 2: I must always have everything under control
I won't get in the details of Marinette and her need for control and how it affects her relationship with Adrien and with Chat Noir because I already did it after Passion (I think my analysis from then still stands in this new context). But basically, Marinette has an urge to control everything because, now we learned, in times she didn't, things went very sour. This applies to her superhero work and how she wanted to be the only one in charge until her overbearing of responsibilities broke her in Risk, but also her personal life, where being in a relationship with Adrien is totally unchartered territory for her (more on that in the aforementioned post), plus too similar in circumstance to what happened in the past with Kim, so she is being extra controlling.
Belief 3: I should never get feelings for someone who is friends with Chloé
Marinette's context with Kim and Adrien show a lot of similarities, which explains why she is being overly controlling and reserved when it comes to her relationship with Adrien.
Adrien and Chloé are childhood friends, and since their friendship developed outside the school, Marinette doesn't know much about their friendship dynamics (neither do we). She only knows that Chloé is cruel, and how can someone nice be friends with someone so cruel?
Hence her mistrust of Adrien in Origins. When they first meet, she doesn't like Adrien, thinks that he is trying to prank her for Chloé. See the parallel with Kim? That never was Adrien's intention of course, and he comes clean in a half-apology, telling her that he never meant to put the chewing gum on her seat. A recognition of his actions and how they may impact her, which Kim never did. Even when confronted a year later by Ondine and Adrien, he still continues to argue that he was in the right. Meanwhile, Adrien acknowledges that his action might have hurt Marinette even if he didn't even mean to prank her. From the beginning, Adrien sets himself different from Kim, and Marinette inconsciously acknowledges that by allowing herself to develop feelings for him.
Nonetheless, the scar of that past trauma stays, and manifests itself when she wants to finally confess her feelings for Adrien. After all, Kim pranked her just as she had confessed to him, so it is totally underastandable that in Marinette's brain, confessing and making yourself vulnerable equals to being hurt.
But she is willing to work on that. At the end of Derision, she does take Adrien's hand, even though after some hesitation. However, she can't keep holding onto it, and she apologies for it. Adrien says that they have time, allowing her the space she needs to unlearn her past beliefs.
While Marinette decides to work on herself to get over her fear, Adrien also unrealisingly addresses the source of Marinette's fear by confronting Chloé and severing all ties and friendship he had with her.
In the end, both are willing to be there for each other and do the right thing.
This season shows that Marinette cannot, in fact, continue hanging onto the beliefs she acquired after Kim's prank.
She does prove herself wrong by managing to fall in love with someone she doesn't know fully, and even acknowledges that she doesn't need to know Chat Noir fully to love him.
She sees that she cannot keep everything under control by herself and she needs support, especially that of Chat Noir. But also, she learns that she needs to yield some control to Adrien if she is to have a healthy relationship with him.
Lastly, she is willing to try and get past her fear of Chloé. Adrien also distancing himself from her, facilitates Marinette's job.
Overcoming these three beliefs that Marinette acquired due to the trauma caused by Kim and Chloé, Marinette is now one step closer to being able to love Adrien (but also Chat Noir!) fully and freely.
Note: I haven't watched anything beyond Derision, so please do not spoil beyond that in the tags or comments 0:)
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adrinoir · 1 year
Where did LadyNoir go?
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I’m definitely not the only person who has said and thought this, plus feels a bit salty about it lol. But I think it needs to be talked about more.
In the beginning of season 5, Ladybug and Cat Noir start falling into the Reverse Love Square dynamic. Ladybug starts acting real flirty around Cat Noir, and Cat Noir is slowly pushing her away. But the thing is, it’s made obvious that Cat Noir still loves Ladybug and Marinette still loves Adrien. More importantly, that Cat Noir still loves Ladybug.
Like, Cat Noir was absolutely devastated and tried to completely cataclysm an akumatized villain over tricking him with the LadyNoir dream sequence. An extremely clear sign he still loves Ladybug.
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And then, even more struggles develop between them, as shown through the Marichat dynamic in Elation. Cat Noir realizes he can’t love someone being masked. Marinette starts to realize how hard it is to love Cat Noir HOWEVER she still didn’t want to give up, hell she kissed that boy.
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But, as soon as Adrien and Marinette end up together after all these struggles, no awkwardness nor signs of still loving each other exist at all in the LadyNoir ship. It’s all just completely wiped away, all LadyNoir does is act like heroic partners. It’s almost like the Marichat kiss and LadyNoir dream never happened.
I know it’s important that Marinette realized it’d be too tough to be with Cat Noir and that Cat Noir notices it’d be too hard to be with Ladybug - I’m not saying it isn’t. However, I wish there were still signs - even if they’re small - of awkwardness or tension between Ladybug and Cat Noir. Or, they could even show Marinette and Adrien individually struggling with these feelings outside of duty. The love they’ve had for each other can’t just suddenly drop entirely. It’s something that’s built so much over time.
Yes, the Adrienette ship has built over time and it is important that they’re together now. BUT, I’m also saying that it’s unrealistic to portray Ladybug and Cat Noir no longer having any sort of romantic feelings for each other.
Without showing any more progression of the LadyNoir ship at all, the Love Square flops a bit, especially since LadyNoir is just as important of a ship as Adrienette.
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