#i love fire to an unhealthy degree
bbybearcubbs · 6 months
What Crime Are You?... + A Pic Of Your Bias
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It's the fact that, had I not had an early understanding of what consequences are and if I didn't care about consequences, I'd undoubtedly be a pyromaniac, is what makes this funnier than it should be😂❤️‍🔥
[ Tagging ] > @myboyfriendjake @harufluff @nwjws @rikislady @rikilove4 @afelia-123 + anyone else that wants to join!!!
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solarianastrology · 1 year
I just made this blog to post my astro observations, learn more, and interact with others into astrology. I've been studying astrology for 2 years and heavily focus in medical astrology, but I love it all.
DISCLAIMER: These are my observations from my personal experiences with these placements and energies. They may or may not apply to you. Astrology is not the end all be all, it's simply the possibilities and in your birth chart, you determine the outcome. There's duality to everything.
Let's get into these observations>>>>>>
If you've ever paid attention to degrees, you've probably noticed this pattern. Let's take Aries for example. The Aries degrees are 1, 13, and 25. Aries is of the cardinal modality and fire element in astrology.
Let me get to the point >>>>> In astrology, 1 degree is Aries, so is 13 and 25, but let's take a closer look at these numbers. When you add 1+3, you get 4, which is Cancer, a cardinal water sign. When you add 2+5 you get 7, which represents Libra, a cardinal air sign. The degrees coincide with the signs of that same modality.
Another example: Taurus is 2 degrees and its fixed earth sign. The other degrees that represent Taurus are 14 and 26. 1+4 is 5, which is a Leo degree, a fixed fire sign. When you add 2+6, you get 8 which is Scorpio, a fixed water sign. You see the pattern?
Most Pluto 2H natives I know that are undeveloped have an unhealthy attachment to extremely materialistic items (if that makes any sense, lol) such as designer or the most trending fashions. I've seen some go broke buying shoes and clothes, travelling, and I could be wrong but I think it's to give them a temporary sense of self-worth or value. The key with Pluto here is to get in touch with what is truly of value to you instead of what society deems valuable in outer appearance. When you transform your value system, the constant ups and downs with finances, stability, and self-worth will improve. Learn yourself, love yourself, evolve yourself.
In my opinion, Libra's are the most manipulative sign, and this is coming from a Libra. Don't get me wrong, Cancers can be very manipulative emotionally, but they don't care to have you around if you negatively affect their mood. Most manipulators need to manipulate because they need something from you whether it be something physical or not. Geminis manipulate for fun and out of boredom lol, it's not too much reason and they are very independent and can connect with almost anyone, so they don't take the top for me either. Scorpios are known for this, I know... but it's Libra's need for relationships that get me. Libras are balance and anything tipping the scale will cause an imbalance and that's the last thing any Libra wants. Some will do almost anything to keep the peace and not to mention the charm. Heavy Libra placements, especially Sun, Venus, and Mercury's words and deliverance are magnetic. They can manipulate almost any situation. and don't forget they are VERY intelligent. (AIR)
Pisces Rising's are always so beautiful in an out of this world way, like I can stare at them and just admire their beauty, almost like a painting.
Those with Sagittarius Suns in Pisces degrees are healers. They also have an expansive imagination which can sometimes lead to unrealistic or more fantasy thoughts frequently. Beautiful inventions and ideas but it's important that Ya'll sometimes put focus into the details of things and how to actually make those ideas practical so that they manifest physically.
In order to manifest anything, you need all four elements. You first begin with the imagination/visions (FIRE), then you have to connect with that thought emotionally (WATER) to give the thought meaning and reason. Through connecting with that thought you develop thoughts that support that feeling, you gather information (AIR), your mind knows what direction to go in in order to make it a reality. Now you make the thoughts a reality by putting in the practical work (EARTH) to make it physical.
Chiron 3H natives are so smart but with a lot of them I know, the education system made them feel like they weren't because of their unique way of acquiring knowledge. They like to learn on their own and in their own way to build confidence in the knowledge they know. Just because a teacher taught them something one way, doesn't make it the only way. Just because some information came from one source, doesn't make it credible or true, they dig deeper and find their own meaning.
Virgo risings are so well put together and they know it. They not only see the flaws in everything and everybody, but they see it in themselves. I find it beautiful and quite classy that they don't judge anyone despite being able to see the imperfections in others but instead strive for perfection in self. They'll never make a bad first impression.
Cancer moons feel deeply but they are not crybabies, (at least not in front of others). They don't try to suppress their emotions, nor do they try to show them too much, they sort of let them flow. They have a keen understanding of emotions.
Okay thats it! THANK YOUUU
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deanbrainrotwritings · 3 months
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SUMMARY : part III of the love letter collection. still dreamwalking. chasing after someone who can destroy worlds. and dean is jealous of his variants. what could go wrong?
PAIRING : mario!dean winchester x peach!reader (f.)
CHARACTERS : luigi!sam winchester, lush edryx (ofc), toad!castiel, jack kline 
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), angst, fluff, real physics, theoretical physics
A/N : a day to remember song title. this fills the dramatic death square for my @jacklesversebingo card. this was inspired by the second season of What if…? My siblings and I used to play Super Mario Sunshine on our GameCube so that’s what this is based on, too. And my physics degree is paying off! 😂 XXXXxx
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It all started with Cas suddenly appearing within the Bunker, frantically searching for Sam, Dean, Jack, and Y/n. 
To be fair, it was three in the morning and everyone was asleep, so Cas had only found Jack passed out on the kitchen table after another round of Krunch Cookie Brunch in the middle of the night. 
The original plan for Jack was to try Y/n’s remedy for not being able to sleep. Warm milk. Of course, she’d meant in a glass. Then, he got hungry being there—surrounded by food, grabbed the blue box of sweet cereal and served himself once. After finishing his cereal, he still had some milk leftover, so he convinced himself easily that to finish the milk he needed one more serving. 
He got that from Dean. 
Cas sighed at the sight of him, but he was in a hurry. Like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, that’s what he felt like at that moment. So he shook Jack—rather than being gentle—who abruptly sat up, “I didn’t eat it!” He shouted sleepily, his eyes wide and surprised. “Oh, Cas. I thought you were Sam,” he whispered, rubbing sleep from his eyes, much like Dean did. 
“I need to find Sam, Dean, and Y/n,” Cas said distractedly.
“But… it’s late,” Jack stated, having flashbacks of Dean pointing a gun at him for waking him while he was deep asleep. “And Dean and Y/n-”
“I’m aware,” Cas interrupted Jack. “This is more important. They can have coffee.” 
“Erm,” Jack hesitated, but Cas was already making his way out of the kitchen, his beige trench coat billowing behind him. It reminded Jack of Snape, but he shook his head from the distraction and quickly cleaned up before he got scolded by Sam for being ‘unhealthy’. 
Meanwhile, Cas bursted through Sam’s bedroom, the door cracking loudly against the wall, that it alone woke Sam. The gun was quickly in Sam’s hands and the bullet that he’d sleepily fired grazed Cas’ shoulder. Cas pursed his lips and rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored the messy nest that was Sam’s hair. 
“Sam, I’ve got a case,” Cas declared bluntly.
“What the hell, man? It’s-” Sam looked towards his clock by the nightstand with squinted eyes, heavy with sleep. The time glared at him in green, made him groan and fall back into bed. “It’s three in the morning, couldn’t it wait?” Sam turned over onto his stomach, uninterested, and held his pillow to his face, knowing that Cas was not going to let him go back to sleep. 
“This is important. Every second that goes by, catastrophic things can occur,” Cas attempted to explain. 
“Yeah?” Sam asked sarcastically, at the end yawning. “That’s life. We’ll take care of it in the morning.” To emphasise that he was going back to sleep, he lifted his knee to the side and wiggled around until he was back in his original position. 
“I know that,” Cas enunciated with irritation, “this is really complicated and I’d like for all of you to be awake to hear what I have to say so that I don’t have to repeat myself.” Sam groaned loudly into his pillow and then sat up swiftly to glare at Cas.
“Oh my god,” he complained, combing his fingers through his unkempt hair in an attempt to fix it. “You know what? Fine, but if Dean gives you the cold shoulder for a month—again, don’t expect any sympathy from me,” Sam warned grumpily, getting out of bed to get ready to meet Cas in the library. 
Cas gave Sam a deadpan stare and walked out without a word to find Dean and Y/n.
When he made it to Dean’s room, Cas was far gentler with the door. He held it open rather than letting fly open and hit the wall, the way he let happen with Sam. He watched the two figures in Dean’s bed and tilted his head at the sight of Dean practically draped over his girlfriend’s back.
Cas let go of the door and stood there awkwardly trying to see better in the darkness. He could see that the sheets were a mess around them and Y/n was curled up slightly, nearly at the edge of the bed. Cas assumed Dean either pushed her all the way over there or that he was holding onto her so tightly so that she wouldn’t fall. Maybe both. 
Dean was snoring softly, had one arm wrapped tightly around her front and his legs were tangled with hers. Cas didn’t think it looked very comfortable for Y/n, but she was in a deep sleep, completely undisturbed by both the sounds coming from Dean, the lack of coverage with a warm blanket in the cool room, and the lack of personal space Dean was giving her. What a hypocrite.
Cas knew though, it was different when the two of them invaded each other’s personal space, than if it were him or someone else being that close to them. Dean would go ballistic if anyone else stood that close to her, not that she’d ever allow that to happen, she gets irritated easily by other people.
Cas found that strange, too. The way she despised certain traits or habits in others—she made it very clear, verbally—but forgave them in Dean. Perhaps that is love. Compromise. Chaos. Irrationality…
The lights in the hallway turned on and Cas knew it was Sam who turned them on and was now up properly. The light allowed Cas to see much better into Dean’s room, with the light pouring in from the hallway. 
Cas tried to think of something to wake them that would not make Dean and Y/n too angry. He looked around Dean’s room, clothes were strewn on the floor and Dean had his record player on, just static now that the needle was up. It didn’t take very long for Cas to deduct what had happened. Sex. 
They were both naked, Cas could see now. He flushed and averted his gaze, then quickly made his way to the record player, dropped the needle, and put the volume as high as it would go. Led Zeppelin’s Baby Come on Home blared through the room causing Dean to jolt up sleepily, finally disturbing his peacefully asleep girlfriend. 
She whined Dean’s name and Dean froze when he saw Cas standing by the record player. Cas stumbled and turned it off swiftly, smiling nervously at Dean who was now glaring at him. Part of Cas wanted to laugh at the state of Dean’s hair, one side was flat, the other side was a mess, and the top was just sticking up. 
“Dude, what the hell?” Dean whispered aggressively, struggling to lift the tangled sheets to cover up Y/n’s naked body. She turned over onto her stomach and threw her arms around Dean’s waist, grumbling for him to sleep again and hold her. Instead, Dean dropped his hand over her head, buried his fingers into her sex hair, and gently massaged her scalp. She hummed appreciatively and squeezed her arms around him gently.
“Uh… I’m sorry,” Cas apologised slowly. “It’s an emergency and I need her help. It’s about a case, we’ve been working on it together,” Cas explained, then dropped his eyes hesitantly to the small body tangled in Dean’s sheets. 
“What?” Dean asked, no longer playing with her hair. She groaned softly at the loss, so Dean started up again very slowly. “Since when? Why didn’t you guys tell me?” Cas sighed exasperatedly and Dean’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the sassiness exuding from his best friend. 
“Okay, fine,” she finally spoke up, struggling adorably to get up, not caring that she was flashing Cas with her naked body when she turned to face him. “Go, I’ll be there with Dean.”
“Woah, hey,” Dean complained, grabbing her breasts in his hands. She laughed and Cas only became more flustered. “Dude,” Dean said, silently holding a conversation with Cas.
“Right,” Cas averted his gaze and stepped backwards out of their room. “Just, please don’t have sex like you guys always do when we have something important to do,” Cas pleaded. Dean glared at Cas halfheartedly, feigning offence, but knowing very well that it was usually Dean who initiated it and delayed their appearance. 
Dean began to splutter a blush growing on his face. “We have never d-”
“Save it, Dean,” Y/n snorted softly with a laugh, “yes, we have.”  Cas nodded—tried and failed to hold back a smile—and left them to get ready. “I’m so sleepy,” she whined, leaning into Dean’s side. He slipped out from the embrace he had her in and ignored her pout to settle between her thighs with a smug smirk. 
He pushed her gently onto her back and leaned over her, giving her a big kiss on her forehead. She laughed, held his jaw gently in her hand to kiss him lazily, and pushed her fingers friskily into his already messy hair. 
He moaned softly and pulled away, snickering. 
“What?” She asked, brushing his hair with her hands and fingers to make it look better. Even if he looked adorable with it messy. She bit her lip and traced his cheekbone with her thumb. 
“We should be late, y’know, just to keep up with our tradition,” he grinned boyishly. She looked away from his freckles cheek and the cute eye-bag that was more prominent on this side of his face. She raised a brow, opening her mouth to say her piece, except she could only laugh. 
He scowled, leaning forward to press his face against her neck, and laid down on her to stop her laughter. Dean grabbed her thighs to lift them so she’d wrap them around his waist. He bit his lip and squeezed her tightly. She whined in protest, lazily and weakly attempting to push him off her. 
Her heart began racing and heat grew between her legs. The way he moved his lips down her neck, placing wet kisses across her skin, didn’t help her fight between what she wanted from him, and what Cas wanted from her. 
“You don’t look like you want me to stop,” he murmured with a smirk against her breasts. 
“I don't want you to,” she agreed quietly, “that’s why… I’m hoping you'd be nice to me and get off before we waste sweet time doing awesome… stuff.” 
He chuckled against her skin and lathed her nipple up in saliva, needily tugging at it before getting off her. He slid his hands down her sides and groaned at the sight of her, fighting with himself to get up and get changed. 
“I was just trying to wake us up,” he pouted, reaching beneath her to cup her ass and squeeze. “I just need five minutes,” he offered, lifting her hips up suggestively. Her heart leapt excitedly, her stomach flipping when he started to shuffle forward on his knees, his cock nudging her folds. 
“Nah, you can’t change your mind more than once,” she told him playfully, wagging a finger at him with a huge smile. She sat up to wrap her arms around his waist, trying to make him feel better, and pulled him with her as she got off the bed. He groaned and followed her reluctantly to get ready. 
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“Wait, wait, wait,” Dean chuckled dryly, leaning over the table with his palm on the surface, gazing at his girlfriend. “You’ve been working on the case the other me’s were talking about before we left?” She leaned forward and placed her hand over his, perfectly showcasing the ring he had given to her just three months ago.
She inhaled, then exhaled. Dean braced himself. He expected a lie, an explanation. 
“Yes,” she told him bluntly. He appreciated the truth, but he scoffed, and gripped her hand—the one with the ring on it. He brushed his thumb gently over her knuckles, his verdant eyes wide, filled with confusion and hurt.
“We’ve never had this problem before,” Dean frowned at her, it made her tilt her head in regret, “it’s why Sam, and Cas, and literally everyone keeps you out of plans if it involves lying to me…” Dean paused and released her hand gently, realisation dawned on him. “It was that other me, right? That’s why it’s different…”
Sam quickly began to escort Cas and Jack out of the library, the three of them moving out quietly to give them space. Neither of them said anything about their departure, instead Y/n took Dean’s hand again.
“Look,” she sighed, tugging him to stand between her legs. “No matter what reason I give for hiding this from you, you’re gonna poke holes into my logic, and I’m gonna realise you’re right…” She looked up at him, opened his palm, kissing the callouses there lovingly. “We’re in this together now, I should’ve thought about that before hiding this from you. I’m sorry, Dean.” 
Dean cupped her face with both of his hands, taking her words into consideration as he looked into her earnest, soft eyes. He’d never been lied to by her, which was exactly why he couldn't help the hurt in his chest. Still, he leaned forward and kissed her on her lips, slowly, barely feeling her response, before pulling away with his eyes closed. 
“Don’t do it again,” he murmured, sliding his hand down her neck. He brushed his thumb against her collarbone, gazing down at the ashamed expression on her face. It didn’t make him feel better, he knew something was off the past month, but he thought it was the wedding plans that were distracting her.
She placed her hand over his and nodded wordlessly.
“I’m gonna go get them,” she told him quietly, squeezing his hand before getting out of his grasp and walking away to give Dean a few minutes to think and let the information sink in. 
Dean watched her go and took the seat she got up from as he thought about what she’d done. It’s not like… she’d be unfaithful. He knew she would never do that. And she knew him so well she didn’t give an excuse, but he’d like to hear one now, just to understand why she didn’t let him know.
“Okay.. so, the Dean stuff was good to know,” Sam breathed in and then exhaled as he entered the room with Cas, Jack, and Y/n. “But… I mean… whatever Lush is doing is… kinda confusing. It’s Lush, right?” Sam asked, giving his brother a glance to make a quick assessment of his mood.
“Yes,” Cas answered. 
“So, I can use jars of sand as a metaphor or the human body metaphor, which one?” Y/n asked Sam, then glanced at Dean with a tight smile. He gave her a soft one in response. 
“Start with the sand, and if we don’t understand the first one, try the human body,” Sam answered for Dean. She excitedly clapped her hands together and stepped towards where both can see her. 
“Well, let’s say one grain of sand is our current universe: all the stars, the galaxies, dimensions, y’know the makeups of one single universe,” she began, pinching her fingers together. “But if you have a jar of sand, that’s a multiverse. A second grain of sand would be the universe with Hunter Corp, and a third grain of sand would be the universe Micahel destroyed. Still with me?” She stopped waving her hands around, her eyes drifting away as she became engrossed with her explanation. 
“Yeah, yeah… grains of sand as an alternate reality, universe, parallel or whatever…” Sam quickly replied, almost with the same enthusiasm as her. Dean wished he could join in, but part of him was still hung up on her omission. 
“Yes, exactly,” she smiled at Sam. “Well, a whole shelf of jars would be the omniverse. Every multiverse-”
“Every multiverse? Like… what do you mean?” Sam interrupted, frowning. He was clearly overwhelmed with excitement as he ran his fingers through his long hair, hazel eyes adrift before focusing on her once more. 
“Well, one jar of sand would be our multiverse. A second jar of sand would be… the Doctor Who Universe, ya know? And a third would be… a Hunger Games universe. Every jar of sand would be a movie, show, book. Oh, it’s so awesome,” she sighed, leaning over the table with both her hands flat on the wooden surface.
Cas and Jack stared between them, dumbfounded. 
“Wow, yeah, that’s… a lot,” Sam sighed, pulling a chair out to sit down. He thought quietly to himself, chewing on his lip. “You said… every book, does that include maybe.. short stories?” He asked suddenly, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. She lifted a brow.  
“Yes..? You have something specific in mind?”
“You know… the stories people write about… me… and Dean?” He cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably in the chair. Y/n burst out laughing after hearing the question, almost ignoring the disgust on Sam and Dean’s faces. 
“Gross, man,” Dean grimaced, crossing his arms over his chest, looking away.
“Okay, sorry,” Y/n brought herself to say between laughter. She wiped tears from her eyes and dried her fingers on her jeans. “No, yeah, that’s a good question,” she sighed with an amused expression, “anyway… no, those types of stories exist outside of the main multiverse, floating in the omniverse. They’re typically unstable—fleeting, and they collapse in on themselves,” she explained sincerely, an expression of relief while over Sam’s face.
“How come?” Sam inquired, leaning over the table with his fingers entwined together.
“Well, back to jars of sand. The jars are sealed; that makes it an isolated system—nothing gets in and nothing gets out. Nothing new can be created besides what’s already inside. The omniverse, however, is not an isolated system. When someone creates a book, movie, show, or whatever… if it’s… you know.. Popular and strong enough to not collapse in on itself in the omniverse-”
“If we could get to the main point…” Cas pleaded, interrupting their conversation. She looked over at Cas and pouted playfully—it almost made him laugh. She focused anyway, with a roll of her eyes. 
“Right, well, Lush Edryx is breaking those ‘isolated system’ rules by hopping multiverse after multiverse. None of us knows what she's trying to find, but she keeps destroying everything in her quest—or almost destroying everything—which means we need to stop her,” Y/n got to the point, staring at Cas with a glint of mischief. 
“How did she get so powerful?” Sam asked, gazing from her to Jack.
“Well, every multiverse has its own God, Darkness, Lucifer… and all that… Jack thinks that for Lush’s multiverse, the Darkness gave her the ability to travel from multiverse to multiverse. We just can’t find out what they’re looking for. We just know where she’s currently headed. Well, Cas and Jack know,” she started to ramble, carefully scratching the table with her nails mindlessly.
“How can we help if none of us has those kinds of powers?” Sam questioned, leaning back in his chair. 
“Well, technically Quetzalcoatl is my descendant, which means Jack can make it so that I can hop multiverses too,” Y/n mumbled thoughtfully. 
“Who now?” Dean finally spoke up. 
“Please, no more questions,” Cas begged once more, his head tipping back in irritation. 
Sam chuckled, leaning forward again. “How can we help?”
“Well, we can possess our multiverse variants and omniverse variants, and they already gave me permission so… what do you guys say?” Y/n asked, drumming the table with her fingers enthusiastically.
“Let’s do it,” Sam shrugged, looking over at Dean who nodded in agreement.
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“I see why you were excited,” Dean grumbled, poking the green grass with a stick. Sam looked up at the bright blue sky with squinted eyes. Cas and Y/n looked ahead, eyes peeled for what they were searching for. For who they were searching for. 
“Hmm?” She asked, looking down at Dean in his Mario outfit. She grinned once their gazes met and he rolled his eyes at her, a cute smile on his face. No words had to be spoken, she knew that he knew it amused her to finally be taller than him. 
“So, he’s taller than you in your universe?” Cas asked, taking her attention from her quieter-than-usual boyfriend. Well, it wasn’t their Cas, it was this universe’s version of Cas, Toad. She smiled down at him brightly, it felt amazing to do so. 
“Yup,” she said, putting emphasis on the ‘p’. “And you’re way cuter here. I could take a bite out of you,” she snickered, lifting her pink dress as she walked down the hill awkwardly with Dean, Sam, and Cas. Or should she say, Mario, Luigi, and Toad? That would be confusing because they look nothing like the originals, except for Toad, Cas, whatever. 
“Please don’t,” Toad pleaded, frowning. Dean took her hand to help her down, it made her flush. He looked so cute. 
“Of course not,” she murmured warmly, squeezing Dean’s hand. Before he could look at her, she spoke up. “So, how far until we get there?” She asked impatiently, looking around endless mushrooms of all colours, shapes, and sizes. 
“Not too far,” Cas reassured her.
“How come we didn’t just come in our normal bodies?” Dean asked, jogging to catch up with her. “Wouldn’t it be easier? We’d have an advantage in our original bodies.” She slowed down, brushing her fingers with Dean’s for him to take if he wanted. He took her hand fully, holding it gently in his, a single touch making her breathless. 
“Well, puppeteering or possession is less dangerous since it’s not a permanent link to the realities we go to. This way, there’s a smaller chance that we’ll cause destruction… y’know unlike Lush who’s actively invading what’s supposed to be an isolated system.” Dean mulled over her words silently, squeezing her hand. 
“Well, we won’t have to fight Boswer or anything, right?” Sam asked, moving her attention away from Dean and to him. 
“No fighting. We’re going in the opposite direction to find a Mega Mushroom,” Cas reassured him, still on high alert for any movement from sneaky mushrooms. 
“Which is what Lush is after according to… Jack and Cas,” Y/n added, scoping the area with Dean. 
They’d been searching for a while now. Long enough for her to have become bored with her surroundings, the thrill of feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting… all of everything amazing around her had died as the search for the Mega Mushroom began to take longer than she would’ve liked. 
She even went back to thinking about wedding cake flavours. Dean’s so… adorable. He wants a confetti cake. She’d indulge him in any way possible, but she was torn between serious flavours such as honey, strawberry and rhubarb, and white chocolate raspberry. 
And the colour scheme; Dean’s thinking of a soft pink, blush, watermelon, salmon… but all she can think of is matching everything to the green of his eyes, the gold of his freckles, the honey of his hair… completely ethereal colours that symbolise his beauty and her love for everything that he is.
The guest list wasn’t a problem at all, for obvious reasons, and neither was the music, but the location, the reception… If she could just stop being so worried about Lush, the omniverse, all the Deans, and everything else, she was sure she could help Dean out a little more. He was doing a fantastic job on his own—which wasn’t surprising. Of course he’d adapt perfectly to the situation-
“Oh, shit,” Dean whispered, tightening his grip on her hand to stop her from walking. She froze, her focus returning with the rustle in the tall green grass besides Dean. 
“Princess, Mario has to capture it,” Toad explains, “erm, I mean, Dean,” he corrected himself quietly, prying the lovers’ intertwined hands apart as the rustle got further away. 
Dean nodded, looking to his girlfriend who smiled at him encouragingly, before he quietly began sneaking through the grass, rapidly getting accustomed to his surroundings and his body. 
“He’s shorter than me here, more than usual,” Sam joked from behind her. She giggled quietly, turning back to look at Sam dressed in a Luigi outfit. He was once more, taller than Dean, but not taller than her. He had a silly smile on his face, pleased with his joke—as any sibling would be. 
“He could probably still beat us in a fight,” she teased, climbing mushrooms to get to the biggest one. Sam and Toad followed her to the highest point, trying to find the red of Dean’s cute little hat in the waves of long green blades. 
“Good point,” Sam laughed once he stood beside her. “Over by that butt looking mushroom,” Sam pointed to where Dean was pouncing on something and jumping. She laughed at Sam’s accurate description of the mushroom, at Dean once she found him again running in circles. 
To live far away from her world would be nice. This place seems nice. But the last thing she wanted was to kill innocent lives and destroy innocent worlds. Had she lost everything the way that other Dean did, she’d imagine she’d commit a billion atrocities to find her happiness—even if it was wrong. Is that what Lush was doing? Trying to find happiness? 
This was not the way to go, but then, she’d be a hypocrite to argue against it out loud. She knows in her heart just what she’s willing to do for her family, for Dean, for those she loves… She has the power, the opportunity to take what she wants. It might be worse than what Lush is doing. 
“Guys?” Sam asked to get hers and Toad’s attention. He got closer to the edge before jumping down and running towards Dean, calling his name multiple times. 
It was only afterwards, when she looked away from Dean that she saw a much larger rustle within the grass. Large enough to be human-human rather than video-game-human. It was headed towards the same orange mushroom Dean was after, but Dean noticed the rustle, too. 
Y/n quickly made her way quickly to help the two brothers, with Toad shouting some advice to her, which was pretty helpful in reminding her that she could use stuff from this world to help Dean and Sam. She slapped grass away from her face and lifted her pink dress so she wouldn't trip on it, running as fast as she could on heeled boots.
Dean abandoned the Mega Mushroom and Sam was close behind to catch what she figured could only be another Toad or Lush. A set of piercing blue eyes and a head of white hair rose from the green grass, removing a Toad as a suspect. It was Lush, who was focused on the Mega Mushroom while attempting to evade Dean, but when she noticed she’d been spotted, she tackled the Mushroom, gripping it by its leg before shoving it into her satchel aggressively.
Lush ran from Dean, towards the closest green pipe to escape from them, but before she could jump in, Y/n threw an ice ball at her from the pocket of her dress. The ice grew upwards, trapping her legs to the ground. She pulled something from her bag, a jar full of brown sludge and threw at Dean, the closest to her.
The glass broke at Dean’s feet. He stopped too late, causing the brown mud to splash over him. Y/n threw a second ice ball at her feet, watching it grow higher up Lush’s torso. Y/n was closer to Dean who started to grunt in pain, the brown mud sticking to him no matter how much he tried shaking it away. 
While Toad finally caught up to them and tended to Dean by pouring water onto him, Y/n and Sam pried the bag away from Lush.
“Give it back!” She shouted, the ice cracking at her torso, but Y/n was quick to create a portal a few feet away, and threw the bag into it. It shut immediately after the bag fell through, which made all the fight slip from Lush. 
It was as if she only now realised they were all there. She analysed them curiously, silently—confused more than anything. She didn’t recognize them, which was good. It’s why Jack and Cas didn’t come along, she’d recognise them.
“Why are you doing this?” Sam asked, stepping back as the ice cracked more and more, falling to the grass and dirt where it slowly melted. Instead of answering, she broke out of the ice and jumped into the pipe before Y/n or Sam could stop her.
“God dammit, that shit hurts!” Dean complained loudly. “I’m pretty sure it’s fiery, acidic shit! It’s brown!” He continued to whine, shoving away the bottle Toad kept using to squirt water on him, washing away the muck completely.
“Dammit,” Y/n muttered, but brushed it off to check on Dean who was still wincing dramatically, curled up on the ground while Toad searched his backpack. Was that thing bigger on the inside? She kneeled beside him and smiled down at him, taking his hand in hers. “You’re gonna be fine,” she reassured him, lifting his hand to her cheek.  
“I forgive you. You know that?” Dean coughed, softening her smile. “I can’t stay mad at you, I love you so much. But I need to know why you hid it from me.” He groaned once more, clutching his stomach with his free hand, bringing her face down. She kissed his forehead rather than his lips, bumping the red hat off his head with a nudge of her nose. 
She indulged him as she squirmed and wriggled on the ground. With a sigh and a thought sweep over his grimacing face, she responded: “Because… I know you, Dean. You’d throw yourself into the case and then blame yourself for every little bad thing that happens. You’d be unhappy and pressured, and… you’d sacrifice yourself for the whole damn world. I hate that. So I decided to hide it from you because… I’d rather you be stressed out by cake flavours and colour schemes… you know? Pressured by the guest list, the location, and the music… I just want you to be happy, but… I should have been honest, I know, Dean… I truly had your best interest at heart,” she apologised once more, partially amused by Dean who was now laying on his side, squirming despite the sludge being nowhere in sight, absorbed by the dirt. 
He looked up at her lovingly, despite having a somewhat different face, it was cute. He was cute. Maybe cuter, with those giant green eyes full of admiration. A flush on his cheeks. She hadn’t looked at herself, but the way he looked at her, more animated, made her feel like a whole universe.
“Fuck Lush,” he whispered, “fuck the Monument, and the omniverse, and heaven, and the monsters, and everything else that tries to get in my way. In our way. I don’t care about the job. Or the mission, or whatever the hell else there is. I don’t care that I’m afraid all the time. I don’t even care that you’ll outlive me. All I know is that right now—as I exist in the same time and space as you, right now and forever, I want to be with you-”
“Don’t tell me all of this when you’re dying,” she interrupted his emotional speech, which made him pout. Toad, or Cas, gave her a heart from his backpack after a few minutes of digging through it, and she interrupted Dean halfway through his speech by shoving it into his mouth. Dean’s brows furrowed, he chewed slowly, and gulped down the heart. 
“That’s one way to shut me up,” Dean chuckled after swallowing. Dean slowly sat up, looking at Toad, Sam, the love of his life, then scooped her up in his arms.
“You’re wet,” she giggled, hugging him back. He buried his face in her neck, laughing with her.
“I usually say that to you.” Dean kissed her neck, then pulled away as Sam groaned in disgust. 
“You’re right,” she murmured, burying her fingers in his soft hair. “Everything that you said… I feel that way, too. I’ve got all this information in my head that I didn’t have before and I’m ancient in ways that I just don’t feel like I am anymore and.. I know what I want, I know what I need… and I’m not gonna let this, Lush, or anyone else stop me from trying to get it.” She pulled away and smiled at him, remembering they were in different bodies. “Well, I mean… I’d like your consent… but I already know how you feel, so really, I just need you to trust me.”
Instead of answering her, he leaned forward and kissed her glossy, pink lips. One chaste, long kiss that made her smile, fluttery, warm, and breathless.
“Feels weird kissin’ you here,” she mumbled against his mouth.
“You’re still a great kisser,” Dean pulled away with a smirk.
“We didn’t get to stop Lush, or even get to talk to her, but at least we’ve intercepted her satchel…” Sam interrupted their moment. They smiled at each other before turning to Sam. Dean stood up, then helped Y/n up off the wet ground.
“Jack will make sure she can’t come back here…” She reassured Sam, taking Dean’s hand, she took one last look around. Toad smiled at her, a silent goodbye. “Let’s go home.”
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ilynpilled · 9 months
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why must everything that the text clearly states atp be misconstrued like i really dont get it he has plenty of flaws in that relationship but we, and cersei, know that he was ready to kill robert for just the disrespect of the cheating if cersei said the word. he doesnt concern himself with the personal consequences, he is reckless, detached from a lot of things, and can close his eyes at the future if he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. also the concern over the “shame” and ned type judgement feels so overestimated to me atp. he never regrets aerys, he is mad at how he is perceived (but again, notably doesnt try to rectify it by telling the truth for a lot of complex reasons), but he would never take it back. if he believes its the right thing to do, and is not overdosing on copium trying to juggle vows he cares about, he will do it, reputation be damned. though he has selfish concerns regarding being viewed as good, the internal matters so much more than the external: see weirwood dream: who actually shows up? what makes the fire go out? “it was not him. it was never him”, see the trebuchet fiasco, see the choice in adwd. why shouldnt we take cersei at face value when she implies that if jaime knew about the physical abuse he would have killed him? he loves and cares about cersei to an insane degree, even if he can be selfish toxic and unhealthy too. i really find it very very difficult to imagine that he wouldnt have killed him based on almost every single part of his characterization.
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blorbo-adoption-poll · 8 months
Penny poll Bracket 2 Finals
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Penny Lamb/Jane Doe (Legoland / Ride the Cyclone) vs
Penelope (The Odyssey)
Propaganda under the cut
Penny Lamb/Jane Doe (Legoland / Ride the Cyclone)
• Okay I am not the person to be propaganda making for her but she's so cool she died once and then came back she's also a bit uhh deranged is a good word
• Penny Lamb (and her younger brother Ezra) lived in a hippie weed growing commune until she was thirteen and snuck out to a walmart, eventually leading to the entire thing burning to the ground. Then they lived in a tiny town named Uranium City and she got relentlessly bullied and even set on fire until she was given a cd by another girl from a band called Seven Up. She formed a parasocial relationship with the singer, who then turned into a misogynistic rapper. She travelled from northern Saskatchewan to Florida to meet him and thank him for basically making her life tolerable and enjoyable, and then ended up tearing a chunk of flesh out of his face with her teeth all at the age of 15 years old. Two years later after a concert with her school choir, she was beheaded on a fair rollercoaster called the Cyclone, becoming a Jane Doe until she was voted back to life. While she was Jane Doe, she wore the head of a porcelain doll as to not freak the other kids out!
• she was born a hippie, she bites and maims a famous rapper with hot coffee, she has a little brother obsessed with german philosophy, she plays the ukulele, she has a fuck ass bob. she gets fucking DECAPITATED by a roller coaster but survives because she is so offputting. what else do you need in a woman
• Where do I START with Penny. Basically she grew up socially isolated on a community pot farm until the age of 13, where she and her brother ran away to Walmart and started pretending to revive him from seizures because of how much attention she got. She was eventually driven back home where the entire community was drug busted burned to the ground, their parents being arrested, friends taken away, entire home destroyed. Instead of being sent to foster care, she’s and her brother are sent to a catholic boarding school, where they live mostly unsupervised. Penny is relentlessly bullied for supposedly being a lesbian, and diagnosed as bipolar and manic depressive while her brother (three years younger than her) sells his adhd medication to college kids to make ends meet. Soon after having her backpack lit on fire by bullies, she starts to fall into a deep depressive episode, not coming out of her room for days, until a catholic girl takes pity on her, and gives her a hiphop/boyband CD for her to listen to called 7-up (important later). Penny obsessed on the lead singer Johnny moon to an unhealthy degree until the band breaks up and Johnny rebrands to JK47, a misogynist gangster rapper who penny can’t stand. Penny and her brother run away from middle of knowwhere Canada to Florida to meet him so penny can win him back and remind him of how much she loves him and how cool he used to be. This doesn’t go well, as he doesn’t drop his gangster persona, calling her the same insult all her previous bullies did, leading to her throwing hot coffee on him, tearing a chunk off flesh out of his face with her teeth, and subsequently being arrested and later out on probation. Penny ALSO gets her own movie (in the play) and tells the audience this very story in a presentation with goofy puppets. Penny’s story is funny and absurd but at the same time incredibly tragic and heartbreaking. She also appears in ride the cyclone where she’s revealed to be the identity of Jane Doe (who had her head cut off before she was found dead in the rollercoaster accident with the other choir kids and was therefor never identified)
• she is a femamist lesbian and I am in love with her
• She's known as Jane Doe throughout the musical because she doesn't know who she is in death, her head is a doll's head because she lost her real one in the rollercoaster disaster that killed all the characters, she's the one who wins the prize of coming back from death which is when we learn her true name Penny. Her song is absolutely *beautiful* (The Ballad of Jane Doe) and she is the Penny of all time because I love her
• Girlie already lost her head we can’t take her victory too :(
Penelope (The Odyssey)
• She waited about 20 years for her husband to come home she used her huge brain to keep the suitors away for ages I just think she's neat
• She is LOYAL. She is SMART. She is HARDWORKING. She waited for TWENTY YEARS. Penelope is a QUEEN (literally). PENELOPE SWEEP
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
mooooom! i got a request for youuu~ 💌
-young reader learned taekwondo from hansu, but never got to meet his son. so, she only knew taehoon from hansu's stories and cute photos of him aaand that's how she developed a crush on taehoon. years later, she finally meets him... but her "cute" image of him immediately shattered the moment he opened his mouth; chaos ensues 💀
this scenario has been on my mind for a while now and it makes me giggle to an unhealthy degree that i want an entire fic of it 😭 also if it wasn't obvious, i thirst for hansu content 🥺🫶 tysm in advance 🤧
p.s. i really REALLY love your fics and your writing aaaaaa 🫠 ik i already told you before and but im saying it again hehe hope you have a great day! ilyy~~ 💖💖
My dear lovely baby Rie! I saw this and thought yes, let's drop everything INCLUDING Tears of The Kingdom and write this.
But... I'm sorry, there really isn't much Hansu in this, it's very very Taehoon centric.
One of the best things about fandom is bringing people together and I'm so happy to have met you!
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Strangers to... a Not-Crush
Follow up with Hansu and Taehoon here
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You're pretty sure you're in love with this Taehoon.
The first time you heard his name was during your very first Taekwondo lessons, many many years ago
Schedules, circumstances, situtations; all the usual life happenings has stopped you both from actually meeting.
But Hansu waxes lyrical about his son. You must have heard for the hundredth time how he is a spinning prodigy, how he has surpassed Hansu at a similar age, how he will be one of the best. His name destined to be written in the history books.
As Hansu talks about his son with stars in his eyes, you can't help the shine rubbing off on you too.
"Y/N, this is Taehoon."
Your jaw drops. Sure, Hansu has shown you countless pictures. Compared to the real living thing though, the gap is so vast you might as well say he's the least photogenic person alive. That's really saying something, because Taehoon photographs well.
He's one of the prettiest boys you've ever seen.
With his lips and eyes and even his goddamn hair. Are those lashes even for real? And then you notice his stature and his muscles, his rock-solid chest and abs peeking through.
Maybe he's not pretty at all. He's fucking hot.
You jaw drops even further.
Why on earth hasn't Hansu ever shown you a full body picture, he could have at least prepared you. Like a cliche, you feel weak at the knees. You feel light-headed-
Then Taehoon opens his mouth and the illusion shatters. Splinters into a hundred million little pieces. With his next words, you've never felt more pissed off in your life.
"Keep looking pervert, and I'll pluck your eyes out,"
What the fuck is this guy's problem.
For once, the stars align, and you see each other constantly.
You curse the damn stars. You curse Hansu for passing your tutelage to Taehoon. Most of all, you curse Hansu for creating this.
The idea of Taehoon is much better than this... this fucking menace you have to see day in day out.
Taehoon makes you address him as Master. He hits you on the head for stepping out of line (you bite your tongue every goddamn time), he takes no prisoners during your spars together, makes you repeat exercises over and over until you're on all fours and trying not to throw up.
And infuriatingly, he touches you.
Little corrections with his hands, his elbows, his knees, his legs, his foot. "Your stance is shit," he tells you, "your technique is still off," as he taps the offending body parts, mere millimetres out of place. Your cheeks burn every time and your skin is on fire even hours later.
What's worse is your head swims every night with Taekwondo and Taehoon.
Lying in bed, all you can see is him. That antagonising smug smile on his lips. You want to wipe it off his stupidly handsome face.
See if he has any cutting words left when, not if, you beat him in a spar, and you gloat over him, straddling his hips, trapping him between your thighs and you can feel how aroused he is-
You hug your pillow tighter to your body.
This relevation is a fucking nightmare.
Taehoon reckons your skills are average at best. What he's most impressed with is your dedication and tenacity.
No matter how many times he kicks your ass, you still get back up for more. Regardless of all his nitpicking and corrections with your form, you take onboard his words and listen.
He hasn't missed that it's all through gritted teeth. Still.
He also hasn't missed you blushing and your breath catching in your throat when he touches you.
Nothing not out of necessity, all completely above board. But it's still funny. Messing with you.
Taehoon tells himself he is completely unaffected. People fawn over him all the time, you looking at him with hearts in your eyes is nothing new.
It's just amusing, that's all.
You don't know whether this is heaven or hell.
Taehoon piggybacks you all the way from the studio to the emergency room. You're so close you can almost taste him, see all his faint freckles, the vein in his temple from the exertion and concern.
All this proximity is doing nothing for your crush. Which you are determined to get over, by the way. Because this guy is a goddamn asshole and nothing else.
It was a silly accident, really. You went for an opening when there was none, causing Taehoon to mistime his kick. You collapsed like a sack of shit.
Worried hands check up on you even as his mouth runs.
"It's fine," you say, waving off his concern. When you tried to stand up, your ankle is in no mood to bear any weight.
You go down for a second time.
Taehoon's patience is unexpected. He waits with you until you are seen to.
Conversation is strained, and he doesn't talk much, just giving you wary glances every now and then.
But you fill the silence, telling him little anecdotes from your life and your day. Bridging the gap between Taekwondo and the little pieces that make up the rest of your life.
His lips quirk as you speak. The smiles aren't condescending.
Eventually, when the nurse tells you it's just a simple strain and will heal if you keep off it, Taehoon is the one that nods and asks follow up questions.
At the end of the day, after another piggyback this time to your home, you thank him for his time and he is surprised at your sincerity.
Taehoon doesn't miss you. Definitely not.
The only reason he is at your door with stew and kimchi is because his old man told him to check up on you.
You're not able to attend any lessons while you recover, and Hansu wanted to make sure you're ok. Not Taehoon. Taehoon could not care less. He also did not jump at the chance of seeing you again, so much so that even Hansu gives him a questioning look. Ridiculous.
Why is his palm sweaty? Must just be the heat. Taehoon wipes it on his jeans before knocking twice on your door.
"Come in," you call out, and Taehoon hasn't missed your voice. And he hasn't missed the sight of your face neither.
He doesn't greedily take in the colours of your bedroom, the pictures on your wall, the books on your shelf.
He doesn't memorise your handwriting when he walks past your desk, something that is so uniquely you, like a fingerprint.
And when you give him a shy smile and apologise for the mess, it doesn't affect him.
Nor when you take the proffered food and have a mouthful, Taehoon doesn't soften at this.
The ensuing silence is not comfortable. He doesn't want to stay longer. His fingers don't twitch in your presence, having grown used to casual touches with you.
This song and dance is continued for the next few weeks only because Taehoon is a good son, and an even better teacher.
He needs to check up on the welfare of his student.
And then finally, after too long, when you show up at the studio again, Taehoon's heart absolutely does not soar.
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Lamb OC: 'Woolhelmina' masterpost
Wilhelmina (english Guillaumine (lol))
"will helmet" or "willing to protect"
Woolhelmina's cult is one of safety and protection, the protection that her people never received.
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Current design, it's changed a lot but I've slowed down iterating it. Her character is pretty cemented at this point.
Learn more about her below!
 Woollamina is the twin sister of the canon lamb, Lambert. She was taken as a baby and raised Ratau on TOWWs command. Because she was a twin, is wasn't certain which of them was the prophesied Lamb, so TOWW ordered her to be taken and kept hidden. 'If she was not then at least she would be able to bear more lambs' was his reasoning. 
Lambert was left to their fate as decoy for the bishops to believe they'd killed the last lamb and prevented the prophecy from happening. Thus giving Woollamine time to grow and develop as TOWW's chosen vessel.
Mina's story revolves around her keeping her status as the God of Death hidden. She spent entire life serving TOWW but she never got to be a regular person. When he's "gone" she can actually start living her life. But then another thing stopped her. She's a god now, with new responsibilities and obligations.
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Some magic stave designs
Vessel of Red Crown
 Mina saw TOWW as a secondary father figure rather than a god and sought his approval constantly. The reason she wears her wool in ringlets is because it's what she thought he would like. Having that much wool is actually dangerous for irl sheep and is a fire and drowning hazard. She's risking her safety and wellbeing for a crumb of his approval.
TOWW and the dynamic with his followers is one big unhealthy family lol. Ratau is the useful disappointment
Aym and Baal are the golden children who are sorta useless but TOWW favors them because they look the most like him.
Mina is the scapegoat only daughter who bears the brunt of the responsibility for freeing TOWW but gets none of the accolades. 
TOWW is the overbearing patriarch that everyone tries to please but he's too far up his own ass to see that they actually do care about him. He has a new 'family' of sorts that actually loves him to some degree but is too emotionally unavailable to acknowledge that. His failed sibling relationship caused him to keep his new 'found family' at an emotional distance.
Woolhelmina's Wool
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The reason Woollamina grows her 'hair' and 'skirt' long is because she believed TOWW liked the way it looked on her. Specifically because he commented on it once when visiting him. It was during a particularly bad winter and Mina decided it was best to keep her wool long for extra insulation. Mina is a wensleydale sheep so her wool grew long already but she never kept it because wool is hot and heavy. TOWW rarely if ever made comments about anything not related to his goals of attaining freedom so his little remark meant alot to Mina.
 The thing is, having such long wool all the time is very dangerous for a sheep because it makes it hard for them to cool down and is a drowning hazard. Even though she can swim, her wool will weigh her down. I like to think of this as a reflection of her devotion to TOWW.
Wool Care
Because Woollamina's is a longwool breed, her wool requires special care to maintain its crimp and luster. She can't use soaps or shampoo on her wool as they would strip her skin and wool of its natural lanolin. She does use it sparingly to maintain proper hygiene, though.
Because of the extensive care that goes into her long, white wool and hairstyle, Mina is *very* hesitant to get dirty. Bathing excessively runs the risk of ruining her wool and drying completely, with all her wool takes ***days***.
She's cold and damp, and weighed down by wet wool, but she has to let it all dry or risk fungas and unwanted plant growth. ( Seeds will readily sprouts on sufficiently moist wool, whether it's attached to a sheep or not lol.)
Most of, if not all, of Mina's clothes and bedsheets are made with silk to protect her wool from friction damage. (I'm thinking about adding silk bloomers to her wardrobe and fit. They are awesome for chub rub lol)
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atom-writings · 1 year
Hear me out, yknow when you have a crush you kinda think or do silly things and get all bashful and flushed out with emotions?! Or do things like write their name over and over, or write poems?! Well, what kind of things would Russia, along with Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia show it?
(Hetalia Russia + Baltics X Reader) How They Act with a Crush!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N oh boy!!! The baltics!!! i didnt think id get any requests for these guys!!!
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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To the outside observer, Ivan acts no differently around you than anyone else. But to anyone close to him, it’s clear he’s absolutely head over heels.
With others, he has absolutely no problem manhandling and grabbing them, but when it comes to you… anytime he’s more than a foot close to you, he’s fidgeting and stuttering. God forbid you touch him, then he’s hurrying out of the room as quickly as possible.
Seeing as he’s easily the most unhealthy out of the four of these guys, he’s the worst at dealing with his feelings. He doesn’t even realize his romantic feelings for you for… well… way longer than is reasonable. And once he does, he tries pushing you away. Easier forgetting you exist than getting hurt, right? Especially since whenever he sees you, he feels like he’s on goddamn fire!
But that can’t last. He absolutely finds himself writing your name over and over again (sometimes on official papers…) In fact, he finds it quite maddening how he can’t stop thinking about you, and about how no one else could treat you like he could…
In fact, he thinks that enough to straight up tell you that. He has more of a filter with you, but that’s not saying much. He is definitely showing up to your hangouts and immediately telling you you’re perfect.
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Any semblance of confidence and stoicism left in Toris before is completely demolished once he realizes his feelings for you. The former warrior is left blushing and stuttering once he sees you!
Anything that you need, he’s there to wait on you hand and foot, no questions asked. If he sees you having trouble with anything, no matter how small, he’ll ask you to scoot over so he can do it with you.
And then when you thank him, he can’t do anything but blush and mutter a quick “You’re welcome.”
He can come off as quite clingy because of this. He can’t help but insist on accompanying you to anything, from family gatherings to late-night grocery runs. And when he does join you, he doesn’t say much unless you do. He’s perfectly content to just push your cart behind you, wistfully gazing at you, completely in love.
Toris is kind of like a puppy when he’s in love. Always over the moon to see you, even for a minute, and completely at your beck and call. But… it’s almost to an unhealthy degree. He’s completely willing to push himself beyond what he can do just for you. So… just don’t take advantage of his affection.
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Unfortunately, you won’t get a lot of super-cute reactions out of Eduard. He’s pretty confident in your ability to woo you, so he’s not very outwardly yearning.
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t thinking about you. You’ll receive a lot of late-night texts, usually along the lines of “This reminded me of you!” and it’s just a picture of a cat.
In fact, you’re always in the back of his mind. Whenever he’s going to the store, he’s wondering what kind of snacks you usually get. Whenever he’s working, he’s checking in on what you’re doing. It seems like he’s already preparing a life shared with you, before you two are even dating!
The most flustered you’ll get him is when you compliment his work. As soon as you say something nice about his newest software, he’s blushing and trying to brush off your compliment. Sure, he can be plenty appreciative towards you, but not the other way around!
He’s a rather traditional man when it comes to romance, so before asking you out, he might send you a bouquet or chocolate. He wants you to know he cares, without coming off as too invested and overbearing.
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Surprisingly, Raivis becomes much more confident around you when he realizes his feelings. Now that he knows exactly what he wants, he’ll constantly be telling you everything he thinks.
Expect heaps of compliments, most of the time over the smallest things. Like, things no one else would notice. Like your hair being more shiny than usual, your shoes being cleaner than most, and just how organized your pantry is. No one usually would care, but to him, nothing is more important than letting you know how special you are.
It seems like his eyes are always on you. Even when you’re searching through a crowd, he can’t see the world outside of your existence. He’s walked into a few poles because of this.
He also can’t resist being much more handsy than any normal friend should be. Always grabbing your hand to lead you places, leaning on your shoulder to rest, and then coyly denying that anything took place.
The only time he’ll get all flustered is just when he finally confesses his feelings. With flirting, there’s no pressure, but with that? That’s really just… confirming the reality of your relationship. Which is really exciting! And scary… so he can’t help tripping over himself.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Hi Lock <3 I don't know if this has been asked before but I had this thought yesterday at 5 am... What happens to Scara's darling after he wipes his existence from Teyvat? Would he try to pursue them again? If so, would there be anything he'd do differently than before? He knows what works and doesn't now after all...
hello ada !!!!
WHEW BOY... do i have some thoughts on this... let's see if i can get enough neurons firing to capture what i have in mind. some of this response involves conjecture on my part about genshin's overall lore, but i promise i'm going somewhere with it. pinky swear. stick with me.
one of the key takeaways from scara's archon interlude is the flow of teyvat's fate. at first, i found it very odd that scaramouche erasing his existence had so little consequence. i've always been of the belief that even the smallest, seemingly insignificant acts can have unforeseen consequences on the future (butterfly effect type beat). at first i thought mihoyo was being lazy by keeping everything in this teyvat 3.0 essentially the same with teyvat 2.0 (and tbh who knows maybe this is the case and i'm reading way too into it bc i overanalyze anything scara related), but then i wondered if this is a hint at the type of universe teyvat is.
then i considered the possibility teyvat is ruled by a type of predeterminism. while we don't know exactly what the heavenly principle are, apparently the original chinese characters for what's translated as heavenly principles can be read as destiny (and or fate). this make me wonder if teyvat has a set of 'rules' that, for whatever reason, must be adhered to. if something disturbs this delicate balance, the universe reorganizes itself in such a way that it closely mimics the universe before it.
ALRIGHT . all that to say.
wouldn't this spell the ultimate tragedy for scaramouche's darling? a delicious tragedy, but a tragedy nonetheless.
for some inexplicable reason, the story woven by fate for his darling is one of subjugation. the universe rewriting itself does not change the genre of their play. no matter what point they start at, the ending to their story has already been determined. in this teyvat 3.0, the kabukimono is still drawn to them, still obsessing to an unhealthy degree. perhaps it's not as bad as living under scaramouche's thrall, but bad is a relative term here, this is still no way to live. kabukimono is granted a set of advantages which scaramouche never had, namely his naïve personality lending itself perfectly toward manipulation. he embeds himself into your side and makes it so it hurts you to try and pull him out. he'll get tearful, apologize profusely for crossing another line, quietly pleading to not be left behind when you're all he has.
then comes the events of the archon interlude.
when the blank slate version of kabukimono takes on all of scaramouche's memories, coalescing into one, your close ties surprise the freshly awoken scaramouche. in teyvat 2.0, he hesitated while wading through irminsul; it had been you who pushed him to make the decision to erase 'scaramouche', the sole source of your woes. after gazing through your memories from your lens, he saw the extent of your despair, felt it reverberate in his hollow chest cavity. it occurred to scaramouche that you really would have been better off without him, painful as it was to admit it.
so he resolved himself to do right by you just this once. his first and supposedly last act of sacrificial love toward you.
except... that wasn't the case. 'wanderer' as he goes by now condemns himself for his foolish, wishful thinking. what a revelation this is! the messy threads that pull you together are ties that can never be severed. this is definitive proof. in this universe where you were meant to be free, you still found him, or to be more specific, he still found you. he's elated, he's thrilled. the energy that fills him at this realization is more invigorating than when he temporarily became a god. yours is a story whose script shall never be altered.
after departing from the sanctuary of surasthana, it doesn't take long for the wanderer to happen upon you again. it's as if your presence quietly calls out for him.... whispering, beckoning.
the first words he says to a somewhat confused you are as such:
"how good it is to see you again."
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m1lkt00th · 3 months
rapid fire outer headcanons while i was getting ready this morning
very self indulgent. very fun. try it some time
- outertale monsters and im justifying my thought process with the whole bones and muscles in zero gravity thing (you come out of space and back to earth taller, even if it’s by a little)
- outertale’s atmosphere and elements are starkly different than in normal universes. most things commonplace for us are foreign or even unthinkable over there. like plants probably. and the massive blanket of noise that is literally everywhere (they get overstimulated ‘easily’ !)
- outer, to replace sans’ space interest, is fascinated by birds and the general fauna on earth-like planets. the thought that SO MUCH can be found on an itty bitty planet makes them go crazy. there is so much biodiversity on earth alone and the FACT that not everything is discovered drives me bonkers
- outer also likes beetles. to an unhealthy degree. there are so many fucking beetle species and they love them ALL
- outer does not gaf abt gender presentation or standards but that feels like a state that all sanses and papyri come to. theyre all idgafgender to me
- outer’s friend circle consists of epic, error, color, swap, fell and horror to me. chill guy that chills with everyone but especially these guys. dream is more of someone outer met THROUGH swap. like a mutual friend. “hey this is my friend! friend, other friend. other friend, friend.”
- sprinkling in but i feel like outer swings really hard into the chill-guy persona bc they have crippling anxiety regarding the state of their home. they might not fully remember but when the player comes and sweeps their little asteroide belt clean the CORE shuts down soon after. maybe not immediately but it eventually collapses … maybe if the CORE was run on idk,, a star,, it collapsing swallows the entire area and makes the monster’s effort to survive futile. either way this guy is horribly anxious but says “dont worry abt it kid” WAY too much for you to not be worried
- outer has multiple outfits based on different celestial bodies. their main outfit is actually based on an astronaut suit and the closest thing to being ‘star-y’ on them is their shoes (meant for a different outfit BTW - papyrus probably)
okay thats it for now. i think
also swap, outer and dream are so queer platonic couple and their best friend to me. they hang out together frequently and ryrhdj. besties swap and dream has me 💥💥
also aro outer & dream and ace swap. cant explain it just vibes (they told me trust)
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casp1an-sea · 27 days
These are just my opinions your welcome to have different ones
Han and Leia waiting to get married makes total sense! At the end of return of the Jedi the only time they’ve spent as a couple is when their relationship started in ESB and its continuation in ROJ most of which they were in battle. Yes Leia has been thinking about him for about a year now but she hasn’t been able to get closer to him in that time, and for Han it’s like not time has passed at all. Plus there’s still a fucking War going on that they very much are invoked in. Marriage is not on their minds, especially Leia’s. (Plus all the traumatic shit they have to process)
This is a message to both legends and canon LUKE IS GAY come on now 🥲
Mara was cool until she married Luke then the writers kind of screwed up her character
Han’s backstory WTF (it’s so sad but so good)
Can we get more Han and Lando buddy cop adventures?
Okay but those stormtroopers from Choices of One feel like The Bad Batch’s emo cousins
I think it’s rly funny that C-3PO gets given to Han
I love Anakin so much why did he have to die???? Also please Leia why did you insist on that name. Don’t get me wrong I love it but the pressure you put on this poor child. Han why’d you give in you idiot?
I feel so bad for Han in courtship of Princess Leia. Should I?
Okay but let’s be clear Leia definitely cheated on Han with Isolder. Idc what she thinks that was, it was cheating.
I see a common theme of Leia being rly untrustworthy of Han until they get married. To like an unhealthy degree. What is this guys? I promise he’s not a bad dude.
remember that time where Luke made a submarine out of a dead creatures stomach skin? Yep I do.
lando’s mining facilities getting destroyed is such a funny gag
Did you notice Isolder’s daughter marries Han and Leia’s son? It’s like poetry it rhymes.
I love paradise snare but to me the hutt gambit was a dumbstruck fire
HUGE PET PEVE I HAVE WITH TATOINE GHOST! (Still love the book though) Forgiving and forgetting is not always the answer. Han does not need to forgive the republic. LEIA DOES NOT NEED TO FORGIVE VADER. Nor would Han push her to do so and he certainly would not condone the slaughter of tuskins because “he was a boy with a dead mother”. Well wouldn’t you know Han you’re a boy with a dead mother and you didn’t commit genocide. You have even less reason to forgive Vader than the twins. I block this out it was a bad writing choice.
HAN HAD A CHILD WITH BRIA???? I know when, but WHERE ARE THEY?! google was no help
“Must be nice to have a grandmother” LMAO HAN YOU OKAY BUDDY?
Is it bad of me to say I prefer the og force witches/dathomirians/dathomir/nightsisters to the canon ones?
LUUKE SKYWALKER? They’re so goated for that. OKAY BUT DID DAVE FILLONI READ THE REBEL FORCE SERIES? BRAINWASHED abducted children with no memory of their lives and family, solely devoted ASSASSINS to an ECCENTRIC IMPERIAL WITH A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX who wants favor with the emperor. And these assassins are called X-1, X-2, X-3, X-4, X-5, X-6, and X-7. This is why it should have been tech.
I thought Chewie’s death was impactful and I didn’t hate it
I like it better that Han and Leia didn’t divorce
I like that Han is a male wife and I love how close his children are to him. It makes sense that Leia would be the working one.
not them have a floor to ceiling length tapestry of Leia in a their house. That would scare the shit out of me at night.
I like that Leia is a senator and not a general. Okay hear me out. Leia is trained in diplomacy as much as she is in combat. She was a senator before she was a rebel. And she has always been very much involved in matters of state and would want to feel like she was actively doing something to keep the republic in check. The rebellion was not just a war to her it was making the Galaxy a better place that doesn’t end when the war for her so the natural next step would be a government position. Granted she still acts as a general if need be and goes far beyond her job description countless times.
Can someone fo a demo of the song C-3Po wrote about Han?
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pricklypear1997 · 2 years
This is gonna sound so cringe, but I think the reason why for 7 years of reading ASOIAF, I was in denial about the subtle hint of Arya and Gendry’s budding romance is because I relate so much to Arya and I’ve always been fighting against the thought of love, intimacy and marriage because I too have felt like it’s been pushed on me since I was a child… seriously. I know we live in the 21st century, but people love forcing heterosexual romance (and romance in general, even) down their children’s throats. It’s more common than people admit, it’s just more subtle these days. As a young woman, I’ve always been told and expected to grow up one day and fall in love (with a man specifically) and have children later in life. I have seen and experienced a lot of things no child should and I have detachment issues as well as very poor self esteem. Like Arya, I feel ugly and have ptsd as well as severe depression. The idea of trusting another person, being intimate and in love with them is terrifying for me. I read Arya’s chapters and I see a traumatized girl who’s lost her family, has seen cruelty face to face, has had to kill in self defense and has been told her whole life that her freedom, feelings and body are not worthy of respect and protection. She’s also at war with herself and her identity (something I too very much struggle with in result by being adopted by a narcissistic emotionally abusive parent of a different background than me), so how can someone so unbalanced, scared and unhealthy like herself be ready to fall in love? It has to come out, in her own time eventually. It’s a hard lesson I’ve had to learn, but all humans long for companionship and family. We need it. It’s wired in our brains to find it, no matter how much we protest. The problem is when others constantly force it and create expectations that make us feel constricted and trapped. Arya needs to feel free, (I need to feel free). Gendry makes Arya feel free. He accepts her for who she is, wholly. He appreciates all her unique qualities and difficult personality to an insane degree, and that right there is true love. She also seems feel the same way for him, but unlike him, is so unaware of it… I want this romance to grow slowly. Let it simmer for a while. Don’t make them get together immediately. Arya still has a lot of healing to do. To an extent, I wish for something like this to happen to me in the future. Reading the series makes me hopeful. Reading about a character I deeply relate to on another level does help me understand myself better, and I appreciate George R R Martin for writing such an awesome dynamic character like Arya… I couldn’t thank him enough. All the characters he writes are very interesting, even the ones I despise and I feel we can all and should self reflect and learn from a Song of Ice and Fire.
A reminder; Read the books, forget the show.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Just saw your post about Kakashi secretly resenting Gai for sacrificing himself in the 4th war. If I may throw an idea your way (because I adore your kakagai content!):
Maybe you've addressed this arc in the past before and i haven't seen it but. I actually think a similar conflict would've come up much earlier in the series- namely when Gai vowed to kill himself if Lee died from surgery during the chunin exams.
It's been awhile since I've watched so I can't remember if Kakashi was even aware of Gai making this vow in the first place. But if he knew about it...
Wow. WOW. Imagine how freaking betrayed Kakashi must've felt, having Gai practically force himself into Kakashi's life throughout their adolescent years. To have opened his heart to another person despite the endless losses he'd suffered only for Gai to (potentially) throw his life away. Not in battle as a shinobi, not to save a comrade.. just. To honour his student. And this is not even touching upon the potential parallels that can be drawn between Gai and Sakumo in this scenario.... big yikes.
I think it would've been an absolutely HUGE turning point in their relationship. I'd really love to hear any additional thoughts you might have on it, if you're interested. No pressure to respond though, haha. :)
OW!!!!!!!!!!!! OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, I needed to cry today.
First up - you are 1000% correct. Gai's plan to commit suicide if Lee dies... buddy, that's not okay. I know he and Lee are supposed to be like... this jokey exaggerated spoof of dedicated Master & Student who are way too fired-up and passionate about everything, but c'mon, holy shit.
Gai has such an interesting relationship with self-sacrifice as a form of nobility and mAsCuLiNiTy and devotion - whereas for Kakashi, anyone else's self-sacrifice is a source of trauma and horror. But his own? He's more than willing. He's still wayyyyyyyyy too eager for die for others, even at the start of Naruto and throughout Shippuden.
Yet there's something numb about his sacrifices. From pleading with the kids to run away and leave him at Zabuza's mercy, to his literal death in the Pain arc, to him throwing himself in front of Sasuke to take Kaguya's attack without any hesitation... It's not big and dramatic and showy. It's in-the-moment choices, quick and decisive. I get the sense he's almost always ready to die for someone else - perhaps as an immensely fucked-up way of assuaging his own survivor's guilt, or because he still genuinely sees himself as someone who has inherently less human worth than everyone around him.
In contrast, Gai greatly idolises his father, to an unhealthy degree when it comes to following in his footsteps. For him, the ultimate display of love is dying for someone else - a philosophy that is equally as fucked up, in its own unique way.
But when we consider Kakashi and Gai's differing yet similar relationships to the concept of suicide and sacrifice... Isn't that what it all boils down to? Their fathers?
You have Sakumo, whose son found him slumped over, drenched in blood and moonlight, slain by his own hands because he couldn't face living anymore. And Dai, who went out in a brilliant conflagration, saving his son and proving all those who looked down on him wrong.
Doesn't that pose some interesting questions?
Is there ever a 'good' way to die? Is any form of suicide inherently less tragic, more noble? Or are they all just as messed up as each other?
Maybe it doesn't matter. After all, those are questions that can only be answered by the people left behind.
But I like the idea that out of those people left behind... Gai sees a difference there. Kakashi doesn't.
Which is to say: I cannot imagine Kakashi ever being cool with Gai offing himself if Lee hadn't survived his operation. I think he'd be pretty fucking worried about Gai - and even more so when he reaises Gai isn't suffering with depression or self-loathing or a lack of self-worth (all of which Kakashi is intimately familiar with, and could empathise with and understand). He just... thinks suicide is an ay-okay way of showing your love for someone. And that uncorks a whole barrel of trauma for Kakashi to deal with.
Did Gai not want him to kill himself, when he was in ANBU? Or did he just not want Kakashi to kill himself without a 'good purpose'?
I want Kakashi to ask that point-blank to Gai's face - and, perhaps, for that to be the point that makes Gai question his own convictions about what entails an acceptable reason to die.
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blorbo-adoption-poll · 8 months
Penny poll round 2 match 3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Penny Lamb/Jane Doe (Legoland / Ride the Cyclone) vs
Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Propaganda under the cut
Penny Lamb (Legoland / Ride the Cyclone)
• Okay I am not the person to be propaganda making for her but she's so cool she died once and then came back she's also a bit uhh deranged is a good word
• Penny Lamb (and her younger brother Ezra) lived in a hippie weed growing commune until she was thirteen and snuck out to a walmart, eventually leading to the entire thing burning to the ground. Then they lived in a tiny town named Uranium City and she got relentlessly bullied and even set on fire until she was given a cd by another girl from a band called Seven Up. She formed a parasocial relationship with the singer, who then turned into a misogynistic rapper. She travelled from northern Saskatchewan to Florida to meet him and thank him for basically making her life tolerable and enjoyable, and then ended up tearing a chunk of flesh out of his face with her teeth all at the age of 15 years old. Two years later after a concert with her school choir, she was beheaded on a fair rollercoaster called the Cyclone, becoming a Jane Doe until she was voted back to life. While she was Jane Doe, she wore the head of a porcelain doll as to not freak the other kids out!
• she was born a hippie, she bites and maims a famous rapper with hot coffee, she has a little brother obsessed with german philosophy, she plays the ukulele, she has a fuck ass bob. she gets fucking DECAPITATED by a roller coaster but survives because she is so offputting. what else do you need in a woman
• Where do I START with Penny. Basically she grew up socially isolated on a community pot farm until the age of 13, where she and her brother ran away to Walmart and started pretending to revive him from seizures because of how much attention she got. She was eventually driven back home where the entire community was drug busted burned to the ground, their parents being arrested, friends taken away, entire home destroyed. Instead of being sent to foster care, she’s and her brother are sent to a catholic boarding school, where they live mostly unsupervised. Penny is relentlessly bullied for supposedly being a lesbian, and diagnosed as bipolar and manic depressive while her brother (three years younger than her) sells his adhd medication to college kids to make ends meet. Soon after having her backpack lit on fire by bullies, she starts to fall into a deep depressive episode, not coming out of her room for days, until a catholic girl takes pity on her, and gives her a hiphop/boyband CD for her to listen to called 7-up (important later). Penny obsessed on the lead singer Johnny moon to an unhealthy degree until the band breaks up and Johnny rebrands to JK47, a misogynist gangster rapper who penny can’t stand. Penny and her brother run away from middle of knowwhere Canada to Florida to meet him so penny can win him back and remind him of how much she loves him and how cool he used to be. This doesn’t go well, as he doesn’t drop his gangster persona, calling her the same insult all her previous bullies did, leading to her throwing hot coffee on him, tearing a chunk off flesh out of his face with her teeth, and subsequently being arrested and later out on probation. Penny ALSO gets her own movie (in the play) and tells the audience this very story in a presentation with goofy puppets. Penny’s story is funny and absurd but at the same time incredibly tragic and heartbreaking. She also appears in ride the cyclone where she’s revealed to be the identity of Jane Doe (who had her head cut off before she was found dead in the rollercoaster accident with the other choir kids and was therefor never identified)
• she is a femamist lesbian and I am in love with her
• She's known as Jane Doe throughout the musical because she doesn't know who she is in death, her head is a doll's head because she lost her real one in the rollercoaster disaster that killed all the characters, she's the one who wins the prize of coming back from death which is when we learn her true name Penny. Her song is absolutely *beautiful* (The Ballad of Jane Doe) and she is the Penny of all time because I love her
• Girlie already lost her head we can’t take her victory too :(
Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
• arthur #1
Pollrunner note: the propaganda came from your submissions. Feel free to add more either in reblogs or asks
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cognitohazardous · 26 days
FIRE EMOJI i cant findd it on my drake and josh phone. sad!
Ohhhh you know exactly what youre doing here
my hot take is that no matter what i could never ever bring myself to even remotely care about shipping even since i first heard about it in high school. its completely uninteresting to me. I love analyzing intercharacter relationships and there are certain canon relationships that i think are really great but reducing it down to "these two should kiss/fuck because i like how they interact (or how i think they interact)" is so boring and trite. and shipping as a fad has done so much damage to media literacy and consumption because so many people have decided to completely shave off every other interesting and enjoyable facet of their chosen media just so they can take their two faves and obsess about imagining them in an intimate relationship, often enough to an unhealthy degree.
That's not even to get into the culture of unwarranted toxicity it's caused, with unfathomable, heated discourse over shit like "if you ship x/y you should die" Which like its weird that ppl are so invested in certain ships, its weird when people ship certain things, and its weird that people are so invested in going to war over those things. So many people spend the majority of their free time submersed in this culture, fighting for or against certain ships and its just so perplexing.
And thats not even to get into fucking proshippers. Those losers are absolutely ravenous when it comes to defending their right to ship children with adults or abusers with victims or family members or what the fuck ever. And there's no nuance or depth, its literally just so they can get off to it. Their entire online presence is dedicated to arguing and indulging in their unethical fetishes that consist of doubly made-up relationships between fictional characters. And make no mistake, these kinds of ships can and have been used to hurt people (ie minor/adult ships used in grooming children).
anyway, I dont hate all shippers or whatever. ship if you like it. ive known shippers that are comparatively normal and havent been like.. overtaken by the whole concept. they can still enjoy stuff normally, they just like some certain pairs. thats cool, but its not for me.
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lucky-bishop · 10 months
Why is Steter your favorite?
I just love their dynamic! They are both such absolute assholes. Very petty. But they have shared interests too - like keeping the people they care about safe, and fuck the rest of the world (this is less Peter, as he also fucks over people he cares about). We actually know very little about Peter from canon tbh, but what we do know leaves a lot of questions and interpretation open? What was he actually like before the fire? We have one real story of this - skewed from both post-fire Peter and Gerard’s explanations. Two very unreliable narrators.
Peter recognizes that Stiles is smart - and above all else, cautious. Distrusting to a genuinely unhealthy degree, but this is something that Peter admires. He’s been burned before - actually several times, and very literally, and in part by Stiles - so the paranoia that isolates Stiles from his peers is something that makes him stand out to Peter.
Stiles having magic isn’t canon - depending on your interpretation of the “spark” line - but I think it’s another thing that would link them. Even if not that, his interest in research would. Peter has information, the vault, his own history (which once again we don’t know a ton about) and those things are of value to Stiles.
This is rambling and probably doesn’t make a ton of sense outside of my brain.
TLDR: rotating snarky blorbos in my head is fun.
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